*Cue upbeat music*
Man I missed this family! Kate decided that if mean awful Jon won't sign off on more exploitation of the kids, she'll just have to do it herself. And since she's too lazy to try to figure out Youtube, she'll just wrap herself naked in that Red Cross blanket and tweet the episodes, twit by twat, live right from her leather couch.
Season Premiere!
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Tampon Talk! |
Kate's off to D.C. with her beard to appear on the only obscure Sirius radio program that would take her after her team sent out e-mails to about 700 other stations begging for a guest spot.
How are the twins doing? ask the unsuspecting interviewers, Molly and Christine. Well, funny you should ask, says Kate--not too well ever since puberty hit! You think buying tampons is expensive for one kid, try time eight!!! And don't even get me started on the panic that ensues when I walk into Victoria Secret with them without so much as a gift card to my name. Cute story, huh? Isn't Mr. Tampon just so cute? Just like my twins' personal lives is cute.
Interesting. So Kate, when did you lose your virginity? Molly and Christine for some God knows why reason want to know. Maybe to prove she is human, who knows. Couldn't they just pull her hair instead and see if she says ow? Anyway, oh heavens to Betsy no I couldn't tell you that, I don't answer personal questions about myself, Kate tells them. Heh.
More nonsense about how she can't be a nurse because a babysitter would cost too much, but she would be willing to work at McDonalds (Mmmm, she could really use a Big Mac right now to chase down all these lies), some impressive re-writing of history when it comes to Sarah Palin and Alaska, even though it's all documented on tape exactly what happened (i.e., she bitched from the minute she got off the plane, thanks Chuck!), and we're done! Normally I wouldn't believe a politician over even Kate, however, since there is actual video footage to back up exactly how Sarah Palin and her adorable dad Chuck said it went down, I'm gonna go with their side of the story and discard Kate's new version.
Gone are the days of a long weekend at Four Seasons and spas with Purse Boy. TLC cut her loose and it's back to the orphanage straight away tonight to serve solitary confinement with the kids. But no worries, Kate has a great idea to soften the blow. Park the kids in front of the T.V. while she enjoys a Twatter party!
This is a VIP event folks, and we're all invited. Honey, cancel those dinner plans, I cannot miss this.
Before we start, let me remind you that Kate has made sure to tell us all weekend long and many times before that her financial life is none of our damn business. Worry about your own bank accounts, k? Although almost all state legislatures have made it pretty clear a parents' (mis) management of their child star's money is the public's business, just don't think about that right now.
The night starts off innocent enough. Lots of high-fiving and Girl, you go, girl, you know it, girl! between Kate and her fans. Kate seems happy. Like a crack addict who just went on a run, exploiting her children gives her a big pick-me-up high.
And, action! The eight little money makers are lined up in a straight line on their marks, chins up, shoulders back, ready to watch A Dolphin Tale. Training for their future careers in black ops? Nope, they just don't want to make a mess of the ..... popcorn. Trying to figure out the logic of this one is like trying to watch a 3-D movie without glasses. It will hurt. Though it will probably take a black operation to ever see their money ever again, so maybe this isn't such a bad idea.
Speaking of 3-D! Did you know Kate has a 3-D T.V.?! And glasses at $100 bucks a pop too. Well, some of the kids get glasses. The girls I presume. The boys I guess have to just use their imaginations. Pretending is fun, boys, come on. Mommy does it all the time with Steve.
As EM says, Kate is financially bipolar. Is she poor, is she rich? Flip a coin. Tonight she is rich-poor, which is a hybrid of the two where you are rich when you want to make sure everyone knows you are better than everyone else, but poor when you don't want to pay for your better-than-everyone-else lifestyle but rather have the sheeple fund it for you via freebies. Kate gets into a pissing match with an unsuspecting fan over why she won't just take these kids to the real movies once in awhile. Her answer: They don't need the movies it's not a childhood requirement. Besides, they got international trips and a 3-D T.V., so STFU!
The unsuspecting fan is like, okay well, I was just saying it might be a nice experience for them, you don't need to get upset.
CUT! No, no, no, says Kate! There will be panic if we go out in public and tried to watch The Lorax together so at least the kids will know what everyone else is talking about at school! STFU, again!
Really, Kate. Panic.
I understand now why Kate's boobs keep inflating themselves. To make room for that ego of hers.
Kate and the fan fight for a few more hours. Later on, Kate is shocked and appalled about this new exploitive show out of Pittsburgh called Dance Moms. This is rather like watching Hitler criticize Stalin. Yes, I hear you on this. Go on, Kate.
Oh, and Kate lets slip she watches The Voice, too. Incidentally, that's three entire viewing hours of primetime T.V. on just Monday and Tuesday. Seems in addition to having to do absolutely nothing all day long, she also has to do absolutely nothing all night long, too. Back to Hitler criticizing Stalin, maybe it might be better to team up? Just like she teamed up with Terri Irwin last year. Mussolini down under over there had great ideas about how to justify exploiting the crap out your children, such as, it helps them with their public speaking skills. Kate so wishes she had thought of that, Terri. You is so smart.

Not content to let the Duggars hog all the spotlight when it comes to making money off unborn fetuses, Kate wants her piece of this new inventive pie. It's time for a very special Twit Plus 8. Kids, go in the other room, you're not ready for this. You see, Kate had a blighted ovum during her pregnancy with the sextuplets. This blighted ovum named Emma Rose, or Hope, or whatever, tragically, was reabsorbed by Kate's body. If I were Emma Rose or Hope and I realized Kate was my mother?
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Emma Rose or Emma Hope, take your pick |
Yeah, I'd reabsorb myself back into her body too. RIP Emma Rose or Hope.
If this episode seemed a little disjointed to you, and well, boring, keep in mind that it was written, produced and directed all by That Twit with nothing but a little moral support from Pizza Boy.
Next time on That Twit Plus 8! Kate hasn't written it yet, but I can promise you this, it will be better than any 3-D movie you could ever afford.
325 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 325 of 325 Newer› Newest»noirinboyle
@Kateplusmy8 Kate just got braces today what should I do with the pain any help????
Good lord.
Kate tweeted:
.6 eye dr (ophthalmologist) appointments & $650 later,it's dinnertime w/ 6 sets of blurry eyes!;) I could feed them ANYTHING tonight lol!
I didn't know that eyedrops killed the sense of taste!
Is everything for her all about money?
Why even mention the cost? Then she goes off on a rage when anyone mentions her finances.
She really is a chapter in a book on abnormal psyc.
Ava: your right, Kate just told us how much the eye doctor appt was: $650, for all 6. And you know what the kids had drops put in their eyes, so now they see everything blurry. What? I go to the eye Dr, and the only drops he puts in my eye is dialate the eyes to check the eye itself. And that only lasts a couple of mins. What the hell is Kate talking about?
I go to the eye Dr, and the only drops he puts in my eye is dialate the eyes to check the eye itself. And that only lasts a couple of mins. What the hell is Kate talking about?
It can last longer than that. I've had blurry eyes for 45 minutes. I hate that feeling, which is why I avoid the drops when I can!
I didn't know that eyedrops killed the sense of taste!
lol Moose!!
So....this evening's meal could look worse than some of the other meals? Oh, dear!
It's kinda humourous that without TLC/Discovery, Kate & kiddies are forced to have a mediocre "Staycation".
I never learn a blessed thing from Kate's Coupon Cabin blog.
It blows huge chunks.
Anyone wanna bet that $650 comes directly out of THEIR 15% ?
The dilating drops can last for hours, even almost a day for some people. It just depends on how quickly one's body processes the drug out.
And what does it matter if the kids can't see so well? Kate's plating skills and presentation are always terrible. Not that food always have to look good to taste good-- I've made some pretty delicious slop myself.
oh no! I hope no other child will need glasses and not be"'perfect!"
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 6
It's kinda humourous that without TLC/Discovery, Kate & kiddies are forced to have a mediocre "Staycation".
I never learn a blessed thing from Kate's Coupon Cabin blog.
It blows huge chunks.
For real, I have actually learned more from Tam over at Preesi's and her weekly "Values with the Vile" post (a sheeple called Tam vile once.. lol)
She saves some serious money not the rehashed we've already all been doing all this for years and so have our mothers crap that Kate dishes up. I can only imagine that the person at CC who thought it was a good idea to hire Kate Gosselin has been long fired now ;)
Katie Irene's latest tweet:
...6 eye dr (ophthalmologist) appointments & $650 later,it's dinnertime w/ 6 sets of blurry eyes!;) I could feed them ANYTHING tonight lol! 42 minutes ago
Who cares, Katie. Really.
So your kids had eye exams. Big deal.
You're supposed to take your kids to their checkups. So what.
Now that TLC/Discovery is not picking up the tab, you are going to discover alot of mediocre
tasks cost money. Get used to it.
I'm surprised that with a family that size, they do not have medical insurance.
I would bet that one of Jon's jobs provides the medical insurance. Not that Kate would give him credit.
How come Kate NEVER...NOT ONCE..posts what her things cost: Essex House hotel visit, car Audi maintance, her clothes. shoes, and make-up, her hair, her running shoes % clothes and DWTS clothes, her numerous fun trips, etc. Kate only posts how expensive it is to raise her children. That is so telling and sad.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
...6 eye dr (ophthalmologist) appointments & $650 later,it's dinnertime w/ 6 sets of blurry eyes!;) I could feed them ANYTHING tonight lol!
Do the eye drops affect their taste buds and their sense of smell also so that she can feed them anything? I've had my eyes dialated and it never really made my vision blurry - I was able to drive home from appointment without a problem (they were light sensetive). I guess Kate doesn't have any health insurance if the eye dr visit cost her $650 - WOW.
...6 eye dr (ophthalmologist) appointments & $650 later,it's dinnertime w/ 6 sets of blurry eyes!;) I could feed them ANYTHING tonight lol! 51 minutes ago
This. Bitch.
"Don't ask abt my fynances u dont no wat its like having 8"
"dont ? me nobody knows wat its like having 8 and raisng them all by urself w/ no help at all its just me"
When i twat abt how $$ stuff is &Im broke companys send me free shit"
Thats how I roll dont u dare ask me abt it
I said dont ask abt it thats it ur gone!!!!!
ur gone too y do u ppl keep asking abt my finances
from now on- i twat abt how $$ 8 kids are and u send gift cardz and twat companys 4 me 2 get me stuff what happnd 2 that? if ur helpng me u better b running.
Maggie said... 13
How come Kate NEVER...NOT ONCE..posts what her things cost: Essex House hotel visit, car Audi maintance, her clothes. shoes, and make-up, her hair, her running shoes % clothes and DWTS clothes, her numerous fun trips, etc. Kate only posts how expensive it is to raise her children. That is so telling and sad.
Because, according to Kate it's apples & oranges...
Her finances are NONE OF ANYONE ELSE'S BUSINESS, unless she wants to BITCH about how much the kids are costing.
Hey Kate? KIDS COST MONEY. And you had EIGHT.
What she really means about finances being none of anyone else's business is that the stuff SHE spends on HER is no one's business and the stuff she DOESN'T do for the kids is no one's business.
But the necessary stuff she DOES have to do for the kids? Wow, she bitches her ass off about that. That's apparently ALL of our business! Just like back when she insisted the state help pay for the tups. She saw them as the taxpayers' problem. Her attitude hasn't changed.
I'm really surprised she hasn't bitched about private school tuition. I mean, it's clear she has no boundaries. Maybe that's next.
@hugiegramma @Kateplusmy8 K8 said she's under a million dollars now
She did? When did she say that, or is this just another figment of bigfan's imagination? PA.
Wayward 15-
ROFL!!! too funny, thanks!
Betcha Kate knew EXACTLY when kids were in/out of school back when TLC paid for all trips. However, as a mom who's working my ass off and still not feeling like I can afford vacation right now, I say to Kate, thanks!!! Now I know what to tell the kids. Ooopsie, forgot that spring break was coming up! Can't go to Paris, but you guys get to clean out the garage and I'll rent some movies. If you're good little kids, you get an extra piece of candy in your buttery popcorn and waffles!! I rock!!!!!!!!!!!! For dinner tonight, you get chocolate milk (wink, wink, it's really water, you blind fools)
Something I just posted was there and now it's gone. What happened?
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8...
6 eye dr (ophthalmologist) appointments & $650 later,it's dinnertime w/ 6 sets of blurry eyes!;) I could feed them ANYTHING tonight lol!
Well, now we know why Kate can't go back to nursing... she doesn't know the difference between sight & taste.
O.k. I'll say it,
Kate has no taste [badum-ching]
Oh no! I certainly hope there wasn't a "panic" at the eye doctors!
Thanks Tucker's Mom!
Both dental and vision insurance is relatively inexpensive. As far as I know, you select either an individual or family plan and it does not matter how many kids you have. She would count it as a strike against the kids because they are unemployed, even the insurance did cover it and burden the Sheeple with her expenses on the one hand blow anyone out who lamblasts her about it. Ughhhh
AuntieAnn said... 7
Anyone wanna bet that $650 comes directly out of THEIR 15% ?
I do not believe there is no medical insurance for those kids. That would be one of the first things she should have insisted on when the settlement of the divorce was worked out. She didn't pay $650 for their exams. There would be a co-pay, or it came out of the kids fifteen percent.
wayward: good point, did she have the eye doctor clear out the office before she came in so that no one would even look at them?
She's such a dipwad.
Katie-Cry said: For dinner tonight, you get chocolate milk (wink, wink, it's really water, you blind fools)
I thought that was so funny. But she tweeted during her party that it is true she doesn't buy milk (organic) unless it is on sale because it is so expensive. She admitted that the kids do not get to drink milk. The milk she buys is for cereal, etc.
I am stunned that her kids do not get to drink milk because it is expensive. It is so true how expense goes to wayside when she is spending it on herself. But, dang, no milk for the kids to drink.
can't believe she spelled ophthalmologist correctly!!
Oh sure that spring break crept up on her, because we all know how busy her calendar has been since September, and especially this winter. Hmm, when my kids were in school, first thing I did when that schoo, calendar came home was to sit down and mark ALL days off/vacations on our family calendar - and bought 18 month calendars just for that reason. Poor Kate - oh, i hear your Iphone can do that for you, too.
Hmm, staycation, I agree with others who have said the real definition is that you don't travel BUT you do do things in the community, explore the less expensive options of having fun close by. Of course poor Kate twists it to mean you stay home, watch movies on tv and eat waffles instead of cereal. Oh, and you clean the garage. OK that's fine cor one day of a staycation.Twatidiot - that is NOT how you apend several days. You are just a cheap, lazy ass.
As for another dumb CC blog post, again, if you truly understood the meaning of a staycation, you would be giving real $$ hints for activities close to home - hint, the word 'coupon'. Your blog is once again trite and uninteresting - seriously, you get paid cor this crap?
Readers -I think K8's recent inappropriate twat about how much she spent at the opthamalogist (add that one to short list of where she can go in public with 6-8 kids) is to remind her twitter world just how expensive it is to be KG, and thus there is no $$ for anything fun during spring break.
Finally, here's a great idea for your staycation - volunteer work. Would fit into that plan you grandiosely hatched a year ago for Gosselin Gives Back. OK readers, stop laughing - we all know that she only does for others on TLC's dime, film schedule, in other states, once in a blue moon. But really that would sure fit into K8's "staycation" plans, as it would not cost her a dime. Sorry, I forgot - panic would ensue.
I wonder if she knows when summer vacation starts?
Both dental and vision insurance is relatively inexpensive. As far as I know, you select either an individual or family plan and it does not matter how many kids you have.
I wonder if she signed up for CHIP (PA insurance for kids). If her income is low enough, it's free, with no co pay and includes medical, dental and eye insurance. If her income is too high, at most she would pay $77 per month per child, with only a five dollar per child co pay. This also includes prescriptions and ER visits in addition to physician's visits, eye and dental coverage.
In the worst possible scenario, if her income is greater than $128,000+, the monthly premium per child is $200.00. That would hurt.
And Kate felt the need to mention that cost of this eye doctor visit...why?
For someone who says it's rude to question her about her fiances she sure talks out of both sides of her mouth quite a bit.
I wonder if come tax time in April if she'll be hurting? But then again if she was smart she would have things lined up a few months ahead of time. It's not like, "Oh yeah, like Spring Break, I forgot I had to do my taxes..."
One of the DM's just tweeted her that she heard she was putting down their show and that she had always supported her and essentially, that she of all people should know about reality TV.
Also about the blind blurb, didn't she come out once and say there were medical issues behind the non-expulsion. I can see that being her, especially with the cell phone thing.
Funny, she didn't know when Spring break was, but she knew she could book 6 eye doctor appts in the middle of a Monday afternoon. HUMMMMM
How about Mady and Cara....don't they have eyes?
"Hmm, when my kids were in school, first thing I did when that schoo, calendar came home was to sit down and mark ALL days off/vacations on our family calendar - and bought 18 month calendars just for that reason. Poor Kate - oh, i hear your Iphone can do that for you, too."
I do the same thing, Westcoaster. I sit down with the planner, the school calendar and mark everything in a book, including dress-down days, early dismissals...whatever. That way, it's right there in front of me.
But she's so organized, don't you know? She keeps files for household maintenance, but doesn't think to check an online calendar for school vacations. Don't you remember when she packed lunch for the kids, only to find out they had a half day that day with no lunch? She didn't know, nor did she think to check.
Hahha a Dance Mom took her to task? Which one? Good for them. I want to see a twitter war why your show is worse than my show.
MELISSA! They are retweeting it.
Melissa! Oh bring it on girlfriend!
She also tweeted hey Kate I watched your show fell in love with your kids.
Another fan bites the dust. Now Kate has the gall to criticize her after all she's done to her kids. Get out of this one Kreider.
She talks about staycations to save money, then wants her fans to spend at least $1900 a person for the privilege to cruise with her highness.
@Kateplusmy8 We've got a really nice group so far!Kate, everyone is so nice.If u would like 2 join us go 2 http://t.co/fLU9Tz26(preview) & Email me
All ten of them? Of those, what percentage is "nice?" Good joke, Cindy, NICE going!
Based on what I've seen on Twitter and elsewhere, at least one of those cruisers is very far from nice. She is particularly whacko about defending everything Kate does. And, yes, Cruisin', try as I might, I still don't see more than about 10 people who have said they are going AND paying the Kate rate. I would be surprised if Cindy has sold more than a dozen cabins total.
From Kate's newest CC blog post,
Typically during our very long ten day spring break, we have a fun trip planned. This year, I must admit it has crept up on me and I just realized the other day that I had planned absolutely nothing exciting. After my panic attack subsided, I decided that a rather relaxing home based ‘staycation’ may not be so bad after all....
This is why some suggested something fun, like one trip with the kids to the movie theater during spring break!
It didn't seem like many of us were suggesting Kate waste money to take her kids to see every single movie on the big screen...there's a new Taylor Swift movie out called The Lorax which would be a fun treat for the entire family (who happen to love Taylor Swift). And if you want to avoid the crowds, watch it on a weekday matinee. (It doesn't have to be the 3D or IMAX 3D version, if you want to save money. But if movie-going is such a rare occasion, it's okay to splurge once in awhile.)
Multiple movie-nights (per Kate's spring break plans) like the one Kate tweeted about...with the kids lined-up at the edge of the rug to avoid popcorn messes while mom's furiously tweeting away on her phone...doesn't seem like an enjoyable family movie night. It's like the complaint her tweetie-fan made about people using their smartphones during the movie at the movie theater...Kate was doing the exact same thing but at home.
Yikes, did she admit to having a panic attack over not planning anything for spring break? It's not like she has to work, unlike "mediocre working moms" who might be saving their vacation time for the summer and have to find alternate arrangements for their underage kids during the week.
For the kids' sake, I hope they have good weather this week so they can go to the local park as Kate was suggesting...weather permitting.
There used to be a Kate Kalender to monitor her time with the kids, maybe there needs to be some sort of budget tracker to monitor Kate's known personal expenses (NYC trips, marathons, etc.) vs. kids' expenses for 2012.
What medical issues caused the non-expulsion? I though she blamed the divorce?
I don't know if this is allowed to be asked here, so please delete if it violates the posting policy. I read on Twitter and on another blog that there is evidence pointing to the fact that Iwanna is Milo. Since Milo is such an amusing personality, if not totally mentally unstable, and Iwanna is a man who had the hots for Kate but is now living with someone (a woman?) why would anyone think they are one and the same?
I don't have Twitter or post on the other blog, but I know that many on here follow this stuff and are "in the know." I'm just curious!
Was there panic in the streets when she took the children to the eye doctor?
There is a blog that I have seen numerous people pin on Pinterest about a blog of a woman who is doing a blog series about how her family of 6 lives and thrives on a salary of less than $30,000/year. And she manages to do so without ever sharing a picture of her children or using their names (so far as I can tell). Maybe Kate can learn a thing or two from her.
Marie said... 30
And Kate felt the need to mention that cost of this eye doctor visit...why?
To remind everyone why she can't take her kids on simple trips like the movie theater, once a year...raising HOM kids is expensive!
Newsflash: Ms Kreider is still boring.
The Atlantic Coast Conference championship game between Virginia Commonwealth University and Drexel, on the other hand, is smoking hot! Go Rams!
"There's five stickers for "no school" and even one for "family reunion". Okay, I guess she doesn't need THAT one."
That is so funny. Yeah, she can throw that sticker away.
"What medical issues caused the non-expulsion? I though she blamed the divorce?"
I think she blamed the divorce and medical issues. I'm surprised blabbermouth didn't elaborate on the issues.
I think Kate is putting the $650 eye dr fee out there strictly for grifting purposes. She is hoping people will feel sorry for her as "a single mom" and start sending some checks in. Just like when she did the church circuit and they passed the basket, only now she can just put it out on twitter and maybe someone will send a check or cash to her.
I think she blamed the divorce and medical issues. I'm surprised blabbermouth didn't elaborate on the issues.
Her peabrain couldn't think of a way to blame Jon and not herself so she left at that.
She didn't elaborate but I am pretty sure she came out with that once and then let it drop. I couldn't begin to find out where but I am sure others could.
I think she blamed the divorce and medical issues. I'm surprised blabbermouth didn't elaborate on the issues.
Kate cited medical issues because she knew darn well it would shut people up. No interviewer is going to press for private medical details, and she knew it.
It had nothing to do with discretion and in fact, Kate did initially cite behavioral issues. But, when criticized for filming the kids during and so soon after the separation and divorce, she upped the ante and called it "medical" so, of course, that isn't affected or induced by filming.
TLC Ship said...To remind everyone why she can't take her kids on simple trips like the movie theater, once a year...raising HOM kids is expensive!
I remember Kate, in an interview, discussing how she spent many sleepless nights when she found out she was pregnant with the tups. She said she worried about not being able to take them places because of the cost, and specifically stated that she wouldn't be able to afford to take all of the kids to the movies.
Now her worry about taking them to the movies is because of the panic that will ensue, in addition to the cost. I guess when it rains, it pours.
My experience is when people say their financial affairs are private and none of your dang business, they don't go around passing out Excel spreadsheets of exactly how much they spend when and on what.
Kate? You are a douche.
Once a Viewer -- Kate said at one point that there were "actual medical issues" involved in the kids' being asked to leave the classroom. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the kids is ADD, based on what little I've seen of their behavior on the show. Another one of the kids exhibits self-stimulation and some OCD tendencies, which may be normal variants of kid behavior or could be an indication of problems. I'm not necessarily referring to the 2 kids who were expelled. I won't name names, because I could be wrong (although I do have some experience, having been a special ed teacher at one time).
Admin, if you feel my post is inappropriate, please delete.
From her CC blog: "By staying home, we will not only save money, but we will truly be able to relax and that may turn out to be a different kind of fun."
"We typically are all awake on school mornings by 5:45 a.m… yawn. So a few days of sleep-ins until 7:30 a.m. at least will be a welcomed schedule change in our house."
"Being truly able to relax when you "typically" get up at 5:45 every frigging morning during school week is exactly WHY most of us here thought her kids should have been given a real break during ALL their vacations before. You know? When they were still working for TLC? When they were forced to walk over their head in freezing water in Alaska... Or cooked al dente for two weeks on the bus trip from hell last summer.
If you couldn't stop yourself from bitching every single minute of it, Kate, it wasn't any more of a vacation for your kids
But, to be honest, maybe this is what your "masterminding" behind this 'staycation" is all about. (Not!)
Westcoaster said... 28
I wonder if she knows when summer vacation starts?
Of course she does, it is around the time of her San Diego marathon. (kidfree time)
White organza, you hit the nail on the head. Kate doesn't think before she speaks. She just admitted all this fun vacations were actually not relaxing at all and were quite stressful. Yet another oops from Kate.
thanks reader lady! I agree with what you have seen- wonder why suddenly that was a cause for expulsion. The kids should be evaluated for IEPs- maybe they have been...
khater said... 66
What does she pay her baby sitters?
Heck even if she pays them $20 an hour, and uses a sitter 3-4 hours a day ($80 X 5 = $400) and makes $25/hour as a nurse ($25X 40 = 1000), that is STILL $600 a week profit and on the positive side.
It may not be that cut and dried. Kate has to pay income taxes on all of what she makes and would also have to pay the FICA and medical portions of her hired help, on top of their hourly wages. So her actual profits would be less. Still, your point is understood and taken.
I think she tweets those financial woe-is-me twats in a pathetic attempt to justify herself, as in: NOW do you understand WHY I simply HAD to put my babies on tv?!!!!!!
Sheeple just eat that shit up.
Are most sheeple parent-challenged, or are they all-around just plain helpless? Why ask Kate what eye doctor to use? These sheeple need to buy the Parenting for Dummies book.
@Kateplusmy8 Do you take them to a private practice Dr.? My Maddie needs her eyes checked and just curious on where I should take her :)
However, speaking that Kate seems relatively unemployed, I don't see how she could put down what she makes. Most unemployed people don't make any money not unless you qualify for unemployment I guess.
I don't consider her blogging job a real job, maybe a side job if that but not a 9-5 weekday even if she agonizes over doing it.
If she won't go back to nursing maybe she could go back to school to do something else. The kids are gone several hours a day, enough to squeeze in a class or two, heck even online is offered.
I just can't comprehend why any able-bodied 36 year old woman can sit at home and do basically nothing. I've had a job since I was in my teens what is her excuse? She's poor? Kate, you don't know what poor even means. She's broke? I doubt it, that's just a sob story. She's divorced? Last I checked so what? Lots of divorced people have jobs I don't know of any so who sit at home to twiddle there thumbs over it. She's got 8 kids? Yeah, and? Where I live having a large family is normal and I don't see any of them begging for TV time or extra money.
Kate is just lazy. All she ever wanted was some guy to take care of her, fill her car with gas, bring her her coffee, pay the bills, jump when she said jump, use coupons for household items while she spent on herself, take care of the kids after they worked all day, never visit their family or friends and keep in tow with a reality TV show. Now, is that so much to ask of any man? You bet it is.
TLC ship is sinking said... 40
From Kate's newest CC blog post,
Typically during our very long ten day spring break, we have a fun trip planned. This year, I must admit it has crept up on me and I just realized the other day that I had planned absolutely nothing exciting. After my panic attack subsided, I decided that a rather relaxing home based ‘staycation’ may not be so bad after all....
Oh, God. Kate's so full of b.s.
She's probably going to make the kids clean her humble manor throughout the 10 days.
And we all know how much they L-O-V-E doing chores for their mother.
"Thank you, mommy dearest."
All of this drivel from Kate only reinforces the notion that she is so shortsided she can't see the inside of her eyelids when her eyes are closed.
It may not be that cut and dried. Kate has to pay income taxes on all of what she makes and would also have to pay the FICA and medical portions of her hired help, on top of their hourly wages. So her actual profits would be less. Still, your point is understood and taken.
The thing that's ridiculous is she's had a nanny this entire time. SHe's been through at least 11 nannies, I did a post on it once. So if she has a nanny anyway, what's the difference? TOo bad the interviewers didn't ask her but wait don't you have a nanny NOW?
But paying for a babysitter is not going to be more than it would be to be a nurse or all nurses would quit and be babysitters.
Not caught up in reading, sorry if someone already said this...
Why does her basement need to be organized ? I am a very disorganized person--my "paperwork" system uses a coffee cup stain as a time/date stamp. If the bills are below the coffee stain, then I probably took care of it--if it is on top of the coffee stain, I need to pay it. People who are truly super organized, naturally, stay on top of things, gets rid of stuff, pay bills, make calls etc. in the natural course of their day and their physical environment reflects this character trait, without all of this effort! It is a good day when I have handled every loose end in my life--by which I mean, I imagine it will be a good day--hasn't happened--especially since I discovered this blog! I have an organized and logical mind--But, I do have to work hard at organizing organizing paper, sewing stuff, drawing materials--you know--interests that give me enjoyment and feed my curiosity!
As for spring break--Three kids are grown-Spent most pre- middle school years driving and picking up to and from friends's houses and carpooling and/or chaperoning special scouting and community center events, camps and field trips. Three different ages, separate activities. Once the kids were in middle school, their PUBLIC, alternative school had week-long themed activities, all reasonably priced and many at the school and free. The activities ranged from D.C./space camp week-long trips, local skiing and snowboarding, geological/anthropological trips in the Cascades mountains to art/music/sewing classes at the school. Of course, They required parental involvement and chaperoned--there were always enough parents available
I actually shed a few tears for Kate Gosselin tonight. Don't hate me for saying that, I'm just so sad for her. Both of my "kids" have grown and are starting new lives far from home -- one in Boston and the other in Italy. Both are getting married in the next few months. I rejoice in their new lives, but I mourn the loss of their childhoods, too. I miss the sticky fingers, the construction paper cards, the messes, the "mediocre" family vacations, the fun and the tears and the laughter. It all goes so quickly. Kate, you'll never get this time back. I don't have any regrets. I had a blast raising my two, count'em two. Someday I think she's going to be very sorry she let it all slip away.
Er, wasn't there an entire episode devoted to organizing the basement, complete with proclamations of undying love for the label maker? Is it unorganized already?
I feel sorry for those kids, that they won't do anything fun over the break except hang out at home and go to a playground to eat their three grapes and a string cheese. Sad.
Did kate mention that she paid $650 on all of her 6 kids eye appointments? Are you kidding me? She is blessed to get off that cheap. My daughter when she was younger, went through 5 eye operations. Her eye visit alone was $350,lenses were $200, and depending on her frames $200 above. That was for one child. She should be counting her blessings .
I rarely post, for you ladies are funny and are spot on.Have a wonderful evening.
Sorry to be so emotional. That's what happens when you spending your evening reading wedding cards. Damn you, Hallmark!
Remember this?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@rcmslp I so wish I could pay for all of you... I wish $ didn't stop vacations/family memories. Don't you?
January 14 23 minutes ago via Twitterrific
So let me get this straight... Kate wishes people didn't let money concerns stop them from padding her many bank accounts..err... making memories, but for herself she extols the virtues of the staycation. Seriously?
Heck even if she pays them $20 an hour, and uses a sitter 3-4 hours a day ($80 X 5 = $400) and makes $25/hour as a nurse ($25X 40 = 1000), that is STILL $600 a week profit and on the positive side.
She doesn't need them on a daily basis. She certainly can take care of her own kids when they get home from school and on weekends. She won't go back to nursing, not only because she is lazy, but because she is hanging on to the idea that somehow she will land a job in the entertainment industry. Therefore, traveling and appearances require a sitter. Going to NYC to get her hair done requires a sitter. Speaking at a camp charity requires a sitter. She is still under the delusion that she is in great demand. Therefore, she has to keep a nanny/sitter on the payroll.
Once a Viewer said... 59
thanks reader lady! I agree with what you have seen- wonder why suddenly that was a cause for expulsion. The kids should be evaluated for IEPs- maybe they have been...
I am quite certain that the 2 kids that were expelled would, just based on the behaviors described, qualify for iEPs. at least in the public schools. Kids that make classroom management difficult get diagnosed quicker than a quiet child that has learning disabilities. May not be the case in private schools or other school districts.
I rejoice in their new lives, but I mourn the loss of their childhoods, too. I miss the sticky fingers, the construction paper cards, the messes, the "mediocre" family vacations, the fun and the tears and the laughter. It all goes so quickly. Kate, you'll never get this time back. I don't have any regrets. I had a blast raising my two, count'em two. Someday I think she's going to be very sorry she let it all slip away.
Two words. Erma Bombeck
Mind you I pity the poor person who would ever hire Kate to do at home care, but what about at-home nursing care?
Kate could take care of an elderly shut-in or be a premie baby nurse. In L.A. people pay BIG BUCKS for this, lots of wealthy prefer a real nurse for newborns not just a 20-something nanny. Enter Kate. I bet in the wealthier neighborhoods Kate herself lives around she could find something like this if she got herself hooked up with an agency.
Agencies are the best thing for someone who has a specific schedule or requirements. My nanny agency knew exactly when I wanted to be available and didn't want to be available, and even knew my preferences for what age kids I preferred, location, genders, etc. For instance a lot of nannies really prefer at least one child is a little baby--whereas I specifically wanted older kids, which made me pretty marketable since the older the kids are the less nannies are interested. They are like a match making service, it's great. YOU don't pay anything, the people hiring do. All Kate has to do is march herself into an agency, explain she is available from when the school bus picks up to when it drops off plus every other weekend when Jon has them, and she's off.
Again I have to say I think Kate would be terrible at taking care of someone, anyone, but to suggest she cannot get a job in nursing or that it won't work with her schedule is a bunch of B.S. There are all kinds of opportunities out there for her if she only would try. I wish I had some kind of nursing credential, I would have been lapped up just like that for nannying and been paid more money.
Anyone can ask for an IEP. You don't even have to qualify. You just have to ask and they are required to schedule it for you, I believe within 30 days.
But the best IEP plan for them would be to screw Kate head on straight for once, and I don't think there is a box to check for that.
SeeSaw, I know what you mean! I so miss those days that Kate is throwing away right now. You don't get a second chance to be a Mom and Kate is wasting these precious years when her children ARE home!
Ex Nurse said... 74 I am quite certain that the 2 kids that were expelled would, just based on the behaviors described, qualify for iEPs. at least in the public schools. Kids that make classroom management difficult get diagnosed quicker than a quiet child that has learning disabilities. May not be the case in private schools or other school districts.
You are correct, private schools in PA do not have to follow or create an IEP. Each private school can create their own version of a behavioral/education plan but it would not be the legal binding document a PA public school IEP would be.
Thanks, Sherry Baby, for the Erma Bombeck link. It made me tear up a little again. Maybe Kate will check it out, too, as we know she reads here.
Oh, right, private school.
Anyway no IEP can fix Kate.
SeeSaw said... 68
I actually shed a few tears for Kate Gosselin tonight. Don't hate me for saying that, I'm just so sad for her.
I don't think anyone here would hate you for saying that. Unfortunately your sadness might be wasted on Kate although she'd glady accept any kind of sympathy. Narcissists usually turn on their kids for leaving them.
I hear what you're saying though. When my first son was born my dear aunt gave me this poem and told me to read if often. I still do it now and still tear up every time I read it, even though my kids haven't even left home yet. I'm so grateful she gave it to me.
To My Grown-Up Son
My hands were busy through the day;
I didn't have much time to play
The little games you asked me to--
I didn't have much time for you.
I'd wash your clothes, I'd sew and cook;
But when you'd bring your picture book
And ask me please to share your fun,
I'd say: "A little later, son."
I'd tuck you in all safe at night,
And hear your prayers, turn out the light,
Then tip-toe softly to the door....
I wish I'd stayed a minute more.
For life is short, the years rush past....
A little boy grows up so fast.
No longer is he at your side,
His precious secrets to confide.
The picture books are put away;
There are no longer games to play.
No good-night kiss, no prayers to hear--
That all belongs to yesteryear.
My hands, once busy, now are still.
The days are long and hard to fill.
I wish I could go back and do
The little things you asked me to.
Aaaand...4 hrs after the "Woah is me the i dr X 6 is $$$" tweet, there is this:
@XXXXX I use bose earbuds! expensive but totally worth it! Stereo right into your ears! :)
XXXXX @Kateplusmy8 I need new earbuds the standard issue just aren't cutting it on the treadmill. What do you use?
AuntieAnn - beautiful poem. So important to remember to cherish our time with our kids. I'm glad my house was a mess and my garage and basement were never organized (haha they still aren't) and that I spent my non-work hours enjoying my family. And you're right I don't understand the narcissist at all, but I'm learning a lot from all of you.
Thanks, Sherry Baby, for the Erma Bombeck link. It made me tear up a little again. Maybe Kate will check it out, too, as we know she reads here.
You're welcome. It makes me cry when I read it, and my kids aren't grown yet. It helps me appreciate what we have now and know that these days aren't going to last forever. I guess that's why I love sticky fingers and Christmas presents made out of popsicle sticks. Kate has no clue. I don't think, though, that she's going to miss these days because she can't appreciate them now, so why would she look back on them with fondness? And that's very sad.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Blurry eyes gone,had movie night while I did some shopping w/ my tweens! I'm exhausted, they're thrilled&I'm old: drinking tea&saying GN!
Bra and tampon shopping again?
They have a nanny--unless she's implying they were home alone. Will someone please ask Kate why she can't go back to nursing because of the nanny problem?
Nothing but the best for Kate! Someone asked Kate what kind of earbuds she wears on the treadmill.
Here's her answer:
@Kateplusmy8 @SusieErdal I use bose earbuds! expensive but totally worth it! Stereo right into your ears! :)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@MiloandJack @mumbear9 @Truth_Teller201 no!!!! I hold my breath each year... Too expensive and constant repairs! 1 in glasses is PLENTY!
Poor Aaden is such a burden to her. Thank God the rest aren't broken like him.
Really, I have never seen an adult talk about money and the cost of things so much. It's really off-putting. Shut up.
Auntie Ann...
Reminds me of "Cats In The Cradle." I can't listen to it. I flip stations on the car radio when they play it.
Nothing but the best for Kate! Someone asked Kate what kind of earbuds she wears on the treadmill.
Here's her answer:
@Kateplusmy8 @SusieErdal I use bose earbuds! expensive but totally worth it! Stereo right into your ears! :)
She is disgusting. Spent all weekend telling us how expensive vacations and movies are for the kids, then tweets right after she has BOSE headphones. BOSE are $300 bucks or MORE. Is she for real??? For God sake the only person I know who sprung for those is a huge movie buff and never buys himself anything but got that for airplanes since he travels all the time and guards them with his life, they aren not cheap.
Really except for Milo I don't even recognize any of the fans on her twitter today. I think her fans left after this weekend. She has a few drive bys who don't appear to be the hardcore sheeple and that's it.
So she has help this week if she has been out with M&C and the little ones are at home. I think she has been having help all this because she never talks about the normal things that moms do, just the special things. Which is fine but why make out like you are doing it all alone? Why lie? She will have a nervous breakdown if the day ever comes when she has to care for those kids all by herself. I am even more convinced she is the one in the blind article. She just has too much free time on her hands not to have full time help. I am single and have a job and 1 child and barely have time to fire off a blog.
Sherry Baby - and thanks from me as well. I was busy typing my comment to SeeSaw before I saw your link. Erma Bombeck rules.
SeeSaw - yes it is beautiful isn't it. And please stick around. Kate Gosselin has taught us an encyclopedic amount of information about narcissism by demostrating most if not all the characteristics of one.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@MiloandJack @mumbear9 @Truth_Teller201 no!!!! I hold my breath each year... Too expensive and constant repairs! 1 in glasses is PLENTY!
Kate, Eyemart Express. Kids frames, $38, one-year warranty on breakage, even if you run over them with your car. How much is your tanning package again?
Gosh, she's a piece of work, and she just doesn't shut up!
Oh and one pair of BOSE earbuds would easily put a child in glasses for a year or more.
Kate, you can suck it. You can just suck it.
Her fans must be in quit a quandary. Should they stay home and save money as she suggests, or should they spend their hard earned money on the cruise, as she suggests. Cindy Cardella must be tearing her hair out.
Drinking tea laced with what? What a despicable person she is - lying, conniving, bragging and begging in the same breath.
Sherry Baby said... 89
Auntie Ann...
Reminds me of "Cats In The Cradle." I can't listen to it. I flip stations on the car radio when they play it.
Yes! That's a tear-jerker too. I wonder if Kate understands the lyrics?
I'm not sure why so many recent tweets on the expense of everything. Grifting? Or does she know that this causes reactions among fans and non-fans, and thus, anything to keep her name out there works for her?
BM, yes. Ppart of narcissism is to leave your victims in a constant state of confusion, what should they do what should they say what will happen? If people are constantly confused not knowing which way is up and which way is down, it's hard to stop the narcissist who is playing such mind games. It's all part of the victimization. Sheep, please wake up. I know so many of you have.
She is textbook, chapter by chapter, line by line.
Also, she ignored Dance Mom Melissa's tweet. Hahaha love it. Wonder ifs he blocked her. And I so wanted to hate Melissa. Darn.
Oh Kate, you moron. You wish $ didn't stop vacations/making memories? Regarding vacations, that's all on you, bitch. If you're too cheap to travel, deal with it. No one's much interested in flying you hither and yon anymore. Sadly for your kids, you ARE making memories, whether you travel or not, and they suck balls.
Kate couldn't do private duty nursing. Believe me, when you pay for a private nurse, there's no way you're going to put up with a jerk like her. She may have gotten away with blabbing about her supposed religion and her fantasy life when she worked in a hospital, but that kind of thing just doesn't go over in one-to-one close quarters.
Not gonna happen. She's simply incapable of getting along with people well enough to provide superior, and highly-paid, services.
Sherry Baby - and thanks from me as well. I was busy typing my comment to SeeSaw before I saw your link. Erma Bombeck rules.
Absolutely. Kate, if you read here, love the popcorn reference...
If I Had My Life To Live Over
by Erma Bombeck
The following was written by the late Erma Bombeck
after she found out she had a fatal disease.
If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."
There would have been more "I love you's".. More "I'm sorrys" ...
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it ... live it...and never give it back.
Ex Nurse said... 67
Why does her basement need to be organized ? I am a very disorganized person--my "paperwork" system uses a coffee cup stain as a time/date stamp.
LOL! But hey whatever works...
She claims that the $650 for 6 kids at the ophthalmologist is the co-pay amount. And that the children need to see a specialist because they were preemies. I doubt that's true, frankly, because what sort of eye problem associated with preemies would be likely to emerge at this point, when they are 2 months shy of 8 years old? Was A's needing eyeglasses due to his being a preemie? I've seen plenty of little kids with glasses. He's near-sighted with a touch of astigmatism. Not exactly unusual.
But it got me thinking: As with many divorced couples, maybe Jon has to share any out-of-pocket medical costs with her, and so she takes them to as "high-end" a doctor as she can find. I don't doubt that she's constantly looking for ways to pry more money out of him, just because she can and because it certainly hurts him more than it does her at this point.
Sherry Baby 102 -
thanks again. I love that woman, have most of her books.
Sadly I don't think Kate can't relate.
Kate CAN relate.
Oy, bedtime.
Oh Kate just STFU already. Can't work because you can't afford a babysitter but here you are twating this very evening that you're out shopping with your tweens while the younger ones watched a movie. Nanny on staff still? Can't work even tho your children are out of the house 9 hours a day and 2 weekends/month. And you bragging bitch, $300 Bose earbuds in one twat and crying you might have to buy and maintain glasses for more than child in another. Your poor kids, such a drain on your resources. You are a piece of work.
I think I'll read some extra books and sing more songs to them before bed tomorrow night. Thanks, Auntie!
NEW POST, had to cover the Dance Mom fiasco it's just that good. I love when my shows fight.
That seems like a crazy co-pay. What is the point of insurance that has co-pays like that? Co-pays for regular vision and dental checkups under a variety of different plans have always been zero dollars to 10 or 20, 30 tops is my experience. She's probably exaggerating again.
Also, who pays these insurance premiums? Probably Jon straight off the top of his paycheck. It's not the copays that kill you, it's every single month paying into the plan so that on the off chance something terrible happens you don't go financially bankrupt. So she can stick her $300 BOSE earphones in her ears and STFU.
In the Erma Bombeck and Cat's in the Cradle vein. Anyone heard the song "Turn Around"? I think it is by Nancy Griffith. "Turn around and you're two, turn around and you're four, turn around and you're walking out of my door. Turn around and you're little, turn around and you're grown, turn around and you're a young wife with babes of your own." Etc. I cry every time. My boys are 21 and 15. I wish Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders had not annoyed me so much. Sigh.
@Kateplusmy8 what is your most recent book called so I can get a copy :)
A failure.
I don't think I would call yanking a kid out of a crib by one arm a hug, do you? Maybe I missed the other hugs she passed out along the way.
Just got caught up on tweets from last post. I have a pair of Bose earbuds for the iPhone that cost around $115. They are great--they kind of hook into the inside of the ear, so they are much more likely to stay in place than iPhone earbuds. I can't wear regular earbuds--they keep popping out even if i am walking. And, I just washed and dried them (accident), and they still sound as good as new. Also, Bose has a $50.00 replacement policy, after the warranty expires. I have been through many many headphones and these are the best. The ones that are $300 are the noise canceling one. Sorry--gotta go with Kate on this. She is still the worlds worst and stingiest mother I have had the displeasure of seeing and hearing.
The ones that are $300 are the noise canceling one. Sorry--gotta go with Kate on this.
It has nothing to do with whether they are great head phones or a good value for the money. They ARE great headphones, they are considered top of the line.
The point being is that Kate refuses to spend one dime on HER OWN CHILDREN. She won't even take them to the movies for God sake because it's too much money, she refuses to take them on trips while she continues to go on countless jaunts herself, and she'll spend like crazy on herself so she can have all of life's luxuries while the kids sit on a measly strip of carpet.
By all means buy yourself the best headphones money can buy with your children's cash. But please provide similar luxuries to your own dang children.
Admn--I am in agrreance... wanted to correct the price. I meant I agreed that they are great. As I said, I can't use the earbuds because of the anatomy of my ear and I have spent almost that much on others that broke immediately.
Once again, you are lightening fast on your responses! Maybe my device is just really slow to refresh....
The reviews and word of mouth don't lie, they ARE great. If Kate bought them for herself, they are great. Of course they're top of the line. Only the best for Kate. Castoffs for the kids!
OMG Dallas Lady, you always crack me up. That synopsis of the CC blog is priceless.
I wonder if Kate has sold the Crooked Houses on Ebay yet. Haven't seen any mention of the kids playing in them. I don't think they are allowed that far away from the house.
Hook 'em Horns #110
"Turn Around" was written by Malvina Reynolds, who wrote many other great ones. (anyone ever heard "Little Boxes"?)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@MiloandJack @mumbear9 @Truth_Teller201 no!!!! I hold my breath each year... Too expensive and constant repairs! 1 in glasses is PLENTY!
Gee, I wonder if she held her breath at the cost of the lasik eye surgery she admitted that she got! Her priorities are HER, and the kids are simply a financial drain and burden to her.
I am sure either she or Jon has medical insurance for the kids. With her TLC contract ending last month, it seems she might be required to pick up the tab to pay for the insurance premiums and since she is in transition, will have the submit the $650 bill to insurance for reimbursement.
I wish someone would ask her flat out if she or Jon have medical insurance for her kids, and if not, why not?
As for the 2 expelled kids, I am sure the kids were required by the school to provide some proof that their issues were addressed before they were readmitted to school. Whether Kate used her own Psychologist or Pscyhiatrist or MD, I have no idea, but it defies logic the school would allow the 2 kids back without having their behavioral issues addressed. Any parent can request an IEP for their child but my guess is Kate went the private route and used her own chosen doctors (probably on TLC's dime) to prove the 2 kids' behavioral issues had been addressed through evaluation, counseling and possibly medication.
Again, I find it highly doubtful that there is no medical coverage for these kids, or Kate would be raising hell. She once again wanted to whine about the cost of the eye exams. She really is very transparent for someone who just said her finances are her business just days ago.
I personally think Kate needs to spend some time with a good psychiatrist, but she would probably spend the entire time arguing with him or her, and telling them that they don't know how to help her! Narcissism is a bitch.
And Kate's hair is not expensive and needing of constant upkeep? How about her nails and fake tan? She complains about glasses being too expensive for the kids, but then talks about her "expensive" Bose ear buds. Only the best for Kate, her kids seem to always come second to her.
Kate has taken away her children's ability to have a normal childhood. She admits they can't go out in public and do normal family activities. Are they going to be cooped up in that miserable house for the rest of their lives? What about as teens when they want to go to the mall or the movies with their friends. Mommy won't be there to protect them then. Did Kate bring the twins out shopping in public? Was security called in to control the mobs? They probably shopped online.
to: pity party 174..."difference between a Belgium waffle and a waffle?" Belgium waffles are made using sugar pearls. A large sugar grain that does not completely dissolve in heat. Currently available in 50-lb bags. Researched this years ago after a visit to Brussels. I noticed the difference in our cardboard version and the real stuff.
Someone mentioned upthread that Kate should get the glasses at a discount eyeglass place. I am not defending Kate, but in some cases that is not an option. My son has strabismus and his doctor will only prescribe a specific type of lens. It is not available at chain or discount eyeglass places. I won't be so tacky as to post how much out of pocket we have been over the years for his eye treatments (including surgeries) but if Kate can have six eye exams for $650.00, she is getting off easy (especially if the little boy with glasses does indeed have a specialized eye problem that goes beyond nearsighted/farsighted issues).
Once more, Kate Gosselin has managed to make herself look like a complete fool. I know it's been said many times already, but it is truly fascinating to watch someone who either doesn't care or is incapable of not contradicting herself over and over. It's pure entertainment for me.
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