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And another one bites the dust. |
When Kate accused the gracious and talented designer of benefiting from a product featured on Jon and Kate Plus 8, Em Tanner struck back with this: "Just wanted to clarify that Kate recieved MY design for FREE as a gift. Unreal. You are a piece of work!"
Here's a brief summary of Kate's latest Twitter war as we understand it:
Back when Jon and Kate Plus 8 first started, a lovely designer from Tennessee named Em Tanner sent Kate loads of goodies from her collection, including numbered t-shirts for the kids, and a calendar that according to Em's tweets, she gave to Kate for free.
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Gosselins Go Dutch |
Em Tanner named the calendar "Kate's calendar," and put it up for sale on her web site. Although other independent sites such as Amazon.com have pointed out that this calendar was seen on Jon and Kate Plus 8, nowhere in the description on Em's official site does she mention the name Gosselin, nor does she even mention it was featured on Jon and Kate Plus 8. The calendar itself is actually called "Kessler Family Calendar."
Yesterday out of nowhere, Kate tweeted that she "thinks" Em Tanner marketed the calendar without her consent, and that it's "sad when people use your name for gain without permission!"
Em Tanner responded that she gave lots of things to Kate for free, she doesn't want Kate's name on a thing and she gets lots of hate mail about her and therefore would not use Kate as a marketing tool.
Kate responded that her name being used is "not legal" and the Em was "confronted" but she "ignored."
Em replied that that's "not how it went and we both know. Good luck to you." She later tweeted she's "actually not bitter at all. Just was floored I was being badmouthed so randomly."
At the end of it all, Kate admitted that she actually "started it" (the twitter war) and that she "didn't mean to cause a war."
Next time, Kate, maybe you should take your serious misappropriation accusations to the court of law, and not to Your Honorable Twitter. I hope you remember to bring your patent on the name "Kate" when you go!
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emtannerdesigns.com |
1342 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1342 Newer› Newest»KK has NOT paid her house off.
Thanks Aggiemom! Trying to catch up.
Kate's a rich bitch said... 198
Layla, someone said Kate was worth 20 million. I think she may be worth 10 million. She is rich no doubt she has paid her house off. She has enough money to live on the rest of her life if she watches what she does with her money.
March 21, 2012 4:34 PM
KK has enough money to be comfortable the rest of her life.
Can the anonymous posters today please pick names? There is nothing wrong with your posts, I would just prefer you pick a name.
Will It Never End? Bethenny Frankel And Jason Hoppy's Marriage Woes Continue To Play Out!
Tamara (188), I only became aware of milo when Kate got on Twitter a year ago. But apparently she is well know among the "old hands" who have followed the Gosselins forever.
I only started looking at Kate around the time of the divorce. Found GWOP first, then found this blog and lurked for a very long time before ever commenting. I rarely comment anyplace else. Since coming here, I have from time to time read at the "pro" blogs, one of which is now defunct, with the other two barely limping along. Milo comments at both of those places, but, like I've said before, her presentation on the blogs is much different from how she behaves on Twitter. She's still very much pro-Kate, but she doesn't talk like a hick.
I'm shocked when I checked Cindy's account just now and she STILL has the "outing" tweet up. What is wrong with her??? I'm also shocked she hasn't been fired yet, truly.
And to the person who said this person shouldn't have tweeted Cindi if she didn't want to be outed, I just can't agree with that. I do not assume when I email and tweet a presumably professional travel agent from a company that has been around for decades that they would ever in a million years tweet my real name.
I have to say I don't really blame Kate for Cindy tweeting people's names. Kate should probably take control of the situation and call Cindy and Alice Travel up and ask them to stop being so unprofessional because it reflects on her, but I don't even get the sense Kate follows Cindy all that closely. Cindy has to pull teeth to remind Kate to plug the cruise. I think Kate thinks well that's CIndy's job I can't be bothered with actual promotion work that's what she's paid for.
I think Cindy is probably a little rich girl who apparently was lavished with tons of cruises growing up (more than 30 apparently) and became obsessed with cruising and found a way to turn her obsession into a job. She is incredibly immature for someone her age.
Annonys, Kate's house is NOT paid off. Worse, she took $100,000 out of it a few months ago. Since her mortgage puts her underwater, this means that she not only hasn't paid it off, but probably has almost no equity in it.
Kate is not a long-term thinker, and has not planned responsibly for her children's financial future. This is even worse if you consider that she is spending money the children earned, not money she has earned.
So Kate took $100,000 out of it a few months ago? You use to be able to see that online. When people took a second mortgage out on their homes.
Kate and hair guy's tweets this morning:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Open
GM all! Rough sch am here :(. All off to school now tho and I'm off to accomplish all thats on my schedule! Have a good one!
Jason Backe @JasonHueman Close
@Kateplusmy8 Hmmmm I wonder what's on that schedule...
Regarding Kate paying off her house, she just recently refinanced it, didn't pay it off.
So where did you learn that info Kate refinanced her house?
The stuff about Kate's refi was posted in early January. Everything that was public was on here and Preesi's.
Witch has now tweeted about Jason blonding her today. My guess is that there is no Steve with her so she had to or got to twat all day; twitter is her security blanket, just like her fake on the phone all the time when a pap was around. Perhaps this is her birthday treat, but unless she is still getting her hair comped, well, she scrimps on everything but herself. Unemployed Mom of 8 running to NYC to spend $$$ on a hair fry, nice image.
Okay, for me, can someone explain what a second mortgage is? I know when you originally get your mortgage it's to help you pay off the house at a rate you can afford? I'm not sure.
Assuming a second mortgage is bad...what will it mean financial for Kate? I mean I've heard of people say they've just taken a second mortgage out on their house but I have yet to find out what it means.
Maybe I'm just an incredibly slow learner, but I don't own a house. All I know is that if you can't afford it, don't buy the money pit.
If you live sort of below or within your means you might be better off. Don't buy over the hill if you haven't looked what's on the other side...yeah, that cliff you didn't see coming.
Marie, I sent a message to your web page about some travel stuff.
A refinance is not the same as a second mortgage. You refinance your loan with a lower (or fixed) interest rate. You pay thousands in points and fees too, so you really have to weigh whether it's worth it in the long run. With a second mortgage, you borrow against your equity, but it doesn't sound like she has any.
Regarding the cruise: As I understand it, Cardello is screening potential clients through this CJ person. Ostensibly, this is to prevent "haters" from attending (AS IF).
Let's think this through from a different point of view.
Financially, this may not be in Cardello's (or Katie Irene's) best interests. CJ may see more clients as not benificial to CJ. The more clients on the boat, the less of Katie Irene CJ gets. So, in this twisted scenario CJ may be working against increasing the total number of clients.
I think we got ourselves a fox in the hen house and Cardello and Katie Irene are AOK with it. What a couple of idiots.
And to the person who said this person shouldn't have tweeted Cindi if she didn't want to be outed, I just can't agree with that. I do not assume when I email and tweet a presumably professional travel agent from a company that has been around for decades that they would ever in a million years tweet my real name.
I guess, then, this is a lesson well learned. This is not your normal situation. It's so much more than a potential client tweeting or e-mailing an agency for information.
What they are dealing with here is the whole Kate scenario - fans versus non-fans, outings, rumors of Cindy vetting through CJ. With those red flags, I certainly wouldn't tweet the agent or the agency about anything. I wouldn't even e-mail them. Do I trust them? No. You just don't know in whose hands that personal information is going to end up, especially if it's done on a public networking site.
Anonymous said... 150
You can still make dinner and twitter. While making dinner.
You missed my point.
My point is, put the darn phone down and spend some time with your KIDS. Sure, you can twit and cook at the same time. You can twit and drive at the same time, for that matter.
Is it smart? No.
Is she devoting her attention to where it needs to be devoted?
THAT'S the point.
Marie, from the Wkik-Gods:
A second mortgage typically refers to a secured loan (or mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. Second mortgages are subordinate because, if the loan goes into default, the first mortgage gets paid off first before the second mortgage. Thus, second mortgages are riskier for lenders and thus generally come with a higher interest rate than first mortgages.
In real estate, a property can have multiple loans or liens against it. The loan which is registered with county or city registry first is called the first mortgage or first position trust deed. The lien registered second is called the second mortgage. A property can have a third or even fourth mortgage, but those are rarer.
In most cases, a second mortgage takes the form of a home equity loan and the two are synonymous, from a financial standpoint. The difference in terminology is that a mortgage traditionally refers to the legal lien instrument, rather than the debt itself.
The term length of a second mortgage varies. Terms can last up to 30 years on second mortgages, though repayment may be required in as little as one year depending on the loan structure.
A second lien holder can foreclose when a homeowner stops making payments to the second mortgage holder, even if there is no equity in the house. The second lien holder can foreclose even if the homeowner is making payments to their first mortgage holder.[1] When a second lien holder forecloses, they do so subject to the first lien. The second lien holder may purchase the primary (first lien) mortgage (which may still be in good standing), but they are not required to do so. Regardless, if the second mortgage holder forecloses, this will result in the homeowner losing their home to foreclosure.[2]
Generally, when considering the application for a second mortgage, lenders will look for the following:
Significant equity in the first mortgage
Low debt-to-income ratio
High credit score
Solid employment history
Heres the info on K8's house, and btw, this is all public information
It was purchased on 10/28/08 for $1,120,000, their mortgage at the time was $720,000
in 2011 the property was assessed for $482,900 so she is deep underwater.
some posted the information on the refi recently, I'll see what I can find.
Exactly Sherri. You can also talk to your girlfriend on the phone while making dinner. Or be watching some stupid talk show on TV while making dinner. Or reading a book you want to read. Or twitter. OR...given the fact that you have eight children who will barely get that much attention as it is due to their numbers, you could using making dinner to SPEND TIME WITH YOUR CHILDREN. Maybe pick out one or two kids each day to be mommy's helper. Or sit a kid down at the kitchen table and TALK TO THEM ABOUT THEIR DAY. That's what my mom did. Dinner making was one of my favorite parts of the day before dad got home from work because it would be girl time talk with mom in the kitchen. It's so shitty to tweet the way she does all the time especially when she even admits she is with her kids.
There was even an episode where Hannah was asking Kate to help her fix her shoe and Kate was glued to her phone putting her off. I did a screen capture of it.
Another omg 'gorge' blonde session thanks to the amazing @JasonHueman & another delish dinner @fig&olive with friends! Good day! Thanks all! 3 minutes ago
Oh, she admitted it.
Need to save money so Mommy can make her regular trips to NY.
I don't doubt for a second KAte would have admitted this had Jason not outed her. She wanted everyone to think she had a hard, busy day of paperwork again. She is a tool.
Wow, she just invites criticism, doesn't she? Unbelievable. It was all speculation because Jason's message was sort of cryptic, but she comes right out with it. She really is like a middle school mean girl, throwing stuff in other girls' faces.
Well, we all expected the fig and olive tweet. Now it's here. I wonder if Jason really believes Kate's bull or if he just goes along with her because she's a client. I'm sure he deals with a lot of divas in his business.
There's really only two scenarios here and both make her out to be a tool.
Number one, she pays for her own Fig and Olive excursions. Which means the kids get cut backs every which way so she can spend more money on whatever lavish things she wants.
Or scenario number two Jason pays for Fig and Olive each time. And in that one, don't you sort of feel like a moocher after awhile?? It's one thing if you and a friend trade off taking each other out to eat but when one person is paying all the time don't you get embarrassed after awhile? Not to mention the heavily comped hair. At what point do you feel shame for taking things from people for nothing??? Doesn't she feel like a moocher?
I get weirded out when people want to pay for things. I pay my own way.
What they are dealing with here is the whole Kate scenario - fans versus non-fans, outings, rumors of Cindy vetting through CJ. With those red flags, I certainly wouldn't tweet the agent or the agency about anything. I wouldn't even e-mail them. Do I trust them? No. You just don't know in whose hands that personal information is going to end up, especially if it's done on a public networking site.
I wouldn't trust Cindy with my first initial but what I'm trying to say is had I not KNOWN about all the wars and just came into this blind like this fan appeared to be, I would never, ever assume someone would out me. It's despicable that someone tweets a travel agent and ends up outed. It's outrageous. I've never seen anything like it in my life.
'Another omg 'gorge' blonde session thanks to the amazing @JasonHueman & another delish dinner @fig&olive with friends! Good day! Thanks all! about 3 hours ago"
Yeppers. She's just a single mom struggling and trying to do the best she can. It's soooooooo hard to have to travel 3 hours away to have her hair colored and then have to eat at posh restaurants. Oh the horrors!
Such an insult to real moms everywhere.
I usually dont discuss my parenting style..but.. I only had 2 boys. Once a month at least I would do
Tim's Day or Brandon's Day
What did that mean. Well basically it was their day. They chose what was for dinner, they chose what side of the car they sat on (it mattered for some reason), they chose a fun activity, they chose what tv show we watched, they chose bedtime story..basic stuff but man did they love being King for a day. I would suggest kate try something like that since she has so many kids who probably feel lost in the shuffle at times.
I know they did the Special Day thing but that wasn't realistic long term. You can't go horseback riding any day you have a whim in the real world..but I do think it would be something fun for her 8.
Ahhh Fi&Olive. kate is so predictable, enjoy your gorge hair kate. Kids were home eating canned soup and boxed juice to save money i presume? Don;t get me wrong..I am all for Mother;s Day out but kate has them alot and she yammers on and on about saving damn money. Why does it never apply to her lifestyle. Jon was right..the kids should not be supporting their parents lifestyle. Wouldn't even comment on it if kate had a job on her own merit.
Any idea if Kate drives herself to NYC or does she use a car service. I'm just pricing this pampering get away and between the cut, color, tip, dinner, travel and hotel, she's putting out 4 figures each time.
But, keep getting those discount juice boxes at the "discount" store.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 27
There's really only two scenarios here and both make her out to be a tool.
Number one, she pays for her own Fig and Olive excursions. Which means the kids get cut backs every which way so she can spend more money on whatever lavish things she wants.
And wasn't she just saying she has to consign clothes to be able to afford clothes for the kids that don't get hand-me-downs?
She is always cutting corners and looking for bargains where the kids are concerned, and always ALWAYS splurging on herself! Not sure how one saves money by using a New York City colorist and eating at F&O. I guess she was able to afford it this week since she drove the Audi to the tanning bed instead of the BBB?
I think Kate's money saving tips for yourself is MOOCH off people.
This assumes that you have no shame. She's pathetic.
gorge and delish? When you're rubbing up against 40 years old and talk like a teenager because you've picked it up from other "fab" people, you just don't know who you are.
Grow up and talk like an adult.
She's talking like she's Rachel Ray.
Who I can't stand but only because her voice and the things she says annoy me. I don't go to Rachel Ray hate sites.
Is it possible that kate refinanced to get a lower interest rate and then put the money she got back into her mortgage payment? I will never understand why she didn't just take her 1mil from the book deal and pay house off in cash right away. Call me crazy but if I wanted to keep the house that would have been first thing on my to do list.
Does anyone else picture Kate's group of over-the-top diehard fans clutching their hands together and squealing with delight each time she announces she had her straw bleached and ate at Fig & Olive?
Rachael Ray should have dropped "sammy, stoup and choup" from her vocabulary years ago. Grown women sounding cute isn't clever. Use your big girl voice and big girl words.
ncgirl said... 26
Well, we all expected the fig and olive tweet. Now it's here. I wonder if Jason really believes Kate's bull or if he just goes along with her because she's a client. I'm sure he deals with a lot of divas in his business.
March 21, 2012 5:57 PM
I wonder what would happen if he ever used her name for marketing without her permission. I'm sure whenever he can't meet her needs anymore, he will be thrown under the bus and trashed on Twitter just like the rest of 'em.
Em it sounds to me like she did whatever would put more money in her pocket today and forget what would be best LONG TERM. Sort of like sure you would have 300 extra dollars a month or whatever your number is if you didn't contribute to your 401k but would you be screwed when you turn 65, you bet.
My ex used to say always do things so that future "Admin" will thank you. I.e. clean the kitchen now so future Admin won't have to clean it.
Same with Kate's money. She should do things now so future Kate and the kids won't be screwed.
Oh I love Milo's tweet that Jon should just work his butt off to finance Kate. So I get it, Jon is not good enough to have the kids and is a despicable human being, but his money apparently is good enough to finance Kate.
These people are a disgrace to women especially single women. She needs to take care of herself by getting a J-O-B and whatever Jon brings in FOR HIS CHILDREN.
I called the Fig and Olive tweet this morning. What's my prize!!!?
Rachael Ray should have dropped "sammy, stoup and choup" from her vocabulary years ago. Grown women sounding cute isn't clever. Use your big girl voice and big girl words.
Rachel Ray has shades of Kate. I think she is a scammer sometimes. I mean getting people to pay 17.99 for a GARBAGE BOWL when we all have perfectly decent garbage cans we can pull over to the counter is scammy, admit it. Sheeple fall for crooks like her.
But I will say this about Rachel Ray. I read once that she says she refuses to have kids. She says she's way too selfish and driven and career focused. At least if you are a psycho batshit crazy narcissist, do us a favor and don't breed.
Admin, I do blame kate for Cindy. kate gets copied on most tweets. She knows what is brewing around her. She should at least acknowledge things and ask for it to stop nicely. At least then she can say she tried.
Also, if my name were attached to a cruise I would be all over knowing how it was going, what any issues were and what the promotions were.
I assume the *@fig&olive with friends!* was meant to be an in-your-face tweet to her haterz. She knows she's a lying POS. I've never seen anyone enjoy their vindictiveness as much as that bad mom.
EM I honestly don't think Kate is paying enough attention to realize someone got outed today. I don't' think she KNOWS I honestly don't.
If she knew I think she should call Cindy up. But who can bother with that when you're getting your hair done and have reservations at Fig and Olive.
I just don't think she is paying attention, she's way too lazy to worry about this. She thinks this is all Cindy's job. She even seems a little short when she replies to Cindy, sort of like god she's tweeting me again, fine HI CINDY.
Highly unlikely she put any money from an refinance toward her mortgage.
They were making big money from the show when they lived in the E-Town house and apparently didn't apply any to that mortgage beyond a regular house payment. She was complaining about having to pay two mortgages while waiting for that house to sell.
I give it another 3-4 years and she will be broke and filing bankruptcy.
EM said...
Is it possible that kate refinanced to get a lower interest rate and then put the money she got back into her mortgage payment?
No, it isn't. She's Kate.
Anonymous said... 22
Heres the info on K8's house, and btw, this is all public information
It was purchased on 10/28/08 for $1,120,000, their mortgage at the time was $720,000
in 2011 the property was assessed for $482,900 so she is deep underwater.
some posted the information on the refi recently, I'll see what I can find.
Their mortgage was originally a 10-year mortgage. If you look at amortization tables for a 10-year mortgage, she would have paid off more than $200,000 in the time she owned it. When she refinanced in January, she went with a 30-year mortgage for $662,000. That would have given her enough extra cash to pay the closing costs for the refi and pocket more than $100K. If she's worth so much, why didn't she pay it off? If she has 10-20 mil, then it would have been nothing for her to pay off the 500K or so she still owed. Instead, she refinanced it for THIRTY years and took out a huge chunk of cash. That tells you she needed a smaller monthly payment, and she needed cash. So no way does she have millions stashed away.
Also if she has 10-20 mil, like "Kate's a Rich B***" says, then why won't she take the kids to ald Head Island? She says she can't afford to. That comes right from her. She'd pay off the house, take the kids on their "traditional" summer vacation, and live off the interest from her millions. Sorry, but those millions don't exist.
What friends? And I mean this sincerely. Fig & Olive, yawn. I too agree enough with the tweeny vocabulary.
Wow, I didn't realize Kate went from a 10 to a 30 year mortgage. Not the direction you want to go.
@Kateplusmy8 @JasonHueman @fig Who took care of the kids all day today?
What is with this person? She asks the most stupid questions. Has she ever heard of SCHOOL?
So this is how Katie Irene saves money?
I can't imagine this being good advertisement for Jason Hueman and the salon.
Sadly, I think Kate IS tacky enough to make Jason pay for the restaurant bill & the tip.
Coupon Cabin has discount coupons for the "Fig and Olive" restaurant & for her hair salon.
Nahhhhh... maybe not.
Kate just L-O-V-E-S to rub it in her fans (and not fans) faces that she's getting her straw/ hair done at a fancy salon, and ending her excursion with a fancy-shmancy restaurant.
That woman is just too big for her britches.
It's no wonder people can't stand her.
Kate and Cindy are running this 3 ring circus of a cruise, the haters vs. the sheeple, throw in Milo and CJ for muscle, and you have a full-blown dog and pony show. If this wasn't strange enough, why not throw personal information about people out on Twitter. All this utter nonsense for some overpriced cruise of the Caribbean in stinking hot August with Kate Gosselin!
Today, Kate goes out to lunch with "friends", but never names THEM. Who are these people dining with Kate at Fig and Olive, are they real or imaginary? My guess it's Steve and she counts the waiter as the other "friend", thus able to pluralize. If it was anyone famous sharing her table, she would have tweeted THAT name out in a nano-second!
Do you think Kate understands she writes about saving money on a coupon blog??? And uses personal stories about how she herself scrimps and saves every penny on her kids? Does she not understand what her job is?
Fig and Olive exactly, yawn. Kate's latched onto that place because she thinks it's trendy. Why promote them anyway unless she gets the cut. After all no one does something for nothing! (Kate, your world view is pathetically pathetic)
Fig and Olive? So 2010, Kate. Get with the program.
Last I heard their school does't extend into dinner time.
That would be cutting it close to run to NYC, eat, and run back.
The nanny of course was there.
I swear I would die to have my kids look like @Kateplusmy8's children!!!
What does this mean? The tweetie's kids are ugly? What mother would say this? I swear, some of these fans have the intelligence of a guppy.
Lordy bee, these fans are dim.
Jeanne K @JeanneKaye
@Kateplusmy8 Finished your book, Kate, it was great. Hung on every word and honestly didn't want it to end. :(
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 54
Last I heard their school does't extend into dinner time.
It does if they stay for after-school activities or later. I believe that the tweet said "all day." The kids were in school all day, unless some of them were sick. I'm sure Kate would have tweeted about it if that were so.
It does if they stay for after-school activities or later. I believe that the tweet said "all day." The kids were in school all day, unless some of them were sick. I'm sure Kate would have tweeted about it if that were so.
That's outrageous. Are you saying the kids have to get on the bus in the wee hours of the morning and stay there until DINNER time while Kate gets her hair done?
Mel has left a new comment on the post "Em Tanner to Kate: I'm so sorry you 'lost your way...":
I should clarify...I didn't mean in any way that Jon *willingly* abandoned his kids. He had no choice but to leave, no matter how much he loved the kids.
I think that if he hadn't left, he would have died, metaphorically speaking. We could see him dying before our eyes.
Mel, interesting choice of words.
I have talked a little bit about my childhood and while my mom was not a narcissist, she did suffer from mental illness. My parents divorced 38 years ago, when I was 5. Last week I was talking to my father and he said he always regrets leaving my brother and I in our mothers care. BUT he added "I had to leave, if I didn't I would have died".
Mel, I think you hit the nail on the head.
Westcoaster said... 48
What friends? And I mean this sincerely.
Jason the straw-fryer undoubtedly has friends.
Also, the waiters may qualify as "friends" in the delusional mind of Kate. They may even be friendly right up until she fails to tip them.
Oh, wait. If Kate's eating, someone else is paying. The waiters will only hate her if she speaks to them.
Is it possible that kate refinanced to get a lower interest rate and then put the money she got back into her mortgage payment? I will never understand why she didn't just take her 1mil from the book deal and pay house off in cash right away. Call me crazy but if I wanted to keep the house that would have been first thing on my to do list.
Crazy, your nickname must be an ironic one, like Little John from Robin Hood, because you are thinking like any sane person. I think KK genuinely thought that tv/TLC/donations from the public would keep her in that house and everything else. Which, if you look at her past since she gesticulated the six, isn't all that odd of an argument for her to make. The long fall will hurt. I just hope that the innocents can be spared as much of it as possible.
Kate reminds me so much of Michael on the Office the way she thinks that people who are essentially on the same level as coworkers are her BFF's.
It's sad, but funny.
PB had to have gone with her. That DB couldn't drive herself to NYC and find her way to the salon all by herself. BP is still working for free. He must be worth millions.
KK may also never worry about being homeless or thrown out on the streets because she can always hold up the "taking milk from my babies" card. I think that's the only reason for the whole gold platter comments. She likes to lie that the kids deserve it all and if anyone who speaks out against her it will hurt the kids, material/moneywise, more than her.
Maybe KK is one of those people who believe that the world will end in 2012. Why bother planning for the future?
If PB went with her, and she's paying him, she's really blowing the kids money.
If he's still around, and not being paid, well, that definitively answers another question.
But I don't believe he's around. Someone said she was tweeting all day because he wasn't with her, and that that phone is her pacifier. (That's not exactly what the poster said, but you get the point.) She tweets when she's scared, angry, annoyed or irritated. Just grabs that pink plastic thingy and holds on for dear life.
That list of irritants would cover going to NYC if any portion of it was on her own dime. I mean, paid for from the money she's leeched from her children.
No way she drove. She blew the kids money on the car service, for sure. She's neither capable of finding her way to New York alone, or of surviving Manhattan traffic on her own.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 4
I don't blame Cindy for being overwhelmed by the vile back and forth on Twitter but the solution is NOT to engage or you've just become a part of it. It's such a slippery slope and she just slipped off that slope revealing someone's last name. She got fired up and made a BIG slip up that could sadly cost her her job if that person is upset enough to report her.
She needs to not engage with EITHER side. Just use the Twitter account to promote and ignore any venom. Be an ADULT, Cindy.
Funny that you are not offering the same advice to EMTanner, your new heroine. She has engaged with the slimiest of the haters, including the one and only UnderWalt/Kelly/etc.
This is totally off topic, lololol..
..college daughter #3 just called, she was hit on by one of George Bush's (daddy Bush) secret service guys...lolol...she works at a place President Bush frequents...a few years ago, college daughter #2 was at work, she looked up, in walked Senator John McCain...lololol.
You never know what your kids are going to tell you when they call you from college!! lololol
Dallas Lady, I know you can appreciate this!!
This is totally off topic, but just too cute not to share. Children are the greatest!! :)
Admin, maybe a crazy question, but let me throw it out there:
Is it possible that Kate has kept "her money" (i.e., what she earned after kids got their 15%) separate and apart, and is only spending on the kids the same amount that Jon does? I am not talking about, say, the mortgage payment, or house maintenance, or even school tuition (although that one might be coming out of the kids' earnings). Rather, I mean food, clothing, miscellaneous expenses: Do you think (and would it be reasonable from the legal perspective) that she is only throwing into the pot every month what Jon is paying in support? Can people get away with this? This would mean that she can live like a queen, splash out on fancy cars and hair and boobyguards as much as she likes, but the children live a relatively spartan day-to-day existence.
Is this possible? Because given Kate's general attitude, if she legally CAN do this, I am sure she would have no qualms about doing it.
Gift of Grab,
The kids' money is in revocable trusts,so she can absolutley find ways to dip into it. And she will. If it comes down to having to put her kids in public school with all the "mediocre" kids, or if she's in danger of losing the house, you bet she'll take their money to pay for it all. And then she'll tell them it was for THEIR educations and THEIR house, so they can't blame her. Of course, she'll keep the house in her name and lap up all the praise she can get from her tweeties for keeping her kids in their house and in their private school. And if she can somehow get ahold of the funds in their college accounts, she'll take that, too. She'll think it's for a good cause--she's holding out for that big job, and someone has to pay the bills so she can keep waiting, right? Why, she'll wait for years of she has to! She still believes that someday, someone is going to put her back in front of a camera and pay her whateve amount she wants just to sit there and be Kate.
Yeah, good luck with that, Kate.
I don't see any law that prevents Kate from spending as much money on herself as she wants and as little on the kids as she wants as long as she has a legal right to access the money.
Except most parents with a soul do the exact opposite.
Anonymous, I would have the same advice for Em Tanner actually. In fact lots of people here said she made her point now she should go away. She is not my hero. I don't even know her. I don't pick my heroes from the Gosselin mess.
I haven't followed her since this all went down so I have no clue what she is doing.
Kate is the simplest tool known to man, a wedge.
A wedge between delusion and common sense.
A wedge between divorce and marriage.
A wedge between anger and family.
A wedge between using and giving back.
A wedge between crass and kind.
And last but not least, a wedge between her children
and any chance of a normal,happy, childhood.
Anonymous said... 67
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 4
I don't blame Cindy for being overwhelmed by the vile back and forth on Twitter but the solution is NOT to engage or you've just become a part of it. It's such a slippery slope and she just slipped off that slope revealing someone's last name. She got fired up and made a BIG slip up that could sadly cost her her job if that person is upset enough to report her.
She needs to not engage with EITHER side. Just use the Twitter account to promote and ignore any venom. Be an ADULT, Cindy.
Funny that you are not offering the same advice to EMTanner, your new heroine. She has engaged with the slimiest of the haters, including the one and only UnderWalt/Kelly/etc.
Kate's Twitter fans engage with UnderWalt/Kelly/etc all the time, so why not EMTanner? Cindy needs to stay out of it because these twitter wars are affecting her professionally.
Funny that you are not offering the same advice to EMTanner, your new heroine. She has engaged with the slimiest of the haters, including the one and only UnderWalt/Kelly/etc.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Em Tanner isn't employed by an agency as a professional who deals with clients, and she hasn't consulted with others as to the identity of her customers, has she? Has Em Tanner tweeted the name of one of her clients on a public internet site? Engaging is one thing; acting in an unprofessional manner, violating client confidentiality is another. Cindy's job should be to promote a cruise, not taking sides in a Twitter war, calling those who are non-fans, "haters," and "crazy."
Layla, I have to say I am shocked that number one Cindy doesn't seem to realize how crazy everyone is on there on ALL sides, not to mention how crazy and vile CJ certainly is. And number two that she even tweeted one tweet getting involved with that. I really can't believe it.
A professional just wouldn't even engage, period. I just shake my head about it, it just baffles me. I always sort of felt like travel agents were some of the more professional people in my experience. The ones I've always met dress to the nines and are very knowledgable and courteous and would never dream of acting as childish as Cindy. I guess all that cruising really messed up her equilibrium, she's nuts!
Fig and Olive? Really?
I do NOT believe she went there.
She tweets that she ate lunch there, but she lies, lies, lies...........
And we KNOW she doesn't have any friends, so that gave her away. Idiot.
Nope, don't believe it for a moment.
I think it's just her f/u to her non-fans, a way to get attention and stir up shit.
I bet she tweeted that and sat back to watch all the commotion she caused.
If she can't be everyone's darling, then she sure as shit is going to piss us off on purpose. She's mean, spiteful and vindictive.
That's all she has.
Isn't it sad?
kart, you are such a pathetic pitiful excuse.
Anonymous, I would have the same advice for Em Tanner actually. In fact lots of people here said she made her point now she should go away.
Absolutely. It's done, it's over, and if she keeps this going, it's going to make her look bad. Enough is enough.
Tamara said... 188
Does anyone know when Milo started her/his/it's obsession with KK? I think people here have said she's used other names and has had other personalities?
Tamara, I'll take a stab at it. I started following the J&K saga in the summer of '09 when the divorce news hit. I stumbled onto BM's blog, and shortly thereafter, I recall Milo (then known as FiredUp4Kate) coming on the scene, making an announcement that she was mad about the way the Kate was treated in the press, by Jon, haters, etc. Milo said she was "fired up!" I'd put it around the fall (maybe?) of '09. She may have been around before that... I just remember she sort of boomed into BM town. So we can say that she's working on about 2 1/2 years of obsession--at least.
Anonymous said... 67 Funny that you are not offering the same advice to EMTanner, your new heroine
First of all Anon, that's a rather insulting statement to make and totally juvenile and unnecessary in my opinion. As for EMTanner vs the travel agent? To my knowledge, EMTanner was not hanging out on Kate's twitter trying to garner business or sell anything to Kate's followers. Nor did she reveal the personal names of any of her customers on Kate's twitter. It sounds like she kept her tongue and her opinions to herself for several years and only reacted after Kate called her a liar and accused her of doing 'bad' and 'illegal' things with her business because she did not share profits with Kate for a product that did not have anything but the name "Kate" on it. Two entirely different situations. The travel agent revealed the surname of a person who inquired about the cruise, on Kate's twitter, on the world-wide web. And she did it in a fit of pique. I see no point in you coming here to stir up problems by insulting the Administrator of this blog or calling her into question in any manner whatsoever. All it does is make you look quite silly and childish. Accomplishes nothing beyond that in my opinion.
You know i have to say you couldn't have scripted this better.
Of COURSE the most unprofessional travel agent ever is the one in charge of Kate's cruise. Naturally!
Geez what would we do all day if someone professional was handling this and tweeted professional tweets and disclosed all the info you could ever want about the cruise and never once talked to the haters or sheeple? Booooring. :)
On another point, why is everyone vetting haters anyway and refusing to disclose any info to anyone who hasn't been cleared? Why wouldn't you be happy to disclose ALL the details to EVERYONE. Why would they try to hide something?
That's how the trolls roll, making snotty condescending remarks, nothing new here. But I happen to agree with this troll, both women should stay away now. I never said differently.
I still don't think Em Tanner should engage on twitter anymore now that the point has been made, but at the same time I would go crazy if someone were threatened my small business and I was trying to put a kid through college and I just got libeled big time. Can't blame her.
On the flip side, there is no excuse for CIndy. She only needs to tweet professional tweets and she's done her job. Nothing is on the line for her as long as she fulfills her job requirements.
Have you seen this?
1h Caitlin MC @CaitlinMC2 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@CindyCardella @Kateplusmy8 Hey, lying Cindy Cuntella. Still waiting for a response from Jerry Davis. POS filthy trash like your man hauls.
Yikes. Well, can't blame someone for being ticked off to have their last name put out there.
Cindy made a big, big boo boo. She let things get out of hand and that's what happened.
I have been trying to catch up,here, yous' guys have been busy on here. I really think that Kate expected to continue the show until the kids were 18 yrs.old.TLC would do her bidding and she would only have her yes people around her, to avoid any conflict which might arise.
She never expected anyone to doubt her or say no to her, because she believes in her pea brain that she made a hit show for TLC and would be a 'stah' and remain one without working at anything except her body and bank account forever.TLC owes her.
She only kept the kids because they were her ticket to the cash; she knew they sold the show and her as supermom to 8.She knows now that that gravy train ride is over, and I believe it shocked her when it happened. She has no skills and is too lazy to learn any, she liked her life and is pissed that it was taken away.She still thinks it might happen, that's how deluded she is about herself.
I can see her continuing to fail at everything, until all the money and house,cars, trips are gone. She is struggling with her image now, but is only concerned with creature comforts and luxuries for herself.The cruise, if it happens will be the last straw.She will officially be a nobody who can't sell a cruise to a dozen people.
I hope that Jon has gotten the kids out of there by then and they'll be safe, That is my biggest worry; she thinks nothing of them and forgets she is the parent in charge there.If there is no help there, then the twins are being overworked and the tups working for their keep too.Now is the time to stand up Jon, and be the Dad they need.
This is the saddest end for this family that started out with such great hopes and dreams.Sad that parents see $ signs instead of their own flesh and blood that deserves love and attention, not work and detention in their own home.
Okay WTF please don't post inappropriate tweets. Keep it clean.
Call me crazy, but if you tend to frequent NYC, why would you go to the same restaurant each time? I guess I just must be weird because on my trips to San Diego and other places on long stays, I tend to visit you know...other restaurants and not just that one. Broaden your horizon sort of.
Now sure what Fig & Olive serve, sounds Italian or at least Mediterranean not sure. She probably goes and orders the same dish too, which is incredibly lame. Let me guess, a salad.
More to life then salad honey there's this little thing you might have missed, it's that big chart with all the food groups on it. Study it. Read it. Learn something from it!
Oh yeah...if it's not about Kate, then Kate doesn't read. I hope you enjoy that small box you live you! Must get smaller each day. Sad. Truly sad.
PimpMyKids @PimpMyKids Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@CindyCardella @Kateplusmy8 I'm grateful I don't have to smell the decaying bodies in Haiti in August.
In reply to Kate Gosselin Cruise
"Why wouldn't you be happy to disclose ALL the details to EVERYONE. Why would they try to hide something?"
I've been thinking the same thing, Admin. How do they determine who they should divulge information to and who they should not. What if I called them tomorrow? I'm not going to but what if I did and asked them, among other things, what charity Kate is using or how many people are already booked? Do they put me on hold and check Twitter quickly or call CJ? You're right, this couldn't have been scripted any better. What other "celebrity" do you see dealing with people like this?
We all know everyone is freaking out over Cindy's big mistake. It's not necessary to post such crap here.
Why are you deleting my posts from twitter when you've allowed others?
I'm just showing you how people are treating Cindy.
Wtf, because you are posting vile crap that is incredibly inappropriate.
This is not a place to just retweet hater-sheeple war crap. STOP. I said a long time ago that the twitter wars are not something that is appropriate to discuss here. We all know this is going on. It is not shocking that the Cindi goof has everyone up in arms, this is not a place to repost everything here.
I don't get it. People call Kate a bitch here. But you don't have foul languange from twitter?
I've been thinking the same thing, Admin. How do they determine who they should divulge information to and who they should not. What if I called them tomorrow? I'm not going to but what if I did and asked them, among other things, what charity Kate is using or how many people are already booked? Do they put me on hold and check Twitter quickly or call CJ?
Exactly. Why not just put all the info out there anyone could possibly need and leave it at that. There is no reason to hide anything. None. Any business that is playing hide the ball with information about what they are trying to sell I steer clear from.
If the argument is Cindi doesn't want to waste her time on someone who isn't serious about going, she'll spend just as much time scrambling around like a fool trying to figure out who they are.
Why does Cindi make this SO darn easy to criticize? I mean really.
Gift of grab: people have been known to do that. Example: This % my money(what I earned), this % your money(what you earned), this is the childrens acct(what ever we feel we need to put in there, usually the standard cost of raising ones child, every month)Which I heard is something to the effect of $300-$400 a month min. This covers food, clothing, shelter(rent if you like)Some parents do figure expensives to the bone, every little thing they spend on children. Then when those kids hit 18, they expect them to get a job and move out, to be on their own. The parent did their job.
I have never seen it that way. You have a child cause you love them, that is why you had them, 18 is not a kicking them out thing. But you do have to teach them about money, or you will go broke. Kate has said, till the kids hit 18. Kate will use only the kids money for the kids, her money is her money, not to be shared.
Wtf, that is terrible but it's not appropriate to retweet such things here. We all know there are haters on twitter who are awful no one denies it. I'm not sure what you are trying to prove but make this blog a place where the C word and other horrible things are repeated. NO.
Wtf, if you keep reposting tweets like that you will be BANNED.
I have said for a long time that the hater-sheeple war is NOT TO BE POSTED HERE. And that posts about tweeters unless it relates directly to them tweeting Kate is not appropriate. Even the Milo thing today got out of hand but I wasn't around to stop it nor was Mary Ann.
I will not become a blog that just becomes a place to talk endless about twitter wars among fans and haters. STOP.
I think I understand. We can call Kate names, just not a cunt.
GotYour Number I look at it this way, can you imagine if you were buying a wedding package and they wouldn't tell you exactly what you were going to get, how many hidden fees you would have to pay, but just show up on the wedding day don't worry it will all work out. Oh and if we don't show up, you may or may not get a refund.
No, you tell people what they are going to get, exactly how much they are going to get, and exactly what their money is buying.
Hide the ball is a ridiculous business practice.
I'm dead in middle of a refi my 16 yr. 8 mo. old 8% (fixed) mortgage to a new 15/yr. 4% or less (final figs not in yet) interest rate. Nobody has offered us $$$ for doing so, matter of fact, we have to pay closing cost and had to pay for a home inspection. What are we doing wrong? I guess only having two children that we could comfortably afford and a house that we can comfortably afford does not get us any free passes. Imagine if K8 had to go thru such a scenario, shutter the thought!
Admin: question from earlier: If on the cruise Kate does not appear at most of her events, can a person on her cruise sue her? I've heard of people sueing to get a refund for a shitty performance or a short performance? do these people on this cruise have a chance to do that, given how Kate was on past trips? Would they sue Kate, the agency or the cruise line to get a partial refund, for events promised but not performed?
gotyournumberKate said... 88
What other "celebrity" do you see dealing with people like this?
None. Kate is like poison ivy. Everything that's associated with her breaks out in an ugly oozing rash. And it's so typical of her to turn a blind eye to it all and pretend she's Ms Positivity while the world collapses around her.
So not only is Kate a hypocrite posting a CC blog about her gas-saving tips then heading to NYC just to get her hair done, but she couldn't wait until her custody-free weekend to do this? The only available option was Wednesday during a school week? This isn't some quick, local trip that enables her to be home in time to pick-up her kids from school. So when she complains tomorrow about being exhausted, does she expect people to sympathize and give her a free pass? Not falling for it, Kate.
This is just another example of how selfish Kate is. She thinks more about herself and her needs than her children's. I do think she's in some mindset that eventually she will get another tv job so, to her, it's okay to incur some debt or sustain this current celebrity lifestyle because she'll get another TLC-like salary soon. This mindset will be Kate's downfall...one of her biggest life-regrets. Her future-self (six months from now, a year after she was laid-off...er, cancelled) will regret her current spending habits when the TLC money can no longer support her family and their lifestyle. Kate needs to organize her financial priorities before it's too late.
This is what Kate recently told another "single, working mom" Diane Mizota:
DM: What are you most looking forward to in the future? And what keeps you up at night?
KG: Most looking forward to would be my next big job, so that I don't have to worry about how to provide for them. I think that, that definitely keeps me up at night right now because I am primarily responsible for them, physically and financially.
DM: I go from job to job too, and as a single mom, you're like, "…we've got college on the horizon" you know, let's make this happen! And I'm the same way…I'm waiting for the big one… but I string together lots of jobs, you know, you just do what you can.
KG: As long as they keep stringing that would be great. But it would be nice to have…the one, where you can breathe for a few months, or years. It's the business that we're in.
DM: It is.
KG: And I don't worry excessively about it, cause I know good things will happen because…well, they have to. I've got a lot riding on it.
Gift of Gab, I think that Kate totally has kept "her" money separate and doesn't feel like she needs to or should spend that money on the kids. Around the time of the lawsuit they were in with PA about the medicaid nurse they were sitting on an inheritance from Jon's father. Kate was quoted as saying something to the effect of "why should we have to spend OUR money on these kids?" I think in the articule from the Marley and Me guy. So, yes, I think she has "her" money tucked away and doesn't spend any of it on the kids, and I think she hid it from Jon in the divorce.
I also think that she took a car service today, or PB drove. I think that's why she was twittering so much this morning. She was in the car on the way. JMO.
TLC ship is sinking said... 103
So not only is Kate a hypocrite posting a CC blog about her gas-saving tips then heading to NYC just to get her hair done, but she couldn't wait until her custody-free weekend to do this? The only available option was Wednesday during a school week? This isn't some quick, local trip that enables her to be home in time to pick-up her kids from school. So when she complains tomorrow about being exhausted, does she expect people to sympathize and give her a free pass? Not falling for it, Kate.
So why don't one of her sheeple call her on this waste of money? Like you said, driving to NY for a salon visit is not thrifty on gas by any stretch of the imagination, plus the cost of the salon visit. How is she saving money?? Philadelphia must surely have some nice salons. Come on, Kate, show your sheeple how to save money by staying CLOSE to home, you know, saving on gas. COME ON sheeple- CHALLENGE Kate!!
How is she saving money?? Philadelphia must surely have some nice salons
Forget Philly. There are great salons in the Reading area where they would do a much better job and wouldn't cost her an arm and a leg.
She's nuts. I could maybe understand wanting to stick with the same stylist if her hair was fabulous and the color outstanding. However, it's a disaster.
"Kate Gosselin: blah blah blah.... blah.,,, blah blah blah blah. But it would be nice to have…the one, where you can breathe for a few months, or years. It's the business that we're in."
Gawd. Kate sits there on some obscure - what is that? a blog video? - and yaps about being in the 'business' like she's Julia Roberts on a tight filming schedule and has to get back to the set in a few minutes. But in reality...she's got nothing.
Admin, you are right when you called kate a MOOCHER.
That is exactly what she is. I am ALWAYS turned of by MOOCHERS so it's just another reason I am not a fan of hers.
Even when I was dating..I ALWAYS paid for my own meal, activities etc. Heck, I even paid the whole tab plenty of times and cut a guy a break. I HATE having people pay my way. It's a nice gesture, and once you are in a serious relationship things loosen a bit, but I cannot for the life of me see how kate is comfortable MOOCHING and even worse, outright begging. I really see her as no different as the guy on the corner with a tin cup asking for handouts. I have pride. I also have always worked and supported myself since I was 18. I take pride in my accomplishments. Does kate really take pride in grifting? Sadly I think she does. To her it's like a game and she thinks she is WINNING. To me, it's embarrassing.
I have no problem with people who are struggling seeking some help to get on their feet but kate has taken this to an unheard of level. She took what she needed and then some. She took anything and everything she could get her hands on. Why? It's just stuff kate! It won't fill your empty hole. You need to really soul search to find something inside that can fill it. As a Christian doesn't she understand that none of this stuff goes with her in the afterlife? It's your character and your relationships. At least that is what I believe.
Thanks for diving in for me VirginiaPen. I've been watching the Plus 8 Prisoners since practically the first season (when it was almost impossible to tune into TLC and not see them) but I've come waaaay late to the sheeples vs haterz world. Someone could get their PHd dissertation writing and studying that from beginning to now.
I guess a good adjective for kate would be Shameless. So glad she is not my mom. Still don;t get why ANYONE admires her but I guess it's like they say..there is a lid for every pot.
Someone made a very good point about CJ keeping the #'s small on the cruise to keep it intimate. I admit I thought of that too..but on the other hand..what is she keeping away, maybe 5-10 people. Interest in this cruise is LOW.
Does anyone know what the average D-List celeb cruise fills at? Wonder how Deena from Jersey Shores cruise is selling? Marie Osmonds? I'm going to google it.
Alice reserved probably 200 rooms. I bet they are shocked on 30 have signed up. I'm sure they thought kate would be a big draw since she generates "hits." People fail to realize tho her hits and interest are always negative.
I actually think Jon would sell more tickets on a cruise.
I wonder if Alice travel will announce they are
"sold out." kate speak meaning they gave the empty rooms back.
Finally, on Cindy.
A. She is a mini kate
B. She has no reason getting huffy on twitter
C. She has NO business calling people Haters
D. She has no business getting involved. Her tweets should say - book the cruise - for info call. and thats it!!! trying to lure people on twitter and tweeting back and forth is dumb. Let them call you if they are serious.
E. She should be released from duty for this crusie and let someone else handle it. I'm sorry but she should. I understand kate is a whole new animal..but Cindy is a professional. It's her job to stay neutral and professional and discreet. She is hurting her companies reputation with her antics and poor sales approach.
I work in high end travel. Private Jets, not ships but the rules are always the same. DISCRETION, DISCRETION AND CONFIDENTIALITY
Anon 182 on the previous page..you were saying Kate has made Jon's life a living hell since the divorce....and TLC forcing him into almost bankruptcy.....
I don't doubt that at all. It's just despicable what she does to him.
And I dont mean Cindy behaves professional. I mean she should. I'm actually shocked she still has a job. Hurricane kate will probably be the lowest point in her career. It could ruin it even if her bosses take the comments seriously. She has violates every rule about discussing other cruisers, giving names, sharing emails, yapping it up with CJ and giving her names, by saying they are screening for haters, the works. She is stupid for getting pulled into twitter drama. It is her JOB to represent ALice Travel. NOT KATE GOSSLEIN. She is to market kate and the cruise..not get in twitter wars with "haters"
I am stunned she is close to my age (well I'm turning 39 next month, close enough)
Does ANYONE associated with kate have any common sense? It's like people lose all sense when they become involved with her. Twilight Zone shit.
Sorry Admin for talking about Milo today. I guess I just still feel something is "off." Just because someone is a big fan doesn't mean they cannot lose it and turn. Like I always say, kate draws an odd crowd. I'm sure 99percent are harmless but I still worry. The haters say more vile things, but the sheep are more obsessed if that makes sense.
Milo DID alarm me when she posted the pic of her arm and it was hairy and manly and there was a black dog instead of Jack. It made me think about cyberworld and how people are not who they say they are. IF AND I MEAN IF there is something fishy about Milo for real then I have to ask myself. Why? Why go to lengths to be 2 tweeters - man/woman? Does this person want to try to get close to kate? Again WHY? Sorry , it's just how my brain thinks. There is no way to know who you are tweeting with. Kate takes it a bit to intimate. Sharing her kids, her custody drama etc. You never see other celebs get so involved with their fans. They reply to tweets but they don't have ongoing relationships. Maybe I'm just paranoid but I think twitter may cause a real problem for the Gosselin's some day.
delete is you need to admin, I don't get upset by that. It's your blog.
Kate saves money alright, by skimping on her kids. What regular mother goes to another state to have her hair cut/colored and all that? Nobody!
Okay, so moms might occasionally brag about having a rare night out, but they do it amongst close personal friends not to people they generally don't know just to sound important.
Watch, when her older girls are 16 or so and they ask if they can go to NYC for spring break because they'll be old enough to drive Kate will say they are too poor to be able to afford going. "But, you still go for your hair! Why can't we go?"
I have no sympathy for people who believe a woman does it all for her kids when there is evidence to the contrary. But, sometimes people are truly blind.
Someone made a very good point about CJ keeping the #'s small on the cruise to keep it intimate.
I admit i haven't really thought of this but it makes perfect sense. It's in her best interest to out as many people as possible as haters whether they really are or not.
I firmly believe this Caitlin person who got outed by Cindi today was NOT a hater. Just a sheeple with a little rationality. Her joke about being stuck with her crying kid in Haiti was just that, a joke to lighten the mood. It wasn't an insult to Kate, etc. But Cindi for whatever reason, maybe because she was tipped off that we have someone not completely drinking the koolaid here asking too many questions (and must be axed!) she decided to out them and axe them. I think CJ looks for the tiniest reason to declare someone a hater so she can get rid of them.
There is an entire psychology textbook that could be written here.
Oh you know the Peace Love World thing that Kate has? The kids are still wearing it.
Now there is an example of a professional company that doesn't engage in any crap. I may not agree with them supporting exploitation but at least they are professional and stay out of things.
I know people have emailed them and I've seen their responses. They don't go out of their way to support Kate, they don't bash the person sending the email. Their emails were just sort of like thank you for your feedback, something like that. At one point someone gave them the link to this web site and asks them to comment on what was here. Their response was given the nature of this site they're declining to comment, thank you.
Cindi could take a lesson from how to be professional when your client is as polarizing as Kate. I understand it's not easy to handle Kate and her fans and haters I really do. But it's not so hard that you can't figure it out.
I work in high end travel. Private Jets, not ships but the rules are always the same. DISCRETION, DISCRETION AND CONFIDENTIALITY
For some reason the travel industry in general seems very discreet and professional to me. I can't say as I've ever encountered an unprofessional person working in sales in the travel industry. I'm sure they're out there but I don't think they last long. Maybe because they are used to dealing with high rollers they treat everyone like their confidentiality and enjoyment on the trip are a top priority. I recently booked with a rather large tour company for a group tour, even though the company has been around decades and offers over 100 trips, I immediately got a personal but professional email from a rep giving me details that were personal to me and providing a phone number to reach them direct as my contact person. I did actually have a few questions which they answered right away. One of my questions was about travel insurance, they provided me a list of their favorites and price comparisons. It's just how it usually works, they were professional and helpful which is exactly why I am comfortable handing over my money. Oh and their "trip notes" are over TEN PAGES LONG for a rather short trip. It includes everything you could possibly want to know including down to the price of a taxi from the airport.
Does anyone know off hand if Cindy has a business degree or PR or something helpful where you would learn not to get involved in tweet waters? I am not asking anyone to sleuth it out just wondering if it's common knowledge out there.
The textbook is the reason I'm here. It's facets of human behavior I never experienced in real life. And hopefully it's the closest I will ever be to it. The mindset of people involved in the whole Gosselin thing hit every spectrum.
The only ones with common sense post here I always thought. That's why i love to read this blog.
It's like reading a review of a movie or book. kate acts out her episode and we review it. The flabbergasted and accuratate descriptions of the situation keep me coming back. It's refreshing to see normal people thinking things thru and analyzing - and it's wild to see the opposite end bleat their case. It's just WOW
I love seeing the intelligent responses to kate and her crew's behavior. It's always on target and interesting. I feel safe here among the normal. The rest of that stuff I will view from afar
Em I'm the same way the psychology of this whole thing remains very interesting to me. I considered majoring in psychology or sociology and really enjoyed my classes in those subjects. I think this helps fulfill that interest in mine to observe human interactions and behavior.
My problem is I"m interested in so many things I can never really focus on one. I'm a dabbler I guess. Kate's lack of interest in the world around her beyond shoes and hair and tweeting is hard for me to understand since I'm the opposite, so very curious about everything.
EM also I echo your statements about people here. Many boards on TWOP also have similar very intelligent witty people and some of those boards are some of the most respected in their category. I doubt I would still have interest in this blog if not for the great group of people who say such interesting things and usually are reasonable and rational in analyzing things (I know, I know, the sheeple disagree. As Kate would say, whhhatever). A blog, at least one that depends a lot on the interaction, is only as good as its posters.
117 - Your're right. They are out there Admin, but they dont last long. So it brings me to the question. Did Cindy do a great job all these years and somehow got sucked into kate's vortex? Or is she truly clueless about the responsibilites of her job and just skimmed by all these years because a difficult situation never happened upon her?
I cannot understand the secrecy about the additional fees. Why aren't they explained. Why aren't the special events listed. Why play hide the ball? Is it because they know they are charging way too much? Maybe kate demanded such a big cut of % (Ms nobody makes money of the Gosselin name but me) that Alice raised the fee higher than it would be for your average Zlist celeb and Alice Travel is acting guilty.
I have worked for a shady place before (not for long - I ran ) They went out of business after i left of course but my boss did the the hide the ball game. Instead of a detailed price breakdown they gave you a lump sum. Tax, flight attendant, food not included so you better know to ask. People would want a breakdown of why it was so high and the man would get nasty and defensive. He would say. It is what it is. Take it or leave it, it's a great deal. (He wouldn't mention the fuel surcharge would change, or the "special" no cancellation policy) To me this is what Cindy is doing. She knows her pricing is off and she is avoiding mentioning others fees and cost to make the BIG number appear smaller.
By the way? Does kate HAVE to chose a charity? It's usually just what celebs do because they are fortunate and giving right? kate could keep the money if she wants. There is no way that selfish grifter will give her money away. She may donate $50 to some "charity" while claiming most of the proceeds went there but she;s gonna justify keeping it if called out with her single mother of 8 schtick.
Why hasn't a charity been announced? Even if kate donated only some of the $ and not all I would understand (if she were honest I would) - but doesn't she realize the charity alone may have caused people to join that cruise if it were near and dear to their heart.
Also, so we know M&C have to do an informal meet and greet. Notice that's all they mention. They have to know it's creepy that the kids have to meet these nutty fans. i least i hope they do. I DO think that is the only activity M&C will have to do. I think the judge laid down some rules about working and that's part of the reason the tups aren'tgoing. I think kate is have enraged that she cant sell the tups on that cruise becuase she knows they are a draw to the fans. The twins never were. kate is probably pissed at Jon that she cannot do a Dionne Quints "peek at play" thing with her former moneymakers. Damn kids gotta earn sing for their supper!
On the other hand, the greedy narcissist is probably glad to be able to get away from the kids for a while. I do wonder if the count stays around 30 booking if kate will even bother to bring the twins at all. Will she pissed they weren't enough of a draw and therefore feel they didn't "earn" the right to cruise?
She is not my hero. I don't even know her. I don't pick my heroes from the Gosselin mess.
Actually, Admin, you referred to her a a 'martyr for the Gosselin cause'. Even if tounge in cheek, it's a bit much. Especially for someone who vehemently DEFENDED the Gosselins in the beginning.
My problem is I"m interested in so many things I can never really focus on one. I'm a dabbler I guess. Kate's lack of interest in the world around her beyond shoes and hair and tweeting is hard for me to understand since I'm the opposite, so very curious about everything.
BINGO. I could have written that. That's me to a T. Her lack of awareness and no desire for knowledge is ASTOUNDING. I crave information. I research random things all the time just for my own entertainment. I can;t imagine what it would be lkke to be so self absored. #1 It makes her a black hole. #2 She must be freaking bored (or maybe too stupid to be bored who knows) #3. It stunts her ability to make connections with others. She has NOTHING to add to a conversation except her own personal story. It;s crazy how empty she really is. How do sheep miss this. I feel sorry for kate in a way. She is lacking the most important qualities needed for life satisfaction, joy, friendship, wisdom and family.
I love analyzing human behavior, In real life I think Im actually good at it. I read people well and know how to act accordingly. It's a great skill to have for what I do for a living plus ALL of my personal relationships are very satisfying. I like people. I like connecting with others. I don't overdo it so my plate isn't too full. I just make good quality relationships and I nurture them. kate is all over the place never really connecting with anyone. It would be sad if she weren't such a beotch.
IMO, it was completely, utterly tongue in cheek. As are many things I say here. Sorry if that was a bit much for you. I thought it was obvious using the term martyr when talking about this stupid Gosselin saga would be completely a joke and nothing more. I haven't looked at what's up with Em since this happened. Defending people who just come here to shit stir and cause problems and post things with the C word and "BJ" and so on isn't probably the best idea.
Aw Em a learner after my own heart. My love of learning has really enriched my life and I'm sorry Kate doesn't have that desire. The world is interesting and fun.
The C word? BJ?? That was not me! Please don't imply I use gutter language.
EM said…110
Someone made a very good point about CJ keeping the #'s small on the cruise to keep it intimate. I admit I thought of that too..but on the other hand..what is she keeping away, maybe 5-10 people.
Alice reserved probably 200 rooms. I bet they are shocked on 30 have signed up. I'm sure they thought kate would be a big draw since she generates "hits."
Why would Alice Travel be shocked at having only 30 sign up if they're also using CJ to "keep people away."
Are people here actually of the opinion that Cindy is sending all email inquiries on to CJ and having her put her stamp of approval on who is going and who is not?
Milo DID alarm me when she posted the pic of her arm and it was hairy and manly and there was a black dog instead of Jack.
The above link is to the only picture I ever saw of Milo's hand. The original hater stated it's a "man hand."
About the black dog, I questioned that, too, but then it could be a neighbor's dog. I'm not sure how far away her neighbors are. They live in a wooded area. Some people let their dogs roam around.
She has deleted some photos. One showed her shoes she called her "hiking shoes" or something. Same hater said they were mans shoes. They were typical generic light weight lace up walking shoes. They all pretty much look the same.
All this about Milo being a man has been said by the same hater who said he'd gotten married after a huge build up and leading haters on, then denied it. Since then, I for one, take what he says with a grain of salt. Fool me once..........
BTW none of what I said above invalidates that she's a nut case~~~~~~
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Would be good young lady if U'd let tweeties know ur back home "safe&sound"! :) Just a nice thing 2do 4people who care abt U!
and she's getting nuttier by the day.
Just a few random comments based on posts in the 801 - 930 range:
Gift of grab: I think you are right, Khate has HER money, kids have a different account to live out of. And, while we are on that topic, when 529s first started, they were not just for college - you could use them for private elementary/secondary school expenses. Not sure if that has changed, and I wouldn't put it past Khate to have spent any donated $$ first, prior to digging into the kids 15% from the show.
Fig & Olive - I'm thinking the salon ordered her a carryout salad. She didn't really go to the restaurant. If you are in a salon for cut/style/color, they will cater to you.
Salon on Wednesday - Khate does not rate a PRIME weekend appointment (or maybe the prices are lower on Wednesdays).
Khate not appearing at all advertised functions on the cruise - I think the disclaimer at the bottom of the cruise website covered all of that. No refund.
Why no school today? I'm quite sure it's open.
She'll be back in NYC before the cruise to get blonded up again. She has to twit where she is because no one cares.
Oh no the kids are out of school. The only thing left for them to clean and ORGANIZE is the barn. I am sure it will suddenly start "bugging" KT and it will have to be done today. But, hey, hard work is fun especially when you get to instruct 16 helping hands and make lists for the chickens to read. I wonder if they at least get an allowance. Don't you know those kids would LOVE to get a chocolate milk at school to go with their snack.
I think the cruise count will stand at 30. These are the committed sheeple. Poor Kate. She won't be making as much money as she thought. I agree that she will most likely not take the twins (there will be some excuse). She will not want to share the spotlight with her captured small audience, and besides, alone with Stevie? Priceless.
"There is an entire psychology textbook that could be written here."
------------ ---------
Boy, is that the truth! And this is also one of the main reasons I have continued to follow the Gosselin saga.....to be able to have such a clear and interesting view of a personality disorder. It's been better than a psychology course.
I am catching up on the latest regarding 1) the EM Tanner debacle and 2) the Cindy Cardella debacle.....and I've been sitting here almost stunned. And am also applauding EM Tanner for sticking up for herself. Good for her! It must be so frustrating to have someone bad-mouth you and have to bite your tongue because there is so much behind-the-scenes information you know that you're not sure if you should reveal or not. And I'm sure there is tons of info EM Tanner knows....as does everyone who has had to deal directly with Kate.
Regarding the Cindy Cardella incident...I was initially thinking that it was possible that she was just joining in on the negative twitter behavior because she thought that the fan/non-fan disputes/issues are Kate G.'s biggest draw and that it might help business. But then to see her divulge someone's personal info on a public twitter account....is just...I don't even know what to think. How old is she? It reminds me of the behavior of young teens who get caught up in crowd mentality and say and do things that they otherwise would not normally say or do. She needs to step back and take a good look at what she's gotten herself into.
And regarding what Kate blogged....about the gas prices, etc....what she should have done was to just write something like "if you have more than one vehicle try to use the one that uses less gas depending on how many passengers there will be"...or something along those lines. Of course, the whole idea is just common sense....but what was so apparent was that she HAD to make sure she mentioned that she has multiple vehicles...including a sports car.
It's almost becoming schizophrenic. She careens back and forth between bragging about what she has and does and sniffling and crying poverty.....and I'm sure she doesn't see the conflict...or the contradiction there.
I think that my general impression of Kate's NPD is that prior to her becoming a "celebrity" (of sorts)...she was an annoying narcissist. But once they got the show and it became a hit....she developed severe delusions of grandeur which was exacerbated by being surrounded by sycophants for a period of time (a period of time that extended far too long). It's been fascinating to watch how temporary fame and being surrounded by people who support the bad behavior can turn a regular narcissist into such a mess.
dee3 said... 136
Great post-- glad you're back here catching up. It's a whirlwind of crap, isn't it?!
Today Show this morning-- "The Situation" was discussed by the panel (lawyer, doctor and marketing guy) and they all agreed that once "the parade passed you by, and it *always* does" the newly-anointed "celeb" is left there watching it disappear into the horizon. They also agreed that Reality TV seeks out and benefits from those who are psychologically a bit unstable, mostly to get drama and ratings.
The RTV wannabe and RTV show sort of find each other and seek their own level of dysfunction.
Kate was ripe for RTV and it filled all the real or perceived holes in her life like a soothing, validating salve, whereas I think Jon was and is a far more healthy person who never needed RTV in the first place.
Okay, so I just realized, in one of the emails, Cindy confirms that someone else--not the person who the email is directed to--has booked the cruise. In a, yeah, she is going, but it's fine, way. This is a HUGE no-no and a complete violation of privacy as well as a security risk. HUGE.
The TODAY show's segment with Donnie Deutsch, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, and Star Jones touched on Reality TV today - they were discussing "The Situation" announcing he was in rehab for prescription drugs. Donnie used the analogy that "fame is like heroin" to the reality TV "stars" and the most interesting thing will be seeing what happens when fame passes them by - they have no jobs to go back to. And, as Americans, we love watching the train wreck.
You know what really must tick of Kate?
She's been to NYC how many times for her blonde fry and fish in paper and not ONE Pap photo has covered it.
She's beyond the bottom of the barrel.
Tucker's Mom #137 - JINX! Pinkie shake! I guess I owe you a Diet Coke!
So nice to sleep past 5:45 a.m.! Good grief I am tired of her woe is me twisted to look positive. Guess what! A lot of people who work get up that early! I get up at 5:30 myself; who cares? I get up early even if there isn't school because I have a job to go too! End rant.
koopdedoo, jinx back at 'ya!
Yes, the really salient point is that the "realest reality" is that today's RTV will be yesterday's child stars. The overwhelming majority will fade into obscurity and have to get a real job. Kate is not "in the business" as she told the woman DJ. She doesn't have the skill set at this point, and after years of making TV appearances and multiple chances to show her abilities on a litany of TV shows, she has obviously impressed nobody. I think that if she really wanted to learn how to host a show and showed just how hard she was willing to work to improved her performance, she'd have some type of recurring or even permanent role on a TV show.
It's a shame because it would have been a lucrative way to support herself and the kids without filming them.
To add, I can understand Kate's comment about losing sleep at night over how to support her lifestyle and the kids because she is actively choosing to "string jobs along" while bemoaning the obvious fact that a more permanent source of income would be better.
I get it. It's called a career in nursing, which he had and gave up. She can totally help herself with this dilemma, but chooses not to. I think that's why she gets no pity and much scrutiny.
I wonder what task Kate is masterminding for her 8 little employees?
Maybe C & M will make breakfast & lunch for her today...
H will fold the wash...
A will sweep the floors...
Whatshername will dust the furniture...
C will organize her cabinets & drawers...
J & A will both clean the chicken coop...
And Kate will tweet all day.
dee3 said... 136
"There is an entire psychology textbook that could be written here."
------------ ---------
Boy, is that the truth! And this is also one of the main reasons I have continued to follow the Gosselin saga.....to be able to have such a clear and interesting view of a personality disorder. It's been better than a psychology course.
Same here. I didn't realize at first that I knew any narcissists. Actually, I didn't even know what narcissism was. But since learning about Kate, I've realized that my incredibly difficult, selfish, and unreasonable aunt is a narcissist.
So is the mother of a close friend. I helped him "diagnose" what was really going on with her and asked him to look it up. He came back and said, "Wow! You're right." His brother is the golden child.
Another good friend's father and brother are narcissists. (The brother was the golden child who morphed into a narcissist, too.) I asked if she knew what narcissism was. She said her sister had just discovered the term as well.
Meanwhile, a third friend (a borderline personality or close to it) was in an abusive marriage. She got out and went right back into another bad one. I happened to google the new husband's traits--liar, megalomaniac, braggart, blamer, always thinks he's right, sues people for HIS mistakes and seems surprised when he loses... What came up? Narcissist. I should have known! Now I think the first husband might also have been a narcissist. I also learned that people with borderline personalities do tend to be attracted to narcissists! These are marriages made in hell, and hers sure have been.
I have no real narcissists directly in my life, thank God, but every time a narcissist touches the life of someone close to me, everyone suffers.
Bottom line--I had NO IDEA narcissists were everywhere!
Another omg 'gorge' blonde session thanks to the amazing @JasonHueman & another delish dinner @fig&olive with friends! Good day! Thanks all!
In case anyone is interested (cough) how Kate worded news of her jaunt. HOW can people believe she needs grifts?? Save it for when she goes broke...
Makes me sick.... and she has friends?
She always says she lunches with "friends" there. Can't imagine who they are. The only companion she has is Steve.
As far as sleeping in until 8 a.m. today, I'm sure those kids were under strict orders to not disturb her. What a slug she is! Once you are programmed to wake up early, you wake up early.
Apparently, Kate planned her long day in NYC yesterday knowing she could sleep in today.
It's going to be pretty nice out today so I hope they get to have some fun and get the he!! off the compound for once.
Wait for it...she just got her hair done so I wonder if we'll see any photos of her running errands? I'm shocked her hair is not falling out by the handfuls. And if she had "dinner" in NYC yesterday, did she drive back alone or with Stevie in tow? Well, if we see any photos, it will be courtesy of Steve, the pap. No one is following her around these days.
I read that today is parent/teacher conferences. Can anyone verify this? So, is this why Kate got her hair done - to impress the mediocre parents and teachers and remind them that she's a stah?
I'm not convinced Steve is still around.
I totally believe she took a car service to NY and the salon had a salad sent over to the salon from Fig & Olive. She has no one left to eat with. Jason certainly doesn't accompany her to Fig & Olive right after her appointment.
Since the TLC contract is over, I believe she's paying for her own hair services, though they might be discounting them--for NOW. You'll see them happen less and less often as this year goes on now that she's having to dig into her own savings for car service and hair.
She's got no job and no marketable skills in media jobs. She will crash land to earth this year, if she hasn't already.
And I see the new troll thing is to come on here claiming she has $20 million and her house is paid off. That is a laugh! She MIGHT have $5 million tops in savings and the house is FAR from paid off. I would not be surprised if she has $2-3 million at most. With her yearly expenses and minus child support, that will not last long.
"It's a whirlwind of crap, isn't it?!"
Lol....you just made me laugh out loud, Tucker's Mom, and our dog came running over to see what was going on. It really IS a whirlwind of crap, isn't it?.....she's become the gift that keeps on giving and I don't even feel guilty watching the shenanigans because she had multiple opportunities to make things turn out so much better but has just continued the bad behavior.
Virginia Pen Mom~
I'm very fascinated watching the various varieties of narcissists and narcissistic behavior. I'm not sure what causes the various variations and fluctuations...it's probably the degree of narcissism and what other personality traits the person has (ie: critical thinking skills, etc.).
What I find so fascinating about Kate is that with most narcissists in the "celebrity TV world"....like, for instance, Camille Grammar or Kim K...there is some degree of ability to have insight and to get out of their own delusions for a minute. Most of the rest of them, at some point, DO care how they are coming across to the public to a certain degree. It's Kate's total inability to look outside her own head...her own delusion-filled head...that really fascinates me.
Has Kate...like most of the other TV celebrity narcissists have done.....EVER...even once...appealed to the public that she was being misunderstood? Tried to explain bad behavior that was being publicly criticized? Appear to care enough about negative publicity to be worried about it? I can't remember seeing it...other than the token sniffling during interviews....certainly not like the others have shown (ie: C. Grammar, K.K., Theresa Giudice, and on and on) who have blogged about it, commented in articles about it, etc.
Kate just sails along like the Queen of Sheba...confident that she's right and everyone else is wrong. If there's a problem...it's someone else's fault and certainly not her's.
Even Casey Anthony, who I'd thought was as bad a narcissist as Kate is....has maintained a pretty low profile since the trial....which is better than what I'd expected. But with Kate....why, you can just count on one debacle and mess after the other. She just can't seem to help herself.
Oh dear...I just noticed she apparently blogged something on her website scapegoating one of the little boys? I'll have to go and check it out...although I find it really painful whenever she exhibits negative mothering to her children. She just takes a flying leap into one mud puddle after another. I can hardly even keep up with the messes any more. :D
So did Kaye pay for the gas to NYC and the dinner and hair.?
How much did she pay to have her weave colored and for the dinner she and I bet Steve ate.?
"Has Kate...like most of the other TV celebrity narcissists have done.....EVER...even once...appealed to the public that she was being misunderstood? Tried to explain bad behavior that was being publicly criticized? Appear to care enough about negative publicity to be worried about it?"
Yes-she called it "editing".
She has no REAL friends....I'm sure she's talking about the people in the salon..What a jerk....if she didn't get her hair done she would never see these people. So pathetic she has to call these strangers "friends". Also it makes her sound important to have friends in a famous salon....this womans whole life is a fantasy... where's her real friends? She's a mess.....
I didn't realize at first that I knew any narcissists. Actually, I didn't even know what narcissism was. But since learning about Kate, I've realized that my incredibly difficult, selfish, and unreasonable aunt is a narcissist.
Same here. I've always struggled at home. Never could make sense of what went on. Then I started reading here a few years ago and the light bulb came on. No wonder everything's been such a struggle!
I'd tried sooo many things, but nothing seemed to make it better. I was feeling like such a failure, and my psyche was dying, much the same as Jon's.
After reading here, I finally realized that it's NOT ME, or my lack of trying, as much as the other person tries to tell me and anyone who will listen that it IS me...that I don't even *try* to meet his needs. Hmmmm, where have we heard *that* before?
The irrationality, the outbursts of belligerence out of the blue. So often I was like huh? What just happened? The all about me attitude. Let's meet my needs and if there's anything left over, we'll see about your needs. You have needs? Really? What would they be? Oh, those, well anyway, back to me.
I have been stunned at how much of what Kate has said to/about Jon (and others), has been said to me!! It's often even similar wording!
Reading here, doing some research on narcissism, and watching the show, made me realize that I needed to grow a pair, start drawing a line in the sand, define some boundaries, make those boundaries stick, and put up with no xxxx...ever...about anything, not even the little things. I realized that there was no give and take, it was me giving and them taking.
As much as I was initially drawn to this blog for its humor (looking at you, Admin, Auntie Ann, et al), it's been a real eye opener for me.
Probably why I'm so fascinated with trying to understand Kate. And realizing there is no understanding Kate. It doesn't make any sense, and it's never going to make any sense.
I was going to say that now it's just fun to step back and watch. Except that my heart breaks for those poor kids. They have to be somewhat aware of the hell she puts Jon through. She doesn't seem to edit herself and only treat people poorly when the kids aren't around. They have to have observed some pretty nasty behavior.
Some of them will be horrified by the bad behavior, and some will learn to emulate it. Such a sad story, really.
Jen said... 132
Why no school today? I'm quite sure it's open.
There is no Lower School today because of parent-teacher conferences. Middle School and Upper School are still in session. If parents cannot schedule conferences during the day because of their schedule, it's possible to have the conferences at other times, such as in the evening, or after school on another day. In some cases, phone conferences can also be scheduled.
Someone took care of the kids yesterday while she went to NYC, and if it's parent/teacher conference day, someone has to be with those kids IF she attends. Now I'm thinking she was the only one who slept in because the nanny is at the house. She never mentions "the help".
And if she does go to the school, she'll slame Jon for not going (but hey, he works a job).
Oh, one other thing I forgot to add. I read on another non-fan site that a poster claimed, during the Red Cross event, that a couple who she is friends with managed to snap some photos of Kate and Steve in positions that were way too chummy...to a rather compromising degree....and are negotiating the sale of them to the media.
Now, I don't know if this is true or not...but there have been many, many speculations by a whole lot of people regarding the possible romantic relationship between them. And I had read that his fee for "body-guarding" is $1600 per day(?)...which seems rather steep to me....but....if this is true, can you imagine paying a guy over a grand a day to be romantic with you? How embarrassing would that be? Just the thought makes me cringe. Might as well just hire a gigolo.
At laest she didn't run to NY on their day off, but I bet she has not planned one iota of fun for the day. C&M were probably making breakfast while poor tired mommy slept in. Today I'm making a redux of our St. P's dinner (corned beef is in the crockpot) for a friend who was out of town last week. Kate? Still waiting for your shamrocks ( snark).
I have been stunned at how much of what Kate has said to/about Jon (and others), has been said to me!! It's often even similar wording!
Mel, great insight. We laugh and learn a lot here, don't we?
I had those moments too. In particular, my hair stood up watching the kitchen remodel episode when J&K were picking out cabinets etc. and *obviously* were not getting along (yet faking their way through, which is to say, fleecing).
When Jon made an excellent suggestion to get an under counter refrigerator, Kate looked at him like he had 2 or 3 heads, "scoffed" and said "what planet are you from?".
In front of the cabinet people!!
When the woman designer piped up and said "Uh... it's actually a great idea and here's why...", Kate would not apologize to Jon for treating him with utter disrespect in front of other adults. "Oh, I guess you're from this planet" is all she could choke out by way of saying that she was wrong.
So see Jon, you're really not a total idiot, I'll give you that. How big of Kate.
So, long explanation to say that I know what it's like to have an ex treat you like a dog in front of others to the point that it causes everyone (except my ex, people like my ex and Kate) to become extremely uncomfortable. It's embarrassing and humiliating.
I remember that episode. It was thick with tension...sorry if your went through that. Not fun, not fair, to say the least. :(
also at the Toys R Us one, when Jon explained his embarrassment at the yelling, she tried to joke...will never apologize.
Your view that most travel agents are professional is accurate. Back when we had the travel agency, discretion was key. We had our share of cheating husbands jetting off with their mistresses, wives sneaking off to Vegas, that sort of stuff. If a spouse called curious about the whereabouts of their significant other our response was always the same, "I'm sorry, but we cannot give out that information". If the caller persisted, we would offer to contact the other person and ask them to call their spouse. Obviously, it stands to reason a couple would share travel plans, so we were often put in the middle, knowing what we knew. No matter the situation, we remained professional, happy to assist while protecting the information of the client, period.
I give my husband full credit. We sold our agency in 1995, the Internet was in it's infancy, Twitter wasn't launch until 11 years later. My husband said " technology is going to take over this business" Twitter could easily bring down Alice Travel if this cruise is any sign of how they permit their employees to operate. Cindy has been allowed to behave in a totally unprofessional way, I hold Alice Travel responsible for not putting a stop to her behavior.
Ah Jumping In that's why travel agents are so discreet, they're trained to protect cheating husbands!
I will be shocked if Alice Travel doesn't take action with what happened. Shocked.
Just checked by the way, the outing tweet is still there.
Unbelievable Cindy. Grow up and at the very least delete it if nothing else.
I should add that we would contact the person away when the person trying to find their significant other claimed it was urgent. We would say, "we can try to get in touch with (inset name) if this in an emergency". Most often, the caller would say, "no, that's ok, I will try and locate (insert name) myself" Back then cell phones were not common, and finding someone was not as easy as it is today. Still, we had to respect the privacy for the client, and stay clear of the personal issues.
Admin said -- I will be shocked if Alice Travel doesn't take action with what happened. Shocked.
I don't think that Alice Travel is going to do anything. If they do, it will look like the "haters" win. Win what, I don't know, but what I've seen from this company, my bet is that they will just sweep this under the rug.
$1,600 for Steve's fee sound like a gigolo and not a bodyguard.
164. Yes admin. You are correct.
Even I have had many a wife call looking for their husband who was traveling with his mistress. The wives are relentless for info and you have to calm them without giving away info PLUS not pissing them off to where they refuse to use you in the future when they are actually traveling with hubby. It's a delicate dance for sure.
EM said... 30
I usually dont discuss my parenting style..but.. I only had 2 boys. Once a month at least I would do
Tim's Day or Brandon's Day
Aw, EM, I am smiling here. Every friday night, for over a decade, I would have 'private time' with one of my 4. I would get a sitter if I had to, we would go out for a fast food dinner or just a sit down dessert, the child would get $2 or $3 to spend at the dollar store, etc. It was never expensive. The summers were easier coz i would do individual picnics, walk in the park and flower collecting, etc. One of my girls is 30 and lives out of state now, when she plans a trip home for a week, to this day she will say,"And what day will be our private time?" I did 'private times' with them till they were well into high school. Last month I invited my 26 year old son to lunch with me, and he replied in his macho way "Yeah ok! Private time; cool."
If I would have had 8 like Kate, I would have stepped it up to 2 days a week. Even with father visitation it is very easy to work out and costs so little. Like your fine "Tim's Day" etc, it isnt about the money that is spent, it is about them getting your attention, hearing what they say, and them being special in your eyes all alone for a little while.
I think if Kate took a good, long look at herself in the mirror after her visits to NYC, she would see that this Jason person is doing her no favors. Her hair looks awful and more so, right after he is done with her. It is just too blonde for her. Why does she feel he is such a star? One of the other people associated with Jason is Michaela Salahi from DC housewives (White House party crasher). What a great list of clients he has!! Often, I think Kate and Michala look similar.
Anyway, it wasn't too long ago that she praised her local hairdresser, who used to give her the reverse mullet. She said he/she was so good and really understood her hair. I am sure she would save a lot of money going local once again. I never liked that style, but think that coloring would do wonders for her. It was much more natural looking. Here is a CC Blog idea...How to save money on gas....Go to a LOCAL hairdresser.
She thinks she is so above everyone for going to "THE CITY" to lunch and get her hair done. Guess what Kate.....NO ONE CARES. As a matter of fact, you just look foolish for pissing away your money, while you try and give savings tips on your CC blog. You are a joke!
128 - I don't take much stock in what a hater says. I drew my own opinion when I enlarged the photo. These are only my opinions, not facts. It's just how I feel. I looked really carefully at the feet photo too. The size of the foot plus I looked at the leg structure in the pants. It looked to sturdy to be a frail person. Again, my opinion only. I think Milo is real but there is something hinky that I can't put my finger on and to me that sends warning signals. I have trusted my gut my whole life.
I don't say it to get everyone to agree with me...it's just an observation.
I'm not going to bring it up here anymore because I don't think it's fair to Milo but my opinion stands.
@Kateplusmy8 What is this...another one of this obscure "teacher planning days"...they just seem 2throw those in whenever? Ok by me! :)
No, Milo. They don't throw them in whenever. These are held during the school year. It's a day set aside for parent-teacher conferences. You know, a time for a parent to meet with the teacher to discuss the progress of the student. Perhaps you should ask your precious Kate if she plans to meet with the teachers of her eight children today to find out how they are doing in school.
@Kateplusmy8 Where did you get those plastic containers in the playground and picnic day pic?
Oh, geez...don't ask Kate where she got anything. Look what happened the last time!
Doesn't milo talk about hiking a lot, yet she claimed to be wheelchair bound when pressed to go on the cruise?
Aw, you moms with boy's day and private time are really touching. I just have 1 brother so we got lots of time with our parents. I really like you you stepped it up to give the kids individual time and attention.
Just like for the G8, hey, it's not their fault there's 8 of them so why should they get the short end?
I hope it's true that Jon has asked for more time with the boys. That's needs to happen and never stop ;-)
I have to agree with Dallas Lady @151. I really don't think Steve was around on this little jaunt to NYC. I think she hired a car so that she could save money on gas (snark). I also think that she "ate in" at the salon. When you get your hair done at a high end salon they are very solicitous and will very often offer a glass of wine and ask what you'd like to eat, more especially when you are a "celebrity" client. There is no doubt in my mind that Kate either ordered a salad or her "fish in paper" and ate while waiting for her hair to process. There was far too much tweeting going on for her to have been at the restaurant with friends.
What in the world is wrong with these nutty people on twitter? It's like a feeding frenzy of mentally ill sharks. I have posted a few times using my google account, but now I will just use a name without my acct. The less crazy stalker fans know the better.
OT, but this is to SG. The first time I came across your name was on RMS. You have the most fabulous playroom I have ever seen!
Aggiemom, we used to live in Bryan. Love that town.
Love the witty and insightful posts on here. This blog rocks!
Katie Cry-duh said... 174
Doesn't milo talk about hiking a lot, yet she claimed to be wheelchair bound when pressed to go on the cruise?
See, this is the problem. Milo is NOT wheelchair bound. She walks, doesn't hike, almost daily, not always great distances. She uses a walking stick.
Yes, it could all be a ruse.
I won't mention her again.
This blog is becoming a place with a lot of bad information. I guess that happens with growth.
Just thinking about the cruise itself and wondering what it will be like when the fans start in-fighting for Kate's time and attention. I would love to go purely to observe the implosion. A real life "Voyage of the Damned" if you will. "Twist of Kate" may have never materialized, but "Twisted Kate" is alive and well.
An update to the comment about my narcissistic aunt... And this happened AFTER I commented about her.
My aunt and my mother are my grandmother's only two children. My aunt has been trying desperately to bully my elderly (mid-90's), disabled grandmother and her sister (my mother). My mom is also disabled, but cares for and lives with my grandmother.
What does my narcissist aunt do? Just complain that my mother deserves nothing and doesn't take good care of my grandmother. (She does and even plans every day around my grandmother's needs while my aunt is off taking vacations.) What a piece of work!
Mind you, my aunt doesn't actually help care for her mother/my grandmother herself, just complains about the one who's doing the work day in, day out.
Doesn't that sound exactly like Kate's reaction to Jon doing all the work?
Now, this morning, we learned that the community is quite aware of how narcissistic my aunt is--she actually has a reputation! Funny because she thinks she's very popular. We were successful this morning in getting legal arrangements made to keep my mom and grandmother secure from this narcissist and her incredible greed. Score one for the other side! And it was partly due to the fact that my aunt's reputation PRECEDED us.
I feel for those of you with narcissistic parents and especially for those young Gosselin children. What a nightmare these narcissists are.
Thank you! That room was so much fun to design and decorate.
Yes, protect your privacy please. I wish I had known about psycho stalker fans before I began posting.
You know sometimes I wish someone would shut this woman up! Kate, really and honestly, like, um, do you know realize you give out too much info?
When she gets up, what day the kids go to school or don't go, when she goes to bed, when she's not at home, etc.
I mean, her house isn't that hard to find. I mean yes you can put yourself out there but you have to do it in a way that's not a complete give away. She's got kids! How dumb can she possibly be?!
I don't know, if I had kids I'd be worried if I had all this info out there for the world to see. What a nut case!
Sure just keep believing everyone loves your kids and could never fly off the handle...guess what? Reality can sometimes be frightening.
Hey Em Tanner-
How about designing a laminated official Kate loverz and haterz id card--with a unique id number? Or, CJ could just send you everyone's social security number. Barb Gilmer could create a database and publish a Who's Who of Kate's loverz and haterz. That way, any company that has the misfortune of doing business with Kate would have a directory and know who should be enrusted with the super secret details of tours, cruises, products--wouldn't want that falling into the wrong hands. Of course, Kate should get her % of the loverz and she, of course, could donate her % of the haterz revenue to her "favorite charity"
Very Curious, it is milo herself who goes back and forth between saying she is wheelchair-bound and saying she hikes a very slow three miles on some days.
There's nothing saying it can't be both--perhaps the long hike means she's back in a wheelchair from time to time, but the bad information seems to be coming directly from this milo person, not this blog.
As for milo's comment about days off for the kids just "thrown in" to the calendar, I have to laugh. Private schools, I'm sure, have to plan out these days WAY in advance just like public school districts. In public school districts, they start working on the next year's academic calendar around September of the current year and it is finalized in January. MONTHS before the next school year begins. No one just wakes up and says "hey, let's have a day off from the kids today."
All the more reason why spring break shouldn't have "snuck up" on Kate.
Who said this summer will be interesting? I can't remember, but that's a really good point. The kids will be off all summer, she apparently isn't big on spending money to send them to camps (and you have to get signed up early), she "can't afford" to take them on a vacation, and she doesn't work, so....she's going to be stuck with eight kids all summer?
Yeah, THAT'S going to go well.
Has anyone ever gone back on this blog about a year from the current date to see what was going on an year ago? The difference is AMAZING. This time last year, she was still being filmed and getting the fat paychecks. She was gearing up for her drunken, foot-licking birthday party in NYC with paid "friend" Jami, the younger kids' birthday was coming up (she got an outside patio renovation and a pool slide out of the deal from TLC) and then later in the spring, she was flouncing around the Kentucky Derby like mutton dressed as lamb. A drunken emu prostitute.
This year?
TLC, the cameras, the fat paychecks, all gone.
"Who said this summer will be interesting? I can't remember, but that's a really good point. The kids will be off all summer, she apparently isn't big on spending money to send them to camps (and you have to get signed up early), she "can't afford" to take them on a vacation, and she doesn't work, so....she's going to be stuck with eight kids all summer?"
I wish that Kate would send the kids off to sleep away camp. It would be a great experience for them. They would be allowed to be independent of each other. They would get to make all sorts of new friends and try new things. And, it would give the kids a break from Kate.
It would also give Kate a break from the kids. We all know that she loves these breaks. Her and PB could have the whole house to themselves.
Note to self: Do NOT be drinking coffee while reading posts here...some of them are too, too funny. Case in point:
Dallas Lady...184
"A drunken emu prostitute."
Hey this was almost exactly one year ago:
I never watched that video a year ago, so I watched it now.
She has said the EXACT same things on twitter recently! Only this time, ET isn't interested in airing any of it.
She's so damn BORING.
Sherri O: sorry for that! But that's what she reminded me of. I once heard Paris Hilton described as looking like a drunk ostrich and it occurred to me that Kate at the Derby looked like a drunken emu who just escaped the cage or something.
I don't understand why any of you believe anything about "Milo". You can assume ANY identity you want, so the chances that "Milo" is who he/she describes is probably bogus. Kate Gosselin is incredibly stupid to have any back and forth with this person. You would think her paid so-called bodyguard would be discouraging these exchanges. Even if they are exchanging emails, it still won't protect her or the kids from some freak. I think her tweeting these strangers proves that she has no one to confide in or just to talk to another adult. She is one, lonely bitch. Karma bites. And what has happened to her good buddy Jamie? Looks like she has had enough too.
Now that Kate no longer has the backing of TLC lawyers and bullies I wonder if the next time she does something illegal (i.e. park in no parking zone, speeding, hit and run accident) that the cops and judge make her pay for her bad deeds. I'm thinking that she won't get away with having a fender bender in the parking lot and walking away from the victim. Another thought she pays the speeding tickets and the judge looks at how many points she has accumulated and takes other action (loses driver's license). Just my thoughts.
I am under the opinion that Kate is operating without a publicist/PR representation since TLC's contract ended.
1. Because of her tweet where someone said they tried to contact her rep and she said, contact me via email.
2. Because you would think someone would have tried to clean up this cruise mess by now.
I am wondering if she is still planning on going to that speaking engagement in Missouri. If so, that and the cruise are probably the last ditch efforts the PR company did for her before their contract was up.
Can you imagine having to work with her and sell her as a "valuable asset" to your cause, business, publication, activity? That is a hard sell. They were probably doing a happy dance to be done with her.
170 Dwindle
Isn't it amazing how different your child is when they are the "only child" for the night." They really open up, say a lot of interesting things, are always calm and extremely happy. I did one on ones with both of my boys too. It's nice to see them as indivuduals instead of "the boys."
I think kate misses out on a lot and this is one of them. I have always thought if I had her # or kids that Fri and/or Sat would be alone time night. She could simply go into her room with the child and play games, talk, watch a movie, and snuggle. She always said she wanted to see what "just one" was like so I'm surprised she never discussed nurturing that - aside from the stupid Special Day's things (that she ditched her boys on) and never did again after several seasons.. That ditching boys bothered me a lot. I'll never forget Colin standing there saying goodbye. kate IGNORED him. He was saying, I will miss you, will you miss me? She did';t even hug him goodbye. Just kept rolling on the floor with Hannah.
Once a Viewer said... 146
"Another omg 'gorge' blonde session thanks to the amazing @JasonHueman & another delish dinner @fig&olive with friends! Good day! Thanks all!"
I don't know which I find more incredulous: that Kate actually tweets crap like this while at the same time crying poor-single-mom-with-a-purse-full-of-bills, OR that tweets like this don't completely alienate the sheeple. Are they really that dumb? How do they honestly reconcile Kate's claims that she is BOTH strapped for cash AND getting her hair done by a top stylist 2 hours from her home, eating out at a trendy & expensive NYC restaurant, and paying a sitter to watch her 8 kids??? Seriously, are they really that dumb?
"Seriously, are they really that dumb?"
Fortunately, though, very few people are willing to turn so many blind eyes. I think a lot of people who were once casual fans have quietly drifted away, seeing what she's really like.
And she's losing fans in the UK right and left, apparently, because of the RV episodes.
Nobu that's the million dollar question! My guess is sheep ARE that dumb and kate has figured it out. kate's never been held accountable for her lies so why should she worry now. Her fans are oblivious to reality.
Do you remember when the show started some of them didn't even believe she was being paid! And the one's who thought she WAS getting paid thought it was a miniscule amount. That is why kate was STILL able to grift from churches in Sept 2008 even though her show was quite popular then.
And now that I think about it, what does it even matter if she has 20-30 people left in teh world who continue to support her as "fans?" She's not on TV. It's not like they can help boost her ratings.
It's not like she can still get them to go out and hold up homemade signs, making fools of themselves in the local Wal-Mart parking lot, begging people to watch her show.
Oof, just remembering that made me actually cringe, both for Kate and for her poor deluded sheep who were suckered into doing that.
I admire several public figures, but if any of them took to twitter, demanding that people who like them make signs and go out in public with them, I'd be very turned off by that and think they were totally off their rocker.
I'm not a psychiatrist, but I think those diehards who refuse to see how awful and ill she is are ill themselves. Just think about that Leigha person, marching around that empty Wal-Mart parking lot in Alabama with her sign, chanting "watch Kate plus Eight!" to no one while her poor husband videotaped it. Who does that? Who even thinks that's a good idea?
Ahh was so nice to sleep past 5:45am
Can a local determine if getting up at this time on a school day works?
I have 3 kids left at home, all older than hers, and I get up at 5:15. (I don't start waking kids until 6am, but that 45 minutes gives me time to get a diet coke, feed the dogs,take them out, fold some laundry, read the paper.)
Does getting up at 5:45 give her enough time to wake EIGHT kids, fix them (what she calls) breakfast, gather lunches, shoes, and backpacks, get them in the BBB (in the assigned seat, no less), and drive them to town to meet the school bus (how far a drive is that?)
Maybe she has help in the mornings....?
She is a Cow: I agree. She has no more representation, it was provided by TLC. They set up the marathon, they set up any last remaining interviews she had, all that.
I think every perk TLC was providing is over. Of course, she doesn't want anyone to know that, until she decides to go off on TLC or cry for sympathy again.
But I predict you won't see her on ANY interview style show again. She's on her own, cut loose. And after years of TLC acting like a generous and protective Daddy, that's got to be scary and feel like a free-fall. I think that's what's behind her increased twitter fits of late.
And as others have said, I feel most sorry for the kids, who I have no doubt are experiencing the working end of her anger.
EM 169
You do get the delicate dance of being in a business that requires politeness while still protecting the privacy of the client. This is not not easy when you have an upset, suspecting spouse on the other end of the line. Nevertheless, our job is not to weigh in or judge personal relationships, it is to respect the privacy afforded all clients, regardless. Often, my younger staff would be tried, the caller thinking they would be more apt to pry information from them. Standards are set across the board in our business for a reason, and my staff never compromised them ever, no matter their level of experience.
Dallas Lady---do you know if Kate still has her agent person in CA? I am assuming she has also gone with the end of TLC. I can't remember her name.
Kate's follower's are called sheep for a reason. They follow her every word and movement without questions.
When I bet they know she lying but they don't care or are to dumb to care.
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