Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kate speaks at Penn State Fayette campus

Kate is scheduled to speak at a satellite campus of Penn State today at noon. The free event in Uniontown will be about "resilience, determination, tenacity, strength!" according to Kate.

The sextuplets were born at Penn State's Hershey Medical Center.

574 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Kate is unemployed said...

Kate thinks its ok that Collin crawled under the van because 1. She gave permission and 2. He didn't get injured. She thinks she is blameless regarding this kiddie porn issue because 1. She didn't know the perv and 2. The guy wasnt in direct physical contact with her naked kids. Whatever. I think Kate is a terrible mother and person because 1. She is

Anonymous said...

She only allows the children to celebrate Halloween when the cameras are there. Without cameras they can hunt for 50% off candy in the basement (the night after Halloween, after all their classmates told them about all the fun they had trick-or-treating the night before).


cwgirlup75 said...

Permanent Name said...
I have no issue with folks living together unmarried. It's a sign of our times. If it floats your boat, then row on down the stream...

I do wonder, though, if he is really living at the address, is he in the house, sharing a room with her?
My personal opinion is that he sleeps with her in the huge master suite - the one that the kids may not enter "under penalty of severeness". As for the kids talking about it at school, the sextuplets may not realize that it is out of the ordinary (especially if it has been going on as long as some of us think), and I don't think the twins are eager to blab things that go on at their house.

boo said...

Emma, ADD/ADHD is usually treated with stimulants like Ritalin, Vyvanse, Focalin. If the child isn't properly diagnosed, the results you get from these meds is the opposite of what a "lazy" parent would hope for. For a properly diagnosed child, the meds can work miracles. My son's high school grades went from a 2.8 to a 3.6 in one semester after starting meds, because he could finally concentrate. Unfortunately, he had not stop taking them after two years because he began to have unacceptable side effects. I frankly find your judgmental attitude and preachy tone offensive.

Preesi said...

I feel sad for those kids, especially when Kate claims she wants her kids to have all these "life experiences". I can only imagine what those kids went through post-Halloween at school, when other classmates were sharing their stories about trick-or-treating or how they celebrated this special occasion and the Gosselin sextuplets had nothing to share except "mommy forgot" or "mommy was too busy".
Well, my narcissistic mother was similar in that we never went to see fireworks, never played sports, never went on vacations, never went to the shore...
These kids will be like me, and be unable to relate to peers...
Its hard to make friends when typical conversation is stunted by unrelatability...
Ya know?

Im so worried about these kids...

Anyway according to this pdf Student teachers at Mount Calvary need college

You're not lazy said...

I frankly find your judgmental attitude and preachy tone offensive.

I believe the poster was commenting about LAZY PARENTS. You don't sound like one.

Everyone has an opinion. They are like belly buttons. I respect yours so please respect mine.

I also respect the opinion of people who study divinity. I happen to think it's silly but I expect my opinion to be respected here as I respect theirs.

Kate is unemployed said...

Sooo...Kate cannot handle 8 kids on her own...must have the babysitter/slave/paid friend with her at all times that kids are there. BUT, she expects some teenager to be able to handle all 8 of them by her lonesome? She is so cavalier with those kids. It's a miracle tragedy hasn't struck yet

chefsummer #Leh said...

Wiil Kate ever realize that the little things you do with kids is what make them love you the most.

And missing those little things is what can hurt them the most.She needs to wake up be for they all grown and it to late and they want nothing to do with her.

Audible Click said...

chefsummer said... Kate can be off to NY with the bodyqaurd/god know what eals. But she can't/won't make time for the 8 she claims she will die for.

To take them trick or treating for a few hours she really is a good model for a good mother.
Good mother? What?

Kate is unemployed said...

Chef, you're right. It's the little things. Kate only does big things and only if TLC is footing the bill. Otherwise those kids are on their own. And I think they already don't want anything to do with her. It's just that they're too young to do anything about it

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Okay- I skimmed the comments...long week.

Kate is a shameless hooch who pimped her kids out for filming for years, even after Jon objected. She never cared how this affected her kids, ever... it was all about Kate.

Her recent behavior has shown her to be what she is and always will be. And for that, these kids are in for a long haul, with the mother's parenting being absent. Too many nannies and hands-off parenting with Kate. I think Jon may now "get it" just not sure if it is too little, too late.

The crapazoid mother does not appear to have a clue or concern about her kids' needs or how to best support them.. She really is a selfish witch.

Anonymous said...

Kate admits she needs a babysitter to help her with the kids when she's at home. However, she excoriated Jon when he was taking care of the kids and house while she was junketing around the country on her "book and speaking" tours, because he "needs help to do it". The kids were much younger then. How is that any different, Kate?

I note from PaMa's recap of Kate's speech that she has school bus pick up at 4, dinner at 5, then late pick up at 6. So -- the kids who have after school activities (presumably the twins) don't get to eat dinner with the family? That seems unfair. But then, when has Kate ever been fair?


mama mia said...

That link to presi's site showing Steve Neild at Kate's address... I'd like to know how someone earning only $51,000 annually has a half million home!

steff said...

First she forgets about being the tooth fairy & now she doesn't realize until the morning AFTER Halloween that her kids didn't get any candy? She's focusing on the wrong childhood memories.

I was also a kid that wasn't allowed to trick or treat. It was my step dad's bday and he refused to recognize that it was anything but HIS day. I was 16 the first time I got to dress up for Halloween. My gramma sent my brothers & I boxes of candy. We each got our own box in the mail & it was filled to the brim with candy. As an adult & a parent, I now go totally overboard with Halloween. It's about kids having a good time & getting candy. It's a childhood memory that every last one of us has in some form. The tups (notice it was only her 6 little money bags that didn't get to go) are going to end up being the kids that didn't get to go because of a selfish parent & they'll never forget it. And even worse, it's not just that every other kid got to go, every other kid, including their sisters got to go & they didn't. They'll remember & they'll know exactly who kept them from it.

Marie said...

I have a feeling, that if Kate is a narcissist, whom demands this or that, is it possible that some of her kids might grow up with the same mentality? To be just as self-centered and all about themselves as Kate it?

That's what I worry about. My brother grew up to be just as controlling, it's never his fault it's always someone else's. He is never wrong or so he says.

If some of her kids turn out like Kate...would she be proud? Or would she be disappointed that I don't this a narcissist could control someone else who likes to be in control?

I thought about this because as her kids get older, some might rebel against whatever wacky rules she has set up by then. Not that I'm encouraging a miniature-revolution here, but I just wonder in the long run how this could turn out for Kate. Either way, I don't see it as being good. And to think she may lose out all because she wouldn't do normal things like trick-or-treating--so to speak.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Audible Click said...

To take them trick or treating for a few hours she really is a good model for a good mother.
Good mother? What?


I was being sarcastic-)

Bibby said...

"I was thrilled to find ALL the Halloween candy on clearance since it was a day after Halloween and filled a basket for only $21 instead of $35-$40! What a bargain! Bargains make my heart sing and this find made me even more excited to carry out my plan!"


It's just sad that she was so thrilled to save $15-$20 bucks on day-after candy.

On the other hand, I would have been thrilled x's 1000 to rush home from NYC and take my babies Trick or Treating instead of having them sit home knowing what they were missing.

She broke their hearts, which apparently didn't bother her at all, but saving money on clearance candy practically gave her an orgasm!!

Had I been on The View on Monday, as soon as the show was over I would've went straight home. No sticking around and trying to milk the celebrity thing on this day. Nope. Today the kids are more important than dining at a steak house with my make-up artist.

But Kate chose herself and her needs ( as usual ) over her children's.

I hate her. I really do.

Kate is unemployed said...

Hard to believe that ANYONE would want to sleep with that stretched out mess. If Steve is, he deserves all the misery and halitosis and stupidity he must have to endure. Ugh. She just looks gross and dirty, all spray tanned and greasy with hair that must feel like dreadlocks with all those extensions in it. Have at it, Ratclaws

NJGal51 said...

isabel said... He had a Dr. of Divinity.


To me, and anyone else who doesn't believe in organized relgion, he may as well have a Dr. of Fantasy.
Not everyone believes in God and the bible. Welcome to the internet.
Wow Isabel - That's a little harsh. No need to attack me because my dad was a Priest. I was just making a point about college education and the Priesthood due comments by someone else. I didin't try to push my views on anyone.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Midnight Madness said... Kate needs to just shut up about everything, and I mean everything. The hole is so deep now that she's never going to get out of it. Cancel twitter. Shut down the website. Stick with couponing and an occasional guest appearance or speech for whomever will have her.

Stop the tweeting! Stop feeding the sheeple! Stop giving herself a venue to bash her husband. Bow out gracefully with whatever dignity she thinks she has left (yeah, I know...none). The sheeple will live.
They'll suffer withdrawal, going into cardiac
arrest, sobbing hysterically, seeking therapy, but they will survive. After all, isn't that what Kate is preaching? Resilience, courage, determination. Live goes on.

November 4, 2011 3:46 PM
AMD said... "I realized on Tuesday morning that they would each have a bag brimming with delicious candy and that the little kids wouldn’t have any!"
Complete lack of foresight and organization. It's difficult to believe that the six, younger children would passively let Hallowe'en approach and pass them by, especially after last year's "episode". Kate had to have known what the outcome would be if two of her children are allowed to take part in an event that is truly geared towards the younger ones. These children aren't blind to what their peers are allowed to do. She most likely doesn't realize it or care, but she's only succeeding in planting the seeds of resentment in her children towards their siblings, their peers and her! It's very sad

You both hit the nail on the head with Kate's absurdity and selfishness, and most importantly, how her kids revolve around her rather than the other way around. It is all about Kate with her kids left to pick up the crumbs of her absurd and selfish behavior.

I am certain that in the next several years, the kids' emotions will brim over and she is going to have hell to pay. And rightfully so. She only think about herself, always...

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

steff said... First she forgets about being the tooth fairy & now she doesn't realize until the morning AFTER Halloween that her kids didn't get any candy? She's focusing on the wrong childhood memories.

I was also a kid that wasn't allowed to trick or treat. It was my step dad's bday and he refused to recognize that it was anything but HIS day. I was 16 the first time I got to dress up for Halloween. My gramma sent my brothers & I boxes of candy. We each got our own box in the mail & it was filled to the brim with candy. As an adult & a parent, I now go totally overboard with Halloween. It's about kids having a good time & getting candy. It's a childhood memory that every last one of us has in some form. The tups (notice it was only her 6 little money bags that didn't get to go) are going to end up being the kids that didn't get to go because of a selfish parent & they'll never forget it. And even worse, it's not just that every other kid got to go, every other kid, including their sisters got to go & they didn't. They'll remember & they'll know exactly who kept them from it.

It is not even about the candy alone, it is about going out, doing things, and mingling with your friends. And the tups will resent this at some point soon. Kate has her priorites all screwed up. If you let the twins go, do the same for the tups. I predict a mass rebellion with the tups vs. Kate in about 5 years and deservedly so. She treats the kids differently based on gender and whether they are the twin pack or the tup pack. Different rules for everyone and too confusing. Aside from the fact that she is only a mom when it is convenient for her. Total confusion.

I have to say I feel bad for the tups. In our area, there was a Halloween parade and then Trick or Treating from 4-7pm with some of the greatest kids, all accompanied by a parent or adult and they all were such sweethearts- "Thank You, Happy Halloween, Trick or Treat." You learn social amenities through adults and/or experience. The tups seem to get the short end of the stick on these occassions, and much of it has to do with Kate, and how she alienates opportunites for the tups time and time again. ~ Administrator said...

Medical issues generally implies something like a sick child. It paints the school in the least favorable way possible. I.e. the school didn't want to deal with my poor children's medical problems, and does tread dangerously into legal territory, both with any school's legal obligations to students and with libeling the school if that's not why they really expelled them.

Best of all? We've all seen hours of footage of these kids and I see kids who have a few behavior problems, but nothing a little good parenting couldn't fix. Overall I find these kids to be quite bright, sweet, and sensitive. Nothing like how Kate makes them out to be. The fact is the kids were acting out over filming and the divorce, Kate will just never own it that she didn't do enough to help them through it. Or that her own behavior toward Jon was even the finest tiniest bit responsible for it.

Dwindle said...

Digging clearance candy out of the basement sofa cushions a day late, doesnt come CLOSE to dressing up silly with your friends, acting the role of your costume, going door to door and seeing other folk's decorations, having neighbors and strangers exclaim over your outfit, the surprise of what gets tossed in your bag, the smell of the night air, the ghost stories, crunch of leaves under your feet, getting tired and chilly, coming home and having your family ooh and ahh over your loot, trying to scrub all the makeup off your face before bed, and telling the tales the next morning in school.

Sorry, kids, cougar-mama had to party. Maybe the NEXT time you're 7, you can trick or treat, but not this time. ~ Administrator said...

Here's a tip for Kate, other than will you please just spend holidays with your own children? Start thinking about Halloween in August and Septemeber like I do. Watch the ads. Stores usually go in cycles. Candy WILL go on sale if you wait long enough for it. I just watch for my favorite candy snack sized ones to go on sale starting in August and when it does, pick some up. By the beginning of October I had several big bags of candy, the GOOD stuff, for no more than 1.99-2.99 each. That's good in my book. I full stocked for the trick or treaters for about 10 bucks. Most candy is perfectly good for at least a few months. And just to be extra sure, stick it in the fridge.

Bingo, you get to celebrate Halloween ON the actual day, and you save money. ~ Administrator said...

Dwindle, I so agree. I'm sorry but what an epic fail of a mother.

The day after??? She isn't getting it. She just isn't getting it.

Halloween. There's nothing like it. My memories are peppered liberally with Mom right there painting my face, dad helping me carry my bag of candy and suggesting the best roots. In fact I smile right now as I remember my dad saying remember this lane and all the great candy you guys got last year, lets make sure to hit that up again this year they give great stuff, let's go kids! Such a good daddy. Such good memories. Huh, and it didn't cost him a cent! ~ Administrator said...

Routes, not roots. LOL. ~ Administrator said...

Wiil Kate ever realize that the little things you do with kids is what make them love you the most.

Which is why some poor little rich kids end up becoming deliriously attached to their nannies.

Sure mom may pop in now and again to take you on a wonderful trip to Fiji and sure she buys you all the cool clothes and makes sure you get into the best private school.

But the nanny, the one doing all the "little" things, is the one the kids turn to when they really need help. This stuff just doesn't happen by accident. All these little things are how you bond with your children. Heck, look at puppies for gosh sakes. They bond with whoever is the constant, whoever has always been by their sides. They're not going to bond with someone sweeping in every other week and giving them amazing treats. Not long term anyway.

Dwindle said...

Administrator said... Here's a tip for Kate, other than will you please just spend holidays with your own children? Start thinking about Halloween in August and Septemeber like I do. Watch the ads

Wow!!!! You rock, Admin!!!! You are so organized!!!! What a mastermind!!!! How do you do it all!!!! What brand of conditioner do you use???!!!???? I am sending you a gift card and some stale candy I got for free from the dumpster behind the store!!!!!!!! No need to thank me!!!!!!!! I would do anything for you!!!!!!!! You are my hero!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Admin, hope you are laughing; ya know I love ya, right?) ~ Administrator said...

Wow!!!! You rock, Admin!!!! You are so organized!!!! What a mastermind!!!! How do you do it all!!!! What brand of conditioner do you use???!!!???? I am sending you a gift card and some stale candy I got for free from the dumpster behind the store!!!!!!!! No need to thank me!!!!!!!! I would do anything for you!!!!!!!! You are my hero!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Admin, hope you are laughing; ya know I love ya, right?)


HAHAHHA! Dwindle, my minutemen! Right back at you.

The conditioner I use is Common F-ing Sense. ~ Administrator said...

I have a feeling, that if Kate is a narcissist, whom demands this or that, is it possible that some of her kids might grow up with the same mentality? To be just as self-centered and all about themselves as Kate it?

Yes, I haven't read up on this in awhile but I think narcissists usually either raise other narcissists, or children who are not narcissists but eventually recognize the narcissism (often in therapy with a diagnosis by proxy) and are so scarred from it they usually never want to see their parent again.

Incidentally, a close friend of mine just had her mother diagnosed by proxy as a narcissist. I know their is some dispute whether it still is called this but her therapist is licensed and really good. Friend doesn't like to talk about it but from what little I know, it's yet another Kate. ~ Administrator said...

Not sure how addresses work but can't you use any address as your mailing address even if you don't live there?

I can see how Steve might use her house address as a mailing address for business type things if he is her manager, just to keep all business mail as to her in the same place, or heck maybe she even opens manager type mail and shows it to him.

No big deal said...

It paints the school in the least favorable way possible. I.e. the school didn't want to deal with my poor children's medical problems, and does tread dangerously into legal territory, both with any school's legal obligations to students and with libeling the school if that's not why they really expelled them.


You don't have to backtrack. It's perfectly fine to say one was wrong. :) I don't think anyone expects you to be the encyclopedia of law. ~ Administrator said...

Also, does anyone honestly think that Kate would tweet as much as she does in the evening or complain as much about the kids if Steve were living there and helping her? She rarely tweets when we know he's with her. ~ Administrator said...

I'm not backtracking. Private schools do have to comply with the ADA as do most institutions. It's definitely true though all medical issues don't fall under the ADA. And yes I temporarily blanked about them being in private schools which doesn't have to accommodate special ed kids. That's right, private schools don't. It's not a law thing, this is generally well known.

Bluenoser said...

but we've seen on the show that Kate defers to Steve. He just seems to have a stronger personality than Jon and doesn't take her crap.
Was it just me or did Kate's total freak out over Steve's pizza look like fear of Steve? She knew he wasn't going to get the pizza and was scared of his reaction. Believe me, been there, done that and got the t-shirt.

Westcoaster said...

The little kids get off a bus at 4, and dinner is at 5 - she really makes sure they do nothing but eat, sleep and do homework when they are with her weekdays, besides the 9 hour school/bus day. You know, boarding school might have more freedom and activities. Bet they do something for Halloween at boarding school :-). OK, I know they're too young for boarding school, but this life with the crazy distant mom whose goal is to travel 50% of the time, per her words, is also crazy. ~ Administrator said...

Kate was late to her book signing too.

Of course she was late. Because it's not about kids taking time out of their day, their study time with finals coming up in a month, to see her. Good grief the least she could do is show up on time. ~ Administrator said...

Not all doctors of divinity are jokes. Yes some are internet eye rolls, but some programs are extremely competitive, difficult and complicated. In many programs you're required to be fluent in difficult languages like Greek or Hebrew or often both, including writing them.

Dwindle said...

ADMIN said... In fact I smile right now as I remember my dad saying remember this lane and all the great candy you guys got last year, lets make sure to hit that up again this year they give great stuff, let's go kids! Such a good daddy. Such good memories. Huh, and it didn't cost him a cent!

We moved around alot but at one point we lived in a very rural area. My dad took us all out plus some friends coz we had the biggest car. My dad made a point of driving us back and forth past a cemetary telling us "Oh LOOK!" and "OH NO, YOU KIDS BETTER NOT LOOK! THERE'S A GHOST!" Lots of childhood screeching and fun and cost only a little gasoline in the station wagon.

When we would get home, we were to dump our loot out on the living room floor or where ever, in a pile-per-kid. Mom would sort through it, organizing it into piles of chocolate, gum, hard candies, etc. She would ooh and ahh and say things like "OH I Love Milk Duds, I used to get them every Saturday at the movies..." then she swoop away all the sugared gum except one piece, coz we werent allowed to have that.

These are the things memories are made of. I am sure Kate told the kids that she had to work. One day very soon they will learn she lied and they just werent that important to her. Give it a few more days and Kate will have forgotten and twisted the truth of the fact that she just cant manage even Halloween without TLC and Fig8 production crews organizing everything for her. ~ Administrator said...

Just read the blog post fully......GOOD GOD, there was no Halloween blizzard! There is absolutely no reason a small storm that was not even anywhere close to some of the worst storms we've gotten when I lived in PA, and as many locals reported, the snow was all melted on Sunday. Halloween was Monday.

WTF does that have to do with the kids not going trick or tweeting??

AND, we had at least three or four years on Halloween with ice, flurries, or extremely cold weather. You go anyway. Put on a nice warm jacket and go anyway. We have these adorable pics when I was a kid of Native American costumes (I know, politically incorrect) on top of thick jackets and sweaters. So it looked more like we were trying to be obese Native Americans, it was horribly cringe worthy and not very PC and just awful. And yet, we had the time of our lives. The weather is bad, WHO CARES. MAKE IT WORK. Shovel the snow away and put on a jacket.

BS LAZY PARENTING!!!! She would just rather get all dressed up herself and go on the View then make a nice holiday for her kids. ~ Administrator said...

Dwindle, aw. Nice memory. I loved candy sorting afterward. My mom would raid our bags for coconut candy bars she loved those and we hated them.

We also had a party one year when I was about 10. And my mom set up this haunted house workshop type thing downstairs in the basement (inherently creepy) with scary music and lights down low, and then brought out various "common" foods like jello or grapes and had us feel all the experiments with our friends. The jello was brains, the grapes eyeballs. Things like that.

It was so wonderfully creative, likely pulled from a magazine (who cares that's what good mommies do) and my friends STILL talk about it.

This is what parents do. Good ones anyway. What's the Gosselin kids memory on MOnday night? Oh right, with the nanny. I cannot imagine for one second that all six kids were fine and dandy about staying home and not trick or treating. WTF!????? No way! I'm guessing there were screams and tears and it makes me sick. ~ Administrator said...

Oooo more memories.

We weren't allowed to bring in our Halloween candy into school, other than one or two pieces in our lunches, but the big thing was to sneak in our Halloween bags and hide them in our lockers and then all the kids would "trade" the candy they didn't like for candy they did.

Makes me sick the Gosselin kids are missing out on all the post-Halloween fun too.

Bluenoser said...

Admin, in Nova Scotia, with our dysfunctional weather, it is a standing joke that we design costumes to fit over snowsuits. Kate didn't experience a blizzard; rather, she experienced a nor'easter (a lot of wind).

@Westcoaster: If I was one of the 'little kids' I would be plotting my escape too. Run and run fast.

Bluenoser said...

Administrator said...
Dwindle, aw. Nice memory. I loved candy sorting afterward. My mom would raid our bags for coconut candy bars she loved those and we hated them.
OMG are you my daughter? I LOVE coconut chocolate bars :)) ~ Administrator said...

Penn State like most colleges has plenty of campus security, often real police officers, to help with speaking engagements. They have had plenty of very famous people there, not to mention an incredibly famous coach, I daresay the most famous college coach at the moment, and very well loved, Joe Paterno. There is no reason Kate couldn't have been well protected by security. Some of them are ex police officers.

By the way? Their coach, who I daresay is just as famous as Kate, is well known to live in a small house and walks around campus alone, without body guards, to wherever he needs to go. ~ Administrator said...

This? Is Joe Paterno's house.

His salary is public record. $1.03 million a year.

Other rich people in PA don't have to live like Kate does, apparently.

anger issues kate said...

Well, I guess kate is so exhausted from her really hard job of couponing, that she does not have time to tweeter. Oh, what will the world come to! Kate like the A-hole she is, could not let Jon have the kids for after school trick or treating, and she since she has on more than one interview complained that he does not see them enough. So Jon has them this weekend. Those poor tups can't even have Halloween on Halloween, Jon was forced to have it a week early and then Kate does it a day later. But I guess Kate has to top Jon in everything, that concerns the kids.

Bluenoser said...

Steve is security only in the terms he gives Kate a warm/fuzzy feeling. He is not a security guard period. Steve Neild/purse boy/rat claws/ is a joke. The children require security, not Kate. I believe Jon when he basically implied Steve was boning Kate.

When Jon left he lived life on the edge. He was like a schoolboy who quit school and could do whatever he wanted, no boundaries, but he finally grew up. My son is one of those boys. Yes, he was a jackass and even now will admit it but he 'grew up'. He made decisions that were bad and I do not hold against him. He also saw things that I know were real and true (about his father) and would defend him 100%. To this day we are the closest of any of my children because, even though I kicked him out for a period of time, I always had his back.

What I am saying, in a long manner is that I think Jon's observations/thought are spot on about Steve and Kate. I think Jon acted out from pain/frustration/relief at getting out from under her claws. I think Rat Girl has met her match in Rat Claws. I just hope the kids don't suffer in this union.

Bluenoser said...

Administrator said...
This? Is Joe Paterno's house.
What a lovely home. Kate lives like she thinks the rich in Beverly Hills live. Good grief the woman is Milburn Drysdale ~ Administrator said...

Reality check, I wonder if anyone has ever tried to sue in the cases you've seen. Just because a school does it doesn't mean it's legal.

There was just a big lawsuit back in January regarding PRIVATE schools. There were refusing to admit kids with autism, Down Syndrome kids, and yes even ADHD kids.

It is true there are a lot of things private schools can get away with, and they can try to get around it with a lot of tip toeing and the right lawyers, but they can't outright discriminate when it comes to the ADA. Sort of like you can't set up a "black only" water fountain no matter how private you claim you are. ~ Administrator said...

Bluenoser, isn't it lovely? I would be perfectly happy with a house like that.

That's what so many of us have said. While it's true some rich live like rock stars, there are many more that do not. That's how a lot of people got to be rich in the first place. They didn't buy a huge house they can't afford, they don't buy sports cars they can't afford, they make wise financial situations and live in a manner that they can afford.

As the saying goes, Kate is very new money.

chefsummer #Leh said...

So it was a blizzard and in this blizzard the twins went out?. So the nanny dressed them warm enough to go out but not the 6?. ~ Administrator said...

Can you imagine the outrage six kids must have had to see their two older siblings go trick or treating and they can't????

I can't even really believe this story. Maybe she just doesn't want to admit that the nanny took them. No one would be able to handle six kicking and screaming kids. Just put a lampshade on them or something and take them out trick or treating for gosh sakes.

Sam said...

Did you guys see this? she's lucky that her child wasn't killed!

Bluenoser said...

Admin, in NS my split level house is worth $250,000 (I paid 60k for it). It does NOT have the curb appeal of Paterno's house at all. THAT house in NS would go for about 400K. I do love my 'shack' though :)) So do my kids, they grew up here and their memories are here and for that reason I will never sell my home. It would disappoint them too much.

Kate just doesn't get it. Not at all. Life's memories are about making memories for your children to take them through life. My kid's memories are my house so i will keep it to my grave.

To me my children and (now) grandchildren are the most important people in my life. Whatever I can do to make their memories I will do. I am in my 50ss (mid) and may not have more than 20 years left if I am lucky. I plan to devote what time I have left to my children and grandchildren's memories of their life. I do not need a 'mcmansion' to do that. I just need to see my children's happiness with me as their mom and my grandchildren loving to see their Nan.

Bluenoser said...

Oh sigh typing faster than my brain was thinking or something like that.

My kid's memories are my house so i will keep it to my grave.

I MEANT to say my kids memories were made at my house. Their friends, etc...well any mom (or non sheeple) knows what I mean.

Kate's Cart said...

The "blizzard" was long over by Monday. It was a Saturday night event here in northern Conn. where we are still w/o power. Kate is just a failure. She is her one and only priority. She had no events, nothing Monday night in NY besides her and Stevo. After the View she could have been home before the kids got out of school IF SHE CHOOSE but she makes different choices than most mothers. She could have asked Jon to take the kids trick or treating, but even that generosity is beyond her.

denni don't like Kate..... said...

@Bluenoser.....I love your much time is Kate wasting on loving material acquisitions....instead of making loving memories.

reality check said...

Administrator said...

Reality check, I wonder if anyone has ever tried to sue in the cases you've seen. Just because a school does it doesn't mean it's legal.


Yes, as I said in the previous comment, the family I mentioned sued and lost the case. The school was held to have the right, per the contract, to refuse enrollment in that particular case, where they could not accommodate the child's requirements.

From the previous comment:

"In at least one case at a school I was familiar with, the parents sued to keep a child whose needs - involving a respirator and a full-time aide - at a small private school whose classrooms were too small to accommodate the machinery or the aide. The child had been accepted before his needs outgrew the physical plant.

The parents lost in court, as the contract they'd signed allowed the school to refuse to re-enroll a student whose needs could not be met. The school received no federal funding.

The school would have been bankrupted if the parents had won; there simply wasn't enough money (or appropriate land) to build a classroom that would have met this particular child's needs."

chefsummer #Leh said...

I hope Kate wakes up out of her world and becomes a real loving and, devoted mother to her 8 be for it to late.

PennStater said...

Kate did not speak at Penn State's University Park campus (which is the main campus). She spoke at one of their satellite (or "branch") campuses. The branch campuses are smaller than the main campus in students and in size.

JoePa lives about two blocks off of campus (the University Park (main) campus. He has lived in the same house throughout his marriage. He also raised all 5 of his kids in that house. He & his wife, Sue, have given much to the University -- they donated millions to build a big addition to the main campus library. His wife tutors many of his student football players. She also volunteers for many charities including the PA State games for the Special Olympics.

I attended Penn State when one or two of his children were also students. I never heard anything derogatory about them. Joe's son, Jay, is a quarterback coach for Joe. From all accounts, he is a humble, respectful man.

Joe and Sue raised 5 children in a small college town that more or less considers them "royalty", yet they certainly don't act that way, nor want to be treated any differently than anyone else.

Kate could learn a lot from Joe & Sue. But it seems to me, that the notoriety and money mean more to her than the value that Joe & Sue put on God, family, and education.

Anonymous said...

Admin- I hope you print out a hard copy of all the postings here, put them in book form, make eight copies, and give them to the G. kids for their 18th birthdays. They can then say.... oh.... people out there DID get it. Yes, G. kids, we get it. Your dad got it long ago, but, mom painted him out to look like an a$$. Lots of people got it looong ago. PS- can't wait until the G. kids write THEIR book - WE WANT YOU TO KNOW - sadly, we know pretty much, already, and it scares us! ~ Administrator said...

PennStater I so agree. Though I don't think anyone was confused that this was a small satellite campus. They still have security, perfectly capable security. I think Kate could also learn a lot from him about the importance of hard work and academics.

Joe Paterno also insisted that he wanted a football team that would do well academically. They are the only school that passed on Michael Oher of The Blind Side fame. Great football player, nice kid, but he just didn't think he could keep up with the academics of the school--there are no dumbed down majors or anything like that. It's not uncommon to see a bunch of pre-law and pre-med and engineering majors on the roster.

I just saw an ESPN documentary on him that moved me to tears. There are just so many little and big decisions he's made for his team that are so spot on, from not allowing any guy to put his last name on his jersey, to making the entire team clean up the stadium after games as punishment when only a few players were busted for an off campus fight. When a few screw up, the whole team pays.

A football player was talking about going there and how Joe Paterno wasn't just interested in churning out good football players. He was interested in churning out darn good men who are going to mean something to society long after their sports days are over.

His "raising" of his football team has a lot of metaphors to how a good parent raises their children. Raising a kid isn't just about playing games.

Laurie said...

Administrator said... WTF does that have to do with the kids not going trick or tweeting??
Had to laugh at your comment Admin. Auto correct strikes again and how appropriately it changed "treating" to "tweeting". Even your auto correct knows that if it's about Kate she must be tweeting. Thanks for the laugh. ~ Administrator said...

LOL Laurie I swear to God this autocorrect.

I think it actually sort of "learns" in a weird way and anticipates you. It probably did indeed connect Kate in one sentence with tweeting and wa-law, a typo in treating gets changed to tweeting.

At least my $1600 was well spent--it's provided a few laughs here.

In The Neighborhood said...

I'm way behind on my reading. Is Kate doing something with hawking coupons, a cookbook or a clothing line?

BigFan tweeted:

@ELMcCaffrey @Kateplusmy8 Kate lives near Reading, PA. QVC is in Lancaster, PA. Probrably about 1 hour away


Unless Kate is stomping through the Lancaster QVC warehouse, or repackaging, inspecting items that were returned, Big Fan has the wrong location. The warehouse/distribution center is in Lancaster; the filming of the show is done in West Chester, PA. ~ Administrator said...

Oh, missed that reality check. Each case is different, but as I posted, private schools have been sued under the ADA. They aren't immune, as a previous anonymous suggested. Some figure out a way to weasel around the requirements, some don't.

No one is perfect said...

Paterno was also forced to apologize for a profanity-laced tirade directed at then Rutgers head coach Doug Graber at the conclusion of a nationally televised game in 1995.[25]

Paterno has been involved in several controversies including being accused of "making light of sexual assault" by the National Organization for Women in 2006,[26] being involved in a road rage incident in 2007,[27] and being questioned on control of the program in 2008 during ESPN's Outside the Lines due to his team's off-the-field problems.[28]


The higher you place them, the lower they fall. No one's perfect. Be careful of false worship.

Kate is unemployed said...

Oh yay, you dumb biyatch, you saved $20 on the leftover crap candy. How about the money u wasted on the bodyguard and extensions and plastic surgery, etc.? Gaaah, she is insufferable. ~ Administrator said...

PennStater I think my point was if Joe Paterno can walk around the main campus without bodyguards, alone, as famous as he is, surely Kate can walk around without a bodyguard at a small satellite campus. I think they're both about equally famous, in my opinion. Kate for vastly different reasons, but if you were to get a headcount of the amount of people who know them, I'm guessing the numbers would be similar.

ANd he's had quite a bit of hate from some people for not stepping down over the past several years. He's not Jesus to everyone. ~ Administrator said...

No one is perfect???? WTF. No one is worshipping Joe Paterno. No one said he is perfect. He sure as hell has a better idea about how to parent than Kate does though.

Why pull some random indiscretions, just to shit stir?

You did a Google search and managed to find a few black marks on an overall storied career, one of which was from over fifteen years ago. Yup, he's not perfect. He made a few mistakes, and obviously learned from them, as I don't see them happening over and over.

The problem with Kate, is she amasses black marks on a nearly weekly basis. Sometimes daily.

And that's where the sheeple mischaracterize what we expect from Kate. They claim we all say we're perfect parents and expect Kate to be perfect. NOT TRUE. We don't expect perfection of Kate or other people or I wouldn't support Jon. We do expect that maybe not 90% of the parenting decisions you make aren't crappy, is that too high of a standard? All parents make mistakes. It's how you HANDLE them after that really matters.

And by the way, if we're going to pull random indiscretions from 15 years ago, Joe Paterno publicly apologized for the Rutgers incident. And even talked about how "his kids"--I think he was actually referring to students, not his bio children, had to hear it:

"I feel very, very bad about the four-letter words," he said. "I would not want my kids to have to listen to a national figure go on television and say what I said."

In The Neighborhood said...

After the View she could have been home before the kids got out of school IF SHE CHOOSE but she makes different choices than most mothers.


It would really have been cutting it close. I can't get home in less than four hours, no matter how hard I try. She had to leave the studio, get her things together, get out of the city, through the tunnel, and depending on traffic, or if there was heavy traffic on the GW or in the tunnel (and 99 percent of the time there is), she wouldn't have been home before 4 p.m. She shouldn't have gone to New York. She bombed on the show. Nothing good came out of it and she should have taken her kids trick or tweeting (apologies to admin)...

Marie said...

I for one think it is truly sad Kate is happy being famous for one thing--for having kids.

I don't know when having kids got you to be famous, but it just shouldn't qualify you to need a bodyguard, fancy house, NYC stays and interview after interview.

What is Kate going to do when this all, and it will, eventually fade away? She gets her kicks off being, hearing, talking about herself on TV all the time even if the majority of this is just to say, "Um." She won't be able to last.

It's like those people who are famous for being famous and pretty much are that way for something their parents did or achieved.

Kate's kids will perhaps be famous when they are grone and gone, but they will forever be famousf or being Kate's kids, the Gosselin 8 or the Gosselin 6. More I think her six younger kids will always be referred to as "the tups." I don't know why that bugs me but it does. Not to be rude about it or anything though.

It is sad that is ALL Kate has "braded," herself as. But I know she will never see it this way.

Kate is still unemployed said...

Hey Katie-poo, glad u kept your promise not to be separated from your kids on holidays. Sounds like Halloween at the Orphanage was as awesome as Mother's Day was. *Roll eyes*

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate is a super mom as she say's so super mom could've made it home IF she wanted to. She did what she wanted as allways

KyPastor said...

You're not lazy said..

I also respect the opinion of people who study divinity. I happen to think it's silly but I expect my opinion to be respected here as I respect theirs.


I do respect yours. Thank you for respecting mine. We can have conversations even if we are polar opposites on the subject of religion and faith. I'm really not touchy about it and promise not to use this forum as a pulpit. I hope my presence here is not an obstacle for anyone.

Jinx said...

Hey, KyPastor, if you are a man over the age of 21, will you marry me?? :)

Pam said...

There was absolutely NO reason for her to accept a gig on The View on Halloween ( a major kid holiday ). She was promoting nothing. No show to promote. No book. Nothing. So she cannot claim it was for work...that it was her "job".

She went because it fulfilled her insatiable need to be a celebrity. She needed a nice steaming cup of fame. She needed a snort of cameras, hair and make-up. She went to shoot up some applause from an audience and kisses from Sherri. And quite possibly a romp with Steve at Essex House.

And in the process she let her kids down. Disappointed them. Kept them prisoner in the orpanage with a babysitter dreaming about what costume they wish they could've dressed up as.

If I was her kid and she bought me clearance candy the day after and made me hunt for it in the basement, I'd tell her to shove it up her prissy self centered a$$.

Gift of grab said...

Re travel from NYC, Kate could have taken a train to Philly from Penn Station and been home in three hours, give or take. Had she wanted to take her kids out on Halloween, she could easily have managed to do so.

What I think is most despicable is how she played her "fans" on Twitter for weeks, never directly saying what plans they had for Halloween despite repeated queries. Fans expected some big surprise, or at least some cute pics of kids dressed up. What did they get? Supermom doesn't do jack for them and then crows about saving money on candy for them WHICH SHE BOUGHT ON THE WAY TO PICK THEM UP FROM THE BUS on the day AFTER Halloween. She clearly had NO plans to do anything with them, or to invite neighborhood children to TorT at the McMansion, regardless of when or how The View appearance turned up. It's pathetic the way she strings her fans along with this Great Mom BS.

None so blind as those who will not see.

Jinx said...

What a waste of Halloween decorations from last year. I'm assuming she kept them. Couldn't she have donated them to the kids' school at least?

There is just nothing redeeming about her at all.

K8SUCKS said...

Haven't been here in a looooooong time, just peeked over to see if anything had improved.
Let's see:

1) editor of show arrested for child pornography ( sheeple, you can eat sh*t, we've been concerned about this for YEARS), and yes, I do remember when Colin had to sit on the potty in the dark in his bedroom, I also commented on the camaraperson filming Mady rolling around in the basement , the kids were absolutely filmed naked/semi naked and many of that footage was aired (but most have been taken off YT)etc, etc

2) K8 goes on The View, doesn't spend time with kids on Halloween

3) K8 is now a coupon guru

4) K8 allows kids to play under Scooby Mystery Machine

Nope, nothing has improved. I was most shocked at the child pornography arrest - that sick SOB hit the jackpot by getting a job with TLC.

BTW, interesting how "FAITH" is not part of her speaking gig....

WHEN will somebody take the kids away from this sick and twisted woman?

Call Me Crazy said...

Many towns in Central/North Jersey were hit very hard by last Saturday's storm - much harder than Kate's "blizzard." A couple of resourceful moms organized a special event so the town kids would have a fun Halloween. This is an example of what good moms do for their kids:

N.J. children not scared by snow, opt to 'trunk-or-treat' in wake of storm

Published: Monday, October 31, 2011, 9:31 PM

The outlook was grim for the tricksters. Make that horrorific!

Officials in communities across New Jersey labeled their streets unsafe for trick-or-treating today after Saturday’s snowstorm downed trees and power lines.

In some places, Halloween was officially delayed until the weekend. Grotesque! Creepy!

But just when things were looking really bad, two mothers in Essex Fells figured out how to save Halloween — at least for their kids and a few dozen others.

The idea came to Patty DiFilippo and Nellie Criqui while the power was out. Their families were gathered at Criqui’s home to share a meal, powered by a generator. They made the necessary phone calls, emailed the school and spread the word on Facebook. And, by today afternoon, some 40 cars pulled into the St. Peter’s Church parking lot, trunks filled with candy. The cars were decorated with cobwebs and skeletons and scary music blasted across the lot while the kids went from vehicle to vehicle with their goodie bags.

The resourceful moms called it a "trunk-or-treat."

"I was really worried because I wanted my candy," said Rachel Statile, a 12-year-old dressed up as superhero sidekick Robin. Her mother, Kathleen Statile, said cancelling Halloween would have meant facing three crushed kids. "They would have been very disappointed if things got canceled or postponed," she said. "I think it was saved."

Bibby said...

Gift of grab said...
It's pathetic the way she strings her fans along with this Great Mom BS.

None so blind as those who will not see.

November 4, 2011 8:42 PM

With their noses so far up her a$$, they can't see what is right in front of them. A fame staved woman pretending to be a caring mother. Joan Crawford all over again.

Bibby said...

Bibby said...

A fame staved woman = fame starved woman. Dern fingers.

November 4, 2011 8:58 PM

Twittering and a Twattering said...

Why are the tweeters (non fans) going on and on about the darn water bottle? It wasn't a water bottle! It was a piece of paper that is clearly seen in the photo.

chefsummer #Leh said...

To bad Ashely wasn't their I bet she would've taken the 6 out trick or treating. I also bet Jamie took her kids out

KyPastor said...

Administrator said...
Not all doctors of divinity are jokes. Yes some are internet eye rolls, but some programs are extremely competitive, difficult and complicated. In many programs you're required to be fluent in difficult languages like Greek or Hebrew or often both, including writing them.


Yes, I had to study both Greek and Hebrew in Seminary. Fluent? Not I, but many of my classmates still use the original Biblical languages for their sermon preparations. To say Seminary is competitive is contrary to "agape" (Christian love) because we are supposed to be in all things for the good of all. We were never competing for grades or church positions, for which I am very thankful.

Call Me Crazy said...

How sad that Kate doesn't seem to be able to experience the sheer joy that comes from seeing your kids happy or excited about something. She is missing so much.

KyPastor - Your presence here is most definitely not an obstacle. I always enjoy reading your calm, insightful words.

Dallas Lady - Your story was horrific. I hope it will help some people (of the grazing variety) understand the inherent dangers of allowing children to be unsupervised in or around vehicles, even for a few seconds.

PaMa - Thank you very much for making such an effort to provide us with details of Kate's presentation.

Gift of grab said...

In case anyone was wondering why Kate keeps getting invited back to The View, here is an excerpt from Bill Geddie's bio:

"Bill Geddie, along with Barbara Walters, serves as executive producer of The View, ABC Daytime's critically acclaimed live talk and entertainment program produced by ABC Daytime and Ms. Walters' Barwall Productions.

Mr. Geddie has been with Barwall Productions for the past 20 years as the executive producer of The Barbara Walters Specials and The 10 Most Fascinating People, which he also co-writes and directs. . . .

His production company Bill Geddie Productions produced 60 original hours for the Discovery Channel."

I guess this also explains how Kate ended up as one of BW's "10 Most" in 2009. It's all about the back scratching.

Just Down The Road said...

Had she wanted to take her kids out on Halloween, she could easily have managed to do so


Yes, she could have. Not easily, though. The train she would have taken gets into Lancaster around 5 p.m. It runs late. Till you leave the station, get on your way, get out of traffic and get home, she would have been home by 6:30. Trick or treating starts at 6:30. Get the eight kids ready and out the door, maybe takes another about a half hour. But, she's so exhausted, don't you know?
Taking the train to Philly is shorter, but the traffic is so darn heavy at that time, that it's much easier to go to Lancaster and backtrack. I've gone that route more times than I count.

She was too lazy to take them out. I bet she was so glad The View gig came up that she was doing a happy dance.

chefsummer #Leh said...

@Kateplusmy8story re: kid under car. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! She gave him permission to get an item dropped by his sister.

So far up Kate's butt how do they mange to breath?

chefsummer #Leh said...

@Jessu3yay! Welcome! So glad u joined! Ignore mean ppl here and learn how 2 block them! The
rest of us are nice and have lots a fun! __________

Yes were all mean cause we don't kiss you butt and we want the truth. We call you out on your BS how about trying the truth.You might enjoy the taste of it

Out And About In Berks County PA said...

@BigFanofK8G @hgraymommy @Kateplusmy8 And all the other kids probably knew because they didn't see them out


Don't the tweeters know that the kids do not live anywhere near the neighborhood where their school friends live, and therefore, the other kids would not have seen them out trick or treating? The Gosselins are about an hour away from the area where their friends trick or treat.
I imagine, though, when their classmates talked about how much fun they had trick or treating, the Gosselins would have felt left out.

Gift of grab said...

Just Down, she was done on The View by 11:45 a.m. Maybe an hour to get out of her make-up? (Although a mother who was excited about Halloween for her kids would probably have left it on, they would no doubt have been thrilled to pieces--and just think, NO ONE would have bothered her for an autograph!) Limo down to Penn Station, only 32 blocks, maybe 15-20 minutes. Acela goes every hour and takes approx. 68 minutes (she could have made the 1 p.m. train). Limo picks her up in Philly and she could have been home by 3:30 or 4:00. Even if she'd been on the 2 p.m., she could still be home by 5 p.m. We know she has a sitter, someone had to pick up the kids from school, and so getting them ready could have been done by the time she arrived.

The point is, getting back to take her kids out was eminently do-able, but she would have needed to be motivated to do it.

But then she would have missed the joys of having a fancy car and driver, a leisurely lunch on someone else's dime, and a night in a plush hotel with turn-down service and a chocolate on her pillow.

I for one can't wait until the facade becomes broken beyond repair.

Jinx said...

I imagine, though, when their classmates talked about how much fun they had trick or treating, the Gosselins would have felt left out.

And kids can be so mean. Kate is just inviting her kids to 'act out' again. Who could blame them.

fidosmommy said...

RE: Collin under the BBB.

My dad was the supervisor of an oil production facility (a "plant") when I was a kid. Among his responsibilities was plant safety. There were rules for the protection of the workers. Some of the rules seemed silly, unnecessary and downright stupid to many of the workers. They would roll their eyes (secretly) when Dad went on his regular inspection tours. But Dad insisted that the rules be followed all day, every day, no excuses.

OSHA loved my Dad. Dad appreciated OSHA. The OSHA inspections were done unannounced, and each time the plant passed with flying colors because my Dad was able to foresee problems in every safety precaution - and I mean EVERY precaution - was not taken. (OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

The OSHA inspectors would meet with Dad in his office and tell them horror stories of workers in other plants where safety was not so important. People got hurt in some of the dumbest possible ways, ways that you would never even think of. Things the workers thought were completely innocent ("we've always done it this way, nothing has ever happened yet!")had led to emergency rooms and worse. In Dad's plant, the accident rate was minimal, and all were minor requiring no more than a band-aid or a cold compress.

Having a child slide under a car is something Kate might think is innocent, but who knows? Accidents happen when we least expect them and when we are not safety conscious. My Dad would have walked up to whoever was driving that van,
knocked on the window and given a very stern lecture to that "responsible" adult. He knew a few things about safety. And with kids? Oh yeah. Safety above everything else.

The Bitter End said...

All this talk about Halloween got me thinking. It's really a celebration of community. One attends parties with friends or trick or treats in the neighborhood. Katie is a bit isolated and apparently has no sense of community. I highly doubt the locals would take too kindly to have a millionaire drive into their community and have her kids show up to collect candy, with the car running out on the street. What is Katie going to do? Walk the kiddies to the door? I believe I would scream "It's a trick", and slam the door.

Regardless, instead of taking a trip to NY City, Katie should have taken a trip to Oz to see if she could get Courage, Brains and a Heart. It might have worked out better in the long run.

Count me in the group thinking that Steve-O is shagging her. My personal theory is it started in Park City, Utah and it's the reason Beth ran off.

NJGal51 said...

KyPastor - I always enjoy your posts. I'm not touchy about faith either but the "Dr. of Fantasy" comment was uncalled for becasue I wasn't pushing religion on anyone I was just just explaining what education my dad had before he was ordained due to an earlier comment about Kate's father. I will respect rule 3 and let it go.

Jinx said...

OSHA loved my Dad. Dad appreciated OSHA. The OSHA inspections were done unannounced, and each time the plant passed with flying colors because my Dad was able to foresee problems in every safety precaution

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^It's great that your dad took his job so seriously. The problems my husband experienced with OSHA were that they restricted his performance. Which, when weighing the options, most likely saved him from injury. However, the plant supervisors and management did not like this. My husband couldn't meet his 'quota' which increased over the years. He lost out on many pay increases and eventually he, and others, quit. Younger men took over and used stimulants to keep up their quotas. They always, somehow, knew when the 'pee' trucks were coming.

Make of this what you will. ~ Administrator said...

KY I don't mean competitive among the students once you get there, but competitive to get into. Many seminaries have vigorous academic requirements.

All I can say is, glad my degree didn't require Hebrew or Greek. ~ Administrator said...

And kids can be so mean. Kate is just inviting her kids to 'act out' again.


For awhile now I have felt seriously that Kate sets her kids up. She seems to create situations for them where they will be socially inferior, or they are set up for severe conflict. Not the least of which is singling them out from a perfectly normal Halloween night. It's like she gets off on it. I find it sick. ~ Administrator said...

@Kateplusmy8story re: kid under car. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! She gave him permission to get an item dropped by his sister.


Oh my. If someone tells you they were in the library with the H20 bottle, but turns out they were actually in the kitchen with a piece of stray paper? Me thinks they are lying.

Anonymous said...

She seems to create situations for them where they will be socially inferior.

Bingo because she herself is insecure and awkward, I hope all the kids grow up to be like Jon or NOT LIKE HER AT ALL. She's like competing against her own kids for the public's attention, against Jon for the kids' affection, against Beth for wealth. This woman is like a big black hole, nothing is ever enough to fill that massive void and she has no idea why.

That trip to NYC was a total waste and she ruined the 6 kids' Halloween for nothing. When we were little and new immigrants to the US, we were never allowed to participate in Halloween so we always felt left out. My younger sister vowed to never do that to her kids and be the "Cool Candy Lady" on her block. Well, she did both, and she cheerily complains that every Halloween, her door bell rings non-stop. I told her that it's her own fault that her house got tagged the "Cool Candy Lady". Her son enjoys helping her give out the little bags of treats to other kids because he likes "seeing how happy the other kids are". Khate, it's too bad you can't see the world beyond your 2 fake boobs.

KyPastor said...

Administrator said...
KY I don't mean competitive among the students once you get there, but competitive to get into. Many seminaries have vigorous academic requirements.

All I can say is, glad my degree didn't require Hebrew or Greek.


However, your degree did require some working knowledge of Latin, correct? You no doubt were using Greek as well.

I didn't find applying to Seminary to be competitive. I applied to one and got in. I didn't have to be Magna Cum Laude to be accepted. It is a different story now. I went to Seminary in the 1970's, which should answer Jinx's question about my age. Competition was not as bad in the '70s as it is now.

amyf said...

I asked this before awhile ago and never saw an answer, but I *would* like to know what people think:

Could/should Jon have the first option to have the kids with him even if it's officially HER time, if she's chosen to go off somewhere and left them with a nanny or whoever else? It seems completely logical to me, but there may be something I'm not thinking of. I would think he would choose to have them be with him most of those times...

boyson said...

Unbelievable! Tups missing out on Halloween. It's one of the most important kid holidays next to Christmas and birthdays.

Weather...HA! NOTHING STOPPED US! To kids, Halloween is more than a holiday, it's an entitlement to free candy.

We didn't care if it was 10 below, raining cats and dogs, 100 degree fever... we went trick or treating.

You think it would have killed Kate and asked Jon if he could take the kids trick or treating?

What a complete cunt and nutjob! ~ Administrator said...

I wish she would just own up to it. I would rather pimp myself out than be with my kids on a special holiday.

Forget the train schedule. There is much simpler solution to this. She turns down the View. She had nothing to promote, it was a vanity piece and that is all. She has been on the View many times, it's not like this was a once in a lifetime event. She could have said thank you so much but I have to turn it down this time, Halloween with my kids is important to me, they will only want me around on Halloween for a few more years.

I'm not buying the freak snowstorm story. I grew up in the Northeast, you expect freak weather, often cold weather or rainy weather, on holidays. You go about your holiday anyway. We had our prom in May with sleeveless dresses and grand plans to take photos at a beautiful historic senator's house, we knew the owners. It was a freak cold front, about 35 degrees, and we froze our butts off.

Oh well, we sucked it up and went anyway. The pics are funny because you can tell we're all gritting our teeth! You don't pack up shop in the Northeast because of a little bad weather. You truck on and look back on it with a laugh, "remember freezing our butts off at the prom?!"


Teresa said...

LOL Admin. Ya wanna rephrase that first sentence. :-D ~ Administrator said...

LOL Teresa nah, we were good kids.

Teresa said...

Nevermind....just caught that you were speaking about Kart lol

Cammie said...

There were no indoor places to go trick or treating? I guess that is what Kate gets for living on her acres, she has no neighbors so she probably didn't want to pack up the kids and take them to some random neghborhood? She would have purseboy for security, and even if some locals might be annoyed by her I'm sure her kids would be able to trick or treat in town.
It snowed over a foot 7 years ago where we lived on halloween day. No sidewalks or roads were plowed and my kids managed to make it out. Maybe not to as many houses as usual but I would have never let them miss halloween and the cold and snow certainly did not deter them from having lots of fun!

roxyhelen said...

We don't celebrate Haloween where I live BUT, we do something similar(without costumes thought) on Christmas Eve.It's sort of like caroling except we get candy just like on Haloween.Now Christmas Eve is obviously on the 24th of December and most of the times it snows and it's minus 6 degrees out.I went up until I was 14 started probably at 3.I never missed more than one.No matter how cold, stormy,snowy it was.The only time I couldn't go was once when I was 6 and I was severely sick(high fever) and let me tell you I was heartbroken because my cousin and all my friends got to go and I just got to listen the funny stories and see all the cool treats(and even small toys) they got.I feel so bad for the G kids...

roxyhelen said...

Also,is anyone worried about their b-day in May? I mean if TLC doesn't sponsor they probably won't have the huge b-day parties they were used to.Heck Kate may even be out of town.What about Easter? The traditional summer trip to the beach? These kids are used to having big parties and events and beach trip every summer how will they cope with the fact that mommy only did those things for the cameras? Just sad..

Oh and I think the kids know something's not right.Why?
Because mommy promised she and daddy will be together 6 months before getting a divorce
Because mommy promised they would go each summer at least one week to the beach a year before canceling the trip
Because mommy promised to be with them every holiday just before she missed on Haloween and Mother's Day
Because mommy promised Collin and Alexis she will be there for them yet couple of days after they were expelled they were dragged to filmed outing at party city and stuck on the interview couch with cameras in their faces.
Kids aren't stupid, they know things.Don't kid yourself Kate

Pity Party said...

I think it is safe to assume that if she was not on Twitter, or have a web site, the kids would have got nothing on Halloween (or the day after). She realized that she would be asked about it and went and got the candy the next day after it went on sale and worked that into her new supermom saving brand. She has been re-branded up to and including losing the humongous boobs. A picture is worth a thousand words. I for one think the Twitter is a good thing for the kids. If she is on Twitter she is not hounding them to do this or that. It also makes her a bit more accountable for at least being a better mom on paper.

gotyournumberKate said...

I've been reading here every day but haven't posted because it seems someone always says exactly what I have been thinking. This is still the best blog out there on the Gosselin's.

I don't know who Kate's PR people are but she handles everything wrong. Why not just say, OMG I had no idea Collin crawled under the bus until after the fact and he was disciplined when we got home? People could actually relate to something like that. I didn't always get out of the car when I picked my children up from somewhere. That's not a terrible thing but lying the way Kate did to make it seem like it was okay for him to get under the bus was insane. It's not okay for a child to be under a vehicle in a parking lot full of other cars no matter what the reason or if they had the parents permission.

I see the sheeple are claiming they are absolutely sure that either Jon or Ellen leaked the letter from the kids school. They get irate because they don't like the way we accuse Kate and dissect everything Kate does but they do the same to Jon if not worse. All it would have taken is one employee parent from the school to tell a friend or relative a "secret" and that person tell another and that person then tell another. Or maybe Jon did leak it because he was so sick of Kate's lies and spins and wanted to set the record straight. Maybe he wanted to show people the seriousness of the negative effects filming had on the kids. Maybe this was part of his crusade to end filming of "his" children. Who can blame him for that? All of his other rights have been stripped of him.

It must be absolutely exhausting for Kate to constantly have to find ways and lies to defend herself. My God, no wonder she's always so tired. In a lot of cases being honest and remorseful would be all she would need to do. The problem with that is Kate is never wrong. In my opinion Kate never planned on taking the kids trick or treating. She loves her nights in NYC too much to be bothered with such trivial things. When she saw so many people, fans and non fans alike, asking her if she took them and for photos in their costumes she had to come up with something to pacify them. What a sad existence she lives always trying to stay one step ahead of her critics. The problem is she fails miserably at it.

cwgirlup75 said...

The Bitter End said...

Count me in the group thinking that Steve-O is shagging her. My personal theory is it started in Park City, Utah and it's the reason Beth ran off.
Regardless of when it started, it's pretty obvious that it's happening (and has been for awhile, if we believe Jon). I just don't see any reason why he would hang around to "manage" some fading Z-list reality has-been if they weren't knocking boots.

cwgirlup75 said...

Administrator said...
Not sure how addresses work but can't you use any address as your mailing address even if you don't live there?

I can see how Steve might use her house address as a mailing address for business type things if he is her manager, just to keep all business mail as to her in the same place, or heck maybe she even opens manager type mail and shows it to him.
The problem with this theory, IMHO, is that the first time his address was listed as Heffner Rd. was at least 1 year ago. Well before he became her "manager". So why would he have been using it as a mailing address at that point?

cathy518 said...

I am just appalled that Kate let those poor children miss Halloween trick or treating!!!
What a poor, pathetic substitute to have a Easter egg style trick or treat hunt in the basement. I would have never considered my children having to miss out on trick or treating no matter what. It truly is such an important and fun night. I still remember the time when I was little and very sick on Halloween. Even though my brothers and sisters took my bag trick or treating and got my treats, I felt so sad that there was no way for me to make it up and go trick or treating once I was better.
Can anyone believe those sad pictures of the kids looking at a pool of discounted after holiday candy means they had a nice holiday? My heart aches for those kids. Snow had nothing to do with the kids missing trick or treating. School was held on Monday which means the roads weren't bad and that the tups were subject to hearing the excited chatter from their classmates about trick or treating plans and what they would be missing. No wonder those kids act out! Thankfully, Mady and Cara do have friends with caring parents that brought them out to trick or treat but that probably made it harder on the tups too. Kate is just horrible as a mother, could she be worse

barbee said...

@Jessu3 yay! Welcome! So glad u joined! Ignore mean ppl here and learn how 2 block them! The rest of us are nice and have lots a fun! Xoxo! about 7 hours ago

come on katie, aren't you out of middle school yet? grow the hell up!!!!!! !!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

"Thankyou PAMA for going to that sorry excuse for a speaker. Being late is unexcuseable, that is not an inspiring thing, to be late, maybe a celebs thinking, but kate is not an a-list."


Phoenix Rising said...

I wait fifteen minutes for a speaker. If he/she isn't there by then, I leave. Unless it is announced that the person was delayed because of transportation problems that couldn't be avoided, or a sound system malfunction, I figure if the speaker doesn't have enough respect for the audience, then I really don't want to hear anything (or advice) that the person has to say.
Being punctual is everything. There is no excuse for lateness.


My opinion comes from the other side of the podium.... I completely agree. As I mentioned earlier, I'm a seasoned speaker. (Have two historical novels, speak on them and the time period).

Out of hundreds of speaking engagements in the past five years, I was only late once, and that was due to a misunderstanding of the time (my fault). I was mortified, but thankfully it was a college class, part my speaking, part professor's lecture. The prof simply reversed the order, and I spoke second.

I always arrive a minimum of 15 minutes early. I also use a "15 minutes on the half hour" rule, meaning for every half hour I drive, I allow an additional 15 minutes. For a two hour drive, I allow three.

If I were Kate and arrived THAT late, I would have fallen over myself apologizing to the audience. It's rude and very bad form. And it won't get you invited other places!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Every time I've seen that photo of Collin with his head near the wheel, I get a creeped-out feeling. The big blue bus is HUGE, and he looks so tiny. Kate, you are an irresponsible idiot when it comes to protecting your children.

So I just left this blog to read my morning paper, only to see a story Kate should read. (Just an excerpt and without the names, especially of this poor woman.)


"Police were investigating the death of a woman Friday who appeared to have been crushed by her sport utility vehicle after it was not left securely in park and lurched backward, running over her.

"JBB, 66, was declared dead at the scene.

"A police spokeswoman said an initial investigation indicated JBB came out of her apartment, started up her Nissan XTERRA to warm it up and began to return to her apartment. Investigators believe JBB's SUV was not left securely in park when she got out to walk back inside, the spokeswoman said. The vehicle lurched backward and struck JBB, pinning her underneath.

"Two neighbors said they saw JBB lying on her back in some grass a few feet from the front door of her apartment. The front driver-side tire was on top of Barlow's chest, and one of her arms was up in front of her forehead as if she had been trying to shield herself from the wheel.

"The neighbor said it appeared that JBB had backed into her parking spot, as she often did, and that her vehicle had hopped the curb before striking her."

wayward said...

"This year, due to schedule and the unexpected Halloween blizzard, only Mady and Cara got to go Trick or Treating. They went with friends. I realized on Tuesday morning that they would each have a bag brimming with delicious candy and that the little kids wouldn’t have any!

SO – creative idea to the rescue! A friend suggested I have a candy hunt throughout the house and let them collect their candy in their Halloween pumpkins! What a genius!

I headed off to our local grocery store just before the bus stop to look for all of their favorites – Kit Kats, Reese’s cups, Blow Pops, peanut M&Ms, Milk Duds, Nerds and more!

I was thrilled to find ALL the Halloween candy on clearance since it was a day after Halloween and filled a basket for only $21 instead of $35-$40! What a bargain! Bargains make my heart sing and this find made me even more excited to carry out my plan!"


Give me an effing break.

As other PA residents have said, the storm was Saurday and started melting Sunday. Roads were dry & clear Monday and it was a beautiful evening. Schedule? An appearance on the View which was a complete waste of resourses, time and effort? I hope she looked so ill at ease because "her View ladies" gave her the cold shoulder and she was afraid of getting blasted.

This "Trick or Treating" in the basement was about control, pure and simple. She controlled the candy, she controlled the enviroment, she controlled how much of her comfort level she was willing to exert. Which was zero.

For the show last year, she was more than happy to have the kids Trick or Treat with the crew while she slept in the van. Her idea of a fun Halloween *for her*. This year, with no crew and paycheck involved, traditional Trick or Treating is cast aside in favor of a basement free for all. NOT THE SAME no matter how she tried to sugar coat it (pun intended) for the sheeple. Yet ANOTHER social opportunity denied for the tups because of Kate's laziness. It's not just about candy. It's the excitement of choosing a costume. It's about interaction with adults and other kids, it's about saying thank you after receiving a treat. Because surely candy is a "rare treat" for the tups, I can only imagine the out of control, competitive frenzy she created with that hot basement mess. Think about when kids are hitting a piniata and it finally breaks. Sure, she paints a picture of sheer fun and controlled candy trading, I would bet it was nothing but chaos. Sheesh.... all her whining about traditions. The kids don't want a sticky bun on Christmas, for the love of God they want to do what their all the other kids are doing.

She loves to talk about her Scarlett O'Hara moment when she shot straight up on the ultrasound table and vowed she would not have selective reduction. Her very next vow should have been that she would do whatever it takes to give these kids the most normal, traditional childhood possible, despite their high order mulitiple birth and no matter what it took to achieve this. She has failed them, miserably. Her vow to carry them all term had everything to do with how they could enhance HER life, not how she could do right by THEM as their MOTHER. Bitch.

Koopdedoo said...

Just pondering Khate's discount candy purchase...

I got 2 bags of Hershey's candy yesterday at my local Target for $2.49 (1/2 price). Target is always cheaper than the grocery store, even on Halloween clearance.

Anyway, so, if I use her $21 cost and my 2 bags of good stuff (expensive in the Halloween aisle) for $2.49, am I really to believe she bought 17 bags of candy for 6 kids who didn't trick or treat?

Organic...nothing she listed in her blog post as candy purchased was organic.

No way her kiddos didn't talk about Halloween before her morning after epiphany. Idiot.

Lake Up North said...

You know, I feel bad for Kate. Yeah, that right, but not in the traditional sense. I feel bad because really, it must take so much work going out of her way to make life as difficult for herself as possible.

With the long laundry list, waiting to the last minute to write things or plan things for her kids, no wonder she claims to be always stressed out because she brings it on herself. To live life with such a sour outlook all the time must drain any real person constantly. To be mean and hateful, I think it would be exhausting anyway. Then to whine about it how she couldn’t possibly get everything done that was planned, well, honestly it might do Kate some good to not set herself up like that. But she will never learn is the thing.

I truly think she might also be one of those who actually waits until end of November or December to do her Christmas shopping, too. When the rest of us pick up gifts throughout the year, well, at least I do. But once, I ended up with 3 of the same gift, different story, different day I guess.

My point is I guess I don’t see why Kate has to put herself through all this. It will never make her a good mom. All it will do is make her kids miserable with her attitude because I don’t see her as positive. She is too busy worry about what everyone else thinks of her and how to plan her whole day around whatever she said for that moment and cover her tracks. How can people live like that? I don’t care if she has 8 kids, I care that she uses this as a ploy to be constantly stressed and exhausted. Life just isn’t…regardless of how many kids you have…meant to be lived in such a way.

Yeah, I know you can never change a narcissist. But from my perspective on life, it is meant to be enjoyed. Sure there are times when you are really stressed out and honestly exhausted but it should never be the sole reason for you to take your feelings out on your, one, two, five, eight or more kids. It’s just too bad this is Kate’s outlook on life is all.

Where I grew up, you took your kids trick or treating no matter the weather. She lives in PA, she should be aware of the weather and just deal with it. From what I gather the storm was bad in certain places of New England, but again, that’s life. The weather isn’t conducive to what you want to do in life. Let’s just hope she isn’t late with Thanksgiving , perhaps?

Sally said...

We live in the Northeast and most people lost power here. Halloween was cancelled in our town, and rescheduled for Sunday night. There were too many down power wires and trees. Some families who really wanted their kids to celebrate Halloween on Monday, went to surrounding towns, who were not hit by the storm so bad. So if Kate's town was still having Halloween, it was safe for the kids to be on the road. She was just lazy and used this storm as an excuse.
Also, the down branches, we have very larges fall over main roads, highways, and life went on. Kate does not inspire me at all. She is just an interesting look at how marketing can take a useless person, and market them to see if people follow, along with snooki and the kardashians.

Dwindle said...

Administrator said... Dwindle, aw. Nice memory. I loved candy sorting afterward. My mom would raid our bags for coconut candy bars she loved those and we hated them.


My first 3 children were my mother's first grandchilren and for years she would come over after work the day after Halloween to sort my kids' candy and tell them the same stories she had told me as a child. The kids LOVED telling Mimi their trick-or-treating stories and watching her ooh and ahh over their loot. She would take the opportunity to reinforce and praise safety rules and validate the no-sugared-gum rule. And they were so PROUD to offer Mimi a piece of her favorite candy. The whole little holiday can be just chock FULL of memories and rituals and learning and joy. And it doesnt cost much at all, not even for 8.

Unless of course you have a so-called 'mother' who finds a reason to leave town and confines you to the house while she is gone.

Blog Fan said...

PaMa, thanks so much for your account of Kate's speaking engagement at Penn State Fayette. It is well written - in fact, you should be Kate's behind-the-scenes blogger! You have a great grasp of the English language and are an excellent writer. Let me know if you're ever in the Harrisburg area. I'd love to buy you lunch.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Maybe Steve isn't banging her she is way to into herself and controlling to let anyone enjoy anything unless she say's so. And it's Kate as if she would enjoy some eals pleasure

mel said...

I wonder how you explain to 7 year olds the older siblings excitedly coming back with 2 buckets of candy, when the 7 year olds weren't allowed out. What lie would you tell them?

wryview said...

koopdedoo said "No way her kiddos didn't talk about Halloween before her morning after epiphany" Ah... but did she LISTEN to them? Or does she block out everything they say?

Anonymous said...

amyf -- I agree with you completely that Jon should have the kids during Kate's "time" if she's not going to be there. The problem is, this is Kate we're talking about. She BRAGGED about not allowing Jon extra time while she was appearing on DWTS. She complains that Jon doesn't want to spend more time with the kids, but Jon says he does. Whom do I believe? Who's the pathological liar? I can't believe that a judge hasn't stated that the other parent will have the children if the parent with custody is not available to fulfill his/her responsibilities. What probably happened (and I'm just speculating here) is that Jon couldn't/wouldn't step in one time when Kate asked him, so she vindictively prevents him from having additional time ever.

I don't think it's the end of the world that the kids missed Trick or Treat. Halloween is fun, yes, but there are a lot of children who don't participate for one reason or another. However, when it is added in to all of Kate's other failures as a parent, the pattern of behavior shows that she does anything but "do it all for the kids". If the kids were excited about Halloween and wanted to go Trick or Treating and she prevented it for her own selfish desires, she's despicable.

KyPastor -- count me as one of the posters who appreciates your insight and wisdom. You find a way to cut through all the bull and demonstrate great compassion in your posts. Thanks for gracing us with your presence.


gramof5 said...

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin

Hey guys...Long day! Can't wait to share... For now I gotta sleep! Life just kicked up a notch&crazy has turned 2 insanity! I LOVE it! GN!
She does have a knack of keeping her Tweeties wondering what great opportunity has just come her way...but they have to wait until tomorrow to find out.Bet they're sitting on pins and needles until she decides to Tweet.
I love INSANITY Kate ! That's why I read your Tweets and childish blogs.You lady are NUTS !

She's a momster said...

@Kateplusmy8story re: kid under car. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! She gave him permission to get an item dropped by his sister.

I didn't really understand the tweet when it was posted here so I traced it and found that it was sent to HarveyLevin and Kate. Nothing wrong with a sheeple showing how dumb they are right, but then of course Kate took notice and liked it so much she retweeted herself!

Sandcutbaby Kaye---with-an-E!
@HarveyLevinTMZ --> @Kateplusmy8 story re: kid under car. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! She gave him permission to get an item dropped by his sister.
Retweeted by Kateplusmy8

To further show her class and give new followers a cheery greeting she stooped to this:

Jessu3 Jess
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate, I just started to follow you. I make the 62,210 th follower for you!

in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Jessu3 yay! Welcome! So glad u joined! Ignore mean ppl here and learn how 2 block them! The rest of us are nice and have lots a fun! Xoxo!

Way to go Kate! How far is far enough for her? I wonder how ugly she really is inside - we've seen just a tiny bit of how classless and unprofessional she really is and how cold she is toward the kids. I'm scared to know what she really is like behind closed doors and to what lengths she has gone already and will go to satisfy HER dreams. When I think about it I get scared for the kids - really scared for what their home life is like now and what their futures will be like after living under her mentally ill control and manipulation.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Sure all kids didn't go trick or treating.

Can you image the 6 watching the twins getting ready in their costoumes?. The other kids in the 6 class dressed up they go home while thier big sisters and friends.

Out having fun and they are at home be with the baby sitter/nanny?.The mommy shows up a day late with store bought candy

mel said...

I forgot that she didn't go home Halloween night. The twins must have been at a different house than the tups....thus no explaining the discrepancy? And she probably didn't talk to them before school Tuesday morning.

As usual, her story compared to the known timeline and what any reasonably intelligent person would do, makes no sense.

Once again, I don't believe a word of it. It's just a happy little story that she lived in her head. ~ Administrator said...

Wayward said: Yet ANOTHER social opportunity denied for the tups because of Kate's laziness. It's not just about candy. It's the excitement of choosing a costume. It's about interaction with adults and other kids, it's about saying thank you after receiving a treat.


Wayward, such a fantastic and important point, that it warrants a post. Doing one now.

I've hesitated to do a post on the shocking BBB incident. We've all been discussing it anyway, and I guess part of me is holding back a little because due to Kate's lies not lining up with the limited pictures, I'm not even sure WHAT happened. Not that I think a kid should ever be under a car because I don't, but I almost don't know what to say about it because Kate's left the whole incident in one giant state of confusion.....hope that's okay.

mel said...

When she tweeted that the kids went to a friends house, I bet it was only the twins going to a friendse house, and the tups staying home with a nanny.

chefsummer #Leh said...

You know I bet the twins didn't go either I hope they did but how does she know?. Unless she was waiting by the phone or .She was to busy living it up in the big apple

reality check said...

Administrator said

due to Kate's lies not lining up with the limited pictures, I'm not even sure WHAT happened. Not that I think a kid should ever be under a car because I don't, but I almost don't know what to say about it because Kate's left the whole incident in one giant state of confusion.....hope that's okay.


I think it's a mistake not to do a post on this incident.

There's no confusion about the child's head being under the front wheel.

There's no confusion about the mother being IN the huge van while the child's head is under the wheel.

There's no confusion about her claiming that she gave a seven-year-old permission to go under a bus (one that presumably had a hot undercarriage) in a parking lot.

There can't be much confusion about how wrong it is to suggest to all the other children around that crawling under a bus is perfectly fine.

I don't think she should get a pass on this. I don't think "sheeple", or anyone else, should be thinking that this is acceptable parenting, or that they can try it at home because this woman can't take parenting her children seriously.

No post=a pass, now and later. The incident gets lost, there's less accountability for Kate. Not really a good idea - this site is a priceless archive PROVING that what she's done to those children isn't incidental, or imagined.

Please reconsider, Admin. ~ Administrator said...

Kate finally got up and is getting testy about the Collin incident:

Kateplusmy8: I don't need ur advice re Collin.u weren't there,I corrected tabloid,all happened in under 3sec,I didn't put child in danger.Move on now...


Nope she didn't correct the tabloid she made up a story about a water bottle. Also, I beg to differ, any time a seven year old is under a car he is in danger.

wayward said...

Thank you Admin, I'm honored! :) {{blushing!}}

Maggie said...

Remembering Kate's View visit, I thought it was very interesting that she congratulated Sherri on her marriage on camera. That means more than likely Kate did not talk to Sherri backstage before the show started. And that must have really hurt Kate. Sherri was her "best friend" at the View. Go Sherri!!

mom of the year said...

Kate weeted

# I don't need ur advice re Collin.u weren't there,I corrected tabloid,all happened in under 3sec,I didn't put child in danger.Move on now... 10 minutes ago

# @Jessu3 yay! Welcome! So glad u joined! Ignore mean ppl here and learn how 2 block them! The rest of us are nice and have lots a fun! Xoxo! about 11 hours ago


She's continuing to lie about what happened with her son, and, WORSE, continuing to minimize it.

And the PR nightmare continues - who welcomes someone to a Twitter feed by saying "Ignore mean ppl here"?

Dishonest, irresponsible, testy and hostile. Yep, that's Kate, all wrapped up with a bow.

Laurie said...

Colling in one fast child and Kate better start grooming him for the Olympics. Per her he crawled under the BBB, retreived the "water bottle" (wink, wink), and crawled back out in under 3 seconds. Never mind that the picture shows him reaching for a piece of paper that seemed to be a little out of his reach and then judging by the other picture he had to turn around (on his belly) and crawl back out. All this happened in under 3 seconds. How would you know Kate? You didn't even bother to get out of the BBB. ~ Administrator said...

Typical Kate, anyone who doesn't want poor Collin to get hurt or killed is just being "mean." WHATEVER.

Why doesn't she just hire someone here to write her damage control responses? As others have said a much better response would have been to start off with the truth: Oh my gosh I didn't know! Followed by, I was shocked and frightened and as soon as I saw the photos, I immediately sat down with him and talked about what happened and the dangers of doing that, and the situation has been appropriately handled.

Hippie Chick said...


Hi!! Missed you!! I don't blame you for taking a break, but nope, nothing's changed. Kate's still Kate, doing Kate like things & being all about Kate. The latest letting her child stick his head under The Scoobie Machine (as you call it, haha!) The most insufferable part of this? Her fans are defending her; Saying that "all kids play under cars."

Yep. Sure. I do that everyday. When my kid asks me what he can do that is just oh-so-fun, I tell him to go play in the traffic. WTF!? These people are delusional.


I really like your comments. They are very insightful, full of light & make me smile. I wish you would actually post more often. :)


Laurie said...

Read the "Colling" as "Collin"....still pretty early here and I've only had one cup of coffee. ~ Administrator said...

Reality check if Kate keeps going on about how there was nothing dangerous about this, I may do one. I haven't ruled it out completely. It's not getting "lost" it's all over the place and everyone is talking about it.

I especially like this: "all happened in under 3sec." Just so Kate knows, most horrific accidents happen in just about three seconds. She's never heard someone talking about something tragic? What's the first thing they say? IT HAPPENED SO FAST!

Midnight Madness said...

I don't think that she gave him permission at all. There was no water bottle. Why would Collin be carrying a paper when it should have been in his backpack? A more accurate scenario would be that Kate opened her car door and dropped a paper she was looking at. The wind blew it under the car. She didn't feel like retrieving it so she told Collin to get it for her. No permission. An order. When she saw the photos, she had to do damage control; therefore, the water bottle permission story. ~ Administrator said...

All kids play under cars, are they really saying that Hippie? They KNOW that's a lie.

Tell me they're not trying to say they let THEIR kids go under cars. Why can't they just admit just this once, this was one huge mistake?

If I saw a kid playing under a car or in any way with a car, I would go find his mom or dad immediately. We know for a fact (just do a google search) kids die or get hurt or happen to get lucky because of playing with cars.

Susantoyota said...

I don't need ur advice re Collin.u weren't there,I corrected tabloid,all happened in under 3sec,I didn't put child in danger.Move on now... 21 minutes ago

Keep it up biotch. Your time in the spotlight for birthing 6 children at once has come to an end. You've blown all the chances you were given to make it on your own in television and you are now reduced to twittering the vitriol and hatred which is part of your NPD and warped character.

gramof5 said...

@Kateplusmy8 Why do you end every sentence with an exclamation point? (!) Have you done that since elementary school? (!)

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin

@elizabethi72 yes! I speak with excitement and so I write with excitement! My life is exciting!!!!!!!!

I have never seen a more arrogant,stupid woman in my life.
Does she truly not understand how dumb she sounds ? She acts so childish and uneducated.
I would not hire her to pick up the dog poop out of my backyard. ~ Administrator said...

Also that's really rich of Kate, I don't need your advice on parenting.

She has a PARENTING BLOG. Her entire show was about her interactions with her kids--PARENITNG. She can dish it out but she can't take it.

If you have a freaking parenting blog, don't you dare turn around and say that no one is allowed to question your parenting. Get off the net, or expect people to question you.

Westcoaster said...

No kids at home and right on schedule her mindless twit party is in full swing. Read any good books lately? Meh, she's tiresome. As for the tease about her life getting kicked up a notch - could you make a bigger deal about a very part time blog job?

Lake Up North said...

Is Kate ever going to leave the drama of High School behind her? It's all really pathetic she has to be so...teenager-like with responses.

3 seconds? Please. I don't care what excuse she thought of, it is still dangerous. Any guess if this had happened to Jon, then Kate would be all up in arms about it.

How can she be so dismissive? It's incredible. I hate to say it but if Kate doesn't at least learn to watch her own children she may be faced with an accident and it might be too late to simply lie and try to ignore the situation.

Westcoaster said...

Just one more comment on Halloween candy - it dd not occur to her to go shopping for half-price candy until an hour before the bus pick up late Tuesday afternoon? Do you think the kids maybe saw the shopiping bags of candy in the car and asked about them? How effing contrived and pathetic can she get? No need to answer :-).

wayward said...

Kateplusmy8: I don't need ur advice re Collin.u weren't there,I corrected tabloid,all happened in under 3sec,I didn't put child in danger.Move on now...

Has anyone noticed when the yelling photos surfaced and now this, the FIRST thing she does is dispute the day it happened? She's at the bus stop, she's visibly yelling or there's a child under her giant van and the first thing she does is twat "WRONG AGAIN- IT WAS WEDNESDAY!!!!!!" Like she's discrediting the entire matter. "I corrected tabloid" No she did not! The tabloid got a photo of her son under her van. Paper, water bottle, Wednesday, Monday- big effing deal!! He was UNDER THE VAN! Sheeple, if Jon had picked the kids up and he let Collin under the van would you be so understanding and nonchalant? No, you wouldn't and neither would you, Kate.

About yelling at her twin daughters in public- "I was stressed about styling fam of nine 4 photo shoot" So embarrassing two 11 yr old girls in a parking lot is ok as long as you are doing it to relieve stress? No, it isn't.
What's worse, it looks like the van pic was taken by Splash news. Her bus stop behavior has become such a spectacle other paps besides Chris are showing up. They wouldn't come if she didn't provide a reason. And methinks she doesn't mind as long as it keeps her in the tabs and a pretend "victim" always needing to explain how the pic is nothing like it looks. ~ Administrator said...

She is very dramatic about her new blogging job. Not to downplay blogging because some people DO make a full time job about it and work like crazy. But it certainly doesn't have to be that consuming. Plenty of people like me just make it a hobby that doesn't take much time.

Speaking of which, new post up. Which any fool could have thrown together in about 5 minutes. Should I splat flour on my face and work up a sweat like that old Rice Krispees commercial? So hard, I'm so exhausted!

PaMa said...

Blog Fan ... Wow, and thanks for the kind words. I'm an English major from back in the day when writing skills were actually taught (and have spent way too much time taking notes in lecture halls). In reading my comments after they were posted, I have to admit, though, that I saw a few errors that made my toes curl.

she's an idiot said...

Kate twittered

@CJWhodunit for a start, they reported it as Thursday.... Um I was speaking at penn state on thursday so that was lie #1.


Who cares what freaking day it was? YOUR CHILD WAS UNDER THE WHEEL OF A BUS.

ME, ME, ME, ME. This woman should NEVER have been a parent. Those poor, poor kids.

Paleoanthropology Prof said...

Blog Fan ... Wow, and thanks for the kind words. I'm an English major from back in the day when writing skills were actually taught (and have spent way too much time taking notes in lecture halls). In reading my comments after they were posted, I have to admit, though, that I saw a few errors that made my toes curl.


From time to time we all see our toes curl, often resulting from misplaced modifiers. I blame my mistakes on the boxed wine! :)

Good job, PA!

fidosmommy said...

Wow, silence on here for 5 hours! Do you mean to tell me you all have other things to do on a Saturday afternoon besides write on blogs? Never heard of such a thing. Won't you at least give me some pointers on how to make a ham sandwich? I'm dying here, hungry. How will I ever know what brand of ham to ask Mr. Deli Man to give me?

amyf said...

Anonymous said...

amyf -- I agree with you completely that Jon should have the kids during Kate's "time" if she's not going to be there. The problem is, this is Kate we're talking about. She BRAGGED about not allowing Jon extra time while she was appearing on DWTS. She complains that Jon doesn't want to spend more time with the kids, but Jon says he does. Whom do I believe? Who's the pathological liar? I can't believe that a judge hasn't stated that the other parent will have the children if the parent with custody is not available to fulfill his/her responsibilities. What probably happened (and I'm just speculating here) is that Jon couldn't/wouldn't step in one time when Kate asked him, so she vindictively prevents him from having additional time ever.

November 5, 2011 7:23 AM
Admin or whoever - is Jon entitled to ask for such an arrangement? Would a judge be likely to grant it? If not, on what grounds might he/she not be willing to do that? ~ Administrator said...

Jon is not entitled to it but it's an order that can be made.

I have speculated that Jon may choose not to do this because it will cause too much conflict with Kate and confusing for the kids-- remember he is not dealing with a normal person here but a sociopath. Sometimes, it's better to just stick to a strict schedule. If you are having a custody dispute with a psycho parent, I can't tell you how important it is to stick to the same schedule month after month after month, no exceptions, no variations. That way, no one can accuse you of not following the schedule. ~ Administrator said...

But Wait a Minute, Kate didn't have a problem with Halloween last year. They filmed it. And she didn't choose to skip Halloween for any of the (mostly) good reasons you listed. She chose to skip it because she was selfishly going on the View.

And you are 100% correct that children don't have to have Halloween to build social skills. But isn't this just indicative of the bigger problem here, in that Kate has demonstrated time and time again she deprives the children of social activities and social skills opportunities if it inconveniences her schedule and what SHE wants to do to be a star or if she wants to film them. There are dozens upon dozens of examples of Kate isolating her six pack, from all the filming she has done which took them away from the standard kid fare, to pulling them out of school, to demanding that things be cleared out in anticipation of them coming (i.e. in the Philly museum she threw a fit because they didn't empty it out) and just the latest, skipping out on Halloween. And on and on.

I think what gets us the most is there was absolutely zero purpose to her going on the View other than to just show her overtanned face. It's not as if the children are being deprived of book sales and money because she missed an opportunity to peddle a new book. Instead, she wanted to be a star. And once again, the kids suffered. The kids lost a great social activity. THe kids are, always, the victims when it comes to Kate's narcissism. ~ Administrator said...

Why is Kate being held to a different standard than any other mom who is out of town on business during Halloween?


She is not being held to a different standard. I would expect any Mom out of town on business to number one, try to reschedule the business, and if she couldn't be there, ensure that someone else the kids trust, like a friend or relative, provided them an awesome Halloween. Kate did neither for the tups. If she does neither of those, she is just as selfish of a mom as Kate. Good mothers bend over backwards for their kids and don't deprive their kids of holidays because they want to do what they want. And are we really comparing the View to a "business" trip?

her children were still no more harmed by missing trick or treating than the children of parents with "justifiable" reasons for not trick or treating.


I agree with this. All kids who miss out on holidays because parents can't be bothered to make other arrangements for them are harmed in the same way.

Get it? All parents shouldn't be selfish on Halloween. If you don't celebrate for religious reasons or other reasons, that's a different matter. We're talking about families who chose to celebrate but the parent has to miss the day.

However, since Kate has made selfish decisions pretty much every week out of the year, the cumulative effect is harmful to the kids. Just one day is probably not all that harmful. But it is the repeated putting herself first over her kids that harms them.

Grammy of nine said...

That has been Kate's entire point of view since the beginning, Admin. No one is allowed to question her parenting, spending habits, choices, etc. She has put herself out there, but doesn't want to be questioned for any of it. This blog thing of hers will not work. Too many people will make her mad. It will get ugly, eventually. She cannot play nice for long. This will not play out in a positive way. If the older kids had friends to take them Trick-or-Treating, where are the friends for the little kids? Where was Jon in this? Oh, I know, he is only seen on specified dates. Kate wouldn't want anyone to see him really relating to the kids. They are hers, you know. Buying discounted candy to hide in the basement just doesn't cut it for me. Check your priorities, Kate!

Anonymous said...

Can she deduct a charity in another country off of her IRS?

mamasan said...

Kate wasn't a super candy shopper. The Rite Aid in my area, had all candy discounted 50% day before Halloween. I wonder how sore Kate's arm gets from patting herself on the back?

Anonymous said...

is kate worthy of writing for a coupon blog? probably not. she will need ghostwriter help most likely and is lending her "super mom " name to it. that being said...if we protest things she does that do not involve the kids it looks petty and makes people want to defend her from the "malicious haters" in reality the protests just encourage more people to defend her. i notice on the comments section of the article regarding colin under the van most people were jumping to support her since she was being picked on for being an exhausted mother of eight children who is too busy to get out of her car to supervise loading. not telling anyone what to do but you have to remember..if you pick on everything she does then people will begin feel the need to defend her even harder and it will make the non fans seem petty. her kid under the van should be considered a bad error but now people are defending it because she is "too picked on. if we trash her for the little things then voices are unheard when she does the big wrong ones. it's not taken seriously becasue its from "haters" does taht make sense? basically people are defending what shouldn't be defended because she gets picked on for things that shouldn't. is it fitting miss tv star has been reduced to writing for a coupon blog instead of being on tv? sure. but to demand her unemployment makes us seem unreasonable. i hope this makes sense without offending anyone.

i have no problem calling her out on her lies but i cannot feel comfortable asking anyone not to employ someone if it is a non child exploiting job. it's not good karma.
again...does she deserve her super mom title. heck no. i will continue to point out why i feel she doesn't here on this blog..but im not taking it anywhere else unless the kids are being exploited.

EM ~ Administrator said...

Em, I think there was only one or two people here who demanded her unemployment and they were blasted for it by people here.

I trust the sheeple are smart enough to realize that the opinion of one or two people here is not the opinion of all.

Anonymous said...

agree admin. but hahahaha smart sheeple? is that an oxy moron? lol :0)
anyway..enjoy your blog. i find it very interesting and well ran full of really smart people. i just was shocked today to see people on other websites defending kate's kid crawling under her van and saying she is "too picked on". they said good parents know not to run over their kids and that no good parent EVER ran over their child. has happened and the parent was beyond consoling.


JudyK said...

gramof5 said... @Kateplusmy8 Why do you end every sentence with an exclamation point? (!) Have you done that since elementary school? (!)

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin

@elizabethi72 yes! I speak with excitement and so I write with excitement! My life is exciting!!!!!!!!

I have never seen a more arrogant,stupid woman in my life.
Does she truly not understand how dumb she sounds ? She acts so childish and uneducated.
I would not hire her to pick up the dog poop out of my backyard.

ROFL! Ain't that the truth!

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Not sure about what is going on with Kate, but she seems to be tweeting less and less.

Good, I say, probably doing her CC blog, and packing, but hopefully spending less time on Twitter. Really what mother of 8 should have time for constant tweets?

Move along sheeples. She does not have time for you.

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