Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Child actor Mara Wilson: Film acting is 'not very fun', auditions were 'brutal and dehumanizing'

She stole our hearts in Mrs. Doubtfire and Matilda, but the pint-sized, adorable little girl is all grown up now, and wants nothing to do with film anymore: 'Only about half of the people asking me, Are you still acting? seem to take what I want into consideration.'

Wilson and Robin Williams, 1993

Now that Mara Wilson, 25, is an adult and has a voice, she's started an interesting blog (launched in December). A recent post in which she describes how she feels about her career as a child actor is getting some attention. Mara is a graduate of NYU and a playwright.

Said Mara on celebrity: "The celebrity aspect is nothing short of ridiculous, and auditioning is brutal and dehumanizing. Every time I see a pretty young girl on the subway reading sides for an audition, my only thought is, 'Man, am I glad I’m not doing that anymore.' I never feel nostalgia, just relief."

On demanding, creepy fans who can be very selfish: "I didn’t write Matilda or direct the movie, I just played the part. Still, what I did was important to them. I can understand why they want me to continue acting. But interestingly enough, only about half of the people asking me “Are you still acting?” seem to take what I want into consideration." (Reminds us of Kate's fans, who demand to know when the next special will be made without any regard for how the children feel about filming again.)

In an interview with her college newspaper in 2009, Mara had this to say about an encounter with fans: "I came to NYU for academic purposes and it was strange to me when I lived in Weinstein and I would find people knocking on my door late at night, like Thursday night at 12 am. I would open the door in my pajamas and there’d be a crowd of freshman girls, saying ‘Are you Mara?’ ‘Uhhh, yeah’. And they’d say “Well, we just really wanted to meet you.” And then they’d look really disappointed, because they probably expected at least for me to be wearing more than my pajamas. I felt bad, like I was letting them down because I wasn’t being glamorous, because I wasn’t the exciting person they thought I would be. And then they would often ask me to party with them. And I never did, I mean, I am really not a partier, and second of all, would you party with people you didn’t know who showed up at your door late at night on a school night? Would they have done that? No. There were safety issues."

On tedious days on the set (Mara began acting at age five): "Here is something no real celebrity will ever tell you: film acting is not very fun. Doing the same thing over and over again until, in the director’s eyes, you “get it right,” does not allow for very much creative freedom. The best times I had on film sets were the times the director let me express myself,* but those were rare."

And though she has never spoken of it publicly, Mara's mother was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer during the middle of filming Matilda. Mara, who was just eight years old, had to go on with the job and finish. Her mother died shortly after.

On Dancing With the Stars: "And no, you will not ever see me on Dancing With The Stars. Sorry.

Here's wishing Mara lots of success in her career, and we extend our gratitude for her part in a modern classic: 

1089 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Permanent Name said... 1

Tiger Bay was another Hayley Mills movie - LOVED all of her movies; still love her to this day, although she doesn't appear in the media very often.

Tiger Bay was a "thriller" set in Greece; she was about 13-14 in that one.

Also, anyone remember "The Chalk Garden"? She played a disturbed young girl and had a tutor who made her finally toe the line and act right. The tutor was an artist who had a tragedy in her past and Hayley character was sneaky and tried to find out what it was...


I have ALL her movies on DVDs. Watching them now makes it seem like they were all filmed 'way back in the olden days'..... LOL.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 2

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 193

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 173

My favorite fan tweets to Kate are the ones that go something like: "I don't care what everyone says, I still love you." Kate's been getting a lot of those.


Another one...

@Kateplusmy8 I saw a magazine article about you and they were saying terrible things. Just wanted to let you know I am always a fan!


Right? So that's basically saying,
"I know lots of people think you are a sh*tbag-
but I don't care. I'll just look the other way while you misbehave."

Ahhhhh... it's beautiful when fans stick it to Kate without realizing it.

The pesky truth always manages to sneak out.

NJGal51 said... 3

Gypsi001 tweeted: gypsi001 @Kateplusmy8 @thebumpiestpath @BarbGilmer gd morn guys. Yall have a great wkend. Any plans? Had 2 cncl crwfish boil due 2 rain. Ewww :(
Kate replied: @gypsi001 @thebumpiestpath @BarbGilmer ohhhhh those darn crawfish boils...I've heard allll about them... Ewwww
Kate, I doubt you even know what a crawfish boil is. I think that Gypsi was saying EWWW to the fact that they have to cancel due to rain. A crawfish boil is something that is fun and not something that appears on your ass that you have to get lanced!

Gift of grab said... 4

"Bravo Announces Six New Reality Shows In The Works!"

And thankfully, not a one of them is anything Kate would qualify for!

Alberta Girl said... 5

Awww. She's so cute.
I'm gonna bet before she says good morning to Mr. Coffee pot she goes pee pee on Mr. Toilet.
Aahahahahahahaha!! Auntie Aunt, you maade laugh out loud with that one!!

aggiemom09121416 said... 6

Mr Coffee, Kuerig and a French press.
I don't think she has enough coffee appliances.

I don't care if people are punking her about the cruise.
After all the lying and manipulating she has done, it's nice to see she is getting some of it handed back to her.

Doesn't Kate think it's a bit weird that she spends most of her twitter time conversing with teenagers? beyond stupid!

Andrea said... 7

Dmasy said... 169

I planted marigold seeds but they have not sprouted yet. I may have to look for some at the farmers market on saturday. I also planted onions and garlic in that bed to keep pests away.

The tomatoes are in an earth box so I hope that keeps the tomato worms away. I need to make another earth box this weekend for potatoes. I found some purple, pink and blue seed potatoes last weekend. The idea of colored potatoes just made me smile so I had to buy them. I am growing them in an earth box because we have a problem with moles around here.

As for Kate, I think she crashed when she was having her fans make posters for the show. She went onto the today show and said that the show was not canceled. I think that she had been told that it was canceled and she just refused to believe it. Once again, no never means no for Kate. I wonder if she will try to get full custody of the kids so she can continue to pimp them out. I doubt that she will ever be given full custody but she is stupid enough to try.

Anonymous said... 8

Kate doesn't exactly seem to have much of a worth ethic and sooner or later I would suspect it's going to catch up with her. I do not believe you can skate through life without having an plans for a career, a real career that type of career or job you can fall back on when your dreams just won't get you anywhere. You know, normal people who bring home steady pay checks.

You can be wealth and have a lot of money but I do believe the way you handle it says a lot about you. A lot stars I've seen just because their famous they are all over the news, live highly, spend, spend. Well...what's going to happen if tomorrow they were out of a job with nothing to fall back on? Sure acting is a skill but some actors eventually fall flat and broke. Younger stars seem almost oblivious to this truth.

Kate isn't and hasn't done herself or her kids any real favors. If you have land, either use it or lose it is the way I feel about it. Still waiting for the day her world collapses and if she's ever on a talk show about having lost it all, I want someone to ask her, "Did you really think it would go on forever? Why didn't you think of having a backup plan? It's nobody's fault but your own. What are going to do now? You are the adult in the situation. Your kids are your responsibility who cares if their are 8. You wanted them, remember?"

KCSherri said... 9

Did anyone else catch the story about 7-year old Annie Clark, who won a special penmanship award - and she was born with no hands???

The reason I mention her is that while reading her story, it said:

"The girl's parents, Tom and Mary Ellen Clark, have NINE children — three biological and six adopted from China, including Annie. Annie is one of four of the adoptees who have disabilities that affect their hands or arms. The Clarks also have an adopted child, Alyssa, 18, and a biological daughter, Abbey, 21, with Down syndrome."

NINE kids...and some with special needs. Wow. THESE are parents who are truly parenting children...

I would bet they don't have a nanny, a laundry girl, housekeepers, or a bodyguard....

I bet they're not on Twitter every day for hours, grifting for freebies, grifting for trips, or hinting at future fame & fortune to come...

I bet they're not on Twitter every day, complaining of being exhausted and tired and how they're going to have their two oldest kids give them a back massage before bedtime.

It just goes to show that there are FAR more interesting people out there, doing amazing things...and yet the sheeple have the NERVE to say that Kate is amazing.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 10


Yea! A new study said that it only takes $50,000 a year to be happy. Two years ago people needed $75,000. Yea for downsizing, yea for finding happiness in other things other than money, yea for anti-materialism.

Mel said... 11

Last week someone was saying on twitter that there would be something made public this week about a custody change. What happened to that? Haven't heard anything.

mamaK said... 12

So, did anyone see someone asked Kate if she read "50 shades"? I had never heard of it. Apparently, it's a pornographic romance novel. So much for that solid Christian fan base!

JoyinVirginia said... 13

My dad used to get rid of slugs with a large jar lid pushed down slightly in the ground, and I think he just put water in it. The slugs could crawl in but not out. He may have done the trick with beer in the jar lid also. And he was really big on buddy plants - the Marigolds with tomatoes, etc.

Tamara said... 14

Right? So that's basically saying,
"I know lots of people think you are a sh*tbag-
but I don't care. I'll just look the other way while you misbehave."
Ahhhhh... it's beautiful when fans stick it to Kate without realizing it.
The pesky truth always manages to sneak out.
I think the sheeple are more likely saying that everything negative printed about Khate are lies and anything bad on the Plus 8 episodes was edited. It really is amazing what people will ignore, brush off and rationalize to defend their love for someone, or something.

Gift of grab said... 15

Hmm, wonder why Kate hasn't thought of that?

@Kateplusmy8 u n kids should record a short update video n post on ur website! I wld pay to c tht! :-)

Oh right, she has, and she's probably been STOPPED by her ex-husband.

Layla said... 16

Hee-hee, yesterday I saw an article about reality stars we'd like to see on TV again. I think there were 14 of them. Anyway, they had Omarosa, Paris Hilton, Heidi and Spencer, Brooke Hogan, and some I have never even heard of. But NO Kate. Hmmm, go figure...

Sheri said... 17

I agree with Admin about faking going on the cruise. I, personally, don't think Kate needs any help looking like an ass. By setting her up it just adds fuel to her stance that the "haters/bullies" are out to get me.

Of course, it is very telling how quickly Kate jumps on the "can't wait to meet YOU in real life" bandwagon.

Truth is, we all know she doesn't give a rat's ass about her tweeties. Look at how quickly she banned a fan for simply tweeting Jon...a fan that had booked the cruise no less.

Makes me think that those kids better be careful of praising their father in any way shape or form in front of her. I say that from personal experience.

No, Kate doesn't need any help at all in sabotaging herself. We've witnessed her do it time and time again.

I've said it before, if the kids weren't involved it would all be so freakin' laughable.

Because there are 8 innocent kids caught in the fray, it is just sad.

TLC stinks said... 18

Kate had a tweet connversation with a gal who claims her son was bullied by a male bus driver. Kate responds with "happened2us2... called owner of bus co. She was 'reassigned' &all parents were relieved! SO WRONG! So sorry. Hope + sol 4u2!"

Anyone heard about this?

A Mouse Today said... 19

@Kateplusmy8 u n kids should record a short update video n post on ur website! I wld pay to c tht! :-)

That's right. Keep exploiting them for the amusement of the fans. Gosh these sheeple are so stupid and so annoying.

I see Kate's been tweeting today. No school today. She just can't spend time with them, can she? It's a georgous (sic) day. Take them to play mini golf, horseback riding, to the park, whatever! Just get off that dang Twitter and be a parent.

Pity Party said... 20

I declare, I think that is the first time I have seen KT tweet about actual housework aside from the oven thingy that caused such a sensation. And to think, I have always wondered who SWIFFERED all those floors. Now we know :). Hmmmm- is she getting all domesticated or what.

Dmasy said... 21

Are Milo and Kate having a spat?

I just brewed a batch of Kombucha tea. Is there anyone else who makes or buys this fermented tea and drinks it daily for probiotic protection.

tate said... 22

That was a BIG grift from Dean and Deluca. Basically asking for one of their mugs and coffee to go with it. Asking "whatcha got?" to go in the free mug.

TLC stinks said... 23

I wonder if the kids' teachers walk on eggshells with Kate. After reading that tweet about her having a female bus driver reassigned, and then saying the other parents were relieved (like Kate is some kind of savior) I got to wonder what kind of demands she makes.

JoyinVirginia said... 24

I do feel kinda bad if people are punking Ms Kreider re the Voyage of the Damned. It seems really mean. Like when a child asks for water and you say no then drink water in front of her. Yeah, mean like that.

Done and done said... 25

Hey guys, my friend actually works with one of the people who one of the new Bravo reality shows centers on. He told me he probably won't be featured much, but when it airs he can give me some insight on how reality shows work, and how they create story lines. Any relevant info I will be happy to share here :)

Amy2 (just a random name, not associated with Amy Roloff) said... 26

Sorry everyone this is OT but I just stumbled on it. Apparently Amy Roloff, TLC Little People Big World show, has a cookbook coming out October 2012 called Short and Simple receipes. Cute title. I wonder if all this speculation of Kate doing a cookbook (like she can cook, right) is because Amy has one coming out. Just a thought. Here's the link to Amy's book http://www.amazon.com/Short-Simple-Family-Recipes-Roloff/dp/0882408887/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1334945158&sr=1-9

carolina peach said... 27

Alberta Girl said... 5
Awww. She's so cute.
I'm gonna bet before she says good morning to Mr. Coffee pot she goes pee pee on Mr. Toilet.
Aahahahahahahaha!! Auntie Aunt, you maade laugh out loud with that one!!

And tells Mr Tydee Bowl Good Morning before she flushes him down the toil-ee.

Mr. Bond said... 28

OT: RE: Vegetable Gardening

Andrea, last year I planted Marigolds from seeds (to save on money) and they took some time to bloom, but when they did I had to pull some up and move to another spot since they started to overtake my tomato garden. So you may want to be a little bit more patient before going out and spending lots of money of started plants.

I experiment every year with something new with my vegetable garden. This year, I am also trying upside gardening. I broke my ankle and wasn't able to do am much planting as I usually do. I still planted my usual veggies, just not as much, but am trying to grow, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplant in 5 gallon buckets hung 8 feet off the ground.

I plant a batch of my veggies directly into the ground, some in a raised garden bed, and this year added the upside down garden. Last year, towards the end of the season, I did get my very first experience with tomato worms. Just keep an eye out of your tomatoes. The first signs, which I thought a wild rabbit was doing, my tomatoes looked like something had taken a bite out of it, also the leaves will be eaten off of the branches. The leaves will be there in the day, next morning, nothing but the stem. At first sign, you can check at night with a flashlight to find these worms on the underside of the tomato leaf. Very difficult to see since they match exactly.

Just an FYI, if you do get tomato worms (and I hope you don't) and you see what look like white eggs attached to the worm, do not kill the worm, they aren't eggs of the tomato worm, but actually wasp eggs, which kill tomato worms.

I'm also planting a few sunflowers nearby my vegetable garden, from what I read, the aphids will be attracted to the sunflowers and leave the veggies and roses alone.

Good luck with your garden. It's so nice to go outside, pick your own vegetables. It is a lot of work but rewarding.

Sheri said... 29

Admin said...(9)

"Yea! A new study said that it only takes $50,000 a year to be happy. Two years ago people needed $75,000. Yea for downsizing, yea for finding happiness in other things other than money, yea for anti-materialism."

It makes sense that, in this economy, people are beginning to realize that money and things aren't everything.

I was very fortunate, (I say that NOW - I wouldn't have agreed back then) when I first started out as a young single parent I had very few resources and lived on gov't assistance.

Son and I had a roof, food and just enough money to pay the utility bills, that's it. Oh, there wasn't any CS either.

There were no new clothes, new toys were donated at Christmas and I had to scrimp and save for months for something special for his birthdays.

Entertainment had to be free - trips to the park or the beach, a picnic, the museum on FREE DAY etc. A treat was a movie at the theatre or a meal at McDonald's.

It certainly wasn't easy but I learned young how to make the most of life without money.

Twenty years later, I'm married to an IT consultant who does very well and who still laughs at me when I check with him before spending a nickel.

But, we have no debt save our mortgage and one emergency credit card AND our "mediocre" house will be paid off 5 years BEFORE our amortization is up. All because I lived idea that money doesn't buy happiness.

My point? Kate could have learned so much from her "digging through the couch to pay bills" days and could be set for life now.

She didn't learn anything and that's why she's in the predicament she's in. She thinks that because she had it once, she should always have life on a "golden platter". (It's silver platter, you dolt.)

Too many people up their standard of living when money starts to roll in thinking it'll last forever.

They buy bigger homes, newer cars, fancy clothes, eat out more and buy the latest toys on a whim.

And when the gravy train ends, all they can do is bemoan and blame.

Sorry for the long post guys. I think it's been building up for awhile. Kate's sense of entitlement really gets under my skin.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 30

NJGal51 said... 3
Gypsi001 tweeted: gypsi001 @Kateplusmy8 @thebumpiestpath @BarbGilmer gd morn guys. Yall have a great wkend. Any plans? Had 2 cncl crwfish boil due 2 rain. Ewww :(
Kate replied: @gypsi001 @thebumpiestpath @BarbGilmer ohhhhh those darn crawfish boils...I've heard allll about them... Ewwww
Kate, I doubt you even know what a crawfish boil is. I think that Gypsi was saying EWWW to the fact that they have to cancel due to rain. A crawfish boil is something that is fun and not something that appears on your ass that you have to get lanced!

Absolutely hilarious!!

Once a Viewer said... 31

Sheri O

I read about little Annie. What a sweet girl, and an uplifting story. Kate would be bemoaning her handicap and limitations- look at what Annie's parents have encouraged this little one to do. Bravo.

Pity Party said... 32

I agree with those who say they think being punk'd is not funny. It invokes sympathy, and can only stand to work in her favor in the end. I think at this point it is a pretty sure bet that those who are going are booked and there will be few if any late comers. But it does show how out of touch KT is with the real world. She is so isolated and just truly loves her Twitter, her link to the world, although not the real world. I hope she understands that. I say let her go at it and enjoy it. I know I have learned from her Twitter that as bad as I thought she was she is 100 fold worse. I find myself feeling just a teeny, tiny bit sorry for her at times but as luck would have it she turns around and does something outrageous so it only lasts for a moment.

AuntieAnn said... 33

Yea! A new study said that it only takes $50,000 a year to be happy. Two years ago people needed $75,000. Yea for downsizing, yea for finding happiness in other things other than money, yea for anti-materialism.
Well let's not tell Mrs. Entitlement that, she'll bite our heads off. She has a seven bedroom mansion, three vehicles to fuel and insure, manicures, pedicures, hair appointments, and lots of new shoes on the horizon she'll have to pay for. Oh yeah, and eight kids to feed and clothe and a nanny, a groundskeeper and a bodyguard's wages to cover. And yet the word "downsize" is not in her vocabulary.

Seriously though, I agree Admin. Money is great and it is a necessity, but it shouldn't be considered the only solution for happiness. There are billionaires out there who are still miserable human beings.

OT...I was up most of the night and this morning in the ER with my mom who was suffering a lot of pain from sciatica. Has anyone here ever had that? If so, how long did it last? It came on so suddenly I ended up calling for an ambulance. She's okay for now at least the pain has subsided... high as a kite and happy as a canary. Must be some good stuff in that IV drip. :o)

The Bitter End said... 34

TLC stinks said... 23
I wonder if the kids' teachers walk on eggshells with Kate.

I doubt it. They probably never see her and I would assume there is a bonus to the teacher who makes Katie leave the school.


After reading that tweet about her having a female bus driver reassigned, and then saying the other parents were relieved (like Kate is some kind of savior) I got to wonder what kind of demands she makes.

There's two sides to every story. There may have been an argument caused by the commotion of Katie bringing her "pap" the the bus stop -- on a rare occasion when Katie was actually there. Also, the bus driver may have have asked for reassignment.

Do you actually believe Katie talks to the other parents at the bus stop?

librarylady said... 35

I see Kate's been tweeting today. No school today. She just can't spend time with them, can she?

I wondered why she's been so chatty today. Should have known.

Warmth of the Sun said... 36

I do feel kinda bad if people are punking Ms Kreider re the Voyage of the Damned. It seems really mean. Like when a child asks for water and you say no then drink water in front of her. Yeah, mean like that.


Are you saying that what goes around comes around?

"Doesn't Kate think it's a bit weird that she spends most of her twitter time conversing with teenagers? beyond stupid!"


And adults who have the maturity of a ten-year-old. Water seeks its own level, and it appears that Kate has found her niche.

readerlady said... 37

KK is an idiot! I just read in one of her twits above that she combines some kind of cleamer with bleach and detergent and it's awesome. It's also highly dangerous! Unless you know EXACTLY what is in a cleaning product, it should NEVER be combined with another product. The results can be fatal (for example, combining any ammonia containing cleanser with anything with bleach produces chlorine gas). Guess she's trying to kill off her twitties now. Good grief, woman, grow a brain, please.

Gift of grab said... 38

Re Kate's "book" (if that is indeed what her "dream in the mail" was referring to), I find it hard to believe she would return to the scene of her last abject failure--i.e., the cookbook. The story of "Love Is in the Mix" is a big black mark on the "NYT best-selling author"'s resume. This is why I think she is going to splash out on this "mom fitness" thing she thinks she's got going on. Unfortunately for her, this is already a very crowded space, and she doesn't have any actual knowledge or training (aside from her own experience, whatever that might be) to support her as an "expert" in this area.

I truly think that now she is just flailing, throwing whatever she's got left against the wall to see what might stick.

Tamara said... 39

RE bus I have 3 words: consider the source. Then add in 7 more: Khate is a lying liar who lies. That's what that "rumour" adds up to.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 40

OT...I was up most of the night and this morning in the ER with my mom who was suffering a lot of pain from sciatica. Has anyone here ever had that? If so, how long did it last? It came on so suddenly I ended up calling for an ambulance. She's okay for now at least the pain has subsided... high as a kite and happy as a canary. Must be some good stuff in that IV drip. :o)


Well, first I typed "Aw, sorry," then I realized that Kate had corrupted the word "aw" for me... I'm sorry to hear that though, Auntie Ann. I had it when I was pregnant. I think with pregnancy, it comes from the weight of the baby or shifting baby pressing on that nerve. It's incredibly painful with those shooting pains. So since mine was pregnancy-related, I can't tell you how long it will last for her, just that the pain is intense. I remember it being so sudden and sharp that it made me flinch and scream. Sympathies and good wishes for her to be better and over it soon!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 41

Shout outs to:

* Anita for that tweet to Kate!

* Gift of Grab for confirming that Kate's twitter feed is dying down and not even to Heidi's--even though Heidi is fading fast, too.

* Those who suggested Kate and Milo "get a room"--laugh out loud funny! That they are saying they've left footprints on each other's hearts is amusing and creepy at the same time. (I'm sure Kate has left a LOT of footprints on people's hearts...when she kicks them to the curb...!

A Mouse Today said... 42

There's two sides to every story. There may have been an argument caused by the commotion of Katie bringing her "pap" the the bus stop -- on a rare occasion when Katie was actually there. Also, the bus driver may have have asked for reassignment.


Yes, there are two sides to every story. Based on Kate's history of making everything about her and patting herself on the back, all I can say is -- all you are getting is her version.

Sheri said... 43

Once a Viewer said... 30

"Sheri O"

Uh oh...I knew this would happen. People are getting their Sheri's mixed up.

Sheri (ME) - One R and a I

Sherri O - Two R's, an I and the O

Sherry Baby - Two R's, a Y and Baby

Are there more of us here???? This could get messy.


Virginia Pen Mom said... 44

not even to Heidi's--even though Heidi is fading fast, too.

Oops, "not even EQUAL to Heidi's," I mean.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 45

Based on Kate's history of lying I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to the bus driver. But even assuming everything Kate said was true, how incredibly inappropriate to put private school conflicts on twitter. No class.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 46

I've always been suspect of Kate's story about the bus driver. What bus driver has had to deal with some obnoxious mom who has a seating arrangement made out for her kids?? If driver was reassigned he/she was probably elated.

Sandi said... 47

Eleven more days to final payment for the cruise...Pay up is May 1st not 15th...those planning to join better get the lead out!!

Anonymous said... 48

I may be wrong on this, but isn't it the bus driver's decision to whether or not there is a seating chart or whatever? Some don't have any. I don't see a reason for Kate to have much less get her special seating chart for her kids.

I am still concerned that she wanted to ride the bus to school with her kids to "lay down the law." I still have yet to figure out what the heck that means. It's a school bus ride for crying out loud. Why is it so difficult for Kate to just make sure the kids get on and that's that?

Kate is definitely a helicopter parent, you don't do your kids any favor or pleasure by doing that to them. Let them get into trouble, make a mistake, be late, forget their homework all those things teach your kids to learn from their mistakes or to deal with consequences whether they like them or not. I don't know when parents became too afraid to let their kids have responsibilities and to learn to face things they may or may not always like without you holding their hand.

boo said... 49

Readerlady, I hate to ever come to Kate's defense for any reason, but I think she said she mixes OxiClean with Clorox 2, not Clorox chlorine bleach.

She is a cow said... 50

Don't forget Kate also masterminded a seating chart for her kids on the bus. I'm sure totally disregarding any other parents wishes for their own kids.

anger issues kate said... 51

Sandi: apparently 3 more did, they announced it to Kate, today. So Kate probably thinks, these are new ones, not ones already on list.

I see Kate grifting from Dean & Deluca.

And some more annoying inspiring anti-hate quotes crap. Too bad Kate/sheeple & her fans don't live up to any of them. It's the do as I say, not as I do crap. Hey, Kate stick it where the sun don't shine!

She is a cow said... 52

Tweete, we were thinking the same thing. I am sure after dealing with her, the driver was happy to be reassigned.

Mel said... 53

Seems kind of inappropriate for her to tweet about the bus driver like that. Invades everybody's privacy. But we're talking Kate Gosselin. No respect for anyone, including herself.

We ain't talking classy here.

Refined, cultivated, genteel. Nope, that isn't our girl Kate. It's like putting a donkey in the stable with the thoroughbreds. It brings down the thoroughbreds and does nothing for the donkey.

readerlady said... 54

Auntie Ann -- sorry your mother is in so much pain. I can't answer your question about how long the sciatica will last. It depends upon what is causing it. It can be temporary - due to a strain, or it can be chronic, due to arthritis, a ruptured disc, or a structural anomaly. I hope, for your mom's sake, that this is a one-time occurrence.

I remember last year KK twatting something about a dust-up with a school bus driver who apparently yelled at one of the kids. Given some of the behaviors we've observed on the show, who knows what went on. Being a school bus driver is a very tough job. You're responsible for the safety of a number of children, and often do not have the ability or the authority to discipline them when they need it. Odds are, KK objected to one of her "perfect" children being corrected for obnoxious behavior. Any bus driver who has to deal with her and lives to tell the tale deserves a Medal of Valor.

Susan said... 55

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 133
Susan, are you talking about the Eden show? I was surprised to find out I hadn't even heard of the channel it airs on nor do I get that channel. I think a lot of folks here haven't even really seen it. I feel uncomfortable doing a post about a show I can't really see and can only see clips of. If the full episode is on Hulu or somewhere else, I would want to see it before I would do a post.

Not saying I don't think this show is seriously wrong, but I'm il-informed about what it's really about not having seen it. I don't watch Toddlers and Tiaras either.
No, I don't know what the Eden show is. I'm talking about this:

Susan said... 17

I wasn't talking about you doing a post necessarily, just thought it was interesting and definitely related to kids on reality tv.

Once a Viewer said... 56

Sorry Sheri, Sherri O and Sherry Baby!

anger issues kate said... 57

Ok, I should have read the previous, bunch of posts. So, the 3 suppose cruisers are fake? LOLOLOLOLOL It shows you Kate does not look anything or one up, and is not in direct/constant contact with the cruise agency, cause if she was, Kate would have known that these were fakes, and not made an ass out of herself. Sorry Admin, Kate brings these things on herself. If she is too lazy to check, then people will continue to make a fool out of her. You know it's one thing not to go and read older posts, (like, the ones that got posted after you get off the net)and only read real current ones, and have 4 people pull a fast one on you cause you are too lazy to check to see if theses are actual people going on the cruise. Makes Kate look foolish & desperate & laughable.

Yay No More said... 58

Hopefully Kate has toned down her "YAYS!!!!!!" today. My God, yesterday she was on a roll with that word, which I find so immature & irritating.

Once a Viewer said... 59

They also have a strict seating chart for the BBB- she said any other arrangement would cause mayhem. Doesn't say much for her awesome kids...or maybe it's the 'mob scene' she imagines mentality.

readerlady said... 60

boo 49 -- Yes, KK said chlorox 2, which doesn't have chlorine in it, but it still contains chemicals that could, when mixed with the wrong thing, produce a toxic reaction. Unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing, it's best not to mix cleaning agents (I just used the ammonia/chlorine interaction as an example. I didn't mean to indicate that KK was advocating mixing the 2).

canadianmom said... 61

@ Dmasy 21

My sons and I drink kombucha tea. Ive never tried to brew it myself though. I was pleasantly surprised when I tasted it for the first time, I expected it to taste really weird but its good, kinda like ginger ale.

Once a Viewer said... 62

I once read about a fire started when two cleaning staff members each unknowingly poured a different cleanser into a toilet and it exploded and caused a fire and death to one worker :( Common sense- these people did it unintentionally of course....

Dmasy said... 63

canadianmom, 59 -- someone has to give you a starter. Kind of looks like a mushroom cap/pillow. Slimy and unattractive. The tea is easy to brew. Takes about 3 weeks to ferment. The flavor is whatever tea you have added -- I like ginger, too. Today I brewed a batch with Golden Chai flavor. Every time you make a batch you get a new starter. Finding friends to share with is about as difficult as giving away zucchini when it is a peak season.

canadianmom said... 64

@Dmasy Ive been meaning to brew it myself, my brother does so maybe I'll get a starter off of him. Got to love it when stuff is yummy AND good for you! :)

Jane said... 65

Auntie Ann. I had a bout of sciatica years ago and physical therapy is the only thing that helpd. Oh, and pain meds :) It resolved in about 6 weeks. I recently had a kidney stone and the pain was very similar to sciatica, in fact, that's what I thought it was. Just wanted to share this in case the docs didn't check for stones.

Gosh, I sound like the complainers - honestly, I'm really very healthy!

Thanks for your humor, Ann :)

NJGal51 said... 66

Here's a link about the bus driver incident that happened back in September. I think this is what she's talking about in her latest tweet. Unfortunately I don't remember too much on this but I know it was discussed. Does anyone else remember the real story?


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 67

I would hesitate to ask any sheeple to mix chemicals no matter how safe.

I think Kate's side of things is the only version we ever heard. The bus driver was too classy to air their side of things. Good for them.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 68

Yes I fully believe Kate has wanted to upload home movies of the kids and been stopped by jon. Thank goodness.

Once a Viewer said... 69

AuntieAnn: I know disc surgery can help, but an attack can last 2-6 weeks. Painkillers, muscle relaxants, some say bed rest, others activity. Losing weight can also be helpful long term if it's an issue. Good luck :)

wayward said... 70

Marie said... 48
I may be wrong on this, but isn't it the bus driver's decision to whether or not there is a seating chart or whatever? Some don't have any. I don't see a reason for Kate to have much less get her special seating chart for her kids.

I am still concerned that she wanted to ride the bus to school with her kids to "lay down the law." I still have yet to figure out what the heck that means. It's a school bus ride for crying out loud. Why is it so difficult for Kate to just make sure the kids get on and that's that

Children who have an authoritarian parent like Kate often have behavior problems in school and on the bus. The bus is an especially favorite place to act out. Authoritarian parents don't teach their children proper behavior and manners- they bark orders and tell them how they are going to feel, think and act (or else). When those kids are out from under the thumb of that type of home life, they often go hog wild. When you have someone breathing down your neck at all times at home, the ability to behave badly on the bus with the adult driving not able to do too much about it, is tantalizingly tempting.

Kate wanting to ride the bus to "lay down the law" is a perfect example of what a shitty mother she is. WTF! At seven years old, those kids should be able to ride the bus without incident and **without their Mommy sitting there glaring at them and whispering threats through her teeth.**

Kate parents with fear and an iron hand. The sad results have already surfaced. If she really wants "the best" for her kids and I mean this with all seriousness, she would get into some serious therapy and take some parenting classes. They don't need a 7 bedroom McMansion. They don't need to ride around in a Mercedes van. They don't even need private school although their school is a blessing for them. They need a mother with the skills and patience to teach them to be well adjusted and well behaved young ladies and gentlemen (whether she is there or not) and then to be productive and happy adults. Kate is so smug, so deep in her narcissistic thinking that she thinks she will be controlling these kids and putting up a perfect appearance until they walk down the aisle. Wrong. All hell is going to break loose when these kids hit adolescence and I would bet my life on it.

Once a Viewer said... 71

Admin: yes...Mady's play, gym night, Superbowl, little song & dance routines by Mady, egg hunt- now we know why there was a 'rehearsal' -etc...homemade TLC...:(

Pity Party said... 72

Nothing, but nothing, beats Tide Pods. Just discovered them though I have always used Tide. They are light weight, no mess, throw them in and clothes come out bright and clean. We live in the country so our clothes get dirty uh um "visible" stains. It is also surprisingly more economical than the bottles because you don't tend to use too much. They are actively promoting them right now so on sale a lot as well.

Audible Click said... 73

AuntieAnn said... 33
I've had sciatica intermittently for years, due to a severe back injury, and it is terrible. There are stretching exercises that can help ward an episode off and there are exercises that do help during an episode but, frankly, what helps me the most is my prescription for pain medication.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 74

Wayward, spot on. Authoritarian parenting at its finest. Kate is always blaming the school, the bus driver, Jon and anyone else she can think of when the problem really is Kate. I think in home interactive parenting would be great so a therapist specializing in parenting could see her in action and observe patterns and redirect.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 75

Tweets from earlier today:

xxxxxxxx hours agovia webTwitter.@Kateplusmy8
U have a good foundation...those R good "runnin feet"! LOL.ReplyTweetFavorite. 3 Replies.

@kateplusmy8 lol.. She's back!! I think xxxxx called your feet big Kate. xx.....TweetFavorite8 hours agoTwitter.

@kateplusmy8 Oh NO...tryin 2get me in trouble! LOL I'll be sent 2the corner again! I see another "TIME OUT" comin! :).TweetFavorite8 hours agoTwitter.

hmmm I found the 'big feet tweet' & I'm not pleased... (lol).Truth is, I'll take big feet over big body any day of the week:).


Ummmm, Kate? Why would you say such an insensitive comment?

"Truth is", a large portion of your fans happen to be big gals.

You insensitive ogre. Don't bite the hand that feeds you & your kids.

You owe them an apology, tout de suite.

fidosmommy said... 76

What I always wanted to know is how exactly Kate intended to get home after riding the school bus.
Was the driver expected to take her home, even if was not on her way to his/her own house?

Just curious what she might have been thinking.

Anonymous said... 77

Admin, I would think of all the years of Kate being in front of the camera she would just put on an act for a specialist in her home, tell her kids how to behave before hand. Though they probably could pick up on that.

I come from an authoritative parenting style and I guess I'm weird because I was one of those kids too afraid to rebel, on the bus, away from home whatever. Even in my 20s that I still feel like I have to ask people, friends if they don't mind if I do XYZ. Maybe Kate's kids will be different and totally rebel.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 78

Sandi said... 47
Eleven more days to final payment for the cruise...Pay up is May 1st not 15th...those planning to join better get the lead out!!

On the cruise website it still says final payment due May 15. Has that changed without it being put on website. I wouldn't be surprised.

She is a cow said... 52
Tweete, we were thinking the same thing. I am sure after dealing with her, the driver was happy to be reassigned.

Probably a prayer answered. I can see the bus drivers saying, "Yesssss!"

Gift of grab said... 79

Great comment, wayward. I think you're exactly right.

For anybody playing the "Who's the Real Kate Cruiser?" game, SIX new prospects cropped up on Twitter so far today (and nearly all cropped up today for the first time). I sincerely doubt the authenticity of any of them but will wait for SanDiegoAnita to weigh in.

New Kid said... 80

Authoritarian parenting brings to mind the "PKs"--preacher's kids, who, in my experience, always turned out to be the wildest as soon as they were out of reach of parental discipline. A stereotype, of course, and not all preachers and or preacher's spouses are authoritarian, but stereotypes exist because there are enough examples to prove the point.

Of course, Kate is the supreme example of authoritarianism.

Once a Viewer said... 81

NJGal: Thanks for the link. Ha! Kate's daughter had an 'ugly' word shouted (I'm sure she's heard it before and is not scarred) at her...the tweeter said her child was abused physically and emotionally on what sounded like an on-going basis. Where are the similarities? Geez. I never heard about this before...a non-incident?

Amy2 said... 82

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 46
I've always been suspect of Kate's story about the bus driver. What bus driver has had to deal with some obnoxious mom who has a seating arrangement made out for her kids?? If driver was reassigned he/she was probably elated.
The fact that Kate made public that the driver was reassigned is an invasion of the driver's confidential personnel action. This is a private citizen who happens to drive the G8 to/from school. Its nobody's business except for the driver and his/her supervisor regarding the reassignment. Being a supervisor myself there are any number of reasons for the reassignment, and none of it may have anything to do w/Kate.

Is nothing sacred to Kate. Apparently not. I answered my own question.

Dmasy said... 83

Wayward, 69...excellent comments.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 84

I was just watching a rerun of one of the early reunions of the Real Housewives of New Jersey and I was struck by something Caroline Manzo said. The lady Danielle was stating that she sometimes looks bad on the show because of editting (who does that sound like?). Caroline immediately said that's not true because editting is only responsible for about 1% of the negative scenes on the show. Other than that, the camera is really showing what people say, do, and how they act. Then she said she owns 100% of what is shown about her; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I thought this was interesting coming from another reality TV "star", and it's totally contradicts what Kate tries to claim.

librarylady said... 85

Nothing, but nothing, beats Tide Pods.

Off topic - but agreed! I finally tried them after despairing of ever getting baseball pants clean, tired of soaking and scrubbing and washing 3 times for years. Then these came out and I didn't dread every postgame panic to get pants soaking and despise every coach who ordered white uniforms, lol!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 86

I'm glad to hear at least some reality stars are owning what they do and not blaming editing. Problem is you can't edit IN things, you can only edit out things. So you can manipulate the context of things slightly, but it's hardly like a re-dubbing of a Hitler video to completely change what happened to an absurd degree.

So while you might not see how much someone was antagonized and pushed to their breaking point before they snap, the fact is, you still snapped. You still said the things that you said and did the things that we did. So what if we only saw the most dramatic points of your day, the fact that you brushed your teeth and watched The View and picked your nose and otherwise acted like a normal person doesn't change the fact that you had horrible behavior later.

The Alaska episode is a perfect example. Kate claims we didn't see how much mud they had to track through, etc. Okay, maybe we didn't. But that is no excuse for how rude she was, what a baby was, and what a quitter she was. There was nothing that "editing" did to make her act that way--that was her.

Boston Bonnie said... 87

#71 and 84 I found your comments about Tide Pods interesting because I work for a design consultancy (ever heard of the Swiffer? :) and we had an article posted that says it took 10 years to design and perfect the pods!

I'm beginning to think Khates new "dream" idea is a Heloise Hints type of book. Suddenly the woman is FULL of helpful (?) cleaning tips.

Gift of grab said... 88

Hello? Look what was just sent to Kate's Twitter:

@Kateplusmy8 Thank you so much for inspiring me to write my first book!! I couldn't have done it without you! http://t.co/AY3gzsQh(preview)

This is a first. The link goes to the clock we talked about earlier. But the Twitter handle "gosselinbook" is new. Curiouser and curiouser!

Gift of grab said... 89

And there's more:

@Kateplusmy8 I would be so honored if you would write the foreword to my first book. http://t.co/AY3gzsQh(preview). It's almost finished!!!

This COULDN'T be Jon. I just can't see him doing this. It MIGHT be his promo/marketing people, but I just don't see him getting behind this kind of in-your-face-bitch strategy.

Sherry Baby said... 90

Once a Viewer said... 55

Sorry Sheri, Sherri O and Sherry Baby!


I can change mine to Frankie Valli. Would that help? ;)

anger issues kate said... 91

Gift of Gab: could this be a joke on Kate and Kate fans? A parody? There is a parody site called RWA? Could someone out there tryin to get Kates goat?

Pity Party said... 92

I know Bonnie. How many times have we pondered how she could live in such a huge house, take care of all those and be so exhausted without ever mentioning laundry or housework. Amazing. She finally discovered something to talk about besides FUN, ADVENTURE, AND EXCITEMENT.

I am waiting for a fan to ask her what book she is reading. That's new too.

Sherry Baby said... 93

The Alaska episode is a perfect example. Kate claims we didn't see how much mud they had to track through, etc


If you were paid $250,000, or even $50,000, wouldn't you track through mud, shut up about it, and not make a total jerk of yourself with your obnoxious behavior...especially if your host was the former governor of Alaska and vice-presidential candidate?

Anonymous said... 94

This is Remona

The first comments were from Matthew544, which took you to the clock countdown.
Matthew 5:44
King James Version of the Bible the text reads:

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse
you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which
despitefully use you, and persecute you;

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

Since yesterday, the goselinbook.com was the addy, which is now being used as the twitter handle instead of Matthew544.

Brilliant marketing...whoever you are (and I think it is JON)

Carezee said... 95

It is starting to look like they must be splitting the weekends with the kids. She has been pretty quite for the last 5 hours. That's how it went down last weekend too. She didn't seem to tweet on Friday until Saturday evening. Then she was busy tweeting away.

As far as her herb garden that she was going to start on Easter weekend. The woman that she banned from her twitter because she tweeted Jon, planted her garden that weekend. I am guessing that Kate was just pretending to be as great of a mom as that woman. The difference is that lady actually planted her garden. Kate....well it looks good on twitter paper.

Carezee said... 96

Oh now we have ran 12 miles and are eating a plate of regurgitated food.

anger issues kate said... 97

Well, I don't know what the heck Kate has on that plate, but it does not look appetizing. I can ID, the sugar snap peas, the avocado, maybe spinach?, eggs, potatoes? maybe? Got me?

Tamara said... 98

That other bus story once again came from Khate's twitter, ie 99.999999% likelihood it's either a very twisted version of what really happened, or it's a complete, flat out lie. Not exactly from the Washington Post...

Anita said... 99

@ Fleecing the Sheeple # 193 I cannot lay claim to the three other fake cruisers, but I am laughing about it. I know it was childish to do that in the first place but she just pisses me off so bad. I'm amazed how she pretty much gets away with so much shit and with all the interviews she has done, NO ONE, called her out. Take that back, Anderson Cooper and Ellen sort of did. The last tweet I sent her saying maybe we could have a glass of wine together, went unanswered. I guess I should have told her I wanted to send her a case of wine for the cruise. I bet I would have gotten an answer then.

Once a Viewer said... 100

well, her salad and avocado don't look too bad to me...but you can't live on meals that..i hate that she doesn't eat what/when the kids do. She can have salad for her lunch.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 101

Carezee said... 95

Oh now we have ran 12 miles and are eating a plate of regurgitated food.


I'm sure that it's probably nourishing-
but DAMN.

I guess presentation means absolutely nothing
to Kate.

Sherry Baby said... 102

Carezee said... 95

Oh now we have ran 12 miles and are eating a plate of regurgitated food.


I thought that was the cover photo for her new cookbook! My dog throws up better looking stuff than that.

Gift of grab said... 103

Well, it may be that "gosselinbook" has nothing to do with either Jon or Kate. An Amazon search reveals at least 10 other published authors with the last name of Gosselin. A children's writer, a computer-language expert, two fiction writers, a meditation guru, in short, a very wide variety of topics. It might be that one of these authors is trying to capitalize on the "famous" (and unrelated) Gosselins. This would be a clever way to market yourself, though it's doubtful you'd get many buyers when it was revealed that you weren't one of "those" Gosselins.

Jon has already said, I think on Twitter, that this is not going to be a "tell-all," which kind of puts the lie to the "Questions Will Be Answered" headline on the gosselinbook site.

Just a couple of weeks ago, he also commented that he was "almost done." Turning around a book in just a few months, if it's one intended for wide distribution, is not an easy (or inexpensive) task. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

tate said... 104

That plate of food looks disgusting! Just horrible.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 105

Kate's Latest Tweet:

My dinner (pic I tweeted earlier): egg wh omelet w mush,spinach, tomatoes, onion, feta. Also, snap peas w hummus, avocado, and salsa! Yum! 2 minutes ago

http://t.co/dSgilOW5 ...laugh all you want at my huge plate of (healthy) food..just ran 12 miles and I'm starving! :) 45 minutes ago


Oh God. That was eggs. Why does she make food look so... so... gross?


NJGal51 said... 106

I want to try Tide Pods but can't find Tide Pods Free. (Kate, by "free" I mean without dyes and perfumes, I'm not grifting!) With the hot flashes from hell I can't use anything with any type of scent because if I start flashing like a cheap neon sign the smell intensifies and drives me crazy!

Tamara said... 107

I don't get the mud hiking as an excuse for Khate's appalling, yet typical, behaviour. They were long out of the mud and into the campsite when she went loco-whiney.

carolina peach said... 108

Cranial vapor lock here. Where are her pics posted? On twitter, there are old ones, but the shame ones, I mean the same ones that have been up for a while. Thanks.

anger issues kate said... 109

Kate tweeted: it has: tomatoes, mushrooms, egg, feta, spinach, onion. She also has salsa and hummus?Sorry if you like hummus, I've tried hummus, don't care for it. But, why salsa? Kate has the weirdest food combos. That is almost party food. and breakfast minus the feta. Avocados, snap peas, hummus for dip, salsa for dipping.
Kates, food combos, reminds me of the movie: Mermaids, in which Cher's character: fed her kids, half party food and half good food or made it up with whatever was there.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 110

Wowie, this woman is nuttier than a fruitcake?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏ @MiloandJack
@Mydmaxx LOL..U see the tweet I just sent! Scary...we thinkin same thing...mind on the feets! As we tweet! Mama so sweet! Can't be beat!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏ @MiloandJack Reply
@Kateplusmy8 So how fast did those "petite feet" run that 12 miles 2day Kate? I see U layin them down...coverin some ground...runnin 2town!

She's got to be on some strange uppers.

anger issues kate said... 111

I guess Kate does not know the difference between: scrambled eggs and an omelet. Cause that looks like scrambled eggs w/mushroom, spinach, onion, tomatoes etc., not any omelet I've ever had. If she wrote a cookbook, I hope she: 1. gets a better camera, 2. knows her cooking terms 3.knows what certain foods are called.

Pity Party said... 112

That plate was disgusting. Pardon me but do egg whites have any nutritive value whatsoever? Seems to me the health benefit would jump up considerably with the whole egg. I would not eat that salad even if I ran 12 miles or not. I am sure it is healthy, but I mean the seed was still in the avocado and salsa? I just don't get it. She is going to wake up one morning and look like Jan. Dickin. or LAnn Rh. in those sad Hollywood dieting pics at Preezi's.

I wonder if she knows you can take that seed and put toothpicks around it and suspend it over a jar of water about half way up the seed pod and you will soon have a little avocado tree sprout that you can transplant outdoors or into a pot. Didn't we all do that in the 70's or was it the 80's or even now for that matter.

I am reminded that egg white is the best toner that money can buy for your face. You whip it and put on your face and let it dry (your face will be very tight), rinse, your face feels divine and looks very refreshed. My sister and I used to do it all the time. Haven't done it in a while. Think I will tomorrow.

Pity Party said... 113

What is hummus? I guess I haven't been hanging out in fancy restaurants enough because I have not clue what it is or where it came and what is so great about it.

chefsummer #Leh said... 114


That just looks plain nasty.

Now wonder why her last cook book didn't see day light if she making a thing like this.

-(I won't and can't call it food)

And she thinks people want to eat this she's out of her head.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 115

The truth will set you free again:

holaiscj ‏ @holaiscj
Follow Milo's tweets on Tweet Tunnel. The truth will set you free. @SUZEW718 @KATEPLUSMY8


I really hate this cryptic stuff. Just say what you mean or say nothing.

chefsummer #Leh said... 116

Their going to have a dancing with the star reunion I wonder if Kate's invited lol.

Gift of grab said... 117

Hummus is pureed chickpeas with spices. Very yummy. Not a fancy thing at all, very popular in Greece, Middle East, true peasant food. The egg whites are high in protein without the cholesterol, no?

Someone who aspires to write a cookbook really should curb the impulse to take photos of food that looks so very unappetizing. With all of the photos she has taken of food she has supposedly prepared, I can't think of a single one that I would have wanted to taste. She's a very sad creature in some ways. Really impressed with herself over the most ridiculous things.

fidosmommy said... 118

Hummus is chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans. Mashed with a bit of olive oil and some flavorings such as garlic or roasted red peppers, or other options, it's very nutritous and quite tasty. It's a good protein source.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 119

NJGal51, Oh, boy, do I hear ya' about those hot flashes; I have the same problem for about 8 years!

On another note, I know it's petty, but I really hate when Kate ends all of her recipes with "Yum!". She makes herself sound like a "tweenager". For a 36 or 37 year old woman, she really needs to start acting (tweeting/blogging) her age.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 120

If she is a runner she needs carbs and protein to fuel. She's going to kill herself with this diet.

Mix all the veggies with a nice lean protein like chicken breast or salmon and maybe some brown rice and now we're talking.

Hummus is a chickpea spread usually with garlic and olive oil. I love it, but not all hummus is created equal. I buy mine from the farmer's market. If she gets the heavily processed kind in the store she's putting more chemicals in her than health. I've made it a few times but it's too much work.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 121

Ooo yes Israel is where I fell in love with hummus. Every country over there has their own twist on it, you can taste the difference. I was used to it being very thick and didn't run, but in Egypt it was much more watery like a thick salad dressing.

In Israel they would serve it at every meal in a bowl. I wasn't sure always what to do with it lol. Even at BREAKFAST it would be out.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 122

Ooo yes Israel is where I fell in love with hummus. Every country over there has their own twist on it, you can taste the difference. I was used to it being very thick and didn't run, but in Egypt it was much more watery like a thick salad dressing.

In Israel they would serve it at every meal in a bowl. I wasn't sure always what to do with it lol. Even at BREAKFAST it would be out.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 123

Oh also I assume that's not what the kids are eating as usual. I find it bizarre and unhealthy to always be eating something different than the rest of the family. Unless of course you have a bunch of dietary restrictions or something. Part of the pleasure of eating is discussing the food. Just enjoy a meal together as a family for once please.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 124

Oh also I assume that's not what the kids are eating as usual. I find it bizarre and unhealthy to always be eating something different than the rest of the family. Unless of course you have a bunch of dietary restrictions or something. Part of the pleasure of eating is discussing the food. Just enjoy a meal together as a family for once please.

Carezee said... 125

I am thinking that Kate is alone. I think the whole custody thing is they are splitting every weekend. It appears to me that Jon has them on Friday nights possibly until Saturday dinner time. Just seems like a rerun of last weekend.

chefsummer #Leh said... 126

holaiscj ‏ @holaiscj
Follow Milo's tweets on Tweet Tunnel. The truth will set you free. @SUZEW718 @KATEPLUSMY8

Kate's going to be in twitter jail for life without prole if that's the case.

Midnight Madness said... 127

Tweet said,

holaiscj ‏ @holaiscj
Follow Milo's tweets on Tweet Tunnel. The truth will set you free. @SUZEW718 @KATEPLUSMY8

I really hate this cryptic stuff. Just say what you mean or say nothing.


I agree, Tweet. Someone is obviously having fun playing games. Isn't that the same person who declared that on Tuesday of this week a big reveal would be made regarding custody/court hearings?

Widowed Young said... 128

anger issues kate-I was thinking the same thing. An omelet is eggs poured into a pan, cooks through, then you add the goodies and fold over to finish cooking. (Being simple and descriptive in case sheeple are reading!)They are solid and very pretty and look nothing like what she calls an omelet! She is making scrambled eggs and adding extra ingredients. The spinach just makes it look so unappetizing-doesn't she realize this?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 129

Carazee, yes I think that's a fair guess. I think they are sharing some weekdays too.

A lot of custody arrangements I've done where the dad is getting more than the standard every other weekend will do dad getting Wednesdays or Thursday afternoons. A lot of schools do half days on those days or shorter days.

Midnight Madness said... 130

Oh also I assume that's not what the kids are eating as usual. I find it bizarre and unhealthy to always be eating something different than the rest of the family.


Here's an idea, Kate. Make a beef roast or chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, peas, broccoli or green beans, applesauce, dinner rolls, put everything in bowls ON THE TABLE and serve family style. Everyone takes a helping, including YOU. Let them take as much as they want, or as little as they want. Talk about how their school day went, and maybe some current events. I dare you.

Midnight Madness said... 131

They are solid and very pretty and look nothing like what she calls an omelet! She is making scrambled eggs and adding extra ingredients. The spinach just makes it look so unappetizing-doesn't she realize this?


That lump of food in the middle of the plate is an omelet? You're kidding me! An omelet? This new cookbook, if there is one, is sure to be a hit if the woman is calling that thing an omelet! :)

Midnight Madness said... 132

Tweet, I went back and checked the cryptic tweeter's rhymes and what she is saying is to check Milo's Tweet Tunnel. I'm basically Twitter-challenged. What's a Tweet Tunnel and how is that showing that Milo is really Trippen?

chefsummer #Leh said... 133

Midnight Madness said... 130
Oh also I assume that's not what the kids are eating as usual. I find it bizarre and unhealthy to always be eating something different than the rest of the family.


Here's an idea, Kate. Make a beef roast or chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, peas, broccoli or green beans, applesauce, dinner rolls, put everything in bowls ON THE TABLE and serve family style. Everyone takes a helping, including YOU. Let them take as much as they want, or as little as they want. Talk about how their school day went, and maybe some current events. I dare you.

I bet this will be her next idea that she magically came up with.

Bey you a dollar.

Carezee said... 134

Kate said there was egg white, but she didn't say it was cooked. Maybe it is raw and that is what makes that mess so shiny. I see the feta cheese but if she has cooked egg whites there isn't much in there.

Carezee said... 135

Okay on second look at her plate I can see eggs. But to me they look yellow. Oh it doesn't matter that is just a hot mess.lol

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 136

What really pisses me off about her dinner photo is that she is so determined to stick to her diet because of her addiction to her looks and staying skinny. If she was just doing it because it was simply a healthy way to live, no problem. But she is doing it in an attempt to stay marketable and available for TV gigs. This says so much about her egocentric personality. Think about how long she has eaten rabbit food for. It started when she saw herself as a star. Her looks are all she has going for her now in terms of marketing herself. Seriously, she could eat the same things as her kids every night and never gain a pound if she did portion control. I agree with other posters that she is setting the stage for eating issues by having separate meals from her kids.

Gift of grab said... 137

holaiscj is back on Twitter tonight and just dropped a little tidbit. She/He says that Kate "pitched" Scott Dunlop, who apparently does "branded entertainment" in the form of the Real Housewives series. Here's a link: http://www.dunlopgrp.com/ent.htm

Who knows what it means? I think Katie is done. She can pitch until the cows come home, no one is ever going to put her on TV again.

Mandy said... 138

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 120
If she is a runner she needs carbs and protein to fuel. She's going to kill herself with this diet.

Mix all the veggies with a nice lean protein like chicken breast or salmon and maybe some brown rice and now we're talking.


Egg whites are very high in protein. You don't need to eat meat to get protein in your diet. There are plenty of healthy vegetarians around.

Katie Cry-duh said... 139

Kate's pukey dinner looks unappetizing but the plate is sure is filled with (gross) food. No tablespoon portions for her.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 140

Midnight Madness said... 132
Tweet, I went back and checked the cryptic tweeter's rhymes and what she is saying is to check Milo's Tweet Tunnel. I'm basically Twitter-challenged. What's a Tweet Tunnel and how is that showing that Milo is really Trippen?
April 20, 2012 8:19 PM

I'll try again. Blogger is eating my replies.

Tweet Tunnel is where you can find all tweets by one person even if the person has deleted them. All Milo's tweets are on Tweet Tunnel.

If you're interested Google "Tweet Tunnel" then when you get there click on "Older twt" and type the name in Username search box.

What's Next? said... 141

I was just reading some of Milo's tweets and all I can say is WOW! She is getting stranger and stranger. They sound like something coming from someone who is heavily medicated or suffering some sort of mental deficit. She sounds outright loopy and it seems to be getting worse as time goes on.

Anonymous said... 142

Why the need to post pictures of what she eats? I don't view as all that important. Once in a while, maybe okay fine but as much as she's posted pictures of salads and other things you think she'd have improved by now. Well at least we now know she can scratch having a dream of being a famous photographer off her incredibly long list of failed dreams.

What I don't get is why she thinks people would be all that interested in...that. I've seen pigs get better looking food than she has on that plate. Great job on teaching your kids about portions Kate, your plate is heaped and your kids get next to nothing.

chefsummer #Leh said... 143

I just can't see how she eats that thing she called dinner it looks super nasty.

But hey just cause it looks super nasty it might be yummy.

ncgirl said... 144

"She/He says that Kate "pitched" Scott Dunlop, who apparently does "branded entertainment" in the form of the Real Housewives series."

Somebody on GWOP has been claiming she pitched shows to Andy Cohen on Bravo. He's involved with the Housewives. Supposedly, he revealed this in an interview. I don't know if this is true.

"I am waiting for a fan to ask her what book she is reading. That's new too."

Somebody on Twitter asked "have u read 50 shades yet?? wowzer! lol"

She replied, "yes! And um I agree.. Had to see what all the talk was about lol!"

Fifty Shades is an erotic novel. I can't picture her reading that. She must imagine her and Steve in it. Ick.

What's Next? said... 145

Was reading Tweet Tunnel and it sound like Milo has a medical problem - something with joints and nerves in the joints? Anyway, if that is true possibly she is on strong pain meds and that is making her loopy. Sheeple play so many games I don't know whether to feel bad for her or to even believe her old tweets.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 146

Mandy, educate me about vegetarianism. Are egg whites and veggies and hummus a complete meal? Don't you need some carbs to round it out like rice? I worry she is starving herself.

fidosmommy said... 147

I agree that Milo is strongly nedicated for pain. I also believe she is bored out of her mind and is on the hunt for something to occupy her mind when she's awake. Tweeting to Kate may be the one thing that keeps her mind off her troubles - that, and vanilla ice cream before 'gettin flat'.

AuntieAnn said... 148

To all the kind people who responded about sciatica, thank you so much. I've read them all to my mother and she thanks you as well and sends her sympathy that you've had to go through that pain. She said she will try anything to get rid of it and is feeling better on the pain meds tonight. We've ruled out pregnancy (lol, she's in her eighties but appreciates that you thought of her Virginia Pen Mom). She thinks you're all great as do I. She's "not very fond of that Kate woman" either.
Speaking of witch (hehe) What in the hell is on that plate? It looks like a science project gone very very wrong. Some people get drunk and dance on the table, Kate takes nasty food photos. Geez.

Mandy said... 149

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 146
Mandy, educate me about vegetarianism. Are egg whites and veggies and hummus a complete meal? Don't you need some carbs to round it out like rice? I worry she is starving herself.


Well, I think you're talking about two different issues. One, whether there's enough protein and two, the carb intake. Even if there were chicken in the meal, that wouldn't address the carb issue.

Sure, adding rice to the meal in question would make it more balanced, but without knowing what else she ate today I don't think we're getting the complete picture. I don't eat carbs at every meal but I eat plenty of carbs. Granted, based on her many pics of food, it doesn't appear that she eats enough carbs.

For a great carb/protein combo for vegetarians, you can't beat quinoa! I make a mean quinoa burger.

PJ's momma said... 150

I'm a vegetarian and a runner, and I eat eggs a lot. WHOLE eggs, not egg whites. Usually with whole grain toast, or occasionally I'll make a flat scramble in a small pan, put cheese and chiles on it, and put it in a small tortilla and fold it over. Best thing ever. Nice breakfast or lunch sandwich. I'll do huumus (homemade or Sabra is good - and huumus is not lowfat) with pita chips and maybe a veggie or apple or something and call it good. I eat tons of peanut butter. I'll also bake a couple corn tortillas in the oven until crunchy, then slap some heated refried beans, sour cream, cheese and jalapenos on them and call them tostadas (I did not invent that word). Easy, cheap, tasty food. I eat a lot and my weight does not really fluctuate, nor would Kate's. I haven't even been running because of an injury, but I still eat - food is meant to be enjoyed. Tonight we had dinner with friends and I ate a huge plate of pasta, some bread, and shared a cannoli with my husband. Why deprive yourself? Kate is weird about her food and looks malnourished in a way. But she thinks she's the spokesmodel for running and eating 'healthy!' She sucks at both. By the way, shouldn't she be headed to Madrid for her marathon with Rod Dixon this weekend? Another lie.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 151

I see. I have nothing against vegetarianism whatsoever, I eat vegetarian at least three days a week! It's just when all I see are salads from Kate all I can think is Karen Carpenter.

Hopefully she's doing some midnight runs to McDonalds more often than just the one time she was caught.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 152

PJ that's pretty much how I eat except I add in chicken/fish. I eat dessert, I eat tempura, I eat things some diets would be horrified about. The difference is though instead of a gigantic brownie sundae I just eat one small one. And, I work out at the gym and go on long walks with the dog every day and walk at work. If Kate WORKED she would find herself walking a ton more. I don't believe in deprivation diets because they simply don't work. Moderation works.

It's just so hard to believe salad after bland tasting salad is satisfying her. At a certain point your body wants more than that. She will crash and burn if this is really how she eats. Although I suspect she is having a lot of late night food binges she would never dare tell us about.

Anonymous said... 153

If she was seriously going to Madrid, which I doubt, wouldn't that be all she could talk about? Her usual way of doing things?

Anyway you do a diet, restrictive or overkill, could quite literally eventually kill you. This lady from AU. she was reported to have died from drinking too much Coke. As in 2 gallons a day. But hey, you add in the 30 cigarettes a day and the fact her over all diet was terrible come on.

You are right, Kate's going to crash but it'll be one of those things she'll never admit to. When is the last time she ate what she served her kids? When I was little growing up we never at the same thing at dinner, we all ate in different rooms never together. I just hope she at least sits at the same table as her kids.

Westcoaster said... 154

In what culinary world is that an omelet? A scrambled mess of egg whites and veggies, yes, and who photographs that? Who puts an avocado with PIT on a serving plate? She's shopping a cookbook? Has she ever looked at the phoographs in a cookbook? Any cookbook? My mind boggles. Also, my travel friends and I take pictures of meals on vacation, post them to our blogs so I know what these pics should look like. Kate's are a hot mess.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 155

I continue to be rather embarrassed for her about her blog. She could and should be doing much better but she's so darn lazy she doesn't even seem to want to try.

Invest in a cheap SLR and take some decent photos. Everything is taken with an iPhone from odd angles indoors in horrible lighting. At least move the plate over to the sunlight and shoot from an angle other than aerial. Or if you have shoot everything in IPhone, get instagram to liven up the exposures.

PW has a great post on food photography where she critiques her own photos:

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 156

I don't get the mud hiking as an excuse for Khate's appalling, yet typical, behaviour. They were long out of the mud and into the campsite when she went loco-whiney.


It was no excuse of course. Not only that but we saw them walking and there was no such mud. Even if there was, they had boots. It's not that big of a deal. Walk through it and your done. There was nothing remotely muddy about the campsite once they arrive, the mud was long over.

Kate also complained about being cold. Sarah Palin's dad told her to come over to the fire. She refused. Kate? If you are COLD, you go over to the FIRE, then you feel better. I've been camping and it's like night and day once you are near a heat source. You feel a million times better and happier. Why would she refuse such a thing that had a good chance of making her feel better? She set herself up. She reminds me of a stubborn child. "I'm cold, I'm cold."

Adult: "Then put on your jacket"

"Noooo, I don't wanna. Waaaa. You put it on waaaa!!!"

Exactly like a child.

Maggie said... 157

How does the poster know that people are telling Kate lies about signing up for her cruise?

DebbieDowner4 said... 158

NJGal51 said... 106
I want to try Tide Pods but can't find Tide Pods Free. (Kate, by "free" I mean without dyes and perfumes, I'm not grifting!) With the hot flashes from hell I can't use anything with any type of scent because if I start flashing like a cheap neon sign the smell intensifies and drives me crazy!


I'm in the same boat. (not with the hot flashes, yet, but severe sensitivities to strong scents.) ALL laundry detergent has the same type of thing, in the no dye/no scent formula. And Tide and ALL are made by the same company.

She is a cow said... 159

Regarding the Tidepods, can you use them in a front lading machine? Sorry if this has been asked, still catching up. :)

Gift of grab said... 160

What's Next? (145), re milo, don't be deceived by the way she presents herself on Twitter. She posts on a couple of the pro-Kate blogs, and the folksy, g-droppin' style disappears when she wants it to. I think the main reason she works so hard at this hick persona on Twitter is so that she doesn't appear too smart to Kate, since Kate is clearly threatened by anyone who looks like they might be smarter than her. Whatever milo's health issues or pain meds, what she does on Twitter is all an act, nothin' more.

Gift of grab said... 161

Re Kate's blog, I think it was only ever intended to be a stopgap until her next "big" TV job. If you took away what she posts at CC, she can barely be bothered to post one item a week on her site. If she was serious about the blog, if she thought it had career make-or-break potential, she would have hired someone competent to organize it and keep it current. She hasn't and she won't.

The way to pick off the cruise fakers is pretty simple. When they tweet to Kate, check their Twitter timeline. One of the people who said yesterday that she had signed up in fact had tweets berating Kate just a few days ago. There are other ways to identify the fakers, too, but you have to have watched her Twitter for a while to pick them off. I don't think any of the people who tweeted her yesterday is a genuine cruise prospect. So there you go, Cindy and CJ, check them out and don't waste your time.

Layla said... 162

Gift of grab said... 137
holaiscj is back on Twitter tonight and just dropped a little tidbit. She/He says that Kate "pitched" Scott Dunlop, who apparently does "branded entertainment" in the form of the Real Housewives series. Here's a link: http://www.dunlopgrp.com/ent.htm

Who knows what it means? I think Katie is done. She can pitch until the cows come home, no one is ever going to put her on TV again.

So, did she want to do a "Real Housewives of Wernersville"? Oh, now that would be exciting. Not.

Barb Gilman said... 163

So how's this for a photo of my breakfast! Looks good, right Kate? Yum!


franky said... 164

about Kate's food; I had food issues (still do-thanks to controlling parent) and have been on the "starvation diet" for years now. Long story, but google it- one trick is to make food look un-apetising

Just a thought

Mel said... 165

It's one thing if you don't care to take the time to make your food look presentable, but why would you want to post photos of it? Just to get people talking?

dumber than hammers said... 166

Mel said... 165

It's one thing if you don't care to take the time to make your food look presentable, but why would you want to post photos of it?


You'd post photos of your (disgusting) food if

you believed you were the most interesting person in the world

if knew you'd better throw your "fans" something because otherwise they will evaporate

and because you have nothing, NOTHING, else to offer.

You'd do it if you were desperate and had nothing else to offer.

Gift of grab said... 167

Amen, hammers, amen.

Berks Neighbor said... 168

I just have to comment on the pig slop photo that Kate posted yesterday. That is such an unappetizing looking mess.

It's almost like everything she does in life. Everything Kate does is done with as little effort as possible.

I have some advice for you Kate. I know you read here, and you have quoted Ayn Rand on your website (I swear you have NO idea who that woman is because she would never have supported your greedy entitled a##).

Here's a passage out of Atlas Shrugged that describes you to a 'T':
"All of you welfare preachers . . . it's the spirit that you want. You want unearned love. You want unearned admiration. You want unearned greatness. You want to be a man like Hank Reardon (insert any successful person here) without the necessity of being what he is. Without the necessity of being anything. Without . . . the necessity . . . of being."

You want greatness Kate, I get it, we all get it. We all want to be great, admired, successful and adored. The difference between you and those that have attained greatness is that they have EARNED it. They have worked their fingers tirelessly to the bone. If they have a website they have spent countless hours adding to it, improving it, researching how to make it better. If they can't cook but what to be a chef, they go to chef school, they learn home photography, they spend countless hours doing the hard stuff - burning cakes and scorching steaks until they get it right and then only then do they present the best they have to offer.

Is this the best you have to offer? Are you working your fingers to the bone to provide, or are you concerned more about your next bleach job in NYC and when you can tweet with your minions?

Every person on God's green earth has potential beyond their imagination. Most haven't had the momentum you had (your own tv show and a platform of tabloids to stand on) yet they work hard from day one. You had momentum and a chance to be so much more but you pissed it all away and still are pissing it away.
Heck, you can't even promote your own cruise unless someone tweets about it first.

Kate you are now swimming in a pool of mediocrity, and worse yet, you can't see it because your vision is clouded by your 'tweeting minions'. You think because they fawn over your every word that you don't have to work any harder than you do, I just want to tell you that you are wrong, and they are doing you no favors in drowning you in platitudes.

Open your eyes and see what your life is turning out to be. You are on a slow downward spiral, but part of me believes that you are enjoying the breeze and the scenery along the way without realizing that reality is going to smack you in the face really soon and quite hard.

Dmasy said... 169

Berk's Neighbor, 168

If only, if...just if Kate would read those paragraphs and absorb the content, her whole life would unfold and 8 children would stretch and grow into strong humans.

She huffs and puffs and is blowing her own house down.

gotyournumberKate said... 170


Bingo! You just described Kate Gosselin to a tee.

Bluebird said... 171

Wow, Berks, you hit it on the head, such a true post. It's one of my dreams, lol, that Kate would read what you wrote and maybe, just maybe, see herself for what she is.

As we all know if we want our dreams to come through, we have to work for them and Kate does not know the meaning of work. Dream on Kate.

dumber than hammers said... 172

Berks Neighbor said... 168

Here's a passage out of Atlas Shrugged that describes you to a 'T':
"All of you welfare preachers . . . it's the spirit that you want. You want unearned love. You want unearned admiration. You want unearned greatness. You want to be a man like Hank Reardon (insert any successful person here) without the necessity of being what he is. Without the necessity of being anything. Without . . . the necessity . . . of being."


Perfect, Berks Neighbor. You know she's never read the book. She's just not the thinkish type.

(Thanks, Grift of Gab. I try not to comment, I really do, but sometimes it's just too hard.)

Dmasy said... 173

Berks Neighbor, 168. She did have uncommon and unexpected and probably undeserved momentum. A lottery stroke of luck. She was overflowing with opportunity.

Yes, she pissed it away.

And, I think she also absorbed it. "Mine, all mine." Each opportunity, each exposure served to re-enforce her feelings of entitlement. Her ego soaked up the possibilities. She bloated with it.

She has wasted so much. Including motherhood. I don't know what will happen to her now. Maybe that is why I stay here and watch.

heather said... 174

Is Kate out of town again?

Berks Neighbor said... 175

I've not been active in my posting, but watching the downward spiral of this woman. It's actually sad and that's why I posted what I did. You can't watch a person drown without throwing out a life-line to them. Whether or not they take the advice is up to them.
I don't think she will. She doesn't have it in her to actually do the work needed, she'd rather just sit back and have your tweeties shower her with rose water to wash the scent of failure and mediocrity away.

I actually DARE Kate to give a crap about something - anything.

Layla said... 176

So, if Kate wrote a cookbook, shouldn't she know the difference between an omelet and scrambled eggs? Or the difference between sauteed onions and caramelized onions? Apparently she doesn't, and that makes her aspirations of being a cookbook author laughable.

So, my sister chimed in with an idea. She thinks Kate dropped a sex tape in the mail. Hey, "accidentally" releasing a sex tape did wonders for Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. We might never have heard of them otherwise. So, maybe Kate thinks it will work for her. Ewww, the very thought is just icky! I need brain bleach!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 177

It's not cute and really rather annoy when people mis-label things.

Luke's Mom said... 178

I love the posts from Berks and the follow-up comments.

Just a thought ... What if Kate really is working on being a cook, a media spokesperson, a health advisor, a fitness advisor, a writer, a whatever ...And this is her BEST??? What if the stuff she is putting out there on twitter is all she can achieve?

Stop laughing. I know she is lazy. Her realist reality show filmed her at her realist laziest. Ha Ha.

But if she is really working on achieving something like the rest of the population who wants success in their lives, how much sadder for her that she is such a failure?

Once a Viewer said... 179

Layla @ 176: ew!! I hope not...

You all have some interesting ideas for the 'dream'. Right now I am leaning toward Kan-do Kate's advice to single moms and handy tips- but then,why would she share them on her blog (oven glass cleaning..maybe a tickler??)Can't be a cookbook, no way.

Luke's Mom said... 180

Another quick comment before heading off to afternoon soccer games.

The meal she posted last night looks alot like a Microwave Breakfast that was on Dr. Oz's show this week. I don't know how to post links but it was called Southwest Slimming Omelet. I watched this show and Kate's omelet looks very similar.

She must sit home all day twittering and watching shows wishing she could be one of those accomplished ladies featured on tv. Kind of like on the Drew show ... how after she was interviewed, they had another woman using coupons who made Kate look like a fool.

koopdedoo said... 181

Barb in Nebraska - #163 - is that a Polish Pottery mug next to that delish donut?

Moose Mania said... 182

"It's one thing if you don't care to take the time to make your food look presentable, but why would you want to post photos of it? Just to get people talking?"


Adoration. Praise. Whatever. What's really funny is that the sheeple tweeties jump on it right away, telling her that it's amazing, looks wonderful, can't wait to try it, and that she's the most awesome-ish cook in America. Do they honestly believe this? Is that how they serve their food? She could mix Nine Lives Mixed Grill (hairball control blend) with parsnips, slop it on a paper plate and they'd all want the recipe.

Barb Gilman said... 183

@koopdedoo Yes it is! My mom had a huge collection and when she passed last May, my siblings divided it up among the 5. I love it and I want to start collecting it now. Do you have any Polish Pottery?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 184

Narcissists usually have a glaring lack of self-awareness. So while most people who see the photo of the food would think, ugh, what is that slop and why in the world are you proud of it, the narcissist thinks how wonderful am I, I eat so healthy, look at all the veggies, YUM!

Sure someone might eat that same meal, but unlike Kate, it would never in a million years cross their mind to take a pic of it and show it off. Now when that same person makes a wonderfully appetizing golden brown turkey with all the fixings and manages to capture a glorious photo of it with their SLR, that they might share on Facebook because they have self-awareness and recognize what is worthy of being proud of and what is not. Kate just doesn't see the difference because it's Kate and everything she touches is wonderful and worthy.

Here's an excerpt:
Those with NPD are blinded to the external unfolding experience of others in relation to them. They are lacking in self-awareness, often, of how others experience them. Narcissists live their lives from the inside and do not have a very flexible or evident insight into what the difference is between their image of themselves versus who they really are (as seen and defined by others) and who they hold themselves out to be.

Susan said... 185

I don't think Kate's dinner from last night looks or sounds disgusting. To each his own. Who cares if it isn't chef-pretty - some of the most disgusting looking things taste the best. She was trying to show everyone that she isn't starving herself and was eating a full plate of food. There was lots of protein, good fat, and vitamins/minerals in that dinner.

And now someone says it looks like something featured on Dr. Oz's show. Very few people would say that Dr. Oz presented something "disgusting."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 186

Susan, even the most tasty food can be photographed badly. I love a veggie omelette but would never photograph it like that, in the dark, from aerial, with the flash reflecting off the counter--it would make anything look like slop. Now that begs the question why is Kate trying to prove to a bunch of strangers that she eats a full plate of food? Huh? Why doesn't she worry about what she is eating and not what others think of it. Stop trying to prove whatever bizarre twisted inside her head thing she's trying to prove.

Eggs don't photograph well I'll give you that. So here's a thought, don't constantly photograph what you eat or talk about it and no one will have anything to say because guess what, we won't have a clue what you eat to say anything.

Luke's Mom said... 187

Susan - I posted the Dr. Oz reference. This was a segment on quick fast breakfasts. Not a segment on beautiful meals. I posted my comment because Kate would never twit that the omelet came from someone else. She needs to receive the praise as if she alone designed this egg meal. And it was curious how it was just Thursday that it was on Dr. Oz and then she posts it on Twitter.

Gift of grab said... 188

The thing about the oven-glass cleaning "tip"? She didn't invent it. If you Google it (as someone here did), in 10 seconds you would have pretty much exactly what she posted (albeit using perhaps an old clean sock instead of a Swiffer pad and a wire hanger instead of a toilet snake). Despite the sheeple oohs and aahs, NOTHING that she throws out is original.

Susan said... 189

Maybe she tries to prove it to a bunch of strangers because the bunch of strangers sit around talking all day about how she starves herself and her children.

The way I see it is - Kate has made mistakes in the past about what she has chosen to put on television, say in the media, and talk about on Twitter. Then she's in a constant mode of damage control because of it. Yes, it's her own fault that she's in that position - but there's a certain amount of desperation surrounding her tweets and blog entries, and she clearly doesn't know how else to do it. Why not just leave her alone about it - she would be less likely to continue on with her damage control if it was just dropped.

dumber than hammers said... 190

Susan said... 185

I don't think Kate's dinner from last night looks or sounds disgusting. To each his own. Who cares if it isn't chef-pretty - some of the most disgusting looking things taste the best.


I don't think the foods necessarily sound disgusting, though I personally draw the line at mixing hummus with salsa.

What IS disgusting is that the sloppy way she posts. Everything she posts shows shows no effort, no thought, and no creativity. And yet she expects not only to be praised for her laziness, but also expects to be PAID for it.

She expects to put NO effort into ANYTHING, and to be PAID to continue her lazy, grifting ways.

Her disgusting food photos document her refusal to learn anything or to become skilled at anything. They are testament to her incredible sense of ENTITLEMENT.

THAT'S what's DISGUSTING about her food photos. It's the whole picture, not the single messy plate.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 191

Susan, I can't speak for others but I never talk about what she eats unless she puts it out there. All she has to do is stop talking about what she eats and there will be nothing to say. It's as simple as that. This is Kate's fault, not the fault of people who comment on a twitter pic that was sent to over 60,000 people.

Gift of grab said... 192

Must be hair-frying day:

@Kateplusmy8 We enjoyed another breakfast courtesy of the Gosselin chickens! Those are some GOOD eggs! Thanks! :)xo

Deanna is her NYC make-up "artist."

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 193

Sorry, but my guess is Kate is hoping for a cooking show. Could work from home and keep her mug out there. Her "dream." Krap loves to be in front of a camera, as she thinks she is oh so clever, so that it my guess on her dream job.

KK has no intention of going quietly in to the night.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 194

Dumber, exactly, the food itself is fine.

Sheesh I eat all that stuff. Not in that combination, and I eat egg yolks, but who photographs such a thing? Except for Kate.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 195

Which brings me to another point. Put down the iPhone, pick up the classified ads and a red marker, and GET A JOB.

As she jets off to NYC for another hair frying. She's despicable.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 196

It's nice to know she is at least paying her hair stylists something in return for that.

I hope those eggs came up in a cooler. Ew.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 197

Never mind her NY hair frys require a limo and BG to get services done, usually with an overnight stay in a 5 star hotel and dinner.

Kate- Get over yourself. You are not that important, you are the only one left who thinks so.

dumber than hammers said... 198

Sounds as if the eggs were brought up on a previous visit. If good old Katie went to NY today, I doubt she handed the eggs over in time for her minions to eat them for breakfast this morning.

The eggs, if gifted, were probably in lieu of a tip, unless Kate has undergone a radical personality change. "Here, take a dozen eggs as an expression of my *cough* gratitude. Keep the change."

Kate hasn't necessarily gone anywhere, she just doesn't tweet compulsively unless she has the kids. The kids are probably elsewhere.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 199

Eggs go on sale every couple months here for 99 cents.

Yup, that's about the value I would put on the hair.

dumber than hammers said... 200

Oh, come on admin. Organic eggs go for up to five bucks a dozen in Kate's neck of the woods. That brings her "tip" to a whole five dollars.

Credit where credit is due. On the other hand, a five buck tip for what gets done to her hair probably is high.

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