At tickets ranging from $135 to $285 bucks a pop, the gala supports the Red Cross.
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via Twitter |
After the event, Kate got into a bonafide twitter war with a Philadelphia photographer who was there. Here is some of the embarrassing debacle:
iPhillyChitChat: I had a balls to the walls awesome time at #redball12 then Kate Goselin showed up and I got a shot that's gonna be seen around the world
iPhillyChitChat: That's why I got the shot I did, cause I didn't get her on red carpet or get the tweet that told me she was there. I will say she grouchy
iPhillyChitChat: she's really stunning, but still grouchy. I was sad. There's nicer ways to say things. so gorgeous but so angry
Kateplusmy8: hi! I'm reading your tweets & am upset u are lying about me! I spent about 20 sec with u & gave you a pic...why the hate?
iPhillyChitChat: she's really stunning, but still grouchy. I was sad. There's nicer ways to say things. so gorgeous but so angry
Kateplusmy8: hi! I'm reading your tweets & am upset u are lying about me! I spent about 20 sec with u & gave you a pic...why the hate?
Kateplusmy8: I'm sure @redcrossphilly &@dcschrader would not b happy ur spreading neg&lies abt me@ #redball12!Pur was 2help ppl in need!
iPhillyChitChat: I'm not hating on U. I'm just reporting what I saw, and what you did. Which part was lying? if you'd like 2write me directly @Kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: takes sick per2use a charityevent 2 spread hate/not good! 4record,all was + so ur lying if neg. Were u there 4fire victims?
skhanson12 @Kateplusmy8 If you didn't do anything wrong to photograph then he doesn't have anything. No worries
Kateplusmy8: @skhanson12 wrong? I gave him a pic! He clearly will make up lies...for his own was a charity event??! Why does he thinks it's ok?
iPhillyChitChat: I'm not hating on U. I'm just reporting what I saw, and what you did. Which part was lying? if you'd like 2write me directly @Kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: takes sick per2use a charityevent 2 spread hate/not good! 4record,all was + so ur lying if neg. Were u there 4fire victims?
skhanson12 @Kateplusmy8 If you didn't do anything wrong to photograph then he doesn't have anything. No worries
Kateplusmy8: @skhanson12 wrong? I gave him a pic! He clearly will make up lies...for his own was a charity event??! Why does he thinks it's ok?
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat @redcrossphilly u asked4a pic of me&bodyguard...NO! That ? summed u up!Gave u pic of me anyway.That's called graciousness
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat good! Will look forward 2 ur truthful report. @redcrossphilly & guests know the truth so hoping ur reporting is accurate 2!
iPhillyChitChat: Thanks kate for giving away my story. geez @Kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat I'm always happy2report THE TRUTH be4 ppl like u get a chance2make up lies&report as fact! Hav a nice day! @RedCrossPhilly
iPhillyChitChat: Thank God I have photos, + you don't have 2rely on what I say. Have to run out now. See you at 9:30AM on @Good_Day_Philly + I'll put up link
iPhillyChitChat: Thanks kate for giving away my story. geez @Kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat I'm always happy2report THE TRUTH be4 ppl like u get a chance2make up lies&report as fact! Hav a nice day! @RedCrossPhilly
iPhillyChitChat: Thank God I have photos, + you don't have 2rely on what I say. Have to run out now. See you at 9:30AM on @Good_Day_Philly + I'll put up link
Kateplusmy8 @iPhillyChitChat Trying 2make a name 4 urself..w/ lies! What's2prove,othr than promoting U? Glad2c u care abt fire victims! @redcrossphilly
iPhillyChitChat: Kate if that were true I would go back to NYC and shoot real celebrities @Kateplusmy8 Trying 2make a name 4 urself..w/ lies!
iPhillyChitChat: I think it's time for you to go tend to your kids, you're just giving me more to talk about on my TV segment & in column @Kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat U will report ur opinion&look desperate.I've sd all I wanted2say.I'm sad u took attn off home firevictims! @RedCrossPhilly
iPhillyChitChat: Actually @Kateplusmy8 more people will know about the @RedCrossPhilly from this entire unnecesary twitter storm you just created. TY #fb
iPhillyChitChat: My piece wld have been 30 seconds of her & rest on the party, but now that's changed
iPhillyChitChat: She's trying 2convince wakadoodles that follow her that she's not mean and is not sleeping w/married bodyguard
iPhillyChitChat: of course my story had nothing to do with either, but obviously it does now
iPhillyChitChat: Kate if that were true I would go back to NYC and shoot real celebrities @Kateplusmy8 Trying 2make a name 4 urself..w/ lies!
iPhillyChitChat: I think it's time for you to go tend to your kids, you're just giving me more to talk about on my TV segment & in column @Kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat U will report ur opinion&look desperate.I've sd all I wanted2say.I'm sad u took attn off home firevictims! @RedCrossPhilly
iPhillyChitChat: Actually @Kateplusmy8 more people will know about the @RedCrossPhilly from this entire unnecesary twitter storm you just created. TY #fb
iPhillyChitChat: My piece wld have been 30 seconds of her & rest on the party, but now that's changed
iPhillyChitChat: She's trying 2convince wakadoodles that follow her that she's not mean and is not sleeping w/married bodyguard
iPhillyChitChat: of course my story had nothing to do with either, but obviously it does now
iPhillyChitChat: honestly, Kate is not that big of a star anymore to make a bundle, she's Paris Hilton now. A sex tape cld revive her career tho
iPhillyChitChat: Talking about smoke and fire, did you know there was one last nite at#RedCross12, and I have the hilarious pix of putting it ou[t]
iPhillyChitChat: My new slogan, dont bring up religion, politics or @Kateplusmy8 at a party if you want to avoid hysteria (my @ timeline is crazy)
iPhillyChitChat: Talking about smoke and fire, did you know there was one last nite at#RedCross12, and I have the hilarious pix of putting it ou[t]
iPhillyChitChat: My new slogan, dont bring up religion, politics or @Kateplusmy8 at a party if you want to avoid hysteria (my @ timeline is crazy)
621 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 621 Newer› Newest»I brought this up several threads back, but maybe in light of the speculation about Kate's TLC contract ending, it's worth another look. On Julie Carson May's web site (her company name is Media Motion International), she obviously has Kate as one of her clients. If you click on the K+8 pic, in addition to the little blurb you ALSO get a link to "the website." Interestingly, this link does NOT take you to Kate's site, it goes to TLC's Kate Plus 8 page. So is this just an oversight on Julie's part (oh dear), OR is Julie actually tied to TLC and not Kate? And if it's the latter, is Kate now shopping for a new rep?
This whole story is about to get a whole lot more interesting, I think, from so many angles.
Gift of grab said... 1
I was watching her drama on twitter today. In the middle of it some Equine Rehab charity tweeted her that they were unable to reach her rep. Kate told them to email her the information and she would take care of it. I found that very interesting. But I guess if Julie still has her up on her site she must still be her rep? Confuses me.
I have a confession to make. When I opened to the newest post my first thought was about the feathered dress. My next thought was, oh no, more media attention. I had NO IDEA that it would evolve into such a massively entertaining debacle that Kate created all by her very own self.
Thank you all for the laughs.
I just keep thinking about the contrast between the booooring L.A. event, I can't imagine Kate pulling such a stunt there.
She would be laughed out of this town and this STATE!
Only Kate. Only Kate.
This is the best Sunday afternoon I have had in a long time!
Gift of grab said...That poor photog is taking a beating from all sides; Z just weighed in to say that she thinks this was a "failed blackmail attempt" on his part.
Which article or a link, please. Did Z say that or one of his commenters? Thanks.
Anyone think those Mainliners are going to invite to any other galas or fundraisers?
The Philly guy tweeted someday earlier today that Kate worked for the Red Cross. I don't remember her working or volunteering for them at any time. Please help me with this. Thanks!
Tweet-le 6 I think it was on twitter.
You know what I just realized? This is only Kate's second encounter with the Red Cross and BOTH TIMES she caused problems for them.
The first with her come hither naked photo, the second with the twitter war.
Say what you like about the blanket and whether or not it was appropriate, but you can't blame anyone for the twitter war but Kate. She could have ignored the tweets and it all would have stopped right there.
The Red Cross ain't stupid. I imagine right now they're thinking, fool me twice shame on me.
I'm sure Kate was in a real snit last night because her reputation precedes her moreso in her own home state than any other place. It's my guess people have had it up to here with her and treated her as such, ergo the 'grouchy' comment from the photographer. She was being ignored and, silly gala people, don't you know you NEVER ignore a narcissist.
It's all coming HOME to roost now.
Ah, Z meaning the zigmeister! DUH. I was thinking Z on TV, the Baltimore entertainment writer. LOL! I didn't think Z on TV would say something that stupid!!
Tweet-le 12 I has the same thought initially, but Z on TV bypassed kg a long time ago. :) Though it was fun while it lasted, this place is "home" now.
Thanks Admin.
About the horse therapy, I'm confused. If you look at the tweets beforehand, the PR woman retweeted one tweet referring to Kate as a bitch and also retweeted the photog's tweet about thanking god that he had the pictures to prove he wasn't lying. Those weren't kind tweets about Kate and then she invites her to an event?
Oh yeah they can do without Kate Gosselin. Have you seen their celebrity cabinet? They don't joke around.
They are also so conservative they just hate any kind of controversy. Kate brings too much drama.
They like nice wholesome celebs who make wholesome movies and TV shows and are married with a few kids and no known affairs. That's just how they've always been.
This is one of the best threads ever. I am picturing Kate's head swiveling around, Exorcist style, in anger. The irony is her angry twitters to the photographer illustrated his point perfectly.
Tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day....
Tamara 200 -- I have a real dilemma! I root for The University of Cincinnati, Xavier, and Notre Dame. XU plays ND in the first round. So -- for whom do I root?
Re equine therapy. Someone needs to let Kate know that it helps cognitively, emotionally and physically disabled children. Children whose needs far surpass just needing glasses. She may actually have to interact with such children.
If you stop and think about it what has Kate ever brought to the table for any organization? I can't think of one right now, but I'm also not trying very hard. I remember her strolling around at the women's conference a couple of years ago and she didn't look very popular there, either.
(Ha. I just remembered your trip to the book signing Admin and getting ejected by Ratclaws...ahhh those were the days)
No offense AuntieAnn 19, but today was the best so far. Thinking about taking tomorrow off.
To the poster that commented on Julie Carson May. I think you are on to something. For the equine therapy event, the lady tweeted that she wasn't able to get a hold of Kate's rep and then Kate told her to email her (Kate) directly through Kate's website. So Julie probably came with the TLC territory. Also, I checked Hugh's blog and he is going to be at that event taking pictures. Tee hee.
Poor Kate, really she barked up the wrong tree. See the thing with celebs is that they have been groomed and prepped most of their lives on how to handle these kinds of situations. The last thing a narcissist like Kate should do is pick a fight with him, especially now that TLC is out of the picture.
Can't wait til tonight!!
I don't think I could live without @Kateplusmy8 . It is defo one of the best shows on tv. Love them all
Oh my, oh my, oh my...what is she going to do when the reruns expire? She'll expire also? Better enjoy life now because it IS going to end!
Speaking of Ratclaws ejecting me from the book signing. Yet another stupid mistake on the part of handling the media.
I really was sort of the media there as a blogger. I run one of the top Gosselin blogs but I guess they didn't count on that. You never know who you are talking to. Had Kate been kind to me, had Ratclaws allowed me to engage with her about some of her thoughts about child labor laws, what could I really say?
All Kate had to say was I am not opposed to child labor laws to protect all children. In fact I think it's a good thing. i would have no problem with my family complying and in fact I would welcome it, this industry is rather unregulated and I am concerned too for other families. Really, there would be nothing I could say about that. Heck I might have even said hey bitch is really not that bad in person.
Hi Kate. (Administrator) said... 39
I bet they probably invited all the celebs who did the Red Cross blanket thing.
I also agree they probably didn't comp Kate if she wasn't even a speaker. They are a very public charity and have to account for every dime.
They can comp whomever they want. That will not show up in an audit. They need to account for expenses to hold the event and revenues generated. If they spend $5,000 to hold the event and sell $10,000 worth of tickets, they net $5,000. They do not have to report that an additional xx tickets were comped.
Kate's grumpiness and rude behavior was in full swing (view) on the episode she did when the guy came to check her water. He made a little joke about her dancing and she bit his head off. I felt sorry for the guy!
Here Admin: I left out the side discussion about Jons and I left out CJs rants.
iPhillyChitChat: I had a balls to the walls awesome time at #redball12 then Kate Goselin showed up and I got a shot that's gonna be seen around the world
anniemal @iPhillyChitChat is her photo worth anything these days?
iPhillyChitChat: the photo I have will be and she'll hate me for it - lol @anniemal
iPhillyChitChat: I'm totally waiting til the morning to send in my shots to my agency. The London office just asked me who Kate Gosselin was? @vintmz
iPhillyChitChat: I had no idea Kate Gosslin was going to the #RedBall12 tonight, and even when I saw she was on the list I didn't think she'd go
iPhillyChitChat: That's why I got the shot I did, cause I didn't get her on red carpet or get the tweet that told me she was there. I will say she grouchy
iPhillyChitChat: he's handsome in person too RT @skhanson12 @kateplusmy8 Does your shot involve her "bodyguard"?
iPhillyChitChat: @strawberrypsu she's really stunning, but still grouchy. I was sad. There's nicer ways to say things. so gorgeous but so angry @trawberrypsu
@iPhillyChitChat I'm sure @redcrossphilly &@dcschrader would not b happy ur spreading neg&lies abt me@ #redball12!Pur was 2help ppl in need!
Underwalt @iphillychitchat @kateplusmy8 So the bodyguard was with Kate?
iPhillyChitChat: I'm going to have the @kateplusmy8 story on @good_day_Philly 9:30AM Mon & in my @philymag column by 11AM Monday. @Underwalt #fb
SuzeW718 @PimpMyKids @iPhillyChitChat@strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 Angry is her Default emotion. But getting hissy at a photographer at a Gala is dumb
iPhillyChitChat: @SuzeW718 @PimpMyKids @strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat hi! I'm reading your tweets & am upset u are lying about me! I spent about 20 sec with u & gave you a pic...why the hate?
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat I'm sure @redcrossphilly &@dcschrader would not b happy ur spreading neg&lies abt me@ #redball12!Pur was 2help ppl in need!
iPhillyChitChat: I'm not hating on U. I'm just reporting what I saw, and what you did. Which part was lying? if you'd like 2write me directly @Kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat takes sick per2use a charityevent 2 spread hate/not good! 4record,all was + so ur lying if neg. Were u there 4fire victims?
skhanson12 @Kateplusmy8 If you didn't do anything wrong to photograph then he doesn't have anything. No worries
Kateplusmy8: @skhanson12 wrong? I gave him a pic! He clearly will make up lies...for his own was a charity event??! Why does he thinks it's ok?
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat @redcrossphilly u asked4a pic of me&bodyguard...NO! That ? summed u up!Gave u pic of me anyway.That's called graciousness
SuzeW718 @iPhillyChitChat @PimpMyKids@strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 Please report truthfully what you saw, I think it has to do with the "bodyguard"
iPhillyChitChat: ok stop worrying kate, I take you you're not fans. I have no feelings either way. @SuzeW718 @PimpMyKids @strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8
Underwalt @kateplusmy8 The power of the press is far greater than the urge to cover things up. Be nice to @iphillychitchat
iPhillyChitChat: OK stop it, I can see why Kate's getting upset. Poor thing no wonder she like the Bethenny of paranoid @Underwalt @kateplusmy8
iPhillyChitChat: ez zu is this the life of @Kateplusmy8
SuzeW718 @iphillychitchat @strawberrypsu@kateplusmy8 She's angry b/c you outed her to a "lie" & her real relationship with that "bodyguard"
iPhillyChitChat: Please stop. She has done work for Red Cross. I'm only reporting on the gals. I also have otro people @SuzeW718 @strawberrypsu @kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat good! Will look forward 2 ur truthful report. @redcrossphilly & guests know the truth so hoping ur reporting is accurate 2!
Kateplusmy8 @iPhillyChitChat @redcrossphilly u asked4a pic of me&bodyguard...NO! That ? summed u up!Gave u pic of me anyway.That's called graciousness
iPhillyChitChat: Thanks kate for giving away my story. geez @Kateplusmy8
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat I'm always happy2report THE TRUTH be4 ppl like u get a chance2make up lies&report as fact! Hav a nice day! @RedCrossPhilly
iPhillyChitChat: Thank God I have photos, + you don't have 2rely on what I say. Have to run out now. See you at 9:30AM on @Good_Day_Philly + I'll put up link
iPhillyChitChat:: they make cute couple. I could have followed all nite & got candids, but I left them alone @ashymama2 @SuzeW718 @strawberrypsu @kateplusmy8
ashymama2 @iPhillyChitChat @kateplusmy8@good_day_Philly @philymag @Underwalt If she doesn't hunt you down and put a stop to it by
iPhillyChitChat: she can write me if she wants. I'd tell her my report, but looks like she'd tweet it out @ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 @Underwalt
iPhillyChitChat: of course, public place, public person + media badge. It's not mean, I might take out grouchy since she's so bent out of shape @kateplusmy8
yet_another_day @iPhillyChitChat I bet @Kateplusmy8was glad to see you again.
It just truly amazes me the way her fanatics defend her every move/action, etc. Where there's smoke there's fire, pun kinda intended.
Yeah, astounding huh? Plus what's funny is how do they know what happened? They weren't there. It's just Kate who is claiming nothing happened.
Speaking of the book signing it reminds me of how I gave an accurate accounting of how many people were there, maybe 20 or 30 I forgot the exact number but not much, so few that Kate made them move her book signing between two bookshelves to make it look less like she was in a big room with no people. And then what does BabyMama do?? Immediately puts out a damage control post about how it's a lie, there were tons of people there. BM I love you since you aren't crazy, but this is a perfect example.
And then the BEST? Was when this was featured on Inside Kate's World, Kate was shown crying in a utility closet at the book signing to Steve about, you guessed it, HOW NO ONE SHOWED UP.
LOL I loved that moment.
iPhillyChitChat: she doesn't remember seeing me last year. She was on the phone the whole time. Wish I saw that Philly show. @yet_another_day @Kateplusmy8
iPhillyChitChat::The real fun story is reading my @iPhillyChitChat timeline. The fans and non fans of @Kateplusmy8 r now chatting w/each other crazy ensues
iPhillyChitChat: Thank God I have photos, + you don't have 2rely on what I say. Have to run out now. See you at 9:30AM on @Good_Day_Philly + I'll put up link
Kateplusmy8 @iPhillyChitChat Trying 2make a name 4 urself..w/ lies! What's2prove,othr than promoting U? Glad2c u care abt fire victims! @redcrossphilly
iPhillyChitChat: Kate if that were true I would go back to NYC and shoot real celebrities @Kateplusmy8 Trying 2make a name 4 urself..w/ lies!
iPhillyChitChat: I think it's time for you to go tend to your kids, you're just giving me more to talk about on my TV segment & in column @Kateplusmy8
iPhillyChitChat: I love how I get attacked by pro kate, anti kate and @Kateplusmy8 herself. Kate shld have written me like I asked & she wldnt be in a tizzy
Kateplusmy8: @iPhillyChitChat U will report ur opinion&look desperate.I've sd all I wanted2say.I'm sad u took attn off home firevictims! @RedCrossPhilly
Kateplusmy8 @iPhillyChitChat U will report ur opinion&look desperate.I've sd all I wanted2say.I'm sad u took attn off home firevictims! @RedCrossPhilly
3 hours ago from Twitterri
iPhillyChitChat: Actually @Kateplusmy8 more people will know about the @RedCrossPhilly from this entire unnecesary twitter storm you just created. TY #fb
iPhillyChitChat: I'm going to be covering all fun #RedBall12 people @good_day_philly plus Bettheny. I might need an hr segment now – LOL
BHappyLoveLaugh @iPhillyChitChat You created the storm by your snarky remarks. You're pride was hurt because she didn't remember u. Why hurt her over that?
iPhillyChitChat: are you just trying to get a friggin response. Someone asked me if she remembered me. I responded to them, no. geez. @BHappyLoveLaugh
BHappyLoveLaugh @iPhillyChitChat Kate said she would be happy to talk to u if u reported the TRUTH but u already made it clear u wanted drama Be Nice PLEASE
iPhillyChitChat: My piece wld have been 30 seconds of her & rest on the party, but now that's changed @BHappyLoveLaugh
iPhillyChitChat: She's trying 2convince wakadoodles that follow her that she's not mean and is not sleeping w/married bodyguard @StephenTaylorMM @anniemal
iPhillyChitChat: of course my story had nothing to do with either, but obviously it does now
BHappyLoveLaugh @iPhillyChitChat Sorry if I misunderstood. I really am. I think it has gotten blown way out of hand. We all were wrong. Please be nice. :)
iPhillyChitChat: I could have asked her + trust me she would have remembered. I was the only paparazzo who got the shots & story in Philly @BHappyLoveLaugh
2 hours ago - web
iPhillyChitChat: honestly, Kate is not that big of a star anymore to make a bundle, she's Paris Hilton now. A sex tape cld revive her career tho @PimpMyKids
iPhillyChitChat: Talking about smoke and fire, did you know there was one last nite at#RedCross12, and I have the hilarious pix of putting it ou
iPhillyChitChat: My new slogan, dont bring up religion, politics or @Kateplusmy8 at a party if you want to avoid hysteria (my @ timeline is crazy)
Rhymes with Witch said... 13
Tweet-le 12 I has the same thought initially, but Z on TV bypassed kg a long time ago. :) Though it was fun while it lasted, this place is "home" now.
Thanks Admin.
I agree, Rhymes.
The ninth tweet I listed is out of place but I repeated it in the right place. It was by K8
@iPhillyChitChat I'm sure @redcrossphilly &@dcschrader would not b happy ur spreading neg&lies abt me@ #redball12!Pur was 2help ppl in need!
Rich, I thought you would get the message when I deleted your last post.
I find comments about the private person in Kate's photo to be completely off topic and inappropriate. For god sake it is one photo of him. And it's that girl's DAD who was generous enough to tweet the photo to the public. STOP.
Tweet (6), if you go to Z's Twitter timeline, you can find any of her tweets. Here it is:
@PeggyScot @iPhillyChitChat @Kateplusmy8 Sound like a failed blackmail attempt to me.
Photog thinks the twotter war btwn haters and sheep was started by this incident.
I always thought that Kate needed Steve to be at events such as this because she didn't know how to conduct herself at a social event. You either have social graces, or you do not. She clearly does not. It seems apparent, though, that not even he could prevent whatever happened from, well...happening.
I always wondered, too, how she conducts herself at a formal dinner. We've seen evidence of her table manners - stabbing food, hunched over the table, both arms on the table, not knowing the proper way to hold the utensils. What must people think of this? Would she know that when you eat soup, you take the spoon away from you and when finished, the spoon goes on the soup plate - not sticking up in the cup? We've seen her taking her salad dish up to her mouth. Does she do the same with a cup of soup?
If wine was brought to her table to taste, would she know to taste it, or wait until her glass was filled?
Would she know that you don't stick your gum under the table before the meal is served? :)
Kate is a BULLY. Kate is also dumb and stupid. When your career is tanking, the media is the ones who can make or break you, beside the fans. Her being nasty to a member of the media, was one of the dumbest things she has ever done. The phrase: be nice to the people on the way up, cause these are the ones you will see on the way down. Kate never listens.
@iPhillyChitChat I'm gonna b sad when I lose the 40 new followers who think I care/don't care abt Kate/Jon after Monday, well until they come 2Philly again
@xxxxx @iPhillyChitChat who's "Kate & John"?
It looks like Julie Carson May is done with her(if she was provided by TLC, which seems to be the case), Steve is no longer paid to babysit her, and the TLC legal team won't be fighting her battles any more. Jon is unleashed, a photographer got an embarrassing shot of her (and a story to go along with it)...she has to be wondering what happened to her life.
Remember the days when she could walk all over everyone and nobody dared to say anything? When she could throw Jon under the bus as much as she wanted, and he couldn't even defend himself? When she could just snap her fingers and any business she wanted would shut down so that she and her kids wouldn't have to mingle with the mediocre public (or pay for anything)? When she could demand Nobu, Fig and Olive, or bleach jobs at Ted Gibson, and someone just made it all happen with no effort on her part? What happened? That's HER life, and TLC took it all away! She's got to be in a full-blown tizzy right now.
I'm imagining the Sicilian from The Princess Bride(anyone else looove that movie? Funniest movie ever!) saying, "Inconceivable!"
What blackmail? If he did not take a pic of Kate, she would have been all over him, he took a pic and she is still all over him. Kate you wanted the attention you got it!
Would appreciate it if anyone in the Philadelphia area knows if this show is streamed live on the internet.
Just wondering aloud if Kate was caught smoking? Something simple, but could ruin it for her 'healthy, running, organic mom' image.
admin said...All Kate had to say was I am not opposed to child labor laws to protect all children. In fact I think it's a good thing. i would have no problem with my family complying and in fact I would welcome it, this industry is rather unregulated and I am concerned too for other families. Really, there would be nothing I could say about that. Heck I might have even said hey bitch is really not that bad in person.
That's the problem. Perhaps she has some sort of learning disability? She can't THINK to say this. There's no cognitive thinking there, no ability to figure out, either ahead of time or in the spur of the moment, what would be the appropriate response. She depends on Steve to do it for her, and he, too, seems to be tactless, like a deer caught in the headlights. All he knows how to do is react by deleting photos and saying, "Go Go Gadget, Ratclaws!"
CJ attacking Red Cross?
Way to represent, psycho.
Smoke and fire.....caught smoking!!
Genius Berks!
Although I'm not sure this guy knows her enough to understand the significance of that. Who knows.
No wonder Kate's pissy. She needs a cigarette break. My BF gets like that too.
Anonymous said... 41
Would appreciate it if anyone in the Philadelphia area knows if this show is streamed live on the internet.
That's what I'm wondering. If it is it would be on this link maybe:
Or at least somewhere on
BF=best friend.
I could never kiss a smoker.
What about Kate's attorney Momjain? Isn't he hired by or through TLC as well? Or was he solely for the custody case? Is he still going to work for her? I don't know how much attorneys go for and I hope I never have to find out, no offense.
It was that organic tobacco I'll bet. Yeah, organic, that's it.
Sorry Admin, I was out of line.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 36
I always thought that Kate needed Steve to be at events such as this because she didn't know how to conduct herself at a social event. You either have social graces, or you do not. She clearly does not. It seems apparent, though, that not even he could prevent whatever happened from, well...happening.
I always wondered, too, how she conducts herself at a formal dinner. We've seen evidence of her table manners - stabbing food, hunched over the table, both arms on the table, not knowing the proper way to hold the utensils. What must people think of this? Would she know that when you eat soup, you take the spoon away from you and when finished, the spoon goes on the soup plate - not sticking up in the cup? We've seen her taking her salad dish up to her mouth. Does she do the same with a cup of soup?
If wine was brought to her table to taste, would she know to taste it, or wait until her glass was filled?
Would she know that you don't stick your gum under the table before the meal is served? :)
Tee-hee, I bet she drinks the water in her finger bowl and picks her teeth with her steak knife! - paper bowls for ice cream. Tell me again why she needs two (count 'em, 2!) dishwashers?
For what it's worth for those not in the Philly area, he tweeted this.
Way back in the day, the first year or two of J&K, there were a few rumours about Kate (and Jon but now we know he did/does) smoking. A few people had posted about spotting them sneaking smokes here and there.
That rumour always stuck with me... it wouldn't surprise me one bit if that's what this is all about. Maybe she could get Marlboro to sponsor her next marathon...
Good heavens, WHAT does she need to "stand strong" about? So she let her temper get the best of her. As others have said, not the first time we've seen THAT, is it? It really makes me wonder what in the HELL she is SOOOO worried about.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@beck4boys that was on r dry erase board by the 'tooth brush' sink awhile back..Thx 4 reminder.I'm standing strong-thx in part 2u guys!;)
She's back in full HappyMomandFamily mode now. As if none of this ever happened. If this is all much ado about nothing, she should find a way to "break the news" herself, prepare the ground, so to speak. Instead of alluding to it all night and, obviously, obsessing over it. Her behavior right now suggests that this is something REALLY deleterious to her image.
Localyocul @ 46 - Thanks, I'll give that a try.
Kate is 'watching' Hugo w/ her kids. NOT! She's tweeting while they watch. She should watch this movie. It's an Oscar Winning movie and absolutely beautiful in its composition and story line. Instead she 'tweets' with a bunch of nobody's while her kids are entertained and out of her hair (I assume they were with Jon this weekend and are now home where she can ignore them good and proper).
Did you see latest pic Kate took of the ice cream, on the plates. Looks as if Kate gave the kids a lot, is Kate drowning her woes in ice cream? or is this to shut the kids up? Looks like a lot of it, more than I would give to any kid, cause that amount would either make them a little sick or they will not finish it, and probably get it for breakfast.
You know I actually didn't really like Hugo but if I were watching it with my kids I would fake it.
Gift of grab said... 34
Tweet (6), if you go to Z's Twitter timeline, you can find any of her tweets. Here it is:
@PeggyScot @iPhillyChitChat @Kateplusmy8 Sound like a failed blackmail attempt to me
Gift of grab, thanks. That woman is almost as paranoid as Kate.
The one thing I have become through observing this saga is to be suspicious about Kate and her motivation. Since it seems that Jon's counting down the hours left in his contract with TLC, I think Kate is likely doing the same.(with a much different response) All of a sudden there is a huge drama about Kate that is about to hit the fan with pap pictures that sound pretty salacious. Could this be Kate's deliberate attempt for publicity? Could her contract with TLC have had some sort of prohibition against her becoming public with Steve? Maybe Steve believed that he wouldn't continue to be on the payroll if he became involved with Kate and they no longer have to think about TLC? Of course it could just be that Kate was finally caught in a week moment at a public function. She could be unraveling, she seems to be really on the edge lately so who knows. I just hope that if Kate does shatter in rage over being"outed" the kids are protected. But still, I wouldn't put it past Kate to come up with a scheme to get her back in People and an interview with the Today Show.
If this IS all about smoking, then she can kiss Rod Dixon and her fitness/marathon mama image goodbye. Although one of the photog's tweets seemed to be suggesting it has to do with Steve.
Or maybe Steve smokes, too.
This really is pretty funny, it IS moments like this that make watching this whole saga worth the time.
Kate's posted a picture of slop in paper bowls. Poor Kids. What was it she said again....2 dishwashers, run twice a day????
And just when exactly do couples usually enjoy a cigarette most?
Anyone? Anyone?
This is turning out to be twisted Kate on line episode 5. Episode 1. K8 canceled 2. Kate still grifting or TLC still paying. 3. wants talk show, 4. crying poor, 5. Kate fights with media. Did I leave any episode out?
Sorry that should be episode 6, I for got about kidgatestaycation.
I know, AuntieAnn! After sharing an organic salad, right??
Talking about smoke and fire, did you know there was one last nite at#RedCross12, and I have the hilarious pix of putting it ou
MAYBE her hair caught on fire.
You know how flammable straw/hay is ;o) are *terrible*! And I love every minute of it!
AuntieAnn said... 64
And just when exactly do couples usually enjoy a cigarette most?
Anyone? Anyone?
You are on fire today. TOOOOO funny!!! Bueller says a cigarette is best after picking feathers from ones teeth. LOLOL
Clueless said... 44
CJ attacking Red Cross?
Way to represent, psycho.
Have you forgotten the attacks on the RC by "haters" when Kate posed in the blanket? Way to represent, psychos!
Talking about smoke and fire, did you know there was one last nite at#RedCross12, and I have the hilarious pix of putting it out
Remember that scene from I Love Lucy, where she is in disguise and is wearing a putty nose? She tries to light a cigarette and her nose catches on fire and she dips it into a coffee cup. I just have visions of that...
Auntie Ann, um, ew?
Because it just can't be said enough, you just can't make this shit up.
Kate is a parody of herself.
Both Sides, you are right, and a lot of Twitter haters have nothing to be proud of, but it's far worse if what Kate brings to a charity is a slew of crazed, rabid fans who are even more bother than Kate herself.
She doesn't publicise charitable events she associates with, she doesn't contribute, she doesn't involve others, and her fans are just crazy. That's an incredible number of negatives. Her detractors are only a blip compared to what she and her fans bring to the table.
OMG - she said she was "honored" to wear that creation. Money really can't buy finesse.
"Tee-hee, I bet she drinks the water in her finger bowl and picks her teeth with her steak knife!"
LOL!! I was going to say something about a finger bowl, but I haven't seen one of those around in ages and figured the very youngins on here wouldn't know what they are! Some cruise lines still offer them, and the look on my kids's faces was priceless -- what do I do with these, Mom?
I just imagine her in that scene from Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts can't figure out which eating utensil to use...
1After sharing an organic salad, right??
Hahaha! Right. You win a spot on the lifeboat of Kate's cruise.
You are on fire today. TOOOOO funny!!! Bueller says a cigarette is best after picking feathers from ones teeth. LOLOL
LOL! You too! Hell everybody's on fire today! It's like the cork finally popped out of the champagne bottle.
I think I love that photographer!
Oh gosh Admin, sorry,I know that's bad. It's all Kate's fault.
Oh he's going to need way more than an hour.
He needs serious time, like mini-series time.
Wait! I want Nobu! I want Nobu! Not a lifeboat on the Kruise, AuntieAnn!
I'm BETTER than that, doncha know? (Excuse me, there seem to be feathers in my organic salad. See ya later!)
(Yeah, EVERYBODY is smoking hot today! Kate is sooooo inspirational! Whoo-hoo!)
Is this the prelude to "All of the rental houses were taken already LIE?
Jeanne K @JeanneKaye · Open
@Kateplusmy8 My friend at work kust made reserv. this summer @ outerbanks. Made me think of your trips. :)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@JeanneKaye oh I so so wish we could go this summer... Kids need sand&sun!
Poor kids must be running out of money fast.
So tired of her being honored like she's the queen of England....can she stop honoring herself....the ego on this mindless idiot is ridiculous...
@Kateplusmy8 U have shown urself discerning&wise...not pursuing trashy tabloid type offers. U have made good moral decisions&set good model!
Good god, Milo. Give it up! Your head is so far up Kate's butt that they'll need an obstetrical forceps to have it extracted.
"@Kateplusmy8 Glad local @RedCrossPhilly came 2ur support...can't believe how uncivil that gossip guy was 2U!"
When did this happen? The local Red Cross supported her? About what?
Kates fashion sense reminds me of the movie: "Working Girl" especially the beginning of the movie and the part when Melanie Griffin, and Joan Cusack, were at the bosses house and Melanies character, was tryin on her bosses clothes and put on that very nice cocktail dress. Joan character said it was not pretty it need a big bow or something, and when it was revealed that the dress was $600, Joan says it's not even leather. Kates dress reminds me of that scene. I looked at Macduggal dresses, and Kate could have picked out so many dresses, that were more with the style of the ball, not something with feathers. It made her look like a cheap hooker or a drunk party girl. Kate has no style or taste.
Um, I LOVE WORKING GIRL. Best "business" movie everrrrr.
Thoses poor kids, kate is gonna egg them to death. Eggs at every meal, what did those kids do to deserve that. I like eggs too but there is a limit. Kate is setting those kids up for health problem down the road.
@Kateplusmy8 I'd like 2see some of these naysayers handle ur household expenses & budget the way U do! U do whats best 4ur kids&always will!
Do these sheeple really believe this stuff? Why, Milo, how you handle household expenses and budget is that you GET A JOB and stop living off other people, expecting gifts and freebies to come your way! If you can't afford a huge house, domestic help and three luxury cars, then you DOWNSIZE, not get on Twitter to complain about how expensive everything is while at the same time you buy $450 dresses to wear to an event.
Do these sheeple have more than just a few screws loose?
Wait, kids need sand and sun? I thought they don't need anything, especially not movies, to make a childhood complete, and that a staycation is a great thing to do and that vacations aren't necessary when you can relax and reconnect at home.
I cannot keep up with this woman.
If all the fuss is about cigarettes, surely she wasn't smoking indoors. I wonder if the reporter got pictures of them smoking and smooching while taking a break from the festivities.
No comment:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · Open
@Kateplusmy8 U have so little time 4urself...ur devoted 2ur kids...& then when U go the extra mile 2help local charity someone trashes that?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@MiloandJack I know. But it wont stop me from helping.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · Open
@Kateplusmy8 They have the nerve 2call U a FameW....but these same people don't mind that ur ex has signed on w/Media Co. & wants Fame?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@MiloandJack the proof is in the pudding as they say.... I'll succeed and they'll 'always be mean' as @taylorswift13 says in her song! :)
I have to show the whole "30 Minutes of Milo: Sycophancy at Its Finest"(read from bottom up):
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Bible saying..."Wisdom is proved righteous by its works!" Ur works speak 4themselves Kate! U have no reason 4any shame!
2m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 @taylorswift13 that song! Could be ur anthem! U should get Taylor 2do a special w/U & kids on that subject! LOL
In reply to Kate Gosselin
5m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Always 2different standards huh? U tryin ur best in modest honest work & U get goes out barhopping & such OK!
6m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 They have the nerve 2call U a FameW....but these same people don't mind that ur ex has signed on w/Media Co. & wants Fame?
7m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 This whole thing has got me FiredUp ...I can't stand it when people are so unfair & unkind when U were there 2help!
9m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 I hope not Kate. I saw what that guy did...I hope he rethinks his snarky attitude when he does his "mess" 2morrow!
In reply to Kate Gosselin
10m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 I'd like 2see some of these naysayers handle ur household expenses & budget the way U do! U do whats best 4ur kids&always will!
14m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 U have so little time 4urself...ur devoted 2ur kids...& then when U go the extra mile 2help local charity someone trashes that?
15m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Kate took her free time 2support a good local charity...She didn't go out & hang in a bar! Report that @iphillychitchat
20m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Don't give up on the idea Kate....who knows what will happen 4U between now &, fun, sun & beach! :)
21m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Glad local @RedCrossPhilly came 2ur support...can't believe how uncivil that gossip guy was 2U!
26m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply
Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 U have shown urself discerning&wise...not pursuing trashy tabloid type offers. U have made good moral decisions&set good model!
28m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 I totally support U Kate in ur efforts 2continue a career in TV, radio or whatever media opportunity presents itself!
29m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Thank God ur kids had U as an insightful, 4ward lookin provider who knew U had 2reinvent urself..find new career 2support them!
32m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Many, many successful people in this economy have been forced 2pursue 2, 3 different careers...even late in life! Layoffs! :(
33m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...the gr8 "how 2support 8 debate" continues! Maybe U should do a blog abt Mommy Economics 101 4these who don't get it! :)
I see Kate is at it again, thanks to Milo, who just winded up Kate again. Those poor kids.
I wonder if Kate ever wonders why there are like, three people supporting her in this whole fiasco. I wonder if she ever wonders why it's always her that people end up hating and not some other celeb like say Angela Lansbury. She really does think that one day people woke up and just decided, I think I'll hate on Kate Gosselin today. Like that's how it happens and not SHE does something to them first. I mean seriously Kate, who goes to a Red Cross gala and thinks, I'm gonna sabotage a random celebrity here! The LA event celebs didn't seem to have a problem such as this, far from it.
And my money is on smoking. His cryptic "fire" tweet and talking about putting it out. I bet he went out there to smoke himself and there was Kate, lighting up. Oh please do post this pic, cannot wait. How will Kate's fans spin this one?
Let's call it right now. Oh Kate we all have our vices, I would smoke too if I were in your shoes dealing with all these haters, you are a strong woman for trying to quit! No one is perfect! Smoking is not ILLEGAL lots of people smoke like Laura Bush! Kate would never smoke around her children she only smokes when they are at Jon's. Jon smokes he must have forced Kate to smoke, Jon got her addicted, it's Jon's fault. Kate never lied she never says she DOESN'T smoke....blah blah.
Kate likes to see her name "trending." Let's see if she will be trending tomorrow and if she will tweet "YAY!"
Laughing so hard I can't breathe:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Why can't these liars 4once "pony up" the truth & commend U 4the gracious and honorable way U R living&working 4 ur kids!
Admin, maybe Kate and Steve were lighting each others fires?
Her kids don't need the local movie theater, but her kids need a fancy beach house so they can play at a beach in another state? Man is her money priorities really out of whack.
And I thought Kate said her kids didn't even know what "fast food" was in the early days of their first special or something? That 80% of what they bought was organic stuff. How is stopping to pick up Chinese food organic? Nothing wrong with it, but if you're going to still claim your kids eat totally healthy, don't turn around and buy Chinese food and hope people won't notice. At very least it's a useless lie. It doesn't make Kate any more special then any other soccer mom who might go through the drive thru once in a while. But, at least own up to it.
Her kids need a fancy private school, but they don't need anybody to play with at the park?
More Kate keeps her kids isolated and controlled, from my own experience it's going to create kids who either rebel and do things behind her back or they are going to end up being submissive and unable to have a say. Either way it's sad.
I have plenty of experience in the field of food-control, item control and it just isn't pretty. I hope her fans will still be able to claim her as the Best Mom Ever come her kids teenager years.
She'll succeed??????? What is it exactly is she succeeding at ? Please..someone enlighten god...she has lost what left of her mind...
"Could be ur anthem! U should get Taylor 2do a special w/U & kids on that subject!"
Oh that Milo... bless her heart...
And, Kate? Yeah, if you really ever held yourself to "higher standards," you wouldn't have even responded to the Philly reporter in the first place all over Twitter like an upset 6th grade girl. I mean really, make up your mind where your standards are supposed to be.
anger issues kate said... 85
Thoses poor kids, kate is gonna egg them to death. Eggs at every meal, what did those kids do to deserve that. I like eggs too but there is a limit. Kate is setting those kids up for health problem down the road.
March 11, 2012 6:23 PM
If she is making them eat eggs, it stands to reason that she doesn't want to spend MONEY on supermarket food....she makes them eat what the chickens spit out. Probably makes them feed the chickens, clean up after the chickens, water the chickens, and gather the eggs for their new meaning to the words..'having to work for your supper'.
geez, this woman is the cheapest woman on the planet, regarding anyone other than herself.
This is going to be one heck of an interesting year.
Just in the past week she's amassed two rather prominent haters. In addition to the normal mediocre people who turn on her every day. Earlier this week she insults the Dance Moms which prompts DM Melissa to come out of the woodworks with a BIG WTF I was your biggest fan!
Now her twitter war with this reporter guy.
In just one week, Kate. That's just a SAMPLING of your typical M.O.
It occurred to me that what Kate did--being nasty to the photographer last night and this morning--was biting one of the last remaining hands that could possibly feed her.
And she doesn't even realize it.
I am wondering if maybe putting out a fire has a different meaning than smoking. Did he find Kate and purseboy in an uncompromising position? I am just trying to figure out why she went on such a rampage unless she really did do something she doesn't want to get out. That or.... she has something set up with the photog perhaps just to get her name out there. She really doesn't care whether it is good or bad press just so she is in the news. Maybe she is hoping that this could be another boo hoo me media blitz trip. The whole twitter fiasco could have been just to get interest peaked. The photog keeps going from wait and see to feeling sorry for her. I hope that all will be answered tomorrow.
I can just hear one of the 8: "Geez, mom not eggs again, I'm sick of eggs, can't we have something else?" "You had something else, you had chinese food last night, that was from the money I did not spend on buying eggs" Kate logic at one of it's best. I would love to see the kids throw the eggs at her. (sorry lost myself there)lololol
I meant compromising. lol Oh brother. It's been a long day.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Why can't these liars 4once "pony up" the truth & commend U 4the gracious and honorable way U R living&working 4 ur kids!
Does Milo know that Kate doesn't have a job? Exactly how is Kate WORKING for her kids? Milo is a hoot. I wonder if those at the "facility" laugh along WITH her, or AT her.
Kate needs to calm down. She could easily parlay this into a I want to quit Smoking tour, complete with Dr. Drew handholding and tears, free hypnotist courtesy of Dr. Phill, and at least a spot or two on the Today show telling her courageous story of her battle to quit what Jon got her started on.
So, the TLC contract expires in 2 hours, and with it all the perks she was apparently still enjoying.
I now think TLC was continuing to pay for her hair in NY. I think the publicist goes away with the contract.
I think life is about to get really different for Miss Thang and I'm now understanding how she could be so incredibly blasé despite being out of a high-paid job for the past seven months.
Of course, I think she'll still try to keep up the wild-eyed fake happy persona on twitter, but it's going to be harder and harder.
In other words, while this thing with the photographer is certainly pissing her off, it's hardly her biggest problem, and I don't believe for a second that she set this up on purpose for attention. Not this.
anger issues, I can here Joan Cusack now - "it's not even leatha!" But $6000 in 1988 was more impressive than $450 - $500 now.
Smoke and fire...I think it is a toss up for steamy photos of the couple or smoking photos. I think the couple photos would be more damaging to her image that smoking photos (she could claim stress over money/prospects).
(anyone remember the autopilot smoking in the first "Airplane" movie?? Maybe the photo is a combo of steamy & smoking....).
Did he find Kate and purseboy in an uncompromising position? I am just trying to figure out why she went on such a rampage unless she really did do something she doesn't want to get out.
I thought about that, too. I am wondering, though, why she would say others would find out the truth and know this guy is lying. If there are photos, how can she claim rumor? He must have something that set her off.
I wonder if he will be silenced, and this whole thing turns out to be much ado about nothing.
"full Happy Mom and Family mode now"
Does that mean drank more than enough wine? (Administrator) said... 92
"And my money is on smoking. His cryptic "fire" tweet and talking about putting it out. I bet he went out there to smoke himself and there was Kate, lighting up. Oh please do post this pic, cannot wait. How will Kate's fans spin this one?"
She may have freaked out about being caught smoking because she is supposed to be a serious runner. I don't think someone could smoke and have the stamina to run a full marathon.
I can just see her now "Steeeve, he got a picture of me smoking, aren't you going to take care of it???"
Also... ala when Jon was photographed numerous times out in bars, the sheeple will not accept photographic proof of their qween being less than qweenly until the admission comes out of Kate's stanky lips. They outright refused to believe anything was wrong with the marriage until Kate did that first People cover story.
Wow it seems that FU4K/Miloandjack actually hates Jon more than she loves Kate. I didn't think it was possible, but I do believe half of her possessive love of Kate is based on her hatred and contempt for Jon.
It's all very simple, yet I know it's a fact that the sheeple don't understand. If the reporter has a legitimate photo of Kate doing something she would rather not be made public, then oh well. She shouldn't have done whatever it is in public. He has a legal right to sell it. If he says something on his show tomorrow that is untrue, she has a right to pursue him legally. She calls everything negative that is said about her lies, yet she's never publicly come out and said she successfully sued anyone for libel or slander. When the real celebs win those cases, they make it super public- as they would like to clear their name.
Exactly, it really is that simple. If it's not true, sue his ass. Many celebs have sued and won libel suits. I bet she could even find someone to grift free legal services. Until she puts her money where her mouth is, my money is on the dozens of reports talking about her bad behavior.
And by the way, Kate? Most mainstream journalists don't really prefer to amass a reputation as a liar. Just like a doctor doesn't like a reputation as someone who kills their patients. Most journalists I know are LIVID, mortified, furious when they get something wrong--be it because of a bad source, etc. Funny all the journalists you encounter don't seem to care about their reputation.
Kate acts horrified that someone would think she also had the Chinese food tonight, along with her children. She tweeted "NO!" when asked if she also ate this dinner. She just lives on her salads, apparently. Her kids are getting such a distorted view of healthy eating/living.
Tate I really couldn't agree more it's unhealthy to never eat what the kids are eating. Once in awhile who cares, but she never does. You're constantly setting yourself apart and eventually a kid starts to think okay so is the food I eat bad, fattening, not good enough? It's not healthy and couples with all her other hang ups will be yet another thing the kids will talk about on the couch. There are healthy options at most Chinese places. Start with a brown rice, veggie and tofu dish.
Naturally Kate ends the day with a hefty dose of food issues.
@Kateplusmy8 R u surprised about Jon signing w/ media co. ? I am! He seemed to b agst that stuff, maybe he realizes now where the $ is ;)
Kate Gosselin Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@KS239 knowing what I know, no I am not at all surprised....
@KS239 knowing what I know, no I am not at all surprised....
Oh for God sake Kate. As if your entire career hasn't been about making yourself famous!!! What is WRONG with her???
What if the picture is of Kate being arrogant (sp?) and rude to a a fire victim or to a RC person and giving them what for? Or doing something else inappropriate besides smoking or taking care of Steve. Just speculating.
Kate's go to excuse (and of course the sheeples) is that people make up lies about her because they are jellus of her fame & wealth.
And, how could the Marley and Me author possibly be jealous of her fame and wealth. He's famous and wealthy himself, maybe even more famous and wealthy than her. How do they explain him?
Phoenix (94), my theory is that milo and her ilk have 100% bought into the notion that Kate IS working by maintaining her "media profile." They applaud her for "chasing her DREAM" and don't ever mention the fact that she is currently only very partially employed and not, apparently, even looking for work in, ahem, non-media-related venues.
This is exactly what KATE has convinced herself of. That she is, in fact, WORKING by pouring out the endless drivel on her blog, adding to the endless drivel with her coupon-ignoring CC posts, and topping off the endless drivel with her daily Tweets.
This is the absolute pinnacle of DELUSIONAL THINKING, and her fans are those she has sucked others into this fantasy alongside her (exhibit 1, milo). Marie, you were right about it being "cult-like." However, in this case, it doesn't matter how many times Kate or her fans intone the mantra, if she's not getting paid for it, it's impossible to view the endless drivel as a JOB.
Looks like Effie actually reported facts without kissing Kate's butt. Its about time.
She's saying she's had a great day with her kids?
She's only been with them a few hours and she tweeted the whole time. How did she spend a great day with her kids?
Oh and it's totally eating her up that Jon is with a media company and she's not. Totally.
90 minutes until the contract is done. I almost wonder if TLC didn't also buy her some twitter followers just to appease her. Cheap for them, keeps her off their back. It would make sense, God knows she wouldn't spend her own money on that.
Clueless: link?
@TrippenIn thanks! @macduggal is very good to me! I had at least 6 dresses 2 choose from!Loved the black too ;) Had a great X!Met great ppl!
So she didn't buy the dress. Grifted it. Should have known. Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find. She's beyond pathetic.
Dallas Lady, it's Effie ("legendarywriter") on I read it and now the link doesn't work anymore. She actually got 5 positive comments because she just REPORTED the story instead of drawing any Kate-positive conclusions.
Maybe she's pulled it down? I am sure CJ (formerly one of her biggest fans) did not approve.
DL: Link is working again:
kate, Im watching Frank (look him up) on PBS (public broadcasting), #talent.
Been working outside in my yard all day. Whew...what I missed. Sat down to watch Amazing Race and thought I would take a quick peek here. Still here. Amazing Race is recorded for later.
First, so much funny. Nothing I could say would be better.
I have another quote from Working Girl. Also from Joan Cusack. "Sometimes I sing and dance around the house in my underwear. Doesn't make me Madonna. Never has, never will." (I hope that was close enough.) I have often though of that quote as relates to Kate.
She pretends to be many personalities...but, never has and never will be true.
Thanks for all the great reading.
PhillyChitChat: I think it's time for you to go tend to your kids, you're just giving me more to talk about on my TV segment & in column
In other words, you don't know when to shut up for your own good! Haven't we been saying this all along? She just keeps digging that hole deeper.
I added some of the tweets, thanks Local for putting it together!
Working Girl has some many applicable life lessons, LOL!
Sigourney Weaver however you spell it, had it "all" and got there by lying, cheating and stealing. And yet her life was actually in shambles. The mediocre rose up and overtook her.
The gather link still isn't working for me. I get the problem loading page error.
Wow,--haven't had a chance to read since last nite!
i agree with admin that the pictures will show her sneaking a cigerette--and, maybe some incriminating shots with Steve. The photographer said that his original pix and comments were brief and not related to Kate and Steve. But, thanks to Kate herself, he was going to expand his evidence--implying that it would include shots and/or reports involving Kate and Steve.
Maybe we aren't being imaginative enough--maybe there are shots of Kate snorting cocaine, using a thousand dollar bill. I mean, if we are going to use our imagination, let's think a little bigger than a cigarette!
Kate is describing her "helping" the Red Cross, as if she was single-handedly putting out fires while treating the burn victims. Delusions of grandeur, Kate? Exactly how have you "helped" the Red Cross, except for creating a side show to get attention for yourself? And, how dare a lowly photographer publish actual pictures of Kate after she bestowed him with the greatest gift of all--a posed shot of her flashing them fancy veneers. As for why she doesn't tweet about the Red Cross: IMO, Kate always sees life from the point of view of scarcity--if she inadvertently causes someone to donate to the RC, then she views that as less money that may come to her.
I would almost believe that this photographer was set-up by Kate in order to catapult herself to the top trending spot--but, I don't think she is that clever.
I loved the reference to the Unsinkable Molly Brown, trying to win over those snobby neighbors and society folk. However, Molly Brown was everything Kate wants to be--but is not. Can you imagine being stuck on a lifeboat with Kate? I guess everyone could just hang on to those inflatables on her chest!
I loved the comment that, when it comes to knowing Kate Gosselin, ignorance is bliss!
Last, but not least, congratulations to Jon, for finally being a free man. Use it wisely, Jon...there are 8 lives that depend on you.
You're welcome! It's been an entertaining day! Can't wait for tomorrow!
All Kate's done is cause problems for the Red Cross.
Other celebrities donate their time and money to go to far off places in Asia and Africa to help out with various projects. Other celebrities have made documentaries on their dimes about various social issues for the Red Cross to help bring more awareness. One celeb even took an entire school group of inner city kids to a third world country to not only help out but to teach kids here about others in need. Other celebs pass out food and water in Haiti for the Red Cross, in Japan, and in countless other disaster areas.
Kate has done nothing but cause problems for this organization just being herself.
Poor Kate is saying she needs a vacation. From what?? What does she do all of the time? She's not working a 40 hour a week job and raising her kids like most other moms. She has loads of free time every single day when her kids are in school or with Jon or the nannies.
And she is also moaning that she and the kids need to go back to Bald Head Island this summer. Poor Kate. Such a hard life.
In other words, she needs a vacation from her vacation? Don't you just love people who say stuff like that?
@Kateplusmy8 U have shown urself discerning&wise...not pursuing trashy tabloid type offers. U have made good moral decisions&set good model!
Aw come on. Where's the hidden camera? That's a joke right?
Even though I have read every post here, I am still not sure -- did anyone tweet the Philly photographer a link to this site? All the background he needs for tomorrow morning.
Kate smiled for the mediocre AND tied her hair back. What more should she be expected to do? Write a check? Have humility?
Here are some of my photo guesses:
-- smoking
-- crotch shot or nip slip
-- her crying and Skeeve comforting her
-- really ugly shoes
-- others "laughing"at her
I don't think she was doing anything sexual with Skeve. Besides her having no libido, why would they do ANYTHING publicly. I think she had a breakDown and this dude caught it.
I admit it, I have been googling my brains out to see if I can find any more photos of Kate last night, no luck there. I did find a lot of photos without Kate though, on albfor's weblog (just googled red ball 2012 photos) and his website came up. It looked like a lovely event.
While looking around, I also came across a 5k walk/run sponsored by the Philadelphia Red Cross to be held on Saturday, April 21st, 2012. Now, this sounds like good fit for Kate, a charity she supports, and something she could do with the kids. This would also give Kate a look of consistency, but then we are talking about Kate, and consistency is not her strong suit. Oh, I forgot, a 5k walk/run with her 8 children would evoke panic in the streets of Philly. Silly me.
I'm late to the game, but just from reading that Twitter war....
it appears to me that Kate was caught doing something she knows will be bad for her image and is desperately trying to do damage control.
And it also seems that she is all of 12 years old. That was embarrassingly juvenile the way she handled that. Classy people would've ignored it, and if there was truly nothing to hide, then why even bother engaging him in what she considers him making a name for himself?
I would say that Twitter war made her look like even more of an ass than she already is.
There are other pictures at Pressi's site.
She said good night, but I doubt that she is sleeping. She came straight to this site and she is reading and reading and reading. There isn't enough wine to dull this -- she's awake and worried.
What I will never understand is, WHY do these companies/charities, etc want to have anything to do with her? There is absolutely nothing positive associated with her name, and for the most part she is like a foul stench. You know how it is when you are in a room full of people and everyone is looking around to see who farted? That's Kate.
Just to clarify; if anyone thinks I'm just a sweet old lady - I was a 1969 hippie who remaind open
minded, especailly about music. hee hee,
p.s., I was a very young hippie (no kidding)
Dallas Lady said... 144
There are other pictures at Pressi's site.
Think she drew some Tarot cards she didn't like? Bet that would make her grouchy. Think she got in a cat fight with the Tarot reader?
Can't wait to see what awaits us in the a.m.
LAYLA SAID: Remember the days when she could walk all over everyone and nobody dared to say anything? When she could throw Jon under the bus as much as she wanted, and he couldn't even defend himself? When she could just snap her fingers and any business she wanted would shut down so that she and her kids wouldn't have to mingle with the mediocre public (or pay for anything)? When she could demand Nobu, Fig and Olive, or bleach jobs at Ted Gibson, and someone just made it all happen with no effort on her part? What happened? That's HER life, and TLC took it all away! She's got to be in a full-blown tizzy right now.
Yes, TLC took away the show, but it is Kate who caused her own demise. She had innumerable opportunities to meet people, connect with those who could help her and maybe try to find something that she could do. But no! She has alienated and pissed off EVERYONE through her mean and nasty personality and entitlement agenda. She is stuck in PA because she lives there and everyone there is onto her and had been for YEARS! Now, with her pissing off the media, she is done. Finished. Dead as a doornail. The next few weeks will be interesting to say the least!
March 11, 2012 5:02 PM
Is someone local going to be watching the Philly show in the morning? Is anyone recording it?
LAYLA SAID: Remember the days when she could walk all over everyone and nobody dared to say anything? When she could throw Jon under the bus as much as she wanted, and he couldn't even defend himself? When she could just snap her fingers and any business she wanted would shut down so that she and her kids wouldn't have to mingle with the mediocre public (or pay for anything)? When she could demand Nobu, Fig and Olive, or bleach jobs at Ted Gibson, and someone just made it all happen with no effort on her part? What happened? That's HER life, and TLC took it all away! She's got to be in a full-blown tizzy right now.
Yes, TLC took away the show, but it is Kate who caused her own demise. She had innumerable opportunities to meet people, connect with those who could help her and maybe try to find something that she could do. But no! She has alienated and pissed off EVERYONE through her mean and nasty personality and entitlement agenda. She is stuck in PA because she lives there and everyone there is onto her and had been for YEARS! Now, with her pissing off the media, she is done. Finished. Dead as a doornail. The next few weeks will be interesting to say the least!
March 11, 2012 5:02 PM
I found a link to the piece by John Grogan that was mentioned somewhere in this thread (wayward?) today. I believe it was first published in May 2005. Interesting.
"We did not ask for sextuplets. We wanted one last baby," Gosselin tells me, quickly adding that she loves all six beyond words. "We took the risk and we lost."
I hope to heaven that the kids never get wind of this. They took the risk and they lost? Lost what? They were given six beautiful, healthy babies, and she has the nerve to say that they lost?
She's always talking about how expensive it is to raise these kids, how much trouble it is to take them places. Do these kids feel that they are a burden and it's their fault that their mom has so much on her plate (or so she says). It must be horrible growing up thinking that you are the reason that your mother is so miserable.
First off, do you think the pic they got was of her smoking? His second to last tweet makes me think it might be related to that rather than a compromising position between her and Steve.
Wasn't Steve scheduled to attend some shindig with Gina Neild this month? Could she have been there last night?
Also, Pam - Remember, all these companies know of Kate is what they read about her in the bio her PR team sent out. For the majority of the world, she really is a nobody.
You know, Kate's biggest problem? She's a short term thinker and her own worst enemy.
Coming in late on this and I'm sure this has probably already been said but..........did she really show up in that dress. She looks like an emu. WTF is wrong with her?
Ummmmm, call me dumb here, but I don't get why the photographer didn't just keep his mouth shut and spring this photo and story without warning?!
Why give the twisted woman any warning?
All it did, as far as I can see, is get her riled up, into attack mode. I bet dollars that she has tweeted the guys publication to threaten to sue.
Me, I'd just quietly run the story and laugh at her attempts to 'explain' it after it was published.
But I do have to admit the twitter rampage she was on WAS entertaining. She sure is coming unglued, isn't she?! She is too stupid to get that he was provoking her for a better story.
Should have kept your trap shut kart...... you are the only and the complete reason you lost your show, your reputation, your family.
Can't wait to see this photo tomorrow and read the guys story.
Dallas asked,
Is someone local going to be watching the Philly show in the morning? Is anyone recording it?
Yes, Dallas, I'll be watching, but not recording. I can't record in my office. I'm sure it will be all over the internet in no time.
I just wonder if there really is anything to all of this - if it's all hype with no substance, and he was all talk, blowing smoke (pun intended)...
I just wonder if there really is anything to all of this - if it's all hype with no substance, and he was all talk, blowing smoke (pun intended)...
It doesn't matter. The story now is the twitter war itself, not what really happened at the gala. If there was something juicy, the smoking gun so to speak, that will just be icing on the cake at this point.
Kate strikes again. Kate makes the negative story all by herself.
All it did, as far as I can see, is get her riled up, into attack mode. I bet dollars that she has tweeted the guys publication to threaten to sue.
See I highly doubt that. She probably called her lawyer and whined a bit and the lawyer said level with me is what he is saying true??? Kate will say well yessss but, whine whine whine...
The lawyer will say call me when someone actually MAKES UP a story about you and on top of that does it maliciously. I don't file frivolous suits, Kreider.
Her reaction speaks volumes. I bet the pic will be disappointing after all this. It's probably just Kate with a sour face and we've all seen that before. @iPhillyChitChat
Kate didn't lie to me. There's nothing to report about that. Really it's just that she was there, & Steve was there @lisakn16 @Kateplusmy8
He's tweeting again...
Kate didn't lie to me. There's nothing to report about that. Really it's just that she was there, & Steve was there @lisakn16 @Kateplusmy8
I'm outright expecting the pic to be a letdown. How can is possibly top today's antics? If it's something good like her smoking, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
On another note, that was kind of a genius idea of this guy to tease about a damning pic to get you to watch Monday morning. Especially with the way the Kate fandom is. Nice going.
Ellie's article on Gather doesn't seem to be there. I found the link through a google search, but I can't go to it. My Internet is working fine. @iPhillyChitChat
Kate didn't lie to me. There's nothing to report about that. Really it's just that she was there, & Steve was there @lisakn16 @Kateplusmy8
That's not what he said before. He started off saying he got a shot that would be seen around the world.
That's not what he said before. He started off saying he got a shot that would be seen around the world.
Yes, he did. Could someone have gotten to this guy? Sounds like he's backpedaling.
iPhillyChitChat: Talking about smoke and fire, did you know there was one last nite at#RedCross12, and I have the hilarious pix of putting it ou[t]
Well, I'm guessing that kHate & Stevie got hot and smokin together at the gala, and a surprise shot by the philly photog quickly put their fire out.
PimpMyKids @PimpMyKids · Open
@SuzeW718 @iPhillyChitChat @strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 She doesn't need an excuse to be angry. She just is.
12h Squatter @SuzeW718 · Open
@PimpMyKids @iPhillyChitChat @strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8 Angry is her Default emotion. But getting hissy at a photographer at a Gala is dumb @iPhillyChitChat · Close
she didn't get hissy, per se, but I don't want to chit chat til I write & report it. @SuzeW718 @PimpMyKids @strawberrypsu @Kateplusmy8
11:20 AM - 11 Mar 12 via web · Details
Sorry Admin. if this is drama you don't want. Don't know if anyone posted already. I'm done for tonight.
Over Yonder said...
Yes, he did. Could someone have gotten to this guy? Sounds like he's backpedaling.
If he has a good shot that will either boost his rep, because it will be a scoop or can sell it to a tabloid site, then Kate will probably have to meet his price. Interesting that another charity tweeted that they couldn't reach her rep in view of the assumption that her contract is expirining tonite. Sounds like she is on her own--she said she did her own hair and makeup. He might be backpedaling just to get Kate and her bloodhounds off his scent. Just about the only thing Kate can do is take away his scoop by releasing any negative stories. Oh --wait-- he still has the pix. Hmmm...he thinks she is gorgeous--maybe he would be open to some negotiations.
I don't think he's backpedaling. I think he is truly amazed at the shitstorm that surronds her.
I bet he had no idea what she's really like because, like he said, she just isn't that well known anymore.
I imagine he just quit responding to her and other tweets about it. We'll see tomorrow.
In fact, I bet a big part of his story tomorrow is that a) he took her picture, b) she was an absolute snot to him, and c) the ensuing shitstorm on twitter from her 3 fans and all us "haterz"........(hate that label)
Her little hissy fit has become the story.
She's such a pathetic excuse. The next few weeks will tell a lot now that TLC is finally dropped her to the proverbial curb. Finally.
If he has a good shot that will either boost his rep, because it will be a scoop or can sell it to a tabloid site, then Kate will probably have to meet his price.
I'm not sure about that Ex. I don't think she's worth much. She's not really front page tabloid material anymore. We had fun with it today because she had a fit on twitter but beyond that she's yesterdays news.
I doubt she bought his photos. That would be extortion and illegal.
He can print them if he wants. He can not print them if he wants. Freedom of the press. There's nothing she can do about it. @iPhillyChitChat Close
OK good. It was @kinley who thinks she lied 2me. Sorry. No lies. We didn't even talk but 40 seconds. @Underwalt @barbarajean_s @kateplusmy8
Ok, one more. Except if your confused, so am I. You will have to search his tweets. I'm lost. Poor photographer! And Blove person? Whatever her handle is, She doesn't know if she should yell or beg or crawl on her knees for forgiveness so he will be nice to Kate. It's enough to gag a maggot.
He already sent it to his bosses at the Daily Mirror (at least I think that was the paper he mentioned). It will be on TMZ by tomorrow, I'm sure.
Honestly, it probably wasn't even all that scandalous. Kate's just made such a big deal out of it that now the real story, as someone said earlier, is the twitter war that happened today.
Oh well, everyone will learn in a few hours what it was all about. Most of the world will go "Kate who?"
Honestly, it probably wasn't even all that scandalous.
Bummer though if it's nothing. I'd kind of like to finally see a pic of Kate and Whateva caught necking in the parking lot.
I will admit that I have only read the 375 posts. Please forgive me if this has been covered. I spend today outside working in the garden. Its suppose to be cold and wet this week so I had to do it before the next storm hit.
Kate could have easily done damage control. All she had to say about the grumpy comment is that she was stressed. Everyone would understand. We all get grumpy when we are stressed.
Instead, she turned this into a twitter war. She acted like a 12 year old who cant control her emotions.
"Honestly, it probably wasn't even all that scandalous."
Then why the tweet about the shot that will be seen around the world? Something obviously spooked her or she wouldn't have gotten into a twitter spat with him. If it's nothing, wouldn't you just ignore it, knowing that it would blow over, rather than calling attention to it?
That's what any normal person would do, but wait...this is Kate. She can't zip it about anything.
Hey ms. kreider! I just got home from nags head NC where we have a rental house. Spring cleaning today! Nags head is closer than bald head island, and you can save lots of money by staying on the west side of old Oregon inlet road. 700 feet to the beach is all you have to walk. the house sleeps ten so you can bring a friend! You can even bring shoka, we have a pet fee that is least of any in the outer banks. you can afford a beach vacation if you just look at less expensive houses.
Sincerely, joy in Virginia, proud owner of across the road from the beach house - that rents for lots less because it is across the road!
Two more pictures of Kate at the Gala at
Big deal. Two boring pics. I think we've been set up by this philly photog. Dammit!
Big deal. Two boring pics. I think we've been set up by this philly photog. Dammit!
I don't believe that these are the photos that are causing the controversy. These are just generic photos. According to the Philly photographer, that won't be released until 9:30 a.m.
I think Kate was caught smoking by Phil and I will go further and bet Steve approached him and asked Phil for the photo he took of Kate. He objected of course. Perhaps someone took photos (with their iphone) of this playing out. Oh, please, please with a cherry on top, be true.
I had another thought as to what the photos may be. We all saw the photo Phil took of Kate by the carosel that he mentioned in his tweets. She was smiling away. Well, we know that Phil found her remarks she made to him requesting this photo to be grouchy and I think angry. So maybe Phil took another photo of Kate walking away after the carousel photo. We know that the back of her dress was retarded looking and he just had to get a shot of it. Well, Kate may have heard the click of his camera while she was walking away. So Kate angrily snapped her head around at him and gave him a very ugly look. And of course, he happily snapped away at her disgusting glaring face she made at him.
So he would have three photos of her. First one, she is smiling away. Second one, she is walking away giving us a back view of that 8th grade, sexy, prom dress. Third photo, she had a very pissed off look glaring at him.
The photos would demonstrate what a two-face bitch she. In just a few moments time, she can turn on a dime.
I would settle for that scenario. That along with all of Kate's immature, out of control tweeting about it all would make her come off very badly in the media.
Third photo, she had a very pissed off look glaring at him.
Or maybe flipping the bird!
Oh what a wicked web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
Check out the third paragraph and see what "notable guest" was not mentioned. Betting the Queen was NOT happy.
Gosselin8-that was last year's ball.
188- Sorry- missed that- too early. But I bet she didn't like it last year either, as she was reportedly there according to the photographer.
You can watch the Philly show online at
They were already snarking about how she wore 'black' to the RED ball. To quote: "Obviously, she didn't get the memo."
Thanks for the link. Are there talking about lotion on your end? What happen to Kate & Phil?
KatKate and Phil are next. They just finished the lotion segment.
That is fucking it. He has a lot to explain about the photo that Kate would not like and would be seen around the world...NOT.
Wow Hugh. That wasn't all you cracked it up to be.
njay said... 168
Interesting...and of the event with not a SINGLE shot of Kate. Kate, you are irrelevant.
Well even if that's it the twitter war was fun and showed Kate to be the twitiodt that she truly is. Who knows maybe someone did get to him and his best revenge was not to mention her at all and no publicity is worse than bad publicity!
Phil said that he saw Kate and asked for a photo of her and Steve (he didn't know it was her bodyguard). Kate "snapped" at him and "just a second" (because she was getting her cards read) and then said answered him, "No, not with by bodyguard". Then he went on to say that on twitter yesterday "she called me a liar" and then said either Kate (not true) or someone else on twitter said she will blackmail me. He said she was beautiful and had a beautiful smile. Thanked her for coming to the Red Ball. He did show the photo of Kate by the carousel that we all saw yesterday. Why did he think Kate would object to that photo. It was very nice looking of her.
He said NOTHING about a photo that Kate wouldn't be happy with and how it would make it around the world. What was the big to do about? The whole segment lasted less than 6 minutes and the majority of that time was him talking and showing photos of everyone else being there.
Here's Hugh's story...just the part relevant to Kate:
"Below: Kate Gosselin, of Kate Plus 8, was there, as it was Jon Gosselin’s weekend with the kids. I caught up with her as she was getting a tarot-card reading from Marilyn Sukonick-Zeff. Kate was really into the reading, and I later overheard her tell her boyfriend, er, bodyguard (as she barked at me), Steve, that she was still confused about her future. Seems she didn’t ask specific questions because she didn’t want the tarot-card reader to know who she was? The good thing was no one harassed her all night, as most people didn’t recognize her. When they did, she happily posed with them. She looked sexy in her short, mid-thigh cocktail party dress from Mac Duggal Couture." @iPhillyChitChat
the photo I have will be and she’ll hate me for it – lol @anniemal
In reply to Annie Heckenberger
10 Mar @iPhillyChitChat
I had a balls to the walls awesome time at #redball12 then Kate Goselin showed up and I got a shot that’s gonna be seen around the world #fb
Maggie said... 197
Phil said that he saw Kate and asked for a photo of her and Steve (he didn't know it was her bodyguard). Kate "snapped" at him and "just a second" (because she was getting her cards read) and then said answered him, "No, not with by bodyguard". Then he went on to say that on twitter yesterday "she called me a liar" and then said either Kate (not true) or someone else on twitter said she will blackmail me. He said she was beautiful and had a beautiful smile. Thanked her for coming to the Red Ball. He did show the photo of Kate by the carousel that we all saw yesterday. Why did he think Kate would object to that photo. It was very nice looking of her.
He said NOTHING about a photo that Kate wouldn't be happy with and how it would make it around the world. What was the big to do about? The whole segment lasted less than 6 minutes and the majority of that time was him talking and showing photos of everyone else being there.
Yesterday you ripped me a new one for saying I hoped no one was going to be disappointed if it all turned out to be negative. I said no way would that happen.
It happens EVERY TIME!
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