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Hollywood Gossip |
According to listeners (thanks!), among some other topics Kate is hitting from D.C.:
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Kate loves tampon talk! Especially about her girls! But her virginity? Now that's too personal. |
- Kate said she doesn't let the kids get on the internet without her because there's so much information out there about Jon and she doesn't want them to see it
- They only eat healthy, balanced meals. She teaches the kids which foods make your body grow up versus make your body grow out.
- The kids wanted to leave the Alaska camp ground and that if they had asked to stay she would have but they were wet and complaining so they left. The show didn't show that part. (No, Kate. That's not how it went down. Joel's exact quote was: "Actually, I do want to stay."
- Her kids don't care if she discusses her kids
- She can't work as a nurse because babysitter would cost more than she would make.
967 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 967 Newer› Newest»I wonder if she can sleep in her stomach or if those thing prevent it. She doesn't look as good or as slim in pictures that aren't photoshopped. She's not fat, bit she no skinny minnie either. Somewhere in between.
Did Khate mention the cruise, CC or her website in today's interview?
Mel said... 7
Would Steve still have to guard her if she worked at McDonalds? Will he yell at me if I order something other than the salad and fat-free dressing?
Oh Mel, you made me laugh with that - great visual!!
I apologize for coming in late, it goes hand in hand with my mediocre job (that I love).
You have all said most of what I would have said!
As for kHatie Irene, everything she does and says just seems more and more absurb! Completely unbelievable the web of lies she keeps on spinning. I have to believe that she will eventually get strung up on them.
I REALLY wish she had talked about her own good bra, because I would like to own one. It is "amazing": http://www.gossipcenter.com/kate-gosselin/photo/kate-gosselin-1819
One last thing:
I can attest to the fact that you can tell what a person's income is by what kind of car they drive. I drive a 1992 wagon and DH drives a 2000 SUV. AND we are quite happy driving them!
So this media adventure is over, as is February. What is next for the not much in demand Kate? No news about running in Madrid, nor did she manage to get in any plugs for Coupon Cabin or the summer cruise, those folks must be less than thrilled. Guess it's back to 9 pm bedtimes, and grifting in PA. So exhausting.
Oh yes!
Hey Jude, I have been meaning to give you a shout out for a few days now - keep forgetting until after I hit post.
Glad you are feeling a bit better. At least the blog is busy - you have lots to keep you occupied!!
xoxo from Manitoba!
Winsomeone said... 191
Kate is the only person I know who has lost lots of weight, and have her breasts grow larger.
And perkier after 2 pregnancies. Oh... that reminds me. I went back and watched the Dr. Glassman clips in Youtube and Kate was getting evaluated for the tummy tuck and hopefully, a breast lift. Dr. Glassman said of course her breasts would sag a bit after pregnancy, but on his scale of drooping, it was minor.
The look on Kate's eyes shot at the good Dr., oh dear lawd. I thought the flesh was going to melt off his face. It was like, suddenly, the grateful, Christian mommy veneer wore off and Kate's real persona showed through.
Go back and view it. You will see shades of the Kate to emerge.
Kate mentioned the cruise, said twins are going. Didn't mention coupon cabin or any marathons.
chefsummer said... 172
Here's a lovely pic of Kate during her interview.
Three comments - First, it looks like she has a lot of make-up on the first close-up picture, I don't think she looks very good; Second - She seems a little dressed up for a radio show, Third - What is with her boobs in the two full body shots. They look huge! God I want her bra . . .
Maybe Kate's boobs are like the Grinch's heart they just grew big on their own.
MsCatie said...Maybe I'm old fashioned, but when did it become the norm that "anything goes" in public conversations?
About the same time it became popular to sacrifice privacy, family and integrity for money and fame.
AuntieAnn said... 192
The whole point, which I seemed to fail to make, is about her continual LIES.
Judy, I thought your point came across very clearly. Don't blame yourself for someone's failure to grasp it.
Appreciate your support...thanks. :)
Zoe - I too was a Kate level b!tch to my ex. I have learned so much from Kate and these blogs about how NOT to be! I have a short fuse, but have learned to control it. I have learned to calm down a lot and be more respectful in my new relationship. An exercise that helps is I think to myself "Am I acting like Kate? A little bit? Oh jeez I owe some apologies." It really works!
Kate is having a tweet party tonite, what fun!
Check Please said...
When you hate a person so strongly, EVERYTHING they do or say is held to a different standard than one would hold any other person. I've said it before, there's a lot to call Ms. Gosselin on. No need to create outrage when it isn't due.
I think that the only other person I loathed, as much as I loathe Kate, was Dr Laura. However, that didn't mean that I can't give her credit for he fact that she consistently came down on the side of children. I was incredulous that anyone would call in to her show and ask a question in which it was a choice between a parents wants and a child's needs. She was like a hammer, in that respect. She had a son and, when he was 9-11 years old, she often talked about it. He was preparing for his Bar Mitzvah and I had kids that were doing that, too. when he was 11-12ish he asked her to stop talking about him. She announced that she would be honoring his request. I give her credit and respect for respecting her son, over her need for monetary reward for exploiting him. Do I still loathe her---yes, I do.
I don't think that all of the commenters here are blinded by hate. I hear praise when it is due--it is just that it isn't due very often.
chefsummer said... 182
Argh! Curiousity got the best of me.
Her good bra/pointy tittays just poked me in the eyes.
Kate sure talks about McDonald's a lot. Probably craving another secret big Mac run.
Whew, some Katie Sheeples sure did bounce on over here to try to defend her, a thankless, difficult job to be sure! You tried, guys! You tried! But it's a losing proposition for you!
She looks awful in those pictures from today, her hair looks bad. And yeah, she can lie all she wants about her stupid boobs (which bore me about as much as her coffee thing), but I've seen enough footage from the early days of the show to know that's no bra.
I want to back up what everyone else here has been saying: you do NOT discuss your kids' underwear, bodily functions, pubescence, possible first boyfriends or other very private matters on radio, TV or other medium of MASS COMMUNICATION.
My God, you'd think that would be a no-brainer, wouldn't you? Common sense????
She even SAID they were embarrassed BUYING the bras. You'd think if they were embarrassed to buy them, they'd definitely be embarrassed to hear their mom blabbing about it on the radio. She managed to skirt the question of when she lost her virginity, but no boundaries for her kids, right?
She sucks pond scum through a straw, she really does.
And I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'm not here to be fair to Kate. She doesn't deserve fair treatment. Why? I watched her being a total asshole to EVERYONE AROUND HER on TV and she did so for 150 episodes, so I feel very certain she's that way in real life, in fact probably worse, since people are usually on their BETTER behavior in front of cameras.
So why am I here? To watch her go down.
LOL pink!
Busted a gut when I read "titays" in one of your earlier posts, got me again!
Judy K:
I completely understood what you meant. My daughter graduated with an Associates Degree in Nursing back in 1993. She has always said it is not the same as a 4 year degree from a college. She went to Jr. College for her degree and back in the day there was such a shortage of nurses that AD is all they required. I understand now that the qualifications are stricter and require a BS for a university. Now, that does not mean she did not work the same as any degreed nurse or was not an RN because she was, but the Associates Degree that she and others received did not have as much classroom face to face as a university 4 year degree got. She has worked in Neo-natal ICUs and heart transplant units and did very well before she became a SAHM. But to this day she is not offended when people say she got an AD. She is still an AD.
You made your point very well, that KATE LIES. If anyone doubted it, today proved it. But remember that old saying, there are none so blind as those who will not see. Sheeple. Sheesh.
Don't tell Kate but apparently Lifetime is giving Bristol Palin 10 episodes of her own reality show called "Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp". According to the Associated Press, "the series will explore the pressures of raising her toddler son, Tripp, as she maintains her close relationship with the larger Palin clan".
Sorry, I meant to say She is still an RN.
Dallas Lady, you make me laugh all over again. ITA with you about wanting to watch the end of this train wreck she created. And to the sheeple who love, love, love to claim we just love to hate on Kate and would not be so negative to anyone else, I think that is BS. We base our opinions of her on her behavior IN OUR FACES thru the years on the show and in the shows after Jon left and watching her nastiness week after week is what we base our opinions of her behavior on.
She's one nasty witch.
Just saw her twitter saying she was going to have a tweet party tonight with her salad and remote. Yippee Katie. I will be having dinner and a movie with my fantastic hubby, who I respect and treat like a human being rather than someone you can trash and blame everything they don't do that you order them to do. There is a definite reason there is no family in her life and it is because of HER.
Oh yep, choose that life for sure. Home alone on the couch with salad, remote and Tweeties. How big is that box of wine? And do tell the world you are home alone in that big house, no crazies out there, not at all. She needs Steve to attend daytime functions, to ride in limos or walk through airports but she's more than comfortable announcing on Twitter she's home alone. The elevator does not go all the way up.
Twitter party I guess Steve must be going to bed early since he's with her.
I like broadminded a lot, Christine and Molly are funny and I enjoy their take on pop culture including popular TV shows, interviews with actors. the show is sometimes like a gabfest with your gal pals, and topics are discussed like sex, including stories of sexcapades from college years or last month. One of the best shows I have heard them do, they had a guest who helps women find the right size bra. Anyway, I could not listen today. It sounds kinda tame for the broads.
I agree with others Ms.kreider is boring. I want to listen on Monday to hear the broads critique todays show.
One of the particularly CooCoo Kate fans uses LMAO a lot and she is in LOVE with !!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad she's willing to come here and post.
I just caught that she never mentioned Coupon Cabin during the entire two hour segment. Huh.
The "tweet party" is to do damage control (she'll respond to tweets that allow her to lie further about her lies) and do some long-overdue ass-kissing for her handful of fans (by allowing them to kiss her ass).
Allison, of all people who could have taken offense at what I said, you did not and understood my position. Your daughter sounds like a lovely person...she obviously takes after her mother.
Dallas Lady, I love your honesty...i.e., you are here to watch Kate go down. ME TOO.
Did anyone see that tweet Kate retweeted? In the UK, they're only up to the episode in which they've just moved into the mine all mine house and Kate is bitching about the moldy fridge.
Wow, they're way behind.
And I was watching the clip of her on Sarah Palin's show and anyone remember when she first walked up to the Palins' house? She was so GLUM. She just came marching up looking really antisocial and could barely bother to pretend to be enthused. You know that kind of really fake "hi" people sometimes give? It wasn't even that warm. I bet she didn't like being on that show from word one and was an unhappy shrew the WHOLE time.
Did she remember the name of the cruiseline she's with yet? She couldn't seem to remember Royal Caribbean last time she spoke about it. I love hearing her butcher the name of her employer's website
Coupon..ummm cabin...ummm..dot.com
Auntie Ann said: I think Steve dresses Kate and I'm not kidding. That dress she's wearing seems like something a man would pick out. He probably finds her terribly attractive in her little black dress no matter what time of the day it is.
I've been having the exact same impression for some time now. Since PB have been promoted to "manager" in fact. Shortly after TLC canceled her show Kate's fashion sense began to look very similar to my ex-husband's gifts choices for me. The dear man meant well I suppose, but he never fully understood the appropriate occasions for wearing leather (?!), velvet, satin (?!) or anything very shiny or very short and shiny. ("Tin foil mini-dress anyone'') Oh, -and yes-, veryyyyy good bras. That man use to looove very good bras. And since the rumor has it Steve was with Kate when she picked her first one, I think we can rest our case... :)
JudyK, LOL, well I figure why lie about it? I watched her being SUCH a horrible twatwaffle to everyone and who doesn't like to see someone like that get their just reward? I knew 2012 would be an annus horribilis for Kate, and it's sure shaping up that way. I waited a long time for this. I'm not about to give any credence to people popping up wagging their fingers about being FAIR to Kate. Fair? She doesn't know the definition of the word. Fair isn't in her vocabulary. Why grant to her what she doesn't even see fit to grant to her own flesh and blood? She is undeserving of such.
I will agree that Kate is an RN and people with college degrees are RNs. But it is true here in PA that the pay scale is usually higher if you have the 4 yr degree than if you don't. But I think they both have to pay better than McD's. And there are a bizillion other careers out there. It's such a lack of imagination that those are her only options.
Poor Kate, all that dieting and "running" and she is still a hunchbacked, masculine ogre. She doesn't get that she will NEVER be hot and never be skinny.
I too saw the picture of Kate today. What always strikes me is the utter joy,(not based on anything of substance of course) she exhibits when she is getting the attention she craves. Never, ever does she seem genuinely happy in the company of her own children. She always looks so put-upon when she has any of them within 10 feet of her. She is an empty, fame-seeking shell of a person, void of a single honest emotion, an utter fake.
Perhaps we are all naive about K8's true working intentions; it is entirely possible that even as a teenager she only intended to work until she got her Mrs. Degree, had babies and could be supported happily ever after. The whining to the state of PA post HOMS and with house equity and inheritance socked away certainly indicates that being fiscally responsible or career minded was not part of the Kate G life plan. Her RN is in the past, and there s nothing that indicates she has any intention to have a salaried position again. She still thinks there is a book deal, a radio show, hosting gigs, anything media related in her future - show up, smile, get a check. Her long term plan for retirement? No doubt a rich old man, as if anyone could put up with her narcissistic personality. Any other comments about being the breadwinner, working at Mickey D's - smokescreen.
chefsummer said... 23
Twitter party I guess Steve must be going to bed early since he's with her.
Skeevie is probably going to watch the newest "Jersey Shore" and wait for the Viagra to kick in while Kate tweets.
Kate's appearance on "Broadminded" would have been a wonderful opportunity to announce the "charity" she has chosen on her August cruise trip...
"The Kate Gosselin Fund"- robbing hard working people blind, since 2004
Skeevie is probably going to watch the newest "Jersey Shore" and wait for the Viagra to kick in while Kate tweets.
Oh for fug's sake, I need brain bleach!! haha
I wish there was a "like" button by some of these comments! Gold, pure gold!
Kate might as well get it through her thick, weaved skull that she will NEVER make the kind of money she was making before. She's media poison.
And there's no doubt in my mind that Steve's screwing the hell out of her. "Friends", my ass.
cwgirlup75 said... 36
Skeevie is probably going to watch the newest "Jersey Shore" and wait for the Viagra to kick in while Kate tweets.
OMG, I'm laughing so hard I'm coughing!
PLEASE do not compare a college B.A. to a hospital-sponsored certificate...they are NOT equivalent, and it is infuriating to those of us who earned that degree with four (4) years of attending a COLLEGE UNIVERSITY.
PLEASE do not speak for others. I earned a degree with four (4) years of attending a COLLEGE UNIVERSITY. In fact, I earned that degree from one of the most "prestigious" universities in the country. Unlike you, I don't have some grandiose sense of superiority as a result. I have no idea why possessing a Bachelor's degree makes you feel so incredibly special, but whatever floats your boat. It doesn't change the fact that regardless of the path chosen, Kate Gosselin had to pass the same exam as those extraordinary degree-holding fellow RNs.
As an RN and like so many of the other posters here, I think rehashing the issue of Katie Irene's nursing license is like beating a dead horse. She is an RN, passed the same exams, etc. However, it is the Katespeak that frosts my Cheerios. As a graduate of a diploma/hospital-based RN program, I attended a year of college in order to get my prerequisites, English, Anatomy, Nutrition, Chemistry, etc before entering nursing school. So she would be correct IF she said during my year of college before entering nursing school, blah, blah, blah. But being Katie Irene, she says "when I was in college" and the sheeple and maybe even Katie Irene herself believe she has a 4 year degree. I went back to school--RN-BSN program-- after my divorce, while working full-time on the 3-11 shift as well as raising a toddler and earned my BSN degree in a year's time. When I did that 20+ years ago, a lot of the diploma/hospital-based programs were/had been closing nationwide as the trend was to hire associate degree or BSN graduates as those programs were heavier on nursing theory. A lot of hospitals do not even hire LPN's anymore, preferring to use an all RN staff. I even know of a hospital that is staffed entirely by RN's, no nurse's aides. I don't care to debate whether diploma, associate or BSN graduates are better or whether there are studies that back up which program is best. It's really up to the student to make the choice based on multiple factors such as length of the program, cost, future career path--administrative vs. bedside nursing, etc. As I said before, Katie Irene obviously continues to boost her self-esteem by making it seem as if she is a college graduate. I don't believe she has ever named the college she attended (it would be too easy to check to see if she graduated). But she does hold the title. I agree that she is not that employable for a number of reasons, the most important being her initial training PLUS the length of time she has been our of the nursing field. No way would she acknowledge she needs a refresher course. It's too easy to rely on her "gift of gab" and since she reads here, I have to ask Katie Irene . . . .
How's that working out for ya, bitch?
Oh. My. God. Enough of the nurse debate. Kate won't lower herself to nursing again until it is TOO LATE and maybe not even then. She is in such denial. And I find it amazing the dipshit had the wherewithal to pass any nursing exam
Black nail polish? What next, will she put streaks of pink or green dye in her hair?
Antics like that are for trailer trash adolescents.
Yet I must admit I'd reallllly like one of those bras.
It's being replayed Sunday 3/4 at 8 Eastern Time. I couldn't listen to the whole show because I had a meeting with my son's principal and teachers.
I'm convinced the fans hate us more than they love Kate. There's no other explanation for their stupidity when it comes to her. Their excuses for her behavior are sometimes more outlandish than the behavior itself.
Has any one else seen this?
Naughty But Nice Rob @NaughtyNiceRob
@Kateplusmy8 are you doing a dating show. New reports you are coming back to tv?
I can't wait for the day that she's hauled to court for child abuse and that can be either physical or psychological Dimwit Kate. My daughter is 21 and would have killed (literally) me for discussing underwear to anyone, anywhere, anytime period. She has no talents/credentials for the entertainment industry so she uses/abuses her kids. She's currently clawing and attempting to hoist herself back into the limelight. It's over Shrew, move on & let your kids have a life. She is a first rate Bitch.
I'm a nurse and work in home health care. Currently I work every Sunday and every other Saturday. Again, she's a first rate LYING Bitch. I choose my hours, she could choose hers too.
Ok, people, I have to tell you: I found 8 small plastic party favors frogs, they are about 1 1/2 inches, at the party department at: drum role: Walmart! for $.97. God all mighty! If Kate was such a money saving momma, she would have known this too. If she would ever step into Walmart. Forgot this is below her. I'm also sure she could have found them at Party city, in their knick-knack stuff for party gift bags. She is nuts, wasting a whole day looking for small plastic frogs. I only found them cause the price checker was in that department and it was on the shelf, so i scanned it and it was $.97, 8 different frogs.
Now, this thing about Kate talking about her girls maturity, SHAME ON YOU KATE! THAT IS PRIVATE! That will make its way to school, especially the bra part. If I had the nerve I would twitter that to Jon. His idiot EX blabbed to the world that your twins are wearing bras now, go job Kate, just let all the weirdos, phedpiles know that. Make your kids feel more unsafe.
I see Kate as I have said, contradicts herself all the time now. A walking contradiction.
Then someone posted a reply to one of the articles on the net about the radio interview and said that Kate mother was 15 when she had Kate's oldest sister and had to get married or something like that. And that Kate is crying poor for attention. And that most of the people do not believe, she is poor, cause she is not down-sizing either and continues to grift.
Oh yeah, one more thing: there is a new rag out called: Reality News. I looked through it and saw no pic or mention of Kate. It has the rest of the reality shows in it and reality people, some old some newer ones. Just when we all have had enough of the current rags, they come out with the worsed of them.
Auntie Ann,
Shapeshifter, LOL. Steve has become one too, must be from all that pizza.Only, he has gained weight and his man boobs increased in size, too.
it's OVER Kate said... 29
Coupon..ummm cabin...ummm..dot.com
To funny I got a new website for Kate once the kids leave her.
Really, could she BE any more disgusting (Kate, not the fan--though the fan has obvious issues)?
Dance Moms Fan ♥ @DanceMomsFan16 · Open
@Kateplusmy8 no matter what anyone says, you'll always be the best role model ever.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@DanceMomsFan16 aww sweet!
I wonder how long she needs to top up her attention fix. Good thing she's not diabetic, she'd be in a coma right now.
What are they celebrating on the tweet party? Please tell me an episode is not on. Look for her to start having episode tweet parties for those who have DVDs. Disney episode tweet party tonight!!!!!!! <3 :)
Or are they reliving the broadcast today. Gonna answer those questions from her fave five (the ones going on the cruise) that she didn't get to answer today?
Little party animal, who knew?
Moreover, I think she is hitting the wine because she has gained weight.
Can't help but notice a lot of KT's fans are Dance Mom fans as well as I am sure is KT, but would never give TLC a shout out.
KT couldn't hold a candle to the Dance Moms or Abby Lee. They don't play, they just get right down to it.
Oh, I could only wish my first bra and "the talk about birds and bees" had been precious mother-
daughter moments.
When it was time to get a bra, my mother drove me to Bacon's Department store's Foundations Dept. and some sales lady found out what we were there for. Mom told her. I was led into a dressing room, followed by a very stern, no-nonsense "fitter" who told me to strip to the waist. Whoa, lady. She took a good look at me
and tromped out, only to return with 3 or 4
scratchy things she put on me one by one. She had me put these on "the proper way" and then she put her hands inside and started moving things around and tugging. Nope, wrong one, she'd intone and she'd yank it off of me to try another. Meanwhile, my mother was on a lounge chair in the middle of the Foundations Department, looking quite the lady.
She let the school take care of my sex ed, when they showed "the film" on girl's day.
Yeah, as a 6th grader I would have loved for my neighbors, friends and relatives to know all about the experience, sure.
I would have rather passed gas during art class.
AMD said... 175
Ex Nurse said... 153
So, while the kids are away at school, Kate is and amazing stay-at-home-mom.
Kate is not a "sahm". She's a sham! :)
She is a chamois. She soaks up everything and everyone she comes into contact with.
Just the other day we bought my son a new iPhone & I asked if I could use the old one just as a phone, since I don't need or want a data plan. Answer was no. Cannot transfer an iPhone to be just a phone w/o the data plan. Since that is a fact, & she's paying for data plans for both girls, I bet you anything she bought them new phones at the cheaper rate for signing a contract. It's a small lie, but a lie. If M/C used her old phones, which one got the first one? Those contracts run 2 years. Is she saying one girl got her phone 2 yrs before the next one? How does she say they don't have internet if they have iPhones and data plans are required?
Also, she changed the name of the undeveloped 7th baby from Emma Rose to Emma Love. WTH was the point of that lie. Emma Rose name is on film. Why such silly lies?
Kate said she only gets gifts from corporations in exchange for plugging their products. She said sorry, that's the way it works. She didn't mention all the little girls & old women on fixed incomes who have been sending her gifts since day one, but especially on twitter, as late as 2 days ago. "Send me an email for address :)"
Kate said, sorry your so bitter, but I love my job. Job?
Kate used to say Steve was her bodyguard, then he was her road manager, now he's a bodyguard again & it's inappropriate to ask who's paying him. But it's not inappropriate to talk about her girls new bras.
Kate said when she was pregnant with the tups she used to wish they would just disappear. I guess that was before they were bringing in the Benjamins. Who says things like that about their children on the radio? Never mind, I know the answer.
Kate answered the question about the kind of car she drives by saying she has a Sprinter (left out the Mercedes Benz part) and a used little car. So deceitful.
I'm very disappointed that despite the assurances to the contrary, it was another garbage interview with hosts who didn't do their homework.
Kate searched all day for these cupcakes.??
Yeah, what is she celebrating? The kids are at their dad's this weekend? They had the we went to Alaska episode on TV last night,(not the palin one)Geez, I could not stand Kate yelling like and idiot to the whales. Even one of the twins was embarrassed.
@1980_emily yes, lately I drink tea at night... Instead Of my occasional glass of wine... I would love to be a Brit! :)
I didn't Kate say she doesn't drink wine during her interview today.?
With Bristol Palin's reality show featuring her son(his name's in the title), Kate can give Bristol tips on how to exploit her child for fun and profit.
Typical Kate interview. I wonder if she could've done it by phone, or does being a cohost require you to be there?
This might explain why she's running out of money:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Open
...back with my tea and my FAVORITE Australian snack!! img.ly/eGQi
6m XXXXXX · Open
@Kateplusmy8 I live in Aus and ive never seen them...
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXXX they are at your Coles grocery store and sooo yummy! I had many packages shipped to me when I ran out lol
The "snack" is dark-chocolate-dipped rice cakes. Yuck.
Hi, bearswife,
Nice to hear from you.Yeah, I am slowly getting back to my old, bad self. I have been doing some wild reading here again.
Speaking of training bras, I asked my Mom why I needed one, when I was about 12 or so. She said it helps turn your setters into pointers! I think Kate must have bought the over 35 size.
So, how has your winter been in old Manitoba? Nicest one we have had in 30 yrs.in Sask, love it. Haven't seen you driving to Dwindle's lately, maybe we should take her some brewskies'and warm up the old girl? Teresa, you can come with, bring rum.White, ok? Catch ya later, I've missed our chants,er chats, whatever.
BHappyLoveLaugh @BHappyLoveLaugh · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Oh for pete's sake. They just reported on our local news in AZ that you are broke. Geez It's just a stupid rumor right?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@BHappyLoveLaugh omg how dumb! They just have to keep creating don't they? I mean how is that baseless nonsense NEWS?
We all can relax now Kate isn't broke phew...
So Kate is broke, but she can afford to have several bags of special Australian treats shipped from halfway across the world?
Broke people don't do that.
Ok I'm out to enjoy a nice date with my husband. Have a good evening, y'all!
On twitter, Kate was talking about her favorite Australian snack. I thought she meant Steve, but he's from New Zealand. It's really rice cakes that she has shipped. Poor, single mom.
She only cries poor when it suits her needs.
njay said... 56
AMD said... 175
Ex Nurse said... 153
So, while the kids are away at school, Kate is and amazing stay-at-home-mom.
Kate is not a "sahm". She's a sham! :)
She is a chamois. She soaks up everything and everyone she comes into contact with.
She's a scam-sow.
Erm, self explanatory.
Oh wait Dance Moms is not on TLC, I forgot.
Katie Cry-duh said... 43
Oh. My. God. Enough of the nurse debate. Kate won't lower herself to nursing again until it is TOO LATE and maybe not even then. She is in such denial. And I find it amazing the dipshit had the wherewithal to pass any nursing exam
The first 4 sentences of your post come off as pretty rude. How is this your call? If the administrator of this blog doesn't think it's relevant, I'm sure she'll let us know. If I find some people's posts redundant, I scroll past and go on to other posts I do want to read. I don't generate a post telling them not to discuss an issue just because I don't like it or find it redundant.
fidosmommy: Ohh, I feel for you! I went with my friend and we were trying to sneak our 'garments' into the fitting room so no saleslady would see..we were stopped for suspected shoplifting!! Embarrassing! And my own daughter would not even come to Target- I brought home some of those short cami-type and they fit-she is now fine with buying lingerie but I think it's the norm to be shy at first. Poor M and C.
Wow, I just looked at KT IQ, she is on a veritable high from being on the radio today. She is plain out HS giddy. I have never known anyone who loved to be seen and heard more that KT. And now she is saying it is just crazy to think she is broke. Then why was she begging for lap tops (until she got some) and telling that poor guy he had no idea how expensive it was to raise 8 kids. Oh I get it, the kids are broke because they don't have a job. KT is well fixed. Okay. I get it now. I forgot the kids have bills to pay.
Ok, as of right now, Kate has twitted twice now that she is NOT BROKE. So her crying poor is me, is purely for attention. Like the boy who cryed wolf! or the chicken little who said all the time the sky is falling. Maybe one day when Kate really is broke, no one will listen.
I see she is twittering up a storm. What an idiot, she should be spending time with her kids, or take them to a movie. Oh, I for got, that is too much trouble and she has no help, cause her kids are still pre-schoolers. Funny I saw in Walmart, a mom with 6 kids, oldest about 11 and a baby about 6mos, and she handle them very well. Kate your full of it.
For a contrast image of Kate's "before she did not get a boob job", freeze this YouTube clip at the :08 mark. Case closed!
Sorry my comments are lagging--I can't get caught up on everyones' great comments!
anger issues kate said... 73
I see she is twittering up a storm. What an idiot, she should be spending time with her kids, or take them to a movie. Oh, I for got, that is too much trouble and she has no help, cause her kids are still pre-schoolers. Funny I saw in Walmart, a mom with 6 kids, oldest about 11 and a baby about 6mos, and she handle them very well. Kate your full of it.
March 2, 2012 5:22 PM
The kids are probably in bed all ready.
Somebody on twitter asked about helping a cough. Kate said putting vicks vapor rub on your feet then putting socks on. I wonder if that really works.
I've been following the twitter party. She plans to run a full marathon and two half ones this year. She's having movie night on DVD for the kids tomorrow night. The kids still like to watch the show.
Isn't the Twitter party for the 'fans' across the sea? The poor unsuspecting Brits and Aussies?
She may not get residuals from repeats when the show is broadcast overseas, but I'll bet she's thinking she can con some of them to flying over 'across the pond' to go on her cruise in August.
Her false tweeting. She doesn't care if it's reported that she's "broke". As long as she thinks it's keeping her in the public eye, she'll take it.
The kids are most likely with their father this weekend. Quite the Twatfest on the leather couch tonight; doubt it's fueled with a cup of tea. Or two cups.
BHappyLoveLaugh @BHappyLoveLaugh · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Oh for pete's sake. They just reported on our local news in AZ that you are broke. Geez It's just a stupid rumor right?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@BHappyLoveLaugh omg how dumb! They just have to keep creating don't they? I mean how is that baseless nonsense NEWS?
Oh my God. Did she not just spend the past two days telling us how poor she is and that's why she needs freebies????
Also as someone else mentioned if I were TLC and being made out like I treat my employees like illegal under the table migrant workers paying them three bucks an hour I would be pissed. Kate as well compensated and she just blew all her money is all. And if she's specific enough about claiming TLC didn't pay her adequately, they might just have a defamation suit on their hands. How about that for ultimate karma, TLC suing Kate.
As far as the nursing thing, to be perfectly honest (as Kate would say) I don't understand what the debate is about and tend to scroll past that. I don't understand what goes into nursing credentials or what went into Kate's but I don't think even Harvard could help that poor soul. All I know is my aunt is a nurse and loves her hours, brags all the time, and missed a few Christmases when I was like four years old but after that once she put in the time her hours were fine.
But please do be nice to people! For some reason people get upset.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@BHappyLoveLaugh omg how dumb! They just have to keep creating don't they? I mean how is that baseless nonsense NEWS?
Because YOU Kate created this story yourself. No one else brought it up but YOU.
She is a piece....of...work.
The party's over. Kate says her next marathon is San Diego. Somebody asked if she leaves the kids alone with Mady and Cara to go for a run or to the store. She said "Dear God no!" That is something we have wondered on here.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@KS239 can't make texas either ... So far I'm doing san diego!
Thank God you all ready came to Chicago please don't go to the second place I love to live.
Kate just "divulged" that she is running in San Diego. There's a Rock 'n' Roll marathon there on June 3. She claims she is going to do 2 halfs and one full marathon this year, so it's possible she's doing only a half in SD.
Seems like there's plenty of money for Kate's hobbies.
And now . . . she's spent. So apparently 90 minutes of braying sycophancy is what it takes to fill her "love tank."
If anyone is chillin at home tonight tune into Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsey. The owner is Kate in 20 years if she opened a resturant. Too funny.
So, Kate is doing the Rock-N-Roll Marathon series. San Diego, June 3, 2012.
Geez, how can she be so tired all the time? It's friday.
Ok, as of right now, Kate has twitted twice now that she is NOT BROKE. So her crying poor is me, is purely for attention. Like the boy who cryed wolf! or the chicken little who said all the time the sky is falling. Maybe one day when Kate really is broke, no one will listen.
So does she need my extra laptop or not?
I would be so confused if I were a sheeple right now!
Maybe Kate's boobs are like Pinocchio's nose. They grow when she lies.
I'm so disappointed I could have gone down June 3 to report for the blog. I'll be out of town on a trip I paid for with my own dang hard work at my own mediocre job with my own money.
I better not miss anything good like more cheating.
She is a Cow said... 89
Maybe Kate's boobs are like Pinocchio's nose. They grow when she lies
That being the case they will explode the next time she'd asked a question.
So if she never leaves Mady and Cara home with the kids then presumably, she has hired help i.e. babysitter, nanny whatever term you want to use. I mean she's admitted she has help this is not a secret.
SOOO, I don't get her logic. If she works she'd have to pay a babysitter. She pays one now ANYWAY! What's the difference???
Can't help but notice a lot of KT's fans are Dance Mom fans as well as I am sure is KT, but would never give TLC a shout out.
I've noticed that thing and why does that not surprise me? That show is terribly exploited, those adults are awful mothers (not all of them, but many) and it's shameful how fake that reality show is. Of course the sheeple love such a show.
Wow, I just looked at KT IQ, she is on a veritable high from being on the radio today.
LIke a crack addict who just went on a run, exploiting her children gives her a big pick me up high. She will crash in a few days.
I've said it before, this woman has the mentality of an addict. But her addiction is money, fame, and exploiting her kids.
blogger is eating my posts, anyone else?
blogger is eating my posts, this is #4
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 90
I'm so disappointed I could have gone down June 3 to report for the blog. I'll be out of town on a trip I paid for with my own dang hard work at my own mediocre job with my own money.
I better not miss anything good like more cheating.
"More" cheating? What evidence do you have that she cheated before? (Conspiracy theories are not evidence.)
blogger, you must be related to Kate. You only posted the posts with your name in it, grrrrrr............
C'mon anonymous! Use a name! Just pick one and stay with it. You can do it!! How about KateNeverLies?
Once a Viewer said... 71
fidosmommy: Ohh, I feel for you!
Thanks, but it was that no-nonsense fitter who was feeling me that day. Her hands and her eyes were all over me. It was horrible, and I had NOT been warned beforehand that she would be a part of the equation. I thought it would be like trying on a blouse or something. Nope.
"More" cheating? What evidence do you have that she cheated before? (Conspiracy theories are not evidence.)
I don't have hard evidence and if you read the blog good ole anonymous, I was actually one of the few asserting I didn't really see much evidence of this beyond conspiracy theories!
I...was....being....facetious. In layman's terms, snarking, trying to be funny. Joking around. It's Friday night. Lighten up. I know it's tough since Kate talked about the twins' periods today and solidified her place as Queen of all Assholes, but try.
Congrats Kate. Your actions today now have a permanent place on our sidebar under Evidence of Exploitation, number 12.
Twelve different ways you've exploited the crap out of your kids. You really deserve a trophy.
I just looked at those pics again and not only do the boobs look bigger, Kate herself looks bigger all over. Either that dress is too small, or she has gained weight. Too much boxed wine and pizza with Steve?
Oh my word. That...does not look like the best dress for Kate. Is that mean?
Anyway, I caught a glimpse of Kate's future!
She was divorced back in her day multiple times, she's in her 70s now, is estranged from most of her kids through one of her ex-husbands. Now I've known this lady for years, sweetest woman ever and has quite a well known customer base as far as gas stations go I guess :)
I learned today she has 20 grandchildren combined with great grand children. Her grown children, since they are estranged don't talk to her for one reason or another.
Point is, this lady had no savings and no plan other than for a man to take care of her. I guess back in those days it was considered good to be just a house wife. Anyway, today, she lives alone, she is unable to retire because she needs the money.
None of this may be directly her fault, except her own weaknesses, but I thought of Kate one day having to work at a gas station maybe when she's old and unable to retire. While I have known this woman for years on a friendship level, it gave me a wake up call I wish Kate could see. If she keeps this crap up about needing a man, with her kids possibly being estranged form her and really broke one day.
Never take for grant it what could be you one day.
There being something hinky with that last race can be pretty well assumed, much like the boob job she didn't have.
Man! Those things are HUGE!
Wow. Kate is drunk tweeting tonight. Alot of I love you man's and other drivel. It is clear to me she uses the exhaustion bullshit to mask the I am actually quite plastered right now bullshit. You aren't tired Kate, you are drunk tired. That's what happens to me when I've had a couple and my husband wants me to watch a movie with him but I fall asleep five minutes into the movie.
Wrong about the love-tank volume: She came back for 20 more tweets after signing off an hour ago! I don't think I've ever seen anyone more desperate for attention than Kate. It must be very trying to be her child.
Just took a look at the pictures of Kate at Sirius and I can't believe that she's still denying the boob job. Admin, you really do need to do a side by side comparison. Those bolt-ons look like torpedoes ready to launch!
The flattest I've ever seen here look was at the dentist in the gray vest:
At 4:07,
and in the black swimsuit on the Key West trip. She was inverted. Those would make great side-by-side comparisons.
I want that good bra!
So her next marathon is in June? What happened to Madrid?
LOVE the photo at the top of this thread. It is the perfect storm: hunchbacked plus ginormous Mt Fujis that have been fed too much growing out food, perfect mix of shadows and that horse face. The bitch looks like a centaur she's so top heavy.
Ahahahaha! A centaur! That's GREAT, Ms. Cry-Duh.
Dallas Lady said... 17
And I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'm not here to be fair to Kate. She doesn't deserve fair treatment. Why? I watched her being a total asshole to EVERYONE AROUND HER on TV and she did so for 150 episodes, so I feel very certain she's that way in real life, in fact probably worse, since people are usually on their BETTER behavior in front of cameras.
So why am I here? To watch her go down.
Dallas Lady and Judy K,
LOL - I love the way you think! Count me in for the group sitting on the curb as her walk of shame parade passes by into obscurity.
We are seeing the fall in real time now; we've got the steps all marked - a mysterious cancellation of the cruise, a quiet moving of the kids to public schools, a selling of one of her toy cars, her lawn will go, the pool boy may remain so she can lay around for the free tans all summer, and I wager at least some of the kids will be moving over to Jon's.
It's inevitable.
Regarding baby #7. It is on tape that the first ultra sound showed 7 babies. The next ultrasound showd 6. They did not know the sex of the child and Kate said it just absorbed back into her body...what ever the heck that means.
Foxy that is common with multiples is when you have one embryo not developing the body actually will just sort of reabsorb it and the other multiples will continue on just fine. This happened to a friend of mine who was having triplets and went on to have twins. She was actually warned by the doctor from day one this embryo looks very small and probably won't make it and it made it easier on her to just know from the beginning that one won't make it.
What's so bizarre about this is that even though it happened so early in the pregnancy Kate decided it was a girl. Of course it was a GIRL.
What's so bizarre about this is that even though it happened so early in the pregnancy Kate decided it was a girl. Of course it was a GIRL.
Even more bizarre is that Kate burdens her little children with this, as if they lost a sibling. They have no ability to process this, yet Kate uses them for further attention.
Perhaps when the kids get older, they can understand and assimilate that there were initially 7 fertilized, but very early on, one didn't continue to mature.
To use her little children for sympathy is disgusting. Mothers need not burden their children with every single one of their sorrows. That is not what kids are there for.
A girl that she named, and then subsequently re-named (someone commented above, Emma Rose to Emma Love?).
Why do her tall tales always have to be so overwrought?
I think I've figured out how Steve got paid today, besides the usual gross out images that come to mind....who took the pictures in the radio studio and sold them? Hmmm..
Kreider has probably ruined him too. The man needs to support his family and may have a job besides working for Kate for free, but he may not. Who would hire him as a bodyguard anymore? And it's telling that he happened to be free on short notice (I'm guessing) to accompany Kate to such a risky event. Snark
I'm not trying to downplay a miscarriage, not at all, but I agree she is so overly dramatic about it. THis happens all...the....time with multiples. This was hardly a miscarriage with all the heartache of all that trying and then a pregnancy that didn't make it. Like I said, the second the doctor sees those follicles he's going to tell you hey, this one really doesn't look as big as the others be prepared. In some cases it's just a few cells not even ever developing into a recognizable baby while the others do.
As my friend, who by the way has had devastating miscarriages, said it's much much easier than a miscarriage because you think of it as all the other follicles in the petri dish this one just happened to not take in your body. It was honestly no big deal to her, she was just happy to have twins. When it happened it was just like, cool so it absorbed just like you said, how are baby A and B doing?
There's just nothing in her life she won't milk for maximum sympathy.
Tucker's Mom, for those of us who believe life begins at conception, she did lose a son or daughter.
It's normal to grieve the loss, and naming your baby is part of that. You pick what you think he/she was and go from there. Though normally you remember the name!
However, I would NEVER have told the tups until much older. It's one thing to tell older kids when you've miscarried all the babies and they'd known about the pregnancy. But the tups don't need to know or grieve.
Not a Kate Fan
Tucker's Mom, for those of us who believe life begins at conception, she did lose a son or daughter.
It's normal to grieve the loss, and naming your baby is part of that. You pick what you think he/she was and go from there. Though normally you remember the name!
However, I would NEVER have told the tups until much older. It's one thing to tell older kids when you've miscarried all the babies and they'd known about the pregnancy. But the tups don't need to know or grieve.
Not a Kate Fan
Vanishing twin syndrome is what this is, and it occurs in more than one out of four pregnancies. I don't understand why eight years later Kate needs to pull this card out for attention.
OMG Can we please not begin the RN VS BSN once again. I can tell you first hand being a nurse for over 25 years that having advanced degree does NOT make you a better nurse. You may have the knowledge but some can't apply it to a clinical situation where it really matters. I think it is disgusting when one nurse puts down another because of what type of the education they may or may not have. It's all a mute point anyway with Kate because she doesn't want to work as a nurse. The hours the the best any single/divorced mother could hope for. Weekends, nights, part shifts totally flexible. I did it divorced with 4 young kids and it worked out perfectly with minimal babysitting fees. She's full of shit as usualy
To Permanent Name (#112): PLEASE keep your list and we can all check them off, one by one!. I, too, am here to watch this IN$$UFERABLE WITCH'$ demise. I really do not like to say this, but... I HATE HER. There, I said it.
And to Dallas Lady... as usual, you are awesome.
Unknown said... 119
My comment didn't address whether the 7th was a baby/life or not. That's a whole different matter that I had no intention of addressing. My point was that whatever grief Kate experienced in losing the 7th, she should not be burdening the kids with matters that they can not possibly process at their age, other than to parrot Mommy and validate her for further attention.
I think we agree on that.
Long-time reader, first time poster....so maybe my inexperience will explain my naivite.when I read the first line of this thread "bra shopping for the twins"' I thought Kate was going to discuss buying a bra for herself.... You know, "the twins" = "the girls".
When it finally hit me, I was sick for those girls.
Ooooohhh...Steve--a gigolo? lmao...
What i don't get is how a 37 year old woman who has 8 kids has so much time to be on twitter as much as she is. Also, how many woman her age have "tweet parties". Just seems very strange to me. Most real celebs tweet a few times a day and some rarely. Maybe this is her new job.
You know what's so obnoxious about Kate's finances is that she caused all this talk herself.
She need not answer any questions about money. Much like tampons and bras, she could say it's no one's business. She need not answer any criticism about freebies. She need not say a thing about her financial situation.
But because she decided to get defensive about money and freebies on her twitter and got even her FANS questioning what the heck is going on and has she squandered the children's money?, she created this story all on her own. As usual.
This site has a side by side of Kate on the People magazine cover with the white bikini and when she first went to Dr glassman as he examined her. Remember when she first attempted to grift the boobs and he said get a good bra.
Wonder if kate knows that her #1 fansite fan said that kate was 'loaded'?
After seeing those huge torpedos, kate would quickly get hired to work at Hooters! She would love all of the attention she would be given there, and perhaps even find her Sugar Daddy!
Teresa said... 126
Ooooohhh...Steve--a gigolo? lmao...
I think Kate like the term escort.
Chef...6 of one, half a dozen of the other. I get your drift :))
Ok, serious question here....
What EXACTLY was Kate's long term plan when she tried for just one more and got more than she bargained for? (roll eyes).
She was damned lucky to get all that she's gotten so far, especially in light of her astounding ingratitude and neglect of her kids. What the hell did she think would happen? What if TLC hadn't chosen them? Her cavalier approach to conceiving is something I just don't get. Who would actually WANT to have HOMs? I get it, that it sometimes happens, but who WANTS to go thru that kind of high risk pregnancy and doom yourself to years of poverty and exhaustion? How could she have known she'd manage to get others to pay for and care for her kids this long? It's nothing short of a miracle that all those kids were born healthy; what if one or six of them had CP? It's just astounding to me, like she jumped off a cliff with 8 babies in her arms and said, "save us or my babies will die". She's fucking cray cray
The 7th baby, the one that didn't make it, was an empty yolk sac. No body, no heartbeat, nothing inside. Oh the drama!
I've lost babies from 9 weeks to 24 weeks. I grieved like crazy. None of them were empty sacs.
And yet that stupid Winnie the Pooh tattoo reminds us of just exactly who she really is--just as mediocre as everyone else. Why doesn't she put the children's money to good use and get rid of that thing?
I think it is about to get interesting on Twitter. Someone on there across the pond said that the new shows were just starting. Kate Plus Eight. Someone made a comment and Kate responded with Yeah, its funny now...This makes me think that most of her big fans on Twitter are outside the US and haven't seen the really bad episodes yet. I wonder what will happen when they do?
Teresa said... 126
Ooooohhh...Steve--a gigolo? lmao...
Careful Teresa, only Katelovers use "lmao" - FACT
The Bitter End said... 185
3. Check - You say you are not a Katie fan. "Heavens No! LMAO". I find the LMAO to be a tell that you are a sheeple.
SheepleRUs said... 25
One of the particularly CooCoo Kate fans uses LMAO a lot and she is in LOVE with !!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad she's willing to come here and post.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 118
I'm not trying to downplay a miscarriage, not at all, but I agree she is so overly dramatic about it. THis happens all...the....time with multiples.
Saying that miscarriages happen "all the time" with multiples is a bit of an overstatement, but I do agree that Kate tries to milk her "absorbed fetus" for all she can. Actually, miscarriages are quite common in singleton pregnancies as well -- especially for first-time pregnancies. It's less to do with the number of fetuses than with the actual health/viability of each fetus. I've been there, and I've done the research.
Oh, just wanted to mention too, that Kate's lipo was taped and documented on the show. Lipo to the thighs and was shown in an episode on the cutting room floor (or something). The same episode where they showed the beach trip where they kids were all screaming because of the wind.
She kills me with the sideways picture taking. All because she wants to show off her boob job. She just looks like a hillbilly instead. No class.
miscarriages happen "all the time" with multiples is a bit of an overstatement
I guess it depends how much "all the time" is for you. Vanishing twin syndrome does happen in over one out of four pregnancies. That's all the time to me.
Of course leave it to Kate to act like she owns such a thing.
On this episode of Kate plus 8 plus absorbed fetus...
Kate Cryduh hahaha soooo wrong.
Where's Dallas Lady is she still on her date? Weren't we just wondering what predictions were on tap for March? I guess it was the periods!
Oooopssss Check Please! l'd better watch that
;oD Thanks for the reminder.
I have to totally disagree with this. I don't think any mother should talk about such a thing on a public radio show. That is vile and disgusting. It's SO private to a kid. Keep it that way. Maybe, at most, talk privately with your mom or a girlfriend, but about something so public that thousands here? Absolutely not. Back me up here Moms with teens.
My daughter's friend did just that today. She posted on Facebook, for the whole world to see, that her daughter had started her period that morning. What is with people?
Mama K I remember when Kart had the lipo. It actually was shown on TV
I started to write a comment, last night, but I put it aside as too extremist. But, wouldn't you know it, today, Kate's focus on her pre-pubescent daughter's bodies added validity to my budding theory. So, here goes......
I started to wonder whether Kate has a mental illness that falls in the spectrum of Munchausen Syndrome. This syndrome is linked with faking physical illness (i.e. fabricating symptoms of illness in order to get attention, or, in the case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, a child is abused or neglected in order to produce symptoms of illness, necessitating prolonged treatment and procedures. This disorder is named after Baron von Munchausen, was known for his exaggerated embellishments of normal events in his life.
The focus of the behavior is on the relationship the mother has with the doctor, and the attention it draws to her--not the sick child. Are there instances in which Kate may have caused, prolonged and/or exploited a child's illness for the purpose of attention. The answer is a resounding "yes"! The poor boy tup's constipation, the showing of the baggie of pink vomit, the poop extra-diaper explosion, the public display of potties (on the driveway and the camera) and the always popular vomit-fest--all are examples of an attempt to gain attention through the symptoms of illness at the expense of her child's health. The bed shopping trip showed extreme neglect. The tup had already complained of a stomach ache, before they left for the trip. She certainly prolonged his agony, and put him on display in order to get public attention. And, there have been other instances where a child's complaint was ignored or treatment delayed.
So, this brought me to the next question...Is it possible that she induced that vomit-fest on the boat? She certainly knew that some were susceptible to motion sickness, and she did not take steps to prevent it. And, as we all know, she certainly prolonged their suffering, by not turning back--those poor kids were limp with exhaustion and dehydration. At the very least, her lack of preparation (as an RN, no less) and the absence of safety vests demonstrates that her neglect is willful, not a result of ignorance. Does anyone think that it is possible that she administered an emetic (vomit inducing medication i.e. syrup of ipecac). How was it that Kate and Steve were unaffected by the "rough ride"? I have a vivid, chilling, memory of her directing the camera to follow one of the kids--there was a barely concealed glee in her face, And what would be the motivation for endangering her children's health in the extreme--why, the best reason on earth---to prolong her 15 minutes of fame and attention!
It is so unthinkable, but, the more we learn about her, the more believable this becomes. She is clearly a very sick person--does anyone think that she is capable of this?
Well, if she said that she just wanted them to go away, wouldn't she be relieved that one of them did instead of devistated? I mean which is it, Kate?
mamaK said... 148
Well, if she said that she just wanted them to go away, wouldn't she be relieved that one of them did instead of devistated? I mean which is it, Kate?
mamaK I've been thinking the same thing. All she talked about was how horrible it was to be pregnant with seven when they were counting all the sacs.
I'm sticking to my theory that she has uterus envy and is pissed that Michelle Duggar's miscarriage is getting more attention than Kate's absorbed fetus.
Ex-Nurse, that is fascinating, in a 'gob-smacked' kind of way. It reminded me of the episode when one of the girl tups was at the dentist, she was terrified and was sobbing and wailing for her blankie...Kart looked at the camera just over her left shoulder and moved slightly so the camera could get a close-up shot of the little girls face. Mommy dearest had that gleeful look on her face l noticed, and someone (not the witch) brought the blankie over to the little one. THAT was so disgusting to see. Later on the couch interview, Kart thought the whole thing was hilarious.
I feel sorry for the twins their off TV but their mom is still telling there most private business.
Has anyone noticed Kates nails in the latest photos? Cutbacks may have started. Her nails are short and black polish. Gel french nails have disappeared. Looks like it was just a manicure unless she did her own.
Hard to believe she refused to STFU and listen to any valid financial planning for the future. If her ego hadn't been so, so involved she could have parlayed many opportunities -- clothing, shoes, art products (if she hadn't hated Crayons and markers) --- the list is endless............ but NOOOOOO
she could not STFU to make any sound decisions......"let's take a trip!" "Let's buy a property we cannot afford when the show's over" --- or "I divorce your sorry azz."
She's an ugly person inside and out and my heart breaks for the children.
I don't think the neglect of her children when they are un-well is Munchausen-like at all. It all goes back to the narcissism. She really A) doesn't notice B) doesn't care C) doesn't want to be bothered with it. She wasn't showing off vomit to get sympathy, she was showing it off because she has no sense of normal boundaries and as some twisted excuse to show she's a good mom. Yeah, I know it makes no sense to us normal, sane people.
In her mind she isn't famous because of the tups and twins, THEY are famous because of HER.
The tone of this blog has certainly changed. I guess it can be blamed on Kate and her idiotic stunts. She sure riles the best of us!
I've seen rule #3 and rule #4 repeatedly ignored but I guess if the moderator is ok with this, who am I to say it's wrong?
JMO but, as rule #3 states re: keeping things pleasant towards one another, there's certainly been a lot of nastiness lately. Used to be posters could disagree on things without accusation of being a 'traitor'. Just a friendly reminder: no poster's opinion should be judged as black and white. Remember that the color of gray exists in many shades! ;)
So she cant pay a babysitter,cause they would make more than she would being a nurse? My 2 kids have went through all the classes...cpr...how to entertain children...how to relate to a child....how to give constructive activites...ect. I paid over 400 dollars for both my teens to get certified in many areas. My teens get paid maybe 5-7 dollars an hour to babysit.
And yet we have kate saying it wouldnt break even for her??? REALLY. My kids are not taking vacations...flying 1st class...buying name brand clothes...going hither younder and there....they dont pay for a bodyguard.They dont fake and bake.
kate you are such a puke! Money isnt a matter when its what you want....BUT when it come to the kids all of a sudden you cant afford shit...like socks...or fresh sandwiches for thier lunches...dinners the kids want to eat...ect ect...Keep trying kate. You suck worse than a jersey shore girl!
Dallas Lady #17 and so many other posts.
Boy, do you have her pegged! I love reading your posts. Thank you.
I don't know if anyone said this, but the Madrid Marathon is April 22. They call it "legendary."
"The Madrid Marathon is considered, by many, to be the primary athletics event for the country, and recieves much attention. It is currently known as the Rock 'n' Roll Madrid Marathon."
Pink's calling them "titays" poking her in the eye, coupled with Tucker saying they're in the next zip code, and Wool calling them torpedoes ready to launch are cracking me up.
Looking at that photo, I'll just add she obviously pulled the cord on that inflatable life vest around her neck. SOS, cruel world! Save Our Stardom! Save Our Sushi! Save our Steve!
Tweetle (62) and Admin - I have lurked here for many, many months but cannot believe the depths she sank to yesterday. Years ago I majored in Media Studies in college but reality TV was in its infancy, not the nightmare it is today.
Tweetle-I agree with your point of "When did it become OK to broadcast over the radio about buying your first bra?" I think the answer to that is when shows like the Kardashians made it the "New Norm" to bring us into their gyn appointments and their bathrooms while taking a pregnancy test. I know more about their uteruses than my own.
Admin-Thanks for your work on this blog. It amazes me the level of stupidity this woman has. Didn't she realize that a radio show on Sirius is not regulated like morning talk shows on public stations? For one who claims to be so media savy she sure makes a lot of dumb mistakes and her poor girls will be mortified on Monday at school as a result. My heart breaks for those kids.
How about that for ultimate karma, TLC suing Kate.
Then she'd know how Jon felt in that suit SHE supported.
I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Kate really went there,that she really spoke about Maddie and Cara's bra shopping.I have raised two daughters myself and I know that the twins are at the most sensitive time of development for pre-adolescent girls.It is these middle school years that find girls at their most vulnerable, in my experience. Peer issues, fitting in, girls in cliques are all issues that girls are confronted with during these times. Of course their maturation and changing appearance is at the top of the list of adjustment even over all the social pressures they face. Do the twins have any chance of having a healthy body image with their mother the role model? This barbee wanabe with the plastic surgery and eating disorder?
In my experience, this is a critical time for girls as I said, and the challenge that I faced as a mother was to remain connected as a supportive parent in my girl's life while at the same time, encouraging their self-respect,growing maturity and independence. I just cringe at the thought of this latest offense towards the girl's need for bras being discussed by their own mother on a radio show. In my opinion, they are at risk during this tumultuous time. Cara looks sad and defensive in so many pictures (arms crossed, looking down) I think Maddie might be feeling the pressure to fulfill her Mom's goal of becoming a star from all of Kate's comments about Maddie acting and Disney calling. So sad for these girls, who is there for them?
One last thing, I don't think anyone would have the nerve to ask Angelina Jolie about her daughter's wearing bras, knowing any decent parent would find this question out of line and an insult.
Dallas Lady and others, I am with all of you on wanting to see this cruel mother go down! Have a good weekend everyone, I am off to run a few paltry miles on my treadmill in the basement(should stop watching the food network while I am on the treadmill though, it kind of defeats the purpose as I get "ideas")
Kate should check out STFU parents. It is a great website mocking the ridiculous oversharing of private matters by parents. She has lots in common - there are posts about poo, kids on toilets puke, periods, silly/embarassing things kids do that they would never want shared......you know all things Kate has shared without her kids permission over the years?
How "kateish" to only worry about the twins reading less than good stuff about JON on the internet. SHE is proud of the fact that SHE has always been more in the news than him, so they will be reading a lot more about her. And when have we seen 'good' stuff about her?
The bad thing about telling personal stuff about the kids is 'their peers' can hear about it, doesn't matter how much or many strangers hear about it.
Personally, I think her original comment about working at McD's was to show how amazing a mom she is, she would EVEN work there if that was all she could get to support her kids in a time of need. NOT that she ever really intended to work there. And her comments about nursing not paying enough is because that is a choice she might have had and she does NOT WANT to make it. They work too hard for someone who is entitled to a much more better lifestyle.
Judy K, loved your post. Auntie Ann, we are on the same 'gooder' wavelength. Cudos to all the other really great posts, too numerous to mention.
I too am here to watch her go down, that is what I wish for the most, for her to finally realize 'it's over, the party's over'!!!!!! !!
khater said... 163
Kate should check out STFU parents. It is a great website mocking the ridiculous oversharing of private matters by parents. She has lots in common - there are posts about poo, kids on toilets puke, periods, silly/embarassing things kids do that they would never want shared......you know all things Kate has shared without her kids permission over the years? ----------------
Kate is sinking to a desparate level. She really has nothing going on in her own life to discuss, so she chooses to discuss her girls' private matters, rather than her own. Repeat- chooses. Won't answer questions about her good bra, virginity , etc..but perfectly fine to discuss her twins' private matters.
As for her employment as a nurse, she could work 7am-3pm shifts, as well as weekends when Jon has visitation with the kids. Or to take it a step further, could work every weekend, if she were to give Jon visitation so she could work to support her kids. Her proclamations about not being able to work as a nurse are weak at best. In my opinion, more excuses, as she does not want to return to a "mediocre" job, but rather considers herself too good for this job.
And I do agree with whoever said that Kate has never had a great work ethic from day one. She prefers the limelight and as little effort as possible to keep the dollars rolling in. Her explantion of why she can not return to nursing is lame at best, as she hires nannies, even while she is unemployed, by her own admission (4 days a week). Can she ever be truthful and keep her lies straight?
And as far as the kids not going on internet due to all of the stories about Jon, what a load of crap. Look in the mirror Kate, you are not well liked. At all. What a hypocrite.
Her atrocious behavior and bad rep is why she does not want the kids on the internet. What a liar and hypocrite she is.
And the kids will read about her horrendous behavior at one point, and recognize what a hypocrite she is, if they haven't already. It is inevitable. Her blaming Jon's behavior is laughable. Granted, he is not perfect, but overall, she has far exceeded him in the "bad behavior" category in volume and duration. This woman has no personal accountability at all. But it will blow up in her face one day. Great example for the kids Kate.
Must be a lonely kidless weekend for Kate. She's been tweeting up a storm. I can't imagine living a life where I have isolated myself to the point that I would need to fill the time with tweeting my "cyber-friends". How lonely and sad. Not even one true friend to catch up with. I cherish the few moments that I get when my children, husband, and job can be set aside and I can have a little "me time" with my girl friends. It's rare, but special. Can't imagine what it would be like to not have even one real friend to call or hang out with on a weekend without the kids.
Chocolate-dipped rice cakes: A 10-second Google search shows plenty of sources in the U.S. Stew Leonard's are baked daily and shipped nationwide, Landau Natural Foods' choices are kosher. Too bad Kate doesn't know how to use the Internet to satisfy her "exotic" cravings, I imagine her savings on just about everything would be significant.
Can someone explain to me again why she's working at CouponCabin?
In the Sirius pics, notice how forearms are about 20 shades lighter than her face and legs. How's she do that?
Also, why does she always look like she needs a shower? She looks like she just came out from living quarters, under the bridge.
Mel, I think it's pretty clear that she is hopeless at doing her own hair. It always looks flat and greasy if not done by a professional. I thought the outfit yesterday looked a bit moth-eaten. People keep calling it a dress, but it looks like a sweater/skirt combo to me.
Mel said... 169
In the Sirius pics, notice how forearms are about 20 shades lighter than her face and legs. How's she do that?
Also, why does she always look like she needs a shower? She looks like she just came out from living quarters, under the bridge.
March 3, 2012 6:46 AM
Mel, Shade difference could be the 18 layers of spackle she trowels on her face.
Shipped sounds much more dramatic than mailed, I guess. It is expensive - around $45.00. I would imagine that one could buy rice cakes and melt down some @Hershey (snark) chocolate and dip them at home. But then again KT has plenty of money, because she has a job (blogger). It is the kids that are broke because they don't have a job. I am sure they get not even of whiff of those chocolate rice cakes that were imported. Is she trying to be like Oprah?
Mel 169
She does look dirty doesn't she.
Yesterday's show was not the first time Grifty said she would rather work at McD's to support her kids. A few years ago (around the time Jon cleaned out the 200k in the saving bank Grifty just liked to have "just in case") she called into the View and said she would "work her fingers to the bone" to support her kids....ya know, since she's the only "mother" on the planet who does that.
During that phone call, Grifty said that she would work at McD's, then within a few weeks she said that she would not go back to nursing because of the 12 hours a day every day of the week shifts. I guess working 84 hours a week would not be "working her fingers to the bone"...but flipping burgers would be? Does anybody have a Grifty-to-English translation dictionary I can take a look at?
I posted on a different thread about how Grifty has no bounds, and wondered if she will be discussing the twins periods.....(Admin, I have no clue how to pull that up without going through each thread)...and now its happening.
Grifty is a sick, twisted person....so far this year she has 3 media events...Dr. Drew, the Grove (which never aired even on the 'Net)and the radio show. Not exactly padding her resume for a talk show, eh?
I refuse to go on Grifty's website, so I don't know if there are any upcoming media events - Today Show, View, etc.... IMO, the tv hosts of those shows have had it with her as well and the same old BS story about how hard it is to raise kids "by herself" blah blah blah...
Partly it's her hair style....that long stringy look does her no favors. Doesn't she know how to blow it out?
The color is *terrible* for her. It's a warm blonde, while she has cool skin tones. The hair color and skin tone are fighting each other. It' s funny her colorist doesn't choose a color that enhanced instead of detracts.
I don't think the neglect of her children when they are un-well is Munchausen-like at all. It all goes back to the narcissism.
Yes I agree. Coincidentally the other week I was just talking to another attorney friend, this is one of her areas of expertise. She has defended people in family law accused of Munchausen. Lately, she is winning every time. She says that the medical community is moving away from Munchausen these days. Some of them say this doesn't even exist--it's just part of narcissism or some other disorder. She said they are not even bothering to take people's kids away anymore because of Munchausen because it's just too darn hard to prove that it's happening and that such a thing even exists.
I do think Kate uses the kids for attention and I do think that the very best disorder that has ever described her is narcissism. With possible sociopathic elements mixed in.
Did anyone catch yesterday during the radio show when they were asking her about her previous (dead seagull) hairdo. She mentioned now that in regards to her hair "The longer the better". I don't think she understands that having long hair tends to make it look greasy and flat. Plus the older you get the shorter your hair should be (not that anyone over the age of 40 needs to have the short cuts) but shoulder length as to not drag down the face too much is best.
In Kate's case it would probably be better for her to go a little shorter. She obviously can't do anything with it and it looks a stringy flat mess.
I thought that was a badly fitting dress at first, but now I think it's a long (still ill-fitting) and short shorts. With heels. Sigh.
Oh Kate. Take a look at some fashion blogs to learn how to put things together. And what looks best on your body shape.
I know the posters here are genuinely concerned about the impact of Kate's comments yesterday on Cara and Mady; but rest assured, Kate slept like a baby last night. No big deal.
Having a narcissistic sibling and seeing many similar traits in Kate, I can only imagine how my sibling's behavior would have manifested itself in front of a camera. It must be like a drug, craving the constant attention just to get through a day. Any and all people in a narcissist's life are mere props, and are only there to further advance their desire to be noticed.
Kate does not give a rat's ass about Cara and Mady's feelings, and when these girls get teased about it at at school, Kate will give them her standard speech
about 'haters', and not take an iota of responsibility for her actions. Nope, she will tell them to divide their school friends in to two groups, the positive kids, and the haters who misquote their mother. There will not be an ounce of reflection, a moment of regret, nor an apology coming to her daughters, this is just another day in the life of Teflon Kate.
MommaOfFour said...
Must be a lonely kidless weekend for Kate. She's been tweeting up a storm.
Hasn't it been shown in the past that she tweets more when the kids are home then when they are away?
So true, whoever made the comment about khate thinking her kids are famous because she's their mother, instead of the other way around!
She does look dirty, unkept, greasy...she' not Barbie, she's a tranny with line-backer shoulders. Does she think that pose is flattering? Does the woman ever wear panythose? Get a haircut/hairstyle OR learn how to work with that mess.
So many great posts, so many articulate observations...everyone putting to words what is going through my head with each and every comment.
Her day is coming, but the worst will come when those kids are adults and think "hey? wait a minute, this can't be right!" Especially when they start having kids of their own!
Oh, please
@Kateplusmy8 EVERYONE! #NoHateJustGosselinate and make it the top trend! Do it for the amazing Kate & her 8! Positivity wins! :)
Kate said the kids are home for 1/2 the week/vacation. So yes, the kids are home right now. Then I'm assuming Jon will have them the other half, which means they will actually get to do something fun rather than watch their mom tweet and drink wine all night while watch reliving their 'life' on DVD.
To Administrator (176): Thanks for pointing out the *sociopathic* element that Khate has to her personality. I hope other people remember to keep in mind that Khate is a *sociopath* as well when they talk about her being a narcissist. Khate is a sick, sick, person.
Good Morning Ladies. I just watched the Pioneer Woman for the first time. I had checked her blog months ago. I didn't know anything about Ree until her name was mentioned here. Don't know if I am hooked. But, she is warm and friendly and hands on. The family really seems to like each other and their life style. She is not consumed with her body fat percentage. Today she fixed -- chicken parmigiana. She didn't seem to prepare it to torture her family for days, but rather because they like it. She is -- as someone said before -- about the complete opposite of Kate.
I never noticed that Kate looks "dirty". However, I have often observed that she does not have that a dewy, fresh look. Her skin seems coarse and lacking in moisture. Most photographed "celebrities" do something to look glowing for the camera. Someone needs to share the secret with her.
She, as well as her hair, looks over worked.
Dmasy said...
She, as well as her hair, looks over worked.
I totally agree with you Dmasy. But think of the irony - the woman who doesn't work looks overworked!! haha
Maybe that is an oxy moron...
One would think that with all her free time she could find time to wash her hair.
I'd love to see a photoshop of her in a McDonalds uniform. I'd eat a big mac everyday if she was serving me. I guess that might seem cruel, but I find it delicious!!
I wonder if she thinks the longer her hair the better because it costs more? Or maybe because Jon didn't like it short. She made a mistake sticking with it. The backwards mullet/dead hedgehog look was her look, like the Rachel for Jen Aniston. It made her recognizable and she actually looked like a mom of 8. The rode hard put away wet look she's got going these past few years reminds me of when Britney Spears was having problems and her messed up weave and bizarre fashion choices were like a barometer for just how far off track she was.
Huffington Post had an article titled "Jennifer Lopez And Marc Anthony's 'Q'Viva' And More Divorced Couples Who Still Worked Together On TV"
The slide show profiles other couples who are divorced (or divorcing) who work together. Jon & Kate are one of the couples on the slide show.
What I liked about this article is the positive tone towards Jon.
""The Gosselins got divorced in June of 2009, but they still had 8 kids and a highly-rated reality show to tie them together. Jon's name would eventually be dropped from the show's title after he spoke about how he thought reality TV was harming his children, but before things really unraveled, the couple endured an awkward final season of "Jon And Kate" together, splitting time in their family home in an unconventional joint-custody arrangement. Their marital troubles culminated in the show's Season 8 premiere, when after celebrating the sextuplet's fifth birthday, they shared one sad, final confessional together and emotionally discussed their split."
The accompanying video is one of Jon & Alexis at the birthday party - one of their cutest moments together. ("I only hug parents!")
Link to article:
Milo..don't know if you read here or not...but you're a complete IDIOT....
It is truly sad that wthout the TLC checkbook, these kids will be doing a whole lot of nothing during their spring break. Yes, they do have a large house and grounds, but there are so many places to go, things to do, places and thngs that do not require huge expenditures of &&: parks, museums, etc. All it takes is a parent with real interest, and some creative energy. I imagine other classmates are traveling, visiting grandparents, maybe going someplace warm. The BBB could surely dirive somewhere. But no, they will be home during mom's half of the week watching her Twitter all damn day and night. And with all bridges burned, she has no one left to even go with her on an adventure. Remembering how much fun my family had on spring break car trips (Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, Yosemite, Oregon Coast), K8 is a poor excuse for a parent. Hope you read this, Milo and other sheeple, your hero is transparently horrible.
Who at age 35, has so much plastic surgery as she has had? Tummy tuck, boob job (at least twice) as they continued to grow, major liposuction, nose job, chin implant(?),eye work done, teeth capped, repeated botox and fillers. Did I miss anything?
Something tells me that Kate will never be happy with herself, let alone anyone else. Unfortunately, she takes her anger and frustrations out on "everyone else," and unfortunately the brunt of it probably goes to the kids and Jon. She really does need an intervention and mental health treatment. But those that need it the most, tend to recognize it the least. I do agree she has some sociopathic features, and generally, these are not treatable. God help those kids.
LOL check out the Facebook post for the photographer who took the photos of Kate at the studio. All his friends want him to smack Kate LOL!!!
Kris Connor
Up early again this morning...photographing Kate Gosselin...
Yesterday at 3:17am near Washington, DC ·
Ralph Alswang likes this.
Liz Resetar Punch her in the face for me, mmmmmm k!
Yesterday at 3:51am · 1
Dan Laudicina How will you fit her big head in the frame?
Yesterday at 4:35am · 1
Matt Arter im so sorry to hear that. give her a good backhand across the face for me
Yesterday at 5:30am · 1
Kris Connor I have learned from shooting celebrities the last view years...I don't pay attention to tmz and go off of my first meeting. I will say she is pretty nice.
Yesterday at 5:56am · 1
When will someone ask about her political views or her opinions on what's going on in the world? If she's gunning for a job as a talk show host she should certainly have something to say other than what it's like to be a "mom of 8."
I am a Project Runway fan.
When a designer has worked just too hard to create a certain look, when a draped dress is clumsy, or when fabric has been over-worked, the judges will comment that the design looks "tortured". Too much effort without a winning result.
I think that word could apply to Kate, too.
Kate keeps trying to justify not working at any of these jobs for an obvious reason...she wants to be in the entertainment world. She still has delusions of being a star. so whenever anyone asks about a regular job she will come up with a hundred excuses why she can't work that paticular job. So don't waste your time trying to figure out her logic because there is none. She wants to be famous. period..................BTW... she looks like a wrestler in drag...
Kat, exactly. Will she just say look I want to be a fame whore I want to make it my career. I am still trying to do that. That's why I'm not going after other more mediocre jobs.
None of her reasons for doing the jobs make any more sense than they do doing an entertainment job. If she got an entertainment job she would still need a nanny. She would still have to work long hours, what does she think people out here just phone it in? No, Kate, they work their asses off which is HOW THEY GOT HERE. She would still, gasp, even have to work weekends sometimes. All of the same concerns she has about nursing are the same exact problems with any other job.
Anonymous said... 97
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 90 http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/san-diego
I'm so disappointed I could have gone down June 3 to report for the blog. I'll be out of town on a trip I paid for with my own dang hard work at my own mediocre job with my own money.
I better not miss anything good like more cheating.
"More" cheating? What evidence do you have that she cheated before? (Conspiracy theories are not evidence.)
Going to just 'anonymous', eh? You usually post under "source please?" You have to be Kate's agent, any time something is posted that is even slightly inflammitory about Kate, you swoop right in like a vulture demanding a source. 99.9 percent of the time, you get one. Bet you never thought (or forgot) Kate would be caught on tape denying water to her child. Kate probably thought she wouldn't either, save for some outraged person at that studio who leaked the footage. And how could you have forgotten already that just last summer, Kate sniveled to the camera that she doesn't understand why Jon has any say in the children's lives because he only sees them four days a month?
In regards to the marathon, while there's no proof Kate cheated- there's also NO proof she completed the entire marathon herself. Too many unexplainable discrepancies with her running partners, times and shoelace tags. Running across the finish line looking fresh as a daisy? WTF. Didn't someone report Kate rode the second half of the marathon in a golf cart driven by Skeeve?
Kate is not a runner, she's an opportunist who is involved in some deal with the Rock 'n Roll marathon people. Who, coincidentally, were busted for pretending to run the entire marathon themselves. For Kate, this is another ploy to extend her 15 minutes and grasp at the last straw of her entertainment career. Serious, legitimate runners spoke out loud and clear about how they felt about Kate soiling a sacred way of life for them. They spoke out again after the ridulous blurb in RW. Her cruise is not selling. Her show was canceled. Her last book BOMBED. Her link for CC keeps sliding down further and further on their webpage. She got on Extra but the interview was not even featured on their website. Need I go on?
America is done with this woman who has no talent whatsoever. Selling her children's souls is not a talent, it's abuse. And as we all heard yesterday, this rejection does not convey to her one iota that is is time to hang it up and just raise her kids in anonymity, it tells her that she must exploit them a little more. Bringing M&C on the cruise in the 11th hour? ("watch Kate romp on the beach with her kids!!") Her apparent attempt to bring the tups as well, until the judge shot her down? (in family court, apparent NO does mean NO to Kate, heh)
When my mother & I came home from first bra shopping, she told my father and I almost DIED of embarrassment. Kate had no right to discuss this on a radio show and my heart breaks for her girls.
Her 15 minutes are up. She is now draining the family finances and sinking to desperate measures to deny and extend them. It isn't ok. As long as she keeps exploiting her children in an attempt to stay relevant, me and the rest of us here will be posting our sediments in protest
Here's a thought provoking tweet from this am:
Backlink Directory
@Kateplusmy8 I don't care who you do or do not follow. I am following you and have no clue why. May be a twitter screw up .? Think.?
Another reason to believe Kate buys followers. This isn't the first time I've seen a tweet by someone wondering why they're following her.
Kate said yesterday on the radio show RE: Spring Break, that she doesn't understand why the school schedules it so early when it's still cold outside.
One of the radio show hosts said she thought it was a good idea because people like to go someplace warm during spring break and when it's cold it's a good time to do that.
Kate retorted: Well, not us. We aren't going anywhere. Then she lamented about having to bundle up her kids and tell them to go play outside where it is cold.
Gee WHIZ! She chose for the kids to go to that school. She put herself in the impossible situation of trying to keep up with the "Jones's". She gets to go everywhere she wants, why can't she take the kids somewhere?
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