Monday, April 2, 2012

Kate: 'It's a shame that Tony has been left only with a negative impression of our time together'

Kate's latest feud is with her former dance stomping-around partner

Tony Dovolani, Patron Saint of Dance Teachers
On Friday when CNN's Anderson Cooper asked if he was still traumatized by watching Kate Gosselin dance, Tony Dovolani replied: "Anderson, did you just call it dance? We didn't dance!" When asked if he needed a vacation after that, Tony said: "There was a lot of therapy involved."

Today, Kate posted an oh-so-serious response on Coupon Cabin. Said Kate: "I think it is a shame that Tony has been left only with a negative impression of our time together, especially after we spent SO many hours, days, nights and weeks working hard together doing our best in the competition. To Anderson Cooper I’d like to say this: I’d love the opportunity to be a front row spectator for your first dance as a competitor on the next season of Dancing With The Stars. C’mon , you know you’re hoping for a spot! I can only imagine how your view of the subject may change 180 degrees, not 360 degrees, if you are given the opportunity to cha cha cha! Hey, Anderson, if it does happen for you, what do you say I give you some dancing pointers over pizza sometime?"

Uh, I don't think Kate's history with pizza bodes well for that meeting. 

1079 sediments (sic) from readers:

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JudyK said... 1

Couldn't help myself...had to post on CC on this one.

What a mental case Kate is.

PJ's momma said... 2

Anderson Cooper doesn't have time to dance, Kate. You know why? Because he has TWO shows on....wait for it....GASP....TV!!!! When he's on hiatus, he goes around the world reporting from very dangerous places so the people who DO keep up with the news can have a first-hand account of world events. He doesn't need the publicity nor the money, you stupid hag.

KAT said... 3

How dare she use coupon cabin to air her personal opinions about someone....I would fire her ass. Thats not what she was hired to do...I can't believe they let that go to print. Who's asleep at the wheel over there...

aggiemom09121416 said... 4

Gloves are off.


ouch! ~ Administrator said... 5

I think the gauntlet has been thrown down. Anderson should invite her on his show over pizza, then destroy her. He obviously can't stand her.

And I bet Anderson would do great on Dancing With the Stars. He would work hard.

JudyK said... 6

Surprise, surprise, it appears that CC has already deleted Kate's Tony submission. ~ Administrator said... 7

Yeah really. Anderson's Hurricane Katrina reporting was Pulitzer Prize worthy. He doesn't have time for Kate and I think that's why he can't stand her--because she is so lame compared to what else is going on.

Here's just a paragraph from his CNN bio: Cooper and Anderson Cooper 360° have won several major journalism awards, including multiple Emmy awards. Cooper has also earned a National Headliners Award for his tsunami coverage, an Emmy Award for his contribution to ABC's coverage of Princess Diana's funeral; a Silver Plaque from the Chicago International Film Festival for his report from Sarajevo on the Bosnian civil war; a Bronze Telly for his coverage of famine in Somalia; a Bronze Award from the National Educational Film and Video Festival for a report on political Islam; and a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding TV Journalism for his 20/20 Downtown report on high school athlete Corey Johnson.

Cooper graduated from Yale University in 1989 with a bachelor of arts degree in political science. He also studied Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi. ~ Administrator said... 8

Judy it's still there. I don't think they deleted it. Hell no. ~ Administrator said... 9

See Kate is so lost in "I must be right!!!" that she can't see this as an opportunity.

How about challenge Anderson to a dance off. A professional partner will teach them each a dance in 30 minutes and Tony will judge, whoever does it better wins. Anderson just might go for something fun like that.

But no she has to be so offended and stomp her feet and say NO you all are wrong stop making fun of me!

AuntieAnn said... 10

I hope Anderson ignores her. It drives her nuts.

dmasy said... 11

Admin -- you are GOOD! How did you put that all together so quickly! I really enjoyed the 360 clip. I had not seen it. Thanks.

aggiemom09121416 said... 12

Kate's response to Tony and Anderson should not have been on a coupon blog. She's coming completely unhinged.
CC should fire her for what she posted today. Grossly unprofessional. ~ Administrator said... 13

Since this has come up so often lately, further proof about what a hard time narcissists have with a sense of humor. She doesn't get it. She can't step back and realize they were just joking and just laugh with them.

She could have laughed with them. But now she's turned it into they were laughing AT her. ~ Administrator said... 14

Aggie blogs are not hard. They are not a "job," not blogs like this one anyway. Kate shouldn't be spending more than 10 minutes a day on the drivel she puts out there. And to think I have to go off to work and she can just stay at home and do exactly what I do on this blog!

Mandy said... 15

Still sticking by my original observation that there is a much simpler explanation for this post. It's a deliberate move on Coupon Cabin's part to generate more hits. Opening up the comments last week was wildly successful, so they are now playing Kate, as well as playing on the Kate controversy to make some money off her while they ride off her contract.

JudyK said... 16

Yep, it's still are the posts so far in case you don't want to give CC a hit: (And I won't do anymore c/p after this.)

MamaD 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
Ok...if MY job was to post blogs that helped people save money and I showed MY boss this self-serving pile of crap, I'd be re-writing my post and/or finding a new job. Why does CC allow this? Coupon Cabin...this is ridiculous already. Please hire someone that doesn't have their own agenda and can truly offer some REAL advice on how to use coupons and save REAL money.

A Liked Reply 6 minutes ago 2 LikesF

Couponmommy24 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
I respect that you feel the need to defend yourself, but this is not the place. Your job is to provide helpful saving tips to the readers. So far you have not done that. Your life is yours alone to live so the places you go and the things you buy yourself are your business, but please get some informed information on savings and then blog. I see nothing about Easter savings. Perhaps you should have looked up coupons for children's Easter clothing, basket items, and menu items. I am very disappointed in CC for allowing this to be blogged about especially when you have your own website you can vent on. And I will say that if you can laugh about crude jokes at your expense in Vegas, you should be able to laugh at jokes about your dancing and attitude during your time on DWTS.

A Liked Reply 7 minutes ago 2 LikesF

Judy 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
It's spelled "camaraderie" you numbskull...what a joke you are and what a joke you are making of Coupon Cabin.

Edit Reply 12 minutes ago 0 Like F


bb12338 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
I didn't learn anything about couponing? make a joke? Why are you letting this fake person make you look so bad. She will turn on you soon because she always does this to everyone who she comes in contact with.

A Like Reply 25 minutes ago 3 Likes F

Yoyome 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
Way to go Kate! It's easy for others to make fun of things they've never tried. Can't wait to see AC on DWTS! Ha!

A Like Reply 49 minutes ago 2 Likes F

KAT said... 17

Why didn't she put that self serving article on her site? C'mon coupon can't be this stupid

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 18

This is what happens when you anger the Katie-Kraken.

Poor Tony. What the hell did he do to deserve
Kate as a partner?

It's amazing how everyone around her sees what a disaster she is, many make fun of her-
and yet she claims she is having a great time, and that she made "lifelong (yeah, right)" friends. What is wrong with her?

Does she relly think Anderson is going to change his mind about her over pizza? Anderson knew what kind of a person Kate was/is since the beginning.

I guess first & second impressions of Kate are always going to be dicey. She has to beg for another chance to behave better.

What I want to know is, who dropped her on her head as an infant?

Mandy said... 19

ride "out" her contract.

Kat, they are not stupid at all. Look at all the buzz they've generated within a few short minutes of publishing that post.

I agree that they have no more integrity than Kate, but it was a smart business move.

The best thing to do is ignore it and not comment on it. It's been posted on this blog. No need to hit the site.

Kate is a twit said... 20

Is she going to tweet a link to this great money saving article like she usually does?

Maybe she's hoping she'll make the Ridiculist again.

I really think she trying to deflect attention away from the story about her and Steve. People will talk about this now instead. She did really seem panic-stricken when Milo tweeted her about the picture. If the RumorFix story is true, she was worried that there was a picture showing Steve with his arm around her.

I wonder if CC actually looks are the articles before they're posted, or just give her free reign to post what she wants. If they saw this and still let it be published, they're no better than she is.

Call Me Crazy said... 21

I don't want to miss the party on this one. Bringing this post over from the previous thread.

Well, in her overly dramatic, poor pitiful me style, she once again has to lie to make herself appear that the world is victimizing her. She said she is "a girl who had never taken one single dance step in her life." Puhleez. She was a stinking cheerleader for heaven sakes. They have been known to do a little dancing in their routines. And didn't she and Jon take dance lessons? She is such a lying liar who lies and lies.

And how about that dig she got in to Tony about "the first eliminated" as if it justifies everything she said about his inability to teach her. She has such a nasty nature.

Audible Click said... 22

"Stars, and with it came a lengthy discussion about… Me!"
I thought it was a spoof when I read this line "Stars, and with it came a lengthy discussion about… Me!" apparently not. All aboard the ME train Kate is back in town! She doesn't just burn bridges she dynamites them. Anyone with two working synapses would know that you don't refer to a nationally recognized interviewer in anything but polite terms, especially if you want some sort of career, car shows,supermarket openings, envelope openings, etc.

NJGal51 said... 23

Kate you're not in his league. When he see your little tirade he'll laugh it off just as he's laughed you off. You don't want to get into a war of words with him and I don't think that you'd get the kid glove treatment that you've enjoyed in the past. The gloves are off now honey and you're fair game. DWTS? He's "A" list my dear and doesn't need DWTS although I'm sure he'd actually put in the work were he to be on. Does CC have coupons for nails becasue at the rate your using them to nail your coffin shut you're going to need some coupons.

OT, I agree with those on the previous thread that said Lou should have gone instead of Dee. I'm glad that Debbie is gone becasue she was sooooo annoying. Now if God will answer my prayers Aubry will be next (how annoying was she last night!).

chefsummer #Leh said... 24

Show me one person that has had something postive to say after meeting Kate.

That weren't paid to be around her or paid to say it.

aggiemom09121416 said... 25

Well, at least we know why Kate is 'grumpy'.

If CC blog did approve her latest entry, then shame on them. Grossly unprofessional and off topic.

Stupid Is said... 26

No, it's still up at CC.

Mel said... 27

No way in h*ll did she write that blog. Too much subtly that is completely over her head.

I agree that it's just a red herring to draw attention away from the Steve's her boyfriend thing in Las Vegas.

It happens every time there's a chance she's going to be outed about something. Voila! We have something new to distract us.

Gah, Kate. You're soooo predictable.

LB said... 28

Wait, they only spoke about her for 34 seconds out of the whole interview? Wow, so lame of her to throw a fit over THAT.

aggiemom09121416 said... 29

NJGal51 #23 said..
Does CC have coupons for nails because at the rate your using them to nail your coffin shut you're going to need some coupons.

Thanks for the laugh, you have a great sense of humor. That is my laugh of the day!! :)

Kate is a twit said... 30

And just 3 short days ago, when she tweeted about Brad Garrett, Kate was saying how she can laugh at herself.

@xxxx @Kateplusmy8 Only those secure in themselves can laugh at themselves.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@xxxx @xxxx I am and oh I sure do! :) I like to laugh!:)

Yeah, that article reeks of how secure she is in herself.

OK-so who's going to be next in line to bear the wrath of Kate?

Laurie said... 31

I agree with Mel, no way in hell did she write that alone. She's not smart enough to get in all those subtle little digs (180 vs 360, meet over pizza). While she thinks she's being clever, she's just digging her hole deeper and deeper and pretty soon no rope will be long enough to pull her out.

AuntieAnn said... 32 came a lengthy discussion about… Me!

God she repulsive. ~ Administrator said... 33

Also I think all Anderson would have to do is phone up DWTS and he would be in.

Number one, he works. Number two he's said many times he doesn't like to dance. So, end of story.

Audible Click said... 34

I remember a RHONYC being described as a "Thug in a cocktail dress" and that's what pops into my mind when I see the photos of her in her prom dresses.

Kate is a twit said... 35

By the way, all the blogs at CC(not just Kate's) are open to comments. I don't think they were before. So it could be that CC opened comments to get feedback for all blogs, but didn't expect the feedback Kate got.

This is in no way a defense of CC. But it looked like something they did across the board.

Anonymous said... 36

I see where she said this (what, 30 some second) conversation was a "lengthy" discussion. Anything she doesn't like probably feels like an eternity to her.

I don't frequent Coupon Cabin but for anyone who does, is this the sort of personal tirade they expect to read?

Anderson Cooper has a rather privileged background and probably could have just sat back and existed. I am really impressed how he has worked hard to get where he is today.

Much as I don't want to see her on TV again, I do hope Anderson invites her on his show but I doubt even he could tolerate her for an interview.


A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 37

Thanks for bringing the comments over here, JudyK. I refuse to give CC any hits.

This comment on Kate's CC blog hit it on the nose:

Couponmommy24 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

I respect that you feel the need to defend yourself, but this is not the place. Your job is to provide helpful saving tips to the readers. So far you have not done that. Your life is yours alone to live so the places you go and the things you buy yourself are your business, but please get some informed information on savings and then blog. I see nothing about Easter savings. Perhaps you should have looked up coupons for children's Easter clothing, basket items, and menu items. I am very disappointed in CC for allowing this to be blogged about especially when you have your own website you can vent on. And I will say that if you can laugh about crude jokes at your expense in Vegas, you should be able to laugh at jokes about your dancing and attitude during your time on DWTS.

Winsomeone said... 38

I am sure Kate thinks she is Anderson Cooper's equal. Once Jon told everyone that Kate was as well known as Princess Di. In their minds, the whole world knows who they are.

AuntieAnn said... 39 (Administrator) said... 7

Here's just a paragraph from his CNN bio: Cooper and Anderson Cooper 360° have won several major journalism awards, including multiple Emmy awards. Cooper has also earned a National Headliners Award for his tsunami coverage, an Emmy Award for his contribution to ABC's coverage of Princess Diana's funeral; a Silver Plaque from the Chicago International Film Festival for his report from Sarajevo on the Bosnian civil war; a Bronze Telly for his coverage of famine in Somalia; a Bronze Award from the National Educational Film and Video Festival for a report on political Islam; and a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding TV Journalism for his 20/20 Downtown report on high school athlete Corey Johnson.

Cooper graduated from Yale University in 1989 with a bachelor of arts degree in political science. He also studied Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi.

Well, maybe Kate will know this now seeing as though she reads here. You've done her homework for her again. Her ignorance of others and self-centeredness is her downfall. Serves her right that she's getting trashed everywhere she goes now...even Vegas. I wonder what Brad said about her that made her so grouchy. I hope someone Youtubes his act.

aggiemom09121416 said... 40

Sometimes I wonder what it's like to live in Kate's world. She thought she had a free ride for the rest of her life, instead TLC took her on one last wild ride in the RV from hell..then, they axed her. She faces daily ridicule from people on the internet (twitter). In the past month alone, she had to spend the kid's spring break at home with the kiddies going through old clothes, didn't get to go on an all-expense paid vaca for spring break, did go on a 5 day birthday vacation for herself with a man most of the country believes she is bedding, knows that her ex-husband is happy, has a book about to be released, her ex mother-in-law is back in her kids' lives, and now this latest ridicule from Anderson and her old dance partner.OOps, forgot the EM Tanner debacle..list goes on and on....
She seems to be catching hell from every direction.
I wonder what the rest of the year is going to hold for Kate? And wonder how the cruise is coming along??
If the woman wasn't so nasty, I might could work up some empathy for her.

Andrea said... 41

All I can say for the latest coupon crappers post is at least she is not exploiting her children. She is burning more bridges every day. I wonder how she will cross a river once all the bridges are burned.

Kate is a twit said... 42

Maybe she's hoping Anderson will ask her on his show, and that's why she wrote the article.

Perhaps Steve helped her write it while they were on the plane coming home from Vegas.

Still waiting to see if she and CC will do their regular tweets to promote the article. So far nothing yet.

Sue Buddy said... 43

Apparently Coupuon Cabin figured they got enough hits from Kate's birthday blog that even if this stunt loses a few couponers it's worth it for all the added hits and controversy.

Tucker's Mom said... 44

If CC thinks that getting a lot of hits from a mean spirited, self serving diatribe is a good thing, they are sorely myopic. A bunch of amateur, instant gratification dilettantes.
You can't buy a reputation and at this point, CC is beyond a joke.

Ex Nurse said... 45

Call me crazy said.....21
And how about that dig she got in to Tony about "the first eliminated" as if it justifies everything she said about his inability to teach her. She has such a nasty nature.
In her mind, this confirms that she was the reason they lasted for 4 or 5? weeks--she was carrying him!

At least she didn't drag in all of the drama of her divorce and custody battles--or, the kids--as an excuse for her miserable performance!

Thanks for kind thoughts, guys...I fell forward down a flight of stepsmissed the top one. My right wrist has a fractured bone and nasty sprain, but I can use my little external Ipad keyboard to type.

Layla said... 46

Anderson Cooper--A VANDERBILT--on DWTS....really. Oh, yes, what a wonderful idea. Let's throw in a Rockefeller or two, maybe a couple Astors. Oh, and Bunny Mellon is still around, let's have her on there, too! Cause we all know they want to! But first they all simply must go have pizza with Kate Gosselin so she can give them a few pointers.
Ugh, she is revolting.

Mary said... 47

You should have included the results of the poll on a website where they asked if Tony should have received a mirror ball just for putting up with her.

98.59% voted "yes"

Call Me Crazy said... 48

Ex Nurse. That sounds like a nasty fall. I hope you mend quickly. Selfishly, I'm glad you are able to use your iPad to type so you can continue to share your thoughts.

Tucker's Mom said... 49

Boyson said... 49
Kate should have posted this on her OWN webpage.

There is no excuse or reason to post her personal garbage on CC..
I think this is all on CC. Watching Kate's "first day of work" at CC, it appeared that the average age is around 23. I'm afraid there's not a lot of good judgement or business savvy, rather they are "star struck" with the likes of Kate.

Karen said... 50

Doesn't she normally tweeet when she puts up a post on CC? I haven't seen that yet, or I am missing something...? Makes me wonder why she's not promoting this latest post. I think it's purely pathetic that she uses CC as her own personal place to trash people who were clearly joking around. Guess her skin isn't as thick as she'd like us to think it is. Or she's just a plain tool. Not sure which at this point.

Tala said... 51

She doesn't just burn bridges she dynamites them. 22

Audible click, thanks for the laugh.

Preesi has a great pic of Kate and burning bridges, btw.

Localyocul said... 52

Has anyone heard what the jokes were exactly that Brad Garret told about her? I would love to know.

JudyK said... 53

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 37
Thanks for bringing the comments over here, JudyK. I refuse to give CC any hits.

This comment on Kate's CC blog hit it on the nose:

Couponmommy24 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

I respect that you feel the need to defend yourself, but this is not the place. Your job is to provide helpful saving tips to the readers. So far you have not done that. Your life is yours alone to live so the places you go and the things you buy yourself are your business, but please get some informed information on savings and then blog. I see nothing about Easter savings. Perhaps you should have looked up coupons for children's Easter clothing, basket items, and menu items. I am very disappointed in CC for allowing this to be blogged about especially when you have your own website you can vent on. And I will say that if you can laugh about crude jokes at your expense in Vegas, you should be able to laugh at jokes about your dancing and attitude during your time on DWTS.

Hi Pink...agree w/ you!

Emma love said... 54

Yes, Kreider, it IS a shame that Tony is left only with a negative impression of your time together. He's not the only one.

carrie said... 55

wasnt the coupon blog suppose to be about coupons i hope she gets in trouble with the owner for doing her own personal agenda but then again kate is about kate

carrie said... 56

love this blog thanks for the daily laughs keep up the good work

NJGal51 said... 57

I have to wonder if Kate is still represented by anyone in PR (JCM?). If so, JCM must be pulling her hair out right about now. Kate, this isnt the little Philly photog you're dealing with now. Anderson Cooper is the major leagues and you're still in the minors. I think that after reading here and feeling some of the backlash she may just come out and say that the whole blog was meant as a joke and we don't have sense of humor. Maybe if we'd been INVITED to see Brad Garret as she was (and she does keep reminding everyone that she was invited by Brad himself) we'd see the humor in it. I guess she doesn't realize that she was invited so she could be the butt of some of his jokes. It's always finnier if the butt of the joke is in the audience.

cathyn518 said... 58

The worse thing to come out of this is any attention that encourages Kate's fame whoring ways. I expect that Anderson would let this go because it is beneath him but the worse thing in this situation is to feed the beast which is Kate's insatiable ego.

aggiemom09121416 said... 59

I think she keeps saying 'invite' since it lends to speculation that her trip costs didn't come out of her pocket.
I think she is pissed she was outed about this latest trip. I don't think she wanted anyone to know where she went or that she was even gone from PA.
Her twitter silence proves she is pissed about something. Am hoping the dog steers clear of Kate's wrath today.

Tucker's Mom said... 60

It is funny how no trip or fun is missed by Kate, but the kids' spring break? They get to do homework and housework.
It's unreal how she puts her needs and desires up front.
I wonder if she's put down a payment on a shore rental this year.

SeeSaw said... 61

Several Kate haters are tweeting AC about Kate's blog. So far no response. Funny this week on AC is devoted to fascinating women. Guess Kate's invite got lost in the mail.

JudyK said... 62

Trying again...Pink #37...agree that Couponmommy24 did a great job!

JudyK said... 63

I believe Anderson Cooper is repeats this week--at least today was a repeat.

Anonymous said... 64

I agree, that CC is not the place for personal vendetta's. But as I posted on the other thread: Kate has been cocky, self-assured and bitchy. Kate is playing with a double-edged sword, she will cut herself, wil forget and lash out at wrong person or trip herself up, big time.

Oh, how come Kate is not supporting her buddy from the View Sheri, since Sheri was a big fan and supporter of Kate when she was on DWTS? Could it be cause, Sheri did not ask the producers of the View to have Kate as a sub-co-host, while she was away? You no ticky, no washy deal with Kate. You don't have me on the show so, I will not watch and support you?
Kate is getting reckless and all of the above, and fighting. She is like Humpty Dumpty.

SeeSaw said... 65

JudyK I think the fascinating women are on Anderson's daytime show. He's promoting it on Twitter.

JudyK said... 66

Anger Issues #64:

Great analogy...and now I have to get busy!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses, And all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again!

Kate is a twit said... 67

Has anyone seen where a tweeter name Badd Garrett

"Sad to see some haters on Twitter giving @kateplusmy8 a hard time for being invited to the opening of Brad Garrett's Comedy Club"

His avatar is a picture of the real Brad and some of the sheeple thinks it's Brad and are retweeting his tweet. One even thanked him and is following him. They believe the real Brad is sticking up for Kate.

JudyK said... 68

SeeSaw #65: It's his daytime show I'm talking about...maybe JUST today was a repeat!

Thanks--I watch him everyday!

Tucker's Mom said... 69

Kate has specifically spoken about NOT watching dwts. It's like she's thumbing her nose at Tony and maybe even Sherri.
Poor Martina Navratalova. I'm sure she had to hear Kate's name a hundred times since being paired with Tony. And I think she had the same costumer that Kate did.
Holy. Hell. That outfit was just undignified.

Zayna said... 70

From the CC article - "...on this season’s Dancing With The Stars, and with it came a lengthy discussion about… Me!"

Only a narcissist would take a tiny blurb about themselves and turn it into a "lengthy discussion".

Like Admin said, "Get over yourself already."

I hope CC realizes that they are chipping away at their credibility (even more since hiring Kate to begin with) with people who are genuinely interested in their services.

Who goes to a coupon site to read that kind of self-serving drivel?

Personally, I think the reason Kate didn't post that "rebuttal" on her own blog is because no one would have read it.

Does she really believe her kids are going to grow up and one day thank her for all of this nonsense?

"Oh, we had to clean out closets and "play" school over our March Break but YOU got to go to L.A. with Steve to have a few laughs and have your picture taken."

Yeah, whatever. Keep dreamin' Katie.

As for Jon's book, I'm keeping an open mind. Like others have said, I believe it is possible for him to shed light on the issues of reality t.v. and how it affected his family without exploiting the kids further.

Reminds me of what Lance Loud from An American Family was quoted as saying about his reality t.v. experience before he died...

"Television ate my family."

Pretty profound for only four words.

Zayna said... 71

Oh,'s me Sheri...Zayna is an old pseudonym. Tricky business this new having similar issues with wordpress. *sigh*

Susantoyota said... 72

anger issues kate said... 64
I agree, that CC is not the place for personal vendetta's. But as I posted on the other thread: Kate has been cocky, self-assured and bitchy. Kate is playing with a double-edged sword, she will cut herself, wil forget and lash out at wrong person or trip herself up, big time.

Oh, how come Kate is not supporting her buddy from the View Sheri, since Sheri was a big fan and supporter of Kate when she was on DWTS? Could it be cause, Sheri did not ask the producers of the View to have Kate as a sub-co-host, while she was away? You no ticky, no washy deal with Kate. You don't have me on the show so, I will not watch and support you?
Kate is getting reckless and all of the above, and fighting. She is like Humpty Dumpty.

Or the Marie Antoinette of the 21st century.


Oh, God. It's started. She'll be able to milk this for a week. With any luck, it will carry her thru the Gosselin kids' non-activities of Easter as she'll be too busy defending her good name. Snark.

Aeduko said... 73

According to ROL, Kate had another twitter war because someone called her a tranny so she blocked her. We all saw the tweet here; would hardly call it a war.

Seeing as ROL isn't a blog so commenters aren't bloggers, does anyone know who that idiot Bree is over there?

Tucker's Mom said... 74

Why on earth would Brad Garrett invite Kate to his opening? It makes no sense at all.
I'll tell you why "haterz" are getting on her case about it-- it's because she leaves her kids on her custody time ALL THE TIME.
She'd leave them behind for an envelope opening and denies herself nothing, while the kiddos (who have worked their whole lives) get to wear oversized clothing and do chores at home.

Andrea said... 75

Has anyone seen where a tweeter name Badd Garrett

Face Palm, they cant even see that the first name is spelled wrong and that the account is not verified.

Anonymous said... 76

So Kate is not watching DWTS? And what about her buddy Sherri? No support? Kate has not mentioned one word about Sherri. I suppose now she will.

Stupid Is said... 77

I agree that the same dressmaker worked on Kate and Martina. Martina didn't deserve that.

ALSO, as someone else said, Martina was voted off because LAUGHING AT HER wasn't an option. She's respected, unlike Kate.

Did anybody realize that Brad Garrett and Sheri Shephard were partners on Everybody Loves Raymond?

Anonymous said... 78

I see no mention yet of CC blog. I suppose she will have the slop of the day up soon and some crap on her blog about the kids or the trip.

Mary said... 79

Kate insists that anyone who meets her will see how nice she is.

She says she spent hours and hours with Tony and yet he has negative feelings towards her.

Care to explain Kate?

Anonymous said... 80

Yeah, I wonder when, which day she is gonna run around , like a chicken without a head about Easter? Or come up with some half ass excuse on why the kids are not having one this year, or that she will CC blog that she waited to Easter monday to get bargins.

Kate is a twit said... 81

Aeduko said... 73

I don't know who Bree is-but obviously she too believes that tweet was from Brad Garrett because she made this comment on the ROL article:

"Why not an article about Brad Garrett calling the haters who harassed Kate for going to his show TROLLS with no LIVES? Now THERE is a worthwhile story about a celeb telling it like it is re: HATERS."

Someone pass the popcorn please?

emschick1128 said... 82

Why is CC allowing this rant on their coupon site?? Nothing she writes about anyway every has anything to do with actually saving money. It's always just her talking about herself. Furthermore, who is going to listen to someone who drives 3 cars talk about saving money on gas or flying to NY to get their hair done?? She's nothing but a hypocrite.

readerlady said... 83

I was off-line all morning and look what I missed! So much for KK's claim that if people spend time with her they grow to love her. Um, no, they just learn more ways to dislike her. KK has a lot of audacity to take on AC. It would be funny for him to have her on his show but I think he's too classy to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

CC is losing what little credibility it had by allowing her to post this crap.

Anonymous said... 84

How is Kate talking about her former reality TV self, dancing or otherwise helping to promote CC?

You know it is her job...if you can call it that. No normal employee and or company otherwise I do not think would allow you to sit and type out personal feelings as she has been allowed to in the past.

Someone needs to pull the plug. She is doing nothing really. I didn't see one shred of use this article could be to someone looking for coupon advice.

Most jobs you know what you go to do, either its written in your contract or something similar. Promoting your issues, gossip or something you don't like someone said about you is no place for your working hours.

It's inappropriate for business to allow employees to carry on like Kate has and they honestly need to let her go.

tate said... 85

Why didn't Kate tweet congratulations to her bff Taylor Swift and her many Country Music Award wins last night? Seems like she would have done that if she is such close friends to Taylor and her mother as she has previously claimed.

dee3 said... 86

Hahahaha! "Tony Dovolani, patron saint of dance teachers" and the mug on his partner in that photo. That made me laugh harder than any entry you've posted yet. That's hysterical!
There's almost nothing better than suddenly bursting out howling at something that strikes you as really funny.

I agree with all those here who think that the reason CC is allowing or even encouraging these blogs she's writing about herself is because they are looking for the hits, seeing them as exposure.

And to be honest, I can kinda see their point. Most of the comments that are asking what the hell this stuff is doing on a couponing site are likely from those who already don't think too highly of her and came over intentionally to see what she wrote. But they could be hoping that just the hoopla will attract some who don't really know Kate but come to see what the heck is going on....and then get some business from them.
And kinda makes sense. All it needs to do is end up on ROL, etc.....and quite a few who might have never gone to CC might go over there just to check out the drama. The big question is gonna be.....will it relate to additional dollars for them?

Regarding what Kate actually wrote. Hold on, I have to put on my narcissist 3-D glasses. :D's what I'm seeing: During the whole DWTS debacle, SHE was having a good ole' time being in the limelight. It doesn't matter that poor Tony Dovolani (and probably everyone else there at the time) weren't having such a great time having to deal with her. She's a narcissist and has no ALL she saw and all she remembers is what a great time SHE was having. What the others were going through doesn't even compute or register to her. She ONLY remembers how SHE felt and can't possibly comprehend that others might not have been having the same experience.

And then, yeah....there's all the "how dare he criticize me" and all that....the typical narcissist stuff. But that one section really intrigues me.....where she genuinely seems to recollect it being a great time and just not getting that the other person might not have. Just a little variation on the thinking and perception through a narcissist's eyes. I mean, to me, she really seems quite baffled that his recollection is not exactly the same as hers.

JoyinVirginia said... 87

I agree with others who think the cc post its just there for hits. Tony is one of the most patient, skilled, and beloved pros on dwts. When his dwts fans find the post they will make the hits grow geometrically.
Not only is Anderson Cooper a real pro with talent, drive, education, and the most adorable blue eyes ever; he comes from old money and society. His mother is Gloria Vanderbilt, famous designer. His great-something grandfather was Cornelius Vanderbilt the railroad tycoon.
If Ms Kreider could get in on the joke, maybe she could have been invited back for the dwts hall of fame awards. She was seriously a worse dancer than Kenny Mayne of espn. But - Kenny is willing to poke fun at himself. That is a big reason he gets invited back every season, and why he won the worst dancer ever award.
At least with her attack blog, Ms Kreider has done something slightly interesting that does not involve any children.

aggiemom09121416 said... 88

Tucker's Mom said... 69

Kate has specifically spoken about NOT watching dwts. It's like she's thumbing her nose at Tony and maybe even Sherri.

I don't watch DWTS, but seems like Kate made a big production about sitting on her couch with the twins, getting ready for the start of this season. Seems like that was when some shitfest started on twitter, seems like it was the EM Tanner spectacle? Kate got blasted on twitter all night, it was hilarious.

Poor little misunderstood Kate. She sure is pissed today, hasn't been on twitter today.

hoosiergirl said... 89

Sorry CC customers. Kate will blog about Easter savings on the Monday after. Something like ..

Go buy all that Easter candy that's on sale today and save it for next year. Or, if that darned Halloween sneaks up on you like it did me last year, you can also use Easter candy for Halloween. Love, Kate XOXO

AMD said... 90

".....I’d love the opportunity to be a front row spectator for your first dance as a competitor on the next season of Dancing With The Stars."
She's also grifting for an all-expense paid trip to DWTS. Hopefully all parties will ignore her. ~ Administrator said... 91

That's a narcissist for you, rewriting history. Now it was a great time? The truth is the footage shows both of them pretty miserable.

dee3 said... 92

I think that one of the biggest things that has intrigued us about the whole Kate saga is how she has make bad behavior work in her favor....simply because it attracts so many who are appalled by it and just can't look away from the train-wreck drama.

And here we go again. And I think CC is totally aware of this and intentionally allowing it....probably even encouraging it. And for something like a coupon might actually translate into profit for them.

The cruise might be another story....but I'm now wondering if all of Cindy C.'s drama was intentional....with the same goal in mind. Ya nevah know.

Kate's not really getting what she wants as she thinks she deserves far, far better.....but strangely enough, the most bizarre things seem to _______________________

Oh...and for Brad Garrett (who I've read is a bigot? I'd not known that):

The "trolls" as you call us have not been jumping on Kate for going to see YOUR show. Has nothing to do with YOU. It has to do with 1) her relationship with her "bodyguard" and 2) her crying poor and then treating herself to trips.
Get over yourself.

dee3 said... 93

shoot....I somehow cut off the rest of the sentence.
Was supposed to be "but strangely enough, the most bizarre things seem to work in her favor". Sorry about that.

I'd thought of that also...that she'd looked miserable too. But considering her love of the limelight, it might be that at that time, her happiness about being such a big deal back then might have been making her very happy....even while others, including Tony, were annoying her (because she didn't want to have to do anything hard, as usual).....and might now cause her recollection to be mainly of how great it was to be the center of attention back then. Especially compared to now. And she really WAS quite the center of attention when she was on DTWS. Mostly negative attention, but narcissistic fill just the same.

I think it's possible that HER recollection is of having a great time....because it was all about HER. The fact that others were annoying her and making her irritable at the time.....well, that happens to Kate all the time. She's completely used to it and it just goes with the territory of being a narcissist and thinking you're better than others. Almost everyone annoys her who's not giving her exactly what she wants....and that's just about everyone else on the planet. Not nearly as big a deal to her as her recollection of what a STAH she was back the prom queen putting on her crown and admiring herself in the mirror.....20 years later.

Georgia Peach said... 94

Looks like ROL is following Katie's twitter feed, but they don't read CC.

Another Day Another Twitter War! Kate Gosselin Bans Follower For Calling Her A ‘Tranny’

Posted on Apr 02, 2012 @ 02:00PM
print it send it

By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Entertainment Editor

Kate Gosselin can take a lot of heckling, but being called a “tranny” is one thing she won’t tolerate.

Famous for her Twitter fights, Kate banned a follower on Sunday after they wrote “No answer, you stupid, talentless tranny? C'mon, tell me 'have a nice day' & block me...can't have ppl telling you the truth!”

That was all it took for the Kate Plus 8 reality star to get rid of them!

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin Through The Years

“nope. Can't have people bullying, name calling, and telling UNTRUTHS... So, yes, you are now blocked,” Kate wrote about the offensive Tweet.

The 37-year-old mother of eight just returned from a quick trip in Las Vegas, where she was spotted getting cozy with her bodyguard Steve Neild at the grand opening of Brad Garret’s comedy club at the MGM Grand.

Kate recently battled with a Philadelphia reporter when he called Steve her boyfriend, slamming his version of their night out together at a charity event.

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin Reports For Work At Coupon Cabin

She even slammed her ex Jon Gosselin, telling one of her followers that she uses “restraint” despite knowing such bad things about him!

AMD said... 95

"....I made many lifelong friends....."
Names, please?!?! Tony would have been one of them if she'd treated him with respect.

Anonymous said... 96

Milo is ecstatic; just tweeted that Anderson Cooper is 'following' her.


Once a Viewer said... 97

I think she is getting worse. I really do think she is headed for a breakdown. It seems like her version of the truth had to be putout there, not dealt with like an adult. I don't think she sees the truth about much, but lately she has seemed more volatile and able to 'see other people' when they have something negative to say...oh those poor kids...

Pity Party said... 98

Didn't she just get back from a comedy show where she was slammed even as she sat on the front row laughing her ass off while some about her thought it was not nearly as funny as she did.

And we know she has a thing for silver-haired AC, because she can't keep her hands to herself when she is near him.

And Sherri Shepherd, she is putting in the work and is a contender straight out of the gate. Who knew? Never thought I would support her, but can't wait to see how she does tonight.

Old Money, New Money, No Money said... 99

JoyinVirginia said... 87
I agree with others who think the cc post its just there for hits. Tony is one of the most patient, skilled, and beloved pros on dwts. When his dwts fans find the post they will make the hits grow geometrically.
Not only is Anderson Cooper a real pro with talent, drive, education, and the most adorable blue eyes ever; he comes from old money and society. His mother is Gloria Vanderbilt, famous designer. His great-something grandfather was Cornelius Vanderbilt the railroad tycoon.


Are we supposed to respect Anderson Cooper more because he comes from "old money and society?" Who cares? Paris Hilton comes from old $ and society also. Does that make her any less of a no-talent fame whore?

Susantoyota said... 100

dee3 said... 92

The cruise might be another story....but I'm now wondering if all of Cindy C.'s drama was intentional....with the same goal in mind. Ya nevah know.

I think the cruise will be a different story in that it will fail despite Cindy C.'s drama and efforts. The sheeple don't have the money and people who are on to Katie Irene aren't going to spend that type of money to support/inflate her ego. It's too easy to sit at home and watch the drama on twitter. Beats a craft class any day!

Oh...and for Brad Garrett (who I've read is a bigot? I'd not known that):

Whoops! I think I put the bigot comment out there--but said racist--when I was thinking of the guy (Michael Richards) that played Kramer on Seinfield and his remarks a few years ago from the stage. However, Brad Garrett did make racist comments to a paparazzo within the last few years. Katie Irene probably wanted to commiserate with him about all the attention they get from those . . those people.

She's delusional. I too would love to see a transcript of the jokes he told about Katie Irene. I do wish he hadn't said "don't worry honey . . . you'll get another show" afterwards. Just feeds her delusional mindset. Brad said I would get another show!! ~ Administrator said... 101

I didn't know about Anderson's background until recently. I respect him for his fantastic journalism work not who he is. On that basis alone he is so far out of Kate's league. That said I respect he made a name for himself and didn't just live off the family money which would have been a lot easier. Hard work is attractive.

AuntieAnn said... 102

AMD said... 95

"....I made many lifelong friends....."
Names, please?!?! Tony would have been one of them if she'd treated him with respect.

I don't see too many people from her stint on DWTS tweeting her. She tweets them (say hi to _____) but none of them responded except Evan Lysacek ONCE.

She's down to Milo and Paige. Steve is her pimp so he doesn't count. And I don't think Shoka would consider Kate a friend either. He's probably got his eye on her jugular by now too.

Pity Party said... 103

Also, I don't think the real Brad Garrett would be referring to himself in the third person. She is in a really bad mood to have just returned from a nice little birthday package with her DBG.

Done and done said... 104

Three words to describe Kate: She's an idiot.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 105

Stupid Is said... 77

I agree that the same dressmaker worked on Kate and Martina. Martina didn't deserve that.

ALSO, as someone else said, Martina was voted off because LAUGHING AT HER wasn't an option. She's respected, unlike Kate.



And Kate doesn't realise this.

She just does not get it.

Kate's children, who love her, will have to carry the burden of explaining, defending & figuring out their mother's actions for years.

It's a shame.

Please Dear Lord,

We pray that you put a Psychiatrist in Kate's path that will help straighten out that ball of yarn in her skull.

Thank you.

AuntieAnn said... 106

Please Dear Lord,

We pray that you put a Psychiatrist in Kate's path that will help straighten out that ball of yarn in her skull.

Thank you.


LOL Pink!! Amen.

Georgia Peach said... 107

And we know she has a thing for silver-haired AC, because she can't keep her hands to herself when she is near him. 98

Wonder if she knows that AC is gay and has a life partner.

Sheeple are Delusional said... 108

Aeduko, have you seen Maggie's posts over there? And knowitall's, they have been serious Jon bashers for YEARS.

Old Money, New Money, No Money said... 109 (Administrator) said... 101
I didn't know about Anderson's background until recently. I respect him for his fantastic journalism work not who he is. On that basis alone he is so far out of Kate's league. That said I respect he made a name for himself and didn't just live off the family money which would have been a lot easier. Hard work is attractive.


Oh, I agree that he's a talented, hard-working guy. I just don't get the relevance of his family background, which several posters here have mentioned as if it's impressive in and of itself.

dee3 said... 110

This whole situation reminds me of one that happened with K. Kardashian a few weeks ago....when Jon Hamm from Madmen made some sort of critical comment about her and she got all bent out of shape.

It's interesting....I don't know if it's just the extreme narcissism both she and Kate share...or if it's a reflection of how twitter and other social media sites are changing the landscape.....but they are acting more and more like petulant 12-14 year-olds.....showing more and more juvenile behavior the longer they're on twitter.

It's one of the reasons I don't like the really offensive tweets that a few of the non-fans write over there. Reflects badly on us and as juvenile. I think it's fine to criticize or question Kate's comments and behavior there but the really nasty ad hominem attacks on her are juvenile and offensive. I really wish they weren't doing that.

And to Sue Buddy~
I totally agree.....and not only hits but the name recognition is an even bigger deal. I'd never heard of CC prior to this....and I'd likely have never heard of it or gone there if not for the KG controversy.

And considering her history of attracting attention with negative behavior in the past, hell, if I was looking for name recognition for my site....I could see hiring her.....even if it might reflect badly on me and the purpose of the site. Name recognition is just a huge deal when it comes to business.

Kate is a twit said... 111

Anonymous said... 96
Milo is ecstatic; just tweeted that Anderson Cooper is 'following' her.


The account that is following Milo is @Anderson. That's not Anderson's personal twitter account, it the twitter account for his daytime show. His personal account is @AndersonCooper.

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 112

Anonymous said... 96
Milo is ecstatic; just tweeted that Anderson Cooper is 'following' her.


And then Kate tweeted him, except that isn't Anderson Cooper. How desperate and foolish they look tweeting to show promoter. ~ Administrator said... 113

I think they just mean it's a family that has a long history of respect and Kate is a nobody reality star. I guess it's pretentious or seen that way to sling mud with him. Personally I don't care what his background is. He's proven himself. ~ Administrator said... 114

She's going to Weasel a spot for herself on at least his daytime show I feel it.

prairiemary said... 115

So I take it that kate did not grift herself an invite to the Country Music Awards show last night, like some had speculated?
OT, but in keeping with the Reality Kids theme on this blog, tonight is the first show of Bristol Palin using her toddler son, Tripp, to generate some income, by using him on her reality t.v. show. Does she get a pass?

Remona said... 116

Before reading anything in this new post, I must say that anyone that has two working brain cells knows without a doubt that Kate did NOT write this!! CC is using her to get hits on their site, and since Kate doesn't have two working brain cells, she has no clue! I am actually enjoying being a part of the 'inside joke' they're pulling on Kate.

Once a Viewer said... 117

Remona 116: Why would she tweet about it then? Did she approve of it , if she didn't write it? I admit the pizza 'joke' was clever and laughing at herself is not her strong suit, but idk why CC would do that?? Is that legal? Is CC really that low- I see the comments section ( listed above) is going strong so something IS fishy...

dee3 said... 118


I totally agree. It's the price aspect that will be the downfall, not C. Cardella. It's just too expensive compared to other cruises (not to mention, for a cruise going to Haiti...with it's cholera the heat of summer). Heck, even non-fans might go if it was a good price....if not just to check out Kate's behavior and the behavior of her fans on the ship.

Auntie Ann~

Shoka probably having his eye on her jugular too....that made me burst out laughing.

Emma love said... 119

The tweet where someone called her a tranny is getting more press than Kate taking on tony and Anderson. Haha

Canuck said... 120

Someone here must know someone who can make this turd flush once and for all? What on earth will it take? This latest debacle on the coupon blog is a not-so-cleverly disguised attempt to get some publicity, probably trying to trump Jon's recent "good" press. Doesn't anyone here have any connections (Admin? Sue?) who could expose her once and for all? Jabbing at Anderson Cooper wouldn't seem to be a wise move, but what do I know. Or maybe these really are the death rattles we're witessing of her career that never was. Surely no one would take a chance on her now. Would they?

silimom said... 121

Old Money, New Money, No Money said... 109

Anderson Cooper has a mother who went through her own hellish childhood experiences being a media sensation. Gloria Vanderbilt was the object of a bitter custody battle between her paternal aunt and mother.

I have often wondered what feelings AC might have about Kate Gosselin, especially given the divorce and how she has used her children for fame, especially in light of his own mother's experiences as a child. I think it's safe to say he's not Kate's biggest fan.

Once a Viewer said... 122

PraireMary 115: Oh yes, I think Bristol Palin is as bad as any reality mom- exploiting her son and family name. i don't like her. (What's with the weird names in that family?)

Mandy said... 123

Before reading anything in this new post, I must say that anyone that has two working brain cells knows without a doubt that Kate did NOT write this!! CC is using her to get hits on their site, and since Kate doesn't have two working brain cells, she has no clue! I am actually enjoying being a part of the 'inside joke' they're pulling on Kate.


Remona, that's what I've been saying since the end of comments on the last blog post!

I was a bit disgusted with Coupon Cabin, but the more I think about it, the more I give them a pass, because they have to deal with Kate Gosselin, and pretty much anyone who deals with Kate Gosselin on a personal level except her boyfriend gets burned in some way or other for doing so and ends up despising her. I don't blame them one bit for getting what they can out of her contract. She wasn't doing them any favors until they discovered they could generate a buzz by opening up comments and using her nasty, immature, narcissistic personality to get hits.

Slam dunk for Coupon Cabin on scoring an EOnline article. Playing Kate with that blog post has had to have increased their hits exponentially!

Some smart young professional there obviously reads this blog; thus the "MEEEEEEE" comment. Gotta love it.

chefsummer #Leh said... 124

Kate's a tranny not wonder Gina isn't to worried about her and Steve. ~ Administrator said... 125

Wow Sillimom never knew that thanks! Crazy parallels. Her aunt was appalled at the way Gloria's mother was spending Glorias trust fund on herself and the aunt was awarded custody to protect Gloria from such greed. Gloria estranged her mother completely as an adult. No wonder Anderson sees right through Kate. This family knows greed and child exploitation when they see it! Awesome.

Mandy said... 126

Remona 116: Why would she tweet about it then? Did she approve of it , if she didn't write it? I admit the pizza 'joke' was clever and laughing at herself is not her strong suit, but idk why CC would do that?? Is that legal? Is CC really that low- I see the comments section ( listed above) is going strong so something IS fishy...


She tweeted about it because she doesn't care how she stays in the spotlight, as long as she does! Just last week she thanked her haters for keeping the buzz going for her. I doubt she knew she was being played, but may now, especially if she reads here, and I don't think she cares. She has ZERO integrity or pride.

aggiemom09121416 said... 127

.sitting at the bus stop eating dry organic 'Cheerios'... So hungry!!The life of a mom, I guess??! :)

Yea, Kate, all normal moms sit in our one of three new vehicles, the BBB a mercedes, no less. Yes, we all sit in a parking lot awaiting our 8 kids to be dropped off from private school.

Yes, Kate, all normal moms sit around and twitter all day on our 10th pink iphone on twitter.

Yea, we all can afford organic cheerios.

Yes, Kate all normal moms get their hair done at at pricey salon. And then go on a 5 day trip to Vegas. With a bodyguard.

You are an idiot.

AMD said... 128

Done and done said... 104
Three words to describe Kate: She's an idiot
How about "Twidiot"? :)

Bristol Palin is another Kate Gosselin in the making. Hopefully her show will tank quickly.

Anonymous said... 129

I guess CC is not a professional site. They chose to publish her totally unrelated diatribe rather than demand that she somehow, no matter how minimally, relate her articles to coupons. She does the worst possible job of promoting the site and sensible coupon use.

Kate is a twit said... 130

So Kate says she made "lifelong" friends on DWTS. Is that same as saying "the crew is like family"?

The only 2 people from DWTS she follows are Evan Lysacek and Brooke. Where are all the other friends, Kate?

Hmm, and I wonder when the crew visited last?

Once a Viewer said... 131

Yeah, she's slipping back into the mom persona to relate to her twitter friend so those who think she's SuperMom (although how can anyone if they know of this weekend's debacle?)She thinks she's so funny, never was. Her main style of humor was to insult others, even her kids and of course her husband and helper ladies.

prairiemary said... 132

Once a Viewer 122, I wonder what the ratings will be, it is on a channel that I don't get. Yes, the names of those kids are strange! Allegations of Todd Palin sexcapades with a woman whose last name it Tripp, then Bristol goes and uses that name for her son! It's not like she never heard of this Ms. Tripp, they don't live in a highly populated town.I hope that the truth will all come out someday. Poor Tripp, wonder how long he will have this new 'job' he never asked for.

Once a Viewer said... 133

lol, well, I won't be watching either, PM. I didn't know that the woman's name was Tripp, geez!

131 (me!) meant OR not so.

Susantoyota said... 134

..sitting at the bus stop eating dry organic 'Cheerios'... So hungry!!The life of a mom, I guess??! :)

And we're off!! Gotta eat those "organic" Cheerios to make up for the martinis in LV, Back to the life of a busy mom who will spend the next few weeks twittering about her preparations for all her half and full marathons she will be running. We all know the drill--she will spend her time running and forgetting about all the haters due to the 'zen' of her 20, 30, 40 mile runs. Hi Kate!!

I loved how she was so silent on twitter this morning. It must suck without TLC in her corner to guide her as it appears she was waiting and watching her sheeple's twitters for cues on how to spin her latest debacle before she jumped back on twitter. So we're back to farting out rainbows and unicorns, dropping names, and taking little jabs at Anderson Cooper all while advising new sheeple on how to block the haters.
Now that's multitasking!

Westcoaster said... 135

Ah Kate & CC - if CC wrote this for the hits, looks like it works for them. If Kate had something to do with it, well hon, you look pretty dumb. And just for the record, being unlikeable may get you publicity, but rarely leads to a paying job.

And yes, it's Easter week - where are the money saving tips for the moms, the crafts for the kids, and Menu Monday for do-ahead treats? Why all of that can be found on real mom blogs, spring magazines, etc. While you were playing in Las Vegas, the real moms were shopping for Easter outfits, basket goodies, planning their menus. Next Monday? Like all the other holidays ths year, you're just a tad too late. Enjoy the organic Cheerios, Twatidiot.

AuntieAnn said... 136

The life of a mom, I guess??! :)


Guess again Kate. Just because you laid there like a slug for three thousand weeks until the babies were born doesn't mean you're a mom. Moms don't do to their kids what you've done to yours. You don't deserve the name.

Sherry Baby said... 137

And then there's Milo -- dear, sweet, naive, dumb as a box of rocks Milo, who thinks that Anderson needs Kate to keep him relevant, contributing to his ratings! I never realized how incredibly stupid these sheeple really are until I read their crazy tweets in defense of their Queen Ewe:


@RealZiggyFlo @TallisF @Kateplusmy8 LOL...that's why Anderson brought the subject up! He knows Kate creates the #interest#hits 4his show!

prairiemary said... 138

Once a Viewer 133- I went back to another Palin blog, and now they are saying Bristol's show has either been delayed, or changed, on Lifetime, so sounds like no go for tonight. Tripp has already finished this job of his, as the shows were all pre-taped. I wish I could email the Palin blogs somehow here, for anyone interested in them. I just hope that sarah has finished using her little son, Trig.I nearly died when I found out what the name 'Trig' means, actually 2 meanings, but one of them is just awful!
To me, kate does not get overly bothered by the haters, as she has no shame or self-respect, and comes actross as being an airhead. One day(I hope), she will grow up and act like a mature adult, and realize the mess she has made of her children's lives. Or maybe not.

Remona said... 139

Once a Viewer 117 said... Remona 116: Why would she tweet about it then? Did she approve of it , if she didn't write it?
Oh, I think that she probably wrote something on CC, bitching about what Anderson said, I am saying that whatever she wrote was re-written by someone with CC. There is no way on God's green earth that Kate wrote something as coherent as that response!

JudyK said... 140

Oh, c'mon...Kate wrote that CC blog...maybe someone punctuated it for her, but a professional writer knows the correct spelling of camaraderie.

It's absolutely Kate's style and those are Kate's can't fake a "writing style."

Jumping In said... 141

I am bringing my post over from the previous thread too. I also thought this was something "she's such a c word"........58 wrote as a spoof this morning. Coupon Cabin allowed this to be posted on their website? Really? She is using her place of work to vent about those who dare criticize her, and Coupon Cabin actually posted this nonsense? They are using her twisted view of life to generate hits, unless there were dance lesson coupons somewhere on their site, why else would they permit this? Do their other bloggers get to write about who pissed them off recently?

This woman knows no bounds, she is deluded and has no filters. If I were Jon, I would tell her that, as the mother of their children, she needs to seek help for the sake of them. She is so consumed with setting the record straight, she has little time for anything else but this obsession. Twitter is feeding her illness, and when she is not doing that, I am sure she scours the Internet to see what other "lies" are being told about her. Well, that and looking at pretty pictures of herself in sparkly dresses.

Her children are annoying background noise to her, their shelf life expired, and holding her back from the fame she deserves for having them in the first place. So sad.

She puts this stuff out there because she sees herself as an equal to ANYONE she sees on her television screen. She was once part of an exclusive club, that of being a "television personality", believing everyone shares a common bond with her, therefore being on the same level, never mind their credentials, (or lack of them).

And yes Kate, picking your kids up at bus stop IS what parents do, no need for the ???!

Georgia Peach said... 142

Found this on another (non fan) blog. It seems to support some of the theories here about Kate’s relationship with CC:

“If you go on the CC can get live help. I asked if there was an email I can send a complaint too...they asked what my complaint was so I said "why is KG bitching about DWTS and Anderson Copper and NOT blogging about money saving tips?" I waited about a minute for a reply the reply was...."this conversation has been terminated"

Admin, feel free to delete if you think this is inappropriate.

Once a Viewer said... 143

prairemary 138: thanks. I looked up Trig, but only got the geometry def?? Oh well, if it's awful, let's hope she didn't know??? I think this show will be more fodder against SP. The only time I liked her was when Kate & co visited, lol

remona 139: I can see your point ! lol

Sherry Baby said... 144

After Kate tweeted that she's at the bus stop eating Cherrios, this person tweeted:

@Kateplusmy8 i just can't believe u take the bus wow

It just never ceases to amaze me how stupid these people are! Is there anyone in the entire flock that has any ounce of intelligence?

emschick1128 said... 145

I have sent CC an email under their contact us section to complain about Kate using their once reputable site as means to bash others and also remind them that none of her blogs ever have any relevant information about saving money

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 146

Kate's latest deep thought:

..sitting at the bus stop eating dry organic 'Cheerios'... So hungry!!The life of a mom, I guess??! :)


Oh, you're a mother alright...

I've seen cats & dogs that were better mothers than that genius.

Pity Party said... 147

I will not watch Bris. Pal. She is another wannabe who went and got her face completely made over after she got a dollar in her pocket.

Kate's a has been said... 148

If CC doesn't want to hear about complaints people have about Kate why take comments?

KCSherri said... 149

I read the CC blog, and I'm curious...does CC get money/revenue for people just "landing" on their sight? Or does a visitor have to "click" on an ad on their site to generate revenue for them?

If they're making money for every visit to their site, then they knew exactly what they were doing when they hired the Queen of Polarization. If, however, they only get revenue if a visitor clicks on an ad, then they're taking huge changes with their business reputation by having Kate's vindictive drivel on their website.

As for me? Meh. I could care less if Kate gets publicity from this. It's most certainly not positive publicity; it's not like everyone is now, "Oh, poor, poor, picked-on Kate....!"

No, this is negative publicity, and is only one more nail in her on-going coffin of irrelativity, as well as her inability to get a sustainable job. She's poisoning her own job prospects in the entertainment field, which is never a good thing.

Anonymous said... 150

I love AC. good journalist calling it like it is.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 151

Georgia Peach said... 143

Found this on another (non fan) blog. It seems to support some of the theories here about Kate’s relationship with CC:

“If you go on the CC can get live help. I asked if there was an email I can send a complaint too...they asked what my complaint was so I said "why is KG bitching about DWTS and Anderson Copper and NOT blogging about money saving tips?" I waited about a minute for a reply the reply was...."this conversation has been terminated"


Most likely, they have heard ENOUGH complaints about their star blogger.

Ahhh, Kate. At least she's consistent at alienating people.

White Organza said... 152

What Kate doesn't get about the whole DWTS mess is the fact that her dancing (or her "generally stumbling here and there on the set, arms flailing randomly" way of moving to music...) is not what bugged the public. A lot of past DWTS contestants were dreadful dancers. As JoyinVirginia mentionned above, Kenny Mayne was one of the most memorable of them... but also one of the most adorable.

And let's not forget Billy Ray Cyrus who really was something else to watch "dancing". One of the judges even compared him with a bear stuck in a swamp or something to that effect. But you know what? Nobody ever mentions Billy's stint à DWTS anymore, anywhere. Why? Because even if the poor man couldn't dance to save his own life, he was a real sweetheart to all on and off the dance floor.

It's really all about attitude. And Kreider's was horrid on that show. And we all got to see it, as Anderson Cooper did. And that's what he was asking about when nterviewing Toni Dovolani. It had nothing to do about her dancing skills...

Anonymous said... 153

I must say how much I love to come home from work, open up my box of wine and just watch her explode. Coupon Cabin ended my live help too when I asked what the purpose they ended my conversation.

Jumping In said... 154

Georgia Peach......143

I find this world we live in more confusing by the day. We have Cindy at Alice Travel outing people who criticize Kate, now we have CC behaving badly, where are their business ethics, or respect for someone who wishes to register a complaint?

So, are we to believe that anyone who criticizes Kate gets shut down immediately? Does having an opposing opinion on Kate automatically gets you put on the "haters" list? Is Kate really adding value to Coupon Cabin and Alice Travel to the extent their employees will defend her at all costs? If this is the case, then we are indeed living in a world where celebrities have achieved a very high status.

Anonymous said... 155

Jaime from CC: Please email "" if you would like to discuss Kate's blog further. One of our representatives will get back to you shortly. Can I assist you with anything else today?

snippy little bunch over there.

aggiemom09121416 said... 156

Kate ought to do tv spots for the Egg Board (ya know, the incredible, edible egg?)
Since she just looveess to force eggs on those kids all the time.
Figures she has animals that crank out as many eggs as she can, bet she is jellus. (bet she doesn't have a rooster, ya know, we can't have a chicken out-do Kate on the higher order multiples thing...

AuntieAnn said... 157

JudyK said... 141

Oh, c'mon...Kate wrote that CC blog...maybe someone punctuated it for her, but a professional writer knows the correct spelling of camaraderie.

It's absolutely Kate's style and those are Kate's can't fake a "writing style."

Judy - I agree. It's consistent with Kate's writing style. An editor MAY have taken out the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s and ??????????????????????s

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 158

Karen said ...51
Guess her skin isn't as thick as she'd like us to think it is. Or she's just a plain tool. Not sure which at this point.

Plainly, she's just a tool.

Tamara said... 159

Did anybody realize that Brad Garrett and Sheri Shephard were partners on Everybody Loves Raymond?
I'd totally forgotten that! This might call for a pic of them in uniform hauling off Khate and Skeeve?

And did I read correctly, Jon's book doesn't have a publisher yet and it's going to be about fatherhood? Not sure it's possible to not include your kids in a book like that.

Tamara said... 160

It's absolutely Kate's style and those are Kate's can't fake a "writing style."
One definetly can. Ghostwiters, speech writers, humourists are just a few of the people who do it daily.

Once a Viewer said... 161

Tamara 16o:

I know, if that's true, what can he say that won't invade the kids' privacy unless it's all general advice, which sounds boring.Plus while he was always a great dad, I wouldn't take advice from someone who was in a relationship like he was with Kate . In a 2-parent home, he should not have had the burden of all the childcare, especially when he went to work early too.He did some things b/c Kate's wishes that weren't always the best for the kids. No publisher that I heard about yet.

Jane said... 162

I send a polite but firm email to CC about my displeasure with their site and especially, this last blog post - we'll see what they say, if anything. Tried the Live Chat but was ignored LOL! Maybe they're getting lots of action - hope so.

AuntieAnn said... 163

One definetly can. Ghostwiters, speech writers, humourists are just a few of the people who do it daily.

Very true, but who in their right mind would WANT to ghost write for her? And wouldn't Kate have to pay someone to do that? I don't see that happening. No that's her, she prides herself on her writing skill, pathetic as it is.

ncgirl said... 164

On twitter, Kate is offering to send a sick child a surprise. Will it be one of her books since that's what she gave the children at St. Jude's?

JoannaNY said... 165

"One definetly can. Ghostwiters, speech writers, humourists are just a few of the people who do it daily."


I agree. As a professor, I've seen it done. Students may "hire" advanced writing/journalism majors to write their papers, and some of those majors are very good at imitating another student's writing style. I've been fooled more than once.

Westcoaster said... 166

Twatidiot, home with the kids but twittering away - what happened to all that homework x8, the reading the spelling, the bathtimes? Those kids are raising themselves. But her imaginary friends are probably thrilled to learn she invented a sweet 'n sour barbecue sauce for her meatloaf tonight. A real pioneer woman.

Once a Viewer said... 167

I tried to send an e-mail to CC but I couldn't decipher those blurred security words correctly I guess, and they declared me invalid :(

Gift of grab said... 168

Haven't caught up on all the comments yet, BUT "baddgarrett" on Twitter is NOT Brad Garrett (who does not appear to have a Twitter account). He has been outed as a fake in several places you can find through googling the name.

By the way, I think Katie Irene is finally writing the ending to her sad "reality" saga. A person with class and business sense would have publicly chuckled over the Tony/Anderson convo and moved on. To belabor the very minor point with a blog on Coupon Cabin, of all the ridiculous places, just makes her look absurd. I do agree with others who've said that today's little outrage was designed to take attention away from her and Steve. Too bad she doesn't post an equally diverting essay on THAT situation. Although if she did, I'm sure we'd all be sitting here saying "LIES LIES LIES LIES."

Meagler said... 169

HA HA HA HA HA...... She " Invented" a sweet n sour BBQ sauce for her THAT hasn't been done a million times before. If she had half a clue, which we know she doesn't, she would know there is a basic recipe... nothing to invent there lady...

Anderson has too much class to " take her down".. he would rather laugh at her, and watch her squirm they way she is... ~ Administrator said... 170

Cast my vote for Kate wrote this. I don't care how good of a ghost writer you are you can't make this up!

Anonymous said... 171

Well don't you know if Kate makes something, even if it's already been made the world over, Kate invented it using her canned...I mean organic ingredients. Therefore she feels she invented sweet and sour sauce. She probably didn't follow a recipe because following a recipe does not make you a true cook, in her own words.

Most meatloaf I've ever eaten is always dry, so could be the reason she needs sauce.

Tucker's Mom said... 172

"Add a squirt of ketchup to the top of each in a zig-zaggy design"

This is Kate's wonderful unique spin on how to sauce meatloaf. I guess this was before she invented sweet and sour sauce.

Once a Viewer said... 173

..."and tomorrow you can make sandwiches from the left-overs, cut on the diagonal. I invented this too." - Kate

Dmasy said... 174

I am making a salad for our dinner. I think I will invent some balsamic vinaigrette dressing to pour on top.

Meagler said... 175

A couple of tweets during the day while the kids are at school, and now they are home, she is a tweet a manic...err...tweet an idiot...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 176

I haven't had a chance to read all of the comments yet, so I'm sure this had already been mentioned BUT I cannot believe she is taking credit for "inventing" sweet and sour barbecue sauce! My local grocer has sold it for years, my fav wings place near work has offered that as one of their sauces for 8 years that I know of, and so does a local barbecue restaurant. Oh, I get it - she "invented" putting it over meatloaf. Sheesh.

By the way, thanks Admin for allowing the URL/Name option again. It makes it alot easier for me to post.

Sandi said... 177

So Kate invented a BBQ sauce?...does this mean she will patent the recipe...I have created many different sauces(you know~less salt~more pepper LOL)...this leaves me out of the inventors league?

JudyK said... 178

ROFL @ Tucker's Mom #173 and Once a Viewer #174--laughed at Kate's original tweet and now I'm laughing all over again!

AuntieAnn said... 179

"Add a squirt of ketchup to the top of each in a zig-zaggy design"

Hold on, I'll get a pencil and write that down. Can't let tips like that slip by.

Gift of grab said... 180

Looks like we're in for another manic evening of tweeting from the Kate-Beast. Her pattern is so clear now: Home with the kids, MUST SPEND TIME WITH FANS; away from the kids, MUST SPEND TIME WITH STEVE. She is seriously sucking up to fans this evening, all sweetness and light. How anyone fails to see through her BS is beyond me.

Once a Viewer said... 181

omg..another posed twit pic of the kids with books...( no laptops) Notice Hannah is never in these posed pics? Guess Kate read here about the lack of homework mention...

Rhymes with Witch said... 182

First, thanks for bringing the cc post here - I got to laugh without giving them a hit.
Just want to add that I do thin she had some editing assistance because of the pizza joke. She does NOT have a sense of humor unless she is making fun of others, and the pizza joke was at her expense.
Or maybe she is too dumb to get that. She is a mystery wrapped in an enigma..............

cathy518 said... 183

I am dissapointed to read comments from posters saying that they hope Tony and Anderson fire back at Kate. Clearly,this is what Kate wants more than anything! Think of the twitter wars including the back and forth with the photog that have occurred recently. Kate has come to understand that the only way she can get media attention is through stirring up controversy and conflict. She is trying to exploit these DWTS comments for all their worth so that she will be continued to be talked about. The only fitting response to this histrionic woman is to ignore her, which I feverently hope Tony and Anderson do before Kate is asked back to the Today show to "set the record straight" once again.

Kate's a bore said... 184

If CC doesn't want to hear negative comments about Kate. They should close the comments. I think they want hits and could care less what people think.

JudyK said... 185

cathy518 #184: The only fitting response to this histrionic woman is to ignore her, which I feverently hope Tony and Anderson do before Kate is asked back to the Today show to "set the record straight" once again.

Totally agree w/ you...she doesn't deserve a forum in which to spew her B.S., even though she's doing her best to get one.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 186

Okay, I'm not on Twitter so I could be completely wrong in how I'm understanding her latest tweet, but she is stating that a picture of someone's "little guy" in a hospital bed is a precious pic? She is such an a$$!

JudyK said... 187

AuntieAnn said... 180
"Add a squirt of ketchup to the top of each in a zig-zaggy design"

Hold on, I'll get a pencil and write that down. Can't let tips like that slip by.

OMG, you are hysterical and made me laugh so hard it brought my cough back! I'm outta here--have way overposted today, and DWTS is on!

Dallas Lady said... 188

Yeah, some of the jokes in that CC blog post (which I only read here, I'm never clicking on CC) were too sophisticated for Kate. Someone at least helped her with that.

I'm so tired, I just invented béarnaise sauce. Whew. I'm afraid Easter snuck up on me and my kid is going to spend the four day weekend reorganizing the tool shed while I shop for her Easter basket in Las Vegas until April 9 (that's when all the coupons are on sale). Let's all dream of inspiration, exhaustion, rainbows, unicorns, muffins, and recipes!

fidosmommy said... 189

I seriously doubt Anderson Cooper is going to get
into a cat fight with Kate a la Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell. He's no doubt smirking, but will just watch her self destruct rather than carry this into
a parody of itself.

PJ's momma said... 190

Does that nitwit know that even friggin' MCDONALDS has sweet and sour sauce????

Once a Viewer said... 191

Well, you know Kate NEVER goes to McDonald's ! lol ~ Administrator said... 192

I draw a middle finger on my meatloaf in ketchup but that's just me.

chefsummer #Leh said... 193

AuntieAnn said... 180
"Add a squirt of ketchup to the top of each in a zig-zaggy design"


Kate your brilliant I only thought you could do that with mustard bottles

I must have missed that day in culinary school when they were covering meatloaf designs.

PJ's momma said... 194

Once a Viewer, pardon me and I stand corrected. Her royal pain the behind-ed-ness would NEVER go to McD's. Oh wait........ ~ Administrator said... 195

Could she please leave the children alone when they are doing homework for school? They need to focus on school not on mommy disturbing them with pics for her blog. Good golly. Also she needs to get a decent camera. For someone so obsessed with making memories the least she could do is get a real camera. So many missed opportunities for beautiful photos of these kids growing up. My childhood photos on an ancient kodak camera look better.

She won't tweet a THING or even so much as a fun pic when she is out on the road in Vegas but as soon as she gets back it's exploitation overdrive.

chefsummer #Leh said... 196

All the kids are in bed all ready it's only eight o'clock in PA.

My nine year old nephew goes to bed around ten o'clock.

Guess she's going to be tweeting for the next hour or so.

chefsummer #Leh said... 197

@NoraSaysNo darn! Wish I had known! I made meatloaf and invented a sweet/sour BBQ sauce2serve over it! Mash pot, steamed carrots &spinach!

I had no idea that you invented sweet&sour BBQ sauce.

So why did you cookbook not make it.??? ~ Administrator said... 198

Well it won't make SENSE of it but it will tell you they just did something so idiotic that proves they really don't have a clue who Kate is or anything about this mess.

I hate laughing about things all alone. I will share when I can. :)

Beth said... 199

It is glaringly obvious that TLC isn't around anymore to tell Kate to shut her mouth. She is a complete and utter bitch. ~ Administrator said... 200

I seriously doubt Anderson Cooper is going to get
into a cat fight with Kate a la Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell. He's no doubt smirking, but will just watch her self destruct rather than carry this into
a parody of itself.


You're probably right. And that's why Anderson Cooper will always be a step above the fray. He is content to just give a little poke and giggle and then watch it all implode while he sits up in his ivory tower with binoculars and watches (and giggles some more, I so love that man's giggle). That's Anderson. Ha, love it.

By the way by sheer coincidence when I turned on the TV I saw the end of his daytime show. I had never seen it before. And he showed a clip of his mom who is gorgeous for her age, he obviously adores her and she him, and she showed baby pictures. Beautiful photography of him as a kid and what a CUTIE PIE. I admire him and his mother so much more now that I know her story about how her own mother tried to take her money (she had four million, which is what, 400 million by today's standards?) and how a kind aunt saw her mom blowing the trust fund and stepped in and tried to get custody and won. Shades of Aunt Jodi and everyone else who has tried to save the eight. I wonder what the public thought of this aunt at the time. I wonder if there were sheeple and haters.

This pic of him and his mom is gorgeous:

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