And that ghetto girl head wiggle and eye roll makes me wanna puke.
I don't know why I'm surprised she's so hateful towards Jon. We all knew even way back when they were still married that someday she'd be the ex-wife from hell. She lived up to that and then some.
I have always been in awe of Bruce and Demi, and Reese and Ryan. Total class acts for loving their kids more and acting like grown-ups.
Because the first thing I think when we're talking about morals and values are all those parents who just want their kids to have private, normal lives. Oh the humanity.
Kate didn't lie, she didn't have a face lift, but she had something done to get rid of the ll between her eyebrows, and her forehead does not move even when she does her eye rolls...So ya had something done girly!
Kate also stated, in response to all the money in the world would you get back on tv with Jon, that " she doesn't work for money?" hah fruedian slip there ????
Rewriting history is right. I can see her telling the kids when they get older that the reason daddy left the show is because mommy had to do what was best for them and asked him to leave because of his bad morals and values. I guess she forgets we were around when this happened and know that Jon was the one who had to claw his way out of this contract even getting sued by tlc.
Kate will not change her name back to her maiden name because she knows the last name Gosselin is now famous. Therefore making it easier on herself to be noticed. She knows she is little without having that last name. That's all. At least that is what I think. She would not be getting half recognition if she went back to Kreider. People say Gosselin and get all interested. She knows it. Simple as that.
How would her changing her last name traumatize the kids? I don't see it. It's not like she would be changing their last name. They would still be Gosselin. It sounds a bit ridiculous.
But I guess come 20 years we'll see proof of whatever she's done how she ages. It can not all be caused by makeup or losing weight. Sorry I just don't think so.
She doesn't work for money, that is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard anyone say. Then why is she always whining about wanting to get back on TV? That is not work? There would be some who would beg to differ.
Why does she say "I don't work for money" like it's some terribly shameful thing? Pretty much everyone in the world works for money. I work for money and don't consider it a bad thing. Then again, I also love my son and spend as much time with him as I can, so I obviously do not live on Planet Kate.
Said it before - not sure why this moronic woman can't understand that EVERY time she appears on one of these tabloid-type shows, unscripted and in all her eye-rolling, hand-flapping, ex-bashing glory...she puts another nail in the coffin of her desire to get back on TV. Clearly no one in Kate's camp is doing any sort of damage control. She's a laughing stock now and each one of these interviews makes it abundantly clear that she is not cut out for any sort of career in media. Oh my...the um's, ah's, and conceit! Unbelievable. But she continues to think she's some sort of IT girl? Seriously? If I was a TV executive, I wouldn't hire her to bring me coffee. What an absolute idiot she is.
Kate also stated, in response to all the money in the world would you get back on tv with Jon, that " she doesn't work for money?" hah fruedian slip there ???? &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
No, the bitch had it right the first time. She doesn't work for money, the children do and she gets to spend their money on her self-improvements and travel with her f--- buddy. She works in order to boss people around, to be treated like a STAH, to be on TV, to be adored by the sheeple, to destroy the self-esteem of a good man and husband, to torpedo her marriage, and last but not least to continue her grifting ways. Oooo, she raises my blood pressure! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Meagler said . . . 6 Yes, WHY? oh Why? is she still in the media?? &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
I'd like to know if Billy Bush and his little co-hort who were sucking up to Katie Irene (and yes I know they are expected to as their show is not going to ask any hard questions) can stand to look at themselves in the mirror after that little lovefest. Puke.
In one breath she is complaining about all the attention she gets and how she wishes it would all go away, in the next she proclaims again that she wants to be on TV. Dumbass, attention is how you stay famous like you so desperately want to be. I don't believe for a second she wants the attention to go away she loves it.
Marie said..How would her changing her last name traumatize the kids? ---------- She would make it sound bad so they get upset. Maybe blame Jon too. Remember she said in Alaska that if they wanted to stay they weren't Gosselins. I don't think she is able to talk to the kids and ease their fears, traumas or anything else without drama. Same with the day she told them the show was cancelled. Yes they may have been upset but I think she told them with a "woe is us" end of the world attitude rather than explaining with an upbeat positive outlook. She would put her own dramatic poor ME spin on things just like she does to the public when spewing her crap.
Anonymous said... 13 In one breath she is complaining about all the attention she gets and how she wishes it would all go away, in the next she proclaims again that she wants to be on TV. Dumbass, attention is how you stay famous like you so desperately want to be. I don't believe for a second she wants the attention to go away she loves it. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
I think Katie Irene's beef with all the attention is that it is now focusing on the negative, she is being called out (sometimes) on her behavior, and it is no longer believable that she is the poor, suffering mother of 8, count em 8 children. She would prefer that the attention/articles be written as in the early days . . . . that she is supermom and perfect.
What a bitch. Her picture is next to that word in the dictionary. She's comfortable on TV, yeah, she sure looks comfortable. She gets a pass on everything. I guess it never entered her pea brain that the reason she is still talked about so much is because people hate her so much. Unreal that she continues to get a forum to bash Jon and he just remains quiet. It's not like his being quiet is going to win him any points with a judge - those judges have already proven they are in Kate's pocket, for whatever reason. So disgusting.
If Kate wont work for money then why did she make such a big deal about not getting a nursing job. She said that she could not make enough money being a nurse. She has once again flip flopped and come across looking like a total B!tch.
She's worried about traumatizing the kids if she changes her name, but not worried what a divorce would do to them. Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees. The name is the brand and if Kreider were the brand she would be a Kreider again in a second. If Mrs. Poo-poo head were a brand she would want that name too.
Whatever, bitch. Something happened to your face and you look like a freak. Your eyes keep moving farther apart and your face don't move. The face is creepy and unnatural. I found my eyes searching it like, "WTF is going on with it?". She looks like a claymation person.
Well shit! I watched the interview and I hate to say this but she has improved her speaking skill somewhat.
Someone has been reading here and coaching her. She might not like 'haterz' but she certainly is counting on us to guide her to be better in how she comes across in interviews.
I thought her content was arrogant as usual, but she was much more smooth in her delivery. She is definitely ruthless. Anyone standing in her way will be trampled.
I also have to say I think the questions Billy asked her were pretty snotty, delivered with a smile, if you know what I mean. He was giving her some grief - the look on his face when he talked about Jon was priceless and dark!
Someone has been coaching her and she's definitely had work on her face.
She reminds me of that Spencer and Heidi couple who are now blessedly gone from view and broke.
Ok, we all know that Katie Irene is dumb as a box of rocks and can't answer the most simple question without a bunch of umm's and like's. That's nothing new. What I really, REALLY don't understand is why Steve doesn't at least try to correct this? Why the hell would her "advisor" allow her to keep making such a complete fool of herself? I would think he'd insist on her wearing that earpiece she likes so much and feed her answers that don't sound like they came from a 14 year old.
How would her changing her last name traumatize the kids? I don't see it. It's not like she would be changing their last name. They would still be Gosselin. It sounds a bit ridiculous.
Well, from the divorced mother of a child now grown, it's not traumatizing but it was comforting to my young son that we shared the same surname.
Ringling Brothers got slapped with a quarter million dollar fine for abuse of animals.
And it just goes to show circus animals are more protected than kids on reality tv. And laws are enforced when it comes to animals, at least in this case.
Ugh, that interview was horrid. Talk about a couple of sycophants. Those two interviewers couldn't have been further up Kate's "you know what". Gross.
And Kate!! Wow! Someone mentioned up thread that her face just clouded right over when they mentioned Jon. That woman has a lot of hatred for him. No wonder why she is alone (no friends, no family etc...) if that is how she views people she can no longer control.
"This is not the only place I have seen it said in the last couple of days that she now acknowledges a boob job in 2009. Did she actually say this?"
I thought it was posters speculating, but an article quoted her having the boob job in 2009. I don't remember her saying anything. Either the reporter was speculating or it has become common knowledge. At this point, she'd probably admit to anything to get attention.
I agree with the poster that said Coupon Cabin starts these rumors so they can get publicity for their site. Kate's so media hungry she'll go along with anything.
I understand her being upset with Jon over filming when this happened. EVeryone has disagreements with family sometimes and everyone gets upset. But you move on and forgive each other if you're healthy. This was, what was it, two years ago? To still be harping and harping and harping about this same issue now as if this just happened yesterday is not only ridiculous, but immature and unhealthy. She'll never do it, but I think therapy might really help someone like her struggling with conflict to work on processing things and forgiving and moving on.
1)Clarified again she didn't have a facelift even though she has already told numerous other new sources this breaking news. 2)Slammed Jon again. Very badly I may add. 3)Running a marathon (no details however) 4) Writes a blog for Coupin Cabin and saved $20 shopping on-line. Also said she blogs about teaching others how to save (bullshit) 5)Hopes to further her career on tv because she is comfortable there. 6)Kids miss the tv crew and she "misses the adventures of showing her kids the world". 7) Mentioned finding a boyfriend and Billy admits he failed to hook her up.
Does this interview sound familar to anyone? I can't believe she goes to New York with a married man to spew this crap AGAIN & AGAIN in yet another tv interview. There is NOTHING new for her to say. We all have heard the above over and over.
It will be a sad day when her grown children discover these numerous, numerous interviews where she is slamming their father. They have been divorced for 2 years now and seperated for 3 years.
Every interviewer always has to ask about Jon. Why? It is getting so old and disgusting. Goes to prove the interviewers have nothing else to ask her about.
I saw the interview differently, I guess. I thought Billy Bush played her like a fine-tuned piano. The pull your hair back was pure genius. He hit on 2 subjects that he knows she doesn't like - dropping the Gosselin name (her brand) and filming with Jon and was quick to point out the most highly watched show ever included guess who Jon. He rattled her chain and got her to say the strangest comment possibly ever made by someone who is unemployed and looking for a job - I don't work for money. You got 8 kids girlie and you don't work for money? Somewhere along the way her twisted mind has determined that life should be nothing but fun, excitement and adventure. Good luck with that one.
And he did all this within the parameters of good taste yet could barely contain his laughter.
She always seems angry and bitter. It is clear that the only way she can get any attention now is to bring up old divorce drama. I think what makes Kate angriest is knowing that she could not make it on TV without Jon, her ratings sank consistently without him. There is no doubt that she would film with Jon in a New York minute if he would agree to it. She knows he never would so she denies she would either. She may not have had surgery but she is barely recognizable. Her face looks frozen and squished.
I don't believe she ever admitted to the boob jobs (I think they were done twice and thirdly, have been reduced to match her smaller frame). I think the media did that for her to such an extent that it is a given now with no need to ask anymore.
How many were there? I counted at least three. She doesn't realize that when you repeat a word like that while speaking, it "echoes" (in a bad way) and people can hear that it's used multiple times. Same in writing.
She has no charisma, and she's a BAD actress. The exaggerated sigh and eye roll. Hands angled up to face. "Billy, do I NEED a facelift?" She rehearsed these actions and lines, and she's not good at it.
What do you think Kate's people will do next to try and keep her relevant? CC and Kate's PR people put that picture of her out there intentionally, they fed it to US to get her name to stay in the news and then go on to defend herself. Everytime her "facelift" was talked about, CC was also mentioned. I'm sure we'll hear about her marathon, but then what next?
Why couldn't she just laugh and say 'oh well...I don't think we will be filming together anytime soon. I doubt either of use would have fun at that! hahahaha We are better as separate co-parents to the kids" Smil and nod. Leave it at that. A little self depricating, nothing over the top and get the "I am a good parent" thing in there. Kate, I think you should hire me as PR! I also have experience monkey training, so we could be a perfect match.
Gramof5, that was PRICELESS! Billy Bush actually said, "Who cares?" And "I think we've looked at those pictures long enough." STILL LAUGHING. They were both totally was GREAT! Hope everyone here watches the link Gram provided...I have new respect for Billy Bush...ROFL!
Proof that Kate's fans are brainless and apparently she knows it based on her retweet of this:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 RT @TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 Dear Kate,u hav the pwr 2rattle so many cages. U&U alon control the minds of so many lives&they freely giv2u LOL!
At least someone called her out on it:
ashymama2 29 Nov @Kateplusmy8 @TrippenIn omg woman!UR laughing at your dumb sheeple because you control them and they send u things u don't deserve!Mean!
Now, it could be a little "joke" but I doubt it. "Control the minds of so many lives" ---- creepy!
"That was HYSTERICAL! I wonder how long it will be before she realizes people are openly laughing at her."
Oh, she knows, she just doesn't care. If it gets her what she thinks she wants, she'll take it.
You know, I wish for the kids' sakes that she would find whatever her true talents or strengths are; everyone has something, even her. Clearly not anything media-related, she just doesn't have it naturally (including the blogging). Maybe someday she'll get that.
Frankly, she is starting to come off as immature regarding the whole Jon thing. I never thought I'd ever feel embarrassed for her, but I'm starting to...
Just have to add, in case anyone thinks Billy was not being sarcastic, I loved his comment toward the end where he said, "I think three or four people liked her books."
Looks like the interview was filmed from a hotel. Why was she in NYC? I say Xmas shopping. Wonder if we'll see Toys R Us pics again this year for the 100th time. Just another opportunity to get her mug out there.
I don't think she interviewed well at all. No sense of humor. And talking like a valley girl?! The hair flipping and eye rolling. Not professional at all. She's toast. Can't wait until this time next year.
Wow, yeah, the clip the day before she appeared wasn't exactly complimentary. Is she smart enough to have actually watched the two minutes from the day before? If so, I bet the fact that Billy Bush went on and on and on about how much money she has and THAT'S why she looks better really burned her up! She's trying to cry poor mouth, Billy, don'tcha know? She can't cry poor mouth with you blabbing that she has so much money!
What a joke.
It's been three months since the show was canceled. February will be six months. I predicted long ago that TLC would cancel the show in the early fall (they did it a tiny bit sooner than that!) and that by early 2012, she would be all but forgotten by even the most minor media outlets. It's already happening and will continue to happen. She'll screw up with Coupon Cabin (I think she's screwing up with them already), they'll let her go, and then.........crickets.
In the words of Billy Busch "Who cares?", "I think we've looked at those photos long enough." This was a contrived PR stunt by Coupon Cabin and the sooner the public wises up to these shenanigans the quicker KK will become irrelevant. laurajean
Billy Bush is a shill and an idiot if he really thinks that Kate's new face is the result of money. Rest and money does not smooth wrinkles and tighten skin. It just doesn't. His female cohort knows better.
So, Kate's left PA already? How long will she be gone this time? I truly feel sorry for her kids. I can't imagine a childhood where my mom would leave for days and weeks at a time, just to beebop around and have jollies. They must feel so unloved.
CC is watching her and making sure that she gets the word out at every opportunity. I am thinking they didn't come to play, as in oh just blog however you want or oh you forgot to mention us, maybe next time. She will have to earn every dime she gets from them.
On another note, I guess Khiels was Kohl's cause I didn't see Kohl's on her list. My son's home teacher shops at Kohl's for free and one name she threw out to me was Slickdeals. com. I looked at it but not for me. I don't shop at department stores except maybe at Christmas.
I also noticed that Kate's boob job is being reported as undisputed, yet not one article pointed out that she's denied it. I mean, Kate lied over and over and over. Doesn't anyone find this odious? And why doesn't anyone ask Kate if she had *any* work done on her face?
Sorry, one more thing about Kate's AH interview. I find it so damn ironic that Kate decries that everyone has too much time on her hands and that she's busy raising her kids. OK, let's see. Kate's being interviewed in NYC, hundreds of miles away from her children because she's getting her hair done. Of course, she could get the hair done in her own town, but that wouldn't be a get away, would it? Next, Kate will fly thousands of miles away to run a marathon. Again, could be done locally, but that wouldn't involve leaving her kids behind and getting pampered, now would it? Kate would leave her kids for an envelope opening. I can't imagine how this will or already has affected their self esteem.
Tucker's Mom said... 63 Kate would leave her kids for an envelope opening. I can't imagine how this will or already has affected their self esteem. _________________________________
Spot on...any old excuse to get away will do and if she can't find one, she'll invent one.
Let's see, she did Inside Edition on Monday and Access Hollywood (at their NYC studio) on Tuesday. Is she going to go home at all before she leaves for Vegas, or are she and Steve going to leave directly from NYC? I can't imagine what it must be like for those kids to know that Mom would rather be anywhere but with them.
But let's not forget Supermom decorated her tree (or 1/2 since she needed lights) before leaving again, leaving her children with holiday cheer and turkey leftovers. She's a special woman.
Love this! Actor Daniel Craig slams the Kardashians and their fame whore antics.
From the GQ article: "It's not about being afraid to be public with your emotions or about who you are and what you stand for. But if you sell it off it's gone. You can't buy it back - you can't buy your privacy back.
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"'Ooh I want to be alone.' F*** you!" he said vehemently. "We've been in your living room. We were at your birth. You filmed it for us and showed us the placenta and now you want some privacy?"
Well, yeah. Add Kate Gosselin to the list of fame whores who cry about paps and being in the media. Kate looked like the cat who at the canary in her most recent interview. She was loving it, fake eyeball rolls and all.
Apparently, statistics show that even with extensive therapy, malignant narcissists like Kate rarely benefit from it (therapy). In fact, they rarely even get anything out of it.
And Kate is a malignant narcissist if I ever saw one. She rivals Casey Anthony when it comes to extreme narcissism.
Most of us (if not all of us) know what sort of dysfunctions we have.....and if we could afford extensive therapy, we know just what we would need to address first and foremost. I am fully aware that I am extremely co-dependent and would love to be able to change that (to some degree). It can be very difficult to change when our dysfunctional behaviors are so firmly cemented in our brains and personalities.....but at least we ARE aware that we have them......and that they usually cause all sorts of problems for us.
But with a narcissist like Kate.....she doesn't think she HAS a problem. And...she thinks SHE knows better than anyone else (like, for example, a therapist) what she needs. If you can't even recognize your problem, how can you possibly benefit from therapy.(?) It would go in one ear and out the other and she would totally reject and look with scorn at anything the therapist said that didn't agree with HER own opinion.
Also.....her animosity towards Jon....this is CLASSIC malignant narcissistic behavior. In fact, 10 years from now she will still be bad-mouthing him with the same intensity she is now (and was 2 years ago). And Jon has committed the ultimate crime because the absolutely worst thing you can do to a severe narcissist is to not give a crap about the her/him. They want to be the center of attention...whether the attention is positive or negative.....but being ignored is what enrages longer being able to rattle anyone else's cage. They love conflict and love to have it swirling around them.
I still have to watch these videos of the AH interview. Thanks so much for posting them here.
...Kate would leave her kids for an envelope opening. I can't imagine how this will or already has affected their self esteem....
Nah, she's got them brain-washed that mommy HAS to do this stuff to earn money, cuz god knows that worthless pos dad of theirs doesn't care enough about them to give them life on a golden platter.
Thank you Admin.for posting this video. I was going to ask you if you could find a place for it. Best find of the day I think. I loved it when Kit said, "She's all jacked-up." Hope you enjoy this one Kate! Maybe you'll realize what a joke you really are to the media. They laugh at you behind your back and you just keep going back for more.
Tucker's Mom, I took Billy's comments about money to mean that, when you have a lot of money, you can afford to go to spas and be super rested, etc. Of course it also means you can afford Botox, eye lifts, Restalyne, etc.
Personally I think she definitely did some crap to her eyes. They DO look really different. I'm not sure I totally care, though, except in the sense that she's steady spending all that money the kids made.
Speaking of, the fact that he kept mentioning money means you can look rested, refreshed, etc must have also burned Kate's biscuits. It is true, of course, but it flies in the face of her hard-working, never-resting mom of eight image. I don't know how anyone believes that, of course--she's away from her kids as often or more often as she's around them!
She herself said her ideal job would take her away for a week EVERY OTHER week. And she has the stones to bitch about Jon "only" having them two weekends a month PER COURT ORDER? What court order is telling her to run away from her kids every chance she gets? Oh, none.
Hey, eight kids is probably hard. It's seven more kids than I ever cared to have. But she wanted this. She angled for it, for crying out loud. It was her raison d'etre at one time. And here she is running from them for any reason whatsoever, three months after the show is over.
I just figured out I'm around my 17 year old, who goes to school full-time, works part-time, has a social life and a car, more hours a month than she's around her eight young kids.
I see Kate is on twitter silence again. As for Marie Osmond, she looks like she is 65 years old. That face work she did makes her look older than 52, not younger. She looks terrible. A little botox here and there not so much you don't even look younger or look like Marie any more. I for one would not even do Botox, cause of what it is. I was blessed with full lips, and do look younger than 52, say around 40. I wear very little make-up and stay out of the sun. I may look like a ghost, but than I look younger naturally. Foolist Marie! Foolist Kate.
Just watched the two videos that the Administrator posted here. I actually don't think Kate did all THAT bad in the interview....and was a bit better than she was in many of the previous interviews on TV......but she did come across as rather entitled and even a little snotty and miffed at times and she kept looking like a bobble-head doll with all the head movements.
I don't think it was terrible......but there are miles and miles between that and what is needed to have an entertainment career (on TV but I think she'd grab anything in the entertainment industry at this point. Plus, almost everyone and their brother are now aware how narcissistic she is and who wants to hire and have to work with someone like that? Not to mention, I'm sure there are all sorts of whispers and rumors that have gone around in the industry about how difficult she was to work with. In order to overcome those obstacles, she would have to be FABULOUS....but even though she's not horrible....she's nowhere near what she'd need to be/have in order to get hired for a TV talk show (or any TV show for that matter).
She really doesn't think before she speaks. The worst example from this interview was "I don't work for money"...........which I don't think is what she meant. I think she meant something more like "Money is not the only reason I go to work....I really want to enjoy it too (or... really want to help others, be meaningful, feel fulfilled, etc. etc.). It came out making her look entitled and not willing to work to support herself and her family.
I think that the "mediocre" comment she made in a prior interview didn't come out exactly how she meant it to either.....but even if it was translated to what she actually meant, it still doesn't sound all that good. You would think that after that big faux pas she would have been extra careful about what she said in this interview. Had it been me, for example....I would have corrected myself and said "so sorry, that came out wrong. What I meant was...." But she doesn't even seem to care how she comes across. I'd have been mortified when I realized what I'd said and rushed to correct it.....but she was almost oblivious.
Not to be a conspiracy theorist here...but you can definitely hear someone speaking to her in an ear piece. When Billy asks about facelift rumors and where it comes from and (first video...around the 40 second mark). She has someone feeding her responses. Turn the sound up loud though and you can hear a female voice speaking (almost like it's in a tin can, which is how it would sound if it was being enhanced from an earpiece into a microphone.) You can hear it again at: 1:11 (right after Billy says "...fixated on you.") she pauses to listen and you can hear a 'tinny sounding woman's voice, then she answers the question. Again at the 2:32 mark (right before she says "definitely" and then again at the 4:26 mark (when they ask if she would go back to her maiden name)
Now, if I had time I'd put it through my mixer and splice the tracks and see what I could come up with. But, I'm not planning on doing that. I just think it's funny that it's so obvious. When she rolls her eyes to her left it's like she's trying to listen to what is being said. Tell-tale sign that gives it all away.
Just have to add, in case anyone thinks Billy was not being sarcastic, I loved his comment toward the end where he said, "I think three or four people liked her books." November 30, 2011 7:49 AM --------------------------------------- I heard this differently. To me it sounded like "How many books has she written? Three or four? People liked her books." I like your version better, but I think I might be right.
I think it's how you define plastic surgery. For Billy Bush, botox and fat injections are just cosmetic procedures, like putting on foundation and powder. Lots of money can pay for those things as well as hair stylists, trainers, personal shoppers, makeup artists, etc. They are just part and parcel with being in the entertainment business.
To be fair to Kate, the pic of her right after giving birth isn't the best example to compare her current look to. Take a screen shot off the first special. She still has the mousey brown hair, etc. but she can't pass it off as "I just gave birth." No woman looks her best after childbirth, C section or vaginal.
As for the second clip, I don't think Billy Bush was being all that desparaging. And when he comments on her books, he wasn't saying 3-4 people liked them, rather he was asking how many bestsellers did she write? 3-4? People liked them (ergo should go back to writing books).
She is slowly fading. The only reason she stays relevant is because the gossip bloggers write about stuff posted here and from other sites (but mostly from here, I think). Her team jumps on that to say "Hey, look, people are still talking about her!" and then they're able to sell stories to US, National Enquirer, etc. and Access Hollywood.
So we'll see how long she can draw this out. Frankly, if she wants to fly off to Australia and Vegas to do her own thing, let her. Her "I'm doing it all for my kids" doesn't really wash anymore, she has just stated that she doesn't do the television work for the money which must mean she's not as poor as she claimed and which leaves fame as the only other viable reason for her to pursue this career. It's sad for her kids because they had their early years exploited but they're probably better off hanging with the nanny full time and mom part time. After all, she's not the greatest mom in the world, imo.
I think if Jon would take the kids while she traveled, she'd be in 7th heaven - she'd still be able to claim that she's doing it for the kids including working to achieve a harmonious co-parenting relationship with their Dad all the while still maintaining custodial control and getting child support from Jon while he picks up the kids expenses (food, clothes, school supplies, etc.) on top of what he pays her.
I'm sure Jon would like to see his kids more but if he is working two jobs I can see how that might present a problem. I'm sure he has to work two jobs - he racked up alot of debt during his infamous "lost weekend" (well, year actually) and I'm sure his financial settlement didn't cover half of it. I don't even think if Kate agreed to legally change the custodial agreement to allow him more time and to reduce his payments he'd be able to quit this second job, whatever it is.
So, as I've said before, it's a sad, sad situation for the kids - one parent who is emotionally (and, when she travels, physically) unavailable and one parent who is physically unavailable.They will have issues, no question and I don't think that their story is over quite yet. The best we can do is give them as much peace as we can.
These interviewers just aren't fast enough on the trigger. When Kate said that she's 36 and asked if she looks like she needs a face lift, one of them should have responded, "If you didn't need a face life, then why did you have the botox?"
Her response to that would have been priceless! Confirm it...deny it? What to do?
Her response to that would have been priceless! Confirm it...deny it? What to do? ******* No one but no one challenges her. Just the fact that she's galavanting off in NYC and off to Vegas belies the claim that she's busy raising her kids. I truly wonder if Jon has any legal ammunition with Kate leaving the kids with a babysitter so much. She's hardly home to mother them. Does that even matter to a judge? What we need is an interview a la Al Roker and Speidi. That was just delicious to watch.
I'm dumbfounded by her admission that she gave herself Botox injections in 2010 - that just seems wrong and a potential problem for whoever wrote the prescription. And yes, the media, including her 'friends' Billy & Kit, are not laughing WITH her this time, she looks foolish (besides her face looking 'done'). Happy running, K8.
KT admitted that she gave herself Botox injections? Surely she is not that crazy. That must have been when her eyebrows looked were straight up on the ends.
@ 64 I heard that weatherman - sounded like someone whispering, but I thought it was the lady whispering to Billy. Oh my! That is even crazier if it was through an ear piece and it could be heard. I did notice that she was talking over Billy as though determined to get out what she wanted to say, and he seemed like he lost his train of thought and maybe missed a question.
I think the fact that Coupon Shack is the one putting these clips on YouTube is pretty much all the evidence we need that CC fabricated this entire "story", the rumors of plastic surgery, just to get publicity. It's one thing to post the clip where she's interviewed on Access Hollywood, but for CC to post the clip of the show from the day before where they made so much fun of Khate and her face is really something else. I love it, of course, but she should be pissed at them. However, she doesn't care, whatever gets her talked about. After the marathon, she's really out of things to do to get attention.
Do we know when she is leaving for Vegas? Does she need time to acclimate to the climate and such before the race? I'm not a runner so I don't really know how that works.
Westcoaster said... 69 I'm dumbfounded by her admission that she gave herself Botox injections in 2010 - that just seems wrong and a potential problem for whoever wrote the prescription. And yes, the media, including her 'friends' Billy & Kit, are not laughing WITH her this time, she looks foolish (besides her face looking 'done'). Happy running, K8.
Haven't been as present as usual, but I don't recall where it was linked that she admitted giving herself botox. Do you have it - fascinating...and scary!
I ran into Walgreen's earlier and saw US magazine. The pic of Kate is on the very lower right, blocked by the magazine rack. The text above the pic said (I think, I was rushing) 'What Happened to Her Face?". It was very unflattering.
Warmth Of The Sun said... 71 No one but no one challenges her.
Correct. But just to see the reaction on her face, if she could have moved her forehead, would have been amusing! ******* I'm a *huge* Scrubs fan and this reminds me of when Dr. Cox's wife, Jordan, got so botoxed she could not show one emotion. Her face was frozen.
I agree with others that CC put the facelift rumors out there to generate publicity. Billy Bush knew how to push her buttons. Kart hates Jon, but she also hated being asked the questions regarding Jon, filming and a reconciliation. Her eyes became piercing daggars. She gave the same angry look to the judges on DWTS when they were criticizing her. The production crew laughed at Billy Bush's "who cares" if she had a facelift. I agree. She's nothing but a joke.
I think the Botox comment is in the US magazine ( I was also in a drugstore line today); turned to the article, which is all of a paragraph, but has maybe 6 pics of K8 through the years. Scary, really scary.
Yes, I can hear the voice in her ear. About 47 seconds in if you turn the sound up. She is not busy raiseing her kids, she is busy promoting herself and making sure she has the flexability to leave them.
It was a remote feed, that's why she would pause before answering their questions. She was hearing them about two seconds later than they finished them. No mystery there.
Really who would be feeding her answers? Who cares enough to help her improve her image anymore? When she was still with TLC I do believe they had someone trying to coach her before interviews. But now? Meh.
And that's the same reason no one challenges her. To us, there's plenty to challenge and plenty of reason TO challenge. To these entertainment show hosts, though, Kate is a D-lister not worth putting the effort into challenging her in the first place.
Does anyone know what the going rate for a live nanny and housekeeper cost per week ? I've been out of the loop for way too many years. I do believe that she has two people living there, mainly full time.There is absolutely no way that she could run a large house and take care of those kids by herself. Even when she is home. Do the servants get paid double time when Kate is away?
I think I posted this before but one thing I think she would be good at is doing commentary on World's Dumbest. They have people who were once highly sought after stars on there who provide sarcastic and snarky comments on the dumb antics of wannabe criminals that get caught on film. My son watches it and it is quite funny at times but not my cup of tea. But every time I watch it with him I think now that is something that KT would be very good at - she could be bitchy and sarcastic and snark from home and get paid for it. She could also make her sounds and funny faces and even pop her gum. Jon would also be very good at it. They could even do it on the same show together and never have to interact (but it would appear that they did) as they do the spots remotely, most likely from home. There is another one also about animal antics along the same lines. She could make chicken clucking sounds on that one.
Never any hard questions. How about: Are you and Steve a couple? Are Steve and his wife still together? Who pays him? How many days a month is he with you/his family? Have you ever had Botox injections? Who did you spend Thanksgiving with? Do your kids like spending half their lives with babysitters How much does coupon cabin pay you?
To these entertainment show hosts, though, Kate is a D-lister not worth putting the effort into challenging her in the first place.
That's right. It's fine with these shows if Kate wants to go on them and make a fool of herself. Uses up two minutes of air time, and it's no skin off their backs.
It still fills airwaves, even if she looks like an idiot. Some days you just have to settle.
This is exactly what D-listers are for - giving the entertainment industry someone to put on when they can't get anybody more interesting.
Narcissism means she'll be the last to know that SHE'S the one being used.
The one thing I noted when Angelina Jolie was on 60 minutes was that she was truly unaware of what the tabloids say about her. She and Brad are married, they're splitting etc. Jolie would not even think to go on a show and "set the record straight". Kate is consumed with herself in the media and absolutely loves that people are talking about her. "Slow news day?" my ass. She'd shrivel up if the paps stopped stalking her.
Westcoaster said... 82 I think the Botox comment is in the US magazine ( I was also in a drugstore line today); turned to the article, which is all of a paragraph, but has maybe 6 pics of K8 through the years. Scary, really scary.
Kate talking about how upset her children would be if she changed her name reminded me of when she wouldn't take off her wedding rings because her children would be upset. Did they really care? No. Would they care if she had another name? No. What if god forbid she actually found someone that would marry her? Would she not she keep Gosselin instead? Also I was in Walgreen's with my daughter the other day and she was laughing. I looked to see what was so funny. She had spotted Kate on the front of a magazine that said: What happened to Kate's face. She said it just hit her as a funny thing to say about someone. And yes she did wonder what happened to her face.
November 30, 2011 10:28 AM amyf said... 77 JudyK said... 54
Just have to add, in case anyone thinks Billy was not being sarcastic, I loved his comment toward the end where he said, "I think three or four people liked her books." November 30, 2011 7:49 AM --------------------------------------- I heard this differently. To me it sounded like "How many books has she written? Three or four? People liked her books." I like your version better, but I think I might be right. _____________________________________
Amy, I like "my version" better, too, but I went back and listened again, and I'm afraid you're right...Billy Bush is back on my Loser List.
I don't know if CC put the facelift rumor out there but what I do know is they photoshopped the hell out of her picture which is what got people talking. You can look at the picture of her and then look at her on the video and tell the subtle differences. Fuller, more squishy face in the photo, gaunt, long face in person.
Kate may think that by copping to Botox injections in 2010 she will stop the speculation on did she or didn't she. Her sheeple will believe her, however someone else has been giving Botox to her more recently. Unless her injections were like her "magic bra" and will last forever, you've got to get them at least every 4 months or so. Here's the info from a Botox website.
You're probably wondering how long Botox lasts. Most people see effects for three to four months, but several factors may shorten or lengthen that period:
Your age. Older people with less muscle tone may see results diminish sooner than those with younger, firmer facial muscles. Your facial structure and expressions. Whether you smoke. Your diet. Whether you take good care of your skin; use facials, microdermabrasion or other resurfacing methods. How much sun you get and how much sun damage your skin already has. Whether you use Botox repeatedly or not. However, this seems to differ from one person to another. Some obtain a longer-lasting effect with repeated use, while others seem to develop a resistance to the drug and need more frequent treatments. Doctors disagree on which of the above factors are the most important; it's a good question to ask your practitioner. In any case, it is not recommended to have injections in the same injection site (such as for crow's feet) more frequently than every three months.
"Cwgirlup75 said... 87 Do we know when she is leaving for Vegas? Does she need time to acclimate to the climate and such before the race? I'm not a runner so I don't really know how that works."
Its going to take more then a few days for her to get use to the climate. It takes two weeks or more before your body is physically able to function fully at a higher altitude. There is less oxygen at higher altitudes. The body has to create more red blood cells to supply the body with oxygen.
Here's the US article link and the pertinent quote about botox. ~~~~~~
Exclusive: Did Kate Gosselin Get a Facelift? Celebrity Beauty November 22, 2011 AT 8:21AM By Zach Johnson
"To keep her youthful appearance, the single mom of eight -- who got a tummy tuck in 2007 and breast implants in 2009 -- relies on thrice-weekly tanning sessions. Last June, she even gave herself Botox injections! (The result: unnaturally arched eyebrows.)"
Thanks to the gals at Preesi's for the article link.
Kart probably practices writing Mrs. Kate Neild, Katie Irene Neild, Katie Kreider Neild, Kate and Steve Neild daily. I think she'd give up the Gosselin name for Neild in a NY minute, but it's not going to happen.
1 - She is beyond obsessed with her ex husband, in a low class trashy kind of way.
2 - She loves getting on TV and 'setting the record straight' so she can lie more. She lives to make things up; she is like a child living in her fantasy land and can't wait till daddy (the media) gets home from work at night so she can tell all about what the princess did today. Her own real life is so dull, so boring, so not-meeting-her-needs that she cant stop focusing on her long gone ex husband and whatever other little play fantasy she can up this time.
Kate, get help; life doesnt have to hurt all the time. You dont HAVE to be angry and lonely all the time. For the love of God, get proper treatment. You have a dysfuntional mental illness.
Kate doesn't know any divorced couples who continue to work together? What an idiot. It happens all the time. Not every ex-wife hates her ex-husband like Kate does, especially ones with kids.
According to, Lindsay Lohan's 17 year old sister Ali, is denying she has had plastic surgery. A plastic surgeon is quoted as saying she looks like she has had Botox treatments. Looks like the 36 yr. old Kate will have to take a back seat; the attention will now focus on the 17 yr. old.
Pamelajo said... 64 Do they give you morphine when you have a baby now? For 4 days? No wonder there is a population explosion. Things that make you go hummmm! **********************
Yes they certainly do! For a normal delivery! I got nothing for my regular deliveries and merely darvocet ON REQUEST when I had my 2 C-sections! GRRR!!! My nieces have all had morphine pumps after child birth and came home with a month's worth of percoset.
When I think of all the pain I went through...
Oh and I guess that eyebrow godzilla look that Kate was sporting there at one point was when she gave HERSELF the botox injections, eh? What a precious little ass she is. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Do they give you morphine when you have a baby now? For 4 days?
She had a C-section with what was probably a decent sized incision plus may have had to have excess suturing/repair given that her abdomen was so large after carrying all 6 babies. It is probably feasible that she would still be receiving the occasional IV morphine at that time. However, if it was me, I don't know that I would take it immediately prior to being interviewed!
I don't think she had anyone feeding her the answers on AH. I believe she did have an earpiece to hear the questions as they would have been delayed by a few seconds due to remote filming. That would account for the pauses and her talking over BB. That said, she obviously rehearsed what her reaction to the facelift question would bem("Do I look like I need a facelift, Billy?") but could not handle anything she had not been prepared for. Awkward interview.
Never any hard questions. How about: Are you and Steve a couple? Are Steve and his wife still together? Who pays him? How many days a month is he with you/his family? Have you ever had Botox injections? Who did you spend Thanksgiving with? Do your kids like spending half their lives with babysitters How much does coupon cabin pay you?
I don't think TV interviewers should ask Kate or anyone else such personally intrusive questions. We don't have a right to know the answers. Much as I dislike Kate (a lot), it's a bridge too far to publically quiz her about such private-to-her matters. Although she puts herself out there, who else in the public eye would be expected to reveal these sort of things? I do agree, though, about the botox query in the list - that could have been a natural follow-on from Kate's denial of a (surgical) facelift. Information on other things some people would like to know about (and I'm one of them) will no doubt come out in the wash in due course...
If you look back on the years since Jon and Kate started filming, Kate got a tummy tuck for free, at least one or two breast augmentations, lots of botox for the brow lines, liposuction on her butt,legs, waist, and cankles(more than once),a minor nose job(to trim her minor bulb), and many other injections to improve her appearance, especially in the past 2-3 years.
My point being that this woman is all about her appearance, and will go to any length to try to stay relevant. Narcisisst.
My main concern is the kids, and what she has put them through with all of these surgeries, times traveling for her own benefit, and why she is not more interested in them, than she is in herself on every occassion.
And I hate how she never misses an opportunity to slam Jon every step of the way. There is something really wrong here, how she can never consider that he is their father. Never mind, he seems to be doing a great job at normalcy, from what we can see. She has so much animous, and is so selfish, she can NEVER see beyond herself. Perhaps she is jealous ( yes I said it) that he is far more of a greater parent than she will ever be, minus all the "perks" she buys them.
I can only imagine what these kids go through these days to avoid the "penalty of severness." The next few years should be interesting when the kids are old enough to defy her. There are already signs of this, but Kate will deny this, in her "best mom" mode, but the kids will not keep up the farce forever. She really is not very bright. Sorry for my rant.
HI 50, she also failed at volunteering and Christianity, and to me that is a double whammy, as most Christians serve in some way, and with much gratitude and joy too.
fidosmommy, Rock-n-Roll does have some charities it raises money for, but you know Kate would be tooting her own horn if she was doing that. She's going for the sake of going. I think the climate and altitude change will really affect her too. I go from Pacific Northwest (moist and near sea level) to New Mexico, over a mile high, and I am gasping for the first few days I run - and only about 3 miles or so. She has no idea what she's doing and hasn't this whole 'training' time.
Kart probably practices writing Mrs. Kate Neild, Katie Irene Neild, Katie Kreider Neild, Kate and Steve Neild daily. I think she'd give up the Gosselin name for Neild in a NY minute, but it's not going to happen. November 30, 2011 5:30 PM
I don't think she would. I think Steve will become Mr. Kate Gosselin. Steve Gosselin. No way will Kate get rid of the moneymaker name. She's WAY too afraid of being forgotten. The only way she'd drop Gosselin is if she marries some big famous well-known celebrity ( which will never happen ).
I think she has a tad of a wittle crush on Billy Bush. Now there's a fine couple. Barf!
The thing that struck me in the AH interview was how she kept saying "Whatever comes my way" when talking about getting a job in TV. She thinks that someone is just going to hand her a job as a talk show host or interviewer. Too lazy to go out and pursue anything for herself or get any training to even qualify. She expects the world to just cater to her, just like when she was married to Jon and he was there to do everything for her.
Sorry if this is not allowed. I copied it from
It gave me a good laugh. Sorry Administrator if it was wrong of me.
Linda Tarnowski 30 Nov, 2011 at 4:41 pm
I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids.
People argue the haters keep her on TV. I once believed that. But I no longer do. I think she stays on TV because she draws controversy about almost everything she does. If you look at the comments people post on ROL and those other similar sites, 99% of them are negative. How can she ever succeed in any meaningful way on TV if she is so incredibly disliked? The answer is she won't. But there are those out there who will always want updates on those 8 kids, no matter how old they get. She has definitely created a legacy with her family like no other because of TLC. The stage has been set until her dying day that she will somehow have relevance out there. There will always be cash for her from some TV special or some idiot will want an interview with her to catch up on what she's been doing with the kids at the orphanage. She will keep obsessing about her appearance in case that big break comes knocking at the door. Also, her new look has garnered the attention she has sought since the kids took it away from her. It is no secret the more attractive she became (with make-up artists, NY hair appointments, tasteful clothing), the more attention came her way and she became addicted and learned to love it. Oh, how shallow she truly is. People get so worked up about the fact every show she is on was slagging her the previous day. That is the industry and Kate is smart enough to know it is only done for ratings, not because they don't like her. It's a win win. She gets paid and they get ratings and it's one big lovefest behind the cameras. My point? I have never disliked anyone in my life more than her. I am tired of the free ride for doing NOTHING of importance in this world. And whatever happened to the Gosselin Give Back at the food bank anyway. What a bunch of bullshit. She should be hiding in shame for that scam of an episode.
Kate might have all the money to buy the kids thing but. Jon has all the love and all the support and fun that a real parent gives his/her's children and she know that's.
What the kids really want so that's I think that why Kate hates Jon so much.
#64 #116 I still don't believe what Kate said. FOUR days on morphine? That rings false to me. I have had 3 children, all c-section and never once was I prescribed morphine for the days AFTER labor, unless of course I was a narcissist milking it for everything it was worth....or a liar telling a story to the media. laurajean
Heels and minidress in Target today. From the woman who tweeted just a few days ago that she was giving her marathon feet a rest until it was over. She's just a crazy liar. Or just crazy.
#64 #116 I still don't believe what Kate said. FOUR days on morphine? That rings false to me. I have had 3 children, all c-section and never once was I prescribed morphine for the days AFTER labor, unless of course I was a narcissist milking it for everything it was worth....or a liar telling a story to the media.
I have never understood her, "penalty of severeness," I mean to me it makes no sense. I'm not a parent so maybe I have no say in the matter to those of you who have kids. But, I've never heard a parent say such a thing. Least of all for such a minor thing of coming into their bedroom.
I had a problem from the start with Kate's, "I don't even want to hear you breathe," rumors of her whacking kids with spoons, 45 minutes in a crib. I mean it all sounds...terribly excessive on discipline. If anything it's her need for absolute and total control. It's frightening.
What she will do when her kids get a mind of their own I have no idea but it probably won't be all that good. She dresses the kids alike, tells them what order to eat their food, they recite it, can't have something because they are girls, or are boys.
Geez, I'd be surprise if her kids didn't have ulcers or something from all the stress! No wonder Kate looks so run down. If you are truly that mean it sort of begins to show on your face too.
Anyway, no way she will drop the last name even if she married Steve she'd go with Gosselin-Nield or something like that. She's all about the attention, her narcassistic self just will never let herself be happy unless everyone else around her is miserable or at very least under her control or buys her BS. Least it's my thoughts.
The person who swears to track down every hater, that scares me. It's just so truly bizarre. So she has 8 kids, that's not why people dislike her. People dislike Kate because of how she acts and response to things. I believe there is a difference. I went to church with a family of 9 kids. There are large families out there, it's not a reason to hate anybody, is it?
I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I would love to know where she is going to get the money to do that. If I was charged with something like that, I would charge them with libel and sue her for all of my court costs. I would win too. No judge would ever allow a suit like this. Its a waste of the courts time and money.
I know better then to feed the troll or poke the crazy. But, I feel comfortable positing about it here.
Marie said... 139 I have never understood her, "penalty of severeness," I mean to me it makes no sense. I'm not a parent so maybe I have no say in the matter to those of you who have kids. But, I've never heard a parent say such a thing. Least of all for such a minor thing of coming into their bedroom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I wonder if Kate uses To Train Up a Child by Michael Pearl to raise her children. Many of the things she says and dose makes me think that its one of her references. Many of the practices in the book can be abusive. Pearl suggests hitting children with a spoon, switch or 1/4 inch plumbing line. He also says to keep feeding a child the same thing until they finally eat it. This can mean feeding them the same meal (that they refused to eat) for days on end until the child is broken and eats the food. By that point, the child is starving and will eat anything even if the food is moldy. We know that Kate has done this. Just take a look at the sandwiches she feed her children for an entire week because they refused to eat them.
Pearl demands absolute obedience from children. We all know that Kate demands the exact same thing. There is no time to be a child when you have to obey every command. You are always on pins and needles waiting for the next command. There is no consistency is what Kate demands. This makes Pearls methods more dangerous. The kids will never know what is going to set their mom off the deep end.
I have lived in this sort of environment. My mother was an unmedicated bipolar person. We never knew if she was going to have a good day or bad day. It was hell. It would have been worse if she followed Pearls teachings.
"I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids." (as reported by nj @ #132.)
Well, here I am, bring it on. Yes, I hate that child abusing Katie Gosselin and I dont care if she is divorced or not. I'd put a bumper sticker on my car about it if I could find one. My "childrin" are all much older than you are apparently and they HATE that gosselin woman more than I do. Is that your big weapon - you are gonna go to school tell somebody's mommy on me? Go to your room and organize your crayons and your unicorn stickers and leave the grown-ups alone.
Re reported Kate spotting in Target on 11/30, this is the only mention I saw on her Twitter:
TheUncleKevy UncleKevy @Kateplusmy8 Hope ur day smoothed out. I’ll buy u a coffee if you want! HA. From behind u at Target today.
No mention of 6-inch heels. I think this is a deliberate fake, to take attention away from the fact that she probably left for LV directly from NYC (and, therefore, at least 4 days ahead of the marathon on Sunday). This tweeter has only tweeted once, ever, and is only following KG. There is a website link in his profile that goes nowhere. This is no doubt Kate's personal version of "Where's Waldo?" After all, if she can't keep people guessing, what does she have?
What she doesn't seem to understand is that there are only a handful of people who give a crap these days. It is a miracle of modern PR (with a sizeable assist from CouponCabin) that she is still in the news (albeit solely rag-mags) at all. Maybe that's what she means when she says she is "working": She's working overtime staging opportunities designed to keep her in the public eye. And I don't believe she's going to stop any time soon, no matter how much she embarrasses herself or her children.
Anyone thinking to report us to our employers will have a hard time finding many employers who either know who the hell she is or give a damn what we think about her or can stomach her themselves.
re her name change if she'd marry Steve...she would love the notoriety of Gosselin-Nield brand. It is good for her much needed daily attention fix.
Wouldn't it be nice if this 'amazing' marathon would be televised with the camera trained on her the entire run! How can you fake running when your in the middle of that mass of people? She'd be dead meat five minutes (NOT miles) into it.
Cwgirlup75 said... 118 Twitter silence from the bimbo for over 24 hours. She must be busy having Steve "guard" her body. *snark* _____________________________
I think that even if she marries Steve, she will remain Kate Gosselin. The only way she'd give up the name is if Steve forced her hand. I think she would do it then because she seems like she will do anything for him.
If she and Steve do marry, she will likely keep the Gosselin name in public, but in private she will use the Neild name loud and proud. I can see her using Neild on official documents and things like that. After all this time, she would want to make sure that everyone knew that she finally got what she was after.
I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids.
There's nothing illegal, immoral or unethical about detesting Kate Gosselin.
And there's certainly no reason why an employer, family members or "the familys at all your childrins schools" would care in the least what a stranger thinks about someone else's opinion.
Somebody should have spent a little more time at school herself. Along with learning to think logically, she might have picked up a few spelling tips, too.
So....while xxxxx and I were out running errands today I noticed a female in a short dress and 6 inch heels walking in the parking lot away from Dicks. No one around here dresses like that on a regular day. Just went about my business and my final stop was Target in the same shopping mall as Dicks. Turn the corner in the store and there's the same blonde, with short dress and heels....also known as Kate Gosselin! GAG!!! I knew it wasn't one of our down to earth locals. Just our local that thinks she's Miss Celebrity....She's such a dang fool
Just watched the clip-haven't read ANY of y'alls comments yet. What is up with the darting eyes as she is asked each Q? Steverino in the wings? "Honestly" okay Khate we know: you're UBER-honest Always!! (gag) She speaks in that annoying "questionspeak" intonation. Isn't she a bit old for that? Oh, I forgot; face lifts are only for OLD people, as she stated at least twice in the interview. She *completely* did NOT get the joking at the end,about pulling her (fake) face back. How uncomfy she acted! Is she SO narcissistic to the point she cannot even,for a few seconds, step outside herself to laugh at herself/joke around about the rumours,whatever? Moreover ,she didn't look as if she even GOT the guy's joking. Like: It Didn't Compute. I guess..she really IS dumb!
Track us down and take us to court, huh? Now that is the most idiotic, insane thing any of the fans have ever said. Still laughing at that one. Can you imagine either a lawyer or a judge hearing that? I know there are frivolous lawsuits all over the place nowadays, but come on. And she won't stop until, blah, blah, blah. What a waste of a life. I seriously hope she doesn't have any children she is raising.
Kate has some balls, and must have set ground rules, to do an interview denying a facelift with THAT FACE. Whatever is going on, she looks unnatural, freakish, reptilian. Billy Bush was silent when she asked if she needed a facelift....what could he say? She's pulled so damn tight already. The woman actually may think she looks good.
I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids.
So Kate was home yesterday and didn't tweet her fans all day. Interesting, and another lie. She said she wasn't wearing heels in prep for marathon. I guess is incapable of telling the truth about anything.
I vote for the same person who showed up on another blog summer of 2010, claiming to be the sheriff and threatening everyone who posted. Sounds exactly like her. She gave an August deadline for everyone to clear out, or she would go head to head with all non-fans, hire private investigators, do credit checks, and send everyone to jail.
I had no idea it took a whole week to run a marathon. Maybe she wrote down that phone number and is busy scouting out Tao nightclub. It's only December 1, whatever is she going to do stuck at home after this?
secretary: Hello ABC Company, how many I direct your call? crazed sheeple: I demand to speak to the manager! s: Hold a moment while I direct your call. Thank you for called ABC Company. Have a nice day! cs: whatever!
*hold music*
Manager: Hello this is Jim. How may I help you today? cs: Are you aware that your employee Jane Doe HATES Kate Gosselin? m: uh pardon? Who is Kate Gosselin? cs: Kate Gosselin the tv STAR!!!! Jane Does HATES her! Are you aware of this? m: Well no, I can't say that I was. What can I assist you with today ma'am? cs: Don't you understand? Jane Doe HATES Kate!!! She is posting on blogs saying MEAN things about Kate. m: Ok. Well how can I assist you with matters concerning ABC Company today ma'am? cs: Well are you going to make her stop posting? Are you going to fire her? What are you going to do to her? m: Ma'am employees can post on blogs on their free time, they are not required by our company to like every celebrity. Is there an issue with our company that I can assist you with today? cs: YES! You can FIRE Jane Doe! She HATES Kate Gosselin. Why don't you understand me? I demand to speak to your supervisor! m: You are free to call the corporate office ma'am. I'm afraid they are going to tell you the same thing, though. Here is their number: 1-800-555-1234. cs: I've never shopped with your company and you can bet I never will if this is the kind of employees you have. What is your name so I can report your behavior as well? m: My name is Jim ma'am. I told you at the beginning of the call. Thank you for calling ABC Company. Have a nice day. *click* cs: *starts dialing corporate office*
I just came back from a Doctor Who convention, wore my Timelord costume, had a good time and got a pic with Peter Davidson. Crazy sheeple. This sheeple who is making threats, is one dumb sheeple. Cause we can sue her ass for stalking, def of character, lawyer fees, not too bright. And the funny thing is Kate does not give a shit. Oh, that whole thing about Kate can't find white lights is just a ploy, to get the lights grifted, and she did by those fools at the hair salon. I don't know Kate, but everywhere I go every body sells white lights(even Walgreens, CVS, Savon/OSCO, Walmart, etc), I guess it was too hard to go and look, you could have bought online too. Even used your Michaels coupon for that or Menards!Or better yet, checked the lights to see which bulb was out! I guess that was too hard. Oh yeah, and Marie Osmond looks terrible, the lips and face work she did makes her look like she is 62. Not younger. Bad mistake, and Kate pic was photoshopped. One more thing, next CC blog: Kates take, on saving money in Las Vegas, while doing a marathon there, and how I grifted the gift table and anything else I could do, while purseboy held my hand, so I would not smack a hater. .
Now that actually could make a CC blog post, saving $$$ in Las Vegas if a) someone other than K8 writes it and b) see a. Our K8 is on another well-earned vacay and that means grifting from gift tables, looking for free drinkies at clubs, and not having her good times ruined by anything so silly as a coupon. Can you just see her at a casino off the Strip, standing in line for a buffet, coupon in hand? That image is good for a laugh this am.
K8 in Las Vegas, d-listing it up at a casino. Yep, that would just about put the frosting on the Christian-Mom-Grifter-Extrodinaire cake, all right.
She can grift all she wants now but that won't pay the bills, and there is nothing whatever else in her entertainment future except a raft of sleazier and sleazier d-lister offers.
I think the marathon running is Kate Persona #8. Really, is there much more wholesome than a person who runs? Running is healthy, a well respected activity, and running clothes are symbolic of hard work and determination. Therefore, she shall dabble in it and let us all know all about it. New Persona, folks! Come see.
The mom in love with raising her kids Mommy Kate persona was quickly dropped. Clean Freak Kate was wiped up. I Write Books Kate was short lived. TV Diva Kate was canned. Can-Do Kate lasted an episode. The high heeled, low cut top Sexy Kate look wasn't flying. There have been brief attempts at others. Now, it's All American Kate, doing grand and glorious things on the race course.
Whatever will she do after this? Maybe she'll try a career in modern painting and become Artsy Kate. Who knows?
Whatever will she do after this? Maybe she'll try a career in modern painting and become Artsy Kate. Who knows?
Whatever it is, she'll still be Keep Away from the Kids Kate. It's the only thing she succeeds at.
Running Kate isn't going to last long. She's no athlete, and serious running isn't compatible with the way she obsesses over her looks and pursuit of what she thinks is glamour.
There's nothing glamorous about running, as she's about to discover at Las Vegas. Long-distance running can't be very comfortable, either, with those implants stuck to her chest.
I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand!
Oh- here we go! Access Hollywood is reporting that the White House crasher (who is still technically married) has a crush on Khate and wants to be set up with "her"! Geesh! This is just a case of a reality tv dud who is desperately trying to stay relevant and it's disgusting! Geesh!
Dwindle said... 142 Go to your room and organize your crayons and your unicorn stickers and leave the grown-ups alone. ~~~~ Oh, Dwindle! Thanks for the laugh today - I sure needed it.
Thankfully, I don't have any childrins, but this sheeple can feel free to call and talk to my dog about kHate.
I was just on a Zappos sponsored site about the LV marathon. Zappos is the sponsor or one of the big sponsors. Anyway, people were writing in about their experiences running in LV last year.
Runners were saying that it is better to do the half marathon in LV. The half (and first half of the full marathon) takes you down the strip and there is a lot to see and lots of people are out cheering. After the half, apparently you go into a concrete, industrial area--even run along the freeway/overpass at some point and runners were saying they thought it would never end---a concrete jungle. One Miami, FL runner said the altitude was a major problem for her and affected her time a lot. People said there wasn't enough food after the event.
Overall, it didn't get great reviews. People said it was expensive. Said to stick to the half marathon. Oh, and you have to finish in 5 and a half hours. That is the time limit for the full marathon according to these runners. Some were complaining that they had shortened the time from 6 hours.
Looking at what I said at 10:54, I want to clarify something. I don't mean that I am thankful I don't have kids - just thankful that no sheep can call my childrins school. Thanks.
I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said... 170
Oh- here we go! Access Hollywood is reporting that the White House crasher (who is still technically married) has a crush on Khate and wants to be set up with "her"! Geesh! This is just a case of a reality tv dud who is desperately trying to stay relevant and it's disgusting! Geesh! December 1, 2011 10:41 AM
I'm not surprised. Kate looks exactly like his wife.
Tareq Salahi would do *anything* to remain relevant. He makes Spencer Pratt look like a bumbling rookie. He's not only grifted, he has cheated, lied and for heaven's sake, crashed the White House and was called to testify in front of Congress for his and his wife's dangerous antics. For Kate to engage this ridiculous farce in ANY WAY would be precarious at best. I mean, I really hope that she in no way, shape for form decides that this would be another opportunity to "set the record straight" for the sake of a media appearance and a blurb in People magazine. If I were Jon... oh man, this would be an alarming blip on my radar. Through her pursuit of anything and everything fame, this is what Kate is inviting into her life and the lives of her kids. She's playing with fire.
I got to thinking a bit, is it normal for a narcassist to want to be away from her kids? I would think kids an easy target for them. Kids you know wanting to please and such. But here she is, going on as many trips as she can to be away from them. But I guess it's that she uses them when she wants them and ditches them when she doesn't want them. That might be it.
It's hard to believe she hasn't left for Vegas yet. It's been about two weeks since she returned from Australia. I would think the bitch would be chomping at the bit to get away from those kids.
Ha, Ha. I bet Steve has to run the marathon with her.
Please, please let there be pictures!I wanna see that makeup dripping off her and Steve carrying her water bottle.
And a bad thought don't think she'd ship the 8 to Vegas (after she's had her alone time with Steve) to make sure they are photographed cheering mom?
I wish I had the time to do this - I think it would be great to go through the posts here and make a calendar or timeline for September 1st through today to illustrate just how many times Kate has gone away in just a few months. Then, it will be interesting to see if she can sustain that in the new year.
I know there have been several trips to NYC for her hair. In October, there was the Sirius radio show in NYC, and then for The View on Halloween. I think the trip to Wyoming was earlier that month. November was Chicago and Australia, followed now by NYC again this week. It's December 1st now and I guess she's been back in PA, but who knows? That's just off the top of my head. I know there's more but I can't remember them all and just don't have time to go through it right now.
To the mad sheeple - my son attends Harvard Law School. So, are you going to call Harvard and complain that his mother has expressed an opinion that you don't agree with on a blog? hahahahahahahahahahaha
To the mad sheeple - my son attends Harvard Law School. So, are you going to call Harvard and complain that his mother has expressed an opinion that you don't agree with on a blog? hahahahahahahahahahaha
----------- Good one! To the mad sheeple - I am an attorney. Will you contact the bar association and demand an investigation, recommending civil malpractice proceedings begin immediately? You do realize, don't you, that since disbarment is jurisdiction specific, you will have to come and testify, citing that the reason for legal malpractice is the posting of an opinion on a blog? One suggestion in filing the initial complaint - in order to be credible, you might want to have a dictionary on hand. Your spelling is atrocious!
TLC stinks said... 176 Ha, Ha. I bet Steve has to run the marathon with her.
Please, please let there be pictures!I wanna see that makeup dripping off her and Steve carrying her water bottle.
And a bad thought don't think she'd ship the 8 to Vegas (after she's had her alone time with Steve) to make sure they are photographed cheering mom? =========================================
I think Steve is a little too chunky at this point to run a marathon. I wouldn't doubt him grabbing a ride on one of the Sag Wagons though.
I don't think there's any way Kate would have the kids brought to Vegas. She is not going to give up one second of her time alone with Steve (and away from them).
I made this video of Kate's lies about her use of coupons. She is now stating she always used coupons, but on the episode "Shopping for 10" which aired on May 7, 2007, she states that she didn't use coupons until after the sextuplets were born.
Does anyone know whatever happened to Kate's visit back in August to Dr. Oz? Was watching today about the arsenic in juice. (new show) Amazing she can afford to travel so much for her own pleasure but can't afford to have the kids buy milk at school to go with the craptastic lunches she "makes".
I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids. ____________________________________________
I hope to God this partially illiterate bottom feeder does not have any childrins.
I'm predicting that Kate does not finish the marathon, she'll use the altitude as an excuse. Or, she will claim to have gotten sick, the flu or something like that. She will never run a marathon around here, there would probably be heckling. I'm also interested in seeing if Kate promotes Coupon Cabin because I have a feeling they paid for her plane tickets. Supposedly this trip was put together very quickly. I think she was holding out to see if she could get there on someone else's dime.
Let's revisit Kate's other spokesperson gigs. Kmart. She took the money, only ever said a few words about Kmart, then was always seen shopping in Target. Proctor & Gamble --crickets--. The sandwich association or whatever it was. A pamphlet was put out with a couple recipes for sandwiches people have been making for decades, with the RADICAL new way to cut it- on a diagonal. That was the end of that. Coupon Cabin will find Kate will take their money and gladly allow one of their lackeys write for her. While she continues to look for the TV gig she feels is her true calling and right. I say CC is done with her by summer. She is simply not capable of promoting anyone but herself, her contempt for Jon, her martyrdom in raising 8 kids.
TLC stinks said... 176 Ha, Ha. I bet Steve has to run the marathon with her.
Please, please let there be pictures!I wanna see that makeup dripping off her and Steve carrying her water bottle. ____________________________________________
Lol.... you're too kind.. I want to see something else dripping off of her and Steve following behind with the appropriate "cleansing materials." Bwaaaha!
Ok, just read this at a site called: Dev on running. She was not sure which one Kate was running, the half or the full marathon. But she did say Kate running in the 4th hour pace group? Anyone? What does that mean?
anger issues kate, that means that Kate is running the full with a pacer who will finish the 26.2 miles in 4 hours. That is a pretty good clip to keep up for that far - especially since she has not trained in that climate or altitude. Each corral has a pacer and you'll see a big group running around someone carrying a sign. I ran in a 2 hour pace group for 13.1, but I had to use the latrine (and that is exactly what it was, ugh) and then saw a friend from church cheering on the sideline, so I lost sight of my pacer and did it in 2:02 or something like that.
The fates are conspiring against Kate. There's a cold front moving through the SW right now and the high in Las Vegas on Sunday is only supposed to be around 54 with a low of 29. This race is being run at night and once the sun goes down in the desert it can get pretty damn cold (I live in the SW so trust me on this). So much for Kate's warm weather run! I think that Kate thinks that all cameras are going to be on her just because she has announced that she's going to be there. I think that she's going to find that she's a very small fish in a very large sea of runners.
"I'm predicting that Kate does not finish the marathon, she'll use the altitude as an excuse. Or, she will claim to have gotten sick, the flu or something like that." *************** Isn't that exactly what she claimed on the ski trip to Utah?
love it, she's going to run double her best amount in a different 'atmosphere' than what she is used to. She's so ignorant she makes 'stupid' sound like a compliment.
I still don't that she will even start the race (I'm still thinking a sudden injury will crop up), but if she does, I doubt that she will make it past mile 5. From everything I've heard, a marathon is very different from running around your neighborhood. Of course, the bimbo is too damn stupid to use a trainer or even read up on how to prepare, so she probably thinks she can do it just because she says she can.
Laurie said... 189 I think that Kate thinks that all cameras are going to be on her just because she has announced that she's going to be there. ============================================
I don't doubt this at all. She already seems to think that being a "runner" should be worth huge accolades, so I'm sure she expects lots of attention for running in a marathon. Too bad the only attention she's likely to get is people laughing at her.
Carol, good job on the video. Couldn't help but notice a slight change to Kate's chin. If you pause the video at 42 seconds you can see that her chin was more square in the older shot (at the right)then her current look. I also went and viewed the most recent interview video that Admin posted here and it looks like Kate's chin is fuller. Maybe it's just my eyes but it does seem like she had some filler put in or just gained weight to the front of her chin. Crazy how according to Kate her new look was caused by running.
anger issues kate -- I'm so "jellus" LOL! I loved Peter Davison as The Doctor, but he'll always be Tristan Farnon to me.
I'm with the crowd that says Kate will find some excuse to either not run at all or to drop out of the race very early on. I'm no runner. I couldn't run 26 feet, let alone 26 miles, but it's obvious to even me that she's ill-prepared for a marathon. I think this is one more instance where her arrogance will bite her in the butt.
292 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 292 Newer› Newest»Not as many umms as usual, but still really bad.
Amazing. Disgusting. Sad.
Such a vile woman.
And that ghetto girl head wiggle and eye roll makes me wanna puke.
I don't know why I'm surprised she's so hateful towards Jon. We all knew even way back when they were still married that someday she'd be the ex-wife from hell. She lived up to that and then some.
I have always been in awe of Bruce and Demi, and Reese and Ryan. Total class acts for loving their kids more and acting like grown-ups.
Because the first thing I think when we're talking about morals and values are all those parents who just want their kids to have private, normal lives. Oh the humanity.
Why did she need a make-up artist for her first day at Coupon Cabin? Is that in her contract? She gets hair and make-up on work days when she BLOGS?
That make-up artist must've used 20 pounds of spackle on her face. And she thinks she doesn't need a facelift? Without make-up she look 59!
Kate didn't lie, she didn't have a face lift, but she had something done to get rid of the ll between her eyebrows, and her forehead does not move even when she does her eye rolls...So ya had something done girly!
Kate also stated, in response to all the money in the world would you get back on tv with Jon, that " she doesn't work for money?" hah fruedian slip there ????
Yes, WHY? oh Why? is she still in the media??
Rewriting history is right. I can see her telling the kids when they get older that the reason daddy left the show is because mommy had to do what was best for them and asked him to leave because of his bad morals and values. I guess she forgets we were around when this happened and know that Jon was the one who had to claw his way out of this contract even getting sued by tlc.
Kate will not change her name back to her maiden name because she knows the last name Gosselin is now famous. Therefore making it easier on herself to be noticed. She knows she is little without having that last name. That's all. At least that is what I think. She would not be getting half recognition if she went back to Kreider. People say Gosselin and get all interested. She knows it. Simple as that.
How would her changing her last name traumatize the kids? I don't see it. It's not like she would be changing their last name. They would still be Gosselin. It sounds a bit ridiculous.
But I guess come 20 years we'll see proof of whatever she's done how she ages. It can not all be caused by makeup or losing weight. Sorry I just don't think so.
She doesn't work for money, that is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard anyone say. Then why is she always whining about wanting to get back on TV? That is not work? There would be some who would beg to differ.
Why does she say "I don't work for money" like it's some terribly shameful thing? Pretty much everyone in the world works for money. I work for money and don't consider it a bad thing. Then again, I also love my son and spend as much time with him as I can, so I obviously do not live on Planet Kate.
Said it before - not sure why this moronic woman can't understand that EVERY time she appears on one of these tabloid-type shows, unscripted and in all her eye-rolling, hand-flapping, ex-bashing glory...she puts another nail in the coffin of her desire to get back on TV. Clearly no one in Kate's camp is doing any sort of damage control. She's a laughing stock now and each one of these interviews makes it abundantly clear that she is not cut out for any sort of career in media. Oh my...the um's, ah's, and conceit! Unbelievable. But she continues to think she's some sort of IT girl? Seriously? If I was a TV executive, I wouldn't hire her to bring me coffee. What an absolute idiot she is.
Meagler said... 6
Kate also stated, in response to all the money in the world would you get back on tv with Jon, that " she doesn't work for money?" hah fruedian slip there ????
No, the bitch had it right the first time. She doesn't work for money, the children do and she gets to spend their money on her self-improvements and travel with her f--- buddy. She works in order to boss people around, to be treated like a STAH, to be on TV, to be adored by the sheeple, to destroy the self-esteem of a good man and husband, to torpedo her marriage, and last but not least to continue her grifting ways. Oooo, she raises my blood pressure!
Meagler said . . . 6
Yes, WHY? oh Why? is she still in the media??
I'd like to know if Billy Bush and his little co-hort who were sucking up to Katie Irene (and yes I know they are expected to as their show is not going to ask any hard questions) can stand to look at themselves in the mirror after that little lovefest. Puke.
In one breath she is complaining about all the attention she gets and how she wishes it would all go away, in the next she proclaims again that she wants to be on TV. Dumbass, attention is how you stay famous like you so desperately want to be. I don't believe for a second she wants the attention to go away she loves it.
Marie said..How would her changing her last name traumatize the kids?
She would make it sound bad so they get upset. Maybe blame Jon too. Remember she said in Alaska that if they wanted to stay they weren't Gosselins. I don't think she is able to talk to the kids and ease their fears, traumas or anything else without drama. Same with the day she told them the show was cancelled. Yes they may have been upset but I think she told them with a "woe is us" end of the world attitude rather than explaining with an upbeat positive outlook. She would put her own dramatic poor ME spin on things just like she does to the public when spewing her crap.
Anonymous said... 13
In one breath she is complaining about all the attention she gets and how she wishes it would all go away, in the next she proclaims again that she wants to be on TV. Dumbass, attention is how you stay famous like you so desperately want to be. I don't believe for a second she wants the attention to go away she loves it.
I think Katie Irene's beef with all the attention is that it is now focusing on the negative, she is being called out (sometimes) on her behavior, and it is no longer believable that she is the poor, suffering mother of 8, count em 8 children. She would prefer that the attention/articles be written as in the early days . . . . that she is supermom and perfect.
Holy hell....looks like Marie Osmond is about to steal Kate's thunder. Look what she's gone and done to HER face! OMG she looks HORRIBLE!!!
What is with these people?
What a bitch. Her picture is next to that word in the dictionary. She's comfortable on TV, yeah, she sure looks comfortable. She gets a pass on everything. I guess it never entered her pea brain that the reason she is still talked about so much is because people hate her so much. Unreal that she continues to get a forum to bash Jon and he just remains quiet. It's not like his being quiet is going to win him any points with a judge - those judges have already proven they are in Kate's pocket, for whatever reason. So disgusting.
Of course she doesn't want the attention to go away. She'd probably wither up and die without it.
If Kate wont work for money then why did she make such a big deal about not getting a nursing job. She said that she could not make enough money being a nurse. She has once again flip flopped and come across looking like a total B!tch.
She's worried about traumatizing the kids if she changes her name, but not worried what a divorce would do to them. Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees. The name is the brand and if Kreider were the brand she would be a Kreider again in a second. If Mrs. Poo-poo head were a brand she would want that name too.
Whatever, bitch. Something happened to your face and you look like a freak. Your eyes keep moving farther apart and your face don't move. The face is creepy and unnatural. I found my eyes searching it like, "WTF is going on with it?". She looks like a claymation person.
Changed name from Kate is unemployed
Mrs Poopoo head. Love it.
Well shit! I watched the interview and I hate to say this but she has improved her speaking skill somewhat.
Someone has been reading here and coaching her. She might not like 'haterz' but she certainly is counting on us to guide her to be better in how she comes across in interviews.
I thought her content was arrogant as usual, but she was much more smooth in her delivery. She is definitely ruthless. Anyone standing in her way will be trampled.
I also have to say I think the questions Billy asked her were pretty snotty, delivered with a smile, if you know what I mean. He was giving her some grief - the look on his face when he talked about Jon was priceless and dark!
Someone has been coaching her and she's definitely had work on her face.
She reminds me of that Spencer and Heidi couple who are now blessedly gone from view and broke.
Ok, we all know that Katie Irene is dumb as a box of rocks and can't answer the most simple question without a bunch of umm's and like's. That's nothing new. What I really, REALLY don't understand is why Steve doesn't at least try to correct this? Why the hell would her "advisor" allow her to keep making such a complete fool of herself? I would think he'd insist on her wearing that earpiece she likes so much and feed her answers that don't sound like they came from a 14 year old.
How would her changing her last name traumatize the kids? I don't see it. It's not like she would be changing their last name. They would still be Gosselin. It sounds a bit ridiculous.
Well, from the divorced mother of a child now grown, it's not traumatizing but it was comforting to my young son that we shared the same surname.
It also gets very confusing with schools.
Ringling Brothers got slapped with a quarter million dollar fine for abuse of animals.
And it just goes to show circus animals are more protected than kids on reality tv. And laws are enforced when it comes to animals, at least in this case.
Sorry, I left some off of the first post.
Ugh, that interview was horrid. Talk about a couple of sycophants. Those two interviewers couldn't have been further up Kate's "you know what". Gross.
And Kate!! Wow! Someone mentioned up thread that her face just clouded right over when they mentioned Jon. That woman has a lot of hatred for him. No wonder why she is alone (no friends, no family etc...) if that is how she views people she can no longer control.
From the previous thread:
"This is not the only place I have seen it said in the last couple of days that she now acknowledges a boob job in 2009. Did she actually say this?"
I thought it was posters speculating, but an article quoted her having the boob job in 2009. I don't remember her saying anything. Either the reporter was speculating or it has become common knowledge. At this point, she'd probably admit to anything to get attention.
I agree with the poster that said Coupon Cabin starts these rumors so they can get publicity for their site. Kate's so media hungry she'll go along with anything.
Katie Irene Kreider most DEFINITELY has an intense HATRED toward Jon. She blames Jon for ALL her Failures & just about EVERYTHING!
~ Marriage
~ Friendship
~ Parenting
~ Family relationships
~ Moral Compass
~ Interviews
~ Hosting
~ Organizing
~ Masterminding
Etc, etc, etc....did I miss anything?
HI 50 said... 31
Katie Irene Kreider most DEFINITELY has an intense HATRED toward Jon. She blames Jon for ALL her Failures & just about EVERYTHING!
~ Marriage
~ Friendship
~ Parenting
~ Family relationships
~ Moral Compass
~ Interviews
~ Hosting
~ Organizing
~ Masterminding
Etc, etc, etc....did I miss anything?
Yes, you did. Kate fails at being a decent human.
I understand her being upset with Jon over filming when this happened. EVeryone has disagreements with family sometimes and everyone gets upset. But you move on and forgive each other if you're healthy. This was, what was it, two years ago? To still be harping and harping and harping about this same issue now as if this just happened yesterday is not only ridiculous, but immature and unhealthy. She'll never do it, but I think therapy might really help someone like her struggling with conflict to work on processing things and forgiving and moving on.
Admin, you know, somehow I just don't see a narcassist doing all that well in therapy...but, hey, I've been wrong before.
Did she say ANYWAYS? Ouch.
OT but kind of amusing...
HI 50 said: Did I miss anything?
How about "writing?"
Kate discussed the following in her interview:
1)Clarified again she didn't have a facelift even though she has already told numerous other new sources this breaking news.
2)Slammed Jon again. Very badly I may add.
3)Running a marathon (no details however)
4) Writes a blog for Coupin Cabin and saved $20 shopping on-line. Also said she blogs about teaching others how to save (bullshit)
5)Hopes to further her career on tv because she is comfortable there.
6)Kids miss the tv crew and she "misses the adventures of showing her kids the world".
7) Mentioned finding a boyfriend and Billy admits he failed to hook her up.
Does this interview sound familar to anyone? I can't believe she goes to New York with a married man to spew this crap AGAIN & AGAIN in yet another tv interview. There is NOTHING new for her to say. We all have heard the above over and over.
It will be a sad day when her grown children discover these numerous, numerous interviews where she is slamming their father. They have been divorced for 2 years now and seperated for 3 years.
Every interviewer always has to ask about Jon. Why? It is getting so old and disgusting. Goes to prove the interviewers have nothing else to ask her about.
Interesting perspective on Kate's surgery from a plastic surgeon...something far more than weight loss due to running is the case here!
I saw the interview differently, I guess. I thought Billy Bush played her like a fine-tuned piano. The pull your hair back was pure genius. He hit on 2 subjects that he knows she doesn't like - dropping the Gosselin name (her brand) and filming with Jon and was quick to point out the most highly watched show ever included guess who Jon. He rattled her chain and got her to say the strangest comment possibly ever made by someone who is unemployed and looking for a job - I don't work for money. You got 8 kids girlie and you don't work for money? Somewhere along the way her twisted mind has determined that life should be nothing but fun, excitement and adventure. Good luck with that one.
And he did all this within the parameters of good taste yet could barely contain his laughter.
She always seems angry and bitter. It is clear that the only way she can get any attention now is to bring up old divorce drama. I think what makes Kate angriest is knowing that she could not make it on TV without Jon, her ratings sank consistently without him. There is no doubt that she would film with Jon in a New York minute if he would agree to it. She knows he never would so she denies she would either. She may not have had surgery but she is barely recognizable. Her face looks frozen and squished.
I don't believe she ever admitted to the boob jobs (I think they were done twice and thirdly, have been reduced to match her smaller frame). I think the media did that for her to such an extent that it is a given now with no need to ask anymore.
OMG!! Had to turn if off after a couple of minutes. So boring....same questions...same denials. Slow news day is right..
Still waiting for that big T.V. gig....she's got SOME wait!!
How many were there? I counted at least three. She doesn't realize that when you repeat a word like that while speaking, it "echoes" (in a bad way) and people can hear that it's used multiple times. Same in writing.
She has no charisma, and she's a BAD actress. The exaggerated sigh and eye roll. Hands angled up to face. "Billy, do I NEED a facelift?" She rehearsed these actions and lines, and she's not good at it.
What do you think Kate's people will do next to try and keep her relevant? CC and Kate's PR people put that picture of her out there intentionally, they fed it to US to get her name to stay in the news and then go on to defend herself. Everytime her "facelift" was talked about, CC was also mentioned. I'm sure we'll hear about her marathon, but then what next?
Why couldn't she just laugh and say 'oh well...I don't think we will be filming together anytime soon. I doubt either of use would have fun at that! hahahaha We are better as separate co-parents to the kids"
Smil and nod. Leave it at that. A little self depricating, nothing over the top and get the "I am a good parent" thing in there.
Kate, I think you should hire me as PR! I also have experience monkey training, so we could be a perfect match.
Here's the REAL truth of how Access Hollywood really feels about Kate. I love it! Listen closely to the opening lines of this of this conversation.
Gramof5, that was PRICELESS! Billy Bush actually said, "Who cares?" And "I think we've looked at those pictures long enough." STILL LAUGHING. They were both totally was GREAT! Hope everyone here watches the link Gram provided...I have new respect for Billy Bush...ROFL!
Thanks Gram I added the other video to the post.
Proof that Kate's fans are brainless and apparently she knows it based on her retweet of this:
Kate Gosselin
RT @TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 Dear Kate,u hav the pwr 2rattle so many cages. U&U alon control the minds of so many lives&they freely giv2u
At least someone called her out on it:
29 Nov
@Kateplusmy8 @TrippenIn omg woman!UR laughing at your dumb sheeple because you control them and they send u things u don't deserve!Mean!
Now, it could be a little "joke" but I doubt it.
"Control the minds of so many lives" ---- creepy!
That was HYSTERICAL! I wonder how long it will be before she realizes people are openly laughing at her.
"That was HYSTERICAL! I wonder how long it will be before she realizes people are openly laughing at her."
Oh, she knows, she just doesn't care. If it gets her what she thinks she wants, she'll take it.
You know, I wish for the kids' sakes that she would find whatever her true talents or strengths are; everyone has something, even her. Clearly not anything media-related, she just doesn't have it naturally (including the blogging). Maybe someday she'll get that.
Frankly, she is starting to come off as immature regarding the whole Jon thing. I never thought I'd ever feel embarrassed for her, but I'm starting to...
Just have to add, in case anyone thinks Billy was not being sarcastic, I loved his comment toward the end where he said, "I think three or four people liked her books."
Looks like the interview was filmed from a hotel. Why was she in NYC? I say Xmas shopping. Wonder if we'll see Toys R Us pics again this year for the 100th time. Just another opportunity to get her mug out there.
I don't think she interviewed well at all. No sense of humor. And talking like a valley girl?! The hair flipping and eye rolling. Not professional at all. She's toast. Can't wait until this time next year.
Wow, yeah, the clip the day before she appeared wasn't exactly complimentary. Is she smart enough to have actually watched the two minutes from the day before? If so, I bet the fact that Billy Bush went on and on and on about how much money she has and THAT'S why she looks better really burned her up! She's trying to cry poor mouth, Billy, don'tcha know? She can't cry poor mouth with you blabbing that she has so much money!
What a joke.
It's been three months since the show was canceled. February will be six months. I predicted long ago that TLC would cancel the show in the early fall (they did it a tiny bit sooner than that!) and that by early 2012, she would be all but forgotten by even the most minor media outlets. It's already happening and will continue to happen. She'll screw up with Coupon Cabin (I think she's screwing up with them already), they'll let her go, and then.........crickets.
In the words of Billy Busch "Who cares?", "I think we've looked at those photos long enough." This was a contrived PR stunt by Coupon Cabin and the sooner the public wises up to these shenanigans the quicker KK will become irrelevant.
Billy Bush is a shill and an idiot if he really thinks that Kate's new face is the result of money. Rest and money does not smooth wrinkles and tighten skin. It just doesn't.
His female cohort knows better.
So, Kate's left PA already? How long will she be gone this time?
I truly feel sorry for her kids. I can't imagine a childhood where my mom would leave for days and weeks at a time, just to beebop around and have jollies. They must feel so unloved.
Oh, my! That second video puts the hosts' views in perspective, doesn't it? Have you seen this video, Kate? They weren't buy what you were selling!
Wow, I had the same thought as cwgirlup75. Kate's a laughingstock.
CC is watching her and making sure that she gets the word out at every opportunity. I am thinking they didn't come to play, as in oh just blog however you want or oh you forgot to mention us, maybe next time. She will have to earn every dime she gets from them.
On another note, I guess Khiels was Kohl's cause I didn't see Kohl's on her list. My son's home teacher shops at Kohl's for free and one name she threw out to me was Slickdeals. com. I looked at it but not for me. I don't shop at department stores except maybe at Christmas.
I also noticed that Kate's boob job is being reported as undisputed, yet not one article pointed out that she's denied it.
I mean, Kate lied over and over and over. Doesn't anyone find this odious? And why doesn't anyone ask Kate if she had *any* work done on her face?
Sorry, one more thing about Kate's AH interview. I find it so damn ironic that Kate decries that everyone has too much time on her hands and that she's busy raising her kids.
OK, let's see. Kate's being interviewed in NYC, hundreds of miles away from her children because she's getting her hair done. Of course, she could get the hair done in her own town, but that wouldn't be a get away, would it? Next, Kate will fly thousands of miles away to run a marathon. Again, could be done locally, but that wouldn't involve leaving her kids behind and getting pampered, now would it?
Kate would leave her kids for an envelope opening. I can't imagine how this will or already has affected their self esteem.
Do they give you morphine when you have a baby now? For 4 days? No wonder there is a population explosion. Things that make you go hummmm!
Tucker's Mom said... 63
Kate would leave her kids for an envelope opening. I can't imagine how this will or already has affected their self esteem.
Spot on...any old excuse to get away will do and if she can't find one, she'll invent one.
Let's see, she did Inside Edition on Monday and Access Hollywood (at their NYC studio) on Tuesday. Is she going to go home at all before she leaves for Vegas, or are she and Steve going to leave directly from NYC? I can't imagine what it must be like for those kids to know that Mom would rather be anywhere but with them.
But let's not forget Supermom decorated her tree (or 1/2 since she needed lights) before leaving again, leaving her children with holiday cheer and turkey leftovers.
She's a special woman.
Love this! Actor Daniel Craig slams the Kardashians and their fame whore antics.
From the GQ article:
"It's not about being afraid to be public with your emotions or about who you are and what you stand for. But if you sell it off it's gone. You can't buy it back - you can't buy your privacy back.
PHOTOS: Hunks In Trunks Show Off Their 6-Packs
"'Ooh I want to be alone.' F*** you!" he said vehemently. "We've been in your living room. We were at your birth. You filmed it for us and showed us the placenta and now you want some privacy?"
Well, yeah. Add Kate Gosselin to the list of fame whores who cry about paps and being in the media. Kate looked like the cat who at the canary in her most recent interview. She was loving it, fake eyeball rolls and all.
"I don't work for money".
Is Kate inadvertently admitting that she's financially set despite trying to sell the poor, struggling, single-mom shtick?
Apparently, statistics show that even with extensive therapy, malignant narcissists like Kate rarely benefit from it (therapy). In fact, they rarely even get anything out of it.
And Kate is a malignant narcissist if I ever saw one. She rivals Casey Anthony when it comes to extreme narcissism.
Most of us (if not all of us) know what sort of dysfunctions we have.....and if we could afford extensive therapy, we know just what we would need to address first and foremost. I am fully aware that I am extremely co-dependent and would love to be able to change that (to some degree). It can be very difficult to change when our dysfunctional behaviors are so firmly cemented in our brains and personalities.....but at least we ARE aware that we have them......and that they usually cause all sorts of problems for us.
But with a narcissist like Kate.....she doesn't think she HAS a problem. And...she thinks SHE knows better than anyone else (like, for example, a therapist) what she needs. If you can't even recognize your problem, how can you possibly benefit from therapy.(?) It would go in one ear and out the other and she would totally reject and look with scorn at anything the therapist said that didn't agree with HER own opinion.
Also.....her animosity towards Jon....this is CLASSIC malignant narcissistic behavior. In fact, 10 years from now she will still be bad-mouthing him with the same intensity she is now (and was 2 years ago).
And Jon has committed the ultimate crime because the absolutely worst thing you can do to a severe narcissist is to not give a crap about the her/him. They want to be the center of attention...whether the attention is positive or negative.....but being ignored is what enrages longer being able to rattle anyone else's cage. They love conflict and love to have it swirling around them.
I still have to watch these videos of the AH interview. Thanks so much for posting them here.
...Kate would leave her kids for an envelope opening. I can't imagine how this will or already has affected their self esteem....
Nah, she's got them brain-washed that mommy HAS to do this stuff to earn money, cuz god knows that worthless pos dad of theirs doesn't care enough about them to give them life on a golden platter.
Thank you Admin.for posting this video. I was going to ask you if you could find a place for it.
Best find of the day I think. I loved it when Kit said, "She's all jacked-up."
Hope you enjoy this one Kate! Maybe you'll realize what a joke you really are to the media.
They laugh at you behind your back and you just keep going back for more.
Tucker's Mom, I took Billy's comments about money to mean that, when you have a lot of money, you can afford to go to spas and be super rested, etc. Of course it also means you can afford Botox, eye lifts, Restalyne, etc.
Personally I think she definitely did some crap to her eyes. They DO look really different. I'm not sure I totally care, though, except in the sense that she's steady spending all that money the kids made.
Speaking of, the fact that he kept mentioning money means you can look rested, refreshed, etc must have also burned Kate's biscuits. It is true, of course, but it flies in the face of her hard-working, never-resting mom of eight image. I don't know how anyone believes that, of course--she's away from her kids as often or more often as she's around them!
She herself said her ideal job would take her away for a week EVERY OTHER week. And she has the stones to bitch about Jon "only" having them two weekends a month PER COURT ORDER? What court order is telling her to run away from her kids every chance she gets? Oh, none.
Hey, eight kids is probably hard. It's seven more kids than I ever cared to have. But she wanted this. She angled for it, for crying out loud. It was her raison d'etre at one time. And here she is running from them for any reason whatsoever, three months after the show is over.
I just figured out I'm around my 17 year old, who goes to school full-time, works part-time, has a social life and a car, more hours a month than she's around her eight young kids.
I see Kate is on twitter silence again.
As for Marie Osmond, she looks like she is 65 years old. That face work she did makes her look older than 52, not younger. She looks terrible.
A little botox here and there not so much you don't even look younger or look like Marie any more. I for one would not even do Botox, cause of what it is. I was blessed with full lips, and do look younger than 52, say around 40. I wear very little make-up and stay out of the sun. I may look like a ghost, but than I look younger naturally. Foolist Marie! Foolist Kate.
Just watched the two videos that the Administrator posted here. I actually don't think Kate did all THAT bad in the interview....and was a bit better than she was in many of the previous interviews on TV......but she did come across as rather entitled and even a little snotty and miffed at times and she kept looking like a bobble-head doll with all the head movements.
I don't think it was terrible......but there are miles and miles between that and what is needed to have an entertainment career (on TV but I think she'd grab anything in the entertainment industry at this point. Plus, almost everyone and their brother are now aware how narcissistic she is and who wants to hire and have to work with someone like that? Not to mention, I'm sure there are all sorts of whispers and rumors that have gone around in the industry about how difficult she was to work with. In order to overcome those obstacles, she would have to be FABULOUS....but even though she's not horrible....she's nowhere near what she'd need to be/have in order to get hired for a TV talk show (or any TV show for that matter).
She really doesn't think before she speaks. The worst example from this interview was "I don't work for money"...........which I don't think is what she meant. I think she meant something more like "Money is not the only reason I go to work....I really want to enjoy it too (or... really want to help others, be meaningful, feel fulfilled, etc. etc.). It came out making her look entitled and not willing to work to support herself and her family.
I think that the "mediocre" comment she made in a prior interview didn't come out exactly how she meant it to either.....but even if it was translated to what she actually meant, it still doesn't sound all that good. You would think that after that big faux pas she would have been extra careful about what she said in this interview. Had it been me, for example....I would have corrected myself and said "so sorry, that came out wrong. What I meant was...." But she doesn't even seem to care how she comes across.
I'd have been mortified when I realized what I'd said and rushed to correct it.....but she was almost oblivious.
If you are speaking the truth, no need to preface every remark by "honestly". When you say that, you are screaming "deception alert".
Not to be a conspiracy theorist here...but you can definitely hear someone speaking to her in an ear piece. When Billy asks about facelift rumors and where it comes from and (first video...around the 40 second mark). She has someone feeding her responses. Turn the sound up loud though and you can hear a female voice speaking (almost like it's in a tin can, which is how it would sound if it was being enhanced from an earpiece into a microphone.)
You can hear it again at:
1:11 (right after Billy says "...fixated on you.") she pauses to listen and you can hear a 'tinny sounding woman's voice, then she answers the question.
Again at the 2:32 mark (right before she says "definitely"
and then again at the 4:26 mark (when they ask if she would go back to her maiden name)
Now, if I had time I'd put it through my mixer and splice the tracks and see what I could come up with. But, I'm not planning on doing that. I just think it's funny that it's so obvious.
When she rolls her eyes to her left it's like she's trying to listen to what is being said. Tell-tale sign that gives it all away.
JudyK said... 54
Just have to add, in case anyone thinks Billy was not being sarcastic, I loved his comment toward the end where he said, "I think three or four people liked her books."
November 30, 2011 7:49 AM
I heard this differently. To me it sounded like "How many books has she written? Three or four? People liked her books." I like your version better, but I think I might be right.
I think it's how you define plastic surgery. For Billy Bush, botox and fat injections are just cosmetic procedures, like putting on foundation and powder. Lots of money can pay for those things as well as hair stylists, trainers, personal shoppers, makeup artists, etc. They are just part and parcel with being in the entertainment business.
To be fair to Kate, the pic of her right after giving birth isn't the best example to compare her current look to. Take a screen shot off the first special. She still has the mousey brown hair, etc. but she can't pass it off as "I just gave birth." No woman looks her best after childbirth, C section or vaginal.
As for the second clip, I don't think Billy Bush was being all that desparaging. And when he comments on her books, he wasn't saying 3-4 people liked them, rather he was asking how many bestsellers did she write? 3-4? People liked them (ergo should go back to writing books).
She is slowly fading. The only reason she stays relevant is because the gossip bloggers write about stuff posted here and from other sites (but mostly from here, I think). Her team jumps on that to say "Hey, look, people are still talking about her!" and then they're able to sell stories to US, National Enquirer, etc. and Access Hollywood.
So we'll see how long she can draw this out. Frankly, if she wants to fly off to Australia and Vegas to do her own thing, let her. Her "I'm doing it all for my kids" doesn't really wash anymore, she has just stated that she doesn't do the television work for the money which must mean she's not as poor as she claimed and which leaves fame as the only other viable reason for her to pursue this career. It's sad for her kids because they had their early years exploited but they're probably better off hanging with the nanny full time and mom part time. After all, she's not the greatest mom in the world, imo.
I think if Jon would take the kids while she traveled, she'd be in 7th heaven - she'd still be able to claim that she's doing it for the kids including working to achieve a harmonious co-parenting relationship with their Dad all the while still maintaining custodial control and getting child support from Jon while he picks up the kids expenses (food, clothes, school supplies, etc.) on top of what he pays her.
I'm sure Jon would like to see his kids more but if he is working two jobs I can see how that might present a problem. I'm sure he has to work two jobs - he racked up alot of debt during his infamous "lost weekend" (well, year actually) and I'm sure his financial settlement didn't cover half of it. I don't even think if Kate agreed to legally change the custodial agreement to allow him
more time and to reduce his payments he'd be able to quit this second job, whatever it is.
So, as I've said before, it's a sad, sad situation for the kids - one parent who is emotionally (and, when she travels, physically) unavailable and one parent who is physically unavailable.They will have issues, no question and I don't think that their story is over quite yet. The best we can do is give them as much peace as we can.
These interviewers just aren't fast enough on the trigger. When Kate said that she's 36 and asked if she looks like she needs a face lift, one of them should have responded, "If you didn't need a face life, then why did you have the botox?"
Her response to that would have been priceless! Confirm it...deny it? What to do?
Her response to that would have been priceless! Confirm it...deny it? What to do?
No one but no one challenges her. Just the fact that she's galavanting off in NYC and off to Vegas belies the claim that she's busy raising her kids.
I truly wonder if Jon has any legal ammunition with Kate leaving the kids with a babysitter so much. She's hardly home to mother them. Does that even matter to a judge?
What we need is an interview a la Al Roker and Speidi. That was just delicious to watch.
I'm dumbfounded by her admission that she gave herself Botox injections in 2010 - that just seems wrong and a potential problem for whoever wrote the prescription. And yes, the media, including her 'friends' Billy & Kit, are not laughing WITH her this time, she looks foolish (besides her face looking 'done'). Happy running, K8.
Here's the REAL truth of how Access Hollywood really feels about Kate. I love it! Listen closely to the opening lines of this of this conversation.
I sure hope Kate saw that. It was really good!
No one but no one challenges her.
Correct. But just to see the reaction on her face, if she could have moved her forehead, would have been amusing!
Just listened. Billy said, "She has her books 3 or 4 people like them." Put the period where you want to make it sound the way you want.
KT admitted that she gave herself Botox injections? Surely she is not that crazy. That must have been when her eyebrows looked were straight up on the ends.
@ 64 I heard that weatherman - sounded like someone whispering, but I thought it was the lady whispering to Billy. Oh my! That is even crazier if it was through an ear piece and it could be heard. I did notice that she was talking over Billy as though determined to get out what she wanted to say, and he seemed like he lost his train of thought and maybe missed a question.
I think the fact that Coupon Shack is the one putting these clips on YouTube is pretty much all the evidence we need that CC fabricated this entire "story", the rumors of plastic surgery, just to get publicity. It's one thing to post the clip where she's interviewed on Access Hollywood, but for CC to post the clip of the show from the day before where they made so much fun of Khate and her face is really something else. I love it, of course, but she should be pissed at them. However, she doesn't care, whatever gets her talked about. After the marathon, she's really out of things to do to get attention.
Do we know when she is leaving for Vegas? Does she need time to acclimate to the climate and such before the race? I'm not a runner so I don't really know how that works.
I listened to that again and it could have been them feeding the questions to her through the ear piece since it was remote?
Westcoaster said... 69
I'm dumbfounded by her admission that she gave herself Botox injections in 2010 - that just seems wrong and a potential problem for whoever wrote the prescription. And yes, the media, including her 'friends' Billy & Kit, are not laughing WITH her this time, she looks foolish (besides her face looking 'done'). Happy running, K8.
Haven't been as present as usual, but I don't recall where it was linked that she admitted giving herself botox. Do you have it - fascinating...and scary!
I ran into Walgreen's earlier and saw US magazine. The pic of Kate is on the very lower right, blocked by the magazine rack. The text above the pic said (I think, I was rushing) 'What Happened to Her Face?". It was very unflattering.
Warmth Of The Sun said... 71
No one but no one challenges her.
Correct. But just to see the reaction on her face, if she could have moved her forehead, would have been amusing!
I'm a *huge* Scrubs fan and this reminds me of when Dr. Cox's wife, Jordan, got so botoxed she could not show one emotion. Her face was frozen.
Kate is right, she doesn't work for money. Only the mediocre do. She begs for money.
I agree with others that CC put the facelift rumors out there to generate publicity. Billy Bush knew how to push her buttons. Kart hates Jon, but she also hated being asked the questions regarding Jon, filming and a reconciliation. Her eyes became piercing daggars. She gave the same angry look to the judges on DWTS when they were criticizing her. The production crew laughed at Billy Bush's "who cares" if she had a facelift. I agree. She's nothing but a joke.
I think the Botox comment is in the US magazine ( I was also in a drugstore line today); turned to the article, which is all of a paragraph, but has maybe 6 pics of K8 through the years. Scary, really scary.
"Honestly." Really? Enough said!
Yes, I can hear the voice in her ear. About 47 seconds in if you turn the sound up. She is not busy raiseing her kids, she is busy promoting herself and making sure she has the flexability to leave them.
CC didn't "put facelift rumoors out there". They put up photos of her newly plasticized face into their press kits.
So what if she hasn't had a 'face lift"? She's obviously had "cosmetic procedures". Her evasions just make her look like a complete fool. As usual.
A little note to you, Kate: When people are asking if you've had a facelift, it doesn't mean that you look good. It means that your face looks fake.
Just like the rest of you, in all your semantic, lying glory.
It was a remote feed, that's why she would pause before answering their questions. She was hearing them about two seconds later than they finished them. No mystery there.
Really who would be feeding her answers? Who cares enough to help her improve her image anymore? When she was still with TLC I do believe they had someone trying to coach her before interviews. But now? Meh.
And that's the same reason no one challenges her. To us, there's plenty to challenge and plenty of reason TO challenge. To these entertainment show hosts, though, Kate is a D-lister not worth putting the effort into challenging her in the first place.
Does anyone know what the going rate for a live nanny and housekeeper cost per week ? I've been out of the loop for way too many years.
I do believe that she has two people living there, mainly full time.There is absolutely no way that she could run a large house and take care of those kids by herself. Even when she is home.
Do the servants get paid double time when Kate is away?
I think I posted this before but one thing I think she would be good at is doing commentary on World's Dumbest. They have people who were once highly sought after stars on there who provide sarcastic and snarky comments on the dumb antics of wannabe criminals that get caught on film. My son watches it and it is quite funny at times but not my cup of tea. But every time I watch it with him I think now that is something that KT would be very good at - she could be bitchy and sarcastic and snark from home and get paid for it. She could also make her sounds and funny faces and even pop her gum. Jon would also be very good at it. They could even do it on the same show together and never have to interact (but it would appear that they did) as they do the spots remotely, most likely from home. There is another one also about animal antics along the same lines. She could make chicken clucking sounds on that one.
Never any hard questions. How about:
Are you and Steve a couple?
Are Steve and his wife still together?
Who pays him?
How many days a month is he with you/his family?
Have you ever had Botox injections?
Who did you spend Thanksgiving with?
Do your kids like spending half their lives with babysitters
How much does coupon cabin pay you?
Kate's repugnant.
I can't stomach that woman.
Dallas lady said 83
To these entertainment show hosts, though, Kate is a D-lister not worth putting the effort into challenging her in the first place.
That's right. It's fine with these shows if Kate wants to go on them and make a fool of herself. Uses up two minutes of air time, and it's no skin off their backs.
It still fills airwaves, even if she looks like an idiot. Some days you just have to settle.
This is exactly what D-listers are for - giving the entertainment industry someone to put on when they can't get anybody more interesting.
Narcissism means she'll be the last to know that SHE'S the one being used.
The one thing I noted when Angelina Jolie was on 60 minutes was that she was truly unaware of what the tabloids say about her. She and Brad are married, they're splitting etc.
Jolie would not even think to go on a show and "set the record straight". Kate is consumed with herself in the media and absolutely loves that people are talking about her.
"Slow news day?" my ass. She'd shrivel up if the paps stopped stalking her.
Westcoaster said... 82
I think the Botox comment is in the US magazine ( I was also in a drugstore line today); turned to the article, which is all of a paragraph, but has maybe 6 pics of K8 through the years. Scary, really scary.
Kate talking about how upset her children would be if she changed her name reminded me of when she wouldn't take off her wedding rings because her children would be upset. Did they really care? No. Would they care if she had another name? No. What if god forbid she actually found someone that would marry her? Would she not she keep Gosselin instead?
Also I was in Walgreen's with my daughter the other day and she was laughing. I looked to see what was so funny. She had spotted Kate on the front of a magazine that said: What happened to Kate's face. She said it just hit her as a funny thing to say about someone. And yes she did wonder what happened to her face.
November 30, 2011 10:28 AM
amyf said... 77
JudyK said... 54
Just have to add, in case anyone thinks Billy was not being sarcastic, I loved his comment toward the end where he said, "I think three or four people liked her books."
November 30, 2011 7:49 AM
I heard this differently. To me it sounded like "How many books has she written? Three or four? People liked her books." I like your version better, but I think I might be right.
Amy, I like "my version" better, too, but I went back and listened again, and I'm afraid you're right...Billy Bush is back on my Loser List.
A local saw her with her 6 inch heels and mini dress in target today.. So she had not left for vegas.
I don't know if CC put the facelift rumor out there but what I do know is they photoshopped the hell out of her picture which is what got people talking. You can look at the picture of her and then look at her on the video and tell the subtle differences. Fuller, more squishy face in the photo, gaunt, long face in person.
Kate may think that by copping to Botox injections in 2010 she will stop the speculation on did she or didn't she. Her sheeple will believe her, however someone else has been giving Botox to her more recently. Unless her injections were like her "magic bra" and will last forever, you've got to get them at least every 4 months or so. Here's the info from a Botox website.
You're probably wondering how long Botox lasts. Most people see effects for three to four months, but several factors may shorten or lengthen that period:
Your age. Older people with less muscle tone may see results diminish sooner than those with younger, firmer facial muscles.
Your facial structure and expressions.
Whether you smoke.
Your diet.
Whether you take good care of your skin; use facials, microdermabrasion or other resurfacing methods.
How much sun you get and how much sun damage your skin already has.
Whether you use Botox repeatedly or not. However, this seems to differ from one person to another. Some obtain a longer-lasting effect with repeated use, while others seem to develop a resistance to the drug and need more frequent treatments.
Doctors disagree on which of the above factors are the most important; it's a good question to ask your practitioner. In any case, it is not recommended to have injections in the same injection site (such as for crow's feet) more frequently than every three months.
"Cwgirlup75 said... 87
Do we know when she is leaving for Vegas? Does she need time to acclimate to the climate and such before the race? I'm not a runner so I don't really know how that works."
Its going to take more then a few days for her to get use to the climate. It takes two weeks or more before your body is physically able to function fully at a higher altitude. There is less oxygen at higher altitudes. The body has to create more red blood cells to supply the body with oxygen.
Here's the US article link and the pertinent quote about botox.
Exclusive: Did Kate Gosselin Get a Facelift?
Celebrity Beauty November 22, 2011 AT 8:21AM By Zach Johnson
"To keep her youthful appearance, the single mom of eight -- who got a tummy tuck in 2007 and breast implants in 2009 -- relies on thrice-weekly tanning sessions. Last June, she even gave herself Botox injections! (The result: unnaturally arched eyebrows.)"
Thanks to the gals at Preesi's for the article link.
Kart probably practices writing Mrs. Kate Neild, Katie Irene Neild, Katie Kreider Neild, Kate and Steve Neild daily. I think she'd give up the Gosselin name for Neild in a NY minute, but it's not going to happen.
Kate has morals OMG now that funny
1 - She is beyond obsessed with her ex husband, in a low class trashy kind of way.
2 - She loves getting on TV and 'setting the record straight' so she can lie more. She lives to make things up; she is like a child living in her fantasy land and can't wait till daddy (the media) gets home from work at night so she can tell all about what the princess did today. Her own real life is so dull, so boring, so not-meeting-her-needs that she cant stop focusing on her long gone ex husband and whatever other little play fantasy she can up this time.
Kate, get help; life doesnt have to hurt all the time. You dont HAVE to be angry and lonely all the time. For the love of God, get proper treatment. You have a dysfuntional mental illness.
Kate doesn't know any divorced couples who continue to work together? What an idiot. It happens all the time.
Not every ex-wife hates her ex-husband like Kate does, especially ones with kids.
According to, Lindsay Lohan's 17 year old sister Ali, is denying she has had plastic surgery. A plastic surgeon is quoted as saying she looks like she has had Botox treatments. Looks like the 36 yr. old Kate will have to take a back seat; the attention will now focus on the 17 yr. old.
Pamelajo said... 64
Do they give you morphine when you have a baby now? For 4 days? No wonder there is a population explosion. Things that make you go hummmm!
Yes they certainly do! For a normal delivery! I got nothing for my regular deliveries and merely darvocet ON REQUEST when I had my 2 C-sections! GRRR!!! My nieces have all had morphine pumps after child birth and came home with a month's worth of percoset.
When I think of all the pain I went through...
Oh and I guess that eyebrow godzilla look that Kate was sporting there at one point was when she gave HERSELF the botox injections, eh? What a precious little ass she is. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Do they give you morphine when you have a baby now? For 4 days?
She had a C-section with what was probably a decent sized incision plus may have had to have excess suturing/repair given that her abdomen was so large after carrying all 6 babies. It is probably feasible that she would still be receiving the occasional IV morphine at that time. However, if it was me, I don't know that I would take it immediately prior to being interviewed!
Billy talked more about coupon cabin that she did. Pathetic spokesperson.
I don't think she had anyone feeding her the answers on AH. I believe she did have an earpiece to hear the questions as they would have been delayed by a few seconds due to remote filming. That would account for the pauses and her talking over BB. That said, she obviously rehearsed what her reaction to the facelift question would bem("Do I look like I need a facelift, Billy?") but could not handle anything she had not been prepared for. Awkward interview.
Anonymous said... 99
Never any hard questions. How about:
Are you and Steve a couple?
Are Steve and his wife still together?
Who pays him?
How many days a month is he with you/his family?
Have you ever had Botox injections?
Who did you spend Thanksgiving with?
Do your kids like spending half their lives with babysitters
How much does coupon cabin pay you?
I don't think TV interviewers should ask Kate or anyone else such personally intrusive questions. We don't have a right to know
the answers. Much as I dislike Kate (a lot), it's a bridge too far to publically quiz her about such private-to-her matters. Although she puts herself out there, who else in the public eye would be expected to reveal these sort of things?
I do agree, though, about the botox query in the list - that could have been a natural follow-on from Kate's denial of a (surgical) facelift.
Information on other things some people would like to know about (and I'm one of them) will no doubt come out in the wash in due course...
HI 50 said... 31
Katie Irene Kreider most DEFINITELY has an intense HATRED toward Jon. She blames Jon for ALL her Failures & just about EVERYTHING!
~ Marriage
~ Friendship
~ Parenting
~ Family relationships
~ Moral Compass
~ Interviews
~ Hosting
~ Organizing
~ Masterminding
Etc, etc, etc....did I miss anything?
Telling The Truth
If you look back on the years since Jon and Kate started filming, Kate got a tummy tuck for free, at least one or two breast augmentations, lots of botox for the brow lines, liposuction on her butt,legs, waist, and cankles(more than once),a minor nose job(to trim her minor bulb), and many other injections to improve her appearance, especially in the past 2-3 years.
My point being that this woman is all about her appearance, and will go to any length to try to stay relevant. Narcisisst.
My main concern is the kids, and what she has put them through with all of these surgeries, times traveling for her own benefit, and why she is not more interested in them, than she is in herself on every occassion.
And I hate how she never misses an opportunity to slam Jon every step of the way. There is something really wrong here, how she can never consider that he is their father. Never mind, he seems to be doing a great job at normalcy, from what we can see. She has so much animous, and is so selfish, she can NEVER see beyond herself. Perhaps she is jealous ( yes I said it) that he is far more of a greater parent than she will ever be, minus all the "perks" she buys them.
I can only imagine what these kids go through these days to avoid the "penalty of severness." The next few years should be interesting when the kids are old enough to defy her. There are already signs of this, but Kate will deny this, in her "best mom" mode, but the kids will not keep up the farce forever. She really is not very bright. Sorry for my rant.
Is Kate using coupons in NYC?. I'm sure she can save some money their unless AH is paying for her stay in the. Big Apple
Twitter silence from the bimbo for over 24 hours. She must be busy having Steve "guard" her body. *snark*
Does Kate get paid for these type of appearances? If so, it's quick way to make some pocket change to finance her trip to LV.
Is the marathon in Las Vegas a charity run, or is it just a marathon for the sake of running a marathon?
HI 50, she also failed at volunteering and Christianity, and to me that is a double whammy, as most Christians serve in some way, and with much gratitude and joy too.
fidosmommy, Rock-n-Roll does have some charities it raises money for, but you know Kate would be tooting her own horn if she was doing that. She's going for the sake of going. I think the climate and altitude change will really affect her too. I go from Pacific Northwest (moist and near sea level) to New Mexico, over a mile high, and I am gasping for the first few days I run - and only about 3 miles or so. She has no idea what she's doing and hasn't this whole 'training' time.
url said... 111
Kart probably practices writing Mrs. Kate Neild, Katie Irene Neild, Katie Kreider Neild, Kate and Steve Neild daily. I think she'd give up the Gosselin name for Neild in a NY minute, but it's not going to happen.
November 30, 2011 5:30 PM
I don't think she would. I think Steve will become Mr. Kate Gosselin. Steve Gosselin. No way will Kate get rid of the moneymaker name. She's WAY too afraid of being forgotten. The only way she'd drop Gosselin is if she marries some big famous well-known celebrity ( which will never happen ).
I think she has a tad of a wittle crush on Billy Bush. Now there's a fine couple. Barf!
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but looks like TLC has moved on and is exploiting a new demographic:
The thing that struck me in the AH interview was how she kept saying "Whatever comes my way" when talking about getting a job in TV. She thinks that someone is just going to hand her a job as a talk show host or interviewer. Too lazy to go out and pursue anything for herself or get any training to even qualify. She expects the world to just cater to her, just like when she was married to Jon and he was there to do everything for her.
Sorry if this is not allowed. I copied it from
It gave me a good laugh. Sorry Administrator if it was wrong of me.
Linda Tarnowski
30 Nov, 2011 at 4:41 pm
I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids.
People argue the haters keep her on TV. I once believed that. But I no longer do. I think she stays on TV because she draws controversy about almost everything she does. If you look at the comments people post on ROL and those other similar sites, 99% of them are negative. How can she ever succeed in any meaningful way on TV if she is so incredibly disliked? The answer is she won't. But there are those out there who will always want updates on those 8 kids, no matter how old they get. She has definitely created a legacy with her family like no other because of TLC. The stage has been set until her dying day that she will somehow have relevance out there. There will always be cash for her from some TV special or some idiot will want an interview with her to catch up on what she's been doing with the kids at the orphanage. She will keep obsessing about her appearance in case that big break comes knocking at the door. Also, her new look has garnered the attention she has sought since the kids took it away from her. It is no secret the more attractive she became (with make-up artists, NY hair appointments, tasteful clothing), the more attention came her way and she became addicted and learned to love it. Oh, how shallow she truly is. People get so worked up about the fact every show she is on was slagging her the previous day. That is the industry and Kate is smart enough to know it is only done for ratings, not because they don't like her. It's a win win. She gets paid and they get ratings and it's one big lovefest behind the cameras. My point? I have never disliked anyone in my life more than her. I am tired of the free ride for doing NOTHING of importance in this world. And whatever happened to the Gosselin Give Back at the food bank anyway. What a bunch of bullshit. She should be hiding in shame for that scam of an episode.
Did I read right? She was spotted in 6 inch heels today? Didn't Kate recently claim she could not wear heels until the marathon was over?
Kate might have all the money to buy the kids thing but. Jon has all the love and all the support and fun that a real parent gives his/her's children and she know that's.
What the kids really want so that's I think that why Kate hates Jon so much.
#64 #116 I still don't believe what Kate said. FOUR days on morphine? That rings false to me. I have had 3 children, all c-section and never once was I prescribed morphine for the days AFTER labor, unless of course I was a narcissist milking it for everything it was worth....or a liar telling a story to the media.
Heels and minidress in Target today. From the woman who tweeted just a few days ago that she was giving her marathon feet a rest until it was over. She's just a crazy liar. Or just crazy.
#64 #116 I still don't believe what Kate said. FOUR days on morphine? That rings false to me. I have had 3 children, all c-section and never once was I prescribed morphine for the days AFTER labor, unless of course I was a narcissist milking it for everything it was worth....or a liar telling a story to the media.
I have never understood her, "penalty of severeness," I mean to me it makes no sense. I'm not a parent so maybe I have no say in the matter to those of you who have kids. But, I've never heard a parent say such a thing. Least of all for such a minor thing of coming into their bedroom.
I had a problem from the start with Kate's, "I don't even want to hear you breathe," rumors of her whacking kids with spoons, 45 minutes in a crib. I mean it all sounds...terribly excessive on discipline. If anything it's her need for absolute and total control. It's frightening.
What she will do when her kids get a mind of their own I have no idea but it probably won't be all that good. She dresses the kids alike, tells them what order to eat their food, they recite it, can't have something because they are girls, or are boys.
Geez, I'd be surprise if her kids didn't have ulcers or something from all the stress! No wonder Kate looks so run down. If you are truly that mean it sort of begins to show on your face too.
Anyway, no way she will drop the last name even if she married Steve she'd go with Gosselin-Nield or something like that. She's all about the attention, her narcassistic self just will never let herself be happy unless everyone else around her is miserable or at very least under her control or buys her BS. Least it's my thoughts.
The person who swears to track down every hater, that scares me. It's just so truly bizarre. So she has 8 kids, that's not why people dislike her. People dislike Kate because of how she acts and response to things. I believe there is a difference. I went to church with a family of 9 kids. There are large families out there, it's not a reason to hate anybody, is it?
I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids.
I would love to know where she is going to get the money to do that. If I was charged with something like that, I would charge them with libel and sue her for all of my court costs. I would win too. No judge would ever allow a suit like this. Its a waste of the courts time and money.
I know better then to feed the troll or poke the crazy. But, I feel comfortable positing about it here.
Marie said... 139
I have never understood her, "penalty of severeness," I mean to me it makes no sense. I'm not a parent so maybe I have no say in the matter to those of you who have kids. But, I've never heard a parent say such a thing. Least of all for such a minor thing of coming into their bedroom.
I wonder if Kate uses To Train Up a Child by Michael Pearl to raise her children. Many of the things she says and dose makes me think that its one of her references. Many of the practices in the book can be abusive. Pearl suggests hitting children with a spoon, switch or 1/4 inch plumbing line. He also says to keep feeding a child the same thing until they finally eat it. This can mean feeding them the same meal (that they refused to eat) for days on end until the child is broken and eats the food. By that point, the child is starving and will eat anything even if the food is moldy. We know that Kate has done this. Just take a look at the sandwiches she feed her children for an entire week because they refused to eat them.
Pearl demands absolute obedience from children. We all know that Kate demands the exact same thing. There is no time to be a child when you have to obey every command. You are always on pins and needles waiting for the next command. There is no consistency is what Kate demands. This makes Pearls methods more dangerous. The kids will never know what is going to set their mom off the deep end.
I have lived in this sort of environment. My mother was an unmedicated bipolar person. We never knew if she was going to have a good day or bad day. It was hell. It would have been worse if she followed Pearls teachings.
"I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids." (as reported by nj @ #132.)
Well, here I am, bring it on. Yes, I hate that child abusing Katie Gosselin and I dont care if she is divorced or not. I'd put a bumper sticker on my car about it if I could find one. My "childrin" are all much older than you are apparently and they HATE that gosselin woman more than I do. Is that your big weapon - you are gonna go to school tell somebody's mommy on me? Go to your room and organize your crayons and your unicorn stickers and leave the grown-ups alone.
Re reported Kate spotting in Target on 11/30, this is the only mention I saw on her Twitter:
TheUncleKevy UncleKevy
@Kateplusmy8 Hope ur day smoothed out. I’ll buy u a coffee if you want! HA. From behind u at Target today.
No mention of 6-inch heels. I think this is a deliberate fake, to take attention away from the fact that she probably left for LV directly from NYC (and, therefore, at least 4 days ahead of the marathon on Sunday). This tweeter has only tweeted once, ever, and is only following KG. There is a website link in his profile that goes nowhere. This is no doubt Kate's personal version of "Where's Waldo?" After all, if she can't keep people guessing, what does she have?
What she doesn't seem to understand is that there are only a handful of people who give a crap these days. It is a miracle of modern PR (with a sizeable assist from CouponCabin) that she is still in the news (albeit solely rag-mags) at all. Maybe that's what she means when she says she is "working": She's working overtime staging opportunities designed to keep her in the public eye. And I don't believe she's going to stop any time soon, no matter how much she embarrasses herself or her children.
Anyone thinking to report us to our employers will have a hard time finding many employers who either know who the hell she is or give a damn what we think about her or can stomach her themselves.
re her name change if she'd marry Steve...she would love the notoriety of Gosselin-Nield brand. It is good for her much needed daily attention fix.
Wouldn't it be nice if this 'amazing' marathon would be televised with the camera trained on her the entire run! How can you fake running when your in the middle of that mass of people? She'd be dead meat five minutes (NOT miles) into it.
Cwgirlup75 said... 118
Twitter silence from the bimbo for over 24 hours. She must be busy having Steve "guard" her body. *snark*
She and Steve are having their own marathon.
I think that even if she marries Steve, she will remain Kate Gosselin. The only way she'd give up the name is if Steve forced her hand. I think she would do it then because she seems like she will do anything for him.
Forgot to add in my last comment -
If she and Steve do marry, she will likely keep the Gosselin name in public, but in private she will use the Neild name loud and proud. I can see her using Neild on official documents and things like that. After all this time, she would want to make sure that everyone knew that she finally got what she was after.
I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids.
There's nothing illegal, immoral or unethical about detesting Kate Gosselin.
And there's certainly no reason why an employer, family members or "the familys at all your childrins schools" would care in the least what a stranger thinks about someone else's opinion.
Somebody should have spent a little more time at school herself. Along with learning to think logically, she might have picked up a few spelling tips, too.
The local allowed me to post their FB comment:
So....while xxxxx and I were out running errands today I noticed a female in a short dress and 6 inch heels walking in the parking lot away from Dicks. No one around here dresses like that on a regular day. Just went about my business and my final stop was Target in the same shopping mall as Dicks. Turn the corner in the store and there's the same blonde, with short dress and heels....also known as Kate Gosselin! GAG!!! I knew it wasn't one of our down to earth locals. Just our local that thinks she's Miss Celebrity....She's such a dang fool
Just watched the clip-haven't read ANY of y'alls comments yet.
What is up with the darting eyes as she is asked each Q? Steverino in the wings?
"Honestly" okay Khate we know: you're UBER-honest Always!! (gag)
She speaks in that annoying "questionspeak" intonation. Isn't she a bit old for that?
Oh, I forgot; face lifts are only for OLD people, as she stated at least twice in the interview.
She *completely* did NOT get the joking at the end,about pulling her (fake) face back. How uncomfy she acted! Is she SO narcissistic to the point she cannot even,for a few seconds, step outside herself to laugh at herself/joke around about the rumours,whatever? Moreover ,she didn't look as if she even GOT the guy's joking. Like: It Didn't Compute. I guess..she really IS dumb!
Track us down and take us to court, huh? Now that is the most idiotic, insane thing any of the fans have ever said. Still laughing at that one. Can you imagine either a lawyer or a judge hearing that? I know there are frivolous lawsuits all over the place nowadays, but come on. And she won't stop until, blah, blah, blah. What a waste of a life. I seriously hope she doesn't have any children she is raising.
Kate has some balls, and must have set ground rules, to do an interview denying a facelift with THAT FACE. Whatever is going on, she looks unnatural, freakish, reptilian. Billy Bush was silent when she asked if she needed a facelift....what could he say? She's pulled so damn tight already. The woman actually may think she looks good.
I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids.
I vote 5th grader. What do you think?
I'd just ignore the the crazy sheep who says she'll track you down. Probably not serious and definitely not stable. Let it go
So Kate was home yesterday and didn't tweet her fans all day. Interesting, and another lie. She said she wasn't wearing heels in prep for marathon. I guess is incapable of telling the truth about anything.
So.... Kate has money to travel to Vegas to run in a race, but it's too expensive to enroll her kiddies in gymnastics?
Kate's morals are driven by self absorption & convenience.
I hope the day of the race, she's stuck running behind someone that pooped/pee'd in their unnerwears.
@153: I'd vote grade-schooler or a sheeple who forgot to take her meds.
I vote 5th grader. What do you think?
I vote for the same person who showed up on another blog summer of 2010, claiming to be the sheriff and threatening everyone who posted. Sounds exactly like her. She gave an August deadline for everyone to clear out, or she would go head to head with all non-fans, hire private investigators, do credit checks, and send everyone to jail.
I had no idea it took a whole week to run a marathon. Maybe she wrote down that phone number and is busy scouting out Tao nightclub. It's only December 1, whatever is she going to do stuck at home after this?
Kate is right she didn't have a face lift yet but. I bet she is going to some time in the future.
I'm trying to picture that phone call:
*ring ring*
secretary: Hello ABC Company, how many I direct your call?
crazed sheeple: I demand to speak to the manager!
s: Hold a moment while I direct your call. Thank you for called ABC Company. Have a nice day!
cs: whatever!
*hold music*
Manager: Hello this is Jim. How may I help you today?
cs: Are you aware that your employee Jane Doe HATES Kate Gosselin?
m: uh pardon? Who is Kate Gosselin?
cs: Kate Gosselin the tv STAR!!!! Jane Does HATES her! Are you aware of this?
m: Well no, I can't say that I was. What can I assist you with today ma'am?
cs: Don't you understand? Jane Doe HATES Kate!!! She is posting on blogs saying MEAN things about Kate.
m: Ok. Well how can I assist you with matters concerning ABC Company today ma'am?
cs: Well are you going to make her stop posting? Are you going to fire her? What are you going to do to her?
m: Ma'am employees can post on blogs on their free time, they are not required by our company to like every celebrity. Is there an issue with our company that I can assist you with today?
cs: YES! You can FIRE Jane Doe! She HATES Kate Gosselin. Why don't you understand me? I demand to speak to your supervisor!
m: You are free to call the corporate office ma'am. I'm afraid they are going to tell you the same thing, though. Here is their number: 1-800-555-1234.
cs: I've never shopped with your company and you can bet I never will if this is the kind of employees you have. What is your name so I can report your behavior as well?
m: My name is Jim ma'am. I told you at the beginning of the call. Thank you for calling ABC Company. Have a nice day.
cs: *starts dialing corporate office*
I just came back from a Doctor Who convention, wore my Timelord costume, had a good time and got a pic with Peter Davidson.
Crazy sheeple. This sheeple who is making threats, is one dumb sheeple. Cause we can sue her ass for stalking, def of character, lawyer fees, not too bright. And the funny thing is Kate does not give a shit.
Oh, that whole thing about Kate can't find white lights is just a ploy, to get the lights grifted, and she did by those fools at the hair salon. I don't know Kate, but everywhere I go every body sells white lights(even Walgreens, CVS, Savon/OSCO, Walmart, etc), I guess it was too hard to go and look, you could have bought online too. Even used your Michaels coupon for that or Menards!Or better yet, checked the lights to see which bulb was out! I guess that was too hard.
Oh yeah, and Marie Osmond looks terrible, the lips and face work she did makes her look like she is 62. Not younger. Bad mistake, and Kate pic was photoshopped.
One more thing, next CC blog: Kates take, on saving money in Las Vegas, while doing a marathon there, and how I grifted the gift table and anything else I could do, while purseboy held my hand, so I would not smack a hater. .
anger issues kate said
I grifted the gift table and anything else I could do, while purseboy held my hand, so I would not smack a hater.
I think he's made it clear that his job is to keep her from smacking the fans.
I agree, comment 91. Couldn't have said it any better myself!
Now that actually could make a CC blog post, saving $$$ in Las Vegas if a) someone other than K8 writes it and b) see a. Our K8 is on another well-earned vacay and that means grifting from gift tables, looking for free drinkies at clubs, and not having her good times ruined by anything so silly as a coupon. Can you just see her at a casino off the Strip, standing in line for a buffet, coupon in hand? That image is good for a laugh this am.
K8 in Las Vegas, d-listing it up at a casino. Yep, that would just about put the frosting on the Christian-Mom-Grifter-Extrodinaire cake, all right.
She can grift all she wants now but that won't pay the bills, and there is nothing whatever else in her entertainment future except a raft of sleazier and sleazier d-lister offers.
Another one:
Life sure is hard on kids whose parents pimp them out to the entertainment industry.
But, hey, what's a little molestation and a ruined life if Mama and Poppa get the big bucks?
Sure beats living a "mediocre" life. Right, Kate?
I think the marathon running is Kate Persona #8.
Really, is there much more wholesome than a person who runs? Running is healthy, a well respected activity, and running clothes are symbolic of hard work and determination. Therefore, she shall dabble in it and let us all know all about it. New Persona, folks! Come see.
The mom in love with raising her kids Mommy Kate persona was quickly dropped. Clean Freak Kate was wiped up. I Write Books Kate was short
lived. TV Diva Kate was canned. Can-Do Kate lasted an episode. The high heeled, low cut top Sexy Kate look wasn't flying. There have been brief attempts at others. Now, it's All American Kate, doing grand and glorious things on the race course.
Whatever will she do after this? Maybe she'll try a career in modern painting and become Artsy Kate. Who knows?
fidosmommy said
Whatever will she do after this? Maybe she'll try a career in modern painting and become Artsy Kate. Who knows?
Whatever it is, she'll still be Keep Away from the Kids Kate. It's the only thing she succeeds at.
Running Kate isn't going to last long. She's no athlete, and serious running isn't compatible with the way she obsesses over her looks and pursuit of what she thinks is glamour.
There's nothing glamorous about running, as she's about to discover at Las Vegas. Long-distance running can't be very comfortable, either, with those implants stuck to her chest.
Oh- here we go! Access Hollywood is reporting that the White House crasher (who is still technically married) has a crush on Khate and wants to be set up with "her"! Geesh! This is just a case of a reality tv dud who is desperately trying to stay relevant and it's disgusting! Geesh!
Dwindle said... 142
Go to your room and organize your crayons and your unicorn stickers and leave the grown-ups alone.
Oh, Dwindle! Thanks for the laugh today - I sure needed it.
Thankfully, I don't have any childrins, but this sheeple can feel free to call and talk to my dog about kHate.
I can see Kate's next blog entry on her dumb website.
Life is a marathon...
and it goes like this.
As I ran my marathon hering my 8 cheer me on telling me. Not to give up as I did when I was on best rest with the 6 blah blah me me me
I was just on a Zappos sponsored site about the LV marathon. Zappos is the sponsor or one of the big sponsors. Anyway, people were writing in about their experiences running in LV last year.
Runners were saying that it is better to do the half marathon in LV. The half (and first half of the full marathon) takes you down the strip and there is a lot to see and lots of people are out cheering. After the half, apparently you go into a concrete, industrial area--even run along the freeway/overpass at some point and runners were saying they thought it would never end---a concrete jungle. One Miami, FL runner said the altitude was a major problem for her and affected her time a lot. People said there wasn't enough food after the event.
Overall, it didn't get great reviews. People said it was expensive. Said to stick to the half marathon. Oh, and you have to finish in 5 and a half hours. That is the time limit for the full marathon according to these runners. Some were complaining that they had shortened the time from 6 hours.
Looking at what I said at 10:54, I want to clarify something. I don't mean that I am thankful I don't have kids - just thankful that no sheep can call my childrins school.
I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said... 170
Oh- here we go! Access Hollywood is reporting that the White House crasher (who is still technically married) has a crush on Khate and wants to be set up with "her"! Geesh! This is just a case of a reality tv dud who is desperately trying to stay relevant and it's disgusting! Geesh!
December 1, 2011 10:41 AM
I'm not surprised. Kate looks exactly like his wife.
Tareq Salahi would do *anything* to remain relevant. He makes Spencer Pratt look like a bumbling rookie. He's not only grifted, he has cheated, lied and for heaven's sake, crashed the White House and was called to testify in front of Congress for his and his wife's dangerous antics.
For Kate to engage this ridiculous farce in ANY WAY would be precarious at best. I mean, I really hope that she in no way, shape for form decides that this would be another opportunity to "set the record straight" for the sake of a media appearance and a blurb in People magazine.
If I were Jon... oh man, this would be an alarming blip on my radar. Through her pursuit of anything and everything fame, this is what Kate is inviting into her life and the lives of her kids. She's playing with fire.
I got to thinking a bit, is it normal for a narcassist to want to be away from her kids? I would think kids an easy target for them. Kids you know wanting to please and such. But here she is, going on as many trips as she can to be away from them. But I guess it's that she uses them when she wants them and ditches them when she doesn't want them. That might be it.
It's hard to believe she hasn't left for Vegas yet. It's been about two weeks since she returned from Australia. I would think the bitch would be chomping at the bit to get away from those kids.
Ha, Ha. I bet Steve has to run the marathon with her.
Please, please let there be pictures!I wanna see that makeup dripping off her and Steve carrying her water bottle.
And a bad thought don't think she'd ship the 8 to Vegas (after she's had her alone time with Steve) to make sure they are photographed cheering mom?
I wish I had the time to do this - I think it would be great to go through the posts here and make a calendar or timeline for September 1st through today to illustrate just how many times Kate has gone away in just a few months. Then, it will be interesting to see if she can sustain that in the new year.
I know there have been several trips to NYC for her hair. In October, there was the Sirius radio show in NYC, and then for The View on Halloween. I think the trip to Wyoming was earlier that month. November was Chicago and Australia, followed now by NYC again this week. It's December 1st now and I guess she's been back in PA, but who knows? That's just off the top of my head. I know there's more but I can't remember them all and just don't have time to go through it right now.
To the mad sheeple - my son attends Harvard Law School. So, are you going to call Harvard and complain that his mother has expressed an opinion that you don't agree with on a blog? hahahahahahahahahahaha
Heide said... 176
To the mad sheeple - my son attends Harvard Law School. So, are you going to call Harvard and complain that his mother has expressed an opinion that you don't agree with on a blog? hahahahahahahahahahaha
Good one!
To the mad sheeple - I am an attorney. Will you contact the bar association and demand an investigation, recommending civil malpractice proceedings begin immediately? You do realize, don't you, that since disbarment is jurisdiction specific, you will have to come and testify, citing that the reason for legal malpractice is the posting of an opinion on a blog? One suggestion in filing the initial complaint - in order to be credible, you might want to have a dictionary on hand. Your spelling is atrocious!
TLC stinks said... 176
Ha, Ha. I bet Steve has to run the marathon with her.
Please, please let there be pictures!I wanna see that makeup dripping off her and Steve carrying her water bottle.
And a bad thought don't think she'd ship the 8 to Vegas (after she's had her alone time with Steve) to make sure they are photographed cheering mom?
I think Steve is a little too chunky at this point to run a marathon. I wouldn't doubt him grabbing a ride on one of the Sag Wagons though.
I don't think there's any way Kate would have the kids brought to Vegas. She is not going to give up one second of her time alone with Steve (and away from them).
I made this video of Kate's lies about her use of coupons. She is now stating she always used coupons, but on the episode "Shopping for 10" which aired on May 7, 2007, she states that she didn't use coupons until after the sextuplets were born.
link to video
Does anyone know whatever happened to Kate's visit back in August to Dr. Oz? Was watching today about the arsenic in juice. (new show) Amazing she can afford to travel so much for her own pleasure but can't afford to have the kids buy milk at school to go with the craptastic lunches she "makes".
Kate cart: You can add to that: what happen to her hosting of the Talk?
Linda Tarnowski
30 Nov, 2011 at 4:41 pm
I will track down every single one of you haters and take you to court. I will make sure your hate for Kate is known by your employers, your families and the familys at all your childrins schools. I will not stop until you are all punished for hating on a single mom with 8 kids.
I hope to God this partially illiterate bottom feeder does not have any childrins.
I'm predicting that Kate does not finish the marathon, she'll use the altitude as an excuse. Or, she will claim to have gotten sick, the flu or something like that. She will never run a marathon around here, there would probably be heckling. I'm also interested in seeing if Kate promotes Coupon Cabin because I have a feeling they paid for her plane tickets. Supposedly this trip was put together very quickly. I think she was holding out to see if she could get there on someone else's dime.
Let's revisit Kate's other spokesperson gigs. Kmart. She took the money, only ever said a few words about Kmart, then was always seen shopping in Target. Proctor & Gamble --crickets--. The sandwich association or whatever it was. A pamphlet was put out with a couple recipes for sandwiches people have been making for decades, with the RADICAL new way to cut it- on a diagonal. That was the end of that. Coupon Cabin will find Kate will take their money and gladly allow one of their lackeys write for her. While she continues to look for the TV gig she feels is her true calling and right. I say CC is done with her by summer. She is simply not capable of promoting anyone but herself, her contempt for Jon, her martyrdom in raising 8 kids.
TLC stinks said... 176
Ha, Ha. I bet Steve has to run the marathon with her.
Please, please let there be pictures!I wanna see that makeup dripping off her and Steve carrying her water bottle.
Lol.... you're too kind.. I want to see something else dripping off of her and Steve following behind with the appropriate "cleansing materials." Bwaaaha!
Ok, just read this at a site called: Dev on running. She was not sure which one Kate was running, the half or the full marathon. But she did say Kate running in the 4th hour pace group? Anyone? What does that mean?
anger issues kate, that means that Kate is running the full with a pacer who will finish the 26.2 miles in 4 hours. That is a pretty good clip to keep up for that far - especially since she has not trained in that climate or altitude. Each corral has a pacer and you'll see a big group running around someone carrying a sign. I ran in a 2 hour pace group for 13.1, but I had to use the latrine (and that is exactly what it was, ugh) and then saw a friend from church cheering on the sideline, so I lost sight of my pacer and did it in 2:02 or something like that.
The fates are conspiring against Kate. There's a cold front moving through the SW right now and the high in Las Vegas on Sunday is only supposed to be around 54 with a low of 29. This race is being run at night and once the sun goes down in the desert it can get pretty damn cold (I live in the SW so trust me on this). So much for Kate's warm weather run! I think that Kate thinks that all cameras are going to be on her just because she has announced that she's going to be there. I think that she's going to find that she's a very small fish in a very large sea of runners.
"I'm predicting that Kate does not finish the marathon, she'll use the altitude as an excuse. Or, she will claim to have gotten sick, the flu or something like that."
Isn't that exactly what she claimed on the ski trip to Utah?
love it, she's going to run double her best amount in a different 'atmosphere' than what she is used to. She's so ignorant she makes 'stupid' sound like a compliment.
I still don't that she will even start the race (I'm still thinking a sudden injury will crop up), but if she does, I doubt that she will make it past mile 5. From everything I've heard, a marathon is very different from running around your neighborhood. Of course, the bimbo is too damn stupid to use a trainer or even read up on how to prepare, so she probably thinks she can do it just because she says she can.
Laurie said... 189
I think that Kate thinks that all cameras are going to be on her just because she has announced that she's going to be there.
I don't doubt this at all. She already seems to think that being a "runner" should be worth huge accolades, so I'm sure she expects lots of attention for running in a marathon. Too bad the only attention she's likely to get is people laughing at her.
Carol, good job on the video. Couldn't help but notice a slight change to Kate's chin. If you pause the video at 42 seconds you can see that her chin was more square in the older shot (at the right)then her current look. I also went and viewed the most recent interview video that Admin posted here and it looks like Kate's chin is fuller. Maybe it's just my eyes but it does seem like she had some filler put in or just gained weight to the front of her chin. Crazy how according to Kate her new look was caused by running.
anger issues kate -- I'm so "jellus" LOL! I loved Peter Davison as The Doctor, but he'll always be Tristan Farnon to me.
I'm with the crowd that says Kate will find some excuse to either not run at all or to drop out of the race very early on. I'm no runner. I couldn't run 26 feet, let alone 26 miles, but it's obvious to even me that she's ill-prepared for a marathon. I think this is one more instance where her arrogance will bite her in the butt.
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