Jon says he met Bill Blankinship, arrested October 21, several times. Jon, who has already consulted a lawyer, is trying to find out what footage the ex-employee may have possessed of the children's, and expressed concern about the revealing footage Blankinship had access to. "The cameraman definitely shot the kids getting ready for bed, being showered and being changed,” Jon said.
![]() |
Figure 8 headquarters |
Figure 8 Films, based in North Carolina where the Blankinship arrest took place and where Jon and Kate have vacationed several times and even looked for properties once, is a small company that lists only fifteen employees currently. Its offices are located in Carrboro.
275 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 275 of 275 Newer› Newest»I think the question is, if someone were distributing koala porn around the internet, would Kate stand up for a good cause and save the koalas from koala pornography???
Oh geez Admin...don't you know:
Kate + Koala = Sacrosanct
Does idiot Kate know that there is a form of punctuation called a period? Why is there an exclamation point after every single sentence?
I can just imagine her "talk" tomorrow. It will be filled with "ummms" and "honestly", etc. I bet she will just get on stage and and act all coy and cutesy. I bet she doesn't even have a "speech" ready. And what will she wear? Something that showcases her good bra and some super short skirt, so it will really show off her runner's legs when she sits down. Gag.
Either one works. They are gazing here today. Gazing, but not comprehending.
I know, I thought of that right after I posted the comment, lol!
Someone mentioned the Las Vegas half marathon and stiletto race. Yes, we posted about that a couple of weeks ago. It's December 4th. So, just since the show ended, how many weekends and weekdays has this unemployed mom of eight been away? She's had several weekends in NY, the WY trip (with the twins, supposedly), Australia next weekend for who knows how long, and then Las Vegas a few weeks after that.
Khate spends a hell of a lot of time for any mother, let alone one with eight kids, pursuing her own interests while ignoring her kids. It's amazing how she is not tied up with music lessons, dance recitals, gymnastics, soccer games, etc. I'm not saying the kids have to be over-scheduled like crazy, but it is hard to believe that eight individual kids don't at least have some interests they want to be involved in.
Also, since the show ended, she's tweeted away and away all weekend long, but has she ever mentioned actually doing something with her kids like taking them to a movie, for pizza, even hiking on their own property? Nope, it's always all about ME, ME, ME. It's a shame the fertility treatments worked for such a selfish, self-involved person who I truly believe does not deserve to even have one child, let alone eight.
Kate must have called her pap buddy Chris. Photos up on INFdaily. She's such a poser.
Oooooo emmmmmmmm eff'ing geeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
I just read that Skoaka blog post someone copied/pasted above. HOLY CANNOLI that woman is bat$hit CRAZY!!!!!!
I'm so embarrassed for her for actually writing and posting that for all to see. WOWzers......that was creepy and just plain weird and bad.
Paging Dr. Drew..STAT!!! Kate needs new crazy meds. She's losing her mind.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Also, since the show ended, she's tweeted away and away all weekend long, but has she ever mentioned actually doing something with her kids like taking them to a movie, for pizza, even hiking on their own property? Nope, it's always all about ME, ME, ME. It's a shame the fertility treatments worked for such a selfish, self-involved person who I truly believe does not deserve to even have one child, let alone eight.
As a parent, foster parent and teen mentor, I understand the frustration. Every child my husband and I have had a hand in raising means the world to us...I have never been able to wrap my head around Kate or Jon's involvement in the filming of their private family moments.
Couponers are making their thoughts known:
Saw the pics on Inf, I'm rolling on the floor over them. When was the last time we saw Kate in a zipped up hoodie with gym shoes in the middle of the day, unless it was a picture of her supposedly jogging 95 miles. She's usually in her inappropriate "mom" outfit, the tight everything with her "girls" in their good bra and her CFM shoes. I also don't think that I can recall a time when she has used a recycle bag at a store.
Did she seriously say she cried because the power went out ( via Shoaka's voice )?
This woman is truly just unable to cope with life, period! She needs some serious mental help. God forbid something really bad happen in her life or she's just crumble into a ball and die.
This little gem is on the front page of this blog but it's well worth repeating.
"I've always said that I don't really care, whatever they capture they can use. I think in some of these upcoming episodes perhaps there are some things they've captured that I would, perhaps, it's going to make me squirm. But you know they can use what they capture because I don't care." --Kate Gosselin, August 2011.
What you've just read is Kate's true opinion about filming the children, and the damage control today is way too little and way too late. She is totally and unabashedly self centered and self entitled. There is no help for her and no matter how low we place the bar she will always sink lower. All we can hope for is Karmic payback and I truly believe that will come in the form of most of her kids totally rejecting her when they come of age.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think she'll be sad to be estranged from them, what she'll miss is not them, but the way that they financially supported her and unwittingly fed the black hole that is her ego.
She CRIED over the power outage? What does that teach kids other than to freak out over things don't deal with them.
A power outage is a great opportunity to teach kids see we are prepared for emergencies. See we have flashlights, candles, a generator, extra blankets, foodstuffs. See how fun it is to get candles out and tell stories. Or play hide and go seek with flashlights.
Whhhhatever Kate just keep f-ing these kids up.
I do have to agree with one thing. I don't think the kids should be told about this creep. I think Kate is right not to tell them.
I think they should know eventually because they're bound to find out and I think it's better to hear from a parent. But now? Just let them be kids who are finally living life without cameras.
Perhaps Mady and Cara should be told before they find out at school, but my hunch is most parents of younger kids won't let them know about this either.
TotallyDisgusted said...
Kate must have called her pap buddy Chris. Photos up on INFdaily. She's such a poser.
You have to got to be kidding me! Why am I even shocked at the blatant posing and fake photo op? Gee, doesn't this PROVE our point?! When Khate needs P.R., she calls the lone "pap" and STAGES photos. Thanks, Khate!
This is so lame and pathetic, a new low!
Exclusive Pics! Kate Gosselins’ First Day With A Real Job
You just can’t keep Kate Gosselin down, can you? The infamous mom of eight has teamed up with to promote their website – and couponing in general. A real(ish) job! She’ll write a blog (the first will be up November 22nd), talk up the brand, and apparently, walk around town carrying their bags. Which we assume are filled to the brim with coupons.
Kate schlepped the bag around while she ran all her usual errands: the Fedex store, the gas station, and the tanning salon. Gotta keep your mail organized, your tank full, and your skin orange and damaged folks.
In not at all humorous Gosselin news, William Blankinship, one of the longtime editors of Jon & Kate Plus 8 was recently arrested and charged with 10 counts of “sex exploit of minor (3rd) 14-1,” which means he possessed material that contained a visual representation of a minor engaging in sexual activity.
Though Kate hasn’t said a word about it, Jon Gosselin is understandably incredibly upset and has contacted an attorney. While Blankinship wasn’t around the kids (and didn’t work directly for TLC or the show’s production company; he was a subcontractor), he had access to hundreds of hours of raw footage of them, in moments private enough that they weren’t put on the air.
Radar points out that in 2009 Jon criticized Jon & Kate Plus 8, noting, “I put my kids out there to every pedophile on the planet and they never got paid for it.”
WOW, what horrendous timing for the coupon site for this announcement to come out just as the child porn arrest has hit the news. I'm sure they aren't happy to see that mentioned in the articles about Khate blogging for them. Ha!
This is when you just want to scream because they just don't get it:
@acemme @imallears1 @kateplusmy8 he also edited the duggars, are we giving them heat as well? Just asking
The Duggars didn't allow their kids to be filmed naked in the bathroom or bedroom with a crew member filming their private moments!
Then there are those that make you smile:
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack wish we could be there to support Kate tomorrow.
No worries. Kate has all the "support" she needs. She'll be wearing her good bra.
God, she even makes the dog sound stupid. Eighth graders can write with more focus and in a more compelling manner than this twit.
As for her speaking engagement tomorrow, as someone pointed out, you can't BUY tickets. It's FREE. You can reserve seats, apparently. I think they just want to get an idea of how many. I bet you could show up with a group of 50 and have no problems. I suspect it'll be pretty empty.
And whoever said this is right: she's doing the F-list tour now. "Blogging" for an obscure couponing website most people aren't going to know or care about? Ha. Go, girl.
Basically, except for the gross pedophile that we're more horrified by than Kate is, I'm still very much enjoying watching this woman flounder.
As for any Kate fans reading here? I couldn't give two goat farts what they think. They don't think, anyway. Their opinion isn't worth caring about.
Admin, I hear you...nothing more fun for family but to have all electric go out. We have a fire (outside, no fireplace :( only electric heat) and we tell stories, play cards with flashlights and roast food. We think the kids have enjoyed these times more than the 'planned' fun times.
The photos at INF: notice the root line of her hair. I thought she just had her hair 'redone' last week. It looks awful. I remember her hairdresser said he gave her some new autumnal highlights. It looks a brassy gold instead of a softer blonde and her roots are showing bigtime!
In regards to Kate's new pictures, do you think the new job came with a required dress code? This doesn't look like her usual shopping wardrobe.
I'm sorry, but ths is a real job? Writing a blog for an online coupon site, and all it is so far is one blog post on 11/22. Seriously? Does anyone think she's even getting paid for this? And note to K8 ( sheeple who are reading pass this on): if you are going to set up pap call to promote this gig with your little coupon bags, you ought to think about giving him one of your teethy grins (ala the makeup chair on the View), maybe these people who have hired you might like to think you're happy to work for them.
It only took 10 months, but look, K8 is supporting those koalas, just like she said she would. And those 2 very long flights to and from Oz she's about to take, seems like she's playing fire with jet lag and exhaustion just before her big race weekend. But she's such a runner, I'm sure it's all factored into her training plan. What a tool.
"As for any Kate fans reading here? I couldn't give two goat farts what they think. They don't think, anyway. Their opinion isn't worth caring about."
In what way do they differ from sheeple farts?
In what way do they differ from sheeple farts?
No difference. Same farts. Both delivered from fleecy little arses.
So it's not okay that Ellen be around the kids and support Jon in this horrible situation.
But it's okay for Kate to have the married body guard is possible bagging giving her advice and to be by her side?. He will be there in the back ground in some shape or form
I'm still not getting the Ellen thing. She is hardly ever even talked about it other than by her haters. In fact, the last time she was talked about, it was by Mady on Kate's own show. She mentioned that Jon and Ellen had gone to see his relatives together. Kate didn't react negatively. She was mature about it, albeit looked a little sad. If Kate is such a big hater of Ellen and a producer of her show, why did she allow Ellen to be discussed on her show? I don't think Kate cares as much about her as her sheeple want her to. She's Jon's girlfriend and she's good to the kids and they seem to like her, she should count her blessings. How many kids HATE Dad's new girlfriend? A lot.
I'm not sure how long Jon is supposed to wait before moving on. If Kate is vocal about dating and even did an episode about clubbing in NY, it's a bit hypocritical to suggest there is something wrong about Jon dating.
And really, dating? This isn't dating this is a relationship. He has been with her how long now? 18 months? If I recall correctly it was April 2010 we first heard of her. That would be plenty of time for a reasonable person to propose. This is by far, a serious relationship.
Well, good evening, all. I've just been perusing the cat dung that purports to be my own "diaries." I have not now, nor have I ever have ever, kept such diaries. I am embarrassed and offended. I wish to clarify. Those words do not belong to me. If I were to compose a so-called "diary entry," I would refrain from over-punctuating. An exclamation point is for effect only, is it not? For example, "Good lord, this crazy woman is crying over fallen branches but not over an arrested pedophile!" That deserves an exclamation point, my friends.
(Virginia Pen Mom, taking dictation over the phone from a distraught Shoka)
Kate and her 12 followers don't GET to dictate Jon's life. Period.
Yeah, she looks SUPER thrilled to be carrying around that big Coupon Cabin shopping bag with nothing in it but her keys, phone and wallet. All those pictures of her walking in and out of a place, pumping gas, and not even a half second smile.
I wonder if she's not thinking to herself "Coupon Cabin, huh? This sucks." I mean, certainly they don't have the budget to be sending her all over hither and yon on their dime, traveling without a care in the world like TLC provided.
Everything she touches ends up sucking (kids clothing line, cookbook, other books, she drove the show into the ground with her nasty attitude, her craptastic website, she's STILL only hovering at 60K followers on Twitter and most of them are dummy/empty accounts, she even destroyed her own marriage, relationships with family members, friends, she sucked on DWTS, she sucked as an interviewer/host, remember when she was talking about recording a Christmas album???, she ruined the gig she had scamming cash from churches, etc.)
VA Pen Mom hahaha!
That, and he's also thinking, Dear Diary, how do I shove a sock in that crazy pant's mouth, and develop opposable thumbs to open the sliding glass door and live indoors with my kiddos like a dog SHOULD. Love Shoka
You just can’t keep Kate Gosselin down, can you? The infamous mom of eight has teamed up with to promote their website – and couponing in general. A real(ish) job! She’ll write a blog (the first will be up November 22nd),
Not a hater here so I give Kate her props. I hope she keeps it up
P.S. Sorry for the typos. It was such an emotional call. Poor gentleman. He says he's inquired to PETA about prosecuting Kate under animal cruelty laws and is also seeking a cease and desist order.
i hate to say the sheeple are bothering me more than kate today. how much ass kissing can a person do? is EVERYTHING kate does ok. can't they ever say "im a fan but i disagree with xyz"
P.S. KATE SUCKS for how she is using this Bill Blankenship situation to SLAM jon on twitter. she is horrid. her sheep should point out how inappropriate it is so she will stop. Does no one have integrity in kate's world?
Yeah, she looks SUPER thrilled to be carrying around that big Coupon Cabin shopping bag with nothing in it but her keys, phone and wallet. All those pictures of her walking in and out of a place, pumping gas, and not even a half second smile.
Isn't this what mediocre people do? It's not a designer bag. I'm surprised she's not toting around a Louis Vuitton satchel.
So how much is Kate making of her new coupon gig??.
5K is going to take care of 100 Koalas? In which warped world, no wonder Steve Irwin's foundation is losing so such money.
I tried to use a coupon from that site last Christmas, it was expired. Got better deals from Upromise and I get 1% - 5% money back towards my nephew's college fund.
Paging Dr. Drew..STAT!!! Kate needs new crazy meds. She's losing her mind.
Don't call him. He'd only hug her and give her the sad panda face. He's a loon.
I couldn't give two goat farts what they think. They don't think, anyway.
I tried to follow Kate's pretending to be Shoka...but I just could not wrap my head around it. Sounds completely and utterly bizzare. Absolutely one of the strangest and ill pieces of writing material put together I think I've read in a long time.
I do not and will never claim to be a master of the English language, as it is my third spoken language learned, however, does anybody have any idea what Kate was talking about? If you're going to try and pull of being an animal you could at least make it sound less ridiculous.
Somehow I read it and it read to me it was all about Kate's feelings that her dog felt bad about. Why is everything about Kate even from her pet's perspective?
This along with her laundry list on instructions makes me wonder who would hire her to write as a profession? I'm sorry but after reading the Dear Humans letter, I feel bad for the English language because Kate slaughtered it.
I literally am at the point with Kate's blog posts where I can't read them. They are so embarrassingly poorly written I just end up cringing a paragraph in and have to quit. For those who can stomach them I'm sure you'll alert us of anything of interest. Otherwise, I'm signing off on reading them.
FYI, here's the Student Activities brochure for PSU. See November 3rd, but then scroll down to the cover and you will see that Khate was promoted with a photo on the cover:
Student Activities Fall 2011
Those Southern Belles said... I couldn't give two goat farts what they think. They don't think, anyway.
November 2, 2011 9:17 PM
The exit is that way. ------------------->
And I do not believe for a moment that if Kate hadn't been invited to Steve Irwin Day (anybody mind explaining what that is? Is to honor Steve after his accidental death?) that Kate would not be returning to Australia for the koalas for any reason.
She is going because it's a free ride again.
Wow, I just checked Jon's Twitter and he finally casually mentioned tonight that he hasn't had power all week, and probably won't have it restored until the weekend! Amazing he didn't spend hours on Twitter crying about it like someone else who "suffered" through a mere 25 to 30 hours max without power.
You know what is classy? Trying to defend this whole pedophile disaster/outrage/travesty.
I literally am at the point with Kate's blog posts where I can't read them. They are so embarrassingly poorly written I just end up cringing a paragraph in and have to quit.
I'm right behind you on that one. I just bit the bullet and read the Shoka Diaries. Third graders can write better than that. There is not ONE SENTENCE there without an exclamation mark or multiple question marks. English was, according to Kate, her best subject in school. She doesn't know the difference between lay and lie; she doesn't know how to use apostrophes or contractions; she doesn't understand subject-verb agreement; she just doesn't know. Period. It's not only the grammar and spelling that is an embarrassment. It's all fluff with no content whatsoever.
Admin., you are a lawyer, right? What happened to equal rights? If anyone has the least bit of a different opinion, names are called.
Why is it NOT ok to call posters 'haters' but it is ok to call posters 'sheeple'?
Doesn't your God say to 'turn the other cheek' and 'do unto others....'? I'm not religious so don't know it word for word.
Could you answer this?
Remember a day or two ago when we were discussing the parenting schedule and how many weekends Jon had per month? It does seem he has the kids every other weekend, which sometimes works out to be three weekends a month.
Well, Khate had the kids last weekend, so if you look at the calendar and alternate the weekends, Khate will be in Australia on "her" time next weekend. Also, on "her" weekend of December 4th, she will be in Las Vegas for the half marathon. I guess she will either be leaving the kids with sitters, or demanding that Jon rearrange the whole schedule and switch weeks with her to yet again accommodate KHATE and Khate's needs and desires.
Looked at the pictures and I've got to say that even if her hair is comped she's still paying too much!
Danny, I ask everyone to be respectful, rule 3. But a lot of people are trolls who drop a bomb and then leave. This is called shit stirring and happens around the internet and people don't have a lot of tolerance for it here and given our history I don't blame them. Sheeple and haters are common snark terms that both sides use, so that sounds pretty equal to me!
Why does every angry question to me start with, you're a lawyer! Aren't we all supposed to be good people? What the hell does a lawyer have to do it anymore than a doctor or musician or cashier. We should all try to be good people. I'm tired of hearing about my profession, it has nothing to do with anything other than what my experience in family law brings to the table, which comes up sometimes.
I just started reading, so sorry if this has already been said. Thank God that there will be no more "checking in on the kids occasionally."
Doesn't your God say to 'turn the other cheek' and 'do unto others....'? I'm not religious so don't know it word for word.
"My" God also says stand up for what's right. That includes exploited children who had a pedophile working on their show for years.
"Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression." Isaiah 1:17
Sorry scroll past this if you want--bear with me for one more Bible verse. The Bible's pretty clear about pedophiles too:
"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea" Matthew 18:10
FYI, for anyone going to Kate's speaking engagement tomorrow, please email me any reactions or photos if you want them included on the blog. You can also post reactions here. There will be a separate post shortly.
I think the legless chicken Kate refers to in the blog is a toy Shoka plays with. One rule of writing is to explain what the heck you are talking about. I've never read her books, but they've must've been heavily edited around her "voice".
Somebody asked about the responses of the Duggars or the Hayes. The Duggars still work for TLC so I wonder if they're limited in what they can say. Considering how restrictive they can be about inane things, could they even say the word "pedophile".
I have not watched every Dugggar episode, but there was brief nudity when the youngest baby(the one who was premature) went to the doctor. Also they filmed children being born. There had to be child nudity in that even if they didn't put it in the show. The Duggars should have concerns too.
I don't remember nudity on the Hayes show. There weren't that many episodes.
As far as Jon and Kate not putting their differences behind, Kate has proved over and over again that "she" is the one that can't. Jon has been filmed many times keeping his mouth shut while Kate chased him, and we all know Kate can't approach anything kindly. Remember her chasing the blue van, banging it with her fist after her run? Do You think it is a secret to him that she denied knowing the man? Remember, he is the one who stopped the show because it was hurting the kids, she said it was good for them. He put his issues with her in check a long time ago. He has always known "no never means no" through the ten years of their marriage, and still wanted to work it out when she didn't.
Why would Coupon Cabin hire Kate after the Proctor & Gamble disaster?
"It's official: Kate Gosselin is the worst spokesperson of all time."
I interpreted her recent blog post as if she was talking about onw of the kids and not the pup. Since she had written mommy in it more than once. But then again it's all about Kate and, Kate
Wow I don't remember Kate ever doing anything serious for Proctor and Gamble, but there she is right there with a bunch of soap and paper towels.
Guess THAT was short lived!
That's the thing. Smart companies like Proctor and Gamble? Cut their losses sooner rather than later when they realize the backlash and never go near it again.
This is another reason this will never work. Kate HAS been given fantastic opportunities like pedaling Proctor and Gamble of all companies. And every darn time she screws it up!
And let's not forget K Mart. I guess they also smartened up.
I'm virtually certain TLC told everyone to shut up. They have no control over Jon anymore so he said what he pleased. I just find it hard to believe that of all these outspoken people this happened to not a single one says anything substantive???
And it is true that no other show has shown the kids naked that I can tell. I bet they're all really glad about that now. Because Jon and Kate are getting all the backlash from this for the naked filming and not a lot of attention is on them over this fiasco.
This is when being so polarizing becomes a double edged sword.
On the one hand you get a lot of publicity because you're causing a stir. On the other, when you actually want to hang onto a job long term like say be a spokesperson for Proctor and Gamble, everyone bails on you after just a few gigs because you bring way too much controversy to the company and it's not worth the backlash.
There will be a new post I have scheduled in a few hours for the Penn State appearance. I'm going to bed, but look for it shortly to move over.
To pull one from kate. I'm EXHHHAUSTED saying goodnight to my MinuteMan will say GM in the morning!!!!
....So, just since the show ended, how many weekends and weekdays has this unemployed mom of eight been away? .....
Didn't we have a calendar here in the past that covered her times away from the kids? Would it be good to do it again?
Emma said..
Jon needs to respect the feelings of his ex, even though she doesn't respect his. Kate isn't a decent person, that's why I say Jon is the one who is going to have to work out an amicable relationship with Kate so they can co-parent their children.
Emma, Jon at one time did respect his wife and he got called a woos, a wimp and was told he was less of a man for taking her ABUSE. How can you dare justify you comment. You say Ellen is a Kate hater and lets others know it. She will reap what she sows for her actions but can you say in turn that many, including yourself, have made known their disgust toward her for just loving a man. Maybe she wasn't that way at first until the hateful comments were written and said to her. I wasn't there, but I know how hurt and defensive I would be if that happens to me. Do we know the death threats or any threats she has received for just falling in love with a man. It's hard to be the second woman in a family's life.
Do we excuse Kate and say, oh we know she is such a creep so don't expect her to change. It should be on Jon to be the bigger person. Well dear, looks to me he has been for some time yet he was reviled for it. Give honor where honor is due. That's my belief.
Oops, I just broke rule #3. Sorry Admin., my emotions got the best of me. Wont happen again.
OK, so the list grows....
* Walmart/HealthTex Clothing line - Kate dumped
because she's too polarizing
* K-Mart uses Kate once, decides not to use her
again, probably because she's too polarizing
* P&G uses her for promos, she's too polarizing
* DWTS - she doesn't do the work and gets voted off with most viewers cheering that she's gone
* Entertainment Tonight calls her a correspondent, uses her once, gone for good
* Paula Deen's pilot for show auditions Kate, she is rejected, show never happens anyway.
* Guest host on The View, what 2,3 times? Epic
fail each time. In fact, each time is worse.
* 8 Little Faces. Mediocre book at best, widely panned.
* "I Just Want You to Know" - mediocre sales at best, went stale within a few months.
* "Love is in the Mix" was nixed because it was chock full of unoriginal recipes, bad recipes, something. Off the market before on the market.
* Blog is Blah. Enough said about that blog.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something here, but still......
And Coupon Cabin wants to hire Kate Gosselin for its promotion? Talk about the need for background checks. They are backing a really
old nag for this ride down the runway.
Admin - I didn't know you were an attorney....could I ask your opinion of the Bill B. matter? (totally understand if you don't want to answer..)
For Kate to say that she doesn't know him, -seemingly dismissing the matter - then invite the other members in the crew over to dress the kids for the snow, spend so much time away from the kids, etc... would that demonstrate that she doesn't think the situation is serious? Maybe she doesn't think the TLC crew is a threat if she invites them over to "dress the kids" How would that play out if she tries to sue? Coupled with the "I don't care" statement and attitude, HER willingness to have the most private moments filmed, I could go on and on...
It seems like TLC would have so much evidence against her that she wouldn't dare sue, because the prob have a ton of unaired footage that she wouldn't want seen....
Just wondering - and my apologies if I'm babbling...its 6:30 am right now and the coffee hasn't kicked in yet.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Wow, I just checked Jon's Twitter and he finally casually mentioned tonight that he hasn't had power all week, and probably won't have it restored until the weekend! Amazing he didn't spend hours on Twitter crying about it like someone else who "suffered" through a mere 25 to 30 hours max without power.
Well, that explains why "Jon didn't step up" like the Sheeple exclaimed. I should have known..I know others at work who are in the same boat.
The Hit reality show Kate plus 8???. I guess canclled mean to diffrent things in Aussie she must be a hit writer as well since. "I want you to know" Is doing so well it's being give away.
Okay, here's a question--since Kate and Jon allowed a crew to come into their home and film their children naked, and then allowed those images to be displayed to the public, are Kate and Jon in any way liable (legally) for this? If the images taken can be classified as child pornography, and the parents consented to allowing pornographic images to be taken of their children, then can't the parents be held legally responsible for allowing this? My point is, the parents have a responsibility to protect their children from this kind of abuse, and they decided to allow it. They took MONEY in exchange for images of naked children, so doesn't that mean they engaged in child pornography themselves?
It goes back to the tired old "you would do it too" argument.
Actually, no, I prefer having a steady job and knowing it's probably not going anywhere. I prefer stability. I don't feel like constantly having to worry about what job will be next when this one runs out.
That's one of the biggest things I find so unappealing about being famous, other than the loss of privacy. That you are constantly trolling for gigs and if a good gig doesn't turn up right away, you might have to take a D or F list gig to sustain you. It's embarrassing, though fun to watch Kate go through it. She wanted the celebrity lifestyle, this is what comes with it--sifting through the garbage when your jobs run out.
Okay, here's a question--since Kate and Jon allowed a crew to come into their home and film their children naked, and then allowed those images to be displayed to the public, are Kate and Jon in any way liable (legally) for this?
I think it depends who they are suing. If they try to sue TLC/Figure 8, TLC might try to find them jointly liable and would certainly make the argument, but I think it's a losing argument. I think most judges would assume that making a benign kiddie show that a reasonable person wouldn't think that some sexual deviant would get their hands on it (even though we all feared it.)
If they're trying to sue Blankinship, they would sue him on behalf of the kids, and when it comes to that it doesn't matter if Jon and Kate handed the tapes directly to him. Sort of like how you can't hold a rape victim partly liable legally because she didn't lock her door. Rape is rape no matter how it happened and child porn is child porn no matter how it happened.
It would take a LOT of frequent flier miles for Kate to fly to Australia for free especially first class as I'm sure she demands on such a long flight. She travels a lot but usually by car to NYC. I doubt she has that much saved up.
As someone else suggested, this more sounds like another stupid financial decision on behalf of the stupid Australia Zoo.
The reason Kate doesn't want the child porn matter to be made public is because she is hoping to do it again. If having them filmed naked puts her face on TV again, she is more than willing to allow it. She always has, and she said herself, "You'll see my kids again".
Also, the comment about the crew dressing the kids and taking them out to play in the snow is her way of thumbing her nose at everyone who has shown concern for them. Just like with the traffic tickets--she kept making references to going at 100 mph, basically poking fun at the reports of her speeding. Now she is poking fun at the reports of her children being used for child porn. She is a monster, and far worse than any of us ever gave her credit for.
I have been struggling with the concept of all of TLC's child exploitation shows for some time, wondering what the heck is in it for them. Ever since the arrest for child pornography of the editor who has worked on more than one of their shows, a deep concern has taken hold: what if some of this programming is by design to encourage participation in child pornography? Can you imagine any earthly reason why healthy adults even want to watch these shows? I'm not talking about sad-sack children looking for star-worship opportunities, but, really, just what is the point of Toddlers & Tiaras, K+8, 19 Thousand Kids and Counting, if not to encourage voyeurism ? This is so scary that it sounds crazy, but what if these shows are deliberate platforms for the kiddie porn industry, and the editor is just who got caught at it?
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