Friday, March 23, 2012

Moochers U.S.A.

Kate's greed is representative of "a culture where handouts, bailouts, freebies and entitlements dominate"

Why take one free hat when you have have three?
Kate's latest (and still on-going) tweet war with Em Tanner, who was but one of many people who lavished the family with lots of free gifts, reminded us of just how many products and trips and other freebies the Gosselin family took over the years. Kate's entitlement and ungratefulness and shocking lack of shame may grate on our nerves, but a new book suggests that she is not alone.

Author Charles J. Sykes, who wrote A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing is worried about what bailouts may do to our psyche and our future. When asked if he was worried about what this could do to kids, he said:

"Yes, I do. Other people take a slightly more optimistic view. They say the reality is that most Americans still have the belief of working hard and being rewarded for it, that we still have a middle class that wants to do the right thing, and that these folks don’t become somebody different even if we are in economically tough times. That’s true. But I also see a new class of dependency. How many generations does it take before the younger people look around and say, “Of course somebody else is going to pay for me. Of course there’s a bailout. If I screw up or don’t save any money, it doesn’t matter.” I say we’re living on borrowed time. We’ve drawn down the balance of our bedrock values. Once the stigma of being dependent is eliminated, more and more people want to be that way."

990 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Once a Viewer said...

Exactly, librarylady.

These habits instilled now will give the kids guilt about food and they will resort to stealing and hiding it, and feeling bad that they are hungry. The twins are on the verge of the adolescent growth spurt and they all have Jon's genes too, so they may have normal appetites. (I have one tall lanky son and a daughter who has to 'watch it' but plays sports and knows when to stop) I always find them something to eat if they are hungry between meals ( pat self on back ;0 )

I don't know about the G kids' health b/c according to Kate they get a lot of germs, are sick a lot and also exhausted. May be they just have a larger germ pool, but good nutrition is important physically and emotionally.

Tucker's Mom said...

librarylady said... 8
Re: the food
I know we get on Kate's small portions, but to your point, it's the mental part that's going to wind up with long-term problems.
My friend next door, while growing up, was never allowed to have a snack. Well, barely never. Her mom didn't want a fat girl and she was constantly "dieting". Well, she would come over to my house after school and pig out on our cookies and milk. Like she didn't know where her next meal was coming from.
I have access to snacks anytime I wanted. My mom would tell me to shut the fridge or cabinet if I wanted to eat right before dinner, but I was never micro managed food-wise.

aggiemom09121416 said...

These kids also have two parents that view food differently. I would assume Jon lets them eat normal kid food, (pizza, burgers, etc) and probably also lets them eat until they are full.
Kate, on the other hand, portions out what she thinks they need, and we all have seen what she calls a 'hearty breakfast'.
Going back and forth between these two parents has to be hard on these kid's appetites.

mscatie said...

Tucker's Mom said... 2
canadianmom said... 200
@mscatie 188 "am I the only one who has never had a dishwasher?"

We never had one growing up. My mom never owned one her entire life. The last place she lived she had a garbage disposal and I to teach her how to use it. She wouldn't even buy another clothes dryer and hung her clothing on a line for over 20 years.
She was a tough old broad ;-)


Ah, a clothesline. I wish I did have one of those now. We had one for many years until the wooden posts rotted and we never replaced it because we had a clothes dryer by then. But nothing smells better than fresh clean sheets, warmed by the sun and flapping in the breeze.

canadianmom, lol at 'son not so gentle with dishes' but whether 7 or 70 don't expect much to change. Although now it's because DH refuses to wear his glasses while washing dishes. More than one plate or glass has been banged against the faucet. But who am I to complain as long as he's willing to help;)

Once a Viewer said...

I remember on the show, Jon was stuck at the end of the table in the old house and had a plate (not even a place-mat) that was 3/4 size. I bet he had to sneak food too, what with all her 'fat' remarks on the air and no doubt much harsher words in private. I'm sure the kids were aware of Kate's opinion of 'fat' people who eat too much, even though she was not all that svelte herself. But they looked fine.

There IS an obesity epidemic in this country but I don't think the Gosselins at that point had anything to worry about except underfeeding the kids. And yes, Jon would get the kids lots of food when they went to those sports events, or the boys' 'days' or errands ( the infamous donut hole Aidan ate)I'm sure he feeds them well now.

Tucker's Mom said...

Clothes lines... I still love a stiff towel!

abc said...

This reminds me of a story my ex told me when he and his friend who lived next door were growing up. Bobby's parents were also strict on what food he could eat. No snacks at all. To get around this Bobby tied a rope to a basket and would lower it from his upstairs bedroom window. My ex would load it up with all sorts of goodies, tug on the rope and up it would go. This was at least twice a week. There is always a way to get around things.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Here's a cleaning tip from the lady who cleans our house. (She's also a housekeeping manager at a chain hotel.) She is GOOD. She has a college degree from her home country, uses few chemicals (because of harshness), and gets the house spotless. Instead of chemicals, she uses simple, inexpensive cleaners like windex, dish detergent, and bleach.

Here's the tip. She doesn't use a mop at all. She uses a broom! She tells me that mops are unsanitary. She takes a white towel (cut down) or a rag and safety pins it around the broom head so the bristles are covered at the bottom and around the sides. Only the towel touches the floor.

The broom beneath gives her some traction. She can easily see how much dirt she pulls off because of the white.

She mostly washes the floors with oil cutting dish detergent, like Dawn, and water. She does one round with detergent and water and then one round with just water. She uses a clean towel for each step and as soon as the towel is dirty (for a large area), she changes to a fresh one. She has me save old towels for this reason. She washes the old towels in hot, and they're good to go again.

I never have heard of anyone mopping with a broom! She told me to throw my mops away...

anger issues kate said...

Count me, I never had a dishwasher or garbage disposal either now or growing up. Since it's just me, I let the dishes pile up for about 2-3 days then do them, or when I run out of cups and plates. Or if I'm in a prime good mood, I'll wash whatever is there(even if it's a couple of things, just to have a clean sink. I'm not obsessed with spic & span cleaning(perfectionist type, like Kate). But I do like it when it's clean. I have pets, so cleaning is necessary to keep ones pets healthy, or face a vet bill(and they are not cheap). My one dog Spike has allergies, so I have to watch which stuff I use for cleaning, as I too have allergies. So cleaning is required. Besides, don't want to end up like a hoarder. It's very easy to say why bother to clean, it's just me. I like a clean house. :)

JoyinVirginia said...

Just a few comments:
Cleaning lady, you are terrific! Be sure you follow all those guidelines so nothing happens like last time!
On growing herbs, little kids really like growing things! growing basil, mint, tomatoes in the yard or in a pot is so easy and fun to do with kids. I grow fennel, its like dill and grows to 5 feet, and butterfly caterpillars love to ear it. My neighbor kids love to watch the caterpillars as much as I do. Plus it is perennial in my climate, comes back from the bulbs every year.
On loans for school, Michelle singletary writes a financial column for Washington post, she is great, and writes about parents and kiss needing to take a realistic view of their college plans and available finances. Not everyone needs to go to a four year college, not everyone needs to go to an expensive private college, not everyone should go to a ” prestigious” college if they are not going to major in something that school excels in. we did the Virginia 529 plan for both our kids, did payment plans starting when they were little, and that helped with costs for #1.
Oh, Ms Kreider is still boring.

tate said...

Why does she always have to say "Kate salad", instead of just salad? She did it again today with her new recipe posting (doesn't that plate of food look disgusting?). Good grief. Is she trying to trademark her salad? It is just a salad that people make every day. Nothing special or creative about it.

AuntieAnn said...

Virginia Pen Mom - good ideas and now we can expect Kate to have them in her next installment of spring cleaning...which she couldn't talk about until 'spring' actually arrived. Sigh.

About her meal post today: Most people would be embarrassed to put the recipe from the lid of a yogurt container on their blog but not Kate. She even takes a picture of the lid. lol
She changes a couple of ingredients and what - move over Emeril? She may as well just post the cooking instructions from a package of Hamburger Helper and say "I added spinach to make it more yummy". It amounts to the same skill level of cooking.

I've almost got to pity her sometimes. She's absolutely clueless about so many things.

anger issues kate said...

One other comment about Kates money saving tips: grass hopping from one product to the next is wasting money. Cause if the stuff does not work, they change formula at some point and the stuff does not work like it use to and just cause you have a coupon or the stuff is on sale, does not mean buying it will save you money. You will waste more, cause you might have to use more of the stuff to get something clean. Which means you have to buy more. That's not saving money. If you use a brand name or an off make and either one does the job well, stick with it, look for coupons for it, or watch for sales on it, or the store brand(the one you use)you will use less and therefore save money, cause hey you only need one, not 4. You can also irritate allergies, by changing products. If kates kids have allergies as, she claims, changing products (cause they are on sale), can make them worse. She's a nurse and does not know this? Shame on her. I have been recently looking into using more natural products. I am stubborn. If it works I will use it.

Call Me Crazy said...

Tucker's Mom said... 14

Clothes lines... I still love a stiff towel!

Your stiff towel comment made me think of my retired neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. X. Mrs. X uses their clothesline every day (well, except when it's raining, that is). I laugh when I see her out there hanging all their underwear in below-freezing temperatures. I then laugh when I find myself wondering just how long it takes granny panties and tidy whities to thaw out so they are no longer frozen stiff.

Virginia Pen Mom ... 16 - Thanks for the cleaning tip about the broom. I think I will try that.

Tucker's Mom said...

tate said... 19
Why does she always have to say "Kate salad", instead of just salad?
Because she's better than you in every way. Each and every thing she does is unique and special. If there was a way to make salad rhyme with Kate, she's do it.
Really, she's is that narcissistic that she believes eating salad 3 times a day shows her restraint and willpower, which is better than yours.
(huge eyeball roll and a face palm for good measure)

mamaK said...

VA Pen Mom, I have heard of mopping that way! When you mop the regular way, after the first time you put the mop in the bucket to get more water, you are now mopping with dirty water. By the time you get to the end your water is gross, but we still mop the last bit of floor with it! By using the towels, you always mop with a clean towel, and your water stays clean. I read it in a eco-friendly cleaning book I think.
We have the Shark steam mop, and for a person with back issues, it is quick and easy and doesn't hurt as much as a regular mop and all that stooping. It's fabulous.
We never had a dish washer growing up, and while I was never made to do dishes in my house, I loved to do them with my cousins at theirs. Something about chatting, watching the twilight, and splashing in the water was just so nice. They still don't have a dishwasher. =)
(And yes, I'm bragging. Having a very close EXTENDED family while growing up was awesome. It's so nice to know that I have more than ONE home to go back to if I need it, and that I have many, many people supporting me, cheering for me, and wishing me the best.)

Tucker's Mom said...

Another money saving tip for cleaning is to buy the products at the Dollar Store.

Audible Click said...

Growing up we never had a dishwasher, except me. My brother was exempt because he was a boy, and wow, does that seem odd in this day and age.

As a newlywed I was still washing dishes, my husband was exempt because he was a man. One fine day we were in the middle of a move to an apartment with a dishwasher and I was happily carrying a small box with dirty dishes in it, I was determined to never hand wash dishes again! I will never forget the look on my Mom's face (she never had a dishwasher) as we passed each other on the stairs.

Anonymous said...

Helicopter parenting...gone wrong I guess. I hope Kate will one day let her kids do things on their own without freaking out about it.

mamaK said...

Who doesn't have a list for Spring Cleaning??? How do you know when you are "done"? That bit surprised me in her blog, for MS. Organization. If she goes through cleaning or organizing whatever she feels like in the moment (um, glup, sounds like me honestly) then I'd bet that her house is probably not all that clean. (not that I would know from experience or anything.) Plus, that way, you'll be cleaning all Spring! I'd rather get it done ASAP and get on with life!

LaLaLandNoMore said...

For most of us "mediocre" homemakers, if we had the luxury of living on acerage such as Kate's we would delight in growing many of our own vegetables, fruit, and have bee hives for honey. This goes along with the ungrateful attitude we have seen for years coming from Kate. She wanted the privacy all that acerage affords her and her tribe. Growing a garden? We must be delusional! Kate wanted what Beth and Bob had. Now she has it. No appreciation there at all. Kate really believed the filming would continue forever and ever, Amen. Beth and Bob sold their acerage and now live in a smaller home in a subdivision. Change is possible when a person is practicle. That word does not apply to Kate. She wants what she wants when she wants it and will hang on until the end, no matter what. Sad, really.

Best stuff in life said...

"Here's the tip. She doesn't use a mop at all. She uses a broom! She tells me that mops are unsanitary. She takes a white towel (cut down) or a rag and safety pins it around the broom head so the bristles are covered at the bottom and around the sides. Only the towel touches the floor."

I use one of the libman twist microfiber mop. It can be tossed into the washer. I mop my floor once a week and wash mop head (and towels) immediately after moping. I then hang it outside in the sun to dry. Its nice to have a nice clean mop every time. I agree that sponge mops can be unsanitary, but I dont think that my libman is.

aggiemom09121416 said...

I clean almost everything in my house with MeanGreen and a micro-fiber cloth. MeanGreen is some awesome stuff!
I clean my floors with the stuff, too. But I clean floors the old way....on my hands and knees!
(I don't have wood floors, so don't know if this cleaner would harm this type of surface.)

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

tate said... 19
Why does she always have to say "Kate salad", instead of just salad?

Because she thinks she just made an "original" salad which none of us or a company could EVER in a million years think of? Her ego is out of control as usual.

Quite frankly, most of us making salads toss in things we like. I doubt her "likes" are "Salad of the Year," although I am sure Kate would like for us to think so.

I like tomatoes, onion, cucumbers, carrots, celery, mushrooms, red peppers, shredded cheddar cheese and ranch dressing. Please call this the "Gosselin8ComeFirst Salad." Total snark.

Tucker's Mom said...

I make some pretty kick-ass salads and of course say to DH, how do you like my Tucker's Mom Salad!!
Because they are that special.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Kate doesn't want someone like EM Tanner to profit off posting a salad such as the one Kate made.

Her ego is definitely something. But I'm surprised she has honestly keeled over yet form eating just salad. You need other food groups to make it more balanced.

Why am I not surprised however her dinner was pasta? When is she going to post something that is non-pasta, non-beans and non-canned items? Not that there is anything wrong with it...but if you're going to say you're all organic and slaved over your stove all day the least you could do is actually cook something.

But it goes the same way of her Belgian waffles, probably were just frozen organic waffles. ~ Administrator said...

I've seen some of the Pioneer Woman hate sites. Personally I don't have a problem with them. People should be able to criticize what they want to. I couldn't run this site and also say that those sites don't have a place too. If the criticism is on point it will probably knock her down a peg. If it's not on point, it won't. And from what I can tell she's doing just fine despite these sites.

The Pioneer Woman isn't really my cup of tea. I know how people love how she writes about her life story but when I read her recounting meeting her husband I kind of wanted to gag. He's not THAT amazing and good looking, lady. I guess he is to her and that's what matters. But the difference is, even if I don't like it, I still recognize her writing as good writing and engaging, and I still see she has talent in a wide variety of areas. For every 100 dollars Kate makes this woman makes 1,000. Love her or hate her or don't care, she's world's apart from Kate.

anger issues kate said...

Westcoaster and everybody else: got tea/coffee stains on cups, or other things: the eraser sponge(the brand name & knock-off(got that at Menards). One of the best things I found to get coffee tea stains off cups, even spoons. I don't know about Ipad, you can try it, try it dry first, then dampen the sponge slightly. This sponge works on stains in sinks too.
I just bought paper towels at Menards(I use them for regular use and line my birds cages, with paper towel) They were the cheap brand, jubilee 2/$1, bought a case, $15. for 30 rolls. 65 2 ply sheets, 100% recycled paper.
Dollar stores/Family dollar/dollar General are a good places to get cleaning supplies, food, party stuff, Holiday decorations, stocking stuffers/basket stuffers. Big lots is another place. Want really GOOD T-shirts, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Jo-Anne Fabrics, they sell the Beefy T's, 100% cotton (heavy), good enough to wear with a shirt or pants to work, they have no pockets and are longer, come in a rainbow of colors, adult & kids sizes. Michaels has/had and have them on sale for $2.99. ~ Administrator said...

Her ego is definitely something. But I'm surprised she has honestly keeled over yet form eating just salad. You need other food groups to make it more balanced.


This is why she makes secret runs to McDonalds. She's starving for pity sake. Her food issues are so far gone, I think she's beyond help.

I grew up with a type one diabetic and we never, ever bought low fat things because of the sugar so many people mentioned. I probably had a greater understanding of nutrition at a very young age because it was talked about a lot to make sure family member was on track. I ate the diabetic diet because everyone else was eating it in the home--and that diet was just a well-balanced meal heavy on veggies and fruits and grains and a variety of proteins including red meat on occasion, and small portions of sweets in moderation. Diabetics can eat normally it's just a matter of counting calories in to insulin in. That's what's hard about it is the math, not what you are eating.

aggiemom09121416 said...

The Pioneer Woman isn't really my cup of tea. I know how people love how she writes about her life story but when I read her recounting meeting her husband I kind of wanted to gag. He's not THAT amazing and good looking, lady.

His being wealthy certainly doesn't hurt, lololol.

anger issues kate said...

Lalaland: Kate grow a garden and get her hands dirty NEVA!
The reason I read/heard why the Duggars don't have a garden is cause it's too much work and they do not have a green thumb!

I'm can't seem to grow veggies anymore. Flowers no problem , tomato plant, one bunch, then plant dies. Pepper plant, 2 peppers, then plant died. Tried to grow from seed indoors to start: they came up got thin died. Gonna try again this year.

And I still have 12 of the 13 baby guppies, the smallest one died. Since they were born last tuesday, most of them had learned where the food comes from, so now every time I go to check them, they all(12) run up to the top looking for food. They are about an 1/8 of an inch long.

Tucker's Mom said...

The Pioneer woman has made food photography skills (sometimes a little too sherbet rainbows with photoshopping, but..), is a clever writer and she puts the work in. That blog doesn't run itself!
She is truly a self-made woman and I don't begrudge her any of her money and success.
If PW was fleecing churches and filming her kids on potties, I'd rethink my position.

anger issues kate said...

Admin: I am just over the line for type 2. like 0.5. So reading labels, watching carbs, sugar, sodium, trying to do exercise and taking metaforum. I'm keeping it in check, my Doc says if I lose some more weight, I could possibly get off the pill. Easier said then done. The cravings are sometimes terrible. Worse than munchies. ~ Administrator said...

If PW was fleecing churches and filming her kids on potties, I'd rethink my position.


Exactly. It really is apples and oranges. I don't even really care for her but do I even so much as know the first names of her kids? Nope. Did she use her kids to make her fame and fortune? Nope. If the kids disappeared from the cameras and photography would she still make millions? You bet. Then carry on. It's no different than any other blogger out there who has people that don't like their blog for reasons other than they are doing something fundamentally unethical. It's not the same at all.

konspiracytheory said...

My MIL strictly controlled all food in the home when DH and his four siblings were growing up. All of the kids are adults in their thirties and forties now: DH, after 20 years of marriage, still asks me if he can have food in the fridge, pantry, etc. I try not to let it drive me crazy, but it's tough! He is rail thin, and feels gulity if he snacks between meals, as that was never allowed growing up. One of his brother, despite being a healthy weight, is always challenging himself to run longer distances to lose weight. One sister is built like a supermodel, and obsesses about eating 'healthy food'. The other sister, despite still living at home with my MIL, is obese, and getting heavier every year. DH says she constantly sneaked food growing up, and appears to still be doing so, because any time we get together with her and my MIL, they share a sandwich, entree, etc. Clearly she's eating one way around my MIL and quite another when she is at work, etc. From what I've witnessed with DH's family, it seems inevitable that some (if not all) of the G8 are headed for a similarly disfunctional relationship with food.

Lauren said...

Okay I just got home from work and started catching up on comments here. So this may have already been said.
I got to comment 73 on third page (so #673)by TLC Stinks about BM's post. I am just floored that she claims to have spent hundreds of dollars on EM Tanners products only to support Kate! WTH!! She obviously thought Kate was getting a portion of each sale. But then to claim it was overpriced crap, that one item fell apart after two washings, yet still continued to buy from her. I wouldn't care who proceeds of a sale went to if the items were high priced and sub-par. What is wrong with these people? Does she not know how ignorant she looks, spending hundreds of dollars on (supposedly) overpriced crap, even though she isn't happy with it? I just don't get it! :) ~ Administrator said...

I am just floored that she claims to have spent hundreds of dollars on EM Tanners products only to support Kate! WTH!! She obviously thought Kate was getting a portion of each sale. But then to claim it was overpriced crap, that one item fell apart after two washings, yet still continued to buy from her


And yet she never mentioned how crappy she thought the stuff was when KATE liked it or Kate didn't mention that she didn't like Em anymore.

Like I said earlier, the very definition of a sheeple. Blindly buy stuff when Kate has it, and the second Kate doesn't like the stuff anymore, claim that she doesn't like it either. Eye roll.

I said the font was cute when Kate liked Em and I said the font was cute when Kate didn't like Em and I still haven't and probably won't ever buy that stuff. Not-a-sheeple, BM!

Also it really floors me that no blame whatsoever is put on Kate for this whole thing. She brought Em out of her hole in the first place. If not for Kate we likely never would have even KNOWN about this whole thing and Em never would have breathed a bad word!

JudyK said...

OMG, Kate is on the AOL Welcome Screen in her silver hooker dress from a couple of months ago. The story is about her responding to a tweet from Hailey Glassman, with the reporter calling her "classy."

That would be the LAST word I'd ever use to describe Kate Gosselin.

Tucker's Mom said...

JudyK said... 46
Here's the real deal. Of course Kate responded to Hailey. She showered her with compliments, appealed to her ego and mostly, she trashed Jon which tickles Kate pink.
If someone said what Hailey said about the father of my children, knowing that they'd read it someday, that woman would see my angry side. But not Kate, she ate up every piece of trash that Hailey spewed about Jon. Probably was giving her mental high fives.
Oh and let's not forget Hailey's role in the ridiculous France video where they were both baked. Nice.

Feed Me, I'm Yours said...

@AndreaLRuns oh, haven't done the plastic plate tossing yet... I like the dividers lol

SHE likes the dividers. What about the kids? How do THEY feel? Almost eight years old and eating off plastic plates with dividers! My four-year-old gave up baby plates awhile back and eats off a "regular" plate like the rest of us. Of course, she wanted out of the high chair before her second birthday.

I guess when you keep kids in high chairs until they are seven years old, you feed kids with divided plates until YOU are ready to let them use your regular dinner plates. Maybe on their 10th birthday? ~ Administrator said...

SHE likes the dividers. What about the kids? How do THEY feel?


I hear prisoners are served food in dividers.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder if the kids have the skills to cut food for themselves. I've never seen anything served that isn't completely chopped up and portioned out.

Once a Viewer said...

Some people with food issues like those plates so no two foods can touch one another. It's a control thing.

But I did notice on Farm to Table, she dished up very small portions into one section and half a cob of corn each...makes you think you're eating more if you get a 'whole section' filled, idk...

Sooverit said...

Dallas Lady said
I almost never use the guidelines for serving sizes given on recipes and boxes, because they're often too small. I'll tell you why they do that: if the serving size is small, the calories, fat, etc per serving looks smaller. People checking out the product in the store think "oh that's not too bad." But really the serving size is anywhere from slightly unrealistic to "only if you are living in a prisoner of war camp."
Ha! I just fell for the serving size trick as I was reading your post! I was enjoying a candy bar after lunch, and before I ate it I checked the calorie content and it was 162 calories. I thought that sounded too good to be true! Then I checked the serving size, and sure enough there are "about 2" servings in each candy bar. LOL So I just enjoyed a 324 calorie treat. Darn!

Baby Mama just admitted that she bought overpriced, low-quality stuff JUST because it was on Kate's show. That is the epitome of being a sheeple. I have never been such a fan of anyone that I would throw common sense to the wind and waste my hard-earned money on stuff I don't need. How ridiculous!

Westcoaster said...

SHE likes the dividers. What about the kids? How do THEY feel?

Exactly what I thought! Portion control freak. My kids would have made it clear they were not going to eat on baby plates. My grandson,who is 3, went from high chair to regular chair, wanted no part of toddler seat, phone book, whatever.

Re: Pioneer Woman, a little too much for me, but I respect what she has created, more power to her. Funny thing I read an article about her in a magazine a few days ago; at the end of the story were some "typical" questions asked on her blog. Some were as dumb/naive as the ones sheeple ask K8 - who are these people? ~ Administrator said...

You know what comes through in BM's post? That she is actually pretty annoyed with Kate for setting her up like this. Of course she would never admit that, but the undertone is there. She is taking out her anger at Kate for screwing up a deal on an innocent small business owner just trying to put her kid through school. I am fully convinced BM has left the flock and now is only trying to save face. She comes across far too grounded and rational to be a sheeple anymore.

Pioneer Woman Is Not the Anti-Kate said... (Administrator) said... 42
If PW was fleecing churches and filming her kids on potties, I'd rethink my position.


Exactly. It really is apples and oranges. I don't even really care for her but do I even so much as know the first names of her kids? Nope. Did she use her kids to make her fame and fortune? Nope. If the kids disappeared from the cameras and photography would she still make millions? You bet. Then carry on. It's no different than any other blogger out there who has people that don't like their blog for reasons other than they are doing something fundamentally unethical. It's not the same at all.

Of course she used her kids for fame and fortune. Her entire schtick is based on how she's raising her family in rural Oklahoma. No kids, no schtick.

You would know the names of her children if you watched her Food Network show, since they are featured heavily. Why isn't anyone concerned about child labor? Are the children being fairly compensated and their income safeguarded? Funny how those questions don't seem to matter when it comes to someone other than Kate.

No idea about pictures of kids on potties, but in my quick glance at her site I saw a kid being wheeled into surgery. Every time Kate puts a pic of her kids on her blog, the outraged cries of "she's still exploiting her children" immediately appear. Why is it okay for Pioneer Woman to plaster her kids all over her blog but unacceptable for Kate to do the same?

Once a Viewer said...

How can anyone say Kate took the high road??? Just looked at the BM site...dumb woman to buy something just b/c her 'idol' had it.

Tucker's Mom said...

PW's career is not predicated just on being a mother who had high order multiples. She does not live beyond her means. She does not need her kids to make money. They have plenty of it.
Every mom chef that I've watched on TV talks about their kids and sometimes show them on TV. I think the reason we wish Kate would just fricking stop is because she talks about things like bra shopping with the twins and how each of them reacted to the divorce etc. etc. Oh and pooping, showering, vomiting... working from morning until late at night filming in triple digit NYC heat for 2-3 days, getting smacked awake after being exhausted from the aforementioned working in conditions that animals receive more protection from, only because God forbid you aren't able to sleep that night and not get up early to do it all over again.

When PW does that, let me know.

Hmmm, honestly said...

Just read Kate's Menu Monday - she says "In fact, I received 10 out of 10 from all 8 kids, except for Mady and Cara whose score is a 9 at highest! :)". Kate, it can't be all 8 if 2 out of the 8 don't give it a 10. It would be 6 out of the 8 gave it a 10 and the remaining 2 gave it a 9.

Tucker's Mom said...

Hmmm, honestly said... 58
Just read Kate's Menu Monday - she says "In fact, I received 10 out of 10 from all 8 kids, except for Mady and Cara whose score is a 9 at highest! :)"
Except ya didn't ;-) Do you think the twins are onto something and f'ing with Kate's head by never satisfying her with a "10"?

fidosmommy said...

Kate, just wait until your kids get to college and you're not there to decide what they eat or how much. That "freshman 15" might turn into a "freshman 30" if you don't let them start having some control over their own food soon.

Once a Viewer said...

I wonder what Kate will do if Cara or Mady ask for ' a good bra' when they shop at age 16 or so... (not that they would, just wonder how Kate explains this !) ~ Administrator said...

You would know the names of her children if you watched her Food Network show, since they are featured heavily. Why isn't anyone concerned about child labor? Are the children being fairly compensated and their income safeguarded? Funny how those questions don't seem to matter when it comes to someone other than Kate.


Not true. Look at the side bar where we've done numerous posts on Dance Moms, Real Housewives , the Duggars, Sister Wives and more.

I haven't seen but clips of her show but isn't most of the show the PW cooking and then at the very end the kids eat? Are they filmed in their bedrooms, on the potty, do we know much about them other than they eat their mom's food? If they eat mom's food and vomit is that filmed? Is school discussed, grades, bra shopping? Does mom talk about how they lie and share personal stories of when they lie? If you saw her show would you be able to talk all about each of them as to who they are as people like anyone could about the Gosselin kids who saw the show?

Or do they just eat her food then leave? I'm just asking, I've never heard her kids were exploited before. I am not against all kids on T.V. I think there is a way to do it without exploiting them.

Pioneer Woman Is Not the Anti-Kate said...

Tucker's Mom said... 57
PW's career is not predicated just on being a mother who had high order multiples. She does not live beyond her means. She does not need her kids to make money. They have plenty of it.


No, it's predicated on being a "ranch mom." Same difference. So it's okay to make money off your kids as long as you were rich to begin with? Got it. ~ Administrator said...

No, it's predicated on being a "ranch mom." Same difference. So it's okay to make money off your kids as long as you were rich to begin with? Got it.


Look I don't even like the woman but that's not even what is being said. Yes there is a huge difference between using your kids to GET to where you are, which I don't believe PW did, OR, including your kids in part of your fame and fortune and lifestyle because it's your family and it's nice to include them, which celebs do EVERY DARN DAY and it's not a big deal.

JudyK said...

Pioneer Woman Is Not the Anti-Kate said... 63
Tucker's Mom said... 57
PW's career is not predicated just on being a mother who had high order multiples. She does not live beyond her means. She does not need her kids to make money. They have plenty of it.


No, it's predicated on being a "ranch mom." Same difference. So it's okay to make money off your kids as long as you were rich to begin with? Got it.

She was ALREADY rich by marriage. Lady, your "dog don't hunt."

Hmmm, honestly said...

Tucker's Mom said... 59
Hmmm, honestly said... 58
Just read Kate's Menu Monday - she says "In fact, I received 10 out of 10 from all 8 kids, except for Mady and Cara whose score is a 9 at highest! :)"
Except ya didn't ;-) Do you think the twins are onto something and f'ing with Kate's head by never satisfying her with a "10"?

Haha! Good point, and she can expect to see more of the same as the kids get older. Does she make the kids rate every meal she makes? Sounds like she needs constant praise or at the very least makes it sound like her children appreciate and adore her every move. ~ Administrator said...

Of course she used her kids for fame and fortune. Her entire schtick is based on how she's raising her family in rural Oklahoma. No kids, no schtick.


There's a big difference between sharing your family and lifestyle, and exploiting your family and lifestyle. Is she crossing the line with her new show now? Time will tell.

JudyK said...

And P.S.--her show is a COOKING it? It's not about her kids, only about feeding them.

Tucker's Mom said...

PW is a talented blogger, has a cooking show, cookbook and a photographer. Not one of those things will go away if she never shows her kids on TV again.
Every Food Network host who has kids talks about them.
Kate's filmed the kids enough. Enough is enough. Jon wants their privacy and she won't take what he wants into consideration, which is crap.
When PW's husband and father of her kids openly states that he does not want her kids on TV or her blog, let me know. ~ Administrator said...

I looked at the blog to see if what you were saying is true about the surgery and you're right, there is a pic of her daughter, although a blurry one, in the hospital. And no I don't like that at all. I would want to know how often she does this, is it a one time thing or two-time thing or is she constantly exploiting them, how much did she reveal about the surgery, etc. After all Kate got dozens of free passes in the beginning before most of us turned on her. A few questionable things don't bother me. When it becomes systemic in nature then I start to take notice. Make it will be systemic with her now that she has her show, we'll have to see. I don't know enough about PW to start blogging about her indiscretions. She's a blogger with a cooking show. This blog is mostly about reality tv kids, more my niche and area of "expertise". But since there are so many anti PW blogs out there some of which are very funny, maybe go share your concerns there. I think they really have this area covered. I don't think there is room for one more anti-PW blog!

Tucker's Mom said...

So it's okay to make money off your kids as long as you were rich to begin with? Got it.
If you've got to put words into someone's mouth to prove your point, your argument is weak.
Hyperbole too.
Nothing is absolute and this is a gray area. We can talk about every single mom who blogs, Facebooks, Twits or shows their kids on TV. Of course they're not all bad, but I think most moms with an iota of awareness has what Kate doesn't. It's called boundaries.

Pity Party said...

For the me the problem is not so much the kids being on TV, as in the fact that were seen on TV being treated poorly, pushed far beyond the limit of what they should have to endure, primarily, if not totally, on KT Plus 8. Actually, KT Plus 8 made Jon and Kate Plus 8 look like a cakewalk.

I love Tori and Dean and their kids are on TV, but not once have they been seen being treated poorly on TV. Both parents are very engaged with the children. They are well behaved and well mannered and treated with respect. Their time is limited on camera and they are not globe trotting about and being filmed to exhaustion. The atmosphere is very relaxed. They sit on the counter and eat fresh vegetables from the Farmer's Market. They are not regimented and their mother doesn't freak out about every little thing. Tori was born with a silver spoon in her mouth but she works her butt off and she is successful at everything she does and she is not reliant on the kids to provide the income. They are not used a selling point for the show. They have a live-in nanny for their first year of life - the same one. If the parents go away, they fly this same nanny in to take care of the kids in their absence and they are not gone for weeks at a time.

Big difference. ~ Administrator said...

Oh one thing I would note that you left out (conveniently, I would like to say), is that Pioneering Woman said that her daughter WANTED her mom to share the photos on the blog. It was tonsillitis, maybe she wanted to encourage other kids that it's not so bad. Her daughter looks older, maybe 12? And getting to the age where she is old enough to have input in things like this. There is nothing revealing about the pics, she is just laughing in a hospital bed.

I don't think it's a good idea, but at least PW did the courtesy of asking her daughter if this is okay. At least she made somewhat of an effort to respect her. I see zero respect for her kids from Kate and that bears out in one of the biggest ways when she trashes their father. People who respect their children don't trash the people they love and adore, period.

Pioneer Woman Is Not the Anti-Kate said...

JudyK said... 65

She was ALREADY rich by marriage. Lady, your "dog don't hunt."


I am aware of that. Hence, my phrase "as long as you were rich to begin with." I'm trying to understand the rationale being presented here. She is indisputably RICHER as a result of her "rural/ranch mom" schtick. It's not just about the food; it's about the lifestyle she is portraying. That lifestyle revolves around her children. ~ Administrator said...

Pity Party I think that's why Tori doesn't get much criticism because she seems to understand the "right" way if there is one to include kids on a reality show.

She is the real deal. I've seen her a few times now. And every time ironically she was shopping at discount places. And NO camera crews, they weren't filming. Never seen her filmed.

One time was at a Catholic church flea market for charity they hold every year. She was browsing the five dollar rack. And the other time was at the swap meet sponsored by the Lions Club. She bought some antiques.

Oh, and no one bothered her and she was with her husband, kids and no nanny at the Lions thing and BY HERSELF and PREGNANT at the Catholic church. Where's her bodyguard what if I attacked her? Please.

Sheri said...

Just want to chime in about the whole having a garden thing.

Kate has what...20 some odd acres? She has plenty of land (and *cough* time) to hoe a small field and plant some veggies.

We are in the suburbs and live on a mediocre 1/4 of an acre but I have a small garden that grows tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, beans and onions along with a few herbs.

No, it doesn't make me any more wonderful (cheers Dallas Lady) than anyone else but it does provide some of our food and it tastes awesome.

A decent garden would provide some fresh, ORGANIC, eats for her family and give the kids' a wonderful learning experience.

It boggles the mind that she hasn't already gotten on that. Especially with the CC money by growing some of your food yourself. It's not that hard.

JMO. ~ Administrator said...

I want to say one more thing about kids and hospitals. If you read here you would say there was absolute outrage over the Duggars filming their 10 year old when he fell into an orchestra pit and had to go to the hospital? Why, because it was private and BECAUSE when they were filming they didn't even know if he was going to LIVE. It was an incredibly frightening situation that I can't imagine any parent would think to document.

Then we have PW's kid. This was tonsillitis, which you almost always schedule. (Always, really.) It was not life and death, she was not going to die, she was not filmed while SICK with tonsillitis (you only have the surgery when you feel better), it's a simple outpatient surgery. No blood, no guts, no naked time, just a happy kid in a hospital bed.

Not all situations are the same. Not all kids are exploited just because they walked into a hospital and someone took a pic. Are kids on the ST. Judge's commercials in hospitals exploited? I don't think so. A few seconds of filming or a few pics to encourage other kids that hospitals don't have to be scary is not a big deal to me.

Now when it's the Duggars not knowing if their child would die, or Collin constipated and in agony, and we're filming and exploiting kids in pain just to make a buck and not helping them, I take issue.

Pioneer Woman Is Not the Anti-Kate said...

JudyK said... 68
And P.S.--her show is a COOKING it? It's not about her kids, only about feeding them.
You might want to tell that to the Food Network, which describes her show as follows:

"Take one sassy former city girl, her hunky rancher husband and a band of adorable kids, an extended family, cowboys, 3000 wild mustangs, a herd of cattle and one placid basset hound and you have The Pioneer Woman. The Pioneer Woman is an open invitation into Ree Drummond's life..."

It's not just a cooking show. GOT IT? ~ Administrator said...

Well I'll say this, this 3,000 mustangs have far more protections than reality tv kids. See my post from last week.

Tucker's Mom said...

Food Network doesn't have cooking shows, they have lifestyle shows. Julia Child had a cooking show, low production value and honest to God cooking chops.
That hardly exists anymore, outside of PBS. It's all about knock-out kitchens, manicured gardens. And boobs ;-) ~ Administrator said...

Nothing is absolute and this is a gray area. We can talk about every single mom who blogs, Facebooks, Twits or shows their kids on TV. Of course they're not all bad, but I think most moms with an iota of awareness has what Kate doesn't. It's called boundaries.


You said it perfectly. This kind of "exploitation" is happening all over blogs everywhere. We could talk for years about all the Mommy bloggers out there. At some point though, some become far worse than others. I am not going to go around screaming and throwing fits over every blog that puts one stinking little tonsillitis photo up--I'm sure this has been done 100's of times.

Like I said, it became SYSTEMIC with Kate and this is why she is the poster child for reality tv exploitation. She did it to herself.

I'm sorry, PW doesn't even touch the worst child exploiters out there. She just doesn't. She MAY someday, okay fine, and I'm sure we'll be all over her when she does. I still consider Dance Moms, Real Housewives, Duggars and Sister Wives all WAYYY worse than that little rich girl down in Oklahoma who feeds her kid some chili on Saturdays and filmed it. ~ Administrator said...

Tucker's Mom I hate Food Network for that very reason, I don't care about these people's families and lifestyles and frankly this is why I don't really like PW, I just don't care about her family. I don't hate them or dislike them, just don't care. I think it's a little scary the way we sort of get welcomed into these people's homes and you feel like you know them like your nieces and nephews.

I like when food network was like here's a pot of water, here's the spaghetti, put the spaghetti into the pot. I don't care about your kids or your husband or whatever. But that's the direction they've gone and it's worked out for them. But they've lost this viewer. Next Food Network star really breaks down the sort of M.O. they look for in a show and you see how much of it has so little to do with food.

One reason I really like top Chef, very little personal stuff, just cook the food.

Tucker's Mom said...

When PW starts spouting the mantra that their show is their life and their life is their show, let me know ;-)

Sport said...

"She has plenty of land (and *cough* time) to hoe a small field"

AND a closet full of shoes to match.

Tucker's Mom said...

Exactly, they look for TV personalities, not chefs. Not anymore. Tushie and Susie love the personal stories. It's like "So, tell me about yourself and the vaginal births of your children"
i love to cook and think I could do a decent job about teaching it, but you know, I just don't have those stories about holding on to my mom's apron strings while she cooked and tons of family recipes and learned from my Nana etc. etc.
That, and seriously, having kids is pretty much a prerequisite to become a host on FN.
BTW, most of the guy FN hosts bring the whole family into the show. So Norman Rockwell.... ~ Administrator said...

Tucker so true I find that channel truly deplorable at this point.

I'm surprised they let Little Big Head go so long before finally having a kid.

As for Rachel Ray I think she's excused from the at least two kids rule because even the Food Network exes know she shouldn't breed.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think Food Network, they tend to talk a little too much, smile all the time. You know, what I cook plenty and I'm not always happy. You never see them screw up...that's what happens when you cook on occasion, things burn, things splatter I never see any of that.

All I see is ingredients already measured for them on the counter in front of them, some of the time, not always. The fridge is stocked with whatever they need. Lots of times I happen to not have what I need.

They talk and make it sound like everything they make you are going to just love. Sorry, no not going to happen.

So...tell me this Kate, lots of food stars have been known to cheat and use things from cans because, heck we all know it's convenient...does that makes these people non-chefs? Which, wait, in reality also makes you not a true cook. Not since you starting using recipes from boxes and lids and dumping things from cans. But you know what? It makes you just as mediocre as probably everyone else.

Suck it up honey, life will never be there for your convenience and nobody is going to come alone and hold your hand through life like you expected everyone to do previously.

Sheri said...

Hey Sport...thanks for the quote. Just be sure to add that the bold on "hoe" was yours...not mine. :D The pun was not intended. Though I kind of wish it was.

LOL about the shoes to match.

Lauren said...

I agree that PW is worlds away from Kate. I have been reading her blog for about three years, and I never knew her kid's names until after she started the Food Network show.

I don't in any way think she's using her kids to make money. She is very talented and I think kids or not, she would still be running a successful blog.
BUT- I can think of a couple things that made me think "If Kate were doing this, the "haters" would be having a field day". I wouldn't call myself a hater, I just can't stand her.

One of them is the fact that she did a whole blog post on her daughter's tonsillectomy, including two pictures (which are not blurry, just taken on an iphone.) That daughter is I think 14, and I would imagine or hope that if she had any objections to that being posted on the blog, that her mom would honor her wishes.
The other one is this:
Granted, those pictures are in black and white, kind of dark, and she photoshopped a big butterfly over his butt. And it was actually a cute post. But what would be being said about Kate if she did something like that on her blog?
The difference is that even though PW posts about her kids a lot, she never posts anything personal about them. She might say a little here and there about their personalities, but she never puts anything out there that's personal or would embarrass them. (except the post I linked to)
And there's been a big stink raised over the fact that she calls her mentally handicapped brother retarded but that's a whole other issue.

Pity Party said...

I guess I see things differently, but I for one do not think KT has the fortitude for a garden. The work would fall upon the kids and I don't think they need anything else added to their long to do list. They are falling asleep at the dinner table already, and their mom thinks it is oh so funny.

They have more than their fair share of work to do and a garden would be a huge burden for them because work is fun, you know, especially when you are the instructor and the list maker.

As we have learned from Twitter, when their mom says she has lots of fun things planned that includes organizing and reorganizing the food hoard, cleaning out the garage and setting up a shed, weeding, swapping out all their winter and summer clothes and then trying on shoes in a hot shoe closet (what parent doesn't know what size shoes their kids wear). And since they each have regular chores that they have to do, one can only presume that these fun family activities are in addition to their regular chores.

They planted a little garden (or rather Jon did) when they first moved into that house and it never saw the light of day, thereafter, and most likely withered away and died on the vine as did the marriage about that same time.

And besides the long, detailed sticky notes would blow away in the wind and the garden would be RUINED.

Tucker's Mom said...

Marie said... 87
Marie, I like your snarky mode ;-)
Yes, on FN every food is orgasmic. Little Big Head says creamy about 50 times along with any other adjective that ends in a "y".
Each pot looks never cooked in. My dutch oven's inside is practically black from cooking bread in it.
In redoing our kitchen, I've started to take more note of the equipment and how much everything costs. A range can cost as much as a car! And there's Paula Deen with a 48 inch Wolf range, another 6 burner cooktop, built-in fryer and a convection oven.
Yes, I'm jealous ;-)

anger issues kate said...

I'm not suprised, the Food network does not have many cooking on it, everybody is doing reality shows. You have the Sci-fi channel and what they put on wrestling, horror movies, that's not sci-fi. The green channel: everything except shows about being green. Music channel(MTV) reality show crap, hardly any music. I love watching the how-to shows, unfortunately they are becoming few, even during the day, when there use to be so many on, there is like 2 channels, during the day and night. Even the History channel is shrinking. Most of the cable is doing this, even the Network TV is going reality somewhat. And what is even funnier, most of the reality TV shows are CLONES of each other. Nothing new, nothing to watch. You could probably pick about 5-6 shows and you have seen them all. Frankly, I'm sick of the family drama, the drama diva queens, and the poor kids dragged into these shows. Nobody is learning anything from these shows, if they are it is bad behavior, and our impressional young people, think this is how other young people are, and try to do what they do and get in trouble with the law. Then cry they did it on TV.

Sport said...

Sorry Sheri - when i read that all I could see was her in some inappropriate hooker outfit with the flintstone toe dangling out the front.


AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 37

I grew up with a type one diabetic and we never, ever bought low fat things because of the sugar so many people mentioned. I probably had a greater understanding of nutrition at a very young age because it was talked about a lot to make sure family member was on track. I ate the diabetic diet because everyone else was eating it in the home--and that diet was just a well-balanced meal heavy on veggies and fruits and grains and a variety of proteins including red meat on occasion, and small portions of sweets in moderation. Diabetics can eat normally it's just a matter of counting calories in to insulin in. That's what's hard about it is the math, not what you are eating.
It's a chronic, debilitating disease that's often overlooked as not serious because it's manageable. One of my kids has type 1 diabetes. We do carb count, subtract fibre, estimate glycemic index value and a bunch of other stuff. Math wasn't my strong suit before he got sick but now we out-calculate each other at meals or wherever. It was a lousy way to get good at math, but a good way to learn how to eat healthy.
It's an expensive disease too, and I feel bad for anyone who has it, without some kind of health insurance. ~ Administrator said...

Auntie Anne I agree and it gets harder as you get older. It is very hard to watch this family member who tries so hard to take care of themselves still get off track.

Diabetic 2 is one thing. Diabetic 1 is a whole different beast and it is one sort of overlooked because everyone thinks it's been "cured" because of insulin. It also gets lumped in with type 2 when it's really nothing like it at all. Few type 1's are overweight, most got it in childhood and were healthy. This person was 20 when they got it and very healthy. ~ Administrator said...

Marie that was what was so charming about Julia Childs she would make mistakes and just keep on trucking. She was the real deal. ~ Administrator said...

BUT- I can think of a couple things that made me think "If Kate were doing this, the "haters" would be having a field day". I wouldn't call myself a hater, I just can't stand her.


Yes we would have a field day you BET. See but that's because Kate has earned her spot. If the only thing Kate ever did was take two pics of her kid before her surgery no one would bat an eye. But since it would be about the 549th time Kate has openly and unashamedly violated her child's privacy, don't you think the field day would be well deserved? That's the difference. She blew her chances and frankly was given WAY too many of them by most of the general public before they finally turned on them. It is kind of shocking to think that the tups were already five years old and most of the exploitation had already happened by the time I started this blog. ~ Administrator said...

That daughter is I think 14, and I would imagine or hope that if she had any objections to that being posted on the blog, that her mom would honor her wishes.


She didn't. PW specifically said that she wanted the photos to be shared.

She is 14, not 4, and old enough to weigh in on this. And I appreciate that she is offered the opportunity to weigh in. It is after all HER pics. ~ Administrator said...

By the way I think her post about the boys is funny:

"My boys surprised me by doing the dishes a few days ago. That’s my boys for you–they’re always surprising me by willingly taking on household chores. I’m such a lucky woman.
Okay, FINE. I had two Blow Pops in my junk drawer and they were doing anything they could do in order to score them"

Kate doesn't understand this, but this is why people like this woman. A lot of people like her. Because of posts like this. Because it starts out as a sappy stupid Mommy blog post about how her perfect family is helping their perfect mommy by doing dishes, blech gag me. And then she admits okay fine I bribed them with blow pops. HA!

Now THAT'S a real mom and people relate to it. If only Kate would be honest like that. For instance yes I bribed the kids to film the couch interviews with this or that. At least be honest about it.

She's not my thing, but I get why people like her.

Downeaster Alexa said...

@Kateplusmy8 hi kate I really give u a lot of credit raising 8 kids all by urself. I went through the same thing. What are ur future plans

Did Jon pass away?

@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 I do think abt it! I think abt the missed fun&trips they all enjoyed..traveling the world together! Gr8 opportunities!

Is there any reason that they can't take trips anymore? Oh, that's right -- TLC isn't paying for the exploitation.

@Kateplusmy8 Why did I ever let my heart get bound up w/Kate and her eight?

Good grief! Maybe you need to go to a therapist to find out why.

@Kateplusmy8 Sigh...looks like final episodes airing overseas now. Sad. Kids R growing up so fast & we miss them like extended family! :(

If an internet stranger called my kids an "extended family," I'd be looking over my shoulders whenever we left the house.

Anonymous said...

@Tucker's Mom, thanks. I feel it every once in a while.

Not everything I cook turns out perfectly, it be a lie if I said it did. To this day I can't make pancakes. Yeah I know it's the simplest thing out there, call me if you need seasoning tips that I can do.

Kate just can't live with the fact she's mediocre herself. I still do not know where she gets off saying she doesn't want mediocre for her kids. Has she looked around lately? A lot of people tell their kids they will/do great things...which is fine to let your kid have that dream but eventually reality takes over and in today's world living isn't all hunky-dory look what I can do.

I'm starting to wonder what world Kate lives in. Nothing will always be perfect and every situation in life will not be one you can turn around and say, "How will I let this define me?" That's just crap.

More so, I think Kate resents the fact she came from a "mediocre" background. So what if her father is a pastor? So what if she never got to go anywhere or see Austria, Ireland or whatever country is her dream. Her kids will live and you know what, she will too. She should be proud of her background, what it taught her, how she might be able to improve it not be so hung up about everything! ~ Administrator said...

I don't want to come across as defending this woman for every thing but I do have to say regarding the retarded issue with her brother, she has completely swiffered the retarded reference and has stopped calling him that.

That sticks out in my mind because a hate site was having a field day about that. Okay, that's fine, and even if you feel that was wrong, insensitive, etc., doesn't her swiffering and the way she has stopped calling him that speak to the fact that she DOES have some awareness and has changed her ways? I mean what Kate would do in that situation is to just keep on calling him retarded, F-U you guys don't know anything.

At least PW has SOME insight into what she says and does and how people perceive it. You could argue okay she just did that because of the bad press and maybe so but at least she is AWARE of her criticism and thinks about changing her ways. Kate is the most stubborn person I have ever seen. There could be a front page NY Times story about her calling her brother retarded and she wouldn't change.

Lauren said...

admin post 97- I totally agree! That was my point, sorry if it didn't come across that way.

Admin post 98- totally agree again! I was typing my post when everyone else was posting. And I went back to PW's site and caught the line about her daughter asking her to share the picture. But my point was, if her daughter asked her NOT to blog about the surgery, I would imagine that her mom would would respect her wishes. Not tell her "Sorry Sister, this is the way I make a living and you have no say in it". She would've just found something else to blog about that day.
I wonder how many times the Gosselin kids resisted filming and were told to suck it up.
How often was filming stopped so the kids could get talked into cooperating?

Dwindle said...

Just wanted to day that I have enjoyed the posts about gardening and growing our own vegetables. Kate should be supplying a food bank, with all that acreage and free time she has.

When my kids were little, we had a nice little exchange system going in our neighborhood for several years. I had tomatos and beans, another had plum trees, another apple trees, and others had pumpkins, zucchini... well, you get the idea. We ended up with a freezer full and I canned so much jam and jelly in those years, all free from the neighbors's fruit tress that I traded my veggies for. My husband took jars of the jam and lots of frozen tomato sauce to work and traded for peaches, onions, herbs etc.

Now there is just the two of us and we dont use most of our 1/2 acre, but we still grow a great deal of veggies and herbs for our own use.

Of course, I am not lazy, hateful, and entitled with a goddess complex, unlike Katie.

Once a Viewer said...

I bet she would have had a garden if it had been an episode for the show, a la chickens. ~ Administrator said...

And then we have Kate, who specifically said the twins would kill her for sharing the bra story. And what does she do? Shares it anyway.

Oh, and PW travels with her daughter too instead of Kate having all the fun while the kids stay home with the nanny. ~ Administrator said...

By the way PW talks about how filming goes. It's two weeks, 12 hours a day, and her husband (and you have to assume nannies) watch the kids while she films.

And then they're done for awhile. It sounds like something that is sort of wam bam craziness but then for most of the time life is back to normal. If you have to film it's nice to do it that way in big chunks instead of constant every weekend like Kate said at one point.

Josephine said...

Am I to guess that Kate has spent all day debating on whether or not to throw out her beloved divided plates?

Dwindle said...

Tucker's Mom said... 25
Another money saving tip for cleaning is to buy the products at the Dollar Store.


They work great and you cant beat the price! I use diluted amonia to clean, so cheap! And yes, I know I am not being ecoanything. ~ Administrator said...

LeisaKimone ‏ @leisakimone · Open
Paige is crazy obsessed with you! She will prob tell you some BS so you feel sorry for her, we played a joke, she overreacted @Kateplusmy8
Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@leisakimone aww I love her. Please be kind... Every1 has their thing..she has a good heart:) Good to meet you too btw...welcome:)


Why is she getting involved in fan infighting and even more why is she telling Paige she LOVES her oh god someone like Paige would take that and RUNNNN.

Moose Mania said...

That hardly exists anymore, outside of PBS. It's all about knock-out kitchens, manicured gardens. And boobs ;-)


Speaking of boobs, I'm watching DWTS and Brooke's headlights are two cars ahead of her chassis. Her good bra makes Kate's good bra looking like it's in training.

AuntieAnn said...

Speaking of boobs, I'm watching DWTS and Brooke's headlights are two cars ahead of her chassis. Her good bra makes Kate's good bra looking like it's in training.

LOL!! Moose. I noticed that too on her. And what's with the great divide? Those things look more like floatation devices.

Dwindle said...

Westcoaster said... 101
@damon1450 apparently you assume a lot! I paid thousands of dollars post snow storm 2 preserve but apprec a great company&thank them too! 55 minutes ago
She really won't stop engaging strangers with her ire on Twitter. But thanks for telling the world that you had 1,000's of $$& to spend on your landscaping. But no $$$ for gym classes, camps or vacations. Or a movie. How's the gorge NYC hairdo today?


Or drinking milk for her children, clothes that actually FIT her children... the list is endless! But THOUSANDS to PRESERVE trees.

so broke... so poor... children going without... need TV show and free trips... day one eye here.

Tucker's Mom said...

Wow, Brooke's dress is um, revealing. Nice boob window.

JudyK said...

AuntieAnn said... 112
Speaking of boobs, I'm watching DWTS and Brooke's headlights are two cars ahead of her chassis. Her good bra makes Kate's good bra looking like it's in training.

LOL!! Moose. I noticed that too on her. And what's with the great divide? Those things look more like floatation devices.

Ha! Also watching and agree w/ you both...flotation devices are exactly what they look like.

AuntieAnn said...

JudyK - Dual purpose boobies. Someone's making millions. Who needs a life-jacket when you've got those things.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Holy dog barf, batman! Anyone else wonder if those kid's burst into tears sometimes when Kate serves dinner? Even the salad looks gross.

JudyK said... (Administrator) said... 96
Marie that was what was so charming about Julia Childs she would make mistakes and just keep on trucking. She was the real deal.

When I was in college, I went to Denver w/ my Mom one summer while she went to school to take classes toward her Doctorate. She lived in the dorm, and I had an apartment and worked for a securities firm downtown.

I adored Julia Child and never missed her show that summer. I remember watching her set something on fire while cooking, became hysterical w/ laughter, and almost knocked myself out on the headboard of my bed. I loved that woman.

Sheri said...

Sport - No worries. I just didn't want to take credit for your pun. The visual of her out in the dirt in one of her pairs of heels is pretty funny.


Permanent Name said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 38
The Pioneer Woman isn't really my cup of tea. I know how people love how she writes about her life story but when I read her recounting meeting her husband I kind of wanted to gag. He's not THAT amazing and good looking, lady.

His being wealthy certainly doesn't hurt, lololol.


I WONDERED about that - for a ranch/rancher's wife, they sure have a nice place!

I like her - she doesn't seem as pretentious as kart. HA - no one could be as pretentious as kart.......

Dwindle said...

Kate apparently has tweeted her new mantra; let's all help her remember it, shall we?

"...wrong is wrong & It should not b rewarded!” ~ Administrator said...

Permanent Name yes he's one of I think the top five ranchers in the state comes from money and if I'm not mistaken her family is pretty well to do too. She was fine before she blogged, and if she shut down her blog and show right now she would still be fine. This is one of those for shits and giggles things. She doesn't try to hide all the money she has, nor does she grift from the poor when she is very well off. ~ Administrator said...

"...wrong is wrong & It should not b rewarded!”


I can get behind that.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Re: wrong is wrong and it should not b rewarded. Oh, EFF EWE, Kreider! Look in the mirror and give yourself the finger for me while you repeat your mantra to yourself ~ Administrator said...

I don't mean to generalize but they seem kind of old money to me. Both raised rather wealthy don't know anything different. They tend to be less pretentious than new money people like Kate who just can't wait to tell you what they bought or did because it's novel to them and they think it's impressive. These people definitely seem way over the fact that they have money, and it's nice.

One part of her story is she gave up law school to marry her guy, which as a woman lawyer kind of bugs me. You know you CAN do both. Oh well.

Dwindle said...

Once a Viewer said... 105
I bet she would have had a garden if it had been an episode for the show, a la chickens.


How right you are! "You want me to grow vegetables for these ATMs? Pay me!" Kate will do a n y t h i n g for money and cameras!

Why did she give up the idea of porn, by the way? I dont recall her reason... money, cameras, attention, seems right up her alley.

AuntieAnn said...

Judy - I adore Julia Child too! Still watch her series on Youtube. Hubs and I used to spend Sundays watching those great cooking shows on PBS. I'm a huge fan of Jaques Pepin too. He's a lovely man. There's some great shows on the PBS website.

SeeSaw said...

Hey Kate how about tweeting some prayers for the 11-year-old girl killed by her mother last night less than a mile from your McMansion? The whole county is in mourning. Oh, right, it's not about you. She's so out of touch with the community she probably doesn't even know.

Tucker's Mom said...

Love to watch Jacques and Julia. What a pair they made. I also like watching Julia's "bull in a china shop" cooking. Flour goes everywhere, she turns around and throws stuff behind her on the floor, hand wipes crumbs right on the floor, raw chicken touched everything. Too funny.
The thing is, Julia was easy going because she was not expected to be perfect, and for every morsel to be orgasmic. Now, food shows have to be shiny, glossy and perfect. It's not how it goes in life.

AuntieAnn said...

Jacques and Julia would get into arguments all the time. Julia said to wash the chicken impeccably clean before preparing and Jacque retorted with 'if bacteria can survive a 400 degree oven, it deserves to live'. lol. They were great together.

Tucker's Mom said...

Oh, Julia and her washing the chicken, cross contamination central. But that was the gestalt back then.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate's Latest TWITter:

No DWTS here 2night..BUT I received an impromptu stage act by M***..'37&No Wrinkles' -- a sing/dance broadway esque performance! Hysterical! 4 minutes ago


I presume M*** stage act of "37 & No Wrinkles" is about her mother.

Poor child. Her mother disappears so often, that she has forgotten what her mother looks like. The rest of us have been subjected to photos of Kate with wrinkles up the wazoo.

But it doesn't matter.

It's sweet that M*** loves her mother.
I hope that Kate appreciates that special love.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mady is a dear child appeasing Kate's ego. Kate has no wrinkles due to injections. Teeth don't get whiter, boobs don't get perkier and moderate to severe lines between the eyes to not lessen as one ages.

SeeSaw said...

Anonymous I don't know if you're trying to be funny (or is this Kate?), but mixing ammonia and bleach causes fumes that can kill you.

Gift of grab said...

For those talking about a garden for Kate and her 8, I would put money on this being the basis of her next set of abridged K+8 "episodes" on Twitter over the next couple of months. It's about the only thing left that I can think of that she hasn't tried.

A couple of weeks and it'll be time to plant. If she doesn't do this, or start a little league team, whatever will she talk about? She's not even pretending her "Menu Mondays" are original anymore. And all of a sudden to NOT take credit for inventing Monkey Munch? Which she has never NOT done in 7 years? What is happening? Could it be that someone (whom she listens to) is complaining? Mark my words, something's up.

AuntieAnn said...

Few type 1's are overweight, most got it in childhood and were healthy. This person was 20 when they got it and very healthy.
Admin - Have you heard Mary Tyler Moore's story? She was in her 20's too when she got type one. She was still dancing and working hard, but went hyper instead of losing energy. Her BGs broke some kind of record at the hospital. The docs said she should have been in a ketoacidosis coma but she went right back to work. She is quite amazing to this day.

AuntieAnn said...

Sorry, that should have read 'in her 30s.'

Gift of grab said...

Oh, and I didn't mean to suggest that Kate will personally involve herself with the garden. Will probably be a joint effort on the part of Sal her wonderful landscaper and her eight captives.

Westcoaster said...

No DWTS here 2night..BUT I received an impromptu stage act by Mady..'37&No Wrinkles' -- a sing/dance broadway esque performance! Hysterical! 44 minutes ago


Yes, I imagine M is a sweet child, but her mother is still oversharing on Twatter, still telling her fans this one is a Stah. Poor kids, mommy needs so much stroking.

Katie Cry-duh said...

37 and no wrinkles? Has she seen Kreider's belly?

url said...

Poor Tony and Martina. They danced their jive to the same song that was used for Kart's jive. I blame their poor performance on the Kreider curse.

Anonymous said...

Uh. Could Kate be anymore into herself? I have never known kids to dance around and sing a song devoted to their parents...especially about their age and no wrinkles.

As a kid, I didn't care how old my mother was and to be honest her birthday wasn't all that big of a deal to me. Either Kate's just making it up or her kids spend way, way too much time with Kate and her personal self.

This child had to have gotten to no-wrinkles from somewhere, I doubt too many kids pay that much attention to how their parents looks (aside from teenagers).

I'm not really buying it but heck it does feed into her, "More all about me," self. And to think she jumped down someone's throat earlier about her turning 37. I thought she didn't want to talk about it? Yet here she is all giddy that her child did a dance and song number, again devoted to Kate. Uh-huh...

Tucker's Mom said...

Tony is just cursed with his partners, isn't he? I don't have high hopes for Martina N. this season. And no "break a leg" from Kate.

Anonymous said...

OMG thank you sooooo much for correcting me!!! It was 1/2 of Vinegar.....NOT CLOROX!! My mistake!!!

Dallas Lady said...

Not to make myself sound WONDERFUL or anything (LOL), but I raised my daughter around gardens and it was so much fun.

When she was about four, we planted a "sunflower house." You plant sunflower seeds in a big rectangle with a space with no seeds to serve as the "door." Make sure there's soft grass or clover in the center. As the sunflowers grow, they form a little "house." We tracked their growth against her height and took pictures once a week with her next to them. She learned about how they move to face the sun and the sun moving east to west each day (at that age, it was that simplistic). We would sit on the cool grass inside the sunflowers when they were tall and have picnics.

Later, we grew veggie gardens together. In our old house, my husband built a giant raised bed for us. I told her about everything happening with the plants and she was my helper. A kid is just AMAZED when a little bloom on a plant becomes a yellow squash!

We used a barrel to grow potatoes in, too. You just cover the bottom layers with dirt as they sprout and keep adding cut potatoes and dirt until you have a whole harvest. Then the fun part: KICK the barrel over! Potatoes and dirt spill out.

Oh, I miss those days with her. I hope I'm lucky enough to have at least one grandchild who can be my gardening buddy.

Anonymous said...

I AM SO SORRY ADMIN AND FRIENDS!!! Please delete my previous post!!! I meant..half gallon of vinegar and half a bottle of ammonia...then a couple squirts of Ajax dish detergent. So Sorry for the blunder!!!!!!

Dallas Lady said...

No DWTS here 2night..BUT I received an impromptu stage act by Mady..'37&No Wrinkles' -- a sing/dance broadway esque performance! Hysterical! about an hour ago

Huh. I guess Mady hasn't seen Kate's neck.

Meow. ~ Administrator said...

Well here's Cindy's latest f-up. Someone forwarded me the email.

Cindy, in all her wisdom, forgot to do a BCC on another cruise update email talking about the Kate cruise and attaching a few pics. So, you could see the 20 or so people she sent it to, including email addresses and in many cases full first and last names.

Un-freaking-believable. Now there's going to be more than just that one fan pissed.

Dallas Lady said...

WHOA. She is SO freaking unprofessional!!! Who does that???


So there really are just 20 people paying to go? Not surprising, but yeah. I can't help but laugh. Projected numbers of 200, huh? ~ Administrator said...

DL is was a "please sign up" email so I'm guessing this is her list of potentials. I just did a quick count and I count 26.

So that's 20 signed up, and 26 "maybes" who are going to be definite NOs after this.

And yeah you can clearly see a bunch of names on the list. Cindy you are a FOOL. My God. ~ Administrator said...

I don't get the vibe that Tony is that chummy with DWTS higher ups and he seems to have a short temper getting into fights with Carrie Anne, etc. I think it affects who his partners are. He rarely gets anyone really famous and gets a lot of old people or second-rate celebs. And then there was Kate.

It's obvious that the favorites like Derrick are given winners season after season. ~ Administrator said...

Auntie Anne we're big Mary Tyler Moore fans and I so admire her work for juvenile diabetes.

Family members story is they were on their HONEYMOON and started feeling really sick, drinking lots of water, peeing all the time. It took several days to diagnose, they weren't quite as quick back then to suspect that. So the first several years of marriage was all about trying to learn and control that. Talk about a scary start to a marriage. Talk about in sickness and in health.

Audible Click said...

Anonymous said... 133
Admin post 133 needs to be deleted. It's bad and dangerous advice.

Downeaster Alexa said...

url said... 142

Poor Tony and Martina. They danced their jive to the same song that was used for Kart's jive. I blame their poor performance on the Kreider curse.


Really? Are you sure about that? They used Elton John's "Still Standing" again? I would have thought that after Bruno's remark to Kate after her jive (he danced to that song with Elton in the South of France) that they would have retired it! ~ Administrator said...

By the way Mary Tyler Moore is nearly blind now, though for some reason this hasn't gotten much press. She took great care of herself but it's just inevitable. Type one SUCKS. :(

sailing, sailing said...

How do you know that 20 of the 26 in Cardella's oh-so-private email are signed up?

Couldn't the email have been sent only to potentials? ~ Administrator said...

No I think the 26 are "potentials" and the 20 that are signed up are probably not on the list since this was a "please sign up" email. That's a total of 46 which is nothing to write home about. And the odds of any of those 26 signing up NOW is not so hot I would say!

Also, please stop picking on individual posters here. Dallas Lady appears to be a target lately. DL is welcome to post here. If I have a problem with her, I can delete her posts. If you have a problem with her, you can email me to discuss your concerns. But the third option is not allowed--to be a snotty jerk to her or anyone here. That will only get your posts deleted. ~ Administrator said...

I deleted the bleach post....sure that wasn't a sheeple trying to kill us? Heheh just kidding no worries. ~ Administrator said...

Holy cannoli Brooke Burke. Glad you guys warned us west coasters!!!

Would that be called a window into the skank?

Downeaster Alexa said...

And yeah you can clearly see a bunch of names on the list. Cindy you are a FOOL. My God.


I guess Ship of Fools really is the right name for this adventure on the high seas. Cindy publishes someone's name on Twitter; she screws up in a e-mail. I wonder how much damage she could do in a phone call.

sailing, sailing said...

If 20 are ALL paying the KG surcharge, she may actually go on this cruise from hell. If that figure counts 4 sheeple and 16 other (non-KG-funding) cruisers, there's no way she'll show up.

It's hard to see how fewer than 20 surcharge paying passengers could cover charges for Kate and her exploited children.

If 20 actual sheeple are going, it will be too bad for Kate if she shows up. That's a lot of sheeple to piss off, and there's no way she will make it through five days of exposure, even if it is limited to a half hour a day.

Also, amusing thought. Do Kate and entourage get comped EVERYTHING on the cruise? Or just basics?

KG, if true to greedy form, won't have looked carefully at her contract, so the usual huge bill each passenger is handed at the end for beverages, changes in meals, entertainment, etc., could come as a huge shock to her.

The entertainment value here would be priceless, though. ~ Administrator said...

Half Pint is covered in tattoos??! Haha I like that.

Dang you guys I purposely did not tivo this crap.

AuntieAnn said...

Admin - I thought my son had the flu, too, so at first I wasn't worried. I was pushing fluids on him FULL OF SUGAR of all things, ginger ale, fruit juices, etc. After a week I took him to the doc, who had type one himself (strange miracle) so he who knew all the signs and immediately knew what it was. I still feel guilty to this day, thinking I could have killed my own child.

Good for your family members, that they had each other to work through the learning process. It's a tough disease to live with and I would think being diagnosed in your 20's would be even harder to adjust to.

-Didn't know about MTM going blind. Very sad indeed.

canadianmom said...

@ Dallas lady, I loved reading about your garden! How wonderful that you shared that with your daughter, does she still garden?

My mother was an amazing gardener, vegetables and flowers. I have such great memories of gardening with her, it was tradition that we spend every mother's day at the greenhouse picking out our bedding plants for the summer, and then out for lunch.

My brothers and I have always had gardens, actually most people around here plant a garden. I loved your sunflower house idea, I grow those Russian giant sunflowers, they get HUGE! I had a 13 footer last year.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 148
Well here's Cindy's latest f-up. Someone forwarded me the email.

Cindy, in all her wisdom, forgot to do a BCC on another cruise update email talking about the Kate cruise and attaching a few pics. So, you could see the 20 or so people she sent it to, including email addresses and in many cases full first and last names.

Un-freaking-believable. Now there's going to be more than just that one fan pissed.

Wow! Cindy isn't too bright, but then we knew that.

So if that's 20 name of people who are going some of those might have family members going too? Am I understanding this right? So it could actually be 20-40. But we know there are singles going.

Well Cindy has about 2 weeks to get almost 180 signed up.

Bad Moon Rising said...

Poor Tony and Martina. They danced their jive to the same song that was used for Kart's jive. I blame their poor performance on the Kreider curse.


Kate danced the jive to "She's Still Standing," by Elton John. Tony and Martina danced to Billy Joel's "Tell Her About It." I can't believe I'm saying this, but Kate's jive was actually better than Martina's. Does someone at DWTS not like Tony?

Bad Moon Rising said...

Sorry -- make that Elton's "I'm Still Standing." Long day!

AuntieAnn said...

Kate danced the jive to "She's Still Standing," by Elton John. Tony and Martina danced to Billy Joel's "Tell Her About It."


It might have been a different song but it was almost the identical routine. Martina screwed up the same steps as Kate. The costume dept should have their butts kicked too. That silly outfit wasn't very flattering and Tony looked so nerdy in those pants. haha.

At least Martina handles the criticism well and she has a sense of humor. Such a professional.

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 158

I deleted the bleach post....sure that wasn't a sheeple trying to kill us? Heheh just kidding no worries.
March 26, 2012 8:20 PM

Very sorry Admin!! OMG i'm so horrified that I put a wrong ingrediant out there!! ~ Administrator said...

No worries. :)

Anonymous said...

It's half Vinegar and half ammonia...and a few squirts of Ajax dish detergent! I swear it works wonderful and so very cheap! I'm so sorry I said bleach!! It works wonders!!

Bad Moon Rising said...

Auntie Ann @169:
The costume dept should have their butts kicked too. That silly outfit wasn't very flattering and Tony looked so nerdy in those pants. haha.


What was with that costume? It looked like a bad version of Kate's red flapper outfit, only they added a fish net so that she looked like a lobster caught in a net. That was the worst outfit I think I've seen on that show. Yes, she's gracious and unassuming, two things that Kate most definitely is not.

What exactly did Cindy do now? She still has her job? ~ Administrator said...

What exactly did Cindy do now? She still has her job?


I would a post on it but I'm sooo tired about this whole's almost like old news this cruise is an absolute disaster.

Cindy in her infinite wisdom, forgot to use BCC when mass mailing 26 odd people about signing up for the cruise. So anyone who got the email can see everyone's email and if they have a name attached to it, their name. There were several first and last names. OOOOPSIE! Hey sheeple you got lucky that I couldn't care less about outing you.

If most companies did that there would be absolute outrage, stocks plummeting, etc. Most companies have fine print that says they will never, ever disclose your name or email.

Anonymous said...

And yet the continue to film children in times that are not appropriate.

Jason Duggar and his injuries, and now this one. This is just unreal. Wouldn't most mother's say, "Turn the camera off now." And take care of the situation? But no...the filming just keeps going even as this girl is hurt and she's criticized for being a beat behind? Who cares, they're kids!

AuntieAnn said...

Admin - can you at least tell us if there's a hint of desperation in the email? Like "I'll let you eat Kate's leftovers if you sign up for the cruise now". Anything?

Bad Moon - Now that you mention it, I think they made pants for Martina out of Kate's flapper dress. Sure looks like it anyway. ~ Administrator said...

Desperate? Well, let's see, all but one of the sentences ends with an exclamation point. The first sentence is bolded, increased font size, italicized AND highlighted in pink. (Is there anything else you can do to a sentence in an email to make it stand out? Other than make it play a little tune I guess?) There are some links and photos attached of the ship. She is even attaching random photos of Kate to the email. And it's promising that you can "sit" and "have a cup of tea" with Kate. Baw-hahaha oh that's a good one Cindy.

I am not exaggerating. ~ Administrator said...

Desperate? Well, let's see, all but one of the sentences ends with an exclamation point. The first sentence is bolded, increased font size, italicized AND highlighted in pink. (Is there anything else you can do to a sentence in an email to make it stand out? Other than make it play a little tune I guess?) There are some links and photos attached of the ship. She is even attaching random photos of Kate to the email. And it's promising that you can "sit" and "have a cup of tea" with Kate. Baw-hahaha oh that's a good one Cindy.

I am not exaggerating. ~ Administrator said...

Desperate? Well, let's see, all but one of the sentences ends with an exclamation point. The first sentence is bolded, increased font size, italicized AND highlighted in pink. (Is there anything else you can do to a sentence in an email to make it stand out? Other than make it play a little tune I guess?) There are some links and photos attached of the ship. She is even attaching random photos of Kate to the email. And it's promising that you can "sit" and "have a cup of tea" with Kate. Baw-hahaha oh that's a good one Cindy.

I am not exaggerating. ~ Administrator said...

Desperate? Well, let's see, all but one of the sentences ends with an exclamation point. The first sentence is bolded, increased font size, italicized AND highlighted in pink. (Is there anything else you can do to a sentence in an email to make it stand out? Other than make it play a little tune I guess?) There are some links and photos attached of the ship. She is even attaching random photos of Kate to the email. And it's promising that you can "sit" and "have a cup of tea" with Kate. Baw-hahaha oh that's a good one Cindy.

I am not exaggerating. ~ Administrator said...

Oh forgot the entire email is in a big bold font and there is a video link to the cruise ship.

Maggie said...

Well Cindy has about 2 weeks to get almost 180 signed up.
Isn't May 15th the last day to sign up

Anonymous said...

So this just means that those 20 or so people just blew a lot of money to hang out with a really unpleasant person who could care less about someone else's life?

That's got to be so much fun! I can hardly contain myself! You can't see it but I'm jumping up and down!

That would be the last place I would send my money. Hope Cindy has fun trying to scramble up 180 people in two weeks. Question it possible? My bets a no on that.

AuntieAnn said...

And it's promising that you can "sit" and "have a cup of tea" with Kate. Baw-hahaha oh that's a good one Cindy.
Ha. That ought to drag them in. Not.
This is pathetic from both ends. How does a sloppy unprofessional travel agent promote a miserable, self-centered has-been reality tv celeb. The boat just ain't gonna float. ~ Administrator said...

No way will Kate enjoy a relaxing cup of tea with these people she'll go crazy. She will sooner dump the tea on their heads and run away to the 5150 hall.

Plus um, it will be August in the Caribbean. Who wants TEA?

Anonymous said...

Plus um, it will be August in the Caribbean. Who wants TEA?


Ice tea maybe?

AuntieAnn said...

Grand Marnier tea cooler. Yeah, get drunk with Kate on the good ship lollipop. Who wouldn't want that? ~ Administrator said...

Marie, she said CUP of tea. You don't usually say cup of tea when you mean iced tea. You say glass of tea.

Cindy's just pulling things out of her butt at this point. She passed the tea bags in the break room and thought, genius! That sounds personable, a cup of tea with Kate! Did she even clear this with Kate? I bet if someone asked on twitter about this Kate wouldn't have a clue.

Anonymous said...

Oh...yeah you're right. I'm not a tea drinker anyway. Sorry, really.

Starz22 said...

I was flipping through my channels today to see what was on. My info guide said " Kate: the making of an Icon" I hit info and saw it was a show about Kate Moss...I wonder if kate is gonna sue Kate for using her name to get attention? =)

New Kid said...

By golly, did you say A CUP OF TEA WITH KATE? Well, that does it! I'm signing up! See, I'm not really a runner, or a crafter, and I cain't stand kids, but iffen I can have a CUP OF TEA WITH KATE, then I'm THERE.

Laine said...

Does that cup of tea come with some Kate's special honey?

Sooverit said...

Mosse Mania said . . .
Speaking of boobs, I'm watching DWTS and Brooke's headlights are two cars ahead of her chassis. Her good bra makes Kate's good bra looking like it's in training.
Moose, my 14 year old son came into the room while I was watching DWTS and I knew Brooke's dress would get his attention! I said, "I think her dress is on backwards!" I had him going for a minute. LOL

Maggie said...

Susan said: This blog is often used by some people to state what they have, what they own, what they do, in a superior way. There was no reason to mention the kitchen re-do, the vegetable garden, or any of the other hundreds of things that have been brought up on this blog solely to point out that the poster is superior to Kate.
Wow! I really feel sorry for you. I have read this blog from day one and NEVER, EVER ONCE thought what you wrote. And guess what...I don't have a vegetable garden, dishwasher, kitchen re-do, or the "hundred of other things". You sound very jealous of these things.

By the way, your point was the bloggers are mentioning the above to be superior to Kate. Kate has ALL of the above (except garden though she has 20+ acres) and tons more. I think what you meant is the bloggers writing about all they have makes YOU very inferior. Kate is the millionaire who has the super expensive kitchen re-do with the 2 dishwashers, 3 cars, housekeeper, babysitter, gardener, pool boy, 2 washers and 2 dryers, 6,000 square foot house with an 800 ft. apartment. Not to mention has traveled greatly the past few years. So people are not writing to make Kate feel inferior.

And a week or so ago, a tweeter asked Kate if her kids drink milk and she said no, it was too expensive (organic) and she only bought milk for receipes and cereal.

JudyK said... (Administrator) said... 155
By the way Mary Tyler Moore is nearly blind now, though for some reason this hasn't gotten much press. She took great care of herself but it's just inevitable. Type one SUCKS. :(

She has a new movie (or maybe it's a sitcom--think movie) coming out this weekend with Valarie Harper called "Mary and Rhoda"'s on Hallmark at 8:00 EST.

Maggie said...

Kate has been on/off Twitter since 4:50am telling the world it is her birthday tomorrow. Is that sad or what. She really, really does use twitter to fill her narcissistic needs.

Oh CanadaMom: What is the brand name of your mop that you got from the Dollar Store? What kind of soap do you use with it? Thanks!

PJ's momma said...

Marie, I watched that Dance Moms video. Thank you for posting it. WHOA! Not only do they keep filming, but the woman is more worried about the fact that her daughter will be 'out' than the fact that she broke her freakin' ankle! She BROKE HER ANKLE......and all her mom talks about is how they are sometimes drama queens and worries she won't be able to go on. SHE needs some dancing, IMO. And some lessons on protecting her child. Unbelievable.

amyf said...

PJ 196 - That was Cathy, the coach of the other team - not the injured girl's mother. And I'm wondering what that clip has to do with Melissa, really, except for the weirdness about her lawyer.

I wonder when Kate will go broke? said...

Published on: March 28, 2012
Photography by: Splash News Online

Memo to reality stars: fame is fleeting -- witness broke JON GOSSELIN’s new roomie-- his mother!

Jon, the former “Hawaiian Eye for the Ladies” and star of “Jon & Kate Plus 8” has finally hit rock bottom and was so down and out that his 65-year-old mother Pamela Castello moved halfway across the state of Pennsylvania to share a townhome with him, say sources.

Pamela pays the rent and shares her beat-up vehicle with the father of eight.

“Jon is going broke – he has no job and I think he has used and abused all the people close to him that helped him financially, like his brother Mark,” revealed an insider.

“He’d wanted his mom to move to the Reading, Pa., area for a while, and since she is almost the only person left that will still help him financially, he talked her into getting a townhouse – and she pays rent.”

Jon, 34, who shares custody of his huge brood with ex-wife Kate, previously lived in a one-bedroom apartment in Wyomissing, Pa., with his 24-year-old girlfriend Ellen Ross, but he ended up losing the pad after she broke up with him in January.

“When Jon and Ellen lived together, Ellen split the rent with Jon’s mother – it’s quite sad, actually,” said the insider.

In December, The ENQUIRER reported that times were so tough for the former IT specialist – who’s now dating single mother-of-three Elizabeth Jannetta – that his beloved BMW was repossessed, and he had to borrow his mother’s beat-up minivan.

“He has eight children to provide for and has to turn to HIS mother to help support him.”

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