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Mac Duggal |
Why did Kate kept such a fun event hush-hush? Is she embarrassed to be spending the children's money on her custodial time while she simultaneously complains about not even being able to afford to take them to the movies and waxes on about buying clothes too big for them and not having any coupons for milk? Kate? You've been outed!
Hi, Steve. We see you there in the background channeling Kevin Costner.
715 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 715 Newer› Newest»For some reason, I can't access the 3rd page of comments. Just making a comment to see if that helps.
Butterfly: good advice. I had a similar couple, one from "Target" saying I owed $$ and one on line pretending to BE my security program! Njay, you were wise not to gibe your SSN out- so many people get scammed.
Kate's antics keep getting worse. The twins are old enough to be so embarrassed by her. :(
twit: I just posted and the comments appeared for a second then disappeared!
njay -- Report that email to Amazon customer service ASAP! I purchase fr. om Amazon all the time (proud Kindle owner LOL) and I have NEVER been asked to supply a Social Security number, EVER. This is probably a phishing email and Amazon needs to know about it (and probably will need a copy of it) so they can track down the sender and deal with it.
Thanks butterfly said... 194, will do. I have just been ignoring them.
Sharon said... 152
Radar just posted 3 pics of Jon's home in the woods! Why on earth did they do that?? It just makes me mad that his privacy has now been breached after 2 or more yrs. of living a somewhat quiet life. I guess the announcement of the book and the trip to LA gives them the right to stalk him!
I don't know what exactly they are trying to prove. It is a modest home by most standards, and I don't know if they are complimenting him or making fun...Either way, I wish whoever did that would at least give the kids a break and stay away from there! It just never ends....
He made the choice to re-enter public life. There are consequences to that choice and this one of them. It's not as if he is naive to the tabloids.
Wow. Blogger's really acting up. Posts have changed and rearranged since I was here earlier, one of admin's posts reposted itself five? times and I can only see to comment 6 on a page that's supposed to have 17.
Thanks all. I just got caught up on most of the posted suggestions for me. I will take care of it as suggested. Thanks again.
I disagree that because you are in the public eye it's fine for people to take pics of your house. I don't think the paps should take photos of where the children live. It's a security risk. It's actually become pretty taboo in L.A. for paps to take such photos of someone's house. Pick up any tabloid, you see pics at the grocery store, out and about, but rarely if ever at home. It crossed the line. Jon and Kate are not running for office, the public doesn't have a right to take pictures of whatever they feel like. What's next, the paps are fine to put a telephoto lens into their bathrooms while they shower because they're in the public eye?
Yes blogger is being very testy! Maybe it got offended we talked about switching to dungo or whatever iti s.
I've been meaning to comment about the first photo above, the one where they're laughing at jokes. From the minute I looked at it, it was obvious that she was SO faking the laughter and so was he, but her more so. Now that I read he had jokes about her in his bit, I get it. It was during the part he was joking about her, and so she has to do this exaggerated laugh to show how ready she is to laugh at herself. Steve's laughing, too, but under his looks like a guy who's thinking, "oh oh". The woman next to kate is all hunched up looking like she's ready for Volcano Kate to erupt.
The final page of posts has finally appeared. Whoo Hoo!
Captions Brad: UH, just smile. Have no idea who she is but SHE thinks she's somebody. If I stay very still maybe no one will get hurt.
Steve: Dammit, good enough to sit up front with her, but not good enough to get my picture taken. Maybe if I stand up on my tippy toes they can see me.
Khate: Dammit. What a choice. Kids or Vegas... kids or Vegas...OH, well, it is all about me, so Vegas it is! mmmm now I have to figure out how to twit mysef out of this one so the twits will keep sending me free stuff. No problem, they believe everything I tell them. Keep smiling. Wonder if Stevie will explain all the jokes to me later????? Did they eat their crunchy veggies first? They better be in their assigned seats if they get on the BBB. That chicken coop better be CLEAN when I get home. So great tht all the paps came tonight to see ME!!!!!
"So great tht all the paps came tonight to see ME!!!!!"
I would just about guarantee that she believes she is the biggest star there.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 9
I disagree that because you are in the public eye it's fine for people to take pics of your house. I don't think the paps should take photos of where the children live. It's a security risk. It's actually become pretty taboo in L.A. for paps to take such photos of someone's house. Pick up any tabloid, you see pics at the grocery store, out and about, but rarely if ever at home. It crossed the line. Jon and Kate are not running for office, the public doesn't have a right to take pictures of whatever they feel like. What's next, the paps are fine to put a telephoto lens into their bathrooms while they shower because they're in the public eye?
First, Jon isn't even in the photos so the comparison to a telephoto lens in the bathroom is overly dramatic. As someone else said, they look like stock photos, probably taken when the house was listed. As for your contention that the paparazzi don't "cross that line" here (you're not the only LA person around), baloney! Why do you think so many celebrities live behind gates? You don't see a lot of pics of them at home because they are not accessible. If you think that photos a la the ones ROL posted don't exist for LA-based celebrities, wander over to TMZ and you'll find an entire section devoted to celebrity homes.
My original point stands. If you choose to walk the red carpet and talk about your new house, the consequence of that choice is that someone is going to do a public records search and find the property you purchased. If Jon wants to be back in the public eye, there is both good and bad that comes with that lifestyle. I happen to think that the paparazzi go way too far way too often, but he is a big boy and can weigh the pros and cons of wading back into public eye and make a decision on what is and isn't worth it to him. Perhaps he should have considered the security of his children before talking publicly about his new house in the woods. Whether he *should* be able to say that without someone tracking down the house is moot. The reality is that he *can't*.
Brad has one more thought.
She has my fingers in her mouth chewing and everbody thinks my fingers are just curled under. Hope I don't bleed on her dress, she said she'd bite the rest of my fingers off. Damn C list.
No Surprise, my feeling is that no child deserves to have photos of their home made public no matter what their parent does. I don't think Kate's behavior or Jon's behavior ever warrants photos of their home splashed across the internet. It's sort of like blaming the rape victim for dressing sexy. No, not in my book.
And there are hundreds of celebrity homes that are not hidden behind gates. Not everyone lives like Cinderella out here. There may be a few web sites that exploit people's homes but the vast majority of pap magazines do not feature them. I'm sure you can always find someone who will cross the line beyond what is the general behavior of the paps out here.
Hi all. Just an FYI since some of you have mentioned Gather. I'm not on the staff! LOL If I were, I don't think I'd admit it.
I just got extremely tired of the Gather writers a while back and decided I'd start posting my opinions there since some of the writers (questionable) are so gaga over Kate. It's kind of like having a blog but without the hassle of setting one up.
I do write for a publication though and have for many years.
Oh, and I discovered after I'd written a few articles for Gather that they give out points which can be cashed in for gift cards. Haven't tried it yet though. Just letting them accumulate. I'm hoping one day I can get enough points so I can buy a feather prom dress!!
No surprise, I agree 100%.
Jon's a buffoon. But he's not an asshole like his wife. Just a bumbling idiot. Kate is pure evil.
The woman next to Kate is thinking.
"If I hold my arms close to me there is no chance that she's going to touch me".
Did Kate get paid more if she laughed harder than anyone else. And who took the picture ?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 17
No Surprise, my feeling is that no child deserves to have photos of their home made public no matter what their parent does. I don't think Kate's behavior or Jon's behavior ever warrants photos of their home splashed across the internet. It's sort of like blaming the rape victim for dressing sexy. No, not in my book.
And there are hundreds of celebrity homes that are not hidden behind gates. Not everyone lives like Cinderella out here. There may be a few web sites that exploit people's homes but the vast majority of pap magazines do not feature them. I'm sure you can always find someone who will cross the line beyond what is the general behavior of the paps out here.
I'm not going to debate the celebrity homes issue with you any further as I believe you are 100% wrong about the tabloids avoiding showing pictures. I didn't state that every celebrity lives behind gates, but a heck of a lot of them do for privacy reasons.
I will comment on the "blame the rape victim" analogy though. Of course on principle I agree with that a child's home should not be tabloid fodder. However, I take strong issue with the "blame the rape victim" analogy. Would you let a very young child ride a bike alone in front of your house, because she "should" be able to have that freedom? I sure as heck wouldn't, and yet that's something I was able to do as a child growing up in big bad LA 40 years ago. My parents were not negligent parents, but what was considered safe then and what is considered safe now are worlds apart. You can't make decisions on your children's safety based on how the world "should" be, you have to make them based on how it *is.*
Oh. I thought the woman was thinking about her grandpa's farm back in Kansas where the donkeys
and billy goats bray - three inches from your ear.
Admin, where's your "Kate in the hot air balloon"
horse face comparison to pull up here? There was
a cartoon horse and then there was ...Kate.
I would say that Steve should get fired I mean isn't it his job to delete pic's that are taken of them.?
I wonder if Kate hates her dentist
fidosmommy said... 26
Oh. I thought the woman was thinking about her grandpa's farm back in Kansas where the donkeys
and billy goats bray - three inches from your ear.
Admin, where's your "Kate in the hot air balloon"
horse face comparison to pull up here? There was
a cartoon horse and then there was ...Kate.
March 31, 2012 7:48 PM
I wanted to say something about her teeth I've been holding back.
Buddy, you're the best.
LOOOOOVE your articles.
Aurora you are very out of line. No Surprise and I disagree, we both said our points and moved on. Where do you see I didn't "let" her disagree? Her posts are all still there. Where do you see I name called? Lots of people here disagree strongly, it doesn't mean someone is not being "let" to have another opinion.
If I didn't want people to disagree here, it would be a heck of a lot easier for me to simply delete their comments. But I rarely have to do that. Move on.
njay said... 187
I have recently purchased a book from amazon and I keep getting an email saying they need my ssn to complete the sale. Ya know, tax and all they say. NO WAY!!!! The IRS or whoever can come for me if they want me to pay tax or what ever, but there is NO WAY I will ever give amazon my ssn.
I can guarantee you that email you got was NOT from amazon. Someone is trying to get your info, and somehow they got your amazon order info, but Amazon would NEVER ask for it. They just wouldn't.
Admin, the reason this blog is great is that you do allow us to disagree and debate.
Trolls are tiresome, but if we ignore they'll crawl back under their rocks.
Thanks for providing a venue where we can express our views.
Admin, where's your "Kate in the hot air balloon"
horse face comparison to pull up here? There was
a cartoon horse and then there was ...Kate.
I thought it was the photo of Kate on DWTS, up in the air, looking like the donkey on Shrek!
"If you choose to walk the red carpet and talk about your new house, the consequence of that choice is that someone is going to do a public records search and find the property you purchased"
ROL says "Jon Gosselin has moved into this rented house in the Pennsylvania woods, not far from ex-wife Kate's estate."
So, did he buy the house, or is he renting? I know that area, and many of the homes are rentals.
Testing...I've been having trouble posting today.
As far as I can tell, this is the only REASONABLE blog discussing Gosselins. The only one where people speak intelligently, and heavens, even disagree, usually without being jerks. A few exceptions just "make the rule," as the expression goes.
I see how much kate loves her fans, total silience.
I also see that the media is catching up with Kate. Ever notice how quick they are to put Jon in the news and make comments about. But when it is Kate, they drag their feet. We knew where Kate was a 1 day ago, and the media is just picking up on this. The opening was 2 days ago, and nobody report Kate there, till the dress maker did.
I also notice that several of Kate lackies, don't get their facts straight. According to them Jon does not have a job,pay child support, lives in his mother house and she pays the bills, or he rents a house or he does not have a house(so which is it)he does not spend time with his kids or enough time with them, or he is always flying off somewhere, and bashing Kate, even though, he has been working, paying child support, not throwing Kate under the bus, and owning his own home, not really going anywhere much, these asshole lackies, bash him every chance they get. These are the same lackies, who can't even get regular news stories straight either. That CJ called that 17 year old kid, that got shot in FLA a man. He is not 21, which according to the law is still a kid. What a moron. Drinking too much cool aid.
So what, Milo has keeled over yet from a basic 24-hour no chat-fest with Kate? You know, sometimes I just don't give people enough credit.
Or is this Kate's April Fools joke?
Just watched Pioneer Woman. I do think they are a little too much in love with the extreme close-ups. I want to reassure whoever is doing that, "Yes, it's really cool, now let's just back up and SEE SOMETHING, please."
owning his own home,
Actually, anger issues, I'm not sure even us bloggers always have the facts straight. Do we really know Jon OWNS his own home or simply rents it? Minor detail but if we're going to throw FACTS into the mix, we'd better be darn sure of them.
Keeping track of these Greedy Gosselins is so confusing sometimes, isn't it? :)
New Kid I have spent a great deal of time with Food Network lately because at my new gym it's either that or ESPN. Since it's not college football season, it's Food Network for me.
They do these weird closeups on a lot of shows. I want to shout I can't see, back up! Little Big Head's show feels like soft core porn with all the close ups and vaseline lighting and the way she always describes the food as moist, creamy, gooey and warm. What a freaking WEIRD channel it's become.
For someone who wants her fans to fork over at the very least four grand to go on a cruise, Kate isn't doing herself any favors acting like she could give a rat's behind about the fans as long as someone better comes along.
She's the fair weather friend who ditches their "bff" when someone cooler and more exciting comes along.
I do feel bad for her fans sometimes. I wonder if this weekend will wake them up.
The house issues is, I'll give you that up for grabs. Jon says he has a house(I think he owns a house) that article in small print says he rents? Jon mentioned way over a year ago he has a house, Ellen has an apartment. (cause some lackies were saying Ellen was living with Jon, in his apartment)Jon said he has a house? Funny thing is at that time nobody, bother to check if Jon did have a house, till now. STRANGE?
Marie: Kates look, is a dime a dozen look. There are a lot of women everywhere who look like Kate, she is nothing special. If she was Hollywood would have called a long, long time ago. Since they have not, she is like the rest, a dime a dozen. She has no special talent, can't dance, can't sing, can't ACT(if Kate thinks, whining and bitchin, cryin and complainin is acting, than I'm a monkeys uncle). Kate is famous for being infamous as someone here said.
TV does drive me crazy with the camera shots a lot of times. Performers, for example. Just point the camera and let me see a singer sing. I don't need quick cutaways of the audience, the overhead lights, whatever, every split second.
I must have officially become an old crank.
I do wonder how the Kate fans will explain it when (if) it's revealed that she and Steve ARE a couple? Honestly? How could you explain all those lies away?
Not only is Kate a dime-a-dozen, she is WELL beyond the age of being in demand in Hollywood. If she were 22, she might get a few jobs out of being cute, but at her age, you have to offer SOMETHING.
Here's one thing that I don't get about the sheeple re: Jon, now that I think about it. Old news, but I remember they made a big point about how Jon didn't even LIVE with Ellen, meaning (to them) that it wasn't as serious as Jon or Ellen claimed. Wouldn't you think these upright Christian fans would think it's a GOOD thing for a father of 8 not to move his girlfriend into the house until they were married? Instead of mocking him? Similar to the reaction to his mother living with him. Don't even know if that's true, but if it were, seems like it would be GOOD for the kids. Oh well.
I've had all the Kate fun I can stand today. Good night.
Does somebody mind explaining the expression dime a dozen? I feel like I don't know anything so I hope nobody minds I asked.
New kid: I too hate this camera bouncing around, they do. Ever since that one weird movie(the one where someone is holding camcorder Blair Witch), they think this is cool. It give me a headache. I can't watch any show or movie that does that. So 3-d is not for me either.
Marie: dime a dozen is an old expression. It means: that there are so many people(woman & men) who look the same/look alike, I think it referred to you could get a dozen, bakery goods for a dime, my mother use that expression and I heard Hollywood used that phrase. In Kates case: bleached blond, big boobs, tan skin, and a lot are air heads, or celeb wannabees.
dime a dozen = 10 cents for 12. In other words, very cheap and easy to come by. No treasure to be found in the pile. Unremarkable.
Example: the jokes Joe Blather was telling were
just cheap shots, things you've heard before. He's a dime a dozen comedian.
Or: In the winter, you'd give a king's ransom for some good zucchini. Come summer, though, zucchini bread is a dime a dozen..
It says at the bottom here, there are 462, but only 448 are showing?
I need someone to pleaaaase help me out and define "sheeple"?!?! Haha. Thx!
Admin, who is "Little Big Head"? The name is hilarious, and could be one of two people I'm thinking of.
HI EMTanner!
Sheeple are people who are like sheep, easily led, need a dog to keep them all together and safely grazing so they don't run right off the cliff in one big herd. Dog is also needed to snap at anything that might possibly upset the
blonde ewe who is leading them all in one big circle.
Kate Gosselins are a dime a dozen all over hollywood and 100% are talentless hookers!
Testing to see if comment publishes.
Em-Sheeple=Sheep (see definition in #53) + People. SheepPeople=Sheeple.
Sooverit said... 199
Re: Baby named "Reality," not a celebrity, a mediocre person. It sounds really pretty in the context of a name.
Dime a dozen reminds me of my mother's favorite saying "six of one a half dozen of another," meaning does it really matter, it's all the same. We were raised on sayings. A valuable little life lesson in each one of them.
Coming out of lurkdom for a very important question. I simply must ask... What is Little Big Head? We got rid of cable YEARS ago and I have no idea what's on the Food Network anymore
I'm going to guess that Little Big Head is Giada DiLaurentiis? Yes? No?
Oh and one of my favorite put downs came from a bozo barker at a carnival. "Will someone please blow in her ear, she needs a refill." He was fascinating to watch - he was just full of them and his delivery was spot on. He had people so mad there was always a long line at his booth to dunk him.
Wow, besides the clenched fist in the picture, Brad looks like he is gritting his teeth. Body language says it all. I once saw Ray Romano and Brad Garrett when they toured. I loved them both. I was confused when Ray Romano came on stage first. I thought he was the headliner. He was great. Brad was beyond horrible. He is so insulting to everyone and comes across as a mean and angry person. Lost all respect. So many people walked out which is why I realized Ray came on first. Kate is looking up at Brad so lovingly in the picture. Two peas in a pod!
Hi, EM Tanner. You made some choices and said some things that earned a status of heroine around here! Thanks for joining us for comments. Several of us ordered from you ... I am awaiting my colorful, charming mugs and tray. Thank you.
good morning, for those with wrist/hand problems -
I fractured a tiny bone in my right wrist just below the outside bone. I have been using a voice recognition program. If your pc/laptop doesn't come equipped, I recommend Dragon Naturally Speaking. My advice use it when completely quiet. Otherwise, as my little dogs barked dots showed up on the screen.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 41
New Kid I have spent a great deal of time with Food Network lately because at my new gym it's either that or ESPN. Since it's not college football season, it's Food Network for me.
They do these weird closeups on a lot of shows. I want to shout I can't see, back up! Little Big Head's show feels like soft core porn with all the close ups and vaseline lighting and the way she always describes the food as moist, creamy, gooey and warm. What a freaking WEIRD channel it's become.
Can't take Giada, either, or her rectangular smile. She used to let her boobs hang out on every show...they aren't quite as prominent now as they used to be...think there must have been quite a few complaints.
Wonder if Kate will "fill in" as Taylor Swift's date to the awards show tonight?
Gift of grab said... 66
Wonder if Kate will "fill in" as Taylor Swift's date to the awards show tonight?
Gosh, what a sweet and sad story. I hope he'll be okay.
Looks like 14 posts are missing: 401-480 listed, but only 401-466 are showing.
Saying hi to EM Tanner!
Sue Buddy: I love your articles ! I notice on Gather that many comments are negative when the article is pro-Kate..a couple of the writers are also anti- Kate . I would love to see you earn points for your prom dress, and yes, I'd hold out for the feathers !!
Why does everyone think she is going to be at the awards tonight? Have I missed something. I thought that invitees were people in the industry.
Pity Party, I think it's because she got 3 dresses from that dress store and she's worn 2 already.
Yeah and macduggal posted a picture of the fugly dresses on its website. Stupid ppl trying to make a name 4themselves without permission just makes them look desperate.
I don't think she is going to be there tonight or if she is, she won't be walking the red carpet. It will be just like last september when she was there but not on camera.
Auntie Ann,
you sure are lovable and sweet and not vain at all.I made my tin foil hat like a bee keeper's- they can't see anything at all.G'son thinks I'm a little crazy, but still loves me...You make me laugh when I can't.
Ex-Nurse- ow, get well quick.What were you doing? hmmmmm? I will miss your posts.
N.E. Psychologist- nice to hear from you.I always love your posts, don't be a stranger here.
Hello Teresa, love you still, been feeling under the weather here, how about you?
Hello, Dwindle. Miss you too.
Also, if she is still in Vegas, aside from that sandradee chic, no one posted anything about seeing her there. Odd isn't it? Methinks she wasn't in Vegas but flew home Friday and was not tweeting because Jon has the kids and she is with *gasp* Skeeve in that mansion. Could be wrong!
This Twitter thing is just a phase for Kate, something to keep her spirits up when she's home with the kids. Eight kids to be cared for right in front of her, or 85,000 adoring fans in her hand, the choice is easy, just add wine and she has all she needs.
She drops these Twitter people the moment she sniffs something better. Rubbing elbows with celebs trumps anonymous, adoring fans any day. She uses these poor fools to fill cabins so she can get a free cruise, or grift other freebies as needed. She throws them a bone, like the picture of herself with Brad Garrett, just to keep them on a string. Her sheeple are reminded just how famous their friend Kate really is!
Hysterical forum about Little Big Head
Aye my comments keep on being deleted! I posted earlier that if Kate is going to the awards show tonight, I don't think she will be walking the red carpet. It will be like the academy awards last year where she was spotted but not shown on camera and didn't walk the red carpet
Thanks Admin! Ha, my ex-husband used to pronounce all the Italian words with a fake Italian accent too! He wasn't even Italian, his step-father was. LOL another reason why he's the ex. Sorry for the off thread but totally made me chuckle.
Reading through the comments and caught the one about the Blind Gossip entry. Holy Cow! This really stuns me. I mean, I know Kate has no problem contradicting herself frequently, saying one thing one day and something totally different the next...and doesn't seem to get that's it could be a problem.
But WHILE STILL MARRIED, she wanted TLC to show her and Steve as a couple on the show, which at that time was very successful? While she meanwhile posted Bible quotes in her house and published with Zondervan and was fairly obviously playing to the religious right at that time? This really flabbergasted me.
But thinking it over, I came up with a somewhat reasonable explanation (attempting to see it from Kate's POV). It may have been, at that time, that Jon was threatening to leave the show and that Kate was desperate to get him to stay with the program....in order to keep the show successful....even hiring (but not paying) a therapist to fix the Jon problem.
And perhaps, when it was clear Jon was determined, she may have been worried about this bringing the show down and came up with the bright idea that they could substitute Steve as the husband/father figure.
Of course, TLC, like most of the rest of the world, would have seen the ridiculousness of this...esp. considering her early fan base. But I could actually see Kate only seeing it from this narrow perspective....as her main (and possibly only priority at the time) was having and being on the show (which made her a celebrity) and being one who never really acknowledges or even contemplates the possible implications and consequences of things.....she was desperately grabbing onto anything that would fix the problem (as she saw it) and keep her a celebrity.
Because why....if she really HAD wanted the world to know that she and Steve were a couple....would she still be keeping it a big secret now that she doesn't have to do what TLC says? And back then, she really didn't need bad publicity. It would be NOW that any publicity would be good publicity, as she would see it.
One really interesting thing about this entire Kate saga has been trying to put myself in her head to possibly try to figure-out the way she might see something....as most of the time, most of us would never make the decisions she does/has made.....and most of us give at least some thought to the possible consequences of things. It's not only been fascinating to watch someone with NPD....but also to try and think like someone with it.
I also grew up hearing the phrase "dime a dozen". It means cheap and common.
Did she tweet the photo with Brad Garrett? Ewww, I guess she left the "good bra" back in her room, cause it looks like the "girls" are hanging at about waist level. And the "frowny knees" (as my little one calls them) are showing, too. At least she's stretching her neck out far enough that the wrinkles don't show.
Adm #76: Thanks for that link...enjoyed reading the comments, although they were from 2004...think that's when her show first started on FN. Of course, they're all still relevant...was surprised no one said anything about the boobage, because everyone used to complain about her "overexposure."
Dee3 #80: That "blind item" was only about a year ago. There's a poster on Radar who has repeatedly stated that Steve has been divorced for over a year.
Just popping to to thank Kate is a Twit for the primer on how to make a google account. Much appreciated.
This may have been noted on here before, but I might have missed it with all the busy posting on here. It's from the Chicago paper recently about people blindly following a reality or other "celeb" within political candidates, etc., just because the "celebs" are in the public eye. It mainly focuses on the Duggars (btw, another Duggar on the way per Anna) but also makes a stab at Khate and some others. Interesting little read.
Layla said... 8
Did she tweet the photo with Brad Garrett? Ewww, I guess she left the "good bra" back in her room, cause it looks like the "girls" are hanging at about waist level. And the "frowny knees..."
~~ I know- I noticed that too!I thought implants stood up on their own unless they are too big for your frame??(lol)..also I posted before Brad looks like he doesn't want his hand to make contact with her waist- his fingers are curled shut, not a true friendly hug.
I think Mac-what's-his-name outed her because he's feeling the pain from Kate's ingratitude and selfishness.
She takes the free dress, but won't tweet about it, thank the donor, or publicize it at an event.
The company had to resort to tweeting about it themselves. Cheesy, but what choice did they have?
She's such a tool.
PB is looking a little beefy about the face in that pic. Don't get too fat - KT likes her men lean and mean much like herself.
We're not on moderation blogger is just being buggy.
~~ I know- I noticed that too!I thought implants stood up on their own unless they are too big for your frame??(lol)..also I posted before Brad looks like he doesn't want his hand to make contact with her waist- his fingers are curled shut, not a true friendly hug.
She may be going O'natural and not wearing a bra. Its sometimes hard to find bras that will accommodate the dress. Most of the bras that will not show with these kind of dresses cost an arm and a leg.
Thanks guys, I never heard that growing up.
But you are right Kate is just like almost everyone else, unoriginal that I sure as heck hope she doesn't dream of modeling career!
So she's able to laugh at herself in a roomful of people but she's never laughed with her children, just at them? It's just all a bit odd.
I'm just waiting for May and see if she takes her kids anywhere special for their birthday, will they get any special birthday gifts this year? Doubting it.
Jerk - She has tweeted about the Macwhatever dresses.
I don't remember this blind item and I'm a fairly regular reader. Does anyone have a link? I'm curious to read it from the "source".
She only tweets about them *after* the company outs her. Way to promote someone who is kind enough to give you a freebie...-
The lady sitting next too Kate looks like me when I'm on the airplane and trying not to encroach on my neighbor. Wonder if the great and mighty Kate or PB said something to her about not touching the 'stah'
Also, can she look any more adoring when she's gazing at Brad? Did PB get jealous?
Apparently they have their dislike of children's activities in common.
Kate Gosselin Cruise @CindyCardella
Just spent 2 hours at Fun Plex @ a 2nd graders party and it was not FUN.
Sheesh birds of a feather. If you don't enjoy enjoying your kids don't have them.
I am an octogenarian and can remember the man with his horse-drawn cart loaded with bananas singing out ". . . dime a dozen, only a dime a dozen." Then there was the waffle man, milkman and the veggie man All in horse drawn carts. Nostalgia
I remember the milk man, but the waffle man?
Andrea 89:
lol, well, maybe she should have thought of that before getting a dress like that, or maybe that's the look she was going for.
Marie 90: I have seen her on the show laugh like that with the kids around...when she was laughing AT them :(
Hmm-was what the Philly photog said true? Seems like the were "close" in Vegas too.
"Steve also was seen carrying Kate’s handbag."
So predictable.
Dear God, please NO.
"Steve also was seen carrying Kate’s handbag."
~~~what is that about? is that what bodyguards do?
Steve seems firmly placed under Kate's thumb. I can't decide if they are a 'couple' or he's just a servant to her...
~~~~I remember my mother said there was a 'rags and bones man' too...collecting odds and ends- pre- WW2 days.
RumorFix reached out to fellow Teen Mom 2 castmate Jenelle Evens who tells us, “I texted Leah yesterday and asked her, and she said she is not having twins.” Furious over the rumor, the mom-of-two took to Twitter on Thursday afternoon to set the record straight, “Thank you @InTouchWeekly for telling me I am having twins again, love bad reporting and fake stories, it does sound like a Soap Show! Ha!”
A rumor?
Leah Messer miscarried these twins- I think it turned out to be a single baby though. I don't really follow that show, but I read about her after having heard about one of the twins having a bone condition/eye problem. Leah has also put them in pageants. What a role model she has chosen! She is also divorced from the girls' father. Say, I wonder if Kate ever thought of Toddlers and Tiara ( they allow boys) for her brood? Though I think the entry fee and dresses are very costly, ugh.
Whose idea was it to think teen pregnancy would make a great reality show? What did you think it would prevent teens from having babies if they saw how hard it was? Wrong. All I can see this doing is making teens want to have babies at younger ages because if it's on television than it must be alright or cool what have you.
There, in my mind will never be anything remotely cool or even good about being a teenage mother/father. It's got to be hard work, surely for those who end up with it.
Whose the brains running these reality shows where people because cool exhibits despite the contrary of being really stupid?
When I have turned on skipping channels of my television all I see of reality television of people screaming our their family issues and generally acting like spoiled morons. Why is this so popular? Just to make a few bucks? Sure it's cheap but in the long run it also runs the risks of ruining real peoples lives. No reality star has gone on to anything better after their show was over...if there are then I don't know about any.
Reality television to me are just laughing stock and should be treated as such not glorified for making bad decisions on camera just because you think it's funny. Being drunk? Not really all that funny it's just lack of common sense. Screaming matches? What's the point in you can't argue a point calmly? Making yourself look attractive when truth is you look ridiculous? Probably because your mommy never taught you how to dress to respect yourself.
I wish these sad excuses a whole lot of luck and maybe some actual a better or decent thought process?
Wasn't it Kirk Douglas that wrote a book called the "Ragman's Son." His father was a rag man.
We had the Candy Man and Coffee Man growing up, Standard Coffee. It smelled divine. The Candy Man had the best candy. We loved the candy coated coconut filled bon bons. They were huge and moist and beautiful pastel colors. Now they are small and dry and the candy coating is not nearly as pretty, still my favorite candy, though (besides Mounds).
Marie...105, My thoughts exactly! Very well said, thanks.
I remember the Helm's Bakery truck:
I still remember how great everything smelled. We'd put a card in the window and he'd stop at our house. Women didn't work then, most didn't have a car so we had delivery men. :)
Pardon the language but I can't change it. This is for anyone who came late the this saga or wants a refresher.
Admin, delete if you find the url too offensive. The information really is worth reading though.
She's the fair weather friend who ditches their "bff" when someone cooler and more exciting comes along.
And a fair weather daughter, fair weather mother, fair weather wife, fair weather sister, fair weather house owner, fair weather pet owner.
Some more pictures of Kate at Brad Garrett's show. Steve is more prominent in the first one:
The look on Brad Garret's face in the first picture is priceless. Captions anyone?
Georgia Peach:
Thanks, that was an excellent recap of the damages since day one. The list of shunned people is similar to the one drawn up here. BabyMama seems psycho -went to her blog only a few times.
I feel very worried that the prediction of her turning on the kids may come true one day...as all the rest of them sadly have...
First photo:
Brad asking, Did you get the picture; can I let go of this shrew?? Her cackling is shattering my eardrums!!
Once @ 113, I've had concerns about her turning on the children for a long time.
The stalking and outing information is also true; I am aware of several people who have been attacked by fans.
Blogger ate my post.
Does anyone know if Kate had a bowel movement today?
The twittering has started again. Makes sense- the kids are on their way home, life is mediocre, so she needs the attention.
I'd have to say Jon's publicist asked for the 'house in the woods' pics to be posted. In a week Jon has been written about in the NE, attended a reality tv party in LA and announced that his book is coming out.
I was away for a few days and am just now checking in. Havent read any posts yet.
Denying her children milk, outings to the movies, clothes that fit them, and enough food on their plates, while she lives the party life is beyond gross. Why oh why does she not get called on this stuff?
Also, thank you (x8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) for ending the anonymous posts. I know it will be hard on some, but worth it in the long run for the integrity of the blog.
Nice that Jon got to spend his birthday with his children.
Re: Jon's book.
'Gosselin told Speakeasy he’s written a book on fatherhood that he’s pitching to prospective publishers'
So he doesn't have a publisher yet, but the book is written and the topic is fatherhood!?!
My favorite moment on the show (back when I did watch) was Jon saying something like, I have 2 six years old's and 6 two years old's and I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be.
It was absolutely a genuine comment.
You can tell Kate is doing her own hair now, stringy and greasy looking, and that dress shows her boobs, and its so easy to tell she has had implants. Why lie about it, but it does keep her relevant, because if she outed herself no one would care anymore..
I am just glad the kids are not having to jet set all over the country/ world. Sure at first it likely seemed boring, but I am hoping the not a nanny takes those kids out, even if in their own yard.
Did Kate Gosselin's Bodyguard Get Intimate with Her?
Kate Gosselin has always had a questionable relationship with her bodyguard, Steve Neild. While she insist that she needs a bodyguard for when she goes out, even if it is just a night out on the town by herself, many believe that Kate is just lonely and is paying this married man to keep her company. There are several more popular celebrities that don't have bodyguards, so the excuse of her 'being famous' isn't cutting it. Why would Kate be such a homewrecker, given her marriage ended because of Jon being unfaithful? Does she find being 'the other woman' is more desirable than being 'the married wife?'
Well, it seems that there is more than just a professional relationship between bodyguard, Neild, and Kate Gosselin. According to Rumor Fix, Kate has repeatedly denied any involvement with her bodyguard, but he is always putting his arm around her in public and surely not acting like a bodyguard, let alone a married man. "It seems odd that a bodyguard would be that intimate with his client," an eyewitness has told the website after witnessing them together in Vegas just last week. Sure, they may not be kissing one another in public, but any body language expert would probably tell you that it is more than a professional relationship.
When the couple went out recently for an event, Steve was acting more like a date than a bodyguard. And this is the second time in a month where he has been more like a date and every time the story breaks, Kate is quick to shoot down rumors. She should just get another bodyguard and respect that he is married—unless, of course, she is just using this married man to create scandal so her name can remain in the media.
Did Kate Gosselin's Bodyguard Get Intimate with Her?
Kate Gosselin has always had a questionable relationship with her bodyguard, Steve Neild. While she insist that she needs a bodyguard for when she goes out, even if it is just a night out on the town by herself, many believe that Kate is just lonely and is paying this married man to keep her company. There are several more popular celebrities that don't have bodyguards, so the excuse of her 'being famous' isn't cutting it. Why would Kate be such a homewrecker, given her marriage ended because of Jon being unfaithful? Does she find being 'the other woman' is more desirable than being 'the married wife?'
Well, it seems that there is more than just a professional relationship between bodyguard, Neild, and Kate Gosselin. According to Rumor Fix, Kate has repeatedly denied any involvement with her bodyguard, but he is always putting his arm around her in public and surely not acting like a bodyguard, let alone a married man. "It seems odd that a bodyguard would be that intimate with his client," an eyewitness has told the website after witnessing them together in Vegas just last week. Sure, they may not be kissing one another in public, but any body language expert would probably tell you that it is more than a professional relationship.
When the couple went out recently for an event, Steve was acting more like a date than a bodyguard. And this is the second time in a month where he has been more like a date and every time the story breaks, Kate is quick to shoot down rumors. She should just get another bodyguard and respect that he is married—unless, of course, she is just using this married man to create scandal so her name can remain in the media.
Kate is do full of shit, it smelling worse all the time.
Kate, does not miss her kids, the only thing that Kate misses is NOT missing her kids.
I hope Jon finds a publisher. I'm looking forward to reading his book.
Does Kate really think that telling her children there is no dinner is supposed to be funny?
You know some kids really do have to go without dinner and not just on April Fools day either. I don't see why she would think it's funny.
Oh, so now she wants to make the Belgian Waffles? Okay...I just hope she leaves the Brussels Sprouts out.
Looks like another sheeple (mamalivin) has turned. She called Kate out a few times, BIG TIME. That's the one Kate blocked earlier today.
I have to say that what Kate tweeted recently, when she was telling a few people off: When one told her that she should think about changing her ways. Kate basicly told that person to F-off. That she was never gonna change her ways and told that person to go and change their ways. I think that person told her to look in mirror or there is nothing wrong with me and you Kate need help.
Why I brought that up is cause, Kate will never change, we (all of us here) can says stuff, advise stuff to Kate, and she does not give a shit. She even backed that up by saying, good or bad publicity, haters or lovers, she will do as she pleases.
But, I have something for you Kate: one day soon, maybe today, tomorrow, in a few years etc, your oldest kids, will look them selves up, on the internet, maybe not in front of you, maybe at a friends house or at school, or even at home, when you are off to one of your vacation/work trips, look you up, and any rumor or school gossip they heard about you Kate, and their dad, your bashing of their father, maybe even read here, and other sites, they will 1st asked why you never took any advice, or heeded the warning from people, and they will hate you for it. It's coming! You can't keep them from looking stuff up forever on the internet. Your girls are almost teenagers.
mamalivin was a sheeple? I don't folow twitter except for the ones at the top of this page.
If you look at that second pic of Kate(not the ones at the top) PB is looking a little jealous, in the back ground. No smile.
@Mamalivin nope. Can't have people bullying, name calling, and telling UNTRUTHS... So, yes, you are now blocked.
What is WRONG with her? Has she no idea that the sheeple bully, call names, and tell untruths on a daily basis, but she doesn't block them! Kate, if you're worried about bullying and name-calling, check out the head sheeple of the flock -- you know, the one who is going on the cruise!
The "telling untruths" part is really comical, coming from the champion of all liars!
Rhymes, I went to twitiq.com/kateplusmy8 and looked at Kate's timeline, which allowed me to look at mamalivin's too. She was a sheeple 'lite', friends with other sheeple, gradually got a bit more neutral, and then got nasty today (said some things many of us would like to say) and called Kate out, and Kate blocked her. It's easy to follow the drama, actually.
Oh the Queen Biotch is home and twattering to the flock, thinking of teasing her children about no dinner before whipping up a batch of " fluffy homemade waffles".What a crock of crap, her, and dinner. How about not twattering when your kids come home?
I see Kate is really getting cocky. Self assured. Bitchy! Must have gotten something from PB. And her sheeple are a bunch is bullyin sickos.
@Mamalivin nope. Can't have people bullying, name calling, and telling UNTRUTHS... So, yes, you are now blocked.
If Kate actually believed that this behavior is inappropriate, she would have blocked herself from her own twitter account.
Late to the party, but we had the milkman, vegetable man, and a bakery man that had the best doughnuts I've ever eaten.
Since this trip became public knowledge and I saw the first picture of Katie Irene looking adoringly at Brad Garrett, I've wondered if she's not looking to move on from Steve. Not that Brad Garrett would be an appropriate stepfather--wasn't he in a lot of hot water a few years back for some extremely racist rants? but she doesn't think that far ahead.
Let's say for grins that Steve is divorced. They've been messing around for years and he has yet to make an honest woman of her. The same theory applies even if he is not divorced. He hasn't left his wife for her. Maybe she's growing tired of him and is looking to make a conquest in the entertainment world. Or maybe she's starting to realize that he's using her as much as she's using him. A trip to Las Vegas, where she meets a big, tall, older, divorced man with lots of connections in the entertainment world could be the answer to her problems.
Just a theory. Although I do think the tricks she used to snare Jon will not work on professionals in the entertainment world. They've had her number for years and she is tolerated at best.
Why would you want to tease a child about anything that would hurt them, such as going hungry? What a f-ed up woman she is. Does she like to take a stick and poke little puppies too?
It's sad that she is so adverse to self-reflection and self-improvement. Can you imagine trying to give this woman therapy? Poor LaFaire. You'd have better luck trying to extract a hippopotamus's wisdom teeth.
Har Har Har. Her implants are comical. Boinnnggg.
And she is no longer pretty and fresh-faced. She looks like Mrs. Ed.
I'm not surprised there was at least one fleecing after this weekend. She fit the pattern perfectly. When having fun with celebrity friends and interesting outings she leaves her tweeties in the dust. The tweeties she just loves and wants them to fork over thousands on her. When she is home and bored and has no one better around she's back to tweeting. Do they not see they are being used?
My guess is that the kids won't even want dinner. Hopefully they either had a fun pizza party for his birthday or a traditional Korean meal with grandma to celebrate. Add some cake Nd ice cream and they may just have full tummies.
I found the recap where I have the donkey photo....and I enjoyed reliving this episode in the process! This is the episode where Kate admits that 90% of people hate her.
When U take a few away 2play...then when U get back home...it's busy busy U have 2pay! :)
2:28 PM - 1 Apr 12 via web · Details
Kids have a stay-cation for spring break. Kate goes to Vegas for her bday.
Not surprising from the mother of the year.
Hardy har-har. That's Kate's idea of a joke?
She hasn't seen her children in a few days, and this is the April Fool's "joke" she comes up with?
She's not funny, and sadistic as well.
I'll betcha her waffles are not "fluffy" either.
On a happier note:
Happy Birthday Jon.
I hope you and your family enjoyed your special day.
So she admits that this vacation was just all play?
Sheesh at least try to pretend it's work! Heck even I could make an argument this helps get her ugly mug out there.
Why does she get to play but her kids can't even go to the movies?
So glad Kate has the finances to have a few days to run away and play...while she can't afford fun stuff for the kids. Shame, but not surprised.
It's been rumored that Jon's mom moved in with him. I see that as a good thing. She can help with the kids, and be with them if Jon has to work and can't be there all the time.
This would give them SOME extended family.
She toys with those kids' emotions when it comes to food. I could tell mine that I was going to cook a meal fit for a king, and they would say oh great thanks mom. Sheer excitement, really?
Just a short time ago someone tweeted and asked her about taking the kids to the beach this summer. She said she can't afford to take them, and added that her kids "need sun and sand". And then she hops on a plane and goes to Vegas. Between two airline tickets, hotel bills, transportation, nanny for the time they weren't with Jon, Steve's fee(?), meals out--she could have rented a nice beach house on Bald Head Island for a week. But instead she spent the money on herself. She claims to be broke, but still spends on herself at an alarming rate. Is she really running out of cash, but just can't stop papmering herself, or does she still have money and is determined that the kids won't see a dime of it? I have to wonder if she's "punishing" the kids.. they aren't toddlers any longer, and when they stopped being so little and cute (at least, little and cute enough to balance out the b*tchiness of their mother), the cameras went away. Does she blame them for the loss of "her" show, and "her" fame? Maybe she blames them for the fact that she hasn't landed a big TV job. Otherwise, how can she justify such selfishness at their expense? It would kill me, as a mom, to take away something that my kids wanted (or "needed", as she says her kids do), in order to do something just for myself. I'm trying to figure out how a narcissist's mind might look at a situation like this. Showing up at BG's show won't get her the job she wants. But going to the beach would allow then kids to "make memories" without cameras in their faces all the time. It makes no sense.
A tweet from Kate:
@Mamalivin nope. Can't have people bullying, name calling, and telling UNTRUTHS... So, yes, you are now blocked.
Um...Kate have you ever looked in the mirror? Ever looked at your own tweets? Ever thought about all the LIES you tell about Jon?
My mother would pull a stunt like Kate's and get all of us in a frenzy then laugh. Her favorite "prank" was leave us in the store and then when we turned around in a panic stay hidden and laughing at our distress.
Not funny then and not funny now. I still panic when I'm with someone and I can't find them because we got separated. That woman is a bitch and needs to be brought down a few pegs.
Doesn't seem to be on cloud 9, like last time. She was a tweeting fool and just really hyped up when she came home that other event - can't even remember, she is so boring these days.
I have read and agree with this statement:
When Kate says "my kids" read "ME."
OT, but if you are using any social network, and think that you're protecting your privacy, this article might open your eyes. This is OT, but relevant to some of the discussions we've had here.
It's about how developers are distributing apps (for phones, etc.) that let you track people, or find out who strangers around you are, and link to their facebook, twtter, etc. It's worth a long, careful read.
It's from a geek blog, but you'll be able to pull out the relevant paragraphs if you scan it.
People who tease and torture kids are sick.
I'm waiting for the sheeple to say oh I joke with my kids about not taking care of their basic needs all the time!!!
It's one thing to be bantering with a teenager who is old enough to understand it (joking about making them pay rent or something like that), but these kids are only 7 for goodness sake.
This reminds me of her infamous are you a Palin or a Gosselin comment. Kids don't understand that kind of teasing, it just scares them.
What about summer camps, it's getting to the tail end of the time she can sign them up. She needs to make plans now to give them a nice summer.
Remember last year she said she couldn't afford summer camp?
Nice post from Em Tanner on her Facebook page wishing Jon a Happy Birthday:
Its funny Kate can afford a million dollar house. And she could cut back on her body guard. She doesn't need Steve no one wants to talk to Kate out in public.
Didn't Kate say she was late making camp arrangements last year?
I'm one of those people who don't view going to camp as necessary maybe it is but I never went as a kid and I don't think I missed anything.
What if Jon paid and send the kids to camp you think Kate would be okay with that?
I'm one of those people who don't view going to camp as necessary maybe it is but I never went as a kid and I don't think I missed anything.
Oh I don't think it's necessary either I think I only went to camp maybe three summers. But I do think it's necessary to provide your children SOMETHING over the summers especially when you know you can afford it and went on God knows how many vacations all day long.
Maybe Kate's crying poor to her fans hoping they will send her some tickets or money for Disney land. If Kate had a house she didn't have pay out the ass for. The kids would have more vacations and more of what they need. Kate puts her self before her kids she Mother of the year.
Now I don't know how close a local beach in PA is but if you pack a homemade lunch for an afternoon, I don't know if you have to pay to be on the beach probably not, you swim for free, eat lunch stay for half the day, drive home. Most you would have spent on is gas I suppose. Why is going to the beach going to cost Kate much of anything other than to make lunch and organize 9 swimming suits, sandals, sun tan or protection lotion, maybe a few buckets and shovels, 9 towels a a pair of dry clothes to ride home in.
Kate can afford to take those kids to Disney for summer breaks. She's cheap and only cares about her greedy self.My kids came first when I was raising them. I would never buy an expensive home and try to tell every day people how to save money lol.
She is really incredible. She has a cruel streak- an April Fool's joke for a kids is something silly or funny, not pretending they won't get a meal. I agree with Aggiemom- and whoever posted that maybe the kids had a good day and a delicious Korean birthday meal at Jon's with their grandma, maybe Gammy too! I'd be angry with Kate if I were the twins' age and the little kids won't understand why Mommy went away unless she lied- but they'll likely find out at school.' But honey,it's my work. I always come back." Yeah.
I couldn't image Kate doing the Disney trip without TLC. Walk in and complain they got no ears with their names on them.
I never did Disney land as a kid, but then again, I assume since you see one amusement park you've seen them all?
There is plenty Kate could do if she starts planning now but I doubt she will and when asked she'll say she can't afford it. You know at this point I'm starting to wonder:
What CAN she afford for her kids?
Kate's upset TCL cant give her and the kids all those expensive vacations she use to enjoy. Kate would have never taken the kids but they worked hard and made her lots of money.
Marie 162 -- But, but, but . . . that would mean being at a PUBLIC beach, with all the mediocre people. KK can't have that! Why, one of them might want to talk to her! Besides, it would be too much work to have to make a lunch of a few crackers, 3 grapes, and a minuscule chunk of cheese for 8, count 'em, 8 kids. Not to mention ordering the nanny to organize the swimsuits, beach toys, towels, and other paraphernalia.
The public beach isn't good enough for Kate. Its dirty and its no in Hawaii.
@readerlady, well guess what? Kate's just as mediocre as anyone else out there so she'll just have to learn how to suck it up.
If she took all those kids to the beach, can you imagine how long it would take her to cover the entire BBB mercedes interior with trash bags, so the kids wouldn't get sand everywhere?
I don't think she is that excited about being outed concerning her location for this past weekend...it might take her a while to try to spin it to make it look like 'work' instead of celebrating her birthday.
Boston Bonnie: That's awful what your mom did. Separation from mom is one of the worst for a little kid.
My mom watched me slide down the slide at a public pool when I was 3 (dad was too long showing up to take me!). I remember it clearly; can still see people's arms and legs swimming underwater. Apparently, I was blue when someone pulled me up. Not good in water to this day. In her defence, she had my sister who was 6 months old and probably didn't want to leave her alone chasing me. She says she didn't think I'd do it. She learnt!!!
Kate lives by a LAKE! It's just a couple of miles down the road and has a man-made beach. She is just lazy and unable to do anything without an entourage.
And, yes I know, Blue Marsh is a man-made reservoir, not technically a lake (and you do need to shower after you go in it) but it's a nice place to go for the day if you can. They have picnic areas, a sandy beach, bathrooms (not outhouses) a play ground, etc. Plus you can go hiking there and take a tour of the dam. She's just too lazy to do anything unless it's all about her. She claims poverty yet doesn't blink at treating herself for a few days away to pretend she's someone important.
What child would ever think their mother wasn't coming back unless she planted that little seed of doubt by, in fact, saying that she will always come back.
Isn't Mac Duggal based in Vegas? I think she managed to squeeze in a trip to Vegas within the past few months before this one that we don't know about. That Kate sure is sneaky when she is spending the children's money on herself.
I swear wasn't there a Facebook post from a few months ago saying Kate was in Vegas? We didn't get any further proof though.
She is really incredible. She has a cruel streak- an April Fool's joke for a kids is something silly or funny, not pretending they won't get a meal.
Our mom one April Fools switched around our dresser drawers. So when we opened the sock drawer it was underwear. When we opened the shirt drawer it was pants. It actually really throws you off makes you feel like you're crazy lol. Sounds silly, kinda dumb, but it was completely harmless and had us kids in giggles for hours. We thought that was the best. Kids don't need a lot--just a tiny bit of effort to do a little prank and they love it.
And we never had a fear we weren't going to get fed that night.
KK was in Vegas in Dec. (?) at some sort of convention for CC, wasn't she? Maybe she visited that designer then.
Marie 169 -- Unfortunately, I don't think KK will ever realize she's just as ordinary and mediocre as the rest of us. She has this self-image of a STAR and she's never going to let go of that.
I think I was about maybe 6 or so my parents did an joke on April 1rst. They put boxes in the front room and when I got home they started loading the boxes up (empty mind you) and saying we were moving.
Naturally I believed it and like most kids I didn't want to move. By the time I stopped crying they both found it hilarious and said April Fools. But they went quite a long while to make it real. They bought a for sale sign, the boxes.
I didn't find it funny, I still don't.
Marie: That's terrible!! Hate to insult your parents, but that's traumatic for young children. I like the one Admin's folks played; in turn, my daughter when she was little put the dog's meat-flavored toothpaste in the place of the Crest. That's the level off kids' humor, not wondering about your home or meals...
Boston Bonnie: yours too! how mean! obviously it caused you great distress.
OH! &kids were surprised by 'no dinner' April fools joke...but surprised me &wanted vege egg omelets4dinner instead of Belgian waffles?!!? less than a minute ago
...kids home safe and sound! Back in our routine and closing down for the night here...great to all be back together again at home! GN!! 5 minutes a
Well, Kate must have spent this week's budget on her little trip...kids had to eat EGGS for dinner.
I think she doesn't know how to explain her little bday trip with Steve to Vegas, so that's why she is lights out for the night. Has to think about how to spin this little trip.
At least the kids go to spend the weekend with their dad and another family member (his mom), and also celebrate Jon's bday. I bet they had lots of fun and ate lots of bday cake! Here's hoping they all came home happy and tummies full.
Looks like eggs are on the menu.......ugh
Did she think the kids wouldn't be safe and sound?? all these little digs. So immature of her and demeaning to Jon and the children. Eggs for dinner- did the boys have to go out and get them from the chicken coop?
Nothing wrong with eggs for dinner, omelettes are healthier and lighter than waffles, epecially after what we presume was a birthday party day with Dad.
But, she is still an awful person. My new thought is perhaps in her warped little brain, this b-day junket of hers was a F-U to TLC, as in so what if you're not paying for my party this year, look what I can do instead.
But still no money for a week at the beach, a drive anywhere vacay, summer camp or activity classes. Kids will have to be filmed (and paid) to do anything. And let's not forget about the high price of organic milk.
I can't even begin how disgusting it is to say kids are home "safe and sound" from a perfectly appropriate parent and the daddy they love.
Kate? Please get help for your severe parental alienation problem.
I don't imagine the kids feel happy, safe and sound to be back home with mommy. It must suck to go from the safety and sanity of Jon's place to the chaos and resentful parenting awaiting them at the Orphanage. Boo Mommy!
I don't think Mac Duggal is based in LV.
Interesting bio, maybe Grifty ran across his designs in a LV shop. Piece o'work, that one.
Happy April Fools! No fools from me, but that sounds like an awful joke, Marie. My parents never played a joke on us kids, but we played the occasional "fake mouse", or something equally innocent, trick on them.
When I think about Khate never taking her kids out, I really believe it's not a money issue, but a social one. I truly think she is terrified of being out in public with the kids and no other adult to help her. What is a fan starts bugging her kids, or a hater starts heckling? Khate wouldn't know how to handle herself if she was barraged by fans/haters in a public area. Khate was already antisocial before she was ever on TV.
PB must only be around when Khate is doing an appearance for something "work-related". When she goes out for these random events, she has a bodyguard, special service, back doors and limos. But Steve's not going to accompany Khate and kids to a Sat. matinee of a movie, or to a gymnastics lesson. Khate would get no special treatment or service to keep the public away from her. To top it off, I think she's also trying to keep her children ignorant to how much she is disliked by the general population. This isn't going to last much longer, the kids are getting too old to keep isolated in The Orphanage for much longer. They ARE going to find out someday and she'd better be prepared for it.
Still don't get why Brad Garrett would care about Kate?
Wow, blogger is really f'ed up. Numbering of items is all off, can't see anything on page 4. What happened???
Mac Duggal is based in Chicago area, not Vegas. Though clearly, Vegas is the inspiration.
Saying the kids are home "safe and sound" is a pretty commonly used phrase. Just because it was used by Khate after said children returned from Jon's HITW doesn't mean it was a dig.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 147
So she admits that this vacation was just all play?
Sheesh at least try to pretend it's work! Heck even I could make an argument this helps get her ugly mug out there.
Why does she get to play but her kids can't even go to the movies?
That was not her tweet. It was a tweet to her from Milo.
Yes Tweet I know but when she replied to that tweet she said Yup or something, she didn't deny it or say oh no it was work.
Tamara, it's a dig against Jon. Accept it. You say home safe and sound from a vacation on the road or something or some big thing where there is an off chance you might get hurt. Not a visit with your father. If Jon said I got the kids safe and sound from Kate this weekend there would be outrage.
MiloandJack@Kateplusmy8 Tell them ur going on a "cooking strike"! No more home cooked meals. Have camera ready 2shoot pic of utter despair. LOL
Really?, really?! Haven't they had enough camera's in their faces of utter despair?! And you think that's funny Milo? Un-freekin'-believeable how the fans encourage torture of the kids.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 174
Isn't Mac Duggal based in Vegas? I think she managed to squeeze in a trip to Vegas within the past few months before this one that we don't know about. That Kate sure is sneaky when she is spending the children's money on herself.
April 1, 2012 4:38 PM
Mac Duggal is based in Chicago. His store is in a strip mall right by Midway airport and there is no parking! He lives in a stunning home in an affluent Chicago suburb southwest of the city.
Peaches Boutique is located in a strip mall with many other stores. Unfortunately parking is very limited. Parking in any of the 15 minute parking spots or the laundromat across the street is not recommended as cars can be towed.
And he calls his stuff "couture?" It's all prom and pageant wear for children, girls, and young women.
Privacy First said... 154
OT, but if you are using any social network, and think that you're protecting your privacy, this article might open your eyes. This is OT, but relevant to some of the discussions we've had here.
It's about how developers are distributing apps (for phones, etc.) that let you track people, or find out who strangers around you are, and link to their facebook, twtter, etc. It's worth a long, careful read.
It's from a geek blog, but you'll be able to pull out the relevant paragraphs if you scan it.
Thanks for the link! I've never liked the idea of Facebook. Lots of good reasons in that article not to get involved with it. Scary times. There will be no privacy in the future and the future is NOW.
Just in the interest of full disclosure, that article about FB is pretty clear that those apps only work if you have your Facebook settings on PUBLIC. Keep it on private and the apps won't work.
Not saying Facebook has its concerns that company is well aware of, but this is yet another alarmist article. If the app could see someone's private FB account I would raise an eyebrow. Otherwise, meh.
Really?, really?! Haven't they had enough camera's in their faces of utter despair?! And you think that's funny Milo? Un-freekin'-believeable how the fans encourage torture of the kids.
I know right. They think the kids were put here for their enjoyment. They are not teddy bears! I honestly don't think they see these kids as real people with real rights, like a right to a private childhood.
As, I posted earlier: Kate does not care about what we think or say, in the sense, of thinking, if we might be right, and she should heed caution. Kate told the world on twitter, by way of telling 1 person to F-off(she did not say it to their face, but implied). One she told that she will not change her ways for anyone, and the other was the world, she said, thank you for good or bad publicity, and fans and haters. The only ones who will question her one day will be her kids, especially the twins and soon. You can't hide the truth from them forever.
But you know Kate is getting angry and reckless. Loose lips, sink ships. She is starting to slip up.
Well, Kate must have spent this week's budget on her little trip...kids had to eat EGGS for dinner.
I don't see anything wrong with eggs for dinner, whether scrambled, or in omelets. My kids often ask for "breakfast for dinner," with bacon and eggs, toast, home fries and orange juice. We often do it on Sunday nights because our "big" meal is at noon after church.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 197
Just in the interest of full disclosure, that article about FB is pretty clear that those apps only work if you have your Facebook settings on PUBLIC. Keep it on private and the apps won't work.
Not saying Facebook has its concerns that company is well aware of, but this is yet another alarmist article. If the app could see someone's private FB account I would raise an eyebrow. Otherwise, meh
Not meh actually. The Russian based company has pulled the app as of today after the iPhone made it unavailable and Apple stopped selling it last night.
The problem, as mentioned in the article, many many are not so sophisticated as to realize exactly WHAT they are subjecting themselves to with regard to loss of privacy when they open a Facebook account. The author of the article stressed that and also stresses trying to educate people about putting private info on the internet.
Cast my vote for eggs are dinner. They are GOOD for you. And she said the kids wanted them. Plus the kids are probably full from Jon's party and wanted something light.
Once as a nanny I served wholewheat pancakes and lots of fresh fruit and yogurt for dinner and kids had a blast having breakfast for dinner but I got yelled at for it.....okay, but look it up. Nutritionally it's good for you. Great for you actually. And the kids had FUN and ate it up. Win win.
Now if Kate would only give her kids half as many wonderful VIP vacations, clothes that fit, shows, etc., that she gives herself.
The problem, as mentioned in the article, many many are not so sophisticated as to realize exactly WHAT they are subjecting themselves to with regard to loss of privacy when they open a Facebook account. The author of the article stressed that and also stresses trying to educate people about putting private info on the internet.
The only issue I'm having is there is a big difference between an app being able to see you because your Facebook account is public and you just don't realize how to manage your privacy settings, and an app being able to see a private profile. Huge difference.
I do agree a lot of people don't understand how to set their privacy settings. Seems to me there should be a big red button and you can either turn it on or off. It's so complicated you have to have a pretty good understanding of computers to figure it out. But it still doesn't change the fact that an app that can see a PUBLIC profile is not a big deal. The big deal is that FB hasn't made it easy or intuitive to make your profile private.
Hi y'all. About the Steve thing: imagine for second that Steve wasn't available to go to LV, for whatever reason.
Who would she have gone with?
That's right, no one. She would have no one.
She's alienated herself from her extended family. Jamie was once an acquaintance and TLC decided to script her in as a "friend" so Kate would seem more relatable (didn't work). And despite Kate's insistence that they're all hunky dory since the RV trip, has anyone seen Jamie with Kate since then? Nope.
Are there any pictures ANYTIME of Kate doing things back home with a friend? Nope.
So who, exactly, would she go with on an out of town trip? The ghost of Christmas past? The tooth fairy?
Steve is IT. Whether she's boinking him, paying him $1600 a day, or BOTH, he's ALL she's got at this point. He's the only person in the world, apparently, willing to go places with her. (She's not willing to take her kids, that much is clear.) And according to her, she has to pay him.
What does it say about you when you're down to one human on the planet who will be with you and then only when you go out of town and then only (according to Kate herself) because you pay them? Kate's official story is that Steve is her "road manager" and his rate is $1600 a day. If you ask me, that's more pathetic (though at least more moral) than boinking him. She has to PAY SOMEONE TO BE WITH HER.
I would imagine a lot of people got invited to Brad Garrett's comedy club opening, from A listers to Z listers. Of course Kate jumped at the chance and I guarantee you she paid for the expenses out of HER pocket for one of the first times ever. Otherwise, who paid it? Brad Garrett is NOT paying someone like Kate Gosselin to fly across the country with her male escort to go to her show, I'm sorry. That just wouldn't happen.
I wish I could find it now, but late Thursday night, I was reading her mention feed and some guy who was there tweeted quoting Brad's routine. This was before it was general knowledge that she was there. What he quoted was brutal. I wish I could remember it, but it was very late for me. I just remember thinking "WOW." Something about how she's still trying to lactate so she can have more kids and get another show, only it was more vulgar and vicious than that.
When I found out she was actually there, I laughed my ass off. She flew across the country and paid for a hotel, meals, her male escort, etc, to be raked over the coals by a comedian in person.
It's true narcissists like any attention, but it's not like they love being skewered. So I'm quite sure she didn't really find it funny at all. (Remember they also don't have a sense of humor.)
Thus her pissy tone when she was outed and got back on twitter.
I guess I'll glance at her tweets now and again, but honestly, she's really boring me lately. When even your detractors don't care as much anymore, it's bad.
Anyone have any guesses as to how soon she'll be back to bitching about how exhausted she is and how much stuff costs for the kids? She's got NO room to talk about kid expenses, now that it's crystal clear she can fly herself to Vegas for a 4-5 day birthday trip. But watch, she still will. No self-awareness, no realization that she's a total hypocrite.
Now I don't know how close a local beach in PA is but if you pack a homemade lunch for an afternoon, I don't know if you have to pay to be on the beach probably not, you swim for free, eat lunch stay for half the day, drive home. Most you would have spent on is gas I suppose. Why is going to the beach going to cost Kate much of anything other than to make lunch and organize 9 swimming suits, sandals, sun tan or protection lotion, maybe a few buckets and shovels, 9 towels a a pair of dry clothes to ride home in.
I wouldn't take eight kids to the Jersey shore on a day trip. It's just too long a day - about two and a half hours down, then the return trip. I wonder if she's even been to Gretna. It's about 40 minutes away, and I bet the kids would really enjoy it. They even accept coupons!
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