Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kate in Los Angeles

Kate is scheduled to appear on Dr. Drew's Lifechangers, and interview with Extra and with a Mommy blogger today

Extra does TV spots from The Grove, a famous shopping center near Beverly Hills, and Kate is on the line-up today. She will also interview with This Week in M.O.M's Diane Mizota, who promises to ask Kate some "real" questions.

Kate and Steve at The Grove, SplashNewsOnline  

737 sediments (sic) from readers:

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emschick1128 said...

OMG Can we please stop the debate about Kate and her nursing diploma vs BSN etc. It's all a moot point because Kate does not want to work as a nurse anymore. I'm sure she sees it as beneath her and personally if she was going to take care of me I would check my self out of the hospital. On another note being a nurse for 25 years myself I can tell you first hand that just because you have the education does not make you a good nurse or mean the you can apply it to a clinical situation. I've seen plenty of nurses who could tell you how the heart works but someone could drop dead in from of them and there clueless. This continuous debate is very monotonous.

Dee said...

AuntieAnn said... 195

Ha! The one thing that Kate hates most is being called a BAD MOM.


Yeah, because it's TRUE.

C said...

There's a big difference in the "haters" who post here and the ones who post on twitter.
The obsession has gone too far when you take to twitter day and night and stalk and harass.
IMO ;)

Marie said...

I think what we all mean is we wish Kate would learn to accept reality. That she will never (hardly) be brought back to her former reality TV star status and should, well, look into other *gasp* mediocre real-life expectations of a job. Maybe not nursing but something that will, I hate to say provide because Kate's put the word to death but at least let them live a comfortable middle or upper-middle class lifestyle.

She won't do it. Whatever the job, if it's out of TV frame she won't suck it up and do anything else. By the time she stops waiting for "hope" to rescue her it might be to late to even develop a fall back plan.

I say just let Kate get more full of hot air, let her ego grow, let her huff and puff about how great she is. Her waiting will have amounted to nothing because she is not as useful or interesting as she once was. I guess it drives her nuts.

Kate could be a bank teller, a school janitor, a cafeteria worker, a receptionist at just about any company in PA even from home. Get a part-time job or two, downsize, have a yard sale. And oh yeah, one more thing:

Anybody else tiered of Kate saying she does "everything for her kids," but we never actually see anything of the sort? I'm sorry but when is the last time we saw Kate take the kids anywhere a fun zone or for pizza or a weekend movie just for fun? She claims her kids love her to pieces but bus stop photos would show a completely different light here. How can you do everything for your kids but not enjoy it? If she enjoyed it she would like staying home you think? I would.

Give Peace A Chance said...

C@3 said: The obsession has gone too far when you take to twitter day and night and stalk and harass.
IMO ;)


I agree. I just checked one of the "regular" haters who has been on Twitter for eight hours straight. Do they eat? Do they go to the bathroom? Do they shower? Do they have a life, other than taking to Twitter to harass? What is the purpose of this stalking and harassing? What do they hope to accomplish?

Marie said...

Okay, did I miss something? Kate's too lazy (because I'd hate to say dumb) to read the newspaper...but she's smart enough to do a crossword puzzle? Scratching my head here.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate is right she's not a bad mom she's a horrible mother.

AuntieAnn said...

C said... 3

There's a big difference in the "haters" who post here and the ones who post on twitter.

I agree, there's huge difference.

I don't tweet and even though I don't know exactly where headquarters are located, I'm actually an "Anti-Kate-Operative" (lol), not a "hater". I'm not even sure what my mission is I just like to snark on Kate because she really is an ass AND a bad mom, and if SHE would get off twitter she'd be one step ahead of the game.

Westcoaster said...

Yep, today she handed over some new toys a month past Xmas to buy herself a quiet afternoon - that was a real interactive Mom move. Gave her more time to Twatter tho.

I probably should not do this but I am always a little put out when non-parents have such definitve views on spanking. Really? Watching your aunt and uncle raise their kids makes you an authority? It's naive and offensive. I don't think you have to have children to have an opinion, but to put to put it out there when it was not a topic is a bit odd. And for the record we raised ours just fine without raising a hand. TLC airing that footage of Kate & Leah was also offensive.

Have You Any Wool said...

emschick1128 said... 1: OMG Can we please stop the debate about Kate and her nursing diploma vs BSN etc.


I know nothing about nursing, or about the credentials a nurse needs, so when I see that discussion in a post, I scroll past it if it's something I don't want to read. If it looks interesting, I'll read it.

I only know that I wouldn't ever want Kate to be my nurse.

When She Played Her Charade said...

Remember this photo? How would you like to be a young child and have this thing spank you?


Nancy Drew said...

About the surplus of "unwrapped presents:"

I wonder if any of them were BOOKS, classics for kids like "Treasure Island," and "Swiss Family Robinson," or "Robin Hood?"

I'm afraid these books would expose those eight children to extraordinary people with great morals and values; exactly the opposite of KHate's. My word, they may have their eyes (and brains) opened regarding the possibilities of being HUMAN.

Ex Nurse said...

Here's a job that Kate can actually do, combines her training and her love of travel AND will make her loverz and haterz happy. Add a "sexy nurse" porn costume, and she can be the next Anna Nicole. It is a great place to meet elderly, terminally ill rich guys--even better than a cruise.

TRAVELING dialysis nurse, based in Reading, requiring only a current Pennsylvania license and one year of experience. Includes a housing allowance and travel expenses!

"This Pennsylvania-based medical center is currently seeking a Travel Dialysis Nurse to assist with coverage needs. The ideal candidate will have continuous renal replacement experience and an active PA license in hand. If this opportunity sounds right for you, give us a call and speak with an expert consultant for additional information.
Call 1-800-774-9251 today!

We offer travel allowances and paid housing.
You are covered under our professional liability insurance.
We offer major medical and dental insurance with additional optional coverage.
We offer 401(k) retirement savings plans with a match!
You will have 24-hour access to your recruiter.
Acute dialysis
10-13 weeks of coverage needed
Minimum one year experience required"

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate could run for governor of pa since she's got most of the skills all ready.

No morals.
Possible adulteress.
Full of herself.

Marie said...

@Nancy Drew, don't kids still read those books in school though? Maybe I don't know with school nowadays.

Out And About In Berks County PA said...

chefsummer said... 14

Kate could run for governor of pa since she's got most of the skills all ready.

No morals.
Possible adulteress.
Full of herself.


Please explain this comment.

Anonymous said...

Kaytee kryder, or however you spell your name, I think I love you. On a bad day you made me really laugh out loud.
And from one westcoaster to another, come off the crap about a non-parent commenting. Non-parents are as sick of that from you parents as you parents are of the childless. Learn to live with it. The childless were once children, may have good observational skills, and read so should not be condemned. Not all parents are perfect. Ala KG.

Westcoaster said...

Try to keep the conversation civil, Border Collie. If I recall, the spanking coments came out of nowhere in a very heavy handed way - which was my point, and I at least tried to make it nicely. If I offended anyone, mea culpa.

Anonymous said...

Border Collie,
I agree about with you, after all, non-parents will be parents some day and it is good they are thinking about parenting styles and techniques. And after they become parents, they will look back and laugh at their preconceived notions :)

Ex Nurse said...

I agree with Admin that spanking is never appropriate. I know that many people still believe that spanking is a necessary tool of discipline, but all it does is normalize physical violence. My father graduated from spanking to hitting with a belt--I still cringe at the sound of my husband taking his belt out. He has learned to do it very quiet, out of earshot and line of sight.

Having said that, having raised 3 children that were close in age was very trying for me, and I did feel, at times, feel like I was at the end of my rope. So, I can certainly empathize with the impulse to strike out in a vain attempt to stop irritating behavior. However, as parents, we have a responsibility to develop our own non-violent tools for handling stressful situations.

Can anyone really argue that the expelled tups were not modeling the behavior that they observed and experienced at home?

Westcoaster--I thought your comment was great--you specifically stated that you were not saying that having children was not a requirement to express an opinion.

Tamara said...

Re spanking: It has been proven time after time after time that violence does NOT dissuade bad behaviour or violence. Not torturing prisoners at Gitmo, roughing up a crime suspect or spanking a child. ~ Administrator said...

It's not a preconceived notion for many people butterfly. For many people it's a life choice not to hit a child, any child, your own or someone else's, no matter what the circumstances. It's a bit insulting to have it brushed off like that, oh it will change. Actually? For most people it doesn't change, ever.

I think the bigger question is not whether OP has kids, but rather how they can know that all their cousins turned out just great because they were spanked. Why not, they all turned out great in SPITE of being spanked? I'm sure they are nice kids. But I doubt anyone has sat them down and had a serious conversation about how they feel about being spanked. Does anyone as an adult actually say I loved when my parents hit me it was great for me I much prefer that to a time out or being grounded or just talking to me like a human being? Really? I think my siblings turned out great, and we were spanked. But ask any one of us, and we wish we hadn't been hit. We even had a conversation with our parents about it once to kind of talk it out, which was quite therapeutic. We've processed it in a healthy way with the parent who did it and hold no grudges. But you can't undue the past. I STILL remember how badly that hand felt against my butt. STUNG. ~ Administrator said...

Also know what I find telling? For the infractions I was spanked for, I couldn't tell you for the life of me what I did wrong. But I do remember the spank.

For the infractions I was punished for in other ways, like grounding? I can rattle off four or five things I was grounded for I remember vividly everything that happened and why I ended up grounded. Which one really taught me a lesson? And which one simply inflicted sharp pain on a little girl just doing what all children do--trying to learn the ways of the world and test the waters.

Ex Nurse said...

Nancy Drew said
About the surplus of wrapped presents


Late arriving gifts from Tweeties?

Westcoaster said...

622 comments in, I would love a new post - tired of looking at those odd knees every time my computer pauses while scrolling. :-).

Anonymous said...

the preconceived notions I was referring to were any and all ideas of parenthood prior to being a parent. Just like we have ideas, when we are children, of what life will be like when we are adults- once we make it, we look back and laugh. I wasn't talking about spanking per se.

CS said...

When you hit the sauce, sometimes the sauce hits back. Ain't that right, Kate?

Anonymous said...

I would rather have been spanked than grounded ANY day of my youth. Being grounded really sucked.

Ex Nurse said...

The last time my father pulled his belt out was when I was 16, because of a messy room. I looked him in the eye and told him to go ahead. It seemed to shake him out of that place he went to in his head during these episodes. He turned around and left the room.

Our relationship healed after I had my first child. He was a really wonderful grandfather, and it awakened some of the happy memories we had. One day, he looked at me very sadly, and, with tears in his eyes, he apologized to me.

He died suddenly, within a few months of having that conversation, , and I was so grateful that my last words to him were "I love you".

I forgive, but I will never forget.

Anonymous said...

I, a dog, got some immediate curb training when as an older pup I decided to explore the street. My mom said she got a couple of wacks on her butt when she was a little girl and did the same. My mom doesn't hit me, but does wield a leash and collar rather effectively.

must love dogs said...

Border Collie said... 30
I, a dog, got some immediate curb training when as an older pup I decided to explore the street. My mom said she got a couple of wacks on her butt when she was a little girl and did the same. My mom doesn't hit me, but does wield a leash and collar rather effectively.


I'm sure you think your gibberish is all cute-sy and shit, but let me be frank. It's juvenile and silly and plain ridiculous. Please try speaking as the human you are. Thanks in advance.

hey jude said...

Wow, spanking and nursing are hot topics here.I just don't understand how spanking is ok, as long as you don't do it when you're angry.The thought of walking up to your child and hitting them when you're in a good mood is illogical..

How could you actually do that? Hi honey, here's the slap I owe you from before, smile on my face- sorry, I couldn't do it.I am only saying this is what I feel on this subject,you are all entitled to your own ideas, not judging anyone here.

We raised three kids, I spanked the middle one after she ran out in the street in front of a car, pure instinct from fear. I still regret it - the look on her little face still haunts me.

My Mom believed in spanking, my Dad did not. Mom would tell Dad that this one needs 3 hits and he deserves 2 and made him do the belt disciplining, after work.He took us to our room and did it.The only thing was he hit himself on the knee with the belt and told us to cry really loud.

Dad never hit us and we never told anyone, it wasn't until he died when I was 20,that we siblings talked about it. Crazy,isn't it about how normal we think or childhoods were? I bet the G 8 think everyone has a Mom like Kate, poor little kids.....

Anonymous said...

Oh my somebody named must love dogs must have a thorn in her paw. You have your style and I have mine. Deal with it.

Ex Nurse said...

Hey Jude 13--Crazy isn't it about how normal we think our childhoods are.

That is my point--that violence begets violence. Abuse becomes a family legacy that is passed down through the generations. As as all ready been demonstrated by the expelled tups.

hey jude said...

ex nurse- ITA with the abuse passing one generation to the next.I remember they were playing on the floor as babies and one boy tup up and whacked his brother hard on the head with a toy, and he screamed.Kate had her back to them playing dolls with the girl tups, and never even turned around to see what happened.They kept filming and stayed on this scene, why? This was their normal way.

Kate did nothing, but I couldn't keep taping that without stepping in and doing something.That is entertainment? Those kids were never disciplined with time -outs or just talking to them, so it was no surprise to me that they had trouble in school.I am surprised someone wasn't hurt really badly along the way.

Children learn what they live......

amyf said...

Last year I was in a nursing home/rehab for several months. I pretty much NEVER saw the nurses (both RNs and LPNs) do anything other than hand out drugs. Maybe Kate could handle something like that. (you wouldn't believe how often they made medication mistakes - some pills missing, sometimes incorrect doses - and I could only wonder and worry for the people with dementia or other issues who couldn't notice these things for themselves)

JudyK said...

CS said... 27
When you hit the sauce, sometimes the sauce hits back. Ain't that right, Kate?

Sorry, CS, that is NOT Kate's Kate Hudson, a REAL celebrity (well known for being tipsy in public). Those are not Kate's legs or ankles. However, I can see why the glass of white wine would lead you to believe it was Witch Kate.

DebbieDowner4 said...

Soooo.... Skeve-o left his wife of 20 years, and 2 sons for this...

Then he gets what he deserves

JudyK said...

Marie said... 6
Okay, did I miss something? Kate's too lazy (because I'd hate to say dumb) to read the newspaper...but she's smart enough to do a crossword puzzle? Scratching my head here

I'm so far behind here that I'm reading from the bottom up just to try to get current, but I had to laugh at this comment, because when I saw Kate's tweet this a.m., I thought EXACTLY the same thing!

Tamara said...

The fact that the only thing TLC wouldn't put on the air was spankings says a lot.

GrifterKate said...

Marie said... 6
Okay, did I miss something? Kate's too lazy (because I'd hate to say dumb) to read the newspaper...but she's smart enough to do a crossword puzzle? Scratching my head here.
It's probably from a crossword puzzle book one of the kids got for Christmas ; )

Kate Gosselin
@realmikeconnell I'm sorry you feel that way. Have u ever met me or spent time in our home? Yeah, I didn't think so! Have a nice evening..

Sigh... Umm Kate, you allowed your interactions with your kids and ex-husband to be filmed for YEARS, have appeared on too many to count interviews, written books, etc... You have freely opened the door wide open for all of us to see what goes on in your home, by filming your family (kids) for years (your choice). So yes, we can/do voice our opinions about what we have witnessed and seen on film with you and your family! Can't have it both ways, or is she really that stupid?

GrifterKate said...

Tamara said... 40
The fact that the only thing TLC wouldn't put on the air was spankings says a lot.

Totally agree. Although it was a "pap shot" which caught the spanking, one must wonder what TLC delegated to the cutting room floor. There were tons of scenes with the kids hitting each other, and Kate completely losing her temper. They didn't show her exteme horrible behavior until the end, when they were getting ready to dump her.

But I am sure they have a lot of unsavory footage that did not make it to the show safely tucked away. Quite the predicament for Kate. The price you pay when you sell your soul (and kids) to the devil. Especially when you are a lunatic to begin with.

Pity Party said...

My grandmother worked the daily newspaper crossword puzzle every day, never a blank. When she passed the only argument was who was going to be blessed with one of her huge dictionaries that were thumbed out like an accordion and she was a school teacher. I think KT is confused and probably means word search because indeed some of the words do cross.

Layla said...

As far as the spanking issue goes, it's the parent's choice. I don't spank, but I have certainly seen some kids behave in ways that make me wish someone would give them a swat.
The issue with Kate spanking Leah that way was how she didn't care how humiliating it was for Leah to be photographed like that. Kate knew there were paps stationed right across the street who could--and would--take pictures of everything the and the kids did. Being spanked in public would be embarrassing ebough for a child, but to have it photographed and put on the internet for everyone to see?
Even worse, Kate pulled up Leah's dress so the photographers could get a picture of her underwear. Such disregard for her kids' privacy is inexcusable! Not only were they filmed naked and on the potty, but then she's pulling up Leah's dress to expose her underwear for pictures. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It almost seems like Kate was pandering to pedophiles. We know she doesn't care if they get to see questionable images of her kids, but did she expose them to that extent to try to get that kind of attention? It almost seems like it.
P.S., if she doesn't want Leah to blow a whistle, then she needs to get off her a** and take the whistle away. Or better yet, don't let the kids have whistles in the first place. Duh.

Once a Viewer said...

So Kate is sick...shouldn't she be on the laundry room floor? Oh, and don't you all hate when people say 'lay' instead of 'lie?" Aaaargh!!!

Anonymous said...

Border Collie said... 33
Oh my somebody named must love dogs must have a thorn in her paw. You have your style and I have mine. Deal with it.
Border Collie, you diva, I love your style, huge fan!! Keep up the great posts. ~ Administrator said...

No church this am because of a cold??? she would go anyway!

Katie Cry-duh said...

Kate's "think before we tweet, good lesson 4all" response is one of the many reasons I cannot stand her. Reminds me of her interactions with Jon
1. First off, Mike's right, she is a bad mother
2. Kate attacks him, he is the bad guy
3. He apologizes, wants to drop it
4. She attacks him, he's the bad guy
5. Her part (the bad mom part) is deflected
It always killed me when Jon got reamed for speaking the truth. Kate would attack him and imply he was a bad dad or that husbands who love their wives do this or that. He would just shut up and try to move on and she thought this meant her point was valid. She was too obtuse to see that he just wanted her to STFU and had no grace in her perceived victory. Attack again, as in "think before we tweet". She should have ignored Mike in the first place or just said thanks or ok when he apologized.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Sick this am? Given her tweets last night, I'd guess she is hung the fuck over.

NJGal51 said...

Kate's crossword puzzle

1 across: something Kate drinks on a daily basis (hint, it comes in a box and is made from grapes)

Kate: oh, I know....W.I.N.E.......slurp!

1down: something Kate does on a daily basis (hint, it is pronounced the same as 1 across but spelled differently)

Kate: hmmmmm, I don't get it.....brine? Mine?......waaaaa, can someone please help me with this?! This crossword puzzle book doesn't know how to make puzzles that I can do. Waaaaaaa! Kids get in here the queen, I mean mommy, needs help!

Kids after a quick glance at puzzle: it's W.H.I.N.E. mom, now stop whining and let us go back to bed!

koopdedoo said...

Here's a gem of wisdom for the sheeple: Don't wear a thong under your wrapping paper mini-dress or you will catch a cold!

Once a Viewer said...

As a mother of 'only' two, I never had the luxury of 'laying low' for a cold !! I'm sure no mothers who post here have either unless they had help (husband on the weekend etc) Is it Jon's weekend?

tate said...

I bet a cold wouldn't keep Kate off of an airplane or a tv appearance or showing up to sign photos at $20 a pop.

tate said...

OMG! Now she's complaining that she is exhausted from getting the kids ready to go play in the snow. Give me a break. Those kids are old enough now to get themselves into snow clothes with little help from her. And Kate, we don't care if you are exhausted. You are the one who was on a quest to have 8 kids and now you have them so deal with it. She is an idiot. She's really having a pity party, isn't she?

Westcoaster said...

No, she posted yesterday that she gave the kids new toys and they all had fun playing together. Guess she has them.

Has a cold, no church, right. Guess her twins will get to play nurse today.

Just another day in the neighborhood.

Midnight Madness said...

OMG! Now she's complaining that she is exhausted from getting the kids ready to go play in the snow. Give me a break. Those kids are old enough now to get themselves into snow clothes with little help from her.


Why does she whine about this? She knows she's going to get criticized, as she should. These kids are going to be eight years old. Is she going to keep dressing them all through lower school? I can see that they might need help with the scarves, but they certainly can get into snow pants and jackets themselves. Can they put gloves on their hands? It took her an hour to get them dressed? What is wrong with her, and where's the nanny?

GrifterKate said...

Katie Cry-duh said... 48
Kate certainly is a queen of deflecting any responsibility for anything she doesn't want to take responsibility for.

Twittering and a Twattering said...

These sheeple really are crazy (and needy), aren't they? This one is freaking out over the paint on the walls! You can't make up this stuff!

@Kateplusmy8 what is the bluish color on the walls? I'm looking for that color for my kitchen.

If anyone has any suggestions for a bluish gray paint color, my hubby would appreciate it I'm driving him crazy

@Kateplusmy8 I seriously need to know at least where it was purchased at. The paint..on the the pic where kids are ready for snow

Dallas Lady said...

Her whole response to the guy who tweeted that she was a bad mom is SO disingenuous, I don't know how she lives with herself.

Has he ever BEEN IN HER HOME?

Uh, we ALL have! If you watch every episode of Jon and Kate plus every episode of Kate Plus 8, how many hours of footage would that be? Hundreds? Add in the hour we saw her on Sarah Palin's show and we saw her tell her already messed up by a divorced kids that if they continued to CAMP, they'd have to belong to a different FAMILY?

That ALONE would support his statement that she's a bad mom! And I think bad mom is mild for her. That's just one little example. I could come up with dozens, probably more than that.

I have a friend I happen to think isn't the best mom. She loves her kids, but she doesn't enforce ANY behavioral boundaries and caters to their every whim and they are OUT of control. And I haven't seen as much of her mothering as I have of Kate's!

So yeah, Kate, we CAN state with certainty what we think of you as a person, as a former spouse, as a friend, and as a mother. With CERTAINTY. More so even than friends in our own lives, just for the sheer amount of what we've seen. You wanted it, you got it. You get what you get!

Once a Viewer said...

That's ridiculous!! Don't the kids get themselves dressed for outdoor recess at school? No hour about it. Mady is the only one who is not properly dressed- zipper undone and no hat or gloves but I'm sure she will remedy that- she was probably the one ( along with Cara) who actually got the tups dressed... Why oh why does Kate make them out to be babies????

NJGal51 said...

Didn't she complain of about having a cold when she returned from Vegas also?

Dallas Lady said...

NJGal, yes, she JUST had a "cold." I've never known anyone who got colds so much. And she's so healthy?

"Sick" for her just means pity and getting out of being a mom. She's probably pissed there isn't a nanny there today and doesn't want to deal with them. As usual.

And if she IS really sick with a cold, AGAIN, so quickly after the other, I have to wonder why she thinks anyone should take fitness, nutrition, or health advice from her? She can't even seem to take care of herself.

I occasionally have allergy attacks, sometimes they even turn into sinus infections, but two colds in a row?

Dallas Lady said...

And it's funny how she's never sick enough to travel/get away from the kids. She's always sick when she's back home with the kids.

Kat said...

How could THAT possibly take a whole hour????? She scares me!

Ingrid said...

I wonder if Kate had to announce that she gave out those extra Xmas gifts this weekend because of the comments that she didn't bring home gifts for the kids from LA but they gave her gifts when she got home.

AuntieAnn said...

Why does she whine about this?
Oh maybe because she 'wined' too much last night? Has a cold my ass. When you're hungover even the smallest tasks seem monumental.

Westcoaster said...

Ah well, you know germs on planes, what's a hardworking mother of 8 to do?

Guessing that the nanny has the weekend off after puliing 24/7 days ths week. ~ Administrator said...

This is the third weekend in a row I think she's talked about having the kids. That doesn't make sense.

Dallas Lady said...

Ingrid, good point. I did think that was crappy, if it was true (that the KIDS gave her presents when she got home from LA and she bragged about it).

I'm going home today after a five day work conference out of town and I'm bringing home a couple of little things for my daughter, because it's what I usually do. They're not expensive at ALL, just little trinkets, but she's always loved it. I certainly don't expect HER to give me a gift to welcome me home! If she did, that would be nice, but that's not the way it usually works.

And damn, is she saying she bought SO much for the kids for Christmas that she can dole it out a bit at a time for months? That's way way way too much.

Dallas Lady said...

And just to back everyone else up on the dressing for the snow thing:

1. Yes, seven year olds should be able to dress themselves to go outside, with maybe a LITTLE help/supervision. A LITTLE.

2. There is NO WAY it took an hour. No way.

Kate is a twit said...

My 5 year old granddaughter can get dressed by herself, including putting on outwear to play in the snow. The tups are almost 8, and they can't do it?

I think Kate is trying to deflect from the "bad mom" comment. Now she's getting praise and sympathy galore. "See I have a cold,I'm sick--yet I still help the kids".

One hour? Really?

I wonder if when she took the picture of the kids she told them that she was going to post it on twitter? ~ Administrator said...

No kid would have the patience to wait around an hour in a hot snowsuit. They would roast away. Why does she exaggerate so much?

To butterfly, sounds like you weren't ht as hard a me if you honestly prefer physical abuse to grounding. And if you liked it so much how is that effective punishment??

Once a Viewer said...

Exactly...why take a picture? Did you notice the lists taped to the doors behind the kids in said photo? Are they post-its like in days of yore with instructions on how to 'dress' the babies , um, kids? Remember how she used to label even the bibs with names etc?? But I'm sure it was the twins who did the work- the lists are at their eye level-a while back she said Mady 'did' the little kids' showers- even her brothers? That's not right- Kate is the mom if they need help with hair- should be able to wash themselves just fine at this age...

Westcoaster said...

She exaggerates, we all know this, and now she can sit by a window and twit away while the kids amuse themselves. Look for a tweet later about how exhausted she is after taking off all that snowgear.

It's so exhausting to be a single mom for a day here, a day there.

Kate is a twit said...

Here's why it took an hour:

10 minutes for Kate to list the order they had to put the clothes on

10 minutes for the kids to actually dress themselves.

10 minutes for Kate to yell at them for not following her instructions and they had to start all over again.

10 minutes for the kids to get dressed again.

10 minutes for Kate to explain that she just had to take a picture while the kids complained that they wanted to just go outside.

10 minutes to line up that perfect camera shot.

Bad Moon Rising said...

"To butterfly, sounds like you weren't ht as hard a me if you honestly prefer physical abuse to grounding. And if you liked it so much how is that effective punishment??"


I don't think that butterfly said that she liked it, (@28), just that she rather would have been spanked than grounded...maybe because a slap on the backside is over quickly, but grounding seems to last forever! ~ Administrator said...

What right does Kate have to hold their Xmas presents?? They are not hers to hold No kid would agree to that. Not to mention if there are sooo many gifts they have to be rationed, maybe they're lavished with too much crap. I think this is another creepy control thing.

AuntieAnn said...

Too bad she doesn't get herself dressed to go outside and have some fun with them. Make a fire, roast some weenies, toast some marshmallows, pull a sled around...make some nice memories.
Oh geez what am I thinking...we're discussing Kate Gosselin.

Pity Party said...

What is it 10 below in PA. What an idiot. Who in the hell dresses their kids like that to go out in the snow and then takes their picture in the house with a scarf covering their mouth and nose. That was just the most bizarre looking thing I have ever seen. The kids look bewildered. We've seem the kids in the snow with open jackets. Nice try, but it don't fly. No mummy points for that one.

Once a Viewer said...

Also it's kind of close to Christmas for them to be bored already with their gifts- maybe give them something in a couple of months( she LOVES to celebrate Valentine's Day) or better yet...donate extras!

Mel said...

I just sent grandchildren out to play in the snow. Took all of about 5 minutes. This is for a 7, 6, two 5 year olds. They got all their stuff on by themselves. I tied scarves and helped with zippers for the five year olds. That's all I needed to do. The 7 and 6 year olds got ready by themselves.

When they come in they will have a hot chocolate tea party ready for them. I will not be exhausted, but will instead be loving their company. I have a bunch of knock knock jokes to tell them, so we'll probably be laughing a lot.

Can anyone tell what those stupid lists posted on the door say? They look too long for anyone to really read. More for the benefit of the creator than the reader I would think. If you want people to read it ya gotta keep it short and sweet!

Pity Party said...

After all that BS about Christmas there were not many presents under the pitiful tree that we saw in the pic. Even a household with a single child or two would have had that many. I think the kids got just what she had listed and some essentials like mittens and gloves that someone knitted for them and apparently scarves. I'm sorry but there was something about that picture that was disturbing to me.

chefsummer #Leh said...

She all ways tired when it comes to doing things for the kids such a shame.

Dallas Lady said...

I understand not wanting to overwhelm kids with too many gifts, but:

1. If there are so many they will find them overwhelming and you have to dole them out, YOU BOUGHT/GRIFTED TOO MUCH.

2. They apparently (according to her tweet) unwrapped them on Christmas, but they weren't allowed to take them out of the packaging at the time, so she put them up, to take them out now. That just seems cruel. Again, DON'T give them that many if it's such a problem.

When my daughter was a toddler, she DID have too many toys. At the time, she was the only grandchild born on both sides since the 1960s. So relatives just showered us with baby and toddler toys. I noticed they were definitely overwhelming to her. So I gave away some to charity, and divided the rest in thirds. One third stayed out (much more manageable to keep picked up, too), one third went in a big box and the last third went in another box and then I rotated the toys every month. She was thrilled!

But she was TWO. And *I* didn't cause the glut of toys, overeager relatives did. And as time went on, of course that got better and she didn't get as much, thank goodness.

Kids are perfectly happy with several well-loved toys and playing with each other. They don't need five tons of stuff.

Pity Party said...

They needed their mummy's help to wrap the scarves tightly across their mouth and nose.

readerlady said...

I could see where the younger kids might need help with boot fastenings or maybe getting their coats zipped. Those things can be awkward, even for an adult sometimes, but they should be capable of getting their coats/hats/gloves on by themselves. If they truly can't, I feel very sorry for their teachers.

Border Collie -- Don't let anyone cramp your style. You keep herding us in the right direction. BTW -- I have a kitty who'd love to make friends with you. Her best doggie pal moved and she's lonesome.

Once a Viewer -- I agree with you about lie/lay. Like nails on a chalkboard. My father, who taught college level English, would always ask "How many eggs were there?"

I'd be willing to bet that "crossword puzzle" Kate's referring to, is an "entertainment" crossword. Does TV Guide still have them? It's been a while since I subscribed for it, but they were always pretty easy and mostly referred to TV shows/entertainment gossip and such.

Once a Viewer said...

I see that Kate has two clothes racks up for the wet mittens etc. Maybe the lists remind them to put their things there or risk a penalty of severeness? (Actually the racks are a good idea.)

Yes, that picture was obvious PR for herself as supermom...even sooo exhausted with a cold.

I agree with those who play with the kids outside and/or provide hot chocolate and snacks when the kids come in..who doesn't do that? A picture of them enjoying that might have been better...but Kate will still be 'laying low' and the twins will be in charge after they play in the snow for 10 minutes... I remember an old episode where Kate said she couldn't manage putting gloves on the tups so Jon could do it all...I think she did make hot chocolate that time for the show but one kid gave her away and said she usually gave out apple sad. Jon was always the one who played with the kids outdoors ( and inside too)

chefsummer #Leh said...

thatkristengurl Kristen
@Kateplusmy8 who designed the silver sparkle dress from Extra interview
18 hours ago
in reply to ↑

Kate Gosselin
@thatkristengurl I grabbed it somewhere I traveled recently ... Not sure. I don't really pay attention to brands etc

I'd like to know where she got that nasty dress from as well.

In the Neighborhood said...

Dallas said..."I occasionally have allergy attacks, sometimes they even turn into sinus infections, but two colds in a row?"


Totally possible. I just got over one last week, and woke up with another one this morning. It's going around here - school kids keep bringing these germs home, and there seems to be no getting away from it, and she has eight little "carriers." I read in the newspaper that it's a hotbed here right now for colds, with many reported cases of pneumonia.

I know that weather isn't supposed to have anything to do with colds and flu, but darn, it's warm one day and freezing the next - snow yesterday, freezing rain tonight and tomorrow in the 50s. The body is so confused!

The thing is, though, that she always has to report it, and whine about it...her exhaustion is getting to be comical. So, she's tired. So what? If she'd stay home instead of running all over the country for appearances that are nothing more than a joke, maybe she wouldn't be so tired all the time. Then she'd have to find something else to complain about.

Once a Viewer said...

Re: dress. Maybe Forever 21? They have a lot of cheap glitzy stuff...thongs, too! It's more for teens...and you know, Kate is a size 2 or 4....

SeeSaw said...

Only bringing this up because she went on and on about not exercising her arms and they're naturally toned. If that's true, Kate, whose weights are those? Steve's? ~ Administrator said...

I'm betting forever 21 too. A prize for anyone who can find it.

Pity Party said...

Those gloves are adult sized.

fidosmommy said...

Before my mom got sick I told her what a good job she had done as a mother for the 4 of us. I told her exactly what she had done right in raising us. That list was quite long, and it was from the perspective of an adult looking back on her childhood. I told her how much I loved her and appreciated her.

I also told her where she had failed, and where I would never forgive her: spanking. Even as an adult I can find no purpose for it save letting her blow off steam for a moment. She's been gone for 14 years now, and I still have not forgiven the spanking.

Ingrid said...

Maybe the kids have learned to pretend to need help to get her attention and that is why she took an hour to dress them. "mom, my arm is stuck, mom can you push this boot on, mom, mom mom" I remember helping my 3 get ready. I guess I can understand it taking a bit and the kids not being able to get everything on alone but only to a point because I know Kate exaggerates.

AuntieAnn said...

Found it!!!

readerlady said...

AuntieAnn -- TOO FUNNY!! At that, the tinfoil dress looks more appropriate than that abomination Kate was wearing.

Coffee and Kahlua said...

Kate tweeted, in response to the question about where the wrapping paper dress was purchased:

"I grabbed it somewhere I traveled recently ... Not sure. I don't really pay attention to brands etc"


She is such a liar. She knows exactly where she bought that dress and what "brand" it is. I can understand if you pick up a sweater, shirt or pair of shoes on a travel trip somewhere that you may not remember where you bought it, but you don't forget where a dress like that was purchased. It's not something that you buy every day.

AuntieAnn said...

Readerlady that IS the same dress. lol.

Kate's remark "I picked it up somewhere" is kind of like "what, this ol thing? I just wear it around the house".

Once a Viewer said...

Yes indeed...she is all about brands...Ann Taylor? Banana Republic? Gymboree? Gap? Haven't seen her in Em Tanner/those Mom tees lately...hmmm.


LaLaLandNoMore said...

I'd love to know who is paying websites to include pics of Kate doing anything? Also, the comments about her looking "hot" in that silly silver dress are just wrong. Level of taste, maybe? No one who knows anything about appropriate choices of attire would compliment Kate on anything she wears, would they? Apparently, that silver dress is missing a lining, or Kate just doesn't know about proper undergarments such as slips under sheer dresses. Cheap, tacky, greedy grifter would be a better description. ~ Administrator said...

It's all part of making it seem like her fantastic sense of style just sort of happens and isn't incredibly calculated and deliberate. Because it's cool to just fall into being stylish in Hollywood. I've never seen such a transparent celeb lol.

Anonymous said...

Bad Moon Rising said... 76
"To butterfly, sounds like you weren't ht as hard a me if you honestly prefer physical abuse to grounding. And if you liked it so much how is that effective punishment??"


I don't think that butterfly said that she liked it, (@28), just that she rather would have been spanked than grounded...maybe because a slap on the backside is over quickly, but grounding seems to last forever!
January 22, 2012 9:58 AM
Bad Moon,
Thank You, I never stated I LIKED spankings, only that I DISLIKED being grounded even more. I think some people confuse spankings with beatings. Yep, spanking threads too controversial. No matter what discipline you use with your child (or dont use) someone will find fault- guaranteed. I am sure sometime in the future people will say how bad time outs are, LOL.
Oh and Admin, the couple occasions I was hit, which I remember like it was yesterday (and I was preschool age the first time) I NEVER repeated those actions that got me hit. I guess the punishment was pretty damn effective.

AuntieAnn said...

hey jude said... 32
We raised three kids, I spanked the middle one after she ran out in the street in front of a car, pure instinct from fear. I still regret it - the look on her little face still haunts me.
That's one of the few times when I had to spank mine too. I don't regret it though. When it's a life threatening emergency you can't stop for a time-out.

Once a viewer - wouldn't you think she'd grab the opportunity to advertise the brand - whatever it is - when asked about it? Nope. She just says I can't remember where I got it. Bet the designer is real happy with her. ~ Administrator said...

Effective never justifies putting a hand on a child no matter how gentle, in my opinion. And it's hypocritical to expect a child not to hit in turn. Not everyone agrees though it's telling we're one of the few countries left that hasn't outlawed corporal punishment. To me there is a difference between disagreeing about what is effective or appropriate punishment, and calling out physical abuse for what it is.

Anonymous said...

Water boarding is effective too. I wish no one would ever hit a child.

Ex Nurse said...

Butterfly said (193)
I think some people confuse spankings with beatings.


When someone spanks with an open palm, they feel how hard they are hitting, because they feel the sting in their own hand. When an object or close fist is used, there is a disconnect between how hard they are striking.--that is, I believe, the line between spanking and beating.

We all know that Kate has passed that line--remember the big red spoon that she kept in her car? In addition to emotional abuse, these kids have been exposed to physical abuse since toddlerhood.

Nobody suffers PTSD from being grounded....

Once a Viewer said...

Auntie Ann- not if it IS from Forever 21 etc!! That's the only reason I can think of for her not bragging...she dresses the kids in Old Navy or sale Gymboree ( which is fine by me) and brags how thrifty she is...she wants to think she looks like a million but also pulls the poor me- I need freebies etc because I'm a single mom doing it all on my own with 8 kids..I'm surprised she didn't reply 'a good friend who is a designer' gave it to her when he/she stopped in for an impromptu lunch...guess there's nothing in it for her so she couldn't care less.

Anonymous said...

I wish no one would ever emotionally abuse a child...

cwgirlup75 said...

Can we please, PLEASE drop the spanking discussion? No one on either side is going to change their minds, and all this is doing is stirring people up.

Anonymous said...

And I will now refrain from making rhetorical statements. Seems like the point has gotten lost.

Pity Party said...

She probably tried to get it free for a shout out on Twitter and they said no. PB probably thought it was sexy, because it was sheer, and she bought it anyway. She is not going to give anybody recognition without something in return. It looked cheap like her red carpet dress. A person would have to have a lot of clothes not to know where something came from especially if bought while traveling.

AMD said...

Kate Gosselin
@thatkristengurl I grabbed it somewhere I traveled recently ... Not sure. I don't really pay attention to brands etc
Could she not just check the label in the dress??

Kirkland said...

I agree cwgirlup75, I wish the discussion about spanking would stop. But I just scroll through those posts and skip until I find a post which isn't about spanking. It's annoying as hell, but who am I to dictate what others discuss.

Once a Viewer said...

lol, just saw the winter pic again on 'the other site'-- guess who does not have a scarf across her nose and mouth- HANNAH! ( and Mady) Hmmm...

OT but Kate is a strange 'decorator.' She has shoes in her foyer and shoes in plain site in the basement- I for one think shoes should be in a closet or a basket or out of example. ~ Administrator said...

It would Be nice of Kate to give the designer (I use this term loosely) a little shout out since she did wear their dress on tv. I mean the Internet. I mean in at least a few pics.

Marie said...

It would also be nice if Kate just enjoyed her kids without claiming exhaustion at any time.

I know, I am sure parents out there who have kids get exhausted, real exhaustion--like you're up with a newborn baby who has reflux or a fever, or a five year old who is afraid of the dark or whatever or you're just got off a bad day of work. It all happens. But Kate, whenever she does just about anything with her kids she has to plead exhaustion. Starting to think it's her pleading the 5th in her own mind.

What parent bemoans having a good time with her kids like this? I mean I don't have kids but I don't think parents even divorced or single are exhausted all the time, even from something as simple as playing in the snow for an hour. I mean it's also unreal her whining.

Tamara said...

@thatkristengurl I grabbed it somewhere I traveled recently ... Not sure. I don't really pay attention to brands etc

Unless it's a coffee maker or a van or a piece of leather furniture or a resturant or... Waitn how many spaces allowed on a twiiter post?

Tamara said...

Oh and I've just got to add; Forever 21? Maybe good clothes, not sure, but I would never want to be 21 forever. I wonder what age Kate would claim? Isn't she creeping up on 40? Will she have the ubiquitos meltdown? Buy a sports car to.. Oh wait, nevermind.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... (Administrator) said... 116

It would Be nice of Kate to give the designer (I use this term loosely) a little shout out since she did wear their dress on tv. I mean the Internet. I mean in at least a few pics.


Yes, it would be nice.

Unfortunately, Katie Irene is an ungrateful brat.

Berks Neighbor said...

Found this article for a giggle.
It's a flog on the Gosselin Cruise. Really funny, slightly accurate, and not sure if it's been posted here yet.

Anonymous said...

After reading all the comments about the dress she binned it.


Dmasy said...

Is this a record number of comments? I am home from a trip and this catch up should keep me warm on a cold Illinois day!

Katie Cry-duh said...

Kate doesn't pay attention to brands? How's about Keurig, Starbucks, Wolfgang Puck, GYMBOREE, Gap, Disney, Love Peace World, Juicy Frickin' Juice, Graco, Nestlé, Carmen Mark Valvo, AT Loft, Aldo, Tide, Mercedes Benz, Audi, and of course, GOSSELIN. Yep, gotta agree, she's not sharing the maker of her dress because she's embarrassed to admit who it is. Or the designer/3rd world country child laborer begged her not to associate herself with their creation.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

If Kate were wearing a "designer" dress instead of "off the rack regular", she would be bragging about who she was wearing. That silver mini is no designer dress. She could have purchased it in any "teen supported" shop across the nation, don't you think? I go back to the fact that it appears to be unlined and cheaply constructed, thus showing the thong underwear. Tacky to the max.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Maybe she picked up the tacky silver number in Vegas at a tourist boutique? Every hotel has at least one: filled with no-name resort wear that you'd never wear. Looks like the kind of thing a hotel boutique in Vegas might sell.

JudyK said...

Auntie Ann:

Alien Encounter said... (Administrator) said... 116

It would Be nice of Kate to give the designer (I use this term loosely) a little shout out since she did wear their dress on tv. I mean the Internet. I mean in at least a few pics.


With all of the negative comments about that horrible dress, maybe the designer told Kate that she better keep her mouth shut about the dress because she doesn't want her name associated with it, or receive volumes of nasty tweets, e-mails, or online snark articles that would appear!

AuntieAnn said...

JudyK said... 127

Auntie Ann:

Thanks Judy. I'm still waiting for my prize. BTW, the designer is Reynolds Wrap.

wayward said...

Katie Cry-duh said... 124
Kate doesn't pay attention to brands? How's about Keurig, Starbucks, Wolfgang Puck, GYMBOREE, Gap, Disney, Love Peace World, Juicy Frickin' Juice, Graco, Nestlé, Carmen Mark Valvo, AT Loft, Aldo, Tide, Mercedes Benz, Audi, and of course, GOSSELIN. Yep, gotta agree, she's not sharing the maker of her dress because she's embarrassed to admit who it is. Or the designer/3rd world country child laborer begged her not to associate herself with their creation.

And let's not forget that she allegedly gave strict instructions when all the swag started rolling in after the tups were born- NO Walmart. Those clothes were to be set aside to be returned for a grift card.

I have a couple other guesses about the 'designer' of the Reynolds Wrap dress. Wet Seal, Charlotte Russe, Deb shop (cheap tacky teen mall stores that were around in my day) the junior department at Bon Ton or Boscovs or Dots, where everything is under $7. ~ Administrator said...

Auntie Ann your prize is....that's going to be a new post! :)

Once a Viewer said...

congrats AA!!! :)

Layla said...

Berks Neighbor said...
Found this article for a giggle.
It's a flog on the Gosselin Cruise. Really funny, slightly accurate, and not sure if it's been posted here yet.
Berks, that was too funny! In an accurate way, of course. You know all 6 people who are actually going are sitting around dreaming about how they'll forge this lifelong bond with Kate and they'll hang out with her and the kids at her house and they'll get mani/pedis together and talk on the phone every single night. Fat chance.

As far as taking an hour to bundle the kids--yeah, right. Mine got themselves dressed and went out to sled. The 3YO gave me attitude about helping, as in, "I can do it myself. I'm not a baby, you know". And yet she needs to dress 11-year-olds and almost-8-year-olds? HA! Either those kids are seriously developmentally delayed or she's taking credit for somehting she didn't do. GASP! Imagine that!

Layla said...

Tamara said... 119
Oh and I've just got to add; Forever 21? Maybe good clothes, not sure, but I would never want to be 21 forever. I wonder what age Kate would claim? Isn't she creeping up on 40? Will she have the ubiquitos meltdown? Buy a sports car to.. Oh wait, nevermind
I've heard it called "Sports car menopause". So very accurate, don't you think?

AuntieAnn said...

Woohoo! Thank you. I'd like to thank all the members of the Academy...

librarylady said...

Wayward, that was my first thought when I saw that dress - Wet Seal or Deb! lol

Starz22 said...

Octo mom gets a spot on tv,while kate gets a sec on the radio? OH how the mighty have fallen!

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