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Lauren Perkins, in one of the few pregnancy photos the family has released. (Graphics added) |
America's newest parents of sextuplets so far seem to be doing everything right.
The Texas couple, who tried over a year and a half to get pregnant and were told by their doctor that the odds of having sextuplets was only 1%, requested privacy at this time, and said on their web site (which only has a handful of comments in their guest book from well wishers): "The family is not taking interviews at this time" and would only release further photos with permission. The family also mentioned the Gosselins in an FAQ on their web site:
"Will you have a tv show, given the opportunity?
Heck no. I don't think being on tv was root cause to the demise of the Gosselin family (Jon and Kate 8) or the Masche family (Raising Sextuplets). I think being on tv exacerbated pre-existing problems."
It's stories like this that make us wonder how many families may have been subtly influenced by America's obsession with "freak shows" and the consequences on their subjects, one of the most famous examples being, of course, the Gosselin eight. Is this the good that will come out of the Gosselin tragedy? Here's wishing Lauren, David, and Babies A through F (the parents have not, and we hope never will, released their names) all the best and that they trust their instincts and keep their family private.
"If you had sextuplets, you would do what Kate did too" thankfully doesn't seem to ring true for this young couple, not yet anyway. God speed.
1146 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1146 Newer› Newest»She might have mentioned the game in the hopes the lone pap would show up. A subtle way of trying to twitter like a "normal" parent yet get someone to appear. And then pretend to frown and look put out about it in photos, like "gee, I can't even go to my kid's game without a pap".
So, some of her "fans" on Twitter are approving of her silence (and gently admonishing milo). These are all from the same person:
@Kateplusmy8 So mch spec swirling abt your Twitter silence.All I can say is Bravo Kate!Fr 1mom of many 2 another,very impressive decision!
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 I no K's lack of responding must b tough 4 u,but I think she's made a grt decision 4 kids/her privacy.Nice job KG!
@miloandjack @kateplusmy8 I tot mean that in sincere way...no sarcasm should b attached 2that at all!I'm not a hater, nor a fan. Just a mom. In reply to Fired Up 4 Kate
@XXXXX @miloandjack @kateplusmy8 I wsh K the best!A peaceful life 2live w/out scrutiny/ interference.It's x we all respected that.
Of course, there's also this:
@Kateplusmy8 You're on the right track Kate. Keep it up and this will go away. Give your kids whats left of their childhoods. We're watching
Ex Nurse, 197, I have been following the John Edwards story. Pundits are arguing that it will be difficult to prove that he did anything illegal. Immoral, cruel and self-serving, but not against the law.
All through this scandal, he actually believed he would emerge the squeaky clean husband of a wife with breast cancer and he would have a sympathetic chance of being elected.
That last one at 195 has a different ring to it, a copy cat perhaps. To him she is Katie. That is what they named her. Doesn't have the same eerie tone and flare for phrasing as the first 2 or 3 tweets had.
What about Rielle. She set this all up from the beginning. One way to tell when a woman is after your money? They quite strangely after all the other men they have been involved with suddenly become pregnant, by mistake. Wouldn't one considering that the presidency was at stake have been doubly careful.
When you are attached to that kind of wealth and have a child you are set for life as any judge would ensure that the child will have the same lifestyle as a legitimate child. That is a component of the child support equation.
She chased him down and told him that she could help him in an if you know what I mean fashion and he was at her hotel room shortly thereafter. Don't remember source but read that somewhere.
He was a fool and she knew it straight away. Thank God he never made it to the White House. He is a very wealthy man in his own right, why do these people not ever use their own money?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 189
Unfortunately, the location can be found with a few simple clicks. Which is why it's such a problem to tweet about things before or as they are happening.
You are correct! With a few clicks you can see the team roster and team schedule so anyone who wants to see her play who saw that tweet can now find her.
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 I no K's lack of responding must b tough 4 u,but I think she's made a grt decision 4 kids/her privacy.Nice job KG!
Kate giving the kids privacy I'll be believe it when I see it.
has she started grifting for the children's 8th birthday yet
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 195
Kenton Kreider @KentonKreider
@Kateplusmy8 You're on the right track Kate. Keep it up and this will go away. Give your kids whats left of their childhoods. We're watching
Yes, wierd. But it's interesting that in the past she would immediately jump and announce to the Twitter world that someone is a fake.
Not this time.
It's uncharacteristic for Kate to quietly allow someone to pretend he/she is a family member.
I smell, the smelly smell, of something that smells, so smelly...
-Spongebob Squarepants
And they can now find future games and show up at those.
It's great Kate is going to the games like any mom would do. But other celebs have sense enough not to disclose things like this. The only solution here is just to stop tweeting since she can't handle it in any way shape or form.
@Kateplusmy8 I can see U now Kate...standin on the side lines...cheerin her on! & shiverin all the while! But its what good Moms DO! :)
The "g" key must be missing on Milo's keyboard. She's annoying.
It's great Kate is going to the games like any mom would do.
Could it be that Kate is going to the games JUST to be able to tweet and show what a great mom she is? Do you really think she'd go if she couldn't blow her own horn about it on Twitter and be praised for it?
You are correct! With a few clicks you can see the team roster and team schedule so anyone who wants to see her play who saw that tweet can now find her.
If anyone was that obsessed with seeing her play, they could have found it long before now simply by checking out roster and the practice dates.
How quickly do narcissists get bored? Could it be that the Twitter fascination just wore off and she's found something else to occupy her time?
You know I'm impressed and glad that some of her fans approve of her silence. They should. I'm surprised since so many of them are so selfish and demanding not caring that Kate really should focus on her real life at home.
Sherry anyone can pretty much find anything but that doesn't mean that you plaster the information all over the place. Kate needs a healthy sense that these kids are famous and need to be protected.
Anyone could probably track down a dozen celebrities at various Little League games today but to have a celebrity tweet that they are at Little League opens the door almost inviting the paps or creepy fans. A creepy fan may see it as an open invitation.
I understand Kate may feel like she is in a catch 22 because if she never tweets about the kids people will wonder why she never spends time with her kids but she needs to just not worry about that, go be with her kids, and keep it private.
I just read an e-mail on another blog that Cindy sent to a fan who was interested in booking (the whole vetting thing). I can't imagine anyone in the travel business who would send an e-mail as unprofessional as this one.
Why she hasn't been relieved of her duties is mystifying. Does she have connections with the suits, or is everyone in that agency just as stupid and doesn't see anything wrong with e-mails such as this?
If this is the way they conduct business, I'd stay as far away from this agency/trip as I could.
How quickly do narcissists get bored? Could it be that the Twitter fascination just wore off and she's found something else to occupy her time?
Very quickly. Which is why Kate tweeting like a fiend for a year has always surprised me. It could be she finally got tired of it. Truly how long can you really tweet with someone like Milo before you're over it? Even if they spend all day telling you how great you are, that's got to get old.
Something is really not right. This morning Kate's twitter says I am following her again! I don't have twitter and never had and yet sometimes her page says I am following her. I look at her and Jon's twirter and this never has happened with Jon. Something is fishy and makes me thing she has found a way to make people followers who do not wish to follow her.
admin @15...Even if they spend all day telling you how great you are, that's got to get old.
And if you have any smarts at all, you'd realize that a fan such as this has to have some screws loose! Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be drooled over like that?
I understand Kate may feel like she is in a catch 22 because if she never tweets about the kids people will wonder why she never spends time with her kids but she needs to just not worry about that, go be with her kids, and keep it private.
She got herself into this situation. For some reason she thinks that her fans are owed this information. She started it. She owes them NOTHING in regards to the whereabouts of her children. She spoonfed these fans for so long, revealing so many private details of their life -- what they are eating, what movie they are watching, who is doing what, their "rank" in school, etc. etc., and now the fans have come to expect that. They feel that they deserve this for being loyal and supporting her. They need to accept the fact that they're not going to be privy to all of this information, put on their big girl (or in Milo's case, big boy) panties and deal with it.
Kate has to grow up and realize that she doesn't owe them anything when it comes to her children. It's probably a bitter pill for her to swallow, but she needs to behave like a responsible parent and give her kids that privacy.
It should be interesting to see what happens...if this is just a twittering lull and she goes back to frantic tweeting in the next few days.
Spring Has Sprung said... 14
I just read an e-mail on another blog that Cindy sent to a fan who was interested in booking (the whole vetting thing). I can't imagine anyone in the travel business who would send an e-mail as unprofessional as this one.
Why she hasn't been relieved of her duties is mystifying. Does she have connections with the suits, or is everyone in that agency just as stupid and doesn't see anything wrong with e-mails such as this?
I believe someone on this blog discovered that her mom owns the travel agency.
Concerning today's athletic event, here's hoping Kate attended in mom apparel!
@Kateplusmy8 I can see U now Kate...standin on the side lines...cheerin her on! & shiverin all the while! But its what good Moms DO! :)
Does Kate know anything about lacrosse? Does she know when to cheer and why? ;)
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 12
You know I'm impressed and glad that some of her fans approve of her silence. They should. I'm surprised since so many of them are so selfish and demanding not caring that Kate really should focus on her real life at home.
I've only seen the comment from one person and she said she's not a hater or a fan, just thinks Kate's "interesting." I'm not sure any have caught on yet.
My sister is a narcissist, examples of her behavior are endless. Once she is set on an idea, no-one, and I mean no-one will get in her way. As far back as I can remember, she has always put herself ahead of anyone else in her life. She has a HUGE personality, can be very humorous, but essentially a steam roller, all elbows, as she muscles everyone in her life to get her own way.
Our mother died as a result of breast cancer. For years, I asked my sister if she had regular mammograms, but she brushed me off with some wacky theory about why she would NEVER have one. Last year, she was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer. Her Oncologist told her it was rare to have someone present at such a late stage with early detection through mammography. She was 61 when she was diagnosed, her tumor had been there for years, and could have treated years earlier.
Narcissistic behavior, believing no-one knows better, never taking advice, marching through life as a singular entity, locked on to a particular belief can have
dire consequences. We have never spoken about early detection since, there would be no point, she would not have changed a thing.
Something is really not right. This morning Kate's twitter says I am following her again! I don't have twitter and never had and yet sometimes her page says I am following her.
I know that I am about as Twitter challenged as it comes, but if you don't have Twitter, then how do you know you are following her? Doesn't it show a Twitter "account" as the follower, and if you don't have it, how can you, as a non-Twitter holder, be following her?
I believe someone on this blog discovered that her mom owns the travel agency.
I thought it was another independent agency with which her mom was affiliated, or owned, or managed, or something, and NOT Alice Travel.
Jumping In, 22...sorry about your sister. No one deserves such dreadful news. Take care of yourself.
I received my order from EM Tanner yesterday. The mugs were larger and heavier than I expected. The sweatshirt color is vibrant and the fabric is thick. The cutting board is charming. Quality merchandise.
Was reading at Preesi's and it says the gosselinbook Facebook page was launched June 22, 2010. The book is supposedly being released on June 22, 2012.
So I googled and June 22, 2009 was the date the divorce paperwork was filed, and the date the episode announcing their separation aired.
Don't know what it means, but It gives slightly more credibility to the idea that this isn't all just a game. This has been planned for some time.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 195
Kenton Kreider @KentonKreider
@Kateplusmy8 You're on the right track Kate. Keep it up and this will go away. Give your kids whats left of their childhoods. We're watching
We're watching yeah...that's not creepy or stalkerish at all.
Chefsummer said,
We're watching yeah...that's not creepy or stalkerish at all.
Chef -- it's a fake account from her dad, saying that "we" (I guess the family) is watching. It is written to sound like it's coming from her father. Grandparents don't usually stalk.
Sorry to hear about your sister, Jumping In.
I just hope that her tenacity, and strong personality will help her in fighting that disease.
Stay strong, and be well.
Regarding #23 I am susieq who said that Kate's twitter sometimes shows me following her even though I don't have a twitter account. I see you are wondering how this can be if I don't have an account. I don't know but I do know anyone can read her twitters even without an account. I just tested it on my husbands IPad. I searched for twitter, then on twitter I typed in kateplusmy8 and it took me right to her twitter. On her twitter, right below her picture there is the box with a green check that says "follow". The problem is that on my iPad when I check her twitter at least half the time that box has changed to say I am following her. Some one else on here said last night that the same is happening to her. I know there has been speculation on how she gets so many followers and I just wanted to post this here in case any one else had this happening to them and if this could affect her follower numbers increasing.
Spring Has Sprung said... 23
Something is really not right. This morning Kate's twitter says I am following her again! I don't have twitter and never had and yet sometimes her page says I am following her.
I know that I am about as Twitter challenged as it comes, but if you don't have Twitter, then how do you know you are following her? Doesn't it show a Twitter "account" as the follower, and if you don't have it, how can you, as a non-Twitter holder, be following her?
I'm confused. How do you know it's you that is following her if you don't have an account? If you don't have an account the Twitter name that is following her must be someone else's, right?
Cruisin, Alice Travel, Luxury Cruises & Tours, and Personality Tours are all the same office. I don't know why they operate under multiple names, but it's all the same phone numbers and location. Personality Tours is the name of the operator for the Deena (Jersey Shore) Cruise, and Cindy is the contact. The web site is a carbon copy of the one she put together for Kate (by the way, extremely amateurish).
The interesting thing about that Cindy e-mail that was posted elsewhere is she confirms that the "Kate Pass" is $400. So, as we had surmised, the mark-up of $800 or so sounds like an even split between the agent and Kate. I am curious, though, whether Kate gets a totally free trip (for herself and at least 4 others--twins, twins' chaperone, Kate chaperone) if she doesn't hit some break first. Maybe her cash receipts are less if she doesn't hit, say, 50 Kate Pass buyers. I can't believe she would get five free cruises on only 15 or so Kate Pass buyers. Even if she does have 30 Kate-rate cruisers, that doesn't seem a fair offset for that many free travelers.
Ok, Susieq, I understand now. Thanks for the explanation. Don't know why it would say that. Twitter has been messed up for at least a week. Could be they're making changes and other things are going wrong while they're doing that.
Kate might not be tweeting, but she's watching (this person's tweets happened over about a 10-minute period):
OMG Mady Gosselin is the prettiest girl ever but I wish @kateplusmy8 would quit embarrassing them & give them all some privacy. Sucks4them
@XXXXX @kateplusmy8 @XXXXX Thanks! I believe it! I just didn't expect people not following to see it. Wasn't thinking :)
Did anyone see the song on youtube--Kate Gosselin is a bitch! Cracks me up!
Ha ha ha ha ha Kate Gosselin blocked me already! What does she do lurk on twitter all fucking day? What a LOSER!! @kateplusmy8 HA HA HA HA
Yes, Virginia, that is EXACTLY what she does. How pathetic that a 37-year-old woman is sitting around on a Saturday night, restraining herself from commenting, perhaps, but NOT from lurking?
You're going to have to do better than that, Katie, if you want to convince anyone you're turning over a new leaf--if you are, that is.
@XXXXX @kateplusmy8 I didn't even see my tweet on her timeline & she blocked me! So funny! She's a little kid.
@kateplusmy8 Hey Kate, since I know you're creeping here. QUIT ABUSING & EMBARRASSING YOUR KIDS!!
@kateplusmy8 No need to block me Kate I wasn't following you Creeper! I babysit kids more mature than you. Is your face glued to the mirror?
My sister's strength is remarkable, and her humor prevailed through her treatment. We have never laughed so much, as odd as that might sound. I flew back east to be with her from her first Oncologist's appointment, and stayed until her chemotherapy was well under way.
The hospital had a Chemo class with many women sitting around a boardroom table. The nurse had a spread sheet of everyone's chemotherapy drugs and she went around the table pointing out who would experience hair loss and when. A lovely-looking woman learned she would start losing her hair at the 3 week mark immediately burst in to tears. My sister, who would also loose her beautiful hair, spoke up and said, "I've always wanted to know what I would like like bald, but first I'm going to get my sister to give me a Mohawk"! I gave her the Mohawk cut 3 weeks later (before I shaved her head bald), as we laughed ourselves silly.
She powered through a brutal course of chemotherapy, radiation followed by a radical mastectomy, never once skipping a beat. She sees her life in a new light, elbows still up, still steam rolling, but now she sees us first before she runs us down!
There's a show called Fashion Police on the E channel. Joan Rivers is the host with a panel of Kelly Osbourne, some male stylist, Giuliana Rancic, and guests.
They have a segment where you have to guess who a celebrity is from the back. They showed the back of a blonde woman jogging. It was Kate. Joan said she looked bad since she has no job, no money, etc. Joan also made some off color jokes about Kate's reproductive system. It has been so long since anyone mentioned Kate on TV that I was surprise to see it.
For anyone who doesn't have a Twitter account (including me), I watch on twazzup.com (twazzup.com/kateplusmy8).
I was never very aware of Twitter before Kate. I think one of the funniest things about it is that while Kate can block people whose comments she doesn't like, which means that she won't see any comments coming from that Twitter account, these comments DON'T just disappear, they still show up on her twazzup timeline. They aren't just swept off into a cyberspace void where no one will ever read them. I truly believe that she wasn't completely aware of this when she signed up. She certainly knows now, because I think she uses twazzup to read everything about herself, including the many, many comments from those she has blocked.
And if she happens to miss anything good, well, she can always catch it here or on one of the other "non-fan" sites.
Just curious...what does the recent email from Cindy say? Can anybody share?
Looks like Kate is cluing everyone in to something she's doing for charity?
RT @RunningQuotes: "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." ~Jack London #charity #run #giveback
Really, Kate? Why isn't it posted on your web site, if true? Why haven't you mentioned it on Twitter, to give your fans a chance to pony up some donations?
I guess we'll be hearing about this "charity run giveback" in the near future.
I am forever baffled by her inability to promote herself. If she's doing something, tell people. So they can donate, save up to donate, or show up and buy a ticket or merchandise or whatever.
If it's a marathon there's just no reason to be worried about a mob scene whatsoever. There are always thousands of spectators there anyway. Five or six obsessed Kate fans are not going to bother her.
Is it really that she feels beneath self promotion? Even A listers tweet about events they are doing.
Kirkland, go to RWA (realitywithoutapologies). It's in a jpeg and I am not sure how to get it to post here.
Most marathons/half marathons/10K/5K etc are done for a specific cause. There's an entry fee and the money left after expenses gets donated to that cause. For example, I did a 5K this morning that was to raise money for a child care center. So technically, she could be running for "charity" even though she's not actually collecting or soliciting donations for the cause. Again with the Kate Semantics...it still counts as charity!
My husband had another malaprop today. Our blow dryer died and he said, 'it gave up the goat.'
Did you see Sheryl Crow made news because she ran her first half marathon today in nashville? She did it in under 2 hours too. If she kept up that pace for a full, she would finish an hour before Kate and she is 50!
Gift of grab - I found the email note on the RWA site! Thank you.
Gosh, that's the most unprofessional "business" email note I've ever read.
I'm curious how they can justify reimbursing only $400 for the Kate portion of the cruise when the cruise has clearly been marked up at least $800. Looks like Kate gets to keep her portion no matter what happens.
Did you know that Jon was at the same game today that Kate just HAD to tweet about? How do I know? My daughter's facebook friend was at the game as well and got a picture with Jon! He was nice enough to take a few moments and say hi and then be on his way.
WTG Jon for keeping your kids' private lives, PRIVATE. You are doing a GREAT job! Too bad your the Wicked Witch of Wernersville can't do the same.
Personality Tours is the name of the operator for the Deena (Jersey Shore) Cruise, and Cindy is the contact. The web site is a carbon copy of the one she put together for Kate (by the way, extremely amateurish).
Not only is it amateurish, but wouldn't you think that the person who put this together would at least proofread?
"Nicky Sibilia is the perfect crossbreed DJ that can captivate a dance floor with his tribal beats and mezmorize." I think she means mesmerize.
"you have to spend just one summer night at the Jersey Shores incomparable Headliner. Where his unrivaled skill, technique and creativity bring 3000 chanting customers back every Saturday night." Bad grammar. Sentence fragment.
"Don't wait to long or you'll miss out on the party!" Try "too."
"Us locals know just where to hang out in Manhattan or Hoboken." US locals? Really? Try WE locals...
I just skimmed over the cruise website and found those mistakes right away. There are probably many more. Obviously they don't use spelling/grammar check, or even care enough to do so.
Berks, I'm happy that Jon and Kate both went to the game. I'm happy Jon went without tweeting about it. But I'm kind of baffled that there are still people out there who want pics with them. Can't they just leave them alone when they are trying to do something with their children?
It's one thing to ask for a pic like that when they are alone, quite another when they are trying to do something with the kids.
Kirkland, you're welcome. The rest of the mark-up (the other $400) is the agent's. That's Cindy's fee, I guess for . . . putting together the "program"? Spending her days tweeting fruitlessly? I dunno. I guess she still gets paid even if the result is less than impressive.
It was just some young girls. No adults in the picture. Apparently the girls' lacrosse team plays Cara and Mady's (the girls said that both girls play lacrosse0 team during the season. The picture looks like it was taken in the parking lot and had about 5 young girls in it. I think it's a little cute because they all grew up seeing him on TV. I don't think it was stalkerish, now, if it was grown women wanting a picture, that is a different story.
@Kateplusmy8 Ever thought of opening your own restaraunt? I bet you would be great!
I guess this poor soul never saw photos of the food Kate slops onto the plates! You'd have chicken salmonella, egg salad sandwich with a side of spinach or brussels sprouts, and one tablespoon of scrambled eggs with one bacon strip served on a divided plastic plate. Can you imagine Kate in "Kitchen Nightmares," going head to head with Chef Ramsey? I'd watch that.
oh, and none of the Gosselin kids were in the picture, it was Jon all by himself. It looks like it was actually taken before the game itself as the girls in the photo all still look 'fresh' and not sweaty with their hair all mussed up. Just a chance meeting...I call innocent on this one.
I didn't say it was stalkerish and I realize they are kids, I just think it's inappropriate to approach a celeb when they are spending time with their kids at private events. And that's the problem with letting yourself get this famous, years later when you're just trying to go to your kid's lacrosse game, fans are approaching you.
It also brings to mind the bizarre role reversal that a child of a celebrity has. The lacrosse thing was supposed to be about Cara, and what happens? The parents are getting the attention. Trust me, this is very hard on a child.
Add Restaurant Wars to her T.V. viewing list.
And she is acting lately like she has the kids every weekend. I'm not buying it.
That's Cindy's fee, I guess for . . . putting together the "program"? Spending her days tweeting fruitlessly?
That's her fee for vetting. CJ gets a percentage of it! ;)
For someone who claims NOT to watch TV Kate sure is watching the he'll out of Food Network. I don't remember who mentioned it but I agree she may be getting paid to endorse Food Network. Part of the deal may be to cut out the bullshit tweeting.
OMG! Wouldn't that be a hoot, Cindy kicking back to CJ for her assistance with "security"? Good one, Cruisin.
She does seem to have ramped up the Food Network promos. Awfully fishy.
But I don't know I am having a hard time buying that Food Network wants her. Maybe she's just doing a guest spot, not a whole show. I mean just watching Next Food Network Star and seeing how high their standards are it's just impossible to believe Kate could handle such a thing. Plus would FN really want a D-list reality star? How desperate are they exactly? Anything is possible I guess. Maybe they are trying to make sort of a suburban pioneering woman out of her.
If you think about it that might be a good idea for a show, cooking for big families on a budget. I just cannot believe Kate could pull it off.
If she can do a show without the kids .... I would LOVe to recap a food network show.
But I really don't think she could have swung such a thing either. She's happy about something though.
I don't know anything about twitter promotion, but if she were promoting the food network, wouldn't she use the twitter name with the @ symbol?
The speaking event at the special needs camp is coming up. Why doesn't she mention that on twitter? Like admin says, she's terrible at promoting.
My 8 cents on the lack of tweeting.
#1. The kids are with Jon this weekend and kate is huddled up with Steve having Sushi and Movie night.
#2. Whatever kate kissed and mailed has to do with a job she has her eye on. Someone associated..whether it be Steve, her real manager or the business she is trying to get into advised her to lay low on the stupid tweets..you know..fade away to generate interest and have people become curious. That way if she pops up on tv/radio or whatever..they think people will watch to see what she is up too. Cant give it away for free if someone is thinking of paying for it.
For anyone who doesn't have a Twitter account (including me), I watch on twazzup.com (twazzup.com/kateplusmy8).
For those you don't have a twitter account can copy this into their browser and see all of her tweets:
If you click on the far right you can see the comment she tweeted to.
It's always Kate with the girls, it's never Kate with the boys.
And once again, it's always the announcement that there is a wake-up call X9! Oh please.
I doubt very much that Kate can move beyond her girlish clique. I mean I guess I could maybe understand if it's "mother-daughter bonding" but when all you talk about are your daughter's when you have sons...isn't it possible they would feel sort of left out if you constantly excluded them? Boys can like to watch cooking.
Imagine how her daughter's would feel if all she talked about was her sons. It goes both ways. Maybe in a way it's part of Kate's problem. As to why she's so controlling of people in particular men in her life.
Holaiscj tweet just now:
Just and FYI @kateplusmy8 Kate did recently compete with Eleni Bartgiss and a producer named Tuschman and neither one got the gig. Sorry.
Bob Tuschman is general manager/SVP of Food Network.
Coincidence that she's been tweeting about the Food network this week, when she's *never* mentioned it before?
How come holaiscj only tweets on Saturday nights?
It sounded like it was young girls approaching Jon, possibly from the other school-age team. Probably easiest and the most tactful to let them do a few quick pics and then move on. Way better than screeching cuz someone's trying to take a pic, and demanding the body guard accost them and their camera. :)
Agree that adults should leave him alone in a private setting with his kids, but this was school kids, who maybe don't know better yet....
I don't know if it's so much kids get used to it so much as kids come to accept it. It can get to the point where they prefer their parent doesn't come to events, that way at least the event can be about them, the child, and not their famous mom and/or dad. Kids or adults fawning over your parent doesn't much matter which one to a kid who just wanted their parents to come watch them play lacrosse. It's just interesting to me the way we are now seeing the true long term effects of the decisions these parents made when the tups couldn't even talk. All the kids look so different now, we haven't heard their voices in almost a year, but the effects of what was done to them are apparent and I think will last years. When Cara is playing varsity lacrosse and her parents come to the game will there still be someone asking for a pic? I'm afraid that could very well be true. Again, it's not personal, there's no need to storm off in a huff, it's just commentary on the reality of their lives. Also friendly reminder, please stick to the same name. It's hard to respect drive-bys. You know who you are.
Very interesting article by David Rupel, a reality TV writer. He's associated with Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
Yawn all you want. Email a producer Dave Rupel for verification of @kateplusmy8trying to remain relevant Check out Lightship Entertainment
Lightship Entertainment is associated with Disney Cruise Line, doing such things as travel videos. Hence Kate pushing to bring the twins on the cruise? So she can get one of them some Disney exoosure doing a travel video?
Who knows if any of this is true. But it does appear that the plot thickens.
This is also another good way to follow Kate's twitter account.
You can see all her tweets. And when she replies to someone, you can see who she's replying to.
Jumping In, 38 -- that is a beautiful sister story. Thanks for sharing.
Marie said... 68
It's always Kate with the girls, it's never Kate with the boys.
Maybe the boys are with Jon for the weekend? It would be nice if they were. I think time with their dad would be so good for them. Not that there's anything wrong with the girls but they outnumber the boys and probaby grab so much of the attention when they're all with him at once.
'We Bought a Zoo' is an amazing movie...We all cried! Love the love, determination and refusal to fail! (bad language was disappointing tho) about 17 hours ago
I missed this gem. Gotta throw in that to appease what's left of the Christian fan base. I loved this movie....oh wait well don't worry I didn't love the language. Also I love the irony of Kate loving a movie about a zoo. Heh.
Not saying the Pioneer Woman is perfect but the gender thing is another great example of how she's not annoying to her readers (well most anyway lol) and Kate is.
Pioneer Woman has two older girls and two younger boys. She will talk about girl stuff with her girls, like making hot cocoa for them, traveling with one of them and how much fun they had. But she talks equally as fondly when she talks about the boys. She had this great post about how adorable they were playing pee wee football, she had another cute post about how for some reason the girls were out of town and so she was just with the boys and they watched power rangers or something. She has nieces and nephews she gushes over too. Equally.
She's obsessed with all her children equally. There's no obvious child or gender she favors. Even assuming she DOES have a favorite she has sense enough to not make it obvious. She appreciates her BOYS because boys are awesome and she gets that--so suck it Kate.
It's all these things you need to think about when discussing your kids so publicly, how things are perceived. What makes you a mommy people want to read more about, or a mommy they cannot stand. And one sure way to annoy people is to play favorites with kids, boys, that so many have grown to have a sense of protection about, and unjustness.
I don't think it's a shocker that this complete and utter idiot is auditioning and "trying out" for jobs...She feels this is where she belongs..it's hysterical that she thinks she has any talent...OMG....She's NOT getting anything. What a waste of the kids money to travel and think she has a chance at a job in the entertainment field. She doesn't want to spill the beans unless she actually obtains something. Thats where she goes when theres twitter silence. It's hard for people WITH talent to land these gigs. She is so delusional. Poor thing.....believe me ...she's just too stupid and talentless to score a spot on any of these sought after shows....Will she give up? God, I hope so....she's wasting her time and the kids money....it will be fruitless...WOW...she really needs a shrink
I would tend to think that someone finally got through to her to knock off all the insane twittering, but I can't imagine that it would be so that she could do twitter promos for money. Probably more than half of her followers are fake and she doesn't have a big following to begin with. Don't these companies do any research on that, before paying someone for their tweets?
Cereal, bananas, and toast in LARGE portions.
Not buying it - damage control. She seems to be doing a lot of that lately.
Kate's tweets are similar to previous ones- first the Food Network again with M and C, then reply to some simpleton who wants Kate's advice for her sick baby- how about asking your dr?- and now 'huge' proportions' of breakfast. She is acting like all is normal and all kids are home whether that is true or not. All this food talk ( and damage control) makes me think her 'dream' is food related !
Btw I thought only Cara's name was on the lacrosse roster? Not my business but just thought Cara was the sporty one...Mady is in drama? That's great both K and J were at the game. I guess no one wanted a pic with Kate, lol.
Mel said... 69
Holaiscj tweet just now:
Just and FYI @kateplusmy8 Kate did recently compete with Eleni Bartgiss and a producer named Tuschman and neither one got the gig. Sorry.
Bob Tuschman is general manager/SVP of Food Network.
Coincidence that she's been tweeting about the Food network this week, when she's *never* mentioned it before?
That would explain her sudden interest in Food Network. Perhaps the "dream" she dropped in the mail was an audition tape. But would she be talking up Food Network so much if she didn't get the gig? Or maybe it goes back to her philosophy of "No never means no to me".
I bet she's working every angle and calling in every favor she can think of right now. She wasted a lot of time thinking her dream job would just fall in her lap, and just now is realizing that that isn't going to happen, and she's scrambling to find something. Her last show was almost 8 months ago. Alomost 9 months since TLC announced the show's cancellation. If she hasn't been offered somehting by now, it's not happening. There is an air of desperation about her lately--all the tweets about having to stay positive, re-tweeting inspirational quotes. Maybe she doesn't realize it, but people can smell desperation from a mile away, and it is not appealing. She wasted too much time sitting on her throne, waiting for her subjects to come to her. Sad for the kids, who have so much to lose due to their mother's arrogance.
I wonder if the lack of tweeting is from having to spend her time doing actual work. She has been without a big paycheck for so long, she may have had to let some of the help go, or cut their hours, and is trying to keep up by doing more of the work herself. She may not have realized how much work it takes to clean a house that size. She may be just now realizing how much time it takes to help 8 kids with their homework. I have a big family, too, and sometimes I just ache at the end of the day from all the work it requires to keep things going smoothly. All that work leaves little time for leisurely tweet-fests.
Oh, forgot to mention re: Twitter- she said early wake-up x 9- so maybe Jon gets the kids today? Can't imagine she is hinting they will go to Church- she would just come out and brag about it...she always emphasizes the 9- always leaves Jon out- family pictures, tweets, the 'letters'in her book, single mom, dissing or trying to compete ( book)...
GM... The am grind in full force here! Doling out cereal, bananas and toast here in large proportions!
LOL what the hell! When you're doing damage control at least TRY to be subtle about it.
This has been entertaining the past few days. More please.
Here's the local TV station's (Springfield, MO) promo piece for Friday's charity event featuring the decidedly uncharitable K8:
I would also agree that Kate sent an audition tape to Food Network, hence the constant tweets about them now. There is no way they'd pay her to tweet about them. They don't need publicity from her. They are huge and have plenty of talented people promoting them.
In Kate's pea brain, she thinks she will be the next Rachel Ray. She'll do a Food Network show (so convenient since they are located in NYC), eventually get a talk show out of it and also many cookbooks--"Moms Cooking for Multiples" or some such nonsense. Not going to happen.
Oh well, if we are going to examine the tweet with a microscope...
"doling out"... we know she is predictable with odd word usage, but most moms would say serving or pouring or fixing.
To dole is to measure the portions.
I know that by the time my son was the age of her children, he poured his own healthy cereal choice into his own real bowl. A gallon of milk was still heavy, so we kept a smaller Tupperware pitcher of milk in the frig for him.
But, I was trying to raise an independent child!
PJ's Momma - LOL! "It gave up the goat." What do you say when you hear these gems? My husband made one the other day, but I can't remember it. Darn!
I raised my awesome son long ago.
I had a well-worn and stained red paperback book in my kitchen titled, "Confessions of a Sneaky Organic Cook". A how to feed your family healthy food without them knowing or fussing kind of guide.
I could bury Brewers Yeast in rice krispie treats or zucchini bread! Cod liver oil took more effort!
My little guy got cereal from the health food store. Somewhere around 6-years-old, someone asked him what he wanted as a gift for his upcoming birthday. His immediate response was. "...cereal with sugar and a game on the box and a prize inside!"
lol, I often had Red River cereal or Cream of Wheat for breakfast in the winter when I was little. Once I had an oral surgery appointment and my mother said I could pick out one treat at the grocery store as a reward for being good. I chose Sugar Pops cereal, lol.
I guess I was an awesome kid like your son, Dmasy.:)
Dmasy - love the tupperware pitcher idea! My youngest is going on 7 and she's been filling her own cereal bowl for over a year now. She's very good at feeding herself, i.e. getting her own food. She even uses a table knife to
spread cream cheese on her bagel.
We live in a society nowadays that sees independence as a bad thing, it seems. I see it as a GS leader. The girls who seem to be able to deal with the stress of life are the ones who are able to do things for themselves.
I wonder if Kate pitched some kind of Mommy and Daughters cooking show to the Food Network. She has been particularly relentless in her recent tweets about how much she and M and C love to watch the cooking shows together. It would be completely in character for her to try to use her children to further her quest for fame.
Yes, that a possibility. I doubt she would drop a manuscript in the mail just at a 'dream' stage - she would have a publisher/editor first so a demo tape about a cooking show makes sense. Guess we'll have to wait and see. She has been all about the Food Network recently, true.
Once a Viewer, 92...and, you remember that day and those Sugar Pops! How cute.
Mrs. Malaprop, he doesn't do this on purpose. He is very innocent about it. I used to howl with laughter, but that hurts his feelings, so I sort of stuff it down and hope a snort doesn't come out. Sometimes he will say something like that and look at my face and say, "Did I do it again?"
Everyone, I want to recommend a movie. I saw it on a plane, it never really went into wide release, and is now on DVD and I watched it again. It is called The Way, with Emilio Estevez (director) and his dad, Martin Sheen. It is wonderful. A story of love and redemption (in a way). My husband resisted and he absolutely loved it all, cried many times. I realized watching it that sometimes we keep our eyes so fixed on the destination, we miss the joy in the journey. You may quote me on that, just make sure to put "PJ's Momma" at the end, haha.
Have a good day everyone. It's small portions of breakfast here and church, which we are very much looking forward to.
Shoot, I meant to say this but hit the publish button too soon. I'm pretty careful about what I eat and you all talking about the kids wanting sugar cereal made me laugh. I never eat that stuff, but I bought a box of Cap'n Crunch a while back, because they had peanut butter flavor. It took me several days to realize the pukey feeling I was getting was from eating that cereal! But I can't throw food away, I plowed through that box little by little and vowed never to do it again. Kids process things differently, but I wonder if your little ones felt ooky after eating something they normally didn't! Blech.
Maybe she did audition for a gig on FN. However if you've ever watched The Next Food Network Star you've seen that there really are some very talented chefs (CHEFS Kate, not cooks) going out for those precious few jobs. The hook of 8 kids isn't going to cut it with the FN viewers. Maybe Chopped was holding auditions for mom's who cook. It's possible because they did a show using cafeteria cooks. She may be waiting to hear on something like that, hence the sudden interest in a network she's never mentioned before.
Forgot to add to my previous post, you can look up "get cast" (or something similar) on the FN website for more info. My brother is a retired cop turned chef and is looking into Chopped.
Call Me Crazy #94 - I think you nailed it. She could be hoping a Disney scout picks up the idea for a youngster cooking show too.
#94...agree that she sure has been pushing the mommy and twins angle lately. You'd never know she has 6 other kids!
PJ's Mama, 97 -- I added the movie, "The Way" to the list of book recommendations I copied down the other day. Thanks.
It is obvious tht Kate is trying to get a Food Network show. She's actually tweeting like a normal person now. It's probably terribly hard for her to do that because her natural inclination is to suck up all the adoration she can on Twitter. You will know when she gets the thumbs down from Food Network when she starts tweeting like the narcissistic fool that she is.
Dmasy, apparently the elder Estevez wrote a book about The Way too. Here's the link, but I'll wait for reviews before buying it: http://www.amazon.com/Along-Way-The-Journey-Father/dp/1451643683/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1335713087&sr=8-2
Seriously, it is a beautiful, beautiful movie.
Could she do any show with the twins without getting Jon's agreement?
He seemed adamant about keeping them off TV.
Kate's tweets are similar to previous ones- first the Food Network again with M and C, then reply to some simpleton who wants Kate's advice for her sick baby- how about asking your dr?- and now 'huge' proportions' of breakfast.
The "simpleton" said her baby had the stomach flu, and some replied with the BRAT diet, to which the mother responded:
@Kateplusmy8 @marissahall444 Is that what to feed them? All together?! Please clarify for sick baby!
You just have to wonder how these parents manage to raise a child without screwing up. What if the baby is only three months old? Is she going to jam a banana, rice, applesauce and toast down the baby's throat...and all at one time?
Re: the sugary cereal, my dad is a Dentist, so the only time we got the "good" cereal was when we went on vacation and my mom would buy the big package of the mixed single serving boxes. Sugar smacks was my favorite!
Sooo... the fitness thing didn't pan out. Between her sketchy finish in Las Vegas plus her numerous plastic surgeries and procedures which she refuses to admit to (except the TT) the health and fitness community is staying farrrr away. Lots of celebrities have lots of procedures. They say nothing about them. Kate is on record time and time again crowing that she has had no boob job and her flat stomach is the result of her hard work and exercize, all the surgeon did was tighten her ab muscles. Once again, her mouth and her ego shoot her in the foot. Lipo is part of the TT procedure and it has been said that she got more ab lipo when she got the boob job. In the Bald Head 5/2009 orange bikini pictures, her abdomen indeed has the slightly dimpled look of new lipo.
Having alienated yet another segment of the entertainment community, she's moved on to thinking she's going to be on the Food Network. A job where it is extremely important to deliver a clever, accurate and continuous monologue about what you are preparing and how. And to do it in a way that will capture and keep the interest of cooks and non-cooks alike. Kate cannot even sit still on the Today show and answer simple questions without fidgeting, uhhhh-ing and ummm-ing, stammering and stuttering. She is incapable of doing this type of cooking show. Perhaps she thinks she'd be good at traveling around to families of multiples (who did not pimp their kids) and give them tips about feeding a large family. Aside from the many levels of ironic wrong this would be- this type of show would cause Kate to travel and be away from her 8. Being away from the kids is the very reason Kate gives for refusing to go back to nursing. But for a job on the Food Network, being away from the kids for long stretches will be just fine and dandy, I'm sure.
This is quite interesting and I'm popping my popcorn as I type. I agree with everyone else and think the sudden positive turn of her tweets and how sparse they are could definitely be a result of being told to knock her antics the F off if she wants to be taken seriously. How does she expect a large TV network to take a serious look at her when her twitter feed looks like that of a bratty 13 year old girl?
At the end of the day, Kate has no Q factor. The most common comment about her is that people cannot stand the sound of her voice. People who need to know this, know this. Her infamy does not generate revenue. I doubt she ever gets a regular TV gig again.
Jon will be put in an uncomfortable position if Kate has convinced the twins THEY want to be on tv.
Once again she's setting him up to be the bad guy.
Knock it off, Kate. You might think the breakfast portions were large only because of the number of kids you feed, but I'm willing to bet each child didn't think his/her individual portion was all that large.
As for a FN type of show for Kate, how long does anyone think ANY show she would land might last? She has no talent in ANYTHING. "Chef", my ass. And I don't think Disney or anyone else would be interested in Mady at this time. But keep dreaming, Kate. It's really all you have.
I'm sure theres alot of talented (real) chefs that audition for these food shows on a daily basis. Why in the world would anyone hire this stupid woman with her monkey munch? I'm in the camp with whoever says this is completely laughable..She can audition until the cows come home. It's too ridiculous to even talk about....what a complete joke....she really does have a screw loose....she better come back to earth.....EARTH TO KATE....ARE YOU THERE?? You empty headed idiot.... just sick to death of her not knowing when to throw the towel in...
Knock it off, Kate. You might think the breakfast portions were large only because of the number of kids you feed, but I'm willing to bet each child didn't think his/her individual portion was all that large.
Her tweet said proportions. Did she mean portions? Can't you hear her on a food show, saying, "This recipe makes six proportions." :)
Jon will be put in an uncomfortable position if Kate has convinced the twins THEY want to be on tv.
Doesn't Jon have to give his consent for any of the children to be on television?
@109....let me sum up what you just said...I'm not as good a writer as you are but...to put it in a nutshell.... Kates throwing shit at the wall and sees whats gonna stick.
I don't know if its' possible... but I have even less respect for her than I did before....desperation is not a pretty thing to watch...
if Kate has convinced the twins THEY want to be on tv.
Precisely. Or at least one of them.
AND convinced them the only reason they can't do it is mean daddy.
Bluebird 116- hilarious. What a dummy.
Red Sky 107- I know, how dumb can you get?? That poor baby!!
It's ironic there's speculation about her possibly being on FN for anything other than some kind of guest spot. Remember, this is the network that fired one of their chefs (Anne Thornton) for plagiarism. Since when does Kate come up with original recipes?
I wonder if Kate pitched some kind of Mommy and Daughters cooking show to the Food Network
if Kate has convinced the twins THEY want to be on tv.
That's what I've been thinking, too. And someone clearly put the kibosh on her tweets.
But now with her only tweets being about FN and food/family (including this morning's "proportions" tweet"), she's starting to sound silly and desperate again and of course doesn't realize it. She'd just be better off not tweeting anything ever
Ahh,I'm happy... Home from church, lunch is done,kids r playing together happily&I am doing paperwork&may even rest be4 r family run later..
Translation: The church's live stream is over, the grapes and hummus have been eaten, I'm looking at my bills and sighing, I think I need a nap, and Cara and I might go for a run later, while Mady watches the little kids.
Changed my mind on Kate's silence. She seems to be revving up again with her ramblings, distortions, and lies.
I think she was somewhere with Steve all week long and managed to avoid detection. Wasn't there a tweet from someone early in the week who said she saw her in NYC?
I'm with you, Wayward. Popping the popcorn. Maybe Kate was actually working or trying out for something on the Food Network. Kate drama is more interesting than most tv shows. I guess that's why she stuck around as long as she did. One day she will have to accept that she was only good for tv when she or her kids were being exploited and that she has no talent whatsoever for anything else on the small screen.
Very few of us have that kind of talent. It's nothing to be ashamed of. If she would just learn to be ashamed of what she's done to her kids, maybe she could move on to something that could actually earn her a living.
Oh, yep, something's up. Here's the next "happy rainbows" tweet...
"I'm happy!" "Kids are happy!" "We'll all be happy on a FAMILY run!"
Meaning " Look at us! We're like the Pioneer Family on tv! On a happy show! Fun and happy food and togetherness!"
I don't care for Pioneer Woman, but she did get where she is, which is just mildly well-known anyway, because she has natural talent in writing, the education, and used it (although I don't think tv is a talent with her at all, but at least she used her own talent at the beginning of her "career"). Kate's angling for something like that...
@Kateplusmy8 the Camp Barnabas engagement is coming up soon!! Hope it turns into a fun getaway for u. Make next weekend all about you ;)
Isn't that kind of like telling a vampire to make sure to get every drop of blood? Duh! This is a narcissist, dumbo! When ISN'T everything all about her? She can't even reply to tweets without turning everything around and making sure that she's the focus of attention. She had the same experience; she knows exactly what it's like; she did the same thing, etc. etc.
These sheeple are nuts.
Oh, now she's advertising the fact that there will be a family run later today. SHe's just hoping and praying that wwhatever pap might be close by will show up to take pictures (Chris???). I'm guessing nobody showed up to take pictures of her cheering Cara on in the cold, so now she's dangling the prospect of the whole family running together. Notice she said she's doing paperwork and then going to rest--she wants to make sure that any interested parties have time to make it there and be in place, cameras at the ready, when she and the kids emerge. So transparent--and pathetic. What does she have to do to get her picture taken???!!!
PJ's Momma - Bless your hubby's heart! : ) I've learned in my grad studies that people who frequently mess up words like that may have an issue with auditory processing. I really suspect that's part of my husband's language issues. He's a brilliant man - just earned his doctorate in education, but he's had to learn to compensate for his challenges. And my 10 year old daughter has some issues too. I've learned that she needs me to slow down a little when I talk to her, and I should never say, "I'm only going to tell you this once!" Oops - I did that alot before I was learned she needs the repetition.
KAT said: "just sick to death of her not knowing when to throw the towel in..."
So true and so very sad. In 2008, Kate told one woman's magazine that continuing with each season was by family vote and if just one family member said no, they would stop the show. Just several short months later, she told another magazine that "they can't go back." I am fairly sure what she meant was that they (she) can never go back to being an average, anonymous middle class family. After having a taste of wealth, a TV network who sends you on luxury vacations and renovates your house, fame, perks and celeb treatment, anything less is unnacceptable to Kate. And here she is, a year after getting canned from TLC trying to find another TV network willing to give her alot of money for the doing nothing. She and her twatties call this "determination." I call it desperate, pathetic, irrational and unrealistic. With a dash of delusion thrown in for good measure.
Whomever said that Kate's twitter civility will end when none of these plans work out, was spot on. She is a middle school girl trapped in a leathery, old looking 37 yr. old body. She will pretend to act her age when and ONLY when there might be some benefit in it for her. When it all falls apart she will go back to being the adolescent she truly is.
Likeability. That's what it comes down to on FN. I've watched Next Food Network Star for several seasons now and I have seen some fabulous food. But it comes down to how well the chef interacts with the audience (camera). Do they come across as someone I would like to invite into my home? I don't care how well they cook, I need to like them. After the winner is announced, they are given their own show. The only winner I remember doing well is the chef on Big Daddy's Place. He was on for a while and now I can't find him. But I liked him and would watch his show. Another winner was Arty who had Arty's Party. Ugh. Nice person but I didn't connect with her.
Now here comes Kate (pure speculation on my part) saying she wants a cooking show. Is she likeable? No. Would I invite her into my home? No, never.
As E-town neighbors have pointed out craft services were there everyday and she fed her children from their table, not her efforts. When Sarah Snow was showing her how to cook, Kate didn't even know the basics (washing mushrooms). When Jon was cooking his Asian dish she mucked around with the ingredients so that Jon has to fix it, and she said a real cook doesn't need receipes. Then she tries to sell a book of her receipes. I'm confused on what she think she is, only I know based on what I've seen on TLC is that she is not a cook.
No, Kate is not likeable. I would never invite her into my home, ever.
Barbee to address an old comment from earlier today that's why I put freaks in quotes. Tlc tells us they are freaks. I don't believe that about any of them, they're PEOPLE, period and this is not a 1932 circus sideshow anymore.
TLC seems to think that they are freaks. I was flipping through channels the other night and came across a TLC show in which a man was in love with his car. Okay, nothing really strange about that. Men and their cars. Only this one seemed to think that it was fine to be intimate with his car. This wasn't just hugging and kissing it (although that was involved). This guy had sex with his car. TLC actually showed footage of the guy UNDER his car (head sticking out of the front), supposedly engaging in the act. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Has TLC really sunk this low? It appears so. I'm surprised this passed the censors.
This is exploitation of seriously mentally ill people and TLC has to know this. Why would anyone agree to be filmed doing this? Is the money that good? It certainly isn't for the purpose of helping others through similar problems because let's face it, this isn't an infidelity issue, or the problem of an out-of-control teenager. How many people really need help because they are engaging in sex with their cars? Is there a psychological term for that?
It's just disgusting that any network feels that this is appropriate viewing. There are no boundaries when it comes to what they will do.
Pioneer Bitch bitches, moans, complains, alienates and heats slop. I cannot wait to see it.
Family run?? Oy, what next, a quilting bee? I doubt Runner Kate would have the patience to allow the little kids to run with her even for fun.
Yes, she is trying to portray a perfect happy family , full of spiritual sustenance, proper proportions of nutrition, and now exercise and rest. What is her game plan?
I post here occasionally but never make a big deal about being a local. I live just a few blocks from Kate's church and happened to drive by that way this morning (not being "stalkerish" as I really do go by there on my way to the grocery store). Yep ... there was the BBB parked in what I'm pretty sure is a no parking area on the street behind the church. I was surprised she didn't tweet "heading to church" but I see she finally let that slip.
Food Network in the states is different than FN in Canada. We get some shows about two months after they've finished airing in the U.S. which ticks me off whenever there is a competition like the Next Food Network Star. I can never restrain myself from googling who won, which kind of defeats the whole point of watching it for weeks.
Anyway if Kate can withstand the sometimes very harsh criticism of Susie Fogelson, Bob Tuschman and Bobby Flay and by some miracle land a spot on FN, it will not last. It is too gruelling for a lazy, half ass cook like Kate. And what will she cook anyway? Sausages until they are brownish, toast until it is crispish, omelets until they are done-ish and spinach until is is wiltish?
No, this is one gig that ain't gonna happen no matter how hard she rubs her magic lamp.
Found this little tidbit of info interesting especially with all the Food Network talk. Especially Kates tweets mentioning FN...
Not yet!"@ditmas5: @GDeLaurentiis whaaat? Does kate know?"
I came across this as I follow Giada DeLaurentiis on twitter. It was from the 25th, I think. It appears Giada tweeted something interesting... cannot find the original tweet. I believe it has since been deleted. But this @ditmas5 is responding to that particular tweet, which then Giada responds, "not yet."
It seems very suspicious even more after reading through Kates tweets last night and a holaiscj tweeted something in regards to producer Tucshman who is manager/senior VP at FN. HHMMM!
Ahh,I'm happy... Home from church, lunch is done,kids r playing together happily&I am doing paperwork&may even rest be4 r family run later
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... Jon tweets that he was at the Olive Garden with the twins hours earlier that evening for their b-day- sheeple bleat loudly that he put the girls in great danger by sharing this info, even hours after the fact.
Kate twats that they are taking a family run later today, putting out the SOS to Chris the pap and all the other local creepers- but this is perfectly ok and not dangerous or exploitive at all. The sheeple have no problem with this. I just don't get it. And I never will.
She wants to get herself in the rag mags this week to boost her celeb factor. This time though, she can't very well complain about being "stalked" when she practically sent Chris an ingraved invitation. I will make sure to check INF out tomorrow morning at my mediocre job.
She's back to twatting away. NOW I do believe she's with the kids. Before? Not so much. I think Jon has them more often. She would never dare admit custody got revised in his favor, so she pretends they are with her when they aren't.
Also, I think it's a distinct possibility she has NOTHING in the works. For all we know, the package she put in the mail could have been a total lie. Her twitter feed is cooling off, and she wanted attention.
And yet another rabid fan who must needs "prompt" our little Katie about all of the "good" she is doing in this world:
Patty Cakes @TrippenIn · Open
YAy @Kateplusmy8 the Camp Barnabas engagement is coming up soon!! Hope it turns into a fun getaway for u. Make next weekend all about you ;)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@TrippenIn so excited 2speak to/abt the worlds best people: MOMS! ..'planes trains &automobiles' otherwise..worth it 2meet new people tho!
And lest anyone comment skeptically about Kate likely taking 5 days (and PurseBoy) for a single evening's 2-hr engagement, let's nip it in the bud right now and talk about how SuperMom will need a "fun getaway" that is "all about you!" Yay. Not.
She says how worth it this is to "meet new people"???? Kate, have you ever seen yourself meeting new people? You, in a word, SUCK at it.
Wow, today's load of monkey munch makes me yearn for the days of relative silence just past.
"That's what I've been thinking, too. And someone clearly put the kibosh on her tweets."
If they did, it didn't last long! It was just too good to be true! I figured that it was just a lull and she'd be back to her daily tweeting fix. She can't stay away.
SeeSaw: Are they strict about no parking zones in your area? Where I live the cops would be all over a big vehicle like that.Surely Kate doesn't get special treatment?
Waiting for a tweet pic of church...she did seem to be making a big deal of 'early call x 9' as if it was unusual...
Not to be intrusive, but have you met Kate or seen her in action?
SeeSaw said... 131
I post here occasionally but never make a big deal about being a local. I live just a few blocks from Kate's church and happened to drive by that way this morning (not being "stalkerish" as I really do go by there on my way to the grocery store). Yep ... there was the BBB parked in what I'm pretty sure is a no parking area on the street behind the church. I was surprised she didn't tweet "heading to church" but I see she finally let that slip.
The back door. Yet another one of her imagined neccesities of her imagined fame. As reported here, she had to switch tanning salons when her old one would not let her use the back door. She also enters through a back door at school functions, entering a minute or two after the event starts and leaving a minute or two before it ends. Guess she's afraid of causing a 'panic' (cough, cough)
I remember Kate saying on the show we like this church because they leave us alone. I remember thinking how arrogant! How nice of church goers to refrain from bowing down in reverence like Christ himself was gracing their presence. Such restraint. Lol oh Kate.
PB must have gone to visit his second family. That is the only time she doesn't tweet. He doesn't allow it and she is a good minder. But being KT and all she will just sneak one in when he is momentarily otherwise occupied.
@krk21498 yes. Email me through my website http://t.co/QzYWK93i(preview) and I'll give you instructions. No problem!
I thought that Barb was her personal address-giving assistant. What happened?
"She says how worth it this is to "meet new people"???? Kate, have you ever seen yourself meeting new people? You, in a word, SUCK at it."
Maybe she should pull up that video of her at the Grove, and listen to herself saying, "But that wasn't part of it" (meeting people). Yes, Kate just loves to meet new people!
SoCaalER-RN@133 - She's not on the Next Food Network Star because the 15 finalists are already listed in the web site. They're changing it up a bit this year with three teams ( Bobby, Alton and Giada) and the hook is if you can cook they can teach you to be a FN star. Maybe Kate wanted a spot but didn't get one. She's not the only Kate in the world. The tweet could have been about anyone. Giada doesn't usually have guests on her cooking show.
She must not have had the kids because she's back to twittering like a fool.
"It is too gruelling for a lazy, half ass cook like Kate. And what will she cook anyway? Sausages until they are brownish, toast until it is crispish, omelets until they are done-ish and spinach until is is wiltish?"
But don't you have to be able to speakish in coherent sentences in order to be on the show? How many "ums" can an audience stand?
"They leave us alone" -- translation, they don't ask for offerings from us, no volunteer work or participating in the activities of the church.
If KK pushes the BRAT diet to her twatters, why does she force goldfish and gatoraid on her kids when they have ooky tummies. Nothing against gatoraid, it has the electrolyte balance that is needed to replace fluids for someone with vomiting and diarrhea. It's just that the flavoring is apt to trigger nausea in someone with an upset tummy. And goldfish -- too greasy; again, would trigger nausea.
Amy2 said "....The only winner I remember doing well is the chef on Big Daddy's Place."
Amy - In addition to this guy (and Artie's Party, which you also mentioned), the biggest success from The Next Food Network Star show is Guy Fieri, who won the second season. He's huge! He has several shows, a cookbook, and he was even the host of "Minute to Win It" game show. I'm not a big fan, but he's okay. He certainly does have personality, I'll grant him that.
I made one of his recipes one time, it was delicious!
Audeko email me if you have questions. All comments were deleted not just yours to prevent a fight, ok?
I had to get a new computer, my 8 year old one finely crashed big time. Could not even get on, anything, kept telling me, one of my files is missing or corrupt. I first thought I got another nasty virus, but it was a crash.
I too think Kate, was told to shut up, on twitter. Either by a new PR, CC PR or court order.
Has anyone notice how Kate is pushing/mentioning the Foodnetwork a lot lately?
And talking a lot about the twins. The twins & Kate watch TV, rub back, watch the younger ones, make breakfast, lunch whatever, they sing, sports etc? Too much info.
Spring has sprung: Notice that Kate has really not been tweeting much. She is not back to her old tweeting. Something did happen.
"She also enters through a back door at school functions, entering a minute or two after the event starts and leaving a minute or two before it ends. Guess she's afraid of causing a 'panic' (cough, cough)"
Which back door might that be? I've only ever seen her come in through either a side door (which many parents and students use) or one of the main entrances since there really isn't any "back door."
SoCalER-RN said... 133
Found this little tidbit of info interesting especially with all the Food Network talk. Especially Kates tweets mentioning FN...
Not yet!"@ditmas5: @GDeLaurentiis whaaat? Does kate know?"
I came across this as I follow Giada DeLaurentiis on twitter. It was from the 25th, I think. It appears Giada tweeted something interesting... cannot find the original tweet. I believe it has since been deleted. But this @ditmas5 is responding to that particular tweet, which then Giada responds, "not yet."
It seems very suspicious even more after reading through Kates tweets last night and a holaiscj tweeted something in regards to producer Tucshman who is manager/senior VP at FN. HHMMM!
I know Twitter is sometimes difficult to follow as far as seeing what tweets are being replied to, but I took a look at Giada's Twitter and I really don't think that tweet has anything to do with Khate.
I noticed in clicking on several of Giada's tweet replies where she quotes the person she's replying to, that you can't see the person's tweet in the tweet chain. So, it could look like she's replying to a tweet that's since been deleted. But, if you look at her tweets before that one you quoted, you see:
Giada De Laurentiis @GDeLaurentiis
@ditmas5 Good morning....soo fun being at the airport w/ @annamintz and her ticket being messed up...guess I'm going to Portland alone!
7:11 AM - 25 Apr 12 via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Pam Krauss @ditmas5
@GDeLaurentiis whaaat? Does kate know?
7:12 AM
Giada De Laurentiis @GDeLaurentiis
Not yet!"@ditmas5: @GDeLaurentiis whaaat? Does kate know?"
7:13 AM - 25 Apr 12 via Twitter for BlackBerry®
It looks to me like there was a ticket problem with whoever is on Giada's book tour with her, and she couldn't get on the plane with Giada. When she tweeted ditmas5 about it, ditmas5 replied by asking if someone named Kate knew, and Giada replied "Not yet!" The Kate they're referring to is probably someone on Giada's team, either her agent, manager, publicist, assistant, someone from her publisher's office, or whoever made the travel arrangements.
I really think Khate has absolutely nothing going on. I recall that she often doesn't tweet much when she's particularly depressed. Maybe she knows the cruise is either going to be canceled, or that the reality has set in that she will not be making much money at all from it. We are now one third of the way through 2012 and any projection for her 2012 income has to be looking extremely bad at this point.
If KK pushes the BRAT diet to her twatters, why does she force goldfish and gatoraid on her kids when they have ooky tummies. Nothing against gatoraid, it has the electrolyte balance that is needed to replace fluids for someone with vomiting and diarrhea. It's just that the flavoring is apt to trigger nausea in someone with an upset tummy. And goldfish -- too greasy; again, would trigger nausea.
My kids don't look too fondly on the BRAT diet. It's the tried and true gingerale, chicken noodle soup and saltines here, at least for the first day or so. It always works for us.
Once a Viewer said... 130
Family run?? Oy, what next, a quilting bee? I doubt Runner Kate would have the patience to allow the little kids to run with her even for fun.
Yes, she is trying to portray a perfect happy family , full of spiritual sustenance, proper proportions of nutrition, and now exercise and rest. What is her game plan?
Cry me desperate comes to mind. Perfect mom now, back to church (which she was allegedly doing from home by live stream - Really?), lacrosse games, family runs, and of course every description includes the word happy.... Sounds like someone is trying to re-create a brand, and trying the church angle again. Sick. None of which occurred over the past few years when the money was rolling in.
Trying to reinvent again Kate- you are the master of this- church, lacrosse, family runs- everyone's happily playing -really?
IMO-The opportunist has something floating out there, and quite frankly, even if the kids are not included, she is looking out for herself and trying to re-create the ugly person she really is. Once again, this is all about Kate re-branding herself.
I hope to God neither the FN or anyone else bites as she is a hypocrite, liar, and too self-serving and narcisstic to deserve yet another opportunity. Don't think it is going to happen, but her fakeness and hypocrisy are there for all to see. Sorry, but she can get a non-media job and chooses not to.
Instead of watching my husband power wash, I went back and looked at that Giada tweet. I believe the 'kate' in question is not kate Gosselin at all, but perhaps their travel or admin person. Someone mentioned that a ticket was messed up and they'd be pressing on toward Portland alone and that's when Giada (who was just here) said, "What? Does kate know?" I think it's safe to surmise that Kate is the one in charge of travel arrangements or else the person in Portland, expecting two people instead of one.
An interesting snippet from a recent interview with Bob Tuschman, who is the GM/SVP of Food Network:
"What qualities does a person need in order to make it as food television star personality?
"True camera charisma, the ability to bring the world of food and cooking to life, and deep, culinary knowledge."
If he really means that, Kate fails on every count. Here's the link to the whole interview (it's short): http://www.italialiving.com/articles/food-wine/exclusive-interview-food-network-executive-bob-tuschman/
Wayward 126....
I saw Kate's interview with Natalie Morales where she said they could never go back. I agree with your thinking completely, Kate got a taste of the good life and she is not willing to accept mediocrity, ever.
I think in her mind she believes her twitter followers are just the tip of then iceberg, and that so many more fans are out there, just waiting for her to come back to the small screen. It's what gets her up in the morning, that hope of finding fame again.
Once a viewer - 138
I'm not sure how strict they are on Sundays. It's a huge church and people park all over the place (including in a restaurant parking lot next door which must be annoying). I didn't stop to see if she was in the no parking part of the street or not, but hers was the only car there so I kind of assumed. Maybe she was sitting there waiting for the kids. You can't see anyone with the tinted windows.
Looking back through the tweets for Giada, I did some research and I think the Kate they are referring to is Kate Workman. She is a cook, author and editor. She wrote the Mom 100 Cookbook. The woman that was tweeting Giada also was tweeting that Kate on the 25th.
Kate has also mentioned something that is a pet peeve of mine. I am a natural blond and take exception to the dumb blond jokes. My feeling is that they are directed at the bleached blond want to be blonds like Kate. When someone says it is a blond thing I tell them it is the bleach that non blonds use that give us blonds a bum rap. Her friend Paige made a statement and Kate's response was.... only u Paige..took this blonde girl a few min 2 get that. Texting it 2 Mady&Cara.. Even tho they r only a few rms away lol! It isn't because you are blond Kate, although the chemicals you use to get that color don't help. It is the fact that you just aren't all that smart.
One last thing. I see she is now trying to grift a couple of Kindle Fires for the twins. Kate do what the rest of us do and save to buy one.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 R
Hey! Who says I'm not Asian...? Stir fry from scratch, no recipe... We're all asain, remember? http://img.ly/hCly
She's reduced now to doing what her fans do: Quoting old "lines" from shows past because there's nothing new to talk about. Don't know what's in that pan ("no recipe"), but it just looks like a mess. As usual. Yuck.
Fleecing the Sheep said...128
This is exploitation of seriously mentally ill people and TLC has to know this. Why would anyone agree to be filmed doing this? Is the money that good? It certainly isn't for the purpose of helping others through similar problems because let's face it, this isn't an infidelity issue, or the problem of an out-of-control teenager. How many people really need help because they are engaging in sex with their cars? Is there a psychological term for that?
I don't see much difference in the mental fitness of this guy and people who intentionally have litters of children with no means of supporting them. The G family and the guy that has sex with his car has no personal relevance to me--I have kids and I have a car, and that is about it.
That isn't a show that I would watch, but, at least it is a victimless act, unlike the public destruction of innocent children's childhood to support their mother's lifestyle. Like any addiction, I am sure that his behavior is affecting the people in his life, but it also doesn't involve human trafficking of girls and women as sex workers. Maybe it is a sign that people are finally sick of voyeuristic shows showing selfish spoiled people whine and complain about their lives. Who knows if this is even real?
Re Kate's Food Network dream-- If there had been any authenticity to Kate's claim of her commitment to 'organic' (puh-leez), she may have been able to make a case for herself that she could carry a show that combines thriftiness--her other fake commitment-- and organic cooking for a large family. Unfortunately, there is absolutely not a shred of evidence to back this phony persona that she is trying to create.
People who embrace an organic lifestyle do not have hair extensions, wear stiletto shoes, false eyelashes, have processed hair and have multiple plastic surgery procedures. They don't mindlessly consume without regard for the environmental impact of their actions and they care about the ethics of the companies that they endorse and patronize.
Every organic and serious cook, ESPECIALLY with all of the land that she owns, would grow their own herbs and fruits and vegetables. Their recipes would also reflect the seasonal availability of fresh fruits and vegetable. Her add-a-can of this and a box of this and top with packaged shredded cheese and a can of tomatoes brings nothing new to the table and doesn't reflect the growing trend of artisanal cooking using heirloom varieties from local small producers.
And, finally, as always, Kate the only one who stands in Kate's way. She has been auditioning for the entertainment for the last 7 years. Even if she can eke out a decent audition tape, she has demonstrated, again and again and again, that she is a production nightmare, impossible to please and unable to take any criticism or direction. She is not the only untalented person out there seeking fame, but she is certainly one of the laziest people on the planet that has squandered the fame and opportunities that were served up on a golden platter.
She is a royal horse's ass and a deluded one at that. I thank my higher power that I don't have her in my life. Her legacy will forever be as a punchline and the lowest common denominator, relegated to the top of every Worst XXXXXX list of anything she has done. If she is lucky, she will forever be a footnote in the history of reality television, and that is all.
PJ's momma - The Way is a wonderful movie. Quiet, touching, inspiring. Your mentioning it has made me want to watch it again.
Kate's latest pic of her Asian stirfry looks very skimpy for 9 people. I make Asian stirfry all the time and I don't think I'm Asian.Hers looks weird too. Looks like staw or hay in it. I'm sure they are something asian but I'm not sure what?
NJGal51 said... 143
SoCaalER-RN@133 - She's not on the Next Food Network Star because the 15 finalists are already listed in the web site. They're changing it up a bit this year with three teams ( Bobby, Alton and Giada) and the hook is if you can cook they can teach you to be a FN star. Maybe Kate wanted a spot but didn't get one. She's not the only Kate in the world. The tweet could have been about anyone. Giada doesn't usually have guests on her cooking show.
I just had a thought . . . what if cooking for Kate and her 8 is a challenge on the upcoming FN Star? Ugh. Perish the thought.
yes she's grifting kindles
Wow, stir fry with no recipe?
Ok I wasn't even a good cook for a LONG time and I made delicious stir fry in college with my roommates. Easily. What's hard about it?
And what's with her calling herself "asain" [sic]? There's something twisted in that, but I'm too full of not giving a shit to think too hard about it.
I've decided: she has nothing in the works. She is not getting a job with FN. This is all just speculation started because she talked about a couple of FN shows on twitter.. But I think she enjoys the speculation. So she wants it to continue. Speculation=attention.
Kate is going to be the keynote speaker at some fundraiser honoring remarkable Mothers of the Ozarks. $75.00 a head also to listen to her spew her lies. How can anyone find this selfish,lying witch inspiring?
Just catching up with so many great posts. The OT's have been really interesting!
My $.02 about Kate and Food Network is that I would be shocked, shocked if FN affiliated with Kate. They try to hire pleasing hosts and chefs and really steer away from controversy and personalities that do not have broad appeal. I can see Susie Fogelson cringing now.
Kate has no presence on camera and no cooking/food chops, although in her mind she does. Not knowing how to cook chicken until done, (165F), for example, is just crazy for someone who supposedly wrote a cookbook. I really don't think she'd has knowledge to offer. What she cooks is pretty much what a lot of moms cook. It's decent food, but lacks creativity, imagination and technique. She is utterly not unique and lacks the "it" factor.
Her last name may be Gosselin, but that pales in comparison to being a De Laurentis with a degree from Le Cordon Blue in France.
Hey! Who says I'm not Asian...? Stir fry from scratch, no recipe... We're all asain, remember? http://img.ly/hCly
New tweet...Kate's Asian stir fry...imho, there is too much food to cook properly in her pan....also the stuff on top looks like clumps of Kate's hair...she sure is food-oriented lately...this time 'from scratch...'
and, um, Kate? Learn to spell Asian, please.
Hey! Who says I'm not Asian...? Stir fry from scratch, no recipe... We're all asain, remember?
I despise Chinese food so someone tell me if stir-fry is supposed to look like that? It looks disgusting! And how do you stir it if the pan is so full? I thought you stirred it rapidly in a hot pan or wok rapidly? And should have some chicken or something? Gross
If she gets those kindles I will be so disgusted---again.
Kart will not get a show on the FN. Even their worst cooks prepare far better looking meals and have much more camera presence. Keep her away from HGTV also. She can create her own channel up in the 2000's so her dozen sheeple can watch her cook slop and clean appliances with toothpicks.
Man, Kate is rude. Paige the teen asked if the twins liked her cat joke and she actually said no.
Re The young girls wanting a pic with Jon:
Whatever happened to PARENTS being responsible for teaching/instilling MANNERS to/in their children???
If they live in the same town or attend the same school as the G8, I'd think by now it would be "old hat" for everyone, adults and kids alike, to automatically know to RESPECT the G's PRIVACY. Kids would know it because adults would have taught it to them, no?
I looked at Paige's twitter page just to track down the 'cat joke' conversation. It is disturbing in its homage to Kate. The girl is obsessed and has taken Kate as a role model. Very sad.Kate could hurt her badly with her insensitivity.
"Geez oh peat.." Is that the same as "for Peat's sake?" Oh, Kate...
Kate is Krazy said... 171
If she gets those kindles I will be so disgusted---again.
Paging! Miami Heat wife! The twins want kindles! How did those Underarmour socks work out for them?
Nurse said...I don't see much difference in the mental fitness of this guy and people who intentionally have litters of children with no means of supporting them. The G family and the guy that has sex with his car has no personal relevance to me--I have kids and I have a car, and that is about it.
My point was simply to show to what length TLC will descend to put their circus shows on television. Having sex with a car may affect the people in his life (although I don't think he HAS people in his life. He appeared to be a loner - I wonder why), but even so, why broadcast it on national television? If it is affecting someone, then he needs to seek therapy for everyone IN PRIVATE, not televise his addiction for the country to see. TLC apparently showed no hesitation in featuring his addiction on their show.
"People who embrace an organic lifestyle do not have hair extensions, wear stiletto shoes, false eyelashes, have processed hair and have multiple plastic surgery procedures"
How do false eyelashes and hooker heels negatively impact the environment? My stylist, bless her heart, takes the organic thing to the extreme. She wears false eyelashes and has had hair extensions at one time. I'm not sure about the plastic surgery, though, but it's a possibility. I never questioned her if this is contradictory to the whole organic lifestyle. I'd be interested in her response...I'll ask her on my next visit.
Carezee said... 159
One last thing. I see she is now trying to grift a couple of Kindle Fires for the twins. Kate do what the rest of us do and save to buy one. -------------------
Her nonstop grifting is disgusting. Aside from the fact that she still never considers there are people far worse off and continues to think she thinks she is entitled says it all.
Mansion and private schools do not indicate need, but she surely does EXPECT gratuities. Says a lot about someone when they think they are entitled and continue to expect others to meet her needs. Open your wallet Kate and pay for it yourself. Half the stuff she wants is not a need, simply a want. It's all about Kate..
Food Network would be stupid to even consider anything with Kate in it. This is a woman who served undercooked (bloody) chicken to her kids ... hello! ever heard of a meat thermometer, Kate? She said on camera that good cooks don't need recipes, and yet we saw her following recipes too many times to count. Let's see, when making pancakes, making monkey munch with the little girls, baking stuff to take to the dialysis clinic. And she doesn't know what caramelized onions or omelets are. Not a chance.
I took a look at KK's stir fry. I think those clumpy things are those noodles -- forget what they're called -- that you dump a cube in hot water and they expand all over the place. Some kind of rice noodle. And then a bunch of sesame seeds dumped all over the top. I agree -- way too much in that pan to cook properly. I see lots of a mix of veggies, but not much in the way of protein -- a few lumps of something that might be chicken, but not much. Those poor kids are going to be starving again in a couple of hours. The only way I could see her doing some kind of show on FN, would be if a real cook came in and showed her the proper way to cook economical and organic meals for her kids -- ones that contain the appropriate amounts of nutrition for growing kids.
"Geez oh peat.." Is that the same as "for Peat's sake?" Oh, Kate...
I always thought it was Pete's sake, not peat as in peat moss. Instead of saying For God's sake, Pete is substituted (invoking Saint Peter).
Kate may not be tweeting as much, but I bet she will be back in full form very shortly. She needs those sheeple to keep reminding her how amazingly awesomish she is.
The stir fry looks fine, although I can't see any protein in it. Maybe it's buried under there somewhere or hopefully there's plenty of chicken on the side (it's really not enough for 9). The "straw" is probably vermicelli.
Ex Nurse said... 161
Excellent post.
I don't think there's a chance that Kate will get anything on the FN, no matter if that's what she is trying hard for.
A few years ago there was a test pilot being done with Paula Dean and Rene Syler, and Kate was on it. I read on Rene's blog, Good Enough Mother, that she had a preconceived opinion of Kate, and when she actually met her, it only reiniforced her opinion. Rene would not go into details, but her opinion wasn't a positive one.
I don't recall reading anything about Paula's opinion of Kate, but seeing her with her sons, I'm sure it wasn't much better than Rene's. I just don't think Kate would have anyone pulling for her to get her own show on FN.
Also, I'm sure the "powers that be" at FN are aware of the negative vibe associated with Kate Gosselin. If they wanted to increase ratings, she would be a bad choice and they know it.
Spring has Sprung, 180...It is Pete. I guess my criticism was a bit too subtle. Poor Kate..
Dmasy 184: no, I lol'd when I read that! :-)
Gift of grab said... 160
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 R
Hey! Who says I'm not Asian...? Stir fry from scratch, no recipe... We're all asain, remember? http://img.ly/hCly
She's reduced now to doing what her fans do: Quoting old "lines" from shows past because there's nothing new to talk about.
-Absolutely, and that is really the only thing that she has in common with her fans.
Don't know what's in that pan ("no recipe"), but it just looks like a mess. As usual. Yuck.
-Looks like dirty, old shoelaces in a wok. I don't know how she does it. Kate has a nasty habit of making food look so unappetizing.
aha! Kate could start her own YouTube Channel !
Wow Kate, I'm a veritable UN! I made Korean Bulgogi (from scratch) tonight and I've already started my chili verdi so that we can have it for dinnr one night this week. I've also got some homemade pasta sauce in the freezer and may take that out to thaw one night. Our chili verdi will feature Hatch chili that was roasted and frozen last fall. I may also have tandori chicken one night if I can get to Trader Joe's and pick it up ;). The tandori chicken that they sell is wonderful and only 3 minutes in the microwave for a complete meal.
OT: anyone remember the TV show My Mother the Car? lol. Sorry, not making fun of this poor person, but this came to mind when I read the posts about him...
Stir fry is more than dumping food in a wok and stirring. The meat is cooked first, then removed from the pan. Then the larger, harder vegetables such as carrots are cooked for a few minutes, followed by vegetables in order of the length of time they take to cook til just crisp. Return meat to pan. Then you can throw in the alfalfa spouts for a quick cook. Sauce it up, do the final minute or so on the heat and serve it.
What she's got going on in that skillet is going to result in some vegetables still undercooked and others mushy messes.
When Kate was on Dr. Drew's show she was supposed to have presented the segment about coupons and saving money with the other woman, but was cut out of it and the segment was re-filmed without her. She was incoherent with all the ummms, and obviously had no idea what she was talking about. I don't see FN wanting any piece of that.
A Mouse This Time II said... 191
When Kate was on Dr. Drew's show she was supposed to have presented the segment about coupons and saving money with the other woman, but was cut out of it and the segment was re-filmed without her. She was incoherent with all the ummms, and obviously had no idea what she was talking about.
Was this disclosed somewhere in the media at the time?
Hey Kate, what's wrong with spaghetti and meatballs, for frick's sake? Your attempts to show off what healthy exotic foods you serve your kids is backfiring big time. Everything looks pukey and unappetizing. Here's an idea: feed them something kid-friendly. No one believes that they love eating your supposedly healthy fare. They'd probably jump for joy if you ordered a dominos pizza. Sheesh. That food might qualify as child abuse. Blech
Does anyone else remember the Blind Item article from DListed that sounded like Kate, right down to the bodyguard? It stated that this mystery reality show mother spent very little time with her children, leaving them to the nannies, and fed them junk food/fast food on a regular basis. If this is indeed Kate, maybe that's why she feels the need to brag about these healthy, yet inedible, meals. To keep up the image of a health conscious, organic loving mom (no one believed you in the first place, Kate). Wonder if she's been skulking around to Mickie d's lately
Mouse II, very interesting information, and it certainly does sound like Kate, doesn't it! So she had to fall back on her old standby, "I'm so alone, Jon is trying but he's terminally mediocre, poor poor wonderful pitiful awesome misunderstood mememememe" (hitching breath, little sob, watery eyes to the ceiling and repeat. repeat. repeat). Here she was being given an opportunity to talk about her new "career" (or whatever it is), and she blew it royally. What a joke she is.
Regarding Kate's latest tweet that there are lots of kids who wished they lived there and were part of her family, I don't believe that for a minute. And she knows that there is no way anyone could prove or disprove her comment. It's just another way for her to try and make people believe that she is such a great mother, all the neighborhood kids wished they lived there. I personally don't think that she even has other kids over. She seems so put out with taking care of her own, I can't imagine that she has other kids over and wants to bother with them.
Gift of Grab, she's usually poking her eyes with a tissue, too, when she's in full-on self-pity mode. Maybe to make herself cry? Or maybe she's thinking about having to eat her own food...that'd make me cry.
Saw that she answered a person who asked about the 'family run'. She said that they ran 3/4 of a mile. I just kept thinking of the episode where they walked to the farmer for their milk. Remember the boy, I can't remember which one, who was wearing cowboy boots and she kept telling him to 'man up'? I bet it was Joel. I sure hope she got all of her kids good running shoes that fit for this run!
It's interesting that for all of the fawning that goes on her Twitter, none of Kate's fans seems to have picked up on her little "hint" from yesterday about the #charity #run #giveback. Not very attentive, are they? Not even milo picked it off.
And is she ever going to post anything on her site about this week's Big Event? What a selfish, horrible shrew she is not to even put up a link for potential donors.
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