Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kate wraps up conference with in Las Vegas

According to our Affiliate Summit conference PR rep contact, Kate met with CouponCabin's top merchants including Home Depot, Sears, Macy's and She also attended a happy hour at Cleopatra's Barge at Caesar's Palace. According to the rep, "attendees were really excited to meet Kate and she happily posed for photos with anyone who asked." Kate was also on hand to help CouponCabin accept an award from Share-A-Sale (an affiliate network) for "Top 1% Sales-Generating Affiliate Marketer of 2011."

A fellow tweeter also spotted Kate and Stevie-boy at the Human Body exhibit and Titanic exhibit. 

Special thanks to PR rep Lauren for sharing these with us. 

418 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dallas Lady said...

Paige's parents probably know she can't pay for it on her own. They might even know she can't go on her own, so I tend to agree with fidosmommy. When I read that tweet from her, I thought "oh, Paige's parents gave her a fairly brilliant answer!"

They don't have to be the bad guys, they just have to sit back and let Paige discover on her own she can't pull this off. There's no better lessons than the ones you learn yourself.

Once, our daughter asked to go to a program in Italy. We had a couple of problems with it. One, we felt she was too young (barely 15). It was allowed at that age, the program was for 15-17 year olds. But she was going through a patch of immaturity at the time. Also, it was $15,000. Um, no. Third, it wasn't even related to her current or future educational goals. And the program seemed a bit sketchy. But she had her heart set on it so badly, that we said if you can find a way to pay the program cost, airfare, your passport, all that, then sure.

She knew right away she couldn't do that. She understood that WE couldn't. After a couple of days, she was fine.

testing said...

Just seeing if we can go past 200

Testing said...

OK you can, but on the first page of comments I can't see that. I am having trouble getting in on IE, so am using Safari. When I pull up the comment page, I can see now there are 202 comments/sediments, but can't see that on the first page.


Just maybe..... said...

I have another theory on Kate backing out of the Bermuda trip. After all, it seems, at some point, she agreed to go. Her picture was in their paper, her name was mentioned on press releases, etc.

Aside from most likely having to pay some of your own way, and making a nice donation to the charity, her "withdrawal" may have something to do with the guest list.

OK now, don't all get up in arms and all over me for suggesting this, but the country of Bermuda is majority Black. The charity was founded by a black family. The guest list for the "stars" was 99% black. I think Kate was the only white guest on the list. I am not saying Kate is racist in any way, but she has shown to be uncomfortable in any and all, social situations. She may have just realized this and it may have been an issue with her. That and her good friend from "the Talk" Holly Robinson Peete backed out too.

Bluebird said...

I very rarely post but thought this would help. When I click on Sediments from Readers, I get the little comment box in the left hand corner with the very small font and no numbering on the comments. If I click on the Links to this Post, I get the very same format as before with numbering. The only change is now when I'm posting a comment, the box is not the same as before.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Hey NLAN, I saw your post on preesi's. I only post here but love preesi's site too. Have been meaning to sign up for the grapevine too. Love your posts

Layla said...

PMGirl said... 179
Hi, I just want to go back to the ring for a sec. Kate has had it since she was in NZ last year. There was a photo from that trip of her hand with 8 little hands and the ring was on her third finger.
For those suggesting it's worth a lot ... I wouldn't be so sure, small diamond chips probably $400 at most. I also don't think her diamond necklace is overly special. I'm a lowly teacher and have bigger diamond earrings than the one she wears around her neck. With my friends we don't get bragging about diamonds till they reach the 2 carat mark
It just seems that if normal people wear a piece of jewelry that much, then there is some sentimental value attached. Wasn't there something about two diamond necklaces, and Jamie would wear one and she'd wear the other, which is kind of creepy when you think about it. And didn't she say once that she found a ring with a mother-of-pearl center surrounded by 8 diamonds? Okay, there might be some significance to that, but that's not what she wears. Considering that Steve is at her side more than Jamie, then the likelihood that he has something it do with the ring seems high.

Layla said...

Just Maybe...
I have another theory on Kate backing out of the Bermuda trip. After all, it seems, at some point, she agreed to go. Her picture was in their paper, her name was mentioned on press releases, etc.

Aside from most likely having to pay some of your own way, and making a nice donation to the charity, her "withdrawal" may have something to do with the guest list.

OK now, don't all get up in arms and all over me for suggesting this, but the country of Bermuda is majority Black. The charity was founded by a black family. The guest list for the "stars" was 99% black. I think Kate was the only white guest on the list. I am not saying Kate is racist in any way, but she has shown to be uncomfortable in any and all, social situations. She may have just realized this and it may have been an issue with her. That and her good friend from "the Talk" Holly Robinson Peete backed out too.

JM, I had that same thought, too, but didn't know if I should say something. The demographics wouldn't bother any of the rest of us, but if you think about it, have you ever known Kate to have a black friend? Or even a brunette friend, for that matter? (Other than the Asian look she likes).

She's such a c word said...

Aside from getting pop-up box to comment, all looks good to me. I can deal with it this way. Just give me the numbered posts and no threading and I'll be a happy camper.

Stop the crazies said...

Just Maybe...4 and Layla ...8

I had the same thought since the very beginning but every time I tried to write something, it just didn't sound PC or sounding like a racist. Kate has a difficult time socializing in large gatherings as it is (remember how she clung onto Steve at the Emmy's). This would be a very awkward gathering for her as she'd stand out in the crowd and not for the right reasons. ~ Administrator said...

@radiogrl43 big black bus... Our vehicle which is a sprinter but we call it BBB for short :) about an hour ago


Is she denying she had the sprinter decked out to become a Mercedes? Kate, I know that symbol.

JudyK said...

Yay, clicked on "Links to this Post" and now the old format is back, complete w/ numbers. Leaving a comment is more difficult, but I'm just happy to be close to the old format.

Layla, regarding the ring, I've thought ever since she started wearing it that it had "special meaning." I honestly would not be surprised to learn that Kate and Purse Boy are married.

Right On Target said...

Layla and Just Maybe, I think you are right. Leaving apart the issue of race (which you can't), the photo published of the organizers is the antithesis of what Kate wants to associate herself with.

Kate is a plastic, fake blonde wanna be. The organizers are overweight, unsophisticated Bermudians who appear to be fashion, and possibly grooming, challenged. Close to real people, in short, not STAHS.

Count me among those who think that the APPEARANCE (race included) of these sponsors is what made Kate back out. That and possibly having to pay her own way, or be firmly asked to "donate" to whatever this "charity" is collecting for.

I do NOT believe the Kate backed out because this is "charity" is so obviously a scam. Count me among those who are certain that "scam" means nothing to Kate if she can get a free trip away from her kids.

Dee said... (Administrator) said... 11

@radiogrl43 big black bus... Our vehicle which is a sprinter but we call it BBB for short :) about an hour ago


Is she denying she had the sprinter decked out to become a Mercedes? Kate, I know that symbol.


No, she's lying by omission, as usual.
No way is she going to tell her "fans" that she's driving a Mercedes. She knows it's a problem. ~ Administrator said...

I don't believe for a second it's the BBB anymore. She calls that thing the Mercedes.

If you go to the trouble of getting a Mercedes, usually you'll call it the Mercedes.

Kate doesn't rate said...

Stop the crazies said... 10Kate has a difficult time socializing in large gatherings as it is (remember how she clung onto Steve at the Emmy's).

I don't remember Kate clinging to Steve at the Emmys at all.

Stop the crazies said...

Kate doesn't rate...
Sorry, I didn't mean it literally. She was not seen hobnobbing and socializing with the real stars. I believe it was reported that she stayed close to Steve and talked to him all night.

Westcoaster said...

Well count me in with the group who had the same thoughts as Just Maybe - and who could not find the words or the courage to post a rather non/PC thought. From the beginning it niggled at me that this was not going to be anything comfortable for K8; her world view is not broad. AND when it became apparent that it was not going to be free, game over. If she really does not go in support of this multi-red flagged event, it will be a smart decision, but given it's K8, her thought process is cloudy. ~ Administrator said...

I noticed someone was trying to get her to get involved in the Berks Special Olympics. Kate's trying to blow them off telling them to email her the details. Sheep, please don't waste your efforts.

radiogrl43 Jackie Hoffman
@Kateplusmy8 by the way....its BERKS COUNTY Special Olympics. Monies stay here in Berks.
3 hours ago
in reply to ↑

Kate Gosselin
@radiogrl43 I was in BBB a few after 6:40 and missed it... :( but I tried
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@rdragon13 @radiogrl43 email me details-- I'm not seeing what this is; just getting twitter convo in pieces
3 hours ago

radiogrl43 Jackie Hoffman
Spending the morning working on a super huge project and (dream) @Kateplusmy8 ~ Administrator said...

I haven't written Kate off yet as to this Bermuda trip. She is still playing coy about what she is up to this long weekend. She never said she'll be home with the kids, just with the kids.

Once A Viewer said...

Judy K: Try 'open link in new window'- a different format but you can at least read the comments !

PJ's momma said...

I agree with fidosmommy regarding Paige and her mom's reaction. I took it to mean, "Go for it. Good luck with that."

How does calling something BBB instead of big black bus shorten anything? It's still three syllables. It's not shortened at all!

NJGal51 said...

Other than the posting of comments everything looks and works the same for me now using my iPad and Google. FWIW, I don't think that Kate would cancel because most attending may be black. That's really stretching it.

chefsummer #Leh said...

So how many people has Kate sucked in to going.?

JudyK said...

Stop the crazies said... 17
Kate doesn't rate...
Sorry, I didn't mean it literally. She was not seen hobnobbing and socializing with the real stars. I believe it was reported that she stayed close to Steve and talked to him all night.

Yes, it was reported that she was right by his side all night at the after party(ies).

Thanks Once a Viewer!

Westcoaster said...

Yes, good for Paige's parents - if you're old enough for college, then you're old enough to be told "fine by us, but it's on your dime." Hope they kept a straight face when she gave them the details about a week in wonderland with Kate. Note Paige seems taken aback that the funds will not be made available, but we know she's hardly mature. Oh sure Ellen DeG should be approached for these hard-luck cases, that's actually embarrassing. Honestly I really hope that by August K8's presumed stah factor has sunk so low that NONE of us care if she sails or sinks.

chefsummer #Leh said...

What sane parent wants their teen to go on a cruise with an 36 year old woman who they never met and never heard of?.

Dmasy said...

Getting used to the new format. Just glad to find all of you again.

Kate likes shiny. Kate likes new. If she is wearing the same thing with frequency, I think we can assume it has special significance.

silimom said...

Re: Paige - That's a typical parent response. "You can do x if you pay for it yourself", knowing full well that Paige won't be able to come up with the $10,000 the trip will cost, given she'll need to pay for an adult to go with her.

Did I miss something earlier where they said she could use her college fund? It didn't sound like the had from the tweet I read. I wouldn't let my kids do that, personally.

As for the new formats - I've had trouble using blogger on my iPhone for months now. I can't paste any links and if I have to go back and edit I have to click "done" on my keyboard screen then go back and move the cursor where I want it to be. As for the new format, the pop up window doesn't work well on the iphone 4. I can only see about 40 comments. So I just click on the post title which seems to work fine.

AuntieAnn said...

PatK said... 82
Maybe Kate had to give up the Bermuda gig because Gina put her foot down. lol

Kate used to call both Steve and Gina very close friends. Funny we don't hear her say that anymore.

I don't know if it was discussed here in November but I read that In Touch magazine phoned Gina to get a comment on Kate and Steevo's status and she hung up on them.

TLC stinks said...

Mercedes Benz does call it a "sprinter". It starts at $36K. Once again, Kate skirts the truth by calling it just a "sprinter" and bbb (like her old bus) and leaves out that it is a Mercedes.

Purple Skies said...

Like Joel from "The Soup" said in reference to Kate's grifting cruise...."That Ship Has Sailed". lol

This new format for posting comments is better. I like it.

Midnight Madness said...

Yesterday, after initially being able to post, I could bring up the site but not the comments


I couldn't post until now. I could read everything, but not post. I have to right click POST and click on new tab and a full white page comes up with the posts and the block. Is that was is supposed to happen? There is no pop-up box when I just click post. NOTHING happens that way.

Re: Paige. Some kids, like that one, live for the moment, unable to see the consequences if she were to use her money to see Kate. It's a case of wanting what they want and wanting it NOW. Deal with the future at another time. It would not surprise me at all if she found a way to go. The sheeple and other teens are encouraging these kids to do just that.
If the parents have any concern about her going alone on a trip and she comes up with the money, what are they going to do then? Allow her to go?

TLC stinks said...

She won't do the Berks Special Olympics unless there is something in it for her.

I doubt Gina figures into anything anymore, but perhaps Kate and Steve had a lover's spat? Most likely the recent criticism involving the cruise may be taking a toll and it would be the same for the sham charity this weekend.

silimom said...

Re: The Bermuda Trip - Did I miss something? Did Kate state she was not going to this event or are we speculating because Kate said she was with the kids this weekend?

As many have said, if Kate backed out it was probably financially related. It seems that Kate only travels if someone else picks up the tab.

This is pure speculation on my part, but as I read more about this "charity", I suspected that they would be hitting up the "celebs" for a donation. It also could be that they cancelled the event if they didn't sell enough $1000 plates. Anyway, it's no skin off my nose if she goes or doesn't. I think the "charity" is a bit questionable, so if it were me I'd do a lot more research before committing to going.

Re: iPhone and the new blogger - If you scroll down to the bottom near the comment box, you'll see a link that says "Load More". Click it and the rest of the comments come up.

JoannaNY said...

Re: Paige - That's a typical parent response. "You can do x if you pay for it yourself", knowing full well that Paige won't be able to come up with the $10,000 the trip will cost, given she'll need to pay for an adult to go with her.



She would pay $1900 for the trip, plus airfare and hotel. I know she's from Canada, but where is the extra $8,000 coming from? Aren't there economy rates/early bookings from Canada to Ft. Lauderdale which would be around $1,000 or less round trip?

AuntieAnn said...

There is no pop-up box when I just click post. NOTHING happens that way.
I think having a google account may make a difference? Everything is back to the old format (numbered comments, etc) on my screen except for the blogger pop up for commenting.

Once A Viewer said...

Interesting in the new 'ask Kate' section ( which she now filled in- someone commented some sections of her site were blank) that her answers are oh so perfect about child safety , divorce, running, Nala, phones for tweens, her cookbook....all things mentioned here !!

Just the Facts said...

silimom said... 35
Re: The Bermuda Trip - Did I miss something? Did Kate state she was not going to this event or are we speculating because Kate said she was with the kids this weekend?

As many have said, if Kate backed out it was probably financially related. It seems that Kate only travels if someone else picks up the tab.


Kate never said she was attending and never said she wasn't. Every comment about this has been pure speculation based on her name being put out as an "invited guest." If she is not going, it does not mean that she backed out. There is zero evidence that she ever intended to participate. ~ Administrator said...

The PR firm also tweeted that they would see her there, that was another clue.

Westcoaster said...

Oh for heaven's sake, WHY answer questions about the divorce, you twit - create some boundaries already, not only is this in the past, consider your children and make private things private.

AuntieAnn said...

Re: Syncairly Yours

I can't make heads or tails out of their website. You'd think there would be a bigger write up of the event. All they have is a link to the announcement.

PJ's momma said...

Wow, she even throws herself out there as a role model for divorce. How...........predictable. But since she's a role model for running, fashion, all things fitness, organization, saving money, mom of the year, world traveler, compassionate pet owner, head blogger, etc., etc., etc., why not? Really the only thing she's a role model for is how to drive people away, avoiding your kids, and grifting.

AuntieAnn said...

...her answers are oh so perfect about child safety , divorce, running, Nala, phones for tweens, her cookbook....all things mentioned here !!

I'd sure like to hear her advice to new sheeple mothers about naptimes, diaper changes and constipation problems.

readerlady said...

I'd love to see her take on all those things -- divorce, etc. -- but I'm not going to give her any hits on her web site. I'd also love to know why the kids aren't with Jon this w/e, since she had them last w/e.

BTW - I can get back in on IE, now, and like the appearance of the blog much better now that things seem to have settled down. The new comments format is a pain, but I can live with that as long as I can get in and read the blog.

In the Neighborhood said...

re: The Paige affair...

There are some parents who will just say "no" regardless. In this case, I would. If it meant that my child, even with her own money, would be sharing a cabin, or being onboard a ship with total internet strangers, I would say "no way."
Right after the Natalee Holloway incident, my friend's daughter and a few of her classmates were planning a trip to Cancun...on their own dime. Yes, they were old enough to go to college, but her parents felt really uncomfortable allowing her to go with other teens to a foreign country. They said "no," wait until you are older, and that was the end of it.

Mom of five said...

Andy Cohan named Kate Jackhole of the Week for asking people to pay to go on a cruise with her. It was at the end of Thursday night's show with Rosie O'Donnell.

Midnight Madness said...

Is it just me, or is anyone else having the posting problems? Sometimes the post link will pull up a narrow comment window, and other times nothing happens which I click "post" and I have to right lick to open the link in another tab. At that point, a full-screen white page pulls up with all of the posts and a place to comment at the bottom.
Anyone else have this happen?

TLC stinks said...

Just the Facts, it may not have come out of Kate's mouth, but the press release expressly states "... A list of “who’s who” will be in attendance at this much anticipated event of the New Year...." Kate's name is listed. It doesn't say invited, it says will be in attendance.

Midnight Madness said...

I'd sure like to hear her advice to new sheeple mothers about naptimes, diaper changes and constipation problems.


As well as for getting gum out of teddy bears, and how to pack a change of clothing for Disney or deep-sea fishing trips.

Just the Facts said...

TLC stinks said... 49
Just the Facts, it may not have come out of Kate's mouth, but the press release expressly states "... A list of “who’s who” will be in attendance at this much anticipated event of the New Year...." Kate's name is listed. It doesn't say invited, it says will be in attendance.


No, it does not. From the (poorly written) press release:

"A list of "who's who" will be in attendance at this much anticipated event of the New Year. Diamonds & Caviar will be a private event where celebs lend their talents and support to shed great light on a worthy cause. Invited guest include Health Advocate news and legal correspondent Star Jones, Emmy Nominated co-host of the award winning talk show The Doctors, Dr. Lisa Masterson, Humanitarian Holly Robinson Peete, former United States Ambassador for Health Dionne Warwick, Kate Gosselin from Kate Plus 8..." (bold mine)

boyson said...

JoannaNY said...

Re: Paige - That's a typical parent response. "You can do x if you pay for it yourself", knowing full well that Paige won't be able to come up with the $10,000 the trip will cost, given she'll need to pay for an adult to go with her.



She would pay $1900 for the trip, plus airfare and hotel. I know she's from Canada, but where is the extra $8,000 coming from? Aren't there economy rates/early bookings from Canada to Ft. Lauderdale which would be around $1,000 or less round trip?


If we calculated this trip at as rock bottom $3,000, it would take Paige nearly 6 months to come up with the money.

It's based that she takes home $8/hr at 20 hours a week. If you consider payroll deductions, she would need to make more.

She wouldn't make the May 1st payment deadline.

Who would want to allocate their entire 6 months of paychecks for this cruise?

TLC stinks said...

I have to agree with above posters that Kate may have been unaware that the Bermuda gala event is predominately African American. I bet she got a solicitation about going believing it was a freebie, and jumped on it without Steve's approval.

If the organizer of the event used Kate's name and likeness (I saw a cover about the event with her photo) without her permission, I would think she would make a stink about that. So far, silence.

librarylady said...

The PR firm also tweeted that they would see her there, that was another clue.


Yes, they said they looked forward to meeting her and to have a good flight. This was several days ago, though.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate's name is listed. It doesn't say invited, it says will be in attendance.
Kate's name is listed as Kate Gosselin from Kate Plus 8, ACTOR

Actor. haha. As in "not even a real mom"?

They should have said GRIFTER anyway.

I doubt if she'll show.

Done and done said...

Kate's Q&A Part 1

1. Q: How to best survive a divorce with children? How do I keep up my spirit? What motto to keep me going?
-Nicole from Norway

A: Hi Nicole – My best advice to you: **keep on going. Literally, get up everyday and keep putting one foot in front of the other. I remember feeling numb, thinking “why is the whole world going on as usual when mine is crashing around me?” and that is normal.
**It is of utmost importance to keep your kids protected, safe and surrounded by your love. They need to know about changes that affect them but nothing more than a child should know. It’s important that you remind them daily that this is a “big person” problem and that it is NOT their fault. Remind them that both of you still love them. Make sure you are especially trust worthy because divorce causes kids to feel distrustful. Reprove yourself to your kids if need be.
**You will feel scared! Embrace it, learn from it and become stronger because of it.
Bottom line – You will get through it with some difficult and painful memories but focusing on survival for yourself, peace for your kids and following your heart will guide you through!

2. Q: What happened to Nala?

A: Hi Mel – When life got crazy here, I knew that Nala and Shoka weren’t getting the attention they needed so I asked the breeder to take them back so that their needs were being met while I focused on my kids. We all missed them and I knew I needed to try to bring them back, but because Nala and Shoka were a difficult pair together, I knew I could only bring back Shoka. It took me awhile to realize that one dog is better than none :) and bringing Shoka home was one of the best decisions I have ever made! Shoka is so laid back and happy being the “king of the mountain” here! He is a part of our family now forever.
We will never forget Nala and still miss her a lot but I know my limits and what works best for us! We receive updates periodically and know that Nala is happy and doing very well with another family.

3. Q: In an episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 you talked about at that time what career you thought each of your children would end up in. It has been a few years since then, do you still know what careers you think they will end up in or what you think would be suited to them? Do you think any will have the same career?

A: I don’t quite remember what I had said as far as my kids and their future careers, but here’s a guess now -
Cara – teacher
Mady – vet or something with acting/producing etc. She writes scripts and “produces” plays from our basement nearly daily :)
Alexis – vet
Aaden – not sure…
Collin – architect
Hannah – teacher or a CEO of a company :)
Leah – not sure…
Joel – pilot

4. Q: I weigh 171, is that too much weight to start running? Also, which of your playlist would you recommend for just starting out running?

A: Hi Brandy – if you can’t run, start by walking! Do something! As you see the weight coming off it will inspire you to keep going and eventually you will be running and loving it! I challenge you to start today… In fact, as soon as you finish reading this blog! Put those running shoes on and start melting that weight away! :) YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Done and done said...

Kate Q&A Part 2

5. Q: I was just wondering if you have considered doing a cookbook? Your meals always sound so delicious and healthy, would love it if you shared the wealth :)

A: I have considered and worked on one. I do indeed hope to get one put together very soon! It’s on my “need to do list!”
I have many great ideas to include that small and large families will love… Stay tuned…

6. Q: Hi, i was wondering if Mady and Cara have phones?
If, so what age did they get them?

A: I have a feeling this question came from a tweenie who is lobbying for her own phone? :)
Mady and Cara do have phones but only because they spend some weekends with their dad and because they are involved in lots of different after school activites so it would be hard to keep track of them otherwise.
If they don’t keep their rooms clean or their phones distract them from completing their homework, however, I take them from them until their chores/homework are completed. I also have their phones very “parental controlled” so that I have access to them at any time. I have very strict phone rules to protect my kids and keep them safe! Good luck! :)

7. Q/A from Molly

Favorite color: pink, of course
Favorite TV Show: Dexter
Favorite Movie: Sound of Music, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman
Favorite Musician/Singer: Taylor Swift (need I say more?;)
Favorite Sport on TV: I’ll watch football if I have to… Does that count?
Favorite Holiday: Christmas and 4th of July
Favorite Vacation Ever Taken: Australia/New Zealand trip, oh and Hawaii
Favorite Episode Ever Shot: too many to mention.. Inside Kate’s World was most touching because it was most honest and real… But so many favorites!

8. Q: Hi Kate! I just had my first baby on October 20th, 2011 :) My favorite time of the day is when I get to rock him to sleep in my rocking chair. :) I watched your show alot and I always wondered how you put 6 babies to sleep for the first year? -Natalie

A: Hi Natalie – I couldn’t rock each of them to sleep, obviously, so they learned young to put themselves to sleep. I always marveled what it would be like to be able to rock my (one!) baby to sleep, but obviously I didn’t have the opportunity to learn! I used to walk from crib to crib popping paci’s (pacifiers) back into mouths and patting “hineys” til they each fell asleep… This took an hour sometimes!!!! So, lucky you that you can do the rocking chair/snuggle thing! :)
Congrats and Good luck to you!


Done and done said...

Not too much to criticize regarding Kate's answers. I do, however, think it's very strange that she said she never had a chance to learn how to rock her babies to sleep. I guess I understand with the tups, but she never rocked the twins to sleep one at a time? So much for mothering skills.

Gift of grab said...

Here's a link to an article that explains in more detailed fashion the terms and conditions of Kate's cruise:

Interesting. So if SHE cancels, you can get back some portion of the fare that was allotted to her appearance. Not clear how much, though. However, if she cancels, you cannot cancel and get a full refund. Oh and it mentions kids again, but no specifics. I wonder if this is just a lure, and that there is no intention of having any of the kids along.

Miloandjack has struck again, putting out some uncomfortable questions about Kate's accessibility during the cruise:

@Kateplusmy8 Re: CRUISE Kate...will everyone have the same dining rm as U have in the evening? "Eat W/Kate sounds fun!" :)

If she had READ the program, she would know this isn't happening (Kate only meal commitments are a private BBQ and an "optional" farewell dinner--whatever that means). Sometimes I wonder if mandj isn't a hater in sheep's clothing. Apparently milo's hubby is not yet sold on booking the trip, so she's been asking Kate to provide some arguments to "convince" him. She's really sort of pathetic.

Dallas Lady said...

Huh, her divorce advice would have been really nice if she had actually followed it.

And note she didn't say "and don't badmouth your soon to be ex in front of the kids."

Right On Target said...

NJGal51 said...

FWIW, I don't think that Kate would cancel because most attending may be black. That's really stretching it.


I don't think that's ALL there is to it, if she's cancelled. I think it's also that the organizers don't appear to be the "class" Kate aspires to.

They look very ordinary. No upscale clothing, no styling, no slim bodies, no "celebrity" appearance. Nothing that would say "wealth" or "celebrity" to Kate, who, as someone else has pointed out, has a very limited world view.

Just the Facts, it's perfectly reasonable to assume that Kate originally intended to go to this event (and may still), since she did not deny it once the public notice was out. She's allowed her name to continue to be used in connection with it.

She could have denied any connection to this event, either by having the organizers take her name off the materials, or through her Twitter feed and blog. She chose to do none of these things.

HollyMo said...

5. Q: I was just wondering if you have considered doing a cookbook? Your meals always sound so delicious and healthy, would love it if you shared the wealth :)

A: I have considered and worked on one. I do indeed hope to get one put together very soon! It’s on my “need to do list!”
I have many great ideas to include that small and large families will love… Stay tuned…

Is this a joke? kHate's menu Monday recipes don't sound healthy AT ALL (with the exception of the 'vege' burger puke fest).
And once again, she neglects to mention that she did write a cookbook and it was canned before it ever hit the shelves.

I "love" the fact that she listed Hawaii as one of her favorite vacations - what a b*tch! Mommy and Daddy will always be together...

Right On Target said...

NJGal51 said...

FWIW, I don't think that Kate would cancel because most attending may be black. That's really stretching it.


I don't think that's ALL there is to it, if she's cancelled. I think it's also that the organizers don't appear to be the "class" Kate aspires to.

They look very ordinary. No upscale clothing, no styling, no slim bodies, no "celebrity" appearance. Nothing that would say "wealth" or "celebrity" to Kate, who, as someone else has pointed out, has a very limited world view.

Just the Facts, it's perfectly reasonable to assume that Kate originally intended to go to this event (and may still), since she did not deny it once the public notice was out. She's allowed her name to continue to be used in connection with it.

She could have denied any connection to this event, either by having the organizers take her name off the materials, or through her Twitter feed and blog. She chose to do none of these things.

Right On Target said...

Gaaaah! Hate this commenting change. Couldn't tell which post I was responding to.

She is a Cow said...

Just the facts...

This is a quote from the January 6th Bermuda Sun. There was also a picture of Kate with the article.

The likes of Star Jones, Wendy Raquel Robinson, Kate Gosselin, Salt n Pepa, Lance Gross, Brian White, Holly Robinson Peete and many more are scheduled to attend the gala.

Her name was also announced on a few radio promos and on the evening news. Last night was the first time it was left out, which is why I posted that she probably backed out.

There is also the tweet from the PR firm. I think she agreed to attend and then backed out for whatever reason.

Marie said...

Favorite Episode Ever Shot: too many to mention.. Inside Kate’s World was most touching because it was most honest and real… But so many favorites!

"Most Honest?" I am not the only one who found this statement alone as truly odd? Sounds terribly fishy to me in a way...

Pulling The Wool said...

The Bermuda Sun reports:

"Celebrities Star Jones, Lance Gross and Kate Gosselin will be at a star-studded Diamonds and Caviar Gala next Saturday night, hosted by the Syncairly Yours Foundation. Jones is known for her work on The View, Gross stars in hit TV show House of Payne and Gosselin was the star of John and Kate Plus Eight"

BM's blog says that she will be in attendance. Doesn't BM know everything Kate Gosselin? ;)

Pulling The Wool said...

Sorry, Cow...I was trying to get the comments section to work when you were posting the same thing as I was!

TLC stinks said...

It would be a PR disaster for Kate if she backed out because the gala is African-American. Let's see what excuse she pulls out (I need to spend time with my kids, I am sick, the kids are sick, etc.)

mom of the year said...

Midnight Madness said... 50

I'd sure like to hear her advice to new sheeple mothers about naptimes, diaper changes and constipation problems.


As well as for getting gum out of teddy bears, and how to pack a change of clothing for Disney or deep-sea fishing trips.


And how to slap your child when she needs you on a long, horrible plane ride you forced her to go on to support your extravagant lifestyle.

All this new advice on her blog counts as more lies. She's hoping people will forget how she actually treats her children, and accept this drivel as history.

Kate apparently knows how mothers *should* behave, she just doesn't care enough to do it herself.

fidosmommy said...

Could Milo be on pain meds that cause
her to sound kind of needy? I know they affect different people all kinds of ways. They just make me sleep, but a good friend of mine becomes mouthy and mean, not happy about anything. I've seen some older people sitting up in bed having conversations with themselves. Now that was strange.

Twittering and a Twattering said...

Apparently milo's hubby is not yet sold on booking the trip, so she's been asking Kate to provide some arguments to "convince" him. She's really sort of pathetic.


Didn't Milo say a few days ago that she doesn't know how anyone would be able to stand her for that length of time on a cruise, considering how much of a pest she is on Twitter?

If Kate's smart, she won't encourage Milo's hubby to let her go.

Layla said...

I just got home from the post office, and while I was in the parking lot one of the Mercedes vans pulled up next to me, and my jaw just dropped. Holy smokes, that is one huge van! It seemed excessive, even for a family of 9. But then, Kate loves all things excessive, so I guess it makes sense. I'm surprised M-B would put out something so vulgar.

I like the "Jack Hole" comment. So, she's being called a Jack Hole on TV, and added to AC's Ridiculist...somehow I think the celeb crown looksat her with complete contempt and disgust. And yet she wants to be accepted by them so badly, and wants to BE one of them so much it hurts. Kind of like she's the loser chick who wants to be one of the popular girls in high school. Does she realize that they're laughing at her and making fun of her? Is she so pathetic that she's grateful for any attention they will pay her, no matter how humiliating? She's a laughing stock, and I really think that's okay with her, as long as she's not ignored.

Layla said...

Whoa, that was supposed to say "celeb crowd looks at her", now "celeb crown looksat her". It's Friday--I get a little brain dead at the end of the week. Sorry!

Annie2 said...

She would pay $1900 for the trip, plus airfare and hotel. I know she's from Canada, but where is the extra $8,000 coming from? Aren't there economy rates/early bookings from Canada to Ft. Lauderdale which would be around $1,000 or less round trip?


She is under 21 so by RC rules, she would have to take an adult with her. You also have to add in the fuel surcharge of $70/day per person, drinks, and other incidental charges. And you have port fees, shore excursion charges, souvenirs exc. It can easily cost $10,000 for two people to go on a cruse when it all adds up.

JoannaNY said...

She is under 21 so by RC rules, she would have to take an adult with her. You also have to add in the fuel surcharge of $70/day per person, drinks, and other incidental charges. And you have port fees, shore excursion charges, souvenirs exc. It can easily cost $10,000 for two people to go on a cruse when it all adds up.


Paige is one person. Even if Paige would have another person in her cabin, she's not going to pay for that person, and her parents certainly wouldn't go, so $10,000 that Paige would need to come up with (in the original comment) isn't accurate. Of course, for two people, the cost could exceed that amount. However, there are only two shore excursions, and one is included in the Kate rate, and the agency states that port charges, fees, and gratuities are included.

Someone on another thread questioned how it is known that Kate is being paid for each person who books, saying that she could receive a flat fee for the trip. Cruise Critic put out this, which says that she is being paid for each person who books (last paragraph):

She is a Cow said...

I think Kate has one question she asks before attending an event and that is, What's in it for me?

I think as some have said. She probably heard a few key words like diamonds, caviar, Bermuda, gala and said sure, I'll go to that. Then more details became clear to her. She might have to pay her airfare. She is expected to make a donation. She isn't going to get an appearance fee. It isn't the A-list crowd she expected. There is not going to be a huge amount of publicity surrounding the event.

After realizing all of this, she backed out.

I said, when I first heard of this that she would have nothing to offer this charity. They may say, they want to raise awareness and bring new ideas to the table, but as others have said, there are existing charities that already do that for pre-mature births.

Kate can't relate to their problems. She has had it very easy since the birth of the sextuplets. What is she going to talk to them about? Her three new cars, her new pool deck, her recent trip to Australia to hug a koala. She is a social moron, who has nothing to offer.

I do think Kate would be put off when realizing that she would be one of the few white people attending. I think that would throw her for a loop. JMO

Also, Black Bermudians do not like to be referred to as African-Americans, because they are not American. They are referred to as Black or Native. But there are white natives too. :)

Jane said...

What's this about? She's headed to LA? Admin - if so, please drop by :)

Guests @TheGroveLA Thurs 1/19 1:30PM @jason_omara 2PM #KateGosselin @Kateplusmy8 Fri 1/20 2:30PM #BradGarrett

HollyMo said...

She is a cow, I am pretty sure that no matter what the situation is "She is a social moron, who has nothing to offer" will apply!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...

Mom of five said... 47

Andy Cohan named Kate Jackhole of the Week for asking people to pay to go on a cruise with her. It was at the end of Thursday night's show with Rosie O'Donnell.

I haven't found it on a video clip at their website, but they have a pic and a little blurb about it:

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...


I can finally see your comments, and I can post mine as well.

Progress :o)

Dee said... (Administrator) said... 19

I noticed someone was trying to get her to get involved in the Berks Special Olympics. Kate's trying to blow them off telling them to email her the details. Sheep, please don't waste your efforts.


Yeah, sure. Kate would be a great one for the Special Olympics. Good ole Kate, who whined that one of her sons wasn't "perfect" because he needed glasses.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Looking at the way Kate has carelessly been treating her sheeple, I wonder how many of the ones that have a propensity for depression, will go over the edge?

There have been a few comments that would be considered worrisome,
and Kate shows absolutely no concern.

I hope it does not happen, but sadly, it would not be a surprise to hear of a sheeple causing harm to him/herself, or to Kate.

cwgirlup75 said...

TLC stinks said... 34

I doubt Gina figures into anything anymore, but perhaps Kate and Steve had a lover's spat? Most likely the recent criticism involving the cruise may be taking a toll and it would be the same for the sham charity this weekend.

I'm with you in thinking that Gina has nothing to do with Kate and Steve anymore. I'm sure she's kicked his ass to the curb by now.

I don't think Kate and/or Steve would give a damn about criticism. I'm sure if she doesn't go (which I am still on the fence about) it will be because she was expected to contribute money.

Amy2 said...

If Kate backs out of the cruise, does she still get paid?

LaLaLandNoMore said...

This delusional woman does "lie by omission." Of course she needs a Mercedes van. Why, we'll never know, but it's all for the kids, don't you know? Sickening, really. We shouldn't even know what she drives. She needs to go away and raise those kids by herself. Remember, the ones that made her famous, the ones she planned to have to become famous.

Once A Viewer said...

Ha, so Hannah is going to be CEO of a big company?? Blatant favoritism- must be hard for the others, especially Alexis and Leah...

Ex Nurse said...

Special Olympics
This would be a great opportunity for Kate to rehab her image. And, given how fortunate she was that the tups are so healthy, her interest in physical fitness, her RN education and the local ties, this would be a natural fit. The Special Olympics is a fantastic organization. Almost 100% of revenues are from foundations, individuals and government grants. And, participation in events are free for the athletes.

No BS "raising awareness" missions. No cruises, vodka and caviar fundraisers--just old-fashioned community-based spaghetti dinners and polar swimming events!

If Kate participates in the Berkshire County Special Olympics, in a significant way, (suggestion--sponsoring a track event), I will donate the $100.00 that I offered to admin towards a Kate cruise(last chance, admin), to the Pennsylvania Special Olympics. Maybe she can get her fellow Pennsylvanian and good friend, Taylor Swift, to lend her support, too!

Special Olympics PA website:

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...

Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Dinner conversation... Question from Collin 'how do you become King like Martin Luther did?' Awww I love my kids...
5 minutes ago

These kids will be EIGHT years old soon and they don't know who Dr. Martin Luther King is, and a little bit about him???

OR, maybe Khate made it up and tweeted that because she read some of the comments here about how she would probably be uncomfortable at the Bermuda event being one of the few white people there.

Stop the crazies said...

Great observation NLAN...88 (just wish the comment wasn't #88).

Tamara said...

I was trying to figure out why in the hell VELEZ-MITCHELL would bring Jon, a PRIVATE CITIZEN, into it when it hit me: without Jon's name and photo most of the viewers would have no idea who Kate Gosselin is.

HollyMo said...

Once A Viewer has left a new comment on the post "Kate wraps up conference with in L...":

Ha, so Hannah is going to be CEO of a big company?? Blatant favoritism- must be hard for the others, especially Alexis and Leah...
I feel bad for Leah and Aaden - she doesn't even KNOW what they might be when they grow up.

NLAN said...

OR, maybe Khate made it up and tweeted that because she read some of the comments here about how she would probably be uncomfortable at the Bermuda event being one of the few white people there.
Once again, you really hit the nail on the head.
Certainly the story can't be true or it would reflect poorly on their expensive and exclusive private school. You would think they would have discussed this since the holiday is Monday!

pity party said...

Funny, all thru the years Aad was the "professor," and poor little L has always been "just little and/or cute," yet she was the first to master talking and still has the best vocabulary. I swear she hardly knows her own kids. Ask Jon that question and he would give an informative answer.

I can't believe the kids are in an academically advanced school and would ask a question like that - there is no telling what her answer was.


anger issues kate said...

Jane: I read that at their web-site Extra tv: Kate is listed for 2pm at the Grove in LA next thursday the 19 of Jan. The Grove is a shopping mall. Kate is trin to make the talk rounds to promote the cruise. I would not be surprised if she turned up on the View. Kate is very quiet about this, so far. Another week and weekend away from the kids?

librarylady said...

Yep, yet another trip. What would you call this "career"?


You never know who may pop-up at The Grove (LA) or where Mario and Maria (Extra) will be conducting their next big celebrity interview. Come down to The Grove and be a part of the Hollywood scene today!

*This week's guests include:

Thursday, Jan. 19: Jason O'Mara (1:30 PM); Kate Gosselin (2:00 PM)

*Times and locations subject to change

Read more:

Pity Party said...

Beth used to take Aa into a quiet room and rock him to sleep, because he was "wiry" and could not relax. (MB) I am sure all of the babies were rocked, just not by KT.

Pity Party said...

Of course Kate's World would be her favorite episode.

SeeSaw said...

Re the Special Olympics: I believe the woman tweeting her is Jackie Hoffman, who is the morning DJ on Y-102 in Reading. I think that's the only reason Kate even responded to her tweet.

PA Parent Anonymous said...

These kids will be EIGHT years old soon and they don't know who Dr. Martin Luther King is, and a little bit about him???


If he (or they) don't know who Dr. King was, then they haven't been paying attention in school, because they learned about him last year, and this year, and the reason that Monday is a holiday. ~ Administrator said...

Guys, Kate is ACTIVELY encouraging one of her most unstable fans to come on this cruise:

@MiloandJack ok, you're killin me with loooong drawn out suspense... Come on lights out man... Just say yes!! 52 minutes ago ~ Administrator said...

Of course their school teaches it. Almost all schools teach about Martin Luther King in anticipation of this weekend. I thought Collin's "king" thing was a joke actually. He's a funny guy. Kate is very literal and probably took him seriously. ~ Administrator said...

I "lol" at the Inside Kate's World is my favorite, too. Of course it wasn't some cutesy little episode with the kids like the Pumpkin Patch episode.

Hmm which episode is my favorite? Which episode was mostly all about me and all the interviews were other people talking all about me? Yeah, that one, that's the one I love!

New York State of Mind said...

@MiloandJack tell him it's my dream to meet you... And him.. Lol lol lol that'll get him! :)

Careful, have no idea who you are dealing with here. You may be joking, but to an unstable, obsessive fan, this could spell disaster.
She (Kate) is so dumb...

O said...

I hope it was a joke..when they visited Philly, none of them including Kate knew too much about US History, although that was a while ago....

O said...

I hope it was a joke..when they visited Philly, none of them including Kate knew too much about US History, although that was a while ago....

O said...

I hope it was a joke..when they visited Philly, none of them including Kate knew too much about US History, although that was a while ago....

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Kate really is a huge mess right now. Trying to find a niche- blogs, CC, cruise where she has completely gone overboard encouraging fans to attend, marathons with question marks of what occurred. Bermuda or not Bermuda. I don't think she has a clue what she is doing unless it has $$$ signs for her, which is not always the best way to go. She couldn't even promote the Red Cross properly, as she is an idiot.

Without TLC's constant guidance, Kate doesn't have a clue. They managed her craziness for years, but now, her desperation is showing. She is shameless, but without the TLC buffer, she is truly floundering.

I hope the kids survive Kate's shamelessness, as they do not deserve this after all they have been through.

Here's a clue Kate- Get a job, you are Z list, and your efforts to continue the fame tour are failing miserably.

She marketed herself as being a super mom; try actually being one for once Kate. Your kids don't need fame, they need a mom who puts them first once and for all. Your 15 minutes are over. ~ Administrator said...

Funny, all thru the years Aad was the "professor," and poor little L has always been "just little and/or cute," yet she was the first to master talking and still has the best vocabulary. I swear she hardly knows her own kids.


I totally agree about Leah's vocabulary. She's a very bright little girl. I even put in my RV recap about when Leah was just calmly taking about how she was "claustrophobic" last night because she was all wrapped up tight in her sleeping bag. She said the word perfectly, and used it correctly. Not bad for a seven year old. If anyone will be CEO, it's her.

So, Hanna will be CEO and everyone else will be paying off expensive vet school loans. Love it.

Also? 90% of kids want to be vets someday. Kids love animals usually and so a kid thinks, I'll always love animals so how do I make sure animals are always around--yes, a vet! It's cute, but they'll grow up and realize a dog or cat in the home is sufficient and go to college to become other things. Highly doubt more than one of them will seriously want to become vets. ~ Administrator said...

She's flying all the way back to LA during the middle of the school week just to do a 90 second TV spot with Extra? Really, Kate. Really. ~ Administrator said...

I recall Philly some of them didn't know the president, right?

I can't blame the kids at that stage of things--they were filming every weekend just like Kate admitted, nannies were raising them, they were being carted on trips during a very busy time of year (TWO big trips in December to Philly and Australia), mom and dad were duking it out in court, and it must have been just exhausting on the poor things. I'd blank on who the president is too. I hope hope things are much more relaxed for them now as opposed to this time last year.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

102- I rest my case. She is clueless
and shameful. Great role model. ~ Administrator said...

Typically in the examples I posted, an obsessed fan reaches out for contact with gifts or letters. Usually, the celebrity responds in a kind manner the first one or two times. Jodi Foster talked to her stalker on the phone, Paltrow spoke to her stalker, John Lennon signed autographs for his.

Then, the contact continues and continues. At this point, ALL the celebrities that I know of except Kate realize that this is weird, a problem, over the top, and DANGEROUS and then cut off contact. Some of them were still killed or hurt, sadly. Others of them succeeded in getting their stalker convicted. Other stalkers killed themselves. Some finally just went away.

Kate is absolutely at that point with this fan where she needs to cut off contact and hope that no one gets hurt or killed, hope for the best. Instead, she does what no celeb I know of has ever done before, she encourages MORE and MORE contact!

We know what happens when celebs cut off contact--some get hurt or killed, others make it through. What happens when a celeb ENCOURAGES this obsessive behavior? God only knows, and we're watching it play out right here.

And, what happens when you cut off contact after encouraging it soooo much like Kate has? Again, God only knows and we're watching it play out.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...

(I really wish we could go back to the old way of commenting)

=================================== (Administrator) said... 108

She's flying all the way back to LA during the middle of the school week just to do a 90 second TV spot with Extra? Really, Kate. Really.

Exactly what I was thinking! Remember last Fall when she started at Coupon Crappers and CC arranged for her to promote it on Extra by having Khate meet their NY correspondent at a hotel in PA for the taping?

She could easily do something like that again, or just go into NYC to tape this spot promoting the cruise.

Any GOOD mother would ask them to make those arrangements rather than taking off for a couple of days midweek when the kids have school, homework, and activities. But, not Khate! She must be THRILLED to pieces she gets another free trip, a couple of days away with Skeve, and I guess at least one night in a hotel.

So, who's paying for this, Alice Travel? They're picking up the tab for Skeve to accompany her too? Weird.

Marie said...

You know what I hear a lot from Kate that has finally chaffed my nerves?

It's always somehow about her. "My goals for the kids, my dreams. My wants, my idea, my vision."

It is absolutely sickening to me that one person can be so much about themselves. It almost seems like a big disconnection to the fact that her kids are separate people, not extensions of herself.

I fear as the kids get older this will drive Kate all the more crazy. I mean, all throughout the show I don't think, if rarely I heard her refer to her kids by name in interviews but as, "the big girls, the twins, the little kids, the six, the boy, the little girls." No mention of individuality.

I know it's so hard to diagnose narcissism for whatever the reason but could this be anything other than narcissism?

She is a Cow said...

Out of curiosity, who will pay for Kate to fly around and promote this cruise, if that is what she is promoting.

I doubt Alice Travel will spend the money on airfare and hotel for a 2 minute spot on Extra. The cruiseline isn't handling her bookings or promotion, so who pays to promote it, Kate?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

New York State of Mind said...

@xxxxxxxxxxx tell him it's my dream to meet you... And him.. Lol lol lol that'll get him! :)

Careful, have no idea who you are dealing with here. You may be joking, but to an unstable, obsessive fan, this could spell disaster.
She (Kate) is so dumb...


Oh yes, xxxxxxxxxxx. Nothing turns a man on more than hearing that it's Kate's dream to meet him and his wife.

After what Kate did to her husband,
I doubt any man wants to go near her.

Wow, Kate sure thinks she's God's gift to the world.

She is a Cow said...

NLAN, I guess we were both asking the same question at the same time.

Why can't she Skype like so many others do? ~ Administrator said...

Kate really doesn't have a clue how mediocre these people must be in real life. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just think she has this fantasy that all her fans are like the beautiful sane people she brushes shoulders with at Coupon Cabin or the Oscars or DWTS.

It's just....not gonna be like that. It's not going to be her fantasy of this picturesque gathering where she is the star and all her little angels surround her. ~ Administrator said...

Apparently someone has written a coding work around to go back to the old format. I will try it and see how it goes. Bear with me if the blog is a bit screwy for a short while.

People are ticked about this around the web, all from people who get more than 200 comments. The "high rollers" of the blog world are annoyed by this change. I knew someone would be smart enough to write a work around.

NJGal51 said...

Well I was gone all day and now blog is back to crap style. See you tomorrow hopefully. I can't get anything to load so I give up and I'm going to have a glass of wine

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...

Okay, now I see that "Load More" at the bottom that everyone was talking about but I wasn't here for.

I like having this comment box back. It's a whole lot easier than all the extra steps that the pop up box needed.

The font for the comments is different. I can deal with it, but I liked the older one better.

Blogger really SUCKS for the way they handled this. They should have warned people, and provided an opt-out.

Thanks for trying to help us out with it, Admin. I;m sure it's been frustrating and time consuming.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...

Oh sheesh, now I see how much that "Load More" feature sucks. After I submitted my comment, it brought me back to some point where not all the comments were loaded. I had to keep clicking on "Load More" to get to the last comment.


Blogger SUCKS for unilaterally messing with people's blogs. You shouldn't be forced to change it, especially when it was working just fine!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

@Kateplusmy8 I love you and your kids. I had watched ur show since u were pregnant with the sextuplets and I have all your books. <3

The film crew was in her bedroom for the duration of her 60 weeks on bed rest? ;-) ~ Administrator said...

No luck trying to get the work around to work. Darn.

With the number of people complaining on their official blog, I'm keeping the faith that blogger will allow an opt out option soon.

Again, please take the time to complain to them so they know their new brilliant idea doesn't work for big blogs like us. ~ Administrator said...

@MiloandJack ok, you're killin me with loooong drawn out suspense


Translation: It's killing me not to know whether you're going to make me $500 richer.

In the Neighborhood said...

Oh sheesh, now I see how much that "Load More" feature sucks. After I submitted my comment, it brought me back to some point where not all the comments were loaded. I had to keep clicking on "Load More" to get to the last comment.


I don't mind change, if change is for the good, and if that change is consistent. Now I am seeing the weird, funky font with no line spacing, no "new" option, with a load more option on the bottom. That feature doesn't work. I also have a comment block at the end of the post, but when I click on post comment, nothing happens. I had to go around to create a link feature, which took me to old posts, but no place to comment.
I'm not sure I can handle this!!

cathy518 said...

My daughter has wanted to be a vet for as long as I can remember. She is an animal science major at Cornell University now, in her junior year with a 4.0 GPA. She worked incredibly hard all through High School to get admitted there too. Still, there are only 26 vet schools in the country and Cornell is ranked number one so it is by no means a sure bet that she'll get in to their College of Veterinary Medicine as they accept only 8-14 studentsfrom their undergraduate college each year. Every summer she has spent doing internships, working with animals and hasn't really had a block of time off since starting college. It takes tremendous sacrifice to become a vet. I share this not because I am bragging (ok, I am so proud of her that I may be bragging a little) but because if the Gosselin children are going to achieve their dreams whether it is to be a Vet or not, they need support and someone to focus on them to help them get there. I really think that these kids will face a harsh reality when as approaching adulthood, the are not given things because of their being a multiple. I don't see Kate as supporting their schooling or education. The most basic thing is to read to your children, which I can't recall Kate ever doing. It is frustrating for me to see this because so many of the Gosselins appear to be bright kids, yet their mother represents a role model of being a Barbie Doll who is mostly concerned with her appearance.

AuntieAnn said...

A: Hi Natalie – I couldn’t rock each of them to sleep, obviously, so they learned young to put themselves to sleep.

Oh that's a steaming pile of crap. You'd think she'd given birth to twelve babies. Lazy is why she couldn't rock them. ~ Administrator said...

I found the rocking comment bizarre too. Also, what mother wouldn't feel just terribly deprived of bonding to never rock their baby???? WTF.

I can see how it would take four hours to rock six babies and wouldn't be doable every night. But is there a reason she can't rock two one night, two the next night, and two the third night. Touch from your mother at that stage is so incredible crucial. And frankly, might explain some of the kids' behaviors. Is there a reason you can't put one baby in one arm and one in the other, and have daddy rock two too, and then at least four of them get rocked? Switch the next night.

Six babies at a time, is of course, absolutely no reason not to rock them for pity sake.

Westcoaster said...

Given the 4+ hour nap schedule, I imagine they all learned to rock themselves to sleep. On another front Extra is paying expenses x2 for Grifter Mom to fly to CA to promote this cruise? Something smells off.

Annie2 said...

Or, you can rock two during mid morning nap, two during mid afternoon nap and two at night. You would still have time to get chores done while babies sleep.

fidosmommy said...

Re: rocking multiples

You'd think this would have been one of the things she would have asked
Becki Dilley or the McCaughey's about when she was drooling over their
HOMs. I'm guessing they managed to
rock all their babies every day.

fidosmommy said...

Re: rocking multiples

You'd think this would have been one of the things she would have asked
Becki Dilley or the McCaughey's about when she was drooling over their
HOMs. I'm guessing they managed to
rock all their babies every day.

fidosmommy said...

Re: rocking multiples

You'd think this would have been one of the things she would have asked
Becki Dilley or the McCaughey's about when she was drooling over their
HOMs. I'm guessing they managed to
rock all their babies every day. ~ Administrator said...

Cathy, good for your daughter!

They say being a vet is harder than being a doctor. Because you don't just have to learn human anatomy and all the various diseases and so on, you have to know anatomy and physicality of all kinds of species that you will see--dogs, cat, ferrets, birds, mice.

You can't just turn a kid over to the fate of the wind if that kid wishes to be a doctor, vet, or anything like that, and hope it all works out. Because, it won't work out.

fidosmommy said...

OK, I pushed the publish button ONCE.
Not 3 times. Once. ~ Administrator said...

Even Diane Sawyer managed to rock a few Dilleys in her day. ~ Administrator said...

I highly, highly doubt Extra is paying for her expenses to fly out. It's a myth shows do that, most don't. I worked for a major cable TV station everyone has on their basic cable lineup--guests would ask all the time wait a minute you're not going to pay for me to be on? Our answer was no. We'd go broke if we paid expenses of everyone who is on.

Who is paying it is probably whoever she is there to promote. Most likely CouponCabin don't ya think? If not the cruise. Coupon Cabin probably arranged a business meeting or two out there with an affiliate and can write the trip off.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...

Star Jones just tweeted from the party in Bermuda:

StarJonesEsq Star Jones
AWWWWW YEAH! Gombey Band in full effect. In Bermuda this weekend with my girls. About to ACT UP! LOL
42 minutes ago

Star Jones
StarJonesEsq Star Jones
the "warriors">“@bdashorts: which gombey troop is that @StarJonesEsq?”
5 minutes ago


Click that link in the first tweet to see the pic.

Tamara said...

She has never known much, if anything depending on the kid, about her children. I remember that as being one of my big red flags that here was a mother who is not fit to be a mother. Hell, she's not fit to be the owner and caretaker of a hamster!

Admin, you should do a round up of everytime, I guess from different episodes, when Kate has absolutely nothing to say to describe her her kids beyond how they look physically. Other than that, any time she speaks about one of her kids as an individual it is 9 out of 10 times negative. Pointing out something that she doesn't like about them, or that is "wrong" with them. When they first started half day pre-school she was asked about them and had nothing to say. Except Hannah of course.

I did find it funny that by the time they were living at the Konpound Hannah was firmly a daddy's girl.

You know you are a crap mother and that there is something incredibly wrong in your world when people who watched your children lives on television, in half hour to an hour, highly edited bits, know more about them than you do.

AuntieAnn said...

And imagine, from our cabins we can help him by all yelling 'LIGHTS OUT'! Lol

She sounds like a 13-year-old making plans for a big ol pajama party with her tweeties.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate is so disgustingly out of touch. She really does not give a dam about her fans.

So what if they can't all afford taking the cruise- just "Do it, Do it, Do it!"

The best thing to come out of this grifting stunt is that her fan base will be thinned out even more. Unfortunately, the remaining fans are the psycho ones that will cause her harm.

Truly unfortunate.

TLC ship is sinking said...

When I worked at a childcare center, the infant teacher and I could rock four infants to sleep at a time. We had one baby in our arms (usually the ones having the most trouble sleeping) and were rocking another one in this baby rocking seat that we would move with our feet. Two babies per teacher. As they fell asleep, the infant teacher would transfer them carefully to their assigned crib and somehow knew how to do it without waking them up. Never was there a time she or any other teacher would let a fussy baby cry themselves to just didn't work with other babies sleeping in the crib room.

Did Kate forget she had another parent there to help her then or has she forgotten she wasn't always a single mom?

Why does it always seem Kate does things that suit her needs, not her kids' needs? Or what's easiest for her, not what's better for them?

Kate not knowing or have an inkling for some of her kids' possible future careers is somewhat telling...she doesn't know based on their personality, character, and interests? If her own kids don't know (which I've seen in some kids), maybe now is a good time to expand their interests and for them to discover what they like or are really good at. Spend the money on their life experiences, not focus on her own. She's lucky she has the wealth to do this for her kids, unlike some kids I've worked with whose only options are free extracurricular programs that have limited enrollment. Even then, some don't join because they have no one to pick them up...parents work long hours (and their neighborhood isn't safe to walk home by themselves). ~ Administrator said...

I did find it funny that by the time they were living at the Konpound Hannah was firmly a daddy's girl.


She is, I find this funny too. Also, suck it Kate. The golden child really seems to prefer Jon. In the last few episodes she doesn't seem that close to Kate, in fact she is MOCKING Kate.

Hanna adores Jon and some of the sweetest pictures are of HANNAH all over him. I don't feel like looking for them now, but I've posted a pic of Hannah BOLTING to Jon at the bus stop huge smile on her face, Hannah cuddling up with Jon at a picnic table, Hannah thrilled to show Jon a school project, and other similar photos. We simply don't see her that enthusiastic to interact with Kate, that's the facts of it. ~ Administrator said...

Patting them on the bottom to help them sleep for a few minutes left one hand free to read Teen Beat or talk on the phone or drink her coffee or whatever. If they had Twitter, she would be Twatting one-handed.

AuntieAnn said...

That's another thing. She said if their phones keep them from doing their homework or chores she takes them away.
So it's do as I say not as I do? When has she ever NOT been pre-occupied with that stupid phone of hers.

That woman should start a manure factory. She'd be a multi-billionaire.

Calling Freud.... said...

Regarding Hannah preferring Jon and/or being Kate's favorite. I've always found it ironic that Hannah seemed to be Kate's favorite, given that she's the spitting image of Jon's mother.

AuntieAnn said...

"They" being Mady and Cara. I got ahead of myself.

Gift of grab said...

Admin, I respectfully disagree with your comment that "Kate really doesn't have a clue how mediocre these people must be in real life." I think she knows EXACTLY whom she will be mingling with, and it doesn't matter. She is doing this strictly for the MONEY. She had plenty of book signings and church meetings, and these are the people who will be showing up.

You have only to watch her saccharine demeanor on Twitter in the past few days to see how serious she is about getting the numbers to make her quota. The amount of time she will have to spend with these people is, for the price, pretty minor. If you add up the list of activities, there's no earthly reason it has to take up more than 10-15 hours of her time TOTAL over the 7 days. So that means each person will be spending something like $50-75/hr/EACH for the sheer pleasure of her totally fake company.

The price of the cruise will mean that she gets a "better-heeled" crowd (or maybe just people who are willing to put everything they have into this "once-in-a-lifetime" voyage), but I doubt that anyone who shows up stands even the slightest chance of becoming more than an onboard acquaintance/ paycheck for Katie Irene, grifter extraordinaire.

And she really needs to get some new material. In trying to convince someone on Twitter tonight to sign up, she said they'd be making "memories of a lifetime." Where have we heard THAT before?

Sherry Baby said...

Kate not knowing or have an inkling for some of her kids' possible future careers is somewhat telling...she doesn't know based on their personality, character, and interests? If her own kids don't know (which I've seen in some kids), maybe now is a good time to expand their interests and for them to discover what they like or are really good at.


There is plenty of time for that. They are in first grade. Of course some kids know what they want to "be when they grow up," but how many times does that change as they mature? Boys want to be policemen, firemen, pilots. Girls want to be ballerinas, teachers, movie stars. I don't think it's unusual at all for kids not to show an interest in their careers, or Kate not knowing exactly what they want to be.

I'm reminded of a scene from the movie, "Uncle Buck," when John Candy is called into his niece's principal's office because she has been acting up and not showing an interest in her career, and he says:

"I don't think I want to know a six-year-old who isn't a dreamer, or a sillyheart. And I sure don't want to know one who takes their student career seriously. I don't have a college degree. I don't even have a job. But I know a good kid when I see one. Because they're ALL good kids, until dried-out, brain-dead skags like you drag them down and convince them they're no good."

Kate not knowing that Aaden is near-sighted (and not knowing what near-sighted or far-sighted is) bothered me much more than Kate not knowing what her kids want to be when they grow up.

AuntieAnn said...

I've always found it ironic that Hannah seemed to be Kate's favorite, given that she's the spitting image of Jon's mother.

Calling Freud - that's a typical Kate strategy don't you think? Bribing Hannah with favoritism so that she'll love mommy more than she loves daddy. Kate can't stop being competitive even with her own kids. ~ Administrator said...

If she knows exactly what she is getting into then she must be just lying about this. She even tonight implies they're all going to have rooms together and can shout to each other. As if she's not going to have an isolated VIP experience with only a few limited interactions with fans, and everyone else will be with the rest of the mediocre.

She can't actually mean she thinks it's going to be like a bunch of sisters getting together with Kate the long lost sister.

Frankly this is worse, flat out lying/misrepresenting how this experience is going to be just to get people to sign up.

The Bitter End said...

Kate really doesn't have a clue how mediocre these people must be in real life. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just think she has this fantasy that all her fans are like the beautiful sane people she brushes shoulders with at Coupon Cabin or the Oscars or DWTS.

It's just....not gonna be like that. It's not going to be her fantasy of this picturesque gathering where she is the star and all her little angels surround her.

I've had this thought as well. When her twins catch sight of the "fans" and begin to put two and two together on the fan base their first thought is going to be something along the lines of OMG, the kids a school were telling me that. I think they're (the twins) are in for a major gross out and large dose of reality. The BBQ on the beach of the poorest country in the western hemisphere should be ground zero, in terms of realizing who the fans really are, for these kids.

BTW, wasn't Katie Irene on a Jon bashing binge about 6 weeks ago? That's probably when she dropped the bomb on him that she needed his kids to be props in this cruise jenture. ~ Administrator said...

BTW, wasn't Katie Irene on a Jon bashing binge about 6 weeks ago? That's probably when she dropped the bomb on him that she needed his kids to be props in this cruise jenture.


Good observation.

Hey, how about this. The press release says she's taking the twins. What do you want to bet she wanted to take all the kids, Jon said no. The judge split the baby and said the older ones can go , but the younger ones are too little yet to process all this with fans.

Good family law judges will often split the baby and try to make everyone a little miserable instead of one person completely miserable and one thrilled.

In the Neighborhood said...

The exchange tonight between Kate and Milo was the most creepy I have seen. Obviously Milo thinks that if she goes on the cruise, she and her husband will be with her at all times. This is getting beyond scary, and Kate doesn't end it, but just keeps it going. Milo tweeted...

@Kateplusmy8 He will cut U "no slack" Kate! U better wear ur tough skin! &competitive..U don't know competitive! The master at trash talk!

@Kateplusmy8 Did U see me lay down the "gauntlet" 4U! U need 2accept challenge!

@Kateplusmy8 Repeat after me Kate..."Bring it on...Lites Man!" Say it fierce & like U mean business Kate!

@Kateplusmy8 Ive got 15min left b4 official "lites out"! Anything else U want 2add Kate? :)

@Kateplusmy8 LOL...ur in trouble now! I'll let U sleep on that one! So funny!

@Kateplusmy8 Oh...much better! But don't be 2respectful...he will eat U up 2play his game! LOL


I agree with admin on this. I don't think that Kate really knows just how mediocre these fans are and what to expect from them. Yes, she knows that most of them aren't well-healed and just wants to fill the cabins, but I also think that she's going to be in for a rude awakening when she sees them in person.

Gift of grab said...

I don't think any of the kids will be on this trip. She is using them as bait, and when the time rolls around, they will be too busy with getting ready for school, or some such nonsense. The statements below are from the article I linked earlier today (see post 259), quoted directly from the booking agent (dtd 01/11):

"Who’s going on it? Charlene Failla, president of Luxury Cruises and Tours, told the Lido Deck that bookings for the Gosselin cruise opened on Friday and, so far, the company has received a “good amount of calls.” The largest amount of interest has come from single women and parents of multiples. Some of Gosselin’s famous twins and sextuplets may be cruising, too. Failla tells us that while Gosselin has expressed interest in bringing some of her kids onboard, she won’t decide which ones until closer to sailing."

So Kate has only "expressed interest." And so far on Twitter, despite being asked numerous times, she has not mentioned anything about any of the kids being on the cruise; it's always "Come cruise with ME," not "us." Classic bait-and-switch. I don't think it likely Jon would give his consent for this, and surely she is well aware of it. So maybe not exactly "false" advertising on her part, but just about as close to the line as you can get.

Julianna said...

Isn't there someone - ANYONE - who could talk to Kate and make her realize just how insane it is to keep playing games with these sheeple, especially this MiloandJack person? She has to see that no good can come from this. Is there nobody in her camp that reads here, reads the tweets, who she would listen to? This is not someone joking around. This person clearly is unstable and it is not something you fool around with.
This needs to be taken very seriously.

PJ's momma said...

I do think Kate realizes how 'mediocre' her fans are. Face it, they've lined up to have their books signed, get their pictures taken, ask questions at various events, etc. Lots of us have seen the pictures and videos of these people. She just wants the money, as someone pointed out. I think it's so rude and disrespectful to keep telling people to 'do it, do it,' knowing that if she doesn't meet her quota, she will get canned or opt out and they'll be stuck on the cruise anyway. But if she's not getting paid, why does she care? She does nothing unless there's something in it for her. She gets PAID (or she gets a free vacation or whatever), or she doesn't show.

Julianna said...

PJ's momma said...157:

I do think Kate realizes how 'mediocre' her fans are. Face it, they've lined up to have their books signed, get their pictures taken, ask questions at various events, etc.


I agree that she's seen these fans at book signings, for photos, etc., but this was for what - a split second to look up and say hello? This is a seven-day cruise where she will be have to socialize with these people at a barbecue, private party, shore excursion, etc., and I really do think that when coming face to face with them on a ship with them following her around, trying to get close to her as if they were best friends, listen to them talk (!!), that she will see just how mediocre (and nuts) they really are!
That is if she even lets them into her personal space.

Twittering and a Twattering said...

It looks like Iwana is taking leave of Kate, or at least until he can't help himself and just has to tweet:

I joined Twitter to try to contact @kateplusmy8, & I was able to do so & am glad I had the opportunities I did have to chat with her.

It would only be appropriate for my last tweet to be to @kateplusmy8 . So here's a smile :)

Something must have happened when she met him or she wouldn't have totally ignored him for six months on Twitter, especially since she tweets and RTs everyone else.

PJ's momma said...

Julianna, your last sentence says it all. I don't believe Kate will let these people into her personal space - and I really think the whole thing will be killed due to lack of interest too. The company is being very selective with their words - they are not saying how many bookings they have, just that the number of calls has 'exploded.' This has received a lot of press and the comments on every article are absolutely scathing. Heck, even some of the articles are scathing! ~ Administrator said...

She hasn't even done a book signing since the last one I was at....2010??? Almost two years ago. She may have forgotten what it was like. Anyhow, the "fans" there seemed more like fly by night fans rather than the really hard core crazy ones. They looked and acted normal to me. A lot of moms and teens.

I think it's a different kind of fan that just shows up at a book signing--as opposed to the kind of fan that actually forks over easily ten grand to spend a few hours with her on a cruise. There are fans, and then there are FANS.

I don't think you need to be scared of fans. But FANS? Yes. ~ Administrator said...

AHHHHH think I fixed it!!! ~ Administrator said...

Oh good grief that was so easy. But NOT intuitive. I had to turn off an advanced setting called "per post comment feed" whatever that is.

All right guys we're back to normal. Damn you blogger. And thanks to the posters over at blogger who explained how to do this. ~ Administrator said...

Annnnd, yet another reason I'll keep two feet on dry land thank you! ~ Administrator said...

Why does she play favorites with some of her fans and ignores others, even ignoring the more sane ones??

I'm sure some of the fans get jealous of how much she tweets her favorites.

Marie said...

Starting to wonder if Kate realizes all the negative things, the labels she has on her children are forever preserved as actual evidence and might could affect how her children feel later in life?

I mean it's not like as an adult you swear up and down that you remember a specific event with a parent and the parent later states, "that never happened, or it happened differently." Kate's kids are going to be able to say, "Really? I have the episode." Might be a bit of nasty shock.

I guess come May or August, whenever this cruise is we'll see if it just silently fades into nothing and either it happens she'll gloat for about a week and if it doesn't Kate will try very hard not to bring it up again as she has with other things.

Thanks Admin for all the work you put into fixing Blogger. You've got more than I can say for my computer skills!

Maggie said...

Yes you did. It looks exacty like before. Thanks so much for researching the fix for all of us. We appreciate you and your blog.

Maggie said...

I've always found it ironic that Hannah seemed to be Kate's favorite, given that she's the spitting image of Jon's mother.

I think the ONLY reason Hannah was/is Kate's favorite is because even as a very small child she helped Kate around the house. Any person that can help Kate is Kate's favorite. And the fact that Hannah was always glued to Kate also won major points with Kate.

amyf said...

2. Q: What happened to Nala?

A: Hi Mel – When life got crazy here, I knew that Nala and Shoka weren’t getting the attention they needed so I asked the breeder to take them back so that their needs were being met while I focused on my kids. We all missed them and I knew I needed to try to bring them back, but because Nala and Shoka were a difficult pair together, I knew I could only bring back Shoka. It took me awhile to realize that one dog is better than none :) and bringing Shoka home was one of the best decisions I have ever made! Shoka is so laid back and happy being the “king of the mountain” here! He is a part of our family now forever.
What, like "mommy and daddy will be together forever"? To this day, I still think that farce was one of the worst things she's done to those kids. It was just so damned DELIBERATE.

Laurie said...

3 am here and blog back to normal. Thanks admin.

She's such a c word said...

Thank goodness the old format is back! Thanks for fixing it for us Admin!!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

How nice to see that the blog is back to it's old familiar way.

Thank you :o)

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...

Ah, it's back to normal and much better!

Thanks so much, Admin! I'm giving Blogger a virtual kick in the ass for driving you (and us) nuts for a few days. I'm so glad you were able to figure it out for us!

readerlady said...

Admin 165 -- The better question is, why does Kate play favorites with some of her children and ignore others, especially the boys?

Thanks for fixing the blog! So nice to be back to normal -- except for one thing. I can still post as myself instead of having to use Anonymous and sign my posts. Hurray!

I think this whole cruise thing is going to bite Kate in the butt bigtime. It will either not happen at all or Kate will be such a horse's tail that people will be telling stories about her bad behavior for years to come. Either way, she's going to lose a substantial portion of her fan base.

It doesn't bother me so much that Kate has no idea what her kids will grow up to be. as someone upthread said, they're in first grade. What does bother me is that she is utterly clueless about their likes, dislikes, abilities and interests.

When I was a teenager, I babysat regularly for Irish quads (identical triplets and their 11 months younger sister) and I managed to rock all of them when they needed it. It wasn't easy, but it was doable.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... (Administrator) said...

She hasn't even done a book signing since the last one I was at....2010??? Almost two years ago. She may have forgotten what it was like. Anyhow, the "fans" there seemed more like fly by night fans rather than the really hard core crazy ones. They looked and acted normal to me. A lot of moms and teens.

I think it's a different kind of fan that just shows up at a book signing--as opposed to the kind of fan that actually forks over easily ten grand to spend a few hours with her on a cruise. There are fans, and then there are FANS.

I don't think you need to be scared of fans. But FANS? Yes.


EXACTLY. The "fans" willing to fork over 10 grand have more invested in Kate.

They expect much more than a signature from that swindler.

Shoot, I would imagine Call Girls charge less.
For that amount of money, Kate should personally give "happy endings" to each one of them.

Oh yuk. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

There are all kinds of cruises with special people on board that cost more if you sign up to be part of their group. Naturalists and foodies are often very popular but not my cup of tea. If I paid extra, it would be for a smaller group instilling me in the history of the venue and architecture of where we were visiting. That would we worthwhile for me, but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...

Remember we noticed on January 4th that she was suddenly tweeting about the number of her followers for the first time in three months? Here she is already mentioning it again (just like last time she purchased followers and tweeted the numbers as they increased rapidly and steadily):

Kate Gosselin
Good morning my 71,200 twitter friends! Have a great saturday! I'll stop in and chat later... Breakfast time here.. Pancakes, coming up!
8:13 AM - 14 Jan 12

12/17/11 - 67,047 Followers

1/4/12 - 69,265 Followers (10 PM, when she started tweeting about her number of followers again)
1/5/12 - 69,418 Followers (2 PM the next day, the number is now suddenly increasing for no reason)
1/7/12 - 69,686 Followers
1/14/12 - 71,200 Followers - 1,935 new followers in only ten days! BULLCRAP!

Kate doesn't rate said...

I have always been of the opinion Kate or someone is buying tweeters, however, I do think that the number could have increased due to all the talk about her upcoming cruise.

JudyK said...

Twittering and a Twattering said... 159
It looks like Iwana is taking leave of Kate, or at least until he can't help himself and just has to tweet:

I joined Twitter to try to contact @kateplusmy8, & I was able to do so & am glad I had the opportunities I did have to chat with her.

It would only be appropriate for my last tweet to be to @kateplusmy8 . So here's a smile :)

Something must have happened when she met him or she wouldn't have totally ignored him for six months on Twitter, especially since she tweets and RTs everyone else.

What happened is that she was NEVER free to meet men...she's not single...she's w/ Steve. As Auntie Ann said, she could and should start a manure factory with all her B.S.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said...

Kate doesn't rate said... 178

I have always been of the opinion Kate or someone is buying tweeters, however, I do think that the number could have increased due to all the talk about her upcoming cruise.


That might have brought some interest, but I doubt it made tons of people want to follow her on Twitter. All the press about the cruise mocked her and bashed her, and most people laughed along with it.

As much press as the cruise got this week, it was nowhere near as much press as she got last fall when the show was cancelled and the last episode aired. Even then, she only gained about 3,000 to 4,000 followers a month. I don't think it's ever increased this much - 1,935 new followers in only ten days.

I think the dead give away is that for a few months last fall, Khate periodically tweeted about her number of followers. During that time, the number increased rapidly and very steadily. The last time she tweeted about that was near the end of October. Then, she suddenly tweeted the number of her followers on January 4th and what do you know, all of a sudden the numbers start going up again. And she tweets the number again only ten days later. Such bullcrap.

JudyK said...

I also think she's buying tweeters or manufacturing them (which is more likely). Many times in the past I've clicked on a supposed tweeter and gotten the response that no such account exists.

Laine said...

I am sure Kate is not going to be happy to have the news of the tragedy of the luxury cruise ship running aground near the Italian coast. Pictures this morning show the ship lying on its side. Many people were rescued, but there are an unknown number of deaths and missing people. The stories of people who escaped are terrifying and made me swear to never go on a cruise.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

180- To Kate it is all about "appearance." There is and has never been any substance to back up of her claims of supermom, or "fans" who follow her on Twitter, same old followers day after day. And according to recent polls, most people can't stand her, so her increase in Twitter fans is clearly Kate manufacturing her popularity, by buying fans. Big fraud. Pathetic.

Krap is so narcisstic that she will pull whatever stunt she feels necessary to keep her "career" afloat. Problem is that she is so Z list now, that not too many take her seriously, and know she is a fraud. Supermom indeed. Her few fans are fleeting, looking to connect with some/ANY celebrity, but she does not get it. Kind of pitiful.

TLC stinks said...

Damn "Extra" for continuing to talk to this woman. Those celebrity shows are stupid. ~ Administrator said...

Went to bed last night to hear six are dead on that cruise. Now this morning they say we're looking at 30-40. Awful.

The thing that is terrifying is they said the lifeboats were useless because the ship quickly rolled to one side making it impossible to lower and board lifeboats. It never occurred to me in this day in age that you wouldn't be able to use the safety lifeboats.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

3 dead, dozens missing after cruise ship runs aground off coast of Italy

Published January 14, 2012

| Associated Press

Read more:

Interesting timing. LOL

mim said...

156 Juliana: Yes, there is someone who can talk to Kate about the security issues surrounding a cruise with fans: Steve Neild, a "professional" bodyguard and security consultant.
If he stops carrying her purse and worrying about his share of lunch, I'm sure he can orchestrate the security for Kate with the RCCL security.
Sure of it.

Dee said...

Thanks, Admin, for getting the old format back. Much better!

Layla said...

Admin said...
It's just....not gonna be like that. It's not going to be her fantasy of this picturesque gathering where she is the star and all her little angels surround her.
If her fans are so demanding on Twitter, what would they be like in real life, not only being as demanding as they usually are, but competing with each other for her attention? Does she think they'll all gather around her and chat and laugh? No,of there are 200 of them, and all have paid for access to Kate, then they are going to be insane, trying to get their money's worth in attention from her. And to put some of the kids into that mix...I imagine M and C, with crazed "fans" pulling them every which way, wanting them to themselves. They won't just see Kate playing ont he beach with her kids, they will want to barge in and play WITH them. They won't want to just see Kate having dinner, they will want her to sit with them and talk to them, and the ones who aren't included will feel slighted by her. Petty jealousies and negative feelings will arise among the fans, who will feel that she owes them something for giving her their money, things could become not only unpleasant, but potentially dangerous. This could end very,very badly for not only Kate, but for the kids she takes with her. She won't want to spring for extra security, because that would cut into her profits. This is not going to end well. ~ Administrator said...

The travel agency specifically said two of the kids are going and that fans want to watch Kate play with her kids on the beach (creeepy much??). Why would they say that unless that was what was decided between Kate and them? Now Kate is hedging around saying she's not sure if the kids are going.

As someone said, classic bait and switch. I'm not sure I believe this has much to do with Jon--I actually don't believe she wants to take the damn kids along. That's not part of the end game of her plan--to get all the trips WITHOUT the kids. If she can swing this trip without the kids that's what she would prefer. ~ Administrator said...

I also think there will be major dissension among the fans. Who got to spend what time with Kate. How long Kate talk to her and her but not her. Kate seems to like her but not her.

It's true, this won't end well.

Laurie said...

Doesn't Kate realize that the MLK comment that she attributing to Collin doesn't make him sound cute? Maybe if he were two or three years old but at 7 (almost 8) it makes him sound, well, dumb. This is not a slam against Collin but rather against his mother who makes up thi gs that she thinks sound "cute". Hope that he doesn't get teased about this at school.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Instead of handwritten post it notes,I hav discovered the world of creating signs on word&printing..I am surely moving up in the world! Lol

Kate's fans are actually congratulating her on coming up with a great idea! They're saying they're going to try it too.

Are people that stupid or is it just butt-kissing? ~ Administrator said...

I find post-its/signs to be passive aggressive.

If you want something done, either talk to the person directly about it, or do it yourself. We had a rule with my roomies in college. No notes/signs. Talk to each other if we had a problem.

drbutchiewong said...

Number 193...

They ARE that stupid. Butt kissing not neessary.

Mel said...

Kind of weird in a family to put up signs, isn't it? Makes you feel like you're living in a museum. Or an orphanage.

By the way, I am NOT the mel referred to in Kate's blog. ~ Administrator said...

Kind of weird in a family to put up signs, isn't it? Makes you feel like you're living in a museum. Or an orphanage.


Or makes you feel like your mother is never actually around to tell you things in person.

New post.

Laurie said...

Hmmm, young girl raped on a cruise, cruis ship runs aground...sheeple do you think someone is trying to tell you something about going on this cruise with Kate? Coincidence that this all makes news once Kate has announced her cruise? I think I'd take the hint.

Sleepless in Seattle said...

Instead of handwritten post it notes,I hav discovered the world of creating signs on word&printing..I am surely moving up in the world! Lol

When you're as far down in the world as Kate, I guess the only way to move is up!

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