Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jon to publish book about 'life experiences'

Finally free of his TLC contract, Jon will be publishing a book which is due to release soon. Jon says it will discuss his "life experiences" and his "thoughts and feelings regrading everything."

And we've got an exclusive sneak peak at the cover art. Check it out!

307 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 307   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

I'm hoping this will be an opportunity to really expose the dark side of reality t.v. and life in the public eye, without disclosing anything personal about the kids. I think the only hope now for anything good to come of this is that other families will learn from their mistakes.

AuntieAnn said... 2

Don't you love that that image is so recyclable and relevant to Jon? lol

As for the book, I will be reading it. ~ Administrator said... 3

Commenting on Kate's na-na-na-boo-boo tweet. How very sad it is that you are excited when people hate you. How very sad it is for your children that you are perfectly willing to continue to expose them to your haters, even on a cruise ship, because as long as you are making money it doesn't matter how detrimental this is for the kids. And how very sad that you are just made stronger by people who try to tell you how badly you are screwing up your children's lives, instead of ever taking even so much as 30 seconds of introspection to ponder why so many have said this.

I would do a post on Tony (go Tony lol) but this is more important. Oh and it was really nice of Tony to go to Kate's book signing with her way back in the day. He is a nice guy.

Dee said... 4

Oops, new post went up while I was typing. Bringing this over from the last one:

If Jon can manage to discuss the terrible decisions he and Kate made without compromising the kids, then maybe publishing a book is an OK thing for him to do.

But that would be tricky, and require a sensitivity neither of these parents seems to possess.

If he's just writing about his views on life, well, snoozefest. I think he's been doing the right thing for the last few years, but, other than his insane relationship with Kate, he seems to have little to offer of any general interest. He's just an everyday guy.

Don't get me wrong, Kate has controlled this conversation waaaaay too long, but the kids are the victims here. Though Jon was victimized, and continues to be, he chose that idiot, and he walked the walk with her. He's responsible for what he did. The kids aren't.

Secretly? I'd like to see Kate slammed every which way but up. But, seriously, people, there are children involved.

As for Kate getting her hands on his royalties, of course she will. And she should, too, as long as they aren't sharing custody 50-50. Jon has an obligation to support the children he made. There is no such thing as "his money". He's not going to be able to control the child support funds unless he has the kids.

If he's smart, AND he really does have the children's grandmother living with him, AND she's able to help with the kids, he'll haul Kate back into court and get the custody order changed.

If he makes a bundle with a book, and he doesn't have half-time custody, neither he nor the kids will receive the benefit of the money. It'll be gone in pedicures and orange tans in a flash.

PS to Jon: Check out Dave Ramsey and get some grandma-like financial skills under your belt before you blow another stack of bills. Don't do "stupid" twice. History does NOT have to repeat itself. ~ Administrator said... 5

By the way repeating what someone else said in the other thread DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.

I am almost at the point where I will start banning people who don't ignore the trolls in addition to the trolls themselves. ~ Administrator said... 6

This is probably what has been pissing Kate off so much the past couple weeks. She got wind Jon has a book deal and she doesn't. Ohhhh watch out. ~ Administrator said... 7

Yes there are no less than 100's of examples of books celebrities have written about themselves that talk about their children but don't exploit them.

There is such a difference between little Tommy is the love of my life and so smart and adores baseball and has really been there for me throughout the divorce wise beyond his years, and.......little Jenny got her period and we went bra shopping all in one action packed weekend.

Funny title of Jon's book said... 8

To hell and back again. I just don't thing Jon or Kate know what hell is like. They both lived off those kids for years. I won't give Jon or Kate any sympathy they both seem to want from people.

Jo said... 9

There is an incredible difference between the tweets that Kate gets and the ones that Jon get. Unbelievable.

Best Stuff in Life said... 10

I hope Beth and Jodi really helped write the book. They would be able to give some important incite into what was going on.

Once a Viewer said... 11

I wonder what publisher will take on this book. I imagine ' Kate's' Zondervan would not be too keen on the name "Gosselin" by now. And it may not be Christian oriented...I would be surprised if it actually does get published, depending on its content- how will it generate interest if it's not full of juicy tidbits? But I do think if the kids suffer by their mother ( yes, Kate) being bad-mouthed then it should be canned.And I agree with Dee, Jon is not the most interesting guy .He would have to have a co-writer ( lol, Beth or Jodi)

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 12 (Administrator) said... Commenting on Kate's na-na-na-boo-boo tweet.


That was so childish. I wonder if she doesn't realize how immature she sounds. Wait...this is Kate. She hasn't got past age 12. Of course, she could be drunk as a skunk right now, which may explain it.

Anita said... 13

Is this for real? Sweet!!!!!

AuntieAnn said... 14

Sweet revenge if he doesn't mention Kate even ONCE in the book.

#1 way to piss off a narcissist.

Anonymous said... 15

Is he self publishing? Or did a publisher pick it up?


Dee said... 16

You know, Jon could come out smelling like a rose if he does this right and focuses on the reality TV experience, and what it did to him and his family.

Is he wise enough to do that without selling the kids downriver? I dunno. I guess we'll find out.

He'll get it published. He doesn't have a history of failed books behind him.

LisaNH said... 17

I suspect that Jon will need some type of protection if he does any book signings, due to some of Kate's followers. Wonder if Rat Claw will be available to assist with protection services for Jon?

AMD said... 18

Well, Kate's made it to the most "over-exposed celebrities" list, coming in 6th after Paris Hilton...and Octomom.

Hope Jon treads very carefully back into the limelight.

AMD said... 19

P.S. If Kate considers this "achievement" one of her "successes",that doesn't say much about her...on second thought, it says a lot!

Anonymous said... 20

Much as I would like to read an expose of the 'real' reality TV industry from Jon's point of view and experience, my fear is that it will again violate the children's privacy.

If it can be done without harming the children, great but since they were the real stars of the show, the reason people watched, I don't see how an expose can be written without drawing attention to how the children have been affected by their parents' decision to put them to work. The children have been the breadwinners in this family.


Jon seems angry said... 21

Hey Nat. Inq, wrong again, where do u get this shit, have house, dumbasses! Not broke by the way, have JOB!!! Nice fairy tale tho!
Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
Now that we cleared that bs up, lets enjoy the day. I think im going to start to write stories about all the people who wrote shit about me
Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
And there families, and ruin their personal lives. And stalk them to sell more articles, yep gonna write it. Including photographs.
Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
New group on fb, “Reporters they are just like us”. Haha, ill show, their bosses and significant others. Ruin their lives, just because
Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
Im joking of course, i wouldnt waste my time on those pcs of shit, i can smell their bs from here.

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@Julbee0928 You are right, but is fun to speak and bash them finally, its funny they still write about me, its been 3 years. Jokes on them. ~ Administrator said... 22

Who wouldn't be angry about a national publication making up stories about you? I can't imagine it. I've never criticized Kate for being angry about false stories about her. They both have a right to be angry over misinformation.

Kate's Cart said... 23

I don't expect Jon's book to expose all of Kate. It would be to hurtful to the kids as young as they are. But, watch out when they are a little older. Then Jon can really expose all. I think Jon does take his kids into consideration a lot more than Kate does now or has ever done. Hopefully he has a good deal that can set him up with a tidy little sum to have a nice house, pay decent support and do some things with the kids that Kate says she can't, like take them to a movie. Oh by the way, where is Kate this week - on a vacation with her married boy friend? I would like him confirm the good bra though - he might know first hand (if they were even still sleeping together once she started traveling exclusively with the married body guard) against Jon's wishes.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 24

Jon seems angry said... 21 Why don't I see those tweets on his timeline?

Karen said... 25

Jon deleted all those tweets earlier.

PatK said... 26

Aww, "Jon seems angry" has provided us with the tweets Jon made and then deleted! Thanks!

Personally, I'm glad he got it off his chest!

And bless you for not using "anonymous" this time with your screen grabs!

Permanent Name said... 27

I wonder if kart will try to stop the book somehow....

Have no idea what grounds she'd use, but she is going to be sooooooooo pissed, more than she is right now.

I imagine if she can't stop the book, she'll try to sue him afterwards for libel or defamation. Ya know, LOL, she WINS all her lawsuits, whether she loses them or not.

And yes, her snotty 12 y/o comment makes her look really pathetic.

Maybe, if she and purseboy are 'really' on a trip and not shacked up at the local notell-motel somewhere on the cheap, they will decide to stay. Forever.

Oh, just a thought - what if she's vacationing at a plastic surgery spa? Bra adjustment? Lipo?

Permanent Name said... 28

Oh, and if she can't stop the book, and the lawsuit after publication doesn't work, she'll surely start her "lies, all lies" rant.

Prediction! ~ Administrator said... 29

Too funny, really. All that says to me is that an adult realized they went too far and corrected their error.

When has Kate ever, ever deleted a tweet? Ummm NEVER. She's the great Kate. She never looks back on her rampages and realizes that was too much. She never thinks she does anything wrong.

The difference between a normal adult (who still makes mistakes, but recognizes what he does and makes efforts to fix it) and a SOCIOPATH.

Katie Krueger said... 30

THIS IS SO GREAT! I have been hoping Jon would finally get out from under the iron thumb of the witch and would tell all. He and Beth and Jodie, too darn good to be true! I it really true? Put me down for at least ten copies. I can't wait!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 31

Dee said... 4 Excellent post! ~ Administrator said... 32

Katie the book is true, the cover art is just a joke :) ~ Administrator said... 33

By the way seems like this is why Jon renewed his contract with his PR reps. Just for a book. All that hoopla over nothing. Of course he needs a PR person to help him with a book, anyone would. ~ Administrator said... 34

Let's see if Kate says anything about his book. I don't recall Jon ever saying a word about her books even though that last one threw his kids under the bus exposed all their private emotions about the divorce and even called Mady a liar.

Buddy said... 35

Obviously Jon deleted his comments because he felt remorse. Something Kate does not have or can comprehend.

Permanent Name said... 36

ADMIN, ADMIN, ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there any way, legally, that Jon could have all the money from the book (fee, royalties, etc) go DIRECTLY to the kids?

Could he set up a trust for the eight kids, with himself as trustee?

If that's possible, would that bypass the "income to Jon" issue and prevent kart from getting any benefit of the money? If he doesn't get any money for himself for the book, then it shouldn't raise his child support should it?

I WOULD LOVE IT IF HE DID THIS SOMEHOW AND ALL THE MONEY went directly into a trust for the kids so she can't piss it away.

I suspect that kart has very little set aside for the kids and probably uses it for their food and tuition and spray tans and pedicures. There won't be any left before too long.

Aurora said... 37

So much for Jon's stated "private life". What a goon. How can anyone believe what comes out of his mouth? He goes back and forth like the wind.

Those poor kids. They have no idea how much strife this will cause. Jon will be on every talk show promoting this book, Kate will appear directly afterward bleating out her "It's all lies! Lies, I tell you!"

And the kids will be left at home with a nanny. Again.

I don't begrudge Jon making some money but not this way. Hasn't he be doing just fine for 3 years working a regular job?

They both make me sick.

Permanent Name said... 38

Please don't jump on me saying I'm trying to deprive the kids of money - a trust that he sets up would hold that money for them until their majority or later. It would be exclusively for their use when grown.

That isn't cheating the kids of anything. In fact it would be providing for them what kart is cheating them of.

Oh, I would be so happy if he could/would do something like this. ~ Administrator said... 39

I've been told by my source that Jon has already set up a irrevocable trust for the kids through the courts and fought hard (against Kate, presumable. Bitch) to set this up so Kate couldn't touch it, or anyone else.

I don't see why he couldn't put money from the book directly into the trust and Kate could cry all she wants about it. Maybe she should work on her own book ideas and stop worrying about him.

Permanent Name said... 40

If she's tweeting, does that mean she's not on vacay with purseboy? ~ Administrator said... 41

I don't begrudge Jon making some money but not this way. Hasn't he be doing just fine for 3 years working a regular job?


But he has and it's never enough for Kate. She bleeds him dry with child support, calls his perfectly decent jobs mediocre, trashes him constantly. The pressure must be unbearable from her. It must be awful to be a victim of Kate's deadbeat dad propaganda. Plus, it's one of the few ways anything good will ever come out of this. Other families may think twice about signing up for a reality show if Jon makes sure to get the message out there what happened to him.

Kate's a has been said... 42

I wonder what TLC will say about Jon's new book? I'm sure he will talk about them in his book. TLC should be sued for exploiting children.

Permanent Name said... 43


EXCELLENT NEWS!!! My face is about to crack I'm smiling so hard.

No wonder she's been so cranky lately, bless her wittle bitty cold heart.


Thank god the kids will have something when they grow up. No siphoning off for narcissistic frivolity.

GO JON!!!! Ignore and prosper.

Dmasy said... 44

Dallas Lady (from the last topic). Fantastic idea. Kate act vs. Kind act. You just might start a movement. I, certainly, am going to keep the concept in mind. Thanks.

No Boundaries said... 45 (Administrator) said... 39
I've been told by my source that Jon has already set up a irrevocable trust for the kids through the courts and fought hard (against Kate, presumable. Bitch) to set this up so Kate couldn't touch it, or anyone else.


If Jon wants that information revealed, he can do so himself. You are violating both his privacy and the privacy of his children.

Permanent Name said... 46

I bet his new PR/talent reps will make sure this book is sue-proof.

Depending on how and what he writes, this book could be seminal and an explosive indictment on the reality tv world where kids are concerned.

With Beth and Jodi writing it with him, it is sure to be a good read.

kart must be beyond livid that Beth and Jodi "betrayed her".

kart babe, this is what karma tastes like.

Suck on it for a while......

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 47

I don't begrudge Jon making some money but not this way. Hasn't he be doing just fine for 3 years working a regular job?


I don't think that anyone knows that he's being doing fine. He may be strapped because she's bleeding him dry. Unlike Kate, Jon hasn't cried poverty, nor has he gone on various talk shows bemoaning child support or saying that he's doing fine. Remember when Kate made the statement that child support only covers the kids' lunches? She's the one who whined about it not being enough. He kept his mouth shut.

Permanent Name said... 48

No boundaries,

I respectfully disagree. Admin does not disclose information that she's been asked to keep private.

Dmasy said... 49

A book by Jon. Amazon, put me on your pre-order list.

OK. No way I can be a funny as Auntie Ann, but I am going to try.

I heard this today (not about Kate), "She is just a one-note woman." I thought that Kate would be a 3 note woman -- Dough, Ra(dar on line), and Meeeeee!

Sorry, guys....

Hoping for trhe Best said... 50

I think/hope Jon will handle this subject matter graciously in regards to his children.
He's in a tough place. If he trashes Kate he will be hurting his kis. If he doesn't trash Kate we will all be disappointed.
A good writer could make this work. I hope for everyone's sake he is taking the high road while still being honest. Yikes, that's a tall order.
I worry that he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He's not a saint, but he has paid dearly for his sins.
How can the guy win? ~ Administrator said... 51

No Boundaries, you are awfully presumptuous. Jon does not mind that information shared. It is a GOOD thing his kids are protected financially and there's nothing that needs to be hidden about that.

Sami said... 52

Well this is disappointing news. If there were no kids involved I'd say Go for it Jon! Burn that bitch! But well, nobody really wins when there's kids involved.

The idea that people will 'think twice about reality shows' is kind of silly, IMO. It's common knowledge in today's day and age that reality shows are relationship killers.

Jon & Kate? You both suck. ~ Administrator said... 53

Permanent Name, thank you. There have been so many times where I wanted to post saying oh gosh guys I WISH I could tell you what I know. In fact one of those times is now. But if people don't want it shared yet, or ever, or whatever, I don't. Anyway most of it almost always comes out eventually as will this. The trust fund is not something anyone wanted to be kept private.

In fact, I think this is public knowledge, since when Murt was involved TLC talked about setting up a trust for the kids, did they not?

Oh and I also don't care what your IP is, what your name is, where you live, and what finger you pick your nose with. ~ Administrator said... 54

The idea that people will 'think twice about reality shows' is kind of silly, IMO. It's common knowledge in today's day and age that reality shows are relationship killers.


I don't know, I disagree. I think we're seeing a lot more people passing on reality shows in recent years because people spoke out. What was that couple that even wrote it into their divorce agreement? There HAS been a sea change and I attribute a whole heck of a lot of it to people willing to say being on reality tv SUX.

Sharon said... 55

Today has been a great day for Jon and I'm so happy for him! I'm sure Jon has all kinds of people helping him with his book. Dr. LaFair may be one of them because she likes Jon and has sympathy for him.
Jon stands to make a ton of $$ on his book if it's marketed right. I doubt seriously that he will go on book tours and TV shows. He would have to give up his job, or maybe he could do it on the weekends that he's not with the children.

Jon needs money to buy a bigger house. Three bedrooms is a squeeze with 8 kids. If he puts the money in a house and a trust for the kids, I don't see where Kate could touch any of the money he makes.

Someone mentioned about Jon's Mother living with him. Wouldn't it be great if he can get more custody time with her helping him! I've never read anything about her health, but I hope she would be able to help him. Having more time with her would be wonderful for the children. :)

I'm having to post this under anonymous because it won't let me post under my name???

Check Please! said... 56

This is intriguing. Around Christmas time I saw an ad posted on Reading Craigslist for a writer. It stated something like "Pissed off Berks county divorced Dad looking for writer to help me tell my side of the story." (It mentioned a few details that I'm not going to reveal here, not that it was even Jon who posted it.)

I was so close to calling the number, but never did. By the end of January it had been deleted. I remember wondering if it could be him. Again, no telling if it was him or not, I actually doubt it. But I'll be interested to see who his ghostwriter is!

Sami said... 57

HAS been a sea change and I attribute a whole heck of a lot of it to people willing to say being on reality tv SUX.


Yep. I'm happy to agree. This is why there is NO good reason for Jon to write a book. No amount of money he makes will give these kids their privacy. If anything, they will be discussed and picked apart on talk shows EVEN MORE.

Deeply Disappointed in Kate AND Jon said... 58

Just when these kids were getting a degree of privacy back in their lives, their dad has to thrust out into the spotlight? Good god, will it ever end for them?

Bad Moon Rising said... 59

With Beth and Jodi writing it with him, it is sure to be a good read.


The cover art is a spoof. Jon hasn't mentioned Beth and Jodi.

chefsummer #Leh said... 60

Aurora said... 37

So much for Jon's stated "private life". What a goon. How can anyone believe what comes out of his mouth? He goes back and forth like the wind.

Those poor kids. They have no idea how much strife this will cause. Jon will be on every talk show promoting this book,

Now this sound like someone else also oh who could it be.?

Let's see oh yeah Kate didn't she promote her books on TV.? And share her & the kids lives in her books and twitter and her website.?

And how can we believe a peep that comes from Kate's mouth.?

Gift of grab said... 61

While the prospect of Jon taking back some of the Gosselin "profile" with a book of his own is probably not a happy thing for Kate, this will turn out to be a win-win for her from the financial perspective.

If Jon is successful, he WILL have to pay more support. Which means that money that she considers to be exclusively HERS (the lion's share of her book/DWTS income PLUS the entire family's TV earnings) will not have to go to pay for things that SHE wants but which also benefit the kids (e.g., the house, the fancy vacations).

I see the financial battle between these two slogging on until the kids reach their majority. She will NEVAH have enough, and the more Jon is able to acquire, the more avaricious she will become. The only way this changes is if Jon wins 50/50 physical custody and doesn't have to pay the beast.

I can't imagine this book will be much of an expose about Kate (Admin, don't you think the divorce decree placed limits on him in this regard?), which will very likely narrow its audience to some extent. On the other hand, I appreciate that writing it was probably a healthy thing for Jon to do for himself, and I wish him the best of luck.

Bad Moon Rising said... 62

Just when these kids were getting a degree of privacy back in their lives, their dad has to thrust out into the spotlight? Good god, will it ever end for them?


I think that there has been a lot of speculation about the kids' involvement in this and that their privacy will be compromised once again. Wait until it comes out. Don't pre-judge. I can't imagine Jon will do anything to throw his kids out there to the wolves. He fought too hard to keep them away from the media and out of TLC's nasty grasp. This is a wait-and-see.

Jon did the right thing said... 63

Its not like the kids will be rich off this trust fund that was set up.

Permanent Name said... 64

Bad Moon Rising said... 59
With Beth and Jodi writing it with him, it is sure to be a good read.


The cover art is a spoof. Jon hasn't mentioned Beth and Jodi.



Too bad. That would be so cool if Jodi and Beth did contribute...

Aurora said... 65

chef summer, do not ever call me a sheeple. Ever. Thank you.

Jon writing this book just dredges up shit these poor kids have been trying to get away from for 3 years.

I'd say the same about Kate if she were releasing a cookbook. Kate's a complete FAIL as a mother. Jon had some hope.

Anonymous said... 66

Does anyone think Jon and Kate may be in this together just for the money? It looks like both Jon and Kate are in financial crisis. ~ Administrator said... 67

Jon writing this book just dredges up shit these poor kids have been trying to get away from for 3 years.


Dredges up? It's on the forefront every time Kate opens her mouth. She trashes Jon pretty much weekly and sometimes even more. Maybe if Jon finally gets to speak it will finally shut Kate up.

Talk about cart before the horse. Let's read the damn book first before having a heart attack. Maybe this book will finally let Jon put everything to rest and move on. Right now he just has to sort of hang there in the wind while Kate continues to trash her children's father. It will never end this way, ever. Kate will never stop until he shuts her up.

Deeply Disappointed in Kate AND Jon said... 68

I'm really trying hard not to pre-judge. Really. (weak smile)

The thing is, if Jon is discussed on talk shows, even if he doesn't mention the kids, someone else will. Like Christie Brinkley's interview, someone WILL ask about them.

I do hope Jon puts all money made in an account for them. It'll help, at least. ~ Administrator said... 69

Check that sounds just like that Berks dad whose case is on appeal whose judge told him to shut his blog down trashing his children's mother. Maybe it's him! Now if only Kate could get in front of THAT judge who gets it.

Permanent Name said... 70


I appreciate your thanks! However, I am unclear of the meaning of your last sentence:

"Oh and I also don't care what your IP is, what your name is, where you live, and what finger you pick your nose with."

Would you clarify please? What did this mean? Was this directed at me????

Aurora said... 71

Who's having a heart attack? I'm calmly typing posts, myself.

Do you really think ANYTHING will shut Kate up? I see this as her getting what she wants. Air time on teevee.

Kate's a ditch pig. She'll never ever back down.

Check Please! said... 72

Anonymous said... 66
Does anyone think Jon and Kate may be in this together just for the money? It looks like both Jon and Kate are in financial crisis.
Not a snowball's chance in Hell.

Hope said... 73

I agree that we shouldn't judge Jon harshly. Yet.
Although it's times like this when I understand the wisdom of leaving his face on the masthead of this blog.

Permanent Name said... 74


She ***might*** back down if she has to get a JOB...........

Katie Cry-duh said... 75

This is what happens when a stupid short sighted narcissist wants to get rich by having more kids than she can afford. And yes I blame Kate. Jon complied with her despite serious (sane) misgivings. All this chaos and there are 8 kids and one dad who never asked for this. ~ Administrator said... 76

She also might back down if a court order shut down her blog and twitter just like that other parent in Berks. ~ Administrator said... 77

Although it's times like this when I understand the wisdom of leaving his face on the masthead of this blog.


Exactly what it's there. Although I have high hopes for him, it still wasn't enough to take him down from it despite a lot of pressure to take him down from readers. ~ Administrator said... 78

Although it's times like this when I understand the wisdom of leaving his face on the masthead of this blog.


Exactly what it's there. Although I have high hopes for him, it still wasn't enough to take him down from it despite a lot of pressure to take him down from readers.

Permanent Name said... 79

Really, truly and with respect - I DON'T pick my nose! Even in private, LOL.

Just for the record, if anyone is wondering....

:-) ~ Administrator said... 80

Permanent Name it wasn't directed at you it was just a joke about that sheeple who is so obsessed with IPs. :) WHY who cares??? ~ Administrator said... 81

Permanent Name it wasn't directed at you it was just a joke about that sheeple who is so obsessed with IPs. :) WHY who cares???

Best stuff in Life said... 82

Does anyone think Jon and Kate may be in this together just for the money? It looks like both Jon and Kate are in financial crisis.

Jon is not in a financial crisis. He makes enough money to have a 3 bedroom house, pay child support, pay bills and go out with friends. The National Enquirer story is BS.

If Kate is in a financial crisis, she is the only one to blame. She wanted the bigger house, she purchased 3 cars last year and she continues to spend like there is no tomorrow.

Aurora said... 83

She also might back down if a court order shut down her blog and twitter just like that other parent in Berks.


Why hasn't it been? She trashes him enough on twitter. Surely if Jon has a PR management team and is 'almost done writing' this book, he has consulted with lawyers, no? What do they think of this?

Permanent Name, let's hope SOMETHING, ANYTHING shuts her up. ;)

chefsummer #Leh said... 84

Aurora said... 65
chef summer, do not ever call me a sheeple. Ever. Thank you.

Didn't think I did :-).

Permanent Name said... 85

LOL! Thank you!!!!!!!!!

I got a chuckle about your clarification posting twice.

Miss Manners just hates it when people pick noses... our son used to call it "booger mining". Such a lovely visual.

He doesn't pick either - I raised him right!

Oh, those sheeple, they can be annoying like pebbles in your shoe.

Sami said... 86

I personally find it hard to have high hopes for Jon. He's so....wishy washy.

I remember him saying something about how the cameras were harmful for the kids, then saying they weren't harmful, then going back to they were harmful again.

Same with this private life he says he wants to live. Then he goes on Rumour Fix. Then he says he wants a quiet life again. And who shows up writing a book looking for what? If not fame, then redemption? His redemption puts the spotlight right back on where he SAYS (sigh) he doesn't want it.

Are you confused? Yeah, me too.

Anonymous said... 87

Could a judge order her to shut down her Twitter? I mean I've heard of blogs being shut down on the rare occasion.

So what if she has a pouting issue over Jon publishing a book. I'd love to see someone let her on a talk show where she can whine it's all lies. Bu then wait, they both agreed to do reality TV, they both knew what they were doing don't tell me otherwise because I don't believe it.

Kate can write books, so can he. People may not always remember the same event the same way but they were still both their. She can't claim his book is false and her book is absolutely right because it just wouldn't make any sense that one is completely honest and the other is completely false when writing about the same and or similar experiences.

At this point all Kate will be able to do is blow hot steam maybe. I doubt she'd be able to haul him to court to prevent him from writing a book. All she has done is write books, Twitter about herself and her kids. How will Jon's writing affect the kids more than what she's done?

Aurora said... 88

Cute chef summer. Don't thiny veil your name-calling either. Thank you.

You work for the military right? Thank you for your service. :)

Permanent Name said... 89

I agree that we need to wait to judge until book is published.

There is certainly interest - and depending on the content, this could be a really high quality expose on child exploitation in the reality tv industry.

A lot happened during the years the kids were exploited. Laws were proposed and made, public sentiment was aroused about child privacy issues... there could be a larger picture beyond just Jon and kart's personal lives.

Who knows? Wait and see is good idea.

I really, really doubt he will blatently slam the ex... although I do think, bless his heart, that he might delicately straighten out some misconceptions (read: kart's lies).

If he promotes this as all the money from the book going directly into a trust for the kids (and none for kart to get her hands on), I will definitely buy it instead of reading at library.

Pulling The Wool said... 90

@SallyWeishen Yes.alot private! Has to. Otherwise paps would show up everytime she set foot out w/the kids! We only see a fraction of life!


Do sheeple really believe this? They can't be this stupid, can they? Oh, sure...the paps line up in front of the compound, just waiting for her and the kids to drive away. That's why we've seen so many pics of them at the bus stop lately. The paps can't seem to get enough of her. They have rooms reserved at the local Holiday Inn, and take turns staking out every one of her known haunts. She's really in demand.

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 91

Here's how a book could be a good thing:

1. He focuses on the selling of a family for fortune and fame, the snare of reality TV.

2. He doesn't use the kids' names or identify them by name or include any pictures of them. I have the feeling he wouldn't, given that he won't even respond to twitters about the kids!

3. He takes the proceeds and puts them in the trust fund for the kids.

If he does that, he will have partially made up to them, financially anyway, what was done to them via the filming of the show.

4. He does not focus on Kate. Someone above was right: a narcissist's greatest fear isn't being exposed, it's being ignored. And he'll be seen as taking the high road, and their kids won't be harmed by it.

He doesn't have to say a thing about Kate to the kids, by the way. They will form their own opinions of their mother as they grow up, they already are.

As for her tweet about success, if this is her definition of success, she's set the bar pretty low for herself! She's unemployed and so personality-impaired as to be unemployable, has huge expenses and no one is close to her. How is that success by any stretch of the imagination?

Poor, sad, angry Kate. She and TLC can't control Jon anymore, either, that's got to chap her ass something fierce.

chefsummer #Leh said... 92

How funny would it be if Jon's new book out sold one of Kate's books.? ~ Administrator said... 93

@SallyWeishen Yes.alot private! Has to. Otherwise paps would show up everytime she set foot out w/the kids! We only see a fraction of life!


Sheeple are so precious when they try to justify her misdeeds. Now what would be the problem with tweeting about the Red Cross? The paps were there ANYWAY. That wasn't about alerting the paps.

Plus Kate tweets about Mady's play, going to the bus stop, going for runs, and isn't concerned about the paps then.

Nice try but her not tweeting has nothing to do with alerting the paps and everything to do with how bad she knows full well her spending of the children's money all on herself and never on them looks.

FlowerGirl1975 said... 94

I think Jon deserves a chance to tell his side. He was a bit of a d*uche during the divorce but I think his personal life had been h*llish for a long time. He was just acting out, kinda like a kid. Not surprising given that most of his interactions were with kids.
I think he loves his kids very much. I'm sure he does not mean them any harm with this book. His exwife trashes him on twitter and in interviews. That alone is damaging to the can't tell me that Mady and Cara aren't rocking the Google searches at school. If they aren't reading it themselves, you can bet they're hearing it from classmates.
I hope he makes a nice amount of money. I hope he invests it wisely for the future for himself and the kids.

Piper said... 95

I just hope Jon and Kate aren't trying to play the same dog and pony show as Christie Brinkley and her ex. If you can't get good press than go for the bad and play tag on the talk shows.

Don't judge the book before you even SEE the cover! said... 96

Maybe Jon won't even mention Kate or the kids, we have NO IDEA what this book is even about for crying out loud! The guy has every right to write a book and improve his income and try to better his life. Lets just wait and see...

chefsummer #Leh said... 97

Aurora said... 88
Cute chef summer. Don't thiny veil your name-calling either. Thank you

I must be missing something here what did I call you.?

Let me know thanx..

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 98

96: I totally agree with you.

And admin, great point. If Milo's tweet were accurate, you'd NEVER see Kate tweet what she's doing, where she's going, who she's with, etc and she does it quite frequently, ESPECIALLY where the kids are concerned. She's even tweeted before a run when everyone knows the kids are at home or before taking one kid to the doctor when everyone knows the rest are at home (because she said so!).

That's some primo justification Milo has going on there. No, she's being quiet now because she's put spending the kids money once again.

mommyinca said... 99

I've always thought that if Jon partnered with Paul Peterson or any child advocacy group, he could make a name for himself and probably make enough income to support himself and his children. Maybe I'm being naive but it seems like there is definitely a need for a "been there done that" reality star to speak up and tell their side of the story of how it can destroy lives. I could see Jon touring the country with speaking engagements, going on talk shows, working with politicians to change laws and writing books! If he did it with sincerity and integrity, I could see him becoming an asset to not only the reality tv hopefuls but also to families in general. I mean, who better to explain to families how important it is to stay grounded and not let fame/fortune take over your life, than Jon Gosselin?

Anonymous said... 100

I am thrilled about Jon's book. I hope he writes about reality TV. As for Kate, he can write about his marriage, without mentioning Kate's name. That's perfectly fair. If he does do a book signing, I will do my best to try and make one. GO JON!!!

Tamara said... 101

Agree about wishy-washy Jon. It did seem like the only reason he decided to shut the show down was because a) he was tired of letting Khate travel and collect the accolades of fame b) he was tired of the press and tabloids hounding him. I do wonder, if those bar/girl pics of Jon had never come out would he have just gone along with the fake marriage/fake happy reality family forever?

Remember, Khate will and does take her anger out on those around her. And most of the time that is her children. Who knows what she will tell them about mean daddies book?

Permanent Name said... 102

I think it's important to keep in mind that the 'big issue' here is two-fold:

1. reality tv exploitation of children


2. you CANNOT ignore kart's narcissism and horrid, greedy, rude personality.

The two go hand in hand. If a book is written about one and not the other..... well, IMHO it will be a story half told.

She had a DIRECT AND SIGNIFICANT impact on the story.

I'm excited to see how the book handles things.

Anonymous said... 103

Jon tweets that he is partying in LA tonight at a bash for reality stars. I don't think his book will be about trashing reality shows.

Jon Gosselin‏@jongosselin1Reply

jongosselin1 @SVEDKA's #billionbotbash Really great crowd here! Follow @SVEDKA for party updates...

LoriT said... 104

I hope Jon has a good attorney who will make sure all proceeds go to the kids and not Kate via child support. Sounds like she is doing her "happy dance" assuming the "haters" who buy this book will line her pockets with lots of $$$. So she sent out an early thank you to all the "haters"

I also noticed she is not denying she is on vacation with Steve per all the rumors. And lets add to the "haters" Anderson Cooper and Tony since they have added to the "buzz".

Bad Moon Rising said... 105

Milo is so funny. She tweets about Kate having to have privacy, but she hangs on Twitter with baited breath for Kate to show up. Then she wants to know where she's going, what her plans are for the day, where she's been, what time she's going to bed, if she's had her morning coffee, and on and on and on. She reprimands her for neglecting her tweeties, scolding Kate like she were a small child.

Then she turns around and says that Kate has to have her privacy.

She's a strange one, she is!

wondering said... 106

How is Jon being in LA for the vodka reality star event work related? Surely not related to IT work.

Aurora said... 107

mommyinca said... 99

I've always thought that if Jon partnered with Paul Peterson or any child advocacy group, he could make a name for himself and probably make enough income to support himself and his children. Maybe I'm being naive but it seems like there is definitely a need for a "been there done that" reality star to speak up and tell their side of the story of how it can destroy lives. I could see Jon touring the country with speaking engagements, going on talk shows, working with politicians to change laws and writing books! If he did it with sincerity and integrity, I could see him becoming an asset to not only the reality tv hopefuls but also to families in general. I mean, who better to explain to families how important it is to stay grounded and not let fame/fortune take over your life, than Jon Gosselin?


mommyinca, I could totally get behind this! This would be great. As opposed to a tell-all.

I'm not sure how he's getting around the confidentiality agreement he has with TLC. Contestants on reality shows are usually bound for life and cannot ever write a 'tell-all'. This includes, The Bachelor, Survivor and The Amazing Race. All much bigger shows than the Gosselin's.

Maybe TLC doesn't have a lifer clause?

anger issues kate said... 108

Well, I say GOOD FOR JON! I do think that Jon got legal advice, about his book. Cause, we all know what Kate feels about Jon, she said so recently: Nobody knows what I know and what I have to control myself from lashing out(put in simple terms). Also, you know Kate will try an sue him. Before that she will claim LIES, LIES, LIES! If Jon talks about the kids, it will probably be stuff we already saw on TV, heard about by others, from interviews, and what went on behind the scenes. Also, how everyone was affected by the show, family friends, community and the kids and how things have been affect since. I'm sure Jon is gonna correct, the things Kate told lies about, how they were talked into the reality show or more like how Kate talked Jon into it, the TV show, having another child,after the twins, the lying to the public, about the wedding, when the marriage went sour etc. What Jon wanted, but TLC & Kate stepped on him, how they manipulated him into things he did not want to do. You know wifes as well as husbands, can manipulate and just short of making a spouse do something they might not want to do. Knowing Kate she used the kids, on Jon, to get him to agree. Example: Jon, think of our kids future, we will make the money, then we will be on easy street, just for a couple of years, then we will quit. Infact, Kate did say that, that if anyone wanted to stop, the show, that would be the end of it. But, TLC fill Kates head with promises of fame & fortune, and told her to get rid of Jon if he does not go along(cause, TLC was making money off JK8, they probably had big plans for Kate, but Kate had her own plans).

So, if Jon writes about the above in his book, it's fine with me. Even, if he does mention the kids, I don't think he will use them as a prop like Kate does.

I hope it will be written from the point of view of someone who lived through, all of that, and came out a survivor. Things he should have did and said, and putting up with all of Kates crap, & TLC & Kates manipulations.

Anonymous said... 109

I am so disappointed in Jon. Partying at a vodka sponsered reality show party. After what he told Chris Cuomo in his interview a few years ago about not wanting to end up an alcoholic like his father and grandfather. He is not setting a good example for his kids. ~ Administrator said... 110

I'm really not getting the criticism here. Millions of Americans go to parties or events that serve alcohol and only a small number of those are alcoholics. Heck we went out after work today because we have tomorrow off. I had half a glass of wine. Thank goodness no one is calling me an alcoholic just for that.

Sami said... 111

Yep, Anonymous, I have to agree.

If Kate were at a vodka sponsored reality show party, she'd be crucified.

Why Jon, why?? You made such progress for awhile. This is exactly why I don't have high hopes for Jon. ~ Administrator said... 112

Kate has been to dozens of events that served alcohol, most recently the Red Cross event. Not a peep was said about alcohol. She was crucified for claiming that she cannot spend any money on her kids or give them any fun, meanwhile she gets to have a blast at whatever event she feels like. Since Jon has never made such a sob-story claim in regard to not providing for his children, it's apples and oranges.

anger issues kate said... 113

I agree with you Admin. But, it's OK for Kate to go to NYC last year and get drunk and have a stranger, lick her ankle. And she is suppose to be the divorced role model mother of 8 kids, for young moms! PLEASE, what a double standard! ANON: how do you know Jon is gonna get drunk, seems Jon was in a local bar not too long ago, and he was not drunk, he drove there.

wondering said... 114

I wasn't criticizing Jon. I was just wondering how this reality star party was work related. He is an IT tech or so I thought. What did he do go from his "private" life back to being a reality star and an author? ~ Administrator said... 115

When have we ever seen Jon drunk? But we sure as heck have seen Kate drunk and even hung over while her children cry for her to please not go.

I'm not a big drinker, even one drink tends to give me headaches. But I've been to numerous events where alcohol was served. It's not a big deal and to leap from oh Jon's dad was an alcoholic to immediately assuming any offspring of his that happens to go to some kind of promotional party is heeded down the same path, is ludicrous. This guy doesn't deserve this at this point. He's earned the benefit of the doubt.

PJ's momma said... 116

I agree with Anonymous and Sami - not that I think Jon is going to become an alcoholic but he is obviously dipping his toe in the pool of public life again. Why tweet about a party full of reality people or whatever, and encourage people to follow the sponsor? I just don't like it. I mean, Kate WAS crucified for that birthday episode, and rightly so. Why does Jon get a pass? They both need to live quietly; they are not celebrities per se - they are infamous if anything. Is his round of talk shows promoting his book coming next? Will he get a pass? I wish they would both just go away.
I swear, all this connectivity and facebook and tweeting and other stuff is bringing about the end of civility, in my opinion. People put the DUMBEST stuff out there, and for what?

Aurora said... 117

You're right about Jon not making a sob story claim, but just how do we know Kate is bleeding him dry in court?

Also, where is the link to the documents for Jon's trust fund he set up for his kids?

Jon, you are the kid's last hope for a normal childhood. Thier mother certainly can't give it to them. Drink responsibly!

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 118

Notice most of this sudden finger-wagging and tsk-tsking about Jon is coming mostly from anonymouses?

Probably the same person, too.

Sherry Baby said... 119

I am so disappointed in Jon. Partying at a vodka sponsered reality show party. After what he told Chris Cuomo in his interview a few years ago about not wanting to end up an alcoholic like his father and grandfather. He is not setting a good example for his kids.


Jon's not entitled to go a party? He's supposed to live the life of a hermit? Should he move to a monastery? Do we know that he's drinking up a storm...three sheets to the wind? If he has a mixed drink or a glass of wine, is he going to end up an alcoholic? Did he tweet that he is drunk? Are we his watchdogs?

Good grief, give the man some credit here. He's an adult and nobody knows what kind of an example he is setting for his kids just because he went to a party. ~ Administrator said... 120

I wasn't criticizing Jon. I was just wondering how this reality star party was work related.


He didn't say the PARTY was work related. He left very early this morning. With the time change, he was probably in L.A. by noon. That is an entire day of work, I'm assuming tying up loose ends with his book, etc.

Then you show up as a guest of a party at night, it's nine o'clock here, work is over. Trust me it's LA, work is LONG over!

So I get it, you can't work all day, then relax and catch up at a party after? Okkkay. Geez Louise.

PJ's momma said... 121

And Jon was drunk out of his mind or high or both when he released that video of him with Hailey in France. He was wasted.

Anonymous said... 122

Admin, with all do respect we have seen Jon high and drunk farting in France.

My point is not that Jon is getting drunk tonight but, he is at a party sponsered by Svedka which is a brand of vodka. Not wise considering his parternal history.

Jon is at a party that is promoting reality stars. Jon wants back into the reality show business. Jon is spending less and less time with his kids since Ellen left. Kate had the kids last weekend as she talked about going to church with them and weeding the yard. Do you think Jon will get them this weekend? I doubt it. Jon is drifting back into old familiar habits and it is not good.

PJ's momma said... 123

And I don't care if Jon drinks. I drink occasionally. No biggie. I just don't like that he's tweeting about 'partying.' Someone asked who's taking care of the kids and he said they were fine, no worries. ~ Administrator said... 124

Kate WAS crucified for that birthday episode, and rightly so. Why does Jon get a pass?


1. Kate left crying kids behind. Actually, wailing kids. Cara was begging her not to go.
2. Kate filmed it all to exploit the angle of the crying kids, and she filmed the kids playing back at home while she was off in NY
3. Kate embarrassed herself and her children by getting her foot licked.
4. Jamie called her out said she was drunk, and they talked about how hung over they were the next day.
5. It was SHAMEFUL do to all of the above.

A WORLD of difference. If Kate had simply gone to a low-key party and had one drink, there wouldn't be much to say. I DON"T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ADULTS GOING TO A BAR! That includes Kate. But Kate took it WAY beyond anything acceptable than a simple birthday drink at a bar with your BFF.

Kate was crucified because she took it so far beyond what normal responsible adults choose to do sometimes at the end of the day. Have a drink or two with friends, co-workers, etc. It's typical Kate, she can't do anything without going over the top objectionable.

anger issues kate said... 125

Sami: I disagree with you.If Kate went to that party instead of Jon, Kate would not be called a drunk or alcoholic, what she would mostly be accused of is what she had on and who was with her, and how she acted, alcohol, would have nothing to do with it. As Admin pointed out, Kate has been to many functions that serve alcohol. But, because it's Jon Gosselin, Kate poor divorce mother of 8, he will always be the bad guy. There is so many things Kate has been called on, but the media and her sicko fans are blinded by. Kate has done more bad things than Jon has, and who gets talked about more, hint: not Jon. Just like Kate said recently: the kids are not to go on the net, cause Kate does not want them to read about their father, translation: Kate does not want kids to read about HER!

ElisabethK said... 126

Best Stuff in Life said... 10
I hope Beth and Jodi really helped write the book. They would be able to give some important incite into what was going on.
March 29, 2012 5:55 PM
Do you guys remember just after the divorce when Jon was working with that life coach, Dr. Sylvia Lafair? (She is the same woman that Kate stiffed for the $10,000 she owed her.) Anyway, at that time, Jon had said that he was working on a book and that Sylvia Lafair was working with him on it. He said at that time that it was going to be very positive and not be talking about any dirty little secrets, but more about his life and his thoughts on it in general. I have a feeling that there will be few specifics. It may be a snoozefest for the reader, but it's good that he did it.

PJ's momma said... 127

OK, OK, mea culpa. Jon tweeing about a reality star party is definitely not in the same league as Kate's drunk episode, which I didn't see. I guess I just hate Twitter and how it can fuel speculation out the wazoo - and he knows that, and so does Kate.
But then......I'm a's like watching a train wreck and when I see something here, I go check it out! So I am contributing to the madness too.

wondering said... 128

He went to LA for the party and to make himself seen. Then he threw the book coming soon in there. Sounds like he is making rounds to me. Nothing to do with his IT work. I think he already quit his job thinking he will be in the high life again. He left yesterday morning BTW so he has been there a day and a half. Why are you, admin, getting grumpy with me? I thought I asked a good question.

Susantoyota said... 129

I wonder if the book will be published in time for Katie Irene's cruise from hell. She and the sheeple could sit around and read passages to each other. Or they could use the copies to make some sort of craft. If the book is written in good taste, no out-and-out bashing of Katie Irene and just general descriptions of how the TV show affected both him and the kids, I'll buy several copies. I do wish I had gotten her mailing address, it'd be fun to send her a copy or two of Jon's book.

Ah, Karma!! How do you like it Katie Irene? ~ Administrator said... 130

Ah yes the France thing from three years ago? He hasn't done anything over the top since.

I just can't agree that Jon shouldn't go to a party because it's sponsored by a vodka company. I go to sports games all the time sponsored by Budweiser and I would never drink a Budweiser. Whatever, I don't care about who the sponsor is. Most celebs probably couldn't even tell you who sponsored the party they just went to.

I guess maybe because I live in L.A. these kinds of events are the norm out here and they by no means have reputations as a drunkard's paradise. My friend from Lost goes all the time to events and doesn't drink, I have a law school friend who is an entertainment lawyer who always manages to get into events such as these, I think he drinks but he never gets drunk, he likes going to brush shoulders with celebs to network. Jon is probably looking to promote his book and catch up with old friends. There are a million and a half reasons people go to these things that have nothing to do with alcohol. You'd actually probably end up getting kicked out of a public event like this if you even remotely get wasted. ~ Administrator said... 131

Not grumpy, wondering, just find a comment that someone should never be around alcohol if their dad was an alcoholic to be over the top. How about trusting someone to be personally responsible?

prairiemary said... 132

Hi,all! Just got here, did not read comments yet, but wanted to say how excited and happy I am for Jon to write a book, about his side ot it all! Can't wait to get a copy. Isn't it interesting, that Jodie, kate's brother's wife, is included as writing it with him. Hope kate is freaked out over it all, and hope Jon is able to really tell the whole truth. ~ Administrator said... 133

Why tweet about a party full of reality people or whatever, and encourage people to follow the sponsor? I just don't like it.


Like what he's doing or not, Jon obviously knows how to PROMOTE and how to use twitter IN THE MOMENT. You don't go to these things to start interest in your book and treat it like it's a government secret. You TELL people you are there and create buzz. Jon knows how to use Twitter, Kate doesn't. That's what celebs do for each other, urge people to follow each other, support sponsors, etc. It's good karma and gets you invited back next time for the next opportunity, which leads to the next, and the next. Kate doesn't have the foggiest idea how to manage your own PR. Jon's book will probably do better than hers based solely on his ability to know how to promote properly.

wondering said... 134

I didn't make the alcohol comment. I was just wondering how this was work related. That was it.

PJ's momma said... 135

Serious question: would most celebs tweet they were at a party? Kate (and occasionally, her minions) and Jon (sometimes) are the only tweets I really look at. I'm curious if it's de rigueur that celebs tweet they're at a party.

PJ's momma said... 136

And you make valid points about how Twitter can be used for networking. Makes more sense now I guess. Sorry I am posting so much, I should read before I publish.

AuntieAnn said... 137

Jon Gosselin‏@jongosselin1Reply

jongosselin1 @SVEDKA's #billionbotbash Really great crowd here! Follow @SVEDKA for party updates...


Where does it say he's drinking? I don't see it. Someone point it out to me, please.

Really great crowd means...there's a really great crowd there, doesn't it?

Anonymous said... 138

I think while Jon was with Ellen she kept him on the straight and narrow. I see Jon slipping back into his old habits.

He will be spending less and less time with the kids and I like wondering believe Jon is no longer working in IT work. He is pursuing a television gig.

Aurora said... 139

Didn't Jon himself say he didn't want to end up like his dad?

It's not just the alcohol thing. Well, it is in a way because he has 8 little kids looking to him for guidance. They sure aren't getting that from their mother.

It's the whole reality tv genre and the sleazy people who are involved. It's pure trash. Jon had successfully separated himself and his life from that. For awhile. You've got to at least admit, Admin, that this doesn't look good.

Again, those poor kids who will find out everything their parents did some day. ~ Administrator said... 140

Serious question: would most celebs tweet they were at a party? Kate (and occasionally, her minions) and Jon (sometimes) are the only tweets I really look at. I'm curious if it's de rigueur that celebs tweet they're at a party.

Yes. Most celebs tweet things like this all the time, parties and whatnot, as they are happening. And tweet other people there, sponsors, etc.

This is why we all keep saying how weird Kate's twitter is because she's so silent about fun events when most celebs would use it as the perfect opportunity to tweet.

PJ's momma said... 141

Thanks for the explanation/response.

Anonymous said... 142

Come on Admin, Jon's book if it does well will because people want to read what he says about Kate, not what he thinks. LOL ~ Administrator said... 143

Aurora, it doesn't look good to who? Kate's 10 sheeple?

Sure it would be nice if Jon sat at home and put on a plaid bathrobe and read Charles Dickens beside a blazing fireplace every night counting the days until his next visits with his children. This is reality. That's not Jon. Jon likes to go out, Jon likes to socialize and meet people and look for opportunities, and he probably feels like the only people that really understand what he has been through are other reality stars. They too, many of them, have trashy reputations when really some of them might be good people at heart. He probably identifies with them and they with him.

AuntieAnn said... 144

Susantoyota said... 129

I wonder if the book will be published in time for Katie Irene's cruise from hell. She and the sheeple could sit around and read passages to each other.


LOL! I love it. You're very resourceful. ~ Administrator said... 145

I wonder if the book will be published in time for Katie Irene's cruise from hell. She and the sheeple could sit around and read passages to each other.


LOL! I love it. You're very resourceful.


Wait isn't there some kind of free gift if you go they haven't named yet? One per family?

Jon's book!

Best Stuff in Life said... 146

I am going to give Jon the benefit of past behavior. We had the same concerns about his twitter account going public. He has not done any of these things on his twitter account. He specifically tells people to keep his kids out of the conversation. He has also refused to talk about Kate even when she is attacking him. He did not even use twitter to to battle about EM Tanner. He picked up the phone and called her. He did not announce his actions on Twitter. He just did it and did not care about it being announced to the world.

I look forward to seeing what his book is about and weather or not he is a talented writer.

EM said... 147

I hope Jon goes into detal of what TLC did to him and his children lives. I hope it is a cautonary tale of reality tv. I also hope kate's name is not mentioned at all. I would hate for HER to go on a media blitz for HIS book to "set the record straight." Don't say her name and then she cannot say he lied about HER.
Please let ths book be Jon's sde of the story and nothing to do wth kate. know t will be difficult since they went thru it together but it is possible. FINGERS CROSSED

anger issues kate said... 148

Hey, Jon did not quit his Job, he even said so on twitter, recently like yesterday. Oh, double standard here! Kate can just take off, when ever she feels, she needs a vacation, but Jon can't. Jon probably took some vacation days, so What! He is entitled to vacation. Kate is always vacationing. 10 hours a day plus when the kids get home the sitter or what ever she decides to call the hired help, take over and the weekends Jon has the kids. You know Jon does not have to spend all his vacation with his kids, a lot of married couples take separate vacations, from each other and from their kids all the time. So, Jon can't take a vacation, but it is OK for Kate to take many vacations, some of which she calls work, sorry running a marathon is not business related. Nor is attending a RC event. Cause if it is then I should be able to call attending a sci-fi conventions business. Or any other event I go to.

wondering said... 149

From what I am reading, I guess you want the old Jon back not the supposed private guy who was taking great care of his kids.

Anonymous said... 150

They too, many of them, have trashy reputations when really some of them might be good people at heart. He probably identifies with them and they with him.


Admin, I cannot believe you think that Jon identifies with people with trashy reputations!! As a father of 8 young kids do you think that is wise to hang with these people? And yes, Jon did say he didn't want to end up like his dad. Don't you think it would be smart to stick with the milkshake promos instead of vodka?

AuntieAnn said... 151

Wait isn't there some kind of free gift if you go they haven't named yet? One per family?

Jon's book!

HAHAHAHA!! Stop it you guys. LOL!!

Oh but the visual is hilarious!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 152

Susan said: She and the sheeple could sit around and read passages to each other.


Before or after tea-time with the Mad Hatter? Sounds like an activity that should be added to the events/highlights page! ~ Administrator said... 153

Wondering, are you asking me? It's not even his custodial time so your comment makes no sense. When has he skirted his responsibilities to his kids. If anything this helps bring in more money to help his kids. God knows Kate isn't doing that.

I am not an alarmist who thinks that Jon writing a book means he is back to his old ways. In fact it could mean just the opposite. A good steady income and opportunities bodes well in family court.....Watch it play out first. If I were to be mad at Jon for going to a party, I would have to secure the name of every celeb with kids who has ever been to an L.A. party and send them to the guillotine. Almost EVERY celeb goes to parties like this once in awhile and many often, even some very clean cut celebs you will find all the time at things like this because they see it as part of promotion. The celeb I knew goes to these things all...the...time...but doesn't really like them that much would rather just relax at home, but sees it as important to keep your mug out there. Maybe my perspective of how LA works is influencing me, I'm telling you everyone does this it's no cause for massive alarm.

chefsummer #Leh said... 154

wondering said... 128
He went to LA for the party and to make himself seen.

And Kate might be in another country doing god knows what with the "Bodyguard".

Anonymous said... 155

Anger issues, why didn't Jon take his vacation when the kids were on break and take them somewhere? Has Jon ever taken the kids anywhere? Didn't he take Ellen to Florida last year? But no kids.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 156

AuntieAnn said... 151

Wait isn't there some kind of free gift if you go they haven't named yet? One per family?

Jon's book!

HAHAHAHA!! Stop it you guys. LOL!!

Oh but the visual is hilarious!


Cruisers are supposed to bring a book to sign. That could be the one. Kate could have a pre-cut signature stamp with Jon's name and stamp all 20 books for him! ~ Administrator said... 157

Wait are you supposed to bring your OWN book for Kate to sign? What a cheapass!

We should flash mob this cruise the lot of us, and bring Jon's book for Kate to sign. Ha.

Anonymous said... 158

Almost EVERY celeb goes to parties like this once in awhile and many often, even some very clean cut celebs you will find all the time at things like this because they see it as part of promotion


Kind of like what Kate does when she goes to lets say Turks and Caicos or Las Vegas. Keeping herself out there to get work.

Hey, if Jon wants to write a book or get back on tv I say go for it. Everyone has that right to pursue their dreams.

AuntieAnn said... 159

Hell, let's bring Jon.

EM said... 160

I don't see why people are worried about Jon's reputation for being at a party. He's been crucified in the media for the last 3 years. I doubt going to a party is going to make things worse for him.
Jon and Kate were on tv. That's means they do get invited to things. Kate goes, why not Jon?
Jon couldn't get other jobs in the media due to his contract with TLC. It's over now and I think he wants to dip his toe back in with his new found views. If he screws up then he screws up and it would be a shame. Until I have reason to judge I'm going to wait and see.

I have a feeling Jon would put 100% into any job offered to him. With kate, I snark on her jobs because she ruins them. She has been given many opportunities yet screws them all up. If Jon is able to take jobs and not screw them up than I say more power to him. He seems really down to earth, he has acknowledged his past mistakes and I think he's finally gong into this eyes wide open. The TLC muzzle actually HELPED him. It forced him back to reality and put him far enough back from the situation to gain perspective. Darn I wish kate could be muzzed for 3 years as well. It would do her some good to step away and reassess as well.

The Bitter End said... 161

Anonymous said... 142
Come on Admin, Jon's book if it does well will because people want to read what he says about Kate, not what he thinks. LOL

Probably...and to see Katie Irene's reaction, which apparently has already kicked into gear. The sheeple reaction should be good for a chuckle or two as well.


wondering said... 149
From what I am reading, I guess you want the old Jon back not the supposed private guy who was taking great care of his kids.

Personally, I see a father who has profound and deep fundamental differences in how his children are being raised. I see a guy who is concerned that some of his children's lives have the very real potential to be a living hell and there is not a whole hellava lot he can do about it.

However, if he can find a way to capitalize on his position financially he may be in a much stronger standing to correct the situation.

wondering said... 162

Hate to say this but Jon hasn't had the kids the last two weekends. Is he going to make it back in time to have them this weekend? I don't understand all this talk about him having them more. My observation is he is only taking them once a month now.But that is none of our business. And how does anyone really know Kate isn't home some person saw her at an airport? She's not tweeting? That has been proven wrong several times.

EM said... 163

Why I snark on kate if she's in Turks.
She hides it. If she's working or "getting herself out there" than she's doing a crap job promoting.
If she is there on vacation? I wouldn't snark if she wasn't crying poor.

Why I am not up in arms over Jon in LA. #1..He admitted it. #2 He promoted what he was there for. #3 He didn't become a pompous ass about it. Instead he included his twitter followers in what he was doing and put up a link to share the experience. Fun. Kate's sheep would love to be "invited" to be a part of something.

To me..Jon is not ashamed of where he is, where his money is going and what he is doing with his time. It seems he feels he s not doing anything wrong. Kate, however, never says a word when she bounces, just up and goes and her tweeties go nuts wondering what she is doing. Why hide any job if that's what you are doing. Be proud. Promote. Unless you are under contract not to disclose then companies want the buzz.
Oh, I forget...kate only wants buzz for herself. Somehow she always mananges to forget to promote what she is hired for.

Susantoyota said... 164

AuntieAnn said... 151
Wait isn't there some kind of free gift if you go they haven't named yet? One per family?

Jon's book!

HAHAHAHA!! Stop it you guys. LOL!!

Oh but the visual is hilarious!

I've got a visual for ya. Ok, first of all Katie Irene's probably going to spend some time holed up in the McMansion twittering about the book of "lies" as Jon receives publicity, plugs his book on the talk shows, etc. Eventually, she will have to venture out wearing her dark sunglasses and her permanent scowl. So instead of a drive-by, there can be book-bys. Katie stops to fill the BBB or the Audi with gas--BAM--a copy of Jon's book on the front seat. Goes to Target to stock up on paper goods--BAM--another copy of Jon's book in her shopping cart. Multiple copies of Jon's book in the check-out lanes. People standing outside the mail store reading Jon's book when she pulls up and parks in the fire lane . . . A copy of Jon's book in her cabin on the cruise. Oh, the possibilities are endless!!

She's Nuts said... 165

Isn't it interesting, that Jodie, kate's brother's wife, is included as writing it with him. Hope kate is freaked out over it all, and hope Jon is able to really tell the whole truth.


She's not. The cover is a joke! :)

anger issues kate said... 166

Anon: cause maybe Jon could not take vacation then, maybe could not get the days off. So, why didn't Kate take the kids somewhere? Maybe Jon will take the kids, somewhere in the summer, now that TLC is out of the picture. Do remember Jon does have limited funds, not like Kate, who is too cheap to take them anywhere, where, she has to use her own money. Jon did say this trip was part work related. My brother use to go on business trips and sometimes stay a day or 2 more and went to the local events. So this event was around the same time Jon was there for business. SO! ANON, you obviously, know little about business trips, or work. A lot of people at certain times during a month are not allowed to take any vacation, cause of end of year close out or end of month close out or the boss take his/her vacation during that time.
So he took Ellen to Fla last year, how many times has Kate taken vacations, or gone off to do something she wanted to do? That's OK! BS! ~ Administrator said... 167

Kind of like what Kate does when she goes to lets say Turks and Caicos or Las Vegas. Keeping herself out there to get work.


You're not reading our posts carefully enough. No one has a problem with that if Kate would stop bitching about not having enough money to take her own children to a simple movie once in awhile. ~ Administrator said... 168

I have to say I'm a bit flattered some people thought my photoshop cover was real. :)

She's Nuts said... 169

jongosselin1 @SVEDKA's #billionbotbash Really great crowd here! Follow @SVEDKA for party updates...


Where does it say he's drinking? I don't see it. Someone point it out to me, please.


It doesn't. It doesn't even say he is "partying."

JoyinVirginia said... 170

This is interesting! I would like to read what Jon has to say.
Ms Kreider is STILL boring.
And Tony dovolani is still amazing and oh so cute! Love him, love dwts! That's my guilty pleasure! Tune in Monday, maybe William Levy or maks will take their shirts off again!

She's Nuts said... 171

We should flash mob this cruise the lot of us, and bring Jon's book for Kate to sign. Ha.


...and be stuck on the high seas with CJ? Not if my life depended on it! Being there with Kate would be bad enough, but with her 20 or so rabid sheeple? It's a fate worth than death!

Can you imagine how fast those Rat Claws would come out if you handed Kate a book written by Jon? Ouch!

Maggie said... 172

I remember Chris Como said they fimed for 3 hours when Jon sat down for an interview with ABC. They did play some of the interview but certainly not 3 hours worth. Does anyone know if the 3 hours are available to view somewhere (even w/o editing)?

Susantoyota said... 173

Copies of Jon's book in her dentist's waiting room. LOTS of copies in airport book shops. A copy of Jon's book at her NYC hair salon. TV ads for Jon's book featuring Tony Dolovani, Todd Palin, Mr. Sky Jump Man look-alikes, all reading the book.

Anonymous said... 174

Anger issues, Jon went to LA to be at this party and meet with his managers. He is not there for IT work.

I imagine Kate does watch her money. Right now she is the major support of the kids. If she is out it is to promote herself for more work.

I don't understand you guys here. If I say it wasn't wise for Jon to go to an alcoholic sponsored event you jump all over me for accusing Jon of drinking and being drunk yet, everyday someone here accuses Kate of being drunk on wine with no proof.

anger issues kate said... 175

Wondering: how do you know Jon did not have the kids, sometime during the past 2 weekends. Maybe Jon took the kids for part of the weekend, Kate does lie. We did catch her in one a couple of months ago. Jon said he had the kids all weekend, Kate tweeted that the kids were at home with her. And maybe Jon does not take all the kids, all the time either. Maybe he wants to just spend time with each kid or a couple of kids at a time. Lots of parents do that, they go shopping or go to someones house or events and don't take all the kids with.

AuntieAnn said... 176

Jon's mug on HER Mt Rushmore.

anger issues kate said... 177

Anon: are you blind or something: go to Jon twitter: Jon said he was going on a business trip! This event was at the same time. How do you know he went there to meet his managers, and to go to this party and it was not for work? Jon never said that on twitter. He said the above: I boarding a plane going on a business trip. He never said who he was meeting, or even mentioned at that time the party either.
Kate is n NOT the major support of that family, JON PAYS CHILD SUPPORT! What has Kate been paying since TLC cut her loose.? CC is not a job!
Kate is promoting herself to a vacation, cause boy does she have a HARD LIFE! Kate really takes the song by BTO to heart: "Takin Care of Business"

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 178

wondering/anon is the same person, and she haaaaaates Jon and loves this new topic, because she's getting to question him right and left, raise doubts, etc, all while taking the attention off her beloved Kate out enjoying herself on what is probably a lavish and expensive vacation.

(Check the writing style and persistence on certain points. Don't engage. Jon isn't on trial here.)

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 179

And if you think for a second, you'll easily guess who it is.

AuntieAnn said... 180

SusanT - They could make a Stephen King movie out of your ideas. hehe. I like your style!

Yep, it's me said... 181

This is Kate's custodial time right now and she's gone, apparently. Left them with nannies, again.

I wonder when she's going to get a job? She is BLEEDING money right now!

prairiemary said... 182

Yeah, thanks She's Nuts,that's what I get for not reading comments before posting!!
Yes, Admin., your artwork had me fooled, thought it was some sort of abstract picture of Jon feeling free or something deep like that!
Also, Admin.,I agree with EVERY WORD YOU SAY, and with EVERY THOUGHT YOU HAVE HERE.

anger issues kate said... 183

Anon, do you have kids? Those of you here, do you spend time with all your kids all the time, you don't spend time with say one kid at a time? or if you have lots of kids, spend say time with your sons, then spend time with your daughters? PLEASE, so that makes Jon a bad father. What about Kate taking the twins to WY, without the tups, or what about this cruise, only the twins, What about Halloween, the twins go to do Halloween, the tups didn't. You know Kate does not tell Jon everything the 8 do, or when she take-off to do something. Jon mentioned this a year ago, that he did not know what Kate does or when she goes out of town. Just like going to Aussie, Kate told Jon just before they were to go, Jon almost had very little time to go to court.

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 184

Anonymouse answering herself, LOL.

prairiemary said... 185

ANON.,why no guts to tell us your name?

Don't Feed The Trolls said... 186

wondering/anon is the same person, and she haaaaaates Jon and loves this new topic, because she's getting to question him right and left, raise doubts, etc, all while taking the attention off her beloved Kate out enjoying herself on what is probably a lavish and expensive vacation.


Admin asked that the trolls here not be fed. The writing style is the same; the syntax is the same and the antagonistic tone is the same regardless if the person is posting under anon or several other IDs. It doesn't take one skilled in forensic linguistics to figure it out.

Sheeple are Delusional said... 187

Kate Doesn't Rate, she also stalks every anti-Kate person and gathers their info.

Deborah said... 188

Yes, I agree with not engaging the people who obviously are here to stir shit. IWonder why they can't stay at their own blogs? Do any of us poat at their sites?

anger issues kate said... 189

Where is Kate making this money? Kate is living off the money she was paid for the TV shows. Or more likely the kids money. There are dads out there who pay $100. a month child support. Maybe if Kate would downsize she would have lots of money, and take the kids out of that expensive school, she would have a lot more money.

I guess the Kate lovers/sheeple are coming here cause their Goddess is gone, having a good time while her sheeple go wondering, no direction.

anger issues kate said... 190

Admin everyone: got the message :) Had to vent, defend. It felt good.

AuntieAnn said... 191

prairiemary said... 185
Yes, Admin., your artwork had me fooled, thought it was some sort of abstract picture of Jon feeling free or something deep like that!

I think the only thing worse than being married to a narcissist would be divorcing one. Kate is probably the best example of a malignant narcissist any psychiatrist could ask for.

Jon HAS been through hell and back. The title is perfect, he should use it.

Aurora said... 192

Jon knows how to use Twitter, Kate doesn't. That's what celebs do for each other, urge people to follow each other, support sponsors, etc. It's good karma and gets you invited back next time for the next opportunity, which leads to the next, and the next.

So it's agreed that that is exactly what's he's doing then. Promoting this party to get invited to the next and the next and the next - Z lister party.

Jon likes to socialize and meet people and look for opportunities, and he probably feels like the only people that really understand what he has been through are other reality stars. They too, many of them, have trashy reputations when really some of them might be good people at heart. He probably identifies with them and they with him.

You don't believe these kind of people are the complete opposite to who he should be seeking his downtime with? These are the kind of parties that Michael Lohan and those celebrity boxing promotors go to. Desperate people.

anger issues: I'm certainly not giving Kate the benefit of the doubt. She lost that right a long, long time ago. Why can't one question Jon without you thinking that we don't question Kate too?

Spin this business trip and tweet of Jon however you like, to me it's smells bad. I was counting on Jon to be the parent the kids can go to to confide in. Maybe they still can.

Jon tweeting he's finishing up a book on his life, then appearing at a Z-list party that is centered around vodka in LA just doesn't reek of stable dad of 8. No matter how it's spun. And who said anything about a robe, a fireplace and Charles Dickens? Just be a normal dad, Jon. EIGHT children depend on it.

Those kids should be given a legal guardian in lieu of both thier idiot parents. IMO of course. ~ Administrator said... 193

Anon, pick a name and until then all your further posts will be deleted. Are you CJ?

I've come around on Jon for a long time, ages before this source contacted me. Um, maybe that's why this source reached out to me, YA THINK. Because I wasn't raking the poor guy over the coals anymore and they felt comfortable going to me. I did not suddenly change my tune on Jon. I have long felt he is, while no perfect and I don't expect him or any parent to be, the children's only hope and the information I am being told and verified only solidifies that. He is definitely going in the right direction and you will see more good choices soon.

Jon has been friends with other reality stars for ages, including Jill from Real Housewives. Jill has been through a similar public flogging at the hands of Bethany, he probably relates. Jon has also been going out for ages. This is nothing new and to treat at as such is to ignore the man's history.

If I were serious about impressing a source, which I'm not, don't you think the first thing I would do is quietly remove Jon from the banner? I have dealt with sources since I was 18 years old and working my first newspaper job, I have no need to impress or pony up to sources and if they want to leave because I won't suck up, that's no skin off my back.

Prairie I really don't think you agree with me on everything. I have some very unique views on avocados I doubt you agree with!

Aurora said... 194

Where is Kate making this money? Kate is living off the money she was paid for the TV shows. Or more likely the kids money. There are dads out there who pay $100. a month child support. Maybe if Kate would downsize she would have lots of money, and take the kids out of that expensive school, she would have a lot more money.

Hold on here. You posted earlier that you thought Kate had millions. I don't mean to sound rude but some of your thoughts don't make sense.

I can scrutinize Jon independent of Kate. She's a write off. LOL ~ Administrator said... 195

Just be a normal dad, Jon. EIGHT children depend on it.


I think the issue is we disagree that a LA party is a bad thing. Lots of normal LA celeb dads go to parties with alcohol. (It's well known Brad Pitt can drink you under the table)

And also are at the same time lots of LA dads are still there for their kids, taking them to movies, etc.

prairiemary said... 196

Admin.,avacados,really!? I just bought a bag of 5 on sale, and mushed them up to use as hair conditioner and as a facial mask! Really, this freaks me out! ~ Administrator said... 197

Prairie we definitely don't agree on avocados.

I think they are nature's perfect food and the green lard should be required eating.

prairiemary said... 198

I hope it's not true that kate and buddyboy are in Turks, as we debate these issues, when just very recently, she tweeted that it was too expensive to take her 8 to the latest movie everyone was taking their kids to. So is she vacationing yet again, with the kid's money? Or does her coupon job pay that well?

Aurora said... 199

But Admin, Jon is not a celebrity, nor does he live in LA. Not a celebrity LA dad. He is, or was anyway, a dad living a quiet life in Pennsylvania working a regular job. Or at least that's is what he wanted everyone to think.

I'm just saying that for him to dip a toe back into the sleaze that is the reality world, contradicts his earlier statements. Therefore, to me, his credibility is shot.

He cannot seem to make a decision and then stick to it. How on earth can writing a book of his memoirs not hurt his kids?

You've said some posters have faulty logic and this time I have to agree.

So is Jon your source for info?

prairiemary said... 200

Avacados ARE really healthy, but perhaps people from Caifornia have more of a taste for them than we here in little Saskatchewan! I try to nibble a bit every now and then, before turning them into beauty products. What is the best way to eat them? Sorry, off topic, my bad:)

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