Monday, January 9, 2012

Kate at affiliate conference in Las Vegas

This week, Kate is slumming it with the mediocre who make their living on the internet. Kate is attending the Affiliate Summit conference in Las Vegas as a Coupon Cabin rep.
Which way to the grifting suite please?
This is your grifting suite??! WTF!!!
Zzzz ....

ZZZZZZZZZZ. Steve, bring me my boxed wine. Steve?
Rat claws goes undercover? 

63 sediments (sic) from readers:

Katie Cry-duh said... 1

Betcha she cleared that grifting table of all 3 teddy bears and the stupid t shirt and then asked if they had 8 of each. You know, so she could bring them home and get thank yous x 8 all day, every day for days on end. Roll eyes

NJGal51 said... 2

Love the undercover comment Admin. Too, too funny. I guess if he was the horse's head that means that Kate is the horse's ass!

chefsummer #Leh said... 3

Who's that woman with Kate?.

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 4

Has Kate done anything for CC other than to blog about herself?

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 5

Katie@1...Betcha she cleared that grifting table of all 3 teddy bears and the stupid t shirt and then asked if they had 8 of each. You know, so she could bring them home and get thank yous x 8 all day, every day for days on end. Roll eyes


Either she puts them away for next Christmas and claims she bought them, or she signs them and takes them along on the cruise as the "commemorative" gift for the eight sheeple who will be going.

Westcoaster said... 6

Yep, appropriately tarted up for a Vegas trade show, what a tool. Great pictures.

Maggie said... 7

The only thing Kate could possibly gain from this very boring conference is networking. But since RatClaws will be attached to her side, I doubt any man that might be interested would approach her. I wonder if she ever thinks of this. She travels all over and has many opportunties to meet nice men but HE is always there by her side.

librarylady said... 8

Who's that woman with Kate?


That other woman is one of the co-"founders" of this conference.

Katie Cry-duh said... 9

So nice to see her working those fingers to the bone. Shouldn't she be tweeting something nice about CC or about that fake charity in Bermuda?

Tart City said... 10

Poor old Kate. She was expecting the red carpet, and didn't get the dress code memo. I'm not seeing a lot of fancy dress on anybody else. Fool!

Knows Quality said... 11

Katie Cry-duh said... 9
So nice to see her working those fingers to the bone. Shouldn't she be tweeting something nice about CC or about that fake charity in Bermuda?
My "sediments" exactly!

But...then that would be using Twitter to promote something other than herself. Gasp. And we all know, that ain't happenin'.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 12

Kate has neither been an asset, or a valuable, informative blogger for Coupon Cabin.

I have yet to see/read anything from Kate that would draw me to Coupon Cabin's website.

Her blogs are self serving, and boring.

A big failure for that partnership.

librarylady said... 13

From the PR company from LA apparently covering the suspicious Bermuda thing. Bill themselves as "PR/Marketing Firm catered to Luxury/Entertainment/Celebrity/Pet/Travel"

QLEPR Quantum Leap Ent
@kateplusmy8 we look forward to meeting you in Bermuda this week. Have a fun flight we will arrive thurs

10 hours ago

Maggie said... 14

The link under the photo of Kate says it is Missy Ward that is with her. This is her website: Boy, she is super, super accomplished. After reading about Missy, I wonder if Kate will take on breast cancer as her "new" charity. ~ Administrator said... 15

Ha. Kate's in some kind of faux shiny leather showgirl thing, and everyone else is in baseball caps and jeans and tshirts.

Katie Cry-duh said... 16

Hmmm, I'm guessing she spent more time straightening her weave, painting on her scary face, and squeezing into her spanx than she did at the conference itself. I'd love to see how she managed to walk in that Polska kielbasa dress. ~ Administrator said... 17

Maybe they sugar coated what this conference was going to be like? I've never seen such a fake veneer smile from Kate.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 18

Kate's smile is evil looking- reminds me of a pirahna.


librarylady said... 19

I don't think she imagined she'd be standing there like a showgirl at an auto show, lol. Or one of the shiny girls they call "booth babes" at conferences.

AuntieAnn said... 20

Kate has manhands. And I think her teeth are getting bigger too. Her mouth looks like an open piano lid.

Katie Cry-duh said... 21

I think she's grimacing because the paparazzi didn't show up even though she called them.

Dee said... 22

The rest of her life is going to be one sad, sick story. Who could have seen that coming?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 23

Could that dress be any tighter? How does she walk in that thing? What keeps it from flipping up around her waist when she sits down?
Steve must have given his approval..."You look fantastic, Kite..." or maybe he couldn't really see her through that horse's head.

Moose Mania said... 24

AuntieAnn said... 20

Kate has manhands. And I think her teeth are getting bigger too. Her mouth looks like an open piano lid.


Auntie - we missed your humor. Once again, I had to laugh out loud at this one. Seriously.

url said... 25

The dress Kart is wearing looks like latex rubber. It matches her bleached hair and fake smile. She looks like a cheap knockoff hooker Barbie.

What fast food restaurant was Kart eating at? Did she order something extra fatty and greasy? ~ Administrator said... 26


This from the woman who says the family doesn't eat there.

Her entire life is a lie. All of it.

Marie said... 27

Oh does this ever scream pathetic. Just too much pathetic things all in one.

Either way as long as it's attention that's all Kate cares about: getting attention to Kate.

So, this is working one's finger's to the bone? Hmmm...I thought that meant doing dishes in the back of restaurant, scrubbing bathroom floors at hotels, cleaning out someone else's garage just to earn side cash. Not standing around having your picture taken free of kids for a week in some ridiculous getup.

I also thought, recently anyway, if Kate keeps up always trying to give her kids 8 or 6 identical gifts to limit the fighting of whose is whose I feel it sort of ruins that magical feeling of getting something that YOU wanted, that one special something that nobody else gets that your parents put a lot of thought into. I remember getting a miniature tea set from China my grandmother had given me. That meant more to me that the matching pajamas all me and my siblings got one year.

Mel said... 28

Kate never looks polished or put together......just horribly unclassy. I don't know how she manages to do that every single time. You'd think she would evolve over time to be more classy.

Marie said... 29

Oh yeah, her claim that none of the kids know what fast food is and how *proud* she is of that. Uh-huh...

AuntieAnn said... 30

Aww, thanks Moose. The only thing Kate gives away is a plethora of material to make jokes about.

Marie said... 31

@Mel, no...I think it does take real talent to look so horrible as she does. Maybe that's Kate's talent. Looking just plain ridiculous and ill-fit for the occasion, now that's got to be a specialty.

Ingrid said... 32

Has anyone else ever noticed that when she poses for pics with someone she stands sideways even if they are facing forward? I noticed it on other pics w/fans at the Tenn Food thing or somewhere. Is it something people are told to do to make them look thinner or show off their shape better? Or just her showing off period?

Mel said... 33

I had noticed that standing sideways thing, too. Looks ridiculous when the other person is facing forwards.

HollyMo said... 34

Figures kHatie would eat at McDick's...

she's got talent said... 35

She was once good at grifting, and she is still very, very good at whining.

jes in columbus said... 36

Maybe that's her wedding dress and the honeymoon will be in Bermuda this weekend

Red Sky At Night said... 37 (Administrator) said... 26



The new organic McDonalds in LV that they opened just for her because they knew that she was coming? Let me guess, she had the double organic curry veggie burgers on whole wheat roll, baked sweet potato fries and double thick fruit and yogurt shake?

Some on, admin...spill! What did she have to eat?

fidosmommy said... 38

1) Yes, standing sideways makes you look slimmer in pictures. If you are a large person, you should stand halfway between front-on and sideways and put your hand on your hip so your waist can be seen and you won't look so thick. Photographer's trick. Others, like me, do better facing full front, but we won't go into that here.

2) I am wondering just what Kate's job is at this conference. Surely she is not sitting in that dress in those chairs in that workshop. I am thinking she is there for the "charm factor",
to be the little lovely at the Coupon Cabin booth. A part time blogger - albeit chief blogger - probably doesn't need to know what is being taught at this conference. I think she's there to play hostess who doesn't have to know anything or answer any questions. You know, pass out the hors d'ouevres. Or in this case, it looks more like mini BBQ hot dogs.

Anonymous said... 39

I know I said I would only lurk but I couldn't resist. I promise not to cause trouble.

Pertaining to Kate's pic. The first thing I thought of was the puppet on this show. Also Chucky, from the horror show. If you enlarge the pic. of Kate, you will pray to salvation. That's a snark. Please don't get offended. It's not to be taken any other way than a snark.

P.S. Sorry for behaving badly last time. Truly meant. Sorry for any bad spelling also. ~ Administrator said... 40

F it I had to do a post on McDonalds it's just too hypocritical not to say something.

I don't know what she actually ate, I'm trying to find that out. I just know she ate there. But even if she got one of their nasty salads it's still not that good for you and tastes nasttttt and is NOT organic.

Annie2 said... 41

Kate looks like one of the hookers you see on the strip. I wonder if she got propositioned while she was wearing the dress. ~ Administrator said... 42

That would be funny if some guy tried to purchase her on the strip. That's probably got to be the most embarrassing thing in the world to be mistaken for a hooker. I'm sure it's happened to some women.

chefsummer #Leh said... 43

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 18
Kate's smile is evil looking- reminds me of a pirahna.


Or the joker.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 44

She really looks like a hooker in that photo! What on earth made her think that cheap, tacky dress would be appropriate for an affiliate marketing convention? Everyone there must have laughed their asses off at her!

chefsummer #Leh said... 45


Did Kate get that dress off the dollar menu at McDonald's.?

amyf said... 46

This belongs on the last post, but I don't know if anyone is still reading there. Anyway, look at the photo and check out THOSE ARMS! Those aren't (weren't) her regular arms, are they?

Anonymous said... 47

CC hired Kate so they would get publicity. So why doesn't Kate TWEET some "amazing" things she has learned at the conference. Well, actually she will now that it has been mentioned I suppose.

I don;t get why people hire her to promote. She never does it properly. She always tweets AFTER the gig and it it always about herself, how people LOVED her, how amazing she was etc. She sucks at promoting PRODUCTS and PAID SPONSORS. Kate Gosselin only promotes Kate. And she even manages to screw that up. WHY do people pay her? Personally I think they know she is so polarizing they understand the tabloid media will run with it just to get the "yuck: reaction attention. Even though people do not like Kate Gosselin....Coupon Cabin is a lot more known than it was before they hired her.
So I guess I just answered my own question as to how she still gets paying gigs. It's pays to be a bitch. In the short run anyway.

ALSO I am STEAMED that JAne Velez allowed Jon to be trashed. WHat the hell has that poor man ever did aside from his 2 month "freedom: run after the divorce. Kate did everything he did. Dressed younger, traveled with a member of the opposite sex, took money from shared accounts, discussed the divorce, sought attention, bought a sports car. At least Jon came back down to earth! Kate is not the struggling single mom supporting 8 alone. She's not even working!! Jon is working 9-5 WITHOUT millions in the bank to support his kids. He also removed himself from the public eye. WHO deserves public support? JON


Anonymous said... 48

excuse my messy posts. typing in the dark so my love can sleep :0)


Gift of grab said... 49

EM, I think you make some good points. I would add that Kate seems incapable of actually making a plan and executing it properly over time. Two examples of this are her website and the cruise.

Rather than properly investigate all the ins and outs of the cruise, and then POST on her site all of the caveats, she relies on others to provide the detail and just tweets about how much "fun" everyone will be having. For someone who purports to be so organized and methodical, this just doesn't cut it. Knowing her fan base is largely teens, AND HAVING SEEMINGLY MADE A COMMITMENT months ago to a "meet-and-greet" with these diehards (who are her only solid base), she blithely tweets about a cruise that is clearly out of bounds for them based on their ages and their wallets. Obviously, she didn't do her homework. She didn't try to find a cruise line with lower-priced options or a shorter/better itinerary--oh no, someone told her, this is the BIGGEST and the BEST, and she jumped on it. And the devil take the hindmost.

To add insult to injury, she has to rely on Alice Travel to explain the fine (and unhappy) details, which prove that this junket will be off-limits to a huge number of those who might be interested, for a whole lot of reasons. If she were smart, she would have addressed this on her website and committed to another sort of conclave with her hardcore fans at some later date. By pretending she is unaware of the unpleasant details, she is risking a backlash or, even worse, loss of interest on the part of these loyal constituents.

Her website has been up and running now for four months. Yet there are still blank headers--which for most people would mean, TAKE THE HEADERS DOWN. If you have nothing to put there, or you don't WANT to reveal timely information on, for example, your "News and Upcoming Events," JUST REMOVE THE LINK. But she is not smart enough to figure this out on her own. And she is either unwilling to pay a real professional to help her properly manage the content on the site, OR she is incapable of taking direction on things in which she clearly is not an expert. With the result that her site appears sloppy and unprofessional.

There are many more examples of this dysfunction. Others have noted that she seems always to be diverted by "shiny things," and I think this is all too accurate. This is why her post-TV career is such a mish-mash. She is "grabbing" at perceived opportunities as they arise without thinking them through as to whether or not they really fit with either her "image" OR her capabilities. And this is why she is doomed to fail.

Sure, she may throw enough s--- at the wall and make something stick. But her haphazardness and sloppiness belie her self-proclaimed prowess as "mastermind." Yet another big lie from Katie Irene, folks: This is NOT who she really is.

She needs an image/career consultant STAT.

TLC stinks said... 50

Who is she looking at in the photo? The other gal is looking straight ahead. Stevie? Oh Stevie, look at me in my spray on hooker dress?

Dallas Lady said... 51

I read the tweets of one of the Affiliate guys in charge of the conference, including a few of his longer posts and apparently all Kate has done at this convention was wear that dress and sit at a cocktail hour meet and greet thing and that's it. She posed with a big check CC got for something, posed with that woman, the end.

I agree with those who think she's not sitting in those boring looking work sessions about marketing and the like (though she sure could use some pointers in THAT area!). If she were smart (I'm laughing just typing that), she jump all over the opportunity to learn how marketing really works.

But she's painfully dumb, so she's probably sleeping, tanning, being a lazy oaf.

Back to her cruise, I had to laugh when I saw that Alice Travel is hoping for 200 to book for her travel package!!! Are they KIDDING? All they'd have to do is read the comments on Cruise Critic's Facebook page to see what a huge mistake THAT is. Hell, regular cruisers, once they learned of this, just wanted to know the dates so they WON'T cruise the Allure while shes on it!

They won't get 200. They won't get TWENTY. Seriously. Have we seen a single die-hard fan say for sure they're going? I haven't. If even five people do it, I'll eat my hat.

drbutchiewong said... 52

For some reason Kate's legs, in the photo above, look out of porportion to the rest of her frame. Her legs look large. She would do better to wear a dress that is knee length. Better still, slacks with a blazer would be more business attire and more age appropriate.

chefsummer #Leh said... 53

Now that the CC thing is over I wonder how long is she going to stay in LV.

She's such a c word said... 54

chefsummer, She's probably already on her way to the Bermuda scam.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 55

Kate needs a stylist, voice coach, manager, etc. to ever even break into where she sees herself being. So delusional. It is just sad. She looks like she is ready for a night at the club.

JoannaNY said... 56

What she DOES need is a whole team of psychiatrists.


Do you think that she would go if she could figure out a way to get their services comped?

PJ's momma said... 57

All this cruise talk makes me smile. She has no clue. Obviously the travel agent didn't either, because nearly every article is scathing, as are the comments, when allowed. My husband's best friend is in a very well known and long-standing metal band. These guys were on MTV every 10 minutes back in their heyday. They have an annual cruise with other bands in the same genre. It's about 5 days around Thanksgiving and it definitely is full. Here's the site for next year, to give you an idea:
So, our friend knows this is his job. He doesn't relish the idea of all the meet and greets, posing for pictures, etc. It can be exhausting. But he is so gracious, so friendly, so 'on' for these events, that his fans would never know. As it should be. Actually, he is always gracious and friendly and nice, which is why people love him. His wife is one of my dearest friends and she just grins and plays along because it's the right way to honor the fans. These things do make money for the celebrities, but it's really about the FANS. Another thing Kate doesn't understand!

Starz22 said... 58

PJ's momma....So you say your hubbys bf is a long time heavy metal band.You said,this guy dosent really want to do this...he knows what it takes.HE really dosent want to be there...or his wife...they laugh and giggle at the fans he has left.BUT they suck it up and play nice for the fans to get a paycheck? Wow...sounds just like kate to me. Smile and laugh and take'r getting PAID for this! Not impressed...sorry!

Starz22 said... 59

And to add PJ momma...if you'r friend ever got fame it was b/c of the fans they had.To "honor" the fans is what he needs to be doing. Without the "fans" they wouldn't going on any show or cruise. If you have no one giving a, they would be going no where! If you'r friend is still seeking attention...he is RELYING on those pesky fans to give him that needed attention. To pay for those booking the crusinings.

Starz22 said... 60

5 days out of a year to cater to the ones who keep you in the money dosent seem to be that bad. So you'r friend spends 5 days...with select hours to meet and greet the fans that keep the money coming in... To show that they care...that this "star" still means something to them...They are on this cruise ONLY b/c of their silly fans. HUH? How is that different from kate? Seems the same to me...they go where they are told to make money off thier "fans" ...Thier silly fans. I guess I didnt notice the difference!

PJ's momma said... 61

No no no Starz22, that came out wrong. This cruise is ALL fans and these bands play concerts throughout the cruise. They LOVE to perform. All these bands perform a lot on these cruises. They live for that. They love their fans too,and know they would not still be making music if it wasn't for their fans. They love having fun with their fans too. They hang out like everyone else, all over the ship, they don't hole up in their rooms. But the official meet and greets take HOURS and hours. If you look at the pics on that site, you'll see that all the bands start out all smiles and then gradually just get tired. We've been with him backstage and after concerts when people are lined up screaming his name. He always stops to chat, sign, take pictures, etc. We learned long ago not to expect anything after a show. It could be another hour before you get away from that line. My husband drove them after a concert in the city where the cruise disembarked and they literally did not get into the car until 1 am. That's what I mean - he wants to honor them all so he never says no. Not everyone is like Kate, believe me. He looks like a deflated balloon when he's done after a very long day, but he wants to honor everyone that shows up. He's actually quite shy and very modest too.

PJ's momma said... 62

PS: They're not making bank like Kate is planning either. Each band gets paid to be there and are comped a regular (small) room and then they split the fee with their manager, band members, etc.
Gosh, I feel bad that I made it sound bad. They make very little money in the end but enjoy doing this cruise. They're not laughing at anybody, they just get tired. These are not young people!

Anonymous said... 63

I've noticed that, for some women, going to Vegas means tarting up until they're virtually indistinguishable from a stripper or a prostitute. (I don't mean it unkindly; a girl's gotta eat, and there but for the grace of God and all that.) Maybe it has something to do with the over sexualization of our culture in general?

C (Is for cookie)

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