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Mac Duggal |
Why did Kate kept such a fun event hush-hush? Is she embarrassed to be spending the children's money on her custodial time while she simultaneously complains about not even being able to afford to take them to the movies and waxes on about buying clothes too big for them and not having any coupons for milk? Kate? You've been outed!
Hi, Steve. We see you there in the background channeling Kevin Costner.
715 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 715 of 715 Newer› Newest»I think that particular app would have made it a lot easier for a creepy guy to get close to a woman (who granted was stupid enough to put her info out there). He can find out where she hangs, names of family members, religion, favorite drink and end up cozying up to her at her favorite club.
Just as a girl wearing short skirt and revealing top doesn't "deserve" to get raped, neither does one who can't figure out how to make her Facebook private.
Just as a girl wearing short skirt and revealing top doesn't "deserve" to get raped, neither does one who can't figure out how to make her Facebook private.
Whoa. I don't think people who make their FB profiles public deserve anything. Didn't mean to imply that? I think the primary responsibility needs to be on FB to fix the privacy settings.
That's right, no one. She would have no one.
Even if she had someone, no one leaves their kids in the middle of the week to go frolic (well almost no one) and most people can't just pack up and take off from work for two or three days. Most people have limited vacation time they use to spend with FAMILY. She is extremely out of touch.
I love 60 Minutes. They're doing another great story about how much people are busting their butts at their jobs trying to get back on their feet in a bad economy.
One guy is working 17 hours a day 7 days a week. He said his last day off was Christmas.
This is America. Its sad but I'm proud.
I totally agree that FB should make it easier. However they say they've done nothing wrong and are being made the scapegoat.
The 21 Century where no one takes responsibility.
reader lady 176- Unfortunately, I don't think KK will ever realize she's just as ordinary and mediocre as the rest of us. She has this self-image of a STAR and she's never going to let go of that.
I agree. They are going to have to take Kate away kicking and screaming in a straight jacket. I don't predict anything good for the kids while Kate continues to try to keep herself relevant.
She is very scattered and trying to keep herself relevant through whatever means necessary. Of course she had to have a birthday celebration in Vegas with a bodyguard- don't all mothers do this? Who was paid to take the photos? As if the world would stop if she wasn't there. Grasping for straws and looking so Z List these days.
Not sure if this will go through as I have been away for a few days.
Dallas Lady said... 4
DL, spot on as usual.
As you said, Kate has no one.
I am retired...(I was very fortunate and was able to retire at the early age of 42 - although I'll be 50 this year!) Anyway, I do a lot of volunteer work, but if I'm not volunteering, I go out for lunch with different girlfriends on different days of the week. It's a great time to catch up on things, discuss life, laugh, gossip, etc.
Supposedly, Kate has paparazzi (supposedly) that watch her every move, and have we EVER seen her heading out to lunch with a girlfriend?
Have we EVER seen her eating dinner at the Fig & Olive on her monthly jaunts to NYC?
(And I believe she is eating their food - but as others have said, its because the salon is having it catered in. NO ONE is sitting around a dinner table having dinner with Kate.)
She's got no one. That has to be sad & lonely & a bit scary. I think in some ways, its why she's taken on this "Kate against the world" mentality that is showing (when she mentions her haters.)
It's really sad, because at the end of the day, you won't be eulogized by your fancy house and three cars and couture dresses. It's your friends & family who come to celebrate your life & eulogize you - and she'll have...
...no one.
Oh yeah, Admin. I was totally leaving aside the fact that she left her kids with a nanny in the middle of the week while it was her custodial time.
Who does that? Certainly not someone worried about holes in socks or how much she has to pay to feed her kids.
"She is extremely out of touch."
But Admin, you don't understand! She is KATE GOSSELIN, reality TV star, "maker" of TLC as a network, SuperMom of 8, NYT "best-selling" (pseudo)author, fitness (near)guru, and all-around SPECIAL-IST WOMAN in the universe.
It's not that she's out of touch--it's that she has completely lost touch with the "mediocre" personality she was just a few years ago and to which she is gradually reverting (like it or not). Kinda like water finding its own level. In her own mind, she's still famous, still very much in demand, AND looking HOTTER than ever (and working ever harder to look even hotter): therefore, she must be acknowledged for the famous and desirable celebrity that she is!
Unfortunately, given the magnitude of her self-delusion, the crash is going to be brutal. I hope someone in her "entourage" (Steve?) has the local psych center on speed dial.
I think in some ways, its why she's taken on this "Kate against the world" mentality that is showing (when she mentions her haters.)
Nope, she always had that. Her little expect the apocalypse circle used to number ten when Jon was around. She wanted her family, kids and hubby, to be close because it was just them or something. It was in the first ever special.
Something about how she's still trying to lactate so she can have more kids and get another show, only it was more vulgar and vicious than that.
It would have been funny if he had looked at Steve and said, "Steve, the bodyguard...what are you waiting for? Your room is ready upstairs. The sooner you get busy procreating, the sooner Kate has her new show!"
Sherri O, God, that's so true.
I was watching some documentary on PBS once, don't even remember exactly what it was about? Some guys had the first synchronized swim team just for guys in the world?
Anyway, one guy had traveled from the US to be part of this team, based in the Netherlands or something. And the documentary was about more than just the swimming, it ended up being about the extraordinary friendships that developed, not just among the men, but their wives and children, who all supported their passion. It was terribly endearing, but I'll never forget one of the Dutch men trying to explain the value of the friendship to him. He struggled for words quite a bit, then he looked at his American friend and said, "Friends...after all...are the witnesses to our life."
That stayed with me, because it's so true. That's what they are.
The irony is that the same "nanny/babysitter" she reportedly uses 4 times a week, could be utilized to take the kids to the movies. This would benefit the kids.
No PANIC- not too many people care anymore and she did manage a church visit with pictures which she posted on twitter. Amazing how she can manage when it benefits her image. I guess there is nothing in it for her to go to a movie or take the kids out unless it is photographed, and benefits her. Can't do that in a dark movie theatre.
I agree with whoever said she simply does not want to take the kids out alone, as she (the supermom) can still not manage much of anything without help. Yet Jon can. No excuse, as we all know she has help, and should try doing some normal activities with her kids as any normal good mother would do, without all of her BS excuses. I guess being in a dark movie might not benefit her, and we all know she wants credit for every single thing she does for her kids via twitter, her blog and CC.
I am still not getting why she is allowed to post pictures of her kids and constant information regarding their activities as she no longer has TLC backing.
Time for her to stand on her own, and leave the kids out of it. They have more than earned their privacy, and I am sure all 8 of them would be happy if their mother stopped using them to try to keep herself relevant. She really is desperate and her using the kids for fame needs to stop immediately. She is not blogging/twittering as a single mom but rather Kate + My Eight.
Can Jon put a stop to this?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 3
But it still doesn't change the fact that an app that can see a PUBLIC profile is not a big deal. The big deal is that FB hasn't made it easy or intuitive to make your profile private.
Well, yes, I do think it's a pretty big deal. The issue isn't FB alone, it is the way personal information aggregates ACROSS social network sites.
In other words, you may post questions on a medical site - public questions, using your sign-on identity - you may put different information on a site you visit for your hobby. You may have FB, Twitter and school accounts.
You may choose to keep some areas of your life private on some sites, and make them public on others.
Apps like the ones mentioned in the link I posted have the ability to pull them all together, even though people believe they have been careful about where, and how, they exposed themselves.
That's not what most people envision when they go to, and post on, these sites.
The real point of the article is that people don't really understand how their information is used, and don't understand what "private" means in this context.
And that really is a huge deal. This app got pulled, and a hundred more are on the way.
People have a very hard time understanding how public the internet really is. "Private" settings, across platforms, are not nearly as "private" as people think.
The point of the article is that very few people who are not in technology have a clue as to how their privacy is compromised when they put personal information on the internet. It's an extremely valid point.
How do we know the woman sitting next to her wasn't her "date?" Steve could possibly be nothing more than her beard. That's why Gina isn't so worried. It wouldn't be the first time this has been suggested. She would much rather have people speculate that she's a home-wrecker than finding out that she switched teams. My bet is she would lose way more fans if the latter is true.
Privacy First: THANK YOU for posting the link to the not-an-April-Fool's blog article. Very enlightening, and really really creepy.
Good discussion on an app called "Girls Around Me" which I think is very pertinent to things that come up in conversations here.
Man, I should read before I post. I see you all have been talking about that creepy app and privacy. Sorry!
I bet Kate wont even send her kids to day camp this summer. I only got to go to sleep away camp twice. Both times were with the girl scouts. I had a great time and worked my behind off to get enough cookie money to go. The rest of the time, I attended day camps. The day camps are less expensive. They are also a great experience. I bet Kate could get send all 8 of her kids to a day camp for less then she spend on this weekend. The kids could even find camps that match their particular interest. Music theator camp, soccer camp, cooking camp exc.
Its sad to know that she spends proportionally more money on herself then her kids. Most parents spend less on themselves then their kids.
Hope she's watching the CMA show tonight coming from the MGM Grand in LV, guess she's not Taylor Swift's date after all. So close but . . .they probably needed their room back.
Why would an unemployed former reality television star even still need a bodyguard? I wonder if anyone will ever ask her. I know we all assume he's not her bodyguard among other things while she says he's almost a good close personal friend whatever. But I'd also wonder why she hangs out with him so much. Does she not have other girlfriends? Friends period?
Kate did says she was good friends with Steve and Gina at one point...so why not go with them both to Las Vegas? I've never seen Gina invited to hang out with Kate except that one holiday meal, following year was just Steve.
You honestly have to wonder about a person who never has any family over. Sure she can claim they are all estranged because it's their choice or they don't know how to help her but generally people who are estranged are for reasons that involve hurt feelings and or other such things not because they do not know how to offer help because she's got 8 kids.
Sooner or later Kate is going to maybe run out of people she can either pay or pretend to be her friends. And no offense but that's going to really be hard. Then again she's can-do all-by-myself single-mom of 8 kids Kate Gosselin.
Fans? Those are just people who like talking to her I guess because she's a has been and or they have nothing else going on in their lives. If they are waiting for Kate to have her next big break they are going to be sitting ducks.
LOL, oh burn. Even Sarah Palin was able to get a gig co-hosting Today.
You betchya!
It's really sad, because at the end of the day, you won't be eulogized by your fancy house and three cars and couture dresses. It's your friends & family who come to celebrate your life & eulogize you - and she'll have...
...no one.
Awesome post!! So well thought out, and (sadly) true.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again........never in my life have I been happier to be mediocre.
Give it up, Grifty....we know your scam. The Sheeple are returning from the dark side.....you are a laughing stock of the entertainment community.
BTW - Its very obvious in the picture.....she is so ORANGE!!!!!! Either from banging a kiwi or too much fake bake.....she looks like an ooopa looompa
(Formally DebbieDowner4....totally forgot I used the name Miss Kitty....)
DL #4: "I guess I'll glance at her tweets now and again, but honestly, she's really boring me lately. When even your detractors don't care as much anymore, it's bad."
Great post...always spot on...and the above quote is exactly where I find myself in this scenario right now.
If you scroll down to the middle of the page you will see that this article doesn't even mention Kate - just a teaser/slam comment in the headline about her being in Vegas with her boy*er*bodyguard.
But there is this blurb:
Jane and Chris Cabott. Chris was planning to come with his new client and friend Jon Gosselin, but Jon was watching the kids. Jon is doing a lot of charity work of late, and will be on these pages shortly cause you know I love to promote the charities.
Philly ChitChat April 2, 2012
KG: Good day!This morning sure came fast! We had egg, ham and cheese burritos for breakfast then quickly out the door..grouchy Monday morning.. 18 minutes ago
Why does she find it necessary to inform the world of her breakfast menu? Amazing she had time to fix such a hearty breakfast while dealing with 8 "grouchy" kids...or maybe she was referring to herself?
I took it that she is the grouchy one. I don't think the kids are at liberty to be grouchy, just eternally grateful for food, a bed, and a roof, while mom is thankful for sequined dresses, the night life in far away, exotic places, airplanes, and a bodyguard. Twitter is revealing that she is far worse a person and a mom than even I could have ever imagined.
I think she does that to clarify that yes they had a menu-worthy breakfast. Sounds like quality, but quantity has been shown to be sorely lacking.
She probably has a freezer full of hot pockets to heat up for the kids breakfast. No way would she go to the trouble of cooking.
They had eggs for dinner last night. She probably took the leftover eggs and rolled them in a tortilla with a slice of ham.
I just watched my recorded Celebrity Apprentice. Kate should thank her lucky stars that she never made it to Donald's program. She would be rendered to a sputtering fool. Those folks are brutal. Arsenio calls Aubrey a narcissist. Strong personalities with creative ideas are bashed. Kate would be so out of her league!
Yes, the kids get left-over eggs and left-over Kate- grouchy and not pleased to be back home...better to be in LV where she is appreciated as the *star* she is ( snark)
VH1 did a parody of Kate:
Berks Neighbor said... 29
If you scroll down to the middle of the page you will see that this article doesn't even mention Kate - just a teaser/slam comment in the headline about her being in Vegas with her boy*er*bodyguard.
But there is this blurb:
Jane and Chris Cabott. Chris was planning to come with his new client and friend Jon Gosselin, but Jon was watching the kids. Jon is doing a lot of charity work of late, and will be on these pages shortly cause you know I love to promote the charities.
Nice to see- thanks for sharing, Berks!
Dear Kate,
Welcome back to Mediocrity.
The Realist Reality
I haven't heard Kate mention Jamie since she twitter away about her unfavorably both nights the RV episodes played. That was in mid Sept. 2012.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and Kate birthday have all passed and no photos or mention of Jamie in her blog or twitter feed. I wonder if she will show up for the tups birthday or anytime during the summer. If not, then I guess we can 100% assume that their friendship is over...thanks to Kate, of course.
Those folks are brutal. Arsenio calls Aubrey a narcissist.
Yep and in true narcissist fashion, Aubrey couldn't understand why he said those things and left when Arsenio pointed out her constant "me" and "I" references. Kate would get beat up pretty bad but I don't think she'd last more than one assignment. Who she call for help if she had to raise money? She's bled everyone she knows dry already. lol.
That video is FUNNY! Thanks for the link.
And just a postscript to my comment#40. If their friendship is done then once again her children lose again. Kate meet Jamie in PA when the twins were very little. The Gosselin kids all were friends with Jamie's children. So once again, Kate destroys her children's friends relationships because of her nasty personality.
I, too, wonder why, oh why, does this unemployed person need a "bodyguard?" This is an expense someone is paying for. I believe Kate is willing to spend the money to promote herself, but I'd bet my next retirement check that she will cry poormouth and not take those kids anywhere on her own dine. No camps, gymnastics, dance lessons, etc. That money is for her and her alone. Jon once said she had money stashed and we better believe it. None of this would be any body's business if she had not gone on national television and cried and grifted for years. Kate is not a nice woman/mother. By the way, I would never send my husband alone to Las Vegas. Would you? Bodyguard or not!
maggie #37 - thanks for that link - what a hoot!
AuntieAnn said... 41
Those folks are brutal. Arsenio calls Aubrey a narcissist.
Yep and in true narcissist fashion, Aubrey couldn't understand why he said those things and left when Arsenio pointed out her constant "me" and "I" references. Kate would get beat up pretty bad but I don't think she'd last more than one assignment. Who she call for help if she had to raise money? She's bled everyone she knows dry already. lol.
So glad to see Aubrey leave...she was beyond obnoxious. And your assessment of her is right on target.
I was also glad to see Debbie Gibson leave...another narcissist who is so full of herself it's absurd.
Hated to see Dee Snyer leave...didn't expect to like him but really have a lot of respect for him.
And as far as Kate doing CA, I have always thought that, without TLC plugged into her earpiece, she couldn't so much as comprehend the assignments...and then there is the laziness factor and the inability to be a team player. I agree...she'd be gone in a flash.
MacDuggal is in Chicago...could that "deal" have been arranged with the CC "new blogger" trip?
And the trip with CC to Vegas for a convention...wasn't there a photo of Khate with the same CEO that she was photographed with at the Brad Garrett opening? (sorry, I don't have time to sleuth it out - the CEO in the photos from this weekend looked familiar, his name seemed familiar)
Could she have some sort of "gig" to appear at these events at this one particular hotel through this CEO?
I can't imagine her paying her own way to anything - really. I think she is on someone else's expense account.
AuntieAnn said... 41
Those folks are brutal. Arsenio calls Aubrey a narcissist.
At first I liked Aubrey then I saw how she completely takes over every project giving no one else a chance at an opinion. Considering there have been 8 projects and Aubreys teams have lost 5 of them I think she should shut her mouth and allow someone else to lead. I loved that Arsenio called her out on it. I just wish he had done it sooner. Aubrey and Lisa are control freaks. Don't even get me started on Lisa. lol
Kate would be eaten alive on CA and in typical fashion she would cry just like the other 2 narcissists, Lisa and Aubrey, do every time someone criticizes them. Is that a trait of a narcissist? Do they go into poor, poor me mode when cornered? Seems like a lot of them do.
*Snyder...not Snyer
Did y'all see the clip of DWTS Tony on Anderson Cooper. Anderson said he felt sorry for Tony when he got Kate as a partner. There were some funny slams being said.
I see kate finally made it home to the kids
Judy, gotyournumber - I didn't shed any tears for Debbie either. Dee Snyder turned out be really likeable and I was sorry to see him leave.
I'm SO sick of listening to Lisa L bitching about having to do all the work. She sure knows how to suck up to Donald but I get the feeling he's getting full of her too. She's a real shit-disturber.
If Kate WAS telling the (cough) truth about being asked on to CA, I think the only reason she'd turn the offer down is because she knows she's got NOTHING to offer and she'd have to drag Steve around everywhere they go and I don't think the Donald would allow that.
Here is the link to the Tony/Anderson interview. http://www.eonline.com/news/kate_gosselin_slammed_by_former_dancing/305211
Kate announced that it was a grouchy Monday morning. Really?
Monday AM can be ragged in any home. The rhythm of routine has to be restored after a weekend. But, in the Gosselin home, there would be some special disruptive details.
Friday, when the kids spilled into the house after school, a care taker was in charge. Probably things didn't get put away exactly where Kate would place them.
Some meals, some life, some activities took place before the kids joined Jon at his home. More out-of-order for Kate to come home to.
Kate has been away being a celebrity.
This is reality -- dirty dishes, mis-placed book bags, unmatched shoes, unmade beds, sleepy children...
Grouchy? Sure she was. I place a bet that those children heard a lot of barking commands this morning.
Of course it's a grouchy Monday morning, she's in PA getting kids to school, not having breakfast in LV with Taylor Swift. As if. And let's just suppose that someone, like Mr. CEO Man, is paying her expenses 'cuz he thinks she's a hot commodity, she has to be paying for Skeeve. Really, a bodyguard for that has been? We were on a flight from Boston to LA a few summers back when we noticed the last seat in the Business cabin, almost last minute, being taken by a woman accompanied by a burly guy. It was Rihanna, accompanied by her bodyguard. He settled her into the seat, stowed bags and then went back to coach to sit down. Doubt he sits with her in clubs wearing a suit and tie.
Dmsay I saw CA last night and I had the same thought. Brutal! Kate would be eaten alive.
I nearly laughed at Arsenio calling Aubrey a narcissist. Honey, that's nothing.
JudyK said... 46
So glad to see Aubrey leave...she was beyond obnoxious. And your assessment of her is right on target.
I'm really liking CA this season. Not so sure Aubrey is gone for good though. I think it's a play for attention and she'll be back - there's also tons of editing on this show.
This week's money saving blog from Coupon Cabin.
Kate Responds to Anderson Cooper & Tony Dovolani
Posted on April 2nd, 2012 by Kate G
Filed Under:
Kate Gosselin
Surprise, surprise! Tony Dovolani was recently interviewed by Anderson Cooper following his short run — first week elimination — on this season’s Dancing With The Stars, and with it came a lengthy discussion about… Me!
Since I was mentioned, I have a few things I’d like to say on the subject. First, I think it is a shame that Tony has been left only with a negative impression of our time together, especially after we spent SO many hours, days, nights and weeks working hard together doing our best in the competition.
Let’s face it – he didn’t have a lot to work with as far as my dancing abilities were concerned. I’ve admitted and laughed about this many times over the last two years! Where I’ve been given credit for trying, the world saw my efforts and the majority agree that he had a tough job making a dancer out of a girl who had never taken one single dance step in her life.
Kate Gosselin & Tony DovolaniSecond, despite the many obstacles I faced at that time, I was left with a very positive impression of the entire experience! I very much enjoyed the challenge and the comradery. I made many lifelong friends, have tons of great memories, and learned a lot about myself, so I don’t regret a single moment! I wish nothing but the best in future seasons for Tony and his prospective dance partners.
Third, to Anderson Cooper I’d like to say this: I’d love the opportunity to be a front row spectator for your first dance as a competitor on the next season of Dancing With The Stars. C’mon , you know you’re hoping for a spot! I can only imagine how your view of the subject may change 180 degrees, not 360 degrees, if you are given the opportunity to cha cha cha! Hey, Anderson, if it does happen for you, what do you say I give you some dancing pointers over pizza sometime? I think there’s one piece left….talk about Ridiculist!
What a joke Kate is.
She has no one asking her about her opinion on the Tony/Anderson comments so she has to resort to putting them out there on her COUPON BLOG in hopes that someone will pick it up.
She's so Z-list now it's pathetic, but funny as H#ll. *LOL*
What the heck does this have to do with Couponing???? Now coupon cabin is Kate's forum to respond to her critics?
I love this: "First, I think it is a shame that Tony has been left only with a negative impression of our time together, especially after we spent SO many hours, days, nights and weeks working hard together doing our best in the competition."
Isn't it funny how the more time you spend with Kate the more you can't stand her? Funny how that works out.
What?? Is that it? No coupons? Is this a ranting ground for her? What a goon. How can CC put up with this- even if it gets a lot of hits, their actual business is a big joke. Where are the $ saving tips? Geez, talk about not being classy or mature. Kate takes that prize.
Menu Monday? Eggs?
I have a suggestion for Kate. Pick up the phone and call Tony and mend some fences. Be an adult.
I wonder if Kate realizes she just got played by Coupon Cabin. Not only did she NOT write too much of that post, if any, but by allowing that topic to written about, Coupon Cabin has just created thousands of hits on their site now that they're allowing comments on it.
Wish I had time to pop some popcorn!
And Coupon Cabin publishes this no money saving Monday morning crapola piece why? Oh, did anyone ask Kate what she thinks? Thought not.
If you want some relevance Kate, get a job. That's spelled J-O-B.
Oh. My. Gosh. Somebody disconnect her Internet service now!!
In what universe is that little piece even close to fulfilling the requirements of her job for Coupon Cabin? She is now using/continuing to use them as a way to present her twisted version of the truth and only the truth. The piece is mean-spirited and self-serving, and she is throwing men who are well respected in the entertainment field under the bus, which further decreases her chances of getting back into the "biz"--did she come home on Saturday and spend the rest of the weekend writing that piece of caca?
That's just a longer version of one of her bitchy Twitter wars. She needs some serious PR advice!
She's such a c word, I thought her blog entry was a late April Fools joke you were playing on us.
Holy shit - she actually wrote that and put it on CC!! WTF is wrong with her and them?! Unbelievable.
She is spiraling out of control.
She kate might have spent $8'000 on paying Steve for five days. I wonder how much she paid the sitter.
She pays all that money to Steve when she could take the kids somewhere fun makes no sense.
Auntie Ann...
I hated to see Dee go too.I think Lou should have gone before Dee. Lou is another narcissist. Dee seemed like a hard worker and good guy and was the only one who stuck up for Dayana. Dayana isn't stupid, she's just not mouthy enough to stand up to Lisa. Boy, Lisa really has it in for her. I would love to see Dayana stay if for nothing but pissing Lisa off. Haha Watching Lisa gets my heart racing almost as much as Kate can. She's nasty. Check out her Twitter, she argues with her haters too only uses really foul language.
I personally think the biggest reason Kate isn't interested in doing CA is because it's for charity. God forbid Kate doing anything that doesn't serve her. I do believe Trump did ask her though. He goes for very controversial, spit-fire types to add to the drama. I think until recently he has been very disappointed with how quietly Teresa had been. She's known on RHONJ for her fiestiness. We all know drama follows Kate.
Okay, her Coupon Cabin blog was about her stint on DWTS? How did she ever think this tied in? She is an idiot and and could use a dictionary before she publishes her blog article; it's spelled "camaraderie".
If she thought she was going to get anymore TV gigs she is sorely mistaken.
She is burning bridges right and left. Taking products, not giving credit or promoting them. Slamming people in the media who have worked their entire life to get where they are not by popping out a litter of kids (sorry kiddos, I do love you but your mom is using you badly)
She is hanging on by a thread and I want to look away from the trainwreck but it's so amazing to watch it unfold before our eyes.
Oh this? "Surprise, surprise!"
So condescending. Like Tony is an a-hole just waiting to spout off about her again.
By the way Kate? Other contestants don't have a problem with Tony. He still hangs out with many of them, I even asked him about this at the book signing.
You need to think outside the box here. That article will generate thousands more hits than Kate's usual useless blog posts will.
Coupon Cabin is a business, and they're not stupid. (Well, not normally. They did hire Kate. But hey, everyone's entitled to a mistake now and then.) There is probably a contract they must fulfill, so they realized that the only way to make a buck off their bad investment is to play to the... Yup, you guessed it. US! The haters, of course!
Opening her posts up to comments last week was probably some kind of test balloon. When that move proved wildly successful, they decided to go another route with Kate.
Remember her childish, stupid comment last week on Twitter to her haters? She's dumb enough to believe she did something great when they told her they were going to play this angle. I don't know how she can live with herself, feeling proud that people hate her.
Three pointer for Coupon Cabin!
Yeah, I agree the post is going to get hits and bring people to Coupon Cabin (good on them for allowing it) But as for Kate, this is another nail in her PR coffin. It was bad form for her to do this to anyone in the media. She sat through an entire comedy routine making fun of her, and tweeted about it that it was funny, but then to turn around and slam Tony/Anderson for their conversation and observations.
Tow-faced much, Kate?
Coupon Cabin needs to fire her. What the HELL does any of that have to do with couponing? They are losing credibility. I went to the site just to see what coupons are offered under her tirade, defending herself ONCE AGAIN. Coupons for troops! What a complete disgrace, lumping Kate Gosselin's self-serving bullcrap in with our troops, who voluntarily put themselves in harm's way to defend the nation. I am literally shaking my head - and of course the first comment is from another of her defenders. Unbelievable. She can say whatever she wants about Jon, every chance she gets, he doesn't respond, and yet she responds to every little criticism about her. She is a hypocrite of the highest order.
OMG, I thought that the CC Kate blog was a spoof. Am I the only one who thought that?
Wowza. CC are officially idiots, or geniuses. really. CC is now officially the National Enquirer and People MagRag all rolled up into one. They actually pay Kate to write drivel on a weekly basis and now, she gets a bully pulpit.
Oh btw, I never knew the whole entire world watched her and agrees that she tried hard.
Yeah, including starving, famine-ravaged Chad.
What and egomaniacal, completely out of touch, navel gazing, doesn't know the price of milk... "mom".
*two*-faced...typo... adrenaline rush *LOL*
LoveMyGrandsons...I was just flipping through my Websters to find camaraderie. Does she not have spell check? What a dunce.
GotyournumberKate...my armchair analysis is that Lisa Lampanelli is jealous of Dayana's face and figure. I have never seen Lisa's comedy act, but I have heard it is based on insults and salty language. She is certainly full of herself and MEAN on CA. I gotta' say, I would love to hear her go off on Kate's work ethic.
bearswife..."holy shit" is right. Remember when she was all smiles with Anderson on some other talk show? Guess that infatuation has ended.
She's such a c word...thank you for coping the blog article here to avoid hits at CC. She certainly reveals a nasty attitude.
I watched the Anderson clip for the first time and Anderson brought Kate up, not Tony, so it's not like Tony is going around looking for forums to trash a partner he had three or four seasons ago. And they were just joking! It was just a quick joke and they moved on. Obviously Tony wasn't serious about therapy. She needs to lighten up. Why not just reply with a joke of her own! Make a little jab at Tony, light-hearted, and then everyone gets a laugh.
She takes it so damn SERIOUSLY.
I watched the Anderson clip for the first time and Anderson brought Kate up, not Tony, so it's not like Tony is going around looking for forums to trash a partner he had three or four seasons ago. And they were just joking! It was just a quick joke and they moved on. Obviously Tony wasn't serious about therapy. She needs to lighten up. Why not just reply with a joke of her own! Make a little jab at Tony, light-hearted, and then everyone gets a laugh.
She takes it so damn SERIOUSLY.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 70
Okay, her Coupon Cabin blog was about her stint on DWTS? How did she ever think this tied in? She is an idiot and and could use a dictionary before she publishes her blog article; it's spelled "camaraderie".
Hahaha, I was just about to tell Kate the "grate spelr" the same thing! My gawd, she is DUMB.
If Coupon Cabin really decided to play up to the everybody hates Katie Irene factor--which makes sense--that makes them just as sleazy as Katie Irene herself. JMO. I've never used them and never will, especially after this trainwreck.
Just snickering here imagining a smart, young professional calling Kate and baiting her: "Wouldn't you love to have a forum to respond to Tony and all the other millions of people who have pegged you wrong?" Her black heart and simpleton mind jumped at the opportunity without a flinch!
Up until now, they were bleeding Kate. This should help to stop the flow. Well, played, CC, well played!
She's such a c word said... 58
This week's money saving blog from Coupon Cabin.
Kate Responds to Anderson Cooper & Tony Dovolani
Posted on April 2nd, 2012 by Kate G
Filed Under:
Kate Gosselin
Surprise, surprise! Tony Dovolani was recently interviewed by Anderson Cooper following his short run — first week elimination — on this season’s Dancing With The Stars, and with it came a lengthy discussion about… Me!
Since I was mentioned, I have a few things I’d like to say on the subject. First, I think it is a shame that Tony has been left only with a negative impression of our time together, especially after we spent SO many hours, days, nights and weeks working hard together doing our best in the competition.
Let’s face it – he didn’t have a lot to work with as far as my dancing abilities were concerned. I’ve admitted and laughed about this many times over the last two years! Where I’ve been given credit for trying, the world saw my efforts and the majority agree that he had a tough job making a dancer out of a girl who had never taken one single dance step in her life.
Kate Gosselin & Tony DovolaniSecond, despite the many obstacles I faced at that time, I was left with a very positive impression of the entire experience! I very much enjoyed the challenge and the comradery. I made many lifelong friends, have tons of great memories, and learned a lot about myself, so I don’t regret a single moment! I wish nothing but the best in future seasons for Tony and his prospective dance partners.
Third, to Anderson Cooper I’d like to say this: I’d love the opportunity to be a front row spectator for your first dance as a competitor on the next season of Dancing With The Stars. C’mon , you know you’re hoping for a spot! I can only imagine how your view of the subject may change 180 degrees, not 360 degrees, if you are given the opportunity to cha cha cha! Hey, Anderson, if it does happen for you, what do you say I give you some dancing pointers over pizza sometime? I think there’s one piece left….talk about Ridiculist!
Wow. How classy of Kate.
Well, there ya go.
Exibit A: why she will NEVER EVER be accepted by ANYONE in show business or anywhere else for that matter.
Coupon Cabin must be absolutely delighted that Kate is representing their company...
You know, she is truly a comic's dream. There is always a plethora of material to choose from.
File all this under: Empty headed entitled toxic no-talent nitwit.
Oh, that article (if you can call it that) is just precious. Love the "burn" on Tony . . . at least she thinks it's a burn . . . about being eliminated the first week. Kate, he was eliminated because Martina didn't bring the ratings. People didn't want to laugh their asses of at Martina for a few weeks. They wanted to laugh their asses off at YOU.
Hey, when she says let's talk over pizza (to Anderson) is that a thinly veiled reference to his tirade over pizza-gate???
They that's clever, Kate. I'll give her that. Funny.
Susantoyota, have you ever checked out retailmenot.com?
It's simple to use without a lot of useless crap on the page. You will love it!
Berk's Neighbor, 74...I kind of like "tow-faced"!
Hey, when she says let's talk over pizza (to Anderson) is that a thinly veiled reference to his tirade over pizza-gate???
They that's clever, Kate. I'll give her that. Funny.
It's clever, so I doubt she wrote it!
This explains her grouchy morning. She got back from a good ole time in Vegas, heard about Tony "trashing her" (making a few jokes when prompted by Anderson, good grief get over yourself Kate) and has to stomp off to her laptop to type out a response like she is a major pharmaceutical company playing damage control with a press release.
I can practically hear the aggressive click-click-click of each key as she pounds out her very important press release.
Is she for real? And what "lengthy" conversation? It was a total of 34 seconds.
She probably spent last night catching up on all the "buzz" about her-no wonder it was a "grouchy Monday morning".
She probably used the CC blog, because no one is calling her for an interview to "set the record straight".
Keep digging that hole Kate.
Sounds like Kate thinks she rrrrrready to rrrrrrrumble with the pros now. Bring it on. Anderson would shut her down so fast it would make her head spin.
Funny stuff about life-long friends too. What is she now, a comedian?
Admin: Do you really think that she could have pushed out that article that quickly? I wonder if she doesn't have a (really bad) ghostwriter at Coupon Cabin.
what is going on- is it a spoof, and if so, wouldn't they say so at the bottom? I don't see that talking about late ( who wrote this- Kate or CC?? I'm sooo confused) is helpful to anyone??
Yes, Admin, that pizza remark was related to landing on Cooper's 'Ridiculist' clip that he did.
oops, ' talking about Kate!' typo
Excerpt from Katie's sh*tty CC blog:
"Hey, Anderson, if it does happen for you, what do you say I give you some dancing pointers over pizza sometime? I think there’s one piece left….talk about Ridiculist!"
Somehow, I think Anderson Cooper would rather drink turpentine, than eat pizza with the likes of her.
New post!!!
gotyournumberKate said... 69
Auntie Ann...
I hated to see Dee go too.I think Lou should have gone before Dee. Lou is another narcissist.
ha! I was keeping that thought to myself but since you said it first YES! Lou has to talk about how great he is 110% of the time. Geez, narcissists seem to be breeding like rabbits on CA.
I don't watch any RH shows so I didn't know anything about Teresa. She stood up to Debbie pretty well I thought. Catfights are so entertaining.
Mandy said . . . 87
Thanks! I will check out retailmenot.com during my next break.
Not only will her blog generate hits on CC but if Anderson Cooper decides to do another Ridiculist on her it will give them national exposure. Like someone else said though, this will only hurt Kate. She's so out of touch with reality it's not funny.
Third, to Anderson Cooper I’d like to say this: I’d love the opportunity to be a front row spectator for your first dance as a competitor on the next season of Dancing With The Stars. C’mon , you know you’re hoping for a spot! I can only imagine how your view of the subject may change 180 degrees, not 360 degrees, if you are given the opportunity to cha cha cha! Hey, Anderson, if it does happen for you, what do you say I give you some dancing pointers over pizza sometime? I think there’s one piece left….talk about Ridiculist!
Kate you're not in his league and you're just burning more and more bridges. While there was much truth in the segment, take it for what it was, A JOKE (much like your dancing). I hope that your little tirade on CC makes AC's Ridiculist. You've got a lot to learn if you want to work "in the business". I guess this is her way to say relevant - she'll now call Radaronline and try to spin it as some sort of fued with AC. Kate, AC is no little Philly photographer. You won't win and will only serve to drive anoter nail in your coffin.
Hey, you know people are entitled to their opinion and there are always TWO sides to a story. So while Kate may claim it was a wonderful and inprising experience for her (really?), it probably wasn’t for Tony. She just can’t see it from his side therefore he is ‘wrong, wrong, wrong’ in her eyes! Let her try being the teacher and she can tell us if she had SO MUCH FUN! Notice she never has ever said she was wrong? It’s always someone else she blames for her shortcomings or whatever is wrong with her. She might say she can’t dance but she still expects someone else to make her look dazzling and get the special treatment at the same time, do you know what I mean? That’s impossible unless you put A LOT of heart and sweat in it. She was shown crying and said she wanted to sleep on the way to practice so Steve called to cancel it, I think this was in NYC? I remember seeing a video of her crying in a limo (really a LIMO ?!?). Good grief, quit with the snobbish and greedy attitude that you must have what celebrities have. You don’t really need to keep up with the Johnsons, Miss Kate!
Jennifer Gray was dancing with her back bend out of shape, for god’s sake and I don’t remember hearing her complain and whine about it. She didn’t harp on and on about her medical problems.
I still remember how she reacted to Mady having Steve’s pizza in her hands instead of wrapped in foil. It was like she was about to go on a rampage after she said ‘that’s disgusting!’. Then right after that, I guess Steve or someone said something to her then she took a step back and said ‘what?’ I think right there whatever was being said to her snapped her out of her rambling and yelling at everyone. I wonder what was said to her? I mean Steve has been with her for how long now, 4 years? So Mady and Steve knows each other, what’s the BIG DEAL with screaming at her for not having ‘his’ pizza wrapped in foil? I doubt she even instructed anyone to always do that while they are on the RV trip! I think Anderson Cooper is entitled to his opinion too and has a right to portray her in whatever way he wants. After all, it’s what they do in this business!
Get used to it if your goal is to get a job in this business.
Well, in her overly dramatic, poor pitiful me style, she once again has to lie to make herself appear that the world is victimizing her. She said she is "a girl who had never taken one single dance step in her life." Puhleez. She was a stinking cheerleader for heaven sakes. They have been know to do a little dancing in their routines. And didn't she and Jon take dance lessons? She is such a lying liar who lies and lies.
"Stars, and with it came a lengthy discussion about… Me!"
I thought it was a spoof when I read this line "Stars, and with it came a lengthy discussion about… Me!" apparently not. All aboard the ME train Kate is back in town! She doesn't just burn bridges she dynamites them. Anyone with two working synapses would know that you don't refer to a nationally recognized interviewer in anything but polite terms, especially if you want some sort of career, car shows,supermarket openings, envelope openings, etc.
I'm reading this piece of shit CC blog again and each time, I'm picking up another level of arrogance on Kate's part.
She has this idea that Anderson is somehow jealous of her DWTS spot? Seriously?
Oh, this is so rich. No, actually, Anderson Cooper is rich. Like, more money than God rich and although AC was born with a silver spoon in his mouth (not a golden platter), he has earned his place in journalism through roll up your sleeves hard work.
I hope her self indulgent temper tantrum gets picked up and AC and Tony respond. Kate can't hold a candle to two hard working, very talented men. Oh, who also have jobs.
It's April!
8 months since TLC cancelled her show
7 months since her last show aired
5+ months since her last talk show appearance
3 months since her last TV interview
1 month since her last radio interview
And her slide into obscurity continues...
I too thought this was something "she's such a c word"........58 wrote as a spoof. Coupon Cabin is allowing this to be posted on their website? Really? She is using her place of work to vent about those who dare criticize her, and Coupon Cabin is posting this nonsense? They are using her twisted view of life to generate hits, unless there were dance lesson coupons somewhere on their site, why else would they permit this? Do their other bloggers get to write about who pissed them off recently?
This woman knows no bounds, she is deluded and has no filters. If I were Jon, I would tell her that as the mother of their children, she needs to seek help for the sake of them. She is so consumed with setting the record straight, she has little time for anything else but this obsession. Twitter is feeding this illness, and when she is not doing that, I am sure she scours the Internet to see what other "lies" are being told about her. Well, that and looking at pretty pictures of herself in sparkly dresses.
Her children are annoying background noise to her, their shelf life expired, holding her back from the fame she deserves for having them in the first place. So sad.
I seriously believed "Kate is a ..." wrote that
article as a joke! It's not?
You know how Anderson Cooper got the journalism bug? His 23 year old brother committed suicide and he just had this strong sense that it was important to tell people's stories. His entire career is a tribute to his brother.
His story is a hundred times more inspiring than I played around with some fertility drugs and had a litter, now admire me.
Also I think all Anderson would have to do is phone up DWTS and he would be in.
Number one, he works. Number two he's said many times he doesn't like to dance. So, end of story.
I guess it's supposed to be funny??? it's not...an April Fool joke? Fool and CC Fools indeed.
Jeez, if I just frolicked in LV for a few days I'd like to think it would keep me happy for a while. Kate comes home and the first thing she does is be evil and grouch"ish".
Away from home=happy Kate
Home with kids= tired, grouchy, exhausted Kate.
Tony was just joking back at AC, that's all. I truly believe that he's kept his lips zipped for years because he is a gentleman and a pro. I am sure he has stories.
I think we should start a pool whether any of those hundreds of Easter eggs will make an appearance this Easter on the compound. I'm betting no cameras will mean no Easter celebration. With Easter this Sunday, this is what Kate chose to blog about?
Coupon Cabin is now officially right down there in the mud with Kate.
In Kate's response, I see a person who needs to have the last word in everything. Watched enough of the former show to realize she can be a "bully" type. She would be better off to laugh to herself about Tony's joke and move on. Would leave a better impression. This only speaks to insecurity and mean girl behavior. Kate was horrible on DWTS and we all know it. If I was Kate, I'd never mention the experience again! I'd probably pray that everyone would forget I ever appeared on the program. She relishes in any attention, both good and bad. Delusional woman needs closed door therapy sessions. It would not only help her, but help the kids she is trying to rear. This is not a pretty story.
No. 3: He's HOT!!!
No, I could not have created that pile of shit that Coupon Cabin posted today. ;-)
Tucker's Mom said... 114
Jeez, if I just frolicked in LV for a few days I'd like to think it would keep me happy for a while. Kate comes home and the first thing she does is be evil and grouch"ish".
Away from home=happy Kate
Home with kids= tired, grouchy, exhausted Kate.
Tony was just joking back at AC, that's all. I truly believe that he's kept his lips zipped for years because he is a gentleman and a pro. I am sure he has stories.
I think we should start a pool whether any of those hundreds of Easter eggs will make an appearance this Easter on the compound. I'm betting no cameras will mean no Easter celebration. With Easter this Sunday, this is what Kate chose to blog about?
Coupon Cabin is now officially right down there in the mud with Kate.
You hit the nail on the head. CC has sunk to the lowest level possible allowing Kate's drivel on their site re: TD and AC. Not a damn thing to do with couponing- this site should be ashamed.
As for Krap, she had always been a conniving beast, always has to be right, is an angry person always defending herself, often with lies and ridiculous explanations. With one story contradicting another. She MUST have the last word. Ego fragile much?
In addition to NPD I firmly believe she is Borderline Personality Disorder, and maybe her dose of fame triggered her public extreme defensiveness, which probably always existed, but became much worse when people started interviewing her on national TV. BPDs are the most exhausting people ever. They will tell you the sky is orange, while you are standing there looking at it.
Kate always must be right. She brags big, does little, puts herself first always above anything else, attacks people who disagree with or anthing she ever said or did, making excuse after excuse. She will NEVER get it.
Look up BPD, and you will see why some posters are completely done discussing her and rightfully so. Not trying to be negative but rather trying to pinpoint some of her behaviors as well as our utter disgust at this juncture.
And yes, she can get help, but never will, which is part of the illness. They are never the problem.
Kate had it all, now whatever she gets, she has to pay for. Neither she nor Jon is done with using the public by way of twitter or radio interviews or moments on First Edition (since no one really goes there as that show does not have the ratings any longer) but Kate has managed to anger even the interviewers all over the TV stations, her demanding ways has managed to black ball her and she did it all herself. That is what she still does not understand, the way she treated her children is a part of the reason that people started to dislike her to the point of starting these blogs to say "enough of these reality people who use their children to obtain and seek all the free things in life without working"............the children need someone to care about them and we have been doing that for many years now. So the children are "excelling across the board in school" then leave them there so that they can develop without cameras in their faces, without anyone knowing their weaknesses or their learning disabilities or whether they can spill the dog food. Leave your children alone, please Kate, stop, just stop even mentioning your children, try to get a career by yourself without your children, like coupon cabin and write about yourself and not about Anderson Cooper or Tony D from DWTS, stop reading the blogs, the tweeting and no, you will not see yourself back on magazine covers, so keep reading your old magazines, your old TV tapes. There are many talented TV stars who no longer appear on TV, so they have other jobs to fall back on and that is what they have done. Do it Kate, get off the tweeting. You get firstclass passage to travel to run another marathon. Notice you mentioned that on The Today Show, got you another free airplane trip, huh? Why is it you do not stay at home and run in all the local marathons all over Pa? You could be home at night with your children?????? See back to my original statement, you never wanted to be a mother with 8 children or even 2 or 3. It is te hardest job and it doesnot pay money or give you first class travel.
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