Friday, March 23, 2012

Moochers U.S.A.

Kate's greed is representative of "a culture where handouts, bailouts, freebies and entitlements dominate"

Why take one free hat when you have have three?
Kate's latest (and still on-going) tweet war with Em Tanner, who was but one of many people who lavished the family with lots of free gifts, reminded us of just how many products and trips and other freebies the Gosselin family took over the years. Kate's entitlement and ungratefulness and shocking lack of shame may grate on our nerves, but a new book suggests that she is not alone.

Author Charles J. Sykes, who wrote A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing is worried about what bailouts may do to our psyche and our future. When asked if he was worried about what this could do to kids, he said:

"Yes, I do. Other people take a slightly more optimistic view. They say the reality is that most Americans still have the belief of working hard and being rewarded for it, that we still have a middle class that wants to do the right thing, and that these folks don’t become somebody different even if we are in economically tough times. That’s true. But I also see a new class of dependency. How many generations does it take before the younger people look around and say, “Of course somebody else is going to pay for me. Of course there’s a bailout. If I screw up or don’t save any money, it doesn’t matter.” I say we’re living on borrowed time. We’ve drawn down the balance of our bedrock values. Once the stigma of being dependent is eliminated, more and more people want to be that way."

990 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 990   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Layla thanks for the post idea. ~ Administrator said... 2

Nwabcan ‏ @Nwabcan · Open
@Kateplusmy8 @bmckay07 Some introspection on ur part & stopping thinly veiled insinuations about Jon might change ppls mind about you =job!

@Nwabcan @bmckay07 not worried about changing ppls minds. It's not important how it LOOKS, only how I LIVE& care for my kids! Thx tho! about 3 hours ago


This is a total parental alienator statement. She's psycho. She doesn't care if she looks like a total nutcase. She doesn't care what people think what s important is the end goal to live and care for her kids--i.e. TO ALIENATE JON AS MUCH AS I POSSIBLY CAN.

If she's not worried about changing people's minds why is she tweeting so manically whenever she feels "wronged"? ~ Administrator said... 3

@bmckay07 i miss peace and working together for best interest of our kids... Feel alone now :(


She did it to herself. No sympathy.

fidosmommy said... 4

Kate has Last Word Syndrome. That's when you don't shut up until you have worn down the enemy. Even if it's just a grunt or a sigh or
a gesture, it counts as The Last Word in that showdown. I win, even if I really didn't.

Rhymes with Witch said... 5

Bringing this over from the previous thread because it bears repeating (thanks Kate is a Twit)

Glad @jongosselin1 has decided to take the high road, but @kateplusmy8 has decided to take the psycho path.

Michelle said... 6

Re: Kate's comment - ... Feel alone now :( I just have to cut and paste what Admin wrote last Sept. after the RV episode. It still holds true and shows no signs of changing. She will never understand she's the reason she's alone!

This sounds so familiar, because she pulled this same tired shtick when Tony walked out on her on Dancing With the Stars. And what I said about that a year and a half ago still rings true today:

Thank you for not quitting, Kate tells Tony. A lot of people have quit on me in my life. I wait for Tony to remove his cowboy hat and tearfully quiver, “I wish I knew how to quit you, Kart!” Whoops, wrong movie.

Now, see, if you didn’t know Kate that well, like maybe this is the first time you’ve really seen her in action, you might fall for that pathetic and manipulative “Everyone has quit on me” comment. But don’t, and I’ll tell you why! People in Kart’s life don’t quit on Kart. Kart DRIVES THEM AWAY. She has estranged all the children’s closest relatives and friends. She goes through nannies like the kids go through organic fluffernutter. You wouldn’t know it the way she tells it, but she filed for divorce first, not Jon. Yes, check the archives of Radaronline, the Shopping Kart is the Petitioner and Jon is the DEFENDANT! She actively drove him away by treating him like a doormat. She’s amassed more enemies than Bernie Madoff. Kate has always wanted us to believe that all those people are wrong, every single one of them, and she’s right. Uh-huh….This is Kate’s story. She is responsible for being alone.

It was Kate’s story then, it’s Kate’s story now, and unless she gets some serious mental health treatment, it will forever be her story.
Sediments by (Administrator

canadianmom said... 7

I just wanted to comment on Kate's tweet about the kids being at the top of their class...

I have a son who's the same age as the tups, he has autism (fairly mild), ADHD (NOT mild) and a speech disorder. He is in an "average" grade 2 class in an "average" public school and I am VERY VERY happy to say that he is smack dab in the (mediocre) middle. Average grades, average behavior, average everything... and I couldn't be more proud or excited for him, he has come a looooong way.

Its not always about where kids ARE, but about where they have COME FROM. Kate has 6 preemies who have been through a TON of emotional stress in their 7 years, for them to be "average" is something she should be very proud of, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, its quite an accomplishment IMO.

wowser said... 8

maybe someone should send her a copy of that book!!

koopdedoo said... 9

Thanks Kate is a Twit & Rhymes with a witch for the "kate took the psycho path" tweet!!

On to mooching and expecting handouts:

There was a story last night, on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, about student debt. They spoke with a woman in debt for her master's degree.

She is 31 years old, married, working as a teacher, has 1 child, another on the way. Her house appeared to be full of nice furniture, granite countertops, and knick knacks. And she was COMPLAINING about her education debt. No one forced her to go back to school (and I don't remember if some of the debt is related to undergraduate degree), she signed on the dotted line for the loans.

I am not anti-education at all, but make wise choices. Select a less expense school. Take a job that offers tuition reimbursement if you want to further your education. Take the classes only as you can afford them.

Why whine about it? No one held a gun to her head and forced her to go back to school.

Mel said... 10

Every time, every interaction....ends with these three things. They're her three big cards that she uses to shut down the conversation.

I'm all alone. Everyone quits on me.
You're taking food out of the kids' mouths
I know a LOT more, but I'm not telling cuz I'm gracious/classy.

Anonymous said... 11

Oh, whine, whine, whine. Please. I don't think that I have ever met another adult that whines this much about having to take care of their kids, about how over-average her kids are and continually about their ex.

Well...wait, yes I have, and she's every bit as obnoxious as Kate if not not more so. But she only has one kid but she whines probably just as much.

Anyway, is Kate not aware that a lot of kids who come from a broken home, maybe abusive, emotional and or otherwise a lot of those kids have high marks. Why? Because it's an escape for them from their painful environment. A lot of kids do that. Kate's kids...a lot of preemies have learning difficulties whether or not they have ever been properly tested for them.

She's so worried that people will think her kids are just kids that I think she over states things. Kate wants everyone to say, a Gosselin child is better. So?

Another one of my friends, she brags about how smart her kids are all the time. Little hint here, nobody cares! I've seen it they just all kind of nod and go, "that's nice..."

I find it that the more you brag about something, just means the more hot air you're pumping into your story just trying to convince others and yourself about how special your kids are.

And we're off again, taking about her giving Jon the it's her gift to him that he should be grateful she even decided to give it to him. What a childish person Kate is.

Why bother giving Kate the book? Doubt she'd read it, she's even too lazy to read a newspaper...and I bet a news column has fewer words then this book, plus with a newspaper Kate can just look at the pretty pictures and pretend she's in them.

anger issues kate said... 12

Kate has been digging that hole for a long time now, and I think that every time she has fallen into it, TLC has pulled her out. Now Kate thinks, that so I fallen into a whole, TLC /fans , foolish idiots who believe everything I say and those people who love my kids, and would not want the kids not to have a mommy, will get me out. Sorry Kate, TLC is no longer in to pic, your fans are few, your family, will certainly not lift a finger to help you, since you wrote them out of your life. Jon will not help you, he will help the kids, not you. You will be on your own. It is sad but true.

So far Kate has picked fights with 3 people so far, not a wise move. The media, TV producers, Hollywood, etc watch all celebs, celeb wannabees, all people who could be the next star. Oh, Yes, Kate they read twitter, facebook, all forms of network, they have been watching you. Why don't you you think they don't call you. If I were them, after reading how you act, talk, and get into fights with people, lie and try and change history, I would not want you for anything. TOO, difficult to work with. I'm sure TLC put the word out on Kate, the TV people always do.

Wrong said... 13

Anonymous no, that blog was about how hard work and two jobs and finding creative ways to save and make money and not complaining can get you through school. Nice try.

Anonymous said... 14

koopdedoo said... 9
There was a story last night, on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, about student debt. They spoke with a woman in debt for her master's degree.

She is 31 years old, married, working as a teacher, has 1 child, another on the way. Her house appeared to be full of nice furniture, granite countertops, and knick knacks. And she was COMPLAINING about her education debt. No one forced her to go back to school (and I don't remember if some of the debt is related to undergraduate degree), she signed on the dotted line for the loans.

I am not anti-education at all, but make wise choices. Select a less expense school. Take a job that offers tuition reimbursement if you want to further your education. Take the classes only as you can afford them.

Why whine about it? No one held a gun to her head and forced her to go back to school.


Some states REQUIRE that teachers get a master's degree within five years of beginning teaching.

We are going through the student debt thing now because my husband is in school fulltime and deciding whether or not he can continue. It's a shame because education for adults who have the responsibilty of families is very expensive, when you count in time away from work, extra childcare, etc. We do not want to end up $50,000 in debt. Just not sure what to do right now.

As for kids coming out of HS and signing away for thousands and thousands in loans, I think it should be illegal without having them take a 2-hour class in WhAT IT MEANS to accept student loan money.

And he is enrolled in a "less expensive" school. He received an AA through a community college (all paid for), rolled the credits over and now is attending a university. And it is STILL expensive, because he is a dual major in sciences, lots of courses and ridiculous amounts of time because of the labs.

just saying.


Westcoaster said... 15

Good post, thanks.

All alone now, K8 you are the only one who could not see this coming. Guess TLC was paying for a whole lot of "friends". Judging from the twitter fights YOU start, I don't think people quit you, I think you shut the damn door first.

anger issues kate said... 16

Hey, is Kate going to the Kentucky Derby, this year? May 4& 5?

Anonymous said... 17

It's a shame because education for adults who have the responsibilty of families is very expensive, when you count in time away from work, extra childcare, etc.

What I mean is this: I could get a job that pays 25% more than I am making now, but it doesn't fit with his class schedule and our childcare schedule. We both would be spending so much time away, our child would be in daycare for 10 hours a day. And I will NOT have that. So we are stuck working around the student loan dilemma, and right now I am making way less than I should.

I don;t mean to take this thread off topic, but there are hardworking people who are trying to take care of their families who are NOT complaining, but just trying to work it all out. That's all.


anger issues kate said... 18

Hey, maybe this 'friend ' Kate is meeting is from CC? Kate seems to call everyone friend.

readerlady said... 19

koopdedo 9 said "No one held a gun to her head and forced her to go back to school."

Actually, koop, if she's working as a teacher, she may not have had a choice in the matter. Many school districts now require teachers to obtain their Masters degree within a set number of years after being hired, or they will lose their jobs. The system dictates where they will obtain that Masters, how many years they have to do so, and don't reimburse tuition costs. So her complaints re the student debt may be legit (I'm not saying this is the situation with this individual, but it is a possibility).

I don't have any problem at all with people who are genuinely in need asking for, or accepting help. I do have a problem with people like KK constantly whining and bemoaning her impoverished status while owning 3 high end vehicles, making frivolous trips out of state just to get a hair cut/color, wearing designer clothing, living in an expensive house surrounded by many acres of land, and sending her kids to a very pricey, exclusive private school. If things are tough, you don't go begging for help BEFORE you economize in every way possible. And once you've accepted help, you find any way possible to extend that helping hand to others in need. Volunteering at a soup kitchen, food bank, homeless shelter, etc. doesn't cost a thing and pays huge rewards.

AuntieAnn said... 20

It was Kate’s story then, it’s Kate’s story now, and unless she gets some serious mental health treatment, it will forever be her story.
I swear a team of a thousand psychologists and psychiatrists couldn't get through to her that she's the problem.

'Nobody gets me',' I'm misunderstood'. She'll make life as miserable as possible for anyone who doesn't see it her them utterly out of their minds. Then she'll turn around and say "I don't get it" when her victim is in a corner rocking back and forth mumbling incoherently. She's right. She JUST DOESN'T GET IT.

Once a Viewer said... 21

Here anyone can substitute teach!

CanadianMom: Hurray for your son! Good job to him and to you and everyone else involved.

And I agree Kate should be proud for the tups who did overcome a lot of preemie risks & emotional turmoil. I just hate how SHE takes total credit for anything they do.." I must be doing something right" MANY people have contributed to their health and welfare. Their father, healthcare workers, sisters, relatives and nannies in the early years, their teachers !!!, babysitters like Ashley, even strangers, and of course themselves .

westcoastie said... 22

If she "feels alone now" when she has 8, count 'em EIGHT kids in the house, imagine how she's going to feel once they leave her ass high and dry........and ALONE!!!!

Weezie said... 23

This may not be a popular comment, but here goes.
I had to take TWO hour long seminars before I was granted a student loan. They put the fear of God in you and make it very clear this is something you cannot walk away from before you are given the money. I spent 10 years faithfully paying my student loan debt and foregoing a new car until I got rid of that debt. And by golly I did it!
Right now my daughter is only taking two classes per semester, including summer, because we are paying cash as we go. I see no rush in getting a degree in 4 years ( I took 7 years to get a Bachelors and 4 to get my Master's). She's only 20 and there is no reason to get loans and rush through and have debt if we can take our time and pay as we go and graduate debt free and not worry about loans.
Because I worked my a$$ off to pay my debt, and did without luxuries until I did, I am vehemently against the student loan forgiveness act. It's not fair to the people who paid theirs. I'm sorry to the people who are up to their ears in student loan debt, but you had to know it was going to be a reality once you graduated. You pay your debt before you jump into homes, cars, children, vacations, etc. That student loan debt is JUST as important because when you don't pay it, you are screwing other kids out of getting money for college because you had to have your SUV, kids and granite countertops ( lady on NBC nightly News ). Sorry for my strong opinion, but if you only knew how hard I worked and busted my tail and went without for 10 years to pay my debt, you'd understand. To hear people whine about it when they KNEW the deal before accepting the loan makes me angry. IMO, if you own a home and can't pay your student loan, you sell your home. End of story. Not paying back a SL is theft in my book. You stole money and you stole your education and left the fallout for other people to pick up.

The Bitter End said... 24

Admin said...3
@bmckay07 i miss peace and working together for best interest of our kids... Feel alone now :(


She did it to herself. No sympathy.

Did Katie Irene have "Peace Love World" cut off the clothing supply for non-payment?

Twittering and Twattering said... 25

@Kateplusmy8 Glad that Uhave local friends that care abt & support U! U KNOW if I lived close by..I'd be there 4U ..loyalty a must4friends!

I bet Kate is thanking her lucky stars that she lives where she does! Can you imagine having to deal with the up close and personal support of sheeple on a daily basis? :)

koopdedoo said... 26

Heather & Readerlady -

I understand your point, maybe it is mandated that she get her masters - that was not stated in the story.

I don't mean to disrespect anyone. My family is in the midst of college funding now, 7 more years to go for our 3 children (2 years of 1 in school, 4 years of 2 in school, 2 more years of 1 in school). I am a SAHM, we are cutting corners on most everything we can. (and, yes, being a SAHM at this point is my choice - I expect to re-enter the work force when the youngest graduates from high school)

And Heather, I hear you about your choices - you sound like you have put a lot of time into the thought behind the choice. I applaud that you and your husband are trying to make it all work out without complaining.

I just thought the juxtaposition of the lady in a loaded house, with a spouse, with a job, with "a stack of other bills" against the "oh, the college debt is too much", was a bit self-indulgent.

To me, the college debt industry is going to get turned on it's head like the mortgage crisis.

barbee said... 27

She is a piece of work...doesn't care how it looks...what IS important is how she LIVES and takes care of her kids. Well, see, THAT is the problem, HOW SHE LIVES AND TAKES CARE OF HER KIDS!

RE: How she lives...the life of the ERB (entitled rich bitch).

RE: How she cares for her kids...WHEN? Their major care givers are basically strangers, nannies, teachers, their dad and, oh yeah, she is probably there with them and involved in SOME phase of their daily care.

AuntieAnn said... 28

Once a Viewer said... 21
And I agree Kate should be proud for the tups who did overcome a lot of preemie risks & emotional turmoil. I just hate how SHE takes total credit for anything they do.." I must be doing something right" MANY people have contributed to their health and welfare. Their father, healthcare workers, sisters, relatives and nannies in the early years, their teachers !!!, babysitters like Ashley, even strangers, and of course themselves .

Of course she'll take the credit. Her only contribution is that she left them with all those people to do the real nurturing while she was off galavanting around the country with Steve, pretending she was somebody.

Even now, if she is as devoted to her eight kids as she says she is, her twitter would be silent for days on end. Her wonderful parenting skills are just another figment of her imagination.

Call Me Crazy said... 29

canadianmom - Congratulations to you and your son. Thanks for sharing his story.

Mel said... 30

Angerissues #16.....

The Kentucky Derby! That's where she's going to wear the second prom dress!

Please tell me she isn't going to wear it to the conference for parents of disabled children.....

librarylady said... 31

Koop, totally agree about the college debt and cost of higher education - it's the next bubble to burst in this economy.

I have two kids in college, and it about killed us to have the oldest have to take student loans. Husband and I have our own obligations, of course, and they always knew they'd have to contribute. But oldest was in and graduated HS during the deepest pit of this economic downturn - couldn't find a job to help (hardly any of the kids in his class could find work), college scholarships were greatly pared down due to the same economic reasons - it was either lie around the house doing nothing or take loans.

The younger had a high-paying summer job last year but has just found out that they've suddenly decided to not hire any summer help this year - so while he is looking for a summer job, he is late in the game and will probably be looking at loans himself. He didn't need any this year.

Both of my kids attend state universities and cheaper regional campuses, took PSEO classes in HS for credit, etc. There are other options, like tech schools, but costs are still high and remember, the student has to have the aptitude for those professions or there's no point.

We live in a small modest older home and our family's NEWEST car is a 1997, lol. Sometimes, you just have to take the loans to get anywhere. Teach and your kids to understand the obligations and model that behavior. I worked part time and was able to pay my own tuition for full-time - &750/semester when I started in the mid-1980's. It is about impossible for these young kids now, and we understand.

I, too, have little sympathy for those who are living the high lifestyle and complaining. My family is a family of teachers and they all were required to get master's degrees within 5 years, but they knew that going in, and planned accordingly. No granite countertops or fancy cars for them.

Gabby2 said... 32

@bmckay07 i miss peace and working together for best interest of our kids... Feel alone now :(


She traded Jon for Steve....what's the problem KrazyKate....he didn't divorce his wife for YOU?

Buyer's remorse?

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can said... 33

Kate Gosselin Cruise ‏ @CindyCardella

@maggiej0923 @sandcutbaby @kateplusmy8 @sandcutbaby Actually that is RCCL's Private Island!BBQ on Beach,Band,Pina Colada=Paradise!I've been!

...and hotter than hell in August. The only thing you can do is stay in the water. Been there, done that, and never again.

I see Cindy still hasn't removed the name of the person she tweeted. I guess the agency is looking the other way, or she is kissing somebody's rear end there. Shameful.

PAM said... 34

Sorry, but the book you're quoting "A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing" is nothing more than right wing Republican BS propaganda.

No. I'm definitely NOT a sheeple but I am a Liberal. You could have found a better example to use. than that pile of crap.

Beth said... 35

If you choose the income based repayment plan with regard to your student loans, the payments are based upon what you earn. You will have to submit your tax returns every year so that they can set the payment for you. With this option, you will pay much more in interest and it will take much longer to pay off, but the payments won't bankrupt you. Also, Obama's new policy sets the write-off at 20 years instead of 25. That means that after 20 years, whatever amount isn't paid will be wiped out. Also, if you become disabled, the loans are wiped out. If you were to pass away, your loans are wiped out and your family isn't responsible for them.

aggiemom09121416 said... 36

I bet Kate didn't give Jon the old bbb out of the goodness of her heart(well, if she had one). I am sure she did it due to it probably not having a good trade-in value, plus she hates him so much, she doesn't want him to drive HER new bbb....(heck, he might breathe too loudly in it).

I watched a few of the old you tube videos of the show last week, and some of them showed the kids in various stages of undress, or the parents mocking the kid's behavior, appearances, teeth, etc. When those kids get older and can fully grasp what was done to their childhoods, there is going to be hell to pay.
Jon and Kate better be ready for it. It won't be pretty.

CanadianMom, I enjoyed your post, it was very insightful and shows a broader perspective of children that overcome unusual circumstances. You sound like a great person and a great mom!

EM said... 37

Call me crazy but I think the Associates Degree should be government funded if you chose a community college. From there you can determine what school is best for your continued education and make decisions about cost. After 2 years of college you would have a better grasp on finances and loan information. Taking 18 year olds and signing them up for years of debt is sad.

It's insane how much money is given out in medicaid, WIC, welfare, food stamps to teen moms etc. I think government $ would be much better spent on education for all. NOT JUST TEEN PARENTS. If you have a kid by 18 you get all kinds of Pell Grants and gov funding. A normal teen gets so little to start school with. Our society rewards bad choices and not good ones.

Twittering and Twattering said... 38

I bet Kate didn't give Jon the old bbb out of the goodness of her heart(well, if she had one). I am sure she did it due to it probably not having a good trade-in value, plus she hates him so much, she doesn't want him to drive HER new bbb....(heck, he might breathe too loudly in it).


She keeps saying that the BOUGHT the new Mercedes. Didn't someone trace that car to a lease company in Delaware, reporting it was "payment" for her appearance at the Vegas run? Where did that rumor start?

Downeaster Alexa said... 39

Pam, 34 -- Sorry, but the book you're quoting "A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing" is nothing more than right wing Republican BS propaganda.

No. I'm definitely NOT a sheeple but I am a Liberal. You could have found a better example to use. than that pile of crap.


I disagree, respectfully. It doesn't matter if it is right-wing Republican BS or left-wing Democratic/Liberal propaganda. The fact is that what is quoted above is true, regardless of who wrote the book. Although there still exists a middle class with strong work ethics, there has emerged a new class of dependency, and Kate is the poster child.

aggiemom09121416 said... 40

There's so much screwed up with higher education, where do you begin?
I've had a kid in college since 2005, and will continue to have kids college thru 2021! (OMG)

Higher ed is a double-edged sword in Texas. We have something here called the Top10% rule, which means that any kid that graduates top10% in their high school graduating class is guaranteed admittance to any public university in the state (well, tu is now 8%).
We have so many kids applying to these D1, tier one schools, that if your kid doesn't take their 10% spot after high school, it is almost impossible to gain admittance to these same schools if you go to a junior college first. (All my kids have attended the same university; the last one that was admitted was one of 15000, out of the 30,000 that applied).

And if you don't have the money to go, well, you have to get loans. Most people these days can barely pay their bills,much less put away enough money for a college education. Almost 80% of kids get some sort of financial aid to go to school, and most of these kids have to wrk as well.
As scary as all this seems, it is scarier to NOT go to college. Case in point: Daughter#2 is graduating summa cum laude this May from TAMU's prestigious Mays Business School (only 1500 kids are admitted to this program, and only half will make it out with a degree) with a finance degree..she has also worked in a very high profile TAMU office for three years. With all this knowledge, work experience, and references that would make a president blush, she is having a damn hard time finding a job. If she is having a hard time, what chances will a high school graduate have of finding anything that will sustain any kid of lifestyle?
I am really scared for this generation coming of age. Starter homes are 150,000, cars are 50,000, health insurance is out of sight.
More and more jobs are being sent out of the country as well.
For those that like to learn about the social issues, I recommend "The Working Poor" and "Nickel and Dimed".

canadianmom said... 41


When Kate says "I must be doing something right" I just want to puke!

No Kate, your kids are doing as well as they are DESPITE YOU...

Westcoaster said... 42

@bmckay07 i miss peace and working together for best interest of our kids... Feel alone now :(


Oh ap-cray. What peace? It's pretty much documented on many episodes the high stress level SHE created in their marriage, so the blame goes straight back at ya. Plus, if she was not the parental alienator that she is, they would be working together, divorced, in the best interests of their children.

As for lonely, well toots, you only have yourself to blame, sadly you refuse to see that.

aggiemom09121416 said... 43

Twittering and Twattering said... 38

I bet Kate didn't give Jon the old bbb out of the goodness of her heart(well, if she had one). I am sure she did it due to it probably not having a good trade-in value, plus she hates him so much, she doesn't want him to drive HER new bbb....(heck, he might breathe too loudly in it).


She keeps saying that the BOUGHT the new Mercedes. Didn't someone trace that car to a lease company in Delaware, reporting it was "payment" for her appearance at the Vegas run? Where did that rumor start?
March 23, 2012 11:43 AM
I read that same story too, that the BBB was some sort of promotional payment tied to the Vegas marathon. Think it was on this blog perhaps? Seems like someone knew something about the tags on the new BBB.
As far as the old BBB, it has always been stated that it was given to them, yet just last week on her blog (I think?) that they bought it.

carolina peach said... 44

Admin, wonder how long the list would be of all that has been given to them? Beginning with entitlement. Did I spell that right? Just not a word that applies to me. When I think back to the beginning, time donated by volunteers, cribs, clothes, diapers, photos, food, gift cards, day trips and on and on. Anywhere to begin that list? Wonder about all the professionals that dontated their time,services, products,etc that are now conveniently forgotten. Would love to see a separate list for her vs the list for the 8. Betcha K's is longer. She wouldn't have it any other way. After all it is all about her.

anger issues kate said... 45

Wait people, whomever Kate is meeting with today(the so-call 'friend'), watch she will either be humble or a total bitch, and pick another fight before the weekends done. Kate is on a roll. This so-call friend, could be: a PR, CC, lawyer, the fact she is on twitter silence says a lot. I don't believe Kate could go more than an hour without checking, even if she does not tweet. Kate is addicted, to twitter.

aggiemom09121416 said... 46

carolina peach said... 44

Admin, wonder how long the list would be of all that has been given to them? Beginning with entitlement. Did I spell that right? Just not a word that applies to me. When I think back to the beginning, time donated by volunteers, cribs, clothes, diapers, photos, food, gift cards, day trips and on and on. Anywhere to begin that list?

There is a list here in this blog somewhere; it was compiled a few weeks ago.

Firefly said... 47

I read that same story too, that the BBB was some sort of promotional payment tied to the Vegas marathon. Think it was on this blog perhaps? Seems like someone knew something about the tags on the new BBB.
As far as the old BBB, it has always been stated that it was given to them, yet just last week on her blog (I think?) that they bought it.

That was stated by Underwalt. Take it as you will. He provided no proof, just as he provided no proof for the curried cottage cheese he sent to Kate's room at the Excelsior Hotel in Feb.

Make of it what you will.

Don't Believe Everything You Read on Twitter said... 48

aggiemom09121416 said... 43
Twittering and Twattering said... 38

I bet Kate didn't give Jon the old bbb out of the goodness of her heart(well, if she had one). I am sure she did it due to it probably not having a good trade-in value, plus she hates him so much, she doesn't want him to drive HER new bbb....(heck, he might breathe too loudly in it).


She keeps saying that the BOUGHT the new Mercedes. Didn't someone trace that car to a lease company in Delaware, reporting it was "payment" for her appearance at the Vegas run? Where did that rumor start?
March 23, 2012 11:43 AM
I read that same story too, that the BBB was some sort of promotional payment tied to the Vegas marathon. Think it was on this blog perhaps? Seems like someone knew something about the tags on the new BBB.


That rumor was started by UnderWalt. He is not exactly known for his accuracy.

Bad Moon Rising said... 49

I read that same story too, that the BBB was some sort of promotional payment tied to the Vegas marathon. Think it was on this blog perhaps? Seems like someone knew something about the tags on the new BBB.


I think it was on Twitter, posted by someone who has not always given credible information. Who knows? This time it might be correct. I think the tags were traced to a leasing company, and the lease was good for a year. But if this is true, then why would she keep saying that she bought the vehicle?
Wait...this is Kate.

Bad Moon Rising said... 50

@48 -- sorry! I was typing my response when you were posting yours. You're correct, but maybe this one time it might be accurate. Time will tell -- if the car disappears a year after the marathon was held! Or, perhaps she has an option to buy.

Bad Moon Rising said... 51

That was stated by Underwalt. Take it as you will. He provided no proof, just as he provided no proof for the curried cottage cheese he sent to Kate's room at the Excelsior Hotel in Feb.


I seem to remember that he was going to post his credit card bill to prove that he did it. Did that ever happen?

AuntieAnn said... 52

There is a list here in this blog somewhere; it was compiled a few weeks ago.
Yep and it should be brought forward on every thread so that every time Kate comes here to read she sees it and thinks twice before she starts bitching about her oh so difficult life. Right, Kate?

just a mom and grandma said... 53

Regarding student loan debt, I didn't go to college, couldn't afford it. I have worked full time since I was 16, including my last 2 years of high school. We didn't have much and there were 6 kids younger than me in our family. My oldest went to college on student loans,athletic scholarships, and hard work. He is now 37 with a phd in education. He just finished paying off his student loans. My youngest who is 23 went to the local community college part-time while working full time for 2 years to get her basic courses done. She paid as she went. Now she is trying to finish her degree fulltime with student loans and part-time work and it scares the heck out of her and me. The economy is much tougher now than it was 15 years ago. What's sad is if you do the right thing and work and try to save money, it cuts down on the grant money available.If you have nothing in savings and an expensive house paid off, you qualify for more grant money than the family that is struggling to do the right thing. I would encourage any kid to do whatever necessary to go to college or a trade school because let's face it, you cannot support any kind of life without it. I just wish kids could get an education without starting their adult life with so much debt. It's no wonder there are so many college grads moving back home until they can get on their feet. Sorry if this is too long.

Jane said... 54

Could we get her grifting list at the top of this page?

dee3 said... 55

I'm a liberal Democrat too and I'm falling somewhere in the middle regarding this book. I tend to think that some of what's going on is due to many people feeling like they got Wall Street, the banks, etc.....and that there's no reward for hard work....and thinking that hell, might as well grab my...unemployment, my disability, my social security...whatever...that I paid into...before that's gone too.

I'm not saying it's right....I'm just saying that I can understand how this mentality developed in recent years. But I don't blame the people, really.....I blame the ones who screwed them over. I think the author's opinion is a bit unfair as he seems to be blaming the people for their mentality rather than putting most of the blame where it belongs and explaining why this caused the mentality to ramp up in recent years.

BUT.....the whole issue of the Kardashians, etc....the "I'm entitled to be a celebrity and to be famous for nothing", I think, an entirely different subject than what this book is about. For many years, especially since the advent of reality TV (plus social media sites...twitter, etc.) there has developed a mentality, especially among some of the younger folks....that gives them the impression that it's easy to become a celebrity...a diva. That they don't need talent, just that lucky break. There has developed this worship (if you will) of celebrities with no real talent (Kardashians, Paris Hilton, etc.) and I think the Kate Gosselin story is a great example of this.

aggiemom09121416 said... 56

Jane #54..

Look in this old post:
'We like to be horrified by 19 Kids and Counting, but not like that'.

This post was dated 2/15. I think we started it there.
Hope you have some time to do a lot of reading...cuz the list is LLLOOONNGGGG... :(

NJGal51 said... 57

Maybe EM slapped a cease and desist on Kate and the friend Kate is meeting with is her lawyer or advisor. In her mind she is always right and everyone else is wrong and how dare anyone question her. In Kate’s warped view of reality she (probably) believes that since the calendar was created for her, she owns the rights to it part and parcel. I believe that Kate's narcissism is so bad that she actually believes that things went down the way she described. Even when confronted with irrevocable proof, she won't admit to any wrong doing. Is Kate lying? To a sane person yes, she's lying. It’s all on film and EM says that she’s got the emails to back her up but we have to remember that Kate lives in Kateland. In Kateland she is the supreme being and the supreme being is never wrong or questioned under penalty of severeness! Anyone that ever gave them anything in exchange for product placement, free advertising or just because needs to take a good long look at what went down between EM and Kate. Any one of them could be next on her hit list.

Kate, taking things to twitter is not the way to win friends and influence people.

Rhymes with Witch said... 58

NJGal51: In Kate’s warped view of reality she (probably) believes that since the calendar was created for her, she owns the rights to it part and parcel.

What's humorous but also sad is that her fans in zheepleland believe it too.

Anonymous said... 59

I'd like to think if the media is going to cover her latest twitter war, they go first to Em Tanner and get her take on what exactly went down; how Jon was embarrassed by what Kate was twittering and how he personally wanted to thank her for what all she had done for them years ago.


Jane said... 60

Thx aggiemom! The list fits well with this post's topic. And if it could be posted up top or even on the side of this home page it could be added on to as the grifting continues. And we all know it will!

Georgia Peach said... 61

I wonder if Kate or her fans have ever checked to see if ROL is following her on twitter? It's free (ha, ha).

Twittering and Twattering said... 62

Just saw something interesting on Twitter...

A book titled Multiple Blessings (parents guide to mutiples) was written before Kate's book. It's available on Amazon. Author is Betty Rothbart.
This book was written before Kate's book. Did this woman ever go after Kate for using the title of her book?

chefsummer #Leh said... 63

Aw poor Kate is all alone because of her own doing no one cares.

The people that did care you pushed them all way so you only have yourself to blame Kate.

Get Lucky in Kentucky said... 64

If Kate is running in the Kentucky Derby.. I will def add her into my bets (ya know since she's a real runner and all). Lol.. I wonder what her race name will be? I can hear it now..."and here comes griftykrieder down the back stretch!"

Sharon in Seattle said... 65

The information about the lease on the BBB came from Underwalt's tweets.

Sandi said... 66

ROL is following Kate on post up LOL...gotta love it!

Kate is a twit said... 67

Twittering and Twattering said... 62
Just saw something interesting on Twitter...

A book titled Multiple Blessings (parents guide to mutiples) was written before Kate's book. It's available on Amazon. Author is Betty Rothbart.
This book was written before Kate's book. Did this woman ever go after Kate for using the title of her book?

But Kate's(or should I say Beth's) book is called "Multiple Bles8ings". Is not the exact title, doncha know?

The number "8" comes in so handy, doesn't it? ~ Administrator said... 68

Ha ha Radar BAM!

Did Jon sell them this article too, psycho?

Rhymes with Witch said... 69

I for one am waiting for kate to threaten to sue ROL for "invasion of privacy" hee, hee.

silimom said... 70

Admin, a legal question regarding the "Kate" calendar. I know that Kate is a generic name. However, given that this particular calendar was used in the show, it stands to reason that when Em Tanner used the name "Kate's Calendar" on her website, she was referencing Kate Gosselin. In that context, if she was asked to remove and reference in her advertising to the show, wouldn't this calendar fall under that same request?

Now, don't get me wrong. Em Tanner claims to have emails that show that she was given permission to use the name. However, in a court of law, would any request after that permission was given be seen as the permission being rescinded?

I guess what I'm asking is how, in your opinion, would this play out in a court of law? Is suppose since TLC own's the trademark "Jon & Kate + 8" and "Kate + 8", wouldn't it be up to them to seek damages for trademark infringement? After all, the accusation is that she was using the name "Kate's Calendar" to help people recognize that this was the calendar she designed for "J&K+8". If she had been asked to not reference the show in her advertising, then I would think this would be pretty cut and dry.

Just wondering. So please don't bash me or call me a sheeple. I'm just curious about how this looks legally, since there was a reference made that possibly Kate's friend is actually her lawyer.

Berks Neighbor said... 71

Hey Kate (yeah, we know you read here), here's a new word for you:
Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image. This can be also any disparaging statement made by one person about another, which is communicated or published. It is usually a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).[1]

silimom said... 72

Grr..can't type today.

and reference=any reference
Is suppose = I suppose

The Bitter End said... 73

Ha ha Radar BAM!

And I get a shout out.

Georgia Peach said... 74

Talk about timing! ~ Administrator said... 75

Sillimom it might be a close call. It's worth talking to a lawyer experienced in misaappropriation. I do think just using Kate even if some recognize the association would not be enough. Years later would most people get the connection, doubt it. Has she really made money off just the name Kate, doubt it. Has she lost sales, I bet!

Of course if Kate sues Em could countersue for all the crap Kate pulled she says she has proof of. It could get interesting!

Sandi said... 76

If "Kate" was born Katie Irene can she claim the name Kate shown on merchandise as hers...was her name legally changed?...

silimom said... 77

Well, I guess Kate is being rewarded with media attention for her twitter wars. Thanks Radar and National Inquirer!

However, it's got to be eating at her that Nicey Nash now has a new show on TLC being billed as the first "Family Reality Sitcom". Gee, isn't that what Kate was going for? Oh wait, she had that until she divorced Jon.

Sad to be you, huh Kate? Oh and by the way - regarding the BBB. Being gracious and magnanimous would have meant buying Jon a new BBB because he needed one and couldn't afford it. You just gave him a car that the both of you had been given the money to pay for and the only reason you did was because you didn't need it anymore.

silimom said... 78

Is this okay? Her kids are teenagers, she put them in counseling before the show started...what do people think?

aggiemom09121416 said... 79

Wouldn't this whole plate-gate be a non-issue for Kate? Since it's "J&Kpluseight" lingo, and TLC owned that, what's Kate all pissed about? She ought to be pissed at TLC, no Em Tanner.

Kate's a has been said... 80

I just don't get why Kate wants sympathy from a bunch of strangers? Kate and Jon should never talk crap about each other its just not good for the kids.

Shaking my head said... 81

"Look!!!!!My trees r ALIVE (Oct snowstorm)just like Sal('s Landscaping) said they would b!I'm so amazed at their beauty!"


Okay, I think I just figured out how Kate is maintaining her lifestyle. What are the chances she's getting products/services for free in exchange for tweeting the business's names? In the past few days she's tweeted, by name, her dress designer, her hair stylist, and now Sal's Landscaping. With Kate's grifting ways, it wouldn't suprise me at all. I mean, really, who names their landscaping company in a tweet? With the weather warming up, looks like we'll be learning the name of the pool boy next.... ~ Administrator said... 82

If Jon is soooo bad why is he safe to be around his children? Huh Kate why is he allowed to be around his kids unsupervised? What is so terrible?

Berks the definition might be too complicated for Kate. The summary is: keep telling lies and then you might really be crying about no money!

Kate's a has been said... 83

If Jon is soooo bad why did Kate have 8 kids with him?

Anonymous said... 84

People would take Kate far more seriously is she didn't Twitter nonsense and or continue to write about her ex-husband.

Every Tweet is about sometimes frivolous things or things that should be private. Ans she wonders where the day goes that she can't get anything done? It's because she Tweets away her time. She's like that kid who wasted his time watching television instead of studying then freaking out the night of the test, like Kate freaks out the night she says she has a big project but didn't have time to get to it.

I'm waiting for the day she can't afford to live in her house. That day has to come eventually.

Just keep Tweeting Kate. The only workout I see her getting is exercising her fingers for those max 140 or however many characters are allowed.

Kate's a has been said... 85

Kate thinks if she cries on another TV interview. People will give her a show or more free crap. If Kate cared about her financial future she would have never bought a 1.2 million dollar home. Kate's so good with saving money and finding good deals really? she never told her fan's back when she had her show on TLC she was getting free stuff. Plus the nannies, chef, ect.

Heide said... 86

It's funny that when the kids are doing well in school, Kate takes credit for it. But when a couple of them were expelled (or whatever wording she used), it had nothing to do with Kate.

Once a Viewer said... 87

Heide 86:

Exactly. How can you have a mother like that who won't support you when the chips are down but basks in your reflected 'glory?' Not what being a parent is all about- you deal with the good and the bad with your kids and love them through both. Many good parents here on this forum with sound advise and loving stories. If Kate does read here, I wish she would take these words from parents to heart and learn!

mommyinca said... 88

Hmmmm let's see. Kids filming= two kids needing to be pulled out for behavioral issues.
Kids NOT filming= kids are at the top of their class. Coincidence?

LaLaLandNoMore said... 89

Kate is "red hot mad" because she is losing in the fight to stay in the entertainment business. She doesn't want anyone to care about Jon and she is angry when he looks better than she does. We all know she is the jealous type. I believe that is why so many "nice" people have disappeared from her life. There are too many names to list, but most of us here know about Aunt Jodi and Beth for example. Kind, caring people just can't stay around Kate. The public has caught on to the "greedy grifter" and this will not get prettier. The situation will only get worse. Ugly, really. Closed door therapy is needed.

Shut up Kate said... 90

Kate must think her little sarcastic mouth is still cute. She's not on her little tv show anymore. People like EM Tanner and others on twitter with tell her how it is.

NJGal51 said... 91

I don't think that she's really recognizable by just the name "Kate". If that were the case she wouldn't need to hold on to the Gosselin or the "plusmy8" with such a death grip. She's recognized as Kate Gosselin. Without the Gosselin or the "plusmy8" she is just plain old Katie Kreider. I guess she could go the way of Prince and legally change her name to K8 (unless TLC owns that along with the Kate Plus 8 and Jon & Kate Plus 8).

aggiemom09121416 said... 92

Maybe TLC paid for the above-mentioned trees, and Kate is giving the tree business a shout-out so he will give her more free stuff? I hope he didn't call them 'Kate's Trees'. That would be bbaaddddd. :)

aggiemom09121416 said... 93

NJGal51 said... 91

I guess she could go the way of Prince and legally change her name to K8

Thanks for THE laugh of the day! lolololol. You guys are so smart!

Once a Viewer said... 94

aggiemom, you make me laugh too! Actually a lot of you do- that's one reason I come here ! :)
I love a good sense of humor, something K8 (lol,NJGal) does NOT have and cannot grift or buy.

AuntieAnn said... 95

One of the STUPIDEST things about the BBB is the fact that there's two of the damn things. It doesn't make one ounce of sense to have two. When Jon has all eight kids, the BBB should go with them. There's no need for Kate to have that thing when he has them for visits. It's another glaring example how that idiot wastes money. Why didn't she trade the first BBB in for a less expensive one anyway? Why do they have to have the kind that you can stand up in?

HEY KATE - get the hell off coupon cabin. You're the last person on earth to give advice about saving money. Idiot.

wayward said... 96

If someone already made this point I apologize, but if 'all 8 at the top of class!' could that possibly because they're NOT WORKING THIS YEAR! They're not being taken out of school or made to work every school break and dragged all over the world like last year. I would hope that being relieved from the pressure of keeping momster in her mansion and Audi has allowed them to do better in school. 'I must be doing something right!' No, Jon is doing something right by putting his foot down and keeping those babies off TV. When they were working, two of them were expelled. Ugggh, she is such a POS.

G. Nelson Honolulu said... 97

PAM #34,

Re: Moochers -
Of course a book on anti-mooching would come from conservatives because they believe in self-responsibility. A liberal intellectual would never write a book on anti-mooching because they believe in mooching; if I'm wrong, please recommend an anti-mooching book written by a liberal - good luck finding one! Liberals believe in simply transferring wealth from those who work their butts off to those who feel ENTITLED and aren't interested in working for a living.

Katie Kreuger said... 98

Oh Kate, Kate, Kate, when will you ever learn? All the digs at Jon that have gone on since she walked out on him and she claims she just "has to set the record straight sometimes". What a stupid ass.

She is beginning to argue back more and more. That is interesting. Before, she just blocked people who dared to question her, now she argues. She seems to think that since she no longer has TLC backing her and allowing her to spew her crap on the couch interviews that her only avenue is Twitter to tell her lies.
It's nice to have hung around so long to watch the fall of this ego maniacal freak show. Bye bye Katie.

JudyK said... 99

G. Nelson Honolulu said... 97
PAM #34,

Re: Moochers -
Of course a book on anti-mooching would come from conservatives because they believe in self-responsibility. A liberal intellectual would never write a book on anti-mooching because they believe in mooching; if I'm wrong, please recommend an anti-mooching book written by a liberal - good luck finding one! Liberals believe in simply transferring wealth from those who work their butts off to those who feel ENTITLED and aren't interested in working for a living.

What baloney. Let's leave politics out of this.

Once a Viewer said... 100

Aren't any of the kids in the same class?? I can't imagine the school would have 6 Grade One classes, so how can they all be at the top? A tie? Oh, brother. Also she mentioned two of the kids as the best spellers, Aidan and Leah I think? How can this be???? And they did it with only 3 laptops among the six, golly gosh.

Westcoaster said... 101

@damon1450 apparently you assume a lot! I paid thousands of dollars post snow storm 2 preserve but apprec a great company&thank them too! 55 minutes ago


She really won't stop engaging strangers with her ire on Twitter. But thanks for telling the world that you had 1,000's of $$& to spend on your landscaping. But no $$$ for gym classes, camps or vacations. Or a movie. How's the gorge NYC hairdo today?

EM said... 102

kate should go back to that nice caramel color for her hair with just some highlights. The total blond washes her out.
No clue what color blond she has right now but that butter yellow in the pic does nothing for her.
I always thought it was odd she didn't tweet her tweetie a pic of her hair after Jason styled it. She takes pics of everything else. Heck even a wagon full of Sesame Street juice boxes.

Also, am I the only one who wasn't impressed with the freezer room organization? It was shelves with boxes. What part were we supposed to oooh and aaahhhhh over? And what took 2 full hours to stack? It appears Old Mother Hubbard's shelves aren't as stocked as the used to be. Could it be the freebies are dwindling? I was "a jellus h8r" of all the Tide she had stacked up in the basement organization episode. For some reason I imagined her freezer room to be fully stocked as well. Also, note she didn't photograph all FOUR Freezers. Could it be she only has *gasp* 3 or 4?

G. Nelson Honolulu said... 103

JudyK #99,

O.K. Let's get back to the juicy gossip and "leave politics out of it."
After all, it's Friday and I can turn my brain off as well as the next one.

Kate's a has been said... 104

Kate has a million dollar home. And she's giving every day people advise on how to save money? Kate is a laugh no one wants to see her on another tv show ever.

Shaking my head said... 105

“@damon1450 apparently you assume a lot! I paid thousands of dollars post snow storm 2 preserve but apprec a great company&thank them too!”

Riiiiiiiiight. Because we all know Kate always shows her appreciation by publicly thanking those great companies who serve her … Like Juicy Juice, the solar panel company, the dentist who whitened her teeth, dr. tummy tuck, kitchen remodel people in the McMansion, all the resorts -- and let’s not forget the stream of round-the-clock volunteers when the tups were born; the churches who provided the love offerings. Oh wait, that’s right, Kate never publicly thanked any of them. Likely because that would be an admission that she *was* getting [LOTS of] help, and that she *was* being handed a ton of sh*t for free. More likely, though, because she’s just an ungrateful bitch who thought she was entitled to all the handouts. Lest we forget my favorite nugget of Kate-logic: Society provided the reproductive technology that produced the tups; therefore, society should help care for them.

AuntieAnn said... 106

It's nice to have hung around so long to watch the fall of this ego maniacal freak show. Bye bye Katie.
Yes, she's had the longest 15 minutes in the history of time. Only her assholishness has kept her around. I feel bad for the kids, but I can hardly contain my giddiness watching that witch dive-bomb on her broom.

(love that name "Katie Kreuger"... Bwahaha)

Kate's a has been said... 107

Kate thinks she's some kind of big star. And no one can mention her name unless they pay her.

Once a Viewer said... 108


I wasn't impressed with either the basement or toy area. Putting boxes on shelves and moving toys to a new space/ Big deal. I think she thought her post-it notes made it photo-worthy. And why does she posts duplicates of some pics?
(Like the Gatorade and goldfish crackers i think)
In fact, why take a pic at all of that?

Shut up Kate said... 109

Maybe Kate's trying to create drama on twitter . So she can now be known as a bad girl. It helps other so called washed up wanna be celerity's. Maybe the bad girls club would have her and other 30 somethings on their show. It would be funny to see Kate run her mouth and get the beat down.

Ex Nurse said... 110

Admin--Thanks for the new topic. Since this subject pushes a hot button, I hope that we can remain respectful of each others opinions. I think that this blog draws a pretty diverse socioeconomic group and it is often hard to hear other points of view, especially if you are experiencing financial struggles. 

I don't put much faith in the type of book that raises the topic. It seems designed to divide us ---like the so-called welfare queens in the Reagan era that were used in his campaign. There will always be those who exploit the system, and that is wrong, but it doesn't change the very difficult circumstances for many people that, in the past, would have been solidly in the middle class. The fist well-paying job my husband got after college doesn't exist anymore. His company paid 100% of our health premiums with a $50 deductible.

As the mother of 3 children that are 27-30 years old, I am very concerned about the world that they have inherited and how much more difficult the road to the middle class has become. They are all self-reliant and are proud to be supporting themselves.

Many people that are facing foreclosure were solidly employed when they bought their homes at the top of the market.  We attended college (yes, I have a bachelor's degree in addition to a nursing diploma ;D), got married, had kids and bought the best home in the best area that we could afford. With the exception of the last 4 years, In the 30 years that we have owned a home, rarely did area homes appreciate less than 10% annually.  Yes, there were people that bought homes that they couldn't afford---but, when we bought our first home, the bank had stringent income guidelines and told us what we could afford and required a hefty down payment.  We couldn't have bought an unaffordable house if we wanted to.

I could be smug about how smart we were, but the truth is, we just had the good luck of good timing and responsible banks. If we were 28 years younger, we may have bought at the top of the market, lost our jobs and been in the same dire situation as so many young couples are today.  It is heartbreaking to see people losing their homes and their dreams. 

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Kate--she is still, as always, a pig gorging at the trough. 

Katie Cry-duh said... 111

Thousands of dollars to mr tree man? Awesome. How about taking the kids to the Olive Garden and to see the lorax, bitch?

Kate thinks life is free said... 112

Once a Viewer, Kate has a big house. It should never be full of clutter any way.

aggiemom09121416 said... 113

I usually don't resort to swearing, but there is only one way to say this.
Every time Kate puts it out there on twitter, a shit storm commences.
I love how people call her out on her stinginess
concerning the kids, yet she can spend 'thousands' on the trees, her hair, cars, etc..

Kate, keep on a'twittering...

Jumping In said... 114

If I was a sheeple, a working mother, I would be so offended reading Kate's day to day tweets. On one hand, Kate talks about the worries of providing for the kids, on the other, she is off for a carefree run on a sunny day. Or, she's off to New York for the high-priced hairdo, or bopping around in one of her 3 cars. I think following her on Twitter would be trying for the ordinary, everyday working mother.

Kate needs to be more in tune with her followers and learn to lie in a whole new way. Instead of saying she has "paperwork", she should say, "I am looking at possible financial opportunities for the future" Many woman have to fit exercise in at the beginning or end of their day, not Kate, she can run any old time, free as a bird. Perhaps it's time to cover that leisure activity with a new lie too. She could say she is going outside to......"do yard work". She has to try to sound as if she IS struggling with her plan for the future, working hard around her big property, making her children her priority. There are NO dots being connected in her head.
Does she not realize she is living a life of privilege, and that is how her tweets come across. Since she can not resist Twitter, she has to learn a new set of skills around her lying. She really should be a smarter, more sensitive liar.

anger issues kate said... 115

I see Kate is back and bitchy, which means who ever she had a meeting with(the friend), it did not go well. I think she met with a lawyer.

Shut up Kate: They are already. If those of you who go to her twitter site, & read her replies, click on the person who she is replying to, you can then read that persons question and read other tweets/comments that other people have made.
Like this whole thing with the trees, kate is claiming she pays thousands and thousands of dollars for landscaping service. Is Kate really that stupid, first she complains can't pay bills, then buys a $500. dress, takes kids to WY, go endlessly to NYC for hair, goes tanning/spa, buys 3 cars, has the shed moved(but it looked like that shed was built and it did not look like it was moved, it had a cement floor, the wood looked new), couple of thousand to landscaper, new slide for pool, etc, and yet Kate crys poor!
Kate needs to shut up about how much she pays for things, cause that is like a double edged sword, if she thinks she will get someone to pay for things, she is in lala land, everyone is wise to the poor mom with 8 kids bit. I believe Kate has lots of money stashed away, cause TLC paid for everything all 8 years, up to recent.So all the money she made from DWTS, books, appearances, both TV shows and the money Jon inherited and made when he was working, when they were still together, Kate has stashed in bank accounts, possibly out of the country , where it can't be touched. Jon said long time ago, Kate had 11 bank accounts, I take it to mean in her name alone. That's why Jon got screwed in the divorce, but I guess that is the price for freedom. Kate wanted it she got it.

F&M Alumna said... 116

About the trees: Does anyone recall her exaggerated tweet at the time about how all of the trees were down in her driveway and "she" spent HOURS cleaning up the debris? And look - they're all standing - just trimmed a little - and my golly, someone else did all of the work.

anger issues kate said... 117

Kimmie sounds like she is drunk!

Well, Kate has less than 2 hours to tweet, and get in another fight on twitter. Before she is off to beddy bye

Mel said... 118


MiloandJack@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 LOL. That's what Kate told the handsome State Patrol guy! No matter..."here's Ur ticket Miss!" (Wink Wink!)3 mins ago - Twitter for...

Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 yay! I'm not nervous driving anymore! :) I'm getting better!30 mins ago from Twitter for iPhone

Sandi said... 119

WOW!! ROL is going all out on the Gosselins..another post about Jon..

anger issues kate said... 120

Sandi: but it's a positive article on Jon. They pointed out all the twitter fighting Kates been doing.

Sheeple are Delusional said... 121

And the ROL sheep are working overtime.... smh.

Layla said... 122

I don't care a bit about the liberal/conservative leanings of the author of the book--the fact remains that a mooch is a mooch. And that "moocher culture" label fits Kate to a T.
Interesting that she paid thousands for trees--and it's pretty warm outside, so the serious yard work needs to begin. When TLC was in the picture, the lawn was perfect. Those thousands she spent on the trees are nothing comapred to what she'll be paying to keep that lawn looking good.
Big bucks for trees, and yet she can't take the kids to the movies or out to eat? Of course! She only cares about outward appearances. The lawn can be seen by others, therefore it must look good. Only a few people will see them going to a movie or to Olive Garden, so to her it's just not cost-effective.
When the kids grow up, will they have memories of the trees and the lawn? One would think that if she's so interested in "making memories", she'd shell out a bit to take them out for dinner and to a movie. Let them dress up a bit, and make it a special occasion. Oh, right, she only makes memories when someone else is paying. Poor kids--the rest of their childhoods will be without memories. None. Like amnesia. At least, according to their mother.

Working Woman said... 123

Kimmie 117 - Jon doesn't bash Kate to the ground so it doesn't make sense to just turn the argument around. I'm sure he regrets marrying her (who wouldn't) but he doesn't make a career out of trying to make her look bad in public. We may voice our opinions on her on this blog, but she's given us PLENTY of reasons to and she has failed to redeem herself.

This is one of my first posts, but I do read her very often. I just want to let you know that I appreciate all of your wit and humor on this blog :) Thanks for you insight! ~ Administrator said... 124

Working Woman said... 129
Kimmie 117 - Jon doesn't bash Kate to the ground so it doesn't make sense to just turn the argument around.


Exactly my "sediments." Faulty logic. WE don't like Kate's parenting but that's not the point. Jon is the one who is saying Kate's a good mom and Jon is the one who doesn't bash her mothering.

And personally I have NEVER said the children shouldn't be with Kate. I think the children should be with both, with massive therapy in place for Kate. I happen to think most kids in foster care are worse off than being with an abusive parent and studies bear this out. I said most, not all.

The point was KATE is the one bashing Jon, and yet Kate, who goes to the judge (not us) can't seem to manage to take his kids away from him or even so much as reduce his visits to monitored. Huh. ~ Administrator said... 125

Kimmie, please email me. I'd like to talk to you about your posts and give you one more chance to try to succeed here.

Working Woman said... 126

Actually, I'd like to take back something I said in the previous post. I bet that Jon doesn't regret marrying Kate. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have his 8 beautiful children! He loves them for who they are and not for all of the money they have brought in for them. That much was obvious from just watching the show. He was a damn good father and one of the things that bothers me most about Kate is her claim that she did all of the work and held the family together while Jon sat around like a chump. It's such BS.

But despite her past and present behavior towards him, I bet Jon doesn't regret a single instance of his marriage to Kate. He loves those kids more than he hates her, which is why he refuses to sink to her level. He should truly be recognized for that.

Katie Cry-duh said... 127

Good point, Layla. Exactly WHAT memories is she making now? Organization! Grapes in the park? Don't ever ever ever peel the equator off the damn globe! Sad to say that even the big vacations and adventures they had on their show probably weren't that awesome either. Are you a Palin or a gosselin?

kimmie said... 128

working woman #125...thanks for such a respectful answer...this is really all i want; nice conversation instead of insults and deflection.

i guess i see some of the things jon says as degrading to kate (such as the tweet about him not missing kate) just as those who don't like kate see the things she says as degrading to jon.

personally i see them both as having made some bad decisions but then i don't know what others would think of my decisions had those been as public as the gosselins.

i don't think the publicity is such a bad thing...not any worse than others in the public eye. but then i don't look for everything gosselin so i can critique it.

i don't follow either on twitter and just get my info on a very few websites concerning them. actually not even every day. again thanks for the considerate answer. ~ Administrator said... 129

Weezie, can I say that I really appreciate how respectful you were in sharing your views and how hard you work to take care of your family. You are proof we can share strong opinions without things turning into a fight.

I think however we need to distinguish between loan forgiveness programs for nothing, which I personally am not exactly keen on either, or loan forgiveness programs in return for something, usually for working with the needy and poor for long periods of time while you still pay (usually five to ten years). These kinds of programs are no different than any other educational assistant program in return for a SERVICE to your government and country, such as the GI bill, or Teach for America, or any of those programs that helps with education because you are helping the less fortunate. If you think about it, these programs might actually SAVE us money in the long run. If we get the best and brightest in these fields, legal problems will in theory be taken care of quickly and efficiently, sick people will be diagnosed quickly and accurately and prevention will be in place, kids will be taught well and stay off the streets, and on and on.

At least in my sector, the point of this program is to encourage the best and brightest attorneys to forego the big bucks at big law firms and opt to work with the poor instead. It's still a sacrifice, you still have to pay each month, you work just as hard if not harder with difficult clients who often get screwed and you're left to try to clean up the mess and are often not appreciative of the help. I can say from talking to other lawyers, they simply would not be in this field PERIOD if not for loan forgiveness. That person who only has five bucks in his pocket but a really horrible legal problem who snags a great lawyer from top of his class at Harvard is thanking his lucky stars that lawyer is working where he is thanks to loan forgiveness. You could get a great lawyer from night school who can't get a job anywhere else and maybe you're lucky and they do a great job, but odds are that's just not going to happen unless we do something to encourage the top lawyers, and the top people in other fields as well, to work in lower income areas. It is not about paying people to do this kind of thing, or about people not working or trying to scam money from the government, it is about making it POSSIBLE to not go down in a ball of financial flames to be able to do this. If this were a great DEAL, everyone would do it. It's not a great deal, it's a way OUT when you choose to do this.

Most people my age can't just not go to college if we want to make a living. It's just not an option anymore. And yet for the same credits I took my parents only paid a few hundred bucks. I paid in the tens of thousands. I don't think that's fair either. I'm not sure what lawyers and doctors and other people that have to go to school for long periods are supposed to do anymore--there is just no way you can pay as you go tuition for that length of time. You would never graduate. Do only the rich get to be the doctors and lawyers because no one else can afford to pay as they go? That's not right either. If Tom from the inner city works his butt off to be a doctor I think Tom should be able to be a doctor even though his family doesn't have money. He just might go back to his hometown when all is said and done and open a clinic.

This is such an interesting problem. The cost of higher education in my opinion is an issue that is not discussed nearly enough by politicians and I like hearing views on it, and ideas.

aggiemom09121416 said... 130


Jon said long time ago, Kate had 11 bank accounts, I take it to mean in her name alone. That's why Jon got screwed in the divorce

I don't think Jon got screwed at all. ANY money made by either of them during the marriage is community property. ALL assets should have been documented during the discovery proceedings during the divorce.
I am sure Jon did ok concerning the divorce settlement.
Kate kept the house and it's contents, yet she also assumed the hefty mortgage and upkeep that goes with it. How much money she has in the bank will soon be obvious.
Right now she isn't hurting, but with no income coming in, that well is gonna run dry sometime.

Canuck said... 131

Thar she blows again on twitter. She just can't stop the Jon trashing. ~ Administrator said... 132

working woman #125...thanks for such a respectful answer...this is really all i want; nice conversation instead of insults and deflection.


And yet, waiting two minutes for a response than saying come on guys, crickets, is disrespectful kimmie.

You want respect yet you won't give it. You have to email me if you want one last or you will never, ever be allowed to post here again. I'm serious this time! ~ Administrator said... 133

I don't care a bit about the liberal/conservative leanings of the author of the book--the fact remains that a mooch is a mooch. And that "moocher culture" label fits Kate to a T.


Neither do I. I don't even know who this guy is. A mooch is a mooch, I call it like I see it.

He's pointing out that mooching, whether justified or not, is becoming more commonplace.

We are even having a good discussion of whether student loan "mooching" is a justified mooch or not.

Anyway, Kate's mooching is indicative of a culture of expecting something for nothing. She should be a government spokesperson. ~ Administrator said... 134

We're definitely seeing the fall now. The reason so many of us are still around now! I'm out of popcorn, can I borrow some???

What was the point in her nasty tweet about how much the trees cost??? Why is she so obsessed with chronicling dollar amounts? If she stayed in her old house there would only have been three or four trees to trim. ~ Administrator said... 135

Kimmie, STOP. You cannot post here anymore period unless you email. Accept that or go away.

Anonymous said... 136

God, that woman is thick. She tweeted, "ROL got my quote right! Shocking!". She still doesn't get it that ROL is quoting her tweet.

bm ~ Administrator said... 137

What is she talking about? None of her quotes were wrong in the other two articles. They were all her own tweets!

She really is off....her.....rocker....where's the straight jacket, clear a room in the 5150 hall.

Jennifer said... 138

"I I Captain"? She's such an idiot.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 139

She really is off....her.....rocker....where's the straight jacket, clear a room in the 5150 hall.


I think the poster, Pink, is in possession of it. Time to turn it over, Pink!!

Pity Party said... 140

Her Twitter war is quite simply a way that she has found to get herself back on ROL and in the rag mags. Look for them to escalate. Now if her beloved lone Pap will return she can start putting together just the right out fit to go troll the parking lots again. Same as a job to her. ~ Administrator said... 141

Pink, hand it over, we may need it! It doesn't have to be pink any color will do!

Her Twitter war is quite simply a way that she has found to get herself back on ROL and in the rag mags. Look for them to escalate. Now if her beloved lone Pap will return she can start putting together just the right out fit to go troll the parking lots again. Same as a job to her.

Yup. She acts all put out about the ROL articles and yet there she is reading them all word for word. She LOVES it, she knows what she needs to do now to keep herself out there. Screw who she throws under the bus to do it. I've never seen such a sickening display of mental illness from a celeb.

Anonymous said... 142

And to think at one time Kate seemed to actually like Radar online. She gave them a shout out at her book signing if I recall.

And now look. Just another one of the people she's going to run over because they are no longer eating out of the palm of her hand.

I I captain? What, is she 5 years old? I think she's a little too old to be playing pirates, don't you? What a moron. How she expects to be taken serious I haven't figured out yet. Rolling my eyes.

fidosmommy said... 143

My homeowner's insurance covers damage to trees on my proerty. Isn't that the norm?

mamaK said... 144

I totally agree with the need for two BBBs. For the same reason why I knew that the shared house thing would never work out. Can you imagine the power struggles Kate gets into with people that she is mad at? I would never want to share anything with her!

I totally think she lied about the kids at school. It really is all about how things look, and they always have to be the best.

I think it is funny that she tells someone on twitter that she doesn't care how people percieve her because a few months back it was all "sit down with me for two minutes and you'll love me, I'm so misunderstood."

The grifting list is much, much bigger than we think it is. I stumbled onto "I want you to know" (or whatever) at the library today and read a section where she talks about the trip to Disney. The BBB only had air conditioning in the front, not the back of the van. They decided to drive to FL instead of fly so that TLC would pay to have air installed in the back for them. She writes that that way they got the long term benefit of the a/c and TLC didn't have to spend so much money on travel.

mamaK said... 145

Oh, and who spends thousands of dollars on trees? She twitted a picture. There was like two branches down. Not a big deal!

HollyMo said... 146

Sorry, I am just logging on tonight and seeing kHatie`s tweets at the top of the page.

Two things:
"I I Captain"
"Some bodies catching the running bug"

WTF is wrong with her? She is so ignorant she makes my head hurt. I could give her a pass if she weren't always going on about how smart she is and what a great speller she is, et al.

I have had the worst day and would love nothing better than to push her down in a pile of chicken poop. I would feel so much better then. lol

That being said, I am going to read all the comments and hoping for some lulz! Auntie Ann, I am looking at you ;) ~ Administrator said... 147

Kate did an interview not too long ago where she was asked if the kids are doing well now and she said oh yeah GREAT and the interviewer was like is that because things calmed down with no more filming, etc?

And Kate was like OH NO that's not it no not at all!

I can't remember which one it was now. What a tool she is. A third grader could figure out that the only variable here is they are not filming anymore. Otherwise, this year and last year are identical. Same house, same custody with dad, same estranged family members not there for them, same estranged friends not there for them. Only one thing changed and that was THE SHOW.

During show: Kids get expelled. Show cancelled: Kids thrive.

Hmmmmmm. ~ Administrator said... 148

Kate did an interview not too long ago where she was asked if the kids are doing well now and she said oh yeah GREAT and the interviewer was like is that because things calmed down with no more filming, etc?

And Kate was like OH NO that's not it no not at all!

I can't remember which one it was now. What a tool she is. A third grader could figure out that the only variable here is they are not filming anymore. Otherwise, this year and last year are identical. Same house, same custody with dad, same estranged family members not there for them, same estranged friends not there for them. Only one thing changed and that was THE SHOW.

During show: Kids get expelled. Show cancelled: Kids thrive.

Hmmmmmm. ~ Administrator said... 149

Kate did an interview not too long ago where she was asked if the kids are doing well now and she said oh yeah GREAT and the interviewer was like is that because things calmed down with no more filming, etc?

And Kate was like OH NO that's not it no not at all!

I can't remember which one it was now. What a tool she is. A third grader could figure out that the only variable here is they are not filming anymore. Otherwise, this year and last year are identical. Same house, same custody with dad, same estranged family members not there for them, same estranged friends not there for them. Only one thing changed and that was THE SHOW.

During show: Kids get expelled. Show cancelled: Kids thrive.


aggiemom09121416 said... 150

I think you guys give Kate too much credit. People seem to think she says blah blah blah to infer some other meaning, or starts a twitter war to keep her name relevant. I think she's just stupid and says what's on her mind.

Karma said... 151

"ROL got my quote right!Shocking! 'what I know' affects my kids negatively &Dont judge a subj ur perpetually in the dark abt."

Simply put, in her mind the kids are affected negatively because Jon won't let them film to support her.

Heres a fact Kate, the kids are affected negatively because you continue to bash their father. ~ Administrator said... 152

&Dont judge a subj ur perpetually in the dark abt."


How can she really say we're in the dark. Gosh I know so much about Kate from her stupid tweets I feel like I live with her. And I really, really want to kick her out of the house.

And yeah she's pissed about filming. What we don't know is that Jon told her how detrimental the filming was and he was ohhhh so wrong and MEAN, mean, mean, mean because he just doesn't want us to film to be MEAN! He doesn't want his kids to be happy and get TRIPS!

Please Kate. Really, please. ~ Administrator said... 153

Oh also I think what we don't know is that TLC cancelled the show because they didn't want to fuss with Jon anymore.

Okay Kate, we figured that out. What's your point? Jon did the right thing. Few parents would have continued it this long anyway. He's not that special.

I think we KNOW everything she knows, I honestly do. It just doesn't change our opinion is all.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 154

Like this whole thing with the trees, kate is claiming she pays thousands and thousands of dollars for landscaping service.


I can believe that -- probably one of the only times she's not exaggerating. I know what I paid for landscaping service when I had a property that size. It IS thousands and thousands of dollars a season. That said, what did she think it was going to cost when she saw the property? You ask the owners what they paid in services -- you just don't assume it's going to cost fifty dollars a week to mow and then that's it. She wanted "mine, all mine" and now she has it. The bills all belong to her.

Once again, she didn't think ahead. She thought the money was always going to keep flowing in, never giving any thought as to what would happen if they would find themselves without income. Now she knows, and what does she do? Complain and whine.

Pity Party said... 155

Bearswife, what does LULZ mean? I am totally illiterate when it comes to these acronyms. I guess that is why I refuse to text.

Jasmine said... 156

Most people my age can't just not go to college if we want to make a living. It's just not an option anymore. And yet for the same credits I took my parents only paid a few hundred bucks. I paid in the tens of thousands. I don't think that's fair either.


If you paid in the tens of thousands, you chose to go to private school. How is that unfair when there are public options? And if you didn't have the grades or LSAT scores to get in a top public institution, how is that "unfair?"

In theory, I have no issue with loan forgiveness programs for Teach for America, etc. In reality, Teach for America is very controversial as it hasn't been proven to work. The "best and the brightest" don't stay in the classroom, so a ton of $ is spent on training for teachers who bail as soon as they can.

mamaK said... 157

Cross posted with Gosselin Gossip, and have to give Kate credit, it was a bit more than a couple branches, but still.
Fleecing, I could see a thousands for lawncare/etc. for the season. Kate is implying that that was just for saving the trees. That seems extreme. And her Saving the trees is so dramatic. LIke she HAD to pay this money for them to do something so that the trees would live, other wise they would all DIE. And I really don't believe that. It's just another episode of "Kate is Great, if it wasn't for her..." IMO. I mean, why wouldn't the trees live?

Kate is a twit said... 158

One of Kate's fans tweeted that he saw her Extra interview tonight. So it finally aired-2 months after the fact. I wonder if it will be posted online.

Spring Has Sprung said... 159

fidosmommy said... 143

My homeowner's insurance covers damage to trees on my proerty. Isn't that the norm?


Of course she has homeowners. The mortgage company would require it. How much is her deductible? Probably about a thousand dollars.

Kate is a twit said... 160

I wonder if the trees thanked her. I mean if Shoka can thank her-why can't the trees? ~ Administrator said... 161

Oh by the way Jasmine, since you're making this personal? I got a lot of scholarships and grants and it was still very expensive. My story is the same for every lawyer unless you are a trust fund baby.

I'm not complaining. I knew exactly what I was doing. I do not regret it for a second, I love being a lawyer. I'm just saying the reality is, school is expensive and it's pricing people out who are not willing to take on such a thing. I'm just saying you can't just work your way through school anymore, not law school anyway. ~ Administrator said... 162

Why did Kate state the price of her trees anyway? I'm still confused. What was someone asking her?

Why was she so snippy? No pun intended.

aggiemom09121416 said... 163

Public universities are pricey. When I was in school (80's) it was $19.00 a credit, it's $200.00 an hour. Dorms were 1500 a semester, now they are almost 5,000 per semester...and all the other fees have increased proportionally. And for our enjoyment, they made up some more fees!

What my entire education cost in the 80's is less than what we spend for one year of one of my girls now. ONE YEAR.
And what really bites? A bachelor's degree doesn't mean s***!

Hook 'em Horns said... 164

If a teacher with heavy student loans is willing to teach for five years at an inner city or Title 1 school (a school that receives federal money because so many children are low income), and she/he does not default on the loan during those five years, then the entire loan is forgiven. ~ Administrator said... 165

Also Jasmine have you been listening to the news? Public school tuition is in the thousands of dollars at almost all schools now, it is spiking up like crazy. People can't afford even public schools anymore.

My comment stands, schools, public or private, are hundreds of thousands of dollars more expensive than what our parents paid and it does feel unfair. It's easy for them to say oh we don't need any programs to help people out--They only paid a few thousands dollars in tuition. They might sing a different tune if the same exact credits they took suddenly cost them 20 times what they paid.

I think people should take responsibility for their education. I also think that is becoming harder and harder for people. And I don't think it's right to price people out of something like an education. A mansion, yes. An education, no.

Anonymous said... 166

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@icedtea92 I I captain:) thanks.. Will do..
"I I" seriously Kate?? silly, you make yourself look more and more stupid each tweet ~ Administrator said... 167

Hook Em, I don't take issue with that program. Five years is a huge chunk of time for a young person. They would never go there without the help.

So some "bail out." So what? Get the new person in there who is young and energetic and excited. Not a big deal.

I see it this way, at least we're TRYING to think of ideas about how to make education work. Maybe not all the ideas are perfect, maybe some still need work, but at least something is being done instead of just sitting around bemoaning how awful the higher education system is.

Kate's a has been said... 168

anger issues kate, Someone said Kate took a 100 thousand dollar mortgage out on her house.

Audible Click said... 169

Kimmie, does it bother you at all that Kate has exploited and still exploits her kids? This is not a snarky question, I truly want to know. ~ Administrator said... 170

And to say that law school is very expensive regardless of where you go is simply untrue. There are quality schools with tuition in the 10K range per year.


That's the base tuition. I still consider that expensive, once you add the cost of books, board, and other fees, it's pushing at least 20,000. 60,000 in law school debt plus whatever people have from undergrad is hardly cheap.

Law school is not cheap any which way you slice it.

I know very little about Teach for America so I can't say that my point is proved or disproved with that program. As for other programs, they haven't even come to fruition yet, so who knows if they work. I do hope saving money is what will happen, but I can't say it for sure. If you look at what it said I said it "might" save money in the long run. I hope it does and naturally so do the people who came up with the idea. I'm optimistic. I understand where the pessimism comes from.

Kate is a twit said... 171

Loved this tweet about her "I I Captain" remark:

"I I" LOL Of course Kate would think it's I I --- I, me, my, mine....: ~ Administrator said... 172

"I I" LOL Of course Kate would think it's I I --- I, me, my, mine....:


LOL I thought the same thing. Only Kate could make that all about her.

For God sake woman please read a book or something. Or a newspaper. Something!

Jasmine said... 173 (Administrator) said... 169
Hook Em, I don't take issue with that program. Five years is a huge chunk of time for a young person. They would never go there without the help.

So some "bail out." So what? Get the new person in there who is young and energetic and excited. Not a big deal.


Yes, it is a big deal. And it's not "some." 80% of TFA teachers leave the profession after three years. It is very expensive to recruit and train teachers. When they are bailing after three years, it costs the districts that employed them significant $ to recruit and train replacements, and they lose the $ they spent training new teachers who immediately leave the profession. Being "young, energetic and excited" is not all that it takes to be a good teacher. Our low income youth deserve a quality education and a revolving door of inexperienced teachers is not a panacea.

And don't speak for all young people, please. Plenty choose to work in inner city schools without having loan forgiveness dangled in front of them. Just because that is not a choice that you would make does not mean it is not a choice that someone else would make. ~ Administrator said... 174

By the way, for those who say just work through law school, ABA regulations PROHIBIT you from working full time. They allow you to work 20 hours aw eek and many schools prohibit working at all. At my school, we had to sign a contract our first year stating we would not work PERIOD. For our second and third year, we were allowed 15 hours a week. To find a part time job that even begins to touch your basic expenses for most people is difficult. Some people wondered if this was legal, but I don't think anyone has ever challenged it.

Again, I never heard anyone complain, but it's important to know the regulations to know that you can't just tell people work your way through school. It's not a solution that will solve this problem and in fact is prohibited at many schools. I imagine other graduate work has similar regulations. There is no easy salutation to this or we would have found it. ~ Administrator said... 175

Jasmine, I don't mean to insult young people. I am a young person. I'm still in my 20's for pity sake. I'm sure many people who would do this work without it. I also know many people that cannot do it but want to. For those who CANNOT do it there are people out there trying to make it work anyway. For many people it's not about not WANTING to do it unless they get paid, but rather, it's about wanting to do it but not seeing how to keep themselves afloat.

Times are changing and it is becoming more and more difficult to do it. I personally find it insulting when someone suggests people only do it for the carrot. The carrot is simply a plug in the hole in a bucket for people. People act like it's a million dollar prize to work. It's simply not.

If Teach for America is not working the way you say that is very disappointing to hear. We'll have to think of something else then. I'm all ears for suggestions.

Spring Has Sprung said... 176

The thing is that it is just an assumption that the kids are exceeding academically. Is this to be believed? How do we know this is true? What's Kate going to say -- that the kids are doing poorly, struggling, and need tutoring? Of course not! She lies so much nobody knows what is the truth and what she has fabricated to make herself look good.

HollyMo said... 177

Pity Party said... 156
Bearswife, what does LULZ mean? I am totally illiterate when it comes to these acronyms. I guess that is why I refuse to text.
Pity Party, it is slang for slang, I suppose! Lulz is plural for lols. Silly that I picked it up at my age (40s), don't feel bad for not knowing.

Anonymous said... 178


According to Encyclopedia Dramatica, lulz means the following:

lulz Noun --- lul-zz
1.the act of entertaining oneself with the misfortune of others; an agreeable occupation for the mind
2.something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, esp. a performance of some kind

I did it for the lulz

HollyMo said... 179
Beginning as a plural variant of lol, Lulz was originally an exclamation but is now often used as a noun meaning interesting or funny internet content.
Lol -> lul; lols -> luls; lolz -> lulz.

aggiemom09121416 said... 180

Kate saying her kids are at the top of their classes is not true according to the locals. Supposedly, class ranking is not done in the lower grades.
I hope for the kid's sake they are doing well academically. They earned the money to attend that school.

Kate's education produced such words as 'water-ish'. She also believes the Grand Canyon is 10,000 miles long, and also doesn't know who is on Mount Rushmore.

Kate's a legend in her own mind.

The Bitter End said... 181

It's hard to tell by looking at the pic, but if those trees are Bradford Pears, Katie Irene better keep the check book open. They are know to split due to wet snow, high winds or just because they feel like losing a few branches.

Kate's a has been said... 182

Kate's house sits on big acres. No wonder its expensive for up keep.

librarylady said... 183

How does a TFA participant need training that costs significant $$? TFA teachers are required to have a degree before starting, like any new teacher, so I'm wondering what "training" that would be that costs a singular district money (other than mentor programs, which are no- to low-cost). I'm just curious, not being snarky, just not familiar with how it works financially.

Admin, I know what you are saying. The local, large public university law school is $20,000/year for a state resident. That is tuition and fees only. The large state university that my kids attend is undergrad $10,000/year, state resident, not including additional fees. It's one of the least expensive in the state; there are several other public universities here that are quite a bit more.

Because scholarship funds dropped with the economy, there is less money out there for students. My oldest graduated 3 years ago, my youngest last year. We were told this time and time again by the schools, and it's evident in our local community scholarships as well, many of which have been eliminated.

fidosmommy said... 184

Spring Has Sprung said... 161
fidosmommy said... 143

My homeowner's insurance covers damage to trees on my proerty. Isn't that the norm?


Of course she has homeowners. The mortgage company would require it. How much is her deductible? Probably about a thousand dollars.


No doubt she has coverage. But does it cover
damage to trees? That's my question. Some do.

Jasmine said... 185

I personally find it insulting when someone suggests people only do it for the carrot. The carrot is simply a plug in the hole in a bucket for people


But you said exactly that: "They would never go there without the help." Perhaps teachers and lawyers are an apples and oranges comparison. Teachers do not have the option to choose a more lucrative alternative straight out of school, a la a lawyer who can go to a big firm. You're not going to make big bucks as a first-year teacher, regardless of whether you work in Beverly Hills or South LA. And if you only go through TFA to get your loans paid off, with no intention of staying in the profession, then the benefit is negligible. If the purpose of loan forgiveness, in the teaching profession, is to drive young people into working in poor urban and rural environments to improve the quality of education, but the quality isn't improved because they don't stick around, then is it worth it? That's my question.

Law may well be completely different. First, if you've gone through law school, you are probably committed to the profession. If loan forgiveness makes it possible for recent graduates to choose a lesser paying job that in turn results in better quality legal counsel for low-income folks, that's a good thing. And if people choose to move on to big firm jobs after their tenure doing public interest law, maybe the public interest experience inspires them to do some pro bono work. Also a good thing.

Anonymous said... 186

I'm honestly surprised that the land upkeep hasn't already made Kate bankrupt.

Bet you she won't even miss it if she has to sell her land, it's the house and fancy gate that she likes. Having to press a code to get in and all that's what she liked. Like a kid with the shiny new toy.

Now that she has it, she hasn't done anything with it really. The kids all seem to just play out front and ride bikes with occasion trips to the backyard on the show.

I don't see why she has to go to the beach if she's got a pool.

Another radar online story said... 187

Jon Gosselin Celebrates ‘Drama Free’ Life, Says He Does NOT Miss Kate! ~ Administrator said... 188

But you said exactly that: "They would never go there without the help."


That's not really what I'm saying. They would never go without the help means to me, many want to do it but it would be impossible to do it without the help, not that they do it BECAUSE of the help. Dangling a carrot to me implies, oh look I'll swim around with poor people for shits and giggles and at the end I get a nice chunk of change for it. That's really not what this program is. As for me, this program wasn't even enacted when I took my job. I took my job because I wanted to do this. However, I doubt I would still be doing this work if not for the program because I would have crunched the numbers and realized I would HAVE to do some big firm work to stay afloat.

There's a difference between doing something to get a great deal out of it, and being made able to do something you are passionate about because someone facilitated your ability to just scrape by.

I have to say, no one would be able to stick out TEN YEARS of this if not sincerely passionate about it! Don't worry about that in this field! No one is flying by night. People that do don't last three months here.

I do tend to agree it's a bit of an apples and oranges comparison. You can get a public interest lawyer up in running with very little training and cost. You can cycle them in and out, trade them back and forth between the big firms, etc. People at big firms do a bit of public interest work on the side with no training at all. And it is not a big deal to trade people in and out like it is for kids and schools who need consistency. Once you know what you are doing in your field you can pretty much handle any case. I see new faces every day and we all just jump in and work the case whether we know the person or not.

I want to do some reading on Teach for America and whether it works, you piqued my interest. Thank you.

Jasmine said... 189

ibrarylady said... 186
How does a TFA participant need training that costs significant $$? TFA teachers are required to have a degree before starting, like any new teacher, so I'm wondering what "training" that would be that costs a singular district money (other than mentor programs, which are no- to low-cost). I'm just curious, not being snarky, just not familiar with how it works financially.


For an explanation of costs, check out this report, starting on page 10:

(Not being snarky either -- they do a better job of delineating costs than I would.)

aggiemom09121416 said... 190

Kate better have some serious financial planning going on to keep up her standard of living.

A few years ago, a DreamHome was built in my area. (ya know the one, enter to win, etc etc). When the winner was announced, the local tv news stations had some cpa's on there discussing the taxes, upkeep, utilities, etc, that were involved with winning something like this. What they recommended was this guy sell the house, its contents, the cars, etc that came with the win, and after it was sold, the taxes paid, etc etc, the guy would have cleared ONE MILLION DOLLARS.

Who was the winner? A middle-aged married guy on disability..they owned their own home free and clear in another state, so what do they decide to do? THEY DECIDE TO SELL THEIR HOUSE AND MOVE IN THE DREAM HOME.

It was just didn't take a yr or so, the money was gone, no income coming in except for disability, and when it was all over, they had no home and no car.
People can't live like Kate for long if they don't have some serious cash flowing in all the time.

I predict Kate will be like this the end, she will have less than what she started with.

Jasmine said... 191 (Administrator) said... 191
But you said exactly that: "They would never go there without the help."


That's not really what I'm saying. They would never go without the help means to me, many want to do it but it would be impossible to do it without the help, not that they do it BECAUSE of the help. Dangling a carrot to me implies, oh look I'll swim around with poor people for shits and giggles and at the end I get a nice chunk of change for it. That's really not what this program is. As for me, this program wasn't even enacted when I took my job. I took my job because I wanted to do this. However, I doubt I would still be doing this work if not for the program because I would have crunched the numbers and realized I would HAVE to do some big firm work to stay afloat.

There's a difference between doing something to get a great deal out of it, and being made able to do something you are passionate about because someone facilitated your ability to just scrape by.

Fair enough. I understand the distinction that you're making.

TFA is interesting. In theory, I love the concept. I don't think there's any malicious intent behind it, but it has become this phenomenon that doesn't live up to its hype, IMO.

Kate's a has been said... 192

aggiemom0912141, stupid people do stupid things. I would have sold the house and took the million dollars. If Kate's taking money out on her house she's sinking and fast.

aggiemom09121416 said... 193

I would have taken the money, too! Gee, everyone was flabbergasted that guy wanted to live in the house. Yep, it was a gorgeous house, but day-um! Even accts were telling this guy to sell, but he wanted to live in the dream house.
It was really sad, all they had to do was bank the money and their life would have been so much easier. Instead, it ruined it. Sad.

Amy2 said... 194

Another radar online story said... 190
Jon Gosselin Celebrates ‘Drama Free’ Life, Says He Does NOT Miss Kate!

Isn't this similar what Ashley said in the RV episode when she said she was tired of Kate's drama.

Kate's a has been said... 195

aggiemom09121416, when people that have never had much money get it. They usually end up broke unless they learn how to handle it.

terri said... 196

For all the folks on Kate's twitter that are trying to reason with her, forget it. It's like trying to reason with a drunk. Impossible.

Kate's a has been said... 197

Amy2, I think that is what Ashley said. Kate is a Drama Queen. She acts like a rich bitc* she needs a reality check and fast.

Hook 'em Horns said... 198

Just to make things clear, I am FOR loan forgiveness for people teaching in low income/inner city areas. I have been a public school teacher for 25 years. The past 11 have been at a Title 1 school. Most new teachers do not make it five years. Those that do tend to be highly competent, creative, motivating teachers who will be in the professions for a long time. I was pointing out loan forgiveness because the woman who was a teacher on the TV program and whining about her student loan debt could have taught at a different school and had her debt forgiven. However, it has been my experience that people who whine also are not willing to work hard to improve their life.

NJGal51 said... 199

I I captain. LOL!

I hope Kate didn't try and help the tips when they were learning their vowels because it would have been:
a e I! I! I! I! I! o ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! There is no "u" in Kate's world because everything revolves around her.

Anonymous II said... 200

aggiemom09121416 said... 183

Kate saying her kids are at the top of their classes is not true according to the locals. Supposedly, class ranking is not done in the lower grades.


One of those pesky "locals" here. This is true. I'd love for Kate to produce a class ranking sheet because no such animal exists except in her own mind.

I don't have a Twitter account, nor would I want one, and I don't understand why they keep going with the same arguments over and over again. You can't reason with her and since her sheeple are her watchdogs, you can't reason with them either. When anyone dares to call her out on anything, she turns into Cujo. I will admit, though, sometimes the Twitter page provides some darn amusing entertainment.

Admin said...

Why was she so snippy? No pun intended.


It should be. It was a great pun!

OT to F&M Alumna: Are you following the MU/track/cross country drama?

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