Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kate scheduled to travel to Las Vegas and Bermuda this month

Kate will make a lot of memories in the new year--but without the kids

Coupon Cabin confirmed that Kate will attend a marketing conference in Las Vegas this weekend. And the next weekend, she's off to get some sun in Bermuda to support a charity about premature birth awareness. Freebies? Sign her up! Here is the press release:

The Diamonds & Caviar Gala
Bermuda (Syncairly Yours Foundation) January 4, 2012- Syncairly Yours Foundation will be hosting their first Diamonds & Caviar Gala to raise awareness about mothers and families affected by premature childbirth at the Newstead Belmont Hills Golf Resort & Spa in Bermuda.

The founder of Diamonds & Caviar, Molessia Joynes, was inspired by the survival story of her grandson, Syncair Smith, (now 13 months old) who overcame the trauma of premature birth thanks to the selfless intervention of hospital staff, friends and family members. Her family is also struggling with the extraordinary medical costs of more than $1 million that resulted from the uninsured status of Syncair's mother.

January 13th-16th, 2012, celebrities will unite to support a cause very dear to their hearts in a celebration of giving back, embracing new life, and spreading global awareness about the rise and increase in the problematic influx of premature births and its affects.

Diamonds & Caviar embodies the idea that a luxury experience can be the catalyst that connects the finer things in life with the realities of shared sacrifice that are required to achieve a common objective. Participants are encouraged to use the event to network, exchange ideas and promote further collaboration.

The first celebrity to embrace this vision was the International Entertainment Mogul Qadree El- Amin. As a former manager for global superstars such as Michael Jackson, Vanessa Williams, Boyz II Men, and Janet Jackson, he has recruited a team of celebrities to attend the event and ensure that the message is well received by their industry counterparts.

A list of “who’s who” will be in attendance at this much anticipated event of the New Year. Diamonds & Caviar will be a private event where celebs lend their talents and support to shed great light on a worthy cause. Invited guest include Health Advocate news and legal correspondent Star Jones, Emmy Nominated co-host of the award winning talk show The Doctors, Dr. Lisa Masterson, Humanitarian, Holly Robinson Peete, Kate Gosselin from Kate Plus 8, actor, Hawthorne’s Vanessa Calloway, The Game’s Wendy Raquel Robinson, VH1’s Baseball Wives Anna Benson, Our Family Wedding’s Lance Gross, The Heart Specialist’s Brian White, from the Temptations actor Leon, legendary musician Teddy Riley, Macy Gray, Marvin Gay meets Miles Davis’ Johnny Britt, Grammy Nominated singer/songwriter, humanitarian, and younger sister to Wyclef Jean; Melky Jean, X Factor’s Stacy Francis, Nuwamba, Salt N’ Pepa, Tony Terry, and many more.

If you’d like more information on this topic or for press inquiries, please call Love Logan 973- 626-9720 or email Love at 

425 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 425   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

This charity was able to get a lot of names and I can't even find a web site for them. I think there are a lot of celebs out there wanting to get a nice breather after having to be at home over the holidays.

Dallas Lady said... 2

I don't get it. The event is described as private, luxurious, and celebrities will meet privately to "network" and "raise awareness."

How does a bunch of minor celebrities (and in Kate's case, REALLY minor) gathering privately in Bermuda do anything to help premature babies?

Am I missing something here? The wording seems like it was carefully chosen to sound good but not really say anything.

And just like the zoo in Australia, if they want to raise funds, why are they flying people like Kate out and putting her up in a hotel room, meals, etc (because I don't think for one hot second she's shelling out for this herself)? Doesn't that COST money? If they think they'll recoup their costs with Kate whipping out a checkbook to write a check to the organization, they are in for a nasty shock.

And I'm assuming she's insisted her "bodyguard" go with her. What's funny about that is that I bet not another single person on that list will come with a paid companion. Sad pathetic little Kate will.

Also sadly for Kate, this thing is private. So I'm assuming no pap shots, no big publicity. Looking at that list of names, no offense to the others, but I doubt it would hit any media radar anyway. These kinds of things are held all the time.

Anyway, Kate's manager is obviously still getting paid something. When she can no longer afford to pay her manager, she won't even be doing this kind of stuff anymore.

Dallas Lady said... 3

For instance, I've read this sentence several times and it still doesn't seem to make any sense. It's convoluted and vague, despite all the two dollar words:

Diamonds & Caviar embodies the idea that a luxury experience can be the catalyst that connects the finer things in life with the realities of shared sacrifice that are required to achieve a common objective.

I've been to work conferences like that. The objective sounds ok if you don't think about it too much, but if you really read it, it means nothing. And then the conference itself is lacking in substance and content. Biggest waste of time ever.

And since it's for work, I'm getting my hotel room paid for, meals paid, travel paid, all that, but I'm still away from my family for what amounts to a big unproductive waste idol time, and those kinds of events irk me. But I'm sure for Kate, being away from HER family is the main point! Who cares about the actual conference, right? No kids, wheeee! ~ Administrator said... 4

Dallas Lady I think that's just a fancy way of saying "Look, we all know we all just want a free VIP trip to Bermuda, but try to act like you care about the preemies a little too, k?"

Pity Party said... 5

A charitable event named Diamonds & Caviar. Makes sense to me. Right up KT's alley.

She must be in hog heaven. She has a found a forum for her 30 weeks of bed rest. ~ Administrator said... 6

DL I don't get conferences. I usually turn down conferences away from home. There was a nice one up in San Francisco that would have been fun I guess....but the travel, hassle, time away from home and family, etc were just not worth it. The benefits do not outweigh the drawbacks of travel for me. ~ Administrator said... 7

It's a safe bet she's going for the diamonds and the caviar, not the babies.

Katie Cry-duh said... 8

Wow, Kate is going to raise awareness about premature birth? Even when said birth was engineered irresponsibly? And the expense of the subsequent care of the results of this birth were saddled upon the tax-paying citizens of Pennsylvania plus the unappreciated volunteers who gave of their time and money? Plus she's still looking for ways to have others pay for and care for those kids 7 years later? Wow, who agreed to let this parasite besmirch their gala?

She is a Cow said... 9

I agree Dallas Lady. I'm not really sure what these "celebrities" are supposed to accomplish by getting an all expense paid trip and meeting in a hotel for 4 days.

I think the trade off for the trip is that they are expected to raise awareness for the cause, whether it be by tweeting, using their website, or other means, but Kate is too stupid to do that. She should be banned from these types of events, because she doesn't have the brain to support them properly.

As a matter of fact, Kate should have to answer two simple questions before she gets on the plane. Where are you going and why are you going there. If she can't answer, she can't go.

Westcoaster said... 10

What a bunch of crock, but how nice for her, 2 weekends (or weeks since we know she needs pre and post trip time) away from her kids in cold January. Hope she brings Milo a nice souvenir, and yes, her manager is certainly working the D-list circuit nicely for her. Still, what a bunch of crock.

Hope Stevie can fit this in his 'schedule'.

koopdedoo said... 11

I am googling to see if the preterm birth rate is high in Bermuda, but I am not finding a number.

Curiously enough, I found this article posted on the Bermuda Hospitals Board website, but no mention of Bermuda in the article itself.

If Bermuda was trying to raise funds or awareness to improve their preterm birth rate, WHY would any event be expensive and private?

Just curious... ~ Administrator said... 12

I kind of thought the same thing Katie Cry-duh. It's one thing if there is a premature birth because of factors largely out of your control. Quite another when you were playing Russian Roulette and had six babies at once. Six babies at once--what else do you expect but a premature birth.

We can't really DO anything about premature births with that number of babies. It's a fact. So what is the point of raising "awareness"? Now, awareness about how nutrition and good health and guarding against risk factors, etc., to prevent premature birth--I can get behind.

koopdedoo said... 13

ok, so it is a WORLDWIDE initiative...sorry I skimmed too fast!

Great...I would like to know if the founder's uninsured daughter could afford to attend.

librarylady said... 14

If you research the name of the "grandmother" - well, I'm not so sure that Kate has any idea of why she's going there, or if she would if she actually paid any attention instead of thinking "hooray, free trip to a beach place".

This is the website that comes up, which really doesn't describe any objective. But the other information I found just from the name reseach would definitely make me a little bit cautious before I jumped in. May be perfectly fine and hope it is, but...

westcoastie said... 15

Out of curiousity I googled the 'first celebrity to embrace the vision'...Qadree El-Amin and the #1 Google entry was from Rip-Off Report. There is mention of him cleaning out his MIL's bank account, among other things.

The Joynes woman who started the charity also charges 'readers' a fee of $1 to read at her site

Isn't Bermuda a Tax Haven??

Anonymous this time said... 16

Well I emailed love Logan productions about the worthless Ms Gosselin. She did this to herself (the premature births). Really not a good representative to raise awareness

librarylady said... 17

Here is another post by this woman on another site. I would be wary. (The baby is her grandson, apparently)


molessia Joynes 178 days ago

Hello, we are currently builing a social website powered by elgg.. its a site to raise funds for a baby's emergency medical relief which is now up to 1 million dollars... My son is stock in creating a membership/payment/join page.. can someone help us please. we have a membership fee off $1 ~ Administrator said... 18

Red flag alert. Is this a legit 501c Charity?

anger issues kate said... 19

So, where is Kate getting the money from? The kids? Hasn't anyone notice that Kate is spending a lot of money lately? For an unemployed person who told people mag that she is poor single mother of 8 who is struggling to pay bills, geez, she win a lotto or something? Spending money on over the top xmas presents, skating party, kids party, Aussie, WY, NYC, LV marathon, shopping and not in inexpensive stores either, (Hallmark is not a cheap place to buy cards or anything at)now Bermuda? For another fundraiser(of which Kate grifted, from the sponser). So I guess Kates real career, is not show biz, but grifting her way through life. I do hope Kate is gonna donate some serious money to this fundraiser? Donating her time is not what this fundraiser is about. I read it, they want the celebs to donate cash, not just their time.

About CC, someone there must be a sheeple fan of hers. Much like the sheeple on her twitter account.

librarylady said... 20

It may be perfectly fine, and I am ALWAYS supportive of families truly in need.

But something doesn't ring right here, at this time, at least without in-depth research. Maybe Kate's person has done this, but it would be interesting to see more about it.

Laine said... 21

This sounds like it will be Kate's Annual Winter Vacation Getaway in the sun. The resort has a luxury spa of course.

Katie Cry-duh said... 22

Hey, maybe Kate could donate money towards this child's medical expenses to give back, Gosselin-style......... crickets chirping........

She is a Cow said... 23

We don't have income tax in Bermuda

chefsummer #Leh said... 24

I guess giving birth is a talent since KG keeps on getting more and more to bad the 8 won't get to go since they made her life style possible.

Hoosier Girl said... 25

Sounds like a scam to me. You can raise awareness and network right out of your office or living room these days.

And granted I don't get out much, but I've never heard of most of those celebrities. (I use that term very very loosely)

I bet Kate jumps on that "International Entertainment Mogul" though!!

Gift of grab said... 26

Have any of you looked at the web site? I have never seen anything so amateurish (yes, FAR worse than Kateplusmy8!). It is riddled with incoherent statements and typos. Its mission statement is extremely muddled. I find it hard to believe that this is a real event and that this roster of "celebrities" is truly going to show up. They have a Facebook page as well, which is equally demented and, in several important points, at odds with the press release.

Love Logan (the PR contact) appears to be legit, on some level I guess, if the info on her website is to be believed. But all around, this is a very strange-sounding thing for Kate to attach herself to. If she gets a free trip for herself out of this questionable "gala" (which, by the way, is advertised on the FB page as starting on January 10, NOT the 13th--a 6-day "gala"???), well, that's dandy, but I am all but certain there is no other remuneration involved.

So when is she going to look for a job? She won't be finding one here.

Katie Cry-duh said... 27

Is this gala to raise awareness about premature birth or to help pay down this kid's bills? And what's in it for this mogul-dude?

Gift of grab said... 28

Do Kate's PR/"security" team do ANY research on these "opportunities" they are arranging for her? Or is FREE TRIP all she needs to know?

Yeah, never mind, I just answered my own question.

Katie Cry-duh said... 29

If this gala if as poorly organized and loosey-goosed as it sounds, maybe they'll stick Kreider with a bill. One can wish. Hey, Kate, how about raising awareness FOR FREE via twitter?

Paula said... 30

Notice it says "invited guests", not "guests scheduled to appear". Something is off here.

Katie Cry-duh said... 31

I once went to a local 'gala' and every single celebrity that they advertised would be there did not show!!

anger issues kate said... 32

Odd, is it not that Kate has not mention it on Twitter or her blogs? For an event that is in 2 weeks? Also, she must have called the paps, yesterday, after all she needs some publicity shots. Pics of her shopping and picking up kids. Her hair looks like it was done recently. The article is full of fluff. But a few sentences stand out: celebs are there to support & perform, which translate: perform and donate money. This so-call charity, must think Kate is rich, or do they know something we don't? That Jon was right, she has 11 bank accounts, millions from her appearances and books. And that she has made an art out of lying and grifting her way through life.

Katie Cry-duh said... 33

Sorry I keep posting...this just falls me. But if you read the blurb above, the gala is to raise awareness about MOTHERS and FAMILIES affected by premature birth. Screw the kids. This sounds perfect for Kate.

Westcoaster said... 34

There is something(s) very squirrely about this organization, founders, etc., I would be very cautious about being involved, but then again, my career is not grifing freebies, no matter how dubious. Yes, K8 should be praying she does not get stuck with a bill or does not get stranded in Bermuda.

Anonymous said... 35

This is bs. The woman's grandchild who sparked had NO INSURANCE and has 1 mil in med bill. Kate does NOT.
What is the world is she supposed to do to support except take freebies and give her bedrest speech.

If she doesn't write a fat check to the charity it will be a travesty


Katie Cry-duh said... 36

Uh....guess what, guys? The pix on inf daily show Kate picking up the kids from the bus in the new BBB. It's a big, black, Mercedes Benz bus! What's going on here? Can't pay her mortgage but can afford 2 new fancy vehicles this year?

anger issues kate said... 37

Westcoaster: if Kate got stranded in Bermuda, she would complain, but would drag it out for as long as possible, so she would not be with her kids. Then, be all over the news, on how she was taken advantage of, by a dubious charity, that grabbed her heart and tore it out, knowing full well, she had, 6 premmies, and was taken for an emotional ride, and how her children suffered, on her not being home to take care of them, blah! blah! blah! Then she will make the talk shows etc, and thus, becomes and expert on scams.

chefsummer #Leh said... 38

Guess Steve/Pap is back.

Mel said... 39

Once again, sounds like she was invited by someone who doesn't/didn't know much about her other than a few vague (and old) things. But who also doesn't care, or they would have done their research.

They're just trying to use the celebs, doesn't matter much which ones they are. And here Kate thinks she was invited cuz she's so 'speshal'.

She is a Cow said... 40

From the Diamonds and Caviar FB page:

The Goal of the “Diamonds & Caviar Event” is to raise money and awareness for Syncairly Yours Foundation; a non-profit organization that assists uninsured mothers and families who are impacted by premature childbirth.

dumber than hammers said... 41

This screams SCAM, and the stuff that posters have quickly dug up only backs up that impression.

As Dallas Lady points out, the wording here is very, very careful.

501c? In Bermuda? Legit charity? No way! All the verbiage says is that a bunch of has-beens will get together and network to raise "awareness" while celebrating how easy it is to grift meaningless trips to Bermuda.

Most families facing a million dollars in medical bills are not enjoying a "Diamonds & Caviar" junket in Bermuda that "embodies the idea that a luxury experience can be the catalyst that connects the finer things in life with the realities of shared sacrifice that are required to achieve a common objective."

Translation: Let's party!

Luxury junket and "shared sacrifice"? Kate better hope this doesn't turn up on her Twitter feed. No wonder she hasn't "promoted" it. This is definitive proof that she's part of a pack of grifters who are incredibly out of touch with what is REALLY happening in families all over the country.

This particular divorced "mother" has NOTHING in common with the six fans who still think she's a role model.

TLC stinks said... 42

Dumbest thing I have ever heard of. I guess she's been missing Stevie.

Katie Cry-duh said... 43

Sincair's mom was "air ambulanced to a Canadian hospital" where she gave birth to the baby. Correct me if I'm wrong, but would the Canadian hospital saddle them with a $1,000,000 bill? Isn't it socialized medicine there, free? Wonder where this family is from. Why a gala in Bernuda and not Canada? Hmmm ~ Administrator said... 44

I wondered the same thing about Canada. Canadians here have bragged how great their health care is.

She is a Cow said... 45

The family is Bermudian and had to be air ambulanced to Canada. If they had insurance it would have been covered. The mother did not have insurance.

Anonymous said... 46

Absolutely agree, dumber than hammers. First time poster here - and I felt compelled to chime in about the nonsense verbiage, "Diamonds & Caviar embodies the idea that a luxury experience can be the catalyst that connects the finer things in life with the realities of shared sacrifice that are required to achieve a common objective." And this is from someone who works in PR and is hired to compose bullshit sentences that link two disparate themes and make it sound plausible... This is bullshit. Just like Kate's justifications for her disgusting choices and behavior. Sounds like a good fit to me...

librarylady said... 47

It's possible that all of these people were "invited" - that does not mean they would attend or even respond to an invitation. Although fancy trip usually = Kate.

Someone felt the need to call in the paid lone pap. Probably in advance of LV trip.

Kat said... 48

Sounds to me like they're expecting a big fat check from the most famous of all grifters. They're gonna need heavy machinery to open that pocket book of hers...I'm sure she'll skip out before that happens

chefsummer #Leh said... 49

I wonder how tired she going to be during both of her trips like she is when she's home with the 8.?

Once a Viewer said... 50

I'm disgusted by all this- the trip , the latest twitters and the Mercedes BBB.Why do people keep offering her things?

Kat said... 51

Just saw her mercedes mini van..that thing goes for around 100,000 dollars. I see a lot of money going out but none coming in...She's spending like a drunkin' sailor....Looks like she wants to live it up before the inevitible..

DebbieDowner4 said... 52

MD van after re-fi on the McMansion.... hmmmm

The Bermuda thing is a scam, through and through...and if its a fundraiser, why would they PAY to have Gifty Gosselin attend?

It will be interesting to see if she goes. If she does, it will prove that she is grasping at straws to saty in the spotlight. Kudos to het if she decline the trip.

I don't want to her ANY more "poor me I'm broke" crap after looking at the new Benz bus.

Once a Viewer said... 53

Forgot to mention earlier that kids do check out daughter had girls in her gym class who looked at labels and sizes when they changed for PE and mocked other students from their findings...this in a middle class public school.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 54

PLEASE help me out here! HOW does this unemployed witch of mother of 8 AFFORD a Mercedes BBB? Please, my brain cannot take this. I do not understand how Khate can afford this.

Dallas Lady said... 55

So of those "invited" guests, I checked the Twitter feeds of those who have accounts and stumbled on Holly Robinson Peete. She's not committed to going. Someone named Stacy Francis tweets her about how she's performing at the thing in Bermuda and bringing her kids (!!!) and wants to know if Holly is going, because she wants to "hang" with her. Holly says she isn't sure, because she's on hold for a job, but hopes to go, because "momma needs a break."

This just sounds like a little getaway for certain people. And I don't think everyone on that list is even going. And apparently some bring their kids.


I went to Stacy Francis's feed and she said a day ago that she's singing in Bermuda, hopes Holly Robinson Peete will be there and that @peoplemag will be there, then a "Let's go! Yay!" but ZERO mention of the event, the organization/charity, nothing.

My first instinct was that it sounded shady and the more I learn about it, the shadier it gets.

tate said... 56

Kate obviously got the most expensive Sprinter you can get---Mercedes. I think she has far more money locked away than we can imagine.

And the Bermuda trip will just be a bikini/tanning trip for kate. I'm sure they aren't paying her, but will pay for her to get there and her expenses while she is there. She'll be with Stevie. It will be like a little romantic vacay for them both. She is so "exhausted". This will be a much needed break for her. Poor thing.

chefsummer #Leh said... 57

KG should teach grifting 101 she wouldn't be unemployed then if she did. She's off TV but still gets free trips to amazing places.

Oh please said... 58

7 year old boys do NOT care where their shirt came from or how much they cost.

I love this blog but sometimes the criticism really is over-the-top.

Winsomeone said... 59

I think she has millions hidden away. That judge really cheated Jon out of his share of the money, and what little he did get, he had to give right back to her for child support.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 60

Free trip, Kate's there!

I bet that Steve/chihuahua will tag along as well.

Great opportunity to also work that leather-ish looking tan, Kate [wink, wink].

I wonder if Kate thinks she will be grifting diamonds and caviar for appearing at this event?

P.S. it's obvious the Bahamian's are unaware that Kate completely disregarded advice from doctors to not have sex when her ovaries were hyper-stimulated.

Lets face it- by hook or crook, Kate always gets her way. Her recklessness placed her life, and the lives of 6 little innocent babies in danger. She was damn lucky everything worked out o.k.

I sincerely hope that this event is not a scam- but if it is, they have hired a grand pooba scammer extraordinaire (Kate). ~ Administrator said... 61

Kids Mady and Cara's age sure might make fun of a family bragging about 3.99 shirts for the family.

tate said... 62

I looked at the Mercedes site and it looks like the Sprinter (all decked out with many options) would have cost her $55k-$60k. Funny how she can get a Mercedes and a convertible Audi and then the boys get stuck with 3.99 Gymboree rejects.

HollyMo said... 63

Of course kHatie got a Mercedes, anything else would be mediocre. I wouldn't expect anything less from her.

As for the scam artist's grandson, not sure why they would be air ambulanced to Canada (as opposed to the US, which would be closer). If the family is Canadian they would have to maintain a residence in Canada and be present for (roughly) 1 day more than 1/2 a year. If they were not Canadian they would have to pay all costs out of pocket.
I required emergency care before I became a landed immigrant and it was very expensive.

Oh please said... 64

Nothing from Gymboree could be considered "rejects."

fidosmommy said... 65

Who is making these "shared sacrifices" and what sacrifices are they going to have to make in this luxury setting? ~ Administrator said... 66

Maybe they'll live on the beach and eat coconuts like on Survivor?

dumber than hammers said... 67

fidosmommy said...65

Who is making these "shared sacrifices" and what sacrifices are they going to have to make in this luxury setting?


Flying is such a bore, dahling, and they'll have to dress for dinner.

Afterward, they will have to return and live among the mediocre. Is there a greater sacrifice?

Jane said... 68

Kat said... 51
Just saw her mercedes mini van..that thing goes for around 100,000 dollars. I see a lot of money going out but none coming in...She's spending like a drunkin' sailor....Looks like she wants to live it up before the inevitible..


Because the primary use/need of the car is for the kids, she most likely used their money to purchase it. Disgusting woman.

Marie said... 69

I think it's the fact that Kate even had to mention the price of her kids clothing that she buys is the problem.

I mean, why even bring it up in the first place? It's her own fault because she doesn't know when to quit. She mentioned it walked right into getting people discussing the price, why she bought them "on sale," is that the only time she buys clothes? Are they all identical?

I think this was Kate's attempt to mention she does things for her sons but it came out as, well, rather poorly if that.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 70

Jeeze, for a person who has so much, who is presumingly healthy, who's children are apparently healthy- she has the MOST MISERABLE-looking punim on the face of the planet.

She needs to get a grip.

That woman needs a chocolate bar...a box of wine...something that vibrates...

She is a Cow said... 71

When there is a need for an air ambulance in Bermuda, usually the first choice is the US and in the case of a premature baby, usually Boston Children's Hospital is the choice. Maybe they couldn't accept another NICU patient at the time and that is why they went to Canada.

I am wondering the age of the mom of the pre-mature baby, who is not mentioned at all. No father mentioned either. There are a lot of babies having babies here and that would account for the lack of insurance.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 72

Ugh, I just KNEW it when I saw that tweet from someone in Bermuda yesterday! Khate must be SO thrilled with herself these days. She might not be on TV anymore, but she's probably far happier traveling with Stevie and no kids or film crew tagging along.

Great comments, everyone. This outfit really does seem like a scam. Where does this so called charity even get the money to fly all these people there and put them up in hotels? Plus, is it raising money for preemies, or for just this one person?

I guarantee you that Khate thinks Bermuda is hot and sunny right now. If you gave her a map and asked her to locate it, I bet she would be more far off than a blind monkey. LOL, I hope she packs appropriately.

So, she'll be leaving for Vegas any second now. It's "her" weekend with the kids, but she'll leave them stuck home with a "sitter". Then, what will she do, just stop off at the house for a day or two next week on her way back from Vegas and onto Bermuda? What a freaking joke!

Pity Party said... 73

Maybe she can tell them all to relax and be happy, no worries, the state will not only pay all of your hospital bills but if you pitch a big fit, they will pay for private nurses for a full year, as well. Just hide your money well as she apparently has been doing all along.

A part of me wonders if all this in your face luxury, and the trips, etc., might not be partially for the benefit of TLC, and as in no never means no. She deliberately tries to keep these things quiet on Twitter so she can get as much out of them as possible - especially the luxury vehicles. There is a thing called cutting your nose off to spite your face. I hope she is not going down this road.

Marie said... 74

Isn't it possible for Jon to do...anything? I mean he's not allowed on the property, he only gets to see them what, 4 times a week or at Kate's whim?

Seems like Kate is more interesting in Twittering and going somewhere than she is with doing much of anything else.

How exactly do you raise a family when you spend all your time online or phased out? You can't. Something just doesn't seem right to me at least.

I know if this was reversed and Jon was pulling this crap and gloating, going places and such people would want to mount his head on a spike. I just don't understand how Kate gets away with all this.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 75

I just looked at the INF pics and boy, does Khate look miserable as usual:

In pic 4, you can see even with makeup, she has huge, dark circles under her eyes.

In pic 10, the kids ALL look miserable. Sorry, but like a lot of you here, I have many years of experience picking kids up at school. My experience has been that not just my kids, but the other kids that I see at school, and my kids' friends, are all hyper and giddy at the end of the day, whether they're getting in mom's car or piling into the school bus (which I see when I walk out of school with my kids to go to the car). We usually walk out with their friends and friends' moms, and the kids are all laughing and smiling. I'm talking this age especially, not teen or pre-teen probably. Seven to eight years old is really an adorable and fun stage. It just seems that Khate's kids always look so GLUM.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 76

From the last post:

Gift of grab said... 47
More convinced than ever that Kate is buying followers on Twitter by the truckload. When she signed off last night, she mentioned "69,265 friends." Right now, less than 12 hours later--and in the absence of any real news--the count has gone up to 69,386, 120 more. I don't believe for an instant that these are real people.

There is nothing she won't do, is there?

I totally agree with you. We all saw Khate's follower numbers going up at a steady pace for a few months around August, September, and October. Remember how she used to often sign off saying the amount of followers she had?

The last time she did that was near the end of October:

Wow, thanks 60,044 followers! It's great to have u all! Support me or hate me- doesn't matter! If u follow, u care, so thanks just the same!
20 Oct

After that, the rapid and steady increase taped off. The follower number at some points since:

11/20/11 - 63,040 Followers
12/4/11 - 65,343 Followers (day of the Las Vegas marathon)
12/11/11 - 66,590 Followers
12/17/11 - 67,047 Followers

January 4th(10:06PM) - she tweeted last night: "69,265 friends"
Today 1/5/12 - only 16 hours later: 69,418 Followers

Gift of grab - You're right. She just bought herself another three month package. Of course she gave herself away by mentioning her follower number again last night. She'll start doing it again periodically.

Interesting timing since just yesterday when the sheeple mentioned how many followers she has, the non-fans mocked it and tweeted some numbers that reality TV people (up to millions). So, she went and bought another package of fake followers.

At this point, she really is not on anyone's radar and there would be no explanation for her to suddenly start acquiring new followers. What a joke, like everything else in her pathetic life.

EX Burn Nurse said... 77

This is a new foundation, named Syncairly Yours Foundation, so not much info available. Their mission: "..aims to create awareness about uninsured mothers and families who are affected by premature childbirth". The charity event is about "spreading global awareness".

I have been involved with several nonprofits and foundations and attended many fundraisers. In my opinion, she will be a paid speaker because of her personal experience of giving birth to premature sextuplets and, also, as a labor and delivery nurse. I would think that she would be a featured speaker, as part of the appeal for funds. This is a perfect storm for her to talk about her favorite subjects, me, myself and I.

When charity foundations include verbiage about "creating awareness", it is a HUGE red flag. It usually means that the proceeds of events and contributions goes back into salaries for the founders and more promotional events--not to alleviate the problem that is addressed in the mission. This is exactly the kind of thing that Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea and founder of non-profit that promoted awareness of the needs for educating the girls of Afghanistan. He is now under investigation by the IRS for his use of nonprofit funds to promote his book. Contributors assumed that donations were 100% for building schools. Susan B Komen also expends a large percentage of donations and pink ribbon licensing to large salaries and to promote other events. While some of the money trickles into research, most would be shocked at how little is given to research on cancer.

Since this foundation is not a US organization, difficult to know whether it is a registered non-profit or not. Looks to me that the goal is promote the organization, not actually help uninsured families. I am sure that Kate did not take the time to vet the organization once the sparkly things were dangled in front of her.

Anonymous said... 78

Actually, the Dodge Sprinter and the M-B Sprinter are made by the same company--it's the same van, and if you buy the (American) Dodge version, you can get a kit to modify it to M-B--basically, the M-B logo thing to put on the front. It costs the same as the Dodge Sprinter--about $35,000-45,000. And you know darn well she'd spring for the M-B logo on the front, just for the prestige of showing off that HER van is a M-B.
In those pics, her roots looked awfully dark. Apparently Jason is still playing Houdini.


Pity Party said... 79

I just checked Twitter. Apparently, they have not heard about the new MB or the Bermuda hideaway. I think she would truly love it if they never did. Wonder if she has gotten that free treadmill off any of them yet? She has been phishing for one for months.

Once a Viewer said... 80

To 'oh please'---- I posted that GIRLS are catty about clothes at this age ( 8 and 11 and it gets worse) Boys may not care at age 8, but boys get heckled about minutiae too....I think a Gymboree sale is great- just don't put it on Twitter.

dumber than hammers said... 81

Layla Anonymous said... 78

Actually, the Dodge Sprinter and the M-B Sprinter are made by the same company--it's the same van, and if you buy the (American) Dodge version, you can get a kit to modify it to M-B--basically, the M-B logo thing to put on the front. It costs the same as the Dodge Sprinter--about $35,000-45,000. And you know darn well she'd spring for the M-B logo on the front, just for the prestige of showing off that HER van is a M-B.


She didn't walk out the door with that badged by Mercedes for anything under $65,000, and probably paid a lot more.

PatK said... 82

If this Diamonds & Caviar Gala were to take place in a cold climate, do you think Kate would have agreed to this freebie trip? I'm sure there have been other charitable event offers out there for her that were declined by Kate just for that reason.

And being basically unemployed, I can't see her shelling out the bucks for any kind of sizeable donation to this organization.

I wonder where her manager has her booked for her and Steve's February getaway?

Anonymous said... 83

those mercedec BBB's are so expensive. my work bought one. the top peice above the roof got scrapped off going under an airport pass. the bill to fix was well over $10k the tires alone are more than a thousand to replace. if she has that why does she need the SUV?


Anonymous said... 84

sorry for messy post. had to get demerol from ER this am. still loopy


Griftwood Manor said... 85

Anyone notice this little tidbit on ROL yesterday?

Pam said... 86

Is her new career going to be as a celebrity supporting chariry events? Does that pay well? I would imagine you don't get paid and must volunteer your time and efforts.

Does she think doing this stuff is going to pay the bills when the money runs out? I think instead of circling the globe to try to remain relevant, her a$$ needs to be enrolled in a college program that will lead to a career where she can better support her kids. It's sad that she thinks she can milk this fame thing and never have to work again.

I bet a dollar and a donut she will bolt from the "marketing conference" after 10 minutes of making her grand entrance and head straight for the spa. What a huge waste of time and money this will be.

pay to play said... 87

I'll bet my shirt that the term "gala" is code for come to Bermuda and let us pamper you for xxx amount of money, aka a paid vacation. I don't believe for one second that anyone is paying HER way there. She is putting up money for the kid's million dollar medical bills to be treated like a royal celebrity vacation. In my area when people attend galas, they pay for the table or right to appear, hence the closed event. It may also be why she is not mentioning it. There's no telling how much she is paying them to get her KIND of treatment. She stays so EXHAUSTED and all and DESERVES a luxury vacation, doncha know.

Slow Down said... 88

There is no evidence that she is anytjhing more than an "invited guest" so all the catty comments are a bit premature.

Pam said... 89

Wonder how much her new longer hair extensions cost?

NT said... 90

I think someone should look into what charitable funds are being used to pay for this??!! It sounds like they might be using money that was given to raise awareness and using it for a 4 day spa weekend. And what does Star Jones know about premature birth? This just creams my corn!!

dumber than hammers said... 91

Slow Down said... 88

There is no evidence that she is anytjhing more than an "invited guest" so all the catty comments are a bit premature.


None of the remarks about what a scam this looks like are premature, though.

And no one who is suggesting that this looks tailor made for Kate's next escape is off-base, either, since her desire to run from her children at every opportunity is well-documented, and she's been forced to spend weeks with them recently.

But you are right, no one here yet KNOWS if she will actually go to Bermuda. There's just a strong suspicion that, if her flight and hotel are comped, she'll be on her way.

NT said... 92

That must be why she's tanning again! Got to look tan in her bikini. So much for training for her next marathon. What a joke this woman is. She makes sure every winter to get away into the warm climates so she can show off her bod. Hope people start to wise up and not bother with her anymore.

pay to play said... 93

I don't know if she is planning to head to Bermuda or not, but those sure do look an awful lot like new sporty blingy sandals in her Dick's Sporting Goods bag from the pics on infdaily. Will she need new sandals while in LV? Maybe she is just getting a head start to her spring/summer shoe collection.

Kat said... 94

I agree...I think this is something she herself planned and wanted to attend. Isn't it rather strange that she convienently goes away every couple of weeks?? Nobodys inviting her...she is looking for venues for herself. It's been one excuse after the other to get "away". Most of these trips are her doing. Her PR person probably does a lot of research to find these gigs. She thinks as long as she's out there then she feels like she's promoting herself...

Anonymous said... 95

Even though her 'appearance' does not appear to have been 'confirmed', at this point she is only listed as 'invited', I'm sure all will agree this event is right up her alley.

In order to qualify for 'free' hospitalization and medical services in Canada, one must be a resident of Canada.

There have been a number of hospitals who have provided services without charge to individuals from mainly third world countries where, for instance, treatment for conjoined twins is not as up-to-date as North American services can provide. I know too that U.S. hospitals extend the same help for these 'unusual' cases.


She is a Cow said... 96

Well, she better keep tanning, because if the weather keeps up the way it has been, she will need the fake tan. It's been in the 50's and 60's, overcast, rainy, windy. Of course, she is probably clueless and thinks she is going to the Caribbean. ~ Administrator said... 97

I think "invited guest" is just a way to leave them an out if something comes up and they can't make it. There's no way Kate will have something better to do.

Katie Cry-duh said... 98

I'm confused. Is this so-called gala a fundraiser at all? How come they're not selling tickets to drum up revenue for this one kid at least? Is it really just a few celebs pow-wowing to plan to raise awareness at a future date? Wouldn't a check for the cause be a better way to get the ball rolling rather than pampering a few celebrities who dont have the media's attention to further the 'cause'? And why is this worthy of so much attention? Haven't there been people destroyed by medical bills forever? Aren't there already support groups for parents of preemies?

pay to play said... 99

One eye zeroed in on Diamonds, the other eye on Caviar. lmao

Don't Think So said... 100 (Administrator) said... 97
I think "invited guest" is just a way to leave them an out if something comes up and they can't make it. There's no way Kate will have something better to do.


That is not how these types of events typically work. "Scheduled to appear" is used when the person has confirmed attendance. "Invited" is used when no response/confirmation has been received. The fact of the matter is that you have no idea whether Kate is or isn't planning to attend.

Once a Viewer said... 101

Kate does not look happy in any of these pics. Why, when things are going her way, more or less? Isn't she embracing happiness or the like??

I agree with the poster who said moms and kids are almost always happy to reunite at after-school pick-up! ~ Administrator said... 102

Actually typically how these events work is you don't issue a press release with a bunch of names on it that aren't going to attend. That said this looks like a pretty shady event and they just might falsely trump up who may or may not be there. Guess we'll have to see.

dumb as hammers said... 103

Don't Think So said... 100

"Invited" is used when no response/confirmation has been received. The fact of the matter is that you have no idea whether Kate is or isn't planning to attend.


Good point ... but if you invite the president of the United States to your barbecue, and announce it on your webpage, and suddenly people are talking about your event on the internet, associating it with an appearance by the president, the White House press office won't waste any time denying that the prexy will attend.

If your barbecue looks like some kind of scan, the denial will come faster than the speed of light.

If Kate isn't planning to attend this highly questionable event it would be a very, very good idea for her to deny that she's involved.

Either way, she won't, though. Pay to play said... 99 nailed exactly why:

"One eye zeroed in on Diamonds, the other eye on Caviar."

She's going, if there's any way she can. If she isn't going, she's getting off on having her name associated with clear rocks and fish eggs. ~ Administrator said... 104

Why don't we ask Kate? Oh right someone did and she's ignoring the question. Our best indication you bet she is going. ~ Administrator said... 105

False advertising and possibly libel to imply someone is going who has no intention of bein there. No reputable charity would walk that line.

Don't Think So said... 106 (Administrator) said... 102
Actually typically how these events work is you don't issue a press release with a bunch of names on it that aren't going to attend. That said this looks like a pretty shady event and they just might falsely trump up who may or may not be there. Guess we'll have to see.


No, actually that's not true. These types of events often have "invited" guests listed. I'm not going to argue the point further with you as I know that what I'm saying is accurate.

Westcoaster said... 107

Another red flag is that according to FB this charity, Syncairly Yours, was launched 'privately' in Novmber 2011, so barely six weeks ago. The founder, Moelessia Joines, has a whopping 68 FB friends. Infrastructure?

To me it feels like a grifting attempt to pay some private medical bills. This cannot be a smart move for K8, sounds way odder than the Australia Zoo debacle.

Susan said... 108

I think if you feel that kids would make fun of children who are wearing clearance shirts from Gymboree, that you're not giving kids and/or their parents nearly enough credit by saying they won't act like decent people and look past petty issues like where someone shops or whether or not they buy clothes on sale. Kids can be mean, but the environment of the schools - public schools - I am familiar with would have zero tolerance for that kind of thing. And why wouldn't we trust the PA parent (who I believe was a parent at the same school?) when she said that nobody would know or care that their shirts cost $3.99 from Gymboree?

There are entire websites devoted to saving money on children's clothes, and many parents are extremely public, outspoken, and proud of clothing their children on a budget.

Also: Am I the only one who almost fell off her chair when I saw Kate called "Rhinoclit"? What did I miss that she did to deserve such a nasty name?

Anonymous said... 109

NLAN said: At this point, she really is not on anyone's radar and there would be no explanation for her to suddenly start acquiring new followers. What a joke, like everything else in her pathetic life.


There are companies out there you can pay to increase your number of twitter followers. NPR did a story on it a few months ago.


chefsummer #Leh said... 110

The real house wives of BH is back and they are showing. Taylor and Russel they are also talking about the abuse bravo has so much respect for people.

dumb as hammers said... 111

Anyone can say that they've invited someone to an event.

There's nothing illegal about that, but reputable organizations won't use anyone's name without having secured permission to do so, or without getting assurance (by a
publicist or whoever) that the use is acceptable.

"Famous" people who are savvy in these areas get their names removed fast if they are uncomfortable with the association. Or, in cases where a group refuses to remove the name, the "famous" person issues a public statement denying the association.

Also, there is no universally agreed-upon rule about how this is done. There are scammers all over the place, and they play by their own rules.

Even reputable organizations may vary in their policies to some extent, but no ethical organization is going to use a name without having some indication that it's acceptable to the person whose name it is.

This event/group doesn't look reputable, but Kate sure isn't knocking herself out denying the association. ~ Administrator said... 112

I assume you are referring to some less reputable charities then. Reputable charities don't artificially try to trump up who will be there. Gives then a bad reputation is all that does. An example of a reputable charity that releases guest lists then doesn't deliver on most of them please?

pay to play said... 113

+1 to Westcoaster and invited doesn't necessarily mean comped. It means invited. Sheeple take note of your Queen Ewe and sit back and watch if she leaves her kids yet again to spread her wealth for another's med bills.

Mel said... 114

Why does she think it's cool to always have that stupid pissed off look on her face?

Does she do it cuz that's what she thinks a real celeb does?

Doesn't she get that she just looks ugly when she does that? Not a good way to get anyone interested in offering you a job in the media, I wouldn't think.

I wouldn't think they're all that interested in someone who always looks pissed off. Don't they want someone cheerful, gung-ho, relatable? ~ Administrator said... 115

I feel it does kids a disservice to convince ourselves zero tolerance is preventing bullying. Kids are teased about clothes and "cheap" parents, I've seen it firsthand as have others here. Buoying exists and it's dangerous to try to pretend we've fixed that problem. We haven't. . Bullying is also well hidden. A random school parent cannot possibly say they know it doesn't happen.

Susan said... 116

But I think it also does a disservice to suggest that families should hide where they shop, that their kids shouldn't wear used clothing, and to make it shameful to buy something on sale and/or get a great deal. Obviously zero tolerance does not prevent all bullying, but isn't saying that Kate should hide her great deal on the shirts the same as saying that her kids should be ashamed of them?

I would much rather teach my children to be proud of who they are and not what they are wearing, to stand up for those who may be teased for reasons such as what they are wearing, to send them to schools where a kind, respectful, non-discriminatory environment is relished, and to work with the schools to help make that environment exist.

Don't Think So said... 117 (Administrator) said... 112
I assume you are referring to some less reputable charities then. Reputable charities don't artificially try to trump up who will be there. Gives then a bad reputation is all that does. An example of a reputable charity that releases guest lists then doesn't deliver on most of them please?


You assume wrong. Already told you that I'm not going to argue with you. You have no clue whether these people are or are not going to deliver on the invited list, so that's an assumption as well. Your contention that "invited" means "confirmed but hedging bets in case the person doesn't show" is simply not accurate and it won't become accurate if you repeat it a million times as if it were fact.

Pam said... 118

She is a Cow said... 96

Well, she better keep tanning, because if the weather keeps up the way it has been, she will need the fake tan. It's been in the 50's and 60's, overcast, rainy, windy. Of course, she is probably clueless and thinks she is going to the Caribbean.
January 5, 2012 12:59 PM

I saw a sign on Pinterest that cracked me up ( cause I immediately pictured Kate being the butt of the sign ).....

"There is a fine line between looking tan and looking like you rolled around in Doritos."

I sure hope she has given up all that excessive tanning. She was looking awfully nacho cheesey there. ~ Administrator said... 119

Your opinion is also an assumption, that they are not confirmed. It's an assumption either way. Unless you asked them? ~ Administrator said... 120

In a perfect world that would be nice. It's just not my experience with how it plays out. I think Kate is insensitive to topics that will insight bullying. This is but one of dozens of examples.

pay to play said... 121

As much as I like to snark, I tend to agree with Susan @ 108 on the "Rhinoclit". I tend to consider that type of body part one of which you don't have control over its size. I mean it's not like breasts that can be "adjusted" to suit your taste or maybe it can...don't know and don't know why it would be relevant unless she starts showing that off, too. Until then, I would really not want to even think about the size of her genitalia.

Winsomeone said... 122

I am not interested in Kate's genitals either, but when she wears those skin tight leggings instead of pants, it leaves little to the imagination.

Once a Viewer said... 123

Well, I think it's just a joke , in bad taste for sure, but wasn't there some similar joke about Jon being called Stubby? It's a low blow ( sorry for the pun) to both of them.

silimom said... 124

Admin, I read "invited" to mean "not confirmed at this time as well". However, I have also seen what I consider reputable charities in my area (Red Cross, Rotary Club, Junior League,Humane Society etc.) advertise certain celebrity guests in their event promotional material only to have one of their guests unable to attend at the last minute. In my experience, these charities find a replacement or, if they are able, reschedule the event. They also offer to reimburse the donor (although most people who attend these events are going to support the organization and don't really care if the headliner is there or not).

As for this charity, I agree it sounds suspicious to
me and would not be a charity I would support. I'd rather give money to a local hospital neonatal unit where I know it is directly benefiting the patients and families.

I too think that this woman is trying to scam celebrities, who, if they are like Holly Robinson Peete, are simply looking for a quick getaway that a) gives them some positive pr and b) they don't have to pay for. None of the people she lists would convince me to pay hundreds or even a thousand dollars to attend this event just to rub elbows with these celebs. Will this even be a blip on anyone's radar, I doubt it.

Katie Cry-duh said... 125

I cop to the Rhinoclit name. It's one I heard while in college from a friend of mine and it cracked me up. It has nothing to do with the size of one's privates. Rather, it's a term used when referring to a forceful, obnoxious, pushy, bitchy woman. My friend then gave me the visual by sticking her pelvis forward, snorting, and then charging/shuffling forward with the pelvis still forward and making rhino sounds. It has always stayed with me I found it so funny. Did not mean to offend anyone but Kate. And we can move on and agree with have different senses of humor. Peace out.

librarylady said... 126

Here is another little blurb about this "event" - I enjoyed the last sentence wondering which of her "individual charities", lol - not, she would "shine the spotlight on"

That Molessia Joynes is in or has been in the promotion/marketing business. Interesting. Still questionable.

New York State of Mind said... 127

"Diamonds & Caviar embodies the idea that a luxury experience can be the catalyst that connects the finer things in life with the realities of shared sacrifice that are required to achieve a common objective."


When my students write something like this, I highlight it with the following side note: "Gobbledygook, bafflegab." They know that means to do a rewrite because it is just a string-on that sounds impressive but means absolutely nothing.

This whole thing has more red flags than worms at a zombies' convention.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 128

librarylady said... 126

Here is another little blurb about this "event" - I enjoyed the last sentence wondering which of her "individual charities", lol - not, she would "shine the spotlight on"

Kate will be hangin' with Quadree El-Amin and Bowlegged Lou.

Kate's Karma. ~ Administrator said... 129

The inaugural celebrity guest list includes:


When I here X is on the guest list, I assume that means X will be there. I'm not sure how you interpret it otherwise. And if that's not what they mean, they are wrong to imply all these people will be there when really they're only expecting Danny D-lister will actually show.

Red flags red flags red flags. ~ Administrator said... 130

Admin, I read "invited" to mean "not confirmed at this time as well". However, I have also seen what I consider reputable charities in my area (Red Cross, Rotary Club, Junior League,Humane Society etc.) advertise certain celebrity guests in their event promotional material only to have one of their guests unable to attend at the last minute.


Right, most reputable charities won't print a name of a guest unless they have a good 90% indication they are coming, and if someone doesn't show, will try to replace them. Charities will often invite 150 celebs hoping only to get a few dozen to actually come, which is a victory. But the last thing they do is advertise that they invited Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie knowing full well the odds that they will show are slim. People will fast lose interest in a charity that is all talk, and never actually delivers.

Sam said... 131

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 70

That woman needs a chocolate bar...a box of wine...something that vibrates...

lol - love it!

wayward said... 132

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... That woman needs a chocolate bar...a box of wine...something that vibrates...
LOL! Best. Line. Ever.

Sadly, even if she had all three at the same time it still wouldn't take the pleathery scowl off her face. The only time she ever seemed to smile genuinely is for NYC paps. You know.... because they're just more better-ish than the lone PA pap she has on speed dial. Even when she she used to do Today, ET, etc. her smiles were fake and frozen.

Early last year, I noticed that the "American Pickers" guys drove around in a Sprinter that had a Mercedes emblem on the front. My hubby told me the same thing Layla described above, The M-B Sprinter is a Dodge-M-B collaboration. I knew Kate would end up with one. While anything Kelly/Underwalt says should (of course) be taken with a grain of salt, he said on another board the new BBV was given to her by the Las Vegas marathon people as her appearance fee. He didn't say if he somehow knew this to be fact or he was just guessing because of the timing. Did someone say this new van is black? Well isn't she special, three black vehicles.

And the mortgage refi? Don't get me started. She refinanced the house because she can't freakin' afford to live there. Duh. Instead of swallowing her pride, instead of being a good steward of the children she claims to live and breathe for, instead of putting the Konpound up for sale, she refinanced for 30 years so she can pay- wait for it- $100,000 dollars in interest by mid-2015. $100,000 dollars of the kids hard earned money pissed into the wind so she can pretend she's not a washed up has-been. If she manages to somehow stay in the house by 2018, that's ANOTHER 100k in interest while making hardly any dent in the principal. Just shameful and sickening.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 133

Speaking of the refi and all that we had been saying about Khate's going with another variable rate loan at this time of historically low mortgage rates, mortgage rates were just in the news today. Thirty year fixed loans are at an all time low right now. As we all said, THIS is the time to lock in that low rate with a fixed rate, not a 10 year ARM.

About Bermuda, Admin, you always get results so maybe an email inquiry would be a good idea? It's standard practice for these charities and their PR people to confirm who will be at the event. It's coming up soon, so I'm sure they know whether or not she will be there at this point, as flight and hotel arrangements would be made.

Midnight Madness said... 134

Sadly, even if she had all three at the same time it still wouldn't take the pleathery scowl off her face.


Whenever I see that scowl, I have to think of Reese's line in Legally Blonde: "When I dress up as a frigid bitch, I try not to look so constipated."

Wayward - the Sequoia is dark charcoal gray. Maybe she'll trade it in on a black one so that all three cars are matchy-matchy.

pay to play said... 135

Katie Cry-duh @125 at the risk of dragging this out, I just had to let you know that I am quite not offended by your comment. In fact, I almost choked on the pork chop I was eating just reading your very colorful description. Actually, we probably are more alike humor wise than you may think, I just don't have the cojones to print it here, lol. No worries here. :)

Pity Party said... 136

I don't think the Twitter ladies know about Bermuda yet.

JudyK said... 137

Kate's nothing but a con artist, and it should be against the law.

Red Sky At Night said... 138

Kate needs to forget the coupon blog, possible employment in the nursing field, and running marathons. She should concentrate on setting up some kind of website (or television show) where she can give financial advice...shades of Suze Orman. Anyone who can be so destitute and not be able to pay the bills in her purse, but can still purchase three new luxury vehicles in one year, afford a plethora of Christmas gifts for her kids, travel here and there, dine in upscale restaurants, and limo to NYC for haircuts needs to share this information with the struggling Americans who are facing economic hardships. Just think -- she does all of this WITHOUT BEING EMPLOYED and without investment properties!

Come on, Kate! Let us know how this is done! Inquiring minds want to know! You could set up a Secrets to Manifesting Wealth gig, conducting seminars around the country while raking in fees from those who attend the workshops.

Red Sky At Night said... 139

I don't think the Twitter ladies know about Bermuda yet.


Someone mentioned it on there early this evening. ~ Administrator said... 140

Kate's secret is simple. Borrow from your 7 year old. You'll pay them back. Someday. Maybe.

Marie said... 141

Came to my mind today that Kate seems to still *want* a lot of things.

She wants "the best" opportunities
She wants to be an author
A cook
A great mom
A talk show host
A reality TV star
A spokesperson

She dreams daily of exotic far off places on a whim.

I got to thinking, if she keeps this up with such lofty ambitions lofty persuits or hopes for the future. Wonder if she'll ever learn to be content with what she has and in the moment. Probably not. How sad for her.

So, honestly, is this charity thing in Bermuda a scam or real? I don't know where to put my line between this is a bizzare approach for celebrity charity or it's just really creepy way hoping she'll take the bait?

Marie said... 142

Oh yeah, the famous, "I'll pay you back later...I promise."

Yeah I could see Kate pulling that off. I learned a bit ago to quit falling for that excuse with my own mother because I have yet to see it happen. Kate strikes me as just such a person.

What with her promises, promises that don't or haven't amounted to much of anything.

I feel it'll be kind of hard to promise to do that once she runs out of money, she has got to someday I think.

Dallas Lady said... 143

The description of rhinoclit made me absolutely choke with laughter. In Kate's case, the shoe fits.

I think we can assume invited means just that: invited. Not necessarily confirmed. Holly Robinson Peete just said on twitter today that she doesn't know if she's going.

However, I'd bet anything Kate's going. A chance to get away from the orphanage? SHE'S ON IT!

fidosmommy said... 144

Does Bermuda have laws similar to the USA's laws?
Also, would a Bermudian have to follow USA law in order to involve US citizens?

Just asking. My legal license is lost in the mail along with my medical licence.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 145

Katie Cry-duh, I wasn't offended by your comment either. I knew what you meant and I laughed, as I do with so many of your comments that I think are just dead on.

Now, if anyone wants to discuss things that offend me, next time I have about five free hours, I will make a list of all the things that Khate has done that seriously offend me. At the top of the list, #'s 1 through 500, will be things she did to her kids - starting with putting them on TV in the first place, potty training on TV with film guys in the bathroom, compacted bowel-gate, gum-gate, cupcake-gate, etc.

Hell, I'll just take one right out of Khate's book and say this - at this point, her every effing BREATH offends me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Extra exclamation points in my exclamatory sentence just for you Khate!!!)

Downeaster Alexa said... 146

Dallas, 143...However, I'd bet anything Kate's going. A chance to get away from the orphanage? SHE'S ON IT!


Of course she's going. I'd bet the farm on it. Nothing, and I mean nothing is going to keep her in Wernersville during the cold winter if she has a chance to strut her stuff in Bermuda. Like someone said, she probably thinks this is a tropical Caribbean island. Her knowledge of geography is sorely lacking.
Is Bermuda on her bucket list? I don't think she's ever been there. All the more reason to go.

rubyred said... 147

Forgive me for asking but I just returned from Palm Springs. Where are all the regulars that post here? I see DallasLady and NLAN but there's a few missing.

Cliffnotes, anyone? *thankyou* Happy New Year a few days late!

Marie said... 148

Question is how LONG will she beable to get away from the kids this time? A week or more? What mother has this luxury other than Kate? Nobody.

NJGal51 said... 149

The rhinoclit and vibrator comments kind of go hand in.....well, you know. Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said... 150

I volunteer at a private (parochial) school, pre-school - 8th grade. About half of our students are on scholarship. I can guarantee you that there is bullying going on about clothing, financial status, residence (or lack thereof) and any number of other things seen as "status symbols". The nuns, priests, teachers and volunteers try to nip it in the bud when we get wind of it but there is no way on God's green earth that we can eliminate all of it. Anyone who believes that it never ever occurs at the kids' pricey, prestigious private school is fooling themselves.


Katie Cry-duh said... 151

Trip to Bermuda? Kate didn't hear anything after that, just waaa waaa waaa like the grown ups sound in the Peanuts cartoons. She doesn't care if this is a shady charity or an asinine sounding gala. Just sign her up!!!!!!!!! And to Marie, I think Kate will never be happy with what she has because she is not happy period. She can never be rich or skinny or pretty enough to be happy because those things don't cure the unhappiness she has at her core. That may be the ultimate karma.

chefsummer #Leh said... 152

"Just as long as I owe you you'll never go broke"-Now that should be KG line

A Canadian said... 153

If you live in Canada most health services are covered by medicare..however, if you do not live in Canada, you don't pay taxes here, so do not qualify for medicare and will be billed for services...

AuntieAnn said... 154

Betcha 8 katrillion bucks the artwork Kate's carrying (INF pics) are from the kids and they're in the bottom of the trash bin already. Bitch.

Anonymous said... 155

Hi,didnt Kate give her old blue van to Jon.... If I heard right.... I seen on ifdaily. com Kate has a new or new use Mercedes Van
....for someone who crys poor..... Check it Out.

url said... 156

I think Kart refinanced the mortgage and took the equity she received from her house to purchase the new Mercedes BBB. Of course Kart will attend this Diamonds and Caviar event in Bermuda. Cold weather, the Bermuda triangle, blizzard airport closings, or a questionable charity won't prevent her from going on another vacation with Steve. As long as there is a double, queen or king sized bed, fine dining, bottled or boxed wine, shopping and a spa, she'll go.

Ingrid said... 157

From "...and will also be encouraged to shine the spotlight on their individual charities...."

Kate's favorite charity is herself.

Pulling The Wool said... 158

Anonymous 150: "Anyone who believes that it never ever occurs at the kids' pricey, prestigious private school is fooling themselves."


Bullying and teasing happens in every school system, public or private, but unless I'm mistaken, I believe what was under discussion was the fact that seven-year-old boys couldn't care less if their school uniform shirts come from Wal Mart, or have a designer label. Somehow I can't imagine a first grade boy saying to a classmate, "My polo is from Ralph Lauren, your shirt isn't." At the end of the day, white shirts all look the same, and all wear the spaghetti sauce just as well.

I went to Gymboree this afternoon and stocked up on the $3.99 and $4.99 shirts for next year. I know, without a doubt, that the kids aren't going to say, "We're not wearing those. You bought them on sale last season."

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 159

Marie said... 148

Question is how LONG will she be able to get away from the kids this time? A week or more? What mother has this luxury other than Kate? Nobody.


I understand your point, Marie, but I have to say that in my opinion, MOST mothers do not feel that extended absences from their kids is a "luxury". I call a cleaning service a luxury, but not freebie vacations away from my kids. You see, I'd truly rather be home with them or have them come with me (us) on trips. They're young for such a short period of time, I don't really feel like going away for a week or more without them. I suppose if I were like that, I wouldn't have become a mom in the first place.

At Preesi's site, we put together a calendar starting January 1st. I really wish we had done that here last fall because Khate was away so much from September through December. So, this weekend is probably "her" weekend based on what we've seen from her tweets (she was alone last weekend). That means she'll be leaving the kids with a "sitter" on her weekend. Chances are she'll go straight from Vegas to Bermuda, so she could be away about ten days between both events.

She will not only be gone ten days, but she won't be seeing them for THREE weekends in a row. By the time she finally has a weekend home with them on 1/21 it will be four weeks since her last weekend with them, which was 12/24. That was Christmas weekend, so she didn't even have them the full weekend because they went to Jon's on Sunday, Christmas Day.

That's what I call a part time mother. She can have that "luxury" all she wants. I'd never want a life like that.

Plus, I'd rather go places on "my dime", which Khate never does. I would hate to always be on freebie trips on someone else's schedule, not planning and doing what I (and my family) want. I think Khate just wants to travel to get away from the kids, have alone time with Steve, and just to be able to say she went there, or get her passport stamped. As we even saw with the RV trip and that "waste of space", the Grand Canyon, Khate doesn't truly go anywhere for the experience. No thanks.

Marie said... 160

Ouch. I think I worried that wrong. I don't have kids so I really hope nobody takes any offense to what I said. It made sense when I said it.

I mean luxury as in being given so many free things, the ability to drop any routine or structure these kids have with divoced parents and pack up and leave her kids with who knows who.

I just don't see how Kate can even relate to other moms. I really don't. Now I know why Jamie said Kate feels like she is Angelina. Don't she and her husband take the kids here and there all over the place?

Ingrid said... 161

I can't help but think about what she has said about nursing or other mediocre jobs taking her away from the kids too many hours ...blah blah blah. Even if she is with them more hours/days doing what she has been (trips galore) Doesn't she know the kids would feel more secure and loved knowing she was home every night? Some day they will realize she doesn't want to be with them as much as she tells them she does. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.

My heart breaks for them.

Katie Cry-duh said... 162

Bunch of recent tweets asking/saying that the Australia zoo luncheon was a bust. Someone said no one bid and the zoo staff had to eat lunch with her. Don't know their sources or if they're just poking at her flat ass but ha ha anyway. Would have copied and pasted tweets but can't figure out how to do it on my phone ~ Administrator said... 163

No one ever said a 7 year old boy would care. We were talking about Mady and cara and Kate disclosing what she spent on the kids in general.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 164

Marie said... 160

Ouch. I think I worried that wrong. I don't have kids so I really hope nobody takes any offense to what I said. It made sense when I said it.

I mean luxury as in being given so many free things, the ability to drop any routine or structure these kids have with divoced parents and pack up and leave her kids with who knows who.


Oh my gosh, Marie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to "bark" at you. That's why I prefaced my post by saying I understand your point. After that, all my comments were directed at Khate and that SHE does feel she has an entitled life, and it's a luxury to constantly go away on free trips and leave her kids, as you said. I TOTALLY didn't mean it as a dig at your comments but at Khate, and I'm sorry if my words came off otherwise. I understand what you're saying and I think we are on the same page.

url said... 165

I don't think the majority of 7 year old boys care about the price of a shirt. At a certain age, they don't want to wear shirts that have baby looking dump trucks on them. It doesn't matter what brand the shirt is. I can't imagine a size 12 boy would be happy because his mom bought him a $3.99 toddler looking dump truck Gymboree shirt or any other brand.

Marie said... 166

Some boys do care about fashion and all that, the label. When I was in school boys wore a label called Quick Silver...or something like that anyway. I think a big deal that will hit Kate one day is when her boys decide they are too old to wear, "Clothes mommy picked out." Matching or not, if mom bought whatever piece of clothing it will be seen as dorky in the kids' eyes. Kids want to be cool and like everyone else. Not asying at this age the boys are now but down the road...could be a rude awakening for Kate when they rebel.

That aside, NLAN, no worries. I don't take offense no harm done. I don't think what I was thinking and typing came out right the first go around. But my thing is, I don't quite get why, how she is able or willing to just drop everything like a hot potato and go off and nobody else see's anyting wrong with that?? I would.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 167

Thanks, Marie. Yes, I only started paying attention to Khate during the divorce and I remember in early 2009 when she was on DWTS, I just couldn't believe that anyone was okay with that and "supported" her. I couldn't imagine leaving all those kids, that age, with revolving sitters as she did and at the WORST possible time, right after the divorce. Just when the kids needed stability and a new routine established, she had a whacked out schedule every week for months on end. Those poor kids did not deserve that. I can't even imagine being 5 years old and going through that public divorce, then having a life where you're not sure what "sitter" is even going to wake you up in the morning to take you to school. And is Mommy going to be home tomorrow, or the next day? She'll only be here for two days and then she leaves again and will be gone for five days? It was crazy and I think an absolutely horrible thing to do to her kids. I will never believe that it was about earning money. It was Khate putting herself first and pursuing her dreams of stardom.

LancNative said... 168

Someone upthread made the comment that Underwalt's remarks should be taken with a grain of salt. Poster is correct.

@suzew718 @kateplusmy8 There are only 2 dealerships in Lancaster County that will deliver that Van. Easy for sheeple to harass them.


1. Dealership info is not true; and
2. Kate doesn't live in Lancaster County.

Is the car a new one, or a pre-owned vehicle? If the latter, it could have been purchased anywhere.

Marie said... 169

I'm not a nanny but the kids I babysit as regulars I know kids well enough to know they don't like being changed around and dumped on. Didn't Kate once say the kids "know" when it's time to each lunch and dinner or whatever. Her routine of Dinner. Bath. Bed. or whatever seemed so rigid in the old days and now she's just loosy-goosey with coming and going what does she think she's doing? She's sort of underminding her own self with schedule and routine and all that.

Not that I'm ready to be a mom here but I just think if you say something and the schedule you have shouldn't include your crazy stra-chasing dreams from week to week.

Dallas Lady said... 170

Ha, on Gawker they have a story about a Casey Anthony webcam video that has surfaced recently. The Gawker writer said Anthony appears in a "Kate Gosselin" hairdo (it's a non spiky version of her old short cut, I guess). And a commenter named RobRayburn had this to say:

Seems rude to compare anything about Casey Anthony to Kate Gosselin. I mean seriously Casey is way better mother than Kate. I'd totally let Casey babysit my kids. At least it'd be quick and painless... vs. years of shame and exploitation.

Anonymous said... 171

Twitter Time!
Kate thanked Ellie for gifts on Jan 4th..we know Ellie paid extra to have them by Xmas. Kate sent a general THX to all tweets a few days ago.. Yesterday or day before I and others commented Ellie should get a personal thanku. All of a sudden BINGO. It's there

MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 Chk in missy! There are TWO waiting 4U! My progress report ...first day...then 2nd day! :)

MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Oh she does! I keep wavin 2her in ur behalf! Kate...nice kindergarten teacher sure wants 2meet U via tweet street!

Milo is relentless. She owns Kate in her min.

Another tweeter - her friend Mumbear wrote
mumbear9 mumbear9
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 possessive Milo!

lol. i wondered what that one meant.

Here is Kate appeasing Milo
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack sorry. I was my own lights out person last night & it was before everything on 2do list was done :( Tonight- promise!

Here is one - someone tweeted to KATE ONLY and Milo had to chime in
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@_Jacquesr @Kateplusmy8 Hey there Jacque! How have U been? Behaving? :) U still see Debora a lot?

And poor Marytr
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 @JeanneKaye I have been the "virtual" dummy, twitter idiot and all around loser! All in ur honor Kate! :)

This woman is OBSESSED with kate. Tweet after tweet every single day and never lets up. Yikes!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said... 172

Milo is going to crap herself when kate goes to Bermuda - u know - sincce tweets dont work internationally. :0)

Now a lot of people not from the USA are tweeting Kate about her show starting in their countries. Do you think by RV trip season they will no longer be fans? Or heck, even sooner. Kate plus 8 was a lot of screeching, verbal assault, high heels in ridiculous places, rude comments and drama. I am so curious to see how many fans start to drop off after the view more of this "super mom" - or if they will make excuses for her like Milo does.


Twittering and a Twattering said... 173

172 - This woman is OBSESSED with kate. Tweet after tweet every single day and never lets up. Yikes!!!!!!!!


Totally nuts. However, I think that BigFan is equally, if not more so, dangerous. She's back again with a new name (changed from a few days ago). Started out as Big Fan, switched to Notabigfan, back again with multiple names. I don't know where Milo lives, but Big is not too far away from Kate. At least Milo is unwavering in her devotion to Kate. BigFan is a lover one day, and bashes her the next. A real Jekyll and Hyde with a love-hate relationship. Wouldn't this kind of fan be the most dangerous?

mamaK said... 174

I'd bet Bermuda is all Steve's doing. He is the manager now. And Kate sure as heck can't do a bloody thing on her own.
And where is Jon? Wouldn't you step up and fight for custody? Or to stick to the original agreement of "their house" and the right to be there with them instead of nannies? Those poor kids are going to have so many issues.

Done and done said... 175

Hey thought I'd chime in on the bullying subject. In my personal experience kids pick on the unpopular kids at school for just about anything, and a popular kid can get away with stuff that an unpopular kid can't. I was teased mercilously in middle school and it got to the point where by the end of sixth grade I ate lunch all by myself. Why? I was already unpopular and then my grandmother bought me a pair of bellbottoms, which had recently come back in style in a big way. I begged my grandmother to return then because I knew I'd be made fun of. I told her those stylish pants were only what the popular girls wore and if I wore them I'd be labelled a "wannabe." My poor sweet grandmother insisted that wearing the pants would benefit my social standing... and of course she was too out of touch with playground politics to really understand what I was going through at the time. The teasing was relentless, and the few "friends" I had completely abandoned me.

The point is, the 3.99 Gymboree shirts may be fuel for bullies at school or it may not be. We don't know how Mady and Cara get along with other kids or how popular they are, and it doesn't really matter. If they are already getting teased, I think the years of tantrums caught on film are already plenty of fuel for the fire, and the fact that their mom blogs for a coupon site is probably fodder enough to tease them about getting things at a discount; if that is in fact happening.

Sorry for the long post you guys. As a young adult who remembers the rutal bullying like it was just yesterday, I thought my experience might shed some light.

Marie said... 176

@Done and done, yep I can relate.

I been labeled almost everything in the book in school: fat, geek, four-eyes, zit face, looser you name it. Got made fun of if I had short hair, if I had long hair. One girl flat out said I was ugly. Another asked when I was going to straighten my hair (apparently the flat iron is still in even after high school). I've had rocks thrown at me too on occasion and my grandmother would give me her clothes that didn't fit her anymore. Her excuse? It's still good! Nothing wrong with it. Oh yea, grandma clothes! I ate lunch at the water fountain. Kids drove following me home to mock me because I didn't have a car.

But you know what, people get over it. Braces come off, faces clear, weight goes away, contacts and several other things. Life goes on so no matter how rough Kate's kids will be teased at some point most of us are. Some of it's minor but with Kate and how she handled could possibly be bad for her kids. Public or private school doesn't matter if they have a Zero Tolerance Policy.

Whatever happens, will happen. Most get over it. It hasn't killed me to be made fun of, I'm still living.

The biggest problem I see for these kids is Kate's lack of thinking before she speaks. Her outward attitude and all. Her kids might be bullied, or turn the table and become the bully. It happens.

Anonymous said... 177

Awareness? Remember some years back when they had tv shows on all the time for charities (name your illness) where stars performed? It was shown the stars were often pd in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and the illness got squat. Thus awareness. And rubber bracelets. Even I, a canine, know about yellow cancer and pink cancer and all that awareness. I know about it. I'd like somebody to do something about it. They don't. So if they don't want me peeing on their legs, don't pee on mine.
How bloody darned obvious can you be with the caviar and diamonds in the Bahamas awareness crap? You need me to bark out an order. Just pay the bill and shut up. ~ Administrator said... 178

I just feel like it's hard enough to be a child of a celebrity let alone to have that celeb being so constantly embarrassing like Kate is.

As for zero tolerance policies, I get scared when I hear that. Zero tolerance just means that bullies get better and better at HIDING all the bullying they are doing. I had a friend who was a bully. Not a bad one, but she had a few targets. She never, ever got caught. Ever. In fact, teachers liked her, thought she was a good kid, and she got straight A's. Thankfully, she grew out of that stage, which I think stemmed from some insecurity she was going through, and stopped doing it. But the point is, the school was so proud of what a good environment they had going on. You just can't get too confident about that stuff. ~ Administrator said... 179

This gala sounds more like a SNL sketch, it really does. Diamonds and caviar in paradise while we bring "awareness" to "insert random charitable cause that sounds charitable here."

Marie said... 180

You go it Admin! They just get better at hiding all the stuff they do. I once got told, "Well, I don't see it so you must be making it all up."

Best one I got? "Well, obviously you are doing something to cause others to tease and bully you." Uh-huh. Rolling my eyes on that.

As far as Kate going to charity event or whatever this thing is, she'll do her big long enough to be seen then make a beeline for the beach or whatever so she can strip down to her bikini and then whine about the press being intrusive.

Done and done said... 181

Admin and Marie - My favorite is when the parents and teachers think the bully is an angel! Adults often have no recollection of what the private world of children is like.

Marie - kids can be ruthless huh? Well we both survived, none the worse for the wear. And not to imply that I think bullying is ok, I certainly think it made me stronger. At least I know how to be an individual instead of having a "pack mentality." *cough* sheeple *cough*

Anonymous said... 182

Oh, the garbage some kids got away with! It still amazes me how my sixth grade teacher caught every single minor infraction of mine, but somehow missed the major misbehavior of the cool kids.

C (Is for cookie)

silimom said... 183

mamaK: This is a discussion we've had many times here. We don't know what Jon's situation really is, as it should be. It is rumored that he is working two jobs and while that is not confirmed it fits the known facts. His primary job was working for a solar panel company. Well, construction is construction and the work comes in bursts at times and then slows to a crawl, so he may very well
have a second job to make ends meet. My point is simply that he may not have the financial resources to fight for primary custody; he may have decided that taking Kate to court over every minor detail isn't healthy for the kids in the short term or the long haul; he also is probably not in a position to be able to take them beyond the established custody schedule because of child care issues or he may not be willing to volunteer for too much extra time unless it's put into the legal agreement because he doesn't want to get into a custody war with Kate. And honestly traveling as much as she does isn't necessarily grounds for stripping her of custodym

As for the house, sharing the house was only temporary until the divorce was final. Kate was awarded the house in the final settlement decree and most likely had to pay Jon his share of any equity they might had accrued (probably not much).

amyf said... 184

This is interesting - I don't think I've seen it here...

gotyournumberKate said... 185

@suzew718 @kateplusmy8 There are only 2 dealerships in Lancaster County that will deliver that Van. Easy for sheeple to harass them."

I live in Pennsylvania and about a week or so before the new BBB story broke I saw a Mercedes BBB gassing up at a turnpike exit about 150 miles west of Kate. I tried to comment here on it but it didn't go through. There was a lone driver in it and I thought it could be Kate's. Maybe it was being delivered. Maybe not but when I saw it I thought she couldn't be so extravagant to buy a Mercedes, could she? Well, I was wrong, of course she could be.

Another thing I wondered about Kate purchasing the BBB so close to the end of the year was it could be a tax write off. I never had this "problem" but I've known of people who have to make major purchases at the end of the year for tax reasons. It happened to someone close to me in 2010. Their accountant called them in October and told them they had a couple hundred thousand dollars they had to do something with fast. It makes sense Kate could be in this same position.

Kat said... 186

Milo is starting to get really demanding with Kate. She's starting to get sarcastic with Kate. She almost sounds angry with her. This nut really thinks that she should be first on Kates list when she's on twitter. Kate's just throwing her crumbs at this point...Tee Hee, I love it! At least Milo admitted she was a loser

Dwindle said... 187

I havent caught up on all the comments yet, but wanted to say hello to all. Since Katie hasnt hit me over the head with her child abuse that she demands to paid for, at least not lately, I havent felt the need to rant on here to you good people. This is good news for the eight children, all the way around.

While it is sad for kids to be left in the care of hired hands so often, in this case it is likely much better than being around that mentally ill gestational carrier of theirs.

Hope each and every one of you are having a good start to the new year.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 188

EM said...

Another tweeter - her friend Mumbear wrote
mumbear9 mumbear9
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 possessive Milo!

lol. i wondered what that one meant.


I wondered too. Then I noticed Milo had just tweeted: "oh my Kate," meaning (I guess), "Oh my, Kate!" But mumbear was ribbing her as if it were, "Oh, my Kate!"

LOL. I think Mumbear's got it right.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 189

Twittering and Twattering,

I agree with you completely that BigFan is a bit unhinged. Heck, Bigfan has ADMITTED to being a little crazy. She's the one to watch. The "I love you; I hate you" routine is bizarre at best. And remember those cagey comments asking Kate if she would talk to a fan if she, um, ran into her? She kept pressing. "Would you? Well, would you?" I feel sure BigFan approached Kate somewhere, and Kate ignored her. Oops, there's that being ignored thing again!

Milo is obsessed and views herself as Guardian of All Things Kate, but I don't think she's dangerous. (Although, who knows with a level of obsession like THAT?) She talks about her Southern accent and is a Falcons fan, so my guess is she lives in Georgia.

She is a Cow said... 190

silimom said... 184
As for the house, sharing the house was only temporary until the divorce was final. Kate was awarded the house in the final settlement decree and most likely had to pay Jon his share of any equity they might had accrued (probably not much).
I'm not so sure about this. Kate clearly stated in interview after interview that the house was the "kids house" and she and Jon would rotate their visitation, so that the kids wouldn't have to move back and forth. She never said it was just for the period of the divorce, of course, she was still trying to sell herself as the mom who would do anything and everything for the benefit of her kids. What a joke.

NLAN 168

Not only did she pull this during DWTS, she was doing it before the divorce with her book signings and speaking tours. Jon was left with the kids constantly while she traveled. He said in one episode, she would come back from one trip, repack and be off again. The kids are probably used to it and I agree, they may just look forward to her being away. Less stress for them.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 191

Kat said... 187

Milo is starting to get really demanding with Kate. She's starting to get sarcastic with Kate. She almost sounds angry with her. This nut really thinks that she should be first on Kates list when she's on twitter. Kate's just throwing her crumbs at this point...Tee Hee, I love it! At least Milo admitted she was a loser


I missed this comment when I wrote the above. Maybe Milo isn't so harmless, really. She's passive aggressive with Kate sometimes, too. She was writing last night about patience and long sufferance as virtues. A dig at Kate for not being available to her. So weird.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 192

Kat said... 187

Milo is starting to get really demanding with Kate. She's starting to get sarcastic with Kate. She almost sounds angry with her. This nut really thinks that she should be first on Kates list when she's on twitter. Kate's just throwing her crumbs at this point...Tee Hee, I love it! At least Milo admitted she was a loser


Kat, I missed your comment when I wrote the above. Maybe Milo IS dangerous. I sure think Milo and BigFan should be tops of PurseBoy's Watch List.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 193

Sorry for the double post. My computer wigged out and I thought it didn't go through.

librarylady said... 194

Amyf, I saw that article, too! Interesting.

I think that link takes you to a login page. This one might work if you don't want to log in:

If that doesn't work, just google "TLC spokeswoman art" and other links will come up to read the article

librarylady said... 195

That article also gives a little bit of insight into why you constantly saw that annoying Kate Coyne from People on the Today Show, had the People covers so often, etc. etc. All just collaboration where they manipulate the public.

PMGirl said... 196

I too work in a school and I as a victim of bullying (in my own school days!) I have to say that I think bullying has been and always will be part of society and I don't think it's necessarily all bad.

In my administrative role most of the 'bullying' I deal with is not bullying, but rather 2 kids having a power struggle. No true victim or true bully. Both sides want punishment, but both deserve it, even if they don't recognise it.

That said, there are times when there is a clear victim who is perpetually harassed, but it can be incredibly difficult to catch perps, and often the bully has learned at the knees of their parents, who then become difficult for me to deal with. This means concrete proof is needed.

Dealing with pressure placed on us by others is part of developing resilience ... sometimes I think the worst bullying is perpetrated on the teachers by the students:
- Have you graded my paper?
- Have you reviewed my draft?
- Can't we go early?
- Can I have an extension?
... All put INCREDIBLY persuasively.

She is a Cow said... 197

Here is an article in the local paper regarding the Diamonds and Caviar Gala. It explains in more detail the objective of the event. It is $1,000.00 a plate dinner and the article states that Kate will be there.

chefsummer #Leh said... 198

Kids bully for the smallest thing so If some of the kids turn out to be bullies. I really don't blame them all that much.

Since kids learn what they see and they learned from the very best teacher.

Woof said... 199

Border Collie said... 178

Border Collie, I know a great German Shepard I could hook you up with. Writes, too, but not as well as you do.

Let me know.

Mel said... 200

... It still amazes me how my sixth grade teacher caught every single minor infraction of mine, but somehow missed the major misbehavior of the cool kids....

That happens at work too. Cool people can take long lunches, leave early, come in late. But God forbid I get in 3 minutes late.

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