10. No shirt, no shoes, no service: Kate's naked Red Cross photo. When the Red Cross sent out blankets to a variety of local celebs to get them to support home fire relief, most of them graciously donned them and submitted modest and appropriate photos for the Red Cross web site. Kate, however, decided to wear a low cut top and snuggle up on her couch barefoot wrapped tightly in the blanket, giving the photo the appearance of her being naked underneath. In the charity's biggest scandal since they told the Dixie Chicks to F off, the Red Cross had to waste time they should have spent helping people in need to ask Kate to choose a different photo. And after a few days of stubbornly holding out, Kate actually complied--although the come hither photo remains on her personal web site.
9. You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. Kate's trashy birthday in NYC. If the Sarah Palin camping trip was 2010's fleecing, this surely was 2011's. Kate just about lost the last of her flock after the episode "Kate's Night Out" aired, a bizarre departure from the typical family fare. The episode featured BFF (though not for long) Jamie surprising Kate with a trip to NYC for her birthday. They drank for about two days straight, there was some foot licking involved and awkward techno dancing ("You got a problem???" one Jersey Shore-sounding NYC clubber asks Kate. Ha.), Kate spills to a complete stranger/planted extra/Steve lookalike about her divorce, Jamie and Kate share a bed so they could wake up hung over together, there may have been a tiger, a baby and a missing tooth involved at some point, and worst of all, the kids cried their eyes out when Kate left home for this. The only redeeming factor was when Jamie called Kate a princess and said it's always about Kate's world. Oh, there will be more calling out to come from this BFF, hold onto your organic hats.

7. Travel is 'knowlege'. Sort of. The twit joins Twitter. Psychology graduate theses will one day be written based solely on this account. If ever there was solid proof what her non-fans been saying all along about the extent of this woman's narcissism, poor parenting, and mental illness, her tweets were it. Actually, turns out, we were understating it. Thanks, Twitter.
6. Jon and Kate editor arrested for child porn. As were most people with their heads on halfway straight, Jon was shocked and dismayed that someone busted on multiple counts of child pornography was an editor for Jon and Kate Plus 8 and very likely had access to thousands of hours of footage of his kids. Jon, who said he had met Blankinship, was consulting an attorney as to how to proceed. As for Kate, she was just concerned about her own liability: Why, she didn't even know the guy! Well, he sure knew your kids.
4. Losing! Kate's therapist sues for unpaid earnings, and wins. Someone finally took this grifter to court, and actually won! You see Ms. Lafair expected to get paid for services rendered--silly Sylvia--but must have forgotten this is Kate we're talking about--she even grifts paper towels. Instead of just quietly settling the dispute, Kate publicly fought her tooth and French-tipped nail--and lost when the judge ordered her to pay up her $10,000 debt. Because no never means no, Kate appealed of course, and it was then that Lafair realized she would be fighting this woman until they were both cutting coupons for Depends, and for her own sanity, dropped the suit. Poor LaFair never knew what hit her.
3. Beep-beep, beep-beep, yeah! Kate buys an Audi sports car. Although she spent the bulk of the year still trying to convince us she is two food stamps away from living in a shack, telling us the savings for the kids are "not even close to what they'll need," and tweeting that she can't even afford gymnastics for them, Kate's spending habits when it comes to herself have been anything but frugal and protective of the children's hard-earned money. From lavish trips to NYC to Australia to the Kentucky Derby to Las Vegas, to the mother of all purchases, an Audi sports car--a car she hid from the public for months until a pap outed her, Kate's biggest lies this year have been about
2. Kate insults the backbone of America: God Bless the Mediocre! Kate thought she was just dissing Jon again like she always does, snarking on his 9-5 job out of the public eye and saying he was content with "mediocre" for the kids, but that she wants more than that for them. But really she ended up giving the finger to all the hard-working moms and dads everywhere who work their butts off at the best jobs they can get to support their families as best they can. It was so insulting that even idiot Sherri Shepherd, one of Kate's last remaining celeb sheeple, was like, WTF, girlfriend! And finally jumped ship.
Kate's behavior was so atrocious this year we just couldn't narrow it down to a top 10. So before we reveal number one, here are a few incidents that were a strong runner's up:
- Kids? Yawn!!! Kate tweets that the kids' field trip was "dull."
- Freebies from the teenies. Kate accepts countless birthday and Christmas gifts from her young fans, including food, encourages them to send more, rarely manages to thank them, and never once suggests they donate to charity instead or perhaps save their money for college. Half the purpose of her twitter account seems to be to grift from those less fortunate than her, from Starbucks to cereal to iPads.
- Let the orphans eat cake. Kate leaves the kids yet again, this time to go run a marathon in Las Vegas. And gives the kids a cake! Not an "I miss you" cake or an "I love you cake," but a "Go Mommy Go" cake. Yummy, I love the flavor of narcissism. Hope they didn't choke.
- Pulitzer Krize: Hello, who is this?--You called me.--No you called us! Reading Eagle exposes the real order of how it all went down. Turns out, when Kate was pregnant with the sextuplets she called up the Reading Eagle first to ask them to cover the story. We always thought the spotlight wasn't dumped in Kate's lap as she likes to pretend, but rather she sought it out. Thanks to the Reading Eagle, our suspicions were confirmed.
- Who's your Daddy? We're all for all kinds of families, but this was ridiculous. Kate said when the cameras are off the crew are like dads to the kids, helping them, playing games with them, etc. Later on, she retweeted a tweet about how Jon "ruined" the family but she "healed it." When Jon and Kate editor Bill Blankinship was arrested last October, her daddies comment just got that much creepier, didn't it?
- Crikey??? Australia Zoo Auction. Australia's favorite child exploiter Terry Irwin got Kate to fly Down Under again and donate a lunch with fans to the financially troubled zoo. But the actual amount the item sold for has turned into the biggest coverup since the JFK assassination. And a perfect example of why that zoo will fail, and soon.
- Silent Night, Holy child exploiter. Kate interrupts a peaceful and reflective candlelight Christmas Eve service to take a picture of the kids with their candles and post it on her Twitter account.
And finally--drumroll please! Kate's worst moment of 2011 was ...
1. Who moved my boobyguards's pizza!!!: The RV trip from hell. It's bad enough to spend two weeks with Kate in a cramped RV that broke down every ten miles (Jon, did you cut the brakes?). Even worse when Kate chooses her "boyfriend" over her own kids. When Kate yelled at Jamie, Ashley, and the kids for eating Steve's pizza, touching it with bare hands, and gasp, having an HD TV in their RV, a knock down drag out ensued. Jamie called Kate childish and said "it's all about him, isn't it?", the nanny quit, and it was so bad Anderson Cooper even put it on his RidicuList. No one has ever been more deserving. "Middle-aged bodyguards can get pretty cranky if their routine is thrown off. You know lunch, juice box, binky, nap," Anderson said.
As for the best moment of 2011? Kate and Steve's romantic date at the Kentucky Derby, partners, inspiring this favorite photoshop of y'alls, our most popular post of the year.
![]() |
http://www.realitytvkids.com/2011/05/two-bits-to-get-yalls-purdy-picture.html |
285 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 285 of 285 Newer› Newest»And who could ever forget the lighthouse when she asked A. if he was going to take care of her one day, and he said, yes, I'm going to grow up to be a bad guy, but I won't shoot you. She looked a little taken aback by that one but blew it off. Oh that's so funny. Who asks a 5-1/2 year old a question like that. Mummy of the year, that one.
Oh no, Lady Gaga in PA? What ever will Kate do? She is the ONLY famous person in those parts, LOL
Happy Hanuka!
"Is it normal for a narcissist to single out one child in favor towards them"
Thanks to Kate, I've read alot of articles about narcissists. There can be a golden child, one the narcissist favors and who may put up with her as they grow older. It's just amazing how Kate fits the narcissist profile.
Thanks, admin, for the post. It was very funny. Hope everyone had happy holidays.
To the person asking about the GWOP website... The rules get more rigid and nonsensical by the month. The latest is you are not allowed to quote anyone or even make a reply back to someone. You cannot post about something that someone else has already discussed, or the woman in charge will scold you for it. You are responsible for reading in depth....all of the posted comments...to ensure you do not repeat something. It is a cold, sullen, barren place...
Yeah aaden be a man! Take care of your mom! I think the kid's comment was innocent and all, but it goes to show how terribly Kate relates to ger own kids. Doesn't grasp or care that pleading with a 5 year old to take care of his stroked-out-mom-of-the-future is inappropriate and confusing. Telling him to shoot the paparazzi, even jokingly, is confusing, especially when mommy spend hours getting ready for them and calls them to come meet her at target or the gas station. Yelling at him to be a man when his shoes hurt him yet she can act like a child whenever she chooses, like on the SkyJump that she was not forced to do, but forced all those around her to endure. Being one of those kids must SUCK. Yeah,
they've traveled, but we've seen that on the show and their 'vacations' looked neither relaxing nor enjoyable.
By now, I think most of the G8 have learned how to "deal" with her and what she wants to hear, and a couple, how to manipulate Kate in order to keep the peace, or get what they want. What choice do they have with her huge ego? Survival mode, as we all know how brutal she can be when a child does not please her. It is a hell of a way to grow up, when everything revolves around your mother. I actually believe at least half of them have figured out she is "very selfish and not quite right." But these kids have to live with her.
And I do think Kate reads here as many of her twitters seem to directly respond to comments here. Fluke, I think not.
Kate has been silent on twitter, so Stevie boy is probably around and they are heading to NY today or tomorrow. Just a guess based on her past behavior.
Regarding her finances, I don't think she has enough money put away to last her for very long. Even if she did make $250,000 per episode--which may be inflated--she didn't bring that much home. Taxes would be about 40%, 15% went to the kids' trusts, plus her manager would have gotten 5-10%, and then we have her publicist, and let's not forget Steve's salary. The money she ended up with after all that has to pay the mortgage, utilities, insurance, property taxes, car insurance, tuition times 8, clothes, groceries, housekeeper, nannies, laundry "helper", lawn service, and pool boy. Then there were huge legal bills, three cars just in the past year, all the stuff she had done to the house on her own (with out TLC) like all the "privacy trees" and the cabinets under the stairs, in addition to regular maintenance and repairs on the house and cars. I just don't see how there was all that much left over to sock away.
As someone else stated here, the people who can least afford it tend to spend more. Economic stress makes people feel deprived, and they react with spending binges. Say, enormous piles of unnecessary Christmas presents, or 8 new bikes all at once. People who feel financially secure might not have such a desperate need to go out and spend, spend, spend.
One thing for sure--we'll all know where she stands in August. If she puts the kids in the "mediocre" (her word) public schools, then she's broke and can't afford their tuition.
To the person asking about the GWOP website... The rules get more rigid and nonsensical by the month. The latest is you are not allowed to quote anyone or even make a reply back to someone.
Thanks, Toast. You're right - there's nothing left there anymore, which is kind of sad considering there once were ongoing discussions. It's very, well...blah over there. I didn't realize that so many new "rules" were being imposed. It's hard to have a discussion when you're not allowed to respond for fear of your comments being a repeat of what was previously said! Kate's tweets are quoted all the time. I guess that's one exception to the quote rule.
Let's not forget all the cash KG spends on her self. I bet shopping for clothes and shoes alone takes some real cash since take like the good stuff.Anne Taylor ect.
Do we know for sure that she even made $250,000 per episode? Back during J&K+8 it was always reported that they made $50,000-75,000 per episode, and then Jon said in an interview that they only made $22,500--less than half of what was being reported.
Also, from Jon's interviews following the split--regarding the 11 bank accounts, there were the 8 trust funds for the kids, and one account was just for management of the properties (they still owned the Elizabethtown house then). And he was, at first, paying $22,000 per month in child support, which was supposedly half their monthly expenses, so she may need far more than $350,000 per year to cover everything. I think she's falling fast, and the flashy displays are desperate attempts on her part to keep up appearances.
And chefsummer, you are so right, she has never spared any expense on herself!
Here's the neighborhood dilemma. When they pass on the street do they say Hi, Lady Gaga! or will they use her real name? Just curious.
What's her real name? Probably Jessica or something right? LOL
Lady Gaga's real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. Haha!
Ha, oh that's great. I don't think she could get anymore trendy names of 1985.
She couldn't get more Italian either! I love it!
Yes, it's a shame, but the moderators killed GWOP with all of their silly rules. It was really a good blog at one time too. Oh well, this blog is much better. better.
Not knocking GWOP, but I think there was something to be learned from it and I tried to pull lessons from it that worked and change things that didn't.
It was really important to me not to have a lot of rules. I didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable or scared to post. I strongly believe that with the right group of people, a blog will more or less self moderate without being told how to do it--I have seen it happen before. And usually that has worked here, thanks guys.
I haven't even looked at GWOP in ages. I tried to post there before I found this place and even tried very diligently to follow the 19 rules. Even at that, probably 80% of what I said never got posted and when it did, it was like talking into a void: no one was allowed to respond to anyone else's comments! I've never seen such a draconian blog in my life. Even Jezebel, which is pretty bad (you have to audition to be an approved commenter!!!) isn't as bad as that place. It was inevitable that it would die, they don't allow conversation!
And of course Miss Thang reads here, are you kidding me? A blog ABOUT her? What narcissist could resist that? LOL. None. Despite the fact that it is critical, I guarantee you she reads here. Criticism doesn't bother narcissists anyway, as in their mind they are always right and everyone else is wrong.
I haven't been following her tweets religiously, but am I correct in understanding that a young girl sent her a gift, expecting it to be delivered by Christmas, and Kate wouldn't respond to her tweets as to whether it was delivered, but when asked if she checked her mail, Kate's only response was:
@Just_Elliee no.. about 17 hours ago
Just NO? There was no thank you for thinking about me, or I'll check on it right away and let you know?
"Here's the neighborhood dilemma. When they pass on the street do they say Hi, Lady Gaga! or will they use her real name? Just curious."
Good one, Fidos! We'll probably just say, "Hi neighbor, welcome to Lancaster County!" Do we show up at her door with a casserole or cookies, as we do when new neighbors move in? :)
Even at that, probably 80% of what I said never got posted and when it did, it was like talking into a void: no one was allowed to respond to anyone else's comments! I
This I truly don't get and would love to know the reasoning behind it. The whole point of comments on a blog is the discussion, and you can't have a discussion unless you are having a basic back and forth. Otherwise it's simply a collection of statements that are not webbed together at all. As the millionaire matchmaker says, a conversation is a ping and pong, ping, pong, ping pong. There is no conversation when it's all ping ping ping.
Actually, this is why some of Kate's twitter fans are getting frustrated when Kate only plays ping pong with her select favorites.
In the Neighborhood, the girl even paid extra to ensure it got there before Christmas, so they could open them on Christmas!
Admin, very interesting article over at Celebitchy:
Apparently Clint Eastwood's wife and two teen daughters strong armed him into agreeing to a reality show in their home, even though he was totally against it. Nothing good can come of this.
Otherwise it's simply a collection of statements that are not webbed together at all.
That's all it is now, admin. There is no discussion, just comments about things that have happened, and many of them aren't even current. There's one person who picks out some of Kate's tweets and posts them. No discussion on them...just posts them. It's really too bad because at one time the blog was alive with all things Gosselin, opinions, and discussions. Now it's just dead in the water.
It's too bad about GWOP. It used to be a fun blog...lots of lively discussion. I think it kind of starting petering out when the show went off the air. It was maybe more about the episodes and less about getting the kids off tv?
Ah well. Things evolve.
I liked Clint Eastwood back in his Francis Fischer days. She would never have done a reality show.
This is a huge sell out, he is at the top of his career, the last thing you do is put yourself on a reality show and risk this idea people might not like you and your family. And why do I get the feeling, based on that article, there's a very good possibility that just might happen. In my mind, it's a bad idea for a celeb to do a family reality show when you're already very successful. You can use it as a tool when you are not successful, or a has been, etc. to try to springboard success or some kind of second wind (Osbournes), or when you are mildly successful but are trying to blow things up (Kardashians), but to sign on when you are already king of the mountain is gambling with disaster.
Obviously she's got the not-a-nanny at the house today and is getting her ego stroked elsewhere, so no need for twitter adulation and retweeting fawning stuff about herself. She's so predictable.
Can someone explain to me how a certain pro-Kate blogger can write a blog about Ellen gaining financially off the 8 .. and has 'Proof Found' or something that idiotic in her blog .. when in fact the 'proof' she leads you to, is not proof at all.
Isn't that defamation or something .. anything? Or can she just get by with it?
That nut job has made a career of defaming people. Karma will be a bitch, someday.
I also find it hysterical it's all fine and dandy for Kate to make money off her kids, but no one else can.
I also find it hysterical they don't think Kate is a big enough girl to handle any problems she has with girlfriends, other bloggers, other people, on her own and through the courts. She doesn't need you to fight her battles, sheeple. If she says she does, she's USING you like she's used everyone else in her life.
Whoa could that blog defaming Ellen be any more difficult to read? Whom, whom and misusing whom again.
Also, misstate the law much? You don't need to compensate anyone you're trying out products with, even kids. It's not using the products that makes the money, it's writing the review about it. You wrote the review, you and only you make the money. You can toss a ball with a kid and you can write a review about the ball or not, the kid is still tossing the ball with you either way. Idiot.
In the Neighborhood.....19
Do we show up at her door with a casserole or cookies, as we do when new neighbors move in? :)
Well, how else will she be introduced to the PA Dutch cooking?
You all might want to organize a cooking party brunch for her! In return, she can climb up on her piano shaped like a giant stiletto and give you a concert. Fair's fair.
Bet she's got some killer Italian dishes from her Grandmas.
In all fairness, I did notice that M/J tried to raise her shackles about this last night and KT completely ignored it and acted as though it was never brought up. I am sure that she saw it though as we know she keeps a very close eye on her Twitter. She didn't take the bait and M/J took the hint dropped it. I would hate to see that get any publicity, as they are trying desperately to get it going and no one is biting. It is just attention-seeking tomfoolery, thinking they will get brownie points. Doesn't seem to be working for them so far. I would never in a million years go to the site that posted it just based what I have heard. Yes, I read the Twitter, which is more like a chat room just like the ROL feed used to be and probably the same characters. At any rate, E. does not deserve it.
Kate is 12, not 8. She doesn't play games about Jon's girlfriend and never had. Her fans just don't seem to get that. Even Kate is more mature than them.
I used to post at GWOP under another name. I noticed more and more often my posts were blocked. Don't know why. Then I discovered this blog and Small Town. Now that the show is off the air, GWOP is fading because they can no longer post recaps, which I didn't care for anyway because it pushed people to watch. Anyway, glad I found this blog.
The Lady Gaga post made me think about how much of a no one Kate really is, just being in the same sentence as Lady Gaga.I can just see her asking Gaga if she could be in one of her music videos, because she 's been in one with Jimmy Fallon!
Kate doesn't realize that Gaga is trying to find a quiet place to live 'away 'from Hollywood, and Kate is trying to use her as a way 'in' to Hollywood life. I can just see Kate bragging to Gaga what great experience she's had such as DWTS and all her famous friends on the talk shows.
I would like to be a fly on the wall at that little meeting...ha ha ha, sorry that's just too funny.I hope she doesn't offer to dance for her..
By the way Admin, one of the fansites says they e-mailed Shawn and asked for permission to post the picture.
If they asked they asked after the fact because when I talked to him no one had asked but us. Manners. I hate to see a young artist so disrespected.
One of the fan sites is shutting down. She claims she's been "outted" but nobody knows where.
I see Kate is on twitter silence again. Gee, does this mean she is in NYC for hair bleaching? After all the new year is coming, can't live with the roots showing. And she according to sheeple needs the break from her, count them 8 kids, for some ME time. After all Christmas was just so much work(yeah like going over the top on presents, to stick it to Jon(his mediocre presents and christmas meal and party(family)) and the kids friends(look what are mom got us), and buy the kids loyality and love, bragging rights, and then a month or 2 from now, Kate will bitch, whine, complain and cry she has no money to pay bills, at the hope someone will throw her a TV show).
For someone who crys no money, she sure has cough up plenty, over the last 6 months. Cars, bikes, robots, trips, clothes, phone, anything else I forgot. She needs to get the biggest BSer award.
As, for Jon on the most hated list of 2011, shame on those people, that was 2 years going on 3 ago, that Jon did that stuff(where those people been in a cave with a bag over their head!). Kate is doing the same shit, that Jon did, but she gets off cause she plays the poor mom act(uses the kids as an excuse). Her actions of the past year, should put her on that list(with the Kardashians, they are reality sisters), and the people who voted Jon on that list are very wrong, and probably are sheeple.
I really didn't think Kate had any fan sites left to be honest. She has what, about a handful of sheeple left these days? Those people who are willing to send her stuff but never get any thanks or acknowledgement back? What a life.
You don't suppose Kate, since she seems to like Lady Gaga, danced to it (or tried to) on DWTS and went to a concert I think that she might try to get all buddy-buddy with her? I mean, wow, 2 stars in PA?! Bet you Kate's all excited that her "friend" is moving there.
While PA does sound like a nice place to live from what I've heard and from those here who live there it doesn't strike me as a "star-studded" place least not like LA or something in southern CA. But I think she'll be barking up the wrong tree really.
Some of the moderators took full time jobs and only one was left to moderate back when the blog was still very active. I think it all just became too much. Slowly waned over time. Interest is slowly fading, in general. Even the Twitter haters are not as active by numbers as they once were and the number of newbies has stalled. The good thing about here is that we can talk about other topics of interest. When you have blogged with a group of people over an extended period of time you always wonder what their take would be on any given subject, especially when you know the input will be informative.
And while on the subject, I am surprised by the number of adoring fans that are just now reading her books and watching the DVDs from the beginning. You would have thought they would have done that before they became fans instead of long after. One has to wonder if it will cause any heads to turn. Because that is what happened to me. I watched from the beginning and saw things go from good to bad to worse and then whoa...
Hey, Davy Jones of the Monkees, lives in Beavertown, PA, north of Harrisburg. I've been there and seen his house, a couple of years ago.
While PA does sound like a nice place to live from what I've heard and from those here who live there it doesn't strike me as a "star-studded" place least not like LA or something in southern CA. But I think she'll be barking up the wrong tree really.
I think that's EXACTLY why she is purchasing a house here - to get away from a star-studded place and enjoy life out of the limelight with her boyfriend. She's visited here many times, gone to a shooting range when she was here over Thanksgiving with him and his family, eats where the locals eat, and seems to really enjoy it.
If Kate is trying to dance with or for Gaga she can now truly dance to paparazzi since she'll have to chase them around.
No more pic of the former reality start..
It's funny you find really down to earth people in the most unlikely celebs.
Interesting said... 36
One of the fan sites is shutting down. She claims she's been "outted" but nobody knows where.
I don't think she's been outted at all. I think perhaps either copyright violation or libel/defamation finally caught up to her. Some of these sites think that they are above the law and they are playing with fire. They will get burned.
Well, guess I posted to late, Kate is twittering her ass-off. Where ever she went she's back.
In the Neighborhood said... 44
Interesting said... 36
One of the fan sites is shutting down. She claims she's been "outted" but nobody knows where.
I don't think she's been outted at all. I think perhaps either copyright violation or libel/defamation finally caught up to her. Some of these sites think that they are above the law and they are playing with fire. They will get burned.
I'm laughing at the talk of copyright violation. This blog regularly allows Kate's blog posts to be copied in their entirety, which is a copyright violation. The law doesn't have a "but we don't like her so it's okay" clause.
Not to mention that the blog in question has not violated any copyright.
The bimbo was Twitter silent until about an hour ago. Maybe Stevie boy fell asleep early.
anger issues kate said... 40
Hey, Davy Jones of the Monkees, lives in Beavertown, PA, north of Harrisburg. I've been there and seen his house, a couple of years ago.
Kelly McGillis lived in Mohnton, PA (rural area, out in the boonies near Reading) for awhile, with her two daughters. She took a liking to this area after filming Witness. Richard Gere also had a home in the Mohnton/Robesonia area, which is near Reading. I don't know if he still lives there, but the story was that he just wanted to get away from the Hollywood lifestyle. He's been seen at the local farmer's market, shopping mall, convenience stores. I never saw him, though. Darn it!
Not to mention that the blog in question has not violated any copyright.
What about libel? Nothing there that constitutes libel/defamation?
But Preesi's site, the language is so crude. Every other word is a foul swear word. I can't stand to read over there and can't understand why they are so classless.
I think it's all part of the declining interest in Kate and her life....there's a tweet about the Roma Little Angels DVD again....I think something must be up with that..it really is for very young kids. Also has mentioned the fijits a couple of times by name...I think it too is for kids younger than C and M.
What do you want to bet the kids are back from Jon's court ordered holiday time.
Do fans think she honestly cares about pictures of their babies? Heck most people in their real lives don't care let alone Kate.
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 U seeing @JasonHueman soon...abt that time again? Ur mini escape day? :)
55 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack talk about Houdini ... Trying to get to him :)
Good lord how rude!!! She's trying to track down someone giving her a heavily comped freebie? Shouldn't he really be trying to track down her at HIS convenience when he is able to do it? I can't imagine having such little shame.
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 U seeing @JasonHueman soon...abt that time again? Ur mini escape day? :)
55 minutes ago
I think she had enough of the escape days away from the wonderful 8
Speaking of Lady Gaga did anyone see the segment where she showed herself as her alter ego, the male counterpart. It was so good that you would have never had a clue that it was even a woman much less Gaga. I think his name was Carlos maybe. It was more of a James Dean or young Elvis look.
Just like my sister would say when I went to visit in LA and I wanted to see a celebrity. She said you could be standing next to one and never know.
Why will she not pay for a hair cut and color? Is she really that cheap she will grift for it? Here is an idea if you want to save money: Do it yourself. That way you don't have to worry about transportation all the way to NYC. They sell box colors--I am sure they have bleach blonde available...if not use proxide maybe. Just pathetic.
I delete comments calling Kate an alcoholic. Her drinking was certainly discussed when Kate opened the door in an episode where she was drunk for two days. You can't make an episode like that then go cry to the libel gods you've been libeled. Especially with Jamie's comment about her being drunk. They would laugh you out of the courtroom. I haven't seen any inappropriate comment in ages about this.
Hey anonymous, Kate is a big girl and is welcome to contact anyone who is bothering her. TLC did and was very polite, we exchanged some quite polite letters actually. They can handle their issues without your help.
Chefsummer no one has been permitted to call her that. BUT, you do NOT have to drink seven days a week to be an alcoholic. A true diagnosed alcoholic might only drink on the weekends, once a week, or even, once or twice a month. What Kate has said about alcohol and filmed has been discussed, a little, it is by no means something discussed daily or weekly or even monthly these days, and comments calling her an alcoholic were always deleted and they know it.
Don't believe everything you hear from people upset that another blog is gone and have no place else to go. I never allowed comments like that.
Did KG thank to nice teen the sent her a Christmas gift yet.?
The hater tweeters are having fun with Kate's "new word," which is schnivel. It's a variation of the PA Dutch word, schnibble, meaning tiny pieces, scraps. She must have heard it growing up. My mother always told me, "You left schnivels everywhere." I still use the word.
Kate probably has no healthy hair left. Those photos outside of target show significant breakage, especially along the hairline. Her extensions are overdone and makes her hair look too big for her head, like a bad wig. Jason really needs to distance himself from her. Bad PR to be associated with her in any way
Hmmm. Just on schedule, her comped hair services are drying up. I don't blame the salon or the stylist: you only get stuff comped if you are a public figure and thus give them PR. Kate is rapidly becoming (and for most of the world already is!) a non-public figure. So why would they keep doing her hair for free? Time to pay up, Kate!
As for that deranged Milo Jack person: Kate's whole LIFE consists of escape days!
Maybe Jason IS distancing himself from her. Kate just can't take a hint. She's joking he's being Houdini. Or, he's avoiding her.
Admin: jinx!
So why would they keep doing her hair for free? Time to pay up, Kate!
They don't do it much longer, I don't see how they can. Hey Kate, us mediocre have to make a living and need to get paid. AND, why would you keep asking them to do it for you when you have absolutely nothing to offer in return for it??? She doesn't feel bad whatsoever? It's so selfish of her. At least when she had the show and had paps after her the exchange was for the publicity of it. Now the exchange is....NADA. Now it's just Kate taking hundreds of dollars in free hair styling as a pure donation. Get some shame.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 67
Get some shame.
Would that be with or without a coupon? Could she blog about it for Coupon Cabin? Can she twitter her sheeple to find her some? You know she's so busy with her 8, count 'em 8 kids!
Hi Katie Irene!!
Just an FYI. There was a a story on a Philadelphia news channel tonight saying that the rumor that Lady Gaga is looking to buy a property around Lititz is false. She has visited her boyfriend and his parents (they showed their house) near there, and they showed the home that she was supposedly interested in buying. Apparently, someone looking like Gaga was seen leaving that $1.7 million home, which is on the market, but it turns out that person was the real estate agent. The agent said there has been no contact with Lady G or her representatives about buying property in the area.
Who knows whether Lady G will one day buy a home in that area. For the time being, Kate can rest easy in her delusion of grandeur thinking that she is still the biggest star from PA.
Ah, you know what, the way she treats her hair I say let it all fall out. Let it wither and clump each time she gets it treated, bleached, straightened with that chemical crap and all. Will be her own doing. She clearly does not care about her hair just as long as well-known people who do hair have done it. That is what Kate cares about.
Earlier, she tweeted that the kids got her a panini maker for Christmas and that she wanted it.
a) she said recently that she doesn't request anything from her kids, tells them she doesn't want anything, so how would they have known that? Just another example of one of her millions of unnecessary stupid lies.
b) how would the kids have bought her a panini maker unless Jon took them shopping? If so, what did she take them to buy him? Let me guess: bupkis.
KG is no Kim Zolciak wigs don't work for every one
Anonymous said... 50
But Preesi's site, the language is so crude. Every other word is a foul swear word. I can't stand to read over there and can't understand why they are so classless.
December 27, 2011 5:29 PM
They are not classless. They are just adults who enjoy a site where they can express things in any manner that they choose. Cursing is quite liberating. You should try it sometime.
I, too, am sad about gwop. And I think folks are correct re. too many restrictions ..... not allowed to mention children's names is yet another.
I'm sure many of the gifts under the tree were for kate from the kids.I'm also sure the kids had no idea. kate has made it clear that she comes first.
I dont believe the bs kate keeps trying to put out there. Like she talks to the kids about anything...like the marathon in Vegas. I think it went like this. IM going to Vegas to run...YOU can't come cause daddy wont let us film anymore and TLC dropped my show. I dont have the money to take you all....thank your father kids! See you when I get back...OH...you better be cheering for me and smiling big in pictures or you'll get NOTHING under the tree this year. Again...thank your father kids.
When she goes off about how the kids and I did this...or the kids said this...I think she is full of shit.I dont think she ever talks to the kids about anything.I think she makes up all the banter with the kids to pretend it happened.Hell...she never interacted with the kids for the last 5 years (other to bark orders) why would that change now?
She dosent care what anyone says....why would she give a crap about the what the kids think or say now?
ITA with everything you said. I bet each of them got 8 gifts, then there would be no complaining that anyone got more or less presents.
I'm also sure Kate picked out every one, including her own.How would that be any fun? The best part of shopping for a gift is thinking about who it's for and thinking what things they like ,and hoping they like it.
This way, Kate controls what the kids each gets and picks out 8 gifts from the kids that she picks out.Heaven forbid she might get something an icky boy ,with dirty hands picked out.Kate, you sure know how to take the fun out of gift buying from the kids. Control, control, control.Ho, ho, ho, glad I don't live with you.
Not to review other blogs here but I would just like to respond to the above comment about Preesi's site to say that I think some of the most intelligent and witty comments I have ever read about Kate can be found there. Those posters are hilarious. They are also great sleuths and have many original observations about Kate. I also appreciate the political and social commentary and so yes, I do read there and appreciate the opportunity to do so. If language is a concern for you with that site, don't go there it is that simple.
tee-hee, take a look and see what's being reported about K+8 cancellation:
"Our long national nightmare is finally over..." Oh, they do have a way with words!
LOL. New post coming.
How many 7 year olds even know what a panini maker is, let alone have the wherewithall to buy one. Especially if the mom never voiced that she wanted one.
Lies Kate. All lies.
She probably picked it out herself then had the kids wrap it for her from them. They're obviously too little to pick a gift like that without at least some adult help. Some moms do this. Eh, I'd take a homemade ornament they made in Sunday school or art class any day. Years from now when the panini maker has bitten the dust and been forgotten, the ornament will still be on the tree.
New post!
Not to review other blogs here but I would just like to respond to the above comment about Preesi's site to say that I think some of the most intelligent and witty comments I have ever read about Kate can be found there. Those posters are hilarious
That may be true. But intelligent, witty, educated people can make the point, express their opinions, and engage in meaningful conversation WITHOUT having to resort to a potty mouth.
How many 7 year olds even know what a panini maker is, let alone have the wherewithall to buy one.
Seven year olds may not know, but the twins are part of the equation, too, and they might know. They've shopped with her and may have heard her remark that she'd like to have one.
What? Kate didn't ask for a Salad Spinner?
But the panini maker would make sense. She can make 4 paninis and lunch is served for 8 kids,
Sweet Charity 82
I'm born and raised in Jersey and I've got a potty mouth. I'm a well educated and intelligent and some might even say I'm witty, my dad was an Episcopal Priest, but I've got a potty mouth. I'm married to an officer in the Army and have lived all over the world and still I've got a potty mouth. I've raised a family and all kids are doing well but I've still got a potty mouth! When I say $hit to me it's the same as your saying crap. When I say fu*k, it really doesn't mean anything to me, just another word. Some of us have potty mouths and will probably never change.
I was just thinking about NE Psychologist and Bluenoser.Haven't heard from either of them lately.
Hope you both have a happy Christmas season and all the best in the New Year.
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