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Hollywood Gossip |
According to listeners (thanks!), among some other topics Kate is hitting from D.C.:
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Kate loves tampon talk! Especially about her girls! But her virginity? Now that's too personal. |
- Kate said she doesn't let the kids get on the internet without her because there's so much information out there about Jon and she doesn't want them to see it
- They only eat healthy, balanced meals. She teaches the kids which foods make your body grow up versus make your body grow out.
- The kids wanted to leave the Alaska camp ground and that if they had asked to stay she would have but they were wet and complaining so they left. The show didn't show that part. (No, Kate. That's not how it went down. Joel's exact quote was: "Actually, I do want to stay."
- Her kids don't care if she discusses her kids
- She can't work as a nurse because babysitter would cost more than she would make.
967 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 967 Newer› Newest»I give her credit Kate is trying so hard to express real concern for what's happening with the tornados and so far hasn't found a way to make it all about her yet.
It's such a struggle for her, especially trying to act interested in some fan's photo of hail, but at least she is trying.
You usually post under "source please?" You have to be Kate's agent, any time something is posted that is even slightly inflammitory about Kate, you swoop right in like a vulture demanding a source. 99.9 percent of the time, you get one.
You know I've been wondering why we keep doing someone's research for them. All of what you need to disprove or prove what we are saying is right here on the blog so from now on Source Please can do their own darn research and stop making us run all over looking for the link to prove what we are saying.
I feel like I've been suckered into writing someone else's term paper and I'm a little tired of it! Heh.
Wayward@198.....AMEN and AMEN!
Dallas Lady - I am a long time poster and have been here since this blog was founded. We had a good discussion, imo, about Kate's references to her daughter's bra shopping. Neither Check (I believe - correct me if I'm wrong, Check) nor I were saying that discussing bra shopping was in good taste, we were commenting more about the extreme reactions people were having to it and whether or not it was worth that level of emotional energy. I also commented, as I have consistently in the past, that we need to be careful about projecting out thoughts and feelings onto the kids, because in the end we really don't know them or what they think or feel. I used my own girls as an example that not every child is embarrassed by the topic.
The reason I am saying all this is because of your sheeple comment. It has been raised, several times over the past few years, that when someone disagrees with the majority opinion they are labelled a sheeple and then harrassed when they protest about it to the point that they cease feeling welcomed and free to share their opinion.
I then read posts where people either deny that ever happens here or they dismiss the objection with more "sheeple" comments.
Yesterday's discussion was what can work really well about blogs - people who disagree but share their opinions respectfully so various perspectives can be heard. Admin, Check, myself and many others had a good conversation about it, at least I felt. To have that suddenly dismissed with a "Oh I see the sheeple were here again" was just annoying and I felt it was time to put my two cents in.
We all have different views on Kate and that's fine. Imo, it's what makes the blog interesting. If someone says something you don't agree with that's okay, but there's no need to call them a "name" and that's what, imo, the "sheeple" reference is - name calling and a subtle form of intimidation. When it is used, we all, I believe (some more than others) know it's going to engender a reaction and will most times have the desired (conscious or unconscious) effect of silencing that commentor.
My comments, I'm sure, will put some on the defensive and that is not my intention. I am simply trying to offer my perspective on this situation along with constructive critcism because I find it rather annoying and I would like to discuss the elephant in the room so we can move past it. Dallas, I enjoy your posts and opinions, and I apologize if I seemed to single you out. You just happened to make the comment this time, but this is something that I see across the board here (so to speak) from many different people.
As a long time poster, I am respectfully asking that we drop the "sheeple" label just because someone disagrees with a majority opinion or has a different perspective. I'm not saying don't disagree. I'm simply asking that we be mindful of our use of that particular word.
(And if you feel someone is here trolling, my best suggestion is to just ignore them and they'll eventually go away. Or email Admin and ask her to handle it.
Also, sorry if this was already discussed. I am catching up on the rest of the posts as yesterday was a PTA and Girl Scout day and so I wasn't around after the morning posts)
Kate retorted: Well, not us. We aren't going anywhere. Then she lamented about having to bundle up her kids and tell them to go play outside where it is cold.
Gee WHIZ! She chose for the kids to go to that school. She put herself in the impossible situation of trying to keep up with the "Jones's". She gets to go everywhere she wants, why can't she take the kids somewhere?
Not to mention, how about an ounce of gratitude for all the vacations she HAS had. Oh how tragic Kate just this one time you're not going on a vacation for free!
Those kids have been on two dozen great vacations which is probably way more than most kids even at that school ever had. Let the other kids go on vacation for once.
And only Kate goes on trips now, she has San Diego lined up in June, that's only a few months away it's not like she is being deprived of vacations. Why not say we'll be home this time but I'm so looking forward to San Diego in just a few months!
Kate's wearing that outfit because she has gained a lot of weight since the marathon and is trying to hide it with the all black color scheme. While you do need some time to heal your body from such a grueling event, it's obvious that she has let herself become a victim to the curse that affects people that train very hard for something over an extended period of time and then just stop.
If she wants to run a half in June, I hope she plans on stepping it up very soon.
Someone mentioned upthread, and I concur with it: How sad to think that she has no friends or family to hang out with when kids aren't around.
I'm so blessed to have friends who are as close as sisters, but if there is anything I'm little jealous of, it's my friends who have sisters. This does make me feel a little sorry for Kate, who could be having great times with hers. So very very sad. I can't imagine how lonely her life is. Her best friends seem to be the crazies on Twitter that she doesn't even know personally.
Admin...she has at two other 1/2 marathons she's planning to run as well. Seems that she and Steve get to vaca all they want, but God forbid she take any initiative to take the kids anywhere other than to the bus stop each morning.
Hi Ex Nurse. I don't think that Kate displays the traits of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. I believe that she is just a rather sadistic person who takes a great deal of sick delight in the misery of others, especially in her children.
Check said she wouldn't care if Jon talked about the boys' wet dreams. As much as she thinks our position was extreme, I find that position extreme and shocking. On no planet would it ever be okay for a father to talk publicly about that, ever, in my opinion. I think Check honestly picked the wrong topic to complain we are making a mountain out of a molehill. And her position on it is just as extreme as she claims ours is. So, we have to agree to disagree and move on, and apparently Check did move on since I noticed her last few posts were talking about something else. Proof people on this blog can disagree like respectful human beings. A great fiery debate can be a lot of fun and doesn't have to get dirty.
Also, just because one person says they are bothered by this or that, school lunches, Kate's clothes, hair, etc., doesn't mean that's how EVERYONE feels. Everyone has their things about Kate that bother them so to suggest we pick on every single thing is a little silly--some people pick on some things, some people pick on others. I don't know a single person here who has chimed in on every single thing Kate has done. For example, you won't find too many posts from me about Kate's clothes or hair or makeup because it really doesn't bother me that much. I've said before, she looks like a lot of mothers out here in L.A. I know and these mothers are good mommies. It would be nice if she would dress more her age and more conservatively, but it is not something that chaps my hide. It does others and that's FINE, I simply don't participate in those threads.
Sillimom, I certainly don't think you are a sheeple and as I recall if was only one or two people here suggesting Check was. Everyone else was respectful, though they disagreed passionately. I've asked people not to immediately assume someone is a sheeple, and most people have complied with that.
Maybe the day Kate was seen going into McDonald's she was applying for a job. I mean she keeps talking about how she would work there.
No worries, Admin. As I said, I felt we all had a good conversation yesterday and was simply annoyed to see the "Sheeple" comment come up yet again.
On a different topic, I keep hearing David Lee Roth singing " Just A Gigolo" everytime someone refers to Steve with that term (just read an article someone had linked to). Someone needs to filk (parody) it to the Steve/Kate situation, imo. :-) It's just too perfect.
Sillimom what was starting to annoy me a bit yesterday was Check took the debate from, I disagree that talking about bra shopping is detrimental, to you guys pick on everything Kate does, this blog is obsessed with bringing her down over every little thing, etc. It kind of morphed into I have global issues with you guys, and that is annoying and off topic and makes it look like you are not here to have a serious debate but rather want to shit stir and get everyone worked up about the blog itself. BUT I gave her the benefit of the doubt and she DID move on. In fairness, it took a long time for the "sheeple" comments to come out. A lot of benefit of the doubt was given.
But in any case, all is well, we disagreed, we moved on, and I am for the most part very proud of how yesterday went down.
Bet you never thought (or forgot) Kate would be caught on tape denying water to her child. Kate probably thought she wouldn't either, save for some outraged person at that studio who leaked the footage.
I wonder who that was that leaked that footage and what were their motivations. They deserve a medal.
It's pretty taboo to leak raw footage like that. Although, I do know some satellite channels will show you the noncommercial footage, not sure if they are still doing this. For instance at least in the past if you watch the CNN feed instead of a commercial break you just see the newscaster sitting there chatting with a producer and going through notes until the commercial is over. I wonder if that was the case.
Re: vacations and well, not us! What an asshole. Those kids are big enough for one adult to handle them for a day trip somewhere. Check out a museum or your five billionth zoo. Go to DC and see the white house, even driving by it would be cool. Eat at a roadside diner in the middle of nowhere. Shit, bitch, it isn't hard, it can be done cheaply and it's all about attitude. Didn't you say on your retardoblog that you'd take the challenge of traveling anywhere with your kids? Well, do it, you lazy sow. Besides, traveling is 'knowlege'.
What about a ski/snowboarding trip? For goodness sake they don't have to go the entire spring break, they can just make it a weekend jaunt. There's tons of good skiing in PA and most of the kids love it. It's not THAT expensive Kate, surely you can sacrifice a few trips to NYC so the kids can do something fun.
I wonder how the kids feel when they want to know when they go on an airplane again when all Kate does is go on airplanes without them these days.
The google ads that run up the type, are oftens so funny. I know they try to discern our interests based on the topics and comments, but they are often so funny. Todays ads are:
1) "why do I hate myself" research study for depression
2) "Raising Your Daughter"" leadership and mother-daughter skills
These kids are old enough to start realizing the hypocrisy of mom saying "No, we can't afford to go anywhere for your school break", while she is STILL jet-setting around.
I don't think that she will change her ways, so I would guess that the kids resentment will only grow over time.
Such a cruel hearted woman, she is!
Ex Nurse lol, I was seeing a lot of bling bling jewelry ones today. I was thinking what kind of money do the think I have do they think I have eight kids to exploit???
It is also suggesting an MBA program.
Even the ads know that someone needs to get themselves educated and get a JOB.
New article:
Kate Gosselin on the Radio
Another great one, Sue!
The last line is the best summation of her life. Spot on!
Sue Buddy thanks again.
I raced right over to read. In few words (and I do wish your articles were loooonger...) you always capture the essence of Kate's latest mis step. Thanks for linking us when you have a new post.
Kate retorted: Well, not us. We aren't going anywhere. Then she lamented about having to bundle up her kids and tell them to go play outside where it is cold.
Ridiculous! Own one less car and your kids could have a spring vacation. Looks like only K8 travels now, well K8 and Skeve. She has no initiative and no desire to do anything or go anywhere that is not paid for or organized by oneone else. And considering her fear of the public, there is no way she would take those kids anywhere but the bus stop. If spring break was later in the school year, it would only mean less outerweat needed to run around the grounds well Mumsy sits inside and twitters away. Movie night night at the Compound; how about taking them to a damn theatre to see The Lorax, bitch? Poor, poor K8.
Munchausen--Yeah, not married to the idea. I went there because it was named for someone who embellished mundane stories. But, I would like to know whether anyone thinks that Kate would actually cause the vomiting by administering low doses of syrup of ipecac, or, is that just too unthinkable--even for Kate. It is foul stuff, but just a little would help nature along--could have told them it would prevent motion sickness. Why weren't Steve and Kate affected?
Yeah I bet that Audi would have bought a nice Spring break trip to Florida, Kate.
I wanted to comment on the ridiculous notion that a second car saves you gas and money. No, it doesn't. Crunch the numbers. It will always be less money to own one car as opposed to two. Just like it was always be less money to own five cars vs. ten. It's common sense. If Kate drove the BBB around all the time and did not buy an Audi and an SUV, even though she would put more GAS in the BBB, she would never ever in ten years make up for the gas savings by buying an Audi. The cost of the car itself plus insurance fees maintenance etc and all the gas money you "saved" is just blown every year.
Is a second car a great thing to help the environment, to not have to lug around a huge car, to have another car available for another adult? Of course. Is more than one car necessary for most two-adults or more families, YES. But the more cars you have, the more money you will spend, period. Even if your second car is a Prius, you would still spend more money.
When real people want to save money, they figure out how to do it using just one car. If that's a BBB because you have eight kids, then that's what you have to do.
If Kate wants to get a second car, fine, but don't tell me it's to save money, because she will never make up the difference of the cost of a second car in gas money.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 11
"Sillimom what was starting to annoy me a bit yesterday was Check took the debate from, I disagree that talking about bra shopping is detrimental, to you guys pick on everything Kate does, this blog is obsessed with bringing her down over every little thing, etc. It kind of morphed into I have global issues with you guys, and that is annoying and off topic and makes it look like you are not here to have a serious debate but rather want to shit stir and get everyone worked up about the blog itself."
This is exactly why I suspect Kate's people are posting here.
The posts start out as a comment that we're just making an overly big deal out of Kate's fuc# up 'o the day, then it slowly morphs into "it's just a fascinating social observation watching you people being obsessed with her every move." IMO, there is a blatant attempt going on to deflect defelct deflect Kate's sly and deliberate attempts to hang onto relevancy by exploiting her children by saying "look at yourselves, there's something wrong with you." In a nutshell, we're being asked to please look away so this fu*kery can continue unchallenged. This country was built on people who NEVER looked away. That person is a fool for thinking that's actually going to happen here.
There were similar comments by some (the same?) individual shortly after the cruise announcement came out, causing me to reply to the person and asking them if they had a financial interest in the cruise. Their comments plain out said they wanted us to stop posting about the premium being charged for the Kate package and for our concern for the sheeple putting this on their credit card and going into dept to help pay Kate's mortgage and private school tuition bill. Not to mention the strong disclaimer announcing Kate's right to cancel activities with no refund. They wanted to know why we were telling grown people what to do with their money.
For those who listened, does anyone know if Kate brought up the subject of her behavior on the Sarah Palin show? Or did the hosts bring it up?
wayward said... 198
Well said wayward! Could not agree with you more.
More control issues. If Kate did not need to oversee (control) every aspect of the children's lives, she would not have to bundle them up for playing outside. They would -- unmatched horrors! -- dress themselves as warmly as they need to be.
Putting on your own jacket and hat is a natural part of growing up.
Kate has a pretty nice new BBB. Every hear of a ROAD TRIP? Take your kids and a friend to help (hehe...pretend she has a friend) and go somewhere! We take one road trip and one flight vacation every year.
Completely OT, but I hope everyone who lives in the area devastated by the vicious storms and tornadoes yesterday is safe and warm and dry. Prayers for the areas demolished and people left homeless and injured or who lost loved ones.
Y'all. Do NOT make the mistake I made last night. I read Kate's tweets right before I went to sleep. Then I had nightmares all night of people giving lobotomies to kittens. It was awful. The evil that is Grifty got into my subconscious and produced THAT. From now on, my brain will be a Grifty-free zone for at least three hours before bed.
Another great, concise article, Sue Buddy.
I can't post there, but I hope someone posts that she says she can't afford babysitters while nursing, and yet she pays for them now, even though she's unemployed. Presumably they were with babysitters (if not at school) while she was in DC doing this little gig.
Thanks to everyone that pointed that out. Quite thought provoking.
Didn't we predict that after TLC stopped footing the bill, the kids would go nowhere?
Bearswife, thank you! Dmasy You didn't LEAP over?? Thanks for reading.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 24
"I wanted to comment on the ridiculous notion that a second car saves you gas and money. No, it doesn't. Crunch the numbers. It will always be less money to own one car as opposed to two. Just like it was always be less money to own five cars vs. ten. It's common sense. If Kate drove the BBB around all the time and did not buy an Audi and an SUV, even though she would put more GAS in the BBB, she would never ever in ten years make up for the gas savings by buying an Audi. The cost of the car itself plus insurance fees maintenance etc and all the gas money you "saved" is just blown every year.
The engines in the MB/Dodge Sprinters are diesels. A maintained diesel engine will go at least 200,000 miles or more. They are also somewhat fuel efficient, getting about 20mpg just like her Sequoia does. The Sequoia only seats 9 and she has absolutely no use for it at all.
I think she just wanted a new BBB because the old one was getting, well, old & mediocre. Plus, I'm sure the MB BBBs caught her greedy eye. My theory is that she negotiated the lease of the new BBB with the Rock & Run people as her "fee" in summer/early fall, then made a big frickin' deal about posting that the old BBB was in the shop, it's getting old and that they will soon need a new one. Layin' the groundwork for the new Mercedes BBB that was going to be showing up on her driveway soon.
She can flap the veneers until the cows come home. She only needs the BBB. Having two other vehicles is costing her money big time, she's not saving squat. I think she thinks if she says it, it makes it true and people will believe her without question. She should know by now it never works that way.
Hey, Kate, how's about another episode of Kate plus 8 in your head? Phew! Kate is exhausted and hungover after making a complete ass of herself on the radio! Mady and Cara aren't speaking to her and refuse the bathe the tups! Hilarity ensues as Kate shaves her back and then organizes her bras in descending order according to cup size! Dinner is everyone's favorite: chocolate milk! Watch the kids complain that the toddler video is boring while Kate ignores them to tweet and drink "tea"
I think she thinks if she says it, it makes it true and people will believe her without question. She should know by now it never works that way.
I would love for Kate to explain how buying MORE things saves you money.
Two houses are more expensive that one.
Eight private school tuitions are more expensive than public.
A hundred pairs of hooker heals are more expensive than 10.
One trip to NYC a month is more expensive than one a year.
And two extra cars are more expensive that one BBB!
Please Kate, enlighten us how this works.
Great article, Sue Buddy. I also want to thank you for linking to them here!
OT: I'm thinking about those affected by all the tornados yesterday. Normally we get them, especially this time of year, so we can definitely relate to the fear and worry these storms bring! It's awful. I'm sure we're in for some soon, it's not spring without having to get in the master closet with the shortwave radio while the tornado sirens wail. Stay safe, everyone.
I loved Sue Buddy's latest article entitled, "Kate Gosselin on the Radio". In closing she said, "....Kate as she publicly flounders trying to live big while crying poor."
Ah, road trip, the BBB only knows the way to the bus stop. The bitch can afford any number of nice day trips, but she is paralyzed at the idea of doing ANYTHING on her own, and of course has no friends to help as a second adult. So much easier to tweet, and let the kids know that it's mean TLC that keeps them from doing what their friends do. Meanwhile Mommy has 3 cars, is planning 3 marathon vacays with Skeve in tow and gets her hair cut in NYC. Too poor, poor K8.
NJGal51 said... 3
Wayward@198.....AMEN and AMEN!
Add another AMEN from me! Now off to read Sue Buddy's latest article.
IMO, there is a blatant attempt going on to deflect defelct deflect Kate's sly and deliberate attempts to hang onto relevancy by exploiting her children by saying "look at yourselves, there's something wrong with you." In a nutshell, we're being asked to please look away so this fu*kery can continue unchallenged. This country was built on people who NEVER looked away. That person is a fool for thinking that's actually going to happen here.
Excellent breakdown. And then when we get upset they cry that we are mean to them and always accuse them of being "sheeple" and it's not fair. IMO, the song and dance is too similar each time to not make me raise an eyebrow. BUT, I'm being nice and allowing it sometimes. But I'm cautious and skeptical.
And I love what you said about deflecting. That is their M.O. when Kate does something wrong, that it must be something wrong with us. Classic enabler. Kate is doing nothing wrong, YOU are wrong to think that. Funny, this is how D.V. relationships work too. The perp will tell her I didn't do anything wrong, you did something wrong which is why you deserved to be beat up. All of a sudden you think wait did I do something wrong? There is so much potential dysfunction below the surface in the people who would support Kate and then get upset at others for being upset with her. What's fascinating to ME is how similar the inter-personal relationships between Kate and her fans resembled the relationships I've seen in the areas I've worked with for five years when it come to DV, drug addictions, mental illness, and other enabler-enablee relationships.
Wayward, great post.
Sue_Buddy, thank you once again! I hope you really hit a nerve with this one, and I HOPE you cc'd the link to the two Broads. Maybe they'll be intrigued enough do some research before having her on again.
And Wayward, loved your comments @198.
Who would have thought Milo would have so much perspective? Her description of "U & I" is so apropos!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 LOL....talkin w/ur hands again Kate? zimbio.com/photos/Kate+Go…
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack I JUST saw this tweet after commenting that I was 'talking with my hands'! We had same thought! Lol
12:14 PM - 3 Mar 12
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Weird...dangerous...scary...U & I think alike alot! LOL
wayward said: "The Sequoia only seats 9 and she has absolutely no use for it at all."
Whoops! I meant to say it only seats eight. There are nine of them. At any rate, she keeps this SUV around for those occasions when she only has a couple kids with her. Seriously?
Thank you all for your nice words! You guys are so awesome :)
For those who listened, does anyone know if Kate brought up the subject of her behavior on the Sarah Palin show? Or did the hosts bring it up?
I believe they did ask her about that according to listeners, and which time Kate took the time to re-write history and claimed that the kids actually wanted to leave, we didn't see the plane land in the middle of water they had to trudge through, and all the other stuff we didn't see that would somehow justify what we DID see. It really is astounding how she thinks if she says it, it's true, even with actual video proof! CLASSIC narcissist. That's now how *I* remember it.
In a way? Thank God the kids have the video footage because can you imagine them trying to call Kate on her crap and Kate telling them oh honeys that's not what happened. That's when you roll the tape kids.
And then *I* posted Joel's exact quote about how he didn't want to leave actually. BAM, Kate.
From around the web. Hi Kate:
Maintain good personal boundaries between you and the narcissist. In response to your setting a boundary, the narcissist may attempt to rewrite history or even try to convince you that what you thought (or saw) just happened didn’t, and thus, there is no need for setting a boundary in the first place. Do not back down. Do check in with others to confirm your reading of the situation
Additionally, a narcissist will "rewrite history." By that I mean, he/she will recount an incident differently from the manner in which it occurred so as to glorify him/herself. In time, the incessent repetition of the revised truth becomes fact. They rewrite history to elevate their status.
Unflattering experiences are revised by the narcissist.
Narcissists will usually get angry or sulk (and feel very embarrassed) if they are seen to be wrong or have made a mistake, and like a child they might throw tantrums or rages and ‘rewrite history’ instead of admitting their misdeeds.
Of course, they train their children to believe that they are the ideal mother. Any evidence to the contrary is to be kept secret at all costs. They will behave much differently toward their children in public than they do at home. They will vehemently deny any wrongdoing on their part and most likely blame their children, completely rewriting history.
Sue Buddy, I can't click on the link and bring up your comments. Get a prompt saying Internet Explorer can't find the page (or something like that), yet I can find other Gather commentaries. Also tried Google w/ no results. Can you do a c/p? Thanks.
JudyK, try this. Sorry I can't make it clickable.
She can flap the veneers until the cows come home. She only needs the BBB.
I've driven one of those, and I can understand that she wouldn't want to drive that large vehicle while by herself, running errands, etc. I'd keep that one, but get rid of both the big SUV and the sports car and buy a smaller SUV, like a Pathfinder, Highlander, Escape, for her personal use and if she has to haul just a few of the kids around. That makes much more sense, since she would have a smaller SUV for winter weather driving. The sports car is absolutely useless and she doesn't need the large Toyota since it doesn't seat everyone.
Another excellent article by Sue Buddy:
Kate Gosselin on the Radio
I've driven one of those, and I can understand that she wouldn't want to drive that large vehicle while by herself, running errands, etc. I'd keep that one, but get rid of both the big SUV and the sports car and buy a smaller SUV, like a Pathfinder, Highlander, Escape, for her personal use and if she has to haul just a few of the kids around. That makes much more sense, since she would have a smaller SUV for winter weather driving. The sports car is absolutely useless and she doesn't need the large Toyota since it doesn't seat everyone.
And that would be fine. But you couldn't really say it saves you money. It's convenient sure and for many worth the added expense, Kate is welcome to say that. But saving you money, no Kate, it does not.
Admin- wanted to back up your point about owning extra cars to save money.
I was once at a business luncheon and one (very opinionated and irritating) man at our table was telling us that he loved his full-size SUV but was thinking of buying a Camry to save money on gas. He planned to keep both cars.
Another guy asked him about the price of the Camry. After thinking for a minute he said "So, you are going to making $400/month in car payments plus whatever it costs to insure the car. How much do you think your gas savings will be each month?"
The answer was obvious and the table snickered while the loud mouth got a red face.
Here's a money-saving tip for that idiot, Kate.
The SUV is useless, since it seats 8.
The Audi sports car is a personal indulgence, since it (barely) seats 4.
The MERCEDES BBB is nearly 50% more "bus" than she NEEDS, since it seats 15, and somehow I doubt kind, generous Kate is chauffeuring any one else's children around the countryside.
Sell (or turn in) them all and buy a moderately-priced, lightly used vehicle that will seat 9, which would be cheaper to insure, maintain, and fuel.
That is a ONE DRIVER household. ONE. There is no excuse, and no reason, for this idiot to be owning/leasing/maintaining three vehicles on her children's dime.
Dumping the cars would put a lotta cash in that idiot's pocket. Not that she'd spend it on the kids, but just think of the days in NYC she could fund by re-thinking transportation.
She will NEVER take those kids on a vacation she funds herself. SHE's the famous one, don't you know? The kids don't deserve squat.
LOL It's over Kate.
Are people really this stupid?
This is sort of like buying a two million dollar eco friendly house to save money on utilities. I bet you will save a bunch on utilities. But not as much as you would save buying a normal 250,000 house, now would you?
The Honda Pilot now seats nine.
Exactly, It's over Kate 52, having/maying for/insuring/maintaining/fueling additional cars is a whole lot more expensive than putting gas in the SINGLE one you own.
The problem with Kate crying poor is all the stupid financial decisions she made.
She stomps around in a muddy puddle then complains she is cold and wet. Well then don't stomp around in a muddy puddle, Kate. Go around it.
Y'all. Do NOT make the mistake I made last night. I read Kate's tweets right before I went to sleep. Then I had nightmares all night of people giving lobotomies to kittens. It was awful.
Were you drinking? :)
I've one had one dream about her. I was in Europe and she was standing in the middle of a fountain...could have been in Rome or London, and she was alive, but yet stone, with water coming out of her mouth and nipples, and people were gathered around, throwing pennies at her. Tourists were trying to climb into the fountain to retrieve the pennies, but when they did, she blasted them with water from her mouth.
Bizarre, yes, but true. I woke up laughing...
Actually she could get a second vehicle--Now a beach cruiser actually might make up the cost difference. Why doesn't she get one of those with a bell and a basket and peddle around town buying groceries?
This is a financial decision that makes "cents."
The MERCEDES BBB is nearly 50% more "bus" than she NEEDS, since it seats 15, and somehow I doubt kind, generous Kate is chauffeuring any one else's children around the countryside.
Sell (or turn in) them all and buy a moderately-priced, lightly used vehicle that will seat 9, which would be cheaper to insure, maintain, and fuel.
It's been rumored on Twitter that she doesn't own it, it's leased for one year, courtesy of the Vegas marathon people. I don't know if there's any truth to it.
Great article, Sue Buddy.
Anyone who has worked with kindergartners is familiar with the oft-repeated refrain "no fahaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiir!!" Does anyone else hear a wailing sound, in Kate's unmistakable grate, coming from the Wernersville area?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 46
From around the web. Hi Kate:
Maintain good personal boundaries between you and the narcissist. In response to your setting a boundary, the narcissist may attempt to rewrite history or even try to convince you that what you thought (or saw) just happened didn’t, and thus, there is no need for setting a boundary in the first place. Do not back down. Do check in with others to confirm your reading of the situation
Additionally, a narcissist will "rewrite history." By that I mean, he/she will recount an incident differently from the manner in which it occurred so as to glorify him/herself. In time, the incessent repetition of the revised truth becomes fact. They rewrite history to elevate their status.
Unflattering experiences are revised by the narcissist.
Narcissists will usually get angry or sulk (and feel very embarrassed) if they are seen to be wrong or have made a mistake, and like a child they might throw tantrums or rages and ‘rewrite history’ instead of admitting their misdeeds.
Of course, they train their children to believe that they are the ideal mother. Any evidence to the contrary is to be kept secret at all costs. They will behave much differently toward their children in public than they do at home. They will vehemently deny any wrongdoing on their part and most likely blame their children, completely rewriting history.
Oh, boy. This describes the narcissists I grew up with to a "T".
It's not easy co-existing with such people.
Wasn't that "rumor" started by Kelly? No offense but not a credible source.
The problem with the smaller eight or nine-seater SUVs is that there is no leg room. She has to think long-term. If they were still toddlers, no problem. But they are going to be getting bigger, and in the back row, you're sitting with your knees up around your neck. It's the old sardine can scenario.
Personally I think the BBB is a fine choice for eight kids, I don't take issue with that. It's not just a question of seating eight kids, it's seating eight kids plus all their STUFF.
Anyway it doesn't matter if it is a leased gift or whatever, why not take it as a windfall and NOT buy other cars?
My issue is buying two additional cars. Kate is a one-adult household. She should have one car. If her choice is the BBB, then so be it. If she must have one other car for taking a few kids for the nanny to use and for her to use for grocery shopping, then buy a reasonably priced Honda or Toyota or some other cheap sedan. But this car is an additional expense, it is not a money-saver. It is a convenience saver.
Most of the holidays and visits were lost for the kids because they were so young. Mix in trying to figure out which memories are yours and which you saw on a highly edited, to often faked, episode of your parent's ego/cash chasing tv show.
Wasn't that "rumor" started by Kelly? No offense but not a credible source.
I don't know, admin. I just remember it being discussed there, that someone pulled up the license plate and traced it to a leasing company. Wasn't there a tweet in which she said that she was "honored" to have it and that she "bought" it? If it is leased, then she fibbed. However, who says "honored" if you bought it yourself? She's a strange one.
She has to think long-term. 64.
Sorry Moose, but there are 3 words that aren't in Kate's repertoire: think and long term.
They would apply to most of us, however. :)
Moose Mania said... 58
Y'all. Do NOT make the mistake I made last night. I read Kate's tweets right before I went to sleep. Then I had nightmares all night of people giving lobotomies to kittens. It was awful.
At least you didn't dream of Kate dancing while stuck in the room with her like I did.
wayward said... 25
This is exactly why I suspect Kate's people are posting here.
The posts start out as a comment that we're just making an overly big deal out of Kate's fuc# up 'o the day, then it slowly morphs into "it's just a fascinating social observation watching you people being obsessed with her every move." IMO, there is a blatant attempt going on to deflect defelct deflect Kate's sly and deliberate attempts to hang onto relevancy by exploiting her children by saying "look at yourselves, there's something wrong with you." In a nutshell, we're being asked to please look away so this fu*kery can continue unchallenged. This country was built on people who NEVER looked away. That person is a fool for thinking that's actually going to happen here.
(cut stuff about cruise)
For those who listened, does anyone know if Kate brought up the subject of her behavior on the Sarah Palin show? Or did the hosts bring it up?
First, I wasn't trying to "deflect" attention from anything. Comments were made that Kate NEVER allows ANYTHING to be private and has NO boundaries. I pointed out the fact that Kate DID respect their privacy somewhat by not answering the question of whether the twins started their periods and then people switched to, "Well she shouldn't talk about them wearing bras." This is what we call "moving the goalposts."
You can't say one thing and then when challenged, switch to a different premise. All I was trying to do was make the point that it seems Kate does have boundaries. But that doesn't seem to matter, because she talked about getting bras. OK, I get it, she's done a million things wrong and is at this point completely irredeemable. Fine.
I'm never out to tell people they are "wrong." But sometimes people form opinions based on inaccuracies. I those situations, I feel compelled to call attention to those errors.
Case in point, someone commented yesterday about Kate saying all her jeans were from the Gap. One or two additional comments were made about it until I pointed out the FACT that Kate didn't say that, one of the other women said it. How many comments do you think would have come out on this blog about, "Oh God, now she gifting for free Gap clothes" if I hadn't pointed out that error?
My point, was, is and always will be, that there are plenty of valid and concrete reasons to criticize the woman, so I don't understand all the hemming and hawing of the trivial. (For the record, yeah, maybe the bra discussion will embarrass Cara, maybe Mady too if it gets back to them. Still not nearly the worst Kate has done to them). But, I suppose if people get off by making fun of her neck skin and her (not) language skills, then that's fine too.
I can't speak to any of the cruise comments, they weren't me. < This right here is the first comment I have made here about the cruise. I think cruises are stupid and I don't care that Kate is going on one.
The Sarah Palin trip WAS brought up, not by her though. I can't remember everything clearly. I think she said some things about not being happy with her behavior looking back on it, but framed it from the context that she was not an outdoor person, she was cold and tired,the kids wanted to go to, etc. Basically she acknowledged that she was whiney, but she had a darn good reason for being so!
So if you are wondering if she came out and admitted to being spoiled and pampered and that she was an ass, sadly, No!
Moose Mania 64, she's not going to be driving the same cars in four or five years when legs get longer. These are not big or tall kids. For that matter, neither parent is particularly tall, either.
It's been a while since I've been in a Pilot, but I don't remember that it's cramped for leg space. There are probably other choices out there, too.
She isn't even going to be living in the same house in four or five years.
I wonder how often all 8 kids go anywhere with her besides to and from the bus stop....
Just to put my two cents in on the handling of sensitive issues in our posts:
The 'seventh child',
Whether it was ever going to be a baby or not, it is understandable that someone would experience grief and loss. People experience this over all sorts of life events that someone else might be able to easily move on, and this is one of the toughest, especially for infertile couples that are trying to conceive a child. Since Kate has said that she sometimes wished the tups away, it would be logical to assume that she would be relieved about one not developing--especially since she knew from the start. Yes, putting Kate and logic in the same sentence, is, well, illogical. No matter your personal or religious beliefs about when life begins, there is the loss of hope and a dream of the baby/babies and the person they will become. I would think that many women who are challenged in their fertility would be drawn to this blog, especially, because Kate has been so unfairly blessed and has so little appreciation. It is too bad that Kate cannot represent the message of hope for infertile couples, but rather a model of greed and entitlement. My heart goes out to those who have suffered the loss of a child, whatever the stage of life There may be a situation in which it would be appropriate to publicly share this loss, but we know it isn't Kate--because, by definition, anything she does is almost always inappropriate.
Yes, I am going there. Skip it if you don't like it.
When someone trashes Kate's hospital program, they are trashing everybody who shared the same educational experience. If there was consensus in the medical community that a BSN is the only acceptable route, the alternatives would be eliminated. The BSN debate has been raging for 32- years, since I graduated from nursing school in 1980. If people feel so strongly that BSN is the only legitimate path, I suggest that, when you are critically injured, sick or having surgery, that you demand that only BSN graduates care for you! Good luck with that!
Since Kate was a nurse, this blog attracts other nurses who are appalled with the abysmal skill she had in dealing with her own children. Look how many have weighed in, just on this blog.
So, my message is the same, for both topics and, really, all topics. Please be considerate and confine comments to Kate, not sweeping statement about everyone who shares a life experience in common. There is nothing wrong with any job that provides family income--including working at McDonalds. I would respect her for that.
If people continue to trash entire groups of people, at the very least, it will provoke a war of words and at the very most, it will really hurt someone. I am one of the people that have never commented or even regularly read another blog. Kate has the ability to arouse so much outrage, that we occasionally turn it on each other. I always own my comments under the single name of Ex Nurse, and I stand by them even if it is an unpopular view. I hope others feel safe in doing the same.
Stepping down from my soapbox now....
Sorry Moose, but there are 3 words that aren't in Kate's repertoire: think and long term.
Right! But I said "has to," not that she does, or ever has! :) She can't think beyond today, which has been one of her problems all along. She thought the show would last until the kids went to college, never dreaming that it would end this soon. She can't think ahead. This applies to chosen words as well as critical thinking about what consequences may ensue as the result of her decision-making. She only thinks in terms of instant gratification...live for today, never mind about tomorrow.
Check, you're boring. Please stop
List of things Kate says on a nursing salary she CAN NOT (or will not) afford:
Kids clothing, eduction, etc.
Summer/Winter trips
Life in general (because you know her and the kids would be scraping by in society)
List of things CAN (or seems to) be able to afford while she is unemployed:
Bodyguard & Babysitters
3 cars
Trips for herself at random
Her self in general
Hmmmm. With it laid out like this, I'm wonder what she would say? I know:
It's not my fault
It's rude to say how much money I have or don't have
You're just jealous!
Please. I don't have 8 kids to support, doesn't mean I don't know how hard life can be sometimes. Life will never be fair honey. Yo have to do things for yourself like almost everyone else does. If you can't honestly hack getting a normal job, making necessary sacrifices before pleasure and have to whine about past things for attention, maybe just maybe you'd be better off packing it all up and go live at home back with your parents since life is just so hard for only you.
I mean if yo aren't willing to try in the real world maybe you just aren't mature enough to handle balancing a check book, paying bills, making sure your kids are cared for and maybe squeezing in a summer trip to the beach I think you need to rethink some priorities.
What do mediocre people do for extra money? Let's see, they have yard sales, and more than one. They take part-time jobs that might turn into full time jobs, they get a savings account, the skip on small luxuries (Coffee, nails, etc.) they shop for clothes at bargain stores (there is nothing wrong with that absolutely not). For some families that's all they've got. They eat simpler foods instead of NYC crap or they skip eating out more than they used to.
Point is: if you say you can't afford it for you kids--then don't spend that money on yourself.
I haven't been around the block as much as some of you ladies here in life, but I do know one thing and that is that you have got to know how to manage yourself. If you can't then...well, maybe your parents didn't teach you how to hack it in the real world with it's real life issues. And for that I feel sorry for Kate. But, only a tiny bit. I won't lose any sleep over it though.
Amen, Marie 76. Spot on!
Something alarming about the cruise. Cindy, the travel agent, responded to an email inquiry and assured the inquirer that they would have "quality time with Kate and the girls." The email was forwarded to me and I am completely shocked.
This travel agent is promising access to two 11 year olds? Does anyone else find this frightening?
So did Grfty Griftofferson manage to grift any laptops or not?
I still want to know what kind of interviewer would ask Kate about the twins' bras and/or periods. Is it because they thought she would answer & this would be interesting listening??? I feel the interviewer was partially to blame for the whole invasion of privacy of the girls. They weren't the interviewees. They should have asked Kate about her own 'good bra' and period- she was not hesitant to mention she does not ovulate in one of 'her' books, so maybe she would love to discuss the subject about herself.
PJ's momma said... 31 I can't post there, but I hope someone posts that she says she can't afford babysitters while nursing, and yet she pays for them now, even though she's unemployed. Presumably they were with babysitters (if not at school) while she was in DC doing this little gig.
Two Sundays ago on Feb. 19th, Kate tweeted:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8 ...GM all...I'm heading to pediatrician later 2day w/ a sick child instead of 2church... They r all upset that we aren't going! Me 2! :( :(
8:14 AM - 19 Feb 12
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8 Busy day!Hannah is on the mend,ran 10mi, made It meatball subs w/ ground chicken(of course!) &homemade rolls, played,showered&2 bed we go...
8:43 PM - 19 Feb 12
I wondered who was watching the kids when she went for her “10mi” run. I was sure she had HIRED help that day and I also believe that the HIRED HELP made the dinner that she was posing for in the pictures she posted.
Kate, herself, confirmed that she HIREs others to watch her children on her custody weekends in a tweet last night. See the below tweet by Kate in a reply to one asking if Mady and Cara watch the kids when she runs:
XXXXX@XXXXX@Kateplusmy8 do u allow Mady and Cara to watch their brothers and sisters if you go to the store or for a run??
8:27 PM - 2 Mar 12via Twitter for iPhone •
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8@xxxxxx oh dear god NO!
8:30 PM - 2 Mar 12via Twitterrific
According to Kate’s own tweets, Kate HIREs and PAYs someone to take care of her children on her custody weekends. THIS IS NOW A FACT!
SO she is home ALL week, for at least 8-9 hours 5 days a week and she does NOT work at a JOB. BUT she pays HIRED HELP on her custody weekends to feed and care for her children. And she continues to claim it would be too expensive to pay for after school childcare if she worked a Nursing job during the week? WHAT??? How does that even make sense?
Hey Kate, I have a common sense suggestion for you … Why don’t you stop paying for “babysitters” when you are home and when YOU should be taking care of your OWN children! You obviously have the money to pay “babysitters” to watch your children. Go back to Nursing and start working at a real job to support your children. You would only have to pay for a “babysitter” to watch the children after school for two or three days a week. And then you could work on the weekends Jon has the children and save on “babysitters”.
But we all know why she will never do this. And it has nothing to do with paying a “babysitter”. She will not go back to nursing or any other job because it is WORK. She has proven she is lazy and would rather have others do for her. It will be interesting to see how she keeps avoiding working a REAL job as the money disappears.
I believe they did ask her about that according to listeners, and which time Kate took the time to re-write history and claimed that the kids actually wanted to leave, we didn't see the plane land in the middle of water they had to trudge through, and all the other stuff we didn't see that would somehow justify what we DID see.
This reminds me that she said the water they had to walk through from the plane to the campsite was "probably OVER our heads" and that at one point they opened the tent and there was "over a foot of water" inside.
I was forwarded an e mail reply from Cindy that seems to indicate that she may be sharing/checking people's e mail addresses with fans to determine the validity of the questioners.
This entire enterprise is suspect, IMO.
Perplexed 78 I find it very frightening.
Ex Nurse,
Yes, I think anything is possible (and probable) when it comes to Skate trying to insure big ratings.
As for Munchausen's, I, for one, have wondered about that MANY times and wouldn't rule it out until the Fat Lady sings and the cows come home - really!
As for Jon writing a Tell All book, isn't the TLC confidentiality agreement for life? I'm hoping the children will write one; I can't imagine they were made to sign anything.
Isn't Munchhausen's where people make other people sick for attention? Because it makes them feel good or something? People like Marie Hilley come to mind.
Or are there different levels of it? I buy Kate's narcissistic but Munchhausen...??
sick chick 84 I'm picturing 6 two year olds and 2 six year olds signing confidentiality agreements.
Kate would probably think they were valid. :)
Havent read all the comments yet, but as far as Kate discussing childrens' bras - we all called it years ago. Word. For. Word.
We even disgustingly joked about "A Twin's First Period - A Very Special Episode."
The sheeple remind me of my teenage daughter:
"We need to talk about this D in English."
Reply: "Why are you being so mean to me!?! All you ever do is pick on me! You HATE me!"
"Don't be late for dinner again."
Reply: "Why are you so mean to me! All you ever do is pick on me! You HATE me!"
"Kate is discussing her daughters' new boobies on the radio."
Reply: "Why are you so mean to her! All you ever do is pick on her! You HATE her!"
I am sorry to see that a teenage bellowing "You are MEAN to my widdle Katie!" caused squabbling among some of the aunties and uncles and other adults. I think of Kate's 666 fans as stuck at the age 13, same as Kate; Birds of a Feather so to speak.
Also, has anyone figured out why Kate is wearing a maternity dress with socks in her bra in the above pics? And the over-faux maniacal grin? Has she had more plastic surgery? Coz her chin is getting very pointy and witchy looking and that didnt used to be her usual.
Calling Dr Freud..
Dallas Lady said...
Y'all. Do NOT make the mistake I made last night. I read Kate's tweets right before I went to sleep. Then I had nightmares all night of people giving lobotomies to kittens. It was awful.
Moose Mania said.......
I've one had one dream about her. I was in Europe and she was standing in the middle of a fountain...could have been in Rome or London, and she was alive, but yet stone, with water coming out of her mouth and nipples, and people were gathered around, throwing pennies at her. Tourists were trying to climb into the fountain to retrieve the pennies, but when they did, she blasted them with water from her mouth.
Chefs summer said...
At least you didn't dream of Kate dancing while stuck in the room with her like I did
Kittens=the innocent sheeple
Lobotomies=the loss of brain cells that sheeple experience as a result of Katespeak
Europe (Italy)=Rome (lots of fountains!) Mother Theresa
Stone=Kate's soul
Water from mouth=lies, false begging
Water from nipples=absence of mother's milk, false begging again
People gathered around, throwing pennies=sheeple giving money and goods
Tourists trying to retrieve the money=Us!
Water blasting from mouth=bigger, louder lies
Trapped in a room with Kate while she is uncontrollably gyratins=kids
87 Also, has anyone figured out why Kate is wearing a maternity dress with socks in her bra in the above pics?
Dwindle, isn't that what some 13 year olds do?
Thanks for the laugh!
Tala #48: Thanks for the link...could finally read it.
Sue Buddy, outstanding job, truly!
Marie and NT, you both make too much sense and prove Kate is full of crap when she claims she can't afford to support her kids and amazingly, also can't work unless it pays millions for her to sit on that leathery ottoman, I mean, her ass. So to both of you I say: do u hv any personal exp with how exp it is to raise kids X8? Didn't think so. I'm thinking Kate wasn't on the debate team
Dwindle said....
The sheeple remind me of my teenage daughter:
"We need to talk about this D in English."
Reply: "Why are you being so mean to me!?! All you ever do is pick on me! You HATE me!"
"Don't be late for dinner again."
Reply: "Why are you so mean to me! All you ever do is pick on me! You HATE me!"
"Kate is discussing her daughters' new boobies on the radio."
Reply: "Why are you so mean to her! All you ever do is pick on her! You HATE her!"
Dwindle---don't forget the flounce out of the room and the door slam. Five minutes later, "can you drive me to the mall?"
I doubt that Kate and Jon signed confidentiality agreements at any point during their TLC involvement.
Crew, hired help, TLC employees (which Jon and Kate were not), might have signed, but there would have been no reason for J & K to sign.
There's no such thing as a "confidentiality agreement for life", and you'd probably have a hard time enforcing any confidentiality agreement that prevented someone from talking/writing/filming his or her own life. Other people's, sure, but not your own.
You don't sign a confidentiality agreement which prevents you from discussing your own life. They are to protect you from other people telling your story.
Katie Cry-duh said... 91
Marie and NT, you both make too much sense and prove Kate is full of crap when she claims she can't afford to support her kids and amazingly, also can't work unless it pays millions for her to sit on that leathery ottoman, I mean, her ass. So to both of you I say: do u hv any personal exp with how exp it is to raise kids X8? Didn't think so. I'm thinking Kate wasn't on the debate team
You are so brilliantly wicked. I would not want to cross you in real life.
Judy, I'm a cream puff, really :)
wayward said... 43
wayward said: "The Sequoia only seats 9 and she has absolutely no use for it at all."
Whoops! I meant to say it only seats eight. There are nine of them. At any rate, she keeps this SUV around for those occasions when she only has a couple kids with her. Seriously?
The Sequoia's for the times when she forgets one of the boys.
Kate doesn't take her kids too far in the BBB. To the bus, school programs, dentist, doctor probably. I doubt they are going to be driving to Baldhead or NY or Disney World or Wyo. for vacations any time soon if ever. I don't think a smaller "bus" with less leg room would be that much of an inconvenience.
But Kate has to put on a show. She doesn't want the paps to catch her getting out of a used Neon during her treks to Target or tanning. It's all about appearances to her. Someday she won't have the money to keep them up and will look more a fool than if she downsized everything now.
I have a friend who has 8 kids- all born separately. Mom has stayed home to raise them while Dad busts his butt working as much overtime as he can get. They have a GREAT life! They bought an old farmhouse and paid off the mortgage years ago. They have remodeled and added on as they needed to. The paid off mortgage means that they have nice vehicles (Mom drives the 11 passenger Chevy van) and they go on vacations, have a boat that they use often, and they go on a few camping trips each year.
Having 8 kids doesn't mean you automatically have a terrible life unless you land a reality show. Making wise choices and having reasonable expectations are the key.
OMG - that biotch just tweeted that going to a movie is too $$$ and too hard for them. These kids really do not get to do anything do they? Let's see, we buy movie vouchers (hello, Coupon Cabin) at Costco, and use them at our local theatre. I do understand that she has to buy 9 tix, but as a once in awhile outing, and it is spring break, she seriously makes me sick. Cheap contol freak, with a side of stranger anxiety, add that to her profile.
I have not had luck from any of my sources getting information about the twins from Cindy.
If Cindy is not ashamed or sees nothing wrong with the twins working then why all the secrecy? Why not just proudly state what exactly the twins will be expected to do?
This gets more snake oil salesman as each day goes by.
OMG - that biotch just tweeted that going to a movie is too $$$
Oh no she didn't.
There was just a great Groupon for AMC. You can also get the silver passes for AMC that are great vouchers for any movie that isn't in the first week or so of opening. What about Netflix, you can't beat that, do they at least have that?
I don't care so much if they go to the movies all the time, it's not essential, but will this bitch please spend some money on her own children for once and not on herself?
Case in point, someone commented yesterday about Kate saying all her jeans were from the Gap. One or two additional comments were made about it until I pointed out the FACT that Kate didn't say that, one of the other women said it.
No one had a problem with this error being corrected. Once it was corrected it was over with. The error wasn't deliberate, it was a mistake. The listener was listening to a two hour radio show for us and doing her best to recount. She made one error. Instead of kindly correcting it you were a big snot about it. This is not a good case in point at all, it was a simple human error that is NOT important in the grand scheme of things and was promptly corrected.
And as I recall you were the one insisting that Kate didn't talk about the twins periods--which was an error on your part. She DID, and we pointed it out to you. We all make mistakes, and there are ways to point things out without being a snotty jerk about it and going into why this blog is so terrible and why we are so terrible when Kate and only Kate exploited her kids yesterday.
Check, there is a way to get along here while still disagreeing, and you are slipping and sliding away from that very fast and I don't disagree with other's opinions about your M.O.. If you want to have success here, you need to try some other method.
Munchausen Syndrome is when someone makes themselves sick for attention, usually from the doctor and/or medical staff (maybe just BSN's--sorry, couldn't resist). Muchausen Syndrome by Proxy is diagnosed when someone induces symptoms of illness in a child.
I was really just thinking out loud what the thought process was that led to my question about whether people thought she might have actually caused the vomit fest aboard the deep fishing boat.
I started to think about it because the person it was named after, Baron von Munchausen, was famous for his embellished and exaggerated stories of his travels and his life--nothing to do with the illness. Sorry, I wan't clearer about that--wasn't really suggesting that was Kate's diagnosis.
Marie--LOVE YOUR POSTS! I loved the earlier dissertation of Kate and Ayn Rand. Hope your parents know what a special daughter they have--your posts are always so kind and thoughtful. Note: I came from the era in which it was usual for mom's to be home with kids. Got a kick out of you saying "back in those days"--I am 58.
She is such a horrible POS mother. Recent exchanges on Twitter:
@Kateplusmy8 @flowermonkeyz Great movie! Sounds like fun nght planned. But I don't get why u don't take kids to movie theatre? U have money.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXXX ...we all have money. It's in our personal choices on how to spend it that counts... Have a good day!
Well, yes, we know how SHE chooses to spend it. On an unneeded "bodyguard," ridiculous clothes, pointless "career" travel, etc. I guess she figures she's already "purchased" a whole lifetime of memories and adventures for them since they have the boxed DVD set of K+8!
In case anyone was wondering about milk:
@Kateplusmy8 how come in the old eps u didn't by milk? do ur kids not like it, or is it the price? just curious lol,do u get it from farm?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXXX hmm I've always bought milk. Not sure what u mean or which ep ur referring 2? We don't drink it but use it in cereal etc..
@Kateplusmy8 oh it was shopping for 10 ep, maybe u did mean u don't drink it, u said u didn't buy it unless on sale
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXXXXX oh yes. I do only buy milk on sale since I buy organic milk only it's very $!
Isn't milk one of the cornerstones of a child's nutrition? I can understand concern about buying organic in light of the hormones and antibiotics, but to never enjoy a warm cookie and a cold glass of milk? Is she SERIOUS with this BS? Must suck to be a Gosselin kid.
Katie Cry-duh said... 75
Check, you're boring. Please stop
Oh, yes of course. Because comments like yours above are monumental contributions to nuanced adult discourse.
So Admin, it IS a hate blog then right? I mean I'm confused because you say you welcome reasonable discussion, but then anyone who isn't lock-step in line with a certain extreme viewpoint is branded and shooed away.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXXX ...we all have money. It's in our personal choices on how to spend it that counts... Have a good day!
How dare she speak for her sheeple saying we all have money. Does she know them? I suspect a good number of her sheeple actually DON'T have money Kate or they would be on that cruise with you so fast!
So now she DOES have money she's just choosing not to spend it on her kids? On a measly matinee movie? For God sake!
This woman's story changes faster than I can change my TV channels!
Whatever the movie was, she said she would have to put it on her dvr list, something like that. Hmm, you woud think the CC head blogger would know about Groupon.
And I so agree, they certainly don't have to go all the time, but for god's sake, how about a spring break treat for the stay at home kids? Oh, something else about poor Kate - $$$ for her shoe collection, but she took the girls bra shopping at Target - a whole lot of personal privacy there, too.
And she also twatted again about only buying milk on sale because she only buys organic! Very busy on the leather couch today. My advice - STFU.
I mean I'm confused because you say you welcome reasonable discussion, but then anyone who isn't lock-step in line with a certain extreme viewpoint is branded and shooed away.'
No, anyone who is a JERK is. When you are not being a jerk, you are lovely.
You know exactly what you are doing, I'm not stupid.
Ex nurse said 92 ...
Dwindle---don't forget the flounce out of the room and the door slam. Five minutes later, "can you drive me to the mall?"
OR if you are Kate you CLOMP out of the room, slam the door and say "I Want NOBU!"
Same 13 year old stunt and all the other 13 year olds just WUBBS YOOOOO!
If you were outraged at the last one Admin:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXXX lol. Thx. Seriously, it was an odd remark. To save $ is wise especially when outcome of choices are IDENTICAL!
She is certifiable. And utterly clueless.
Katy Cryduh: I do not find Check Please boring, and I hope she continues to post. Personally, I get sick of people who continually harp on other posters and drive them away. What's wrong with having a poster here who has a different perspective? Her posts are polite and she stays on task.
So "check please" please keep posting your perspective.
Admin- I will see if I can get that email from cindy forwarded to you.
What is she even talking about? My head is spinning. She's poor, then she's rich, then we don't know her situation, then everyone has money including her she's just choosing not to spend it, then she wants computers and who is she to say no.
How does she keep this all straight? Actually it's like she's not even TRYING to keep it all straight she's just talking utter nonsense about anything and everything spewing out whatever comes out not even caring if this puzzle piece fits with that puzzle piece.
In addition to a narcissist, she also appears to be a pathological liar. It's like she can't tell the truth!
Her posts are polite and she stays on task.
Many of them yesterday were not. They were snotty and rude. If she can post without being that way, she is welcome.
FYI, no posts of hers were deleted. They came close to the line, but not enough to delete.
Westoaster said... 99
OMG - that biotch just tweeted that going to a movie is too $$$ and too hard for them. These kids really do not get to do anything do they? Let's see, we buy movie vouchers (hello, Coupon Cabin) at Costco, and use them at our local theatre. I do understand that she has to buy 9 tix, but as a once in awhile outing, and it is spring break, she seriously makes me sick.
Plus I think group rates for Carmike cinemas start at 10 people. I mean, all she has to do is bring one friend to get that rate...Oh. Wait.
Maybe Kate can't find anyone to go with them on a trip. Ashley? Probably not. Jamie?
Probably not. Who would watch the 8 Gosselin children while Kate does Kate things?
Again, the world has let her down. Sniff.
Ugh...I hate it when I feel like I am defending that horrible person...
When my husband and I take my son to the movies it can be pretty pricey. For just 3 of us we can easily spend over $50 between the tickets, the popcorn, and the drinks.
Personally, I wouldn't want to take 8 kids to the movies alone and it would cost a small fortune, even if you went to a matinee showtime.
# @chuckfan22 hmm I've always bought milk. Not sure what u mean or which ep ur referring 2? We don't drink it but use it in cereal etc.. 16 minutes ago
# @chuckfan22 oh yes. I do only buy milk on sale since I buy organic milk only it's very $! 8 minutes ago
In at least one episode (chocolate milk at the farm "that made the kids so full they could'nt eat dinner") Kate stated that she only buys milk when it's on sale,
At the time, several posters who said they lived in PA said milk never goes on sale in PA.
Personally, I've never seen milk "on sale" in any of the 4 states that I have lived in (not PA).
She cannot keep her lies straight.
Hopefully, Jon will take the kids somewhere during spring break..a day trip, or a movie maybe?
Gift of grab said... 104
She is such a horrible POS mother. Recent exchanges on Twitter:
@Kateplusmy8 @flowermonkeyz Great movie! Sounds like fun nght planned. But I don't get why u don't take kids to movie theatre? U have money.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXXX ...we all have money. It's in our personal choices on how to spend it that counts... Have a good day!
Well, yes, we know how SHE chooses to spend it. On an unneeded "bodyguard," ridiculous clothes, pointless "career" travel, etc. I guess she figures she's already "purchased" a whole lifetime of memories and adventures for them since they have the boxed DVD set of K+8!
Going to see a newly released and hyped about movie just out in theatres is part of childhood. It is sad that her kids will have to wait months to see the same movie that all their classmates have already seen and talked about at school. Great job of making sure your kids feel left out! How is that giving them everything on a silver platter?
Crazy that after all the money the Gosselin kids made and all the years they worked, Kate will NOT take them to the Movie Theatres to watch newly released films. There is plenty of money for her to spend on THREE vehichles , a Body Guard, plastic surgery, numerous procedures to her face, tanning, manicures, vacations for her and Steve, private school tuition, McMansion and all the upkeep, Dog grooming and taxi service for Shoka, and even Hired Help on her weekends with the kids!
Another poster pointed out all the coupons, groupons, etc that are available to help reduce the cost. I thought she was the great blogger at some website on using coupons. What is her problem with spending money on her children??? Very telling that Kate gets so upset so quickly when questioned. She knows she is wrong which is why she gets so defensive. I really feel sorry for those children.
Check Please! said... 105
Katie Cry-duh said... 75
Check, you're boring. Please stop
Oh, yes of course. Because comments like yours above are monumental contributions to nuanced adult discourse.
So Admin, it IS a hate blog then right? I mean I'm confused because you say you welcome reasonable discussion, but then anyone who isn't lock-step in line with a certain extreme viewpoint is branded and shooed away.
Check, you are obviously VERY intelligent, but you are also snotty, sarcastic, AND snooty TO OTHER POSTERS...and that trumps intelligence in how your posts are perceived.
Hey @ Check Please. I appreciate the points you are trying to make but no need to keep making it personal with other posters. I see you are trying to stay on point but I can tell it is very hard for you. Reminds me very much of one of the "Marie"s who was banned not long ago. Very much. Admin?
Aeduko, I am extending an olive branch to you and to check please. I was snotty and regret it. Props to check please for moving on and continuing to post interesting topics since my remark. Let's all move on, okay. Group hug.
At the time, several posters who said they lived in PA said milk never goes on sale in PA.
I think it's there are no coupons for it. I remember this from several states I've lived in. It's some kind of dairy union thing where it's illegal to give out coupons for it. Whatever price it is is the price everyone pays.
I have also never seen a coupon for regular milk in CA. However, I don't know if this applies to organic. In fact just right now I have two organic coupons for some new Ralph's organic brand.
I do so love though when people confront KAte with her lies and cite episodes! Ha.
Check, you are obviously VERY intelligent, but you are also snotty, sarcastic, AND snooty TO OTHER POSTERS...and that trumps intelligence in how your posts are perceived.
Exactly. Here's a rule of thumb if you are having trouble here. If you're talking about other posters in your post, just don't. Just talk about the issues and opinions. Don't address posters. This might help. And also, don't talk about the blog itself or the general feeling of everyone, the consensus, etc. This is also a big turnoff since so many people would disagree with that.
When my husband and I take my son to the movies it can be pretty pricey. For just 3 of us we can easily spend over $50 between the tickets, the popcorn, and the drinks.
Personally, I wouldn't want to take 8 kids to the movies alone and it would cost a small fortune, even if you went to a matinee showtime.
You know what, I don't disagree. Movies are expensive. And I wouldn't have a problem with this being a rare treat and to just use Netflix.
BUT, the problem here is that Kate spends money like crazy on HERSELF and never the kids! Cut out a few NYC trips and all of a sudden she could give these hard working kids a little fruits of their labors.
It's not like you yourself are spending money like it's the second coming then crying you can't take your kid to the movies.
IF Kate wants to talk about how things are expensive and how she cuts here and there, she needs to cut back on her OWN needs and wants first and then I might actually start believing she cares about saving money.
No, Kate doesn't want to spend moey on anyone but her KIDS. When it's her, she spends away like it's butter.
From a coupon site. Goggle is your friend.
02-28-2011, 08:06 PM
Anyone live in a state where Milk prices are regulated?
No discount in PA either.
Re: the PA Milk Control Law
Check Please! said...Plus I think group rates for Carmike cinemas start at 10 people. I mean, all she has to do is bring one friend to get that rate...Oh. Wait.
Good point Admin!
What exactly DOES she spend on those kids? She complains about buying school stuff and scrimps on their food (despite claiming she spends thousands on groceries each month- anyone remember the amount she claimed?)
They don't get dance lessons, karate, swimming, soccer, girl/boy scouts, or ANYTHING. The court ordered that 15% of "their earnings" put aside for the kids but then said she could get into that for their education. She's blowing through that with the tuition.
I don't care if she takes the kids to the movies but I would like to see her doing SOMETHING with them.
For Kate, the upside of having 8 children at their current ages is they can entertain each other, so going out is not a necessity. Just scoot them down to the basement, throw down some DVD's, and she has created herself the perfect day. She can hit the boxed wine early, wrap herself in her Red Cross blanket, chew on her imported Australian rice crackers and tweet the day away. Kate Heaven.
She is not doing anything special with her kids unless someone else steps up to pick up the tab. They are clearly her 8 little liabilities now that they are off the air.
Yes, mother of the year tweets out to the world she cannot AFFORD to take her kids to a movie matinee, worse, the sheeple will likely send her movie passes! There is simply no end to her audacity.
Re: milk. All those kids drink is Juicy Juicy or her cheap 'find' of juices. They were thrilled to have it at the farm when they visited in an epi...the kids have had cavities at an early age- this was shown in the dentist visit epis.Kate tried to blame Jon, the ' tooth brusher ' of the house...again I think that's a personal topic too, but I am a mediocre mom and RN.
Check, I also enjoy your comments. I usually just skip over comments that I don't agree with; but it gets tedious to skip over so many comments when they are one after the other of snarky, bitter comments about Kate's body, hair and clothes. She does enough wrong without pointing out petty stuff. It would be nice if grown women could avoid childishly pointing out phyical flaws of other women, even those women we don't necessary like.
Once a Viewer 131 On one show they showed the stacks and stacks of Juicy Juice and frequently used it for product placement. I'm betting it was free. Who'da thunk it?
Re "quality time" w/Kate & twins on cruise, I think the point is this:
It doesn't matter a JOT what Cindy says to people. The reality is, no matter how much or how little time Kate and/or twins spend with cruisers, no matter the level of "quality" of that time, you will get NO refund AND you have no recourse: You will get what you get, and if you get upset, TOUGH S---! As long as she fulfills the bare minimum of what is promised in the advertising on the web site (and the twins are NOT mentioned there at all), and even if she has to CANCEL a few things (because she's seasick, hungover, or EXHAUSTED, dontcha know), they have a disclaimer that basically gets them/her off the hook. If people come back and complain, well, hey, does anyone believe Kate will ever get enough people to do this AGAIN? Hell to the no, so she doesn't care, nor does Cindy. Cindy's only concern right now is getting enough asses in the cabins to enable her, Kate, and Kate's "entourage" to get a free trip and for her agency to make some money. And Kate's big concern (aside from possibly losing out on a free trip and a few bucks) is saving face.
I think what I have come to understand about Kate is this: She is not afraid to lie, in your face, as much as she needs to in order to get what she wants. If people come back and bad-mouth the "quality" of their time with her, she'll just make something up and go on her merry way. For the moment, she has more than enough true believers to keep her ego stroked. Of course, without a platform on which to build a NEW fan base, there's a little risk for her in this behavior, but not enough for her to deviate from her ME ALL ME attitude toward life.
It's been said before, and it's true, she is entirely lacking a moral compass.
Admin said...
In addition to a narcissist, she also appears to be a pathological liar. It's like she can't tell the truth!
Yep, just one of the many endearing traits she shares with addicts and alcoholics! There is an AA saying "if an alcoholic's lips are moving, he/she is lying."
I used to be somewhat of a pathological liar, as an adolescent--even shoplifted. A lie cost me a relationship with a long-time boyfriend, and I changed my ways. As an adult, I always tell the truth--if I don't want to answer, I just say so. I am really consistent, so my mind isn't constantly cluttered with trying to keep straight who I said what to. That is probably one of the reasons she is always so exhausted.
It must be a nightmare for her that there are hours of factual evidence that show what a liar she is. I guess, that according to her, all of the real Kate ended up on the cutting room floor.
Check please..... Since you take the time to post here, it would help YOU get YOUR message across if you take the feedback for what it is--helpful. I am comfortable with contrarian people, because, I am one of them. Playing devil's advocate is one of the ways I process my interactions with people in my life. Sometimes people think I am taking my side against them, so I keep it to myself unless I am sure someone is asking for feedback. It is the result of living with an alcoholic father and codependent mother and part of the filtering that I have developed to cope. See, I can't help myself, I am even doing it now.....:D
Katy Cry-duh (sorry I forgot your hyphen the first time): Thanks for the olive branch. That's really nice of you.
Admin: I get your point re insulting posters; however, why don't you call out people who immediately throw "sheeple" or "troll" at a new poster? It's the same thing, isn't it?
I'm not sure why it's so hard for people to see that only a few posters here ever pick on Kate for things she can't help like her big toe, etc. And when they do often people say ehh who cares.
Completely OT. It is a cold and rainy day here and I am completely unmotivated.. I've been watching Great Performances on PBS.
Tony Bennett Duets II. He sings duets with Andrea Bocelli, Willie Nelson, Amy Winehouse, Lady GaGa, Aretha just to name a few.
I HIGHLY recommend this! It's wonderful.
Admin: I get your point re insulting posters; however, why don't you call out people who immediately throw "sheeple" or "troll" at a new poster? It's the same thing, isn't it?
I have called out these and asked them to stop. We're averaging 500 comments a day. I was not around when those comments came in this time around. I work for a living and have a life. I cannot possibly comment on every single post that has something I don't like in it.
If I recall, those comments came in when I was at work.
Does Kate not realize that The Lorax (which some of her twitter fans recommended to her) stars her big idol, Taylor Swift? You'd think she'd want to take her family to see that one on the big screen since she and her family love her and have been to three of her concerts.
Because movies are so expensive these days, we are very selective of which movies to see on the big screen. Some movies (Avatar, for example) are better on the big screen than on your household tv, especially if you want to see it in 3D. And like other readers have mentioned here, we take advantage of any coupons/discounts (like Costco, Groupon, etc.) or theater deals to save on the movie going experience.
I think it has more to do with Kate not wanting to take 8 kids to the movies alone, than saving money. It's too hard for her, so she won't do it.
Is Kate telling me that 3 Taylor Swift concerts (assuming she paid) are cheaper for her family than one-night out at the movie theater?
Kate Gosselin:
“A-mazing concert, @taylorswift13 omg amazing! I’ve seen Taylor three times now in concert&this 1 is the best yet!”
If it's so expensive, save money on the trips to NYC for hair and Fig&Olive, so your kids can have an enjoyable Spring Break. That's what many of us do...save our money or cut back on other things so we can enjoy life every once in awhile.
Movies are expensive if you buy concessions. I rarely go go to the movies- and when I do, I usually skip the concessions, I just dont see the point of over spending on junk food. So, Kate can make the choice,take the kids to a matinee and no concessions (I know, the torture- I am a bad mom) or buy the concessions, either way, just take them. Why doesn't someone just ask her on twitter why she doesn't take her kids out instead of addressing the issue of money? Others have pointed that she could take them to a museum, or a park, or I am sure there must be some founder's day bbq or the like, something!! A poster nailed with 'stranger anxiety'. She just cant handle being out in public with her kids. Plain and simple.
Tala said... 133
Once a Viewer 131 On one show they showed the stacks and stacks of Juicy Juice and frequently used it for product placement. I'm betting it was free. Who'da thunk it?
Product placement...not only free, but TLC was paid for the advertising. Remember the blurred cereal boxes? Those were comanies not paying for product placement. Since less people see ads now, more companies are using product placement because it is very effective. You know all of those shots of the apple logo on the back of computers in tv series and movies---product placement
Money has is not the real point with Kate's unwillingness to anything with her children.
Sure, she would rather spend money on herself, but the bottom line is that she is not interested in doing anything with those children.
They are a nuisance and a drag on the life she wants to live. And she is used to being paid to do things with them.
She might take them to the movies if she got free tickets, because then she might feel it was worth her time, but no way will she fork out the money herself.
She's the only stah in that family, and therefore the money is all hers. She's very clear on that point.
Of course, she also still feels entitled to be paid if she does something with them. Her feeling is "if I'm not getting paid, why should I bother?"
Her real life is not with the kids, it's anywhere else, getting attention, and grifting for dollars.
She really is disgusting on every possible level.
Oh, how much is the cost of having a groomer come and pick up your dog? I mean really? When I start trimming expenses, the groomer, (and I drive my dog myself) is one expense that gets cut from monthly to every other month. Kate is so not a good example for budgeting and money smarts. Not by a long shot.
Perhaps I am being a little extreme, and I apologize in advance if I am perceived that way.
There are certain people that would be motivated to book a overly expensive cruise with hopes of gaining access to two 11 year old girls.
Is it possible that some of the most distasteful elements of society have forms an unhealthy fixation on those children?
Is is possible that the fired editor sold some unedited footage of those children to some unsavory people?
I'm a mom. I am not even slightly interested in booking a vacation with the hope of meeting a child or children. The fact that Kate and Cindy are dangling these children as an incentive disturbs me to the core. Just WHO are they hoping to entice?
Organic milk is expensive to Kart, but coffee isn't? Credit JibberJabber on this find...
There are also advance screenings of movies that you can go to and these happen everywhere and they are FREE. I just did a search for Kate's area and there is one in Narbeth and one in Philly, I'm sure more will pop up if you watch. We just saw Salmon Fishing in Yemen for free. A good web site is gofobo.com but there are others.
Google ads at top of page now read:
---"sponsor a triathlete"
---"suffering from bulimia" ---because of my reference to vomit fest?
Valiant effort, Google!
Movies and concessions are expensive, but one newly released movie x9 is still cheaper than an overnight trip anywhere. How nice it would be to talk about it with your friends. But this is a woman who buys and ships rice crackers to herself from Australia. I think the expense of an outing is only 1/2 the problem; she is afraid to be out in public, way too stressful. She & Milo are made for each other.
But brthday parties are also expensive; any odds takers on what will happen come May when TLC is not footing the bill? No cameras, no crew, betting no party. And who will be cutting K8's cake later this month? No drunken limo ride to NYC, no friends, guess it will fall to Cara & Maddie make Mommie happy.
Kate: tip for you. Buy candy (organic of course!!) at a drugstore or cheaper store and drinks and put them in your purse for the movies. Concession stands are too expensive and the amount they serve is likely too much for the 'littles' plus is NOT organic!!
Our stores in MA do have milk on sale, even organic. maybe you should do a milk haul next time you travel & put in limo's minifridge....
Watch till the end. JJ breaks down the price of coffee she drinks to the price of milk. Really interesting comparison.
The life tips here in just a few hours are more valuable than anything Kate has ever blogged about.
Here's another tip for ya, Kate. A lot of movies will play at 1 or 1:30 in the afternoon. Feed the kids a hearty lunch as you like to say, then off to the movies. The kids won't be hungry for snacks. You can get away with not buying anything, or maybe just one bag of popcorn to share. Waa-la!
Kate can take the 8 to movie tavern it's one in PA were you can eat and watch a movie at the same time.
The tickets are no more than 5-6 bucks the food is good and is cheap as well.
Judge Judy has three sayings I like, and often quote to others. I think all three sayings are very appropriate when talking about Kate:
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to have a good memory."
"If it doesn't make sense, it probably isn't true."
and finally...
"Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."
Great video, Teresa. Thanks for sharing.
She needs to get off twitter NOW:
@Kateplusmy8 You spend an awful lot of time on twit. Go tend to your kids.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@IamSuz I'm totally capable of managing my own time&I'm betting I do more 4 my kids in a day then u do 4 urs in a week. Thanks4advice tho!
@Kateplusmy8 I'll take that bet! I can stand up n say I've never used my children to support me! Can you?They WILL resent u 4 it #Famewhore
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@IamSuz sadly you would do my job if given the offer! I promise! And I don't like being around jealous people so have a nice day; ur gone!
Once again, anyone challenges, they're JELLUS and BANNED! She needs to shut it down, been tweeting like the egomaniac she is all the livelong day.
Oh yeah what about the dollar theater or the discount theater??? Forgot about that. Surely they have such a thing in PA. Out here you can see what's it called, Tin Tin? For like 3 bucks and where I'm from it was the dollar theater. Okay so the movie isn't brand spanking new but who cares? It's the fun of it.
What is it they like to say at Pressi's? BITCH PLEASE!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@IamSuz I'm totally capable of managing my own time&I'm betting I do more 4 my kids in a day then u do 4 urs in a week. Thanks4advice tho!
How absolutely childish. She is 36, not 12.
@Kateplusmy8 I'll take that bet! I can stand up n say I've never used my children to support me! Can you?They WILL resent u 4 it #Famewhore
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@IamSuz sadly you would do my job if given the offer! I promise! And I don't like being around jealous people so have a nice day; ur gone!
So she's not denying she's using the kids to exploit her.
Again Kate, numerous examples of people who do NOT exploit their kids even when given the offer. Look at your precious Angelina Jolie, who refused to put her kids on 60 Minutes. Now why didn't she do that? Surely that would have brought in a lot more interest and ratings. COuld it be she doesn't want them expoited?
Look right in front of your nose. What about Jon? He doesn't put the kids on TV or take them on cruises, In fact he stopped it. HE could have stood to make millions more but chose to stop it.
No Kate many people would NOT exploit our kids if given the chance.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@IamSuz sadly you would do my job if given the offer! I promise! And I don't like being around jealous people so have a nice day; ur gone!
If you read between the lines what she's REALLY sayng is..."shilling your kids on tv is very lucrative. I should know I did it!!!!!"
It's so comical to read Kate's twitter meltdowns when she's called out on her shitty parenting.
And "I promise!" is a laugh too. Katie, old girl, you don't keep your promises. We have proof to back that up.
I just love how she doesn't deny that she has exploited the kids to make money for herself. Her answer is simply, you would do it too.
Shouldn't your answer be that's outrageous I do not make money off my kids!
Katie is getting really bitchy on Twitter while she melts down into a puddle.
She said the kids were coming home this afternoon. Twitter will get her all grouchy. The kids will "leap" into the house with noise and all untidy. Maybe Jon even fed them junk food and sugar -- oops.
Probably not going to be a happy Gosslin night.
Shouldn't your answer be that's outrageous I do not make money off my kids!
It should but instead she justifies herself. How typical of her.
Yep, Judy. She gets real pissy when she's cornered. hehe
Like-minded people flock together. She sound just like one of her fans - oh she is her own personal favorite fan.
Check Please, you were very respectful to me. You also make some interesting points in your posts. Don't leave us. Everyone's opinions are needed for lively discussion.
Give us the benefit of the doubt. We are mostly a great bunch of women (and a few guys.)
We won't bite if you don't bark.
She appears to be in a manic state. Has she ever been known to spend this much time on twitter within a 24 hour period? Pity she doesn't have some one close enough to call her out on it, not that she would listen anyway.
Dmasy 163
It's almost 6:30 in PA. If the kids were due home this afternoon, they've been back with her for a while. Also, I believe she tweeted about an alleged dinner conversation around 5.
If she's tweeting, they're home, or about to be. If she's losing-it tweeting, you know they're home.
Mandy said... 5
Kate's wearing that outfit because she has gained a lot of weight since the marathon and is trying to hide it with the all black color scheme. While you do need some time to heal your body from such a grueling event, it's obvious that she has let herself become a victim to the curse that affects people that train very hard for something over an extended period of time and then just stop.
I think she's gained weight, too. It looks to me as if she's sucking her stomach in and that's why she has this odd-looking shape.
The photographer (I'm guessing Steve) shouldn't have put her in front of a partially black background... you can't tell where she ends and it starts.
She just admitted she doesn't let her kids drink milk. They have it for cereal and she uses it for cooking. Her coffee is approximately $50 a pound, didn't some one that. The more she tweets the more I hate her which tells me that others are feeling the same maybe even some of her fans.
The photographer (I'm guessing Steve) shouldn't have put her in front of a partially black background... you can't tell where she ends and it starts.
I don't think that he was concentrating on that. He was focused on the torpedoes. You can certainly see were they begin and end.
@Kateplusmy8 I'll take that bet! I can stand up n say I've never used my children to support me! Can you?They WILL resent u 4 it #Famewhore
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@xxxxx sadly you would do my job if given the offer! I promise! And I don't like being around jealous people so have a nice day; ur gone!
No, Kate. Not everyone would take your sh*tty job. It doesn't matter how many times you try to convince yourself of that.
Not everyone can be bought like YOU have been.
YOU chose to sell your family's life on t.v. for the entertainment of millions of strangers.
YOU have taken the lives of 8 innocent, beautiful children and crapped all over them with your greed & need for attention.
YOU are running out of money, your marriage is done, and you have alienated everyone you know & don't know.
Your children can't go anywhere without being gawked at- and they have been exposed to peds all over the world. They are effectively in danger because of your desire to turn them into a sideshow.
Plus, YOU are show business poison- a pariah, and YOU are an embarrassment to all mothers who would never put their family through what you have to be famous.
So, how's it working for YOU, Kate?
No, your greed & need for exposure is not something that I particularly care for.
It's just not worth the destruction of my family or my life.
I don't envy you at all, Katie Irene. I pity you.
You are a sick, twisted fool.
This comment is priceless (bolding mine)
# @MyTirNaNog 1st takes more2make me 'uncalm';2nd: not deny I CHOOSE not 2go into public&cause panic&spend $ 4same movie we can watch @ home! less than a minute ago
You know what would be really, really nice for the kids? To have BOTH of their parents take them all to a movie together and get along and Kate not yelling at Jon. THAT would be making a nice memory. I'm pretty sure Jon would be willing but Kate hates him more than she loves those kids.
Kateplusmy853 secs ago via TwitterrificTwitter.
RT @xxxxxxxxxxx I think @Kateplusmy8 should host @nbcsnl. I'D WATCH THAT! HOSTING SNL IS A DREAM OF MINE!
Is Kate kidding? She is out of her mind.
Katie Irene doesn't even know how to talk, much less act, sing, dance, juggle, etc...
Talk about having no self awareness, at all.
Wait, wait.
Now is she saying she can't take the kids to the movie in public because it would cause a "panic"??? Does her ego know no bounds? Nobody gives a crap!
Two minutes ago it was a financial problem, now she's worried about a mob scene???
So her buddy Taylor Swift didn't come through with passes to The Lorax??
Or maybe Kreider is pissed because Taylor took one of her "dream jobs".
Pink, you beat me to it. Her ego knows no bounds.
If she hosts SNL I will eat my (one pair of)Etienne Aigners.
Wow, Kate is losing it on twitter. The sheeple probably won't be offended, but I hope she's turning alot of people off.
She just admitted in a tweet that the haters make her run, that the haters can't stand it that she betters herself. I guess that explains the marathon shirt.
"Now is she saying she can't take the kids to the movie in public because it would cause a "panic"??"
Kate's the one that would be panicking because she can't handle 8 kids alone. Lord help her if the other people in the theater just looked at her.
Kate couldn't even handle dressing up for Halloween on the View. She can participate in multiple skits on SNL especially ones that pick on her? I guess she's trying to follow in Lindsay Lohan's footsteps for redemption. Lindsay Lohan is hosting SNL tonight trying to make a comeback.
She now wants to host SNL...it's a dream of hers (all in caps of course to show that she really means it).
I just remember that I had to take my son shopping foe his first "hard cup" for karate because my husband was TDY. He was mortified when I had to get the salesman over to help us because I didn't have a clue on the sizing. He was around 7. He laughs about it now (he's just turned 30) but back then we never spoke of it again and he would have died had I told anyone.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 177
Wait, wait.
Now is she saying she can't take the kids to the movie in public because it would cause a "panic"??? Does her ego know no bounds? Nobody gives a crap!
Two minutes ago it was a financial problem, now she's worried about a mob scene???
She's a piece of sh*t.
Unless there's a camera filming them, or someone else is picking up the tab, she will not allow those kids to live normal lives.
They are her 8 prisoners.
I can't wait for ALL of them to reach their teen years. PAYBACK!
178 So her buddy Taylor Swift didn't come through with passes to The Lorax??
Of COURSE Taylor offered her passes. She doesn't want to start a panic by using them. (anark).
Looks like it was a fan Kate turned on. Kate and only Kate will drive the fans away, not us. The fan said look my budget is tight too but I find a way to give my children treats so how come you can't? Ha. You go, sheeple.
Lady Luck @MyTirNaNog · Open
@Kateplusmy8 @Abby3008 Kate pls calm down.I didn't mean to get you so upset.Just asking why deny kids movies at theatre.Still don't understand
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@MyTirNaNog 1st takes more2make me 'uncalm';2nd: not deny I CHOOSE not 2go into public&cause panic&spend $ 4same movie we can watch @ home!
SOOO Funny. Cause panic! In her own town they are going to cause panic? GET OVER YOURSELF BITCH.
Last night, she was so giddy because she had her radio interview and Steve. Is being alone getting to you, Kate?
Shoka is banished because the rug is reserved for the orphans. The couch is Kate's, all Kate's. It's leather, you know.
Unless there's a camera filming them, or someone else is picking up the tab, she will not allow those kids to live normal lives.
Next could Kate please explain how filming a reality show was a good thing for them? By her own admission now they cannot even leave their house!
I love how she traps herself in her own lies.
Wow the past few days she has gone to town on Twitter. This is better than the movies, speaking of which.
Some other fan is talking all about how her haters make her stronger and Kate is encouraging her to use the hate to make her strong yada yada.
Um, weird. Does anyone else here have haters? I mean, I know there are a few sheeple who don't like me and this blog but I don't count internet freaks in that. I'm talking like in real life people who can't stand you. I just don't usually...see this type of thing outside of like, ninth grade. I find that most normal people seem to just get along. No hate, surprisingly.
Anyway my point being, maybe you should ask yourself why you have so many haters?
I'm still confused about the reason for not working is because she'd have to pay a sitter. For a nominal fee, the kids could stay in the after-school program and take the late bus home, which, depending when her shift ends, she'd get to the bus stop to pick them up. She wouldn't need a sitter then. If she can't watch them for two weekends a month, she's the worst excuse for a mother that I've ever seen!
The claws are coming out!
@MyTirNaNog @Abby3008 comparing apples2oranges now? How I spend my per $ is also none of your business. Inspect your own finances,not mine!
1 hour ago - Twitterrific
MyTirNaNog @Abby3008 @Kateplusmy8 Wow sorry that I hit a nerve by asking.But how much does it cost for a tanning session as compared to a movie?
Oh what fun that looks...is it a Little Angels movie? I don't see the twins- probably hiding in their room planning revenge for the bra talk (I don't blame them!)
Hosting SNL?? she IS crazy.
BWAH-ha ha. This is great.
Kate BROUGHT IT UP! She doesn't have to talk about the "cost" of everything. She doesn't have to bitch about how expensive it is to raise eight kids. Of course people are going to question such statements given how she lives!
Does she not understand that she brought this subject up and if she doesn't want to discuss money then she has to ignore all questions about it?
The more defensive she is the more I'm convinced she's pissed away ever last dime they earned and KNOWS IT. Better start getting some paperwork in order because in about ..... 2017 that big pro bono lawsuit headed by Gloria Allred on behalf of the G8 is coming.
I love how she said comparing her tanning sessions to the movies is apples and oranges. How so?
So she didn't try to say the tanning is free. Just that what money she spends on herself is apples compared to what money she won't spend on the kids--oranges.
Again, how so? Does she not understand that term?
How is staying at home, so as not to cause a "panic", making her a stronger person?
God forbid her and her children actually interact with the unwashed public!
Won't it be worse on a cruise ship - no escape you piss poor excuse for a mother!!!
Taking the kids out would cause a panic? Oh please.
Hosting SNL is a dream? Oh please again.
This 24/7 twatter marathon is fascinating in its very beyond trainwreck state. The kids are home and she's still going strong, probably never moved from the coffee station in her bedroom fortress at all. If Skeve is there with her, which From te twattering I highly doubt, hope he has hobbies of his own.
But seriously, best advice here is Get Over Yourself Bitch!
I just had a vision of kHate sitting on her sofa with the kids lined up watching their movie. She is getting angrier and angrier at the content of her twitter. Any moment now she will order the kids to tell her how happy they are that they could stay home and watch a dvd.
"Tell Mommy how much you like staying home. Tell her NOW, mommy has to tweet it to her sheeple!! say it louder!"
She is definitely slipping.
She keeps interacting with her haters. That's a silly mistake. Most celebs wouldn't give a hater the time of day. Then again...she's not really a celeb.
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