Monday, April 2, 2012

Kate: 'It's a shame that Tony has been left only with a negative impression of our time together'

Kate's latest feud is with her former dance stomping-around partner

Tony Dovolani, Patron Saint of Dance Teachers
On Friday when CNN's Anderson Cooper asked if he was still traumatized by watching Kate Gosselin dance, Tony Dovolani replied: "Anderson, did you just call it dance? We didn't dance!" When asked if he needed a vacation after that, Tony said: "There was a lot of therapy involved."

Today, Kate posted an oh-so-serious response on Coupon Cabin. Said Kate: "I think it is a shame that Tony has been left only with a negative impression of our time together, especially after we spent SO many hours, days, nights and weeks working hard together doing our best in the competition. To Anderson Cooper I’d like to say this: I’d love the opportunity to be a front row spectator for your first dance as a competitor on the next season of Dancing With The Stars. C’mon , you know you’re hoping for a spot! I can only imagine how your view of the subject may change 180 degrees, not 360 degrees, if you are given the opportunity to cha cha cha! Hey, Anderson, if it does happen for you, what do you say I give you some dancing pointers over pizza sometime?"

Uh, I don't think Kate's history with pizza bodes well for that meeting. 

1079 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 1079   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Yes but she doesn't see the pizza joke as something at her expense. She sees it that she just one-upped Anderson by turning his pizza-gate tirade around against him. She thinks, ha I just spat a pizza joke in his direction now the joke is on HIM! Gotch-ya! She also thinks she is so clever to come up with that 180 joke, she is very proud of herself.

The problem is she views the world different than normal people.

Westcoaster said... 2

The funny part about her culinary gaffe tonight is that she thinks using 'bigger' words makes her look smarter. If she had said she MADE a sweet 'n sour sauce for that meatloaf, fine, people make things. Twitidiot says she 'invented' one, just another example of her odd use of language. Correction, very odd use of language.

All her tweets today were frantic back-pedaling efforts to be just a regular mom after being outed for her b-day junket: breakfast menu, waiting in car at bus stop, odd gushing about someone's sick kid, photo opp of homework. And meatloaf for dinner. Too bad K8, the world has your REAL number. ~ Administrator said... 3

Ralphs have these new amazing flatbreads and we're throwing them on the grill with pizza toppings. I definitely invented that. ~ Administrator said... 4

All her tweets today were frantic back-pedaling efforts to be just a regular mom after being outed for her b-day junket


Yes. And to think if not for Mac Duggal putting her she might have been able to fly under the radar. She would be back to tweeting about her perfect pioneering sorry bitch life and no one would be the wiser. Makes you wonder what indulgences she's gotten away with without being outted.

Thanks Mac Duggal!

The woman is a fool and I don't laugh as much anymore, most of the time i just feel truly very sorry for her. I know she got herself in this position but I feel sorry for anyone with such a sorry life.

SeeSaw said... 5

Admin - I'm with you. Nothing makes me smile more than Anderson Cooper's giggle. And he laughs at himself ... says he sounds like a 13-year-old girl.

And poor, delusional Milo. AC has more than 2 million twitter followers. I doubt he needs Kate's help with his popularity.

Tucker's Mom said... 6

She also thinks she is so clever to come up with that 180 joke, she is very proud of herself.
Very "I'm rubber and you're glue", isn't it?
I think AC genuinely doesn't like Kate. We know they've met more than once. I think he was blown away by Kate's throwing Jon under the bus when he asked her a harmless question.
She can't get anything from him. If she could, she'd be laughing her ass off just like she did with Kathy Griffin and Jimmy Fallon. ~ Administrator said... 7

Ten years ago in NYC and the journalism world were talking about the newest up and coming gay reporter at CNN and what amazing in the street reporting he was doing. And mostly we women were talking about how he was gorgeous but gay and how that was CRIMINAL. CRIMINAL I tell ya.

Anderson Cooper was winning awards for his fantastic reporting as far back as the 90's. He has been around a long time, only recently has gotten really famous. Hurricane Katrina made him a household name. The extent of her fans' delusions astounds. Reminds me of when they started giving Kate all the credit for making Tony famous. No, Tony was famous years before Kate, and Tony will likely remain famous years after. This fame is based on his talent, not on latching on to a has-been reality bitch.

Tucker's Mom said... 8

AC is a cutie pattooti. His laugh and lima bean face are hysterical.

Choleric Kreider said... 9

FYI Milo/Jack thinks Tony's sitting at home watching DWTS like Kate is.

JoyinVirginia said... 10

Gladys knight on dwts: ”I appreciate Len's criticism because that's how I learn to be better.”
Team Gladys! And Tristan that hunky Irishman!

Tucker's Mom said... 11

The stories on DWTS are very touching tonight. So far, not one self pitying sob story.

Griftopia said... 12

I just can’t decide who I find more unprofessional – Kate, for posting her inappropriate, adolescent rant on her “work” website, OR CC for allowing it to be published. I don’t care the motive for either (vindication, more hits, whatever) – both Kate and CC come across as the foolish tools that they so clearly are.

Ahhhhh, now that I have that off my chest, I’m off to bottle my latest recipe that I totally invented. Turns out I found a way to repurpose those pesky hydrogen and oxygen molecules that have been festering in my cupboard. I HAVE DISCOVERED that one-part of one mixed with two-parts of the other makes WATER. Now don’t go infringing on my copyright y’all – I’m e-mailing Zondervan for a cookbook deal as I type this.

Gift of grab said... 13

So, there were these two delusionals chatting on Twitter . . .

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏ @MiloandJack · Open
@Kateplusmy8 I do believe Kate...if U were 2do DWTS again & had the rt teacher...U would really go much farther. U have heart! :)

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@MiloandJack lol! I've been told that a few times. So funny...

I have NEVAH seen anything so ridiculous. She needs to SHUT UP and get over herself! Honestly.

Tucker's Mom said... 14

Holy unawareness Batman! Kate now is buying some ass kisser's BS that had she had another DWTS teacher, she would have done better.
I swear... can't make this sh*t up.
Poor Tony. I think he's been an amazingly discrete gentlemen all this time.
Arthur Murray and every single teacher in every single Arthur Murray studio couldn't help Kate.

Meagler said... 15

Kate just threw Tony D under the bus...yah right kate, and who told you this?????

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏ @MiloandJack

@Kateplusmy8 I do believe Kate...if U were 2do DWTS again & had the rt teacher...U would really go much farther. U have heart! :)

8m Kate Gosselin Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack lol! I've been told that a few times. So funny...

chefsummer #Leh said... 16

I made meat balls and put sauce on my spaghetti for dinner.

I must have invented spaghetti and meat balls and now I put garlic on bread.

Kate watch out lol. ~ Administrator said... 17

Tony Dovolani has brought two post-menopausal contestants all the way to sixth place and has made it to third place twice. He never had someone who really knew how to dance like Pussy Cat. He is usually paired with the cast offs but does what he can with them. I think he knows what he's doing. He was on a real roll with one of his partners, forgot which one, but she left the competition voluntarily because of her divorce. It is astounding he brought Kate anywhere past last place. Except for Buzz who has his ancient status as an excuse, she was the worst dancer.

Dwindle said... 18

Of COURSE Kate went after Anderson Cooper!! a couple of weeks ago that rapper girl who flashed her middle finger during the Super Bowl show engaged AC on Twitter, and he responded. Knocked her in her place, but he responded.

That girl's thing was embargos and civil war in Sri Lanka or something, I dont remember; and she was arguing with AC about his position. Kate is waaaayyyy too stupid to see that issue as anything different than her DWTS debacle so she thinks she will engage AC in her nastytwit du jour and get herself some press.

This is just hysterical. What a total loser she is! Bwahahahahahaaaa!!!

This is so blatantly PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE that it creepy and sick, even for Katie Irene. ~ Administrator said... 19

That's Kate for you. Tony just makes a light hearted joke about therapy and she takes it all serious and makes a major slam at his teaching even suggesting that with another teacher she would have done better! Ouch!

It's like you poke someone in the arm and they sock you across the face and break your nose. Ok maybe you shouldn't have poked them but did it really warrant getting your nose broken?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 20

xxxxandxxxx mins agovia webTwitter.
@Kateplusmy8 I do believe Kate...if U were 2do DWTS again & had the rt teacher...U would really go much farther. U have heart! :).

ReplyTweetFavorite. 1 Reply.
Kateplusmy8 lol! I've been told that a few times. So funny....


Mxxxx is an ass kissing enabler.
Kate is delusional.
A match made in heaven.

I happen to not agree with the both of them.

Pair Kate with ANY dance teacher, and the outcome would have been the same.

I think Tony showed lot of control & patience with that numbskull.

They should have paired her with Max, hehehehe.

Dream on, Kate. Whatever gets you through the night.

Mxxxx, you are not doing Kate (or yourself) any favors by filling her head with nonsense.

Kate is a twit said... 21

Sure, Tony is home watching just like Kate. Hope Milo is going to watch the results show tomorrow, since Tony will be dancing on it.

Milo, just because the pros are eliminated doesn't mean they go home. They remain with the show for the rest of the season, and sometimes perform on the results show. As long as Milo keeps baiting her, Kate will continue to throw Tony under the bus.

Kate had also tweeted that she couldn't watch DWTS because she couldn't find the remote, then she tweeted she found it. I have older TV's, but can't you still work a TV without a remote? I know I can on my sets.

Westcoaster said... 22

I have just invented leftovers for dinner; they were delicious.

Yeah, throwing Tony under the bus is a very professional move for a reality tv show has- been who aspires to another job in show biz. Classy. ~ Administrator said... 23

DWTS very likely might do a DTWS All Stars season eventually. Looking at Tony's past partners, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Kate were on the short list for people to ask to come back to dance with him. She was one of his more infamous partners. All Stars seasons often like a mix of the best talent and the most memorable and Kate wast talented but she sure was memorable. Oh course she just blew that one big time.

She never thinks. She just never thinks. ~ Administrator said... 24

The pros are on the show every single week when they are eliminated doing dance numbers. Please!

It's Kate who is at home watching T.V., not Tony who works his butt off. Tony has a job, get it Kate? He doesn't have time to do whatever it is you do.

PJ's momma said... 25

Oh, I just dipped my sourdough bread in my lentil soup - that I made all by myself with fresh ingredients! I own BOTH the dipping rights AND all future lentil soup claims! I'm calling my patent lawyer, stat.

Stupid Is said... 26

Such delusion! I'm cracking up at both Milo and Kate. Oh, how I wish she has Maks as a partner. ~ Administrator said... 27

Also Milo since I'm in a snarky mood what you really mean is Kate would have made it much FURTHER without Patron Saint Tony teaching her, further means degree. Farther is actual distance.

I think if anyone else had been partnered with her they would have ended up dancing in a straight jacket. ~ Administrator said... 28

Tucker's Mom from what little I saw this is one of the least narcissistic casts ever assembled. Everyone is working really hard and just seems like nice people. Even Tom seems kind of blown away by it.

HollyMo said... 29

Westcoaster, expect a cease and desist letter from my 'crack' legal team. I invented leftovers for supper HOURS ago. Before you, I am sure. Don't discuss your leftovers, especially if they are in any way similar to mine.
Thank you, that is all.
Oh yes, I am watching Antiques Roadshow - I invented it, actually!

Dwindle said... 30

I used homemade bread crumbs (because i INVENTED thriftiness, just 'dont get name credit for it') added italian seasoning to it (thereby inventing seasoned breadcrumbs, I just 'dont get name credit for it') and shook my pork chops in it, thereby inventing breaded pork chops, I just dont get 'name credit for it'.

(Extra credit for any poster that recalls what I am referring to here. hehehe.)

I am a STAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pay attention to MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! or I will make you as miserable as I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kate, stop lashing out at people on twitter, because "wrong is wrong and it shouldnt be supported".

Dwindle said... 31

"Tony has been left only with a negative impression of our time together,"

I thought everyone who MET Kate and got to know, always changed their opinion of her and liked her. Isnt that what she insists?

She needs an android app for keep her lies and bs straight.

PJ's momma said... 32

Did you see this from Milo? Hahahaha, I peed myself, and not just a few drops either. Oh lord, that is some funny sh*t.
Say what tho....Tony is just U! LOL His days of bein in limelight...daily pap followin was w/YOU Kate! :)

Pam said... 33

Forgive me since I haven't read comments yet,

but has anybody alerted Tony to the fact that she thinks if she had the "right" teacher, she could've gone further?

I'm not on Twitter.

Can you believe the nerve? Have any other contestants in the history of DWTS ever blamed their partner for not getting far enough? I think she is a first!

I think Tony actually got her farther than she should've gotten. Any other partner and she would've been gone sooner.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 34


DWTS is AMAZING tonight.

William & Cheryl were muy caliente!!!!!!

I love that they chose Celia Cruz's, "La Vida Es Un Carnaval"...

Makes my Cuban blood very happy :o)

AuntieAnn said... 35

Yup, Kate the Konquerer will sleep well tonight. She sure put Tony and Anderson in their place. hmmfff. And Martha Stewart...well she must be shaking in her boots right about now what with all these fancy schmancy recipes Kate invented.

By golly if anyone knows how to make lemonade out of lemons it's that sourpuss.

Meagler said... 36

Dwindle.. that is should be a producer, without name credit of

White Organza said... 37

Yes, Milo, sure... Tony's was Kate's problem on DWTS... Not!

Tony never won the mirror-ball trophy, as sheeples on BM's blog gleefully discussed, but that is because he was very often matched with some of the most challenged contestants, the post-menopausal posse. And that's BECAUSE he's one of the better teachers they have on the team for crying out loud. He "teaches teachers how to teach" as he quietly told Kate when she accused him of not being up to par.

I hate her and her histrionics. I do.

Anonymous said... 38

Well, I see, Kate made up some half-ass excuse for not watching DWTS, then found remote? For a person who claims not to watch much TV, how can a remote be missing, since she is so organized and home perfect. What no mention of her BFF Sherri, the one who voted and was on team Kate? Rah Rah Rah!

Ok, betting time: Which day is Kate gonna go on about Easter? You know it snuck up on me, have to run around like a chicken without a head, buying for Easter, or we will celebrate Easter after Easter, like St Patrick day?
As for Easter dinner, Kate, remember she ordered Easter ham, I bet she ordered, the whole dinner, so she does not have to cook, but will say she cooked the whole dinner(yeah, it's called warming it up). I'm sure she will have a pic of the Easter baskets, she slaved over all night to make(yeah, the hard job of going to the store and buying ready made baskets, hard job). I wonder if she is gonna make some animal food thing for the kids, for Easter and go to the TV church. Cause, taking the kids would cause a riot! She also would have to dress them alike, which means new clothes.
I can't wait to read this on CC(posted here) and her web blog. Easter savings after the day and the ready made, home cook meal I warmed up from the store. I would not be surprised if she threw a bible verse at everyone.

readerlady said... 39

I've been feeling really mediocre today, so I invented McDonald's for dinner. LOVE their SW chicken salad, which I invented by adding grape tomatoes to it, LOL.

Pink, I was just thinking, before I read your post, that KK should have been paired with Maks. She'd have been knocked down three or four pegs very quickly. Tony's only problem is he is too nice for his own good sometimes.

I noticed on KK's twat feed above earlier, that she had to turn someone's poor little one's tonsillectomy into her own sob story, having to have one on her 21st BD because she had strep throat. I'm not a nurse, although I have some medical background, so nurses here correct me if I'm wrong, but I doubt any doctor would perform a tonsillectomy on a patient who has strep throat. Strep can be bloody dangerous, leading to heart and kidney problems if not treated properly. I would imagine, and hope, that the patient would be cured of their strep before surgery is performed. And what's with not being able to watch DWTS because the TV remote is missing? Last I looked, TV sets came equipped with an on/off button. Or is she just too lazy to get off her duff and turn the set on manually?

PJ's momma said... 40

anger issues kate, I think Kate will go on and on and on about Easter on Monday. That's when everything will be on clearance and she can save money, which she is so good at - when it comes to providing for her kids, anyway. ~ Administrator said... 41

Tonsillectomies are performed when you are healthy and not sick, to my understanding.

That's one of the reasons I didn't care so much about PW posting a pic of her kid before her tonsillectomy. The kids was perfectly happy and healthy, not in any pain or distress pending hero planned outpatient surgery. It's one of the few surgeries where you go in pretty happy actually. And come out very sad--those pics were not posted of course.

KCSherri said... 42


You all are killin' me!!!


Okay. I've stopped laughing enough now, I think, that I can make a very serious post.

I think...that Kate & Milo should take their comedy act on the road.

Think about it. Those two - are a HOOT! They're like the Laurel & Hardy (no disrespect to Laurel & Hardy) of our generation!!! Milo can slyly set Kate up, and Kate delivers her priceless lines that cause the rest of the world to go, "HUH??!! WTF???!!"

In all the mighty has fallen. In the "golden" days, Kate could go to People magazine, or ABC's "The View", to set the record straight.

Now, she has to post a blog on Coupon Cabin.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ~ Administrator said... 43

Yes White. Look at Tony's list. He is matched with older women or bafoons who can't dance but he somehow makes it look like they can dance. Even his current partner had never even worn a dress before much less danced. Just by looking at her build you can tell she is an athlete not a graceful dancer. There wouldn't be much anyone could do with her in such a short time. Older people notoriously do NOT do well on this show, except those that are paired up with Tony go far. Sure it's easy to be Derrick or his friends when you get the pick of the litter each time. One of his partners I think maybe Susan Lucci? Had horrible back problems and didn't think she could do anything. Tony got her to sixth place.

Look, ABC can handle Tony. If they feel he is not doing a good job, they can fire him. But he's done what, 12 seasons of this show? He's been there since season 1!

AuntieAnn said... 44

Maybe Gina will invite Kate 'n Steve and the kids over for Easter dinner. ~ Administrator said... 45

Actually I'm going to suggest Kate would have done WORSE with another partner, they would have thrown in the towel after two weeks no way would they have been able to stick her out. Not to mention all that tiring fling back and forth to PA, forget it.

Tony also tends to get paired with the real narcissists and divas. Because he can handle them.

Kate is a twit said... 46

So Kate put Tony on the map?

Let's see, back in 2004(before anyone ever heard of Kate), Tony not only appeared in the movie "Shall We Dance" with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez, he was also one of the dance instructors for the cast and also worked with Jennifer.

He and Cheryl also choreographed a routine that was shown in "Toy Story 3".

So Milo and all the rest of the sheeple, Tony has been in movies-can Kate say the same?

PJ's momma said... 47

Sherri O, imagine the possibilities! Someone could take a picture of Milo glancing up adoringly at Kate like Kae did with Brad Garrett! Who wouldn't swoon at the opportunity to see that? ~ Administrator said... 48

Which brings me to another point. Tony could have said you need to be so dedicated to this that you stay in LA and work. He didn't have to get on a red eye with her every week and hang out in PA all week. No appreciation for him basically shunning his own family and friends so she could be home with her kids.

Anonymous said... 49

Well, I got creative today. I bought 2 breaded pork chops, used some stir fry veggies, added mushrooms and onions, and some veggie broth, and that philly cream stuff. It tasted ok, sounded like a good idea, at the time, not sure how my tummy is handling it. I don't think I will make that again. But I think tomorrow I will nuke, the Ceddarwursed, and make some cole slaw(I bought ready cut up cole slaw, in small bag, and a bottle of cole slaw dressing). ~ Administrator said... 50

Also did it occur to her sheeple that maybe Tony doesn't WANT to be tabloid fodder? It's not exactly a badge of honor. Maybe he just wants to be really great at what he does, dancing and choreography and teaching, and he IS, and leave it at that.

I now it's hard for sheeple to understanding but hundreds if not thousands of people work in fields that are sort of in the public eye because they love what they do and get joy from what they do and fulfillment, and they don't have a need to be on the covers of all the trashy magazines to feel validated. ~ Administrator said... 51

Sorry one more point about Tony's pairings. He is one of the older male dancers. So he does tend to get some of the older women because it would just look uncomfortable to match a grandmother with baby-faced Derrick.

Part of matching the celebs up is creating matches that look good and Tony looks good with women who are not necessarily 21 years old. He makes the grandmothers look youthful and classy. If it means he only gets to sixth place, he seems content with that.

Sandi said... 52

IMO the pizza joke was made because of Andersons "Ridiculist" on Kate and Steves "ridiculous" banter about a piece of pizza handled with dirty hands...the RV trip...

Anonymous said... 53

Auntie ann: Kate mentioned, when she was doing her marathon errant running, taking the kids to the park, that she bought a Easter Ham, not corned beef, for St Paddys day but a ham(3 weeks early).

Kate is a twit said... 54

One of Tony's partners was Melissa Rycroft. They danced 2 season before Kate and came in third. Melissa now writes a behind the scenes blog for the Dancing with the Stars website, and sometimes does behind the scenes spots on the show.

Maybe Kate's "just jellus" that her stint with Tony didn't turn out like Melissa's did.

Pity Party said... 55

M/J sure knows how to stroke KT's ego, gotta give her credit for that. First it was and you gave them the best ratings ever, you are the ratings queen (essentially) - sigh - I know. You should go back with another teacher, you have so much HEART? Sigh - I know I have heard that before. Has she seen the caliber of dancers they have on this season. Unbelievable. Eliminations are going to be very hard. She watches so little TV? What about DVDs of the show. How often do those things run in that house. I mean really, can that be healthy, especially with the content of K+8. If this wasn't such a great blog, I would be done with her.

Anonymous said... 56

Oh yeah, I forgot, Kate will instruct every one on how to dye eggs. Remember to put garbage bags on your counter top, and remember to threaten punishment if one egg or drop of dye hits the floor, you will be licking it up and scrubbing entire floor with toothbrush on your hands & knees. .

chefsummer #Leh said... 57

xxxxandxxxx mins agovia webTwitter.
@Kateplusmy8 I do believe Kate...if U were 2do DWTS again & had the rt teacher...U would really go much farther. U have heart! :).

ReplyTweetFavorite. 1 Reply.
Kateplusmy8 lol! I've been told that a few times. So funny....

I'd like to know who told Kate that.

I'm betting that Kate told Kate that or the body guard told her that.

Tamara said... 58

Westcoaster said...
The funny part about her culinary gaffe tonight is that she thinks using 'bigger' words makes her look smarter. If she had said she MADE a sweet 'n sour sauce for that meatloaf, fine, people make things. Twitidiot says she 'invented' one, just another example of her odd use of language. Correction, very odd use of language.
It reminds me of a "Friends" episode where Joey is trying to impress someone on paper and breaks out the thesaurus. While the words may technically mean the same thing, they just don't work in the context or come off being very awkward.

Is there really a situation in life that hasn't been dealt with on "Friend?" Lol. And GO IRISH women!

PatK said... 59

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 From adulterous homewrecker mode to mommy classy 7 mins ago - web

MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Well, hope 2day was a good one back Kate! Tackled that 2do list & got back in the mommy mode 4 ur 8! Life is sweet, ain't it?


Wow. She's really getting feisty now.

Griftopia said... 60 (Administrator) said... 54
Sorry one more point about Tony's pairings. He is one of the older male dancers. So he does tend to get some of the older women because it would just look uncomfortable to match a grandmother with baby-faced Derrick.


They paired baby-Tristan with Nancy Grace -- and Tristan's got to be a good 15-20 years younger than Tony. And, when they trot out the really old ladies, I notice they dust off one of the young dancer's dads (Mark's dad?) to partner with her. I don't watch the show regularly, and have only watched a couple seasons, but I don't agree at all with your conclusion that Tony gets the older ladies. I think Tony gets *screwed* by being partnered with the lesser of the candidate pool, but I don't think age is the deciding factor. Afterall, baby-face Derrik won with a fifty-year-old Jennifer Gray -- and she's got a few years on Kate, if my math is correct.

PatK said... 61 face is red. Kate did NOT tweet that. I accidentally c&p'd someone else's comment.


(It's been a long day....)

Dwindle said... 62

Meagler said... 39
Dwindle.. that is should be a producer, without name credit of

Ahhh! Meagler gets the bonus points, all applicable toward reading more about... MEEEEE!!!!!!

I crack myself up sometimes; I just dont get name credit for it. ~ Administrator said... 63

Griftopia oh I don't think he always gets paired with the older people obviously he has not. He was paired with what's her face Adriana. I also don't think it's the deciding factor. But what is a deciding factor is who is going to look good with what partner. And Tony is able to make the older people, the cast offs, the rejects, the people who can't dance like Kate and Tony's current partner, look the best that they possibly can. He is able to make lemonade out of lemons as they say when someone like Derrick probably wouldn't even know where to begin with a partner like the one Tony just had.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 64

Was reading the other night and thought of Milo. Two guys were talking at work about a fellow worker saying what a kiss-up he was.

One of the guys described it this way:

If the boss sniffed the air and said, "(kiss up), did you fart?

Suck up would say, "No, would you like me to?"

Gift of grab said... 65

So, the Official Sheeple Video Production Team (paige, milo, cj, all of the usual suspects) made a "secret" video in honor of Kate's b'day. "Secret" in the sense that they tweeted each other about it WITHOUT cc'ing Kate on the tweets. (Yes, it really was THAT secret.)

I noticed paige asked Kate on Twitter a few days ago how she liked it, but of course Kate was with Steve in Vegas at the time and didn't reply. And I think milo has asked as well. I actually wonder if she has even viewed it. Anyway, here it is, going on 6 days after the happy day, and Kate has yet to thank anyone on Twitter for whatever birthday tribute was showered upon her by the adoring sheeple. Now, is she just (as usual) somewhat remiss at acknowledging the humble offerings of her fans? Do we think she could be e-mailing every gift-giver personally, in private?

Anyone wanna bet that the thank-yous will start tomorrow, as soon as she gets done reading here?

Sooverit said... 66

I don't like much at McD's but that SW salad is good! Hmmm . . . maybe I'll get one for lunch tomorrow.

AuntieAnn said... 67

Tony is a professional who doesn't need to justify his talent to anyone, especially that wooden Robax twat Kate. Good grief look how far she got with him as a teacher. Anyone else would have faked a heart attack to get out of having her as a partner.

I thought his dig at her was hilarious and she deserved it. He's been a gentleman about it long enough.

Kate is a standing joke. She brought it on all by herself.

Dwindle said... 68

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 67
Was reading the other night and thought of Milo. Two guys were talking at work about a fellow worker saying what a kiss-up he was.

One of the guys described it this way:

If the boss sniffed the air and said, "(kiss up), did you fart?

Suck up would say, "No, would you like me to?"

Kate: Lies lies lies, as usual!!!!!!!I did not fart, I never fart, I have a perfect GI system!!!!!!! I need a media tour now to set the record straight, some Nobu and some gift cards!!!!!!!!!!!! Chop chop!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am the only one who noze the truth!!!!!!

Milo: It's not your fault you had to fart, anyone would have farted puttin' up with all you do. I am only 75 states over and I can promise everyone, your farts dont smell at all. You do such a good job teachin' x8 how to odor-free fart and hold your head up while doin' it. Stephen Hawking and Pope Benedict cant manage a thing without your strength and wisdom! Can I lick your foot now, I never did get my turn like you promised...

Virginia Pen Mom said... 69

I invented something too tonight. I put a variety of different veggies, fruits, bacon bits, eggs, garbanzo beans, etc., together on a bed of lettuce. Then genius struck! I looked at the counter with all the bowls of ingredients and proclaimed it "a salad saloon!" Whee. But that didn't quite work. Salad pub? Salad bar™! (You'll notice I trademarked it, so please don't use it without permission.)

Virginia Pen Mom
Inventor of the Salad Bar™

White Organza said... 70

It's getting late, here on the east coast. And I'm getting old, I guess. I felt asleep in front of "Castle" and I had dream. And, -exactly like when Kate dreamt her recipe for chili-, a new recipe for sweet'n sour barbecue sauce was revealed to me during my sleep. You take a bottle of sweet'n sour barbecue sauce and you add something sweet, then you add something sour. If you have cold pasta leftovers you can add that too to this mess. Or canned beans... Canned beans are always a good bet when you're a little stump while "inventing" a recipe-,

Ishkabibble said... 71

I find something strange about the homework picture. It was in the low 60's today, with a cool wind. Definitely not warm enough for shorts and tank tops. Unless the house is kept very warm. It is April in the Northeast - we can only dream about weather that warm. ~ Administrator said... 72

Let's take a little time travel back to the year 2004. Kate was on a hundred years of bed rest growing her little money makers dreaming of cashing in. What was Tony Dovolani up to that year?

Oh yes, I remember. Tony was making a movie with Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Susan Sarandon and Nick Cannon, and was teaching Jenny from the block a few moves.

Silver haired babe said... 73

Does anyone else remember Kate saying that she would win DWTS by "charming everyone?" I don't think she realized that she would have to practice.

Over Yonder said... 74

I find something strange about the homework picture. It was in the low 60's today, with a cool wind. Definitely not warm enough for shorts and tank tops. Unless the house is kept very warm. It is April in the Northeast - we can only dream about weather that warm.


I don't know where you are, but in Kate's neck of the woods, we've been having temps in the high 60s, 70s and even 80s in March. It's been the warmest March on record. However, today was not one of those days. It never made it out of the 50s...definitely NOT shorts weather. You needed a jacket outside. Kids, however, are a different story. They'll wear whatever, regardless of the temperatures.

What's Next? said... 75

Kate reminds me of this Saturday Night LIve character, played by Kristen Wiig (the actress from Bridesmaid). I'm talking about the one who is always 1 upping everyone and her claims become outrageous and she keeps popping up when others are getting attention to redirect it to her. Anyone know the skit I'm talking about? Example: An award's ceremony for someone who wrote 2 bestselling cookbooks, she will say she wrote 10 best selling cookbooks while she was inventing the stove, microwave oven and refrigerator and growing her own fruits, vegetables and raising livestock and chickens.

Tucker's Mom said... 76

What's Next? said... 78
Kate reminds me of this Saturday Night LIve character, played by Kristen Wiig (the actress from Bridesmaid)
So funny... loved that character. She'd twirl her hair and spin outrageous stories.
I recorded Bridesmaids and just watched it again tonight. It's about 50 times as funny as the first time.

a coincidence is not the same as an accident said... 77

Ha!! I just ate a fortune cookie that was meant for kate.

The fortune is, "If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything."

The back reads, "Learn Chinese - SHEEP," followed by the character(?) and its pronunciation. ~ Administrator said... 78

Haha never seen that before, found a clip of it the character is Penelope. Hysterical!

Beth said... 79

Ishkabibble said... 74
I find something strange about the homework picture. It was in the low 60's today, with a cool wind. Definitely not warm enough for shorts and tank tops. Unless the house is kept very warm. It is April in the Northeast - we can only dream about weather that warm.

I doubt very seriously that Kate keeps the house comfortable for the children. She is too much of a tightwad.

NJGal51 said... 80

Well I invented COOKING so any of you that are actually doing it owe me big time! Email me directly and I will provide an address so that you can send me royalty checks.

PJ's momma said... 81

Holy cow, Penelope is my sister-in-law - and KATE! ~ Administrator said... 82

It's time for an important announcement everyone.

Em Tanner has provided us an exclusive coupon code for readers of this site. Enter the code AUNTJODI from now until May 31st to get 30% off.

Enjoy. And I personally am enjoying Em's wicked sense of humor. LOL good one.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 83

Ishkabibble said... 74
I find something strange about the homework picture. It was in the low 60's today, with a cool wind. Definitely not warm enough for shorts and tank tops. Unless the house is kept very warm. It is April in the Northeast - we can only dream about weather that warm.

I found it strange, too. I don't live on the East Coast. Is it light out at 7:30 at night? That's what time she posted that picture.

Dwindle said... 84

NJGal51 said... 83
Well I invented COOKING so any of you that are actually doing it owe me big time! Email me directly and I will provide an address so that you can send me royalty checks.

Well, I invented flinging a grape and a cracker on a paper plate, so I get the royalties for that. But I have your check ready NJGal, but it isnt very large. You see, until kate plopped into the planet I had no idea of a concept of meals for my children, or running the dead chicken over a flame once or twice... Heck before katie irene, I was spreading frozen non-organic pizzas out on my electric blanket and blowing em with my hair dryer. It's a wonder my 36 year old daughter can manage her home, her job, her family, her husband, and her PhD work on the meager nutrition I raised her on, without Katie irene to show me the way. (Dabbing my eyes HERE.)

HEY KATE: 1/2 million women drive to WORK every morning munching on dry cereal as they go. Get over yourself, you pompous arrogant self-centered freak.

JoyinVirginia said... 85

I enjoyed all the dances tonight on dwts. I am sorry someone will have to go home. Tony btw is one of the senior choreographers, he will just have more time to devote to the dance troup now.
Ms Kreider is back to just being boring.
Admin, I will be looking for the story on cc idiocy, sounds interesting

fidosmommy said... 86

Very nice, EM Tanner. Thank you!

Dwindle said... 87 (Administrator) said... 85
It's time for an important announcement everyone.

Em Tanner has provided us an exclusive coupon code for readers of this site. Enter the code AUNTJODI from now until May 31st to get 30% off.


A coupon code??? Didnt Kate invent that??? Isnt Em making money off something Kate somehow snorted on and poor single unemployed cant-afford-milk Kate is getting nothing from it?? If I order something, wont Kate twattle me and remind me that she alone KNOWS THE TRUTH BECAUSE WRONG IS WRONG AND IT SHOULDNT BE SUPPORTED!!!!!???????!!!! Do I have to order online? Didnt Kate invent computers too, ya know- in Jon's clothes closet? What if I have to use the "8" key in order? Do I have to cut Kate a check for that?

Seriously though; Thanks Em, I will definitly be shopping on your site soon! :)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 88

Thanks to Em Tanner for her generousity :o)

EM said... 89

kate does love her haters. They literally are the only thing keeping her in the spotlight. I wish they would stay off her twitter because she has already been clued in to the fact that her stupid "twitter wars" keep her in the press. Look for these weekly as she sees which behaviors get her attention.

I wish Anderson didn't even mention her name. I want her on media blackout. While most people would be horrified to have their name brought up in a not flattering light..kate loves it. It gives her a reason to o her victim tweets and act above it all. When will people learn this does create buzz for her that she enjoys? She is going to ride this out as long as possible. Twitter Wars for everyone!

Call Me Crazy said... 90

Pity Party said... 58

. . . She watches so little TV? What about DVDs of the show. How often do those things run in that house . . .

I think she has them on an infinite loop.

prairiemary said... 91

Oh, Admin., LOVED your #193-wicked woman! Tony was paired up with the very pretty Sara Evans that year, and she left due to marital issues. They were so cute together.
On this Good Friday, my daughter is scheduled for a C-section, to deliver her TWINS, I am so excited! She is kate's age, but looks like a much younger woman.She and her hubs(who works 2 jobs) will then have 5 children, all 5 years old down to the newborn twins, and she does everything by herself, huge garden, all the canning-kate's opposite. I want to thank EM Tanner for the discount, came at the right time, hope she ships to Canada, as I will be ordering something from her. I am such a proud granny!

EM said... 92

Oh and I think CC is loving that her blogs discuss Anderson because they know it will get tabloid exposure and it will be mentioned she wrote it on her CC blog. All they want is name recognition and kate put them on the map with it because of her haters.

Without kate's "haters" she really would be old news within a day. I really hope Anderson doesn't see the attention this got and call her on to "set the record straight."

I have to "heartily agree" with kate's tweet thanking haters for her "success." While we may not see it as success, for kate it is. Having her name mentioned and having her pic taken IS success. Anderson Cooper uttering her name fed her ego. Simple as that. I keep all opinions regarding kate on this board. 2 reasons.. #1. It keeps her from getting hits elsewhere. #2 If contained here..if someone researched "haters" they would see a blog with really insightful comments (plus some really funny ones), but none are downright nasty like twitter. Someone who read here to look into the hate may actually find themselves agreeing..while anyone reading the tweets would be appalled and want to side with kate.
Kate lives for those hate tweets..and the people trying to drive people away from kate are actually doing the opposite by making people feel sorry for the "poor picked on single mom with a deadbeat ex"

EM said... 93

It would have been so much cooler if Tony had said "no comment." THAT would have drove kate bananas. What could she possibly be able to say about that. No way to spin it and nothing to add to. ~ Administrator said... 94

EM, I think if Tony were being asked to comment on Kate personally or talk about her divorce no comment would be appropriate. But he was just joking around about her dancing. You should be able to crack a few jokes and not have to worry someone is going to get their panties in a bunch.

Kate's really the one that either should have ignored it if it bothered her so much, or haven forbid laughed with them.

Susantoyota said... 95

readerlady said...42

I noticed on KK's twat feed above earlier, that she had to turn someone's poor little one's tonsillectomy into her own sob story, having to have one on her 21st BD because she had strep throat. I'm not a nurse, although I have some medical background, so nurses here correct me if I'm wrong, but I doubt any doctor would perform a tonsillectomy on a patient who has strep throat. Strep can be bloody dangerous, leading to heart and kidney problems if not treated properly. I would imagine, and hope, that the patient would be cured of their strep before surgery is performed.

You're absolutely right, readerlady. There's no reason to go in and perform a tonsillectomy when someone has strep (at least in my experience). I'll put in a disclaimer unlike Katie Irene who knows everything, but I'm 99.9% sure about this.

I hope they never make a phone app which helps her keep track of her lies:) See below.

I knew I remembered the following interview!!

Who knew? Kate Gosselin was engaged before she ever met Jon — and now the fiancé she has never spoken about is telling all to Star, and he does not paint a pretty picture.

For starters, Adam Miller says the reality star supermom pressured him to marry her — but he broke off the engagement after she cheated on him at her 21st birthday party.

“She hooked up with some guy in a Corvette,” factory worker Adam says in a world exclusive interview. “She was always chasing the money.”

Kate caught Adam’s eye back in 1995 in the small town of Kutztown, Pa. Adam was 17 and a recent high school graduate. Kate, a nursing student, was a year older. Still he managed to play sugar daddy to his bride-to-be. “I spoiled Kate with gifts, like a diamond bracelet and a gold locket, and she loved that. I think one of the main reasons she liked me is that I had so much money flowing.”

Adam, 33, also reveals that Kate was nothing like the organic-food-loving health nut she is now. “We’d eat mostly hamburgers, fries, Cheetos. A typical night out was at Ruby Tuesday’s!”

So which was it Katie Irene? Surgery on your 21st birthday or chasing a guy in a corvette? Or did Mr. Corvette Man drop you off at the hospital for your emergency tonsillectomy?


fade2black said... 96

EM, Tony has been saying, "No comment." for years, and it seems that he is asked about this infamous partner at every interview. He has shown great restraint; when he did finally open up, it was in a lighthearted manner that wouldn't have been offensive to any normal person.

EM said... 97

Sonce EM readshere I will say..I do not fault her one bit for HER discussion with kate on twitter. She was minding her own business when kate conjured her up. As a small business owner EM had every right to negate what kate had said. I am glad she did it.

I really really wish people would see kate for the horror she is. I have never ever seen a "celeb" get such a free pass on everything. MOst people have the tabloids outing their every move, people commenting on the awful things they do etc. As for kate, she could do ANYTHING and people would support her . Her fans and casual admirers actually believe everything that twit says. I could see that if kate was consistant in her lies but she actually contradicts herself constantly. How could a normal person not be clued in to that? Milo makes my stomach turn but a part of me wonders if she isn't just stroking kate's ego for her OWN attention.

BTW I laughed at loud about the fortune cookie. That is funny. I would have cracked up if I had that in my hand. The sheep AND the lies. It really was meant for kate.. lol ~ Administrator said... 98

If any of the other 12 odd celebs Tony has partnered with heard him say that about them, they would probably just give him a call, say you're right that was so awful you're a saint for putting up with me, let's do lunch!

And they would have had a good ole time at lunch, laughed it off and gone on with being good buddies.

AuntieAnn said... 99

Susantoyota said... 98
So which was it Katie Irene? Surgery on your 21st birthday or chasing a guy in a corvette? Or did Mr. Corvette Man drop you off at the hospital for your emergency tonsillectomy?

Ha! Good catch Susantoyota. Tomorrow, after she's finished reading here, she'll correct herself. It was probably her 22nd birthday, cuz Kate's a truthteller. She said so.

AuntieAnn said... 100

OR she'll say the ex-boyfriend is a liar. It WAS her 21st birthday. Aliens must have abducted him and forced him to say that. There's no other explanation.

Susantoyota said... 101

AuntieAnn said...102

Ha! Good catch Susantoyota. Tomorrow, after she's finished reading here, she'll correct herself. It was probably her 22nd birthday, cuz Kate's a truthteller. She said so.

No, no!! It will turn out she had her surgery the day before she took her nursing boards! But she got out of bed, with the IV still attached, running a horriblish fever, staggered down to the testing center, took the boards, and then crawled back to the hospital to finish recuperating. AND she got the highest scores in the state!! Which showed her she could do anything and was good preparation for her 1300 days of bedrest with the tups and all the marathons she is now riding on a cart in, er running.

Isn't that right, Katie Irene Kreider?

AuntieAnn said... 102

HAHAHA!! Too funny.

Too bad she wasn't on DWTS to tell about it in a "most memorable year" dance tonight.

New Kid said... 103

God help me, now that Kate plus 8 is on Netflix streaming, I have started watching it. I hadn't seen anything from it except the odd clip here or there. It is so much worse than I had even imagined! Now I am just red-hot angry at this miserable excuse for a mother. Everything she does and everything she says makes my skin crawl. She is at home, "organizing everything" and screaming that she can't stand it, and has to get out of there. She's treating home as a quick pit stop where she has to swoop in and get everything ship-shape before going back on the road for her "career" and meanwhile, terrorizing all the full-time home occupants. The twins look miserable most of the time, although they are on camera the least. I think they must have rebelled and gotten away with not filming every moment, good for them! The six are still like puppies who cuddle up to any stranger who comes along, looking for a nice warm spot to lay a head down. And through it all is The General barking orders and threats. How I despise her.

hey jude said... 104

Kate couldn't have written that on the C C blog- there were no explanation marks and she needs those to express her deepest feelings....It was too well written and had degrees of subtlety Kate is incapable of.

It's also a little cruel to enter a word battle with Kate, who sounds like a 12 yr old valley girl, on a good day.

Berks resident said... 105

The stories on DWTS are very touching tonight. So far, not one self pitying sob story.

Yes they were. It was a wonderful show. Remember Kate's personal story? It wasn't about the birth of her children or the joy of motherhood, or even the pain of divorce. It was about the PAPARAZZI and how they stalk her. That, to me, was pretty telling. Poor Tony.

Dwindle said... 106

@prairiemary - wishing all the BEST for your daughter and the safe delivery of two healthy babies!

Gift of grab said... 107

So, Peggy Tanous, a one-season housewife on RH of Orange County, is getting her own reality show. And it's called "M.I.L.F."!

"The acronym isn’t as naughty as you might think — our sources say it means, “Working Mothers In Lives With Families”
A source close to the professional spokesmodel says, “The show is about how Peggy works hard and is able to juggle being a celebrity mom of two daughters and still have a successful career.”

I didn't watch RHOC and know very little about this lady, but damn if she didn't just land another of Katie Irene's dream jobs! And after a single season on TV. Of course, who knows if this will ever be aired, it hasn't been picked up yet by any network, but Lordy Bee! Wouldn't this be a match made in heaven for Katie Irene?

Oh yeah, that's right. Guess the premise wouldn't work if you can't film the kids. AND if you're not really a "working" mother.

LB said... 108

Has anyone tweeted her asking why she would blame Tony for her ‘failure’ when in fact she was a cheerleader in High School? Someone really needs to point it out to her! Being a cheerleader would have required coordination to be able to perform synchronized movements, doing 1-2-3 and do things like quick steps, leg splits, back flips. So she HAD some experience. She just chose to not mention it and fool everyone in believing she absolutely moved like a Zombie. That ‘open letter’ to Tony and Anderson is full of bull and I don’t know why she zoomed on that 34-second dialogue as her platform to throw a temper tantrum. Wah Wah Wah!
How did she even know about his comments? She was in LV when they were interviewed, correct?

njay said... 109

Do you think it is possible that Tony was under a gag order per contract with TLC? It just seems to much a coinsidence that people are starting to come out of the woodwork and have a totaly oposite opinion than they used to.

Sorry for poor spelling. New laptop, new settings. lol

Dwindle said... 110

Susantoyota said... So which was it Katie Irene? Surgery on your 21st birthday or chasing a guy in a corvette? Or did Mr. Corvette Man drop you off at the hospital for your emergency tonsillectomy?


Kate performed her OWN tonsillectomy. With the same perfect results as the time she shot her own face up with botox.

And she INVENTED the entire tonsillectomy procedure, dontchaknow, and the rest of us all owe her royalties for ours.

Anyone remember that scene from the original Cheaper by the Dozen movie, where Clifton Webb has the childrens' tosillectomies done at home so he can have them filmed? Ruh-Roh...

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 111

About Kate having a ghost writer, I doubt that but I'm sure there is an "editor" at CC making her senseless drivel into something readable.

Gift of grab said... 112

LB, the clip of Anderson/Tony actually hit the Internet (as a preview for the show, which aired last Friday) on Tuesday or Wednesday of last week. So yes, I am positive it was brought to her attention on Twitter--and the content was KNOWN--before she decamped to Vegas. I don't know whose bright idea it was to have her "outrage" published on a coupon blog almost a week after the world knew what Tony had to say. Oh, wait . . . that could only be Kate who had the bright idea. Because she's so, ya know, SMART and everything.

Dmasy said... 113

Prairiemary, congratulations on your daughter's twins. Tell me this, even on a tough day, does she still love being a mommy? Wish her well from us.

Sooverit said... 114

Prairiemary - how exciting for you to be getting ready for 2 more grandbabies! Best wishes to you and your family.

Once a Viewer said... 115

PraireMary; Congrats on the twins and all the lucky family!! I'm from Canada originally & lived in BC for a few years- are you in Alberta?(if you care to say) Won't you have fun with all your grandkiddies. :)

It's called being productive said... 116

Coming late to the Anderson Cooper background kerfluffle. I've got an almost opposite take on his Vanderbilt/old money history.

The guy could have spent his days doing nothing at all.

He could have had 8 kids, for example, and stayed home doing nothing all day, chasing fame. And in his case, the money wouldn't have run out!

Instead, he went to college, worked hard, found a profession, and went out and developed a productive life for himself.

That's not something you see every day. Social "standing" and great wealth often lead to the opposite, just like "winning" a reality TV gig.

So I do think Cooper's background is relevant -- because he didn't slide along on the strength of it.

Emma love said... 117

The joke about the pizza shows how out of touch Kreider is. It wasn't cute, it made the Ridiculist because no one could believe what a bitch she was being to her best friend and daughter over a piece of damn pizza that the bodyguard wanted to eat. Bodyguard.

And tony did not curse her with the flexibility and rhythm of a pet rock...she came by that all on her own. I love that they're not responding. I'm not sure she even registered a ping on their radar.

Lastly, why is it heresy for tony and Anderson to giggle about Kate but its wonderful and oh-so-funny when Brad Garrett skewers her onstage?

Anonymous said... 118

If you look at Kate's recent tweets, blog, it is painfully obvious that she is catering ONLY to her detractors. Her detractors are the ONLY ones continuing to talk about her. No one else is saying anything.

How about we close down this blog for two weeks and see what happens? Essentially beginning a complete blackout of any internet chatter about KG.

At this point, the only demo keeping her relevant are the ones that dislike her (she has what, 5 tweeties left??), and ignoring her will be the only way to stop any buzz.

Any takers?


Emma love said... 119

Heather, count me in! The preesi gang is considering the same thing. Maybe both blogs can join together in solidarity? ~ Administrator said... 120

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Have a great day all! I'm speeding (figure of speech, not in my car, calm down! ) trying to keep up with my moment by moment schedule.....


I'm fairly certain at this point she's going to have to seriously injure or kill someone before she stops with the speeding jokes. I don't find such jokes funny.

she's an idiot said... 121

Heather Anonymous 121

No taker here. If she's online, I'm one who thinks it's best that she gets called out.

Otherwise, Kate writes the history, and it will be all lies.

KAT said... 122

That is an excellent point @122...why was it o.k. for that guy Brad to rip her a new one but not o.k. for Tony to kid around a little and make a harmless off the cuff remark...I don't get it?....someone should ask her that....I think she just needed something to write about...something that would cause a stir... ~ Administrator said... 123

Ha I remember the tonsillectomies from Cheaper by the Dozen and the dad filming it. Then if I remember the doctor said he needed one too! Didn't the kids try to film HIM? Or is this just wishful thinking. :)

she'a an idiot said... 124

Kate tweeted:

@Erica198668 don't have any. I keep photos digitally and someday will arrange them..isn't that what retirement is for? Lol!


Kate, honey, you already do nothing all day. You have no J-O-B. How is that different from retirement, since you have no intention of ever working again? ~ Administrator said... 125

It's called being productive, that's how I see Anderson Cooper too, as a guy that could have easily and heck even justifiably been a loaf all his life but chose to make a difference.

You know, this might be another reason that Kate grates on him. Because he could have fallen back on his circumstances and kicked back and not ever gotten his hands dirty, but he made his own way. Isn' that exactly what Kate did, fall back on her circumstances of having eight kids instead of making her own way? That, coupled with the history of the mother he adores getting her trust fund poached, and I bet he despises anyone like Kate.

JudyK said... 126

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8

@Erica198668 don't have any. I keep photos digitally and someday will arrange them..isn't that what retirement is for? Lol!

Buying more accounts, Kate? If one clicks on Erica's name, it says "0 Tweets," so you are responding to someone who has never tweeted. Idiot.

Sue Buddy said... 127

I'm all for going quiet. It's what Kate deserves especially after yesterday's stunt. I'm not going to give her what she wants. The media is all but done with her. I've been contemplating this for some time now.

As for Kate rewriting history, she'll always do that. It's what narcissists do. Calling them on it does nothing but frustrates the one doing the calling.

Two weeks ago when you Googled news for Kate Gosselin there was nada. That was a good thing.

t said... 128

JudyK said... 129
Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8

@Erica198668 don't have any. I keep photos digitally and someday will arrange them..isn't that what retirement is for? Lol!

Buying more accounts, Kate? If one clicks on Erica's name, it says "0 Tweets," so you are responding to someone who has never tweeted. Idiot.

Emma has been tweeting the same question forever. Then she deletes her tweets.

she'a an idiot said... 129

Hmmm, Preesi's considering a black out? And Sue Buddy, too? Maybe a two week moratorium might be a good idea.

Sue (130) you make some god points. Maybe there's enough of a record of calling Kate out that two weeks of silence could be useful and informative.

Anonymous said... 130

If you look at her tweets about speeding, retirement, her recent blog, she is using US, the posters at this blog, to get attention. Period.

She has been called out on all of her lies, time and again. And now, the only people who go to her twitter are her 5 tweeties and HUNDREDS of detractors. She has completely disappeared from the mainstream news.

Her MO has now shifted to catering to US, to hand us tweets, etc., that she knows we will jump on and talk about. It's not subtle, it's a STRATEGIC move to keep her name out there, talked about.

How about it Admin? A concentrated blackout with preesi? I had no idea pressi was considering that. I haven't been able to get on that site for months, it has me blocked for some reason.


JudyK said... 131

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 114
About Kate having a ghost writer, I doubt that but I'm sure there is an "editor" at CC making her senseless drivel into something readable.

Exactly! That's the point I was making. Obviously, that was heavily edited, because she has zero ability w/ grammar and punctuation; however, the story (drivel) was submitted by her and then cleaned up.

The attorney I worked for was a senior partner and as eloquent at they come, but I had to do things onceinawhile for an associate. He gave me basic letters/pleadings, but I had to completely rework them so they made sense.

That's what's happened on the CC blog w/ Kate.

Anonymous said... 132

Tsaid: Yeah I notice that too. I wanted to see what, question Erica asked, funny, Erica has ask none!

What's the point in waiting for retirement to print , organize pics. Most normal people like to see their pics now, not 28 years from (for Kate) now. I thought Kate was SOOOOOO organized. If she waits that long, she probably won't remember why or where the pics were taken for. Kate's a laugh a minute! I have pic from before digital cameras, and some I don't even remember when they were taken(never wrote the date on the back, I do now). Kate is just plain lazy, 10 hours a day, 2 weekends a month and she can't organize her pics? ~ Administrator said... 133

She's so insulting to working moms who work all day and don't have nannies and still somehow manage to organize childhood photos.

What's Next? said... 134

I was thinking the same thing as I read her Twitter feed. Take out all the negative comments and the fan's defense of those comments and you've got a real snooze-fest. What would there be to comment on if the fans weren't busy defending Kate's actions. If I had a vote I would vote for a blackout.It would be very interesting to see what extremes Kate would go to for a reaction.

Anonymous said... 135

Ok, if that is indeed, Kates ex-boyfriend, how can he be 33, when he said he met Kate when he was 17, and Kate was a year older. He should be 36, Kate is 37.

JudyK said... 136

t 131, thanks. I hate twitter and have a hard time following it, so I probably shouldn't even comment on it.

Prairiemary, congrats on the soon-to-be twins!

Heather and Sue Buddy, I think you both make valid points, but I also think "she's an idiot #124" also makes a very valid point.

Sue Buddy said... 137

she'a an idiot said... 132
Hmmm, Preesi's considering a black out? And Sue Buddy, too? Maybe a two week moratorium might be a good idea.

Sue (130) you make some god points. Maybe there's enough of a record of calling Kate out that two weeks of silence could be useful and informative.

I'm tired of her. I still consider her to be a joke and have enjoyed poking fun, but for me, I'd enjoy it more knowing she'd be Googling her name day in and day out and seeing nothing and she'd be left with her tweeties and her anger. Whether I'm around or not they will be fawning over her.

Anyway it's spring. The hummingbirds are returning and this morning I saw one of my beloved Oriels drinking from one of the hummer feeders. I'm ecstatic! The dogs can go in and out as they please and everything is turning green.

I don't want Kate's pollution to interfere.

hey jude said... 138

dee @ 87,

Good post, got me thinking how Kate has the ability to think that something wrong she has done, really isn't that bad.She gets away with it too, she never really gets called out on any of the horrible things she says or does.

The rest of the real world can't even think about these 'little nasties', because they are really big ,except to her.Once she thinks something, then it's Kate Gosselin's law.

We can't even bear thinking about how she would do things like forgetting Halloween candy for her own kids, giving their dog back, or changing Christmas Day, because it's not even an option for us.She makes it ok with a coupon and saves money for next year!No harm, no fowl.

Just beware Kate, all these things are being recorded in your kids minds, as their 'special memories' and you will pay one day.

Who else would have the gall to ruffle Donald Trump's hair? We would all like to ,Kate just does it.No one really said much again.

Kate really does think she can do pretty much anything and get away with it, because she has so many times. I don't know why though.Are people afraid to say or do anything because they don't want to be seen as the bad person picking on the poor widdle mommy to 8, count'em 8 kids? Is that all it is? hmmmm.........

Where did you get those 3d narcissist glasses from, did you have a coupon from CC? I almost choked on my coffee at that line, so funny.I agree she almost looks baffled by all of us who don't get her.That's because she's flippin' looney tunes.

Maybe because there is so much more brainspace available to Kate, that the bad idea or thought has too much distance to the right answer, and stops at 'ok, let's try it and see what happens.' No one says no to her, so this works for her and appears logical.No never means no, ya know.

Oh God , I just realized I am trying to make sense out of crazy here. Sorry, I have to go and find my tin hat and scrub myself clean in some bleach. I feel so dirty all of a sudden, eeewwwahhh. Talk to you all later when I have de-contaminated myself. I so feel like Milo right now, eeewwwww yuk.

Where the hell is my toothbrush,.... stumbling away talking to stupid self. Why do I care about this bag? The kids, they deserve so much better from a mother. Jon, time to step in here now and rescue your kids, before she has totally effed up their minds. ~ Administrator said... 139

Hey Jude, she's a classic narcissist. Re-writing history until YOU are the one who looks crazy is an art form.

You say our time together was negative? That's not how *I* remember it. I remember a wonderfully beautiful time together, ARE YOU SURE that's now how you remember it?

In some ways, the best thing that ever happened to those kids is all that video footage. Bear with me on this. One day they will be able to prove how she was. This might be especially helpful in therapy.

Susantoyota said... 140

anger issues kate said... 138
Ok, if that is indeed, Kates ex-boyfriend, how can he be 33, when he said he met Kate when he was 17, and Kate was a year older. He should be 36, Kate is 37.

The article is from June 3,2009. Here's the link. No more Ruby Tuesdays for Katie Irene!

Anonymous said... 141

You know if we here did a one week black-out of Kate, no mention, of her name, no hinting of her period. That would bug the crap out of her and her lackies/sheeple. We can do it very esyily, by just talking about something else: cooking, kids in general, bully stuff, other show(ones we like the ones we hate, but not mentioning Kate).
Kate would go crazy and do everything in her power to do something to get out attention. It would also, mean getting rid of the Kate twitter, for a week. I think we can do.

Anonymous said... 142

How o you retire from being unemployed? How will Kate retire from being a FORMER reality TV star? Do you retire from being a parent when your kids turn 18? What, I guess her kids won't need Kate when turn 18? Retirement...that's a joke, right? Good one.

Anonymous said... 143

I guess my point is that we have been talking about her for years. We are now the ONLY ones talking about her. Nobody else cares.

The lies she spews are for us--so we will react-- and her tweeties, who eat it up. And we know she is lying, her tweeties believe everything she says, and no one else cares. We aren't going to "sway" a tweetie to believe she is a liar.

I've been following this saga since 2008, was on GWOP, was one of the originals on Z TV, small town gosselin, preesi, etc. Haven't been on GWOP in years, Z stopped talking about her years ago, small town has dwindled and is really an ad for the e-book. I can't get on preesi's site. I believe that this is the end. There's nothing more to see here.

Right now my feeling is: WHY are we still talking about her?

I think silence on our part is exactly what the situation needs now. KG's 15 minutes really are over.

heather ~ Administrator said... 144

Heather, you're repeating yourself.

I'll think about the blackout. I would hate for someone new to the saga to think we've all left. There's value in ignoring Kate, there's also value in documenting her misdeeds too.

Sooverit said... 145

I think a blackout on all things Kate is a great idea! I enjoy reading the back-and-forth chatting on this blog, and I find it most enjoyable when we get into an off-topic discussion. :) That's when it's truly interesting. We've discussed Kate's many flaws over and over, and she only seems to be getting worse. Her show is over - yay! She will never be a loving, involved parent, and there's nothing we can do about that.

I could see Kate's haters going silent with maybe a blip about it in some magazine, maybe (God forbid) a talk/entertainment show asking her about it. She would say how nice it is that the haters have finally left her alone, blah, blah, blah. And then what? There would be nothing left for her. She would finally be completely irrelevant to the media.

Anonymous said... 146

Susantoyoto: Thanks, I thought gee, a new article, Ok, it was from 2009, and yeah, he was 33. were good.

Anonymous said... 147

Admin, you could do a short post IF something earth shattering happens, but disable the comments feature. The documentation will be there, but with no chatter about it.

And if you really think about it, what do the pro Kate blogs talk about?
They talk about what is posted HERE.

OK, I've said my piece, will drop it now.


berks resident said... 148

Just saw her mug on AOL homepage with caption saying Tony's words made him look like a jerk. Could she be trying to worm her way back on to DWTS for a second try? After all, many have told her she could have done better with a different partner...

she's an idiot said... 149

You could always put a place-holder page up, Admin, explaining why the blog's on hold, and not allowing any comments.

I think 15 Minutes/Preesi coordination would be crucial.

It would be very interesting to see what effect a blackout has. If she's dead in the water, then we "haters" can make an informed decision about continuing to follow her asinine behavior, or not.

PJ's momma said... 150

Good one, Marie! I've missed you around here. ~ Administrator said... 151

Tony's words made him look like a jerk? Sheesh, when did America get so uptight? You can't make a little joke about needing therapy?

If Tony had slammed her personally or divulged something confidential he would be a jerk. Making a little joke and having a little chuckle makes you look HUMAN, not a jerk.

Anonymous said... 152

I don't think a complete black out is necessary, just don't talk or mention or hint about Kate. Like I said, we can talk about other things. Kate thinks we are obsessed with her. We know she reads here, as does her sheeple and yes the haters. So if we talk about anything, but Kate, that would drive her and them crazy. I also think just putting up a small news thing on the side, would be enough, as long as we make no comments about her. We can even keep the twitter feed, at the top, but no comments on that either, for one week.
It will be like going through withdrawal of a drug/addiction/obsession/etc. I think we CAN do it. ~ Administrator said... 153

I think having such a deliberate effort to do that is just going to make us the butt of all the sheeple's jokes. And if even one person steps out of line because they didn't know what we are doing or are new to it or didn't understand, they will have a field day. See they couldn't do it!

I'm concerned it will look like we're playing blog wars which is something I never, ever wanted this site to be a part of and have successfully fought off.

That said I have no problem if people want to go off topic and never have. Have at it.

Anonymous said... 154

I also think if we do it: Kate will be the one wondering, why we have not said anything about her. Like she had us doing when she slipped away to LV, and had us wondering where she went.
A kind of revenge?

Anonymous said... 155

I understand what you are saying Admin: but if we as you say talk OT, and say very little of Kate, it would have the same effect. It would then prove that she is not important enough to devote a whole threads and week to. It will look like we are talking about her, but we really aren't.
Example: Kate does something or say something, we say oh kate did blah blah, we say that's nice, move on to something else, that does not talk about Kate. Cause, Kate is counting on those comments. If we just acknowledge she did something and not comment, that would drive her & sheeple nuts. Kate wants attention, she would not be getting any. Using the word "really, that's nice" no comments, she would be out of her mind. Why are they not talking about me!

EM said... 156

My opinion..
We should not "organize" a blackout because it gives kate wants she wants. Attention. She will KNOW it's organized and will somehow turn it into press for herself.
I like the idea of maybe just going off topic for a week and throwing in a few kate things if the urge arises. It would be fun to get to know people's stories on here. ~ Administrator said... 157

But that's sort of what we do all the time, talk about Kate then go off topic.

I'm not trying to be contrary I just don't want to be the butt of the joke.

Westcoaster said... 158

We could call it our Spring Staycation, tell Kate and the sheeple we needed time for the AuntJodi shopping spree at Em Tanner.

And yes, having sated herself by STAH rubbing in Las Vegas our Lady of Platitudes is back in Twatter mode. Looking forward to what she invents for diner tonight.

Hmmm, retirement from what K8? I'm retired this year, but wait for it, that's from my job, the one I had after my kids grew up, the one that helped put them through college, paid for vacations, etc. This week I am preparing for a Passover holiday with our children and grandchildren, and once again, I am truly sorry that your children will not have the joy and memories of Easter with their extended family. My aunts, uncles & cousins shaped my life, and my chidren are blessed with the same. Good friends absent family ties fill those roles; sadly your children have neither.

EM said... 159

Continued thought....
I would, however, LOVE it if the twitter haters went silent for 2 weeks. THAT would be what drives skate crazy. This blog is a great place for one getting inside the mind of a "hater." The insights are great, the knowledge to call kate out on lies is superb, and the humor is always on point. This blog shows that haters arent vile but actually just tired of kate's lies and her behavior which does hurt others.

I would hope if any tweeters read here that the strongly consider going off kate's twitter for a while. They can still chat amongst themselves, but don't copy kate/milo/CC/Cindy on anything. Kate would go apesphit without being able to say "Join the fun and block the hate." This woman thrives on makes her tweeties defend her more strongly. Let's see what they have to talk about when they aren;t in their twitter wars. It would be a royal snoozefest and kate would be stuck answering ridiculous fan tweets all day since there wold be nothing else filling her feed.

Anonymous said... 160

I honestly don't give a crap what sheeple think. They only talk to themselves and aren't on anyone's radar anywhere else, and they will talk about this blog no matter what is/isn't posted. I'm not sure what you mean by blog wars, we aren't challenging anyone but ourselves.

I think what would kill her is talking about another reality star, like a bunch of posts about other people who DO have shows and ARE in the news. Or posts on reality tv in general (dance moms, PW, etc.., I have never seen either of those, but you get the idea). Or posts about any reality shows that "do it right." Do those even exist??


Anonymous said... 161

If only we could convince ''haters'' on twitter to join us in boycotting Kate for a week! I think the sheeple would go quiet too. Most of their comments are in denfense of Kate, so if there's no criticism, what's there to talk about? I think they would be tongue tied in no time flat! What are they going to do, see who can give the most sickening, vomit worthy compliments to Kate? It would be fun to watch!

resident said... 162

Tony's words made him look like a jerk? Sheesh, when did America get so uptight? You can't make a little joke about needing therapy?
Makes me wonder how this stuff gets out there, truly...I agree with everything you said.

Because I am mediocre and work in a public school, we are off this week, and I took the time to check out Tony and Kate's dances from her time on DWTS. Except for the on camera "fight" they had, I have seen nothing but Tony being encouraging and supportive. He seems, to me, like a really sweet professional man. To be fair, he wasn't even the one who brought up Kate's name, that was Anderson...I hate how he is being made the villain in all of this. Shame on Kate and her machine.

Anonymous said... 163

But we need to talk more about other things, a lot less Kate, just acknowledge what she said & did, and not comment on it. If Kate & sheeple try and make something out of it, they will look foolish. Cause the others will come here to read, for themselves, and when they find no comments about Kate they will think that Kate & sheeple are nuts.
Like that old phrase goes: Kill her with kindness. It will be hard for a lot of us. Kate likes the fight, the attention, not giving her that she will be bugged about it and go on, and on about it. Others will think she is crazy.

Leah said... 164

What about just a twitter blackout? ~ Administrator said... 165

Suggest a topic then and discuss!

EM said... 166

Why is Tony a jerk for just stating the obvious.
Kate's fans had no issues wehn SHE bashed EM Tanner, John, photog guy, Tony or anyone else she has stepped over. Why is someone being HONEST and a TRUTH TELLER so bad.
We saw DWTS. kate treated Tony horribly. Why does he have to remain quiet. And why is AC a bad guy for asking/ It's obvious to anyone that kate really hurt Tony, dragged him thru her sheeple hell and disrespected his work. I hate how Milo says Tony is a noboy without kate. Does she really think Tony WANTS to be chased by paps? That's insane. Only insecure celebs want to be tabloid fodder. Look at the ones who are. Kardashians, Lindsay Lohan, Snooki.
I prefer celebs who stay out of that nonesense. I think it damages a career, not helps it.
Emma Rossum who plays Fiona on Shamless has said something to the effect of "leave them wanting more, dont put your business out there, it's hard to be a character on a show if everyone knows your personal life." I forget the exact quote but she was right. These tabloid stars burn out and the public gets sick of them quickly. Being in tabloid does not mean you are successful. To me it shows that you are unsuccessful and begging for media attention for your antics instead of being written about for your merits.

Anyway..I don't want a blackout here. We should be proud of our posts. I just want a TWITTER BLACKOUT. THose people are really what's keeping kate in the news and their tweets are awful. NO ONE is going to "cross over" based on those tweets. I cant stand kate and even I hate reading the haters tweets.

Once a Viewer said... 167

We have talked about the following topics recently and more: April Fool's jokes in our pasts, growing up experiences,(bras etc) kids with various issues, recipes, gardens, birds, kidney stones, hospice, weather, family, school, work, play, spouses, illness/injury,careers/education, other TV shows, movies, travel, houses, psychology, concerns, jokes etc etc. I think it brings us closer as a community.

But it's up to Admin. My opinion is not limit ourselves at all- I think if Kate 'deserves' a blackout, she will see that as a victory or control. Why not discuss everything we want to including her?

Sue Buddy said... 168

I think the fading away of interest in Kate has to be more of an individual thing than something orchestrated. Some of Kate's original fans have lost interest and other than tweeting a hello appear to have moved on. I think that's what has to happen with those who are not fans.

And I'm not sure the effect of a boycott that we've discussed publicly will have the same effect on Kate as when the day comes that she realizes there's no "buzz" anymore.

As I said she deserves to be forgotten but she needs to know she's forgotten for real.

I can't come up with any more original things to say about her and I'm itching to do other things anyway. Everyone is different.

I have enjoyed the discussions here about history, books and food (although I'm pretty sure I gained 5 lbs.)

aggiemom09121416 said... 169

Kate's buzz effect will dull in time. No one stays on top forever, and her time is on the downhill slide. Most of her fans are teens, and given time, those teens will mature and move onto other things. She will eventually run her course with her older fans as well, she has nothing to offer in regard to what everyday moms go through in an ordinary day, and I'd say that she has lost many of her fans already (I am referring to the fans she had while the kids were little, her twitter fans are mostly teenagers from other countries).

For those viewers that don't follow Kate on the internet now, they have no idea what she is doing. If it wasn't for the miracle of twitter, Kate would be a 'where is she now topic' of discussion.

Kate has nothing to offer the media in terms of talent, and that is proven in her sitting on her behind rather than holding the microphone she so craves.

She is also pushing 40, which does not bode well for her future in media.

Kate's initial claim to fame is birthing a lot of babies. That's it. Her lasting claim to fame will be one of lying, manipulation, bullying, laziness, greediness, stinginess, exploitation,ungratefulness and narcissism.

Everyday, there are kids that are malnourished, mistreated, abused, neglected. We read it every day in the paper and on the internet. These cases are reported one day and replaced the next by another. Kate's case sticks out because it was televised on a weekly basis.

There will always be people like Kate. There will always be people that neglect, abuse and exploit children. The only thing that can change is how WE react to it.

What drives me crazy about Kate is that she made those kids work all their lives, and now she is spending their money earned on herself. By the time those kids get to college-age, there won't be anything left. She will probably make the kids support her to the end of her days. And feel justified in doing so.

EM said... 170

Doesn't SG-Shmecky Girl read here? If so..would you be willing to ask the people on twitter to not copy kate,her fans,CC,AC,Tony,Cindy or anyone else at all except each other on any tweets for 2 weeks to see what happens? Everytime someone goes to speak out against kate they get slammed with tweets and they end up feeling sorry for her. It has a reverse effect. Look what happened to Philly guy. He was ready to unload then stopped because of all the tweets. He got scared off and felt bad for kate's ordeal.
I understand you guys like to put the truth out there as opposed to lies but no one believes it because they write it off as "hate." If you guys did a blackout your purpose would be better served in not feeding the narcissist.
You guys have already informed most everyone..there is nothing left to tell right now. Would you be willing to help organize this so that we can get kate out of the news for her twitter wars? If she wants to be in the news, let her do something newsworthy without help from haters.

Kate thrives on hate. Her "career" would shrivel and die without it. Isn't that what we want? For kate to only be in the news if she accomplishes something? Why should she ride out her fame on the backs of the very people who can't stand her? Twitter is the only thing keeping her relevant right now. kate herself says the hate gives her opportunities. Stop handing everything to her. It's enabling her bad behavior.

What do you think? Will you help SG by talking to the others?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 171

Kate's latest twit:

what's your organization tip on keeping up with photo albums and scrapbooking for 8?!.

don't have any. I keep photos digitally and someday will arrange them..isn't that what retirement is for? Lol!.


Who's retirement?
Kate's, or her kids?

And what exactly would she be retiring from-
other than sitting on her leather couch?

xxxxxxxx don't have any. I keep photos digitally and someday will arrange them..isn't that what retirement is for? Lol! about 2 hours ago

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 172

Please, ignore the repeat twit at the bottom of my comment.

I'm getting sloppy with my posts ;o)

Tamara said... 173

Dwindle said... Anyone remember that scene from the original Cheaper by the Dozen movie, where Clifton Webb has the childrens' tosillectomies done at home so he can have them filmed? Ruh-Roh...
HAHA! You're right, D, that seems exactly like something Khate would do. Wasn't there one little girl who escaped? Or tried to? I remember seeing that and Yours Mine Ours Together. But we shouldn't be mentioning them here, no doubt we're giving Khate ideas. Hmmmm
Khate's 8 Plus Some Other Greedy Abusive Exploiter's 8 Equals Love........ Of money......and attention

mscatie said... 174

EM said... 170
Anyway..I don't want a blackout here. We should be proud of our posts. I just want a TWITTER BLACKOUT. THose people are really what's keeping kate in the news and their tweets are awful...


I'm not being snarky here and I'm trying to be careful how I say this, but how can you have it both ways? I've read many times here how it's believed that Kate reads this blog and responds accordingly. If you believe that, isn't the bottom line this blog also contributes to keeping Kate in the news?

Quite frankly, I think Kate will ALWAYS find a way to stir things up and stay in the media. If not twitter, or this or any blog, she'll find another avenue to make herself known. It's the narcissists way of surviving. Case in point, she's now using Coupon Cabin blog to sling her crap. She will always find a way.

EM said... 175

Carrying over more thoughts....
Let's not comment on CC either. They don't deserve the hits after enabling kate's behavior. I'm sure someone will post it here so no need to search for it. Everytime someone posts there it helps kate.
For instance, there was an awesome comment on CC about why there are no Easter Tips. That alone was a good comment and CC wold think it was one of their regulars who do use coupons. However, the person ended it with a sentence about Vegas. It's easy to know that this person is a "hater" because the average Joe would not really know about Vegas or why it was deemed wrong. Therefore, CC dismisses that comment and kate gets happy because she drew out a hater.
Make sense? I really am for being practive and keeping kate out of media unless it's deserved. I do my part by keeping all comments here and thing it would be awesome if we all tried that for a while.
If "hate" was contained here..people would start having to search to see what the hate is all about instead of having it everywhere. If someone searched and found this blog it would be a real eye opener. The way we are moderated really makes us look like sensible people and not fanatics. I was drawn in to understand what was happening thru this blog (and originally GWOP before it went a bit crazy to me.)

If I hadn't stumbled onto a well thought out blog with well thought out posts I never would have understood why kate has nonfans who feel so strongly. If I was a casual fan who looked on twitter or CC I would be appalled and feel sorry for kate. If I read here,saw the explanations on why someone felt the need to call kate out, I would truly get it after seeing the insightful posts. People respond to a gentle, educated post instead of just reading 140 characters or name calling.

I know my posts are redundant today but i really feel it's time to leave her alone in the media and let her wither. I will continue to post here because kate would never ever lead a fan or the media here for a "poor me" story because she KNOWS we speak the real truth. Anyone reading here would have a firm grip on what kate is all about and she knows it. Notice she will slam Radar Online but she never calls out this blog? She does not want people seeing this one because THIS ONE is the one that opens eyes.

Berks Neighbor said... 176

What about this idea.
Twitter people: come up with a hashtag to use what talking to each other. This way you can avoid the @Kateplus8 search function and her twitter feed will die (metaphorically) for a while.
She'll have to rely on her 'fans' which I've noticed have tweeted less and less to her.
You can do this for a week or two.
This way, you don't lose contact with each other and still chat amongst yourselves.
I know when I do a chat on twitter per my blogging site we always have a #hastagphrase that is used so we put that in the search and just update it to go back and forth with our comments.

Tamara said... 177

Mscatie, I think that with a twitter blackout a few things would happen. Most of the remaining sheeple would dwindle (pardon the term Dwindle) away because it's really only their fights with the haterz that keep most of them active. That would lead to less sheeple to tweet to Khate. I think that would then force her to tweet more things herself, getting uglier and uglier as she makes more and more desperate grasps for attention and adulation. Leading to a quicker, inevitable, flame out. Or I could be completely wrong.

I do think though, regardless of anything else, that the twitting haterz are what's keeping most of the sheeple around. It's easier to defend someone when there are constant, and in this case completely factual, insults being lobbed at them. But isn't there a whole little microcosm of sheeple and haterz on twitter that exist whether Khate is around or not?

readerlady said... 178
This comment has been removed by the author.
EM said... 179

179 i dont find you snarky. I ask myself often about if posting on this blog help kate. She does do a lot of damage control after reading our stuff.

I guess I am thinking it would work to contain thoughts here thought and not elsewhere because if people had to search for kate haters they would land here. If someone lands here they will see some good explanations to why kate is full of crap. The could read about why we see the globe story as awful, read about kate crying over being poor while jaunting off to Vegas, they will read about her not being able to afford milk but having a 3D tv.

This blog is great at pointing out the inconsistancies in kate's lies. Once someone starts to read here it really all begins to make sense. Random comments all over the net really don't delve into why people dislike kate's antics so they just appear as "jellus h8rs."

Now I know this seems like a contradiction of what I am saying but i did like the yahoo comments. The 11,000 comments obviously were not from fans/nonfans but from the general public. Those comments are the ones that also speak out on the public temperature. The CC ones, the tweets, and the Radar Online ones don't to me because I know they are from the same handful of people.

I hope I am making sense in answering your question. Probably not but I gave it a shot :0)

Tamara said... 180

Count me in on the 2 week blackout. If anyone experiences withdrawl there are ways to do private chats, and there are private emails of course. If there's any readers/posters here at university it could make a great paper on psychology, public relations, or pick your subject.

JudyK said... 181

Just wanted to report that ALL of Anderson's shows this week are repeats. Madonna is on tomorrow.

I so hope he will not respond on the air in a future show to Kate's attack...she's not worthy of a response from someone of his caliber.

Berks Neighbor said... 182

Tamara: I agree with your comment that the haters keep her twitter feed alive.
If Kate isn't tweeting then her rabid fans can attack the haters until she graces them with her presence.
When Kate isn't around and the haters aren't tweeting the fans just look crazy obsessive tweeting their adulation of her incessantly.

Pulling The Wool said... 183

"I would hope if any tweeters read here that the strongly consider going off kate's twitter for a while. They can still chat amongst themselves, but don't copy kate/milo/CC/Cindy on anything"


It sounds good in theory, but it won't work because the hater tweeters are as addicted to bashing Kate and the sheeple just as much as the sheeple are in worshiping Kate. They feed off each other. It's part of their lives.

Quitting cold turkey isn't in the cards for them. They'd need some kind of de-tox program in order for it to work successfully.

dee3 said... 184

I'd also imagine that there could be a good possibility that Tony, with his calm, low-key and gracious personality might be the best choice for problematic personalities like Kate G and may have been the/a reason they paired him with her.
Had she been paired with Maks, it would have probably been a disaster of epic proportions. And a few were probably too young to handle her.

Plus....Kate DID make some somewhat self-deprecating comments about her own dancing back then (which really surprised me, actually) maybe Tony thought she would be okay with poking fun at that. are so funny, as are so many here. But you are really on a roll today....loving the laughs. Flinging a grape and a cracker onto a plate....hahaha....that was so funny.

hey jude~

I've tried to read as much as I could about NPD and have come to conclusions regarding her behavior that I think mainly stem from her NPD/behavior disorder. She absolutely doesn't think like us. If this had been any of us, we'd have first considered the consequences of posting various responses....and not just acted impulsively. Our brains would not immediately go to being offended and instantly needing to find someone else to blame for anything that sounds to us like criticism.

I think she's impulsive, easily enraged, has a poorly functioning filter, gets defensive/offended easily and in fact, what she instantly perceives as unfair criticism is by far the FIRST thing she sees when these types of comments are made......and she spends little to no time considering possible consequences of her reactions.

But when she gets compliments, OMG, she has no ability to be gracious or self-deprecating and sounds like a 12 year old. And actually many 12 year olds would be more gracious than her when responding to compliments. Giving compliments is THE best way to calm down a severe narcissist.

And to the folks here who are still frustrated that Kate is getting attention from this stuff....I was extremely frustrated back when so many uninformed people were supporting her and kissing up to her and when she was undeserving of the fact that her 15 minutes of fame had lasted much longer than it should have and she was basking in the limelight.

But NOW? Now, I'm loving it. Believe me, this is NOT what she'd had in mind. She had thought they'd be fighting over her in the entertainment industry. Sure, she is getting some narcissistic fill from this stuff......but it's not the fill she wanted.....and I am sure that although she has very little insight, she's not at all happy about this and is becoming rather desperate.

NOW she only has teens and a few other strange fans complimenting her. NOT what she ever thought she'd have to settle for.
And in fact, this is turning out even much better than I'd had she simply dropped off the radar, we'd have no idea what was happening with her and whether or not her Karma was now turning on her. It makes up for all the time I was frustrated back then.

So don't let it frustrate you that she's getting this attention. It isn't remotely what she'd had in mind. Being a narcissist, she has HAD to settle for this meager and embarrassing narcissistic fill.....but it's not what she'd wanted. What went around is now coming back around for her....just sit back and enjoy it.

mscatie said... 185

Em, I think I hear what you're saying and in theory it probably makes sense. However, in a practical light, I'm not sure you'll ever get a group of intelligent, independent thinkers to go along with the idea. It probably has to do with that freedom of speech idea that we are so fortunate to have and ingrained in all of us :)

EM said... 186

174 AggiesMom
Great post. It's all very true.
:0) Enjoyed reading your comment.

And Tamara, I agree with you.

Dallas Lady said... 187

Just popping in to say I'm where Sue Buddy is: I started my own personal Kate blackout several days ago.

I think it's what someone else said (heather?): you can REALLY tell that all she has left, all she has to grasp onto anymore are the criticisms of her. And the latest CC blog entry really sealed the deal for me--they allowed that to be posted. They don't care, they just want the hits. She was never hired for her money-saving expertise and that 100% confirmed it. They just wanted her to drive traffic to the site. They're in a mutually beneficial relationship and I'm not going to support it with any of my time or attention.

I know from having a narcissist mother the worst thing you can do to them is ignore them. And not just as a passive form of engagement, but truly ignoring them. As in moving on. Growing weary of their drama and just...dropping it all. Leaving them with no audience, because at the end of the day, they'll even take booing over silence.

I'm sure I'll glance at her idiotic twitters once in a while for a good laugh or eye roll, but I never followed her, never tweeted to her, and rarely ever read her mention feed (it's too hard to follow half the time, like coming in on the middle of a story with no beginning or end).

Y'all are a GREAT bunch, but what Sue Buddy said really resonated with me. It's spring, it's gorgeous out, and as it gets near summer some very exciting developments in my own life are gearing up. I find I want to focus on those things more. I only speak for myself, though, and have no judgment for ANYONE here. God knows Kate is fun to point and laugh at as she makes more and more of a fool of herself all the time.

I do hope admin will consider, as an experiment, seeing what happens when Kate is ignored for a couple of weeks.

I am going to continue to do a good deed every time I see Kate act like an asshole on Twitter. I feel like finally I can make something good of Kate's nastiness.

Take care, everyone.

Dallas Lady said... 188

Oh admin, a special thank you to you for having this blog here. Without it, I would have never found so many other people who saw right through Kate's BS and were willing to call her on it.

But she has fewer and fewer outlets for her BS all the time, and I'm satisfied with the fact that she is no longer on TV and will most likely never be on TV again.

Thanks again!

Sherry Baby said... 189

Dwindle said... Anyone remember that scene from the original Cheaper by the Dozen movie, where Clifton Webb has the childrens' tosillectomies done at home so he can have them filmed? Ruh-Roh...


The reason he had this done at home was not because he wanted the film for posterity as family memorabilia, but because he was interested in labor study, ways of getting things done quickly and efficiently in the smallest amount of time. Frank Gilbreth was a pioneer in motion study and time management. I directed the school play and did background research on him. He was quite a character.

Kate, on the other hand, is a pioneer in exploiting her children for fame and profit. She'd film the kids tonsils at home solely for the purpose of putting it in an episode.

Dallas Lady said... 190

It seems to have disappeared, but I wanted to say a special thank you to admin for having this blog. I got to find other people who saw through Kate's BS!

dee3 said... 191

Dallas Lady~

The problem is that this site is only one of several that keep her relevant and give her attention......and if we can't get the really virulent haters to shut the heck up on twitter, she would still be getting attention.

With someone like would have to be all or across the board black-out. As long as she can get ANY attention from any of them, I don't think just one site ignoring her would get any major satisfying results. As long as they get SOME attention or just a little attention, no matter from where, they will still bask in it and consider themselves relevant.

EM said... 192

188 - mscatie
I think you are correct in your assumptions.
People like to be heard by nature and kate really draws people out in their disgust or adulation for her.
I do like the fantasy though of people just letting her run her course with no assistance from them. I want to see her stand on her own merits and not just of the fact that she is polarizing.

I another reason i do not want a blackout on this blog is because I feel Admin puts a lot of time and effort into it. I wouldn't want to organize something to take that away from her. We all have taken vacations from it for our own personal reasons but i wouldn;t want to ask people to do it because i feel it's not right for admin to put effort in something and not have feedback. Like I said..even though we may help kate with damage control..she would never lead the media here and it would make her crazy to not have hate everywhere. It would look awful funny if she was complaining about haters yet neither she nor the fans would reveal where the "hate" is being posted. She would look crazy yammering about haters if no one saw what she was talking about. The ones who did find this blog though would quickly "get it". WIN/WIN.

Could you imagine CC or twitter comments for the sheep if there was no "hate" to refute? No "lies" to set straight. No battles to be won? It would be just the same few people repeating their adulation over and over. It would soon become clear that kate no longer garners hits and comments. To me that wold be awesome. I'm tired of seeing her collect cash for doing nothing and riding on the backs of her kids and detractors. Let that moocher EARN something for a change.

Sooverit said... 193

Sue Buddy 173, what you said makes sense to me. The interest in Kate's antics will eventually fade for most people. Reading this blog has been a fun little diversion for me. I guess I've hung around because I'd love to see Kate crash and burn (not literally, of course!). But really, her fade into obscurity will be a gradual thing. And, by definition, that won't happen while I'm watching. Darn! ~ Administrator said... 194

What I'm struggling with is Kate's last four twitter wars had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with us, not even a tiny bit. Even if we were dark Kate would still be up to no good. To review: melissa Ziegler, the Philly pap, Em Tanner and now Tony. Kind of amazing when you think about it that Kate gets herself into such messes all by herself with no help from her haters.

chefsummer #Leh said... 195

@Erica198668 don't have any. I keep photos digitally and someday will arrange them..isn't that what retirement is for? Lol!

I guess now that she can't get a TV show or any show she's retired now.

Let's all now hope that she stays retired from TV.

mscatie said... 196

I guess that was my point too, Admin. Narcissists will always find a feeding ground to nurture their narcissism. If not here or twitter, she'll find it elsewhere.

JudyK said... 197 (Administrator) said... 156
I think having such a deliberate effort to do that is just going to make us the butt of all the sheeple's jokes. And if even one person steps out of line because they didn't know what we are doing or are new to it or didn't understand, they will have a field day. See they couldn't do it!

I'm concerned it will look like we're playing blog wars which is something I never, ever wanted this site to be a part of and have successfully fought off.

That said I have no problem if people want to go off topic and never have. Have at it.

Last comment today, because I have serious work to accomplish, but I totally agree w/ this comment, although I understand why several people want a complete blackout.

JoyinVirginia said... 198

I want to talk about dwts for the next couple months. And survivor. And amazing race. And big brother will start again in July. I like the reality competition shows.
Gardening, flowers, nature, butterflies and the caterpillars that grow up to be butterflies. Right now central Virginia has a population explosion of inchworms, you can hardly take a walk without finding a couple on you when you come inside. It is a cycle they go thru every ten years or so. They will eventually turn into moths.
My azaleas are doing very well right now, and I have cardinals, mourning doves, bluebird, robins, other birds all over the place. There its an eagle cam following an eagle nest locally. Isn't spring grand! Oh, sorry, I meant !!!!!!!!
Ms Kreider is still boring.

Suggested topicsabout kids and reality TV: kids being down as part of Hoarders TV show, is potential benefit of having house cleaned up worth the potential risk of your literal dirty laundry and dirty everything else being on TV?
Kids on Intervention, is potential benefit of help to addict worth risk of having family including kids sometime on TV?
Celebrity divorces - will there need to be clauses to keep kids off reality TV?
Eden of toddlers and tiars has her own reality show starting on Logo (logo? The gay channel? What's up with that?) First episode is on April 16 at 10. Seriously, what is this all about and why in the world is it on logo at 10 pm?!?!? !!!!!
Talk amongst yourselves!

AuntieAnn said... 199

I think Kate's the one that should STFU not us. We're not going to wipe her off the map with a blackout. She's going, going, yep almost gone anyway. That's when I'll quit talking about her.

aggiemom09121416 said... 200

Instead of a black-out, I think some here are experiencing Kate burn-out.

Kate will be gone in time. If nothing materializes media-wise soon, surely she will have to re-access and start plan B. Twittering teenagers in the UK doesn't pay the bills. Going to Vegas in a freebie dress with a married man doesn't pay the mortgage.

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