Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kate's Cruise promises tea time

James Cameron went to the bottom of the ocean yesterday. And Cindy Cardella, super-cruiser and Kate's PR person for the cruise, went to the bottom of the barrel.

In addition to the (lame) activities Alice Travel promises cruise-goers with Kate, Cindy is now sending e-mails around promising anyone who signs up they will be able to be able "to sit, have a cup of tea and get to know her.  Kate would love to meet her fans." Oh, and, oopsie daisy, Cindy is forgetting to BCC her emails, exposing twenty-six potential clients' names and e-mail addresses to each other. Good one, Cindy. Just like last week when she tweeted a potential client's last name.

So, would tea time with Kate and fans be enough to draw you in?

992 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   801 – 992 of 992   Newer›   Newest»
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I'm not deleting posts. I'll check the spam folder.

anger issues kate said...

Em: Kate was on a talk show and complained that the kids, go to Jon house, are there for 20 min, and call her wanting to come home. Right after that talk show, Kate flew to Mexico. Kate never said a word about Mexico, just went. Someone caught her with purseboy, there, and later it was cause they were doing a photo shoot for People. Kate said nothing till she got back, and was questioned. When Kate does not want anyone to know what she is up to, cause she knows she will be called out about it, she goes silent. Just like: RC, trip to WY, Vegas(CC), DC, Kate was silent.

EM said...

If kate was paid to come do this race then she sucks for not promoting it.
She she traveled on her own dime she sucks for saying she is broke.

If only her expenses are comped, she sucks because she left the kids with a nanny AGAIN and that is costly. Therefore her continued chatter about being broke should fall on deaf ears.

IF she is running this race, why not promote it, get the word out, do some PR for it. I will never see why anyone uses her for promotions when she never helps generate awareness unless it's AFTER the event.

So What? said...

anger issues kate said... 193
Em: Kate was on a talk show and complained that the kids, go to Jon house, are there for 20 min, and call her wanting to come home. Right after that talk show, Kate flew to Mexico. Kate never said a word about Mexico, just went.


Why would she have said a word? You expect her to announce her every move to you? How often do you see a celebrity on a talk show discussing where they are headed for a photo shoot?

KAT said...

Walking in the Turks and Caicos? And exactly HOW is this helping her career?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Grift 165 I believe that Kate only intends to support her children in a life-style is financed 50% by her and 50% by Jon.

I have thought for a long time that Kate would at most match the child support funds that she receives from Jon in terms of spending on the kids.
Before anyone brings up tuition, the sextuplets have been exploited since before they were even born and have workedsince they were 2 years old. “Lucky” Mady and Cara didn’t have to start working until they were 6. But all those children have worked and deserve that tuition and so much more.

EM said...

Ya i do. kate's puts it all out there when it comes to her kids. Why does she get privacy when she sold theirs?
She knows she's sneaky. Most people actually go on shows to PROMOTE their upcoming project - even if it's a People Covershoot. Kate hides it and uses her time to bemoan her financial situation and play the victim. This is why she will never have great success. She doesn't know how to use opportunities correctly. She uses them to try to grift, be seen as a hero, and trash her ex instead of showing industry people that she is a great promoter.
When the kids have privacy, I'll give kate hers.

Boston Bonnie said...

As someone who moved back into my childhood home to take care of my parents I know the stigma attached to that. I can however hold my head high knowing that my sacrifices have allowed my parents to remain in this house that they've called home for 48 years and not lose it the tax man. Sadly I now get to watch my parents fail a little more every day and worry that today is the day. That is a huge stressor and non caretakers just have NO CLUE.

For whatever reason Jon and his mother are now sharing a dwelling I wish them success and a great life.

Dallas Lady said...

For Kate, the kids don't deserve any privacy whatsoever.

But when it comes to her, she's quite protective of what she puts out there about herself.

She's a hypocrite and the worst excuse for a mother this side of Joan Crawford.

She's ALWAYS silent when she's jetted off somewhere by herself. She KNOWS how shitty it looks to bitch about being poor, boo hoo hoo, then go off on a trip by herself, FOR herself.

If she were stuck in the house with the kids last night, she would have been lapping up all those tweets from her sheep like it was candy and regurgitating them all over her feed. Her six nuttiest fans just kept tweeting happy birthday to her over and over and over yesterday, it was super psycho to see. She would have grabbed onto that like a life vest if she were home.

I mean, we've ONLY had a YEAR to see this pattern time and time again. It's awfully consistent.

TLC stinks said...

EM, I agree. Her kids get no privacy, so she should get a taste of her own medicine. I hope, wherever she is, someone gets some good pap shots. I bet she and Steve didn't count on someone spilling the beans about them on a flight. Sure, it could have been a couple that looked like them, but what are the chances?

I wonder when she'll crawl out of her Twitter silence? Surely by now she must know about the Turks rumor.

Done and done said...

Bonnie Boston - Chin up! You know you are doing the right thing and that's all that matters. My family has stuck together through thick and thin, and even though it is very dysfunctional due to some psychological problems in the family, I know that we are always there for each other.

What you are doing is wonderful, and an example to all.

readerlady said...

Dallas Lady 150 said "Every time I think we've seen the whole floorplan of assholery with her, it turns out there's an entire basement we've missed."

DL -- that gave me this vision of KK's life being arranged like Dante's vision of Hell, each "floorplan" or circle more dissolute than the preceding one. The sad thing is that it's a Hell of her own making, and she'll never recognize that it is Hell, until it's too late to do something about it. Love your posts.

Dmasy -- I hope today is a better day. Still thinking of you and remembering you and your family in my prayers.

Gift of grab said...

Anger Issues (193), I don't think People would have her on this sort of cover. Not after the last cover in September ("I'll work my fingers to the bone if I have to"). Will she be barefoot and in tatters, weaving baskets out of palm fronds under the burning sun on a white-sand beach, Steve bravely guarding from a distance?

No, unless this is a cover shoot for Grifters International, I don't think we'll ever see any published photos from this (alleged) trip.

anger issues kate said...

So What:

I really don't give a shit if she flies to the moon. But when you talk about other stuff, and brag about things, then make a secret of trips,then brag about them after, when you cry poor, people question? And for a person who is home all day with no kids around for at the most 10 hours a day, why do they need a vacation? Even when the kids are home, she has a sitter watching them till they go to bed. If most of the moms out there have a stress free life like that, we would probably not have high blood press, diabetes or any other stress related diseases.

If Kate does not want people to know her business, then SHE SHOULD GET OFF TWITTER AND QUIT CHASING FAME AND QUIT CRYING POOR!

Why do you always come here to stir up shit? Cause maybe Kate is not twittering to fill your day. Why don't you get off the internet and spend more time with your family? Why are you here? I know why I come here.

Midnight Madness said...


Anonymous, or So What, or whatever you are posting under today...do you ever come up with an original comment or thought for discussion, or is your purpose here mainly to read the comments, looking for something to pick apart, attack or disagree with? It certainly appears so.

"EM said... 174

CJ had tweeted she cannot respect a father who only sees his kids 4 days a month."


How often does CJ see her kids when she's tied to the computer 24/7 outing people, defending Kate and acting as Cindy's vetter?

KAT said...


PJ's momma said...

Midnight Madness, you took the words right off my fingertips.

Jen said...

Jon's in LA?

Rumor Fix ‏ @RumorFix
@jongosselin1 Hey Jon, we saw you on Melrose! What are you doing in LA?! xo

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@RumorFix hey guys, haha. I told u, u will see. thats too funny tho.

Yesterday, Jon tweeted:
Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
Good morning/afternoon twitter family. Thanks for all the support yesterday, much appreciated. Long day today, U will see! haha

westcoastie said...

Good Morning all! Did anyone else notice this news item this morning?

Prom and proper: High schools across the U.S. crackdown on revealing dresses


This line in particular cracked me up:

"The issue is nothing new - teenage girls have always, and always will, try and wear as revealing a dress as they can get away with." Operative word being 'teenage'.

I had to laugh thinking how Khate will now have a wider selection of slutty ho dresses to choose from.

(sorry don't know how to make clickable)

Once a Viewer said...

Re: CC

I just noticed there are many likes on the negative comments there...***ps. you don't have to sign in to like or dislike , lol

CC has GOT to take notice of all this, seriously!

Dallas Lady said...

I knew of this CJ person, but never really bothered to read their twitter feed or other stuff before that horrible CC post.

But seriously: WHEN does that woman get off the computer? You can find stuff from all hours of the day, EVERY single day. She supposedly has two three year olds. What the hell?

Sorry, I know that's a bit OT, but it was alarming to see how she's apparently online about 18 hours a day, all told. As Kate's self-appointed psycho bulldog from hell. It's so weird.

I would NOT be comfortable going on that cruise at all.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Rumor Fix ‏ @RumorFix Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@jongosselin1 Hey Jon, we saw you on Melrose! What are you doing in LA?! xo

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@RumorFix hey guys, haha. I told u, u will see. thats too funny tho.``````````````````````

Jon is in LA.

AuntieAnn said...

fidosmommy said... 170
My money's on Kate's coworkers opening up the comments section "accidentally" so they can stand around the main computer screen and face palm themselves as they look so innocent and shocked at what they're reading. They've most likely been thinking those comments all along.

fidos - hehe. My money's on it too. And the top dogs are all wondering where the hell they went wrong in their thinking when they hired that idiot as a contributor to their site. There's probably a lot of finger-pointing going on along with every one of them saying "wasn't MY idea to bring her onboard".

What a nightmare. The woman is like a plague.

fade2black said...

Speaking of prom dresses, westcoastie, poor little Paige just asked Kate on twitter where she got one of her dresses because she needs a prom dress. Is it sadder that a teenager wants to dress like a 37 yr old or that a 37 yr old dresses like a fashion-challenged teen?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kate! I think you are a wonderful mother and I appreciate your coupon advice and money saving tips. Keep them coming!

Like Reply

It is amazing to me how people can be so full of hate against a woman that they have absolutely no CLUE about. How can you put so much energy towards keeping hate festering for someone who you have based all your opinions on what the media feeds you? It is a sad world that we live in. I pray that the Lord works with your hearts and minds and gives you something better to do with your time.

Like Reply
3 hours ago 1 Like

Stop Judging people you have absolutely no Clue about. Stop Judging where others put their energy. Stop Judging what others do with their time. Stop Judging others by your standards. BTW God hates his followers to Judge others even the ones you do not agree.

Bad people are the best judges of someone elses lives. Happy birthday Kate, be healthy and smiled, for you and your kid! Kisses from Jelena, Serbia

Like Reply
5 hours ago 1 Like

Are you Judging who is Bad. Is anyone who disagrees with you Bad?

Like Reply

Anonymous said...

maggie johnson
What a bunch of nuts. I won't come to this site again.

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17 hours ago 11 Likes

Dani L
You haterz are pathetic. You piss and moan about Kate not getting a job. She did, (no matter if it's up to your standards or not) then you continue to harass and and issues threats (i.e. not going to use Coupon Cabin or insert any other name) in hopes that she will be let go. If you don't like her then don't frequent the sites she is posting on. It's that simple. If you all weren't so pathetic, it would actually be kind of funny. You are spending hours a day following Kate and her every word. BTW, did you every stop to think, by doing this, you are hurting the the kids. The very one's you claim you are doing this for.

Like Reply
18 hours ago 4 Likes

And oh by the way, I forgot that Kate Gosselin continues to market herself as the the mother of 8, because the reality is she has no individual talents or marketable skills of her own without continual exploitation of her 8.

I sure hope Jon or some estranged family member (and there are many) write a tell all on this abusive woman. No one at all will be surprised learning of her poor behaviors and self indulgent ways.

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17 hours ago in reply to Dani L 14 Likes

Comment removed.
18 hours ago in reply to Dani L 12 Likes

Bravo, well said. She's taking advantage of Coupon Cabin for self promotion, like she did the American Red Cross, Tn Food Bank, all associations with Kate Gosselin end badly for other guy. Ask TLC, they said good riddance.

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17 hours ago in reply to Guest 12 Likes

Darby Shaw
Kate never supports local causes here in Berks County as they won't let her use them to promote herself and no freebies.


Anonymous said...

jane smith
Coupon Cabin,
Blogs by this blogger, Kate G, are sorely lacking in quality and add nothing of value to this web site. All Kate G. does is write about herself, and this latest blog entry is embarrassing, she wishes herself a happy birthday?? Your other bloggers- Scott W, Dianne K, Samm M, Jackie W and Rachel V all write relevant posts and most importantly, they don't come off as diary entries.
Also, after reading comments posted, Coupon Cabin may well consider either blocking some posters, or turning off comments. It is bringing the atmosphere of this web site down.

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20 hours ago 28 Likes

Pat Nicoll
What a ridiculous post.

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20 hours ago 17 Likes

Everyone take note that CJWhodunit is going on the cruise with Kate. If this this the type of person who you want to vacation with then sign up for Kate's cruise. And Kate condone's CJ's behavior. You can see for yourself the calibar of person she is just from her posting here and on her twitter. Kate you have used your children their entire precious lives. You even used them today to get people to read about your birthday..

Like Reply
20 hours ago 28 Likes

Very few have signed up for the Hurricane Hati Cruise, Kate Kreider's reputation has caused lack of sales. However if anyone in doubt about going Carolyn should help you decide not to cruise. She is mentally ill

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17 hours ago in reply to elise 6 Likes

Oh, "elise", your jealousy is practically shouting from the rooftops! I'm sorry you can't go on the cruise due to whatever your life circumstances are. :*( Don't give up hope, though, I'm sure Coupon Cabin has lots of coupons and deals for local attractions like 6 Flags or maybe even Disneyland/world and you and yours can have a wonderful highlight to your summer as well! {{{Hugs}}}

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18 hours ago in reply to elise 1 Like

S. Smithers
And don't forget, that unprofessional travel agent actually shares your personal information with this "mentally defective" person named CJWhodunit to investigate who you are. Do you want a crazy stalker to have your personal information.

CouponCabin, I don't use you. My colleague referred me to RetailMeNot, they are actually USEFUL with their money saving tips.

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20 hours ago in reply to elise 21 Likes

I hear emtanner's having a BIG sale on her blog! Might want to see if Coupon Cabin has any coupons that could save you all even MORE of those 'thousands of $$$$$$$$' y'all are spending over there on 'her' products! Just sayin'! ;-)

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Anonymous said...

You know this how? At least she's not leeching off of her mother like another person I know! :-O She's an independent, capable,STRONG woman providing for her kids. Too bad someone else isn't equally committed! {shrugs}

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20 hours ago 2 Likes

Walter Lilly
Strong woman - BS, she can't even make it through an airport w/o her escort. Can't travel to NY for a hair appointment on her own w/o being driven there. She is so far from an independent, secure, smart woman.

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18 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 15 Likes

Sure I do, Andi, sure I do. {wink} ;-)

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20 hours ago

You may have tricked Cindy but nobody else.

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20 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 10 Likes

(looks around Coupon Cabin)

You talking to me?I'm just here to wish Kate a very happy birthday, and to say a prayer that God keeps blessing her & her children as He so obviously has this next year, and from now on! At least one parent needs to provide a stable, reliable home and lifestyle for her kids, and obviously Kate is doing a GR8 job! :-)

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17 hours ago in reply to STFUKate 1 Like

Ashymama/Ashridash, can I call you Ashymama/Ashridash? Ashymama/Ashridash, I sure do wish I had my own great coupon website like Coupon Cabin, but alas, I don't. :-) If they choose to block the one or two people here with fake profiles from posting, that's theire business, not mine! :-)

Like Reply
21 hours ago 1 Like

Carolyne from Texas, can I call you Carolyne from Texas? Carolyne from Texas, thank GOD you dont have a blog. What are you going to give us info on? Coupons on mac and cheese and chicken nuggets? You know, the healthy food you provide your kids you ignore?

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20 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 11 Likes

LOL LOL LOL. This is NOT my website! Coupon Cabin will have the IPs, you silly person. They may not care for racist, bigoted haters attacking one of their employees (that's someone with a steady job, unlike a certain mommy's boy I know!) and may block those people from attacking their employee. I'm just sayin'.

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21 hours ago 2 Likes

Screengrabbed, just like the defamatory post you just deleted above! ;-) Please keep up with the grownups, okay! Need some coupons? This site is FULL of wonderful ways to save money on your favorite items! :-)

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21 hours ago 2 Likes

You have the FBI on speeddial.

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21 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 7 Likes

Is it time to call whine one one?

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21 hours ago in reply

Anonymous said...

A Wise Woman Once Told Me, If You Don't Have Something Nice To Share About Someone, Please...Its Better To Not Say Anything. Kate is Doing Her BEST. Hate When People Say Mean Things. Walk a Mile in her Shoes. Kate is Awesome !

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22 hours ago 7 Likes

Sport NorCal
A Wise Man Once Told Me That Capitalizing Every Damn Word You Type Is ODD.

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15 hours ago in reply to Dollsrme4u 2 Likes

Wise Woman who offer this advice was not referring to lazy, grifting. selfish, self-centered, NPD, Kate Krieder. Take your platitude elsewhere not relevant here.

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15 hours ago in reply to Dollsrme4u 6 Likes

If this is Kate's best, her kids are toast.

Like Reply

So What? said...

EM said... 198

She knows she's sneaky. Most people actually go on shows to PROMOTE their upcoming project - even if it's a People Covershoot.
Name me one celebrity who has gone on a talk show to discuss an upcoming photo shoot.

Anonymous said...

I wish Kate would just love her kids and stop using them to earn more money. get a job... a REAL job and stop planting stories about your ex husband.

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23 hours ago 38 Likes

Peggy Scot
He doesn't need her to plant stories. He does it himself. Look at the "leaked" (sold) stories. They either trash Kate and/or try to make Jon look good or, at least, sympathetic. No way is Kate the source.

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21 hours ago in reply to STFUKate 7 Likes

I suspect his ex, ER, getting some revenge on him for lying to her or somesuch...sad that she is taking it on the national/international stage! Wonder if she'll join forces with all the OTHER exes out there who got burned by JG, and write a tell all book someday? I'll be looking for a coupon here to buy that book, I tell you what!! Seems it would be very interesting indeed getting all the facts about this man living with his mommy now!! :-O

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21 hours ago in reply to Peggy Scot 2 Likes

Carolyne, how many people did you scare away from the cruise?

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21 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 20 Likes

You are so right! OF COURSE Jon is selling lies about himself. Yeah, that makes so much sense. Kate is INNOCENT I TELL YA, INNOCENT OF ANY WRONG DOING ... EVER!

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21 hours ago in reply to Peggy Scot 17 Likes

"Jon is selling lies about himself." If he isn't, then someone close *cough*ELLEN*cough* to him is! Does his mommy needs some extra pocket change after that big move to help with her baby boy's living expenses? You never know! :-( This economy is in a bad shape, that's why Coupon Cabin is such a GREAT place to come BEFORE you go shopping to find coupons and deals on all the items you need or want! :-)

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19 hours ago in reply to STFUKate 2 Likes

We all know that isn't true. Kate needs some serious help. I'm very afraid for her children.

Like Reply

Anonymous said...

Dallas Lady said... 12
I knew of this CJ person, but never really bothered to read their twitter feed or other stuff before that horrible CC post.

But seriously: WHEN does that woman get off the computer? You can find stuff from all hours of the day, EVERY single day. She supposedly has two three year olds. What the hell?

Sorry, I know that's a bit OT, but it was alarming to see how she's apparently online about 18 hours a day, all told. As Kate's self-appointed psycho bulldog from hell. It's so weird.

I would NOT be comfortable going on that cruise at all.
That was my same reaction! I am so afraid for those twins going on that cruise with that rabid fan. It's just not right. I did have a funny/snarky thought- Kate could easily duck out of most of her cruise meet and greet and other fan get-togethers because she the rabid to step in for her :) Rabid fan already answers for Kate- so no problem!

Anonymous said...

Jane Knighton
Coupon Cabin,

I don't understand why you have this person writing for you. I've read her column and there are never tips couponers can use. Is it just to give her a platform to talk? As a serious couponer, I was hoping to get some good tips. Even when she does give a tip or two, it's the MOST basic thing in the world. Come on, surely there are better people to give advice on this site than this woman, who I understand was in some reality TV show once? (I don't watch a lot of TV.)

Please get someone good to write this column. This is ridiculous. I don't even know who she is, much less am I celebrating her birthday,

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1 day ago 60 Likes

Please show me the weapon pointed at your head "Jane", forcing you to read this blog of Kate's? :-) Oh, and have a nice IP...er, DAY! Yeah, that's the ticket! {big conspiratorial wink because I don't know who you are, really I don't!} ;-) And more cake and ice cream for those of us who ARE celebrating Kate's birthday today!

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22 hours ago in reply to Jane Knighton 6 Likes

Sport NorCal
What kind of off balance freaks 'celebrate' a birthday of someone they dont even know?

You are super creepy and might just need therapy more than your hero, The Stahhh.

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15 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 10 Likes

CJ, if you don't like reading what people think of monster mom then you don't have to read our post. Your one sick puppy. LOL

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20 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 21 Likes

Likewise, "bb" (you really have a bed and breakfast? How cool is that?!), if you don't like reading what people think of a GREAT mom like Kate then you don't have to read my posts! Oh, and you spelled 'you're' wrong, just sayin'. LOL.

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19 hours ago in reply to bb12338 1 Like

I'll be as childish as you are.....It's spelled saying!!!!!!! LOL

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19 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 4 Likes

So you are stalking another person and screaming about having her IP? WTH is wrong with you?

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21 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 20 Likes

CJ, the racist. No one cares if you have their IP. Whatcha you gonna do?? LOL LOL LOL

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21 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 16 Likes

Looks like racist CJ has appointed herself as blog monitor!

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21 hours ago in reply to CJWhodunit 25 Likes

Mwah! :-) I came here to support a single WORKING mom NOT living with her mommy who supports pretty much singlehandedly her lovely 8 children. Y'all? Yeah, hating on the kids again, I see, by attacking the mom. Not interested in coupons or saving money? Want to waste your $$$? Fine, go ahead! :-) No one twisting your arm to post here!

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21 hours ago in reply to Foreverandaday 3 Likes

As far as her mommy, um, Kate doesn't have ANYTHING TO DO WITH HER MOMMY.

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Dallas Lady said...

Looks like someone is storing CC comments here for future reference.

I did notice some have been removed. I think they were flagged by different people. Most of the ones removed were CJ, but one was from a Kate Hater, I believe.

Anonymous said...

Sport NorCal
What's the point of this stupid 'article' other than to wish yourself Happy Birthday four times?

Why do you always sound so desperate?
Its hard to imagine CC still pays you as there is nothing remotely interesting or informative about your drivel. You really should get over yourself.

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1 day ago 50 Likes

Comment removed.
22 hours ago in reply to Sport NorCal 3 Likes

Comment removed.
21 hours ago in reply to Guest 18 Likes

"Pranced"? LOL. Do young people even use that word? Hmmm. You won't be back as 'Coupongate', I'm sure, LOL, BUT you will be back. Can't help yourself, sadly.

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20 hours ago in reply to Guest 2 Likes

Who in the heck are you CJWhodunit? A little off balance and annoying. I heard you are going on the cruise with Kate Gosselin? Oh, oh!

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15 hours ago in reply to CJWho

AuntieAnn said...

What's with all these anonymous posts? Has that self-appointed guardian psycho landed here now?

Anonymous said...

IF Kate is on vacation after her rant about Staycation for the kid's spring break- how can any person remain a fan?? Especially since that would mean she left the kids with a nanny and not with family? So cold blooded. How could any fan remain? If I was a fan, that would be the straw the breaks the camel's back for me. It's unacceptable. Children do not get a staycation while mommy gets a luxury vacation. I hope it's not true. It's just too deplorable.

PJ's momma said...

Anonymous, Admin asked that all that stuff not be brought over here. If people want to read it, they can go to that site.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Please stop reposting CC comments. Thank you.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I received a cruise brochure today for 14 nights in the Caribbean w/6 interesting ports of call. It includes a $50 on board credit, port charges and a cocktail party. It explicitly states that taxes and surcharges are extra. Cost to book $1379/person . It’s at the end of October. No faux celebrities involved. And no vetting by some psycho.

Compare and contrast to cruisin’ katie. August in the Caribbean at $2,150/person with no specifics about taxes, surcharges, port charges. Only a disclaimer that katie can cancel and you can’t, unless you’re willing to fore go your hard earned cash. Oh and your privacy (refer to sleazy agent and previously mentioned psycho).

Not doing either, but NO WAY IN HELL would I book through Alice Travel.

Sherry Baby said...

AuntieAnn said... 26

What's with all these anonymous posts? Has that self-appointed guardian psycho landed here now?


Oh, geez...here we go again! It isn't even full moon. What could it be?
Calling Admin!!

"Is it sadder that a teenager wants to dress like a 37 yr old or that a 37 yr old dresses like a fashion-challenged teen?"


What's really sad is that she doesn't go to her mother, relative, friend, to ask help in picking out a prom dress.

Once a Viewer said...

I don't want to read it all here either...as I posted here #11, when I went to CC, I saw the function to 'like' a comment and all the negative ones have way more than any pro-Kate ones. You don't have to sign into the site. That's the reason I read through the posts but I'm not wasting more time here doing that...if you want to go to CC and 'like' a comment, do so. anon, we don't want it here.

White organza said...

Jon sounds almost giddy in his last tweets. And I'm getting this weird but very satisfying feeling that, soon, something will smell rotten in the state of Kate. Something like, -oh, I don't know-, say, petty jealousy.

Please, Higher Instances, please, please and pretty please with sugar on it, make it so that this isn't just wishful thinking on my part!

Kate is a twit said...

If you click on the avatar on the comments that were deleted, it say "This comment was removed by a moderator". Does that mean someone at CC is actually reading the comments?

You would think they would just shutdown the comment section.

dumber than hammers said...

An organization dumb enough to hire Kate as a representative can't be expected to have enough brains to deal with her comment section.

Either that, or, as someone suggested above, the CC staff is standing around cheering as they watch the karnage on Kate's little part of CC.

Sport said...

Sweet - my CC post has 50 likes.
I feel important.

Why are the comments pasted here?

(My first and only visit ever to CC, its pointless.)

Dwindle said...

Well, something is up, that is for sure. Maybe this vacay is a photo shoot again. Whenever Kate has her picture taken pumping gas, you know something is up again and she is getting ready to hit the tabloids to promote herself in something.

It's either time to be afraid for the kids again, or time to get out the popcorn and get ready for a good hearty laugh and eyerolling contest! Hehe.

Jane said...

Kate is a twit said... 34
If you click on the avatar on the comments that were deleted, it say "This comment was removed by a moderator". Does that mean someone at CC is actually reading the comments?

You would think they would just shutdown the comment section.


Yes. With Disqus, it's necessary to be a moderator to remove comments.

Kate is a twit said...

Jane-so if you comment using Disqus you can't remove your own comments, like you can with Blogger?

EM said...

Anon, Please stop posting the CC posts here. If we want to read them we know how to go to their site. Admin feels really strongly about bringing that stuff over here and I imagine she is at work right now and cannot the posting.
I'm not an admno on this site and I never tell people what to post, but I have read here enough times to know it bothers people.

AuntieAnn said...

Either that, or, as someone suggested above, the CC staff is standing around cheering as they watch the karnage on Kate's little part of CC.
Kate and her fans will be her demise, not the 'haterz' or the non-fans. Oh the irony.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Rumor Mongers said... 187

TLC stinks said... 175
Rumor Mongers, we are saying it is a rumor, but 99% of the time when she is twitter silent, she is traveling. Anyway, if it turns out to be true, how do you feel about it after her whining?


Some are treating it as fact. Examples:

"How very disingenuous of Kate to fuss at Paige for reminding her of her birthday, all the while knowing she was jetting off to a Caribbean island."


Uh, Rumor? That's my quote you're using, and if you'd read to the end of comment, you'd see that I wrote:

"I hope this trip (which I fully believe) GETS PROVEN."

If something needs to be proven, then it wouldn't be fact, would it? So then I didn't assume it was true, did I? Sheesh.

Once a Viewer said...

I wonder if someone at CC tampered with Kate's blog to allow comments OR the bos sis away- it's strange that no comments wee allowed before...if they knew, say, that she was going away, perfect timing. I bet some of those coupon bloggers dislike their new co-worker!

sport: woo-hoo!

EM said...

oh Admin you are reading :0)
I cannot stomach the CC posts. Makes me sick. I scrolled over them but being a fast reader i can still see the gist of them as I skim the page down.
I did my own checking things out a few times on my own terms, when i felt like dealing with it OVER THERE. Bringing it here sucks and I'm sure anon is doing it on purpose to make ur blog look like twitter trash.
I like it here too much to let anons bother me but yuck..those posts are gross.

TLC stinks said...

So Jon was spotted in LA? This gets juicier and juicier.

Kate's crazy fans said...

I flagged a bunch of crazy CJ's comments last night on CC lol.

Done and done said...

Jon in LA, Kate (possibly) on her own vacay, and where are the kids? Home alone. Such a sad situation

EM said...

Kim Kardashian.
Are you happy now. I guarantee she's not the only one.
Also kate's schtick is the single mom of 8, never can get away, needs a dance floor at home..she is also a reality tv personality. You know...people who make their living disclosing and FILMING everything they do. Especially for the realest real show. What's she got to hide? What purpose did she have on the Today show if she had nothing to promote? Of course she should promote he photoshoot for COVER of a magazine to help drive up interest/sales. That;s why she was asked to do the cover in the first place.
Most Real Celebs dont NEED to discuss photoshoots becasue they are busy promoting their MOVIES, or ALBUMS. When ALL you have to promote is a mag cover then promote it. Be proud. don't waste time crying about purse full of bills, kids don't wanna stay at Daddy's, I'm a highroad taker BUT here's the dirt bullshit.

I have no idea why you must KNOW the name of a celeb but it's pretty obvious..people without a lot to promote promote what they have...people with many things to promote usually discuss the biggest. Common sense


Dallas Lady said...

She knew they were being allowed, because she referred to it at the end of the blog. She asked people to say what they want for their birthday in the comments.

(Heh, almost no one did so.)

So she was told this would allow comments. OR they edited what she wrote to reflect it. I would believe that more, as I'm convinced they have to edit her stuff before it goes up anyway. I've seen her unpolished work on her own website and it's bad.

Dallas Lady said...

This is most likely Kate's custodial time with the kids, so she's the one who has left them with a nanny, not Jon.

Georgia Peach said...

If you want to read the cc comments without going to that blog, a lot of them have been posted at Preesi's under Kate's birthday thread.

I don't think anyone wants the here, I know I don't.

chefsummer #Leh said...

butterfly said... 27
IF Kate is on vacation after her rant about Staycation for the kid's spring break- how can any person remain a fan?? Especially since that would mean she left the kids with a nanny and not with family? So cold blooded. How could any fan remain? If I was a fan, that would be the straw the breaks the camel's back for me. It's unacceptable. Children do not get a staycation while mommy gets a luxury vacation. I hope it's not true. It's just too deplorable.

No matter what Kate says or does about Jon or the kids or her own fans.

Her fans will follow her and hang on to every single thing she say's and does.

It's really sad when you think about it but hey it's what they want to do.

Done and done said...

Dallas Lady said... 49
She knew they were being allowed, because she referred to it at the end of the blog. She asked people to say what they want for their birthday in the comments.


She's such an attention whore. No one gives a crap about her birthday except for her 6 creepy fans.

And what's the deal with leaving her kids cake when she jets off (Las Vegas marathon, birthday)? She's really conditioning them to treat it like a party when Mommy Dearest is away. "Yay Mommy's gone! Cake and ice cream time! Pass me a party hat!"

So What? said...

EM said... 48
Kim Kardashian.
Are you happy now. I guarantee she's not the only one.
Also kate's schtick is the single mom of 8, never can get away, needs a dance floor at home..she is also a reality tv personality. You know...people who make their living disclosing and FILMING everything they do. Especially for the realest real show. What's she got to hide? What purpose did she have on the Today show if she had nothing to promote? Of course she should promote he photoshoot for COVER of a magazine to help drive up interest/sales. That;s why she was asked to do the cover in the first place.
Most Real Celebs dont NEED to discuss photoshoots becasue they are busy promoting their MOVIES, or ALBUMS. When ALL you have to promote is a mag cover then promote it. Be proud. don't waste time crying about purse full of bills, kids don't wanna stay at Daddy's, I'm a highroad taker BUT here's the dirt bullshit.

I have no idea why you must KNOW the name of a celeb but it's pretty obvious..people without a lot to promote promote what they have...people with many things to promote usually discuss the biggest. Common sense

Obviously since she didn't "promote" the cover shoot she had something else to discuss. Common sense, not a freakin' conspiracy. Apply a little rational thought. The OP's claim was that she was "hiding" the trip to Mexico. Hello? She was going to be on the cover of a magazine in a bikini with an article discussing the fact that she was in Mexico. If you want to keep a trip secret, Rule #1 might be that you don't pose for magazine cover pics during said trip.


Done and done said...

Dallas Lady - I didn't mean to imply that it's Jon's fault the kids are alone (if they are). I just meant that it's sad for them that this is the way things have turned out.

AuntieAnn said...

I suspect our anonymous poster is that CJ person because she omitted to repost a comment here where she says she loves CC because it allows her more time to spend with her 'kiddos'. Kind of a glaring omission that gives her away.

Whatevah, I would be afraid, very afraid to be anywhere near that nutjob.

Kate's a has been said...

Kate's a big old girl. She can defend herself CJ needs to back off people.

Anonymous said...

After reading Rachel Heller's tweets, it looks like Jon maybe in LA for this event.

Dallas Lady said...

Done and Done, oh I know and I agree with you!

Ug, I shudder to think of that basket case CJ posting here.

I think admin should just delete those posts with the CC comments. Just my opinion.

Done and done said...

Thx,all 85,003 of my wonderful followers!I ❤u all! &2the haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2! 4 minutes ago


Just as some of us suspected. The comments were opened to increase traffic. I don't want to tell people what to do, but the more we click on her CC blog, her website, and articles and photos of her in the tabs the more we keep her going.

EM said...

Thx,all 85,003 of my wonderful followers!I ❤u all! &2the haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2!

Does she really see her Zlist life as successful? What has she done besides live off of her children again?

Dallas Lady said...

Regarding her latest tweet, I think she's drunk and spoiling for a fight, LOL.

Oh and while CC might have seen more clicks because they allowed comments, that was all they got for their trouble. The comments themselves revealed the truth about Kate:

many valid criticisms as to why she's blogging for them

a handful of birthday wishes for her (seriously, just a handful, gosh with 85,000 "followers" on Twitter, you'd think there'd be a LOT more than that, wouldn't you?)

one COMPLETE nutjob making Kate look bad by stalking people and making thinly-veiled threats

So yeah, I don't think that worked out so well for Kate, and she knows it, but she's got to act like everything went well for her.

Done and done said...

EM - It seems that "success" is in the eye of the beholder. After all, if I were a "successful" hooker I'd be raking in the dough. The thing is, I don't want that kind of success. Kreider seems to revel in being a z-lister; the entertainment equivalent of being a hooker.

Dallas Lady said...

Forgot to mention, and CC moderators had to read and delete some of the flagged comments.

What success, Kate? Seven people wishing you a happy birthday on a coupon blog?

If you weren't such a jerk, I'd genuinely feel sorry for you.

Get Lucky in Kentucky said...

I get the feeling from her last twit,that she is pissed off about something. And I can proudly say that I have NEVER clicked on her shitty website or CC or anything that promotes that bitch.

EM said...

Done and Done
Yup. That's why i stick to here pretty much all the time.. Except to glance at twitter a total of maybe 7 times I think but I know that doesn't generate hits and I don't follow her.
I agree that showing interest on the internet does keep her in the spotlight. All sites care about are clicks. They don't care about positive or negative comments. Just comments and clicks. haters probably give her more views, ratings, clicks, attention than any of her 30 fans do.
As much as she annoys me, and as much as i snark... I know to keep it here, and i do at least 95% of the time. No way is that woman going to make money off my me.

JudyK said...

Anonymous, how brave of you to post that way...and it is totally annoying to see so much wasted space w/ you c/p the CC posts.

We all know that, should we want to read the CC blog, we can go there ourselves.

What is your point...we don't need to be spoon-fed on this blog.

Dallas Lady said...

I also bet she's super hopping mad that Jon's out in LA doing something. Seems to be something we'll know about?

And trust me, even if she is in a beautiful resort location, she'd still be mad over Jon getting ANYTHING in life. That's how narcissists roll.

(I'm predicting she's going to show her ass on Twitter again VERY soon. I can feel it, LOL.)

She's Nuts said...

"...haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2!"


Haters help contribute to past successes? Huh? What is she smoking? She was successful because she was hated? That's something of which to be proud?

AuntieAnn said...

@ 57

No, Kate can't defend herself. She's very naive about celebrity stalkers. She is Stupid with a capital S. That's why she needs that skankprotector wherever she goes.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's tweet about fans and haters, and Jon in LA for a Reality TV celeb event just makes me so sad for the kids. So sad.
This is assuming they're each 3000 miles away when the kids are with...????.

Midnight Madness said...

Now she's confirmed why she doesn't take down her Twitter page. It's the buzz. She enjoys the fighting because it keeps her relevant. It doesn't matter to her if she's hated or liked as long as she's being talked about. What's important to her is that she's the center of her universe. She's disgusting.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Thx,all 85,003 of my wonderful followers!I ❤u all! &2the haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2!

And she's back on twitter.

Kate no one in their right mind is hating on you baby girl.

But if it make you feel better to think people are good for you :-).

KAT said...

Sounds like she thinks she's pulling the wool over everyone. She better be out of the country to make a stupid remark like that...

Tamara said...

Was Khate's probable trip planned for this exact date because of her bday or because Jon may be at a reality show thingy in LA? Was she invited as well? It will be interesting to see pics of Jon tho, and if he brought anyone with. Btw, think his his trip and hotel is comped or paid for by him?

KAT said...

FOLLOWERS?????????? What is she running....a cult

Annie said...

Chef, you really think that "no one " is hating on Kate? I'm sure you are smarter than that.

NE Dulcina said...

Ones writing style does give them away;)
I believe Kate has all of eight fans who post with various names. There's a similarity in writing styles.
My feelings towards Kate have somewhat changed. I realized my obsession was unhealthy when I thought about how I'd feel if someone at work knew about my blogging in this arena. I'll never like the woman but I need to focus myself on people I can help. Kate won't change and I have accepted that fact.
I am not preaching at others, just explaing my personal experience. Lots of nice people here with quick minds and abundant wit.

Once a Viewer said...

I don't really get how negative comments (or likes of bad comments) boosts the CC site? I agree that going to Kate's website would help promote her 'popularity" but how does it help a business for all that sh*t to be posted? I was thinking along the same lines as Dallas Lady. How does the no. of clicks help a business?

Kate's a has been said...

I would never tweet Kate or fight with her crazy fans. Kate uses her fans to keep her in the news. Kate's boring and she needs to fade away.

Kate Doesn't Rate said...

"She enjoys the fighting because it keeps her relevant. It doesn't matter to her if she's hated or liked as long as she's being talked about. What's important to her is that she's the center of her universe. She's disgusting."

And I find that hilarious. Why? While she's busy grinning at her phone and pecking away, her savings are slipping away, she has no job, no career, everything is falling apart around her, but yeah, she's got about 30-40 regulars on TWITTER talking about her 24/7.

She needs to pull her head out of her ass and get focused on reality.

AuntieAnn said...

She just proves over and over again how stupid she is. Now she thinks all 83,000 followers love her. haha.

By the way KATE...HI there! Did you know your birthday buddy Lady Gaga has 22 MILLION followers? Kindly stop comparing yourself to real talent, mkay?

Gift of grab said...

My guess is that this (alleged) T&C vacation would have had to be planned for a while, since this is high season in that part of the world. And Get Lucky I agree with you: She does sounds very angry about something.

As for hits to CC, if they are able to track hits versus actual downloads of their product, then they will likely know that she attracts attention, but not profit. Which has always been her problem.

KAT said...

@81...great post and right to the point....couldn't have said it better myself..

Done and done said...

KAT said... 76
FOLLOWERS?????????? What is she running....a cult

Kat - How dare you compare Kate to a cult leader! Cult leaders work to recruit real live followers while Kate only buys fake accounts ;)

chefsummer #Leh said...

Annie said... 77
Chef, you really think that "no one " is hating on Kate? I'm sure you are smarter than that.
March 29, 201

I know there are "LoL". I just said people in their right mind wouldn't be hatin'.

I'd love to see a list from Kate on why people would be hating on her.

Dallas Lady said...

NE Dulcina:

I hear you. For me, this is just a diversion, nothing less, nothing more. I've followed this saga of narcissism this long and I want to see the public end.

BUT I did decide recently that every time Kate is a jerk to someone and we know about it (on Twitter, etc), I'm going to do a special good deed for someone just to...counteract her jerkiness in the world.

So for instance, when she was saying Jon plants stories about her and all that most recent Jon-bashing stuff, I paid for the person's order behind me in the drive-thru, something Kate wouldn't be caught dead doing.

When she was so awful to Em Tanner, I was inspired to sign up for a 5K to benefit childhood cancer research. I was going back and forth on doing it, wasn't sure I'd be able to that weekend and that did it. I signed up and pledged my money.

It doesn't TAKE Kate doing shitty things to get me to do nice things, but now anytime she's an ass, it reminds me to get out there and make up for her assyness somewhere, somehow. And it's nice, like taking a negative and turning it into a positive.

If we all did that, we could mention our good deeds after her latest antics/tantrums, knowing that we're all counteracting her bad with good.

If she's an ass tonight to someone on Twitter, I'll have to find something else nice to do for someone.

whyohwhy said...

I distinctly remember a couple of months ago when she was tweeting with a runner, the runner was asking her if she was going to run the marathon in Tennessee, which was this past Sunday. Kate tweeted that no, it didn't fit in with her schedule. Hence, the marathon was on Sunday, she would have had to be back by Monday, then fly out again by Wednesday so it makes sense that she has had this trip planned for quite a while.

just another said...

Is it OK if I post this link... something that Tony Dovolani said about Kate...


Please delete if it isn't appropriate

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Katie Irene's latest brain fart:

Thx,all 85,003 of my wonderful followers!I ❤u all! &2the haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2! 35 minutes ago


Cocky, passive-aggressive c*nt.

Keep dreaming, Kate.

AuntieAnn said...

Dallas Lady - I admire you for doing that. The world has the good, the bad and the ugly. You're the good. Kate is the bad and ugly.

TrollTracker said...

78 is a troll ... not the original. Just FYI.

PJ's momma said...

That 'buzz' may very well get her fired from the only paying gig she has right now. Sad.

Dallas Lady said...

There were a few comments on CC to the tune of "this place is nuts" and "I'm not coming here anymore."

Also, people mentioned retailmenot and pretty strongly and specifically criticized why CC would use Kate Gosselin as a blogger for couponing.

So I have to agree with you, Gift of Grab, I think it's highly unlikely that many people who clicked and/or commented actually used any of their coupon codes.

And what use is that? They could have Charles Manson guest blog for them, they'd certainly get hits and comments, but would they actually get clicks on their coupon codes? Doubtful.

N.E. Psychologist said...

NE/Dulcina 878 I'd appreciate it if you would stop appropriating my name(s) (yes I have posted as both but haven't posted in quite some time for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with Kate or the harassment that has been leveled at me here..
I've been in touch with Admin. for reasons of my own and she is well aware of my issues. I do continue to enjoy almost all of the commenters here. The exceptions are obvious, I think.

TLC stinks said...

She is a bitch.

KAT said...

I feel the opposite....if you DON'T hate Kate chances are you have a screw loose. Anyone with "common sense" knows if you admire this woman that you apparently have no one to look up to in your life and are looking for a role model....maybe look to someone in your own family or someone who doesn't live off her own children....open your eyes...she's a snake...

Jane said...

Kate is a twit said... 39
Jane-so if you comment using Disqus you can't remove your own comments, like you can with Blogger?


I checked again with the moderators who oversee the webpages of the person I work for and was told that, on Disqus, mods need to remove comments. They also said that Disqus has a pre-moderating system - comments can be read before being approved. Interesting that Coupon Cabin isn't doing this, especially in light of all the negative comments.

Done and done said...

Jandify - I enjoy snarking on Kate. So what? What keeps me coming back to this blog are the posts from fellow posters here. Being only 25, I get the feeling that I'm one of the younger people here. I like having the opportunity to hear about others peoples life experiences and learn from them. I feel like I've "met" so many wonderful people from all walks of life. For me it's about the community we have cultivated here as well as the Kate snark.

And Jandify - I have a full life. I live in a major metropolitan area and go out quite often with my friends. I visit with my family as often as I can and for those I can't see I call every week. And oh yea, I have a job! Something Kate doesn't know anything about.

TLC stinks said...

I don't think "buzz" is the appropriate word when discussing Kate Gosselin. She lives in a fantasy world. Must be happy hour wherever she is. Maybe Steve is rubbing her feet right now.

Tamara said...

Wait, how can you tell by that tweet that Khate is especially angry? Anger is Khate's default setting. Even when she's tweeting about rainbows and smiley faces from her ass it's forced. Like she's typing through her clenched teeth. The 'Godammit you are going to be happy if I have to beat you every hour with this pink stick I've covered in glitter and unicorn stickers!!' kind of happy.

richsmom said...

Hey check out Kate's latest tweet 55 minutes ago, thanking all the haters"&2the haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2!" FUTURE SUCCESSES Dream on Kate with that one. What a Narcissistic ass.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I rather hate on Courtney Stodden then hate on Kate at least Courtney has some sort of talent.

Done and done said...

Anonymous - Oh please. Go back to Ignorant Witches.

Why is it especially trolly today? Kate's b-day bash not as wonderful as expected?

Dallas Lady said...

Anonymous 102, GOSH I better stop doing anything nice then! God forbid a Kate Lover should think anything negative about me! LOL.

In other words, I don't care what you think. Only a sheeple would take a way to turn Kate's sour angry approach to life into a positive thing and crap on it.

I guess you learned from the best--Kate.

(Maybe I should add "anytime a troll shows their ass on 15 Minutes" to the list of times a good deed needs to be done!)

Kate Doesn't Rate said...

Wow, the Kate Lovers sure are bitter and angry today, aren't they?

When are they ever going to learn nothing they say here is going to change anyone's mind about Kate?

Done and done said...

Dallas Lady - Maybe we should turn it into a drinking game haha.

Kate Doesn't Rate said...

That article about Tony is hilarious. I'd need therapy after dealing with Kate, too. Anyone would.

(Seriously: those poor kids.)

Done and done said...

Kate Doesn't Rate - They are bitter and angry because their queen doesn't give a shit about them and they know it. Pathetic isn't it?

AuntieAnn said...

just another said... 89

Is it OK if I post this link... something that Tony Dovolani said about Kate...


Please delete if it isn't appropriate

HAHAHA!! Thank you just another @89.

Kate is a twit said...

Here is a clip of Tony Dovolani on Anderson's show where he discusses Kate.


Done and done said...

I wonder ow the sheeple will respond to the Dovolani interview? That's it's his fault she's a bitch? Yes sheeple, her behavior is everyone else's fault but her own. I have a word for people who are impossible to be around unless conditions are perfect, but I can't type it here haha.

Tamara said...

Anonomouys, nice original name choice btw, have you ever seen that episode of Friends where someone tells Phoebe that there is no such thing as an unselfish altruistic act? Check it out while you're growing the guts to actually post with an identity. And while you realise that the way a lot of people get ideas on how to help others is by reading posts like Dallas Lady's.

url said...

Kart doesn't have any kind of influence on my good deeds. I'll destroy my computer before I'd ever allow that to happen.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I don't blame Tony I wouldn't call what she was doing dancing either.

Done and done said...

Jandify - Hate this blog, criticize those who post and continually check back? Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Tala said...

Dallas Lady YOU ROCK!

Jane said...

This is great!

Martina Navratilova and Tony Dovolani on 'Dancing With the Stars.' Photo credit: Adam Taylor/ABC

Tony Dovolani and Martina Navratilova visit “Anderson” on Friday to talk about being the first couple voted off “Dancing With the Stars.”

But Anderson Cooper revisits Dovolani’s tempestuous partnership with reality star Kate Gosselin on the ABC show. This excerpt stood out:

Cooper: “I remember watching her dance, I’m still traumatized by that experience.”

Dovolani: “Wait, wait wait. Anderson, did you just call it dance? We didn’t dance.”

Cooper: “It’s true. I don’t know what it was. Did you have to take a long vacation after that experience Tony?”

Dovolani: “There was a lot of therapy involved.”

“Anderson” airs at 2 p.m. weekdays on WESH-Channel 2.

Tennis legend Navratilova says it was “devastating” to be voted off first. “I really wanted to last longer if for no reason than to hang out with Tony because we have such a good time,” she says.

Navratilova also explains why she finally decided to do the show. “I’ve been asked to be on the show for a long time, and after I had a bout with breast cancer, I figured what could be worse than that?” she says. “So I got the guts to get on the show. As a health and fitness ambassador for AARP, I really encourage all members to do more with their life. Get out of their comfort zone. Get out there and be brave. I figured I would lead by example, so I got out there.”

Done and done said...

And Jandify, it might be hard for a shit stirrer like you to understand, but I can have friends in real life as well as online.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Well since Kate lover's make it on here every now & then here's a video for ya'll.


Kate is a twit said...

Jane-watch the video-it's even better. Even Martina was having a good laugh.

Ex Nurse said...

Ok...let the blogger gods be kind...

Tried to post this earlier, but I don't see it....

I finally gave in, and it is yet another dark and stormy Seattle night. I started to read some of the comments on Coupon Cabin. I have a feeling that she may be paid by the click, but, Wow! If CC is auditing her comments, I don't see how these certifiably crazies could be considered good for business, especially when they attack the real couponers! Case in point: There was this innocent comment,  that was tucked in between harrowing, vile and venomous cat-killing accusations and racism claims:

"Coupon Cabin:
I don't understand why you have this person writing for you. I've read her column and there are never tips couponers can use. Is it just to give her a a platform to talk? As a serious couponer, I was hoping to get some good tips. Even when she does give a tip or two, it's the MOST basic thing in the world. Come on, surely ther are better people to give advice on this site that this woman, who I understand was in some reality TV  show once? (I don't watch a lot of TV)"

Please get someone good to write this column. This is ridiculous. I don't even know who she is, much less a I celebrating her birthday. "

Signed  XXXXX (Unfortunately, she posted her full name)

Here is CJ.s response:
"Please show me the weapon pointed at  your head "Jane"' forcing you to read this blog of Kate's :-) Oh, and have a nice IP....er, DAY! Yeah, that's the ticket! {big conspiratorial wink because I don't know who you are, really I don't!} ;-) And more cake and ice cream for those of us who ARE celebrating Kate's birthday today!"

All I can say is RESTRAINING ORDER...if Kate allow this lunatic near her twins, all of the kids should be removed from her custody. 
In getting caught up, I saw references to some of the comments, but didn't see complete quotes. 

By the way, I am extra wonderful because, for some reason, I couldn't cut and paste, and had to type every single word of it, while reading it on my itty bitty iphone screen. 

I agree with the poster who said how nice it was that the kids will spend every other weekend with grandma. With another set of loving eyes and hands, maybe the kids can get some individual recognition and attention, instead of always being a 6-pack and 2-pack. And, Kate should thank her lucky stars that Jon is a role model for treating a parent respectfully, the importance of including extended family in his life. 

I think I am coming down with a case of outrage fatigue-- Off to contemplate my belly button.....

AuntieAnn said...

Chefsummer - thanks for the laugh.

Kate Gosselin rectal thermometers...more more more more MORE!

HAHAHA! I miss watching those clips.

Once a Viewer said...

Tala said... 120

Dallas Lady YOU ROCK!


I agree ! :) I think that's a great way to respond to Kate's deeds.I hope your example makes the rounds here.

Ex Nurse said...

Trying to post again, from last nite...
Tried to post this earlier, but I don't see it....

I finally gave in, and it is yet another dark and stormy Seattle night. I started to read some of the comments on Coupon Cabin. I have a feeling that she may be paid by the click, but, Wow! If CC is auditing her comments, I don't see how these certifiably crazies could be considered good for business, especially when they attack the real couponers! Case in point: There was this innocent comment,  that was tucked in between harrowing, vile and venomous cat-killing accusations and racism claims:

"Coupon Cabin:
I don't understand why you have this person writing for you. I've read her column and there are never tips couponers can use. Is it just to give her a a platform to talk? As a serious couponer, I was hoping to get some good tips. Even when she does give a tip or two, it's the MOST basic thing in the world. Come on, surely ther are better people to give advice on this site that this woman, who I understand was in some reality TV  show once? (I don't watch a lot of TV)"

Please get someone good to write this column. This is ridiculous. I don't even know who she is, much less a I celebrating her birthday. "

Signed  XXXXX (Unfortunately, she posted her full name)

Here is CJ.s response:
"Please show me the weapon pointed at  your head "Jane"' forcing you to read this blog of Kate's :-) Oh, and have a nice IP....er, DAY! Yeah, that's the ticket! {big conspiratorial wink because I don't know who you are, really I don't!} ;-) And more cake and ice cream for those of us who ARE celebrating Kate's birthday today!"

All I can say is RESTRAINING ORDER...if Kate allow this lunatic near her twins, all of the kids should be removed from her custody. 
In getting caught up, I saw references to some of the comments, but didn't see complete quotes. 

By the way, I am extra wonderful because, for some reason, I couldn't cut and paste, and had to type every single word of it, while reading it on my itty bitty iphone screen. 

I agree with the poster who said how nice it was that the kids will spend every other weekend with grandma. With another set of loving eyes and hands, maybe the kids can get some individual recognition and attention, instead of always being a 6-pack and 2-pack. And, Kate should thank her lucky stars that Jon is a role model for treating a parent respectfully, the importance of including extended family in his life. 

I think I am coming down with a case of outrage fatigue-- Off to contemplate my belly button.....

Jane said...

Kate is a twit said... 124
Jane-watch the video-it's even better. Even Martina was having a good laugh.

Hahahaha!!! That's priceless! This might warrant a new post, Admin. Although if there's news about Kate in the Caribbean or Jon in LA, I think that would take precedence!

Time for me to drink my mediocre Starbucks green iced tea (no more black tea for these kidney stones) and throw a Newman's Thin Crust pizza in the oven. Think they'll send me freebies now? After all, I learned from the premier grifter!!

Ex Nurse said...

Annie said... 77
Chef, you really think that "no one " is hating on Kate? I'm sure you are smarter than that.
Speaking for myself, I don't really care enough about Kate to hate her or love her. I don't really care about mosquitos, either, but, hell yeah, if they bite me I will squash them. I reserve the words love and hate for people that have meaning and importance to me in my life. When I hate someone, I don't bother with them at all, unless it is unavoidable.

New Kid said...

As for the 11 bank accounts Jon said Kate had, implying she was hiding a lot of money, I tend to believe Jon. If he were as good a liar as Kate, he wouldn't have been in as much hot water as he has. I believe he puts it all out there, and that gets him into trouble, whereas Kate lies and lies and lies and gets away with it. EVEN when her lying is revealed! It is amazing to me that she can do this. Maybe because I am such a BAD liar that I've never been able to lie without looking guilty and showing myself up.

KAT said...

@105...If you open your eyes....she's the one who is extreme...in everything she says and does. All for attention..good or bad. People without rational thought will not see this. I can't convince anyone and frankly I don't care to....but you have to admit there is something "off" about her at the very least. Her extremism is what makes people nuts. She takes no responsiblity for....WELL ANYTHING...I'm not in the mental health field...my husband is. I can't state what he has said about her but simply...she's in her own delusional world...

anger issues kate said...

Couple of things: 1. yeah, so 85,000, really Kate how many are from your sheeple, using other names and how many were bought?
I truely hate saying this but, Kate is somewhat right about us enabling her, to a point, but remember this Kate: we are also the people who, let the world know when you are lying, grifting, using people/companies, dishing your ex, using your kids, and outing you when you cry poor, which is enough for Hollywood and other cable stations not to hire you or give you another show. Even TLC would not give you Twisted Kate, like they advertised and promised you. 2.And most of us are not the haters that go to your tweeter account an post there. These are the mediocre, regular, normal people, who most never watched your show, only read your twitter and probably your interviews. Don't go accusing all of us for not liking you or haters.

Westcoaster said...

Thx,all 85,003 of my wonderful followers!I ❤u all! &2the haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2! about 2 hours ago


Wow. I'm with #90, what a cocky, arrogant bitch. I wasn't going to buy the tropical vacay thing, but the twatter silence and then this makes me think someone has had one too many drinks with little umbrellas. If so, what a staycation 'ho. Absolute parental trash.

Care to acknowledge how many followers you purchased? Oh, that's like te good bra. Meh, she is just a tiring bore.

chefsummer #Leh said...

And she quite again lets see how long she stay that way.

Anita said...


I hope this link works!

EM said...

#79 The only way # of clicks helps a web business is thru advertisers. They tell the potential advertiser they get XXX clicks a day thus xx amount of people will see their ad.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Kate's neener neener post is exactly why people cannot stand her. Grow the f---- up. She thinks it's all good because people are buzzing about her. Ask her kids what they think of this crapfest

Kate's a has been said...

Loved the tony videos thanks lol.

Jumping In said...

Kate says she doesn't take the kids anywhere together as panic ensues. When TLC was picking up the tab, this did not seem to be an issue. They not only paid, they provided her with helpers, crew etc.

If she is in the Turks, I bet she will justify it in one of the following ways.

Quick trip, and a birthday gift to herself

"Working" to provide a brighter future for her children

Sponsored by someone she is not permitted to disclose, the teaser "stay-tuned" excuse

I agree that Kate has a fat bank balance, and ONLY "worries" about the 8 kids when she is pitching for a new TV gig, otherwise, they are a drag on her as they cause mayhem when they go out in public.

They are only useful to her to garner sympathy in order to get back in the spotlight, otherwise, she is off on the next airplane 'outta there

I have been to the Turks and Caicos, and this is not a cheap getaway!

Kate's a has been said...

I wonder how the poor twins will act when Kate's crazy fans drool all over them? now that some scary stuff.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Found this at another site.

Just stumbled onto this...apparently Kate's website isn't worth very much to advertisers... ----------------------------------- Kateplusmyeight.com is ranked #5,023,452 in the world according to Alexa traffic rankings. Kateplusmyeight.com has Google pagerank #2. The estimated website net worth based on its advertising revenue is around $480. Kateplusmyeight.com receives 219 pageviews per day and generates nearly $0.66 every day in advertising revenue. Kateplusmyeight.com has website backlinks from #10 website. Kateplusmyeight.com appears to be hosted in United States. Kateplusmyeight.com hosted on domaincontrol.com

If Kate is on a bday vacation, I hope the little kids start looking at travel brochures, since their bday is in May!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Thx,all 85,003 of my wonderful followers!I ❤u all! &2the haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2!


So is Kate in Turks and Caicos watching her follower number? How sad is that?

And as I was watching she retweeted this:

@Kateplusmy8 Dear Kate !!! Normally I just like u but right now I LOVE YOU!!! LMFAO!!! Tell it like it is :) I can't stop laughing

and then deleted it. Wonder why?

JudyK said...

Anita #132, thanks for that link...will definitely watch Anderson tomorrow.

Really like Tony...it's time he got a decent partner. Martina can't dance, but she has a great attitude.

Anderson has made no secret of the fact he can't stand KG.

Pity Party said...

Oh, wow, she loves us - she loves us not - she loves us! Oh yeah she is flying high - feeling her oats. I say yes she is most definitely on vacation with her beloved PB. She did say something earlier in the week about her "bright future." I say KC sprung for a shoot to help promote the doomed cruise.

Kate is a twit said...

Now Radar has picked up the story and shows the video of Tony. Wonder if Kate will thank Tony for creating "buzz"?


librarylady said...

Wow, I think she just shot herself in the foot - again. She sounds so childish.

Well, Kate, the "haters" have been around a long time and they haven't "helped" you yet - lost your show, no new anything, a couple of low-listener radio shows and a few hours at a marketing convention?

Considering how long they've been around, I fail to see how they are or will be "helping" you, for if they were, you'd actually be DOING something NOW. Staying relevant does not mean twitter wars - I see that every day on every teenager's twitter account, lol.

Radar is running this story now said...

Kate Gosselin’s Ex-Dance Partner Slams Her, Claims He Had To Go To Therapy!

AuntieAnn said...

Yeah it sounds like she's had one Blue Curacao on ice too many.

Her tweeties must be hurt. She only needs them when she's at home pretending to make special meals and cleaning the oven. Now she's not only ignoring them, she's deleting their tweets. Will they ever catch on?

librarylady said...

She might not thank Tony, but she'll love being on Radar, good or bad. She probably clued them in herself.

She thinks the "bad" rep is going to help her, like, say, Charlie Sheen. Difference is, he at least has a legitimate talent history (whether you like him or not, I don't), and she has...????

It works for actors and famous "artsy eccentric" types. People like her, well, they just look dumb and mean.

Jane said...

Oh boy --

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
FYI-I’m almost finished w/ my book! Its about my life experiences-thoughts, feelings re everything Will let every1 know release date soon

terri said...

Jon just tweeted that he's almost finished with his book. Says it will be his feelings re everything. Might be an interesting read. Kate will be on a twitter rampage when she hears this news.

Done and done said...

Maybe she already heard the news and that's what prompted her tweet about "haters." Good luck with that Kate, I have a feeling you're going to have many more haters very soon.

Well, off to my mediocre job!

Moose Mania said...

AuntieAnn said... 144

Yeah it sounds like she's had one Blue Curacao on ice too many.


It's those darn Rum Runners down there. They get you every time -- really sneak up on you. Been there, done that!

AuntieAnn said...

It's those darn Rum Runners down there. They get you every time -- really sneak up on you. Been there, done that!
Bet they make for a nasty hangover too. hehe. Maybe she got wind of Jon's book.

HI KATE! Drinking won't make it all go away ya know.

Don't Feed The Trolls said...

The anonymous sheeple who jump on here do so because they have nowhere else to go. They have nothing to contribute other than sarcasm. Don't feed them. They just want to stir the pot -- it makes them feel important. If no responses are given, they'll find another place to play. Just let them go -- they'll get tired of it sooner or later. They have a short attention span, and the IQ isn't that high, either!

PatK said...


FYI-I’m almost finished w/ my book! Its about my life experiences-thoughts, feelings re everything Will let every1 know release date soon

Mel said...

Watching the Anderson Cooper video, notice the woman partner sigh (and then try to cover it up) when Anderson brought up Kate. And then she sits there with a frozen polite suffering smile on her face. Probably thinking, wasn't this supposed to be about me? Does it ALWAYS have to be about Kate????

Jo said...

Tony Dovolani is on Anderson tomorrow discussing Kate Gosselin. Google Kate Gosselin and it's the first thing that comes up. He was not happy.

Thank you Jon Gosselin for writing a book. This is what we've been waiting for.

ncgirl said...

"I saw a comment on Gather but nothing on GWOP regarding the Kate and purse boy siting. Anyone see the original comment on GWOP"

Somebody on GWOP just mentioned the comment on Gather. That's all it was.

So Jon's got a book coming out? I wonder what the title will be.

PJ's momma said...

According to those commenting on ROL's article about Tony, it's HIS fault Kate failed because he's a horrible instructor. LOL!

HollyMo said...

"GOD, WHAT A SUPREME ASSHOLE this woman is. Just nothing but a boil on the butt of humanity."

Dallas Lady, this is why you are wonderful!! <3 U

Ex Nurse, I have seen all four of your posts - but I read the comments on my email.

Pity Party said...

Thank you Jon. Can't wait to get it!

denni don't like Kate..... said...

once again, she shows how frickin' delusion she is.....she THINKS she's a SUCCESS.....

denni don't like Kate..... said...

Jon's book could be titled "My Ex-Mate: Full of Hate Kate!"

JES in Columbus said...

Wouldn't it be fun to see that Beth helped write the book?

Pity Party said...

Martina got booted this week. The ones who get voted off always make the circuit.

KT couldn't learn to dance because 1) she has no rhythm and 2) she was too lazy to put in the work.

Which reminds me, Sherrie from the View is killing it. I was shocked. She is so funny, too. So much more so than on the View.

Winsomeone said...

If Jon really does have a book, I wonder if Kate will manage to get the money from that, like she did with all of the TV and her book money. She will be back in court demanding increased child support, and the judge seems to give her what she wants pretty much. Doesn't seem fair that Jon won't ever be allowed to make money and keep it to better himself.

Sheeple are Delusional said...

I for one will buy Jon'a book and want it to be more successful than Kate's.

Sooverit said...

I'll be buying Jon's book for sure. He has 8 kids to support, after all. Way to go Jon!

Anonymous said...

She's thanking people who don't like her? Call me weird but I'm not one to thank someone I know doesn't like me.

Her future success? Kate, you haven't had any future success since TLC canceled you so what are you rambling about?

If she's "tired" at 37 I sure hate to say what she says when she finally turns 40.

Nobody can see but I have to roll my eyes for a variety of reasons.

Wonder Wonder said...

I wonder if Jon will blast Kate in his new book? I hope he spills the beans.

Once a Viewer said...

How will Jon's book spare the kids? He'd have to mention them, wouldn't he? Or maybe it will just be the adults involved in his life. But will he slam Kate? I'm not sure about this, although I haven't heard of it until now!

canadianmom said...

YES! Bring it Jon! I'll be all over it!

Anonymous said...

I would like to compare Kate's tweet with Amy Roloff's-

Thx,all 85,003 of my wonderful followers!I ❤u all! &2the haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2!
and Amy R=

Amy J. Roloff Fanpage
A great day today! I spoke at a women's service organization, Soroptimist in McMinnville and not only inspired them but they inspired me. Also met up with Danny of Aim High and great conversation on a couple of projects I may partner with him on. I love putting effort in doing some really great things for others.
What a difference! Arrogance vs nice & charity. I especially love the last line of Amy's post- "putting effort in doing great things FOR OTHERS" AHEM Kate....

Just Curious said...

canadianmom said... 170
YES! Bring it Jon! I'll be all over it!

How is this good for the Gosselin children that folks here claim to care so much about?

AuntieAnn said...

Winsomeone said... 164
If Jon really does have a book, I wonder if Kate will manage to get the money from that, like she did with all of the TV and her book money. She will be back in court demanding increased child support, and the judge seems to give her what she wants pretty much.

On the bright side though if he makes a bundle he can buy a bigger home, the kids can spend more time with him until eventually they'll want to live with him and maybe Kate the floating turd will finally flush.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

new post!

PJ's momma said...

I hope that for the sake of his children and what remains of his tattered reputation, Jon doesn't blast Kate nor say anything derogatory about her in that book, even though she earned any wrath he could send her way. His kids would be hurt by that (and don't you know she WOULD make sure they knew) and could hurt him in the long run. If the kids were grown and could realize how crazy their life had been, it would be different. But they're little kids. I just hope he has looked at it long-term and not short-term.

Dee said...

Once a Viewer, I'm with you. If Jon can manage to discuss the terrible decisions he and Kate made without compromising the kids, then maybe this is an OK thing for him to do.

But that would be tricky, and require a sensitivity neither of these people seem to possess.

If he's just writing about his views on life, well, snoozefest. I think he's been doing the right thing for the last few years, but, other than his insane relationship with Kate, he seems to have little to offer of any general interest. He's just an everyday guy.

Don't get me wrong, Kate has controlled this conversation waaaaay too long, but the kids are the victims here. Though Jon was victimized, and continues to be, he chose that idiot, and he walked the walk with her. He's responsible for what he did. The kids aren't.

Secretly? I'd like to see Kate slammed every which way but up. But, seriously, people, there are children involved.

As for Kate getting her hands on his royalties, of course she will. And she should, too, as long as they aren't sharing custody 50-50. Jon has an obligation to support the children he made. There is no such thing as "his money". He's not going to be able to control the child support funds unless he has the kids.

If he's smart, AND he really does have the children's grandmother living with him, AND she's able to help with the kids, he'll haul Kate back into court and get the custody order changed.

If he makes a bundle with a book, and he doesn't have half-time custody, neither he nor the kids will receive the benefit of the money. It'll be gone in pedicures and orange tans in a flash.

PS to Jon: Check out Dave Ramsey and get some grandma-like financial skills under your belt before you blow another stack of bills. Don't do "stupid" twice. History does NOT have to repeat itself.

Kia Ora said...

I'm getting such a laugh out of this. Old GWOP poster, long time lurker here. She's so desperate that now she's "baiting" the "haters". The women has know idea that you don't have to be a hater, to one that just can't figure it out about what the hell is wrong with a Mum, daughter, sister, aunt, and all the rest, that you could act this way. Its totally against a sensible mind comprehending person. She's lost "the plot" as we say in NZ

Best Stuff in Life said...

There are ways for Jon to talk about the children without going into private details like bra or cup shopping. He can say how his children were effected without talking about specific incidences. His children are part of his life. I dont care if he talks about them if he respects their privacy.

This is a book that the children will probably read when they get older. They will be able to relate to what their father went through. I bet they all tell him that they went through it too.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Interesting difference between Kate and Jon. Jon gets slapped with gag order from TLC for 3 years, quietly writes book. Kate loses show, whines, moans, cries, berates anyone that makes her angry.

HollyMo said...

terri said:

Jon just tweeted that he's almost finished with his book. Says it will be his feelings re everything. Might be an interesting read. Kate will be on a twitter rampage when she hears this news.

I will buy this book, as long as it doesn't exploit the kids. I hope he makes a ton of money and uses it to secure lawyers to get his kids back!

earth child said...

Kate does read the comments - I submitted a comment. Since I didn't have your email I did not post the address of the organization.
Here it is now: Before Kate claims it:H.O.M.E. [Helping Our Military Everywhere] P.O. Box 11861, Charleston W. VA. 25339. They accept all coupons Even
those that have Expired!!! Manufacturers will accept.
As the mother of a Viet Nam vet I fully back them. The coupons are then distributed. It is only a postage stamp and an envelope.

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