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Lauren Perkins, in one of the few pregnancy photos the family has released. (Graphics added) |
America's newest parents of sextuplets so far seem to be doing everything right.
The Texas couple, who tried over a year and a half to get pregnant and were told by their doctor that the odds of having sextuplets was only 1%, requested privacy at this time, and said on their web site (which only has a handful of comments in their guest book from well wishers): "The family is not taking interviews at this time" and would only release further photos with permission. The family also mentioned the Gosselins in an FAQ on their web site:
"Will you have a tv show, given the opportunity?
Heck no. I don't think being on tv was root cause to the demise of the Gosselin family (Jon and Kate 8) or the Masche family (Raising Sextuplets). I think being on tv exacerbated pre-existing problems."
It's stories like this that make us wonder how many families may have been subtly influenced by America's obsession with "freak shows" and the consequences on their subjects, one of the most famous examples being, of course, the Gosselin eight. Is this the good that will come out of the Gosselin tragedy? Here's wishing Lauren, David, and Babies A through F (the parents have not, and we hope never will, released their names) all the best and that they trust their instincts and keep their family private.
"If you had sextuplets, you would do what Kate did too" thankfully doesn't seem to ring true for this young couple, not yet anyway. God speed.
1146 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1146 Newer› Newest»Dmasy: thanks! I know I will be using it- typos or mixed- up posts...:(..both of which I produce aplenty!
Financial I do not think that Kate is all that well off. Generally people with money make more use out of it by not just spending it to pay bills, you invest it, put it into different types of savings, many people live slightly below their means not all but a few as away to ensure future use of money to make it go further.
When is the last time Kate honestly chose to save her money by coloring her own hair a few times and putting that money aside say into an interest fund, investment portfolio or something more useful for a future benefit? Never probably.
I think maybe by the time Kate ends up into real money trouble and having to move out of her house she's not going to have much. How one handles money is divide your paycheck (though this could be hard since she doesn't have one) savings, bills, necessities, emergencies.
If anything I'm waiting for someone to ask her on her CC salary without a real job where her money is coming from. Sure she can do some for the kids on Jon's income but she's got the bulk of their responsibility I think. Unless she is still drawing on money she still has but isn't fessing up to the fact that she isn't as broke, she's lying and or is too stupid to realize her money may not be there one day.
How do you pity someone who had more kids without facing the consequences had they not become famous? Why pity someone who says she's broke but gives you evidence to the contrary? I just don't get it.
IMO, Kate made up the Sears tweet to give her fans and haters new chat material...I believe Kate bought the treadmill and hinted it was a freebie to justify her spending...all Kates "gifts" are given by companies that Kate "follows"...Sears is not listed...her twitter is pathetic...very few tweets so she needs to spike up the chat...strange how her following keeps increasing...has anyone kept track of how many newbies in a 24 hr period?...wish I could have seen her reaction when told she could buy followers!
Ha ha. Her tweet today:
Kate Gosselin Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
....I have a child home w/ a cold 2day.... thank you @sears that I can still run...at home on my new amazing Nordic Track C2150 treadmill!
9:05 AM - 25 Apr 12 via Twitterrific · Details
From her crap blog:
Ask Kate Q & A
September 28, 2011
Lisa asks -
Q: What kind of treadmill do you recommend?
A: I have an ancient horrible old thing, but at hotel gyms I’ve run on really nice ones. Some of the brands I like are Lifefitness and Precor.
If you are truly going to depend on a treadmill to help you get fit, the expense is worth it!
Thanks Lisa!
Ha ha, Khatie Kreider REALLY wants one of the better, more expensive treadmills that she's used at hotels. She CLAIMS "the expense is worth it!", but NO, she's TOO FREAKING CHEAP to buy a new one. So, she started grifting for one on Twitter, and the best she could get was the Nordic one from Sears.
You know how the saying goes - BEGGARS can't be choosers!
Sandi (#200), Kate has never followed a company first. She always adds them after she has tweeted them. Any company you see on her follow list is one she tweeted first. Let's see if she adds Sears.
We've talked about the buying of followers many times. I have done an informal tracking over the past few months, and I estimate she's purchasing 4-5,000 per month, and maybe gains a few hundred each month "the natural way." Thus far, from April 1 through today, she's up about 3,600. By April 30, she'll be over 4K for the month on NO news. No way are all of these followers "genuine."
There are no lengths to which she will not go to maintain her "fame." None. She is entirely lacking in scruples.
Somewhere (MB?) I read that when she first met Jon it was at a picnic and she was holding someone's baby and she and Jon had been eyeing each other (he was really a cutie) and he walked up to her and said are you ever going to let anyone else hold that baby, and then he held the baby. She was already obsessed with babies when she met him. She found out he was a doctor's son and bam there you have it. The perfect gene pool for her dream of being rich and famous. Very crafty, cunning, and manipulative.
Pity Party, I never heard that story. Someone else said he had a girlfriend when she met him. Did she share all this info in one of her books?
Octomom used the same doctor for all of her children. She tried to lie and say that the used were left over from previous procedures. The court case against her doctor brought up the truth. The doctor used fresh eggs for the pregnancy. The doctor used 12 embryos instead of the recommended 2 for the age of the patient. The doctor also failed to do the required mental evolution on the patient These things are part of the reason the doctor lost his license. I have no sympathy for her or her doctor.
I have no sympathy for the mess Kate is currently in. She made her choices. She refused to downsize when she lost the show. She refuses to get a real job since she cant get one in the media. She refuses to reduce her expenses by going to a local salon and cutting back on Mani/Pedis.
Cast my vote that Kate is not home. If she actually had to take care of a sick child she would be tweeting and twatting all day long to dull the pain of such misery.
I hope it was just grifting because if she spent that much money on herself while simultaneously claiming she can't afford gymnastics and the movies for her kids, well, frankly, she can go to hell.
Seriously, a treadmill is this plastic band that goes around and around and you run or walk. You don't NEED to have the high end version of that. It's not sushi.
Whatever cultural currency we use to measure media success -- Kate had it made. Cover articles of People and Good Housekeeping. Private meeting with Dr. Phil. Guest shot on the Oprah show. Camping trip with Sarah Palin. Her own highly hyped TV show. DWTS dollars.
She did all that and more.
What must it feel like to have had that glut of celebrity gold and now be begging for cruise buddies like Milo/Jack?
There are so many years ahead of her and there is so much rubble behind her.
She will have to change her definition of success and change her life course. Without the wisdom to do that, she is doomed to failure.
Dmasy I am thinking it may have been Multiple Blessings, or else she talked about it in an interview. Multiple Blessings was a very good book if you haven't read it. Beth is a very good author. Add that to the all the things that she has blown, there was supposed to be a sequel. No way, not without Beth. It would be crystal clear that it was no sequel.
Have you seen the pictures of Jon from back then before they married? He had a bit of the James Dean look - black leather, aviators, a head full of beautiful black, slim, trim....
make that black hair....
Gift of grab #2
Thanks for the update :)...
Like I said previously, Sears only acknowledged Kate tweet, they did not reply. I read this over at Twazzup. I think an up coming blog at CC will be fitness.
Silimom: Kate has a plan. She calls it her bucket list. Kate has always had a plan: life plan. I will be married before a certain age, have kids at a certain age etc. But fame is one thing Kate wants the most, not to be infamous, but famous. Kate has to prove something to someone, probably from her past. They get narcissistic, become perfectionist, everything, including children, husband are not good enough or don't live up to their expectations, of their perfect distorted world. Even getting rid of people who don't fit her idea or fit in her perfect world. That is Kate in a nutshell.
As for Octomom, she is seriously mentally ill. For some reason, somewhere back in her childhood, she felt unloved. Her mom & dad would dispute that. But Octomom would not. It's her illness. A kid hoarder, oh yeah! She can't separate fantasy and reality. The phrase: wanting is not the same as having, and actually having it will/might disappoint you. Octomom is seeking love, Kate is seeking fame.
Oh, I love Kate new tweet, nothing about the kid being sick, only about her being sick and all the things she had to do today. WHAT A BSer!
No measure to what all she got done today? That wouldn't be so hard to believe if she didn't have lay out the kids clothes on her to do list and actually tweet about like it was a big effort. Puhleeze lueeze.
Pity Party, I did not read Multiple Blessings. I did look at the one with all the photos -- took less than 10 minutes to read it in a WalMart. I have not seen pictures of early Jon. But, I will look for some. I saw early Kate in a honeymoon video. She was cute. Was.
"What must it feel like to have had that glut of celebrity gold and now be begging for cruise buddies like Milo/Jack?"
You are so right. When she fell, she fell hard, and look where she landed...into the laps of those who clearly have very serious mental issues, about six or so crazy sheeple who seem to have no grasp of reality. It's sad, really, and I think that once the cruise is over, she will continue carrying on this bizarre relationship with the downtrodden Twitter sheeple, simply because she has nobody else. She's starving for adult conversation, and as long as they are willing to feed her ego and listen to her, she'll keep tweeting away. I don't think, however, that having Milo and her cronies over to lunch will be on the agenda.
And thar she blows . . .
"Hi! I'm here! I'm SO AMAZING I can hardly stand it!!!! Admire me, adore me, send me your $$$!!! Eyes closing, GN all!"
milo, that's your cue.
Oiks, reading all of the Kate hints, she sure is loose bowel material. Kate might want to dab the corners of her mouth with a Starbucks napkin. Dainty like.
Testing - posting probs please disregard
Narcissists just want to hear how great they are, so she will continue to respond to the 5-6 crazies on twitter that fill her self-absorbed helium tank. Kind of sad- Like her cruise, blog, CC, twitter..... She also uses these fan-crazed twitters non-stop - so wrong- to fill her ego and pockets. What decent person does this? Doesn't she have 8 kids to attend to?
LoveMyGrandsons said... 197
It is a shame that Nadya was recently complaining that she didn't have money to feed her children and pay the bills, so that's why she did the topless shoot.
With all due respect, LoveMyGrandsons, I don't think needing to feed her children had much to do with Nadya's topless shooting session.
Nadya has been popping out of her clothes for very little compensation for quite a while, and even did a quasi-porn video in which she dressed as a dominatrix and awkwardly chased an adult male "little person" (who was dressed in a bonnet and diaper) around her own home.
I'm calling it "quasi-porn" because it was too ludicrous to qualify as anything else. Both participants looked strangely confused about what they were supposed to be doing. I saw it on one of the mainstream "celebrity" sties.
Nadya takes narcissism to a whole new level, and adds a few more. Unlike Kate, she's so ill that she doesn't know better. Kate knows better; she just doesn't care.
Gift of grab -We've talked about the buying of followers many times. I have done an informal tracking over the past few months, and I estimate she's purchasing 4-5,000 per month, and maybe gains a few hundred each month "the natural way." Thus far, from April 1 through today, she's up about 3,600. By April 30, she'll be over 4K for the month on NO news. No way are all of these followers "genuine."
There are no lengths to which she will not go to maintain her "fame." None. She is entirely lacking in scruples.
Kind of sad when you have to buy friends on twitter to make yourself look desirable. She is one of the most manipulative, idiotic, and pathetic people ever known. And why CC puts up with her, who knows??
Stop with the pictures/chatter regarding the kids Kate! You are a celebrity by yourself, remember?? LOL. Does Jon have any say in this? Seems he should.
On and Dmasy, my favorite line from MB.
When everyone was absorbed with the kids and she was feeling low, she felt like saying, "Look at me can't you see me bleeding!?"
It was nothing like her drippy, syrupy, sugary tweets. Beth pulled out all the stops and KT made a lot of money off that book.
Gosselin @23 said...Gift of grab -We've talked about the buying of followers many times. I have done an informal tracking over the past few months, and I estimate she's purchasing 4-5,000 per month, and maybe gains a few hundred each month "the natural way." Thus far, from April 1 through today, she's up about 3,600. By April 30, she'll be over 4K for the month on NO news. No way are all of these followers "genuine."
But how can she get away with this? Twitter TOS states that accounts may not be purchased:
"Creating or purchasing accounts in order to gain followers;"
Or am I not understanding this correctly?
When everyone was absorbed with the kids and she was feeling low, she felt like saying, "Look at me can't you see me bleeding!?"
WTH? She said that? lol!
I've only read excerpts of MB. I'm almost tempted to go to the $ store and buy it just for shits n giggles. Beth meant well I'm sure, but from the little I did read, I thought she kind of overdid it when it came to polishing Kate's halo. I wonder if she regrets writing it now.
Dmasy said... 5
Pity Party, I never heard that story. Someone else said he had a girlfriend when she met him. Did she share all this info in one of her books?
Here's one story of how they met from J&Kplus8
Sleepless you're so cute. How can Kate park in the fire lane? It's illegal!
Does anyone watch Million Dollar Listing? On Bravo. A buyer in Sweden was on briefly and was carrying his baby and production blurred the baby's face.
Kids are seen on this show once in awhile when people have kids and I've never seen them blur faces before. I assume that was the parents who decided to ask for that. Yea for parents being much more aware these days of what it means to stick their kid on reality t.v. if only for a minute. Yea for the Swedish.
admin said...Sleepless you're so cute. How can Kate park in the fire lane? It's illegal!
It's been a long time since anyone called me "cute!" You just made my day! ;)
I know that the rules don't apply to her, but I wondered if this is a gray area with Twitter. Do they crack down if just you're just a regular joe, while looking the other way for famous celebrities like Kate?
She does seem to get away with a lot, doesn't she? One of these days something is going to bite her where she's really going to feel it, and Milo isn't going to be around to kiss her boo-boo!
@Kateplusmy8 U should've been name people magazine most beautiful women. U truly r not fake at all. U r extremely gourgeous.
Nothing like a good chuckle before you go to bed! This is Kate's fan base. She's such a lucky girl. Lucky AND gourgeous!
It concerns me that Kate may be in New York working on "her dream". Perhaps she got a reply to it and therefore went to NY. I still think it may be a cooking show on Food TV Network. Her ratings were just as good as some of their shows.
Gift of grab said... 3
We've talked about the buying of followers many times. I have done an informal tracking over the past few months, and I estimate she's purchasing 4-5,000 per month, and maybe gains a few hundred each month "the natural way." Thus far, from April 1 through today, she's up about 3,600. By April 30, she'll be over 4K for the month on NO news. No way are all of these followers "genuine."
There are no lengths to which she will not go to maintain her "fame." None. She is entirely lacking in scruples.
Gift of Grab, I remember that you and I both posted about Khate's mysteriously increasing Twitter numbers back in early January. That was when Khate suddenly mentioned her number of Twitter followers again. I had remembered that she used to regularly tweet about the number, but stopped for at least a couple of months. Then she started up again in January and I decided to keep track of it. I've been posting updates at least monthly at Preesi's, and having seen your post, I just posted a summary there of all the info that I have on her follower numbers. Here it is:
9/24/11 - 55,999 Followers
10/20/11 - 60,044
11/20/11 - 63,040
12/4/11 - 65,343
12/11/11 - 66,590
12/17/11 - 67,047 (11,048 new followers in a little less than three months)
Last year, she was regularly sending out tweets commenting on the number of her followers. However the last time she commented on the number was on October 20th. Then, she suddenly brought it up again on January 4th, and began to regularly comment on the follower number again (probably because she bought a new package to get her numbers up).
1/4/12 - 69,265 (10 PM, when she started tweeting about her number of followers again)
1/5/12 - 69,418 (2 PM the next day, the number is now suddenly increasing for no reason)
1/7/12 - 69,686 (10:45AM - in only 45 hours, 268 new followers without being on TV or in the news)
1/14/12 - 71,200 (1,935 new followers in only TEN days! BULLCRAP!)
1/22/12 - 72,609
1/30/12 - 73,524
2/3/12 - 74,030 (About a month since 1/4/12 when she began tweeting about her number of followers again and she has 4,765 new followers - her largest monthly increase yet!)
2/13/12 - 75,229
3/12/12 - 81,386 (Another 6,157 new followers in just the last month. In less than ten weeks since 1/4/12: 12,121 new followers)
4/14/12 - 87,213 (ANOTHER 5,827 new followers in about a month)
Ever since January 4th when she tweeted about having 69,265 followers, she's picked up 17,948 new followers! That's in about 14 weeks, and all at a time when she is just about INVISIBLE! This is such bullcrap, she isn't fooling anyone!
4/26/12 - 88,311 (Another 1,098 in less than 12 days)
January 4th - 69,265 (When she first began tweeting about her follower number again)
April 26th - 88,311
That means that in SIXTEEN WEEKS, she has 19,046 new followers - an average of over 1,190 per week, or 170 PER DAY!
Looking at the numbers above, she gained only a little more than 11,000 new followers in the last few months of the year after the show was canceled. She has been FAR less visible since the first of this year. Yet, she's suddenly been gaining 1,190 new followers each week since she first mentioned the numbers again on January 4th.
Averaging 1,190 new followers per week or 170 new followers PER DAY - Now really, does that make any sense at all for someone who the vast majority of the world has forgotten even exists??
That was the first time I had seen that video. I can't believe she was 24 years old. The way she jumped in that frame the moment she realized he was filming, her voice and her whole demeanor changed. If there was any doubt she planned on being famous that reconfirmed the thought. I am pretty sure I read that about the baby in MB. Maybe somebody else read it too.
And they went to Disney on their honeymoon. Daddy had deep pockets. Poor Jon never had a chance. Wasn't he a good looking guy though when he was thin. I think him going on a diet and getting fit would benefit his career, greatly.
Jon opened her world and took her places and showed her things. That was the first time she flew, a big moment for her. I always thought her love of travel was not the destination but the flying. When I was young, only the rich flew, people wore their best, and the stewardesses were thin and statuesque (modelish) in their suits.
I remember one of the rich kids (a doctor's son) his mother was a stewardess and she came to school in her suit and gave us a talk about it. I was enthralled and her perfume hung in the air when she left the room.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 31
: ) Either there are some very dumb fans out there or Kate has a few extra twitter accounts to say what she wants to hear. Wouldn't put anything past her...Damn it, I AM "goUrgeous" and am NOT fake.
chefsummer, I couldn't even finish watching that video. I was too disgusted. She was incredibly fake even way back then. And then the wedding footage? I couldn't stop thinking what a sham it was, since Kate can't feel love for anyone and I knew how badly Jon was getting trapped.
And then to see how miserable he was on that couch, as usual. Boy the shine really came off that relationship fast, didn't it? Here's a pro tip for Kate IF she's ever lucky enough to trap another man: emasculating him is not the way to a long, happy marriage. Respect works both ways.
Maggie, don't worry about Kate getting a cooking show. It's not going to happen. Can you even imagine her trying to carry a 30 minute show by herself? Highlighting her cooking and her personality??? Oh my. I chuckled just imagining how bad that would be. No one wants to put her on TV. Twist of Kate would have happened if she could carry a show by herself. She couldn't, TLC saw that.
I don't think she is home. I AM home with a sick kid today. (which is how you say it, Kate, not there's a sick kid at home today.) Between getting them drinks, medicine, trying to get them to eat a little something, keep them entertained and quiet, comforting them when they really hurt, etc. there's really not much time for anything else but a few loads of laundry! There's certainly not enough time to focus on much with all the interuptions. I'm certainly not going to be doing much today but taking care of my child. If Kate's getting a ton of things done and not twittering at all, I take that to mean that she is not home, or at the very least someone else is taking care of the sick kid!
NLAN, thank you for doing all that convincing math!
Today, I aspire to be goUrgeous!
I've always been of the opiinon that Kate is buying followers, however, she did get an increase when the show started airing throughout the UK (in places it had never been shown) and now a lot of her followers are from England, Scotland, and Ireland.
NLAN and Gift of Grab - thanks for your hard work. The proof is in the numbers! While I believe Kate's buying many of these followers, I wonder if any of the rabid sheeple are doing so, also. Anyone know if it's necessary to have account info (password, etc) to do so?
Sleepless, what Admin said (lol)! I don't think Twitter really has a staff in place that could possibly monitor all of the many violations of its ToS that take place on a minute-by-minute basis the world over.
And what are they going to do if they prove she (or anyone) buys followers? Drop them? Fine them? Make them stand in the corner? That's not what they're in business for. No, they put out their ToS and, in the end, I think they hope people will use their service sorta according to an "honor code." The problem with that hope, of course, is people like Kate, who don't come equipped with anything resembling honor.
chefsummer, 27. Thank you. Well, my HINDSIGHT is brilliant. Just brilliant, I say.
I can see all the negative dynamics in that clip. He is numbed into passiveness on the couch. He stares straight ahead and has to be coaxed to interact. When he does, she interrupts or corrects.
She is syrupy sweet fake, but able to be affectionate in the engagement portion. She wants to go shopping for more stuff. She can't dance. She squeals instead of yelling. Life is all about her.
Their future is captured in the glimpse of the past.
NLAN, glad you've been following this, too. What many people don't recall is the huge jump she got in the month after cancellation was announced. I don't know if you remember, but around mid-August, the follower number was in the 27-28K range. By the time the last show aired, the number had doubled. This might be the one legitimate increase in her account. Hard to say. Either way, she has certainly been buying. I would guess that at least 50-60K of her number are purchased accounts.
What's funny to me is how lame her numbers are, even with the buying. I recall how Kate mentioned early on that she and Kelly Ripa got Twitter at about the same time. Kelly's number today is nearing 480,000. Kate still has a way to go to break 100K. If THAT's not giving her a clear message about her "popularity," I don't know what could.
Get some dignity, Kate, and give.it.up.
I do not know how to twitter, but want to ask this...can you twitter yourself?
Omg, it makes me sick to read her self-congratulatory 'accomplished amazing amts" or whatever...what on earth does she have to do??
She really truly does not get it. What goes on in her mind?
Oh, and she & Jon were engaged 6 mos after meeting...I read MB and it was enjoyable, unlike ELF (also read in WalMart in 10 minutes, lol) and I did read( a gift) JWYTK, which did have some interesting anecdotes but the premise was so exploitative I felt intrusive reading it, although it gave me a glimpse into Kate's mindset- sort of.
I don't know about anyone else who comes here, but i have a sinking feeling we are about to hear that Kate will indeed be back on T.V. sometime in the near future. There has just been too much twitter silence in the past week. This is her m.o. when she is up to something. Please dear lord let me be wrong but i don't think i am. I would love to hear thoughts on this.
Hey Kate! Throw out that toilet snake!
From TMZ:
"Brazilian Blowout -- the company behind the hair procedure Octomom dropped hundreds of dollars on while on welfare -- is MORTIFIED by Octo's reckless spending ... and now, it's hatched a plan to make things right with taxpayers.
BB CEO Mike Brady tells TMZ, "We want to make sure that California taxpayers' money is not going to anything other than taking care of [Nadya Suleman's] children. We don't want to see those kids miss out on anything at the cost of a Brazilian Blowout."
So, a rep for the company tells us, BB is offering to reimburse Octomom the entire cost of her recent Brazilian Blowouts -- plus other hair treatments -- totaling $520.
But that's not it -- BB also wants to give Octomom free blowouts in the future at the company's salon in West Hollywood ... so she's not squandering her limited cash supply on luxury goods. BB will even cover the cost of a sitter while the mother of 14 is getting primped.
To top it all off, BB is offering to pay to fix Octo's toilet -- which might finally allow her kids to poop inside. One can only dream."
Careful, Katie, your title of "World's Greatest Grifter" might be in danger!
Also Kate seems to brag that she stole Jon away from his girlfriend.
Her former boyfriend said in a interview that all she wanted was money and things and he gave her lots of things.
So I wouldn't put it pass her to try and steal Steve away from Gina.
She has no respect for any type of relationship married or not.She did her former Bf and, Jon and Gina a favor.
Good christen woman my butt.
25,000 for $247. About the cost of a pair of 3D glasses for a kid to watch a movie.
Not that expensive when you're grasping at straws to stay relevant.
Dmasy said...I can see all the negative dynamics in that clip. He is numbed into passiveness on the couch. He stares straight ahead and has to be coaxed to interact. When he does, she interrupts or corrects.
So true! UGH! Brings back memories of yelling at the TV to Kate, "Shut the..... up and let Jon talk." Of course that never happened.
Poor guy almost seems catatonic.
pamelajo said... 44
I do not know how to twitter, but want to ask this...can you twitter yourself?
Are you asking if you can tweet a message to yourself? Yes, you can. The @ symbol means "to" so if you put @and your twitter name in the tweet box you send a tweet to yourself.
According to ROL, Octomom got her home professionally cleaned yesterday. Today they are reporting her house will be auctioned next Monday. There is an interview from the man who helped her buy the house. All strange...
But, she still has people looking out of the children.
Dmasy said... 42
She squeals instead of yelling. Life is all about her.
lol, yes she does and yes it is.
At 3:26 in that video she sounds like a pig squealing when it can't find a place at the trough. Exactly the same.
I noticed she said she and Jon paid for their own wedding. It makes me wonder if the parents on both sides were dead set against that marriage. Jon was NOT ready to marry and he even said so. She obviously railroaded him into that one.
And what are they going to do if they prove she (or anyone) buys followers? Drop them? Fine them? Make them stand in the corner?
Right. But they do suspend tweeters for various infractions. Bigfan was suspended, possibly for spamming. I see mentions of being suspended and then trying to get back on. Is the only way they do this is if someone reports the violations? If so, then what's preventing someone from reporting Kate for purchasing followers?
AuntieAnn said...I noticed she said she and Jon paid for their own wedding. It makes me wonder if the parents on both sides were dead set against that marriage. Jon was NOT ready to marry and he even said so. She obviously railroaded him into that one.
Jon tweeted a while back that he wished he'd listened to his mother and said how wise she is. Of course, that could mean anything, but I couldn't help but wonder if she could see how Kate manipulated and controlled Jon.
Terri. 46...
Terri, I hope you are wrong. I can't imagine any production putting time and money into the mess that is Kate Gosselin. I also can't imagine Kate putting any effort into doing anything productive on T.V. Two of her biggest faults are her laziness and sense of entitlement. She will not work hard for anything. She just wants to be chauffeured places, have hair and make up done and look "Perty" for the cameras, without an original thought running through her head. Anyone who would invest in that, is crazy!
You know what's interesting....the one or two tweet people.
How many people think, "Oh! I saw Kate Gosselin at xxxx today! I think I'll go home, sign up for a twitter account, and tweet about it!"
And then never tweet again.
Sleepless, you can certainly report it. But how do you prove it? Will she say "Oh I didn't purchase them," knowing full well Stevie-boy or her manager did? Or even poor deluded milo? I think this infraction is close to the bottom of their watch-list. Spamming is much more egregious, as is the profanity. But the profanity is endless on Kate's twitter, day in and day out, and has been reported scores of times, but no one seems to be at the controls for that. Just by way of example, this guy has tweeted Kate several times this morning:
@xxHannah36xx waiting for something good to stroke my monster cock to!
He's now deleted most of what he sent to Kate, so I wonder if someone did complain. In any case, like I said, I think there is really no way to chase down every rule-breaker on Twitter.
Re BigFan, she has come and gone numerous times under different variations of the same name. She's been gone for a while this time, but what's to stop her from just starting up with a different name? Not much that I can see. I don't know if Twitter can ban by IP--does anyone know?
I think a book is more likely than a TV show...after all, the last two were published, even if sales were poor....idk. I think it would be one of these topics: cooking/ fashion for moms/household tips/exercise/life coach (ugh to all) or a combo... as in Life as I See It. I certainly hope not, but many horrible books are published and unfortunately Kate does have a 'name' for better or worse. Wonder how Jon's book is coming along..
I also think Kate has other coals in the fire- who knows. As long as the kids are out of it, go, Kate *snark*
The comments are tempting me to watch that video, but I really don't want to torture myself. I think it sounds like a clip that I might have seen once a while ago, and yes, she was loathsome even back then.
As for Twitter followers, yes, it's relatively cheap to purchase them. There are several sites that offer it, and we posted about some of them in a thread at Preesi's. For some of the sites, I don't think you need an account password to do it. So, it's correct that a sheeple could purchase some fake followers for her. Again, have at it because it's getting Khate NOWHERE.
Khate reminds me of certain cheaters that I remember from back in college. They went through such elaborate efforts just to cheat, spending tons of time writing tiny little words on "cheat sheets", and other tricks. I used to say they could just put that time and effort into actually studying (WORKING) and get the same or better results. That seems to sum up the current state of grifter Khate's life, doesn't it?
I realize she gained some new fans when the show began airing in the UK, but in keeping track of the numbers since the beginning of this year, it's pretty clear that her follower number is increasing rapidly and steadily, in the same regular amounts, each and every day.
Gift of Grab, yes, I remember the huge spike in her numbers when the show was canceled last year. That made sense because it was covered a lot and people heard the news, checked her out online, and found her Twitter. But, I began to get suspicious last fall when she was regularly mentioning her Twitter numbers, usually when she said "GN"(good night) to her sheeple. When she stopped mentioning it but then brought it up again on January 4th, I decided to try to keep track of it for a while to determine if there was a pattern. I went back as far as I could and found her tweets where she mentioned her numbers. The info that I have goes back to September 24th.
Btw, my long post with Khate's twitter stats was only 8 hours ago, yet she's picked up another 59 followers since then (not bad for the overnight hours on both coasts, and early this morning):
3:00 am -- 88,311 (when I did the long post with her Twitter stats)
4:30 am -- 88,352
11:00 am -- 88,370
Dr. Phil has a "Make Me A Star In My Own Life" promotion going. He requires that you send in a video.
She might not figure out that it is unlikely he would select someone who has already been "famous". She could be hoping that Dr. Phil remembers her, likes her, and will jump up and down when he sees her submitted video.
Worry not about Kate getting a TV show. She can't involve the kids in it (legally, because of Jon not allowing it). So she's on her own.
Have you SEEN her being interviewed??? It's painful! She's boring as hell, can't string two lucid thoughts together, she's a horrible public speaker, and her personality isn't exactly warm or endearing.
Shall I go on?
Is she funny? No. She seems to think she is, but she's painfully unfunny. Narcissists usually aren't very funny, nor do they get humor very well.
Is she intelligent? Clever? Witty? Well-read? No on all counts.
Now for the negatives: pushy, rude, controlling, greedy and demanding.
Also: she's not young, she's not "fresh" (as in unknown to the general public) and she wasnt a huge ratings-getter on her own even WITH the kids. Without them? Tank city.
So yeah, I'm not worried one bit. Networks have had months to grab her if they wanted her and they haven't. All she's had is an infomercial that never aired.
Dmasy said... 59
She could be hoping that Dr. Phil remembers her, likes her . .
Soooo funny! Does anyone who remembers her, like her?!
I don't think so. De-licensed Phil has already run her through his mill. If she's counting on his affection for her to revive her life, she's gonna be saaaad.
When does Jons book come out?
I just found some more stats going back a bit further:
April 06, 2011 - 3,868 Followers
May 17, 2011 - 12,658
October 07, 2011 - 57,846 (that's from the huge spike in August & September after the show was canceled)
February 26, 2012 - 78,888
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 54
Jon tweeted a while back that he wished he'd listened to his mother and said how wise she is. Of course, that could mean anything, but I couldn't help but wonder if she could see how Kate manipulated and controlled Jon.
If she alienated the kids from their grandparents, I'm sure her first order of business would have been to pull Jon away from his mother. I can't imagine having Kate for a daughter-in-law, it would be enough to turn Mother Teresa into a raging alcoholic.
I think the other key Twitter stat, NLAN, is the tweets per hour. When she came on last night with her one tweet, I was watching on twazzup. She got to maybe 70 tph in the few minutes after her tweet, and then it dropped off pretty fast. And since most of the tweets during that period were from haters, she must have been rather disappointed. If she's blocked the haters, as she claims, then she would have only seen a feeble 12 or so tweets coming back (with milo providing at least a couple).
Used to be that her tph stats were regularly over 200 tph, sometimes even higher, even without her tweeting. Now this is happening very seldom. Her downward trajectory is long, but it is unmistakable. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
NLAN nice to see you back, posting here! Always enjoy your posts. :)
I've been thinking about the pictures she posts on her blog and twitter. I know a few celebrity moms who does that and theirs are not front and center screaming for attention. I don't think they take them for the sake of posting them on the web. They are not pre-staged and the children weren't asked to 'perform'. Kate does because I don't think she doesn't take pictures JUST TO PLACE THEM ON THE MANTLE. She would never do that! Everything has to have a purpose behind it, don't you know that! The season pictures seem to be a new trend because I don't remember her ever taking pictures for Easter or 'Fall' until after the show ended. It's another way of shoving her children in our faces to tug at our heartstrings. Sorry Kate, nice try. Keep these pictures on the mantle for family viewing only, thank you.
I did not watch Jon and Kate as a regular viewer, but became fascinated with Kate's narcissistic behavior on DWTS. I took a look at the video of the story of their meeting, which explains a lot to me.
She obviously set her sights on Jon, had him ditch his girlfriend within the first 24 hours (Katespeak, UR GONE) and got him to marry her. What stands out in that video is her complete indifference toward him, both past and present. He is a prop on their couch and a videographer on their honeymoon, it s clearly all about her. Her manipulation is obvious from the beginning of their relationship, and adding 8 kids for more attention would fit her M.O. perfectly.
When did Jon realize he was of no importance to her? It certainly seemed obvious on that couch he was fed-up. He must have gone along with her plan to be famous until he realized he had no place in it. She really is despicable having thrust 8 kids in to the spotlight for her own fame and fortune. She just never believed Jon would show the backbone to walk away from it all and foil her plan.
Without what little push-back he managed to assert, she has managed to screw up everything she has touched since he left.
She will never give up on getting back in the spotlight, and I too agree something is in the works. And if filming starts anytime soon, those cruise people will be sailing without her, they are a stop-gap at best to her, something to toy with until the big break comes along. Time will tell.
I have never seen this clip from the RV trip before:
They are looking for a toy store while their laundry is drying. K8 instead finds a jewelry store and Ashley says she's going to blow. That bitch made them sit there for 30 min while she looked at jewelry. WHen she comes out she said it was all Leah's idea. The look on Cara's face is priceless..she is totally on to K8.
Localyocul...I watched. New to me, too. That is not a vacation. That is a mother marching her children and barking at her friends/helpers. There is no pleasure on the kid's faces. They are somber even when eating ice cream. She was in her full-of-herself-glory. TLC had to be done...done...done. Did you notice Ashley said that she was ready to blow up?
Local, I saw that one recently also. At the end, the camera follows her out of the laundry place as she's tottering on her hooker heels through the parking lot, and pans in on some socks that she is dropping out of her laundry bag. It cracked me up because she claims to be so efficient. I'm sure someone else got a load of $^*& when she discovered there were items missing.
In the video Localyocul posted, Steve announces the laundry is done. Laundromat monitor -- good job for a body guard! Would he be responsible -- under penalty of severeness -- for the lost sock? Just asking'.
Gift of grab said... 65
I think the other key Twitter stat, NLAN, is the tweets per hour. When she came on last night with her one tweet, I was watching on twazzup. She got to maybe 70 tph in the few minutes after her tweet, and then it dropped off pretty fast. And since most of the tweets during that period were from haters, she must have been rather disappointed. If she's blocked the haters, as she claims, then she would have only seen a feeble 12 or so tweets coming back (with milo providing at least a couple).
Used to be that her tph stats were regularly over 200 tph, sometimes even higher, even without her tweeting. Now this is happening very seldom. Her downward trajectory is long, but it is unmistakable. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
That's great, Gift of Grab! I've noticed it too whenever I take a look over there. It used to be that they sheeple would stake out her Twitter in the evenings, waiting for Khate to tweet and when she did fart out a few tweets, they all tweeted like mad in reply. I'm sure she loved the narcissistic fix of whipping them into a frenzy.
She is a Cow said... 66
NLAN nice to see you back, posting here! Always enjoy your posts. :)
Thanks so much. I sometimes fall behind in reading all the comments and just can't keep up. Or, by the time I do get caught up, you've all already said it all so perfectly!
Btw, about the speculation on Khate's doings, I think she will be redoing that cookbook that never was published. Yesterday, when I went to her website to find the comments she's made about treadmills in the past, I was going through some of her Q&A posts. It seemed obvious from what I read that she's retooling that old cookbook and trying to get it published.
I'll try to find some it and post it here later.
Dmasy said... 51
According to ROL, Octomom got her home professionally cleaned yesterday. Today they are reporting her house will be auctioned next Monday. There is an interview from the man who helped her buy the house. All strange...
But, she still has people looking out of the children.
April 26, 2012 7:21 AM
Dr Drew visited Nadya at her home on one of his shows. He commented that he smelled "old pee pee."
He arranged for a professional cleaning service to clean her house regularly. Maybe it was once a week, I am not exactly sure about the frequency. But she did accept that help.
She also, on that show, stated that she would be accepting help for her children and her pride at not accepting help was over.
A sheeple getting a clue?
@Kateplusmy8 true hollywood story says ur show was scripted! What the hell! They said xmas was staged n all that :( this makes me sad kate.
This one (not one we have commented on here) has been a diehard fan for a very long time, and not at all nasty. She also tweets Jon, interestingly enough.
Jumping In, agree completely with your comment re Kate and Jon. But I am much less sure she has anything serious coming up. Right now she sees her day-to-day job as simply keeping up the illusion that something's on her horizon. But you're right, time will tell.
Maybe Kate's um um practicing her accent for the real house wives of New Zealand.--lol
I can see her in the mirror now.
From her website - different Q&A posts, where she answered questions about a cookbook (or any book):
Ask Kate Q & A
September 28, 2011
Q: Are you going to put together a cookbook anytime soon?
A: I know with the economy my cookbook got delayed but I wholly intend to publish it and am working towards that goal… Stay tuned!
Misty asks-
January 13, 2012
5. Q: I was just wondering if you have considered doing a cookbook? Your meals always sound so delicious and healthy, would love it if you shared the wealth :)
A: I have considered and worked on one. I do indeed hope to get one put together very soon! It’s on my “need to do list!”
I have many great ideas to include that small and large families will love… Stay tuned…
February 28, 2012
2. Q: I am writing you from Serbia where your show is more than popular and TLC has been emitting it twice a day :)
Since I am FASCINATED by your everyday life organization, such as who is cleaning when, cell phone rules etc, I was wondering, if you have writen any book on this matter and if yes what’s it called….
I am planning a family of my own and you and your kids are my inspiration!
A: Hi Elena – I am mentally planning my next book which will be the third book (fourth in total) following “Multiple Blessings” and “I Just Want You to Know.” The focus of my next book will be the things I’ve learned when life took another unexpected turn and I found myself divorced and functioning as a single parent of 8 kids! I hope to get it written soon!
I also have plans to release my better than ever cook book and am currently working on a surprise writing project that excites me a lot! I’ll hurry….:)
6. Q: When are you going to bring out a cook book?
A: Hi Hayley – I hope REALLY soon! I’m reconfiguring it, adding more unique “Kate recipes” and I hope to get it into your hands (and the thousands of others who have been asking for it for the past 7 years!) very soon!
When Kate is "marching" somewhere with her children, she does not walk WITH them (fun mom). She does not walk BEHIND them (cautious mom). She is often filmed tromping out in front of them with her helpers following behind with the 8.
Body language reveals so much.
Dmasy, I noticed when she opened the door to the laundromat, instead of holding it open for her small children to pass through first, she went through herself and just kept walking, never looking back to see if the door was going to clonk one of them in the head.
Q: Are you going to put together a cookbook anytime soon?
A: I know with the economy my cookbook got delayed but I wholly intend to publish it and am working towards that goal… Stay tuned!
Misty asks-
Yeah it's the economy that's why your cookbook didn't sell.
It couldn't be becuse you stole most of the ideas
Or that you can't mark it to anyone or since your last book sucked so bad no one in there right mind would publish your book.
I finally broke down and watched the clip. I notice that in her vows, KK promised to honor and support and cherish Jon. She certainly didn't do a very good job of keeping those vows. I'm struck by how fresh and pretty and natural she looked back then. It's pretty clear from the clips that Jon adored her. KK is so me-centered, even then. Even all her smooching and caresses seem forced and unnatural. I seem to remember KK talking at one point about Jon's mother telling her that she was concerned KK wouldn't be happy with children who didn't look like her (I think it was in the first special; maybe the second). I think she saw through KK right from the beginning. It's a shame Jon was so smitten that he didn't listen to her.
Wow, I just watched that laundry video. Holy crap, does she make you want to slap her or what? She even fights with her friend over the washing machines, and she is just SO NASTY to everyone and anyone. Damn, it's sickening the way she barks orders and marches everyone around. Plus, she looks like an idiot clomping around in heels on an RV trip and doing laundry.
You'd think that a super organized (b.s., I know) "mom" would have been better organized, especially since she claims on that clip that she does laundry on every vacation. Really? Then why was she trying to sort it all when she got there? And she had it all in garbage bags she couldn't even hold, which is why that sock fell out in the parking lot. After all the traveling, you'd think she'd learn to pack something like large tote bags with handles.
Every single person in that clip looked miserable, even the kids as they had ice cream. It's so abnormal to me not to see kids that age constantly smiling, laughing, and playing. And for all her bitching, it looks like Khate was VERY happy in that clip. She LOVED having the cameras on her as she marched around, barking orders, and bitching and moaning.
Nice of her to bash the state of PA at the end of that clip: "Who knew how gorgeous ("georgous", according to Khate) out west could be? I had no idea. I could stay here for a while. I mean great shopping, organic ice cream. Hello? Everybody was happy. Sign me up for this place. More and more, I ask myself 'why is it I live in Pennsylvania?' You've seen one farm, you've seen them all. (Producer asks "You see yourself living out here?) and Khate replies "How many times have I been to Wyoming now? Absolutely. Without a doubt."
Gift of Grab,
I saw the TMZ posting about the Brazilian Blowout company and I was so immediately incensed that I had to walk away from the computer. I took the time to check to see if anyone else had posted here about it before I blew shit all over the blog.
I c-a-n-n-o-t BELIEVE that these two breeders-for-fame-and-money get away with this crap.
The BB company... well, first, what the hell IS a brazilian blowout?
Anyway, this BB company, if they really wanted to help the American taxpayer they would send the reimbursement money to the state of CA. Sending it to breeder nayda is just rewarding her for her despicable behaviors.
I am in the camp that believes her kids should be taken away. Sorry, but I think that they have no chance at any semblance of a normal life with her. And I'm not just talking about the poor state of her house.
The kids have no people skills, no life skills, no manners, no respect for anything, no boundaries, no love, no awareness of love for others; they will inevitably end up having school problems and most likely mental health issues themselves. Can a life of poverty and/or crime be far behind?
Have you ever seen videos of her with the kids? She has absolutely NO connection with them. She talks at them and not to or with them. She treats them as a pack and give no discipline. They eat horribly like animals at troughs. They pay her no attention at all.
She exhibits serious mental health issues and IMHO has no maternal nurturing in her approach to them. In fact, I think she is mentally and emotionally majorly overwhelmed.
This just chaps my ass - women like her should be prevented from breeding.
Yes, my opinion is controversial. But someone, somewhere, somehow should be watching out for those kids. She is a profoundly bad mother. The videos are so, so sad to watch.
The train wreck is coming and it's inevitable. If there is no effective intervention those kids are destined to remain on welfare their entire lives.
I waver between being outraged, sorry for the kids, and then I say to myself it's not my problem and I can't do anything about it, so I'm going to hug my family and call my son to say hi and I love you.
nadya is one person who makes kart look marginally normal. Now that's pathetic.
Sorry for the rant.
This is probably a dumb question but...
if you buy a bunch of twitter followers, don't those 'followers' know they've been added as a follower without their permission? Wouldn't you immediately un-follow Kate if you suddenly saw her tweets on your twitter feed?
Or are these all somehow how dormant/inactive accounts?
chefsummer - Yeah. The economy. That's a good one. And how exciting is it that she's "adding more unique Kate recipes" to this phantom book. Her sheeple are probably dying to know the ingredients for an egg white omelet with "something green" in it. Bet they're sitting on the edge of their couches right about now.
Well color me surprised! octo just gave interview where she said she and the kids were set up....... cue the violins.
And another post said the house she's in is being auctioned Monday. What I am thinking is that if the new owner kicks her out immediately like he would have the right to do, maybe then that's when CPS could take the kids as she would have no home for them.
Best thing long-term for the kids. Get their mom some long-term psychological help, give the kids some help and maybe they can be reunited somewhere down the road.
Sad, sad, sad.
OK, this is my final post. I think my anger/frustration has vented enough. Off to do some laundry.
This was just twittered to Kate.
Part of why she's MIA on twitter? Getting attention somewhere else.
I think she's with Coupon Cabin at meetings and doing promo stuff. Nothing big. Didn't they say they had an announcement coming up about Kate?
I too have noticed that she seems so indifferent to the children behind her. It's not only in this clip that she walks through a door first and just keeps on going. She did it in the pool episode where she stepped through the gate - and that gate is face-level for most of the kids. She's done it other times too, though I can't think of specific examples. I have been trying very, very hard not to post and critique her (give her attention), but I laughed at the clip. Who packs stilettos and booby shirts to go on a camping trip? She looks absurd! Her hemming and hawing at the jewelry store is EXACTLY the crap my mother pulls. And when she does it, she's waiting for me to offer to buy it for her. That's fine by me, we can sit there all day, but we don't have 8-9 kids and two not-a-nannies waiting for her to figure out that if she wants it, she better pull out her wallet.
Permanent legally in ca they can't take your kids just because you are homeless. They would put her in a shelter or give her section 8 referrals, things like that. You are allowed to live under a bridge with your kid, case law time and time again has backed parents on that.
readerlady.....I think Jon was more horny than he was smitten. Kate seemed to be falling all over him, and at 22 he likely had a strong physical attraction toward her. You have to admit, she is a master manipulator, he was toast from the moment she set eyes on him. He got dragged along until he could no longer tolerate her.
Gift of grab......The only reason I think she could be back on television (alone) would be if someone realized how people like watching a train wreck. Any future Kate has in the media will be if she is the brunt of the joke. I agree with you, she is living day-to-day with the illusion of finding fame again, she has nothing to offer
of substance. But, if here is a show on former reality television stars behaving badly, Kate's their gal.
The Octomom thing drives me crazy too.
She is just like Kate. She wanted babies because she wanted attention. She (supposedly) has a psychology degree. At one point she had three nannies. Why is she not working? If she is fully licensed, she could make a bundle. Live in a modest house, do a few interviews for extra money, and give those kids a decent life.
She claims she was set up, that the kids were not in the room with the chair in front of it, but that doesn't explain why there is graffeti all over her house. That right there shows neglect, lack of disapline, and no nuturing to me.
You can give her all the maids you want to. A clean house doesn't make a mom. She does not care at all about the environment those kids are in. Even the video where she says she was set up shows holes in the walls, water damage, etc. I doubt that house was in that condition when she bought it, and I seriously doubt she will get anything close to what she paid for it.
She is a liar with serious psychological problems and those kids need to be somewhere else.
"I also have coats and snow boot purchases scheduled on alternating years so that I don’t go into debt when winter comes."
Question for the moms out there:
Would snow boots fit a growing child TWO consecutive seasons? How big is she buying them?In what world does this make sense?
My lord, she never fails to confound and annoy me. I would really love the opportunity to bitch-slap her just one time.
The kids certainly seem to do their part walking around in huge clothes waiting to grow into them. What I want to know is what sacrifices Kate makes. She didn't mention a single one in that article. That article by the way sounds very polished. Oh, CC is pushing the interview thing. They even asked me if I wanted to interview Kate. Lol!
They even asked me if I wanted to interview Kate. Lol!
And you said yes, didn't you? lol
This is probably a dumb question but...
if you buy a bunch of twitter followers, don't those 'followers' know they've been added as a follower without their permission? Wouldn't you immediately un-follow Kate if you suddenly saw her tweets on your twitter feed?
I don't understand it either. Where do these internet sites get these followers that they sell? Are they fake accounts? If not, and you have an account and they hijacked it to use your account for someone else to purchase you as a follower, isn't that illegal?
Of course I said yes but I'm sure Kate said no. Just goes to show how stupid CC is, if they spent all of three minutes on this blog they would realize any interview wasn't going to be all marshmallows and lollipops. Although I thought Kate said sit down with her and then see how you feel about her. Well Kate I said I would the ball is in your court now.
Admin, I just don't know how to respond to that... how desperately sad.
I agree that **normal** parents should be kept with their kids.
My feeling is that octo isn't 'normal'. I think she has some serious mental health issues and is not capable of parenting appropriately. I don't think she is reality-based, as in "what color is the sky in your world?"
In another interview she says that this is the last month they will be on welfare. Well um, glad you found a money tree, doll. Don't spend it all in one place.
But hey, not my business I guess.
And to add a dash of wry humor here, the vision of octo with 14 kids homeless under a bridge puts me at a loss for words.
OK, I really had better go. I'm not being very kind, and I dislike myself when I get like this.
Thanks for having a blog where we can safely vent!
Permanent Name, I feel your pain. Yesterday I posted that I am still in shock over the fact that she was ever allowed to take 8 babies home from the hospital to a house that already had 6 of her children. As a single parent. I'm sorry, the very fact of all of these kids, all produced by non-natural means by a woman with no discernable job or career prospects, says to me that the authorities should have had her involuntarily committed and placed those children up for adoption. This is a severely mentally disturbed person. How could it be beneficial for these children to be with their birth mother over the long term under the circumstances that they are forced to live in?
Unfortunately, no one stepped in when they should have, before she took the children home. And the older they get, the less chance these kids have to find families who might cherish and take care of them in a way that Nadya clearly will NEVER be able to.
I'm sorry, this just kills me, it really does. And honestly? To me Kate is really the same ball of wax with a slightly more opaque veneer of sanity. She was just fortunate that (a) she had a husband to help her work out the messy details, at least for the first 5 years; and (b) she had no qualms about throwing herself on the mercy of the state and society at large to help her pay for all of those children. The fact that she now doesn't have to worry about it is due solely to a TV network which paid her very well for selling her own and her children's souls. Will they really end up that much better than Nadya's kids? Only time will tell.
"Would snow boots fit a growing child TWO consecutive seasons? How big is she buying them?In what world does this make sense?"
I bought brand new snow boots (good ones) for the kids this year and they didn't get them out of the closet. No snow. The oldest will be able to hand them down to the youngest, but there is no way that the youngest will be able to wear the ones next year that were bought for her this year. I'm not doing this again. Next year I'm waiting until it snows to spend the money on boots!
It's cold again today -- rainy and miserable. Glad Kate got that pool ready to go. Some dumb sheeple was trying to say that it's wise to open the pool early. I can't figure out if these sheeple really are this stupid, or just kissing Kate's rear end, or maybe a little of both. If the weather's really warm and the kids are home, I could see opening it a few weeks early. Here's Kate, blogging about rinsing out baggies and turning the lights off during the day to save money, and she's spending so much money on electricity (and gas?) having a pool open early when it's cold and the kids are in school and they can't use it. She just can't think logically, can she?
I was glad to hear that someone is seeing to it that Nadya's toilet is repaired. I can't imagine where on earth she was planning to "go" and where she was going to empty the children's "business".
It makes no sense whatsoever to buy clothes to last two seasons. You would have to buy a whole size bigger, especially for shoes, for them to fit again the next year. For shoes, there is no way they could walk! The shoes would fall off! (Especially boots in snow!) What DOES make sense is to buy at the end of the season. So go out NOW and buy stuff for next year. Then you get the next size up, it will fit them and you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for it. Especially this year with such a mild winter. I heard that department stores have so many overstock winter coats that some are selling for $5.
I once bought my son a winter coat a size bigger so that it would last two years. It was so big he could hardly move in it! He was a toddler, so we weren't outside much and it was okay, but with active kids it would not work! And, the bigger the coat the colder it would be because more cold air will be able to get in! Not a good idea.
Administrator...regarding your acceptance to interview Kate and her non response. Did you offer to fly her (and Steve) to your location? Was a sushi dinner involved? Do you have any merchandise that you can gift to her?
Well, there you go...
Nobody Likes a Narcissist (NLAN) said... 82
Wow, I just watched that laundry video. Holy crap, does she make you want to slap her or what? She even fights with her friend over the washing machines, and she is just SO NASTY to everyone and anyone. Damn, it's sickening the way she barks orders and marches everyone around. Plus, she looks like an idiot clomping around in heels on an RV trip and doing laundry.
You'd think that a super organized (b.s., I know) "mom" would have been better organized, especially since she claims on that clip that she does laundry on every vacation. Really? Then why was she trying to sort it all when she got there? And she had it all in garbage bags she couldn't even hold, which is why that sock fell out in the parking lot. After all the traveling, you'd think she'd learn to pack something like large tote bags with handles.
Every single person in that clip looked miserable, even the kids as they had ice cream. It's so abnormal to me not to see kids that age constantly smiling, laughing, and playing. And for all her bitching, it looks like Khate was VERY happy in that clip. She LOVED having the cameras on her as she marched around, barking orders, and bitching and moaning.
Nice of her to bash the state of PA at the end of that clip: "Who knew how gorgeous ("georgous", according to Khate) out west could be? I had no idea. I could stay here for a while. I mean great shopping, organic ice cream. Hello? Everybody was happy. Sign me up for this place. More and more, I ask myself 'why is it I live in Pennsylvania?' You've seen one farm, you've seen them all. (Producer asks "You see yourself living out here?) and Khate replies "How many times have I been to Wyoming now? Absolutely. Without a doubt."
And then she blames Hannah for staying in the store for half & hour.
Instead of saying "opps I got carried away looking at stuff.
Boots too big can be dangerous. Tracking through snow or uphill on slippery snow or ice when sledding could cause you to do a face plant if your feet are jostling around in too big boots. And it's just darn uncomfortable. It's annoying the kids are the ones always making sacrifices like this.
Especially annoying when Kate is walking around in $500 shoes.
I'm glad Octomom's toilet got fixed, but I think it is telling that it got fixed not because she called the plumber and handled it, but because someone heard about it and offered to fix it. Not good!
Sorry for all the posts! I've been home with sickness and sick kids all week and have hit "stir crazy". If Kate were actually home, her Twitter posts would be crazy!
I had seen that laundry clip before, but re-watched it just to laugh at her for tottering around all self-important in Wyoming in heels and low-cut shirts, running so the implants bounce.
One thing is for sure: she could NEVER be friends with me. Never. I would speak up to her so fast for how she acts, it would make her head spin. I don't yell, I don't get bent out of shape, but you can bet I'd let her know every time she acted like an asshole to me or the people around me. I don't know how Jamie or Ashley kept biting their tongues for so long!
That clip just reminded me how thankful I am she's off TV. Yuck. Good riddance to bad garbage, as someone said above.
Hey maybe she's not on Twitter as much because she found a real 9 to 5 job with a paycheck.
HAHAHAHAHA, just kidding! Not YET.
(Whoever brought up the lack of Twitter response when she tweets these days: I've noticed that, too. It's WAY down from just a few months ago, let alone half a year ago.)
hey readerlady- saw you on another blog :) We had similar comments...obviously my name is different there...my own!
I buy the Lands End coats and snowpants for my kids. You can buy them in their current size and then the next year you clip some thread in the arms and legs and voila - they extend 1 1/2 inches. That is how you get two years out of a winter coat. The boots - forget about it. Just pony up the money for a new pair.
Brazilian Blowout -- the company behind the hair procedure Octomom dropped hundreds of dollars on while on welfare -- is MORTIFIED by Octo's reckless spending ... and now, it's hatched a plan to make things right with taxpayers.
BB CEO Mike Brady tells TMZ, "We want to make sure that California taxpayers' money is not going to anything other than taking care of [Nadya Suleman's] children. We don't want to see those kids miss out on anything at the cost of a Brazilian Blowout."
So, a rep for the company tells us, BB is offering to reimburse Octomom the entire cost of her recent Brazilian Blowouts -- plus other hair treatments -- totaling $520.
But that's not it -- BB also wants to give Octomom free blowouts in the future at the company's salon in West Hollywood ... so she's not squandering her limited cash supply on luxury goods. BB will even cover the cost of a sitter while the mother of 14 is getting primped.
To top it all off, BB is offering to pay to fix Octo's toilet -- which might finally allow her kids to poop inside. One can only dream.
I remember when Al. was always smiling, and laughing, and having a good time. She was so loving and nice to the other kids. What a shame it came down to that pitiful sight once KT got the show all to herself. She is the only one having FUN. She was acting just like she did in the beds segment ignoring everyone and deliberately taking way longer, making every one wait. Yes, KT, moms in the real world sit around all day talking how much FUN their life is and what adventures they have had and about the fact they have to Wyoming so many times they can't keep track. We know you have traveled. Going back anytime soon? And why are the kids always VOMITING.
I'm glad both Jamie and Ashley were there on the RV trip. They seemed to be able to vent their
many frustrations with each other and laugh when
otherwise they might have been throwing things.
There is nothing so needed during stressful times than somebody who understands how you feel. I think Jamie and Ashley filled that role for each other very nicely.
mamaK said... 87
This was just twittered to Kate.
Part of why she's MIA on twitter? Getting attention somewhere else.
I think she's with Coupon Cabin at meetings and doing promo stuff. Nothing big. Didn't they say they had an announcement coming up about Kate?
Did you see the article in the sidebar:
mamaK said... 87
This was just twittered to Kate.
Part of why she's MIA on twitter? Getting attention somewhere else.
I think she's with Coupon Cabin at meetings and doing promo stuff. Nothing big. Didn't they say they had an announcement coming up about Kate?
Did you see the article in the sidebar?:
Smart Multitasking: Eating Dinner With the Family Can Make You Thin
No! I didn't see that articule! How fun, yes, I always call spending time with my family "multitasking" Oy!
My fav part of the Kate interview is the line something like...you may know Kate from the reality shows or from her books, but in real life she's mom to 8.
Really? Hahahahaha.
Permanent Name said... 96
I think the decent and lovely people here, on occasion, rail against the injustices we see when it comes to children. I've read your posts and agree wholeheartedly with your sediments ;-)
I don't know how Jamie or Ashley kept biting their tongues for so long!
For the kids sake I'm sure. They knew they could escape her but at their young age there's no getting away from her when she's your mother. Kate knows it too, she's always hiding behind her kids. Too bad she can't see those tapes and do a scrutinizing evaluation of herself. Then she wouldn't have to wonder why people are always leaving her.
Brazilian Blowout (Mr. Mike Brady, CEO)
Created By
Lisa Ford
About this PetitionPetition LetterPetition Updates
Why This Is Important
Brazilian Blowout -- the company behind the hair procedure Octomom dropped hundreds of dollars on while on welfare -- plans on reimbursing Octomom for the entire cost of her recent Brazilian Blowouts -- plus other hair treatments -- totaling $520. Then they plan on giving Octomom free blowouts in the future at the company's salon in West Hollywood even covering the cost of a sitter while the mother of 14 is getting primped.
BB is also offering to pay to fix Octo's toilet.
Why should this company reward bad parenting? I am a single mother of a nine year old. I have lived on my own after my divorce, paid my own way through college with no financial aid so I can better myself. I made sure I did not have other children, made a career for myself and am proud to have never collected public assistance. There are alot of single mother's who despeately need public assistance and cannot get it due to women like Ocotmom that leach off of the system. Now you have a company that is saying we're going to give you yet another hand-out even though you put a chair under a door to keep your kids locked in a bedroom.
What kind of message does this send? She is reckless and irresponsible and I for one am tired of seeing her get bailed out. Lets all send Brazilian Blowout a message that bad parenting should not be rewarded, and they should instead direct that kindness to organizations for poor desperately in need families.
Why People Are Signing
Ellen Markham
about 4 hours ago
I will not give my business to any company who rewards and encourages such an irresponsible person. Shame on Brazilian Blowout for this cheap publicity ploy
I read that article referred to above...only thing that puzzles me is...how do you 'save' when you have no income coming in?
Heres the Facebook for Brazilian Blowout company
Apparently people are already goiNg over there bitching about it!
My dear friend from HS was overweight but could not see that. One day she and I were getting off the escalator at a mall and she saw an overweight girl approaching. It was a mirror. Her diet started that day.
Point is, sometimes you just don't see what others see about you. But once you accidentally stumble upon the truth, you will see very clearly.
May Kate have an accidental encounter with some truths she refuses to acknowledge.
Here's a question... If Kate is a mom of multiples and understands how difficult it is to raise so many kids at one time (totally by herself..snark) and she is oh so grateful for all the help she has received and is looking for ways to "give back", why doesn't she donate the clothes that the tups outgrow to octomom's kids instead of taking them to a consignment shop to make money off of the clothes she didn't pay for in the first place...she really is stupid!
**What are your favorite tips for clipping coupons?
...look online. People don’t realize shopping online often offers better prices than in-store shopping.**
Online? geez. I would NEVER have thought of shopping online in the year 2012 without that useful tip from Kate Gosselin. What a concept. The woman is a freaking shopping guru. No wonder people are scrambling to interview her. I can't wait to tell everyone about shopping online. Wow. She's a goldmine of information.
Gift of grab said... 75
A sheeple getting a clue?
@Kateplusmy8 true hollywood story says ur show was scripted! What the hell! They said xmas was staged n all that :( this makes me sad kate.
Awwww... the sheeple's disappointment is almost palpable.
Let's see how Kate & co. spins this one around.
Jon & Kate + 8 was the most unreal, real-est, unscripted, scripted, edited, & non-edited, reality show in the history of the whole wide world.
AuntieAnn 120:
Kate said she has been buying the kids' shoes on-line ( bad idea for footwear) for years and they rarely have been to a shoe store-Striderite episode. So why would she think no one else had ever heard of shopping on-line? Because she had no other tips to offer?
Maybe she should try Target.com. Avoid the mob scene, ya know....
Ugh. Just read that LearnVest interview. What a crock of happy horseshit.
The ironic thing is, this is a site intended to help women (specifically) learn to manage their money using the site's online resources. But what does Kate say? "I’m old school, so I have a bill paying notebook; it’s not done on the computer." Yeah, right, we know exactly how non-"can-do" you are with a computer. Her twins help her sort out her receipts--business vs. household? Gee, wonder how they know. "Mommy, botox is business, right?" And on and on.
Once again, nobody cares about real research. Lucky for Kate.
Someone may have mentioned this? but I think Kate might have written a kids' book starring Shoka, with all the Shoka "talking" kind of crap she puts on the blog. She hasn't exploited the dog enough yet and he needs to start paying his way.
Pink (#121), they already are spinning it, saying that the True Hollywood Story on Kate was full of untruths (somewhat correct) and therefore should not be believed. The usual story where Kate is concerned.
BTW, someone mentioned Kate going to another CC convention. The next Affiliate Summit (don't know if CC attends other conference series) is in Austin, TX on May 15-16, maybe they'll trot her out again there. The third and final one for the year is in NYC August 12-14, but she won't be there as she'll be embarked on the Voyage of the Damned.
New Kid:
Well could be. I love dogs but think her Shoka Diaries are lame. I don't always get the point of them. My kids would not have liked them, I'm sure.
And I keep thinking how she was so unfeeling to both the dogs and the kids- even down to naming them, something every child likes to do.
She made no secret of not liking the dogs but took credit when Shoka reappeared.
From the article posted by MamaK:
"I offer $1 almost daily to Mady and Cara for doing extra things to help around the house. This benefits them because they are always willing to work for extra money, and it benefits me because I have extra help and am teaching them the way real life works."
...so Khate DOES understand that the way the world works is that you work, and then you get paid for it. Who knew?
Kelly H. said, talking about Jon: "If he can find fame ON HIS OWN, more power to him."
What exactly has Jon done to deserve fame? He seems to be a much nicer person that Kate, but he is no more talented that she is.
I thought that, after he was put through the tabloid wringer in 2009, he was serious about leading a quiet life, but from his latest actions, it seems that he's back to chasing celebrity-hood.
Wonder why Kate hasn't tweeted the link to her LearnVest interview--it's one of only a handful of "public" things she's done since the LV marathon in December. Come on, Kate, it's been up for almost 12 hours! FREE publicity for YOU!
I don't know if Kate has anything going on, or in the works, but I think she could get some good ideas for projects here. Lets stop giving her ideas!! Oh wait, she is to lazy to act on any of them.
Viewer -- I mean really. Does she actually think the whole world is just now discovering the benefits of online shopping? That everyone is as dumb as her sheeple? What's scary is I believe she does think that. And she's proud of it too.
Kate: seek therapy. soon. please.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 121
Jon & Kate + 8 was the most unreal, real-est, unscripted, scripted, edited, & non-edited, reality show in the history of the whole wide world.
They even got the kids to play along with the unscripted scripts (okay,the LIES). How did Cara know they were getting playhouses if she didn't even know they were moving? Big oops Kate.
Here's a curious comment from gypsi, confirmed Kate cruiser:
@XXXXX with the kate pass u will be allowed in the areas where she is. Im sure they have it all planned out.
I hope she's not thinking that Kate will be having any involvement with her fans other than what has been published (IF that). Does she think that Kate cruisers will all have cabins adjacent to Kate's accommodations? Highly unlikely. In fact, I'm sure Kate has asked that her cabin be located as far from the common folk (and most especially her fans) as possible. Because of her "security" needs, of course.
Coming out of lurkdom to share an article I found online about the passing of a mother of 17 in California. Yes, 17 children - more than twice as many as our ever-overwhelmed heroine. This woman died surrounded by her children, passing half an hour after the last of the surviving 15 came to her room to say goodbye (guess they were never threatened with any "penalty of severeness"):
To best appreciate the contrast between these 2 women, I suggest you first re-read Kate's tweet from last night, in which she crows about her
"mind-boggling" accomplishments, and the indescribable pace of her day.
I know why her kids have vomit-fests so often. Tension causes up-chucking.
Here's a curious comment from gypsi, confirmed Kate cruiser:
@XXXXX with the kate pass u will be allowed in the areas where she is. Im sure they have it all planned out.
If I recall, she was the one who Kate blocked and the cruise was in question for her but she decided to go because she didn't want to disappoint her family. Then she booked two more cabins and now she's gushing away about the wonder of the cruise, getting ready, what fun it will be, and on and on. Change of heart, I guess!
If she thinks a pass is going to get her into all areas where Kate is, she's got another thing coming, and about them having it all planned out...yeah, right! This is being planned (and I use that term loosely) by an amateur who can't even answer a straight question about how much the charity dinner is going to cost. My sister-in-law thought it might be fun to go -- she's not a fan and not a non-fan. She's totally neutral. She just wanted to go to observe, and she seriously was interested in going. She made me call and find out about some things, including the charity dinner. The rep had no idea who benefited from the charity, or whether or not there was an extra charge for the dinner, just that it was "optional." She repeated that a few times. I couldn't get a straight answer about the gratuities. She was more interested in getting my name, phone number, address, e-mail address, passengers' names, number of cabins. Had I not stopped her and told her that if I were interested, I know where to reach her, I'm sure she would have asked my total annual income, pets' names, bra size, model of car I drive, and favorite brand of whiskey.
After finding out about the shoddy way this was being run, people being vetted, last names being released, sis said, "no way!"
The "Kate pass" will only get you into the advertised activities, and then probably for only a few minutes, as long as Kate can stand to be around the drooling sheeple.
I always chuckle at these people who think they're going to spend quality time with her, shelling out mega-bucks to do so. These sheeple would kill to just breathe the same air that she breathes. I go out of my way to avoid her. Spend money to see her? Not in a million...
Viewer, Bet I know which blog :>) . First time I ever posted there, although I've been reading it for a couple of years.
Barbara M. Maybe Jon hasn't done anything yet to deserve fame. At least, if he wants it, he's not hiding behind his children to get it at this point in time. He may be as untalented as KK. However, we don't know that, because he's never been allowed to be himself. If he wants to, and can carve out a career in the public eye based on his own merits, then I think he should be allowed to do so. The minute he starts parading his kids around to call attention to himself, then he needs to be slapped down. Until then, I'm all for live and let live.
The next season of DWTS is an "all star" season. They are bring back previous "stars".
Is it possible Kate will be on DWTS again?
(I almost gagged just typing this possibility....ugh!)
These cruising fans are going to be very disappointed by the time the ship docks.I wonder how many fans will be non-fans by the time they get off the ship?
How long is the cruise, and exactly how much time in a 24 hour day will they be allowed access to Kate? an hour a day? two?
That sure is an expensive trip! I feel sorry for her fans. They are being USED by Kate..for her to cruise FREE, and to line her pocketbook.
Shame on her.
If Kate is ever on television again for any reason, I'll be done. I'm livid about the new Kardashian millions, so Kate would just throw me over the edge. No talent, low class people just don't deserve all the money. My husband explained it to me that they are able to get loads of sponsors. I still just don't get it. I tried to watch the show on E about one or the other of the K people, but just couldn't do it. No explaining levels of taste.
readerlady 136:
How funny, me too! I read there for quite a while, then decided to post, quite honestly, when I saw yours and I knew something about the subject...:) I will probably post more now that I'm set up..
Hey Admin, re the interview inquiry by CouponCabin: Is this the story you were alluding to recently? Or is it something else?
@Kateplusmy8 56 more days Kate!! It's not too late to change your ways. Follow us for updates!
Wow, whoever this is, is really having some FUN with Katie!
I don't think Kate will be invited to be on DWTS Allstars. It's probably going to be past winners to see who is the best of the best. 2nd place may be included. Sort of like Top Chef or Chopped Allstars.
On another note, do you think that CC may be trying to launch some sort of web show and will be using Kate as their on air personality? That could explain her recent vanishing act. She's actually working.
Isn't her speaking engagement next week? Pair that with her next cc gig and she may be gone for quite a while.
LAlalaland no more: that's cause you have taste. Tasteless people watch the Kardashins. I don't cause they are trash.
That Kate interview, is somemore useless info, stuff people already knew for years. I wonder if Kate's next CC blog will have part of this interview in it? Like I've been saying someone over at CC must really like Kate, cause other places would have canned her for that blog about Tony & Andersen, and all the complaints they recieved about her.
I see Kate is on twitter silence again.
A Mouse Today said...
Had I not stopped her and told her that if I were interested, I know where to reach her, I'm sure she would have asked my total annual income, pets' names, bra size, model of car I drive, and favorite brand of whiskey.
lol! I wonder if Mr. Security Man is behind all this interrogation. Can't be too careful when you're guarding such a well-loved STAR as Kate.
Good grief this cruise is going to be a laugh to read about when it's all over...IF it ever leaves port in the first place.
I think it would be lovely if twitter silence means that Kate has put the pink phone down and is paying attention to all the children.
Oh Lord, I hope not, but that would provide a lot of snark worthy material! I watched both the dr. drew clip and the other tinsel dress clip with the mommy blogger and Kate cannot coherently speak about coupon cabin. She fumbles over all of her words and nothing of any value ever spews forth. She can't even pronounce coupon....she calls them Qpons.
In our dreams, Dmasy :( I really think she feels like she is 'punishing' her followers when she is silent or else is preoccupied with things for herself.(hair, dinner out)
Oh DMasy, you're so funny! : /
Hey, was just over at CC(not at Kates blog), but they have a section called CC on TV. And guess what most of the TV is about Kate. Interviews, reports from the TV rags.
I wonder if Kate is going to get a TV spot on the local news about couponing w/CC backing her?
Well, Jon tweeted, 20h ago that Yes, he has a new GF, her name is Liz and she has kids, and they are very happy. Jon also tweeted that he has made many connections, no contract, met up with old friends and made some new friends. You go Jon!
More than Kate can-do. Kate is chasing fame.
It's easy to criticize from in front of one's computer ... much harder to go out & make an impact in the world. Thank you @Oprah 4 loving
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Yeah she wasn't talking to you Kate or describing you in any form or fashion.
According to the article, the twins are now coupon clippers and household and business receipt handlers. Wait until the 6 get old enough to help with Kate's empire.
Coupon Cabin did mention something along the lines of a new partnership with Kate. She's probably been doing interviews and stuff for CC. Nobody else will have her. CC must be pretty dense if they wanted an interview from this blog. Kate is dense too so they deserve each other.
She can't even pronounce coupon....she calls them Qpons.
Both pronunciations are correct. Qpons, or cue-pons has become the "Americanized" pronunciation of the word. Kate gets a pass this time. Just this once!
"Staging A Coup"
You're name made me laugh. :)
She is a Cow -- I'm going to have to defend KK here (I can't believe I just said that, LOL!). Kyoopon (or cuepon) is an acceptable pronunciation of coupon. Dictionary.com says "This pronunciation is used by educated speakers and is perfectly standard, although it is sometimes criticized".
Staging a Coup said: "Both pronunciations are correct. Qpons, or cue-pons has become the "Americanized" pronunciation of the word. Kate gets a pass this time. Just this once!"
Agreed. I don't think I know anybody in my area that says "cue-pons". There may be, I just think most people in our area say "Q-pons".
I read at another blog that Kates cruise was to sell 200, they have about 30. Less than a quarter!
Am I missing something here? You compare Q-pons with cue-pons...isn't that pronounced the same way?
"cue" is pronounced "Q". So there is no difference between the two examples.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe you mean to compare "coo-pon" with "Q-pon". That makes sense.
With all that said....how did Kate pronounce coupons? I didn't see the interview.
Hammers, I appreciate you reminding me of all of the other things Nadya did to bring attention to herself; I had forgotten about them. My initial point was that she claimed she only did the topless photo for money to take care of her kids, then she spends an outrageous amount on her hair. If I had that severe financial situation, I put my hair up in a ponytail and call it a day.
In light of all of the other things she did that I forgot about, yes, she certainly wants attention and does it in a bad way.
I just read through some of the comments and I see that Nadya's Brazilian Blowout was now given to her complimentary. I didn't know that when I made my original post about spending that much money on her hair while collecting food stamps for the kids.
Kate, I don't think DWTS would ask you back for the allstar show. You may think that you were "controversy and ratings" , but they worked with you and know you were all diva and bitch! You think very highly of yourself but if your ratings were all that you'd still have a show. Yes you may get a little air time with your CC gig but you'll never be the star that you want to be. That ship has sailed.
If in fact Jon's new girlfriend has kids I just hope that Kate isn't telling the 8 that daddy is trying to replace them.
Shout-out to Readerlady for all of the novel suggestions...thanks. I went to a used book sale this morning and Cop Hater was in the bin and I grabbed it. I'll start on it this weekend.
BTW, I pronounce it coo-pons. No "Q" for me.
Hahaha! GosselinBook is on a roll tonight.
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Julie Carson May! Can't wait 4 u to read about ur greatest creation! You must be so proud of yourself! http://t.co/AY3gzsQh(preview)
@Kateplusmy8 “You know, love is the best discipline of all.” – Kate Gosselin 1 of my favs!
Of course, it may all just be a hoax.
Ok, ok, I thought I would hear about the coupon pronunciation comment. I think Kate's voice and manner of speaking generally bugs me, so the way she pronounces coupon bugs me too. It's a Kate thing. Sorry if I offended anyone, :)
Am I missing something here? You compare Q-pons with cue-pons...isn't that pronounced the same way?
You aren't missing anything. My post wasn't clear. I said that both pronunciations are correct: "Qpons, or cue-pons has become the Americanized pronunciation of the word," giving two ways of spelling it to get the CUE pronunciation. I should have written that BOTH Qpon and Koopon are correct. That would have made more sense.
Oh, heck. I give up!
If Kate was invited back to DWTS upcoming special would she & Tony be partners again.?
I could image the look on his face when the producers tell him that Kate's his partner again lol.
Nadia's braz blowout was comped to her after the fact. they will send her the money back and next time give it to her free and pay for a sitter. This was all on either TMZ or ROL. I can't recall which.
You aren't missing anything. My post wasn't clear. I said that both pronunciations are correct: "Qpons, or cue-pons has become the Americanized pronunciation of the word," giving two ways of spelling it to get the CUE pronunciation. I should have written that BOTH Qpon and Koopon are correct. That would have made more sense.
Oh, heck. I give up!
Oh....I get it now! You're right, I misunderstood.
In Texas, coupon is pronounced coo-pon.
My kids and I call them coo-pins, though, in reference to how Ron White pronounces it.
Anybody heard him? He's HILARIOUS!!!!
Dmasy said... 59
Dr. Phil has a "Make Me A Star In My Own Life" promotion going. He requires that you send in a video.
She might not figure out that it is unlikely he would select someone who has already been "famous". She could be hoping that Dr. Phil remembers her, likes her, and will jump up and down when he sees her submitted video.
I sort of liked Dr. Phil back when he first started his show. Now I can't stand to watch people air their issues and problems as entertainment while Phil makes millions. About five years ago I was watching the show, and I recognized the mom Dr. Phil was interviewing. I realized she was a hygienist from our Dentist's office! She was on there trying to get help for her problem teenage daughter. Several months later at my next dental visit I asked her about it, and she said Dr. Phil promised all kinds of help for their daughter, but the producers/Dr. Phil had not followed up with them at all. She was very disillusioned by the whole thing. And her daughter was still hell on wheels.
I don't want to give Kate any ideas, but I just saw an ad looking for " the next food network star", on food network. She can create her slop and share it with Bobby Flay.
I just read through some of the comments and I see that Nadya's Brazilian Blowout was now given to her complimentary.
Ok, I have to admit something. Every time I read the phrase 'Brazilian Blowout", I think it's something potentially naughty!
(I know what it really is, I just think the phrase is hilarious)
My kids and I call them coo-pins, though, in reference to how Ron White pronounces it.
Anybody heard him? He's HILARIOUS!!!!
"Tater Salad!"
aggiemom09121416 said... 172
In Texas, coupon is pronounced coo-pon.
My kids and I call them coo-pins, though, in reference to how Ron White pronounces it.
Anybody heard him? He's HILARIOUS!!!!
Oh, yes! He kills me!
My husband is the king of malaprops (a current fave is 'it's not brain salad surgery') and we were driving along and saw a sign for Brazilian blow-outs. He said, "What's that? Do they blow dry your butt hair before they pull it out?" He was totally serious!
How do YOU spell delusional?
Is it K-A-T-E G-O-S-S-E-L-I-N?
Or m-i-l-o-a-n-d-j-a-c-k?
@Kateplusmy8 DWTS doing an All Stars next time around. Would you come back if asked?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXXXX lol. Don't think I qualify as an all star...all left feet maybe... Controversy and ratings yes, all star? Hmmmm..
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @XXXXX I do believe that w/out the post divorce/custody stress...and maybe another teacher...U would do so much better!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack @XXXXX I agree. I'd come back with a focused vengeance, two left feet and all... Lol
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @XXXXX Oh...& how ur tweeties would come 2ur aid w/2nd chance 2support U! :)
I can't BELIEVE that either one of them dares to blame Tony Dovolani for her failure! It's . . . insane!
All was going fine with Kate having a healthy sense of reality that she by no means qualifies as an all star until BAM, she throws Tony under the bus and blames him!
How come none of the other dancers blamed him and he was able to bring two post menopausal celebs one with serious back problems to sixth place?
Does she honestly wonder why Tony throws in snide remarks about her when asked? It's because she does things like that. No other celeb has ever done that to him.
Add Chopped to the list of Kate's essential viewing. Sounds like she's parked in front of the T.V. every single night what with her schedule of must see TV.
She is a Cow said... 174
I don't want to give Kate any ideas, but I just saw an ad looking for " the next food network star", on food network. She can create her slop and share it with Bobby Flay.
Can she get pass Flay with her um.. stolen recipes and weird food combos.
She is a Cow: Nah, Food Network Has no place for KK; they just finished this season of Worst Cooks in America.
And since a talk show holds her "dream chair," she probably spends a good part of the day parked there as well.
Does anyone else remember how beautifully Nadia's house was fixed up when she moved into it? Tens of thousands of dollars worth of decorating and remodeling were donated to her and now look at it - this family of vandals and scammers has turned it into a total dump.
I always bristle when contestants on DWTS are referred to as "post-menopausal."
Ug. I mean, I'm only 41, but the use of that term bothers me. I know it means they're older, so it's harder to win the dance competition, but dammit, post-menopausal isn't dead! Or disabled!
(Says the woman showing signs of perimenopause, so I might be a little sensitive here.)
My kids and I call them coo-pins...
My husband says, cow pon. His reasoning is that you sit on a couch, not a coo-ch or a Cue-ch.
Just one more comment on coupon. I live in Central Ohio, grew up in Southern Ohio, and I say coopon. However, a lot of people around here say cuepon. She's a Cow -- I get where you're coming from. Just hearing that whiny voice of KKs makes me want to throw something at my TV screen.
I can't believe KK allows M & C to stay up til 10 PM on a school night. They get up at 5:45 AM to go to school. No wonder she has trouble getting them out of bed. Allowing 15 minutes or so for getting into PJs, brushing teeth, etc., they are getting about 7 1/2 hours of sleep. IF they fall asleep immediately. That's not enough for growing 11 year olds.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @XXXXX I do believe that w/out the post divorce/custody stress...and maybe another teacher...U would do so much better!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack @XXXXX I agree. I'd come back with a focused vengeance, two left feet and all... Lol
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 @XXXXX Oh...& how ur tweeties would come 2ur aid w/2nd chance 2support U! :)
Really Milo? You and the rest of the twatters would come 2hur aid and support her? There's only six of you. Her last book was a total flop, her show was canceled due to dismal ratings and her cruise is an epic FAIL. Because six people cannot support a z-list has been. But you keep coming up with that delusional twitter crack you love dealing to Kate. It's quite amusing.
Kate's Going Down I am baffled how you interpret that to mean disabled or dead. LOL. If you say older I get "they're not old!" If I say 50's, or 60's, I get ugh 50 is the new 30! Not sure how to describe them, people older than Kate.
It's a fact, they were post menopausal. It's a fact, Tony brought them really far. The fact is younger people have much better odds of winning the competition. Tony has beaten the odds many times, but in Kate's mind, it was Tony's fault and not her own laziness. At one point she was practicing 6 hours a day. That is ridiculously pathetic compared to what others do--12, 18 hour days. Six hours a day is not even a regular 9 to 5 day at a regular job, how does Kate expect to ever work again if she can't even keep regular hours on a reality show?
I never griped about you saying they were in their 50s! That's their age, what's wrong with that?
I don't even mind "older." They are older. Don't worry, I'm sure it's just me. Post-menopausal just sounds so...clinical and depressing.
But again, I might be a bit sensitive. ;) It's no big deal.
Kate is full of sh*t.
Tony is an excellent instructor. It's was not his fault that he had to lug Kate around on the dance floor like a friggin' cart, and that Kate was/is thick between the ears.
She just keeps on blaming everyone, except herself.
That knothead needs to have a conversation with
Kate you lack talent, charm, and your presence casts a heavy shadow over everybody, and everything.
Kate continues to lack self awareness. If her sheeple friends truly cared for Kate, they would advise her HONESTLY, without useless lip service.
Controversy and ratings are what reality television shows thrive on, and Kate seems to acknowledge her added-value to DWTS, and frankly, I am surprised by how savvy she sounds with her statement.
Although I did not watch Kate's own show, she obviously had the controversy component, so her show must have been cancelled because she was a nightmare to handle. These network types are clever, they could have ramped up interest in her show to keep it going, no?
Was it ratings, or did she become too difficult for TLC to manage?
bearswife said... 92
My lord, she never fails to confound and annoy me. I would really love the opportunity to bitch-slap her just one time.
Bearswife--That is something I would pay to see!
Admin, I'm postmenopausal, and your use of the term doesn't bother me a bit. It is what it is, eh?
Re: Kate's comment saying she'd be good for controversy and ratings for an all star show, Kate: grab some self-confidence. Your insecurity is deafening to the ears. That, my friends, is why she has never been successful beyond her contract with TLC. She has NO talent beyond what TLC scripted for her.
I'm not sure what the qualifications are for all stars but I'm guessing they are going to bring back the best dancers and winners, and then maybe a mix of people who tried really hard, most improved, like Erin Andrews, etc. ANother blown opportunity, had KAte worked her butt off she might have had a shot at being asked back.
By the way, All stars could be great I might actually watch this show again.
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