We're catching up on some lost Recaps. And since we've been discussing how Kate has grifted her way through the past seven years, what a perfect episode to recap: Giving Back.
Coming up on Kate Plus 8! Oh how I love ironies. Kate and the kids are headed to Tennessee to volunteer at a food bank. But then after, (here comes the ironic part) as a reward for her one-time hard work selflessly helping others, Kate gets a colossally awesome freebie: She gets to drive a NASCAR race car around a track. The dream of so many blue-blooded Americans come true for her just like that. You would think she is Aladdin the way her life has turned out. Only, the bottle never runs out of wishes. Where are the kids, you ask? Why, they're on the sidelines watching Mommy get her freebie. Where's their reward?
Kate (i.e. the producers) thought it would be great to give back and feed the hungry, so they went to Johnson City, Tennessee to volunteer at a food bank called Second Harvest. This is so funny, for the amount of money it took to haul Kate, eight kids, Jamie, Steve and a production crew all the way to Tennessee, a thousand people could have had nice full bellies tonight. Maybe no food banks in PA wanted her? They were concerned what with Kate's view on portion control the homeless actually might leave Kate's food bank more hungry than when they went in? In all seriousness though, TLC had partnered with Second Harvest for awhile now, so that's the connection.
On the shuttle bus to Second Harvest, Kate lectures the kids: "When I go to do stuff like this I just try to keep an open mind and see where I can learn and what I can do."
What "stuff" like this has Kate ever done? No seriously, I want to know. We all know Kate is a taker and never a giver, to an embarrassing degree. This is the one time she gives back and it was only because they were trying to give the show a makeover during abysmal ratings. The trips were boring and no one cared, Australia was a ratings failure, and Kate herself even said they wanted to rework the show into a charity show (a plan that apparently fizzled out after this episode couldn't even draw more than a million viewers). "This is only the beginning for us! This is going to be the beginning of the Gosselin Give Back!" Kate told a local journalist in Tennessee. It's been a year, when will that giving back be starting up again? Also, is it really giving back when you're getting paid to film an episode? Did she donate her salary to charity too?
Mady would prefer to help out at some kind of animal charity. "They don't talk as much," she says. I can see why a kid who lives with Kate would appreciate that.
Some sincere Second Harvest worker named Rhonda is very excited that Kate and Co. is coming to help out. It's both sweet and kind of sad how open people are to Kate despite her history of mass exploitation and well, cruelty to her kids--and others. There are a lot of good people out there. Or maybe they just don't know who Kate is and what she is about.
Kate urges the kids to think about the fact that there are people who are hungry and do not have enough to eat. Kate, they don't need to think about it, they live it!
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twitter.com/Kateplusmy8 |
The kids look confused and guilty when Kate says this to them, which I don't like. The way to teach kids to help others is not to guilt them about it. There are better ways to teach them about this other than guilt-trip lectures.
Rhonda shows everyone around. The little kids pile onto the food scale. They weigh 275 pounds total. At 45 pounds average per six-year-old (this was filmed in March 2011), thankfully that sounds pretty healthy. They probably fill up at Jon's.
They tour the warehouse where the dry food is stored. Second Harvest has posted up notes from people they have helped. They are really touching actually. One is about how one family was living in a tent and Second Harvest's food kept them alive. Kate seems touched by these notes, and yet I think she's full of it. If she really cared about the needy, she would tell her fans to stop sending her gifts and give to Second Harvest instead. Until then, this is all an act for ratings. And she's done virtually nothing since this episode to continue giving back. She just keeps taking! If there's anything more selfish than never giving to the needy, it's using the needy in order to try to boost your own ratings and make more money for yourself.
They head to the kids' area to help pack up plastic bags with lunches of donated food. The kids seem to really be having fun. It would be great if their selfish and fake mother would do things like this with them more often. Oh, plastic bag cam! Snazzy, TLC.
Coming up! Kate and the kids scream uncouthly at a hard-working Second Harvest guy named Scott. By the way, this episode is a torturous hour long, so I hope you've buckled your seat belts.
We're back. They go into a huge freezer to see the perishable food. Walk in freezers scare me ever since I saw this old Lifetime movie about a call girl who murders her rich client and puts his body in his socialite wife's walk in freezer. His wife finally finds it at the end of the movie as the call girl chases her through the house trying to kill her too. Remember when schmaltzy lazy Saturday afternoon stuff like that was what made Lifetime so dang good? What happened?
"It was cold," is about the extent of Kate and the kids' description of this freezer part. Rhonda is still excited about Kate. Sweet innocent Rhonda. They box up some cans. Rhonda is doing a fine job explaining to the kids what to do but of course Kate has to interrupt with her loud two cents. Actually, in stingy Kate's case, she would keep her two cents, and even make you give her yours.
Scott, one of the Harvest Bank workers, wondered if it would be crazy and chaotic to work with the kids because he's seen them on T.V., but he's pleasantly surprised that in person the kids aren't at all like the characters they play on T.V.! Isn't it lovely that thanks to your T.V. show a perfect stranger thinks your kids are crazy and chaotic? Talk about setting kids up to fail. Also, Scott was suckered just like a lot of viewers. These are perfectly calm and nice kids, Kate just wants us to think life is crazy and chaotic because that's more dramatic and brings in more ratings. Eight well-behaved quiet little goslings, even if that's how they are in reality, really does not make good reality T.V. Kate and then the kids scream at Scott. "Scott, get over here!" one of the girls demands. Ugh, unbelievable. Kate, who started this whole thing, now says that the kids need to be polite. Like starting a fire and running away, that's Kate for you.
Kate is truly shocked at how much fun they had, which frankly, I find just sad. What wouldn't be fun about this? A big group of happy people, helping others, laughing and joking, and you even get to spend time with your kids. Of course this is fun. There is nothing not fun about this, except maybe that cameras are there to exploit it. "Fun comes in the oddest places sometimes!" Kate exclaims in disbelief. I think maybe she is used to fun being a comped hotel room, a silver-haired stud with an accent, and a bottle of Sake. Yes, fun can indeed be odd.
That afternoon, they go to a school to deliver the lunches they compiled earlier. A well-meaning school principal is also excited about this whole thing and is really encouraging to the kids.
Later, they head to the Salvation Army soup kitchen. The kids are tired and grouchy and some of them push each other as they get off the shuttle bus. This has been a long day and the last thing you want to do is make kids equate charity work with exhaustion and irritability. But alas, there's an episode to make and time to fill. Must keep filming. They tour the kitchen with Major Elliot. Kate confuses everyone by explaining that people come here for dinner who don't have mommies to make it for them. Really? This is a soup kitchen for orphans?
No of course not, Kate, people who cannot afford food in general come here. Orphans and non-orphans alike. There is an industrial size sheet tray of chocolate cake. Mmm. These portion sizes must be so overwhelming for Kate. She must feel like a midget. Sorry, little person. Thanks, LPBW! They help serve the food, but there is a lot more bickering this time. It's just too long of a day at this point. I hate when Kate uses the word "which" to mean "and." Aaden says the needy kids came to the soup kitchen because "they don't have as much food as we do." Is he sure about that?
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A reminder, again. |
Some kitchen volunteer says the needy kids were really excited to meet the Gosselin kids. That makes them sound like an attraction and a side show, and I don't like that. They are kids too no different than the kids getting served food. It's creepy to suggest otherwise.
Kate awkwardly talks to some of the needy kids, saying awkward things that embarrass them like "you're cute!" It's times like this I do feel a bit sorry for her, because her social skills are so abysmal I don't know how you would begin to fix that but I would start with a wrench and a jackhammer and lots of prayer.
Kate waxes on about how important it is to her for the kids to want to help other people. I'll give her credit, she seems to know what to say that sounds good, but she never does follow through. She is a talker, rarely a doer, and I hate talkers. Also, most successful people are doers not talkers, so it's surprising she's still hanging on here.
Kate does some boring radio spots the next morning to promote the food drive later that day. Um, um, and uhhhhh like, we're donation? is the extent of this part. Plus Kate dropping anvils that she just wishes and hopes she could drive a NASCAR race car someday. I wonder if anyone will make this dream come true for this poor kid with cancer! What's that? Kate is not a kid and doesn't have cancer? Coulda fooled me.
The kids are still cranky. Volunteering is great, but this vacation is turning into a lot of volunteering for such little kids. Truly, if you want a kid to want to ever do this again, better to start them off with a few hours at a time, not one long marathon week of it. It's too bad this experience could be turning them off from volunteer work forever. Leave it to Kate to screw this up. Kate spends an awful lot of time explaining how usually if the kids don't want to do something, she doesn't make them, but this time since it was a once in a lifetime experience she made them. (Why would volunteer work be such a once in a lifetime thing? Food banks are everywhere!) Not sure how I feel about that one. This is a nice opportunity, but the kids are tired too and they've already worked so much the past couple days. I do sense some defensiveness in Kate's tone over making her kids do this when they didn't really want to. She is very defensive of every single one of her questionable choices, which just indicates how wrong she knows she could be, and often is, deep down. Kate says people are going to take pictures of them and it's okay. Um, no it's not okay actually.
"I don't want to," Hannah says as they arrive at the food drive. If you don't want to you can wait in the bus, Kate tells them. Oh for God sake.
This is difficult to watch. There are tons of creepy fans everywhere. Fans approach the kids, take pictures, shake their hands. The kids look frightened to say the least. A couple of them are hiding back behind Kate. Even Kate admits they're not used to this like she is. I don't even want to think about what could happen to Cara and Mady on the cruise and how wrong it is to expose them to fans. I think this is way too much to throw on them at once with but a two-second warning on the bus beforehand. Please abort this. Abort! Kate says the kids are doing fine, the ones that want to do this anyway. No, they are not. Look at their faces! God, what a witch. Hannah isn't wearing an event t-shirt like the others and can be seen in the background sitting down on the floor with Jamie behind the table. Only the Golden Child could get away with that. But I have to say I find it interesting that Hannah, Kate's favorite, is the one who is most freaked out by everything Kate loves about being famous to the point where she won't even participate. But good for her.
They interview some fans who gush about how great it was to meet the kids. Blech. It scares me that several of them appear to have young children of their own. I love Sheeple No. 1, who starts to say that everyone loves Kate, and then cuts herself off and amends it to say well, everyone loves the kids at least. Ha, that was great.
Some young mother actually says it's great for Kate to get out places and show the kids. Jeepers, what are they, prized rose bushes? Sheeple No. 3, you're a charming and pretty Southern young lady but please get yourself some education about this mess! Start with the Evidence of Exploitation and Essential Reading sections of this blog.
Kate bitches a long while about how much easier it is to be famous when those dang kids don't come along and she has to watch them. Sigh, being a star is so tough. Oh, there's Steve behind Kate, looking for snipers and ready to whisk Kate off stage and into her limo in the rain should an emergency arise. It actually is raining, which several sheeple apologize to Kate for as if they can control such a thing, so it's a perfect set-up for a dramatic reenactment. Please do not make me Photoshop this picture, it would be sacrilegious.
Look, we all know Kate much prefers to do her famous thing without the kids if the past six months is any indication. But judging by their reactions here maybe it's for the better.
More gushing sheeple and your creep-o meter will go off the charts here so you've been forewarned. It might remind you of what goes on on Twitter these days, only this is in person. Sheeple No. 4 shows her hospital bracelets and said she's under strict doctor's orders to be on bed rest for a week but came out to see Kate because she's her number one fan. Although she might be in the top five, I honestly don't believe Sheeple No. 4 can really hold a candle to Kate's number one fan, maybe if she drags herself to the food drive gushing blood and puss out of an open flesh wound I'd let her be number one, but I digress. Other sheeple are playing hooky from work and dragging along whipped husbands who look less than thrilled to be at the Superbowl for obsessed sheeple. Back to Sheeple No. 1, who says the kids feel like her family. I hear this all the time and yet it still elicits a big EWW! Sheeple No. 5 appears like a normal enough 20-something, but don't let that cute Southern accent fool you. She reveals her forearm, which bears a tattoo: "Alexis Faith." Oh, God, WHYYYYYY. Also, I've noticed, despite not wanting to notice, that Alexis seems to be one of the more popular kids to be obsessed with. I'm not exactly sure why, but this is weird and creepy and I can't even stand it.
Kate does a boring TV spot we've already seen. The short story from the very long interview (most of which they don't show) is Kate wants Gosselin Giving Back to be a regular thing. Ha, here we are a year later and what exactly happened with that? Maybe "regular" to Kate is once a year? No wonder she couldn't get pregnant on her own. The only good thing about this is the turnout was decent and they collected a lot of food. Children were terribly exploited and made to feel unbelievably uncomfortable, but at least some needy people were helped out. Kate says she feels comfortable in the public eye with public speaking, Umm, uh, honestly, like, you coulda fooled me. Oh my God, Rhonda is still going on about Kate! This woman has been talking for days about this. She is one of those people who fixates on one topic and talks about it for weeks before getting bored and going on to the next topic, but they never can talk about more than one thing at once. Really, Rhonda, give it a rest now and go do some good works.
They go grocery shopping with Rhonda for the needy. These poor kids must just be dead on their feet, this is now just way too much. Kate whips out her checkbook in the middle of the grocery store (could she be anymore awkward?) and writes a check to give to Rhonda for $740 for eight school lunches for the year--was that drawn from the Coogan Fund or Kate's account?
Next up, Kate gets to drive a NASCAR race car while the kids, who also worked so very hard these past few days and deserve something nice too, just kind of are left to wander around and watch. Sigh. This whole part is very boring and the short story is Kate sucks. At driving, at motherhood, and at life in general.
"I have dreams that I'm just driving and like the needle is just pinned. I just want to drive fast," Kate says. Yeah, we know Kate. You've gotten four tickets in two years! You didn't think we'd ever find out, did ya! You are lucky you haven't hurt yourself or much worse, someone else. You suck.
Finally, at long last, after Kate gets to have all her fun and decides she's had her fill, the kids get to take a few spins in the car. They love it. What a bizarre role reversal. Usually moms want to see their kids go first and have all the fun they can possibly take, and then, if there's time, Mommy will try it out a bit. It's opposite land in this family, at least when Kate is on her custodial time.
If everyone gives a little, we can get rid of hunger, Kate opines. Little tear. To donate to Second Harvest, check out their web site.
355 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 355 Newer› Newest»Yay - I actually saw this come up. Can't wait to read it!! !!!!!! (count 'em, 8)
O/T for a second please? If not, erase Admin.
Courtney Cox told Anderson Cooper how to get along with your ex-spouse. Good advice for Kart.
You, apparently, do have some sort of comprehension problem since you insist on using word/phrases such as "The implication of your post was" and "Unless you think",you can post whatever spin you wish to apply to my posts and I can't stop you but I won't engage you further on this subject due to rule 3 of this blog.
Bullying, accusation of stupidity...all directed to Much Ado for simply asking a question. Why the Administrator of this blog allows posters to bully others with slightly opposing, but still valid questions, is cruel. The snot came from you. Perhaps, the question Much Ado asked made you feel defensive. No matter, politeness is a better path to take.
And yet it continues to happen repeatedly.
Courtney Cox told Anderson Cooper how to get along with your ex-spouse. Good advice for Kart.
Why must 'advice' coming from celebrities be given more weight than the average jane? Celebrity worship today is out. of. control.
Great recap. Are you okay?
Why do those that complain about this blog keep coming back?
Great recap! Love your writing skills! Love your sense of humor, but the recap just made me so sad. How pathetic to use the poor/needy to fill your narcissistic supply. How totally sad.
I never saw the show and missed your recap the first time around. Thanks for the repeat. A treat and a treasure.
With Kate, it's not so much the cost of buying, or the energy to pack the lunches, as it is the need to control every crumb that crosses her kids' lips.
Administrator said: "I don't know how you would begin to fix that but I would start with a wrench and a jackhammer and lots of prayer."
I would start with a Crucifix, Holy Water & Exorcist & lots of prayer.
Oh my goodness this is hilarious- a cute computer animated video of Kate and Steve.
Your recaps are hilarious and witty. Five stars to the admin!
BTW, Kate is in need of not one, but TWO crockpots..'massive' cooking tweet, guess she is doing damage control. Guess she reads here, lol.
Thanks for the recap, Admin. I love your choice of clip art! I didn't see the episode but it sounds like it was marathon filming a la NYC.
I didn't realize that Jamie went along on that job, but it brings me to your point of the cost of getting all those people to TN and paying all expenses must have been high.
Better to stay local so the family can continue "giving back" on a regular basis.
Calling Rival! Hoy! Kate's crock pots broke so get busy and send her two new ones...
I think she is trying to say she is using 2 crock pots now instead of one. I think she reads all the twitter comments and blogs every morning and adjusts her tweeting, according. Just overnight the quantity of food has jumped dramatically.
It doesn't matter how much you cook if it goes in the freezer and not on the plate.
Glad I didn't watch that one - something just told me it was going to bad like all the other K+8 episodes. Amazing how bad they got after she got rid of Jon.
It's truly AMAZING how "massively" the kids' appetites have increased in the week since Valentine's Day.
It's too little, too late, Katie: Can't you face up to it and at least attempt to figure out how to be happy with life as it now is? If you can't make peace with the here and the now, your future is going to suck.
Thanks for the recap, Admin, they are the reason I started reading here. Funny and on point, as usual.
Her tweets are just like the "couch sessions" from the show-an absolute contradiction of what WE, the public, witnessed. She was in her glory (especially after Jon got the boot)on that couch, black soled feet up front and center, grinch-like grin, talking all sweet and lovely (barf)giving her commentary on
the episode. The episode showed her in all her bitchy glory, but when she spoke of it, it was like? Seriously? Are you talking about the same thing WE saw?? So the tweets work the same way...she's so positive, upbeat, LYING (2 fricken crock pots?? STFU!) but if we still had the cameras documenting the 'reality', we know it's all a "crock" (pun intended)
Thanks for the recap revisit. Not an episode I watched.
BTW, it occurred to me that Stephen Colbert is one of 11 children and his mother, after widowed and the loss of two sons in an Eastern Airlines crash in the 70's, raised 9 kids by herself. Tell me why Kate Gosselin is so special?
Vanessa said... 18
On point, Vanessa. Why is it (I wonder often) that we seems to be the only ones who see the disconnect between Kate's narrative and what is captured on film?
Kate's filthy feet were disgusting and in some cultures, like flipping the bird. Except even worse-- than her near nip slips. She sure looked to be in her glory having that couch all to her mine-all-mine self, didn't she?
So Norma Desmond.
Great recap Admin. I don't know why it still never fails to amaze me the enormity of her dysfunctionality. That almost sounded like Kate speak! Her once in a lifetime remark really irks me. This is something that could easily be done at least once a month for them. I think she thinks it is beneath her and the 8 to go help at a food bank and of course, she would never put up any of her money unless it got plenty of media.
I think her way of giving back is retweeting a comment on twitter of someone singing her praises. She's done, there was her good deed of the day, she made one of those crazy, adoring sheeples day with her retweet.
Even if the kids were removed from her care now they have already been so damaged by her they will need therapy for a long time. She sees herself as having the power of a mother rather than the love. What type of mother does not want a phone call from their kids when she is away? I had kinda pushed that in the back of my mind until I read it from another poster on here in the comments. I would lose my mind being gone and not speaking to my kids and telling my husband to not even call me???
So glad she was cancelled but unfortunately Dr. Drew, ET, etc. still keep her name out there. Hopefully in another year she should be totally out of the picture. I keep crossing my fingers.
Oh, I also loved how she said flight costs were too much for her to take the kids on a trip, but it's fine for her to beg the sheeple to go bankrupt to fill her bank account.
Ha, that was the most boring episode ever- yur recap was way more fun! I did watch it though, and I thought the kids were bratty part of the time and ok the rest. Hannah often does not join in ( like she did not wear firemen's gear when they had that lemonade stand w/ Jon because she said it would mess her hair up-or those silly straw hats to go to a farm- don't blame her there- she often just clings to Kate)
I don't think the kids know what needy kids are like as they are sheltered from TV/news, and go to a fancy private school and live very isolated sheltered lives where material things come in the mail...
Re: the 2 crock pots- I agree it's because of the criticism of her stingy meals. But it's strange she 'requires' the kids to eat what I would say was TOO much lunch! Too many things, packages to open, Tupperware, Ziplocs to bring home and wash & dry ( yes, she said she does...)
I would bet that the kids just nibble and throwout what they don't like
...although at the school my kids attended the lunch monitors would not let kids go to the trash can till after lunch and the kids were supposed to bring home what they didn't eat- not to be recycled- but so moms would know what their children ate. But there are plenty of opportunities for the kids to get rid of the stuff they don't want Kate to see...she is setting them up to lie and hide things from her. She should tell them eat your sandwich/salad first and then what you want.
I think her way of giving back is retweeting a comment on twitter of someone singing her praises. She's done, there was her good deed of the day, she made one of those crazy, adoring sheeples day with her retweet.
Does anyone remember a recent disaster, maybe it was Hurricane Irene, and Kate tweeted something like she so wished she could help? WTF!
Pity Party said... 15
I think she is trying to say she is using 2 crock pots now instead of one. I think she reads all the twitter comments and blogs every morning and adjusts her tweeting, according. Just overnight the quantity of food has jumped dramatically.
It doesn't matter how much you cook if it goes in the freezer and not on the plate.
Thank you! I also think Kate with all her photos of food and cooking as well as running and "nutrition'" is trying to get a gig going for a cookbook, cooking show, fitness show, or fitness book. She keeps yammering the same crap on twitter and blogs, but the best part is the pictures she posts show she does not make great nutritional, healthy, portioned meals for her almost 8 and 12 year olds, but rather like she is feeding toddlers. Thus, break out 2 crock pots. She really doesn't have a clue.
Kate says one thing, does another, and it was filmed for all to see. Oh the irony.
I think her way of giving back is retweeting a comment on twitter of someone singing her praises.
Kate is excellent in giving back to herself.
Thanks for the recap, Admin, they are the reason I started reading here. Funny and on point, as usual.
Totally agree! Love those recaps!!!!
She sure looked to be in her glory having that couch all to her mine-all-mine self, didn't she?
Yes. Gag. She sure thought she was the cat's pajamas now. Gag.
Why must 'advice' coming from celebrities be given more weight than the average jane? Celebrity worship today is out. of. control.
I didn't see this person doing that, nor "worshiping" Courtney Cox. If advice is good advice it doesn't matter if it is from a celeb or not. But it is helpful to see a celeb who can be healthy about things because it's proof not all people in the public eye have to be as dysfunctional and dramatic as Kate.
I loved how Courtney was front row with her daughter every episode of DWTS cheering her ex on with all her heart. I have seen this of non-celeb ex's too. Her daughter has a hundred times better of a chance to come out of their separation unscathed if they can co-parent well. How nice would it be to see Jon and Kate support each other.
From twitter re: wanting more trips to Australia/NZ-
If they want to go back & r asking why not take them all back?
11:04 PM - 20 Feb 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details
Kate Gosselin Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@TwitTartwif flight costs!!!!
Bullying, accusation of stupidity...all directed to Much Ado for simply asking a question.
I have to disagree Much Ado asked a simple question. It was snotty and condescending and a personal attack. A simple question it was not.
You'd be surprised how lovely the posters are here if you simply show some respect. But start out like that, and yes, it probably will get dished back. Lots of disagreement happens respectfully, but maybe it's hard to notice since apparently some people think disagreement only happens when people are fighting like dogs.
But it's strange she 'requires' the kids to eat what I would say was TOO much lunch!
Kate has to put on a good show for the school, as this is the kids' only outside meal, and she has gotten a lot of criticism for her meager meals. Remember, it is all about appearances, pretty much all Kate cares about!
Hi Kate!-Maybe three crockpots would be better, you know for appearance sake!
I loved how Courtney was front row with her daughter every episode of DWTS cheering her ex on with all her heart.
Courtney made it look breezy and effortless, but I'm sure it wasn't. It's hard to separate and put personal, relationship-related issues aside, but the look on their daughter's face I'm sure was worth all the effort they put into co-parenting in the best interest of Coco (is that her name?).
I wonder if Kate dragged the Crock Pots across rocks or bounced them down a flight of stairs?
Absolutely Tucker, that can't be easy. You know that old saying Kate hates Jon more than she loves the kids? Here, Courtney Cox loves her kid more than she hates her ex. It has nothing to do with her being a celeb, it is great when any parent is able to get to that point mentally for her child. They are so much better for it.
SaveThe8FromEvilKate said... 20
Great post!
Tucker -- the crock pots didn't break. She BROKE THEM OUT. She used two of them.
When I first glanced at the tweet, I thought she said she broke them and thought...here we go again!
What's the big deal? I've been using two crockpots at the same time for years. Does this make her special in some way? I also use two built-in microwaves at the same time, something Kate doesn't have. I'm surprised she didn't ask for that when she remodeled her kitchen.
Admin said, I have to disagree Much Ado asked a simple question. It was snotty and condescending and a personal attack. A simple question it was not.
Exactly. It was not a simple question. It was antagonistic and the tone was argumentative. I think posters here have seen enough of these "simple questions" to know when they are put out there just to provoke an argument.
Most importantly, hope our poster Hey Jude is doing well, and the outcome is good.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 34
Please do not give her any ideas, she is in her grifting mode :)
I've worked at the same food bank for over 12 years, and we would never allow children to be front and center like that, mostly because they would be at risk of seeing other children they know, who they didn't know needed the food bank's help. I suspect Second Harvest is the same, but considering that they came from states away and the kids know nobody outside their school and house, there was no chance of that. (It's not always fun either. It's hard, dirty work and I work one-on-one with each client and that's not always fun either. Usually, but not always. She truly has no idea what goes into making an operation like that run, with mostly volunteers no less.)
I can just hear Freddie Mercury singing, "The show must go on!!!!"
Exactly. It was not a simple question. It was antagonistic and the tone was argumentative. I think posters here have seen enough of these "simple questions" to know when they are put out there just to provoke an argument.
And we've seen enough of this operation. Post an antagonistic, argumentative, snotty personal attack, then watch the fallout. Then a couple hours later, change your name and post how unfair it is that no one can disagree here and that X poster just asked a simple question then decry the cult-like nature of this blog and bemoan how things used to be in the good ole days to further antagonize people. I am NOT falling for this anymore, though I give you props for your tenacity. Please change the game plan up a bit because if anything happens like this again it's being cut off immediately.
Oopsie, I read her tweet incorrectly..I thought she said she broke her pots, not broke them out...
To be snarky, perhaps her two crockpots are those little bitty ones, you know, that serve one person? lol
@Kateplusmy8 Check out Kategosselincruise.com and email me to book a Cruise with Kate, Mady, and Cara or call 1-800-388-SAIL
CindyCruiseAgent has expended her hawking from the Cruise With Kate spiel to include the three of them. Times must be desperate.
I so agree about those lunch boxes, too much to unwrap, too many little containers to open, too little tine for lunch. If I had 8 lunches to pack, I would create a weekly menu ala the cafeteria menu, and stick to it, maybe mix it up the next month. I would also let the kids buy lunch once a week, it's a great experence. Sandwich, fruit, crunchy thing OR sweet (save the other for bus snack), drink. Yogurt stick if you must ( buy quantity at big box store). Not rocket science.
Thanks for the recap, amazing the difference a year makes. And yep, Crockpot Kate is looking for a Mom Show now, again she simply does nt have the chops.
Has anyone actually asked what role Mady and Cara are going to play? If you're going to use them as a draw to get people in, don't you think you should disclose that actually it's possible they won't have any interaction with the fans at all and will be with a nanny the whole time? Or will they be drawn out for a cattle auction style ooo and ahhh? This cruise is so snake oil salesman!
well, the twins should be happy they are going on a cruise...they expect to go to Australia and NZ AGAIN and that would be w/ Kate too...they are getting very greedy if we can believe that was expressed by them, not Kate...nah, I think Kate wants trips and idk what she thinks of the cruise, but she is getting paid, right?
Shame on Cindy Cruise using the twins for advertising. Yes, Dionnes again.
Hey Jude, feel better soon :)
You know I had a thought about how taken aback the kids were about the fans at the food drive. Even Kate admitted they were out of their element and had never experienced this before. Remember Kate said they will keep filming as long as the kids still want to? So how can a kid who has not been fully informed about all the consequences of fame, including all these creepy fans they had no idea even existed before, possibly be mature enough to make the important decision whether he wants to continue to have his privacy invaded? Jon was dead on, they are children and cannot make the choice, it's as plain as day based on this episode. They are not mature enough or informed enough. They were six at the time for gosh sakes. Kate's a lunatic to suggest these kids could make a decision like that.
Why 2 crockpots? 3-4 chicken breasts will fit in one :)
Does Kate need Jon's consent to take the kids on this cruise? I can't believe he would let them be used in this way. Again, I'd be happy if all the kids got to go on a fun cruise, but Kate is using them to get bookings and I assume that means that Mady and Cara will be committed to a handful of fan-related activities in return for the premium folks are paying for the Gosselin package.
I would not be surprised if some people think Mady and Cara will be available to play with their children during the cruise. Anyone else see this one coming?
Does Kate need Jon's consent to take the kids on this cruise? I can't believe he would let them be used in this way.
I'm not sure he is letting anything. For all we know Kate wanted to take all eight of them and Jon put a stop to it. For all we know they had to have a judge decide. I think it's no coincidence that the older kids are going, a judge may have thought the older kids are old enough to handle it but the little ones are too young. A compromise.
There may also be a stipulation the twins are not to have any obligations to the fans and are only to interact with them on their terms when and IF they want to. Jon may have required a 24/7 nanny to always keep them away from Kate's fans.
Don't you think if Mady and Cara were going to participate in the fan activities they would SAY THAT? To try to draw in more people. They are silent on them, the activities are described as just with Kate. Even the craft project is just Kate. This smells of Jon all over it--letting the kids go IF certain protections are in place. I think M&C are to have nothing to do with the fans or they would have said so, the only thing they can do is use their names to try to get bookings. It is misleading at best.
Re recap: Alexis being a fan favorite. I think it's just her quirky funny personality. The other girls are more average, cute, but not as outgoing as Sassy.
Hannah: being allowed to sit out the activity & not wear the special T shirt.. If she were scared, that's ok, but I bet any other kid would be banished to the bus!
Does anyone see the irony in this retweet by Kate?
Kateplusmy8: RT @TheIlluminati: Dreams don’t work unless you do.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 49
That does make sense. I just wish M&C were left out of the promotional materials and Kate's tweets because it is misleading. I think it will lead to unrealistic expectations on the twins.
I hope they can enjoy the vacation as normally as possible, because it is an exciting trip overall.
Thank you Gosselin8ComeFirst.
Admin, your post #45, should be posted around the world. Someone, somewhere, sometime needs to call her out on her constant lying, being a bad parent and a mean person.
... and yeah, just what will Mady and Cara's duties be on this cruise? Still no answer to what the charity will be and now use the kids as money makers, again.
Once a Viewer said... 50
Re recap: Alexis being a fan favorite. I think it's just her quirky funny personality. The other girls are more average, cute, but not as outgoing as Sassy.
Hannah: being allowed to sit out the activity & not wear the special T shirt.. If she were scared, that's ok, but I bet any other kid would be banished to the bus! ------------------
I agree, the "girls," especially the favored or antogonistic girls get to do what they want. The yucky boys...not so much. I have to say that the boys retreated in every way possible during the last year or two of filming as Kate NEVER had their back. Why would you so obviously treat your kids so differently, unless you clearly have issues yourself.
Kate has her nose in the air regarding the food bank, but she was just as needy at one time. The difference is she managed to go through family, friends, sympathetic strangers and the state of PA to feed her kids.
If Mady and Cara are allowed to participate in the pre-teen group activities, they will not only be exposed to the children of the sheeple but other children that are on the cruise.
Having a anny with them 'at all times' will single them out and give the other kids (not sheepole kids) a reason to shun or tease them. Kids are cruel.
There is no good scenario. Sheeple kids will be encouraged to buddy-up to Mady and Cara.
The girls will also be mingling with other children that have absolutely no clue who they are. No offense to one of the girls but I can so hear her saying "do you know who I am?"
Kate set them uop for situations nmo tween should have to deal with. Had they not been 'avertised' it might have been possible for them to blend-in.
Kate loves giving to charity her are some things that she gives
Manny's / Peddy's.
Hair weaves.
Dinner's in NYC & LA.
So all in all Kate loves giving to charity just as along as it's her self she's all good.
I looked at Dr. Drew's website and it looks like the whole hour is Kate. It's worth watching this clip to see the incredulous looks on some faces very briefly, particularly the men.
This is the first time I'm seeing the much discussed Valentine's breakfast plates and I must say - HOLY COW! That is the saddest, most pathetic breakfast I've ever seen. I hope that those plates were still in the process of having food served onto them because those kids need way more than that.
Why would they squeeze all those giving activities in one episode? Poor rich kids.
As usual, admin recaps are much more entertaining than the actual show. I confess, I never watched the show because I raised my kids, and have plenty of relatives now with adorable toddler and preschool age kids if I want to see cute kids doing cute things and saying cute things. Ms. Kreider and her crew are just boring. Thanks for the entertaining recap!
TheIlluminati @TheIlluminati
Dreams don’t work unless you do.
Now I like this tweet since Kate dreams of being a talk show host or co-host dream all you want Kate.
Not sure why I continue to specuate. Cruise isn't going to happen.
Has anyone mentioned what Kate will be paid for the cruise...if it happens? I really wonder what's in her bank accounts ...and the kids'. I also wonder if she has special arrangements with, say, the school, that the kids can go there no matter what...I'm nosy, but just am concerned about what the kids will be facing if the well runs dry in the future. UnderArmour won't keep them warm forever...
A whole hour of Kate on Dr. Drew? One can only hope that they are both circling the drain. What a waste of broadband.
Thanks for the recap, Admin. :-) The only item I took in of this episode when it aired was a single photo of Alexis handing out grocery bags to people. It's sad to read that the kids were frightened of all the attention at the food drive. I feel bad for Hannah, I probably would've been hiding behind a table at that age, too. I think being banished to the bus would've been kinder treatment. Even at six, I would've been mortified if someone discovered me hiding out. But Khate can't be one tup shy of her six-pack (especially one of the girls) and was probably hoping Hannah would come out of hiding eventually.
From what it sounds like, the kids really worked non-stop in this episode. Not just "play" work, but real work. What little troupers they were! It's a shame Khate felt the need to reward herself first.
Admin, I have a suggestion for a future topic. I love Hoarders on a&e, hoarding on tlc its ok too, the old clean sweep, clean house on style. Most of the time only adults are shown, sometimes kids in the family are shown on camera. Talking about how their lives have been affected, and on one memorable early episode of hoarders a 7 yo boy had some ocd issues along with his mother. The mother posted on the shows board, and said the reason she agreed to participate was to get the physical help cleaning her house AND to get the aftercare funds the show provides to afford ongoing therapy for her son. The child s psychologist actually worked with him in cleaning his room and helping him deal with anxiety of letting things go.
This is on film forever. Is this ethical? Is the professional help provided by the show, including aftercare funds, worth the cost in loss of privacy?
Sometimes the professionals encounter a situation where they are obligated to report to child or adult protective services, and viewers see that hard discussion, because the professionals tell the hoarder exactly why they are obligated to report. It is dramatic, it is real life, but it has to be awful for the person. I think this would be a good future topic: help or exploitation or both?
So what's in Kate's future?
The Dr. Drew show will air today. Yawn. I don't know ANYONE who is watching it or records it. And it'll be the same old shit. She has nothing new to talk about.
The cruise may or may not happen in August. Cindy Cardella is practically begging people to "fill out the registration form" on her site just to express interest and so she can get an email or a phone number to haggle people to sign up. That's not a good sign. I agree with the other estimations of about 15-17 people, tops. Let's be generous and say 20. That's nowhere near what they needed/expected.
I'm kind of thinking she'll go anyway, but she'll find a reason that M&C can't go. Honestly, that would be for the best. That time frame is kind of close to school starting and they don't need to be dragged around on a boat like a dog and pony show. And God knows Kate would love not having to deal with any kids (who will be getting them ready for school? Jon? The not-a-nanny, if she still has one?)
Ummmm, that's it! I don't see any announcements about any other interviews, marathons, nothing. She mentioned some appearance in Missouri in the spring (March? or May?) but nothing has been said since.
So what's your prediction for Kate for this fall? Nothing but begging on Twitter? That's my prediction.
No one deserves obscurity more than Kate.
Also? I use two Crock Pots all the time. What the hell is the big deal about that? If she wants people to think she feeds her kids enough, she needs to stop tweeting pictures of their sad, meager, toddler-sized meals!
34 lbs per average 6 year old is healthy?? That's underweight by at least 10 lbs. Wow.
Bubbles not by any growth chart I've looked at. It's below average but still in healthy normal ranges. And that's just an average number. Some may weigh more some less.
Dallas said,
The cruise may or may not happen in August. Cindy Cardella is practically begging people to "fill out the registration form" on her site just to express interest and so she can get an email or a phone number to haggle people to sign up. That's not a good sign. I agree with the other estimations of about 15-17 people, tops. Let's be generous and say 20. That's nowhere near what they needed/expected.
Going the route of the telemarketing calls to sign up for a vacation club, huh? Give a phone number and they'll keep hounding you. Bad idea. It reeks of desperation.
Math geek I am...275 divided by 6 = 45.8 lbs.
34 lbs for a 6 year old would be low.
Not sure if perhaps I misunderstood what you were trying to convey Admin?
Bubbles said... 70
34 lbs per average 6 year old is healthy?? That's underweight by at least 10 lbs. Wow.
February 21, 2012 9:58 AM
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 71
Bubbles not by any growth chart I've looked at. It's below average but still in healthy normal ranges. And that's just an average number. Some may weigh more some less.
February 21, 2012 10:07 AM
The "average" weight for a 6-year-old is 46 lbs. But yes, above or below within a certain range is still healthy.
Bubbles not by any growth chart I've looked at. It's below average but still in healthy normal ranges. And that's just an average number. Some may weigh more some less.
Right. You also have to consider their height, their bone structure. A slightly built child is not going to weigh as much as a stocky one. These kids are not large-boned or muscular. Genetics plays a part, too. There are so many variables. I never paid too much attention to growth charts, as long as my child was within the normal range, I wasn't concerned, nor was the pediatrician. My child weighed 36 pounds at age 6...perfectly normal and healthy.
Actually, 275 divided by 6 is about 45, so each tup averaged out to 45 lbs, completely normal for their age at the time of filming.
Whoops koop you're right I divided by 8 not 6! The first time I did the math before I wrote it I remember the number seemed just fine! No wonder!
I guess the math equation was a typo. It is about 46 lbs and yes, that's about average for a 6-year-old.
I personally don't think any of the G kids look underweight. I think they all look healthy as far as the eye can see.
I do however, think Kate is putting too much emphasis on calories, etc.
Oops, Koopdedoo beat me to it!
I'm kind of thinking she'll go anyway, but she'll find a reason that M&C can't go. Honestly, that would be for the best. That time frame is kind of close to school starting and they don't need to be dragged around on a boat like a dog and pony show.
I have to laugh when I think about the time she told a fan that she couldn't do ANYTHING at all in August because it was such a busy month and she had to get the kids ready for school!
I really cannot believe how Kate and her cruise agent are hawking the twins on Twitter. It just disgusts me. It really pisses me off when I see those tweets.
Kate's a liar. Period.
45 lbs is better. Crazy thing is, I thought I checked the math on that before I posted my comment and I got 34 lbs too, so I divided by 8 instead of 6 also. It's still hard to envision a 30-some pound 6 year old, though...my niece is quite petite and turned 5 last summer but she's still around 40 lbs, so I'm comparing her to kids 2 years older and even 45 lbs seems too small. Their Asian genes must play a role in that.
Hilarious recap as always. It's important to keep her lies alive. We haven't seen her give back one thing since this phony, scripted episode. Shame on you Kate. Are you figuring out why you are so disliked yet?
And thanks for validating my posting name.....heh heh.
Kate's latest tweet is proof positive she reads all the blogs about her. She just had to stress that she was using 2 crock pots to cook dinner to prove to all of us that she feeds her kids enough.She is a real piece of work. If she spent as much time with her kids being a loving and caring mom and not sitting on her ass all day tweeting to make herself look like she is a good mom she would maybe, just maybe be able to improve her image with us. But i really don't see that happening anytime soon.
Not sure if this was ever posted:
"Kate Gosselin Cruise: The Worst Idea Ever"
Well OF COURSE kart reads here - no doubt about that at all.
Clearly, in response to reading comments about how little she feeds her kids, she has now twitted that she's moved up to TWO crockpots!!!!
All of a sudden, she is feeding the troops such huge amounts of food it takes TWO, count 'em, TWO crockpots to feed her EIGHT, count 'em, EIGHT kids!!!!!!!!
Isn't she wonderful?
[snark city]
And here's another one I missed. Sorry if it's been posted before. It's hilarious!
A Fate Worse than a Watery Grave
Thanks for the recap, Administrator.
Anyone know if this very convincing, once in a lifetime episode of "Kate giving back" won an Emmy? [cricket chirping]
Simply magical ;o)
SuzyQ said... 60
This is the first time I'm seeing the much discussed Valentine's breakfast plates and I must say - HOLY COW! That is the saddest, most pathetic breakfast I've ever seen. I hope that those plates were still in the process of having food served onto them because those kids need way more than that.
It's almost a week later and I still cannot believe that Kate is so stupid as to photo that pathetic breakfast and post it and think everyone (except her Sheeple of course) would be impressed with the rations she gives her kids. Yes, portion sizes in the US have gotten out of control, but what she served her kids that morning is nuts. That wouldn't be enough to sustain such energetic kids. But as we know from the show, she was never real big into feeding her kids anyway. She seemed to get more pleasure out of denying them food than actually feeding them.
I have to laugh when I think about the time she told a fan that she couldn't do ANYTHING at all in August because it was such a busy month and she had to get the kids ready for school!
August? Hmm...
Sorry, I have to wash my hair that month.
Is that person still a tweeting fan of Kate's after the blow off?
Thank you Admin for the recap. I thoroughly enjoy reading your recaps. I never did see this episode. It's disgusting how she really worked those kids!
Every time I check the blog and scroll past those plates of the big huge special breakfast that she did not just prep, but pre-prepped the day before (which could have only consisted of taking the little muffins out of the freezer), I feel a ping of sadness.
According to my ATT U-verse listings and Dr. Drew's website, the Lifechangers episode with Kate on it will air tomorrow afternoon.
Great recap admin!
Kate is the absolute worst role model for her children. First of all, her words never match her deeds--starting with, "everything I do is for my kids". Living with someone who constantly says one thing is crazy-making and confusing. Talk about cognitive dissonance:
Health--not eating same foods as kids, tanning, smoking (rumored), constant focus on restricted eating
Safety--got one of her speeding tickets with kids in the car, let's one of the icky boys climb under the BBB
Social skills--Mr whatever your job is, ordering everyone around, shrieking at the sea turtle hatchery
Courtesy- cutting lines at amusement parks, shutting down stores for routine shopping, appointments etc.
Humility--her kids deserve everything on a gold platter, people who are not celebs are mediocre
Family-kicks family to the curb
Generosity--only if there is a trip or paycheck, consigns donated clothes
I am hard pressed to think of a single thing she says that matches what she does... Anybody?
The old rule of thumb (only a guideline) was that a baby should be approximately three times it's birth weight at one-year. My daughter was 8 1/2 lbs. at birth and 25 lbs. at one-year. When she was 5 yrs. old, and starting school, she weighted 55 lbs. She has always been tall but has never been considered overweight.
I know genes must be considered, but 34 lbs. seems very low to me for any six year old.
Anyone remember the clip of the family water rafting during the rv trip? This was on the TLC website and not on the episode itself. In it, Ashley threatens to get Kate wet with a water gun because she insists on staying dry while rafting. Sigh. Anyhow, Jamie says she'll give her $100 to squirt her. Ashley readies the squirt gun and Kate threatens to withhold dinner from anyone who gets her wet. Leah gets worried that mom will get wet and reiterates that dinner will be withheld if mom gets wet. Kate then threatens Ashley with her job and she stops teasing her. But I found it so odd that withholding food is considered punishment in a non-prison setting. Whether she does this or not, who knows, but Leah took her 100% at her word. Scary. The clip is on YouTube. The title has something to do with getting Kate wet
Admin., It would have been funny to make this say Sheeperbowl of sheeple in stead of Superbowl. Hey, it is what it is and it's still funny. You do a good job on your recaps. Congratulations!
Anonymous said... 96
I know genes must be considered, but 34 lbs. seems very low to me for any six year old.
I think we'd need to know a child's height first before anyone can really judge their weight.
*Kate urges the kids to think about the fact that there are people who are hungry and do not have enough to eat.*
Such a paradox... Kate trying to make her children feel guilty - an emotion she herself has never felt. Great recap as usual Admin. I hope Kate hated it as much as I enjoyed it (hi Kate!).
I'd like to know which egghead at TLC thought that a Kate 'giving back' episode was a good idea. It was disrespectful of them to lure the people, who are genuinely involved with feeding the hungry, into believing that Kate Gosselin would help their cause. Did the big spenders at TLC donate $500 to Second Harvest for allowing her to invade their space too?
Katie Cry-duh said... 97
Ashley threatens to get Kate wet with a water gun because she insists on staying dry while rafting.
It was in the RV episode. It was so funny and I was hoping above hope she would. Even the kids wanted her to.
Yes, Dr. Drew's site has Kate listed for Wednesday at 3 p.m.
Has anyone mentioned what Kate will be paid for the cruise...if it happens? I really wonder what's in her bank accounts ...and the kids'. I also wonder if she has special arrangements with, say, the school, that the kids can go there no matter what.
I imagine there's a sliding scale with incentives. She would need to cover the fixed costs of the cruise line first. Cabin(s), space for the awesome craft show, personnel for whatever needs to be arranged, etc. Then the travel agency gets their cut. Katie's cut would in all likelihood be rather rich if she can move packages.
At a $700 surcharge, she probably needs to sell 10 packages to cover the cruise, depending of course on what Katie "requires" in terms of flight to Florida, accommodations on the ship, day care for her daughters, food and booze.
The travel agency will need to be paid next. They're purchasing wholesale and selling retail and tacking on the $700 so I'm guessing about a grand on the total surcharge. Let's say $5,000 covers them, so 5 packages there.
Cindy (the travel agent) and Katie are operating on a commission basis. Their percentage goes up for each package sold over and above the 15 packages that need to be sold to cover fixed costs. Katie's cut (as the talent) would continue to increase as more packages are sold.
If, for illustrative purposes, they sell 65 packages, Katie's cut for packages 55 through 65 could be quite rich - like in the $500 range per package.
Expect a charity to be named. Do not expect to hear a dollar amount to be donated to said charity.
Katie is setting herself up for an epic failure on this business venture. Katie's demographic can afford $20 on a photo. They can not afford $2,000 - $3,000 on a cruise.
With regards to the school, I doubt there is an arrangement. My opinion is that the contract with TLC included the private school. If Katie needs to be "economically feasible" that's the place to cut back. 80 to 100 grand for elementary school is, in my opinion, outrageous. We'll see where the children are enrolled in the fall. My guess is that there is a significant population at the school who would consider it AMAZING!!! if Katie and brood moved on.
I think this was the episode where they showed a fan who had Alexis's name tatooed on her. And yes, she specifically said - quite proudly - that Alexis herself was the inspiration for it. That was just all kinds of skeeved-out creepy - to have a stranger's child's name permanently adhered to your body. What are these people thinking?
Kate wants Gosselin Giving Back to be a regular thing. Ha, here we are a year later and what exactly happened with that? Maybe "regular" to Kate is once a year? No wonder she couldn't get pregnant on her own.
One of THE BEST lines ever from you Admin and dont let anyone tell you otherwise!
Is Kate feels the need to call it 'giving back', fine. But in plain language, there is NO reason that a stay at home woman, with RN training, who has been GIFTED everything in her domain, shouldnt be doing regular charity work of some kind.
She has made a name for herself all right; as a selfish, self involved, mean spirited, phoney, liar. She follows through on NOTHING. She does nothing with her days except fix her makeup and hair and fret about getting her name in the media. THAT is the only Great Gosselin Tradition that means anything eva!
Kate, uhhh, ummm, honestly? Ummm, you have ummm brand new ummm cars? Like, ummm plural? Drive for Meals on Wheels once a week or something.
Actually I am just glad you arent screeching all over my TV any more.
Bitter End 103: Thanks for your calculations and thoughts!
One thing Kate does that really bothered me was make fun on TV of her own kids- Joel's lisp, Collin's 'big' head, Aaden being slow to potty train/ride bike, Cara's moodiness , keeping things in till they explode (like Jon she said), Mady's temperament,Leah's vomiting habit, unwillingness to grow up, Alexis' 'distuber' behavior (& banishment to basement)...hmm, nothing about Hannah.
Re: tups' weight. They seem normal to me. A couple are slight, a couple chubbier, a couple average. I don't know how they put weight on, but I guess they eat every crumb they get!
Admin entertaining recap of what was essentially a horror experience wrapped in fakness. I wonder if any of the sheeples on episode are or have been on twitter? A woman seriously had a kids name tattooed on her?! That is one to look out for as a KID stalker, not a Kate stalker. Yikes. I think production must have known how popular Alexis was, as they never mentioned she was expelled with Collin, whereas poor Collin had to have that skeeevy talk on camera with mom.
Katie Cry-duh said...
Kate has her nose in the air regarding the food bank, but she was just as needy at one time. The difference is she managed to go through family, friends, sympathetic strangers and the state of PA to feed her kids.
The Gosselins weren't at all in the same boat. I really doubt anyone they "helped" feed that day had the money and stupidness to have fertility treatments for HOM twice, and then refuse to spend the 60k they have because it's "their" money, not to be spent on their children and unimportant things like that.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 89
Thanks for the recap, Administrator.
Anyone know if this very convincing, once in a lifetime episode of "Kate giving back" won an Emmy? [cricket chirping]
Simply magical ;o)
No Emmy; but I am nominating Admin for a Pulitzer Prize for the recap writing.
Seriously, it is even better a year later, with the proof in the pudding now of how many lies the episode was riddled with.
My kids are known to have the best lunches at school so I think my method is working!
Oh shut up Kate. We know your kids have been trained to say things that will only compliment you. Your 'method' is made up of punishment and threats. Of course they're going to tell you they have the best lunches in school, you idiot.
Katie Cry-duh said...
Kate has her nose in the air regarding the food bank, but she was just as needy at one time. The difference is she managed to go through family, friends, sympathetic strangers and the state of PA to feed her kids.
Agreed! But Katie doesnt see it that way at all. The way she sees it is that she was merely given what she was justly entitled to. She DESERVED then and now, every bit of hand outs she gets. I am sure she resents the fact that it took those pesky sextuplets to finally get her the attention and material donations that she has always so richly been entitled to all along.
She is very special dontchaknow, and she has suffered greatly in her life; no one has ever suffered as much as Katie Irene Kreider. And while others may have turned out to be merely mediocre, Katie has triumphed and now her subjects gift her with the attention and riches she completely deserves.
Now, now, Gosselin Give Back (84), let's not forget, Kate managed to raise $1,500 to save her beloved koalas. Of course, that's $1,500 against an estimated $7-8,000 in expenses for her and Stevie to spend 6 first-class days in Australia, but we don't know that these expenses were not grifted--er, donated--by someone with deep pockets or by the vendors who provided the services.
It's interesting. A couple of weeks ago on Twitter, one of her stalwart fans (not milo, but close) asked her whether she was still involved in Second Harvest. The fan said she'd looked at their site recently and seen that they were having all kinds of fundraising activities in the next couple of months. She even copied Rhonda on these tweets. And sure 'nuf, as soon as Kate saw the tweet with Rhonda's name, she chimed in to say how much she'd LUV to be involved in some new "give-back" activities. As I recall, Rhonda tweeted back something effusive, and that was the end of the conversation. Kate never mentioned it again, and nobody else has either.
As for the charity on the cruise, my understanding is that fundraising for whichever charity is eventually named is limited to the "optional" dinner with Kate, at which I assume participants will pledge or write a check directly to the charity (so as not to incur any "overhead" by the cruise line, travel agent, or "star"). There is no suggestion that ANY portion of the proceeds payable to Kate as the cruise "star" is going to an accredited charity. That is, unless Kate's wallet has recently received a 501(c)3 designation.
"I also buy mostly 32-ounce tubs of yogurt and package them in small Ziploc containers for each lunchbox."
And in the photo of the lunchbag what do we see? An individual squeezable tube of yogurt. Geez, Kate. At least try to HIDE your lies instead of giving photograhic evidence of them.
Tucker's Mom said... 30
I loved how Courtney was front row with her daughter every episode of DWTS cheering her ex on with all her heart.
Not dissing (if that's how you say it.loll) your ex is the best thing you can do for your children.
I was asked by a co-worker once, after dissing her ex to me, how she should handle the divorce when it comes to her daughter. I told her the above.
My mom constantly dissed my dad and, unbeknown to her, I hated her for it. It wasn't until I became an adult that I finally let go of it. I don't know that I forgave her as much as I just didn't let it affect me any longer. Wait, I guess that is forgiveness. Ok, I forgave her.
If you see them get along you have a tendency to not blame yourself. At least that's how it was in my world.
Ex Nurse said...95...I am hard pressed to think of a single thing she says that matches what she does... Anybody?
Ooh! Ooh! I know!
"I just don't get it." She matches that one every damned day.
Hook 'em Horns said...
Lurk daily. Post seldom. But does anyone remember a really early episode where they went back to the hospital where the tups were born? She went on about how they "love us" and would be "so excited" to see them again. She got mad at John for putting on the wrong shoes. He changed them into "better" shoes. When they got to the hospital it was muddy and she griped at him for not recognizing that it would be muddy, so the first shoes he put on were better. Then the hospital workers were not only less than thrilled, they called the kids by the wrong name. You could tell that bugged Kate. The hospital workers looked downright sullen that she was back. That was the episode where I started hating Kate.
Hook 'em, me too, but what really pissed me off is that Jon DID tell Kate it was going to be muddy and the kids should wear different shoes. He was right and prepared and she, as always, wasn't. One of the first things I noticed was that her "organizing" went out the window when the family went out the door. Then of course I realised that she wasn't actually organized in the house either...
Auntie Ann, I know..she also has been seen to give the small packages of crackers etc when she claims to fill Ziplocs from larger cheaper bags...wasn't she bragging about her snack shopping the other week? She broke her tooth on one!!(lol) I doubt her kids' lunches are the talk of the town at school...they are really not all that different from most brown baggers- sandwich, fruit, drink and 'crunchy." I think, though, she should let them at least buy milk- those kids do not get enough, and they already have had cavities and did one kid have a broken limb?
A kind anger turns away wrath. Why does things have to be defended harshly. Ignore or explain kindly. It's hard to come back harshly to a kind answer and not feel or look stupid.
It takes two to fight and keep things going. If you live what you are then a post is only an opinion and not a truth. Just my thought.
Ex Nurse said...95...I am hard pressed to think of a single thing she says that matches what she does... Anybody?
I have one. She said "I don't work for money". Boy, she's ended up being right about that one. Prophetic even!
I doubt her kids' lunches are the talk of the town at school...they are really not all that different from most brown baggers- sandwich, fruit, drink and 'crunchy."
I agree Viewer. I kind of doubt the school is sending her congratulatory notes.
'Auntie Ann #112''
I also buy mostly 32-ounce tubs of yogurt and package them in small Ziploc containers for each lunchbox."
And in the photo of the lunchbag what do we see? An individual squeezable tube of yogurt. Geez, Kate. At least try to HIDE your lies instead of giving photograhic evidence of them.
Did she really say that and post a pic? Good grief, this woman is certifiably stupid.
It's amazing how this blog has been talking about how little she feeds her kids, now she is using TWO crockpots for her massive meals...she can say what she wants, but the proof is in the pictures.
Also, the bloggers today have been discussing her 40 lunches a week...and the same day she talks about it on her CC blog?
I think she's been trolling around here...lol.
Hook 'em Horns said...
Then the hospital workers were not only less than thrilled, they called the kids by the wrong name. You could tell that bugged Kate. The hospital workers looked downright sullen that she was back.
IIRC that was the same epi where one of the doctors gave them the bums rush out of the sterile NICU area, too.
she's mentioning crockpots so someone will give her a larger one.never misses a begging opportunity
AuntieAnn said... 109
My kids are known to have the best lunches at school so I think my method is working!
Oh shut up Kate. We know your kids have been trained to say things that will only compliment you. Your 'method' is made up of punishment and threats. Of course they're going to tell you they have the best lunches in school, you idiot.
Queen Kate is positively UNREAL.
"My kids are known to have the best lunches at school so I think my method is working"!
Her kids are known to have the best lunches at school? Really? So everyone else in school give their children substandard, mediocre lunches? Is she out of her narrow, little mind? Oh wait, we already know the answer to that.
I'm looking forward to Kate stating that her kids are the smartest, prettiest, cleanest, most well mannered kids in the school, AND THE ENTIRE WORLD.
She constantly opens herself to ridicule with those brain farts her pea brain produces.
I agree with you, AuntieAnn- OH SHUT UP, KATE.
Here's my take on the lunch that Kate packed. Kate is all for show, no substance. She probably packed the one lunch, took the picture and then told her "helper" to make lunches. Probably never looked what was actually put in the kids' lunches. Kate's trying to prove to the bloggers (world?) that she's a good mother and "see what I did for my kids". Nevermind that the lunch was probably just a prototype, if even that.
I'm just surprized that she didn't mention she decorated that cookie, too. Must have forgot.
AuntieAnn said... 109 My kids are known to have the best lunches at school so I think my method is working!
Wow. What a punch in the nose to every other mom who has kids in that school. I can't think of one mother in all the yrs my kids were in school who would say such a thing. And in such a public way, where they're sure to hear about it. She must be an absolute pariah among her co-moms at that school. And it will surely affect how other kids treat her children also. You think?
Wat kind of all juice drink can you buy that is 10oz for .16 cents? As she said, they prefer juicy juice, but the kind they are using NOW is blah blah blah...Well, guess that was a shout-out to Juicy Juice to send her some more freebies.
Hey stupid Kate, all juice drinks are fine, I guess, but they are loaded with sugar!
Her kids have the best lunches in the entire school?
What is wrong with this woman???
As far as I am concerned, Kate is a liability to the kid's school..if my kids were there, I would want a discount.
She's just so stupid, she thinks her blogs are some great oracle to the masses. Kate, we know you read here. You are a joke.
(hint: if you say you buy yogurt by the tub, don't show a individually packaged yogurt in the lunch box. How 'mediocre' of you. No, I take that back, it's worse than mediocre..)
Amy2 said... 124 Nevermind that the lunch was probably just a prototype, if even that.
Good thinking Amy2. I'd like to know if it's even one of "her" fabulous lunches. Could be a stock photo of a school lunch for all we know. I just can't believe how dumb she makes herself look. On a daily basis now.
My TV listing has Kate on with Dr. Drew for 30 minutes, and it's supposedly about her life and children.
I doubt that all of the kids' classmates rush home and tell their mothers about the Gosselin's packed lunches..just sounds really odd to me.
Well, she had TWO pics of lunch boxes on her website( one she posted on CC) and bragged about the wonder of them on separate occasions.
When she did make lunch in a couple of episodes, it was half a PB sandwich, an apple, a single-package fruit chewy bar, a Rice Krispie treat, single bag of crackers. She had packed lunch for the tups who only had a half day so they ate it at home- in order!! SO organized. SO original.
Another day she was taking orders for who wanted mayo, mustard etc and ended up frazzled and screeching. Yup, organized.
(Oh and Auntie Ann, it was yet another episode where Dr Botti rushed them out of the hospital room. They always tried to stretch one theme into at least two shows. The kids were bored and acting up. It was Kate's memory, not theirs, of their days in the NICU. They were about age 5 in that epi.In the reunion one with the muddy shoes, they were toddlers.
( yes, I indeed was once a viewer...sad :-()
AuntieAnn, #122.
lol. I was thinking the same thing. Good eye on the yogurt outing, that was funny. She's just so transparent, and her lies are so easy to spot..good grief, she says one thing, then gives photographic proof she's lying.
From Kate's website: two of her famous lunches
"Guacamole and chips, organic salted sunflower seeds, celery sticks, a red plum (yum!), organic yogurt with non-organic sprinkles (yes, it livens up vanilla yogurt!), a homemade M&M chocolate chip cookie, a bottle of Juicy Juice and a little box of raisins!
My kids are BIG eaters and they bring home empty lunch boxes 99% of the time! Amazing, huh?
Hope that helps! What’s in your kids lunch boxes?" (September)
AND...in November...
"Hummus and pita chips, grapes, squeezy yogurt, almonds, juice, and our new favorite – a smiley cookie!
This was their favorite lunch in awhile – all items requested and approved by them! :)"
In both lunches she has individual sized boxes, bottles, containers.
Again, PLEASE Kate, let then drink milk!! And stop lying about economically buying large bags and making up separate portions.And heard of a thermos?? Maybe you can grift some?
My kids are known to have the best lunches at school so I think my method is working!
Bitch please.
No one ever gets to see the kids lunches because thanks to your 3 teaspoon breakfasts, they eat their lunches on the bus.
You got to see this. It's so funny.
(Oh and Auntie Ann, it was yet another episode where Dr Botti rushed them out of the hospital room. They always tried to stretch one theme into at least two shows.
Oops, thanks Once a Viewer, I got that wrong. I'm sure the hospital reeeally appreciated TWO visits from Mrs. Superwomb. And here they thought they were rid of her. ha.
wayward said... 133
Bitch please.
No one ever gets to see the kids lunches because thanks to your 3 teaspoon breakfasts, they eat their lunches on the bus.
Busted. LOL!!
Can someone here help me? OK, you all seem to know how many speeding tickets Kate got. Do you know because they were in the newspaper or is there a website to search? I ask because I recently got a ticket (yes, I know, my bad) and then I got 5 letters from lawyers offering to help me fight it. How do they know?
My kids are known to have the best lunches at school so I think my method is working!
How in the heck would she know what is served at school, or what other kids bring in their lunch boxes? SHE'S NOT THERE!
wayward said... 133
My kids are known to have the best lunches at school so I think my method is working!
Bitch please.
No one ever gets to see the kids lunches because thanks to your 3 teaspoon breakfasts, they eat their lunches on the bus.
Three snaps in a z formation!
I am a student who goes to school with the Gosselins and I'd like to verify that the Gosselins' lunches ARE the best in school and it's because their mom is sooooo awesome. We all wish we could eat chips stored in ziplock bags that our moms washed and reused. They have more containers in their lunches than all the other kids and they're so small and filled with junk food. The Gosselins appear to love their lunches so much that we see them crying for joy over moldy sandwiches and empty containers whose contents have been polished off on the bus. We all wish we could drink 16 cent juices, they're so pretty and come in colors not found in nature! And it's all because their mom is amaaaaazing and packs it for them! Oh, and she's really hot, too. **snark**
Katie: LMAO!!
I bet Kate thinks she's a MILF for the icky boys' pals , ugh.
Kate's CC "blog" on the kids' lunches was recycled (and recycled) from her earlier web site blogs on these very same legendary lunches. "Best lunches at school" translates, I am sure, to Most Bizarre Combination of Crap any kid that age has ever seen. Hopefully, her kids do not in unison eat everything in the "proper" order, as that would assure their destiny as pariahs for all time.
Lunch Bunch said... 137
My kids are known to have the best lunches at school so I think my method is working!
How in the heck would she know what is served at school, or what other kids bring in their lunch boxes? SHE'S NOT THERE!
Her kids are known first, because they were exploited on a tv reality show for five years and second, because they have an egomaniac for a mother. NOT for the lunches she allegedly packs for them. Her narcissism doesn't allow her to see it that way.
Katie Cry-duh said... 139
I am a student who goes to school with the Gosselins and I'd like to verify that the Gosselins' lunches ARE the best in school and it's because their mom is sooooo awesome. We all wish we could eat chips stored in ziplock bags that our moms washed and reused. They have more containers in their lunches than all the other kids and they're so small and filled with junk food. The Gosselins appear to love their lunches so much that we see them crying for joy over moldy sandwiches and empty containers whose contents have been polished off on the bus. We all wish we could drink 16 cent juices, they're so pretty and come in colors not found in nature! And it's all because their mom is amaaaaazing and packs it for them! Oh, and she's really hot, too. **snark**
Yes! And Kate's kids always say, "thank you Mommy" while they eat their very healthy, and cleverly prepared lunches.
Meanwhile, the rest of their mediocre, jealous classmates sit wishing they had a mother like Katie Irene...
Katie Irene for PTA President & Mom
of the century!
(I wish I had a puke icon to insert here)
Recap was hilarious! Well done! As far as the crock pots, STFU you should have been giving your kids more food a long ass time ago. My main issue that is causing a twitch in my damn eye is her "voted best in school" lunches. I just want to kick her so hard in her head every time she opens her mouth about how healthy and ORGANIC she is. Dear Khate, one ugly smiley organic cookie does NOT an organic mama make. You are seriously pissing off this organic Mommy with your dumb lies. News flash, Cheez its, gogurt, and Tropicana are NOT organic. They arent even healthy. Juice is filled with empty calories and sugar. Cheez its are made with autolyed yeast which breaks down to MSG, those little yogurt squirts are sugar laden and chemical filled. I dont give a crap if you give that junk to your kids but dont sit there and preach about being a healthy organic mom. You arent. You are a (shitty) mom who buys an organic product here or there to be trendy and tweet about it.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I'm looking forward to Kate stating that her kids are the smartest, prettiest, cleanest, most well mannered kids in the school, AND THE ENTIRE WORLD.
you left out THE most important part! The end of that proclamation will be "... so I think MY method of MOTHERING is working!" ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!
These lunches are just dumb. My kids would have run away from home. Where is the meat, cheese, veggies, fruit... They get containers full of snacks? And I missed the yogurt thing - did she declare that budget minded Kate buys yogurt in the big tub (like mediocre me?) but then the pic shows the individual store bought single serving yogurts? BWAHAHAHAHA! The sheeple never answer the lies, do they?
NJ @ 113 said...
My mom constantly dissed my dad and, unbeknown to her, I hated her for it. It wasn't until I became an adult that I finally let go of it. I don't know that I forgave her as much as I just didn't let it affect me any longer. Wait, I guess that is forgiveness. Ok, I forgave her.
My sister left home at age 14, hitch hiking to get out of state to our dad. She later told our mother, during counseling, "I had a WONDERFUL father and YOU kept me away from him!!"
Our dad had a lot of problems but our mother went way overboard with the dissing and behaving as if she feared for our lives when he was nearby.
My point is, as a young teenager my sister wouldnt see any facts or truth; all she knew was that Mother was keeping her from dad and she romanticized the whole thing. It likely wont be long before some of the Gosselins start the same thing. The grass is always greener when you live with a regimented drill sergeant for a parent. They will soon be quite convinced that love, acceptance, respect, physical affection are waiting for them elsewhere.
Yessirree, she says she buys yogurt in the tub and puts it in little containers....hey, here's a thought, maybe she buys those little yogurt tubes directly from the manufacturer, or better yet, maybe she bought 8, count'em, 8 of them, and WASHED and RE-USED them. That HAS to be it. lololol. (her lunchbox pic clearly shows one of those single serving tubes of yogurt..I don't see the word 'organic' on the packaging.
What an idiot.
The only positive thing that could come out of Kate and her sheeple being on the cruise together...gee, just how close will they get to the Bermuda Triangle? :)
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I'm looking forward to Kate stating that her kids are the smartest, prettiest, cleanest, most well mannered kids in the school, AND THE ENTIRE WORLD.
She would never say this, because SHE is the prettiest, smartest, mostest everything in every school in every world!!!!!!!! Has she ever said how great her kids are in a non fake manner? Everytime she tries to compliment one of her kids is all about her.
OT, I'm getting the feeling that Cindy
is starting to get nervous:
@xxxxxxxx the price includes gratuities, Kate's Events, taxes and fees. We have 2 put on website that she may cancel if there is an emerg
Excellent, Admin! I haven't watched a show in years. Love your recaps!
It looks like others have already mentioned the weight. Fourty-six lbs sounds small, but still reasonable for 6 years olds. I have a *very* tiny 7.5 yrs old @ 40 lbs. Still wears a 4T, though this year we can finally get some smaller 4/5 slim in the regular boys dept. He has always been in the < 3%ile for both height and weight, but also has severe congenital GI issues requiring surgery and daily procedures for life. Despite how small he is, his BMI is perfectly average.
Her kids have always looked small, but not emaciated. That said, it would not surprise me if they were hungry often. Her food/control issues are unreal.
I'm another one that doesn't think this cruise will happen. In fact, the girls are better off if it doesn't. If Kate were any kind of a decent parent, I'd say she should take them all on vacation off camera, however, there isn't any evidence from the shows that have any real fun with her. Maybe someday, Jon will save enough $ to go on a lovely getaway with them. Like, oh, say... the rest of us do it.
aggiemom09121416 said... 147
The only positive thing that could come out of Kate and her sheeple being on the cruise together...gee, just how close will they get to the Bermuda Triangle? :)
There's a thought lol. Although the mysterious Bermuda Triangle might just spit her back out when they realize who she is.
Oops, kind of left something out, didn't I. Silly me!
Anonymous said... 134
You got to see this. It's so funny.
@xxxxxxxx the price includes gratuities, Kate's Events, taxes and fees. We have 2 put on website that she may cancel if there is an emerg
WHAT gratituties, Cindy? Waiters, tips by the pool, tips on shore excursions, spa, salon, housekeeper, head steward, WHAT gratituties...certainly not all of them! What fees? What taxes? Does she expect the sheeple to know what they are?
She says nothing about the shore excursions. Which one is included with Kate?
What kind of emergency? Death in the family? Broken fingernail?
I smell something either very fishy, or someone who really has no clue, or someone who is being very evasive, but for what reason? She just will not spell it out, and that's wrong.
I'd stay away from that cruise, Kate or no Kate.
AuntieAnn, you are hilarious. I appreciate your sense of humor. lolol
Gee, 40 lunches a wk at school, $200 a wk too pricey for Kate. That's less than one pr of her shoes, and how many does she have? She has admitted to a shoe addiction...hair cuts? 960 a pop. anyone know what all those purses are and how much they cost? How about all her sunglasses? Someone said she had some RayBans, I have a pair of those and they are pricey (not the style she wears, thank goodness).
I was in the school parking lot today and saw this ENORMOUS Mercedes BBB..I didn't know what to think other than it was absolutely hideous. Thank goodness I live in Tx!
It never ceases to amaze me how she saves, saves, scrimps, saves, scrimps on all things for the kids...yet she only buys the best for herself. What a pathetic creature.
They have more containers in their lunches than all the other kids and they're so small and filled with junk food.
Who is small and filled with junk food? The kids?
Just teasing...
AuntieAnn - 151
LOLOL! Love your posts & wit!
aggiemom said:
maybe she bought 8, count'em, 8 of them, and WASHED and RE-USED them. That HAS to be it. lololol. (her lunchbox pic clearly shows one of those single serving tubes of yogurt..)
That's hilarious. I think you should suggest it to CC! Maybe you would be hired and get to work with Kate!!
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 149
OT, I'm getting the feeling that Cindy
is starting to get nervous:
@xxxxxxxx the price includes gratuities, Kate's Events, taxes and fees. We have 2 put on website that she may cancel if there is an emerg
Looks like it's been added in teeny weeny writing:
Note: In the event that Kate Gosselin is unable to travel and/or attend scheduled functions for reasons beyond the control of Alice Travel, Alice Travel will not be liable, and no refunds for such inability to travel or attend functions and events will be owed by Alice Travel. Applicable cancellation penalties will apply.
Here's a thought:
Kate agrees to quit twitter, all publicity stuff, no more pics...she goes totally underground, forever. We never hear her name or her kids' names again..
Her salary would come from anyone that never wants to hear or see her again.
I wonder if she would do it? lol
I might send her a few dollars just to go away,lol
@xxxxxxxx the price includes gratuities, Kate's Events, taxes and fees. We have 2 put on website that she may cancel if there is an emerg
Disclaimer -- Note: In the event that Kate Gosselin is unable to travel and/or attend scheduled functions for reasons beyond the control of Alice Travel, Alice Travel will not be liable, and no refunds for such inability to travel or attend functions and events will be owed by Alice Travel. Applicable cancellation penalties will apply.
Cindy, this says nothing about an emergency. According to this, if Kate can't travel because she can't find her suitcases, there is no refund. If she can't frolic on the beach because she has a rash, there is no refund. None of those things qualifies as an emergency. Furthermore, this is very murky. It sounds like there are no refunds for the cruise if she is a no-show, but is there a refund for the Kate portion of the trip if she cancels? I was told that there was, but this doesn't sound like it. If not, then passengers are paying the extra 800 or 900 dollars for NOTHING.
I hope this is clearly spelled out in Alice's contract with Kate -- emergency vs. hangnail.
Who in the world is running this thing?
tweedle #158 - the disclaimer you listed has been there for at least 2 weeks (when I finally checked the cruise page). I questioned it here at that time. I think it reads that Cindy and Khate get to keep the money even if Khate doesn't cruise. And I think the clause will be exercised. Khate will get paid for anyone who pays for her cruise, she has no intention of participating.
(my theory is that Khate & Skeeve found a travel agent who was not the brightest bulb in the box and could be manipulated)
Fleecing The Sheeple said...
They have more containers in their lunches than all the other kids and they're so small and filled with junk food.
Who is small and filled with junk food? The kids?
Kate's brain? Steve's heart?
What does Cindy mean by this then..
"We have 2 put on website that she may cancel if there is an emerg"
What does Cindy mean by this then..
"We have 2 put on website that she may cancel if there is an emerg"
They have to put a disclaimer on there. Problem is that it's not clearly spelled out. She doesn't seem to know what constitutes an "emergency." Some contracts are written SPECIFICALLY to state that the celebrity may only cancel in the event of a death in the family or a serious illness (doctor's evaluation). This says nothing about this, only if it's out of Alice's control. Anything could be out of Alice's control. Cindy says emergency. I doubt if she knows, or if she does, she's not saying.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 158
Looks like it's been added in teeny weeny writing:
I think that disclaimer been there from the beginning. Does anyone know whether other celebs have similar ones, or is this unique to Kate Gosselin?
Thanks aggie 154 & tess 156. I consider deconstructing Kate's lies a most pleasurable duty.
It has been a very interesting day in the world of Gosselin.
That disclaimer is a HUGE red flag - my guess is that if Kate des not think there are enough people signed on, she is NOT going and she gets to decide the 'emergency'. This really smells like old fish.
My kids are known to have the best lunches at school so I think my method is working!
Sounds to me like Kate's pot of crock runneth over.
Great recap Admin.
aggiemom09121416 said... 159 -
I have to say, I enjoy your posts and humor.
Westcoaster said... 167
That disclaimer is a HUGE red flag - my guess is that if Kate des not think there are enough people signed on, she is NOT going and she gets to decide the 'emergency'. This really smells like old fish.
That's exactly what I thought. There is no way she will be on that ship. So I think. It is her perfect out. I don't think that even the company sponsoring it knows she has that plan. I see her telling them this provision has to be there and it wasn't their idea.
What does Cindy mean by this then..
"We have 2 put on website that she may cancel if there is an emerg"
I would guess a LOT of people have asked Cindy about it, so she tweeted that to cover her back.
#166. It has been a very interesting day in the world of Gosselin.
Why do you say that?
Thank you! I've read her for a short while (used to frequent another blog that went kaput for some odd reason). Found this one, it is quite lively! There are so many witty, smart posters here. I have enjoyed reading here.
As far as Kate's disclaimer concerning her bowing out of her cruise, what happened to her being a 'contract honorer'? But to be fair, shouldn't that clause be commonly used with celeb cruises? I would think so. I looked at the cruise site today, I was shocked at how pricey it was. Gee, how much do teenage babysitters make these days? Must be a lot, to go on a cruise with KATE! :)
Re: the cruise gratuities, the "all-in" fee being charged by Alice Travel includes the tips for dining in all of the "standard" dining venues (which, by the way, do not include any room service), except for the beverages you order: if they are not included on the covered bevs list--i.e., coffee or tea (hot or iced) and NOT including bottled water, you will be charged per beverage and a gratuity will automatically be added. If you order any bevs in any location that are not included in the standard meal plan, there's a charge for the product and a gratuity is assessed, EVEN IF you tip in cash. I believe the room steward/housekeeping gratuity is included in the Alice Travel fee also--but according to the cruise blogs I have read, it is customary to leave more at the end, and labeled envelopes are supposedly provided for the various service categories.
So, any time you order something that is not included in the "standard" cruise fare--and this includes any beverage ordered where you do not have a special "beverage package," as well as more than half of the restaurants on board, you pay a charge for what you order and a gratuity that is automatically added on to the bill. If you get bad service at any time, you don't have a choice of not tipping. These charges are pretty much completely out of your control.
If you're happy eating only in the designated "paid" dining rooms/buffets and drinking ONLY coffee or tea, then your cruise will cost what Alice Travel has advertised. If, however, you want anything above and beyond this, you will pay--and through the nose. If you look at the Royal Caribbean web site (instead of Alice Travel), the fine print on the various "soft drink" and "alcohol" packages is pretty extensive.
I guess I understand the appeal of a trip like this, where everything is "provided"; however, the pricing leaves a lot to be desired. However, when someone goes on an "all-inclusive" excursion, you don't expect that the final reckoning will be $50-100 per day MORE than the package price, all because you wanted a couple of cocktails one night or you decided to go ashore at Cozumel. Anyone who is signing up for $1,900 for this cruise is NOT getting away for that price. By the time they get done, even if they do NOTHING outside of the package price, there will be an additional $50-100+ per day, to say nothing of the RT airfare and any other "minor" incidental.
The consumer's lack of control over the charges is one of the main reasons I would never do something like this--and certainly not on a ship with more than 5,000 passengers. The mind boggles at the incorrect-billing possibilities with that number of people. And how do you even begin to appeal?
Either I'm dense or that disclaimer is very vague. It doesn't answer any of MY questions.
What reasons WOULD be in Alice Travel's control??
The disclaimer strips consumers of any legal recourse and allows the celeb and travel agency carte blanche.
Buyer beware.
I would rather take a walk in the desert than go on a cruise. That has zero appeal to me. I would think it would claustrophobic and boring. When you got home, well, what did you see? lots of water...zzzzzzz
Tamara said...
The Gosselins weren't at all in the same boat. I really doubt anyone they "helped" feed that day had the money and stupidness to have fertility treatments for HOM twice, and then refuse to spend the 60k they have because it's "their" money, not to be spent on their children and unimportant things like that.
Did I miss something? I never heard that they had 60K stashed away, although I did hear that they had money left to them by Jon's dad. Did they seriously refuse to spend their own money to support themselves, and take money from others instead? I would think that the state of PA, who paid for all of her medical expenses for having the tups, would have checked out their assets and made them share in the costs. How did they get away with that?
Completely objectively, even if this were my favorite celeb in the world (Brad Pitt, shush) this has red flags ALL...OVER....IT.
At least narrow it down to what circumstances would warrant cancelation. Such as in case of death in the immediate family or severe illness of Kate or an immediate family member or other serious family emergency. At least offer to TRY to refund the money. Such as we will make every effort to refund part or all of the purchase price but cannot guarantee it. Why do their greedy little hands get to keep all the profits? Shouldn't the agency take the risk, not her fans? I've never seen such greed and selfishness.
It's never about the big picture with Kate. If she would just COMMIT to this and not give herself every opportunity to get out of this, more people would be comfortable signing up.
I would rather take a walk in the desert than go on a cruise. That has zero appeal to me. I would think it would claustrophobic and boring. When you got home, well, what did you see? lots of water...zzzzzzz
Some people love them. It is obviously a love/hate thing. We talked about this tons when this story first came out. I'm with you.
LOL Aggie that reminds me I have been to a few deserts and did indeed have way more fun walking in them.
It was widely reported that Kate said she shouldn't have to use 'their' money to pay household bills and such..This was money given to Jon through a trust fund.
Can you imagine the gall of this woman? What bothers me so much about this shrew, is that she expects people to volunteer their time, their assets, to enable her (who does nothing, btw) to feed and dress her kids probably better than those that were, or are, helping the family.
Her entitlement issues are incredulous.
This is OT, but does anyone else notice that Kate's voice has changed, perhaps due to the veneers- it sounds 'thicker.' I just watched a bit of the Giving Back YouTube and noticed this!!!
For me cruising is way more complex than love/hate; we have been on a few, including a river cruise, and would go again, depending on itinerary and size of ship. The large mega-ships do not interest, too many people, too big boat, etc. Our cruise through Alaska's Inland Passage had less than 400 pax, and the Danube River boat held under 200. I just looked at a friend's picture album of their South America/Antartica adventure and assure you they certainly saw a lot more than water: penguins, horses on Argentinian plains, icebergs, amazing flora and fauna. This travel style is not for everyone, but cruising is certainly more than party boats in the Caribbean or the Mexican Riviera. However, even if Cruisin' Kate's trip took me someplace rare and exotic, I would not EVER consider signng up for travel with her.
I kind of speak mostly to the mega-cruises when I speak of the love/hate things. There doesn't seem to be a lot of people who are in between on those, you either love them or hate them. There are all kinds of much smaller cruises, even riverboats where the area is a lot more grey where some people who hate cruises might enjoy it.
I watched Ellen today. In keeping with her 'giving back' theme, she gave a lady a house! She had already given her a car and also the 12-days of giveaways in previous shows. She really has a heart for this delightful lady, who is raising her kids and two grandkids too. I had to choke back a sob at this woman's gratitude. It was really something.
Yes, I understand Ellen is rich and also connected and probably the house builder is just going to write off the house as a charitable contribution, as do the car dealers who provide the cars, but Ellen really does look at large scale and also small scale needs. I was blessed to go to a taping once, and she had a little girl on who had made bracelets to raise money for cancer research. We all got bracelets and Ellen gave her a big check for her foundation - and the kid already raised a ton of money on her own with these plastic bracelets. It was pretty impressive on all sides.
Kate gives nothing. And she takes everything. She even got free t-shirts and got paid for her 'give back.' I've mentioned I've volunteered at the same food bank for 12 years. We get vests to honor 5 years of work and then 10 years - nobody gets t-shirts because there are none. She's not even smart enough to not accept these things on twitter, which opens her up to more relentless criticism. Karma's a-comin' and it won't be pretty.
I would rather take a walk in the desert than go on a cruise. That has zero appeal to me. I would think it would claustrophobic and boring. When you got home, well, what did you see? lots of water...zzzzzzz
It depends where you go. On a 10-day Caribbean with a different port every day, you see much more than just water, depending on the shore excursions you choose, and I don't mean the beach excursions, but rather historical tours, cultural experiences, wildlife sanctuaries, rain forests. It's a lot more than a big, boring ocean. When you use a ship only as a place to sleep, you don't get any more claustrophobic than in a hotel, unless, of course, Kate is onboard.
One thing is certain. I would never go on a ship the size of the Allure, and certainly wouldn't pay for the Kate cruise, even if it was offered to me at a very nice discount.
Tweet said, "Either I'm dense or that disclaimer is very vague. It doesn't answer any of MY questions.
What reasons WOULD be in Alice Travel's control??"
That's just it, Tweet. It IS very vague, and as such, it doesn't protect Alice at all. A consumer has the right to have it clarified. The way it is worded is nebulous, but it sounds good to stupid sheeple who wouldn't think to ask what it means and what events would be in Alice's control.
Yes! And Kate's kids always say, "thank you Mommy" while they eat their very healthy, and cleverly prepared lunches.
Meanwhile, the rest of their mediocre, jealous classmates sit wishing they had a mother like Katie Irene...
Katie Irene for PTA President & Mom
of the century!
(I wish I had a puke icon to insert here)
I bet when the kids thank Kate she hears Joan Crawford's Mommie Dearest voice in her head saying "When I told you to say that I wanted you to mean it!"
Didn't mean to offend anyone that likes cruises, I was referring to those floating cities cruises. YUK
Heck, I couldn't afford to go in a leaky row boat..I've had at least one kid in college since 2005! :)
My children are the greatest blessing I have ever received. I would give my life for them if I had to. My kids' going to college is more important to me than a leather couch or some stupid trip.
thanks and gig'em
Mom always told me Buyer Beware but Alice Travel takes it to a whole other level.
Really, I'm more likely to buy a cruise package from this guy http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-U4V52W4xaSM/TaRBX9IvLsI/AAAAAAAABEQ/X4JSJ8nanf0/s1600/snakeoil.jpg
than them.
The Bitter End said... 103
Has anyone mentioned what Kate will be paid for the cruise...if it happens?
I read somewhere recently (sorry, can't remember where, but I did read it) that Kate gets an automatic $900 per head of every person who signs up for her cruise. If 10 sheeple sign up, that's $9,000. I think I might have read it on cruisecritic.com now that I think about it...
Frankly, I do not think this cruise is even going to happen. It will be canceled due to lack of people.
Not caught up on reading--sorry if someone else posted about this.
Gift of grab said... 141
Kate's CC "blog" on the kids' lunches was recycled (and recycled) from her earlier web site blogs on these very same legendary lunches.
You are not kidding about it being recycled. I had a vague memory of Kate talking about some traveling she was doing for something called the Brown Bag Campaign. This is lifted from another blog that posted quotes from an article (the link to the article is, like Kate's career, dead). This is from September. 2008:
"If you want to learn about something, ask an expert.When I wanted hints about packing school lunches, I asked Kate Gosselin, the mom in TLC’s reality series Jon and Kate Plus Eight, who is speaking to food writers on behalf of the Grains Foods Foundation.
Granted, Kate’s got only two children in school — 7-year-old twins Mady and Cara are in the second grade — but she’s also got 4-year-old sextuplets at home. Aaden, Joel, Collin, Hannah, Leah and Alexis are in preschool three afternoons a week, which means that Kate and the kids must sit down to lunch at 10:50 a.m. on those days. Planning and organization are obvious necessities for the Gosselin family, but Kate’s also concerned with nutrition and variety.
She asks the older girls each evening what they’d like for lunch the next day, then gets to work as soon as she’s done with dinner. Nine times out of 10, Cara and Mady get sandwiches. “They rarely agree on what kind of sandwiches,” Kate says.
“I cut out the sandwiches in shapes sometimes, change the bread,” she says.
Each lunch also includes yogurt or a cheese stick, a piece of fruit and something crunchy, such as popcorn or an oatmeal-raisin cookie. Finally, she tucks in a note. “Just my way sending love along with them to school,” she says."
What genius!!!!!!!! Talk about phoning it in...
The consumer's lack of control over the charges is one of the main reasons I would never do something like this--and certainly not on a ship with more than 5,000 passengers. The mind boggles at the incorrect-billing possibilities with that number of people. And how do you even begin to appeal?
You do have control over the charges. You keep the receipts and add everything up at the end. Anyone who just signs slips whenever the spirit hits them deserves to get it in the end. You need to be responsible and keep close tabs of what you are spending. You can't throw caution to the wind, which is what so many people do. I wouldn't go on a ship with more than 1,800 people. That's not a vacation...it's being in a herd of cattle.
If there is a mistake on your onboard account, you don't pay until it's straightened out. If they insist on charging you, you immediately call the credit card company and put in a dispute. More times than not, the cruise line doesn't respond and you win. It's actually easier than a dispute with an online company.
These fans who have never cruised before have no idea the big surprise they will be in for when they see their bill at the end. I hope their credit cards are not maxed out and that they have an alternate payment method in place.
Missed the original show, so this is the only exposure to it for me.
A fan shows Kate a TATTOO of Kate's CHILD and this is not a big fucking red flag to the child's mother?
There is more wrong with her than I care to think about.
Anyone knew that Collin and Alexis had physcial therapy from Easter seals?
Was this the start of her grifting?
State asked to extend care for sextuplets
Kate I. Gosselin says she would be unable to tend to the needs of the six 1-year-olds and their two 4-year-old sisters without the continued help of a nurse.
By Erin Negley
Reading Eagle
Kate I. Gosselin pleaded Thursday for the state Department of Public Welfare to maintain funding for a nurse who helps care for her 1-year-old sextuplets.
Gosselin of Wyomissing fears for the health of her family, which also includes 4-year-old twin daughters, if Medicaid cuts off payments for licensed practical nurse Angie S. Krall.
“She is my other set of medical eyes and ears,” Gosselin told Lisa Neeper, an administrative law judge, during a 90-minute hearing at the State Office Building in Reading.
The hearing was held after Gosselin and her husband, Jonathan K., appealed the Welfare Department's decision to end funding for the nurse.
The state wants to replace Krall with a home-health aide who would help care for the children part time for one month. The Gosselins then would be on their own.
Neeper said she would rule on the appeal by late July.
Kate Gosselin, who attended the hearing with her eight children and Krall, argued the family's case, while a medical consultant and caseworker appeared for the state.
The Welfare Department would not release names of the consultant or caseworker. The Reading Eagle was allowed to attend the hearing only because the Gosselins gave their approval.
Kate Gosselin is a registered nurse. But she said she's too busy caring for the sextuplets and twins and running a household to spend enough time with each child to spot all of their individual needs.
Jonathan Gosselin works in Harrisburg and is gone 12 hours a day.
Kate Gosselin wiped tears while saying that Krall has noticed diaper rashes, fevers and even pneumonia in the children.
If the switch to a home-health aide is made, Kate Gosselin fears she would need a long time to find the right worker.
In the meantime, she said, “It's me with eight children, which is not fair.”
Because the sextuplets were born about nine weeks early, Medicaid paid for Krall to spend 30 hours a week at the Gosselins' Wyomissing home.
The funding period ended April 30, but Krall will continue to assist the family until Neeper rules on the appeal.
The amount Medicaid has paid was unavailable, but Kate Gosselin has said it would cost about $25,000 to pay for Krall's services for another year.
The state's medical consultant testified that Krall bathes and feeds the infants, changes diapers and cleans their surroundings. A daily vitamin is the only medicine the infants take.
“I could find no medical need to have a skilled nurse in the house,” he said. “What the Gosselins need is someone to stay with mom and dad.”
While two of the sextuplets, Collin and Alexis, receive physical therapy through Easter Seals, the four other babies are progressing normally, the consultant said.
“My heart goes out to the Gosselins because I'm a father of three, but the medical necessity is lacking here,” he said. “What is needed are child-care workers.”
If the Gosselins don't agree with Neeper's ruling, they could appeal to Commonwealth Court or to the Department of Public Welfare secretary, said Thomas E. Cheffins, department director for the bureau of hearings and appeals.
I have to finally tell you this: I am an Aggie. I'll decline to say which year because of trolls reading. Best years of my life were spent in College Station, and I was even married there. We hope our daughter will be a member of the Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2017. WHOOP!
She is such a greedy *itch from the moment those kids were born, if not before. Maybe a 'giveback' to the Easter Seals?
Just read this on twitter. When did this happen? If they are talking about the Audi, it has seatbelts in the back...
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Poor Cara has such an aversion to her mother. Kate makes her ride without a seatbelt. Kate favors Maddy
Just read this on twitter. When did this happen? If they are talking about the Audi, it has seatbelts in the back...
I think we should stop bringing over silliness from twitter like this. Of course it's not true. There is a small minority of "haters" who deliberately take low jabs like this at Kate that have no basis in reality. There is PLENTY out there to criticize her over without making up lies.
OT, but tonight while watching a rerun of Criminal Minds the following was quoted: children begin by loving their parents, as they grow older they judge them and sometimes they forgive them (Oscar Wilde).
Why is it that that particular quote just screams G8 to me? Pay attention Kate as judgement day is coming.
Alice Travel's disclaimer is standard, but what jumps off the page is the unpredictability of Kate Gosselin. The conundrum here is will Kate take the freebie with so few people booked?
Let's say the estimate of 20 people booked is accurate. This would mean Kate would be put in to the position of having to interact with them. The more people booked, the more she can step back,(with Steve keeping her fans at bay). She does love the free travel, (which I am sure she has been guaranteed), but can she cope with a handful of rabid fans?
I cannot see her canceling, (freebie factor), but I cannot see her coping with so few people jockeying for a position either. On the other hand, her ego is such that perhaps 20 people vying for attention on a free cruise beats staying at home.
Should she cancel, she would have to have to provide documentation to back up her claim. It would have to be a medical reason, serious enough to prevent her from meeting her obligation.
Alice Travel could hand back the cabins to Royal Caribbean and cut their losses now. They simply would have to refund the deposits to those who have booked stating there was not enough interest. We do not know what Alice Travel has promised Kate. Did they promise a free cruise based on a minimum number of cruise packages sold (say, 50 cabins), or did they guarantee her a free cruise betting they would get the numbers? Time will tell.
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