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Lauren Perkins, in one of the few pregnancy photos the family has released. (Graphics added) |
America's newest parents of sextuplets so far seem to be doing everything right.
The Texas couple, who tried over a year and a half to get pregnant and were told by their doctor that the odds of having sextuplets was only 1%, requested privacy at this time, and said on their web site (which only has a handful of comments in their guest book from well wishers): "The family is not taking interviews at this time" and would only release further photos with permission. The family also mentioned the Gosselins in an FAQ on their web site:
"Will you have a tv show, given the opportunity?
Heck no. I don't think being on tv was root cause to the demise of the Gosselin family (Jon and Kate 8) or the Masche family (Raising Sextuplets). I think being on tv exacerbated pre-existing problems."
It's stories like this that make us wonder how many families may have been subtly influenced by America's obsession with "freak shows" and the consequences on their subjects, one of the most famous examples being, of course, the Gosselin eight. Is this the good that will come out of the Gosselin tragedy? Here's wishing Lauren, David, and Babies A through F (the parents have not, and we hope never will, released their names) all the best and that they trust their instincts and keep their family private.
"If you had sextuplets, you would do what Kate did too" thankfully doesn't seem to ring true for this young couple, not yet anyway. God speed.
1146 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1146 Newer› Newest»That isn't a show that I would watch, but, at least it is a victimless act, unlike the public destruction of innocent children's childhood to support their mother's lifestyle.
The problem I've been having lately is I think TLC is treading closer and closer to the line of exploiting people who are not of sound enough mind and then it's no longer a victimless act.
It is one thing to sign up for Wife Swap as a reasonable, intelligent, responsible, stable person. It is quite another when you are a hoarder of cats or chickens or having sex with cars or eating your couch to sign up for a reality show--you are not necessarily of sound mind and know what you're doing.
If someone is eating their couch, do they really have any business consenting to a reality show? To me the answer is probably NOT. So then you go to, well then TLC shouldn't even ask in the first place if that's the case.
Not blaming it all on TLC but the fact that they don't seem to see the ethical problem here is troubling.
Browsing through twitter...Kelly Osbourne was asked if she was on KG's new show...almost fell off my chair till I realized they were referring to Kathy Griffin!
Well, I don't know what the heck she was cooking there, but stir fry it is not!
I had some stir fry tonight. I bought 2 different bags of stir fry veggies at my local Jewel, bought the day before Teriaki chicken on rice(the Jewel by my house has sushi and other Asian dishes), unfortunately, I got the hungies and ate most of the chicken, so I bought a package of grilled chicken strips, cut them up, poured teriaki sauce on them, let sit over night. Dragged the wok out, put the oil in, chicken in, cooked, took chicken out, put veggies in, plus, mushrooms, green onions, red peppers, and stir fry. The rice that came with the chicken (that I ate), I nuked, then put on a plate. After I was satisfied that the veggies were cook, put the chicken back in, cooked for a few seconds, then added a little bit more of the teriaki sauce. Cooked for a few more mins, and put over my rice. It was good, fast and easy. And look delicious and colorful. Nothing that anyone here or anywhere can do. Kate has to make everything into a drama. Even a pic.
Admin: I agree with you 100%. Some of the stuff TLC and a few of the other are showing falls, on the lines of that other total rubbish: Jackass. That are shows that should be banned. TLC does it for ratings, nothing more. THey don't promote any of these people to really get help, just exploit them.
I do watch Wife Swap, it's on the lines of Judge Judy, and all those shows. I am amazed that we as a society have people with such strange and off the road, thinking. I sometimes wonder where did they go wrong. What I am tryin to say, we all went to the same school and learn mostly the same things, so why would they stray? I know we are all raised differently, but really, some of these people are extreme. Where did that come from? Possibly that notion of: I don't want to be like my parents? Or do they do it for attention?
Who says your not Asian? GENETICS. You are not Asian. I think when the kids said we are all Asian they were actually referring to themselves and not you. You're not Asian nor will you ever be.
I hope if she is going to get the painfully thin boys in particular into running that she lets them carb load and calorie concentrates their foods so they are not burning more than they are consuming. Even if they "love" it the same training that would apply to an adult should apply to them to scale. Three-quarters of a mile for the first run for those kids in the shape they are in is the equivalent an adult doing a 3-mile run on their first time out. Seems strange to me, I just don't get it.
It was Ad. He had on ill-fitting cowboy boots and they were hurting his feet. Be a man she said. Thankfully the crew intervened and had them picked up or she would have had them go the distance.
I am a grown woman and not in that bad of shape but no way I would run a 3/4 of a mile my first time out. That is a long way for tiny little legs - that is 3 steps for every 1 of an adult.
The tablets seem to have faded into obscurity. Weren't those top of the line just a few months ago. The wish list has been revealed. They got state of the art tablets but now they want Kindle Fire. Is that trending now for teenagers?
They are saving their money for them at a dollar a day? And they got a birthday coming up, or is it the tups. At a dollar a day, I would say may a couple hundred days - is that right, six months I guess. October? I don't remember.
And that business about the lap tops and the home work can't you do such as that on a tablet as well? I know my son uses his for school, but maybe it is different for them I don't know.
I was wondering if that comment might be offensive to some, as if what makes an Asian who they are is the ability to cook great Chinese food.
I can't stand the gadget culture. I like my gadgets like most people but even I realize there is no reason for a kindle AND an iPad. Decide what suits you best and pick one or the other. Her greed is never ending.
admin said: "The problem I've been having lately is I think TLC is treading closer and closer to the line of exploiting people who are not of sound enough mind and then it's no longer a victimless act."
Exactly. It most certainly IS NOT a victimless act when the person being exploited is mentally ill. A person having sex with a car, or eating drywall and glass, cleaning and sleeping with hairless rats, or an adult who drinks out of a baby bottle, wears diapers, sits in a playpen and sleeps in a crib, is not of sound mind. They are victims of exploitation by the network. It could be said that, unlike children, they can make their own decision about whether to appear on the show. But can they really? If they can't stop sleeping in a crib or eating rocks, are they capable of knowing exactly what they are doing when they open up this private addiction for the public's curiosity and entertainment?
Cruising I totally agree. Children are not the only ones who cannot consent. Certain adults cannot and should not consent, in my opinion. Here's the thing, many areas of the law take away decisions from adults who have proven themselves not to be able to handle it.
People who abuse their kids lose them. People who are reckless on the road lose their license. People who commit crimes go to jail. All of these people have had the power of decisions taken away from them.
Really mentally ill adults can end up with power of attorney and conservatorship issues. I wonder if any of the subjects they featured on Hoarders (which I think is A&E, though TLC has their own version) may have had a conservator, I'm betting my bottom dollar at least a few of them. I know for sure one lady had lost her children. These are people that courts have taken away the power to make certain decisions, and yet they're allowed to consent to a reality show.
TLC and A&E and all of these shows need to get a healthy sense of ethics and leave these people alone. If they are serious about helping them they could set up a charity to provide free mental health services--just don't film them.
@Kateplusmy8 I wish i could meet u, but i'm 2 far away. I wish i could just come over, but i wouldn't want 2 b mistaked 4 paparazzi either.
Keep that gate locked, Kate!
By the way, does anyone know what happened to Big Fan?
Lap tops, cell phones, Kindles, ipads, iphones, web cams, email, instant messaging, Facebook, MySpace, texting, a license at 16 to drive a car.
I think more than anything kids don't need all this electronic crap. What is so darn important that kids can't go an afternoon and an evening without seeing/talking or communicating with their friends 24/7? I mean I know I am from this generation of I want it now, it's cool, I can stay connected but really her kids are only 11 years old, what is so important at that age? Oh, she wore purple, she didn't or whatever who cares?
As far as kindle, well, gee, have we forgotten about books? You know, the library? That place you can go to check out free books anytime you want to read for about three weeks? Maybe it's just me but does anyone also remember when you actually walked to your friends house to play instead of sitting in your bedroom and texting them where as now the entire conversation consists of "sup, idk."
Pretty soon her 7 year olds will be saving their money for iphones by the time they are 9 years old.
The kindle will be done for as soon as iPad gets an app so that books look like they do on Kindle (if you haven't seen one it really does look like a real book, no glare, very strange but cool). They may have already done this, I'm not keeping up enough. Anyway it's not really the point if you like Kindle or iPad or whatever, it's the grifting that is so shameless. Grifting for things this family does not need.
And I agree with you Marie there's no reason kids this young should spend that much time on these gadgets.
Admin@8. I have a Kindle (wi fi & 3G) and an iPad 2. I've had the kindle for a couple of years and got the iPad for Christmas. I don't read on my iPad because that's what my Kindle is for. I hope that you meant a Kindle Fire rather than just a Kindle because then I'd agree with you. There's no need for both a Kindle Fire and an iPad.
On another note...I cannot stand Aubrey. She is as bad as Kate with the I, I, I, me, me, me.
Since you can read on the iPad, I don't see the kindle or kindle fire as a need especially not for KIDS. A want, sure, for various reasons. Actually, none of these things are a need. If you can afford them and want them who cares, but for Kate to grift for such a toy is absurd. How about grift for some gymnastics classes or mortgage payments? Her priorities are all over the place.
On another note...I cannot stand Aubrey. She is as bad as Kate with the I, I, I, me, me, me.
Yes, yes she is. This season gets better and better doesn't it now that they're just a few of them to get ticked at her? LOL.
Just want to clarify my 'victimless' statement--from some of the responses, sounds like it is being interpreted as I am ok with this, as long as there weren't other people involved. I was trying to say that there is mental illness in other, more mainstream, programming. Anyone who allows a camera to witness their own and their children's private life does not have healthy boundaries. Loss of healthy boundaries is a hallmark of all addictive behaviors and many other mental illnesses.
Admin and the other posters who said that these people are too sick to consent make a valid point. However, it is a fact that there are millions of people who function as professionale--doctors, lawyers, clergy, nurses, senators, presidents and every other walk of life who have the disease of alcoholism, drug addiction or other addiction. An addiction is an addiction is an addiction--doesn't matter what it is, it destroys lives, including the alcoholic/addict. Are some addictions better then others, more acceptable?
The multiples shows as well as shows about hoarding and other compulsive behaviors have normalized voyeurism and blurred the lines of acceptability, privacy and healthy behaviors. Like the addictions that are highlighted, viewers require more stimulation, more wierdness to evoke a reaction--that is exactly how addictions progress. Once networks have profiled people who compulsively have children or live in garbage dumps or go to Dr. Drew for sex addiction recovery, where else do they have to go?
I didn't see this particular show, so I have no opinion on this program. I won't see this show because I vote with my remote--When demand stops, these shows will go away. If they don't go away, I don't have to allow them into my life. Those are my boundaries--I decide, not TLC.
I mean from what I see, kids learn what they are taught. If your kids all they see is you watch the television chances are they will too. If your kids see you always on your phone, they will probably pick up on that as well. Just like when you tell your kids to clean their room when sometimes it's your room that is the mess? Well, duh, that explains right there.
Her kids are smart enough to know that what they see is what seems normal whether or not it actually is normal. Just like with her family runs, I have never heard of someone do with kids this young. Just like all they see her eating is salad and coffee that sends the idea that they should do and I don't think it's healthy.
Kate spends pretty much all of her time talking to fans and such, she's an adult it's her choice, is Kate going to be okay with her kids, when they get access to the internet to talk to whomever happens to make friends with them? I wouldn't. "You talk to people all the time, why can't we? What's the harm?" Big problem right there. I think she's set up this feeling that as long as they say they are fans it will be okay, big no.
I don't have kids but I sure wouldn't want them following any example I set that I knew wasn't very good.
LOL...@Kateplusmy8 Kate, Kate Andy and Ross are not impressed with your manuscript and no one at Scripps is either. Nice try. Nighty night
Ah, Hola and her mystery games. I don't know who Andy and Ross are, but I've heard of an Andy Ross Literary Agency in California.
Marie you make another good point. Children model.
That's actually one reason Kate's little "I made the kids slop while I eat my salad with avocado on the side" is irritating.
It sends all kinds of mixed messages to the kids. Most importantly that the family can't all sit down together and enjoy the same meal at the same time. There's a lot of commentary about this very out there surprisingly, though mostly it's about one kid wanting a hot dog another wanting pizza. But it makes the point that a family is a group of people who shares resources and when you start separating out someone (i.e. Kate with her salad) it alienates them from the group and doesn't foster sharing and togetherness.
Marie@12 - no, I haven't forgotten about "real" books and I did resist the Kindle when I first got it a couple of years ago but now I'd find it hard to go back to "real books". You're in college right? I'm probably old enough to be your mother so yes I do remember libraries, and walking to a friend's house to play. I also remember being stationed overseas with my husband and running to the PX to see if there were any new books because the Post library left a bit to be desired. I love the fact that i can go TDY and bring my Kindle pre loaded with books so that if i finish what im reading i dont have to run out and find a bookstore.
Do I think kids need every new device that comes out? No. Do I hate that Kate grifts for everything? Yes. I don't like reading on my iPad as much as my Kindle because I love the ink page (whatever) technology and the fact that there really is no glare. I've got the cover with pull out light that's powered by the Kindle so that I can read in bed. Im not going to run out and get the Kindle Fire because I've got the iPad (which I'm using now so excuse the typos).
anger issues, I apologize, but a lot of what you post is difficult to understand. Is English your 2nd language? If so, then well done! Keep trying and maybe use spell check. :)
Is the blog accepting gossip stories from tabloid websites as truth or rumour? 'Blind items' aren't normally accepted as fact. At least in my world. YMMV
Admin. said...
I like my gadgets like most people but even I realize there is no reason for a kindle AND an iPad. Decide what suits you best and pick one or the other. Her greed is never ending.
In understood the kindles were for the older girls. They deserve 'extras' don't they, for all their years of working? Kate should just buy them for them considering they've worked a long time for her.
Admin. said...
TLC and A&E and all of these shows need to get a healthy sense of ethics and leave these people alone. If they are serious about helping them they could set up a charity to provide free mental health services--just don't film them.
Are viewers under the impression that this crap is actually 'real'? Please. There are millions of wanna-be's out there looking for their 15 min. even if they have to eat their couch to get there. It's all fake. IMO
Interesting twitter conversation between Sears and @ Envydog...envydog not happy that sears comped a treadmill to Kate...@ Sears wants to know where she saw info stating they gave away a treadmill...Kate's losing twitter pals and needs to rile up haters with her lies!
My only real thought upon seeing that frying pan (not a wok) full of who knows what, and with I believe sesame seeds sprinkled on top, was that is enough for 8-9 people? 8 if Kate is once again a meal alienator and picks at salads or worse, does not even eat with her kids. I have frying pans that size, and that is not dinner for 8. Even if she had a rice cooker full of rice.
And no matter what she may have sent 'with a kiss and a prayer' there is nothing out there that will support her family for the next decade, at least not in the media world she craves. Oh sure she may pick up a gig here and there, sell some photos, but steady income? She is living in some kind of bubble world, that one. 37 years old, no stage personality that anyone can see, and a reputation for being difficult. If the Food Network is even considering her, well, that would be a major flop. No stage personality, period.
wayward said 126- So true and so very sad. In 2008, Kate told one woman's magazine that continuing with each season was by family vote and if just one family member said no, they would stop the show. Just several short months later, she told another magazine that "they can't go back." I am fairly sure what she meant was that they (she) can never go back to being an average, anonymous middle class family.
I agree, huge difference between can not and will not.
Admin, I agree with you on Aubry. She really showed her true colors last night. Apparently, she is the ONLY one with an original thought, or idea. Personally, I think she has a lot of talent (unlike Kate), but I don't think she could ever be chosen for the celebrity apprentice because of her attitude. Next week looks good.
I had a breakthrough last night and started to like Lisa and not like Dayana. Dayana was terrible last night. Her true colors that got her to Ms. Universe came through. Can we add some green and red and pink notes in there? What? That was her contribution. Had she not insisted on a 60s theme they might have won. They didn't have app's then. I started to respect how Lisa survived in a man's world for a 31 years. If you want to go we can go now. Trump liked that. I think she will win.
Marie said - As far as kindle, well, gee, have we forgotten about books? You know, the library? That place you can go to check out free books anytime you want to read for about three weeks?
Marie - I love my books, and I hate to hear about how they're being replaced with electronic versions. But that's the reality. Here in Ohio there's a school district where they've given every high school student an iPad. The goal is to give them one in 9th grade and have them use it all through high school. They pay a $50 charge each year to be able to take it back and forth between home and school. Their textbooks are electronic, so all they have to carry with them is the iPad. Most school textbook publishers require schools to purchase their hard-back textbooks before they can buy the e-texts. But there is one publisher that now will sell just the e-texts, so I'm sure the other publishers will have to follow suit in order to stay competitive. School libraries are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Students just have access to all the info they need. I remember looking things up in the Encyclopedia Britannica. And I'm not THAT old! (early 40's) : )
well, now Kate is arranging hoses, how handy she is. Unlike the chicken/manual ? episode when the shrew yelled at the kids when the hose was dripping or something when they tried to water down the picnic table area...she said she would like to be living alone in an apartment instead of with kindergarteners, or something? And the kids were really trying.
She mentioned Lowes- maybe some of their hoses will appear on her doorstep...
So now she mentions Lowe's. I wonder if next we'll learn the types of hose reels she bought there. She is so, so transparent.
I suppose by Kate saying that "she" has just arranged all of her landscaping hoses what she really means is that she barked orders to the landscaping crew. She also gave a shout out to Lowe's, probably hoping that some gift cards will be headed her way.
Marie said - Just like when you tell your kids to clean their room when sometimes it's your room that is the mess? Well, duh, that explains right there.
Sadly, kids don't always follow the good examples set by their parents. My kids drive me crAZy with their messy rooms. My room is always neat and tidy, but they just don't pick up on that. I recently told my kids that if they leave clothes on their bedroom floors, that will mean no tv for the day. It sort of worked with my daughter, but my son just moved his piles of clothes from the floor to the top of his dresser. Ugh! It's a constant battle, and I refuse to clean their rooms for them since I clean the rest of the house. Oh well - it's not the end of the world. I'm learning that sometimes closing the bedroom doors is good enough. : )
She Is A Cow @25...I'm firmly in the Lisa and Clay camp now and I think that it may come down to the two of them. Aubry is just too much and her egotism is off the charts (she may be worse than Kate). Since Trump is going to fire two next week I think that it's going to be Arsino and Tersa. Neither one of them really bring anything to the game. Did anyone catch at the very begingin of the show when Clay, Lisa and Dayana were in the limo and Clay had to tell Dayana that "jingle" didn't mean "Jingle Bells". Too funny!
RE: The TLC exploiting of any and all...
I do research, and often it is with vulnerable people (people in hospital, older people etc). It is very difficult. And one has to be careful to make sure that they are aware of the situation, that a family member that is definitly 100% competnent consents as well...becuase an elderly person could feel threatened and feel so lonely they may just want someone to talk to, even if they are uncomfortable with 'research'.
Offering someone a substantial amount of money is NOT allowed in an ethics review. To me that is what TLC does in nearly every case. If I am a mom in financial trouble, an attention seeker, off in any way etc that is not ethical. People in extremem situations, including financial can do things they know they don't want to.
In saying that, I do not feel bad about seeing "The Little Couple". I don't percieve them as vulnerable in any way. Yes, they are 'little people' but so what? they are both level headed, in love (they are adorable in their interactions) and very stable and successful on their own. As a doctor and a business person, they do not need TLC money. If they stop the show tomorrow, I doubt their accountant would notice lol. I get the sense that it is fun for them and a way to share their struggles of fertility.
I agree, I like both Clay and Lisa, but think that Clay is better at keeping his cool. Not that Lisa wasn't provoked by Dayana. When I first heard that Clay Aikin was on, I thought he would be one of the first ones out, but he has proven to be a creative, hard worker.
TLC stinks said... 29
So now she mentions Lowe's. I wonder if next we'll learn the types of hose reels she bought there. She is so, so transparent.
I agree- posted my disdain earlier today (no posted yet)for her ongoing grifting. As if the world owes her. My guess is that once Kate was given so MANY free products over time,she has come to expect it. In spite of her ability to pay for things on her own. Grifting has been her second nature for 8 years, and in spite of all the money she has earned, still thinks this is okay. Entitled much? How about poor people who need food, clothes and shelter. She really is a greedy b**ch. Lifestyle for the grifter., who has earned millions. Sick and twisted. You can't change someone's stripes - they are who they are.
In Kate's case- a bottomless pit of freebies, give me, give me,and entitlement that she NEEDS any of these products. Sick and sad that she can never consider anyone but herself.
She is so hoping that Chris is following her Twitter. For someone who is so worried about causing a sensation she doesn't mind giving out her agenda every day.
I'm a bookaholic. I had my first library card before I could walk, my house is full of books, and I love my Kindle. It's so handy to have any number of books at your fingertips, without having to pack a suitcase full of books when you go out of town. When I was hospitalized with pneumonia last winter, my Kindle saved my life (well, saved me from death by boredom, anyway, LOL). I live in a small Ohio town. Our library is decent, but the person who buys the adult books refuses to get what she labels as "genre" fiction -- mysteries, romance, science fiction,etc. She also doesn't get many biographies. If it's not on the NYTimes best seller list or a weighty political tome, it doesn't get purchased. We have one book store in town -- a second hand store that is moldy, dusty and musty -- and a Christian book store. I love that I can go online and order whatever I want to read. I still read "real" books, but my Kindle offers me much more variety and freedom of choice. I don't have a Kindle Fire, but I may get one some day. I don't have an IPad, but from what I've heard and read, the Fire offers nearly everything the IPad does, at a much lower cost (a Kindle Fire is under $200), plus is much easier to read books on. I can see making a case for the older girls to have a Kindle Fire, if they didn't have an IPad. Having both is, IMO, redundant. However, if KK thinks she'll be able to control what they're looking up or reading or seeing on either device, she's in for a very rude awakening.
Mrs. Malaprop said... 31
Marie said - Just like when you tell your kids to clean their room when sometimes it's your room that is the mess? Well, duh, that explains right there.
Sadly, kids don't always follow the good examples set by their parents. My kids drive me crAZy with their messy rooms. My room is always neat and tidy, but they just don't pick up on that. I recently told my kids that if they leave clothes on their bedroom floors, that will mean no tv for the day. It sort of worked with my daughter, but my son just moved his piles of clothes from the floor to the top of his dresser. Ugh! It's a constant battle, and I refuse to clean their rooms for them since I clean the rest of the house. Oh well - it's not the end of the world. I'm learning that sometimes closing the bedroom doors is good enough. : )
April 30, 2012 6:31 AM
Lol, Mrs. Mal. I used to be the same way until I realized that it wasn't worth the high blood pressure it gave me to fight with them over it. Now if the dirty laundry is not put into the basket in the utility room, it doesn't get washed. My 11 year old DD caught on pretty quick and will either put it where it goes or do a load of hers on her own; the 12 year old DS, not so much yet. Lots of times wearing dirty socks and smelling of shirts going on from that room,lol. I always know by the amount of cologne he puts on each day. I really had to bite my tongue the first week or so, but he is learning, albeit the hard way.
Kate doesn't need Chris the Pap to follow her on Twitter. She's got him on speed-dial. There is no way he could have gotten so many photos of her had he not pre-arranged their "encounters" directly with her (or someone in her camp).
Kindle is "real" books to me. :) I don't care if you want to read a book on kindle, at least you're reading. And honestly Kindle does feel like a real book. I actually mostly do books on tape (well, itunes) these days because there's no time to read and I spend a lot of time in the car. For some that's not "real" books but I don't care I enjoy it. I just think you don't NEED it. I just am shocked Kate would keep grifting for all this stuff. If she spent half as much energy as she does grifting and put it toward finding a real job she could buy all these things herself with her own paycheck just like EVERYBODY ELSE WHO'S MEDIOCRE.
tate said... 30
I suppose by Kate saying that "she" has just arranged all of her landscaping hoses what she really means is that she barked orders to the landscaping crew. She also gave a shout out to Lowe's, probably hoping that some gift cards will be headed her way.
Of course! SOMEBODY has to mastermind everything!
I wonder if anyone showed up to take pictures of the family run yesterday. If not, then she's got to be pi**ed!
Pay to play 32 . . .
That's so funny! 12 year old boys think cologne is that answer to any stink. I also only wash what is in the laundry. I've tried to convince my kids that dropping something in the laundry basket takes *maybe* three more seconds than dropping it on the floor. I tended to be a slob when I was a kid, and now I love order and cleanliness, so I know there's hope for my kids. : ) Part of my issue is that we used to live in a 2-story home, so I didn't see their messy rooms as often. For the past 3 years we've been in our first ranch style home, and I see the messiness more easily. My husband reminds me that the day will come when the only mess we have will be from the two of us. Then I'll miss the chaos. Hard to imagine sometimes, but I know he's right.
Dear Chris,
Tomorrow at exactly 3:15pm the kids and I will be exiting our driveway on a "family run". Everyone will be appropriately "styled" and wearing matching jogging suits. I have ordered the kids to look directly at you and SMILE BIG for the camera. In fact, I had their teeth whitened just for the occasion. Please, please show up! I NEED someone to take my picture! I'll even pay you! Just don't ignore me anymore, I can't stand it! It makes me want to cry every time I leave the house and you're not there waiting for me.
P.S., if you can't make it tomorrow, then I will be at Cara's game at the municipal park from 1-3pm on Saturday. It's supposed to be 45 degrees that day, but I will wear booty shorts, a bikini top, and peep-toed sandals. Imagine the headlines! Kate Gosselin Braves the Cold for Daughter's Game! I get teary-eyed at the thought.
I love you! Please don't forget me!
Love, Kate
I have the original no-frills Kindle. I have become quite fond of the immediate gratification aspect. The other day when book recommendations were posting with fierceness, I could look up books, read reviews, and chase authors -- no car keys involved.
My only "fuss" -- when traveling by plane, an electronic reader is "shut down" for about 1/2 hour at takeoff and again at landing. Those are lost prime reading minutes. Small complaint.
I still adore unhurried time in a big book store...just browsing.
Agree completely readerlady. One great advantage of my Kindle is that I don't bloody my nose if I fall asleep while reading as I did while reading Steven King's "The Dome" and the book fell forward and hit me in the nose. A rude awakening to say the least!
I don't have a Kindle, as I also am old school on the hardback books, but I have been grifting, ummm "hinting" for one for Mother's Day.
Dmasy @44 - My husband and I browse in the big book stores with a pad and pen in hand to see if there are any new books that we want and then go home and download to the Kindle. I also like the instant gratification. For example, Jen Lancaster's new book comes out tomorrow and all I have to do is turn on the Wi Fi/Whispernet connection in the morning and the book will be there.
I too adore book stores! I love amazon, alibris etc, but nothing like the smell of new or old books! I have SO many, and also am an avid reader.
The only problem is books collect so much dust. Maybe Kate has a tip to remedy that...oh, right, she doesn't read...
Layla: That was perfect! Too funny.I sometimes wonder why Kate just doesn't hire a photographer or photography student to take photos and then secretly sell them, or tweet them...I know her 'friends' have cameras...I also hope Jon has a good camera, as he is now not part of the family portraits...
That's another thing, I love things that reduce clutter and space and the kindle/ipad does just that for home libraries. I have a small collection of my favorite books and save the shelf space.
I'm a fan of a device to read your book electronically if that's your cup of tea. I'm not a fan of grifting said devices when you already HAVE a device you can read books on.
I also only wash what is in the laundry. I've tried to convince my kids that dropping something in the laundry basket takes *maybe* three more seconds than dropping it on the floor.
IF it's dirty! My kids think that if they wear something once, it needs to be washed, and off it goes into the laundry basket. They believe that it's so much easier to drop their clothing into the basket than it is to hang it up or fold it and put it into a drawer at the end of the day. I've taken the hamper into the laundry room, sorted the clothing, only to find that half of their clothing isn't dirty and can be worn again, especially jeans!
I absolutely love to read. Just about anything can hold my attention. There lies the problem; if I'm reading, then I'm reading and I tend to block out a lot around me. It makes it really hard to get anything done until I finish the book that I'm into at the time. My husband has eaten more than one over salted meal because of a good book..oops, my bad.
I usually have to wait until the kids leave the house to pick up a book or else I tend to pull a "Kate" and ignore, ignore, ignore.
NJ Gal, 45...so funny! A coincidence "The Dome" was THE book that made my decision to get a Kindle!!
I know we're not supposed to start rumors, but...I recently heard from some PA runner pals that Kate will be running in the Pocono Mountains Run for the Red Marathon. I looked it up--it's on May 20th, in Stroudsburg, PA, and it's to benefit the American Red Cross. It would make a lot of sense for her to participate--it's close to home, and on a weekend. She could leave the kids with Jon and drive up there herself. Oh, I crack myself up...she could have Steve drive her up there. And she makes a big show of support for the American Red Cross. So, I'm thinking it might be true.
I started to respect how Lisa survived in a man's world for a 31 years. If you want to go we can go now. Trump liked that. I think she will win.
I have to disagree. Maybe Dayana was a lousy project manager, but she showed a lot more class than that miserable cow Lisa Mussolini. Her 'I survived in a man's world' line was a total copout. She's only been in the entertainment business since the early '90s. What an enormous ego she has to think she's some kind of female warrior in a man's world. And she constantly complains about having to do all the work but she won't let anyone do anything because she has bullying down to a science.
I still think Trump is letting her stay just to let everyone know what a horrible person she really is.
Nadya has just announced to the world that she will take any job to provide for her children including porn which, by its inclusion ensure that it will indeed be porn. God help the children. They should be removed and given good homes. Nothing good will come from a single desperate mom with 14 kids in the porn industry.
About the Kindle thing. I don't have one. I think it all depends what you do in your line of work. If you spend all day on a computer doing editing work, or research, or teach long-distance learning, or something that requires most of your day to spend on electronics, you don't want to come home and do the same thing...at least I don't. It is so much more relaxing to have a book in your hand -- it's a diversion from what you've been doing all day. There's something gratifying about returning to the "old," the back-in-the-day feelng about reading a book from the library.
I eliminated 99.9 % of my paperbacks. Some were still on the best seller list. I culled hardbacks -- keeping only enough for decorative bookshelves, my aforementioned Norah Lofts, and any antique or author autographed books. (All donated to a charity book drive.)
Nothing like the academic scent of a really old book. I have a gorgeous set of legal books from the late 1800's -- they are a soft golden leather with burgundy accents.
Some books are just "friends". A Kindle can't replace that relationship. But, I love the convenience and paperless advantages of an electronic reader.
I don't need the actual book for 50 Shades of Gray. Kindle is fine!
Administrator, 58...ha! Perfect example. I read many books that are quickly digested and then forgotten. Kindle is perfect -- easy come and easy go. PS: I have not read 50 Shades.
I saw an extensive interview with the author. She seemed very unassuming and down to earth. She has teens sons and said they won't be reading the book.
Funny story about King's "Dome". It took me what I thought was a long time to finish it and then passed it on to my mom who wanted to read it. I lost track of the time for almost 6 months and finally asked her what she thought about it just to find out that she had been using it for a doorstop. I was like *gasp*, don't disrespect the King, went to Home Depot and bought her a fake brick.
Re laundry
My daughter is the opposite, EVERYTHING goes in the hamper. Try something on, don't like it, goes in the hamper, wear something for 5 minutes and change, goes in the hamper...because it is easier than folding it, or hanging it back up. Drives me crazy!
I'm one of those who has resisted electronic reading. I love to read and love the feel of a book in my hands, the way it smells when you first open it, etc. I love loaning books I enjoy to friends and they loan to me too. I buy a lot on clearance or at Costco or amazon, so it's about the same price as for Kindle. I don't have to worry about it being lost or stolen by the pool or on the plane. The ones that are ho-hum (like The Dome, sorry, I wanted to throw that one across the room with the way it ended, but it was too heavy), I donate to the local library guild and they sell them to raise money for children's programs, to maintain the public conference rooms, etc.
I think Marie's point is that it's a lavish non-necessity for kids. And I agree with her - going to the library as a kid at that age each week was a tradition and a treat for us!
Layla (#53), well, that would explain the "#charity #run #giveback" tweet from a couple of days ago. On the other hand, she did mention San Diego, and that is early June. Too close together? Probably not for SuperRunningMomof 8.
Midnight Madness said -
IF it's dirty! My kids think that if they wear something once, it needs to be washed, and off it goes into the laundry basket. They believe that it's so much easier to drop their clothing into the basket than it is to hang it up or fold it and put it into a drawer at the end of the day. I've taken the hamper into the laundry room, sorted the clothing, only to find that half of their clothing isn't dirty and can be worn again, especially jeans!
Oh, Lordy yes! We have that problem too. Last summer I enacted the "Give Em A Second Chance!" campaign. My kids can walk around inside the house then throw their clothes in the wash. They're getting better about wearing jeans more than once, but things still get tossed in the hamper sooner than they need to be.
I got an iPad recently, and I do enjoy the instant gratification of putting books on it. The downside is I can't soak in the tub with it, and heaven forbid if I accidentally leave it behind somewhere. And this summer when we go on vacation I'll be hesitant to take it to the beach with me.
Readerlady - was that you who commented on how dusty books get? Isn't that the truth! I have a huge bookshelf in my living room,and keeping it dusted is a chore. I did learn this hint for making things a little easier - move your books to the very front of the shelves so there's no little space for dust to collect. The books still get dust on them and behind them, but at least you don't see that strip of dusty shelf in front of them. : )
NJGal -- I had a similar experience with "The Stand"! Love Stephen King. At his worst, he uses words better than 99% of the other writers out there.
Admin -- I love audio books, too. I haven't tried Itunes, but I borrow from the library, buy used versions of books I love, and have downloaded from Audible.com. Have you listened to any of them on your Kindle? I haven't tried that function yet.
Mrs Malaprop:
I also mentioned dusty books. I would love to have barrister bookcases with the glass doors- I love the look of books on shelves but I haven't found a good way to keep them dust-free or how to get the dust off- your trick is useful though- thanks!
I also have kids who wear their clothes two minutes and put them in the laundry- or my DD tries on a dozen outfits then leaves them inside out etc in her room- as she leaves at 7AM I can't get on her case, but believe me it's hard to walk past. I have caved in and re-hung them up on occasion ;/
I'm with you Auntie Anne. If surviving in a man's world means you have to cry and moan and backstab and be just an unpleasant person I don't want to survive. And really, man's world? Maybe that's a nice sob story in 1985 but nowadays female comedians and women in the entertainment business are a dime a dozen. Talk to Joan Rivers or Betty White or the real matriarchs of comedy about what they went through to pave the way for whiners like Lisa.
The "#charity #run #giveback" tweet from a few days ago, was a retweet by Kate. She did not add the hashtags-they were already included in the original tweet. This is the original tweet from Running Quotes:
Real Runners@RunningQuotes
"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." ~Jack London #charity #run #giveback
So I don't think she's implying anything about her running for a charity or giving back.
I have the original no-frills Kindle. I have become quite fond of the immediate gratification aspect. The other day when book recommendations were posting with fierceness, I could look up books, read reviews, and chase authors -- no car keys involved
I did not want a Kindle but my kids got me one for Christmas. Now I love it! I love the fact that I can borrow from the local library without even leaving my home :)
Gift of grab said... 63
Layla (#53), well, that would explain the "#charity #run #giveback" tweet from a couple of days ago. On the other hand, she did mention San Diego, and that is early June. Too close together? Probably not for SuperRunningMomof 8.
That's what I thought--San Diego is at the beginning of June, isn't it? Maybe too close for full marathons. But...the lady who brought it up is doing the 5K portion with her young daughter. Maybe Kate signed up for that with Cara and/or Mady. I think Cara runs, and now there was a "family run". And she mentioned doing some runs with the twins this summer. I'll keep my ears open and see if I can find out more.
Readerlady, 65 -- My statement regarding Stephen King is that he is both one of the best and one of the worst writers I have ever read.
"It" was one of the few books I put down before finishing. I understand what you are saying. There have been King sentences that I pause, sigh, and re-read just because they are so powerful.
She's teaching her kids about being finacially responsible??????????? Where do I begin with this one....Is she teahing them to have more kids than they can afford? Is she teaching them to put their kids on t.v. and use it to travel? Is she teaching them to buy a house they can't afford? Is she teaching them how to blow it all on plastic sugery? Is she teaching them to beg for "love offerings"? Is she teaching them how to grift? I'm really at a lose....Is she aware of what she has done the past 5 0r 6 years....IS SHE THIS MINDLESS?? Wait.....you don't have to answer that.
Stephen King gave me nightmares about dead cats when I read a book by him about a kidnapped girl years and years ago -real nigh terrors. Aaaah! A powerful writer.
Admin -- It makes me wonder if she would have the fortitude to withstand a roasting like she gives others after she turned on the tears AGAIN and threw a hissy fit in front of Donald Jr. Such a hypocrite! She's taking CA way to seriously. And then we have Aubry with HER narcissism which is almost comical to watch. I'm really enjoying this season.
KAT @ 72
I totally agree. Kate's latest CC blog entry has left me speechless. Absolutely gobsmacked. Who is she to teach about financial responsibility!
So again, just how was that CC article of Kate's any help to consumers? How much are they paying her to tell family stories about how helpful her kids are? Good grief.
KAT: couldn't be more flabbergasted either. Agree totally with your post.
What ' job ' does Kate work- CC? That blog was ok... for kids! These are things children should know- not adults, who already know, thanks Kate, what a check /credit card/job are. A whole lot of nothing. Parents know, I hope, how to teach their kids the value of money equated with hard work this too.
Oh, and grammar mistake..."I" was used instead of "me." Where is the proof reader at CC?
I think he/she AND Kate should be given pink slips.
Teaching our kids solid financial principles is the first step in helping them succeed when they get out into the “real” world. I encourage all parents to follow suit and start teaching their children the value of a dollar at a very young age!
My. Gawd.
She's lost her mind.
...anyway, didn't Kate say SHE 'doles' out the 'proportions' of food? What's the big job two pre-teen girls get $3 each for- clearing the table? The little kids could do that. Many jobs a day? What about that chore chart etc? She often contradicts herself.
And if Cara should receive a kindle from a fan, will she not accept it, as she is working towards it herself- the kid will be torn between values.
She HAD to bring up about Cara saving up for a Kindle Fire in her CC blog.
She is ridiculous about negotiating with your child on what a chore is worth. This sets you up for the child to say forget it, blow you off, or get into an argument. Really, Kate? What do you do when one of the twin says, hey mom, I don't need any extra money this week, so I'm not doing that chore. Geez. Give them a fixed allowance with a fixed list of chores each week. Simple. From what I've witnessed over the years, those kids do not want for anything with all the clothes, toys, electronics they have, so I have to wonder why Cara is even saving for a Kindle. Oh yeah, Kate is grifting for one. Saves her a few bucks so she can go to NYC for her straw hairdo.
Why would she even bring this subject up, knowing what flack she will get from people who have half a brain cell in their head She's got some balls on her! She is the poster child for bad behavior with money. I think my heads gonna blow up....I honestly can't even see straight!! Good thing she's not in front of me...
Can someone maybe c&p it here so that we don't give CC any more traffic than is necessary?
KK's theme song, sung to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" :
Grift, Grift, Grift for stuff,
All the livelong day.
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,
Livin's cheap when they give stuff away!
She's teaching her kids about being finacially responsible??????????? Where do I begin with this one....Is she teahing them to have more kids than they can afford? Is she teaching them to put their kids on t.v. and use it to travel? Is she teaching them to buy a house they can't afford?
Yes, and instead of going to the local salon for highlighting, teaching them the value of a dollar means hiring a limo to NYC to spend thousands on hair that looks like s**t when you can spend less than $100 to get better results in your own hometown.
The kids earn the money, she spends it on herself and won't take them to gym class or movies or summer camp because it's too expensive.
She is out of her mind. The sad thing is that she doesn't even know it.
Kat and Aunt Annie...I couldn't agree more. Khate could not possibly teach financial responsibilty...she has finally lost her mind. How does she get off calling her father cheap and then she is even cheaper 30 years later. I am dumbfounded.
KAT, please go post your comment on CouponCabin. Her blog today is hypocrisy at its starkest and deserves to be mocked at length and in detail.
And let's not forget the biggest money black hole of all: PurseBoy! How do you write something like that with a straight face when it's public knowledge your "security" charges $1,600/day? All so that YOU don't have to figure out how to change planes or hire a limo! I wonder how she explains this expense to her children.
This woman has an undiagnosed mental illness....she has absolutely no remorse for anything that she has done. An I know that because, she really doesn't think she's done anything wrong. Thats the scary part....she probably sleeps like a baby at night....when in reality any sane person would be in the middle of a nervous breakdown...
Kate should pactice what she blogs. Another useless blog. Her father was not being cheap, he was using money wisely, something Kate never picked up on.
Even her latest tweet, defeats the purpose of her CC blog. She tweeted something about landscaping and her hoses, and a needed trip to Lowes. I have nothing against Lowes, Home depo, any nursey out there but, if you are on a budget, and you want to have a garden, then you need to shop around. Even Walmart this year is expensive for beddings. $1.78 Walmart, $1.48 Menards, Home depo $2.99, Lowes $1.58 & $1.48(depends on what plants they are), Meyier $1.38. Kmart $1.78?. If you are gonna buy hoses, Walmart. Tools, Family Dollar & Dollar Store. But why should this worry Kate, she has landscaping.
I also, had a funny thought on why, Kate did a blog on teaching kids: cause maybe, she has to explain to them why she is paying everything, from their accounts and not hers.
She's a Cow: Time for you to stop doing your daughters laundry. My mother did that once to me, when I was around 9-11. I did the same thing your daughter did, my mother refuse to do my laundry, had me do it, if I wanted clothes to wear and be clean, do it yourself, she said, I'm not a maid. After a few times(like 3), I stopped putting clean clothes in hamper, hung them up.
I think that Kate firmly believes that the money she earned ( ie. 85% of K+8, plus whatever she made off with from her divorce settlement, plus DWTS and other paid crap she has done) is for her. The kids money includes the 15% for the years after the Pennsylvania child labor law was amended, plus Jon's child support. Like every other narcissist, she is great at compartmentalizing. I agree with previous posters that she uses the kids money to pay tuition. She may also match Jon's child support. Well, probably not, because she figures that her monthly housing expenses are bigger because her children REQUIRE a huge estate. Also, anything that she can grift, she may use as justification to reduce her contribution to their support. After all, grifting is hard work!
Due to the gift of compartmentalization, narcissists can hold 2 completely contradictory ideas at the same time, which, in their world, can both be considered true. (Not true to anyone else, but, I mean, whatever--no one else exists anyway! )Therefore, Kate can be set for life because she has invested her "income" well, and the kids may be close to needing food stamps. In her mind, one has nothing to do with the other. She can easily afford Nobu and sports cars while the kids have to wear the same shoes and clothes for 2 years and THEIR menus are based on double coupon days. They aren't earning their keep--why should she have to financially support them?
Whether the kids will have anything left of the money they earned at the expense of their childhood remains to be seen. With 8 children, its hard to believe that someone isn't going to spill the truth in the future. I fervently hope that they successfully sue her for squandering their hard-earned financial security. Either way, at least a few--maybe most, and (please, sweet lord), maybe even all--will cut her out of their life like the cancerous tumor that she is (I know--bad grammar, but it makes my point)
Hey--I wrote a nice long post on the pleasures and pitfalls of technology, but my iPad crashed! Damn you iPad, damn you...
I doubt she's explaining to her kids about all money she has spent on herself...she's draining them dry and she knows it. They don't have a clue...poor things..I hope they sue her ass off when they realize it later in life...
He also gave us a $5 per month allowance ... Our allowance was given in honor of our work contribution around the house.
He paid you more than what you were worth Kate.
We know all about how much 'work' you did you lazy ass. Your brother told us you'd shuffle it off every chance you got.
Take note everyone:
April 30 2012. Mark it on your calendar...this is the day Kate Gosselin finally reached the peak of her insanity. And we were witness to it.
In reference to Kate's latest Coupon Cabin blog entry:
I'm not going to bother checking it out-
judging by your comments, Kate is flexing her hypocrite tongue again.
WTH is wrong with her?
Coupon Cabin, you are a clueless bunch.
Just staggering.
Who owns Gosselinbook?
"I enjoy teaching my kids about making smart financial decisions! I share my lessons on my @CouponCabin blog: http://t.co/veaFuTqE"
Did she mention teaching her kids how the art of lying, cheating, and begging for free things they want?
ex nurse@90...best post I read all day...sounds like you've seen this before...
AuntieAnn@92...you made me laugh out loud...
I guess CC is turning away negative comments. I left one 1/2 hour ago and they have now published 15 min ago comments. I bet they have a rash this time and are not publishing. Khate has really lost it this time.
There are so few families where the children are partially or totally responsible for the income supporting the household. (It is such a rare circumstance, that new laws are being created.)
The entire balance of family dynamics is upset when a non-consenting child is contributing to the material well-being of an adult.
Kate! You have used your children...you are using your children...and, most likely you will use your children in the future. Please do not try to tell us that you are in any position to teach them financial realities.
She's such a tool. Her dad was trying to teach her not to be a greedy selfish pig with his 5 dollar allowance. It didn't take.
Has she reconciled with this guy or is she just using him for blog fodder without permission?
Do you all think Kate was a narcissist even as a child? 5 buck to most kids feels like 50. You feel like you could buy anything you want. But to Kate it wasnt good enough.
5 bucks was a movie back then... and a treat! Never any gratitude, not even then.
Well, at least Jon has some company under the bus.
The point of an allowance is not to make you rich for gosh sakes. It's a teaching tool some parents believe in. I got 5 bucks and I'm significantly younger than Kate. 5 bucks was plenty. Week 1 you could buy candy and a little toy. Save up a few more weeks and you could buy even more. Geez what does a kid really need that they can't wait a few weeks for. Did she want nobu as a nine year old?? It never once crossed my mind 5 bucks was too little even to this day. The purpose was to teach about money and it did. By the time I was old enough to realize I wasn't going to get far with 5 bucks I went out and got a job and I've been working ever since. Work Kate. It's good for you.
"It didn't take" ha!! Admin. You're right, not only did it not take, she got good at getting something for nothing.
Surely she can't think people have forgotten that she asked for handouts. She was a beggar, a sponge, a regular bum for crying out loud.
I wish someone would blast CC about that thing they've hired. Maybe they should read this:
**We typically ask that the church/organization cover our travel and accommodations (airfare, hotel, car transport to/from the airport on this end and rental car on that end). As far as a 'speaking fee' goes, we ask for a 'love offering' for church services (which averages around $3000-3500 just to give you an idea
Other groups (evening church sponsored events, non church affiliated programs etc) are charged a fee of $3500 for events scheduled in 2009.
For a Mops (Mothers of Preschoolers) group, we charge by the person.... a $ 15 fee per person with a minimum of 100 people.
Additionally, we ask that we also be scheduled to speak at a church service while we are there.
As mentioned above, if you are scheduling a Saturday night event the fee is $3500.
If you also want to schedule Sunday morning church services, we ask for a love offering in whatever amount is collected to cover Sunday.**
Mrs. Malaprop, this is for you. My husband informed me that something is 'easy squeezy' today!
I haven't read all the posts yet so if this has been addressed, I apologize.
How much does a tweet follower cost?
Does Emasculate Kate get a group discount if she buys in bulk?
Where does she find them?
Is there a web site for this?
Really, I'm curious. (Bet she could octomom at a really good price.)
Re: coupon crapfest post. Wow, where to begin? Glad to hear that first graders got a talking-to about credit scores. Awesome and age appropriate. Roll eyes.
She left out a few things:
-if you choose to reproduce irresponsibly, beg for a living when you have more kids than you can afford
-spend your husband's inheritance/nest egg on IUI
-if you can't pay your bills, do set up a website with links so that people can pay your electricity bill
-go on national tv and play the victim, poke your eyes with a tissue so you cry for the camera and whine about the bills in your purse you can't pay
-lecture your kids about hard work when all you do is SIT ON YOUR ASS, watch tv, and straighten your hair all day. Someone please smack this bitch upside the weave already. Ugh
Katie Cry you forgot manipulate your fans into paying for you and your twins to enjoy a luxury cruise. I have to say its quite impressive what she's managed to get for free.
Kate's "mini society" has an odd ways of operating. Kate says no one pays her for doing nothing, which is certainly up for debate, unless grifting stuff on Twitter is a job to her.
She negotiates a rate with Mady and Cara after an extra chore has been completed? In a previous paragraph she says that she and her employer agree on a fair rate for her work, and you can bet that is done BEFORE Kate lifts a finger. Who negotiates after the fact? Dumb. And as TLC 79 said up thread, each time these kids do something outside the regular chores there will be an argument over it's dollar value.
When I was a kid, I got paid an allowance every week to do the basic stuff kids are supposed to do. My brothers cut the lawn, shoveled snow, and my sister and I did the dishes, set the table etc. We all made our own beds. If you blew off a task, your allowance was adjusted accordingly. The only time there was negotiating was for raise in our allowance once a year.
Kate's "mini society" is headed for a revolution on many fronts, and she doesn't have a clue it's coming.
2 quick comments:
I am sure Kate wrote that CC blog to rile everyone up and get them talking about her. She knows how utterly ridiculous it is. Remember, she doesn't care what people are saying as long as they are talking about her!
My second comment is regarding kids throwing clean clothes on the floor or putting them in the laundry basket instead of hanging them up or folding them. My children did it too:) So when I did their laundry, I would just fold the clean clothes up and put them back in the laundry basket just as if I had washed them. Since they were responsible for putting away their clean laundry, they ended up putting those clothes away, albeit a little later! They never knew the differnce.
Kate and her 8 little commodities. This woman is as morally and ethically bankrupt as Bernie Madoff, just on a smaller scale. She lives a lie and the facade of healthy and happy kids is showing more cracks as time goes by. On some level I believe she knows she is a failure as a mother and a breadwinner but those things things are buried deep under the layers of "look at me" "give me gifts" and "I deserve it all". The woman is not even remotely sane anymore.
Kate's one sentence in the CC Blog on how the $5 allowance from her Dad wasn't enough, really magnifies her nasty greed. It also once again shows how disrepectful she is to anyone and everyone...in this case her own father. Isn't there a lesson there Kate? Watch about teaching the kids about the love & respect of a family? And incredibly, for them, their only extended family is Jon's mother.
Remember, everyone, it's society's job to take care of the Gosselins. Kate said so. She's just living what she teaches.
Guys, Kate said she got $5 a month, not a week. We didn't get allowance at all, but $5/month is a tiny allowance, $1.25 per week?
Damn, I can't believe I just defended her.
Katie Cry Duh...104
LoL on the first graders learning about their credit scores!
-if you can't pay your bills, do set up a website with links so that people can pay your electricity bill
That should be: don't pay your bills with the money in your bank account, that's YOUR money; do guilt kind people into believing you are a second away from your electricity being turned off and use their money that they kindly donate to you.
You're right 5 bucks a month. Oh well cry me a river. Go work out your horrible childhood with your father not on a blog.
A lot of parents don't believe in allowance at all and again the point of allowance is not to make you rich. Kate talks like the family wasn't the wealthiest in the neighborhood. Too bad so sad welcome to life. Did they deny her necessities? Did she get treats once in awhile? Did they do their best to give her a happy childhood despite no money? Then she can shut it.
PJ's Momma -
Bahahahah! Please don't tell him I'm laughing. He just comes up with these all the time, doesn't he? Give him an extra hug today. : )
I'm really starting to love kentonkreider:
@Kateplusmy8 What a coincidence that you mention me for the first time ever, just a few days after I reach out to you. Thats my big girl.
I haven't read Kate's CC blog. However, I tend to think if your parents, your grandparents or whatever happen to give you pocket money once a week or whatever instead of complaining and always negotiating for more why not just be grateful that they would be willing to share their income with you?
Pocket money isn't a mandatory thing kids should expect, I take it as giving a child part of your income should be a privilege and any money just shouldn't be wasted. IF you chose to be wasteful than maybe they shouldn't give you any money. I think a child should just be expected to do chores whether or not they get paid because you live there and in the end you learn how to keep house, which would be good on your own.
I rarely got pocket money growing up, it wasn't anything I ever directly asked for and if I ever received any I remembered to say thank you and be grateful not demanding and to negotiate for more, especially if I hadn't earned it.
I am almost shocked that kids today, yes from my generation and younger seem to think they are entitled to a percentage of their parents income for making their bed and doing a few chores. Again, it should be a privilege, a privilege you learn how to budget what you have. If you blow it on candy you shouldn't expect to be given anymore.
The point of money should be thought of as for necessity not a want you can really screw yourself up if all you do is blow your money on things you want. I wonder what is going to happen to Kate, the way she blows through money on wants...where will she end up when it comes time for things she needs? Am I really to believe she teaches her kids the value of money? Hair costs, trips, clothing, shoes, Nobu, NYC...I so do think so.
PJ's Momma...we are all enjoying your husbands verbal charms. Keep sharing.
Do u remember Sunkist Fruit Gems? haven't had them since I was a kid-FAVORITE candy as a kid!Found them at BB&B!My big girls&I r enjoying! 21 minutes ago
This lady is a total idiot.
It's strange...she only tweets about the twins. Does Jon have the little kids more? Are the little kids with the nanny? Are the twins now her meal ticket?
I read her money-saving tips at Preesi's site. She has unheard-of-nerve to post that dribble, when for years they grifted for freebies, had a website wish list, had friends and relatives pay their bills, and the kids were on medicaid.
She must have been born a grifter. I never see it changing. I just can't imagine someone who has a real job, struggles to pay bills, wanting to send her stuff....her fans are beyond STUPID. I guess if they are that stupid, they get what they deserve.
Guys, Kate said she got $5 a month, not a week. We didn't get allowance at all, but $5/month is a tiny allowance, $1.25 per week?
Damn, I can't believe I just defended her.
It's still way more than she deserved if she was going to complain about it.
How much do you want to bet with all her millions she hasn't given her parents so much as $25 Target gift card. The woman is a skinflint when it comes to giving.
PJ and Mal, make sure to add the lemon squeezy to the easy peasey :)
What, no invite to the WHCD for Khate? The Kardashians made it, even Lindsay Lohan was there.
"Do u remember Sunkist Fruit Gems? haven't had them since I was a kid-FAVORITE candy as a kid!Found them at BB&B!My big girls&I r enjoying! 14 minutes ago"
How long before Sunkist sends Kate a crate full of that stuff?
I'm waiting for Kate to sneak her shopping/grocery list in her next blog.
She can grift for freebees in poem form- like that bridal shower household item poem...
Mrs. Malaprop and Dmasy, I told him that's the unofficial motto at the mammogram center, but it is false advertising - and of course he didn't get the joke because he didn't know he said it wrong. Again!
About the allowance, we didn't get any but if we had, it would have been for finishing our many chores like were supposed to. If I had expected negotiation every time I was 'told' to do something, my parents would have laughed me right out of the house - and locked the door behind me. Kate's blog is hysterically funny - she negotiates nothing. It's her way or the highway, period. Even when she's wrong! Which of course she never is in her mind.
I suppose a case of Sunkist Fruit Gems will be arriving on Kate's doorstep this week. Gosh, I hope they are organic.
Well, Kate must not be using the religion angle anymore. She didn't mention tithing to the church.
Also, the mint website she links to within her post, really talks a lot about children learning to save their money. I didn't see Kate mention telling her children about saving any of their money either. It's all about buying things.
Does Kate realize that the Kindle Fire is a mini computer and the twins can surf the web to their hearts' content!
Anyone else find it odd that Kate is only mentioning the twins lately? No mention of the septuplets at all. Wonder what is up with that?
It's strange...she only tweets about the twins. Does Jon have the little kids more?
I also think she agreed not to exploit the tups as much on her blog and twitter. The twins are old enough to have input on whether they want to be tweeted about. The tups are still far too young.
I notice that Cara is getting more 'coverage' lately after all the Mady fuss.But yes, less of the sextuplets. Maybe their birthday will "bring them back."
I'm waiting for Kate to sneak her shopping/grocery list in her next blog.
She can grift for freebees in poem form- like that bridal shower household item poem...
Why doesn't she just do the registry thing - like a wedding? She names an online store or stores, you go there to check out what's on her list, you pay for it, and the store sends it to her.
Watching DWTS- William & Cheryl danced BEAUTIFULLY!
The woman is not even remotely sane anymore.
Well, then, she and her uber sleuthing sheeple who vets for Cindy should make a most suitable pair on the cruise. Like attracts like. They should make fine bedfellows.
Have you read about this "sweet little old lady's" latest tirade?
I hope to heaven that Jon knows what is going on there and makes sure those twins have adequate protection on the cruise. Kate! Wake up! Open your eyes. There are none so blind that those who will not see.
Sherry Baby said... 129
I'm waiting for Kate to sneak her shopping/grocery list in her next blog.
She can grift for freebees in poem form- like that bridal shower household item poem...
Why doesn't she just do the registry thing - like a wedding? She names an online store or stores, you go there to check out what's on her list, you pay for it, and the store sends it to her.
Right? Why the sky is the limit for grifting Katie Irene.
And her poor sheep will probably be happy to go into debt to win their sour queen's favor.
KAT said... 95
ex nurse@90...best post I read all day...sounds like you've seen this before...
Thanks, I have...up close and really personal!
She's a Cow: stop doing your daughters laundry, and have her do it. Take her to the machine, have her carry her own laundry, show her how to use it, stand there to make sure she does it right, and go through the whole cycle, right to the putting away. I was the same way, and my mother, told me that, she thought I was old enough to do my own laundry. After 3-4 times of doing my own, and realizing that, it was a lot of laundry, I started to put only the dirty things in and not everything. Then my mother explained to me about why you don't wash, clothes that are not dirty(tried on once, worn once etc), cause the fabric gets weak and wears out. Remember mom, all moms you are not a maid. And the person who folded the clean clothes back up, my mom did that to my brother, it half worked, though I don't think it made a dent, back then. Boys are a lot different than girls.
Ex Nurse said... 90
Nurse, well well well put!! This is exactly how I perceive Kate's thought process but could never have put it into words as well as you just did. By the way, is there really such a thing as an EX nurse? hehe.
2 of my daughter's got me a Kindle for Christmas and I am over the moon about it, as my UK friends say. Never thought I would love it this much. I love carrying 92 books around with me to the park, the doctor's office waiting room, etc. And I have now discovered the joys of author Alison Weir!
From the snippets I have read here of Katie's CC post, she continues to sound like the perpetual 13 year old that she is. The only teaching she has done with her children about money is to tell the repeatedly that their father only pays for one meal a day for them, and how much it pains her to have to have to pay for the 1/2 of one she slops out for them.
Gift of Gab: I think that whole Kenton Krieder is fake, someone is playing Kate. Just like that Gosselinbook. No, adult says to their adult child: that's my big girl? no one I know does that.
And kates memory of family lately, makes me wonder if she is planning to get back together, so she can mouch money off them. I can't see Kate ever having a loving relationship, with any of them, again. She wrote them off years ago. Unless Jon, I hope takes them to see, all the family.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 114
You're right 5 bucks a month. Oh well cry me a river. Go work out your horrible childhood with your father not on a blog.
Ahh, THERE is her next money making scheme and I think a great many of us on here know it. The tell all book, the media tour and the 'shocking disclosures!" parade cant be too far behind. That money she sucked out of her house must be depleting by now, she has to come up with something.
Watching DWTS- William & Cheryl danced BEAUTIFULLY!
Yes, they did! Katherine is beautiful and so graceful. Either they got new costume designers since Kate's appearance, or they really hated Kate and gave her the worst outfits ever.
Those who haven't seen it yet, watch Maks grit his teeth during the judge's comments. If looks could kill!!
Some tabloid has the news that octomom filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy and the auction of her home on Monday has been postponed until May.
I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you.... never saw this one coming...........
So what do we think, kart will file for bankruptcy in, say... 2014? Think she has enough money to last until then?
This just reinforces my belief that octo's kids should be placed, at least temporarily, so they can get some help and she can 'get back on her feet'. Yeah, like that will ever happen.
I don't know what it is, but octo just sets of clanging alarm bells in my head. kart is more subtle in her neglect and abuse than octo.
And yes, kart, I am comparing you to octo. Both of you are two poor excuses.
I have to keep reminding myself it's not my business. Ah well...........
Real Runners @RunningQuotes
Winners, imagine their #dreams 1st. They want it with all their heart & expect it to come true. There's no other way to live ~Joe Montana
Winners don't separate an adjoining subject/verb in a sentence with a comma.
I saw a story today about Nadya where she is singing the same refrain about her octuplets as Kate did: "I only wanted one more." I haven't ever paid much attention to her--was this always her story? She needed "just one more" after already having SIX?
I was just listening to the Tim Conway show on AM radio KFI, and he said he was in a restaurant in Burbank and he asked the waitress what's the biggest tip she got. She said Drew Carey. She said that he is a regular there and that every time he comes in he leaves 100 dollar bill as a tip. And that during the writer's strike awhile back he told the restaurant that if anyone could produce a writer's guild card he would pay for the meal. He amassed a $200,000 tab from that!
I also have a friend who worked for him at one point, don't want to give further details, but she said that he would take all of them along on vacations and pay for the whole thing and was the most generous man she ever met celeb or non-celeb. It's nice to here stories about celebs using their fame for good not grifting.
Someone mentioned the Little Couple and I think that's a great example of a couple of sound intelligent minds fully able to consent to a reality show and well aware of all the consequences good and bad. That kind of thing is far more acceptable than seeking out the mentally ill to exploit them.
To the person who said these shows aren't real, I don't buy that. What do you mean they are not real? They're all actors? I fully believe they are preying on real mentally ill people. Whether they ramp up the drama to make it more interesting, whatever, it's still preying on the mentally ill. And in a way that's WORSE if they are making it more dramatic than it is. It's cruel.
Actually now that is something that TLC might go for as a follow up special. Kate reconciles with the grandparents. They wouldn't have to show the kids it would just be Kate and I bet it would get decent ratings.
Of course it would be awful but I'm just saying even I can think of a variety of shows for Kate that she could get and make money on but she's so darn lazy she can't figure out how to get herself work.
Drew Carey owns the Seattle Sounders and my husband met him on a plane home and they talked during the flight. Said he was the nicest guy ever, told him to let him know if he wanted tickets or anything. (We'll pay for our own!) We saw him about 26 years ago when he was doing the standup circuit. Even then, he was just so nice after the show. Let's face it, you are either nice naturally, or you're not. You don't come by it - it is just part of who and what you are as a person.
. Even then, he was just so nice after the show. Let's face it, you are either nice naturally, or you're not. You don't come by it - it is just part of who and what you are as a person.
PJ that's the third verifiable story of Drew Carey.
We went to the Price is Right years ago and he had a broken foot and he looked like he was in pain and they kept bringing over a chair to sit down. He kept apologizing for not talking to the crowd much he just was feeling lousy. Really he shouldn't have been working on that at all but there he was out there trudging through, no complaints. He kept saying make sure you don't get my foot in the shot. He didn't want anyone to know he was hurt.
And yes you know I tend to agree with you. You are either a nice person and having money just exemplifies that, or you are a mean person and having money just exemplifies that. The only problem is money I think can make the mean very, very mean, far more than they ever could be done without money. Look at Kate.
That's exactly what the new family of sextuplets said about the Gosselins. They were nasty people from the beginning.
GN all! I'm almost at my magical #!! Can't wait for all the 8's!
Color me dense, what does this mean???
Ellen DeGeneres is another one who seems very nice and genuine. Her comedy is never at the expense of someone else. She's clean - and it's hard to be clean and funny. We went to a taping of her show a few years ago for my birthday, and they tape two shows on Thursdays so they don't tape on Friday. (That's why the audience laughs on Monday when she asks how their weekend was - it was actually Thursday when she asked.) Anyway, it's an hours-long process and we were at the second taping, which didn't wrap up until after 8, but she still came out and talked to the audience, was very gracious about everyone who came to see the show, wanted to know who came the furthest (Israel!), etc. I was impressed because this was after she had already done that once that day, but it was like her whole focus was on that audience and she was genuinely happy to see everyone. She does that every day! She's just cool. Plus, I love how she smacked Kate down without being mean about it and asked what the hell she was talking about, because she wasn't understanding 'the code' she was talking in. Kate's leg nearly junped off her body then, it had been boinging up and down, but that really got it dancing!
Kate can't wait until she has 88,888 followers because 8 is her favorite number. DUH! Just kidding. But that's really what she said.
That she'll have bought 88,888 followers? Paid her Pinkerton man £88,888? Spent all but 88 cents of the 15% legally put aside for the kids? Tweeted 88888 times? Grifted 88888 things? Insulted her sons 88888 times?
That new family of sextuplets said the Gosselins were nasty people from the beginning? Really!? Oh snap!
PJ another great story. I think comedians who are truly sincere about the craft are in it because they just love people and love making them laugh. What's a joke if no one laughs? So it stands to reason people like Drew and Ellen truly do love people and are interested in people.
She's almost at 88,888 followers.
Seriously, Admin, you need to ask? She's milliseconds from that magical 88,888 followers! The trumpets will sound, the confetti will fall, and the gift cards will come pouring in!
Wouldn't it have meant so much more if 75% of those hadn't been purchased?
Can't wait for all the 8's!
She can't wait until her follower reach the number 88,888. How immature she is.
Admin, the "8s" refers to her 88,888th Twitter member.
I think "magical number" is the fake Twitter followers.(88,888) Kate simply can't live in reality.
Maria and Derek were outstanding and deserved every bit of that score!
Can add a personal vouch for Drew Carey. I'm from the part of Ohio where he's from and am in a position to know some of the "behind the scenes" of goings-on, so to speak; he's done and continues to do many, many things for area organizations, businesses, and individuals - often blue collar and service workers just doing their jobs - in this region, requesting NO recognition. I know there are other celebs like that, but he happens to be one I know of personally and his reputation and kindness is well-known here.
Because of this, he is treated kindly and his privacy is protected by the locals when he is back here.
(Afraid I can't say the same for "King James" (LeBron), however, lol...)
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 131
Watching DWTS- William & Cheryl danced BEAUTIFULLY!
Yes! Just saw them now. William is so easy on the eyes. I love his smile and his little boy overbite. He's so cute. No wonder they call him the Cuban Brad Pitt. I think he's even better looking!
And I agree with the judges about Melissa and Maks. Their dance seemed kind of clumsy to me, but 10000000 Xs better than Kate could ever pull off.
The dream 8's refers to Kate's thrill at the possibility of 88,888 followers.
88,888 followers is the magical # that she tweeted about in the last couple of days.
Admin, you're not dense, Kreider is. She's gloating about her 88,888th follower on twitter.. coming as soon as she buys her next batch of followers.
Maybe she sends herself flowers and Desn and Deluca gift baskets, too. Pathetic.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 148
GN all! I'm almost at my magical #!! Can't wait for all the 8's!
Color me dense, what does this mean???
I'm not on twitter, but I think she's referring to her account hitting a number of "followers" involving a bunch of 8's. Funny, I would have guessed all 6's (3 to be exact).
Oh, 88,888. But that's only five 8's! What about the other three? The boys?
Barb In Nebraska said... 126
I didn't see Kate mention telling her children about saving any of their money either. It's all about buying things.
I thought the exact same thing after reading Kate's latest drivel on CC, Barb. Isn't one of the cardinal rules of financial responsiblity to "pay yourself first"? -- i.e., when you earn money, SAVE some of it. Instead Kate lectures them about *credit scores*??? WTF??
For Kate, financial success is all about acquiring "stuff." Funny how she failed to mention to the kids that she acquires most of her stuff via cheating, grifting, lying, and dipping into her children's hard-earned money. She's such a pathetic role model on so many levels. Thank God the kids still have one seemingly normal parent.
Did they say Jon and Kate were nasty from the beginning? Pretty much:
"Will you have a tv show, given the opportunity?
Heck no. I don't think being on tv was root cause to the demise of the Gosselin family (Jon and Kate 8) or the Masche family (Raising Sextuplets). I think being on tv exacerbated pre-existing problems."
Admin. The number 8 is important to Kate because that is the number of kids she has. I really don't understand your point.
Maggie there is no point lol. I'm just snarking. :)
Well, I'm going to bed now a much wiser person thanks to the Oracle Kate. I've learned something about sushi and credit cards. Not sure about the relationship between the two, perhaps tomorrow the financial guru will shed a little more light on the subject. Can't absorb it all at once anyway. So much to learn....so much to know....zz zzzzzz zzzz
BTW, those were really great stories about Drew Carey. I had no idea he was such a philanthropist. How nice of him and may his kindness return to him a thousandfold. Thanks for writing about him ladies.
Now here's how to use your twitter twat for good:
In October 2009, Carey made a bid of $25,000 in a charity auction for the @drew Twitter account. He later increased his offer to $100,000 if the number of followers of his account @DrewFromTV reached 100,000 by the end of the auction.[64] In an interview with CBS News, he announced that he would instead donate $1 million to the charity LIVESTRONG Foundation if his follower count reached one million by December 31, 2009.[65]
librarylady said... 160
Can add a personal vouch for Drew Carey. I'm from the part of Ohio where he's from and am in a position to know some of the "behind the scenes" of goings-on, so to speak; he's done and continues to do many, many things for area organizations, businesses, and individuals - often blue collar and service workers just doing their jobs - in this region, requesting NO recognition. I know there are other celebs like that, but he happens to be one I know of personally and his reputation and kindness is well-known here.
Because of this, he is treated kindly and his privacy is protected by the locals when he is back here.
(Afraid I can't say the same for "King James" (LeBron), however, lol...)
readerlady is correct, I am here too in the area. Drew has a great repuation around here. He does a great deal for this area of Ohio, behind the scenes and never wanting to call any attention to his giving or charity.
readerlady, I was at The Jake when LeBron wouldnt take that Yankees cap off his head. His demeanor was pretty astonishing, and that was well before he left town.
Whew I'm up late tonight. I love the little tangents this group takes I always learn something even if I don't chime in.
Drew Carey is just an all-American boy from Ohio, it's really great to hear how he didn't give up his roots. Yowser was he hot in his pic from the Marine Corp (he served six years!).
The only thing that would really excite me about having that kind of fame is all the good you could do with it. That is thrilling to me to have that power, it surprises me more celebs don't do what he does. To just lay a 100 dollar bill on the table and make your waitress's day. Wouldn't that feeling be the best? We can do the same in little ways but to be able to do it on that scale must be fantastic.
Forgot one other thing Tim Conway said. That someone at the restaurant was struggling to make ends meet because his son was very ill and Drew said forward the medical bills to me. Good grief, it's like that movie As Good as it Gets. A life well lived.
The following article synopsizes the CC blog about teaching her kids about finances:
The article included this quote:
"“One thing I don’t do is pay my kids a regular standing allowance,” she explains. “When my kids ask why, I explain that nobody pays me for ‘doing nothing’ and that in order to earn money, I work a job and in turn, the employer pays me a rate that we agree is fair.”"
Wow--this is one delusional bitch. There is so much wrong with this, its hard to know where to begin. The obvious place to start would be her assertion that nobody pays her for doing nothing. Enough said...right?
So, we can now add money to the list of basic needs, along with food, love and water, that Kate can withhold and control. Don't these kids deserve to be valued and loved unconditionally just for being? Everything they are given has to have strings attached? They have to earn everything? It isn't important for them to learn to contribute and participate in family meals and in their community, not for money, but because it feels good?
The only recipe book she is qualified to write is "How to Screw Up a Marriage and Children X8 in Just 10 Years".
Of course they need to be concerned with their credit scores--who do you think will be buying Mom's house after she declares bankruptcy?
These kids are living their lives as characters in a Dickens movie...and not in a good way. She will soon join the ranks of such legendary, infamous villains, as Cinderella's wicked stepmother, Snow White's Evil Queen, 101 Dalmations' Cruella De Vil and Ursula from The Little Mermaid. She is just so sick...
Is it just me that feel Kate does not deserve the "8" as her glory number...Kate had a set of twins=2, then a set of sextuplets=6 that took 2 pregnancys...Now Nadya (octomom) had 8 yes count em 8 kids with one pregnancy...SOOOO who reigns!!! I go with Nadya! Nadya can say I have 14 count em 14!! Kate you suck big time!
To pay 2 kids $6 dollars to make breakfast and lunch for their siblings is beyond stupid. I think that is a very expensive deal going on there. They should make meals for their siblings without pay. But why isn't Kate making lunch for them. That is the real question. We know Kate was at home because she wouldn't be paying the twins that money if the babysitter was in charge.
She is setting herself up for a huge mess that will last years and years. Eight kids are going to be bargaining daily with her for anything and everything. And many fights, hurts, and feelings of unfairness are going to be the result of Miss Kate's plan. She really is an stupid.
Dwindle 173 -- Librarylady gets the credit for those comments, not me. I agree with both of you,though. I'm South of you two, sounds like, but I've heard many stories of Drew Carey's kindness and charity. Lebron James sounds like an arrogant, selfish, immature brat. I'm not a pro basketball fan (BIG baseball and football fan, though -- GO REDS! WHO DEY BENGALS!!)but I've read the articles and heard the news reports about his behavior. Speaking of the area and Tim Conway -- he's from around there, too, IIRC. Chagrin Falls, isn't he?
Did I misunderstand something here (Haven't read KK's CC post and won't, unless it gets carried over here) -- the twins get $3 A DAY for doing certain chores? What the Holy Hell does an 11 year old need $20 a week for? It's not like they're buying their school lunches, and KK controls their comings and goings so strictly they don't have the opportunity to run to the corner store for candy, or the local ice cream place for a cone or a sundae. They don't buy their own clothing. So what does an 11 year old do with $20 a week?
I was also thinking that maybe Kate is making up the Kenton krieder. Cause all of a sudden kate is remembering she has a family. First mentioning Grand dad, now Dad, and this Kenton Krieder appears. Fishy! Very Fishy. To me, what makes it fishy is the small comments: that's my big girl?
Just like kate has to say after talking/twitting about food, Kate says Yum! I take that to mean to Kate as: it's good to eat Kate, so eat it. A mental convincing. Cause, most people don't say that, maybe kids, not adults, unless that are tryin the cute factor.
Has anyone notice, very few tweets lately? Some new PR told her to button it or was it a court order?
Seems Kate can not accomplish much of anything without "help"- Jon, TLC, nannies, babysitters, neighbors, etc...and she is now paying the twins for "help." Maybe she thinks they will be the next Olsen twins, who knows what is going on in her head, although it always has to do with fame, fortune, and grifting. Never mind getting a job.
Her CC blog just shows how out of touch with reality she is. Credit ratings- Really? She has always been over the top, doesn't have a clue, knows the twins will challenge her on her nonsense, as they are old enough to figure things out.
Her grifting has not stopped for a second, as this is what she does. I have 8, Count 'Em 8 kids. Seriously, with so many people far worse off than she is, does she ever consider anyone but herself? Rhetorical.
In short, her CC "tips" are ludicrous and shame on CC for putting up with all of her BS, including the TD and CA bitchfest and many others ridiculous blogs. And shame on any sponsor who takes on her BS.
2 comments this morning.
The attempt to rebrand herself is amusing. She starts to talk about how exhausted she is but quickly remembers that whining is now forbidden so adds that she was very productive so it's a happy tired.
Cincinnati's regional theatre is doing a production with second city players and they did a song about headlines in 2011. There was a bit about Kate getting cancelled because she was a b@$ch which brought much laughter and applause from the audience.
Yep, Kate sure has set herself up with that pay for work thing.
With our daughter, we explained that a basic level of pitching in is just what we do because we are part of a family. So we all have this basic level of chores. Not paid, the payment is getting to live in a nice clean house.
If she does jobs above and beyond that, then she earns a little bit of money. We think that's fair and it worked well for us.
At this rate, she's going to bark at one of the girls to bring her a drink and they're going to ask how much she's going to pay them. They might do that already.
Also, the 88,8888 followers wouldn't even be very impressive evening she hadn't purchased most of them. What does she get at 88,8888 followers on Twitter? A raise? Oh yeah, she doesn't have a job. Does she get a bonus? Silly me, she doesn't have a job!
Silly hag. Swirling the drain. Does she know it yet?
Administrator, 174...anyone who is generous in "small" ways would most likely be generous in "large" ways if resources allow. That glowingly good feeling of doing something for someone else -- especially anonymously -- is a grace-filled high.
When we are eating out and my hubby sees a serviceman in uniform, he will often have their waitress give him their bill. Last time this happened we were in Cracker Barrel. Several tables over mom and dad were both dressed for National Guard duty. They settled 3 cute little chicks down order and eat. We observed a sweet family interact respectfully and kindly.
At Cracker Barrel you pay a cashier on your way out of the country store. That day the store manager was behind the cash register. Hubby explained that he wanted to pick up the check for the family table and offered a bill probably larger than their total amount. Hubby suggested that they use the leftover amount to buy something in the attached store. The manager commented that he had never had anyone pay for a stranger's table before and that he had never thought of doing such a thing.
But, as we were leaving he "promised" that he would be passing on the kindness to the next serviceman.
It feels so GOOD to do something unexpectedly kind that it might just be a selfish act!
Hey we shouldn't complain about the money Kart gives the twins. We have been saying for years that they should be getting paid.
Now the TV show...that was playing, so no money there. BUT helping with breakfast...that is tough work and worth $3.
Ok, so the GosselinBook twitter is now a little creepy! And he has now involved the tabloids. I wonder what this is about, I think it really is someone just playing and not anything. If I were Kate, though, I would be nervous and would totally have my "security" guy on it. She, of course, will just keep a low profile, I think, until whatever it is and then will come out fighting. It is interesting that she has not responded to them yet. Usually she is right on top of these things to say "Don't believe rumors, you don't know me, bla bla bla".
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
...just heard I hit 88,888 followers at 1:08am! How cool is that? Just like I tell my 8 kids..'I love you all..as if you were my only 1'! XO
18m Lily @LilyatIW
@Kateplusmy8 Lol, @sesamestreet Shud have u on to do No. 8. w/Super Grover or Cookie Monster #Canyoutellmehowtoget?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@LilyatIW at 1 time @sesamestreet @pbs was on the schedule...I dream of doing it...counting my kids would b SO much fun! Such a great show!
STOP living in the past, Katie. Wonder why you never got on Sesame Street if it was "on your schedule."
I'm in Ohio too - I grew up in Mansfield and now I live just south of you, Readerlady. I remember my husband going to watch Lebron play when he was in high school.
PJ - you crack me up! Easy Squeezy - the comfortable mammogram. I'll never forget, when I was in college I worked with a lady who told me a mammogram feels like they "shut your t** in a car door!" Gulp!
M and C don't just get $3 a day, it's per extra chore- she said they can earn 'as much as they want' This is apart from the Chore Chart duties. Massage maybe? Babysitting? Their school maybe has a little store or they could buy forbidden treats and Cara is said to be saving...regular 11 yr olds would find plenty of use for $ ( not necessarily a good thing) with their friends- lip gloss,movies, snacks, accessories, candy, school supplies... but Kate said SHE dole out breakfast so idk what the girls did for the $3 chore....
Her addiction to Twitter is due to hawking products either to grift or make money, but PRIMARILY it's because her twitties are always stroking her ego (perfect for a narcissist). I expect she'll be twittering for a very, very long time.
I agree the Kenton and Gosselinbook tweets are fake. I seriously doubt there has been any reconciliation with her parents. Her stoll down memory lane in the CC blog is probably nothing more than filling up her post and anticipation of any negative information coming out of Jon's book.
Wow. So now she'd like to have her and the kids guest on Sesame Street. This woman is psycho!
Of course those two accounts are fake. But both of them have a brazen, suck-it-Kreider vibe that makes them fun to watch. If they happen to be saying truthful things, which none of us has any way of knowing, so much the better. She's totally ignored both of them, and I doubt if she plans to engage. She has no idea what might be said next, and I think that unnerves her.
I wouldn't be surprised she pays the twins to STFU to their friends, or their father, about what really goes on in the McMansion.
I have to say that even though the kids attend school, it is so bizarre the way they are treated like a herd. If they lived in a regular neighborhood, friends would be in and out all the time. I really think it has nothing to do with security, but more along the lines of control of what gets out. She may just go over the edge if she can't control the kids much longer.
LilyaIW said: LilyatIW @Kateplusmy8 Lol, @sesamestreet Shud have u on to do No. 8. w/Super Grover or Cookie Monster
Kate replied: @LilyatIW at 1 time @sesamestreet @pbs was on the schedule...I dream of doing it...counting my kids would b SO much fun! Such a great show!
Another dream of Kate's is now to be on Sesame Street and it was on the schedule? What "schedule" is that Kate? The "dream" schedule where you wish it and it happens? Just WTF! Kate, it might have been cute when the kids were all little, but now, not so much. All of them are past the Sesame Street target age of 3 to 4. Maybe they love Sesame Street and watch it just as often as they watch the Roma Downey Little Angle videos that are also targeted at preschoolers. Kate, they're not cute little toddlers any more, the average looking kids now.
OT, turned on my Kindle this morning to download the new Jen Lancaster book and was pleasantly surprised to see the new Monk book (Mr. Monk on Patrol) download as well. I guess I pre-ordered and forgot about it. Love that Kindle!
Kate allegedly gave Jon $5 a week allowance back in the day, do the twins are hitting pay dirt.
Also, regarding the Perkins family: standing O for, so far, not following Jon and Kate's example. At least we haven't seen the news conference with a bloated, badly made up mother soaking up all the media attention she can before her kids are even out of the ICU. Pssst: learn from the Gosselins and do exactly the opposite. I wish them well
What I find it odd about this camp speech thing Kate is doing on friday is, that the advertise says: Honoring women of the Ozarks. Since when, Kate lives in the Ozarks? I would have thought, that Michelle Duggar would have been a better pick, since she lives more in the area. someone, there must be a big fan of hers.
90 - re: Alison Weir, jut finished her book about Eleanor of Aquitane. I puzzle the last book Kate has read, aside from her own.
Malaprop 187, you're actually probably closer to me than you think :). I grew up and lived more north for much of my life but live in Amish country area now. However, spouse still works up north!
It always amazes me how the Kates and LeBrons are so fortunate but only so into themselves (locals know more about LeBron than anyone would care to know), and then a Drew Carey who does SO much under the radar for the "regular" people. What a difference ... and why?
Hey we shouldn't complain about the money Kart gives the twins. We have been saying for years that they should be getting paid.
I haven't been saying they should be getting paid, I've been saying their money should be kept in trust for when they are old enough to handle it. Dumping money on them now what will they do with it? Go out and blow it on expensive kindles. They don't have the first clue how to manage money they're just young kids, which is why adults made little laws to set up trusts for them. What they DO deserve is a lifestyle as nice as Kate's. However nice she wants to make her own lifestyle, the children's lifestyle needs to correspond.
I don't like the manipulative way she pays them but on the other hand, I don't believe for one second someone as smart as Mady would be willing to do the work first before negotiating the pay. Yeah right.
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