*Cue upbeat music*
Man I missed this family! Kate decided that if mean awful Jon won't sign off on more exploitation of the kids, she'll just have to do it herself. And since she's too lazy to try to figure out Youtube, she'll just wrap herself naked in that Red Cross blanket and tweet the episodes, twit by twat, live right from her leather couch.
Season Premiere!
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Tampon Talk! |
Kate's off to D.C. with her beard to appear on the only obscure Sirius radio program that would take her after her team sent out e-mails to about 700 other stations begging for a guest spot.
How are the twins doing? ask the unsuspecting interviewers, Molly and Christine. Well, funny you should ask, says Kate--not too well ever since puberty hit! You think buying tampons is expensive for one kid, try time eight!!! And don't even get me started on the panic that ensues when I walk into Victoria Secret with them without so much as a gift card to my name. Cute story, huh? Isn't Mr. Tampon just so cute? Just like my twins' personal lives is cute.
Interesting. So Kate, when did you lose your virginity? Molly and Christine for some God knows why reason want to know. Maybe to prove she is human, who knows. Couldn't they just pull her hair instead and see if she says ow? Anyway, oh heavens to Betsy no I couldn't tell you that, I don't answer personal questions about myself, Kate tells them. Heh.
More nonsense about how she can't be a nurse because a babysitter would cost too much, but she would be willing to work at McDonalds (Mmmm, she could really use a Big Mac right now to chase down all these lies), some impressive re-writing of history when it comes to Sarah Palin and Alaska, even though it's all documented on tape exactly what happened (i.e., she bitched from the minute she got off the plane, thanks Chuck!), and we're done! Normally I wouldn't believe a politician over even Kate, however, since there is actual video footage to back up exactly how Sarah Palin and her adorable dad Chuck said it went down, I'm gonna go with their side of the story and discard Kate's new version.
Gone are the days of a long weekend at Four Seasons and spas with Purse Boy. TLC cut her loose and it's back to the orphanage straight away tonight to serve solitary confinement with the kids. But no worries, Kate has a great idea to soften the blow. Park the kids in front of the T.V. while she enjoys a Twatter party!
This is a VIP event folks, and we're all invited. Honey, cancel those dinner plans, I cannot miss this.
Before we start, let me remind you that Kate has made sure to tell us all weekend long and many times before that her financial life is none of our damn business. Worry about your own bank accounts, k? Although almost all state legislatures have made it pretty clear a parents' (mis) management of their child star's money is the public's business, just don't think about that right now.
The night starts off innocent enough. Lots of high-fiving and Girl, you go, girl, you know it, girl! between Kate and her fans. Kate seems happy. Like a crack addict who just went on a run, exploiting her children gives her a big pick-me-up high.
And, action! The eight little money makers are lined up in a straight line on their marks, chins up, shoulders back, ready to watch A Dolphin Tale. Training for their future careers in black ops? Nope, they just don't want to make a mess of the ..... popcorn. Trying to figure out the logic of this one is like trying to watch a 3-D movie without glasses. It will hurt. Though it will probably take a black operation to ever see their money ever again, so maybe this isn't such a bad idea.
Speaking of 3-D! Did you know Kate has a 3-D T.V.?! And glasses at $100 bucks a pop too. Well, some of the kids get glasses. The girls I presume. The boys I guess have to just use their imaginations. Pretending is fun, boys, come on. Mommy does it all the time with Steve.
As EM says, Kate is financially bipolar. Is she poor, is she rich? Flip a coin. Tonight she is rich-poor, which is a hybrid of the two where you are rich when you want to make sure everyone knows you are better than everyone else, but poor when you don't want to pay for your better-than-everyone-else lifestyle but rather have the sheeple fund it for you via freebies. Kate gets into a pissing match with an unsuspecting fan over why she won't just take these kids to the real movies once in awhile. Her answer: They don't need the movies it's not a childhood requirement. Besides, they got international trips and a 3-D T.V., so STFU!
The unsuspecting fan is like, okay well, I was just saying it might be a nice experience for them, you don't need to get upset.
CUT! No, no, no, says Kate! There will be panic if we go out in public and tried to watch The Lorax together so at least the kids will know what everyone else is talking about at school! STFU, again!
Really, Kate. Panic.
I understand now why Kate's boobs keep inflating themselves. To make room for that ego of hers.
Kate and the fan fight for a few more hours. Later on, Kate is shocked and appalled about this new exploitive show out of Pittsburgh called Dance Moms. This is rather like watching Hitler criticize Stalin. Yes, I hear you on this. Go on, Kate.
Oh, and Kate lets slip she watches The Voice, too. Incidentally, that's three entire viewing hours of primetime T.V. on just Monday and Tuesday. Seems in addition to having to do absolutely nothing all day long, she also has to do absolutely nothing all night long, too. Back to Hitler criticizing Stalin, maybe it might be better to team up? Just like she teamed up with Terri Irwin last year. Mussolini down under over there had great ideas about how to justify exploiting the crap out your children, such as, it helps them with their public speaking skills. Kate so wishes she had thought of that, Terri. You is so smart.

Not content to let the Duggars hog all the spotlight when it comes to making money off unborn fetuses, Kate wants her piece of this new inventive pie. It's time for a very special Twit Plus 8. Kids, go in the other room, you're not ready for this. You see, Kate had a blighted ovum during her pregnancy with the sextuplets. This blighted ovum named Emma Rose, or Hope, or whatever, tragically, was reabsorbed by Kate's body. If I were Emma Rose or Hope and I realized Kate was my mother?
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Emma Rose or Emma Hope, take your pick |
Yeah, I'd reabsorb myself back into her body too. RIP Emma Rose or Hope.
If this episode seemed a little disjointed to you, and well, boring, keep in mind that it was written, produced and directed all by That Twit with nothing but a little moral support from Pizza Boy.
Next time on That Twit Plus 8! Kate hasn't written it yet, but I can promise you this, it will be better than any 3-D movie you could ever afford.
325 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 325 Newer› Newest»Seriously, like honestly, um, that un-baby is now named Emma Love. Poor un-baby, so confusing.
Hi Emma Love! I gave up on trying to get your name straight after Kate changed it for the third time.
Tamara, do NOT post that comment again. I already deleted it from the other thread.
It is inappropriate at best. I find it SICK. I'm sorry, I do.
Bravo, admin! You're a hoot!! Maybe the blighted ovum was really named Emma Lucky? Hey Kate, do you cry each month when you get your period? Waah, if someone could stomach impregnating me, this month's egg would have been named Fifi Destiny! I just know it would have been another girl! Waaaaah!!!!
LOL. I have a girl every month that egg comes out. Funny how thing work out the way I want them to.
Lol'ing at Katie Cry-duh...you're a hoot woman!
I vote for Admin to work for SNL as a writer. How'd ya like dem apples Kate! BAM!
I laughed out loud at your comment about coral reefs being better parents!
We could actually start a list of who is a better parent than she is...
- earthworms
- boulders
- hammers
- lumps of coal
- uranium rods
- rattlesnakes
Does anyone else wonder how one single person can bring out such animous? From a sociological perspective, I bet this whole kart thing provides a lot of case study material in psychology, socialogy, popular culture classes...
Wasn't there a similar thing years ago with some disgusting guy named Puck who was on some Real People reality show or something?
Does anyone else wonder how one single person can bring out such animous? From a sociological perspective, I bet this whole kart thing provides a lot of case study material in psychology, socialogy, popular culture classes...
I actually think this is pretty simple and I'm not even joking about this. Humans are programed to protect children. Because children continue the human race. Evolutionary wise, those that protected the children the most had the best chance of their line continuing. The angrier you get about someone screwing their children over the better you are at the evolution game.
In cavemen days, sheeple would have been filtered out because they don't seem to have the protection gene that would continue their bloodlines.
In cavemen days, sheeple would have been filtered out because they don't seem to have the protection gene that would continue their bloodlines.
Love this comment!!! Darwinism at it's finest... I'd never thought of it this way before. Very perceptive! High five...
Nowadays vaccines and good medical care trump a sheeple who would suck at evolution back in the day.
You think buying tampons is expensive for one kid, try time eight!!!
I know that Kate thinks that boys are gross, but is she under the delusion that all of her kids are girls? :)
Remember Kahil Gibran's book "The Prophet"?
He wrote a beautiful passage on children. One part I always remember is:
"Your children come through you, but not from you. They are life's longing for itself"...
I may try to find that passage to post here - it is so moving and loving in regards to parents and children...
My apologies, I spelled his name wrong, should be Khalil
I LOVE this passage:
And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children."
And he said: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of to-morrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the Archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.
Copyright @ Kahlil Gibran.
Yes. Moose you know how she exaggerates.
Crap, wrong again.......... sigh
You'd think I could read it from the bottom of the passage, wouldn't you? LOL
Maybe it's time for me to hit the mattress. I'm kicking myself off the blog tonight!
Yes. Moose you know how she exaggerates.
Kate exaggerates? You mean she didn't stay on bedrest for 52 weeks when she was pregnant with the tups? Say it isn't so!
Deliciously written, Administrator :o)
Fifi Destiny, Katie Cry-duh? That is hilarious!!!
Laughing at rich-poor hybrid. That sums it up in a nutshell. You nailed it that she is rich when she is showing off, but poor when it comes time to pay out of pocket. Are you listening sheep? Your broke millionair needs you to send her Starbuck Blonde Coffee Kcups. And throw in some biscotti while your at it. kate struggles to afford such luxuries. Hurry and send! kate will leave the kids with the nanny in their million dollar home, grab her bodyguard, and jump in her Audi to go to FedEx to get her grifts.
Sheeple, after you send your idol a gift (gift cards etc.) she will allow you to ask over and over if she received it. If you are very lucky she may, at some point, tweet THNX, the not so lucky just sort of hang there in cyberspace shedding tears as big as horse turds and bleating soulfully at the computer monitor. Welcome to "Kate's world" where nothing is what it seems.
oops it's you're not your. don't wanna be confused with a tween tweeter
You know the scene in Forrest Gump when a fan gives him a tee shirt to wipe his face and the fan looks at it afterwards and the smiley face was born! Well, looks like we have another winner here--sheeple tee shirt with horse turds bleating soulfully at the monitor! Big money there Audible Chick! Priceless!
Welcome to "Kate's world" where nothing is what it seems
Except Purse Boy. Once a Purse Boy, always a Purse Boy. Like a zebra, he can't change his stripes.
I remember Kate saying in her radio interview that the 7th baby would have had the middle name of Love. Remember Faith, Hope, Joy are the middle names of her other little girls. She really can't keep her lies straight.
I've been meaning to comment about Kate claiming the twins are just fine and dandy about her talking about their private business.
Even assuming that's true, which doesn't make sense given their behavior she described bra shopping, the fact is, they are 11! They are not old enough to truly understand as an adult would all the implications of what that means to put yourself out there. The Giving Back episode was proof positive that the kids do not have all the information out there about WHO is watching them and just how many people are watching them in order to make any kind of decision about what should be exposed about them. It's just such a joke that the kids want to film or the kids want their bra shopping stories exposed. KATE? THE KIDS DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE DOING.
This is an 11 year old brain we are dealing with. Sure they might understand Kate is talking to some ladies on a radio show and some people might listen at home. What they are very unlikely to understand at such a young age is the concept of how many people could listen to it, the kinds of creepy fans listening, twitter and blogs being abuzz with it, what could happen if their friends catch wind of it, and on and on.
If an 11 year old child were mature enough to make these kinds of decisions we would send 11 year olds out into the real world. We don't, we wait much longer than that. An 11 year old can of course have input in decisions, but certain things they just aren't mature enough to understand.
She just sounds DUMB for acting like the twins could have possibly had the maturity to give her permission to do such a thing.
HA at horse turd tears.
On the next episode of kate's world. The kids call Lorne Michaels to let him know kate she should be on SNL. I mean these kids did arrange for a car service to take kate to the famous bakery to make personal cakes. These clever kids. They will do anything for a piece of candy.
ahhh The audacity of kate. Grift grift grift. Exploit, exploit, exploit.
Hey everyone..the kids bra sizes are up for discussion but not kate's. And by the way. What did she mean when she mentioned to the kids that some of their bodies grow different. Can someone find that quote? It was when she was talking about food and diet. I don't know why but when I read it, it struck me that kate thinks one of her kids weighs too much and used that kid as the example of how "some people grow different." It felt like she was pointing out the heaviest one as a cautionary tale of her grow up vs out food. I could be wrong but I felt a strong vibe from that.
I wonder how Aaden will feel someday when he learns he is not perfect since he wears glasses. It is so horrible kate could not even deal with the diagnosis to find out if he was near sighted or far sighted. She really is a piece of work.
kate very well may find herself the subject of a lawsuit brought against her by some of her children some day. IF they turn 18 and there is no money left for them they may become extremely resentful. (I'm sure it's already brewing and they dont even realize how much money was made of them.) I have a feeling when they are of legal age publishers will be offering book deals and lawyers will be hunting them to explain their rights. Do you think kate fears that (her comment every mom fears they are a bad mother) or is she truly of the mindset it is HER money, HER children - and she had the right to take anything and make any decision to exploit them that she chooses? What really goes on in that head at night? I bet she tells them daily that she did it ALL for them to begin the brainwashing.
When I 1st watched I didn't think of the exploitation because I didn't even think the show would be on for more than a season. Then I saw the episode where Mady came home angry and kicked a balloon and I remember thinking..I wouldn't want my kid seen on TV having a bad day. Sadly it lasted 5 more years and now we are treated to Kate's World - a very special episode..The twins get bra's. We all speculated that kate would make an episode about it. Fortunately TLC cut her loose before it hit TV. UNFORTUNATELY, kate found a way to broadcast it via Sirrus.
I feel for these kids. The have been labeled and marketed since before they even started school and explored the world around them. kate will never stop trying to profit from her kids on her own. Anyone who gives her a platform is doing a great disservice to her children. She simply needs to go away and let her kids experience life without a microscope on their every move. Kids just want to fit in. They want privacy. They do not want to be singled out in school and be seen as different.
As far as protection instinct, kate falls flat as usual. kate feels the need for a bodyguard for herself..leaves on a trip with Steve and then announces to the world that she is leaving the kids alone with a young nanny. HELLO! protect your kids you slug. Don't broadcast you and the BODYGUARD are leaving the kids at home. Her need for public recognition could cause harm. Did it occur to pea-brain if SHE needs protection that maybe her kids do as well? Or can she just finally admit that Steve is her lover? IF he is truly a bodyguard then both kate and steve are failing these kids. TLC did too if they only protected kate. It's so obvious he was her minder who turned into her lover. And now, he is hanging on by his rat claws clinging to kates Zlist fame perks. He is as bad as she is for sticking around for this trainwreck that is unfortunately the lives of innocent children.
Since we are reprising Kate's greatest hits, here is an oldie but a goodie (from Billy Bush interview:
"“When you signed up for the TLC show, you know, they paid you. You sold the privacy. Do you ever have a hard time reconciling that?” Bush asked.
“In that situation, you could shut it down and say, ‘Oh my gosh. Our privacy is gone,’ but at that point we’d still have the paparazzi, we’d still have the fan and viewer inundation when we went out in public and we’d have all of that stuff without the paycheck and to us. ... It didn’t make sense,” Gosselin said."
So, Kate, the "p" people are long gone, your "public" has dwindled down to the fruit that fell off of the low branches and are rotting on the ground, and you have no paycheck....why are you still here?
Maggie said... 24
I remember Kate saying in her radio interview that the 7th baby would have had the middle name of Love. Remember Faith, Hope, Joy are the middle names of her other little girls. She really can't keep her lies straight.
Maggie cut her some slack. It is not easy for us women to remember what we named an egg eight years ago.
So, Kate, the "p" people are long gone, your "public" has dwindled down to the fruit that fell off of the low branches and are rotting on the ground, and you have no paycheck....why are you still here?
Not true. Panic would ensue if Kate left the compound!
What did she mean when she mentioned to the kids that some of their bodies grow different
She was talking about Cara being "fat" which is number one, completely ridiculous. She is fine. And number two, what in the world is wrong with this woman talking about her child's body publicly.
It is time to plunge that fork in her head--she is d.o.n.e.
Where is that graphic? Not seeing it ...
Ex Nurse that reminds me she also told Billy Bush how very poor they are, crust of bread, glass of water.
As she sits and watches her 3-D T.V.
Um, Admin I haven't posted anything in this thread yet. And I don't see any of my comments from the last thread that aren't there. ::scratches head:: ???????
Ex Nurse it's on the graphics page click graphics up top, still there no worries!
UH oh Tamara, then someone used your name....I think it might have been that troll who was fighting with you about the royal family, remember that?
It was an awful comment.
Wow, adminn--you are like lightning tonite!
Ex Nurse I really am. I am a superhero with the power of lightning. I had this recap written in like 10 minutes.
I laugh about Kate's blogging job. A post or two or week is really a "job"? A hobby, maybe. How long does she agonize over these two posts? Not trying to downplay the bloggers who do really write their butts off and work full time but, folks, a few posts a week is something anyone could do in their sleep.
If kate ever dares to mention the cost of tampons times 6 in a grifty tweet then I will officially start a campaign to shut her twitter down. She is shameless and I won't put it past her. Here's to hoping 2012 is the year kate goes away from the public eye. I for one am sick of people giving kate a medium to expose her kid's privacy. Shame on anyone who encourages her outlandish behavior. It's time for the media to start researching her and asking some real questions if they insist on putting her out there. That is the ONLY way to make her slink away. IF she knew she people wouldn't be nodding and accepting her lies, and if she knew that her multiple stories would be questioned with a demand for an answer then she would actually think twice about putting her mug out there. when kate goes away, her kids will finally have a shread of privacy.
I can say without fear of being wrong that an 11 year old girl does not want her body discussed on the radio. ESPECIALLY girls who are already famous thanks to their mom. And call me a prude, but I think kate is sexualizing her daughters by discussing their breast size to the public. That is private.
Oh remember when Jessica Simpsons dad mentioned her DD's. He said "you cant cover those suckers up!"
He was lambasted in the press for discussing his daughters breasts. Again, kate gets a pass. I will never understand why.
I can say without fear of being wrong that an 11 year old girl does not want her body discussed on the radio. ESPECIALLY girls who are already famous thanks to their mom.
Actually my take on it is, I can say without fear that even if your 11 year old wants the entire world to know about her period, she is not old enough to make that decision, so you as her mother should make the decision for her NOT to discuss it on the radio. She will understand later, when she is an adult with an adult brain.
These kids will have a lot to find out when they are adults. They were marketed, sold and distributed before they were even in school. They were under contract. HA=ad their private home life filmed and shown to millions. Their heartbreak from the divorce was broadcast and now replays all across the world. It was rediscussed in a book and in People magazine. I will forever know Cara crumpled to the floor in anguish. How in the world could any child consent to such personal information being made public? I really hope to see Gosselin's law someday protecting reality tv kids.
And let's say I agree with a sheep for arguments sake. Fine..right now the girls don't care if kate discusses their period talk or bra shopping. People forget..these kids don't understand normal boundaries - they are learning from their mother right now. As they get older and understand the real world they may have an entirely different take on this. kate is too blinded by her search for $ and fame to be making these decisions for her kids. She DOES NOT have the protective instinct and is unfit to make decisions for what information gets put out there about her her kids. There, I said it, UNFIT. A guardian ad litem should have been issued by the court during the divorce hearing. Actually one should have been granted when TLC stuck a contract in Jon and Kate's face.
I want to see how much more nuts she's going to get on twitter.
I expect that it's only going to get much worse from here on out.
The poor twins most likely don;t even realize that they are being used by their mother and Alice Travel to sell cruise tickets. They don;t understand that they are going on this cruise to be viewed by the sheeple playing on the beach. See the Gosselin's play on the beach like exhibits. These girls probably think theit mother actually wants to spend time with them on a vacation. I feel so bad for them knowing one day they will discover kate;s motives. It will be a heartbreaking realization to think. Hey, that cruise with mom that we wanted to go on to spend time with her was all about money. We were sold as a perk. Remember that time we did XYZ because mom wanted to plan something exciting for us, well that was an episode scripted by writers and produced to draw in viewers. Remember our first time buying a bra? Mom told broadcast it to get attention on Sirrus. Man, what a mindfu*k it's going to be for the Gosselin 8 when they become adults and look back.
Sorry, typing in the dark. Even worse, when the kids refelct on the painful memory of the divorce they will find out it was marketed as "A very special episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8." What will they think when they find out 10 million people tuend in to see their family fall apart.
On another note. I still will never forget kate leaving Mady in the basement, rolling around on the floor in a childlike but very "suggestive" way alone with the her crew Daddies. Don't forget who edited that film. What the hell was kate doing leaving Mady alone with those men? Seriously..I could tell you a very disturbing story that I just found out about 11 YEARS LATER that my son witnessed as a child when hanging out with his friend at his house after school for an hour. Our neighbor, which we knew! So for the sheep who think I am sexualizing a child by thinking such :disgusting: thoughts....open your eyes. Not everyone had good intentions.
Now, after all kate has learned from the B Blankenship situation..does she pull her children closer and protect them? NOPE, she let's everyone know the girls are starting puberty. NOPE no sickos would be interested in that information.
And BTW..for all the creeps. Kate's daughters are reaching puberty and kate will be leaving them to go out of town with the BODYGUARD.
If I sound angry, I am. Like I said, I just heard a very disturbing story about a neighbor. You cannot protect everything your kids encounter. And sadly, a lot of kids do not tell their parents about situations due to shame, fear or embarrassment. When I think about all the strangers who have come into the Gosselin's lives it makes me worry. These kids are overly friendly and craving of attention. It can be recipe for disaster. They are left alone too often, for too long, and with too many different babysitters for their age. MY OPINION BEFORE THE TROLLS GO NUTS. They have been trained to please adults. It can (Im not saying it's happening)lead to incident if Jon and kate aren't hyper aware of who is with their kids. Kate thinks it's amazing how many people are interested in her children and how many people want to buy them things. I feel the opposite. I'm bothered by it.
EM, all good points. Not sure you were around awhile back when we had discussion, well actually several discussions, about how the kids have been outright encouraged to hug and welcome with open arms and be chummy with complete strangers. There was no sense of boundaries, of caution, of being polite but reserved as you get to know someone first before treating them like your favorite aunt and uncle.
There is a term for kids like that, and I can't remember it now. It's like indiscriminate affection or something like that. And it can be very dangerous. Those same kids will hop right into some stranger's car and be driven off.
EM said... 40
Oh remember when Jessica Simpsons dad mentioned her DD's. He said "you cant cover those suckers up!"
He was lambasted in the press for discussing his daughters breasts. Again, kate gets a pass. I will never understand why.
EM, I can't speak for the other times, but this time she got a pass because nobody cared that she was on this Sirius show. Truly, I think most people are in the "Kate Gosselin? Is she still around? I thought her show ended a year ago!" Honestly, she is a non-entity to the majority of the world. The tabs pick up on things occasionally but there's really been very little news about her on the mainline gossip websites and, correct me if I'm wrong, but I could probably count on no more than two hands how many articles have come out in Star, US, People, etc. since last August or September - whenever the show ended.
She is relevant here, GWOP, STG, and MCAKG and maybe a handful of other anti-Kate sites that I'm sure exist but I don't know of them personally, as well as some of her fan sites. The primary articles coming out about her are on Gather and, occasionally, Holly Baby, Radar and a few other sites.
She is fading, folks. No offense, Admin - I've been here since the beginning - but I am looking forward to the day when I come here and there are no new posts, there are no new twitter feeds, that this is simply a historical archive of a brief period in reality television history.
Just be patient. It will come.
The fact that Kate has issues with people discussing her body...okay mostly the mysterious enlargement of her chest area, her botox issues and so forth.
However, for years Kate has shown she has no problem when it comes to the privacy or welfare of her children.
These kids have been dressed in front of other men and women behind the cameras, that it's shown on TV, DVDs, You Tube episodes.
These kids have been filmed toilet training in front of so many people, inappropriate images of them and situations have been filmed the world over.
How, I wonder would Kate object to letting the world watch her use the bathroom, or get dressed in the morning?
She clearly has no problem with being watched as she has inappropriate meltdowns and anger issues as well as her children.
I have never seen this woman THINK before she either acts let alone opens her mouth to respond. As a child, I wonder if she was ever properly taught that saying, "think before you speak?" I mean it's got to be just plain common sense here.
I mean to me there screams something wrong with the parent who allows this level of privacy to be intruded upon. Begs the question: Where does Kate draw the line? Where?
I drew the line way back when she dressed the kids in front of the cameras down stairs. No, not upstairs in the privacy of their own bedrooms but in front of people, she knew it was an episode, she knew it was being filmed and would end up on TV and henceforth probably onto DVD and from there to You Tube. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
My rule is that before you send something, an email, a text message, a picture, maybe stop and think: is this action, these words, this picture that I am putting out there for the world to see, critic and view, is it going to be something that would not harm me, embarrass me, or create a situation later in life I might regret? If more people thought about their actions maybe we'd be better off.
I don't know just my cents worth I guess.
EM - Absolutely spot on about the lack of stranger danger with those children. They were raised in the reality entertainment world where pleasing adults was their JOB. What's more disturbing is that they lived their TV roles with no way to differentiate who they are, and who they "play" on TV. Absolute strangers can easily groom them based on what was broadcast all over the damn world about them. The viewing public knows way too much about them and that makes them more of a target than other children. That Kate is walking on a tightrope with those children and I pray that they aren't take advantage of by even more people.
And ladies, I just have to say, even though Kate doesn't garner as much attention as she used to, she still was on Yahoo front page after her Dr. Drew appearance so she's (and consequently her kids are) still out there. Besides that, any perverts that are fixated on those kids are going to obsess over any minute detail of this fiasco until they are completely out of the limelight.
I caught my mom yammering about me to somebody when I was close to 50. Didn't like it then, would have hated it at age 11.
The only panic that would be caused by taking the kids anywhere is Kate's. Apparently everybody near where she lives is too intimidated to talk to the bitch anymore when she is alone. But she and she alone panics when they are anywhere else and anyone dares glance at them (or the film crew, or the hooker woman with 8 kids). Angelina took her kids to the movies again today and she as usual had a perfectly fine time. Brad takes the boys to a kart racing placing near my house fairly often. Nobody bothers him, though sometimes people talk to him, like a human being, because he is one. I've seen a lot of celebs in boat racing and talked to them and been on their boats, and had them on mine, and no problem. They really are just people. All except Kate.
Great recap, Admin! Thanks!
This blog has her down in a nutshell, all her problems are in her head, self created and perpetuated to continue her image (in HER head) that she IS a STAR and WILL be treated as such (or at least make the demand that she be).
As far as when or where does she draw the line? She is to ignorant to know that there is such a thing as a line you should not cross but she wouldn't know where to draw it even if she knew it should exist.
It appears to me that there really is NO word to describe her...she is beyond most of the most disgusting words I can think of and needs one made up just for her. Hmmmm...why does making up a word sound familiar with regard to her? lol How about ummm disgustingly uhhhhh disgustingish ahhhh piece of Kcrap.
I agree- the only panic that would occur as a result of going to the movies with the kids would be Kate's alone. From Day One, this woman has clearly proven that she is not capable of taking care of the kids alone- volunteers, paid helpers and nannies (even when she is home), having Jon quit his job, 4 hour "naps" for the tups, need I go on?
The " I will work at McDonalds if I have to," and yet can not work at a nursing job because the nanny fees would eat up her salary is ludicrous, when we consider, she has nannies now, and is unemployed.
What bothers me the most is the she is still posting about her kids with pictures constantly on twitter and her blog. She is still using her kids, as she knows she is nothing without them. Not too many give a crap what she is doing, and 95% of what she says is self-serving and often a twisted version of the truth.
Go Away Bread Winner Unemployed Kate and make it on your own without using your kids, you witch. Otherwise, get a job and stop bitching. You are not "special" just plain lazy and have been from day one. And stop grifting every fan, they were not put on earth to take care of your needs. Seems you feel every wish you have should be taken care of, by someone/anyone, which shows how shameless and out of touch with reality you really are. Get over yourself.
Ooopps- forgot the paid nurse she had for a year, and tried to get for an additional year without success, while making a complete ass out of herself.
She needs to leave her kids out of twitters, blog, CC and the few gigs she has, and stand on her own two feet. And get a job, if she is so cash strapped. Period. Her mental illness and manipulation is very disturbing and maybe she should get help for that. But she won't, because in Kate World, the problem is NEVER hers, always someone else. And therein lies the problem.
I don't predict a great future for the kids with her at the helm. Kate always has and always will come first. Her words mean nothing, as she twists everything she says to suit her own purposes.
Read this today on Amy Roloff's FB page-
Amy J. Roloff Fanpage
"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you HIGHER! Life is already filled with those who want to bring you down! Isn't that the truth. It reminds me I may need to do that a little better for others."
Now we have heard Kate mumble something similar about surrounding yourself with positive people, but what we have NEVER, not once, heard, was the last part of Amy's post- Making yourself a more positive person, a better person for OTHER people. Two thumbs, Amy! Kate...FU.
Maggie cut her some slack. It is not easy for us women to remember what we named an egg eight years ago.
Last year she remembered that she named it Emma ROSE. Did she change it to Love in the past year? What will it be next year? Charity?
That craving attention thing with no idea about boundaries...that's how unsavory characters get their claws into young girls. They could end up in a really bad situation. Those types of characters promote "this is our secret"...with a mom who doesn't care about anyone other than herself it could easily go unnoticed until it's too late.
Re: Kate saying she has never made money off her kids...what happened to "No one makes money off our kids but us"?
Oh, did I forget to mention Kate is one of the laziest most self-absorbed people on the planet? All parents manage to arrange child care (if needed) around their mediocre jobs, so Kate's proclamations about the cost is just yet another excuse not to return to the working world. A 7am-3pm nursing shift would work fine, with minimal costs, never mind working weekends when Jon has the kids. One excuse after another from Kate as she envisions herself as a star- too good for "real work," and supporting her kids on her own. One lame excuse after another. She still thinks she is "entitled" to be a star, although offers over the last 6 months since the show ended, indicate otherwise.
Get over yourself Kate, your star has descended. Your credibility and booking engagements are pretty much in the toilet. Time to step up to the plate and actually fiscally, physically, and emotionally be a parent, and stop thinking of yourself first. Be grateful for all you have received, and get on with your life. And stop using your kids and other people; you have done this for far too long. You are shameless, which is why people can not stand you.
(Oops, bringing this forward. Missed the new post.)
Check Please! said... 111
2. Her audacity in calling herself a "Writer" and a "Television Personality" is completely insulting to all of the people who actually possess talent in those areas and are struggling to eek out an acceptable living from it.
Berks Neighbor said... 168
She is despicable and an abomination when it comes to her parenting.
AuntieAnn said... 174
Berks, yes. She's maligned the very word. She is as ill-equipped at parenting as she is at dancing and public speaking. Her only talents are lying and grifting and she's not even a good liar anymore.
Kate insults everyone who works hard at a career or craft when she expects the same rewards and accolades handed over to her on her famous golden platter. It's one thing to have a dream, but most people expect to put hard work, time, training, talent, and skill into their dream. Kate has no concept of that.
As an author and speaker, I work hard at what I do, and I make a good living. But it doesn’t come easy. I’ve been trained, work long hours writing, endure tedious drives and sometimes have to travel to speak across the state(s) for two engagements in a single day. Occasionally, I have to be in five different places in the same week, traveling between each. It's really grueling, nothing glamorous about it. (Being nice along the way is part of the hard work, by the way...tired or not.)
It's taken me many years to write two books with three more partially completed. They're good sellers, but not because I just "wished" they would be or "had a dream," as Aggiemom pointed out.
I’m sure there are those here who are REAL gourmet cooks. She insults you. REAL marathoners. She insults you. Talented bloggers, like Admin...Kate insults you. Several people here posted excellent coupon strategies. She insults you. We’ve heard from moms of large families who genuinely ARE "Supermom Kate" insults you.
It ticks me off that Kate wants all the glamour, perks, fame, and money with NONE of the work, NONE of the talent, NONE of the time invested, and NONE of the training. (She doesn't even think she has to be polite or grateful to people along the way. Complete entitlement.) Nursing, the one thing for which she actually is qualified, is “too mediocre” for her.
Aggiemom, I'll add another list to yours: glam occupations Kate thinks should be handed to her, with perquisite fame and money but without work, talent, or training. Imagine not only thinking you can do any ONE of the careers below without time, talent, or training; imagine you think you can do ALL of them!
1. voice overs
2. TV talk show host
3. radio talk show host
4. "TV personality" (whatever that is)
5. actress (fan suggested she "play a nurse" and she eagerly agreed.)
6. dancer (Although she admitted not being able to dance, she cockily said she’d “kill it”)
7. travel show host
8. organizing guru
9. supermom
10. expert at creative crafting
11. motivational speaker
12. fitness expert
13. running coach
14. weight loss coach
15. nutritional expert
16. gourmet cook
17. coupon expert
18. blogger
19. “best-selling” author
20. speaker
Border Collie said... 52
The only panic that would be caused by taking the kids anywhere is Kate's. Apparently everybody near where she lives is too intimidated to talk to the bitch anymore when she is alone. But she and she alone panics when they are anywhere else and anyone dares glance at them (or the film crew, or the hooker woman with 8 kids). Angelina took her kids to the movies again today and she as usual had a perfectly fine time. Brad takes the boys to a kart racing placing near my house fairly often. Nobody bothers him, though sometimes people talk to him, like a human being, because he is one. I've seen a lot of celebs in boat racing and talked to them and been on their boats, and had them on mine, and no problem. They really are just people. All except Kate.
It was particularly irritating to read her statement that she can't go out with the kids because they will "cause a panic." What is she the freaking Beatles?
Like I'm really going to have a meltdown if I see them in public.
The thing is, I think she really believes this. It's not her just making excuses or being a bitch or whatever. Whatever mental illness is at play in her brain causes her to honestly think pandemonium will ensue if she takes her kids out.
Permanent Name, I love Kahlil Gibran (and I can't spell his name either!) Thank you for posting that passage. It's nice to remember there are profound, understanding people like Gibran who have graced the world with their thoughts.
Admin, sitting here with last night's comments still open (which I have yet to be able to get all the way through), I was so delighted to then see this recap! Thanks for documenting the bizarre radio show and movie night.
Admin said…
In cavemen days, sheeple would have been filtered out because they don't seem to have the protection gene that would continue their bloodlines.
How I long for the good old days.
Great recap!
Permanent Name, I love Kahlil Gibran (and I can't spell his name either!) Thank you for posting that passage. It's nice to remember there are profound, understanding people like Gibran who have graced the world with their thought.
jumping in Khalil's name only because this is my are of expertise, it is spelled both ways BUT the correct way Khalil, because in his language, the first consonant sound (the K) is not a hard K, but a KH, a letter we don't have in English. I read, write and speak and Persian, his name is Arabic (persian uses arabic alphabet like english uses latin alphabet) and Khalil happens to one of the more common names of the mid-east, like John, or David, or Michael for us. So Kahlil, yes, but Khalil is far more accurate and that is how the overwhelming majority of us would transliterate that name into English. Hope that clears up the confusion!
What does she pay her baby sitters? because last I checked 90% of parents need a sitter at one time or another for work.
In fact, both of my parents worked and the shift changeover time was when my grandmother watched us. For an hour-two hours in the morning before school.
And my mom was...wait for it..a nurse.
Heck even if she pays them $20 an hour, and uses a sitter 3-4 hours a day ($80 X 5 = $400) and makes $25/hour as a nurse ($25X 40 = 1000), that is STILL $600 a week profit and on the positive side. And in those calcuations she would barely have to see the kids AT ALL, considering they are in school from 8-4.
Her issue is that nursing makes money, but not enough money. She would rather do NOTHING than do that job.
Didn't she also say that it would make her UNcalm to go the movies? Is that sort of like UNcapable?
She is a piece of work that one. She never lets her 90% run out of material. She will always deliver. After all she loves everybody in the whole wide world including her 90%.
EM@26 - What did she mean when she mentioned to the kids that some of their bodies grow different
I think that she said that C is slim and M has a "different" body type. C is going to end up with some major body issues if she hears this from Kate at home.
Moose Mania @58 - Last year she remembered that she named it Emma ROSE. Did she change it to Love in the past year? What will it be next year? Charity?
EUREKA! You have figured out the charity for Kate's Crusise - "The Emma CHARITY Charity" where all donations go to Kate. As the administrator of said charity she has to be paid something - it takes lots of money to run a charity you know. It's a dream of hers to run a charity and give back you know.
The age of consent is not 11 for a reason Kate becasue CHILDREN are not yet equipped to make some decisions.
Moose Mania said... 58
Maggie cut her some slack. It is not easy for us women to remember what we named an egg eight years ago.
Last year she remembered that she named it Emma ROSE. Did she change it to Love in the past year? What will it be next year? Charity?
LOLOLOLOL...thanks for the laugh of the day. SO SO FUNNY :)
Today, my dream is to gain employment at McD's...I hear the pay is great!
Does anyone know if the radio hosts asked her about the grifting on twitter or accepting things, especially from very young fans? I personally think that is just so wrong and I was wondering how she would justify that. Also did she really compare herself to Brooke Burke and Kelly Ripa (both who I admire for their work ethic and charity work). Nowhere is she near that what Brooke and Kelly are doing. They have years and years of experience working against her. They have held multiple jobs before and after they started their families. They have been in the business, what, 20 years now? She needs to take a look at what they’re writing about and she will see that they are not constantly whining about something or asking for things! In fact, they praise anyone other besides themselves. They promote their business projects in a way that invites me to read about them.
Alyssa Milano, who I admire a lot also, simply says ‘thank you ‘ or sends a compliment back to the person; she doesn’t retweeet it and put her remark in capital letters as to scream ‘LOOK AT ME, I’M GREAT!!!’. She is such a humble person with a very big heart that I can see why many people respect her. Kate is just so silly and overboard with that kind of thing on twitter and she needs to stop it.
The 3D TV she threw out there definitely made her look desperate. No one asked and she just causally mentioned it? No, it’s her way of grifting for more of the 3D glasses! Plus I think the TV is just a bad investment . It’s more of a luxury than a necessity.
She is indeed trying to keep up with the Jones! She …needs…to….quit.
Guess we are kindred spirits! I can relate a lot with Dallas Lady as well, my upbringing was similar to hers, the income in the house wasn't that substantial, but the rearing was the same. I learned as child that things don't make you happy. I guess if you are raised in difficult circumstances you just have to learn that lesson early in life.
I was raised by a self-consumed divorced parent that always had a fully-stocked liquor cabinet, yet we erased old sheets of notebook paper so we would have paper for school, I did all the cooking and laundry for our family of four since I was ELEVEN (parent was either at work or at the bar..I will be 50 this yr, and I can still tell you the telephone number of the bar (in case we had to contact parent). We were expected to find other sleeping arrangements for Friday night so she could have 'entertainment". One time parent had a party, next morning I got to clean up the mess...mess comprised of beer cans, cigarette butts, and some sort of sex game I didn't understand at the time (this party happened when I was 12)..I still just shake my head when I think of cleaning up that mess, how in the world could a parent leave such a horrible mess for me to clean up. I wanted my ears pierced, so I did it myself...one time I wanted to cut off my long hair, so I cut it...it didn't look that great, parent got mad, so had to take me to the hairdresser...that was the only time I had been to one, and parent decided that would be my birthday gift since I was so stupid.
When I married, I wanted to stay home with my kids, that was something we didn't have, I was always jealous of my friends that had moms at home. I also never wanted a son, although I have brothers, my parent always said they didn't know what to do with a daughter, that boys were their preference (but, I was a shy, insecure child, I was not a'problem")...
Growing up, I was told I was fat, ugly and stupid..so, I never had the confidence to think I could actually use my college degree..even TODAY, this same parent tells me that if my second husband leaves me, I will have to go back to the first one because I am too stupid to do anything.
So yes, parents shape their kids in their confidence, and how they see themselves.
Parents like Kate put themselves first, and I guess that what bugs me about Kate.
I do for my kids first, and gladly so...it is major news around here if I get a new pair of pants from Walmart, and most of my stuff for the house comes from yard sales, but my kids are happy, I am managing to get them through college, and that is my priority. My kids know they are the most important thing in my life, and I would give them everything I had if they needed it.
As far as what Kate says about the girl's body images, some of my girls are shaped differently, have different hair color, etc., I tell them God made them in his image, each child is a gift from God, and they should be thankful they can see, they can hear, they can walk..and to be thankful for the gifts God has given them.
Now off my soap box, sorry this is long, rambling, and totally off topic (that seems to be the way I operate, lol).. I enjoy reading what others here think, it somehow helps me process my own upbringing.
After a long & grueling weekend in Harveyville, KS, volunteering with the Red Cross, I was driving the Red Cross truck home last night when it BROKE DOWN in a dark & deserted highway somewhere in the boonies of Kansas. (That sounds like it could be lyrics from an Eagles song or something - but it really happened.)
(On a side note, who knew the green pump at a BP gas station was NOT diesel? Anyone? Am I the only moron here?)
After a 2.5-hour wait, the tow truck driver showed up, and I could quit praying that I wasn't going to be either kidnapped or assaulted while sitting in the dark on a dark & deserted highway somewhere in the boonies of Kansas. Oy.
Anyway - I got home VERY late last night, so what a delight it was to read this gem.
Thank you, Administrator - you made my day. I REALLY needed the laughs, and it helped me catch up on everything in Kate's Twisted World.
To LB #70 Kate compared herself to Sherri Shepherd & Brooke Burke when the only person with a negative comment was allowed to speak to her on the radio program.
The caller blasted her for putting her kids pictures on Twitter & her blog and for announcing the new bras for the twins.
Kate said putting up pictures & stories about her kids was no different than what Brook Burke or Sherrie Shepherd do on blogs & Twitter. The idiot failed to comprehend the difference btwn kids who have teens, grannies & pedophiles absolutely obsessed with them because Mommy & Daddy sold their childhoods to TLC and Sherri & Brooke's kids who are unknown to 99.999% of the world.
I've never seen a photograph of Sherri's son & all I know about Brooke's kids is they are unbelievably beautiful.
I've seen Kate's kids naked, half-dressed, pooping, peeing, being spanked, etc. I know their first & middle names & their birthdates. I know their address, I would recognize their house & I could befriend their neglected, lonely dog, whose name I know. I know the fence around their yard is simple to hop over. I know the name of their school. I know what time they get on the bus & what time they get off the bus. Kate even tells me when she is alone with the kids & when she is going to bed. Based on her Twitter rampages, I even know when she's had a few glasses of wine & will sleep soundly.
I refused to even watch that trashy show & I know way too much about those kids.
Yes, Emma Love, formerly Emma Rose, is the luckiest Gosselin child of all.
Emma, Kate's ridiculous. Isn't that rather like saying if your friends jumped off a bridge would you too?
Maybe Brooke Burke and Sherri Shepherd ALSO shouldn't put their kids out there! But, like you said, at least we don't know every last detail about who they are. We know their faces. We do not know them as people like we do the Gosselins.
For every Brooke Burke and Sherri Shepherd, there are dozens of other celebs who flat out refuse to post pics of their kids, talk about them in anything other than vague terms like "they're doing great." Most celebs isolate them from the celebrity world completely.
aggiemom09121416 said... 71
You are an insightful poster, great person, and have faced many hardships, have come through it well, based on your posts and understanding what is important in life. And your humor is the best!
I wish you and your family nothing but the best, and keep posting your great,funny,insightful posts here as I enjoy every one of them! You put Krapfest Kate to shame!
Emma Love said... 73
Kate said putting up pictures & stories about her kids was no different than what Brook Burke or Sherrie Shepherd do on blogs & Twitter.
Kate comparing herself to anyone who has worked hard or has talent is laughable. She always wants to compare herself to talented stars, who have made their living by their own merit.
Deep down, Kate knows she is talentless, just trying to keep her star shining which was built on her as a supermom, which was a farce from day one. This woman did as little as possible to be a supermom and continues to do so.
She is NOT a Brook Burke or Sherrie Sheppard, never was, never will be. Her TLC gratus appearances have expired, Bye Bye Kate!Without TLC pushing appearances for you, you are a dead fish in the water. Umm.. much like the booking for your cruise.
Maybe I was an extreme child (I cried a lot like Mady, but w/o the attitude) but when my siblings discovered I got my first bra at 11, I cried my eyes out, ran to my bedroom & pushed my dresser in front of the door so no one could get in. Maybe that was overboard, but being so sensitive, I was MORTIFIED! And that was just my family!
That woman is a vampire. She's so desperate for a glimmer of attention she went on a show with two of the filthiest, raunchiest women on the air. Before Kate came on, one of them was describing the first BJ she ever gave, at age 14, complete with what song was playing on the record player. They are sick, vile women. She might as well get in the studio with Howard Stern & show him what's inside that really good bra.
Just when you think that POS can't sink any lower, she digs some more.
Just before Kate bragged about her 3D TV, someone on Twitter mentioned that Kate had a pretty sucky TV for a millionaire. Kate claims to have thick skin, but it's more like crepe paper.
Emma, your reaction is not weird, it is NORMAL for a teen girl. Please Kate, pick up a psychology textbook, an article, a blurb, anything. Get help.
Teens are notoriously self-conscious. Now brain-imaging experiments are revealing how this adolescent predilection might be the result of changes in brain anatomy linked with the self, and the findings may hint at how the sense of self develops in the brain.
One way we build a sense of self is by reflecting on how others perceive us, a concept psychologists have dubbed “the looking-glass self.” To see how teenagers reacted to what other people thought of them, researchers asked adolescent girls ages 10 to 18 to imagine a variety of scenarios involving onlookers that were designed to evoke social emotions such as guilt or embarrassment—for example, “You were quietly picking your nose, but your friend saw you.”
Cognitive neuroscientist Sarah-Jayne Blakemore of University College London and her colleagues found that when compared with scenarios describing basic emotions that did not involve the opinions of others, such as fear and disgust, girls who thought about onlookers’ opinions engaged a brain region known as the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) more during social emotional scenarios than adult women did. This area is one of the last regions to develop before adulthood, and it is known to activate in adults when they think about themselves, about other people and even about the personality traits of animals.
It makes evolutionary sense for teenagers to be highly concerned about what others think, Blakemore suggests. Adolescence requires becoming more independent because one’s parents might not be around much longer. Teens have to start relying more on what peers think “and develop a more socially constructed sense of self,” Blakemore says. The researchers’ findings “might also help explain why peer influence is so strong in adolescence, compared with before and after.”
Virginia Pen Mom -61, I wish there was some way that you could share the titles of your two books with us. We could get to know you as an author.
Your post was thought provoking. Thank you.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said..
Thanks for your encouraging words..there are so many kind, decent people on this message board. It's a shame what some parents will do to their kids, even at my age it is something I deal with on a daily basis.In college I majored in human development and counseling, I guess due to my crazy childhood.
After parents divorced, male parent disappeared to start a new family. Just like that, poof. gone. Looking back now, it's a miracle the three of us turned out normal (well,sorta normal :) )
I have so many weird stories of growing up, a major one was buying feminine products of all things. Parent was 'fixed', so those items weren't in the house, so I had to save my lunch money until I had enough to buy them. She made me do the weekly grocery shopping (she didn't work, so beats me why I had to do this), I decided that since I needed those things, I would just throw them in the basket and let her pay for them. THAT WAS THE WRONG THING TO DO. After that, I never did it again. And what's weird, is that I check my upstairs bathroom WEEKLY to see if my girls have the supplies needed, and I get a weird satisfaction out of that...I think about what I had to go through getting those for myself, every time I look in that drawer upstairs.
She always told me how fat, ugly and stupid I was...well, a few years ago I saw a pic of me as a teenager, and I wasn't fat. I was absolutely shocked. And you know what? I 'm not stupid either, I managed to get a degree from a D1 school....my husband tells me I am not ugly, either, yet to this day I refuse to have my picture taken, my girls beg for one, but I just can't do it. I am trying though...
Children of narcissistic parents struggle ALL THEIR LIVES...I know, I am one.
And that is why Kate drives me nuts. The damage will be life-long. When I had kids, I only wanted girls, although boys are great, I wanted to prove to my parent that girls are great, and worthy of attention and love..and I was blessed, six times over.
But...no one pity me, I am a stronger person due to what I endured, I have great kids, and they seem to like my parenting, the ones in college call and text me every day, and my oldest is expecting my first grandchild this year..and guess what, its' a GIRL. And girls deserve to be loved, too.
EM, great comments. And remember, Kate claims she doesn't want them online because of what they might read about Jon. What a laugh! There is now and will always be pure hatred for Kate online and it will be backed up by documentation. Jon looks like a choir boy compared to her.
Marie 49 -- Great post. At a young age (I'm asuming you are late teens/early 20's, based on being in college) you already understand more about raising and loving a family than Kate will ever know. I know you've posted about prolems you've had in your family, but they must have done something right to produce a young woman like you.
Vrginia Pen Mom 61 -- Also a great post. Would you care to share the titles of your books? I ask, not because I'm nosey (well, yes I am, LOL, but that's not the reason I'm asking), but because I'm a voracious reader and might be interested in purchasing one or both. I believe you mentioned once before that they are historical novels, and that's one of my favorite genres.
Knows Quality -- Glad you made it home safely and thank you for caring enough to spend time working with the Red Cross Disaster Relief.
Lots of interesting, intelligent posts on this thread so far. Too bad Kate won't learn anything from them when she reads here.
Moose Mania, you beat me to it with the Charity thing. Some versions of the Bible (1 Cor 13:3) actually say faith, hope and CHARITY, with the greatest of these being CHARITY.
But we know Kate doesn't 'do' charity, unless it's directed AT her. Her biggest act of charity would be to name an absorbed fetus Charity.
I know there are lots of sad and outrageous things to post about, but here is what struck me this weekend after reading here:
I don't think she takes the tups anywhere except school; at least not as a group. Per her twitter, they went to church on Christmas eve, and a private skating party over Christmas break, but as an observer I can't think of anywhere else.
Think of that.
Didn't they film an episode in a grocery store last year, and didn't she say it was their first time there?
So she drops them off at the bus stop, and goes to their concerts at school, rusn errands, "cooks," or runs on her treadmill. That's about it. We'd know if she did anything else because she'd write about it on her blog.
Oh yeah, she went to LA for a "few" interviews, DC for a radio show and NY for her hair appointment. Wow, from a busy filming and travel schedule last year to her current PA-filled calendar.
I was secretly sort of happy she was getting to find out what its like to stay home and be a mom, but she doesn't seem to have much to say about that.
No fun or useful blogposts or tweets about a busy, fufilling or active life. Coffee, packing a suitcase, dog nonsense.
And unless she's keeping it a secret, she's not going anywhere or doing anything fun or even ho-hum with kids.
Like I said, lots of outrageous stuff I could dwell on, but that's what is hitting me today.
Two more stories and I will quit..I promise,lol...few years ago, I was taking parent somewhere, I get to parental house...I was dressed pretty nicely, had on makeup, etc..parent walks out..says..."You're almost pretty" and gets in my car. I stand there stunned. Get in car and go...
Second story, yr or so ago, someone in family dies...parent says, "If that had been one of my boys, I don't know what I would do." She was saying that to ME, I was the only one in the room...
(mind you, I am the only child living near her, so I do the daily stuff, taking out her trash, doing the dishes, checking on her, taking her to dentist or doctor, pick up her meds, fill up her car, do her phone calling, buying her cigarettes..this past weekend, had to buy her beer (I don't drink, so this is something I hate to do)...I do all this stuff, and parent would rather I have died than the family member that did.
Weird, huh.
I promise I will shut up now. Maybe by sharing what I went through, (and still go through) will help others understand these parents and the damage they inflict.)
How pathetic that Kate's like consists of a box of wine (or should i say "whine"), and twitter.
Monday morning. I haven't left my home yet. I have already connected with a Red Cross volunteer, an author of 2 books I want to read, a couple of women with enough courage to share troubling personal experiences, a lady to speaks Persian, and some dedicated nurses. I have read some delicious quotes. Administrator educated me with paragraphs on cognitive development.
I am less average because I read here!
Kate has frequently suggested that we dissenters are jealous of her. I suspect there is more affluence, education, wisdom, travel experience, and skill represented here than she will ever encounter in her guarded life.
Thanks, everyone.
Emma Love said... 73
I've seen Kate's kids naked, half-dressed, pooping, peeing, being spanked, etc. I know their first & middle names & their birthdates. I know their address, I would recognize their house & I could befriend their neglected, lonely dog, whose name I know. I know the fence around their yard is simple to hop over. I know the name of their school. I know what time they get on the bus & what time they get off the bus. Kate even tells me when she is alone with the kids & when she is going to bed. Based on her Twitter rampages, I even know when she's had a few glasses of wine & will sleep soundly.
You nailed it, Emma Love. There are no words for the stupidity of this woman.
Dmasy said... 89
Kate has frequently suggested that we dissenters are jealous of her. I suspect there is more affluence, education, wisdom, travel experience, and skill represented here than she will ever encounter in her guarded life.
Amen to that, Dmasy. Kate not only rejects what she's missing in life, but insists on remaining as insulated, poorly educated, and ignorant as possible. If only she read here for more than material to refute . . . she might just find it an enriching experience. If she were capable of such a thing.
Virginia Pen Mom - I know that we don't share identifying info here. But, I REALLY want to read your historical novels. How can we find your titles?
Add the orthoontist to the very short list of places she has taken all the kids together ths winter. She is one pathetic parent. And it's spring break, doubt there will be much to twat about from the orphanage this week. God knows panic would ensue if the Gosselins were seen in public.
so upset..stupid phone..can 1 comment go thru?
Emma Love - 73. You are probably just a casual collector of Kate information. When you compile it as you did -- frightening! What if you actually tracked Kate and kids for dangerous intent? She is so reckless with everything important and unimportant in her life.
3 messages in one..EM..I think I love you.cue music.lol
aggie..I think like you (cue musique anyways.lol)
admin..love ur blog..I come here after a hard day at my medjicore job and my own blog
.thanks to all posters
The comparison to Brooke Burke and Sheri Sherpard is such a cop-out. It sounds she was trying to deflect from her error of oversharing details of her daughters when the caller challenged her by invoking someone’s name to say they do the same thing when they are doing it completely different. They do not go on morning shows to wail about their divorce, ex-husband allegedly stole their money or to settle the truth immediately after a tabloid story about them was printed. I don’t even know what Sheri’s son looks like and I’m glad she kept it that way.
and yes..I am french-canadian.,it wadn't a music/musique typo..lol..ps..french-canadiams cancelled khate's ass before "seasom 2" aired..lmao...rock on ladies (and gents)
who knew the green pump at a BP gas station was NOT diesel?
Who knew the black pump at SuperAmerica ethanol? Which my car doesn't use.
A couple of clues...it's off by itself, it's all black, the price didn't match the overhead billboard....but oh well, whatever. Pump away.
Not good. $400 in repairs and a tow job. :(
I didn't even know Brooke had kids and I watch DwTS.
Dmasy (95) I'm not even kidding when I say I didn't watch the show for more than a few minutes. I got all that information from Twitter, Kate's interviews & blogs. I mean no harm at all to those kids. I just want their birth-monster to protect their privacy. I've long had the feeling that I'll wake up one morning & that house will be on my TV screen with a reporter standing in front of the gate, talking about the terrible, unthinkable tragedy that occured. It's one of my worst nightmares.
I've never seen a mother so eager to exploit & expose her kids. She just can't stop herself.
Admin, Yes, Brooke has four kids!
Well Kate can justify her actions by saying that she's not the only one who does it. She said that about filming children-- that she's not the first and won't be the last. But, it's still wrong.
Should I exceed the speed limit because others do? Should I steal because others do and will? No, of course not.
Her argument is weak and frankly, pathetic.
And Sherri Shepard should stfu about Jeffrey.
I really appreciate people like Dr. Lillian Glass who speak truth about Kate and stands firm when people attack her for being a hater, which clearly she is not.
I don't appreciate people like Dr. Laura who have credibility and a large audience, but are wimps and refuse to use their position to speak out against filming children. She made a brief blurb about it a couple years ago, but would not take the issue further.
Khate sees Sheri, Brooke & Kelly as her peers...at least it works in her twisted mind.
Khate, I will admit, I don't think you have peers...but not for the reasons you assume!
Thank you for the laugh this a.m. I really needed one. I'm just waiting for the day when no one even cares about or remembers the "shrew" from PA.
Emma Love said... 73
I've seen Kate's kids naked, half-dressed, pooping, peeing, being spanked, etc. I know their first & middle names & their birthdates. I know their address, I would recognize their house & I could befriend their neglected, lonely dog, whose name I know. I know the fence around their yard is simple to hop over. I know the name of their school. I know what time they get on the bus & what time they get off the bus. Kate even tells me when she is alone with the kids & when she is going to bed. Based on her Twitter rampages, I even know when she's had a few glasses of wine & will sleep soundly.
But yet the people that call her out are wrong, jealous, and need to mind their own business...
Stupid, stupid woman.
know what time they get on the bus & what time they get off the bus. Kate even tells me when she is alone with the kids & when she is going to bed. Based on her Twitter rampages, I even know when she's had a few glasses of wine & will sleep soundly.
But one thing we don't know is when she has to make a pit stop during her tweeting frenzies. Just wait, though, I bet that's coming, too.
When my daughters,( who are now 20 & 22), started their periods, they didn't even want me to tell the other. When they needed tampons, they whispered or wrote me a note and made me promise that KNOW ONE would know what I had bought them. And god forbid I should tell any type of anecdote about them, oh boy, if looks could kill. Shame, shame, shame on Khate Go$$elin for exposing her children to the public.
Dmasy said... 89
Monday morning. I haven't left my home yet. I have already connected with a Red Cross volunteer, an author of 2 books I want to read, a couple of women with enough courage to share troubling personal experiences, a lady to speaks Persian, and some dedicated nurses. I have read some delicious quotes. Administrator educated me with paragraphs on cognitive development.
I am less average because I read here!
Dmasy, thank you for summarizing this blog so eloquently. It really is great, isn't it?
@readerlady, I appreciate what you've written. Life is going to have good people and not so good people in it you've just got to learn how to let the good and the bad teach you. I learned a lot from my foster parents in later life.
I look at Kate and her constant need to say she only wants good in life, she doesn't surround herself with negative. If she wants to live her life through a filter (maybe that's why she drinks so much coffee?) is because she's too afraid to let criticism or other people's opinions shape her, teach her something. That's what you do with negative you learn from it not run away from it all the time.
But hey, if she wants to live if organic-Fluff world, be my guest. Just don't cry on my TV set and say, "Nobody told me how bad things could get." Yeah they did Kate, you just chose to turn a blind eye and set of ears to it.
Does anyone know if Brooke has boys or girls? Can anyone conjure up their image? I surely can't. Poor example kate.
Emma Love - very astute post about what we know about the Gosselin 8.
It really is tough to pick which of Kate's comments were the most offensive and delusional over the past few days. Was it talking about bra shopping for the twins on the radio, was it the panic encurring if they all went to the movies together, or dreaming of running the Boston Marathon, or hosting SNL? So many choices.
I don't think this has been discussed, but as these children get older will they not want to break off as individuals and not travel as a pack? Kate has always highlighted the twins as separate and apart from the sextuplets, but they are all still siblings. What if, for example, when Mady can drive, she wants to take her brothers to the movies, will Kate allow such an unnatural event to take place? Their value to her is the the numbers, she knows 8 sells, not a division of 8.
She sees her children as a bundle, packaged and sold for public consumption through reality television. She does not see them as individuals or she would have the sense to take the boys to a movie, and the girls to another perhaps, or a combination of both, just in smaller numbers, she does not need to take all 8 together ALL the time!
She continues to promote and exploit her 8 children while punishing them for being 8. Learn division Kate, and you will take your first steps to stopping the panic in the streets.
I just want to point out that McDonalds wont hire Kate. She is overqualified to work there. Besides, her attitude stinks! She would never do well in a public service job. She would also not be hired at Walmart or Target for the same reason.
I am unemployed right now. I get tired of people telling me to go work at Walmart or McDonalds. I have applied to both places. They refuse to hire anyone with a degree or experience. They know that I will bolt the moment I have a better job offer.
Kate could probably arrange her nursing schedule so Jon has the kids when she is working. Hell, she complains that his child support is not enough. Well then Kate, make him take the kids half time. Then, you wont have to worry about supporting them and not getting enough money from Jon.
What a fun spring break! The kids get to help reorganize the garage and move their toys into a shed---all on coupon cabin! Kate is even going all out and making waffles with the waffle iron. AND, more movie nights at home. Hilarious.
How on earth does anything she says on the "staycation" blog have anything at all to do with coupons.. I seriously don't get it
AND the only reason this spring break snuck up on her is because TLC wasn't there to plan anything for her
Jumping in said... 112
It really is tough to pick which of Kate's comments were the most offensive and delusional over the past few days.
I agree. I don't know what's going on, but I truly think she's coming unglued.
There are no words for the CC blog...I honestly can't even express myself. This is the DUMBEST thing I've ever read...OMG.. there's so many obvious jokes here that I'm sure you will all articulate it better than me. I think I just wet my pants...How effing stupid can one person be???????????? Wish I could control my laughter...No TLC=stacations...
I'm failing to find any money saving tips in Kate's CC blog. It has nothing to do with coupons either!
Kate sure as hell wouldn't forget to plan her NYC sprees, but the kids? What? Oops! I forgot!!!!
Really, the kids don't need to nor should they expect to travel like they didn't when they were being filmed for money-- but just say that instead of giving some lame excuse.
I'm betting Kate will forget to book their "family tradition" house at the beach too.
I hope the kids get extra time with Jon over their break.
Sorry.. "staycations"....whatever the hell it's called...freakin' idiot..
She forgot...that's priceless...
I hope those kids are RUNNING when they help Kate organize the garage.
I even knew the showtimes for Mady's school production of Alice in Wonderland. Have any of you seen the sheer chaos at the end of one of those productions? Parents looking for kids, kids looking for parents, kids & grandparents everywhere. It's a madhouse. Kate is flipping crazy to announce these things. I freaked out when I couldn't find my 14 yr old daughter in a crowd like that. And I didn't have 7 other kids to watch.
aggiemom09121416, Em and Dallas Lady, I would like to join your group of survivors of Narcissistic Mothers. My mother was as classic as a narcissist as Kate and I have no doubt that having a narcissist as a mother myself is why I am so appalled by Kate. Like all of you, having lived through this abuse is what makes me have so much empathy for the Gosselins. I remember always thinking that there was something wrong with me, growing up,and that was what my Mother wanted me to believe. Perhaps having me feel flawed was so that I would come to appreciate her being extraordinary all the more. She constantly told her five children that none of us where any good. She would come in from work as an elementary teacher and yell if we didn't all ask her"how was your day". She never asked us anything about our days or expressed any interest. I do not want to go on about the horrors, there were so many and this blog isn't the place for it, but I will struggle with the damage for the rest of my live and I am now 54! I know it is why I got a masters in social work and why I have done a 180 degree turnabout with my own children. Aggiemom, when you wrote about checking to make sure you daughter's had what they needed, I so related. In a way my mother is my role model, I just do everything the opposite that she did. Also, like Dallas Lady,I had to cut my mother out of my life for my sanity and my own children's sake as she was trying to continue her patterns with them. I only reconciled with her right before she died(if you can call it that as she never took any responsibility for the damage she did) when she was diagnosed as terminally ill a few years ago.
My mother was so much like Kate in the sense of being polarizing . People either loved her or loathed her. My mother also continually abused alcohol and prescription drugs which made her more erratic and prone to outbursts and I suspect Kate of this too,she has that look about her.
I think that all of us have survived and have lived to demonstrate that the best revenge on such a hellish childhood is to live a happy life. Our children know that they are what is important to us and it is not our needs as parents that are paramount. The nightmare of being under the control and abuse of a narcissistic mother is over for me and it is painful to see that it is far from over for the Gosselin children.
Kat said... 120
She forgot...that's priceless...
It's almost comical how Kate expects to tell bald-faced lies and think no one will notice. It's almost sad, really.
She didn't forget about the kids' break (at least I hope not, because that's actually scary), she just needs to make an excuse for being mediocre. You know, like us.
What a terrible CC blog! Why does re-organizing (again) a garage save money? And oh what fun to have ONE candy in the bottom of 'yer popkern?'
That was not about saving money- it was about their lack of travel on a' fun trip ' and for people to feel sorry for her. Yuk. CC, you can do better!
Kate and Abby Lee Miller are two peas in a pod. Did she really say she was appalled by that show? Because Kate behaves EXACTLY like Abby does!!!!
Sorry -- I got this on the wrong thread. I don't know why I do this! Carrying it over...
I don't understand the need for anyone - a celebrity or an unknown - to put their lives on the internet or make personal information public for the world. Yes, this is a new world of technology, social networking, facebook, etc., but WHY is this done? Kate feels the need to tell all. I'd love to hear from a psychologist why, in this day and age, such revelations are part of daily life for so many.
Regarding the twins being embarrassed by Kate's blabbing about things that should be private. I know that my kids would be humiliated beyond belief if I talked about such things with even the closest relatives or friends, let alone running my mouth about it on public radio. I wonder, though, since everything about their lives has been made public since they were toddlers, if they have not become desensitized to all of this. They know their mother - they know that she can't keep her mouth shut about anything, and therefore, they just accept it as "normal" for her. That is not to say that in the future they won't look back and wonder why she did that, and then the horror will sink in. This has been Kate's problem since the get-go. She lives for the moment and can't figure out that what she says in the spur of the moment may come back to haunt her and her kids. She can't foresee any consequences to her words and actions.
Isn't there anyone in her life who can silence this woman and just make her see that you don't go spouting off about her kids because it may come back to haunt her? Then again, would she really care?
If TLC's not around...those kids are gonna be having a lot of staycations....
Emma Love said... 122
I even knew the showtimes for Mady's school production of Alice in Wonderland.
Kate announced all the days of production and show times for the play? Where did she do that?
I just read Kates blog at CC, money saving spring break. Wait till you read this one. Someone our at CC must have their head in their ass.
Wow, a real no brainer: STAY HOME AND WATCH MOVIE, CLEAN GARAGE, DO A PICNIC and SLEEP LATE FOR 10 DAYS, EAT WAFFLES (and probably egg the kids to death). WOW, I did not know that staying home or as Kate calls it "staycations?" (is Kate writing a new dictionary?)SAVES money! Just wow!(stuff people have known for several hundred years). Kate admitted she made no plans for the kids spring break. (geez, no TLC vacations) But Kate does find money to go to NYC. Buy A 3D TV, etc. No museums? Oh, right, Kate will have panic attack, and people will mob her, they will stare at her, take pics. What about going to the movies, during the day? People will mob her and the kids, not to mention she has no help, Doing arts & crafts with kids? Forgot too messy. Going to the library?Forgot can't miggle with mediocre kids or ditto to the above. Cause the G8 love playing with each other, no friends required, they might find out secraets. Mickey Ds, for lunch or breakfast, or Subway: wait: forgot:not organic, not healthy, miggling with mediocre people, will start riot, and have panic attack, ditto to the above. And geez, those invisible paps will take pics. And I Kate will have take the time, out of my non-busy day, to dress the kids alike to draw attention to our freak show selves, so I can BITCH ABOUT IT ON TWITTER LATER!
Have I hit on all the points?
Another unless blog!
Emma Rose said....
That woman is a vampire. She's so desperate for a glimmer of attention she went on a show with two of the filthiest, raunchiest women on the air. Before Kate came on, one of them was describing the first BJ she ever gave, at age 14, complete with what song was playing on the record player. They are sick, vile women. She might as well get in the studio with Howard Stern & show him what's inside that really good bra.
I don't object to tasteless, raunchy humor--done by adults and for adults. I find female raunchy humor (SNL Betty White host episode, Bridesmaids, Sex in the City) hilarious--often in a cringy way. The co-host was talking about herself, not her 14 year old daughter. Kate is too desperate and the offers are rare, so she has to take any gig she can scrounge up.
BTY, using a screen name named after the alleged dead child is not exactly classy.--funny as hell, but not classy. Ironic, maybe intentionally, that you posted under that name to call out the co-hosts as raunchy and filthy. I found Admin's comment about reabsorbing wickedly funny--said once, and then it is gone. But she isn't posting under the name "Kate's reabsorbed fetus". JMO
As far as the pandemonium in the streets, what is her explanation as to why Jon takes them out all of the time and there is never a crush of people around her. (Someone already said this in the last post) Why isn't there a mob of people at the bus stop every single day--people pushing and shoving to get a glimpse of the megastar and the G8, and selling the pictures to tabloids? I guess she doesn't realize that it is the cameras, the limo and the entourage that draws attention--not her. If she is the draw, then why no pictures of her coming out of the NYC hair salon and restaurant, when she posts it online beforehand and tries to throw herself in front of every camera she sees? Maybe she has PTSD from all of the media attention associated with the divorce---add that to the long list of reasons that she NEEDS TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP! NOW!
"staycation" is a very common term. Heck, I've used it myself many times. Kate did not invent this word, please don't give her more credit than she deserves.
Her coupon blog was ridiculous, as they all are. Kate's an idiot.
Her use of 'panic attack' is also offensive. (Just like the low blood sugar to diabetics) My daughter has REAL panic attacks and they are scary. Kate is a poor write, was way off topic to make it about HER and the coupons were haphazard: Target Toys, Victoria's Secret, sunscreen, snorkel equipment ad travel agents??
I guess we'll be seeing pics of Belgian waffles soon- they are apparently having them for breakfast and for dinner dessert??
The latest word vomit on CC.(I did some editorial comments in parentheses.)
Spring break is on its way! Wow, just typing the word spring and having it be relevant is exciting to me.
(I know the feeling. Typing the words "shut up Kate" is exciting to me.)
Typically during our very long ten day spring break, we have a fun trip planned. This year, I must admit it has crept up on me and I just realized the other day that I had planned absolutely nothing exciting.
(Translation: TLC isn't paying for us to go somewhere this year, so I planned nothing and I'm paying for nothing. Eat shit, kids! Also, ten days with my kids IS VERY LONG. SHOOT ME.)
After my panic attack subsided, I decided that a rather relaxing home based ‘staycation’ may not be so bad after all.
(Awwww! Like MOST Americans have to do!POOR THING!!! WON'T SOMEONE TEXT 9999 to KATEGOSSELINNEEDSTOGETAWAYFROMHERKIDS and pledge to send $10 to help her get away?)
By staying home, we will not only save money, but we will truly be able to relax and that may turn out to be a different kind of fun.
(Oh Kate. No one relaxes around you. It's impossible. Least of all your poor kids, who I'm sure have stomach and headache troubles already or will soon. Trust me, they don't relish the idea of spending TEN LONG DAYS with you, either.)
So, for our staycation, I decided the following things are a must in order to make it memorable for the whole family:
1. Many mornings of late sleep-ins. We typically are all awake on school mornings by 5:45 a.m… yawn. So a few days of sleep-ins until 7:30 a.m. at least will be a welcomed schedule change in our house.
(I really need some damn sleep, KIDS. So seriously, DON'T WAKE ME UP BEFORE NINE. If I've got to TAKE CARE OF YOU ALL THE TIME, at least let me sleep 11 hours a night, GAWD.)
2. Mommy’s homemade Belgian waffles with fresh strawberry compote syrup and whipped cream. Yum! This is a breakfast that takes time, so it’s not one I can put together on school mornings.
(Bitch, you've claimed to do batches and batches of pancakes and eggs and bacon and all kinds of shit on school mornings. Please at least try to keep your stuff straight.)
All the kids know they’re in for a real treat when I break out the waffle maker.
(That actually sounds really ominous. WHEN MOMMY GETS OUT THE WAFFLE IRON, RUN. TAKE SHOKA.)
And of course, for dessert, I’ll be whipping up leftover waffles with ice cream in the middle. That means delicious waffle ice cream sandwiches and really happy kids!
3. At least one (if not two or three) movie nights with popcorn with a “surprise.” I’m known for burying a small candy treat in the bottom of each of my kids’ popcorn cups, so It has become an expected tradition (God help me if I should forget the surprise!)
(It's a coupon allowing them unlimited chances to thank Kate profusely for giving them food.)
4. A picnic lunch at a local playground– weather permitting, of course. This small adventure always proves to be a great day out in the fresh air for all of us.
5. And now to get to the teamwork of a large family: reorganize the garage and move the kids’ toys to the large shed I recently relocated to the right of our garage.
(I relocated it myself after I was all pumped up by a 30 mile jog around the driveway while the kids cheered. Also: YAY WE GET TO WORK FOR MOMMY!)
I love family projects where we all pitch in and help improve and organize our home. The kids, especially the boys, actually enjoy helping with outdoor projects so it’s a win-win for all of us.
(Boys love to do manual labor. So I'm glad I have two or three or four of them.)
Screw off, Kate. You're as useless as tits on a frog.
Ex Nurse said... 131
Ex Nurse, I think you're a bit off-base here. I don't think any one believes that there was a seventh "fetus". Another egg sac that got resorbed, maybe, but nothing so advanced as an actual fetus.
This was something Kate invented for more attention and pathos, because six really were not enough.
Kate is the one who gave the putative egg sac a gender, and she is the one who, bizarrely, chose to discuss this, and name the resorbed tissue, with her young children.
There is no dead child involved here, whether fetal or not. I'm shedding an egg every month, and, believe me, I'm not holding meetings with little children to name, much less re-name, the eggs as they depart. You have to be as sick as Kate to go there.
I'm talking about Kate being sick, Ex Nurse, NOT you! Just realized my last sentence could be misinterpreted.
I never check out Kate's CC fiasco, but just for giggles (and to see if she made any excuses for forgetting to plan a spring break vacation), I decided to check it out. Kate says "Check out these great coupons and deals for everything you need to keep your brood entertained over Spring Break!"
How will a coupon for Victoria's Secret keep the kids entertained over break? The twins go there to buy their bras? The boys run around among the half-naked mannequins?
Weight Watchers Online: We know that one of the kids asked her questions about what foods are fattening. Could this be the child who will sign up online for WW over spring break? That will keep her entertained?
Then there is a drugstore coupon, clothing coupons, a hotel group...how is any of this helpful to keep a brood entertained on spring break, unless booking a hotel room at Intercontinental Hotels and PRETENDING to go keeps them amused?
She is a joke, and CC is nuts for letting her blog there.
Oh my God, Dallas Lady - I love you. That was GREAT!
And sadly, so true.
Thanks, Dallas Lady. You saved clicks for her CC entry. You also enhanced her writing with your own wit! She needs someone to follow her around everywhere and improve her efforts!
Knows Quality and Dmasy: thanks! She needs someone to follow her around and tell the truth!
By the way, I'm looking at that recent tweet of hers about how she only wants positive in her life.
She's said that a lot before.
It just hit me that she has a different definition of positive than everyone else. HER positive means "agree with me."
Just like her version of "organized" means "do what I say."
She has such a strange messed up dictionary! Quick, someone get her a real one!
Some really touching and hysterical posts today. Love it. Keep 'em coming.
Admin: THAT WAS FUNNY! and so true! it's scary!
Kate only wants positivity?
Miss "I'm miserable-- someone has to be" Gosselin?
Once again, the video evidence is there. Her tits, her smooth forehead, bitching constantly etc. Her lies are so vast that I think there is something seriously wrong psychologically for her to think that her lies are not noticed.
I'd be embarrassed to tell such fibs all the fricking time. Worse, it's insulting to everyone's intelligence.
Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining, you know?
Emma Rose @ 78 - Some of us like and listen to Howard Stern every day. That doesn't mean that I'm a bad parent or person, it just means that I enjoy his show and his sense of humor. Watch AGT this summer and you might just see another side to him. Have you ever really listened or have you jusst branded him as a "shock jock"?
Wow, 10 long days stuck in the orphanage with mommy. The highlight is a sad, melted butter drenched piece of candy at the bottom of the popcorn. Sounds like hell
By the way, there's nothing wrong with a "staycation." We've done them plenty.
1. We know she's only doing this because TLC isn't paying for a vacation. If someone--ANYONE--were paying for KATE to go somewhere, you can bet your hooker heels she'd be on that plane in a flash and leave a nanny or two to deal with the kids.
2. She's being extremely literal about it and the only time the kids are apparently getting off of the damn compound is when they might WEATHER PERMITTING go have a picnic (CRUNCHY THINGS FIRST! STOP TALKING! BOYS ARE GROSS! THANK ME NOW!) at a local elementary school playground.
That's sad! Other than that, they are staying home, watching movies, and re-organizing a shed for her.
Do M&C not have friends they want to see and do things with? They're nearly 12.
Does her area not have nice, inexpensive things to do with kids?
When my daughter was younger, we would sit down together and plan our spring breaks and summers. Of course she did things with her friends and had a lot of unstructured down time, but I always found loads of free or very inexpensive things to do with her that were fun and around town. Aquariums, arboretums, water parks, museums, state parks, matinee movies or even outdoor movies! Minor league baseball games, or when I was really just at a loss and she had energy to burn, just go to a dang Chick-Fil-A, get lunch and then let her wear herself out on the huge indoor play place!
She is so unimaginative and so painfully uninterested in her kids. I hope at least Jon will have them for part of the spring break. Or was she saying she has them the whole LONG TORTUOUS TEN DAYS?
By the way, no one would stare at her. I see adults out with day care groups all the time and they have more kids than eight (usually you see two adults with several kids each under their supervision). No one bats an eye. Who cares?
By staying home, we will not only save money, but we will truly be able to relax and that may turn out to be a different kind of fun.
Is she saying that when they took all of their comped trips to all parts of the world that it was WORK, stressful, and not at all relaxing?
"Screw off, Kate. You're as useless as tits on a frog."
Oh, great. Now she'll flip over those plastic frogs she bought for her big Leap Year celebration to see if they have any.
Moose Mania, LOL!
Hey anyone notice the picture with her latest CC crap blog entry is one of her with the kids in Alaska?
Does CC pick out the pictures to go with the articles?
If so, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I think someone working there might have had their fill of Kate already. What an ironic choice of picture.
I wl pull aKhate..talk about my teen.bra convo...ttranslated rrom frenchmind u..mamanan.I neeed one of the sttrappy tthings wwomen wear don't ttell mam.e
I figurred her sixe by my lonesome...lol..now bra-satrapsarea fasbion stateent..sheesj
hate Android phone...pls forgive me
Cath518 #123..
I remember always thinking that there was something wrong with me, growing up,and that was what my Mother wanted me to believe. Perhaps having me feel flawed was so that I would come to appreciate her being extraordinary all the more.
Maybe through sharing here others can see what happens to the kids who suffer life-long affects.
I don't want to come off as a wet blanket all the time, but sometimes just reading a comment someone has said here just brings back a flood of old hurts..it's interesting, when my girls and I are at my parent's house for a holiday, they see the treatment I receive,and they know it's not the way to treat anyone,much less your child.
The circle of narcissism has been broken in my household, yet I struggle with self worth all my days.
Now, on a lighter note, a 'staycation'...gee, did she really say she hadn't thought about spring break plans? lololol GAWD. :)
Do M&C not have friends they want to see and do things with? They're nearly 12.
They most likely are taking vacations with their families. It's a nice, long, spring break and most families have planned their trips for this time well in advance. Kids talk about where they are going over break, and the fun they had when they get back. What are Kate's kids going to say...that they went nowhere because TLC didn't foot the bill?
She can't even take her kids to Hersheypark because it's too expensive. I can't imagine her springing for admissions to a museum. They've been to zoos, amusement parks, stayed at high-end hotels, and have done more in their young lives then other kids do in a lifetime. I wonder at this point if they would find anything less than a trip to Hawaii as "mediocre" or if they really would settle for the inexpensive things that most families do. They've had the best; would they be satisfied with anything less?
I don't believe for one minute that Kate will be mobbed or that panic will ensue if she is seen with the kids in public. By most accounts from people who live in the area, they can't stand her and pay no attention to her.
BUT, since she believes in her head that this is her fate if she leaves the house, has she ever thought that she, and she alone has brought this on herself and her kids. She is the one who has put her family out there. Would she ever for one minute regret that they can't go anywhere because she put them on TV for years. No, didn't think so. It is everyone elses fault that they can't go out in public.
Again, I stress, that I don't believe for a second that they couldn't go out and do regular family things. Nothing would happen. It is just too much work for that lazy, selfish, cheapskate.
Wow, organizing the garage....I'll have to ask my kids if thats how they want to spend their spring break....NOT. Organize it yourself, you witch. It's not like you don't have time.
Comment #152 was mine, name didn't post correctly...I read Moose's comment about flipping the frogs over, and I damned near laughed my head off.
still laughing ....... ")
I’m known for burying a small candy treat in the bottom of each of my kids’ popcorn cups, so It has become an expected tradition
Cracker Jack has been "known" for that for about a hundred years. Get over yourself Kate.
And before it even crosses your mind, don't pretend to be "known" for individually wrapping your homemade Rice Crispy squares either. We mediocre moms have been doing it for years you freak.
AuntieAnn, you made me laugh with that. So true.
She mentions things ANY mom does but acts like it makes her some sort of extraordinary saint of a mom.
Well, she would cause a PANIC!!! if they go out in public- no museums or attractions for them!
Dallas Lady: Hilarious!! ....and also I did see that the pic was from Alaska- was she trying to prove something?? 'I require' an explanation for that!
@Kateplusmy8 those activities are really cool! I will be trying the popcorn idea with my girls!
You almost have to feel sorry for the sheeple who think Kate has the best ideas for activities with children. These poor souls can't figure out what to do with their own kids, how to put a frog on a cupcake, or to use heart-shaped plastic plates. It just makes you wonder...
So what she is really saying is that the kids are going to have a working spring break, running the entire time they are working for mommy. Nothing wrong with the kids helping out but those are major undertakings not a few odd jobs. I thought cleaning out the garage and organizing a shed were man jobs on the honey do list right before having buddies over for the big game. And from what we have seen KT will be supervising, with her acid tongue and that is about it.
But one thing I have noticed is that this time away from TLC, and no traveling, for her or for them may be giving her a little more insight into what is expected from her as a mom. She seems to be engaging the kids more and spending more time with them and hopefully, that is as good as she makes it out to be on her Twitter episodes.
So the "Mastermind" Kate has planned nothing for spring break, just like Hallowe'en (an afterthought). How coincidental that these lapses are happening now that TLC is no longer in the picture.
I expect that the residents of her town could care less if Kate showed up at the movie theatre with her kids. Her excuse about cost is the most feeble excuse yet. Kate is just not interested in doing it by herself.
Those poor kids spending their spring break reorganizing the garage...how relaxing is that? They finally have the "opportunity" to stay home and not be working for TLC and Kate puts them to work. Yes, it will be a memorable "staycation" for them but not in a good way.
Dallas Lady - Oh yes. With each pathetic blog entry she writes, it becomes more and more obvious that she takes her cues from here. If the talk is about the everyday experiences of 'normal' family acitivies voila the next thing you know she's writing about picnics and ice cream sandwiches like she can be mediocre but in a better way. It's like that Dairy Queen commercial says...We don't just blow bubbles, we blow bubbles with kittens in them.
Gee, anybody else's teeth hurt from the thought of eating waffles for breakfast and waffle ice cream sandwiches for dessert? I swear I feel a cavity coming on!
I hope it's all organic! What the difference is I don't really know.
So the only time she mentions the boys is when they just happen to love helping her out in the yard? Hmmm....
Another thought, if you claim to be so organized, why do you have to organize constantly? It just doesn't make any sense. How can someone be organized but still has to keep re-organizing? Shock: could it be that she has nothing else to do with the kids?
For someone who is healthy these kids sure load up on pancakes, waffles, bacon, ice cream and popcorn a lot. And beans, and casseroles full of cheese. I mean in moderation there is nothing wrong with it but...I'm just wondering out loud I guess. The kids have eaten pizza, not organic before so I don't think I have ever bought her organic living life style.
Funny, she had completely forgotten about the prize inside until faithful M/J reminded her.
I wonder how long her contract with CC lasts. This latest money saving blog post had absolutely nothing to do with savings at all. What a laughing stock she is making out of CC. What an embarrassment.
Enjoy your late sleep-ins and possible picnic G kids! No warm beaches this Spring Break because your mother is a selfish bitch.
AuntieAnn, I was always semi-convinced she reads here, but the other day when she bragged on one of the boys adding up a large sum in his head, I KNEW it.
We were just talking about how she never brags on the boys, heck, hardly mentions them. And then suddenly a brag on a boy, which happens about as often as she gives to charity. Ha!
Maybe we'll turn her into a human being after all.
Hey Kate: next time a kid walks by, put down whatever you're doing and really look at them. Listen to them. Give them a hug! They'll look super startled at first, but when they see it's only a hug, they'll learn to like it!
"Ex Nurse I really am. I am a superhero with the power of lightning. I had this recap written in like 10 minutes"
Admin, don't you love it when you sit down to write something and it just flows? I know that's my best stuff when it happens. I try to sit there and just let it happen!
And that was a very crappily written comment! A good writer would say "poorly written", but I am not a good writer!
My son is all grown up now. But, I remember some really fun times doing projects when he was Gosselin kid age.
We did tackle the back room of the garage or the attic together. One shed organization upended some extra lumber..which led to the spontaneous building of a tree house. He invited a friend over to help. Their design was considerably less sophisticated the the Gosselin treehouse.
Cleaning the attic meant finding toys from an earlier stages of childhood. Before they were boxed for GoodWill, we re-played - figuratively and literally.
At the tups age, planning a garden layout and selecting the seeds was a Spring tradition. My job would be the weeding and the maintenance, but we had a great time starting the garden together. She has the perfect location for a veggie garden. Organic produce and a learning experience at the same time. (One of the first things you learn is that the seeds seldom yield results the same as the photos in the catalogue.)
Somehow, I just don't think that Kate barking at her little running army of children will have the same joys.
Dallas Lady - We sure have our work cut out for us...turning Kate into a human being is one colossal undertaking and worthy of the Nobel Prize for Humanitarian Efforts.
And ditto about hugging your kids, Dallas. Funny, I don't think we've seen her do that since they were babies.
Thanks, admin! :)
Sherry Baby (127), I don't think Kate really "tells all." She tells whatever she thinks will best support whatever image she happens to be trying sell at the time. What she puts out there is, most of the time, pretty calculated--except when her mouth is running ahead of her brain, as with the tweets on Friday about the 3D TV but not enough glasses, etc. (Oh wow--could THIS be what she means by her "gift of gab"? Funny, I wouldn't consider this a gift. But maybe where she comes from, "blithering idiot" is a compliment.)
Every now and again, when she's attempting to be the EveryMommy her fans want to believe she is, she'll say something that doesn't come off quite right, hence so many of the conversations we have had here. I agree 100% with EM's comments on the last thread and today, either she's schizo or she's trying to sell the public on "truths" about her that are in fact mutually exclusive. She doesn't "ring true," and the more she opens her mouth, whether on Twitter, radio, or TV, the more discordant her image and her message.
The one character trait she never quite pulls off is dignity.
By the way, Admin, this was an amazingly amazing recap, LMBO all the way through.
Kate bought a 3-D TV and complains that there aren't enough computers to go around? OMG, she pisses money away and then complains that she's broke and how $$$ it is to raise 8 kids.
Pardon my lack of general knowledge, but what is the difference between a Belgium waffle and a waffle?
And, also, how do you make fresh strawberry compote syrup?
If Kate says she only wants "the positive" in her life, why does she engage in arguments with people on twitter and make nasty comments? She behaves in such a childish manner. Kind of like tit for tat.
Kate only draws a line if it is good for her or effects her. What happens to the kids doesn't bother her at all. In the "On the Cutting Room Floor" episode from season two, there was footage shown of Jon lining the little girls standing up in the way back of the van to get their bathing suits on for the beach visit. I have seen this footage mixed on youtube with music and repeated. It's already out there. And I think it is sick. Sick. And that is just with the footage they showed on tv which was the little girls with tops off. There has to be more of them totally undressed.
And that doesn't even get into all the footage of them in the shower, Alexis in the bath after her OMG momment, diaper changes, potty training, etc. And that is again just what they showed on tv. The editor sure had his hands on lots of inappropriate footage. It was these kid's parent's responsibility to say "No". To set limits. But they never did. Either of them. Because all they cared about was money.
I don't know if anyone else noticed, the pic that was posted with today's CC blog was the infamous one from Alaska that was in People, where Mady is way off to the right looking like she's sobbing. Wonder who chose that one???
mamaK- it's sick how they let the children be filmed naked. Just terrible. Who the hell does that? I get that J+K trusted the film crew and I'm sure they're lovely people, but that's myopic.
The film is there FOREVER and naked images of the kids are out there. If you're going to film your kids, have some fricking boundries! It's like the kids don't have rights because they're minors.
Pity Party- Belgian waffles are thicker and fluffier than regular waffles, that's all. And, strawberry compote is simply cut up berries heated up with some water and sugar until it reduces and thickens to become chunky and syrup-like.
Both very easy and quick, unlike what Kate wants everyone to believe. It truly does not take long. The compote can cook while waffles are being made and once you have the batter made, it's just a matter of pouring and baking and pouring and baking. 2 batches and Kate can start the kids off with a waffle and they can eat while she makes more.
What is sad is that there's nothing wrong with "staycations" and cleaning out garages and attics as a family. Dmasy illustrated this very eloquently. Ptak, I think sleeping in and backyard picnics are great, especially given the amount of land they have. The kids had enough vacations and I'm glad they have a chance to enjoy a mediocre life for once. Kate being a bee with an itch is secondary, imo.
What's sad is that, because it's Kate, it's going to be turned into a "chore" for her - "Oh, it was so exhausting to clean the garage/attic because I had 8 little "helpers" who made it so difficultish! And then I had to pack a picnic lunch! I mean throwing together 5 grapes, some cheese and crackers takes it out of you! And I'm broke, so there was no babysitter, it was all ME, alone, by myself! Pity me, people! Pity me!"
I really do pity her, actually. Since the beginning, all I have ever seen is a woman who sees her children as a "responsibility", not a joy. When she talked about "Everyone leaves, but I can't leave because I have to take care of these kids" (don't have the exact quote, sorry), that just sums up her attitude towards parenting. It's a chore, like cleaning the hair from your drain or cleaning mildew from the fridge.
That's just plain sad. Sad for the kids, because they deserve a mom who doesn't need to make every moment reality show worthy, but mostly sad for Kate. That is what Jon seems to get and why people cut him some slack.
On a post about saving money by not going on vacation I find it hysterical they used a pic of the family ON vacation. Lol.
Someone asked the difference between a belgium waffle and a regular waffer. A belgium waffle has bigger "holes" or squares. That's pretty much it. I think the batter is the same no matter what you're making.
Well, Kate's coupon post really cleared some things up for me! And I'm really excited, as we haven't had our spring break yet, so I can really use these ideas!
1. I thought I had to plan something in advance, but Kate is super mom, and she totally forgot and then just assigned some dumb chores to do. Boy, does that save me some time!
2. I thought a "staycation" was when you stayed home and did fun, exciting, local things in your area. Like, museums, amusment parks, and things. Thus, saving the cost of a hotel but still having fun. So, it's always exhusting for me to hear my kids ask for a "staycation". I am relieved to know that that just means stay home and sleep, and make your kids do not fun, not exciting, dirty chores!
3. I'm supposed to serve popcorn in a cup. I've just been dumping the bag into a big bowl. But, less popcorn will fit into a cup than a big bowl and then I can save the rest for the next movie night! Brilliant!
4. We can go to the park only if it is nice weather. This, of course, implies that on the sunny days I should tell the kids that that is the day I scheduled to work in the attic and on the day that is rainy, I should act all put out and tell them that was the day I planned for going to the park and that we will just have to stay home. Less work for me. Again, brilliant!
Gonna be a really great "staycation". Especially after ten days of non-fun and 9 people under one roof!!!
Emma Rose & Emma Love was never a baby. It was an empty egg sac that Kate exploits for sympathy.
Yes, I've heard enough of Howard Stern to know that he has asked many women to show him their t*ts.
I swear some of you comment just to be contradictory & smug.
Take care.
I liked the comment about how Kate reads here and we have an opportunity to help her change.
So, that being said. what advice would you give Kate Gosselin to help her become a better person?
Here's my list (not a complete one):
1. Enjoy being a mom.
2. Be flexible - the world will not end if things don't go according to your plan each and every moment.
3. Stop twittering. No one really needs to know what any person is doing every single minute of every single day. Go play with your kids, read a book, go for a run, take up another hobby, SOMETHING!
3. Stop talking about Jon in public.
4. Set boundaries for what you will and won't discuss with the media, like bra shopping, periods, Jon, etc.
5. Come clean about Steve. If you're together, stop hiding it. Be honest about your choices and accept the consequences of your actions.
6. Thank someone once each day.
7. Volunteer your time once a week for an hour. Just you. No kids.
8. Stop saying nursing can't support your kids and babysitters would eat up the whole check and then in the next breath say you'd work at McDonalds. A) McDonalds wouldn't hire you, you're over qualified and B) You know it's a lie. You wouldn't. Nursing can provide enough income for you and your kids. You can work while they are in school, or let Jon take them more so you work around his visitation. Telling the world differently is just insulting and frankly makes you look stupid and ignorant.
6) Be thankful for what you have been given - 8 beautiful children.
Tucker's Mom said... 178
Pity Party- Belgian waffles are thicker and fluffier than regular waffles, that's all.
Yeah, like the kids give two shits whether or not the waffles are Belgian or not. And oh goodie 'fresh' strawberry compote. Be still my friggin heart. They're seven and eleven for crying out loud. Just pop some eggos in the toaster and bring out the Aunt Jemima syrup and be done with it Kate. Don't even try to convince anyone you're running your own personal and superior IHOP. We KNOW you're not.
That said, if and IF is key here...If Kate does make Belgian waffles and strawberry compote she'd do it only once and then it would be for another one of HER magnificent twitter photo ops.
silimom said... 184
I liked the comment about how Kate reads here and we have an opportunity to help her change.
So, that being said. what advice would you give Kate Gosselin to help her become a better person?
I've got one-
Kate, you say you are an organized mom, yet spring break just snuck up on you? Let me share my organizing tip- Every year, at the end of December, I buy a calendar for the next year. I put it up on the wall in an easily accessible, or easily seen location- for me it's the kitchen. Then, I mark the calendar with upcoming events! It's an easy and effective way to keep track appointments, birthdays, holidays, VACATIONS, all sorts of things. Oh, and Kate, my smart phone has this widget/app thingy- an AGENDA, and it can be set to send alarms or email reminders of said upcoming dates! Super organized! Go ahead Kate, feel free to use my tips- free of charge :)
Have a great day!
Just pop some eggos in the toaster and bring out the Aunt Jemima syrup and be done with it Kate.
SuperMoms!! don't do that! Peeshah.
Kate doesn't do anything the easier way or with common sense. Frozen toaster waffles are one of man's greatest inventions.
I remember on Kate's radio gig, she stated that she had an occasional glass of wine at night. Then the day or so after during her "tweeting party" during family time she tweeted that she was having a "very rare glass of wine". She even commented that she didn't know if the wine was still any good because it was so old.
So what is it Kate? Because an occasional glass verus a very rare glass are two huge, completely different defitions of your drinking habits.
And I called it. I posted that Kate has a mini-refg. in her bedroom to hide her bottles of wine. We all have seen photos of it. And she has a huge plastic bottle of powered cream for her coffee next to her coffee machine..so it isn't for the half and half.
butterfly said... 186
Kate didn't forget... she's not fooling anyone. She knew damn well that break was coming but doesn't prioritize spending her own money on travel, unless it's for her pleasure.
She used the same excuse last year in a lame attempt to explain away why the Bald Head Island "family tradition" did not happen. Oops... too late, no houses left.
Yeah, right.
The think is, I bet that no one would question why the family stayed at home. It's all in her head.
Here's my suggestion: let the kids have a relationship with their grandparents. They are not going to be around forever and believe you me, they will resent Kate for keeping them at a distance and not allowing the joy that comes with grandparents.
The grandparents were good enough to take care of the twins for weeks while Kate was in the hospital. Now, what's the issue?
I'll go ahead and answer that... Kate has no use for them anymore. Buh Bye.
Check out this item on Blind Gossip
It's a blind about a celebrity who spends no time with her children and is always away, dumping them off on nannies. I don't think this is Kate (but the bodyguard thing is intriguing) but it cracks me the hell up that random regular folk are all guessing Kate Gosselin.
[LaineyGossip] She’s supposed to be the doting mother. Ask the people who help her with her kids. They certainly don’t agree. First of all she’s never around. And when she’s present she’s distant, not only not involved, but almost irresponsible about it. One of her children may have developmental challenges. As such, diet can exacerbate the issue. Since she can only spend so much time with her children, and often slotted in like appointments in her schedule, she doesn’t bother observing the food requirements that can help with the child’s behaviour. Mom supplies junk food because it’s quick and dirty so that she can get out of there that much faster. When the kid acts out because of the shit he’s just consumed, she’s incapable of dealing with it and takes off anyway. It’s left then to the staff to raise her family.
How does she treat them? Nannies’ cell phones are confiscated at 8am and not returned until 10pm. There’s a trusting and kind working environment, non? Totally encourages loyalty. As you expect, bosses like this always play favourites. Her favourite? Curiously enough, it’s the bodyguard. He’s been seen rubbing her feet. Of course that had nothing to do with the separation …even though the foot massages have been happening for a while now. It’s not Gwyneth Paltrow.
she's a sick, sick woman said... 136
I'm talking about Kate being sick, Ex Nurse, NOT you! Just realized my last sentence could be misinterpreted.
Thanks for clarifying that--I just think that using that screen name permanently is insensitive. Many posters have shared heartbreaking stories about infertility--I just wouldn't do it, and I decided to share my thoughts on it. My own views on where to draw the line on this blog were affected by hearing this story. I guess that humanity and caring for each other is what sets us apart from the "haterz". They can speak for themselves....moving on!
Aw, poor Kate
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack@Kateplusmy8 Remember last yr...4ur birthday...the trip 2NY! LOL Don't think U will repeat that celebration! :)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8@MiloandJack um no
Silimom - 184, That is a fantastic list. Best of all, you were not snarking -- those were real suggestions. Hell, I will be a better person if I posted it on my refrigerator and reminded myself of the ones that apply to ME! Thanks.
"I enjoy the organizational challenge of traveling with my 8 kids and I can't say there is anywhere I wouldn't accept a challenge to go to with them."
-Kate gosselin 2/27/12 coupon cabin blog
....unless, of course, you have to pay anything. Then the movie theater a few miles from home is too much for you to handle.
....Or you "forget" to travel for spring break
Frozen toaster waffles are one of man's greatest inventions.
I agree completely Tucker's! My family loves those things. Coupon Cabin has coupons for them too. lol.
I also agree about her not fooling anyone by saying spring break 'crept up' on her. A lot of calendars have a pull out sheet of stickers for important occasions. I have one with everything on it from dentist appointments to carpet cleaning. There's five stickers for "no school" and even one for "family reunion". Okay, I guess she doesn't need THAT one. Anyway you're right, she didn't forget she just wants her fans to pass along a collection plate so she can take her kids to Florida or someplace much more exotic than good old PA. She's going to embed grifting in her DNA if she's not careful.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
...6 eye dr (ophthalmologist) appointments & $650 later,it's dinnertime w/ 6 sets of blurry eyes!;) I could feed them ANYTHING tonight lol!
OMG! She is disguiting
Spring Break didn't sneak up on her orange ass! Every parent knows exactly when spring break is as soon as they get the school calendar for the next year. I can tell you when it is in 2013, for crying out loud.
Poor poor widdle baby, not traveling on TLC's dime. Or anyone else's dime right now. Trapped for ten long horrible days with eight kids and only some wine and a few mental cases on Twitter to keep her company. No husband, no boyfriend, no friends, no family members, no neighbors to chat with.
For someone who thinks her finances aren't anybody else's business, she sure does talk about them a lot. Tacky!
Ava - in the dictionary under 'tacky' there are two words: Kate Gosselin.
Dallas Lady---
I just read your comments--didn't even bother with Kates's words. Great post as usual, Thanks for saving me some time today!
aggiemom-- Sounds like you were raised in a typically dysfunctional alcoholic home--as was i, where alcoholism and narcissism go hand in hand. Even though my parents died long ago, I attend a 12 step program for friends and families of addicted people. Since you are still dealing with your mother, on a regular basis, you may find some relief in meeting others who have similar relationships. Al-Anon and Adult Children of Alcoholics are two that comes to mind--they are available in virtually every community and schedules are usually listed online. The meetings provide a safe place to share and learn healthy tools for living. My heart aches for all who did not get the unconditional love every child needs and deserves. That is what led me to this blog.
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