10. No shirt, no shoes, no service: Kate's naked Red Cross photo. When the Red Cross sent out blankets to a variety of local celebs to get them to support home fire relief, most of them graciously donned them and submitted modest and appropriate photos for the Red Cross web site. Kate, however, decided to wear a low cut top and snuggle up on her couch barefoot wrapped tightly in the blanket, giving the photo the appearance of her being naked underneath. In the charity's biggest scandal since they told the Dixie Chicks to F off, the Red Cross had to waste time they should have spent helping people in need to ask Kate to choose a different photo. And after a few days of stubbornly holding out, Kate actually complied--although the come hither photo remains on her personal web site.
9. You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. Kate's trashy birthday in NYC. If the Sarah Palin camping trip was 2010's fleecing, this surely was 2011's. Kate just about lost the last of her flock after the episode "Kate's Night Out" aired, a bizarre departure from the typical family fare. The episode featured BFF (though not for long) Jamie surprising Kate with a trip to NYC for her birthday. They drank for about two days straight, there was some foot licking involved and awkward techno dancing ("You got a problem???" one Jersey Shore-sounding NYC clubber asks Kate. Ha.), Kate spills to a complete stranger/planted extra/Steve lookalike about her divorce, Jamie and Kate share a bed so they could wake up hung over together, there may have been a tiger, a baby and a missing tooth involved at some point, and worst of all, the kids cried their eyes out when Kate left home for this. The only redeeming factor was when Jamie called Kate a princess and said it's always about Kate's world. Oh, there will be more calling out to come from this BFF, hold onto your organic hats.

7. Travel is 'knowlege'. Sort of. The twit joins Twitter. Psychology graduate theses will one day be written based solely on this account. If ever there was solid proof what her non-fans been saying all along about the extent of this woman's narcissism, poor parenting, and mental illness, her tweets were it. Actually, turns out, we were understating it. Thanks, Twitter.
6. Jon and Kate editor arrested for child porn. As were most people with their heads on halfway straight, Jon was shocked and dismayed that someone busted on multiple counts of child pornography was an editor for Jon and Kate Plus 8 and very likely had access to thousands of hours of footage of his kids. Jon, who said he had met Blankinship, was consulting an attorney as to how to proceed. As for Kate, she was just concerned about her own liability: Why, she didn't even know the guy! Well, he sure knew your kids.
4. Losing! Kate's therapist sues for unpaid earnings, and wins. Someone finally took this grifter to court, and actually won! You see Ms. Lafair expected to get paid for services rendered--silly Sylvia--but must have forgotten this is Kate we're talking about--she even grifts paper towels. Instead of just quietly settling the dispute, Kate publicly fought her tooth and French-tipped nail--and lost when the judge ordered her to pay up her $10,000 debt. Because no never means no, Kate appealed of course, and it was then that Lafair realized she would be fighting this woman until they were both cutting coupons for Depends, and for her own sanity, dropped the suit. Poor LaFair never knew what hit her.
3. Beep-beep, beep-beep, yeah! Kate buys an Audi sports car. Although she spent the bulk of the year still trying to convince us she is two food stamps away from living in a shack, telling us the savings for the kids are "not even close to what they'll need," and tweeting that she can't even afford gymnastics for them, Kate's spending habits when it comes to herself have been anything but frugal and protective of the children's hard-earned money. From lavish trips to NYC to Australia to the Kentucky Derby to Las Vegas, to the mother of all purchases, an Audi sports car--a car she hid from the public for months until a pap outed her, Kate's biggest lies this year have been about
2. Kate insults the backbone of America: God Bless the Mediocre! Kate thought she was just dissing Jon again like she always does, snarking on his 9-5 job out of the public eye and saying he was content with "mediocre" for the kids, but that she wants more than that for them. But really she ended up giving the finger to all the hard-working moms and dads everywhere who work their butts off at the best jobs they can get to support their families as best they can. It was so insulting that even idiot Sherri Shepherd, one of Kate's last remaining celeb sheeple, was like, WTF, girlfriend! And finally jumped ship.
Kate's behavior was so atrocious this year we just couldn't narrow it down to a top 10. So before we reveal number one, here are a few incidents that were a strong runner's up:
- Kids? Yawn!!! Kate tweets that the kids' field trip was "dull."
- Freebies from the teenies. Kate accepts countless birthday and Christmas gifts from her young fans, including food, encourages them to send more, rarely manages to thank them, and never once suggests they donate to charity instead or perhaps save their money for college. Half the purpose of her twitter account seems to be to grift from those less fortunate than her, from Starbucks to cereal to iPads.
- Let the orphans eat cake. Kate leaves the kids yet again, this time to go run a marathon in Las Vegas. And gives the kids a cake! Not an "I miss you" cake or an "I love you cake," but a "Go Mommy Go" cake. Yummy, I love the flavor of narcissism. Hope they didn't choke.
- Pulitzer Krize: Hello, who is this?--You called me.--No you called us! Reading Eagle exposes the real order of how it all went down. Turns out, when Kate was pregnant with the sextuplets she called up the Reading Eagle first to ask them to cover the story. We always thought the spotlight wasn't dumped in Kate's lap as she likes to pretend, but rather she sought it out. Thanks to the Reading Eagle, our suspicions were confirmed.
- Who's your Daddy? We're all for all kinds of families, but this was ridiculous. Kate said when the cameras are off the crew are like dads to the kids, helping them, playing games with them, etc. Later on, she retweeted a tweet about how Jon "ruined" the family but she "healed it." When Jon and Kate editor Bill Blankinship was arrested last October, her daddies comment just got that much creepier, didn't it?
- Crikey??? Australia Zoo Auction. Australia's favorite child exploiter Terry Irwin got Kate to fly Down Under again and donate a lunch with fans to the financially troubled zoo. But the actual amount the item sold for has turned into the biggest coverup since the JFK assassination. And a perfect example of why that zoo will fail, and soon.
- Silent Night, Holy child exploiter. Kate interrupts a peaceful and reflective candlelight Christmas Eve service to take a picture of the kids with their candles and post it on her Twitter account.
And finally--drumroll please! Kate's worst moment of 2011 was ...
1. Who moved my boobyguards's pizza!!!: The RV trip from hell. It's bad enough to spend two weeks with Kate in a cramped RV that broke down every ten miles (Jon, did you cut the brakes?). Even worse when Kate chooses her "boyfriend" over her own kids. When Kate yelled at Jamie, Ashley, and the kids for eating Steve's pizza, touching it with bare hands, and gasp, having an HD TV in their RV, a knock down drag out ensued. Jamie called Kate childish and said "it's all about him, isn't it?", the nanny quit, and it was so bad Anderson Cooper even put it on his RidicuList. No one has ever been more deserving. "Middle-aged bodyguards can get pretty cranky if their routine is thrown off. You know lunch, juice box, binky, nap," Anderson said.
As for the best moment of 2011? Kate and Steve's romantic date at the Kentucky Derby, partners, inspiring this favorite photoshop of y'alls, our most popular post of the year.
![]() |
http://www.realitytvkids.com/2011/05/two-bits-to-get-yalls-purdy-picture.html |
285 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 285 Newer› Newest»Oh my, I must bow to the sheer briliance of this post, and thank you for the holiday gift. Brava!
Jamie called Kate childish and said "it's all about him, isn't it?
Best comment ever uttered on Kate Plus 8.
May 2012 see Kate fade into oblivion.
Oh yeah, the infantile, selfish pizza incident. "You can eat salad. Give me the pizza, hand it over." WTF. Bet those kids were thrilled to get day old salad. What an asshole
Kate told Milo she IS her friend both virtually and really. This is not snark. She needs to stop messing around like that to fans especially ones clearly unstable. She is going to get herself hurt, and I mean physically hurt, or worse yet, those kids could get hurt. WTF.
Merry Christmas, and a very happy, healthy, and wealthy New Year to all.
Great post! Jeeze, Kate is such a beast of a woman, and an emotional black hole.
Thanks for the reminder...
Brilliant, Admin, just brilliant!
Thanks to Kate's continual clawing for public attention, half the western world now knows what a sorry, sorry excuse for a human being she is.
Poor kids. Ten years, more or less, to liberation.
Admin, thanks for the Crazy Kate year in review and Happy Holidays to you and all my fellow posters.
Well there it is in a nutshell. Well done, Admin, and thank you!
Happy Holidays to all!
Great post. Pizza-gate and "It's all about him, isn't it?" just about sums it up.
For me, the entire New Years working trip to Australia/New Zealand was at the top of Kart's top ten worsts. She took the kids out of the country to film for New Years without Jon's consent. The kids having to work during the holidays (including the Philadelphia filming), missing school, the long flights, time changes, her ridiculous pool photo shoot during the trip, Steve's pathetic attempt at generating publicity, no regard for the devastating floods, her awful parental behavior, leaving the dog home alone, etc., put this trip over the top.
Happy holidays to everyone.
Oh, what a year it's been! EXCELLENT post, Admin! What a great wrap up of the year 2011, the year Khate got CANCELED!
(Btw, in the runners up, the link to the Reading Eagle post doesn't work - it has a few extra letters at the beginning of the link).
MY favorite, most hilarious moment of 2011 is Number 8: "Occupy Stupidity" (lol), the crazy sheeple running around like lunatics posting signs for Khate to try to save her show. What a joke! Such insanity! THAT was the death nail in her coffin and how sweet it was that TLC canceled her right after that. Ha!!!
As this year draws to a close, I want to thank everyone here for providing some great laughs. I will never forget first checking out this show in 2009 when the divorce rumors began and just being shocked at a what a cold "mother" Khate appeared to be. Up until that point, I really didn't know much about them, just that they had all those kids, and the show, and I thought she was probably popular for the whole "mom" thing (you know, tips, ideas, crafty stuff, recipes, etc.). Little did I know that wasn't the case. So, I Googled around to see if it was just me, and oh, what a relief when I found this place! Admin, thanks for maintaining this site!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, whatever you're celebrating, however you're celebrating it, and whomever you are with.
May the New Year bring you all joy in your heart, peace in your mind, and love in your life.
Wonderful job Admin. Thanks for summing it all up. I just recently read a quote attributed to Maya Angelou: " I learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; sometimes you have to be able to throw things back." Kate should take off one of her catcher's mitts and start giving back. Think she ever will?
Happy holidays to all the terrific people who make coming to this site so worthwhile.
Excellent recap Admin! Reading a summary reminds me of why I still read and post here- a woman who has clearly focused on herself since day one, kids who have been worked non-stop to meet their mother's insane needs and expectations in life, and wondering what will ever become of them with her at the helm.
I think Kate has done a great job of showing herself for who she really is, but with her show ending this year, maybe the kids will get a much deserved break to be kids only. Kate never really seems satisfied with anything in life, she always wants more and done to her standards of perfection. Good luck with that Kate!
Happy Holidays to Admin and all of the wonderful posters on this site!
Great job Admin. Pure genius! You've covered her worst moments. Unfortunately the list goes on and on. Here's to hoping we see even less of the shrew in 2012. Cheers and Happy Holidays to Admin and fellow posters on the best, darn blog out there.
I think the problem is, that Kate doesn't know what "friend" means. She thinks it's anyone she has casually met, even one time, and people like the help, her hair dresser..people like that. I am sure she also refers to the tups teachers as her friends too, and of course they are not.
Cheers, Admin, fabulous summary of Kate's most memorable moments of 2011. May her "uncountable" blunders and trespasses consign her to history's footnotes in 2012.
Happy Holidays, fellow posters, and thanks for the many laughs!
You've outdone yourself this time, Adm! Pure genius.
Methinks you could have saved time had you gone with her 'best moments'. ARE there any?
Great website, great posters, great comments... too bad the subject is so disgusting!
Happy Holidays All!!!!!! !!
Delightful, wry post. Thank you again, Administrator for all the effort you contribute to this blog site. Thank you all the posters who have made me smile, laugh, sigh or reflect. Some very interesting ladies contribute here.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas with family and friends.
Fantastic recap, Admin! Thank you for continuing with this blog - I'm sure there were times when you wanted to throw in the hat!! And thanks to all the smart, caring bloggers here. You've given me many smiles over the past year and I wish you all a very happy holiday season : ) Can't wait to see what we'll be chatting about in 2012!
Thanks Admin and all posters. I have discovered you fairly late and only recently started to post, but agree with most of what people here say and with a great sense of humor ! Great recap. A very Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it, and Happy 2012 to all.
Merry Christmas (to those that celebrate)and Happy New Year Everyone! Many thanks to all posters and Admin of course for all the content and comments here this past year. I always find this blog a sanity check and the top ten was a great recap. I found "Occupy Stupidity" to be favorite of the top ten here. I think it really was the straw that broke the camel's back and forced the hand of TLC to cancel Kate once and for all. Who knew that TLC actually could be embarrassed by Kate? It was such an act of desperation on here part and who knows what level this vile woman will sink to next year.
Outstanding, Admin! There was so much to choose from, and you really nailed it.
From twitter (top of page - I don't twitter), it looks like she just drove the BBB over Jon again. Figures.
Merry Christmas to all the wonderful posters here who celebrate and peace to all in the New Year.
Kate leaving the 8 alone on Halloween so no trick or treating for them or costumes . She show up a date late then brags about low priced candy. She plans a lame candy hunt in the basement.
barbee said... 18
Methinks you could have saved time had you gone with her 'best moments'. ARE there any?
Not so much :)
OMG. Diarrhea of the fingers this morning on Twitter. She's "gifting" her "fans" with a TweetParty. Could she possibly be more juvenile? And of course, it's just full of fake bonhomie and LIES.
I can't even copy/paste. It is nausea-inducing, so only those with strong stomachs should view. Someone suggested she do a "Kate's 5K for Koalas" to raise money for Australia Zoo. Her comeback: Oh great idea! Will you organize it?
Argh! What a hag.
Sitting here in my warm house, looking at the lit Christmas tree and looking forward to spending all this time with my family--including my wonderful husband, I can't help but think of how dreary it must be at Kate's. I'm sure the kids will be yelled at all day long for one thing or another while Kate sits on Twitter. Even though I know right now she thinks she is the star of Twitter, I believe this whole thing will come back to bite her in the butt. And boy, how the mighty have fallen. No TV show, a blog on a coupon website, a marathon mocking her non fans (remember her saying she pays no attention to other people) and her outrageous blaming Jon for everything. I am so done with her. She sucks the very breath out of the air.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas with your families, a joyous celebration and a great New Year.
Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah to All!
Apparently it is now a stress free holiday in PA judging from non-stop Twittering. Let's see, the ham is overcooking itself in a crockpot, the kids must be cleanng up from THEIR party, and eating leftover chocolate pretzels. Hmmm, what to do, what to do? Let's tweet, tweet, tweet - and what crock about leftovers tomorrow, well leftovers for her, since she tweets the kids are with their dad (you know, for his mediocre holiday) - again, does the world need details of your custody arrangements? Twitidiot.
Kate has new pictures on her blog- yes, I looked... ( I hate the way the pics move so you can't get a really good look, but not too bothered !) The Christmas photo has Shoka indoors...Collin looks very sad and vacant in the stairway photo...it seems Kate has 'corrected' everything mentioned on this blog and probably others, such as the cinnamon vs sticky buns, Shoka being allowed in, 'trash' men gifts, Target vs designer etc.
I do wish the kids a Merry Christmas, and as Kate reminds us, 'the reason for the season.'
Admin, Thank you for the brilliant post! Have a Merry Christmas!
Once a Viewer: I noticed the same thing about Collin. He just looks so seriously depressed. He is the one I would be most worried about if he were mine. It is not this one picture alone that shows him this way. What a sad little guy.
And you are also right about Kate addressing every question ever raised here about herself. I'm sure she feels completely entitled to be able to answer in her own venue with no comments allowed. And does Jon even get to see the kids around Christmas time? She says she has them today and tomorrow. How can their father not have them at all for this special holiday?
Allison, I think Jon gets them after lunch ( the left-overs) until after dinner. He really gets the short end of the stick even though you would think Xmas Day would be the prime holiday time...I wonder if he gets them any other days of their vacation?
About the old fashioned photo of Steve and Kate, where is that from? I've heard of it but never saw it ... oh my!
Just some tweets from the twit: more lies, exaggerations and fantasies.
LegitMinnyZiggy Minny Ziggy
@Kateplusmy8 Merry Xmas Eve, Kate & your 8! Do you guys open any presents Xmas eve? Our family allowed 1 Xmas Eve present b4 bed to calm--
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LegitMinnyZiggy i grew up with that tradition but no we don't do it here. I make 'em anticipate til the last second! :) so fun!
ie: control, control, control
iHeartMammaG g-g-grace grande. ♥
@Kateplusmy8 what did the kids ask for for christmas?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@iHeartMammaG not much. They never do. They trust me :)
I think that's awfully strange that the kids never ask for anything for Christmas. Not even 1 thing? And, I suppose she doesn't ask them what they want either??
Just_Elliee Ellie (17 yr old from UK)
@Kateplusmy8 has my presents arrived yet?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Just_Elliee hmmm... I'll get back to you on that...
Just_Elliee Ellie
@Kateplusmy8 okay haha. I hope they have! Post Office charged me extra to make sure it was there 4 xmas :L. I've written my @ name in it :)
another fan who hasn't received an acknowledgement from Kate that the package has arrived, let alone a thank you
Byram5 Byram Five
@Kateplusmy8 If you could have on thing for Christmas for your kids, what would it be?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Byram5 nothing! They are so blessed as am I! And they do know it! :)
I have a novel idea for the kids, Kate. How about letting them have a relationship with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins?
jjoan21 Joan Angeles
@Kateplusmy8 what r ur future plans?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@jjoan21 work hard! land another amazing tv project and cont to devote myself to being the best mom I can possibly be! ;)
"land" another tv project? Is she going to sit on her butt until something drops in her lap?
EWebb84 Emily Webb
@Kateplusmy8 Suggestion I was thinking it might cool if you had the time if you did weekly video blog.... Could that be in the future?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@EWebb84 possibly! :)
She post on her blog, but she thinks she can do videos? LOL
mitzhu1993 mitzi
@Kateplusmy8 are you still as organized as you use to be? merry Christmas.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@mitzhu1993 oh my yes! Not over obsessed organized but very orderly, yes! Order brings calmness here! ;)
Let's ask the kids how they feel about Kate's order and calmness
LaurenRhoton Lauren Rhoton
@Kateplusmy8 whats the hardest part about christmas with 8 kids??? My 1 just about does me in! :) #soworthit
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LaurenRhoton honestly? Doing it alone. Wish I had someone to share the shrieks, smiles&excitement w! Overwhelming to orchestrate alone!
that's where the 'family' comes into the picture, Kate
stars_meg Megan Harris
@Kateplusmy8 Gosselin Family Christmas is on my list of Christmas specials to watch today- Merry Christmas to you & the family! <3
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@stars_meg oh didn't know we were on. Told kids to go find out when// so we can watch! :)
Megan Harris
stars_meg Megan Harris
@Kateplusmy8 Don't think it's on! I just have it on dvd :)
HA, no Gosselin Christmas special on tv
lisalu0610 Lisa Emery
@Kateplusmy8 Merry Christmas Kate! We don't have snow in NE Ohio either :( What time do u hope to run next 26.2 in...marathons are no joke!
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@lisalu0610 I hope 2 hit well under 4:30 nxt X&since I plan on training officially I'm thinking help will make me get there(details soon!)
teasing again. I wonder who she is getting to sponsor her
cont from above:
@Kateplusmy8 who is your most outgoing child?!
@1paigewarner Depends on the day/situation I think. Most r outgoing naturally-I'm not as much-it's a skill I've devel so I'm imp w them!:)
Once again, a question about one of the kids that she turns around to focus on herself
cccsmom Jennifer Powers
@Kateplusmy8. Are you dating?
@cccsmom no. I'm not. I must choose very wisely this time. It's a very important decision! I'm being very picky! :)
And of course, she had to throw Jon under the bus again.
@Kateplusmy8 Are you ever going to have any new episodes made!? I miss the kids
@EnchantedTSFan I don't think so
It doesn't sound like there are any specials in the future for Kate+8
@Kateplusmy8 what r u cooking 4 Christmas dinner?
@Kimberlykay3 ham, pineapple casserole, green bean casserole, baked beans... As chosen by Cara!
the menu has changed again?
@Kateplusmy8 do you have your kids all Christmas day?? I have to give mine to their dad at 12? :( merry Christmas kate&8
@ShannonDallas3 we hav split the holidays happily..But will miss them evry min they r away...They r ok w it all so I will b 2 (perspective!)
@Kateplusmy8 Will your children's father be involved in your Christmas?
@lizziesikes we celeb separately but he will be involved 4kids Christmas,yes. All is well here..
@Kateplusmy8 as a blended family my self trying to figure things out do u think u an jon will ever do family pictures togeather again?
@mamaboo1987 I don't think so.We hav moved on&kids&I r a family unit here together... Just go w what u think is right 4 u; that's what I do.
@Kateplusmy8 What's for your christmas dinner tonight?
@lovelymia1989 our Christmas dinner is tonight then leftovers tomorrow... So I can play instead of cook tomorrow :)
Precisely how is this splitting the holiday? Kate has the kids Christmas Eve, she's feeding them leftovers tomorrow, Christmas Day, so when exactly is Jon supposed to get them?
@Kateplusmy8 are you planning on writing anymore books? Or doing book signings? Would love to meet you! You are such an inspiration!
@KristenKnm more books in my head... Looking for literary agent and help organizing onto paper :)
Interpreted to mean: she needs someone to write them for her!
Our Christmas pic AND a Christmas blog just posted! Check them out at: kateplusmy8.com Hope you enjoy!! Xoxo
I haven't looked, but she's still exploiting the kids! Nothing has changed.
@Kateplusmy8 what about church & a relationship with Christ??I don't ever you mention anything about it.
@rbisholy not sure what and why you ask? I sorta feel attacked w that ? Altho I don't think u meant it? :)Jesus is the reason4season4sure!
@Kateplusmy8 @rbisholy don't feel attacked.many r probably wondering because in the past you have made a point of how strong your faith was
@KarenLColton @rbisholy and still is... Oh my... Conquered dark days triumphantly bc of my faith, wo a doubt!
@Kateplusmy8 GM Kate! u r not a PREACHER, I always thought it was best to keep "walk with the Lord" between U and the Lord. :)
@SiobhanR111 agreed! Live what you believe... Xoxo
Yep, and Kate is sure showing us what she believes, isn't she?
stars_meg Megan Harris
@Kateplusmy8 Gosselin Family Christmas is on my list of Christmas specials to watch today- Merry Christmas to you & the family! <3
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@stars_meg oh didn't know we were on. Told kids to go find out when// so we can watch! :)
This is positively sick. She's wants the kids to watch a vidoe of themselves on a previous Christmas insted of enjoying themselves in the here and now?
Thank you, Admin, for your year in review and for all the effort you put into keeping this site safe and enjoyable. You have fostered a special community here.
Thank you to everyone who posts here for sharing your insights, opinions, advice, wit, humor and compassion. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a healthy and happy 2012.
So she'll run another marathon, big deal, interest in her continues to wane, and I will bet real money an amazing tv deal does NOT fall in her lap in 2012.
Meanwhile poor Ellie has spent even more $$ to send her gifts to the underpriveleged G8 from abroad in time for Xmas, just terrible what she will grift from minors/strangers.
And the G8 will have to say a million thanku's, eat breakfast and a leftovers lunch before getting a few hours with their dad. i would like to hope she's once again stretching her truth; in a just world they would leave for the day after breakfast. Oh actually in a just world Dad would come FOR breakfast and the joy of present opening. She's a witch.
Poor Collin I hope he he does look sad and has for a while now so really hope that he finds some inner-happiness.
Yes, he does look sad...Hannah looks all pose-y, Leah looks really cute ,the others the same, and Mady is getting very pretty! Kate better watch out she may be overshadowed by her own daughter one day.
(Oh so Admin, you photo-shopped that K & S photo- that was the KD hat?? I see there's a thread about it... I will read after the holidays! Well done!))
One word, Administrator... AWESOME !!!
SwingsandRoundabouts said... 12
I just recently read a quote attributed to Maya Angelou: " I learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; sometimes you have to be able to throw things back." Kate should take off one of her catcher's mitts and start giving back.
In her peabrain, baking a few loaves of bread to give to the little people who cater to her is more than enough "giving back".
You haven't given anything until you give til it hurts. Until you give something that is hard for you to part with, though it will make sommeone else's life better.
The only time she gives anything is when it will make her look good. How many times have we seen her brag about her stupid baking on Twitter and her blog? I'm so surprised it took her so long to find Twitter...her new platform for telling the world how great and wonderful she is.
Once a Viewer said... 30
it seems Kate has 'corrected' everything mentioned on this blog and probably others, such as the cinnamon vs sticky buns, Shoka being allowed in, 'trash' men gifts, Target vs designer etc.
Phoney, phoney, phoney. She won't be able to keep it up, but wouldn't it be great if she did?
Wouldn't it be great if we could teach her to be a decent human being? Now that would make for a great 2012 for those kids!
Thanks to everyone for your thanks.
I'm telling everyone you minutemen thanked me a million billion times!
Great list, admin. You probably could have done 20 or 30, huh?
So look at that newest blog entry of hers about Christmas. She's got a numbered list about how she knows it's near Christmas.
I looked at the theme or underlying message of each item.
1. Gluttony, and encouraging it in kids
2. Competition.
3. Gluttony, extreme.
4. Taking from others.
5. Gluttony/materialism.
6. This is just what they're doing tomorrow. Doesn't leave much for Jon!
7. An actual nice sentiment.
8. Kids and Kate counting down every minute to gorging on material items.
The real kicker is Kate telling people at the very end to remember the reason for the season. Huh. I think maybe Kate needs to be reminded of that herself. Not a single item on her list is even remotely related to the reason for the season. So out of one side of her mouth, she goes on and on and on about allllllllllll the material items she bought (what a HERO!) and the things she's gotten from others (what a GRIFTER,) and then out of the other side of her mouth, she will occasionally say a word or two giving lip service about the Christian reasons for the holiday.
What a phony and a fake. She doesn't have enough self-awareness to look at that list and see it has nothing to do with the reason for the season.
May the spirits of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future visit her sorry ass tonight.
Dallas, I've always thought if there was one of the seven deadly sins that had to be assigned to Kate, it would without a doubt be gluttony. Nothing has ever, ever been enough for her. Including the number of kids she had at once.
@mamaboo1987 I don't think so.We hav moved on&kids&I r a family unit here together... Just go w what u think is right 4 u; that's what I do.
Good grief. She and the kids are a family unit together. Where, in the name of all that's holy, is Jon? Not part of the family unit? Some unknown entity who sends child support? Someone to whom she casts her throw-away vans?
Blessed holidays to everyone here, and a special thanks to admin for putting up with our dissertations!
Why would a "New York Times Bestselling Author" need to shop for a literary agent?
Out of the mouth of babes, ur K8, apparently she just goes with what is right for her. I believe her use of 'you' in that twit (47) is certainly singular as she has demonstrated over and over that what she does is always for herself, not the kids, and not Jon, before, during and after their marriage. Talk is cheap. Karma is coming.
And to all a good night.
So Adm what are you going to do when Kate is just a bad bad memory.? I hope you keep on blogging
Would love people to do a mass prank tweeting to this idiot. Re: sending grifts. We could have that square ass up from the couch, knocking kids over to get to the car and speed to the kinkos several times a week
Is it me, or is her hairline receding backwards and making her forehead bigger and bigger?
Something seems very weird about her hairline lately.
I meant to say, it almost looks like a wig.
Now I see why she used to cover her forehead with that curtain of hair.
Great Scrooge's ghost. She took a picture of the eight kids during the Christmas Eve candlelight service. Just when I thought I'd seen everything. I wonder if she got written permission from the parishioners in the row in back of them to put their photos on the internet.
Having just gotten back from an extremely peaceful candlelight service, I find that absolutely disguising. Hey Kate, it's about Jesus --not exploiting the kids.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 55
Having just gotten back from an extremely peaceful candlelight service, I find that absolutely disguising. Hey Kate, it's about Jesus --not exploiting the kids.
I know. More than disgusting. My jaw literally dropped when I saw that, although it really shouldn't come as any surprise. She had to prove that they went to church...why, I have no idea. Our candlelight service was beautiful. I can't imagine someone taking a photo during the Silent Night prelude. What is wrong with this woman? Is nothing private and sacred in their lives?
The Silent Night part with candles is so incredibly special. I'd be beyond disturbed if someone whipped out their phone to take pictures during that!
Speaking of, we're off in a few hours for ours. Thank God no Kate Gosselin at my church.
Dallas it's my favorite part. We don't have a single photo of it of course, but I don't need photos. Some people take a family photo after the service at the Christmas tree in the fellowship hall, but I can't remember in the decades I've gone to candlelit services anyone ever, ever taking a photo during it.
Warmth Of The Sun said... 54
Great Scrooge's ghost. She took a picture of the eight kids during the Christmas Eve candlelight service.
Are you kidding? She took pictures of her little ATMs DURING CHURCH?????
Un-freaking-believable. How disgusting to turn a contemplative candlelight service into yet another opportunity to pimp her kids.
I hope her pastor and at least a few parishioners take her aside and tell her in no uncertain terms how inappropriate this is. No matter what she thinks, a Christmas Eve candlelight service is NOT all about her and her unending greed for attention.
What was the "reason for the season" again? Oh, right. PR.
Once a Viewer said... 30
Kate has new pictures on her blog- yes, I looked... ( I hate the way the pics move so you can't get a really good look, but not too bothered !)
For Once a Viewer and anyone who wants a better look at moving pictures online, try this. It works.
Gadwin.com has a free (safe and easy) downloadable printscreen program. I use it heavily in my research to take screen shots of anything--in those places where copy and paste won't work.
Go to http://www.gadwin.com/download/ and click download Gadwin PrintScreen.
Anyway, I discovered once that (if using Gadwin PrintScreen) you simply press "print screen," moving pictures will freeze until you're done with the shot.
(By the way, I know Gadwin is safe because my husband is a computer repair guy and consultant, and he's the one who introduced me to this program. I've been using it for years now, and I LOVE IT. Freezing moving photos is just a small bonus.)
Admin and everyone... Have a wonderful and blessed holiday and new year.
Looks like Kate is setting herself up for another run at grifting from Christians. She's just said, loud and clear "this is not your Christmas service, it's my photo op".
Same old, same old. Sorry to comment again, but this is just so beyond disgusting.
Not only have I never seen anyone whip out a photo and interrupt a candlelight service, I'm pretty sure I never went to one with anybody who would even CONSIDER doing such a thing.
I don't care how quietly she did it, it WAS an interruption, and a hugely inappropriate one.
It's my favorite part, too. By far. I always get goose bumps and get choked up. I want it to go on and on.
She has an iPhone 4, which has a flash, and she had to use a flash just to get that picture. So yeah. That's nice. I also hope someone took her aside and let her know that's not cool at all.
But yeah, I'm now convinced she's seeing if she can pull another Christian grifting scheme. It wouldn't surprise me one iota. She''s shameless.
See??? See??? We go to church!!!!!!! I have proof!!!!!!!! Yeah, Kate we get it. You finally went to church with the kids and had to create a scene and be disrespectful. Idiot. The pictures of her and the kids from the blog show the boys in shirts that are 2 sizes too large, hanging off them with sleeves that are too long. Maybe she is pinching pennies, at least when it comes to the kids. And I agree with other posters that her hair is looking too big for her head; it looks like a wig.
I think I finally figured out why Kate never taught the kids about Santa. If they believed that Santa brought all the gifts Kate wouldn't get the thanks that she so desperately craves.
Byram5 Byram Five
@Kateplusmy8 If you could have on thing for Christmas for your kids, what would it be?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Byram5 nothing! They are so blessed as am I! And they do know it! :)
She probably tells them that it's because of HER they're so blessed. "I work for you....I give you clothes, food, and shelter...I'm your mom, and you should thank me." What about relationships with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, a peaceful relationship with Jon, etc.?
Thanks, Admin, for keeping the faith that those little children will be saved -- either by their dad or their followers.
The look on Collin's face looks dead to me in that one photo on the stairs. He will need some serious help down the road if she doesn't knock off pimping her kids out. I can't wait for the day when they refuse to dress alike. It's coming very soon. Then she will just have 8 kids, nothing special, no six pack dressed like little robots anymore. That is when the jig will really be up. When the six pack scatters their own way. She really disgusts me.
Great post, Admin.
Thanks so much for keeping this blog alive and so interesting.Bless all the posters here and may you all have a Merry Christmas and peace, health and happiness in the New Year. I am so happy I found all of you here- you have helped me in so many ways this past year, thank-you all.
Leave it to Kate to take a beautiful,Christmas Eve candlelight service and try to make it about herself.She is so disrespectful to interrupt such a solemn, inspirational moment to fulfill her unimportant need for attention.Can she sink any lower?
Hopefully, I hope she realizes soon that no one cares what she does anymore, so she can crawl back under her mediocre rock she again.I pray that she gets a job in Hollywood and she lets Jon have full custody.I also wish the G8 a wonderful Christmas with their Dad and other relatives this year.
Karma is about to catch up with you Kate. I hope it is as disgusting and painful as you have been, hurting your kids all their lives in order to live a life you didn't earn or deserve.I really hope you get some help, before you totally destroy your children lives. Look at Collin's face- you did that and no little boy should look so sad and lost- shame on you, Kate.
Collin, I hope Christmas will make you smile sweetly, little one.Your Dad and siblings will help you feel like smiling on the inside too.May all your Christmas dreams come true!
Merry Christmas Teresa, miss you, wherever you are.
It's a little sad that this is the "second" annual list. Until the kids escape Gosselin State Prison, there's going to be a third, fourth, fifth, etc. annual list of Kate atrocities.
On a different note, Kate seems to have this thing for "screams of joy". She expecting the kids to keep doing that as they get older?
Life isn't the Oprah show, and if Kate's trying to get Oprah's torch passed to her, it's going to take a lot more than showering people with stuff.
Kate didn't just snap a quick photo during the church service. In addition to her snapping the picture which was itself a disturbance to the people around her, she had to pass the message down the row of 8 children that it was time for the picture so that they could all turn and look at her as she stood to snap it. Yes, indeed, if I was a member of that congregation I'd be SOOOO upset, not necessarily that she took the picture, but that she took it to to post on the internet! to further exploit her children. When it comes to exploitation she has no boundaries.
And here she goes, bright and early Christmas morning...
(approx 7:10am)
Merry Christmas all..Let the Gosselin stampede begin... Can't wait 2thrill the kids!It's the happiest day of the year for 8 marvelous kids!
Merry Christmas. I also firmly believe a part of that picture was so she could have photographic proof her children were with her. See, I have the kids, I'm not just saying I do.
We're not having a stampede here. Just a light trot. Exactly the way we love it.
I seriously doubt that the tups were even given candles, considering their age. That is why they just had three among themselves, as I bet they were given Maddie's, Cara's and Kate's candles just for the picture.
Good point, the twit's tweets. Also, you can clearly see the faces of the parishioners in the row behind them--did she get their permission to post that pic to the Internet? They weren't outside, they were in CHURCH.
She'll never get why that was totally tacky and inappropriate.
Thanks for the tip Virginia Pen Mom- kind of you . :)
Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas day no matter how you spend it. Although I am new, I feel a warm sense of community here and I'm happy I found you.
I hope the G kids do have a great day , and that they also have a fun celebration with Jon and Ellen. As for the photo, maybe the service will be a good memory for the kids as likely they haven't been to church for ages....disrespectful, yes, but too late now....
Menu is up..ok. A bit late for those who want to copy Kate's traditional menu....
Pet Peeve- I hate the way she always says she has to 'feed' the kids lunch/dinner- they can feed themselves !!! She is preparing the food (maybe) but I just hate the phrasing...
Ok, off to rouse my teenagers- it's Christmas- sleep later on!!! It's pat 9:30 here, a bright sunny day.
Who took the pic of them all 2gther in front of the fire place.?
Probably a 'helper."
And why does the candle light service have to be "fun." She forgets that she has been on TV for years in the realest reality show of all time and I can't say that I ever seen her have fun with the kids.
If only she could be half the mom she presents herself to be on paper, what a glorious day that would be for the kids.
I saw the pic of her wrapped breads for the first time today and noticed them in front of the Advent calendar. Did y'all notice that although the photo was supposedly taken 12/13, that they had NOT turned any of the tags around yet? Yep, it's just another faked "prop".
hey jude said... 68
Leave it to Kate to take a beautiful,Christmas Eve candlelight service and try to make it about herself.She is so disrespectful to interrupt such a solemn, inspirational moment to fulfill her unimportant need for attention.Can she sink any lower?
Add inappropriate to disrespectful and selfish. She can't even go to church without trying to gather publicity. She takes the cake with this one.
Pathetic and sad. And her posting of the picture shows how out of touch with reality she has become to not know this, or to not care.
Merry Christmas to all!
You sure have a lot of time on your hands to be able to write all that crap. Maybe you need a job?
Anonymous, it didn't take that long. Merry Christmas.
80- Hi Kate Fan! : ) Merry Christmas to the kids! Ummm, err..I think Kate is the one who needs a job, by the way, since she don't have one. Transference/projection much?
Anonymous said... 80
Merry Christmas, Anonymous 80!
No, you've got it wrong. Desperate grifting Kate is the one who needs a job.
Merry Christmas to anonymous 80. Nice name for one of the few remaining fans of the unemployed Kate. Btw, anon, admin has a job AND runs a blog. Can't say the same for Kreider.
All that work... & it's all over already.Looks like a cyclone hit this place...multitudes of smiles abound so that says its worth it all! XO about an hour ago
Anonymous can't imagine doing more than one thing at once. Typical of Kate's last few fans. When you type a blog with one finger I can see how they would think this would take all day. Also did it occur to anonymous people with jobs can often get a nice few weeks off over the holidays? It's called vacation time when you don't work shifts. Not that there's anything wrong with working shifts, I just don't see her sheeple all the aware of how a real career works as opposed to selling some things you don't want anymore on ebay.
That wasn't called for, Anon...Admin works very hard on this blog and the rest of us appreciate all she does....it's Christmas- remember 'the reason for the season?' This reminds me of when I looked at the twitter followers of K8's remarks- nasty.
well, lull between stockings and kids getting showered and dressed for the rest of a nice holiday...a few flakes of snow- that means it's White Xmas here !! When we open gifts there will be ( never has been) NO ' ripping and tearing' a la Gosselin style- more admiring the wrapping, and carefully open one at a time while everyone watches and we keep a list for thank-you notes....
86 - Yep, fans/Kate don't seem to have a clue about our "mediocre" jobs, that include vacation/sick time earned.
Oh well... guess they missed the memo on snapping photos in church and then posting them publicly, and how inappropriate, offensive, and selfish this is for self-gratification, let alone people who did not choose to be in the picture. Where is Steve to grab up non-approved photos?? There was ZERO reason for this, other than Kate being her usual greedy, inappropriate self.
Wish I could say I was not surprised, but in this case, Kate surpassed social boundaries once again. Oh, I forgot, rules and social ammenities do not apply to her- SHE IS KATE GOSSELIN!!!!
So if they don't think running a blog is a legitimate job, then does that mean they think Kate doesn't have a real job blogging? Oops, they fell into their own logic trap. Again.
I have never thought of the candlelight service as fun really. Reverent, yes. Peaceful. Reflective. Some years sad--like when you lost a loved one that year. Some years happy--a new baby or other big changes that year. A closeness with your family and the congregation and hopefully feeling something spiritual too. But, "fun"? It's not a day at Chuckie Cheese.
Hope everyone has great food today and time with family.
Thanks Admin. for a great recap of Worst Moments of 2011.
I'm bracing myself for all the dozens of 'thank yous' she will be getting for the rest of the day. Also, expect the usual 'exhausted' tweets before nightfall.
I can't figure out how she could tweet so much Christmas Eve while serving the big meal - oh that's right with all her household help she has lots of time for her fans.
Thank you again Admin. and Merry Christmas to you and to all you hold dear.
And here she is, twitting her children's Christmas morning, but after last night's photo session at a candlelight servce, we do know nothing, nothing, is sacred to this woman. Nope, even a reflective service is 'fun'. She is seriously missing more than a few screws.
Once again I am reminded how happy I am to be me. Enjoy your holiday.
How of ya'll think that Kate just showed up at church for the photo opp and then made the kids leave just so she can say I went to church.
She might have went but they doesn't mean that she and the kids stayed for the whole service or were on time. But if she was good for her.
Kate Tweeted"
'Peace on earth' really refers2those hours after all the toys r unwrapped&the kids scatter to play w/ them...
Right, Kate. It's all about you.
Most Christians would likely take exception to your definition of "peace on earth", especially on Christmas Day, but don't let that bother you one little bit.
Perhaps Kate thought she could be "Wondrous Star, lend thy light"..... (Silent Night, verse 3)
Note to Kate: The main attraction at the service is Jesus. Not your kids. Yes, your kids are cute and you talk about them a lot, but they are not the reason people came to the service. Please, no more attempts to move the center of attention from Jesus, even for a moment of "light" in the sanctuary. Thanks in advance.
Or maybe too late.
Peace on earth isn't about toys.
She's "surviving" because she has socked away way more money than any of us can imagine; her poor me is a poorly presented smoke screen (as 3 new cars ths year serve as example). It cannot be more simply put than that.
I think Kate socked away TONS of money during the time that the show was on the air---all the while claiming she was poor. She is very calculating. She most likely has several million put away in various accounts, trusts, etc.
I thought I had read that when the kids started the private school, at least in the beginning, the tuition was waived or steeply discounted for them. I have no idea what the school tuition situation is now, but I would expect them to get some kind of discount simply because some schools give discounts for multiples.
I have no idea how health insurance is handled. And are we sure that TLC didn't "help" Kate purchase the big house? She claims they did not, but when have we ever believed her?
Kate most likely is not concerned with saving for the kids' college. Because there will be so many attending college at the same time (assuming they attend), they will be showered with financial aid and most will probably get free rides because of that. I can see Kate pretty much disowning her kids at this point--declaring they are 18 and are on their own now.
So, I think Kate IS desperately looking for another tv job opportunity to get back on the gravy train (don't think it will happen), but in the meantime she is probably quite comfortable with her piles of money stashed away.
This is all just my opinion, of course. :)
Even if Khate does have MILLIONS OF DOLLARS socked away, I would never have done what that witch did in exploiting my kids for so long, for all the world to see.
Kate may/is a liar but she isn't dumb when it comes to money.
I believe Kate said somewhere in an interview that she has enough money put away to sustain them for about a year. Of course, with her constantly changing stories, who knows?
Wasn't there some really big and totally unexpected present that she got for the kids at the last minute and put out as a teaser (can't think of any reason otherwise)on Twitter.
I would imagine Kate saying she has enough money to sustain them for a year is just a story. She probably said that so people would feel sorry for her and, in her mind, start inundating her with job offers before she faded away into oblivion (wishful thinking on my part). I bet she has far, far more money that we know and that she has carefully planned for her financial future with advisors, planners, etc.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
My grandson came over this am with his Mom and promptly threw up in the bathroom. Happy Days are here again, visions of one where we all had chicken pox.I guess that's why he wasn't so interested in Santa when he first arrived.
He's a little better now and we waited til he recouped a little to have his stocking and open our presents.Glad he wasn't at Kate's, cause we know how she is with little boys.
It could have been worse (the photo op). She could have stopped the service, got everyone in position and asked the people in front of her to take the picture with her in it.
Why in the world didn't she take the photo AFTER the service, in front of the altar with the Christmas trees, poinsettias, nativity, whatever? She'd still have her proof that she and all eight of them were there for the service.
"I saw the pic of her wrapped breads for the first time today and noticed them in front of the Advent calendar."
I must really be tired. I looked at this twice and read "breasts," and wondered what she had wrapped them in.
For a busy mom with 8 kids, she sure has been a Twittering fool on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
She seems veeeeery lonely and needs strangers to keep her company/feed her ego.
Why didn't kate post pictures of the piles and piles of presents and/or the wrapping paper that was supposedly enough to fill the hall? Could it be that they are mythical like the Easter baskets? I'm sure the kids got their fair share of gifts but probably not as many as kate would have us believe. Makes you wonder.
Merry Christmas from a sometimes poster.
Pity Party said... 103
Wasn't there some really big and totally unexpected present that she got for the kids at the last minute and put out as a teaser (can't think of any reason otherwise)on Twitter.
December 25, 2011 12:31 PM
Knowing her, she probably caught wind of what Jon was giving the kids and ran out and bought the same thing to give the kids first ( to ruin things for Jon ).
Anonymous 80 -
I'm laughing out loud here - kart, is that you????
Get back to your twitting, honey. Those of us who post here regularly appreciate very much the thoughtful and on-point blog that Admin developed and runs.
Happy Holidays to all, and a gracious thank you to Admin!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @abenner17 Literally, the best book ever. @Kateplusmy8 twitpic.com/7yipuw AWW THANKS4COMPLIMENT! I LOVE IT 2 BC IT'S 4 MY KIDS! :)
3 hours ago
I guess she doesn't read a lot of books then. I couldn't make it pass the first chapter but that's just me.
Permanent Name said... 110
Anonymous 80 -
I'm laughing out loud here - kart, is that you????
By jove, I was thinking the exact same thing.
In tweets, magazine stories, or television interviews, has Kate ever said, "It's for OUR (or are) kids?"
And wasn't that the book that only sold about 10,000 copies? Good luck finding a literary agent Kate!
fidosmommy said... 94
Perhaps Kate thought she could be "Wondrous Star, lend thy light"..... (Silent Night, verse 3)
Note to Kate: The main attraction at the service is Jesus. Not your kids.
I am guessing she is thinking she is above Jesus, and HIS day of celebration. She should not have even gone there, taking pictures of HER kids during a religious ceremony.
Hi Kate- You are "officially and religuously" a self-absorbed PIG, with no morals. Congrats as we know you read hear : )
Anonymous said... 80
You sure have a lot of time on your hands to be able to write all that crap. Maybe you need a job?
I thought that anonymous was directing this comment to Kate (as the indefinite "you") because Kate has been tweeting non-stop crap lately, and she really does need a job!
fidosmommy said... 94
Perhaps Kate thought she could be "Wondrous Star, lend thy light"..... (Silent Night, verse 3)
fidosmommy, you are so funny. I love your comment.
I also think Kate posted as Anonymous...80. She is alone tonight so I'm sure she's under the influence and reading/commenting here. I bet the kids are having a blast with their real family (Jon and Ellen).
I hope she doesn't write a new book not that I would read it just saying.
@Kateplusmy8 K8, nobody's gonna hire u for a tv project w/ ur abrasive personality. Merry Christmas!
She's back! Switched from bigfan to notabigfan, back to bigfan, and is now back to tweeting the nasties. This is one scary multiple personality!
I wanted to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas!!
A little OT but I wanted to share with all of you a very inspirational story about a very special little boy who is a Patriot. This little boy exemplifies the meaning of Christmas but he does it all year.
^ ^ ^
She may be crazy, but she's not afraid to say what's on her mind (and ours, too)!
"I also think Kate posted as Anonymous...80. She is alone tonight so I'm sure she's under the influence and reading/commenting here. I bet the kids are having a blast with their real family (Jon and Ellen)."
I believe that Anon 80 posted around 10:30 a.m. Kate's time, during the Christmas morning frenzy at the Gosselin house, with all of the shrieking and squealing at all of the gifts.
Kate said it's the "the happiest day of the year for 8 marvelous kids!"
Happy because of what they get, not because of what any of them give. What did they do for others this Christmas? Take gifts for church shut-ins? Volunteer to wrap gifts for needy children? What has she taught them about the reason for the season? We know that a cyclone went through the house because of all the work SHE did amassing volumes of presents for them. Sad...
Oh I think it's pretty obvious she socked money away. And the last few trips she's taken post-TLC have been grifted by her.
But that will end as her celebrity fades down to nothing. She's almost at that point now.
I think the money she put away will last about a year (from this past September, when she was officially without a paycheck). Yes, she made a lot, but her expenses are pretty staggering. The mortgage payment, insurance and property taxes alone are probably pretty high. Add utilities, services on the house, pool and property, car insurance, maintenance and gas on three vehicles, private school tuition for eight, clothes for nine, food for nine, tanning, nails, expensive items for her highness, iPhone bill, I could go on and on. She grifts a few things, MIGHT still be getting her hair comped (but still pays travel expenses to get there), but she can't grift everything.
In the narcissist's mind, tomorrow doesn't really carry any consequences. They think they will magically land a job/get rescued/publish a book, whatever it is they've deluded themselves about. She's not really thinking long-term, remember she thinks she's just going to magically "land another amazing TV show." That's not how it works.
So as the winter and spring and summer go on next year, she'll slowly get more frantic. I really feel sorry for the kids--they'll get the brunt of it. She'll be out of real substantial money in a year or less.
Anonymous said... 88
86 - Yep, fans/Kate don't seem to have a clue about our "mediocre" jobs, that include vacation/sick time earned.
Oh well... guess they missed the memo on snapping photos in church and then posting them publicly, and how inappropriate, offensive, and selfish this is for self-gratification, let alone people who did not choose to be in the picture. Where is Steve to grab up non-approved photos?? There was ZERO reason for this, other than Kate being her usual greedy, inappropriate self.
This is the same woman who had school videos of her children blocked from public view. Yet, she has no problem snapping and distributing a photo of her kids during a church service. Notice her photo included people seated behind her.
It would have been ironic if those people in the photo pulled her off to the side and DEMANDED to delete that photo.
Sorry, the caps are intentional. I'm outraged by Kate's latest example of hypocrisy. Too bad the top ten list is already posted because this latest stunt would have definably made it on this years list.
Jon said on a talk show once, I forget which one it was, that Kate had 11 different bank accounts. This was shortly after the divorce,so I'm sure she has money socked away. I think the lawyer found these accounts while preparing the divorce papers.
Here I am and all my family are sleeping!Turkey does that to you .
I'm sure the loyal purse body and bodyguard and road manger and Kate sitter and part time 8 sitter will stick around when the money goes. And it will go when is the question .
Getting caught up on the posts here. Admin -- love your list. I don't know how you managed to boil it down to the top 10. My nomination for dishonorable mention has to go to her day late and dollar short (with bargain basement candy) Halloween celebration for the 6 little kids.
I can't believe the hypocricy of Kate. She has a hissy fit if a private citizen taking private photos might, possibly, maybe get a picture of her or the kids, but she disrupts a sacred occasion, in a sacred place, to take a picture of her kids, then posts it online?! A picture that includes other congregants? Where was her minister? I know what my priest would have done in those circumstances. He would have stopped the service and politely but firmly told her to STOP! That was the Lord's House she was in. How utterly disrespectful!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. May the rest of your holiday be joyful and may you have a peaceful and prosperous New Year. Thanks for all the wit, wisdom and honesty on the blog, and, Admin, thanks for putting up with us when we get out of line.
And again, Proofread! Proofread! Of course, it's hypocrisy. Sorry.
You know, I was kind of skeeved by the photographer who snapped those pictures of Kate outside of Target; as lovely as they are, it seemed invasive. After reading about Kate taking needless and selfish pics of the kids at church--screw it. Take as many pictures of the shrew as you like.
C (Is for cookie, that's good enough for me.)
Thanks to Dalla Lady (#123 upthread) for posting so much more eloquently than I could do. Her expense are huge. I still don't get how this unemployed idiot gets by. I will list (thanks to Dallas Lady's help) once more, and then I will shut up:
-- monthly mortgage
-- insurance and property taxes
--house, pool and property services
--maintenance and gas on THREE vehicles
--private school tuition for eight
--clothing for nine
--food for nine
--tanning, nails, hair for her Royal Highness
--iPhone bill
I will shut up about this, but I just have to say that I don't understand how an unemployed, no-talent, loser, idiot like Khate Gro$$elin can sustain this lavish nonsense for any extend period of time. In my brain, it just does not make any sense. There is no steady income. (Jon's support is probably peanuts.)
The only way I can begin to understand this "extravagant living with no steady paycheck mentality" is what Dallas Lady said... "in the narcissist's mind, tomorrow doesn't really carry any consequences. They think they will magically land a job/get rescued/publish a book, whatever it is they've deluded themselves about."
What a sicko Khate is. I'll shut my mouth up about it now.
I think also that KT has yet to face the harsh reality of having to actually provide Christmas for 8 kids on her own. I am thinking she had a lot of help with Christmas, if you know what I mean.
I also think that is why she had no clue as to how ridiculous it all sounded with presents stacked to the ceiling, endless days and nights of wrapping (not), too numerous to count, etc.
Not even the wealthiest of people would indulge their kids that way, especially someone who wouldn't buy Halloween candy until the day after when it went on sale.
But in any event, I am glad the kids had a good Christmas - hardest working 7 and 11 year old kids that I have ever known or heard of that's for sure.
How about.?
Kate paying Steve
Kate paying her manger
Kate paying some sorta of travel expanse
Sooner or later she'll start paying for her hair
Paying medical & dental insurance unless Jon has the kids cover.
Hope she has life insurance has to pay for that
Kate needs to pay not only what as been mentioned yet also she will need to pay for:
Shoka and his upkeep and expenses (you know, dog food, toys, dog grooming, vet check ups)
Chickens and their upkeep and expense (fencing repairs, chicken feed and other things chickens needs. I don't and have never owned chickens so there could be more to it.)
I hope she has an emergecy fund for things such as unexpected illnesses or trips to the ER or hospital stays should anything happen to her or her children. Or for other emergency expenses such as car repairs that are unforseen or unexpected.
She needs to learn to kep recipts for large purchases during tax time (somehow I find myself doubting she does this.)
Payments for transportation when she takes limos into New York to and from.
Money on nights out
Money on her drinking habits
Money for children to attend field trips
Money for her shoe addiction
Money for things she wants but doesn't need (like when you go out with a list of things to the store but come back with more)
Money to pay for keeping a Po-Box (I could be wrong but I don't own one so I don't know if you pay for it per month or whatever)
Vehicle insurance should her speeding cause an accident to herself or someone else, health insurance (which I am not sure how she gets with not working).
Money to keep her teeth bleeched
Money for her supposed and possible nip and tucks.
Setting aside money for her children's college (I have never believed she's given them much because she's changed this story countless times)
Money for children's allowance (depending if they receive any)
With all these things I simply am beginning to wonder why nobody has never stopped and question how she manages to live like this. Where does the money come from? Surely not her blog "job" and what it pays. Even if she has money and has saved...money eventually runs dry if you spend it on things such as this.
My questions still remain: Where does this money come from? Her 11 bank accounts? Her blogging "job?" Money has to come from somewhere. How is this woman not broke? Why has she not downsized yet? It seems almost incredible.
The only explanation is that she has more money than she will ever admit and actually did a better job saving it than we ever bargained for. It's possible someone close to her, probably Steve, told her what to do with the money (got her in some good investments, stocks, etc.). She could have done quite a bit with her salary form DWTS alone, it was a decent chunk of change to start some good investments. Although she usually does things her way or the highway, she's proven that she will listen to Steve. If he was firm about what she should do with her money, using him and his money and his successful investments as an example, I can see her going along with it.
I do agree though it will run out, and fast. Even the best investor couldn't ride her through the next 20 years with her spending like she does--spending conservatively, of course she could be just fine for years.
What really bugs about this, though, is the lying about her financial situation. The right person feels screwed by her and the right cop finds out about that and she'll end up investigated for FRAUD. I have noticed, however, it's been a long time since she mentioned anything as it relates to finances. If anything, she is sort of doing the opposite, bragging about how much she has--almost to counteract her "poor me" act from awhile ago. As if someone told her about fraud and she got scared and quickly changed her tune--she's very transparent and I would bet money this is exactly what happened. I think someone finally told her, probably Steve again, the poor me act is not flying anymore.
Where can I see the pictures of them in church? Looked but cannot find. Thanks
Oh yeah, I'm sure I missed a LOT of expenses. Just imagine eight dental cleanings twice a year. Imagine braces times four or five of them. Imagine paying for the SAT times eight and they take it two or three times each. Imagine a graphing calculator for each kid (those things are expensive!). (Can you tell what stage of parenting I just finished up?)
Or when they get bigger, their clothing costs? Holy hell, clothing one teen girl has been enough for us. Just the jeans alone are staggering. Her food costs will jump exponentially (and I'd like to see her try to limit strapping young men to a few grapes and a muffin).
I've said it before, but her house is a money suck. Apparently she owes more on it than she could sell it for, which means she's upside down (and for those wondering, yes, she has a mortgage, it's public record--TLC didn't buy that house). Stuff needs fixing and replacing on a house. Maintenance. Landscaping. The pool. The animals and the animal areas of the grounds.
Does she pay her publicist? Who carries medical insurance on the kids? Didn't she mention recently that she spends about 3 grand a month on groceries?
So yeah, she's got money. Now. Her current lifestyle and number of kids practically guarantee that it will run out sooner rather than later. I can't imagine that Coupon Crabin or whatever is paying her a good salary for crapping out horrible blog entries for them every now and then, and didn't I hear it was a job for the holidays or something? Will it continue?
The Mayans most likely got it wrong about the world ending in 2012, but I have the feeling Kate's going to feel that way on a personal and financial level.
She can twitter away little winky face emoticons and "you never knows," she can "run" all the sponsored marathons she wants, she can grift chocolates and coffee and portraits from her twitter fans, none of those things are going to pay the bills once the money's gone.
What will the new year 2012 bring of KG.?
Train wreck.?
A new person & Better mother.?
"Vehicle insurance should her speeding cause an accident to herself or someone else, health insurance (which I am not sure how she gets with not working)."
She can purchase health insurance on her own.
"Payments for transportation when she takes limos into New York to and from.
Money on nights out
Money on her drinking habits
Money for children to attend field trips
Money for her shoe addiction
Money for things she wants but doesn't need (like when you go out with a list of things to the store but come back with more)"
She has taken the train to NYC, which is only $100 round-trip. She may have to slum it and do it on a regular basis.
Money for nights out - she'll get someone else to cover those costs.
Money for shoes - she'll find some way to grift them from a designer in exchange for advertising on her blog.
Money for field trips - included in tuition.
Money for drinking - included in her food budget. It's a "fruit" of the vine.
Money for those things she doesn't need - COUPONS! We don't shop without coupons, Jon!
She needs approximately $350,000 a year (I once calculated it). Nobody knows what she has stashed away in overseas bank accounts, but if it's close to four million or more, she does have a few years to go before she's scraping bottom. Nannies and sitters should be the first to go, since there's no way she needs them when school is in session and Jon has the kids every other weekend.
Okay...so I know nothing. Joking, not serious ;)
I didn't know you could include field trip costs in tuition. Wasn't that way when I was in school of course that was public school to.
And I mean her drinking her box of wine that isn't included with meals.
Gee a train ticket where I live costs you $5.00 for a round trip for the whole day.
And anyway, sooner or later I would think quite possibly she would need to get a better paying job than blogging. Someday her house of cards will fall. Someday...
Anonymous said... 135
Where can I see the pictures of them in church? Looked but cannot find. Thanks
You can see the pic on Kate's twitter feed.
"I didn't know you could include field trip costs in tuition. Wasn't that way when I was in school of course that was public school to."
My school did include field trips and student retreats into the cost of tuition. I was in a small private school. I thrived there because I got so much one on one attention. The school was not prestigious but it did provide a good education. I was able to get all of the individual help I needed there to be in the top 10% of my class. I was determined to prove my mother wrong. She said that I was to dumb to do well in school. At the time, I had undiagnosed dyslexia. I was tested for it in College and suddenly everything made sense.
@Annie2, while I didn't go to private school, I can relate with being undiagnosed with learning difficulties. College life, I can tell you if you aren't prepared it's a killer.
School I went to was in a poor town, 45 or more students to a room, one teacher you got lost in the shuffle, they were so by the book they never taught you anything else.
Doesn't matter if your school is private or public all that matters is that you thrive in whatever environment is the best for that particular child. Why I will never understand Kate's labeling and keeping her 6 together. Sad.
I still cannot believe she took a picture during church period. Does not seem right.
This is the same woman who complains and bemoans her life is ruined by the intrusion of paps, having other people take her pictures in public. Well, I'm sorry. Here you are taking pictures at inappropriate times. You seem to want it both ways Kate. How selish can one narcassist be?
Marie said... 143
I still cannot believe she took a picture during church period. Does not seem right.
Kate allowed the kids to be on cam while potty training and while throwing up and crying. I put nothing pass KG which is pretty darn sad for a mother.
Doesn't matter if your school is private or public all that matters is that you thrive in whatever environment is the best for that particular child.
I wish I could like this comment 1000 times.
I am so happy that there are so many charter schools now. They give parents and children more options. My niece who is also dyslexic is going to a charter school this year. They have done so much for her. She came in testing at two grade levels below her actual grade level. She will be at grade level by the end of the year. They found out that color overlays work well for her. I wish that charter schools existed when I was a child.
I hope the Gosselin children love their school and get the help they need there. They need so much emotional help right now. I dont understand why Kate tries to keep them together as a unit when they are all separate individuals. They are not a six pack Kate! Please let them be individuals.
I don't know much about high finance. Does anyone know what is a realistic expectation on how much annual income can be generated from investments worth a couple million dollars?
Love you Dallas Lady....couldn't have said it better...
Rule number four please.
Heide said... 147
I don't know much about high finance. Does anyone know what is a realistic expectation on how much annual income can be generated from investments worth a couple million dollars?
Depends on the year and the market, depends on whether you're in conservative or aggressive investments. At Kate's age she should be in aggressive still.
I'd say anywhere from $50,000 a year to $100,000 or more. Which isn't a bad supplement when you're also getting child support, a lot of freebies still, and have a mediocre job blogging too.
Well that photo of the kids at Christmas was so incredible I added it to this post! Look for under the Runner's Up section, "Silent Night, Holy Child Exploiter"
Well that photo of the kids at Christmas was so incredible I added it to this post! Look for under the Runner's Up section, "Silent Night, Holy Child Exploiter"
And there are still 5 days left until 2012... what other brain farts can Kate do?
Someone over on Twitter asked why this blog is "suddenly pro-Kate" -- really? You could have fooled me!
How do they come up with this stuff?
lol. This blog isn't pro or anti anything but pro kids.
And just to remark about Ellen being dragged through the mud yet again, a private figure should be off limits. If Kate has a problem with her, Kate is a big girl and can get herself to court and ask for the proper court orders. She hasn't, or if she has, the court has shot her down. On the contrary, Kate has never said one negative thing about Ellen that we know of. There was even an episode where they went to Baltimore and Mady brought Ellen up and Kate still didn't even say something, she didn't even so much as make a face. On this point, maybe Kate is actually doing the right thing and trying to be supportive. The kids seem to like Ellen and their loyalties are often with Kate so if Kate didnt want them to like her I don't think we'd see them as comfortable as they are with her. We know she can't keep her mouth shut and that if she had a problem she would say something. I think she really doesn't care, she doesn't want him so someone else can have him.
Re: the candlelight service pic- notice it's golden platter favorite HANNAH who gets to hold the third candle (Kate's; M & C were old enough to have one each) I always wonder why she's the fave- it it b/c she is domestically inclined? I don't think so- I think that was just encouraged in her. Let's see, what could it be? Something skin deep IMO.
154- I think it is because Hannah "knows how to help her." Anyone who "helps her," (M & C who helped with wrapping gifts), ranks higher in her warped mind.
Not trying to mean, but I think the boys are "second class citizens" in that house. All 3 boys look sad, have never really been favored like the girls (Kate did not go on the boys special day trips), but handle their dismay differently, in my opinion. I believe Kate has some "male authority," issues that have unwittingly impacted on her behavior towards the boys. And it is sad.
150- Admin- Good choice. Her lack of good judgement on a solemn occassion definitely ranks up there. So disgraceful.
Yes, 'icky boys' but Kate also used to compare C and M, with M always come out last, due to her tantrums, and Cara doing things 'beautifully'- although now I think Mady knows how to manipulate her mother more and Cara has fallen a bit under the radar !
This is how I recall Kate viewing the tups in words or treatment:
Alexis- the 'disturber,' wild child, slept in basement
Collin- a 'helper' with a 'big head'; angry a lot
Joel- worst -treated ( laundry room, whiner, not allowed to help with July 4th cake, not allowed to 'breathe' etc)
Aaden- smart 'professor' although not 'perfect' due to glasses, afraid to ride boy's bike
Leah and Hannah- best friends (leaving Alexis out a lot) and Kate's favorites although H takes the prize.
"The candlelight service pic- notice it's golden platter favorite HANNAH who gets to hold the third candle"
I hope that the kids will question her about the favoritism one day. They should hold her accountable for the way they were treated.
So predictable, the twitter silence. Guess she cuddled up with her box of wine and watched Kardashian shows until she passed out. All alone in a messy house eating leftover ham. Nice, just as she deserves
To me, the Twitter silence means that either she drank too much boxed wine and passed out, or she called Steve the millisecond the kids were gone and had him come over to help her "celebrate".
A few recent tweets. I'm betting she woke up around noon. The kids are probably at Jon's.
Just back from an outdoor run... First one in awhile. It was short but felt great to be out! Whatcha up to? 55 minutes ago
I'm over-Christmasssed, unburying from toys, wrappings&mess& enjoying the leftovers & sleep ins the holidays bring! Have a good day every1! about 5 hours ago
I don't see how her constant bragging about how much sleeps she gets isn't annoying to her Mommy fans. Mediocre mommies are lucky to sleep in until 7am. They never get the volume of time Kate does to just loaf around.
Kate is so predictable, and quite frankly, anyone who admires any of the Kardashians has a screw loose. There is nothing to admire about them, never has been.
Uh oh......
Tabloid word has it that Gaga lady is looking to buy a mansion in Lancaster County (central PA area?) to be near her boyfriend.
Let's take bets - how long before kart's twitter has some Gaga action?!
I'm thinking she'll hear the gossip, twit about Gaga, her 'good friend' and offer advice on neighborhoods, to meet for coffee, etc.
Gaga, of course, will not answer and kart twitiots will commence the Gaga hate for not showing respect to their queen........
At the very least, kart will try to grift some gaga concert tickets as she is surely 'the girls most fave singer'. Taylor Swift, eat your heart out!
Really, how long will it take before she mentions gaga on her twit?
Eeek! I don't consider Gaga a good role model like Taylor Swift is- she's under Inspiration on K8's website...will the Kardashians and Gaga be posted there as well???
I guess we'll be hearing about New Year's plans soon...another party for 'friends?' Her New Year's Resolutions? ( which seem to include new show, new book, marathons....same old)
Kate's putting it out there that she needs a new treadmill!
lol, 166, it's ONE DAY after Xmas, geez!! a bit soon to be asking for new things... BTW what ever happened to that abdominizer thing she endorsed?
I see the kids are back from Jon's and are showering ( decontamination?) So after their leftovers lunch, does that mean Jon had them all of maybe 3-4 hours??? Incredible. I hope they had fun and got to see some relatives and just relax and enjoy their visit- that's really all it is..:(
I've just been asked 2 babysit a green&a purple figit friend while their 'moms' r showering... Is this my 1st glimpse of the future? 9 minutes ago
Actually, I'm guessing her kids, once grown, are not going to be asking her to babysit in the future, let alone see their kids.
Admin -- !
Very brave to post 'worst moments', with 7 days left to go in 2011--plenty of time left for her to put another nail in her own coffin!
I am Jewish, and consider religion as a very private matter. Although we have police protection at the entrance, I consider my synagogue to be a safe place, free from interference and public display. Even the dirtiest tabloids do not (in my memory, at least), intrude at a time of worship. She clearly has no boundaries--I pity her children, or as she calls them, "extensions", some of whom will, inevitably, suffer in the poor life choices they will make.
Thanks for the forum for discussion that this blog has provided! If I am going to have this fascination about a washed up celeb, I am glad I am in such good company.
Kate looks like she's gotten her wish...the paparazzi have finally gotten a life and decided to ignore her ridiculous ass. But for a woman who screams that she wants privacy (I know, I know....), she sure is running like a rodent on a wheel trying so hard to stay relevant. Pictures in the middle of church service, just wow!!! Can't believe she didn't bug another worshiper to take the picture with her in it. You know, to prove she finally went to church. Ack, this woman is insufferable.
Oh another thing, regarding her finances. Who knows what she's saved and what she's spent thus far. My thoughts are that she hasn't paid for much of anything since the tups were born. Now that she is no longer newsworthy nor is she the recipient of freebies facilitated by TLC, I think the bitch is panicking. She has some money but never counted on having to actually spend it on those kids, even tho it's theirs in the first place. I think she's finally purchasing the kids' clothes with her own money because she's buying them clothes that are embarrassingly too large. She made her bed. She wanted all these kids, or so she thought, now it's time to actually support them instead of the other way around.
Did Kate buy the "figit friend" for Cara and Mady? They seem very juvenile for 11 year old girl's. If she did, you would think that for $50.00 each, she could have given them something more age appropriate for tweens.
Being frugal and saving your money don't seem to be related always to how much money you have and don't have. It seems like sometimes people who really should save the most, like in Kate's situation where she probably has a fixed pool of money and isn't likely to ever make that much again, end up spending way more than they have--probably mostly due to denial. If I just keep spending like I always do maybe it won't come true that it will run out. Some of the wealthiest people I know are very careful with their money. That's probably how they got to be wealthy--smarts. We've all known people who buy things they have no business buying. The psychology of what people do with their money is interesting I think.
This is a really interesting and scary article about a new study.
Obesity in teen years may be blamed on mother/child relationships
The mother-child relationship has always carried a lot of weight. Now researchers say some obese teens might be in essence, carrying the weight of their relationship with their mothers when they were younger.
A new study published in this week's edition of Pediatrics finds the type of relationship a mother has with her young child could affect that little one's chances of becoming obese as a teen.
Researchers looked at data of 977 children from around the United States, which documents relationship characteristics between mothers and their toddlers. The less of an emotional bond a mother had with her child, the higher the risk that the child would become obese by the age of 15.
When analyzing the data, investigators found 241 children or more than one-quarter of all toddlers who had poor emotional relationships with their mothers were obese as teens, compared to adolescents who were close to their moms at 13 percent.
The researchers at Ohio State University found that this new study actually supports previous research by the group, which shows toddlers who did not have a secure emotional relationship with their parents had an increased risk of becoming obese by the age of 4½. Knowing both of these points, researchers say both studies suggest the areas of the brain that control emotions and stress, along with appetite and energy balance, could be working together to influence the likelihood that a child will be obese.
More: http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2011/12/26/embargoed-26-dec-2011-0015-et-obesity-in-teen-years-may-be-blamed-on-motherchild-relationships/?hpt=hp_t2
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 173
Being frugal and saving your money don't seem to be related always to how much money you have and don't have. It seems like sometimes people who really should save the most, like in Kate's situation where she probably has a fixed pool of money and isn't likely to ever make that much again, end up spending way more than they have--probably mostly due to denial.
Yes, this is the story of just about every professional athlete who ever lived, and that of a huge number of former "stars" as well.
Minimal talent, with very short shelf life = no opportunity to earn once those few years of high earnings are gone.
The first two things this idiot should have done were 1) buy an appropriate, sustainable home and 2) pay it off in full.
If she'd been able to do that, maybe she'd be in a better position than the one she's in now. No matter how much the kids have made in the past seven years, it's not enough to support Kate for the rest of her life.
Reality bites, eventually.
I'm REALLY curious about those confidentiality agreements. Will there be people coming out of the woodwork in March when her contract is officially up?
I'm REALLY curious about those confidentiality agreements. Will there be people coming out of the woodwork in March when her contract is officially up?
A C/A doesn't end when a contract is up. It can terminate in a year, in five years, in ten years, or extend for life, depending upon the clause in the agreement. In addition, she confirmed on Twitter that she has no existing contract with TLC. Of course, she worded it to deny that the contract is up in February.
Interesting article, admin. I wonder if the writers intended this double entendre:
Obesity in teen years may be blamed on mother/child relationships
The mother-child relationship has always CARRIED A LOT OF WEIGHT.
Regarding the Fijits - my neighbor's twin girls,12, each got one. That's all they wanted for Christmas. I've been in stores and have seen pre-teens go nuts over these things. They are recommended for ages six and up, but seem to appeal more to the 10-11-12 age group.
Aren't there boys in that house too? What did the boys get I wonder. So far, as usual, it is all about the girls.
What an asshole. That 17 year old from England, Elliee, paid extra to ensure her gift got to Kate and the kids before Christmas Day and she just asked Kate if she's checked the mail TODAY (the day AFTER Christmas) and she just said no.
I bet she won't even tweet her when she does finally haul her ass down to the UPS place to get the package.
This is not meant to be snark; it is not meant as a jab at another blog; it is not being asked with disrespect, but simply because I'm curious and wonder if anyone here knows the answer.
The "other blog," the pitying one. Is it on its last legs? The reason I am asking is because I noticed that each month the number of posts has dropped dramatically. There really isn't any "conversation" there anymore, no intelligent discussion, and the comments are not up to date with what is happening in the Gosselin world. Additionally, in 150 posts for the entire month, one-quarter of them are from the same poster, who does nothing but re-post one or two of Kate's tweets.
Did they lose moderators, don't they have enough help to approve comments, or are they letting the blog just fade away?
Just want to say that I hope the Gosselin kids had a great Christmas.
What an asshole. That 17 year old from England, Elliee, paid extra to ensure her gift got to Kate and the kids before Christmas Day and she just asked Kate if she's checked the mail TODAY (the day AFTER Christmas) and she just said no.
Both USPS and UPS were closed today.
However, she certainly seems to be totally unconcerned about responding to any tweets about when and if she received packages. What an ingrate.
Actually, I'm guessing her kids, once grown, are not going to be asking her to babysit in the future, let alone see their kids.
Server's her right it's just like she did her parents.
That's the thing, not only will the kids probably estrange her based on her behavior alone, of their own accord, but it will be an option that they will see as readily apparent. I honestly think a lot of adults simply don't think this is an option to deal with someone toxic, just not in their possibilities. But these kids have been taught over and over and over that if someone is not meshing with you and your values, cut them off.
Kate thinks she is helping her family's goals to just discard anyone who gets in the way, but the real karma will come when her kids do the same thing to her.
Pity Party said... 179
Aren't there boys in that house too? What did the boys get I wonder. So far, as usual, it is all about the girls.
They got new boots, buckets for the feed, and shovels, for all the shit the chickens and Kate gives to them.
Poor boys should be living with their FATHER !
In answer to someone's question above,I seem to remember reading that Hannah was the first tup that she was allowed to hold and most probably the only one that she actually "bonded" with and that's why Hannah is the favored child. I purposely put the quotes around bonded becasue I don't think that Kate can actually bond with anyone other than the image in the mirror.
Kate better hope Steve lives long or she's going to be a lonely dog lady that's if he doesn't run away.I do see Jon being a loving happy grandpa playing with his grand kids.
Trust me, she'll be lucky if ANY of her eight kids voluntarily hang around once they're grown.
I've mentioned before Kate reminds me far too much of my own narcissist mother. The only difference is she wasn't on TV.
She had two kids and neither one of us have anything to do with her, and haven't in many years. She has three grandchildren, one nearly grown and two small (my brother's kids). She hasn't seen my daughter since she was four, she's simply not safe for any child to be around. My brother has made the same choice.
Her sister lives five minutes from her and hasn't seen her in 15 years. She won't take calls from her and all of my aunt's kids won't have anything to do with my mom. She's been the family pariah for at least 20 years or more.
She has no one. She cannot maintain real friendships and never has, because it has to be all about her. She's a taker, never a giver. She can charm people into being around her for a short time, but they always figure it out and disappear pretty quickly.
We were discussing her finances earlier and Out and About mentioned $350K or thereabouts for her yearly expenses, which sounds right to me. That means she needs a job that nets that much annually so as to not touch the principal on her savings. Even 4 million in savings wouldn't make $350K in interest per year. She won't find a job paying her that much.
So she's digging into the principal on her savings, which means the interest paid goes down a bit every time the balance in her savings goes lower. I also agree with Out and About's estimation of a few years that it will last.
That means, barring finding a job that nets around $350K a year, she'll run out of money right about the time the younger kids are 10 or 11 and the older girls are 14 or 15.
There's not a good time to run out of money, but talk about a particularly bad time. She'll also be looooooooong off the public radar. I really don't think she thinks all that far ahead.
Maybe she's thinking she will have found a super wealthy sugar daddy by then. Excuse me while I die laughing.
Ex-Burn Nurse said... 169
Thanks for the forum for discussion that this blog has provided! If I am going to have this fascination about a washed up celeb, I am glad I am in such good company.
Well-stated, Ex-Burn Nurse - and I totally agree.
I hope all of had/are having a wonderful holiday. We had a lovely Christmas here, especially loved spending time with my little nieces and nephews. Having had a quiet boxing day, I am finally catching up on kHate.
I simply can not fathom anyone thinking it would be acceptable to take a photo during a candlelit Christmas eve service. How appalling!
My 'favorite' kHatie moment of the year has to be Occupy Stupidity. What a farce. Does anyone recall what lunatic Milo did for the event?
Yes, I would hate to be a boy in that house. I remember when little Joel got mad at her once and called her a boy. She laughed and said that was the worst thing he could think of. She thought it was quite funny.
Kate's got her finances all figured out. Jon will work 4 jobs, and Ellen will work 3 jobs. They will send all 7 of their paychecks to Kate. The boys can shovel snow for neighbors, mow grass, walk dogs and wash cars. Problem solved.
The girls can go to the spa with Kate.
fidosmommy said... 192
Kate's got her finances all figured out. Jon will work 4 jobs, and Ellen will work 3 jobs. They will send all 7 of their paychecks to Kate. The boys can shovel snow for neighbors, mow grass, walk dogs and wash cars. Problem solved.
The girls can go to the spa with Kate.
And Steve can hold all the purses.
fidosmommy said... 192
Kate's got her finances all figured out. Jon will work 4 jobs, and Ellen will work 3 jobs. They will send all 7 of their paychecks to Kate. The boys can shovel snow for neighbors, mow grass, walk dogs and wash cars. Problem solved.
The girls can go to the spa with Kate.
Don't forget the dog he'll have a job to since boys are icky to Kate.
@twtr_is_4_twits @kateplusmy8 I'm LMAO thinking about Lady Gaga moving within miles of Kates house. Somehow PA won't be the same.
Sorry, Tweeter, but she's not moving "within miles" of Kate's house. She bought a home in Bent Creek (country club) here, which is nowhere near Kate's house. Kate will not run into her because Kate would have no reason to be in the neighborhood, nor would they frequent the same places. ROL has it listed as a mansion estate. It is not a mansion, nor an estate. It is a gated community where the homes are located fairly close to each other, with very small yards. I've talked to several people who have met her and had dealings with her, and she is very personable, friendly, unassuming, and totally unlike Kate. Apparently her relationship with Taylor Kinney is serious.
And Steve can hold all the purses.
And the Fijits!
I have felt it for years that Kate appears rather, well, maybe sexist isn't the right word here towards her children. Very gender specific with boy things or girl-only activities.
She did not go with Jon and the boys on any of their "Special Days," and did not even participate in the activities of her girls--horse riding, fun zone or roller skating but seemed rather bored with the whole thing.
"No you're a boy, no you're a girl." Seems very frequent with Kate. Sure she thinks when her sons are angry that it's cute now but as they get older a large vocabulary she might want to rethink that.
I can see as the boys get older she will have them do a bulk of what Jon once did for her: yard work, fixing the house, raking and everything maybe even getting her coffee before they leave for their school or part-time jobs.
"Boys are strange, boys are icky, you're nails are horrendous, they will make their wives happy one day, my helper boy." Are a few things I can remember she has said to them. Above all, "Take care of ME when I am old." Also speaks to me her mind of keeping them under her thumb.
Is it normal for a narcissist to single out one child in favor towards them, similar to the aspect of an abuser singling out one child to torment? Because we see it with some of her kids. That she has them by rank: little girls, big girls, boys.
On the other hand she has cut her girls hair different lengths so she can know who they are without looking at them. I still do not know how she manages to get all 6 to still dress alike and never had any fits about "I don't want to wear that!" Believe me there will come that day when they want to wear their own clothing non-matching.
Kate, I feel is one day going to be for a rough row of things with her kids. Things she created and things now she seems rather to think are funny or to be proud of. They aren't and will not be one day.
All the mansions here are close together with small yards. That doesn't make them not mansions. Mansion isn't really a scientific definition. It's just a way to describe a big house. What isn't a mansion to one is to another.
I have heard good things about Lady Gaga. She did an interview with Anderson Cooper last year where she was very likable too. She is incredibly bright and you get the sense she is sort of experimenting with this thing called fame, fascinated with fame, but not because she is full of herself, but rather has an interest in the psychology behind it and how you can manipulate it. Showing up at the Grammy's in an egg, etc.
Norman Reedas did a good interview about her where he described a lot of her qualities--namely, she's very hard working, dedicated, talented, doesn't want to offend others. Oh guess what, she is religious. But of course, doesn't flaunt it so most people don't know. This fact got buried in a Larry King interview once she did years ago, quote: “I believe in Jesus, I believe in God."
Not a lot of celebs are going to come right out and say I believe in Jesus in a way that is not meant to be self serving.
This fact got buried in a Larry King interview once she did years ago, quote: “I believe in Jesus, I believe in God."
Her boyfriend is a graduate of a local high school here, Lancaster Mennonite. The Mennonites are a group of Christian Anabaptists, part of the Plain sect. The Amish split from the Mennonites in the 17th century. I wonder if she will attend services with him at his church!
You're right - what is a mansion to one, is a big house to another. I know the house, and it's not a mansion by the standards here. I have never heard anyone refer to the homes as mansions or estates. It's smaller than many homes in the area, with little outside yard maintenance in the golf course community. It's a very nice piece of property and she should enjoy living here. The school taxes, though, are killers! It's just hard to imagine Lady Gaga living in Lititz, PA!
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