We found Kate's look for just $29.48 total.
1. Foil dress: Reynolds wrap heavy duty foil, Target, $4.99.
![]() |
Thanks, AuntieAnn! |
2. Over processed hair extensions: Hay, free at your local chicken farm.3. Hooker heels too small for your feet: Costume Supercenter women's jumbo feet, $12.99. (Please supply your own hooker heels tucked away in the back of your closet from the college years)
4. Your own personal booby guard: Inflatable bodyguard to make you interact with the pesky fans, Bluw Inc., $11.50.
427 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 427 Newer› Newest»I forgot too add to Kate... stop inflating your boobs and botoxing your face into glass.
Speaking of the fact that Kate can go back (but chooses not to)... what happened to her mantra of their life is the show and the show is their life. Now, without the show, what is your life? How to you explain to little children that indeed, life goes on?
I think it cruel that Kate set that expectation for her kids. I'm betting they were quite fearful when the show ended.
Perhaps Ms. Reuse & Recyle can explain the Keurig cups, and how they don't actually do either. i admit to using them but hey, I'm not writing blog posts about being green and thrifty. snap.
Isn't it funny that Jon gets mentioned in an article because he's actually working a real job and not trying to go all 'hollywood' and be a STAHHHHH like Katie Irene is.
Good for Jon. Glad he's continued to stay on the right path and do the right thing for his children and himself. If only Katie Irene could learn the same lesson.
mamaK said... 187
So, I just read Kate's "I'm so organized I use coupons" tips at couponcabin. I must have hallucinated, cuz the second tip is "I reuse and recycle". REALLY???
Yes, I imagine it went something like this:
One of the ways I save money is by reusing and recycling!
Reusing: I make my kids wear the same outfits over and over, and when the twins outgrow their clothes, I make the littles wear them! The boys whine about having to wear too many dresses and too much pink, but they're just icky boys, so who cares?
Recycling: I recycle EVERYTHING!!! Except paper things, cause we use a lot of paper plates and napkins and paper towels, and they can get food and messy stuff on them and get icky, and then I don't want to touch them, so I make my kids throw them in the trash for me! And I don't recycle school papers or anything I wrote on or even touched because someone could take them out of our recycling bins and sell them to a tabloid! So I make my kids throw those in the trash for me, too!
I also don't recycle plastic or glass because lots of plastic and glass things are used to hold food or drinks and they can be sticky so I just make my kids throw them in the trash for me!
So, Yes!!! I totally make my kids reuse everything! And I recycle everything except paper, plastic, and glass!
Kate's CC blog is once again, pretty useless. If anything she said is news to anyone, then that's a problem.
Kate says that she uses 3 chicken breasts for feeding 9 people. Are you serious?
That's one breast for 3 people! I'll tell you too, if she's buying organic chicken, she's getting chicken breasts on the smaller (but more proportional) size. Perdue has monster breasts, but organic? No. The chickens are smaller than the huge monsters raised by Perdue and Tyson's. So, it's simply not enough.
Kate loves to brag about her cooking dinner and packing lunches every day. Baloney. She's gone half the time she has custody so no, it's the sitter or nanny doing it. She does not do this day in and day out.
I can't say I remember THE dress from DWTS but (even though I think it is God awful at any time) it might have been more appropriate worn at an LA evening event. The fact that she wore it for an afternoon interview at a 'shopping center' is what makes it such a fasion disaster. Worn at any time, in my opinion, she looked like a street corner hooker.
The reuse and recycle is such a joke. That woman could fill the Grand Canyon with all the refuse she's produced. The bulk of which is paper plates.
And what mother doesn't nag their kids to turn off lights and take shorter showers etc? It's common sense.
Kate needs to become familiar with this thing called a semi colon.
Interesting how Brooke Burke had a tweet this morning about her garbage and then Kate has to tweet about her garbage mess. But, no response from Brooke. Ha. Kate acts like they are best buddies, but she doesn't get acknowledged and looks so desperate.
And again she tweets how she wishes she was still in CA.
Re:Shoka. I thought that blog entry was a snark. "Could it be that you don't love me?" Why would any loved dog think that? Dogs do not like to stay cold and wet. Rather, Shoka would probably love a warm bath/rinsing off followed by a toweling off and blow dry...just like humans. And bitch, no dog gives a shit that you're in makeup and heels. WTF is going on here? I hope and pray that someone takes that dog away from her. Give him a chance of a good life and an owner who loves him...one who doesn't think he'd rather be running around in freezing weather.
mamaK said... 187
So, I just read Kate's "I'm so organized I use coupons" tips at couponcabin. I must have hallucinated, cuz the second tip is "I reuse and recycle". REALLY???
Yes, I imagine it went something like this:
One of the ways I save money is by reusing and recycling!
Reusing: I make my kids wear the same outfits over and over, and when the twins outgrow their clothes, I make the littles wear them! The boys whine about having to wear too many dresses and too much pink, but they're just icky boys, so who cares?
Recycling: I recycle EVERYTHING!!! Except paper things, cause we use a lot of paper plates and napkins and paper towels, and they can get food and messy stuff on them and get icky, and then I don't want to touch them, so I make my kids throw them in the trash for me! And I don't recycle school papers or anything I wrote on or even touched because someone could take them out of our recycling bins and sell them to a tabloid! So I make my kids throw those in the trash for me, too!
I also don't recycle plastic or glass because lots of plastic and glass things are used to hold food or drinks and they can be sticky so I just make my kids throw them in the trash for me!
So, Yes!!! I totally make my kids reuse everything! And I recycle everything except paper, plastic, and glass!
Why does she feed the kids so little-(3 chicken breast).?
The kids need energy esp if they active and doing thins after school.
Actually, Brooke Burke tweeted about a dead rat she found in her garage.
brookeburke Brooke Burke-Charvet
gross morning. Woke up to a bloody 1/2 eaten dead rat that I almost stepped on in my garage. U know I wanted to tweet it but almost barfed!!
Kate's response was:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @brookeburke couldn't have been much 2worse than my trash can contents strewn all over my yard& driveway;I almost barfed 2! Happy mon2us!LOL
Guess Kate can't tell the difference between "garage" and "garbage". And again she has to make it all about her.
Tucker's Mom said... 8
The reuse and recycle is such a joke. That woman could fill the Grand Canyon with all the refuse she's produced. The bulk of which is paper plates.
Well according to Kate the Grand Canyon is a "waste of real estate" anyway so why not?
Tucker's Mom also brought up an excellent point. Kate stated several times the their life is the show and the show is their lives. How sad for those kids. Does Kate think they don't have lives if they don't have a show? You heard it from the horse(face)'s mouth.
I thought if your alarm goes off, the alarm company calls and if everything is ok, you just give them a password. That's how mine works,anyway. If you don't answer the phone or if the password isn't correct, then the cops will come. Also, how can they show up at her door if she has a gate you need a code for it to get on the property?
The alarm probably did go off, but I bet she embellished the story to make it more exciting.
Ingrid said... 200
Plus TLC might care because other people on their shows could bale if they can't trust TLC to hire trustworthy people.
True, but TLC invalidated themselves of trustworthiness when they hired a pedophile. Why no one has bothered to sue them for that is beyond understanding.
But as to a tell all book I'm sure someone is going to talk sooner or later. How long can confidentiality agreements last anyway? Do they vary? Anyone? Beuller?
Whether any of the Gosselin children will write about her is anyone's guess. They may see things a whole lot differently when they're grown and out from under her. There is such a strange nexus between Kate and her children ...it will be a wonder if they'll ever really sort it out.
Ha, I would rather pick up my own garbage than encounter a bloody dead rat...
..and Kate mentions getting another shepherd??? Oh no! I hope she was kidding...
Re: lights, water, recycling- I mentioned earlier, but it's now on the 1st page- Sara Snow showed them all that in a kid-friendly way.
Plus what money do the little kids have to learn the value of cash? Anyway, don't they spend it all on Mommy Dearest- the wrapped gifts?
So we were treated to TWO silly blogs of unoriginal and probably untrue Kate-ishness today. Plus the tweets. Ugh.
@Kateplusmy8 America is the "unhealthiest" country and 1 by 1 ur are changing that. Ur doing a wonderful job.
And how is she doing this.?
Kate is a twit (12)
The constant one-upmanship is
tedious at best. She can't let anyone else have any spotlight. If a celeb has a funny pet story, she makes up her own. If someone tweets about their pregnancy, it's no match for Kate's bedrest that keeps getting longer. If a sheeple's relative passes away - hers did too!
Dressmaker, I remember that dress from DWTS. It was white and made of thin clingy material like spandex. It was so tight that there was talk of camel toe...in a dress. Gross. She was sitting in the audience with Mary Hart after she had been booted from the show. She stood up during a standing ovation and gave everyone an eyeful in her gynecological dress.
Hmmm... the cops showing up when the alarm went off is starting to smell to me. How can you not know that your alarm went off and what the SOP is after it trips.
No one called from the alarm company? I don't buy it.
I can't believe that Kate just had to one-up Brooke Burke. Well, yes I can.
Hmm.. which is worse, the rat or strewn trash? Me thinks a dead half rat is far, far worse.
If Kate nearly puked because she had to pick up trash then she's got more problems than we know.
Her narcissism knows no end.
Kate should have included the alarm system in her Manual For Running Her Part of the World- or whatever it was...that was in the epi where she was so rude to the water treatment man who put his box on her counter and deigned to interrupt lunch as well as joke about DWTS....maybe he saw the dress lol.
Pam said... 14--your comment made me wonder about something. What if there was a true emergency-break-in or a fire? How would the police or FD get to the house? I wonder if it possible that the alarm company has the code for the gate.
I remember when my Mom had one of those Lifeline beepers. I had to let them know a location of a hidden key for responders to use. If the responders didn't have a key to get into the house, they were allowed to break down the door.
So there must be some plan in place to enable the emergency responders to get past the gate.
Ingrid said... 153
I think she got cancelled from a combination of things. Ratings/money TLC lost and attitude mostly.
I have a feeling she showed her ass really really bad during the RV trip, and that was just the last straw for TLC.
I can see Kate reeming TLC execs/cameracrew. PA's a new one because of the broken down RV's, no air conditioning, boring sites, having to do her own laundry at landrymats, not providing enough secret getaways for her and Steve....
She probably went all cray cray on them and they said screw this, and closed up shop.
Ex Nurse said... 176
Also, everyone makes good points about notifying the monitoring company that it was accidentally set off. Maybe there was another reason the police were there....
Yep, maybe there was. Kids starting to run away? She finally smacked the wrong kid, and that kid took her cell phone and called 911?
Ongoing, life is gonna get a lot tougher for Mrs. Gosselin. I wonder if it's started. The "alarm" story isn't really believable.
Judy K #194 ~ I agree with your theory as well. Kate is a scary person.....so unsettling in every way.
Her most obvious deception is when she tweets how she loves her fans, yet her every interaction with them says otherwise. Look how she reacted to The Grove fans wanting a few pictures with her. Steve had to coerce her/force her to do it. The upcoming cruise event won't end well.....it's not possible given Kate's tendencies towards other people. They exhaust, bore & frustrate her....they mean nothing to her....except for the monetary gain they can provide to her.
It's sad that the kids have had to see so many people (and pets) leave their lives....Shoka & Nala, Ashley ( for a while), Beth, Aunt Jodi & Uncle Kevin, friends, other helpers, nannies - remember Jenny?- and relatives- like the uncle who helped paint the twins' room that awful pink in the old house, and yes, the crew. Who else?
And tears and screams when Daddy leaves them to return to Kate....
I think it was the Sarah Palin epi.
She was being selfish and a diva people hated the way she treated the 8 and the Palin family. They were all having a good time.
And what was Kate doing pi$$ing and moaning about nothing.
By the way, Mrs. Lies-and-claims-to-use-and-recycle could have her Keurig WITHOUT the nasty, landfill-clogging K-cups. We use solofil cups. They work like a dream, and you can use your own coffee, any brand.
Here's the address in case the link doesn't work: http://www.solofill.com/
They are expensive at first ($15 to $17), but K-cups are so expensive that you make up the cost fast. After brewing, dump the grounds, rinse, and you're ready to go again.
I love them. It's convenience without the guilt.
That this alternative exists doesn't change the fact that Kate is an extremely wasteful consumer, as years of video documentation proves.
Yep, the Keurig doesn't have to be pricey or wasteful. I use the My K cup and it works like a charm.
I vote the beginning of the end was the Palin episode. Given the various expenses of flying them to Alaska, I wondered at the time if there should have been a least one more episode based on activities that were never able to be filmed because of Kate's horrible behavior.
It also got boring...there were all the trips where the kids couldn't care less and were bratty and Kate was rude..all the parties, back to school episodes, chickens, play houses & other new things or renos added to the home, kids' plays, two movie nights. I think the show ran its course despite the appalling behavior on the RV and Palin episodes. For me, the NYC visit with Kate in the hooker outfit was the last time I tuned in and I was very sad for the kids.
For me, the NYC visit with Kate in the hooker outfit was the last time I tuned in and I was very sad for the kids.
I truly think Kate was off her meds during the NYC filming. From her rat's nest hair to her skimpy halter top that her boobs were spilling out of to the utterly bizarre waving to the plain folk like she was the Queen of England to hooping and hollering while carrying ice cream cones and running in stilletos (and then another bizarre twist that she bragged about it).
What was really sad was to see that once again, if the kids had their choice, none of them would sit with her. They had to be manhandled to go to Kate's table. Sadder was Kate shoving her one boy as she gave him his ice cream cone and then smacking 2 of the kids awake when they fell asleep on the bus. What a bitch. Those poor kids were plied with sugar to stay awake for the sole purpose of filming (about a 14-16 hour day in triple digit heat) the next day. Heaven forbid they sleep in a bit when there's footage to be shot!
"Remember you're a Palin and not a Gosselin".
Um Kate your not a Gosselin sweetie the kids will all ways be Gosselin. You only got the name because your married Jon.
mamaK said... 187
So, I just read Kate's "I'm so organized I use coupons" tips at couponcabin. I must have hallucinated, cuz the second tip is "I reuse and recycle". REALLY???
Yes, I imagine it went something like this:
One of the ways I save money is by reusing and recycling!
Reusing: I make my kids wear the same outfits over and over, and when the twins outgrow their clothes, I make the Littles wear them! The boys whine about having to wear so many dresses and so much pink, but they're just icky boys, so who cares?
Recycling: I recycle EVERYTHING!!! Except paper things, cause we use a lot of paper plates and napkins and paper towels, and they can get food and messy stuff on them and get icky, and then I don't want to touch them, so I make my kids throw them in the trash for me! And I don't recycle school papers or anything I wrote on or even touched because someone could take them out of our recycling bins and sell them to a tabloid! So I make my kids throw those in the trash for me, too!
I also don't recycle plastic or glass because lots of plastic and glass things are used to hold food or drinks and they can be sticky so I just make my kids throw them in the trash for me!
So, Yes!!! I totally make my kids reuse everything! And I recycle everything except paper, plastic, and glass!
Got any more of your syrupy drivel for us to translate, Kate? Bring it on!
Guess Kate is getting bored with her tweeties. Now she's tweeting her crock pot chicken recipe to Sherri Shepherd.
Am just commenting on Kate's lame tweets to Sherri Shepherd too. Sherri says she needs a quick recipe and then Kate responds with some chicken recipe. Tweets again to say she uses ORGANIC bbq sauce. No response from Sherri. She is sooo desperately lame.
I need to put my .02 cents in on Jon's picture on the header. Take it down. He has been out of the spotlight for years and does not use his kids to further his career. Having him up there is just as bad as the media blasting him for cheating and his Ed Hardy wear. JMO.
Sherri says she needs a quick recipe and then Kate responds with some chicken recipe.
Oh Kate is such an idiot. She wanted a QUICK recipe not something that takes 3 hours in a crockpot.
And what the hell's the matter with Sherri? There's only about a million quick chicken recipes on the internet. Dumb as a stick - both of them.
Tucker's Mom said... 6
Re: The chicken breasts. I can't speak for the size of breast she buys, but, 1/2 a Foster Farms chicken breast is actually one serving of meat, which is only 3 oz. About the size of your palm.
I will say that I occasionally buy pasture raised, housed only at night organic chicken at Whole Foods. Yes the breasts are smaller. Which bears the question - when Kate shops organic does she get organic chicken? Or is she simply thinking that walking into a Whole Foods makes everything contained in its four walls organic? Because it doesn't. Just an FYI, Kate.
I truly think Kate was off her meds during the NYC filming.
Yeah, I remember watching that thinking, OMG, there's something wrong with her....she's overdosed on something or another....I can't believe they're actually filming this instead of having an intervention.
The waving was very odd, considering she went nuts in the park where they were taking family photos and a few people turned to see what was going on.
Re: Jon Gosselin's place of employment.
I have no problem with the article being published. I agree, it's great that he's getting on with his life and I hope his job is successful. However, Admin - would it be possible to redact the name of his company from that original post and any others that mention it?
Jon has asked for privacy. We know that Kate's extreme fans will email places of employment to harass people. Jon deserves to live a private life at this point
Just a request. Your site, your rules.
And what the hell's the matter with Sherri? There's only about a million quick chicken recipes on the internet. Dumb as a stick - both of them.
HAHA! So true
Katie Cry-duh said... 10
Re:Shoka. I thought that blog entry was a snark. "Could it be that you don't love me?" Why would any loved dog think that? Dogs do not like to stay cold and wet. Rather, Shoka would probably love a warm bath/rinsing off followed by a toweling off and blow dry...just like humans. And bitch, no dog gives a shit that you're in makeup and heels. WTF is going on here? I hope and pray that someone takes that dog away from her. Give him a chance of a good life and an owner who loves him...one who doesn't think he'd rather be running around in freezing weather.
First thing this am she's tweeting that the police were at her house because she turned on her alarm by accident. This was quickly followed by a post on her dumb website thoroughly explaining just how friggin much Shoka enjoys being outside in cold rainy weather. I'm not buying it. Something else happened, what it was we'll never know....
It was good to see Jon's name mentioned in the article. See sheeples, he IS working. Unlike your kween who has nothing better to do than to buy twatter followers and refinance her money pit.
whistlingdixiee said... 166
Milo is losing it...Can you say Fatal Attraction???~~~~ "Not sure about where things stand." "Lights out man needs 2 talk to you." "I NEED to talk to U" ~~~~I'm almost afraid for Khate!
Milo already deleted these. I agree...CREEPY!
Milo is a REAL animal lover. She's always encouraging Kate to mention Shoka, I think because Milo wants Kate to look better--like the animal lover Milo believes her to be. (HA!)
I haven't had time to read the Shoka Diaries, but if that poor dog is stuck outside and miserable, Kate has a h*** of a lot of nerve writing how much he loves it.
One other thing. Maybe the breeder didn't let Kate have Shoka back. Someone a while back gave some evidence that Shoka 1 and Shoka 2 didn't appear to be the same dog.
Admin: cute & funny.
I see Katie has been busy.
1. getting kids bus driver sacked.
2. no church cause she is sick
3. wrote worthless blog about saving money, stuff we already know
4. on Katies CC blog, of advice: she should take that what she wrote to her kids: she said:choose wisely how you spend your money.
5.Why the alarm went off: BS, the cops showed up cause your trash was all over the neighborhood.
6. GRIFTING for a new treadmill
7. blame dog for trash all over the yard and elsewhere
8. punish dog by not letting him in house
9. writing a BS blog about dog not wanting to come in house
10. whining about snow
11. letting kids open rest of xmas gifts, cause she does not want to interact with them.
12. Real quiet about LA trip.
Did I leave anything out?
I read both blogs what a bunch of BS. Especially the dog blog. I have 2 dogs, and if it is raining out, my dogs, won't go out the door, unless they really have to go. I read that blog as someone here posted: That mean bitch, who won't feed me or let me in. So I trashed the garbage can, for food and now she won't let me in the house and had the gall to do a blog blaming me, and that I rather stay outside and freeze than come in the house. I wish I could bite her ass, but then she might put me to permanent sleep, for biteing her and saying I was dangerous. Poor dog.
I hope that Jon does not end of with trouble at work from some of Kates deranged fans now that someone felt it necessary to post the article word for word.
Milo is a REAL animal lover. She's always encouraging Kate to mention Shoka, I think because Milo wants Kate to look better--like the animal lover Milo believes her to be. (HA!)
Oops, my point being that if some of these super fans could open their eyes to the real Kate, they might be surprised and appalled. But even if Shoka himself went on the air and did an interview testifying to his abuse, the fans would say (1) he's lying; only Kate tells the truth. And (2) isn't amazing! Kate taught her dog to talk. She can do anything!
My quick chicken recipe is to use the new Kraft Sizzling Salads (no I don't work for them). It's cooking sauce and salid dressing (separate bottles) in one package. Just add chicken and salad and you've got a complete meal.
I guessed that Milo's panicked tweets had to do with talking the Lights Out Man into going on this cruise. It is, after all, the number one issue on the planet right now. Time Magazine probably agrees.
fidosmommy said... 51
I guessed that Milo's panicked tweets had to do with talking the Lights Out Man into going on this cruise. It is, after all, the number one issue on the planet right now. Time Magazine probably agrees.
Good luck with that. If Milo thinks Kate is going to put herself out communicating with "lights out man", he/she is in for a shock.
Things with Milo are not going to end well.
On the other hand, I'll be shocked if the cruise ever happens. "A lot of interest" doesn't necessarily translate into "dollars committed". Too many "fans" have pointed out that it's too expensive for them, and Kate's opportunities to publicize the "event" are diminishing by the hour. Not that she was bothering in the first place.
Kate is a firm believe that "effort" is for Mediocres, not something a skilled grifter should ever stoop to.
Please Admin, do consider deleting the post on Jon's job. Sheeple have serious psychotic issues and will be calling his employer. This should never have been posted by the person living in Pennsylvania. It was meant for local eyes only, not the world wide web.
Mary said... 48
I hope that Jon does not end of with trouble at work from some of Kates deranged fans now that someone felt it necessary to post the article word for word.
When Jon was hired, they knew he was formerly on TV and had been in the public eye. I don't think he would get in trouble over something he can't control. I don't wish any trouble for Jon by any means, but if the Dumb & the Witless do start their crap, I hope the calls are traced and the whole flock is charged with harrasment.
I bet Kate was feeling "under the weather" yesterday and today, because her good friend, Kelly Ripa, is having female co-hosts all this week. Wonder why she didn't call Kate? Gosh, Kate and Steve could have zipped right up to NYC for her co-hosting gig. That is, after all, her dream job and she is so good with her gift of gab.
I really wonder why Kate thinks her voice is her best 'feature' as she said once...her grammar is terrible, as is her vocabulary( all those invented words) and she has little of interest to say. Her delivery is punctuated by ums...or words that don't really fit the sentence.All she talks about is herself or her imaginary perfect world and kids... Someone MUST have told her this?!
What is wrong with people? Kate's most recent lame-ass CC blog has made the "news" on Radar.
Seriously... this dreck is newsworthy? Kate's said nothing that we all don't already know. That, and she's a hypocrite. The women blows through the money that the kids earned for her by buying ridiculous shoes and spending gobs of scratch on pampering herself. CC looks ridiculous. There has not been one morsel of original insight in any of her blogs.
I also think her talking about (complaining once again) about repurposing the kids clothing. First of all, the majority of it has been free. Let's be honest. Secondly, she makes her kids wear jorts? Cut off jorts? She's got a lot of nerve making them wear cut off shorts when she wouldn't dare be seen in such dreck.
tate said... 55
I bet Kate was feeling "under the weather" yesterday and today, because her good friend, Kelly Ripa, is having female co-hosts all this week. Wonder why she didn't call Kate?
Has Kate been invited back since her "I wait at home by the phone for the kids to call because they want to come home" bombshell?
Kelly looked mortified.
Did Sherri tweet Kate back yet aren't they also BFF's.?
Katie Cry-duh said... 19
Dressmaker, I remember that dress from DWTS. It was white and made of thin clingy material like spandex. It was so tight that there was talk of camel toe...in a dress. Gross. She was sitting in the audience with Mary Hart after she had been booted from the show. She stood up during a standing ovation and gave everyone an eyeful in her gynecological dress.
Here it is:
Tranny Dress
NLAN, Kate looks like she has a weiner in that dress! How does she come up with these outfits??? No doubt she spends BUCKS to look so bad.
I don't care if 3 oz is a recommended serving of protein; 3 chicken breasts to serve 9 people, 8 of them growing children, seems miserly to me. Not anything I would promote. Plus, why do you need to "stew" white meat chicken in a crockpot? Brown the breasts, carmelize onions, return breasts to pan, add sauce and simmer 20/30 minutes until done. Serve with brown rice and green veg - voila dinner. She just makes unnecessary work because she doesn't think straight.
Oh good grief! I'm sorry but her writing? It is totally ridiculous. And I don't mean just her whining while writing I mean the whole scenario.
I feel so miserable for dogs who are left out in the rain. It just is not right in my book. I owned a German Shepherd growing up, we let her in to sleep by the fire on cold nights before moving to a warmer climate. You know, when her dog begins to get old it could get a lot worse.
I mean, I admit, because I'm human I put my dog out once and I forgot about him because I didn't hear him at the door. I let him in an hour later and I have never forgiven myself for leaving him out there. Wasn't really cold but still not the point. Point is I forgot. I can see Kate doing this and feeling no remorse.
Kate has no remorse for anyone or anything. She will only ever try to make any bad situation seem cutsey to cover it up. I truly do believe as Kate ages her attitude and all that is going to get worse.
And...since when do dogs have more than one name? Shoka Joe? HUH? I mean I'm really confused if someone would clear that up? Thanks. It makes no sense to me. My dog only has the one name.
Ugh, she doesn't know the difference between sauteing and caramelizing onions. Cookbook writer indeed!
I agree about the article about Jon's job...if anything, the exact name of his employer should be deleted....Just my two cents.
And I'm sorry, but why the heck does she use the crockpot for everything? Why not just brown the chicken in a pan and then finish in the oven for bbq'd chicken? Overcooked chicken is the worst! Goodness, this is what she's stooped to? Trolling Twitter to tweet celebs who don't give a shit about her? What a loser.
PJ's momma said... 61
NLAN, Kate looks like she has a weiner in that dress! How does she come up with these outfits??? No doubt she spends BUCKS to look so bad.
PJ's momma, I agree with your post except for that last sentence. That horrible dress was probably free, as are (were?) most of Khate's terrible outfits. If it's FREE, that grifting loser will wear it, despite how bad it looks.
NLAN, thanks for the link to the tranny dress. And yes, she looks like she has a weiner in it. I also found myself looking in that area in the silver dress as there's a hint of a bulge there too. Kate, we get it, you have a vagina. You're a huge *rhymes with bundt*, but no one wants to see it. Blech. Time to go poke my eyes out.
NLAN- thanks, ugh!
If the sheeple want to give her a gift that she NEEDS it would be a slip- that dress is so tight you can see quite a lot through it and even some parts that shouldn't be there??
Kate really is trolling Twitter. It so obvious that she monitors her Twitter feed all day long and swoops in when a celeb tweets anything. When is the last time any one of them responded to her?
Admin, maybe you should rename this thread: Get The Look: you too can dress as swagish as Kate, for about the same price
NLAN - I wouldn't be too sure of that. Kate wore a lot of Ann Taylor and they stated at one point that they were not comping her anything. Why would they keep giving stuff to a woman who makes it look like crap? I wear Ann Taylor and Loft a lot - it fits my body well (I too have no waist but have an athletic, slim body type) and when I would go to a couple of the stores here, I'd say, "It kills me that Kate Gosselin is making your stuff look so bad!" They were shocked to hear she was wearing their stuff. She wears a lot of 9 West shoes and stuff like that. None of it is cheap, but it's not outrageously expensive either. (Most of my wardrobe is $5-10 Ann Taylor finds on the clearance rack!) Though those hideous shoes with the Daisy Dukes were free from Guess, I think she buys a lot of her own stuff and tries to put it together on her own. Which is why it fails. But yes, she probably does get dresses and such (like those hideous Florida dresses) for free and maybe this one was too. She makes everything look ugly.
Most crock pot meals are even better the next day. If the narcissist savant doubled up her recipes, she would save money AND time and have a yummy meal the next day. Love day old stew over rice. Nuke it for a minute or two and yummmmmm
Her most obvious deception has nothing to do with her "fans". In fact, anyone who has seen the years of disturbing footage, read her interviews, read the intelligent posts and comments from the wonderful people of this blog, and is still a fan are only deceving themselves. It's almost as if the object of their obsession doesn't matter in the end because they couldn't care less about facts. Kate might as well be a fictional character in their worlds.
Ex Nurse said... 176
I would love to add other shows to the discussion--I miss the recaps! Dance Moms and Toddlers and Tiaras--Please!
Also, everyone makes good points about notifying the monitoring company that it was accidentally set off. Maybe there was another reason the police were there.
I wondered how a recap of "Hoarding, Buried Alive" would go. Anybody have a strong enough stomach to make that humorous?
Oh please, that Radar "article" is nothing more than paid advertising for Coupon Crappers. As if we're supposed to believe that Radar just decided to check CC's site today to see if Khate posted one of her lame blogs, sure. It's funny how they pasted Coupon Crappers logo on Khate's photo AND included a direct link to CC's site in their "article". My, you'd almost think someone PAID them to do it. Ha!
Just getting caught up on the posts--been busy fulfilling my goals, and just have to comment on the Shoka post.
I send my dogs with a walker, once a week. I started during a period when I was unable to walk them on a regular basis. Now that I have the time, I still send them because they love being with their pack and they love the alpha dog (the walker) that runs with them. There is nothing cuter than watchng them bound out of the house to his truck, where their buddies are waiting, tails awagging. At the end of the day, they are just a happy to come home, where I am waiting for them.
My dogs get to do more activities than the G8 will ever do at the expense of Kate's time and money. I know that this is a luxury, but it would probably be the last expense I would give up. It makes them happy, which makes me happy! Like everything else, Kate always gets that backwards!
I don't know how to put pictures side by side but if anyone is interested or cares to, join the link I posted below next to the above picture of Kate, or even just look at it separately. Sorry Admin. I don't mean literally change your post, it's your blog. Just maybe in everyone's own mind or something. I think of this doll every time I see Kate's smiling like she is in the picture Admin. posted.
On another note, why does she look like she needs to..ummm...release air..in this picture of her walking? Sorry for being gross. She just looks that way to me.
Anonymous nj
PJ's Momma - I thought Khate always said she wore Ann Taylor dresses to the Today show interviews. I was always under the impression that TLC had hooked her up with free Ann Taylor dresses only because she was on the Today show.
While she has a way of making even nice clothing look bad, there were a couple of dresses that I thought she looked good in. Most of the time, though, she wears the wrong style for her body shape, and she's really been looking more and more tacky and inappropriate over this past year.
If Kate would've bent over or fell the world would'e seen everything down under.
NLAN, I do remember that she said she got one dress at Ann Taylor - but I didn't take it to mean that Ann Taylor comped her any clothes. I just took it to mean that she or TLC paid for them. She's made some Ann Taylor and Black Market or whatever that store is look HORRIBLE.
You're right - she's tacky. That is the best way to describe it.
AuntieAnn said... 40
And what the hell's the matter with Sherri? There's only about a million quick chicken recipes on the internet. Dumb as a stick - both of them.
Two peas in a pod, plus Sherri doesn't know how to cook, which is a good thing, because she can't see the stove over those gigantic boobs she loves to stick out. Way dangerous. Actually, I bet Kate has some problems in that area, as well, with her Double D's.
Good afternoon. I'm exhausted!!! Heh, just kidding. I'm actually quite well rested and chipper and ready for the evening.
Anyone is welcome to discuss other shows that interest you. I have a post in the can about Sister Wives and another about something Justin Beiber said in his documentary (Beiber fever!).
Personally I'm more interested in families in which the exploitation IS the reality t.v. This would include the Duggars, Sister Wives, The Real Housewives, Bethany Every After, and so on. The reason I don't find myself as worked up about Dance Moms and Toddlers and Tiaras, all of which of course there is a lot to say about, is because the exploitation is not so much the reality show as it is the nature of what the kids are doing--the grueling competitions. Show or not all those children will still do those competitions. The competitions is what will screw them up if anything does. But for the other families, when the reality show goes away, presumably, the exploitation will stop--unless your Kate and won't give up on making your kids sheeple chow forever and ever.
This isn't really a blog about bad moms or bad parenting in general, although parenting choices are often discussed. It's more about children on reality tv, the consequences of that, and the bad parenting choices happening through the lens of reality tv in light of the reality tv and even the long term consequences of being on reality tv even after the show is over, as we are seeing now. As always though, people can discuss what they feel like discussing as the wind blows as long as they follow the rules.
Just looking at pic above of Kate and Mr. Purseholder - they almost look like they're holding hands. Ewwww, yuk.
I must say that is the lamest dog blog I have ever seen.Just goes to show ya how little Kate knows about dogs or kids, for that matter.No dog prefers to be outside in crappy weather, even when they're human is as nasty as Kate is to Shoka.
I remember her brushing his fur, downright mean and she is in no way an animal lover, she just pretends to be on tv and her blog.Talk is cheap and her actions speak louder than her words, every time.I wonder what really happened at the orphanage?
I must say that is the lamest dog blog I have ever seen.Just goes to show ya how little Kate knows about dogs or kids, for that matter.No dog prefers to be outside in crappy weather, even when they're human is as nasty as Kate is to Shoka.
Incidentally it rained today. As usual, I had to carry my dog outside because he won't go out and hold him there until he does his business. Then he bolts back in. Of course dogs don't like the rain unless there is really, really something better out there like a cat, or if all the humans are gathered outside in the rain. Bottom line is, dogs want to be where you are. If you are all inside cozied up by the fire with hot cocoa, then that's where they want to be. And is there anything better than a cup of hot cocoa in one hands and your dog tucked under your other arm on a rainy day?
Kate's Shoka blogs look like they are from a 10th grade creative writing class where if you're lucky the teacher will give you a B+ for that drivel.
And...since when do dogs have more than one name? Shoka Joe? HUH? I mean I'm really confused if someone would clear that up? Thanks. It makes no sense to me. My dog only has the one name.
Ummm My cat's name is Sadie Marie! I don't think it's that strange. LOL
I would love a job where all you have to do is drop some pesky kids off at the bus stop, then come home and tweet all day, troll other celeb twitter accounts for tweets to respond to not ever getting a response back, and retweet sappy suck up comments from my five fans.
Really, Kate is a genius.
Marie@63......Many dogs have more than one name especially if they are AKC registered. They have their papered name and the name that we call them. I do think Kate made this up about Shoka But it's not uncommon. we call our dog Baby Dumplin'.
I agree with the person who said that this thing with Milo is not going to end well.
I thought that Milo considered herself Kate's bff...guess I was wrong. She thinks that she's her "mom"...
@Kateplusmy8 Ah...regardin this mornin...I sent another response...U really should listen 2ur "twitter mom"! Some things I know best! LOL!
I wonder what she was so concerned about this morning - her husband wanted to "talk" to Kate. Maybe he can't go, but she needs a caretaker and she wants to share a cabin with Kate, or make sure that Steve will look after her. Scary stuff!
Speaking of scary, it looks like Bigfan is off her meds again:
@Kateplusmy8 Do you think 1 of K8's sisters is a Lesbian?
@Villagegolfnut @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 @aintnobodysfool K8's gonna write a picture book about her upbringing and coming into adulthood.
@Villagegolfnut @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 @aintnobodysfool She'll have pictures of herself with simple 1 sentence descriptions of her upbring
@EmeraldCityJazz @kateplusmy8 K8's on her way to being broke w/ 8 kids in 2 years because of her constant scowls in PAP pics
The problem with lumping Kate in with other reality show families is that in a list of the worst things she has done to her children filming a reality show is down at about 7 or 8.
I definetly would be interested in a Duggar thread, especially as there is yet another innocent being brought into that circus.
Perhaps the Shoka blog, strewn garbage, and policevisit are all related. I can see someone noticing that Shoka is left out all night, even in terrible weather, and digging in the garbage for something to eat. That someone calls the police, who come out to find that Shoka is, in fact, out in the cold and has torn up the garbage. Kate goes straight into damage control mode, and immediately writes that ridiculous Shoka diaries entry, then tweets about the garbage mess and cops stopping to respond to the alarm. She's trying to cover her a**, but if you put the three events together, there's a clear picture of what really happened.
Tamara, please tell me that Duggar mom isn't pregnant again. If you're referring to her latest pregnancy, she miscarried. We'll see if they exploit that for the upcoming shows.
Kate's animal love is fake. She was twittering about how she saved animals as a child. I have a hard time believing that. It was probably something her siblings did, and she took credit for it.
With the estrangement from her family, she really praises her late grandmother. GM wasn't mentioned on the show so I wonder if she was alive to see all the TV stuff. GM must've spoiled Kate.
About TLC seeming to be done with Kate, for Kate to imply that TLC is done with her on twitter is telling. Kate is usually pie in the sky about things: I'll get another show, write another book. For her to say TLC is out must mean they are.
I'm guessing if Shoka goes through their garbage he'll go through others. I would certainly call the cops if a loose dog were going through my garbage and no one were around to pick him up. I'm no conspiracy theorist but the timing sure is suspicious.
And usually if your dog has behaviors like going through garbage like that, you either have a puppy who will learn, or a dog who is hungry, or a dog who is extremely bored. Get some help with this dog, Kate. Not for your sake. I could care less about that. For Shoka's sake. An undisciplined bored wild dog is an unhappy dog.
Admin, you could put together a post of some of her worst tranny outfits, under the title "Man or woman? You decide!"
One thing that bugs me...the time she spent on bed rest just gets longer and longer. She keeps saying she was one bed rest for 30 whole weeks, but the tups were born at 29 weeks, 5 days. So, she was on bed rest for longer than she was pregnant? And in Multiple Blessings, she said she was put on bed rest at 7 weeks, which makes it 22 weeks, 5 days. She really thinks people are too stupid to count, doesn't she?
My dog's name is Casey but we call her Casey May. My sister's dog's full AKA name was Dusty Road Eastward Bound. She got her as a gift from a breeder fried when she moved back East.
About TLC seeming to be done with Kate, for Kate to imply that TLC is done with her on twitter is telling. Kate is usually pie in the sky about things: I'll get another show, write another book. For her to say TLC is out must mean they are.
The most interesting part about this is that TLC was very clear when the show as cancelled that there would likely be some specials, they hoped I believe they said.
How do you go from that to even Kate admitting no they're DONE it's OVER?
Unless they were flat out lying just to try to soften the blow, how do you go from we'll make some specials to no specials? I mean they're perfectly capable of making specials for the Roloffs once in awhile.
I meant AKC not AKA
Layla (91) - But why would she have to cover her butt at all? She chose to write about the alarm, the garbage and then write that idiotic "diary." If she were trying to hide the incident you proposed, wouldn't she not say anything at all?
Tamara - There already is a blog about the Duggars. It's called Duggars Without Pity. That blog reminds me a lot of the Gosselin blogs in that it must be hard for an outsider or newbie to "get" all of our jokes and references, and that's a bit how I feel when I venture over the the Duggar site. You should check it out, it's very good.
JoannaNY said... 103
Thanks for your explanation. I understand that she can block the haters, but her name is still associated with this Twitter account (a battleground between the sheeple and the haters), isn't it? If she closed her Twitter account, they could no longer comment there?
January 23, 2012 3:45 AM
Sorry if someone addressed this already, I don't feel like reading through 200 comments, LOL.
Her name is associated with what account? @kateplusmy8? Yes, that is her account. I'll assume that's what you mean. People aren't commenting "there." There is no "there," people are just Tweeting comments and using the @kateplusmy8 mention so that she (Kate) will see them. But if she has someone blocked, she won't see them. Maybe it would help if you thought of Tweets as being individual entities that float around in space and have different avenues to be accessed. They don't belong to any one single "page" threat you are accustomed to thinking.
If she closed her Twitter account, it would do little, if anything, to stop the Tweet battles. All that would happen is instead of seeing stuff like "@kateplusmy8 is a -insert word here-" People would just say "Hey that Kate Gosselin is a bitch." The tweets are not "posted" to her "page."
admin said...I'm guessing if Shoka goes through their garbage he'll go through others. I would certainly call the cops if a loose dog were going through my garbage and no one were around to pick him up. I'm no conspiracy theorist but the timing sure is suspicious.
How does he get outside the gate? I can't imagine that she would leave it open. Heavens...Jon might wander in!
Layla, I agree...I don't think Kate can count or figure out a timeline. The time she 'laid' on bedrest changes, as does Shoka's age etc. and she always exaggerates, 9000 degrees, an hour to 'dress' the kids, when she goes to bed, that the tups are perennial preschoolers... etc. She is too dumb to remember her own lies.
The gate is not the only way out of the house. There is if I recall a white fence around most of the property the paps used to line up at. A dog could easily climb/jump that or find something to boost them over it like a fallen log. Dogs are escape artists.
If she were trying to hide the incident you proposed, wouldn't she not say anything at all?
She's done this before. A preemptive strike. It's actually not a bad way to deal with it. If your paranoid self feels that a story is going to get out there that paints you in a negative light, you make sure to say something FIRST to set the record straight first before anyone says anything. There is presumably value in getting your spin in there first thing.
I really have no idea, but I actually don't think it's all that crazy of a theory.
Okay, apparent a lot of animals have more than one name. Guess I'm just weird with one name for my dog, oh well ;)
I just find it so strange if Kate calls and calls her dog and if it won't come in tells me a lot.
Kate does not seem like a pet person regardless of what she says, it's her actions that are different. She had cats, got rid of them, she had two dogs, got rid of one. She still has chickens (why I don't know.) and then there is the fish. But fish don't usually live long, do they? I guess if it's not a goldfish maybe.
Done and done said... 99
Layla (91) - But why would she have to cover her butt at all? She chose to write about the alarm, the garbage and then write that idiotic "diary." If she were trying to hide the incident you proposed, wouldn't she not say anything at all?
She could be doing damage control. If someone did call about Shoka, and she doesn't know who made the call, then there's a possibility that the story could become public. People in the area do NOT like her. I can see her laying the groundwork--just in case a story comes out--to say, "I already wrote about how much Shoka likes to stay outside, and the garbage being all over and the police coming". Then she could dismiss it with her usual "Nice try!" Just like when she tweeted about giving the kids "instructions" at the bus stop just before the pics of her yelling at them came out. She knew she was busted.
Admin - I guess that makes sense. She would have to still think that it's like in 2009 when people gave a shit and the paps waited outside for a story. Bingo! There's Kreider for you, self important as always.
That horrible dress was probably free, as are (were?) most of Khate's terrible outfits
SOMEONE, maybe the person who turned her on to that "good bra" REALLY needs to clue her in about other undergarments and how to choose the right color for them, as well.
Layla, you were typing your response as I was typing mine! When you put it that way it really does stink of her inane "masterminding." What a piece of work.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 112
My understanding is that as long as haters also include a non-blocked person in their tweet to Kate, Kate will see it. So the hater tweets something to Kate and also includes Milo's name. Since Milo isn't blocked, the hater's tweet still shows up in Kate's feed. It's why haters never tweet only to Kate. (I don't tweet, so correct me if I'm wrong.)
I don't tweet either, LOL. What you say sounds reasonable. I can see how that would work.
But I think that JoannainNY was asking if this fan/non-non fan Twitter battle would stop if Kate left twitter because people wouldn't be able to post to her "page." I'm just trying to get the point across that there aren't "pages" in the normal sense of the web. Tweets are all separate entities but are able to be sorted and grouped based on who posted it, and who is mentioned, or retweets.
So her dropping Twitter (as f'n if!) would not stop people going back and forth on twitter. They would just be doing it without the @kateplusmy8 mention.
We do drive down the road where her house is on our way to/from our weekend home, and there's a white fence around the property. The boards are far enough apart to allow a dog to slip between them. I have seen other houses with fences like that, and some also have chicken wire up to keep pets from slipping out. I don't think she has chicken wire, although I purposely turn my head the other way when we pass by. Don't like to look upon the house of horrors. I always imagine terrified children huddled miserably behind those walls.
Check Please, I'm pretty astute with internet stuff but I found Twitter very hard to understand how it works when I first visited it. I'm not sure I still completely get why tweets show where they do when they do. My understanding is to even really see things in a form you can understand you have to visit outside sites like twazup. Because it's not really that intuitive, I actually thought that Twitter might just be a fad that couldn't get new people easily because it can be difficult. It's had more lasting power than I bargained.
Yeah, that dog blog is just lame-o. She knows nothing about dogs. But I will say that our little dachsund did not mind the rain in his earlier life. He came to Washington from Arizona and we have a fenced acre and you could NOT get that damn dog to come in! You would have to sneak up on him and lunge and hope you caught him. He would run, nonstop, for 6 hours, digging holes, chasing critters, etc. He'd come back filthy from the inside of his ears to his toes, with ticks, scratches, etc. We fed him as much as a big dog would eat to keep weight on him because he turned into a little spark plug from all that running. He LOVED it. But he also loved being toweled off and snuggling when HE was ready to come in. Now we have another little terrier who sheds like you can't believe and the nearly hairless dog insists on being brushed too. Kate lies. Again.
This Milo nonsense -- if this isn't "I am not going to be ignored," I don't know what is. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even Kate. I just hope, for Kate's sake, that Milo doesn't go on this cruise. I read that CJ is going on the cruise. Is Kate aware of her internet "reputatio?" or doesn't she care, as long as every cabin booked is money in the bank?
What do you do with someone like Milo? Play along, which just means more encouragement with the possibility of the stalking getting worse...or cut them off and hide the bunny?
@Kateplusmy8 So I guess no "tweetie hugs" goodnite 4me! LOL
@Kateplusmy8 It's gettin down rt impossible 2catch U anymore. No ryhme or reason 2ur schedule! LOL
@Kateplusmy8 Gettin "flat" at under 9pm...what's up w/that...2nites in a row?
Kateplusmy8 Geez Kate...U already went 2bed again?
Our Aussies love being anywhere the family is. Last weekend, the kids were sledding and the dogs were tearing around with them in the snow. When the kids came in, the dogs came in with them. I love how, in the morning when the kids are getting ready for school, the dogs park themselves right in front of the door to make sure we don't leave without them. They love going along to drop everyone off at school, and in the afternoon to pick them up. At night, I hear the dogs get up and go from room to room, checking to see that all "their" kids are safe and snug.
Bottom line, dogs want to be with their humans. Especially when there's a bunch of kids. Why doesn't Shoka want to be with the kids? There must be something VERY unpleasant in that house to keep him outside.
Wow, looks like Milo is being deliberately ignored. My guess is Kate decided there was no money there for her to grift, so she's looking for new "fans" who might have some money. She's got cruise tickets to sell, gifts to grift...no wonder she's so exhausted.
Marie said... 105
Okay, apparent a lot of animals have more than one name. Guess I'm just weird with one name for my dog, oh well ;)
Our male cat's official name is King Charles II on his license papers (we call him Charles). I think he knows it too because he rules our house like it's his freakin' kingdom.
*I just find it so strange if Kate calls and calls her dog and if it won't come in tells me a lot.*
Yes agreed. When a dog won't come to you like that he is afraid of something. I'm sure Kate has done plenty to frighten him so I don't blame him for trying to escape, if he did. But it seems to me Jon had a shock collar put on both dogs before he was banned from the premises? Anyone else remember that?
A bored/hungry dog isn't just sad it's dangerous. German Shepards are a breed than can do nasty things to a child. Now don't pile on me with your stories of your shep who was wonderful etc. That dog was probably very well trained, loved and treated well. Whereas Shoka... Or is it Shoka II? Was that mystery ever solved?
Downeaster Alexa said...
I read that CJ is going on the cruise. Is Kate aware of her internet "reputatio?" or doesn't she care, as long as every cabin booked is money in the bank?
Does CJ have a "rep"? Fill me in, please!
Totally agree, any dog that is neglected and not socialized can be potential for anything from minor danger to major danger to even death.
It's a responsibility to own a dog. To not only the dog and your family, but to everyone who will encounter the dog. There is WORK involved with a puppy. You're supposed to do socialization activities with it on a daily basis. Most vets can even give you a schedule of activities to do within certain time periods. For example, I was supposed to take my dog to an outdoor event, like a carnival, expose him to sirens like firetrucks, show him hats, open umbrellas in front of him, take him to a park with a bunch of people, the shopping mall, stuff like that. I've had cats and dogs, and cats are pretty self sufficient as long as you treat them well you'll probably be okay. It's just no the same with dogs which is why if you can't hack it, get out of the business of dog ownership. IT's not for everyone.
I've never lived somewhere cold enough to snow, so bear with me....how long can a German Shepherd roam outdoors in the snow before getting hypothermia? Any dog with lots of fur like him can tolerate the snow for some time, I'm sure, but for how long? Is it even safe to allow him to stay outside for hours at a time? And while we're at it, what about sled dogs? Do they sleep out in the snow/cold? They're better suited to that kind of weather, but how do they not freeze to death? Educate me, people!
Re: dogs who are allowed to roam. There are so many things that can harm a dog allowed to roam beyond their fenced yard: getting hit by a car, eating something poisonous or rotten/spoiled, fights with other dogs, being injured by people who are well meaning (trying to catch them to help) or not. Our neighbor's dog used to rip open our garbage bags to try to score some grub and it was a disgusting, annoying mess. No doubt this has further alienated Kreider from her neighbors
I must say: ALL of her stupid Shoka posts reslly piss me off. The fact that she has a dog, frightens me. I seriously worry about her children as well.
Admin, I am throwing in my 2 cents about removing the name of the company that Jon works for
OT - Admin. I just finished watching A. Bourdain in L.A. I know nothing about L.A. but was left with a positive impression. Interested in your take.
Admin, I completely agree that dog ownership is a lot of work. And not just the socialization that you speak of. There's so much to deal with within your own home: feeding, bathing, brushing, potty training, flea/heartworm medicine and making sure your dog is stimulated (walks, rides in the car, etc). And that's if your dog is on cruise control. If you have a chewer, barker, fighter, or sick dog, there are more issues involved. Plus you have to allow for the occasional gastrointestinal disaster, which is a sure fire way to gross one out. But if done right and more importantly, with love and because you want to, the rewards are immeasurable. Every day when I get home, I'm a rock star as my dogs go nuts to see me. It's love at it's purest, without agenda. If you don't feel that way about your dog, don't torture yourself and the dog by forcing the issue...even if you're trying to prove something to the nonbelievers.
Rhymes, haven't watched Bordain yet will let you know.
Yup. A dog is like having a perpetual four year old child. A really cute age, one of the best ages, so they're a lot of fun, and they are self sufficient enough to do some basic stuff on their own. But they still need close supervision, you still need to feed them, bathe them, brush their hair, clean their teeth, dress them, cuddle them when they are scared, discipline them when they make missteps, and on and on.
FYI, I get this request a lot, I cannot edit posts. Blogger does not allow it and IMO for good reason. I can only keep posts and delete them. If you want to edit your own post, delete it and start again.
Katie Cry-duh, Dogs like sled dogs have an undercoat of soft downy fur that blocks alot of the cold. I am not sure if Shoka has that but he is pretty furry. Some dogs with those thick coats prefer to be outside in the snow because they get too warm in the house. I had a husky mix who loved the snow. As long as they have shelter from the wind they can be out a while. It sort of depends on the temps. We had snow yesterday at about 25-30 degrees. That isn't too bad. It is when we get 0 degrees or colder and high winds then it is harder for them. I have a friend who raises coon hounds. He has over 20 sometimes and they each get a little dog house with straw and that is all. They don't have the thick fur either but he doesn't lose them to the cold unless the dog is really old.
I don't believe in leaving my dogs outside much but some people do. Mine are family and only go out when they want or need to.
Thanks Ingrid. I've always had indoor pups too. Glad to know Shoka can probably tolerate that weather, at least physically.
Didn't the kids ask what the dogs name was when Kate brought Shoka back? I mean I don't remember how long the dog had been gone so maybe they forgot the dogs name. The issue that bugs me is that Kate only brought back the one dog. Whatever happened to Nala? I mean that she never explained or even bothered with. Why did she get rid of the dogs in the first place?
I don't agree that when Jon took the dogs away it was filmed by paps it seemed so terribly traumatic to me.
You don't just get rid of an animal and then bring them back like that. It's not fair to the dog or the kids. It says to me, "Is this permanent or do I have to worry about seeing my pet go away again?"
She caged the dogs early on, she screeched and bellowed. I mean that type of attitude toward any animal says a lot. No wonder the dog won't come. I mean my dog when we go get the mail together he might wonder off on occasion to smell but he eventually comes back when called.
Why have animals if you are not willing to treat them with the respect they deserve? Sure they can't speak but they can still talk to you.
Admin, I am throwing in my 2 cents about removing the name of the company that Jon works for
I'd vote to just delete the post. I don't trust those sheeple at all. I saw the article in the paper and didn't post it for that very reason. Removing the company name does nothing - the internet can be searched for the company name, based on the information that would remain.
I live in Chicago it's snow crazy here but my one year old toy pups love to snow.
So I take them out I take them out for 5-10 mins. I brush dry and brush them when they come in.
I would never leave my dogs in the rain or snow even thought they love it.
PJ's momma said... 61
NLAN, Kate looks like she has a weiner in that dress!
Katie Cry-duh said... 68
NLAN, thanks for the link to the tranny dress. And yes, she looks like she has a weiner in it. I also found myself looking in that area in the silver dress as there's a hint of a bulge there too. Kate, we get it, you have a vagina. You're a huge *rhymes with bundt*, but no one wants to see it. Blech. Time to go poke my eyes out.
It's been a trying evening here. But after reading these, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying! My husband is asking what's so funny.... How to explain the weiner, the tranny dress, rhymes with bundt, and poking eyes out?
Tamara, please tell me that Duggar mom isn't pregnant again. If you're referring to her latest pregnancy, she miscarried. We'll see if they exploit that for the upcoming shows.
Admin, the Duggars are currently following Rick Santorum and campaigning for him. They are promoting him as the ideal candidate for the christian right. They have been doing meet and greets at many of Santorum campaign stops. They have been on the road for over two week now. I worry about the kids being able to get their school work done during this time. I dont think that the bus is a conducive learning environment. I also think that they are exploiting their kids by forcing them to do the meet and greet events.
Maybe tranny Kreider is wearing a 'cod piece'(sp?) sorta like, "Mine's bigger than yours....neener, neener, neener...."
hey jude.....wavin' madly at you! oxox
Annie2, I saw them at the Charleston debate but I had no idea they were following him on the campaign trail.
I don't think the kids should be forced to do meet and greets, but I think a campaign trail can be an experience to remember for a kid, and definitely a huge learning opportunity. I actually liked that Sarah Palin took Piper along with her. The Duggars are homschooled. But to make the kids "work" a campaign is a whole other story.
Hey Duggars?.....wanna defeat Obama? I promise you America won't elect Santorum. Don't mess it up for the rest of Republicans. Hehe. :)
Something like this?
Personally I'm more interested in families in which the exploitation IS the reality t.v. This would include the Duggars, Sister Wives, The Real Housewives, Bethany Every After, and so on. The reason I don't find myself as worked up about Dance Moms and Toddlers and Tiaras, all of which of course there is a lot to say about, is because the exploitation is not so much the reality show as it is the nature of what the kids are doing--the grueling competitions. Show or not all those children will still do those competitions.
Admin, I see what you're saying.
An interesting side aspect of a show like "Dance Moms" is how the show might be ramping up the exploitation? For example, I saw an interview with Abby Lee (the dance studio owner and infamous teacher). "Dance Moms" features a controversial pyramid each week, pitting the girls against each other. Who's on top? Who's on the bottom?
But in the interview, Abby says, "This is good TV. There is no pyramid in our studio. We do that for TV. We also don't do that many competitions except for TV. We'd never travel from one state to the next week to week." I'm paraphrasing, but basically, Lifetime gives them the budget and part of the contract is forcing an even more extreme schedule on them as well as making sure there's drama.
(Also, the older and younger girls are on Abby Lee's "traveling TV dance team" only because their moms thought it would be good for them to be on TV. The two actually are on an older and younger team, respectively.)
I'd be curious to what Kate's goal in life is. I mean I've seen her try on all sort of costumes as it were: nurse, reality TV star, author, blogger, etc. But I don't understand what her passion or goal in life is?
For example I've been studying for four years in anthropology. I do not know how people walk through life just hop-scotching from "career" to the next. Her job offers are going to be fewer and farther between the older she gets. I mean I've seen it happen. Older people usually get lesser paying jobs, gas station, Wal Mart or whatever.
I'm waiting for the day Kate goes broke. Because either one or two things is going to happen. One, she had more money than she let on and lied about being broke, or two she'll have to accept reality and go back actually working. But I can't figure out if anyone will ever call her out on number one though.
If you lumped all the Duggars together they don't come up to the craziness of Kate. They care about each other, too. Unlike Kate who cares about herself only.
I have a bunch of names and so does my brother the Aussie but we can't remember them. My mom even forgot once when she was registering us for a trial and had to go to the paperwork. We are just known as Patch and Mike. But we did have a pack member named Professor Moriarty who refused to respond to anything but the whole name. Moriarty or Mori was like talking to the deaf.
We did see someplace Kelly Ripa was doing female co-hosts and had to smile that Kate was not advertised as being one of them. Eat your heart out you dog and child abusing freak.
Teresa, I think she's too dumb to know that she's advertising, "Neener, neener, I have a weiner!" Actually, I think it's Jon's weiner. She got everything, including his weiner. I think she keeps the balls in her purse or something.
I watched Oprah's interview with George Lucas tonight. It was fascinating! He comes off like a very nice/good guy, very unassuming. Anyway, every commercial break had an ad for Joan/Melissa Rivers' new reality show. And Melissa's son is shown on each clip. WTF? Leave the kids OUT OF THESE THINGS!!!
An interesting side aspect of a show like "Danc Moms" is how the show might be ramping up the exploitation? For example, I saw an interview with Abby Lee (the dance studio owner and infamous teacher). "Dance Moms" features a controversial pyramid each week, pitting the girls against each other. Who's on top? Who's on the bottom?
Virginia, I did hear that the pyramid was fake. I also think her favoritism of Mady is exaggerated to ramp up the drama. Even when other girls clearly deserved it they are never on top. How do kids process that, this is a pyramid you are on bottom but don't worry it's all fake? That's got to be confusing.
So much of Dance Moms appears VERY staged, more staged than a typical reality show. It is for sure on my radar. Someone else pointed out the obvious blocking of the mothers in the viewing room above the dance floor. Instead of sitting haphazard wherever as people sit and throw their bags everywhere, they are always lined up neatly and organized. Also the fights are over the top. I'm not naive about this world I know it's cut throat and I know some of these mothers have tempers, but some of the fights seem over the top.
I can see having a few screaming and shouting raging mothers that you soon kick out of your studio, but the show makes it seem like this is a daily occurrence. Yeah right. As I said I have seen a competitive gymnastics studio in west LA that had literally trained Olympians, there was nothing like that. It was pleasant and happy.
I find it hard to believe that a dance teacher who fights with the mothers like this in front of the kids would have one student if it weren't for famewhores wanting to be on the show. Also, the kids on the show were made to do meet and greet autograph sessions---BLECH!!! What does that teach a kid, your "character" made you famous?
PJ "....Joan/Melissa Rivers' new reality show. And Melissa's son is shown on each clip. WTF? Leave the kids OUT OF THESE THINGS!!!"
That floors me after hearing how Joan ranted about Khate not being home with her kids...Is Joan a hypocrite after all?!
I feel the worst for the oldest kid Brooke. She used to be the favorite then was replaced by Mady, she has to dance with a bunch of babies, ends up on the bottom of the pyramid even though she is the best dancer of all of them, and really just wants to do cheerleading even though cheerleading won't lead to anything--SO WHAT it won't lead to anything it's fun.
I saw Melissa Rivers a couple months ago eating outside with her kid. No nannies, no makeup, a baseball cap, no nanny, no fuss. I thought she was Melissa Gilbert at first lol, then I took a second look. A fan approached her and she talked to them and was real gracious. I hope she hasn't gone over to the dark side, too.
Admin, Melissa stood there while Joan berated her son's choice of musical instrument (cello) and made fun of him. Even if that's their family dynamic, I just don't like that he's on there.
PJ that's awful.
Teresa, I think she's too dumb to know that she's advertising, "Neener, neener, I have a weiner!" Actually, I think it's Jon's weiner...^
It would be WIENER (German EE). Weiner is pronounced "WINER," or, in Kate's case, "WHINER!"
Sleepless in Seattle..... lmao. The ad l saw on Ebay was/is for a ballholder! So that's where she hid Jon's.... a place he never thought to look when he had enough!
Celebs need to have their kid's appear on their reality programme to make them seem like everyone else. Americans love that. Why else would tabloids have page after page of celebs doing their shopping, pumping petrol, with their kids at playground.
If she still had a husband, or long term shack up she'd own up to, she could do celebrity life swap. Could have done the wife swap show a couple of years ago. A swap with the balloon boy nutcase dad probably wouldn't have effected the boys much, but it would have pushed both Kate and the dad into a murderous rampage. Kate's kids would have gotten to play with the balloon boy's mom, which wouldn't be all that bad. Living instead with a mom whom you have to keep an eye on all the time to gauge the mood is crazy making.
Rhymes, I liked the Anthony Bordain tour of LA. I loved that he avoided the trendy hot spots that Kate frequents and focused on the real mom and pop places of LA. The good stuff, good and yet cheap. He really stayed in the diverse neighborhoods and avoided most of the west side. Sounds counterintuitive, but the best food is found in these little hole in the wall places. The most amazing Vietnamese Banh mi sandwich ever is in the least trendy neighborhood, and it costs $2.50. It's become a Friday lunch break tradition. The LA Times discovered this little place and now it's a little crowded but that's okay. Also last year discovered the road side fruit stands after a friend kept going there and bringing back yummy fresh sliced fruit with a little chili powder kick. Who knew.
You know, Bordain is still a jerk. I'm surprised it works for him so well.
I think some celebs feel they have to show their kids to help them seem just like us (in fact I think several celebs who aren't even that crazy about kids have them anyway for that very reason), but the good news is there seems to be a growing number of stars becoming more and more discreet about their children. Maybe it's all the scary news out there, maybe is the bigger spotlight on child exploitation, but it's a good thing.
I can think of several reality stars off the top of my head who keep their kids off their respective shows. Real Housewive's Adriane and Camille won't show their kids. Taylor did. And may regret it now that her child's father committed suicide and she's so recognized. Angelina Jolie did an entire 60 Minutes interview at her home and refused to show her kids. She let them film the dog. I think 10 years ago there woudn't be a star mommy who wouldn't jump at having 60 Minutes filming them lovingly wiping their kids' faces after breakfast. Things have changed.
A few European publications blur out the faces of celeb's children.
From the you can't make this stuff up dept (Kate's CC blog entry):
1) When my kids get too tall for their jeans, I cut them off to use as summer outside play shorts.
BS, you you sell their used clothes in consignment shops.
2) I reuse Ziploc bags by rinsing them out and reusing them. I could go on and on...
Does this mean you rinse off paper plates?
As for her grifting for a new treadmill, what ever happened to that Ab-Champ machine she endorsed last summer?
I was hoping you all could help, I was watching The Bachelor last night and am looking for one of his (abcs) advertizers. They gave a web site to go to for financial predictions. How do I find advertizing participants?
Layla said... 91
Perhaps the Shoka blog, strewn garbage, and policevisit are all related. I can see someone noticing that Shoka is left out all night, even in terrible weather, and digging in the garbage for something to eat. That someone calls the police, who come out to find that Shoka is, in fact, out in the cold and has torn up the garbage. Kate goes straight into damage control mode, and immediately writes that ridiculous Shoka diaries entry, then tweets about the garbage mess and cops stopping to respond to the alarm. She's trying to cover her a**, but if you put the three events together, there's a clear picture of what really happened.
Yes, I agree completely--exactly what I said in an earlier post. What is up w/ the new font this morning?
Are police reports for Lower Heidelberg township public record? If so, we could put an end to this speculation about Shoka.
Khate reduces and reuses? I caught a bit of the RV trip episode the other day, where she was packing. Ripping the TAGS off of brand new clothes. The camera catches it, quickly moves up to her face...then pans down to the couch to show a pile of tags she has ripped.
Who has a stack of brandnew with tags clothes just hanging around? or who goes out and buys clothes for a trip instead of using what you have?
Certainly not someone that is waste and money saving concious.....
boyson said... 156
From the you can't make this stuff up dept (Kate's CC blog entry):
2) I reuse Ziploc bags by rinsing them out and reusing them. I could go on and on...
This is an old, old tip. I remember reading it in the early 90's when my children were little.
By the way, I tried it once, and it's a major hassle. Trying to get little crumbs or the remnants of lunch meats out? How unsanitary.
If you succeed at that, how about getting the bags dry without mildew? You'd have to turn them inside out. Does that get all the little crevices? To me, it just wasn't worth the hassle to rinse (you really need to wash AND rinse) to get these little baggies clean. And I wasn't confident they were actually clean anyway.
Kate, you can take your "How to Save Money in the Household" book back to the library now!
Virginia, I did hear that the pyramid was fake. I also think her favoritism of Mady is exaggerated to ramp up the drama. Even when other girls clearly deserved it they are never on top. How do kids process that, this is a pyramid you are on bottom but don't worry it's all fake? That's got to be confusing.
Yes, my thoughts exactly. Kids shouldn't be subjected to this bizarro reality world. Some of the sheeple say, "What's the difference between having child actors and reality TV kids?" Geez, must they ask? I'm sure the kids on Dance Moms wonder, "What's real? What's fake? Did we really win or was that fake, too? When my mom calls Abby a wh*re, is that real or fake, and is it okay if I do that when I grow up?"
Brooke was really crying (it appeared) on one episode. Children being on reality TV reminds me of an old Greek adage: "Though boys throw stones at frogs in sport, yet the frogs do not die in sport but in earnest." Reality children are caught in a make-believe world, but their own suffering is real. Collin Gosselin was really in pain at the furniture store, but it was all "jest" for the audience.
Khate is tweeting that she has "work" starting soon...teasing us...or does someone know what she's referring to? I've got a lot going on and have missed some things.
Nevermind previous post...haven't had my coffee yet! Think Khate is referring to her daily work--i.e., giving instructions to the Nanny/Maid.
I agree dogs can be dangerous, even pets. The kids were hitting Shoka (&/or Nala) with a bat and generally teasing them maybe 2 summers back? I forget. A dog will only take so much...and Kate said on one show that you should bother a dog while he's eating to get them used to it?? Is that new in dog psychology? I have always lived by' never disturb a dog who is sleeping or eating or he may become aggressive.' Would a human being like to be brushed roughly while sleeping or eating? I may be behind the times, but I thought this theory could be dangerous for the kids...Aaden in particular seemed frightened of the dogs at first...
Sort of off topic but remember the girl who tweet that Khart was beside her in the marathon. I follow her on twitter and this is what she retwitted a few days ago. I thought it was funny.
One Run At A Time @devonamills : "If youre training for a legitimate running marathon, I highly suggest that you take a break for a Gosling marathon." Agreed.
Aw, Kate, you're so clever. Reusing and recycling? How original! Why didn't you include the following tip: I save money by making sandwiches for lunch on Mondays and throwing a half a sandwich in each victim's lunchbox. That sandwich is reused on Tuesdays if the victim doesn't eat it. Repeat on Wednesday or until victim eats sandwich or victim's teacher reports you to the office. You can still reuse the ziploc (rinse with victim's tears) no matter when the sandwich is disposed of.
Kate and a day of work now that's funny. I think she means a day of ordering people around that work for her.
By the way, I tried it once, and it's a major hassle. Trying to get little crumbs or the remnants of lunch meats out? How unsanitary.
Awesome, now Kate is promoting how to get food poisoning. Of course it's dangerous to try to rinse out a plastic bag that had food in it. I guess you can reuse them if they didn't have food in them but if you put crummy chips or a sandwich in there, you're just creating potential for a science project and probably one you can't see.
A woman wants to reuse a bag that probably boils down to all of 15 cents saved, but won't cut back in other extravagant areas of her life where she could save 100's and 1,000's. What a strange bird.
I have a frugal relative who does recycle zip lock bags. The procedure involves washing, rinsing, turning inside out and drying. Here comes the detail that sinks Kate's claim -- in order to thoroughly dry the plastic bag, it needs to be "hung" somewhere. My relative upends the baggies on recycled bottles (like salad dressing bottles). She used to have a clothes line in the utility room where she actually clipped the bags in a drying line up. I cannot imagine Kate cluttering up her home with either system. I am a tidy/neat person and I don't want that display in my kitchen. My frugal relative is an impressive person who makes many compromises to save money.
Think about it though, plastic bags are so cheap per bag, even the nice ones. 10, 15 cents per bag? If you use SOAP on each bag, you're probably pumping out at least three or or four cents worth of soap, plus paying for the water your use. You are shaving off pennies earned because you're paying to clean them. It amounts to five cents saved maybe, and a nice little risk of good poisoning.
Ugly, miserable font again. Can it be fixed?
Can't she use those sandwich sized Tupperware for lunch? She packs bits and pieces often so that would be easy....
also re: electric fence- why doesn't she do the entire property so Shoka can't get out even if the fence has enough room...I'm not a fan since other animals can get in, but if they leave him out (of sight) he should be protected from cars, roaming, being stolen etc...as well her garbage would be safe!
I deleted the post about Jon's work, but I have to say, I'm not really worried about him being harassed. I'm sure he could be, but any good employer who knows your work and knows your dedication can identify and deal with a few harassing stalkers, send them on their way, then turn around and have a good laugh with you. And I'm willing to bet Jon had a conversation with them before he even started about the potential for that.
Kate, you can take your "How to Save Money in the Household" book back to the library now
Haha. Good one.
Tell me she does ANY of those. Snort.....
Reusing baggies is nasty. If they had an egg salad or tuna fish salad sandwich, that smell would be permanently in that bag.
I tried changing the font to Times Roman and it isn't doing anything....weird. Blogger, UGH. Ask before you change things!
If they had an egg salad or tuna fish salad sandwich, that smell would be permanently in that bag.
Not just the smell! This would be in there too: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_183/1189445843Rz98Uq.jpg
I love the good zip lock bags but they're expensive so I reuse mine. I pour about 6 cups of water through my coffee maker (without coffee) then put a few drops of bleach and some dish washing liquid in the pot, get it nice and sudsy, then pour it in the zip lock bags and wash insides thoroughly and rinse well.
Regarding the re-use of plastic bags, I saw a show once where they strictly warned against that. The plastic leaches harmful chemicals into the food as it is - they are NOT meant to be reused like that. If she's so damn frugal, she should start serving those kids on real plates AND buy reusable plastic containers and eliminate the bags altogether. We have a box of ziploc bags here and it has lasted years because we just don't use them unless I'm taking food on a plane or something. We do recycle bread and produce bags by using them for doggie poop bags. I put out one small bag of trash every 3 weeks or so, mostly cellophane wrapping and unrecycleables. We compost too. Our area makes all these things very easy. Kate is a joke.
From ziploc.com: Are the Ziploc® Brand Vacuum Freezer Bags reusable?
To avoid cross-contamination of foods, we do not recommend that Ziploc® Brand Vacuum Freezer Bags be reused.
Virginia, totally agree. I am all about being frugal but while keeping in mind is this frugal thing I am doing SAFE, not DANGEROUS, and is the amount of time and energy I am putting into this worth the money I am saving? Could I use that energy elsewhere to perhaps MAKE money, in Kate's case, such as coming up with a new and interesting blog post, instead of exerting all that effort to save a few cents?
Kate's tips about cutting pants into shorts (albeit, who doesn't know about that) and use a calculator to make sure you are getting the right price are good ones and safe ones and not something you need to expend a lot of energy and time on for the reward. So yeah, those make sense/cents.
Watching The View and Mellissa and Joan Rivers are on promoting their Reality TV show (never saw it-- don't know the name). Anyway, Melissa addressed the breakup of her 3-year relationship with a man that she lived with. With her son, Cooper, they were essentially a family and this was for all intents and purposes, a divorce.
Melissa adamantly said that no one was going to get any information regarding how Cooper was dealing with this emotionally. OFF LIMITS PERIOD.
Well, how refreshing to NOT know whether he fell apart, cried, asked for a sandwich or said "I knew this was coming".
It just goes to show the lengths Kate has gone to in order to garner sympathy and attention for herself by using her kids' emotions and abusing/not protecting their right to privacy.
There's truly is a maternal "chip" missing in Kate.
*A mother's job is to protect her children from the world; not offer them to to it.*
From Google Reader: Ask Kate:
I find it absolutely amazing that this 'mom' would put so much of her children's activities out there for public consumption. All their afterschool programs that they are involved in, etc. She knows no boundaries. Why can't she just say any questions about her children are off limits as they should have private lives.
You know why? Because she couldn't be ANYTHING w/o them. She doesn't know how to stand on her own two feet unless she's standing on the backs of her children.
Couldn't post the text as it was too long (character wise for the post)
Tucker's, that is so good to know at least Cooper's emotions about the most private thing in his life are protected.
Quite frankly, I don't even know if there is another example of a celebrity disclosing so much about their kids' emotions during a divorce. And not only that but so SOON after the divorce. I can see maybe writing a book about it several years after the fact with your children's permission to help other divorcing families, but a book written not even a year later????!
As far back as I can remember when a celeb is asked about their children in a divorce they either don't answer the question, or they give a very generic answer like "they are doing well." They don't go into the details of how they told the kids, what each kid said, how each kid acted, who is affected more, like Kate did in such a disgusting way in her book.
Or, look at Michelle Williams, whose daughter lost her dad Heath Ledger. "She's doing well" is the answer she always gives when asked. Because you know what, it's none of anyone else's business beyond that.
Frugal is NOT buying disposable plastic bags. Frugal is buying, one-time, plastic containers that can be safely washed and re-used. They come in all sizes and shapes, including "sandwich", and pose much less threat to both health and the environment.
Kate's tips are such a joke that it hardly matters, but why does she have to be such a hypocrite and an idiot on top of it?
I live on $750 a month. Saving every penny counts for me, and I could tell Kate a thing or two about saving money. LOL
Kate making the kids wear cut off jeans isn't all that bad, I suppose, but it is akin to the Cobbler's kids having no shoes.
We have Kate, who doesn't wear the same outfit twice for appearances, and who bought a new wardrobe from Ann Taylor and WH/BM for a RV trip/camping trip (yeah, who does that?)! She absolutely spoils herself and spares no expense, but her kids have to wear cut off jeans and free clothes?
Aside from school clothes, what do they get that comes out of her pocket?
Oh, I forgot, the clearance items for the boys after Christmas.
Dee, ding ding ding ding ding! The containers cost just a buck or two more than plastic bags, and will last YEARS if you take care of them. I have had the same good quality sandwich containers for like six years.
Money saved: in the hundreds.
Money saved by reusing plastic bags: a couple bucks.
Reusing plastic bags?
They make perfect little sandwich sized tupperware for lunches. I have a plastic bag I use in my daughters lunch when she takes a salad (put dressing in tupperware INSIDE ziploc because they always leak) but reusing the ones the sandwiches are inside?
Especially with 40 lunches in a school week at her castle - get some tupperware Shrew.
Kate doesn't rate said... 185
I live on $750 a month. Saving every penny counts for me, and I could tell Kate a thing or two about saving money. LOL
I'm fortunate enough to live on a lot more than this, but even I don't waste money, and know encyclopedias more about saving money than "I hit the lottery Kate" ever will. Worse, I suspect that's true of 95% of the readers of this blog. You'd have to live under a rock to have missed the "tips" Kate recycles in her posts.
Maybe that's the "recycling" she's referring to.
Dee and Admin, absolutely correct on the plastic containers. I bought a set when I moved to Washington because I had a long commute and love packing my lunch and have used them ever since. They are from 1990! So is the lunch box that they fit very neatly in.
Yes I think even if your income is higher you can still be smart enough not to waste money. Just because you have money doesn't mean you're okay with throwing it away on hundreds of dollars in plastic bags a year and wouldn't opt for the much more sensible reusable plastic containers. Actually my experience is the richer you are the more you save--that's probably how they got to be rich lol. Unless you are Kate.
I just want to add to a couple of comments made re: Sherri Shepard.
Sherri's exact tweet was requesting a quick crock pot recipe:
"need a good fast easy crock pot recipe for hubby and son. Don't have 12 hours... I got 3 hours to get the job done... suggestions"
Someone tweeted a ribs recipe, which Sherri responded: "love the boneless rib recipe... forgot to mention aside from bacon my man doesn't eat pork... suggestions?"
Then Kate tweeted: "Brown chicken parts in pan&carmelize onions.put ch in CP/cover w onions&bbq sauce. Low.3hrs should work!add vege!"
Then added another tweet:
I use dads organic BBQ sauce- yum!
Kate did not get a tweet back from Sherri.
I honestly, no snark, wonder what she does all day. No house to clean, kids gone 8-9 hours, no job, no friends to meet for lunch, no volunteer activities, no news to read or watch, doubt she knows what a book is, no signs she walks the dog, no extended family obligations. Guess it's twitter, calls to her agent and Skeve, the occasional run or treadmill, still a lot of day to fill up. Her blog should be so much more developed with all the time she has.
And I say this from the perspective of having a relatively open year myself, after raising a family and working outside the home for 20+ years. I have been oversubscribed and am being choosy about retirement projects. I know I spend more time online than I should, so I honestly wonder what she does. Oops, forgot to add stew dinner in a crockpot to the list.
FYI, this font is giving me an eye ache.
Maybe Kate doesn't remember when dumb Sherri finally saw the light and realized that Kate calling Jon mediocre was beyond uncalled for?
She doesn't like you anymore, Kate. She has come over.
When is Kate going to apologize for that comment anyway? I think even a kiss-butt journalist could ask her in a polite way if she regrets saying that. I'd love to hear her answer.
Dee said... 184
Frugal is NOT buying disposable plastic bags. Frugal is buying, one-time, plastic containers that can be safely washed and re-used. They come in all sizes and shapes
Too funny. If you want to use plastic bags, you go to the Dollar Tree and get 50 of them for a dollar. That would last her one week. ONE DOLLAR a week, four dollars a month for sandwich bags. She can't afford this? She's off her rocker! Or you buy eight sandwich containers (two for a dollar). That's also four dollars a week, you put them in the dishwasher at the end of the day. That's four dollars for the entire school year!
Or you buy the meal plans and let them eat in the lunch room with everyone else!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 102
The gate is not the only way out of the house. There is if I recall a white fence around most of the property the paps used to line up at. A dog could easily climb/jump that or find something to boost them over it like a fallen log. Dogs are escape artists
My German Shepherd/Lab mix should have been named Houdini rather than Jake. He could open latched gates, take off bungi cords, open doors, etc. The list is endless. He has spent the night at a few different people's homes who have let him in, spent a night in jail, (Humane Society), ran the streets for a day, but what finally got him to stop was when he ended up at an aparatment complex during a storm. He was so scared of thunder, fireworks, that after that he finally kept his butt home. Thank goodness the people that let him in and the apartment complex got my number from his tag because he would have been terribly missed. We had to put him down 3 years ago at the ripe ole' age of 15 but boy he was something akin to Marley, but he was such a wonderful dog and a great protector!
I miss him so much! Now we have his "understudy" that is a German Shepherd/Austrailian mix who is a big jumper and I hate to even write it, but as of yet he still hasn't ran off anywhere. He sure did do some damage to the house though when he was pup and took forever to catch on to potty training.
As far as Kate goes, I bet someone called the police because of Shoka's barking and the garbage that was "strewn for miles" as per her. I don't believe the police/alarm story at all.
If she is telling the truth she needs to do something about her garbage. It was bad enough when he got into the garbage men's "Christmas presents" and possibly swallowed plastic wrap. One of these days he could get into something that will kill him. Or even worse for Kate, cause her a huge vet bill, if she would even bother taking him to the vet. Which brings me to another story of Kates.... there is no way she is taking the dog twice a month to the vet, unless he has a health condition, which would be even more reason to keep him inside to keep good watch after him.
As far as changing the logo on top, I like the idea of putting Jon and the kids together, but leaving Kate on the side all by her self.
Here's a clip of Kate on Dr. Drew.
I have to mention that subscribing to the comments by email is the best thing I have ever done - concerning this blog, of course.
I first did this when Blogger royally screwed things up and I wouldn't go back. Every time a new comment is posted it shows up in my inbox and because I use gmail - they all thread nicely. I guess your email client may work differently. And you control the font, too :). Anyhoo, just my.02!
I haven't commented on kHatie Irene because I have been playing catch-up and you all have said everything so well. I guess I have been too busy with my goals, passions and drive...
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