Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Knocked up for reality T.V.

The Duggars announced this morning mom Michelle, 45, is pregnant with baby number twenty. But after their last child Josie was born premature with severe health problems (and the perfect opportunity to craft several episodes around the drama), is this new life and the high risk pregnancy that comes with it something they sincerely want, or is it really to keep interest alive in their show?

20 kids and counting! Michelle Duggar announces she's pregnant again

230 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Melissa said... 1

I think this is a bit unfair. They had, I believe, 14 kids before their first tv special. Their belief system has always been the same. Whatever God blessed them with. They are not superficial.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

Melissa, a year ago I would have agreed with you. But recent actions they have taken are making me think otherwise.

They filmed everything with Josie in the NICU, even though she was a pound! No thought was given to how camera crews and bright lights might stress out a baby. It has been proven that an action as simple as placing a preemie on your chest and gently touching them causes them to do remarkably better health wise. So how vulnerable are they to a bunch of strangers coming in with lights and cameras?

Then when Michelle's son, I think Jason, fell into an orchestra pit, before she even knew what his injuries were she whipped out a cell phone to start filming. It was sick.

Anonymous said... 3

Post from MaryAnn --
I don't believe that this pregnancy is for ratings. They live a Godcentric life. This new baby is consistent with all the life choices they have made to date. Could I do this? Absolutely not. At least, some of their family lessons can be adopted by smaller families with good results. Michelle's baby voice does get to me sometimes...doesn't seem authentic.

On another note, thank you Administrator for the recommendation of the Susan Boyle documentary. I recorded and finally got to watch it this morning. What a charming and unassuming soul she is. I also saw a warmth in Simon that I did not know was a part of his personality. I would have missed that uplifting program if you had not mentioned it. Thanks.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 4

Anonymous you're welcome glad you got to see the great Susan Boyle documentary!

Let me put it this way, even if this pregnancy is truly sincere, I think a big part of them is very happy for the drama and they know this is going to guarantee them another season. How convenient. When you are using your innocent baby for ratings, something is off.

Anonymous said... 5

I saw this video about people who have been caught cheating in big marathon races and it made me think of Kate. I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear of her cheating in a big race. That would absolutely be something she would do.

I saw this video about people who have been caught cheating in big marathon races and it made me think of Kate. I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear of her cheating in a big race. That would absolutely be something she would do.


Permanent Name said... 6

I'm sure I'll be among the minority, but I like the Duggars.

I believe they are as religious as they seem on TV and that they did NOT get pregnant for a show.

I had the pleasure to meet them once and JimBob and Michelle are the most down-to-earth people I've ever met. Honest, humble beyond words, and truly devoted in their faith and joy with their family.

Whether or not you agree with what they are doing, if/when you meet them you will come away smiling, happy and with a warm fuzzy feeling. There is no guile at all in them.

They have no need of the money from the show and they are diligent in respecting their children. Whether or not you see it on the show, they have set many, many boundries regarding filming.

Well, I felt like I must stick up for them. I know that lots of folks don't like them... I wish you could meet them.

They really and truly, deep down to their core believe this baby, and all of them, are gifts from the lord.

Disclaimer: I am not religious at all, but I admire them a lot. Honest people living honest lives.

All I ask is that everyone be respectful in posting their opinions... there is no need to be mean or snarky about this one, or jump on folks who have different views.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 7

Reminder: NO ANONYMOUS. Please pick a name or your comment will be deleted even if it doesn't break any other rules. Final warning.

Anonymous said... 8

Post from MaryAnn --
(I do suggest this in humor.) Kate could get inspired. Ah, another pregnancy. She can get her show back! Drama follows as she refuses to identify the father. Renewed tabloid headlines as speculation abounds - single or multiple birth? Couch interviews to get reactions from the 8. TLC funds her lifestyle once again. Oh, my!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 9

Permanent Name, I actually think they are very nice people too. Nice people who have gone too far.

I think even nice people who get wrapped up in reality t.v. can make bad decisions. They are been so immersed in this for so long it's starting to color their judgement. Filming the kids' wisdom teeth and chicken pox, taking Josie all the way to Israel when her health was unstable and she ended up getting so sick she wasn't even cleared to fly, filming poor little Jason before his mother even knew if he would survive that fall. Filming Josie in the NICU.

They are good people caught up in something that can be very evil, selling your kids. It really makes you wonder, if the Duggars are losing sight of things, couldn't this happen to ANYONE in reality t.v. this long?

Anonymous said... 10

Post from MaryAnn --
There are a few of us who use Anonymous but always attach a name. Will that be allowed?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 11

Mary Ann, yes. If you are sincerely having problems posting using a name, just sign your name like you always do. Even if you can't post under anything but anonymous, everyone can pick a name and sign it.

Permanent Name said... 12

Michelle's voice in person is exactly like it is on TV. She's a very modest, self-effacing woman. Very softspoken.

And never once will you hear "um" or "like" as she speaks. Unlike another reality 'stah' we know.

I know it's hard to believe but the Duggars don't concern themselves with ratings. They do feel that the show gives them exposure to show their faith in a quiet, softspoken way. They don't want to tell folks, they want to show them by example.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

The only thing that kind of makes me smile is that I bet this news is pissing Kate off this morning.

Duggars one up her again. Duggars still have their show, Duggars are still doing things that create drama and episodes. Kate got the axe. Ha.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 14

Permanent Nam,e you don't think they've shown us enough? We get it now. I don't think there's anyone out there who hasn't stumbled upon their show at one point. IF they haven't they never will. There will be reruns going forever of this show that people can see.

The excuse they just want to show their faith isn't cutting it anymore. They are exploiting their kids.

Exploitation is exploitation even if you are nice people. Filming Jason WAS exploitation, period.

Awhile back, I compared it to college. It's really tough to hate a professor who is a horrible teacher, but a really great guy. (Duggars) It's much easier to hate a bad professor who is a jerk, too. (Kate)

Anonymous said... 15

Post from MaryAnn --
Administrator, I find it humorous that we both speculated on Kate's reaction to this news. To quote her "...uh oh, swearing, swearing..."

PS: Soon as I get with computer-wise son I will learn how to create an account that works. I will post correctly. Until then, thanks for the patience with me.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 16

Sttteeeeve! Get me pregnant!

If she does ever end up knocked up, it will sort of be like Area 51 exposed. The whole hoax blown up in her face--so Kate did do fertility treatments to get HOM and a t.v. show.

It's a joke--I know, I know people get pregnant naturally after fertility treatments all the time.

chefsummer #Leh said... 17

I'm not shoked I thought they were done since poor Josie went through so much

Koopdedoo said... 18

While I agree that another child totally fits their family's belief system (not for TV pregnancy)...at some point can they please NOT announce on network television morning show?

Everybody gets flown to NYC - YEA! Is their show filming another NYC episode?

Permanent Name said... 19

kart having another one? Hmmmmmm..........

She did always blabber about wanting to have 'a single baby'......... some scripted lie or another.

But I asked this earlier and never got an answer - what are the issues she might face with another pregnancy AFTER a tummy tuck? All that muscle repair and skin removal... would her uterus be able to carry a baby to term being stretched so much with the tups?

It's a legitimate medical question. True, it's probably not my business, but from a purely academic point of view...

And would kart agree to let her belly stretch after working so hard to be a sex symbol (the posed bikini shot in Australia)?

Head slap! What am I thinking?! Of course she'd do anything to get her show back....

But again, Jon won't ever let the 8 be filmed again, so that shoots her plan. No one would be intereted in a show about a bitch, her boyfriend and a single baby.

"Baby-as-a-career-move" = extremely bad idea. I think the world is waiting to see if kim kardashian is planning to have a kid-for-ratings. (Riiiight.... we'll all waiting with bated breath - snark)

Permanent Name said... 20

New jargon for 21st century dictionary:

KFR - kid for ratings

What is this world coming to?!

Permanent Name said... 21

Administrator said... The only thing that kind of makes me smile is that I bet this news is pissing Kate off this morning.

Duggars one up her again. Duggars still have their show, Duggars are still doing things that create drama and episodes. Kate got the axe. Ha.


Admin, I am SURE you're right!

I bet she's giving purseboy hell this morning!

Pam said... 22

I don't understand why they have to make a big trip to NYC and The Today Show each time she gets pregnant. And then they go back again to reveal the gender.

THAT seems to be fame seeking (to me ).

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 23

The whole let's announce it on Today really does speak to their motives. If it were really just about welcoming another life into the world, they wouldn't have a need to do that.

LisaNH said... 24

Permanent Name, I agree with you that the Duggars are much more likeable than the Shrew in PA. When they do charitable things, you can tell it is genuine and from the heart. They do it because it's the right thing to do, not because a tv camera is filming.

As far as having all those kids? Well, personally it makes my womb hurt to think of how many babies Michelle has had. I haven't even had one, let alone 20. Ouch!!!! Do I think maybe she or the family are going overboard procreating so much, yeah. But if they are raising those kids to be decent, hardworking, good living people, then so be it.

I'm afraid that some of the Gosselin kids will not have the kind of character and integrity that the Duggars kids have because living with Kate will make them (some, not all of the 8) have that same sense of entitlement and narcissisim that she has. It will rub off on some of the kids, no matter how much good influence Jon and Ellen bestow on the children.

Cwgirlup75 said... 25

I know all the talk about Kate getting pregnant is a joke, but I have to say that it wouldn't surprise me if she did. We all know she loves babies (just not children), and it would definitely get her attention, especially if she withheld the father's identity.

roxyhelen said... 26

I think the Duggars think they are doing the right thing.Personally I think it's unfair to have so many kids since they aren't even raising them, older kids raise younger ones.The kids' emotional needs are most likely not met. I also think it's unfair to film Jose when they didn't even know if she as going to make it.I think it's not fair that they Michelle filmed Jason(?) for the show before even knowing if he's paralyzed or anything.

PJ's momma said... 27

While I admire the Duggars' conservatives values and the way they parent (or the way they have the older children parent, ahem), this disgusts me. Enough already. They simply cannot give each child what they need emotionally, and expecting the older ones to do it is unfair. I was the 'older one' and I resented what my parents expected of me so much that I never had kids. At 48, I would hope my eggs are dried up! How many friggin' eggs does that woman still have? So what if, God forbid, they were to lose this child after a treacherous pregnancy? Would they stop then? Of course not. It's God's will. Well, God expects us to have discernment and make good choices too.
I agree with another poster about the oldest son. He comes off like a pompous, know-it-all ass, despite the fact that he was home schooled and has no higher education. Not that everyone should go to college or whatever, but he has extremely limited life experience so far and comes off as a less humble version of his father and boy did he pick the right wife.

Permanent Name said... 28


I agree with you!

As a nurse, I do not understand how a uterus can serve 18 times (she had two sets of twins) and not simply ... fall apart!

Especially after having multiple c/sections! It's not the scar on the uterus that might rupture, it's the muscle on either side of the scar that stretches thin and tears... how many c/sections has she had?

A uterine rupture is an obstetric emergency of the highest order with high mortality rates for mom and baby. The fix time for a rupture is about 4 minutes.

From a medical standpoint, I'd be extremely nervous. I'm sure her OB will put her in the highest risk category - some OBs even refuse to care for women so high risk.

And how she had problems in only 1 pregancy is amazing.

I wouldn't be brave enough, I'm afraid.

BC Girl said... 29

Here is a good article that I read today. http://vancouver.24hrs.ca/Lifestyle/2011/11/07/18935746.html

chefsummer #Leh said... 30

I wonder what step Jon have taken inorder to have or not have more kids?. Now that would piss Kate if he had one with Ellen.

The Jon&Ellen hater would eat that up

Sport said... 31

This is ridiculous.
I half expect the next child to be born pregnant with twins.

She's such a c word said... 32

Permanent Name, according to the always snarky Dlisted article, Michelle will be having her first c-section with this child.

anger issues kate said... 33

A few things: I like the Duggars to a point, having that many kids, is some how wrong in this day & age. Jimbob should learn self-control. Michelle is a person not a baby machine. Also there is competition with the Bates family, for who can have the most kids(Bates are expecting or have their 19th, after 3-4 miscarrys). I agree it is not fair to the older kids to be raising the younger ones, cause mom & dad have some weird belief system, it's really fine with me if they want to have lots of kids(I know this is a contradiction, for me)but if they Jimbob & Michelle raise them, not the older kids(especially the girls), it fine. I was hoping they were gonna announce that one of the girls is engaged, or a promo for that European/ Holyland trip they just took. Not another baby announcement. Those 2 are tripin off on some weird babyness.

Westcoaster said... 34

Oh goody, a new topic :-). Actually, since I don't watch this show I have no real interest in what the Duggars do, but since they continue to film for reality tv, drag the whole clan to NYC for "announcements", and have done some rather horrific things in both filming in NICU's and ER's lately, guess they are fair game.

Not being Godcentric like this family, perhaps I really don't understand what motivates them, but a 45 year old woman pregnant with her 20th child, and a grandmother now at that, it just seems over the top and actually presents a real danger to her health, and that of her children conceived at this stage of her life. Her choice. But I certainly don't see her as any sort of role model, and actually she, according to what I read and see on tv, seems mostly involved in the business of being pregnant and birthing babies. Her babies are being raised by their older sisters. It is their life, and they choose it, but once they choose to make it public, they open themselves to criticism. And frankly, I find this whole story pretty odd. And she does seem controlled by her husband which I also find creepy, at least by the way I live my life.

But I do think that K8 must be pretty pissy this morning, and that's good for a laugh.

She's such a c word said... 35

I don't think Kate's 'pissy' over this. Her a$$ is Australia bound sans 8 kids plus one bodyguard.

Permanent Name said... 36

Nah, she's had c/sections before. I know for at least one of the twin sets... I thought it was 3 before this pregnancy... she talked about having c/sections on one of the episodes or articles...

But then again, who knows if anything in the media is true, right? LOL

She's such a c word said... 37

PN-true that! ;-)

anger issues kate said... 38

Yeah Westcoaster: Kate has not twitter in 17 hours. Must be frazzled and stressed, after all Kate has lots and lots and lots to do before her trip to Aussie. Perhaps the problem Kate was tryin to work out has something to do with who will take care of the kids?(Jon or hirehelp or a combo) or I hope this is wrong, Kate tryin to convince Jon to let the kids go to Aussie.

Mimi to 3 said... 39

This subject really hits close to home for me. My daughter and her husband joined a church about 8 years ago where their beliefs about children are the same as the Duggars. I have met a lot of these people and they are all warm and loving. But they have all chosen to have as many kids as possible, no birth control of any kind. One of the families in particular now has 6 children, they are in their early 30s. Each pregnancy gets more traumatic. She is horribly sick for the first 4 months, way out of the norm. And she always goes overdue, which has many of its own issues. For the past 2 pregnancies she has come so close to dying it is terrifying. She bled out both times from a placental (I can't think of the actual word) but it came loose during delivery. The baby was fine, she on the other hand almost died. They also believe in midwives and home births. She had to be rushed by ambulance to the ER all the while profusely bleeding. Her baby is now 8 months old and she is pregnant again.

Here's my thoughts on all this. God not only created us but He gave us common sense. If I come to a cliff over the ocean and know this place is known for how many sharks are in that water and I choose to jump in anyway, well, we all know what's going to happen. God gave me the common sense to say nope not going in there. I know that's trivial, but to me it fits because common sense says if you already have a houseful of young children, they very much need their mother and if you are putting yourself into a known high risk situation almost resulting in death you should rethink what God wants in your life. This is just my opinion but knowing these people as I do just makes me shake my head and want to shake them as well. Please don't get this wrong, I love my grandchildren so very much and would welcome any or as many that came along. But not if you are risking your life to be their mother or taking yourself away from the children you already have to have more.

As for the Duggars, what else is there to see and why do they have to go on Today to announce all this. They have their own friggin show to announce it on and we all know TLC will promote it so no one doesn't know about it. Dragging all those young ones on planes and setting in front of cameras. I totally agree with Admin. about little Josie's birth and all the following filming in the ICU and then with their son falling. And for heavens sake, she is 45, everything can and might go wrong.

Common sense people. It's really a very good thing.

chefsummer #Leh said... 40

When will she stop it's her body but it comes a time when her brain and, body has to tell her. That this is enogh and what will Jimbob do if she dies?.

Both of them need to stop thinking of them seleves and think of the children 19 and grand children 2 that they have right now. I hope this baby is healthly.

Permanent Name said... 41

I just read the dlisted.com article.... they are snarky, aren't they? LOL

The way I read it, this will be her first "scheduled" c/section. I think the Josie c/section and earlier ones were not scheduled, they were done for emergent reasons, or they were scheduled and dlisted is wrong.

But again, disclaimer: what the hell do *I* know, and how accurate is the media?!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 42

Administrator said...

Reminder: NO ANONYMOUS. Please pick a name or your comment will be deleted even if it doesn't break any other rules. Final warning.

Thank you, Admin!

As far as the Duggars, I don't have much to say, for once, lol. Just like Khate prior to 2009, I've only seen the Duggars show maybe two to three times for only a few minutes. I can't relate to their life at all and the show never interested me.

From everything that I've read, they are "nice" people but as far as I am concerned, it is NOT very nice to invite cameras into your home to film your family's private moments and broadcast it to the world. I do not believe that it serves any good purpose or that here is ANY altruism involved in this at all, no matter how nice they might seem in explaining their reasons.

There is simply NO justification for opening up your home and your private family life to national television. If it were up to me, it would be illegal to allow any minors to be on reality TV, as they cannot consent to this extreme invasion of their privacy that in many cases will have long lasting effects.

Permanent Name said... 43


You bring up a very good point...


Do you foresee anytime in the future that reality tv might be actually banned by law from filming children?

I'm thinking safety of the children vs personal rights of expression.... also a parents right to contract on behalf of the child.

I wonder if this decade of reality tv (a new-ish phenomenon) will result in backlash spawning new rigid laws...

Interesting thought. What a legacy for kart, right? Maybe the law would be named The Gosselin Law. ha! - The Jon Gosselin Law..... oh would that frost her cookies....... hee hee

Sorry, just rambling this morning... need to get cracking with housework. But this is so much more fun...

anger issues kate said... 44

The Duggars did the show to promote their religion, but TLC saw that would be boring, offered/paid them a lot of money as long as they keep the religion to a min. Jimbob the great money maker he is, thought this would be a great source of income. And I'm sure the perks, like trips and getting their house finished and furnished, and a new bus etc, were real bargain.

She's such a c word said... 45

PN, You're right, forgot that Josie was emergency c-section. Duh.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 46

Article BC posted is a must read. I will do a post on it later.

Ingrid said... 47

Administrator said...
The only thing that kind of makes me smile is that I bet this news is pissing Kate off this morning.
and they are going to England & Scotland-- places Kate was dying to go to. haha

anger issues kate said... 48

Ingrid: they also went to the Holyland. They did this trip months ago.

Westcoaster said... 49

Even if K8 wanted to take the kids to Australia, and quite frankly why would she when this is going to be a private junket for her and the protection, who would be paying for this without a tv show. No, this is all about her, as is her Vegas run - if she were really interested in running, she would have gotten her feet wet in a run somewhere way closer to home. The Vegas thing is another junket, perhaps even sponsored, and she could be falling, literally, flat on her face.

Curious that there is not a blog post about the stress of taking a large family out for dinner, tips on splitting 3 meals 8 ways, the proper way to thank your mother for the wonderful experience, etc. And since she is about to leave, think Steve was out for dinner as well; he is probably in residence by now. And no, I don't think he lives there, there would be sightings, and she would not be tweeting like she does.

Returning the channel to Duggar chat, they really don't interest me beyond what I have already said.

Maggie said... 50

Does anyone know how long Kate will be in Australia? And besides the luncheon auction, what is the exact reason she is going? THanks

Anonymous said... 51

i like the duggars. dont fault their lifestyle BUT..Michelle is now 45 years old. Her last pregnancy was very high risk. The have produced beautiful children. isn't 19 enough to know God has blessed you and wouldn't safety prevail at some point? it does make you wonder if they are pushing it a bit since now they are on tv. it's an interesting topic. are they pushing themselves to have more to remain revelent at this point? Michelle has gotten pregnant every year since the show started it seems.
serious question..does their religion ask them to not take risks seriously? do they assume God will do what is right and stop getting her pregnant when he is ready? does it ask them to have sex during ovulation even if it isn't a good idea? surly JimBob knows Michelle's ovulation cycles by now.


Stewmama said... 52

When the Duggars in charge allowed the TLC crew (and the rest of the world) into the bathroom to film Anna giving birth on the toilet, yeah, they joined the "anything for ratings" gig.

PJ's momma said... 53
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... 54

BTW. i have noticed changes in the family since the show. subtle but serious nonetheless. the filming of Josie in the NICU. the filming of the boy when he fell off stage. it does make you wonder. can fame even alter the path of even those who had deep seated values?


Hoosier Girl said... 55

I equate the Duggars getting pregnant again for religious reasons to parents who won't get their children medical treatment for religious reasons.

Can they really be that short-sighted?

She is healthy and has 19 children. A high risk pregnancy is just that and could result in 19 motherless children.

I just can't see myself risking my child's or my own health for a religious belief.

PJ's momma said... 56

Have y'all looked at kate's blog? There's a weird picture of her wrapped up in a Red Cross blanket, declaring that she's helping them too. I don't know what a barefoot woman with seemingly no clothes on wrapped up in a blanket means to fire relief, but there ya go. That's probably the extent of it. She got a free blanket, took a picture, posted it and she's done. Her latest fitness post is lame too.

TLC stinks said... 57

I bet Steve did go out with them for dinner because we know Kate ALWAYS has help with all 8 kids in public.

I don't believe Steve has moved into the residence, but I do believe that he is an overnight guest there when she is about to take a trip. I saw a picture of his car in front if the garage last year and it had MD license plates.

cathy518 said... 58

I think what worries me most about the Duggars is that it is obvious that the pregnancies won't stop until tragedy and either Michelle or the baby doesn't make it. Actually it would probably have to be Michelle that would have to not make it or the Duggars would just try again. She is at risk for a Down syndrome child now and the care for that child would exceed a normal infant. The older children would have to care for a special needs infant on top of everything else. When this child is 20, Michelle and Jim will be senior citizens. By the way, do any of these children go to college?

Tucker's Mom said... 59

Administrator said...
Article BC posted is a must read. I will do a post on it later.
can someone make this clickable to make it easier to access and read because this article is SPOT ON. In a frighteningly familiar quote, Fischoff refers to "the need to be cut from the herd of mediocrity".
I think this man is spot on and makes no bones cutting to the heart of what is wrong with this disgusting phenomenon.

fade2black said... 60

Administrator said... Article BC posted is a must read.
Bazinga! I can't wait for this post.

Permanent Name said... 61

Who is BC? Now I'm eager to read this article!

Faster, faster please - how do I find this article.... :-)

Marie said... 62

Why do they need more kids? I do not agree with their thing with passing the younger kids off to the older one's in the buddy system.

I think honestly at this point, they might lose something in the mix of that many kids.

Isn't there anyone here on this blog who has a lot of kids? More than Kate, fewer than 20? I mean there has to be people out there who lead regular lives but have a lot of kids and don't complain, ask for donations or whatever.

It's like Kate and Michelle are the only women alive who ever thought to have a large family and exploit it. I'd just like to meet someone who doesn't have a large family for monitary gain.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 63

Tucker's Mom said...

Administrator said...
Article BC posted is a must read. I will do a post on it later.
can someone make this clickable to make it easier to access and read because this article is SPOT ON. In a frighteningly familiar quote, Fischoff refers to "the need to be cut from the herd of mediocrity".
I think this man is spot on and makes no bones cutting to the heart of what is wrong with this disgusting phenomenon.

Here you go, I made it clickable: (Thanks, BC Girl)

BC Girl said...

Here is a good article that I read today. http://vancouver.24hrs.ca/Lifestyle/2011/11/07/18935746.html

dee3 said... 64

I think that the Duggars seem like perfectly nice people and I'm not a big fan of organized religion in general.......but I'm sorry, if you're 45 and pregnant with your 20th child due to religious convictions....you're in a cult.

And how convenient that it allows the man to keep the wife barefoot and pregnant during her entire young adulthood (not to mention keeping all the girls chained to their child-care duties)...........although hey, sexism goes with the territory when it comes to cults...and even with organized religion come to think of it.

Hope I didn't offend anyone.

What makes it even more ridiculous is that despite all this simple-life, religious stuff, they really seem to be enjoying the lime-light and becoming celebrities. Money and power corrupt even those with the strongest religious convictions....even the Duggars, it seems.

Listen...like I said, they seem like perfectly nice and likeable people.....but when you see TV as some sort of vice but then turn around and go on a TV show....you're being a hypocrite....and a hypocrite being seduced by money and attention to boot.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 65

I'm just going to past it here, if that's okay:

Kids pay for a parent's quest for attention


It’s addicting, disgusting and stupidly popular.

And possibly child abuse.

Fame-hungry, egotistical moms behaving badly on reality TV have us cringing but we tune in, regardless of the scenes of children being exploited by their own parents.

Dance Moms is a recent addition to the frightening cast of poor parenting; Toddlers and Tiaras broadcasts weekly to an audience of more than two million. Kate and her eight are gone but not forgotten… Quints by Surprise replaces Kate cashing in on her kids.

Dance moms squabble, scream, trash one another, cry, rant and rage while studio owner Abby Lee Miller berates and bullies the moms and kids, and the moms let her – all in the name of attention.

These moms have a pathological need to be noticed and admired by others, says Dr. Mark Sichel, author and New York therapist.

“I would definitely call this child abuse and a lack of caring about their children’s well-being and adjustment because their narcissistic needs are so profound that they can distort their behaviour as being good for their children and believe that it makes their children happy,” Sichel says.

Exhibitionism takes centre stage, leaving kids feeling terrible as their needs to be nurtured are neglected, and positive reinforcement for their accomplishments and achievements is non-existent, says Sichel, author of Healing from Family Rifts.

The distorted need to be looked at deprives their children of the joys of childhood.

According to pop culture and media expert Dr. Stuart Fischoff, it’s the “desperation syndrome” in the age of mass media.

“We’re talking about the need - indeed the right - to be a celebrity, to be someone, some one; a need to be cut from the herd of mediocrity and count for something,” says Fischoff, who blogs the Media Zone at Psychologytoday.com.

Sichel says these parents use their children to shore-up deficits in their self-esteem and lack judgment about the potential for disastrous experiences for their children.

“Their hunger to be noticed, to create a splash and feel famous is a dysfunctional way to fill their inner emptiness and need for excitement when they feel their lives are unfulfilling,” he says.

Sichel says the mothers who appear on these shows see their children as extensions of themselves and objects to be used to further their need to be noticed and admired.


Maggie said... 66

I clicked on the above reference article that Admin. mentioned. It is from Psychology Today Magazine (online). It was very interesting.

For the heck of it, I typed in Kate Gosselin in the search box and it came up with numerous articles about her. I haven't read them yet, but I am going to. Just wanted everyone to know that if this visit Psychology Today website, there are interesting articles about the Gosselins.

Westcoaster said... 67

Since I don't watch, have to ask, did the Duggars really film the DIL giving birth on a toilet? Seriously?

I would also appreciate a clickable link to the article mentioned above as I cannot get it to copy/paste properly.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 68

(Part 2 of 2)

“They’re devoid of judgment about the consequences of exposing their children to these experiences and rationalize their behaviour as gifts to their children when their behaviour is exploitative and self-aggrandizing,” adds Sichel, of Marksichel.com.

Welcome to the “Narcissism Zone” where there’s an urgent need to rise above the anonymous masses, says Fischoff. In this zone, it’s all about “my child, my family, myself. They are one. They are me.”

It’s the neurotic personality trait of our time, says Fischoff. Today’s world is a vast greenroom where everyone is waiting for a chance to be called on stage – be it reality TV, a blog, or YouTube or Facebook. Whatever it takes, parents are willing to pay the price.

“If mothers on Toddlers and Tiaras are pimping their children to get that celebrity, that recognition, so be it. If that means traumatizing their children, so be it and so what!” says Fischoff.

“If that means lying to themselves, their family, their friends, that they’re only ‘doing it for their child and some day they’ll thank me,’ shut up and get out of the way.”

Fundamentally, it’s child abuse. Ultimately, “it all depends on the values of a culture and what's ‘acceptable citizen behaviour,’” Fischoff says.

“A culture that precociously sexualizes its daughters may be as destructive as one which demands clitorectomies, no matter how they spin it. There are many ways to wound our children,” says Fischoff.

Meanwhile, when everyone is doing it, then it becomes less bizarre. Fischoff asks just how sensible is it that the measure of the person is their celebrity quotient or status on Facebook, Twitter or reality television?

Assaults on kids’ self-esteem “have them going through life feeling that their worth is dependent on making their mothers happy and to help their mothers get the attention and need to be noticed gratified,” adds Sichel.

Anonymous said... 69

why does kate have to call everything she does for the kids..i.e. dinner a "rare treat"?
why aren't trips, expensive haircuts, pedicures, tanning sessions, expensive clothes, new cars, nannies etc a "rare treat"
seems the kids always have to skimp because kate is "struggling" yet no one questions how kate has money for other luxuries.
also. cant she just enjoy dinner without yapping about how it makes HER life easier not to have to clean up.
kate annoys me to to the core. she is such a phony "supermom" that it still baffles me that no one sees thru it.
the blogger world is up in arms over Kim K's divorce but no one batted an eye when kate had her fake vowel renewel ceremony for a free trip to Hawaii. what is it about kate that she always gets a free pass on her outlandish behavior? church scam anyone? a millionaire with a collection plate for love offerings never even hit mainstream news.


Tucker's Mom said... 70

dee3 said
ood (not to mention keeping all the girls chained to their child-care duties)...........although hey, sexism goes with the territory when it comes to cults...and even with organized religion come to think of it.

Hope I didn't offend anyone.
Broad, sweeping generalizations are like shooting a shot gun-- you're bound to hit something.
Someone above mentioned families that have many kids without notoriety or money in mind... I went to Catholic school and large families were common. One kid in every grade kind of thing. And hand me downs galore!
Somehow, they all managed to lovingly raise their kids in a perfectly fine if mediocre close-knit home, send them off to college and otherwise produce fine citizens.
Crazy, huh? Who knew...

A fair minded person said... 71

Not to be nitpicky, but I would rather "good" articles just be linked and not copied. If a person goes to the trouble of doing a well-written, well-researched article why would we try to limit the number of "hits" it gets? I know Sue Buddy has requested that we don't copy her writings here but go to the site to read, most likely because she gets ratings by the number of hits she can generate. I would assume most online writers do. So let us reward the positive, intelligent writer, not penalize them by lowering their hit numbers. By all means copy the negative, ridiculous articles by the logic-impaired Kate lovers, and bring over Kate's own lame excuses of blog posts so we limit hits to those places, but let us give support to those who deserve it.

Layla said... 72

I'm continuing the last thread here, but I'm curious about a couple things. First, there is all the Jon-wore-Ed-Hardy talk among the Sheeple. Okay, Jon wore Ed Hardy shirts for a few months, but now he seems to dress normally. And Kate has been the wearing hooker clothes for a couple years, with no end in sight. So, why is it such a big deal with them that he wore a particular brand of T-shirt for a short while, but they think it's fine that she's been flashing her naughty parts all over for two years? At least he kept it covered up!

And another thing I noticed while doing some recon on their sites---they claim that Steve and Gina got divorced in April of 2009, so it's okay for Steve and Kate to be together. But, Kate herself made reference to the fact that he's married long after this supposed divorce. It's not like she wouldn't know if he had gotten divorced! Where do they get this stuff? Oh, and lots of Ellen-bashing, but that's no surprise. Has anyone ever heard of this so-called divorce? Where did they get that idea? Or are they making things up as they go along to cover for their bleached-blond reason for living?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 73

A fair minded person said...

Good points, BUT one problem that I have often noticed is that after a while some links don't work and the original article is no longer available. That's why I like that Preesi's site copies and pastes so many articles.

Plus, the article BC Girl linked to was not just about Khate, as Sue Buddy's articles are. I don't think you need to worry, as I doubt that article or site is depending on the Gosselin blogging world for hits. How many of us even would have been aware of it without BC's link?

One more thing - may I ask what name you normally post under here? It seems that some posters change their name for certain posts as if to hide whenever they challenge someone rather than picking a name, sticking with it, and owning their posts.

Dallas Lady said... 74

People might have already addressed this, but I'm seeing a false dichotomy at work here.

Some people are saying no, they are good people who are not getting pregnant just for the TV show, they just want to show their faith, etc etc.

There are people saying they are exploiting their kids by having the TV show, etc.

It's not a mutually exclusive thing. Here's what I believe about the Duggars:

1. They DO believe in what they are doing and they whole-heartedly stick to their religious beliefs, which dictate this lifestyle.

2. They ARE indeed exploiting their children and family in the process of "showing their faith."

It doesn't have to be either/or. I don't think they got pregnant again JUST for the show, JUST for ratings, JUST for attention.

However, the fact that they ARE announcing it on the Today show (as they have the last few kids), the fact that it IS going to make for "good TV" for their show, which DOES make them money by filming their childrens' lives means they ARE exploiting their kids and this unborn child already.

It's both. And the tragic thing is that they don't seem to see that. The fact that they are, to them, just "showing the world their faith" seems to have blinded them to the fact that putting your family on TV does much more than just show the world your faith.

It also makes public figures, and all that entails, of your kids, who are minors and have no real say in this.

It makes your home life fair game for public criticism and gossip fodder.

It opens you up to possible criminal elements/weirdos/creepazoids/overzealous fans who could become mildly to severely obsessed with you and your family to the point of possibly putting your family in harm's way.

It brings a new dimension of wealth to your life. Some people handle this well, some (most) do not. The Duggars should be extra concerned, since part of their belief system is focused on not allowing money/material things to influence you or your thinking.

Not everything about putting your family on TV is good, and I think that's the main thrust of this website. The Duggars are experiencing the good AND the bad of putting your family on TV. It's not as innocuous or as simple as the Duggars would have us believe.

As admin has pointed out, they have indeed crossed a line. The first couple of specials would have been classified as "showing our faith" and served that purpose just fine. Past that? You're just exploiting your family for fame and financial gain.

TLC stinks said... 75

I am for women having control over their bodies. Once again a man is calling the shots in a family. Personally, just like Sister Wives, it's men controlling women. You can call it religion but I call it brain washing. Thank goodness in this century people like them are few.

Mr. Bond said... 76

please don't give her website any hits, here is a copy of the picture


dee3 said... 77

"Broad, sweeping generalizations are like shooting a shot gun-- you're bound to hit something."
I just wanted make sure I wasn't offending anyone who might happen to be in a cult...<>

Just wondering....what percentage of women can even get pregnant naturally by the age of 45?

Must say though....Michelle Duggar still looks pretty good (in a soft, sweet, child-like way) for a woman of 45 pregnant with her 20th child.
I'd look like something the cat dragged in if it was me.

Tucker's Mom said... 78

Carol said...
please don't give her website any hits, here is a copy of the picture

Carol, did you copy that photo from Kate's blog and add it to your Flickr photo stream? If so, it's a violation on Flickr and pretty much anywhere. Your account can be deleted. You can not take someone else's content and claim them on your own site, be it a blog, Facebook, Flickr etc, and not get permission and/or not give credit.
Just FYI for ADMIN to be sure Carol is not linking material that is not hers to link.

dee3 said... 79

Dallas Lady~
Bravo! Great post.

TLC stinks~
I totally agree.

Tucker's mom~
Great article. Thanks for providing it. I think it hit on all the points we've been trying to say for the past several years now.

Dallas Lady said... 80


I've read everything I can get my hands on about how the Duggars educate their kids and the materials and methods they use, the equivalent courses they go up to, etc. I also watched any thing they've ever put on the air concerning their homeschooling. I'm an educator and I wondered how effectively one parent was able to educate so many kids at the same time and through so many subjects and grade levels.

The answer? Not very well. Not very well at ALL.

A few of the grown kids (or nearly grown kids) have received some vocational training in things like being an EMT. Supposedly one girl will be going through a midwife program, but she hasn't done that yet. Apparently midwife programs in Arkansas are not as stringent as in other states and do not first require any kind of diploma.

Their older children's math skills seem to be halted at about pre-Algebra, possibly a bit before that. Their reading and writing skills seem to be (again from everything I've seen and read about their homeschooling) stopped at about eighth grade.

History/social studies and science, though, are where they are seriously lacking, and hardly get up to the middle school level.

Almost nothing I saw involved true high school level work as far as the rigor and complexity of those subjects. The older kids do some sort of internet based worksheets that are supposedly for high school courses, but it all has to be approved by their religious beliefs and go through that (the guy they follow has his own educational materials which are seriously lacking).

I saw one episode in which Michelle was trying to get one of the younger boys to sit down and "do his workbook" but he was running all over the place and she reported it was "typical." She had one kid in her lap at one point and was attempting to read to that child, but she could never get much read for all the other kids, even with the older girls grabbing them up.

The older girls spend so much time on child care, they really can't focus on getting a high school level education.

You really don't learn enough from workbooks. Homeschooling CAN be quite rigorous and engaging, but she's not doing it like that and I'm not sure she CAN with that many kids of all different ages.

They could have a home garden and she could weave math skills and science concepts into that ongoing activity. She could demonstrate erosion outside with a dirt hill and water. Life cycles of insects. Photosynthesis. They could write about what they learn, strengthening their writing skills (but she'd have to know how to help them get better at that and write in many different genres).

Sorry, I'm going to stop this here, I'm already probably getting too pedantic for the purpose. Basically, they have sub-par educations. I'm quite sure they couldn't qualify for a high school diploma in Arkansas.

If that's what they want for their kids, that's what they got.

dee3 said... 81

Oops....thanks to BC girl for posting it, to Tucker's mom for making a clickable link and to Nobody likes a Narcissist for printing it out here. Great article....one of the best I've read so far on this subject.

TLC stinks said... 82

Regarding the Red Cross blanket photo, who do ya suppose took it?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 83

20 kids and counting! Michelle Duggar announces she's pregnant again


Oh, for f*ck's sake- AGAIN?

Anyone here remember Monty Python's, The Meaning of Life:

"Every sperm is sacred"....

Michelle & Billy-Bob (or whatever his name is) need an intervention.

A Fair Minded Person said... 84

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
. . .Plus, the article BC Girl linked to was not just about Khate, as Sue Buddy's articles are. I don't think you need to worry, as I doubt that article or site is depending on the Gosselin blogging world for hits. How many of us even would have been aware of it without BC's link?
Maybe it appeared that I was challenging you but that is not what my intentions were. I am sincerely grateful to people who do provide links and do bring over the articles I would not click on anyway. I am not berating you--I promise. (I am not just a fair minded person but am also a Nice Person. It is unfortunate that the written word does not allow for facial expression and tones. My choice of words could have been gentler maybe, but I was in a hurry as usual and didn't edit where needed. Please forgive if it appeared I was saying anything negative about your efforts.)

I agree Kate bloggers not giving hits is probably not going to make a big difference, but why would we take even that small amount away from the writer?

The name I used to post under was severely trounced by a person who chose to go Anonymous but claimed to be an original poster here, and who then was parroted by about another four or five more. I have not had the desire to put myself out there like that again so was just choosing a name for each post--as few and far between as they were. My new "forever" name will be A Fair Minded Person--assuming I post again. I am not unwilling to "own" my comments but am unwilling to be dog-piled on again for totally non-provacative, non-judgmental comments. Whereas I love a good argument and would have joyfully taken on one or two, four or five were just too much and I allowed them to push me out.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 85

Ha ha ha. Remember my post yesterday about Khate's big day of "work" last Friday, which was just a lunch meting at a hotel in Reading with the brand new "social media" person at the coupon site? Well, I just looked at that woman's Twitter. She's based in Chicago and she just tweeted a tanning place that she has a customer service issue that she can't get resolved in her local salon; she left a voicemail yesterday at corporate, but still has not had a reply and is now contacting them on Twitter for help.

Wow, it seems the coupon site sure found a great match for Khate, the perfect person to ghost write her blogs for her!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 86

A Fair Minded Person - thanks for the reply, and I in turn apologize if my post sounded harsh. I'm not sure if I saw that piling on that you're talking about, but I say screw it, you shouldn't let anyone here run you off or make you change your name! Now you have my curiosity piqued as to your original name.

Permanent Name said... 87

Oh dear.......

That red cross picture was, if not overtly sexual, certainly has undertones of sexuality....

"pretty woman, posed, presumably naked, wrapped in only a blanket"?! (pretty being a relative term here)

Yeah, I'm SURE that's the image the Red Cross is wanting to get across to all its donors.... snark intended.

What in the world was the context of this little pose?

Once again, as in always and forever, kart shows shit for brains in the common sense department.... sigh... same old, same old......

Melissa said... 88

When I first started coming to this blog I enjoyed it. Now, it just seems to be a place for people to b*tch and be judgmental. I feel like you guys live for these stories so you have something else to gossip about now that Kate is off the air.

The Duggars are supporting themselves, have good values, and none of their children are screwed up. I watch the show and there are many inaccuracies in these comments that are taken as facts. It is ridiculous.

What a society we live in now.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 89

Speaking of Flickr, I saw these photos there the other day. Gee, the kids sure looked happy and thrilled to be filming that Tennessee food bank episode:

Sad looking entrance, heads down

Khate, purseboy, kids filming in store

Khate, happy to be interviewed, of course

Blogger accounts are free! said... 90

Melissa said...

When I first started coming to this blog I enjoyed it. Now, it just seems to be a place for people to b*tch and be judgmental. I feel like you guys live for these stories so you have something else to gossip about now that Kate is off the air.


Then I trust you will no longer read here and will be starting up your own blog to discuss whatever is of interest to you!

cathy518 said... 91

Dallas lady,
Thank you for your reply, you obviously know what you are talking about when it comes to education. It is difficult to question the Duggar's decision when they claim they are acting on religious principles. I certainly believe in freedom of religion but it doesn't stop me from wondering about the future that is in store for these children. Their parents will not be around forever and these children are not being raised to be independent adults. I feel particular concern for the girls who are being groomed to be subservient, much like Mom.How will any of these children be able to support themselves without an education?

reality check said... 92

Melissa said

The Duggars are supporting themselves, have good values, and none of their children are screwed up.


I don't agree that the Duggars "have good values", and I don't know how you can be so sure that "none of their children are screwed up".

"Good values" in my mind would NOT include taking cameras, hot lights, and strangers, with germs, into an NICU. "Good values" would NOT include announcing a 20th pregnancy during a junket to NYC. "Good values" would NOT include using older children to raise younger ones.

I think these PARENTS are plenty "screwed up", and I don't think you, or anyone else, can know yet exactly what price these children will pay for those "godcentric" values which are now additionally subverted by the requirements of reality TV.

The blog's address is "realitytvkids.com". The subject, broadly speaking, is how "reality" TV filming affects innocent minor children who cannot give informed consent when their privacy is sold.

The Duggars are fair game; they chose this public life, and having their actions weighted, evaluated, and criticised comes with the territory. SOMEBODY should be considering what all this does to the kids.

Permanent Name said... 93

Melissa may have some valid points. I might not agree with all of them but she is as entitled to voice them as we are to voice ours.

I didn't take her post as snarky; just frustrated.

Melissa is right, and I think this is the crux of her post: "what a society we live in"....

Not offended and didn't think she was slamming.

reality check said... 94

Uh, that would be "weighed", not "weighted".

dee3 said... 95

Dallas Lady~

What you wrote regarding the home-schooling is really interesting to me. I hadn't even considered the home-schooling angle before but what you wrote makes sense. Is Michelle the only one who acts as the teacher or do the older children act as class teachers for the younger ones? What does their home-schooling situation look like?

To be honest with you, I could never figure out how anyone could home-school their own children, especially if there's more than one. I think I could teach a class of other people's kids...but not my own. They'd have run all over me.....I was always too much of a sucker for my own sons.

What about moms who don't have college degrees teaching their high-school age kids college-prep courses? Or does the mom not really have to do the actual teaching? Is there already pre-developed programs that the kids follow on computers? More like taking computer courses rather than having mom teach a class? What is the mother's role?

I don't doubt anything you said about the Duggar kids not really being college-prepared. I just can't see how that many children, of such varying ages, can be well-taught and supervised at home like that. Do they have to take SAT's just like other college-bound kids.....and do the Duggars even want their kids to go to college?
What do you think is the reason that they are not excelling school-wise?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 96

Permanent Name said...

What in the world was the context of this little pose?


I won't go to her site and give it hits but sometimes, I wait a day or so and Google the name of a post to see Google's cached shot of it (just a snapshot of how her site looked that day, or how a page on her site looked).

So, it's not available on Google's cached shot yet, but when I do a Google search I can see a preview of the page with that pic and it says:

"I'm happy to support American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania's Home Fire Relief Campaign this fall!"

I don't see how that photo exactly promotes or supports that campaign, though.

Here's the Google search:

Kate Gosselin American Red Cross

The top link is for her site. Don't click on it, but put your cursor to the right of it and you will see some arrows appear. Click those arrows and a preview will pop up on the right side.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 97

@Kateplusmy8 U know thats why she drives that big Land Cruiser. People whose incomes are high get a tax credit with big vehicles.


BF, get with the program. Se doesn't drive a big Land Cruiser. That was traded in the spring for a Sequoia. For a BIG FAN she certainly isn't keeping up with Kate.

Permanent Name said... 98


Thank you!

I wonder if the Red Cross approved the photo? If not, will they appreciate the image of a nekkid lady posed in a presumably seductive pose?

That's what the pic looks like to me - kart trying to be cute... gag a maggot --------

Photo by kart's personal pap, purseboy...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 99

Permanent Name - you're welcome. Btw, I Googled for info about this "campaign" and came up empty. Odd.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 100

How funny is it that when you Google "Kate Gosselin" or "Kate Plus 8", the search results do NOT give you her website? LOL!

Legally Blonde said... 101

Didn't Kate have her hair done while in New York? I think he missed the black roots. They are so noticeable in the RC photo.

mama mia said... 102

These reality show mothers love to enter races, don't they? Kate is running for most improved biatch of the year, tossing in a half maarthon, and Michelle is running her uterus ragged trying to have a nice round number of children, 20 to start, maybe more if they can get a fertility doc to sign on. It is bizaare, and child abuse, in my opinion.

New York State of Mind said... 103

Why did Michelle have to announce it on Today? It's all about the brand; all about media hype. Why not just keep it within the privacy of the family, and then reveal the news on one of the shows when she starts to well...show?

"When I first started coming to this blog I enjoyed it. Now, it just seems to be a place for people to b*tch and be judgmental."


Kind of like you are in this post?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 104

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Beauty blog #2 just posted! Go read more helpful tips at: kateplusmy8.com
November 8th, 2:42 PM

Aeris said... 105

On the contrary, I really appreciate when a poster posts excerpts or entire articles here. No offense to Sue Buddy or bloggers/writers, but I don't want to encourage more Khate articles by giving these websites more hits. Not so much the blogs, I'm talking the big news and tabloid sites (Fox News, Dlisted, Radar, INF, etc.) I want to see Khate gone, period. But I still have that curiosity, so I guess I'm not helping the situation. I'm sure there are others who feel the way I do; sorry I can't put it in better words.

Mimi to 3 said... 106

oh my goodness, that pic of her in the blanket. I'm sure she thinks she looks sexy and if we didn't know what lies behind that 'pretty face' -- gag me -- we might think she is cute. But anyone with half a brain knows she is pure bitch just behind that skin and no amount of posing almost nude in a suggestive pose with that fake smile on her face is going to change what she is inside. What man would want her? I agree with whoever it was yesterday that said she is asexual. Perfect description of her.

Mimi to 3 said... 107

Sorry to post again so soon, but for the person upthread who asked about Michelle's DIL giving birth, yes indeed she was on the potty. They actually claimed she couldn't tell if she was having labor pains or needed to have a BM. So off they all marched, along with the cameras, into the restroom and watched her sit on the potty to decide what was what. That was disgusting and just shows all people who go on reality TV lose all sense of reason. Isn't there anything anymore than is considered private and TMI to put out there for other peoples' entertainment??

Anonymous said... 108

not to be preachy regarding kate's divorce but if she could have had foresight to realized the show wouldn't go on forever and she WOULD need jon's help they could have settled a much fairer settlement. i don't see how kate ended up with the lion's share of money in this case. jon brought money into the marriage via inheritance. his name was on the 1st book and he was an equal in the show. how did he end up in an apartment?the smartest thing they could have done was sell the big house and buy 2 normal houses in close proximity so that they could share custody. kate could have pursued traveling for a living and the kids would have jon and a decent sized house close by when she was gone or it was his "turn". win for kate, jon and the kids.
i still wonder if the judge wasn't effected in his rulings by the TLC machine.


anger issues kate said... 109

Has anyone read Kate blog on beauty, what a joke! Kate has left out the tanning she does, cause she knows it is dangerous for your skin to use a tanning bed. The rest of the stuff is stuff everyone has heard of, for at least 4 decades. A no brainer there. Except someone called Deanna a make-up artist will also be giving advise about beauty. What a bunch of crap.

Bibby said... 110

This "beauty blog" just cracks me up. I remember a while back that Kate was hoping to get a CoverGirl contract.

She is just quite full of herself, isn't she? There is nothing beautiful about her. Inside or out.

Anonymous said... 111

How EXACTLY is she helping the American Red Cross by posting HER PICTURE on HER WEBSITE?


tate said... 112

So, is this Deanna person writing the beauty blog every time? How does that work---does Kate pay her to write it? I can hardly imagine that.

Kate's site is so lame. Still so many--Coming Soon! empty spots. I love the picture of the laundry rack under the Favorite Things Coming Soon!

Kate is unemPloyed said... 113

She looks like she's naked under that blanket and her head and big toe are huge.

Anonymous said... 114

what? they filmed her in labor on the toilet or having a BM (both inappropriate)?????
i have to say i'm shocked. i though modesty was big in that religion. looks like another family jumping head first into the rabbit hole. i won't judge until I youtube it but this has peaked my curiosity.


Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 115

Ugh, I wish as few of us as possible would go to Khate's site and give her hits. I didn't post her tweet here for any other reason than just an FYI. If we all see her tweet about a new post and go rushing to her site, we're giving her EXACTLY what she wants. I'll wait for "Just Me" to post it (thanks in advance), or for it to show up on Google's cache tomorrow.

dee3 said... 116

Relevant to a previous entry. I just saw on CNN that a mother left a child (a 3 year old) in the car and now the child is missing. Don't know the details....but will check them now.

Dwindle said... 117

ADMIN said ..."...is this new life and the high risk pregnancy that comes with it something they sincerely want, or is it really to keep interest alive in their show?"

Neither. Their obsession is to breed as many followers for their church cult as possible. Males, to make money for the head guy, and silent, uneducated, 1980s, Stepford females to service the men and breed as many more males as early and as fast as possible. There are likely some political aspirations in there somewhere, but for now it is just that one guy, (Gothard is it?) building his dues paying cult as fast as possible. This has nothing to do with not using birthcontrol for religious reasons, this is deliberate aggressive efforts to breed up to and beyond the limits of the human body. If Michelle died today due to this pregnancy, Jim Bob would marry some 18 year old by the first of the year and keep on breeding.

And now, again, I will bow out of any discussion about the Duggards as clearly I get pretty irrational about this. These people terrify me and make me queasy all at the same time. The only way TLC fits into this is that the Duggards have been perfect for their Freak-Show lineup, every show and every series with it's mental illness undertones.

I know there are many who like this family and I apologize to my pals on here who I have offended. Sorry you guys. Please take me with a grain of salt.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 118

Woah, sorry, I did not mean too sound preachy or as if I was telling anyone what to do. Again, it's hard to tell "tone" in our written posts. I was just a bit frustrated and venting because I hate giving loser Khate's lame website hits.

Dwindle said... 119

Sorry, again. "DUGGARS", not Duggards. My mistake.

Permanent Name said... 120


I NEVER go to her site!!!

I heard a rumor from a trusted insider that your mouse finger will fall off if you click on her url, your skin will turn to orange leather and your eyes will fall out of your head
in an attempt to save themselves.


The only way you'e safe is if you follow her escapades through the filter of this blog.


roxyhelen said... 121

dee3 said...

Relevant to a previous entry. I just saw on CNN that a mother left a child (a 3 year old) in the car and now the child is missing. Don't know the details....but will check them now.
Hmm, this reminds me of that 4th of July episode when the kids were 3 and Jon and kate left three of the them asleep,in the driveway, with the van's door wide open.But no...these parents were always cautious when it came to the kids...

Anonymous said... 122


i wonder if anna had much say on if her labor and delivery would be on tv? is josh a good husband. it appears to be but still..i can't imagine a camera in my face filming a television show while in labor. ugh. to each their own though.


Permanent Name said... 123

Sea salt?


anger issue kate said... 124

Was just watching: Inside edition, just announce next on IE: Kate Gosselin new job couponing. Geez are they late reporting this.

Anonymous said... 125

it's strange to me personally that michelle will have children younger than her grandchildren. is she allowed to make a conscience decision that this will be her last child or is that up to God and jimbob? surely jimbob can consider his wife and children's safety and DECIDE not to have sex during michelle's ovualtion time. i worry about this pregnancy. it seems too much for a 45 year old woman who has has pre-eclampsia on more than one pregnancy and 4 c-sections already.
i remember when janet fraser the homebirth advocate was talking to the media during her labor. she bragged about having no prenatal care or intervention from doctors. she was in labor several days, was 40 years old and her child died from cardiac arrest shortly after birth. faith in God does not guarantee a positive outcome.
even with a planned c-section michelle can have a uterine rupture. she is adding another child for her children to care for and she is at risk due to her age for complications.
it's her right to choose but i just wonder if she has any concerns or if she is blissful with being pregnant with her 20th child. does she have any say at all? i really wonder.

also..it's another child who will be thrust into the reality tv spotlight with no say whatsoever in it.
i really wish they would pass laws regarding children in reality shows. yes the duggar's are better than kate at not showing nudity etc but you have to ask yourself... how would your life be different if your parents put your private moments on tv. i would have hated to have no choice growing up in whether i was filmed in my home.
i have a feeling the gosselin children especially will really be angry someday when they review the history of the show. what was shown. the bill blankenship issue..the filming of the divorce..the potty training...the vomiting..the meltdowns...their mother's behavior...seeing their dad and aunt/uncle fighting to get them off tv...looking back at how their money was spent..realizing their future was sold and they have nothing to show for it....trying to make their way in the world without everyone knowing all about them...seeing all the tweets/internet posts/blog about their lives. these children may feel emotionally raped by TLC and their mom (maybe even dad)and the media when they are old enough to realize the implications.
kate says she is protecting them from the Blankenship situation but she has to know... there will be time she can no longer shield them from all that has been done to them in the name of television. these kids are getting older..people talk..articles are written. i think it's time kate (and jon if her can) really consider therapy to ease their children into coming to terms with their very unique situation.



Dallas Lady said... 126

I never go to Kate's site. It's lame, anyway. What would I find there?

Kate's tips on beauty? REALLY? Well, let's see: I'm four years older than Kate, but she easily looks ten years older than me. That's because I use sunscreen year round on my face, neck, chest, hands and arms (the back of the hands will show your age first).

I don't overprocess my hair, nor do I try to make it 30 shades lighter than it should be.

I didn't overdo it with horse veneers and look like I've got a mouth full of Chiclets.

I don't put my makeup on with a spackle each morning as she seems to do (five minutes, my butt!).

My breasts don't look as if they were half cantelopes bolted on to my chest.

But most importantly, Kate forgets part of beauty is in how you act and how you treat others. In that regard, she's the ugliest woman alive.

So no thanks, I'll pass on her "beauty" tips.

Barbara M. said... 127

Administrator, here's a link on parents' chasing fame through their kids and the psychological effect on the kids:


Mimi to 3 said... 128

As for Josh, the Duggars oldest son who is the husband of Anna. In the middle of her labor he decided he needed a nap to prepare himself for Anna's labor, so off to the bedroom and into the bed with the cameras following him, while Anna was accompanied by Michelle, one of the older girls and all the crew filming. The whole situation is just whacko.

chefsummer #Leh said... 129

Is Kate giving money to the Red Cross I mean the kids money?. Or is she trying to pimp their name out as well?.

chefsummer #Leh said... 130
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grammy of nine said... 131

Admin, my first reaction to the Duggar baby #20 news was nausea. Michelle sounds so sweet, but I just don't get their need to procreate so many, many children. After they were so blessed that Josie survived, along with Michelle, wouldn't you think that enough is enough? Really stretching their chances for a bad outcome, aren't they? So many things can go horribly wrong. And, no, I'm not so sure about the older children rearing the little ones. Down to choices I guess. They all seem happy with the arrangement. TLC must love them to have sent them on such a lavish trip to so many wonderful places. I would imagine Kate is quite jealous. Doesn't take much to trigger that "green eyed monster" in her.

prairielivin said... 132

I believe that Michelle can do what she wants with her body because its her body, but her reproductive life and the health of her and her babies should not be television entertainment, and it especially shouldn't be stamped with a title like "17,18,19 Kids and Counting". If she was was collecting vintage pinball machines or classic cars it would be a great name. When dealing with actual, fragile, human lives, NO!

Not that this is the most important issue in light of a tragedy at all, but God forbid, what would TLC have done if one or both didn't survive the last pregnancy? First, I hope the show would have ended right then and there (which it probably wouldn't have because Jim Bob filmed himself reacting to the possible loss of his wife and child). Second, I hope they would refrain from airing any of the old shows because the title then becomes grossly callous in the context of that kind of loss. The "and counting..." would just be heartwrenching to keep broadcasting to the world. How could TLC even name that show that way in the first place? Shows how little thought and care they put into considering the "realities" of life. It was just a cutesy and marketable name to them. They didn't care that Michelle was in, or close to entering, high risk pregnancy territory and things could go wrong..........

Michelle, God bless you and your family. May you have a healthy pregnancy and baby. I hope to see none of it though.

Kate is unemployed said... 133

I don't get this whole twentieth baby thing. The duggars are likable to be sure, but this is just weird IMO. My brother dated a wonderful woman my entire family loved. He broke things off with her when she was honest enough to tell him that she NEVER wanted children. Her reason? She is the oldest of 12 and damn near raised half of her siblings. She has had enough. Such a shame as she and my brother were lovely together and she was always so kind to my kids.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 134

Google has a snapshot (cache) of Khate's Red Cross pic. Next to the pic, it says:

Home Fire Relief Campaign

I'm happy to support American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania's Home Fire Relief Campaign this fall! It's exciting to be a part of the effort that will help home fire victims in my local area!

What's odd is that there doesn't appear to be a link to a post with more info, or to the Red Cross site. WTH?

Here's the cached shot - just click here and scroll down for the pic, but don't click anywhere on the page or it will take you to her site:

Google cached shot of Kate's website

Btw, the only reason certain words are highlighted is because those are the words I used in my Google search.

TLC ship is sinking said... 135

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Defend Decision to Have Baby No. 20

Excerpt from People.com:
The reality stars have faced mounting criticism over the size of their family and the risks of Michelle's new pregnancy following the premature birth of their daughter, Josie, in Dec. 2009. But the couple insists that Josie's frightening premature birth and Michelle's life-threatening preeclampsia were not enough to convince them that 19 kids were enough.

"If we felt that way, we would have stopped back with our second birth," insists Michelle, 45, who experienced preeclampsia during her second pregnancy with twins John David and Jana, now 21. "There are many women who have experienced preeclampsia and have gone on to have more children."

"That whole mind set that you stop after a problem pregnancy isn't realistic," she continues. "You may encounter struggles along the way. You may not have a perfect pregnancy, but each child is a precious gift."


It looks like this announcement coincides with tonight's season finale and upcoming tv specials of 19 Kids and Counting:

"The Season 5 finale of 19 Kids and Counting airs Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 9 p.m. ET on TLC and the TLC special Duggars World Tour: Scotland & Ireland, premieres Sunday, Nov. 13 at 8 p.m."

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 136

anger issues kate said...

Has anyone read Kate blog on beauty, what a joke! Kate has left out the tanning she does, cause she knows it is dangerous for your skin to use a tanning bed. The rest of the stuff is stuff everyone has heard of, for at least 4 decades. A no brainer there. Except someone called Deanna a make-up artist will also be giving advise about beauty. What a bunch of crap.


Agreed. It is all a bunch of wackadoodle crappola.

Kate is the LAST person I would go to for beauty advice.

She's a walking, talking example of extremes, and beauty don'ts.

AMD said... 137

I, like so many others, think the Duggars have crossed the line a number of times with respect to what they're allowing to be filmed. TLC is certainly not going to give them proper guidance. Perhaps they are somewhat naive and trusting of TLC, like Kate,but I don't think that is the case. I am somewhat skeptical of what's really going on behind all those smiling faces and cutesy music. I think it's time to turn the cameras off for that family too.
With respect to Kate's photo,does the American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania know about this picture-promo? It just doesn't seem to be a very respectful use of the Red Cross logo.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 138

Some interesting info about Khate's website, according to this site:

Estimated numbers for kateplusmy8.com:

Website Worth: $149.65
Daily Pageviews: 147
Daily Visitors: 66
Daily Ads Revenue: $0.41

Wow, 66 daily visitors for someone who allegedly has over 60,000 twitter followers? Interesting.

By way of comparison, this blog, Realitytvkids.com , has over 400 daily visitors.

TLC ship is sinking said... 139

"I'm happy to support American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania's Home Fire Relief Campaign this fall!"

I don't see how that photo exactly promotes or supports that campaign, though.


Why not provide a link to this campaign or a short tidbit of information in case people might want to support the cause as well? That would go further in ACTUALLY supporting the campaign than a photo opportunity to promote yourself, Kate.

If Kate experienced or saw first-hand how major damage or loss of home due to fire affects families, she would reconsider posing all cute-and-cuddly in her American Red Cross blanket.

Just another example of her mediocre spokesperson skills.

Permanent Name said... 140

Anna's second birth was in the bathroom. She was 'sitting on the pot' "sort of" - when it was time for delivery she sort of shifted her butt forward on the front lip of the seat so she delivered the boy into the hands of one of the Duggar daughters and NOT into the toilet.

I know, TMI!!!!!

Not that this means anything, but the camera shot from the bathroom door and all viewers saw was Anna from the waist up.

But still........

She was working so hard at delivering her baby quietly that it seemed she had no knowledge the camera was there. That is to say, she didn't interact at all with camera.

But still..........

Dallas Lady said... 141

This morning on the Today show, Jim Bob Duggar said, "we couldn't stop at an odd number."

I thought they just took whatever God gave them. They've said that countless time. If that were the case, they wouldn't have any say in whether they stopped on an odd number or not!

Anonymous said... 142

Post by Heather:
I think the biggest issue with Kate offering beauty tips is not that she may have some helpful ideas, it's the fact that her inner beauty is so ugly that the outside is irrelevant. I think she is an attractive person, she's certainly not ugly, but she's such a hateful, rude, entitled narcissist that no amount of outer beauty can cover up.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 143

I also wonder if the red cross would rather approve any photos she is putting out. Or anyone. I'm guessing? Yes.

PJ's momma said... 144

Can someone clear something up for me, please? Why does it matter if Kate's lame-o website gets hits? The only thing it's good for is a laugh; she obviously doesn't care enough about it to keep it up or improve it. It won't lead to anything big, most likely. I'm not being snarky or wanting to cause someone to feel defensive, I'm really interested in why people want to prevent a few dozen or hundred hits to that site. Is there a specific reason? Thank you everyone.

Sport said... 145


kHate giving beauty tips?

It's like a hunter suggesting vegetarian recipes or a smoker sharing healthy living advice.

chefsummer #Leh said... 146

Kate helping people other than her self doesn't add up to me.

Even they are odd... said... 147

Dallas Lady said... This morning on the Today show, Jim Bob Duggar said, "we couldn't stop at an odd number."


He's just used to "even" numbers ... as evidenced by the "666" on his forehead.

Jane said... 148

PJ's momma said...
Can someone clear something up for me, please? Why does it matter if Kate's lame-o website gets hits?


Hits can be used to generate ad revenue. If the site becomes popular (doubtful!) she or her lackey could go to companies and say "i'm getting xxxxxx hits a day in the following demographic xxxx. I think your company, website, whatever would be a good fit on my site." Oh wait, she's not that intelligent!

Laurie said... 149

You can see that she's wearing a tee shirt or a bra in the RC picture. That being said, I don't believe that this "Lolita" style picture is the type of image that the RC typically projects....I wonder if they sanctioned this picture. I'm guessing that this is yet another Kate blunder.

cammie said... 150

I bet poor Joy-less Joy Anna(if you have watched the last season that poor girl looks so sad all the time) will get her first buddy now. It amazes me that so many people think the Duggars are so awesome and defend them. they think it is great they have 19 well behaved kids. the Duggars have stated the tv show is a minstry and they are doing it to spread thier beliefs. This is what scares me. Have people looked at thier beliefs? and how they "train" the kids? and the groups they are associated with? They have 8 kids that are graduated from high school and none have gone to college or left home (besides Josh getting married and a few free online college minus classes).

The homeschooling (ATI/Gothard), along with the pearl method of discpline they use, the Jim sammons debt free lifestyle and the quiverfull beliefs were are seeing for the first generation of kids. There have already been some horrible situations, years ago it was quiverful Andrea Yates drowning her babies, and in the last months there are multiple stories breaking about kids dying from the pearl method as well as ATI homeschoolers finally breaking free and rebelling with murders. There are support groups for kids who leave this lifestyle. What scares me is that they are not showing the reality of how most of these large quiverfull ATI families live. They live in poverty. I have always feared more for the Duggars then for Kate's kids.

Here is a blog by a girl that escaped the ATI/quiverfull movement:


Here is a story from last week about a kid blaming ATI on the reason he snapped.


tate said... 151

So now Kate is putting it out there that she is running the FULL marathon in Las Vegas.

Chewey said... 152

The Duggar family has way more positives and strengths than Kate Gosselin and her family. And honestly, I don't believe it is even fair game to go after the Duggars here. After all, the Gosselin children exploitation is way over the top and crazy.

A few examples of positives regarding the Duggars are that the Duggars do not depend on reality TV for their sole income source; the kids look genuinely happy and not tortured when taking photos; no harm in older kids raising younger kids (it could be many nannies that come and go); and it is a family with core religious family values and integrity that hold true to their beliefs and don't lie or change their story every two seconds to make more money out of lies.

While I don't personally agree with the Duggar choices, they are a family that is soooooo much better and less exploitative of their children than Kate Gosslein. It almost seems unfair to lump them together regarding child exploitation.

But I respect everyone elses difference of opinion here.

Marie said... 153

@cammie, sadly I agree with everything you have said. My SIL is from ATI/Gothard also. It is a frightening, controlling religion.

Girls are simply expected to let the man be the head of the household, get married, have babies and homeschool their children.

Immediately after marriage my SIL claimed she has to have an even number of kids so they each will have their own buddy. It is all she talks about, having kids, god's blessing, how pure she is how evil the rest of the world is. How wrong everyone else is compared to her.

I don't have to agree with ATI religion but I suppose one should respect other people no matter how odd they seem.

she's an idiot said... 154

PJ's momma said...
Can someone clear something up for me, please? Why does it matter if Kate's lame-o website gets hits?


Actually, I don't think hits on Kate's website matter for this reason at all. I don't see any problem with Kate generating revenue with a website that doesn't involve her children or family life, so I see that as a problem, but if she actually had a talent she could sell, without involving the kids or their dog, more power to her.

I think the harm from the "hits" this lame website gets at this time is that they stoke her sense of self-importance, which is clearly bad for her, bad for the kids, and unlikely to result in Kate embracing reality any time soon.

If her lame posts generate little or no interest, it's far more likely that she will have to move on to something else, and perhaps even consider getting a mediocre job, which is a far more realistic financial plan.

If that daily visitors count is accurate, the website is a huge fail. She needs thousands of visitors a month to even generate a blip in the commercial blogging world. By "thousands" I don't mean 2,000, either. And by "visitors" I don't mean "daily visitors" but "unique visitors", which is the statistic that matters.

ncgirl said... 155

I believe the Duggars are probably nice people and true to the their beliefs. They probably would have had this many children without cameras. But their children are still children just like the Gosselins, and they deserve protections in reality TV. Even nice people can get caught up in fame and fortune.

As for Kate's Red Cross picture, what is going on there? Did the Red Cross send her information to put on her site? And this is what she does? She can't even do charity right.

Permanent Name said... 156

JimBob saying 'they couldn't stop at an odd number' ----

It was a joke...... he was kidding around. Just a silly comment what my mom used to call 'cocktail chatter'.

Think of it like this: it's raining cats and dogs and someone says to you 'thanks for coming over to help in this horrible rain' and you answer 'well, we couldn't come over when it was sunny, could we?' Wry humor.

Of all the things to focus on, the odd/even comment doesn't even rate a frown. He was joking!

He didn't actually mean they had to keep going until they actually had an even number...

Marie said... 157

I haven't bothered to go to Kate's website, but, really...why would she not wear clothes under the flag? I mean I know she seems to dress somewhat provocative, least for my standards anyway. I don't see reason for her to post such a thing on a supposed family type blog. Is she truly that far gone to not wear any clothes? Come on.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 158

I'm wondering if some people who have been helped by the Red Cross might be offended by Kate wrapped in that blanket on her lovely little couch in the McMansion.

Those blankets are traditional seen during disasters. I did a google search for red cross blanket and a ton of pics came up of people wrapped in it during disasters from the Hudson plane crash to earthquakes to injured kids and so on. Here's just one pic:


cwgirlup75 said... 159

She's wearing at least a bra in that pic. You can see it just peeking out from under the blanket. That being said, it's still an inappropriate pose for a supposedly family-friendly blog. Judging by her big horsey smile, I'd guess that BF Steve is taking the pic (and probably telling her how beautiful she is too). BARF.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 160

I don't think the pic is inappropriate except that the way it's set up has this sort of vixen undertone to it--It's up to the Red Cross really. It's a pic that should be approved by the Red Cross that's for sure, it's their blanket. Maybe they did, who knows.

Permanent Name said... 161

Ya know....... I wonder if we are being played...

Do you think kart is smart enough to wrap in a blanket with shirt and shorts on to give the impression she's nekkid, just to get folks going about her nudie/blanket photo?

She's mean enough to do something like that... figuring she can laugh at us all day long. Sick.

Regardless, even *giving the impression* you're nude under the blanket shows lack of taste.

Nothing new there, kart. We never thought you had taste.....

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 162

I'm not sure where I come out on this, but on another note, I think the Duggars definitely bring to mind the question, How far do you take freedom of religion and leave these families alone to raise their kids as they see fit because it's their religion telling them it's ok.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 163

Do you think kart is smart enough to wrap in a blanket with shirt and shorts on to give the impression she's nekkid, just to get folks going about her nudie/blanket photo?

I think it's more about the fact that she has no self-awareness, no sense of boundaries, no sense of what is appropriate especially for an organization as conservative as the Red Cross, with a mission so serious. An organization that is traditionally treated with tremendous respect and dignity. Princess Diana threw on a pair of sneakers and a hard hat when she was with the Red Cross, but Kate wouldn't understand why that would be appropriate. She'd be out there in her hooker heels all dolled up like it's another day at the "job." She just....doesn't....get it.

She's not wrapping herself in a Comedy Central blanket. She doesn't recognize the difference.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 164

she's an idiot said...

Actually, I don't think hits on Kate's website matter for this reason at all. I don't see any problem with Kate generating revenue with a website that doesn't involve her children or family life, so I see that as a problem, but if she actually had a talent she could sell, without involving the kids or their dog, more power to her.


Well, that's just it, Khate's website is ALL about continuing the exploitation of her children. It's the only way she can do it now with no television show. She herself admitted what a stressful, crazy day that "fall family photo shoot" was and it turns out it was just so she could tweet to her sheeple that she had new family pics to share on her website. Plus, she brought those photos to her recent talk at PSU and autographed them for people. She tweets about a birthday photo she posted (with the twins), and other photos of the kids.

Khate is still using the kids and for that reason, her website deserves no support. The sheeple live for more pics of the kids and any info they can get about the kids from Khate. She knows that and she constantly strings them along and teases them. Khate needs to just STOP using her own kids, enough is enough.

chefsummer #Leh said... 165

Quints by Surprise is back

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 166

Administrator said...

I also wonder if the red cross would rather approve any photos she is putting out. Or anyone. I'm guessing? Yes.


Well, you know...
The American Red Cross helps everyone- including messed up, nasty has beens.

I hope she had the decency to wear panties.

Anonymous said... 167

i forgot anna had 2 kids. off to go find the toilet scene. so TWO bathroom labors on tape. i'll post when i find it


Sue Buddy said... 168

Some of you have been curious about the Kate/Red Cross entry on her blog. I spoke with the Red Cross. Here's the article:

Kate Gosselin, The Red Cross and the Facts

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 169

For what it's worth, those site statistics are off by a mile. I looked at Google analytics which is a statistical look at this site. It says we're getting on average about 1500-2500 unique users a day--not visits, individual people. On big news days in the 3,000-4,000's.

I expect Kate is getting more than the 60-odd that they speculated, but I daresay probably not as much as 2500.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 170

Administrator said...

I'm wondering if some people who have been helped by the Red Cross might be offended by Kate wrapped in that blanket on her lovely little couch in the McMansion.

Those blankets are traditional seen during disasters.


Well, Kate IS a disaster...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 171

Sue, why am I not surprised they didn't sanction this. I also give to the Red Cross, it is the charity I give the most to, and I used to be a member and went to help out after Katrina with them for a week. They were great.

I have spent so much time with people heading up local chapters to know they are EXTREMELY conservative. There is no way they would be okay with this.

Sue, can I do a post on your post??? With links to your post, etc. It should be known Red Cross does not condone this.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 172

Well, Kate IS a disaster...


True. Including a train wreck. I guess she thought therefore she qualified to wear the blanket??

Dwindle said... 173

Years ago my 3 year old niece was a Red Cross 'poster child', for blood donations. I can post more info if you would like. The first set of shots were taken in her hospital room by a lone photog sent by the Red Cross. The second set of pics were studio pics and the final set were taken in the back yard of her home. That final set was never published as she passed away before they were ready. I mention this only to say that I have known the Red Cross to send a photographer to take pics at home.

Odd but true: the final set had Allie playing in her yard and every single photo had her entire head and body blurry or there was a white sillouette beside her, sort of like the 'ghost' effect we used to get decades ago on the old TV sets. My brother in law has all those pics.

Anonymous said... 174

seems like kate's twitter hookup lady has helped her a wee bit. so far she has her red cross thing, her trip to australia,coupon blog and penn state speech. it's not huge but she is making some money off of these gigs i'm sure. what's odd about it is that no one has taught how to use twitter to PROMOTE her stuff. she walys tweets wrong names, neglects to mention thing to promote but instead yaps about HERSELF at the event and not the actual event herself. unfortunately kate is too narcissistic to ever be a good spokesperson. to much focus on her and not the product.
also..all these side gigs would have been much more lucrative had she not shit all over the brand TLC created for her prior to her divorce.


silimom said... 175

Do we give the Duggar's a "pass" on child exploitation because they seem so nice and down to earth? Because they seem to genuinely love their kids and not see them as a burden, like Kate?

They have filmed several things that I frankly felt were exploitive. Not in the same way as (Jon &)Kate, but still exploitive. It bothers me that people are so willing to relinquish their privacy these days.

Anyway, I wish Michelle well with her pregnancy but as was said earlier, I hope it isn't filmed because frankly it's none of my business. IMO, I think Josie's birth was God telling them it was time to stop. Sometimes, I wish that one of her doctors would just tie her tubes after delivering by c-section. I know, I know, it's totally unethical and I wouldn't really want it to happen, but enough is enough.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 176

I think Kate might be trying to grift from the Red Cross. They have Red Cross celebrity "ambassadors" they send on all-expense paid trips to third world countries. You serve one year terms and it sounds like charity, and it partly is, but it's also free trips. The part Kate really cares about.


She's such a c word said... 177

Dear Sue Buddy. You kick ass. :-)

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 178

When I first saw the photo, I did not think that Khate was nude under that blanket, but I do think she is deliberately trying to give that impression.

It's odd that she simply out that photo on her site with only that little blurb and no other info or links. She posted:

Home Fire Relief Campaign

I'm happy to support American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania's Home Fire Relief Campaign this fall! It's exciting to be a part of the effort that will help home fire victims in my local area!

When I Googled "American Red Cross Home Fire Relief Campaign" and also "American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania Home Fire Relief Campaign", I came up empty. I also went to the website for American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania and found nothing about this "campaign".

I did notice that the pic on her website is saved with the name "announcement".

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 179

Dwindle thanks for sharing that.

When I was working at the Red Cross at college, we used to have a lot of problems with blood donors giving who had low iron. If your iron is too low you cannot give, your donation screening fails and it's not good because we lose a ready and able donor. We put together a pamphlet to give people tips on boosting their iron for their donation. And we included some information that women should avoid donating while on their periods. We had to get it approved by the Red Cross.

Guess what, they wouldn't approve the stuff about the periods. Even though it was presenting modestly and respectfully and was TRUE and was causing women to get rejected for donations when if they had only waited a week later they might have passed the iron test.

That's how conservative they are. They dare not talk about women's monthlies!

Anonymous said... 180


here is a very brief clip of the potty birth scene. i couldn't find the episode for some reason


Westcoaster said... 181

Thank you Sue Buddy for making that phone call, sorry the Red Cross is being dragged into one of K8's inappropriate grifting schemes. I hope they call her on it, I really do.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 182

The Red Cross doesn't have time to deal with Kate's crap and all these people calling in. For pity sake.

She tries to help the Red Cross and just ends up making more work for them.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 183

Sue Buddy - You are terrific! Thanks for setting the record straight!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 184

Btw, Red Cross and Red Cross Philly received many tweets about this today from the non-fans.

Pity Party said... 185

Sorry, not a Duggar fan. I really don't understand why Kt always emphasizes the fact that she has had no trainer to do the running thing. Is that something that most people who run or in marathons do or is that more for the Armstrong guy, i.e. a professional.

Yes, I find it offensive that Kt is suddenly doing all of these charitable things to keep her name alive all of which she will drop like a hot potato as soon she gets another show. How is it helping the Red Cross by the photo on her web site other than for the handful of faithfuls that are left on Twitter.

Does anyone really think she would be worrying about the zoo thing other than for a free luxury trip via TLC if she wasn't trying to stay relevant.

She never gives up, she got that part right. I am just wondering what if anything she wouldn't do.

About the RC - she got that blanket from somewhere. I think the guy may be back pedaling, or playing fast and loose with the truth. You just can't pick those up at the 5 and dime.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 186

Sue Buddy said...

Some of you have been curious about the Kate/Red Cross entry on her blog. I spoke with the Red Cross. Here's the article:

Kate Gosselin, The Red Cross and the Facts


Sue, thank you for posting that.

Maybe Kate wants to be the face of The American Red Cross- hehehehe? Their pinup?

She stated, "I'm happy to support American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania's Home Fire Relief Campaign this fall!"

Sounds like she donated money to The American Red Cross & received a blanket from them.

Kate should have stopped at that.

Jane said... 187

For those tweeting about the Red Cross issue, it looks like the Southeastern PA branch's Twitter ID is @RedCrossPhilly or if you'd prefer a hashtag #RedCrossPhilly

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 188

Dwindle, I'm so sorry that your dear little niece passed away.

May she rest in peace.

Molly12 said... 189

I found the picture of Kate wrapped in the Red Cross blanket offensive. I volunteered for 4 years with the Red Cross. I would be called out to house fires (most in the middle of the night). The residents were usually sleeping so when they were made aware of a fire engulfing their home, they would run out with only the clothes on their backs. Many times it would be cold and they didn’t even have time to put on shoes. Our job was to help comfort them, provide temporary shelter, food and clothing. Every single call was heart wrenching. I will never forget the pain in the eyes of the people that just lost everything. There are no words to describe how I felt when I saw the picture of Kate snuggled in the Red Cross blanket, perfectly made up and sitting her in her McMansion. I don’t understand the logic of that picture but I’m sure Kate was just thinking about herself once again and trying to portray that she “gives back.” What a farce.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 190

There are no words to describe how I felt when I saw the picture of Kate snuggled in the Red Cross blanket, perfectly made up and sitting her in her McMansion. I don’t understand the logic of that picture but I’m sure Kate was just thinking about herself once again and trying to portray that she “gives back.” What a farce.


In a way, this blanket is perfectly representative of her severe narcissism. It's not about the hundreds of thousands of victims who have been wrapped in that blanket. It's about Kate getting the money shot.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 191

Dwindle, I'm very sorry about your sweet little niece.

When She Played Her Charade said... 192

Just one word about the Red Cross shot: DESPERATION.

She can't give to a charity and shut up about it. It has to be all about her. She is indeed desperate to keep herself relevant. What a horrible way to go through life.

Rhymes with Witch said... 193

The international Red Cross/Red Crescent are among the most respected organizations on the planet.

They don't need sexing up or Kate what's her name to endorse or support them.

When I question, "how low will she go?" I guess the answer is that she has NO limits.

It's impossible to take her seriously.

cwgirlup75 said... 194

Administrator said...
I don't think the pic is inappropriate except that the way it's set up has this sort of vixen undertone to it--It's up to the Red Cross really. It's a pic that should be approved by the Red Cross that's for sure, it's their blanket. Maybe they did, who knows.

The pic isn't inappropriate in and of itself. If Kate wants to let her BF take cutesy pics of her all day, more power to her. I do think that particular pic is inappropriate

1. for a blog that she touts as "family-friendly" (cause everything she does is for her kids, right?)

2. to be used to promote a disaster relief organization (in her head)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 195

They don't need sexing up or Kate what's her name to endorse or support them.

Rhymes, totally agree. cwgirlup75, also totally agree.

The Red Cross would want nothing to do with her. Their celebrity cabinet this year is made up of very non-controversial celebs. They pick squeaky clean celebs or if they do have a few black marks, few and far between. It's heavy on clean cut country stars and gospel music stars, and celebs who are vocal about being conservative/Republican and/or religious. They simply would never pick someone like Kate.

Here's a sampling of this year's celebs:
Amy Grant
Michael W. Smith
Jamie Lee Curtis
Leeza Gibbons
Raven Symone
Reba McIntire
Peton Manning
Marcia Gay Harden
Patricia Heaton

There is a real pattern here, and that's NO CONTROVERSY!


Virginia Pen Mom said... 196

Dwindle said...

Odd but true: the final set had Allie playing in her yard and every single photo had her entire head and body blurry or there was a white sillouette beside her, sort of like the 'ghost' effect we used to get decades ago on the old TV sets. My brother in law has all those pics.


This gave me chills. So sorry about your little niece, Dwindle.

Jynx said... 197

I think Kate called the Red Cross for HELP when her power went out. I'll bet the bank she did.

They probably give blankets or offer them for anyone who calls for "help" and there is nothing else they can do.

cathyn518 said... 198

The red cross has that blanket for sale on their website for 9 bucks. Somehow I think that this is the extent of the charitable contribution from Kate.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 199

Laurie said...

You can see that she's wearing a tee shirt or a bra in the RC picture. That being said, I don't believe that this "Lolita" style picture is the type of image that the RC typically projects....I wonder if they sanctioned this picture. I'm guessing that this is yet another Kate blunder.


Isn't she having a blunder like every other day now? No TLC to spin it for her and "manage" her actions.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 200

It really does feel like her blunders are daily now, from big to small. I've never seen a celeb like this. It def got worse when TLC cut ties. She has no business being a celebrity, she hasn't the first clue.

It is however, at times, interesting to watch.

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