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Thanks to her Mom's diligence, child star Tatyana Ali
grew into a well-adjusted adult.
Among some of the common denominators:
- Parents didn't quit their mediocre day jobs. (Kate has apparently kissed nursing goodbye.)
- The kids were driven by their own childhood passions, not their parents' ambitions. (It was obviously not an 18-month-old's idea to star in a T.V. show)
- Parents encouraged their kids to pursue other interests outside of fame, like swimming for example. (Kate seems to do a lot of encouraging of school plays.)
- Parents were on set at all times watching out for their children's well-being instead of schmoozing for their own benefit. (The Gosselin children were filmed several times without a parent on set)
- Parents supported forward thinking kids who can move on smoothly from their famous past. "It's important to realize that it's something to be very proud of, but also to realize that it's in the past and to strive for something in the future," said tennis champ Tracy Austin. (Kate seems to be stuck in the past, constantly reliving filmed vacations, episodes, and creating new "episodes" in her head which she then plays out on Twitter and her blog for her fans.)
542 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 542 Newer› Newest»Tucker's mom: It just makes me mad that Kate does not research anything and tries to come off as an expert, from just reading the box. Kate know squat! Everything from cooking to travel, to history etc, this woman knows nothing, and when she pretends to be an expert, she comes off sounding like an idiot, who doesn't even have the facts straight, even when they are right in her hands, and then tries to talk cute. The dumb blonde thing. Or as the word today: airhead. Like I said, someone at CC is a Kate lover, that is in my opinion how she got that blog job. They did not hire her on merits, or knowledge. Having 8 kids does not make you a genius, rabbits produce baby rabbits, no brainer there. People pop out kids and don't have a clue, on what to do with them. And before anybody has a cow, yes there are people who have planned for a lot of kids, know what to do, cause they research things, so they don't sound like an idiot in front of their kids. Children look up to you, I would not want to sound stupid to them or have them later say Geez, mom you embarrassed me and your just stupid. I can't wait till that happens to Kate.
Bingo...Kate says were all dumb people...because were all not smart enough to put our kids on display for everyone to gawk at. I'd better smarten up if I want to be a success like Kate. Dear Lord..what was I thinking? She just doesn't get it..and never will. She found 1 sheeple to justify what she has done...that's all she needed. Now she can sleep like a baby tonight
Hey: 5150...198: I come to this board, a couple of times during the day to take a break. I am not on here all day, nor do I carry a iphone all day with me checking my tweets either.
You can apply the 5150 rule to yourself, cause you are here reading our stuff and you also must have a lots of time on your hands, so that makes you not normal like the rest of us or you would not take the time to comment, or even read here. You must be a troll!
One of Kates tweeny twitter fans said 'Kate never asks for anything on twitter", i responded that she doesn't come right out and ask as she is pretty slick. I said what she does is hint over and over about what she needs until some poor slob sends it to her.
5150: I am here to watch her go down, to watch her sink into the obscurity she so richly deserves. And it's nice to share that schadenfreude with others who feel the same way. If you feel the same way about Kate, welcome! If you like or admire her, though, reading what we have to say about her asshole ways is just going to make YOU looney enough for a 5150 hold. Have fun!
Berks Neighbor: I don't think her twitter feed is even going to be on OUR radar in one to two years!
That video of her at the woman's conference is AWFUL. That was painful to watch. But did anyone notice she mentioned the cookbook coming out? The one that was killed before publication and never printed? Ha. Sure you have a cookbook coming out, Kate, sure. And I can fly!
So, today is March 1st.
The official end of Katie Irene's contract with TLC/Discovery, and presumably the end of Skeeve's contractual duties (bodyguard/roadie/ dinner companion/purse holder/handler/ travel buddy) to her.
Now that her so called "career" in show business is done, I'm curious how her demeanor will change towards her fans.
Remember Kate saying she was SEWING SOCKS? (As in darning or repairing, she doesn't know the correct term, so she said sewing.) Every time I think of that, I laugh and picture her with a gray wig on, sitting in a rocking chair, darning a sock.
The little old lady who lived in a shoe, had so many children she didn't know what to do. She gave them some broth without any bread, then whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed.
Socks, laptops, coffee, she grifts around for it all. I can't wait until she starts griping about how expensive tampons are.
One of Kates tweeny twitter fans said 'Kate never asks for anything on twitter"
She never says no either. And when someone says they gave their laptops to charity and wish they had known about her needs, she says OH CRAP!
Berks County Neighbor-
I am not trying to argue with you but I question your statement about the international showing of the K+8- you said 'it doesn't appear that Kate is making any money off it'...how so? How do you know what money Kate is (or isn't) making?
A standard contract will give her a share of royalties and it's a safe bet that she is getting that. That's just regular business! If the show is making money then Kate is making money.
I know a woman who played a waitress in Kingergarten Cop. She was onscreen for less than 2 minutes and said one or two lines. Years later she was still receiving royalty checks. They were a few hundred when it was a new release and they slowly dwindled to a few dollars here or there.
I am positive Kate is benefiting from the show being broadcast again.
I am anxious to see what kind of birthday bash Kate has for the sextuplets this year, as it will be the first one given with her own money and her own planning of it.
Here's the catch, that waitress from Kindergarten Cop probably has her SAG card. SAG PROTECTS RESIDUALS. But reality t.v. people are not protected by SAG, they are on their own to get screwed with no protection whatsoever. Berks is right, they might be getting royally SCREWED on residuals.
Residuals for international syndication rights are usually negotiated upfront, does anyone actually think young Jon and Kate actually thought to include international syndication rights in their contract? Jon even said they didn't have a lawyer. Back then I can't imagine they saw anything past the end of their noses.
For the Kate Plus 8 contract she may have been smart enough to do it since she was more savvy by then and probably had a lawyer.
I think the answer is we don't really know for sure if stupid Kate thought to include international syndication residuals in her contract. Maybe she did and maybe she didn't. And of that, what percentage goes to the kids that she can't touch? Knowing her, as little as possible.
5150, I do not obsess on Kate Gosselin. I just follow this blog because originally I was a fan and didn't like what I was seeing. When I just need a few minutes of down time, I like to sit back and read the comments. I'm glad you read here because you will become enlightened. If you are a fan, I'm sure you follow the fan blogs and comment there too, so you are really calling the kettle black.
Frankly, her move to Twitter was brilliant (obviously not her idea) because it does keep up the conversation, but she makes it too personal and too revealing and has, IMO, made herself unmarketable. No TV cable nor network company will ever approach her because between her twittering, blogging and film history with TLC, she is poison in the industry. Between Kate's toxic personality, Jon and Kate's greed, and TLC's meddling, the show that I once watched and enjoyed rapidly deteriorated.
Reality personalities are not awarded residuals, so airing the show anywhere, any time, earns Kate NOTHING.
Yes, I agree with the poster that commented on Kate having to pay for the kid's next bday event. But then again, she could dip into the kid's money to pay for it.
I bet when those kids turn 18, there isn't a dime left. zippo.
Yep, without a SAG card you are screwed. They were not classified as "actors". My bet she gets no residuals.
I know a woman who played a waitress in Kingergarten Cop. She was onscreen for less than 2 minutes and said one or two lines. Years later she was still receiving royalty checks. They were a few hundred when it was a new release and they slowly dwindled to a few dollars here or there.
You're talking about a movie here. Kate's show was reality television. I may be way off base, but the last I heard, non-scripted shows, including reality television don't offer residuals. I would think it depends on the contract, but I'd bet that TLC didn't write residuals into that, and would Kate even think to ask?
Reality personalities are not awarded residuals, so airing the show anywhere, any time, earns Kate NOTHING.
Unless they put it in their contract. Which she might have. But because there is NO PROTECTION if they don't, yup, they can get screwed.
You could have a hit reality show (hey, like this one) that does amazing abroad and is replayed a million times and you sit at home in your two bedroom house and eat beans and rice. It's not right.
There are a lot of people that think they should be allowed to join SAG for this very reason, or to have their own union to protect them. I tend to agree.
I just found this - last paragraph
If Steve is present at any event with her in the future, they are either a couple or she is paying him herself. What a life....paying someone to be your companion. Oh wait, isn't that what johns do with "escorts?"
As for the kids being STARS and being in the spotlight for ever....I disagree.They are not stars
I disagree. They are child stars and they will be remembered for a long time as those crazy bitch's multiples, I guarantee it.
....they are not children of celebs
I disagree even more. You bet they are children of celebrities with all the baggage that comes with that. Kate is a celebrity, she may not deserve it, we may not like it, but she IS a celebrity.
#6: The question of royalties has been discussed here a lot. And people in the know have said that royalties are not a part of the standard "reality" TV contract. Many have speculated that the reason Kate was so richly compensated for the K+8 episodes (perhaps as much as $250K per episode) was that she was not able to get royalties written into her new contract. Though by that time, surely she was savvy enough to be asking for them. Since at the time Kate re-signed for Kate +8 (without Jon) she was also supposed to be making Twist of Kate, maybe the royalty issue had less importance to her than cash in hand. We don't know what kind of terms she was able to negotiate for Twist of Kate, maybe that contract had all the bells and whistles PLUS the kitchen sink.
Educate me, please. Yesterday, I stated the cruise line probably had an iron clad agreement concerning any liability should Kate or the twins showed up. But, you said there was no such thing as an iron clad agreement.
With that said, and supposedly the TLC contract has terminated or is soon to, why couldn't Jon or Kate sue due to being naive and/or being manipulated into signing something that was so obviously in TLC's favor?
I would never want the parents to see a dime of the money, but it would be a good win for the KIDS, if ALL the winnings could be placed in TRUST until they reach 18 (and solely managed by an appointee of the court).
So, if there is no such thing as an iron clad agreement, why wouldn't Jon and/or Kate sue?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts. :)
The birthday party will be interesting because not only will Kate be paying for it, she will have to do the arranging and organizing, no TLC bankroll, no crew to stage it. So perhaps it will just be a regular, normal, typical kids's party; of course we have already seen many bad photos of Kate style entertaining. And I wonder if they really have any friends. This we can agree on - it will be broadcast all over Twitter, Kate will be exhausted and the event will be amazing.
Since it's March I refrained from leaping to my Keurig this morning.
Funny how Katie Irene says people are dumb for thinking she asks for "things" when she tweets, blogs, or goes on talk shows...
Yeah, sure... she's never given out her email address (or whatever address for sending packages). She is so damn good at grifting for crap indirectly. The sucker that sends her stuff doesn't even realise that she/he has been grifted/suckered.
Sheeple, do yourself a favor, don't bother sending that ingrate ANYTHING. No matter how many times she tweets/blogs her needs, hold off on spending any money or time on her.
Katie Irene will never appreciate anything you do for her.
There was a lot of coverage about how naive Jon and Kate were when they signed up for the show, and I seem to remember that one of the issues was that they had NO residual rights, nor any rights to foreign distribution, or royalties from DVD sales.
That is/was apparently standard for "reality" TV, and one reason why it is so much less expensive to produce. It's almost the entire point of filming a "reality" TV show. Production keeps the money, not the subjects of the filming.
Kate and the children were not actors, and didn't have ANY of the protections accorded to card-carrying acting professionals.
Jon and Kate were royally fleeced. How appropriate.
As for the higher figures Kate was paid later, how typical. She took the big bucks up front because she's greedy, without considering what royalties and distribution rights might have meant for her in the long run.
Instant greedification, that's what Kate is all about.
With that said, and supposedly the TLC contract has terminated or is soon to, why couldn't Jon or Kate sue due to being naive and/or being manipulated into signing something that was so obviously in TLC's favor?
They could, but it's been a long time and they might run into statute of limitations problems. Jon complains a LOT about this on Larry King and maybe considered trying to sue.
There is something in contract law called undue influence. Which is what some people call the little old lady loophole. In short, a contract might be invalid if one person in power takes advantage of another person who is stupid or young or old or incapacitated. It is HARD to prove though. If the contract was just like the ones most reality people sign though this might not go anywhere. Reality tv needs MASSIVE REFORM. These people need to be required to have lawyers, they need to be a member of SAG or other kind of protection union, this has got to stop.
The problem is for every 50 reality shows just like this with contracts just like what they signed, maybe only one will really hit it big like this one did. But that's the one where while it's hitting it big and rolling in the dough, you don't see a dime of it and that's when you realized how screwed you are. But I'm betting if Jon and Kate demanded a real contract that would really protect them, TLC would have walked on day one and found some other family. The more you delve into this the more screwed you realize reality tv people can get.
Jon gave the figure one time I forgot what it was, but TLC made hundreds of millions off his family and they only made a few mill. It should have been written to be proportionate. If the show hits it big, then they see a percentage of it. Funny that's how every other business works, percentages. But in reality TV if you signed on the dotted line for 4,000 an episode, 4,000 is what you get until the contract runs out even if the show is making 400 million.
Educate me, please. Yesterday, I stated the cruise line probably had an iron clad agreement concerning any liability should Kate or the twins showed up. But, you said there was no such thing as an iron clad agreement.
I think that she said that there was nothing like an iron-clad disclaimer.
By the way I think what we will see when the kids are older and wiser and talk to lawyers, is the KIDS suing TLC for their earnings, all those years they weren't paid. The statute of limitations may not start tolling until they are 18.
And they should sue for every last cent.
TLC stinks said... 9
5150, I do not obsess on Kate Gosselin. I just follow this blog because originally I was a fan and didn't like what I was seeing. When I just need a few minutes of down time, I like to sit back and read the comments. I'm glad you read here because you will become enlightened. If you are a fan, I'm sure you follow the fan blogs and comment there too, so you are really calling the kettle black.
Frankly, her move to Twitter was brilliant (obviously not her idea) because it does keep up the conversation, but she makes it too personal and too revealing and has, IMO, made herself unmarketable. No TV cable nor network company will ever approach her because between her twittering, blogging and film history with TLC, she is poison in the industry. Between Kate's toxic personality, Jon and Kate's greed, and TLC's meddling, the show that I once watched and enjoyed rapidly deteriorated.
Same here, TLC stinks.
Mel said... 168
I happened to come across the episode where Kate, in a snotty tone, said something about the law forces her to consult somebody about the kids when he only sees them 4 days a month.
Hehe. That's because she is stunned, STUNNED I say, about the pesky law, since she assumes that she 'is in charge and that is never going to change.' She assumed for quite a while that she could easily run him out of his childrens' lives just by hiking up the mean-bitch factor. After all, it has always worked for her before. And since. Kate Kommands It, Therefore It Shall Magically Happen.
Mum @mumbear9 · Open
To tweet and tell me to send Kate Gosselin laptops for her kids is bizarre. I have 9 kids of my own! Kate would never make such a request!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@mumbear9 bingo... Dumb people!
Has she seen the demographics of this site? I have.
Kate, pay attention, you said "OH CRAP" when you found out someone gave their laptops to charity and not to you. That is all I need to know about your cob-webbed heart.
Thank you for posting that for me.
I'm just shocked.
And Annie2...
Thank you as well.
Thanks for answering my question! I had to read it twice,lots of good info and wisdom in your response.
Another question...do you think Kate demanded a more equitable contract when Jon left and it was renamed K+8? Or was she just relieved that the show could go on? Is there any possibility that TLC realized Kate was a trip addict and enticed her with grand plans instead of boring old cash? She probably thought the show would go on forever.
Thanks for your responses. I have a great respect for smart, intelligent women.
Kate understand percentages? Surely you jest.
Besides,they weren't acting. She's always said they were just living their real lives, that just happened to be filmed.
Even if it occurred to Kate to sue TLC, she doesn't have a leg to stand on. They were more than eager to sign whatever TLC put in front of them. Imagine...all that money for just allowing cameras into your home! Besides, you can bet TLC had all the bases covered in any contract those two signed. She may be wiser now, but it is too late. No way did it ever, ever occur to her that the show would be shown overseas. Awww, what goes around, comes around. And no way, no how, will TLC ever film the Gosselins again. She would attempt to hammer them in a contract. It's so o.v.e.r. But, I do have to wonder, once she realizes this, if she will come out with a book damning TLC. So far she has stayed in their good graces in hopes of airing some specials. If anyone on this blog thinks she will fade away in the next year or two, think again.
With that said, and supposedly the TLC contract has terminated or is soon to, why couldn't Jon or Kate sue due to being naive and/or being manipulated into signing something that was so obviously in TLC's favor?
Anyone can sue, and in the hands of a good contract attorney, they could have a case. However, does Jon (or Kate for that matter) have the funds to go up against the bottomless pockets of TLC for what might turn into years in court?
Only time will tell if the parents, and more interestingly, the kids sue TLC.
That would be an interesting case, since it was reported that the kids weren't financially provided funds in the beginning of the show, then later some of the money was set aside for the kids.
I agree, once Kate is completely TLC free, she might write a book. Maybe Jon. Surely they can't be silenced forever?
Could there be any legal recourse concerning the pedophile that had access to the kid's film footage?
There could be a multitude of lawsuits.
It's come to my attention that there are some people out there who are claiming that they help me run this blog. These same people may be the same ones harassing some of the posters here.
FYI, this is a lie. Only one person right now helps me run this bog. She is not an "internet" friend, she is a friend of mine from childhood I know in PERSON, she does not really follow Kate or care, and she does not post here.
Even if it occurred to Kate to sue TLC, she doesn't have a leg to stand on. They were more than eager to sign whatever TLC put in front of them.
Not having seen the contract I couldn't say I agree with this. They may or may not have a case, who knows.
As far as the kids though, I do believe they have a leg to stand on for all those unpaid earnings. And I think a good attorney might even help them pro bono. I hope they get their due, because God knows Kate doesn't appear to be saving anything for them.
As I have said earlier, I think the cruise will be 'go' as long as Alice Travel can cover the expense of Kate's cruise. Alice Travel's bigger worry is if Kate no-shows because of a better offer. Kate would ditch that cruise in a New York minute if Kelly Ripa or someone from The View called. She would spin it to her sheeple as the ultimate sacrifice, giving up a great cruise to better support her 8 children.
Just to back everyone else up, she most likely is not receiving a thin dime as residuals. Reality TV contracts are not written that way. You get your money as the show is being produced, you do not continue to get residuals later (repeats being aired) or for international airings of the show.
Whatever she made in the past and was able to hold onto is now in savings and I can guarantee you she is having to dip into it to sustain this lifestyle. She's probably not dipping into it TOO badly right now, but any dipping into principal is going to eat away at the interest income and eventually she will run out.
The younger kids turn 8 soon, don't they? 10 more years. And the expenses of older kids are higher than that of younger kids (I'm not talking about cars, either, just normal stuff). Their clothes alone are more expensive just because they're bigger. I highly doubt Abercrombie & Fitch is going to set her up with kid/teen clothing for several years the way she had that deal with Gymboree.
BESIDES all this, something that isn't really ever discussed is this: how is she going to fund her own retirement years? Let's say she hobbles along somehow managing not to work until the kids are 18. At 18, they're all gone, either from her booting them out or them running as fast as their legs can take them.
So now she's 47 years old and if she keeps up the tanning, she'll look 67. (Good luck to her getting a sugar daddy at that point. And she won't have the kids to blame anymore, either.)
So the kids will no longer be an expense for her, but now what? How does she fund her OWN life at that point? How does she keep up the maintenance and payments on that huge house at that point (for one person)? 47 years old and forgotten by the world and probably forgotten (happily) by most of her kids. She certainly will not have a TV career--if she can't get one now at 36, she won't get one at 47, not with her horrible personality and speaking skills.
She will have been away from nursing at that point for how long? 15 years? 18 years? Even if she keeps her certification renewed, wouldn't it be hard to just go back into a profession like that after that long?
I'm just a few years older than Miss Thang, and I've given quite a bit of thought to my retirement years. I have a few plans I'm pursuing now, at 41, to make sure it's a successful retirement (travel, time with family) and I'm not eating cat food. Girlfriend might want to take her eyes off her phone and her little coffee machine long enough to look down the road a ways. Wishful thinking doesn't make things happen.
If she were ever to sue, she can kiss her vision of being a TV personality good-bye. Having said that, and she realizes that the horse has left the barn with no more TV gigs, she may sue and hope TLC would settle. I don't think TLC would settle because they are so invested in reality TV and everyone would then come out of the woodwork hoping to cash in claiming TLC duped them. And I agree with the above poster that TLC has deep pockets. Jon certainly has no money for an attorney, and Kate has a death grip on her stash (for herself) so I don't forsee them suing. What Jon and Kate need to fear are the kids suing them when they reach 18 if all the money is gone.
Kate denies that she ever asks for anything; someone posted the screenshot of her telling a sheeple that if she wants to send something, she should e-mail her at her web address! Ouch. Does she remember from one tweet to the next what she says?
For giggles, check out BigFan on Twitter, with sixteen or so (at last count) tweets, talking to herself about the soup that she's making. Yesterday (and today) she was on some kind of a mission with at least two dozen tweets, sending out Kate's address for grifting. Can you imagine what it would be like having a face-to-face conversation with somebody like that?
"I agree, once Kate is completely TLC free, she might write a book. Maybe Jon. Surely they can't be silenced forever?"
I have seen non-disclosure agreements written so that they are for life. However, again, a good attorney could be able to make one null and void.
Jon and Kate were well compensated by TLC. They mutally agreed to the terms of the contract. Who knows? Maybe they renegotiated the terms at some point and it just never occured to them that residuals would come into play. Yeah, I don't know what was in their contract or the circumstances of them signing, but I highly doubt that TLC was deceitful. They were just smarter.
Milo is desperately trying to drink coffee, even though she doesn't like it...just because Kate is an addict. Shades of Single White Female?
@JeanneKaye @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 I keep thinkin these new mild flavors may be something I could like...tryin 2get Kate 2explain add ons!
I don't really understand how Twitter works, the blocking and such. Yesterday Kate ripped out CJ for tweeting haters tweets to her. If Kate has haters blocked, how does she see those? If, for example, a non-fan tweets to Kate (she has them blocked), but includes a fan in her tweet (that she doesn't have blocked), is Kate able to see the tweet from the non-fan?
Bwahaha! Some "dumb person" has included a screen shot of Kate telling a tweetie to email her at her blog to get the address to send her something. And by something, I mean something. The fan says, "Hey Kate I need your address to send you something!".
I don't tweet but I wish someone would include screen shots of her thanking @keurig and @starbucks too.
NY Times has an article about all the great deals cruise lines are making, because after the Costa Concordia disaster, bookings are WAY down. No deals yet for the Kate cruise? Dang it.
Sherry Baby, isn't that Milo stuff SUPER creepy? I saw that, too.
And a Kate hater told Milo a day or two ago "CHRIST, Milo, if you don't like coffee don't drink it. Don't make yourself drink it just because Kate does."
I thought that summed it up quite well. It's just weird. She hates coffee but is forcing herself to drink it because of Kate Gosselin. And begging Kate to explain what she puts IN her coffee, so that it WON'T TASTE AS MUCH LIKE COFFEE. Holy hell. You can't even make this shit up, can you?
And Kate could see what the haters were saying because CJ isn't blocked and was quoting them directly.
Kate does not see the haters' tweets, even if they put Kate's name and a fan's name in the tweet, BUT when fans tweet BACK to a hater and include Kate's name in it, Kate DOES see their response and sometimes the response is enough to tell you exactly what they are responding to.
It's hilarious. Even with all her haters blocked, it still gets through to her and it pisses her off, you can tell.
OK, so I will admit that lately I HAVE been obsessing over Kate. No, really what I am obsessed with, is how is it that her "fans" don't see what we see? I really do not get it. In the early days of the show, I found the bickering between John and Kate to be rather endearing, as it seemed so "real" and not all syrupy sweet, as most shows like that would be. By the second or third season, it became uncomfortable to watch Kate's behavior with the kids and John (and everyone). And by the time of the divorce, it was clear what and who she is. Clear to me, anyway. What do the "fans" see that makes Kate such a hero to them? I know this has been discussed to death, so I don't really expect an answer. It just puzzles me that someone so unlikeable is seemingly beloved by some.
Dallas Lady,
You are one smart cookie to be thinking retirement plans and money issues.I retired 3 years ago from Nursing and I don't think I could go back now; it would be physically and emotionally too draining right now.Your brain goes into this retired mindset and not going back to work only bothered me for the first few months.
I love being retired and if I was healthier, I would be leaping out of bed and anxious to begin my new life.Kate has waited too long and would need too many refresher courses, besides the fact that she is not nurse material, if she ever was.Her as a nurse scares the crap out of me, because she has no insight, it's all 'me,me, me.'
I wonder sometimes if they had only had 4 kids, instead of 6 at once, if they would have spun it into a different show- 2&4&j&k makes 8? They were really playing with karma or God or dumb luck, thinking that something could have happened @ delivery or before with the 8 babies.
They have no idea how incredibly blessed they were.I hate to even mention birth defects or SIDS, but I just wonder if they would have still done the show? Did they make some kind of option available to them and TLC ,if something had occurred? They really risked a lot pushing 8 babies , before they were even born.Jon and Kate would have still done the show, I think, but I'm not so sure about TLC.
Now that I'm retired, I can sit and ponder these things. Kinda makes you go hmmmmmmmmm......................................
I notice all these new international fans are still watching JON and Kate plus 8. The are only to season 2 i believe. another season or 2 and they will see the light I imagine. kate's greed and excess will eventually wear on them I think.
I know I was googling kate by seasons 2 and 3 for sure! Something just didn't seem "right." It was odd too for me because I usually don't google reality tv people and I have never discuss other celebs on a board. kate just really irked me with her outlandish lies. Hopefully the bits of their old beg website are still available. Also hope you can still find the info on kate herself admitting to the overstimulated ovaries.
And thanks to everyone who answered my coffee questions. I didn't want to go off topic but anger issues had a point. Kcups are fine, but kate sells herself as a penny pinching person in need so I can see why one would be annoyed at kate for getting paid to be the coupon queen yet have no real money saving tips for her expensive coffee habit.
I honestly am starting to think CC doesn't give a rats behind about what kate writes in her stupid blog. I think she was hired because she is polarizing, draws clicks and was someone they could use to get on TV to draw attention to their website. No one heard of CC before they hired kate so it was a smart move on their part. However, now that the initial media blitz is over, and now that they saw how kate barely even promoted them on tv, I wonder if they will dump her within 6 months. it makes me sick that CC set kate up on the media promotion and kate used the air time to discuss wanting a talk show. That is the ultimate disrespect.
#1 - kate doesn;t come right out and ask, but she DID tweet "oh, that sucks, we could have used them" so obviously her intent WAS to grift. I dont know if fans are blind or if they just like to "defend" kate. Anyone who watched the show and had half a brain could see that kate is a greedy grifter. The supported are the ones who are jealous and wish they 2 could get free things by not working. Personally, I get my pride from working. Handouts that ARE NOT NEEDED are not for me. I prefer to see people who CANNOT afford a washing machine get one. Not someone who already had a top of the line model. Why in the world did kate not use the freebies that were offered to help others. If it were me and Whirlpool offered me a gift to get their product on tv I would have said "OK, but lets do an episode where we knock on the door of someone in need and give it to them as a surprise." THat would have been heartwarming tv and I would have watched.
I'm not a big fan of cruises. My girly and I did an Alaskan cruise, which was incredible, but other than seeing the sights and seeing the beauty of Alaska, the boat part, well...it stunk.
I don't think we'll even do a cruise again. We like to travel a lot and we decided to try a cruise. And because Alaska is GORGEOUS and we had never been on a huge boat before, we said why not? But apparently, a million other people decided the same thing. Our 2 friends came along too, which was great, and I have NOTHING against small children traveling at all, but I thought the younger children would have been better suited for maybe a Disney cruise or something. There was really not a WHOLE lot for kids to do on this one, and they all looked miserable, and acted it. The parents looked incredibly pissed off and at each port I swear all the parents looked like they wanted to just leave their toddlers there.
I think the older kids really enjoyed themselves thoroughly, seeing the sights and such. But the younger kids couldn't have gave a shit at all. This is reminiscent of Kate dragging her youngest to all of these amazing places and not teaching them anything but where the beaches are.
If this cruise goes on as planned, I do hope that the twins appreciate it. I also hope that Kate does not bring the younger kids along in hopes to gain more attention. Not only is this dangerous (it is for the twins as well), but they would probably be bored out of their minds.
Dallas Lady @2 - I doubt very much that Kate, let alone the sheeple know what schadenfreude means. I'm sure that they can't even pronounce it. Kate - There's a whole song about schadenfreude in the B'Way musical Avenue Q. Give it a listen. We are all laughing becasue we're glad that we're not you!
kate would have a hard case trying to say she was naive or taken advantage of considering the fact she blathered all over TV that the show was good for them, gave them everything they wanted, and was good for the kids, and that she never wanted filming to stop.
Now the kids..the have a darn good case for being "under contract" before the were of any mind to consent. @ year olds cannot consent to something that will change their lives forever. The can sue their parent and TLC for what was done to them.
New Kid...
They are living their lives through her. Check out the demographics. These are kids who hope to get what she has without doing anything (no work ethic), and older women whose dreams of such a lifestyle is past them, but they can still live that life by attaching themselves to her through the internet and television. Many actually believe that through Twitter they have become her "friends," and would never believe that if they met her in person she wouldn't give them more than a quick hello. They are so far beneath her.
Look at how many say thanks to her for sharing her children, they love her kids, they wish they belonged to them, etc. etc., they admire her for being a perfect mom,, doing it all without any help, and on and on it goes.
They don't have the ability to take off those rose-colored glasses and see her life for what it really is, because to do that would be to somehow disengage themselves from the fantasy life that they are enjoying through her. It's all they have, and it's quite sad when you think about it.
That's about all I can figure out. They can't think for themselves, either because their intelligence level is such, or because they just don't want to.
It looks like Milo thinks she is sane...
@Kateplusmy8 Well...Kate...looks like the crazies were out in full force this mornin! See U need me 2keep ur twitter stable & SANE! LOL
I don't know what the terms of Kate's contract with TLC was and I don't know if she gets residuals or not. However, are we so sure she isn't a member of one of the unions? AFTRA covers reality programming (I don't know if that includes the subjects of the programming or just the production workers, but historically AFTRA covers on-air personalities) and AFTRA and SAG merged a year or so ago. So, Admin, could Kate be a member of either SAG or AFTRA (or both) after all? If she is, what would that mean regarding her contract terms?
Guess Kate is exhausted-ish from obsessing all day about those two store purchases of plastic frogs and decorated cupcakes.
Maybe she's cleaning up the horrendously horrendous mess?
What I can't get about her fans is this: Kate has more: money, time, nannies, paid help, publicists, free hair appts, tanning, manis/pedis, clothing, shoes, jewerly, paid vacations, more cars, private school, etc. etc...and yet her fans feel it necessary to give her things she can buy herself. For goodness sake,this lady lives in a million plus acreage estate, going on a cruise to celebrate being unemployed for a year, and they feel Kate needs help buying socks? oh geez
New Kid (46),
I think what they see is a woman who is the boss. Kate pushes everyone around and tells them what to do, and her followers mistake that bossiness for being a "take-charge" woman. I think a lot of the cult-of-Kate members are divorced or otherwise lonely, and feel that they got the short end of the deal somewhere. When Kate and Jon divorced, Kate got everything, including the kids and a show of her own. Sure, she has lost the show, but she's still in the house, still making appearances here and there. And her followers are right there, living vicariously through her. They fight her battles on Twitter, then talk amongst themselves about all the hits they took for Kate. Kate herself says to block the "haters", but somehow these people find meaning in a life spent fighting for their hero. And then they want praise from Kate herself for going to battle for her. Even Kate doesn't want to hear it. What happens when Kate finally fades completely away into obscurity? It's already happening--and fast. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she is never seen on TV again, in any capacity. What will they do if they can't fight for Kate? Their lives will no longer have meaning. So sad.
hey jude said... 47
Kate has waited too long and would need too many refresher courses, besides the fact that she is not nurse material, if she ever was.Her as a nurse scares the crap out of me, because she has no insight, it's all 'me,me, me.'
You have that right, Jude. Kate's former co-workers at the dialysis clinic said she had a short fuse. Now isn't that a wonderful attribute to have as a nurse... As if patients aren't already under enough stress, they get the added tension of a bitchy, impatient nurse. On top of that she yapped to them about how she always wanted to be famous. I can just imagine how uncomfortable those people felt, having to listen her talk about herself during their treatments and too scared to scratch an itch for fear they'd get bawled out by her. What a scary position to find yourself in.
She didn't leave behind good marks for herself in nursing either, so we can add that to her long list of FAILURES.
Ooops, I hit "publish" too quickly. I meant to also ask if this would have any effect on the kids and their rights.
I don't get how Kate has NO work ethic. She put those kids to work, made THEM work and sat back watching the cash flow in. How could she have zero work ethic, but her kids do?
This is insane to me. All of the posters here seem to have something on their plates. What does Kate actually do, really? She writes for a coupon company, correct? And she writes for a blog, it seems. Does she get paid for this?
I'm a writer as well. I'm a travel writer, and trust me when I say that it is NOT a glamorous job, but yes, I get paid for what I do and yes I am very passionate about my work. Is Kate passionate about her work or is she just going through the motions because it gets her name out there onto the internet?
It must kill her a little bit that she knows she will never be chosen for the seat next to Kelly Ripa. Kate may be polarizing, but Ripa actually does her research on her guests. She stays up until midnight or later, either watching her upcoming guests latest movie, or reading their book. She reads articles, quotes, etc. Yes, Kelly Ripa gets a lot of her information from producers, but most of the conversation is "off the cuff". This is something that Kate Gosselin cannot do under pressure.
According to a poster on this thread, she couldn't even hold it together during an interview that she had probably been preparing for. With her "ums" and "uhs", that does not make for good morning television. Kelly Ripa is a great morning host, beautiful, perky, welcoming, likeable, everything that Kate is not.
So, back to my original point: What does Kate do for a living again?
I used My K-Cup for the first time this morning to brew a cup of toasted coconut coffee gifted (no r) me by a client who recently went to Hawaii. Must say, the My K-Cup is a piece of cake to use and you can vary the strength of your coffee. I love it. I may use a coupon to buy that $9.99 coffee grinder to play with different grinds! (my old one broke about 3 years ago).
Used grounds either go down the disposer - it freshens it, really - or out to the compost pile. I love coffee but can only have it very occasionally now - like a cup a week :( so the teeny Keurig hubby gave me for Christmas is perfect. The K-cup is so simple, faster than waiting for a French Press or even Mr. Coffee.
I'm going to share that my hubby is, well, I guess, thrifty is the polite term. LOL. For his coffee drinking habits while working, i.e. several cups, the old Mr. Coffee is downstairs on the bar to make a full pot - unused brewed coffee goes in the fridge (ewww!) and lasts him a couple of days. Sorry, but I could never do that! I actually keep my Keurig in the kitchen and walk all the way across the house to make that one fresh cup...snark.
OK - 'nuff about "me". I'll end with y'all have given me good tips - unlike a certain KG.
Re Kate's possible contract negotiations for Kate Plus 8. I'm sure that the only lawyers she had were provided to her by or paid for by TLC. I can't see Kate reaching into her own pocket for this expense. She also had three strikes against her going in to negotiations: she's greedy, she's stupid and, well, she's Kate. All TLC had to do was dangle a large per-episode $$ amount and the extras that she wanted (trips, Steve, etc.) in front of her and she would have been too distracted to look at anything else in the contract. She probably thought that she was quite the negotiator for getting everything she wanted and she probably gave herself whiplash jerking her head around when TLC mentioned the per-episode $$ amount that they were willing to give her!
For goodness sake,this lady lives in a million plus acreage estate, going on a cruise to celebrate being unemployed for a year, and they feel Kate needs help buying socks? oh geez
That's what I could never figure out, and then I realized that they do know that she can afford to buy whatever she needs, but, when they send her something, it's their way of getting in her good graces, of being recognized. Fans send celebrities gifts for this very reason, and even if the celebrities throw these gifts in the trash, or give them to charity, the fan feels an important connection with the celebrity.
Flight of the Kiwi- Funny to hear you say that your husband puts left over coffee in fridge for the next day-I do the exact same thing!!
To me, coffee is coffee, and I don't like to waste things. My husband is totally oposite, only a Keurig will do.
I went and read the article about how no man really wants to be with kate, and then read all of the comments, most from men, and it sure was enlightning reading what men really think about kate, most feel just the same as we do on here. It is called 'The Spearhead', just google it, to read the article about kate. Wish I could send it to right to her, but I am not a computer genius.
Sherry Baby said...
I don't really understand how Twitter works, the blocking and such. Yesterday Kate ripped out CJ for tweeting haters tweets to her. If Kate has haters blocked, how does she see those? If, for example, a non-fan tweets to Kate (she has them blocked), but includes a fan in her tweet (that she doesn't have blocked), is Kate able to see the tweet from the non-fan? ______
Yes, that's exactly correct. All the tweets you see from haters who only tweet @ Kate, like all the ones from BigFan this morning, Kate never sees. A hater needs to include the name of someone Kate does not have blocked in order for her to see them. The only other way Kate could see them (other than some knucklehead like CJ retweeting them to Kate) is for Kate to unblock the haters, which I doubt she does.
In other words many of the haters tweets go unread by Kate despite what they say.
Kate has a work ethic, she grifts.She has no pride in her work,only the main desire to get money ,whether it is in the form of gifts, clothes, food, coffee,whatever she wants right then.She has ruled Jon by intimidation with TLC's back-up,the kids by fear and intimidation,and she really thinks she controls people around her, as in staff, family, friends,or else there would be hell to pay.
She tells her tweeties what they want to hear, but things are starting to change, now that she has no show or anything much coming up. What does she have? Friends,family, show,trips,husband,offer of a job, book deal,nope- she has nothing but her tweeties,perfect strangers she would walk right by, even if they screamed out how much they loved her.
She has finally gotten what she deserves and I hope she starts having trouble sleeping, as payback for the lives she has caused to lose sleep, over her stupid, greedy,grifting, uncaring behaviour.The worst is her failure to be even a mediocre mother to those poor, defenceless kids she used their whole lives and who will pay for her cruelty forever.
She deserves to rot in hell and I can only come up with a teeny amount of pity for her, because part of it is that she does have a psychiatric disorder which is not her fault.She will never go for help, as she thinks there is nothing wrong with her.
I do blame Jon and her family slightly, for not demanding a psych. consult for her, knowing how she has treated her own children, who have never had a voice. It scares me what goes on behind the closed doors at their home.No one has cared enough to try and stop her in my opinion .I realize I don't know what has really been tried, but just what she has allowed out there with her behavior, has been enough of a red flag for others, I think.
Her job is herself and getting eveything she wants.It will be interesting to watch and see what happens now there is not much big grifting to be had by her. I suppose she could get Shoka to write a best-selling book- she has a gift for acting like a rabid dog , snarling, snapping and biting the hands that feed her.
Sorry, Shoka for invoving you in her life- you don't deserve that.I guess if Skeeve is gone, she'll have to get a sugar daddy that has lots of cash and likes being abused by an aging oompa-loompa wino.
NJGal51 #53.
She also had three strikes against her going in to negotiations: she's greedy, she's stupid and, well, she's Kate.
That was my laugh for the day" So funny, yet so true.
What get me about Kate's tweet:
@SandieBellz oh crap! That sucks,huh?We coulda used ur old laptops but lotsa others can 2 I guess! Thanks for thought! Good of u 2 donate!
Is the, "I guess" part. As if maybe there are others more needy but just maybe but she really doesn't think so.
Just saw the cutest program at my kids school..I sent 6 costumes complete w/ wigs2school& I was greeted by 6 adorable clowns when I arrived!
I, I, I, me, me, me...has there ever been a time that is hasn't been about her? Just one time couldn't she say that the kids did a great job, and leave it at that?
Does she realize that she does this?
Thanks, Tweet, for the tweet info! So Kate can see those tweets from haters if they also include the name of someone who is not blocked. Then she's not telling the truth when she says that she doesn't see any tweets from the haters?
What kind of a rampage was BigFan on yesterday and today...with tweeting Kate's address? What was that supposed to prove?
"I do blame Jon and her family slightly, for not demanding a psych. consult for her, knowing how she has treated her own children, who have never had a voice"
I don't think that you can "demand" someone see a psychiatrist. Short of going through all kinds of legal court procedures to have a person examined or committed, I doubt that they could have done anything. They could always request it, but Kate would never agree to it. I think their hands would be tied. They would have to have all kinds of documentation to present to the court. Think what it would do to the kids if their father tried to prove that their mom was mentally unstable.
Kate, why oh why do you embarrass your children and yourself by being an asshole, dad-bashing grifter? Buy your kids some frickin laptops if it's "still not enuf". It looks like you have at least 4 computers in your house now, 3 laptops plus the desktop that must supply the wifi for the laptops. Plus maybe an iPad or 5 and at least 3 smartphones. If your kids haven't learned to share and cooperate by now, that's your fault. If you insist on picking up your kids from school at 4 and make sure they do homework, eat leftover lunch grunge, coo over how much they love their meager dinner, clean out the chicken coop and take showers all before 7:30, then that's on you. If what you have is still not enuf, quit begging on twitter like a fool. You can get beautiful refurbished computers online for a song. Look it up and quit sitting on your fat ass waiting for presents and money to fall out of the sky. What a terrible example you're setting for those kids. Thank God they have their dad to counteract your big bowl of crazy
For goodness sake,this lady lives in a million plus acreage estate, going on a cruise to celebrate being unemployed for a year, and they feel Kate needs help buying socks? oh geez
That's what I could never figure out, and then I realized that they do know that she can afford to buy whatever she needs, but, when they send her something, it's their way of getting in her good graces, of being recognized. Fans send celebrities gifts for this very reason, and even if the celebrities throw these gifts in the trash, or give them to charity, the fan feels an important connection with the celebrity.
I would hate to think my life revolved around trying to get approval from some former reality star, who is held in deep scorn and ridicule from most of her fellow citizens. I almost feel pity for these poor souls..as if Kate would ever stoop so low as to speak to them on the street.
Twitter is Kate's last hurrah at trying to maintain her celebrity status. I hardly think 10 teenagers and a few unhappy mommmies are going to save her.
It's going to be interesting to see if purseboy escorts her to her next 'event'.
This is an experiment...gee, let me see..my mom once dated a country and western star...my older brother once golfed with George Bush#43....last month, one of my kids met George and Barbara Bush....she also met her college's former football coach's wife..oh, she also met the president of her university, and got a pic!...last yr, John McCain walked into the office of where another one of my kids works....WILL SOMEONE SEND ME A KUERIG? :)
Work ethic? Here's the work ethic that Kate has spawned-- on Wednesday, Lifetime Channel said that it had bought 10 episodes of Bristol Palin: Life's A Tripp.
That's right, Tripp, not trip. You know, her son who is now a tagline and sure to be her lucky charm in the world of Reality TV. Lucky kid; he's got a career in television before he's even out of diapers.
Who knew that having kids as an unwed teen would actually become a brand.
Sherry, I agree that no one could force to see a shrink, and not just from a legal standpoint. You've seen what a determined screeching banshee she is. Jon learned to
keep the peace because disagreeing with Kate was too painful. All those fortunate enough not to be married to her were cut off for daring to suggest Kate do the right thing. She is hopeless IMO. She won't find the humility to better herself until she has to, and it'll be up to her how low she's willing to drag herself and her kids dien
Sherry Baby said... 72
Thanks, Tweet, for the tweet info! So Kate can see those tweets from haters if they also include the name of someone who is not blocked. Then she's not telling the truth when she says that she doesn't see any tweets from the haters?
What kind of a rampage was BigFan on yesterday and today...with tweeting Kate's address? What was that supposed to prove?
She's partially not tell the truth. She can see some, others she can't. LOL
I think BigFan is trying to prove that Kate shouldn't have blocked her. I don't think she ever recovered. She's pointing out Kate's grifting ways big time.
Now here's an interesting exchange:
@EmeraldCityJazz @BigFanofK8Go @Kateplusmy8 If only I had that money! Surely she has the money from her TV show to buy five laptops
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXXXXXX do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?Didnt think so..didn't any1 teach u nvr 2 assume u no some1 else's $ situation?
This guy popped up on Twitter within the last week and has been VERY compimentary to her. He was responding to BigFan's refrain of the last two days about how she's wanting someone to send her 5 laptops! So here is poor-pity-me Kate again: DON'T you know how EXPENSIVE it is to raise 8 kids? How DARE anyone question ME, Kate the Great!
Haha, I love to watch her get po'd on Twitter, ESPECIALLY when her wrath is completely misdirected. She is ridiculous.
Prariemary - Bless your heart! I just find day old reheated coffee so bitter - I tried, I really, really tried :)
Personally, I think my hubby made a spreadsheet to determine how long it would take the purchase of the small Kuerig to pay for itself over that one venti soy latte at Stabucks of week. Of course he factored in the My-Kcup. He was so pleased with himself that his purchase at Target netted a $25 gift card - so he wrapped that up and put it in my stocking at Xmas.
He's a sweetie. After 37 years, I think I'll keep him:)
I will share with him that indeed others out there also save left-over brewed coffee for another day...I can hear the glee in his voice, now.
OMG! And here is his reply (OUCH!):
@Kateplusmy8 I apologize; I didn't realize you were that strapped for cash
She's crying poor again. Replying to a tweet saying it is so expensive to raise 8 children on her own. Boo hoo. She's not raising them alone. They have a dad. His name is Jon and he is in the picture. She isn't a widow.
And maybe she should have thought of the expenses of having 8 children BEFORE she had them. Gee, what a novel idea.
And how many times lately has she mentioned that she wants to host a show about organizing? What kind of show would that even be?? Here is how you stack the dishes in the cabinet. Here is how you box up old clothes and donate (oops, I mean sell) them, etc. Now I'll go out on my run. Then I'll come home and organize the coat closet. What an exciting format that would be.
#64 Even sadder, send the grifter gifts doesn't even get any more attention than a THX! And that only comes after the sheep bleet for an answer if she got her gift. I really cannot see what it does for them to send something to kate (who has more that the gifter does)
They would feel better about themselves and actually get a heartfelt thanks if they gave to someone truly in need.
I cannot believe that the media has not called kate out as a fraud. She is so comfortable fleecing her sheep when she can darn well afford her own trinkets. kate is a beggar. Plain and simple. She is no better than the person with a cardboard sign asking for handouts. Kate would rather take than earn.
I cannot stand how she blathers on about her work ethic. What ethic? Beth wrote her 1st book. The 2nd was personal picas of her kids!!! and the 3rd was blatant exploitation of her children private lives. She didn;t work, she sold her children's stories.
As far as the speaking engagements, she did not prepare for them. Did not work at being better at it. Instead she bragged about writing her speech on the way to the car.
As far as her show..that wasn't work either. kate sat around and gathered up all the freebies she could take while being filmed. Simple as that. It was the kids who had to endure the retakes, the cute moments, the staging and give up their privacy. kate didn;t give up anything. She craved it. The kids gave up their privacy and no one had the right to take that from them. kate was an adult who could choose. Therefore..to me, she was not working. She was showboating.
Other than what i mentioned above..what has she done with her life. She worked as a nurse for a few years and from the sound of it - did that quite half assed. kate dumped her real job the minute the TLC cash came in.
Sorry fans, but this is NOT a hard working person. Determined? I will give them that. kate is determined to never have to work again.
As far as even working as a homemaker. We saw her hire a maid and then bitch about the dust - never mind the fact that there was so much dust when it was kate who had to clean. Baths? Jon did them. Getting ready for school? Jon did that too. Taking care of kids? Tons of helpers and 4 hour naps. Laundry? Aunt Janet. Fridays? Jodi
Even bedtime was Jon's duty. Remember kate fussing when the were all putting on costumes in the basement Joooooon it's time for the kids to go to bed.
All I saw was kate "make a meal." And we all now know that craft services provided their food.
Bring up to date...now kate has 2 free weekend a month and kids after school for a few hours. So what does she do? Employ a "babysitter."
Shoka's grooming? Pays someone to pick him up.
The only thing kate actually does is twitter and watch Dexter from what I can tell. Oh, and lies how much bread she bakes, yet never has a photo to back it up. Lies about foam valentines and enless wrapping. This twit takes pics of the most mundane things such as Valentines breakfast. Trust me..if she actually did some huge project..there would be a pic offered to the sheep so that they may praise her.
Even her organization irk me. Making post its for other to do her bidding is not organized. Heck she had to have a crew come organize her basement. How many timeswere the kids puking and kate had no "familiar medication" nor a change of clothes. Bitch even forgot the tups Bday cake after the divorce episode. kate is ALWAY Sunder prepared for outings. TLC did a damn good job brainwashing people into believing kate is organized because I never never seen one iota of organization from kate. Ms. Lazy cant even plan leftover meals. There had to be a showdown over a friggin slice of pizza.
kate is the ultimate half assed person.
So please..someone tell me. When has the queen of the white plastic throne really developed this so called work ethic and organizational skills?
Sherry baby,
Oh, I know they could n't demand a consult, worked with that system my whole nursing career. I bet Jon and the family know a lot more instances than we do , but I know it was over the top wishful thinking for the kids by me here.
They could have asked, demanded, asked the police or Social workers for help, but documenting every behaviour would have been the best ,maybe.You need lots of proof and then some more proof.Courts don't like taking kids from Moms or parents.I can only dream, wasn't my intention to start a discussion about that, sorry.
I feel so bad that the kids have been so isolated,especially when she got more custody and they had no other family but Jon to help them.If it was my family or yours, there would be relatives or friends assessing the situation. There would be more likelihood of someone stepping in to help.These poor kids were so alone with her and the nannies,TLC etc,bound by a CA.They really didn't catch any kind of break at all.
prairiemary said... 66
I went and read the article about how no man really wants to be with kate, and then read all of the comments, most from men, and it sure was enlightning reading what men really think about kate, most feel just the same as we do on here. It is called 'The Spearhead', just google it, to read the article about kate. Wish I could send it to right to her, but I am not a computer genius.
I'm not surprised those men hate Kate as they seem to have zero respect for any women. It seems that those people are a bunch of misogynistic pigs and I don't put too much stock in what I read there.
Why doesn't someone call her out on her raising eight kids ALONE? For gosh sakes, Jon didn't die! How dare she put herself in the same category with women whose husbands have passed away and they really have no child support coming in?
Sounds like she's getting testy on the first day of March. Steve's gone home?
#78 So is kate now admitting she squandered her millions? Otherwise..she should be just fine on $$ and yes I will assume that based on her Dancing with the stars income, # publish books and a 5 year stint on tv. Dont forget the church grifting and freebies that allowed her not to dip into her pockets.
IF and big IF - kate cannot afford to raise her kids on her past earning and Jon;s child support then she needs to downsize and get a job. Not justify her grifting because she chose to have 8 children.
By the way kate, the kids have been supporting themselves since the tups were born...so I don't think even YOU know what is takes to WORK to raise 8 kids.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXXXXXX do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?Didnt think so..didn't any1 teach u nvr 2 assume u no some1 else's $ situation?
Oh fooock.
The show made them over $2 million in four years and that was even before Jon got the boot. If you can't support your kids on that kind of income, there is something wrong with your money management skills.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXXXXXX do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?Didnt think so..didn't any1 teach u nvr 2 assume u no some1 else's $ situation?
That really takes balls. If it's so expensive, get a job, give up your designer shoes, tanning and manicures and limo trips to New York (go to Cost-Cutters to get your hair done), and that house! Come down to earth. Your lifestyle of the rich and famous is over.
I guess this means the kids aren't going to summer camp this year.
She's allowed to dip into their 15 percent for the welfare of the kids. I hope she didn't go through all of that already.
Kate talks about how she has all the haters blocked on Twitter, but I think on those nights when she drops her ass into bed at 9 p.m., she's going to twazzup and reading EVERYTHING. It's just in her nature.
Her comment really takes the cake. She has the nerve to talk about how expensive 8 kids are, when everyone KNOWS how much she pampers HERSELF? She is digging herself a very big hole. SHE's the one who had no idea how expensive it is to raise kids (since everyone else paid for her tups), but I think she's becoming educated very quickly.
Sue_Buddy, hope you're watching.
Beggar Woman better be careful about this little rift she's having with a stranger over her money issues. "Somebody" out there might be pissed enough to blab about the exact amount she has stashed away.
OMG..what is her problem for the last couple of days...I don't think I've ever heard her this pissed off. Using foul language and just plain ticked off... where's miss sunshine? No more Skeeve, running out of funds...something is bothering her for sure. I wish she would spill it...and tell one of her sheeple...She's very paranoid..taking everything the wrong way..even from her fans...Is she in the middle of a nervous breakdown?? Is this what it looks like?
Whats to assume about kate's situation. She makes everything public. She drives 3 cars, kids go to high end private school. She lives in a 1.2 mil home. She wears designer labels and travels constantly. Has she really resorted to going back to playing poor? I hope that really bites her in the ass. Never put out there something like that idiot. remember the old saying "be careful what you ask for, you just may get it?" Well kate is asking to be seen as poor. She needs to watch it. The universe may take her up on that.
I hope the universe is watching and takes her down a notch or ten.Actually, I think I would like to see her fall off her throne and bounce on her well tanned ,orange leather ass,all over her so-called running trail.LOL!
Wow...I would not have the nerve to write what she just wrote...She spends money like she has a money tree in the back yard. Expensive cars, new boobs, trips,...well, you know what the list looks like. Is she kidding or was that serious? Everyone is so aware of how she lives...where does she get off even saying that?..she looks like a complete ass..OMG..
@xxxxxx do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?Didnt think so..didn't any1 teach u nvr 2 assume u no some1 else's $ situation?
Kate, Kate, Kate... tsk, tsk, tsk.
Is that any way to treat a fan? He was not even trying to be mean to you.
You are not the only person in the world raising a large family. Don't presume your situation is that unusual. There are many people with large families that are doing just fine with much less than you. Oh, and btw-
since you are a fame-ho, and have a very public history of grifting, many people are aware of your unsavory history.
So cut it out. Your greed, and entitlement are going to be your own destruction.
At this point, all you have going for you are your fans. If you are not careful, they are going to leave you as well. Just like everyone else has left you in your life.
I agree with all the above, oy. SHE has put her lavish lifestyle out there from everyday things like coffee to her mansion to her beauty appts etc. Why is she on Twitter if she doesn't expect comments??
I also HATE Kate's tweet talk. All the little cute abbreviations like she's a kid.
Detailed article from last August about Kate's net worth. It's worth a read.
I just caught the(paraphrasing) "Do you know how expensive it is to raise 8 kids alone" tweet at the top of the page. Question, is it cheaper to raise 8 kids with a spouse?
No, personally "I" don't know, but I'll ask my husband's friend who is 3rd of 16 and whose father died tragically early in life- 9 of the 16 were still in elementary or HS. Or my daughter's friend mom who has 9 kids,all of whom went to Ivy League colleges. Perhaps they'll have tips for YOU, Katie. I know one - get a job! Two more: sell off some acreage, give up the Audi. BTW, mom of 16 - A NURSE. Geesh.
The woman needs to get a grip - if SHE hadn't exposed the public to her "finances" by crying poor, poor, poor.
It's almost enough to get a twitter account to tell her this...no, j/k. So not worth it.
Save it for the judge Kate when the kids sue you.
Is she in the middle of a nervous breakdown?? Is this what it looks like?
I don't know, but something is brewing on the old home front. Not everything is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows!
Where is she going for spring break (tomorrow)? Could she be pi$$ed that she's going to be stuck at home for break with eight kids, or is she using her own money (or their money) for vacation? She's dug herself into a hole. If she doesn't go anywhere, she'll have to deal with being in the house with them, when all of their classmates will be talking about how much fun they had on break. If she goes anywhere, then she's not going to be able to cry poverty! She can't have it both ways, and I don't think she's made up her mind on what role she's playing!
@Kateplusmy8 I apologize; I didn't realize you were that strapped for cash
Strapped for cash bwahahaha. Whoever this person is, I like their style.
Kate is arrogant enough to think she does "know everything" about any subject of which she speaks. This woman is delusional and will remain that way until the bitter, bitter end.
I think there are real mental issues going on with this woman. I think she is sicker than we think. I mean it..she is not in reality...it's scary...she's really not of sound mind...
Two more: sell off some acreage,
She can't. The land cannot be sub-divided or sold. She didn't think about that when she bought the house. All that mattered was that is was hers, all hers.
Heh, good job, Kate. I doubt that guy will be a fan of yours for much longer for THAT.
Good catch to the rest of you for her ALONE comment. She probably FEELS alone because she's run everyone off with her asshole ways, but she is NOT raising eight kids alone.
That would mean there was NO other parent to hand them off to on their custody days. That would mean no child support. That would mean REALLY doing it 100% herself and we all know she avoids that like the plague and always has. She doesn't know what raising kids alone means.
Though I get the sense she's regretting her grand plan right about now. It seems to have blown up in her face and good.
Kat said... 103
I think there are real mental issues going on with this woman. I think she is sicker than we think. I mean it..she is not in reality...it's scary...she's really not of sound mind...
No kidding.
It's funny how she asks her fan, "do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?" and then she answers for him, "Didnt think so.."
As if she knows what he is thinking.
Kate, you have to stop having those conversations all by yourself- someone is going
to drag you off to a padded room.
aggiemom09121416 said... 12
And what person in their right mind says their true love is a label maker. (maybe she could make an adult film? don't think I have ever heard of this one). snark. forgive me my crudeness, I usually don't speak or think this way, she just says the STUPIDEST stuff. ugh!)
Maybe Kate could hook up with Ray J and they can make a sex tape it work for Kim.K
Hey Katie, here's a quote you can put on a post-it note:
"the deceitful are caught by their own greed"
Now do everyone a favor and go STICK IT somewhere.
Was all of this a result of BigFan's two-day spamming tirade, sending Kate's address and asking for laptops? What's wrong with her? She's as crazy as Milo!
I didn't know that Kate blocked BF until I read it today. It's good she's not going on the cruise. She's not all there, and this is another case of "I'm not going to be ignored."
Is she in the middle of a nervous breakdown?? Is this what it looks like?
No. What you're seeing is the normal Kate. The how dare you question me...I'm Katie Irene.
The breakdown will be much more explosive. You'll have to wait though. She's still got the cruise, the speaking engagement and thoughts of books. After August reality will set in and we'll see the decline begin. When the lack of takers for book deals and personal fitness expertise comes home to roost you'll see the beginning of depression. Since nobody will be around to manage it (the depression) it could get ugly.
On another point...I'm chuckling to myself on the comments about life after the little darlings turn 18. For one thing, I believe they are all a year behind on the normal age progression with regards to school, which means they will be in high school until age 19. Secondly, that is precisely when the cost of having children explodes. Discounting the cost of college - which will be a reality for some but not all of them - the cost of auto insurance alone will carry some sticker shock. I'm thinking $8 - $12 grand a year at today's price tag. I'm assuming they'll need a minimum of two cars to drive the eight of them.
On the college issue, it is assumed by the college aid folks that people in Katie's socioeconomic realm continue to assist their children. All family economic assets are considered. Someone who lives in a million dollar home with substantial assets are not offered much in the way of tuition waivers. I know that siblings in college at the same time is considered but the size of Katie's assets may trump that.
Katie Irene 'don't know jack' about how much it's going to take out of her assets to get this brood to age 23 and it's going to bite her in that liposuction-ed butt.
File under, "Another fan bites the dust"-
I'm pretty sure the last thing he invisioned was for his idol to bite him. Now the guy that unknowingly angered Kate had an ahh-ha moment:
Unfortunately for her the truth hurts which is why she lashed out at me
Par for the course. Good ole krazy Katie Irene is used to this.
Now do everyone a favor and go STICK IT somewhere.
But remove the stick first. It could get pretty darn crowded up there!
This may be totally off the wall but I was thinking about the RV episode and I recall Skeeve at the end the episode being asked if he would ever go on another road trip with Kate (I don't remember if they said Kate plus the kids). His reply? "Ask me again in six months". I wonder at that six month time frame;maybe that was the time left on his TLC contract. Another thing that has always puzzled me is how he's stayed out of sight. I've never heard of him being out and about in the area, although perhaps everyone around there is very closed mouthed on the subject. I'm assuming (I know, I know.) he doesn't "bodyguard" her around town and at the school. I guess we'll just never know the real story unless Krate becomes really desperate for money and "writes" a tell all book but, since she such a congenital liar...gah, this whole thing is such a tangled web.
EM @ 82
Standing applause for that...clap, clap, clap...brilliantly stated!
BEST combination laugh-gross out moment of the day! The guy she slapped earlier on Twitter (who is VERY sweet, I just read his tweets, oh my gosh, he had no idea what he was walking into) just tweeted:
I touched Kate's soft spot.
And now that guy is NOT so much a fan. It all happened in just a few minutes. The haters are educating him (and being pretty easy going about it, not pouncing on him or anything) about just how much she's made off her kids in the last several years and he's seeing the light.
Here's Kate's conundrum on this matter: she WANTS to brag about all she has and show off. Remember the LEATHER COUCHES and the GRANITE COUNTERTOPS, LOL? She loves to show off, BUT that works against her when she's grifting/crying poor. She can only pull off that stunning lack of logic with the most weak-minded people. Anyone else sees right through it. People who are struggling to raise their kids don't pay someone to come in an SUV and pick up their dog to be washed and groomed every damn week, just for one example.
Oh Kate. You're so dumb.
Kat said... 103
I think there are real mental issues going on with this woman. I think she is sicker than we think. I mean it..she is not in reality...it's scary...she's really not of sound mind...
I'll say. Anyone who takes pictures of their kids poop and celebrates leap year day should drop in at shrink clinic and get themselves evaluated. She'd better pack a bag, too. It could take awhile.
Here's the problem. If she admits she's the millionaire she is or should be no more freebies. She wants those freebies dang it. So she has to drive her Audi around and cry poor. But the trade off is she'll have to deal with us an even some of her fans asking her WTF!!! What happened to the kids' $$$??? You want the freebies well deal with it Kate.
OR she brags about her stuff/wealth and people question it when she grifts.
Exactly her problem, she can't have it both ways.
Sherry Baby said... 112
Now do everyone a favor and go STICK IT somewhere.
But remove the stick first. It could get pretty darn crowded up there!
Her fans/twitter follower are up her butt can't forget them.
Hollywoodlife is reporting that Kate is broke and Steve is working for free.
MabelID: interesting article....this part about the cruise certainly rings true:
“The last thing Kate wants to do is hang out with complete strangers,” a source says. “She’s doing it for a free vacation and because she needs money desperately.”
But the bit about Steve working for Kate for free? If that's true, then yes, they are definitely carrying on some sort of sick twisted relationship. That'll seal the deal in my mind. No way anyone works for her for free and isn't getting anything else out of it, she's too much of a horrid asshole to put up with her TOTALLY for free (no side benefits).
I just had a thought, it's kind of pathetic, though: what if Steve just keeps her as a side piece? Whenever he wants some action, he goes to her and then in exchange, he escorts her around to help her deal with life when she needs him to?
Though as I said earlier, she doesn't need him for much these days. It's not like she's going a lot of places...
Exactly her problem, she can't have it both ways.
Yes, such a conundrum for poor, poor Katie. Her sheeple might not see it that way yet, but eventually they will put two and two together and I wanna be around to watch.
Your right Admin... but why even entertain answering that question from that guy. I mean, she ignores her twitter all day...why chime in when asked about her money situation. Why didn't she just ignore it? Somethings going on..
@userback do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?Didnt think so..didn't any1 teach u nvr 2 assume u no some1 else's $ situation? about an hour ago
Wow, catching up for today, and seems Kate is hyper defensive. Didn't she claim she ignores negative comments? Scratching head.
"WHY do the Sheeple continue to send things to the Grifter/Grabber when she can certainly better afford to buy this stuff herself?"
Buying and providing things for the A.H. is a way to CONNECT themselves to her, nevermind the expense. It's one of the ONLY ways she allows them to be ATTACHED to her. I'm certain she still finds those fanatics to be nothing more than "annoying."(Her word in Multiple Blessings.)
Providing things, filling a NEED (sox, coffee, blah blah blah...) is PERSONAL and we all know how impossible it is to get the A.H. to reciprocate the Sheeple's desire to be near and dear, up close and PERSONAL.
Just the act of addressing a package to her, then waiting for any kind of response on Twatville (but good luck getting an actual "thank you") must bring them to orgasm faster than any sex toy they've tried.
I don't think it's about money at all on the Sheeple's part; it's more about being RELATED TO their friend and idol.
With the A.H., however, it's ALL about $$$$$$$$$, and always will be. After all, who is she "to say no?" God, what a FOOL.
Twitter is making me laugh today! You know that tweet of hers in which she's describing what she would do on an episode of an organizing show she might get on TV? Right now it's the second from the top.
She'd organize a home, organize a schedule, exercise, healthy cooking, so much fun, whee! Right?
Then someone on twitter said sounds great, what would the second episode be about?
HA! Good point. Kate doesn't think things out, does she?
My 2 cents:
If kart were getting residuals, she'd definitely say something about it.
Most likely, she'd whine the residual checks weren't big enough.
She's stupid enough to think residual checks are like paychecks and she'd tell everyone she is still working.
MabelD said... 120
Hollywoodlife is reporting that Kate is broke and Steve is working for free.
Thanks Mabel.
Anyone else distracted by the chicken skin on her neck?
If she going for broke it's her own problem I just feel sad for the 8 cause they're going to suffer.
Plus if she's broke that means the kids are broke which means they worked all that time for nothing.
I've been saying this for a week or two.....something's up, or has happened. Too many coincidences.
I wonder if Jon petitioned to have his child support reduced.....either due to the breakup with Ellen (less household income?) or due him having the children more. And it was granted. Wouldn't *that* be a b*tch.
The Hollybaby article....setting her up for more grifting?
Her tweet had said "someone tries to hurt you". The only person who could hurt her financially is Jon I think. Probably not Steve. And TLC wouldn't be a "person".
AuntieAnn, my husband looked over my shoulder at the monitor and said "Who's the clapped out blonde with the turkey neck?"
Maybe her meeting with Jon was to strategize more ways to grift a bunch of money. She was probably begging him to *do* something.
Must have killed her to have to talk to him. In her Toughest Questions episode she said that if she doesn't have to talk to him about the kids (and that's only via text or email), she doesn't talk to him at all. She was very clear that he was persona non grata as far as she was concerned.
I wonder if the financial situation was the cause of the tears on Dr. Drew. Even tho they were non-tears, it for once did seem to be a real emotion. Just not for the reason they led us to believe, perhaps.
I predict that Gloria Allred will be representing the kids, in the future. Here is a clip of her appearance with Kevin and Jodi, talking about strengthening laws regarding children in reality shows. Admin--didn't you recently comment on a court case in which the child won a large judgement against his/her parents? Their parents, particularly Kate, sold out their childhoods and I doubt that I am not the only one that hope they clean her out! Let them serve her leftovers, meal after meal, until she finishes. You get what you get and you don't get upset!
AuntieAnn, my husband looked over my shoulder at the monitor and said "Who's the clapped out blonde with the turkey neck?"
hehe. Got to love a guy who calls 'em as he sees 'em.
It does look awful for a 36-year-old woman. How on earth is she ever going to get accustomed to wearing turtleneck bikinis?
dumber than hammers said... 21
There was a lot of coverage about how naive Jon and Kate were when they signed up for the show, and I seem to remember that one of the issues was that they had NO residual rights, nor any rights to foreign distribution, or royalties from DVD sales.
That is/was apparently standard for "reality" TV, and one reason why it is so much less expensive to produce. It's almost the entire point of filming a "reality" TV show. Production keeps the money, not the subjects of the filming.
Take this for what it's worth and what it is- local folklore and scuttlebutt.
The story I heard was that Kate and Jon could have probably worked a better deal for themselves for the second or third season. There was just one problem- "NO one makes money off OUR kids but US."
Jon and Kate could have gotten an entertainment lawyer to represent their interests and were allegedly encouraged to do so by TLC. Jon, Kate or both of them balked at the fee. Whether this was a flat fee or an ongoing percentage of the deal no one knows. They decided to do the deal themselves, only focusing on what they could get at that very moment. Like laundry service, chef service, nannies, maids, home improvments for the E-Town house and landscapers. Keeping in mind here that in those early years, the whole show was about how they did it ALL by themselves!! Lol.
There was no thought for the future. This could be a combination of Kate's refusal to consider the future, because she is comfortable begging and scamming and knows she can always do this, or because TLC allegedly expressed interest in filming the kids until they're 18 so she thought the money train would never run out of track.
Again, this is just gossip and hearsay. But it really makes sense when you look at how TLC made a fortune off this family and the family has almost nothing to show for it. Especially sad for the 8 little stars of the show.
MabelD said... 120
Hollywoodlife is reporting that Kate is broke and Steve is working for free.
I call bull on this. This is most likely a Kate plant, as she most likely got a severance from TLC through Feb 2012, and in typical Kate fashion is now crying poor. As she did in the past, when she clearly had money.
Looks like Kate is once again stooping to desperate grifting, so she does not have to spend any of "her" money. The article is ridiculous, fashioned by Kate. And if she is so desperate, she needs to get a job asp, not promote articles on her dire needs. Please.
Looks like Kate has a radio interview tomorrow in D.C. (Sirius XM, program is called "Broadminded," this christine eads is the host):
@UseCmmonSense @Kateplusmy8 @twazzup Listen I agree and I am going to be totally honest don't think I won't!
Program info:
@acemme @Kateplusmy8 #kateplusmy8withthebroads you can listen on Sirius XM Stars Channel 107 starting at 8am est
Bud Cooper@userback
@EmeraldCityJazz @BigFanofK8Go @Kateplusmy8 If only I had that money! Surely she has the money from her TV show to buy five laptops
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@userback do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?Didnt think so..didn't any1 teach u nvr 2 assume u no some1 else's $ situation?
In CharlieSheenSpeak, #Losing (as in *losing it*).
Wow, the s@@t hit the proverbial fan, my goodness. Apparently Kate got some really bad news in the past week, and today she went off on about raising 8 kids. my goodness.
Yea Kate, A LOT of parents know what it is to raise a large family, AND THE PARENTS WORK. It doesn't take your fancy wardrobe, your $1,000 haircuts, going hither and yon, as you like to say.
It appears that Kate is extremely stressed. Guess obsessing over plastic frogs sent her over the edge.
I am not a crude person, but I just gotta say it.
Kate, SUCK IT.
"Corporations are people, my friends."
What is Kate up to now? Christine Eads is an advocate for victims of sexual assault and domestic abuse. I lay odds we're going to hear how awful it was to live with Jon.
Mel said... 130
I've been saying this for a week or two.....something's up, or has happened. Too many coincidences.
I wonder if Jon petitioned to have his child support reduced.....either due to the breakup with Ellen (less household income?) or due him having the children more. And it was granted. Wouldn't *that* be a b*tch.
I don't know if PA is like TX, but Ellen's finances would have absolutely no bearing on Jon's child support payments. They also weren't married.
In TX, child support is only determined by the PARENTAL income, not their second spouse, if they re-married.
What Jon needs to do, is get half custody. That's getting popular here, one week with one parent, then switch. Most of the time, NO child support changes hands since both parents share them equal time.
If she is doing an radio spot tomorrow, surely to pete someone will ask her some real questions. This year will not be kind to Kate.
Someone mentioned one of her favorite sayings, it was "Who am I to say no". That runs a continuous loop in my mind, this lady has been given so much, and her downfall will be a pleasure to watch.
AuntieAnn said... 134
AuntieAnn, my husband looked over my shoulder at the monitor and said "Who's the clapped out blonde with the turkey neck?"
hehe. Got to love a guy who calls 'em as he sees 'em.
It does look awful for a 36-year-old woman. How on earth is she ever going to get accustomed to wearing turtleneck bikinis?
OMG, I agree w/ Jude and someone else who said "STOP IT"...ROFLMFAO!
Sorry Judy. One more? The only way to fix that horrible neck is to pull it back and fasten with a short skewer.
Okay. I'm done. Goodnight ladies.
I see Kate is being really bitchy today, with her sheeple/devotes, this is the third time Kate has lashed out at her fans? Wow, must have hurt the sore spot. Careful Kate, that is not the way to treat your fans, your probably still need people to go on the cruise, this is certainly not the way to go. LOLOLOL
Kate, really admitted that raising kids is expensive, and notice she did not say anything about getting rid of the extras and down sizing. Keep going Kate your hanging yourself, all by yourself, no help from anyone. They got your goat!
AuntieAnn said......
You have that right, Jude. Kate's former co-workers at the dialysis clinic said she had a short fuse. Now isn't that a wonderful attribute to have as a nurse... As if patients aren't already under enough stress, they get the added tension of a bitchy, impatient nurse. On top of that she yapped to them about how she always wanted to be famous. I can just imagine how uncomfortable those people felt, having to listen her talk about herself during their treatments and too scared to scratch an itch for fear they'd get bawled out by her. What a scary position to find yourself in.
She didn't leave behind good marks for herself in nursing either, so we can add that to her long list of FAILURES.
Here is the clip on that:
Hope you are giving your nurses hell, Jude! Glad to see you back and commenting....
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@userback do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?
How does she KNOW that the person doesn't have 8 kids themselves, all alone???? Hmmmmmm?
Jon and Kate could have gotten an entertainment lawyer to represent their interests and were allegedly encouraged to do so by TLC. Jon, Kate or both of them balked at the fee.
According to court docs that were made public when TLC filed the lawsuit against Jon, they were without representation at the initial signing of the contract. The name of an attorney, however, does show up in subsequent negotiations.
No way is TLC paying Kate Gosselin, Jon or the children any money for DVD sales or the show airing repeats in the US or overseas markets. That's NOT how reality tv works.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@userback do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?Didnt think so..didn't any1 teach u nvr 2 assume u no some1 else's $ situation?
To use Kate's own words, she "rolled the dice." A pair of threes came up. End of story. Or so it should be. For the Dilleys and the MacCaugheys, they enjoyed the spotlight for a short time, then slipped into anonymity to raise their children. Kate, not so much.
Why, almost eight years later do we have to keep hearing about the outcome of HER gamble? 2005, 2012 it makes no difference. She wants to boohoohoo about her situation and amount of children she has and she is shocked! and outraged! when someone questions her whines and complaints. The suggestion that she consider what other families have to deal with in REAL life seems to send her over the edge. She's completely deluded. She's convinced herself that she is a victim who most be reimbursed for the rest of her life for birthing 6 babies at once.
I wonder if she keeps reminding the kids how much they are draining her finances and how expensive they are to raise?
Kate has a interview tomorrow on Sirius radio? Why didn't she say anything today? Wait..I know the answer to that. Kate doesn't want the radio station flooded with hateful phone calls about her...Why interview her?...is she promoting something..you know...something beside herself...
Is she a socialist now? It's not my problem to take care of her kids! Raise your own dang kids Kate.
@Kateplusmy8 In my support 4U..not a day goes by that I don't have so much empathy&fellow feeling 4what Ugo thru&the negativity hurled at U!
@Kateplusmy8 This is YOUR twitter...U have every right 2address common misconceptions people have abt ur life! Set record straight! :)
You know, you almost have to feel sorry for someone who is this incredibly stupid!
@userback do u personally no how exp raising 8 kids alone is?Didnt think so..didn't any1 teach u nvr 2 assume u no some1 else's $ situation? about an hour ago
Wow--this is the person that wants everyone else to ignore their own financial situation for her stupid cruise? Her lack of insight is absolutely staggering...
Aggiemom said....
I don't know if PA is like TX, but Ellen's finances would have absolutely no bearing on Jon's child support payments. They also weren't married.
In TX, child support is only determined by the PARENTAL income, not their second spouse, if they re-married.
In Washington state they consider any and all household income--married or not. I have a friend that is going through the courts to increase child support from her ex-husband having a live-in girlfriend. The position of the court is that he is benefitting, therefore, his son should benefit.
Mabed: thanks for the article(though I read it as a gain of salt about purseboy): geez, her skin looks like someone of 60+, geez, she has aged.
Oh, that guy she lashed out at, if you click on his name, it will bring up other posters, and one said she should get rid of stuff. Kate is up to something or she is going on the pity tour again. After all the View or Kelly won't have her on. Isn't Kate suppose to be in MO soon?
What about her blog pay, money from the ab crunch thing, DWTS???? A lot of contestants have blabbed they make 125k base pay and 10-20 more per episode. Hardly chump change for only a few weeks work!!! Most of her sheeple won't make that much money in five years of hard work.
Ellen and Jon never lived together.
She maintained her own residence throughout their entire relationship.
So is Kate going to the radio station or is she calling them or are they calling her?, another trip?
Even though Kate's show was cancelled, she still must have felt connected to the entertainment industry as long as she remained under contract with TLC. That train just pulled out of the station, she is officially on her own. I am sure as long as she remained under contact with them she had a faint hope that they would see the error of their ways. Is it possible Kate could just now be grasping her new reality may NOT include television?
These past few months have revealed that other than giving birth to 8 children, she is limited in most other aspects of her life. Her opportunities were all there to further her brand (as EM stated earlier) instead, she became 'Kate Unplugged', unedited for all to see, and it has not been pretty.
The audacity of her complaining about the cost of raising her children says all you will ever need to know about Kate.
Hollybaby has been wrong before so I'm not sure about that article.
Looking at the man who tweeted Kate about affording laptops, he seems like a nice guy and has tweeted other celebrities. I guess he didn't know what he was stepping into.
#161 The radio show host did say "See you tomorrow" to Kate so she may go to the studio which is said to be in DC. I'm sure Kate is grasping for interviews with anybody. The host claims she'll be honest with Kate. I guess we'll see.
I have a feeling that we haven't seen Kate hit bottom yet. As her enablers fall by the wayside, whether as a result of her own paranoid delusions of grandeur, contracts lapsing, court orders, karma or some delicious combination , she will continue her downward spiral. I doubt whether she has enough people left in her (real) life to even put on a decent intervention.
How is Steve supporting his family if he is working for free. She can't go more than 20 miles of her house without him.
And she is not broke. Broke is when she can't afford the gas to run all over town looking for just the right plastic frogs to put on cupcakes to celebrate Leap Year. I never even knew it called for celebration. She needs to find a Dollar Tree store. They have the best party supplies.
Moreover, the lap top photo looked staged. The dreary house was dark. Not a book nor piece of paper in sight. Amazingly, many public schools are providing kids with lap tops if they are truly needed. You would think the fancy private school would too. She just wanted some more "stuff" for free and set that up. First graders do not need a lap top for homework.
You know what Kate, I personally don't know how expensive it is to raise 8 children alone.
I also don't know how much it costs to have a groomer come and pick up my dogs. Nor do I know how much pool maintenance runs. I have no idea what I would have to pay to have my large lawn mowed by someone else.
I have never paid to have groceries delivered to my kitchen. I do all the laundry for my household, so I have no idea what that charge would be.
Kate, there are a lot of expenses in your life that I can't relate to. What is your point??
Here's the catch 22 scenario Kate and only Kate has put herself in. If she admits she made millions off her kids, then she can't go around crying poor and trying to get even more. That doesn't work.
But, if she tries to play it off like she's scraping the bottom of the barrel, she just looks like she has no business managing the children's money and squandered it away! She ...made....MILLIONS. What happened to it? I don't care if you have eight kids or eighteen she made plenty to support a family very well if managed correctly. So she just looks stupid to suggest she squandered her money--idiot.
The only scenario available to her where she isn't a complete douchebag is to admit that she and her children are very well cared for thanks to six years on TLC, and to STOP GRIFTING. But she doesn't like this one either because she doesn't want to spend any of her money, she wants America to continue to fund her way.
Hollybaby may be right....sort of. I'm sure Kate THINKS she's having money problems because FINALLY she is being asked to support the kids she insisted on having. She couldn't afford them when they were conceived and she sure as hell doesn't want to pay for them now. She may or may not have a best egg, I'm thinking not so much, but I'm sure she is dying just thinking of actually paying for anything for those kids. Weaves and Botox? No problem! Ill-fitting, vagina baring slut dresses? Sign her up! Three vehicles! But of course!!!!!!!!!! Laptops for her kids? Hell to the no. So pathetic
She's losing it, all right. Anyone know when school contracts are due? At my child's school (a much more expensive and well-known one than the one Grifty's kids attend), it was in early March.
(Yes, I just suggested that Kate's clawing at status still hasn't kicked her into the realms she dreams of, and I did it deliberately. Maybe I'm a bad person, or maybe I'm just so sick of this grifter that I couldn't help myself. Kate just brings out the worst in everything, doesn't she?)
Could be that a whole bunch of things are combining to increase the pressure on Ms. It-Sucks-That-A-Charity-Got-My-Laptops.
And Kate? There are families all over this great country with 8+ kids who are being raised on budgets far, far smaller than yours. In not one I've ever heard of were Mommy Dearest's luxuries a top priority. Only in yours, your Griftiness, only in yours.
I just wish someone would ask her how she intended to support the kids when she went back for more after having twins. If they were well set at the time and had thought about the risk of having twins again or better yet (for KT) six?
And can you understand how some might be turned off by the fact that you apparently spent all the money the kids made working for you all those years? We're talking millions here. Did you not PLAN AHEAd?
That lady on Twitter said it best when she said she hated to hear KT complain because she had already been given so much.
She might be broke, she might have millions, idk. Last week a retired football player declared he was broke, he went through 80 MILLION dollars.
No joke.
Whether she has money today or not is immaterial. What she has for the future is what counts. Eight kids, eight cars, eight college tuitions,long-term house payments,taxes, etc, she is is for an eye-popping, cardiac-inducing reality check.
(well, the kids might need more than one car each...kate has three ) ...:)
..those girls will ALL need LOTS of $$ shoes,purses, sunglasses, jewelry, tanning...
Pity Party said:
Did you not PLAN AHEAd?
LMAO!!!!! That stupid sign always annoyed me sooo much!
It is simply untrue that Kate can't see the comments from haters on twitter. There is a mentions button that shows you every comment made that includes your @ name. Ever single one. She reads it all night. That's how she pops in when a new person offers her a gift. She doesn't have ESP. She reads it all.
Yes, I think it's a lot of things upsetting Kate. I think reality is hitting her.
She doesn't have a lot of "someone's" in her life so when she said someone hurt her, the voices are pretty narrow. Steve, maybe Jon.
Maybe Steve is done doing pro bono for this grifter. Maybe she wanted TLC to continue to fund her way and they told her to kiss off.
Maybe Jon got a reduction in child support since he's taking the boys more often. It's surely something to do with money when it comes to Kate since nothing much else seems to really upset her. And then to snap at her fans about money. Someone hit her in the pocketbook all right. Also I can't stand what a tease she is, either tell us what it is or don't say anything at all.
By the way, Kate? Real tacky to discuss your money. Real tacky. Celebs with class don't discuss such a thing and certainly not on twitter.
DallasLady we haven't talked about it much but I'm glad you brought up retirement. We have a financial adviser for our 401k and he has been drilling it into us you need to start now more than ever and he especially goes after the younger people trying to impress upon them how important it is to start early. There is a huge difference between how much you'll be able to save if you start in your 20's versus 30's.
When it comes to retirement accounts Kate is OLD. It's better late than never, but 36 is a terrible time to start savings to maintain such a lifestyle.
At age THIRTY you're supposed to have a year's worth of salary saved. Since for Kate that's in the millions and she's already 36, what exactly are her plans to catch up to us mediocre with our mediocre 401ks. And that's what's so funny about being so darn mediocre--most of us have matching 401k's we're just sort of putting money into and not thinking about it because that's what the mediocre do--but come retirement, we'll laugh last.
I hope she doesn't expect the kids to support her because that's a dicey proposition.
Twit, if someone I have blocked tweets me I canNOT see the tweet in my mentions. I CAN see it if that blocked person includes the name of someone I do NOT have blocked.
New Tweet from Kate:
Hey! Join me tomorrow on SiriusXM's Broadminded w/ Christine and Molly-8a to 10a- on Stars Channel 107!We'll be chatting it up all morning!
oops, sorry, saw this was already posted...was out in the car in the snow!!!(1st real storm of the season) and did not read all..
anyhow, would she get paid for this? are there many who tune in?
Do I personally know how expensive it is to raise 8 kids, all alone?
Here's how a lot of people would answer that....
Why yes, Kate, I do know how expensive it is to raise a bunch of kids all alone. Does that mean that I beg strangers to send me things? Nope. Or mention ad nauseum things I wish we had, and hope that someone sends me some? Nope.
You know why? I have too much pride. My dead grandpa would not say "You did good, honey." He'd roll over in his grave if heard me begging from *anyone*, let alone on national tv or a public twitter.
My dead grandpa would say "Honey, you'd best get this figured out."
Is this radio show streaming online anywhere?
Who wants to bet Kate's people sent an email to 700 radio stations hoping one would bite for an interview?
You know why? I have too much pride. My dead grandpa would not say "You did good, honey." He'd roll over in his grave if heard me begging from *anyone*, let alone on national tv or a public twitter.
My dead grandpa would say "Honey, you'd best get this figured out."
And there's the difference between me and Kate. And Kate and everyone here. If something needs fixing in your life, don't whine and cry about it. Go out there and get it fixed. I don't whine about things and expect others to make my life better. *I* fix my life, *I* make it better.
If you have a money problem, get an extra job, don't spend, do whatever it takes to fix it yourself. If you have relationship problems WORK THEM OUT. If you have ex-husband problems, go to co-parenting counseling. They even have CLASSES for this to help you co-parent. If you have bodyguard problems, talk them out or get a new boobyguard.
Fix your own damn problems, Kate.
In the book "Multiplt Blessings", Jon was quoted as saying, when they discussed whether to skip the October cycle (that had 3-4 follicles and eventually resulted in the sextuplets) to try for one with only 1-2 follicles later, that they'd never regret having more kids, after discussing the possibility of twins, triplets and quads.
I think Jon has never regretted his decision. I wish I could say the same for Kate.
Kate has become used to having other people take responsibility for her. Now those people aren't there. There is an old saying that sometimes things have to fall apart in order to make you realize how much you need them. I think Kate needs to be broken if she is ever going to learn to stand on her own two feet, much like Jon was.
My wish for her is that she will come to appreciate what she has and what she's lost and she'll be able to realize finally that she needs to become other centered rather than self centered to truly be happy with herself.
Oh, Administrator, I think you need to be fair. She DID fix one of her problems. Even though it took all day, she found those frogs.
Dmsay true but did she fix the stick problem? Yeah I didn't think so.
Administrator, HA...you win!
Silimom said, My wish for her is that she will come to appreciate what she has and what she's lost and she'll be able to realize finally that she needs to become other centered rather than self centered to truly be happy with herself.
Maybe in a perfect world. This, however, is Kate's world. It's not going to happen. She is going to continue in a downward spiral, and it's going to take a miracle to bring her back up.
She is so helpless and lazy she would force her fans to help her get the stick out. Bend over!
Kate pull your own dang stick out yourself like the rest of us.
I got a 4-month free trial for Sirius radio on my new car and she's going be on at 7 my time tomorrow morning so I guess I could sit in my car and drink my Folgers coffee made in my Mr. Coffee coffee maker and see what she has to say. I'm not going to do the whole 2 hours but I try a little bit of it and see how it goes.
CharlieCat I recommend you take a screwdriver with you when you want to gnaw your brains out.
Barf said:
"She's losing it, all right. Anyone know when school contracts are due? At my child's school (a much more expensive and well-known one than the one Grifty's kids attend)"
What does the cost of tuition at your child's school, and how well known the school is have to do with when Kate's contracts are due? I don't understand your point.
Charlie Cat, you are a brave soul. A barf bucket might be good to take along.
At this point I have wondered if she's even got any savings at all. I mean come on. Weekly if that trips to get tanned, the cost of upkeep on house and cars, tuition alone has got to be quite a bit. Food, clothes...her little shoe problem. I'd be afraid to even look at the utility bill! I really would.
She seems more of a spend now, worry later type. Which honestly, bugs the living daylights out of me. My parents set me up a bank account, which I only got $5 a week, but always $3 went into my savings and the rest went to church. Over the years it's grown and now that I'm on my own, well, I don't even look at it. Just let it grow. Even start investing early is great idea.
She is going to be in a ridiculous amount of pain come her later years when she's got nothing saved up. And it'll be her own fault. She wines now sure, what she going to do when she can't afford the house and can't afford to move into an assisted living home and has no relatives or kids to take her in? Homeless.
I'm not one for mucking around when it comes to money but I haven't got much anyway. Kate's world is perched on a precarious knife edge...
I wonder if her own kids know the value of a dollar? Probably don't get allowances for cleaning the chicken coop or taking out the trash. Sad, looks like they won't have much ideas in the way of savings since Kate probably hasn't taught them. "Don't worry kids, someone will pay for you to own ABC someday. And then you can have servants!"
She seems more of a spend now, worry later type.
Uhhhh huh!!!
It is not her fans' problem that she spends like she just won the lotto. That's HER problem! If she's out of money that's HER fault.
Kate basically stuffed all the cake in her mouth and now is upset when she's throwing up and wants someone to rub her back. Rub your own back because you are the one who ate the cake.
I wouldn't care how this bitch wants to blow her money if not for the fact that it is the CHILDREN'S money she is blowing before our very eyes and it's horrible and there's nothing anyone can do.
In case anyone wants to listen tomorrow am, BigFan has posted a link for free 7 day trial for Siriusxm:
siriusxm.com/freetrial Here's the link for a free 7 day trial for the Siriusxm internet radio. Now u can listen to K8 & critique
This is OT, but did anyone watch Bethenny Frankel on Ellen this week. Ellen is producing a talk show for Bethenny to start in the Summer. I like Bethenny. I think she is hard working, talented and creative.
Ellen also mentioned that Bethenny will do a show where....get this.....she puts herself into others lives and lives their life for a day, while that person lives Bethenny's life for a day. Ellen joked that Bethenny would spend all of her time organizing these people's lives as she is a very organized person who doesn't like clutter or chaos.
HUM....sounds an awful lot like Kate's failed Twist of Kate show. Also, brought it up because Kate has been tweeting about organizing her "fans" houses and then cooking for them etc, etc. Dream on Kate.
So if Kate can't wait to meet and chat with the ladies tomorrow, does that mean she's in DC now? Who paid for the transportation down there? Who is paying for the lodging? Who is paying for the nannies tomorrow, since the kids apparently are on break? Who is paying for Steve's "services?"
How can she afford all of that? Raising eight kids is so expensive, don't you know?
@Kateplusmy8 still looking for laptops? I have a dell that I don't think is being in any use. I'd have to see with my mom though! Lol :)
Good lord. It's never going to end.
No, she wouldn't be getting paid for the Sirius thing. People typically aren't paid for interviews.
Hardly anyone will hear it. That's not a dig on the interviewer, but it's true. If she's going to be in a DC studio bright and early, she might be there tonight. If Jon has the kids this weekend, I can see her trying to stay there, though.....if she really is now cut loose from TLC and Steve is possibly gone, maybe not.
Hey if she truly is cut loose from TLC, think she'll talk crap about them?
I agree with that laptop pic looking staged. Poor little fellows had no idea it wasn't all in fun, but to grift more laptops from the public.
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