Monday, December 19, 2011

Local photographer captures photos of Kate at Target

Up and coming Berks County photographer Shawn Rutkowski ran into Kate at Target the other day and whipped out his camera. The young artist captured a softer, gentler side of Kate we don't see that often as she shopped for paper towels, storage containers and feminine products. Shawn is graciously letting us post the photos here.

Thanks, Shawn, for sharing your work with us. You can check out more of Shawn's stunning photos at his web site, especially more of his awesome portraits. 

415 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 415   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

What's so ironic is that Kate looks so much softer, nicer and approachable here than she has ever looked when she tries to act like a celebrity.

By the way, I know there were a few comments from before about Kate's personal space being invaded. Shawn the photographer is a real young guy and has been SOO sweet over email sharing all his photos and letting us post them, he also shares our concern about the kids being exploited, so please don't use this thread to insult him. As you can see from the photos, they were clearly taken in a public parking lot. And he said Kate clearly saw him, made eye contact, but did not say anything. In other words, she did not ask him no to take her photo, which she could have done if she felt invaded. Thanks everyone. And thanks Shawn!

Westcoaster said... 2

Softer, gentler, perhaps but you also see quite clearly the affects of the cosmetic procedures she has had on her face, which I think make her harder and older.

Anonymous said... 3

Kate looks so nice in these pics. Fresh. Not overdone.

For the posters who have mentioned care packages to troops- I thought I would list a few items that we (Active duty here) really appreciate when forward deployed:

razors - double blade (remember guys have to shave everyday)
Carmex type lipbalms- ones that actually heal, not the ones that are plain wax. You wouldn't believe how chapped our lips become, to the point of splitting.
BABYWPIES!!! we can't always get a shower LOL
AXE body washes (the young guys seem to like this stuff)
shaving cream
Don't forget the ladies-
feminine products
hair ties and barrettes and bobbypins for blondes and brunettes
ok back to the everyone list:
Finger nail clippers (these can be a life saver)
emery boards
beef jerkey
microwave popcorn
gum and mints (please- LOL)
coffee- both instant and grounds
coffee mate creamer
That is a good start on a list. I know it may seem like expensive items but if you stop and think about it, these items become luxuries and it's the little things, like coffee mate creamer for your coffee, that can make yet another 12-20 hour day tolerable.
And if anyone is so inclined, many service members are into working out and any type of protein stuff (many types) and power bars and such would be a real treat.
Thanks to everyone who supports the troops, and don't forget your first responders (I hear they like cookies!!) and teachers!!

Happy Holidays!!

The Big Big Doll said... 4

The child-size doll was called "Patty Play Pal."

My two younger sisters and I had one dressed as a nun, being the good Catholics that we were!

Blog Fan said... 5

Very nice pictures. They show a more normal side of Kate. If I lived closer, I'd have Shawn take photos of me to see if he can make an old woman like me look good! Shawn, keep up the good work.

Localyocul said... 6

Wow! She looks like an average, pretty young woman there. She looks 10 years younger than she usually does. BTW I see she tweeted complaining about the kids being home for break. Sigh.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 7

See, Kate can go back.

Big improvement.

Good for her.

Anonymous said... 8

I see Kate's re-colored her hair. It looks much more natural here, with more lowlights and less brassyness (is that a word?). Now, if she'd only learn how to smile occasionally, a genuine smile, not that teeth-baring crocodile grin she gives for the camera, she'd be an attractive, middle-aged mom.

To carry over from the previous thread -- Ham and beans isn't just a NE dish. I grew up in the Midwest, and we had ham and beans fairly often. My favorite was the ham/green beans/potatoes -- we always added some onions, too -- but sometimes Mom would make baked beans to serve with cold sliced ham. We always had that with potato salad and cole slaw. I still make the ham/green beans, etc. in my slow cooker. It freezes well, so I can get several meals out of a small slow cooker full.

I'm going to be pretty busy the next few days, so if I don't get a chance to post again -- I wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope your days are filled with fun, family and friends. God bless us, everyone.


eliza said... 9

well she looks quite normal and not plastic in these photos. I'm looking past her and more at the crispness on the photos (especially the last one) I like his work. Good job.

Pity Party said... 10

I really like the third photo. She looks contemplative. It is sad to think of where KT, Jon and the kids would be now had it not been for the divorce.

I didn't see the pineapple casserole posted so I found it and it sounds quite yummy. Pineapple and candied sweet potatoes are delicious with ham and good for days of grazing. My mom used to make candied sweet potatoes with any type of pork. She would slice them up, cover them with sugar and butter and fry them up in a skillet. I also love sweet potatoes with stuffing.

1 (20 ounce) can pineapple chunks, drained
1 (8 ounce) can crushed pineapple with juice
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 cup white sugar
1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
1 2/3 cups crushed saltine crackers
3 tablespoons butter, melted
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2.Combine the pineapple chunks and crushed pineapple with syrup. Mix together and pour into a 2 quart baking dish.
3.Mix together the flour and sugar, sprinkle evenly on top of pineapple. Cover with cheese, top cheese with cracker crumbs and drizzle melted butter on top.
4.Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 25 minutes. Allow to cool for 10 minutes and serve.

Some said in the comments that they cut the sugar in half and it was fine.

I guess my tirade is over with regard to her Christmas extravaganza and off to do my own.

I may try this casserole as I love pineapple.

fidosmommy said... 11

Is that pineapple recipe asking for pineapple in juice or in heavy syrup? It says one thing in the list of ingredients and the other in the directions.

This recipe is different from the one I make. Mine doesn't have the cheese or the saltines, and I prefer just the crushed pineapple or the tiny tidbits instead of the chunks. I can't remember all the ingredients in mine, except what I listed before - loads of sugar.......

Tucker's Mom said... 12

butterfly said... 3
Kate looks so nice in these pics. Fresh. Not overdone.

For the posters who have mentioned care packages to troops- I thought I would list a few items that we (Active duty here) really appreciate when forward deployed:
Where exactly can we donate? I'd love to have a resource and would be happy to donate!
BTW, we did donate to our local Catholic Charities soup kitchen and Thrift Shop. They were so very grateful and it felt terrific. We're now picking up one or two bulk items from Costco each time we go so we can put together a donation package about once a month. We'll keep pulling from our pantry too.
Blonder is not better, Kate. Her hair looks so much better in a color that actually occurs in nature.

Pity Party said... 13

I think it would be the syrup. I looked at my cans and they said syrup. There were several different ones on with slight variations of the same. I chose the one with cheese to cut the pineapple and a bit and the saltines to give it some crunch.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 14

WOW- Kate looks good- much more normal and down to earth. Less glamour and glitz suites her well.

I love all of the Christmas stories on here- very heart warming and nostalgic. When I was a child, I loved Barbies. Money was tight and stretched to buy gifts for six kids on one salary. My mom was a great shopper who was savvy at stretching a dollar and would always buy us things we needed first - socks, pajamas, shoes, etc.. first. She would try to get us some of the things we wanted - in my case books(loved to read) and one year a knock-off Barbie version- who had a mean sinister appearance. My grandmother was very generous to the grandkids and would spoil me with a Barbie and some Barbie clothes for Christmas and my birthday. As my small collection grew, the poor knock off doll became the "evil" friend who was the villian in all scenarios when I played with my friends. (I think it was something with her eyebrows or eyes that made her look mean.) Anyway, evil Barbie was the star in many of our scenarios and provided all of us with many hours of entertainment. My girlfriends always wanted me to bring "evil" Barbie along, as our scenarios could not go on without her; she served a purpose.

Years later when my mom was cleaning out the attic and I had moved out, I gave all of my Barbie collection to my niece, but saved evil Barbie for myself, as I knew that my mom had bought this gift from the heart. My mom was speechless when I kept the "mean Barbie" and gave the rest to my niece- she had a WTF look on her face. I told her then and there that this was always my favorite Barbie. And I still have her in my attic. I am still lucky enough to have my mom in my life and I actually pulled mean Barbie out of the attic yesterday while cleaning up and was laughing and crying at the same time. My fiance looked at me like I had lost my mind....

I digress. To the posters who have recently lost loved ones, my heart goes out to you.

TLC stinks said... 15

Dressing normally for once but you can see she's had work done around her eyes. So who's watching the kids while she is shopping?

Tucker's Mom said... 16

. And I still have her in my attic. I am still lucky enough to have my mom in my life and I actually pulled mean Barbie out of the attic yesterday while cleaning up and was laughing and crying at the same time. My fiance looked at me like I had lost my mind....
I'm laughing and crying reading this! Thanks so much for sharing.
I do actually remember a lot of my Christmas presents. It was just me and my brother, so with 2 kids, my parents put on the dog for Christmas. It was and still is some of my very best memories. Now, I didn't get a Shetland pony, but the presents were abundant. Some years more than others, depending.
My favorite was getting to my stocking. I loved to see what Mom managed to wrangle in there.

PJ's momma said... 17

To add to what Butterfly said (thank you!), you can mail all those things in a flat rate box and the biggest box has $2 off when mailed to an APO or FPO. Since pressurized contents are banned, I'd also recommend the shave lotion you can guy instead of cans of cream. I'd offer to get an address out, but I am literally leaving to get on a plane. Perhaps your local USO (at airports) can recommend a unit.

Yes, Kate looks very nice here.

Cwgirlup75 said... 18

These are nice pictures, and it's a pleasant change to see Kate look like a 36 year old mom and not an aging hooker.

That said, I disagree that she looks softer or gentler in these pics. Maybe because she seems like such an unhappy person all the time. The only time we ever see a genuine smile from her is when she is away from her kids, with Steve, being catered to like the star she thinks she is. That's really sad to me.

I'd also bet money that she is spitting mad that she is not making any money off these pics. Just my opinion.

TLC stinks said... 19

Contrary to Admin's description, the only thing that is softer looking is her hair. Her skin is either bumpy or there is sun damage, not the clear complexion she used to have. Don't mean to nitpick, but she looks like one of those gals that looks young from the back until they turn around.

Katie Cry-duh said... 20

Actually the hair is augmented by extensions. Look at her hairline. There's a tuft of broken off hair sticking straight up. I think this is why she has been parting her hair strangely lately, looks like some of her hair is falling out

Winsomeone said... 21

Why does she wear snow boots when the ground is dry? That's twice now I have seen her doing this. Can't be for warmth, as she just has a vest on.

TLC stinks said... 22

There was some spirited discussion on the other thread about Kate's "lonely" Xmas. I don't think you can be lonely with 8 kids. If there are no cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents, it's Kate's fault. Just think how that big house could be filled with relatives. I can't believe she does not reconnect with her family at this point. The show is gone, so what's her excuse?

Duckman said... 23

Kate's dead-from-the-neck-up look makes these otherwise well-photographed shots look like test shots taken in anticipation of the real model showing up. Say, a 20-something Jennifer O'Neill.

Bluebird said... 24

I agree she looks good in these pictures, like a normal 36-year old Mom, although you can tell that she has had some work done around her eyes. Too bad there's no plastic surgery or whatever to change inner ugliness.

This is a bit off topic, but here goes. I live in Quebec, Canada and this time of year usually means skiing, snowmobiling and outdoor ice skating. Well, we've been having unusually mild weather and have not yet had a major snowstorm. Everyone is saying we may have a green Christmas. I'm ready, my decorating, shopping, wrapping and baking is all done, but it was sure weird shopping without the slippery sidewalks, biting cold and hurrying to get to and from the stores without freezing. This weekend I was talking to neighbours on the side of the road and I just had a sweater on and hard soled slippers, which is unthinkable compared to our normal winters. All this to say even though I'm ready (besides last minute cooking), it's hard to get into the Christmas spirit, although listening to Christmas carols and looking at Christmas movies (The Santa Clause, Grinch, Miracle on 34th Street)does help. Have a very Merry Christmas everyone and may all your hearts be filled with joy as you greet family and friends into your home! ~ Administrator said... 25

It never snows here but I wear boots like that whenever it drops below 60. Everyone does. ~ Administrator said... 26

Ahhh my alarm didn't go off until 7:30 today! Now that's what I call an awesome sleep in! :) loved it! about an hour ago


I wonder if she realizes her constant bragging about all the sleep she gets must really wear on other busy moms with several kids who don't have the support of nannies and helpers and every other weekend free while kids are at dad's.

Mel said... 27

For a woman who is supposedly soooo organic, and into healthy eating, her meals are remarkably unhealthy. Mostly made with highly processed ingredients.

Not that the Christmas meal shouldn't be fun and whatever you want, but it follows along the lines of all of her other meals.....very(!) carb heavy, salty, fat-laden.

I thought this was an organic, health freak mom. Oh wait. It's just that stupid Kate Gosselin with her usual lies.

Once a Viewer said... 28

Yes, Shawn's photographs are excellent. Kate looks nice in them, not mean or fake or any of her usual expressions.Although the eyes.... Isn't it true you can photograph anyone in a public space?

thanks Shawn, and Admin! ~ Administrator said... 29

Yes you can take photos in a public space, especially of celebs. The law protects journalists, even celebrity journalists.

Technically, I suppose Target could say this is a private parking lot and ask him to leave, but he could stand on the edge of the property line and take photos into a private place.

Winsomeone said... 30

Gee, where I live, we wear shorts when it's 60. ~ Administrator said... 31

Winsomeone lol we were just chuckling over that with some of my Seattle friends. Back on the East Coast I def whipped out the shorts when it was 60 too. Here 60 feels cold.

It will never get cold enough here for cute boots so you sort of find a temperature where you're not going to roast in them. Seriously, women wear them all "winter" long.

Mel said... 32

Where I live (Minnesota) I have the top down on the convertible until 55 degrees. At which time I put up the windows and turn on the heat doesn't go back up until 50 degrees.

Funny about the boots. It's 23 degrees here today, no snow. Thus my peep toes are still good to go.

gramof5 said... 33

I find it very hard to pay any compliments to the worse mother of the year. The only thing to me that looks decent is the way she is dressed in these pictures.
I agree with #20 about the overflow of hair extentions. Kate has destroyed her natural hair. She had pretty hair and her skin was fresh looking. Then came the bleaching, over processing, fake hair, not to mention the excessive pasted on makeup.
I'm sorry, but I think she looks like an old worn out housewife that spent the day in the closet with her bottle, trying to escape the reality of the real world.
If she looks like she's 36 yrs. old,I'm going to ask my local bag boy at Krogers out for dinner.Maybe he won't notice that I'm 65 yrs old !
I try to find something nice to say about Kate, but I can't find anything. So lately I have just kept my mouth shut, but couldn't help but chime in on this one.
I do find it rather strange that these pictures show up right before the holidays, when we haven't seen any for some time now. And also, that a brand new guy shows up with a camera in the Target parking lot just to shoot a few pics of Katie.

Dmasy said... 34

OT: Angelina Jolie was on Anderson this morning. She is beautiful. She glows when she speaks of her children. She was there to promote her directorial debut movie, In the Land of Blood and Honey. However, the movie discussion would mostly revert to family talk. If it is true (Jamie said.) that Kate wants to think that she is Angelina, she is missing everything quality to copy except the fame. AJ spoke of charity, global concerns, and easing the pain and suffering of others. Everything, for example extensive traveling, with her kids is FUN. She takes them everywhere. She and Brad have a deal that one of them will stay home when the other is working. Stay home is in charge of kids and is always the happier of the two of them. One statement she made was to the effect that she is completely unaware of which children are adopted and which children are bio. She seemed genuine. I don't usually watch interviews, but Angelina captivated me.

Bluebird said... 35

Sorry, I just noticed that I wrote 'neighbours' that's how we write it in Canada. In the US I believe it's written 'neighbor'. Big difference for me as I rarely write in English, my first language is French. ~ Administrator said... 36

I think it helped Angelina tremendously she had the mother that she did. She seems to be striving

She is probably one of the more maternal celebs we've seen. Seems to me that a lot of women in this business lack some of that, probably because it attracts so many narcissists. It is obvious to me she is not narcissistic, and I also find it telling they don't hang out with too much of Hollywood, they rarely even live out there. I'm guessing they don't relate.

Whenever she talks the conversation always seems to wind itself back to family and her kids and Brad. Her family is just always on her mind, she can't help herself talking about them, and it's really endearing. ~ Administrator said... 37

Striving to be just like her mother I forgot to say.

Once a Viewer said... 38

Well, I was actually more impressed with the photographer Shawn than his subject!! His website was awesome.

I wear boots when it's cold, even if there is no snow ( as there hasn't been since that weird Nor'Easter October blizzard)

I took a peak at CC- there is a photo of a huge meal on the table, a tree and a fire (stock) nowhere near Kate's modest feat which she is stewing over...she said she's be 'slaving' over the side which could be prepared in advance as someone pointed out. Why is it always bigger/harder/longer (oops, well you know what I mean!!) for Kate, but she 'does it for the kids?' And yes, they will be full before going to Jon's- is this sabotage? Well, it's public now- she manages to put his last effort down every time...

Oh, and the reason I went to CC was to see if there was an e-mail to complain/make suggestions...I think I had it from this site once and I did e-mail with a comment that I disapproved of their new reply, but I now want to complain I am not getting any tips from her either !

Well, I have other things to do today- taking my two teenagers out for a Christmas shopping & lunch- or should I send them to a movie instead??

LisaNH said... 39

Yes, Kate does look much different than her usual "fashion" shots. I have to admit, I do like this look on her better than the "wanna be" look she generally shoots for.

I also agree with the other poster who stated her skin looks overdone. That was the one thing that stuck out to me in the pics too. Overstreched? Over-tanned? Bumpy? Not sure what she did to her skin, but it is certainly showing overuse.

I do like how she toned down her hair color. Between the color and the style, it makes her look younger.

Dmasy said... 40

Why don't we ever see her with an overflowing cart? Many children, closet full of gifts, mountains of wrapping paper, extensive menu plans -- but never the products or ingredients.

Where/when does she shop for all the stuff? Just hubby and I in our home and my carts are loaded with more merchandise or groceries than hers.

Allison J. said... 41

The thing is, we all know what is on the inside of Kate which is ugly all the way to the bone. Her inside personality and traits show up so much of the time it's hard to see what her positive looks might say.

I also agree she is wearing extensions. Sorry but nobody's hair grows as fast as hers has. To get to that length from the stub it was before takes forever. Besides, this summer on the camping trip it wasn't nearly that long. She added extensions.

Loved her comment on Twitter, choose happiness. She doesn't know what happiness is.

cat said... 42

Pretty Is as Pretty Does, and therefore, she is not pretty.

Anonymous said... 43

Yes, she does look softer more average (dare I say mediocre?) not like the domestic goddess she purports to be.


Dmasy said... 44

Administrator - 36: You are exactly right. She spoke so highly of her mother and all she did. She commented that she could never be as "good" as her mother was.

Ugh said... 45

Duckman said... 23

Kate's dead-from-the-neck-up look makes these otherwise well-photographed shots look like test shots taken in anticipation of the real model showing up.


Her eyes are dead, just dead.

Mirrors to the soul, indeed.


gramof5 said... 33

I find it very hard to pay any compliments to the worse mother of the year. The only thing to me that looks decent is the way she is dressed in these pictures.
I agree with #20 about the overflow of hair extentions. Kate has destroyed her natural hair. She had pretty hair and her skin was fresh looking. Then came the bleaching, over processing, fake hair, not to mention the excessive pasted on makeup.
I'm sorry, but I think she looks like an old worn out housewife that spent the day in the closet with her bottle, trying to escape the reality of the real world.


Totally agree, gramof5. She looks miserable and used up, just wearing "real" clothes for a change.

There is no inner beauty there, just a miserable shell, whether it is dressed and made up like a hooker or not.

Jnettemariee said... 46

In my ever so humble...She looks better with little to no eye makeup.

BUT...She also looks hard, like a middle aged stripper. Fake ta tas, tight jeans, barbie hair, it's not very becoming.

Doesn't she live in Rural PA, Amish Country I'm sure she doesn't look like other Mom's in her area.

I've said it before and I'll Say it again...She's looks more like a "REAL HOUSEWIFE" then a TLC MOM

there are no words said... 47

Kate tweeted (last night)

I'd love2chat but I need2sleep..a long day here-1st day of kids winter break&sooo much 2do-hard2balance w kids here!


Really?? What on earth does she have to "balance" when her little ATMs are home?

She has NO job. She has NO other demands on her time.

Take that, all you MEDIOCRE moms who have to work this week. Losers!

She's just sickening.

Tucker's Mom said... 48

Bluebird said... 24
I hear you, Bluebird! We start decorating early, like right after our Thanksgiving, and I was in shorts. Ugh! Not the right weather to get in the spirit of things.
It's weird here in the States now... there's been snow in Texas and New Mexico, but the more northern states, like Virginia where I am is nada.

anger issues kate said... 49

While the pics make her look a little normal, Kate looks a lot older than 36.
As for the rumours of Kate having a boyfriend: were there not rumours like this several time before, like every time Jon GF is in the news. I guess Kate PR are in rumour mill mood, again. From Kate tweets and all the suppose work Kate does, when does she find time to date, and why are there no pics of her with this fantasy/make believe guy, since Kate herself says that the paps are always at her house and take pics of her and follow her around? Strange huh? Where is Chris! Maybe purseboy is the BF? Kate has got to stay in the news, cause she is fading fast.
And considering where this info came from, it is nothing more than another media rumour.
As for this Kate is jealous of Ellen, another Kate PR doing rumour mill.

Mel said... 50

....Why don't we ever see her with an overflowing cart? ....Where/when does she shop for all the stuff? ....

I've often thought that. You never see what would have to be very full carts of groceries for 9 people for a week or so.

Someone else must do the grocery shopping. Or she has it delivered (after someone else orders it).

TLC stinks said... 51

What she is wearing is what I wear here in VA. Have to say, I'm 57 and my skin looks better than hers. She definitely got rid of the frown marks between her brows and looks like she's had the skin pulled tighter around the eyes. I can't believe she still denies the cosmetic surgery. It's so obvious. I think these shots prove that with professional makeup and photoshopping, anyone can look years younger. The only thing that may make a person do a double take is the hair. She's always one to try to get attention.

Zoe said... 52

My first impression of the photos....just another company trying to get free promotion/publicity. And it worked.

Yes, Kate is fair game in public. But, sorry, I don't have to respect the photographer for using her.

Mel said... 53

....And also, that a brand new guy shows up with a camera in the Target parking lot just to shoot a few pics of Katie....

It was just a chance encounter!!!! So they say.

Uh huh.

I think Chris was fired, or is otherwise unavailable. Thus, a new pap stalker, haunter, whatever.

Tell you take your good camera with the telephoto lens to Target? In Reading, PA?????? Just in case you run into someone famous????

Hahahahaha. Yeah. Not.

Although, ya gotta admit the guy does good work. Look what he did with Kate!

Mel said... 54

Yeah, right. Just a chance encounter.

Like the purse-boy shots from Mexico.

Dmasy said... 55

I believe in the chance encounter. She does not look like she was prepared for a photo shoot. I know some photographers and they do travel almost everywhere with their cameras.

Jnettemariee said... 56

To Mel, I agree with you 110%.

I live in a major city and I have never EVER seen random paps at Target or anywhere else. He had to be tipped off, or what? He just spends hours upon days waiting for Kate to leave target.

And why do we never EVER see her entering the store if they are random? Hmmm, I'm not buying it either

And to the lady in VA, GOOD FOR YOU! I still trying and sqeeze into my tight jeans, but then I remember I have to breath and off they But I rock leggings boots, and a sweater at this time of year! And I splurged on a Faux fur in true Teresa Style.

Jnettemariee said... 57

I apologize for the bad typing.

Mel said... 58

You know how she says that the "wrote" her book on her pink iphone?
I call bs on that, too.

I recently got a smartphone. Annoying as hell trying to type a short comment on it. I can't imagine writing a book on it. Talk about taking the hardest path imaginable!

Sheri said... 59

Zoe (52) said...

"My first impression of the photos....just another company trying to get free promotion/publicity. And it worked."

That's exactly what I thought but I also think Kate knows perfectly well this guy is taking her picture and she has some kind of deal with him.

I could be wrong but all this Gatorade, Goldfish crackers and coffee machine business smells like paid endorsements.

Has anyone else heard that celebrities can get paid thousands of dollars for a simple tweet saying they use/love/recommend such and such?

Juicy Juice anyone? So the kids get sick, she "calls out" for Gatorade and Goldfish crackers and then they miraculously show up at her door.

I don't think she's really "grifting" at all, I think she's endorsing and getting paid for it.

Just my two cents from still without snow Eastern Canada.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.

Tucker's Mom said... 60

Zoe, Mel... yup, I'm with you. Reading PA, the nexus of glamor, celebs and fame. Give me a frickin' break. If you are not familiar with the Reading area, if is anything but glamorous.
If someone was taking pics in the local mall parking lot, I'd call the cops. It's weird. Creepy.

Laurie said... 61

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.—Burton Hillis

Hoping you all have a happy and safe holiday season. ~ Administrator said... 62

The cops would just laugh if you called them about a pap. The law protects the press even if you're not used to seeing them.

And there is no conspiracy. Shawn just ran into her. It happens folks. ~ Administrator said... 63

Look at Shawn's portfolio He is abstract and stylistic. He is clearly not s pap. These are not even pap type photos but more like portraits. Please people. Why would Kate call up a guy who shoots sushi. Enough. Read my first comment. ~ Administrator said... 64

Mel I also know several photographers and yes they ALWAzyS carry their cameras.

Nancy said... 65

I agree that these photos show Kate looking "better". Wrinkles between the eyes gone, dressed normally, way nicer hair color..... but the turkey neck is still there, and I see the signs of hair breakage. And the dead expression in her eyes hasn't changed.

Anonymous said... 66

I think it is the hair making the "softer look". It it not bleach blond in the photo like usual but seems to have a lot of ashy low lights.

EM ~ Administrator said... 67

No one has to respect the photographer. But I am asking you to respect my request he not be bashed here.

Mel said... 68

Yeah, you're probably right, Admin. It's just that anything to do with Kate is suspect.

She didn't look all dolled up the way she usually does for pap photos.

I notice that she still has that stupid "I don't see you taking pics of me. I'm just here minding my own business in full make-up, blown-out hair, hooker heels, daisy dukes" look that she gets for the planned pap photos.

La,la,la. Here I am. Just getting gas. In hooker heels and full make-up. What? A photo? Of me? Oh my! I'm hardly prepared!

Anonymous said... 69

Just checked out Shawn Rutkowski's portrait gallery. This obviously talented photographer is no "pap" guy. My daughter, who is not a professional photographer but has an interest in photography, always has her camera with her. I don't mean her cell phone.


Mel said... 70

You are correct, bm, about the guy's talent. I'd checked the link out earlier. Obviously very good at what he does. Fabulous photos on his web site. I'd hire that guy in a minute! I LOVED his art photos.

His portrait photos were moving. They captured the personality of the subjects in such an artistic, sensitive way. I really like the fireman photo. My brothers are firemen, and this is how they look. Tired, sooty, but giving it their all to help somebody else.

I took a bullet said... 71

From Kate's blog. Shoka Diaries (no photos):

Dear Humans…
DECEMBER 19, 2011
Dear Humans,
Thank you for the baked goods that were clearly trash… I mean, they were tucked neatly into a bag near the trash cans, so naturally I thought they were a gift to, well, any animal that got to them first. Luckily, that was me!

I have been bored of my dog food lately, so the breads: banana, zucchini, pumpkin and cream cheese breads really hit the spot. I’m feeling fine this morning, bouncing around as usual, despite having eaten some doggone plastic wrap. I can tell you are watching me unusually closely though… I remember when Nala swallowed the stuffed horse and had to have surgery. I think I’m okay… But I know you’re watching me, just in case it gets a little “ruff.”

Anyway, thanks for the treats but next time, can you leave them unwrapped for me?


credit: Kateplusmy8. com ~ Administrator said... 72

A dog eating plastic wrap will never be cute or funny to me.

Gift of grab said... 73

Sheri, I might agree with your assessment on the paid-endorsement front, except for the fact that she has a pathetically low number of followers for having been on Twitter for 9 months. When so many other "D-list" reality stars exceed her numbers by the hundreds of thousands, it's not credible that anyone would pay her big bucks for tweeting about a product--ANY product. Just one example: Kelly Ripa and Kate signed up for Twitter at approximately the same time. Kelly now has more than 300K followers, nearly 5 times Kate's 67K. In the same 9-month period, Kelly has tweeted just over 1,000 times, while Kate has tweeted close to 9,000 times. I think you'd have to agree, from a marketing standpoint, Kate provides much less bang for the buck.

Marie said... 74

Three things. One, she hasn't thought of taking this daught to a vet, yet?! That's just cruel. Plastic wrap certainly cannot and should never be digested. What is she waiting for something to happen first? Could be to late by then if you ask me. I don't care if she wrote the piece to be cute or whatever, it's not. Makes her sound like she just wants to smooth over the issue, as always.

Why bring up Nala? She has never mentioned why she got rid of that dog in particular, she bought two, then brought one back. Why even mention it? All that's going to do is cause issue with somebody asking her...or is that what she wants? More drama?

And finally, why, why does she have to brag about sleep? She does this regardless. It's either, "I'm exhausted because A, B, C. Yet I get to sleep in because of D." I am beginning to think she feels entitled to bragging rights just because she has kids. So...???

Jnettemariee said... 75

His portraits were very well shot.

And maybe it was sheer coincidence that he happened to be in the parking lot of the local Target with camera in hand.

But why always the same stores?
Why only discount stores?
Doesn't she ever go to the mall or King of Prussia?
Why aren't her carts filled up? I feed 4 and I can't leave the store with out a cart full and I'm on a very tight budget?
For all her wanting to look like a famous person, where are the Louboutins, the Marc Jacobs?
She's so eager to spend the kids money, why not spend it on something like that instead of trips?

And don't get me wrong I have a thing for shoes, no I don't have Louboutins (not yet anyway) but I nice stuff that I've worked hard for and I'm very VERY frugal.

Fly on the Wall said... 76

Could this new photographer be the same one who shot her Fall photos?

Jnettemariee said... 77

I'm sorry for my ranting questions but she is very close to Philadelphia, yet you never see here around here.

She just pisses me off? ARGH, sorry again for the outburst...and I'm sure real celebs get stuff for free and Marc by Marc Jacobs isn't like CHanel, but I hope I got my point across

Jnettemariee said... 78

Fly on the Wall, GOOD POINT!!!!!

things that make you think said... 79

Fly on the Wall said... 76

Could this new photographer be the same one who shot her Fall photos?


That's a verrrrry interrrrresting question!

Pam said... 80

Are you sure you're not being duped by Steve pretending to be an up-and-coming photog?

I'm cynical when it comes to Kate. Perhaps Steve is trying to present this "softer side" of her? Trying to keep her in the media with photos?

It's just weird (to me ) that a young male photog would come here and offer you photos to publish.

On another note:

Her hair looks longer and darker. It's not so shockingly Playboy bleached blond anymore. Looks a LOT better! The blond she had before was too severe and harsh. ~ Administrator said... 81

Pam, he didn't ask as a matter of fact. I found his site and personally emailed him asking if I could reprint his photos here.

Bluebird said... 82

Tucker's Mom ....48
Maybe if we all send up special requests we will be blessed with snow, but the way things are going Santa's going to have a rough ride.

Mel ... 53
I do believe it was a chance encounter. He knows who Kate is and as a lot of photographers, cameras are always ready. I doubt if Kate knew she was going to be photographed because if she did, you can be assured that she would have had her gobs of make-up on, a low cut blouse, hooker heels and fake smile on the ready.

I took a bullet ....71
The only reason she wrote this was that she read here what everyone was saying and now she's trying to cover her a$$

Gift of grab .... 73
I totally agree with you. She is not considered an a-lister and would not be paid for endorsing products.

Pam said... 83

Sorry Admin. I commented before going back and reading other comments. I spoke before seeing your warning about comments about the photog.

If he is who he says he is...that's wonderful. He's shot the best pics of her, probably ever.

tate said... 84

I don't believe this was a chance encounter with the photog. Kate is very calculating and I really think this was another set up. I'm sure this guy wants publicity for his photog business and he may even be very nice, but there is no way he happened across Kate (with his camera) at the very moment she was leaving Target. I don't believe it.

LisaNH said... 85

After reading a number of comments, I agree with many who said that Kate's eyes are dead. They are either dead or botoxed. But you are all correct in the assessment that her eyes have that "I'm not all there" quality to them.

cathy518 said... 86

I may be slightly crazy from Christmas chaos but I don't see the Kate in these pictures that most of the bloggers here describe. She seems hard and brittle, a look that alcoholics get,actually. I don't see anything pretty about Kate in these pictures except that her clothes look normal and not whorish.

Kat said... 87

Give me an effing break...who in the world would be in a Target parking lot with a camera in their hands? Come on people..lets have some common sense. No offense... but if anyone thinks that was a chance encounter.... Wow...then I'm the good witch of the north...

Dee said... 88

cathy518 said... 86

I may be slightly crazy from Christmas chaos but I don't see the Kate in these pictures that most of the bloggers here describe. She seems hard and brittle, a look that alcoholics get,actually. I don't see anything pretty about Kate in these pictures except that her clothes look normal and not whorish.


I agree, cathy518. She doesn't look healthy. She looks physically stressed, old before her time, and tense. ~ Administrator said... 89

Tate how do you figure there Is no way Shawn ran into Kate? Many locals here have seen her out and about. It's Target where tons of people go the week of Christmas. He was probably at target, recognized her and whipped his camera out of his bag where most photographers always keep their equipment. Perfectly plausible. Sometimes the conspiracy theories wear on me, not everything about this woman is area 51.

Jane said... 90

Kat said... 87
Give me an effing break...who in the world would be in a Target parking lot with a camera in their hands? Come on people..lets have some common sense. No offense... but if anyone thinks that was a chance encounter.... Wow...then I'm the good witch of the north...


My nephew is a (very good) amateur photographer and carries his camera with him. These days, it's possible to get high quality photos with a not-very-big camera. He lives in suburban NJ and sometimes sees celebs - one of the Jonas brothers goes to the Short Hills mall - but his pics are mostly about everyday people and happenings. So yeah, it's entirely possible this photographer was at Target and saw Kate. ~ Administrator said... 91

Kat, You don't know any photographers do you? They always have their equipment in their trunk or in a bag. Always. You never know when that Pulitzer photo will happen. He likely saw her in the store and either grabbed his camera out of his bag or ran to his car. It's not a conspiracy for pity sake.

hey jude said... 92

These are some of the best pictures of Kate's outer shell.Too bad there is no life to her seeping through; she looks a little depressed and melancholy for all the sunshine and good sleep she's been getting.Her neck is very crepey for a 36 yr. old woman, too much tanning?

Teresa, Dwindle, you around? Having a Christmas party to-night at my house.Bring dainties and -byob- open invite.

chefsummer #Leh said... 93

Kate looks normal and nice she should be like this all the time.

Dee said... 94

Jane said... 90

My nephew is a (very good) amateur photographer and carries his camera with him. These days, it's possible to get high quality photos with a not-very-big camera. He lives in suburban NJ and sometimes sees celebs - one of the Jonas brothers goes to the Short Hills mall - but his pics are mostly about everyday people and happenings. So yeah, it's entirely possible this photographer was at Target and saw Kate.


I always carry mine, too, and snap pictures whenever and wherever the opportunity arises. It's easy to carry a modern camera around, and I can assure Kat that your nephew and I are hardly the only people who do.

Yes, "celebrities", even D-listers, walk among us, and get their pictures taken.

It doesn't really matter if this was a chance encounter, or if the photographer had a good idea that he might run into Kate.

Kate's had the paps pimping out her pictures at Target for years. If she doesn't like it, she could send her staff out to do her shopping, and stay home with her kids instead of dumping them with the "nanny".

She wants "fame" on her terms alone. That's not the way it works.

Mel said... 95

This is soooo typical of how things work with Kate. It could be true, or some parts of it are true, or maybe none of its true. Who knows.

She lies so much about every single thing, even when doesn't have to lie, that now anything to do with her is suspect. And she's takes innocent people down with her.

Funny, cuz I'm generally not a cynical person. I get burned all the time cuz I take everything at face value. :)

Kat said... 96

Sorry Admin....not buying any of this. If anyones interseted..I have a bridge I'd like to sell you...

Stupid Is said... 97

Kat, you think Steve set up an entire portfolio, fake twitter account and everything just to get these pictures out there?

No make-up, no heels. No Hair done.

Sorry, I think you just want to find conspiracies where there are none. As Admin. said, not everything is Area 51.

Anonymous said... 98

Seasons greetings to all! Long time lurker, never all seem to say it so much better than I would! However, that said...someone was asking about how to send things to the troops. Check out a site called (sorry, technically challenged and have no idea how to make a link!) I have used this site many times. They are very legit, and you can send things to an actual soldier, not just random "troops". It's incredibly rewarding, both from the sender's end and the receiver's as well. Admin, please feel free to check out the site before you post this if you have any doubt. Sorry to post as "anonymous", but my personal IT guy (aka my son) is out right now and can't talk me through it!)
Jan in NJ

hey jude said... 99

We are getting together to make sunshine boxes for the shut-ins from our church and other needy elderly/ill. It's fun , we decorate the boxes, kids help and then everyone brings various fruits and cookies and Christmas candy and baking.

Then we go carolling and deliver the sunshine; all ages may help and go carolling from any or no church affiliation.They look forward to us coming every year and many save the boxes for recycling the next year.

Hope everyone here has a blessed, happy Christmas with those you love around you.

I was surprised how many teens enjoyed this outing and the people receiving the gifts are so thankful.Helps teach kids that giving is as good or better than receiving.Some of these families have no relatives in the area, so we are it for them.

Kat said... 100

Boy...I'm shocked by your defense of Kate. Don't we know her by now. She's been in the "business" for a while now. she knows exactly what she's doing. Do not under estimate the mind of a desparate wanna be. Believe what you want....I might be wrong but I don't think so..

Stupid Is said... 101

I'm not defending Kate.
I'm defending Shawn. ~ Administrator said... 102

Im shocked anyone would see a conspiracy in something so straightforward actually.

Heide said... 103

Regarding those boots - I live in Hawaii and I see young women wearing them here sometimes. Latest fashion I guess.

Stupid Is said... 104

I am too.

hey jude said... 105

Why can't some of you believe that Kate just got seen at Target and the pictures were taken? Not everything about her is so dramatic, especially now when the show is over and she has a lot of free time.

She is just not bankable anymore and this photog got some candid shots, with Kate not all made- up and smiling her plastic tv smile.

fidosmommy said... 106

I just looked at the photos again, and what I see on Kate's face is the desire to tell this photographer to bug off - biting her tongue so as not to make a scene in the parking lot. She has worn that same stare before when she was trying to
let photographers know they were bothering her.

Dallas Lady said... 107

She does have makeup on in those pics. Just not the usual six metric tons she slathers on.

Agree with everyone who mentioned her skin looks bad and she looks hard. Cold. But that's Kate. Cold. Shrug.

When I go "big" grocery shopping, I haul out a cart filled to the brim and with stuff underneath that I pray doesn't come out. I can barely do it alone. And three people live in my house (and four cars and a dog, LOL). She probably has a delivery service for the big shopping trips.

Dallas Lady said... 108

Oh and if she keeps tanning like she does, she's going to have to have a neck lift by the time she's 40. The neck doesn't lie (nor do the back of the hands).

Dmasy said... 109

DallasLady, I am smiling as I am sure you meant 4 cats -- but then maybe you buy lots of provisions for cars. Thanks for the chuckle!

hey jude said... 110

Dallas lady,

Now why would you need 4 cars when there are only three people? That sounds a bit Kate- like! LOL.....Like to see your McMansion.

hey jude said... 111

Dallas lady,

Now why would you need 4 cars when there are only three people? That sounds a bit Kate- like! LOL.....Like to see your McMansion.

tate said... 112

Of course, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion as to whether this photo op was spontaneous or planned. I just believe it was all planned. This was a great opportunity for this guy to get his pictures out, and I guess, more power to him. His photog website name is all over each of the pics, so maybe he'll get some good business from this. I'm not saying he is a bad person or anything--not at all. I just don't think Kate randomly appeared and this guy just happened to have his camera in his hand the moment she left the Target door.

Remember, this is Kate. She'd let a photog snap her picture if she was digging thru a dumpster. She will take any kind of photo op at any time.

hey jude said... 113

Sorry, don't know why that went twice.The comment box still had my post in it and it didn't say it was published. hmmmmmm...gremlins, again in my laptop.

OT- does anyone computer savvier than me , know why sometimes you can't type words in the comment box, and what do you do? It happened to me twice to-day and I just re-booted it,several times. Must be a quicker way, I hope.

hey jude said... 114

Kate has that look in her eyes that says, "Steve , I need you to stop him taking pictures of me, right now."

Her highness thinks we mediocre people need written permission attached to a checque to snap her fugly mug.

Cwgirlup75 said... 115

I don't think this was any kind of conspiracy. I'm sure this guy just happened to see Kate and decided to snap some pics. Most professional photographers do carry at least some equipment with them.

I don't agree that she looks good. She looks like she's been "rode hard and put away wet" as my dad used to say.

Dallas Lady said... 116

Ha! Yes, I meant cats. We do have three cars, but we have three drivers in the family.

I mentioned the pets because the bottom of the cart is usually dog food, cat food, and kitty litter (along with laundry detergent, etc.)

Kat said... 117

what the hell does that mean...saving time and money by having christmas dinner the night before? I don't understand that me stupid.... ~ Administrator said... 118

It doesn't mean anything, it makes no sense.

Same with trying to say leftovers save money. Um, how? You still have to eat something, and it all still costs you money. Times, yes, it does save time.

Katie Cry-duh said... 119

Who knows if Kate arranged this or not. It is convenient that she has her "hair" all done and plenty of makeup on. The face is quite grinchy and I agree, she looks prematurely aged like many alcoholics/addicts do. That said, she looks better than usual. I think she's gained a lot of weight in the face since she stopped starving, et, training for her marathon

Cwgirlup75 said... 120

The bimbo just denied the boyfriend rumor on her website. Interesting how she ignores all the rumors about Steve but jumps right on this one. Was someone jealous, perhaps?

Audible Click said... 121

I really wonder about Kate's IQ, I'm not being snarky either. I know she has mental problems but she also types like she's a babbling idiot. Just how does it "save money" by having Christmas dinner the night before? Food is food, Kate unless you stretched the meal to cover more servings than normal. Sorry for the convoluted thinking but I can't wrap my head around her pseudo logic.

About her pictures in the thread, she's wearing make-up but not slathered on like usual. Her skin appears to be really awful, bumpy and dry looking. The tanning booth is really taking it's toll on her.

I know she doesn't take advice but I'll throw my professional opinion in here. Kate, your skin will improve if you switch to a healthy diet that includes lean protein, healthy fats and lots of fruit and veggies. Consuming proper amounts of water is a must. Quit the tanning and go to a dermatologist so you can have good advice on how to minimize the damage you've done to your face and body. In the meantime you'd do yourself a favor if you ditch the racoon eyeliner and go for a soft brown liner that is feathered and blended.

Your hair looks a bit better in these pictures, however, it does not look at all healthy. Your weave is causing major breakage at the weave line. Didn't your high end hair dresser mention that, eventually, a weave will damage your natural hair?

In closing, I give her kudos for actually dressing like a normal person instead of an unfortunate refugee from the red light district. Here's hoping she can change her look and her attitude...nah, never happen.

Pam said... 122

Kat said... 117

what the hell does that mean...saving time and money by having christmas dinner the night before? I don't understand that me stupid....
December 20, 2011 1:50 PM

Me no comprende.

What the hay does it matter if you prepare the meal and eat it on Saturday and Sunday versus preparing it and eating it on Sunday and Monday?

She's reeeeeeeeally grasping at straws trying to sound intelligent. ( Pssst, Kate. arrogance does NOT equal intelligence dear.)

Pam said... 123

Cwgirlup75 said... 120

The bimbo just denied the boyfriend rumor on her website. Interesting how she ignores all the rumors about Steve but jumps right on this one. Was someone jealous, perhaps?
December 20, 2011 2:10 PM

It's interesting she "put the rumor to rest" when we all knew the HollyBaby article was crap anyway. We knew better than to think some man would want her. But she jumped right on that rumor like ticks on a wet dog. Maybe all the other rumors are true except this one????

In the Neighborhood said... 124

Just got word that we are getting a celebrity in our neighborhood. Lady Gaga, who is dating a graduate of Lancaster Mennonite High School, is purchasing a home here. I've run into her in the meat department at the local grocery store, and her favorite restaurant here is also one of mine. She's down to earth, friendly, not accompanied by an entourage of bodyguards or paps. Quite different from the other "celebrity" who lived in this area!

Pam said... 125 (Administrator) said... 102

Im shocked anyone would see a conspiracy in something so straightforward actually.
December 20, 2011 12:17 PM

Don't be shocked, Admin. Kate has just made us all cynical over the years is all. Nothing about her is that easily believable. The woman usually has an ulterior motive with every move she makes. ~ Administrator said... 126

It's not true it's not true no one actually wants to date MEEE I swear it!

Addressing that rumor just makes her sound pathetic.

Blog Fan said... 127

I am shocked that Kate finally addressed a rumor. According to Holly Baby, one guy has caught her eye. I believe that, but I don't believe she does have a secret boyfriend. I agree with Kate when she writes, "Sorry Hollybaby, you lack credibility and are lying, as usual." But I'm still speechless that Kate responded to the rumor.

Mel said... 128

I'm so clueless that I wouldn't recognize a celebrity if they were walking in the aise next to me. :)

Kat said... 129

Why shouldn't she respond to the rumor...she's got nothing else to do. She's lucky SOMEBODY is still talking about her. Boy..she HAS hit rock bottom if she's responding to Hollybaby!! ~ Administrator said... 130

Why Hollybaby of all people? Hey, Kate, even we don't believe a thing she says.

Actually, why doesn't Kate sue her? Make some money for the kids. Her lies are pure fiction. There is a certain point where you can't just outright fabricate things maliciously. Other celebs have had success when there is a "journalist" doing this.

Frankly I'm surprise Hollybaby keeps at it given what both Jon and Kate have said about her articles. Apparently she has no shame.

Allison J. said... 131

I believe her comment about having Christmas on Christmas Eve is because has been commented on that Jon has the kids for Christmas Day, so this just allows her to make it sound like it was all her plan from the beginning to have their Christmas on Christmas Eve. I actually enjoy having Christmas on Christmas Eve, it's what my family did when I was growing up and what we continue to do now with our families, so the kids can be at home on Christmas morning for Santa. But as usual with Kate, she just needs to make it look like it was all her idea, her control. She just never quits.

Dallas Lady said... 132

Heh! Dear Kate,

I TOTALLY agree with you, mark the date! I cannot believe for one hot second that anyone would consent to date you! I'm in your corner on this one: it's gonna be a cold day in hell when you find a man willing to subject himself to you*.

*Note I didn't even mention your kids. Sure most guys don't want to date a single mom with eight kids, but there ARE the rare guys out there who happen to really love kids and who always wanted a big family. So you see, it's not TOTALLY your kids' fault, though they are the first people you blame when this subject comes up, poor things. It's not THEIR fault you kicked Jon to the curb. Anyway, the fact that you'll never again have a romantic partner is 99% your personality that's at fault here.

I've been mentally noting all the signs of Kate slipping from being on TV each week and being interviewed on Today, walking the red carpet at the Oscars to complete obscurity.

Responding on her blog to Hollybaby is yet another sign of her descent.

Whee! Oh it's going to be a looooong winter for Her Gritch of Perpetual Assholery.

Rhymes with Witch said... 133

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you will save money by eating leftovers instead of throwing them out.
I am NOT accusing kate of this, nor do I do it unless something got lost in the fridge and becomes a science project, but it does happen.

Red Sky At Night said... 134

Kate said...Give me an effing break...who in the world would be in a Target parking lot with a camera in their hands?


Any photographer would be. I free-lance for a newspaper, and I'm never without mine, even in a Target or Walmart parking lot, at the mall, or walking the streets in town. I never know who I am going to run into, or what candid shots I might get. Some of the best shots I've gotten were not set up or staged.

Dallas Lady said... 135

Wow, she's posted the link to her "rumors debunked" thing three times in just a short period of time.

YES, KATE, WE KNOW YOU CAN'T GET A MAN so you can cool it. None of us believed you actually had a boyfriend.

Ah, God. I'm laughing so hard. She really doesn't realize how pathetic that makes her look, does it? I mean, that's ONE rumor I would leave alone if I were her!

If anything, this makes me think she and Steve are not a couple and never have been and that my original theory (she was into him but he wasn't into her) was true. Why? This whole fictional boyfriend rumor is just a reminder that she really doesn't have a boyfriend (Steve--the one she wanted/wants).

url said... 136

Kart can always wrap her leftovers in plastic and put them on top of her cans for trash pick-up. If the dog or other animals don't get to them first, then the trash collectors can eat her leftovers for lunch.

Sherry Baby said... 137

Look at the pictures of Kate taken by the photographer, and then look at the picture on the right of this thread (fork). Yes, she looks soft and natural in the Target pics, but so much older than the fork picture. How could someone have aged that much in such a short period of time?
I've never seen such a wrinkled neck on someone in their thirties. Is this a result of tanning, or a genetic gift?

Cwgirlup75 said... 138

Dallas Lady said... 135
Wow, she's posted the link to her "rumors debunked" thing three times in just a short period of time.

If anything, this makes me think she and Steve are not a couple and never have been and that my original theory (she was into him but he wasn't into her) was true. Why? This whole fictional boyfriend rumor is just a reminder that she really doesn't have a boyfriend (Steve--the one she wanted/wants).

I see this completely differently. To me, there has to be a reason why she's always either ignored or dismissed the rumors about Steve, but jumps on this one ASAP to make sure everyone knows it's not true.

The saying "The lady doth protest too much" seems to apply here.

Rhymes with Witch said... 139

"Why Hollybaby of all people?"

Maybe it's not the source but the rumor itself. Maybe she's afraid that all the potential sugar daddies will get the wrong impression.

Once a Viewer said... 140

I agree, many professional and avid amateurs will have their cameras with them at all times...Shawn's website has a variety of people, old and young, and Kate is just another subject to him likely. These photos aren't on the internet except his site and here as far as I know....
...which reminds me how annoying it is that every item from Kate's website including Shoka eating a 'vast' amt of 'breads' and what his his Xmas gifts are, for which he may be allowed indoors to open( 'as a rare treat'), are printed as trending news...yes, I'm guilty of reading it, but when it's trending you hope it's something, well, that might be interesting. Yawn. ~ Administrator said... 141

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you will save money by eating leftovers instead of throwing them out.


Oh silly me I tend to eat the leftovers I have. Usually they become the next day's lunch.

Anyway I wouldn't call that "tip" saving money, but rather, not wasting money. There's a difference.

Cwgirlup75 said... 142

Rhymes with Witch said... 139
"Why Hollybaby of all people?"

Maybe it's not the source but the rumor itself. Maybe she's afraid that all the potential sugar daddies will get the wrong impression.

Maybe she's afraid that Gina's husband will get the wrong impression.

Rhymes with Witch said... 143

"Anyway I wouldn't call that "tip" saving money, but rather, not wasting money. There's a difference."

Point taken. I agree.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 144

Dallas Lady said... 132
Heh! Dear Kate,

I TOTALLY agree with you, mark the date! I cannot believe for one hot second that anyone would consent to date you! I'm in your corner on this one: it's gonna be a cold day in hell when you find a man willing to subject himself to you*.


Well, here is one male perspective on Kate. I don't think he wants to date her.

Admin- Please delete this if you deem inappropriate although the tune is rather catchy and humorous.

Marie said... 145

Is it just me...or does Kate seem thrilled to have "debunked" an already lame rumor? I don't know why that would give her a thrill but to each is own I guess.

I thought she said she didn't pay attention to rumors, much less other people? To me this says she has all the time in the world to write for her blog and do mundane errands and be with her kids. The only thing that takes up most of Kate's time is her whinning about something or other. I thought that was what kids do, not adults.

Dee said... 146

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 144

Well, here is one male perspective on Kate. I don't think he wants to date her.

Admin- Please delete this if you deem inappropriate although the tune is rather catchy and humorous.


That was funny, Gosselin8. He's got her number, and it's not the one you dial.

Moose Mania said... 147

Kate tweeted:

Since some have not seen the truth yet- Check it out! My FIRST 'Kate+Rumors' just posted at:


Ah, Kate. Most of us have seen the truth for quite a few years. It's time that YOU look into the mirror, do some serious introspection, and see yourself as others see you.

Pam said... 148

Sherry Baby said... 137

Look at the pictures of Kate taken by the photographer, and then look at the picture on the right of this thread (fork). Yes, she looks soft and natural in the Target pics, but so much older than the fork picture. How could someone have aged that much in such a short period of time?
I've never seen such a wrinkled neck on someone in their thirties. Is this a result of tanning, or a genetic gift?
December 20, 2011 3:38 PM

That fork picture, while pretty, had been heavily photoshopped. It was a TLC photo.

url said... 149

Why is Kart debunking a dating rumor? Real celebrities debunk these rumors when they are specifically linked to a real person and their name. Maybe she's getting nervous because someone snapped a photo of her with a married man and she's afraid it may come out.

chefsummer #Leh said... 150

I agree with Kate when she writes, "Sorry Hollybaby, you lack credibility and are lying, as usual." But I'm still speechless that Kate responded to the rumor.

Now Kate let's not call out liar's here and people who lack credibility cause of their lying.

Anonymous said... 151

What a way to keep your name 'out there'. Start a rumor yourself, get it published and then deny it.


Whoops said... 152

Blogger seems to be eating comments again. ~ Administrator said... 153

Is it?

Katie Cry-duh said... 154

No one seemed to notice the rumor until she addressed it, no one cared. It's laughable really, Kate actually dating is not believable. Can't imagine anyone wanting to put up with her. Stevie-poo appears to be interested in making money off of her and she is pathetic enough to keep paying him. Otherwise she would have no adult willing to hang out with her. It's ironic that Kate is finally being taken advantage of and she doesn't see it. Even if Steve is banging her, he doesn't care for her enough to make their relationship official nor does he hang out with her without making money off of her. He probably didn't notice the rumor so she made a big deal about it. Wonder if she's even seen him since the marathon. Signs point to no. She keeps getting crazier

Puddymoors said... 155

Hi All,
It's been interesting reading about Christmas traditions, both here and on the other thread. I'm from Australia, and so have been having 30+degree weather, complete with humidity. My Christmas tradition is taking my puppies to the beach! This year, I'm celebrating at my house in the mountains (the same area that was flooded last year while Kate was out), so it's only 25 degrees and perfect weather for BBQs and picnics!
I do envy you all cold and snow, I did Christmas in NYC 2 years ago (and hope to do it again next year!) and as much as I love Aussie Christmas', it doesn't feel right without snow ... :(

Anywho, I'm disgusted by the idea of Kate leaving presents with her garbage, if I was the garbo, I would NOT be eating those. We used to take out presents to our garbage men when we heard them coming, especially if they had to collect on Christmas day (which sometimes happens).

I'm also disgusted that she hasn't taken Shoka to the vet. She should not be allowed to own animals.

On that note, the puppies and I are going to find a shady corner of the yard to lie in while we have an afternoon snooze!

In the Neighborhood said... 156

That fork picture, while pretty, had been heavily photoshopped. It was a TLC photo.


It may have been photoshopped, but Kate DID look like that up close and personal at that time...young, fresh, natural and healthy, and so much younger.

Marie said... 157

What is she going to do when Steve calls working for her quits? Does she have other bodgyaurds? (not that she needs one). How does she afford her "security team" on a blogging salary? She's not the President that little big sounds ridiculous with security team. She's a former reality TV personnel.

Without her bodyguard, with Jamie gone, with no family around--who does she have left? The kids? Kids grow up and eventually leave home. Shoka? The way that dog's been treated, I wonder. Twitter? Come 5 or 10 years from now it will probably be outdated and all her Twitter friends--I hope--will have either moved on by then or grown up.

I think it is starting to get painful to be her, just to be that lonely and know you are the cause of it, not everyone else. I truly do wonder if Kate has ever asked herself, "WHY do they all leave?" I don't know could it be your attitude? Your whole awful outlook on life? Your quest for fame? Think about it.

boyson said... 158

Anonymous said... 150

What a way to keep your name 'out there'. Start a rumor yourself, get it published and then deny it.



OK, Let me set the record straight! I deny under severity of punishment and let you know there is ZERO truth to this!!!

I am not dating Kate Gosselin!

Please, please do not ask me again or send me emails - unless you want my address so you can send me some gifts!!!

boyson said... 159

If I was a trash collector, the last thing I would want is eat something on top of a trash can that was wrapped in plastic. Who knows how long that food has been sitting there in the elements and not to mention what critters or insects may have touched it.

How about a nice thank you card or better yet COME OUT and offer the food along with a bottle drink?

Katie Cry-duh said... 160

It appears that Kate is floundering. Looks like she has no gigs in the foreseeable future. Maybe she'll do another marathon but that's not exactly high profile, especially if you walk it in 5 hours. Makes me think that TLC arranged almost all of her appearances while she was under contract with them. Since being canned, she isn't getting invited to the view, today show, etc. She has been reduced to blogging for CC, which she'll probably be canned from for terminal stupidity and lameness. And of course there's the new career as a marathon cheat, which should get her little to no press in the future. At least she finally got her wish; the paparazzi leave her alone now. Fool

Meagler said... 161

So.... Kate's BEST tip for saving money over Christmas is..." eat your leftovers....!!!! DUH???

What about how to use up all those scraps of wrapping paper? or better yet, how using gift bags over and over save loads of money, and the environment?

or, how she is going to s-t-r-e-t-c-h- that left over ham to make potato soup, or corn chowder?

How about remembering that the reason for the season is Jesus, and not how much materialism you can inject into the lives of your 8 , count em, EIGHT children.

sheesh...I agree with the earlier poster who said that if kate had not gotten on twitter, or started a blog, none of us would know what she was doing, and she would no longer be relelvent.

I am beginning to believe the disgust that keeps me peeking at the train wreck, is what is keeping her relevant. If it makes money, people will use it. I think I will be not coming around here anymore...

I have always enjoyed reading people's posts, and making the odd comments, but I am hoping that by moving on, it might help to reduce whatever rating she has that is keeping her somewhat relevant...

Merry Christmas everyone and may your 2012 be unbelievably blessed !!!!

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 162

Can she please just stop using the word, "typically". So tired of her using it to describe her wonderful life full of traditions. Typically this, typically that. And why is it that she can roam all over the town without Steve but once a TV gig is in the works, he's at her side. Weirdest thing. I've never figured that one out yet. I'm wondering if she really does fear the 'haters' which incidentally should be callled non-fans, not haters. Guess she doesn't think they live in her state.

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 163

@suzew718 @kateplusmy8 She's 1 hour and 40 minutes from Fords Theatre, White House, Capitol, Blair House, The kids would love it.


I think Walt needs a geography lesson! It's at least a two-and-a-half hour drive to DC -- more like three hours in traffic! Yes, it's a great day trip, but there's no way you can get there in less than two hours. Wait -- on second thought, with the way she drives...

Anita said... 164

I'm sorry, but I don't see Kate's photos on Shawn's site.

Pity Party said... 165

More of the Christmas extravaganza at KT's house. Guess what Shoka is getting for Christmas? A tennis ball thrower with lots and lots of extra balls and tons of doggie bones and treats. Wrapped and under the tree. The kids want to let him IN to get his present when they get their's but KT don't know about that yet. I read it somewhere - some one is reporting. Fox news?

Dr. Drew had Nadya on. She is having a less is more Christmas for her poor kids. Dr. Drew really likes her and is trying to help her. She may be half crazy, but she is very intelligent in a weird nerdy sort of way. She is making her living by being - a personal trainer. So Dr. Drew said he heard that KG was having money problems as well. I was like helllooo - are you kidding me? She has bought 3 new vehicles in the last six months - disappeared out West, went to Australia to do a charity event - did a marathon publicity tour in LV and is having like a Kardashian Christmas. The woman has a money tree growing in her back yard and she is making sure the whole world knows about it, but she will still give you her address if you want to send her a gift. She is just so in your face and over the top with the Christmas thing and I know so many people this year that are not having nearly the Christmas they used to have. I don't get it.

I don't think any body really cares about the dating thing. All celebrities lie about that sort of thing. It is a given as is KT and SN - a given. Nobody cares.

Marie said... 166

I wonder if Kate is realizing by now that even if you get everything you ever wanted: 8 healthy kids you can match up and put on TV for a salary, helpers and an ex you can bleed dry and relatives and friends you can dispose of at's nearly always lonely at the top and a long way to fall back down to actuality, not her own "reality?"

HollyMo said... 167

Oh Pity Party, that depresses me that Dr Drew is buying the crap kHatie is selling.
My wish for Shoka is that he gets a good home for Christmas. Does she make the laundry girl go out an throw his tennis balls for him?

Pity Party said... 168

Apparently, she won't have to throw balls for Shoka anymore. He is getting an automatic ball thrower. I have seen them - the baseballs guys use them. She is insane. It makes me angry. There Nadya is with all those kids and they are having a less is more Christmas. So many people I talk to this year are saying they are not having a big Christmas - scaling back - many that will have very little. It just seems like one big FU from her to the little people. I am so sick of her antics and game playing. ~ Administrator said... 169

If there is anything that has become clear over the past several weeks it's that Kate is completely and utterly unaware of who her target demographic is.

I think it's pretty obvious the bulk of her demographic is moms, 30's-40's-50's, high school and two year college, middle class to lower middle class, two plus kids, full-time working moms, no nannies, no housekeepers, no sleeping in, no mansions, no discretionary income. What she has been saying has to be a huge turnoff, come on. Even for those who are a bit better off, people are still being very careful with money this year and squirreling it away instead for what is sure to be rainy days ahead. ~ Administrator said... 170

Also, her definition of typically is flat out wrong. She uses it to mean, we did this once and only once for filming purposes. That's called "we did that once", not typically!

SusanNH said... 171

I must say something here. Always read, seldom comment. This Witch of a woman is angering so many with her me me me mentality. Does she not get it? Right outside my home here in Jaffrey, NH is a Church that folks visit every Tuesday night. It is called a Food Pantry. How dare this woman flaunt her luxury life into the face of America. I feed ELEVEN stray cats on my porch every single night. I have made several insulated boxes with cut up blankets in a crawl space here.

When the temps get below zero, they have a place to get warm. I struggle to feed myself and all of these homeless cats.

I hate that woman. She has no heart. ~ Administrator said... 172

OH GIMME A BREAK. Kate is now backpedaling from when she said TWICE that Shoka ate plastic wrap. Now she is changing her story and saying this:

@BHappyLoveLaugh @MiloandJack all wrappers were found in the yard btw. So false alarm there- thank heavens! :) about an hour ago

She definitely reads the criticism and conveniently changed her story. She's so transparent. ~ Administrator said... 173

Apparently, she won't have to throw balls for Shoka anymore. He is getting an automatic ball thrower. I


Lazy, expensive, and missing the point of having a dog. Also, shows a complete lack of understanding of a dog's brain. You see, it's not that a dog wants to chase a ball. No, a dog wants to chase the ball that YOU threw for him. Not some machine. It's one of the best bonding exercises you can do what your dog. Teaches them patience--to wait nicely for you to throw it. Teaches them to retrieve to his owner--to bring things back to you and you only. Gives them great exercise. Bonds him to you, bonds you to him, bond the two of you.

Sigh, she spits on everything I love about being a dog owner.

Starz22 said... 174

I'm not bashing the man who took these at all.What I'm saying has nothing to do with him. I'am not one who ever comments on kates appearence.
I do not see a fresh faced kate here.I see her looking her "normal" when she hasent been dolled up for a tv show or interview.
She looks lifeless with no emotion.Her face looks older than what it should be.This is a woman who has no stress about having the money to buy her Christmas feast or the many gifts she will be giving her kids.She's not worring about paying her mortage or utility bills.She not worried about anything other than how she can stay on tv and when she can excape from her kids again.
I dont find her fresh looking or relaxed.She looks pretty haggered.Worn out and tired looking.
I dont blame the guy who took these pics...Blame the subject.If your taking pictures of a dump,I dont think theres a way to make a dump look any better than what it is...its a dump....nothing pretty about a dump.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 175

Holiday shopping drives nearly everyone crazy–even some of Hollywood biggest celebrities. Despite the frenzy, caught up with some very merry stars to see what’s at the top of their shopping list this year.

“Well, we are making it a big Christmas for Shoka, our German Shepherd,” mother of eight and blogger Kate Gosselin told “He is getting a tennis ball thrower and extra balls and lots of big beefy bones! The kids want to bring him in to 'open' his presents! I'm not sure how that's going to work, but that's the plan here!"



Well, that says it all - "the kids want to bring him in to open his presents". Okay, so it looks like Khate slipped and admitted that that Shoka LIVES outside. Bringing him in to open presents would mean by the Christmas tree with the family, of course. But, I bet that dog is very rarely ever anywhere in that house except the basement.

An automatic tennis ball thrower? What? Am I living some sort of sheltered life, because not only is this something that I have never heard of (for dogs), but it's never even occurred to me. In fact, I have a cousin who has a tennis court with an automatic ball thrower (and three dogs). Is that the type of thrower she's talking about, or do they specifically make one for dogs?

Why the hell would someone with a German Shepherd, 20 something acres, and EIGHT KIDS need an automatic ball thrower for their dog? If Khate is too lazy, I'm sure the kids have fun running around on the property and throwing balls with the dog. And like Admin said, that's what it is about - not the tennis balls, but the dog and his people interacting. She's crazy.

Yikes, I just decided to Google it and I see there are products like this to launch tennis balls for your dog. How stupid, and what a waste of money. Play with your dogs, people! THAT is what they want.

Damn, this just says it all about Khate. She pays people to take care of her kids, do her laundry, clean her house, grocery shop, tend to her property and her pool, and now she buys some device to entertain her dog. What a cold, lazy bitch. ~ Administrator said... 176

It breaks my heart Shoka living outside while all the family is inside. How sad. :((((((

How is it going to work??? Um, how it works for the majority of pet owners who allow their dogs to be WITH THEM is how it works. Bring him in for Christmas and keep him in. He will gravitate toward wherever the people are. Doggy at our house has his own stocking and usually sits on Mommy's lap with a new toy and some treats watching people open presents happy as a clam.

And if she had him inside in the first place, he never would have gotten into the garbage.

Breaking Wind said... 177

When did Kate say they found all of the wrappers on the lawn? We've had windy conditions in her neck of the woods. No way would wrappers stay in the yard. They'd be long gone.

Breaking Wind said... 178

Did Kate ever explain how the dog got outside the fence/security gate to eat the bread or whatever it was she left there? ~ Administrator said... 179

Well, even I have a conspiracy theory about this one. The latest "Shoka story" sounds completely made up at this point, and poorly done at that.

It's not very creative. After tweeting constantly about all the bread, what would make a funny and entertaining blog post? Why, the dog eating all my efforts, wrappings and all! Baw-hhahaha. (Amateur)

So she writes up a blog that makes no sense (how did the dog get outside the gate to eat the goods, why was no one concerned about him eating wrap??? )

And then, when it backfired, when the true dog lovers knew plastic wrap is horrible for dogs and could cause an obstruction, Kate tweets a cover-her-a^% tweet about how they miraculously found the plastic wrap in the yard, untouched by Shoka. Yea!

And then a local points out they had horrible wind today--busted.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 180

Breaking Wind said... 175

When did Kate say they found all of the wrappers on the lawn? We've had windy conditions in her neck of the woods. No way would wrappers stay in the yard. They'd be long gone.


Several people on Twitter tonight commented about the wind in the area lately.

Khate's tweet:

BHappyLoveLaugh BHappyLoveLaugh
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I'm sure Shoka is OK now. It would have moved through his system already & passed through. :)
December 20th, 8:28 PM

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BHappyLoveLaugh @MiloandJack all wrappers were found in the yard btw. So false alarm there- thank heavens! :)

December 20th, 11:07 PM


Breaking Wind said... 176

Did Kate ever explain how the dog got outside the fence/security gate to eat the bread or whatever it was she left there?


Nope. That's just another way to catch her in her lies, yet again. The garbage cans go outside the gate and the dog is inside the gate. But in her blog, she stated that she left the bread in a bag by the trash. Most people on Twitter think Khate made the whole thing up because she's stupid enough to say something like that on Twitter because she thinks it's cute. She didn't realize how much heat she'd get, even from some of her biggest sheeple who have been asking about Shoka for two whole days now. So, even though she did that dumb blog yesterday, she tried to back track on the whole thing tonight. She's an ass.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 181

Oops, Admin, I didn't see your post when I was still typing mine. We said very similar things, though. Khate is SO predictable and transparent!

url said... 182

After seeing the photos of her son in the parking lot crawling underneath her van for a piece of paper, I do believe Kart would mindlessly leave plastic wrapped loaves outside, where the dog found them, before she took the garbage cans out to the road for pick-up. She was oblivious to her son crawling underneath the van, so why would she be concerned about the dog eating plastic?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 183

JasonHueman Jason Backe
I think @TLC should do a hybrid show where the hoarders get learn #WNTW
December 20th, 9:32 PM

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JasonHueman youre on a roll @JasonHueman & I miss you. Up for a stemless glass again? Oh that disturbed me! :)
December 20th, 11:06 PM


His tweet wasn't even to her, but she replied. WHY? Because that's her way of teasing that she will be in NYC city for another straw bleaching.

She's been home a whole two weeks since Las Vegas, so she must be itching to get out and away from the kids. With Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this weekend, she might be heading there this Thursday or Friday. Hmm, time to start a calendar for how often she's in NYC for her hair? It seems like once a month. What a ridiculous waste of time and money.

I know she's going down the toilet, soon to be gone forever (finally), but we really should start a calendar. I think there are definite patterns with her.

Marie said... 184

Somehow like the majoity of everything else, I am dreading that people for whatever the reason seem to ignore Kate rather than actually make something of their complaints with all her lies. She gets called out occasionally...but we've never seen her actually fall over so to speak when she couldn't backtrack or get out of situation she created and pretend everything is normal. Will there every be a day?

Magically the next day she finds it? Oh come on! Is she that desperate to create drama and then cover her butt when it doesn't work? Is she really that bored?

Marie said... 185

What, did all of PA run out of qualified barbershops that she has to go the NYC for a cut and color still? Doesn't she take her kids to a Supercuts or something like that? But my guess is that that place isn't good enough for her. With the hair she's got left it just might save it if she went local. Can't cry broke if you're running of to get your haircut in a different state with a private ride to and from for a weekend.

What mother of kids 11 and under regardless of how many you have, has the time to get their hair done as much as she does? Anybody?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 186

Btw, today was one of the biggest sheeple's birthday. Although there were several tweets to Khate about it, she ignored it. This sheeple is part of the original group of devoted followers (six people, maybe). Really nice of Khate, huh? She replies to a tweeting penis pic, but somehow doesn't see tweets about a loyal sheeple's birthday.

Starz22 said... 187

So this poor dog is left on his own? Shoka is all by himself unless the kids go out to play or company might stop by? I have seen the kids with the dogs...they are not to great with them. Last I saw...(on video,not in person of course) was the kids hitting the dogs with a bat.The kids learn thier love and compassion for animals from thier mother.I guess we see what has rubbed off.
I feel very bad for this dog.I cant blame the kids...They show what they have been shown.kate just makes me sick.She has no compassion for anyone or anything else,but HERself.
Geez...lets see kate...cause you say (i dont believe it) that the dog is getting toys and treats for makes up for his lonely existance.It makes it all better that he is left alone...with no-one to love or cuddle and play with him. Yeah right!! Kate you are as cold as a witch's you know what.I hope the kids treat you as good as you treated that poor dog someday.Hey! In you'r book...thats spoiled rotten right?

Anonymous said... 188

The automatic ones don't work well. Really. There is a sport called flyball where the balls are loaded and the dog launches them himself one at a time. What she may have gotten is the "like a stick" dog tennis ball launches that the person use to get extra length of the throw. That would be ok, but the automatic one which is defective or the one for flyball requires teaching the dog something and we know she can't teach a dog anything.

gotyournumberKate said... 189

Sorry if I missed this already mentioned.

" the day of the meal all in one year so I’ll stick to my standard dishes: crock-pot Christmas ham, candied sweet potatoes, pineapple casserole, baked beans, homemade bread and assorted pies (not sure which ones yet) - all on Christmas Eve day."

Is it possible Kate saw the recipe here for pineapple casserole? I'm from PA and never heard of it before yesterday when I saw the recipe here. Of course that doesn't mean that no one in PA has ever heard of pineapple casserole, I just find it odd that I saw it twice in the same day for the first time. Regardless, it looks like a great recipe and I am going to try it too for Christmas dinner.

Baked beans?

gotyournumberKate said... 190

Oh geez, I need my caffeine. I realize now the subject of pineapple casserole came up after Kate posted it first on Coupon Cabin. Sorry. :)

gotyournumberKate said... 191

"The new plan makes me extra happy because I will get two meals out of one. What mom wouldn’t love that? Feeding leftovers means saving money, effort and time! Woo hoo!"

What was she going to do with the leftovers if she made the dinner on Christmas Day? Throw them away? She's so stupid.

Kat said... 192

Come on...this is a joke...right? Did she invent leftovers now? This is (almost?) laughable. Boy, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't know what to do with the food I cooked from the night before. OMG..PLEASE MAKE IT STOP.....could she put a little more effort into those dopey posts of hers. Really...I'm speechless..

Tucker's Mom said... 193

I'm on the fence about Shoka's tennis ball thrower. On the one hand, it does provide exercise and I sure as hell would hope that someone is out there with him to supervise.
But, yeah, can't see Kate doing that.
A ball launcher (big stick that flings a tennis ball from the end) would be far more interactive.
Is it me, or is Kate spoiling the ever-living shit out of her kids this year? You know, 3 months after she's "freaking out" about "not having a job" and doesn't know how she'll make it?
Her spending seems out of hand, especially for kids who, let's face it, do not want for anything (material-wise).

Kat said... 194

It's a fact of human nature that when you don't have a lot of money thats when you want to spend the most. You start to feel deprived and usually the response is spend,spend,spend....

Pity Party said... 195

Since KT is determined to not give us a break from her crazy antics during Christmas, has anyone noticed that there is one very important word that she has seemingly dropped from her vernacular of late? Has anyone else noticed? Starts with an O and used to be in every sentence with regard to food.

Shoka can not only open the sliding glass doors and unlock them but now we learn that he can take bread out of a bag and unwrap it leaving the plastic so meticulously intact that every piece can be found on a very windy day.

I couldn't find the reasoning behind the patio door thing, but it dawned on me that must be her explanation for the kids when they try to keep Shoka in when it is cold and she puts him out after they go to sleep. He got out - but how - the door was locked - he unlocked it.

I hope she includes this little hard thought out gem about Christmas leftovers in her new cook book that she is going to do "on her own this time."

Since KT has seemingly dropped the pity party facade on Twitter and has moved on to oh yeah send me a truckload of that, I am thinking I will have to change my name.

barbee said... 196

Like Sophia on Golden Girls used to say, 'picture this' (or some such thing):
Shoka is sitting out on the driveway patiently UNWRAPPING little loaves of bread and CAREFULLY throwing the plastic into the WIND where miraculously after a few days SHE is able to still find it in the yard and thus dispell yet another RUMOR, you know, the one about Shoka eating the bread, wrapping and all!

Just HOW dumb are we supposed to be?

Love her title of 'head blogger' for Coupon Cabin. Must be nice to have a job that you have NO qualifications for, NO apptitude for and NO talent for. Can someone 'splain to her that no matter WHEN you make the meal, eat the meal and eat the rest the next day, it is the SAME. You still made it, ate it and ate the rest!

TLC stinks said... 197

Ha, ha. I said in an early post that she made up the Shoka story. Glad to see she got caught. The story made no sense and she needed to make up something amusing for her blog. Idiot.

As far as the NYC hair coloring, I believe that hair dresser is deeply discounting her because he gets publicity. Besides, it's an opportunity to be alone with Steve in a hotel. But she must be paying big bucks for her NYC hotel, if she's even not paying for two rooms ;) ~ Administrator said... 198

I'm not going to tell people not to express displeasure to CC, however please do not discuss that here or try to organize efforts here.

This is not a site to get Kate fired from her job. That is what sheeple have tried to do to us, and I won't have us doing the same.

Tucker's Mom said... 199

OMG, my eyes and brain hurt just trying to read Kate's CC blog. Let's see... the kids are too distracted to eat the dinner that Kate "slaves" over (hyperbole much? on Christmas) so why bother? Order a damn pizza you idiot. I don't get how after 10 years of cooking for her kids, Kate finds preparing a meal so difficult.
"The kids are *painfully* tradition-based. Really, Kate? How *painful* was it for them to not get a beach vacation this year because "all the houses were rented"? That one fell by the wayside after TLC dropped you.
Oh, and the ultimate tip from the grifter- 'If you are entertaining, make sure to take people up on their offer to bring something. It’s the season of giving and you shouldn’t have to take everything on yourself!"
Yup, invite guests over and expect them to feed you. Hey, if it's a pot luck, then OK, but if you invite me over, I do not expect to cook or do dishes. It's not really kosher to bring food or a wine (that's expected to be consumed with the meal) to the host's meal. It's presumptuous.
Most of all, once again, Kate seems to defer to 7 year olds to make decisions. If it makes more sense to cook on Christmas Eve and do leftovers the next day, then make the decision! What Kate thinks the kids give a crap about boggles the mind. They're seven and you're the mom for Pete's sake.
Raise your hand if you, as a kid, dictated what and when your mother cooked. Oh, also raise your hand if cooking enough for 2-3 meals is a new idea to you.
I do it all the time.
ps, Kate or whomever edits your unpolished posts at CC... Crock-Pot® is a brand and should be capitalized with registered trademark symbol after it. Otherwise, it's called a slow cooker. ~ Administrator said... 200

"The new plan makes me extra happy because I will get two meals out of one. What mom wouldn’t love that? Feeding leftovers means saving money, effort and time! Woo hoo!"

This is driving me bonkers. Leftovers do not save MONEY! They do save effort and time.

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