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Lauren Perkins, in one of the few pregnancy photos the family has released. (Graphics added) |
America's newest parents of sextuplets so far seem to be doing everything right.
The Texas couple, who tried over a year and a half to get pregnant and were told by their doctor that the odds of having sextuplets was only 1%, requested privacy at this time, and said on their web site (which only has a handful of comments in their guest book from well wishers): "The family is not taking interviews at this time" and would only release further photos with permission. The family also mentioned the Gosselins in an FAQ on their web site:
"Will you have a tv show, given the opportunity?
Heck no. I don't think being on tv was root cause to the demise of the Gosselin family (Jon and Kate 8) or the Masche family (Raising Sextuplets). I think being on tv exacerbated pre-existing problems."
It's stories like this that make us wonder how many families may have been subtly influenced by America's obsession with "freak shows" and the consequences on their subjects, one of the most famous examples being, of course, the Gosselin eight. Is this the good that will come out of the Gosselin tragedy? Here's wishing Lauren, David, and Babies A through F (the parents have not, and we hope never will, released their names) all the best and that they trust their instincts and keep their family private.
"If you had sextuplets, you would do what Kate did too" thankfully doesn't seem to ring true for this young couple, not yet anyway. God speed.
1146 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1146 Newer› Newest»It looks like Kate is back home. She seems to be twittering a lot more now.
"Kate continues to lack self awareness. If her sheeple friends truly cared for Kate, they would advise her HONESTLY, without useless lip service."
They can't advise her at all because they lack the intelligence to assess the situation and see that she has no self awareness. They can't look at it objectively because their obsession is standing in the way. I'm not so sure that they actually care about Kate as much as they lust after the lifestyle she once had. They want that lifestyle and she is the one who once partied with the rich and famous. They think it will rub off on them.
Yes, they worship Kate, but they are transferring the envy of her lifestyle unto the PERSON Kate because she's tangible. They can communicate with her. She's as close as they are ever going to get to befriending a celebrity. Take Milo. She actually believes that she's Kate's friend, confidant and adviser even though she never met her, never talked to her. She fantasizes about a relationship that could never be simply because those two are so far apart, class-wise. But Milo would never "get" it because for some reason she thinks that Kate could be her best friend forever. It seems that Kate is all she has.
The fans are not going to advise Kate on anything because in their eyes, she does nothing wrong. If they admitted that Kate has flaws it would be to admit that their own lives are stuck down there somewhere along with her. Even if they were able to recognize her flaws and speak to her objectively, logic dictates that they couldn't do it because it would be letting their guard down to the "haters" and the "haters" would win. They have to keep up this front in this bizarre Kate addiction to save face with the "haters."
Does any of that make any sense? It's late and I'm tired!
I think Kate makes the kids go to bed early so she can go to her room and watch tv. The early bedtime isn't for them it's for her. Mady and Cara's bedroom is in an entirely different wing of the mansion, so they're on their own after they're excused from kitchen duty and the little ones are upstairs, far enough away from Kate that it would almost seem like she's childless.
That house was bought with only HERSELF in mind.
Oh and let's not leave out that nasty little problem of where to put Jon. He got by sent to the garage until she was finished with him.
Post menopausal is highly relevant when talking about dancing or anything athletic because of its effect on athleticism. I'm well aware many people are extremely athletic until they are 100, so I don't need to hear that. The fact is you're going to be able to dance better at 20 than you would have at 30, 40, 50 and 60.
We're not talking about who can give a speech better or who can act better, which has nothing to do with menopause. We're talking about who can make their body, bones and muscles do what someone teaches them better. When you are younger it's easier to just listen to what Tony says and your body will do it. It becomes harder later.
The ultimate point being that Tony had no problem teaching those women and they didn't complain. Kate was 34, what's her excuse?
Ex Nurse said... 193
bearswife said... 92
My lord, she never fails to confound and annoy me. I would really love the opportunity to bitch-slap her just one time.
Bearswife--That is something I would pay to see!
I keep saying mud wrestling and roller derby have her name written all over them. I don't know what the holdup is all about.
Just popped into Kates twitter...It's been over 1 hour and 10 tweets are sitting there only 1 fan the rest are haters...Kate's followers are adding up hourly...what does not make sense is the fact that all her NEW followers do not leave tweets, not so much as a Hi...LOL happy buying Katie!
I posted some comments earlier but don't see my post up yet.
Admin, I certainly get your point about being more athletic at younger ages, generally speaking. Although, I do think there have been some dancers in their forties and fifties that have been much better than some of the younger ones. But, if we're going to refer to women of a certan age as "post-menopausal" (what specific age, I don't know as there is no definite age to be "post-menopausal", the onset could vary by over a decade), what about the men? Do we call all men over a certain age "old geezers", "Viagra poppers". What's the age cutoff date for that? and for "post-menopausal"?
I'm not trying to argue, but I really think the term is disrespectful to women. I've never even thought about which dancers on DWTS are menopausal or post-menopausal. It really is not a descriptive term used very often.
I don't see it as offensive, I see it as complimentary that someone twice Kate's age could dance ten times better than her with the same partner. No frankly it's not the same for men because they don't face the same issues at the same rate women do, like bone loss. But I see no reason to use the term if people find it so offensive. It's sad to me that somehow that time in our lives became something offensive to talk about when really those dancers just proved the stereotypes wrong with the help of none other than Tony. All of his older partners have completely owned their age including menopause. Go figure.
I'm wondering if Kate's twitter account suffered from over exposure. Instead of giving her fans one or two high quality tweets a day, she will have days where she tweets them 50 low quality tweets. She has retweeted and replied to nearly everyone. She has said all there is to be said.
Kate forgot to keep the mystery, to keep people guessing and coming back. Too much of a good thing. Even her fans are yawning. They're over it.
By the way has anyone seen My Week with Marilyn? It was way better than I expected, I was pleasantly surprised. It was a somewhat uncomfortable look at one week of a star's very deep and dark insecurities (if you've been living under a rock :), Marilyn Monroe famously suffered from crippling low self esteem.) Anyway Marilyn had a coach named Paula Strasberg whose job it basically was to tell her how wonderful she was. Marilyn literally would cry for her like a child when she was feeling bad about herself and Paula would tell her how great she was and make her feel better. It reminded me so much of how Kate seems to depend on others to tell her how wonderful she is, can't seem to function without it.
With Marilyn her low self esteem is heartbreaking given her background in foster care, miscarriages, failed marriages. With Kate it's just pathetic.
I dont understand why Nydia gets all the hate. She is no better than kate BUT...everyone has been on her from day 1! Did kate get a free pass cause she was married? I see Nydia doing everything for her kids and see kate doing nothing. I dont believe either of these woman should have had more kids...kate 6 more she couldnt afford OR Nydia...8 more she couldnt afford.
I dont blame octo mom for not wanting people to come in and help...cause they are all waiting to call her out on something...We cant do that with kate....no one who "helps" kate can say anything.kate looks like a saint and octo mom just looks crazy.
Marilyn wasent as frail as people want to believe. Marilyn got in too deep and was about to "blow the cover off". She was involved with both JFK and RFK. Her death was not due to her own hands. At that day and age...no one was going to bring camalot down.
I loved my week with Marilyn! Especially Kenneth Brannagh, his acting its always fabulous.
Hey I am postmenopausal and so happy, since I was perimenopausal for about 5 or 6 years. I. Am. Not. Kidding. Every time I thought this is it, no more - here comes another one!
I love dwts. Ms Kreider had a Series of Unfortunate Costumes, and a Series of Unfortunate Makeups, and a Series of Even Worse Hairstyles... I still believe she did not treat the hair, makeup, and costume folks very well, so she ended up looking worse than all the other dancers. If only we knew what she was like backstage. Probably unpleasant or ignored staff trying to help her.
What I loved about My Week With Marilyn is that it was creative. Instead of just doing your standard biopic where you get three actresses and follow Marilyn from a little girl to a young woman to womanhood, they did an outside looking in perspective with just one little snippet of her life. And yet from that you learned just as much as your standard 3-hour biopic. I'm surprised it was kind of overlooked.
Julia Ormond I thought was fabulous as well. On a side note, she's absolutely ravaged her skin probably due to her chain smoking. What a shame. She's 47 now, it will be interesting to see what Kate looks like at that age with her own set of bad habits.
AuntieAnn said... 1
Ex Nurse said... 193
bearswife said... 92
My lord, she never fails to confound and annoy me. I would really love the opportunity to bitch-slap her just one time.
Bearswife--That is something I would pay to see!
I keep saying mud wrestling and roller derby have her name written all over them. I don't know what the holdup is all about.
I think that a pay-per-view event is her best bet at that darn fame that keeps eluding her!
I was post-menopausal at age 45, and, by the way, I am an excellent dancer. Kate has absolutely no innate grace or understanding about dance. Tony said that each step she learned had to be taught by starting over (or something like that). Dancing is about timing and patterns--each step learned forms a foundation for learning more complicated steps. The same things that make Kate an awful person also makes her an awful dancer--she didn't relate to her excellent partner or respond to his cues, respect or trust his expertise and was lazy and negative.
I would love to see her have another go at DWTS--never fear, she will, once again, prove what a loser she really is.
Project Runway All-Stars cast was composed of all 2nd, 3rd and 4th place people from previous seasons, except for one 9th place person that was colorful--she was the first one off. So, while improbable, it isn't impossible. If anything, she was such a production nightmare, holding up hair and makeup until the last minute on a LIVE show, I don't think they would have her back even if it meant a ratings boost. Hey, maybe they'll let Tony bitch-slap her. Who cares--she is a punchline and a joke and well on her way to becoming a footnote.
As for Titanic 3D...I loved it! I have been a follower of Titanic for over 25 years....way b4 the movie. I have seen the movie over 50 times...In 3D I had never seen the detail. I wasent watching what I had seen over and over again...When I looked passed the view put right on the main screen...I saw so much more...The details are so right on...from the ship to the clothes they wore...everything! It is a must see if you want to see more than Jack and Rose. JC did a great job...his detailing was spot on....he showed you what it was like to be there...Chilling to the end!
Nadia is hyperactive. Always on the go, never stops for a minute. She also has a host of psychological problems and talks non-stop. She over-talks everybody, which is a habit I can't stand. Having 14 kids between about 3 and a half and 12 would drive me nuts so I can't say much about it. She takes less help than most people would, including the help that Dr Drew offered her. The cleaning crew that eventually showed up was the one Drew paid for for a year. Nadia only used them a couple of times. Anybody who is around her talks and reports her. I don't think most of these moms of HOM don't bond well with their kids.
starz22 said... 6
I dont understand why Nydia gets all the hate. She is no better than kate BUT...everyone has been on her from day 1!
I will not speak for anyone but myself when I say this: I have been on Nadya Suleman's case from day one because I find her actions to be absolutely irresponsible and harmful to 14 innocent children.Why?
1.Because she had 6 kids, one of which has autism and one with learning disability
2.Because she decided to add 8 more children when she was already struggling to provide and pay attention to the existing 6
3.Because she risked the health of 8 children by having HOM.It's still early, the children could still be diagnosed with a number of medical conditions
4.Because she has no job and lives in a dump with 14 kids
5.Because she robbed them all of the individual attention each child deserves by having more children than she can actually handle
6.Because she has 14 kids, no husband(but no, that was not the main reason) no job and no decent house and has given no thought to the consequences of bringing so many children whose needs she cannot meet(physically-are you telling me she has the time to work with her special needs children? and psychologically-do you think she can spend a full hour each day with every one of those kids?)
Also, no one views Kate as a saint,no one but 10 crazy sheeple.But yeah, Nadya's decisions were even worse than Kate's(boy I never thought I'd say this).With 8 kids and 2 parents there's still hope(the fact that Kate ruined it it's a different story).From where I stand,yes, Nadya is crazy and very irresponsible.Also, there are Nadya Suleman supporters as well(just as few as Kate's).
Then what was with the in your face "I'm going to win win win" PRE performance (if that's what you want to call it) on DWTS? And if it was such a "stressful/post divorce"time in your life kart, not to mention your KIDS LIVES, why did you agree to do it? So are you saying you're now STRESS FREE? You'd jump right in there and show us all? Which one of the instructors would you like kart? You pick, come on! Double-dog dare you!
I saw Nadya on Dr. Drew last night. She was saying she thought the lady was her friend, that she called her, and told her she needed something done to her hair, and that it was a set up to get inside her house and get publicity. Her hair didn't look any better, still dull and lifeless. I don't understand these women - a little Pantene goes a long way, especially for long sleek hair. She looks nothing like she did in the beginning. She looks hard now and not very attractive anymore. Her lips are so distracting, I really can't get past that.
If only she had taken a page from KT's playbook and aligned herself with the churches and had an open door policy, instead of the wrestling and porn world, her life and her kids' lives would be so different. She is hiding something in that house. Dr. Drew gave her maid service for a year and apparently she hasn't been letting them in because it just now got a good cleaning.
Food banks go a long way and where I live they will bring it to you if need be. I have a friend that works there and delivers to people who cannot get out. They have a bus and loads of volunteers that go around and pick up kids and take them to church activities. Her kids are just nameless faces in a sea of faces and none of them look like her. It is a sad situation and never should have happened but it did.
Also, she told Dr. Drew not to worry about the house being sold, that she had something worked out that she would tell him about later.
I suppose in Kate's twisted mind she would take this as some sort of compliment.
Moose Mania said... 187
My kids and I call them coo-pins...
My husband says, cow pon. His reasoning is that you sit on a couch, not a coo-ch or a Cue-ch.
Ha ha ha! That's great. : ) It's like the conversation I had with my daughter last week - if more than 1 goose is "geese" why isn't more than 1 moose "meese"?
Mrs. M:
lol, 'root' or rowte' for route? There are so many inconsistencies in English and regional pronunciations too...'cow-pon' is an original though I think!
As for Kate closeted with M and C watching Chopped, wonder why she made mention that they were watching a cooking show? Hmm.
I always wonder if she has an intercom system so she can hear the kids at night...in the old house they sure didn't!
Moose -- Hope you like McBain. As I said, his books can be raw, but they're authentic and, despite the early ones being written back in the 50's, still feel contemporary.
Mrs. Malaprop -- Or, if the plural of mouse is mice and louse is lice, why isn't the plural of house hice?
Interesting take on Kate's tweet about watching "Chopped".
Excerpt from above article:
"Perhaps a better question is this: Is Kate Gosselin actually watching "Chopped" or is she being paid by the Food Network to promote the show? Everyone knows that plenty of celebrities are paid to send out Twitter posts for any number of products to their followers. So, it wouldn't be surprising if she was paid to advertise the show. One clue is that she didn't just mention "Chopped," but she made sure to give the network (The Food Network) as well. She stopped just short of giving the time that the show airs."
readerlady said... 19
Moose -- Hope you like McBain. As I said, his books can be raw, but they're authentic and, despite the early ones being written back in the 50's, still feel contemporary.
Mrs. Malaprop -- Or, if the plural of mouse is mice and louse is lice, why isn't the plural of house hice?
LOL! It's amazing anyone can become fluent in English. What a crazy language. Don't even get me started on irregular verb tenses - some kids have such a hard time learning those.
For any of you who followed the "IwanaDateKate" saga here's his latest:
Iwana @IwanaInspireU
@Chablis4u @ashymama2 @PimpMyKids @kateplusmy8 No...Im remarrying my ex because I DO love her & also she has terminal cancer. Token of love.
It's like the conversation I had with my daughter last week - if more than 1 goose is "geese" why isn't more than 1 moose "meese"?
I thought that it was!
Somewhat off topic, but here is another example of a reality star ready and willing to pimp out his kids. Russell Hantz of Survivor fame has a new show about flipping houses coming out on A&E. Here is some of what he says about the show:
“This is real life. People are going to see the softer side of me, well, not always. I get pretty aggressive sometimes. But, my kids are here, my family is here. People show up and the cameras are there. I think that people are going to see the real me, especially when it comes to my kids. Little Gracie, my baby girl, she’s almost four years old, it’s amazing watching her. When the cameras are filming her, she just doesn’t care."
I'm so sure that in "real life" Little Gracie would ever be taken to or just show up at the work site of a complete house renovation. Yeah, right.
Vanessa said... 14
Then what was with the in your face "I'm going to win win win" PRE performance (if that's what you want to call it) on DWTS? And if it was such a "stressful/post divorce"time in your life kart, not to mention your KIDS LIVES, why did you agree to do it? So are you saying you're now STRESS FREE? You'd jump right in there and show us all? Which one of the instructors would you like kart? You pick, come on! Double-dog dare you!
Now it's serious. The double dog dare.
I have a question for someone who uses twitter.
Can you explain the obsessive nature of BOTH sides on why they devote so much time to their never-ending love or hatred?
And regardless of how strongly they feel, why do they consider it worthwhile? People get in all sorts of trouble due to these disgreements and both sides go way too far seeking revenge.
Why would anyone participate?
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 22
For any of you who followed the "IwanaDateKate" saga here's his latest:
Iwana @IwanaInspireU
@Chablis4u @ashymama2 @PimpMyKids @kateplusmy8 No...Im remarrying my ex because I DO love her & also she has terminal cancer. Token of love.
I saw that in his tweets about a week ago, but it was cryptic, saying that it would be for only a short time. He didn't explain the reason.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@MiloandJack @LallyLoo7638 I agree. I'd come back with a focused vengeance, two left feet and all... Lol
Next time um you need a first time in order for there to be a next time.
And it said DWTS all stars and not whining no talent self absorbed babies.
It's a reason why you weren't involved to began with.
Kate backstage at DWTS: The story back then was that she refused to speak to anyone directly - they had to go through Steve. “Kate shows up late for hair and makeup every time,” an insider tells the New York Daily News, and when confronted about it by staff, she “just gets angry and blows them off. No one wants to deal with her.”
Another account: “Kate is a klutz!” Dovolani reportedly complained to his friends. “She doesn’t listen and can’t take direction.”
It seems Gosselin’s long-reputed bossy behavior extends to her newest pursuit, as sources claim she has a tendency to break one of ballroom’s basic rules by leading Dovolani across the dance floor. Sources also revealed the mom of multiples isn’t exactly impressing “Dancing’s” crew members, either. The hair and makeup team are said to find her “rude.”
These latest criticisms come just two days after the New York Post published an insider’s accusation that Gosselin behaves like a dancing diva who “doesn't want anything to do with other contestants” on set.
These new parents here may not be interested in a tv show, but they sure are making their story public. It's very much like how the Gosselin saga all started. Their site has a lot of Bible quotes and a lot of "God will provide"!!!sound familiar? I really don't think a website is keeping things "private"...I think all the people that want to be kept informed (friends/family)of the babies' progress would get that info through phone calls and emails? They've also redirected any interviews from the media to someone...hmmm? I think if you just "don't respond", that takes care of that. It just seems all very fishy to me, they set up the website and they keep updating it. PRIVACY and WEBSITE, to me, do not go hand in hand.
Oh, and Bitter End? I can't get the link you posted to work.
More on Kate & Tony: Her diva behavior has been in full force behind the scenes as well. One source says that during another heated practice session, Gosselin told Dovolani, "I'm the reason anyone knows your name ... so give me a break!"
Funny, those "Plus 8" kids could say the same thing to her.
But we're not done yet.
Evidently the reality TV mom makes her partner enter her home through the basement door. "She says it's quicker, but she's just showing him she's the boss," says a Gosselin source.
Dovolani has reportedly complained to producers about her unbearable antics, but we're guessing this season's sky-high ratings (which the tabloid-topping Gosselin has undoubtedly contributed to) trump this poor dancer's daily misery.
That's the problem with trying to get more work is she has built up a nice little reputation for being lazy and difficult.
Even if there wasn't one single tabloid article about what happened behind the scenes, we can all see she is lazy and difficult from watching her own show and certainly DWTS. I wouldn't hire her, never.
Kate and only Kate did this to herself. If someone wants a reality star they are a dime a dozen. They are going to pick someone they can work with and who will work hard, not Kate. The reality is people who are difficult to work with don't last long in this business. People who are nightmares are usually so famous or so talented that people (not all) will just put up with it. Even they run into problems. Since Kate is neither, she needs to cut the nightmare act if she wants hope of ever working again. She may get a few more gigs here and there but it's highly doubtful anything long term will ever come her way ever again.
It wasn't the "haters" who did this to her, or TLC, or DWTS, or Tony, or anyone else. It was KATE. Kate and only Kate will bring Kate down.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate...U checked out last nite...but 4got 2check in this mornin! U have been one busy gal all week! Sneak in 4ur peeps! :)
Can you imagine living with such an in-your-face person? You couldn't even have a minute of privacy in the bathroom: "What are you doing in there? Number One or Number Two? Do you need help? You need to check in with me before you go. Use only three sheets per wipe. Isn't that the second time today? Why are you grunting? The air freshener is below the sink. Use it! Wipe the seat before you put the lid down. Time's up!"
She/he/is is so annoying. I guess Kate can thank her lucky stars that this is one sheeple who isn't going on the cruise!
Re: Milo and Kate:
“She fantasizes about a relationship that could never be simply because those two are so far apart, class-wise.” 198
In Kate’s mind only.
Vanessa, I have high hopes for this couple. I'm not seeing anything fishy. Their site seems very sincere to me. They're religious, so what? It wasn't being religious that was the issue with Jon and Kate, it was the hypocrisy.
The problem is if this couple just says no, no no to everything the media will be banging down their door harassing them until they give in.
It is a time-tested strategy to provide some limited press releases and photos to satisfy the media and get them to leave you alone. They WILL leave them alone eventually. Even the most private of celebs have done this. They have revealed absolutely nothing personal about their family.
I think lots of parents have web sites to keep families up to date. Much easier than fielding 100 phone calls a day. Needless to say it's exhausting having six babies in the hospital not to mention trying to keep everyone informed. The web site is just easier on your sanity. They may be feeling like it's not fair they can't do what they would normally do just because they are famous. And one contact person for all media requests is just easier and more organized. If you just field whatever media call to whoever next thing you know Uncle Joe set up an interview with People and Grandma wants the local news to come film. No, you need ONE contact person who reports to you and you alone with any media requests. I'm just not seeing any red flags here, I'm seeing a family handling this the way most sane people would. Carefully.
Moose Mania said... 27
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 22
For any of you who followed the "IwanaDateKate" saga here's his latest:
Iwana @IwanaInspireU
@Chablis4u @ashymama2 @PimpMyKids @kateplusmy8 No...Im remarrying my ex because I DO love her & also she has terminal cancer. Token of love.
I saw that in his tweets about a week ago, but it was cryptic, saying that it would be for only a short time. He didn't explain the reason.
From those earlier tweets I kind of figured he'd be back saying his ex is dying. No way to know if it's true of course.
So included in Kate's fans there is a woman who blew a HUGE hole in her heart and is waiting for quadruple bypass surgery but her insurance company isn't cooperating, another who has a bone-deteriorating disease and now a man remarrying his ex because she's dying.
A real soap opera is developing on her Twitter.
George @26...Why would anyone participate?
Why would they do so on such a regular basis? Both sides seem to live there, coming up for air occasionally, to eat or sleep. The thing is that nothing is ever really discussed or accomplished. It's the same old, same old banter back and forth every day. Wouldn't that get very boring very quickly? Non-fans slam the sheeple; sheeple retaliate. It's an internet ping pong game.
I don't know WHY. That would be a question for a psychologist. It's an interesting study into human behavior. Neither side is ever going to win, and neither side is ever going to concede.
OK guys, I know this is completely juvenile, irrational, and ridiculous, but I'm having an almost irresistible urge to email Kate a picture of a warthog (no note). Please tell me why I should or shouldn't...
I think I'm spending too much time on the live Botswana webcam! :-)
LOL admin, you responded to my post, but it wasn't published :)
Kate's Cryptic Tweet.
Kate maybe up watching 'Chopped' with "my girl". That doesn't mean Cara or Mady. (or even the girl tups) It could mean that she's still with her CC friends. The fact that she's not tweeting much this morning is a dead giveaway.
May I be just as cryptic. Kate has not been seen at the bus stop...
I believe Kate's Twitter exists SOLELY for the purpose of promotion, either herself or product endorsements. I say that Gather excerpt that Kate was paid to promote "Chops" by twatting it is on the mark. She makes things sound personal to her twitties, but she has to mesh personal with promotional to skirt the law and pocket the money. Fine. She is working at home. Fine. She is making some money. I just can't stand all the lying. She is not cash poor. And I feel sorry for those few teenage girls and bored moms who idolize Kate and think she gives a rat's behind about them. She is laughing at those gullible women all the way to the bank.
They could have made their website private if that were the case. Like I said, maybe they don't want a show, but I do believe they want stuff, merchandise, etc...they want their 15 minutes too
I don't believe a public website was the only way to keep friends & family updated. Make a private one where you need a membership or password. Why did this family in particular get some media attention? From the website.
My last post got lost somewhere, but I have a comment and few questions I want to pose (again).
I was struck by Kate's comment about her appearance on DWTS. She seemed savvy enough to see she provided the show with "controversy and ratings". Although I did not watch her show, I did watch that season of DWTS because of my utter disbelief in her performances. Her diva behavior, combined with her utter lack of talent just drew me in week after week.
Most reality shows thrive on controversy, which translates in to ratings, so I wonder why TLC cancelled Kate's show. If the ratings were sliding, the network could have dreamed up something to keep the show going, right? Was Kate such a nightmare to deal with that TLC just cut her loose?
What I have never understood as why the media has basically given her bad behavior a pass. Most divas are exposed for who they are. Is it because she is a master manipulator, a mother of 8, how does she keep flying under the radar?
A woman in Mexico is due to deliver nine babies on May 20. I wonder if TLC has sent its rep there with a contract for her to sign on the dotted line.
It's like the conversation I had with my daughter last week - if more than 1 goose is "geese" why isn't more than 1 moose "meese"
That's better than the convos my sibs and I used to have while traveling. "If people from Poland are Poles why aren't people from Holland Holes?"
And the old classic from parents trying to teach geography and make us laugh (I'm not sure it succeeded on either) "he was Hungary for some Turkey but slipped on Greece."
No matter what a pain she is behind the scenes it's her time in front of the camera that's downed her. People can put up with extremely bad behaviour if the person is brilliant when the cameras are on them. She can barely string together a sentence, and physically is just as bad.
I am only the most casual watcher of DWTS. I check in occasionally on someone I "like" -- this year I wanted to see Laura from Little House. I haven't watched her every week.
I did see Kate in her red costume with the sideways pony tail. I wondered then who (behind the scenes) did not like her....unattractive.
I also noticed that when the judges were evaluating her dance, she had a frozen mad face. Never gracious.
I saw a group number when she did not have a dancing part, just the responsibility to wave a big feathered fan. She messed up her steps when she was required to go backwards.
All that said, I have to admit that if they did ask her back -- (sorry to say) I would watch. She would have a morbid attraction.
Maybe this is where Kate is buying her followers.
My last sentence in 46 should have said I would have a morbid fascination for watching her. I think.
I am ashamed to say that if some network (rogue, to be sure) picked her up for a dating show, I would watch that, too.
I would hid under blanket and peek out though a tiny bunched up slit. I would deny myself TV snacks. I would turn down to volume. I might even declare opening, "Oh NO, not me!" But, I would watch.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 35
So included in Kate's fans there is a woman who blew a HUGE hole in her heart and is waiting for quadruple bypass surgery but her insurance company isn't cooperating, another who has a bone-deteriorating disease and now a man remarrying his ex because she's dying.
Yet, one of the teases to get cruise passengers is the "run with Katie Irene" promotion. Yep...she knows her demographic.
Berks Neighbor said... 39
May I be just as cryptic. Kate has not been seen at the bus stop...
Katie probably needs directions from either the kiddos or a pap to even find the bus stop.
I only watched this season because of Donald Driver. GO PACK!
I am going to stop typing if I can't do it right. I would hide under the blanket and declare openly...sorry guys.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 31
That's the problem with trying to get more work is she has built up a nice little reputation for being lazy and difficult.
And she wonders why no one in there right mind wants to hire and pay her.
Post menopausal and proud of it. But my bones would not take all that twisting, bending and twirling required in dancing. My muscles and tendons could adjust with some care, but not the bones/joints. At this point in my life they are beyond the ability to handle it and bad things would happen that I would pay for the rest of my life.
lol, Kate wrote she got lost going to Target after the 6 were born due to construction and had to call Jon for directions. She sort of played this coy helpless female thing in contrast to her rude bossy true self, like oh, don't men always get gas for their wives' cars? Just to manipulate Jon into thinking he had to do things for this helpless b#$^h. Couldn't drive on a highway either iirc...made Jon drive all the way to Disney.
PJs Momma at 178...
lol at your husbands interpretation of Brazilian Blowout.
I saw a comment someplace where someone used the term "escape goat" for scapegoat. I love malapropisms.
Interesting, Berks Neighbor. Kate has been very quiet and not seen at the bus stop. She is even coy enough to make a GN tweet like she is home. When she is quiet she is out of town. Maybe not on a job, but surgical recovery? Something is up.
BTW, the twittering and blogging works for Kate because she does not have to associate with others. This may be all there is for her.
So where in the world is Carmen "Kate" San Diego? Can Steve be far behind?
Everyone's free to do what they want, of course. But, I would never watch Khate in DWTS or Celebrity Apprentice, or anything else. I want her gone, gone, gone. That two minute clip from the RV episode that was linked here yesterday was horrible enough. I wasn't going to even watch that, but after people commented on it, I checked it out for myself. Even though the show was canceled by then, I never watched the episodes and only saw a couple of clips. I just can NOT stand watching her act like the biggest bitch on earth, or listening to her for more than a minute or so. She is a despicable human being in so many ways.
I cringe every time I read that people would watch her on DWTS or Celebrity Apprentice, (not that she is a "star" or a "celebrity"), only because I hate the idea that people might read it here and think she's marketable and has an audience, even if it's just of "haters". As much as people might love to watch and snark on her creating drama and failing, I truly believe that SHE would be laughing all the way to the bank. She doesn't care why people watch, as long as they do, and that she gets paid.
I firmly believe that Khate has had FAR too many chances, has been ungrateful for them all, and blown each and every one. This delusional, untalented, nasty witch does NOT deserve any more chances at very easy money. The sooner she realizes that there is NO "career" in TV for her, the better. Khate would probably love to make a "career" out of being the hated drama queen on one "reality" TV show after another (like that Omarosa from Apprentice years ago who went on to do many, many shows for years). I think it would be better for the kids if Khate stepped out of the public eye and tried to live a normal life with a normal job. Her steadfast refusal to do so just confirms what a horrible "mother" she is.
MabelD, thanks for the info from that old article about Ms Kreider and dwts. The wardrobe staff on dwts are impeccable and amazing at their ability to put all the dancers in such amazing customized costumes every week. everyone looks amazing!
Ms Kreider - not so much. There was always something off, just not quite right about her outfits, her hair, her makeup. If she had worked with the professionals behind the scenes, she could have been so much better looking.
you are right admin, with so many hard working former contestants, many of whom live on the west coast, why in the world would someone unpleasant who is not being backed by tlc anymore be asked to come back? Ratings haves been down a bit, but not that bad!
@LallyLoo7638 lol. Don't think I qualify as an all star...all left feet maybe... Controversy and ratings yes, all star? Hmmmm..
Once again Kate’s inflated ego is giving herself too much credit. She thinks she brought *controversy* to DWTS?? That would imply that people (viewers and dancers alike) had opposing views about her behavior on the show. I think it’s pretty safe to say that we were all on the same page about Kate’s appearance on DWTS: she was a lazy, entitled, wanna-be “celebrity” who bitched, moaned, and blamed everyone but herself for her poor performances. Yeah, not much controversy there.
I don't think it is a coincidence that Kate mentions the Food Network and named a show that she was watching on it. She is gunning hard for a tv show on that channel. I hope they won't take the bait.
Spring Has Sprung...38...It's an interesting study into human behavior. Neither side is ever going to win, and neither side is ever going to concede.
I read their exchange at TwitIQ occasionally for this very reason, I find the psychological puzzle there fascinating. One interesting point, unless they post a comment specifically about Kate I can't tell who is a "hater" and who is a "lover". They both seem to endlessly spout the same vile accusations with no attempt to educate or inform.
O.T., but can you just imagine how terrible it was for the person who taught Kate how to drive? Can just hear all of the screaming, complaining, blaming, etc.
Oh yes, husbands who love their wives put gas in their cars, ask "how can I help you" and then ask again "how can I help you now?". There are lots of things husbands who love their wives do, according to Kate's Law.
Tamara said... 46
And the old classic from parents trying to teach geography and make us laugh (I'm not sure it succeeded on either) "he was Hungary for some Turkey but slipped on Greece."
Ha, Tamara. We had a slightly different version: Hungary got hungry and went after Turkey; Turkey slipped on Greece and broke China. Thanks for the memory!
Jumping In, I wonder too why no one questions Kate ever. I was watching an interview with her on Regis and Kelly being interviewed by Kelly and Anderson Cooper. The interview where she insinuates that the kids don't want to be with Jon and she waits by the phone for them to call her to come home. She kept saying that it's hard for the kids to be away from their home, their toys, their beds, etc. She didn't come out and say that it was Jon they didn't want to be with, but that they wanted to sleep in their own beds. Well, that was the agreement. It's the kids house and they would share custody in the house so that the kids would be able to stay in one place. Neither host asked her why that changed or why that can't happen now even though Kate said they had only been switching back and forth for a few months. I would love to see her tiptoe around that question, cuz I'm positive the problem with Jon and Kate sharing the house for custody was ALL Kate. But, she is never asked hard, clear questions and her inconsistant statements never get noticed. And then Kelly jumped right in there with sympathy for the kids who want to come home (even though, this was clearly a dramatization!) Ugh!
Interesting article about who we as a society revere. An excerpt:
We are living in an everyone-is-special-and-there-are-no-losers society. As a result, we are fearful of accomplished people because they can do stuff that we cannot do, and giving them the spotlight would un-level the playing field. We are, as a result, much more comfortable with the famous-for-nothing paradigm, because then, we, the great unexceptional masses, still have shot at celebrity.
mamaK 68:
I want to know the answer to that too! Why did they stop sharing the 'kids' house? I think I missed hearing about that arrangement stopping.it seemed doomed anyhow- I always thought Jon didn't get much time at the McMansion...Kate was right 'all mine..." ;(
Border Collie said... 13
Nadia is hyperactive. Always on the go, never stops for a minute. She also has a host of psychological problems and talks non-stop. She over-talks everybody, which is a habit I can't stand.
That is so annoying! It's like she's trying to prove she's some kind of intellect and so much smarter than the next guy. It's irritating to listen to her. I just want yell SHAADDUPP!! when she does that. It's impossible to reason with people like her.
Marie said...
Financial I do not think that Kate is all that well off.
Not according to Celebrity Net Worth:
I would also like to comment about something I saw someone say earlier about how Kate goes on and on about how much she loves, loves, loves her children but doesn't really show it and never really has, except when they were babies. This is because she's a narcissist and they are incapable of loving anyone, including their own children. Narcissists do not see other people (including their own flesh and blood) as living, breathing human beings. They are simply tools to get them what they want and to feed their narcissistic supply. Period. This will never change as narcissists are incapable of changing.
My husband's mother is a narcissist and he said the movie Mommie Dearest about Joan Crawford is almost an exact representation of his mother and his own childhood. Those 8 children in PA are living a nightmare. The youngest are probably not fully aware of how much of a nightmare it is yet, but the oldest 2 probably are catching on. It has probably become more clear since the divorce actually. Going from one house to another gives them very different pictures of what a parent (should) looks like.
It will become more clear to them after they are grown and out of that house. It took my husband the better part of his adulthood to piece it all together. Sadly - and because he was/is his mother's scapegoat - finally quit blaming himself for his mother's actions. Narcissistic mothers are childhood vampires. And sadly for those who can't ever figure out what the deal is with their toxic mother, they become adulthood vampires also.
blah blah blah, hubby has a hundred of them. Recently he thought I was being demanding and informed me he was not at my beck and whim. HA! He's a doll though - just brought me back 2 slices of my favorite pizza from NYC to the west coast!
PJ's momma 72
New York pizza? I'm SO jellus!
Pregnant with nontuplets (9) and already has triplets. Can TLC be far behind? (sorry if this has already bee mentioned).
So, what do we think Katie-kins up to? The last time she had a "normal" Twitter day was on the 21st, some 28 tweets. Between the 22nd and right now, she has only tweeted an additional 28 times. She hasn't been this silent on Twitter since the week of Australia in November, or her Las Vegas marathon week in December.
Could she be WORKING? Is that possible? Or is she just starting to figure out that her constant attention to Twitter is counter-productive to her goal of "leaving her audience wanting more"?
With the exception of this week's lame interview, in which nothing new was learned and many old tired half-truths were repeated, there has been no news. Is she laying low on account of gosselinbook? It's all very . . . curious.
This is what I don't get at all. It is obvious to anyone who watches her (even casually) that she feels entitled and sees herself as special because she lucked in to a reality television show on the backs of her 8 little commodities.
Never have I heard anyone say, i.e. "Kate, is it true TLC cancelled you because of your demands and your diva behavior?" I don't care about her answer, (it will be a fabrication) but I just want to hear someone ask her one hard question. Anderson Cooper has come the closest to exposing her, but even he seemed to hold back when he was with Kelly Ripa.
When it comes to throwing the father of her children under the bus, just about every interviewer has given her a free pass. She put herself in the spotlight and when she lost it all, someone should have asked her about her own behavior leading up to that event. The people on the TODAY show lobbed softball questions at her, therefore getting Kate's version of being the victim in all of it.
I know she is fading fast, but It would have been nice if someone in the media held her to account for her actions toward others.
OT: I followed the story of Betty Broderick (from the 1990's). During her trial, she was labeled a narcissist by the psychiatrists who testified. She had 4 children used a pawns during a horrific divorce. She ultimately shot and killed her ex and his new wife in their home while they were sleeping.
The story is the topic of 3 books and 2 Lifetime movies. It has always fascinated me. One camp sees Betty as an abused wife. Another faction sees her as vengeful and self centered.
She was denied parole about a year ago because she still refuses to admit remorse for killing 2 people.
Anonymous said... 72
Marie said...
Financial I do not think that Kate is all that well off.
Not according to Celebrity Net Worth:
Here's another one and I believe this one maybe it's lower but I don't think by that much.
I was just surfing on Pinterest and I am just amazed at all the wonderful, creative blogs and people out there. Kate's blog is just pathetic and boring in comparison. I can't help but wonder if those who tweet and gush over her mediocre meals and organizational ideas are being serious. If they are serious they have no idea of what is out there on the internet. I can't imagine that there would be much of a market for a book by Kate written in that genre, nor would she have enough material. She really has nothing to offer and I truly can't imagine how she would be employable, even in a "mediocre" job field.
Once a Viewer said... 70
mamaK 68:
I want to know the answer to that too! Why did they stop sharing the 'kids' house? I think I missed hearing about that arrangement stopping.it seemed doomed anyhow- I always thought Jon didn't get much time at the McMansion...Kate was right 'all mine..." ;(
April 27, 2012 11:27 AM
I think Jon and Kate just said it belonged to the kids. They probably thought if they said that little ditty people would give them the benefit of the doubt. When the divorced occurred, Kate assumed ownership. They probably tried that parent swapping in and out for a while, it just didn't work, and frankly, I wouldn't want my ex in my house either.
Kate is definitely up to something due to her lack of twittering. But, if she IS working, and the kids ARE NOT working, then more power to her. She has to make a living somehow to keep the house and the kids in school. She will never quit blathering about the kids, that's a given. But as long as the kids aren't working, I hope she can manage to pull it off. It won't be easy.
Now if she is just off somewhere playing in the sun with Steve, then she deserves all the criticism she gets.
Kate is gone for 99% of the viewing audience. Most of the them have no idea what she's been up to since the show went off the air. We on this blog invite this mess into our everyday lives for a multitude of reasons.
It's like the conversation I had with my daughter last week - if more than 1 goose is "geese" why isn't more than 1 moose "meese"?
I thought that it was!
Ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I heard a guy call in to a local radio show, and he told a story about when he was a semi truck driver in Alaska, and he hit a moose. It made a huge mess all over the highway. Cars were slipping and sliding - Ewww! He called the dispatcher and said, "There's moose all over the highway." The dispatcher asked, "How many are there?" He said, "One, and it's all over the highway!"
blah blah blah. Why's that news? said... 57
PJs Momma at 178...
lol at your husbands interpretation of Brazilian Blowout.
I saw a comment someplace where someone used the term "escape goat" for scapegoat. I love malapropisms.
That's a good malapropism. :) Our pastor once shared where the term scapegoat comes from. It was something like, the Jewish people in the Old Testament would choose a goat that they would symbolically place their sins on, then they would send it off into the wilderness. That was the gist anyway, I think. I'd have to do a little digging to get it straight.
I have to laugh in the mornings when I send the kids to school in their jackets, and I think of Kate and the pool! We have a freeze warning tonight into tomorrow morning, with lows in the 30s for the next several days. Hope she's enjoying PAYING to keep that pool open! What a doofus.
I have to laugh in the mornings when I send the kids to school in their jackets, and I think of Kate and the pool! 84
I'm betting those kids go in the pool for their "birthday party" come hell or high water (so to speak). It's a "tradition" you know.
A Mouse Today said... 84
I have to laugh in the mornings when I send the kids to school in their jackets, and I think of Kate and the pool! We have a freeze warning tonight into tomorrow morning, with lows in the 30s for the next several days. Hope she's enjoying PAYING to keep that pool open! What a doofus.
In my area of TX it it 85 degrees today,lol. I have a family member that lives in the Tx panhandle...yesterday, it was 103 degrees there. Summer isn't for two more months!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
It's 'sushi and a movie' night here tonight... So hungry and so excited to watch 'We bought a Zoo' together tonight...
I can't put my finger on it but that just doesn't sound like Kate. I know she likes sushi but something is different.
So included in Kate's fans there is a woman who blew a HUGE hole in her heart and is waiting for quadruple bypass surgery but her insurance company isn't cooperating, another who has a bone-deteriorating disease and now a man remarrying his ex because she's dying.
And, of course, one of the regular sheeple who has allegedly libeled one of the male regular sheeple who allegedly is very ticked off about it...and then there are the alleged libel suits, harassment suits, phone calls to employers of haters, internet sleuthing and outing, not to mention a cruise agent's fumbling and vetting, and the gender question of a mentally unstable fan. Yes, a real soap opera...better than regular television programming.
Please note she doesn't mention the kids in that tweet. If she were with the kids, she'd be tweeting away. Why would that change after a year?
Its movie n sushi nite 2nite. So hngry n so eggscited 2 watch we bought a zoo 2gethr 2nite
would that have looked lot more like KateTweet?
I thought so too.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 87
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
It's 'sushi and a movie' night here tonight... So hungry and so excited to watch 'We bought a Zoo' together tonight...
I can't put my finger on it but that just doesn't sound like Kate. I know she likes sushi but something is different.
April 27, 2012 2:06 PM
The reason why it's doesn't seem like her its because its not abbreviated. It should look like this:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
It's 'sushi & a movie' nite here 2nite. So hungry & so xcited 2 watch 'We bought a Zoo' 2gether 2nite...YAH!!! I am such a gr8 Mom of 8!!!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 87
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
It's 'sushi and a movie' night here tonight... So hungry and so excited to watch 'We bought a Zoo' together tonight...
I can't put my finger on it but that just doesn't sound like Kate. I know she likes sushi but something is different.
No exclamation points!!!!!!!!
I have mentioned what I think is insensitivity on her part before.
Sushi is not exactly an inexpensive dinner for 9. Many some of her fans would have to budget for such an extravagance.
Bragging again?
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 87
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
It's 'sushi and a movie' night here tonight... So hungry and so excited to watch 'We bought a Zoo' together tonight...
I can't put my finger on it but that just doesn't sound like Kate. I know she likes sushi but something is different.
NO oddly abbreviated words, NO abbreviations at all, NO !!! exclamation points. Hmmm.
Do the kids even eat sushi? I know she love it, but I don't recall her ever saying she was having sushi with the kids. We order sushi in from a great place near us, and even ordered in, it's quite expensive and we're not a family of nine. Khate's too cheap to spring for real movie tickets for the kids, or 3D glasses at home. Something tells me she would not buy sushi for the kids either.
I agree with everyone who said she seems to be away somewhere this week, hiding something. She's only been dropping random tweets, which is very unlike her. Personally, I like it when she's silent and mostly off Twitter. The less heard from her, the better.
She may be eating sushi and watching a movie but I doubt if it's with the children. She's playing with her words again. I believe she's still out of town somewhere with Steve and tweeting occasionally so that her followers think she's home. I also think she tweets while hiding in a bathroom or somewhere else so that Steve does not see or know she's on twitter.
Like she'd spring for sushi for those kids. Please. Never.
She's not with them.
And that wasn't her. The lack of abbreviations and exclamation points is telling. Not only that, but they watched We Bought A Zoo recently, on another one of their movie nights. Check her tweets.
Kate's a twit: maybe people have kates number after all. If you buy Sushi at the local store it' around $7.99 and up(each tray enough for one possibly 2 people, 6 cal-rolls, and 4 sushi), I've had no taste for sushi in a while.
I agree, that Kate is up to something, possibly with CC & TV. What ever Kate sent out in the mail last week, she is waiting for a reply. So she will lay-lower until she gets a reply.
Notice Kate has not mentioned her Church Camp thing, that is coming up, or any marathons, which at the begining of the year she was so gun-ho about. What's a matter Kate, can't grift a trip to these marathons?
"Sheeple Of Our Lives"
LOL. How funny...and true. Why am I laughing?
Yeah, that tweet is NOT her. She's in hiding from her tweeties. Steve has her under raps for some reason. I still say she's having plastic surgery done. I bet Steve is one who sent that tweet.
I have not posted here in a long time but I do follow here daily. I guess I don't post because you folks say it all so well. HOWEVER, I do have a reason to post today. Has any one else had a problem with Kate's twitter saying you are following her when you do not! I do not tweet, twitter, and do not even have a twitter account. I do check both Jon and Kate's twitter on a regular basis. When I look at their twitter there is the little box in upper left that says "follow" but today when I went on Kate's twitter there was a green box that said "following". I checked Jon's twitter but his still had the follow option. I have checked Kate's twitter several times today and sometimes it says follow and sometimes it says I am following her. How strange! I hope this makes sense to you all but it made me wonder If this is how she is getting some followers. As a twitter ignorant user it would seem to me that if her twitter said I am following her then I would want to tap on the "following" button to unfollow her, however, if I wasn't really following her then I would be now. Does this make sense and has any one else have this problem?
I don't think the kids would enjoy sushi...in Chinatown, when they had dim sum, although they ate some of the foods, they did not really like the fish items. (I know, sushi is Japanese, I'm not Kate who thought the Chinese characters were written in 'Asian,' lol)
I agree with everyone who thinks that Kate did not tweet that message. I only see her tweets on this blog, but I've never seen her spell every word out and not use abbreviations.
I also don't think she got sushi for everyone, not only because it's expensive, but would kids really like sushi all that much? I don't recall her ever saying that the the kids have had sushi and liked it. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but my daughter and now my grandsons, would rather have pizza and a movie.
I just read that Lindsay Lohan was 6 hours late on the set of Glee. Then she was unprepared and demanding. This is her first acting gig in years! You would think she would want to repair her reputation; to try to be a professional. But it doesn't look like she's learned a thing.
Kate is the same way. She'll never learn. So no matter what opportunities come her way, I believe she will always screw up.
But what gets me - what really gets me - is the way these kinds of people are always GIVEN opportunities. Why does Lindsay keep getting all these opportunities? And Kate? Why them? Why not someone more deserving?
I can't put my finger on it but that just doesn't sound like Kate. I know she likes sushi but something is different.
...It does have her signature ellipses, though...:)
Ok, people, here is a long shot: perhaps Kate has nothing to say? Well, no TV show, talk show, she was interviewed recently, and did not even mention it. Or mention as I posted :the church-camp thing coming up, any marathons, just the tread-mill and about her hair, and the sick act.
I wonder if during the movie tonight, she will twitter her head-off, like last movie.
Kirkland: good question!
Sushi is an acquired taste at best. You either like it or not. That is once you get past the raw fish, thinking. Most kids, would not like it. Unless they were raised with it, on a routine basis. For most of us it's a once in a while thing. Kids, yes, would prefer pizza. If given the choice, I would go for pizza over sushi. That is pizza with almost everything on it.
He called the dispatcher and said, "There's moose all over the highway." The dispatcher asked, "How many are there?" He said, "One, and it's all over the highway!"
So THAT'S what happened to second cousin Myron. He's been MIA. We just thought he ran off with the barmaid at the Mooselini Lodge.
Kirkland: next time Lindsay Lohan gets in trouble with the law, GEEZ, JUDGE LOCK THE BITCH UP! FOR A LOOOONG TIME. She has been given way too many chances. ENOUGH ALREADY! Most mediocre/regular people would not get away with half the stuff, she has. And I don't want to hear the sorry childhood excuse, it's OLD!
Last month, Khate answered tweets about her upcoming marathons. Here are a coupel of those tweets:
kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@xxfearlessx yep. I have at least 2-3 halves planned and one full this year... Will let you know once registered for ALL...:)
kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@redsoxtimmy I've got at least three halves this year&a full... Hope to do NYC next year and Boston year after that.Thanks for reminder..
(From this search: http://topsy.com/s?type=tweet&q=halves+from%3Akateplusmy8)
We all know how she likes to go somewhere several days in advance of when an event takes place. When she did the Las Vegas marathon, she tried to hide the fact that she was already in Vegas by midweek when the marathon was on the weekend (Sunday, I think). Also, I think she went to NYC before Vegas to get the straw bleached. After the marathon, she stayed in Vegas for a couple of extra days, so she turned a marathon into a week trip away.
I think it's a safe guess that she's hiding out somewhere enjoying a little down time with BoobyGuard Skeevie and maybe running in a half marathon this weekend. Plus, she's been hinting lately that she needs another bleaching so maybe she stopped in NYC first. She'll tweet about a half marathon later, but she doesn't want the sheeple to know that she left the kids again all week just to "run" for a couple of hours.
Call Me Crazy, she talked about getting the Zoo movie, but for whatever reason it wasn't available. So no, based on what she's said, they haven't seen it before.
Everyone who says that tweet doesn't read like her is right. It doesn't. On the other hand, I always wonder how she can be away somewhere with Steve without the risk of being seen. If she is seen and it makes the rounds, then she certainly looks like a liar, even if her tweet didn't specifically say she was home with her kids.
I think someone put a little bird in her ear and told her she has to lay off Twitter. It's not doing her any real favors, just gives everyone more ammo to question her. Maybe this is the start of a new trend. Kate the Quiet!
There's a Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and Half Marathon tomorrow, April 28th, in Nashville, TN:
Maybe she will take a picture of the kids sitting on the stripe eating California rolls.
We Bought a Zoo is a cute movie.
But what gets me - what really gets me - is the way these kinds of people are always GIVEN opportunities. Why does Lindsay keep getting all these opportunities? And Kate? Why them? Why not someone more deserving?
Because that isn't how life works, unfortunately.
Other examples....The Kardashians, the Bravo housewives, Jersey Shore kids...I read one of those girls that is showcased on 16 and Pregnant earned almost 300,000 last year. Crazy, huh
It rains on the just and unjust.
Sherry Baby said... 104
I can't put my finger on it but that just doesn't sound like Kate. I know she likes sushi but something is different.
...It does have her signature ellipses, though...:)
Yes it does and I've been looking over older tweets and she doesn't always abbreviate. Maybe it's how it's worded. It seems off to me.
Btw, the title sponsor of the Rock 'n' Roll marathon in Nashville tomorrow is St. Jude's Children's Hospital. It's called the "St. Jude Country Music Marathon & Half Marathon".
Crazy (#92), sorry, I was answering Kate's Going Down about the zoo movie.
NLAN, I think she actually mentioned San Diego at some point (and I think she's intending to do a half there, not a full), which is on June 3. She's also got that speaking engagement in MO next Friday, May 4.
Moose Mania said... 107
He called the dispatcher and said, "There's moose all over the highway." The dispatcher asked, "How many are there?" He said, "One, and it's all over the highway!"
So THAT'S what happened to second cousin Myron. He's been MIA. We just thought he ran off with the barmaid at the Mooselini Lodge.
Ahh, gee. Sorry for your loss, Moose. :)
Gift of grab said...I think someone put a little bird in her ear and told her she has to lay off Twitter. It's not doing her any real favors, just gives everyone more ammo to question her. Maybe this is the start of a new trend. Kate the Quiet!
I'm beginning to think that, too. Maybe someone FINALLY go through to her and she listened. Is that even possible?
anger issues 106, I'm with you on the pizza, but hold the anchovies!
Regarding Kate Gosselin and DWTS - take a look at this picture of her with Purse Boy bringing up the rear. She looks positively miserable and those thighs - Whoa Nellie!
And George Zimmerman who shot a teenager armed with Arizona tea and Skittles told the judge he was broke and could not afford a high bond and come to find out he had received $200,000 in donations from his online defense fund. He lied. Talk about the unworthy.
The KT saga is getting boring. The difference in her tweets - she sounds depressed and/or preoccupied.
Why does Steve has to follow her around like a puppy dog on the DWTS set in the first place? That set has tons of their own security and is no stranger to the protection of celebs far more famous than she ever was.
The last two tweets have had capital letters, shows in quotes (I don't think she has ever done that before) and no silly abbreviations.
It's 'sushi and a movie' night here tonight... So hungry and so excited to watch 'We bought a Zoo' together tonight... about 3 hours ago
I'm watching the end of 'Chopped' on the Food Network with my girls.. Then off to bed for all of us! Chopping then checking out, lol..GN! about 22 hours ago
It's possible someone told her what a tool she looks like talking like a teenager when she is 36. It could still be her trying to make an effort.
I think at least part of the reason for Steve's eternal presence is that she is not comfortable talking to people, and she uses him as a shield to avoid that. This is the irony of her quest for fame as the SuperMom. She is NOT a warm, spontaneous, giving type of person at all. I don't know who ever said she had the "gift of gab," because nothing could be further from the truth. She has the gift of loving the sound of her own voice, and that's about it.
Admin, I noticed the quotes too. I don't think she's used quotes before. Plus, as you said, the capitalization is different for her.
Does everyone really think she and Steve are a thing? I was never completely convinced. I do think she likes the speculation, though.
The litmus test is happening right now: every single time she has sat down for movie night with the kids, she's twatted her ass off through the whole evening.
And I see no tweets.
Yes Gift of Gab. The problem is it makes her seem incredibly unapproachable.
Men don't approach and ask out someone who is latched at the hip with someone like Steve. It makes her seem very unavailable and taken. Platonic or not it has hampered her dating efforts.
Second, it's uncomfortable for others. Even other celebs on DWTS who didn't bring entourages and just showed up to work like a normal person would be turned off by someone with a constant entourage. Pam Anderson walks around everywhere with just her kids, no nannies no bodyguard no assistant. The way Kate acts with this silly entourage of hers comes across as I'm better and more famous than you--arrogant. Not attractive.
Admin @122 either she's making an effort due to coaching from PR team or someone is tweeting for her right now.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 121
Why does Steve has to follow her around like a puppy dog on the DWTS set in the first place? That set has tons of their own security and is no stranger to the protection of celebs far more famous than she ever was.
I think Steve was protecting people from Kate we know how she gets.
Once good ol' Steve let her off the leash and muzzle.
He has to keep her cool and clam or this happens
I'm not at all convinced that's not Kate writing those tweets. What about this, it's also possible she has some kind of image coach now if she is trying to get some kind of show going again. Part of that coaching would certainly be how to tweet.
Look what she's been doing lately, which is exactly what I would tell her if I were her coach:
1. don't reply to your psycho fans and if you must keep it brief and once in a blue moon
2. don't tweet all day long, be vague and benign and cute and only once or twice a day. Don't tweet about being with the kids then tweet the whole time you were supposed to be with the kids, it looks bad
3. Do use proper grammar, spelling and no abbreviations. You are 36 not 16.
Univision TV is reporting the Mexican woman pregnant with nine babies is a hoax. She's not pregnant at all.
I think at least part of the reason for Steve's eternal presence is that she is not comfortable talking to people, and she uses him as a shield to avoid that.
Yes I think that's absolutely true, that's part of it for sure. Narcissists are notoriously socially awkward. I saw this first hand when I went to her book signing. As fans approached her, she wouldn't say anything. She was so inept. They had to speak first.
When I approached her she didn't say anything either. It was very strange. As each fan approaches you should say hi, come on up, what's your name or something friendly like that. A blank stare is just downright bizarre and socially awkward.
I was the one who had to say Hi Kate thanks for coming. Just weird.
Maybe someone reminded Kate that she's being too friendly on Twitter and told her the poor goofs that paid for the cruise are going to expect her to be friendly on the cruise too. That might have shut her up.
Just speculating, but say she did snag something at Food Network or is at leasti n talks.
They might have outright said to her Twitter is a problem and she needs to stop the nonsense on there. I wouldn't hesistate for a second to tell her that if I were hiring her. I would put conditions in her contract about what she could and couldn't do on twitter as long as she was assigned to our network.
Just speculating, but say she did snag something at Food Network or is at leasti n talks.
They might have outright said to her Twitter is a problem and she needs to stop the nonsense on there. I wouldn't hesistate for a second to tell her that if I were hiring her. I would put conditions in her contract about what she could and couldn't do on twitter as long as she was assigned to our network.
Actually, strike my previous post. I agree with you Admin, it probably is her tweeting. I checked old tweets referencing movies and when she tweeted about this movie last month, she used quotes just like she did today (not the same capitalization, though):
kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Does anyone know if the movie 'We bought a zoo' is on DVD yet? Planning movie night for tomorrow pm for kids... Looking for that movie..
Also, just like today's tweet put "sushi and a movie" in quotes, she has done similar tweets before:
kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Tonight we're having a 'snack&movie' party.. Got a Dean and Deluca snack basket for my birthday..&8 helpers to enjoy it!Watching 'Hop'! Fun!
14 days ago
Okay, and now I'm going because I hate to over analyze the tweets of a demented bitch! Have a great night and weekend, everyone!
Social wallflower rule No. 1 - look like you are already in a conversation, even if you are the only one talking, or talking nonsense - just so your lips are moving at regular intervals.
When Steve's not around, she uses her pink iPhone for the same purpose - "Leave me alone"
Exactly the same reason she tweets so much when she's with the kids - "Can't you see I'm busy?"
Admin, I noticed the quotes too. I don't think she's used quotes before. Plus, as you said, the capitalization is different for her.
That's the first thing I noticed, so I went back and checked. She does use them.
Admin, I agree with your opinion that Kate is socailly inept. However, I think that she has Steve as a "body guard" (and I use the term loosely) is because she not only believes her own press, or self importance. Remember the fender bender she had after the show started and she didn=t stop because she thought she was too famous, a celebrity?
I think by having Steve around, it enforces for her her own importance, celebrity status. She not only needs that, she WANTS that. She wants to believe that she is more important and somehow better than everyone else, In her mind, having a "body guard" convinces her of that.
Hey, it's almost bedtime for Kate. If she is not tweeting up a storm, then either, as someone put it, she was told to button it, or she hiding somewhere.
Her Twitter is dead! Never seen it like this on a Friday night. Not even the fans vs. non-fans thing is happening. I sincerely hope we are seeing the end of the line here for Katie Irene.
I just think someone she's trying to work with, or hired to publicize her, told her that she's not doing herself any favors with her problematic twittering. It's too sudden a switch otherwise. She doesn't tweet when something is benefitting her, unless it's a grift, so something definitely is. Someone told her to be quiet and quit engaging with the "riff raff" and to try to be professional. Maybe she got a personality coach! (I can just imagine...)
Tweet (118): I'm beginning to think that, too. Maybe someone FINALLY go through to her and she listened. Is that even possible?
If it's true that she's on Twitter Silence, Milo's life, as she knows it, is over.
I really don't care why kate's been so quiet on Twitter lately. All i know is that her silence is golden. Hopefully she'll finally fade away like she should have long ago.
I agree her silence is golden and I don't even believe she has any irons in the fire. I hate to speculate, but my guess is that she's hurt or upset or depressed that she has no irons in the fire and Jon's profile is rising again. Reality may really be hitting her finally.
Speculation over!
I wonder if she's a little "skeert" of gosselinbook.com. I honestly don't think she noticed the few tweets from that source herself, but I think they may well have been brought to her attention privately. Especially after whoever is behind it included her manager's name (Julie Carson May) in a tweet yesterday. Whatever is responsible for this refreshing change, I agree with the sediment that this is hopefully a sign of her slow fade into oblivion. REAL oblivion, that is, not the zombie kind.
Ok, another long shot:maybe kate was in court recently or got a letter from a Judge/court/lawyer(if that is what they do) to stop tweeting crap. Even Jon's tweets are far and few. Maybe Jon got her on too much info giving out.
Suiseq said
I have not posted here in a long time but I do follow here daily. I guess I don't post because you folks say it all so well. HOWEVER, I do have a reason to post today. Has any one else had a problem with Kate's twitter saying you are following her when you do not! I do not tweet, twitter, and do not even have a twitter account. I do check both Jon and Kate's twitter on a regular basis. When I look at their twitter there is the little box in upper left that says "follow" but today when I went on Kate's twitter there was a green box that said "following". I checked Jon's twitter but his still had the follow option. I have checked Kate's twitter several times today and sometimes it says follow and sometimes it says I am following her. How strange! I hope this makes sense to you all but it made me wonder If this is how she is getting some followers. As a twitter ignorant user it would seem to me that if her twitter said I am following her then I would want to tap on the "following" button to unfollow her, however, if I wasn't really following her then I would be now. Does this make sense and has any one else have this problem?
If you don't have a twitter account like you stated, how can you see all their tweets, is there another way? I thought one needs to be logged into Twitter for the "follow" "unfollowing" option, too.
I agree that something has happened to shut her up, and it could be a new publicist or something along those lines. However, if Twist of Kate and the spot on the Paula Deen show didn't pan out when she was much more in the spotlight, I doubt she has anything in the works now, and nothing she does will change that.
People don't want to hear from her again. They don't like her. Period.
I wonder if she's taking Jon's newfound popularity to heart and is copying his moves. He sat down and shut up and regained some modicum of respect. The big difference is that Jon is a basically nice guy. Kate has no clue what "nice" is. She's just not (nice). She has to be just green with envy over the positive press he is receiving.
I do think this will backfire, though, because she has to be so lonely with no family and no girlfriends to talk to, except her twitter girlfriends, of course. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I like the new Kate, though, silent and absent from the public eye. I hope it stays that way.
She's not going to fade into oblivion if she can help it...someone's told her to fly under the radar with twitter world. She's going to suddenly pop back out like a scary-looking jack-in-the-box with the creepy grin, just watch! lol.
Skeevo Stevo climbs into her bedroom every night or...skulks out to the garage in her hooker slippers.
It quacked like a Duck three years ago. It is still quacking, the wife Gina has not been seen or heard from for one NY minute in a very long time. Yeesh, why has this witch been able to fool the reading public for this long. I study body language, this was an affair some time ago.
Skeevo's wife and family are looooonnnnggg gone.
I have a title for the book coming soon from Jon...The Rise and Fall of Kate Gosselin.
Kate by all her scheming managed to get the fame and fortune she craves. Today she is sliding down the other side of the mountain after she reached the top..thus the rise and fall.
@suzieq 100
I have noticed the same thing on my twitter account. I have NEVER followed Kate on twitter but a bunch of times when I searched her account and clicked on it it has told me that I am following her. Then the next time I log on I will check her account and it will tell me that I'm not following her but then a few days later it will tell me that I am again. It never shows up on my 'following' list just when I click on her account the 'follow' button will say 'following'.
I have no idea what to make of it... I wonder how many people its happening to?
I guess Kate couldn't be bother to review the label on the DVD she bought? You know PG, PG13 or whatever, or L for language. Really sort of sad if she's so worried about language you'd think she'd be smart and look into such things. Good parent? Maybe not...
Is watching movies all she does with her kids? What happened to local amusement parks, back yard camp outs and all that? As a kid television bored me to death. She's not really that created how she spends her weekends with her kids but maybe I'm wrong if this is what most parents do with their kids.
The stupidity of these sheeple continues to make me shake my head. This one heard a word, says she will not let her kids use it, but had no idea what it meant:
@gypsi001 @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I agree! My jaw dropped when I heard one of the girls call the other "crotchity" on iCarly. Not OK w/me!
What she heard was "crotchety," meaning grumpy, grouchy, irritable, as in crotchety old man. I guess she heard "crotch" and thought it was something suggestive. You can't make this stuff up!
You don't pack the "star" punch you once did Kate. Your every wish is not anyone's command any more. Your sheeple don't even care that you've gone to ground. The sound you hear are crickets. Kate who?
Re post 148, As I said I am not twitter literate but I do know I never created an account. When I last checked Kate's twitter the button said "follow" but just now it said I am "following". just to see what would happen I hit the following button and a box came up asking if I wanted to unfollow. When I said yes the screen changed back to the "follow" button. I also tested it on Jon's twitter and clicked on the follow box, when I did that I was told I had to create an account to follow him. I originally started following Kate's twitter by following a link someone posted quite a while ago. Today is the first day twitter has said I am following Kate, it sure seems fishy to me. As of now my button has the "follow" option and am curious to see if it changes back to following on it's own again.
I was doing some research on Nora Campos who is the CA assembly member who is pushing a bill to require background checks for anyone working with minors in the entertainment industry.
I saw she is pushing yet another bill, one not getting that much attention, that while incredibly complicated, boils down in part to fixing some loopholes in CA law to make sure that all child actors who have temporary permits (I guess if your kid is doing a one-time TV appearance and isn't really out to be an actor for a living, etc.) have verifiable Coogan accounts that are followed up on in a computerized way to be sure they are in place.
I think that's awesome. I like that she is saying I don't care if your kid works one day out of his entire life, give him his money. In the grand scheme of things what's one day, but it's the principle of it, of sending a message to parents, all parents, that California protects its minors' money no matter how small. I dig it.
Sounds like Nora Campos is the next Murt and I'm excited to see what she is able to get through.
I think it is as simple as the fact that PB is there. She has some things coming up and she will make a vacation out of it. She will be back. She has no one else to talk to when she is alone and I say alone because I don't think she is ever as alone as when the kids are there. She lets the girls hang out with her in her "room" yeah but for how long - long enough to get her massage which to me seems a little strange. She said it herself, when she wants to see the kids from K+8, she opens her bedroom door.
Just a question for those of you who have narcissist experience: Does a narcissist have the ability to follow instructions/guidelines of an image coach (or personality coach), or even the orders of a judge?
Twitter has been Khate's way of feeding her narcissism...what happens when she has to turn it off (and not get stroked)?
Is it possible to change? (who has Khate ever "listened" to...maybe Steve?)
I would think there would have to be something MORE in it for her to be quiet...maybe if someone else is paying her to tweet, and they put a restriction on her that she can't tweet batshit crazy in addition to "I watched XYZ on network" or "I bought product from this store" OR SHE WOULDN'T GET PAID.
@Kateplusmy8 It would appear that the chickens will be coming home to roost in 58 days Katie dear, according to http://t.co/RiWDpH9T.
From that Kenton Kreider's twitter. Weird.
And another...
@Kateplusmy8 Where are you tonight my beautiful angel? We miss you so much. Please let us see our grandchildren Katie. Please? Daddy loves U
I have always hoped for Kate. But, it is going to take more than a few days of appropriate silence and mature tweets to convince me that she has seen some sort of "light".
I do appreciate reading all the speculation here. Interesting thoughts.
Kate's Going Down 126:
Re: Steve and Kate. I've said this before, but I am not convinced about a true affair going on between them. Kate does not seem to like the male gender in any shape or form! She doesn't seem capable of normal feelings and love. Maybe it's a matter of convenience, dependence, or to keep him around, but I do think she likes the speculation too. I'm just not 100% convinced even though Steve seems to be there a lot of the time, including Easter. Idk his motives either, probably money. While Kate is attractive in her way, she seems cold and fishy to me..
I agree Once a Viewer. I don't think Kate is capable of love and is definately not lovable. As for her twitter silence, I don't think she has something coming up. As Marie pointed out, if at the height of her fame she couldn't get something outside of Kate plus 8, there is no way she can get something now. If you look at her twitterfeed, it is so low now so when she feels like tweeting, she probably sees that not many of her fans are there, just haters.
The relationship between Steve and Kate is confusing. Why would a bodyguard be at their home to celebrate Easter? (Just one example.)
However, he has been a constant in the children's lives -- more than the multitude of nannies, longer than Ellen.
They have to be conditioned to his likes, dislikes, discipline and to his influence on their mom.
It would be a big adjustment for them if he "disappeared".
I thought Kate's old PR Rep, Julie Carson May? Left when the TLC contract ended. So, maybe she has found someone new, who is stupid enough to represent her and they have told her to stop the tweeting. For two reasons, one, because she makes an ass out of herself on a weekly basis with the lying and fighting and two, because if she wants to do promotions on twitter, (great job for her laziness) then, she would have to stop with the nonsense.
Or, Jon got a court order to make her stop.
Or, she has had that nervous breakdown that has been predicted and someone is just sending out a few tweets for her. Time will tell.
Marie 154:
Well, I guess they can't use the pool yet (lol) but they certainly should be outside enjoying the spring. Hikes, bike rides, just playing like we were all reminiscing about, Crooked Houses, those cars, hopscotch, jump rope etc. BBQs. Outings to local sites, country drives,outdoor chores- organic garden? Visits with friends. Lots more than movies at home. These kids need to be out socializing and participating in sports and fun family activities. A very sad life if not. Waste of their beautiful property not to mention their precious childhoods.
Most parents I have known enjoy spending time with their children and also give up their own free time to chauffeur them to friends' homes, sports, Brownie/Scout activities or family outings. Spend time outside with the kids incorporating chores with games.The nicer weather is prime time. :(
Just a question for those of you who have narcissist experience: Does a narcissist have the ability to follow instructions/guidelines of an image coach (or personality coach), or even the orders of a judge?
I'm thinking it depends. If the consequence if she tweets personal things about the kids is contempt and jail time and she feels like the judge is serious, she might stop at least for awhile until she feels like the coast is clear again.
As for an image coach, I think yes it's more likely she would listen to an image coach if she were assured that this was all part of making her buckets of money. There would have to be some kind of great trade off in it for her. I.e. cash.
It's probably just as likely she is getting her narcissistic supply elsewhere rather than someone told her to knock off the tweeting. Or both.
omg, just now Kate's tweeting they are at Cara's lacrosse game at school!
btw what happened that I missed- what is this about Kate not using Twitter??
School sports Saturday... At a lacrosse game! Goooo team! Soooo cold but so happy to support Caras team!!! about a minute ago
All right I do think there is an image coach now. She rarely talks about what the kids are interested in, except Mady.
I think someone read all her tweets, read reactions to her tweets like the kind posted here, and said for starters we need to make you look more well-rounded, interested in your kids, and you need to give them personality and interests.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 170
School sports Saturday... At a lacrosse game! Goooo team! Soooo cold but so happy to support Caras team!!! about a minute ago
All right I do think there is an image coach now. She rarely talks about what the kids are interested in, except Mady.
I think someone read all her tweets, read reactions to her tweets like the kind posted here, and said for starters we need to make you look more well-rounded, interested in your kids, and you need to give them personality and interests.
Totally agree! Either she was read the riot act by a company she's under contract with or who is considering her, or she has an image coach/new pr person, or both. Something's changed. Of course, once she hits the boxed wine it could all revert and the true Kate will re-emerge. Something about putting lipstick on a pig? : )
I don't think that's her Dad's twitter. I doubt he has one.
The tweet about the sporting event didn't have all those lame abbreviations either. Something's up.
Silimom, I don't think many people ever took the KentonKreider twitter for her real dad. Again, someone (or more than one) is having some fun with her. At her expense. Delicious.
Yeah, we haven't heard much about the kids' interests. Clearly, if she's not supposed to talk about her kids on Twitter (or her web site), she's still in violation of that with this morning's tweet. I don't think for a second that she's truly enjoying being out with other parents at this lacrosse game. I think she IS enjoying the fact that lacrosse is mostly a private school sport, and she gets to toss that out so nonchalantly.
I have commented on the Julie May anomaly before: She is still the person to contact on Kate's web site for "engagements." However, if you go to Julie's web site (mediamotionintl) and click on clients, then click on Kate, there is a link to "launch web site." The link doesn't take you to Kate's blog, though, it takes you to the TLC Kate Plus 8 pages. What does that mean? Was Julie actually working for TLC all along (and getting paid by them)? Is it just an oversight (if so, an increasingly egregious one for an attentive "manager")?
If she did actually hire a new "image coach" or PR person, and is in fact taking advice from that person, this suggests to me a level of desperation on her part that we have not seen before. Her attitude has always been, "this is who I am, deal with it," she has never acknowledged (besides the occasional "I may have been too harsh" comments when her back is to the wall) that she is in any way to blame for the public's perception of her as an UberBitch. I also think it is way too late for these cosmetic changes to make much difference in her "likability" quotient.
I don't think Kate is done with twitter at all not by a long shot.
I think she just giving it a rest for a little while then she'll be back to tweeting like a nut in no time.
Also Kate and a life coach unless it's Steve I don't see her taking orders from anyone.
Well, she still has the !!!! and the 'soooo" I honestly don't see a difference.
Lacrosse is popular in public schools here~ maybe depends on the area? I'm sure Kate is NOT having fun though as she dislikes cold weather.
Let's see- she has mentioned Mady's play, Aaden and Leah being good spellers, Collin chicken coop chief, Hannah and Alexis' 'cute' remarks, Shoka's antics and activities, - that leaves Joel out to date iirc.
School sports Saturday... At a lacrosse game! Goooo team! Soooo cold but so happy to support Caras team!!! 49 minutes ago
But, Kate. Your pool is open. Why aren't the kids swimming? :) Just a bit too cold?
I have always hoped for Kate. But, it is going to take more than a few days of appropriate silence and mature tweets to convince me that she has seen some sort of "light".
I don't think she'd ever see the light on her own. Maybe someone finally shoved the flashlight beam in her face and forced her to see the light...and blink.
Time will tell. Meanwhile, it's a 360 so there has to be someone or something forcing her to be quiet for the most part and sound "mommy-like" about her kids. After all, that IS her "brand" and "talent", right?
Lacrosse was wildly popular where I grew up near Canada. We even played it in gym class. It's popular in Canada so I think the closer you are to the border the more likely you are to play that. PA is technically a border state, that small part of it on Lake Erie, It was lacrosse in the warmer months and ice hockey in the winter months. But I don't disagree it has developed sort of an uppity WASP reputation. Which is ironic given its humble origins.
"School sports Saturday... At a lacrosse game! Goooo team! Soooo cold but so happy to support Caras team!!! about an hour ago"
That's good, Kate.
See? It is possible to go back to living a normal life.
Now stop tweeting, and go support your daughter & her team.
P.S. it won't hurt to make friends with the other parents there too...
It's too bad she didn't tweet after the event so there's no chance of Cara's privacy being invaded, but beggars can't be choosers.
I think the whole change is fake and probably won't last long but at least it's something.
Lacrosse is big (really BIG) here in Maryland, as well as in New York, Virginia, North Carolina, Massachusetts. Not to say it is not popular in other states, but if you think about who is playing in the NCAA championship games every year, it is a college/university from one of these 5 states.
And here, of course, is milo:
@Kateplusmy8 I can see U now Kate...standin on the side lines...cheerin her on! & shiverin all the while! But its what good Moms DO! :)
Every time Kate behaves remotely normally as a "mom," milo is all up in her face, "Come on, Kate, you CAN do it!" Funny, for someone who professes so much "admiration" for Kate's mothering, milo does spend a lot of time trying to tell her what "good moms DO."
Poor Milo, she really does try to guide and encourage Kate down the path of righteousness.
The thing is she just ends up embarrassing herself. Of course Kate should be at this lacrosse game. Of course she should be at every or almost every lacrosse game absent some darn god excuse like hospitalization. To slobber all over her for doing what she should do is embarrassing.
Lacrosse is the national summer sport of Canada. Hockey is winter. Originally lacrosse was the only national sport but when a bill to change it was introduced, there was opposition. It's a great sport for girls and boys.
I think it's great Cara is playing it. I now live in MA and the sport starts usually in middle school, competing with soccer and base/softball.
admin said, it's too bad she didn't tweet after the event so there's no chance of Cara's privacy being invaded, but beggars can't be choosers.
At least she didn't give the location!
Dear Kate, if you have any compassion for the dignity of your fans, please do not tweet about your children's sporting activities. Your uber-fan, Milo, appears to be about ready to pee her pants over Cara's LaCrosse game.
Unfortunately, the location can be found with a few simple clicks. Which is why it's such a problem to tweet about things before or as they are happening.
I spent a lot of time as a kid in Canada growing up near it with family there as well. I remember the good ole days where you didn't need a passport and all you had to say at the border was hi we're just here for the weekend to see our cousins. And this reminds me, Canada even puts hockey on their CURRENCY! LOL. They have a bill with a picture of some kids playing on a frozen stream. I get a kick out of that. Go Canada.
When Kate says "school sports Saturday"' she makes it seem like this is the only day Cara will be playing lacrosse. Or, is this the only time Kate has bothered to go? I know my kids play soccer, baseball, rugby and lacrosse every weekend during the season.
Unfortunately the longer Kate keeps twitter silence the deeper she slides into oblivion. Sad as it may seem twitter was her "thing". It kept her in the public eye because every was buzzing about what she was tweeting. Whether she has a new PR person or not is irrelevant. Her reputation as a diva proceeds her. Athough she can be controversial she's not young and fresh faced. She's got no real talent nor does she have the "gift of gab". CC may be trying to start something on late night TV using Kate as their spokesperson. She'll never be prime time again though. She'll just be another late night cable access infomercial going nowhere fast. I agree with what Gift said above. It's too late for her to change her ways. The real Kate will eventually rear her ugly head.
Adminm: check out this stamp!
There is an eeriness about those KenK tweets that is a bit disconcerting.
Kenton Kreider @KentonKreider
@Kateplusmy8 You're on the right track Kate. Keep it up and this will go away. Give your kids whats left of their childhoods. We're watching
Poor Milo, she really does try to guide and encourage Kate down the path of righteousness.
The thing is she just ends up embarrassing herself. Of course Kate should be at this lacrosse game. Of course she should be at every or almost every lacrosse game absent some darn god excuse like hospitalization. To slobber all over her for doing what she should do is embarrassing.
I think she has ulterior motives for guiding and encouraging, and slobbering. This is to get a response. Praising her seems to be the only way to get Kate to acknowledge her. She is going to be suffering major withdrawal if Kate is on silence. It's all she lives for. She really is to be pitied. In this case, being ignored may not be such a good idea. Remember the bunny.
Any one who wants a crash course on narcissim should read up on the John Edwards trial. Wow--talk about "you can't make this stuff up" . When your only defense is that you are just a scumbag and not a criminal, you may be in a wee bit of trouble. His defense is that he wasn't trying to hide campaign contributiions, he was 'only' trying to cover up an affair with his dying wife.
His aide, Andrew Young, is the lead witness and has immunity in return for testimony. This poor schmuck was so devoted to Edwards that he initially claimed paternity of his illegitimate baby and brought her in to live with his family, which includes 3 children, 2 of whom have heart defects.
The National Enquirer, who broke this story, ran a story, just after she passed away, that Elizabeth Edwards made a deathbed testimonial tape, under oath, about what she knew about and when she knew it. Since the timeline of events are crucial to this trial--John Edwards is claiming that the funds were solicited and distributed to his baby mama , Reille Hunter, as a payoff for her silence (of course, unbeknownst to him), her testimony may significantly influence the jury's decision, if it is admitted as evidence. . Also, at the center of the debate, is the admissibility of a sex tape that was recorded when Reille was pregnant, and left in the garbage at Andrew Young's home.
How narcissistic is Edwards? Well, lets see...he thought that Young's claim of paternity would satisfy the tabloids that were closing in and that he would be a viable vice-presidential candidate with Barack Obama. He ordered Young to take his family away and go on the run with Reille Hunter. Oh, but before he left, Edwards told him that he loved them. Young saved every email and voice mail, which have been submitted and used in the course of the hearing. Next week, Andrew Young's wife will be testifying.
I feel so sad for this family, who has lost their mother and has had to deal with their father's stupidity and hubris. Their oldest daughter, Cate, has been beside him in court every day --she resembles Elizabeth and it breaks my heart to think what she has gone through.
On Friday, the third day of the trial, Young admitted that he siphoned some of the money, which was deposited into his wife's personal account (Edwards and campaign never touched it), into the addtion of a pool and guest house at the new home that he and his wife were building. If this was the plot of a movie, I wouldn't believe it!
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive..." (I didn't invent this quote--don't remember who did, but I give them full credit)
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