Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kate wraps up conference with in Las Vegas

According to our Affiliate Summit conference PR rep contact, Kate met with CouponCabin's top merchants including Home Depot, Sears, Macy's and She also attended a happy hour at Cleopatra's Barge at Caesar's Palace. According to the rep, "attendees were really excited to meet Kate and she happily posed for photos with anyone who asked." Kate was also on hand to help CouponCabin accept an award from Share-A-Sale (an affiliate network) for "Top 1% Sales-Generating Affiliate Marketer of 2011."

A fellow tweeter also spotted Kate and Stevie-boy at the Human Body exhibit and Titanic exhibit. 

Special thanks to PR rep Lauren for sharing these with us. 

418 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 418   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Sorry I felt compelled to watermark these photos. They are from a PR rep directly to us and I don't see them elsewhere online unless I missed them.

After Shawn's exclusive photos were STOLEN from here, and he was only asked permission AFTER the stealing took place, I'm watermarking anything exclusive. It's too bad. ~ Administrator said... 2

I have to say, Kate looks genuinely happy in the first photo (happy to be away from the kids, with Steve, and on her way to Bermuda I suppose) and that dress is far more appropriate.

Maggie said... 3

This is the transcript from HLN show about Kate's cruise. By the way, the graphics she used were fantastic. It had Kate in her stupid Derby hat that had the brown strings hanging down. I took out 3 video clips to shorten the below:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: John and Kate signed a TV contract and exposed their kids to the world.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: From reality TV to the high seas, Kate Gosselin from the infamous "Jon and Kate plus 8" reality show has a new gig hosting a Caribbean cruise. Kate`s mother danced on "Dancing with the Stars" on ABC and now will be schmoozing with cruise guests for seven nights; guests shell out between $2,000 to $3,000 to spend a lot of quality time with Kate.

They will meet Kate at private welcome cocktail party, get a gift from Kate, arts and crafts with Kate. Sounds like a nightmare to me. Is cruising Kate so desperate to make a couple bucks she`s going to take a spin on "The Love Boat"? Is she trying for a Titanic-esque romance? Is she hoping to meet her Leo on board?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok. Enough. We get the idea. Straight out to chief news correspondent for E!, Ken Baker. Ken where did all -- is she having money problems? How much money did she make "Dancing with the Stars", best sellers, "Kate plus 8", where did it all go?

Maggie said... 4

KEN BAKER, CHIEF NEWS CORRESPONDENT, E!: Well, She did make a lot of money at one point, Jane. Don`t forget, only about two years ago, she was raking in about $250,000 an episode. Yes, a lot of money for the reality show she did with TLC and when that ends, it ends fast. When the money runs out it can run out fast.

We don`t know what her financial situation is, though. But I have to say, I`m of two minds about this. On one hand, it`s like all right Kate, come on, this is kind of pathetic. Do you really have to do this?

But on the other hand it`s like, look, she`s a single mom. She has eight mouths to feed. She`s just trying to put food on the table, money in the bank accounts. These kids are going to presumably go to college one day. I mean she`s securing her financial future for her kids.

I think that a lot of people can be really harsh on her. She did open herself up, so I think it`s easy to make fun of her. And also it should be noted by the way, celebrities do this stuff. There`s rock bands that do cruises and everyone comes on and it`s really becoming, believe it or not, kind of a cool thing to do.

I know. You want to make fun of it. But it actually is semi- legitimate. I`m just happy to see her out there and working and -- but please, I hope Jon Gosselin doesn`t go because I do not want to see the pictures of him shirtless at the pool.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Me, too. Really. I don`t mind seeing the kids running up and down the deck, but not that husband of hers, ex, of course. He`s pretty much disappeared from the limelight and he says he wants to set an example now for his kids. Listen to this because this is a humdinger.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: He`s doing some sort of spiritual thing there, but listen, on the other side of the break we`re going to talk to Ken Baker about who`s winning in this battle, him or Kate? (I delete video clip of Jon & the Rabbi)

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No offense but I`d pay $2,000 not to go on a cruise with Kate Gosselin.

All right. Quick call from Sandy in Pennsylvania, which, of course, is the home turf of Kate Gosselin -- question?

Caller: Hi, Kate (SCI) you know what, when I first started watching Kate`s reality show about two years ago, I really liked her. I thought she was really wholesome and down to earth person. But I noticed of course, as the time went on, she was making more money, of course, it does change a lot of people. And I keep feeling like kind of because she`s got eight kids to feed, they want to help give her a chance.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok. Ken baker, very briefly, are people feeling sorry for her?

BAKER: I don`t think people are feeling sorry for her. She got a Hollywood make-over. She looks great. She still is very wealthy, lives in a very nice house in Pennsylvania and she can go make like $50,000 getting on a boat. She`s winning.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ken, thanks. Great to see you. "Nancy Grace" next. ~ Administrator said... 5

it actually is semi- legitimate


Hahahhaahha. Thank you and goodnight!

Maggie said... 6

Ken Baker is wrong that it was two years ago she was making $250,000 an episode. She made $250,000 through the entire "Kate Plus Eight" series that ENDED in August 2011. She was making $250,000 less than 6 months ago. Come on, Ken, look it up and get your facts correct. And her series started in May 2010. That is way less than 2 years.

And it is uncalled for to bring Jon into it--he has zero to do with the subect at hand. That clip they showed was in October 2009. I looked it up. Over 2 years ago and Jane plays the clip where Jon and Rabbi Shumley met and Jon said he was going to clean up his act. He knew that his daughters would probably be looking at him as to who they would one day marry.

And yes, Ken, we do know how much Kate is worth. It is listed at $5 million.

The whole coverage makes me so mad and the media always covers for Kate because she has to feed 8 kids. Wow, how ill-informed the public STILL is about Kate.

But, YEAH! On a positve note at least Ken and Jane did bash Kate.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 7

Ugh, I hate this new Blogger format! I popped in here a few hours ago and saw the fonts all different, but I didn't have time to read more or comment.

I just want to point out to anyone that HATES reading comments on this horrible Blogger standard page, as I do, that it only looks that way when you click to read the comments. LOL, I see Admin changed it to "sediments". Anyway, just now, I clicked on "6 sediments" and it took me to this horrible Blogger page.

BUT, if you go back to the first page of the blog and instead of clicking on "sediments" (comments), click on the title of the post. That way you will be able to read all the comments on the regular blog page we're all used to, and they're numbered.

The only thing is that when you want to add your "sediments", lol, you have to click on "Post a Comment" and it takes you to this dumb Blogger page where you type in the box.

Oh, I just noticed that you can also just click on the title of the post on this page in the upper left corner and it will take you to the post in the regular blog format, with all the comments below it. Again, though, when you click on "Post a comment", you'll get this new crappy page.

I hope that helps for now. Blogger, chnage it back, please!

Sherry Baby said... 8

Ken Baker is wrong that it was two years ago she was making $250,000 an episode. She made $250,000 through the entire "Kate Plus Eight" series that ENDED in August 2011.


Was this confirmed by a reputable source? Do you have a link?

Maggie said... 9

Yes, TV Guide posted Kate was making $250,0000 per episode. And another well respected website posted her worth of $5 million.

Katie Cry-duh said... 10

Still has a man-body. No waist

Pity Party said... 11

When did it come out that she was taking the kids on the cruise. What a disaster that would b! They shouldn't be having to deal with KT's obsessed fans and wouldn't they be missing school?

She's such a c word said... 12

Thanks NLAN for the tip on clicking the title to get back to regular, numbered format. Much better until it brought me to the other page to post. I can somewhat deal with the GWOP like format (except posts are unnumbered and the down scroll button doesn't work), but Blogger needs to leave it alone.

readerlady said... 13

One thing I'll say for this new format is that I FINALLY can post using my Google Account again, instead of having to post as Anonymous. This blog was the ONLY blogger forum I post on that I had problems. I'm on a couple of book forums and also occasionally post on GWOP -- no issues. Only here.

Maggie, thanks for posting the transcript from the HLN show. I almost never watch HLN, so I'm not familiar with Velez-Mitchell, but I agree she was out of line using that clip and bashing Jon -- if only mildly.

Hippest Chick -- Why would Kate go to Mickey D's for coffee when her beloved Starbucks is right next door? Since she's all for pampering herself on the kids' dime, she certainly wouldn't be doing it to save a buck. I agree with Admin's statement from the previous thread. It's not a sin to go to McD's, but it is a sin to lie. Kate's made it a point to brag about never going to "fast food" places, and mentioned McD's by name.

NJGal51 said... 14

Thanks for the tip NLAN hopefully it will resolve the problems that I was having accessing the site on my iPad last night. BTW, love your comments over at Preesi's site!

TLC stinks said... 15

So she and Stevie went sightseeing as a couple in Vegas. Really? What is her problem? I have to wonder who is controlling who in that relationship......looks to me that she is ENTIRELY dependent on him. This may be out there, but someone with mental health issues or chemical dependencies can be easily influenced by a very strong personality (think Anna Nicole Smith). It's the only explanation other than he is her boyfriend and they have to keep it under wraps so as not to upset her promotion as the single, working mom with the lazy ex. Something just so off about her and him.

Winsomeone said... 16

This new format doesn't work for me at all. I can't sign up to have comments e-mailed to me like before, for some reason?

Dallas Lady said... 17

Has anyone seen Iwana's recent tweets? He's VERY over Kate and says so, not mincing any words.

Good for him, I say. I think he has a much more realistic view of her nowadays.

Gift of grab said... 18

Another sheeple bites the dust. This morning it's iwanainspireu (fka iwanadatekate), threatening to walk away forever (although not strictly due to his being ignored by Kate). There is a huge ruckus on Kate's Twitter about adults "engaging" minors online (which I think has been blown way out of proportion by the haters, but whatever) and he's been taking a licking, but the comment that jumped out at me was this one:

IwanaInspireU Iwana
The $100 bill I sent U for XMas with no "Thank You" was worth every penny. Hope you bought what I asked you to buy. Shows your true colors.

He sent her $100 for Xmas and Kate didn't even acknowledge him? This takes the cake for me. I wonder how much cash/gift cards she collected. And how many of the givers actually got some sort of thank you. I only saw her thank that minor from the UK, who asked repeatedly whether or not her gifts had arrived, and a couple of other sheeple (not specific about gifts, just sort of a blanket "TY to X, Y, Z"). There must be dozens of others.

She really is a complete POS, isn't she?

Anonymous said... 19

Dallas Lady said... 18

Has anyone seen Iwana's recent tweets? He's VERY over Kate and says so, not mincing any words.

Good for him, I say. I think he has a much more realistic view of her nowaday


He's done this several other times. The guy has major issues, don't be fooled.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 20

Iwana isn't over Kate. It almost sounded that way when he tweeted about the $100 bill, but then he backtracked and said it's not so much about Kate but being called a pedo.

He certainly has a point. Not sure why the haters couldn't leave him alone. Guess that happens when there's not much Kate news?

Anyway I believe he has displaced anger. He mentioned not receiving a thank you from Kate the other day, too. I don't blame him for being angry but sending her $100??? Did he actually expect a thank you from her after she's ignored him for 8 months?

I feel sorry for him. He needs some kind of help to get over this whole thing.

TLC stinks said... 21

Actually, she has been noncommital about taking the kids aboard the cruise except I read on this blog that she may bring the twins. I highly doubt any of the kids will there since Jon, I hope, will not allow his kids to be a sideshow, eyed like in a zoo. I think the plan all along is just for her and Steve to go with teasing the fans about the kids. We shall see. If the kids were going, Alice Travel would have it in the contract, and obviously they do not.

librarylady said... 22

I'm not so sure that standing in front of a plastic CC backdrop posing like an autoshow demo girl is exactly what she had in mind for her big "public figure" career.

(BTW, Admin, I don't see a watermark on the second picture...)

She is a Cow said... 23

Admin - Sediments, love it.

Well, I have spent way too much time trying to get more information on this gala. There just isn't anything. The only thing that I read about the $1,000.00 a plate dinner is that $700 of it goes to the "charity". I am inclined to believe, at this point, the "charity" is this one family who is struggling with this hospital bill. I believe the hotel probably comped a certain amount of rooms for the so called
"stars" who will attend. Everything I have seen on the event just lists Kate as an attendee. Nothing is mentioned about her speaking. The tickets are on sale here now, but they don't mention anything about speakers or entertainment. I would have thought some of those "stars" who are singers might have agreed to be the entertainment, but then why wouldn't they market it that way to sell more tickets. For example, I saw Macy Gray as one of the potential attendees. If she were to sing, they may sell more tickets.

I don't, however, think Kate speaking would be a draw. Most people here would not even know who she is and even though she had her babies pre-mature. She had no issues. They were/are all healthy and she certainly did/does not have money struggles or lack of help, so what really does she have to say about pre-mature births or astounding hospital bills. If she doesn't speak, I doubt she will get paid, but I don't know how these things work. Kate would probably just come for the free room and events.

I believe they tried to put a star studded event together, but it looks like the only definites they have are Star Jones, Kate and some guy from a sitcom.

I'll let you know if I hear/see anything else

DebieDowner4 said... 24

She looks so ORANGE!!!

Like an ooompa loompa

She is a Cow said... 25

BTW re: the Gala - No further mention of Holly Robinson Peete, who was being heavily billed in the beginning. Guess she backed out.

librarylady said... 26

believe they tried to put a star studded event together, but it looks like the only definites they have are Star Jones, Kate and some guy from a sitcom.


There are some low level people supposed to sing, like one who was on the X Factor show at one point, and some guy who was also something like that - sorry, I don't even recall their names, they're not well-known, lol! One of them actually has this listed as a "tour stop" on his website.

I'm, too, inclined to think the "charity" is indeed this one person. At least there is nothing to the contrary to indicate anything else. Still count me as suspicious.

Once A Viewer said... 27

That is incredible for someone to send Kate a $100 bill in the mail!! you don't send currency through the post wrong is this!!! No 'thank you' is just beyond belief but no more so than why anyone would think Kate would need it..I also wonder how much tax-free cash she collected for Xmas, birthday, just because...OY!

JudyK said... 28

Maggie said...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Kate`s mother danced on "Dancing with the Stars" on ABC

V-M needs a proofread: Kate's "mother" danced on DWTS...LOL.

JudyK said... 29

Regarding accepting freebies, it shows Kate's lack of character.

Several years ago, I was in an email loop with several women. I needed a new computer at the time, couldn't afford one, and one of the women sent me a laptop via UPS. I was floored. I didn't even open it, rejected it, and sent it back.

Even though I sent it back, of course I thanked her for her generosity. It would have been immoral of me to accept it, and I would have felt like a grifter.

Layla said... 30

Well, Iwana seems to have figured Kate out. She doesn't want to have anything to do with her so-called fans unless she can get some money off them. Why is she surprised that she didn't thank him? She's been taking other peoples' money for years now, and I double she's wasted much time thanking any of them. After all, she thinks she's entitled, so why thank anyone?

This Bermuda thing just sounds ludicrous to me. Bermuda in January? For a dinner? No, thanks. Now, if it were June, and the yachts from the Newport-Bermuda race were coming in and the weather was great and there was loads of champagne at the docks? Well, sign me up!

Katie Cry-duh said... 31

Star Jones and Kate Gosselin = sisters in grifting ANC surgical weight loss.

Katie Cry-duh said... 32

and not ANC

silimom said... 33

Hippie, it sounded like Velez-Mitchell was blasting Kate as well ("I'd spend $2000 NOT to go on a cruise with her" or something to that effect). I think she and other news people know how polarizing Kate is so, so the Jon comments were thrown in forthe sheeple and the Kate comments for the haters. JMO.

silimom said... 34

Sorry, wrote Hippie Chick and meant Readerlady.

readerlady said... 35

She is a cow 25 -- Holly Robinson Peete is currently a semi-regular on one of CBS's hit comedies ("Mike and Mollie"), so she probably has work and family obligations. Or, possibly this whole thing didn't smell right to her. Everything I've ever read or heard about her makes her seem like a class act, so I doubt she'd want to put her name to something questionable. Especially if it would hurt her image as a spokesperson for Autism causes.

anger issues kate said... 36

It seems Kate is still on twitter silence, what 3days now. Geez, her sheeple must be going frantic, by now. I guess Kate thinks she needs some more vacation, not that she vacations, all the time.

Layla said... 37

Maybe the reason she's been so quiet about Bermuda is because she jumped right in and signed up when she saw the words "Diamonds", "Caviar", "Bermuda", and "Luxury". Then, once she had committed to go,she figured out that it might be a shady event/charity, and if she publicizes it, it could come back to bite her in the bum. If it comes to light that it is less than legit, and her name is attached, it would not be easy for her to put a positive spin on it.

I wonder if she thinks she can con them into giving her a few diamonds. She wears that diamond necklace constantly, and also the ring on her right middle finger. Anyone else think that the ring might have something to do with Steve? She never seems to take it off. Or maybe those are the only pieces of real jewelry she has, so has nothing else to wear. Nah, I think it's a Steve thing.

Sherry Baby said... 38

The Iwana thing...

@underwalt Happy now you little bitch? Hope U have a good dental plan.......

Have your dentist number handy so u can remove your teeth from my fist when I meet up with u IRL. Watch over your shoulder #whosthepussyNOW?

This is why Kate needs to take down that page right now. One fan making a threat against a non-fan. It never should have gone on this long.

None of this is going to end good. I've read some of his tweets and maybe Kate did have red flags when she met him, and with good reason.

The viciousness that goes on by both fans and non-fans on that page is alarming.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 39

Oh dear God. In the second photo,
Kate's smile reminds me of this I Love Lucy episode.

Check out Lucy's smile at the end--

Griftwood Manor said... 40

It's very telling (but not at all surprising) that the lady in the white shirt is engaged in conversation with the dark-haired lady and Kate is engaged with the camera. Way to make friends, Kate... and orange is not your color. Ever.

Once A Viewer said... 41

Re: iwana

I haven't followed this, but pretty scary and I would hate to be the responsible party...hope there's no violence between fans on the escape. ~ Administrator said... 42

Ok I posted on Google's blog asking them for an opt out feature for this new thing. They are very proud of themselves for this threaded feature, but other people are complaining that this doesn't work for blogs that usually have hundreds of comments because everyone is complaining about the "load more" button. Hopefully they'll listen.

Tucker's Mom said... 43

Thanks Admin. I hope I don't lose the ability to read the posts after the 200th. I can post, but can't read it. I did this last night when I saw the change and was so happy that the format changed back again.
After the change back, I saw that my post did go through.

TLC stinks said... 44

I, too, noticed the new ring on her middle finger. At first I thought maybe it was something from her sister's collection, but Christen Largent is a metalsmith and her work looks nothing like that ring. Yep, could be just Kate self-indulging herself or a gift from Steve. BTW, that necklace is either something she loves or means something. How long has she been wearing it now?....2, 3, 4 years?

LaLaLandNoMore said... 45

I agree with the belief that there is something really "off" about Kate and Steve together. It seems silly for her to keep paying for a traveling companion/road manager. Some people were easily fooled into believing Jon ruined the marriage. Take a closer look and it's obvious what happened. If my husband was traveling with a female companion, I'd probably get jealous and confused just like Jon did. It was an ugly situation that Kate set up and destined to cause anyone's marriage to fail. The truth would probably "shock" some of her leftover fans. Most of us have had Kate's number for years. Why is she still getting any attention?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 46

Griftwood ManorJan 12, 2012 08:21 AM

It's very telling (but not at all surprising) that the lady in the white shirt is engaged in conversation with the dark-haired lady and Kate is engaged with the camera. Way to make friends, Kate... and orange is not your color. Ever.


I noticed that too. Plus, that woman seems to have a genuine smile for the woman she's speaking with, while Khate has her fake, cheesy smile as she stares right into that camera.

Ugh, I hate Blogger right now. I know they have a "Reply" feature to reply to a particular comment but I just did it the old way we're all used to. That feature really doesn't work well because you end up having to go through all the comments every time you're here to see if anyone recently replied to one of the comments. Or, you just miss many comments.

Annie2 said... 47

I like being able to reply to a specific post. I also like being back on the old blog format. Will you please renumber the posts too?

PJ's momma said... 48

Kate's hair looks awful. I hate that 'pinhead' look that so many strive for. That's actually a term my stylist uses for over-straightened hair! She looks much better when she lets it curl or go fluffy or whatever - at least it looks clean then. And that dress - sure, it's more appropriate, but it's still loud and gaudy compared to her coworkers. It looks like another number from those ladies in Florida who make that resort-type clothing. She seems incapable of reading others' cues. In that picture on a previous thread with the founder of CC, she looks absolutely ridiculous next to the woman wearing a hoodie/tee/jeans. I won't even talk about her oompa loompa skin or her bobble head.......

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 49

TLC stinksJan 12, 2012 08:39 AM

I, too, noticed the new ring on her middle finger. At first I thought maybe it was something from her sister's collection, but Christen Largent is a metalsmith and her work looks nothing like that ring. Yep, could be just Kate self-indulging herself or a gift from Steve. BTW, that necklace is either something she loves or means something. How long has she been wearing it now?....2, 3, 4 years?

That ring isn't new. She's been wearing it on the middle finger of her right hand for a while, maybe a year.

Winsomeone said... 50

People keep implying that Kate has curly hair, but just straightens it. I have never seen anything to suggest that her hair was ever naturally curly. It was straight when it was dark brown,and straight when she had the possem head I thought?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 51

Annie, I like replying to a specific comment too, but he problem is that every time we come back here, we're going to have to start at the top of the comments and scroll down to see if any replies were recently added. I think we'll just end up missing a lot of comments that way.

PJ's momma said... 52

Winsomeone, maybe her hair is not curly, but it is definitely straighened here. It looks filthy. It looks much fluffier when she leaves it alone. I recall maybe she said it was curly or something. It might be like mine - it takes some length to get a wave going, but when I wear it short, it's pretty straight. If I have a 4" top layer though - it get almost do a full rotation into a curl. But I just blow-dry it straight. Or try to! ~ Administrator said... 53

100 gymnastics lessons are in that bling ring.

Winsomeone said... 54

That could be true, but usually parents with curly hair, have some of their offspring with curls too, and none of the eight have curls, that I have ever noticed. I think she just curls it sometimes, and that makes it look a bit fuller maybe?

She's such a c word said... 55

Dear Blogger-The reply feature doesn't work well when there are hundreds and hundreds of comments! Put it back the way it was!
Thank you.

PJ's momma said... 56

Maybe she does curl it, but back in the old/early days, she'd walk around with wet hair and tuck it behind her ear, and it looked much fuller without even a blow dry. She said she has a lot of hair and I do too - I never use product because it just gets bigger. Her hair looks literally doused with product; it's gross, in my humble opinion.

NJGal51 said... 57

Admin - The tips that NLAN gave worked for a little while but now I'm haivng trouble even getting anything to load on my "real" computer (haven't even tried on the iPad). For what it's worth I don't like this new format. I would really hate to lose this site :(

PJ's momma said... 58

NJGal51, it might be your browser. My real computer has had fits with IE, but it always works great using Google Chrome as the browser. You can easily download that for free from the Google website. Good luck to you. ~ Administrator said... 59

Sorry guys but let's give blogger a day or two to fix the kinks before I mess with anything. One thing I can try is temporarily going back to the old template but that. Oils be a lot of work. I suggest you go to bloggers blog and express displeasure.

Aeduko said... 60

I was going to say I like the new format, but the "reply" function isn't working for me!

PatK said... 61

I also cannot access the site correctly on my PC, and have to use my iPad. Add me to the list of those who do not like the new reply to post format. Ugh.

I hope Blogger ditches this. ~ Administrator said... 62

Blogger doesn't have to ditch it but I would appreciate an opt out setting.

PJ's momma said... 63

That's funny!

She's Nuts said... 64

Is it just me and my aging eyes, or is this font really hard to read...line spacing just too close and nearly overlapping?

She Nuts said... 65

She's Nuts

I didn't type it that way! Honest! Is it the apostrophe?

She's Nuts said... 66

Looks like PJ's has the same apostrophe problem as She's Nuts!

PJ's momma said... 67

No Bermuda? Hi guys! I'm home sweet home following a work trip... Looking forward to weekend with my kids! What's new in twitter land?

chefsummer #Leh said... 68

Looks like she tanned to much to me yuck other than that she looks decent.

HollyMo said... 69

I think she is blowing smoke up our arses, I think she'll be on that plane to Bermuda after all.

cat said... 70

She always looks any pic next to other women. Just ginormous. So where's Steve RatClaw? Taking the pic?

chefsummer #Leh said... 71

If that thing is real it coast a lot a whole lot.

Jane said... 72

Jeez - this is just nauseating. Mainstream media really should pick upon these crazy, disturbed fans.

@Kateplusmy8 BTW-that XMas card w/the $100 bill in it& no signature was from me,in case U never figured it out.Hope U bought what I wantted?

Twittering and a Twattering said... 73

He's done on Twitter, upset with Kate, but just for a few minutes! He's back. I wonder if he's related to BigFan!

@Kateplusmy8 New in Twitterland is that I "ouch"...I didn't realize how bad I came across. Sorry Kate..was defending myself. You understand?

@Kateplusmy8 HEY Kate! Today would be a great day for you to tweet a "Hello" to me. Whaddya think? ;) Haters would pee themselves.

@Kateplusmy8 BTW-that XMas card w/the $100 bill in it& no signature was from me,in case U never figured it out.Hope U bought what I wantted?

@shortnsaszy I'm not meeting any women on here! My intent was, and still is, to get to know Kate. What can I say? I get her.

Once A Viewer said... 74

That's creepy. I'd be scared out there on the empty acres, all hers....

Twittering and a Twattering said... 75

I agree, Jane. I just replied upthread with more of his tweets. It's the ones with the love/hate obsession, switching back and forth from adoration to anger, that would seem to need to be watched...

iWannaPuke said... 76

@Kateplusmy8 HEY Kate! Today would be a great day for you to tweet a "Hello" to me. Whaddya think? ;) Haters would pee themselves.

Nobody would "pee themselves" because we find you pathetic, sad and a bit "touched in the head."

You LOVE Kate? You don't understand why adults and teens shouldn't become buddies online?

This "man" is a joke.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 77

@gypsi001 ahhhhh! I'm so excited!!!!! Cannot wait to meet you!!! Who else is going??! Please tell!


Oh, sure she is!!!! You can tell that by the number of exclamation marks!!!!! Every waking moment will be spent in eager anticipation over meeting gypsi001! What she really wants to know is HOW MANY bookings she has made so far!
This is so pathetic that it's getting to be a joke...

Warmth Of The Sun said... 78

Yes, and this is one time when Kate has used her head and ignored him. I think she's seen that he has issues. Good for her.

AuntieAnn said... 79

Kate's big phoney grin always looks like she's doing a ventriloquist act. She's probably saying stuff under her breath like... I wonder how long I have to stand here and act nice among the mediocres...what a bore...gimme my check...where's the wine...can't wait til I'm alone with Steve...

Warmth Of The Sun said... 80

@Kateplusmy8 not to be disrespectful but u should talk to iwana it's not fair to ignore him, he's just a supporter like the rest of us! :(


No. Paige, he's not "just a supporter." He wants to offer Kate something much more than support!

readerlady said... 81

I thought Kate had the kids this past w/e. Shouldn't they be with Jon this w/e? Or is she just lying (again) to throw us off the scent.

I liked the format the way it was this morning, with some of the new Blogger features but the numbers on the posts. I really don't like the "reply" feature. I stopped reading one high traffic blog because it was horribly confusing with all the replies and everything out of chronological order. Now everything here seems all jumbled again.

BTW -- I can't load with IE or Firefox and had a difficult time getting it to load with Google Chrome. Had to refresh several times before the blog loaded and, when I tried to read some comments on the previous thread, the newest ones still wouldn't load.

PatK said... 82

Maybe Kate had to give up the Bermuda gig because Gina put her foot down. lol

Done and done said... 83

So he sent her 100 bucks so she could buy what he wants her to buy? Creepy. I don't blame Kate for ignoring him, but she shouldn't have accepted the money in the first place.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 84

All those phone calls that Alice Travel is getting definitely aren't from Kate's tweeties. Only two going so far, one definite and one has a deposit down.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 85

Seriously...I'd like to slap this person silly ~

Literally, the best book ever. @Kateplusmy8 via @abenner17

Sherry Baby said... 86

Maggie said...Yes, TV Guide posted Kate was making $250,0000 per episode.


I'm not too certain how reputable TV Guide is, or where they obtained that information, but if it's correct, that amount is gross, not net. Knock a third off that for taxes. Still, not a bad paycheck for one episode that includes everything, from vacations to pool parties, being comped.

Sherry Baby said... 87

There was another one who tweeted that said she read all of Kate's books multiple times and they were the best books ever. I guess this is the intellectual level of the sheeple. They've never heard of the classics.

Pam said... 88

Either Kate is standing on a pedestal, she has on some REALLY high heels, or those other ladies are REALLY short and small....because Kate towers over them like an Amazon woman.

Laurie said... 89

readerlady said....BTW -- I can't load with IE or Firefox and had a difficult time getting it to load with Google Chrome. Had to refresh several times before the blog loaded and, when I tried to read some comments on the previous thread, the newest ones still wouldn't load.
I totally agree. I didn't have any problems this morning but have tried everything that you've tried and am still having problems. I also can't use the "reply" function. To paraphrase the song from Lil' Abner...put it back, the way it was, oh put it back the way it was!"

Pam said... 90

These poor Tweety fans are gonna be in for a very ruuuuuude awakening come next August, after they spend all this money for a cruise hoping to be Kate's BFF that week ~ and then get blown off by Kate and kept at arms length by the booby guard. They should not be expecting anything more than a wave and hello and "Thanks for coming Tweety person".

I suspect this website will have a few new fans next August after a certain cruise is over. Some eyes will be opened. Can't say we didn't try to warn them.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 91

He said that he didn't sign the card. Chances are, then, that he didn't use his name or return address, so she couldn't return it. That's probably why he did what he did. No name, no return.

Once A Viewer said... 92

I know...that's like being called a hooker, really. Ok, a $100 call girl? Who is she to say no? Seriously, I hope the incident shook Kate up and realized she has children who may be targets of either obsession or worse by these teeters..

AuntieAnn said... 93

She also attended a happy hour at Cleopatra's Barge at Caesar's Palace

Speaking of Cleopatra's Barge I suppose Kate wants the RCLL to have an area cordoned off with red velvet ropes so that she can only be viewed at from a safe distance.

If nothing else this cruise is going to be an entertaining spectacle to read about when it's all over.

readerlady said... 94

The information was originally reported in Variety, a very reputable industry paper.

Moose Mania said... 95

I suspect this website will have a few new fans next August after a certain cruise is over. Some eyes will be opened. Can't say we didn't try to warn them.


I wonder if it's even going to happen. They certainly aren't going sponsor a cruise if only 25 people show up. We'll know in May when the final payment is due.

wayward said... 96

Agreed. For the extra $1,000-$2,000 for the privilege of breathing the same air as Kate, I think they will be sorely disappointed at how often Kate will manage to get out of the planned activities with her. Right off the bat, the excursion is never ever happening. She is going to be "sick" for that one. Hell, it probably made her sick just thinking about spending more than 10 minutes with the riff raff & mediocres. I say she will do the Q&A session, and the craft thing and maybe one of the meals. The (one per family) personalized gift will be a choice of one of her books, signed.

Is it normal for a travel agency to make it so very clear that the featured celebrity may not show up or do all of the planned activities? Or is this a Kate Klause because she already knows she won't be spending all that time with the unwashed masses?

Did anyone find out if the travel agency is letting the sheeple pay for a Kate Kruise while buying regular price tickets for the rest of the family?

Aeris said... 97

Re: iwanainspireu
@Kateplusmy8 BTW-that XMas card w/the $100 bill in it& no signature was from me,in case U never figured it out.Hope U bought what I wantted?

That iwanainspireu Twitter guy would have scared my sh*t out. I'm imagining Khate getting a random $100 bill in the mail with a suggestive hint, ex. "I want you to buy this baby blue teddy from Frederick's, along with a pair of long, white boots". No name in the card. Yeah, I probably wouldn't thank him, either, but I never would have accepted the money in the first place. I'd mail it right back if there was a return address; if not, it would go a local charity.

She needs to cut Twitter out of her life and just maintain her website - I hear it needs some maintenance. Do it for your kids, so they aren't stuck without a mother someday (good or bad, she's still Mom).

Downeaster Alexa said... 98

"Hope U bought what I wantted?"


What HE wanted her to buy? Creepy beyond words. This is one of those "I'm not going to be ignored" nuts. But, in his case, he HAS been ignored for many months - what did he say? Six months, and still it goes on and on and on, despite threats of being done with her and Twitter, and he still keeps coming back like a bad penny...all within a few hours.

Eventually, something's gotta give, but I hope she continues to use her gut instinct and not respond.

Kat said... 99

"Ahhh I'm so excited, who else is coming"= How many more suckers can you bring so I can get rich off of you simpletons and while your at ...shut the hell up and gimme all your damn money.....and I mean that in a nice way...

dumber than hammers said... 100

Dear Kate

When strangers send you "presents" they expect something in return. If they are sane, it will be "thanks". If they are not, the sky's the limit. Unsigned card today, stalking tomorrow. You can't say you haven't been warned.

PS-saying "Thanks, but no thanks, please "give" elsewhere" makes life safer and easier for everyone, including those children you pimp out.

No "gifts" = No expectations. You are off the hook, and your "fans", sane or otherwise, can look elsewhere for personal interactions.

Not that you care. You ARE stupid if you are not worried, though.

wayward said... 101

Amen. He's turning into Alex from "Fatal Instinct."

She hasn't responded to him in six months because she wants nothing to do with him. That is her right and he needs to move on. Who the F does he think he is? Just because he "gets" her, doesn't obligate Kate in any form or fashion to communicate with him. He's obsessed and this shows he is unwilling or unable to have and maintain real life relationships, instead he wants to pursue the unattainable. And pout like the big wuss he is because it's not going his way.

She needs to get off Twitter, but she never will. I think she thinks her faux following looks good to those in the entertainment industry and to any companies who may want to hire her. I suspect that's how she reeled Coupon Cabin in. I wish they would have actually looked at her followers and noticed that 69,993 of them are bought & paid for and mostly inactive.

Katie Cry-duh said... 102

I would be shocked if Kate does not attend this bullshit Bermuda gala. Neither rain nor sleet nor snow could deter her from a free "working" vacation. So I'm wondering what's up? Lying about hanging with the kids this weekend? Being expected to donate to the charity? Ratclaws not available to hold her widdle hand as she travels? You know it's not that she needs mommy time with the kids, that's for sure

Sonya - Lil'Soak+ Fairtrade said... 103

Wow, I admire her for her tenacity to keep in the spotlight and make money. We struggle to get our own business going and also just always doing the budget thing and it seems she gets a lot of freebies to go here and there and everywhere. Sigh --- reality tv is so strange. I think it's strange that she still has a bodyguard though.

wayward said... 104

I need to correct my "sediment" (lol) Iwana is turning into Alex from "Fatal Attraction." I got my gory thrillers mixed up. Kate might want to keep a close eye on the chickens and hopefully they don't have any pet rabbits.

w said... 105

I think the "free" part was the problem. I don't think a start up charity would be able to pay for Kate & the boobyguard's airfare. Not to mention the stay at the resort. Kate's going to be 37 in a few months and I would bet the farm that she has never paid for her own plane ticket. She's not about to start now.

abc said... 106

Dear Admin
I know it's not your fault but this new format majorly sucks. Difficult to access on my PC and totally unable to access on my cell and tablet. What is blogger doing?

dumber than hammers said... 107

This new interface is awful (unpleasant font), and the threaded replies a real pain. Hope Blogger sorts this out, otherwise it's going to be too much trouble to deal with. That would be sad.

TLC stinks said... 108

What?! She's going to be home with kids this weekend? The Bermuda trip fell through because: Steve could not go or she was expected to donate $$$$. Let's see what excuse she comes up with.

abc said... 109

My question is, since JVM is a recovering alcoholic would she like it if every time she commented someone would bring it up and throw it in her face? Didn't think so so why is she doing this and permitting others to do this to Jon? She ranks up there with Kate, Nancy Grace, and Hailey Glassman as having absolutely NO CLASS.

Just curious said... 110

Actually she doesn't need any excuses. She never said she was going.

Kit said... 111

I followed K8's Twitter for awhile and Iwanainspireu does not sound like the same person as in the beginning. In fact, there is no way to know if it is the same person - some tweeties have had problems with keeping their names from time to time. I bet it's a new whacko OR even K8 impersonating a "dangerous fan" that will turn out to be the reason she will eventually UNtwitter.

Pity Party said... 112

That is why I am single now after having been married for most of my adult life. You never know when you are going to get a sheep in wolves' clothing.

Pity Party said... 113

A wolf in sheep's clothing, I meant to say.

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 114

I followed K8's Twitter for awhile and Iwanainspireu does not sound like the same person as in the beginning.


In what way? I think that if you are so enamored by someone and you are rejected, that yes, you might change after months of being ignored.

librarylady said... 115

Maybe her weekend with the kids is IN Bermuda... ;)

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 116

Just curiousJan 12, 2012 03:02 PM

Actually she doesn't need any excuses. She never said she was goin


She was invited to go on the cruise. "Excuses" may be the wrong word, but since her tweeties hang on everything on Kate's agenda, perhaps they feel that they are entitled to know why she was invited but chose not to go. After all, they make it their business to know where she is every waking (and sleeping) Moment. Refer to Milo and Jeanine's tweets.

Did she ever come out and say that she's going on the cruise? Of course it's implied just because it's billed as a Cruise with Kate. Will she need excuses if the cruise is cancelled for any reason?

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 117

Sorry, I meant Bermuda (first paragraph)...

mom of the year said... 118

Kate could still be attending the "Diamonds and Caviar" fiasco. She may be home only long enough to pack the next set of bags. She's still got a day to get there for dinner on the 13th.

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 119

Sorry, I meant Bermuda (first paragraph)...

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 120

Is anyone having trouble posting? I got the message that there was a blogger error, followed by "that's all we know," only to find it posted twice?

fidosmommy said... 121

The guy in the second picture didn't get the memo to wear black.

Kit said... 122

Kokomo, in the beginning, Iwana sounded like a fan who, from time to time ex pressed himself with humor over the whole K8 phenomenon. He also would engage the awful posters there as to why he felt the way he felt about K8. In short, he seemed much more sanguine about not getting K8's attention and was content for awhile to just 'hang out' on Twitter with the other fans. None of this is to say that his replies (and intentions) have not escalated to a creepy degree, but since I witnessed other fans' twitter names being hijacked occasionally, it just makes me think of it in this case as well.

I only rarely look at K8's twitter now - in fact, I just looked to see what the cruise wrought, so Iwana may have been like this for longer than I would have guessed.

Moose Mania said... 123

A sheep (sheeple) in wolf's clothing may also be applicable!

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 124

Kit, he's been flip-flopping for quite some time and really hasn't changed that much. I really do think it's the same person and that the account has not been hijacked. Maybe someone (NLAN) who follows this more closely could give an opinion.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 125

I see that I'm not the only one having problems with this new blogger format.

The only way I can view your comments, or leave a comment, is by using my Nook reader.

I hope this is a temporary situation.

cathy518 said... 126

I can't follow this blog now: HELP!!!

She is a Cow said... 127

Just watched the evening news and no mention of Kate attending the Gala. I was surprised to see her tweet that she would be home with the kids for the weekend, but as with everything Kate says/tweets you never know if it is the truth. She was highlighted earlier this week in the newspaper as one of the "stars" coming, but tonight's newscast said 25 confirmed "stars" are attending. They mentioned Star Jones and a few others, but not Kate. I think the stars are expected to make a donation and that probably made grifter Gosselin think twice. That and the weather forecast is dismal. Cloudy, rainy, blustery 30 to 40k winds for the next three days.

Kirkland said... 128

I'm not having any problems at all with the blog. I use Firefox. Everything looks good to me. ~ Administrator said... 129

Test driving this way to do comments. Feedback please.

Moose Mania said... 130

...and that the handful who weren't bought and paid for are just plain nuts.

fidosmommy said... 131

Just plain weird is what it is. Each time I come here now, it's different. I am not tech savvy and change throws me for a loop every time.

fidosmommy said... 132

Just plain weird is what it is. Each time I come here now, it's different. I am not tech savvy and change throws me for a loop every time.

chefsummer #Leh said... 133

If Kate didn't go her fans will still be up her butt she can do no wrong in their eye's.

Ingrid said... 134

I still think her derby hat looks like the roof of a tiki hut thing.

Audible Click said... 135

Admin, here is my feedback on the UI. It's deplorable and not intuitive at all. Blogger has made the same mistake that Netflix did; they shoved a change down out throats and expect us to be grateful that we have threaded replies now. I think you may lose posters and readers simply because the blog is so difficult to access and post on. I sincerely hope that Blogger will allow you to revert to the old UI. Fingers crossed.

She's such a c word said... 136

The blog page is back to normal, but to comment you get the GWOP style page and have to click on 'go to comment box' (or something to that effect)

librarylady said... 137

Admin, I think it's even worse now. Even harder to follow. To be honest, if it stays this way I probably won't be here often. I'm sure the sheeple are rejoicing at the change.

Sorry :( know it's not your fault.

dumber than hammers said... 138

The blog is better, and numbers are back. Also no threading!?! Yay!!!

But commenting is a mess, have to go to another screen. I'm using Firefox.

Blogger isn't doing anyone any favors. Admin, have you considered Wordpress? Or would it just be a mess to migrate after all this time? Lots of people who give up on Blogger seem to end up happily on WEP.

Kit said... 139

Whoa - I *thought* we were back to normal with numbers and old formatting, but to comment I was whisked away to some format I've never encountered before. If you get this, great, but it's a pita. I like the old way, and that's not just because this is a big change - I'm among the first to enjoy a new way of doing things if it's a good way.

librarylady said... 140

I meant the commenting part is bad - clicking on "links to this post" under the blog entry to actually read posts is okay (not clicking on the "sediments" link, though).

I'm using Firefox.

Kit said... 141

Also, after commenting and refreshing the page, I find myself back to somewhere in the middle of the blog, not where I left off. I now have to scroll to the end and work my way back to the latest comment I remember.

Kit said... 142

Should have read: OR I am at the end and have to scroll back to where I left off.

It's just that I never know what's going to happen when I refresh the page to look for new comments - I could find myself in the middle OR the end.

TLC ship is sinking said... 143

Viewing the mobile version on my Android smartphone and do not notice any visible changes with the new format...what have you changed?

Personally, I sort of welcome the threading comments as it is easier to follow a separate conversation within the main post - if readers adhere to the new setup. If some do it the old way and others use the reply button, I can see how this may end up being a little more difficult to follow this blog especially when it gets over 200+ comments. Maybe a consensus on whether or not this blog should use or ignore the reply button?

The replies in a darker background color actually draw my attention more than if the replies were just indented (or done the old way).

It does take adjusting to the new format here, but some big news/tech sites I follow already have threaded comments so I am more accustomed to it.

If this thread reaches 200 comments, I fear it won't be able to see anything after that. Absolutely do not like the "load more" feature as it doesn't all.

Agree with those about line spacing. If you can increase line spacing, my eyes would appreciate it.

Thanks admin for doing what you can with Blogger's new changes.

Jane said... 144

Reading the blog is back to normal with numbered posts. I'm on Chrome. Posting a comment is different - like the GWOP blog. But it's doable :) ~ Administrator said... 145

Hm I kind of don't mind the pop up comment thing .... if you click on the post, you can still read comments like normal. Let's see what happens when we get past 200. I don't see the Load More button which is the biggest problem of all.

Please void your displeasure on blogger's blog

Layla said... 146

If she did opt out of that Bermuda thing, then I say good for her! She needs to learn to be a bit more choosy about what she attaches her name to. Right now people see her in the same light as those people who appear on Jerry Springer--cheap, trashy, and crass. She needs to quit grabbing at money and try to build an image. Do we dare hope that she's trying to raise the bar a bit?

Makeover time! First, she needs to realize that it's not attractive to have skin the color of Nacho Cheese Doritos. By the way, whoever it was who came up with that comparison, it was a stroke of genius. Hats off to you.
Next, she needs to wash that hair, as so many have pointed out here. Maybe she likes it when it's super-straight, but it just hangs there and looks dirty. And then she could clean up that wardrobe...nobody takes pride in looking like a hooker, do they? Those hideous print dresses make me shudder. Don't they have Brooks Brothers in PA? J Crew? Maybe some classic dresses, cashmere sweaters, cute skirts, maybe some pearls...

Oh, I give up. This is Kate we're talking about. As she likes to say, she just doesn't get it.

Barb Gilman said... 147

I'm on Chrome too and it's looking more normal this evening.

I never used to see it when people called Kate's skin orange, but in these photos, wowser! She is so orange! ~ Administrator said... 148

What makes me think she at least WAS planning on going to Bremuda was remember that PR firm tweeted her they were looking forward to meeting her? They made it seem like she had some connection to them.

She reads the blogs and she talks to advisers (Steve). If she's not going, there's no doubt in my mind it got through her thick head that not only does this charity seem very shady, but it looks even worse to leave the kids yet again.

The tweet about how she is going to spend the weekend WITH THE KIDS was a calculated tweet to put out there she is going to be with the kids, not on another luxury vacation. She never says stuff like that normally.

Pity Party said... 149

She may be leaving Sunday and Monday, didn't they mention they were taking advantage of the long weekend. I can't see her not taking a chance to mark Bermuda off her endless bucket list. ~ Administrator said... 150

I love all of this cruise talk! Have you booked your cruise with me yet? 3 minutes ago


Be real Kate. You love all the money talk. Her comment about who else was going was so transparent.


NJGal51 said... 151

Can read on my iPad without a problem but still having issues reading on computer and Android phone. Hard to post.

Katie Cry-duh said... 152

I think you're giving Kate too much credit here. Don't think she cares if the charity is bogus, definitely don't think she cares if she spends too much time away from kids (it's "work", after all). I DO think she has to cough up some cash here; pay her own way since it's a new "charity" or egads! actually donate to the cause. It's all about freebies for her. Once she has to pay, she is repelled as if it's gymnastics lessons

fidosmommy said... 153

Plus, if Kate is still trying to cozy up to the evangelical Christian community, going on a cruise where
booze seems to be the main attraction
might not sit well. ~ Administrator said... 154

Time will tell I guess.

To Kate, looking forward to the "weekend" with her kids could very well mean a few hours on Saturday then she's off.

anger issues kate said... 155

I agree with you Admin. If Kate did go or possibly she still might go(Kate lies so much, it's sometimes hard to tell, when she is telling the truth). The fact she did not mention it, on twitter, there is not media write up about it, tells the story. It falls in that group with :sheeple get together,the one that wanted Kate to do a M &G and that never happened.
As for this LV trip: Kate was nothing more than eye candy. (a sour/bitter one at that). I'm sure Kate is gonna go off about, it was cause of her joining CC, that they got that $54 million check. When the rest of us know that it is not true. Since not too many pics from the conference of Kate and attendee have surfaced, Kate could not have been that important or popular.

AuntieAnn said... 156

If she does read here she's getting an awful lot of good advice. Maybe someday she'll pop in and say thanks.

Seriously, theres a lot information here that her sheeple fail to mention because they're too dumb or lazy to do the research.


abc said... 109
My question is, since JVM is a recovering alcoholic would she like it if every time she commented someone would bring it up and throw it in her face?
No need. JVM does that herself about 4 times a night.

fidosmommy said... 157

Anybody know when Vanna plans to retire from Wheel? I swear in those pictures it looks like Kate is priming herself to take her place.

Pam said... 158

Oh geeze.....Kate Plus 8 is on. was fliiping the channel and heard her screeching an yelling and it's only been on 5 minutes.

Quickly turned the channel.

Katie Cry-duh said... 159

Love that there are a multitude of negative tweets all day long but Kate jumps on one lone tweet where the poor heart tells kate she is her fitness inspiration and retweets it. She is so obsessed with the idea that she is bodacious somehow. Uh, Kate, we saw the pictures from the Australia zoo. Your organic diet has done nothing about your cellulite and lipo scars.

readerlady said... 160

Okay, my thoughts on the new format: I like the numbers, don't like the "reply" and really hate the new way of posting. However, I do like that I can finally post as myself again. I can't access the blog on Firefox or IE and it's "funky" on Google Chrome.

Mel said... 161

Maybe her weekend with the kids is IN Bermuda...

My thought exactly! ~ Administrator said... 162

That's another thing I noticed. She never said looking forward to being HOME with the kids. Just looking forward to being with the kids. For all we know she's taking them with her over the long weekend.

Mel said... 163

This new blogging format makes me crazy! It's different every time I access it. I definitely don't like the threading!

Anonymous said... 164

This blogging format is also making me crazy. When I click on 'sediments' to read the comments, a box comes up with everyone's comments. Does this happen for everyone, or is it just my computer being screwy?

Audible Click said... 165

@ SmileyGrl752 The comment box is all the way at the bottom of the pop-up window. I just accessed the blog with IE and it seems to be working so except that the pop-up won't allow spell check. :(

wow, bad changes said... 166

Miserable on my Android tablet. Verrrrry slow to load, comments window a big ugly mess. Hope you can get this worked out. ~ Administrator said... 167

everyone PLEASE take the time to tell blogger you don't like this if that's how you feel.

From the looks of their blog they think they just invented slice bread. They think these changes are fabulous. They're NOT working for very busy blogs like this one.

Warmth of the Sun said... 168

Good grief - talk about blogger problems. On my desktop, I can click on Sediments and see the pop-up box. On my laptop, nothing happens when I click on Sediments. I can click on links and read the posts, but there is no comment box. Does anyone else have this problem?

Warmth of the Sun said... 169

I forgot to add - I am using Firefox on both computers. This is not fun. ~ Administrator said... 170

Warmth of the Sun, try your pop up settings. The comment box is a pop up and you need to be able to allow pop ups.

Anonymous said... 171

Granted we all like the old format better, however if we have to live with the changes so be it. When viewing in Firefox click on the post title and the comments appear very similar to the old format including numbering. If you want to comment you must scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Post a Comment", this will open a new window where you can add a comment in classic Blogger style. Not perfect, (by any means), however absolutely livable enough to deal with! Thank you for trying your best to find an amenable solution.


PS. Admin: I am a long time lurker, but this is my first comment since most of my "sediments" have previously been posted by your many astute contributors!

Pants on fire said... 172

Testing on my iPad

Warmth Of The Sun said... 173

If you want to comment you must scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Post a Comment", this will open a new window where you can add a comment in classic Blogger style. Not perfect, (by any means), however absolutely livable enough to deal with! Thank you for trying your best to find an amenable solution.


Maybe for everyone else, but not for me on a laptop! I can't post anything on there, there is no pop-up box when I click "post" and I'm using Firefox. ~ Administrator said... 174

until they fix this stupid thing, do people prefer the pop up window or the full page of comments?

Gift of grab said... 175

Like others, I am finding the new format a little disconcerting, and I definitely would NOT want threading. The format I am getting now (through Chrome) has the comments in a pop-up box, which is okay, but I am NOT getting any numbers on each post. Just the total number of posts appearing on the top. Would really miss the numbers if they don't come back.

Strange that every other person seems to have something different? ~ Administrator said... 176

Warmth like I said check your pop up settings in firefox. It may be blocking the pop up comment box.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 177

My question is, since JVM is a recovering alcoholic would she like it if every time she commented someone would bring it up and throw it in her face?
No need. JVM does that herself about 4 times a night.


She makes me crazy with that. "I'm a recovering alcoholic with 50 years of sobriety..." Reminds me of Nancy and the twins. ~ Administrator said... 178

50 years of sobriety??? How old was she when she was tipping the bottle, six?

PMGirl said... 179

Hi, I just want to go back to the ring for a sec. Kate has had it since she was in NZ last year. There was a photo from that trip of her hand with 8 little hands and the ring was on her third finger.
For those suggesting it's worth a lot ... I wouldn't be so sure, small diamond chips probably $400 at most. I also don't think her diamond necklace is overly special. I'm a lowly teacher and have bigger diamond earrings than the one she wears around her neck. With my friends we don't get bragging about diamonds till they reach the 2 carat mark!

swimmermama said... 180

Andy Cohen just named Kate his jack hole of the day for the cruise. He said she would be yelling at all the kids on board.

Ex Nurse said... 181

When I tried to post a comment with a link, earlier today, I couldn't use the paste function. I am using an IPad, and everything seems to be working ok, for now.

I am not seeing threaded comments, and can see the numbers when I use the blog post title link instead of the "sediments" link. Popup comment box works much better than before the changes--even has now added auto fill. Posting a comment used to behave very squirrelly--that was why I didn't post. Maybe improving IPad functionality was one of the reasons for the change? Anyway, pop up box comments has my vote.

Would appreciate if someone would post how to make a link clickable.

Oh--when I hit preview, it rolled up to top of comments--thought it was gone. Had to scroll all the way to bottom and found it highlighted. That was annoying, but it allowed me to easily edit--which used to be a big problem. So over all, still think that, at least for iPads, that it is much improved!

Marie said... 182

I like the full page.

This tweet that Kate didn't give her eyes permission to close just sounds really stupid!

Just when I thought it was impossible for her tweets to get any, well, dumber...I was wrong.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 183 (Administrator) said... 178

50 years of sobriety??? How old was she when she was tipping the bottle, six?


lol, Admin! It seems like it's a different number of years each time she says it. Sometimes it's 14 years, other times it's more than 15 years. The 50 years was pure snark.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 184

@Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 my mom said i could. but they're not going to pay for it


I think here's the answer to where these teens parents are. Paige's mom says she can go on the cruise. What parent would allow a teenage girl to go on a cruise alone with internet tweeters who are total strangers? Shaking my head here...

PMGirl said... 185

Twittering and a Twattering said... 184
@Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 my mom said i could. but they're not going to pay for it


I think here's the answer to where these teens parents are. Paige's mom says she can go on the cruise. What parent would allow a teenage girl to go on a cruise alone with internet tweeters who are total strangers? Shaking my head here...

I'm wondering if the cruise line would allow minors to be booked without supervising adults. I wouldn't imagine they'd be allowed to go on their own. I know that when some of my students looked at taking a cruise for schoolies (the party that happens for the graduating class each year, most famously at Surfers Paradise) they were not allowed to go unless they could get a parent to be responsible for the lot of them and attend and live in with them ... which meant it didn't happen.

I'd like to know if cruise lines do allow un-accompanied minors, as I'd be crossing them off my list of cruise lines I'd travel with. Looking at booking a US cruise at Christmas, around the Caribbean but on a smaller ship than the Allure.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 186

I'm wondering if the cruise line would allow minors to be booked without supervising adults

No, they do not. Anyone under 21 MUST be accompanied by an adult, age 21 or older. It does not have to be a parent or guardian, but the responsible adult must be age 21 or older. ~ Administrator said... 187

As someone pointed out, RC's rules are you need an adult with you in the room. I'm not aware of any other line that allows minors without an adult. There may be exceptions for school groups, but then you would have teachers with you. There's a program called semester at sea that I think may accept older minors, but that program also has many adults supervising on board.

It would be a liability nightmare to allow minors to book a cruise without an adult to supervise them. RC has enough problems as it is with various deaths and shady incidents on board. The last thing their lawyers need is something happening to a kid.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 188

Just testing the pop up box for comments. I think I kind of like it. It's better than being taken to the old standard Blogger page and then having to go back and click on the post title in order to see the comments the way we used to.

I'm still not a fan of the reply feature with threading, so I don't really want to see that come back. I think it only works on blogs that aren't as active and don't have so many comments all day long.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 189

A couple more pics from Vegas turned up:
Spotted: @Kateplusmy8 in Las #Vegas. Kate is the new #Blogger for @CouponCabin! Yay or Nay?
12 hours ago

Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BeddingStyle yay (lol) and had lotsa fun...
11 hours ago
@kateplusmy8 yes it was a great event!
10 hours ago via HootSuit


That first tweet has a link to their Facebook pic of Khate:


Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 190

Well, it is a little more difficult to post comments, especially if I'm including a hyperlink. I like to make my links clickable, and when I preview my comment, I always make sure the link works. That's a little harder to do now. I can live with the changes, but I really would prefer it if we could just go back. Fixing something that wasn't broken makes no sense. Stupid Blogger!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 191

One more photo from Vegas (click the "twitpic" link to see it):

briandawg1 Brian Benedict
@Kateplusmy8 great meeting you in Vegas! You look stunning - Bestie!
11 Jan ~ Administrator said... 192

Blogger made the arrogant assumption that this is what everyone wanted and didn't even allow a chance to opt out of it but still be able to use embedded comment forms.

I looked at the help forum, tons of people are annoyed by this and almost every single person who is annoyed says they get lots of comments on their blogs. Bloggers threading "fix" works great for people that have a few comments. It does not work for blogs with heavy commenting.

If it ain't broke don't fix it! Or if you fix it, give people the option to choose if they want the fix in the first place. ~ Administrator said... 193

Hmm. I'm thinking Kate got a veneers touch up Hillary Duff style. Anyone?

Westcoaster said... 194

Her teeth certainly do gleam whitely in those new pics.

IF K8 is really staying home with her kids this weekend, I think she found out that not only were her expenses not being totally comped, but that the stahs are expected to make a charitable donation. And quick as a flash, no trip for pay it forward K8, that wallet does not open no way, no how.

fidosmommy said... 195

Re: Paige being able to go but parents won't pay.

That seems like the perfect answer to me. Sure, Paige, you can go. If you can afford all the costs involved completely on your own, yes, you may go. If you want to start college with nothing saved, fine. If one week of sharing the open seas with Kate Gosselin is how you want to play with your future plans, then be my, be your own guest. You have our permission to physically get on the boat, but we will do nothing to help get you there. We are not telling you what you may not do. We are telling you what we will not do. You, this trip, your college and your future are in your hands, dear.

We, your parents, love you enough to give you the freedom to decide.
But don't come crying to us when you can't afford your textbooks, OK? When you can't afford a pizza out with your friends, go look at the autographed gift Kate gave you on the trip. That will make you feel better.

Let us know what you decide.

fidosmommy said... 196

Re: Paige being able to go but parents won't pay.

That seems like the perfect answer to me. Sure, Paige, you can go. If you can afford all the costs involved completely on your own, yes, you may go. If you want to start college with nothing saved, fine. If one week of sharing the open seas with Kate Gosselin is how you want to play with your future plans, then be my, be your own guest. You have our permission to physically get on the boat, but we will do nothing to help get you there. We are not telling you what you may not do. We are telling you what we will not do. You, this trip, your college and your future are in your hands, dear.

We, your parents, love you enough to give you the freedom to decide.
But don't come crying to us when you can't afford your textbooks, OK? When you can't afford a pizza out with your friends, go look at the autographed gift Kate gave you on the trip. That will make you feel better.

Let us know what you decide.

fidosmommy said... 197

That's the second time my post has double posted. I only clicked Publish your Comment once.

I really don't like this format at all. Not at all.

Have You Any Wool said... 198

You, this trip, your college and your future are in your hands, dear.


To a "normal" kid, this might seem to be the answer. This one, however, is not normal. Her devotion to Kate far exceeds her ability to think rationally. If, for some reason, she is resourceful enough to come up with the funds (grifting, borrowing, sharing expenses, whatever) then what? Tell her that she can't go? What happens if one of these internet friends offers to share a room with her, lend her money?
There's no way that I would allow a kid to take a trip with strangers. I wouldn't allow any wiggle room on the off chance that she just might come up with the money.

JudyK said... 199

Yesterday, after initially being able to post, I could bring up the site but not the comments.

Suddenly, last night, the comments appeared but they're in a minimized screen that I can NOT maximize. This is so irritating, and it's hard on my eyes.

Katie Cry-duh said... 200

Love the guy's body language. Was it her blathering or her bad breath or the HUGE head that repelled him? It looks like it may be #2, breath

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