Tuesday, January 17, 2012

When the butter hits the fan: Paula Deen's unhealthy reality

The beloved Food Network southern cook is a diabetic. And some say, a liar and a fake, too. 

Comfort food connoisseur and butter and egg lover Paula Deen confirmed a long-standing rumor today--she has Type 2 Diabetes. But Deen didn't just learn of the diagnosis yesterday. She was diagnosed three years ago, and has continued to cook and dish up her high-calorie comfort food and maintain an unhealthy weight all the while keeping her health problems a secret from her adoring public.

Are TV stars obligated to disclose information like this about them, especially when it might seem hypocritical? This brought to mind Jon and Kate's elaborate marriage renewal in Hawaii. We found out later, the marriage was seriously on the rocks. Jon and Kate also downplayed all the money they made from their TV show while they continued their speaking circuit asking for donations.  

243 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dallas Lady said... 1

I used to be a fan of Paula Deen. But I knew about her when she was little known outside of Georgia (I lived there at the time). And she did NOT speak with such a heavily exaggerated accent or use the same sort of mannerisms she does now.

When I saw her morph into this caricature of a Southern woman, I got annoyed. It was marketing, plain and simple. Her recipes were ok, some quite good, but too heavy and rich for everyday use anyway.

Now with this, well, it's at the very least hypocritical.

As for Kate, nearly everything she does is "do as I say, not as I do" and always has been.

I wanted to address something mentioned at the end of the last post: someone named lovemarktexeria or something like that tweeted about the cruise, but they said "I'm going on that cruise!" That wording makes me think they're just going on the cruise, not that they signed up for the Kate package.

Marie said... 2

I don't think the world deserves to know everything about everyone. I mean it's a choice I think on to be a public figure but then also have your private life and situations. And when they become public, be it your own choice or not I think in respect it shouldn't change how people feel about someone. Often times it does. Be it hypocritical or not.

It's like when you go to work in the morning, you do your job then you come home. Your boss doesn't deserve to know everything you might do off the clock. Although with some places having a policy of wanting your Facebook I think sometimes we as society have blurred this line between working respect and private respect.

24/7 media intrusion from media outlets, press, CNN, paparazzi I don't see the point.

Paula Deen, I respect as a person, for starting a career and for being who she is. She seems passionate about food and family, which, a lot of people are. There is nothing wrong with that. You don't have to like her but I would think least one could do is respect her career choice and accept her approach to life and to let her deal with consequences without giving her grief all the time.

No, I am not really a fan of some recipes, my issue being the amount of butter in some things, but it doesn't mean I don't at least respect her willingness to teach others how to cook, how to enjoy cooking and enjoy the results of cooking with family and friends.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

Well said Marie!

Robin's Nest said... 4

Dallas said,

"I wanted to address something mentioned at the end of the last post: someone named lovemarktexeria or something like that tweeted about the cruise, but they said "I'm going on that cruise!" That wording makes me think they're just going on the cruise, not that they signed up for the Kate package."


I thought about that, too, and it could be, but that person has been in the sheeple camp for some time. It would be an unusual concidence that she happened to sign up for the same cruise that Kate is now promoting and is not going along with the drool-all-over-Kate thing. Not impossible, just a bit unusual. Mark "Tex" Teixeira (pronounced Ta-share-a) plays for the Yankees. She apparently "luvs" him!

Have You Any Wool said... 5

@griftinginc @kateplusmy8 And may the flees of a thousand camels infest your armpits. (JK)


JK? Johnny Carson? Karson? :)

Maggie said... 6

I am curious, are there 2 Marie posters? If so, perhaps they name themselves Marie and Marie2. Thanks

AuntieAnn said... 7

I'm a little suspicious of Paula's decision to announce her diabetes and her endorsement of NN's insulin at the same time. She's always been very candid about her life on her show and even wrote a book about it with no holds barred. Seems strange that she'd hold back about her diagnosis of three years ago. I think we can expect a new cookbook soon. After all she IS a brand.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 8

Paula Deen is most likely a lovely, warm, friendly, sincere person with loads of personality -- everything Kate is not -- and she may have been in denial about her diagnosis for three years, but in the end, for both of them, it's all about the Benjamins and the "brand."

Marie said... 9

@Maggie, while I would love to answer your question I am the only poster here now with this name that I know of. I don't read every post so there may be another one. There was a sheeple or something of the sort under Marie for awhile.

It would have to be up to Administrator because I don't plan on changing my name as per a rule.

CharlieCat said... 10

Have You Any Wool said... 5
@griftinginc @kateplusmy8 And may the flees of a thousand camels infest your armpits. (JK)


JK? Johnny Carson? Karson? :)

JK - just kidding

AuntieAnn said... 11

I agree she's everything that Kate isn't, but I deplore hypocrisy. I hope my suspicions are wrong but I'm smelling a rat.

Westcoaster said... 12

Thank you Marie, I pretty much feel the same way, and hope this thread remains civil.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

Marie the regular, you can keep our name and any other Marie should pick a different one.

Back to Paula Deen, I don't really know. But here's the thing, you can be a really lovely person and very nice to your fans and go above and beyond, and still be willing to do some shady things to make money. And then there's Kate, who is not lovely or nice and is pretty vile, and also loves money.

In other words, nice people love money too.

Anonymous said... 14

I don't think as a general public we have "a right" to know what celeb do with their personal time. However..when there is fraud, and it is found to be true..I DO think the public every right to react however they choose to.
For instance..I would not feel it is my business to know if CELEB A is having an affair. BUT If she was touted as having a PERFECT marriage and preached to others about how they should act in a marriage then Heck ya I'd be annoyed to find out that CELEB A is a sham. It would effect how I felt about buying product endorsed by her, effect if I watched her show etc. SO, I don't think I deserve to know...but if it slips out...I would want CELEB A to own it.

For instance..I feel the public should know what kate's net worth is if she is going to continue to cry poor mouth and accept donations. - but If Kate never refers to her financial situation..then no, it's no ones business. It only becomes the public business if they are handing over their hard earned money to her thinking she cannot support her own children because daddy is a "deatbeat"

on the Paula Dean..it would be nice if she mentioned her diabetes earlier..but health issues are private. As long as she is eating what she cooks, then she owes no explanation. it would be NICE but not expected. I do think it sucks, however, that in order to TELL US that she has to be a paid endorser. Such is the life of being a "brand" I guess. In the end, it's all about the money. The corporations have a lot more control over branded celebs that we may think.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 15

Em, I do agree with you that in general things aren't our business unless you are saying and doing one thing and behind the scenes doing something else. Kate's finances I think though aren't the best example, because they are NOT her finances, the bulk of it. The bulk of it was made off the kids and regardless whether she is saying she is rich or poor, if she is spending a ton of money, which she obliviously is, she owes an explanation. I don't mean she needs to forward her financial records to Radar online. It can stay confidential--the easiest way to accomplish this is to have an independent trustee manage their money. And by independent I don't mean a mom, dad, Steve, TLC or anyone that stands to make one dime off them.

Anonymous said... 16

What I mean by Paula eating what she cooks.
If she is eating it..then she's not really a fraud. BUT , she could, as a courtesy, explain that one shouldn't eat these meals on a daily basis.
Health issues are tricky. The are protected by laws, yet in this situation, we have a person endorsing something that has hurt them. I could easily see Paula getting sued by someone with Diabetes now who ate Paula's cooking. Soon everything will have to have a disclaimer somewhere.
Ugh, what a mess.


PJ's momma said... 17

This is off topic (sorry!) but every time I see Kate in that dress, I get annoyed. Not because the whole thing was a sham, but because I watched her on Say Yes to the Dress, and she liked the top of one dress, but the bottom of another and OF COURSE they arranged to have her dress made especially to her specifications EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS NOT PAYING A DIME. Kleinfeld's is exclusive and she just couldn't be happy with one free, standard, but very expensive dress. It's like she sabotages every damn thing given to her just to see how far she can push people. By the time that show aired, I had gone from scratching my head when I saw her to wanting to throw something at the TV.
Any-hoo, I guess Paula's doing what she feels is right for her and I hope she enjoys good health.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 18

I have to add I feel quite biased here. I have such a heart for the diabetic cause (and awareness!!! LOL) and such sympathy for how embarrassing this disease can be for many of them because it's a disease that is so hard to hide, that it's hard for me to be upset with her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 19

PJ, thanks for the reminder. And I ask again is she not embarrassed???? Someone offers you a free dress and instead of just picking out what you like and not complaining, you demand it be custom made? Shameless.

Anonymous said... 20

Admin..never thought of it that way. It's true..she is also managing her kids money. I don;t think she should be allowed. Did we learn nothing from Gary Coleman and so many others? I think the kids earning should have gone into an untouched account. It;s not like Kate had to sacrifice to support them (like when you hear stories how mom;s slept in cockroach infested apartments in LA to help their kids pursue their dreams) Kate has not out her life on hold so the kids could work. THey were forced to work!! That money should not be allowed for Kates use for expenses since Kate was paid 85% more for doing the same job. Whay should she have to dip into their meager earnings. ugh..the whole thing burns me up.
Those kids will have NOTHING when they turn 18 I fear. Im not being a drama queen..I just feel it. AND IF there is any $$ there will be serious strings attached.

BTW, cant Jon do something about Steve being trustee if that is true? I wonder how he feels. I also wonder how Jon could be so broke after having HIS name on Multiple Blessings as well, and was on a hit show for several seasons. Something is not right with Kate's finances and it reeks.


Ex Nurse said... 21

I am not personally familiar with Paula Deen. My understanding is that she represents her recipes as authentic Southern cooking, not health food. Lets face it--traditional Southern cooking is loaded with fat and refined sugar. The ingredients and proportions are in her recipes, for anyone to see. Unlike Kate Gosselin, she did not try to pass her recipes, or herself, off as anything other than what they are. According to others on this blog, she even recommended moderation. For PR reasons, it would probably be in her best interest to lighten up some of her recipes. I think that she is a brand, a television personality and a businesswoman, who saw an opportunity to benefit financially by promoting a medication. I think it is a cynical choice, and, in any case, I don't really care for southern food. So, it will not be any sacrifice at all to pass on all things Paula Deen.

Anonymous said... 22

You need to stop your bullshit lady...


2exhausted2name said... 23

I know who Paula Deen is but I'm not a follower of hers and have really only seen her guest appearances on talk shows which leads me to my question - is part of her marketing healthy living and leading by example? Or is it all about the comfort food, not so much about the lifestyle? If the former, yes she did mislead the public. If the latter, she didn't as she was selling a product, not a healthy lifestyle.

I don't blame her for keeping it private. The diagnosis alone can be difficult to deal with without having "the public" weigh in. Add on to that the fact that Type II diabetes comes with the stigma that you get it because you brought it on yourself, I can see why she would take three years to come to terms with it and brace herself for the inevitable public flogging.

I seem to recall a mention somewhere that she had (still does?) agoraphobia - it could be part of the reason she waited until she was ready. Or it could be because someone found out and threatened to expose it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 24

I don't think she even needs to say this is unhealthy. It's obvious. Who doesn't know that two pounds of butter and friend chicken every day is bad for you? She even poked fun at herself about how unhealthy it is.

Like I said it's like the cupcake shows and cake shows. Everyone who watches knows of course you can't eat this stuff all the time. The cupcake boss doesn't have to tell me, oh by the way don't eat this every day or you'll get diabetes.

At least, I hope I'm giving the general public the credit they deserve.

What an interesting little predicament here.

Anonymous said... 25

I feel the same way about Diabetes being embarrassing. There is a stigma that it is "their fault." Sure sometimes the diet didn't help but genetics also plays a part. Again, I cant judge this scenerio because it is a health issue and those are so private...but Kate's finances. Those make me upset.

And PJ..YES THE DRESS!!! What a crude woman. SHe has no appreciation. Of course she would have to butcher 2 dresses. ONE FREE DRESS is not good enough. Gimme Gosselin can NEVER quit. It was like asking the dr for a free boob job when she was offered the tummy tuck. Its always the same with her. Couponing my ass. Kate doesnt NEED coupons, she grifts.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 26

No, I don't think Paula Deen every tried to say this food was healthy. Delicious, yes. Healthy, of course not.

It's interesting to think how far do you take this responsibility to the public. I think Anthony Bourdain is too hard on her. There are lots of things that are not so good for you. But cigarettes and alcohol are still on the shelves (with tiny warnings printed at the bottom). Suntanning is bad for you, but all hotel pools have a bunch of lounge chairs sprawled everywhere. Should cookie and cakes shops warn people about diabetes? Baskin Robins? What a buzzkill that would be.

There is so much education out there about what a healthy lifestyle is I don't expect anyone to warn me. If I want a cookie I'll buy it, and I can decide how often I'll buy it. I doubt there is a smoker out there who doesn't know lighting up is bad for you.

Anonymous said... 27

I was going to post that one shouldn't have to say
DON'T DO THIS EVERYDAY - that it would be obvious..but then I remembered... In this litigious society, nothing can be assumed as obvious.
Agree with who said it;s not like Paula endorses a healthy lifestyle. She just endorses food. Food she loves, eats and feeds her family. I'm sure the diagnosis rocked her world.
I just dont know what to feel about her situation. Personally, I hold no resentment toward her nor would I ban her products. She just doesn't bother me. She seems harmless and fun. Honestly, the only celebs I really don't like are Kate Gosselin and Kim Kardashian. I know others are narcissistic beasts probably but for some reason only those 2 stand out to me and cause me to react with disdain.

Oh by the way..want a tweet from Kate..say your going on her cruise. It takes 3 seconds for a response.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 28

Also, not only does Paula Deen have the embarrassment of telling people like most diabetics feel, but also the embarrassment of talking about comfort food her whole life and possibly seeing this destroy her reputation.

I'm sure she realized this could ruin her. It probably won't, she'll figure out a way to recover, but I'm sure she's humble enough to fear it. Not sure how I feel about her timing, ect., but I do sympathize with how difficult it is to disclose this.

Anonymous said... 29

If Kate has skin issues will people say she should have warned us about the dangers of tanning?
I mean..she does discuss her tanning in her Q&A shows when people ask about her "glowing skin."
Is she "endorsing it?"

PJ's momma said... 30

Oh yeah, the boob job - she even asked for that on camera! I love how she qualified her children working to Larry King by saying that they were just playing and running in and out of the camera range. That's all she does too, and considers it her WORK! Free EVERYTHING while she goes around collecting/bitching about it, whether it's a trip or various remodels or a birthday party or a custom dress.......who wouldn't want 'work' like that? The statement is so absurd because it's so contradictory. If the kids do it, it's play. If she does it, it's work. She may have been bad before, but that show ruined her.

I do admire Paula's work ethic; she works damn hard and I have only seen her a few times, but I really like her. I find her endearing and it seems like she'd be very friendly and open and treat everyone the same. And she loves her family to death and it shows.

Anonymous said... 31

So true about being humble enough to fear . We have to remember..Paula Deanis a brand. Im sure there were many meetings on how to bring this up. She has a responsibility to her corporate backers. Like I said, this probably rocked her world and she is probably highly embarrassed. I think "the team" found a way to solve it. Paula endorses a med that allows Paula to eat her cooking in moderation.


Ex Nurse said... 32

You know, diet has become like religion....many think that their ideas are right, and are intolerant to any one else's views. At my last birthday family gathering, I had to plan a meal for a strict vegetarian, a couple on South Beach Phase 1(absolutely no carbs, very restricted fats) and a couple that are on the paleo diet ("caveman diet"-- eat only foods that are not processed, non-agricultural and views grains, corn and legumes as a hostile enemy). Added to this, both of the South Beachers have differing food aversions to fish, red peppers, spicy food, cilantro, olives, avocados and other random foods.

We got about 3 minutes into the meal, when my vegetarian sister started talking about the documentary, Knives Over Forks, based on the China diet. She then stated that, in her opinion, protein is over-rated and overly stressed in dietary recommendations. A heated argument about the politics of the food pyramid ensued, harsh words were exchanged, feelings were bruised and buried resentments boiled to the surface. So much for trying to find a compromise--there was none!

My personal feelings are that it is more important to eat whole foods, with minimal processing and additives, than to nit-pick every single aspect of food. As a nurse, I recognize the complexity of the human body, and I do believe that diet preferences and nutritional needs are unique to each person. Personally, I know what makes me feel nourished and satisfied and I am way more worried about the effects of chemical additives, steroids and chemically based sugar and fat substitutes on the human body, than worrying about having an occasional steak or burger.

Marie said... 33

Thanks Admin. Just thought it would nice if I asked and all that first.

Okay...about the dress, when was Kate ever on Yes to the Dress? Or is this someone else?

If you are offered something and you don't have to pay for it least one can do is be gracious and accept what is there. I mean you wouldn't go visit a friend and be offered say a glass of juice and demand that they bring you a glass of something they don't have. It would be way rude.

Sorry, I think I've spent too much time with friends my own age...forgive me for all the in slang and such of our generation.

Anonymous said... 34

Did anyone read about Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
It appears the scene from last weeks episode where Kim tells her mom she doesnlt feel good in the marriage was filmed after her divorce.
There are photographs of Kim and her mom, dressed in same clothes, same hair, jewelry, makeup entering a studio in December.

Reality shows are not "just a camera following someone around" Scenes are set up, lighting is set, retakes are needed. Heck, the shows have writers. Kate's sheeple though will always believe the kids were just playing with camera a safe distance behind them. I wonder if in Kate's messed up mind she really believes it, or if she is just awful enough to deny the truth.


Anonymous said... 35

Ex Nurse
Dont get me going on diet talk. hehe
I agree whole foods are best. to me, A pure steak is better than a package of south beach approved splenda ridden cookies.

I am fascinated with today's obsession on fad diets. I read up on every one of them just for an interest. The only ones I agree with
Lee Labrada - Lean Body Promise
Dr. Perricone - anti inflamation diet
QOD Diet.


Marie said... 36

I don't believe there is a "Perfect Diet." What works for one will never work for everybody else, might for some might not.

Dieting is a choice. Our culture influences perfection, the model look, this diet, that celeb endorsing this product for weight loss. I turned on my TV and I got about three or four different ones.

What health boils down to, for me at least is ones choice on what to eat. Healthy options are there. We didn't need this pill or that restriction back in "the day," we simply ate what was there and ate what we needed.

Diabetes is there, inherited or not it's peoples choice what suites them best. Healthy options are there in front of us everyday but save for sake of convenience we go that route. Today's world is busy and nobody is going to blame anybody for that.

All things in moderation is good. Even Paula Deen said she doesn't eat like that seven days and week but when she does she does it right.

I'm not health nut being in college, but I do know we bring on a lot of the stress ourselves, listen to this person or that person with this idea or that idea we forget we have our own ideas and forget that if we think what suits us we'll be fine health wise.

I don't say this to step on anybody's toes so hope nobody takes it that way.

PJ's momma said... 37

Yes, Marie, Kate was on Say Yes to the Dress, as a crossover promotion to their sham of a wedding renewal (free trip in the most exclusive resort AND paycheck, ka-ching!). She was rude and dismissive as usual and was wasting time before finally coming out and asking for a custom dress with one top and another bottom. These dresses are literally thousands of dollars and she knew her marriage was in the toilet and the whole thing was a sham, but she still wanted it done HER way. (What happened to 'you get what you get and you don't get upset?') And, she was flat as a board. If you ever see a close-up of her in that dress, she looks like I do and I vary between a 36A and a 36B on a good day. I haven't found the good bra she bought yet.

PJ's momma said... 38

I found this video. She doesn't even resemble this person anymore. They switch to the couch interview and she says they wrote their original vows 'and he outdid me, believe it or not.' WTF? Who says crap like that? I was married 25 years in 1985 and we renewed our vows and my husband cried like a baby and I would never belittle or mock him like that. It was one of the most touching moments of my life. Recently we were at dinner with friends and he told them about that moment and said he saw the 21-year-old girl standing before him again and he lost it - he had never really said that before and the whole table was crying again. Because it's real, it means something. I can't imagine saying those words and not meaning them.

You can really see how much she's changed and it's sad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghAnnilUdl0

Anonymous said... 39

not offended in any way Marie. People should be able to express their opinion I always believe.
The reason I personally like the 3 lifestyle diets i wrote was because they are normal foods, in moderation.
Funny thing, I never thought about what went into my body until my 30's. I just ate when hungry and always kept a normal figure.
Now that I am having a rough time in life and feel depressed its amazing how quickly the weight came on. I have gained 30 lbs in 3 years and it makes me even more depressed. :0(
I now find myself interested in healthier lifestyle options because I feel it may pull me out of this funk. I did QOD for a year and never felt more alive. I stopped it when the depression jumped in and I just know if I could get back to my old lifestyle I would feel more myself.

Totally off topic but whatever. :0)

BTW, people website commments are split in half ove the paula issue.


JudyK said... 40

Getting ready for my housekeeper and will read this thread later today, but I am NOT a Paula Deen fan. Here's a post from another site that says it all:

"CrazyDaisy says:

"Paula Deen has morphed into a money making machine; she’s no longer the down home lady we all fell in love with back in her early days on the Food Network.

She’s happy about signing on with Novo Nordisk because she just INKED a mulimillion deal with them to promote their medicine! It’s all about making money with her..I fell out with her when I saw her and her hubby attempting to sell his coffee on QVC, The Captain’s Choice…UGH."

Anonymous said... 41

I've spent hours on youtube trying to find the Kate/Say Yes to the Dress episode. Would love to see it. Anybody know where it is?
I know they did a cross promotion with Michelle Duggar but was not aware of the Kate one, and it should be well worth watching. Another example of stunning and rude behavior I'm sure. When can we see her get back as good as she gives? Is there the video available anywhere?

barbee said... 42

re Paula Deen, she owes no one the info that she has diabetes, that is legally personal and private. Her cooking show and recipes are documented pieces listing everything used. WHO does not know that what she makes is fattening and not really good for you on a daily basis? You can cook almost anything, but would you want to eat all of it, good, bad or indifferent? What you eat is a PERSONAL choice, she shows you how to make it, but doesn't force feed it to you.

re Her Heinous, everything she does and says is annoying at best and downright infuriating at worst. Luckily, she also is not force fed to us, we do have the option of watching/reading things Kate. Apparently we sometimes like something that riles us up, until we wise up and shut her down again. Can't even count the number of times I've said "I'm done with all things her" but get lured back in when my blood boils again. I guess I just want to be here when she FINALLY crashes and burns, as she so well deserves to do. NEVER has anyone irritated me so with her constant grifting, rewards and life style she and her pampered (by others) kids have no right to feel entitled to, while 'good' people struggle to feed, clothe, and house their families in a mediocre to lower standard.

koopdedoo said... 43

I think knowing Paula Dean is diabetic is not really any of my business (any more than her knowing anything about my health is any of her business).

I have seen a fair amount of her on TV over the years, and I don't remember the phrase "in moderation" being mentioned.

A pharmaceutical company can choose to have a celebrity spokesperson or not...the company is banking on the American population identifying with Paula Deen and her food...and asking their own personal physician to prescribe the same medication (which may or may not be the right thing for the individual). Is it really that different from every other page in my latest edition of Better Homes & Gardens being a drug advertisement? (yes, I am exaggerating)

About "Say Yes to the Dress" crossover with Khate - I remember her STARING at herself. She was in 7th heaven in the bank of mirrors. I couldn't believe she asked for something to be modified, and I think she bashed her actual wedding ("we didn't have enough money, I didn't get what I wanted" - my paraphrase).

Sarah said... 44

I don't think anyone should have to disclose their medical problems. Paula is a nice lady who has found a business that she loves that makes her a nice living and her family. I have met her personally a couple times and love our chats. I've also met the "boys" and they are all genuine. Yes, they may be on tv and making tons of money with food products. cooking items, furniture, but if it is working for you, go for it while you are hot. I'm sure years from now they will fade off and this money they have banked will help them retire.
Paula is famous for recipes with butter and fat, not necessarily sugar. Diabetes is more related to sugar. It is nice to know she has found a medical way to manage her diabetes and I've noticed she has lost some weight lately and looks great.
My father and father in law have diabetes but they don't tell the world.

She is a Cow said... 45

Kates tweet: GM all!Have a great day! Thanks 2 @Keurig, my coffee woes are almost over! I SO love @Keurig cust service!Heres 2 a caffeinated day 2 all!

OK, I know this is a Paula Deen thread and really I have no opinion of her, except sometimes the way she pronounces words drives me crazy.

What really burns me up is that Kate has managed to successfully grift again! All it took was one post claiming she was on her second keurig and is having problems and by the next morning, apparently, all her coffee woes have gone away.

My mom has gone through 2 keurigs which have just stopped working. She has called the company, spoke with customer service. THey told her to clean it etc. It still didn't work. They have not offered her anything in the way of replacement. I guess I will just tell my 79 year old, retired mother to open up a twitter account and start tweeting about how disappointed she is with her SECOND keurig machine. Maybe something will come of it.

I think Kate's next post on CC should be entitled:
"How to Grift on Twitter for the Mediocre Things You Don't Feel You Should Pay For."

At least she would be speaking from experience.

Layla said... 46

EM said...
For instance..I feel the public should know what kate's net worth is if she is going to continue to cry poor mouth and accept donations. - but If Kate never refers to her financial situation..then no, it's no ones business. It only becomes the public business if they are handing over their hard earned money to her thinking she cannot support her own children because daddy is a "deatbeat"
EM, you are so right! Who else goes on TV to talk about their money or lack thereof? Who gives details about their ex's child support? It is so inappropriate to speak of one's money in public
My concern is that the kids are going to grow up and find that they have nothing--that she spent it all. Their trusts are revocable, which means she has access to their money. And if the kids were to go public, she'd just whine and cry and blame it all on how expensive it is to raise 8 kids, Jon's a deadbeat, etc. She's in such denial, still thinking that her dream TV show will magically appear and solve all her problems. So, she's probably thinking that if she can hold out a little longer...and then a little longer...and then a little longer..then she'll get her "amazing TV project" and their lives will be all sunshine and rainbows. She'll continue to do that until there is nothing left, and even then she won't understand what happened. It will be TLC's fault, or Jon's fault. Anybody but her. It's been more than 5 months since TLC announced that the show was cancelled. If someone wanted to give her a show, they'd have done it by now. And with each day that goes by, she is getting more bad press for being a bad parent, grifting, scamming. If the studio heads didn't think she was a desirable candidate for a show before, the do not as she shows herself in an increasingly negative light. The picture of Collin's head behind the wheel of the BBB is one that should erase anyone's opinion of her as a great parent. I don't care if she gave him permission or not, a small child's head should never, ever be behind the tire of a several-thousand-pound vehicle.

SG said... 47
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SG said... 48

Sorry for the blank comment. I was signing in to subscribe to comments. Have a great day everyone. ;)

tate said... 49

And knowing Kate, she not only is getting a new, free Keurig straight from Keurig---she will be returning the broken Keurig to BB&B and getting a free replacement for that one too.

Layla said... 50

I want to address something the Kate supporters keep nagging about--Jon's employment status. He mentioned his "jobs" a few months ago, and talked about working in IT support again. To them, that means he lost his job installing solar panels, which means he can't hold a job and is a total deadbeat, blah, blah,blah. I don't think that's necessarily the case. A neighbor of ours owns a company that does a lot of similar thigs--solar panels, geothermal something-or-other, etc. And this man has said that the busy season for them is spring/summer, with jobs tapering off in the fall and practically nonexistent in the winter. So, in Jon's case, when the work for the solar company started slowing down in the fall, it would have made sense for him to pick up an IT job to maintain his flow of income. He hasn't clarified the situation--nor is he in any way obligated to explain it to anyone. But throwing that out as "proof" that he's a deadbeat is just wrong. They just can't leave him alone, can they?
At least he's working for his money instead of trying to scam others and grift for a living.

Katie Cry-duh said... 51

Kate isn't only grifting on twitter. She is damn near blackmailing keurig for a new coffee maker. They are giving her a replacement to shut her foul smelling yapper. She shouldn't have tweeted the brand name in the first place if all she was doing is whining about her machine breaking.

Just Say No said... 52

Ex-nurse 36, sheesh, you're not a catering service, you're inviting people to your home to enjoy each others' compnay. I'm a vegetarian, and aways tell everyone that, if there' s one vegetable to eat, I'll be fine. It's not like I'm going to starve to death before the next meal. I think that indulging this kind of me, me, me attitude is one reason there are so many mini-Kates running loose. People need to get over themselves and ask what is really important. Demanding that the world conform to what you want or need every minute shouldn't be high on that list.

Dulcina said... 53

PJ’s momma: “because I watched her on Say Yes to the Dress,”
I saw that episode and was also appalled by her behavior, but what I ask here is to satisfy my curiosity.
Wasn’t Stacy London on with Kate at the beginning of the show at Kleinfeldt’s?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 54

My cousin in the most considerate vegan. Whenever there is a family gathering she makes a couple dishes for herself, with plenty if others want to try them. We have told her really we can make stuff for her we don't mind. But she won't have that.

If you have such special dietary requirements, it's nice to not put people out.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 55

For whatever it's worth, I hold no malice towards Paula Dean for withholding her diabetic condition from the public.

I also understand why some of her audience feels deceived.

My opinion is that each one of us has to be responsible for our own lives. If you treat your body responsibly- be kind to it, eat mindfully & respectfully, find something that feeds your soul, surround yourself with good friends & family, and exercise everyday, you will live a healthy and fulfilled life.

I like Paula Dean.
She's earned her fame, and is a success because she worked hard. I'll betcha without being horrible & a grifter.

I hope that one day she will announce that she is no longer a diabetic.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 56

GM all!Have a great day! Thanks 2 @Keurig, my coffee woes are almost over! I SO love @Keurig cust service!Heres 2 a caffeinated day 2 all! about 2 hours ago


I called this one.

librarylady said... 57

GM all!Have a great day! Thanks 2 @Keurig, my coffee woes are almost over! I SO love @Keurig cust service!Heres 2 a caffeinated day 2 all! about 2 hours ago


I called this one.


I think we all did, lol.

Keurig is probably going to be sorry now...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 58

Exactly, it is blackmail. I'm a celeb with thousands of followers, I'm going to bash your crappy products until you do something about it--and if you satisfy me by replacing it for free, then I'll talk/tweet nice about you. What are you gonna do??

It's really disgusting to take advantage of that many followers to get what you want.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 59

Layla, completely agree. Solar panel installation is obviously seasonal. Many jobs are. Most companies wouldn't let them on the roof in the winter for liability reasons. Roofs are DANGEROUS when icy, wet, or snowy.

Just because Jon's doing something else when a seasonable job slows down, it's a huge assumption to think Jon got fired. Sheesh.

Moreover, it's none of their damn business. Unlike Kate, Jon has taken himself out of the public eye.

Long time lurker said... 60

Marie said referencing Paula Dean. You don't have to like her but I would think least one could do is respect her career choice and accept her approach to life and to let her deal with consequences without giving her grief all the time.

Alrighty now here goes. Disclaimer I am neither a sheeple nor troll nor Kate lover. The very same mentioned by Marie could be said about Kate. She is no longer relevant, her children are finally off tv. I am curious why she is still so very relevant on this site. I lurk here now and then and see the number of responders seems to have dropped significantly. Could it perhaps be that they feel the same; Gosselin is no longer relevant and not worthy of their time.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 61

Long time Lurker, Whoa HUGE difference between Paula Deen and Kate.

Kate exploited little children to get to where she is, and still is doing it, including pissing away all their money. Paula Deen never harmed a child that I am aware of. We're talking about whether she harmed CONSENTING ADULTS who watched her show and cooked her recipes. People seem pretty split on this down the middle. Whereas the consensus on Kate is, per her own assessment, about 90% to 10%.

I don't think they really belong in the same sentence.

Check Please! said... 62

OT but...

Laurie said... 13
Laurie@174.....kriton? Keurig! Damn this iPad spell check/changer.
January 17, 2012 7:27 PM

It's called autocorrect and you can disable it.
Settings ---> General ---> Keyboard ---> then toggle the Autocorrection button off.

TLC stinks said... 63

Kate is sneaky... twitting about the broken Keurig and now the company's customer service is the best. Ha!

BTW, Paula Deen is a sneak too. Just as she signs a deal with a drug company she decides to come out about the diabetes. Why did it take 3 years? Why make up excuses for her? Her cookbook for 2011 was proclaimed as one of the 5 most unhealthy. C'mon. She is covering her butt by saying eating her food in moderation. Now she'll be the queen of eating lighter, just a "twist" of her brand.

Anonymous said... 64

I don't know a lot about the Paula Deen show but from what I've read in the past couple of days it seems to me she waited to disclose her diabetes until she had "inked/confirmed" her new deal with the pharmaceutical company she is now "working with". She is now a paid spokesperson. Hypocrisy anyone??


Layla said... 65

Long time lurker,
I think it's safe to say that everyone here is concerned for the children. Their parents made a decision to share their childhood with the general public--we saw them throwing up, being potty trained, going to the zoo. We all grew attached to them to some extent. And now, even though Kate has been largely removed from the public eye, we still see enough to make us fearful for the kids' welfare, both present and future. We see Collin, the one we saw suffering from painful constipation whole his mother brushed him off to pick out free furniture, is now crawling under a van in a parking lot, with his little head directly behind the tire. We see their mother, who has access to THEIR hard-earned money, making poor financial decisions and putting their futures in jeopardy to fuel her mania for maintaining her lifestyle. We see pictures of her smacking them, yelling at them, and generally making them miserable. Everything she does will eventually affect the kids and their futures. We care about them, and about all the other vulnerable she's preying upon. If she didn't want people to care about the kids, then she shouldn't have put their childhoods out there for everyone to see.

gotyournumberKate said... 66

Paula Deen also smokes cigarettes. That's probably worse than any high calorie, buttery dish she could promote or eat when having diabetes. Nonetheless, I love her! I think she's about as real as it gets.

Dallas Lady said... 67

Don't worry. Kate will end up with 2 new machines (the one they're sending her and the one she'll get from BB&B), but she doesn't take care of things properly and they will both break/stop working again in no time and then I don't know if Keurig will be so fast to replace ANOTHER one.

And just as I said in the last post, she can grift coffee machines and apple juice and running shoes till the cows come home, none of those things are going to pay her expensive bills and keep her afloat.

Someone above (barbee) mentioned wanting to be here when it all falls apart and that's true, for me. I was here all last year to comment on her show going down, down, down, and then her being unceremoniously dumped by TLC in August. And now, 2012 will be the year of watching her slowly go broke. I doubt very seriously there will be much of anything to observe regarding Kate in 2013.

Pride goeth before the fall, but in Kate's narcissistic case, the fall always has to come first. The fall from TV infamy was last year. The fall from well-off to middle class to struggling will take place this calendar year. It would be sort of sad, but this is Kate we're talking about--someone who evokes anything but sympathy.

And about that wedding dress, doesn't surprise me one bit. When she "wrote" that blog before Christmas about using coupons while Christmas shopping (RADICAL IDEA, KATE!!!), she talked about using multiple coupons at Ulta and getting around the fine print by making them ring them all up as separate transactions. At CHRISTMAS. I don't know about y'all, but my Dallas area Ulta stores have lines from the front to the back of the store that time of year, and to insist on the cashier ringing up every little thing separately so you can use all your coupons is just pure assholery. No regard for how the coupons are supposed to be used. No regard for the employee. And certainly no regard for all the people waiting behind her. I shook my head when I read that.

GrifterKate said... 68

@MiloandJack ok, I'm out for sure now... Talk amongst yourselves! Gettin flat w lights out NOW! :) about 15 hours ago

Okay, the queen has given the twitters permission to talk amongst themselves. On Twitter- like people need instructions. The world would not go on without her!

Never mind that she is grifting left and right on twitter (what a dumbass) to get more freebies. She really is a great example of what NOT TO BE! Never mind all of the perks she gets that we are not aware of.

She truly is the ultimate grifter, hands down..and one of the least deserving people EVER!

south jersey girl said... 69

long time lurker. First post. Just emailed keurig customer service to ask when my Keurig breaks, will they replace it instantly like Kate Gosselins and then I said it was on her twitter.

PJ's momma said... 70

Dulcina, Stacy London was on Say Yes to the Dress as her friend's bridesmaid, but I don't think she was on the same show as Kate. Stacy's episode is on youtube but I couldn't find the one with Kate in it.

You know, as an optimist, I would hope that Kate means that Keurig told her how to clean the machine so it would work again, but since it's only 'almost' fixed, I believe y'all are right and she is waiting for the new one. She's probably waiting to hear back from Starbucks and Wolfgang Puck now for free coffee for her 'backup options.'

Warmth Of The Sun said... 71

Pride goeth before the fall, but in Kate's narcissistic case, the fall always has to come first. The fall from TV infamy was last year. The fall from well-off to middle class to struggling will take place this calendar year. It would be sort of sad, but this is Kate we're talking about--someone who evokes anything but sympathy.


I don't think that she's going anywhere. I have never seen anyone who keeps coming back with schemes to stay afloat the way she has. It's mind-boggling, the way she grifts and plots, and still manages interviews, invitations for personal appearances, and still keeps plugging away. It wouldn't surprise me at all if she keeps hounding the networks and someone will bite and there she blows!

The Art of Grifting said... 72

After reading Kate's church grifting letter on the previous thread, I am reminded me of her fellow grifting sister Clarisa's current ploy for money. Clarisa is currently expecting others, through the help & direction of God of course, to pay for their "soon to be adopted" Ethopian baby. This includes their travel expenses too. The Kreider family is truly corrupt. She recently decided without shame to raise the price needed to make their dream come true.

Sherry Baby said... 73

Grifting...72: After reading Kate's church grifting letter on the previous thread, I am reminded me of her fellow grifting sister Clarisa's current ploy for money.


Before I get crucified (pun intended) I want to put out a disclaimer here. We have a preacher's kid in the family. This is not a slam against ministers. I'm wondering, though, if this grifting goes back to their upbringing. It's been my experience that ministers often get freebies, discounts, etc., from members of the community and/or congregations. This may be something as simple as a chicken dinner at the home of a parishioner after church, or a new car from a dealership, a house to live in, mega discounts on a church-affiliated college, free summer camp tuitions at the church camp, or whatever. In fact, one minister and his family never ate Sunday dinner at home; the congregation would take turns feeding them and they would make the rounds throughout the year.

Not all, of course, are like that. Some are humble, unassuming, and do not take "charity." Some, though, are quite willing to accept these perks simply because they lead congregations.

Maybe this is what Kate and her siblings saw when they were growing up - how to get something for nothing.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 74

The Telegraph reports that during a three-hour interrogation, the captain admitted steering the ship off-course
&&&to salute a colleague:

"It’s true that the salute was for Commodore Mario Palombo, with whom I was on the telephone," Schettino reportedly said.


Oh my God are you kidding me?

Aeduko said... 75

Re: Paula Deen. Well, I have an opinion on this one, big time. While I absolutely agree that someone's medical condition(s) is/are non of our business, I find it disingenuous at best (and really really skeevy at worst) to disclose it as a method of endorsing a new diabetic drug. We all want an easy cure without having to do anything for it, so when she endorses a drug it implies that you can still eat deep fried butter for breakfast as long as you take this med. Talk about feeding people a crapsicle.

First off, think about all the new drugs that have been pulled off the market because they were sold too soon. Celebrex, Vioxx, AVANDIA. Instead of taking the three years since her dx to make sure she could maintain an income stream, why didn't she modify recipes to be more diabetic friendly??

She's as fake as Kate, pure and simple.

Red Sky At Night said... 76

The Telegraph reports that during a three-hour interrogation, the captain admitted steering the ship off-course
&&&to salute a colleague:

"It’s true that the salute was for Commodore Mario Palombo, with whom I was on the telephone," Schettino reportedly said.


Oh my God are you kidding me?


It was reported last night that he deliberately steered off course because one of the crew members had relatives on the island, and the crew member wanted to wave to them from the ship.

TLC stinks said... 77

Anthony Bourdain, a New York-based chef and host of the Travel Channel's "No Reservations," took to Twitter Tuesday night to resume his criticism of chef Paula Deen by tweeting, "Thinking of getting into the leg-breaking business, so I can profitably sell crutches later."

The comment is presumably another slam against the down-home chef's decision to become the face of diabetes drug-maker Novo Nordisk.

Deen, host of the Food Network's "Paula's Best Dishes," put rumors to bed Tuesday by confirming on NBC's "Today Show" that she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes three years ago, even though she continued to tout her buttery, artery-clogging Southern cuisine. She also announced the launch of her new campaign, "Diabetes in a New Light," which is in partnership with diabetes drug-maker Novo Nordisk.

Deen, 64, reportedly treats her diabetes with the company's Victoza, a daily injectable drug that is meant to maintain blood-sugar levels. She will appear in an advertisement for the drug later this month, USA Today reported.

But this wasn't Bourdain's first time criticizing the jovial cooking host. He told TV Guide last year that Deen was the "worst, most dangerous person in America" because of her high-fat cooking. Upon hearing of Deen's diabetes diagnosis, Bourdain had even more criticism to sling.

"When your signature dish is hamburger in between a doughnut, and you've been cheerfully selling this stuff knowing all along that you've got Type 2 Diabetes. ... It's in bad taste if nothing else," he told Eater Monday.

Deen defended her decision to keep quiet in order to become educated on the condition before taking it public.

"I made the choice at the time to keep it close to me, to keep it close to my chest," she told USA Today. "I felt like I had nothing to offer anybody other than the announcement. I wasn't armed with enough knowledge. I knew when it was time, it would be in God's time."


Yeah, it was time when she inked the deal.

Westcoaster said... 78

I hardly believe that Paula Deen waited and waited for a financial opportunity to come along so that she could announce her serious medical condition AND make money - perhaps this association with the drug company is just her decision to do this in a way appropriate for her and her family. And no, I am not naive, just don't jump to thinking the worst about everyone.

Re: Keurig. I don't think K8's silly twit made them jump either. I have several friends who also own this coffee brewer, and more than 1 has said they were pkeasantly surprised when having a conversation with Keurig customer service about malfunctions to have Keurig offer to replace the machine. But I still think K8 is a shameless grifting 'ho.

Dallas Lady said... 79

Warmth of the Sun: but what kind of interviews is she getting? What kind of jobs is she getting?

It's easy, reading here, to forget that the rest of the world has mostly forgotten her, if you don't include the people who never paid attention to her in the first place.

At one point, she was in an Emmy skit. Granted, to make fun of her. But she was on a show with huge ratings, too (granted, the biggest was the episode about her marriage failing). She walked a red carpet. Grifted shit at the Kentucky Derby. Did a special long interview for Today more than once.

Now? What happened to the Abcruncher infomercial? How many turned up to that county fair to see her? (It was dismal.) She's having her half-formed uninteresting columns re-written for a little known couponing blog. She's begging a marathon guy to work with her so she can "run" overseas, far from her kids.

She's BEGGING people on twitter (literally begging: PLEEEEASE???) to sign up for her cruise so she can pay her bills and she has had very few takers.

Just because she's still got SOME things going on doesn't mean she's doing well. In the world of self-promotion, the bottom of the barrel is pretty wide and deep, but it's still the bottom of the barrel. The nasty bits.

The only show I can see her getting ratings for are ones in which she is called on the carpet, put on the spot. Not HER being the bachelorette, but competing with other wackos for the bachelor. Or doing menial jobs and watching her cry. That's e only thing most Americans would like to see of her at this point. And I feel very comfortable saying that after reading the hundreds of totally negative comments about her on Cruise Critics. Those aren't people who post here, they're just a slice of the American public, and they HATE her.

She wouldn't agree to be competing for a guy or actually doing gross, menial tasks, so no TV for her.

Westcoaster said... 80

Oh and Anthony Bourdain, whose travel shows I like to watch, is a shameless media 'ho himself. He spent a fair amount of his professional cooking life under the influences of alchohol and recreational drugs, not to mention his own smoking habits. He has written about this in 2 books, so profitting himself there. I don't quite understand his dislike of Paula Deen but he has been trashing her for years. IMHO he should just STFU period.

AuntieAnn said... 81

It was reported last night that he deliberately steered off course because one of the crew members had relatives on the island, and the crew member wanted to wave to them from the ship.

It was the ship's chief waiter.
The captain refused to go back on board the ship to co-ordinate the evacuation.


JudyK said... 82

Sorry, I can't stand Paula Deen and her drippy, syrupy, over-the-top fake accent and fake persona, which is a caricature of her former self. And she managed fake tears on The Chew today. I'm also sick to death of watching her paw every man in site and/or ride someone like a pony w/ a glass of wine in the other side--i.e., Robert Irvine. Her bawdiness (which she thinks is cute) is repulsive to me. GROW THE HELL UP. What she does HAVE in common with Kate Gosselin is that she's FAKE.

Here's another post from another site which I find right on target:

chicago girl (This is NOT Linda) says:

January 18, 2012 at 1:09 am

I have eaten at her restaurant in Savannah. I was overweight at the time (still am and working on it) and had a lapse in my healthier eating habits. I am the type of person who does enjoy comfort food, but what was presented at her restaurant was disgusting. Pork was added to dishes that did not require it, everything dripped in butter and oil, the “ho cakes” were decent but super greasy. Several members of the party I went with had some gastrointestinal problems after eating there (I declined to eat this “food” after a couple bites). As someone who was just visiting the South for the first time, I can see why obesity and diabetes thrive there if people like this are representative of the food culture. Paula Deen’s quest for cash over concerns for both her own as well as public health is reprehensible.

JudyK said... 83

Good lord, I'm thinking one word and typing another...I'll proofread next time:

w/ a glass of wine in the other side--

should be glass of wine in the other HAND.

CharlieCat said... 84

What a poor, pathetic, boring life Kate must live given the fact that her coffee maker broke is big news for the past 2 days.

AuntieAnn said... 85

lol CharlieCat. Maybe things will pick up when her Audi has an oil leak.

Dallas Lady said... 86

Westcoaster, I have to disagree with you about Anthony Bourdain. I think the point for me is that he doesn't try to hide anything. I do think it was AWFULLY convenient that she came out with this diabetes news JUST as she inked a deal endorsing a diabetes medication. How can anyone not think that's about making a buck? They're paying her to be a public shill for their diabetes meds, so of course she has to go public with it, THREE years after being diagnosed and still hawking her fatty, rich, overly sweet foods the whole while. THAT is rich.

Bourdain quit smoking two years ago, I didn't see him signing up to be a Chantix spokesperson and make a killing (excuse the pun) off that.

And he rips on a lot of fellow chefs, it's sort of part of his persona now. That's why they go to him for quotes. Doesn't mean he doesn't have a point.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 87

Just because she's still got SOME things going on doesn't mean she's doing well. In the world of self-promotion, the bottom of the barrel is pretty wide and deep, but it's still the bottom of the barrel. The nasty bits.

Dallas - Oh, I know she's scraping the bottom of the barrel and isn't doing well, but I just have a feeling that somebody is going to bite. She's not going down without a fight. What should really be interesting is when the final cruise tally comes out. If they cancel because of lack of interest, it may put one nail in the coffin, but she'll come up with something else...a fitness program, new book, clothing line - ANYTHING that can keep her relevant.

I'm just waiting for interviews on The View, Today, The Talk, whatever, to generate interest about the cruise. If that doesn't happen, then maybe she is, after all, on her last legs.

Laura D. said... 88

Dallas Lady, your take on Kate’s lack of success is spot on. I’ve been avoiding the blogs and twitter lately because I honestly don’t care about the minutia of Kate Gosselin anymore. I think more and more people feel this way. At this point I just want to see how it all ends. The gigs her manager is digging up for her are crumby. I’m sure she sits alone in the bathroom crying about having to smile and make nice with the mediocre public she used to ignore and hide from. I keep hearing about people landing talk shows – Ricky Lake, Kathy Griffin. Where’s Kate’s talk show? She might turn up on Kathy’s show as a guest but that will be the extent of Kate on TV. Oh, I’m sure it’s killing her!

Tucker's Mom said... 89

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 74
The Telegraph reports that during a three-hour interrogation, the captain admitted steering the ship off-course
&&&to salute a colleague:
I know we've shared our opinions about cruises and you can put me in the "like column" so far. But, being the captain of the ship is some serious business, especially when going in and out port and close to shore.
Navigating through a channel is precarious in many ports and a Pilot most often times boards the ship and give specific instructions about how exactly to navigate the boat.
You can not believe how shallow the waters can be which hold such behemoth ships.
This captain that sunk his own ship should spend serious jail time. This makes my blood boil more than any PD hypocrisy argument (although, keep up the great discussions!)

Layla said... 90

Dallas Lady, lots of good points in that post (79). What's interesting is that it didn't look like CC did much rewriting of her last column. It was idiotic, and filled with inaccuracies. Makes me wonder if they've decided to just let her go ahead and make a fool of herself instead of trying to clean up her messes. Kind of like TLC did in the end.
I can't imagine what kind of TV show she could get now. Any reputable network would see her behavior and grifting as an embarrassment. She has no talent--really, look at the ladies on talk shows--they are intelligent, enthusiastic, and well-spoken. She is none of those things. She shows the on-air charisma of a ball of mud, and strings together an endless series of "ummm"s. And what I find the most itrritating is when she just presses her lips together, does that little shrug, and trails off to nothing without bothering to finish a sentence. For heaven's sake, if you don't have anything to say, then don't start a sentence you can't finish, Kate! Plato said it best when he said, "Wise men talk when they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something". Right on, Plato!
She's getting fewer and fewer appearances, and she really has to do something radical to get anyone to interview her, or to pay any attention to her at all. She's going to rot away in the PA countryside, and it's just going to eat her alive to watch the entertainment world go on without her.

pamelajo said... 91

You are not going to like what I say, but I have been a vegan for a couple of years, and yes I know the Forks over Knives people. When I take a blood panel it is beyond perfect...i.e. my colestral (LDL) is 92. Anyone who would tell you or promote you eating rich food is trying to feed you poison. And because she does it for money puts her in the same boat as Kate. Maybe Kate will be feeding her sheeples butter and cream on the cruise, thats why it costs 500.00 extra.
If you want your eyes opened further...take a look a the documentary "GOT MILK"

Ex-Nurse said... 92

Kate Gosselin vs. Paula Deen....
-Celebrity based on personality
-Undyingly supportive fans/Harsh critics and loyal fans
The End

-PD has a growing group of admirers--KG, shrinking with every grifting and cringing Twitter
-PD is respected as a chef ---KG, no discernible talent, whatsoever
-PD has worked hard on her craft and her rise to fame was based on her own talents--KG exploited 8 innocent children and stole their childhood, violating their privacy and boundaries in the process

-PD is engaging, surrounded by family and friends--KG is surrounded by an admiring close knit circle of creeps, pedophiles, sad 13 year olds and shut-ins.

I suspect that Paula Deen will come out okay. Her detractors, like Bourdain, will use it as ammo to support his existing opinion and her supporters will push back. Chefs are notoriously snobby and arrogant, as well as tyrants in their kitchens. Her fans will see them as haters and bullies--I doubt that his disdain will turn her fans away.

PD's supporters will have sympathy for her situation, and, as has already been expressed in this blog, will be a little uncomfortable and embarrassed on her behalf. Everyone loves a reformed sinner--Paula will probably use this as an opportunity to become the poster child for diabetes, effect change, raise awareness and inspire others. As for Kate--she has done wonders at raising awareness about the terrible personality disorder of narcissism and the joys grifting, by exploiting your children.

Layla said... 93

Warmth of the Sun said...
Oh, I know she's scraping the bottom of the barrel and isn't doing well, but I just have a feeling that somebody is going to bite. She's not going down without a fight. What should really be interesting is when the final cruise tally comes out. If they cancel because of lack of interest, it may put one nail in the coffin, but she'll come up with something else...a fitness program, new book, clothing line - ANYTHING that can keep her relevant.

If somebody does bite, it will be disastrous for them. Businesses, TV networks, etc. are all out to make money. Kate's last book tanked, her kids' clothing line tanked, her career as a spokesperson tanked, her abchamp ad got pathetic little attention, her cruise is tanking. Oh, don't get me wrong, she won't cancel the cruise. She'll still do it if they have enough people signed up to pay her way. Even if there's not enough people signed up for her to make a paycheck off of it, she'll go just to try to save face. And then twitter endlessly about how much better it was to go with just her 12 die hard fans, because they could really get to know each other, and bond, and braid each other's hair, and exchange friendship bracelets that they'll never, ever take off for as long as they live...
Good luck with that, Kate.

Tucker's Mom said... 94

And what I find the most itrritating is when she just presses her lips together, does that little shrug, and trails off to nothing without bothering to finish a sentence
Layla, that's her "feel sorry for me" face. I know *exactly* what you're talking about. She's lying, and she makes facial expressions to implore you to believe her. If you're telling the truth, why try so hard?
I usually find it manipulative, patently obvious and severely lacking in communication skills. But, when she did that trying to sell that piece-o-crap ab machine, I had to laugh.
It was so obvious that it's not something she uses or ever would have used if she had not got hired as a spokesperson.

Tucker's Mom said... 95

I think Kate will be getting attention and gigs for a few years to come. I think that, for me, I have to be satisfied with the kids not being filmed. That is truly the most important thing. They need their privacy.
I don't exactly accept that Kate will continue to promote herself as a mom, because it uses the kids obliquely, but, it will be what it will be.
The tups are only 7. They've got a ways to go before people lose interest.

Dulcina said... 96

Thanks PJ’s momma. Apparently I confused two episodes of Say Yes.
That was, however, the last episode of JK8 that I watched.

dee3 said... 97

Excellent posts, Dallas Lady, and I agree with you (as I usually do)....and also agree here with TLC stinks and Aeduko.

Regarding Paula Deen...who I agree is a much nicer person that Kate G. ever was or ever will be.....the issue for me is the hypocrisy. Not because of what she cooked so much as the fact that she's now going to become a shill for big pharma. There is just something wrong with a woman making millions selling herself as a down-home cook of fatty, sugary comfort food now in line to make millions by becoming a spokesperson for a medication for diabetes.

And for me....this directly relates to the sheeple mentality....and just how gullible are we? Will we literally buy anything if a celebrity's face is plastered on the package? And how far does it have to go for us to have questions?

Apparently, for watchers of the Kardashians, it took them lining their pockets with millions from a sham wedding/marriage....for people to begin to question just why they considered them celebrities.

The woman who cooks Italian food...Giada, with the rictus grin....occasionally shows her cute little family...hubby and little daughter...on the show. Apparently she is quite the cheater behind the scenes. Do we need to know this? IMO...no...because she's not really promoting family values in any overt way.

It's the hypocrisy. To me, there is a vast difference between the politician who cheats on his wife yet has been screaming and finger-pointing at others about "family values"....and the politician who is also cheating but never claimed to be any role model for family values.

Because Paula Deen made millions branding herself as a down-home cook of fatty, sugary southern-comfort food.....does that mean we needed to know she has diabetes (and type 2, to boot)? Not necessarily. But if she is gonna make millions becoming a spokesperson for big pharma....she not only had to reveal that info....but that info now makes her look like a hypocrite.

Listen, years ago it bugged me much more that Sandra Lee had a cooking show than that Paula Deen's food wasn't all that healthy. At least PD could cook. It did start to bug me when she ramped-up the syrupy factor and when she dragged her whole family into the money-making machine (screaming nepotism to me)....but this big pharma issue has really turned me against her. What WON'T she utilize to make more millions? And WHY in the hell are we buying into this? Without our support, these people would not be making all these countless millions. HOW many millions do they need?? Will they jump on ANY opportunity to make more millions?

I don't know....there's just something really wrong with this picture. I mean, there always has been....but it takes events like these (Kate G. USING her kids to make millions, the Kardashians having a fake wedding/marriage to make millions....and now this PD thing) to make us question just how gullible we are.

And when we wonder why the die-hard fans of Kate G. are STILL hanging in there, still supporting her devotedly....I think we have to ask ourselves just what it takes for us to question what ANY of these celebrities will do for money.

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 98

Pamelajo said...Maybe Kate will be feeding her sheeples butter and cream on the cruise, thats why it costs 500.00 extra.
If you want your eyes opened further...take a look a the documentary "GOT MILK"

The extra money is for the craft project, and to watch her play on the beach with the kids who may or may not be going, with money going into her pocket for that privilege. The sheeple can eat whatever they want on the cruise - vegetarian meals are available, you just have to set it up in advance.

"When I take a blood panel it is beyond perfect...i.e. my colestral (LDL) is 92. Anyone who would tell you or promote you eating rich food is trying to feed you poison"


My grandparents ate "poison" for their entire lives - a diet of grease, fried food, everything cooked in lard or butter, fatty red meat at every meal, and not just in moderation (as Paula points out), and yet they were not overweight and neither was diabetic. Their cholesterol must have been off the charts. They lived to be into their late 90s and never were sick a day in their lives. Their parents ate the same way, and there was nothing "healthy" about their choice of foods. Maybe if they had eaten a healthy diet they might have lived into their 100s, although I think that when they passed away they were tired and ready to go. I think genetics also plays a very important part in longevity.

Connie said... 99

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 5 years ago. I don't talk about it unnecessarily, because people begin to watch you and hope they can say "That's why you are diabetic! You eat that crap!"

Well, I did eat crap, until I was diagnosed. Too late now, but I can eat much more wisely now, and I do.

There is no need to tell others why you are skipping dessert or eat so many vegetables. You can do it without attracting any attention to yourself.

My sister-in-law, who I haven't even told, says she should eat like I do and she would lose weight. She would, and I have lost a lot of weight, but I don't have to shout it from the roof tops.

PJ's momma said... 100

pamelajo, I get what you're saying. I'm a vegetarian (not vegan) and my cholesterol is high. It's just how I'm built. No doubt that your low numbers are due to your diet, but part of it could be your good genes too.
When I saw that post (ex nurse?) about trying to please everyone and their diets, I sort of chuckled. These people were guests in her home, hopefully they were just grateful to be part of the gathering and could put aside their diet preferences for one meal, or offer to bring something that suits them. People worry about what to feed me too, but there are always plenty of vegetarian options at every meal. I tell them, 'No, no, no, just carry on as usual and I'll be OK!' Vegan is different - you may have to bring a contribution to the meal, but you probably don't mind. I don't either.

Nepotism thy name is Butter... said... 101

Aeduko said... 75 : why didn't she modify recipes to be more diabetic friendly??


Isn't this the latest money-making scam from the Deen family? I believe her younger son has a new cooking show called something like "Not Your Mamma's Cooking," in which he "makes over" Paula's butter-laden, artery-clogging recipes. Lord, they're making money coming and going on this one....

VegasBaby said... 102

Just Say No 52, I agree!

We have a Celiac, 2 vegetarians, 2 severely lactose intolerants, and a medically required low fat diet in our family. It would beyond difficult for someone not familiar with our issues to try and cater to us. I would never ask, or expect it.

We just do the best we can with what is available to us. We're happy to be able to socialize with friends.

We do, however, carry snacks with us, in case no food provided will work. During the holidays, I do ask if I can bring something to share, or contribute somehow. It works.

Laurie said... 103

Check please @ 62

Thanks for the info!!!! I'm still getting used to the iPad but I do love it. I just orderd iPad 2 In Easy Steps to help me with things like this. *\o/*

Tucker's Mom said... 104

dee3 said... 97
Well said. I think that we (of a certain age) have to always remember what Mike Brady of The Brady Bunch once said: Caveat emptor.
I think we can use PD as an example of how we should open our eyes and understand we are a demographic being marketed to for the enrichment of said star and the star's manager/PR person/agent, etc.
They make a brand and sell us their image/goods/recipes.
We consume it and chose to believe the crafted image.
We get gobsmacked when we find out it's all a ruse.

We should all know better by now. Stick with scripted TV ;-)

As a side note, I remember being pretty surprised when I first watched Rachael Ray's daytime talk show. I thought, "wow, she's not all sugary sweet and giggly like on 30 minute meals. She's actually not flailing her arms around!".

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 105

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 74

The Telegraph reports that during a three-hour interrogation, the captain admitted steering the ship off-course
&&&to salute a colleague:

"It’s true that the salute was for Commodore Mario Palombo, with whom I was on the telephone," Schettino reportedly said.


Oh my God are you kidding me?


Schettino is a coward.

What a stark difference to Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, that safely landed US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River.

Captain Sullenberger never abandoned his ship. As a matter of fact, after they all did a head count, Captain Sullenberger went back into the airplane, with the river water up to his chest, to make sure no one was left behind.

Captain Sully earned the title of Captain.

I want to know how the hell did Schettino got to be Captain of any ship.

HollyMo said... 106

PJ's momma said...

I found this video. She doesn't even resemble this person anymore. They switch to the couch interview and she says they wrote their original vows 'and he outdid me, believe it or not.' WTF? Who says crap like that? I was married 25 years in 1985 and we renewed our vows and my husband cried like a baby and I would never belittle or mock him like that. It was one of the most touching moments of my life. Recently we were at dinner with friends and he told them about that moment and said he saw the 21-year-old girl standing before him again and he lost it - he had never really said that before and the whole table was crying again. Because it's real, it means something. I can't imagine saying those words and not meaning them.
PJ's Momma, I may be a bit menstrual but, I cried when I read your story! So sweet, thank you for sharing.

As for kHAte:
I watched less than a minute of that video. The blatant lying and the fake tears made me nauseous and violent. I have some 'big girl' words I'd like to call that evil piece of skin, but I'll save them for another place.
She makes my blood boil.

Laurie said... 107

Sherry Baby @ 73

I am a preacher's kid (dad was an Episcopal priest). I am one of 7 children. All of us are productive members of society and have never grifted for anything. Yes, my folks were invited to eat with parishoners and they were invited to eat with us as well. My dad may have gotten discounts on some things but never received anything as grand as a free car. All of us kids have worked since we were teenagers and never expected anyone to give us anything just because we were PK's. We didn't get free education but rather had scholorships and student loans. I knew a lot of PK's growing up and none in the "mainstream" religions were grifters. While I agree that some religions seem to fleece their flock, for the most part we're just like anyone else and grifting is definately not in the blood.

PJ's momma said... 108

Thanks, Bearswife - I meant we were married for 25 years in 2010, married in 1985. I'm hormonal too, I get choked up thinking about that moment. We didn't have a wedding (and not just that I didn't get the wedding I wanted like Kate) so we had a party. 50 friends in a great space at a famous waterfront hotel, I paid full retail for my dress (haha!), silver to commemorate the year with a red sash, and we paid for it all and it was WONDERFUL. Kate really doesn't understand what she is missing by always chasing the next big thing. Most of the time, the best thing of all is sitting right in front of you or next to you - in her case, 8 beautiful, healthy children. But no, she avoids them as much as possible, tweets only when she's with them and it's become her 'career' to get gigs away from them. She's gross.

Sherry Baby said... 109

I knew a lot of PK's growing up and none in the "mainstream" religions were grifters. While I agree that some religions seem to fleece their flock, for the most part we're just like anyone else and grifting is definately not in the blood.


I totally agree...not all of them are grifters, not by a long shot. However, I knew one of the Lutheran faith who was the consummate grifter. Anything he could get for free, or for his family, he went after, including a car from a man in his congregation who owned a dealership. He got it. His kids were totally embarrassed and none of them grew up to be grifters. I also knew "fleecers" from other denominations. In fact, my dad, bless his heart, paid for a year of college tuition for one of the preacher's children.

I've also known others who wouldn't accept anything, not even a discounted ticket to a show at the community theater.

In Kate's case, it just seemed possible that with her grifting, and her sister's begging for money (in the name of God) that this may be the case because they experienced this in their childhood, and still think that they are entitled. Some kids learn what they live. Will Kate's kids grow up to expect something for nothing? Only time will tell.

Done and done said... 110

JudyK - Thank you! I agree wholeheartedly on the Paula Deen issue. I think her persona is PHONEY just like her orange skin, wigs, and teeth. I have a feeling she is unlike Kate though, in that she seems to be a genuinely nice person - but still greedy and boy is she a caricature when the camera is on.

westcoaster - I have to respectfully disagree about Anthony Bourdain. I used to be a huge fan of his, but his arrogance has made it so I can only take him in small doses. Still I think writing about his life experiences makes him a writer - not a media ho. It actually takes skill to write about one's life in a way that is of interest to people. It takes no skill to have your face be plastered to a bunch of cheap products like PD. She has a big (albeit grating) personality that many people enjoy, I will give her that. As for her cooking skills... wait, what are they again? She fries everything and douses food in butter. It's pretty hard for food like that to come out tasting bad. I don't see why anyone would need her recipes to make food like that.

Out and About - It probably depends on what your relatives did for a living. Having a huge country breakfast with all the fixin's makes sense when doing hard work on a farm. A person burns a lot of calories that way. It doesn't make as much sense for someone who works in a office and is seated all day. I don't know what your families line of work was, but I know where you live is rural so that may have had something to do with it. My Dad has gout and heart disease due to eating the rich food he loves. He's Italian American, and taught me how to cook. It's interesting though because his cholesterol is extremely low. I'm guessing because a combination of genetics and his fat of choice to cook with is olive oil. We Italians also love bitter greens with garlic and hot red pepper - I'm never going to stop loving broccoli rabe!

Ex-Nurse said... 111

pamelajo said... 91
You are not going to like what I say, but I have been a vegan for a couple of years, and yes I know the Forks over Knives people. When I take a blood panel it is beyond perfect...i.e. my colestral (LDL) is 92. Anyone who would tell you or promote you eating rich food is trying to feed you poison.

I am an omnivore--I have low blood pressure, normal blood sugar and healthy cholesterol levels, despite being 25 lbs overweight. I have a history of anorexia, and, for my own well-being, am learning how important self-acceptance, balance and moderation is.

After a lifetime of dieting, I now listen to my body cues to find what will nourish and satisfy my hunger--not studies. After years of denial and see-sawing weight, the simple pleasures of eating a meal that nourishes me is way more important than focusing on every mouthful--Obsession on any level is unhealthy. I am not saying that there is no value in studies, just that any scientific study can be selectively manipulated to support or refute a point of view. Just because the China diet has health benefits, does not mean that other ways of eating don't.

When I look at the vitriol, shaming and judgement that arises around diet, I see anger, self-righteousness and stress. To my mind, the shaming, judgement, and self-righteousness and stress that surrounds the topic of diet is much more toxic to our body and spirit than eating a burger or a slice of lovingly prepared home-made pie.

Dallas Lady said... 112

dee3, really good points in your whole post!!!

PJ's momma, I also choked up at your story. I was married at the age of 21, too. There's nothing like a shared history together, is there? Congrats on 26 years!

Give Peace A Chance said... 113

Pink said, "Captain Sullenberger never abandoned his ship. As a matter of fact, after they all did a head count, Pink said, "Captain Sullenberger went back into the airplane, with the river water up to his chest, to make sure no one was left behind."

He walked the plane twice to make sure everyone was off. I remembering following that story very closely because of his name - Sullenberger, a family name, and I wondered which branch of the tree he came from!

Ex-Nurse said... 114

Hopefully, Kate will be able to add a dedicated life boat for herself and her entourage to her cruise contract.

ff all the kids go, of course, the icky boys will have to wait with the mediocre people.

dee3 said... 115

"We get gobsmacked when we find out it's all a ruse."
@Tucker's Mom~

That's another bugaboo for me.....how many adults seem to believe in some ridiculous standard of idealism.....become so stunned and shocked when they learn of skeletons hiding in closets.

HELLO folks! Probably 99% of people who are on reality shows are narcissists to one degree or another and will do almost ANYTHING for money. A LOT of people cheat on their spouses. A LOT of people have various addictions (hell, speaking of PD, she looked almost falling-down drunk on one of her specials). THAT'S REALITY! Quit being so darn shocked!

One big issue in this country is the disappearance of the middle class. I read comments on yahoo all the time referring to this...and yelling and screaming about the government. Not that the government doesn't deserve any of it.....but these folks don't seem to get the connection between this and how their own support makes countless millions for various non-deserving celebrities.

I remember being taken aback when I saw that Rachel Ray apparently doesn't bake....and then I saw Sandra Lee and her cool whip and seasoning packets. Why did either of them even deserve a cooking show? What have PD's sons done to deserve cooking shows and specials? Just how many millions does that family need?

I remember when Michael Jordan wanted to be a great baseball player....or Eddie Murphy wanted to be a great singer. Wasn't it enough that they were one-in-a-million celebrities already? One a famous basketball player and one a famous comedian and actor? How much fame was enough? How much talent was enough? How many millions were enough? Had they ever heard of SHARING a little?

Listen, I'm not a socialist but sheesh....how much greed is okay? How much nepotism is okay? I would hope that I would hold Paula Deen to the same standard of hypocrisy as I hold Kate Gosselin....despite the fact that I find Kate to be a very unlikeable person but find PD to be a seemingly very nice person. Do I need to know about every single skeleton in their closet? No. But when it reaches the level of hypocrisy and pure unmitigated greed....well, that's a different story.

Many of these celebrities are also making even more millions hawking products on QVC and HSN. Do people realize the pure unmitigated greed of big pharma? How wealthy and powerful their lobbies are? How just their profit alone would cause many to re-think the merits of universal health care? And now celebrities are gonna plaster their faces and brands on pharmaceuticals to make even more millions?

What is the huge difference, hypocrisy-wise, between a celebrity touting herself as a role-model mom just because she had multiples (not to mention, using them for fortune and fame) and one becoming a spokesperson for a diabetes medication just because she's become a type 2 diabetic (not to mention, is a celebrity for cooking foods that can lead to this disease)?

Dulcina said... 116

Kate's in LA??

CharlieCat said... 117

Dulcina said... 116
Kate's in LA??

According to Extra's website, Kate will appear tomorrow at 2 at The Grove so yes, I would assume she is flying out today.

dee3 said... 118

"In Kate's case, it just seemed possible that with her grifting, and her sister's begging for money (in the name of God) that this may be the case because they experienced this in their childhood, and still think that they are entitled."
I hope this doesn't offend anyone but I think that what Sherry Baby put in parentheses might be the bigger issue. There are grifters of every ilk...and every religion and there will always be grifters and con artists. I think the bigger problem is that often, the more religious people can be more gullible and fall victim as long as the grifters cleverly throw the right religious phrases in there.....and mention critical hot-button religious topics. Kate was a great example of this.....and so is her sister Clarissa.

Many people want to adopt from 3rd world countries but Clarissa knows just how to toss enough references to Jesus in there to ramp up the donations. What makes her any more deserving of donations than anyone else trying to adopt? If you want to adopt a child, shouldn't you be able to afford it without grifting others in order to do it? If people didn't blindly open their wallets just because these grifters know how to throw the right religious references into their grifts....these con artists would not be so successful. Religion can create a flock often more than willing to be fleeced by one of their own. I tend to think that the problem is the easily-grifted more than the grifters.

CharlieCat said... 119

What's so odd about this trip to LA to be on Extra is that she doesn't mention it at all on twitter! Why wouldn't she post "Hey be sure to watch Extra tomorrow, I'll be on with Mario at the Grove", "Hey I'm going to talk about the cruise tomorrow, be sure and watch", etc. I find it strange that she never promotes her interviews.

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 120

A person burns a lot of calories that way. It doesn't make as much sense for someone who works in a office and is seated all day. I don't know what your families line of work was, but I know where you live is rural so that may have had something to do with it.


No farmers here. We had lawyers, a constable, a judge, a tavern owner, jeweler, cigar factory workers...all relatively sedentary lifestyles. My grandmother was a seamstress and my grandfather was a baker (eating on the job, too!). He was also the cook in the family and didn't trust my grandmother to make the meals, only to darn the socks and sew the buttons on his shirts! They were married for 75 years and I never heard an angry word out of either of them - maybe because their bellies were full and they were happy and content! My grandfather got up every morning at 4:30 a.m. to go to work - until about a month before he died. He always said that anyone who slept past 5 a.m. was either sick or just plain lazy.

Sherry Baby said... 121

"The Telegraph reports that during a three-hour interrogation, the captain admitted steering the ship off-course
&&&to salute a colleague:"


The cruise line should send him a bill for the damages!


Berks Neighbor said... 122

Diane Mizota
i'm interviewing Kate Gosselin tomorrow! got any burning questions for her?


Sherry Baby said... 123

"@Kateplusmy8: @MaggieGeorge1 hello darling":)

Huh? Darling? This is a 10-year-old sheeple!

Sherry Baby said... 124

Berks Neighbor said... 122

Diane Mizota
i'm interviewing Kate Gosselin tomorrow! got any burning questions for her?


Can't you just burn her good bra instead?

JudyK said... 125

Done and done said... 110
JudyK - Thank you! I agree wholeheartedly on the Paula Deen issue. I think her persona is PHONEY just like her orange skin, wigs, and teeth. I have a feeling she is unlike Kate though, in that she seems to be a genuinely nice person - but still greedy and boy is she a caricature when the camera is on.

I agree that she's probably not a "bad" person, but I'm so turned off by the phoney baloney that I simply can't watch her.

Westcoaster said... 126

Just to clarify, I like Anthony Bourdain, and I think his life exeriences have actually made him a fine writer. What I don't like is the way he rips other people, and Paula Deen is only one example. His attack mode is unprofessional and usually unasked for. That's why I think he is out of line.

And I have eaten at Paula Deen's restaurant; the food was fine, and the menu was varied. It was definitely part of the Savannah experience for me. Best meal ever? No. Would I return? Probably not, too many better places there. But her empire was not built exploiting small children. I respect that.

anger issues kate said... 127

To the person who said: diabetes is caused by eating sugar is not true. It's a disfunction of the pancreas, either too much insulin or too little. PD must be full blown type 2 to be taking insulin by needle and probably checks her blood sugar, several times a day. I do not check mine daily, only every 3 months, A1C test. As I posted on the other threat I am over the border by .5, type 2. I take 1 pill twice a day for it. I do not eat sweets. My Doctor explain to me that sugar is in starchy foods, like chips, certain veggies & fruits, pasta. While I don't eat sugar stuff it comes from other stuff. But if your pancreas produces too little insulin then you need to take insulin or get very sick. There are many forms and levels of diabetes. If you are borderline: diet, losing weight, can fix it or more like control it. Same with just over the border(like me), diet, exercise, lose weight and take a pill. Course if I lose more weight eat right and exercise, there is a chance I can get off the pill. In the end it is up to ME!
PD has been eating this way most of her life, like most of us have been doing. Remember the food we ate as kids, has changed a lot since 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. We put more chemicals now in our bodies now than we did 20 etc years ago, who knows what damage we did to our selves, we listen to those in the know. Just like women today, they wear he hooker heels, and give no concern on what those shoes do to their muscles, hips, bones, posture. But the fashion industry shoves it in our face and tells us this is cool, to not wear it you are a freak, your ugly. PD to me was in denial, and yes, I do agree she will make money with the drug company. This can back-fire on her. If she continues to sell her brand of eating(food cooking)it will back fire. If her son takes her cooking and changes it to a more healthy cooking, then she will survive this. PD will have to prove herself.
The best way to deal with diabetes in all it's forms is to educate yourself and take action. I have yet to have anyone say: see you are eating the wrong thing. I don't take seconds, and I take a little of everything. And learn to say no thanks.

anger issues kate said... 128

Charliecat: Kate will also probably met with that runner guy, Rod Dixion, he lives in LA and will be doing the Honda LA marathon, in march. Kate mentioned that she was to meet with him soon.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 129

Sherry Baby said... 123

"@Kateplusmy8: @MaggieGeorge1 hello darling":)

Huh? Darling? This is a 10-year-old sheeple!

She's retweeting something Kate tweeted to her.

Done and done said... 130

Westcoaster - Now I see what you mean. Bourdain has been running his mouth off quite a bit hasn't he? I'm not sure what exactly it promtping him to make these comments, but in large part I think it has to do with his own persona as well. People respond to him being a "badass" with no holds barred and now that you mention it, it does seem like he's banking on that in a more indirect way. He may not be plastering his face on products that he's shilling (like PD and Kate tried and failed to do), but he says things to provoke people and drum up interest in his show and books.

I think what we are seeing now is the blur between celebrities famous for their talent and "personalities" keeping themselves in the press. People like Anthony Bourdain and Paula Deen actually have (had?)something the public wants - recipes, memoirs, commentary... at the same time they make fortunes by just being who they are and saying things to get attention. It seems like many people who become famous for having talent wind up famous for being famous after a while, and no longer do what made them famous in the first place.

Out and About - I always enjoy your posts and liked hearing about your family. It seems like while the old recipes are unhealthy by today's standards, people could get away with it more because the lack of processed ingredients. My Great-Grandfather on my mother's side was from Nicaragua. The food there tends to be heavy, salt laden and fried. He called salads "rabbit food" and wouldn't touch them. The man was in shape his whole life and lived to be 96! On the other hand, his wife died of a heart attack at 46, so you just never know.

Sherry Baby said... 131

She's retweeting something Kate tweeted to her.

Tweet-le: Yes, and isn't it kind of strange that Kate tweeted "Darling" to a 10-year-old girl she doesn't know? Apparently "Maggie" just asked Kate if the rumor that her show has been cancelled is true. I thought she was an uberfan:

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate is this true or some complete and utter rubbish? (Hope this isn't true)

Annie2 said... 132

I dont blame Paula Deen for waiting before letting her fans her medical condition. She never promoted her food as being healthy. There are huge stigmas attached with type 2 diabetes. One of my friends has it and I had to watch him struggle to come to terms with it.

As others have said, Paula Deen is also a brand. I am sure she had to find ways to mirage this new reality into her brand. I am sure there was a lot going on behind the scenes during the past few years.

Jon and Kate on the other hand out right lied to their fans. They could have used their rocky marriage as a turing point for the show. Show the world that they are normal people with normal problems. Perhaps show them working with a marriage counsel. It could have been beneficial to fans that were going through the same thing.

K8SUCKS said... 133

I respect Paula because she worked hard to be where/who she is today. I have heard nothing but nice stories about her, that she is very warm and funny. Have very rarely heard any stories of K8 in a positive light.

Paula doesn't seem to be a fake to me, nor does she promote healthful eating ( heck, one of her recipes was bread pudding made out of Krispy Kreme donuts!).

One person who DID disappoint me was Ina Garten, Ms. Barefoot Contessa herself. Ms. Thing was apparently too busy to cook with a terminally ill child ( whose dream was to cook with her)

Annie2 said... 134

Many people want to adopt from 3rd world countries but Clarissa knows just how to toss enough references to Jesus in there to ramp up the donations. What makes her any more deserving of donations than anyone else trying to adopt? If you want to adopt a child, shouldn't you be able to afford it without grifting others in order to do it? If people didn't blindly open their wallets just because these grifters know how to throw the right religious references into their grifts....these con artists would not be so successful. Religion can create a flock often more than willing to be fleeced by one of their own. I tend to think that the problem is the easily-grifted more than the grifters.


Clarissa is not the only christian pulling this. Its discussed all the time on freejinger.org. People put up blogs taking about jesus and ask for money for the adoption. It seems to be a well known practice. Its once that needs to stop. If you cant afford the cost of adoption then dont adopt that child. There are lots of children in the US that need homes. Domestic adoption is more complicated but it can be less expensive. I think these people just want bragging rights. They want to say to the world look at me.

Gift of grab said... 135

FYI, Rod Dixon, it turns out, is the "director" of the LA Marathon. I don't know whether this is an actual job or more of an honorary title. I have wondered if he isn't also connected to the Competitor Group, which managed the infamous LV Rock'n Roll Marathon. So far, I haven't found any link. But I believe this is where we will find Kate doing most of her grifting over the next few months. No one has mentioned any sort of endorsement deal for her for either the RnR marathons or Competitor, but that doesn't mean they aren't waiting to unveil it some time soon. She implied that her next "race" would be in the spring, and she herself mentioned Madrid a while back, so I am guessing that Madrid or L.A. will be her jog of choice.

I wonder if Rod's bothered to view the clips from Kate's ill-fated DWTS appearance, illustrating what one is NOT supposed to do when trying to teach her something. Would hate to see him consigned to the large pile of "You're not helping me right" expert coaches in her past.

PJ's momma said... 136

Annie2, I hate that too. I've seen people begging for offerings not only to adopt internationally, but to help them go far far away on mission trips. If you can afford it, go for it. But every community has needs that these people could meet without going anywhere. We give a lot to two NGOs that work overseas, but I'll never visit because for the cost of one visit to make me feel all warm and fuzzy, they could dig another well or outfit another school! Our service should not be about US. My husband's nieces never went to public school, only exclusive private school. In high school, we'd get the shameless standard form letter for their annual Christian school mission trip. We felt pressed to give something so gave a measly 50 bucks a couple times - until I found out those spoiled rotten kids were going to LA and also going to Disneyland/Hollywood and then to NYC and to Broadyway/Met/etc. All they did on their 'mission trips' was serve some meals at a couple of famous shelters - a good thing to be sure, but they could do that in their own city! It's just bullsh*t. I'll never donate again for a 'mission' trip - if you can't afford to go, someone who can afford to go will take your place. Same with adoption. Asking others to fund is not "God's will" for your life or the life of that child. Believe me, I firmly believe in God's will and sometimes God says no. When obstacle after obstacle presents itself, that might be Him saying 'nuh uh.'

Annie2 said... 137

I just read this story. I wonder how many of these parents begged for money to adopt the children. Its sad to know that its happening in my backyard.

Anonymous said... 138

I have to call the BS flag on southern cooking and meals from back in the day all being unhealthy. My family is southern (lord help me) and they ate both fried and VERY healthy meals. Beans and rice, anyone? Greens? Lots of healthy with the unhealthy. I do know not everyone was/is like that and some people choose to eat the unhealthy as a regular diet, and that is why I dont like PD. I dont approve of promoting something that causes a disease. Americans ate much healthier 30 years ago, too, for simple reason they didnt eat out at fast food as much, or eat as much pre-packaged processed foods. I remember Graham Kerr (I think is his name) back in the early 90's and his healthy cooking show. I watched his show and learned many of my cooking styles from him (I HATE, DETEST butter, so he really appealed to me). If he was doing that in the early 90's, then what the heck was PD thinking? She shouldnt have promoted such unhealthy recipes. I dont think you can quite compare her show to the baking shows because those are special occasion fares, whereas PD is everyday cooking, and yes,some people are eating that way everyday.
A poster said tanning causes cancer, should their be warnings? Well, in tanning salons they have warnings and where I come from, LA, we have UV alerts that tell us how fast we'll burn and to use sunscreen, to AVOID cancer- so yes, we are warned about the dangers of the sun.
So, what if an adult film star, who has been doing her 'job' without using protection contracted AIDS and then became a spokesperson for a (hypothetical not yet invented) drug for AIDS? How would you all feel? That she (or he I guess) took her chances and that's what she gets? I really think she would get much less sympathy than PD. Personally I would feel the same- zero sympathy.
Oh, the Anthony Bourdain discussion- wow I love him, but yes he is sarcastic and scathing of other chefs. I get this feeling of the culinary culture, though, they are snooty towards each other. Didnt he bash Rachel Ray, too?

PJ's momma said... 139

Annie2, we are in the same state! That story about Hana sickened me. They abused that kid within an inch of her life until she died of exposure in her own yard. They were animals toward that innocent child. Actually, animals would never do that, so I take that back. At the time, I too wondered how much money they got while adopting those children.
It's not all adoptive parents though. I work at a local food bank and we have a family trying to get on their feet after being missionaries overseas for many years, and they have the cutest, spunkiest little daughter they brought back from an African nation and they are so tender with her and she is obviously adored and delighted in - and she knows it. THAT is how you hope people who go through the adoption process would strive to treat their kids after so much red tape.

Dulcina said... 140

Interesting perspective. Sorry it's not clickable.


Annie2 said... 141

I am almost in your state. I am in the portland area so I feel like Washington is in my backyard too. The missionary family sounds amazing. There are many good families who adopt and love their children like their own. I am so happy to hear that the little girl is now in a loving home.

I think the pleading on blogs and sites like gofundme are part of the problem. These families would not be able to adopt the child under normal circumstances. In someway, I think thats a good thing. The children have already been through hell. They deserve a healthy stable family.

Gift of grab said... 142

What Kate's sister, Clairissa, is doing has me stymied: Why isn't the IRS all over this gofundme stuff? These people are not nonprofits. So how is it that the proceeds collected do not appear to be subject to taxes?

Moreover, if you have to raise money from others to adopt a child from overseas, then how do you propose to pay for the child's upbringing once it is here? Does the child become eligible for U.S. benefits the moment he/she arrives? Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge anything to a child. But according to what Rissa has put out there, this is a "special needs" child who will more than likely need all sorts of benefits that she and her husband are clearly not in a position to pay for themselves. So, then, the taxpayers are expected to take this on? Much like they had to do with Kate?

I don't know, there is something about this whole thing that stinks. I have also read that Rissa was doing this a couple of years ago, raising money to adopt from China, but that fell through. Did anyone get their money back? According to what I've read, the answer is no. Incidentally, when she first started collecting money back in May, it was to "bring our daughter Beth home" from Ethiopia. Two months into it, all of a sudden it's a BOY! No explanation for this change was ever offered, not a word. (I followed her story on her gofund me site for a while--she has since taken that site down because, according to her, gofundme takes 11% of what is raised. However, the stated terms of site quote a much lower amount, so I don't imagine the truth of this will ever be known.)

Who in our government is responsible for ensuring that this is not out-and-out fraud?

silimom said... 143

Okay, I get why people don't like other people who use sites like "GoFundMe" to pay for their adoptions, etc.

What are you views about sites like Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/) and other funding sites for other causes: http://dowser.org/top-ten-crowdsourced-funding-platforms/ ?

Tucker's Mom said... 144

Thanks Gift of grab, I too thought that Kate's sister started out trying to adopt "their daughter". Now it's a boy? What?
Something smells in Denmark, which is to say, Kreiderland.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 145

In thinking about this carefully, I'm going to ask folks not to discuss Kate's sister here, unless something else comes up that would change my mind.

She is not a public figure, was never a part of the show, hasn't ever said anything about Kate or the show that I know of, and doesn't even appear to be involved with Kate, the kids, or the show even now.. Nor do we have that much info to go on in making assumptions.

I am not upset with anyone, just trying to do what's best for the blog. Thanks everyone.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 146

By the way, does anyone in LA want to go to the Grove tomorrow to report on Kate and Ratclaws for the blog? Sounds like this is an open interview with a variety of people anyone can watch. Not asking anyone to approach Kate, but rather to observe.

The Grove is lovely especially the food market! Kate? LA is chilly, hope you brought a jacket.

If you're interested, email me.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 147

So how is it that the proceeds collected do not appear to be subject to taxes?


Simple. They're gifts. Call something a gift, which is money received from the goodness of someone else's heart for NOTHING in return, and it's usually tax free (to the recipient). Only the donor has to pay the gift tax and that's not taxed until a very high number most people will never hit, not sure what it is this year but it's usually in the $20,000's range.

But be careful, that something in return can be simple as a tweet promoting it, so you have to be careful as a celeb. Then suddenly that gift is income and taxable. Hi Kate!

Layla said... 148

Berks Neighbor said... 122
Diane Mizota
i'm interviewing Kate Gosselin tomorrow! got any burning questions for her?


Ha! If you take a look at her Facebook, the "burning questions" are great! Examples: Are you ever going to stay home and take care of the kids, do you know what the word Narcissist means, why is she preying on people less fortunate than herself to line her own pockets, why she will only take the kids on trips if they are paid for by someone else, when is she going to get a real job, when is she going away for good, how long has she been sleeping with Steve, why does she use Twitter to grift things...not a single positive question!
Also one person was bold enough to say: "Yeh, like you're gunna ask any REAL BURNING QUESTIONS!! What a joke. No one ever has. I think people are sick of hearing the same shit over and over. "
And this Diane lady responded: "very interesting! i will ask her some real questions, as to whether they make it into the edit, is another story. thanks for the feedback, I'll keep you posted!"
Hmmm, dare we hope that just this once, someone will ask her the questions we REALLY want answers to? Or will it just be more a**-kissing? I would tune in in a heartbeat to hear her try to answer the questions listed above. C'mon, Diane--do you dare??

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 149

Out And About In Berks County, I think your relatives are the exception, not the rule. It's been proven that eaten that way can lead to obesity and a host of other health problems.

The key is CAN lead. Will everyone get diabetes, fat, or have health problems? Of course not. Just like smoking, some people say why should I quit smoking I've been smoking 50 years and never so much as had a cough. Well, they got LUCKY. Had the cookie crumbled the other way they'd have their jaw removed by now and would be hooked up to oxygen. Doesn't mean they shouldn't have stopped smoking. Doesn't prove that smoking doesn't lead to tragedies like that. Just means they fell on the right side of the statistics.

The fact that someone has bad health habits and just got lucky, doesn't prove the facts wrong. The way Paula Deen cooks is unhealthy, there just isn't any denying that. Sure there are a lot of nuances to nutrition and debate about it, but overall, a fatty mc-fatso diet is not good for you.

For instance in my family, my great grandparents grew up on a farm and ate a very fatty diet. Great grandfather passed away from a heart attack at 55. But great-grandmother, who ate this way all her life, too, lived to 102!!! Was great-grandma a healthy eater? Nope. She got lucky. Grandpa, not so lucky.
She spent 50 years without him because of what he ate.

Westcoaster said... 150

Funny, it never even occurred to me that I could just take a little field trip from my house tomorrow and be in the presence of Greatness at the Grove. Slap to the head. If only I did not already have plans, or cared, or did not have to wash my hair.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 151

Hey, look, Kate's interviewer is not a sheeple and claims she will ask her REAL questions. Hey, it's a step in the right direction.

Someone should post please ask her how she can live with herself the way she's pissing through the kids money and how much money she expects will be left when they are 18 and can finally get their hands on it at the rate she is going. Point to her hair extensions and orange tan as you say this.

Diane Mizota very interesting! i will ask her some real questions, as to whether they make it into the edit, is another story. thanks for the feedback, I'll keep you posted!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 152

Westcoaster lol. Are you SURE? Not gonna lie, I'm not volunteering to do this dirty work.

But if anyone wants to take one for the team....maybe you too could have the privilege of being carted away by rat claws.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 153

Diane??? Lol be prepared to be carted away with your REAL questions.

This is hysterical.

Gift of grab said... 154

Apologies, Admin. Silimom, as long as people soliciting funds online for qualified charities (i.e., those with 501(c)(3) designations or otherwise tax-exempt), I don't have a problem with it. On the other hand, there is an increasing amount of online fraud being uncovered every day--recent national stories exposing people raising funds for illnesses they don't have, among others--and I do wonder where the oversight of these sorts of enterprises is located in our government. I have donated online to Heifer International, Red Cross, and many others, but I always make it a point to read the fine print.

I have a real problem with people who prey on the kindness of strangers, and this is why I have found the Katie Kreider story so interesting, in a revolting kind of way.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 155

In all seriousness, Diane really needs to ask how she is supporting this lifestyle and what is left of the children's money and doesn't she think she has mismanaged it.

Annie2 said... 156

I hope LA is suddenly hit by the nasty weather thats going through oregon and washington. It should rain or snow all day and night so Kate cant enjoy her time away from her kids.

Ex-Nurse said... 157

Regarding adoption and the IRS....
The IRS tax code allows for a tax credit of up to $13,360 for each adoption effort. Anyone who is pursuing a legal adoption can claim this if their income is under $185,000/year. For income earners over this amount, it reduces and is phased out at $225,000 income. This is not a tax deduction, where taxable income is reduced, thereby reducing income taxes paid. This is a dollar for dollar rebate of legitimate expenses paid in an attempt to adopt. The adoption does not have to be completed to be eligible, but the total credit for each attempt cannot exceed $13,600.

Therefore, people who receive assistance via these websites can actually profit by taking donations and then claiming the tax credit. I have a lot of compassion for infertile companies that have exhausted their resources on fertility treatments, and I don't mind websites that are set up to assist, and a fee is charged. However, I do object that website fees are hidden and that information, like these tax credits, are not readily available to donors.

I know of couples that have borrowed money from friends and family and then reimburse them later with their tax credit. It is unfortunate that a few greedy people, who exploit the generosity and kindness of others (do I really need to mention names), have made many of us so hesitant to help people that are legitimately in need.

By the way, lots of participation today from the Pacific Northwest--we are snowed-in....

Tucker's Mom said... 158

I think an honest question would be to ask Kate if she really, truly thinks that she can only support her family in media and if this is the only avenue that she intends to pursue, vs. going back to nursing or even better, furthering her degree to ensure her long term earning prospects are secure.

Annie2 said... 159

By the way, lots of participation today from the Pacific Northwest--we are snowed-in....

I am rained in instead of snowed in. There is so much standing water that the city I live in that the city had to shut down the roads.

Gift of grab said... 160

Admin (147): I see what you're saying, but isn't the very fact of posting on a site like gofundme considered solicitation? And if there is solicitation, doesn't that take away the "gift" designation? Is the percentage collected by gofundme also a gift? A gift from the donee to gofundme? I can't believe it could really be as simple (unregulated?) as that.

In thinking about this, I realize that sometimes people will raise funds from outside sources for medical bills, etc., that they can't afford. But in most cases, don't they set up some sort of tax-exempt entity to handle the funds? Or maybe they have the bills paid directly from a donor funds in a bank account that is managed by a third-party custodian or something? Really don't know any of these answers, if anyone does, please chime in.

Tamara said... 161

I actually think Kate is less griftery (new word?) Than she used to be. Before she activley went out and found people to beg money from. Now she's trying to drain people who have come to her on their own.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 162

Gift of grab, apparently solicitations are largely state regulated, not federally regaled. It would be up to whatever state law:


PJ's momma said... 163

Annie2, you didn't get any snow at all? Holy cow, I've been stranded for 2 days and at least 1 more to go; I am so fricken bored I could scream.

silimom, I look at kickstarter.com with a bit of amusement I guess. I know a local musician and she needed to buy studio time to try to make an album and used that site. I was half tempted to kick in; I really like her and she's very good. But I didn't. I just thought, "Good luck with that." But.......she was offering first dibs to donors for CDs, autographed pics, reduced rates for events, free tickets to local performances, etc. She was doing her best to give back. And she did get what she needed for the studio. It's my understanding that they don't get a dime unless they meet their goal, but I could be wrong. Frequently am.

Ex-Nurse, are you in the Puget Sound area?

PJ's momma said... 164

I'm on the list of burning questions too, haha!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 165

I think it's supposed to stay pretty chilly, well, by LA standards. It'll be below freezing tonight (shush, I did my time in the Northeast). We don't have heat, OH is all into the going green crap tee-hee, but we have a space heater going. It probably won't feel that warm to Kate or like beach weather. It is supposed to rain though weekend if she sticks around.

I'm going to Vegas again next month and I checked the weather and it's freezing there! I laughed at Kate wanting to run somewhere "warm". Vegas in winter is not warm. She can't even lift a finger to check a city's average temperatures.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 166

Also, another serious question. Ask her if she regrets calling Jon mediocre. And have the quote ready like Joy Behar had her quotes ready when Kate tries to deny she ever said that.

Annie2 said... 167

We got a snow dusting here. It was all melted before noon. People in higher elevations got snowed in but where I live its all rain.

Dulcina said... 168

Tamara said... 161

I actually think Kate is less griftery (new word?) Than she used to be.
No offense, but I don't think it's by choice.
Her "resources" are shrinking.

Westoaster said... 169

But seriously, who is paying for ths d-bag to fly out here for 90 secs on Extra? What same person, or simply mom of 8, drops lfe and does this, it just reeks of desparation. It may be dry, but it's cold, wish the skies would open on the Grove tomorrow, but it's not going to happen. Not that I plan to watch.

Edna said... 170

Didn't they find a 'fresh' severed head in Hollywood?? Maybe it's Kreider....her last attempt at being favous. LOL

Ella said... 171

The sad part is that the adoption tax credit is being taken away next year is the last year you can claim it. As someone who is looking into adoption I was very sadden to hear this news.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 172

Dulcina said... 168
Tamara said... 161

I actually think Kate is less griftery (new word?) Than she used to be.
No offense, but I don't think it's by choice.
Her "resources" are shrinking.


Totally agree. She ran through the regular fans, the mommies, the little old church ladies and other religious, etc etc.

All she has left are children, disabled, shut ins and the mentally unstable. Oh yes, she went there. And now it's getting personal.

Ex Nurse said... 173

PJs Momma--
Yes, I am in Seattle--curled up in a blanket, drinking hot chocolate. .

Layla said... 174

So, this interview tomorrow isn't live if it's going to be edited before it hits the air. Bummer. Diane could have some real fun with a live interview.
I would like her to show the picture of Collin with his head behind the tire of the BBB, and ask her why she would give her small child permission to do something so dangerous. Then she could follow up by asking Kate what she was doing that was so important that she didn't even get out of the van to supervise him while he did that.
Ask her about the speeding tickets, and when Kate tries to brush it off, confront her with the records of her speeding, and be sure to point out that on at least one occasion,she was speeding with the kids in the car.And then ask if she thinks it is more or less dangerous to speed with them in the car than to let them crawl under vehicles in parking lots.
Ask her if she'll allow people on her cruise to film her throwing up over the side of the boat, since she allowed her children to be filmed doing that.
Ask if she'll let herself be filmed on the toilet, since she allowed the kids to be filmed on the toilet. And if she does a #2, can they take a picture of her posing with it?
Ask her to do a demonstration of how to grift something on Twitter. Hand her an iphone and give her 60 seconds to get as much "stuff" as she can while they film it.
Anything to add to the list, anyone?

PJ's momma said... 175

Ex Nurse, my hubby's in our condo in Belltown and I'm out in SE King County and we have gotten HAMMERED. His coworker was staying in the guest suite in our building instead of going to Bellevue. Hubby started walking to work along the waterfront today and fell down, hard. I said, "Why didn't you ride in with XXX?" He forgot he was there! DUH!
I've been a prolific poster on local news site today too. I am so BOOOOOORED! Cocoa sounds good though, thanks for the idea - stay warm and safe! I'll be happy when the rain starts, and not the freezing rain we are currently enjoying.

PJ's momma said... 176

Layla, you should cut/paste that whole post to the facebook page for the interviewer. What a hoot! But the sheeple would come after you and threaten to turn you in to the FBI and call your boss.

Dulcina said... 177

Anyone else remember her saying (to the effect of)
I just mention that we need something and it show up at the door!

Now she's reduced to grifting on twitter - Keurig? are you listening Keruig? and BEGGING her tweeties to come on "her cruise." Go Katie go.

Au naturale:


Layla said... 178

PJ's Momma,
Oh, I would love to see the Sheeple try that! My "boss" would be my hubby and kids, and they aren't letting me go. I made sure of that--none of them can cook, so they'd starve without me. And the FBI...that one is just too funny. Do they really think they can just call up the FBI switchboard and report someone for not liking Kate Gosselin? I'd love to hear the response if they tried!

Dallas Lady said... 179

Honestly, the only thing I can think to ask her is, "Why are you such a huge asshole?"

Sheepledum said... 180

Do they really think they can just call up the FBI switchboard and report someone for not liking Kate Gosselin?

Ummm, yes.

Done and done said... 181

OMG That FB page is hilarious! I hope she actually does ask one of those questions.

Layla said... 182

Sheepledum said...
Do they really think they can just call up the FBI switchboard and report someone for not liking Kate Gosselin?

Ummm, yes.
Then they're as dumb as a box of rocks (the Sheeple, that is). Oh, yes, the FBI will ignore that whole "axis of evil" thingy and put all their efforts into saving Kate! I'd love to see their final report on me...hmmm, let's see, D.C. housewife with a pack of kids and dogs and a truly evil cat. She bites her nails and drinks way too much Diet Coke and is has overdue library books in the back of her van. We'd better get her off the streets now, before she hurts someone!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 183

And they don't feel even the slightest bit of guilt about wasting the precious time of the FBI, police, attorney general, other official-ish official, or just an employer. I don't think most of them work and don't have any idea how many more important things are going on in the world every day outside of their little planet of Kate Gosselin.

Gift of grab said... 184

FYI, this Diane person is not on Extra, she is a blogger and has something on yahoo, not sure if it's a webcast or just a blog--ThisWeek in MoM (Moments of Motherhood). That is where her interview with Kate will be.

Janet said... 185

I've been lurking for over a year but this is my first post. I live in Orange County, exactly 46 miles from The Grove (mapquested it, lol) and I've been VERY tempted to make the trek up to LA just to glare at Kate and Steve. And if I were bold enough, say something because I can't stand the woman!!! But I can't decide if I want to waste my gas on her (my time isn't a problem; I only work part time right now). According to weather.com, it is suppose to be 65 there tomorrow, so not too bad weather wise. Am I the only one thinking of going??

Ex Nurse said... 186

I found an article written by Diane Mizota for Momlogic, from 2009. She suggested that Kate may have "outsourced" sexual relations with Jon to a "mother's helper" and referred to her god-awful haircut. So, not a fan--maybe there is hope:


Hey, admin--didn't mean to keep the conversation going about Kate's sister--I was typing when you posted that....

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 187

For the first time in Kate history, I think there actually might be hope with this Diane interview.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 188

Diane is JUST astute enough to realize this is all a shame, and has just enough gumption to ask the hard questions.

I have faith lol.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 189

Sham. But, shame too actually.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 190

Janet, please do go for us and report for the blog. It'll be balmy but it's not going to rain. Besides the Grove is GREAT on a weekday.

By the way, in LA 65 feels so much colder than it ever did back East. Don't shoot me.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 191

Diane is also soliciting questions on twitter.


Katie Cry-duh said... 192

I do hope Diane asks some of the FB questions. The cynic in me just sighs, though. Kate will give non-answers, deflections and lies if asked something of substance. However, Diane could really make a name for herself if called Kate on her bullshit the way whoopi did on the View. Fingers crossed

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 193

Especially someone so cute and unassuming as this Diane person. Kate wouldn't see it coming. It would be funny.

She could start with which do you prefer chicken or fish???


Then blindside her with the more the hardball questions. Sigh, one can dream.

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 194

Done and Done - 130:

Thanks! The ancestors are very typical of those born and raised in this area, hard-working, breed of Berks and Lancaster Countians who came here with nothing, raised their families, saved their money (very frugal) and become respected citizens, politicians and business owners in the communities.

Admin - you're probably correct in that my ancestors were the exception rather than the rule. However, when I found the family Bible and read pages and pages of births and deaths, going back two hundred years, with the exception of babies who died in infancy, and children who died because of illness, the majority of the adults in the last hundred years or so all lived to be 85 or older. They must have done something right, or they came from solid stock. Old Samuel died at age 103, but it wasn't red meat and dumplings that killed him. He was kicked in the head by a horse. Stuart, at age 90, died when he fell on a knife. It was interesting reading!

Most of them knew nothing of healthy eating as we know it today, having been raised on rich, Pennsylvania Dutch foods. The only salad I ever saw my grandparents eat was during the spring, when my grandfather went out and dug dandelions (the greens, not the flower part). That alone would have been fine (after he rinsed off the cow poop), but the hot egg and bacon dressing killed the healthy aspect of it. Vegetables meant mashed potatoes swimming in butter and gravy!

Sonya - Lil'Soak+ Fairtrade said... 195

Well, not a big surprise --- but I think the media manipulates anyways --- and she's probably going to make some money from her diabetes, but I think in a way being on tv and endorsing all this food brands, that maybe she should tell people that it should be done in moderation which I'm not sure she does.....but again, I looked at her ingredients for her mac and cheese, and it's high in calories and it doesn't taste as good as other healther mac and cheese boxed stuff. So it's hard to say. I don't even want to go into Jon & Kate. I just think that Kate is in a category of her own.

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 196

Dallas Lady said... 179

Honestly, the only thing I can think to ask her is, "Why are you such a huge asshole?"


And relating to this..."Has the stick been pulled out yet?"

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 197

My family has old genes too. We've had several if not the majority live into their 80's and 90's, and my great grandma with the highest age at 102.

All of them had different health habits rather than they all just ate fatty foods. I think it's more genetic than anything. I'm not banking on good genes, I'm trying to exercise and eat healthy and avoid the bad stuff like cigarettes, drinking to access, etc. It's just dangerous to say see I did this or that unhealthy thing and nothing happened to ME or my bloodline.

I can show you a different bloodline full of heart attacks from those same habits.

Tamara said... 198

We know Kate is an old hand at consignment shops, but what about pawn shops and ebay? I wonder how much the sheeple would pay for Kate's half eaten veggie burger?

I remember someone saying during Kate Plus 8 that the house looked empty and underfurnished. Maybe she sold stuff off. I can see her selling anything she's gotten free if it was for the kids.

PJ's momma said... 199

Looks like she's being interviewed as a rep for Coupon Cabin. Surely she cannot be flying to Los Angeles for interviews with this mag and Extra because of her pathetic blogging? Bwahahaha!!! People here have given FAR better tips for saving money than that pathetic blog about KATE KATE KATE and how hard (or wonderful) her life is, with some links to savings thrown in at the end.
@Kateplusmy8 will be joining @DianeMizota in studio tmrw to give us some @CouponCabin saving tips!"

AuntieAnn said... 200

I'd like Diane to ask Kate if she plans on finding her kids work in show business so she can keep living off them now that she's pretty much unemployable herself.

And I'd like her to ask if she's ever lied about anything.

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