Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Child actor Mara Wilson: Film acting is 'not very fun', auditions were 'brutal and dehumanizing'

She stole our hearts in Mrs. Doubtfire and Matilda, but the pint-sized, adorable little girl is all grown up now, and wants nothing to do with film anymore: 'Only about half of the people asking me, Are you still acting? seem to take what I want into consideration.'

Wilson and Robin Williams, 1993

Now that Mara Wilson, 25, is an adult and has a voice, she's started an interesting blog (launched in December). A recent post in which she describes how she feels about her career as a child actor is getting some attention. Mara is a graduate of NYU and a playwright.

Said Mara on celebrity: "The celebrity aspect is nothing short of ridiculous, and auditioning is brutal and dehumanizing. Every time I see a pretty young girl on the subway reading sides for an audition, my only thought is, 'Man, am I glad I’m not doing that anymore.' I never feel nostalgia, just relief."

On demanding, creepy fans who can be very selfish: "I didn’t write Matilda or direct the movie, I just played the part. Still, what I did was important to them. I can understand why they want me to continue acting. But interestingly enough, only about half of the people asking me “Are you still acting?” seem to take what I want into consideration." (Reminds us of Kate's fans, who demand to know when the next special will be made without any regard for how the children feel about filming again.)

In an interview with her college newspaper in 2009, Mara had this to say about an encounter with fans: "I came to NYU for academic purposes and it was strange to me when I lived in Weinstein and I would find people knocking on my door late at night, like Thursday night at 12 am. I would open the door in my pajamas and there’d be a crowd of freshman girls, saying ‘Are you Mara?’ ‘Uhhh, yeah’. And they’d say “Well, we just really wanted to meet you.” And then they’d look really disappointed, because they probably expected at least for me to be wearing more than my pajamas. I felt bad, like I was letting them down because I wasn’t being glamorous, because I wasn’t the exciting person they thought I would be. And then they would often ask me to party with them. And I never did, I mean, I am really not a partier, and second of all, would you party with people you didn’t know who showed up at your door late at night on a school night? Would they have done that? No. There were safety issues."

On tedious days on the set (Mara began acting at age five): "Here is something no real celebrity will ever tell you: film acting is not very fun. Doing the same thing over and over again until, in the director’s eyes, you “get it right,” does not allow for very much creative freedom. The best times I had on film sets were the times the director let me express myself,* but those were rare."

And though she has never spoken of it publicly, Mara's mother was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer during the middle of filming Matilda. Mara, who was just eight years old, had to go on with the job and finish. Her mother died shortly after.

On Dancing With the Stars: "And no, you will not ever see me on Dancing With The Stars. Sorry.

Here's wishing Mara lots of success in her career, and we extend our gratitude for her part in a modern classic: 

1089 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 1

Puling this over fro the other thread: I think the troubles with two of her children being "homeschooled" was a great eye-opener for TLC. The behaviors that the two kids displayed was alarming for them. I think they realized that their (TLC) very heavy presence in Gosselins' lives was detrimental. I think that was the main reason...even over the sinking ratings is why they cancelled the show. And the timing of the cancellation was a couple weeks before school started. Perhaps they feared the old problems may resurfaced in the new school year and they wanted to cut their losses. Plus the children were no longer adorable as they once were. on TLC hires convicted criminal for reality show


I think this definitely could have played a role. But I don't think TLC cared that they were being detrimental to the kids. I think they only cared about damage control and public perception. They cared about being blamed for the Gosselin kids problems and wanted to get out. Because they doesn't bode well for a network trying to get you to watch it, when everyone hates you for causing determent to children.

What's interesting is that they had the upper hand when they first sued Jon, but as public opinion came over to this side of things and firmly so, they completely lost that. There was nothing they could do to hurt Jon or the kids anymore or it would look too bad on them. No PR rep would allow TLC to do a thing anymore with this family, they needed to get out and fast.

Andrea said... 2

I just read this on Yahoo. I was going to email you the link but you already have it. Thank you for taking the time to write this. It shows a different side of child stars. I am happy that she moved on with her life. She continues to show the world how strong she is.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

Andrea, what I like about Mara is that she found a way to do her passion--telling stories, without sacrificing her privacy and being a participant in all the dark side of fame and film.

I've always thought that the people who are truly passionate about acting and don't care about fame and money, get into plays, not film and T.V.

These days the mom from Wonder Years just does play after play after play in L.A. and doesn't seem to have the slightest interest in TV/film work.

Katie Cry-duh said... 4

Wow, Mara Wilson sounds insightful, intelligent, not bitter and entirely sane. What a breath of fresh air. Kreider would dismiss anything constructive anyone had to say about filming young kids, even from someone without an agenda who lived it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 5

Yes Katie Cry duh, what a mature young woman with a lot of introspection. This is one of the best, most balanced personal accounts of child stardom I have ever seen. She has no agenda, she has no need to try to convince people to pull their children out of acting, this is just her story take with it what you will. I also like that she has been firm about not discussing her mother's death. It's really no one's business, she owes her fans nothing about that, and if she wants to talk about it someday it should be on her terms.

She has so much credibility because this girl truly does have passion for the arts.

Oh, and how f-ing creepy and RUDE of fans to knock on her door at NYU. WTF.

Katie Cry-duh said... 6

Regarding TLC cutting their losses, yeah agreed. Also from the last thread, I think they had had just about enough of Kate's shit. Just so unbelievable that the network couldn't go on harming the kids, Jon did what he could to stop filming, the kids were suffering in school (and worse yet at home with her)...all these bombs are going off...and Kreider is just sitting in her ass, primping and looking in the mirror totally oblivious to everything. She couldn't give a crap if the kids weren't happy, that their father had been as removed from their lives as she could manage. All. About. Her.

AuntieAnn said... 7

Mara was a child star of 20 years ago who basically withdrew into anonymity, yet she was still hunted down by strangers in the middle of the night 17 years after the fact. That is very telling of how dangerous it is to be 'famous', long after the fame has faded.

If Kate thinks for one second all the exposure SHE brought upon her kids isn't going to affect them in the same way she is very, very wrong. The Gosselin eight will experience even more.

Tamara said... 8

At least Mara can get away from being Matilda, whereas the Gosselin kids will always be themselves. The producers/directors/editors/writers created the characters of Horrible Gosselin Twin and Perfect Gosselin Sextuplet to fit a storyline but they will never be able to escape it. Typecasting taking on a whole new dimension.

CarrieK321 said... 9

This new topic reminded me of a time 20 years ago when I interned at CBS on one the NY soap operas. I helped out in Casting and dealt with everyone from 30 year veterans to 3 year old kids and their stage mothers (nightmare!). The moms acted like pathetic,desperate schoolirls when well known people came into the offices like the way Kate seemed in that pic with Brad Garrett. And the kids were just a commodity, a means to an end...just like the Gosselins. I am so glad for Mara Wilson that she found her happiness and works in the business on HER terms!

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 10

Mara was a child star of 20 years ago who basically withdrew into anonymity, yet she was still hunted down by strangers in the middle of the night 17 years after the fact. That is very telling of how dangerous it is to be 'famous', long after the fame has faded.


Absolutely. This is exactly what Paul Petersen was saying on Jane Valez-Mitchell tonight. The danger from fame doesn't go away and putting kids out there is risky because there are dangers. These twins should not go on this trip -- not with these obsessed fans looking to befriend them, or whatever else they are expecting to do.

Geez, I wish Kate would open her eyes.

Andrea said... 11

I agree admin. I also prefer to go see live theater over watching a movie or tv show. Live performance requires more talent in my opinion and open to small changes. I will never forget the first show I saw. It was Pirates of Penzance. One of the pirates accidentally knocked a fence down. He did not miss a beat, he just attacked the fence with the sward until he was sure it was dead. He then said a line about the fence attacking him before moving on with the play. My next unforgettable experience was seeing Rent on Broadway. The set was simple, there were no walls defining a room and no backdrops. The actors were still able to pull you in and make you feel like you were in a club or on the street.

Pants On Fire said... 12

O/T. I just watched Rough Ride (on YouTube). Ugh. Disgraceful. kHate's boobs are hanging out all over the place. The kids are starting to complain of upset stomachs, but instead of returning to shore, she offers her sick children some animal crackers. Instead of saying she is grateful for the crew who were so helpful with her sick kids, kHate says she is grateful for the few minutes when kids were not puking so she could rest. Like, she had taken care of them all by herself. Hardly. She shouted orders to her crew like she was the captain of that ship. Naturally, Mz Organized had not thought ahead to bring along any change of clothes for the kids. On a high-seas adventure where temperatures and weather conditions fluctuate? Never mind all the vomit. Speaking of which, I am just spewing here.......the bitch makes me so mad. Miserable excuse for a mother.

NJGal51 said... 13

Wonderful article and that's the harsh reality of acting. I don't think that Kate realizes that people actually have to audition for roles. She really has the Field of Dreams mentality and believes that if she tweets it it will happen and if she talks about how talented M is producers will fall all over themselves to give her a job sight unseen. M may very well be talented but for every one job there are 100 kids going out for the role all of whom have been training and acting for years. School shows are fine but they don't prepare you for the real world. I hesitate to say this but the reality is that M may be too "ethnic" looking for many roles. I don't mean that as a slam against M but those are the facts of life.

AuntieAnn said... 14

Geez, I wish Kate would open her eyes.
You know what's sad? Kate is as much a danger to her kids as the unknowns out there. It's HER refusal to fade into obscurity that could potentially put them in harm's way. Old news, I know, but it doesn't change anything.

If she truly wants what's best for them, she'd give them back their privacy as much as possible right NOW. She'd shut down her twitter and never mention their names again to strangers who have no business knowing a thing about them. If Jon can do it so can she.

Katie Cry-duh said... 15

Hey Kate, what's your back up plan when the reality/talk show, book deal, Disney star, and national spokesbitch for cyber bullying gigs fail to materialize? Just wondering....

New Kid said... 16

I have a relative who was in a big movie many years ago, so many years that I would expect hardly anyone to care any more. But I have personally witnessed how ardent fans still try to hunt him down in all kinds of ways. It boggles my mind!

Susan said... 17


Anonymous said... 18

Weren't the twins taken to a studio on an "episode" of their real lives to an audition lady or something similar? Been a while I can't quite remember. Didn't the lady say that they didn't really have what they were looking for?

I also remember Kate saying that shuffling the girls back and forth from NYC and home just didn't fit with their schedule.

Only...now, years down the road Kate goes back and forth to NYC plenty. Her daughter may very well be talented but I would think as a parent isn't there a point where you step back and say, "You can have your dream as a star, but right now, with the way things are, I'm looking for a job I think it would be best for you to have this talent for school, mature it and go back to it."

I do not understand why Kate's need to be famous because she may or may not have talented kids or otherwise for reality TV usage is so important to her. What should be important to Kate right now is looking for a job with benefits, her kids college funds, school sports not trying to play "hey look at me," via her Twitter page and every cute thing her kids may or may not have actually said.

I don't have kids so maybe I'm coming off a little harsh with not entirely supporting a kids while dream of being a movie star at 11 years old. I just think at 11, her daughter may develop other interests along the way, (like being a vet). I just wish she would take a back seat to a lot of things.

Being normal...I mean mediocre really isn't all that bad. I guess it's bad if you're lazy but again I think being lazy is sort of a personal choice it's not forced on anyone.

fidosmommy said... 19

The Gosselin child who is interested in theatre, music and dance might do well to make it into a passion rather than a career. Sometimes it is far more enjoyable to just play the piano than it is to perform. Sometimes community theatre is more affirming than a professional job on stage. Just because a child might not take an interest down a career path does not mean he/she will not reap the benefits of loving it.

Chemistry teacher Ms. Gosselin can still sit at the potter's wheel and create beautiful things for sale. Veterinarian Mr. Gosselin can still
run for city council. Whatever they love can
still fit into their lives while they still earn a living in a job they've been trained for.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 20

Fido, exactly. Not everything you do you have to turn into a career in the spotlight. Just let these kids explore what they want as they want and whatever happens, happens. I can't stand the constant Disney references. Just let Mady be Mady and if Disney happens along the way, fine, if it doesn't, fine.

I have friends that love their adult softball teams. So they never made it to the big leagues, who cares, they are having fun, making friends and avoid all the stresses of being a professional player.

For me, I love playing piano. Never had the desire to be a performer or famous. I just like playing piano. I'm in a little band just for fun, it's not for touring and it's not for getting famous. It's just a hobby. It sure helps to distress after a long day at work. Everyone needs things like that.

DebbieDowner4 said... 21

Its good to see that Mara turned out normal....with a college education, and a good view of the world. I heard about her mom....she was so young to go through that...God bless her.

Its really sad that Grifty can't let go of the dream (to be a host on SNL, Runner's World Cover, talk show, cookbook, stage momager for her 8 slaves...um...future disney stars) and just let her kids be kids.

Have the boys ever been in little league? Have the girls ever had sleepovers? Have they been normal, mediocre kids? When my kids were younger they would help me bake cookies, make ice cream shakes, etc.... WITHOUT having a trash bag to cover the counter, and it was fun. Clean up was just normal. And if one speck of sugar got on the floor(not that I would notice anyway) it was swept up with a broom at the end of the day.

When Grifty "bought" the 200 pounds of chicken (which, by the way, we only saw one box and a shameless plug for the food saver system) she had another trash bag covering the counter. WTF is wrong with her? Is she so dense she can't just use a Lysol wipe like the mediocre people? Or she can't afford the Lysol wipes, little league stuff, gymnastic classes, etc. because she's a single, unemployeed "mom" of 8, count 'em, 8 kids? How's the Audi Grifty?

If Skeve-O is still married, how is he earning money to support his family? Did TLC pay off Gina so much that she and the boys are set for life - retirement, college, house and bill paid off? If not, the Deadbeat "mom" Grifty and Skeve-O make a perfect couple....he's a deadbeat too who traded his family for a new piece of a$$. A new piece of orange a$$. They deserve each other.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 22

Thank you for posting this, Administrator.

It's a shame what Mara went through.

I agree, demanding, creepy fans are selfish.

I wish Mara peace & happiness.

JoyinVirginia said... 23

Thanks for the article admin! So glad this young lady has a private life now. I did not know about her mothers death and the circumstances.
It is amazing that people would seek her out so many years later. But in this age of Netflix, videos, Ann actors work of years ago may be fresh to someone just discovering it.
True story: Rudy from the very first American edition of survivor (he was the curmudgeonly ex navy SEAL) lives in Virginia beach, and is still in the phone book. An article in local paper last year mentioned he still has fans driving up and knocking on his door asking for a picture with him. He was on a reality show in 2000. Rudy is very nice to fans by all accounts, he is just as amazed as anyone else that people still have interest in him.
It is sad but true, some fans will seek out Ms Kreider and the kids in years to come

Pity Party said... 24

The sad part is she could have given them Dramamine and that wouldn't have happened. She obviously took some herself as she was having the time of her life while the kids were puking their guts out. I guess she conveniently "forgot" just like she "forgot" to spray the kids down with insect repellent before she took them in the Alaskan wilderness. Oops.

barbee said... 25

People can 'wish' all they want that she will give up her quest for fame and fortune at any expense (her kids expense)...but it ain't gonna happen. She sees herself as deserving of all the things and attention she can get by any means. She sees M as an exceptional kid. Sorry, your Heinous, we ALL feel OUR kids are SPECIAL and they are, TO US! Others see our average kids as just that, AVERAGE. I agree with the comment about the kids 'ethnicity' being a hindrance in some cases, and NOTHING DEROGATORY suggested here, it is just the way things are. Also, for a 'career' in singing, dancing, or acting, lessons should have started YEARS ago and sadly the super can do mom of eight (count 'em, 8) kids couldn't afford lessons or any of that type thing as she had enough work peddling her own a$$ (and where has that gotten even her?????? ??). SHE will never see the exploitation factor in the way she is dealing with her kids (I just could NOT say RAISING them). She is too ignorant to be able to see and acknowledge what she has done to them. The only hope for those kids is that some day she will come up against an intelligent judge who will see what she is doing and put a stop to it. And then Jon can take over and give them back some normalcy.

TLC stinks said... 26

So now the "haterz" are "bullies". I don't think so, Kate.

Last thread, someone from AUS said the RV episode had currently aired. She was tweeted about where the crew spent time. Kate said the crew stayed in hotels. Odd. Where did Steve sleep? Surely he didn't leave Kate unprotected!

TLC stinks said... 27

Pity Party, I agree with you. Knowing the kids would PROBABLY get sick, all she had to do was give them some Dramamine. Any mom would have. I certainly did because I knew my daughter got car sick. There was no forgetting...it was done on purpose. I finally watched that clip because I would not watch the original airing, but being desparate for something to film, it would not surprise me that it was hoped the kids would get sick. Making memories, you know.

chefsummer #Leh said... 28

AuntieAnn said... 14
Geez, I wish Kate would open her eyes

Oh their open.

She see her self as a suppa star
she see her self as an all some writer
She see her self as a great runner
She see her self as a co-host on some TV show
She see her self as a spokes person for bullying
She see her self as a spokes person for anything
She see her self as an inspiration to other mom's

See Kate does see her self in fact that's all she sees.

Ut's to bad she doesn't she her self as she really is.

Westcoaster said... 29

Great article. Mara is so obviously more thoughtful, more mature and far better educated than our Kate. Luckliy for the G8, I rather doubt they, or their mother, are going to have another shot at Stahdom, what they were put through was more than enough. Kate has pipedreams.

chefsummer #Leh said... 30

LOL maybe Kate can be the new shamwow girl and do infomercials.

Gift of grab said... 31

Katie Cry-duh (15), I think the back-up plan may have something to do with the comment below, which Kate retweeted this a.m. I fear that she thinks she should take on "issues." Oh and try to (re)cultivate that old image of the "good Christian woman." Worked before, right?

BTW, this remark is straight out of the CJ playbook. CJ spends hours and hours every day RT-ing similar sentiments and "right on"-ing a steady stream of far-right political types. I sincerely feel sorry for Kate if CJ is in her head. Following her lead would be a fatal misstep.

Personhood Florida ‏ @PersonhoodFL
#Abortion has killed over 27,000,000 preborn girls. Think abortion advocates care about women? #prolife #tcot
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

Buddy said... 32

Chefsummer . . . no way could she do infomercials. The woman doesn't have a brain in her head. Info and Kate is an oxymoron. It would be like a Saturday Night Live skit.

Dwindle said... 33

Thanks for putting up this article, Admin. Mara has a lot of great points to make and makes me even more afraid for the Gosselin kids. What folks saw of Mara onscreen was scripted and pretend. What was seen of the Gosselin kids was real; their REAL screaming mother, their REAL hosing downs, the REAL insults from their REAL mother...

Will some fans bang on these kids' dorm room doors at midnight to ask for pics and autographs? Will the kids be chastised for the next 20 years by sheeple for upsetting their saintly mother? Will peers ask Hannah at age 16 if she has pooped in her unnawares lately? Will boys in high school harass Colin about being impacted? About Aiden having smelly feet?

Or does Kate think she will follow her children into locker rooms and flap her hands at other students and make it all go away?

When the girls are friendly with boys, will they be accused by other girls of being "tramps, just like your mother!" Or does Kate think she will 'organize and instruct' the school administrators and therefor control all the students' behaviors? Perhaps in 6 years Steve will demand a school assembly so he can 'instruct' all the hundreds of teenagers how they are to treat the precious Gosselins, so that their mother is not enraged.

And what about these nut-fans of hers that she eggs on and encourages? They already verbally bash the children as being not worthy of such a wonderful mother, how soon before they physically approach a teenaged Gosselin at the mall, McDonalds, the library?

Is it happening now? Have Mady and Cara been approached by peers about their bras, sprouting boobies, and periods, as advertised by their mother on radio? If not yet, then how soon?

Kate 'doesnt see other people' so she not only doesnt see her children, she assumes others dont either. And when these things start to occur, will she blame Jon somehow? If he had agreed to continue the filming until they were 18, there would be more money and she could have controlled and cloistered them longer?

Perhaps Kate cannot WAIT for this to happen, so she can hit the media with her pissing and moaning. Will anyone have the guts to tell her she sold her children to the highest bidder and it is all HER OWN FAULT?

Will she care about any of this? Nope.

The stuff that is to come might make the whole pork chops vs pasta casserole debate look insignificant.

Mandy said... 34

Personhood Florida ‏ @PersonhoodFL
#Abortion has killed over 27,000,000 preborn girls. Think abortion advocates care about women? #prolife #tcot
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin


It's hardly a far right view when more than half of Americans are pro-life (Thank God!).


It could be the first thing I've ever agreed with Kate on, although actions speak louder than words, and everything about Kate's actions shriek entitled far leftie. :)

Once a Viewer said... 35

Mara Wilson was an excellent child actress. When I saw her in a few films I'm sorry to say I never thought past the plot of the movie, wondering what her real life was like. She was so cute and charismatic and had a sweet smile belying her unhappiness and problems at home.

Now I am better educated about child actors etc! I am so glad for Mara that her life is normal (ish!)*cringe* now.

I wish Kate would take a cautionary lesson from all these former child celebrities who have spoken out.

Gift of grab said... 36

Mandy, sorry if I offended. The polemic in this comment is political and highly charged, and could equally apply to far left as far right if the content were different. The point is, Kate has never been "political" in any way, shape, or form, and this shows she is not above parroting sentiments like this to advance her own agenda. I think all of her "deeply held" beliefs lead straight to her own wallet.

Mel said... 37

She see her self as a spokes person for anything


It's so much easier being the spokesperson *for* (shouldn't that be anti?) bullying when you and your kids ARE the bullies. I guess she can be the spokesperson for bullying since she has so much personal experience with it. :)

Just like it's been her life-long "dream" to go wherever, anyplace will do, even if she's not too sure where it is/what it is.

How many places can you have a life-long dream to go to, anyway?

Dwindle said... 38

Pants On Fire said... 12

You make a lot of good points, as do most of the other posters here. But as ALWAYS, the drive by trolls wont address your points.

They might call you names, but they wont address your points. Never.

@aggiemom - your post on the previous thread about the happy sounds of loving and laughing family in your home really made me smile. But then it occurs to me that what you describe is what Kate HATES, not enjoys. People in HER (mine all mine) house, noise, laughing, happiness, playing... in short anything that is not an enraptured audience of HER and her alone. The scenario you described is what she hates and has worked to hard to eliminate.

Kate, we know you just read this. Please get ongoing treatment, there are more pleasant emotions to carry around than anger. Please.

Mandy said... 39

Gift of Grab, we are definitely on the same side of that issue. I strongly believe that the only human life Katie cares about is her own, and in her very own deluded sense of self-importance feels she should get whatever she wants simply for wishing it so.

The saddest thing is that in her quest for continued fame is not that she looks like a pathetic fool, which she does, but that eight innocent children's lives are being destroyed.

Just look at how she dropped the tups like a hot rock when she realized she couldn't squeeze any more fame from them and turned back to a daughter she discarded like yesterday's hooker heels when the tups first came along. And don't get me started on what she has done to her little boys. ARRRGGGHH!

NJGal51 said... 40

Kate can re-tweet all she wants about any issue however I doubt that she could speak intelligently on anything without an ear piece and someone feeding her lines. Kate's only interest is Kate and on that subject she can wax poetic forever.

chefsummer #Leh said... 41

Buddy said... 36
Chefsummer . . . no way could she do infomercials. The woman doesn't have a brain in her head. Info and Kate is an oxymoron. It would be like a Saturday Night Live skit.


She doesn't have to speak you all um.... knows how that goes.

She can just be a pretty face and point at the shiny thing.

Plus the shamwow guy is older & rich and he can do all the work so it's a win win for Kate.

aggiemom09121416 said... 42

Kate has amassed great wealth, has a beautiful house with acreage.
She should make some life-changing, life-affirming decisions.
Gee, every weekend at her compound there ought to be family floating in and out of there. There ought to be picnics and outdoor grilling going on.
She should run a few cattle for farm tax purposes, plant a huge family garden. She should buy some horses for the kids.
When those kids get a little older, that pasture ought to be used for four wheelers, dirt bikes and paint ball fights.
When the kids get too dirty, it's time to jump in that lovely pool.
She is sitting on so much potential and it is just going to waste.
(my sibling has a weekend place similar to Kate's, and occasional weekends are just like I described..ALL the cousins have a blast! (and maybe some of us old people, too)

Kate, instead of using your iphone for twittering strangers, use it to call your family.

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 43

Pity Party said... 25
The sad part is she could have given them Dramamine and that wouldn't have happened. She obviously took some herself as she was having the time of her life while the kids were puking their guts out. I guess she conveniently "forgot" just like she "forgot" to spray the kids down with insect repellent before she took them in the Alaskan wilderness. Oops.

It was so obvious on that video that Kate was all about trying to look sexy and didn't have a thought in the world about the kids. It was about showing the boobs, squeezing the boobs together for maximum cleavage, posing sexily at the railing of the boat while everyone else was hurling over the side. Great material for a parody if 8 little kids weren't merely an afterthought.

Once a Viewer said... 44

Apparently she has no qualms about knocking them out on hairpanes with Dramamine...

chefsummer #Leh said... 45

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 48
Pity Party said... 25
The sad part is she could have given them Dramamine and that wouldn't have happened. She obviously took some herself as she was having the time of her life while the kids were puking their guts out. I guess she conveniently "forgot" just like she "forgot" to spray the kids down with insect repellent before she took them in the Alaskan wilderness. Oops.

Plus she was surrounded by men including her favorite man Steve so the girls had to come out.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 46

Kate's not pro file she's pro money. She probably couldn't even begin to debate abortion with someone intelligent, she's so ignorant.

Also, I'm pro life, but that stupid "sediment" confuses the issue and I hate that.

Downeaster Alexa said... 47

Kate has amassed great wealth, has a beautiful house with acreage.
She should make some life-changing, life-affirming decisions.
Gee, every weekend at her compound there ought to be family floating in and out of there. There ought to be picnics and outdoor grilling going on.
She should run a few cattle for farm tax purposes, plant a huge family garden. She should buy some horses for the kids.


Kate may have amassed great wealth, but that wealth isn't flowing in right now. Owning and caring for horses is not cheap. Where would that come from? This would be adding to her expenses, rather than subtracting from them. She has the mortgage, taxes, maintenance on that property. Why would she want more expenses?

She needs to downsize, not add more expenses by maintaining a garden (you know that she's not going to do it. She'd have to pay someone to tend it), plus the cost of additional animals. It sounds good in theory, but it's not practical, at least not for her. It's a great idea for a husband and wife, but for one woman, maybe not so much.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 48

Actually that's why I really liked Mara's blog post so much. She never once suggested her choices are better, she is superior, or blamed anyone for how she feels as other child actors have (not that they wouldn't be justified). The last thing she did was tell us how to think.

She simply told a story of how one child actor all grown up feels about their past, and it's up to the reader then to form their own opinions.

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 49

Downeaster Alexa said...Kate may have amassed great wealth, but that wealth isn't flowing in right now. Owning and caring for horses is not cheap. Where would that come from? This would be adding to her expenses, rather than subtracting from them. She has the mortgage, taxes, maintenance on that property. Why would she want more expenses?

She needs to downsize, not add more expenses by maintaining a garden (you know that she's not going to do it. She'd have to pay someone to tend it), plus the cost of additional animals. It sounds good in theory, but it's not practical, at least not for her. It's a great idea for a husband and wife, but for one woman, maybe not so much.

I wasn't around much yesterday and have no time to read all the comments I've missed. Is Kate talking about getting horses?

chefsummer #Leh said... 50

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 47
Kate's not pro file she's pro money. She probably couldn't even begin to debate abortion with someone intelligent, she's so ignorant

And you think her being a former labor and delivery nurse and her dealing with the 6 being so tiny when they were born.

And her not being able to get pregnant the normal way.

That she'd be the first person to advocacy for pro-life sadly her selfish little brain only see money.

I hope I just didn't give her an idea.

Snotty Brat said... 51

I heard Kate wants to start raising gorillas too.

Snotty Brat said... 52

Do we know Kates stance on bacon vs sausage??

Snotty Brat said... 53

Buddy, do you think shes trying to breed them??

What do you know about bacon vs sausage??

Gift of grab said... 54

Kate's pro-pork.

Snotty Brat said... 55



Buddy said... 56

Gift of grab said... 55
Kate's pro-pork.


LOL . . . only if she can be a spokesperson. Her kids aren't allowed to eat it. It will make them outgrow their already too big clothes.

it's over kate said... 57

I admire Mara's approach to this. She was honest and respectful.

Virginia said... 58

Khate only likes pork and sausage from NZ.

chefsummer #Leh said... 59

Snotty Brat said... 54
Buddy, do you think shes trying to breed them??

What do you know about bacon vs sausage??

I bet she'll go with a banana flavored spray tan and she'll only work with the sliver backs

Cause well all know she loves gray hair.

Buddy said... 60

Gift of Gab . . .
Kate's pro-pork.

Only if she can be a spokesperson for pork. Her kids are not allowed to eat it. They might outgrow their already too big clothes.

Buddy said... 61

chefsummer . . . 60


Kate's Going Down said... 62

I'd appreciate it if Kate were NOT characterized as a "leftie" here. People on either end of the spectrum at least care about things beyond their own nose and she does not.

And I doubt anyone on the left, myself included, would want her selfish, superficial, idiotic self.

Love the article from Mara. I always wondered what happened to her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 63

Kate's going down but righties don't want her either. Please take her?

How sad when no one wants you.

Gift of grab said... 64

Kate's Going Down (63), I think everyone here recognizes that the only party Kate supports is Kate Gosselin, Party of One.

Kate's Going Down said... 65

No, thank you. LOL. She's not political, anyway. She probably isn't even aware of the most basic things going on in the world. If it doesn't involve her, her hair, or her money, she's not interested beyond pretending by retweeting someone else's tweet or saying "Oh no!" on Twitter.

Maybe the Green Party will take her. Her materialism alone wouldn't be tolerated for one second where I sit.

Mommy said... 66

Well, she's not exactly Independent....

Perhaps the Whig party....since she'll probably need one at some point....

TLC stinks said... 67

I don't have any idea where Kate stands politically, but because she and Jon (probably more her) did not do the selective abortion,but I believe CJ and other followers are certain that is she is pro-life. At least that is what I gathered back from the time she was fleecing the churches. That's why they invited her. It worked out for her with 6 healthy children. Some women are not that fortunate.

I just wanted to put this out there since I am talking about multiple births, but when the doc did her tummy tuck, I wonder if he also took care of her bladder because I would think (and I only had two kids and sneezing can be issue for me :) you would have your insides all messed up. For instance, I can't believe Michelle Duggar. Either she's had surgery or she wears adult diapers. I'm serious. What women wants to put her body through that!

Virginia said... 68

I remember reading a while back that Jon was a registered Democrat and Khate was a registered Republican, but she never voted.

Kate's Going Down said... 69

Wait, Michelle Duggar, in her mid-40s and having had 19 pregnancies, tries to say she has no bladder leakage issues?

Oh my. And I'm a billionaire virgin!

Layla said... 70

From the last thread...
Dmaisy said....

Administrator, I think she asked...once, twice, three times. I think she cried. I think she begged. I think she made promises. " No never means NO."

This was the biggest part of her life. She gave up her marriage for her show.

I think TLC was probably patient, firm and professional as they "coached" her through the cancellation.
I think the news of the cancellation went down the same way the New Zealand tower dive thing did. She said there were "many tears at the breakfast table". Those tears were hers. I think she crumpled up into a sobbing mess just like she did after her sky jump, and the kids had to comfort her the same way they did in NZ. She did not just say, "Oh, okay" when TLC told her. She would have cried, screamed, demanded to know why. She gave up her extended family for the show, not to mention her marriage, her kids' privacy and dignity, her friends...The show was her paycheck, her livelihood, and her very identity.
TLC probably told her that the ratings were mediocre and didn't support her paycheck and the perks she demanded. That the kids were exhibiting behavioral problems that could end up being embarrassing for both TLC and Kate. That she had become too difficult to work with. But she refused to hear it. That's why she says, "I don't know". That doesnt't mean there was no reason, it just means that she refuses to accept the reasons.

Jumping In said... 71

I am still struck by Kate's statement in her latest blog on Coupon Cabin where she refers to herself as a former SAHM. My guess is she has divided her life in to two distinct parts; pre-TLC and post-TLC. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING in the post TLC era falls in to the "working single-mom" category, Twitter is now TLC, and her phone is the new camera. If she is breathing, she feels she is working, whether it's Vegas or the Red Cross ball, as long as there's a camera, it's a step up from seeing her reflection in her phone, and a step closer to fame.

She truly believes if she "ignores and blocks" her haters (now bullies) it is just a matter of time before her phone will magically turn her back in to a star. Until then, she will keep tweeting until the world realizes just what they've lost.

chefsummer #Leh said... 72

Who is bullying Kate that's what I don't understand but then again.

I don't understand 70-85% of the things she says or does.

aggiemom09121416 said... 73

Kate may have amassed great wealth, but that wealth isn't flowing in right now. Owning and caring for horses is not cheap. Where would that come from? This would be adding to her expenses, rather than subtracting from them. She has the mortgage, taxes, maintenance on that property. Why would she want more expenses?
Life-changing, life-affirming decisions...cutting out all the unncessary expenses.
She needs to take a hard look at what she has to offer, and the only thing she has to offer is that parcel of property she is sitting on. If she's going to keep it, she needs to make it pay for itself. It not, it's just a big back yard.
Run some cattle on it, put some horses out there, too. They don't have to be champion blood lines. Dang, she has all that property, her kids could do equestrian events.
Getting your hair processed doesn't generate revenue!

Sport said... 74

"Oh my. And I'm a billionaire virgin!"
Wait, Billionaire? Virgin?!
Hey uh, whatcha doing this weekend?

carolina peach said... 75

Maybe a thread sometime about little Eden Wood, the Toddler & Tiaras 'fallen star' from TLC that now has her own show on the LOGO channel. First one aired on Mon night. Oh My. This poor kid has nowhere to go but down. Manager and some other rep screaming at each other about who is more important (not the kid). Her mom looks like she is now all glammed up. NYC here they come. If this has been addressed, sorry.

It's over Kate said... 76

I'm having google and gmail issues. Anyone else?

Stupid Is said... 77

I wonder if Kate ever watched Mrs. Doubtfire?
It's about a man who will do anything to be in the lives of his children, despite his ex-wife thinking he's a deadbeat.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 78

If she's going to keep it, she needs to make it pay for itself. It not, it's just a big back yard.
Run some cattle on it, put some horses out there, too. They don't have to be champion blood lines. Dang, she has all that property, her kids could do equestrian events.

I'd love to see Kate turn that property into oats and grain, salt licks, moving the cows from one "pasture" to the next every couple of days stepping over the pest infested cow patties. Yeah, that should work.

chefsummer #Leh said... 79

I keep on getting re-directed to another site is that just me.?

LB said... 80

Does anyone think the younger children really cannot or are not allowed to cut their own food? That would be embarressing should they be at a public event and they were served food. I would image they would be staring at their plates and not moving until Kate tells them. She has never really encouraged them to be independent, really. They had to sit in highchairs which I'm sure some of them must have protested but it's always her way or none, isn't it. They cannot give feedback and are not allowed to have their own interests (Leah's gynamics (sp?) for example). It seems only the older girls are given that privlage.

I still remember Aaden grabbing his cob of corn which was the size of his hand, not knowing it was hot then dropping it. He also did not know what one was when Kate asked him to get it at the Touch Musesum. That was 2 years ago, I think. I then wondered if they were limited in that area; not being able to identify food and the incessent traveling & filming.

Katie Cry-duh said... 81

Ok so Kate claims to be pro-life. And she may be. But I remember her stating that Bobbi McCaughey told her that the churches were the most generous to her and her hudband after she have birth to her septuplets. *dimly lit light bulb goes off in Kreider's head*.

Also, exactly why did she have NO PROBLEM with the possibility that they'd have so many kids at once? Wouldn't most people panic at the very thought of all the work and expense that would entail? And why did she bring all those kids into this world only to neglect and resent them? Actually, I know why. And it's so sad

Gift of grab said... 82

Jumping In, yeah that statement had me doing a double-take as well. You're exactly right, she thinks that just getting up in the morning, as long as she then can blog or tweet about it, is the same as having a JOB. Boy, does she have a lot to learn. I hope for her children's sake it doesn't take until she's gotten down to their last million to figure it out.

Someone mentioned earlier about hair in NYC. She actually had the weave fried just a few days before her b'day extravaganza in LV, so not quite 4 weeks ago. Is it really safe to process hair that often? I mean, if you want it to stay on your head?

Andrea said... 83

It's over Kate said... 77
I'm having google and gmail issues. Anyone else?

I am having them too. Google is having some server issues. I also had problems yesterday.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 84

Chef email me. We're blocking some trolls and you may have been caught in the fray!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 85

Stupid is didn't even think about the parallels of Mrs doubt fire. Mom, the court, social worker, and moms boyfriend all thought he was a loser. Even the kids started parroting what mom told them. In the end they got joint custody.

JoyinVirginia said... 86

Carolina, I did a summary of the Edens world train wreck/ staged fights between the adults on the last post, around post 999 -way toward the end. The dueling managers are mildly amusing, but I want a full out cat fight with gay guy manager, old manager, stylist too. Extra points for things thrown at each other! Rupauls drag race show has spoiled me, it can be so funny when everyone gets really catty!

I am pro health care! With medical professionals having freedom to discuss the best care for an individual patient with that patient, without the legislature getting in the way. Yes, I live in the great state of Virginia where the legislators tried to pass a law requiring anyone seeking an abortion to first have a piece of equipment inserted in their vagina - that is what a transvaginal ultrasound is. Many legislators initially voted for this NOT KNOWING what transnational us actually meant! Is it a procedure that is often done? Yes, when a physician decides it is needed. Does a legislature need to tell every physician how to practice? No, that its the area of state licensing boards, and professional organizations, and groups writing treatment guidelines and consensus statements.

JoyinVirginia said... 87

Transvaginal, not transnational! Autocorrect strikes again!
Virginia legislature eventually passed law everyone seeking abortion must have abdominal ultrasound. Once again, procedure usually done when physicians deem it necessary for an individual patient.
I would rather see legislatures spend time on ways citizens can have access to health care including preventive services, and access to family planning services. H
What services will help people have a healthy baby and be prepared to raise the baby - and not just the mothers, the fathers too. Spend time and resources on that and unwanted pregnancy rate will decrease.

chefsummer #Leh said... 88

Since the pap won't leave Kate alone O'm guessing were going to get new shots of her freshly colored hair.

Tamara said... 89

Also, exactly why did she have NO PROBLEM with the possibility that they'd have so many kids at once? Wouldn't most people panic at the very thought of all the work and expense that would entail? And why did she bring all those kids into this world only to neglect and resent them? Actually, I know why. And it's so sad
She tried to claim that when she found out she was having 7 she thought it was horrible and the worst thing that could happen. Yeah right. In the first special her responses are just off, strange gosselinbeginnings.blogspot.com More likely she thought *cha-ching!* She and Jon were trying to make money off the sextuplets before she was even 4 months pregnant. They were so bent on selling out their little embryos that Jon was fired from his job for trying to sell his unborn children on company time!

TLC and fame didn't change Khate and weren't responsible for making her so incredibly greedy and ungrateful. She was always like that. And even worse never even tried to hide it.

Remember that Khate's kids didn't even know who Obama was. I doubt she had half an idea who he is.

Kate's a liar said... 90

I never bought her story about the infertility or the IUI's (inter-uterine insemination) I have been facing infertility issues for about a year and about to get my fifth IUI. It's highly unlikely that we will have multiples. There's a 5% chance of twins and a much smaller chance of more that that.

When you get an IUI, the first step is a sonogram to check your ovaries for follicles. If you are lucky there will be a couple good- sized follicles per cycle and you hope that one will take. If she had that many follicles I don't understand why the clinic decided to proceed with the IUI.

I've always thought that they Dr declined the procedure (as he should have) and Kate tricked Jon into sex. That's just my speculation.

Kate's Going Down said... 91

Kate's a liar, I believe in one of "her" books, she did say her ovaries were so overstimulated, she had to be hospitalized and the doctor strongly recommended they sit that cycle out. I believe she said Jon was in favor of sitting it out, too, but of course she got her way.

I don't believe she was ever infertile. For starters, she didn't have to wait and try the normal amount of time that all couples have to.

It always baffled me why she even wanted kids, as she seemed so unmaternal and they seemed like such a huge pain in the ass to her, even in the early days. Then I figured it out--money.

The kids were engineered as money makers by her. She was probably upset she only had two the first time around.

chefsummer #Leh said... 92

Why not just like Jon watch the kids I'm sure he would be happy to and so would they.

JoyinVirginia said... 93

Admin, THANK YOU! For the link to Maras blog. I read another entry, that led me to Austin Kleon blog, who wrote Steal Like An Artist, that I am now going to order for younger dd who will love it, plus a part of it gave me an idea I can use in a presentation as an illustration. Meandering around the internet is lots of fun!
”be nice. The world is a small town.” - Austin Kleon

Mrs. Malaprop said... 94

Tamara said . . .
She tried to claim that when she found out she was having 7 she thought it was horrible and the worst thing that could happen. Yeah right. In the first special her responses are just off, strange gosselinbeginnings.blogspot.com More likely she thought *cha-ching!* She and Jon were trying to make money off the sextuplets before she was even 4 months pregnant. They were so bent on selling out their little embryos that Jon was fired from his job for trying to sell his unborn children on company time!
This never occurred to me, but I wonder if the conception of the 2 older girls was the first attempt at HOMs. That pregnancy produced *only* 2 babies, so they had to try it again. You can't get attention and freebies with twins, after all! No proof, but I totally think it's possible that's what happened.

Once a Viewer said... 95

LB 81:

I agree. It seems Kate resents doing some things for the kids as they 'exhaust' her, but she won't let them! Time, mess, etc. They had velcro shoes forever, were unaware of many ordinary things despite being 'cultured' on trips.Clothes still 'laid out'.Winter clothing assisted by twins. It even seems she does the homework for them all.They can't even bathe alone apparently.

Anonymous said... 96

What I find really sad is that fans or other people don't seem to care or even notice how their idol and or favorite actor really feels. It's like their feelings don't really matter as long as the fan gets what he or she wants from them. Actors sometimes are not treated as real people.

Ms. Wilson by any stretch should first of all be treated for who she is not what she did as a child. That's the problem with people who show up at your door or your house in the middle of the night wanting an autograph or whatever, they see you for what you did on TV or in a movie I don't think they see you for who you are. And those are two totally separate things.

How would fans feel if they were bothered all the time like they do to other people? I really wonder some days. You didn't see this type of mentality where it was, "We have a right to know everything you do," about 30 years ago or so. Truth is we don't need to know if Justin Bebeir went to buy shoes or if Sandra Bullock dropped her son off at school or the next celeb is on vacation or whatever.

They are still people with feelings and outside the job of acting, singing and such I don't see it treated as such.

Kate has made it people's business to know about her kids because it was what she wanted. She got something out of allowing cameras to follow her every move. So I don't see how she can complain about paparazzi it's basically the same thing with reality TV camera capturing her real life at the store. Sort of her own fault. But her kids, adults are there to make decisions for their kids and if you don't do the right thing and open that can of worms you run the risk of ruining their lives or making it more difficult than it needed to be.

Kate-- your kids are not lab rats to be poked at. I hope you'll be satisfied knowing you allowed people to gawk at them like zoo animals. Is that what you want the rest of your life?

Once a Viewer said... 97

I also wonder why that Effie chick on Gather is still in a job....all she does is copy tweets that admire Kate, and make up a story to support them...

Anonymous said... 98

Personhood Florida ‏ @PersonhoodFL
#Abortion has killed over 27,000,000 preborn girls. Think abortion advocates care about women? #prolife #tcot
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

People make themselves look foolish when they throw unsubstantiated claims such as that one. I'd like the proof to back those numbers...

Pro-choice and I care about women...and their rights.

Tamara said... 99

You didn't see this type of mentality where it was, "We have a right to know everything you do," about 30 years ago or so
Whoa, pick up a history of Hollywood and film. There was this intense interest and reporting back in the 1930s.

Susan said... 100

Has this show already been discussed, or did nobody check out this link I posted last night, or is it just that nobody finds it interesting like I did?

Sherry Baby said... 101

I agree. It seems Kate resents doing some things for the kids as they 'exhaust' her, but she won't let them! Time, mess, etc


That's because if she lets them become independent and do all those things for themselves, then she couldn't claim exhaustion. She still wants to hold the Single Super Mom title, but she can't do that if these kids learn to take care of themselves. She's keeping them in the toddler phase so she can cry "exhausted mom of eight" over and over again to her sheeple. It's for sympathy. Kind of a Munchausen By Proxy. She's not making her kids sick, but she's keeping them young and dependent so she herself can get the adulation she deserves for caring for eight -- count them -- eight kids.

Shocked said... 102

I wanted to post my opinion regarding the cancellation of Kate Plus 8. While everyone has good theories regarding the reason(s) TLC cut Kate loose, I always assumed that they didn't want to have to deal with Jon. Am I mistaken or didn't he say at one time that he would never agree for his children to be filmed again? So TLC, knowing that the contract would end in March of 2012 anyway, went ahead and cancelled rather than have to try and convince Jon to allow filming. Wouldn't both parents have to agree for filming of the children to take place? I may be way off base, but just wanted to throw that out there in case no one else had ever considered that TLC just didn't want the hassle of talking Jon into signing a contract.

And I'm sure TLC was SICK of Kate and her bitchy drama and entitlement.

One more thing~Jon and Kate were not required to put back 15% for the children for the majority of filming. I think that only started with Kate Plus 8. (Or maybe the last season of J&K plus 8?) Anyway, my point is the money that was set aside is probably looooong gone by now. One year of school tuition alone would take care of most of that money.

Sorry such a long post, I don't post often but when I do I have a lot to say:)

Shocked said... 103

Mrs. Malaprop (94)....

I ALWAYS thought that the twins were her first attempt at HOM. That's why she wanted just "one more." She tried again because to Kate, "failure is a cop out!"

Ingrid said... 104

My stomach turns thinking of Kate ever owning a horse. She can't even train her dog to run with her) Horses are not something to just plunk down in a grassy area. She has no knowledge to keep a horse healthy. If they over eat some things they can become permanently lame and have to be put down. Moldy/dusty hay affects their lungs and can kill them. Colic can kill them. IF they are not handled right they become spoiled and can be unsafe especially for young kids to be around. Too much of the wrong grain can make them wound up and hard to handle. Even the best trained broke horse can do something unexpected that could hurt someone.

They have only been on trail rides for actually only short times. It is nothing like owning your own. She would have to hire help to care for the horse and there is enough expense to owning one with vet, hay in winter, grain, vaccines, wormer, etc. Horses poop alot more than chickens. I can't see those kids mucking out a stall. (Kate would never do it)

If the kids were that into horses, the best thing would be to give them lessons. But of course she won't spend her money on something like that for all 8.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 105

R.I.P. Dick Clark. You will be dearly missed.

I spent every Saturday morning watching Soul Train, followed by American Bandstand.

Those were the days...

Geeze, all the greats are leaving us :o(

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 106

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 98
R.I.P. Dick Clark. You will be dearly missed.

I spent every Saturday morning watching Soul Train, followed by American Bandstand.

Those were the days...

Geeze, all the greats are leaving us :o(

But there's a huge rock n roll party going on in heaven. :)

Gift of grab said... 107

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
...I just dropped a dream in the mail (&sealed it w/ a kiss!)..hope u all get 2 enjoy it someday! I've had fun working on it! Here's hoping!

Oh sweet Lord no--don't tell me we're about to be exposed to more of the flaccid prose of K8 the Might-as-Well-Be Illiter8!

Done and done said... 108

...I just dropped a dream in the mail (&sealed it w/ a kiss!)..hope u all get 2 enjoy it someday! I've had fun working on it! Here's hoping! 6 minutes ago


Hmmm wonder what this could mean? A new (ghostwritten) book perhaps? I've been away from the blog for a couple of weeks, would love any insight.

anger issues kate said... 109

Tamara: It is just like the Monkees. All 4 guys used their real names: Peter Tork used a short form of his last name. For years people thought that the 4 lived in a beach house, and were a garage band. When in fact they were 4 individuals, one was married, when the show started(Mike Nesmith), the rest lived in their own places. It was hard for some of them with their fans to separate the TV show from the real person. Unlike most actors, who can leave, the character at the TV show, and go on with a private life, some of the Monkees, could not tell where the TV for example: Davy Jones ended and the private Davy Jones began. If Davy and the others could have used a different name on the TV show, perhaps things would have turned out different for all 4.? Just like the G8, they will not be able to walk away from what was filmed, to say, that was a character I played on TV, they will have to say, yeah that was me, my luney tunes mother, who forced us to do those shows.

Dwindle said... 110

Horses need to have their hooves trimed and the ferrier needs to assess the shoes about every 6-8 weeks, I think. Kate resents even springing for enough food and shoes for her children, let alone some horse who puts nothing into her pocket.

I see she was quiet today, Steve must be around.

I saw a commercial today that "Dr" Phil was doing a show about gigilos, what their duties are, how much they are paid, etc? did anyone watch it so we have a better idea of how much Steve is making off the kids?

chefsummer #Leh said... 111

R.I.P to a true legend Dick Clark.

Dwindle said... 112

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 98
R.I.P. Dick Clark. You will be dearly missed.

I spent every Saturday morning watching Soul Train, followed by American Bandstand.

Those were the days...


I know! Truly the end of an era, an entire generation of music. Now we get Ryan Seacrest instead; blech. :-((

Gift of grab said... 113

Shocked, I think you are as right with your theory about TLC cancellation as anyone else. TLC certainly knew, I think, that they were not going to win a court battle with Jon the second time around, not with the well-publicized evidence of problems in school, etc. And with ratings dropping all the time without Jon in the show, then of course it made all kinds of sense to stop.

What is curious to me, though, is the timing. They could have gotten another 15-20 episodes out of K+8 before the contract ended in March 2012. (Compared to many of their admittedly horrible shows, ratings were not horrendously bad.) So why didn't they go for it? I am convinced that SHE was just too much trouble (attitude, Steve, expenses, travel, you name it), and so they decided to "git" while the gittin' (pace milo) was good.

Post more!

Gift of grab said... 114

No promo tweets from Cindy today. But thank goodness she has CJ to back her up. How would she ever have managed this cruise without the help of this "sweet old lady"?

RT @CindyCardella: @Kateplusmy8 Plan your family vacation w/Kate this Aug-Royal Carib out of Fort Laud.Go2 http://t.co/fLU9Tz26(preview) & Email me! The Sea is calling!

ncgirl said... 115

"Kate twitters..I just dropped a dream in the mail (&sealed it w/ a kiss!)..hope u all get 2 enjoy it someday! I've had fun working on it! Here's hoping!"

It seems like Kate has sent off a book proposal. She never gives up on her dreams, does she? I bet the sheeple are excited.

"no way could she do infomercials."

She did do that sad infomercial with the ab exercise thing. I don't know if it was ever shown.

Anonymous said... 116

What I can't figure out is why after all this time it is so important for Kate to share her life with strangers. Okay now I know maybe some of us do share a part of ourselves with family, friends, email buddies, Facebook friends or whatever but what Kate continues to want is to let people continue to watch her kids grow up.

Look, I am sure kids are cute, but kids grow up, people lose interest, ratings fall, be it Jon or other issues that played a part in her down fall not to mention herself. But point is, I still don't know why it's so important to Kate to show the world she has 8 kids and how hard she thinks she has it. How long can one person wallow in their own pity party? In a way it's almost disgusting she's still claiming to be so put-upon.

Her kids are older, they should be able to do chores not saying a long list but enough where Kate really shouldn't have much to complain about. So she had to make dinner...uh, my guess is most if not all parents make dinner regardless of their exhaustion level and it's more than a casserole.

If you want self-pity, fine, but don't expect it to make you look like some super hero because you claim to slave away every day. At what? She doesn't come home from a real job. I can't figure out either why every day she has to announce she can't pry her eyes to stay open anymore because she's had a long day.

Go ask that single mother who works in the laundry cleaners how tired she is, the man who worked nights at the corner store who died last week from a heart attack leaving a widow of two kids and pregnant how hard their lives are. Go volunteer in a soup kitchen Kate, go sleep as a homeless person for a week and then she how hard for mini-mansion 3-vehicle private school tuition life is then.

Red Sky At Night said... 117

@Kateplusmy8 hope it works out 4you.We have some"similarities" that I still question.They had a lot of similarities too. Only GOoD will come

What does this mean? Something cryptic there.

Kate tweeted that she dropped her dream in the mail and sealed it with a kiss. What does that mean? She put Steve in a box and sent him somewhere?

anger issues kate said... 118

Kate send her cookbook version number 2, to the publisher? I hope this publisher, did their homework, on Kates first cookbook attempt, to make sure there is no plagiarism.

chefsummer #Leh said... 119

ncgirl said... 112

She did do that sad infomercial with the ab exercise thing. I don't know if it was ever shown.

It was only shown on the companies website and you tube and with youtube she didn't get many views.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 120

I've always had the opinion that the show was cancelled for a combination of reasons.

1. Without Jon and the bantering/bickering back and forth, made the show really boring. He was a big asset and Kate and TLC were not smart enough to see it.

2. Kate was a complainer and an overall nasty person on film, not to mention a "camera hog". Very few people want to tune in to watch that, and the proof was that the numbers kept dropping.

3. People were starting to open their eyes to her demeaning way that she treated her innocent children.

4. Kate had nothing new to offer. At one time, she was twittering asking people where they would like to see her travel to next. It truly boggles the mind that she thought people just lived to see her and children go on expensive vacations.

5. The cost to produce the show definitely outweighed the benefits that TLC was getting.

6. The negative info that was coming out about Kate on this blog and other places, was affecting what TLC's promotion of the hard-working, loving mom they kept trying to portray her as.

7. All of the above, plus her rotten attitude, just made them realize that it isn't worth it, so they got out of it as fast as they could.

All of this is just my opinion, but I know if I was an exec at TLC when all of this was going down, I'd want to distance myself from her as soon as possible!

Amy2 said... 121

The cancellation of K+8 IMO was a combination of things. The kids were getting older, the battle with Jon, low (though not bad) ratings, increase in expenses, increases in demands from Kate; everything other posters have already mentioned. But for me it was that the real Kate was starting to come out. Yes, it was slow but could see it happening.

TLC was having a problem selling the perfect Mom with 8 kids. I remember on the RV episode when the clothes were washing Kate, kids and Ashley wandered down the street to kill time. Kate goes into a jewelry store while Ashley takes care of the (bored) kids. TLC can't hide this stuff, it was there for all to see. A loving mom would have taken the kids to a park to play. The game Kate was playing of "everything for my kids" wasn't playing out on TV. The reality TV was FINALLY starting to show the reality of the Gosselin situation. Kate is/was not the caring mother she said she was. TLC didn't need to waste anymore time (meaning money) on the Gosselins, their time had passed. It was on to the next family. A family with toddlers, with a story to tell.

Yes, TLC made lots of money off the Gosselins, but it was time to move on. TLC shut down the show, closed up the tent and left town. Only Kate hasn't gotten (accepted) the memo. She still thinks there's a chance another network will want the Gosselins. After all they're famous aren't they.

Kate is a twit said... 122

So Kate coyly drops a hint that she has sent a book to a publisher. Just another way of trying to keep herself relevant, and she'll revel in all the speculation. She can never come out and just say what's going on can she? She has to play "I know something you don't know."

Also, noticed this tweet in reply to her tweet-

@Kateplusmy8 hope it works out 4you.We have some"similarities" that I still question.They had a lot of similarities too. Only GOoD will come

I wonder if she'll reply to him or if she will even realize who it is? I find it kind of strange that he follows her.

aggiemom09121416 said... 123

Ok, I take back the horse idea, lol!
I guess a person that thinks outside the box,someone who likes to WORK would jump at the chance to use that acreage.
It's foolish to have all that land and just have a big back yard. (I bet PW would agree with me. I am not a fan of hers,but know of her).

She's got the start-up capital,and yes would have to hire competent help, but good grief, own all that land and not make it help pay for itself?
Just think what you could do with that land..horse farm, cattle, organic gardening, orchards, pecan trees...etc...all that stuff generates money (sure, it takes time, but in a year's time, she could have something started, or just a pretty mowed pasture.)
Maybe this is just my seventh generation Texas roots talking!

Now, what dream did she drop in the box?

Once a Viewer said... 124

Pink & others:OT

So sad about Dick Clark. He was brave to continue work after his stroke. Yes, end of an era. And I am sorry that Robin Gibb is lying in a coma, too...loved the Bee Gees and Andy Gibb as well.

Dwindle said... 125

@ Susan, I think it was discussed on the previous thread. :-)

Boston Bonnie said... 126

Can you write a book consisting of 144 letter sentences?

Can't even begin to imagine what drivel she might come up with. Shes already embarrassed those kids with her last one. One more could you do?

tate said... 127

Kate dropping her "dream in the mail"---is this her cookbook she says she is always working on? Good luck with that.

Pity Party said... 128

Something happened and it wasn't pretty, that would be my guess.

Meagler said... 129

On April 16 Kate tweeted she was working on a cook book, slowly but surely, and on April 17 she tweeted she had a few writing projects on the go. So I am thinking she has dropped either the cookbook, or one of the writing projects into the mailbox today, hoping to find a publisher.

My guess, Kate was anxious to get this done and out there before JOn's.

Dwindle said... 130

Gift of grab said... 110

What is curious to me, though, is the timing. They could have gotten another 15-20 episodes out of K+8 before the contract ended in March 2012. (Compared to many of their admittedly horrible shows, ratings were not horrendously bad.) So why didn't they go for it? I am convinced that SHE was just too much trouble (attitude, Steve, expenses, travel, you name it), and so they decided to "git" while the gittin' (pace milo) was good.


I had wondered this also! They had months to go on the contract, why did they dump her so soon? The ratings were not that bad. I guess they were just. sick. to. death. of. Kate. And since no one else has come anyone near her with a 10 foot pole, her reputation obviously preceeds her as being a nightmare to work with. Must be all that editing.

That reminds me; wouldnt a 'producer, who just doesnt get name credit' have some authority over the editing?

And what about all those CGI special effects they inserted into those episodes, eh? Making her hands flap around when she never ever really did that? Inserting constant dubbed screeching when she never did that? Making it look like SHE put her child on the linolium floor when he was sick when it was really a neighbor who snuck in and did it? You really have to watch those producers that dont get name credit, they are a sneaky lot and really are out to make princesses look bad.

Connie said... 131

Pity Party said... 25

The sad part is she could have given them Dramamine and that wouldn't have happened. She obviously took some herself as she was having the time of her life while the kids were puking their guts out. I guess she conveniently "forgot" just like she "forgot" to spray the kids down with insect repellent before she took them in the Alaskan wilderness. Oops.


I think someone on board did give the kids some Dramamine, after the big vomit-fest, on their empty stomachs, so it put them to sleep.

If they had taken it before they got on the boat, or when the kids first began to show symptoms of being sea-sick, they might have enjoyed fishing and being on the boat.

Instead, the kids threw up, fell asleep, slept in their own vomit, and did not enjoy anything about that day.

Ampersmom said... 132

Have any of you seen this

Interesting reading


Yeah Kate, things like this would never happen to your kids...if Hollywood doesn't protect the kids why would anyone think TLC did.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 133

Susan, are you talking about the Eden show? I was surprised to find out I hadn't even heard of the channel it airs on nor do I get that channel. I think a lot of folks here haven't even really seen it. I feel uncomfortable doing a post about a show I can't really see and can only see clips of. If the full episode is on Hulu or somewhere else, I would want to see it before I would do a post.

Not saying I don't think this show is seriously wrong, but I'm il-informed about what it's really about not having seen it. I don't watch Toddlers and Tiaras either.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 134

Susan, are you talking about the Eden show? I was surprised to find out I hadn't even heard of the channel it airs on nor do I get that channel. I think a lot of folks here haven't even really seen it. I feel uncomfortable doing a post about a show I can't really see and can only see clips of. If the full episode is on Hulu or somewhere else, I would want to see it before I would do a post.

Not saying I don't think this show is seriously wrong, but I'm il-informed about what it's really about not having seen it. I don't watch Toddlers and Tiaras either.

Layla said... 135

ncgirl said... 112
"Kate twitters..I just dropped a dream in the mail (&sealed it w/ a kiss!)..hope u all get 2 enjoy it someday! I've had fun working on it! Here's hoping!"

Must be the cookbook she's been talking about. I wonder if it will sell as well as her last book--what did that sell, 10,000 copies? And that's back when she was still on TV. Pretty pathetic, and everything Kate cooks looks (and sounds) disgusting. I'm sure her diehard fans will buy it. All 6 of them.

Layla said... 136

I wonder if she's rushing a book proposal off to try to get it to a publisher ahead of Jon. She just can't let him beat her.
This sounds like an effort to raise some quick cash. She's probably blown through a lot of her cash reserves, and the cruise is bombing. She's desperate for a big payday, so she threw something together fast to get it in the mail. Now she'll be looking for a six-figure advance. Yeah, good luck with that.

Connie said... 137

Gift of grab said... 110

Shocked, I think you are as right with your theory about TLC cancellation as anyone else. TLC certainly knew, I think, that they were not going to win a court battle with Jon the second time around, not with the well-publicized evidence of problems in school, etc. And with ratings dropping all the time without Jon in the show, then of course it made all kinds of sense to stop.

What is curious to me, though, is the timing. They could have gotten another 15-20 episodes out of K+8 before the contract ended in March 2012. (Compared to many of their admittedly horrible shows, ratings were not horrendously bad.) So why didn't they go for it? I am convinced that SHE was just too much trouble (attitude, Steve, expenses, travel, you name it), and so they decided to "git" while the gittin' (pace milo) was good.

Kate was such a Holy Terror on the RV trip that I think most everyone concerned got so totally fed up with her histrionics that it was just the last straw. Everyone just said no more. No more. No more.

aggiemom09121416 said... 138

My guess it's a cookbook. Who buys cookbooks anymore? When I want new ideas, I go to the internet (free, fast, variety, etc).

Kate really is trying to hang on to that Mommy Gosselin brand..Kate, IT'S OVER. LET IT GO.
Find a legitimate way to earn a living.

She needs a reality check (that's pretty funny!lol) if she thinks anyone is going to buy a cookbook from her. I think her last book's sales were poor, correct?

It can't be about marriage, relationships, spirituality, business, dancing, organization, parenting, education, among others.

Only thing left is a cookbook.
I wonder if she was asked to submit a manuscript, or did she send it in like anyone else would?
Oh, Kate! I figured out how you can be richer than your wildest dreams...market that 'good bra'..it's so amazing,it even works when wearing a bikini!

LoveMyGrandsons said... 139

Dwindle #130, your comment was hilarious! Especially the neighbor sneaking in and putting Joel on the laundry room floor; after all, it wasn't Kate, it was editing!

Anonymous said... 140

Wonder if it's her post-TLC book? I don't know what she has to write about. Her last book was a flop pretty much. I wouldn't be in any hurry to write another one. Take a few years off. Nobody is going to care if you keep pushing the topic of your kids. Get a life! Preferably a private one.

Andrea said... 141

Admin, Edens world is also available on netflix streaming.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 142

Oh shoot I just cancelled Netflix streaming (but kept the DVD options). Seven bucks seemed like too much when neither of us really watch it that much and we can get most of it on DVD--I'm becoming more a Hulu gal, I easily hook it up to the TV with a 3 buck HDMI cord.

Anywhere else is it available?

Gift of grab said... 143

I don't actually think Kate dropped a manuscript in the P.O. box today (and she probably didn't send it regular USPS either). My guess is she has drafted a book proposal and is sending that off to see if there is any interest. I don't really see Kate writing a whole book on the off chance someone is just dying to publish it (let alone read it). She is simply not that motivated.

And I don't think this is the cookbook (we've only had, what, 10 Menu Mondays in 7 months?). My guess would be some sort of "moms get fit with Kate." There are at least, oh, a DOZEN "moms" on Twitter who have said that they are losing weight and running and that SHE has been their inspiration.

No doubt she has had help with the drafting and exploring ALL of the various merchandising opportunities such a book would represent (the products, how-to videos, TV guest spots, promotional TRAVEL with Steve, etc., etc, etc.). And now, of course, she'll have to find someone to actually come up with "a program" and commit it to paper, because we all know that she has neither the knowledge nor the requisite ability to do all that herself. In essence, this is another "endorsement" opportunity for some lucky trainer/nutrition consultant out there who is savvy enough to grab it (oh yeah) and let Kate put her name on it.

I truly don't think she has the credibility to carry this sort of program OR the requisite fan base, but hey, at least now we know that she has been doing a little something with her long and empty days.

Once a Viewer said... 144

Layla said... 136

I wonder if she's rushing a book proposal off to try to get it to a publisher ahead of Jon. She just can't let him beat her.
I know, she never seemed to mention she was working on anything other than 'paperwork' or "house organization." The timing is really coincidental- not. I wonder if she has a publisher or is just shopping it around? I mean, the woman cannot write OR cook, so..


Great post. It would do Kate a world of good to walk in others' shoes. She has nothing to complain about that she can't fix by a little hard work and some gumption.

Once a Viewer said... 145

Yeah...why would Kate 'waste' her secret Monday Menus if she was planning on publishing a cook book. I also bet it must be a runner's guide or mom-related guide thing. Maybe the kids won't be in it as she has had so much flack for that, as well as for her food...maybe an answer- your-questions type thing based on Twitter (dumbass) questions? Easy to write ( harder to edit!)

Andrea said... 146

I dont think so Admin. The channel it plays on has nothing but clips for the show. Perhaps they will start to release episodes online a week after it airs on tv.

resident said... 147

My guess, Kate was anxious to get this done and out there before JOn's.


Yes I was thinking the same thing. I also noticed that many of her tweeties have been gushing over her books especially today...how convenient!

PatK said... 148

Whatever Kate dropped in the mail must have been a sure thing or else she more than likely would have kept her mouth shut. Would she really want to look like a fool to her handful of fans by announcing something and then having it not come to fruition?

aggiemom09121416 said... 149

Gift of grab said... 143
I forgot about her running expertise..She flits from hobby to hobby,it makes my head spin.

Guess she worked too hard today, now the twins are giving her a back massage.
Why does she hold court in her bedroom? That's weird.
And where are the other six? Kate spends every evening with the twins in her room. Who is with the others doing homework?
She has to have help. There is no way she cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen, did all that homework, got all the kids showered, started the laundry, took care of the dog, and did all the other misc chores that occur at the end of the day.

Maybe she is twitter silent to create buzz about her book submission.

I bet the book is a combo...healthy cooking and fitness. (but, she can write all the books she wants to, doesn't mean any of them will be published.)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 150

What often going on when she is twitter silent? Maybe Jon has the kids.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 151

Yes I've noticed since Jon made his book announcement, not to be outdone she's ramped things up triple time about her book/books yet manages to say so much while telling us absolutely nothing at all. What is it about, is it written, when will it be released? Vague, vague, vague.

Jon should announce he's starring in a movie and then see if Kate starts talking triple time about wanting to act and all the projects she has in the works.

Once a Viewer said... 152

GN early as she is getting her 'much needed' back rubs from the twins :/

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 153

Does she ever ask her kids if THEY would like a back rub? Some kids love it. Or a back scratch is popular with kids, and nice bonding time.

Tamara said... 154

Kate goes into a jewelry store while Ashley takes care of the (bored) kids. TLC can't hide this stuff, it was there for all to see.
TLC DID hide all that "stuff" and more for 5 years. Khate didn't suddenly become a crappy, completley un-involved mother on the RV trip.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 155

Amy2 said... 121

Great post.

Sherry Baby said... 156

Would she really want to look like a fool to her handful of fans by announcing something and then having it not come to fruition?


She did it in interviews -- Twist of Kate, the Paula Deen pilot, Love Is In The Mix.

Yes, she would do that. Anything to make the sheeple fawn over her.

Gift of grab said... 157

PatK, "a sure thing"? Remember in the first two months after she got cancelled, all of the blind stories talking about how she was "fielding offers"? What'd she get? Bupkus. And I'm including CouponCabin in that bupkus.

Nah, I think she's fishing, and she's trying to gin up some Twitter buzz. Someone is probably archiving all of her Twitter RTs of fans praising her previous books so they can try to prove there's demand. Unfortunately for her, she gets so little bang for the proverbial buck on Twitter. If you look at her total tweets after 55 weeks on Twitter, she averages 35 a day and still has well under 100K followers. She's up against other "popular" celebrities who tweet 1/100 of that amount and have 100s of 1000s of followers. I don't she can make a convincing case any more for her continued popularity.

Her time came . . . and went. These are the death throes of a reality has-been in the 21st century.

Oh BTW, did anyone notice that Heidi Montag has just realized her second CD? Yeah, didn't think so.

Kate's Going Down said... 158

Ha, well, good luck to her if she was mailing out a book proposal. I've seen her real writing skills, cooking skills, etc, and they're both pretty subpar.

Not gonna happen. Perhaps after she sees no one will publish whatever drivel she has in mind, THEN reality will finally set in. In the form of unpaid bills.

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 159

I've never known kids the age of the twins who spend so much time in their mother's room. They're usually seeking privacy and love their own room(s) at that age.

Flight of the Kiwi said... 160

She could be self-publishing, no?

Tamara said... 161

PatK said...
Whatever Kate dropped in the mail must have been a sure thing or else she more than likely would have kept her mouth shut. Would she really want to look like a fool to her handful of fans by announcing something and then having it not come to fruition?
She does that nearly every day. Why should this time be any different. Nothing will come of it. Her sheeples will continue to ask for books, tv shows, films staring her and she will continue to hint around about projects that never appear.

She is a cow said... 162

Maybe the mystery package in the mail....filled with all HER dreams... Puke....has something to do with a proposal for Mady and Disney. That may explain the odd tweet from Michael Lohan.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 163

The twins are only in Kate's room because apparently that's where Kate often is. I think it's weird how much time KATE spends in her room. I thought bedrooms were for nighttime. Kate acts like she hangs out there just for fun.

Of course, at 16, I hung out in my bedroom a lot too.

PatK said... 164

There has been someone tweeting under the name of Matthew544 (Matthew 5:44) the past couple of days who keeps posting a link to "Kate's website", and the link leads to gosselinbook.com, which is a countdown timer.

I wouldn't be surprised if this person is somehow connected to this whole fiasco, either in PR, or even possibly one of her fans who is in the know.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 165

ncgirl said... 115

"Kate twitters..I just dropped a dream in the mail (&sealed it w/ a kiss!)..hope u all get 2 enjoy it someday! I've had fun working on it! Here's hoping!"


My guess is that it is a book/photo/brag album filled with photos of Kate going hither, thither, and yon.

And the book will be dedicated to all her haters ;o)

Dwindle said... 166

Wouldnt books and book proposals etc be done by email and/or electronically submitted?

And there just may be an audience for a tell-all about how TLC abused her. You know, to 'set the record straight'. Again.

Besides, she cant let Jon get a word in edgewise, let alone have the LAST word!

AuntieAnn said... 167

Hey all- its back massage night from Mady and Cara..don't wanna miss that (much needed) offer so I'm outta here... GN! Play nice! XO 2

G'nite Kate! you creepy bitch. Why does it take two people to give you a massage?

Gawd. She's so very disturbed.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 168

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 151

Yes I've noticed since Jon made his book announcement, not to be outdone she's ramped things up triple time about her book/books yet manages to say so much while telling us absolutely nothing at all. What is it about, is it written, when will it be released? Vague, vague, vague.

Jon should announce he's starring in a movie and then see if Kate starts talking triple time about wanting to act and all the projects she has in the works.


Eh, eh, eh.

It's hard work being Kate.

That squeaky little hamster wheel(in her skull) must have been spinning in overdrive when she found out that Jon was writing a book.

anger issues kate said... 169

So, if Kate hangs in her bedroom, who watchin the kids? The not-nanny -baby sitter?

gotyournumberKate said... 170

Oh my goodness. I saw on here that Michale Lohan tweeted Kate and ended up on Dina's page. It's Kate the 2nd! She promotes herself and her kids, she argues with naysayers and tabs, and she bashes her ex. She goes up against Andy Cohan and practically begs Donald Trump for a gig on Celebrity Apprentice.

I can't believe the similarities. If Kate does manage to get Mady on Disney or a tv show Kate will be exactly like Dina Lohan as her momager. It's scary!


Dwindle said... 171

If Michael Lohan is sniffing around it, you can bet it aint a cookbook. If it isnt something disgusting now, it will be by the time he associates himself with it.

@Kateplusmy8 hope it works out 4you.We have some"similarities" that I still question.They had a lot of similarities too. Only GOoD will come

My money, all $.40 cents of it, is on a faux tell all about how TLC dragged her away from her godly values and let Jon ruin her life.

anger issues kate said... 172

Hey, what happen to her BFF/buddy Milo? Seems Kate and the sheeple, are wondering?

fidosmommy said... 173

OK, here's the gist of her book. Snark.

8 Days a Week
by Kate Gosselin

Exercise: run 11 miles
Activity: shop at Target
Food: feed your kids star shaped lasagna with Brussels sprouts and parsnips on the side.
Today's relaxation: get a manicure
Quote of the Day: "Hate sucks all the life out of my party. I won't have it."
Work: Tweet, disparage Jon

Each day has the same outline. One page for each day of the week.

The 8th day is "Kate's Day", when it's all about what she wants to do. All day.

A best seller, I'm tellin' you.

Canuck said... 174

If I was a betting woman, I'd wager that Kate has hurriedly written another "book" on her I-phone, simply to beat Jon to the presses. She is so consumed with vindictiveness and furynwith him, she couldn't possibly have him beat her to tell the story. I doubt she could write a cookbook - she has no original thoughts in that regard and what we've seen of her cooking skills leaves much to be desired. She has no credibility among the serious running world judging by the comments publicized after Vegas. Her writing is absolutely pathetic and juvenile if her CC blog is any indicator. If she's trying to pitch one or both of the twins to ?TV, ?Disney? Oh my...does she think that world is unaware of her antics? Would they wantnto take her on as a stage mom? I don't imagine so, do you? No, I think she's trying to beat Jon to the punch. Her ego and NPD wouldn't even allow her to consider that another of her books written on her pink phone likely won't cut it after her previous failure(s). She's just playing with her fans. God, how I despise her childish insinuations. Makes her appear even more ignorant than she already is, if that's even possible.

Ima said... 175

I'm a narcissist.

It's the only life I've lived, so it's hard for me to understand different ways of thinking.

I hate Kate, but most narcissists hate each other because we recognize the games.

Your comments regarding the way we think are sometimes right on the money and other times waaaay off.

I HAVE sought treatment, but never stuck with it. I like my life, and can't imagine a different way of thinking.

Kate has handled her celebrity better than I would have at her age. Will she change, learn and grow? Change, yes. Learn? To the extent she needs to in order to maintain her self image. Grow? That one's tough. It's hard, but not impossible.

It took me many years and a handful of marriages to acknowledge that I wasn't normal. I hurt many people. I KNOW this, but still blame them. I have children who are very close to me, and those who aren't.

The thing you need to understand is that we don't know how to think beyond ourselves. It's not intentional, it's not meant to be unkind.

We have many great traits. We are FUN! Pretty, outrageous, dramatic and amusing. Never a dull moment.

It's unfortunate that the positive personality traits are not brought up.

White Organza said... 176

aggiemom said... (138)
"Who buys cookbooks anymore? When I want new ideas, I go to the internet (free, fast, variety, etc)."

Exactly! And that is why it probably will never get published if she sent a cookbook proposal,

Nowadays, precisely because all the competition from Internet, for a cookbook to be succesful, it has to have an "angle", something, anything,- a theme, an occasion-, to set it apart from a simple compilation of recipes.

That's what "Love is in the mix", Kate's first cookbook, had. If I read the promotion right, the "angle" was that good food brings family members together during mealtime, one of the secrets for a succesful family life.

Well, of course, that "angle" was smash to smithereens by the divorce announcement just a few weeks before the book had the chance to reach the stores. And that is the reason why it was never distributed in USA, and not because of plagiarism, as rumors went.

And, frankly, after all that Kate has revealed about herself via Twitter for the past 8 months, if I were a book editor, I would really be raking my brains to find a suitable "angle" for a new Kate Gosselin cookbook. All I can think of right now is "Brownish slop for 5 kids: simple and easy recipes to "feed" your kids and still have plenty of time to sit in your white plastic lawn chair!" There. And, yes, I know she has 8, -count them 8!-, kids. But she cooks for 5. So...

Or, sudden flash, "Garanteed gaz from the Gosselins: 50 weird canned bean recipes you can eat with a side order of brussel sprout. Mmm-mmm!"

Maggie said... 177

Could her "dream" be a proposal to be the National Spokeperson for Bullying. She was just talking about it, probably contacted them, and they probably told her to drop a proposal in the mail to them. In fact, didn't some bullying rep. contact her months and months ago. I am not saying it was for this position though.

Gift of grab said... 178

But here's the thing: Why would Michael Lohan be talking to Kate? He did some running around with Jon, for a short period of time, and there was talk of them doing some "divorced dads" show. Obviously, that went nowhere. But Dwindle, did Lohan and Jon have some kind of falling out, is that why you said "let Jon ruin her life"? Very confusing. And probably totally meaningless.

On another note, some person with the Twitter name matthewfive44 has been tweeting to Kate periodically with a web site link (this just started yesterday or the day before). The name of the web site is gosselinbook.com. The site has a headline "Questions Will Be Answered," and all there is is a digital clock (which is counting down to something 64 days from now, or June 21) and a bible citation (John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free"). And that's it.

I looked it up, site was created on 12/1/2010 using a proxy service--so no info on whose it is. Guesses? Obviously, someone's promoting something. But what and who? Is it possible someone besides Jon and Kate is writing a book about them?

Molly Hart said... 179

My best guess on the "dream" she posted in the mail today is a children's book. Mostly pictures and just two or three simple sentences on each page.

aggiemom........I agree she could put all that land to some use (several generations of Okie farmers in my history..lol). Heck, she could get a couple of llamas and a goat and probably call it farm land and get a tax break.

wayward said... 180

anger issues kate said... 168
Hey, what happen to her BFF/buddy Milo? Seems Kate and the sheeple, are wondering?
Has Milo escaped from the barnyard?!! Has the wool been pulled off her eyes?!! Has she had a fine glass of Merlot instead of the kool-aid she's been drinking for so long?!! Can we add Milo to the large list of people who leave Kate?

For realz... I think Kate pissed Milo off in some form or fashion and Milo is having a twatter tantrum. She will probably be back if Kate asks about her enough and shows enough concern.

ElisabethK said... 181

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 163
The twins are only in Kate's room because apparently that's where Kate often is. I think it's weird how much time KATE spends in her room. I thought bedrooms were for nighttime. Kate acts like she hangs out there just for fun.
I read that Kate's room is actually part of the "owner's suite." It's a bedroom, but big so it can be a combination living room room/bedroom. It is in a separate area of the house for privacy. I think it even has a little kitchenette. This information is online if you go to Trulia or Zillow.

Audible Click said... 182

What ever happened to running that marathon in Madrid, Kate? Another fail, the list just keeps going, and going. Keep reading here, Kate, it's a bitter pill but I know you'll swallow it because it's attention even if it's negative.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 183

Elizabeth, ah. I still think that's weird. Kate's bedroom was filmed in the Drunken Foot Licking episode. It's really not that big or anyplace anyone would want to just hang out when you have eight kids. The family room is lovely and spacious and where everyone can fit. Also not good to confuse where you sleep with activity.

Andrea said... 184

@Kateplusmy8 hope it works out 4you.We have some"similarities" that I still question.They had a lot of similarities too. Only GOoD will come

Oh my, how will Kates fans twist this? I still remember how they all foamed at the mouth when Jon was rumored to be involved with Michael Lohan.

Amy2 said... 185

Audible Click said..
What ever happened to running that marathon in Madrid, Kate? Another fail, the list just keeps going, and going. Keep reading here, Kate, it's a bitter pill but I know you'll swallow it because it's attention even if it's negative

But I thought failure was not an option. Kate tweeted that so it must be true.

Meagler said... 186

Delicious Dishes???? Fresh Ingredients???



Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 187

Ima, first thank you so much for sharing that.

I would love to know more about this, if you are willing to share, what you are comfortable to share.

Who diagnosed you with narcissism? How did it happen that you went to treatment? Since so many narcissists resist treatment I would love to hear your story.

Yes, there can be good things about narcissists I'm glad you said that. When in a good mood they are very fun, on a high they can be quite generous (I remember 100 dollar bills being tossed at me on good days and being told to go have fun) they can be persuasive which when put to GOOD is a good thing. I've found the one I knew to be quite affectionate when in a good mood, loving big bear hugs, kisses and cuddles with the kids, etc., which kids need. Also endless energy sometimes, can work 18 hour days without a single yawn.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 188

Can someone explain the Michael Lohan tweet I'm lost!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 189

A "dream" that she "hopes" we get to see makes me think she has got NOTHING. No book deal, no interest in a book deal, nothing.

All the "work" she has been doing lately was Kate sitting at her desk clicking out a stupid memoir with no basis in reality and no literary merit whatsoever that she mailed off the Publishers Clearing House mistaking them for a book publishing company with a note please make me into a book I have eight kids, eight!

HollyMo said... 190

Matthew 5:44
King James Version (KJV)
44But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

ah, the plot thickens...

chefsummer #Leh said... 191

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 189
A "dream" that she "hopes" we get to see makes me think she has got NOTHING. No book deal, no interest in a book deal, nothing.

All the "work" she has been doing lately was Kate sitting at her desk clicking out a stupid memoir with no basis in reality and no literary merit whatsoever that she mailed off the Publishers Clearing House mistaking them for a book publishing company with a note please make me into a book I have eight kids, eight!

Can't forget I'm a single mother who can't afford to buy milk to go with our fav Aussie cereal.

Andrea said... 192

Admin, He tweeted her in response to her ...I just dropped a dream in the mail tweet. You can see it on her twitter page when you expand the tweet.

Jumping In said... 193

Gift of Grab....I agree with you on the "dream" dropped in the mail today. The cook book dream has already been realized, so it's on to saving overweight mothers by motivating them to run and eat salad forever! I think it will be a book full of platitudes, "put one foot in front of the other" (and run away from your children as fast as you can!)

She told Dr. Drew through her tears, that she wanted to be an inspiration to mothers and offer fitness tips. That's my guess on Kate's latest scheme to milk
her 15 minutes.

What's Next? said... 194

As to Milo, I suspect he/she is laying low and will resurface, possibly under a new name. He/she got tired of being the brunt of jokes or of expending so much time and energy trying to make excuses and build Kate up. If the later is the case I suspect he/she didn't realize that is a cup that can never be filled. Kate is one needy person.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 195

She is in stage two of stalker-obsession where you realize the person can never fulfill what you are seeking. You demand more and more and more until you either 1. give up and move on or 2. heaven forbid, turn violent, as a minority do.

Let's hope she goes the way of the former.

Anonymous said... 196

Could it be JON'S book? Here is the King James version of the two Bible text:

Matthew 5:44
King James Version of the Bible the text reads:

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse
you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which
despitefully use you, and persecute you;

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

Anonymous said... 197

Is she really trying to get another book out? Who would want to touch kates latest book? Didn't the last one (while kate was in her prime) only sell 10 thousand copies? And wasent the rumer going around that she got 1 million dollars for 3 books? Who the hell would be willing to take that kind of risk for 1 book?
The tides are changing on dear kate.The truth is coming out.The real kate is being seen...well it was always there,but now people are calling her out.
She is just baiting both lovers and haters..to keep people talking about her and hitting her lame ass twitter and coupon thingy. kate has nothing but her dreams and on-line conversations to keep her in the spotlight!

Anonymous said... 198

sorry....forgot to add my name to that last post.


Anonymous said... 199

bearswife said... 190
ah, the plot thickens...
I agree! Especially since John 8:32 says...
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

Are you thinking the same thing I am...that it may be JON?

The Bitter End said... 200

ncgirl said... 112
"Kate twitters..I just dropped a dream in the mail (&sealed it w/ a kiss!)..hope u all get 2 enjoy it someday! I've had fun working on it! Here's hoping!"

So...Katie Irene's gone POSTAL on us. This ought to be exciting.

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