Kate's greed is representative of "a culture where handouts, bailouts, freebies and entitlements dominate"
Why take one free hat when you have have three? |
Kate's latest (and still on-going) tweet war with Em Tanner, who was but one of many people who lavished the family with lots of free gifts, reminded us of just how many products and trips and other freebies the Gosselin family took over the years. Kate's entitlement and ungratefulness and shocking lack of shame may grate on our nerves, but a new book suggests that she is not alone.
Author Charles J. Sykes, who wrote A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing is worried about what bailouts may do to our psyche and our future. When asked if he was worried about what this could do to kids, he said:
"Yes, I do. Other people take a slightly more optimistic view. They say the reality is that most Americans still have the belief of working hard and being rewarded for it, that we still have a middle class that wants to do the right thing, and that these folks don’t become somebody different even if we are in economically tough times. That’s true. But I also see a new class of dependency. How many generations does it take before the younger people look around and say, “Of course somebody else is going to pay for me. Of course there’s a bailout. If I screw up or don’t save any money, it doesn’t matter.” I say we’re living on borrowed time. We’ve drawn down the balance of our bedrock values. Once the stigma of being dependent is eliminated, more and more people want to be that way."
990 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 990 Newer› Newest»Dallas Lady said... 193
...I don't even think we'll still be talking about her in 2013.
If we are, with any luck it will be in past tense. And we'll be calling her Kate Whatzername. I think I'll start getting in the habit now.
Peace most people here don't participate or even talk about shenanigans on twitter. Wrong blog. If they do they keep it very quiet.
Why would they send you a cease and desist order if you have the right to free speech? Wouldn't that make it sort of pointless? I don't see how anyone could make a case our of that. Maybe you can I wouldn't know can't be much of one.
I don't think the word NO is in her vocabulary unless it relates to her kids or Jon.
Marie, it's often just a scare tactic that you can do when you know you have no case to try to get the other person to be scared and do what you want anyway. I don't think they had any idea I had half a brain and knew I wasn't doing anything wrong. Their lawyer sent me a total of two communications and never contacted me again. I looked him up and realized I had been practicing longer than he had lol.
It's an early night for me, I have to get enough sleep so I can get up tomorrow and start building for a bright future! Nope, it doesn't sound more genuine when I say it. Her platitudes are designed to sound superior to those of us who get up each day, and get on with the routine of our ordinary lives.
I guess I'm confused about the name Kate being all over EM Tanner's stuff because EM was so adamant that she would remove it because she wanted nooooo affiliation with Kate. But for whatever reason, she is definitely getting the last laugh!
Time to get flat, Mr. Lites Out Man is saying it's time for bed. Nite nite. I knew all your evenings would not be complete unless I announced my bedtime.
Just kidding. Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Admin. would it be possible for you to share the 2 letters with us. You can delete the lawyers firm & personal name. I think it would be interesting reading. Thanks!
After Em initially said fine I'll take it down, Kate should have left it at that. But remember after that Kate kept harping and harping saying more libelous statements about Em and her company, I think even that "not legal" comment was after Em said she would take it down, and even the next day Kate was STILL going on. Then with a final slam, she admitted she started it HOWEVER, she couldn't let Em say what she was saying or whatever Kate said.
When this was all happening I and some others were saying watch it Kate because poke her enough and she'll come back guns blazing. That may very well be what is going on.
After Em initially said fine I'll take it down, Kate should have left it at that. But remember after that Kate kept harping and harping saying more libelous statements about Em and her company, I think even that "not legal" comment was after Em said she would take it down, and even the next day Kate was STILL going on. Then with a final slam, she admitted she started it HOWEVER, she couldn't let Em say what she was saying or whatever Kate said.
When this was all happening I and some others were saying watch it Kate because poke her enough and she'll come back guns blazing. That may very well be what is going on.
So last week Kate enlightened us to the fact that she "saves" gas by choosing which of her three vehicles would best suit the particular errand she's running. Do you think tomorrow's post will be how she saves money on hair services by getting it all comped at an NYC salon? She gets to NYC in a limo ($700-$1,000/day) but that doesn't matter! The cut & color are free and therefore she's saving money!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maggie it was so long ago I don't think I even still have them anymore. They were actually pretty respectful if I remember though. They didn't insult me or act aggressive. Just politely asked me to stop and gave me 15 days to take it down or respond. So I responded saying this blog had a free speech right to expose the exploitation, and then they responded basically saying, well we disagree. Lol. And that was it.
Admin, what do you mean you said NO. Don't you remember that NO never means NO. Good grief. Good one.
And, of course she could have worked with EM just like she could have used so many other opportunities that came her way and passed her by. I guess they weren't good enough at the time. She can't get it into her thick skull that 300 here and 500 there and a couple thousand someplace else makes up a tidy sum, with little effort on her part. When she get opportunities even today she doesn't say much. Very little about the Coupon Cabin gig, no "hey everybody listen to me on radio", just a big secret until the event has already happened, when it's too late to push the publicity button.
She had to do a week long expensive celebrity cruise instead of the 4 day ones other celebs do for less money. They get a lot more people and make more in the long run. Not Kate, has to be top drawer, top dollar, but at the worst time of year for the puny destinations. Face it, she doesn't have enough to offer for a whole week. Three or four days for even the most avid fans is enough.
Too bad. Her mojo is gone.
Considering that she spent all afternoon with her shoe closet, I can hardly wait for Menu Monday to see what 10/10 meal she slopped together for dinner. Platitude city at twitter today, perhaps we should all dream a better and more positive future tonight.
I wonder if her dinners will have either beans and or canned ingredients involved? Or the use of leftovers. Anybody remember her feeding her kids Eggplant Parmesan for three days?
Did I miss something? Is EM Tanner suing Kate for libel?
I want it noted that I called it the other day - guess which two women scored another Radar article? Yup, Kate and Hailey over the Monkey Munch /Muddy Buddies tweet! Which, incidentally, Kate now states was never her invention in the first place.
I suspect there's a Radar reporter lurking about here.
Too bad Radar thought that was worthy of even a mention. It looked clear to me that the Hailey tweet was just someone poking fun at Kate. Can't believe Kate fell for it.
Nothing like 2 attention whores communicating on twitter......What is this world coming to? A Radar Online article about this?!?! They both only care about themselves. Double whammy.
As for TLC's attempt to silence Admin's blog, what a joke! Glad you stood strong and did not give in to their bullying tactics. We now know how TLC handled/tried to silence anyone who wasn't pro-Kate, in order to keep their brand alive.
I DO like the fact that Kate is now on her own. Her bark needs to cease, as she is now just a regular person without TLC's constant protection. I don't think she is getting this... : )
Snark..Kate is looking for a job so maybe she and Hailey can do a wrestling match? Isn't that what Hailey was doing? Battle of the Fame Whores.
And I think Kate's "Love Boat" cruise is tanking... even with her using her own kids, once again to promote. When will she ever get that she had nothing to offer without her kids? Time to get that job at McDonald's Kate....
Kate- Try standing on your own 2 feet and give the kids their privacy back to show you are a decent parent. Stop blogging about them, showing pictures of them, etc...
It is time to stand on your own 2 feet without using your children. That is what parents do. Hint, hint.
Otherwise, Jon needs to take this back to Court. Her twitters and blogs ARE an instrusion on the kids' privacy.
@illspeaknow13 yep. There will be many more...Secret is in how u handle bad days.Will they defeat u or refine u?U decide!:)tom is a new day!
She's so pathetically dumb. It's "define you" Klueless Kate.
Sorry- forgot to add that if she blogs as a parent, without noting specific names and what specific kids did/do, she may be a private parent blogging, but since she posts under Kate + My 8, she is still exploiting them under a brand name.
It all goes back to either being a private person, or a star. And Jon has been clear, he wants his kids to have privacy rights.
Sherry Baby said... 190
@Kateplusmy8 Oh your in bed! i wanted to know what the 10/10 dinner was so i can make it tomorrow for dinner.
This is the sheeple who asked Kate where she got the calendar. If I were she, I think I'd refrain from asking questions!
What an odd question.
So this sheep does not know what Kate's 10/10 dinner is, but she plans on making it anyway?
Blind sheep...
Who would have thought the mindless drivel Kate spews over Twitter would be how she would stay relevant (to ROL at least). Talk about easy pickings for Radar, she will be with us for bloody-ever! Kate does have a bright future after all it seems, building it one Twitter at a time.
Does the twit EVER get a 'saying' right? It is defeat or define, and face it, kate, NOTHING could 'refine' you. You have so much UGLY inside it oozes all over the 'pretty' (you think you have) outside. No matter how much varnish you slather over ruined wood, it still shows through. Get the analogy? Oh, that means - do you get what I'm saying? Oh yeah, it's YOU I'm talking to, you really can't cover up ugly! Got it?
Jumping In said... 33
Who would have thought the mindless drivel Kate spews over Twitter would be how she would stay relevant (to ROL at least). Talk about easy pickings for Radar, she will be with us for bloody-ever! Kate does have a bright future after all it seems, building it one Twitter at a time.-----------------------------------
Mind boggling. One bad twitter after another. Either ROL has nothing better to report or someone is contacting them to keep themself relevant and in the news. Hard to say at this point since TLC contract just ended.
Any which way, it is pathetic and sad. Without TLC, Kate's desperation is clear.
Gee Kate, how do you handle the bad days? Do they define you? I'd bet those kids would say yes
Ok,not a domestic goddess.
What is a 10/10 dinner?
abc said... 37
Ok,not a domestic goddess.
What is a 10/10 dinner?
Not sure what a 10/10 dinner is, but I'm pretty sure it will be unappealing/unappetizing.
OT, but I watched Leave it to Niecy last night and it played out like a sitcom, very scripted, bad subject matter, all about the teens adjusting to her new husband, getting her mom a boyfriend (which her mom is very attractive I doubt she needs any help). It was a bad script, bad acting. I wish Niecy had stayed with Clean House. I loved that show. The hoard wasn't as filthy as the ones they show on Hoarders and the people kept it clean when checking up on them. I was very disappointed in the new show.
@illspeaknow13 yep. There will be many more...Secret is in how u handle bad days.Will they defeat u or refine u?U decide!:)tom is a new day!
Hmmm, bad days, let's see...
Camping with Sarah Palin, Kate quit and took off. DEFEAT
Tower jump in New Zealand, Kate crumpled on the ground and cried. DEFEAT
DWTS, Kate was a B**ch to Tony, who walkedout on her. DEFEAT
DWTS, Kate was sent packing. DEFEAT
RV trip, Ashley walked out on her, Jamie called her on her bad behavior, kids cried, Steve wouldn't take away someone's camera, pizza-gate. DEFEAT
Speaking of pizza-gate, Kate makes AC's "Ridiculist" DEFEAT
TLC cans her a**. DEFEAT
Kate can't get another job anywhere in the media. DEFEAT
Kate is now divorced, alone, unemployed (except a crappy once-a-week blog), with nobody but Milo and CJ to adore her. DEFEAT
Yeah, the secret really is how you handle them, Kate.
10/10 - on a scale of 10,it was a 10, in its wow factor and "delishness," as are all of her meals, because otherwise it would be 0/10, as in you get nothing.
Kate's 10/10 recipe is directly credited to Stony Brook farms.
She's given up just making her own recipesNow she's just copying them (albeit giving credit where credit is due) and adding more salt and mixing differently to 'Katenize' it.
She has no original ideas at all.
Here ya go from my Google Reader (not to give her site hits)
The yogurt lid recipe!
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 pound fettuccine or angel hair
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
3/4 cup grated parmigiana- reggiano cheese
1 cup Stonyfield Farm organic milk
1 cup Stonyfield Farm organic plain yogurt
Fresh ground pepper to taste
Cook pasta al dente in salted water for 4-5 minutes then drain. Add olive oil and garlic in large skillet for about 1 minute. Add pasta and 1/2 cup of cheese and toss well. Add milk, stir and raise heat to medium high for about 2 minutes. To prevent curdling, mix yogurt with 1/2 cup of pasta mixture in a seperate bowl. Return mixture to skillet and mix well. Turn off heat and sprinkle remaining 1/4 cup of cheese and pepper. Cover and allow pasta to absorb all the liquid for 12-15 minutes then serve.
Yields: 6 servings
**my alterations:
1. I doubled the recipe :)
2. I used all natural Fettuccini
3. I used extra olive oil and Parmesan
4. I did not use Stonyfield milk, just their plain yogurt (the BEST!)
5. I added some salt
6. Where it says to remove some pasta and mix with yogurt, I didn’t do that. Instead, I piled the yogurt on top of the pasta in the pot and allowed it to gradually warm up before stirring it in. It worked!;)
7. I added 2 cups of baked chicken breast and 2 cups of fresh baby spinach leaves. I added them at the end and allowed them to heat up. No pre cooking is necessary for the spinach – it will wilt perfectly as it heats!
Well, it's up!! Kate has used a recipe from a package. At least she acknowledges them,-product endorsement?? but I don't see this as being a help to anyone, as people can find any recipe on line or a package or a cookbook. I can't imagine her cookbook could be published with a bunch of 'borrowed' recipes. This fettuccine dish sounded ok- but her plate presentation as usual sucked. While it was an all right meal, I doubt 7 yr olds would really rate it as 10/10. They rate pizza and hotdogs as 10's for the most part and we know the G kids have had those (ballgame, moving day, RV trip (shudder), Austin's-Cara had mini-dogs).
Kate's an idiot.
She writes "I received 10 out of 10 from all 8 kids, except for Mady and Cara whose score is a 9 at highest!" So then she didn't get 10 out of 10 from all 8 kids.
berks neighbor, thanks.
Silly me thought it was:
10 ingrediants in 10 minutes or
10 recipies for 10 dollars.
If Kate's recipe was a 10/10 (as in 10 out of 10) it must have been awful.
Oy - another career Kate had better not pursue - food photography. Ugh, that photo looks like the stuff you scrape INTO the garbage AFTER dinner. What a mess. She's proud of that?
I was reading an article about Mad Men and this quote about the character Don Draper seemed applicable to Kate -
It's Don's crisis: he's so hermetically ensconced in his own emotional life and its decadent dramas that he seems to have lost that once-sure grip on the world around him.
Footnotes of Mad Men: Full of Demands, Empty of Offerings
by Natasha Vargas-Cooper | October 18th, 2010
One pound of pasta for 8 growing children? That's 2 ounces each. Not enough food, even with the addition of the chicken and spinach. I cooked a pound of pasta (served with meat sauce) when my 2 goddaughters visited a week or so ago -- they are 7 and 5. The 3 of us ate all of it, and I only had a little of the pasta. These girls are skinny minis, but they have hollow legs, I think. LOL. Kate's kids must be starving most of the time. The recipe does sound pretty good, though. I may try it one day when I have company.
She gets to NYC in a limo ($700-$1,000/day) but that doesn't matter!
Does she always take a limo service? I seem to remember that she's gone on the train. Round trip on Amtrak to NYC is less than $100 with AAA discount, if you leave in the evening.
Berk's neighboor: You for got to add: YUM! I truely hate when Kate uses that word with food or coffee, it makes her sound like a child. When I put up a recipe or talk about a food/drink, I never say at the end YUM, makes a person sound: immature and stupid. Saying like this is GOOD, fantastic etc, would get my attention quicker, than YUM. I hate the title to a show from moms called: Yummy Mommy, that sounds totally stupid and immature, more like something a 3 year old would say.
Why would she say she got 10/10 from "ALL eight kids" except M and C? Why not say she got 10/10 from six of the kids...does she think people can't count? Since she only showed her own 'yummy' plate, I wonder if the kids ate this at all! She didn't give herself much of a serving, plus needed "Kate salad" too...hmmm.
Good grief that's such a small portion of pasta!! I really, REALLY try not to think too much or read too much into the portions that Kate gives the kids, because I don't know... maybe the kids can have seconds.
BUT THAT PLATE IS OUTRAGEOUS! SERIOUSLY, IT PISSES ME OFF (OK, maybe woke up on the wrong side of the bed this monday!!)
What? 3 fettucine noodles and a thimble-full of chicken?
And here I go again as the home cook, but I can not believe Kate, who wrote at least one cookbook and now states she's working on another, would call that dish Alfredo. She is so f-ing intellectually lazy to even begin to realize what Alfredo is.
Now, I promise to be more rainbows and unicorns! Thanks for listening.
Hey, what's that suppose to mean: lots to build tommorrow toward our bright future? Is kate treaseing the sheeple again?
Saw the food on the plate: it looks as if the sauce is too watery.
As for Kates use of Yum/Yummy, after she mentions or talks about food: I think, she is tryin to convince herself it is good to eat.
As for TLC's attempt to silence Admin's blog, what a joke! Glad you stood strong and did not give in to their bullying tactics. We now know how TLC handled/tried to silence anyone who wasn't pro-Kate, in order to keep their brand alive.
It did make me wonder how many cease and desist letters were sent out in this whole mess if even I got one. I wonder if that attorney had a "form" letter and sent them out in mass quantities! It's so silly to me TLC wasted money on such a thing, pathetic.
BTW, one POUND of pasta serves 4-6. Kate's recipe calls for 16 ounces for 9 people. 2 cups of shredded or cubed chicken is bullshit. Not enough protein for 8 growing kids.
I've tried not to make assumptions or truly believe that she underfeeds the kids, but I'm afraid that she does. She definitely does. There's just no making sense of this other than to conclude that the portion sizes are way, way too small for those growing kids.
I hope to heck that Radar or someone picks this up. It is abusive and cruel.
AuntieAnn said... 46
Oy - another career Kate had better not pursue -food photography. Ugh, that photo looks like the stuff you scrape INTO the garbage AFTER dinner. What a mess. She's proud of that?
Had to laugh at that pic and I'm trying to find the fettucine...see big chunks of chicken but my old eyes aren't seeing any pasta.
Kate, quit bragging about being a "gud spellr"...it's separAte...NOT sepErate.
*Meant it's sepArate...NOT sepErate.
Well, Kate's work for the week is done now. I bet she is exhausted-ish. She got her Menu Monday posted, and her CouponCabin blog is now up. To save you the trouble of hitting their site, here it is:
Kates 5 Tips for Spring Cleaning
First of all, just the discussion of spring cleaning makes me happy! Not the cleaning part, but the spring part. I’ve waited all winter to discuss spring!
It seems that when the sun begins to shine early in the morning and longer throughout the day, I notice more dust and clutter throughout my house. I honestly think that is where spring cleaning got its origin. I don’t have a method to my spring cleaning madness; I just clean what bugs me when it bugs me! Cleaning supplies can be expensive and here are a few things that I do to cut the cost:
*I watch for sales on cleaning supplies and, of course, I use coupons.
I don’t stick to any one brand of all-purpose cleaners or spray cleaners. For example, I do prefer Mr. Clean but if Lysol brand is on sale and is cheaper per ounce, I will buy that. The same goes for Soft Scrub spray, Lysol, Orange Glow or Clorox spray cleaners. Whatever brand has the best price is the one I will buy!
*It is always less expensive to buy cleaning agents in bulk and since they don’t expire, you are safe to keep a two-gallon bottle of Windex until you move to the retirement home!
*I am very fond of saving on paper towels and dry Swiffer pads. I routinely clean with white “utility towels” (as we call them) instead of using two or more rolls of paper towels. Since we use so many paper plates in our house, I can “balance it out” with reusing towels to help reduce our carbon footprint. Plus, it helps me cut costs. I wash the towels in pure bleach and reuse the next week.
*I am also known for attaching a dry Swiffer to my mop, and then I flip it over to use the other side so I get two uses for the cost of one. I also have a dry mop with reusable mop pads that I machine wash as well. Often times, I’ll use that instead of the Swiffer altogether!
*Don’t forget your grandma’s way of cleaning! My grandma used to clean windows with vinegar and newspaper and she cleaned almost everything else with good old fashioned soap and hot water! I’m betting the Internet could teach us all how to do some retro cleaning.
Good luck this spring as the mood to clean every nook and cranny strikes us all. I’m off to move all the furniture and clean under sofa cushions. Check out the offers below to save money on your spring cleaning endeavors!
- K8
I enlarged the recipe itself even the recipe says yields six servings (which are often way under what a normal person would eat anyway), so Kate's short at least two whole kids. And three if she eats too.
Her portion control really is absurd and even Jamie said so once in the RV episode. It's not just us.
I enlarged the recipe itself even the recipe says yields six servings (which are often way under what a normal person would eat anyway), so Kate's short at least two whole kids. And three if she eats too.
Her portion control really is absurd and even Jamie said so once in the RV episode. It's not just us.
I enlarged the recipe itself even the recipe says yields six servings (which are often way under what a normal person would eat anyway), so Kate's short at least two whole kids. And three if she eats too.
Her portion control really is absurd and even Jamie said so once in the RV episode. It's not just us.
I enlarged the recipe itself even the recipe says yields six servings (which are often way under what a normal person would eat anyway), so Kate's short at least two whole kids. And three if she eats too.
Her portion control really is absurd and even Jamie said so once in the RV episode. It's not just us.
If that is a normal size plate, those portions are very small, one would be hungry in a few minutes. Kate, these are growing children, not kids who are diabetic or some other disease, and have to have their food measured, weighed and portioned. Kate is truely saving money, by feeding her kids less. My dogs get 2 cups of dog food at supper time. They eat more than the G8 do.
I checked out her Menu Monday before reading everyone's comments here, and I, too, was struck by the absurdity of the picture. That picture looked... um...well....sloppy.
If you're going to take a photo of food to post on your blog, PLEASE make it look edible, at least.
Speaking of photos, I forgot to add above that she used a generic cleaning photo to go along with her cleaning tips for Coupon Cabin. For once, she didn't use any photos of the kids - nor photos from paps.
And ofcourse she skips the organic milk that the recipe calls for. No money left to spend on 2 cups of milk I guess.
Hate to bring the anti-Kate up again but Pioneering Woman has a great post about how to take good food photography and she even critiques her own. I visited her blog only once when it was mentioned here and I mostly read her photography section because I dabble in it.
lol re: cleaning. Did she not learn anything from Sara Snow's 'green cleaning?" Does she think she's the only person who thought of reversing the Swiffer pad? No one else uses cloth dusters or dust mops?No one buys what's on sale?? Nothing worthwhile, once again, yawn.
hehe, I think she read (maybe here) about people's horror of the no. of paper plates and bowls she uses daily.
Thanks for posting it Sherri O.
Amanda, Iowa said... 66
And ofcourse she skips the organic milk that the recipe calls for. No money left to spend on 2 cups of milk I guess.
Yup, was just going to say that. Unreal. What is it with Kate and milk? Yeah, Kate, go to NYC and get "blonded all gorge" but milk for your children? Hellz no.
Does she substitute the milk for anything or just cut it out completely? Because then her portions have even LESS calories and nutrients in them without the milk. Also milk is a hell of an important ingredient in that IMO. No wonder it looks like crap.
Kate Twitter- Guess what? New MENU MONDAY just posted! http://t.co/J4Q4wUXz Enjoy!! 28 minutes ago
OMG- Think I am going to wet my pants ; ) Whatever would I do without her recipes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone remember what Kate said she spends on food per month?
anger issues, I was going to ask the same thing. Look at this sentence:
Lots to build tommorrow toward our bright future!
That doesn't even mean anything. It's not even a complete sentence. Build what toward our bright future? Lots? Lots of what?
She's such an idiot. I can't believe she thinks she can write.
As for her modifications to the yogurt lid recipe, they made me laugh: the first thing she admits is she doubled the recipe, then the next few bullet points are about adding more stuff.
I don't dare go look at the photo after reading the comments here, it sounds horrible. And 2 ounces of pasta and maybe an ounce of chicken is far too little for anyone over about two years old. God.
I do love, however, that her career in the media seems to consist these days of Radar Online reporting about two tweets, one of which wasn't even hers (the Hailey Glassman one). Ha! WHAT A GREAT CAREER, KATE! Keep it up!
And a BIG thank you to Layla for putting that list together. I was thinking about her defeat you or refine (sic) you comment and thought, "I've seen that woman fall apart and have nervous breakdowns that freak out or anger everyone around her more often than I've seen ANYONE fall apart." Seriously. Have you ever seen anyone fall to bits the way she does? And as frequently as she does?
She has no right to spew on about things defeating or defining people. Even way back in the early days of the show, if she was in the kitchen trying to look busy (I used to laugh every time she grabbed a sponge and furiously wiped down a counter--you could tell she was just trying to look busy) and one child came drifting in to her orbit, she'd freak and start yelling and then look around at camera crew, Jon anyone to demand that they get this kid out of the kitchen.
My God. I knew even back then this woman couldn't handle shit and should NEVER have had that many children. She had a damn meltdown over GUM. She took them to a place where they are SUPPOSED to engage in water play and paints and crayons and she got 10 kinds of upset about THEIR CLOTHES GETTING WET and they were wearing damn aprons.
She gets pissed off at the TINIEST things. Remember the guy at the door of the club during her birthday episode last year? He needed to see some ID and she got totally huffy with him and when he just asked for a smile, she snapped his head off?
Kate: you are NOT someone who handles ANYTHING well. You don't handle LIFE well. I can and have handled far far more than you ever have and I don't have regular meltdowns about things, to boot. You really shouldn't be giving advice about handling life, ever. Gracious is NEVER an adjective people will use to describe you. Calm? Strong? Nope. Thrown off by the slightest hint that you are no longer in 100% control of everything and everyone around you? Yep.
It makes the fact that she was once a nurse all the more horrifying.
Is em tanner aware that BM has bashed her on her fan site?
"Recently a site that I have spent a HUGE amount over the years, EMtannerDesigns, has decided NOT to take the high road and attack the person that single handily blew up her site..Kate Gosselin. Bottom line is, EM's site became successful because her items were on a hugely successful show. While Jon & Kate was on the air, the first few years EM linked the part of the episode that showcased her plates on You Tube. She sent the Gosselins both plates and T-shirts in exchange for advertising on the show. Kate said several times the name of the designer, and even EM has stated many times in the past that thanks to the show her site had become hugely popular.
The fact that this woman has made hundreds of dollars off me alone BECAUSE I'm such a Kate fan then uses the comments made by Kate to attack her publicly and get psycho followers like that "blogging lawyer nut from 15 minues nut" is disappointing and upsetting. Anyone that purchased during those first 2 years did so BECAUSE OF THE SHOW. Em charges $150 for a large dry erase "Kate" calendar! Regardless of the fact that Kate's name was not mentioned, it was called the "Kate Calendar" for a reason. Other companies that sell EM Tanner DO use the Kate "as seen on TV." So it's basically a case of EMTanner Designs becoming a huge site thanks to a show, and now that the show isn't on anymore, lets trash her and get haters on board for a whole new set of customers!! I'm disgusted by the site and will not purchase one more thing from them. Back in the day if you remember I heavily advertised the site here on my blog. I bought her over-priced products that I could have gotten elsewhere only because she had her items on Kate's show. And for the record, 2 washes of the dress in the above photo and the logo cracked off in the wash. So don't waste your money, and don't buy from a company that has an owner that says the crap that that she said below. You a complete FAIL EMTANNER DESIGNS! XOXOBM"
Good luck this spring as the mood to clean every nook and cranny strikes us all. I’m off to move all the furniture and clean under sofa cushions
OH NO! Kate's looking for change under the cushions...
mama needs a manicure! :)
Another lameo blog. So that's why it was a lot of silence this weekend on twitter, Kate had kids cleaning house.
So why is Kate still using paperplates, that does not save money! Kate your kids are not babies, and are not gonna break your plates, get plastic plates, for your kids. Geez, 8 & 11 and still using paperplates. When I was little, we had heavy duty plastic plates, when I was about 10 my mom got the correll dishes, cause they were micowavable(they were breakable too). Kate still sees her kids as babies: she feeds them not enough in portions and still uses paper plates, cause she still thinks they will drop things. SAD!
BabyMama is one of the more intelligent sheeple whose comments actually make halfway decent sense, and that's one of the few times she's attacked me....calling me a nut??? Hey Babymama I've DEFENDED you here.
Also this? "So it's basically a case of EMTanner Designs becoming a huge site thanks to a show, and now that the show isn't on anymore, lets trash her and get haters on board for a whole new set of customers!!"
Honey, that's NOT what happened......what happened, if you recall is KATE trashed Em Tanner and her business first bringing Em Tanner out of the ashes. Em Tanner was minding her own business until Kate stuck a stick down her rabbit hole trying to poke her.
It would be one thing if Em Tanner suddenly showed up trying to trash Kate and get her non-fans to buy crap from her. But it was KATE who drew her out and only Kate!
And of course BM spent hundreds on her. Lol. The definition of a sheeple. She should have accounted for the real possibility Em Tanner would be estranged someday.
Well, she spent $200 on two carts of snacks... &now all these cleaners, lol. No milk. No need to buy chicken or eggs. I wonder if she feeds Shoka enough?? :( So probably her bill is for her salad fixings and coffee.
I looked at the photo of her dinner and I'm glad I did: that gave me such a huge laugh. It's AWFUL looking! Oh Kate. Trust me, NO ONE is going to be beating down your door offering you a job doing ANYTHING. Not even McDonald's.
Where's the pasta in that picture? Are there just two noodles or what?
anger issues kate said... 64
Kate doesn't do "fat" kids, better to starve and undernouish them so they will never get too big. Sad that a woman who wants to be a size 2 decides portion control. Never mind that she was always on Jon about his weight.
Seems to me SHE has some major issues with weight, healthy eating and portions for her kids. Get help Kate!
Also she may be overstating the effect of Kate Plus 8 on her business. I'm sure it did help but she also had to pay for the advertisement sending KAte hundreds and hundreds of dollars of free crap. In addition, she apparently has many other celebs wearing her stuff, some way more famous than Kate. Halle Berry's kid is wearing it. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the Halle Berry press probably brings her way more business than Kate ever did. It's pretty apparent to me that Em employs a strategy MANY business people of kid products employ and that is to send your products free to tons of celebs with kids and hope that some wear them in public so you can use that pic on your web site. This is a tried and true method and nothing revolutionary, and to pin her success all on Kate is a bit silly.
She washes those towels in pure bleach?
Does she not realize that will break them down faster? That's not a money-saving tip.
And if she got heavy-duty plastic plates (they're cheap!) and just ran them in one of her two dishwashers, it would be cheaper than constantly buying paper plates.
Lord. Being that dumb should hurt.
I enlarged the recipe itself even the recipe says yields six servings (which are often way under what a normal person would eat anyway), so Kate's short at least two whole kids. And three if she eats too.
Kate says she doubled the recipe. Am I missing something? That recipe doesn't even sound good, and it certainly doesn't look like something my kids would even rate a 2. Why does everything she makes just looks like slop on a plate?
BM's husband needs to put his wife on a household budget if she has been blowing hundreds of dollars on "overpriced" crap that falls apart.
In regards to the food picture, if that was Kate's serving, how much did the kids' get? A tablespoon with a dab of salad?
Sorry, but "fat" may have been an exaggeration, but Kate wants these kids to be SMALL. Her own idea of what "looks" good projected on to her own kids, based on her desire to be a size 2.
She is NOT a size 2, but clearly thinks this is a great idea.
She should have accounted for the real possibility Em Tanner would be estranged someday.
Everyone in Kate's life are just like the paper plates she's denatured entire forrests with thus far-- disposable. I think the only person that is still in Kate's life is Steve.
Regarding Kate's photos, I say if you're going to put recipes out there with photos, go big or go home. Get a good camera, put some effort into learning food photography and have some pride in your product.
Again, Kate is lazy and really doesn't have pride in anything but her frair (fried hair).
The kids are so damn hungry, they probably ate their four noodles, their tablespoon of chicken and two spinach leaves, licked the damn paper plates, yelled that it was a TEN hoping they would get some more of anything and still went to bed with growling stomachs.
But at least Kate has her "GORGE BLOND HAIR!" Priorities, people!!!
ohhhhhh, now THAT IS the Baby Mama we remember!
Oh my freakin' gosh! I just looked at that plate of goop.
That's the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. Looks like something that was thrown in the trash or dug out of the garbage disposal.
As far as the plate, if it's a dinner plate, the serving size is ok. But, pics are tricky..that plate could actually be a luncheon or saucer plate.
And what happened to Kate's idea of a 'real' cook? Kate's on tape saying real cooks don't use recipes. And she's had this recipe for years? Keep on putting it out there Kate, you prove time and again what an idiot and a liar you are.
I think Kate's problems go back to childhood and how she perceives religion, her "fertility" problems and narcissistic tendencies. Venus: The Dark Side, The female sociopath is more like it. Everyone and anything are just pawns to getting what Kate wants...God help anyone that stands in her way.
And what happened to Kate's idea of a 'real' cook? Kate's on tape saying real cooks don't use recipes. And she's had this recipe for years? Keep on putting it out there Kate, you prove time and again what an idiot and a liar you are.
That was Kate mind f-ing Jon. I believe it was the epi when Jon made his Korean dish, which looked amazing and truly takes skill. Kate was intimidated by the fact that Jon could pull off really amazing food and just had to put him down to make herself feel better.
Jon's 'goki kicked ass!
And if she got heavy-duty plastic plates (they're cheap!) and just ran them in one of her two dishwashers, it would be cheaper than constantly buying paper plates.
I must be really slow this morning. Why would you wash any kind of paper plates? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of using paper plates, which is not having to wash plates? If you have a set of regular plates, why wouldn't you use them and you wouldn't have to buy paper plates, only to wash the paper plates in the dishwasher. The kids aren't going to throw plates on the floor and break them. They're not toddlers!
The "anti-Kate?" You should check out the criticisms of Pioneer Woman, as they might sound familiar. Let's see...people complain that she misrepresents her life style, is rich, has a nanny and housekeeper, leaves her pioneer life to go on book tours, staying in 5 star hotels, etc., etc. There are blogs devoted to analyzing and criticizing her every word and move and Internet battles between fans and haters. Oh, and guess what her fans often are called? That's right...sheeple.
Good lord, I just read her two blogs... WTF? Seriously Kate??? First of all that "menu Monday" dish is a disgusting joke! It looks like crap and it's not even remotely original. If THATS what she's posting for her "menu Monday" then I'd really hate to see what she's cooking the rest of the week. Why are all of her meals SOOOO high in carbs? Can't she ever cook a nice salmon or a pot roast or something. Her cooking is complete crap!
And her "spring cleaning" post... obviously she has never actually DONE any spring cleaning before if she honestly thinks that THAT pathetic excuse for a blog post is helpful. What a load of crap. And I'm sorry if I offend anyone by saying this but... Swiffers are pieces of SH*T!!! I bought one a couple of years ago and I hated it, all it seemed to do was smear the dirt around my floor and leave big nasty streaks. Over priced garbage! I found this amazing mop at my local dollar store (of all places) and I love it! Its a microfiber mop and washable pads and I tell you, it does the best job at cleaning my floors, I also use it for my walls. Ive had it for 3 or 4 years and its awesome!
Anyway, as usual, Kate you SUCK!!!
I guess Kate can scratch the greatest cook off her list, along with greatest dancer and oh yeah, greatest mother. It takes more to being someone's mother than putting food in front of them I think.
Well, not that it's something I would eat, at least it didn't have any beans in it.
Who the heck washed towels in bleach? That's a laundry room rookey mistake. Almost like something a kid who has never been shown how to wash clothes would make. I know...I've done in the past and my towels were ruined.
Once a Viewer said... 77
Well, she spent $200 on two carts of snacks... &now all these cleaners, lol. No milk. No need to buy chicken or eggs. I wonder if she feeds Shoka enough?? :( So probably her bill is for her salad fixings and coffee.
Sad that these kids never get milk. Milk IS good food (calcium/vitamins) in moderation. I think she listens to no one on milk, since she speaks to no one and has somehow decided milk is not a good staple for growing kids. There is something completely odd about her not buying milk (whatever kind) for her kids, other than cereal.
Ugh, the dish is low fat!!! Woman, children need fat in their diet for proper development, especially the brain.
I grew up drinking full fat milk with my meals and was a skinny minnie. Kate cooks for her, plain and simple.
I still can not get over how small those food portions are. I wonder if any of the kids dare open a cabinet or the fridge themselves, or will they suffer penalty of severeness?? Seriously, after 150 or so episodes and years of filming, can any of you think of one time that any of the kids helped themselves to food in the kitchen?
Guess I was right about Menu Monday's picture being slop - she has no idea about food photography. Awful, awful presentaion. She did say that was HER plate, which may explain the absence of pasta, but still 1 lb of pasta for 8 growing children - that's just a WTF moment. And as for her tips on spring cleanng - CC pays her? Really?
True about Swiffers. That liquid stuff ruined by wood floors. It leaves a sticky residue which dulls and traps dirt, hair, etc. I bit the bullet and refinished the floors. Never again. Thanks for the tip about the mop at the Dollar Store.
Unbelievable - sheeple are now defending Kate's tweet to Hailey, saying that they have a lot in common because Jon stole from them both and did them both wrong. These people called Hailey the most vile names in the past, and if that's really Hailey, she was probably having fun poking the bear, not really concerned about monkey munch.
And this woman has TWO dishwashers! I think she is so incredibly lazy that she does not want to put the clean dishes back.
Gosselin8ComeFirst 96, I totally agree about the milk. Its strange and bizarre. As Ive said before, I have never met another parent who REFUSES to give their children (even when they were toddlers) milk and instead insist on giving them sugary juice.
While I'm on the topic of her food choices one thing has ALWAYS bugged me- She always claims to only buy organic for her kids, she's always complaining about the price of food... why doesn't she grow a garden? I try my best to feed my kids organic food too and I'll admit it DOES get expensive (not to mention driving all over town to find it). Which is why Ive always grown a garden, actually I have 2, one is just for potato's.
She has all of that land, her and the kids could have a massive garden. I remember the episode when they were getting the crooked houses and Jon was clearing some trees for them and the soil looked so nice and rich, she could grow an AWESOME garden out there! It would be a great summer project for the kids.
Anyway, I always found it strange, she CLAIMS to be so thrifty and into organic gardening, you would think she would have had a garden all of these years.
Sorry, I'm just mediocre and have to ask, where would anyone in a house have room for two dishwashers?
Trying to catch up here, but this caught my attention:
Kate Twitter- @MiloandJack lol. My same challenge. Meet me in person then try to hate me... Doesn't work! Real is real. Made up/hear say doesn't match ME!
What a JOKE! Anyone remember the Grove interview in January...you know the one with the tinsel dress. As soon as the camera went off her face went from Broad smile to miserable frown within seconds. Then she got right off the podium and only went back for pictures with fans, when Steve told her she had to....otherwise, her response was, "I don't want to, that's not part of it."
So Kate, tell me, how are people supposed to change their minds about you if you won't even give them the chance.....You Pompous Ass! You are right, real is real and it was all caught on tape, you just didn't know that.
Damn, I forgot to change my above post from from rushgirl to canadianmom...
Kate uses all natural pasta? I swear she's an idiot. I buy synthetic pasta myself.
Oh, when the sun rises earlier it causes people to see dust and then....they clean. Yeah, that's how spring cleaning came about.
Except... the sun doesn't rise earlier. Mornings are shorter and evening are longer in terms of daylight.
Intellectual fireworks.
(and dead people give off dead people gasses)
I read it as "she didn't use the Stonybrook organic milk", but a different brand - not that she eliminated the milk altogether.
This pasta was intended to be a side dish, as it didn't have protein or vegetables. If the recipe on the lid said that 1/2 lb. of pasta serves 6, why are we criticizing Kate for using that guideline?
A serving of pasta is 1/2 cup cooked. For long pasta like fettucini, 16 oz. dry yields 8 cups cooked. 8 cups is more than enough to feed 9 people, especially when only one is an adult and she is on a perpetual diet.
A serving of chicken is 3 oz. 2 cups of cubed chicken is 1 1/2 pounds, or 24 oz., of chicken. That is 8 servings. Not too little for 9 people when only one is an adult and she is on a perpetual diet.
A serving of spinach is one cup, so two cups isn't enough for 9 people. However, Kate herself had salad too, so it's completely possible the children did as well.
Marie said... 103
Sorry, I'm just mediocre and have to ask, where would anyone in a house have room for two dishwashers?
Many people do. With kids, it's terrific and I fully support it to avoid using paper plates on a regular basis. You may have to lose some cabinet space, but that's something that you have to weigh.
Downeaster Alexa, that's my point, she needs to buy some plastic plates so she can stop buying and throwing away paper plates.
Marie, yep, in her CC blog post (copied and pasted here) she says she washes the utility towels she uses for cleaning around the house in "pure bleach." Bleach is very hard on fabrics and the more you use and the more often you do it, the faster you will break down the fibers and honestly at some point (very soon), they'll just fall apart. They should already seem rather "crispy" to her now.
She'd be better off just adding some bleach to the wash with those towels. Seems like a common sense thing to do, but common sense isn't exactly a flower that grows in Kate's garden.
Speaking of! rushgirl, good point! I have ALWAYS wondered why, with all that land, she couldn't have a vegetable garden and an herb garden! To be fair, I always wondered why the Duggars didn't have a veggie and herb garden, too. It's actually a GREAT learning experience for kids and kids of all ages can do something in the garden. When they get old enough, they can actually plan it. When they are too young to plan it, they can at least pick out veggies to grow and research to see if they grow well there, how much space they need, etc.
It's not that hard, especially once you get it going. I have a veggie and herb garden on the south side of my house and wish I had more room. I have a couple of tomato plants, bell peppers, and all kinds of herbs there now, I'll add more later.
It's smart, economical, good for the kids, and you eat healthier. I don't use any non-organic herbicides or pesticides on mine. When I need something from the garden, I just step outside! Snip some rosemary, get some basil, collect some ripe tomatoes, whatever. It's SO nice.
I was going to mention the vinegar and newspapers for doing windows. I was surprised she wrote of it. I STILL do it to this day and like it the best. I use my free shopper papers that come weekly so only cost is a bottle of vinegar that lasts a long time. If I do get some sort of pine, smell good cleaner I get generic which saves more than the namebrand with coupon of course!
But since she is getting paid by CC she has to push the more expensive ways to do it so people use CC's site for coupons.
I'm not impressed with Kate's latest addition to her Menu Monday- but her kids are used to their mother's cooking & amount of food, so whatever.
We really don't know if her children are satified with the amount of food Kate gives them. Unless someone at school asks the children if they are still hungry after eating. But I doubt that's going to happen.
I do know that my children were big eaters (still are), yet their cousins ate like birds.
Fortunately, everyone is healthy, and living normal lives.
I wonder what is Kate's reason for not allowing milk into her kids' diet?
As for "Kates 5 Tips for Spring Cleaning"-
I cannot believe people have no clue how to clean in the springtime (or anytime).
Her Coupon Cabin blogs are consistantly stupid,
and self-serving.
Apparently, sheeple live underneath rocks.
I'm really concerned. How do they manage to survive?
@Kateplusmy8 Looks delicious, cant wait 2 try
I can't figure out if these sheeple are serious, or just kissing her behind. If they are serious, and think this looks delicious, can you imagine the slop they put on their own plates at home?
"Sorry, I'm just mediocre and have to ask, where would anyone in a house have room for two dishwashers?"
You knock out a section of cabinets or extend an island. It's not difficult to do. I extended a section of counter top to build a second microwave and trash compactor below. We entertain quite a bit, and it really comes in handy at holiday dinners! I don't know where Kate put her second dishwasher. Did she add it when they did the kitchen renovations?
Susan said... 107
Kate did not use milk and sorry, those kids should not be counting Weight Watcher points. The serving size for a main dish was woefully small. If they didn't have leftover lunch to snack on before dinner, they would be famished.
Seriously, I saw 3 noodles on that plate. Growing up, I served myself and at almost 12 years old, it's unreal that Kate doles food out for the twin girls. I took what *I* thought I should eat, not what my mother deemed as the proper portion for me. And, there was generally the chance that there would be sufficient food for a second portion, if I chose.
One single box of pasta for 9 people is ridiculous. I feel sorry for those kids. The girls with always be reminded to grow up, not out! and the boys will need trough-fulls of food as teens.
My good friend has just 2 highschool boys and is in constant awe of just how much food the eat... and the boys are tall and thin.
And just because I was thinking about this, as for DWTS I will be very surprised to see Ms Thang in the audience this season. Sure she could call and get tickets, but who is going to pay her expenses, the First class airfare, hotels and wait, X2 for her 'companion'? Not DWTS and now, not TLC. The reason you see people like Florence Henderson is that they are local; FH lives in Beverly Hills. K8 would have to, shudder, pay her own way, and then the kids would only have 1/2 lb of pasta and no chicken in their alfredo slop. 2 cups of chicken for 9 people, and 200 lbs in her freezer. Appalling.
Tucker's Mom, I've been known to MAKE my pasta. That would blow Kate's mind.
Susan, I'm going to disagree that a little less than a cup of pasta is enough for kids that age for dinner.
I almost never use the guidelines for serving sizes given on recipes and boxes, because they're often too small. I'll tell you why they do that: if the serving size is small, the calories, fat, etc per serving looks smaller. People checking out the product in the store think "oh that's not too bad." But really the serving size is anywhere from slightly unrealistic to "only if you are living in a prisoner of war camp."
I mean, think about a can of soda. That's labeled as 2 to 2.5 servings. But who only ever drinks 1/3 of a can of soda? (I don't really drink soda, just using this as a classic example.) So when you just glance at the calories, it doesn't look too bad. 100 calories? Wow! No, if you drink the whole can, it's 250.
Downeaster Alexa, that's my point, she needs to buy some plastic plates so she can stop buying and throwing away paper plates.
Boy, I AM slow this morning! But why would she spend money on plastic plates when she already has a set of "real" plates that she could use? I'm just not getting it! Why not just use the plates she has and save money by not having to buy plastic/paper plates? You just stick the real plates in the dishwasher, the same way that you would do with the plastic/heavy paper plates! I'm usually not this dense, so I am missing something! :)
rushgirl said... 102 why doesn't she grow a garden?
How would she find the time with all the paperwork and organizing she does. She won't allow the kids to get dirty and a "STAH" wouldn't be caught dead doing mediocre labor. hahahaha
Well, she could use the old EM Tanner plates lol. or those cafeteria ones....HER meal is served on a dinner plate!
*another job Kan-do Kate can't contemplate: cleaning lady.
Susan said... 107
Nicely done, Susan. Thanks for the info. It's amazing how, as a society, our perception of what a portion size looks like and what it actually is can be so skewed at times, like with pasta. We hear pasta is good for us, and it is - but a Macaroni Grill or Olive Garden portion is really enough to feed about 3-4 people.
I think some of the issue has been that, in general, we've moved away from "family style" eating, where the family made one meal (say, fettucini alfredo) and everyone dished themselves a share. I know when I started doing that, I noticed my kids, husband and I started adjusting to the correct portion sizes with little complaint compared to if I plated the food in the kitchen. I think serving it all on the table allowed them see how much food was there and to have control over how much they wanted to eat. And because you're taking a little bit of everything (ala Thanksgiving dinner, etc.), you wind up becoming full more quickly I think.
Sorry, didn't mean to go off on a tangent. It's just an interesting subject.
Oh yeah, that's true, she DOES already have plastic plates. We've seen them in pictures and on the show (occasionally).
Unless she threw away the EM Tanner plates and threw away the recent heart-shaped plates.
Please note SHE gets to eat on a regular plate.
I see no need for a normal household to have two dishwashers. I raised 6 kids, and one did the job for me (but it takes organization-ish skills).
I would have enjoyed two washer/dryer sets. That would have been a godsend.
It's a shame her kids aren't even worthy of a real dinner plate. Everything in Kate's life is disposable.
They aren't worthy of clean,fresh clothes or a clean bath towel every day either.
I bet SHE wears clean clothes and gets a fresh towel everyday, though!
Tucker's Mom -
You don't know that Kate didn't use milk. You interpreted it that way.
And I wasn't counting Weight Watchers points, I was using USDA-recommended serving sizes.
Kate's children are not teenage boys. The twins may be to the point where they are eating more, but maybe not.
The picture was of Kate's dinner, not the children's. We know she limits herself when it comes to carbs and fat - the children may have had more. You also don't know that they didn't have seconds.
Just because a parent serves up her children's dishes does not mean she is controlling their portions - it could be just their family's procedure and the way they do things. I dish up for my family for their first servings; they are welcome to go back for more themselves if they want.
With 8 kids they could each wash and rinse their own plate, cup and silverware with Kate to check they are clean after. It would take no time at all. Or set up a schedule so 2-3 kids are responsible per day to do dishes and rotate each day. (since she is Ms. organization) 7 yr olds are big enough to wash the simple stuff. We let my 4 yr old g.son help.
Well, she stated it was HER dinner. Hence the small portions. So let's hope the children's portions were more generous. Pasta is clock full of carbs so that might be why I can only see maybe 2 (?) strings of pasta.
I love pasta but some types can fill me up quickly so I only put what can fit in a small bowl and put sides on something else.
I also hated the idea that she spent so much on bottled/boxed juice! Such a waste of $$ and not exactly very nurtient either. Their teeth are going to fall out sooner than you think!
Susan said... 122
Tucker's Mom -
You don't know that Kate didn't use milk. You interpreted it that way.
4. I did not use Stonyfield milk, just their plain yogurt (the BEST!)
And my god, thank you mom for allowing me to serve myself food, and not cooking for exactly 4 people each and every meal. Oh, and for never telling me to grow up and not out.
You have to consider that this is not a one-off for Kate. Time after time, Kate has shown meager portions on the kids' plate. The oh-so-hyped V-day breakfast was laughable.
One piece of turkey bacon (35 calories) on each plate A tbsp of egg and a muffin the size of a door mouse. That's just wrong.
Maybe Kate's 'paperwork' has to do with paper plates? Buying, 'organizing' setting them out, throwing them out- I noticed on one episode they do NOT recycle them- the kids threw them in the regular trash. Also on an old episode where they had pancakes, they said they double the plates so the syrup doesn't seep through...
Interpretation #1 (yours):
"I did not use Stonyfield MILK, JUST their plain YOGURT." (I did not use milk, just yogurt.)
Interpretation #2 (mine):
"I did not use STONYFIELD milk, JUST THEIR PLAIN yogurt." (I did not use Stonyfield brand milk, but chose a different brand. I did use Stonyfield brand yogurt.)
I am no trying to defend Kate by any means but that recipe doesn't actually sound that bad and I'm pretty sure my son would also gobble it up. I have no problem with her using yogurt to create a "healthier" meal. I actually do the same all the time for my family. Yes kids need fat but there is a difference between good fat and bad fat and normal Alfredo sauce isn't exactly packed with "good" fat. i'll admit the picture is awful looking but the meal itself is something I would make and serve to my family.
As for the milk debate kids do not HAVE to drink milk. My son doesn't drink cows milk ever and we limit in general the amount of dairy he eats bc it can be hard on kids bodies. Now he does drink almond milk (and he LOVES it) but his main drink of choice is water. Lots of water. If I'm going to fault Kate its for the loads of sugar filled juice she feeds them not for the lack of milk. I promise there are more ways than cows milk to get kids the calcium they need.
I find Kate to generally be a terrible person and awful mother (and horrible picture taker) but my opinion is that recipe looked quite good actually. Although, if I were to thank someone for it, it would be Stonyfield not Kate since it wasnt her recipe in the first place.
So another dinner the kids rave about and give a 10 out of 10.
SuperMom strikes again.
Apparently they dont dislike anything, misbehave or ever do bad in school. The perfect mother leading the perfect life and raising perfect children.
You are my hero kHate.
She used 1 lb of pasta, 2 cups of chicken, for 9 people - even if HER portion was small, hw much more could there have been for the kids to serve themseves? Seconds? Hardly. I cook, I do know. And I hope we are not still having this conversation here when her kids are hungry, growing teens.
Susan, I take into account Kate's constant bitching about the cost of milk, her chronic feeding of sugar-laden crap juice and the fact that the children quaffed down the farmer's milk like there was no tomorrow.
That's my story... I'm sticking with it.
Melissa said... 128
I agree. The recipe itself is just fine and yogurt is wonderful for thickening/flavoring. I use Greek yogurt all the time.
Pioneer Woman Is Not the Anti-Kate said... 93
The "anti-Kate?" You should check out the criticisms of Pioneer Woman, as they might sound familiar. Let's see...people complain that she misrepresents her life style, is rich, has a nanny and housekeeper, leaves her pioneer life to go on book tours, staying in 5 star hotels, etc., etc. There are blogs devoted to analyzing and criticizing her every word and move and Internet battles between fans and haters. Oh, and guess what her fans often are called? That's right...sheeple.
WRONG! Ree Drummond, a/k/a The Pioneer Woman, is absolutely the antithesis of Kate. And I have read some of that drivel you are referring to.
Ree Drummond is obviously rich but owns it and does not cry poor; of course, she has to have a staff...she's an EDUCATED and established author and is currently on a book tour promoting her new cookbook; her blog is flawless and without errors; she has a warm and endearing personality and her own show on Food Network.
In addition, she BEAT Iron Chef Bobby Flay in a Thanksgiving Showdown a couple of years ago. She obviously adores her four (4) children; she has a great relationship with her hunk of a husband; lots of close family relationships that include grandparents and cousins; and her children are only shown on her t.v. show in the background and only heard commenting on her food from time to time.
She is INDEED the antithesis of Kate Gosselin in every way imaginable.
She definitely has two dishwashers. Saw them in a photo or a clip from the show, but she must have added the 2nd one with the kitchen reno. The sink was in the middle with the dishwashers on either side. So, I have no idea why she is still using paper plates. She must use the paper plates when the cleaning "girl" is not there. She is so lazy. Easier to use paper plates than supervise chores for the kids like loading up or putting away dishes.
Dallas, here's the recommendations from our Kaiser pediatric nutritionist:
Milk and Milk Products:
2 Cups a day for 6-8 year olds, 3 Cups a day for 9-12 year olds
1 portion= 1 Cup milk; 1 Cup yogurt; 1 and 1/2 ounces hard cheese; 2 ounces processed cheese
2 servings a day for 6-8 year olds
2-3 servings a day for 9-12 year olds
Vegetables: 1/4 - 1/2 of your plate
Meat & Beans: 2x a day, up to 5 ounces
1 portion= 2-3 ounces cooked meat, fish or poultry; 1 ounce meat = 1/4 cup dried beans, 1 egg, 1 TB peanut butter, 1/2 ounce nuts
(Our pediatric nutritionist recommended you use your palm size to show you the right portion size. That means when I'm feeding my child meat, I use their palm size, not mine, to determine their portion)
Grains: 1/4 plate or 1-2 servings per meal
6 ounces a day, at least half whole grains
1 portion=1 ounce; 1 ounce=1 slice whole grain bread, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, rice or pasta, 1 cup dry cereal.
I agree with you that, when tracking your food intake, you need to track what you eat not what the portion size on the box says. So if you drink that whole can of coke, you need to track the whole can of coke, and if the can says "100 calories per serving" and a can is "2 servings per can" then you need to track 200 calories because that's what you consumed.
That, however, doesn't mean that just because you can drink a whole can or eat 3 cups of pasta at a sitting that that's how much you should be consuming. That's where knowing how much of any one type of food you should eat throughout the day is important. That's why there are guidelines that are based on sound, medical research.
And as always, kids should never be put on a "diet" if you're trying to get them lose weight. They need to eat their daily guideline amounts to ensure they get all the nutrients they need for normal growth and development. If your child needs to lose weight, help them increase their exercise. But most important - if you have nutrition questions or concerns, talk to your child's doctor first and foremost. I'm just sharing general information I've learned from our pediatric nutritionist.
I think the garden idea is a great one, rushgirl, especially for a salad eater, and for the kids too. With all that land, why not? And Team Gosselin or whatever she said, they should manage fine.
As for the milk debate kids do not HAVE to drink milk
Of course, but Kate has never mentioned any of the kids having an allergy to dairy and it's obvious that they love it. I mean, they devoured it at the farm! I think it's just the irony that she has complained about the cost of milk, while never denying herself a darn thing.
Susan said... 122
Tucker's Mom -
You don't know that Kate didn't use milk. You interpreted it that way.
You need to re-read what Kate wrote. She specifically said she did NOT use milk.
Tucker's Mom said... 108
Marie said... 103
Sorry, I'm just mediocre and have to ask, where would anyone in a house have room for two dishwashers?
Many people do. With kids, it's terrific and I fully support it to avoid using paper plates on a regular basis. You may have to lose some cabinet space, but that's something that you have to weigh.
In other words, you also have two dishwashers and therefore you can't nitpick about this particular issue. The vast majority of people with kids do not have to use paper plates due to the fact that they only have one dishwasher. That is rationalization at its finest.
Westcoaster, I was about to say the same thing. She says right there she only used one pound of pasta and two cups of cooked chicken. Even if her part was minuscule (and it definitely looks it), that still means eight kids who are not babies or toddlers had to share less than a pound of pasta and fewer than two cups of chicken between them.
In no universe is that going to satisfy every one of those kids. Even if we say one or two is having a low appetite day and has just a tiny bit, you're still not going to have enough for the others.
What seconds would there BE to go back FOR?
Besides, we've all seen how she feeds her kids, this isn't a one-off thing. A few grapes and two crackers was a meal when they were as old as five, and her recent photos of other meals shows it hasn't gotten a whole lot better!
She chronically underfeeds them, and I feel very comfortable in saying that after all the times I've seen a typical meal set out for them.
It probably serves two purposes for her: she seems to have her own insecurities with weight and body image and is transferring them to her kids, and God knows she doesn't like spending a lot of money on them. Her? No problem. But them? Never.
She DOES need to watch her money, but watching it by underfeeding your kids is not right, not at all. She hasn't seemed to have cut a single corner where her personal luxuries are concerned.
In other words, you also have two dishwashers and therefore you can't nitpick about this particular issue
And, when I get my kitchen redo, I'm still going to have one dishwasher.
Green eyed monster much??
JudyK said... 133
WRONG! Ree Drummond, a/k/a The Pioneer Woman, is absolutely the antithesis of Kate. And I have read some of that drivel you are referring to.
You do realize that you sound exactly like a Kate fan defending her, don't you? The Kate fans think this blog is pure drivel. Imagine that!
I think the main point that's being made here by some of us is not whether or not you should give your kids milk, but the fact that Kate always cries poor when it comes to providing things for her kids, but for her, it's a different story.
This story fits perfectly. It was told to me by the guy's younger sister, a friend of mine:
A guy called up his dad to ask for extra money to tide them over. He had a wife and two young kids (toddler and baby). This was a chronic thing--the grown son having to ask his dad for an extra $200-300 to cover their expenses for the month. The son told the dad they didn't have any money to buy diapers. They didn't have money for formula and milk and basic grocery items they needed.
The dad finally asked the son, "Did you buy your cigarettes? Did you get your $50 worth of scratch-off lottery tickets? Has your wife gotten her pedicure and manicure? Did you buy the twelve packs of beer you buy each month?"
The son got upset and hung up on him. The answer to all those questions was yes. He bought his cigarettes, scratch-off tickets, and beer. His wife had gotten her pedicure and manicure and they had gone out to the bars a few times to have drinks with friends, as well.
So to call up his dad every month saying they didn't have money for diapers and milk for the babies was disingenuous. Of course they had money for their kids. They were choosing to spend it on themselves, rather than the two little ones.
It was hard, but the dad never gave him money again. He didn't want the babies to suffer, but he was pretty sure his son would either find another sucker to get the money from or re-prioritize his spending and put the kids FIRST.
Kate doesn't get any sympathy when she bitches about the cost of dentists or shoes or food when she's still treating herself in so many ways.
"Oh and it’s a very very low fat version of Fettuccini Alfredo so it makes me love it even more!
Enjoy!"- Kate
That is scary when it comes to children's nutrition.None of the kids needs to worry about fat. The 'very very' is a bit worrisome.
JudyK said... 138
You need to re-read what Kate wrote. She specifically said she did NOT use milk.
No, you need to re-read it. She specifically said she didn't use STONYFIELD milk. That doesn't preclude her from having used a different brand of milk. Susan's interpretation is as valid as yours.
Having looked at today's food offering from Kate, I must agree, that plate looked unappetizing. Food is notoriously hard to photograph, but with a little time and effort in the presentation, almost anything can look good. Not this.
I see slop, with more salad slop on the side. Even the edges of that plate had slop spills, so much for presentation. As far as portion size goes, I hope that off-camera there were at least 2 large Italian loaves for those kids and Shoka to devour. None of them are going to survive well on her scant serving sizes.
As far as her money-saving "ideas", you just have to laugh at her lack of originality. She has an innate ability to present these ideas as revelations, as if no one had ever THOUGHT of spring cleaning coming at springtime. Who knew?
The questions becomes was the pasta the only thing the kids ate for dinner? That we don't know, although I would hope not. If it was the only thing they ate, then no, that's not enough food. However, if they also had salad and fruit, they were probably fine, appetite wise.
"I hope that off-camera there were at least 2 large Italian loaves for those kids and Shoka to devour."
THAT'S CARBS!!! EVIL!!!!!!!!!
This is just a classic case of Kate's criticizers finding fault in something she does JUST because it is her.
If someone else posted a recipe which serves 12 and said they were serving it to 8 pre-teen children and 1 adult woman, you would not blink an eye.
My 4 kids - two pre-teens and two teens - had crackers, cheese, and grapes for dinner last night. They also had the option to eat spinich dip and french bread, but they chose not to. All were happy. They often eat things like this for lunch. There is nothing that says a meal must be a 4 course hot dinner.
Most of the Gosselin children are slightly built, and they are still YOUNG. If there was really a danger of them not getting enough to eat, SOMEONE who actually knows them would have come forward with that information. Everytime this is discussed, someone says "just wait until they are teenagers." Well, they're not teenagers yet. The times we saw them served smallish portions of "snacks" for lunch were when they were preschoolers and toddlers. For her to serve them - at ages 7 & 11 - more than twice a serving size of pasta for dinner and that to be criticized is just being petty.
Judy - I read the sentence several times, and I told you why I think she used a different kind of milk. You do not know that she eliminated the milk from the recipe altogether. In my opinion, she would have said "I left out the milk" if that is indeed what she did.
However, even if she DID, there is plenty of calcium in this recipe (cheese, yogurt, spinach.) There is plenty of calcium in the G8's diet, as they appear to eat a lot of cheese (which you also criticize her for.) The idea that children MUST drink cows milk is outdated and short-sighted. Calcium, hydration, and vitamin D are important. Milk is not.
Tucker's Mom said... 141
In other words, you also have two dishwashers and therefore you can't nitpick about this particular issue
And, when I get my kitchen redo, I'm still going to have one dishwasher.
Green eyed monster much??
Not at all. I have zero interest in a second dishwasher. Love that you had to mention your kitchen re-do though! Was that supposed to impress me? I can't think of any other reason for you to bring up something so completely irrelevant.
"Oh and it’s a very very low fat version of Fettuccini Alfredo so it makes me love it even more!
I'm off to Costco; the above makes me want to buy their yummy, not very low fat, version of FA for our dinner tonight. Probably won't, but still. Hey Nurse K8, call your pediatrician and ask about fat in the diet. My grandbabies drink whole milk (and water, hardly any juice at all).
@Kateplusmy8 Try something new!Try surfing on Deck16 on the Allure of the Seas!4 more info call 800-388-SAIL & go 2 http://t.co/fLU9Tz26(preview)
I'm getting a mental picture of Kate's dozen sheeple lined up in their skirted swimsuits, waiting to use the surfing pool on Deck 16. It reminds me of Richard Simmons' Gertrude doll...
(click on photo to enlarge it).
Somehow I don't see the wave pool as being an incentive for booking the cruise!
*I am also known for attaching a dry Swiffer to my mop, and then I flip it over to use the other side so I get two uses for the cost of one.
Yeah sure you are Kate. I remember when Dateline had a whole segment dedicated to your double-duty swiffer pad idea. I think it made the cover of Time, too.
Get over yourself. If you're known for anything, it's for being the bitch from hell.
Susan, did you miss the Valentine's Day breakfast photos or other pictures she has tweeted of her kids' meals?
I wouldn't base a criticism on one meal.
But just like eight kids aren't always going to have the same opinion on everything (as Kate likes to claim), they also are not going to all have the same appetite levels all the time. But they are fed that way and have been fed that way since they were very young.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if some of them get in the kitchen to get food outside of mealtimes and I also wouldn't be surprised to hear that is NOT allowed.
I mean, this is the woman who found out her kids were eating their lunch on the way to school on the bus, right after breakfast. She got angry. The first reaction I'd have is to think ok well obviously they're still hungry if they're having to sneak food out of their lunches right after breakfast.
She's a control freak, we've all seen dozens and dozens of examples of that. That she's controlling with their food is no surprise at all. Just sad and unhealthy.
I agree with anonymous about the dishwashers.
"Many people" do not have two dishwashers. I obviously don't know what the percentage of the population is who does, but it's certainly not high enough to justify "many".
Tucker's Mom said something about fully supporting having two dishwashers in order to avoid paper plates. I thought that was an odd thing to say, as the avoidance of paper plates shouldn't really be tied to having ANY dishwashers. I wouldn't support it even if one had 12 kids and no dishwasher.
This blog is often used by some people to state what they have, what they own, what they do, in a superior way. There was no reason to mention the kitchen re-do, the vegetable garden, or any of the other hundreds of things that have been brought up on this blog solely to point out that the poster is superior to Kate.
Susan - 149
I happen to agree with you. I think people tend to think the absolute worst when Kate posts/says something. To be fair I think a lot of that is Kate's own doing and she does so so much wrong that you tend to think the worst. But I do also think you have to be careful in that if you go ahead and say absolutely EVERYTHING she does is just terrible and awful then when she actually does something worth of criticism (and she usually will at least 2-3 times a week) it can make that criticism seem hollow.
We don't know what else they had with the pasta. She did double a recipe that originally fed 4-6 people. There is plenty of calcium in that meal with or without the milk. Over two the general rule is no longer to give full fat milk, cheese etc. so I cant fault her for the recipe she chose.
Anyway, I dislike Kate greatly. I just don't want to be so prone to jump on everything she does immediately.
You know, for only $1200 (and that includes taxes and fees) you could fly to the Florida coast for the week, stay in a 4/5 star all inclusive resort and surf in a REAL Ocean. But then again, Kate is all about fake. Fake surfing = all real just like fake boobies = real (I mean they aren't imaginary, and are her's - as in she paid for them).
What's your problem, Susan?
I shouldn't have discussed my VEGETABLE GARDEN? Are you serious?
It was directly related to something I was saying about Kate--that I have always been surprised she doesn't have a garden with the kids. She has chickens, for crying out loud, most definitely more care and upkeep than a vegetable garden. But no garden. And this woman eats salads constantly.
Give me a break. Reading a blog is 100% voluntary, by the way.
Judy - I read the sentence several times, and I told you why I think she used a different kind of milk. You do not know that she eliminated the milk from the recipe altogether. In my opinion, she would have said "I left out the milk" if that is indeed what she did.
**my alterations:
4. I did not use Stonyfield milk, just their plain yogurt (the BEST!)
Susan, I apologize, because I may have well misinterpreted this...she could have used another brand of milk. I read it that she used yogurt entirely INSTEAD of milk and yogurt, but I think you are probably correct.
Susan said... 155
Do you live in Opposite World?
Please, stop picking at everything I write and putting your own spin on it. You are way, way off base.
Go be a troll somewhere else.
"But just like eight kids aren't always going to have the same opinion on everything (as Kate likes to claim), they also are not going to all have the same appetite levels all the time. But they are fed that way and have been fed that way since they were very young."
Dallas Lady - you have one child, correct? How are you then the expert on how a large family operates?
It is true that families will tend to develop the same habits regarding eating, sleeping, etc. because of the way the children are raised. But there are also going to be some similarities based on genetics. We are talking about eight kids from the same parentage, who have all been raised together in the same home. While they won't be identical in how much they eat or what they like to eat, they will likley be SIMILAR. And there's nothing wrong with that. When you are serving 8 children, you can't afford to be as free with choices as you can with 1 child.
Kate has gone on record as saying that she honors the kids' likes and dislikes when she packs their lunches (I remember an epiosde when the twins first started school in particiular). She also shares the recipes that she says all or most of her children like. Why on earth would she share the ones they DON'T like? Should she start posting everything they eat on her blog and saying specifically which one did and didn't like each thing?
Susan said... 149
My 4 kids - two pre-teens and two teens - had crackers, cheese, and grapes for dinner last night. They also had the option to eat spinich dip and french bread, but they chose not to.
lol. I got it... You're pulling our leg aren't you. Geez I hope you feed them something more substantial for breakfast. Please say you did.
Susan 107 -- 2 cups of chicken does not = 1 1/2 pounds. A cup is 8 ounces. Two cups = 16 ounces, or one pound. So, assuming Kate ate no chicken, the kids averaged 2 ounces each. Even if they had side dishes with the meal, it still seems inadequate for 8 growing kids.
canadianmom/rushlady -- I think the reason Kate doesn't have a garden is because it would be too much work. She'd have to -- Oh the Horror of it! -- actually have to work in the dirt in the sun in the heat! She might spoil that expensive manicure. Dallas Lady -- I agree. Nothing like walking out your door and picking a fresh ripe tomato or a mess of green beans or a nice crisp green pepper or your own fresh herbs. Unfortunately, I'm cursed with black thumb syndrome and the soil where I live is crappy, and even I manage a few tomato plants and some basil, parsley and sage.
Costco's Fettucine Alfredo is so good! But I'm sure it's loaded with butter and cream! I admit I've crumbled and gave into it a couple times. I used to love their rolled flank steak with spinach and feta, but I digress.
I don't give two hoots if Kate added milk to the recipe. It has no place in FA anyhow. My point is that growing kids can eat fat! Fat is actually good for you!
A slab of lard? No, but history has shown us time and again that a "low fat" diet is actually unhealthy and has never lead to a decrease in heart disease.
Dallas Lady - I brought up the vegetable garden because you do, in my opinion, tend to use the way you live your life as the way that Kate should live hers. Plenty of people don't have gardens. Most people, in fact, don't have gardens. If you had just said "I've always wondered why Kate doesn't have a garden to save money" and left it at that, I wouldn't have said anything. But you chose to go on and talk about how wonderful you are because you do have a garden. Just my opinion.
Tucker's Mom - so every time someone brings up an opposite pov, they live in Opposite World? I'm not allowed to disagree with you? I was wondering how long it would take today for me to be called a troll or a sheeple. Peace out.
Peace out.
In other news, I'd love to have a garden. The sunlight and available spaces around my yard just don't lend themselves well to growing. DH made me a beautiful garden at our last house. I had tomatoes coming out of my ears! Now, I think I've gotten 3 tomatoes in September every time I buy a tomato plant, water it all summer long.
It's frustrating ;-(
AuntieAnn - not pulling your leg. Why would I lie about something like that? My kids are active, athletic, and healthy. Occasionally we have a light dinner which involves no cooking. Nobody went hungry, believe me.
Tucker's Mom said... 131
Susan, I take into account Kate's constant bitching about the cost of milk, her chronic feeding of sugar-laden crap juice and the fact that the children quaffed down the farmer's milk like there was no tomorrow.
That's my story... I'm sticking with it.
I agree with you as well!
I have a large family (6 kids, not 8, hehe), and Kate's use of paper plates is due to her laziness and poor budgeting, among other things.
It's just plain STUPID to use paper plates for FREAKIN YEARS.
And yes, I agree that a garden on that acreage Kate has would be great. She has plenty of time to plant it. Good grief.
Kate's world revolves around her own selfishness. She married someone she thought would provide the life she wanted, she got pregnant soon after the twins because SHE wanted to, threw away her marriage away because Jon wanted to ruin her plans, made the kids film when they didn't want to, bought that money pit of a house because she wanted it. She did nothing for the kids, it was all for her.
Always for Kate.
She says she washes those "utility towels" in pure bleach. She is more than likely on a septic system -- bleach is not good for a septic system. I wonder who she'll blame when it fails & starts to back up in her drains and yard...
Susan, you said: But you chose to go on and talk about how wonderful you are because you do have a garden.
Actually, I never said I was wonderful, LOL. I'm WONDERFUL because I have a garden?
Wow! But you failed to mention the fact that I said I sometimes MAKE my own pasta! How could you have let that get past you in your list of complaints?
Because if having my own garden makes me wonderful, making my own pasta must make me some kind of super star!
Off to tell my husband I'm wonderful because I grow some basil and tomatoes on the side of the house.
So she did menu Monday's and got her idea from some where else not a shocker there.
But you'd think for someone that doesn't work could come up with their own ideas for dinner.
I think Kate would have mentioned if she served bread or salad to the kids, because that's her usual MO.
re: gardens. I think people are pointing out they are a money-saver, time-saver, and good for the kids' nutrition and Kate's love of salad. With 8 kids, they could manage fine. I saw no bragging, just a suggestion of what would be thrifty and educational for the G family. Is Kate not in the money-saving business at CC?
Also her cleaning tips left a lot of room for improvement. I could add many suggestions but would not want to brag ;)
AND Susan, you failed to see my entire point, which was that it would be quite easy for her to garden given the fact that she already has the upkeep of chickens to think about. You'd think a small vegetable garden would be Outdoor Stuff 101 before having a huge chicken coop built and keeping chickens.
That's my point: she could do these things. They would be efficient money-savers and a great experience and education for the kids, to boot, but she doesn't. Seems silly to wax on about organic food and eating right and have all that land and not a garden in sight.
And trust me, if she had one, she'd have been bragging away about it from day one, just like those chickens.
No, TLC never PUT IN A garden for her, so she doesn't have one.
Once a Viewer: jinx!
My 4 kids - two pre-teens and two teens - had crackers, cheese, and grapes for dinner last night. They also had the option to eat spinich dip and french bread, but they chose not to.
lol!! Snark, right?
OPTION? How are options decided? Is there a list posted on the refrigerator?
Option 1: Spinach Dip
Option 2: French Bread?
Option 3: Spinach Dip AND French Bread?
What if they don't like the choices? "Hey, Mom, there are orange slices in the refrigerator? May we have those instead of the spinach dip and French bread?" Is the answer, "no," because that isn't an "option?"
Wow! But you failed to mention the fact that I said I sometimes MAKE my own pasta! How could you have let that get past you in your list of complaints?
Homemade pasta is a bit deceiving. It looks so easy, but it takes skill and a certain touch.
I do grow herbs in pots, and they thrive all summer. Having fresh basil is so great, isn't it?
Susan said... 167
AuntieAnn - not pulling your leg. Why would I lie about something like that? My kids are active, athletic, and healthy. Occasionally we have a light dinner which involves no cooking. Nobody went hungry, believe me.
Sound like you're taking a page out of Kate's book. You said you have two teens and two pre-teens and all they had to eat for dinner is crackers, cheese and grapes? That's not a light dinner, that's a snack and you know it. You can't tell me that satisfies their appetites at that age ESPECIALLY if they're active.
And why would you critcize other posters comparing their food habits to Kate's and then turn around and do the same yourself?
My nutritionist (who is also on the advisory board for my state)says that the low-fat, high carb diets are a big old crock.
Our bodies and brains need protein and fat.
My nutritionist recommends using ZERO "low-fat" products, since they are usually loaded with sugars.
KHate fed a mere 2 cups of chicken to 9 people????
Oh, silly me, spray-tan is expensive. Gotta cut corners somewhere.
Tucker's Mom, there is *nothing* like fresh basil, I totally agree. In the heat of the summer, after I've watered stuff, if you lean down and inhale, you can smell the basil, oregano, tomato plants and pepper plants warmed in the sun and it smells like a big pot of spaghetti sauce.
But I also love the rosemary because it's an evergreen plant, can take any amount of drought our summers throw at it, is now about four feet by two feet and looks gorgeous in front of the clematis vines. I like being able to go out there and snip some fresh rosemary year round.
I've got lavender, but grow it mainly just for the smell. I did dry some a while back, but eh. It was alright.
The oregano came back and the mint always has to be hacked back, as usual. But I like being able to get fresh mint, too, for dishes or more often for drinks.
Herbs are too easy to grow not to do it, even if just in pots. And the difference it makes in cooking is amazing.
You can make your own Windex for pennies on the dollar using about 1-2 parts ammonia to 8-10 parts water (dilute as much or as little as you see fit). A gallon or half gallon of ammonia is a fraction of the cost of Windex. There's your money saving tip, Kate.
Kate writes a blog pretending to be a super mom and a role model to others. If she were truly a role model, she probably would have a garden, would not use paper plates, and be more concerned about the well-being of her children then about her self-image and self-promotion. As for me, I am just a mediocre person, I don't have a garden but I know a lot of people that do (and think nothing of it), I don't use paper plates (I don't really know anyone who does, except for picnics), and I don't pretend to be anything that I am not. I don't promote myself as a super anything, and certainly not as a role model for anyone. Doesn't mean I have to believe anything that Kate says or buy in to her pseudo celebrity act.
I am concerned that we as a society are complicit in the exploitation of children as an entertainment commodity, case in point the Gosselin children. Kate Gosselin herself leaves me indifferent but I find it disturbing that this woman keeps on putting her children in the public eye, either on TV or through blogs, cruises, and twitter feeds in order to reap material advantage. Deconstructing that phenomena is important, I think, so that we become aware of the values we are promoting as a society. Commercialization trumps truth, compassion and genuine care.
It is not an attack on Kate Gosselin herself, but on what she is doing to her kids, and what are doing to them by buying into her act.
Just to add to the food discussion - please remember that there is a difference between fluid ounces in cups and ounces by weight. When you are weighing chicken, I find 8 ounces of chicken is more like a cup and a half. If you disagree, take it up with my food scale. :-)
Oops - last sentence in comment 180
what WE are doing to them by buying into her act.
It makes me so angry to see so many people deciding that they are "owed" something. I am 41 yrs old, and a Physician Assistant....I am married to a 20 yr miliary vet, who is now retired in a new career. It took me almost 13 yrs to pay off my student loans! Before that I worked multiple jobs when I was an undergrad to pay for that education....work ethic...that is what is so lacking today...oh and by the way, how about waiting to have kids until you are OUT OF SCHOOL, like we did...so sick of people whining! Work hard, and you can get there! Married 19 yrs, and finally have 2 beautiful girls and a wonderful house....but we EARNED IT!!!
Another money saving tip is to use a washable mop and duster. I'm surprised Kate didn't mention green products green products. They're pretty mainstream now and of course, ammonia and vinegar work wonders.
I think Kate's cleaning lady should have written that blog. She probably has better tips.
Clearly Kate's final spring cleaning tip must have been edited out of her latest CC post. You know, the one which should read, "Then I take all of my coupon-procured cleaning products, hand them over to my cleaning gal -- and go for a jog. Yay!"
Yes, peace out, of course, but... I did read her recipe exactly the way Susan did. ;) And a 2 ounces serving of pasta is about what you get in, -let's say-, a Michelina's frozen pasta box, marketed mainly for adults. So maybe, just maybe, the confusion, once again, comes from Kate's incrediblish knack for "hum"... writing and "hum"... communicating. I think that what throws off some of us here is the fact that the Great Masterminder uses the term "Menu Monday" when, in fact, it should be "Recipe Monday". ("Monday's recipe", if one's not fluent in Katespeak...) With a side serving of salad, bread, dessert or fruit (all of wich would be part of a "menu"), her serving size does follow accepted nutritional guidelines. So... even if I'm "known for" purposely waking up in the middle of the night just so I can loath Kate more, I think we should give her a pass on this one, especially since, for once, it doesn't look like Shoka's lunch... Now... If I could only explain that beyond bizarre valentine's breakfast. I can't.
To satisfy my own curiosity I'm sneaking in here to ask:
In my 60+ years am I the only person who never had a dishwasher (unless you count DH), or never had even a garbage disposal (unless you count two growing kids who would eat most anything)?
Some of our best conversations after a large extended family meal have been in the kitchen with one holding a dish towel, another with suds half-way up their arm, and a third & fourth clearing the table & putting dishes away. I feel ancient...lol.
Cleaning Tips from Kate Gosselin's Cleaning Lady:
1. First, make sure you stay out of her way at all times. It's best if she doesn't see you at all.
2. When she goes to the tanning place in the giant bus, dilute the bleach bottle with water so she'll stop destroying the towels.
3. Move all post-it notes just for fun.
4. I'm sorry, but I don't really have any dish washing tips. There aren't really any dishes to wash.
5. Let the poor dog in and spend some time talking to him and petting him.
6. Sweep floors extra because of loving on the dog, who sheds.
7. Strip all kid beds and wash their bedding on hot. This is the only time it will get clean.
8. Restock the Secret Snack Bins in each kid room.
9. Start making the disgusting dinner Kate has ordered you to make at 4:00 each day. Try not to make faces while making it. DO NOT, UNDER PENALTY OF SEVERENESS, ADD EXTRA AMOUNTS OF FOOD TO THE RECIPE. (Remember, the kids have their Secret Snack Bins.) Yes, it will be cold by the time they eat it. She knows this.
10. If you have to clean when she's locked in her room sobbing and screaming, make as little noise as possible. You don't want a repeat of what happened...last time.
11. If she's running low on boxed wine, REPLACE IT IMMEDIATELY from the shelves in the basement where she keeps it all. Do NOT let her realize it has almost run out or that she drank it all or again, something will happen like last time and you don't want that. Let her keep thinking it's the same box.
I'm sorry, I know these aren't good cleaning tips, but it's how I survive.
It is not an attack on Kate Gosselin herself, but on what she is doing to her kids, and what are doing to them by buying into her act.
Great post and that gets to the heart of the matter. Kate's rationale for using her children, making money off of them and making them work is that she's not the first and she won't be the last.
I say, you don't know that Kate. Have we as a society lowered our standards and increased our tolerance to using kids for gain? Teen Moms, large broods, multiples are all fodder for attention. From blogs to YouTube (yes, you too can score a free trip to NYC and make the talk show rounds!) to the BoobTube-- all venues for gaining something from exposing children and losing their privacy.
It doesn't make it right. In fact, it's wrong and it spawns such Einsteins as Balloon Boy's dad and this insane Canadian dad who wanted to do a show where the whole family did stunts. He truly gets the Darwin award for setting his whole family on fire for a stunt video. Like no kid is going to try that at home.
It's a slippery slope and the Gosselins blazed new trails.
The Cleaning Lady said... 189
Cleaning Tips from Kate Gosselin's Cleaning Lady:
1. First, make sure you stay out of her way at all times. It's best if she doesn't see you at all.
2. When she goes to the tanning place in the giant bus, dilute the bleach bottle with water so she'll stop destroying the towels.
3. Move all post-it notes just for fun.
4. I'm sorry, but I don't really have any dish washing tips. There aren't really any dishes to wash.
5. Let the poor dog in and spend some time talking to him and petting him.
6. Sweep floors extra because of loving on the dog, who sheds.
7. Strip all kid beds and wash their bedding on hot. This is the only time it will get clean.
8. Restock the Secret Snack Bins in each kid room.
9. Start making the disgusting dinner Kate has ordered you to make at 4:00 each day. Try not to make faces while making it. DO NOT, UNDER PENALTY OF SEVERENESS, ADD EXTRA AMOUNTS OF FOOD TO THE RECIPE. (Remember, the kids have their Secret Snack Bins.) Yes, it will be cold by the time they eat it. She knows this.
10. If you have to clean when she's locked in her room sobbing and screaming, make as little noise as possible. You don't want a repeat of what happened...last time.
11. If she's running low on boxed wine, REPLACE IT IMMEDIATELY from the shelves in the basement where she keeps it all. Do NOT let her realize it has almost run out or that she drank it all or again, something will happen like last time and you don't want that. Let her keep thinking it's the same box.
I'm sorry, I know these aren't good cleaning tips, but it's how I survive.
If this was JUST satire, you get an A+.
Of course, I want to believe you are the real cleaning lady...and if you are, we'll change that to past tense...you WERE the cleaning lady!
The Cleaning Lady said... 189
Thank you Mr. Cleaning Lady. Enjoyed that!
My nutritionist recommends using ZERO "low-fat" products, since they are usually loaded with sugars.
This is 100% true. Compare any nonfat version to it's low fat counterpart and the nutrition value/amount of calories ALWAYS favors the low fat version. It's just better for your body. Low fat products are a marketing ploy and really not healthy--no fat, but no nutrients and tons of sugar. Low fat are better balanced.
Oops, that is nonfat products are a marketing ploy.
To The Cleaning Lady: brava!
Now, any tips on cleaning hot tea sprayed on my Ipad screen?
The Cleaning Lady said... 189 --
Perfecto and hilarious.
I generally get lower fat dairy products and some salad dressings. The FF versions just cut too much flavor.
Except Greek yogurt. That I can do 0%.
Let me get this straight: Kate supposedly "wrote" a cookbook; yet, she's posting recipes from a yogurt container on her blog?
Things that make you go "hmmmmmm."
silimom 181 -- I'll trust your food scales. I'm a diabetic, so I often weigh foods, but I don't usually measure by the cupful, I just weigh the food (hope that doesn't sound as confusing as I think it might, LOL). So, if KK used 2 cups of chicken, her kids actually got less than 2 oz. each, because 1 cup would be less than 6 oz. Oy! Math makes my head hurt, LOL. These kids are not light eaters when given unrestricted access to food. We've seen it on the show (Jon's Korean dinner, Emeril's visit, the trip to the dairy farm). I stand by my feeling that those kids must be hungry most of the time.
@mscatie 188 "am I the only one who has never had a dishwasher?"
HECK NO! Well, I DID have one for a couple of years but it broke last year and I decided I wanted the extra space instead so we got rid of it. I find it easier to just wash them quickly after meals, as long as you get on them right away and don't let them pile up its not that tough. Now I have a helpful 7 YO who helps with the dishes...
Which reminds me... I need to put "buy new dishes" on my list of things to do this week, haha. He's helpful but not that gentle yet.
AuntieAnn said... 185
I think Kate's cleaning lady should have written that blog. She probably has better tips.
lol. But so true.
canadianmom said... 200
@mscatie 188 "am I the only one who has never had a dishwasher?"
We never had one growing up. My mom never owned one her entire life. The last place she lived she had a garbage disposal and I to teach her how to use it. She wouldn't even buy another clothes dryer and hung her clothing on a line for over 20 years.
She was a tough old broad ;-)
To the Cleaning Lady at 189 -
That was a "Fantastik" (get it?) post!
But I think you inadvertently forget one important tip:
Before you make that dinner, be sure to tape trash bags down over all of the counters...so keep them clean, you know. I'm sure that helps you with your job.
I hope you "Pledge" to keep us all informed of future tips!
I think the kids will soon be sneaking food. With all those snacks Kate bought, unless she locks them up, they'll go for those. (or try Cleaning Lady's tip of bedroom hoarding) The way they are expected to eat is not going to make them thin and healthy, but have issues with food or even eating disorders. The breakfasts are crazy. I realize not every child CAN eat breakfast so early, so the bus snack, I get.Most school buses don't allow eating, but hey, who am I to argue with Kate? Their lunches seem fine, almost too much, and too many little containers to get it all eaten and to socialize. They could buy milk at school, but no, they have juice boxes packed. Dinner of slim pickins' after a long day and sports, well, that's just pathetic unless Kate did not mention what she served on the side. Snacks to Kate are for lunches only, not if they are hungry- she said on the show the kitchen 'closes' after dinner. We never saw them have a glass of milk and a cookie at bedtime, or even fruit- they were yelled at in OBX for sneaking strawberries.
All the kids are petite with the exception of 2 or 3. I am curious how suddenly one tup became so thin after a chubby toddlerhood. There is no need to deprive them of food, and she is not setting a healthy example of her diet fixation and salad eating at every family meal..
Our dishwasher broke about ten years ago and we were going to replace it, but we just got used to hand washing and we didn't replace it for eight years.
To satisfy my own curiosity I'm sneaking in here to ask:
In my 60+ years am I the only person who never had a dishwasher (unless you count DH), or never had even a garbage disposal (unless you count two growing kids who would eat most anything)?
Although I now have a dishwasher and garbage disposal, we did not have one growing up, and my sister and I were the "dishwasher and dryer."
To this day, I will tell you it was great time spent with my mom and sister at the end of the day while we completed this task for 8, count 'em 8 people. Great mom time, as she was cleaning up and putting away food and dishes as they were dried. But it was great mom time for my sister and I and even though we complained, we actually like our multi-chore as we got uniterrupted Mom time. Would not change a thing.
Dallas Lady said... 5
Our dishwasher broke about ten years ago and we were going to replace it, but we just got used to hand washing and we didn't replace it for eight years.
Now you're bragging because you hand washed your dishes. Geesh. Will it never end?
KIDDING - I'm just snarking. ;)
I love everyone's posts here...and I like the fact that we can - & should be able to - debate without being vindictive, mean and bullying.
And I still can't believe Kate didn't mention wrapping her counters in trash bags on her cleaning blog. ;) Because we ALL do that, right?
Re: the food
I'll be honest, I don't really get the obsession sometimes with her food amounts, the presentation, etc. - the kids clearly aren't starving or in poor health at this time and I'll be the first to admit I don't myself don't worry about presentation; my family doesn't care and they still enjoy the food whether it's plopped on a plate or laid out in a decorative pattern with a parsley sprig, lol.
BUT, her behavior and what I see with her food pics and comments remind me very much of my brother-in-law, who is naturally super thin and can barely eat anything before he is full. He's never understood that other people have different appetite levels and constantly berates his kids when they want to eat more than a morsel of anything - because he just doesn't have an appetite of his own. He thinks they are being "hogs" and self-indulgent, when really they are just as naturally super thin as he is but their appetites are bigger. They are teens now and that hasn't changed - still super thin, super healthy, eat super healthy foods with pleasure, and are super hungry. They indeed sneak food, healthy and not so. Or try to enjoy things like another slice of pizza when he isn't around. Since they were children, the first they they do when coming into our house is raid the fridge and cupboards.
Kate's forcing her own food issues on her kids, and that is not a healthy thing to do. Their genetics may not allow them to secretly indulge like that without health repercussions. Healthy and smart eating does not = barely eating. it may not matter so much now while they are younger, but it will when they are older and she doesn't have them under her big thumb anymore.
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