Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Discussion Thread: Kate on Dr. Drew

Why all the crocodile tears and hand holding? Find out today on Dr. Drew's Lifechangers on the CW.

(Love the re-run of the tin foil dress. Get the look here.)

834 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   601 – 800 of 834   Newer›   Newest»
silimom said...

Gift - A career materializing is exactly what she's hoping for. And why not? She had sextuplets, made a home video and shazam! instant reality career. She's also led an increasingly insulated life as the years have passed and she's used to having other people make things happen for her.

The only reason she's a google hot search right now is because of the Dr. Drew show and the recent articles on how lonely she is. On Feb. 6 and 13, she wasn't even in the top 20 - in fact, she wasn't in the top 20 until yesterday. So google trends is not cumulative, i.e. she's not the hottest search of all time. It's based on daily data. In fact, Kate searches peaked 23 hours ago and have been steadily declining ever since. So I wouldn't be bragging if I were her. It's the people who consistently trend that really matter, imo, and Kate doesn't rank with them. So no need to get upset or concerned about google trends.

Dmasy said...

I did not know there was such a thing a trending/counting. Now, I feel sorry that I visited the Yahoo page yesterday. I enjoyed reading all the negative comments, but I was a "click" for Kate.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think Kate is pissed that she couldn't sell yet another freebie. Just like the free Gymboree clothing, the BBB was supposed to turn into cash in her pocket.
If Kate were really a Christian, she would be happy that the BBB is now even more convenient for the kids' father to drive the kids around and pick them up etc. She'd be humble and say, "hey, it was both of ours to begin with, so it's with it's rightful owner".
Or, she could have donated it to charity.
That would never happen.

AuntieAnn said...

Dmasy - sigh. I'm guilty of upping the count too. Her narcissistic supply trough overflowethed - again.

Ex Nurse said...

As we have seen today, Kate does not discern the difference between positive or negative--it is all attention, and in her pathetic eyes, and in the entertainment world, attention = $$$$$$$ in the bank. 

She fails to get that celebs use their fame to bring attention to worthy causes---not the other way around! Planet Kate--where everything is upside down and inside out. Hey, maybe that tin foil dress is the official uniform of the heads of state on Planet Kate! It would explain a lot....

SuzyQ said...

Someone needs to let Kate know that "trending" is not necessarily a positive thing - I mean, Casey Anthony was trending... so, um, yeah.

I guess ANY attention will do though.

I was reading up on personality disorders because I met this lady that reminded me of another friend and of Kate. I also think that in addition to being a narcissist that Kate also has HPD, Histrionic Personality Disorder.
Some of the criteria fit her:
excessive emotionality and attention-seeking
excessive need for approval
inappropriately seductive behavior
inappropriately sexually provocative
express strong emotions with an impressionistic style
continuous longing for appreciation
manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs
exhibitionist behavior
seeking of reassurance or approval
excessive dramatics
sensitivity to criticism or disapproval
proud of own personality
unwillingness to change
a need to be the center of attention
low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification
rapidly shifting emotional states that may appear superficial or exaggerated to others
tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
making rash decisions

silimom said...

Pity Party - I just checked out the Radaronline article and there were only two comments and they weren't hammering him as far as I could tell. One said to get to a gym. That was about it.

Dmasy - don't worry about it. If it's any consolation, in the past 7 days Jon has had more searches than Kate (73 to
62). Check out Google Insights for Search, if you really are interested.

Kate is just hanging on to any bit of relevance she can. If you really analyze things, Kate is a downward trend and her visibility is decreasing. We discuss her here, so her actions are still relevant to us but to the rest of the world, she really is not that interesting.

Mandy said...

I haven't posted in a long time, mostly because I'm one of those who believes that the more attention Kate gets, the longer she stays relevant (in her mind, at least). Her thrill of being a top google trend proves my point. Even though disgust and hatred drove those searches, she doesn't care. I don't feel sorry for her much, but this does actually make me pity her a little bit, because it exposes how pathetic she is. Almost 10,000 comments, most of them extremely nasty, and she's happy about it? Really?

As for the Jon Gosselin article, I see that the trend is becoming a bit more positive in the comments. I suspect the sheeple were trying to compete with the yahoo comments, a losing proposition if there are only three or four of you.

I also find it funny that the sheeple were having a heyday with Jon when his fame slipped away quickly and he was tweeting plugs for various products. They thought it was pathetic. Now Kate's doing it, and...... CRICKETS!

But what really has been bugging me the past few days is her stretching advice to a runner. There are many people who can stretch before a workout and never have a problem if they are especially flexible, but the latest in exercise science says NEVER to stretch before a workout. Stretching actually causes muscles to weaken and should be done after a workout.

I love to stretch when my workout is over. It feels great, and I will sometimes forego a workout if I'm having a bit of a problem with a knee or a shoulder and do an extended period of stretching for a day to make sure I don't injure myself more seriously. Obviously the woman who tweeted that her calves were always sore was already having a problem. Maybe stretching before a workout would help, maybe not. Kate should not be giving that sort of advice. It seems dangerous to me.

Tucker's Mom said...

SuzyQ said... 7
I think that Histrionic Personality Disorder fits Kate to a T. I've thought that for years now.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

According to the Google Trends link Kate tweeted, she's #5 and a dingo is #15. (seriously!) Way to go, Kate! You beat the dingo.

Georgia Peach said...

Many of the sheeple got their start blogging on JK8 articles at ROL.

Nantucket Bound said...

The van was owned by both of them. They shared it. Since Jon's name was on the title she couldnt sell it or trade it in unless Jon signed it over. Jon kept it.


Is this an opinion, or insider information?

Dmasy said...

Silimom, thanks. I will check Google Insights. It is always good to learn something. I have big gaps in my computer skills! Kate claims to be computer incompetent, but she knew trending, didn't she?

Anonymous said...

Someone should post that Radar link on. Yahoo so the posters at Yahoo can take over Radar and post nice stuff about Jon. The 4 posters at Radar would run real quick.

AuntieAnn said...

We discuss her here, so her actions are still relevant to us but to the rest of the world, she really is not that interesting.
But she is a peculiarity, like a stairway that leads to nowhere.

anger issues kate said...

WhyohWhy: besides what you mentioned and Admin mentioned about why there have been no specials, let me add another one to that list: Also, cause maybe TLC does not want to pay Kate $250,000, for a special. Where I got that figure, think about it: TLC paid Kate that much for each episode, do you think Kate would do it for anything less. I also think Kate might have asked for more than that amount, and TLC said BYE! Considering the ratings of the last couple of shows, Kate is not worth it.

As, for this charity in MO, they should have gotten Betty Haynes or even Michelle Duggar, why MD, cause of dealing with Josie. maybe not a disable kid but premmie, Michelle would understand the hospital stuff and the touch & go. Kate understands nothing about that stuff, the little she experienced, she managed to turn it around to be about herself.
And if Kate were in MD, wed night, then she might have been there, at the TLC office and Steves office, cause February is almost up. Will purseboy continue and possibly Kate was pitching ideas to TLC, for a new show for herself, and possibly signing the final papers, ending their assoc with the Gosselins(such as insurance, purseboy, expenses, showing of the episodes, etc). There is a lot of paperwork that goes with a cancelation or termination of services, which Kate was still getting. Why do think she was still living high on the hog. I do believe TLC had something stated in in her contract, that they would still pay for things, with in reason, for say 6 months, after cancel of show, or until contract runs out, or if they give her another show, which they did not. Watch, after Feb, and see if Kate really gets desperate. Those tears on DR Drew, are nothing to what is to come. Take notice, in recent blogs and interviews and probably interview to come, Kate will push the lonely angle, with tears. She has already started.

Berks Neighbor said...

Jon's twitter went public. I have a feeling that all restraints are off. TLC can't get blood from a turnip (sue Jon) anymore and Kate is no longer under their protection. (hence the item saying she was in Maryland this week).

I've got a bucket of kettle corn and a big gulp of diet coke...anyone want to share the sofa? ~ Administrator said...

Jon just confirmed its not true he is lletting the twins go on the cruise but it's "her custody" and "pa law."

Tucker's Mom said...

I've got a bucket of kettle corn and a big gulp of diet coke...anyone want to share the sofa?
Move over, make room for me!
Very interesting that Jon's twitter is public. Hmmm.

Tamara said...

What day is this charity? Isn't the sextuplets birthday towards the beginning of May?

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Please sont ask me about the kids, I will not answer about them.
And people still bash Jon? Don't get it. I'm interested in following just to see what he's up to and see that he's moving on and is happy.
Huge props to Jon for putting the kabosh on dishing about the kids.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon has gone public because now he is verified, and it took 3 years. I think it let's everyone know that it is indeed Jon, and not an imposter.

Just Down The Road said...

Jon just confirmed its not true he is lletting the twins go on the cruise but it's "her custody" and "pa law."


I think that Jon has been so beaten down in the court system that he's throwing up his hands. He can't keep going to court and he doesn't have the money to fight her. If he gets the same judge each time he goes, the judge is going to really get miffed and he's not going to win. The reason he got shot down in the Australia trip is because the kids had to work. They were still under contract. What's the reason now, though? They're not under contract with Alice Travel. She can take them wherever she wants to go, even if it's out of the country and he can't do a darn thing about it? Doesn't she need his signed permission to get on the ship? The law says he has to give it?

aggiemom09121416 said...

Let's settle the issue of the BBB ownership.
Married couple, joint property.

True, she let him drive the BBB after the divorce. So what? Her ins policy covered it. No biggie.

Then, she either bought, leased, or was given a new BBB.

My opinion of her giving him the old bbb is that she didn't want him driving HER new bbb, so she just handed over title to the old one. It wasn't given to charity, probably no money changed hands, so tax benefit for Kate.

How hold was the bbb? It might have been cheaper to just fix it instead of buying a new one (unless it was leased for her, people keep mentioning she was given that for her marathon participation).

Truth is, this lady can cry poor all she wants to but the proof is in the assets. She has an expensive piece of property, THREE cars, expensive personal upkeep for herself, private school for eight kids,supposed multiple bank accts.
I think she has a large amt stashed, if she was frugal she could live on it for the rest of her life. But, Kate will never have enough.

Broke, desperate parents don't buy brand new BBB, they don't go on daily runs, tweet how they need a cafe chalkboard, take 8 kids to the ortho.
Broke, desperate parents sit at home and scour classifieds. These parents when seen in public look tired, haggard, worried. Broke parents don't buy stupid crap for Valentine's Day. Broke parents can't afford to buy 200 lbs of meat...I could go on and on...broke desperate parents don't tweet all day...broke parents don't wish they could go on more trips...broke parents don't go on cruises...

One more thing to prove my point:
Last week, it was announced in my local paper a large manufacturing company was closing and moving to Mexico (no surprise there). My neighbor has worked there for years; he and his wife are young, yet have a large home; in the past 10 yrs he has purchased three new trucks, and she just purchased her fourth new car...well, with the notice of the plant closing, two for sale signs are now in their yard..
That's what a desperate person does when they are about to be unemployed. They downsize. Not Kate! So, me thinks Kate is just a greedy person.
sorry for the long post.

AuntieAnn said...

Berks Neighbor said... 18

Jon's twitter went public. I have a feeling that all restraints are off.
As Iron Chef Chairman says:


Just Down The Road said...

I've got a bucket of kettle corn and a big gulp of diet coke...anyone want to share the sofa?


Berks - I'm just around the corner. I'll be there in a bit. Should I bring some chips and dip and some fixings for a Marguerita?

aggiemom09121416 said...

oops, NO tax benefit for Kate. Sorry ~ Administrator said...

Just down the road if they can't agree on travel the judge decides. If Kate promised the judge the twins wouldn't be working my guess is many judges would have gone along with it. A judge has to follow the law unfortunately not sit up there and wonder about the ethics of this cruise.

Dmasy said...

Berks -- you could have a whole living room full of really bright women. Can't you just imagine the conversation?

anger issues kate said...

Went to Jon twitter acct: I see there is a Kate lover/Jon hater/possible sheeple, giving Jon shit, tryin to provoke him. I hope he bars this one. Perhaps Kate is getting ready to take Jon to court, about the twins and the cruise. Perhaps that what Jon ment, that Kate has the primary custody, Jon won't sign the okeydokey for the twins to go, so Jon will leave it up to the PA court to decide. I think that is what he means.
Also, Jon said he will now say what ever he feels like. So, maybe Kate was in MD, like I posted above and, TLC's contract is finely over. Jon is completely free of TLC. They can't do nothing to him anymore and Kate can't complain to TLC lawyers anymore about anything that Jon says or does. Remember there was a blurp about some lawyler who was taken off Kates property, could this lawyler have been working for TLC?

Slow On The Trigger said...

@smcree44 @JudyInDisguise1 @kateplusmy8 Steve left his wife & kids and lives in Kate's house. Public record.

Could someone point me in the direction of where this is public record? Has this been confirmed? How did I miss this?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Now that Jon's Twitter is public, I wonder if Kate is going to be more careful with bashing her husband.

Good on Jon for making his twitter a
"no Gosselin kids zone".

Kind of proves which one is using HER kids for fame...

Stay strong, Jon.

Slow On The Trigger said...

Jon is completely free of TLC. They can't do nothing to him anymore and Kate can't complain to TLC lawyers anymore about anything that Jon says or does. Remember there was a blurp about some lawyler who was taken off Kates property, could this lawyler have been working for TLC


I just hope that he continues to take the high road -- for the sake of his kids. We don't need him turning into another under-the-bus thrower. He's going to lose all respect if he does that. That battleground could get very nasty and give Kate the chance to once again make the television circuit, just to set the record straight. It's never going to end.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I dont get. Kate knew she would be hosting the charity for several months. WHay doesn;t she promote it on twitter, Dr. Drew etc.
The whole point of charities using famous people is to bring awareness to said charity. WHy hire Kate is she keeps her mouth shut about it? It never makes sense. She always eludes to "exciting plans" but doesn't say what.
Why is she so afraid of promoting things ahead of time instead of the day of or before the event? Is it lack of self awareness, being lazy, thinking she hasn't been paid ENOUGH so hell with them..or is she scared people will contact the endorser and tell them what she is all about?


AuntieAnn said...

Stay strong, Jon.
Indeed. He sounds like a man who's been pushed too far by his ex. "ask the other parent" sounds like the gloves are off.

Poor kids. I had kind of hoped this wouldn't happen. ~ Administrator said...

EM, because as someone said (who was that?) Kate's life is a reality show. She doesn't want to "spoil" an upcoming "episode" by saying too much. This is what tlc taught her and since in her mind she's still in a reality show she's stuck with it. She Is an idiot at best . ~ Administrator said...

Maybe Kate could just say "spoiler alert!!l" before she talks about anything in the future. That would cover her.

Dmasy said...

I may never Twitter again. But, I signed up and sent one. Jon has a follower that he didn't buy and a twit of encouragement! Don't know how to add a profile photo, so I am an egg.

Mel said...

I agree that she doesn't want to spoil the episode I also think that she doesn't want a bunch of naysayers showing up and hassling her...which could happen if there was much of a notice.

TLC stinks said...

Why would she be buying groceries in Rockville? Surely she has food at her house. I'm thinking she was having a meal at Steve's bachelor pad before she headed home. No way is that guy is still with Gina. Makes sense to me he moved out, and sometimes stays at Kate's.

CharlieCat said...

I immediately followed Jon on twitter too once he became public. I don't know why but it felt really good to do it.

Regarding the speaking engagement in May, I thought that a couple of months ago a sheeple asked her if she was coming to her area and Kate replied, no but she would be in Missouri in MARCH. Several posters looked up events occurring in March in Missouri and didn't really see anything that made any sense. Don't know if the event got moved from March to May or if Kate is that dense to not even know what she's signed up to do.

One more thing, let's see, she did some interviews in January, doing a speech in May, doing a cruse in August. Wow, 3 work assignments in 8 months. No wonder she's so exhausted all the time.

TT the bear said...


jennifer tavella‏@jen_tavella
@jongosselin1 well, what the hell do you want people to ask you about? Your kids are the #1 reason people follow you!

Jon Gosselin‏@jongosselin1
@jen_tavella there is nothing to tell, so dont follow me. they had enough over the last 6 years.go ask the other parent im not saying sh*t

Tucker's Mom said...

jennifer tavella ‏ @jen_tavella · Open
@jongosselin1 well, what the hell do you want people to ask you about? Your kids are the #1 reason people follow you!
30m Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1 · Open
@jen_tavella there is nothing to tell, so dont follow me. they had enough over the last 6 years.go ask the other parent im not saying sh*t

aggiemom09121416 said...

Silly posters, Kate doesn't have time to promote that whatever it was in May...she only has time to promote her cruise in August.
snark :)
(prob because it's a fixed fee, and if she promotes her cruise, 1), it's all about her, and 2) more sign-ups mean more commission for Kate.

I just can't imagine anyone being stupid and naive enough to still fall for her super mom image. Where have these people been, under a rock?

Dmasy said...

We have long speculated maybe/maybe not Steve and Kate are a couple. IF they come out and confirm a relationship, she will get to be all over the gossip sites. I rue the thought of her re-surfacinging as a hot topic. It might, however, be one of her last chances for attention. I doubt that her explanation of timing or the details would be truthful.

Permanent Name said...

I might be a little slow on the social networking trend - I just discovered

For those like me who don't know it, it's a 'portal' for lack of a better word to all kinds of blogs. I'm still not sure of how it all works and what I can do with it.

I guess you have to join, and link your acct to facebook or twitter (neither of which I have) and then you get to access endless sites.

I discovered it from a yahoo group I'm in called frozen assets.

Anyhoo, the point to my post is that there are thousands of blogs/websites out there with recipes and self-help tips. The photos are what I call home professional (pretty darn good looking, actually), the recipes are clear and the comments are helpful.

Now here's my question: why in hell can't kart do something like this? Her 'website' is .... hmmm, what shall I call it? Juvenile? No, that would offend children. Pathetic, sorry and amateurish would have to be the words I'd use.

What is wrong with her that she can't see how inept she is?

I have the utmost disrespect for her and deeply, deeply dislike her and her treatment of her kids and Jon, but I grudgingly agree she has a right and obligation to make a living....

Maybe, maybe, if she could overcome or surmount her narcissism and greed, she might actually be able to make something of herself.

So how come she can't see what she needs to do?

Yeah, I know that is a rhetorical question.

Pity Party said...

Re Jon's twitter. Thanks for letting us know!

Anonymous said...

Here is a title for a list that will shut this blog down. Not really, just that it will be so long that comments wont fit in.

Kate's rude quotes.
1- "Could you stop breathing."

My first sentence was said in fun.

I asked once but haven't found an answer. Could someone please tell me what lie Kate told about the coffee maker? Thanks.


Just Cruisin' Along said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 45
Silly posters, Kate doesn't have time to promote that whatever it was in May...she only has time to promote her cruise in August.

The thing is, she isn't really promoting her cruise either. She justs retweets the travel agency's tweets, or she will mention it right after the travel agency makes a tweet.

She didn't even give out the cruise's web site address when she was on Dr. Drew. Was this the appearance that caused the travel agent to tweet to Kate "don't forget to mention the cruise"? She did mention it, but did not tell where to go to get more information.

Dmasy said...

Jon has probably already discovered this site. Maybe someone who is planning to send him a Twitter can remind him to check in. At least he will find some fairness here.

Tamara said...

Jon is backslidding by making his ex-wife a topic on his public twitter. 0.10% of any respect he had built up was just lost. He is opening himself up to sooo much craziness. And imo talking about your children's mother in a not nice manner, even if she totally deserves it and more, is just thisfar from talking about the kids. To close. ~ Administrator said...

We want Jon to stay private yet some of us accuse him of letting Kate use the kids on the cruise. We can't have it both ways. We can't trash him then get mad he responds.

Funny we were saying the morning I don't know how he does it. Kate trashed him for 3 years no living breathing human being could keep quiet.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Just Cruisin, # 50

Seriously? lol, Kate is just so stupid, lol...I didn't watch her Dr Drew ep, but I have seen her plug her cruise more than once on her twitter.

Freebie Kate said...

Jon has a right to defend himself just like Kate does.

Nancy said...

so Kates tweets 10,498 Jons tweets 3,253 and who has the kids most of the time????

I don't understand twitter is the total amount or just for a certain time period?


CharlieCat said...

What I don't understand is if Jon's twitter has been private because he couldn't get verified, how did he get 66,000+ followers? It will be interesting to see how much his following increases how that it's public.

Bah Bah Black Sheep said...

Jon has a right to defend himself just like Kate does.


Jon has the right to defend himself but he doesn't need to bash her in the process. She doesn't defend herself - she just throws him under the bus.

Why does he need to be on Twitter at all? Why not just keep everything about his life private?

silimom said...

Re: Cruises and Kids - I already posted RC policy a while back. Only one parent's signature is required to take a child on a cruise, even into international waters.

Most custody agreements have a stipulation requiring both parents signatures to take kids out of the country. Hence, the Australia court case for J & K.

As for the Caribbean cruise, as I've said before, I doubt a judge would deny it. Kate has given Jon plenty of notice and they can arrange alternate visitation dates. Also, many parents take their kids on work related vacations.

I think Jon realizes that taking her to court over every little thing is not productive for him or the kids. And frankly, the girls are probably excited to go - we really don't know - so Jon isn't going to play bad cop.

His reaction seems reasonable to me and I would hope we'd all cut him a bit of slack. He's commented now we need to drop it, imo.

Once a Viewer said...

Anon # 49 nj: I agree if we listed all the rude things Kate said, it would take a LOT of space. She was rude and disrespectful to every member of her family except Hannah maybe as well as friends and strangers alike.( She also told Joel she didn't want to hear him breathing.)

As for the coffee maker, she tweeted that her beloved Keurig had broken, so they sent her a new one (as per policy) Then Dr Drew gave her one. Don't know if she wanted two or what the mix up was. Maybe someone else who read the Twitter/watched Dr D can help re: timeline. ~ Administrator said...

Jon has a right to disagree with Kate. I see him doing that. I don't see him bashing which is what Kate does.

Freebie Kate said...

I would never take kids on an adult cruise.

Aeduko said...

Anonymous said: Someone should post that Radar link on. Yahoo so the posters at Yahoo can take over Radar and post nice stuff about Jon. The 4 posters at Radar would run real quick.

Here's an idea, how about you do it?

Have You Any Wool said...

Re: Cruises and Kids - I already posted RC policy a while back. Only one parent's signature is required to take a child on a cruise, even into international waters.


There was a documentary about one of the RC ships - I think it was Freedom of the Seas. They showed the embarking process. There was a divorced mother taking her kids on a trip. They would not let her board until the father faxed them a notarized signed statement permitting the kids to go.

I do know that when my friend, whose husband died, wanted to take her child on a cruise she needed a notarized death certificate before she could take the trip with her child.

Perhaps RC's policy has changed since that show was filmed, but they clearly weren't going to budge until they received a permission slip from the child's father.

Freebie Kate said...

Kate should take the kids on a Disney cruise.

Kat said...

Good for much effing abuse can any one person take. I'm so glad he has a chance to defend himself. He has every right to make his twitter public. HER twitter is why shouldn't his be? It's always her side we here...let the man have a voice...GO JON!!!!

Dr Lillian Glass Analyzes Kate said...

Gosselin Gossip said...

If more people start referencing or discussing Jon's tweets, will his twitter feed be added to this blog, just like Kate's, (since he decided to make them public)?

Anonymous said...

when a tweeter asked his biggest regret

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@xxxxx Trusting in others with out knowing the ramifications and outcomes that came with other peoples plans for me, whoops


This is part of what DR Lillian says about Kate said...

Kate Gosslin Continues Self Pitying Body Language Non-Tears on Dr. Drew And Still Has Issues With Jon

Jumping In said...

As others have expressed here, I hope Jon uses his freedom from the restraints of TLC wisely. He has taken the high road for some time now and hopefully will not take the bait from those trying to provoke him. He has had a lot of experience with Kate berating him over the years, so perhaps he will rise above all this nonsense for the sake of his children. His credibility and consistency is paramount to the future of his kids, he has to think before every tweet and public comment he makes. I hope he has a clear head, and holds it high.

For the record, I don't like that he has already used an expletive (sh*t) in a public forum like Twitter. He must remember his role as a parent first, and set the example for them to follow. They may not have access to the internet, but I guarantee you they hear it all in school. These kids do not live in the bubble Kate
thinks they do.

Jon can not allow himself to be drawn back in to the craziness.

Divorced said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 150
In reference to Kate not letting Jon into the Gosselin property-

I thought Kate made that rule because she did not want Jon to bring his "dates" to their jail (I mean, house).

Now that Jon is basically unattached to anyone, I wonder if Jon can petition the court to allow visits with his children at the family house?


They are divorced. It is not the "family house." How many divorced fathers do you know that visit their children at their ex-wife's house?

Anonymous said...

when saying Jon pretends he didnt exploit children

not pretending,i live with guilt every day, but they are my kids and its my guilt not yours,deal with your own shit

gotyournumberKate said...

Is it possible Kste's alleged trip to Maryland coincides with Jon going public with his Twitter? I noticed he mentioned something about Freedom of Speech in one of his Tweets. Maybe February was also the end of the ball and chain TLC had on Jon? I hope so.

Admin, is it possible to also put Jon's Twitter feed at the top of your blog?

Bill's Mom said...

In Kate's tweet on 2/22/2012 following her statement of how much she loves Kelly Rippa, she said "Kids on bus then run to NYC. LOL! I interpreted that to mean she and possible Steve had dropped the kids off, or maybe the nanny had dropped the kids off, and she was headed to NYC. Everyone else appeared to interpret it differently, so I forget about it. Now I wonder if that was when she went to meet with TLC. Anyone?
As far as the lie about the coffee maker, Kate indicated the company had or was replacing the coffeemaker before leaving for LA. SO...there had to be 2 coffee makers if she was telling the truth. At one point she mentioned she wanted an industrial model. Is it possible that one was industrial and one regular?
Also, what is this about a lawyer being removed from her property? This is new to me. I don't post often but lurk daily.

Tucker's Mom said...

Freebie Kate said... 62
I would never take kids on an adult cruise.
Oh dear God, this isn't a swingers cruise or a party boat. There are tons, tons of things to do for kids! It's a terrific FAMILY cruise boat that should be a lot of fun for Mady and Cara.
I hope they can be private and not have to brush with fans.

Tucker's Mom said...

They are divorced. It is not the "family house." How many divorced fathers do you know that visit their children at their ex-wife's house?
When J&K announced the whole "it's the kids house and we'll take turns here with them", I thought, oh no. Just no.
Bad idea. At least, not optimal.

Permanent Name said...

I just joined twitter to send a tweet of support to Jon.

He emailed back 'thanks'!

I sure hate what she's done to him.

Kirkland said...

I believe Jon's twitter account was originally a public account - that's how he got 60,000+ followers. If I recall, he later made it a private twitter account, but I assume he just "kept" his followers without adding any new ones.

Now, I hope to see his followers increase. At least we know they will be "real" followers and not store-bought ones! :)

AuntieAnn said...

TLC stinks said... 41

Why would she be buying groceries in Rockville? Surely she has food at her house. I'm thinking she was having a meal at Steve's bachelor pad before she headed home.
It was rumored Kate purchased a condo in Rockville in 2009. I lost track, whatever happened to that story?

Tala said...

I am going to disagree regarding Jon's twitter feed on this blog.
He is now public on twotter and anyone is free to read and/or follow him.
Unless and until he starts tweeting about his children, his tweets have no place on this blog, IMO.

Teresa said...

Hand raised here for not putting Jon's tweets on this blog. He's been living quietly for 2 years now we should respect that. Leave him alone, he's been through enough. Let him heal.

Why? said...

Teresa said... 82
Hand raised here for not putting Jon's tweets on this blog. He's been living quietly for 2 years now we should respect that. Leave him alone, he's been through enough. Let him heal.


What difference does it make? If he chose to make his account public. He could just as easily leave his account private and only allow those who actually know him to follow him, rather than 60K plus strangers. That is his choice.

Tala said...

If I understand correctly, this blog is about the G's divorce and kids on reality tv. Kate keeps Jon's and her children in the public eye. Unless Jon does the same thing, let people read his tweets somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I can see Jon's sick of people talking about his kids. The kids are off tv .Kate needs to shut up about them on her twitter.

Anonymous said...

I think Jon's tweets are as fair game as Kate's. Both started this..both ended it differently. I myself would like to see if Jon remains the guy we assume he has turned into.
I don't think Jon wants privacy. I think he wants a voice, hence the quote to radar and the public twitter. As long as he remains humble about what he did in the past I will support him.


Gift of grab said...

Bill's Mom (75), no, I think the tweet to Kelly Ripa was implying how she'd LOVE the life of dropping her kids off at the bus stop each morning and then running to NYC to be on Kelly's show. As if . . . Were she ever to land such a situation (maybe in Bizarro World, but not here on earth), she'd have to be on-set at some ungodly hour and there would be no dropping the kids off for a bus. As she well knows. A dream come true for SuperMom, no doubt.

She has spent the day RTing lots of compliments, as well as flattering comments about her, ahem, "books." I think this is her next play, selling some sort of book. Big problem for her is, she is no longer on TV or in the media enough to be able to sell it like she could when she had the show. I think this would be a big factor in a publisher deciding whether to take her on.

I am honestly torn about Jon deciding to open up his Twitter. I have so much admiration for his restraint over the last couple of years and hope he doesn't allow himself to get brought down to her level. She really has put herself at the very bottom of the barrel.

Audible Click said...

I just noticed there was an article about Kate and her appearance on Calebitchy yesterday. The article was interesting in a Celebtichy sort of way and the comments were unfavorable (I didn't read all of them.) What made me chuckle was that they referenced the infamous tacky tinfoil dress and her toes hanging out of the her silver hooker heels; they even provided a close-up photo...priceless.

Pity Party said...

I agree with Jon's tweets not being put up here. It is like he said I am determined to remain the one constant in their lives and I believe that. He has already said he is not going to talk about his kids. KT doesn't realize the more she puts them out there the more difficult it is for him to take them to their beloved Olive Garden and the mall and he doesn't have an extra pair of eyes and hands. But of course she could care less. I feel so sorry for the kids and for him. Every time I try and garner a little sympathy for KT, she shoots it down every time.

Laurie said...

For real Jumping in @71? I'm a parent and I said sh*t a number of times today. That doesn't make me a bad parent.

Anonymous said...

Laurie said chit OMG.

Lillian meet Kate said...

Lillian Glass needs to proofread her writing. Better yet, she should hire Beth Carson to write her blog posts. That woman has a PhD??? She writes like a high school sophomore -- unsubstantiated declarations, poor grammar, and too many spelling mistakes to count ("crys" for "cries" -- REALLY, Lillian?? (my apologies to sophomores every where).

Kate is a twit said...

Count me in as one of those that don't think Jon's twitter feed should be posted here.

Tamara said...

They are divorced. It is not the "family house." How many divorced fathers do you know that visit their children at their ex-wife's house?
Not visit the kids, but allowed to drive onto the property, allowed to step into the house for a second when picking up the kids or dropping them off. I wonder if he really ever thought that whole "it's the kid's house" thing would work, or if he knew all along Kate would never allow it. Anyone who follows him on Twitter, that is something I would want to ask him.

Candy said...

920 Jen D said she was willing to correct Lillian's mistakes.

Once a Viewer said...

Re: the kids' house.

They said originally they bought it for the kids, they deserved it and I guess they did. Not the golden platter, but the children did work. So Jon and Kate would rotate in and out for custody. No, it's not an arrangement that would be feasible if one wanted to move for a job or relationship etc But it still seems unfair that they redid the kitchen, had it furnished etc by TLC, yet Jon gets no part of it, and Kate regards it as 'all mine.' --
"my roof" she tweeted the other night ( or blogged) It was a dumb idea that was likely hatched and glommed onto by Kate with Jon dragged in while the show was filming. Pity for Jon who enjoyed walking and enjoying the nature and beauty of the place, the dogs, and apparently was friendly around the town.

anger issues kate said...

The post about the lawyer being removed from the property was about several threads ago. Someone found it I think online when looking up the property.

Permanent Name: you and most people here dislike Kate, for the reasons you listed, but I think most of us, dislike her, just short of hating her, is cause we(all of us) earn our money, earn our vacations, earn our stuff, we work. We don't go begging, grifting, getting free stuff we did not work(real 9 to 5 job) for the last 7 years, then have the GALL to go to the media and CRY poor, oh, woo is me, how am I to take care of 8 kids,count them 8. I WORK SO HARD EVEN TO THE BONE! but go and live high on the hog and don't work. Work=earning it. Kate is a walking contradiction.

Tamara said...

I say if he continues to tweet about Kate, post his tweets on the top. If he doesn't, don't. It's not like the only tweets posted at the top from Kate are about the kids.

Teresa said...

Would you spend $5000 on cruising with Kate? lmao 97.82% say NO WAY! I just cast my vote on...

gotyournumberKate said...

I really didn't think much about putting Jon's Twitter feed on here other than I just don't care to go on Twitter much anymore. The extreme haters have made it very unenjoyable for me. After reading Kate's search I feel like I need a shower. The suggestion was mainly for convenience for me. I read here a couple of times a day every day. I don't post often anymore because my thoughts have usually already been conveyed by someone else. I love this blog and Admin. It's one of the only places where I feel everyone "gets it" about Kate.

Anonymous said...

I will admit I found the first few specials and seasons endearing as I watched Jon and Kate struggle (or so I thought) and they always turned to Christ for his help and guidance. The Bible verses displayed, the open show of getting ready for church and Sunday School. Very very refreshing, but than it changed. Kate once said TLC didn't want that much religion, yet the Roloffs and Duggars were continuing to bring church or religion onto their shows. We saw the free trips, the free tummy tuck, hair plus, teeth does the Bible say about vanity? Was this the start of the derailing? It has been said they had a wish list and TLC would fulfill it. They felt entitled and bigger than life (at least to themselves) and all of sudden Jon doesn't work, they are being paid (if the rumors are to be believed) a huge sum for every episode and every season they drag out the season because more shows = more cash. Family and dear friends disappear one by one, nary an explanation as to what happened. The poor poor kids, no real stablity in their lives. Kate who told us back in the tummy tuck episode upon returning home "I never want to leave you guys for that long again," is off on book signings, church talks and spa vacations leaving the kids home with Jon and a variety of "helpers". Jon being caught in the press in situations where a Christan father of 8 has no business being. Yes, Jon was young when he started his family, but he was a willing participate as it takes two to tango, so the "I missed out on my 20's" doesn't hold water for me. He has stated he was happy with just his twin girls but yet he went along along with Kate for "just one more."

Week after week you see those sad faces. Yes, they smile at times, but just watch them and you see signs of stress. Collin who was rocking back and forth on the picnic table, Joel who just spaces out. Poor Alexis, who hugged Jon tight and told him she didn't want him to leave and he replies "daddy's have to work."

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Divorced said... 72

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 150
In reference to Kate not letting Jon into the Gosselin property-

I thought Kate made that rule because she did not want Jon to bring his "dates" to their jail (I mean, house).

Now that Jon is basically unattached to anyone, I wonder if Jon can petition the court to allow visits with his children at the family house?


They are divorced. It is not the "family house." How many divorced fathers do you know that visit their children at their ex-wife's house?


None. But not allowing a father beyond the gates of his kids property is a bit much, don't you think? Jon has never been a threat to his children. As a matter of fact he was the nurturing parent- the opposite of Kate.

Keeping Jon from entering the driveway just showed that Kate was/is spiteful,and vindictive-with an incessant need to be in control of everyone & everything.

HollyMo said...

anger issues kate said...
Also, Jon said he will now say what ever he feels like. So, maybe Kate was in MD, like I posted above and, TLC's contract is finely over. Jon is completely free of TLC. They can't do nothing to him anymore and Kate can't complain to TLC lawyers anymore about anything that Jon says or does.
@xxxx there is nothing to tell, so dont follow me. they had enough over the last 6 years.go ask the other parent im not saying sh*t

anger issues, I think you are right!
Wow, just wow! I have a real smile on my face thinking that the truth may finally be told.

Berks, I am on my way. I will bring some chips and salsa and Canadian beer for you all. can't wait to see it all go down.

ncgirl said...

I don't think Jon's twitter feed should be here. Everything Kate tweets is related to her quest for fame. As a private citizen, Jon can twitter publicly like anyone else. I just hope he does it wisely. As we've seen with Kate, the nuts come out of the woodwork over there.

aggiemom09121416 said...

March 2012 has always been thrown out there as the end of the contractual road for this whole mess.
I think its more than a coincidence that someone's twitter went public today.
Seems like someone else's twitter has been relatively quiet today.
And why does she get two weekends in a row?

Someone had a question regarding taking the atty off the house..I believe public records showed that the original purchase of the house didn't show this family as owners, but they used an atty's name with a trust name to keep it relatively anonymous.
For whatever reason, when she refinanced she put her name on the deed, no trust was used this time. Guess the kids don't have a house after all!

Button Button said...

Once a Viewer said... 60

Anon # 49 nj: I agree if we listed all the rude things Kate said, it would take a LOT of space. She was rude and disrespectful to every member of her family except Hannah maybe as well as friends and strangers alike.( She also told Joel she didn't want to hear him breathing.)

When the whole family went on the 4th of July Holiday, when Kate "invented that flag cake," Hannah was eating the sliced strawberries.

Kate loudly said for her to stop eating.

Hannah took another strawberry, and Kate really bellowed at her to stop eating.

Or do I have that wrong? If I am right, then she was certainly rude and disrespectful to Hannah.

Karen said...

Tamara said... 98
I say if he continues to tweet about Kate, post his tweets on the top. If he doesn't, don't. It's not like the only tweets posted at the top from Kate are about the kids.

He's not tweeting about Kate. Or the kids. I've been a follower for over a year and don't remember seeing any tweets about Kate -- could you post what I may have missed, please?

Ex Nurse said...

In July 2010, Jon announced he was writing his memoirs with his life  coach--Sylvia LeFair. I know he fired her, but maybe he is re-emerging as a ramp up to the release of his book:

And, maybe that is why Kate keeps on mentioning Zondervan--maybe she is afraid that he will upstage him as an author. I know--ridiculous to use her name in the same sentence as the word "author". 

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Berks Neighbor said... 18
Jon's twitter went public. I have a feeling that all restraints are off. TLC can't get blood from a turnip (sue Jon) anymore and Kate is no longer under their protection. (hence the item saying she was in Maryland this week).

I've got a bucket of kettle corn and a big gulp of diet coke...anyone want to share the sofa?

Oh good grief, joining you on the sofa....

Divorced said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 102

None. But not allowing a father beyond the gates of his kids property is a bit much, don't you think? Jon has never been a threat to his children. As a matter of fact he was the nurturing parent- the opposite of Kate.


Allowing Jon to drive onto the property is not the same as having him visit the children in the family home, which is what you suggested he petition the court for in the post to which I responded. I would agree that not allowing him to drive onto the property is over the top.

Ex Nurse said...

He referred to Kate in this tweet:
@xxxx there is nothing to tell, so dont follow me. they had enough over the last 6 years.go ask the other parent im not saying sh*t

Not necessary to mention her or use profanity--yet he did both. He is his own worst enemy. It was an immature response--he could have ignored the tweet or made simple factual statement.

Anonymous said...

Notice how Kate always says, "This mommy is exhausted, tiered, etc." Has Kate ever said, "This mommy is happy...just because."

Sure she tweets about the kids (in my opinion, it's a bad idea) but it's things that revolve around her and her feelings, when it suits her.

While Jon has said he won't talk about the kids so don't ask, I wish Kate would take this advice. Now, didn't she take Jon to court over his tweeting about the kids once or am I wrong? I mean I just don't get how she works.

Twittering and Twattering said...

anger issues, I think you are right!
Wow, just wow! I have a real smile on my face thinking that the truth may finally be told.


I don't understand why Jon is tweeting anything. Didn't he make the statement that he and the kids know the truth and that's all that matters? He doesn't need to defend himself.

Mel said...

Notice how Kate always says, "This mommy is exhausted, tiered, etc." Has Kate ever said, "This mommy is happy...just because."

Guess what she'll tweet tomorrow...

chefsummer #Leh said...

Why does he need to be on Twitter at all? Why not just keep everything about his life private?

Why does Kate need one.?

Why can't she keep her & the kids live private now that she's off TV.?

Why does she need her website.?

why can't she go on TV and not mention the kids or Jon.?

Anonymous said...

@Mel...boy don't I know it. I thought of that after I wrote it too. If it happens then she can't deny she isn't bothered by the negative comments. Please.

Jungle Magic said...

I am Twitter-challenged. Is there a page where you can read Jon's conversations (like Kate's page, Twazzup)?

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

AuntieAnn said... 36
Stay strong, Jon.
Indeed. He sounds like a man who's been pushed too far by his ex. "ask the other parent" sounds like the gloves are off.

Poor kids. I had kind of hoped this wouldn't happen.

I totally agree.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Kate is back in ROL. Here we go again. Another tanning salon visit. How bloody interesting. New hair style too.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

And I think it's time to lose the black leggings. Yes, Kate, we know you have lost weight. We know you want to show us how skinny you are. You are so predictable. Barf.

PJ's momma said...

Button Button, you are not wrong. Kate was indeed making the flag cake that she said she invented that's been around for decades, and not only Hannah, but a few of the kids were eating the last few berries and she yelled at them to STOP EATING!!!! I could not believe my eyes. What's the point of having a half a cup or so of leftover berries? Just let them finish them, wash the container, and be done with it! She didn't care about the berries, just the control. ~ Administrator said...

I have a book from 1985 that though is not a cookbook includes a picture of a family with a flag cake at a fourth of July party. I would love to scan that in and tweet it to Kate lol.

Layla said...

I'm trying to get caught up after a busy few days.
Re: Whole Foods in Rockville: it is not far from TLC/ Discovery HQ, so perhaps she was here to sign off on her TLC contracts (ending in Feb), and decided to stop and shop. In PA, the closest WF is more than an hour from her house, so it would make sense for her to stop since she was already there and it was nearby.
Regarding her "giving" Jon the van--if you remember the papers Hayley leaked, some of the notes were about the house and the van--I remember reading "house and van in kids' names". Maybe she and Jon are the kids' trustees, so she couldn't just sell the van without Jon signing off on it. It wouldn't be worth much, so she just signed it over to Jon. But I do think it was at least partially his to begin with.
I also think the lawyer whose name was on the house was a TLC lawyer. Kate would have wanted TLC to pay for as much as possible for the house, so maybe this lawyer was responsible for whatever TLC was paying toward the house. I bet TLC paid for all those upgrades, and this guy could have signed off on any paperwork realted to that. Once TLC was done with her, they didn't need someone to sign off on any more home improvements, and now it's all Kate's responsibility/burden. And it will be her burden for as long as she can keep up with it. Can't wait for summer--she gets to pay for her own lawn care, pool care, and all the rest. Oh, dear, didn't she complain about the roof leaking recently (I think she said there was a leak above the laundry room). Does she have any idea what a new roof would cost? She may be finding out soon.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Why does she put the kids to bed so early on Friday through the weekend.?

Pity Party said...

Wow, I looked at the pix of KT and Jon. Can I just say that KT looks rough and Jon looks tough. He is no longer the man that would stand there and let her slap in the face and call it a love tap and tell to stop playing the victim. He is a man now. KT looks more hard than ever. The hair, that zig zag part - her whole look screams look at me. At least now we know what she is looking at on the phone - she is waiting for M/J to say yes! Two peas in a pod, playing mind games! All KT wants is for her to go on the cruise and M/J is making her work for it. So funny.

librarylady said...

Wonder if Kate noticed that her 15 minutes of Google trending was, literally, 15 minutes. She is off...but the dingo is still in it at #7, lol!

PJ's momma said...

Those silver shoes are Guess. They have a class little rhinestone G dangling from the strap to go along with that classy little number she's wearing. That gossip site showing a closeup of her feet is priceless - she really does hang over. She must shop online and not try on or something.

PJ's momma said...

Where is Gosselin Give Back?, thanks for mentioning that ROL post. What a hoot! Look, I think she's thin. I'm built pretty much like that (size 4) but have no boobs. I do wear the skinny jeans/boots combo in fall/winter a lot because I love how it feels (especially in wet Seattle). I even have a couple very long sweaters and wear them with boots/leggings. But my (round, not flat) butt is covered by those sweaters because they are like mid-thigh dresses......and LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS!!! Why show the world a camel toe? Nobody wants to see a camel toe.
Why doesn't she see how she looks? The hair is awful, the clothes are usually laughable, etc. I hate to snark on someone's appearance, but I can't help it, because she spends a lot of time and money trying to look hip (and relevant) and fails almost every time.

ElisabethK said...

her day has come said... 63
Someone with a Twitter feed should make sure that Cindy Cardella (sp?) knows about the reaction to the Yahoo article.
February 23, 2012 4:03 PM
Cindy has been made aware of a lot of things about Kate via twitter. She doesn't care. She is a dim bulb and in it for the $$$ exclusively.

Ingrid said...

chefsummer said... 124 Why does she put the kids to bed so early on Friday

because the sitter went home and it's wine time?? lol

Fruit Of The Vine said...

because the sitter went home and it's wine time?? lol


Don't you mean WHINE time?

AuntieAnn said...

Ingrid said... 130

chefsummer said... 124 Why does she put the kids to bed so early on Friday

because the sitter went home and it's wine time?? lol
ha! Maybe the kids ARE tired on Friday night. They do put in a full week getting up early and spending half their days on the road (thanks to Ms Assholery) and in school, but something tells me it's really just Kate wanting to get rid of them so she can spend her Friday evening with that gray haired guy.

PJ's momma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PJ's momma said...

Sorry, quiet and boring evening at home here. I watched Ellen today and Bethenny Frankel (sp?) was on and she's getting a talk show, which Ellen is producing! AND she's going to do yet another show where she trades lives with people and she lives their life while they live hers. Sound familiar? Hmmmmm.......seems like Bethenny is living Kate's dream life: rich, has a good guy, and TWO shows. That's what a pleasing personality and hard work do for you.

ElisabethK said...

PJ's momma said... 127
Those silver shoes are Guess. They have a class little rhinestone G dangling from the strap to go along with that classy little number she's wearing. That gossip site showing a closeup of her feet is priceless - she really does hang over. She must shop online and not try on or something.
February 24, 2012 6:18 PM
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the Guess brand more for young girls in their teens and early twenties? Well, that would be typical for Kate to buy them because all her clothes look like she bought them in the junior's department.

Rachel said...

Totally OT - long time reader and have never posted before but I saw a pic of Kate fresh from her tanning session

and immediately thought of this

May make sense only to those familiar with Harry Potter but it made my night :)

sorry didn't know how to do the hyperlink thing

Anonymous said...

If, as has been speculated, she is officially finished with TLC, does anyone think she and Steve will make their 'relationship' public?


Ingrid said...

Wine AND whine time!

PJ's momma said...

Elise, Guess is marketed toward younger ladies. Remember those hideous red platforms in summer with the Daisy Dukes? Those were Guess too. I love Marshalls and see them there and they look.......young and shiny and maybe not well made but good enough.

PJ's momma said...

Rachel, that made my night! That is hysterical! Thanks for coming out and posting and please keep doing so!

Days Of Whine And Roses said...

If, as has been speculated, she is officially finished with TLC, does anyone think she and Steve will make their 'relationship' public?


Only if they caught with their pants down. ~ Administrator said...

Those tanning photos are another great example of why the whole I save money on lunches thing is so ridiculous. She cuts back when it comes to the kids but won't even cut back on tanning.

Who even tans anymore anyway? I thought that went out in like 2004.

Days Of Whine And Roses said...

Since Kate has lamented about her loneliness, the creeps on twitter are crawling out from under the rocks. There was one jerk last night who wanted to start his Kate Call Me Campaign. I checkdc out the link to his You Tube performance. Where do these guys come from? Oy. It was so pathetic.

Tonight there's another guy on there who asked Kate to marry him. Why do these jerks all look alike?

Next to the losers that are popping up, Iwana almost looks normal!

twits galore said...

I thought that the especially creepy looking guy who turned up on Twitter who said he loved kids was particularly awful.

These guys are so bad that I suspect some must be trolls. But on the other hand, who *would* Kate attract? A guy would have to be a pedophile, living a rich fantasy life, terminally stupid, or delusional to imagine that life with that shrew would be worth living.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Milo is pushing the "face to face" thank you... The dogs going on walks together... Weird.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏ @MiloandJack

@Kateplusmy8 I still want 2 THANK U face 2 face...heart 2 heart...tweet 2 tweet! 4 ur enormous kindness!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

librarylady said... 126

Wonder if Kate noticed that her 15 minutes of Google trending was, literally, 15 minutes. She is off...but the dingo is still in it at #7, lol!


This made me laugh out aloud, Librarylady! And I keep hearing Elaine on "Seinfeld" saying, "Maybe the dingo ate your ratings." : )

Kirkland said...

I am Twitter-challenged. Is there a page where you can read Jon's conversations (like Kate's page, Twazzup)?


Jungle Magic, I like this site to read Jon's twitters:

He's Choosing to Remain in the Spotlight said...

Teresa said... 82
Hand raised here for not putting Jon's tweets on this blog. He's been living quietly for 2 years now we should respect that. Leave him alone, he's been through enough. Let him heal.


In my experience, people "living quietly" don't give tabloid interviews. If he is so interested in living a private life, he can start by not talking to the press. ~ Administrator said...

In my experience, people "living quietly" don't give tabloid interviews.


It's easy for those other people to live quietly when they aren't trashed constantly in the public by their ex for three years. It's very easy for some people to go away because others in their life support them in that. Not only are all of Kate's mud slinging damaging in all the others ways it is, but it is extremely disrespectful to a person who has said many times they just want to go away. She keeps inserting the name of someone who has begged for his privacy. It is vile. It is no better than when someone asks their stalker to please stop, and they don't. Jon asked everyone to please let him be normal and private, and Kate wouldn't. It is sociopathic.

It doesn't surprise me at all Jon is sick and tired of not having a voice, and I don't blame him one bit. Enough is enough.

anger issues kate said...

Geez, the tanning is taking it's toll on Kate. Have you notice her neck and chin. A lot of sagging there, some what looks like age spots. I bring this up, cause of the whole thing about 2 weeks ago about tanning beds and the danger and damage they cause to skin and I watched for about 10 min of Dr Oz today and they were talking about skin aging. Geez, I'm 16 years older than her and my neck and chin are not wrinkled, or sagging. I like being pale, if I choose to be tan it comes out of a bottle. Instant tan. There are some other pics of her and sleeveless dress and orange colr pattern one and you can see the age spots on her shoulders and arms and chest. They are not freckles. the tanning bed is excelling her skin to age. Stupid fool, by time she is in her 40's she will start to look like a prune.

Anonymous said...

Kate's so healthy and into all her organic crap. But she tans in a tanning bed. Stupid Kate don't you know you could get skin cancer? get spray tanned its safer.

LoriT said...

After looking at the pictures on Radar Online.. Like Dr. Drew said "Isn't she pretty"? ~ Administrator said...

Kate often makes me think of that book Picture of Dorian Grey.

All her exercising and organic and salads will do nothing to help her skin if she tans it all away.

Anonymous said...

Kate looks older than 36. Wait until she's 40 after all that tanning.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Kate's so healthy and into all her organic crap. But she tans in a tanning bed. Stupid Kate don't you know you could get skin cancer? get spray tanned its safer


She said that she's allergic to spray tanning:

"A: thank you for the compliments but I’m not proud to admit that I use the tanning bed occasionally to get that glow! I am allergic to self tanners and spray tans and since I live in Pa, my only option is the “fake bake!” :("

Warmth Of The Sun said...

It doesn't surprise me at all Jon is sick and tired of not having a voice, and I don't blame him one bit. Enough is enough.


I don't blame him, either. There comes a time when he just wants to scream to tell his side of the story. But, what is it going to solve? Make him feel better? Maybe. But the Jon Gosselin haters are never going to believe a word he says; the sheeple are going to attack him unmercifully. Look what Kate's Twitter has become. They have even gone so far as to call "haters" places of employment. All this is going to do is to give the sheeple a platform to attack. I don't have good feelings about this.

Nobody is going to win in this.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

...and what's it going to do to the kids, having their father speak out, hearing that he's in the tabloids again, finding out that he's tweeting so he can have a voice? It's bad enough that their mother bashes him and most likely has poisoned their minds against him. Is it in their best interest for both parents to do battle on a public playground? ~ Administrator said...

Jon's not "doing battle." All he said was if you want information about the kids ask Kate. That's all he said about her! Hardly a showdown at OK corral. ~ Administrator said...

and since I live in Pa, my only option is the “fake bake!” :("


Doesn't she know about the option to NOT TAN AT ALL and save the kids' money???? Mom to admire my ass.

it's high school all over again said...



I think you mean accelerating.

She keeps inserting the name of someone who has begged for his privacy.

Jon knows exactly what he's doing. He knows alll about the mudslinging back and forth on these blogs. He used to participate years ago. He's crazy for wanting to become 'public' again. What good can come out of this? Kate was doing just fine digging her own hole. So much for wanting his 'privacy'. What a dummy.

Anonymous said...

Kate doesn't need a tan.

Anonymous said...

Jon's free to talk about his own life on twitter. He's not talking about Kate or his kids.

Love For Sale said...

Another one! Kate, how can you be lonely when you have such a fine entourage of willing, eligible young men who want to court you?

Okay seriously!?!?! I love you, @Kateplusmy8, and no matter how many times stupid people attack me for it, It only fuels my love more!!!

He's Choosing to Remain in the Spotlight said... (Administrator) said... 149
In my experience, people "living quietly" don't give tabloid interviews.


It's easy for those other people to live quietly when they aren't trashed constantly in the public by their ex for three years. It's very easy for some people to go away because others in their life support them in that. Not only are all of Kate's mud slinging damaging in all the others ways it is, but it is extremely disrespectful to a person who has said many times they just want to go away. She keeps inserting the name of someone who has begged for his privacy. It is vile. It is no better than when someone asks their stalker to please stop, and they don't. Jon asked everyone to please let him be normal and private, and Kate wouldn't. It is sociopathic.


If he feels he must respond, he can do so without selling an interview to Star. Please -- he is doing it for the $, not because poor Jon Gosselin needs to have a voice. Wake up. ~ Administrator said...

We have no idea if he was paid. Star may have been the only platform that was interested in a story. Face it, only a few mediums even run stories on either of them in the first place. I just don't think it's fair to impose all these motivations on a situation we know nothing about.

If Jon wanted to make real money, he could call up TLC and tell them to start making specials and he'll even participate. THey would jump at the chance.

Anonymous said...

Kate's Choosing to Remain in the Spotlight. Why is she doing interviews ? her shows over and no one will ever give her another tv show again. Kate needs to get over herself she's no celebrity .

wayward said... (Administrator) said... 142
Those tanning photos are another great example of why the whole I save money on lunches thing is so ridiculous. She cuts back when it comes to the kids but won't even cut back on tanning.

Who even tans anymore anyway? I thought that went out in like 2004

I'm really surprised she hasn't bought a tanning bed for her house. They are affordable for even the most mediocre people, she has probably paid for one 3 or 4 times over by still going to a salon. Maybe she knows she would overuse it if was in her house. Either that or she grifted free tanning from the salon.

I know someone who had her own tanning bed. Her son was in the same preschool class as mine. She was always brown and toasty. Her son went to a different school district so I lost touch with her until I ran in to her at the mall a couple months ago. It had been about 15 yrs since I saw her, she looked SO OLD! I hardly recognized her. She just looked hard, wrinkled and wizened and she's only a year older than me.

I'm sure Kate has received many lectures from medical staff about what she is doing to her skin and health. As usual, Kate ignores facts and just does what she wants. Does she really think cancer gives a shit that "no nvr means no 2 me"? Real, legitimate, talented, established actresses and TV personalities do not do this to their skin. They might get a little color on vacation, but the rest of the time they use sunscreen religiously. While Kate stubbornly clings to her 2004 barfly look. As Dr. Phil would say "how's that workin' for ya?"

PJ's momma said...

Even if Jon got paid, he didn't say anything! He said he loves the kids, wants to be a good dad, admitted he needs to work on himself but is in a good place, and that's it. Kate is interviewed over and over and over, and not locally either. She flies cross country, away from her kids, to be interviewed at a mall and it's never aired. She goes to New York to be on morning shows, was in LA weekly on DWTS, went to Australia, Las Vegas, and many other places, without her kids, and someone always gives her air time, which she uses to passive-aggressively slam her ex husband. He didn't say a word about her.

Come on, it's not the same thing. ~ Administrator said...

Even if Jon got paid, he didn't say anything! He said he loves the kids, wants to be a good dad, admitted he needs to work on himself but is in a good place, and that's it.


Exactly. If he is divulging secrets or slamming Kate that's one thing. The interview told us nothing except things are going well.

If anything a few interviews now and again might help to keep people "satisfied" and stop hounding him, not to mention diverts a bit of attention onto kids. Lots of stars who hate the press do this anyway just to keep people from bugging them constantly, as long as Kate wants to be in the public eye Jon will be bugged constantly and a few interviews that essentially say "nothing" is not the worst idea to deal with this constant problem. ~ Administrator said...

I mean diverts attention AWAY from the kids, not onto them. ~ Administrator said...

Tanning beds are really affordable? What about electricity they have to use a lot of it right?

Downeaster Alexa said...

"Those tanning photos are another great example of why the whole I save money on lunches thing is so ridiculous. She cuts back when it comes to the kids but won't even cut back on tanning."


Could the tanning be comped, something given to her in a gift card by a fan, or as payment for promotion of a product...or because the owners of the salon may be fans?

Downeaster Alexa said...

Admin - tanning bed prices where she tans...

Ex Nurse said...

I don't really care, one way or the other, whether Jon made his tweets public. I am having cognitive dissonance around the fact that he has been so insistent that his privacy be respected. I am a private person--this is the only blog I participate in and I do it under a pseudonym. My actions match my words--no Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking. What you see is what you get. I just don't understand why he worked so hard to appear that he has receded into life as a private citizen. Time will tell if this part of a bigger plan for some kind of comeback.

In any case, Sounds like a good thing that he is spending some time being alone with himself.

clear head said...

I am having cognitive dissonance around the fact that he has been so insistent that his privacy be respected. I am a private person--this is the only blog I participate in and I do it under a pseudonym. My actions match my words--no Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking. What you see is what you get. I just don't understand why he worked so hard to appear that he has receded into life as a private citizen. Time will tell if this part of a bigger plan for some kind of comeback.


Exactly Ex Nurse! I'm the same way. It appears Jon is the real 'Oxy moron'. LOL Wonder how far he'll go in the next coming days and weeks. Today was only Day 1. Time will tell indeed, but IMO, he's not exactly off to a great start today.

not boding well said...

Please read from top to bottem.

Jon tweeted: @BitchNasty new with what? be more specific BitchNasty

12 hours ago - web

BitchNasty tweeted: Just wants to talk about himself, what else is new RT @jongosselin1: Please sont ask me about the kids, I will not answer about them.

12 hours ago from Echofon

Jon tweeted: @BitchNasty huh? you sure do alot of guessing

12 hours ago - web

BitchNasty tweeted: @jongosselin1 to brag about so I'm guessing yeah you are.

12 hours ago from Echofon

jon gosselin tweeted: @BitchNasty Really? Apparently you are doing some heavy reading, u dont know jack about me, hahaha

12 hours ago - web

BitchNasty tweeted: @jongosselin1 well the only time you ever get reflective and give a shit about your kids is when you are alone and don't have someone

12 hours ago from Echofon


Just the fact that he's engaging a Kate fan is enough proof to me that Jon is acting immature.

Rise above Jon! You can do it!

it's kind of ridiculous, actually said...

Again, read from top to bottem. Why engage in this? I get he probably needs to vent but really? "Bring it on"?? Also, he totally aware "people love to hate" so again, why engage these people?

jon gosselin tweeted: @stardust_40 oh you know thats going to happen, i have three years to deal with them, bring it on. try me! people love to hate

11 hours ago - web

stardust_40 tweeted: @jongosselin1 hope you don't get a lot of crazies now that your public :/

11 hours ago from UberSocial for Android

jon gosselin tweeted: @BitchNasty @quadboys_granny who's the idiot, you are the one bashing me on my own twitter, go join a hate group that cares ;-(

11 hours ago - web

BitchNasty tweeted: @jongosselin1 @quadboys_granny oh yeah I'm butt hurt..I'll go sit in the corner and cry now. Haha you're an idiot.

12 hours ago from Echofon

smells fishy to me said...

So....Jon is reconnecting with PR and talent companies....hmmmmm....I smell something funny...I hope to hell I'm wrong about this but it truly sounds like Jon is 'looking' for a way back 'in' :(

jon gosselin tweeted: @mikehellertr @MattyKTalent @TalentResources i am looking forward to a nice nyc dinner. Thx for the invite, c u guys soon.

5 hours ago - Twitter for...

mikehellertr tweeted: @jongosselin1 @mattyktalent @talentresources we missed you and look forward to you getting back to nyc for dinner

7 hours ago from Twitter for iPhone

jon gosselin tweeted: Shout out to my boys in NYC @mattyktalent @mikehellertr @talentresources been a long time

7 hours ago - HTC Peep

Berks Neighbor said...

Difference between Jon and Kate re: PR. Kate uses the kids and her psuedo "mom" status for attention. Jon is keeping the kids private and defending himself. He's been walked all over for years. Good for him to stand up to hate. (as long as he leaves the kids and Kate out of it - which he's done so far).
The rabid sheeple are doing what the rabid khaters on twitter do. And what's being tweeted about to Jon is nothing new. There are a few rabid sheeple who have nearly hourly said awful things about Jon on twitter. Good for him to set the record straight.

mscatie said...

Berks Neighbor said... 179
Difference between Jon and Kate re: PR. Kate uses the kids and her psuedo "mom" status for attention. Jon is keeping the kids private and defending himself. He's been walked all over for years. Good for him to stand up to hate. (as long as he leaves the kids and Kate out of it - which he's done so far).
Absolutely agree, Berks Neighbor!

A few years ago Jon's life was falling apart. His marriage was in turmoil and he wanted to be off, and get his kids off national go private and work on his home life. It must have been a terribly painful, confusing time compounded by the fact that TLC had such an iron grip on his family and their lives.

Kate sided with TLC and enthusiastically continued the exploitation of their kids which left Jon virtually powerless. He admits he made many mistakes along the way and each misstep was sensationalized tabloid fodder. Who wouldn't speak out and say, "I want my privacy"? Not to mention it seems TLC had him under a gag order for many years which left him little choice.

But time passes, things change and some wounds heal. Let's hope the strain between Jon and Kate has healed to some degree for the sake of the kids.

Kudos to Jon and his tweet saying he's not going to talk about the kids. Isn't that what we've wanted to hear all along? Give the kids their privacy, let them grow without the public knowing every detail of their lives. I can't fault him for setting the ground rules up front.

BUT AS LONG AS JON PUTS HIS KIDS, THEIR PRIVACY AND THEIR WELFARE FIRST, I say, "go for it". This is a new chapter in his life. How long do we hold his feet to the fire?

Berks Neighbor said...

What disturbs me most are sheeple who tweet things like this:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@XXXXXXXXX @jongosselin1 I invested time in your family as did all of ur fans. Just wanted to know how ur kids were doing.

This is what Jon is dealing with. Sheeple and former fans who think the kids OWE it to them for the time they spent watching the show. It's sad and scary, and the fact that Kate keeps pimping out her kids makes it even more difficult for Jon to give those kids the private life they deserve.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Berks Neighbor said... 181
What disturbs me most are sheeple who tweet things like this:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@XXXXXXXXX @jongosselin1 I invested time in your family as did all of ur fans. Just wanted to know how ur kids were doing.

This is what Jon is dealing with. Sheeple and former fans who think the kids OWE it to them for the time they spent watching the show. It's sad and scary, and the fact that Kate keeps pimping out her kids makes it even more difficult for Jon to give those kids the private life they deserve.


It really is sad and scary.

It seems that as time goes by, more creepier fans are popping up. Didn't we all say it here that this is not going to end well? It's going to get really ugly in the land of Jon vs. Kate vs. sheeple vs. creepy sheeples before this whole thing finally implodes.

I don't know what kind of power Jon's freedom of speech is going to get him, but I pray that he will successfully yank his kids out of this mess.

As for Kate, the creeps can have her.
They will be her consolation, "hell on earth" boobie prize for all the years, and YEARS of being a rotten person.

Once a Viewer said...

Re: Jon

I think he's gone to public twitter to reconnect with old friends,maybe now that's he's single after the break-up w/ Ellen. If he's not tweeting about the kids, no reason to have his tweets on here. I hope he doesn't backslide,though. and yes,he does look 'tough' and heavyset now...

Re: Kate

Planning a party for Mady and her friends? Or HER friends (hee) I guess we'll get the menu and pics later...but Go Mady!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate can probably put all her sheeple to good use- she can make them her personal slaves. They will compliment her, do her bidding, never talk back, clean for her, shop for her, babysit for her etc...

Her will is their command.

How about it, Katie Irene?
A colony of zombie sheeples?

AuntieAnn said...

Just a guess but this whole twitter thing might be Jon's way of getting Kate to STFU about their kids on twitter. If anyone knows how to pop the lid on that sardine brain of hers, he does. He lived with her for ten years and knows better than anyone what makes her back off. Maybe he has something on her that she'd rather not have anyone know. So what if he has to coerce her into silence, he should be allowed to do that much after all the bashing he's had to take from her.

mim said...

A colony of zombie sheeples?

I think that's already a done deal.

Jumping In said...

Ex Nurse.....Like you,this is my single foray in to the world of public opinion, also while remaining Anonymous. This blog is where I offer my observations and thoughts on a family broken by fame. My advice to both Kate and Jon Gosselin would be to shut down the Twitter accounts, grow up, and don't allow this nonsense to descend in to a 'War Of The Roses', Twitter style. ~ Administrator said...

I don't think it's working. Kate just announced Mady's play is tonight.

She realizes it's so easy to find the school right? Anyone could walk in!

It's one thing to tweet AFTER the fact, but she just gave every stalker a full eight hours to get there. ~ Administrator said...

As long as he keeps the kids out of it, which he obviously has, I don't see a thing wrong with this public twitter account or talking to PR people. For all we know he could be considering speaking engagements about being a single dad, the dangers of reality tv, co-parenting, etc. Things that are hardly slimy. He might be able to do some real good here.

If I were to be upset with Jon for exploring all his options out there, that would mean I need to somehow be mad at every celebrity with children who makes a living from time to time doing something in the public eye. Or for that matter, any politician or anyone in the public eye. Of course that's silly. As long as the kids are left out of it, people are allowed to make money off their personality and there is nothing on its face immoral about that. Thousands do it every day.

Comparisons to us and how WE love to stay private (which, I do) are apples and oranges and beyond. I assume most of us do not have someone like Kate constantly inserting our names in the court of public opinion day after day for three years. And I assume most of us are not recognized on the street every day. How easy for us to sit back and proclaim how we love to stay private when we don't have that little problem. I do love to stay private, but I can't imagine how I would feel having someone like Kate do what she is doing to Jon.

AuntieAnn said...

I don't think it's working. Kate just announced Mady's play is tonight.
I guess it isn't. Sigh.

I can't imagine how frustrating it must have been to live with that cow. She does what she wants to get what she wants. So if something awful happens to one of those kids, that will just give her what she wants which is more attention. That's just sick. ~ Administrator said...

PennParent, TOO MUCH INFORMATION. And please stop changing your name.

Anonymous said...

RealZiggyFlo ‏ @RealZiggyFlo
@jongosselin1 Jon, I'm really glad things are going well for you and you seem to be in a good place. I mean that.
also saw that CJWHodunit kate FANatic tweeting Jon something positive. Kate will seethe. Hopefully tho, seeing people support Jon will make her finally shut about him and stop trying to make him the bad seed.

WHen you think about it..Jon really went thru hell. He was called every name in the book from even JAY LENO!!. HE has been called a cheater and deadbeat so many times by the media. took great restraint to not lash out. Im sure now..he wants to get back out there emotionally. Network for business and plan for his future.
I think he has a right. One can only take so much. He replies without lying and Im fine with that.


Plenty of Creepy to Go Around said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 182
Berks Neighbor said... 181
What disturbs me most are sheeple who tweet things like this:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@XXXXXXXXX @jongosselin1 I invested time in your family as did all of ur fans. Just wanted to know how ur kids were doing.

This is what Jon is dealing with. Sheeple and former fans who think the kids OWE it to them for the time they spent watching the show. It's sad and scary, and the fact that Kate keeps pimping out her kids makes it even more difficult for Jon to give those kids the private life they deserve.


It really is sad and scary.

It seems that as time goes by, more creepier fans are popping up. Didn't we all say it here that this is not going to end well? It's going to get really ugly in the land of Jon vs. Kate vs. sheeple vs. creepy sheeples before this whole thing finally implodes.
Funny how you leave the creepy non-fans out of the mix. I suppose they are all sweet, innocent flowers who just happen to spend hours each day tweeting vile things to/about Kate.

Anon-e-Mouse Today said...

I do love to stay private, but I can't imagine how I would feel having someone like Kate do what she is doing to Jon.


That's why you rise above it. It takes a very strong person to refrain from venting in a public forum, even though every ounce of your being wants to tell your side. I don't know what he hopes to accomplish. The sheeple are crazy. They are going to hate him no matter what he says or does. He is never going to convince anyone to see his side. Why is he saying, "Bring it on?" It sounds like he wants to engage these people. For what purpose? You can't reason with them.

It must be horrible not to be able to blow off steam, but this situation is not like every celebrity or politician who is on Twitter or other social networks. This is an entirely different ballgame.

I know Jon. He's a good person. I have always been in his camp, but after reading some of the back and forth jockeying with sheeple, I just don't know what good can come out of this.

I think that as we get older, mature, and have more life experiences under our belts we can look back and ask ourselves why we made the choices that we did, and perhaps it really wasn't the best thing we could have done in a situation. We are able to weigh our options more carefully than we could when we were younger. We often are less impulsive. I hope that in the years to come he's not going to look back on this and think, "that really wasn't the best approach to take in that situation." Time will tell.

Once a Viewer said...

You can probably go to the school website and find out a LOT about the kids' schedule too.Kate should not have announced the play at all. I agree it's dangerous to announce specific plans in advance etc.

And as for Jon, he has done nothing 'wrong' as far as the kids go to my I am not pronouncing judgment. I hope his life continues to be relatively peaceful and drama-free. Protecting the kids' privacy is a good thing for him to do. Idk why he went public with Twitter but as long as it doesn't involve the children, that's his business. ~ Administrator said...

That's why you rise above it. It takes a very strong person to refrain from venting in a public forum, even though every ounce of your being wants to tell your side.


That's my point! How easy for us to say just rise above it. No one here, that I know of, has ever had someone like Kate trash their name in a public forum for THREE YEARS STRAIGHT. I know it's the old "walk in his shoes" argument but in this case, it's true. I think having worked with some victims of parental alienation has colored my judgment a bit. I've seen how downright TORTURED the other parent made them feel, it is insanely awful. It's not good for your mental health to lay down and die.

And for goodness sake people act like he went on a rampage. Not at all. He's mostly just giving little updates about himself. All he said about Kate was ask her if you want to know about the kids--that's the truth, frankly.

Also surprising that some of the most rabid sheeple are tweeting support of Jon--I don't trust it, who knows. ~ Administrator said...

Funny how you leave the creepy non-fans out of the mix.


We've talked about the creepy non-fans ad nauseum here.

Canuck said...

I think Jon has shown considerable restraint this past year or two while his ex-wife has dragged him through the mud at every opportunity. And continues to bash him even now, 2-3 years after their divorce! I don't know where to find it, but on a fairly recent interview she finally admitted "Jon always wanted to quit" - this is the real reason for her tears and ongoing malice. He pulled the plug on her voracious appetite for fame. She has proven that she can't succeed on her own - she has nothing to offer. And she is enraged about it. As for Jon, none of us know for sure if he's been under some sort of TLC muzzle or contract all this time, but evidently if that was true, it's not true today! I say this...what's good for the goose is good for the gander. He's already stated that he will not exploit his children or invade their privacy as their mother does. Anything else? I say he should do exactly what she's done - if he can make a buck, why not? I think he should be able to write a book, write a blog, hawk products, give interviews, go on DWTS, co-host talk shows - whatever he wants. He has that right. These blogs were created from outrage over Kate's use and abuse of her children for fame. If Jon doesn't hurt his kids, I think he too should be able to profit from whatever he can. And to add a bit of snark, I hope he writes a tell-all book about his ex-wife! It couldn't be any worse than what she's done and left out there on the internet for her kids to read. Just my opinion.

Plenty of Creepy to Go Around said... (Administrator) said... 197
Funny how you leave the creepy non-fans out of the mix.


We've talked about the creepy non-fans ad nauseum here.


The comment was not directed at you. It was in reference to the specific post that I cited and my statement was accurate. ~ Administrator said...

I don't think that poster is unaware about the creepy non fans. They are sometimes worse than the fans when it comes to attention, reposting their vile garbage often just makes it worse. ~ Administrator said...

Canuck, I agree with most of what you said except I don't think he should write a book if it would hurt the kids or trash their mom. If he can do it without doing that, by all means.

We all know Kate has done bad things with her fame. But there are plenty of people that are able to do very GOOD things with fame. If you take enjoyment from seeing anyone on TV or in the movies or listening to music, then it's hypocritical to ask Jon not to explore the same kind of entertainment career as long as the kids are left out of it. It is some logic to expect someone to not be in the public eye when thousands of other people with kids do it every day and no one here has complained. Jon isn't any different. One thing that always bothered me the most was when Jon said TLC said he couldn't do a Superbowl commercial. That could have brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars for his children's college funds that Kate couldn't seem to fill. And I don't see how that hurts the kids one bit. If anything they'd have the cool dad in the Superbowl commercial. But because TLC was vindictive and controlling, they wouldn't let him do it. Now that he is free of TLC, maybe it's time he feel like he can do what he wants. It must be an amazing feeling to be able to say yes or no without having to consult TLC. I don't blame this guy one bit.

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