Seventy-seven years ago this May, the 20th century's most famous multiples were born in Canada.
Fans lined up at windows to ogle at five identical girls.
![]() |
Visitors to Quintland, circa 1930's |
Sixty years later, the surviving Dionne's were intricately a part of the making of a mini-series about their lives. The sisters initially opposed the project and insisted that this part of their life was a closed chapter and didn't affect them anymore. But then ....
"When we read the script, I found the story to be very sad," Annette said. "Then I realized that we actually lived it all. It was very painful."
The mini-series dramatizes the quick sacking of a nurse for "insubordination" after she questioned the exploitation of the girls.
Canada made amends to the Dionne quintuplets by paying them a hefty settlement. What amends will Alice Travel make for their hand in exploiting Mady and Cara?
From: Cindy Work <cindy@luxurycruisesandtours. com>
Date: Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 2:38 PM
To: [omitted]
Hi [omitted],
I will be in the office tomorrow at 9:30 Eastern time to 2:30. Give me a call and I would be happy to help you. This ship is amazing and you will get to spend quality time with Kate and the girls. We are so excited for this cruise. 1-800-388-7245.
Cindy Cardella
VP/ Sales Luxury Cruises & Tours
A Division of Alice Travel
277 Fairfield Rd, Suite 218
Fairfield, NJ 07004
381 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 381 of 381 Newer› Newest»admin said...Oh we need to find out if this is true. Staycation my ass!!!! So the kids get a staycation then ship them off to Daddy's and Kate gets to VACATION??? Oh Kate just please get that HYPOCRITE tattoo you really should get.
Wouldn't that just grind the whatever to find out this is true? It certainly would explain the "love this weather" tweet! What time was she spotted in the airport? I was really puzzled when she tweeted that this morning, knowing how cold it was and that she loves warm weather, but I didn't put two and two together that she could be somewhere else.
JoannaNY said... 184
Rhymes, 178:
Well Admin, based on what has been posted here, it seems that Cindy is screening for "haterz" with the help of at least one sheeple.
So what happens if CJ confirms that a potential booker is a hater? If I called with my credit card ready, will she check with CJ, and if I turned up a non-fan, would I be denied a ticket, or are they so anxious for the money they would look the other way? What if I were a reporter or a pap, neither a hater or a fan, could I go?
I think that denying a ticket based on the vetting of a fan, would border on discrimination.
you're right. What if I tried booking the cruise and I let it slip that I am not a Kate fan- that I am a critic and I am only going on the cruise to get a first hand view of Kate and her sheeple for my blog? What then?
I was already suspicious about her being somewhere when she sounded a little too perky on twitter - about the weather in particular, which is sunny but cold - and her tweets are always telling about being away when they are hours and hours apart. She's only perky and not tweeting when she's not with her family. Shame.
Jason Isbell posted that he saw her Friday March 9th at 7:51pm.
Is there a way I can tell if a blog has one because I would not want to visit any blog that might be tracking me. 198
Leanne, I don't know the answer. You could try using a proxy to read the other blogs (google proxies).
I'm guessing that tracking people gives those doing the tracking some feeling of power and control.
That Jason guy is from Alabama but he may have seen Kate during a layover at another airport. I can't imagine Kate taking all 8 without excessive complaining about the packing and expense.
She's just returned to Twitter.
# @GlitterGadget I love getting first tweets! Thank you! And keep on running girl... You'll LOVE your new body!;) 2 minutes ago
Nothing about feeling great or getting healthy, it's all about LOOKS.
Leanne, you can right click on a blog's main page and select "view source" (I think that is the command) and it opens a new page in another window. This is full of HTML but reveals a lot about the blog is you know what to look for. You can then search the page for. Statcounter, Webstat and are popular trackers. You can do a "search' on the source page for these words.
After years of blogging I have decided to only visit blogs I can trust. Don't assume anything. Even some of the proxies will still reveal your IP.
njay, no, it was gypsi who changed her plans to go on Kate's cruise. She and nickie were the ones being "stalked." Despite her upset, I think that nickie will probably not cancel, if only because she'd be out something like $1,000 if she made a change at this point.
@5...That Jason guy is from Alabama but he may have seen Kate during a layover at another airport. I can't imagine Kate taking all 8 without excessive complaining about the packing and expense.
Makes no sense that she would take them away for the few remaining days of spring break when she had 10 full days to do this.
Admin.,if giving this info out is wrong, then please go ahead and delete it.
Last night I spent some time, reading about all of the negative things to do with cruises, it was more than interesting. It also gives the names of the cruise owners. After reading some of it-there is tons to read about-I don't think I will ever leave the ground I walk on, and take a chance on water. The website is written by a Maritime Lawyer,who really knows his stuff. Just google
Makes no sense that she would take them away for the few remaining days of spring break when she had 10 full days to do this.
I don't think she took the eight they're obviously at Jon's now. I think she decided she couldn't take having her own dang children home with her for an entire week and treated herself to a much earned spa weekend down south or something. Hence her foot in mouth comment about nice weather.
Despite her upset, I think that nickie will probably not cancel, if only because she'd be out something like $1,000 if she made a change at this point.
Here's where the legal issue comes into play. Perhaps admin could advise. If she cancelled, based on the fact that it could be proven that the travel agent had given out her personal info to another passenger for the purpose of "vetting," that person had stalked her and had private info about her, would she be entitled to a full refund?
I don't think there is anyone more irritating than Kate Gosselin. Her tweets are so over-the-top with the over done exclamation points, and what she twats about sounds ludicrous, narcissitic and unstable. Cringe, Shudder, Spit, and Gag. lol
Could she have been in VEGAS? Found this on the web from 4 days ago:
Kate Gosselin of "Kate Plus 8" spotted boarding a NYC flight at McCarran Int'l Airport Sunday morning...
this was posted on Facebook 3 hours ago.
Sean Mulrooney
Oh shoot. Lois didn't get to have dinner with Coolio after all last night. She did get to get into a fist fight with Kate Gosselin though. Which just proves Las Vegas' motto - Vegas - You Have To Be Kidding Me.
There is a marathon in Wanaka, New Zealand today...isn't that ironic? Something about her tweet saying it was a good day for a LONG run?
6 domestic marathons today, 2 tomorrow.
Of course, she could be doing driveway labs, maybe with a lap around the chicken house, too!
Oh if that bitch went to Vegas I will scream.
It will prove she is the ultimate hypocrite and liar.
It will prove she pulls blog posts out of her ass.
STAYCATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second one might be a joke but it's an interesting coincidence
Sherry Baby, while I have no doubt that CJ was allowed (if not asked) by Cindy to "vet" nickie, Z is actually the stalker that people on Twitter brought to gypsi's and nickie's attention with page upon page of proof. And Z is most definitely not going on the cruise.
Oh if that bitch went to Vegas I will scream.
It will prove she is the ultimate hypocrite and liar.
It will prove she pulls blog posts out of her ass.
STAYCATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol, admin! Calm down! I'm sorry I mentioned the thing about the weather. That started everything! :)
Anyone think CJ is trying to scare off other cruisers so she can have the Auality Time all to herself and not have to share kate with other sheeple?
I also stand by the opinion that M&C probably think their mom wants to spend time alone with them. I'm sure they have no idea they are just a selling point on this cruise. sad
Sherry Baby, while I have no doubt that CJ was allowed (if not asked) by Cindy to "vet" nickie, Z is actually the stalker that people on Twitter brought to gypsi's and nickie's attention with page upon page of proof. And Z is most definitely not going on the cruise.
Correct. My mistake, but somehow I see all of them in it together. Putting the stalking aside, if someone cancelled the trip because it could be proven that personal info was shared with a random fan for the purpose of vetting, would that person have a case if he/she demanded a full refund?
Kate Gosselin of "Kate Plus 8" spotted boarding a NYC flight at McCarran Int'l Airport Sunday morning...
ok, what will be her excuse?
There is a bigger mark-up on this cruise than I was aware of. I went to Royal Caribbean's website and the mark-up is ridiculously high. It does look like another $400 per person has been tacked on for the privilege of having access to Kate and "quality time" with her kids.
My husband and I took a Trans-Atlantic cruise a few years ago, and to our surprise, actress/singer Shirley Jones was onboard. This was not a "Shirley Jones" cruise, it was a cruise where Shirley Jones made several formal appearances, spoke of her life in show business, and her leading men. She sat out on deck during the day happily engaging with others. She displayed no aires, nor was she protected by a bodyguard, she in no way separated herself from others onboard. Shirley Jones did not pimp herself out for profit. She likely did get a complimentary cruise with superior accommodation in exchange for her appearances.
So, back to Kate and her cruise. Kate has been packaged at a premium, the more I think about it the more ludicrous the notion becomes. It has all the elements of a side-show, "look at Kate, spend time with the twins". I can almost envision the red-velvet rope! As for the mark-up, I suspect this is going right in to her pocket, in Kate's thinking charity begins at home, after all has 8 kids to support, and this cruise is work.
Believe it or not, I don't think that CJ and Z are exactly best buds. I think they've butted heads before. CJ rarely posts on any of the "pro" blogs, and I've read some comments to the effect that this is because her attitude and "activities" have gotten her banned just about everywhere.
Not a lawyer, but I think if a cancelling cruiser could prove that such info had been shared, the money would be returned forthwith by the agency due to possible negative exposure for the agency. Especially cruise companies, which at this point seem to be taking quite a big hit in general.
Sailing, Sailing 161 -- Thanks for your well-thought-out post regarding my theory/wish/hope re the twins' participation in the cruise. As I said, I tend to be incoherent when I'm angry, and Kate makes me frelling angry. I've seen poisonous snakes with a more protective instinct toward their offspring than Kate has.
Did y'all notice Kate's twit to Evan Lysacek? He sends out what I assume is a blanket tweet about a charity and she sends him a personal twat about how much she misses him. Bet he's glad to get that . . .NOT!
Well, look at it this way - if she was/is away, nobody wherever cared enough about her to mention it, lol,
I would guess Alice Travel outsources contracts and thought Kate Gosselin isn't remotely famous enough, and won't bring in many clients, to have their full time employees handling it. That's how pathetically low you are Kate. They sent this Cindy woman to deal with you. Maybe they are doing some rookie hazing at AT, making Cindy deal with this. ::snark::
And as for being the breadwinner? She hasn't even been a crumbwinner. And any crumb bits she did 'win' went all to her, nowhere near her children's accounts. Heck, she probably screamed at them that if a single granular of that crumb gets on the floor they will be living in the non-existent dog house. And will have a date with the big red spoon. And be called a boy. And be forced to eat pizza touched by human hand.
butterfly 23 Kate Gosselin of "Kate Plus 8" spotted boarding a NYC flight at McCarran Int'l Airport Sunday morning..
This item was date March 6 and does not mention the children being with her. That would have been March 4.
# @GlitterGadget I love getting first tweets! Thank you! And keep on running girl... You'll LOVE your new body!;) 2 minutes ago
Nothing about feeling great or getting healthy, it's all about LOOKS.
butterfly 23, the item was dated March 6 so would have been referring to Sunday March 4 and made no mention of the kids being there.
Not sure why 2 of my comments reposted -?
OT but I was reading a little about the Dionne Quints and randomly came across the mention of the Dilley Sextuplets. I did a quick Google search and besides a blurb on a Wikipedia page there was NOTHING I could find written about them in the past few years. Heck apparently one of them got married and had a kid and yet the only news article was the little wedding announcement all "mediocre" families had and it merely said the girl was one of two daughters of the Dilley's. Somehow they have managed to raise 6 kids through high school and now in college without exploiting them along the way. It makes me even more sad for the poor Gosselin kiddos to think of how their life should have been.
Did y'all notice Kate's twit to Evan Lysacek? He sends out what I assume is a blanket tweet about a charity and she sends him a personal twat about how much she misses him. Bet he's glad to get that . . .NOT!
Yeah and just like Kate to have a squealing orgasm over a celeb tweeting on HER twitter feed. Never mind even faking an interest in what he's involved in in Atlanta.
It's over 8
Thank you for the information on trackers, although I admit it's a bit confusing still. Makes me think I'll just stay here for the time being at least.
Aw, the Dilleys are grandparents? No, it didn't make news that I ever saw. All the kids have said before they just want to be normal. And their parents gave them that very gift.
I also thought that Diane Sawyer handled her entire coverage of them so respectfully. She really loved those kids and put together compelling pieces that didn't overly invade their privacy, and she kept it limited. She only came back every few years or so and by the time they got to be 10 or so she went I think like one more time. (By the way, proof people really do lose interest in the teenage years...which for them was a good thing)
And no, the last interview I recall was a 16th birthday interview. I thought the kids were all so good looking and well spoken and well mannered. I think America is multiple-ed out. It's not a novelty anymore.
So, she "forgot" to schedule anything for the kids' spring break, but she didn't forget to book HER spring break getaway. Why am I not surprised? That's just the most selfish thing I have ever heard. The kids play in the basement and eat grapes in the cold at a local park, and she enjoys warm weather. Yeah, that's Kate, all right.
If Kate truly waited until the kids were dumped on Jon and then busted ass to get out of Dodge for some "me time", then I have no words. Because "bitch" doesn't even begin to describe it.
Jon should be even more worried about this trip because his kids have been pretty much trained from birth to hug and kiss complete strangers. Add on to that the fact that Mady and Cara are no doubt thirsty for any kind of individual attention, and that these 'fans' know intimate, personal things about them, and bad things follow.
There is a term used by pedophiles called 'grooming'. What Kate has done by filming her children and continuing to give the general public a detailed look into their personal private lives is groomed them for the sickos out there. Gee thanks Kate, how nice of you to do most of the legwork.
If that Vegas Confidential item is accurate, she was seen at an airport in/near Vegas on Sunday 3/4.
Which leaves the question, where is she today that is so warm? (Administrator) said... 147
31 cruises by the time she was 31??? Cindy you are a freak.
I happen to hate cruises, but how does this make her a freak? Is there an Administrator-approved list of hobbies/interests that don't get one labeled a freak that you'd like to share?
I don't think for a second that Cindy C will turn down anyone who is willing to fork over money for that sham of a cruise, but...she's letting the Kate-fans know who else will be there. CJ checks them out, so that when they sail, all the Sheep (and their Queen) will know who the "hater" is on their cruise. They can torment the "hater(s)" for a week. They would love that! Their Twitter war can take place in person. I feel for everyone else on that cruise.
Oh, she can't afford to take them to the movies for a measley $80.00, but she can fly off and stay in a hotel in Vegas. Did you leave any milk for the kids to drink Kate? ((not just in their cereal))
I think America is multiple-ed out. It's not a novelty anymore.
It is kind of a yawn now isn't it. I think it was more of a novelty back when giving birth to HOMs was a natural occurrence, not as a result of biotechnology. Guess Kate shilled her babies just in the nick of time.
Why?, lighten up. Not everything that comes out of my mouth is serious.
Most of it is facetious. Or as we call it, snark.
I don't really think she is a freak. Sort of.
Rhymes with Witch said... 40
If that Vegas Confidential item is accurate, she was seen at an airport in/near Vegas on Sunday 3/4.
Which leaves the question, where is she today that is so warm?
Did that blurb say airport in Las Vegas or just airport?
The timing seems off on that Vegas Confidential thing. She was at an airport (supposedly leaving Vegas) on SUNDAY and then spotted at an airport YESTERDAY (Friday)? Something is not adding up...unless she was actually IN vegas all week and she was completely lying about the kids and their 'staycation".... Or was she in Vegas last week...and now she's on a different trip?
kate spotted at airport sunday..hmmmm...
If I recall corecttly..all her posts and photos during staycation only showed theory: Photos and upfates texted to kate by nannies, then tweeted by her he
This wool pulled over sheeples' glaring maybe proof: no photos of amazing bteakfasts served in heart plates on golden
warm weather..hmmm...=)
I thought the blurb said a NYC airport, and then a fb poster mentioned seeing her in Vegas. And yet another poster mentioned seeing her in an airport, but he didn't say which one.
That's three independent blurbs claiming Kate was out of town this week. I think you could say one is maybe joking or got it wrong, but all three? I'm willing to bet she went SOMEWHERE on her staycation.
I think we misunderstood. A staycation is good to save money on your KIDS so you can spend it on YOURSELF. Feel free to vacation for yourself once you've shipped them off to your ex. I get it.
Also, why the secrecy Kate? Why not just say where you went? Or are you ashamed? Why would you want to hide this?
31 cruises in less than 30 years in really extreme. I happen to LOVE cruising and even I think that makes her a freak.
It reminds me of a family I know that goes to Disney World 2-4 times per year. They live in Seattle and they fly to Orlando several times every year to go to their 'happy place' (that's what they call it.) Now, I like Disney and all, but that's just NUTS.
It's called Extreme Vacationing and in my opinion, it cheapens the whole experience when you overload like that.
I don't know. If a person owns 31 cars, wouldn't we call them a car freak? Cardella's a cruise freak.
And then there's Kate who is just plain freakish.
So IF Kate was arriving in Vegas last Sunday and is still there today, it would mean that her twitsodes during this past week were utter BS.
What say you then, sheeple?
Yes, I know there's no proof -yet.
Just for the record, today's high in Wernersville 40 degrees and clear. Vegas? 72 degrees and partly cloudy.
Back when J&K were actively grifting for baby equipment and grift cards, they reassured people that they planned on redonating all the things they'd received to other needy families and/or families of multiples. Touched, people gave generously. J&K lied and sold all the donated items. I saw some of Jon's postings on Triplet Connection and he would often start out by asking new retail price for the used items.
For years, their signature story that was a large part of their church spiel and written about in "Multiple Blessings" is that Jon was fired because he was expecting sextuplets. The business owner didn't want to insure 8 kids. Sick of this shit, David Rothermel came forward and said Jon was fired for creating his website and phoning baby companies on the clock AND he had documentation to prove it. J&K immediately stopped telling that story.
For a free vacation to Hawaii, an elaborate wedding vow renewal was staged and Kate promised the kids Mommy & Daddy would be together forever. She lied. She knew she was kicking Jon to the curb as soon as the ink was dry on the contract for the estate she was currently shopping for at that time.
When it was clear the Gosselin marriage was imploding, they lied & lied & lied & lied and said everything was fine until papparazzi came to Reading to successfully catch Jon in the act.
When two of the Gosselin children were expelled from Kindergarten, the reports were immediately denied until denial was no longer possible. Kate then went on TV and blamed it on anger and the divorce. Again, she lied.
Now, IMO the most recent lie is that Kate is going to make herself and her twins available to the mediocre on the cruise she will be on in August. Mark my words, I don't think the twins will even go. I think some excuse will be made in July, saying the girls made a sports team or something and cannot go on the trip. I think this Titanic redux will go off and Kate will get her free vacay, but no way is she going to run with the sheeple and hang out with them- NO WAY! This woman has spent the last 5 or 6 years carefully and obsessively avoiding interaction with the public UNLESS it was being filmed for the show, a very controlled and structured setting. The sheeple are being fed a whole lot of BS to get them to sign up... and then it will be all yanked out from under them at the last minute.
Kate has a very long and storied history of lying for financial gain. This is no different. While the sheeple ruthlessly defend her right to exploit her kids for financial gain, they seem to not want to help her do it with their own wallets. I think deep down they know Kate will not be fulfilling all of the advertised Kate events.
Kate Gosselin of "Kate Plus 8" spotted boarding a NYC flight at McCarran Int'l Airport Sunday morning...
It's saying she was flying to NYC from Vegas on Sunday.
IF Kate was in LV last weekend, Mar 3/4, then she tweeted the whole weekend. Seems that's all she did.
IF she was away all this past week, then she lied about taking kids to eye dr., getting ham, running, picnic in park, etc.
Someone tweeted that they saw Kate and the lead from Kings of Leon at an airport. The guy from Kings of Leon lives in NYC. I suspect Kate was at an airport in NYC. Coming or going? Who knows?
Maybe she ARRIVED in Vegas on Sunday and she went home yesterday. Maybe. If she seriously took off while her kids were on break, and it's PROVEN, then she is a horrible person. Yeah, the kids need a STAYCATION while mom goes on VACATION?
For someone who thinks she so famous people will panic if they see her, she sure has some balls to think she can get away with hiding a trip to Vegas.
So one blurb saying she was on a flight from Vegas, and a completely separate blurb saying they saw her in Vegas.
I'm gonna call it, bitch went to Vegas at the exact same time she posted a post about staycations. She sure is mentally ill.
I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist, however she has not been in the photos with the kids. We can't really prove she's there.
I have no idea this is what happened, but a nanny easily could have emailed the photo of the kids watching a movie and going to the park to Kate.
How funny if she finally gets busted for this fake life she tweets.
Vegas Confidential puts her at McCarran Airport on Suday, 3/4 (bound for NY?)
Jason Isbell posted that he saw her Friday March 9th at 7:51pm (airport unspecified but based on his tweet he appears to be stateside)
Jason Isbell
Made it back! Saw Kate plus 8 and a King of Leon and wife in the airport.
Like · · @JasonIsbell on Twitter · 19 hours ago via Twitter
This morning Kate tweets how she is loving the warm weather. A PA local says it is 39 degrees.
Kate posted "staycation twitsodes" all week complete with pictures.
I would say she's lying. One wrench could be the tweet from that person who saw her driving BBB yesterday.
That blurb stated Kate was in Vegas, in McCarran Int'l Airport getting on a plane headed for NY, supposedly Sun mar 4. Checking her Twitter feed- she was tweeting a storm on the 3rd, the night M and C were dancing for her and she talked about the going to the movies not being a necessary childhood experience- blah blah blah- and the next day when she dissed the Dance Mom's show. Not sure how this timeline plays out. Maybe someone is mistaken, and she is away now.
Drive By Poster said... 61
I would say she's lying. One wrench could be the tweet from that person who saw her driving BBB yesterday.
Kate could have twatted that to herself. I'm conviced that 99% of the twats begging for the show to come back, asking about a cookbook, bashing Jon and saying how smokin' hot she is are Kate twatting herself under fake accounts.
One wrench could be the tweet from that person who saw her driving BBB yesterday 61.
What is she was leaving Vegas last Sunday and traveling AGAIN last night?
Tow separate trips...........
64 if; two
Puts a lie to her "staycation" though.
There are two people leaving messages on here using former screen names of mine as well as my real name. They are trashing IW and using my info. I know their game and why they are doing it and am not going to participate. I have blocked them from my email because of their harassment and this is how they try to get to me. I am sorry they have chosen to use this blog to spout their vitriol using my name.
Just for them, we are moving very soon and will have a new home with a new ip address and changing all email addresses. Go find someone else to harass. I'm sick of you and your childishness.
Wayward, I checked that girl's Twitter. She's from Wernersville and oddly enough follows Ellen Ross too.
Please email me if there are problems with people here.
I suspect it was two trips. We was away last weekend, suffered through a couple days with her kids, then shipped them off to Jon and took off.
Layla: perhaps when Jon was in court recently, he complained that Kate was not spending the child support he is paying on the kids, but on herself. And asked for an itemized list of all the kids expenses, and perhaps Kate was asking for more Child support, saying the kids expenses went up. Maybe the judge said no to Kate and told her to show what she buys and pays for the kids, make her accountable of the use of the child support. Maybe that is why Kate has been bitchy lately, not getting more child support and/or the child support was reduced. Maybe Jon had an accountant figure how much the kids: school, clothes, food etc, and what kate told them are 2 different things.
I thought the same thing, bitch could have taken two trips, one last weekend and one this one.
Wouldn't that take the cake. I would love to get to the bottom of this.
By the way do her tweeties ever question her about this stuff or just pretend it's not happening?
anger issues kate said... 70
Layla: perhaps when Jon was in court recently, he complained that Kate was not spending the child support he is paying on the kids, but on herself. And asked for an itemized list of all the kids expenses, and perhaps Kate was asking for more Child support, saying the kids expenses went up. Maybe the judge said no to Kate and told her to show what she buys and pays for the kids, make her accountable of the use of the child support.
I totally buy this theory. It also explains why Kate suddenly ramped up listing just how much everything costs to raise eight kids. It's like she is hoping someone from the other side will see it, like Jon, his lawyer, the judge, or anyone who supports them, and they will then have an epiphany oh you're right Kate you do need 20 grand in child support a year. It sounds crazy to those of us of sound mind but this is how these people THINK!
It's very passive aggressive but that's Kate.
anger issues, I think Jon's child support is irrelevant. If he's making $60,000 a year, and she takes it all (which she can"t), it can't begin to support her in the style she finds so essential.
As far as these apparent trips, she lies. All the time. This can't come as much surprise to anyone at this point.
I'm not sure if it has been discussed but The Bates family just got picked up for a new TLC series. The 1 hour special airs this week and they will have a full season this summer. The Bates are another mega-family with similar religious beliefs as the Duggars and have been on a few 19 kids episodes. The first episode will show baby #19 being born. I checked out the family blog and there is a picture of the baby dress in a TLC onesie and TLC hat. I guess TLC has a new family to exploit. You can see the picture at under updates. The family prayed about letting TLC into their home and feel it is their new calling.
Wayward, another great post.
As for Kate's whereabouts, I don't think she was away this week, but I can see her being off somewhere for the weekend. Her exact post this morning said nothing about "warm" weather:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
I love this weather!!! Bring it on!! Good day for a long run! Does anyone agree??!!:) Have a great day all!
It's been sunny and cool all day in the NE, with no wind (prior couple of days very windy).
Last night she came on quite late saying:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Just checked in... All seems well here in twitter world. I'm 'hitting the hay' as they say in farm country, lol! GN!
I thought "checked in" as opposed to "checking in" was odd, makes me think she's definitely in a hotel somewhere. This was at 11:15 p.m. EST; if she had gone to LV, would she really be "hitting the hay" at that hour? Unless "hay" has a TOTALLY different meaning. . . . If she did go somewhere, I'm sure we'll know it sooner or later. My money would be on the south--like Miami.
Just to clarify my post: I said conspiracy theory to tendte hommage to sheeple..
upfakes was deliberate ( pulling a kate upfates and fakes..inyended as a
sorry stupid Android phone point is..nothimg actually probes kate was there..aka photos..yet missed photos..pancakes or $% eggs, I forget
poi.t was lately when she posts about breakfast a pathetic photo this week kust don't ring true to me.
my opi.ion althougj I am a vraphoc artist and use photos constantly...each photog has a feeas I said
just my opinion
As I said somewhere above, if Kate was away LAST weekend, she spent the whole time tweeting. Sat. was supposedly movie night, and it's the night she was snarking at some of the haters.
If she left for airport sometime Sun, she was tweeting the whole time before during and after getting home.
I'm wondering if the sighting in LV was someone else. It's not like Kate is the ONLY bleached, stringy haired blonde, faked boobed, over tanned bimbo in Las Vegas.
Drive By Poster said... 67
Wayward, I checked that girl's Twitter. She's from Wernersville and oddly enough follows Ellen Ross too.
Hmmmm... well then I think I go along with the theory that Kate was away last weekend and then split again last night after Jon got the kids. In the last three years, I wonder what the longest span of time has been between Kate getting on a plane? I wonder if she's hatching another z listy plan or if this is just a nice vacation for she and the boobguard? :)
Cammie 74 you have provided me with yet another reason to boycott TLC, not that it was necessary.
There are many woman out there in the world, who look like Kate. That one actress was mistaken for Kate last year.
Mom of the year: I think your misunderstanding me: Jon and Kate were in court recently, for the cruise, and before this date in court about the custody, and maybe, what Jon did not mention was a change in child support. Maybe the kids blabbed about momma spending for this and that, but won't spend on them, and Jon said in court he wanted an itemized list of expenditures of the kids. Where is his child support going, and maybe Kate was asking for more, to support her lifestyle. In other words Kate is taking the kids child support for herself. Or was Kate asking for alimony, since now she has no job, and I don't think she is collecting unemployment either, cause maybe TLC never paid in for it. Kate would have to look for a real job, not hoping that a fame-chasing job will fall in her lap. Think about all the stuff she has been buying lately. If you have all these bills and support of the kids, you don't go out and spend for $300 ear buds, a 3d TV and $100 3d glasses,etc and run all over buying so-call holiday fair. Kate is looking for easy money, working for it is to hard.
Kate minmic's the song: Taking Care of Business.
There are many woman out there in the world, who look like Kate. That one actress was mistaken for Kate last year.
This is true. But three separate reports of Kate are too much for me. She went on at least one trip.
Admin said...
What does this mean all you business savvy people? Does it mean she's contracted? Does "a division of" have a specific meaning in the business world?
Division=department --means that woman at that desk, over there. It is against IRS and most state laws, to use an independent contractor as an employee, unless that person has a business license, is registered in that state and files a business related tax form
As far as luxury cruises--sounds same as a realtor, car or boat sales person that declares themselves as a specialist in high end sales. Doesn't mean they won't sell you a used car, a windowless room on a boat to hell or a run-down shack. It is a snob appeal thing. I hardly think that Kate's demographic qualifies as a luxury cruiser.
njay said... 191
Sailing, Sailing said... 169
The fan with several children who was stalked appeared to be reconsidering the cruise just before she went private on Twitter.
I believe this is the one that canceled the Disney cruise to go on Kate's. Not sure though
BM posted that she wished they hadn't already paid for reservations for the Disney cruise.
I think BM put her kids and Disney above her "worship" Kate. If so, good for her.
I don't think she left last weekend--she was tweeting about movie night on Saturday, then was supposedly in the Las Vegas airport leaving for NYC on Sunday. She'd have to fly there first thing Sunday morning, then immediately fly back home. Doubtful.
I do believe, however, that she may be somewhere now. First that odd "checked in" tweet last night, then the mention of the nice weather, and now she's only tweeting in short bursts every few hours. She could have spent Friday with the kids until 2pm, dumped them off on Jon, and then taken off for the airport. The person who saw her driving the BBB may have seen her leaving. The musician who saw her was flying in from New Zealand, so he would have landed in LA. It would be warm there, so perhaps that's where she is. Question is, why?
I was just wondering, doesn't Cindy C think it's awfully strange to have to deal with the "lovers"/"haters" mess? I really can't see that it would be a normal think for a travel agent to deal with when handling a celebrity cruise. She has to be wondering what kind of mess she got herself into.
I was just wondering, doesn't Cindy C think it's awfully strange to have to deal with the "lovers"/"haters" mess? I really can't see that it would be a normal think for a travel agent to deal with when handling a celebrity cruise. She has to be wondering what kind of mess she got herself into.
anonymous this time....I've worked for 3 celebs in different a capacity. Some of them weren't always the nicest people but we never had to deal with haters! yes I think this CIndy person should be wondering if this is normal because it's really not.
For years, their signature story that was a large part of their church spiel and written about in "Multiple Blessings" is that Jon was fired because he was expecting sextuplets. The business owner didn't want to insure 8 kids. Sick of this shit, David Rothermel came forward and said Jon was fired for creating his website and phoning baby companies on the clock AND he had documentation to prove it. J&K immediately stopped telling that story.
I'm kind of surprised Mr. Rothermel never sued them. I sure as hell would have.
Re the Bates: don't just blame TLC. This family knows the routine from their pals the Duggars and are after the exact same things. Money and fame.
I think that the vetting process has to do with Cindy not wanting to waste her time with people who are just trying to harrass her and are highly unlikely to purchase the ticket. She probably thinks that a hater won't book--I think she might be wrong about that. I am hoping that someone will go that will blog from the cruise--when it was announced, I pledged $100.00 towards admin--sadly, she declined...(Calling Sue Buddy--are you interested? )I doubt that she will refuse to sell to anyone with a valid charge card. It is a business, not a social worker facility. It is Kate's job to protect her children's privacy. But, as usual, in Kate's World, if their are sheeple willing to pay to be in her presence and up close to her kids, who is she to say no?! BTW, Kate--I have an answer to that question--you are their MOTHER--it is you that should be saying no!
Someone saw Kate near her home on Friday, the 9th
lauren @adidasqt6 · Open
@Kateplusmy8 ah i seen u driving the BBB today!U were wearing a pink shirt i think!U looked like a little girl driving that huge thing!xox;)
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@adidasqt6 yep! I was wearing my pink under armor running sweatshirt! Thanks for saying I looked like a little girl! Yay!:)
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3:19 PM - 9 Mar 12 via Twitterrific · Details
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Aside from her justifying of what she has done to her kids lives - the reason I truly dislike kate is because I cannot stand liars.
I like the post that summed up what kate (and jon) have lied about to make money. It's outright fraud.
The more I see some of her remarks I think she is heading toward either bulemia or anorexia. That I cost waay too much remark is in reply to someone who said her 4-yo got on the scales and said how much do I cost, and her reply, in that case I cost way too much.
It's not just the Dilley's who made smart descisions when it comes to their children's privacy. Check out the Hanselman family. Sextuplets, 3 boys, 3 girls and a son about 3 years older. Born in 2004 in Ohio.
And she is sneaky, very sneaky, and a tease too. She teases and toys with her tweeties all the time. Even dressing the say she was or did (she has toned it down some now) is a bit of a tease and all the I need a man talk when she knows full well that she is not on the market. Those are just a few of the reasons I do not like her, at all. Also forever in my mind a cheat as well. I will never believe she completed that 26.2. She is not a runner, she is a person who sometimes talks herself up to doing a run as a part of job.
Probably a ridiculous question to ask, but here it goes anyway.
Is it normal for a person who appears to be narcissist or at the very least self-centered, who appears to only spend time with her children when it benefits her or is free...why would they spend so much of their time talking to other kids and or teens?
I don't know I guess I just find it weird Kate has all the time in the world to talk to strangers and think about vacations, her dream place, meeting people she's never met...but then she doesn't have time to take her kids to a movie?
When someone says, "Oh, I'm too exhausted to do anything with my own kids but I have all the energy and time in the world to sit here and Twitter with you."
I get the feeling, well, that if you put the phone, look...spare time! Where did that come from?!
anger issues kate said...Mom of the year: I think your misunderstanding me: Jon and Kate were in court recently, for the cruise, and before this date in court about the custody, and maybe, what Jon did not mention was a change in child support.
I'm just trying to catch up. How did anyone find out Jon and Kate were in court and that it was about the cruise?
Marie said ... 94
Is it normal for a person who appears to be narcissist or at the very least self-centered, who appears to only spend time with her children when it benefits her or is free...why would they spend so much of their time talking to other kids and or teens?
She engages with other kids/people only on her own terms. No responsibility, no follow-up, no accountability. It's part of the narcissistic fantasy.
Her own kids are real, with real needs, demands, opinions. That's what she can't stand. She has all the time in the world for anyone who doesn't challenge her world view. That's what makes narcissism so much fun (at least as long as the fantasy lasts). For the narcissist.
Replying to those who are asking about canceling their cruises, I believe there is a sliding scale of how much you'd lose (or get back). About 6 months out you should get back most everything. The closer you get to the cruise date (and after full payment has been made) the more you lose and at a certain date you lose it all unless you have purchased travel insurance. Companies have different coverages available so it's hard to generalize. Heading out on our 8th cruise later this month and fortunately have never had to test the cancellation policy.
From the previous post. I read it as the percentage that the cruiser is responsible for by date.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 111
Kat said... 86
Just a question..don't know if it was asked before...if these people they get a full refund on their deposit?
Kat, as per Alice Travel:
Cancellation Fee per person:
Feb. 1 - April 25, 2012 - $200
April 26 - June 10, 2012 - $400
June 11 - July 10, 2012 - 50%
July 11 - Aug 12, 2012 - 100%
Alices's cancellation policy is as such:
Cancellation: If you are canceling the cruise, air, hotel or other arrangements and you have insurance, you must advise Alice Travel Inc and Access America immediately, before the cancellation is made. In all cases, if you are canceling due to medical reasons, a doctor's visit will be necessary in order for a claim to be processed. You must advise Alice Travel of your cancellation within 72 hours after the doctor's visit and before the penalty increases to the next level (which ever comes first). Any cancellation MUST BE RECEIVED IN WRITING.
Cancellation Fee per person:
Feb. 1 - April 25, 2012 - $200
April 26 - June 10, 2012 - $400
June 11 - July 10, 2012 - 50%
July 11 - Aug 12, 2012 - 100%
However, this does not say if this is the cancellation policy for those with a doctor's excuse only, or if this applies to anyone who cancels. If it's for anyone who cancels for any reason, then what would be the purpose of obtaining a doctor's evaluation? If you have a doctor's note, is there a full refund only if you have purchased insurance? If you have purchased insurance, is there a full refund without a doctor's note? There are different kinds of insurance available, but none of this info is available on the website.
"BM posted that she wished they hadn't already paid for reservations for the Disney cruise."
It wasn't BM who cancelled the Disney cruise. It was Gypsi.
Friends of mine booked a Caribbean cruise for their honeymoon a few years ago and had to cancel at the last minute -- he was Air Force Reserve and his unit was activated. They got their money back.
Pity Party #91-kate is way too cheap to be a bulemic!
Check out Jon's twitter. Very Interesting.
Maybe the judge said no to Kate and told her to show what she buys and pays for the kids, make her accountable of the use of the child support
He can ask, but the last I heard, in PA there is no accountability law. She can spend it as she sees fit, and if she's using it for tanning and bleach jobs, he can't do anything about it.
Molly said... 102
Check out Jon's twitter. Very Interesting.
I feel like I should have champagne and there should be fireworks. Yay for Jon :)
Kate can suck it.
Wow. So Jons contract expires with TLC in 24 hours per his twitter. Wonder where kate ran off too? I think she needed a vacation for sure
MKS @MKSandAssocInc
26 hrs 7mins until Jon Gosselin's contract is up with TLC!!! We are so excited!!! Bigs things to come, and we're happy you're with MKS!!!
Molly said... 102
Check out Jon's twitter. Very Interesting.
You mean this?:!/jongosselin1/status/178647401291186177
26 hrs 7mins until Jon Gosselin's contract is up with TLC!!! We are so excited!!! Bigs things to come, and we're happy you're with MKS!!!
Which means, Kate's probably expires too.
No wonder she's probably burying herself in the boxed wine this weekend. Bye bye NYC, bye bye Steve, bye bye freebies.
Feb. 1 - April 25, 2012 - $200
So we're already past the point where the sheep are going to lose money. Sad.
I think BM put her kids and Disney above her "worship" Kate. If so, good for her.
She does, I think.
I think what's left of her posts about Kate are a rogue to save face. She's seen the light and is trying to quietly and slowly fade away.
She was a devoted fan, but she is not mentally ill like some of the other crazies. She's seen the light I think. Just doesn't want to admit it.
I wonder if kate's contract is different since she resigned for kate plus 8 or if it remained the same as jon's as far as time because he would NOT resign the kids..just let them ride out their existing. hmmm
It will be interesting to see if kate is all cocky with her secret surprises to come crap or if she will be a grouchy twit.
So she didn't lie to Milo when she said contract didn't end in Feb. kate is so literal.
I doubt they are on different dates. I'm betting Kate's ends in march AND the kids. It's likely the family signed one contract when Jon signed off on Kate Plus 8.
Now the question is will Kate try to pimp out the kids to other TV sources now that they are available and try to get it past Jon. This could get interesting.
So she didn't lie to Milo when she said contract didn't end in Feb. kate is so literal.
Exactly what we suspected. She is a twit.
What says Milo now? Your queen lied to you. Well, mislead you.
Admin, do you mean "a ruse" instead of "a rogue"? (BM's posts.)
Looks as if Jon has taken his Twitter private, too.
"This morning Kate tweets how she is loving the warm weather. A PA local says it is 39 degrees."
Not quite. She tweeted, "I love this weather!!! Bring it on!!" which prompted my comment that it was 39 degrees three hours after she tweeted that (colder when she tweeted), and if she loves warm weather (as she stated recently in another tweet), then how could she love the cold weather that we had this morning.
So Jon's contract is up, too. Great. Now the two of them can fight over who gets to pimp the kids out, how, and when.
Those kids can't catch a break to save their lives. Literally.
Dee, I'm not going to jump to conclusions like that. He doesn't want the twins on the cruise. And he hasn't signed up the kids with an agency, just himself. Until he actually takes steps to continue pimping the kids, I reserve judgement. He hasn't.
His picture is still on the banner and you can bet there will be wrath here if tries anything.
SO Jon's contract is finally up 23 years later. Meanwhile we are supposed to believe kate's was over the day KATE PLUS 8 went off the air???
How do those lies taste Milo? Does it bother you that kate IMPLIED there was NO TRUTH to the RUMORS she was still under contract. She skirted it because you said February so she had no issue misleading you.
I agree..taking a wait and see stance also.
This is going to get interesting though. I would love it if Jon's "Star" rises while Kate's continues to fall. Of course, as long as the star does not involve kids, I say go for it.
WOnder if Jon is planning on quitting his day job. He called his clients assholes on twitter Friday. I wonder what he has lined up?
I will withhold all judgement on Jon until he does something to remove my support. For now he's ok in my book because he did acknowledge his past errors and so far has not repeated them.
Who in their right mind would even think of hiring Kate to work for them in TV? I mean really.
It's like if you apply for another job and your potential employer phones your old employer to ask about how you fit in, your work ethic or maybe your prior working history, I look at it as all anyone has to do is look at her past record with being on TV. It doesn't appear too good.
And if Kate were to apply for say a regular office job (as if) and when it comes to putting down her past work history, for most people it would be a prior office job, a lower level applying for a higher position. Kate? She's going to put down: Reality TV, Mom and 8 kids. Didn't you see my show?
The reason she can't get a regular job has nothing to do with where she worked (on TV) it solely has to do with how she appears to people. Like the teenager girl who brings in an application to say, a fancy clothing store but her appearance is drab and her attitude is arrogant, the type where her parents are making her get a job and she really has better things to do.
With her contract up, what is she really going to do now? Nobody is going to hire her, the kids are the only reason she's even known. Has she forgotten that if she ended up taking infertility and she ended up with maybe just twins...nobody would care I don't think. Only reason she's even well known is for, well, having infertility. That doesn't stand out in my mind as making it a solo career.
I think she jumped the gun and forgot no TV show lasts forever. It's likely she'll be that person on the raft in the middle of a water flood asking for someone to rescue her. Several things will pass her by but because they aren't up to her standards she's going to sit there and hope something bigger and better comes along. Thing is, that it might not happen again and she's going to make herself worse off than before.
Moneys got to run out sometime honey. Like the boy who cried wolf, don't cry broke and poor later on because you've been crying broke and poor from day one. Makes it less believable.
Take your seats folks before they fill up, I'll pop the popcorn.
This could get GOOD!
Admin--any chance that popcorn will be organic?
Unlike Kate, Jon politely asked someone not to post anything on twitter about his kids, custody or Kate (apparently some people can't read). He didn't blow a gasket and say 'have a nice day you're gone'. When she removed it he again politely thanked her. SO opposite of how Kate reacts.
Getting parolled from the konpound was the best thing he could have done. I hope the kids all follow his lead.
Marie, no chance in hell.
Auntie Anne, you mean he is a normal person? Huh.
I meant to say so opposite of how Kate reacts when someone says something that offends her.
Sheesh, had some ungodly flubug the last few days, can't even get the thought out before I hit publish. It's gotta be the nyquill. Yeah the nyquill....
Yes. I think that's what I'm saying. lol
Yes I meant ruse.
Hmmm, but what was the quid pro quo regarding the twins? What did Jon get? We may find out soon.
And we don't know that he didn't sign the kids up. We don't know exactly what he's done.
What we do know is that the kids are pawns.
Calling his clients names on his Twitter yesterday isn't a good sign. He's stayed employed, but had trouble staying in one job. He may be ready for the next pointless gig.
I want to believe in the guy, I really do. But none of this looks good.
Any way you look at it, the kids aren't coming out ahead. I'm joining the barf brigade here; this story just gets worse and worse.
(Yeah, I think Kate completely lied about and misrepresented her wonderful "staycation". Mommie Dearest needs her break; kids can suck eggs at a cold playground.)
126 So agree. He acts like a NORMAL person. It's liars who start screaming when called out. ie kate
Auntie said, Sheesh, had some ungodly flubug the last few days, can't even get the thought out before I hit publish. It's gotta be the nyquill. Yeah the nyquill....
Of course it could be what you are drinking with the Nyquill. Margaritas and cold meds don't mix!
Feel better! It's going around and doesn't seem to want to make a hasty exit. I had it, too.
Aw thanks Sherry. And how DID you know? lol
The only upside is hubs make a mean hot toddy.
Yeah, I don't know what kind of flu it is but it hits you fast.
Admin said...."Take your seats folks before they fill up, I'll pop the popcorn.
This could get GOOD!"
Lol. I was just thinking the same thing.
Now this is solely hypothetical here. But I had a thought, what if Jon, not that he would, was offered the deal to film a reality show as a single father raising 8 kids. And he went for it, any takers on how fast Kate would haul him to court demanding that he be stopped exploiting the kids and or somehow involve her because she's their mother? That anything he would do she would be to give him approval? Such as leaving the country to go to "Korea?"
I can just see her being exacerbated by the whole thing, having no control and not being able to participate in it. I don't wan the kids on TV...I think think it be fun to watch Kate's head spin around at the hypocrisy that's all.
She was allowed to do it but he will probably never (again not that he would put himself in the position I don't see it).
Almost the same deal if he ever writes a book, Kate's going to have a field day on Twitter "debunking" all Jon's false claims and such.
If you look through a glass and it's clear, but the person next to you says it's not clear it's see-through still makes it the same thing anyway you look at it.
for crying out loud. MAKES not make. Oy.
Jon's client comment on Twitter was last week, a couple of days after his Twitter was verified. Not yesterday.
The message from the publicist (MKS) sounds like he may already have some work. If so, good for him. I don't really believe that at this point he will want to involve his kids. I think that he has been sincere about that. But only time will tell.
Parents just met @Kateplusmy8 !!! Love her #sojealous
What's this about?
Now that Jon is no longer muzzled by TLC, maybe he will clear the air regarding all the lies Kate has told with impunity. Such as....his consistent involvement in the kids' lives, his consistent payment of child support, the Contract, etc. He may just want to tell his side of the story after being thrown under the bus for so long. Also, maybe Kate hasn't been outed for the ridiculous liar that she is because TLC had her under contract, and therefore protected. Maybe she will finally be exposed for the piece of dung that she is
Someone just tweeted this:
Olivia Ciallella Favorite · Open
Parents just met @Kateplusmy8 !!! Love her #sojealous
and a picture:
Olivia Ciallella
@KISsy_LISSSY I'm still in shock!!!!/livciaa/status/178677190899150848/photo/1
It doesn't really look like Kate to me, and where's the necklace she always wears? Her mouth looks different.
I saw that tweet too. She is at the Please Touch Museum in Phlly. That is an exhibit called teh Rainforest Rhythm. Must be a fundraiser or a VIP event. So much for her being out of town LOL. I just gotta know: Was Skeeve there??
Rhymes with Witch said... 178
1 ANYONE could go on the cruise who can come up with the money.
Well Admin, based on what has been posted here, it seems that Cindy is screening for "haterz" with the help of at least one sheeple.
March 10, 2012 12:06 PM
with some of the things the haters say on twitter to and about kate would you blame her?
Take it back. The girl tweeted that it is a Red Cross Gala.
Kate with "BIG Steve" at the event:!/livciaa/status/178685912820105217/photo/1
Red Cross Gala in L.A. So, yeah, she's out of town.
Olivia Ciallella
@JustJoeyG She's at some Red Cross Gala and Kate's there as well. My mom is acting like she is her bestie now when she used to hate her!
Here's the link to the event:
She's not featured, so I wonder who paid her way.
Kate's at a Red Cross Gala:
It's Kate. The turkey neck is a dead-giveaway.
Aw thanks Sherry. And how DID you know? lol
I think it was when you posted that Kate is your inspiration, she's your biggest fan (sic), she's the best author in the world, it only took three weeks to read "Eight Little Faces" and you wish you could be just like her ;-) I knew something strange was going down besides the Nyquil.
"Yeah, I don't know what kind of flu it is but it hits you fast."
You better believe it. I was in the grocery store, in the aisle between the bananas and grapefruit, feeling perfectly healthy. When I turned the corner and headed toward the condiments, it hit me. I had to call someone to pick me up because I knew I'd never make it home on my own. I didn't want to die in the grocery store, although at least there I would have been close to cold locker storage.
Gift of Grab the event is in Philadelphia at the Please Touch Museum. Here is the link:
She is not listed as a speaker. So she didn't leave town today. I recognized the background from that museum. I was just there today LOL. What a coincidence!
Is it the L.A. one or the Philly one?
Admin it is the Philly one. Here is the link:
It is held at the Please Touch Museum in downtown Philly. So she is not in L.A. as we thought.
Well at least she's finally doing some charity work.
Is that her feather-duster hat from the Derby re-sewn into a dress????
I stand corrected, whyohwhy. The L.A. one made sense, and was the first one that came up.
Still wonder who paid? VIP ticket is $285. Or maybe she got comped due to her photo.
So, she has plenty of money to pay for an almost 300 ticket, a trip to Philly, a new cocktail dress, but can't take eight kids to the movies.
If it was "comped" isn't that like taking money from a charity?
Kimmie for the love of God accept that you are banned and goooo awaaaay.
It is absolutely amazing that she did squat with her kids all week, and now is prancing around a charity gala as IF she actually gives back. In one unposed shot she looks like she forgot to do her hair, and in the other, well someone should tell her that feathers around a.short tight hem is not attractive. Klassy Kate. Funny how she can't twat about this; I guess she's getting some hotel time too. Staycation my a$&.
I don't understand why Kate doesn't understand twitter. She's still living episodes and doesn't want to "spoil" anything.
It takes two seconds to pull out your phone and twitter about being at the gala and how much she loves the Red Cross. It's not like she went all the way to LA. to indulge herself, it's just in Philly. What is she thinking. Kate, this is what you need to tweet about. Not the endless blather you usually do.
Or is she embarrassed that she spent all this money to get herself down there, get a cute dress, etc? Was there a coupon for that dress?
I don't care for the dress, but at least her inflatables are decently covered, and her hair isn't lying lankly on her shoulders (I'm sure you can add hair and make-up to the tab for the evening's appearance). She looks more her age than at any other time in recent memory.
Her hair looks sheek-er than normal. Pulled back for a classy event is really the way to go when in doubt, you can't go wrong. And the dress is modest and just fine until it gets to the frilly feather duster part.
Put it this way it's an improvement over the usual Hollywood and Vine hooker uniform she pulls out for events like this.
Or is she embarrassed that she spent all this money to get herself down there, get a cute dress, etc? Was there a coupon for that dress?
She's embarrassed that she claims to have forgotten spring break, but remembered that she's going to a charity ball. Maybe she didn't forget spring break, but knew then that she wouldn't be back in time for her own get-away. There always seems to be a method in her madness.
Real shame she couldn't get her children to Philly to visit something called The Please Touch Museum on their staycation. Have a good evening Kate.
Kate and Jane Seymour are at the Red Cross event together.
Kate and Jane Seymour are at the Red Cross event together.
I'm pretty sure Jane Seymour is at the one in LA tonight and Kate is at the one in Philly.
There are two events, both on the same night. It happens. The Red Cross is huge. I'm relieved she's not at the L.A. one. At least with this one she can be back at her house tonight.
Jane Seymour is at RC in LA. Kate is in Philadelphia.
Kimmie for the love of God accept that you are banned and goooo awaaaay.
You said it so much nicer than I was going to say it. What is so hard to understand about "GO AWAY?" Maybe this would help:
Take a hike
Pull Out
Remove Yourself
Beat It
Beg off
LOL or in the words of Kate ... be gone!!/people/Cindy-Cardella/1099915004?sk=photos
Cindy is just a year younger than Kate! She will be 35 in May.
Westcoaster said... 164
Real shame she couldn't get her children to Philly to visit something called The Please Touch Museum on their staycation.
They did the Philly area last year when TLC was footing the bill and Kate was still miserable. No way she would take them anywhere on her own dime.
weet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 176
On a differerent site some random guy tweeted that he saw Kate in an airport yesterday. Would explain the twitter silence, eh?
March 10, 2012 11:53 AM
That guy is from Alabama (not a major city). So, did he see her in transit at another airport or is she on a vacation on the gulf coast?
Gift of grab said... 156
I stand corrected, whyohwhy. The L.A. one made sense, and was the first one that came up.
Still wonder who paid? VIP ticket is $285. Or maybe she got comped due to her photo.
That she got comped would be my guess. The local Red Cross probably expects a donation, especially since she is a local celeb. Like everyone else who has ever come in contact with her, they will be disappointed. Get better Auntie Ann! I prescribe warmed B&B (brandy & benedictine) for the flu--especially if respiratory. The vapors help the congestion and the alcohol dulls the aches.
It's the Philadelphia Red Cross Gala.
ADMIN said: Put it this way it's an improvement over the usual Hollywood and Vine hooker uniform she pulls out for events like this.
Yes, it could have been alot worse, but it is still atrocious. The length of that dress is not a mini. It is crotch-length. Maybe that's why it has feathers at the bottom - to keep her crotch from freezing. I noticed the other female guests had on elegant and simple dresses. This one Kate is wearing still looks trashy as hell to me.
OT but about running and training- (because we have discussed these topics)
Mythbusting training: from an article an by Jessica Sebor, info provided by Dr. Jason Karp-
Myth #1: Running is Bad for Your Knees
Dr. Jason Karp: People assume that because running requires pounding the ground, it must be damaging to your knees—but this myth is completely false. There's no research that shows a greater instance of joint issues or osteoarthritis in people who run versus those who do not. On the contrary, studies show that running can be beneficial for joints as it strengthens the surrounding musculature and increases bone density.
Myth #3: Runners Should Stretch Daily
Research shows that the only benefit of stretching is to increase your flexibility. There is no evidence that stretching will ward off injury or improve your speed. If you stretch before you run, this may actually have a negative impact on performance. Runners who want to increase their flexibility should stretch only after running, or even better, completely apart from their running workout.
Myth #5: Eating Pasta the Night Before a Race Will Boost Performance
There is no need to "carbo load" for any race under two hours long. Eating pasta before a 5K or 10K will provide no benefit at all. If you are racing a marathon, you should add more carbs to your diet, but start doing so two weeks before your race—not the night before. When you begin tapering for the race, I recommend increasing your intake of carbs so that they account for 70 percent of your total daily calories. This will maximize the storage of glycogen in your muscles, which can provide energy late into the race.
Dress from the front isn't too bad, except for the hideous feathers. The back is missing tho...cut out in a U shape down to her waist. It's marketed as a prom dress. For which it would be *much* more appropriate.
She always seems to miss the mark on age appropriate, and event appropriate. Wonder what that's about.
She so often looks like she's got a 12 year old mind stuck in a 36 year old body.
Which I think might be true. She seems to always take humor so literally and miss the point, doesn't even see the humor. Or takes things in the wrong someone asking for recruits and she responds Hi I miss you.
If it's just a pic of Steve cozying up to Kate how easy would it be for Kate to just make up a lie about it and leave it at that. No need for such a contentious immature twitter war.
She could say she was choking on a grape and Steve was giving her the heimlich. It's not hard to come up with something to explain it away. Katie, Katie.
Kate's Redcross dress. Love the description.
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