Terri Irwin, Bindi and Robert introduced Kate, who was dressed in khaki and fed a croc, as part of the opening ceremonies for Steve Irwin Day, today (Tuesday morning, Aussie time). Later, Kate put her hands in cement at
Grauman's Chinese Theater the zoo's celeb walk.
Kate spoke briefly about her trip to Australia in January, and about Mady wanting to be a veterinarian.
Watch the live streaming:
280 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 280 Newer› Newest»Crikey, that's two modest and appropriate outfits for Kate in a row.
I'm surprised she didn't talk about the spider didn't she mention rescuing a spider once too?
Or are spiders not cute enough.
Sooooo! How much money did Kate's auction item raise?
Is anyone at all interested in this rather important piece of info?
Bueller .... Bueller?
Is that guy EVER going to stop singing???
No, that guy will never stop singing. It's been about 15 minutes. Terri really has jumped the shark. Kids would be bored to tears by this.
I wish Steve were here. The Steve I like. The Irwin one.
Also Bindi's unnatural, over the top enthusiasm about EVERYTHING has always creeped me out and it's not getting any better.
Sooooo! How much money did Kate's auction item raise?
Is anyone at all interested in this rather important piece of info?
Bueller .... Bueller?
My guess is we will NEVER know for sure! The whole thing makes me sick! Take the amount of money necessary for her to be there- flight, hotel, food, transportation, etc. Add that ALL up and just think how much food they could have bought for the animals. There is no way it was worth it but we will NEVER know the truth.
Yes, Admin, you got there just in time. I got there about ten minutes late myself, but they seemed to just be getting started. As you see, Khate was merely introduced and spoke for a few seconds. This event seems so lame and there seems to be little to no applause.
For this, Khate is thousands of miles away from her kids and hasn't seen them in a week. Btw, in introducing Khate, Terri referred to her as a remarkable woman - for what? Well, as Terri said, she birthed twins and sextuplets.
Maybe Bindi is only enthusiastic for camera's because she knows she is being watched.
Shouldn't charities disclose how much money they're giving out and taking in? Why treat this like Area 51? Wtf.
I would want to know how a charity is doing in deciding whether to give to them. I don't like charities that play hide the ball.
People for the Disclosing of What Kate's Auction Item Went For, unite!!!!!
And he's stillllll singing.
Anyway, yes, Bindi was embarrassingly bad out there with the mic.
And why do this on a weekday when everyone is at work?
Khate's only dressed like that because everyone at the Zoo is supposed to wear khaki today. If it were up to her, she'd be in short shorts, a tank top with boobs hanging out, and a pair of fugly high heels.
This musician! Snoooooooozzzzzzzze!
Marie, I think Bindi has been groomed since birth to perform, make money, and carry on the Steve Irwin franchise. Of course they did not expect her coordination would occur at nine years old, but here we are.
I think the whole Bindi takeover is weird and unnatural. Chances are she might very well end up working with animals, it seems to be in her blood. But allow the kid to have a normal life without the pressure of an entire franchise and zoo on her shoulders. She is a child. The very excuse that many people use to defend this, and Kate's kids, "they don't know any different"--is exactly what scares me.
The way that Khate tweeted her thanks to sheeple for donating "in my honor" to the Red Cross, we all know that if her lunch auction garnered a decent amount, she would have bragged about it on Twitter.
Admin, I'm sure we can look into this with the Zoo and get info as to what each item got at auction. Many organizations provide a list shortly after an auction.
Coronation! Not coordination.
Damn you autocorrect.
Shoot, Admin! This always happens to me: The minute I post, you change threads.
So I'm bringing this over. Of course the sheeple on Twitter are gushing about how fantastic Kate was. All 90 seconds of her.
[From last thread]
Wow, live feed: A BIG nothing! Kate is introduced to very polite but very moderate applause, stammers through some crap about the "honor of being here," clip of K+8 (no mention that it is now CANCELLED, duh), then she inarticulately says how being in AUS in January w/kids was "life-changing" because Mady now wants to be a vet (Hey, what happened to Disney star? Maybe she'll do both), and then tells about putting a baby bird back in the nest (which she detailed months ago on Twitter--with pictures--before a rapt audience of fans back in the NON-cancelled days).
Honestly (haha), if SHE is the big deal here, whoever ponied up for the expenses has wasted their money. Pathetic showing. She could not be less relevant. She has NO future in media, visual, written, audio or otherwise.
Buh-bye, Katie, buh-bye.
we all know that if her lunch auction garnered a decent amount, she would have bragged about it on Twitter.
Bingo. She was embarrassed by the amount, I think. And the rouge angry comment I got JUST as the auction was ending I think was from her or her camp, pissed that this did not go well. Tee-hee.
I see lots of empty seats. That might explain why the camera is not showing the audience.
I am willing to bet K8 thinks Bindi is so natural and admires the way Terri has encouraged (pushed) her. Administrator got it right - "over the top enthusiasm" - w-a-y over the top.
Charities should be about total disclosure. How much $$ did the auction raise, will we ever know?
Oh no, time for the croc show....Teri is telling Bob to choose a volunteer...
Yup, Khate will be feeding the croc.
Not only did Kate showed a lack of promotion for Steve Irwin Day on twitter, in the Upcoming Events on her web page still reads "Coming Soon".
Terri is no more than a carnival barker, as far as I'm concerened.
That guy Wes just said "shit, I mean crikey" as he was feeding a croc.
Khate fed the croc from up on a little bridge with Terri and Wes.
Like Gift of Grab, I'm also bringing this over from the previous thread and adding something:
JudyK said... NLAN, thanks for the Live Feed...LMAO at Kate's bird story...it was a nice thing to do but to talk about it as though it was some major kind of world contribution was just awkward (as you stated), stupid, and pathetic. She's such a LOSER. I rescued a Dove that some cats had attacked once and took it to the Vet; I also took a baby bird that fell from its nest to the vet...aren't I special! Time for DWTS.
And adding a note to ADM..NO, Kate did NOT save a spider...she had Mady and Cara smash it for her! LOL.
Terri is talking about crocodile safety. This from a woman who let a mother rhino charge her children.
Kate just fed a rat to a croc.
Cover your children's ears for the live show. Wes, the trainer, as he ran away from the crocodile, said "shit! I mean, crikey!"
Nice family show there, Terri.
Also, Wes can stfu about how Bindi is safe. Bindi has a teenage brain. She cannot be safe no matter how much she tries--her brain is not yet wired yet to properly assess the risk, it's not her fault.
How does putting yourself or your child in real harm's way help the crocs? Who would ever stand on the edge of the water, trying to lure one out with meat? What they do in the name of entertainment is so dangerous - even if the croc loves her, as Terry claims this one LOVES her.
But.......they did make Kate feed one a dead rat! Hahahahahaha!!!!! A snake feeding a croc a rat - it doesn't get more perfect than that!
It makes me sick the way they torture and tease the crocs.
I hate zoos. Especially this one.
I wonder if Wes will get sacked later for saying shit on a live show on Steve Irwin Day. Oops.
I HATE ZOOS TOO! I never liked them, even as a kid. I thought they were horrid and I don't like them any better now.
Animal rescue facilities - Yep. Zoos - big no.
Administrator said...
It makes me sick the way they torture and tease the crocs.
I hate zoos. Especially this one.
I totally agree. I can't stand this or Terri. Oh - Terri just made a male bashing "joke". Something about how the croc can only do one thing at a tine because he's a male.
Admin, I'm sure Steve Irwin had a few oops in his day, too.
How does putting yourself or your child in real harm's way help the crocs?
Let me think. Um, it doesn't. At all.
Who would ever stand on the edge of the water, trying to lure one out with meat?
Stupid people trying to justify their stupidity by calling it "animal conservation."
What they do in the name of entertainment is so dangerous - even if the croc loves her, as Terry claims this one LOVES her.
As I recall, the tigers loved Sigfried and Roy, too, didn't they?
This is SOOO scripted and dumb. Little Robert with his little scripted line: How do you tell the difference between male and female??? I'm sure this bright boy knew the answer to that one when he was three.
Can this kid just go be a normal eight year old and go play with kids his age?
Admin, you're right. It is dumb. All of it. The best part was when that Wes dude let the shit fly!
Kate's just standing there being boring.
This has surprisingly become a lot more interesting to watch how TERRI is exploiting HER kids.
It makes me sick the way they torture and tease the crocs.
I hate zoos. Especially this one.
My feelings EXACTLY! That is one of the many reasons people do not like the Irwin family and this fiasco of a foundation.
I like Jack Hannah.
My money will go toward better things.
My gut tells me this zoo is not long for the world. And rightly so. Leave the animals in the WILD world where they belong and can hunt their own food- not trapped in a cage so that they are dependent on people to throw rats at them.
Wating this vid Kate is skinner than I thought
Oh dear god, Bindi clarifies at the end that 'she only fed the croc to show how gorrrrrgeous it is' and then talked about how they shouldn't be killed for hides (which I agree with). And then little Robert with his final words of wisdom, "And one more thing, carkey (khaki) is not just a color, it's an attitude. Woo hoo!"
From the mouths of babes. LAME.
I fully own my extreme opinion on zoos, but I hate them, I won't go to them, I won't take children to them, the last time I went I was in high school and I cried all the way home. Wild animals should not be caged unless they are injured and we are nursing them back to health to release back to the wild.
I think the vast majority of zoos are just about making money and only use animal rescue/conservation/helping animals/educating kids as an EXCUSE to just put together a money making franchise.
I think the Steve Irwin zoo is a circus not a zoo or wildlife habitat or whatever nicer name, and that animal conservation is a cover to exploit animals for money for Terri's pockets and put children in danger for more money. The true conservationists were out in the field. Even Steve was out in the real environment most of the time. When was the last time Terri went out to the deserts and so on where we used to always see him? Even Steve was killed out in the wild not in some croc cage.
Are corc hides really THAT big of a problem anymore? I though croc prints went out in about 1989.
I thnk it's just another cover to justify why they need to cage crocs---um, um because we need to educate people they shoudln't have croc purses!
Also PJ I loved Bindi's justification too! This child is going to get killed and it's going to be tragic.
PJ's momma said...
But.......they did make Kate feed one a dead rat! Hahahahahaha!!!!! A snake feeding a croc a rat - it doesn't get more perfect than that!
LOL! At least Kate wasn't in danger - alligators don't eat silicone.
BTW, I couldn't help but notice Ratclaws sitting next to Kate in the stands - guess she really needed protection from all of her rabid fans *rolls eyes*
When the Gosselins were at the Australia Zoo last (January?) they were sitting in a viewing stand. Cara was off by herself looking sad or mad or bored. Anyone remember those pictures? Anyway, it looked like the Gosselins and one or two other people were having a private showing of some aquatic show. After seeing this croc event, it may be that the attendance at these things is just plain low. At the very end of the crocotorium (?) event, they did a brief
shot of one part of the stands. Nearly empty.
Has Australia spoken?
I meant crocodiles, not alligators. *facepalm* It's been a long day.
If you started a circus act, and pulled your kids out of school and made them part of the act every single day performing the tight rope walk and playing catch with a bear in a cute little hat and outfit, and juggling, there would be outrage.
People would say kids should be in school! Kids shouldn't have to give their life to the circus! It's dangerous! They need to be with kids their age!
Well, as far as I'm concerned, this scripted little act that goes on every single day that is Robert and Bindi's LIFE is the SAME DARN THING. You can dress it up purdy in khaki but I'm not falling for it. I think Terri and Kate are in the same camp, end of story.
I also think Australian has spoken. This creepy little dog and pony show is not something they want to see anymore and the attendance at this zoo reflects that.
But.......they did make Kate feed one a dead rat! Hahahahahaha!!!!! A snake feeding a croc a rat - it doesn't get more perfect than that!
WHAT? Kate fed Steve Neild to a crocodile? Oh no! Who will tote her gear home now?
Yop Kate fed ratclaws to the corc!
There's all kinds of metaphors going on here.
Also as someone suggested a few days ago, how do you go home and tell your kids all about this amazing wonderful trip? On the one hand I think the kids likely just want to be normal kids and go to school. On the other, here's KAte having the time of her life feeding crocs and skipping around Australia. I imagine there's definitely some jealousy and resentment that could be brewing here. Just keep on alienating the kids and watch where it goes.
You know what...... let Kate have her moment in Australia. Once all the episodes of Jon & Kate AND Kate plus 8 run- the "fans" will see WHY the show was cancelled and she will not longer be a "celebrity" there, either.
fidosmommy said...
But.......they did make Kate feed one a dead rat! Hahahahahaha!!!!! A snake feeding a croc a rat - it doesn't get more perfect than that!
WHAT? Kate fed Steve Neild to a crocodile? Oh no! Who will tote her gear home now?
What episode are they up to in Australia of Jon and Kate??? Because you're right they may change their tune once they see a few kids get their impacted bowels disimpacted on national TV and all the divorce shenanigans.
Although judging by the silence over her auction I don't exactly think Kate is Austarlia's favorite Yankee darling. They seem apathetic at best.
Anonymous said...
You know what...... let Kate have her moment in Australia. Once all the episodes of Jon & Kate AND Kate plus 8 run- the "fans" will see WHY the show was cancelled and she will not longer be a "celebrity" there, either.
I agree fully.
I think we have all agreed already that Australians are some of the kindest, most hospitable people on the planet. They have manners and they use them.
So, as they watch those episodes, they will begin to feel very uncomfortable with the interactions, rudeness, etc. the show highlights.
The third photo, where kart is feeding from the bridge - her body language is hysterical!!! Take a close look and you'll be able to hear her screaming.
Notice her left hand held back with the wrist flexed and the fingers spread?
Notice that the "Crocodile Feeder Man" has a death grip on her right hand so she can't pull it back?
I can hear her screeches through this blog as I see her feeding.....
Tip toes, backing up, screeching, crying, edging forward, looking over timidly, screeching some more, scared looks to purseboy.... probably dragged out a full 5 minutes of drama.
And "Crocodile Feeder Man" says "F*ck this shit", grabs her wrist, tells her to STFU, drags her forward and shakes her hand until the rat drops.....
With all her drama, I have no doubt he wanted to feed her to the croc.
Poor guy....... like Brad, the tower jump guy...
Hey, I wonder if she insisted on an organic rat?
Two words:
Attention Whore
Came on today to see if there was any word on how much money was raised for those poor starving animals in the zoo by Kate being there.
I hear lots of bellies growling.
Do you think it's possible that no one bid?
How would the charity explain that?
Administrator said...
What episode are they up to in Australia of Jon and Kate??? Because you're right they may change their tune once they see a few kids get their impacted bowels disimpacted on national TV and all the divorce shenanigans.
I'm wondeirng how much they've cleaned up & touched up the epidsodes for Australian audiences? Not that they'll ever be able to remove every bit of her nastiness & narcissism, but I'm wondering if they'll be seeing a significantly subdued version & not fully understand the level of outrage towards her in North America.
Radar on line is reporting she took time to immortalize herself by putting hands in concrete on the star walk of fame.
Not exactly the Hollywood star treatment but it will give her something to blog about.
Based on the several Australians I have met, both at my high school (we had an exchange program) and in my travels, I'm wondering if they will be all that outraged, at least publicly, about Kate.
They are so laid back that it strikes me that if an Australian doesn't like something, they don't necessarily start up a blog or rant on forums or blogs about what an outrage this is. Instead, they would just quietly change the channel. Or in this case, choose to not buy tickets to a child exploiting animal expiating grossly mismanaged zoo.
I mean this as a compliment.
cwgirlup75, you bring up an interesting point. I didn't watch much of the video, but if Steve is sitting there with Kate, who is providing 'security' at home for her 8 children? After all, wasn't he hired to protect those kids? Kate has tweeted that's she's halfway across the world and the kids are most likely home alone with a nanny. Her address is very easy to find - who is ensuring the safety of those little kids??
Was this really "Steve Irwin Day" or "Kate Gosselin Day" ??? I'm certain Kate believes it was the later.
We can only hope she will decide to live there permanently.
Oh, and I will forever believe without a shadow of a doubt that she and Steve are a couple and have been for a looooong time. She is a homewrecker and she knows it....which is why she keeps it under wraps. Yep. Little Miss Churchgoer and sticky note-Bible verse freak stole someone else's husband. No doubt in my mimd they are a couple. She would absolutely FLIP HER LID if some other woman made a move on Steve.
I soooo agree with pj mom about security for the kids! Just one more reason we all scratch our kids on a nearly daily basis and ask, "What the h___ is she thinking???"
As for the putting her hands in concrete, is that at the Australia Zoo? I saw pictures of little Robert putting his hands in concrete last year, I believe, during Steve Irwin Day.
I've not read the ROL article.
My family and I have a brick on the Disneyland's Walk of Magical Memories. Does that make me (and hundreds of others) special?
; )
Sorry, I'm with Kate on this one. I would be sooo out of there if I was expected to pick up a dead anything to feed to anything. I don't touch dead things.
My cat died on my bed this morning. She always slept with me. It was all I could do to wrap her in the blanket she was already on to put her in her carrier, take her outside and bury her.
And I loved my cat. I don't have a strong relationship with rats. No touching going on there, believe me.
In some ways Terri scares me more than Kate what she is doing to her kids. This is IT, her kids will FOREVER be expected to shop the family brand. The entire family has been built around this franchise. It's all Terri knows, it's all the kids know, it's not like when the cameras go away things are back to normal. This is their life.
Kate, on the other hand, was at the mercy of TLC. When TLC decided the cameras would be shut off, that's it, no ifs ands or buts about it. The kids can more or less have a more normal life now, they go to school like normal etc. Sure Kate is still a narcissist, a terrible mother, and is embarrassingly trying to pimp out her brand, but the reality is she's really done, cooked, over with and the kids are at least having SOMEWHAT of a normal life now, thank goodness.
PJ's momma said...
How does putting yourself or your child in real harm's way help the crocs? Who would ever stand on the edge of the water, trying to lure one out with meat? What they do in the name of entertainment is so dangerous - even if the croc loves her, as Terry claims this one LOVES her.
But.......they did make Kate feed one a dead rat! Hahahahahaha!!!!! A snake feeding a croc a rat - it doesn't get more perfect than that!
November 14, 2011 5:51 PM
Did she actually manage not to SHRIEEEEEK? If so, that just PROVES how phony all those other animal encounters were (not that anyone had much doubt about it).
fidosmommy said...
My cat died on my bed this morning. She always slept with me. It was all I could do to wrap her in the blanket she was already on to put her in her carrier, take her outside and bury her.
And I loved my cat. I don't have a strong relationship with rats. No touching going on there, believe me.
November 14, 2011 7:08 PM
Awwww, I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.
When is Kate going back home to the US she does have 8 kids that she left behind.
PJ's momma said...
cwgirlup75, you bring up an interesting point. I didn't watch much of the video, but if Steve is sitting there with Kate, who is providing 'security' at home for her 8 children? After all, wasn't he hired to protect those kids? Kate has tweeted that's she's halfway across the world and the kids are most likely home alone with a nanny. Her address is very easy to find - who is ensuring the safety of those little kids??
I'm pretty sure Kate doesn't worry too much about her kids. By her own admission, she doesn't even call to check on them when she is traveling. If, God forbid, something did happen, I'm sure she would blame Jon for not checking on them (never mind the fact that she doesn't even allow him on the property).
And speaking of calling home, I wonder if Steve checks in on his kids when he is traveling with Kate? Somehow, I doubt it.
The bad part about exploiting the crocs is they have to make sure they are hungry, beforehand. They don't graze all day like a cow. They eat when they are hungry and get their fill for awhile.
Mady is a future veterinarian when kate is at the zoo and going to be a director/producer in the entertainment world when katie is trying to get into show business. Multi-tasking must be her strong point too, just like her mother. Yeah, RIGHT!!!!!! !!
Kate came home from her trip last Jan all gung-ho about koalas and conservation and I think it's so telling that her most meaningful involvement with nature since then was 'saving' a bird that had fallen from it's nest.
There was not a word about how much she's learned since then and nothing about any projects she's gotten involved in. Why? because it was all BS from start to finish. Her intro today was ridiculous just like her BS coupon blogging job. Nothing of substance about conservation just like there'll be nothing about computer couponing and shopping because the woman doesn't know the first thing about using a computer and who most likely never heard of their site before landing the 'job'.
I think it's stretching it to think TLC was involved in any way with this trip. I believe Kate and Terri worked out something so that between the 2 of them and their various 'businesses' all of Kate's expenses will be written off, however those are foolish business decisions, imo. The cost of the trip for 2 far outweighs any rewards to their fundraising. It's sad that the zoo and the wildlife fund ranks so low that the highest profile celeb they could draw was Kate Gosselin, a nobody.
I think the vast majority of zoos are just about making money and only use animal rescue/conservation/helping animals/educating kids as an EXCUSE to just put together a money making franchise.
I think the Steve Irwin zoo is a circus not a zoo or wildlife habitat or whatever nicer name, and that animal conservation is a cover to exploit animals for money for Terri's pockets and put children in danger for more money. The true conservationists were out in the field.
If you started a circus act, and pulled your kids out of school and made them part of the act every single day performing the tight rope walk and playing catch with a bear in a cute little hat and outfit, and juggling, there would be outrage.
People would say kids should be in school! Kids shouldn't have to give their life to the circus! It's dangerous! They need to be with kids their age!
Well, as far as I'm concerned, this scripted little act that goes on every single day that is Robert and Bindi's LIFE is the SAME DARN THING. You can dress it up purdy in khaki but I'm not falling for it. I think Terri and Kate are in the same camp, end of story.
In some ways Terri scares me more than Kate what she is doing to her kids. This is IT, her kids will FOREVER be expected to shop the family brand. The entire family has been built around this franchise. It's all Terri knows, it's all the kids know, it's not like when the cameras go away things are back to normal. This is their life.
Admin, I could not agree more with these comments. I had been thinking that the Irwin kids happen to be living a circus like life. They're nothing more than trained performers, the big draw to bring in the money. Again, this zoo is a BUSINESS, owned and operated by Terri Irwin. She can talk about conservation all she wants, but she's the head of a money making operation and she's made her kids the face of the empire. It's disgusting.
All the articles that I read that discussed Steve's father leaving the zoo said it was because of the over commercialization of the zoo by Terri, and how she was pushing Bindi into performing at the zoo and on tv, and marketing the hell out of her. I think Terri must be Khate's idol.
Fidosmommy, I remember finding my Alice cat on my bed, heartbreaking. My deepest sympathies.
fidosmommy - I am so sorry about your cat. I know how rough that is, but I know there's comfort in knowing what a good life we give our precious pets for that relatively short time they're here with us. Take care, will be thinking of you.
I'm always amused when we've been talking about something here and suddenly there is a "response" of some kind from Kate, whether it's on Twitter or her blog or pap pictures etc.
We had been discussing the absence of Menu Mondays and lo and behold even though she's on another continent this week, she managed to get a post up. Something she hasn't managed when at home the last couple weeks.
There is one picture with this post. It's a griddle with 6 initial pancakes on it (one for each of the little kids).
Menu Monday!
Personalized Pancakes!
This is a really quick idea for breakfast that I recently thrilled my kids with!
I bought a “pancake pen” at Williams-Sonoma and made pancakes shaped into hearts and my kids first letters of their names!
There were lots of ohhs and ahhs as they dipped their letters into syrup!
As Hannah ate her “H” she happily announced, “I’m soon going to be ‘Anna’ (‘Annah’ if spelled correctly incorrectly!)” which made us all laugh!
Try it! Little things like that equal childhood memories!
fidosmommy, so sorry hear to about the loss of your cat. We had two that lived to 18 and many dogs too; it is heartbreaking. No doubt she loved you to pieces which makes it double hard. So very, very sorry for your loss.
Well, ROL has an item on Kate in Australia. Pretty short, only 4 photos, all labeled "Splash News," which is the accreditation under which the January bikini photos from AUS came out and which most spectators figured was Stevie-boy.
One interesting comment, don't know if there's any truth to it:
"Hardly any applause when introduced. Amount of money bid for lunch with her was pitiful. She was awkward and uncomfortable at the auction luncheon. Sadly, the charity came out a huge loser when they thought they'd make money on her auction."
Notice, too, how she mentions it's the little things that make childhood memories. That is something we have been saying here a lot recently with all the Halloween stories and whatnot.
So transparent, our Katie.
Just saw this posted on Twitter:
You have to go there to see the photos. It's ridiculous for Khate to have her hand prints in cement at the zoo, as she really has ZERO connection with the zoo or with animals.
Do you think maybe one of these nights Terri will invite Kate over, they'll throw some shrimp on the barbee, put the kids to bed, share a box of wine, and then Terri will look at Kate and say.....
All right sister, level with me. This is really just about making a shitload of money right? F the animals and f those damn kids.
Gift of Grab ~ Interesting how ROL has inside info on the auction luncheon. OR maybe they don't actually know and hope Khate will respond to their allegation of the "pitiful" amount.
Here's the link for 19 photos:
Rumor Fix
I guess Terri's big surprise for Khate was the "honor" of putting her hand prints in cement. Hereafter, all visitors to the zoo will look at it and say "Who the hell is Kate Gosselin?" LOL
Oopsy ~ I see it was a comment in regard to the Khate in OZ story. I need to sharpen my comprehension skills... anyone have an electric sharpener handy?
Radar's article has four of those same photos and what do you know....they're from Splash News a/k/a Steve.
Kate looks like a vamp in the first pic to me.
After looking at the pic of Kate holding the koala I have a question for you ALL......
When is the last time you saw her face light up with pure joy like that when HOLDING one of her kids? ESPECIALLY one of the "yucky" BOYS?
Sadly, I can NEVER remember seeing her smile like that OR hold her kids so lovingly! sigh
Oh where is Kathy Griffin when you need her?! How much more D list can you get? Kate puts her hands in cement. But not at Grauman's Chinese Theater. Oh no, at a zoo in millions of dollars in debt that is probably going to be bulldozed down in 12 months time to make room for some development. This is such a fantastic snark-fest!
@fidosmommy, *sniff* so sad about your cat. And here I am, I just bought a kitten last Wednesday. It's one of those things, you know, you go in for dog food and they have the adoption place open. Okay, well so I'm a sucker.
Maybe you'll get a new cat soon. But not right away.
What is the deal with "personalized," pancakes? Is pancakes all these kids get to eat? Because that's all I hear about. Pancakes and oatmeal, half bananas. I really hope the kids get varieties in their menus at breakfast.
Well, it really says a lot if the best the zoo can get is Kate Gosselin, who is barely known there and nothing but a canceled reality tv person here. I don't think this "Steve Irwin Day" is nearly the big deal that Khate and her sheeple think it is.
Admin, that article about the dinner the other night is now using a different photo. It previously had Khate (in the black dress) holding a koala at the event, now it has her at the podium:
Who knows, maybe Kate got invited because she's the only other person who can or is willing to put up with Terri? What exactly do you get with two narcassists together? They both have to compete for attention. I don't get how this could work, but it sure can't be pretty.
I'm sorry that your cat passed on, fidosmommy.
All the articles about the financial problems of the zoo under Terri's management, and rumors of possible closure were from this past February. Well, here's another article from March:
Terri Irwin sells properties as Australia Zoo struggles
March 28, 2011
STEVE Irwin's widow Terri has been quietly selling off Australian properties from a multimillion-dollar portfolio amassed by the star couple, The (Brisbane) Sunday Mail reported.
In a sign Australia Zoo has hit hard times, the widow of "The Crocodile Hunter" star has placed several properties on the Sunshine Coast -- a coastal region in Queensland about 62 miles (100km) south of Brisbane -- on the market.
A number of zoo exhibits are on hold or delayed.
Ms Irwin has admitted a horrific wet summer drastically hit visitor numbers and forced job cuts at the major tourist destination on the Sunshine Coast region of Beerwah.
An investigation revealed the 46-year-old American-born Ms Irwin has been trying to offload properties since late last year, many at a loss.
Four of them directly border the zoo in Beerwah, and were originally purchased back when expansion plans were at full throttle.
A sprawling 234-acre (95-hectare) parcel at Peachester, with views of the Glass House Mountains in the coastal region, is the largest for sale with a $1.25 million price tag.
Ms Irwin has also sold a $1.3 million luxury property, at a $380,000 loss, next to the family's $3.22 million home at Minyama, the Sunshine Coast's millionaire's row.
At the time of his death in 2006, Steve Irwin and Terri had amassed a property portfolio estimated at $20 million.
Can I say something? I was in Australia last year (paid for my own trip!) and enjoyed a very educational day at Wildlife World. I mean, you would not believe the sheer volume of wildlife that Australia has - from mammals, to sea creatures, to bugs, to birds - it is astounding! We told my husband's Australian colleagues in Brisbane (where her royal highness is now) that when we got back to Sydney, we were going there and I wanted to pay to cuddle a koala. They all made a face and one funny lady shuddered and said, "Ugh, can't think of anything worse!" I saw them all in Costa Rica a short time after that and they made great sport of making fun of me. Koalas feel like little sheep, very wooly. Their claws hurt. And they STINK. I'm still glad I had the experience, but it wasn't what I expected. I sort of got the idea that Aussies don't hate them, probably even like them on some level, but don't think of them as cute and cuddly as we do. Maybe that's why she likes them - they have bad hair, are lazy and want to sleep all the time, only eat one thing (and don't drink water) and don't have winning personalities. Just like her!
Hmm, the sheeple are all tweeting to the Australian sheeple, mumbear9, but she does not seem to have met or talked with Khate, let alone taken a pic with her. She was there today at the Zoo, but she only got pictures of Khate from the audience. Somehow, she thought she'd be spending some time with Khate today at the zoo. I guess old Stevie kept her away.
I was always led to believe koalas could be rather mean creatures at times and not good to hold, necessarily. So anytime I see a pic of her doing that, I'm like "ug!"
Oh her Upcoming Events section has the Australia thing and the half marathon thing and that's it. A few tabs are still coming soon and the Maya Angelou quote has been taken off the home page and the others had the grammatical errors fixed. The font and colors and design as still awful, and it's still Kate, LOL.
NLAN, before Mumbear's twitter went dark to non-fans, she did say she had met and "chatted with" Kate at the Gala. Kate said she had a gift (?) for her, so presumably they met up at some other point. Didn't sound like there was much beyond that.
Khate is not a celebrity in Australia so it makes NO SENSE that "she" should put her hands in the cement there. This is only "her" second time in Australia and it's not like "she" has done anything for the zoo. That is simply pathetic and this whole event makes me really dislike Terri Irwin! It's all pathetic and sad! Geesh!
That's another thing that annoys me about this circus act. They may always say oh the animals are dangerous don't try this at home but their actions suggest otherwise. They tease and torture the crocks to the point where the zookeeper is saying "oh shit!" They are sticking a young teen and little Robert in there with the crocs and in front of charging rhinos. They are sending conflicting, mixed messages to kids. For all they claim that they do, they have very little respect for how dangerous these WILD animals can be.
While koalas are normally quite docile, if cornered in their environment they can scratch and bite. They're probably not going to kill you but they're nothing to fool around with. It is annoying to me the way everyone cuddles them like a toddler at this zoo feeding them bottles and naming them silly things like "Honey". They are wild animals and I don't see anything about this that is "learning."
I Really, seriously don't worry. It won't be long before in the place of Kate's walk of shame handprints there will be a retirement home.
Gift of grab said...
One interesting comment, don't know if there's any truth to it:
"Hardly any applause when introduced. Amount of money bid for lunch with her was pitiful. She was awkward and uncomfortable at the auction luncheon. Sadly, the charity came out a huge loser when they thought they'd make money on her auction."
I'm wondering if the luncheon participants had to sign a confidentiality contract as it seems odd that none of the "amazing ladies" at the luncheon have twittered about the experience, which leaves only Katie Irene to put a positive spin on the luncheon and twitter about it to the sheeple.
Look at it this way. If you saw a parent sticking their kid in a middle of the street and instructing them to go dodge cars and don't get hit, the cops would be called in two seconds flat and those kids would be in foster care.
How does being thrown in a croc pit and dodging crocs any different? I wonder if in the U.S. these kids would be taken from their stupid mother. I think they just might be.
Admin, I agree about the dangers, and they're not even hidden dangers!
Why no conservation about kangaroos? Are they not cute and cuddly enough? They are like deer - overpopulated and killed by cars all over the place. They can be very mean. If you get too close (on the golf green for example!), they can lean back on that tail and kick you hard enough to kill you. It's quite common to see little bags made from the testicle sacs of male kangas. No joke. No outcry either, from what I saw.
Now....wildlife World does have an enormous crocodile, similar to this one. It was to be killed because it was eating the family dogs who came to drink of its pond at a park. Instead of dispatching it, it's used at Wildlife World. It lives a comfortable life while providing an educational platform and you can get close with no danger. Did you know they can slow their heartbeat down to 1 beat per minute? Due to that, they can remain underwater for a very long time. This one ascended up for a breath while we were there. It was a sight to behold. There were other absolutely fascinating facts learned and there was no taunting of the animal or danger to the animal or people.
But that doesn't make for good TV I guess!
Her hair is going to fall out, guess you get for what you paid for or don't pay for. So still no news about how pitiful her luncheon is or there never was a luncheon?
I was watching Diane Sawyer's interview with Rep. Gabby Giffords tonite, this woman is the real hero, not these no talent fame ho's. Watching her share every struggle, achievement, sad moment during her road to recovery is heart breaking and uplifting. I'm not ashamed to say that if she comes to NYC to sign copies of her book, I'm getting on line with flowers.
(btw Ruby, glad to see you're feeling better.
Also Gary & his PR switch back & forth on twitter. More formal ones via computer are from his rep, more casual ones via blackberry are from Gary)
Hahahaha. Kate's "upcoming event," Steve Irwin Day, is today, November 15. On her site, she has November 16! She can't even get a date right, not to mention that this was only added today at some point, so whatever publicity she might have gotten for the Zoo from her "fans" is now . . . gone. You'd think she would have learned something about PR after all she has gotten for the last 6 years.
Really, pathetic. I hope CouponCabin is proud of their choice of bloggers.
PJ's momma said...
How does putting yourself or your child in real harm's way help the crocs? Who would ever stand on the edge of the water, trying to lure one out with meat? What they do in the name of entertainment is so dangerous - even if the croc loves her, as Terry claims this one LOVES her.
Have any of you ever watched that show "Fatal Attractions"? In one episode, a woman had poisonous snakes who killed her. (She claimed they loved her.) Another showed a man who owned some type of giant reptiles. They attacked or killed their owner as well.
I seem to recall the experts making the point that people often imbue reptiles with emotions and attachments when in fact they have none. They don't "love" like dogs or cats. If Terri is foolish enough to believe the crocs "LOVE" her daughter, she's treading into a very dangerous comfort zone.
Sorry if there's a reptile lover who disagrees... just the messenger here and going on memory.
Kate does NOT get how to promote, not even the basics.
She has no sense of when to get people hyped up and excited, and when to keep things a secret. She seems to think the best thing to do is always keep quiet about things. That makes no sense!
Here's a little 101 for her. When you are PRE-taping something and part of the surprise is your destination, or what will happen, etc., then yes it's appropriate not to twitter-twat about it at the time. You might want to drop hints but that's all.
BUT, when it's something that is live that does better the more people that show up, like this event, and there is no "what's going to happen next" factor, you should be promoting up a storm. Tell people where you are, what time, where to go. Let them know how exciting it will be. Invite them to come and bring two friends. Promise special surprises for those that show up (I don't know, give away your crappy book to fans). A quick look at any other celebrity twitter account will demonstrate this simple concept.
So in sum, Kate, when you want people to tune in LATER, don't promote it until later comes. When you want people to come see you NOW, promote the hell out of it immediately.
Oh, and try to get the dates right.
I believe Terri & C-atie believe C-atie Kreider was untouchable & a mega-TLC SUPAH star. They probably also believed her reign would never end. SOOOOOO, Terri thought C-atie could help market the Steve Irwin Day and/or bring in BIG $$ for the zoo/foundation.
Someone should've told them the fable about Humpty Dumpty! All the king's horses & all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again. Just like C-atie Kreider! Steve Neild just can't convince anyone to give her another media gig so she's eating humble pie with her coupon blog. Sorry, there are SO MANY incredible coupon blogs that have great advice! Why the hell would anyone want to listen to her?! Oh, shucks, forgot about her 10 lemmings who will follow their idol...right off the cliff. ;-D...SO crazy funny!
Fidosmommy, I'm SOOOO sorry about your cat!!! I can totally identify. Hope you're doing as OK as possible. If you need to "talk" to someone about it, let me know.
I totally agree about personifying wild animals. It's dangerous and it does nothing for education. We could find 100 examples of wild animals hurting or seriously injuring their owners, it's a fact that it happens! As much as it would be lovely to have a crocodile love you or tiger love you or koala bear love you, that's just not how they are wired. Terri says the croc loves her but not Wes. But what Terri thinks is "love" is actually more likely the croc is just less threatened by Terri, because she is smaller, or a woman, has a softer voice, or doesn't tease the hell out of her by running through her tiny pond or dangling a pigs foot in front of her like Wes does. Preference, you dumb zookeeper, is not LOVE.
Timothy Tredwell was convinced the bears just loooved him too. No they didn't, they tolerated him sharing their environment and they don't prefer the taste of humans as one doesn't prefer the taste of sardines, but when the going got tough one year and there were no salmon, Terry became lunch because you eat sardines if you have to.
Now there are those who argue that cats and dogs don't love either it's a mutual need. That's fine, but the bottom line is, they are generally not dangerous animals and it's perfectly reasonable to share our lives with them.
Many domestic dogs and cats I believe truly do love their owners I've been witness to that. But that's dogs and cats. They're domesticated. The wild has been bred out of most of them. They are wired to live with humans they are wired to love in a way that is far more simliar to humans.
Wild animals will never be wired this way and when you try to they eat you. To put your kid in front of them is idiotic.
Hahahaha. Kate's "upcoming event," Steve Irwin Day, is today, November 15. On her site, she has November 16!
Maybe she got confused about the time change and thought she was behind a day, not ahead a day. Maybe she thinks we haven't seen any of this yet because we haven't reached Australian time yet. She really is dumb isn't she?
If I was one of those luncheon ladies and they asked me to sign a confidentiality aggreement, I would not, then I'd tweet what they had asked of me. I'd be mad - pay money to eat with you and you try to force me to not talk about it? I don't think so.....
I wonder of purseboy also had a pre-eats discussion with them and told them they couldn't talk about certain things.....
Also, with all the anonymity online these days, those ladies could sign a CA then twitter anyway.
Where is the article that talks about the applause and auction money?
I have to figure that she didn't make any money for them or she'd be tweeting up a storm. Of course, I wouldn't believe anything she said.... LOL
So sorry to hear about your cat... it's so hard, isn't it, to lose a beloved pet.
At least she died in a place she loved, next to a mommy who loved her. Hopefully it was a peaceful passing from this world to the next.
Her memories will keep you warm; hang on to them, keep them close to your heart.
Hugs <3
fidosmommy, I am so sorry about your dear cat. I hope it brings you some peace knowing that she was warm and comfortable on your bed when she passed.
barbee said...
Mady is a future veterinarian when kate is at the zoo and going to be a director/producer in the entertainment world when katie is trying to get into show business. Multi-tasking must be her strong point too, just like her mother. Yeah, RIGHT!!!!!! !!
November 14, 2011 7:21 PM
I kind of think the Disney thing may be all in Kate's head, rather than Mady's. We *have* heard Mady mention wanting to be a vet.
Also, in spite of what some here have said about koalas, I've always thought that it would be an incredible privilege to be able to interact with animals that most "regular" people never get to encounter (mostly when I watch wildlife TV programs and see people like Jack Hanna). I'm sure Kate has NO clue that it's really a special thing.
Take any random group of eight kids, and I guarantee you that at LEAST one of them will say they want to be a vet. Big deal, I doubt it has anything to do with their trip to the zoo.
amyf, I was the one who cuddled a koala. It WAS a priceless experience, believe me! Just not what I expected. Still, the best $20 I spent all that week. We also got to touch shark eggs, which are like giant corkscrews - quite fascinating! We saw tons and tons of kangaroos all over, but kept a safe distance, after being warned by several people. (The joeys are so cute, you could just squeal.) They have the most beautiful birds there too. It was thrilling. Like 'pinch me' thrilling. I too doubt Kate realizes what a privilege she has enjoyed.
I kind of think the Disney thing may be all in Kate's head, rather than Mady's.
I think Mady tells Kate whatever Kate wants to hear. Mady is well beyond her years. She has figured this narcissist out in a way that even adults could not. When Kate is in a particularly bad mood she will remind her how much she wants to be a Disney star.
It's her defensive mechanism for now, but of course this sort of narcissist-pleasing can be exhausting. If she is doing this at age 11, she is going to be so over this by 16 or 17 at most.
Ewwwwwww. Look at her hair in photo #10
What the heck has she done to it? It looks fried to a crisp! Was this a sorry attempt at crimping it, or is it really that damaged?
Umm, Coupon Cabin Kate? Here's a hint - Why spend $10 bucks on a Williams-Sonoma "Pancake Pen" when you can run to the Dollar Tree and buy a plastic ketchup/mustard bottle for a buck? Or better yet, dig in your tool drawer, haul out your turkey baster and Voila! Instant pancake pen!
And I am quite certain that Kate does not, nor will she ever not view herself as a narcassist.
She will never view herself as this control freak, fame seaker, isolating type person.
Sure she says she watched old shows of herself and is disgusted, but you cannot change what you do not acknowledge. Therefore, her attempts at self-improvemt remain impossible.
Best she can hope for is to have a few kids who either turn out just like her, just as entitled, arrogant and self-centered or a few kids that Kate can control and in respect, "lord," over them. Their choice of schools, their relationships with other people, marriages and so on.
As long as Kate get's what Kate thinks she deserves there truly is no hope for seeing her fall down a few pegs.
Fidosmommy - so sorry to hear about your cat. There is a poem called Rainbow Bridge about the passing of a beloved pet. I came across it when I lost my cat last year. Please go to this site, particularly the Monday Candlelight tab and registar your beloved cat's name to have a candle lit in honor of your cat each week. It helped me when I lost my cat. Thinking of you tonight Fido...
whoops...forgot the website for Fidosmommy...
I despise gadgets you don't need that sucker people who can't afford them into buying it. Any squeeze bottle will accomplish the same thing.
This is as bad as Rachel Ray's $17 garbage bowl. Hey Rachel, pull your garbage can over to where you are working and drop garbage directly into it. $17, saved.
My grandfather the king of pancakes managed to make lots of fun shapes with just a spoon. Amazing.
silimom said...Umm, Coupon Cabin Kate? Here's a hint - Why spend $10 bucks on a Williams-Sonoma "Pancake Pen" when you can run to the Dollar Tree and buy a plastic ketchup/mustard bottle for a buck?
Is there a Williams-Sonoma coupon from Coupon Cabin for this new gadget? Thought she was going to incorporate Coupon Cabin with products she promotes on her blog.
Kate would gladly pay $10 bucks for some random gadget so she can name-drop that she shops at Williams-Sonoma...like most "mediocre" moms do these days on a tight budget. She wouldn't shop at places like Dollar Tree, because that's beneath her celebrity lifestyle.
Admin, this article is exactly on point with what you were saying about wild animals:
DAMN. I spend a LOT of time feeling sorry for myself for various reasons. I just watched the special on Gabby Giffords, and I hope I think of her every time I'm about to start wallowing. What an amazing person, and thank god for her amazing support system.
sorry for yet another OT post
Pam said...
Ewwwwwww. Look at her hair in photo #10
What the heck has she done to it? It looks fried to a crisp! Was this a sorry attempt at crimping it, or is it really that damaged?
Bigger photo (click to enlarge it even more):
Straw Hair
I think she is incapable of doing her hair nicely, and the only time it has ever looked good is when the professionals did it for her Today Show appearances.
Here's Google's snapshot (no hits for her site) of her dumb "Menu Monday" Pancake Pen post:
Personalized Pancakes
You can see the pic there too. Big deal, it's a photo of pancake letters. She's just learning how to do this now? What parent (or grandparent, aunt, uncle, babysitter, etc.) hasn't made pancake hearts, smiley faces, and letters? We do it just fine here with no gadgets. But, if you did want some help, like others said, a cheapo plastic condiment squeeze bottle would do the trick. I still think it's unnecessary, a pain in the neck, just one more thing to clean because you really can't mix the batter well in it so you have to mix and transfer to the bottle, and it doesn't hold very much, (especially with eight kids to make pancakes for).
Note some of the reviews for the Williams Sonoma Pancake Pen:
Ordered this so that my grandaughter and I could make pancakes together. The pancake pen does NOT work. It was very messy and did not hold very much. Batter leaked out over everything and made extra work. Terrible product!
Just another gadget taking up space
I was disappointed in this tool. It turned out to be just another gadget sitting in my cabinet taking up space. There ends up being so much unused batter at the bottom (top, actually) of the bottle, that it isn't worth using in my opinion. I should have followed my instincts -- it would be much more practical (and less awkward) to just use a disposable pastry bag with large open tip.
Don't Waste Your Money
we bought this with high hopes and unfortunately were disappointed.....you cannot mix the batter in the container or it will get stuck at the bottom not mixed up and you have to make your batter somewhat thicker otherwise when you turn it upside down it just POURS out of the bottle......our seal came off and it leaks from the sides......we used it twice with no luck and ended up throwing it in the trash.....
You can definitely NOT mix your batter right in the pen. It not only gets so it doesn't mix, but when you try to shake it, it leaks all over. We tried several different methods and finally gave up. It does work well for getting the batter to the pan, though. Just mix your batter first, put it in the pen, and then make pancak
I thought that the batter could be mixed in the bottle, making it easier for children. That was not the case. It also leaks when turned upside down. Sadly, it is taking up space in my drawer.
good but messy
i make ebelskivers and this def helps make it less messy, but by placing it upside down, the cap doesnt keep it from leaking and there's a lot left in the pen itself. also when u wash it the seals tend to fall off so have to be careful not to lose them
Absolutely necessary for pancake molds
Very handy for pancake molds. Seems well-designed, however the rubber seal on the bottom cap has come off and needs replacing. I found it this time, but I foresee it getting lost during washtime.
works great but not durable
This thing worked great for the pancake molds I was so impressed. Made making them so much easier. Loved it. However, the very first day we had it my husband dropped it on a wood floor and it broke. That seems ridiculous for something plastic. I would give a higher rating if it was more durable.
Khate's website FAILED at posting anything good prior to Halloween, and here it is one week before Thanksgiving and this is what she offers up? All of the recipe blogs and mom blogs were full of great fall recipes, and Halloween treats and ideas throughout the month of October. The last couple of weeks, they have been all about Thanksgiving. While Khate's blog offers up a "Menu (?) Monday" post that tells you to pour pancake batter in a squeeze bottle? Pathetic!
Gossip Net how has photos of Khate running in while being introduced at the zoo today:
Kate Gosselin Kicks Off Steve Irwin Day Down Under
Her hair looks awful, she seems to have bad cellulite on the front of her thighs, and her teeth are still misaligned.
More off the same here, but it's of note that ALL of today's photos are from Splash News:
Daily Mail
fidosmommy -- So sorry to hear about the loss of your furbaby. It's so hard to say goodbye to them. She'll be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for you.
Tickets to Australia Zoo are expensive (http://www.australiazoo.com.au/visit-us/admission-prices) and its a long way away when each of the capital cities in each state each have zoos so it would be tourists that visit - it wouldn't surprise me to hear they are in financial trouble if tickets sales are down and the cost of insurance, animal feed, staff wages plus the economic downturn where tourist numbers are down.
Yes, those photos must be courtesy of Steve. He's the only reason it's being covered by ROL.
This whole trip is a joke.
Fidosmommy, I feel so sad for you. I lost my dear kitty friend a year and half ago, very sudden. My other cat died three years ago at home. It's devastating. The thing I had to keep telling myself was how they enriched my life and it was worth every minute. Many hugs to you today.
Admin, we are up to the episode titled "School Time!" here in Australia, according to the Austar TV guide. Her show is on an optional channel on Foxtel/Austar pay tv, so not everyone who has Foxtel or Austar receives this channel unless they choose to (it's part of an optional package called "Living", which has about 15 channels in it). So therefore, hardly anyone knows (or cares) who she is here. Also, 15 November is a strange day to have Steve Irwin Day because it is not even during school holidays (which is when the zoo would get more visitors). If it falls on a weekend, then they would probably get more visitors, but IMO it would have made more sense to hold it during school holidays. A lot of people think Terri is a child exploiter here, and don't care for her. We also think Bindi exaggerates too much as well. The way she speaks is not normal!
Sorry if this has been stated: I have a feeling Terri Irwin will say:
We raised such & such an amount for the auction, etc.
There will be no separate numbers, we won't know who brought in what. Kate's luncheon or her "Me Me Me" table won't have a specific amount attached to it. The whole thing will just have one round number raised.
Again, I hope it's a lot, I just don't think Kate's auction item(s), would have done much.
fidosmommy said... Sorry, I'm with Kate on this one. I would be sooo out of there if I was expected to pick up a dead anything to feed to anything. I don't touch dead things.
My cat died on my bed this morning. She always slept with me. It was all I could do to wrap her in the blanket she was already on to put her in her carrier, take her outside and bury her.
Oh, Fidosmommy, I am so sorry to hear this. Was your cat old? I have two black feral cats I took in as kittens last Christmas who sleep with me every night, and it would rip my heart out to lose either one. Thinking of you.
Administrator said...
I fully own my extreme opinion on zoos, but I hate them, I won't go to them, I won't take children to them, the last time I went I was in high school and I cried all the way home. Wild animals should not be caged unless they are injured and we are nursing them back to health to release back to the wild.
My mom STILL brings up the times I didn't go to the zoos the couple of times around here when my son was small. I think animals should be in their own environment, or in a conversational area. I didn't tell my little child why, I just let my mom & dad bring him & asked to cover some shifts at work. I agree fully with you Admin. Again, I DO hope this zoo makes some money, considering it's up & running. And aren't they helping Wildlife Conservation?? I'm also a big supporter of The WWF, Sierra Club, etc.
Still though, animals have a home, in the wild, where they belong. Not caged up, being gawked at, having people yell at them to "come out!!" And yes, I understand that a lot of these animals were born in captivity, but the percentages of animlas that born in captivity that die avery year is big. Some animals that are on the verge of being extinct are being captured to breed, & die that way. I could go & on, but I'm sure Terri Irwin knows this stuff. I'm surprised she didn't get people who KNEW this kind of thing. It would have made Steve Irwin Day more heartfelt & less...exploitative. Less all "about money" & more about the cause.
fidosmommy said...
My cat died on my bed this morning. She always slept with me. It was all I could do to wrap her in the blanket she was already on to put her in her carrier, take her outside and bury her.
I'm so sorry fido. I hope you're OK. Our pets are our family & we make lifelong memories with them.
My husband & I had to put our 15 year old cat down in April on his birthday. We had her since we met. She was our "1st baby". I think about her all the time.
Please know you are in my thoughts. Again, I'm so sorry.
Much love, Hippie
This lady was also one of the headliners at the Gala on Saturday:
@Kateplusmy8 So cool seeing you feed Monty the croc today Kate! You looked amazing! #WildlifeWarrior
She's an Australian model and she's stunning (she has a bunch of pix posted on her Twitter--clearly, she knows something about promotion). So Kate couldn't even pretend to be the belle of the ball. Must have been quite a slap in the face for our little narcissist.
I'm sorry to hear about your cat I'm sure your wonderful cat had a great life with you she loved you very much.
Admin said...Maybe she got confused about the time change and thought she was behind a day, not ahead a day. Maybe she thinks we haven't seen any of this yet because we haven't reached Australian time yet. She really is dumb isn't she?
Yes, she is. Remember when she asked a tweeter from Holland what season it was there??
A question: I don't understand a cellulite on her legs. Should her legs be more toned if she's running between 13-18 miles? It's very noticeable.
To bad the real stars of Kateplus8 didn't get to put their hands in the cement in Aussie.
I wonder if the favored few are donating to the zoo in Kate's honor, like they did the ACR [sic].
A question: I don't understand a cellulite on her legs. Should her legs be more toned if she's running between 13-18 miles? It's very noticeable.
Cellulite is just fat that's under the skin and gives a dimpled appearance. Kate still does have some body fat, thankfully. I don't know what her BMI is, but I'd guess the number is pretty healthy.
Unless you get it sucked away, it's hard to boss it around and tell it to go away.
You also have to cut Kate a tad of slack here! Her legs look amazing for having supported her through 2 multiple pregnancies. What the veins in her legs must have endured just getting up to go to the bathroom is mind boggling. She's a very good candidate for varicosities later in life, between the stress of pregnancies and running.
Even stick insect models have cellulite!
Fat is essential for life, period. Women don't have the luxury of wishing cellutlite away, not matter how skinny they are. Some women have it bad, some moderate, and some hardly at all.
I have to agree though, in the harsh light of day, Kate's hair is terribly damaged. And discolored. She'd do herself a great favor just pulling it back for daytime activities. It would look youthful and flatter her face instead of elongating it into SJP territory.
I wonder if Kate will ever know what it feels like to put in a full days effort of education and working actually by herself, no helpers, no "bodyguard," no special trips to escape the mundane aspects of everyday life. No breaks, a rare bonus in the paycheck, a tighter budget. Life in general as a divorced parent. Having to get up 5 days a week, no sleeping until noon, finding time after work to exercise, paying for things out of her own wallet.
Burning dinner and having to order out, raking leaves, checking homework, cleaning house by herself while the kids are at school. Blogging on occasion. Having to be nice to people you don't like but it's required in the work place for sanity of others and yourself, doing what your boss tells you, going in to work early when asked whether or not you are exhausted.
Yeah, right! Back to reality for me. Isn't ever going to happen. I must be dreaming. Still was a nice thought.
I believe the lumpy appearance of the skin above her knees is from past liposuction. Pictures of her jogging in the past show all kinds of irregular lumpy, linear lines ESP on the front of her thighs, an unusual place for cellulite accumulation. The skin above her knees usually looks slack and crepey from the lipo. Btw I also think she had lipo on her cankles, belly pouch, and definitely on her extra chins. No wonder she needs to clip Kyoopons.
It's interesting, on the Steve Irwin website, it says they were hoping to raise $300k. Someone mentioned that Oprah's sneakers brought in $1,200. If every item up for auction brought in that much, they still will not have raised $300k. I don't think they will announce their numbers, beceause I'm willing to bet they are abysmal.
@ fidosmommy: My deepest sympathies to you, dear, on the loss of your friend. Of course there are never any words that comfort, but do know that you are not alone and many of us 'get it', the grief that accompanies the loss of a beloved pet.
I wish we would cut her some slack on her appearance. Anyone can post anything they like, but I feel it is disservice to other women to comment on things they cannot help (like cellulite and crooked teeth).
I'm okay with commenting on over-bleaching, over-tanning, her obviously fake chest, etc...because that is a result of things she did. I feel like commenting on her cellulite and teeth puts an impossible standard on women in general, not just Kate.
It's okay to not have a perfect appearance. It's not okay to damage yourself in the hopes of making yourself more perfect.
I have wondered for years why Kate needs a body guard when the kids are the real moneymakers in the Gosselin mess. Leaving your kids for days on end with only nannies to protect them doesn't sound safe to me. Aren't they living on acerage with no neighbors close by? Just don't get this at all, never have, never will.
Insert, I was merely asking a question since I'm not a runner. I've seen lots of women runners whose legs are extremely toned and cellulite-free. I suspect she's not running as far or as often as she tweets she is.
She looks like she fiits in beautifully with the Irwins, and actually looks relaxed and happy-ish. Ooh, maybe she'll stay. Good idea for everyone. Win-win.
We did see Georgetown Cupcakes yesterday, could not explain to DH why it made me laugh.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...
Pam said...
Ewwwwwww. Look at her hair in photo #10
What the heck has she done to it? It looks fried to a crisp! Was this a sorry attempt at crimping it, or is it really that damaged?
Bigger photo (click to enlarge it even more):
Straw Hair
I think she is incapable of doing her hair nicely, and the only time it has ever looked good is when the professionals did it for her Today Show appearances.
November 15, 2011 12:09 AM
Man her hair looks bad! WaaaaaaY overprocessed. She has all but destroyed it with bleach and straightening. Back when she had the mullet, it was a terrible cut but it still looked healthy. Now? Yuck! Looks like a pile of broken yellow fuzz.
She would actually look so much prettier/classier with a darker shade of blond, maybe lowlights throughout, and waves in her hair instead of stick straight. That bleached blond washes out her skin tone and the stick straight makes her look haggard.
I think you make an excellent point, Insert Creative Username Here.
Bibby, I agree. When I clicked on that link, I gasped. Her hair is VERY bad. She's not exactly great PR for that Jason guy at the foo-foo salon in NYC.
I bet her days of comped hair services are either over or coming to a halt. She's not a star, so why would they go on comping her hair?
Comment from Heather:
I seriously doubt Kate paid her own way for this trip. I would be shocked if she did. I also wonder how much of her own money she herself has donated to the ARC and to this fundraiser in Australia. My guess is a big, fat zero dollars!
What did Kate's lunch go for? Anyone, anyone at all.....
Re Steve Irwin Day Kate photos, these apparently were not taken by Steve. There is a credit, "Blue Wasp/Grey Wasp," that turns up on some other celeb photos, a lot of which were taken in Australia of other stars (Miranda Kerr, Kim K. Leo DiC). Just wanted to be sure we're accurate on the facts.
I got my hair over-processed (double) once at the salon when the lady decided to make me platinum instead of doing highlights. About a month later, I reached to push my hair and came away with a hand full of hair in my hand. Didn't feel a thing, had no clue. It did that for several days and then it stopped. Thankfully, I have very thick hair and it was not missed that much but very scary. Some one said it did that because it was "melted."
Maybe the luncheon was part of the "silent" auction which may mean it won't be revealed.
Geez, I hope it was part of a silent auction! Can you imagine the mortification and anger of kart if she stood up at the podium while the auctioneer tried to get bids and no one was bidding? Eeeckkkkkkkkkk
Awkward for everyone!
This guy's view of Shifty-grifty Kate had me LMAO! He has her number...
What has she done to he face? Her eyes and chin look so different.
Love this comment from an Aussie about how ironic it is that she's supposedly there to benefit Zoo animals:
"How odd! I remember watching how she treated the two dogs the family owned briefly with utter disdain. According to her, they were dirty and disgusting and later got rid of them. She showed no warmth of love for animals at all."
Why does't Kate just take her weave out her natural hair was much better than what she has now.
She can't. She's already said a couple of times that all that hair is hers naturally, that she has no more extensions.
If she took them out now, she'd be caught in a lie.
Oh wait... what's new?
Why does't Kate just take her weave out her natural hair was much better than what she has now. *******************
According to Kate, it is her hair. Her weave came out in February.
From Kate's Blog: "What’s meant to be will be. It is better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you’re not. Don’t let what others think define who you are. Be bold and courageous, when you look back on your life you will regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did. What appears to be the end is really a new beginning. Anonymous"
What an illiterate idiot she is--she can't even COPY a quote correctly. I am QUITE SURE this quote was not written with a RUN-ON SENTENCE. "Be bold and courageous. (PERIOD) (NEW SENTENCE) When you look back on your life, (COMMA) you will regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did."
That's the way it should read (of course, without my notations).
Kate can cherry pick all the bumper sticker affirmations and new age wisdom that she wants. The evidence that she exploited her own children for money and fame has been documented in many forms of media, for years. The negative repercussions have been evident for years. I don't think I need to enumerate them to my choir here!
Anecdotes do not take the place of introspection and morality.
If she took them out now, she'd be caught in a lie.
Come to think of it, she had those things put in last January (2010). Hair grows at a rate of six inches a year. She had those rooster things going on at the crown. They were about what...maybe four inches long at most. Her one side was very short. Could her hair be so long (below her shoulders, as it is in the koala photo) without some kind of extensions?
Tucker's Mom said... Kate can cherry pick all the bumper sticker affirmations and new age wisdom that she wants. The evidence that she exploited her own children for money and fame has been documented in many forms of media, for years. The negative repercussions have been evident for years. I don't think I need to enumerate them to my choir here!
"Anecdotes do not take the place of introspection and morality."
Beautifully said.
That must have been so hard, Fido. Sending my best to you.
A bit off topic.... wondering if Kate has yet registered for the marathon in Vegas. She tweeted on the 5th about running 18 miles and was thinking of running the full marathon instead of the 1/2.
The full marathon actually sold out some time ago. I think before Kate even mentioned running it. I have a friend that is running it and said the full sold out quickly. Spots for the 1/2 just recently sold out.
I guess only time will tell. I do hope she realizes results are posted on-line.
As some have mentioned her running is questionable. Someone who is doing a marathon is very committed to it. Not this sporadic running that Kate does. From all that I have read she is doing everything wrong. Just because you run 18 miles does not mean you can now do a full marathon.
To add from my previous post. Kate keeps saying how she has done all this running without a trainer. So what. Does that make her extra special or something? I run in all kinds of races... different lengths. No trainer needed. I belong to a running group in my area and it is wonderful. Lots of tips and advice from experienced runners. That's all.
Kate really needs to get knowledgeable about running. Tons of on-line resources. It takes a lot more than putting on running shoes and go. That was obvious when she had no idea about carbo loading and energy blocks and gels. So,so foolish!,
I think when Kate "runs" she only cares about how many calories she burns!!
Sorry about the long winded post. This has been nagging at me for weeks. Now back to my "mediocre" life. Thank you..... :)
I think when Kate "runs" she only cares about how many calories she burns!!
Bingo. First, I've thought for a long time that she's orthorexic, especially when she's home and bored. Second, Kate seems to think that doing everything on her own makes her better; parenting, diet without vitamins or supplements and physical exercise come to mind immediately.
You know that saying that "It takes a village"?. Yeah, Kate either doesn't subscribe to that or has selective memory when it comes to the countless volunteers, donators and people who have otherwise supported her and her family from before the tups were born.
Fidosmommy: I'm so sorry to read about your kitty. I'm not going to say it's like losing one of the family because it IS losing one of the family.
Made me think of our little Harvey. Ornieriest Persian ever. We adopted him when he was 18 (!!!) as his owner died and her family wasn't taking care of him. Little devil had a chronic sinus infection and kidney disease that required IV fluids several times a week which of course he hadn't been getting. He was skin and bones but he wouldn't give up. Nooo, not Harve. We finally decided it was time when he was 21, made an appt at the vet and put him in a crate so none of the other animals could bug him (he was still right in the middle of everything) but he died before we could get him to the vet. Little devil wasn't ceding control to us, not ever!!
So thank you for the sad, yet sweet, trip down memory lane, and I already know your kitty was loved as much as our Harvey.
Tucker's Mom.... you are soo right. She doesn't get it. She has always thought it was the job of society to provide. Yet she wants all the credit for doing NOTHING.
She does not give others a second thought I'm sure of it.
She is still taking gifts from people without batting an (fake) eyelash. Kate thinks only of Kate. Sadly, she will be like this for the rest of her life.
I'm with Sarah. Her face looks really really different. Eyes look more widely spaced and her teeth/mouth/jawline is off too.
Fidosmommy, So, so sorry for your loss. I can relate as I have a 16 year old cat that sleeps on my bed. She is really my college daughter's cat and slept on her bed from kindergarten until my daughter left for college three years ago and her cat relocated to my bed. I know that I will not have this special company too much longer and I can guess at the pain you are feeling. Hugs to you.
Speaking of my daughter in college, I thought of her when hearing that Maddie now wants to be a vet. My daughter is an animal science major/prevet and has wanted to be a vet for as long as I can remember. It is more difficult to get into vet school in this country than med. school. There are only 26 vets schools in this country and admission is unbelievably competitive. My daughter works nonstop and is at the top of her class. In addition, she spends school breaks doing internships and gaining animal experience. My point is that this has always been her dream and as a Mom, I have supported her. Ever since she was in elementary school, I encouraged her to work hard in math and science. She was accepted in an Ivy League College, her first choice because of her academic record. Will Kate give Maddie the support she will need to achieve this dream of becoming a Vet? Maddie has always mpressed me as being a bright little girl but it is going to take a strong focus in school for her to become a Vet. Kate is so wrapped up in herself that I hope Jon might give Maddie the support she needs but I don't know how consistent he will be able to be in her life as he is regulated to weekend visitation.I don't think Kate has any idea or maybe even concern about how her children will lose out in the future due to her neglect of them today
cathyn518, with a mom like you, the sky's the limit for your daughter. It takes selflessness and sacrifice and that's NEVER going to be (Moms deserve to have fun! Moms need to pamper themselves!, Moms can look good too!) Kate.
Think about it. What mom, if she didn't need to pay the bills (literally) with a job that involved extended travel, would leave her 8 kids while school was going full tilt? 2 of which were kicked out of pre-school a year ago? Just one year ago and have been in the school routine for what? 2 or 3 months total at this point?
I'd be watching over them like a frickin' hawk.
But then there's Kate, mothering from afar.
SoCalER-RN said...
To add from my previous post. Kate keeps saying how she has done all this running without a trainer. So what. Does that make her extra special or something? I run in all kinds of races... different lengths. No trainer needed. I belong to a running group in my area and it is wonderful. Lots of tips and advice from experienced runners. That's all.
Kate really needs to get knowledgeable about running. Tons of on-line resources. It takes a lot more than putting on running shoes and go. That was obvious when she had no idea about carbo loading and energy blocks and gels. So,so foolish!,
Lady, you have expressed my thoughts exactly! I'm a runner too and am currently in very painful PT for an injury - and I am a well-equipped and informed runner! Like you, I have used extensive online resources to learn and even to prepare for the Rock-n-Roll event here. I've never had a trainer either. (You know those shoes she brags about? I couldn't find my regular shoes at a Sports Authority and switched to Asics and had to go back and buy Brooks again and the running store guy said, when I told him which shoe I bought, "Why would you ever buy THAT?") She may end up having a massive fail or possibly even injuries from her own event, due to her lack of knowledge. Knowledge that's easy to get and she has nothing but time on her hands. Oh well, it'll be her own fault. And it'll give her something new to complain about.
My heartfelt thanks for the condolences over the death of my beloved cat Tigra. She was 16 1/2 years old, deaf since birth, and the cutest cat I've ever seen. Her illness was sudden, the vet
visit didn't help, and so I just brought her home and cuddled her a lot. I adored her.
On another note, I'm not surprised that Terri Irwin thought Kate would be a big draw. Terri knows Kate personally, apparently likes her and even respects her. I had college and grad school professors I thought the world of. They wrote books! They were the best profs EVER! I just KNEW they had to be world-renown and universally loved. Not so. Nobody outside my school or the limited academic fields had ever heard of them. I was gobsmacked at that.
We know them, we love them, and just can't understand why the rest of the world doesn't stand in awe of our heroes, friends and leaders.
Back to cuddling my one remaining cat Silver. I started out with 12 cats and 18 years later am left with one. It's sad, but it's OK. Tigra needed to go be with her KittyMum and her DaddyCat in KittyHeaven. Holding Silver will take up most of my day. She thinks that will be just fine. Thank you again, everyone.
She doesn't have a trainer because she CAN'T and WON'T take instruction from anyone about anything. Witness Tony trying to teach her how to dance. One of the best dance instructors in the WORLD and she wouldn't even budge, wouldn't try, it looked like a nightmare to "teach" her. In her mind, she knows everything. She's unteachable.
Plus, without a trainer, she can brag about not having a trainer, doing it all herself (because she won't listen to anyone!). Problem is, she won't be bragging about her results, which as someone mentioned above, are always posted.
She's the opposite of one of my friends who is a runner. My friend used a trainer, listened to her trainer and worked hard. She never bragged about anything. Never talked about her race results. She ended up running in the New York marathon and I looked up her results. They were stunning!!! And yet, she never bragged.
She's the opposite of one of my friends who is a runner. My friend used a trainer, listened to her trainer and worked hard. She never bragged about anything. Never talked about her race results. She ended up running in the New York marathon and I looked up her results. They were stunning!!! And yet, she never bragged.
There's an old saying I'm going to change for the occasion:
Those who can, do. Those who can't, brag.
(The original is: Those who can't, teach. But I never liked that, because teachers are often so
committed, so good at their subjects, so good with their students..... well, it just seems wrong to me.)
Oh for Pete's sake. Someone tweeted Kate and asked if she would be willing to sell Avon online to her fans as a rep under her. All Kate would have to do is submit an online order every three weeks and the orders would be delivered directly to their homes. I'm sure Kate will jump right on that. LOL
fidosmommy, I've been sending you healing thoughts and have been so touched by the stories of love here.
We've got doggies and no kitties, but I love them as children and they share our bed too.
Here's a unique perspective on the photos of Kate's cellulite legs:
@MiloandJack @SchmeckyGirl @BHappyLoveLaugh @Kateplusmy8 When I met Kate in person,her legs looked very fit and toned. Photoshopped picture?
Oh, Fido...I just read about your cat. I am so sorry! What do you say to someone who has lost a pet? Words just don't seem to do it. Your baby was lucky to have someone like you in her life.
My wonderful Bearded Collie had a stroke while she was lying in her bed on the floor next to my desk. I saw what was happening, picked her up and held her in my arms, and within minutes she was gone. I was comforted knowing that she didn't die alone while I was away from the house. It's just so very hard...
Tuckers Mom,
Thank you - I learned something new today as a result of your post - orthorexia.
From wiki:
Orthorexia nervosa (also known as orthorexia) is a term used by Steven Bratman to describe people who have developed a fixation with healthy or righteous eating[1] and has been referred to as a mental disorder.[2] It is not a medically recognized term.[a] Bratman claims that in rare cases, this focus may turn into a fixation so extreme that it can lead to severe malnutrition or even death.[3] Even in less severe cases, the attempt to follow a diet that cannot provide adequate nourishment is said to lower self-esteem as the orthorexics blame themselves rather than their diets for their constant hunger and the resulting cravings for forbidden foods.
Why would she be "scared" about the half marathon if she is indeed running the miles and time and frequency that she says. It should be a walk in the park. Too bad someone has lied so many times that one would question that. It seems to me she is using the not a trainer as a way out in case she has an epic fail. You know kinda like Jon's strategic bid for so called custody, during DWTS, and the 8 little visitors that never made it to the audience.
Warmth of the Sun, I'm sorry for your loss too. What a thing to go through. We have an epileptic dog and every time he has a seizure, which is rarely, I wonder if that's gonna be it. So happy you are comforted knowing your darling's last moments were spent in your arms. I feel a lump in my throat for both you and fidosmommy. Pets are our family. May you both be comforted by your happy memories.
Fidomommy: Sorry to hear about your cat. Pets are very much like family, their loss is sometime hard to take. I've lost a few dogs over the years, so I feel for you.
I too was gonna ask what is wrong with Kates legs, for a runner, they look bad, not toned at all. I also think Kate BS's about how much time and distance she really runs or not runs. If she were very knowledgeable about running and getting ready for a race/marathon, then she would know: proper nutrition, that even if you don't feel like running today, you have to get out there and run everyday, it's not the distance so much as the endurance, and pace, in running, or after one mile you are wipe-out. I think Kate thinks cause she took nursing she knows everything, about nutrition and running. Two things Kate really knows nothing about. Kate is a cliff-notes reader.
And her advise to be on black-friday, that will be a laugh. We all know Kate does not like shopping in crowds, she complained at the shoe store, the Statue of Liberty store, she has stores close for her to shop, and she is gonna give people who have been doing black-friday since it began advise? Is coupon cabin stupid or what? Kate also is a poor choice on advise for money saving tips. The woman buys organic, she only buys at Target, Giant Foods and Bed, Bath & Beyond, have we seen her shop anywhere else? I bet Kate has never woke up early and lined up in line on black friday to get a so-call bargain. I'm curious to read what she will say about black friday, the lies, and BS.
Re - tweeties - photoshopped? Gotta love it.
Pity Party, I sort of get Kate's fear. Damn, I hate that I can identify with her. When I did my first one, I was a bit scared too. Running a long distance with 25K people is not something you do every day, and for your first time, you're not really sure how potties are handled, nor handling of personal items, plus the route is not always a loop, so you may have to get to the start and then make your way home from a different location. Lots of variables. BUT, race day is thrilling and all that fear melts away as excitement takes over! Rock-n-Roll is a super-fun event too!
@Kateplusmy8 would love some info on couponing I just cannot seem to "get it".
Let's see. If you are using a newspaper or magazine or coupon clipper, you look to see if you need the product. You cut out the coupon. You go to the store, find the product, take it to the register where the amount of the coupon will be deducted from your bill.
If it's online, you print it out, do the same thing. If you are using the coupon online, you go to the business web site, put your order in the online cart, and enter the information.
She's right about one thing. Sheeple just don't get it!
Red Sky at Night, you crack me up!
Off to a blood drive, no more wasting time online, although it's been fun. Have a great afternoon/evening, everyone!
PJmom: your right there are also varibles that I don't think Kate even considered with running a marathon. Like the ones you mentioned. Kate thinks cause she ran 18 miles, she can run a marathon. Geez, she got her head up her ass again. Running is so much more, than running 18 miles one time. It's a very physical thing and you have to be very healthy to run, or heart attack, passing out, even death. Kate does not eat correctly for a runner. I'm sure Kate is not wearing correct running shoes either, just cause someone or she read that these are for running, the shoes might be a flash in the pan shoe. There is stretching, and other exercises for warm-up, the correct way of running I've heard, so one does not cause an injury to ones self, not just putting on a running outfit and running. Kate as usual is a know it all.
There was a Rock and Roll marathon event here last weekend. One runner in his early 30s collapsed and died just after completing the half marathon. Another experienced runner in her 30s is in ICU after suffering cardiac arrest. There were others who also collapsed, but weren't as serious.
The weather conditions turned warm and humid and even experienced runners had problems. Kate has no experience or training to know what she should be doing.
It makes me think of all the activities she would not participate in with her children for fear she would get hurt.
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