Monday, March 19, 2012

Em Tanner to Kate: I'm so sorry you 'lost your way,' I really am.

And another one bites the dust.
When Kate accused the gracious and talented designer of benefiting from a product featured on Jon and Kate Plus 8, Em Tanner struck back with this: "Just wanted to clarify that Kate recieved MY design for FREE as a gift. Unreal. You are a piece of work!"

Here's a brief summary of Kate's latest Twitter war as we understand it:

Back when Jon and Kate Plus 8 first started, a lovely designer from Tennessee named Em Tanner sent Kate loads of goodies from her collection, including numbered t-shirts for the kids, and a calendar that according to Em's tweets, she gave to Kate for free

Gosselins Go Dutch

Em Tanner named the calendar "Kate's calendar," and put it up for sale on her web site. Although other independent sites such as have pointed out that this calendar was seen on Jon and Kate Plus 8, nowhere in the description on Em's official site does she mention the name Gosselin, nor does she even mention it was featured on Jon and Kate Plus 8. The calendar itself is actually called "Kessler Family Calendar."

Yesterday out of nowhere, Kate tweeted that she "thinks" Em Tanner marketed the calendar without her consent, and that  it's "sad when people use your name for gain without permission!"

Kate responded that her name being used is "not legal" and the Em was "confronted" but she "ignored."

Em replied that that's "not how it went and we both know. Good luck to you." She later tweeted she's "actually not bitter at all. Just was floored I was being badmouthed so randomly."

At the end of it all, Kate admitted that she actually "started it" (the twitter war) and that she "didn't mean to cause a war."

Next time, Kate, maybe you should take your serious misappropriation accusations to the court of law, and not to Your Honorable Twitter. I hope you remember to bring your patent on the name "Kate" when you go!

1342 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Warmth Of The Sun said...

"EM Tanner! If you are reading here please make this right! and you alone can do this..time someone stood up to momster Kate..have you seen Kates twitter in the last half hour? ...PLEASE make it right!"


I know exactly what I would do. I wouldn't say one more word on FB or anywhere else. I'd gather all documents and march off to my attorney with proof of libel.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

How can Kate say she will refrain "as usual". What, from flapping her gums to puke more lies out for Milo and Leigh whatever her name is? Kate couldn't wait to get her hair and make up done just so that she could slag Jon on whatever TV show would have her. This woman will get her day. Just sit back and be patient. Maybe not today, tomorrow or next year but it will happen just as sure as the sun will rise. ~ Administrator said...

I know exactly what I would do. I wouldn't say one more word on FB or anywhere else. I'd gather all documents and march off to my attorney with proof of libel.


Bingo. Em, go to it. Notre Dame is an expensive school!

librarylady said...

The sheeple just grasp at anything they can to try to make Jon look bad. Her twitter is public, which is what she wants because she's trying to use it as a marketing tool for herself. No one has to "tip" the story - all it takes is one retweet to someone of one her foolish comments. Which is probably what she wants, thinking it helps her when it hurts her.

For all anyone knows, it's that hairdresser guy who spreads the word, after she likely goes in there trying to be all pals and perky, and blabs. Meaning, no one knows - could be no one, could be EVERYONE, which is what twitter and social media is nowadays. And which is why I have neither...

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Is that poor soul who innocently asked where Kate got the calendar still tweeting??!! ~ Administrator said...

I am virtually certain that people from ROL follow her on twitter using discreet accounts that look like regular people.

They follow lots of celebs this way looking for stories.

Half your job as a journalist is to troll around looking for stories. A ROL reporter likely saw her tweets, saw this developing into something pretty huge, and wrote a story. This is not hard to understand.


Actually it wasn't Jon or Em. It was MEEEEEEE!

I contacted Radar last night ( they have a "Got a Story?" link ), and pointed them to the Twitter war where it was all nice and laid out for everyone to see. Then I showed them the comment Em made on her FB. No need to make up a story for $ because it was all right there.

Nice try blaming Jon.

Pity Party said...

I don't remember her giving ET much credit at all. She made it sound like the numbers shirts were from a little ole lady that had a press machine in her garage that loved the kids and wanted them to have them. Then find out she got a few things free and wanted more and more and in a more timely fashion. She is right - there is never enough of anything for her.

She just can't let go or hold onto a relationship for any period of time. Everyone is like water under the bridge to her, but she just keeps dredging the trenches for that one last little drop.

The more she talks the more she hangs herself.

She and her sheeple are like two (or maybe 5) peas in pod. ~ Administrator said...

Hahaa MEEEE.

I wondered if someone from here might have tipped them off.

Oh sheeple you look stupid.

Do you have your email to them? We could prove it. ~ Administrator said...

By the way MEEEE, I bet you they didn't pay you one red cent. Am I right?

It's an absolute myth that tabs pay for stories. Sometimes, but most of the time not.

librarylady said...

I love how she takes the credit for kids being at the "top" of classes, lol. Back to herself again.

Pity Party said...

Even with the ticket items like the trip to Utah, she always made a point to say that they were getting publicity, and that it was good for their business so it worked both ways.

Permanent Name said...

Does anyone else see a super nova meltdown and 5150 hold in kart's future?

Pity Party said...

Oops..didn't mean to post a T-shirt comment twice. My computer froze and thought my comment did too.

It Was MEEEEEEEEEEE said... (Administrator) said... 7

Hahaa MEEEE.

Do you have your email to them? We could prove it.
March 22, 2012 8:07 PM

It was a Tip Form. You fill in the spaces and comment in a box and send it. It wasn't an email.

Mel said...

Didn't she say after the secret Red Ball that we'd see her in another of those prom dresses soon? Bet whatever that occasion is, it really is soon, and that's why she had her hair fried yesterday.

Nancy said...

I think we may be seeing the begining of the end...

She may have ticked off the wrong person this time? I know what I would do :)

librarylady said...

I personally would never tip anyone on her, so she won't get the attention (you know she's loving it).

However, MEEEEE, I had to lol at your post and your name! Clever, and ha ha to the sheeple, although they won't believe you, but I do ;)

TLC stinks said...

ROL does not pay for tips. How do I know? Because as a poster on GWOP I tipped them off ( sent an email and got a follow up phone call ) when a DJ in Chicago claimed on his morning show that he saw Kate and Steve holding hands in a hotel lobby. A GWOP poster remarked that she called in to the station to comment and posted what she said. I did not get a dime. The Twit War was public as was the DJ's radio show.

Anonymous said...

And why can't Kate's kids just me average students? No all 8 of them have to be at the top in their classes. I'm sorry if I'm skeptical on believing it.

So, does that mean that those parents whose kids aren't at the top of their classes aren't doing the right things? That what Kate's comment says to me.

Truth is not every kid is going to be the best at everything in school. Some kids are terrible at math for whatever reason, some kids are fond of reading or even PE for that matter.

Kate's kids are no more special then your neighbor's kids down the street. So what if they're sextuplets and twins.

Quit trying so hard Kate. You're just as mediocre as anyone else. Man I just wish she'd except that.

Pam said...

Mel said... 14

Didn't she say after the secret Red Ball that we'd see her in another of those prom dresses soon? Bet whatever that occasion is, it really is soon, and that's why she had her hair fried yesterday.
March 22, 2012 8:21 PM

I'm guessing she's going to fly out to LA and be in the DWTS audience so she can get her mug on tv. Hope they seat her in the nosebleed section.

Which reminds me. Doesn't she claim to be friends with Sheri Sheppard? And she Tweeted she didn't know who she was going to root for because it's too soon to know? Don't most people, oh I don't know, root for their FRIEND?

librarylady said...

She's not really friends with Shepherd. She just thinks she is.


librarylady said... 16

I personally would never tip anyone on her, so she won't get the attention (you know she's loving it).

I mainly did it to show them the glowing comments Em had for Jon, and asked ROL to show Jon in a good light for once. But in order for Em's comment to make sense, they had to know about the Twitter war and why Jon called Em in the first place.

Westcoaster said...

@TrippenIn @MiloandJack I DID hav a great day. Got 8/8 perfectly amaz sch reports!Kids r in top of classes-Must b doing sumthing right!;) 24 minutes ago


And again, it's about her. Amazing school reports. Uh-huh. Kids are in top of classes. Uh-huh again. Hard to believe that - all 8, but not the point. Again, talking about the kids as it relates to HER. I actually think they are probably closer to average, but what is wrong with normal/average. Twat.

Where's There's Smoke said...

librarylady said... 20 -- "She's not really friends with Shepherd. She just thinks she is."


Well, yes...she'd be friends with anyone who would volunteer to blow up the ex-husband's car and set fire to the house:

"You know what? To Kate - I'm going to tell her when she gets here. If you've got timber wood, I've got matches because I will burn up the house and tear up a car for you, Kate. You don't have to say you did it. I'll leave my name - Sherri. I'll blow up Jon Gosselin's car."

CS said...

Wasn't was parent, teacher conference today only for Lower School students? That would mean the tups.

@TrippenIn @MiloandJack I DID hav a great day. Got 8/8 perfectly amaz sch reports!Kids r in top of classes-Must b doing sumthing right!;) 24 minutes ago

CS said...

Sorry, meant wasn't THE.

Audible Click said...

Where's There's Smoke said... 23
Well, yes...she'd be friends with anyone who would volunteer to blow up the ex-husband's car and set fire to the house:

"You know what? To Kate - I'm going to tell her when she gets here. If you've got timber wood, I've got matches because I will burn up the house and tear up a car for you, Kate. You don't have to say you did it. I'll leave my name - Sherri. I'll blow up Jon Gosselin's car."

March 22, 2012 8:44 PM
What he hell are you talking about?

Call Me Crazy said...

Permanent Name said... 11

Does anyone else see a super nova meltdown and 5150 hold in kart's future?

Oh, absolutely. She is about to blow. It's a matter of pressure and time. Her tweets over the last couple of months reveal that she is clearly feeling the pressure of being ignored and forgotten, and it is making her increasingly unstable. Tick, tock.

KmartSmart said...

Well I've been teaching for 16 years and I've never seen kids who were once retained end up at the top of the class. They may catch up and be average, but never at the top above all others. ( I do think at least 2 Gosselin kids were unfairly kept back in kindergarten just to keep all 6 together, though. )

I can see Mady, Cara and Leah being at the top, but not all 8. No way. Did she forget we heard those kids talking and explaining things to the camera in the basement? A few couldn't even string a coherent sentence together. One of the kids couldn't even remember what Shoaka's name was. And remember when Kate asked them to guess who was coming over and she spelled out Jamie's name and they still couldn't figure it out? And one child couldn't figure out how to draw a box around a tree on a worksheet at the table?

Average? Yes. Top of class? Maybe,if all the other mediocre kids have learning disabilities, which is highly unlikely at that school.

( My comments are about Kate saying 8/8 are at the top of class so SHE must be doing something right. It is NOT about the kids having learning issues. It's NOT their fault. Just pointing out their mother is a habitual liar. )

Kate is a twit said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8

What a day! PT conferences, 5.3 mi run, shopping w my tweenies..they out shopped me FOR SURE! I'm very tired!:( How are u all?
So who watched the kids while she was so busy with conferences, running, shopping, etc? Don't tell me she doesn't have babysitters.

And now she is referring to M & C as her "tweenies". Don't know about anyone else but I hate that word.

Call Me Crazy said...

Audible Click, I believe the poster (#23) was just quoting what Sherri Shepphard said she would do to Jon's car.

KmartSmart said...

Audible Click said... 26

Where's There's Smoke said... 23
Well, yes...she'd be friends with anyone who would volunteer to blow up the ex-husband's car and set fire to the house:

"You know what? To Kate - I'm going to tell her when she gets here. If you've got timber wood, I've got matches because I will burn up the house and tear up a car for you, Kate. You don't have to say you did it. I'll leave my name - Sherri. I'll blow up Jon Gosselin's car."

March 22, 2012 8:44 PM
What he hell are you talking about?
March 22, 2012 8:52 PM

Sheri Sheppard made these comments about Jon on The View. She said she would blow up Jon's car. That's why Kate loves Sheri so much.

Audible Click said...

Call Me Crazy said... 30
Audible Click, I believe the poster (#23) was just quoting what Sherri Shepphard said she would do to Jon's car.

March 22, 2012 8:59 PM
Sherri Shepherd really said that?

Where's There's Smoke said...

Audible 26...What he hell are you talking about?


It's a quote by Sherri Shepherd to AJ Hammer. Don't you remember it? It was all over the media when she said that! She couldn't keep her mouth shut and just kept going with it...

NJGal51 said...

Marie, Kate crafts her words very carefully. She didn't say that ALL kids were at the top of the class "kids r in top of classes". She is very careful when saying things like this because she can never be accused of lying as she can always say "I never said all the kids". She is a piece of work.

I see that she's throwing Jon under the bus yet again by implying that he's behind everything. I hope EM pulls out the emails that she says she has and sticks it to Kate.

Where's There's Smoke said...

Sherri Shepherd really said that?


Oh, yes, she really did. I saw the clip and couldn't believe what I was hearing. The View message boards were filled with comments demanding her removal from the show, since what she did was to make a threat.

Kate no super model said...

Kate wants people to think her and her kids are better than anyone. Kate's kids will never be actors or models. No raving beauties just average looking kids.

AuntieAnn said...

Nancy said... 15

I think we may be seeing the begining of the end...

Four years late, but yes I believe just might be.
There's no way Kate can keep blaming everyone else for her outright lies and keep getting away with it. Why should anyone cover for her anymore.

I'm waiting to see a whole lot more people she's shat upon come out to tell their stories too. And she'd better look out because it could gain momemtum once it starts.

Sherri's nuts said...

Sherri Shepherd says she's a christian. Sherri calls her own race the N word she's crazy as hell.

Anonymous said...

KmartSmart said... 28
Well I've been teaching for 16 years and I've never seen kids who were once retained end up at the top of the class.


Since none of the Gosselin children were retained, your comment has no relevance.

Call Me Crazy said...

Sherri Shepherd really said that?

Yep. She really did. Nice, huh?

AuntieAnn said...

There was an anonymous poster here the other day who said Kate's day is coming. It sounded like it was written by someone who knows a lot more than they're allowed to say. Whoever you are, if you're genuine, thank you and I hope you're right.

Kate thinks she's 'all that' and a bag of chips, but I will tell you that her day of reckoning is coming. She made Jon's life a living hell especially after the divorce. She would change pick-up times for the kids on Fridays so that she could go where she wanted to. She had Jon so upset at times, but he couldn't do anything but go along with her demands because he wanted to be with the kids. He would have to make extraordinary arrangements at the drop of a hat so the kids would have someone picking them up on her schedule. She's an evil, horrible, wench. There, I've said it.
I'm sick of the lies being told about Jon and feel badly that he can't speak up - even still.

Phoenix Rising said...

Since none of the Gosselin children were retained, your comment has no relevance.


Yes, they were. They were held back a year. They should be in second grade, not first. They didn't move to Kindergarten with the rest of their class.

speak up Jon said...

Kate runs her mouth all the time. So Jon could speak if he wanted to. Maybe because he's trying to get back into the biz. He doesn't want a war with Kate.

spill the beans Jon said...

Maybe Jon's going to be writing a tell all book about Kate.

KmartSmart said...

Anonymous said... 39

KmartSmart said... 28
Well I've been teaching for 16 years and I've never seen kids who were once retained end up at the top of the class.


Since none of the Gosselin children were retained, your comment has no relevance.

March 22, 2012 9:22 PM

Um, yes they were. They repeated kindergarten, so that means they were retained a year.

Nice try, though.

Phoenix Rising said...

CS said... 24

Wasn't was parent, teacher conference today only for Lower School students? That would mean the tups.


The twins are in Lower School -- Fifth Grade.

Held back said...

Some of the kids clearly have speech problems.

fidosmommy said...

The kids could be in the top 50% or top 75% of their class. Top is top to Kate - any top will do.

hey jude said...

I agree, Tom Cruises' teeth are crooked.He has enough money to get them fixed you would think.He also has one that is sightly darker than the others top front,and it's distracting.We sure get super picky some days don't we? LOL.

Tamara, I am trying to understand why you have an aversion to the English and K.M. in particular, but I really don't .Give some reasons please.I am Canadian and haven't heard any more than usual about her.Not everyone is going to like them, not matter what they do.

My gran was born there and I learned a lot from her growing up.I haven't seen any reason to dislike them, Kate and Wills, so far, why do you? New money, not royal enough, what? It always gets cut off and I haven't heard your reasons fully or you go to the school argument instead. No one else is so upset about them as you, are you related or something? Just kidding..... ~ Administrator said...

Well I've been teaching for 16 years and I've never seen kids who were once retained end up at the top of the class.


You've never seen red shirting? Everyone is doing that out here. There was a lot of red shirting debate here when they were held back. The consensus seems to be she wanted to keep the illusion they were as young as possible. Kindergarten sounds more babyish than first, and first sounds more babyish than second. I don't doubt for a second that's the only reason she had for that. Not because she actually read all the research out there about the benefits of holding kids back, especially boys. ~ Administrator said...

What Kate did tonight is a perfect example of her obsessed parental alienation.

She hasn't the first clue if Jon sold that story to Radar Online (does she even talk to him, how could she possibly know this?) and in fact her assumption makes zero sense given the entire article did nothing more than summary what EVERYONE saw with their own eyes and added absolutely no new information to it. Moreover someone here owned up to tipping them off. She looks like a fool. And a tool.

But it's not important to her whether what she is saying is true. It's not important to her if Jon tipped them off or if Jon was just minding his own business getting ready for work the next day to pay her way. The goal is to make Jon seem as awful as possible to alienate him as much as possible, as often as possible, no matter what it takes. She is sick and needs help. I know judges who would take her kids from her, give Jon full physical and legal custody, and restrict her visits to once a week in a therapeutic setting. Oh, Kate, you are one lucky duck to be in front of the judge you are.

Kate needs a shrinks help said...

Kate doesn't have a show any more. So she can pass the kids to the next grade. ~ Administrator said...

Kids could be spinning toy tops and that's "top" enough for Kate.

By the way, I hate when parents brag about their kids at the top of the class. A, no one cars. And B, it's FIRST GRADE. Call me when they get accepted into Harvard.

AuntieAnn said...

speak up Jon said... 43

Kate runs her mouth all the time. So Jon could speak if he wanted to. Maybe because he's trying to get back into the biz. He doesn't want a war with Kate.

Well someone has to speak up sooner or later. Kate has hidden behind her kids long enough. She never wanted them to have life on a golden platter, she wanted it. The kids don't whine about getting on an airplane for another trip, she does. She thinks she's got everyone fooled when she says those things. She's used her kids for gain since the day she put her feet in the stirrups for infertility treatments. EVERYTHING she's ever said she wants for those kids was what she wanted for herself. ~ Administrator said...

Thanks TLC Stinks. I didn't think they did. US Weekly gave me a call when I went to Kate's book signing. They also don't pay. I didn't ask, they said upfront they don't.

Also, CNN does not pay for tips or interviews.

I'm sure others know of others that do not pay.

It's just so shitty to watch an obsessed parental alienator at work, it's not right and the law has not caught up so that all judges recognize this concept and moreover DO SOMETHING about it.

Phoenix Rising said...

You've never seen red shirting? Everyone is doing that out here.


I believe that the poster was saying that she never saw a child who was held back a year go on to be at the top of the class the next year, NOT that she didn't know about red shirting.

Kate's a has been said...

I so agree AuntieAnn. Jon has allowed Kate to run over his ass way to long. Kate is selfish its all about her not her kids. Most Mother put their kids first not Kate. Kate will never be a star she needs to dream up another profession for herself.

AuntieAnn said...

Hey Jude - I think Tom did have braces and I think Kate did too. I think that tooth in the center of their mouth right under the nose is some kind of anomaly. I'm just too lazy to look it up right now. And yeah, kind of a silly thing to talk about but, meh. It's just something I've noticed on both Tom and fugly Kate Gosselin.

I haven't paid too much attention to the royal family lately. I know William and Kate were in Calgary last year, but I didn't go see them. I think people (paps) might have backed off (hopefully) after Diana was killed. I HOPE so anyway.


I kind of feel bad that Jon and Em are taking a beating by the sheeple in the comments at ROL for "selling the story". It wasn't them.

I'm telling you, those fans at ROL are just absolutely vicious. I'd be embarrassed to have fans that act that unstable and cruel. Not sure why some of them think Kate designed the calendar and it belongs to her. They are even accusing Em of taking food out of the kids' mouths...LOL. I've never seen anything like it in my life!

SANDI said...

I was once contacted by ROL...said they were interested in a comment I made concerning Kate and Steve...thought I knew was from...
Maxine Page
Executive Editor
radaronline. com

mpage@radaronline .com
tel: 323 658 2028
cell:310 910 5138

There you go EM Tanner...I filed the email...just in case LOL! ~ Administrator said...

I believe that the poster was saying that she never saw a child who was held back a year go on to be at the top of the class the next year, NOT that she didn't know about red shirting.


This is the whole point for a lot of parents who red shirt. They hold back so that their mediocre child can be at the top of the class the next year--and they often are. Of course they're also an inch taller and 10 pounds heavier too.

Phoenix Rising said...

Thinking back over this, the kids didn't repeat Kindergarten. They went into Junior Kindergarten even though they were old enough to go to Kindergarten. So, yes, in that sense they were retained in that they weren't placed in the class where they should have been.

Tom should have had braces said...

Tom had invisalign I saw him on a talk show talking about it. I hear it doesn't straighten your teeth as well as braces do.

Anonymous said...

I thought Kate put the kids in pre-K, Jr-K or whatever, part-time pre-school because it was more convenient for filming.

Also, I've noticed since filming stopped the kids are in school more often. With filming weren't they taken out of school?

AuntieAnn said...

This is the whole point for a lot of parents who red shirt. They hold back so that their mediocre child can be at the top of the class the next year--and they often are. Of course they're also an inch taller and 10 pounds heavier too.
I've never heard of that. Good God, what's the matter with people?

AuntieAnn said...

Tom should have had braces said... 63

Tom had invisalign I saw him on a talk show talking about it. I hear it doesn't straighten your teeth as well as braces do.

LOL. I'm getting a kick out of our discussion about Tom Cruised teeth. I don't know why. I don't ever CARE about his teeth, but I'm getting the giggles sitting here reading about them.

AuntieAnn said...

Tom Cruise's teeth
even care

Sheesh. I was laughing when I typed that. ~ Administrator said...

Auntie Ann there is a whole lot of research on it and a whole lot of criticism on it. I knew about it for ages because I knew someone considering it. She ultimately didn't do it and I'm glad she didn't because her kids matured fast as it was, it would have been awkward to have been a grade behind and that mature. Also they are very bright, I think they would be bored.

Not saying where I stand on it but especially for boys people believe it gives them advantages in sports (the bigger kids get more playing time, more playing time means you get better and better faster), academically, mature wise, etc.

As far as sports go, it is a statistical fact that red shirted boys are more prevalent in sports than those kept with their ages.

60 Minute's piece was a great breakdown of it--the criticisms of it are that it's unfair to people who can't afford to hold their kid back because of daycare costs, the advantages are harder to see as the kids get older, the bigger brighter kids dominate the smaller ones.

It's been called the latest gaming the system from the WASPS. And Kate is part and parcel to it. She would be one to do whatever it took to make sure the kids get an advantage. ~ Administrator said...

Even with the ticket items like the trip to Utah, she always made a point to say that they were getting publicity, and that it was good for their business so it worked both ways.


I remember her saying that. If the ski place wanted to say Kate Gosselin was here, would she demand her cut?

The freebies thing goes both ways and frankly I happen to think more often that not it comes out more balanced in HER favor than not.

I cannot believe how ungrateful she is. Five years of freebies and she has the nerve to complain about one little small business that is only using the name "Kate."

Kate needs a shrinks help said...

So if Kate's kids start having a hard time when they reach higher grades what's she going to do? hold them back every other year? they would never graduate lol.

AuntieAnn said...

My first reaction is that I find it kind of disturbing. It's manipulating. I'll have to read up on it to form more of an opinion. This is really the first I've ever heard about it. Thanks Admin.

Kate needs a shrinks help said...

Kate's old neighbors can't stand her. Its seems like anyone that done something for her or have lived around her rat her out. She's a real nasty shrew from what I have read.

Kate needs a shrinks help said...

That's meant to say.

Ex Nurse said...

Admin said...
The consensus seems to be she wanted to keep the illusion they were as young as possible. Kindergarten sounds more babyish than first, and first sounds more babyish than second. I don't doubt for a second that's the only reason she had for that. Not because she actually read all the research out there about the benefits of holding kids back, especially boys.
I always thought that she held them back so that they could squeeze more episodes--oh, wait---I meant memories by filming on half-days.

Also, many parents hold kids back because being older and bigger is a huge advantage in sports. They get the attention of coaches when they are 7, and then, they are given more individual coaching and playing time. So, even when the advantage in athletic ability evens out as they get older, those kids have played more and are more likely to be recruited for elite teams and, later, varsity and pro teams. Malcolm Gladwell wrote about related studies in his book, Outliers.

Anonymous said...

As it is won't the kids graduate at 19 years of age and not at 18?

I know lots of people who held their kids back for one reason or another, and I also remember seeing them get teased for it. "Oh, you failed, you were stupid, not smart enough."

Kate originally said that she didn't think not all the kids were ready for full-time kindergarten, which was the reason they went to pre-K. How how is it if they weren't ready for full time kindergarten at the age of 5 but are now the top of their first grade class at the age of 7.

Something's fishy and my bets on Kate just wants everyone to think her kids are still better then Billy, Bobby or June.

Katie Cry-duh said...

I am sorry but there is no way 8/8 kids are at the tops of their classes. No way. We've seen the show and... No way. If any are actually excelling, it is DESPITE being born to a not-too-bright mother and being neglected by her.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate's a has been said... 57
Most Mother put their kids first not Kate. Kate will never be a star she needs to dream up another profession for herself.
In an article in People, she said she was scared out of her mind about what she was going to do after the show was cancelled. She actually said she would go back to nursing if she had to. That was then and this is now, and now she says she can't. Of course in order to be a nurse, she'd actually have to work. That's a foreign concept to Kate.

The Bitter End said...

I call BS on this top of the class nonsense. This school strikes me as the type that doesn't even rank the high school students. There are many (relatively speaking) small private schools that do not rank. Even if that isn't the case, I can't believe that the lower school ranks.

I've been to many parent teacher sessions. Never have I been told my child was in the top of the class. The teacher didn't have to tell me. The report card and standardized tests told the story. Parent teacher conferences were about discussion, not ranking. ~ Administrator said...

I call BS on it too, I doubt she knows the first thing about how her FIRST GRADERS are doing compared to the other kids in the class.

If she means her kids are getting all A's and B's, good for them, sheesh, I should hope so since they are a year older than anyone else. But how does she know all the other kids aren't getting the same too? How does she know just because her child gets A's that means she's at the top of the class? It's apparently a good school with parents who are very on their kids, maybe all the kids get good marks.

Her tweet strikes me as a knock at the other kids and if I were a parent in that class that would bug me.

Again, people who brag about their kids' grades especially when they are this little are obnoxious. Let's see how they do when they have a real challenge like AP classes in high school. ~ Administrator said...

Auntie Ann:

The characteristics of an obsessed alienator are:

They are obsessed with destroying the children's relationship with the targeted parent.
They having succeeded in enmeshing the children's personalities and beliefs about the other parent with their own.
The children will parrot the obsessed alienator rather than express their own feelings from personal experience with the other parent.
The targeted parent and often the children cannot tell you the reasons for their feelings.
Their beliefs sometimes becoming delusional and irrational. No one, especially the court, can convince obsessed alienators that they are wrong. Anyone who tries is the enemy.
They will often seek support from family members, quasi-political groups or friends that will share in their beliefs that they are victimized by the other parent and the system. The battle becomes "us against them." The obsessed alienator's supporters are often seen at the court hearings even though they haven't been subpoenaed.
They have an unquenchable anger because they believe that the targeted parent has victimized them and whatever they do to protect the children is justified.
They have a desire for the court to punish the other parent with court orders that would interfere or block the targeted parent from seeing the children. This confirms in the obsessed alienator's mind that he or she was right all the time.
The court's authority does not intimidate them.

The obsessed alienator believes in a higher cause, protecting the children at all cost.
The obsessed alienator will probably not want to read what is on these pages because the content just makes them angrier.
There are no effective treatment protocols that have been validated for either the obsessed alienator or the PAS children. The courts and mental health professionals are sincere in wanting to help these families but their efforts frequently fail. ~ Administrator said...

They will often seek support from family members, quasi-political groups or friends that will share in their beliefs that they are victimized by the other parent and the system. The battle becomes "us against them." The obsessed alienator's supporters are often seen at the court hearings even though they haven't been subpoenaed.


Her tweeties anyone? You know they would come to court if they could.

Ex Nurse said...

Admin-- I was typing about the holding back for sports when you posted the same thing.

Anyway, we held our son back because of the recommendation of his pre-school teacher. It wasn't about academics--he was a already a great reader, it was about emotional maturity. She had 3 boys that were very athletic and she said, "the boys will chew him up and spit him out". He was a sweet a little boy that would come to school and compliment his teacher on his barrettes--she thought he was too sensitive. After talking to several people that wished they held their boys back in kindergarten and were now facing the much more difficult decision at 11-12 years old, we did hold him back. 

His birthday was 4 days before the November 1st deadline in Chicago. When we moved to Seattle, the deadline was September 1st, so he ended up in the right grade for his age. The tups are  almost 4 months older (assuming Sept 1st deadline), than the oldest child and 16 months older than the youngest child in first grade. So, yes, it is possible that the kids could be average or below for their age and still at the top of their class. They are probably 6-8 months older than the average age in their class--practically a full school year!

Ex Nurse said...

Auntie Ann said...
She actually said she would go back to nursing if she had to. That was then and this is now, and now she says she can't. Of course in order to be a nurse, she'd actually have to work. That's a foreign concept to Kate.
Please refrain from using the term nursing and/or nurse going forward. I hold exclusive rights to those words!

I don't understand why she kept her license up --even had to earn 20 or 30 hours of continuing education to renew. If it isn't time for Plan B now, then when? As her sports car is being repossessed and she has moved into the Crooked Houses?

AuntieAnn said...

Admin - that list may as well have Kate's name every place it says Obessessed Alienator. I personally know a OPA and I can't begin to tell you the havoc she's reeked because of her absolute hatred of her ex. It goes far beyond being between her and her ex-husband. The kids are so alienated they won't visit him anymore. It's a very sad situation.

LOL ex-Nurse. I forgot. How much do I owe ya? ~ Administrator said...

I can't share stories because they are confidential, but my personal opinion about obsessed parental alienators is that it is worse than child abuse. It IS child abuse.

Think about it. Your relationship with your father (or mother, though I've never seen an OPA father--even they do exist) is one of the most important things you have as a child. Then someone you love and trust seeks to cut that relationship into a million pieces and scatter them everywhere and confuse and manipulate the child's emotions until there is nothing left. And it's not like your father died and you can mourn and try to go on. Your father is still there, the same guy trying to be there for you, and yet in your confused little child head you're not sure who he is anymore, if he will hurt you, if you even want him in your life thanks to your OPA mother.

It's awful, needless to say.

Ex Nurse said...

I will settle for your sincere apology--this time!! You caught me in a good mood.

AuntieAnn said...

Well then let's do this the right way and discuss it on twitter! Maybe ROL will pick it up and run with it.

Anyway Ex-XXXXX you have my sincere apologies.

May I put away my checkbook now?

Steamin' Mad said...

There's a ton of outrage here re: Kate and her cruel passive aggressive tweets about Jon. And rightly so. We aren't even these children's guardians and it appears we would do a HELLUVA lot more than Jon is doing. What IS Jon doing about this?

Unless their court documents have been sealed, I will not believe it until I see it (the court docs - all the others are available) that Jon is even fighting back. Come on Jon, sack up for Christ's sake. And don't give me that "the big TLC machine will bleed him dry" because TLC ain't payin' for Kate's court costs anymore.

The proof is in the documents. But where are they??

Anonymous said...

KmartSmart said... 45
Anonymous said... 39

KmartSmart said... 28
Well I've been teaching for 16 years and I've never seen kids who were once retained end up at the top of the class.


Since none of the Gosselin children were retained, your comment has no relevance.

March 22, 2012 9:22 PM

Um, yes they were. They repeated kindergarten, so that means they were retained a year.


They did not repeat kindergarten. They began kindergarten at age 6 rather than age 5, as do many other children. Are you going to tell me that no child that began kindergarten at age 6 has ever been at the top of his/her class? That is false, pure and simple.

I can be Anonymous too said...

Oh, climb down. Please.

readerlady said...

Anonymous 89 -- When the tups were ready to enter kindergarten, they underwent readiness testing, as do all children. Several of them were deemed not ready to enter kindergarten. J&K made the decision to hold the others back so they could stay together as a group. This was discussed on the show. It may not have been a formal retention, but it was a retention, nonetheless.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Why the hell is she announcing anything about conferences on twitter anyway? To brag? Are they parent-teacher-twitter conferences now? She's just begging people to criticize her crappy opportunistic mothering and point out that many of her children don't seem smart. Those boys were the ONLY kids in their class who couldn't do the hand signals when they sang This Old Man with their class on that video she had removed. So Kate, I think that means you must be doing something wrong

Michelle said...


Wish things were different with @jongosselin1 and @Kateplusmy8. Don't you miss each other?

@bmckay07 i miss peace and working together for best interest of our kids... Feel alone now :(

Berks Neighbor said...

Wish things were different with @jongosselin1 and @Kateplusmy8. Don't you miss each other?

@bmckay07 i miss peace and working together for best interest of our kids... Feel alone now :(

Wait...I thought she said things were more peaceful now that Jon is out of the picture? What a joke she is.
She just misses someone to demean and boss around. She knows full well that in a couple of years she's going to have 8 little faces all up in hers calling her out on her lies and vitriolic behavior.

BTW...Jon's reply to the original tweet was priceless:

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@bmckay07 hahahahaha, best joke of the night, r u kidding me, really?

Dallas Lady said...


And she's still making it sound as if Jon ran to the National Enquirer. She still doesn't understand anyone with a computer and eyes could have reported that story. Lord but she's dense.

Anonymous said...

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
if u knew what I know, u'd b AMAZED at my restraint!I don't say neg stuff oft,but wrong is wrong&It should not b rewarded!

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
i miss peace and working together for best interest of our kids... Feel alone now :(

I WANT TO THROW UP. Bald-faced lies! I am shocked at how easily lies fly off her tongue and thumbs. I'm also shocked at her level of maturity - and the judge thinks she's capable of raising eight kids?????

And if you look at Twitter now, she is having another meltdown with someone. Wow.


Once a Viewer said...

In her perfect dream world all 8 kids are perfect students.

So she has another friend to spend time with today??

Pity Party said...

I imagine she does feel very alone sometimes in that big ole house. I know I would. She wasn't thinking with her head or her heart when she got rid of a man that took such good care of the kids leaving her with nothing to do but fret over crackers and grapes. I truly think she thought she had someone snagged to take his place and it didn't pan out. She is sounding very angry, bitter, and disjointed these days despite those empty little + tweets that sound so foreign coming from her, more like from a Life's little instruction booklet.

dee3 said...

"By the way, I hate when parents brag about their kids at the top of the class. A, no one cars. And B, it's FIRST GRADE. Call me when they get accepted into Harvard."

Hahaha! AMEN!

What the heck do you say when a neighbor brags that her child got an A+ in "cutting with scissors"? :D

Once a Viewer said...

I hate bragging. I have a friend who starts out with "Not to brag but...' and then repeats every compliment she or her marvelous kids receive (true or otherwise) Some things are best shared within the family, but since Kate did away with her relatives...

Katie Cry-duh said...

Well there may be some perfect karma in this twitter crapfest. What company, small business or kind hearted stranger is gonna enable her grifting ever again? Bad enough that the mom thinks the grifts are for her, not her kids. Worse yet that she's ungrateful (thanks for nothing). Unbelievable that she truly believes that product placement works one way. It's 5 years since that calendar was on tv...she's been seething in her delusional head all this time? No thanks, crazy bitch, I don't think we'll donate anything to you.

Layla said...

Here's an eye-opening article. The term "moocher culture" sure did remind me of a certain someone.

One interesting quote:

"In the wake of the Great Recession, we’ve shifted from a culture of celebrating and encouraging those who are productive and hardworking, to a culture where handouts, bailouts, freebies and entitlements dominate. You start to wonder, Why am I paying the freight for those who have been reckless and irresponsible..."

Katie Cry-duh said...

Yeah, Kate way to go! Your 8 year olds are rocking phonics!

Pam said...

Once a Viewer said... 97

So she has another friend to spend time with today??

March 23, 2012 5:50 AM

Her period.

She's been having some major PMS the past few days.

She is a Cow said...

The Bitter End said... 78

Bitter End, I couldn't have said it better myself! I completely agree with the schools NOT "ranking" the kids, and the conferences being about discussions on progress, not where your kid falls in comparison to Jack and Jill.

I call BS. Well, it is Kate, so I almost always call BS.

Once a Viewer said...

More tweets about 'giving' Jon the BBB and the tweeter wants to get her kids together w/ Kate's while the mommies run...sick.

Ex Nurse said...

Auntie Ann--
Well then let's do this the right way and discuss it on twitter! Maybe ROL will pick it up and run with it.

Anyway Ex-XXXXX you have my sincere apologies.

May I put away my checkbook now?
Not so fast,,,..what about the Ex, or actually just the letter X! I will have to brush up on my Twitterspeak --but yeah---bring it .....

She's a Sick Woman said...

We have friends with a super brilliant 5 yo whose mother tells the world every minute how "advanced" he is and how ahead of his peers. He's been an absolutely delightful kid, but he is now old enough to understand what Mommy is saying, and it's beginning to show. He's rapidly becoming a cocky, arrogant little guy who may very well grow up to be an equally unpleasant man.

Backlash is also beginning to get his Mommy. Some people never understand that if your kid really is all that, the world will notice without your help at all.

They're the same ones who don't understand that the measure of a good life isn't being at the "top of the class" in primary school. Even brilliant people need a work ethic to succeed long-term.

However excellent Kate's kids are at using scissors (and it's hard to believe that all 8 are), they have a real uphill battle in life, and it's their mother who has continually dragged them down.

Someone referred to the horrible "Are you a Palin or a Gosselin?" That's it in a nutshell. She's always imposing her version of reality onto 8 individuals with 8 personalities, and 8 different sets of needs, and demanding that they accept it.

She's death to the spirit, and those kids will struggle all their lives to make sense of the horrible things she's done to them.

Ex Nurse said...

Once a Viewer said... 100
I hate bragging. I have a friend who starts out with "Not to brag but...' and then repeats every compliment she or her marvelous kids receive (true or otherwise) Some things are best shared within the family, but since Kate did away with her relatives...
Yep--the only people that should have to listen to bragging are the kids grandparents and their father. Why is it that we never, ever hear stories about Jon being so impossible--in fact, it is always the opposite. Neighbors, other school parents and now, Em Tanner--the story is exactly the same, every time. Jon is a friendly, affable laid-back guy and Kate is a screeching succubus from hell. Poor misunderstood Kate...she just can't catch a break, can she?

Mel said...

While the kids weren't officially retained, two of them certainly were not in school for a number of months last year. Hard to see being kicked out of *kindergarten* equated with top of the class.

Plus, as recently as last summer we could see from the filming that there are clearly issues that would carry over into academics, enough to not be top of the class. Speech issues, can't sit still, can't form a coherent simple sentence, can't spell even basic words, hitting, interrupting incessantly, one of them telling the camera they couldn't read yet. It goes on and on.

Not to say that they aren't smart kids, but like the op, having had a lot of experience with little kids, these ones don't strike me as top notch academically. And they are clearly not well-bred nor well behaved.

In first grade much of the grading is on behavior in the classroom...I can't see those kids being at the top of the class there.

anger issues kate said...

Well, I said Kate will get worse, and she will forever blame Jon for all of it. Her failings, kids not on TV, if she will have to downsize at some point, no new TV show etc.

GEEZ!< how many now has she picked a fight with 3-4, on twitter. And her sheeple devoties talk about haters, they should go an look in the mirror, as should Kate. Kate contradicts herself all the time now. First, she says she does not hate people, but bashes Jon, THAT KATE IS HATE! Her Sheeple: AGREEING AND BASHING JON IS HATE!

Admin: time to start a new thread, how about one on hate & bullies.

Weezie said...

I saw where Kim Kardashian was flour bombed.....

and my first thought was that I would die from laughter if someone ever flour bombed Kate when she's out pretending to be a celebrity.

Yes, I'm really a 12 year old boy, and seeing Kate get flour bombed would! Nobody deserves it more. Not even Kim Kardashian.

Localyocul said...

Once a Viewer said... 100
I hate bragging. I have a friend who starts out with "Not to brag but...' and then repeats every compliment she or her marvelous kids receive (true or otherwise) Some things are best shared within the family, but since Kate did away with her relatives..


In that case, you should check out . Someone here mentioned it and I follow it on twitter now. It's awesome (maybe it was you). I also follow @humblebrag on twitter..another good one.

anger issues kate said...

Ok, don't kill me! But every mom thinks their kids/kids are the best, top of class, it's called bragging rights. We all do it, if not for kids, it's our pets, house, car. Kate is doing nothing different than the average/ mediocre mom/the regular person=all of us would do. Kate just has to be a DRAMA QUEEN about it. Kate loves the attention! Cause that idiot Effie will write about that and not a thing about Kate fighting on twitter. Effie is a Kate lover. Kate praised her.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

Everyone, if you have a chance, please read "Marie"s post above (#75). She is spot on. Khate is a lying witch. I am sure that her 8 kids did not all get "perfectly amazing" school evaluations. Is it only in her delusional mind. Just when I think I cannot hate her any more, I get another reason to hate her EVEN MORE. She is such a disgusting, vile... what is the descriptor that was used upthread?... PIG DOG. Yes, PIG DOG. My apologies to pigs and dogs.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

The parent who practices Parental Alienation is the weaker parent. It is about their own selfishness, never thinking of the child's welfare. It's basically putting down one parent to build yourself up. It may or may not work over the long haul, but can forever destroy a relationship with a child. I believe it should be "against the law." When I suggested that to an attorney, I was reminded that the court does not dictate morals. Sad, really.

anger issues kate said...

OK, the reason Kate is having a cow about the tabs and bashing Jon: cause now Jon is free to say what he likes. Jon took the high road, when he contacted EM, and told EM, that he was thankful for the stuff she sent them, and basicly sorry he never told EM that. Perhaps at the time, Kate & TLC would not let Jon, say anything. Or told Jon it was taken care of. So, Jon took the high road and made Kate look ungrateful & combative(which is what, comfirms Kate was doing on the show & in real life) So all this crap that I'm really a very nice person:that is if you praise me(God complex)do as I say, not as I do, don't question, adore me etc, Kate is very correct, she is a nice person if you follow the above. If you don't Kate is everything we have always said she was/is.

Kate is a twit said...

Love this tweet which basically sum it all up:

Glad @jongosselin1 has decided to take the high road, but @kateplusmy8 has decided to take the psycho path.

LaLaLandNomore said...

I watched the show when Kate lightly mentioned the shirts from Em Tanner. It sounded like they were one of many gifts fans were sending. No business arrangement was mentioned. So much of what Kate says now is embellished to the point it is unrecognizable. Kate deserves to be "ignored." That would be her just dessert and would drive her crazier than anything. Drop her like a "hot potato." ~ Administrator said...

I believe it should be "against the law." When I suggested that to an attorney, I was reminded that the court does not dictate morals. Sad, really.


Lala Land, if it gives you any hope, I know judges who believe very strongly in parental alienation, have read quite a bit on it, and when they spot it will make orders to try to stop it. I have seen kids removed from the alienating parent and placed with the parent who is being alienated and given FULL CUSTODY, due solely to the alienation. How do ya like them apples, Kate!

The court of law is catching up, slowly.

Anonymous said...

Bitter End, I couldn't have said it better myself! I completely agree with the schools NOT "ranking" the kids, and the conferences being about discussions on progress, not where your kid falls in comparison to Jack and Jill.


I'm commenting as anonymous here to say that you are spot on. From personal experience I know that there is no ranking in LS at the kids' school. At a parent teacher conference, she would have been told if the kids are on track, are making progress, what areas in which they need improvement, etc., but parents are not told that the kids are at the top of their class, middle of the class, bottom of the class or how they compare with other students.

I think maybe Kate doesn't realize that there are those who read here who can call her out on some of the things that she says. When I first read what she tweeted, my first thought was...oh, Kate, just watch what you are saying because there are those who know that there are no class standings. ~ Administrator said...

STFUparents is hysterical. We should really start submitting Kate's stuff to them.

anger issues kate said...

Kate is a twit: here one for everyone, I would tweet this to Jon, just not in to tweeter.
Kate should stopp digging that hole, cause one day she will fall in it, and get buried, and you know what nobody will dig her out, not even her sheeple. (they will try)Kate will be the only one to dig herself out. Kate is like Humpty Dumpty, she is having a great fall, not even her sheeple will be able to put her back together again. Kate is also the Chicken Little, there is only so many times you can yell the sky is falling.

Audible Click said...

@KmartSmart I really owe you an apology for my rude post to you. I never knew who Kate Gosselin was until I stumbled upon this blog a year or so ago. I thought you were a s##t stirrer just trying to cause trouble, sorry. ~ Administrator said...

Well there may be some perfect karma in this twitter crapfest. What company, small business or kind hearted stranger is gonna enable her grifting ever again?


Exactly! She's so stupid! It is completely irrelevant how right or wrong she is about Em Tanner. If I were a company considering giving freebies to celebs I would cross her off the list quicker than scat. Forget it, she's too controversial, I can't trust her not to bash our product, or me. She's done.

She digs her own hole every darn time.

anger issues kate said...

Hey, Admin: time for a new thread?

How about one on Bullies. Since this issues has been making the news lately, and I'm sure a lot of us experienced it in some form or another, and how Kate is bulling people of late as, she does her own children etc.

anger issues kate said...

Admin: Yup, Kate does dig her own hole and one day she will fall in and bury herself, and no one will dig her out. I do believe that day is coming soon. If she keep going the route she is going now. And sorry to say, I will not feel sorry for her, only the kids, cause they have to live with that TLC monster, they made.

Shaking my head.... said...

@Katteran I'm running, meeting a friend and doing errands! Yay!:)


Yay! Now how about getting an f-ing job????? My my, this single mom sure lives the life of leisure for someone who is so poor (cough, gag).

I seriously would love to know how much money she actually has ... it just doesn't make sense that she can maintain her current lifestyle on what they made from the show. The amount of money that goes out (tuitions, house upkeep, straw maintenance, etc) versus the money coming in (I think that would be a big fat goose egg) really makes me wonder what's going on there. Either Kate is a financial genius who invested wisely and is sitting on a huge pile of money, OR she's a complete dumbass who doesn't realize that she cannot maintain her lifestyle on tweeting and jogging alone. Shaking my head.....

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Why would Kate even comment about how the kids are doing in school? Is nothing private? I had to laugh when she said that she's doing something right. Way to go! She's now the teacher! If she's going to discuss the kids progress at school, how about a shout out to the kids teachers who work with them day after day after day? If the kids are doing well, don't THEY deserve some credit?

Vanessa said...

My neices used to watch a show called "Suite Life of Zac and Cody" on the Disney channel. There was a character named London(spoof on Paris Hilton I believe) Her catch phrase was "Yay ME!" Whenever I see that twit tweet her "yays!" that's who i picture...a CHARACTER/CARICATURE

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Anonymous 89 -- When the tups were ready to enter kindergarten, they underwent readiness testing, as do all children. Several of them were deemed not ready to enter kindergarten. J&K made the decision to hold the others back so they could stay together as a group. This was discussed on the show. It may not have been a formal retention, but it was a retention, nonetheless.


Instead of entering Kindergarten, all of them were placed in Junior Kindergarten, so yes, they were held back a year from Kindergarten. ~ Administrator said...

Speaking of Zach and Cody I saw them at a restaurant once in Calabasas with their nanny and some friends.

They were so polite, humble and gracious. They were as popular as ever at the time and must have been maybe 11 years old, but were very mature.


Once a Viewer said...

Thanks for the links, Localyocul!!

That's exactly what I mean, although my friend's kids are older teens, like mine !! It never ends for some people, does it?

You can proud FOR your kids, but they are not you; same if they do something wrong- you have some responsibility, but not all. Kate seems to see her kids as extensions of herself ( no pun!) - maybe not the icky & teach your kids but in the end, it's up to the individual person. But I bet if her kids went astray, she's blame Jon...

Permanent Name said...

Pam said... 104
Once a Viewer said... 97

So she has another friend to spend time with today??

March 23, 2012 5:50 AM

Her period.

She's been having some major PMS the past few days.

LOL - This reminded me of what we used to say back in the day:

Her litte red-headed cousin from the south came for a visit.

Substitute the word 'friend' for cousin, and there you have it. She's out to lunch with her 'friend', some Midol and some tampons. A full table ~

Such a pitiful person she is.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 129
Why would Kate even comment about how the kids are doing in school? Is nothing private?--------

No, NEVER. And therein lies the problem. Unless the kids are having problems, and then Kate does her "public service announcements" blaming everyone under the sun known to mankind with the exception of herself.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Shaking my head.... said... 128
@Katteran I'm running, meeting a friend and doing errands! Yay!:)


Yay! Now how about getting an f-ing job????? My my, this single mom sure lives the life of leisure for someone who is so poor (cough, gag).


She said she will get a job at McDonald's, but not nursing as it will not pay enough to cover babysitting fees. : )

Queenie does not want to work unless it is in the field of media... because she is a "star." Didn't you know this and that no back up plan is necessary? 6 months later and no media source is chomping at the bit.

Instead she spends all day long on Twitter. Great source of income.

AuntieAnn said...

Ex Nurse said...

Not so fast,,,..what about the Ex, or actually just the letter X! I will have to brush up on my Twitterspeak --but yeah---bring it .....

lol. Pretty soon you'll be invisible.
We may have to get Admin to draw up the legal papers. This is WAR!!!!!!!

Anonymous II said...

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate!I am going to New York with my family this summer and I was wondering if you are doing any book signings or talk shows?


Kate wishes! This is why I said "amusing." This sheeple might be able to find Kate at the salon getting her hair fried, screaming for Nobu!

K Gosseline=Blood Sucker said...

How sad that Kate Gosselin believes that she is someone who can "further anothers career" is so funny. Contact by any means with Kate Gosselin is poison.

Waiting for Kate G to get to Bankruptcy Court, which is where she is headed. She screws over Em, the American Red Cross, everyone who ever gave time and money to her. A real Bloodsucker is what Kate Gosselin is. Cannot wait to see what happens when those kids get to the point where they "do not follow her instructions" and those teen years come. Maybe they will just tie her up with her glad rags. Hope so.

EMTanner Designs said...

I am so confused as to why i haven't been able to get any of my comments to post here. So this is actually just a test comment to see if it works:) bc i really feel the need to thank all ya'll for supporting my feisty, reactive, butt. Haha. xoxo

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