![]() |
Melissa, Maddie (left) and Mackenzie |
@Jxxxx um dance.. Yes. Um those horrible Dance moms? never ever ever!
Turns out who should see this tweet but Melissa Ziegler, devoted mommy of dancers Mackenzie, and Maddie, who is usually at the top of the (fake) pyramid. Oh, and, oops! Melissa is from Kate's area and was a big fan who used to defend Kate. That is until Kate picked a fight. Today Melissa tweeted the following back to Kate:
Dancemom1313 I heard you were bad mouthing our show "dance moms". I have always supported you and ur show! U should understand reality tv! I grew up in New Holland, PA so that's why I watched your show then I feel in love with your kids. I am not a bad Mom
Baw-ha-ha! Oh, we just love it when child exploiters fight amongst themselves. It's our turn to say you go, girl. You go, Melissa. Call this fool out.
1016 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1016 Newer› Newest»From Kate's blog: "On Sunday afternoon after church, they all disappeared into the basement and stayed there (happily and quietly!) for hours! When they returned, I learned that they had set up two classrooms with Mady and Cara being the teachers!"
She doesn't check on them for hours?
Will the twins be allowed to go see friends and do other normal things kids do on spring break or will they be expected to catch the kids up in school the whole time because Kate can't be bothered?
EVerything Kate seems to think is so darn cute I just find creepy and unnatural.
And when did her twitter become a play by play of what the kids are up to? She didn't really post that many pics before, it's like she's ramped things up times 10 the past few weeks.
Well, what a fun vacation. Schoolwork and chores. If Kate thinks this will not lose its appeal soon she's crazy. And why set her own goal of completing half a workbook if this was the kids' idea?
Kate managed to pack a lot into that little piece of news. More pics of the kids to prove this is true, mention of shopping at WalMart (which loses its value when she says she had pageant-style dresses made), Chinese take-away and another home movie night to prove she's so fun , and bragging about the kids. Usually they travel, she started off...
BTW, Hannah is really looking cute. But those should be private pictures.
Once a Viewer #197..
but yes, they are cheering for the guys, even have to give them gifts and make encouraging signs for their front doors and lockers,bake them treat at her school and really demean their own worth- IMO
My girls agree with yours!
From Kate's blog: "On Sunday afternoon after church, they all disappeared into the basement and stayed there (happily and quietly!) for hours! When they returned, I learned that they had set up two classrooms with Mady and Cara being the teachers!"
She doesn't check on them for hours?
Yeah really! Hasn't she ever heard if the kids are being too quiet something is up? There's just something so scary about not knowing what your kids are doing in the basement for HOURS.
This woman is so messed up into head.
Cheer is not what it used to be. It's extremely athletic and involves extensive gymnastic skills. I would rather see a little girl be interested in basketball or something, but I don't think they should be discouraged if that's what they want to do.
If cheer competitions were the only thing, i'd agree, Admin. It's the deference to the boys that I object too, and if you want to talk about sleazy outfits and other cheer-girls activities...it's a popularity contest at the school here, and these girls do work hard and learn a lot of skills but they are also the center of' party central'. Also there are many injuries involved- more than any other school sport I read somewhere- my daughter's friends had broken noses, concussions and broken ankles as well as bruises and scrapes. But that is true of any sport. JMO & my DD's- I know a lot of girls enjoy cheer and some guys too.
Cheer is not what it used to be. It's extremely athletic and involves extensive gymnastic skills. I would rather see a little girl be interested in basketball or something, but I don't think they should be discouraged if that's what they want to do.
Yes, some schools do have the extensive skills that are jaw dropping, but the majority of friday night cheerleaders don't fall in that category.
Yes, I believe if that is a girl's dream, I guess so, but why settle cheering for someone else? Why not be the one that is being cheered FOR?
When selecting tennis, it wasn't just some random sport I picked...my girls all played soccer when they were little, then we went to basketball and volleyball, but by the time we hit junior high, I looked really hard at my own sedentary life (wasn't allowed to do sports or any stuff in school, I was expected home right after school and was presented with a daily list of chores), and didn't want my girls, as they aged, to become in-active. So, I picked tennis...it's something they can do all their lives, and when they marry, have a career, they can join adult leagues and have an outlet for themselves among their peers that is a productive activity..so far, it's working, all my older kids still play, and none gained one pound in college due to tennis, as well as healthy eating habits.
And, of course, it wouldn't be a Kate-blog without milo's effusions of worship and adoration:
@Kateplusmy8 Wow Kate! That's the beauty of having so many kids..so close in age & the gr8 job U have done of teaching them 2love&getalong!
@Kateplusmy8 Cara&Mady have such a wonderful nurturing attitude toward the tups...good big sisters they are...& seems like jealousy is gone!
@Kateplusmy8 Jon recently said the kids are flourishing! This is good example of that truth! So agree...much better than constant TV!
@Kateplusmy8 Of course...we want 2stay in the moment! LOL Chaos can insue at anytime! Kids R kids! :)
@Kateplusmy8 U really should get Cara 2document this via a "home made movie"...Mady can be producer & director. Mommy gets 2watch! :)
These all spewed out one after another, so Kate had no opportunity to respond (yet). LOVE her quoting Jon and saying (disingenuously?) "much better than constant TV." Isn't that what their lives USED to be, milo, "constant TV"? I can definitely see Kate doing a double-take on some of these comments (the twins' jealousy?).
Oh that milo--she's always good for a laugh.
Even at public schools most cheerleaders I see these days are so far removed from Ra-Ra GO BOYS! that I just can't take that much issue with it anymore.
It's also a great scholarship opportunity. Cheer is very serious at the college level and they need real athletes.
I guess the same argument could be made for marching band, which I also participated in. You're just there to cheer the boys are you not?
I just don't see it as that way at all. It's a musical and athletic activity just as cheer is an athletic activity. So what if it happens to happen at the same time as a football game.
Hey kids, leave mom the fuck alone and all is well! Stay in the basement like good littke prisoners nd entertain yourselves...quietly for hours (?). School workbooks and dry erase boards, wow, how fun...for like an hour.
And Kate mentioning the legos? Is she just begging us to bring up how she terrified the boys by kicking their Lego creation to smithereens when they failed to clean it up quickly enough? They were maybe 4 or 5 at the time, and it was during the 'mommy to monster' phase and reported in people or us or something similar.
Why is she tweeting that she spent $60 on supplies for the home school and that the celebration (sigh) will cost about $70. Is she keeping a running tally of everything she is spending on the kids while they are unemployed? She can't tweet anything about the kids without putting in the price. We know they are expensive. We get that. What would be interesting is a running tally on what she is spending when she is out shopping for herself.
I am off to watch Dance Moms where the price of what the moms spend on their kids is not a topic of discussion.
We're also anti-cheering at our house. I was a cheerleader, and I want to be clear that I have nothing against the *people* who love cheering, the activity is just not something my daughter is interested in, and I wouldn't encourage her to do it. Young girls do not understand how males are wired. It is up to the adults in their lives to guide them and protect them from being, as someone upthread said, "eye candy." Many moms see nothing wrong with their daughters wearing short skirts, baring their midriffs, dancing with sexy moves, etc. There are so many perverts living among us I will do what I can to keep my daughter from being some creep's source of a boner. Some moms don't believe that's a big deal. I do, so that guides many of the choices I make for my daughter. I talk to her about modesty and the value in presenting oneself with style and class. We were at a high school awards assembly last year (my daughter was in 3rd grade), and we watched all the senior girls in their very short skirts and high hooker heels. Many of the outfits were jaw-dropping in a bad way. Then a beautiful girl's name was called, and my daughter whispered, "Mom! She is SO pretty!" That young lady had on a very classy outfit (a light sweater with slacks). She looked like a million bucks while most of the other girls looked cheap and loose.
I think some comments regarding dancing moms are confusing the issues.
One issue is pushing kids into dance and training them to be competitive dancers. Some people are fine with that, others not. But it has to be remembered this issue has nothing to do with reality t.v. You can believe this is exploitive of the children, I guess to put them out there in the public, etc., but this exploitation has absolutely nothing to do with reality t.v.
The other separate issue is FILMING the kids while they are doing this. To me it doesn't matter whether the kids are playing chess or reading or playing a swing set, filming is filming. Although, filming kids when they are already under a lot of stress, be it chess or dancing or piano or whatever, is definitely not a good thing, IMO.
I think this show is exploitive because if exposes children who are under a lot of stress to the world. I do not think it is the worst show out there. I think it's confusing for kids how fake the show is, but it doesn't even come close to the farce of Kate's show. The difference for me, what makes this show so much less exploitive than Kate's show, is that only tiny segment of their lives is being filmed and exploited. The children's personal lives remains personal. The Dance Moms don't talk about anything else but dance. Heck they don't even talk about or film their other kids, rarely! They keep trying to get Melissa to talk about her boyfriend, she won't. They don't talk about school much other than so-and-so is good at school. THey don't film school, their friends, their houses or even other activities. This show is about dance and only dance. Everything else is almost always off limits.
But for the Gosselins, every single facet of their lives was exposed. There was nothing that wasn't exploited. Their entire lives were turned upside down for the show. The Dance Moms will still be here 100 years from now pushing their kids, and people will still take issue with it. Nothing changed.
And for that very reason for Kate to be ticked off about a show that is only exploiting these children in one specific area of their lives, is just downright laughable. She hasn't a clue what she has done to her children.
Sooverit: I agree with you. I can't believe the outfits girls wear to school these days! There is supposed to be a dress code but no one apparently pays it heed. and I want to know why girls wear short sleeveless or strapless see-thru dresses in the winter?? And the heels- for school? Cleavage in abundance, make-up galore, designer brands or you're nobody...ugh, high school is really awful. What disturbs me is that the girls are keen to win the boys' approval and drink, smoke pot , engage in early sex acts all for the sake of being popular.
I'm glad my daughter had more self-respect and I owe a lot of that to her success at sports. She is also modest by nature. No, she wasn't in the popular crowd and lost friends form primary days- but always found a niche and a nice group of kids to hang with.
dee3 said... (73)
Each question is a single event...with the answer always showing Kate as she sees herself at that moment....and is totally unrelated to any prior response that may totally contradict it.
You really nailed it, Dee3!
I get so angry/annoyed/frustrated by kHate and her lies that I feel like banging my head on the computer. Your explanation of any kind of "rationale" makes a lot of sense to me.
Look, she is a sick woman and she infuriates me. But I think the kids will make it through (with therapy!). I say this based on my own experience.
My mom wasn't a narcissist but she suffered from depression and was in a very abusive relationship for years (with her alcoholic 2nd husband). Her husband would often leave to be with his girlfriend and my mom would sink into a deep depression. During those times I would have to be the adult. I always wanted to leave and go live with my dad (my brother had done it early on). But I suffered from a lot of guilt that my mother would harm herself if I left (because she told me she would) - so I stayed.
My dad was a constant for me. I used to ride my bike to a pay phone and call him collect (he lived about 2 hours away) and cry. He always calmed me down and he always told me how important I was to him. He made a big difference in my life.
Now my gut tells me that Jon is this type of constant in the kids life.
*This is my opinion - sheep - not fact.*
I think he has it in him to be strong enough for the 8 to come out on the other side of this mess. He loves those kids and I pray he finds a way to stop the evil that is kHate.
Sorry for being so long-winded.
Cost of school supplies, $60.00. Keeping the kids quiet in the basement for HOURS..........priceless.
RE dance moms...I live in the same area and am familiar with Candy Apple's and to a lesser extent the Abby Lee studio in Pittsburgh.
Like any so-called reality show, what you are seeing on TV is exaggerated. The studios are not run that way and the dance students are not talked to that way. There are no "pyramids", no moms practically pulling each other's hair out over costumes, no "open calls" for dancers. The kids are also very much aware of how this is approached,
Cathy of Candy Apple's is not well-liked in the area, but it's not related in any way to how the dance students are treated. Her studio is actually small potatoes in reputation compared to others in the area. Abby has stated in interviews that things are set up by the show - I've wondered if she's ever been taken to task for "exposing" how it works.
Watch carefully when you see the studio owners and mothers getting into "altercations" - they often are trying not to smile...and are laughing all the way to the bank.
I assumed that Dance Moms was an abusive show--I saw ads during Project Runway. I started watching this season, and, yes. I am hooked on it. I have seen the girls hiding smiles--ex. When one of the girls slipped on a gym floor while doing a flip, you can clearly see that when she buried her head in her mom's arms, she was smiling. When we see them actually receiving instruction, Abby has assistants that probably does the day-to-day teaching--she is, primarily, the choreographer.
I studied toe dancing, ballet and tap at around the ages of these girls. My daughters didn't like dance and gravitated towards fast-pitch softball and my son took karate. While I thoroughly enjoyed all of my kids' activities and learned to appreciate sports, dance is still more interesting to me. So, I love watching the Dance girls compete--learning how to function as a team and support each other. I also watch figure skating competitions, because they are similar to dancing. So, simply, I watch this show because I enjoy dancing. The moms are ridiculous, but it doesn't bother me. If it went off the air, I can certainly live without it.
Toddlers and Tiaras--deserves its own post IMO. Watched it once --never again! Didn't one of them get a new reality show?
Cheerleading isn't THAT horrible, y'all.
I felt the same way about it, but guess what? Our children are not us and I had a daughter who did competitive gymnastics and cheer and LOVED it. She NEVER demeaned herself or danced sexy on the sidelines for the boys or all this stuff being said.
She got a lot out of it and like I said, loved it. It was her passion, not mine. But I wasn't going to stand in her way, it wasn't harmful.
Butterfly: I guess we should cancel cheer leading too, because those skirts are far too short and those routines border on strip tease/porn dances.
When is the last time you saw a 7-year-old high school cheerleader made up to look like a 20-year-old hooker, posing with her mother in a publicity photo?
And yes, many of those cheering uniforms are too short, inappropriate, and the moves suggestive. Right now the the USASF, is working with cheerleading organizations to offer guidelines on outfits, makeup and cheers. It has been a huge concern that the sexuality of cheerleaders detracts from the athletics of sports and cheerleaders should get back to the business of doing what they are supposed to be doing - performing routines and leading cheers in a respectful manner in uniforms that don't look like the gals are employed by a gentleman's club.
Oh she also ran cross country. Both activities were very athletic. When they wear the cheerleading uniform to school, they have to wear track pants under the skirt. I doubt my daughter cared or noticed while she was cheering if some creeps got boners. She was too busy doing stunts.
Nor does she dress in a provocative way when not cheering. I don't know where this correlation came from that cheerleaders also dress skanky in general, but it's a pretty offensive generalization.
Look, cheering was NEVER my thing. I never even mentioned it to my daughter, in fact I believe I sneered the first time she mentioned it. But I saw how much she wanted to do it and then how good she was at the gymnastics, and I allowed it. It's not like she was smoking crack.
Hahahaha! Someone on Kate's Twitter just pointed out that dancemomchristi has 87,000 followers. Dance Moms is just in its second season?
Kate broke 80,000 24 hours ago. Just shy of 50 weeks on Twitter.
I actually am much more appalled by high school girls volleyball uniforms nowadays than I am most cheerleading uniforms.
We've had students refuse to go out for the team because of them.
Dallas Lady, I would be the last girl to sign up for cheer. But I'm with you on this. I wouldn't care if I had a teen girl who wanted to do it. It is not the skanky girls horny boys thing the movies make it out to be. The boys are focused on football and the girls on athletic gymnastic moves. And you can bet if they cross the lines both the cheer coaches and the football coaches are going to yell at them to keep their eyes front and focus on their jobs.
At the college level there are a lot of male gymnasts who join cheer. It's a co-ed thing and they rarely interact with the football players. And especially for use Northeastern college teams I'm sorry they don't wear skanky stuff, they're COLD, most games they were in long sleeves and tights. I never remember thinking oh what a skanky outfit.
Their job is to interact with the fans. Arguably it's not such a bad skill to learn how to motivate people toward a common goal and be comfortable in front of crowds. That's a leadership thing. I just think if you are against cheer based on why not have people cheer you instead of you cheering others, then you also need to be against things like marching bands.
Also by that logic a kid should never go to a high school sports game as a fan, be it football, baseball, basketball, whatever, because what are they doing but just cheering other people on? They should only go if they can be on the team--of course that's silly. Every team needs fans.
It's good for kids to support each other I think. Sometimes you get cheered on, but sometimes, there's time you should cheer OTHERS on. You cheer the basketball team in the winter and they cheer your softball team in the spring.
Wait I just thought about this. Did Kate not tweet that she was surprised after several hours to find the twins downstairs teaching the tups? Did she not also tweet she bought the twins school supplies for the sextuplets?
How did she know to buy school supplies for the twins if she was surprised to find them teaching them? Or did this come after the first school session?
"Kate just happened to tweet she loves the tv show The Voice, well she included thevoice(their website) as a link in her tweet also. And by the way Mark Burnett is a producer of that show also."
I was wondering why she liked the show. She doesn't usually talk about shows she's not involved with unless it's Dexter. She's kissing up to a reality TV producer! Like she cares about mediocre people singing.
The fan that said the horrible thing about Jon is from England. I wonder if they haven't seen all the shows yet. She's gotten backlash from the comment.
If Jon twittered anything close to Kate, the sheeple would have fits. But it's OK for Kate to do it.
Oh, here's what Kate said on her blog just last week: I think that the best thing that I did was choose to only say positive things out loud despite the turmoil that was going on behind the scenes. It allowed my kids to continue to love their dad and remember him in a positive light.
So how does that viewpoint jive with tweeting Jon under the bus this morning??? How is that positive??? How does that allow the kids to continue to love their dad and remember him in a positive light?
Kate you are an obsessed parental alienator and need massive therapy. You are lucky. I know judges who would take your kids away for this crap.
Baby Jane is the tormentor in the movie as played by Bette Davis. She is an old lush wanting to relive her glory days as a child star. I've always remembered the line "you can't have your breakfast Blanche because you didn't eat your din-din" (shed served her a dead rat for dinner).
Eat your lunch kids and if you don't you'll get it again tomorrow. Kate's reminiscing about old episodes just reminds me of this character.
Norma Desmond? Oh yeah!
Is this Milo, Paige and several of the other sheeple?
The most extreme descriptions of celebrity worship exhibit borderline pathological behavior and traits of psychoticism. This type of celebrity worship may involve empathy with a celebrity’s failures and successes, obsessions with the details of a celebrity’s life, and over-identification with the celebrity.
Geez, $60 + $70 = $130. Sounds like a great time could have been had by all at movies + olive garden, if it's all about the $. Sounds like the important thing is Don't Bug Mommy. It's amazing how someone so intellectually lazy is so hell bent on proving how important learning is for her kids. The twins are probably more articulate and well-rounded than her already.
I just halfway watched Extreme Couponing Holidays while working on a baby cocoon (cute!!) for a friend's first baby. A 16-year-old boy said he knew all kids don't have Christmas like him, so on the day after Christmas, his mom dropped him off at the mall before 7 am......and 8 hours later, he had spent the $100 he brought with him and bought many toys and clothing items at 75% or more. He really knew what he was doing.
Then......he delivered bags and bags of gifts to a local children's hospital. The lady who took them was so pleased and he was excited to gift the items as well. He didn't demand to give the kids the gifts; he was perfectly happy to let the hospital distribute them. Maybe I'm hormonal, but I cried.
He gets it.
Admin, Kate stated on her lame-ass blog that the little kids had gotten workbooks for Christmas and then she went and bought more supplies after the basement babysitting studio run by Cara and Mady had been set up. I think that's what she said; I can't stomach verifying.
Thank you Admin. and Dallas Lady for defending the sport of cheerleading. I am the proud mom of twin girls who cheered from the time they were in second grade. They loved cheerleading--and not for the skimpy uniforms. Their schools always had dress codes so they never wore the midrif tops. Yes, the skirts were short, but have you ever seen the volleyball players shorts? Way shorter than a cheerleading skirt.
I fully supported my daughters in their involvement in cheerleading. We spent 10 years in gymnastics where they learned to do back tucks, back handsprings, etc. Those are some pretty athletic moves, no? They were athletes!
As far as being the one who is cheered on, what is so important about that? What is wrong with cheering for others?
My daughters never dressed provocatively in school or out. They both received fully paid scholarships to college, so they were studious as well. I'm not bragging, but I kind of get tired of the same old stereotypes regarding cheerleaders. There are some with loose morals, sure, but there are some athletes that I have seen with some pretty loose morals as well. Again, it goes back to proper rearing of your child and being involved in their lives. Sorry for the long post, but I felt the need to defend at least 2 very athletic, morally upstanding young ladies! Not meant to offend anyone, just wanted to say my peace about cheerleading.
PatK said... 186
Kate posted on her blog (pics included) that the twins had set up a "classroom" for the little kids and were being their teachers. They apparently bought workbooks for the little kids to do. THAT is their vacation.
Hmmm, actually happening now, in the present, or another repeat from an old episode where Mady and Cara did the exact same thing.
As far as being the one who is cheered on, what is so important about that? What is wrong with cheering for others?
I'm not sure it is. You might just end up with an adult who is supportive of others and interested in others and not so self absorbed. And who is one day a mommy who sure knows how to support her kids. Funny, wasn't Kate a cheerleader? I guess it didn't take.
@xxfearlessx yep. I have at least 2-3 halves planned and one full this year... Will let you know once registered for ALL...:) 18 minutes ago
Kate gets lots of trips but her kids get nothing but stay-cations.
FOUR TRIPS for marathons!
@Kateplusmy8 have some extra lesson plans with activities/worksheets from when I did my 2nd grade student teaching..I could mail them to u
@Kateplusmy8 I live in PA..about 3 hrs from you.. All you would have to do is make copies for each "student"...
Oh, good grief!
My comment @31 above was in response to Ex Nurse's comment on previous page because she thought the Baby Jane character was the tormented rather than the tormentor
When I just read it I thought it needed an explanation because it didn't seem to make much sense among all the cheer discussion.
How can they call themselves such fans if they are just now seeing the shows. They have seen those edited clips on You Tube by Paige to the sound of music, KT's pap pics, and interviews, etc. Wait until they have seen them all. We were all where the internationals are at one point at the beginning, before the big money kicked in. It gets worse, much, much worse.
Okay, I admit DM tonight was a little over the top with the costumes, story line, etc. and they didn't win the group, but Maddie won first place overall in an elite competition. I hope now they will get back to the basics which is the dance.
I'm so glad the kids "invented" playing school per her tweet. My daughter and her friends used to play school (and restaurant and vet office) but I never bought supplies or offered bribes for finishing workbooks. What a control freak. Poor kids can't even play some very normal games of pretend without her orchestrating the whole process. She just makes my blood boil. I have to stop reading her crap.
Administrator) said... 28
How did she know to buy school supplies for the twins if she was surprised to find them teaching them? Or did this come after the first school session?
I'm sure she told Cara and Mady it was their responsibility to look after the others because she has a lot of work (twatting) to do and doesn't like to be interupted. I'm not even going to give her the benefit of a doubt anymore... she set this whole school thing up herself to keep them out of her hair and then pretended it was all a surprise on her stupid blog so her sheeple have an excuse to ooh and ahhh her again. Whatever strange world she's living on is going to come to an end 2012. Who'd have thunk the Mayans were talking about Kate when they made that predicition.
I like my new word predicition don't you?
"These are the days that being a mom makes my heart smile extra much."
Kate grab a grammar workbook and sit your flat ass down at the M&C school for first graders. You need it more than they do.
Okay, now I'm really done.
I think Mady and Cara are left to figure out how to entertain these kids far more than we even saw on the show. The downside is they are becoming parentified and wasting away their childhoods being mommies to the kids. On the flip side, at least the kids will probably grow up to be quite close and can all band together to pick Kate's nursing home someday. Maybe as their revenge they will get around to buying Kate her Depends if and when they happen to find a coupon for it. Mommy pooped in Mommy's undewears!
She’s supposed to be the doting mother. Ask the people who help her with her kids. They certainly don’t agree.
First of all she’s never around. And when she’s present she’s distant, not only not involved, but almost irresponsible about it. One of her children may have developmental challenges. As such, diet can exacerbate the issue. Since she can only spend so much time with her children, and often slotted in like appointments in her schedule, she doesn’t bother observing the food requirements that can help with the child’s behaviour. Mom supplies junk food because it’s quick and dirty so that she can get out of there that much faster. When the kid acts out because of the shit he’s just consumed, she’s incapable of dealing with it and takes off anyway.
It’s left then to the staff to raise her family. How does she treat them? Nannies’ cell phones are confiscated at 8am and not returned until 10pm. There’s a trusting and kind working environment, non? Totally encourages loyalty.
As you expect, bosses like this always play favourites. Her favourite? Curiously enough, it’s the bodyguard. He’s been seen rubbing her feet. Of course that had nothing to do with the separation ...even though the foot massages have been happening for a while now.
the only part I dont get is the development issues with the boy - but many are speculating its about kate
Tamara, bingo! On this episode of Kate Plus Eight Still Playing in Kate's Head.....
The kids may have set up the classroom like she said, and the lightbulb went off in her head (granted, one of those energy efficient bulbs that don't shine so bright)....hey! New fake episode! Let's go buy the paraphernalia to make it look good so I can take pictures for my blog and ruin all the fun.
I hope those kids dare to dream of fantastical, whimsical things too. I can remember my kids pretending to be horses and pilots and zookeepers and all kinds of neat things. Didn't require props, they made the most clever ones themselves. The "zoo" consisted of all their stuffed toys arranged around the room. And they definitely didn't want mom and dad interfering..they were in kid world.
Dallas Lady, I, also am on your side. I was a figure skater for many years, never a cheerleader, but some of my costumes, when I became a lot older, were pretty sexy. I was a real show skater, did a lot of shows. My mom designed and sewed my costumes, on her Singer treadle machine, they were always inovative, and had lots of bling, which she sewed on one by one. When you watch show skating, they usually are wearing skimpy dresses. Gone are the days when Barbara-Ann Scott, wore her dresses down to her knees. When you look at all of the adult sports teams, foot ball and basket ball, and see what their cheer leaders are wearing, they kind of set the bar for the outfits. Some are fairly trashy looking. Maybe they should take a second look at the examples they are setting, for the high school cheer teams. I say allow your kids to participate in what they have a passion for. Better than hanging out with the wrong people, doing wrong things after school.
Library Lady,
Just now read your post about the girls' volleyball shorts. I didn't read it before I posted about my girls cheerleading. I am glad someone else has noticed the volleyball shorts! Great minds think alike, eh?
Kate just tweeted that neither of the twins has a Twitter account. "Cara's" account has been removed. I would think that either Kate or Jon would have investigated to determine the identity of the person who set up Cara's Twitter and Formspring accounts since both were clearly fake and contained incorrect information.
Oh, and Milo wants to see private home videos...
@Kateplusmy8 Any chance U will one day share these home videos? I can only imagine how cute they are! No camera shy kids there! LOL
Sounds like another Twitter episode to me. I feel a ping of sadness for the kids. They were playing just a little game, trying to stay out of her hair, and it turned into an all out orchestrated by KT Twitter episode. With of course a price tag attached.
Yeah really! Hasn't she ever heard if the kids are being too quiet something is up? There's just something so scary about not knowing what your kids are doing in the basement for HOURS.
She used to leave the 3 year old tups outside alone, then comment "well if I don't hear them screaming they must still be alive".
Pity Party oops do a spoiler alert next time! DM hasn't aired on the West Coast yet. :)
Admin you said a long time ago this was Kates aim, to groom Cara and Mady as her 'helpers'. The truth of matter is Kate is a lazy bitch. Mady and Cara are smarter than Kate by leaps and bounds. No one can tell me they don't see right through her, especially Mady. I would not doubt they have their futures already planned and their mother isn't in it. They are just biding their time until they're old enough to get out and it may be sooner than the age of 18.
From the twitter reminiscing about past episodes, one fan commented:
@Kateplusmy8 will nvr forget the "hi mommy" welcome home from 1 of the girls, just a baby after your surgery! #priceless
To which Kate replied:
...that is still by far THE moment that can make me cry instantly! In that moment, no matter where I had been, I mattered! :)
So....Kate hadn't seen her babies and her babies hadn't seen her for how long???? and she's only concerned that she matters? What about those six little dearhearts whose mom went away for an extended period when they were so young? Were they not first in her thoughts? Kate's response says it all.
Pageant style dresses made for the girls for Christmas? Imagine what that must have cost. And why didn't she mention those gifts when she tweeted what they all got for Christmas. I guess she knew people would get pissed for spending so much when she cries about being broke. And who the hell can afford that unless you are doing well financially which she definitely appears to be. However, I'm surprised she would put herself and her wallet out that much to have dresses made. Cheapskate likes to cheap out on the kids so I don't get it. I can't see her buying cheap fabric at Walmart and then taking it to someone to make. That lazy sloth would have to calculate how much fabric she would need for each kid and I doubt she could read a pattern to figure it out. I call bullshit on that one. Maybe she thinks the Walmart reference negates the lavish spending on having dresses made.
No camera shy kids there? Is she mental? Cara HATED being on camera from the beginning, Collin was hiding his face, the kids constantly didn't want to be filmed and hid. Was Milo watching the same show we were?
Or maybe some of the six pack are behind in school and Katie Irene was told that she has to play catch-up over the break.
Auntie Ann I don't remember saying that but I do believe it.
I completely agree with you, they are groomed by Kate and I completely agree about how smart they are. The best thing that ever happened to Mady and Cara was they were born with bright, sharp minds. They see through Kate already judging by some of the snide remarks they've made about her on the couch, they will continue to see through her, and I'm pretty confident they will be able to do what is in the best interest of their own mental health someday. It's hard to tell how the Tups will shake out, but at least they will have two older sisters supporting them in doing what is best.
Was Milo watching the same show we were?
Probably, but Milo was so caught up in her obsession/love affair with Kate that she never saw the kids.
(Sigh.) Kate is NOT doing Madrid marathon this year. RnR tweeted something about the event being almost sold out, and she took the opportunity to say that she is "not ready." Awwww.
So that just extends the guessing game. Perhaps San Diego in early June will be her choice for the full. She claims she's also signing up for 2-3 halfs. You have to figure that each of these "runs" is going to be 5-7 days away from home. And then she has the weeklong cruise in August. So it appears that she has scheduled at least 30-40 days out of town for the foreseeable future--that's a lot of paid-babysitter time.
I really hope she's not going to gin up the "I'm broke and I can only work in TV" refrain any time soon.
I recently started working out again. My energy has increased by 60% it seems.
If kate is so into running - why is she so drained all the time. Where is the runners high? The burst of energy from a workout?
What is she so tired from? Tweeting? She said herself she ran 8 miles today, plus the kids entertained themselves for HOURS in the basement recreating their M&C are teachers episode.
And good point about spending $130 on "school supplies" but cant go to a movie. She really is counting every dime these kids are costing while THEY are unemployed.
Sorry, still not believing kate ran the whole marathon. She was so fresh at the finish line, she made none of the comments about the crowd and lack of supplies the others did, did not mention the walkers in the running lanes, and there were rumors of her being spotted standing on the sidelines for a good amount of time. I'm not a conspiracy believer usually but..kate's comments just don't ring true for a runner. She never has helpful tips, didn't know about nutrition blocks, proper meal planning, ice baths, when to stretch, cross training, working out other muscles, building endurance, shin splints. She can't even tell how she began running. It's as if she just woke up one day and decided to run 10 miles. The show ended in what? August? She didn't mention running on one single episode. Also, she scheduled long runs back to back, she is never photographed with a water bottle, and she clutches her pink iphone in her hand. I don't know..something is just hinky about kate AS USUAL.
Marathons are just kate's latest attempt to stay relevent and to be the next Jillian Michaels. Her advice is lame. And why is she always telling people to run? How about just advise to simply exercise and offer some fun routines. Not everyone is a runner. Especially the OBESE housewives she tweets to encourage. KAte thinnks everyone has to do what she does.
AND FINALLY, yes, what a buzz kill. Not playing with the kids, but sticking her big nose into their playtime by deciding what they SHOULD do. Finish your fake homework kiddos to make mommy proud. I wish someone would gridt all the kids drum sets, electric guitars and loud horns. Something that would make the control freak go insane.
I didn't mean to offend any cheerleaders or those who love them. I totally agree that cheering can be a positive, athletic, great thing to be involved in. But at our little rural school cheering seems to be all about the short skirts and suggestive moves at half time to an inappropriate rap song. For my taste that is. I just wouldn't want my daughter involved in that. And I also agree about the volleyball uniforms. My daughter just started practicing with her traveling team, and she just wants to wear regular shorts because she feels like she's wearing a bathing suit when she has those spandex things on. Fortunately the coach said that's fine. I'm really not a prude. Well, I guess compared to some I am and compared to others I'm not. We're all somewhere on a continuum. So compared to Kate I'm a prude, compared to Michelle Duggar I'm a wild woman. : )
Admin, I'd have to search but I know you have talked about Cara and Mady becoming parentified before. Check that off as another prediction that's come to fruition.
And this is slightly off topic for a second but I see where Paula Deen is knee deep in it now. I'm reading the civil lawsuit filed against her and her brother. Wow, it's disturbing and I'm only on page 15.
This suit could easily signify the end of her career whether the allegations are true or not.
The problem with celebrity status is stuff like this can't be kept secret. All kinds of things are going to come out now.
Kate take notice, it will all catch up with you sooner or later.
Don't feel bad about the way that you feel, SOOVERIT. We are all able to agree to disagree on this awesome blog, as we respect each other. Not eveyone feels the same about things-except about the way kate acts!-and as adults, we are able to have a civilized discussion. So what if you really are a prude? Who cares? We each get just one life to live, and we have to live it our way, not the way someone else thinks we should live it. BTW-my husband often calls me a prude!
As she watches and reminisces about the old "eps", she reminds me of Gloria Swanson in Sunset Blvd. holed up in her mansion re-living her golden years.
Or "golden seasons," as the case may be....
AuntieAnn said...
Admin you said a long time ago this was Kates aim, to groom Cara and Mady as her 'helpers'. The truth of matter is Kate is a lazy bitch. Mady and Cara are smarter than Kate by leaps and bounds. No one can tell me they don't see right through her, especially Mady. I would not doubt they have their futures already planned and their mother isn't in it. They are just biding their time until they're old enough to get out and it may be sooner than the age of 18.
I'm not so sure about that. All to often kids whom've been abused or ignored only want their parent's love and attention, and in hopes of getting it they will stick with that parent and spend their lives trying to make them proud. Or to elicit a few "I love yous". They just never can get over their sucky childhoods.
Remember, while Mady and Cara may realize that their mom is a complete ass-hat who lies to them, screams at them, loudly and continually hates on their father in front of them, and makes them play the unfun game of Which Mom on an hourly basis, she is still their mom and they still love her. I see lots of therapy in the future x5, if not x8.
#57 Exactly! It is ALWAYS about kate. Always. Funny thing is..Alexis was almost regulated to icky boy status in the beginning until her fame grew. Once the viewers expressed their love of Alexis is when kate finally started talking her up instead of calling her "a bat" who needed to be sent to the basement to sleep.
Another line of bs from that episode is how mommy NEVER wants to be away from them that long again. Well, to her credit, that was before Steve and FAME became the main focus.
ANy bets on if kate still has yearly slumber parties with the Dr.s wife? kate was too good to recover at home. She had to suck the Dr and his wife dry too. Free makeover of course! Breakfast in bed!
I wonder if Beth regrets writing that book for kate. It is what started all the traveling from home and poor Beth wasn't even invited on the book tour. Beth should have been there. It pains me to see how she was treated for her work. kate owes Beth big time for making HER a best selling author. Geeze the way kate sucks up accolades for writing that book is gross.
I hope Beth was paid well but somehow I imagine most of the money went into kate's pocket. Remember on how kate insisted Jon's name be on the cover as co-author? kate just wanted the $ split into 3rds and not half. That way Jon and kate got the lion's share. (ie kate since she controlled the $)
Funny, JON is never touted as a best selling author even though his name is on the cover as author as well. kate screwed Beth over. She is a snake. Took the money, took the credit and insisted that she and STEVE tour with the book while Beth sat at home in the shadows and Jon was expected to stay home and raise the kids without nary a phone call to see how the KIDS are doing.
Trust me..kate didn't want Jon's name on the book because "he lived it." She hates sharing credit. It was all about screwing Beth out of a portion of the cash.
Do any sheep realize kate didn't write the book? DO they remember Beth? Do they know Jon's name is on that book and that he wrote as much of it as kate did? (none - kate can't even speak, much less write) Do the sheep remember the part of the book where kate says fans annoy her? The ONLY reason kate tolerates her fans now is because TLC isn't buttering her bread any longer. She used the fans in the end to try and save her dying show, and now she uses them to pump her ego since TLC is no longer telling her she is a star.
Classic kate quotes
EM, you sure echo my thoughts about running. I've been running almost 20 years, though I'm battling plantar fasciitis now. You are right - she has never been photographed with a bottle (you run the risk of the runs of you don't hydrate enough), and my GOD, you would think she would invest in an armband for her stupid phone by now to go with her BOSE earbuds. I cannot carry anything when I run; it makes me feel off balance. I love my hydration belt with the bottle at the small of my back and it has a pouch for my keys too. Her clothes seem wrong too, except for the marathon clothes, which were probably free. Those shorts - yikes. I use Body Glide for anything over 6 miles or my thighs will chafe until they bleed (depending on distance) where they touch each other and the seams of my RUNNING shorts (not cotton shorts with the waistband folded over like a teen). Otherwise, I'll wear compression pants like she had on for her marathon. Her nutrition is wrong, her distances on consecutive days (that she publishes) are wrong and very unhealthy, and on and on and on. Her advice to anyone who asks is wrong (Asics are not for everyone, nor do you just 'strap on your shoes and go' without some professional advice or at least online investigation). IF she is doing all she says she is doing, she is risking injury - and injury to her kids as she leaves them for long stretches as she seems to do the majority of her big runs when are around.
I will give her one thing - I tried several times to run with my big dog when she was still around, and gave up because she would zig and zag a tiny bit, but enough to throw me off and we actually went down like rocks more than once. Third time being dragged through the gravel, I gave up. Beyond the Shoka part probably being true, her running story just doesn't add up.
Tamara - you could be right about that but I guess neither of us will know for sure until a few years from now. I hold out hope for them.
On this blog alone there are some women who are daughters of narcissists who have told their stories. Some have succeeded in overcoming the hardships of living with a parent with NPD and some are still struggling. With all the information available about the disorder now, the odds may be on the G8's side to to recognize and recover more easily from the damage Kate's done to them.
Gift of grab said... 63
(Sigh.) Kate is NOT doing Madrid marathon this year. RnR tweeted something about the event being almost sold out, and she took the opportunity to say that she is "not ready." Awwww.
I think there's more to the story besides not being "ready." The backlash against Katie Irene after the Las Vegas marathon and the Runner's World article may have been too much for even the guy who was going to 'sponsor' her in the Madrid marathon. Can't remember her name. Or maybe they wouldn't comp her airfare, Purseboy's salary, hotel room, etc.
#69 I agree. All the kids so desperately want their mothers approval and love. M&C may try very hard to get it..but, they are smart kids. At some point they may realize the price is too high and may decide to "love their mother from afar" and go live with Jon. They may want kate's approval, but may also know the stress of getting it may be intolerable. At Jon's they will know they are loved regardless of what they bring to the table. It will depend on their personalities. Some will stay out of the need/guilt to take care of kate, some will stay because they do love her. Some others may rather just feel the need to relax and enjoy their lives and not want to walk on eggshells.
I do predict that some kids will move to Jon's when old enough, and some will stay with kate. Cara I feel would flourish with Jon instead of remaining the wallflower of the Gosslein 8. kate is too overpowering in her need for attention and Cara needs some attention given to HER. I see her as one who will not be able to feed kate's ego the way Mady does.
All I ever wanted was for my mom to be proud of me. Instead she got 3 kinds of dementia and forgot who I was, even though I was the primary caregiver. She remembered each of my 4 brothers crystal clear, and was oh so proud of her boys. Sigh.
It was always like that. I did the work, and they walked on water. I love them dearly and would do anything for them, and they for me, but sometimes it was hard to swallow.
But I did the right thing and protected my wounded little bird all the way to the end. I didn't want God to ask me if I took good care of her, and I'd have to look at my feet and say no. I can look Him in the eye and say yes I did.
A good book to read is titled something like How to take care of a parent who didn't take care of you.
I hope Kate's kids can make peace with the fact that she didn't take care of them.
PJ's Momma - I couldn't agree more. Nothing about kate's running seems real. It's missing something. The actual conversations of a runner.
Now I don't expect runners to yap about it all day long, but they do have a passion for it. Plus, kate does yap about it all day long, but all she says is I RAN, GO RUN SHEEP. She is faking her way thru this one. You're right, the clothes aren't right. Those loose thigh baring shorts seem impractical. And since she never mentions chafing in those shorts then she isn't running far. Plus the pap photos show her trudging along with no real stride to match the speed times she claims to run.
The words she uses are not right. No complaints about sore muscles. No talk of how she felt afterwards. No discussion of what to watch out for. Never one single slight injury. At 35 she just up and ran 10 miles one day. Also, any comment she has made is always AFTER a runner points something out to her. Then the next day she mentions it. Her times also follow after someone mentions theirs. She always matches or slightly beats them. She didn't even know what to eat. She seemed surprised by the girl who ate greek yogurt with raisins. After hearing about carb loading kate yammered on about pizza nonstop. As if that is the only carb on the planet. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but it is the totality of all her comments put together that clue me in she's a fake. She may jog a bit, but it's nothing like she says it is. She supposedly jaunts off on 18 miles like its nothing 2 times in a week, yet now she isn't "ready' for Madrid.
Mel, thank you for sharing that. I have similar experience with my mother, but her husband takes care of her for now. My brothers are all addicts and I stay away from them for the most part, and now that we are successful, my mom is always wanting her piece of our pie. Fortunately, I love 1500 miles away and limit contact to preserve my own heart. If she 'needed' anything, I would not hesitate for a second to provide it, but for now, her needs are provided for and she seems happy and healthy enough. If that changes, we'd step in.
However, my husband's mother is absolutely cruel in how she treats him as opposed to how she dotes on her witch of a daughter and her family. It's emotional abuse....and they are only 30 miles away, yet have not invited him for a single holiday in over 5 years. He has a hard time letting go because kids want their parent's approval until they die. He will never get it.
I may end up needing that book someday. Thank you for putting it out there.
I also wonder why she whines every day about how tired she is, especially on her staycation, with no early am's. And she obviously has paid help since she twats about running her 8 miles today, having sworn she NEVER leaves her kids alone to run. Plus they've been at school in the basement for hours and hours. Guess her poor nutrition is catching up.
$130 for supplies and celebration (missed what they are celebrating)? Think you could have seen The Lorax and had snacks too, cheapo.
Pageant style dresses for Christmas and yet no pictures? Where did they wear them, sitting on the floor opening presents? And the icky boys got what? Shirts 3 sIzes too big? 4 marathon vacations for K8 this year? You know, I'm sure in her head she thinks one of her job titles is 'runner', so these are business trips.
Cannot count the number of ways she makes me sick.
kate being "not ready" for Madrid means no one would foot the bill for her and Rat Claws. kate would NEVER turn down a trip to somewhere on her bucket list - ready or not. She would flee the country with Skeeve at the drop of a hat.
kate is not liking this new world where she has to pay her own way. OH NO THE DREADED AIRFARE TIMES 2! kate's purse is sealing itself shut.
What did the little bird say when it flew over kate's head? "CHEAP CHEAP"
kate will only live a lavish lifestyle on someone else's dime. She is getting bitter that her grifts have been reduced to chocolates from a 9 year old and a coffee maker from Dr. Drew.
PJ's Momma, I dont run but even when i walk I carry water in a belt. I too turn it so it is positioned in the small of my back. it keeps me feeling balanced. I put a tissue, phone and water in it. For music I use the tiny clip on Ipod shuffle. I cannot stand anything in my hands when walking (i walk before exercising to loosen up) then hit the weights. Even for walking I wear pants that dont have seams that runs together and I cover my thighs becasue I hate feeling my legs rub together. it's uncomfortable to me. I couldn't imagine running 18 miles in her get up.
Still waIting for kate to acknowledge her tweet about Dance Moms being horrible. RemeMber kate, you cannot judge or you will be a hater. YOU NEED TO BE BLOCKED! GOODBYE! ONLY POSITIVE COMMENTS ARE ALLOWED HERE! NO NEGATIVITY! DONT ASSUME! YOU HAVEN'T WALKED IN MY SHOES! FILMING-YOU WOULD DO IT TOO! and all that crap.
I'm glad Dancemom called her out. Even better that she said she always supported kate in the past. Most real celeb apologize when they offend someone. kate, I guess, lives in a world where you NEVER apologize. Only demand apologies.
Sorry if I'm hogging the board this week. I have a very stressful situation happening in my life and I need the distraction
Time for Katie Irene to spend the kids' money again to buy some more twitter followers.
Lady Gaga left Justin Bieber and everyone else in the dust this week by becoming the first person to score 20 million followers on Twitter. Justin crossed the 18 million mark near his 18th birthday last week.
Rounding out the top 5: Katy Perry (15.78 million), Shakira (14.58 million) and Rihanna (14.53 million).
And just for grins:)
Melissa Ziegler@dancemom1313
Pittsburgh, PAI am the Mom of 2 wonderful children, Maddie and Mackenzie. I have a wonderful Man in my life. We have the honor of being on a reality show Dance Moms
4,630 Tweets
20,713 Following
EM, I laughed when you said you have a shuffle. I do too! I just got it and it's the best $46 I ever spent. I'm not much on gadgets (I have a dumb phone, not a smart phone), I actually have a first generation Ipod mini that still works that I keep at our condo! My shuffle holds way more than that thing! I have a regular Ipod that I won but it's cumbersome and I prefer the shuffle. It's like a little adventure, waiting to see what plays next. I busted out laughing one day; I didn't recognize the song so I pushed the button so it would tell me what the song was and it said in that monotone voice, "U2, Miss SaraJEEvo." Sarajevo! It was so funny to me.
I learned the hard way about chafing, training for my first half marathon. I never ran more than 10 miles (and even then, only once) and I did get some chafing but chalked it up to the seams on my shorts. Nope. It was my thighs rubbing together too. I never realized my thighs touched until then. Serious pain kicked in around mile 10 during the event, and I spent the next 3 miles picking at my crotch, still not understanding it was my thighs rubbing together AND rubbing the seam. When I finished mile 13.1, I had blood oozing down my legs. You could have peeled me off the ceiling when I got in the shower. It hurt like a mother father and took a week just to dry up and scab over and a long time to heal. I still have battle scars! Not sexy.
Body Glide is my friend. So is diaper rash cream if I do get chafed - it facilitates drying. So are appropriate RUNNING clothes (which I did use), not cotton shorts used for PE class. I can't stand running shirtless either; those wicking shirts really do work and it feels much more comfortable, not to mention that they hide your erect nipples after you get really sweaty.
Hope your situation gets better. Today is the first anniversary of my husband's best friend's suicide; rough day here too and he's gone so I've been alternating between surfing the internet, praying, and waiting to hear from hubby.
Another line of bs from that episode is how mommy NEVER wants to be away from them that long again. Well, to her credit, that was before Steve and FAME became the main focus.
No credit to Kate, she and Jon left those kids at home all the time. When they were out grifting churches, grifting cosmetic procedures and who knows what else. Yet another bit of Gosselin reality edited out.
That's a good point about international fans being at the same stage many Americans were when they liked the show. Hopefully, they'll see the light when they see all the shows.
Kate wasn`t twittering then either. Now when they turn on her, it will be in real time and she`ll have to spend her days blocking haterz. ha!
That's a good point about international fans being at the same stage many Americans were when they liked the show. Hopefully, they'll see the light when they see all the shows.
Yes I've thought the same. I was lurking on the TWOP board about this show from almost the beginning then GWOP. It started as a small but vocal group of people saying this is not right. It grew and grew and grew as the show progressed. By the time Kate Plus 8 rolled around 90% of people didn't like her. After that plus her twitter account, it's closer to 99.9 percent.
The fans are only at our GWOP days. They are very behind. They have a lot of catching up to do but they'll get there. If anyone doesn't fall for one American's crap it's foreigners.
xoxo @flowermonkeyz Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@SchmeckyGirl @dancemom1313 Nowhere does she reference the SHOW - ppl refer to "dance moms" "soccer moms" "stage moms" "pageant moms"
The poor, poor sheeple now trying a different tactic--Kate didn't mean THESE Dance Moms. She meant Dance Moms in general.
Yes sheep that's why Kate capitalized Dance moms. LOL.
You know I"m wondering if the cheer culture is vastly different depending on what school you are at, what part of the country, etc. Some ladies here are describing what sounds downright sexiest and risqué and I wouldn't like it either. While others like me see it as athletic and disconnected from anything to do with flirting with the boys.
I can only speak for the Northeast, but this sport was taken very seriously at my school and college, they were respected just like other athletes, it was not about boys or sexy costumes, it was about competition, gymnastics, athleticism, and awesome college scholarships. Then again curling and ski club were also considered serious sports at my school when I'm sure other schools would laugh at that. I think it really does depend on where you are. Apparently this is not the case at other schools and that is a shame. No girl should be doing a sport where it's just about sexy costumes and getting a boyfriend.
By the way Dance Moms tonight while we're on the subject....seemed faker than ever. Especially that beef jerky commercial--does anyone in the Ohio area know if that's a real commercial that aired??? Doubt it. Just a set up for the "storyline" of that weirdo Candy Apples and her feud with Abby poaching her dancers. I have also seen them snickering. Brooke and Paige's mom in particular is a pretty bad actress which is why I think she doesn't get to do much fighting! It really begs the question if these girls are acting most of the time, are they treated as actors under Ohio/PA law and compensated as such? Or are they measly reality show starts with little to no protection?
The school house is a rerun from their show. Kate must have no original ideas for her twitter "episodes".
Why is she tweeting that she spent $60 on supplies for the home school and that the celebration (sigh) will cost about $70. Is she keeping a running tally of everything she is spending on the kids while they are unemployed?
It's like she's confused Twitter for her personal financial spreadsheet that's supposed to be on your PRIVATE computer. Kate, you clicked the wrong program, it is Excel you want to type in all your expenses, or Microsoft Money or Quickbooks whatever you use! But Twitter is not your personal financial scorecard!
The woman has never, ever been tackier.
Also, I have never known her to be so obsessed with money, it's over the top lately. It's not healthy to constantly think about it. Of course most people need to budget and save and be conscious of their expenses and of course money is on the mind when things are tight, but constantly agonizing over the cost of every single thing and bemoaning it to everyone is just not healthy. You've got to let go of it once in awhile.
Cheep she's just like real Hollywood writers! When a series goes on forever they start recycling stories (think Law and Order, they do this all the time). Same story, different day.
She could make a career out of this.
Admin - Yes, shevis tweeting a tally of her expenses. She has been criticized lately for her "Poor Talk/Rich Walk" and now she is going to show all those Haterz just how much raising 8 kids costs.
Unfortunately for her, it will backfire. 1) When you start adding it up, she probably pays nothing near what she thinks/claims she does 2) It will allow people to analyze her spending hanits for the kids even more closely 3) It will only demonstrate, once again, that average, middle class moms (the demographic shevtries to cater to) have nothing in common with her and that her vain attempts to cry "poor" do nothing more than to illustrate that gap.
Kate, smart people see the financial storm coming and they take precautions before it hits. If, as you claim, you are running out of money, here are my suggestions:
1) Sell your house and downsize to something more affordable. You will cut your electricity and gas bill in half, I bet. You'll also save money on gardeners, pool guys, and housekeepers.
2) Sell all but one of your cars.
3) Put your children in public school. I hear tell you have several fine ones in your area.
These are just some basics. Hope iy helps you.
For a blog that has stated in the past that it's aim is to help reality tv kids obtain regulations in the industry re: set teachers, unbiased financial protection, etc., I'm more than a little surprised that so many of you watch this exploitive show called Dance Moms.
Scripted or not, these kids are too young to process what is really going on. They are too young to 'make the decision' that they WANT to participate in this television show, and they are definitely too young to understand the consequences in the future resulting from this show.
Administrator stated that their home life is 'private' yet someone mentioned that their bedrooms were shown. I don't follow this program but don't like to speculate what other aspects of their home life is shown.
And does anyone really think that these mothers are 'socking away' the fee they get for being on this show for the kids' future?
Look, Kate is the worst of the worst. I totally agree. However, these mothers may simply be the 'better of the worst'. And that is very sad.
Who is looking out for these girls' future? What makes anyone think Fame hasn't or won't go to these mother's heads? Where do we draw the line in this craptastic genre of tv?
Admin said..........
Will the twins be allowed to go see friends and do other normal things kids do on spring break or will they be expected to catch the kids up in school the whole time because Kate can't be bothered?
Admin, my thoughts exactly! When my daughter's were the twins age, friendships were so important to them. Sleepovers (my DH called them "sleepless overs") were one of their favorite things. I would have 10 or even more girls with sleeping bags packed into the floor of my family room routinely. I really wonder if Mady and Cara get to do any real socializing with their friends or if they are roped in to being "Mommy's little helpers" all the time.
I wish Kate would stop this production of mini episodes of what the children are up to now. She is desperate to continue the public's interest in them. I hope that Jon will intervene and put an end to this,sadly even without TLC, the exploitation continues.
Who the heck wants to "play school" on Spring break?
"Playing school" was the LAST thing I wanted to do on any break from school. Woe to the person that even suggested it.
I can't imagine any kid tolerating this.
It's going to be a long, long, tedious Spring break for the Gosselins.
Pageant dresses for dress-up made for Christmas? Please...she could not have kept quiet about that. A closet Toddlers and Tiaras fan? She keeps adding to the Christmas list months later.
Sorry about the West Coast/East Coast thing, Admin. Wasn't thinking.
I don't watch Dance Moms or any of these reality shows that feature children. Heck, I don't even like the Pioneer Woman because she uses her children too much on her blog and her cooking show. I don't need to see someone's children in their beds sleeping (yes, the Pioneer Woman went there on her cooking show). These mothers have no sense of boundaries or privacy for their children.
Ex Nurse said... 20
I assumed that Dance Moms was an abusive show--I saw ads during Project Runway. I started watching this season, and, yes. I am hooked on it. I have seen the girls hiding smiles--ex. When one of the girls slipped on a gym floor while doing a flip, you can clearly see that when she buried her head in her mom's arms, she was smiling.
I had seen this episode and didn't remember a smile. She really did fall and landed awkwardly on the wood floor. It looked painful. I just rewatched the clip on Youtube, and it looks more like a grimace than a smile to me.
Admin 90, I live here (same place as Candy Apple's) but don't watch the show because it's so ridiculously fake, lol. What was the beef jerky commercial? I can probably tell you if it was real or not.
Was it called Tommy's? Her husband owns that store. If that was it, then it was a set-up to provide a storyline for the show and to promote his store (a beef jerky store store isn't exactly a prime shopping destination for shoppers in this area, ha ha)
Admin 90 - I live in the same location as Candy Apple's. I can probably tell you if the beef jerky commercial was real.
Was it for Tommy's? If so, her husband owns that store, and it was a setup to add a storyline to the show and probably to promote his business (a beef jerky store isn't exactly a prime shopping location for local shoppers, lol).
Oop, sorry for double post! Something is wrong with this mouse :(
I bet when the kids ask Kate why she is on her phone so much, twittering away, she responds "quiet, mommy's WORKING!"
Interesting article, it mentions the Jon and Kate bloggers.
url said... 99
I don't watch Dance Moms or any of these reality shows that feature children. Heck, I don't even like the Pioneer Woman because she uses her children too much on her blog and her cooking show. I don't need to see someone's children in their beds sleeping (yes, the Pioneer Woman went there on her cooking show). These mothers have no sense of boundaries or privacy for their children.
Same here.
librarylady: Yes, it was Tommy's. Are Cathy and Tommy really married- it seemed fake- we have never seen him before.That bit was very strange.
Dance Moms was all a bit off last night- maybe they are running out of ideas. But their previews always look so dramatic, I started to be a regular viewer :(
~~Re: Kate's breakfast. No Belgian Waffles today . Suddenly all the kids like eggs and she claims to be 'feeding' poached eggs. Then I guess it's back to the workbooks or basement cleaning...
well I guess all the sheeps will start ooing and ahhing at poached eggs...hate will probably be forced to "share her recipe" ....sigh.
Somehow, I envisioned the apple lady to be filthy rich. Didn't look like it from the beef jerky place, unless that was a storefront for a wholesale operation.
Poached eggs - the kids are not on a diet and need a little fat for their brains to function properly. Just gotta make it sound really, really hard and time consuming. Fry those kids up some real bacon and eggs woman.
Her life is beginning to sound like an inflated resume.
Once a Viewer, yes, they are married. She is very, uh...confident?...in real life, too, lol. It's possible he didn't want to be on the show before and was made to, but he has a business to promote so maybe they cooked it up together. He actually has a "regular" day job, the store is a sideline for him.
She's not filthy rich, but they are well-off. He is an insurance adjuster. She's owned the studio for awhile and it's been around for years. The store is mainly a hobby and considered a franchise outlet. To give you an idea:
And those interested in Cathy (note the comments)
Take note that she says the only "reality" show she ever watched was K8, lol! Kate better mind her p's and q's with the Dance Moms on twitter!
librarylady: Thanks! Vivi-Anne looked so uncomfortable I just wondered if it was a 'fake' family! Makes sense now. Do you ever see that child around town with NO make-up?
Re: eggs- yes, she said they had them 3 days in a row. She always does that- serves something to death then wonder why the enthusiasm left a la eggplant parm ( farm to table) Maybe she's trying to put off sharing her Belgian Waffle recipe with Twitter or Menu Monday?
Hope I didn't offend anyone here about my thoughts on cheerleaders! Cheering must be different within each school, town, area of the country.
And no, there's nothing wrong with cheering FOR others, if you also participate in something that will give you recognition as well.
The outfits worn at our local school district barely cover as much as a swim suit, which is totally uncalled for, imo..it's uncomfortable for me to watch a bunch of teenagers out on the field gyrating to some rap song while males of ALL ages whoop and let out wolf whistles. It's disgusting.
I have watched some of the cheerleading competitions on tv, and yes, I think they are very talented and exceptional athletes. If that was what was done on the friday night field that would be great, but most of the time its just a lot of shimmying and butt shaking.
I think band is great too, I had one in the band as well, but after graduation she sold her horn, and she will never utilize that talent again in her lifetime.
I have great respect for all differing opinions here, and seems that respect is prevalent within posters here. It's interesting to read lots of different viewpoints, and see everyone discuss it in a positive manner.
Someone also mentioned the volleyball shorts, those are a little skimpy, imo. What is the reasoning behind them being so tiny?
Now, on to Kate....someone mentioned she is constantly sharing financial costs...perhaps this is due to now SHE is having to break out the wallet?
How mediocre of her, doing a stay-cation....poor Kate! boo hoo!
It will be interesting to see if she does anything with the kids this week that she mentioned on her blog...doesn't sound like they have left the house.
well I guess all the sheeps will start ooing and ahhing at poached eggs...hate will probably be forced to "share her recipe" ....sigh.
@Kateplusmy8 just gave me idea for breakfast poached eggs yummy will be having them solo though kids at school.
I swear, how would any of these sheeple manage to be parents without Kate's "ideas?" Are they all this helpless and stupid? This is beyond pathetic.
When the tups were babies they were abandoned in their cribs to take naps for hours. In fact, she slept in every morning after Jon left and finally got herself out of bed to check on the babies who by that time were wide awake and had diapers that needed to be changed. This was on the show.
Now that Mady and Cara are tweens, they have been delegated to babysitting chores. This explains who is watching the tups when she is out running or twatting. I'm starting to wonder if her last nanny quit or was fired. This woman is a terror to work for. I would love for any past nanny to speak out. Then again, she could just be laying about in bed every morning and lying about cooking breakfast with a nanny getting the kids ready. Any locals know who drops off the kids at the bus stop?
I think Kate is relating her expenses to get across the point that she is "concerned" about spending money and her dwindling bank account (which she has to be dipping into but she has plenty). She is such a master at grifting that the poor sheeple fall for this and feel sorry for her. I don't have any sympathy for someone who lives in a big house, pool and landscaping service, owns three vehicles, sends eight kids to expensive private school, and has a man whore to escort her all over the place. I've known plenty of folks with large families that do just fine in regular houses, public school, and medium incomes. Gawd, she is lazy! She sure thinks she is entitled! Go back to school and learn some job skills!
Do you ever see that child around town with NO make-up?
Lol, no, I've never seen her or any of them wearing such makeup off the show. (The show make-up I REALLY hate is Toddlers and Tiaras - oh, my, that is messed up.)
I have a friend who is neither a Kate fan or a non-fan -- she's neutral. She always wanted to go on a cruise, and Kate's cruise is scheduled over her husband's vacation. She thought it would be fun to go, just to see how it was handled and to watch the sheeple. I thought she had already booked it, but said she was waiting until the end of the week. This was for a family of four. I told her to go and take good notes and videos. However, she read about Kate's suggestions to stay at home and save money, all while hawking the cruise, and decided that this woman is not playing with a full deck. My friend decided to pass on the trip.
Good going, Kate! You lost four cruisers!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 90
You know I"m wondering if the cheer culture is vastly different depending on what school you are at, what part of the country, etc. Some ladies here are describing what sounds downright sexiest and risqué and I wouldn't like it either. While others like me see it as athletic and disconnected from anything to do with flirting with the boys.
I can only speak for the Northeast, but this sport was taken very seriously at my school and college, they were respected just like other athletes, it was not about boys or sexy costumes, it was about competition, gymnastics, athleticism, and awesome college scholarships. Then again curling and ski club were also considered serious sports at my school when I'm sure other schools would laugh at that. I think it really does depend on where you are. Apparently this is not the case at other schools and that is a shame. No girl should be doing a sport where it's just about sexy costumes and getting a boyfriend.
I was going to point that out- I know that where I went to HS in Los Angeles, it was all about (so sorry to use bad language) the sluttiness of the sport. I didnt say that in my original post just simply because it is not nice. The costumes and routines and partying only got worse as I became an adult and had children of my own (they even started making videos- girls gone wild type- very bad). Plus I don't think encouraging my daughter to be on the field and be cheered for rather than be the side line doing the cheering is a bad thing, I think it empowers her, especially since she is a girl and girls need the empowerment sometimes. I do know that cheer takes talent- not disputing. For those of you who live in areas that have modest uniforms and routines- that is awesome- more power to you.
Dance Moms got ridiculous! I am losing interest fast, it is getting too fake. Shame, because I enjoy watching the girls dance. They are very talented and a joy to watch.
I am seriously waiting for her poached eggs recipe :-).
Re friend visits during spring break. I wonder if twins' friends live as far away from school as C&M? Another negatve to not attending local schools. Plus I imagine that many of these kids are away for the break. We always were, and not on expensve vacations. At least the kids have a break from the early ams and bus rides.
Well, I learned two things today:
Kate isn't going to Madrid, 'cuz she ain't ready for another 26. mile run...(of course, she isn't going due to lack of $$)
Kate's working on a cookbook...what insipid publisher would want to do it? maybe she is going to publish it herself, like school/church fundraisers....she already knows how to say, 'send a self addressed envelope to yadda yadda address...all she has to add to that refrain is, SEND CASH only). lololol
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 2
And when did her twitter become a play by play of what the kids are up to? She didn't really post that many pics before, it's like she's ramped things up times 10 the past few weeks
If Jon were doing 1/10th of this, there would be quite the uproar; but Katie and her widdle minions are absolutely certain she has exclusive marketing rights to their children.
I have asked this before, but I dont think anyone can put an answer to words: WHY does anyone care what a stranger's kids do day to day? I know Katie doesnt have one other single thing to blather about, but why are folks watching, reading, following these kids? They are just plain ordinary average kids, if anything the younger ones are behind in behaviors and social comprehension. So what is the big attraction?
For me, I orginally tuned in to see how a middle class family managed so many babies. It only took about 3 episodes to realize 1) they were NOT managing all those babies, the production company was; 2) the gestational carrier was pretty unlikable and was more concerned about play acting for the camera than about mothering and parenting and 3) they were no longer middle class as the production company gifted them one outrageous thing after another.
Right now I only care that American society has financially rewarded a mentally ill woman to abuse and neglect her children for our entertainment. I couldnt care less who has a period, who has a bra, who has a pimple and who eats eggs for breakfast. Why is anyone paying attention to this?? Why??
I understand that even serial killers have copy-cats, fans, and get marriage proposals. But why the constant disclosure by Kate about the children? Why not just line them up in front of the church congregation and announce: "This one has a new bra, so everyone stare at her little boobies! She just loves this attention! And That one ate poached eggs this week - everyone applaud and feel sorry for meeee!"
Seriously, I just dont get it.
Dwindle said... 122
I have asked this before, but I dont think anyone can put an answer to words: WHY does anyone care what a stranger's kids do day to day? I know Katie doesnt have one other single thing to blather about, but why are folks watching, reading, following these kids? They are just plain ordinary average kids, if anything the younger ones are behind in behaviors and social comprehension. So what is the big attraction?
I couldn't agree more. I don't want to hear about anyone's kid's daily lives, really- unless it's my niece, and that's just love. It's just plain boring. A story here and there, when they do something cute or aggravating- sure, every parent does that. But Kate sharing that she feed them poached eggs? So what? I drove my kid to school. Are you guys excited? And guess what? In two hours, I will go back and pick her up. Should I take pics and tweet them? (I probably wouldn't live through the day- she's a very private person, LOL). Ladies, all of you post what fed your kids today- how thrilling would that be? What an exciting blog this would turn into- Not.
bahahaaa! "recipe" for poached eggs? ok..they're VERY difficult and exotic dontcha know!
I suppose if Kate could not find a publisher for her so-called cookbook, she could self-publish. That costs $$$, not much, but enough to where she would complain and grift for help from her sheeple. Recipes are free on the internet and when she posts her recipes on her blog, she's giving them away for free. Idiot!
I'm not clear as to whether Steve was with Kate at the Sirrus radio station...were you guys assuming or was he really there? I did see the photos and her boobs are ginormous. She sure loves to pose to the side so she looks slimmer.
Mel 75: A good book to read is titled something like How to take care of a parent who didn't take care of you.
I heard about this on NPR the other day and am sharing it with anyone interested. Tsing Loh is caring for her elderly father, with whom she had/has a very difficult relationship. There are interesting links within the article as well.
If you have trouble opening the link, the article is in the March 2012 issue of The Atlantic.
Sorry I was unclear - this is separate from the book that Mel posted about, but in a similar vein.
Why not just line them up in front of the church congregation and announce: "This one has a new bra, so everyone stare at her little boobies!
lol! This reminds me of a Roseanne episode where Nana Mary (Shelly Winters) is talking on the phone, Darlene is standing there with her, and Nana Mary says to the person she is talking to, "Little Darlene has boobies!
Oh Mel, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. At least you can be satisfied in knowing that you always did the right thing even though she never did right by you. That is the true sign of a strong, moral, upstanding woman.
I'm so sick & angry, that I am crying and shaking as I type this.
Sorry that this is OT, but it is of vital importance that as many people as possible know who is this monster, Joseph Kony.
I know MANY people read this blog. The more people are aware of his existance, and aware of all the horrors he is committing to maintain his power, the greater the chances are of his arrest.
PLEASE watch the entire video, and pass the information on to everyone.
KONY 2012
Thank you for allowing me to post this message,
Administrator, and thank you to the entire
"15 Minute" posting family here, for lending me your eyes/ears.
Sherry Baby said... 118
I have a friend who is neither a Kate fan or a non-fan -- she's neutral. She always wanted to go on a cruise, and Kate's cruise is scheduled over her husband's vacation. She thought it would be fun to go, just to see how it was handled and to watch the sheeple. I thought she had already booked it, but said she was waiting until the end of the week. This was for a family of four. I told her to go and take good notes and videos. However, she read about Kate's suggestions to stay at home and save money, all while hawking the cruise, and decided that this woman is not playing with a full deck. My friend decided to pass on the trip.----------------------
Kate is clearly not dealing with a full deck. Talk out both sides of your mouth much- staycation vs her overblown expensive cruise. Which is it Kate?
Kate is circling the drain and knows it. She can't keep her "suggestions" straight, let alone all of her lies.
Her tweets have been crazy, and I don't expect it to get much better. Where are you Jon? Dr. Drew should have done an intervention on her. Without TLC, she has no clue what she is doing. They protected her from herself far too many times. No longer.
I wonder how many sheeple are now googling "poached egg" to see what they are, and how they are made!
Admin- this is an FYI. The poster using the name "No Ladies in Lockwood" is making a reference to another 'hater' that lives in a town of a similar name. I'd advise you to be wary of anything posted by this person.
Thank you so much for sharing that video Pink. I posted it on my FB (and I have a ton of college aged activist friends who I trust will do the same) and also shared it with some of my professors who I am still in contact with. I also live on a main street in a major city, so when I get my action kit I can put a sign in my window that literally thousands of people a day will see! I hope the recent silence on the blog means others are watching too!
Kate is clearly not dealing with a full deck. Talk out both sides of your mouth much- staycation vs her overblown expensive cruise. Which is it Kate?
Well, Kate's little "I missed spring break" blog cost her $3,200, if you figure that she'd be making $800 per person. It doesn't sound like much, but it would at least pay for a trip to NYC for another bleaching job and one or two nights at the Essex House!
Pink ... 130
I'm sure that I'm not the only poster here who has been well aware of the plight of child soldiers over the past decades. The man whose name you mention is by no means the only horror monger in that area.
Child exploitation exists all over the world. The sex tourist trade in Thailand depends heavily on the sale of very young boys and girls to satisfy sex tourists from all over North America and Europe. So-called "white slavery" is, likewise, real, and widespread.
These problems are complex, and, for many reasons - cultural, economic, historical, social - extremely difficult to irradicate.
The difference between the wholesale killing and abuse of children in those situations is this: Kate lives in the first world, and is COMPLETELY capable of keeping her own children free from exploitation.
This is a freedom that is simply unavailable in countries where children are killed, kidnapped, and sold for sex as a matter of course.
Kate not only has the FREEDOM to protect her own children, but she also has the ability to prevent the glamorization of the economic exploitation of her children.
She chooses not to.
Chronicalling the horrors of children's lives elsewhere difuses the focus on Kate, and doesn't offer the potential of solutions, although anyone interested can certainly go to any search engine and find stories of child atrocities, and donate to organizations engaged in that very important struggle.
Admin, count my vote among those who would prefer to see this blog focus on the issues of poublic,economical, psychological, explotation of children in media.
The pressues that are put on Kate here may eventually yield some good.
I agree, Kate needs to go back to school and get some "job skills." I also agree that Kate is really lazy. I saw that entitled attitude early on in their first shows. Very unattractive I might add. Greedy grifters, Jon and Kate. Jon saw the light. Kate will never give it up. She needs real help. It wasn't enough that Dr. Drew held her hand. She needs closed door therapy sessions.
butterfly said... 123
Ladies, all of you post what fed your kids today- how thrilling would that be? What an exciting blog this would turn into- Not
For breakfast, HOMEMADE oatmeal/honey bread, toasted with a yogurt on the side.
Lunch was cold tuna salad with pasta, mayo, peas/diced celery/chopped fresh spinach/grape tomatoes.
Dinner was baked pork steaks, HOMEMADE rolls, side salad, cinnamon applesauce.
Dessert was HOMEMADE pumpkin pie, the last of it for this winter season.
Dishes, dusting, dishes, clipped doggie nails x3, dishes, vacuming, threw toys in the yard for doggie-chase-game, made another loaf of oatmeal bread, worked on my blog, chatted with mom and then with sis, spent a solid hour supporting hubby who came home distressed, cooking and dishes, worked on a baby blanket gift, read a few chapters of Allison Weir's Princes in The Tower, had a glass of Pinot Grigio and then went to bed and read more on my Kindle. Oh and 2 loads of laundry. Yawn!
But I left out all the details about which of the kids got fired from a job yesterday, which one couldnt sleep due nightmares, the unpleasant wisecrack my mother made, another kid whose cat got lost, and that my married sister checked into a hotel last night with her boyfriend. It sickens me to type all that, but I am anonymous here and you good folks have no idea who my kids and family are.
Kate - being the center of attention is not your birthright. Most things are meant to be private. We all fluctuate between really boring and really crazy. You are nothing special: not your kids, not your dinners, not your fake coupons, not your lousy grammar, not your hobby du jour, not your childish clothes. Kate, you are wasting your life, get over yourself.
Milo made a suggestion to Kate on Twitter that she could have the kids videotape each other and make tapes about the school thing on youtube or something like that. It sounds like Milo wanted to have home videotapes made for her viewing. I saw the exchange this morning. Wow, when does it ever stop? Why would these people not let the children live private lives and not have everything publiized? Now the tweets has been deleted after someone called her out on it. Think she has a conscience now?
child exploitation - In my opinion Pink did nothing wrong in posting that video. People post things that are OT on this blog all the time. Case in point, the nursing debate (BSN vs. RN) That has absolutely nothing to do with the children, yet it is allowed to be discussed ad nauseum. Those who do not like it simply scroll past.
Additionally, how does snaking on Kate's slutty clothes or fluctuating weight help the children, or put pressure on Kate? I know the argument is that she is spending the kid's money on things for herself, but I get the feeling that if she spent the same amount of money on appropriate shoes as she does on her hooker heels, she would get more of a pass.
If I may go out on a limb, we do those things because we enjoy snarking on Kate. It is fun, funny, and sort of bonds us all a group. I don't think we should stop making fun of Kate, but I don't think doing so falls under the category of child exploitation in the media either.
I know that this is a Gosselin blog and the Gosselins are who we came here to discuss. I just think that the occasional OT comment is not that big of a deal, especially one that relates directly to child exploitation, which we are all against.
Dwindle, I love " the gestational carrier". Describes Kate's role in her children's lives wonderfully.
I don't see the appeal in knowing the everyday actions and thoughts of random children and adults either. Watching the everyday actions and thoughts on their show was one thing, almost like a psychological experiment, one often gone wrong. But description by twitter? Even if every other word out of Kate's fingers weren't a lie it would still be beyond boring.
Tamara - It's like Kate has not only diarrhea of the mouth in her interviews but diarrhea of the fingers on twitter as well.
Why is Kate now putting Coupon Cabin coupon codes in the blog on her website? Has she always done that? I thought the actual blog with the codes was always on the Coupon Cabin site. The one on her own website now has coupon codes. There is a link in the text to the most recent CC blog entry, which has different codes.
I wonder if they're getting her off their site? It's the only thing that would make sense. Transition it so that she's just on her site and not featured on theirs anymore. They still give her the codes, she thinks she'll get more traffic (not), and they eventually stop giving her codes and stop the working relationship with her.
Dallas Lady - I was wondering the same thing. It reminds me of when Kate first got the twitter account when the show was failing as a way to drum up interest. I think it may be because her CC blogs are such a failure that she is linking the codes to her twitter as a way to prove her worth. Too bad for Kate she has none.
Done, I agree with you that it should be OK to discuss other children of exploitation on this blog. I don't agree with snarking on any woman's looks or clothes, as I see that as incredibly childish and no good comes of it. But if awareness can be made of the plight of any child, here or abroad, on TV or off, then let awareness be made. No harm comes from it.
Off topic comments are fine. You don't need to fear this blog is going to turn into a global sex trade focus. That's not our niche.
God, she pisses me off. Someone said they need new running shoes because theirs are HARMING THEM and she once again recommended hers. Why in hell doesn't she tell these people to go to a running store and get a professional assessment? What am I saying - why do these stupid idiots ask what shoes she wears? Everyone is different and each body has its own needs, they need PROFESSIONAL advice, not the same shoes as Kate (which, by the way, my running store doesn't carry because they consider them crap shoes).
Awwww, she sent herself flowers, took a picture, then tweeted the picture to thank herself!
And then BigFan immediately took credit for the flowers. Ha. She's crazy, but she cracks me up.
And a fan almost immediately said she got flowers, too, and posted a picture. I know the fan probably meant well, but I bet Kate hates that. Any narcissist would.
Dallas Lady said... 148
Awwww, she sent herself flowers, took a picture, then tweeted the picture to thank herself!
How sweet! Someone (and only one) really cares for her!
Lol, Dallas Lady, you crack me up.
Those flowers better not dare get a granule of pollen on the counter, or they will be DONE, do you hear me?
Those flowers better not dare get a granule of pollen on the counter, or they will be DONE, do you hear me?
Not to mention the nerve of the last flowers she sent herself, who had the audacity to drop its petals! They had no appreciation for who's house they were in. They should have felt honored to be in Kate Gosselin's vase!
And what is the point of this.??
When the kids see the flowers, they will ooo and ahhh with wonder, which will cause Kate to bark at them to "BACK UP BACK UP BACK UP!"
They'll run away and she'll look over at the imaginary camera, roll her eyes, and hiss "SHEESH!" and then look for a man to smack on the face.
A man who isn't there.
Wait, I forgot in between barking at them to make them run away and rolling her eyes at the camera, she will grab a dish towel and angrily rub the counter at the spot they touched.
One lone child will drift back into the frame and before they can even whimper a word, she'll yell at them, "NO, I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU RIGHT NOW."
Cue another hairy side-eye at the imaginary camera.
chefsummer, Kate was giddy that she found her favorite dishwasher baskets, and she made sure to tweet about it to Whirlpool.
That dishwasher pic explains why she runs both dishwashers twice a day. She's too lazy to wash a couple of pans in the sink. I understand it takes away from valuable twattering time but what a waste of water and electricity. Then the dolt even takes a picture to show how she throws away money.
Dallas Lady said... 155
When the kids see the flowers, they will ooo and ahhh with wonder, which will cause Kate to bark at them to "BACK UP BACK UP BACK UP!"
They'll run away and she'll look over at the imaginary camera, roll her eyes, and hiss "SHEESH!" and then look for a man to smack on the face.
A man who isn't there.
Unless Steve is being held hostage cause we all know Kate can't do anything with/o him let alone load a dishwasher.
Where is Steve? Any sightings? Can any locals shed light on if he is still with Kate?
AuntieAnn, she looks to be running a load so she can wash a few cereal bowls and the dog bowl! Hey, I was our dogs' bowls every time I run the dishwasher too (about every 3 days) but I don't run it just for that!
Three days of poached eggs - what happened to mommy's special Belgian waffles with homemade strawberry compote? She truly can't keep her stuff straight and hasn't realized it's better to just keep quiet.
I couldn't help myself and I watched those horrible "aftershow" clips of Kate Plus 8 on TLC's website. I know I shouldn't have given them the clicks, but what is done is done now. I just thought I would post a mini recap of the most ridiculous one "Gosselins Go To School" so I can share without encouraging others to make the mistake I did.
Starts out with Kate sitting on the interview couch answering twitter questions. "In school what was your favorite subject? Of course! English, writing!" she says, with a "well duh" tone of voice. Yea Kate, because your perfect grammar and writing skills are evident in every blog post.
Cut to a shot of the kids doing workbooks at the dining room table. Kate walks around the table and blandly states "Yeah, this is fun, I love doing school" and boredly recites directions to the children. I can totally see why the kids would want to "play school" during their Spring Break after seeing this clip (not)! The twins are on the interview couch talking about their favorite subjects
Next shot is Kate quizzing the kids on where their belongings go. God, I stopped watching the show a long time ago, and forgot about how cold she sounds when she talks to them...
From the interview couch Kate looks proud as she tell us that "In high school I came up with the word of the day. Every morning we'd look in the dictionary to find the most ridiculous (as she rolls her eyes) word ever." See that? She goes from bragging that she is the one who came up with the word of the day then let's it slip that it was something done as a group by saying we. She really can't help but lie can she? It's worth mentioning that she's reverted back to high school behavior as she talks about this time in her life. She is sitting there swinging one leg, and glancing at her cell phone every couple of seconds while she says this next part. "It's probably why I'm so wordy and decided to just wri- make up my own words. And I've done that since high school too." Oh Kate, I know that when you say wordy you couldn't possibly mean verbose because to be verbose one has to use real words. Yes Kate, wordy would be the right word to describe you, wouldn't it? Kate continues "My mom used to say [insert BIG eye roll] oh you and your made up word." After a beat of reflection and a glance at the phone she comes to the conclusion that she was such a nerd. It ends with more drilling of the kids, and a badly edited segueway to an uninteresting interview of a couple of tups.
The mind of Kate is a scary place.
Someone said she posted a pic of her dishwashers fully loaded with pots and pans? Tell the dipwad that those should be handwashed...geesh.
This chick has 8 kids at home for spring break..with all the fun activities she said they were going to do, how come they haven't done any of them?
How does she have the time to twitter all freakin day with that many kids around...she never says, oh gotta go and clean up a mess, clean the kitchen, take out the trash, clean the house, do laundry, etc, etc...
I bet those kids entertain themselves all day, and know not to bother her. Well, then again, she did say a while back the kids have to wear clothes several days before she considers them dirty. gross.
So I watched some of those after-show things too. Hannah had to go to the dentist to have half a tooth removed and wanted her mom. "Cara, you're in charge!" They repeatedly pan down to Hannah holding Kate's finger. She's holding on to her mom, and her mom's hand just sits there, she doesn't hold it back, she doesn't even lift it off her lap. Most moms (not mine) would enclose both of the child's hands in their own, or at least return the handholding with one hand. But no........
She also paid Cara $20 to jump in the pool on a day so cold she could see her breath. WTF?!
Done and done, not only that, but she told the little kids they could only go swimming if they stayed in 20 minutes!
Yea, at first she said they couldn't go in because it was too cold, then she changed her mind and said they had to stay in 20 minutes! As our "wordy" friend Kate would say, "I don't get it."
PLUS, when they went outside, she opens the gate and walks through without any concern at all that a kid or kids behind her could get smacked in the face when it shut if they weren't paying attention. Anyone else would hold it open and let the kids go first. The pool did look heated ($$$!) as steam was coming off it, but everything else made me scratch my head, including the look of distaste when all the kids started talking at the same time. I don't get it either.
I noticed that look too! She looked disgusted with her children when they were excited. There's no other way of saying it. She is a bitch.
(162) Done and done. Was she snapping and popping her bubble gum too? She's so freaking uncouth in all ways, but that just gets to me. It's like she thinks she superior to everyone so she can get away that shit.
(161)PJ's - It's just that Kate is such a hypocrite. She pretends she's this great savings guru but she's really a wasteful, lazy sloth.
I may be alone in this but I wash my pots and pans so they don't take up room in the dishwasher. I won't run it until it's full. I always think throwing pots and big bowls in the dishwasher is cheating. Probably my upbringing...we didn't have an automatic dishwasher we had manual me. My mother worked full time, so that was my job, all three meals. boohoo poor me, huh? lol.
Kate lies so much you'd think she'd be good at it by now.
Kate if your going to be a liar-(and u r)keep your lies straight or at least stick to one lie all the time.
AuntieAnn, I know I'm not Done and done, but Kate was spilling out of her (very unflattering) clothes and giving that smug smile of hers (complete with either dead eyes or eye rolls) between checking her phone every few seconds.
We too had the manual me dishwasher. I do put pots/pans in our dishwasher, but with just two of us, I only run it every few days. It is packed TIGHT when I run it! I washed thousands of dishes growing up so I feel no guilt about that!
I never put pots and pans in the dishwasher, I've always read/been told not to, since dry heat isn't good for them.
Kate's twitter has gone silent again...same as yesterday, about the same time.
Wine time?
Maybe she schedules her sex appointments with Steve in the afternoon.
Auntie Anne - I don't remember if she was snapping her gum, but she was definitely doing her head side to side attitude thing she does. Sorry I couldn't describe it better, I'm not as wordy as Kate.
Chefsummer - That comment cracked me up. She should stick to one lie at a time, she might remember what she is lying about!
"Milo made a suggestion to Kate on Twitter that she could have the kids videotape each other and make tapes about the school thing on youtube or something like that. It sounds like Milo wanted to have home videotapes made for her viewing. I saw the exchange this morning. Wow, when does it ever stop? Why would these people not let the children live private lives and not have everything publiized?"
There's a bigger concern here. Why would Milo even want home videos? She can buy DVDs, watch You Tubes, view pictures online to her heart's content. If a stranger requested home videos of your children, wouldn't it cause your mommy antennas to go up? In fact, wouldn't you suspect that there might be pedophilia or something going on that is not normal? It's been suspected that Milo is a man. This would make that theory much more probable. If not a male, then this is a very disturbed female.
I know this is OT, but I've only ever met one person with the same dead eyes as Kate. She was one year behind me in high school and my friends and I didn't know her but we nicknamed her "coke eyes". She was a cheerleader who saved up her babysitting money to buy a boob job when she turned 18 and then moved to the big city to become a stripper.
I wonder what those eyes mean...
Sherry Baby, I would be inclined to believe that Milo is a man too but she called in to Nina Frye's show to show her undying support. That's not to say that women can't be pedo's too though...
Those kids are cute kids and all, but as I was watching it was just so obvious why the show was cancelled. They are boring. Like Kate, they don't have anything entertaining to offer the viewing audience, and why should they? They are just kids. Their interviews would only be interesting to me if they were my friend's kids, or kids in my family or something. It's not like the world cares that my nephew likes trains, so why should we care what Mady's favorite subject in school is?
This isn't a criticism of the children. I don't think it is their role in life to keep the world entertained.
ATTENTION! ALL OF YOU! Over here, pay attention to MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 2, count em TWO coffee makers and right now I am running all the washable pieces parts through the dishwasher, along with the microwave glass turntable, this morning's pancake griddle, and my fancy red spatula. I am exhausted!!!! But just for you, I will force myself to take a pic of my PERSONAL dishwasher and post it for you so you all dont start a panic in the streets. Again!!! Try not to trip over each other in your stampede to look at my coffee makers being washed!!! And now I feel my exhausted eyes closing and cant type another exhausted thing so I will exhaustedly say that I simply must nap now!!!! Could you mediocre folks keep it down?!!??!! I loaded that dishwasher all by myself, NO ONE appreciates a darn thing I do, and the aloneness of solitary dishwasher-loading is just so aloneishey!!!! And now I am BEYOND exhausted but I agree ahead of time with all of you that OF COURSE I am the most AAAMMMAAZZZIINNNGGG woman you have never met!!! I just wish you appreciated how stressful and exhausting and unsatisfying it is to load 9 items in the dishwasher ALL ALL ALL ALONE, add the soap and push the button. No one understands my needs!!!! Oh my eyes are closing so unless anyone has a gift card for me or my silicone, I will nap now.
......... Any gift cards?
EEK, now I'm feeling a little guilty about pots/pans in the dishwasher, but I will say that I do NOT put stainless steel or cast iron in there. I've ruined a few baking sheets in there too; learned that the hard way.
One thing I have always noticed is Kate's dead eyes. There's no expression behind them, even when she's laughing - unless she's laughing AT someone else or is being interviewed, she lights up then. I really think she didn't understand what she was getting into when she ended up with 6 (or 7?) fetuses after 'supposedly' trying for 'just one more.' After running her husband off with her constant demeaning and controlling and witchy attitude, she is stuck. And so are the kids.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 100
Ex Nurse said... 20
I assumed that Dance Moms was an abusive show--I saw ads during Project Runway. I started watching this season, and, yes. I am hooked on it. I have seen the girls hiding smiles--ex. When one of the girls slipped on a gym floor while doing a flip, you can clearly see that when she buried her head in her mom's arms, she was smiling.
I had seen this episode and didn't remember a smile. She really did fall and landed awkwardly on the wood floor. It looked painful. I just rewatched the clip on Youtube, and it looks more like a grimace than a smile to me.
March 7, 2012 5:00 AM
hmmm...2 people watching the same thing and having different interpretations of what they saw. sound familiar? which one is *right?*
Sherry Baby, I would be inclined to believe that Milo is a man too but she called in to Nina Frye's show to show her undying support. That's not to say that women can't be pedo's too though...
I know. I remember that, but is it the same Fired Up? I realize it's a long shot, but could a man have picked up that identity and used it? Stranger things have happened. There's something very wrong there and it goes beyond just a fan wanting to see photos of the kids. Didn't she tweet photos of herself which clearly showed man feet and hands? You would think that someone who is so into Kate to the point of being an obsessive stalker wouldn't miss the chance to cruise with her. Is there a reason she's not booked? I'm not buying she has to have her husband's okay. I'm wondering if it's because she doesn't want Kate to see who she really is.
Or maybe she did sign up and I missed it?
Anyone know why Jon doesn't have the kids more than he does? Seems like spring break vaca should be split between the two of them, or at least one yr with one parent,then switch..and she had them last spring break, too.
Why doesn't Jon go back to court for more visitation? I would think the standard visitation is every wed evening, and every other weekend,plus every fifth weekend..correct?
I would hope he would take her to court to at least get her to shut her mouth about him, and then try to get her muzzled concerning the kids.
Someone tweeted her that TLC was showing 2 new episodes of the show. She said it must be in Canada and they said no, it was on CNN or somewhere. Anybody else heard it.
Kate has dead eyes, a dead soul, dead legs and dead hair. Her eyelashes are dead too. So are her fingernails and her nose. Dead dead dead.
PJ's & Done and done - I caved and watched that clip. UGH. (Should have heeded your warning) PJ, I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty, sorry if I did. It's Kate who bugs me. She has two 'energy saving' dishwashers but defeats the purpose when she runs them both through with a few things in them. To be fair, maybe that pic wasn't after the load was finished, but knowing Kate it was.
Dwindle - You've channeled Kate perfectly. LOL. You may need to have an exorcism performed on you now.
Chefs - You're right Kate is a LOUSY liar. You have to have a good memory and she contradicts herself constantly so she's a failure at that too. She has mastered the art of grifting and exploiting her kids though.
And finally... yes those eyes. Shark eyes.
Is Kate trying to make us think she has an admirer who sent the flowers? Was it Stevie? Maybe the travel agent lady or coupon cabin? Or maybe they are just from herself, as someone already mentioned.
Done and done said... 162
From the interview couch Kate looks proud as she tell us that "In high school I came up with the word of the day. Every morning we'd look in the dictionary to find the most ridiculous (as she rolls her eyes) word ever." See that? She goes from bragging that she is the one who came up with the word of the day then let's it slip that it was something done as a group by saying we. She really can't help but lie can she? It's worth mentioning that she's reverted back to high school behavior as she talks about this time in her life. She is sitting there swinging one leg, and glancing at her cell phone every couple of seconds while she says this next part. "It's probably why I'm so wordy and decided to just wri- make up my own words. And I've done that since high school too." Oh Kate, I know that when you say wordy you couldn't possibly mean verbose because to be verbose one has to use real words. Yes Kate, wordy would be the right word to describe you, wouldn't it? Kate continues "My mom used to say [insert BIG eye roll] oh you and your made up word."
So in other words, Katie was boring as a child as well.
In reference to the dishwasher photo:
She's showing off her "fancy" utensil basket.
Yee-haw! Mediocre people have never seen one before- thank you, Kate!
If Kate is opening her mouth (or in this case, typing) it involves grifting one way or another.
"Jon Gosselin from the former hit TLC show “Jon & Kate Plus 8″ has signed with a new management team. Chris Cabott from Zane Management tweeted today that he is pleased to welcome Jon Gosselin to the “representation family.” Jon Gosselin acknowledged that tweet with a “thx man.”
Zane Management is located in Philadelphia. From their About Us page:
Zane Management, Inc. specializes in marketing and managing notable performers and personalities in entertainment, sports, media and the arts. Our full-service company provides career planning, including appearances and endorsements; movie and television product placement, video and merchandising production, extensive legal services and other consultation as needed at the individual or corporate level.
We will stay tuned to see what this new Philly company will have in store for Jon!"
Tate, 186 --
Is Kate trying to make us think she has an admirer who sent the flowers?
Did someone post that the weird tweeter, BigFan, said that she sent the flowers, or was that a snark?
Those are really beautiful flowers. I wonder who did the arrangement...love to know the flower shop.
Well, it's 65 and sunny. I wonder how that picnic and playing in the park went today!
Wow. So much for Jon wanting a nice life out of the spotlight.
The hypocrisy never fails to entertain.
Sherry Baby said... 188
"Jon Gosselin from the former hit TLC show “Jon & Kate Plus 8″ has signed with a new management team. Chris Cabott from Zane Management tweeted today that he is pleased to welcome Jon Gosselin to the “representation family.” Jon Gosselin acknowledged that tweet with a “thx man.”
Kate is going to pissed as all get out if Jon starts hitting the media circuit, while she sits on her bum twitting teenagers.
WTF is wrong with these two parents.
I sorta remember a tweeter asking Kate if she was going to be home this week, that she was sending her something...wonder if the flowers where what she was referring to?
With Kate being seen in TLC land a few wks ago, and Jon's twitter going public, now his signing up for this management co., the contract with TLC ending in Feb had to have been a correct event.
Kate is going to go flipping nuts if Jon starts getting some gigs, lolololol
Another book about a difficult parent:
I can't be mad at Jon for seeking all sources of income as long as he doesn't use or invoke the kids. You would have to be mad at every parent out there who ever made a living using their image. Kate is the one bleeding him dry for support and not happy with his mediocre jobs, she's got him over a barrel.
Kate is going to go flipping nuts if Jon starts getting some gigs, lolololol
Kate may have to kiss HIS ass now. Let's watch and see if she sidles up to him for some work in the 'industry'.
Wonder what Kate and her legion will think about Jon's signing with this co today?
It's sorta funny, to see Kate's fame fading, and Jon getting his started again, lololololol
She is going to blow a gasket
Kate may have to kiss HIS ass now. Let's watch and see if she sidles up next to him to get some work. She may have to the way things are going for her now, which is nowhere.
Maybe the flowers were from Jon? :-)
I'd laugh my butt off if Jon ends up being more successful than Kate. I think he can at least speak intelligently, so he's got that going for him.
Sherry, where is that post from?
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