Terri Irwin, Bindi and Robert introduced Kate, who was dressed in khaki and fed a croc, as part of the opening ceremonies for Steve Irwin Day, today (Tuesday morning, Aussie time). Later, Kate put her hands in cement at
Grauman's Chinese Theater the zoo's celeb walk.
Kate spoke briefly about her trip to Australia in January, and about Mady wanting to be a veterinarian.
Watch the live streaming:
280 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 280 of 280 Newer› Newest»I'm assuming the climate and air moisture and altitude are different in Las Vegas than in central PA. Has Kate taken that into consideration? Usually a person would do some training in the area of the race in order to get used to the air quality, etc.
Brand new pic of Kate and Steve in the stands at the Zoo on RadarOnline...with Kate looking lovingly into Steve's eyes!
I ran cross country for 3 years in HS and my coach had our team on a special diet he also demaned that we had the correct shoes. Also that we warmed up befor each practice and race.
If Kate is eating what she say's that's not correct to me just doesn't sound like enough. She naybe running on empty.
Laine, you raise good points. Kate has not trained in that climate. It's best to do your first big event close to home, where you've done your training. My friend just did Portland but trained in El Paso. She missed qualifying for Boston by very little time, possibly due to the fact that it was cold and raining and she had trained in desert heat. And anyone can fall victim. I have a friend who ran marathon after marathon, who collapsed and died in Vancouver BC during a marathon. Her autopsy showed she had scar tissue from a previous, undiagnosed heart attack. Kate's just asking for problems by not even asking for help online, which she probably hasn't done. It may come to bite her in the flat butt.
OK, really out of here now, to work at a blood drive with my favorite peeps. Hooray!
As far as using coupons, I did so yesterday, only the chasier woman...maybe middle aged or a bit older pick up one coupon I laid on top of the box item I indended to buy and says, "What is this? What am I supposed to do with this?"
I was shocked but almost died laughing in my car. I thought to myself, in reality wouldn't it be funny if that happened to Kate? Poor woman I guess some people have gone through life never seeing a coupon?
Took me forever to get out of the store. Maybe I should have brought fewer, but I'm kind of on a budget living in a dorm here.
JudyK said...
Brand new pic of Kate and Steve in the stands at the Zoo on RadarOnline...with Kate looking lovingly into Steve's eyes!
Oh, and it's so cute that they match!! They were the same in Mexico, and Dr. Lillian Glass called them out on it.
When you're that close, as my husband and I are, you wind up dressing alike. Of course, when that happens, I make *him* change ;-)
I wonder if J lo's bodyguards dress like her? Hmm....
Correction: Cashier. My fingers and brain aren't matching up. Sorry.
Re: pictures, she's so happy, somfake, so over.
Re: blog post. K8 honey, not too smart to be writing a coupon blog AND advertising for upscale Williams-Sonoma.
Re: Kate & Steve, ah who cares? As for Gina, perhaps she is happy to be rid of Ratclaws. If my DH was involved with the likes of KG, I would be so over him, kids or no kids. And he would be paying plenty.
I have a good coupon story to share.
Last weekend, my kiddo & his friends were doing the usual friday night run around here & there & everywhere. The group ended up with about 15 or so people in it. One girl in the group knew that Waffle House had printable coupons for 2 free waffles. So she printed out enough coupons for everyone & they all invaded our local Waffle House at midnight for their free waffles. No one in the group spent more than $1.50 for their drinks.
Even the Waffle House waiter thought it was funny & a great idea. The cook also had a laugh at so many coming in for 2 free waffles. The kids literally filled the place up & not a single worker hassled them over it. They had a blast & got to eat for free.
Gotta love teenagers that can think!
The ROL article and pic does bring up some good questions:
1. If she's so strapped for money as she said over and over when TLC canned her ass, why would she PAY a bodyguard? Surely she doesn't expect us to believe he volunteers for this gig.
2. Why don't other reality TV stars have bodyguards?
3. Why do some A list celebrities walk around freely with no bodyguards present? And she claims she can't?
4. Whatever happened to Steve being hired by TLC to protect the kids? He sure isn't around the kids much.
5. As many others have pointed out, bodyguards don't wear flip flops. They don't carry purses or bags. They don't give pep talks to the people they are guarding (in fact, they probably hardly speak). They don't chase down people with cell phone cameras. They aren't interviewed for shows like they're part of the cast. They don't carry swimming gear for everyone. Steve acts in no way, shape or form as a bodyguard and I'm honestly not sure he ever has.
6. If he's a personal assistant because she can't handle life and has to have someone hold her hand all the time, then why not just say he's a personal assistant? Because for Steve, it would involve admitting how far he's sunk? Because for "Can Do" Kate it would involve admitting she can't handle anything on her own?
7. If he's a boyfriend, then shame on her for leading her fans to believe SHE was the one who was cheated on by Jon when she was carrying on an affair with a married man the whole time.
Even though it doesn't look like it (LOL), this is really one area I don't care so much about. Her general dishonesty, greed, superficiality, and poor/absent mothering, yes. This, not so much. BUT the ROL article did make me think of a lot of questions.
The longer she "employs" Steve in her descent into obscurity, the stranger it looks and the harder it is to defend.
Re - tweeties - photoshopped? Gotta love it.
What is he saying? That they photoshopped cellulite onto Kate's leg?
Rainy Days And Mondays said...
Re - tweeties - photoshopped? Gotta love it.
What is he saying? That they photoshopped cellulite onto Kate's leg?
Well yeah! Because they're all HATERZ.
I think Steve hangs around because Gina probably kicked him to the curb and he's now making his living selling faux-paparazzo photos of Kate to Splash. That appears to be his new job.
Just saw the photo and not so favorable article re: Kate and Steve at Radar. They sure are fickle. Don't know if they are for Kate or against her! Glad they are calling out the "need for a body guard." Dr. Lillian Glass did call this couple out a long time ago, and Jon called it longer ago than that. I wish the celebrity sites would just ignore the woman and maybe she'll go back to PA, live with her boyfriend, and take care of her 8 kids. Hope the "fake body guard's" wife is cashing in big time.
Surely she doesn't expect us to believe he volunteers for this gig.
Depends what he gets out of it. I thought that she did announce that he was her "manager" after the show was canceled.
Re: Her "pancake pen" purchase from Williams Sonoma.
Coupon Cabin did offer a 50% off promo code (it looks like they just post the codes already listed on the Williams Sonoma site). So, if this is my new job, to promote this website, why on earth would I not add in a "And you can even save a little money! Go to Coupon Cabin, search for "Williams Sonoma" and get a code worth 50% off your online order!" line? That took me all of two seconds to dream up.
Hey Coupon Cabin! I am a 40ish mom of five, count 'em, five kids. I have a Bachelor's degree and can compose a great essay. I'll blog for you for half of what Kate Gosselin is charging and I'll make sure you are well promoted, something your current celebrity blogger seems incapable of doing.
Glad to see a "mainstream" tabloid like ROL finally placing some focus on this absurd "bodyguard" story from Kate. One of the (pro) comments to this article said that perhaps his expenses were being covered by the Zoo. If that is so, how do you explain his being with her at CouponCabin last week and at the Penn State talk? I think her new "title" for Steve, "road manager," which first came up in the People article in September, was meant to forestall the sorts of questions ROL is asking. However, having a road manager flies directly in the face of her poor, unemployed mom-of-8 line of bull.
She needs to be called out more often on these glaring contradictions. And if you don't like it, Katie Irene, take your schtick off the airwaves and stay the hell at home.
The matchy khakis are zoo "uniforms." If they were free, why not wear them? Kate needs to feel like a big shot (apologies to Billy Joel). That dreamy look in her eye gives him a tropical contact high (apologies to The Beach Boys).
Her teeth are still misaligned! :)
Steve the bodyguard to Steve the road manger how hard did he work for that promotion.?
"Manager" can cover a lot of territory:
-Public behavior
-Scheduling her average day
-Scheduling her gigs
-Scheduling photo ops
-Bringing her coffee so she's manageable.
-Making her grocery list
-Sorting the laundry by whatever the category of the day is
-Figuring a new way to discount Jon
-Lining up a New Best Friend Forever for her
-Occasionally e-mailing her mom
-Writing her blog
-Giving her some tips on how good mommies behave when their children are in the same room and finding tips online for her to look like an active, excited, involved mommy (see above re: writing her blog.)
There is so much to manage in her life.
Tuckers Mom:
Thanks for your kind words. Most mothers willingly sacrifice for their children. What is so galling about Kate is that she has that mantra of "doing it for the kids" and" my kids deserve everything on a golden platter" yet the Gosselins are so neglected. Just because Kate writes a check for tuition for private school for them does not change the fact that she does not give her children the consistency and structure at home to do well in school. How can they think school is important when they were taken out for frequent filming? To be suspended from kindergarten for hitting adults is a serious sign that there is something very wrong with these children.
@dowd24 Loves @Kateplusmy8 X0XO
Is it normal for a teenage girl to tweet this to a thirty-something divorced mother of eight?
When we were teens, we had crushes on young teenage idols who were our age and males!
Robin's Nest: It's worse than you think. Dowd is in her late 20s!
RE: Alphabet Pancakes.
How in the world do you flip those without them falling apart? And did she intend to make Leah's L backwards?
I thought she was talking about a round pancake press/cutter with a center circle that holds interchangeable letters of the alphabet, and you press it into the cooked pancake to make a perfect circle cake with a letter "dented" into the center. The edges of the pancake would be cut away..... Then fill the shape of the letter dent with syrup after it's on the plate (paper, of course)..... but what do I know?
I even thought you could select your own letters so you wouldn't have to buy all 26 of them. What an idiot I am. It's now official.
Whatever, it sure sounds easier to flip my way.
I think the dact that "she's" always posting how tired "she" is and the fact that "her" hair looks stringy and strawlike- It could be a sign of thyroid disease- or the lack of fat in "her" diet. Cellulite occurs on even the most thin people. I just saw a clip that "she's" announcing "her" new career move on Extra. On the Extra FB page, there's an article about "her" new coupon job so maybe Extra is a little behind. Also- almost all the comments are negative- love that!
Red Sky At Night said...
Let's see. If you are using a newspaper or magazine or coupon clipper, you look to see if you need the product. You cut out the coupon. You go to the store, find the product, take it to the register where the amount of the coupon will be deducted from your bill.
Ha, Red Sky. This is priceless. You have performed a fine public service today. I hope you didn't make it too complicated for the cuepon challenged!
Maybe Steve and Kate paid for their trip by the proceeds of selling photos to rumorfix and radaronline.
Also, Kate is really shooting herself in the foot by traveling with a attractive man. She has numerous opportunties to travel and meet all kinds of men. A man that might be interested in Kate is not going to approach her or ask or out if they see that she traveled with Steve and he is there by her side through every event. Think about it, if a man at the zoo was wanted to take her to lunch, he isn't even going to approach her knowing that Steve is glued to her. And it makes no sense that he is her bodyguard. Please, I am sure they have security at ALL the places that Kate travels to. Kate has a lot of roadblocks already to meeting a man but she is really making it impossible with Steve at her side. I wonder if she has every thought about it that way.
And twitter hardly works in Australia, her fan club must be deep in the throes of withdrawal by now. Think she's heading home yet?
If you go to daily mail website and look at pictures of Kate, she is a MESS. The picture of her with koala and male zookeeper shows just how damaged her hair is. Looks like she has lost the entire top layer of her hair to breakage. Photos of her running and the one with her by herself putting handprints in ground show lots of cellulite and loose skin post lipo. If you have smartphone, blow up pictures. It's astounding. This woman is deluded enough to try to present herself as a fit person? A sex symbol? Complete lunacy
Does anyone with access to Jon's Twitter know if this story is true?
Doesn't sound like Kate, that's for sure.
OK, OK............ I've got it! I figured it out!!!
Here is their plan - perhaps even their "business" plan:
They would go to Australia together without the kids and, shock of shock, they'd fall in love!
Totally unexpected, they have worked together for so long, no one saw it coming, but they can't deny their hearts, yada yada.
It will be something like this when they shop it on ALL talk shows:
Sitting together holding hands, kart will try to project a mien of humility. She'll smile demurely, defer to him and speak with a soft voice. He'll take some control of the conversation, but both will try to project an amazed and surprised presentation of the 'unexpected' and 'romantic' dinner on a beach somewhere.
She'll throw in some blabber about how she raised money for the zoo, then giggle that being so far from home, so isolated, she realized that she not only NEEDED HIM TO FUNCTION, she also realized she loved him. (You'll hear the sound of folks all over the world going "what?! We never suspected...)
They will talk about an engagement (they won't have all the details yet), throw out some speculation about a wedding (won't have all their sponsors lined up yet) and then maybe, depending on how brave she feels, they might even talk about MOVING to purseboy's homeland.
Oh yeah, I can see it coming.......
They just happened to fall in lurve.....
That sound you hear is me barfing.
We should start a betting pool about when this scenario will occur. The Big Reveal!
Hey, if kim kartrashion can make buck on a 72 day marriage, you know kart thinks she can do better - geez, what a human interest story she has to sell.....
Sorry, barfing again.......
Gift of grab said...
Robin's Nest: It's worse than you think. Dowd is in her late 20s!
Oops. I thought that she was Paige's age. I guess I was thinking of EmilyKatePlus. Good grief. Shouldn't she have a crush on Steve instead of Kate?
If she did leave the kids with their dad, I can absolutely believe she would not give him much notice.
It's a control issue with her - 'you take the kids, or I'll say you refused to care for them'...
She doesn't give a crap what his schedule is like, she most likely just dumped them on him.
"I'm going to be out of town for 10 days, the kids will be your responsibility - come and get them now"
I do believe the hollybaby story - kart has to be thinking of how much money she's losing each month.
Tough titty said the kitty.......... I'd love to see her so broke that Jon would get full time custody.
Perhaps, Kate reason for going to the Vegas marathon is for the: 1. red carpet, 2. the freebees gift bags, 3. the food, 4. hotel, 5. being in the public eye. etc. Kate is not doing this marathon to run as other runners are running for, the is pure publicity. If, and by chance Kate should actually finish the marathon, it would be a fluke! and dumb luck. Most first timers are lucky if the finish the marathon or they take a long time to finish, if they are so determined to finish. Kate, will have to wait an see. If she does, and not have some lame excuse.
You know I was thinking about how Kate got all the kids new bikes last month and we wondered why she didn't wait until Christmas. I wonder if Jon told her that he wanted to get the kids new bikes for Christmas and Kate jumped the gun and gave them new bikes in October. That would be just like her!
Dallas Lady -The longer she "employs" Steve in her descent into obscurity, the stranger it looks and the harder it is to defend.
Yep, roger that!
It never made real sense to me why Kate would choose to do a run in LV. I realize that she pampered herself there after the whole grueling RV trip (ugh) and wanted to go back, but...
She'll be home, what? A few days before she jets off again? I can see how her supporters were on her side for DWTS. OK, it's across the country, but I could see how it was a real gig.
But, what's AU and LV? A job? I don't see it at all.
And might I dredge up that this jaunt to LV is yet another thing that Jon did when his detractors were saying that he's never home! Yeah, it looked stupid. Jon's taking the gig was just a total fame-grab, but what is this for Kate?
Kate could challenge herself with a plethora of runs near her home, but she's just going to what's said above; the hoopla, VIP treatment, swag and yet another reason to leave her children for another few days to a week.
Did Steve keep Kate asfe from the croc's?.
anger issues kate said... Perhaps, Kate reason for going to the Vegas marathon is for the: 1. red carpet, 2. the freebees gift bags, 3. the food, 4. hotel, 5. being in the public eye. etc. Kate is not doing this marathon to run as other runners are running for, the is pure publicity. If, and by chance Kate should actually finish the marathon, it would be a fluke! and dumb luck. Most first timers are lucky if the finish the marathon or they take a long time to finish, if they are so determined to finish. Kate, will have to wait an see. If she does, and not have some lame excuse.
Kate would do best to run her first marathon locally. But it is all about her traveling as much as possible and obviously all about herself and not her kids. Not a big shock.
Permanent Name, visualizing the scenario you just described has made me seriously nauseous. But it sounds plausible. Yuck.
Gift of grab said...
Does anyone with access to Jon's Twitter know if this story is true?
Below is Jon's comment:
jongosselin1 Jon Gosselin
@HLBaby Your story is untrue and your sources are unreliable.
Thanks, Jane. Glad he answered. Leaving them with Jon certainly doesn't fit with Kate's normal MO.
So she left eight kids under the age of 12 with a nanny while she jaunted off halfway across the world with her married boyfriend. I mean, let's just say it like it is.
It's truly all about Kate.
Call Me,
Sorry to induce nausea!
But ya know, they just won't be able to help themselves!! They never planned it, it 'just happened'.........
Sorry to make you sick :-(
She probably lets them think they are with Jon with her not a lie by omission or clarification process when it is convenient for to sound like a better mom because she is leaving them w/ their dad. Unfortunately, she would not leave them with him at all just for spite. Never mind the fact that she took away all of his resources and he cannot afford a nanny plus child support on an hourly wage.
Permanent Name said... Call Me,
They never planned it, it 'just happened'.........
Plus it's all Jon fault he drive her into the hands of another man-(steve).
24 hours without a tweet. mmmm must be be cause she's SO busy...not like when she's home with the kids with nothing to do but tell them, "Just give me a minute, Got all my followers and sure don't want to disappoint them. Kids, you just wait til I have a minute for you." Life is choices. Choose wisely, Kate.
Seaform said... You know I was thinking about how Kate got all the kids new bikes last month and we wondered why she didn't wait until Christmas. I wonder if Jon told her that he wanted to get the kids new bikes for Christmas and Kate jumped the gun and gave them new bikes in October. That would be just like her!
I do agree that she is a spiteful witch, but I DO think some company graciously donated the bikes, and Kate, of course, took credit for the gift. That is pretty much how Kate rolls, and has managed to get away with. Crediting herself for things that had nothing to do with her. She is the consummate grifter. Even her own family cut ties with her due to her greed and child eploitation.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...I do agree that she is a spiteful witch, but I DO think some company graciously donated the bikes, and Kate, of course, took credit for the gift. That is pretty much how Kate rolls, and has managed to get away with. Crediting herself for things that had nothing to do with her. She is the consummate grifter. Even her own family cut ties with her due to her greed and child eploitation.
If that's the case it was very, very poor marketing and an expensive mistake because Kate didn't even mention the name of the bikes in her tweets or on her blog.
That "Pancake Pen" thing at Williams Sonama? I saw one today at Walmart for $5.
It's funny, I just signed on & was flipping through & that was the first post I saw & I remember seeing that pancake thing at the store today while getting some paper goods & saying "Huh, cute!" I wonder how much it is at Williams Sonama?
Does anyone know anything about Steve and his wife. I know its old news but I read somewhere that he is seen in Reading all the time. Makes me wonder if he is together with Kate why do we not see pictures of his comings and goings. That would definitely be news if he is always around town. Anyone know? Are there any recent picture of Gina? Thanks
The Pancake Pens are $9.95 at Williams Sonoma, plus shipping and handling. Go to the beauty supply store and get one of those squeeze bottles they use for dying hair. And they don't leak!
Kate doesn't rate said...
The Pancake Pens are $9.95 at Williams Sonoma, plus shipping and handling. Go to the beauty supply store and get one of those squeeze bottles they use for dying hair. And they don't leak!
Beauty supply bottles are not made to be food safe. No telling what chemicals are in the plastic.
silimom said...
Re: Her "pancake pen" purchase from Williams Sonoma.
Coupon Cabin did offer a 50% off promo code (it looks like they just post the codes already listed on the Williams Sonoma site). So, if this is my new job, to promote this website, why on earth would I not add in a "And you can even save a little money! Go to Coupon Cabin, search for "Williams Sonoma" and get a code worth 50% off your online order!" line? That took me all of two seconds to dream up...
Why wouldn't Kate do that? Because she's an IDIOT. She knows nothing about internet coupon deals. She barely knows how to turn on a computer, for crying out loud. She knows nothing about self promotion; heck, she's spent her whole 'career' letting TLC do everything for her. It's obvious she doesn't have a clue how to be assertive in business. She'll handle this 'job' like she has everything else - wait for someone to handle it for her while she points and whines OR it'll result in the same lame blog she's posted on her own site.
She's an IDIOT; plain and simple.
Maybe she is hosting (gulp) the event in LV? Please I hope she didn't beg out on that event knocking real runners out of the chance for it, surely not. Was just a thought. I will be very surprised if she finishes that half marathon. She just does not fit the profile of a real runner. Even the paps says it is a trudge. But which hey the Army give you 20 minutes a mile in boot camp, and say you can walk in that time.
fidosmommy said...
Kate doesn't rate said...
The Pancake Pens are $9.95 at Williams Sonoma, plus shipping and handling. Go to the beauty supply store and get one of those squeeze bottles they use for dying hair. And they don't leak!
Beauty supply bottles are not made to be food safe. No telling what chemicals are in the plastic.
Then reuse a squeeze bottle that is food safe.
Anonymous said ...Does anyone know anything about Steve and his wife. I know its old news but I read somewhere that he is seen in Reading all the time. Makes me wonder if he is together with Kate why do we not see pictures of his comings and goings. That would definitely be news if he is always around town. Anyone know? Are there any recent picture of Gina? Thanks
Gina is easy to find on facebook. It's just a picture...not much information.
Maggie said...
Maybe Steve and Kate paid for their trip by the proceeds of selling photos to rumorfix and radaronline.
Also, Kate is really shooting herself in the foot by traveling with a attractive man. She has numerous opportunties to travel and meet all kinds of men. A man that might be interested in Kate is not going to approach her or ask or out if they see that she traveled with Steve and he is there by her side through every event. Think about it, if a man at the zoo was wanted to take her to lunch, he isn't even going to approach her knowing that Steve is glued to her.
I don't think Kate is interested in any man other than Steve. Whether there is a future with him or not and despite how she may coyly say she'd like someone, I think she's so infatuated and dependent on Steve that another man is the last thing on her mind.
Steve is on Facebook too as Steve Joe Neild. It says "(heart) in an open relationship". What does that mean??
I wouldn't be surprised if a tabloid writer made up the facebook pages for Steve and Gina with these statuses just to keep up the "scandal". Heck- maybe even Khate's team dreamed this up just like they threw Jon under the bus!
I agree it don't take much to make a fake face book page.
Is Steve training to run with her? I can't see her running in the middle of a huge group of runners without her bodyguard. I think if she is even really entered she will come up with an excuse not to run (or fake it for paps)
seafoam said...
Steve is on Facebook too as Steve Joe Neild. It says "(heart) in an open relationship". What does that mean??
I don't think that's really him. His only pic is from his company website? Nope, not buying it.
I emailed Dr. Lillian Glass and asked her opinion of Kate and Steve's photo sitting together in the audience of a show this week at the zoo. Sounds like she doesn't think Kate is toast yet. Her reply is on top and my original email is below.
From: Lillian Glass [mailto:7lily7g@msn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:45 PM
To: pat
Subject: RE: Kate Gossselin and "Body Guard"
Obviously they are connected to one another. This "unemployed mother is a multimillionaire and never has to work a day in her life. All the kids have trust funds and are set for life. She has a home and all the material goods that her millions could buy. The fact that you see her in the press means that someone is paying for those photo ops with such clear nd precise photos like a production company. Even though the Kate Plus 8 show is no longer, don't be surprised if you see another upcoming show with Kate. They have tried to put her in various jobs and tried a dating show and other shows so they are trying to work in a show for her that will best showcase her. I she was not going to be in the public eye again, she would have been long forgotten and nobody would put her photo in the press because no one would care.
As long as Kate isn;t abusing her kids like she abused Jon all is well.
> To: 7lily7g@msn.com
> Subject: Kate Gossselin and "Body Guard"
> Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 22:19:48 +0000
> From: pat
> From: Pat
> Subject: Kate Gossselin and "Body Guard"
> Message Body:
> Hello Dr. Glass, I'm sure you are very busy, but it's been a while since you weighed in on Kate and Steve (bodyguard). Here's one of the latest pics of them in Australia, just the two of them. The basically unemployed mother and the "paid" bodyguard. Please if you have a chance take a look and give us a quick summary of your education opinion. Thank you. Love reading your blogs.
> http://ht.ly/1fFnS5
> Pat
> --
> This mail is sent via contact form on Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language Blog http://drlillianglass.com/body-language-blog
silimom said...Coupon Cabin did offer a 50% off promo code (it looks like they just post the codes already listed on the Williams Sonoma site). So, if this is my new job, to promote this website, why on earth would I not add in a "And you can even save a little money! Go to Coupon Cabin, search for "Williams Sonoma" and get a code worth 50% off your online order!" line? That took me all of two seconds to dream up...
Thanks, silimom. So there was a Williams Sonoma discount available on Coupon Cabin...did Kate take advantage of this? As she said, "Coupons are like free money in your pocket". Another wasted opportunity for Kate to do her "job" properly. I think Kate is more thrilled about getting a paycheck and the media exposure than actually doing her job effectively.
Resourceful moms would use a squeeze bottle over purchasing a one-time kitchen gadget. However, this is Kate Gosselin we're talking about. To her, a $10 Williams Sonoma pancake pen is just soooo much better than a $1 squeeze bottle...because it IS Williams Sonoma!!!!
How could she brag that she shops at Williams Sonoma, if she reused or purchased a cheap squeeze bottle? It's the same with her grocery shopping at Whole Foods. Getting her haircut at Ted Gibson salon. Eating at Fig&Olive. Just opportunities for Kate to brag and name-drop to show off her celebrity lifestyle.
Steve's middle name starts with a 'K'.
SoCalER-RN said...I think when Kate "runs" she only cares about how many calories she burns!!
My "sediments" exactly. It is all about dieting and getting as skinny as possible, instead of being healthy.
Her past post about what she normally eats was a redflag to me. For someone preparing for a half-marathon, it was rather odd that she was posting such a calorie restricted diet...how can a long-distance runner last on a daily diet of salads? Reminds me of DJ Tanner dieting and over-exercising on a Full House episode. That didn't turn out well.
ok, totally OT here, but I was looking at the pcs on celebrity gossip that someone else linked to, and scrolled through to the Bus Gate pics, where Kate all but thru Collin under the bus, but look at Hannah's pants in this picture. Did she put on one of the older girls pants, or is kate too cheap, or too busy to get this girl pants her size or to hem these ones... Sorry feeling snarky today
Wow, I didn't note that before. Good catch.
My mother would never send me out of the house like that. I mean, that girl must have had the crap made fun of her all day with her pant cuffs turned up to about her knees.
How bizarre. It's not as though her inseam is disproportionate, like a kid who is heavy and needs a much larger size to fit the waist...
Excellent catch, Meagler.
I'm surprised the school would allow their uniform pants to be worn in this fashion.
Maybe Cara asked her to take her (Cara's) uniform pants home for her, and Hannah decided to wear them rather than carry them. Or, is Cara in one of the other pictures wearing her pants? I don't know, just asking.
If Kate and Steve were really lovers and lived in her home & bedroom, won't the kids be very aware of this. Remember the most recent question and answer session Kate had on her show over the summer. The kids were all asked about whether they wanted Kate to remarry. Not one of the eight mentioned the possiblity of Kate marrying Steve.
And some may think that Kate told the kids never to mention {"their relationship") but I think the kids are all too young to follow or understand that rule. After 5 years of Steve being around Kate, the kids would have messed up with "Mommy is in love with Steve" type of comment. Or "I hope Mommy and Steve marry". And that has never happened. (I don't believe that article years ago that said Mady caught them kissing). Steve has 2 kids of his own. Certainly they would be talking to their family and friends about this. And then Gina would have had to be secret about this very personal matter of her husband living and loving someone as famous as Kate. Gina would have discussed this with her parents, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.
Again, I think Kate is severely limiting her chances of meeting a man when she has Steve hanging on her leg every moment in public.
I don't know what's up between Kate and Stevo, but I do believe that TLC still has a finger in the publicity pie.
On Extra today, Kate was very briefly interviewed about her blogging job. Two comments were made about Kate wanting her own talk show. I don't remember the exact quote but it was more than Kate simply saying she wanted a talk show. It was more like Kate thought there was a possiblity that one may happen.
The comment above about TLC still having their finger in the publicity pie made me think that maybe TLC is planning on giving Kate her own talk show. Remember TLC did have plans on other show for her. "Twist of Kate" was hyped for over 18 months or so. Perhaps they scratched that and are thinking of a talk show for her. I don't think the show would last for long but maybe TLC will let her have a go at it just to shut her up and be done with her.
I don't believe much of what L. Glass says - she's been way off before. I really don't think TLC has a finger in the pie either. I think Kate's PR people (or Kate herself or Steve) are putting the pictures out. Kate is a has-been and a wannabe.
Kate is a has-been and a wannabe
You're probably corerct, but as long as the kids aren't part of her future in the media, I don't care what she tries. Just more useless crap that I won't be watching.
I'm surprised the school would allow their uniform pants to be worn in this
They are not allowed to wear pants like this. Sometimes things happen at school - spills on pants, falls in mud, broken zippers, large tears, or whatever, and the school has an emergency box of pants and shirts for kids to use if something like this happens. Those clearly were not her pants and would not have been permitted because they don't conform to uniform policy. For emergency use, they're fine.
Lillian said, "This "unemployed mother is a multimillionaire and never has to work a day in her life."
Wow. I wonder if Dr. Lillian knows how much it cost to raise eight kids on the lifestyle of the rich and famous, with a property, mortgage, maintenance and everything else that goes with that house. Set for life? With no money coming in, those millions are not going to last her for the rest of her life, and if she is dipping into those trust funds for everything imaginable, the kids aren't set for life either.
I don't think that's really him. His only pic is from his company website? Nope, not buying it.
Steve's middle name is Kurt, not Joe.
FYI: there's a new post up!
Midnight Madness said... Lillian said, "This "unemployed mother is a multimillionaire and never has to work a day in her life."
Wow. I wonder if Dr. Lillian knows how much it cost to raise eight kids on the lifestyle of the rich and famous, with a property, mortgage, maintenance and everything else that goes with that house. Set for life? With no money coming in, those millions are not going to last her for the rest of her life, and if she is dipping into those trust funds for everything imaginable, the kids aren't set for life either.
Wow! I am amazed at you people...you must all be filthy rich. If Kate and her eight (8) cannot live on all the millions she has amassed and the accrued interest, then I will be homeless in just a few years, because I will never see even half a million in my entire lifetime, and that's after graduating with Honors from college (REAL college) with nearly a 4.0 and every honor imaginable.
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