Kate's greed is representative of "a culture where handouts, bailouts, freebies and entitlements dominate"
Why take one free hat when you have have three? |
Kate's latest (and still on-going) tweet war with Em Tanner, who was but one of many people who lavished the family with lots of free gifts, reminded us of just how many products and trips and other freebies the Gosselin family took over the years. Kate's entitlement and ungratefulness and shocking lack of shame may grate on our nerves, but a new book suggests that she is not alone.
Author Charles J. Sykes, who wrote A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing is worried about what bailouts may do to our psyche and our future. When asked if he was worried about what this could do to kids, he said:
"Yes, I do. Other people take a slightly more optimistic view. They say the reality is that most Americans still have the belief of working hard and being rewarded for it, that we still have a middle class that wants to do the right thing, and that these folks don’t become somebody different even if we are in economically tough times. That’s true. But I also see a new class of dependency. How many generations does it take before the younger people look around and say, “Of course somebody else is going to pay for me. Of course there’s a bailout. If I screw up or don’t save any money, it doesn’t matter.” I say we’re living on borrowed time. We’ve drawn down the balance of our bedrock values. Once the stigma of being dependent is eliminated, more and more people want to be that way."
990 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 990 Newer› Newest»Ah, the hospice posts are timely. My husband is very ill with heart failure. It's been hospitals and rehab back and forth for 2 months this time. Tonite discharged from one, and in ambulance on way back to rehab, crashed and ended up at another hospital. So at some point, he may decide to stop, although he doesn't want to leave this world yet. In the ER, another guy comes in with a heart attack, making me even more drained emotionally. My strength goes over to those suffering. I don't have much of me left anymore. It really does feel like I give all the energy I have to willing others well. How I hope it makes a difference.
So many wonderful and insightful comments today, especially about education. Thanks to all.
On another topic, some posters have at various times speculated about Kate's final years and how she will die alone and unloved.
I myself have a narcissistic mother. I wasn't even aware of NPD until reading about it first at GWOP and then here. I am truly thankful for the posters (esp. "heather") who enlightened me and allowed me to finally put some puzzle pieces together in trying to understand my own childhood. And beyond actually. After often being tempted to tell some of my own experiences, I finally will share something.
My mother was very similar to Kate: she estranged herself from her family, we ourselves were isolated, she despised my father, she felt "stuck" with us kids, etc. So many other things as well but I will refrain from recounting all that. All my life all I wanted was normal.
Now she is 93 and living in an assisted living facility. She has dementia and heart problems.
I visit her frequently and make sure she is happy and comfortable and well cared for. I don't do it out of love as that was left by the wayside long ago. I do it out of a sense of duty and obligation and because it is the right thing to do. BTW, I was never the golden child.
I do it because she has no one else and to show my children by example how to care for an elderly parent. Although they barely know her, still it is a lesson they need.
So to those who think Kate will be left alone and lonely as she ages she may actually have one or more children who will care for her. Note: I didn't say they will love her.
They may come to realize that her behavior is all on her and not their burden to bear. They can only be responsible for themselves, their own behaviors, and their own reactions to her behavior.
Kate's actions will color their lives forever and she tragically is missing out on their childhoods and will never see the wonderful people they are now and will be in the future.
But that is all on her. No one else.
I must weigh in on this TFA discussion:
As a Title One Reading Specialist, I know firsthand how difficult teaching is in general (I taught kindergarten at an upper middle class school for four years).
Teaching high-poverty kids is something else again. These students need the most highly trained, energetic, and caring teachers possible. They need the stability of teachers who know the culture of the school and students' families. Don't even get me started on the rough home lives of many of these students. Teaching demands an incredible amount of human development and educational psychology knowledge. Dealing with parents is in a league all by itself.
The classroom teachers at my school depend on me to help get their low achieving students up to grade level. The pressure is incredible. I not only have a Reading Endorsement with my certification, I am also required to have ongoing professional development to maintain my skills and keep up-to-date on best teaching practices.
While I agree that TFA teachers are bright and dynamic, I do not believe that most of them have an ongoing commitment to teaching, and they certainly do not have the professional knowledge that teaching demands. Many people believe that anyone with a college degree can teach, but I challenge ANYONE to do this job for one full month to see what it is really like. The complexity of teaching would blow your mind...
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 185
Yes anyone can get tickets to DWTS, I'm sure if she has the notion of going all she has to do is call them up and they'll get her a seat on camera.
If this is where she is, why not help plug the show to her tweeties saying hey watch for me in the audience! Or would she demand her cut of any profits the episode makes Monday night? It's SOOO weird how she plays hide the ball with any kind of promotion. She does the opposite of what celeb school tells you to
Admin, she didn't go to celeb school. They don't know how to teach her.
Ugh, did you see the 'humorous' cartoon thing Kate posted about her 'awesomeness?" she is really thick. What is her point? People hate her because she is awesome and are 'jellus?'
Inappropriate? - 6, I apologize. I am one who shared a "sob" story. Or, a Hospice gratitude story. I will stick to Kate comments in the future. Please do know that every detail I shared was the truth. I would not make up a story for attention.
Dmasy 10
Inappropriate? certainly knows how to pick a name.
Dmasy, please don't apologise to that twit, I appreciate you sharing that story. I understand where you're coming from regarding it. You are more gracious to your 'mother' than l would have been to mine. Are we sisters? :)
Inappropriate comment 6
If you don't care for a specific post, you are free to skip over it. When there are comment threads in the hundreds I'm sure a lot don't meet your standards, or anyone else's, for that matter.
Dmasy (and everyone else) you have no obligation to defend yourself.
It's hardly surprising that people who are baffled by Kate's willingness to throw her own family away find themselves wanting to post occasionally about what family means to them.
There's a community here. Grow up, Inappropriate. You control what you read. It's Admin's blog, and her call on what gets shown, not yours.
Thank you so much for sharing your story too. What l wrote to Dmasy l mean for you too.
Move it on....Well said. I agree
re: inappropriate? 6
As my Mamma says, "Who licked the red off
YOUR candy?"
How very inappropriate of you @6.
Kate, is that you- someone not saying your name enough- jellus? Dmasy, ignore posters with no couth, they can't help being so nasty.Something in the water @ Troll Condos.
Admin., what they forgot to teach or couldn't teach Kate @ celeb school, they will be starting to in her new class in the spring.She will be attending "The School of Hard Knocks."Watch for lack of any new development.
Ahhh, thank you for that belly laugh, LAYLA. Coffee really hurts coming out your nose.I guess no one can teach poor Ms. Krieder- she's admitting she is a slow learner! Perhaps , she can herd sheep? te he he.
OT- Teresa, there you are, I love you still and miss you.Love your dancing boy.... Dwindle, you there???
Thanks, much appreciated. As I said, one can only control one's own behaviors, actions and words.
Dmasy, I also appreciated what you wrote and wish you all the best.
Swings and roundabouts,
Ditto comment for you too. BTW, I love your name, smile every time I see it.Keep on posting.Someone obviously relieved themselves on ms. or mr. inappropriates' cornflakes to-day.
Morning lovely Jude...Is the kettle on? l'm picking up Dwindle and we're coming over! We'll bring the Timmy's donuts. xoxo
SwingsandRoundabouts said... 18
Thanks, much appreciated. As I said, one can only control one's own behaviors, actions and words.
I understand that. My motto is..Your karma is what you do to me, My karma is how l respond. It has served me well in my life.
Inappropriate, this is not a forum exclusive to Ms Kreider. It is admins blog about reality TV kids and s long as she approves posts anyone can post here. Yes, anyone can make up anything on the internet, and it is good advice to tell folks to be careful and take things with a grain of salt. But sometimes the anonymity of the internet makes it easier to share sad and really true stories, stories you can't tell people in your real life.
Ignore Inappropriate's post.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate u are one of the greatest woman on earth and i am proud to know that i have shared a part of your life for a long time!
I think l'm going to barf...no, l know l'm gonna barf!
Naturally that cartoon tickled Kate's twisted fancy.
It illustrates EXACTLY how Kate feels about herself.
Kate lovingly kisses her reflection in the mirror daily.
Kate doesn't need a mate in her life- her HUGE ego takes up too much room.
Administrator...everything you say is so profound that it deserves to be repeated! That's why we are getting a double dose of your thoughts. Great list of reasons why ...
That cartoon she posted was a retweet from Pink's twitter. Which prompted me to go check Pink's twitter feed.
She posted a couple other sayings that I think would serve Kate better:
When someone is counting out gold for you, don't look at your hands, or the gold. Look at the giver! #Rumi
I'm sorry but I think that parents should maybe think twice before posting photos of their small children online. #erronthesideofcaution
Pink does have a few pictures of her daughter posted but none of them show her face. One was of her feet, one was a rear view of baby and daddy on the beach, and one was the baby standing facing a wall.
I only spent a couple minutes looking, but the one thing I noticed is that Pink has 7,670,671 followers and has tweeted 3,082 times. Kate has 83,122 followers and 11,752 tweets. Not sure how long Pink has been on Twitter but I'm sure it's longer than Kate has been.
Whatevah Kate.
I'll be checking back on your "awesomeness" in a year or two.
Admin, I see you requested that we ignore a certain post, but I really have to say something. I find it very sad and really tragic that "inappropriate" can be so callous and obviously feel no empathy for the difficult situations of others.
People sometimes need to relieve the burdens in their hearts. Sometimes that relief comes from typing some words on a computer to share with invisible faces. It is often less painful to share a tragedy with someone who is not experiencing the same painful emotions.
I don't care that there is a chance some stories may not be real (although I don't believe this to be so in the case of the posters here). As a "humane" being, I would rather say something supportive and be thought a fool if it is a scam, than not say anything and miss the opportunity to provide even a tiny bit of comfort to someone who is grieving.
I feel very sorry for people like "inappropriate". One day, he or she might find they need some comforting words. Those words will be welcome no matter if they come from family and friends or a family of strangers on a blog.
Dmasy and Border Collies mum, please know that a lot of people are thinking of you and wishing you peace.
In general people who actually are awesome don't have a need to go around all day letting people know how awesome they are. Usually, people who are awesome don't even KNOW they are.
LOL gaa I don't know why everything I say is being repeated. Stupid blogger STOP!
Is there an echo in here????
Haha that graph should have a plot line for her decent into madness.
As that line goes down, her tweet line goes UP!
Re: Just a Teacher @7.
Weighing in as well, to preface, my G-child that I raise has Asperger syndrome and agoraphobia. From my point of a view a teacher can have all the credentials in the world, but have no understanding whatsoever about the art of teaching.
My son has a delicate little psyche and is in the ESE program. The school brought in a non-ESE teacher with very high scores in hopes that she could bring up the school's scores. I didn't know they scored them but that is all this teacher talked about. She was very upset that my son was not getting the scores that she needed to maintain her scores.
She pushed my child so far over the edge that he had a total breakdown at school. She didn't call me because it was near the end of the day and she had a hair appointment and didn't want to wait with him (she told me this later when I was able to confront her). She put him on the bus in the throes of a full blown mental breakdown and suicidal with a plan.
Not having a clue what was going on I met him at the bus as usual. He came limping off the bus looking very old and collapsed at my feet. He was incoherent and did not even look like my child. As I was helping him to the door, he veered away and climbed up on the roof (he and his dad had been working on the roof, the day before). I still with no clue asked what are you doing. He said move - I am going to jump. I said I am not moving and you are not jumping. Whatever is wrong, we can fix it.
I took him to his psychiatrist for an emergency screen. His psychiatrist took one look at him and said I was so hoping this wouldn't happen. His eyes welled up, and he immediately left the room. The woman put my child on the bus in a state that brought his psychiatrist to tears.
He was hospitalized in the psyche unit - his first night away from me since I got him at age 4 (he was 7). He never fully recovered and has from that time on been on psychotropic medications that cause him to gain weight and may induce diabetes at some point.
He was discharged in 3 days and was enrolled in their school for a 6-week course from which he graduated with flying colors. He blossomed and flourished under the guidance of those teachers. He was happy and eager to go to school every day. I home schooled him the rest of the year, as he was not going back in that room.
He went on to have a wonderful teacher the next year, who made a tremendous impact on him that he will carry with him for the rest of his life. Even now, if he has a rough day, he will say I just wish I could talk to Mr. ****.
I am in no way saying anything about teachers in general, but simply put, what a difference a teacher can make in a child's life for good and for bad. In my opinion it is an art form and should be taught as such to weed out those who do not have the artistic flare for such an important job.
Hailey Glassman @hAiLeYgLaSsMaN1
Hey @kateplusmy8 can u share the recipe for the "Monkey Munch". It's so yummy, my mom & I never seem to make it as tasty as you did.
That tweet from Hailey made me laugh out loud, for real!
She's baiting her. Let's see if Kate will be able to restrain herself from getting into another t-war with this nutjob.
Pity Party, 36...I have commented before that you are an awesome Grandmother. Thanks for the update.
AuntieAnn said... 39
She's baiting her. Let's see if Kate will be able to restrain herself from getting into another t-war with this nutjob.
I might be having popcorn for breakfast!
Pity Party - How horrible! Your story really touched me, as I have 4 kids on the spectrum, my two youngest being in special education. We have always been blessed to have had a worst decent teachers and at best wonderful teachers (more often the later) and you are correct, not everyone can teach (That's why I hate that slogan "Those who can do, those who can't teach. How dismissive and demeaning and indicative of a general disregard in our siciety for education.)
I just wanted to share with you that you have the right to have it written in your child's IEP that he be exempt from state standardized testing (In CA they are called the CST's). Also, your child has the right to be given an alternative test and any accomodations he may need.
You are a wonderful grandmother and your g-son is blessed to have you. Hang in there - I can honestly say at least in our experience that maturity has helped a great deal and, with support and understanding, all of our kids, labeled or unlabeled, typically or non typically developing, can do amazing things!
I laughed at Hailey's tweet too. I hate to say it it's kind of fun to watch people poke the crazy. Especially people a part of this mess. Kate's overdue for another good twitter war, what's it been three days?
I might be having popcorn for breakfast!
Tweet-le De - Ha! Me too. Wonder when Kate's going to roll out of bed. What time is it in PA? 12:30? Upsy-daisy time Kate.
Admin - It IS kind of a guilty pleasure.
Hey Hailey, the secret ingredient in Monkey Munch is a big can of whoop-ass!
And also double the vanilla.
Kate could wind up being madder than a rooster getting rained on. But she's type to just let people keep poking her to see what they could get.
Says she takes high roads and doesn't say anything, but all she does is give people things to talk about. How is that the high road exactly?
Like Kate "invented" monkey munch! Bet you she thinks she did. Google it there are a bunch of recipes. It's not that hard.
I have to ask...why is Jon's ex girlfriend of Kate's plastic surgeon even Tweeting Kate? I know. To get her name back out there, that's the only reason.
Monkey Munch has been on the Chex box since Kate was a child.
It's called Muddy Buddies.
I have to ask...why is Jon's ex girlfriend of Kate's plastic surgeon even Tweeting Kate? I know. To get her name back out there, that's the only reason.
Not necessarily. Because sometimes it's just fun to take a stick and poke the crazy and see what pops out. It's a boring Sunday morning.
Not everyone should be a teacher....
How come I send my grandaughter to school in brand new pants, and she comes home with quarter size holes cut out of them, and the teacher says she has no idea how that happened. She didn't even realize it WAS happening.
Uh...what's the rest of the class doing, and what is the teacher doing, while a 7 year old is cutting 6-10 holes in her jeans with safety scissors every day? That's gotta take a while. You'd think you'd notice that little Sally isn't paying ANY attention to you.
You'd think you might notice that the kid comes to school with perfectly good pants, and goes home with holes in them.
I honestly think the school should have been calling me, not me calling them, to ask what's going on.
Before anyone goes nuts, yes I am getting the little one the help she needs. I was just so appalled that the teacher had NO IDEA the child was so stressed by the teacher constantly screaming at the bully that sat next to her that she felt she had to cut her pants. How can you be so unobservant?
Like the poster above....we have a gentle fragile soul here, who needs to have a teacher who is at least somewhat aware. How could a first grade teacher be so completely unaware?
Border Collie's Mum: We go through the same thing with my dad; totally understand.
My Jack Russell says that giving a dog treats works wonders for a human's state of mind.
New article:
Kate Gosselin Rage-A Message
Sorry guys, ever since I started using Google Chrome I can't seem to make clickagle links on Blogger. Link to Kate Gosselin Rage-A Message
All I can say today is that if K8 is indeed in LA she could be getting a very rainy getaway - we're promised the end of an Alaskan storm, so far nada but ....karma? She'll need plastic wrap to cover her fake tanned legs under her skanky shiny mini, cuz LA ladies today will be in jeans, sweaters & boots.
I think she has gone to L.A. to be part of the audience. When she was interviewed at the finale a couple of years ago, she said it was great to be back with her "new family and friends". If she is there, she will be busting her behind to get to a camera for another post show interview. It will be interesting to see if she has an "escort". The bodyguard thing is so ridiculous. Name one other celeb who is photographed (or even accompanied) at one of these interviews.
Mel said... 50
Not everyone should be a teacher....
Mel - I'm staying out of the teacher discussion but if you get a chance please read this:
Thank you Silimom and Dmasy. Good to know Silimom. I couldn't let a subject pass that I have such strong feelings about. I am glad to say that he is doing quite well and has a great teacher, who understands him and thinks he is very bright.
On a lighter note, I guess one could say that she knows how to teach him.
What's next are people going to ask Kate how make Rice Krispie Treats too? They're on the back of the box. Don't people you know, read anymore?
Of course Hailey wants to tweet with Kate. Hailey's only claim to fame is Jon Gosselin. She probably thinks she snd Kate can tweet and bash Jon and, since Kate's twitter antics are getting her on Radaronline, Hailey thinks she'll jump along for the ride. Hailey is a no talent media whore. Her one shot at reality fame sent her packing the first day.
I'm sure her parents are so proud.
I am a paraprofessional, also called a teaching assistant or teacher's aide. I have worked with very good teachers, average teachers, and horrible teachers. In my opinion, it does not matter how many degrees the teacher has he/she can either teach, or can't. Sometimes their personalities get in the way. And almost every year I have been in the school system, there seems to be a fall guy in many of the classrooms. A child the teacher just doesn't like, usually due to a behavior issue or attention issue. Some teachers are very sneaky, and their behavior can border on emotional abuse. It is one of those things where you recognize it when you see it, but when you try to explain it to the principal it sounds petty. If you believe your child is not being treated right - listen to them. You must be the advocate for your child and speak up. The quiet, accepting parents get nothing for their child, it is the parent that makes a squawk that gets their child's needs met. I have been very frustrated in the last few years but have very little power in the school hierachy.
Sue Buddy, thank you again. Whatever comes my way this week, I will "...try to take it like a man." Job well done, Sue.
Some teachers are very sneaky, and their behavior can border on emotional abuse
I totally agree about how it doesn't really matter what your background is, you can find good teachers and bad teachers anywhere.
I'm sure there are many more worse horror stories but I had one teacher in 8th grade who had major temper issues and was a bad teacher. The students saw her weaknesses and walked all over her. Instead of handling it in a mature adult way, you know what types of things she would do? On a hot day she would shut all the windows and turn off all the fans and make us sit there in the sweltering heat. She would literally stomp over to the window and slam it shut when we were acting out. Wtf! The school didn't have air conditioning. So one day when she was pulling that stunt (I mean, child abuse) we all at once, every single kid, started folding up our worksheets in accordions and making fans and then waving them wildly. It was sweet revenge. She was out of there within the week.
Anyway, that woman was in her 50's with all the degrees you're supposed to have.
Thank you Sue Buddy. You are truly awesome.
Layla said...7 "Admin, she didn't go to celeb school. They don't know how to teach her"
I don't know if she's in LA for DWTS or not, but for sure she didn't go to celeb school! For years now she's been whining and complaining about people & paps taking her photo, following her around, etc. I guess they finally believed her! And note to Kate: YES, you've proven now that you can "go back" to your normal, mediocre life! Maybe she should have been a bit more careful about what she wished for. Basic rule of life: don't sh*t where you eat. No one paying attention now - she must be very happy.
And yes, Sue Buddy - as always, very well written and relevant article. You've got her pegged so well - love that you don't let her get away with her antics! Great work.
Call Me Crazy and Aeduko, thanks so much for your words of support. I came home last night drained from giving all the strength I had willing both husband and the stranger having heart attack to get better. This morning husband is being transferred yet again to another hospital 25-30 miles away, through the worst traffic.
Aeduko, my dogs live on treats! They eschew their dinners and wait for the good stuff.
Re: Kate and the weather in L.A., it's true it won't be good, at least today. Everyone would be sure to spot her, the only one in a little bitty dripping wet dress on a windy day. She'd stick out like the sorest of thumbs.
Mel said... 50
Not everyone should be a teacher....
How come I send my grandaughter to school in brand new pants, and she comes home with quarter size holes cut out of them, and the teacher says she has no idea how that happened. She didn't even realize it WAS happening.
Uh...what's the rest of the class doing, and what is the teacher doing, while a 7 year old is cutting 6-10 holes in her jeans with safety scissors every day? That's gotta take a while. You'd think you'd notice that little Sally isn't paying ANY attention to you.
You'd think you might notice that the kid comes to school with perfectly good pants, and goes home with holes in them.
Possible explanations:
~ Most kindergarten and first grade classes have centers while the teacher works with a small group. The kids are in the room with the teacher, but her attention is on the group she's working with. Some of these centers can revolve around art, hence needing scissors. 7 year olds are highly expected to be able to be given instructions to follow while the teacher is working with others.
~ Unless a child is particularly scruffy or dressed to the nines that day, I don't notice what they are wearing. At all. I notice their faces, but to notice what 20-25 kids are wearing and what it looks like when going home? Ha!
~ And there really is no way to say this without sounding rude ( and I don't mean to be ), but perhaps the blame should be placed on the child and not the teacher? 7 year olds should know better than to cut holes in their pants. I'd say try being in charge of 20 little kids' education, and then getting them packed up to go home, and see what you notice about their clothes at the end of the day. If my child came home with holes she cut in her pants, I would never even THINK to call the teacher about it because I'd be too busy punishing my child!
I'm not harping on you, but it is AMAAAAAAAZING the kinds of things teachers get blamed for. I had a father go absolutely batshit crazy on me because I only sent home one school picture order form and I didn't mail him one to another state so he could order some. I had no idea he even existed! My favorite story is when I had an African American girl in 1st grade who always wore tons of beads and bracelets that jangled loudly, and she was constantly distracting others by playing with them and not paying attention. One day I'd decided to take them away because she wouldn't stop playing with them. Never could get that mama in for a conference before, but low and behold she showed up the very next day in a huff because I took her kid's beads and bracelets away! Asked if she wanted to stay and conference about academics while she was there, but nope! She just wanted to bitch about the bracelets getting taken away.
And might I add, if a parent has a reputation for speaking up, and going to the principal if there are problems, that child will never become a target. It is always a child with uninvolved parents/parent that a teacher picks on. I have seen many teachers who are bullies, but are afraid of certain parents. Please don't think that I feel this way about every teacher, but this year I work in a couple of classrooms where this is happening and I feel very helpless. The principal doesn't care about the teaching assistant's opinion, but he does care about the parent's opinion.
I didn't mean to dsparage all teachers...this one just doesn't seem to care anymore. OTH when my distraught daughter approached last year's kindergartem teacher, that woman was all over the problem. Told us what to ask for, gave us a great recommendation for a psychologist and therapist, and volunteered to mentor the granddaughter for the next few years.
Like the poster said above, you've either got in you to teach, or you don't.
End of this topic. Back to my favorite topic...Kate snarkiness!
I meant to add, yes there are good teachers and bad teachers.
I've definitely had my share of bad teachers in my life, and my daughter had her share, too, and it was rough. And on the other side as a teacher, there are the dream parents and the parents from hell.
I see Kate as being a total parent from hell. I remember when Collin and Alexis were expelled, Kate tried to lay blame on the teachers not meeting their needs. No mention from her about C and A being bullies and hitting teachers.
I'm posting here thinking maybe Preesi reads here. I'm not a member at her forum but I read. She has a new post about Glad Tidings Church. Two things: i think Kate goes to Calvary Bible Fellowship not Glad Tidings. They are close geographically but are 2 diff churches. Also I don't think any Glad Tidings church is related to any other. I think they are all "independent" churches not a denomination. I know a few people at the Glad Tidings in Berks and I don't think they would do the horrible thing that she posted about.
(i'm not a Kate fan but I also like to clarify.)
Kate's kids go to an exclusive private school, which is nothing like public school. A private school can turn down any child they do not want to have attend their school. They can get rid of behavior problems, etc. They expect the parents to be involved to some degree and the parents have a financial investment in the school. There are usually not many kids with special needs or behavioral issues because the school does not have the staff for OT, PT, Speech/Language, ESOL, etc. I think the school went through some bad publicity when they expelled (or whatever) two of the Gosselin kids, and they are much more careful now. They will probably never expell or kick out a Gosselin kid again because of it being made public, so they will put up with more from them than another kid. As far as parent involvement goes, it does not seem that Kate does much at that school as far as volunteering goes. We would have heard about it if she did.
Border Collie's Mum: My three are happy to hear that there are other picky eaters. They would much rather eat treats than their dinners.
But don't give your dogs chicken jerky treats from China! That's for everybody; apparently they can make dogs very ill and some even died.
Jill, Kate's children's private school will not keep her kids in the school if they hit or are violent, bad publicity or not. They can't afford an exodus on the part of other parents who will not tolerate having THEIR children exposed to kids who can't control themselves.
Bottom line, those kids were expelled because the school could not afford to CONTINUE to allow them to attend.
Nobody pays private school tuition and allows their child to be hit or abused by another child, much less tolerates that kind of treatment toward a teacher.
The "bad publicity" she school worries about is anarchy in the classroom, and parents voting by not re-enrolling threatened students. It has nothing to do with expelling violent kids.
What Kate's done for the school, so far, is pay tuition for eight kids. So far, that's been enough.
The minute she can't, she'll get no help from the school and no help from other parents, either, because she's done nothing but alienate people. The sigh of relief as she goes out the door will probably be heard in three counties.
When Kate can't afford to pay to send her 8 perfect-top-of-the-class kids to private school she's going to be in a world of public humiliation.
If she can't afford to send them it will mean, *gasp* public school! And to her I think it will embarrass her with the lack of money.
Even if she says she's broke now her crying wolf will get nowhere later. I just cannot believe Kate will be able to continue to afford tuition I just don't see it happening.
And even if her kids *are* a the top of their class if she can't pay the school probably won't keep them.
I don't know what she's going to do when the kids might go to public school but I doubt she'd be all that thrilled with mediocre public schools of PA.
Mel said... 50
Not everyone should be a teacher....
......Uh...what's the rest of the class doing, and what is the teacher doing, while a 7 year old is cutting 6-10 holes in her jeans with safety scissors every day?
.... stressed by the teacher constantly screaming at the bully that sat next to her that she felt she had to cut her pants. How can you be so unobservant?
NOTE--This is OT. If you don't want to hear a personal story, then skip it! There are 2 parts--first about IEPS, second personal story about dd.
Part 1
I think you may have answered your own question. Very common that teachers notice the kids that are disruptive to the classroom and doesn't see the kids that are disengaged. Although there are some scenarios that might, somewhat, absolve the teacher (ex. overcrowded classrooms, multiple kids that are disruptive) that may result in overlooking a quiet little distracted girl, the fact that you describe the teacher as "screaming" points to a teacher that lacks classroom management skills.
Your granddaughter may be distracted because she is bored because she already knows the class material, may have a learning style that isn't being met by that teacher, may have a learning disability or ADD or a psychiatric disorder. Cutting her jeans may or may not be an indication of depression or self-mutilation. Kids that end up cutting themselves, later in life, will start doing compulsive destructive behaviors may not be noticed, like plucking out hair or scratching themselves.
Any parent can ask the school for an evaluation for an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) as well as screen for learning disabilities, psychiatric disorders and ADD. In our area, we have pediatricians that specialize in the diagnoses of ADD and ADHD and will write a letter requesting a full evaluation. For two of my children, it was invaluable ammunition to get the school to do a full psych evaluation and recommend an IEP.
Also, the teachers behavior should be reported to the principal--the more parents reporting, the more likely that the teacher will be evaluated.
Part 2
You could have been describing my youngest daughter, who, in middle school, was diagnosed with learning disabilities and ADD. At that age, she didn't cut her jeans--she drew all over her clothes, cut her hair and all of her sister's Barbies and dolls--including an American Girl doll. After a prolonged fight with the school, the psychologist finally spoke up and said that based on inconsistencies within her IQ test and standardized tests, a full battery of testing was warranted. Because of the peculiarities of Special Education funding in our state, the schools fight parents because it diverts funds from the General Education pool of money. Therefore, they focus solely on the disruptive children, because they sabotage the entire classroom.
My daughter has an IEP throughout high school and took a low dosage of Adderal. She attended a community college for her last two years of high school, earning dual high school and college credits. When she graduated high school, she had a full year of college credit (she only took her academics at college) and graduated from a state university in 3 years. While she needed accommodations for high school testing and flexible due dates, she was determined not to have them in college. Community college was much more in line with her learning style, in that she less academic classes to schedule and it stressed classroom participation. She is an interactive learner, meaning that just hearing a lecture or reading a textbook didn't hold her interests. Classroom discussion and visual projects were the best venues for her learning style. One of our state schools is unique, in that, it is very small (under 5000), was ungraded, stressed self-evaluation, course were, in most cases, taught by full professors and co-taught with intertwined disciplines. So, for example, one quarter module might be the study of the human body, and included life drawing, anatomy and physiology and yoga.
She worked in a children's museum, in their preschool program and decided she wanted to teach. She was fluent in French and contacted the French consulate and was given an English teaching position. This was a kid that couldn't organize her desk, or remember to put her name on the top of her paper or turn in a paper on time.
She taught English for a year--11 classes, ranging from age 11-22. She met a handsome young Frenchman and stayed another year, teaching as an English professor at the University of Bordeaux. The students were all within a few years in age--some younger and some older.
They have moved back to America and lived with us for 2 years, got married, he received a green card and she worked on her teaching certificate--which has been completed. She is working as the lead teacher in a highly-academic pre-school (all of the lead teachers have certificates), and her husband has a decent job with benefits. They have moved into their own place, nearby, and I couldn't be prouder of them.
Sorry if this is off-topic--just wanted to share some experience and hope with Mel! I could never have foreseen her future in that little girl that spent her days twirling and leaving a path of destruction in her wake. BTW, she comes from a long line of teachers, (I was the black sheep) and I don't think anything else was ever in her destiny. She is the teacher that we all want for our kids--professional, fun, focused and academically challenging.
Kate knows she's going to be in trouble when she has to pull the kids out of private school, and that there's more at stake than what she considers to be her precious social status.
Parents at the school have been very protective of the Gosselin children. Public school will be a whole different story.
Notice I said "when", not "if".
Canuck said... 64
Layla said...7 "Admin, she didn't go to celeb school. They don't know how to teach her"
I don't know if she's in LA for DWTS or not, but for sure she didn't go to celeb school! For years now she's been whining and complaining about people & paps taking her photo, following her around, etc. I guess they finally believed her! And note to Kate: YES, you've proven now that you can "go back" to your normal, mediocre life! Maybe she should have been a bit more careful about what she wished for. Basic rule of life: don't sh*t where you eat. No one paying attention now - she must be very happy.----
Catching up, but great post.
As far a Hailey, sorry but another wannabe whore. I can't pay any serious attention to a word she says after all of her media interviews (ME,ME,ME). This girl is another one out for herself only.
Any other twitter saying this would be funny. Hailey Attention Whore- not so much. Another trying to keep herself revelant. Another disgusting human being.
Kate Twitter- @MiloandJack lol. My same challenge. Meet me in person then try to hate me... Doesn't work! Real is real. Made up/hear say doesn't match ME! 31 minutes ago
What the hell is she twittering about? Pretty much everyone who acutally meets her hates her, and look at the trail of people who actually KNOW her. What conniving gibberish she puts out on Twitter. Facts speak a volume- Jon, Jamie, Ashley, Beth - need I go on.. the people who knew her the best.
My father was a teacher, I've been a teacher and am currently a (volunteer)classroom aide (my teaching certification lapsed while I was pursuing another career path and it would be unrealistic, at my age, to essentially begin again to recertify). Some people are born teachers regardless of their educational background. Some people can take all the methods courses ever offered and still be unable to teach, and many committed teachers are, these days, not being allowed to teach. There are too many mandates and distractions that get in the way. Too many parents dump their children into a classroom and expect them to come out with learning. It doesn't work that way. For every self-motivated child, there are literally hundreds who will get nowhere without parental involvement. Unfortunately, too many parents are too busy, too selfish or too ignorant to get involved. Then when things don't go the way they think they should, it's the teacher who gets the blame. When I was growing up, the rule was, if I got in trouble in school, I was in worse trouble at home. Now the rule is, if a kid gets in trouble at school, it's the teacher who is in trouble. Things are bassackwards. Interesting discussion. I'mn loving reading everyone's viewpoints.
inappropriate? We all bring our unique life experiences to this blog. Our personal stories shed a great deal of light on Kate's world. I, for one, like to read others' personal stories. As Teresa, move it on and others have suggested, if you find the stories boring or inappropriate, skip over them.
Dmasy and Border Collies mum -- sorry to hear about your life problems. Prayers and good thoughts heading your way.
Dulcie would like me to remind y'all that petting kitties and their purring helps people to relax. Also, kitties enjoy treats too.
OT for Mel:
Yes, my daughter did that too, cutting her jeans at the knees, although at a little older age. Then she, as ex-nurse says, started cutting things at home like blankets. Finally she was cutting herself. A teacher had decided she was not doing her best and gave her low grades and insults on everything she worked on. Of course she soon stopped trying. It took a lot of intervention(IEP and outside therapy) on my part to see that my daughter passed and was not bullied by an adult. Happens in every profession. My daughter, now in her late teens, remained a cutter since then. Of course there were underlying issues but she got to the point of using scissors in that teacher's class.
I hope your grand daughter does well with her future teachers and watch for signs at home and hoarding of sharp implements. :(
~~~ Sue Buddy :)
Meet me in person then try to hate me.. Okaaaay. She is getting 90% negative feedback and can't accept that she is doing something wrong. She is so delusional..,I'm so nice I can charm anyone. Whoever doesn't like me is jealous, lying or hasn't met me in person. Please.
Funny, after all our discussion of passing shoes on to other kids, today Kate is cleaning shoe cupboards and apparently discarding ANY too small....hmmm
Katie Cry-duh: yup, exactly why she is so annoying.
mom of the year said... 78
Totally agree. Kate has never ever dealt with reality nor put her kids first.
But lots of people HAVE met her in person and still don't like her. How does she explain that?
Katie Cry-duh said... 83
Delusional denial is a bitch. Facts are facts and they speak volumes over the years.
So much for the theory Kate went to L.A., since she's apparently got the kids at home baking and weeding!
I see she answered Hailey's request about the monkey munch recipe...and was honest about it being on the Chex box. lol
Also if you are spending so much of your time trying to convince people that they really would like you if only they gave you a chance, maybe you're doing something wrong.
Meet me in person then try to hate me
Talk about an easy challenge.
Kate.....you poor fool.......it's "hearsay" not "hear say." Now, your breathing is irritating me.
Kate Gosselin: Rage-A Message
by Sue Buddy
Thanks for the heads up on your great article, Sue :o)
Gosh, Kate's disgusting.
So, now she's challenging people to meet her, so that they can see that she's not an ogre (contrary to what MANY, MANY people have said after they crossed paths with her).
If her cruise from hell ever happens, she's going to be exhausted from holding in the "real"
I wonder how long it will take before she's blows a gasket?
I wager by the 5th day she'll be cursing like a truck driving sailor on shore leave.
Maybe she can marry herself....
I think Kate is still iving in the days where she was pulling the wool over many people's eyes. The majority of public can't stand her, what she has done over the years, how she treats people in public or people who know her and how she pimped her kids for her own glory.
I feel sorry for the pathetic few who are still buying her snake oil. The majority know it, and I think deep down even Kate knows her fame, glory, grifting, pimping, lies, using people, and "poor me" routine are over.
Once a pimp, always a pimp.
Auntie Ann, ha! Love it.
Remember when Kate blasted a critic on twitter and said she bets she does more for her kids in one day than the critic does for her kids all week? The reply was priceless, "I'll take that bet!".
She basically said that anyone who says bad things about her has made it up. I get it, so anyone who says GOOD things about her is to be believed and anyone who says bad just makes shit up.
Kate you are an idiot. WHHHY would person after person after person make crap up about you? Just to be a jerk? Em Tanner has the emails and you're SCARED and you know it.
I think Kate is still iving in the days where she was pulling the wool over many people's eyes.
Yes. She's living in the days where TLC, Jon, her helpers and nannies, Em Tanner, Jamie, Beth, her lawyers, and on and on would cover for her bad deeds and clean up all the messes she leaves in her wake.
Eventually, they couldn't take it anymore. One by one they left. It's over Kate. You've been exposed and it's not pretty.
I think the fall is officially on and we're watching it. Karma at work. Better stock up on that popcorn it could be quite a decent!
Kate is so great and admired that she must bring her own kids (twins) on a cruise of possibly, if that, 30 people to get a free cruise. Pathetic and speaks volumes
Gravy train running very much dry. Again delusional denial is a bitch. This is a parent of 8 living in delusional denial, otherwise, I couldn't care less.
PatK said...
I see she answered Hailey's request about the monkey munch recipe...and was honest about it being on the Chex box. lol
She's either being coy or she doesn't read WHO is tweeting her. I think it's the latter. hAiLeYgLaSsMaN1 does look like a 12-year-old tweeter.
What's next? @hAiLeYgLaSsMaN1 - welcome! just ignore the haters.
Geez Kate.
Katie Cry-duh said...
The reply was priceless, "I'll take that bet!".
No she didn't!! Bwhahaha.
I must have missed that one. You gotta love some of her haters.
The only thing I've learned from this fiasco is that apparently there is still good money to be had in the snake oil business. I should set up shop.
Guess we over- speculated; it appears supermom is home, and with it being a day with her kids, she is spending a fine Sunday afternoon trying on HER shoes to weed the closet. Seriously. Because she has no time M-F when her kids are gone 9+ hours?
I totally agree about how it doesn't really matter what your background is, you can find good teachers and bad teachers anywhere.
You can say this about any and every profession, from waitressing to mechanics to astrophysicists.
My mother had a lung surgeon at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, best in the WORLD, who after doing a biopsy on her lung cancer (which spread from her breast cancer), came into the room to see how my mother did on a breath function test. My mom blew into the contraption, barely moving the little ball thingy, and looked at the doctor and asked how she did.
The doctor, with her two residents/interns whatever they are called, by her side, looked at my mother and said; "That was pathetic."
Does this mean that we should have ZERO qualifications for doctors because this doctor has obvious psychological problems relating to patients?
Or is it just that teachers are so stupid that none of them should have credentials to begin with?
Because that is how these posts are coming across. I'm not sure what these "my teacher sucked so all teachers suck so we should just hire kids out of school with no training" stories are trying to accomplish.
There are good and bad in EVERY profession. It does NOT mean that training should not be required. Some of the stupidest people I have ever met have PhDs; some of the smartest haven't even gone to college.
But damn straight I want someone who has been trained as a professional to work as a professional, regardless of the field.
I'm taking her trying on shoes to mean herself since she mentioned 'shoe closet'. Don't picture a bunch of kids having one but she sure as hell would need one at the rate she buys shoes for herself. My snark at that is 'how many middle-aged adults outgrow shoes'?
Oh, I thought she meant the kids since they did clothes last week..how could Kate outgrow shoes?? Yes, she has a shoe closet ( the girls said she needed an extension on it!) but she keeps rows and rows of shoes in plain sight in cubbies in that house, so I assumed those were what she meant?? Who knows? Is it really worth telling people about, lol? I think it's because she read our opinions on passing shoes on, as I stated in an earlier post.
Once a Viewer said... 105
I think it's because she read our opinions on passing shoes on, as I stated in an earlier post.
teehee. What should we get her to do next?
Auntie Ann- 106 ------------------
Grow A Soul for $100 please : )
lol. I'd like to see her develop some humility , too.
@Anonymous said... 103
I believe you're reading more into the posts than was actually intended by the authors. I don't recall reading "my teacher sucked so all teachers suck so we should just hire kids out of school with no training" although it may be your usage of quotes that confuses me. Regarding the personal stories about bad/inept teachers, I doubt that there are many parents that haven't had to deal with that situation at least once. I enjoy the personal slant of this blog and IMO it's part of what makes me feel a sense of community when I read it. I do hope that you'll stick around, get an actual screen name, and join us here.
Grow a conscience. Give the kids up to Jon and go on her merry way.
Well of course she was nice to Diane whoever! The woman was giving her camera time. Bet they wouldn't have had their nice little 'mom' chat if Diane had been the cleaning lady.
The only reason I brought up a bad experience with a well qualified teacher is just to prove that point that you can put someone who maybe isn't as credentialed as you would like in TFA and have them work out great. Of course all teachers should have credentials. But credentials do not always make great teachers. It's just not so simple as to get the TFA teachers well qualified and keep the retention rates high and the problem is solved. Unfortunately no.
Kate Twitter- @MiloandJack lol. My same challenge. Meet me in person then try to hate me... Doesn't work! Real is real. Made up/hear say doesn't match ME! 31 minutes ago
________________________________________________She is confirming that the "realist" of reality shows wasn't so real after all?
So, Kate, how about organizing a "meet and greet" in a location that is easily accessible and affordable for everyone to give them the opportunity to meet the "real" you. (The cruise does not qualify as convenient or affordable).
I actually did think she'd answer Halley, and she did. Her hate seems to be reserved for Jon. She doesn't seem to care about Halley or Ellen. Her focus is razor sharp on Jon alone. I seem to recall her interacting with the parent Glassman's not long ago. The bitterness doesn't seem to spill over. I thought it was beyond strange when Jon had the affair with the daughter of the folks who did the free surgery on his wife, and showed up for dinner with them with the daughter, but Kate doesn't care.
Regarding the dog treats from China, yes I had a big new fresh bag I threw out without opening. There are a lot of problems with any dog food or chemicals from China. Unfortunately, several years ago one of their chemicals hit the food in brands manufactured in the U.S. and Canada and many animals died or had severe kidney damage. Has me going back to making my own dog food that they can turn their noses up at in favor of "goodies".
All good ideas you guys but she couldn't accomplish any of them. Humility? Conscience? Not a chance.
Sigh. We may have to settle for getting her to flush out the septic tank.
Last OT.....I wasn't blaming the teacher for the problem, of which there clearly is one. I was frustrated that the teacher was unaware that there *was* a problem. When my DD asked what was going on, the teacher could only offer that she'd never heard of such a thing and not only didn't know it was happening, but had no idea why.
Well, I hadn't heard of it either. But I got on the stick and started researching. The hoarding idea...I'd thought of that. Guess who's room was completely emptied out under the guise of Nana doing spring cleaning. :) Everything sharp in the house has been removed from access. And a very watchful eye on the little one.
The school and other teachers have been fabulous offering ideas and support to my daughter, who was terrifed of where this was headed.
The kindergarten teacher was great and got DD connected with a child behavioral psych guy, who implemented a battery of tests and evaluations. Guess who's eval came back with nothing more than yes/no answers and clearly knew nothing about the kid, and which one had paragraphs written with good insights.
We are hopefully on a good path to healing now, getting her the help she needs to be happy and succeed. Thanks all for the ideas.....
AuntieAnn said... 106
teehee. What should we get her to do next?
Hmmmm. Let's see:
Take her kids to one stinkin' movie.
Learn how to spell.
Stop making up nonsense words.
Get a mediocre job.
Stop parking in the fire lane.
Tweet for one day without using the words I, MY, ME or MINE.
Tell everyone where they can buy that good bra.
Oh, sorry Auntie. I got a little carried away. There are just so many things to choose from.
I vote seeing her actually DO some yard work when the kids are in school. All alone. By herself. No Steve. No hired help. Just her...alright maybe a pair of rubber gloves. No iphone.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 95
She basically said that anyone who says bad things about her has made it up. I get it, so anyone who says GOOD things about her is to be believed and anyone who says bad just makes shit up.
How delusional of her. It is almost as if she knows even the sheeple believe she is an unpleasant wench and this is preventing them from signing up for her un-pleasure cruise. She's trying to tell them that for $3,000+ a sheep she'll be really nice!!!!
3 out of the 4 members of the band Poison are from my area (no Kate, you are NOT the most famous person in PA). They have had some dicey times for sure and definite problems with drugs, infighting, etc. But what NO ONE from the area will dispute is how they have never turned their backs on little podunk PA. Their warmth and generosity to their hometown is legendary. Even more legendary is how good they've been to their working class parents who supported them every step of the way in their dream. There is no "panic" or bodyguards when they come home, even when they were at their peak. I have never *ever* heard one incident in the 25 years since they hit it big about them being jerks or rude when out in public around here.
Then there's Kate. Who is not only known for being vile to everyone she comes in contact with in her neck of the woods, numerous reports have surfaced in the wake of all her US and world travels about how rude she is. She's backpedaling now because she's trying to make a buck. It is as if she has a phobia or disorder that prevents her from being civil unless she's getting paid or benefitting in some way, combined with a crippling fear that someone might make 10 cents off of her. It's bizarre and sad beyond words.
Meet me in person then try to hate me
Kate has said this statement many times in the past year or so. What Kate does not realize is that we have met her already. Why doesn't Kate count the numerous, numerous hours that we have viewed of her on tv as meeting her? Of course we have gotten to KNOW Kate very well through her two tv series. And we have gotten to know Kate through her numerous tv interviews. We have gotten to know Kate through many her many magazine interviews that she has given in People. We have gotten to know Kate through DWTS show and the many interviews that followed about her performance on DWTS. We have gotten to know Kate through a year of her not stop twittering about her personal life and her kids lives. We have gotten to know Kate through her own website and the numerous articles she has written on it. And we have gotten to know Kate through numerous people that have met her and told us about their experience with her. And lastly, we have gotten to met Kate through her writings in three books where she tells us all about herself and family.
It is ridculous that Kate states ONLY if we would met her then we would like her. The public does know Kate personally. No, we have not met her in the flesh but so what. Kate said her tv shows were real so didn't we met the real Kate. All the interviews she gave on very reputable tv shows were the real Kate talking to a professional interviewer about her life. We saw the real Kate dancing and treating her partner and giving live interviews about her experience. And her twitter have been verified so we are reading the real Kate's thoughts that she is writing to us.
It infuritates me when she says ONLY if we would meet her in the flesh for a few minutes we would love her. Why, because in those few minutes after the introduction she can pour on the fake charm and sweetness. No, I say we have all meet Kate numerous times, through numerous media, through numerous years of her life, and WE DON"T LIKE HER.
AuntieAnn said... 106
Once a Viewer said... 105
I think it's because she read our opinions on passing shoes on, as I stated in an earlier post.
teehee. What should we get her to do next?
-Allow her kids to visit their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
-Go for counseling.
-Live in anonymity.
Call Me Crazy said... 118
Oh, sorry Auntie. I got a little carried away. There are just so many things to choose from.
It's okay. Make believe is fun. lol.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 113
The only reason I brought up a bad experience with a well qualified teacher is just to prove that point that you can put someone who maybe isn't as credentialed as you would like in TFA and have them work out great. Of course all teachers should have credentials. But credentials do not always make great teachers. It's just not so simple as to get the TFA teachers well qualified and keep the retention rates high and the problem is solved. Unfortunately no.
I don't think that anyone has suggested that having a credential guarantees a good teacher. What is being said is that good teachers don't materialize out of thin air; training and experience matter. To imply otherwise is insulting to teachers, whether or not it is intended to be. There is substantial research to support differences in teacher effectiveness, as measured by student achievement, between 1st and 2nd year teachers and those with more experience.
I'm sure there are lawyers out there with 20 years under their belt who still suck. Despite that, I think you'd agree that you would not have been as good a lawyer from the outset if you were allowed to begin practicing law without completing law school. Teaching is no different. If you were 22 years-old and thrown in front of 25-30 kids and told to "teach them," with absolutely no training in classroom management, child development, etc., does it really stand to reason that you'd be good at the job? I wouldn't! The fact that some people still aren't good at the job 10 years down the line, credential in hand, doesn't change that reality. Teacher tenure and the difficulty of getting rid of bad teachers is a whole 'nother discussion.
AMD said... 114
Kate Twitter- @MiloandJack lol. My same challenge. Meet me in person then try to hate me... Doesn't work! Real is real. Made up/hear say doesn't match ME! 31 minutes ago ________________________________________________
She is confirming that the "realist" of reality shows wasn't so real after all?
No, she knew exactly how to portray herself on tv:
“I’m really good at producing our show because I know our lives. I know how to convey us for real,” Gosselin tells me. “I know when things translate into TV and what’s not quite as accurate as you want it to be. I’m good at it 'cause I live this life.”
Would Kate really act like her true authentic self when meeting people for the first time? She's trying to create a better media image of herself, but it would be interesting to see how she reacts if something goes wrong on this cruise (bad weather, constantly annoying fans, no VIP service, etc.) - something along the lines of the RV trip or her rude behavior with the Sky Jump instructor when she was out of her comfort zone.
I think both shows showed Kate's true authentic self, as we witnessed her personality and behavior towards loved ones. Those are the people she didn't have to impress, so her guard was down and she didn't have to fake it for them. "Can-do Kate" from J&K Plus 8's season 5 was more of careful branding to the new viewers who tuned-in out of curiosity; she wasn't doing it because she felt the need to step-up as a mother to help her kids as they went through a divorce.
There's one thing when people might get a wrong impression of you based on others' stories, but viewers actually saw how Kate interacted with others, including her loved ones, and based their opinion of her on those. If a show misrepresented you early on, wouldn't you have either stopped filming the show or gained more "producer" control to make sure you were shown as authentically as possible?
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 122
-Allow her kids to visit their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
-Go for counseling.
-Live in anonymity.
Pink - On a serious note, I wonder if Kate will notice that everything you and others are suggesting can't be bought or grifted? That's her problem.
Hey KATE- got that? You can't grift the intangibles in life.
Kate Twitter- @MiloandJack lol. My same challenge. Meet me in person then try to hate me... Doesn't work! Real is real. Made up/hear say doesn't match ME! 31 minutes ago
How dare her. I mean it. We have given Kate numerous chances to get to know her through out the past 6 years or so. And now she realizes the vast public doesn't like her she wants another chance for us to meet her. But this time, she wants us to commit a whole week of our time and to pay her personally hundreds of dollars to do it on a cruise. Again, how dare her.
Only Kate could use everyone's hate for her to try to turn it into a way to make money by trying to get people to go on a cruise and see if they don't hate her. Take the Kate Hate Challenge!
If she were really interested in such a thing she would have done the meet and greet in Missouri some fans were trying to set up.
She really is despicable.
#chancertheboxer @Kateplusmy8 Still picking shit out of ur azz I see. Now scat.
I don't do Twitter. I am tweeting-challenged. This was sent by a fan. Does this mean that Kate sees this (and the language) assuming she doesn't have this person blocked?
Kate, honey, as far as anyone can tell, NO ONE likes you in person, unless they're paid to do so.
What about the people who have met her and worked with her that have nothing good to say?
Rene Syler
Lee Woodruff
Walt the neighbor
Johnny Weir
The Detroit group that brought her in to speak
Who am I missing? She may be able to fake pleasant for a two second photo, but really try working with the woman.
Kate Twitter- @MiloandJack lol. My same challenge. Meet me in person then try to hate me... Doesn't work! Real is real. Made up/hear say doesn't match ME
Oh, geez, Kate. Watch what you say. There are those here who DO know you and while they may not hate you, they do hate what has been done to your kids...all in the name of fame and greed. What you see is what you get, and it's not very pretty.
What's really funny in this challenge is you know darn well that if someone were to meet her, she'd be all sunshine and roses. If she were trying to convince someone that she's a likeable person, she's certainly not going to be nasty and aloof!
Not to mention it's sort of irrelevant if she is a nice person .... whatever, it doesn't change the fact that you exploit your kids. I don't care if you're the sweetest, gentlest human being on the face of the earth, it doesn't excuse exploitation.
AuntieAnn said... 126
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 122
-Allow her kids to visit their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
-Go for counseling.
-Live in anonymity.
Pink - On a serious note, I wonder if Kate will notice that everything you and others are suggesting can't be bought or grifted? That's her problem.
Hey KATE- got that? You can't grift the intangibles in life.
AuntieAnn, she'll never get it.
It doesn't help Kate that her enablers have spun a protective cocoon around her, feeding her what she wants to hear.
What she needs is a little tough love.
I'm taking her trying on shoes to mean herself since she mentioned 'shoe closet'. Don't picture a bunch of kids having one but she sure as hell would need one at the rate she buys shoes for herself. My snark at that is 'how many middle-aged adults outgrow shoes'?
Kate buys her shoes too small. If she's cleaning out her closet, the consignment shop is going to hit the jackpot with hooker heels!
Kate doesn't have a show any more. Why would anyone want to be her fan? she may never get another gig on tv.
@kateplusmy8 I'm so bored with the haters. It's the same old stuff day after day, they need new material.TweetFavorite5 hours agoTwitter.
ok, then talk to me! I feel like I've been ignored while you all fight amongst yourselves! Come back! Come back!;).
Good Lord. How uncomfortably needy.
Too much.
Not-A-Tweeter said... 129
#chancertheboxer @Kateplusmy8 Still picking shit out of ur azz I see. Now scat.
I don't have a twitter account but I can see all the tweets to Kate through twazzup.com/kateplusmy8 It so happens I came across the above twit. This person who wrote this is a big fan of Kate's. The person's name has TRIP in it. Figure it out There is another person on twitter at this moment making an excellent point. Their point is twitter is hurting Kate very badly. Alot of Kate's most rabid fans tweet disguisting things to the non-fans. And Kate not telling them to stop it is her condoning it. These twitter wars are hurting her reputation. Go read all the tweets from her most die-hard fans and you get a great sense that they are very low class nuts. Of course, not all her fans, but many are. Kate really needs to get off of twitter. It is not helping her at all in finding a job. We all know that any prospective employer would be reading her twitter feed. The worst part is Kate is befriending these nuts like Goody (not full name) and such. And Kate will be judge by the twitter friends she makes. But Kate is too desperate for the attention to realize or act on the advice to get off twitter.
Hey, Teresa.
You and Dwindle come on over anytime, everyone can come. I made a big pot of Witch's Brew and we'll all be well fed. Kettle is always on here-it must be the English in me.Made some homemade buns too,so let's go.
Witch's Brew is just a very yummy macaroni casserole,with 2 cheeses, lean ground beef, tomatoes,onions and sometimes fresh corn in it.I use my own canned tomatoes, so it's extra good.
It's cold here to-day, perfect for some comfort food, one of hubbie's and grandson's favourites..Cole slaw and beet pickles on the side. My g'son likes the crunchy topping, buttered breadcrumbs and cheddar cheese baked in oven @ 350*s.
Bring bearswife; she was having a poopy day yesterday,OK?
Kate never wanted to be friendly with her so called fans before.
Speaking of Twitter, her's Kate:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack lol. My same challenge. Meet me in person then try to hate me... Doesn't work! Real is real. Made up/hear say doesn't match ME!
And here's Sue Buddy's response:
Sue Buddy Sue Buddy @Sue_Buddy
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Great! Let's do lunch. I'll buy.
Sue Buddy, you are the BEST!
No. Kate is not delightful . . . . . She is delusional
Michelle said: What about the people who have met her and worked with her that have nothing good to say?
Rene Syler
Lee Woodruff
Walt the neighbor
Johnny Weir
The Detroit group that brought her in to speak
How about Jodi, Ashley, Jamie. Those were 3 people that were very close to her that said very negative things about her. I know Ashley still see the kids but I think her relationship with Kate is nil or very shaky at best. And has anyone heard Kate mention Jamie in the past 7 months?
Also Jill Zarin from NY Housewifes ice skated at the event that Johnny did and had negative things to say about her.
@Kateplusmy8 Hav U decided on a Vaca 4 2012?Cruz w/Kate on Royal Carib&learn all her Super Mom Secrets!Go 2 http://t.co/fLU9Tz26(preview) Email me
Um, Cindy...they are such a secret that even Kate doesn't know what they are!
@Kateplusmy8 Retweet If U love Kate! Go on http://t.co/fLU9Tz26(preview) Email me! This Summer get to know Kate & Cruise w/ her 2 the Carib!
Well, we know that YOU are in love with her, but how can a cruiser get to know Kate on a cruise when you won't disclose details of the events in which the cruiser MIGHT be interacting with her, even if only for five minutes?
What she needs is a little tough love.
Yeah but no one can give her that. If they try she banishes them from her life. She's beyond help. Milo will be the next to go, just watch.
Oh, I forgot years ago on GWOP website they copied several writings of one of her sisters that basically said she was torn between having a relationship with her parents or Kate. Her sister is a strong evangelical who was grieved by Kate's actions toward her. When her sister realized her writings were being passed around she stopped writing them. But by then, GWOP had copied her exact words she had written about Kate.
Another person who meet Kate a few times was AJ from his HLN show Showbiz Tonight program. He said negative things about Kate. My goodness, Kate must of been at least TRYING to impress him and yet she couldn't pull it off for the few minutes she was around him.
Wesrbrooke said... 142
No. Kate is not delightful . . . . . She is delusional
...and nuts!
no, I don't think Kate will change too much...but it is funny how she does seem to pay attention to what reaction her tweets get!! Now she always mentions church, doing things with the kids, fab meals, her top students etc so IF you didn't 'know' her, you might think she was ok- a blabbermouth, but maybe ok.
...but she ruins it by sneaking in all the stuff about herself and the grifting, name-dropping....but it's amusing that she says she doesn't pat attention to others. She sure does, but only in a superficial way...
@Kateplusmy8 not at the kids vomiting may I add but at the crew etc! They're hysterical. Lol xx
It is a Sunday night at 7:30 and I would assume her 8 kids are home from Jon's. Yet she is on Twitter AGAIN laughing about her kids puking on film. But she thinks it was all great because after all they made memories. Wow! She is sick.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@julesey10 I know! Who knew our crew would be so efficient at catching my kids puke? Poor babies..but, we survived AND made memories!:)
@julesey10 I know! Who knew our crew would be so efficient at catching my kids puke? Poor babies..but, we survived AND made memories!:)
Yes, because in Kate-land the only way to "make memories" is to have a film crew document it. But really, what parent actually wants to remember (on FILM no less) their kids puking???? I think every time Kate types/says the word "memories" she's really meaning "money." When will this shrew quit circling the drain and finally be flushed for good???!!!
recent tweet: says she made a 10/10 dinner ( who brags like that?) but kids had their eyes shut so they are all going to bed, even Kate...what is with the 'exhaustion' that runs in this family? Maybe the kids still need to nap...
I liked M/J's tweet where she said that KT needed some new haters, because the old ones were starting to like her (meaning herself). I thought it was funny. And that is a little bit true, I think because I for one consider her a victim of the Kool-Aid of sorts. I do like the fact that she loves animals and nature and tries to project that on to KT, and doesn't walk on eggshells like some do afraid of saying the wrong thing. I think she sees in KT an attractive woman who has all these opportunities yet cuts her nose off to spite her face every single time. And that with a little direction KT could fulfill all the dreams that she, M/J, has for her, so that she can live vicariously through her, and ultimately, be a part of that. She just can't wrap her head around the fact that KT could care less even though she has made it abundantly clear, with her own words. Just give her a nanny, a credit card, put her an airplane and a nice hotel with a fancy restaurant while everyone else works to make it all happen for her, and she will be happy, be damned with how anyone else feels about it including the kids. As my uncle rich uncle used to say, nothing is free, everything comes with a price.
They are tired because she is working them too hard. Who makes kids weed on Sunday, when she herself says their entire week is chores, dinner, homework, showers, bed. They have no life.
Well, Kate,
That's one way of buying something you don't need.You should have bought all your shoes to fit your big, Flinstone toe and you wouldn't have to waste this time and money! Method in your madness, eh?
Why don't you try acting like a real Mom and buy your kids some new shoes instead? I can't believe Kate makes her poor kids wear hand-me- down shoes. Fine ,if there is no money, but she never wears them and kids feet are way more important than hers.
Thanks Kate, but I know how I feel about you and meeting you would be puke- inducing.I have never heard anyone say that you're lovable in person. You would have to pay your tweeties a boatload of money I think , after they meet you on the cruise.
Yes, you grow on people I guess, but it is more like a negative, fungus kind of loving that only antibiotics will cure.I'll pass, thanks so much, bye bye now.Enjoy your flight to mediocrity, hope it's a bumpy, hellish ride to make up for all the 1st class tickets you never appreciated at all.
Auntie Ann, want to come over and watch Kate's plane do a last fly- over? I bet she'll tip her wings at us! I saved some gulash for you.She thinks she so special that she can make us like her.Good luck with that delusion, not happenin', nevah.
Does anyone know where Steve is? Has he been around since Kate's twittering hate-fest with everyone, or is he really gone for good? Also, has Jon quit smoking- hope so if the kids will be with him more.
Thinking of you to-day, Hippie Chick for some reason.Hope you are well. Admin., do you know?
And can I just say that I love Duck Dynasty. When I saw the previews with the cars and the rings I thought oh this is going to be. But those people have had that money for a long time and they are still just down home country people that live off the land and eat what they catch and kill (which I thought I wouldn't like but they live off of it and that is their preference. I thought it would be a show of wealth and excess but it is anything but that. They have strong family values and project that onto the show. And the mother, she is the matriarch. She said don't get too comfortable I got of some frogs for my cooking DVD. Everybody wants to know how I cook my food and I promised. They stayed all night catching frogs and helped her with the DVD. I hope the show doesn't change them. I find it refreshing.
Mama Dawn @steelergirl1014 · Open
@Kateplusmy8 Stop trying 2prove the haters wrong. The more you focus on your support the less you'll see the hate.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@steelergirl1014 thx. I totally agree.Energy used for good for my kids only...forge ahead in r wonderful life. All they'll ever be is mean!
Yes, that's what this is about. We just want to be "mean" to Kate. She can't see anything outside the context of the brain of a 14 year old.
__________________This is a great article about Kate. Yes, it is old and many may have read it but many may not have. Note how he mentions that he has heard firsthand from many people how rude Kate is. By the way, he is Renee Syler's husband. Renee did the pilot for the women's tv talk show that bombed a few years ago.
It's one thing to film your kids' puke for a national audience. It's quite another to still be laughing about it years later with absolutely no insight into why exposing their most vulnerable moments like that was wrong.
Man behind the curtain said... 151
@julesey10 I know! Who knew our crew would be so efficient at catching my kids puke? Poor babies..but, we survived AND made memories!:)
Yes, because in Kate-land the only way to "make memories" is to have a film crew document it. But really, what parent actually wants to remember (on FILM no less) their kids puking???? I think every time Kate types/says the word "memories" she's really meaning "money." When will this shrew quit circling the drain and finally be flushed for good???!!!
Man Behind the Curtain - good call! I do believe when she says "memories" she means "money". Let's try it out!
Kate: I know! Who knew our crew would be so efficient at catching my kids puke? Poor babies . . but,we survived AND made MONEY! : )
Ha! Who knew? Memories = money in katespeak.
How many times has she said that their reality show was "real". Well, if it was real, we have already met her and we didn't like what we saw. How could meeting her in person change our opinion of her? If anything, it would reinforce our opinions.
In all her tweets we hear about chores, food, homework, showers, etc. but I have never heard that the children have their friends over for a visit or lunch. These children need individual friends in order to develop socially.
Hey Kate: I think if I spent time around you in person, I'd feel even more negatively about you than I do now.
As for her kids falling asleep during dinner, I thought immediately of what Pity Party said. She had them outside weeding for probably a long time, either to get them out of her hair or as a punishment. So they're very exhausted. Win-win for her, they'll pass out any minute.
She's such a good-for-nothing oxygen hog.
's quite another to still be laughing about it years later with absolutely no insight into why exposing their most vulnerable moments like that was wrong.
Absolutely. How could she have not grown as a person in character, having a sense for what is right and wrong? With so many critical comments about that episode, what kind of a person still sees it as funny and does not have the ability to do any kind of soul-searching or introspection and at least examine that situation and think that perhaps that wasn't in the best interest of the children?
It's bad enough to film this for the public, but to consider it a memory just goes against anything any good parent has within themselves.
Memories of puke, nice. She is still laughing about that - no doubt good memories for her. The woman has a fixation with bodily fluids. People who might not get seasick on a small boat might be surprised to learn that they could get seasick on a big ship, especially when you get out into the tongue of the ocean in the rolling seas. I have seen it and it is not pretty. I have seen a seasoned veteran of the sea turn absolutely green and could not move without throwing up, and it was mid voyage. Those kids were really, really sick and she thought it was hilarious. She wrongfully in her twisted thought process saw ratings gold I do believe. Not everyone likes to see that, especially when it is kids who are begging to go back but, no, we have to go further, carry on, the crew will take of it. Be gone.
Sorry for my sloppy posts - I should edit but need that time to read.
This makes me sick ( pardon the pun) When I think of the times my kids were sick, it makes me so upset, and they were both relatively well children. I can't fathom laughing at any sickness or sadness or other 'bad times' they experienced, let alone re-viewing it time after time and sharing even that!!
Kate, why YOU gotta be so mean?
To be honest with the way Kate carries on like this on Twitter with not being defeated, defining you and all this...it truly makes we wonder what in the heck she pumps into those kids' heads. Can you just imagine the garbage she spews at them?
Take it, one comes home crying because they might have gotten teased for something someone saw on their show, I can hear Kate say, "Well, are you going to let it define you?" Or something just as equally lame if not worse.
Kate's not exactly, well, the comforting motherly type really. She's more of the one to point out your past mistakes and never let you forget it. Grill you over small issues...what, are the kids kabobs?
Their thought process could be screwed up or at least eschewed later on in life. Not with, one day you can have servants if you work really hard, so what if people make fun of you.
Hasn't she already sharply defined that her children have to be a certain sex and never outside the box? The lizard backpack, no cakes for boys, be a man. It's really almost frightening to wonder without cameras Kate's got nothing to hold her back on whatever she tells her kids.
Kate isn't this sugar sweet lovable person, and the more she keeps shoving sugar down your throat the less likely it is it's true. You can't act like that was the real you on TV for 7 years when you claim it was real. No way. You are either entirely just as witchy off camera as you are on camera no mistake about it. Even if you do edit it. The drama captured is still who you are.
@julesey10 I know! Who knew our crew would be so efficient at catching my kids puke? Poor babies..but, we survived AND made memories!:)
That is just sick. NO pun intended. Who says things like that? only BAD MOTHERS. Poor babies is right.
hey jude - did you say gulash?!! That knock at the door will be me.
Kate said she has never been on a cruise. Well, I hope that when (if) this cruise happens, that she'll end up puking her guts out, and when that happens I hope someone on the ship will take pictures.
When Steve asks that person to delete said pictures, they can just tell him "Oh, I'm just recording MY "memories" of my cruise.
But seriously, she's shown her kids puking, pooping, etc. and calls it making memories. Would she feel the same if she were the subject of such memories?
hat kind of a person still sees it as funny and does not have the ability to do any kind of soul-searching or introspection and at least examine that situation and think that perhaps that wasn't in the best interest of the children?
I guess this is Kate's F-U to us. I don't care how right you think you are about this exploitation, F-U I'm gonna laugh about it and there's nothing you can do about it.
But don't you dare ask her a simple question like when she lost her virginity.
RE: Admin @147
I think that one went right over her pretty little head (as we say in the country). It may have looked like she was being facetious but I think the only word she got was support.
Still catching up. I read from the bottom up.
@julesey10 I know! Who knew our crew would be so efficient at catching my kids puke? Poor babies..but, we survived AND made memories!:)
Why Kate, you made darn sure that the crew was "efficient" and capturing your children during such an embarrassing moment -- You even pointed one of them in Aaden's direction to make sure they got a good shot of his covered back! This tweet is appalling. It shows that she doesn't see one thing wrong with exposing such a thing. I mean, I know we were all well aware that she doesn't care, but just seeing her tweet about it......ugh.....there really are no words.
I wonder if the Gosselin kids have watched that episode. I sure hope not. If I ever came across a home video of me throwing up, I would be beyond mortified, and that wouldn't have been broadcasted in front of the entire nation!
She is a baffling creature, isn't she? I recently graduated college, where I majored psychology. In no text book or case study did I ever read about anyone or anything that comes close to Kate Gosselin.
And Kate? That is NOT a compliment.
Oh my god! Kate! Could you be anymore less than decent? This Tweet goes WAY beyond anything I think she might have posted.
Her children could read this someday! She's sick, she knows it but she'll never get help!
hey jude - did you say gulash?!! That knock at the door will be me.
I'm already there and at the supper table. Sorry, Auntie, you'll have to lick the bowl because there's nothing left!
Well, darn. My sweet teenager has been throwing up all day. I've been on the phone, trying desperately to get a crew here to film it. I know she'll want the memories. And then, too, it can run on Youtube indefinitely! She's always so put together, but today she looks like she's been through the mill. A good camera crew will catch all that. If anyone knows of one, PLEASE let me know, This would make GREAT TV. And I'll be laughing about her suffering years later. It works for everyone!
(Man behind the curtain, love "memories" = "money." Touché!)
All I can say when looking at this picture is that's a damn good bra and I want one! Thanks for the link Maggie @158.
The globe appearance at the top of her breasts is a dead giveaway. Natural breasts that are on the smaller side usually have sort of a sloping shape on top with a more rounder shape on the bottom. Nice try though Kate.
Secret is in how u handle bad days.Will they defeat u or refine u?U decide!:)tom is a new day!
I present to Kate a third option that she really should not rule out. In that is, are YOU the cause of your own bad day???
Virginia Pen Mom has left a new comment on the post "Moochers U.S.A.":
Well, darn. My sweet teenager has been throwing up all day. I've been on the phone, trying desperately to get a crew here to film it. I know she'll want the memories. And then, too, it can run on Youtube indefinitely! She's always so put together, but today she looks like she's been through the mill. A good camera crew will catch all that. If anyone knows of one, PLEASE let me know, This would make GREAT TV. And I'll be laughing about her suffering years later. It works for everyone!
Virginia Pen Mom, that is so thoughtful of you! I bet your daughter would love to have those memories preserved, maybe she can show the video at her wedding. I'm sure her future in-laws will love to see her in her present condition.
Jude, when you described your Witches Brew it sounded like goulash to me and lo and behold it is! I will be over in a jiffy. I'll bring some ice cream for dessert.
The globe appearance at the top of her breasts is a dead giveaway. Natural breasts that are on the smaller side usually have sort of a sloping shape on top with a more rounder shape on the bottom. Nice try though Kate.
Has Kate ever denied the boob job? I know that she said she got a good bra (I want one, too!), but did she ever come right out and say she did not have breast surgery? It may be one of those Kate things - the half-truths. She probably did get a good bra in addition to the surgery, but never flat-out denied the surgery...kind of like Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman..." statement.
yep. There will be many more...Secret is in how u handle bad days.Will they defeat u or refine u?U decide!:)tom is a new day!
This sad young person was looking for something to make her feel better. Not worse.
Let's hope this young person is not suicidal. Kate? You are very UNKIND. F.U.
I think she once said the only plastic she had was a tummy tuck.
Of course she could compartmentalize it in her head boobs aren't "plastic."
Question: When (not IF, but WHEN) Kate puts the kids in public school and whines about how she can't afford their tuition, how is she going to explain her trips to NYC to get her hair fried? Cause we know she's not going to give that up.
really?! said... 180
yep. There will be many more...Secret is in how u handle bad days.Will they defeat u or refine u?U decide!:)tom is a new day!
This sad young person was looking for something to make her feel better. Not worse.
Let's hope this young person is not suicidal. Kate? You are very UNKIND. F.U.
Suicidal? All the kid said was that she was having an awful day. There was nothing about her Tweet to indicate any serious mental health issue. And apparently Kate didn't make it worse, as if you check out the girl's Twitter feed she was excited to get a response.
I don't see what was so "unkind" about the response.
"There will be many more" is a little much for a teen feeling down, but it's certainly not the worse thing Kate has ever said to her fans.
It certainly concerns me if a sad teen is crying out to a washed up celebrity, I wouldn't downplay it.
Does she really think people can't function without her morning and evening announcements?!
It's just bizarre.
Anything Kate wants for herself, house and tuition will be the LAST things Kate gives up.
Won't say I'll be surprised her kids end up in public school...most private schools are more costly. If anything I think to her it will mean her kids don't get to wear matching clothes to school not unless she makes them.
What I wonder is, how many times can somebody fry their hair before they start to lose it? I mean hair has been known to fall out. Over processed, died, other chemicals your hair was made to be treated like a factory. Why does she have to be blonde anyway? It doesn't make you any more attractive than a red head or someone with brown hair does it?
As a mom with 8 kids all under the age of 12...her nails should go. I don't see any moms who have time to sit and have their nails done.
Kate's just a whole basket of crazy mixed in with a lot bunch of nuts and organic crap. No way is it ever going to sorted out.
@Kateplusmy8 So sweet dreams 2all the tired lil Gosselins..& big tired soon 2b a meager, young vibrant 27 yr old mother!!! (whoops 37 :) )
Keep it up, Milo. Keep pushing. Didn't she see that Paige got a warning tweet for reminding her about her birthday? What is Milo's motive in doing this? Just to get a response, not caring if it's negative? It's like Milo's foot is permanently encased in her mouth. I think I'll stick around for the big slap-down!
Cries for help come in all forms. As an RN, I am trained to *try* to recognize them. Kate should be, too.
Of course she could compartmentalize it in her head boobs aren't "plastic."
Silly Admin, the boobs are silicone not plastic.
I dont see how people can say that she has not had work done. Boobs do not become higher, bouncy and round on their own.
Secret is in how u handle bad days.
What? Kate has a meltdown if the lid isn't on the toothpaste. How does being a psychotic ex-reality show grifter qualify her to give advice to teens? It doesn't matter what it says on paper, she's NO NURSE.
Shut your yap Kate. Just shut it.
@Kateplusmy8 Oh your in bed! i wanted to know what the 10/10 dinner was so i can make it tomorrow for dinner.
This is the sheeple who asked Kate where she got the calendar. If I were she, I think I'd refrain from asking questions!
Admin, can I ask you a question? Why do you suppose EM Tanner has not removed Kate's name from her website? It's in at least two places, for two different products. Could there be a legal reason?
really!! said... 187
Cries for help come in all forms. As an RN, I am trained to *try* to recognize them. Kate should be, too.
March 25, 2012 7:23 PM
Oh for goodness sake. What would you like Kate to do? Does your nurse's training really teach you that a kid saying she's having an awful day, who follows up by saying she's shaking with excitement because she got a return Tweet from Kate Gosselin, is suicidal and crying out for help?
OMG, 192, would you drop it already?
I thought this quote from the author of that two year old article was interesting (it's in the comments):
But thankfully true talent always shines through – I can guarantee we won't be talking about Kate Gosselin 5 or 10 years from now…
I've been saying that all along. He said this two years ago, in 2010, and he could have revised it to "three years from now" and it would have been accurate, because I don't even think we'll still be talking about her in 2013.
Oh for goodness sake. What would you like Kate to do?
Well, usually she goes on talk shows and cries when SHE'S having an awful time of it, but maybe this teen can't do that. Anyway Kate couldn't care less if one of her fans is suicidal or not so it's a moot point.
Oh for goodness sake. What would you like Kate to do?
For starters, get off Twitter. She is not mature enough to handle it.
Admin, can I ask you a question? Why do you suppose EM Tanner has not removed Kate's name from her website? It's in at least two places, for two different products. Could there be a legal reason?
Maybe. Or maybe it's an F-U reason. Or maybe her attorney she retained in her libel lawsuit advised not to take anything down or it's an admission of guilt.
Yep, Milo (FUFK) is just asking for it and is sure to get it soon. I don't think she is even going on the cruise so as much as the heroine loves the sucking up, she won't be able to contain herself much longer.
Actually, those little snide remarks made oh so sweetly would seriously tick me off too, but I don't have slathering fans like she does. She's so special, don't you know. Eat it, Kate.
I hope this cruise falls apart. Sounds like it's not even off the ground really. Even if Cindy says she has 30 something people going. Not a lot people can just save up money in that short amount of time.
What's so scary about turn 37? I understand it puts you closer to 40 but...it's nothing to be that uptight about. My guess is she's going to mighty lonely this birthday. Don't cry over spilled milk...especially if you're the one who spilled it.
Thanks, Admin. Both options make sense.
PJ, whatever Em Tanner is doing, I like her style! About time someone didn't bow down to Kate's stomping her foot holding her breath DEMANDS. Oh sorry I mean Kate "asking" and being "ignored."
I think this is one of the few times that someone isn't backing down to Kate just because she told them "because I said so you must do it!" and boy does that ever drive Kate crazy. Exactly why Jon drives her nuts because he won't do whatever she commands anymore.
What's so scary about turn 37? I understand it puts you closer to 40 but...it's nothing to be that uptight about.
I am a math geek. When I reached 26, I decided that I always wanted to be 25 or 26.To do this, I change the base unit I am count in. No one ever said that my age had be counted in base 1. I am not afraid of being older, I just like math challenges. Who knows, in a few years, I may decided to be 66.6 years old.
Also it bears repeating there was absolutely a way for both Em and Kate to mend faces and make boatloads of money again by offering promotions, affiliate links, etc., through their respective web sites, but does Kate think that way, no of course not.
I think this is one of the few times that someone isn't backing down to Kate just because she told them "because I said so you must do it!" and boy does that ever drive Kate crazy. Exactly why Jon drives her nuts because he won't do whatever she commands anymore.
She has no big bad TLC attorney to help her make EM stop. I wonder if she called them up last week and demanded that they take care of this situation. I would love to see her face when they say "No, you are no longer our responsibility."
Kate Gosselin:
@illspeaknow13 yep. There will be many more...Secret is in how u handle bad days.Will they defeat u or refine u?U decide!:)tom is a new day!
4:37 PM - 25 Mar 12 via Twitterrific
Wow, this coming from someone who's been shown breaking down multiple times on her own reality show (and DWTS) when things don't go her way. Does Kate even take her own advice when she has bad days? I've seen her show more signs of defeat whether it was in her reality show, media interviews, twitter, or her blog posts.
This is the same person who has her "security blanket" Steve help keep in her check, when things go awry - Jon's custody announcement during DWTS, poor showing at LA book signing, RV trip, etc.
TLC sent me a cease and desist in August 2010. I wonder if when I wrote back and said no can do, Kate threw a fit.
I can just picture that conversation:
TLC lawyer: Well, Kate we asked her to stop. And she said no.
Kate: What do you MEAN she said NOOO?
TLC: She said no.
Kate: What do you MEAN she said NOOO????
TLC: Kate you have no case. Free speech. I'm sorry, we tried.
Kate: What do you MEAN she said NOOOO???
LMAO Admin!!
I'm worried about the mental health of people who are playing crazy games on twitter.
CJ is a loon, Goofy IS ghetto.
But why are the Toad Sisters relishing the fact that they are hurting these people? I can't stand the Sheeple, but they do not deserve the awful things you're doing.
It's NOT a game, and you're not standing up for your friend by hurting her enemies.
Can't this nonsense stop?
We are supposed to be on the side of right. But these outings are all kinds of wrong.
Peace said... 7
I'm worried about the mental health of people who are playing crazy games on twitter.
CJ is a loon, Goofy IS ghetto.
But why are the Toad Sisters relishing the fact that they are hurting these people? I can't stand the Sheeple, but they do not deserve the awful things you're doing.
It's NOT a game, and you're not standing up for your friend by hurting her enemies.
Can't this nonsense stop?
We are supposed to be on the side of right. But these outings are all kinds of wrong.
Are you lost? What on earth are you talking about??
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