Extra does TV spots from The Grove, a famous shopping center near Beverly Hills, and Kate is on the line-up today. She will also interview with This Week in M.O.M's Diane Mizota, who promises to ask Kate some "real" questions.
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Kate and Steve at The Grove, SplashNewsOnline |
737 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 737 Newer› Newest»Checked out that photo of her in the dress with the woman, Diane, who did that interview. Yep, Diane is way smaller than Kate. And gang, who do you think took that photo? Had to have been Steve who made sure it got posted.
Kate needs to run with the "I am a single mom". Thing how eals will people feel sorry for her if she doesn't.?
A couple of videos for you of Kate at the Grove:
Pictures w/ fans
Kate being 'swarmed by the 3 paps
Oops...here is the 'swarmed by the 3 paps' video.
Paparazzi that Kate is used to
Without reading any comments beforehand, I must say Khate looks like Kathie Lee Gifford in the second photo. Not quite as old looking, but if I didn't know how old Khate was, I'd put her at 48.
Watched those videos. Looks like Steve contributes nothing to security. She defers to him. And he chomps gum too. Noticed she barely touches her fans. Wished whomever filmed that caught those two walking away.
Could it be that the sales for the cruise are not doing too well? The travel agent tweeted this to Kate before Kate started her "press day".
CindyCardella Cindy Cardella
@ @Kateplusmy8 don't forget to mention the cruise! We need more publicity.
I don't normally snark on Kate's appearance but why does she always hold her hands like she got her nails painted? She always looks so stiff....
Wonder if the blog interview went through and if we'll see the posting anytime soon. I suspect that if Khate and PB read the questions on the bloggers Facebook page they cancelled that sit down PDQ.
I watched the 2 videos from the Grove and here are my thoughts. She looks very uncomfortable after the interview when Steve is apparently telling her to take pictures with the fans. I would imagine that most celebrities would approach the crowd and talk to people, Kate just kind of turns and waits for people to come to her. Also, she is either smiling her big toothy camera ready smile or frowning - it's like there's no in between. Camera pointed - big smile, picture done - frown. It makes the smiling and posing for the camera look so fake when she immediately turns it off the minute the picture is done.
Kate looks the same, weight-wise, to me....it's the "bodyguard" who looks like he's put on some weight around the middle.
Regarding what Kate chooses to wear....she SO reminds me of myself when I was oh...about 14 or 15...and became very involved with making myself look "sexy". The problem was, I focused on individual items (ie: mini-skirts, tight tops, sexy heels, heavy make-up, esp. my eyes, big hoop earrings, etc.) without factoring in if they went together or if they were even appropriate for where I was going. All I cared about at the time was wearing as many of the wardrobe and accessory items that I considered to be "sexy" (and would attract the looks of the boys) as I could whenever I was going anywhere. Now I look back and just shake my head at how silly I was.
And then I combine THAT time of my life with the whole "I am regaining my sexy self after having children" thing.....plus, Kate's likely skewed perception of what stars are supposed to wear....and voila. That's how I view Kate and her choice of wardrobe/accessory items. To me, she seems totally focused on looking "sexy"....rather than looking like a mom or being in style/looking appropriate......and just focuses on individual items she thinks make her more sexy rather than looking at the whole picture.
And being narcissistic...she would not be likely to listen to any advice to dress differently and would think that SHE always knows the best thing to do.
I just watched the video Berks Neighbor provided on the "swarmed by 3 paps" video.....and I have to say that I can see where this would provide some narcissistic supply for Kate. I'm very curious about how she views her current success (or non-success)....in light of seeing how even with these small venues, she is provided with plenty of narcissistic supply. Does she have tunnel-vision and think she's still a big star? And that she will soon be a big TV personality...and it's just a matter of time?
And I think her personality must be factored in....how she treats those working around her....so in order to avoid her wrath and nastiness...do they tell her what she wants to hear? Furthering her delusions?
OR....does she realize what's actually happening and has just decided to milk as many more minutes of attention as she can in the time that's left?
I would think that for someone with her degree of narcissism, it would have been WAY too stressful to have gone from lots of attention/narcissistic supply to virtually none....and this may be a necessary survival mechanism for her (even though it's certainly not what she had in mind). I do cut her a break somewhat due to the NPD because it causes her to have a skewed perception....which limits how much she can even control her own behavior.
Kate has never had any sense of style what so ever. She may try to dress up but it usually ends up an epic fail. I guess she lives by the philosophy that less is more, but she has mistaken it to mean less clothing means more attention.
As far as she and Rat Claws are concnerned, I am still unsure if they have a "thing" going on or he is acting as her manager. Maybe he is the one setting up all these lame "jobs" for her (Coupon Cabin, the cruise etc...). If he his her manager, he's not doing a very good job at it.
Remember when Jon used to pick out Kate's clothes?
She should hire him as her stylist. Two birds - One stone. She looks decent and his job is no longer "mediocre."
I agree with most of you that the dress is horrendous in appropriateness, style, fit. The fabric looks really cheap. It is just awful. Someone above mentioned her going on What Not To Wear. Kate has dropped bombshells about this. I remember her saying that it would be such fun for her to have Stacy and Clinton work with her. PUKE! This was towards the end. TLC didn't bite. I think she wears this particular stuff just to get noticed. If she walked around in jeans and a nice top, she may not get the attention. I have to disagree that her hair looks good. It is way too blonde. She needs to put some low lights in it. It would look so much better. Her hair looked better in those "candid" shots the guy took of her at target. It seemed like it was darker.
As far as Berks #4 Pictures with fans video. Look at how she goes from Smile to Scowl within seconds of the interview being over. It is amazing and lets everyone know what she truly is. She has no time for them. Can't even smile and shake a few hands. It looks like Stevie had to force her to take the pictures.
HEY KATE, some of those people there may have wanted to join you on the KATEcruise if you would have given them a hello and half a second of your time. Another opportunity lost. She is pathetic.
TLC stinks~
I always believed Jon's version of events regarding their marital split......that he was suspicious because she was spending so much time with Steve and away from home....that she presented him with a contract saying he could date who he wanted as long as he kept up the facade for the show.....that he had to sleep in another room...etc. The story was always consistent and seemed to fit.....and has fit more and more as time has gone on....and we see Kate's continued relationship with Steve.
But many of the fans insist on sticking with the "he up and left her", "he done her wrong", "he's a dog" version.....despite what can be seen. I would love to see how they would reconcile/spin it if it was finally learned that Kate and Steve have been having an affair all along, fitting with Jon's version of events. I have no idea what their exact relationship is....but would love to see how they would spin it if she's been having an affair with him since the beginning....and while they were both still married.
The movie body guard is on I bet her and Steve are shacked up in the hotel watching it.
I wonder how long she'll stretch out her LA trip? I guess when she starts her twitting madness we know she's back home.
Thanks for the video links and pictures. I think Kate also dresses this way because she thinks that's the way celebrities dress. And it does look like the dress was hemmed even higher (sloppily done I might add). And I wonder WHO hooked up her mike (attached to the back of her bra).
Can someone PLEASE tell me why she still has a quote unquote bodyguard. I know ( as I have common sense ) he is her lover but she thinks she is still fooling people. Just like she thinks she fooled people into believing she didn't have a BOOB job and a face full of BOTOX. Her own best friend Jamie even said Khate was OBSESSED with her looks and will do ANYTHING to look better. Nothing worse then a LIAR. What is she teaching her kids? Oh thats right the Nanny is raising the kids..
Berks Neighbor said... 3
A couple of videos for you of Kate at the Grove:
Pictures w/ fans
Kate being 'swarmed by the 3 paps
January 20, 2012 5:49 AM
When I watch that, I think the whole thing is just SO ridiculous! All she did was pop out 8 kids and treat her husband like crap, and now she's in Hollywood ( sans kids ) behaving like an A list movie star walking the red carpet at the Oscars.
She's transformed herself from frumpy mom into this make-believe glamourous actress ( albeit tacky ) and shoved her kids to the curb to do it. I still feel like if any ole Hollywood movie director came calling, she'd QUICKLY sign over full custody to Jon and say, "What kids? I'm free for filming!"
#3...Thanks for the video w/ her fans. She's such a nasty piece of work...the fans are so beneath her until the camera flashes and then she is once again a sourpuss.
Does anyone have a link to the actual interview yesterday?
So, out of all of her appearances yesterday, did any actually make it on TV? Looks like Extra put her online and not on TV, the MoM blog is only online, and I haven't heard anything at all about Dr. Drew. This is all too funny when you consider that the only thing this woman wants out of life (besides money) is to see herself on TV (or, apparently, in a movie). She probably thought this would be another media blitz, like she did on the day of the last K+8 show. And so far, not even a glimpse of her on the old boob tube. She did all the NYC shows in September, thinking it would get her a talk show. No offers came in, so she decided to do same in LA and try for an acting career. It's hysterical that nobody has bothered to air any of these appearances. Shows how worthless they think she really is. Or better yet, they're afraid that airing anything with her in it could cause them to lose viewers.
Extra has not posted her interview yet. I will not read the MoM blog thing, but I bet that woman could only submit questions with pre-approval. She just asked for questions to drum up hits to her site. Forget her.
Layla, also, we don't get Dr. Drew Life whatever in my area (we are in the northeast) so she is even more limited to the TV screen LOL.
It's just pathetic that her travel agency has to REMIND her to promote the cruise. Any other celeb would be talking up the cruise in an interview every 30 seconds just as second nature. But this is Kate we're talking about, of course she would screw up something so simple.
Other than Coupon Cabin she has NOTHING else to promote! This is so simple.
I mean Kate should really have a memorized script where she talks about the cruise, then coupon cabin, and drops her web site address (and try to get it correct) and twitter name at the end to find out more.
Layla said... 20
So true. I don't think Kate can afford (monetarily/emotionally/career-wise) to keep making these jaunts to 'get herself out there' and keep coming up empty.
She needs to realize - that 'reality' show WAS her 15 minutes. It's over.
Those videos are very telling and just reinforce what we've all seen in the past.
She is simply not suited presence- or personality-wise to be in front of a camera or in a public conversational situation. She *thinks* she is, but what she is calling "talent" is really just that she is USED to it - that doesn't change the fact that she does not come across naturally and never will because it's not her God-given ability.
It always looks painful to her - it would be to me, too. That's not me. It amazes me that she continues to do this to herself when it's clear it's like pulling teeth. Just the greed, I guess? No wonder she is so sour all the time.
catching up said... 196, You're right, I shouldn't watch RH. I guess I am curious how far they will really go with this, sadly.
Celebitchy has a hilarious post up on this:
The photos are priceless!!!!
Speaking of weather, and Kate showing up with her bare legs hanging out, we've actually had a mild winter here so far, with the only snow in late October. A week or so ago we were in the 50s and hit 60. We're expecting some snow tonight, but by next week it looks like we'll be back up in the 40s and mid 50s. So untypical of January. We'll probably get slammed in February!
Any word when Kate is coming back from this whirlwind of paps and press? I imagine there will be flight delays tomorrow - good excuse for her to extend her stay for the rest of the weekend.
Oh dear, just looked at the picture of her with Diane Mizota, who is one cute Mom Blogger. K8 clearly NEVER gets the memo, does she? SHE is dressed in what looks like It was made from leftover Xmas wrapping paper. And it was mid-day in LA, in mid-January. All the way to CA for no air time. Watched some TV last night, looks like Denise Richards had a guest spot on 30 Rock - K8 probably thinks her agent will be hooking her up with gigs like that soon. Dream on while you watch the water circle that drain. Wake up - you have NO talent.
Extra! hasn’t posted their fascinating Kate Gosselin interview yet so we don’t know what she was promoting, but she does have a job as a coupon website spokesperson and we just heard that she’s hosting a cruise. It’s a really bad time for that.
Celebitchy has a good point. And does it seem a little insensitive to be talking about what a wonderful time fans can have if they just come sail away with her while across the world rescuers are still searching a cruise ship for bodies???? It might be nice to at least acknowledge they're in her prayers.
An open letter to Kate and Steve:
Dear Steve:
First, lay off the pizza. If you really are a “bodyguard”, as you claim to be, you would never be able to physically provide security in the current shape that you are in. God forbid you’d have to give chase to someone – you’d have a heart attack. Learn to start eating salads – seriously.
However, let’s get real. You know, as well as we know, that you are nothing more than a paid lackey for Miss Kate. I hope selling your soul to the devil was worth it – you have lost not only your family, but the respect of pretty much everyone. I hope you realize you have become a laughingstock…and walking beside Miss Kate yesterday at The Grove, you appeared to be nothing more than a pimp.
I used to think that Bruce Jenner (aka “Bruce Kardashian) was the most emasculated man in America…but I was wrong. You absolutely have no balls, and you disgust me.
That is all.
Dear Kate:
Where to begin? You are obviously, desperately trying to sell something, but exactly, what?
Dressed as you were yesterday at The Grove, it appears you are trying to sell yourself…by the hour. My mom always said that the way a woman dresses sends a message, and your message, Miss Kate, is clearly, “I’m a ‘ho.” You looked like a common streetwalker, especially with your pimp, Steve, by your side.
Your desperation to gain attention – ANY attention – reeks, and I can smell it even where I sit, in the middle of the heartland. It’s becoming almost pathetic to watch how low you will go to get that whiff of attention, at the expense of your children.
Oh, yes, the children. Do you remember them??? The eight children you’ve left behind in your constant search for fame and fortune? The eight children who are being raised back at the compound by a revolving door of nannies?
While you’re out gallivanting around Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Australia, with your married “bodyguard”, your children are back at home…making memories. Without YOU. Yes, their memories will be of their nannies, and thankfully, of the loving father, who is there for them when they need him. Their memories of YOU will be of you always being absent – chasing the almighty fame that will never come.
Give it up. Accept reality. Become the mom that these children need. Get some self respect. Please. And quit rolling around in cheetohs - the orange is distracting.
That is all.
Celebitcy has insert from National Enquirer print edition (Jan. 30) that says:
While she desparately needs the paycheck, sources say her true motive for taking the job is to meet a man, preferably one with money.
“Kate’s plan is to hook up with as many halfway decent men as she can sink her claws into during the seven-day voyage,” revealed a source.
And according to another insider, she’s keeping her options open.
“Kate’s being open-minded about who she may meet. But she’d love to find some deep-pocketed sugar daddy types – even an old geezer – because they can hire nannies to keep up with her brood!”
I have to say that this sounds planted, just something to publicize the cruise and Kate doesn't care what is printed about her as long as something is printed about her.
Besides, what would happen to Steve? I do have to say, though, that if her "acting career" doesn't pan out, I can see her shopping around for a man with money (with Steve on the side).
dee3 said... 14
TLC stinks~
I always believed Jon's version of events regarding their marital split......that he was suspicious because she was spending so much time with Steve and away from home....that she presented him with a contract saying he could date who he wanted as long as he kept up the facade for the show.....that he had to sleep in another room...etc. The story was always consistent and seemed to fit.....and has fit more and more as time has gone on....and we see Kate's continued relationship with Steve.
I totally agree. Everything fits. And what kills me is that Kate's arrogance/NPD actually allowed her to think they could pull this "pretending to be happy" off. I read a recap of the fake vow renewal episode where the reviewer wrote that Jon and Kate looked like 'Fear Factor' contestants getting ready to eat goat intestines" while they were reciting their vows. She wants to try a little acting? She already tried and she suuuuucked.
As far as the contract.... Kate wanted Jon gone. She wanted control of the kids and to continue the show, she was was done with him having a say and being a roadblock. But SHE had to be the victim and not the one who stepped out. Jon walked right into the trap :( How many interviews did Saint Katie give, sobbing and wailing crocodile tears over the loss of her marriage? Building herself up as the responsible parent, just trying to keep it all together with her purse full of bills, while Jon was off being a playboy. At the time, I remember how we were all sick over every douchey thing Jon did, knowing it would reflect badly on him for a long time. And it has, years after he has turned his life around. I still can't believe Jon made that hated celebrity list when he hasn't been seen or heard from for years. So uncalled for.
I believe she and Steve are an item. They were married to other people when TLC hired him to contain her public outbursts. There is no viable way to spin this, so IMO they still pretend to have a professional relationship. Kate's brand is being a single mom (as she calls it.) Just as it was important for "the brand" in 2008 to pretend to be happily married, in 2012 it's important for the current brand to continue looking like she's "struggling kan-do Kate" and does it all on her own. I would imagine they have to hide this from the kids. Which would explain the many, many trips together far away. And as usual, surely she thinks she has everyone fooled and no one suspects anything.
Although... if she gets desperate enough she just might come out with the relationship if it meant she could put a book out about 'love the second time around.' And maybe having a potential wedding televised and fully comped. There are no boundaries she is ashamed to cross when it comes to staying famous and relevant.
TLC stinks said... 32
Celebitcy has insert from National Enquirer print edition (Jan. 30) that says:
While she desparately needs the paycheck, sources say her true motive for taking the job is to meet a man, preferably one with money.
“Kate’s plan is to hook up with as many halfway decent men as she can sink her claws into during the seven-day voyage,” revealed a source.
I agree- PLANT! These 'insider' tidbits always seem to roll out after Kate & Skeeve are photographed on their countless trips.
... she could put a book out about 'love the second time around.' And maybe having a potential wedding televised and fully comped....
STOP giving her ideas!!!! :-)
Bigfan is hung up on Kate's feet. I always chuckle when she gives fashion advice:
@kateplusmy8 Those shoes from yesterday were too simple for your man feet. U have thick legs & calves & feet. U needed more decoration on fe
@bigfanofK8Gos @kateplusmy8 U needed heels that decorated your man feet and I know you have those because you've worn them before.
@kateplusmy8 However, 1 area that wasnt good was your feet. You have man feet, like me. U need ur feet to be decorated and not simple.
@kateplusmy8 http://t.co/A1oI9krF(preview) Ur tan was a good color too. Ur legs looked good. They could have been shinier.
@kateplusmy8 Ur dress yesterday was a good color for you. It did make u look like an xmas present because of how shiny, color was good on u
@kateplusmy8 K8, u looked really good yesterday. Usually ur eyebrows dont look good, but they looked well done yesterday. Ur dress was great
I agree- PLANT! These 'insider' tidbits always seem to roll out after Kate & Skeeve are photographed on their countless trips.
Also, they're an attempt to throw off any suspicion of Kate and Steve being an "item".
Mel said... 35
... she could put a book out about 'love the second time around.' And maybe having a potential wedding televised and fully comped....
STOP giving her ideas!!!! :-)
Lol..... sorry! ;) But if she does sicken us with another crappy book and wedding- I want my cut! And I will donate it to REAL struggling, single moms :)
No love lost over at ROL. Is it just me or does it look like Stevieboy is beginning to wake up to the nightmare? In some of those pictures, he has a look on his face similar to ones Jon did as things were beginning to sour.
Sorry, wrong link.
I completely agree and this is one of the most sickening pack of lies she has told....playing the "poor single mom whose husband up and left her...broke and alone (sniff, sniff)".....and meanwhile the complete opposite was what was really happening. And I believe that the professional she owed the $10,000 to (who dropped the suit eventually) was hired specifically to convince Jon to maintain the fake facade when he was balking at the idea. I think Kate hired her....but considered Jon to be the problem (not her) so he should pay for this woman's bill.
I've always wondered if Jon saved that contract, and if he did....why he never showed it way back in the beginning when he was being accused of such horrible things. Of course, now....he would likely not show it so as not to hurt their mother in front of their children.....but he was so lambasted back in the beginning and it was so unfair. I think I might have been drinking a bit too much if it had been me.....just the injustice and unfairness of the whole thing.....would have made me quite nuts, I think.
I'm still not 100% sure if Kate and Steve are actually having an affair, though. I have tended to believe that she's continued to be paid by TLC until February....per her contract....and the contract may also have included providing the "bodyguard". It will be interesting to see what happens after February. I think there might be the chance that he is her handler....controls her behavior as best as he can....and that he also feeds into her delusions and tells her how successful and wealthy she's gonna be, etc.
It really did look like this was the first time she'd ever posed with fans, didn't it? And it also looked like she would not have been able to do it without all the instructions/directions, etc....from Steve. She looked almost helpless....and yes, that smile for the photos with the fans looked very fake in light of the fact that she never seems to smile unless the camera is on her and scowls a great deal of the time.
Twittering and a Twattering said... 36
That is hilarious. Yes, decorate those huge feet. Call more attention to them. :)
And no tweeting, oh right, she's now on vacay time with Skeve.
Noticed that her response to the Irish girl is "I haven't checked my mail in awhile". Seriously? Who believes that one?
Too bad it's such a nice weather day here in SoCal.
Mel #35-I totally agree with you, she reads here, and picks up ideas from the posters here. Don't give her any ideas!
Besides calling herself 'single' and not 'divorced', how can she travel around without the kids, yet she calls her brand K+8? Where do the 8 come in? She seems to have to bash Jon anytime she gets the chance, so why does she keep the Gosselin name? She hates Jon, then don't use Gosselin,she should use her maiden name-Kreider, especially since she goes around calling herself 'single', and not divorced, like she really is. Being single means she was never married, so how does using Gosselin fit into that idea? I can hardly wait until all of the truths come out, when they do, she is going to have a break-down, and will have only herself to blame.
I also agree about her fake smile, which quickly changes to her mad look. She is so 'common', and no matter what she wears, she will never be classy or sophisticated.
I think it's hilarious they're only putting the Extra interview on the Internet. Is it up yet?
And I guess the mom blogger thing is internet only, too.
If her segment with Dr. Drew was too boring, it might not air.
I love BigFanofK8. She should have her own TV show!
I agree, "she is so common". Needs to pay a stylist if she is going to stay in entertainment. Holding on to a bodyguard is beyond explanation. If she is truly paying him, it's a waste of the kids' money, isn't it? Looks more like a "traveling companion" to me. I could go on and be even more descriptive of Steve, but will just leave it at "paid traveling companion." Also, that dress looks like it belongs at a New Year's Eve party, not at a daytime interview.
Pity Party said... 46
I love BigFanofK8. She should have her own TV show!
lol!! Looks like she changed her mind about the shoes! She's so funny - bizarre and bipolar (switches sides from tweet to tweet), but funny! She says the same thing multiple times, and just slightly changes the words. If she thinks the dress was great, I guess she missed the rear view of the thong!
@kateplusmy8 Ur shoes were right for ur feet, ur legs were shiny, ur hair was great, makeup was great, dress was gr8
@kateplusmy8 http://t.co/p3i3d4GH(preview) K8, everything u did on this press day, do it again each press day. U looked great on this day.
@GriftersRUs @kateplusmy8 Y do u think K8's out there in LA right now? Its pilot season in Hollywood. She's showing herself off right now
So KG has man feet and man hands hmm maybe good ol' Steve is gay since KG is so manly.
Maybe the best post of all-time:
"Knows Quality said... 31"
Nicely said!
First off, Kate can't drop the Gosselin name, because it's part of her brand. No one knows "Kate Kreider" unless you're a fan or a non-fan.
Second, if Kate came out and announced to the world that she and Steve were together and getting married, people would figure that she was sleeping with the bodyguard all this time, that maybe Jon's version of events wasn't poppycock and they'd realize she'd been lying all along. I think there would be a lot of bad PR and backlash from many of her borderline fans - the ones who don't know a lot about her but think she's not half bad, etc.
Steve is obviously her manager at this point. That leads me to believe that he or she is still being paid by TLC through the end of her contract or they worked out some compensatory deal because not only do I not see how she could be affording her lifestyle, I can't see how Steve, as her manager, could be making any money off of her. Sorry but Coupon Cabin and the Cruise don't pay her THAT well.
I think when her money dries up, Steve will have to go find work elsewhere. And you know what? He may have a very good chance of being hired by TLC or some other entertainment company again. After all, he was able to handle and put up with Kate Gosselin all those years. He's proven he can deal with difficult celebrities.
Final question/comment:
In the post-extra interview that was linked, did anyone notice that when Steve prompted her to stay for fan photos, it looked like she said "I don't want to"? Does anyone read lips here? I'm curious to know.
They're not even airing those shows she did yesterday on T.V.? She is getting more pathetic by the minute. Why did she even bother...? Oh ...how stupid of me....free trip.. Duh. Boy..she is drowning in her own stupidity. Can't she just throw in the towel and have a little dignity . She's looking like a complete desperate fool. Give it up Kate..accept whats happening and get a real job. They won't even put you on air anymore. You can't be this blind to the fact that you have no future in T.V. Please stop....enough is enough. I'm enbarassed for you...stupid ignorant woman. She's a laughing stock
I was just looking at the pics on celebitchy (sp?) and it looks to me like Kate had that dress hemmed that short intentionally. The reason I say that is if you look, you can clearly see there is bulk below the thread line. It looks like it was rolled then sewn at the top of the hem.
I have to do a lot of hemming because I am short and pants designers in the US seem to think all womean are 6'2. I know all about rolling LOL.
Secondly, most clothing manufacturers use sergers that eliminate numerous folds on the fabric so there is very little bulk on a hem. The bottom of that dress looks like at least 2 folds rolled up and sewn into place.
There is way too much bulk on the hem of that dress to make me think it was bought like that.
Why is she licking her tongue out in two pic's.?
Agreed. Kate or Steve read here and get ideas.
Final question/comment:
In the post-extra interview that was linked, did anyone notice that when Steve prompted her to stay for fan photos, it looked like she said "I don't want to"? Does anyone read lips here? I'm curious to know.
She said, "that wasn't part of it," or "that's not part of it," and then something, but I can't make out the last words.
I'm curious about the Steve situation. I always figured he was using her--as long as she's got money, he'll be there to get his share. Once the money is gone--so is he. No way is he going to deal with her tantrums and insecurities, plus support her and 8 kids (and pay alimony and child support to his own family) if there's no payoff for him.
I think for now, he is there to try to make Kate seem more "human". She is arrogant, rude, narcissistic, and can't stand to be touched by "mediocre" people. He calms her down and tries to get her to act normal.
But what confuses my is the trip to Wyoming for the twins' birthday. Why was he there? It was supposedly a family trip for the girls. What did she need protection from? There was no reason for him to be there unless he is somehow integrated into the family.
One of the Sheeple sites claims that Steve and Gina were divorced in April of 2011. Has anyone else heard anything about that? It sounds hokey to me.
You know I watch part of K8 last night, it was the day in the life of Kate. There was the book signing in LA and Kate broke down, cause there was not many people at it and purseboy made her go out there and sign books. I watched the video (with audio off) and it was the same thing purseboy made her meet fans. And Kate does look like she put weight on her middle. Purseboy looks a little fatter these days. I see Kate is on twitter silence again, what happen party/clubbing last night, got drunk, slept half the day. Maybe had too many, cause she is not as popular as she thinks. If you look at a few if the pics of when kate has her side/back to the camera, and they show up close of her right back leg, there looks like a vertical line, like she had surgery. Lipo?
Purseboy does tell her what to do, cause Kate would not have taken pics with fans, her actions were, I don't want to be near them or take pics with them, let's get out of here.
I first thought she had the dress hemmed higher but if you look at the sleeves, they have that same rounded look, so I think that's the style. The reason she wore that dress is to start talk. Sure, it is something that a slim 20 something would wear but Kate thinks she is a sexy bombshell.
Maybe Steve is a glutton for punishment and that's why he's with her romantic or not.
She is so awkward with these "fans". How in the world will she be with people who have paid to go no a cruise with her for a week? I don't see her handling that well at all.
She probably said that taking pictures and shaking a few hands "isn't part of it" because she wasn't being paid to do that. No 20dollar photos this time around.
You know, it makes sense that TLC is paying Kate through Feb. because of her contract. I imagine it is a smaller amount than when she was filming, but that would explain the wild spending she has been doing while still crying poor. The 3 expensive cars in like six months. I mean really, a single driver in the family and three cars? She's spending like a crazy woman while she still has money coming in. But my how the mighty have fallen! From the book signing days and the gifting at churches where the visitors were lined up for her and now there is a handful of people gawking at her. It must make her crazy to know how unpopular she has become.
Allison @ 63: You know, it makes sense that TLC is paying Kate through Feb. because of her contract. I imagine it is a smaller amount than when she was filming, but that would explain the wild spending she has been doing while still crying poor.
Kate claimed, in tweet, after the show was cancelled, that she is not under contract with TLC through February. Her wording, though raised some eyebrows, because it was unclear as to when her contract actually ended. Maybe someone remembers this - what was her tweet? I believe it was to Milo.
Yoyo@62: She probably said that taking pictures and shaking a few hands "isn't part of it" because she wasn't being paid to do that. No 20dollar photos this time around.
I guess there were too many phone cameras being used during that "press" gig. Steve couldn't keep up with deleting all of them!
Maybe that why Steve is still there if Kate is still under contract it's how he's getting paid only time will tell Feb is all most here.
Could someone help and post link to interview with Diane Mizota. Have looked, googled and cannot seem to find the Gosselin interview. Very curious if she asked any biting questions. Thank you
OK. I’m *this* close to feeling sorry for Kate. She looked so terribly uncomfortable with the fans – frightened almost. The outfit? All wrong on so many levels. First, she doesn’t have the legs for a micro-mini. They’re risky at best for any woman past her twenties, but my legs are similar in that the thighs are not quite proportionate to the calves. I’ve learned I look much better in an at-the-knee hemline, or lower – same goes for Kate IMO. The dress itself might not be half bad for a new years eve party, but on the street, in daytime, with bare legs and strappy little shoes, in January?? She stood out but not in a good way. She really doesn’t have a clue and it’s getting sadder by the day.
Sherry Baby said... 64
Allison @ 63: You know, it makes sense that TLC is paying Kate through Feb. because of her contract. I imagine it is a smaller amount than when she was filming, but that would explain the wild spending she has been doing while still crying poor.
Kate claimed, in tweet, after the show was cancelled, that she is not under contract with TLC through February. Her wording, though raised some eyebrows, because it was unclear as to when her contract actually ended. Maybe someone remembers this - what was her tweet? I believe it was to Milo
I thought TLC was paying her per episode, and she's not filming any episodes any longer. She's been selling herself pretty hard--especially right when the show ended, which made it seem like she was available for a new show if she could get it (which, of course, she didn't). But if there was a per-episode contract, maybe TLC had some option to film specials for their agreed-upon price until February. That way they wouldn't have to pay her if they didn't film specials, and she was free to work somewhere else if she wanted to. And she's made it clear that TLC isn't interested in filming them at any time in the future!
In the post-extra interview that was linked, did anyone notice that when Steve prompted her to stay for fan photos, it looked like she said "I don't want to"?
If you listen to the video closely (and turn your speakers up really loud, lol), you can first hear him tell her to take some pictures, she says "I don't want to", he says something inaudible, she gets that compressed lip/sharp eye look on her face and THEN says "that wasn't part of it" or similar. Then he kind of herds her and says "go ahead" pretty firmly.
I don't know about whatever relationship they have, but he is clearly around to make her do things and keep her in line around others and in public.
Wow, on the post Extra footage you can clearly see that every time Kate steps off that podium, the smile wipes right off her face. I think Steve cajoled Kate to get up there and take pics because fans were lingering and she capitulated reluctantly.
After several fan photos she steps off and boom! scowl. Then he tells her once again to get up there and smile and as soon as she steps down... you guessed it.
Later suckas, I'm outie!!
I can't find the Extra video that was intended to be posted on-line today.
I haven't heard of Dr. Drew's Life Changers show before but I saw an ad for it on the Extra website. It indicates "Reinvent, Rebuild, Restart", I laughed as I saw that; he has his work cut out for him if he intends to take on K.
bm 72
I have zero respect for Dr. Drew making a living off of exploiting people, usually vulnerable people. Teen Mom, Celebrity Rehab .. can he sink any lower?
She doesn't quite so great close up...
Hoosier Girl said... 73
bm 72
I have zero respect for Dr. Drew making a living off of exploiting people, usually vulnerable people. Teen Mom, Celebrity Rehab .. can he sink any lower?
A mom that makes a living off her kids.
Tucker's Mom said... 71
Wow, on the post Extra footage you can clearly see that every time Kate steps off that podium, the smile wipes right off her face. ++++++++++++++++
I can't find it. :(
Can't wait to hear the reason (excuse) why she is only on the internet and not on T.V.....how will she spin this?
This would be funny if it were not so sad and pathetic. She wants to be a media personality but she can't and won't unless pushed interact with the public. Skeve is there to make her. In spite of her ballsy bravado she is still the mousy woman who did not know how to dress herself, who did not want to drive the BBB on the highway just a few years ago. Yes she does go out more, but by herself only to the neighborhood stores, the gas station, etc., and always with the armor of her scowl. Skeve goes on trips that should be private like the Wyoming birthday getaway because she really cannot function in airports, hotels, etc. If she were not such a total d-bag overall I suppose there might be some empathy.
As for her "fans" yesterday, I really doubt anyone came any distance for Kate Gosselin. The Grove is a famous shopping mall, and since Extra films there evey day, I think people drop by to check it out. Yesterday they caught K8, too bad for them. And she certainly did not get either a Mario Lopez interview nor is she actually getting any air time. It's pathetic, she's pathetic and Skeve is embarrassing.
Wonder if she is rethinking that cruise right about now? A little preview of what mingling with her "fans" is going to be like. She is so very, very uncomfortable with the kind of public contact forced on her at The Grove.
Anonymous 67, I'm curious about the mommy blog interview also. I'm not hopeful, since the old standard editing card has already been played. Also, by the chiclet display in the picture of K8 + Blogger, I'm guessing no difficult questions were asked. Too bad.
It's been about 24 hours since we read that she would let all know when "it" airs (on the web, of course). I wonder if she is mortified that "it" hasn't even been posted on-line. Hopefully "it" was a disaster and will never see the light of day. How will she spin this?
I had trouble finding the fan picture clips also, but finally stumbled onto them. They were provided by Berks Neighbor in post #3 on this page. Thanks, Berks! You were all dead on, she is obviously a very unwilling participant in that little party.
Btw, has it been confirmed that the Extra interview will not be aired on tv? I would hate to find out later that it was on their website, then aired on a later date. I would really, really hate that.
Kate has to be forced to take pics I thought she loved and adored her fans.
What is that small square band-aid discoloration, pimple thing on her left cheek? I remember someone (was it on here) swearing up and down that Kate had her misplaced upper jaw re-aligned. If she did, she had it put back to its original condition because her teeth are still off center! I have never seen a woman in her 30s with so many neck wrinkles/loose skin. I think if she needs to have anything done in the way of plastic surgery, that should be first on her list, and I wouldn't criticize her for having it done because it's really bad.
library said: "she says "I don't want to", he says something inaudible, she gets that compressed lip/sharp eye look on her face and THEN says "that wasn't part of it" or similar. Then he kind of herds her and says "go ahead" pretty firmly."
I didn't hear the "I don't want to" (my speakers are bad!)...I just read her lips on the "that wasn't part of it" part. I bet she didn't know she was heard doing this, or that the cameras would catch it. Every one of her fans who is even considering the cruise should watch that video. Her interactions with them on the cruise will be limited, and will be very forced.
This is KG when she was normal
I didn't hear the "I don't want to" (my speakers are bad!)...I just read her lips on the "that wasn't part of it" part. I bet she didn't know she was heard doing this, or that the cameras would catch it
It's right when she first comes down off the platform, right after he says "take some pictures". It's a little hard to catch but my speakers are pretty good. I thought "did she really just say that?" and played it several times to be sure.
She just isn't cut out for this kind of "work", no matter how much she wants to be. Anyone who so clearly finds it that repulsive is in it for the money only, otherwise, a true introvert like her (and me, so I know) would never put herself through it.
I hope someone save that little video bit - I can't on my computer. But I imagine someone in her camp will try to insist it be taken down.
Kate got her mic on be for she put on that nasty dress eww she looks so gross from the backside to me.
I don't know how to ask this delicately, or if there IS a way to ask this delicately, but I am curious about Milo. If this is a "she," does she have the hots for Kate - does she play on that team...or is "she" really a guy? Is she/he going on the cruise?
@Kateplusmy8 All the pics we have seen...U looked fab! @Kateplusmy8 http://t.co/uhErHbnk…(preview) @Kateplusmy8 Love these expressions Kate! LOL
About Bigfan - she is nuts, isn't she?
She tweeted earlier today that Kate needs to decorate her shoes because she has manly feet, that those shoes were all wrong for here. Not long after that, she tweeted that the shoes are perfect for her, and now she tweeted this:
"OMG, I found a photo of her feet & shoes. She needs to do something different than this. Look at her toes!"
If she just now found a photo of her feet and shoes, how could she have commented on them earlier today? Just shaking my head here...
librarylady said... 74
She doesn't quite so great close up...
You're right. She looks quite aged with her turkey skin neck. And I do believe she's using Spackle to fill in the cracks sorry I mean lines in her face.
Another thing I noticed in one of those videos...Kate's eyes seem to gloss over whenever Stevie is telling her what to do. For someone who thinks so highly of herself, you'd think she wouldn't let anyone give her orders... which is another reason I think they're bumping uglies.
librarylady said... 74
She doesn't quite so great close up...
As my Mom used to say, "She has the face she deserves".
Tweeters are saying that the Extra interview won't show up online until March. Can anyone confirm this, or where they are getting this information?
Librarylady: You're absolutely right! I went to another computer and put my ears against the speakers. She says "I DON'T WANT TO." If the fans had offered her $25 dollars for a shot, would her entire demeanor have changed?
Someone should save that video before it's taken down!
JoannaNY said... 89
I've done a bit of tweeting with Milo and she is really a sweet woman. A married mom of 2 who recently had some serious surgery. I think she's a bit lonely, but that said, I believe she might have a girl crush on Kate.
LOL maybe Kate just showed up in LA and they interviewed her out of pity.
This week in MoM info according to
Diane Mizota via Facebook: (the episode) will air on Yahoo in March. and I'm writing a blog about it...I'll post here. thanks!
So "This week in MoM" should now be called 2 MONTHS from now with not-a-mom.
March coincides with her appearance in the Runner's Magazine that she was interviewed for after the LV Marathon. It may also coincide with her next Marathon appearance.
Kate has such an aversion to dealing with people in any way, working as a nurse must have been pure misery for her.
I just looked all over the Extra website. She's only in the list of people interviewed this week in the Grove part (as in, telling local people or tourists who will be out, so come on out).
I don't know, I have the feeling they might not use her bit at all. I mean, a mom blogger isn't putting up her interview with Kate for two months?
She's sucking pond water.
"I've done a bit of tweeting with Milo and she is really a sweet woman. A married mom of 2 who recently had some serious surgery. I think she's a bit lonely, but that said, I believe she might have a girl crush on Kate."
EEEWWWWW!!! Does anyone really know anyone on the internet? Remember the Pennmommy fiasco?
A question from an old woman...does someone who isn't dating or sexually active even wear a thong? They look very uncomfortable to me, and seem like the sort of thing a woman would wear to look enticing to the opposite sex? Am I totally wrong, and just from the wrong generation?
Laura D. said...
JoannaNY said... 89
I've done a bit of tweeting with Milo and she is really a sweet woman. A married mom of 2 who recently had some serious surgery. I think she's a bit lonely, but that said, I believe she might have a girl crush on Kate.
I think what you mean, Laura D, is that she SAYS she's a married mom of 2. Unless you've met her in person, and verified her identity and circumstances, you can't possible KNOW that she/he is who she/he says she/he is.
A "girl crush" on the part of a "married mom of 2", if that is really what she is, doesn't sound very healthy. Milo's tweets suggest that she/he has got more than a few screws loose, whoever she/he is.
where can I find the video everyone is talking about where Kate doesn't want to pose for fans?
OK ladies, true enough. And I might not be a married mom of 5 with a beagle and an orange & grey cat either. But I am :)
As a woman myself I've had girl crushes I have an all some boyfriend as well in fact. I think snooki look very cute without make up-).
Thongs don't leave panty lines. That is why she is wearing one. Plus she probably thinks it leaves much to the imagination for all her adoring male fans.
Whenever I scroll down to click on the "sediments," all I see are those ugly knees! :(
Give back:
She IS sucking pond water...love that. It's happening....she IS going away. But ever soooo slowly. These no T.V. interviews were a big indication of that. The universe DOES work...
Could someone please help me out? How do I get onto the video from Extra at the Grove with Khate being a two-face to her fans? Thanks.
Saw the videos and I must applaud Kate on her Forever 21 dress. Wowzer, takes balls to wear such an obviously cheap dress in public. Now...if she's so put out by fans and people in general, then why the hell does she try so hard for a job in the public eye? I think it's all bullshit. She likes the attention a lot, but she LOVES to pretend she doesn't like it. Loves to pretend that she's this put-upon celebrity. And good lord, she still looks like a dude.
Titanic - I posted it above @106
The picture of Kate with Diane Mizota on preesi's site is interesting. First off, she looks wasted. Couc just be a bad picture, but she also looks disheveled. The hair is all flat, she's still in the silver dress and she is huge!!! Not just tall, but big. Diane is this petite cutie and Kate, well, will never be. She is large and always will be, organic diet or not
Just watched the video. My God. Does she ever believe she is hot stuff now, a real movie star. Makes me want to puke. To go from being a frumpy nurse to having people now drool over her must be heady stuff for such an insecure, lonely woman.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 108
Could someone please help me out? How do I get onto the video from Extra at the Grove with Khate being a two-face to her fans? Thanks.
Scroll up to comments #3 & 4, this page
Laura D. said... 103
OK ladies, true enough. And I might not be a married mom of 5 with a beagle and an orange & grey cat either. But I am :)
LOL, Laura D. You, I believe. Milo, not so much.
Kate def said "I dont want to" in those videos. I heard that clearly. Wow- yep, she loves her fans.
I was just over on twitter and the female fans are all telling Kate she's smokin' hot. That explains her current fan base. They're mostly women with girl crushes.
I saw that video--man, does she ever give Steve the evil eye when he's pressuring he to take pics with fans! Yikes--he's gonna get an earful later.
I'd be willing to bet she doesn't want to pose for pics because this is an unpaid appearance. It's just for publicity, and if they're not forking over any cash, then she doesn't think she should have to pose for any darn photos.
Kate def said "I dont want to" in those videos. I heard that clearly. Wow- yep, she loves her fans.
There is a lot of background noise but I think she was also saying something about not having a headset. Then she ORDERS the first girl to "step up on MY platform" for the pic. Bitch.
Oh and the blonde guy near the end of the video could be her double.
It's so sad had Kate glares at that sweet little teenager who's so excited to get a picture with her. Reminds me if what a bitch she was to little Piper Palin. Dies this woman even like children? Shit, man, hate her flabby fat ass
I can just hear Kate's excuses now:
I was exhausted. I was stressed out. I was having a bad day. It was the weather. I don't like being situations where I don't know (whatever). It was honestly, um, just not what I was expecting.
Anything but the actual truth. She did not want to be bothered with it. She just wanted it to be all about her and whatever.
Kate is complaining about living in PA. She hates the cold and the snow. She says--why do I still live here? I'm sure it KILLS her that she just can't up and move to LA and be among the stars.
And then she says she gets presents from her kids when she returns from a trip. OMG. Her ego is too much. Of course, she wouldn't bring her kids any presents. They have to have gifts wrapped and on her bed to greet her when she returns from her travels.
Marie said... 121
I can just hear Kate's excuses now:
I was exhausted. I was stressed out. I was having a bad day. It was the weather. I don't like being situations where I don't know (whatever). It was honestly, um, just not what I was expecting.
Anything but the actual truth. She did not want to be bothered with it. She just wanted it to be all about her and whatever.
"I had low blood sugar".
"Jon called earlier and messed up my day".
"My feet were hurting in the heels".
"They got the date and sound on the video wrong".
So I guess she changed that "upon penalty of severeness," if the kids entered her bedroom?
She is just so WEIRD! You can play in the mud at a RV stop but you're going to get it if you spill a granule of sugar on the floor.
You can only wear weird colored hair bands at home, you can only wear certain shoes, you have to eat your food in order. You can't have markers on your clothes but you can wear clothes that don't fit properly.
Growing up in that house where it seems the rules change daily must be like walking on egg shells literally. Makes my head spin.
Is this a narcissist trait? To put people in impossible positions of what to expect? Or is it just Kate?
I guess we can stop wondering if there were any real questions from the mommy blogger. Barf.
@DianeMizota was great to meet you, fellow MoM! :)
DianeMizota so fun! RT @thisweekinmom: Great shoot w/ @Kateplusmy8 in @YahooStudios for This Week In MoM! http://t.co/4itgGCNw
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BHappyLoveLaugh no and I even get little wrapped presents in my room upon return! Do I have the best kids ever or what??!!
Exactly what how would the 8 send her something in LA to her hotel room.?
Silly me, when my Dad went on a business trip he brought US gifts, not the other way around.
These kids have figured Kate out, end of story. Just keep buttering her up with how much they miss her and give her over the top thank you's and choke down her narcissistic Go Mommy Go cake and lavish her with gifts. They know how to best keep her stable and happy.
Maybe Dr.Drew's staff asked her on his show by promising to help her acting career. He gave octomom online personal trainer classes. He might offer Kate online acting classes! ;)
So does this mean she's now home, and not weekending in LA? What's the next adventure for our K8?
The big blonde guy getting his picture taken with her in the video is Linda Hogan's (former Mrs. Hulk Hogan)
boyfriend, Charlie Hill.
She still lives in PA because her children's father lives there, and she would have to get court permission for her to leave the state, which Jon would of course object to, and it would be a huge gamble if the judge would allow it given this is all the kids ever know and the kids' dad is here and she can do all her media-ish stuff while still in PA.
And, she's not exactly very kind to a state that gave her so much.
Thanks to all who helped me out with the link to the post-interview video. I know we all like to snark about Khate's choice of clothes, her orange Oompa-Loompa tan, her thong, etc,etc,etc,etc, but, to me, there is something very deeply disturbing about this woman., I think she is a truly mentally ill sociopath. Khate's "On-with -the fake smile" "Off-again" behavior is seriously creepy to me. There really is something VERY, VERY, dark in what little soul she has. Remenber Scott Peterson, out in Modesto, California, a few years back, who murdered his wife, Lacy Peterson? Kate reminds me of that personality type. I know that means I am comparing Kate Gosselin to a murderer, but I feel that she is cut out of the same cloth as Scott Peterson. Khate really has NO humanity. I don't even consider her "human". She is one sick, creepy fraud. No amount of teeth veneers, fake smiles or shiny, wrapping paper-like mini dresses can fool me. Hopefully the rest of the world will see her for the mentally ill sicko that she truly is. A lot of her kids WILL become just like her.
Rearranging, I don't think you are far off the mark with something being seriously off.
The thing is, not everyone who is a sociopath or psychopath will have this manifest itself in killing people. That's just one way it manifests itself. There are hundreds if not maybe thousands of bonafide sociopaths out there who could be diagnosed as such by any trained therapist, who never hurt anyone, physically that is. Their behavior DOES manifest itself somehow, but not necessarily in stuffing someone in a suitcase.
So, I guess what I was trying to say at #132 is that Khate is MORE than jut a narcissist. Khate Gosselin is a sociopath...MUCH worse than a narcissist. It would be nice if we stopped using the term "narcissist" in describing the piece of crap that is Khate Gosselin and start using the more accurate term, SOCIOPATH -- I know I will. Anyone on board with me on this?
Westcoaster said... 129
So does this mean she's now home, and not weekending in LA? What's the next adventure for our K8?
Did she meet with Mr. Marathon Trainer Man or is that scheduled for another trip later in the month?
I am considering the sociopath idea.
I'm laughing over this one. Someone asked Kate where to eat in Lancaster:
wildfirecrew @Kateplusmy8 hubby&i will b n Lancaster 4 business on 31st. Fav place 2 eat? Or must dos? I should bring my books 4 ur autograph. ;) dinner?
Kate responded:
@wildfirecrew I like iron hill brewery but don't know very many places there! Have fun!
If she was involved in the school community and her children's activities, she'd be able to recommend many places to eat and things to do! Good grief - this is the fifth year the twins have been in school here. Even if her children didn't go school in Lancaster, she lived in E-town, shopped at the local mall, read the Lancaster newspaper, watched the local television station. What is with this woman? Is she really this dense?
Does this Tweetie want to meet Kate for dinner and have books signed? Dream on...
Thanks, Administrator. There is no denying that Khate fits the criteria for a sociopath, so lets call a spade a spade...and, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...well, you know.
KG is also full of herself let's not forget that it's all ways about Kate.
"their behavior DOES manifest itself somehow, but not necessarily in stuffing someone in a suitcase."
Or cutting up the body first with a saw, and then stuffing them into a suitcase. Remember that woman, Melanie McGuire, who did just that? Psychopath or sociopath?
Interesting articles...
There definitely is something wrong with her "wiring" and I don't think it can be fixed.
Chefsummer can you do us a big favor and break up your posts into sentences? It's just hard to understand what you mean sometimes, and you have good things to say. Thanks.
I think sociopaths are so associated with killers that it's hard for people to go there. Narcissists are a little tamer, they're just horrible people. But the reality is most sociopaths don't kill.
There's no denying she fits the profile.
That poor sheeple should check out Yelp. Where people who actually know what they are talking about review restaurants.
In the sixth pic down here, http://www.celebitchy.com/203749/kate_gosselin_is_getting_desperate_does_extra_in_a_shiny_short_dress_is_looking_for_an_old_sugar_daddy/ does it look like she's getting ready to put her hands in cement? Does it make sense to go to LA for an interview that isn't even going to be on TV but on the internet on March - per Diane.
Even if her children didn't go school in Lancaster, she lived in E-town, shopped at the local mall, read the Lancaster newspaper, watched the local television station.
No offense meant, but Kate clearly stated no tv, just dvds of our show. Jon clearly stated that Kate did not read the papers or follow the news.
Apparently, ignorance is bliss, in Katie's world.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 144
That poor sheeple should check out Yelp. Where people who actually know what they are talking about review restaurants.
Kate likes the Iron Hill Brewery. It's good. My favorite is the Fisherman's Stew. It's only two minutes from school, so I guess Kate has eaten there during the rare times she has to show up for some event or conference.
This sheeple should try the Log Cabin...Lady Gaga's favorite restaurant here. She was in Lititz again yesterday...without fanfare, without an entourage of security, without paps.
This sheeple should try the Log Cabin...Lady Gaga's favorite restaurant here. She was in Lititz again yesterday...without fanfare, without an entourage of security, without paps.
You mean Chris, the lone PA pap who sniffs Kate out whenever she goes to Target, didn't snap photos of Lady Gaga, one of the biggest stars in the world?
Really? Right in his backyard and not one photo?
This sheeple should try the Log Cabin...Lady Gaga's favorite restaurant here. She was in Lititz again yesterday...without fanfare, without an entourage of security, without paps
There in lays Kate's problem (bolded).
P.s. Gaga is great #talent.
If I were clever enough with photoshop, it would be funny to put that photo in front of the Chinese Theater where she is imprinting her hands on a block that says Narcissist.
Admin.- thanks, I needed a laugh (150).
My kids love me to pieces but never have they given me wrapped presents when I went out of town. They buy my bday presents on my bday or the day before and probably because their dad, my ex, makes them. They tell me thank you and they love me to be sweet, not to keep me from screaming at them. How exhausting and sad it must be to live with her.
This sound like Kate to me.
A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three or more of the following:
failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead;
irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another;-Wikipedia
No offense meant, but Kate clearly stated no tv, just dvds of our show. Jon clearly stated that Kate did not read the papers or follow the news.
You're right, and I thought of it after I typed my comment. Jon said she never read a newspaper. She certainly did read one, though, after the school expulsion story made the front page of the local paper. She read a newspaper after stories were printed about her begging for the state to continue funding after the year of free medical services were up for the tups. She called the newspaper's editor complaining about the articles that were printed. When it has something to do with HER, she reads it!
However, Kate grew up in Lancaster County, she lived here until she graduated from high school. Even without reading a newspaper or watching television, she certainly is familiar with the area! She would have had to have been a total recluse not to know what to do and see here.
I'm not sure I believe for one second a kid would think to give a gift to a parent who has been out of town. If it did happen, it was because the kids were hoping to stave off her cranky horrible self exhausted after a long flight.
Kate went out of town during the school week, these kids were thinking about school and school activities, not her. I'm sorry, but kids are inherently selfish. It's evolution at its best--the kid who took the most and was the most greedy and didn't give back to others (in the caveman days, this all involved food) survived the longest. You have to TEACH them to be considerate and think of others and be grateful. You might get a FEW really sweet ones who think of stuff like this, but it's rare, that kind of consideration doesn't develop until later years if that's the kind of person who that child is. That's not to say there aren't wonderfully sweet kind kids out there, of course. But that shows up in other ways--they just wouldn't THINK on this level.
Kate tries to convince us these kids are different than every other kid out there. Kids are inherently selfish. They don't think of others that much at this age and they don't really think of the significance of someone coming home like an adult would. What she says these kids say, think and do are contrary to how most kids operate. And we know she lies about what they do and say, since she told us all about how the kids wanting a new daddy, but when TLC actually interviewed them on the couch, they told a completely different story, several of them outright saying the complete opposite.
Respect said... 130
The big blonde guy getting his picture taken with her in the video is Linda Hogan's (former Mrs. Hulk Hogan)boyfriend, Charlie Hill.
...Who apparently has no friends either. He had to take his own photo with Kate.
Yupperee, Chefsummer (153), that is our witch, alright, Khate, the sociopath.
Kate Cry-duh, your kids sound exactly like normal kids to me.
The reality is, you have to remind kids hey it's Mommy's birthday or Daddy's birthday, or father's/mother's day and then you have to further guide them to make a present or a card or something. It's not because the kids are intentionally being selfish tools. They just don't THINK like adults about stuff like this. Their brains are developing and their world is themselves and Mommy and Daddy are there for them. They love their parents, but don't express that love in the way adults do. You have to teach children what is the proper societal behavior to show someone you care and love about them. In our culture, it's a birthday present and card and maybe a cake or nice meal. Other cultures do different things for birthdays or don't celebrate them at all--which is proof that giving a present on special occasions is not something we just KNOW how to do and will just do from the age of four, like Kate acts like her kids do, but rather must be guided along by the adults.
One can be a sociopath AND have NPD. I was glad to see you also mentioned that not all of the kids are going to get through this type of childhood without developing the same problems as their psycho mom. While under 18's cannot be diagnosed, and with good reason, we have all seen the warning signs regarding the 8.
#158: My mother was born in and grew up in Ireland, and they NEVER celebrated birthdays back then (1930's). No gifts, nada. My mom said they made a bigger deal of the Saint's Day that you were named after (her's was Saint Bridget's Day), but again, back then, in that time, in that culture, no gifts. So , yeah, giving gifts is a learned behavior. Khate's full of crap.
Presents just for coming home? What does Kate do - instruct the nanny to take the kids to Target to pick up little gifts for their wonderful mommy? Surely this isn't something they'd come up with on their own.
Once again I think Kate's lying. She's just making it sound like she's soooo good at mothering that her kids reward her. Good grief the sheeple just eat this stuff up.
Re: presents. Yeah, when Kate says she has the best kids in the world because they have her presents, my first thought was those poor kids! They must feel the need to placate her irritable ass. When my kids were in kindergarten and 3rd grade, they had no money of their own, no need or thought of buying mom and dad gifts. When they did, it was with mom's help for dad's bday and vv. So no, Kate, you don't have the greatest kids. They're scared of you. They have learned how to survive living with you. They probably don't even like you but haven't come to grips with that yet because they are CHILDREN who depend on you. It's not their job to take care of you. And it's a lesson in futility anyway.
All about Kate, once again.
The kids should be focused on homework, school, friends and activities during the week. Not on trying to feed Kate's narcissism.
Figuring out what prevents your mother from taking out all her anger and exhaustion on you is also a learned behavior.
If that's presents and multiple thank you's, then that's what they'll learn.
She is also teaching kids to be extremely materialistic, that the only way you can show your love is with something material.
This is more than likely going to sound really rude, and I've tried to make it sound less so but I just can't so here it goes.
What I have seen and get from Kate is she grew up wanting this or that but never got what she wanted. She did say that her parents were strict, she was over-disciplined and that her parents at least saw that her needs were met.
Kate as an adult, as evident she appears very self-centered, very arrogant and the like. She likes being in charge.
But then we get this that her kids are compassionate, think of her and others all the time, that her kids think about relationships and whatever. Say things that normal 7 year olds wouldn't say.
Now, if Kate is so into herself, so demanding and so rude I am almost sure the kids pick up on this behavior and imitate it. Kids mimic what they see, rarely do they do so on the opposite. That if you raise a child in a home where it is hostile chances are kids will be exactly the same way. There are few exceptions, yes.
But I just...something is really fishy about having to swallow the fact that while Kate is all those things above and her kids are the opposite. Maybe it's me but isn't this just Kate trying to chalk up her bad parenting or spin it in a more positive light?
Reminds me of the lady I babysit her kids on occasion. She does not allow her kids to cry for any reason, told me not to buy them birthday presents, tells me her kids are self-efficient on their chores (that they vacuum, dust, do laundry, dishes). Thing I have a hard time believing people about that is her kids are 5 and 7 years old. Told me her kids picked out a present for me by themselves. No offense, but fat chance!
I mean am I wrong here? I remember being a kid and looking back and I think how selfish I must have seemed to adults...
Oh! Oh! Oh! I know what the kids bought mom! Some Keurig k-cups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And maybe a new thong in the men's department?
Considering the number of times this witch "comes home" from trips, it must be a regular present wrapping factory going on at the Kompound :-). Poor nanny.
Re: presents.
As a CHILD, i made some seriously hideous oresents for my parents - paperweights, a felt purse for my Mom, the list goes on. Was some of it downright ugly? Oh yeah.
YEARS later, they still had them, along with cards I had made, and so on.
No explanation necessary.
Maybe they did do it ONCE and Kate decided to make it another one her stupid *traditions*.
tate said... 122
Kate is complaining about living in PA. She hates the cold and the snow. She says--why do I still live here? I'm sure it KILLS her that she just can't up and move to LA and be among the stars.
And if she did, she wouldn't be living among the real stars. She wouldn't be able to find an equivalent home with lots of acreage in LA or the OC, without dropping serious dough. A million dollars won't get her what's she been accustomed to living in...no "all mine as far as the eye can see."
Not to mention, the real stars are going to care less about a washed up reality star. If anything they don't like these people--they are the reason less scripts are written for real actors. Stars don't usually hang out with reality stars.
I like what Morgan Freeman said about celebrity, too. He was like yeah when I first started I was really impressed by all the celebrities wanted to brush shoulders with everyone. Now I'm just like whatever who cares, I'm over it.
Marie, I get what you're saying. If Kate's such an asshole, won't her kids grow up to be the same. And I think that some probably will. But don't forget that they have a father who has always been loving and kind with them. If her kids grow up to be non-assholes, it'll be in spite of her, not because of her
Anyone else think katie's tring ot grift a manse in LA?
When my kids were young they painted "We love you Dad" on a piece of scrap board for my husband for Father's Day. He still has that piece of wood. That's the kind of presents kids give their parents, Kate.
The kids will also recognize though that Kate's behavior has consequences. They will eventually be able to connect that this is why she has no friends, broke up with Daddy, ticks people off, and so on. Kids are good at identifying anti-social behavior because they observe every day kids and adults whose behavior is successful or not.
There are a lot of studies actually that suggest kids are far more influenced by peers, at any age, than their parents' behavior. Which is probably why just because your parent was a wife beater or drunk or child abuser, doesn't by any means mean you will be too. You can certainly learn much different behavior.
I love buying my mom special song cards for her birthday.
It's special thing I do since we share the same b-day month.
Yes indeed. Those kids may pick up on some of Kate's horrible behavior, but they will be met with rejection and ridicule if they persist with said behavior. Most people actually care about other people's feelings and opinions. Most want to be liked and included. This is what separates anti-socials like Kate from normies. There's hope for the kids. Life has been pretty crappy to them so far, I wish them and Jon well
Marie, just remember that there are eight different, individual kids here. Eight different temperaments, eight different IQ's, introvert/extrovert, different likes and dislikes etc. Not all will turn out like their mom, but at the same time at least one probably will. If not worse.
Haven't read you-alls' sediments yet, but am wondering what is wrong with her knees? Scars? Rough skin? Yuck
Maybe I should have worded this differently. I had no intention to lump all 8 kids together each kid is different.
Guess I'll just wait for the day when her kids will be old enough to be interviewed (if they chose) or write books and it will be solely different from how Kate said things were.
I just have a hard time also believing that they constantly think to give her gifts.
I was thinking....if I was an absentee parent like Kate, always chasing the Hollywood dream and leaving my kids behind, what lie could I produce to show the public that my kids support my fame quest? I have it. Tell them my kids support me by giving me little presents upon my return from my most recent dream vacation where I can pretend I am a Hollywood star (and I do think I have what Angelina has by the way so screw you Jamie)and then saying I have the best kids in the world. Yes, people. My kids are so well adjusted. My travelling does NOT affect them one bit. If it did, would they leave me presents which obviously mean they love me? This is all so very calculated on her part. Her kids sound like saints. All 8 are saints? Unbelievable. She is such a f**k up it make my head spin. Please universe. Work your magic soon. I can't take much more.
My kids are so well adjusted. My travelling does NOT affect them one bit. If it did, would they leave me presents which obviously mean they love me?
But it could backfire on her and could be interpreted as meaning if she leaves her children so often, traveling does affect them very much because they miss her and they are so glad to see her return that they buy her gifts...just to show her that they are glad she is home. She just doesn't think before she spews this crap. Why even mention it at all? Whey even mention half of the personal stuff that she does? She can't shut up about anything.
start using the more accurate term, SOCIOPATH -- I know I will. Anyone on board with me on this?
No thanks. I don't even like to call her a narcissist. I don't like these diagnoses unless they are affirmed by a professional. I have no idea what Kate's mental status is. All I know is what I have seen of her parenting is subpar
and worrisome in my opinion. And I would truly appreciate it if she would find an appropriate job for her skills and just go do it to support her own children.
Narcissists rarely go in to see a professional to get a diagnosis is the problem. We know Kate fits that bill too, given what we know about the LaFair fiasco.
I donkt get what you are saying Marie. I don't think there is anyone here who thinks Kate's version of the kids lives is true.
I also don't believe they give her gifts when she comes back. Not because the kids aren't smart enough or scared enough to it, but because Kate lies 24/7 especially about what a great mom she is.
Yes, people. My kids are so well adjusted. My travelling does NOT affect them one bit. If it did, would they leave me presents which obviously mean they love me? This is all so very calculated on her part.
Yup, that's what she thinks all right. The scary thing is that is really what she thinks she is showing us. She honestly thinks she has the upper hand.
Same with the Go Mommy Go cake. See, haters? My kids love that I run. They don't mind I take off for Vegas to run. They don't mind I only run when they are home when I have eight plus hours a day without them to get a run in plus two free weekends a month. They support me so much they got me a cake!
Here's where the material came from for Kate's dress.
Fido - 183...
No thanks. I don't even like to call her a narcissist. I don't like these diagnoses unless they are affirmed by a professional. I have no idea what Kate's mental status is.
Ditto. Kate has traits of so many psychological illnesses that it takes a qualified professional to sort them all out and make a diagnosis. Calling her a sociopath, even though she may fit the bill, is really something I would feel uncomfortable doing (even if she is one).
I wonder if the kids used the same wrapping paper as her hiney's seamstress. It's only frugal, after all, to use up all those leftover bits.
I don't think for on second that Kate is back home with the kids.
I bet Steve got her that little gift she was pissed that she had to take pic's with the fans so he got her a lil something.
According to Kate's own words, the kids are just extensions of her---little planets in her solar system. So, naturally, when she goes out of town, they suspend their lives, just waiting for her to come home and breathe life back into them. She is a pitiful and twisted person, whatever label is slapped on her. She is in for one wild ride when she has 8 teenagers under one roof!
Bibby, 187!
Yes! Too funny! I had found this one earlier today - it shows the roll, and thought this was exactly what she had wrapped around her:
We're not alone in our concerns about child labor.
We were flipping to What Would you Do? on tonight and they set up a scenario where an employer made a 11 year old kid work hard in the store. A wonderful woman confronted the manager about it, said it was "inappropriate." Another woman yelled at the employer and said hey this is ILLEGAL and disgusting. Some other shoppers spoke up too. One of them helped comfort the kid who was saying he was tired.
It's good to know we're not nuts about child labor.
Luckily for Kate they're eliminating NPD from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
A Fate That Narcissists Will Hate: Being Ignored
She's still a narcissist in my book though.
Sorry, folks, but I will never refer to Khate as as narcissist again. She is a *sociopath* (who has narcissistic traits as well), and I just think that people don't have the guts to call her out on this. I do. It's more accurate and I am not cow-towing to Khtae.
I've read up on this change and to say they are eliminating narcissism is a little misleading. It still is what it is, its just being called something else.
These people still exist, but now when they are diagnosed, they will be diagnosed as having a Personality Disorder. And then it will be assigned certain specific characteristics to the general Personality Disorder. I imagine the characteristics will line up nicely with what we know about narcissism for someone previously diagnosed as such.
Nothing is really changing. It's not like they are saying it doesn't exist.
This is not unlike the various changes autism has been through. It was autism all along, but it has gone from mentally retarded, to that weird kid, to ADHD, to autism, to asberger's, to back to autism. The same kid if he lived in a variety of decades could be given all those diagnoses.
Sorry, folks, but I will never refer to Khate as as narcissist again. She is a *sociopath* (who has narcissistic traits as well), and I just think that people don't have the guts to call her out on this. I do. It's more accurate and I am not cow-towing to Khtae.
It's not cow-towing to Kate (I really don't think she would care one way or the other), and it's not being gut-less - what it is is not stepping into the shoes of a qualified professional psychotherapist, psychiatrist or psychologist to make an arm-chair diagnosis. Or, you could call it not willing to play doctor.
I don't think anyone would disagree that there's some kind of personality disorder going on. Kate's definitely "not all there." But nobody here, as far as I know, has examined or treated her, and therefore, they are unqualified to make a diagnosis and conclude that she's a sociopath.
librarylady said... 74
She doesn't quite so great close up...
Suddenly my own neck doesn't look so bad, and I am 59.
And like somebody above said, that dress is strictly New Year's Eve.
But nobody here, as far as I know, has examined or treated her, and therefore, they are unqualified to make a diagnosis and conclude that she's a sociopath.
Narcissists are diagnosed by proxy all the time, though with professionals. Because narcissists don't...go...to...therapy. A good friend of mine had her mother diagnosed this way, and it helped her (my friend) tremendously.
Just because you're not a doctor doesn't mean our hunches aren't right. Many people have been correct about people's mental illnesses, people who have since been diagnosed by a professional. You can become educated about certain disorders as well as the right questions to ask people and behavior to assess--the same questions doctors ask. There is no secret way doctors come up with a diagnosis, there are standardized ways to diagnose available to anyone interested. Often that's how people end up at the doctor in the first place--someone in their life suspects they might be bipolar, or schizophrenic, or psychotic. And they could be right.
I'm not a doctor, but that doesn't mean I can't be correct in making an educated guess what's wrong. We may be right (I'm betting on it), we might not be. Kate will never go see a professional, but it helps some people to understand this situation, process her behavior, process behavior of people in their own lives, if it can be somehow identified and organized. If we're wrong, all right, fine. At least people have been able to better understand narcissists in their own lives.
Often that's how people end up at the doctor in the first place--someone in their life suspects they might be bipolar, or schizophrenic, or psychotic. And they could be right.
In Kate's case, however, she's not going to be helped by reading on the internet that she's bipolar, a narcissist or a sociopath. Didn't she say that she does the opposite of what "haterz" say? She's a stubborn one. No therapist for her.
My comment was in response to the remark that said nobody has the guts to call her out on this. It's not a matter of not having the guts. It's a matter of not having a confirmed diagnosis, but relying on a guess as to what she might have.
Yes, she exhibits characteristics of a narcissist and a sociopath. There very well could be more than that going on, or she could be just plain nuts. What good would name-calling do? We all know that her brain isn't wired right - I don't think there's any dispute there.
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