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Lauren Perkins, in one of the few pregnancy photos the family has released. (Graphics added) |
America's newest parents of sextuplets so far seem to be doing everything right.
The Texas couple, who tried over a year and a half to get pregnant and were told by their doctor that the odds of having sextuplets was only 1%, requested privacy at this time, and said on their web site (which only has a handful of comments in their guest book from well wishers): "The family is not taking interviews at this time" and would only release further photos with permission. The family also mentioned the Gosselins in an FAQ on their web site:
"Will you have a tv show, given the opportunity?
Heck no. I don't think being on tv was root cause to the demise of the Gosselin family (Jon and Kate 8) or the Masche family (Raising Sextuplets). I think being on tv exacerbated pre-existing problems."
It's stories like this that make us wonder how many families may have been subtly influenced by America's obsession with "freak shows" and the consequences on their subjects, one of the most famous examples being, of course, the Gosselin eight. Is this the good that will come out of the Gosselin tragedy? Here's wishing Lauren, David, and Babies A through F (the parents have not, and we hope never will, released their names) all the best and that they trust their instincts and keep their family private.
"If you had sextuplets, you would do what Kate did too" thankfully doesn't seem to ring true for this young couple, not yet anyway. God speed.
1146 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1146 of 1146 Newer› Newest»To pay 2 kids $6 dollars to make breakfast and lunch for their siblings is beyond stupid. I think that is a very expensive deal going on there. They should make meals for their siblings without pay.
I have to disagree with this. No, Mady and Cara should not be expected to make meals for their siblings without pay. That is Kate's job. She's a stay at home mom, it's not like she is struggling working three jobs and everyone needs to help out. Kate needs to get out of bed off her lazy butt and take care of her own dang children, not make two 11-year-olds with their own lives and responsibilities at school do it. Parentification at its finest, and it's not right. If you don't like making breakfast for your kids and want to pawn it off on an 11 year old, don't have children in the first place.
Part 1
Kate’s Financial Lessons for the Gosselin Kids
One of my most rewarding and entertaining parenting experiences so far has been teaching my kids about making smart financial decisions.
As a kid, I would watch my dad spread his bills all over the dining room table. He methodically paid each one and instead of just watching, sometimes I even got to help by playing “mailman” and affixing the return address labels and stamps, then stacking them neatly. He often discussed how important it was to always pay your bills first to help keep your credit score perfect.
He also gave us a $5 per month allowance. No, I’m not that old, our allowance was low even for that day and age. (Sorry, Dad, it’s true!) He created a punch card using an index card for each of my brother and sisters and I. On the first of the month, we would get our cards punched and get paid. We did a lot (!!!) of chores and work around our house and property including feeding and caring for our small farm and helping to cut and stack A LOT of fire wood. We also had assigned rows of our two very large gardens that we had to keep weed-free! Our allowance was given in honor of our work contribution around the house.
These lessons made a big impression on me. I followed through in my adult life and feel that this is the key to financial freedom and success. I teach these important lessons on to my children but I have added and changed a few things.
I am instilling in them the importance of paying their bills first and I also talk about credit scores with them. I discuss buying things on sale and the reasons that I shop at discount grocery stores and why I use coupons.
I’ve already discussed an ATM card, checking accounts and how a check works, explaining that an ATM machine is NOT free money and that even though a check is a piece of paper, it is a promise that the money will come from your bank account, and so on.
And just today after I started writing this blog, the conversation on the way home from the bus stop was how a credit card works. The kids wanted to know how I paid for our sushi that we had just picked up, so we all discussed a credit card transaction at length.
I also want to add that another reason why she keeps the kids living in that isolated house is to control her image. All you hear about is what SHE blogs and twitters and pictures are posted with smiling kids. To her fans, everything is wonderful in Kate World.
Well, I raised two children and it was challenging at times and I don't have psyhological issues. I cannot imagine raising eight, six the same age, without a husband for support (Steve doesn't count) with her issues and not going off the deep end. She is mean and we witnessed it time and time again on the show. And the cameras didn't even phase her. Yep, I feel very bad for those kids. So, again, I would not be surprised that the kids are bribed, either by toys or money, to do what she says, when she says it, and keep their mouths shut.
Part 2
One thing I don’t do is pay my kids a regular standing allowance. When my kids ask why, I explain that nobody pays me for “doing nothing” and that in order to make money, I work a job and in turn, the employer pays me a rate that both agree is fair. I explain that I am willing to pay a rate per job that we agree on and because of it, our home has become like a mini society.
This plan gives my kids the opportunity to make as much or as little money as they wish. It also helps me to cross things off my list (beyond the chore chart, which are chores I expect to be completed by the kids) that need to get done. As an example, Mady, Cara and I had this conversation the other day:
Me: “Girls, thank you for helping with breakfast and lunch today. I said I’d pay you. How much do you think it’s worth?”
Mady: “Well, I’m guessing since we both helped, you will pay us less because you have to pay two people.”
Me: “No, thats not necessarily true, because you both did a big job, but keep in mind, the total has to be fair to me and to you.”
Cara: “Um…” (thinking)
[whisper, whisper, giggle between them]
Mady: “We say $4 each.”
Me: “Wow, that’s $8 for me…that’s a lot…” [thinking with many jobs each day, this rate could quickly send me to the poor house!] “I was thinking $2 each. Can we settle on $3 each?”
Both: “Yes!”
This is an example of how we negotiate in our home. I feel there are SO many valuable life lessons to be learned by this method of operating. Essentially, this is preparing my kids to negotiate work, be hard workers, to learn the value of money, to think before they spend and to spend wisely, knowing how hard they worked to earn that money!
I especially enjoy the focus of a child who is saving for something. Currently, Cara is saving for a Kindle Fire. Because she has a goal, she asks for paying jobs often and we both win because a lot of work gets done around here. Eventually, her hard work will pay off when she has enough money to buy what she wants. She deserves it for for working so hard!
Teaching our kids solid financial principles is the first step in helping them succeed when they get out into the “real” world. I encourage all parents to follow suit and start teaching their children the value of a dollar at a very young age!
Part 2
One thing I don’t do is pay my kids a regular standing allowance. When my kids ask why, I explain that nobody pays me for “doing nothing” and that in order to make money, I work a job and in turn, the employer pays me a rate that both agree is fair. I explain that I am willing to pay a rate per job that we agree on and because of it, our home has become like a mini society.
This plan gives my kids the opportunity to make as much or as little money as they wish. It also helps me to cross things off my list (beyond the chore chart, which are chores I expect to be completed by the kids) that need to get done. As an example, Mady, Cara and I had this conversation the other day:
Me: “Girls, thank you for helping with breakfast and lunch today. I said I’d pay you. How much do you think it’s worth?”
Mady: “Well, I’m guessing since we both helped, you will pay us less because you have to pay two people.”
Me: “No, thats not necessarily true, because you both did a big job, but keep in mind, the total has to be fair to me and to you.”
Cara: “Um…” (thinking)
[whisper, whisper, giggle between them]
Mady: “We say $4 each.”
Me: “Wow, that’s $8 for me…that’s a lot…” [thinking with many jobs each day, this rate could quickly send me to the poor house!] “I was thinking $2 each. Can we settle on $3 each?”
Both: “Yes!”
This is an example of how we negotiate in our home. I feel there are SO many valuable life lessons to be learned by this method of operating. Essentially, this is preparing my kids to negotiate work, be hard workers, to learn the value of money, to think before they spend and to spend wisely, knowing how hard they worked to earn that money!
I especially enjoy the focus of a child who is saving for something. Currently, Cara is saving for a Kindle Fire. Because she has a goal, she asks for paying jobs often and we both win because a lot of work gets done around here. Eventually, her hard work will pay off when she has enough money to buy what she wants. She deserves it for for working so hard!
Teaching our kids solid financial principles is the first step in helping them succeed when they get out into the “real” world. I encourage all parents to follow suit and start teaching their children the value of a dollar at a very young age!
Whoa, she really did say she talks to them about credit scores? I thought people were joking!
Good heavens 11 year olds and 8 years olds burdened with the stress of building good credit. Why, so they can put Kate up in an even bigger mansion once they start working real jobs? It's important to teach money skills but to a POINT! Just let kids be kids, money troubles can wait but childhood won't.
Also here's a thought, Kate, don't borrow money for things you can't afford and you won't need to give two hoots about your credit score.
Why should any of us be surprised she is paying the twins to take care of the tups? And, surprise surprise, the twins probably serve meals just like mom, with potion control.
Kate treats her kids like a herd. She does not see them as individuals. The twins must be invoking their independence. That is why Kate talks about them more. As for the tups; Kate still treats them like a 6-pak, set, team, 1 girl 2 clones, 1 boy 2 clones, not as individuals. Do we ever hear Kate say anything about the boys in any sports? Activity, anything other than, this one said this or years ago they did that. Do any of the tups do anything idividually? Without a sister or brother with? Kate has the idoit thinking of: they were born together, they will do things together, marry same time, and die together. Kate they are individuals, not clones, set, team, 6-pak. Kate said it herself in a slip, when one boy was sick, and another became sick, she called the doc to get medicine for that kid and the doc said no, not without seeing the other kid. Kate could not understand that the boys or tups are individuals. There are lots of stuff soon to be 8 year olds, can be in. Kate is just too lazy to put any of them in. Kate will not bother to do endless driving to any activity, unless all the tups are in the same thing or it's a school activity. Very sad for the tups. I've never bought that crap the kids like to hang with each other all the time or they like the same stuff either.
How involved exactly are these meals they are preparing? Are they using the oven? They are still KIDS, very young to be doing that and also responsible for the welfare of six active kids at the same time. Something is going to happen.
This would be touching if she had a good excuse like she's working her fingers to the bone at the graveyard shift at McDonalds and the whole family pitches in. But she.... doesn't.....work!
Mady: “Well, I’m guessing since we both helped, you will pay us less because you have to pay two people.”
Mady sure is on to Kate isn't she? She knows whatever excuse Kate can think of to stiff her she'll find it.
No, Mady and Cara should not be expected to make meals for their siblings without pay.
Given the fact that Kate has no job, the twins shouldn't be expected to make meals for their siblings. Period. Help, maybe, depending on the circumstances. Make the meals. No.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 166
Oh, 88,888. But that's only five 8's! What about the other three? The boys?
With about six die-hard tweeties and maybe a dozen drive-by fans who pop in and are never heard from again, doesn't Kate wonder what the other 88,870 followers are doing, and why they aren't jumping on Twitter to gush over her?
Dmasy, that's a sweet story. I was in a military town taking my surrogate mother to lunch and there were 4 service members sitting nearby. I asked my server if I could pay their bill and she checked on it and said it had already been taken care of and everyone else was asking too. That made my day, knowing that so many people were thinking the same thing about these young people serving our country!
My husband is the nicest, most generous person. He makes a lot of money and gives most of it away. We were in a mid-range restaurant for lunch and the server was frazzled. He asked if she was OK and she said that someone had lifted her folder the night before with all her tips in it. He asked how much it was and she said about $200. She said she was upset but what can you do. When she brought the check, he put two hundred bills in there (sticking out) and she stopped cold and just looked with wide eyes. Then she covered her face with her hands and burst into tears. Her coworker came over and asked what was wrong and she pointed and she started crying too. Then I did. Then he did. It was a beautiful moment and hopefully it renewed her faith in mankind.
I am so proud of him. He truly does put others before himself, constantly. As I said yesterday, you either have that in you or you don't. As Admin said, if you don't have money and get it, you get worse with your nastiness. If you do have it and get money, you get better (or more generous). So very true.
@Kateplusmy8 yes! I love your logo. Some people get their kids' names tattooed on them but, well...I don't think you have enough room! LOL
Oh, I don't know about that. I'd say that there's room for eight of them on just one boob alone, with room left over for PB's name.
To all the Ohioans here (is that the correct term?) Have you heard much about the Hanselman sextuplets? I still find it fascinating that they were born 3 months before the Gosselins were and in the next state.
She has plenty of room for more tatoos on her cankles.
Did they even have credit "scores" when Kate was a child? Credit RATINGS, yes, but I thought scoring was a fairly new method.
And Kate, you have gotten paid for doing nothing for a LONG time.
PJ Momma, I like your husband more and more all the time!
and the reasons that I shop at discount grocery stores and why I use coupons.
Question: Since when did Whole Foods become a discount grocery store? Or Target? Or Giant?
Out here in California, Smart n Final, Grocery Outlet and The Dollar Store are what I consider discount grocery stores. I guess in PA it's Sharp Shopper and there's one in Ephrata, PA, which is probably a 20 minute drive for her.
Interesting websites on the topic: http://www.tiphero.com/tips_320_another-way-to-save-on-food-discount-grocery-stores.html
Tamara: http://www.partyofninebook.com/index.html
Isn't it funny Kate DID NOT mention charity and giving back to the community and saving for fture goals/needs at all? The whole post was about money, money, money! Wow, she must really really really love money that much. Ack. Does that mean she expect a paycheck for charity work, also? After all she doesn't work for 'nothing'. Meaning she will not waive her fee and will demand services in return for her time. That is such a turn-off. That is probably why not many charity groups are asking for her time. Because of her ridicilous demands. Why isn't she teaching the children that it's also important to help others for the goodness out of their heart without asking for a paycheck in return. I think that must be so confusing to the children. They will be trained to think 'no, we will not do A, B or C without negotating something first!'. She is going to raise greedy children. *sign*.
Ok, so I gave in and looked at the picture of the stir fry everyone was taking about and I read her pathetic recipe and found out that Kate believes she is "famous" for throwing ingredients together for dinner. UGH! Does she try to make every single picture of food she posts look like BARF? Seriously, it all looks like disgusting slop. We know she reads here. Hey Kate, your food looks like regurgitated slop! Can't you see that? Or, you just don't care.
Did Kate mention anything in her CC blog about the having to refinance her house to pay for her car payments, insurance, registration, tanning, NYC hair appointments...
"Do we ever hear Kate say anything about the boys in any sports?"
Well... why, yes, Anger Issues. They shovel chicken manure. Daily.
ugh, Kate posted her 'Asain" stir fry up for Menu Tuesday....she is famous for such creations, apparently. She and Cara came up with this idea. She made sure to mention you must add the 'veges' in order of needed 'booking' time...lol.This may have tasted ok, but is hardly fame- worthy...oh, and she does not use measuring tools, who would have guessed...
Isn't it funny that Khate pays these kids with their own money??? Now that is what I call stretching a dollar. I wonder how many times they have to earn it?
Did you see that Jessica Simpson had a baby - a GIRL - and named it Maxwell Drew? Who uses their ex's name in their baby's BOY name? Too much bottle blonde for her and Kate, methinks.
Sister Wives is back on May 13th.
Admin would you mind if I discuss it on here occasionally? The previews show the family is falling apart at the seams. I fear for what footage will be shown of the kids dealing with the fallout of their mother's depression with their new situation. They all feel as if Kody has checked out from them and only attends to Robin. Looks like TLC will be focusing on the pain of another previously happy family falling apart at the seams. This show has ruined them. The took on another wife 1st season after 15 years of it being only the 3 wives. The had to leave the state due to the tv show exposing their lives. And now the kids are struggling to survive in Sin City after living a peaceful Mormon life all these years.
Way to go TLC and Kody Brown. The almighty dollar wins again.
Just a reminder: Mormons aren't into plural marriage anymore.
The little girls all now have bobs. Hwo will kate now know which child she is dealing with by "touching their head?" Didnt she used to say the various hair lengths helped her know which child was which. Good for Hannah for finally getting the cut she wanted.
And PJ Momma..bless you husband. I am the same way. I find so much joy in sharing and making other people;s day. If had more money I swear I would end up giving half. There are so many people in need and nothing feeels better than helping others. It's another reason kate shocks me. After all the help she has been given it's amazing how little (none) she gives back from her own pocket. And showing your face on a red carpet is not "giving back." I'd like to see her bring one of her free washer/dryer to a poor family. I would have watched her show if she gave the freebies to others, saying we are already blessed. Let's go surprise someone in need with this gift. To me that would have been rating gold. Advertises would love it becasue it would have shown them in a great light instead of landing them on a boycott list..and the show would have continued for years.
CAn you imagine if a family struggling with cancer got a knock on their door offering a free vacation to Disney? IF a poor family was given a cow and a large freezer to store the meat in? If the foster care housing was given crooked houses, video games, books and toys? I could go on and on.
I looked at the recipe and have to say, I would not mix sauces, cause they do have a way of canceling each other out and have a strange taste. Fish sauce with soy sauce, I wouldn't. Brown sugar, in Asian cooking they use regular sugar, and salt, & soy sauce mostly. If you use Teriakyi Sauce, don't use sugar or salt or soy sauce, same with other stir fry sauce. I took a class in Oriental Cooking(yes, this is what the class was called back 2 decades ago.
EM: I have watched Sister Wives a few times...I was interested since reading Carolyn Jessop's two books(Escape and Triumph) based on her experiences in the FLDS as a sister wife, and the child bride scandals, raids etc. I did not care for this program, but am not surprised the family is falling apart.
I highly recommend these books, btw.Carolyn is a real 'mother' having escaped polygamy with her 8 kids, one of whom was handicapped & several had been abused.One daughter went back to the cult.
i fianlly looked at the Easter pics. Where is the frozen candy. Its ALL Easter candy. I mean..Im thrilled for the kids. But why lie on CC and say you used frozen discount candy. Does kate literally lie about EVERYTHING no matter how insignificant?
And this liar thinks she deserves more media work? Im sick of her. No one wants to be fed lies.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 26
Just a reminder: Mormons aren't into plural marriage anymore.
Fundamentalist Mormons are.
The Mormon church only reluctantly repudiated plural marriage because it was impossible for Utah to get statehood otherwise.
EM, God bless you too. I volunteer a LOT and most places have a strict 'do not give money and try not to converse outside these walls' policy (for the protection of the volunteers), but even treating someone with kindness or tenderness can make a difference in their lives (as well as donating to the organization). I see it week after week. They remember that kindness and the reminder that they are worthy of respect or love and they stand a little straighter. It's just so beautiful to be part of.
There is so much to be had from giving, not taking. SO MUCH JOY! Kate is not only missing out on that joy, but she is depriving her kids of the wonderful opportunity to serve - and that is something the Bible is pretty clear on.
Another comment. What DOLE out proportions of cereal. Does everything have to be a chore? Surely kids know where bowls are. Set cereal, milk and bananas on a table and let them serve themselves. ITS CEREAL. The easiest breakfast their is. Must you really pour 8 bowls, slice 4 bananas and pour milk? I've been making my own cereal since I was 4 probably. Sliced my bananas with my spoon. kate is really ridiculous. Seriously. Aren't the tups almost 8? They cant serve, pour, slice and put bowl in dishwasher. kate is mental to make an ordeal out of the easiest things.
Of course Kate needs to warn the kids about credit scores. Once she's out of cash and can't pay her bills, she's going to have a hard time getting any credit at all.
"She made sure to mention you must add the 'veges' in order of needed 'booking' time...lol"
I saw that and had to laugh. So the veges are their own booking agents now, huh? Didn't someone upthread mention that you just don't throw everything together into a pan -- it needs to be done according to how long it takes each ingredient to get done? I guess she read that here and decided to make sure she included that in her recipe.
"She has plenty of room for more tatoos on her cankles."
Not so much anymore. Last time I saw her, they had dwindled considerably. I don't know where they went...they just went.
"Out here in California, Smart n Final, Grocery Outlet and The Dollar Store are what I consider discount grocery stores. I guess in PA it's Sharp Shopper and there's one in Ephrata, PA, which is probably a 20 minute drive for her.
It's about a half hour for her, but it's right on the way to school, Ephrata exit off Route 272. We also have an Amelias Discount Outlet in Lancaster, about 10 minutes from school, and there's one about 20 minutes north of her house.
Doesn't milo ever think that she makes Kate look BAD for not posting this info on her own web site or on Twitter?
@Kateplusmy8 Wonderful cause U get 2support Kate! http://t.co/cOXDMmUI(preview) . Glad U are gettin this opportunity coming this wkend I think?
Maybe I am getting soft in my old age, but I'm feeling a little sorry for her. Ths Sesame thing would have probably be really fun for the kids, unlike working for hours in the hot sun for a stupid cover photo shoot.
It must really suck to have been so close to that brass (Kate's would be golden, right?), that she could see her reflection--only to have it snatched away. there was a story around DWTS that she thought we would be featured in a Cover Girl commercial. Too bad that she can't be satisfied with her moment in the sun and the millions she raked in already. There is not enough money in the world that would make me switch lives with her.
I love stir fry. That looked weird. And Im sooo sure the kids said "Did you write this down mommy?" She's a liar gunning for a cooking show.
Wake me when she makes something that looks good. I love how Barefoot Contessa can make even roasted chicken and veggies look mouthwatering.
Yes, milo, Kate ALWAYS enjoys her time away from the children, WITH STEVE. Jeepers, home for a WHOLE MONTH without a break? However does she bear it?
@Kateplusmy8 Its been since ur birthday trip 2Vegas since U had a lil travelin time...I know Ur lookin 4ward 2this trip...wrk can be fun! :)
Dee said... 31
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 26
Just a reminder: Mormons aren't into plural marriage anymore.
Fundamentalist Mormons are.
The Mormon church only reluctantly repudiated plural marriage because it was impossible for Utah to get statehood otherwise.
May 1, 2012 10:18 AM
Yes, I'm well aware of that.
Although I don't practice the religion I have ancestors on both sides who practiced polygamy even going to jail if need be.
That was then. This is now.
Polygamists are not "Living a peaceful Mormon life."
Can you tell she's "auditioning" for her Food Network spot?
"Hmm what’s for dinner? I am famous for combining “a little of this and that” that I just happen to have….and then incidentally I end up “inventing” something new and yummy! My kids often say, “did you write this one down, mommy?” because I am also famous for creating something new and delish and then forgetting to record it so I can do it again!"
Like she has ever invented anything in a kitchen. And like she really "forgets" to record her recipes when this is a major part of her web site AND she has often stated that she is writing a cookbook. Yeah, that would make a lot of sense.
BTW, the list of the ingredients for her "sauce" reads like a who's who of Asian ingredients. She just opened up the cupboard and threw it all in the pan. Disgusting.
Gift of grab said... 191
Of course those two accounts are fake. But both of them have a brazen, suck-it-Kreider vibe that makes them fun to watch. If they happen to be saying truthful things, which none of us has any way of knowing, so much the better. She's totally ignored both of them, and I doubt if she plans to engage. She has no idea what might be said next, and I think that unnerves her.
it's one thing to sit at the back of the room and shoot spitballs at Kate (credit: Jon Stewart, The Daily Show). It is another thing to insert yourself into the story in an attempt to humiliate and harass someone. If this is one of the haterz that lives on Twitter, or anyone else not directly working with Kate, I hope this intimidation and harassment is reported to the FBI.
It is possible that the countdown website is part of Jon's legitimate book promotion and someone else is using it as a hoax. if so, that is just sick and I would be terrified .Of course, I would immediately shut down twitter, but, hey...that's not going to happen.
A Mouse Today said: I saw that and had to laugh. So the veges are their own booking agents now, huh? Didn't someone upthread mention that you just don't throw everything together into a pan -- it needs to be done according to how long it takes each ingredient to get done? I guess she read that here and decided to make sure she included that in her recipe.
Yep. It was clear to me she didn't do that in the stir fry we saw. It still looked raw to me.
No sauce, no soy, nothing looking the least bit wilted. Even the crispest stir fry looks like it's seen heat. Not Kate's - at least not in that picture.
So, does this mean she disassembled everything and then cooked them in proper order? I don't think so. She was going to cook it all at once.
Not a cook's best idea.
From the Annie Chun's website:
Serving Size 2oz. Servings per container 4.
Kate only cooked 3/4 of a package and served 9 people.
PJ's momma 24 -- Jessica's ex is Nick. Drew was her BIL. However, the article in US Magazine says the Drew comes from her mother's maiden name. It's a nice name, FOR A BOY! I pity a little girl named Maxwell Drew, but it's better than Moxie Crimefighter, LOL.
Love how she clarified you have to 'sliver' the cabbage. You sliver almonds. How do you sliver cabbage?
Tamara 12, you don't hear a thing about the Hanselman sextuplets. They go to local public school, the family just does their thing like a regular family. In local media occasionally just to support the hospital here that delivered them, but that's it.
There is a set of quintuplets right where I live as well, total of 7 kids in the family (one is a teen), dad a firefigher - again, they just go along and work and daily lives. Nice.
Ex Nurse, while I do subscribe to the philosophy that two wrongs don't make a right, I think Kate's constant belittling of Jon and continued blatant use of her children as the platform for her future career warrant as many stones as people would like to throw at her. It's only intimidation and/or harrassment if she chooses to take it that way. Right now, it's just random comments that haven't been threatening in any way at all, more like needling. If anything, maybe her father would have a case for someone using his photo, but that doesn't seem to happen on Twitter, as people use Kate's photos as their avatars all the time.
Kate has had no qualms about using lies and intimidation to get her way, she shouldn't be surprised when the same tactics are used against her.
Menu Monday!!!! (on Tuesday..Are you complaining?;)
May 1, 2012
Kate’s Yummy Chicken Stir Fry
Hmm what’s for dinner? I am famous for combining “a little of this and that” that I just happen to have….and then incidentally I end up “inventing” something new and yummy! My kids often say, “did you write this one down, mommy?” because I am also famous for creating something new and delish and then forgetting to record it so I can do it again!
Here’s what Cara and I came up with on Sunday…
Combine the following in your wok or deep sauté pan for the sauce:
Toasted sesame oil
Soy sauce
Minced garlic
Fish sauce
Rice wine vinegar
Brown sugar
Pinch of ginger (I forgot to add this but will next time to give it a deeper flavor)
***I don’t use measuring tools so I just splashed some of all of the above into the wok and sautéed garlic for a few minutes!***
Meanwhile, I followed the directions on the box of Annie Chun’s maifun rice noodles, soaking 3/4 of the box in hot water, as instructed.
Next I chopped the following fresh organic veges that I happened to have on hand. (You can use all, some or substitute other veges):
Carrots – I had carrot chips on hand. Looked beautiful!
Sugar snap peas
Red onion
Bok Choy
Cabbage- finely “slivered”
I began to add the veges to sauce in order listed above to accommodate vege booking times, tossing constantly on high heat! Next I added some cooked chicken breast from last night’s dinner….
Once veges were just cooked, and still mostly crunchy, I drained the Mai fun noodles well, added them and tossed and then I sprinkled toasted sesame seeds on top!
This was a ridiculously delicious creation! Remember, creativity in the kitchen gives way to new recipes… Make substitutions as your ingredients on hand vary.. And then call it your own! Yum!
The only person Kate listens to is Steve so I have to wonder if he had anything to do with her twittering less? Or...that she was spending time with him?
May 10 is the tups' b-day. Expect pap pictures and mad twittering to commence. Hard to believe they are so big now (although Kate would keep them toddlers if she could)...lack of food, no growth. Sick.
We have what we call "clean out the refrigerator" meals. Soup, omelets, casseroles, and stir fry....bits and pieces of veggies and left over meats. Usually taste great! They are not photo worthy. They are not creative. And, we are not famous for them. (Who doesn't do this??)
Oh yeah, and we don't write them down.
Guess the chickens quit laying...no mention of EGGS, lol.
Poor kids...I've yet to see a recipe she's posted that looks remotely enticing or edible.
I make stirfry at least once a week. It's easy squeezy.* I don't know why the heck she puts her noodles IN the stir fry. Put the noodles on a platter and dump the stir fried VEGGIES over them. Delicous if you make a little extra sauce for the noodles to soak up. Mixing those noodles into the stir fry makes it hard to dish up onto your plate. And grated ginger root is so much better than powdered. That stuff just makes everything taste like breakfast sausages.
Kate, go back to clucking like a chicken. It's the only thing you do well.
*thank PJ's hubby, I love it!
readerlady........hahahaha!!!! With all these celebrity marriages, I got my wires crossed. Thanks for clearing that up. Didn't her sister name her kid Bronx?
earth child said... 196
90 - re: Alison Weir, jut finished her book about Eleanor of Aquitane. I puzzle the last book Kate has read, aside from her own.
ME TOO! Just started on her Katherine Swynford bio last night. I have read just about all of her non-fictions now; The Princes In The Tower is very good too!! They are still waiting for Queen Elizabeth II to give consent for DNA testing on the bones that were found, but it is unlikely apparently that she will give it.
Small world, earth child!!!!
readerlady, librarylady, and Mrs. Malaprop; Northern Summit county here, right near the bridge that I guess was supposed to go BOOM! Grew up mostly in SE Cuy county. GO TRIBE! And yes, Tim Conway, real name Tom, is from Chagrin Falls.
PJ's Momma: You've got a real keeper there. What a nice thing to do for your waitress.
Dee: Whether LDS gave up polygamy reluctantly or threw a party, they did give it up. And the vast, vast majority of Mormons aren't fundamentalist, just like the majority of Evangelical Christians aren't members of Westboro Church.
TLC stinks said... 50
The only person Kate listens to is Steve so I have to wonder if he had anything to do with her twittering less? Or...that she was spending time with him?
May 10 is the tups' b-day. Expect pap pictures and mad twittering to commence.
She usually manages to be out of town for their actual birthday and mother's day, coz you know... it's all about Kate having more MEEEE time. Being home for their birthday would mean that for one evening SHE would not be the center of attention.
Ex Nurse said... 37
Maybe I am getting soft in my old age, but I'm feeling a little sorry for her. Ths Sesame thing would have probably be really fun for the kids, unlike working for hours in the hot sun for a stupid cover photo shoot.
I doubt it. Filming using puppets is pretty grueling. It's hard work, under hot lights, and Kate would be there, drinking all the water.
Re the mentions above about Kate twatting about the older girls so much more:
One, perhaps she is carving out private time for them which would be good.
Two, it's more likely that those 2 girls are the closest thing Katie has to friends. Kate is emotionally frozen at about 13/14 years old, so the twins are just the right age to be her BFFs right now. There is likely no one else in her life, other than a man or two that she pays to be there. No girl friends since no one will take her shit anymore once they themselves get past the teenage stage, maturity-wise.
Sad and sick to think of Kate manipulating her daughters into being her only girlfriends.
I guess, Kates thinking of what Asian cooking is, is to put anything that is Asian into a wok/skillit and cook it, hoping it turns out ok. Kate it is not the same as putting ketchup on fries, hamburgers etc. Or making stew. Asian cooking uses sauce sparingly, they don't drown the stir fry with it, or mix sauces either. They also cook rice and noodles separate, cause it will burn on the bottom of the wok/pan/skillit. Your suppose to put the stir fry over the noodles/rice. Well, what do you expect from a person, who does not know the difference bewtween a omlet and scamble eggs. And she wants a place on the Food network! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
@ sillimom 16 --- thanks for posting those links.!!
Admin, thank you again for allowing all the OT conversation, I personally appreciate it. I know most of us on here do.
PJ's momma -- Yeah, Bronx Mowgli. Moxie Crimefighter is Penn Gilette's daughter. IMO, that's worthy of a child abuse charge! Can you imagine going through life with that handle? Yikes! At least when Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple, she gave her a nice, normal middle name (Margaret, or maybe Martha?), so the kid can opt to use her middle name if she wants to.
PJ's Momma: I agree- so very generous and thoughtful. That woman probably really felt the loss of those precious dollars and your husband changed her luck and gave her faith in humanity again. :)
Dee: The FLDS still practice polygamy...this Wiki article is very interesting yet shocking. I really recommend those books I mentioned upthread..
Dwindle -- I live in Marion Co. now, but grew up down on the River, in Scioto Co. Also lived in Cincinnati for a long time.
Weir's Eleanor book is very good, but, IMO, the best is "Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings" by Amy Kelly. And for the Norah Lofts fan (sorry, I forget which commenter that is), her book, "Eleanor the Queen" is also very good. I did my senior thesis on Eleanor. She was an amazing woman, way ahead of her time.
KK's "stir fry" recipe doesn't sound very good. I agree that putting the noodles in the skillet with the veggies doesn't work very well, and that sauce just sounds disgusting. I could have sworn I saw celery in that skillet but she doesn't mention it in her recipe. Maybe it was bok choy stems. And "slivered" cabbage? Haha! I just have this mental picture of her trying to do that. Last I heard, cabbage was chopped, or even sliced, but never slivered!
Readerlady....I am the Norah Lofts fan. Life long. I love the way she uses words and fate to develop her characters. I don't even mind that there is seldom a "happy" ending!
I have been through all the Philippa Gregory books. Now, due to the recommendations here, I am starting the Alison Weir books. I thank all the readers who have come out to contribute.
readerlady, some other dude (Brandon Lee?) named his kid Inspektor Pilot! There are more, those are some doozies though. I see a lot of kid names on forms and I'd give some examples of how people creatively spell their kids' names, but maybe someone here does the same thing. OK, I can't resist just one: Madysyn.
lol, if you ever happened to be unfortunate enough to watch Toddlers and Tiaras before running from the room in disgust, the names of the children on there are amazingly weird! I watched it maybe twice, ugh. Starlytte, Sparkal and...(c and p'd)
Other standout names from Season 4 of Toddlers & Tiaras include:
Madellie (sister of MaKenzie)
...and these
I bet no trips for the tups' b-day since TLC is not footing the bill :)
And don't forget Mother's Day is fast approaching too. My, my, how those kids will shower their mother with love and gifts. Blah! Since she is the beastiest, er, best mom in the whole, wide world!
Dmasy -- You'll love Weir. I think I mentioned Jean Plaidy before. She's very good. Another is Elizabeth Chadwick. For American historical novelists -- Allan W. Eckert was excellent. An older writer -- mostly out of print but available in libraries and used book stores and websites -- F. VanWyk Mason. My favorite of his books is "Eagle in the Sky", which follows the stories of 3 young doctors at the time of the American Revolution.
PJ's momma -- I think that's Jason Lee who named his son Pilot Inspektor. And there's always David Duchovny and his wife, who named their son Kyd. And of course, the people who don't think about the combination of names. I have a distant cousin named Rose. Nice, normal name, right? Unfortunately, the family name is Bush!
I have two relatives named Queen Foote, and Lowry Lowry.(married name!)
Aggiemom thanks (?) for posting Kate's "yummy" chicken stir fry.
A couple of things, sesame oil is a very strong flavor and can overpower a dish very easily. If she's using sesame oil instead of peanut oil she really should measure. When stir frying wouldn't one put the oil in first and alone so that you could actually stir FRY the vegetables? By adding all the other ingredants to the mix you wouldn't be able to get a very good fry going it would be more of a stir steam and/or boil.
This sentence of Kate's was very telling: "This was a ridiculously delicious creation! Remember, creativity in the kitchen gives way to new recipes… Make substitutions as your ingredients on hand vary.. And then call it your own! Yum!"
Translated to mean, get a recipe off the internet or back of a box, add some things out of order or throw something in that doesn't belong or leave something out (like measuring) and say you've invented it.
Kate, you have been chopped!
I grew up with Ronald McDonald and Robin Hood.
Nice kids. My own name always got a comment from a new teacher.
I knew a kid named Justin Time. I don't know if he was though.
I had a friend named Patty Hose..I always wondered why she didn't go by Trish or Patricia ;(
Parents have to think carefully over names !
I also have a friend who spells her son's name in a 'unique' way then gets annoyed when people misspell it...like Aaden, lol.
So this comment Kate made was on a fan site:
"With eight kids, I can’t think of any aspects that aren’t challenging! It’s very unnerving to know that I am the major breadwinner for a family of nine and one dog. If I had to list some of the most challenging aspects, it would be saving for college, which is still a few years away."
Interesting considering what she made with TLC. So where is the tuition money?
NJGal51 said... 72
NJGal51..I think it was you that recommended Laurie Notaro?
I am almost done with one of her books...omg, HILARIOUS
I received in the mail today "Broke USA, by Gary Rivlin. Anyone read it? front cover says..."From pawnshops to poverty, inc...how the working poor became big business'.
Looks interesting.
"This was a ridiculously delicious creation! Remember, creativity in the kitchen gives way to new recipes… Make substitutions as your ingredients on hand vary.. And then call it your own! Yum!"
Yeah. Uh huh. Now she's an expert on cooking, too. What the hell?
I remember in the early days of J&K+8, she said she liked to play 'cooking show' with the twins. That was four years ago and she still can't throw a dish together that doesn't look a dog's breakfast. Maybe narcissism isn't so bad after all. You just think you're great at everything. How terrible can that be?
Kate Gosselin will be the featured speaker at an event called Tapas and TopHats on Friday – May 4, 2012 at 7 p.m. This event will be held at Remington’s Entertainment Complex in Springfield, MO. This signature event honors Remarkable Mothers of the Ozarks. Women who have contributed significantly to the fabric of family through their role as a mother or through empowering other mothers to become successful investors in their families and community.
This event will benefit Camp Barnabas. Camp Barnabas offers acceptance and love to more than 1,300 campers with special needs and chronic diseases – and their siblings – in locations across the United States. Tickets are $75 per person for open seating. You may purchase a table of 12 for $1,000 with includes 5 tickets per guest for a chance to win a diamond pendant in the special game – Minute to Win a Deal or No Deal of Fortune.
Last year this event raised more than $32,000 for Camp Barnabas. If you are unable to attend this event but wish to contribute to this wonderful cause that benefits so many special needs children, you can make a donation here.
I can guarantee you she is not doing this for free. And PB will be there too!
It can be just as bad to have a very common name. My given name was very popular the year I was born. There were 5 of us in my first grade class, and 3 of us had the same last initial. We sat one behind the other in class, because the teacher seated alphabetically. Very confusing. Fortunately, I've gone by a nickname most of my life, except for legal papers, etc. Much easier and a bit less common (although there are at least 2 commenters here with the same name/nickname, LOL).
Jason Lee (My name is earl?) named his boy Pilot Inspektor. (ugh)
Great stories about people helping other people. My daughter was in McD's once with her 2 kids. A man got done eating and came over and said she had a couple of the nicest behaved kids. (or something like that) He then laid a $100 bill on her table and left. I bawled when she told me. She doesn't look destitute but it came in handy!!
It is one of my biggest dreams if I won the lottery. I want to do that sort of thing/Secret Santa.
I always thought that the reason the Gosselins were so popular was that they had really nice names. Only Aaden's was a little odd, and that was more of a non-traditional spelling (usually Aedan or Aidan--the Aa's are usually reserved for Aaron). Other sextuplet shows I think were not as popular because the names weren't as good.
The Latino sextuplet family, who had a very short-lived show, gave their kids some difficult names. They weren't regular Spanish names, like Juan or Maria, but one girl Gen-Gezreal or something like that. It was a name I've never heard of. Interestingly, that was one of the fakest reality shows I'd ever seen. You were supposed to believe that strangers knocked on the door to watch the babies, that the parents spoke English to each other all day (I doubt it very much, as they had thick accents and didn't seem comfortable with that language), that they were very poor but had expensive gym memberships. Well, maybe TLC paid for it, but you never thought you were seeing their regular life.
Actually, let me correct my earlier comment. Five of the six of the Carpio sextuplets had regular names, mostly beginning with the letter J. In fact, there was a Joel--the most common name for multiples, I think. Jezreel was the only unusual name.
They were a nice family, much nicer than the Gosselins, but the show seemed very staged. I hope they're doing well.
You can give the same kindness without the cash. Compliment a mom whose small child is having a public meltdown, just that one little positive minute will help immeasurably.
I went to school with Bob Evans, whose nickname, of course, was "Sausage". He didn't like it but never couldn't escape it.
Add in acquaintances Silver Ann Gold and also Brownen White.
I must have lived in a weird area, lol.
Tamara- I agree 100%. A compliment or even being polite/considerate go along way in this world.
Aggiemom - Glad you're enjoying Laurie Notaro.
I knew a girl named Summer Knight. I always thought that was kind of cool.
Tamara, I do things like that too.
I knew a kid named Justin Time. I don't know if he was though.
There was a kid in my grade school named Iva Heiney. I always wondered what happened to her, and if she changed her name.
"This was a ridiculously delicious creation! Remember, creativity in the kitchen gives way to new recipes… Make substitutions as your ingredients on hand vary.. And then call it your own! Yum!"
She's got to be kidding.
That know-it-all really thinks her sheeple are that stupid.
I just got caught up on the latest posts after a long day at my mediocre job. I, too, enjoy malapropisms so I thought I would share two of my favorites.
My friend's mother once said that her husband has a short "extension span" (attention span) and instead of saying someone is hyper she says he/she is "hypertension."
I would love to get this lady in the same room as Mrs. Malaprop's(?) husband. It would be fun to just listen to their conversation ;)
Shocked, it's actually MY husband who says those crazy things all the time! I used to have them written down but lost it all. But he provides new fodder almost daily (easy squeezy, it's not brain salad surgery, as useless as tits on a cow (ummmmm), I'm not at your beck and whim, etc). It's pretty fun!
Yours are fun too!
Big Phillipa Gregory fan here. Thanks for the other recommendations. I'll try Alison Weir and Amy Kelly.
I have nothing to say about that silly Gosselin woman that hasn't been said already, but I continue to lurk and enjoy all the comments.
I'm famous for. You know, I think Kate just puts that out there a little too often. Such as, I am famous or I am known for, XYZ. Give a rest. I think she's trying to take too many things on for "being famous." Get over yourself already.
For someone who is so organized you'd think she would have a weeks worth of meals already written out and basic ingredients in her pantry to save herself the trouble of standing there and thinking, "Uh...oh yeah, what's for dinner?"
In a way it's almost embarrassing I think. Organized you clearly are not if you even forget for write down a recipe everyone likes or can't remember what you put in it.
And last I saw she wasn't exactly patient with teaching her kids to cook which I think takes all the fun out of it.
I mean I happen to be good as seasoning things but I'd never claim to be famous for doing it, if it's something you think you're good at that's fine but don't expect everything you tough or do to turn to gold just because you used to be on television. Yawn.
Tamara 12 - I don't know a thing about the Hanselman family. Do they live in the Columbus area? You mean someone can have HOMs and live a normal life out of the public eye? Who knew! :)
Crazy weather where I am today. Hope everyone in the midwest area is safe.
Hard rain, sunshine, rainbow, hail (large and small), more hard rain and now a tornado watch. We are home safe.
My Kindle is locked and loaded just in case our TV has signal loss and I miss the Biggest Loser finale.
Dwindle -
Do you get a lot of "lake effect" snow up there in Summit county? (Except for this year, that is!) My kids had zero snow days and only 1 fog delay this year, and they are bummed! We're in Union county but lived in Ashland county before we moved here. We'll honk at you this summer on our way to taking our daughter to camp at Beulah Beach.
Kate is an idiot and well... her latest "invention" is no different. Oy.
I was wondering if there were any Sci-Fi fans here? Even if it is not your genre, I'd recommend Orson Scott Card. Ender's Game blew me away. It won't everyone, but he sure can weave a story. There many books in the series now. Excellent series, though the 3rd & 4th books in it are a bit slow. The rest are dynamic and easy to get into. Pastwatch was another favorite, as was Enchantment.
I was cleaning out bookmarks over the weekend and came across this one - a blog written by Jodi's sister back when the pro and anti-Gosselin blogs were in full force. And it crossed my mind that she might be writing the book we're hearing about on Twitter. It's just a random thought, nothing more. No rumors, please! She was very vocal at one time and some of the blog posts have been removed. I find it odd when someone who's passionate about a subject, quiets suddenly. And I seem to remember that Jodi's sister was stalked and did take a lot of flak from the sheeple.
I wonder how thrilled she is that her fan decided to help her promote her upcoming event that she clearly had no intention of mentioning. Pretty sad when you fans have to promote your charity work.
By comparison Arsenio cried when he won money for his charity.
Ms M they are from Akron, or nearby. The mom wrote a monthly article about the family life for the Akron Beacon Journal, and then published the articles in two books. Her writing is witty and reminds me of the old Erma Bombeck books my grandmother had. They have sextuplets, born February 26, not even three months before the Gosselin six. Three girls: Isabella, Sophia, Lucy, and three boys: Logan, Alex and Kyle who has autisim and wears glasses. Plus a son, Connor, who is two years older than the tups.
In a weird way they have been turned into a control group to compare to the Gosselin experiment in my mind. :)
It's been awhile but in one of the threads there were pictures of the boys and I commented that I couldn't put my finger on what bothered me about their pictures. For some reason it suddenly occurred to me that they look listless, thin and listless. I feel so bad for the Gosselin children and especially for the boys.
Kate never mentions them having any activities after school and I can't imagine them having enough energy to, for example, run up and down a soccer field. I really hope I'm wrong but she very obviously favor the girls. I feel sorry for them all, except for Kate.
Mrs Malaprop, the Hanselmans live in Cuyahoga Falls (Akron).
Sometimes on their birthday, there is a little blurb in the paper or on tv, that's about it. I think the sextuplets are in 2nd grade now. Mom works from home (or did) and also wrote a little column in the local paper, dad is a chemist, I believe. They actually work for a living, lol.
Two of the sextuplets are autistic and the family has handled that beautifully and is very open about it. Kate could take a lesson. She often seems to have no real clue about how fortunate she really is.
Oops, sorry, Tamara, I didn't see that you answered Mrs M already! Didn't mean to plagiarize, lol.
Mrs. Malaprop said... 97
We do indeed get lake effect here! I am at the Northern most tip of the county. Not this winter though, there wasnt much snow to go around! Thank heavens! I will listen for your car horn as you pass by!! (:
Tess -- I like scifi/fantasy. I've read "Ender's Game" and a few other books by him. My favorite writers in that genre are Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey, Joel Rosenberg, Ru Emerson, Christopher Stasheff, R. A. Salvatore and Jack Chalker. I also read lots of mysteries, especially cozies.
Mysteries! love them1 Masterpiece Theatre has produced some good ones, such as Pd James...
Being an avid reader myself, I appreciate all of the book recommendations on this thread. Although I am not a big fiction reader, my coworkers were all talking about a series they were reading by Janet Evanovich: the Stephanie Plum books. I borrowed them from one of my friends at work and read them all. I found myself laughing out loud while reading them; some of them were hysterical! For a light, enjoyable read, they're great.
As far as Kate, there's nothing I can add that hasn't already been said. She really is a piece of work, isn't she?
Ooops! Hit publish too soon. Jane 99 -- Julie, Aunt Jodi's sister, used to comment occasionally on GWOP, but not for some time. IIRC, she dropped the blog and removed some posts because they were causing problems for Jodi and Kevin. I think they're still available in the GWOP archives, though. It's also possible that Preesi has them. I rarely go to that site because I find it hard to navigate and because I'm bothered by the language there.
Interesting that she reached back into 4 hours' worth of tweets, found & deigned this one worthy of a response. FYI the tweeter's profile says s/he's in 9th grade.
@XXXXXXXX lol. That was3yrs ago.. I have our house.. Just me and the kids now. They visit their dad every other weekend&when he asks.. 2 mins ago - Twitterrific
XXXXXX @Kateplusmy8 Ive always wondered. Where do u go when its Jon's turn? 4 hours ago from web
PJ's Momma,
Oops! Sorry about that. I just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed your posts about your husband very much. Keep them coming!
This isn't exactly a malapropism...more mal-appropriate. Our family has always saved the phrase for re-use.
There used to be a very loud ice cream parlor restaurant in Indianapolis called Farrells. Big celebrations. Loud music. Ringing of a triangle for birthdays and when someone ate the huge portion of ice cream.
One afternoon, my young and somewhat introverted son, just had enough of the crowd. Quite seriously he asked if we could leave NOW because he had sensory desperation.
Another thing about Kate that annoys me is her 'baby talk' like her 'yummy' and 'delish' meals, or her 'favoritist' people...ugh. She thinks it's cute but it sure isn't.
TLC Stinks: Laughable isn't it: Kate does not even live in the Ozarks, so how can she be a Remarkable Woman of the Ozarks? What they could not get Michelle Duggar? She lives near there.
Sensory desperation! That is a fantastic phrase, Dmasy, and I know just what he is describing. It actually makes a huge amount of sense, even though it's technically a malaprop. I have often had exactly that reaction in raucous enclosed places.
Kate was complaining about getting $20 a month allowance when she was growing up. If that was not enough money for a teen how does she explain the $5 a week she gave Jon? That adds up to $20 a month too.
Gift of Grab...feel free to take the phrase for use in your family. It comes in quite handy! (Especially when you place the palms of your hands on each side of your head.)
Just wanted to say "hi" to my fellow Ohioans here! I'm in Lorain County. Never heard of the Hanselman family, though.
Dmasy -- There used to be a Farrell's in Columbus, too. Loved their ice cream, but the din was unbearable. Your son hit it right on the nose!
Here's a something to think about: Kates Chicken Stir fry is almost the same as Paula Deen's recipe on the internet. I looked up Chicken Stir fry, and Paulas has just about the same stuff in it except the fish sauce. Something called Hosin sauce, in Paula, and it has in it soy sauce, brown sugar & ginger and a few other stuff. Only original thing Kate put in it was the fish sauce. Like I said before, if it's Asian Kate will put it in the wok, even if it tastes icky, cause Kate does not eat it. Remember Kate does not eat the same food the kids do.
Did you all catch the: I used organic veggies, but it's ok to use other veggies. Kate do you know how stupid that made you sound?
Kate should read this little bit of useful info from Food Blog Alliance before she goes ahead with her 'yummy' cookbook:
"Mere listings of ingredients as in recipes, formulas, compounds, or prescriptions are not subject to copyright protection. However, when a recipe or formula is accompanied by substantial literary expression in the form of an explanation or directions, or when there is a combination of recipes, as in a cookbook, there may be a basis for copyright protection."
Above is the exact phrasing of the law from the website of the US Copyright office. Part one is pretty specific, saying that a list of ingredients is "not subject to copyright protection." However the second sentence, regarding the rest of the stew, they toss in the modifiers "may", leaving the question open to discussion. And sometimes, litigation.
(Note: Nothing in this post is intended to be construed as legal advice. If you have a situation involving plagiarism, or you have legal questions, seek professional counsel. The ideas expressed here are merely an interpretation and an opinion.)
Reader Lady, Farrells used to have a promotion -- if you could eat this huge concoction of ice cream, you wore a medallion around your neck while they banged a drum and announced your name. I have tried and tried to remember what that ice cream overload was called. Do you remember?
Once a Viewer, Thank you! I thought that I was the only one annoyed by the overuse of those words you mention in #113.
"Just wanted to say "hi" to my fellow Ohioans here! I'm in Lorain County. Never heard of the Hanselman family, though. "
Another Buckeye here...from Huron County.
Oh wowsers, for all the disgusting bullying and 'outing' that CJWhodunit does on twitter, someone returned the favor and now she's crying foul and reporting to police and such? That's rich. She claims to be such a Christian woman - you reap what you sow, lady, just like your idol Kate!
@Kateplusmy8 @JeanneKaye LOL...Ok Jeanne..now I have 2try this...U see me Kate? Wavin 2Kate! :) One of ur earliest followers...still here!
Getting a bit desperate, Milo? Ever stop to think that you're no use to Kate since you haven't shelled out big bucks for the cruise? Why not go on the cruise -- you can wave to her while she and the sheeple are on their morning runs on Kate's private deck!
Dmasy~Were you thinking of the Pig Trough or the Zoo? Good news: Farrell's Ice Cream Parlors are coming back. I think they've got several stores in SoCal now, maybe even Hawaii. Hope they head your way really soon.
So Kate's Asain? This poor fool can't spell, can't write a recipe, has no idea of basic cooking techniques, has a dreadful speaking voice and terrible speech habits, along with a thoroughly unpleasant personality.
No one needs a recipe for the slop she's turning out. That's a good thing, I guess, since what Kate's writing sure doesn't qualify as recipes.
And she thinks she could be a cooking show personality? Or write a cookbook?
She's out of her mind. Not that we didn't know.
There's no reason to worry about this new fantasy of hers, though. She's never going to succeed at anything, largely because she has no clue how to educate herself, and zero work ethic, so she'll never change.
But she'll always be a legend in her own mind. Whoops, I mean, famous for being a legend. In her own mind.
Dmasy -- No, sorry, I don't remember. Only thing I remember was my favorite sundae there, the black and white sundae -- vanilla ice cream with hot fudge and chocolate ice cream with marshmallow sauce.
Oh, and Milo? Kate doesn't care about you. Never has, never will. Get a grip, it couldn't be more obvious if it were on a billboard.
And on another topic, maybe the gosselinbook is called "From Nobu to the Ozarks". Catchy title.
Don't get me wrong. The Ozarks are fine. They're just not worthy of Kate.
Improbable Dream...thank you so much. Pig Trough! That's it. They had great ice cream as I recall.
An earlier post said the Women of the Ozarks event raised $32,000 last year. Does anyone else think this sounds like a really small affair? I work with a couple of local charities that regularly raise $75,000 or so at their fundraisers with maybe 35-40 tables of 8 people each plus some corporate sponsors. Either they are paying some huge speaking fees or this is a really small event.
The slowdown in flattery must be getting to her. She's done almost nothing today on Twitter besides RT the most nauseating ones:
@Kateplusmy8 I just hate how people attack you. I saw u on @drdrew and its obvious you've been thru a lot and u r a strong empowered mom!!💗
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
PatK said... 118
Just wanted to say "hi" to my fellow Ohioans here! I'm in Lorain County. Never heard of the Hanselman family, though.
Winsomeone said... 124
Another Buckeye here...from Huron County.
WOW! Quite the Buckeye Bunch from Northern and Central Ohio, arent we!? (((waving!)))
Ya know, we should have a picnic. A big party! I will sign photos of myself and sell yellow sticky notes with a Bible verse scribbled on it with lots of exclamation points!!!! I have an old Betty Crocker Cookbook I could rip the cover off of, slap sticky notes on the front and call myself an author!! You all could line up to buy it!!!!! We could meet in a park, (certainly not at MY house!) and price of admission would be 2 gift cards - one for me and one for my purse carrier, er I mean my husband.
Now one of you good Buckeyes, you get this all arranged will ya? and hire me a limo to tote my ass to the picnic? I will be over here watching my toenail polish dry; and that's EXHAUSTING!
Oh Admin, you can come too; Just twitter me your bank account numbers...
Carezee said... 116
Kate was complaining about getting $20 a month allowance when she was growing up. If that was not enough money for a teen how does she explain the $5 a week she gave Jon? That adds up to $20 a month too.
That is why she did it that way. It isnt Jon she is so deeply angry with, and it never was. But Jon was/is her whipping post. And the further out of her life she gets, the more she will probably turn additional rage and anger towards her sons as they grow to young men.
I have always said she is enraged with someone and it pre-dates her marriage. Everything she does is to show that 'someone' that SHE can do the controlling and the hurting now. She has arrived. She is in charge now and that will never change.
Just my opinion of course.
Well dang it anywho...Kate stated on her twtr that #88888 came in at 1;08 am...many dispute the time because of the 8...she's right on...saw it with me own 2 eyes!
Dwindle -- I think you are spot on in your analysis of KK's behavior. So many of her traits are typical of someone who has been abused, or perceives herself as having been abused. Some turn that into a perpetual victim outlook and some turn that into an angry, controlling "abuse before I am abused" mentality. I know some people who come from the same area as KK, and they've told me that her father has the reputation for being very autocratic and controlling and that he has lots of issues with food/purity/perfection and that her mother is very submissive. In many ways, KK sought to replicate her parents' marriage in reverse. What's scary is wondering how many of her kids will duplicate this behavior.
Dwindle, what readerlady said.
My mother was a controller like Kate. When my eldest sister was still an infant, she was a handful who was resistant to just about everything Mom tried to do - such as put a sweater on her to go outside on a chilly day.
She would yank her arm back and wiggle her arm out of the sleeve until Mom was almost in tears
with frustration.
One day she broke down and cried "my father bossed me, my husband bosses me, his sister bosses me and now my own baby is bossing me.
This will STOP! And with that, she never again bowed to anyone's desires but her own. She was never wrong, she was always the one whose opinion counted twice. She became stubborn and
almost unreasonable at times.
Funny how it can affect some people and not others, but feeling like she had no power in her own home set this new independence for her.
New post.
Kate was complaining about getting $20 a month allowance when she was growing up.
I don't read her garbage, but I thought someone here said that it was $5.00 PER MONTH.
Gift of grab said... 48
Ex Nurse, while I do subscribe to the philosophy that two wrongs don't make a right, I think Kate's constant belittling of Jon and continued blatant use of her children as the platform for her future career warrant as many stones as people would like to throw at her. It's only intimidation and/or harrassment if she chooses to take it that way. Right now, it's just random comments that haven't been threatening in any way at all, more like needling. If anything, maybe her father would have a case for someone using his photo, but that doesn't seem to happen on Twitter, as people use Kate's photos as their avatars all the time.
Kate has had no qualms about using lies and intimidation to get her way, she shouldn't be surprised when the same tactics are used against her.
Gift of grab--
Well, I agree with you that two wrongs don't make a right, but I don't follow the reversal of logic to get to where it is justified. And I don't understand how intimidation and harassment is a matter of perception. It is pretty clear that whoever is behind the 2 twitter accounts is purposefully trying to frighten Kate by exposing some dark secret unless she changes her behavior. Sure sounds like intimidation and harassment-- and bordering on blackmail. Who knows--maybe it is the FBI that is advising her to stop talking about the tups.
If it is a practical joke, it certainly doesn't further the cause of getting her out of the limelight and it raises concerns for the well-being of her children. And it doesn't say much about the mental health of the perpetrator if this is a hoax. Who knows--it might be one of her fans--the creepiest scenario yet.
People can judge for themselves if this is amusing or justified.--Here are all of the tweets from the kentonkreider and gosselinbook twitter accounts:
KentonKreider @Kateplusmy8 What a coincidence that you mention me for the first time ever, just a few days after I reach out to you. Thats my big girl.
1 day ago
KentonKreider @Kateplusmy8 You're on the right track Kate. Keep it up and this will go away. Give your kids whats left of their childhoods. We're watching
3 days ago
KentonKreider @Kateplusmy8 Where are you tonight my beautiful angel? We miss you so much. Please let us see our grandchildren Katie. Please? Daddy loves U
4 days ago
KentonKreider @Kateplusmy8 It would appear that the chickens will be coming home to roost in 58 days Katie dear, according to gosselinbook.com.
8 days ago
KentonKreider @Kateplusmy8 Hello sweetheart. Did u remember to keep Christ in Christmas like i asked? Can't wait to hear about it at gosselinbook.com
8 days ago
These are the twitter messages from gosselinbook:
GosselinBook I know what you did @Kateplusmy8, and in 51 days so will the world. @radar_online, @usweekly, @DiscoveryComm
about 15 hours ago
GosselinBook @Kateplusmy8 "Good Moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens and HAPPY KIDS!"
1 day ago
GosselinBook @Kateplusmy8 Everyone should have Julie on their side. She is incredibly insightful and a savvy strategist. I couldn't agree more. Veritas!!
2 days ago
GosselinBook @Kateplusmy8 Kate, we'll give $1,000 to the charity of your choice if you'll post some pictures of You stuffing all the plastic Easter eggs.
3 days ago
GosselinBook @Kateplusmy8 “You know, love is the best discipline of all.” – Kate Gosselin 1 of my favs!
5 days ago
GosselinBook @Kateplusmy8 Hi Julie Carson May! Can't wait 4 u to read about ur greatest creation! You must be so proud of yourself! gosselinbook.com
5 days ago
GosselinBook @Kateplusmy8 56 more days Kate!! It's not too late to change your ways. Follow us for updates!
5 days ago
Pat K - my goodness! Another Ohioan? Hi there!
Shocked - yes, it's PJ's hubby who is keeping us so well entertained. My husband uses malapropisms too, but I can never remember his! LOL
Dmasy - sensory desperation - that's too cute!
I've never heard of Farrell's. Have you ever had Graeter's ice cream? It is SO good!
Also there's jumping in yoga? Not in my class.
I think the great fitness queen was talking about all the jumping in the plyometric (or pylometric in Kate-spell) workout in P90X. P90X includes yoga, cardio, weight-training, core work and Kenpo karate in its program.
It sickens me to think I have something in common with Her Royal Nastiness, but I have also done my fair share of grumbling and cursing at Tony Horton during workouts. However, I highly doubt that Kate spent 2 hours doing plyometrics, as she claimed in her tweet. The plyo workout lasts 58:36, and that includes the warm up and cool down. The Yoga X workout is the longest in the program and that lasts about 92 minutes.
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