Thursday, April 12, 2012

TLC hires convicted criminal for reality show

The network strikes out again as they team up with a scammer

Apparently TLC is still not all that interested in background checks-shmackground checks. Their newest reality show Mama's Boys of the Bronx looks like harmlesss enough drivel about Italian men who still live with their mothers (Sbadiglio! Us Italian Sicilian-Americans just call this normal), however some discerning San Diegans and fans of 10 News out there recognized a familiar Mama's Boy as none other than Anthony Zoccolillo, a con artist the 10 News under cover reporters helped to put behind bars four years ago. Oops!

Zoccolillo was videotaped by the 10 News I-Team in 2007 as he entered a vacant house in Pacific Beach that he was trying to rent out. When he realized he was on camera, he took off running, refusing to answer the producer's questions. He was later arrested and charged with conspiracy and grand theft. He was sentenced to two years in prison.

An anonymous viewer who called in the sighting had this to say: "He bilks people out of money and now he gets a reality show? That's just not right."

Hey, shocked and appalled anonymous viewer, this is not the first con artist TLC has worked with. We could give you an earful about what is just not right about this learning exploitation channel.

1132 sediments (sic) from readers:

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silimom said... 1

Not a surprise in the least.

As for Kate's twitter, I checked it around 8:00 and I was able to see her tweets just fine.

I think it's time to move on from the whole "Child Support/Custody Hearing"? speculations. If something happened, it's between Jon and Kate. Thanks for the new post, Admin.

AuntieAnn said... 2

Nice goin' TLC.

Good thing Ted Bundy isn't around anymore. He'd get his own little show too. ~ Administrator said... 3

This really makes me wonder, what was this Northeasterner who allegedly lives with his mother doing all the way out in San Diego? It makes you wonder if this is the type of sophisticated criminal who is hopping form city to city running their scams.

The best thing you can do as a scam artist is move from city to city-fresh faces, less chance of people catching on. The snake oil salesmen themselves were doing this back in the day.

AuntieAnn said... 4

It's hard to say how this guy operates. Or any scam artist for that matter.

My question is - does his mother know? or is she in on his game.

I can't believe TLC still doesn't care who they hire especially after the Blankmanship thing. ~ Administrator said... 5

At least the guy isn't working with kids but if there is any evidence TLC doesn't care one bit about who is working for them as long as they make them money it's this.

I don't believe they do background checks on anyone, cast or crew. A serial killer could show up at a casting call and win a role with this network.

You would think TLC would be worried about teaming up with a con artist. Most employers would!

Border Collie said... 6

That's ok but they may change their minds when he comes up with a way to con tlc and crew out of their money.

Anonymous said... 7

Most of the "reality" show these days make me chringe, and wonder WHY do people watch them?
Jersery shore...mob wives...couples moms...ect ect.

My daughter asked me ...why not try to get on a tv get to make millions by doing nothing.
I told her...pick the worst family that lives in the same town as we do...The ones who do nothing and will be nothing...the people you cant stand.The ones who get arrested and beg for everything without doing anything to make thier lives better...Now get them on a tv show...they start to make you think thats right or fair? Would you watch that show? Do you want to be like them?
She said I get it and No...
No channel cares about the shows/people they have on...It all comes down to money.If they are making bank...they dont care what they show or who they hurt...just as long as the money keeps coming in.When the money will the shows.

Bargain Mom said... 8

I want to put this post up here to time stamp it if it's okay:
Last night I wrote a 4 point idea list and placed it in the comment section of Kate's CC blog.
The four savings ideas were: (and I'm paraphrasing so as not to give it all away)
1: E-reader books for free on Amazon and Gutenberg Project
2: Shopping for out of season clothing one size larger (for kids) with a savings percentage listed
3: Saving gas by combining shopping trips with other moms alternating drivers each week (like commuting or hanging at the mall w/ friends)
4: Coupon Swaps with friends and how they have moved from snail mail to the kitchen table.

I posted this last night around 10pm at Coupon Cabin and it went directly to moderation. This morning a comment was posted after mine (mine is still in moderation) but I was able to post a reply to that person's comment.

This is just a test to see how badly Kate plagerizes ideas. I actually put in my post that I would like it not moved from the comment section.

I'd appreciate it Admin if you could leave this post up here so it's time stamped. I also emailed it to myself but sometimes that's not admissable.
Bargain Mom

dee3 said... 9

I believe that all the folks who go on reality shows have some degree of NPD/social behavior disorder. So I'm not all that surprised that someone with a criminal background or who is wanted by the authorities would show up on a reality show....because when you have NPD, getting your narcissistic fill is worth the risk.

Yesterday, there were articles that one of the supposed millionaires on Millionaire Matchmaker was a criminal and a fraud.....and has now been arrested for fraud.

Then there was the guy on Megan wants a millionaire (not totally sure of the name of the show) who not only completely misrepresented himself in terms of his wealth, but ended up killing his wife.

Then you have Teresa Giudice of RHNJ pulling out wads of cash to pay for furniture when she and her husband were filing for bankruptcy, suspected of fraud, and gave the appearance of being laundered money.

And I'm sure there are many others. The whole venue of reality shows would attract these folks...mainly due to their my opinion. They want to be in the matter what that light might reveal.

Bargain Mom said... 10

I just noticed that Kate said 'thank you for the savings tips as she will be writing her blog tomorrow (which is today) for next week.
Let's see how this 'game' plays out. I'm really hoping she is not going to use my tips as her own.
You will notice if she does that it's not her style as it mentions doing things with 'friends' (ie: coupon swap and carpooling).

dee3 said... 11

"Let's see how this 'game' plays out. I'm really hoping she is not going to use my tips as her own."
Bargain Mom~
I don't think you have to worry that Kate will outright plagiarize your tips and pretend they're hers.....because she publicly asked for these tips on twitter and let everyone know that she was going to use them for her next blog on CC. I know Kate can be a lying liar who lies....but I doubt she'd even go so far as to plagiarize the tips as her own and completely disregard and not be concerned about what she tweeted.

I think that whatever tips she uses in her blog...she will at least blog that they were tips sent into her by others. She may not credit the exact names but I don't think she'll take credit for them.

Because boy, if she does do that, she will cause another massive drama that will spread to the celebrity sites like ROL...just like the Kate dramas always do.

dee3 said... 12

JMHO....but there are times when I think some of the criticisms of Kate are nit-picking....and the problem is that this gives some validity to the fans' claims that we pick on her for every little thing.

I think she deserves to be criticized for a whole range of things....for lying, for using her children for financial gain, for compromising the safety of her children, for being a parent-alienator, for creating unnecessary twitter dramas when she's rather obnoxious to some other tweeter, etc.

But as far as her asking for tips on twitter to use for her next CC long as she doesn't try to claim them as her own...which I don't think she will....I don't see the big deal. I don't even see any big deal with her blogging for I think they hired her to attract people to the site just because she has so much controversy around they are getting what they wanted and what they hired her for.

The list of things to criticize her for is almost endless....but I do think that there are times that she's criticized for things that are benign and don't really merit criticism. And I'm not writing this because I'm feeling sorry for Kate. I'm writing it because I hate to see anything the sheeple say validated in any way.

Pity Party said... 13

I do wish Jon would stop saying swear words on his Twitter. It serves no purpose other to make him look bad and he should never reveal anything about his job, which is much different than places he likes or supports. But he should never have revealed where he works and what interaction he has on the job. He is very naive in that regard. When you commit something to paper and/or the computer/internet with your name on it, it is forever.

MoreBS said... 14

Oh, ROL is such an amazinglyish reliable source and boasts top-notch journalism. All Kate's stories are true too, don'tchaknow.

Bargain Mom said... 15

Thanks Dee3, I really hope you are right. Perhaps my comments ended up in moderation because I put a hyper link in them that went directly to the the Gutenberg site (where you can get free classic books online) Who knows?

I do wish Kate success as long as she keeps her kids out of the picture. Women have the innate ability to be able to stand on their own two feet once they are put to the test. I have yet to see signs that Kate is doing that. When she does, I will be first in line to applaud her. As for now she hasn't found her niche, and she's being fed by a lot of enablers who tend to give her accolades just for her to pay attention to them. She is not going to be able to be better and do better if she doesn't fail every once in a while and learn from her mistakes and pick herself up and move forward.

Soundslikecj said... 16

Sounds like CJ is on the site (12,13,14). Go away, CJ, we do not need your craziness here.

dee3 said... 17

Bargain Mom_

I honestly think Kate lacks the ability to do much "better" due to her NPD/social disorder issues. The children will only be kept out of the picture if Kate is legally forced to do this.

It's unfortunate but there is a very poor success rate for those with NPD (in terms of improving their behavior) even with massive therapy.

This is another reason I don't like to see others nit-pick on her. I cut her a break at times because I don't think she even has the capacity to have any insight into her own behavior or to learn from it due to her narcissism issues. And there is just SO much of what she does that does deserve criticism. But some of the minor stuff she's criticized makes me cringe a little...and make me feel a bit "sheepish", lol.

And speaking of sheeple....someone needs to come and fetch one of them that seems to have wandered out of the pen again. :D

Katie Cry-duh said... 18

It's a good day when a loving father (or mother) fights for and is awarded more time with his kids. The trajectory of Jon's life is going up and it's great for him and the kids. They need a break from mommy.

dee3 said... 19

At this point I'm totally confused about what went on with the hearing and the whole custody/visitation/child support and possible arrears, etc.

This site is doing so amazingly well which is a credit to administrator and the great entries/threads she writes....but over 1100 comments...whew, that's a lot to go through to try and figure out what happened this week.

I'm still crawling through them to try and figure out what happened.

Pity Party said... 20

They just did a segment on that particular thing, they find houses that are vacant or for sale or foreclosed on, take up the sign, and advertise it for rent. Many of these places leave the utilities on and people think because the utilities are on it is legit. They get the first month with deposit and disappear. They are trying to expose it and crack down on it. It is the going thing for scam artists because they are so many empty houses these days.

Pity Party said... 21

Edit - they should be there are so many.

JoyinVirginia said... 22

I think many producers on reality shows are so focused on getting a low cost product to market as fast as possible, spending time and money on pesky things like background checks is a low priority. Even when you do checks on your contestants our crew they can lie and hope no one picks up the truth. There was the big guy on American idol this season, who just didn't mention the three arrests he had, using alias with some of them. Tmz broke the story on him, with their search of public records.

TLC stinks said... 23

So what else is new about TLC? Kate Gosselin is a professional grifter. She just hasn't broken the law yet.

Gift of grab said... 24

It's either the fabulous CJ or her happy cohort msgoody2shoes 21. There was a comment going around amongst them a couple of days ago on Twitter regarding orange "metamusil" [sic]. They are so very funny, aren't they? I notice CJ seems to be spending fewer hours on Twitter. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem she's spending that time with her 3-yr-old twins, but rather engaging in other juvenile computer escapades such as this.

Are "y'all" jellus that Admin has a blog that averages 250-300 comments/day and is filled with people we all mostly enjoy? Why aren't you spending your time lauding your heroine at the pro-Kate sites? Too boring for you?

I guess the disappointment over your idol's inability to land another TV job is crushing. But hey, she's still blogging! YAy!

chefsummer #Leh said... 25

Well they had a person that had child porn on their computer working for them.

So why are we shocked by anything that TLC does.?

TLC stinks said... 26

I don't believe anything the nuts like Milo or CJ post about themselves. These people could be anyone. There are plenty of sickos living pretend lives out there. People like Kate who have opened up their lives publicly may pay a big price down the road. She is putting her children at risk. Everyone knows where they live, what school they attend, where they shop, etc.

JoyinVirginia said... 27

I am reading a fascinating book. Thinking, fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman. Is about how our minds work, how we make decisions, the two systems that we use. System 1 operates automatically and quickly, system 2 is used working on tasks that require attention. It is a fascinating book with oodles of references.
many times people think they are making reasonable decisions, but they are really using system 1 and basing their decision on biases and impressions that may or may not be correct.
Here is an interesting and relevant quote: ”two important facts about our minds: we can be blind to the obvious, and we are also blind to our blindness.”
I believe most people try to do the best they can. What makes people decide to do not so great things? What flaws in the decision making process led them down the wrong path to an outcome that was less than optimal? how can this be applied to the reality TV process, from ideas to casting to production to effects on participants lives? Interesting questions.

gotyournumberKate said... 28

Apparently the $3600 is what Jon pays per month.

@jongosselin1 Owes Kate Gosselin (@Kateplusmy8) Child Support #kliou

Jon Gosselin‏@jongosselin1
@kliou_ @Kateplusmy8 Yep, every month. Paid in full, who cares, no shit!!! Will always have balance thats the recurring balance, duh? next

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 29

Well, that's about right.

The Laughingstock Channel is known for their crappy programming.

Why should this new show be any different?

Gift of grab said... 30

I believe him (start from bottom). All from his Twitter in the last 20 minutes.

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
my chin is up, i finally have freedom of speech.just wait,BOOK! BOOK! BOOK! my voice no bashing either. not like that

i dont care win or lose. its my life. im tired of protecting people and keeping my mouth shut, high road or no road.

working on the story right now, how much do you owe?

i agree, im not a Celebrity

dont be an asshole and post bogus BS to get your name out there. Do some fact checking. who is the dick now?

Quit tv 3 effing years ago. have normal job. normal life, wish people would stop the bs. yep im normal i pay CS. whoa

I follow the laws of the State. If i didnt pay my name would be in the paper and you have a hearing - penalty=jail!!!

not sure about the password thing, i have never looked at the state site, i deal with the county. Ive never been late.

Great digging up a story about nothing. Find something else to write about. I pay my water bill too, why dont you make that a story. morons

There is no story, I pay CS. The state site is my recurring balance. so guess what, it will always be there. Every month. Paid in full.

Yep, every month. Paid in full, who cares, no shit!!! Will always have balance thats the recurring balance, duh? next

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 31

That scam artist is Kate's perfect match.

It's amazing how TLC/Discovery/PT Barnum
loves to showcase the dredge of the world.

Dmasy said... 32

I really don't know how I would handle such blatantly negative press about myself if I were Jon. Guess we have a fact now. The amount of his monthly child support has been provided by him. Then, according to the ROL article, he is one month behind! Or, he hasn't paid yet this month -- really. Why couldn't she, just the once, stand up and clarify that Jon has been paying all along. Just a little accuracy and kindness....

aggiemom09121416 said... 33

I am sure Kate is loving that Jon has a book coming out. She could care less if she is reflected in a negative light (if Jon chooses to go there).
This book deal will make Kate happy! Why? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in her pocket (ya know, kinda like a coupon!)

As far as her handyman today. Gee, Kate, anyone with half a brain can grout a shower and patch a small sheetrock hole. What happened to Can Do Kate?

Paula said... 34

Or if she had stayed on good terms with Jon, he could have fixed those items around the house at no charge!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 35


All I can say, is that I cannot wait for his book release.

Jon has been through hell and back.

Dmasy said... 36

Jon says no bashing in his book. Good for him. Tho' I would not mind a few juicy details. Shame on me. At least, he could out the "good bra".

Dmasy said... 37

I really don't know how I would handle such blatantly negative press about myself if I were Jon. Guess we have a fact now. The amount of his monthly child support has been provided by him. Then, according to the ROL article, he is one month behind! Or, he hasn't paid yet this month -- really. Why couldn't she, just the once, stand up and clarify that Jon has been paying all along. Just a little accuracy and kindness....

Dmasy said... 38

I really don't know how I would handle such blatantly negative press about myself if I were Jon. Guess we have a fact now. The amount of his monthly child support has been provided by him. Then, according to the ROL article, he is one month behind! Or, he hasn't paid yet this month -- really. Why couldn't she, just the once, stand up and clarify that Jon has been paying all along. Just a little accuracy and kindness....

Dmasy said... 39

Sorry, it looked as if neither of my posts was published and now I see a duplicate. Don't know how...

Once a Viewer said... 40

I really don't care for Jon's tweets- they are about private matters,although I know he must be frustrated and tired of being bashed in public.Also the swearing in case the kids read it and they well might- K said the girls were on-line looking up Old Navy coupons, so... I wonder if he will find a publisher. It sounds like his book is his 'voice' but if it's not about the family mess what can he really get off his chest? TLC only? How can he discuss one without the other- the show was their life after all...we'll see/ I hope Kate is a worm wriggling on a fishing pole about it.

aggiemom09121416 said... 41

Kate has showed her stupidity once again. She is quoted as saying Jon's support barely pays for school lunches.
Now since the child support issue has come to light, it now proves he pays 3600 a month.
Kate's her own worst enemy.
I hope her fans see that she receives in child support probably what her fans make in a yr, and what they support their own families with. Why they glorify this woman is beyond me.

Andrea said... 42

Kate said that Jons cs payments dont even cover the kids lunches. Lets do some math here.
In a month each child gets

If Kate were to use this money on their weekly lunches then it would be
$450/4= $112.50 per week

So, that would come out to be close to $16 per day just for lunch. That is high. I dont even spend that much on a lunch for myself when I go out to eat. So Kate is either wasting the child support payments each month or she is not keeping track of her spending.

Mel said... 43

Just a thought....Kate has to actually talk about couponing on cc's site.....cuz she's been banned from talking about the kids publicly?

Maybe, maybe not. Will be interesting to watch.

I, too, would like to see the good bra outed.

Winsomeone said... 44

$3600 per month, and according to Kate, that doesn't even cover their lunches? Must be some pretty expensive food she packs.

Kate is Krazy said... 45

Tip for CC: coupon for the 'good bra.' I'm sure it would get a lot of 'hits' lol

Pity Party said... 46

Excuse me KTE, dear, but $3500 a month is more than lunch money. Just about any mom with 8 kids could live on that quite nicely, even as a stay at home. But then most are not food hoarders that have a penchant for imported foods and cereal that costs 6 to 8 bucks a box plus shipping, from Australia. Nothing can taste that good.

It would not hurt one thing for KT to say, hey guys he is not behind, give him a break on me please. I will tell when you to bash him - no worries, but lets put this one to rest. There is always tomorrow. Your inability to be even remotely gracious to the father of your kids is one of the main reasons you are so widely despised.

Gift of grab said... 47

$3,600 a month is well over $40K per year. Wonder how much Kate has earned since the cancellation (how I love that word) of K+8?

I don't mind his tone. He is speaking his mind, he is frustrated, he has been inundated by (mostly) pro-K tweets since ROL came out with this yesterday afternoon, accusing him of everything except mass murder. He hasn't bashed Kate and he hasn't brought up his children. I think he's been fairly restrained. There's no innuendo, as there typically is with Kate when she's passive-aggressively throwing him under the bus. Compared to what Kate has said ABOUT him directly, on TV no less, nah, this little tirade doesn't qualify as inappropriate in my book.

Dmasy said... 48

Pity Party, 50 -- I could use exactly those words and still be true to her underhanded self while giving Jon just one honest break.

Dmasy said... 49

Oops -- SHE could be true to her underhanded self not I.

Mel said... 50

Here's a wild and crazy idea.....

Kate could go on some program, any one, it doesn't matter, AND SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT that Jon does indeed pay his child support and is current with it. (If she doesn't know if he's current, she could always verify that with the county. )

She could even go one step further and say that he is a good dad, and please everybody stop bashing him. Their private business is their private business, and all this speculation and bashing is only hurting them as parents, and is hurtful to the kids.

Guess that would get her name out there, wouldn't it. Way better than those sly little digs she always gets in.

Would it kill her to stand up for him just once? Couldn't she on twitter say, come on you guys, knock it off. Y'all know that ROL lies, and this time is no different.

aggiemom09121416 said... 51

f Kate were to use this money on their weekly lunches then it would be
$450/4= $112.50 per week

So, that would come out to be close to $16 per day just for lunch. That is high. I dont even spend that much on a lunch for myself when I go out t

That's figuring lunches every day of the week. The kids only go to school five days a week.
hence, school lunches must cost 22.50 a day.

If I were Kate, I'd start packing lunches every day or find a different school. :)

gotyournumberKate said... 52

I like Jon's answer to this. I have always said Jon shouldn't have to pay her a dime since every dollar she made was on the back of his kids. He did give a great reply though.

Jon Gosselin‏@jongosselin1

There is no story, I pay CS. The state site is my recurring balance. so guess what, it will always be there. Every month. Paid in full.

26m ronnie b‏@theslags @jongosselin1 the cash your ex makes or makes. She should be paying you bro. Men really get fucked in the end.

Jon Gosselin‏@jongosselin1 @theslags dont want blood money, ill do it myself. work hard and smart and be proud. Just like i have in the past, before tv. just me

23m ronnie b‏@theslags @jongosselin1 good for u. I dug your show, sucked what happened but that's life. Keep on keeping on.

21m Jon Gosselin‏@jongosselin1
@theslags still young, take it day by day, surviving like everyone else. life is hard but enjoying the journey

gotyournumberKate said... 53

sorry for all the spaces :)

Connie said... 54

TLC stinks said... 27

So what else is new about TLC? Kate Gosselin is a professional grifter. She just hasn't broken the law yet.

Speeding is against the law. Parking in fire lanes is against the law.

Mandy said... 55

So Jon is giving Kate over 40k per year. If she got a nursing job making about that much, they could live so nicely. She could own a beautiful five bedroom home in a nice suburb with no mortgage on it if they had bought something sensible. The kids could go to public school or probably even a private Christian school because she'd have plenty saved up from the kids' show business earnings and her stint on DWTS, as well as the money she made on Beth's book.

But no. That would be so mediocre! I wonder if the roles were reversed and Kate had to give Jon that amount of child support per month based on current earnings alone, could she do it?


Tucker's Mom said... 56

What Jon is putting out there is that he *does* pay CS, always has, always will. That's the kind of "setting the record straight" that I can see someone doing.
If Kate will not squash the tabloid rumors that he is a deadbeat dad, then I don't blame Jon for one second for clearing up the misconception.
I think Jon's tweets are overall positive with a healthy outlook on life. He is working the way most of us do; slow and steady wins the race. Live within your means, save for a rainy day and don't live your life as if you expect to win the lottery someday (or get a TV show/gig etc..)
Unlike Kate, who has been doing nothing more than rearranging the deck chairs since TLC cancelled their show.

Andrea said... 57

Jon must have something saved in the bank. How else would he be able to afford $40,000 a year in child support? I know that being an IT consultant can pay a reasonable amount. But, I doubt it could pay enough for both him to live on plus the $40,000 in child support.

Gift of grab said... 58

I would love to see ROL forced to make a retraction. I am inclined to believe that it wasn't Kate who made this a story, but one of her loyal sheeple who somehow found (or was directed to) the info on the PA child support site and jumped to the wrong conclusion. AND promptly called ROL.

Admin, is there grounds for a lawsuit against ROL here? I know he probably won't bother, but he is managed now by an attorney (who is employed by the management company)--wouldn't this be a part of the representation they provide for a client?

Mel said... 59

$3600 a month....that's a lot, out of after tax dollars. If he's in the 33% tax bracket, that's roughly $57k he needs to earn pre-tax just to pay the child support. Plus whatever he needs for his own expenses.

Let's say he lives *very* frugally. He'd probably need $40k?

So he needs to make about $100k. Can't see him making that in a mediocre IT job. No wonder he's branching out into the public arena a little bit.

Makes you wonder how in the world he was able to pay that all these years. Makes you wonder what part TLC had in their finances. Hmmm, Kate. Wanna shed a little light on that?

Just exactly how *are* you supporting the family anyway? You are unemployed, and you only (snark) get $40k from Jon. Where's the difference coming from? Food stamps?

Oh, I know! Grifting. I didn't realize the school would take Australian cereal in lieu of cash for tuition payments.

aggiemom09121416 said... 60

I know when I do my taxes, I am not taxed on the child support I receive.

Kate gets 40,000 free and clear every year. Wow.

Her kids really eat well at school!

dee3 said... 61

Tucker's Mom said... 60

What Jon is putting out there is that he *does* pay CS, always has, always will. That's the kind of "setting the record straight" that I can see someone doing.
If Kate will not squash the tabloid rumors that he is a deadbeat dad, then I don't blame Jon for one second for clearing up the misconception.
I completely agree and in fact, I'm really glad he's finally standing up for himself.

"is there grounds for a lawsuit against ROL here?"
I'm no legal expert but I think it would boil down to parsing how it was worded and whether or not it was simply libelous innuendo. I'm thinking they would have had to have worded the untruth as absolute fact in order to have a chance of any kind of win.

And if it is simply the monthly payments that would appear every month prior to the actual payment being made.....TECHNICALLY it could legally qualify as "arrears" even though it would be, of course, ridiculous.

Dmasy said... 62

I wonder how her fan base feels about her opinion that $40,000 is lunch money. They sure picked someone "entitled" to admire.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 63

Mel said... 54

Here's a wild and crazy idea.....

Kate could go on some program, any one, it doesn't matter, AND SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT that Jon does indeed pay his child support and is current with it. (If she doesn't know if he's current, she could always verify that with the county. )

She could even go one step further and say that he is a good dad, and please everybody stop bashing him. Their private business is their private business, and all this speculation and bashing is only hurting them as parents, and is hurtful to the kids.

Guess that would get her name out there, wouldn't it. Way better than those sly little digs she always gets in.

Would it kill her to stand up for him just once? Couldn't she on twitter say, come on you guys, knock it off. Y'all know that ROL lies, and this time is no different.


Actually, I think it would KILL HER.

But if Kate truly wants peace, that would be a great place to start.

It would be a nice gesture on her part...

Dmasy said... 64

Here's a thought. In addition to the actual cash he pays in child support, he could also be responsible for the health and dental insurance.

Jon, if you do read here, keep up the good work. Get that book out as fast as possible. ~ Administrator said... 65

Yikes, them school lunches better be filet minion and tuna tartar!

Thank you Jon for setting the record straight, and Kate? Suck it.

And dang that is a lot. I think after taxes, 401k etc my first paycheck as a new LAWYER barely touched 3600. And yet not one single complaint from Jon about paying support, ever.

Now, does KATE bring in 3600 a month or does she just tweet?

Mel said... 66

But if Kate truly wants peace, that would be a great place to start.

I forgot about the peace thing that she always spews. She no more wants peace than the kids wanted a divorce to happen.

She wants armageddon. She wants Jon to disappear off the face of earth. Peace my a**. She wouldn't know what peace was if it came up and bit her. ~ Administrator said... 67

Yes, thanks for pointing out that child support is TAX FREE to Kate.

A nice hefty 3600 tax free check every month to cover school lunches.

She is a lying liar and this proves it.

Griftopia said... 68

Dmasy said... 69
Here's a thought. In addition to the actual cash he pays in child support, he could also be responsible for the health and dental insurance.


Didn't the kids get free dental care from the dentist who took over Jon's dad's practice? I seem to remember that from one episode.

Kate is Krazy said... 69

so Kate tweets she has a handyman today to do odd jobs, and will write her fan-based blog what is she doing all day today?

dee3 said... 70

Mel said....
"So he needs to make about $100k. Can't see him making that in a mediocre IT job. No wonder he's branching out into the public arena a little bit.

Makes you wonder how in the world he was able to pay that all these years. Makes you wonder what part TLC had in their finances. Hmmm, Kate. Wanna shed a little light on that?"
I'm thinking there could be a whole array of possibilities. Both Jon and Kate could have savings. There could have been college money contributed by some caring people, all the money she grifted in churches, etc....that may be in savings. She made a LOT of money for several years...on the show, book deals, etc. and it's not outside the realm of possibility that she has a nice amount in savings.

Jon's IT job may not be mediocre. He has lots of connections in the entertainment field and could have some great clients and is able to make more than what the average IT guy would likely make.

I think we already figured that while Jon was under contract (and off the show), TLC was paying him enough to make his CS payments....simply because they had limited his ability to get a job.

And as we'd speculated, Kate could be using the money that was set aside for the children to pay for some of their needs.

It's all speculation, we don't know a lot of facts about many parts of their lives.

aggiemom09121416 said... 71

Surely Jon is able to claim some of the kids on his tax return.
Perhaps Kate let him claim the boys since they are icky?
If he is just claiming himself, oh wow.

I wonder if Kate's lack of employment is an issue during all these court visits? Face it, Kate. If no one has come a'knocking since TLC kicked you out the door, the likelihood of anyone wanting you now is slim to none.

On behalf of the great state of Texas, as a Texan I feel like I owe everyone here on this board an apology for giving residence to Kate's craziest fan. Please don't judge our majority by this weirdo!

dee3 said... 72 (Administrator) said... 70

A nice hefty 3600 tax free check every month to cover school lunches.

She is a lying liar and this proves it.
And leave it to a serious narcissist to have been not one bit worried that the facts would eventually catch up with her.

It just boggles my mind how the lies so easily trip off her tongue and she doesn't worry a bit that she'll get called-out as a liar when the actual truth is revealed. And these aren't just any old lies....but lies that she says on a public stage more or less. ~ Administrator said... 73

Kate could go on some program, any one, it doesn't matter, AND SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT that Jon does indeed pay his child support and is current with it. (If she doesn't know if he's current, she could always verify that with the county. )


You know Kate did say, one little time, maybe 6 or 9 months ago that Jon DOES PAY. Maybe someone can remember the interview. Of course the sheeple love to conveniently ignore anything Kate says that supports Jon, they are worse than her.

And I too find it despicable that she ignored yesterday's article when she's happy to come out and say that the latest one about her was all lies. She's also made snide comments about lunches, and all the other horrible things she's said about him.

So what's this, the fourth Radar article that's been flat out wrong? Forget them.

See what I mean when I say this woman is a parental alienator? Lunches, Kate? Really? ~ Administrator said... 74

Kate could go on some program, any one, it doesn't matter, AND SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT that Jon does indeed pay his child support and is current with it. (If she doesn't know if he's current, she could always verify that with the county. )


You know Kate did say, one little time, maybe 6 or 9 months ago that Jon DOES PAY. Maybe someone can remember the interview. Of course the sheeple love to conveniently ignore anything Kate says that supports Jon, they are worse than her.

And I too find it despicable that she ignored yesterday's article when she's happy to come out and say that the latest one about her was all lies. She's also made snide comments about lunches, and all the other horrible things she's said about him.

So what's this, the fourth Radar article that's been flat out wrong? Forget them.

See what I mean when I say this woman is a parental alienator? Lunches, Kate? Really?

Gift of grab said... 75

Aggiemom, as long as you're not providing her with succor, solace, or sanctuary, you're off the hook. And a hook is what is needed for that one.

Day 3 of no tweets from Cindy. And of course Kate doesn't promote on her own if there's nothing from Cindy to RT. Interesting. ~ Administrator said... 76

Don't you DARE use this blog to out people, even sheeple. Don't even think about it.

If you do it again it's you that will end up banned. You know who you are.

TLC stinks said... 77

I meant her grifting hasn't broken the law :) YET

I am glad Jon spoke out. I believe one of Kate's uberfans notified ROL and they are so dumb, they published the misinformation. For Jon to afford the $43,200 in CSa year

, I have to wonder if he got a pretty good settlement with the divorce or his mother is helping him financially. Anyway, Kate is a loser for not standing up for him. All he needs to do is to tell the truth and his book will sell. I'll be first in line.

I wonder if Kate's "handy"man today is Steve? I'm no contractor, but geez, I know enough to fix stuff around the house. She is incredibly lazy.

Interesting in his tweet when someone suggests that Kate should be paying him, Jon replies he does not want "blood" money. Yep, his kids were and are being used by Kate. Good for him.

I see someone above posted the name and city of CJ. What's this about? ~ Administrator said... 78

Admin, is there grounds for a lawsuit against ROL here? I know he probably won't bother, but he is managed now by an attorney (who is employed by the management company)--wouldn't this be a part of the representation they provide for a client?


Absolutely. It's libel to suggest someone doesn't pay child support when they do.

I think it was a fan too. This is what happens when you insert yourself into the story, eventually you get burned. Not knowing for sure exactly what that meant, they were too quick to jump on him being behind instead of considering that that could simply be a monthly payment. Just like a car loan or mortgage will always have your payment listed. And then to come here gloating that my source duped me is even more ridiculous.

dee3 said... 79

Gift of grab said... 79

Day 3 of no tweets from Cindy. And of course Kate doesn't promote on her own if there's nothing from Cindy to RT. Interesting.
There have always been things Kate's done that I never would have expected from someone like her and with her degree of NPD....and this is one of them. I would have thought she'd be promoting the cruise like crazy. I have some difficulty figuring this out, to be honest. To me, promoting the cruise would be promoting herself and I would have expected her to do that...and in a big way.

I don't understand her sometimes. I guess those with NPD have a few exceptions to the classic textbook picture of that disorder.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 80

Folks, perhaps now would be a good time to equate Radaronline with Mad Magazine.

They are both parodies- nothing less. ~ Administrator said... 81

Dee, I think a lot of us have concluded that Kate thinks she is "above" promoting herself. That's for lowly little minimum wage PR people to do. She just floats up there in the clouds then swoops down as events happen gracing us with her presence.

Just like I'm sure the Queen of England doesn't spend a lot of time handing out promotion fliers. She just shows up. Kate is just as important. ~ Administrator said... 82

Seeing as BOTH Kate and Jon have denied the last three or four stories they wrote, I've written them off completely.

Actually, maybe we shouldn't even bring their stories here. Their track record is just that bad.

drbutchiewong said... 83

"Lunches,Kate? Really?" At NOBU, if you control the portion sizes.

dee3 said... 84

Administrator said~

Not knowing for sure exactly what that meant, they were too quick to jump on him being behind instead of considering that that could simply be a monthly payment.
I'm guessing that these celebrity sites want to be the first one to release a story so they rush to judgment and don't do much fact-checking.

I'd hope that if they get caught looking stupid for this particular story that they will start being a little more discriminating on what revelations from the fans they might print....without checking the facts first.

carolina peach said... 85

silimom said... 1
Not a surprise in the least.

As for Kate's twitter, I checked it around 8:00 and I was able to see her tweets just fine.

I think it's time to move on from the whole "Child Support/Custody Hearing"? speculations. If something happened, it's between Jon and Kate. Thanks for the new post, Admin.

April 12, 2012 10:42 PM

Mama's Boys and other Jersey personalities shows are simply "Jersey Rednecks". They are rude, loud, obnoxious, crass, and from their speech and actions, never finished school nor were they taught any manners or grammar. I wonder if other NJ natives cringe when they open their mouths as we do here in the South when reporters find the one person with missing teeth to interview. All this does is encourage people to form the wrong impressions about all of us. For example 'Housewives' on the Bravo Channel screaming at each other have to be humiliating for some.

Gift of grab said... 86

I don't know why people have a hard time believing that Jon could be making a decent living. IT people typically get upwards of $50/hr. And he was also doing "inside sales" at the company he put on his linkedin profile. I could easily see him pulling in $90-100K/yr. just doing what he's doing.

And someone mentioned above that he shouldn't be putting this sort of info (i.e., name of the company) "out there." For heaven's sake, it was in his linkedin profile, which is apparently now supplanting the paper resume for potential employers. Jon didn't call People magazine or get interviewed on by Matt Lauer about his business. Like SOME people we know.

dee3 said... 87 (Administrator) said... 84

Dee, I think a lot of us have concluded that Kate thinks she is "above" promoting herself. That's for lowly little minimum wage PR people to do. She just floats up there in the clouds then swoops down as events happen gracing us with her presence.
Yes...that can be the only explanation for it. It is fascinating to watch her. Promoting the cruise would be money in her pocket...not to mention that if the turn-out is poor, she will take a big hit to her reputation as a "star". Yet she turns her nose up, thinking nothing of taking hits to her finances and her reputation by being an elitist and thinking someone lower than her should be doing the promoting.

Merry Moonshine said... 88

MoreBS said... 18

Oh, ROL is such an amazinglyish reliable source and boasts top-notch journalism. All Kate's stories are true too, don'tchaknow.


Oh, yes...they are ALWAYS right. AlWAYS get the GIST of the story right. This time neither the GIST of the story (behind in child support), nor the DETAILS of the story were right. I hope to heck that Jon sues them, and that his attorney starts an investigation as to the "source" of this, and how someone got into the county records, and then pursues it. It is a crime to access records, according to the terms of service. I would hope by now domestics relations has been notified about this, and that they are checking it out.

Admin -- isn't there a tracker you can use that works? ~ Administrator said... 89

I didn't look at the web site or any screen shots. Did this "lien" just say lien, or does it say arrears? Because when I had a car loan they called it a lien and I never once fell behind. I paid it ahead of time actually. Lien and arrears are too completely different things, although sometimes lien is used to mean arrears. Not always though.

It scares me how much the sheeple want to "get" this guy that they are even trying to work with Radar.

TLc stinks said... 90

Yes, Kate allows her "fans" to do her dirty work. Now I have to wonder if there is a connection between the Easter photos and the Jon CS stories on Radar. Could the same person be involved? Could she have emailed some pictures to her minion and they somehow ended up on Radar? And tipped off the same person about Jon, untrue facts but knowing it would make him look bad? I truly believe she is that vile. So technically she didn't notify Radar, but her minion did? ~ Administrator said... 91

OH and does Kate try t tell them to knock it off leave them alone, of course not.

Leave HER alone, but not the father of her own children.

dee3 said... 92

carolina peach said....

"All this does is encourage people to form the wrong impressions about all of us."
One of my sisters lives in Bergen County and she and her neighbors are pretty horrified at how NJ is being portrayed on these reality shows.

TLC stinks said... 93

Yeah, when you make car payments to a bank, the bank is the lienholder. It's a lien when you borrow money. Doesn't mean you haven't made your payments or that you are late.

aggiemom09121416 said... 94

Gift of grab said... 79

Aggiemom, as long as you're not providing her with succor, solace, or sanctuary, you're off the hook. And a hook is what is needed for that one.
The only thing I'd like to give her
(Kate's greatest fan) is a swift kick in the pants. (I first saw her name yesterday, it was mentioned somewhere else, and today it pops up here? weird)
It's still embarrassing she is a resident of my home state.

Concerning Jon's support, though...isn't he in the process of having his amount reduced to keep in line with his custody time?

Rhymes with Witch said... 95

Completely OT but good for a smile.,0,7270609.story

Kirkland said... 96

Jon is thinking of starting a blog!

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
Maybe I should start a blog, seems very trendy. wonder how that would go. probably boring, haha

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 97

About this latest TLC debacle, is there a link to the story?

I'm thoroughly disgusted with the mentality of these reality show producers. It's all about the money, ethics be damned. I suppose they feel justified because enough people sit in front of their boob tubes watching to make it worthwhile for the networks to continue producing mind-rotting programs with participants of questionable or downright criminal backgrounds.

I've come to realize that most people are not the least bit discerning about what they watch just as long as there are moving images in front of their eyes.

As far as Kate promoting herself, I'm sure that she doesn't feel she needs to. Whatever deal she has with the cruise line is a done deal. She's getting what was promised her. She doesn't need to do a thing. Same with her appearance in Australia for Steve Irwin day. She got her free trip. Why promote it? It wasn't going to get her anymore than she already contracted for. Surely she would promote the cruise if she were getting money in her pocket besides the free trip wouldn't she? Is she that stupid?

The last memory I have of her doing any kind of promotion for herself was when she got her feeble minded sheep to make posters that they were supposed to tack up around town advertising the show and she gave a prize for the best one...and the next day she was cancelled.

Karma had the last laugh that day.

Sheri said... 98

It is sickening that Kate would say that Jon's CS payments barely covered the kids' lunches. Despicable woman.

Kate is a mere fantasy unto herself. I've never seen anything like her and her delusions of grandeur and superiority.

What makes matters worse is that she seems to actually delight in anything that makes her ex - her kids' father - look bad, whether it's true or not.

As others have mentioned, it would have taken two minutes of her time to just tweet that the ROL story was bogus and Jon is not in arrears. Case closed.

But no, CAN DO KATE couldn't do that. That would be mature and gracious and kind. What was I thinking?

Does she not realize that she's modeling selfish, controlling, passive aggressive, rude, condescending and outright mean behaviour to 8, count 'em 8, impressionable children?

I mean, of course she doesn't. But if she could, for one minute, get a glimpse of that realization, would she care? I really use to to believe she might but I'm starting to change my mind.

I'm so sad for those kids.

I'm not at all turned off by Jon's language in his response. The story was crap and he has every right to be upset about it. This is not just a rumour going around the office - it is in the media. Who wouldn't be pissed and want to defend themselves?

Not to mention that he kept his mouth shut for years while Kate happily went along publicly throwing him under a bus every chance she could get.

Frankly, it's HIS restraint that impresses me.

Canuck said... 99

Mel said... 50 Here's a wild and crazy idea.....Kate could go on some program, any one, it doesn't matter, AND SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT that Jon does indeed pay his child support and is current with it.
Heck, she wouldn't even have to get on a show to set the record straight. She could take the high road and set the record straight with a few taps on her precious pink I-phone and send it straight to Twitter. Will she do that? Never. Never. Never. She would see that as Jon scoring a point somehow. What she doesn't realize, is that her smug silence about the tabs portraying her kids' dad as a deadbeat (while loudly proclaiming "lies, all lies" whenever something is written about her!) only damages her public persona further. It shows us who she really is and clearly demonstrates her immorality, deceit, dishonesty and deep insecurity. She's a mess. And getting messier by the day.

Kate is a twit said... 100

The haters and the fans are now going back and forth on Jon's twitter. Kate's name was included in one of the tweets, and those replying didn't delete Kate's name. So now most of the conversation if on Kate's twitter page, including some replies by some of her "tweeties". So Kate will see what was going on. Do you think she'll say anything now? Oh, I forgot-Kate "ignores" negative stuff, right?

Milo, of course, accused Jon of purposely including Kate's name, so it'd show up on her page. So why didn't the "tweeties" delete Kate's name?

One of the fans went so far as to accuse Ellen of being the source of the article. And that will also show up on Kate's page.

A Mouse Today said... 101

A lunch in the cafeteria could be purchased for under five dollars per day per child. There are combos, which include the hot entree, salad or soup, dessert and beverage; the cold combo, which includes a deli sandwich, salad or soup, dessert and beverage; pasta combo, soup and sandwich combo; and various other selections. All of these are $4.45 per meal.

These kids could get a good lunch with their friends, in the cafeteria, and Kate wouldn't have to pack a thing. Of course, then we wouldn't hear her complain about what a super mom she is and how exhausted she is from getting the lunches ready in the morning, and we wouldn't get to see photos of those lunches.

The cost would be less than $800 per month. I think the $3,600 in support would cover that, with money left over for a night at the movies.

Did she say that his support covers the kids' lunches? Yes, they do, and more. She's right. Her cleverly crafted words again.

Mel said... 102

Admin, I wouldn't worry too much about the (few) people who were trying to discredit your source. Sounds like that was just an honest glitch in communication.

It doesn't seem that the truth has come out on that one yet, anyway. Jon won't tell, and the evil one hasn't had her minion spill the beans, nor has she given any stupid passive-aggressive hints, which should tell us something, eh?

I think most of us appreciate everything you do for this blog. I *like* knowing that Jon is growing up and trying to do the right thing. And that perhaps he stands a chance against the evil one known as the single mom of eight.

I don't necessarily need to know the details, but I do like knowing in a general way that he's making headway in making a more normal life for the kids.

So....thank you for sharing. Please continue. It helps to know that maybe, just maybe, he might stand a chance.

Rhymes with Witch said... 103

At least one sheeple does not understand Terms of Agreement. She posted the PA child welfare link and told hr fellow sheeple to register to lock at the dockets and liens.

I'm sure they all have valid reasons for going there; especially since it's against PA law to register under a false name......

hoosiergirl said... 104

Didn't Kate tweet that she didn't know if there was a court date about non-payment of child support, but it wouldn't surprise her (or something like that.)

I don't know about you all, but if I were virtually unemployed, I'd certainly know if he missed a $3600/mo payment.

I get so sick of her badmouthing him every chance she gets. Co-parenting children is NOT a game.

njay said... 105

Admin., I posted a link on the last blog but I didn't realize that it came up empth. Would you do me a favor and google "the woman who wasn't there". It's about a lady who claimed that she servived the 911 disaster and got tons of attention from all kinds of high up people. Her story was all fake. She wasn't even there.

It's reminds me so much of what Kate is doing. It totally sickens me how people can do this to others just to get attention. There is a documentery that will air this week.

I thought it would also make a good new subject but you know what is best for your blog. Thanks ahead of time.

Dwindle said... 106

Kate is Krazy said... 69
so Kate tweets she has a handyman today to do odd jobs, and will write her fan-based blog what is she doing all day today?

Oh Silly Poster! Kate is busy "instructing" and "organizing" the handyman! In other words, CONTROLLING every breath he takes!

And the thing about the convicted criminal on the TLC show, reminds me of the Balloon Boy family, who just like Kate was making a full time career out of scamming, grifting and manipulating their way onto a TV reality show. Ah, the monsters we have created and lives we have ruined with our need to be entertained by the mental illness of others.If we werent watching, these people would go back to the bosoms of their dysfunctional families, where they belong.

Jane said... 107

Jon's been tweeting quite a bit today and he's real, honest and, well, pretty much everything Kate's not. Loved these tweets which were in response to his tweeting that his mom lives nearby, but not with him. It'll be interesting to see if ROL picks up on anything he's said today.

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@ellamenopea @ashridash @mscatie love my mom, not a mommas boy just love her to death

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1 · Open
@ashridash @mscatie Im sure it will eventually happen, love my mom, she has done alot for me, I will always return the favor, its my mom

Gift of grab said... 108

Not surprisingly, Jon has been tweeting back to a bunch of people this morning. Here's a few interesting exchanges:

@XXXXXX @jongosselin1 Double standard. How come ROL never questions why Steve Neild is ALWAYS with Kate Gosselin? Is he divorced?

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@BXXXXXX @XXXXXX EMPLOYER? its all a stupid game, the whole media thing. all about the benjamins. yep, just plays w/ ppl

@jongosselin1 @XXXXXX If Kate Gosselin is Steve Neild's employer than I'd like to know his job requirements, LOL!

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@XXXXXX @XXXXXX Not my business, dont care and will never care. my life is too busy to care, got my own sh*t to deal with

And this Tweeter is always fawning over Kate and dissing Jon, so I was kind of surprised at this:

@jongosselin1 @XXXXXX Jon do your kids right and don't get involved with the people on Kates page.

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@XXXXXX i dont look at it, kindof like medusa, im afraid i might turn to stone, jking

@jongosselin1 you'll appreciate where I am right now!
View photo [It's opening day at Yankee Stadium]

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@XXXXXX ewwwww Yankees, Phillies fan here!!!! but cool anyway, that is a really nice stadium, seating is great no matter where u sit.

BTW, he also shot down the rumor that he is living with his mom. Though he commented that he wouldn't rule it out in the future if SHE ever needed HIM. All in all, I see a nice, genuine, easygoing person here. So unlike . . . well, that other one.

Jumping In said... 109

Administrator 81....

My in-laws were about to celebrate their 60th anniversary in 2003. I knew, as a Canadian, I could request an anniversary greeting from the Queen of England, so I wrote her. I still remember the feeling when I saw the envelope from Buckingham Palace in my mailbox. It was a lovely letter from the Queen's personal secretary advising me I had to make my request through the Queen's official Canadian representative, the Governor General in Ottawa.

In that initial letter, and as a resident of British Columbia, I had referenced her ceremonial dropping of the puck at an exhibition game in Vancouver in 2002, and how much it meant to all the hockey fans across Canada.

Anyway, I made my second request, (with no mention of hockey) through the Governor General's Office and a few weeks later received the official anniversary greeting from Buckingham Palace. I put it together with the certificate from the Prime Minister of Canada, and the one from the Premier of British Columbia, so we were set!

About a week later, I was stunned to see another letter from Buckingham Palace, and when I opened it I was staring, in utter disbelief, at a photo of the Queen standing on the ice in GM Place in Vancouver dropping the puck at the game I had referenced in my first letter to her. She had written a personal greeting to my in-laws and signed it ER II. I was stunned to say the least, and knew my in-laws would be thrilled! OMG, I thought, the Queen actually read my first letter!

So, as it turns out, the Queen does actually put more thought and effort in to her job than Kate, but no real surprise there.

JoyinVirginia said... 110

The Jersey shore people are horrendous, but snooki got her own parody on Saturday night live, a rolling stone cover, trip to Italy, and mega bucks. Nene from real housewives of Atlanta is now guest star on glee, as bronze medal winner Roz who coaches synchronized swimming and now is Co-COACH of the Cheerios on the show. Nene is funny and a real character. Snooki its always willing to make fun of herself. I don't like either of the reality shows, but these two stand out because of their willingness to play their extreme characters. They do it with good humor, and they are wiling to laugh at themselves... All the way to the bank.
Ms Kreider lacks the insight and sense of humor and cutthroat instinct for self promotion that these two have, for example. That is why nene is on glee and Ms Kreider is not.
I don't think glee has ever shown britneys mother. Ms Kreider could play her as a dim bulb like Britney. Hey, it would get her out of the house and make some money.

Kate is a twit said... 111

Hmm-Kate's tweeties are tweeting to Jon? Will Kate get "jellus" and block them?

JudyK said... 112

Aunt Connie said... 54
TLC stinks said... 27

So what else is new about TLC? Kate Gosselin is a professional grifter. She just hasn't broken the law yet.

Speeding is against the law. Parking in fire lanes is against the law.

I like you. You must be Auntie Ann's sis. :)

twitter said... 113

Twitter has changed the way you see people who have you blocked. You can search for them and see but you can't look at their profile.

NJGal51 said... 114

Not for nuttin' but I'm born and raised in Jersey, actually I'm from down the shore (yes, that's how we would actually say that). We're used to the jokes about the state and the people from it. I'm not horrified by any of it and I actually grew up with people like those portrayed on the shows. As a military wife I've lived all over the world and have heard all the Jersey jokes from everyone not from Jersey. I'm also a METS fan so hear all those jokes too! We take it for what it's worth, consider the source and move on (sorry Kate). Now I must go watch Jerseylicious which I have on TiVo!

Pity Party said... 115

Well that certainly backfired. KTE, dear, once again you cut your nose off to spite your face. You by omission let everyone believe that you were getting approximately $1200 a month in CS and that it barely covered school lunches. As it turns out he is paying enough to care for the children quite well indeed. No one in their right mind would scoff at that of CS as you did. And that, my dear, is why you are so despised.

AuntieAnn said... 116

Actually, maybe we shouldn't even bring their stories here. Their track record is just that bad.

Fine by me, Admin. I don't bother to read anything ROL's just GIGO anyway. They're the equivalent of that useless albeit hilarious and now defunct tabloid 'Weekly World News' that featured Bat Boy. Every week there was a story about him being spotted in various locations.
This isn't Heidi and Spence where there are no kids involved. The G8 don't need anymore crap like this in their lives. They've been victimized enough through no fault of their own.

Gift of grab said... 117

Jumping In, thanks for that great story! I always think that's why there still is a royal family in Britain. Because they DO have the human touch in a way governments typically lack.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 118

"Jon's been tweeting quite a bit today and he's real, honest and, well, pretty much everything Kate's not. Loved these tweets which were in response to his tweeting that his mom lives nearby, but not with him. It'll be interesting to see if ROL picks up on anything he's said today."


That's right! I forgot about that story on ROL -- that Jon is broke and had to move in with his mother. Geez, if the stories reported on the Gosselins are any indication of the credibility of other stories, then I'd throw anything written about any other celebrity out the window. It's a wonder they haven't been sued and disappeared off the internet. But I guess there are enough really stupid, gullible people out there to believe what they print is gospel and never question it, and ROL gets away with it.

Anonymous said... 119

It is pathetic the way TLC makes "stars" of these people who most people would not to want to have anything to do with in real life; and yet they promote these creatures in so called reality shows.

I really would like to see an article from Sue Buddy capturing the R-O-L and twitter drama of the past week. She always seems to be able to put things together in a succinct manner and above all, get the picture straight.


AuntieAnn said... 120

TLC stinks said... 27
So what else is new about TLC? Kate Gosselin is a professional grifter. She just hasn't broken the law yet.

Aunt Connie said... 54
Speeding is against the law. Parking in fire lanes is against the law.
JudyK said... 105

I like you. You must be Auntie Ann's sis. :)

Aw... You're so sweet JudyK. I like her too, maybe we're twins seperated at birth (I'm the evil one).
Now if only we could get Aunt Jodi to weigh in...that would be something!

Andrea said... 121

Jon just lost a little creditability in my book for being a yankees fan.

Oh well, I guess you can still be a good father even if you are a yankees fan.

Anonymous said... 122

I haven't been a regular TLC watcher since way back in the day when you actually learned something from watch it. What's this Bronx show supposed to teach anyone? How not to live with your mother...what?

I think more than anything TLC has turned into VH1 where people just do reality shows for money. Pretty sad. If I want to learn something documentary wise I'm almost always better off elsewhere.

But maybe I'm a nerd, education is more important for me to view than how someone pays their grocery bill because they have X amount of kids or who doesn't like what bride dress, etc.

Kate is twit said... 123

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@ellamenopea @ashridash @mscatie love my mom, not a mommas boy just love her to death

Jon Gosselin ‏ @jongosselin1
@ashridash @mscatie Im sure it will eventually happen, love my mom, she has done alot for me, I will always return the favor, its my mom

How come we have never seen any tweets like this from Kate?

Instead when a tweeter asked her about not having contact with her parents, Kate replied:

xxxxx u don't know the status of our relationship... Or of any beyond what was seen on our show. Careful not 2 draw conclusions!:)

Griftopia said... 124

njay said... 105
..."the woman who wasn't there".
It's reminds me so much of what Kate is doing. It totally sickens me how people can do this to others just to get attention. There is a documentery that will air this week.


They can do Kate's documentary next, and call it "The Mother Who Wasn't There."

Moose Mania said... 125

They're the equivalent of that useless albeit hilarious and now defunct tabloid 'Weekly World News' that featured Bat Boy. Every week there was a story about him being spotted in various locations.


Was that the Jersey Devil? :)

readerlady said... 126

Y'all might be surprised how much Jon could make as an IT specialist. A close friend of mine has her own IT consulting business and she makes $125 an hour. Even just working part-time, she makes over $100,000 a year. So Jon could easily be making that, we don't know. I'm glad to see Jon setting the record straight on his twitter. I don't blame him for being frustrated and I don't blame him for the slightly salty language. He could have said much worse and still have gotten a (sorta, anyway) pass from me.

I have no idea what the hearing was about this week. I hope it was to grant Jon more time with his kids. I was, however, pretty sure that it wasn't about him being way behind in child support. If that were the case, we know KK would have been all over the air waves and tabs, complaining about what a deadbeat he is and citing chapter and verse. She manages to get away with her little digs and innuendo, because she never comes right out and states that he's done thus and so. She just implies and leaves others to infer what they will.

Moose Mania said... 127

Milo, of course, accused Jon of purposely including Kate's name, so it'd show up on her page. So why didn't the "tweeties" delete Kate's name?


I can't imagine that Milo even has time to tweet anymore! I would think that her days would be spent outside under the perfect blue sky, imaging she and Kate, hand in hand, strolling along the edge of the pond, dreamily gazing at one another.

I'd love to be there if the two of them actually meet...Milo on the ground, kissing Kate's feet, sobbing uncontrollably at the wonder of the woman.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 128

hoosiergirl said... 104
Didn't Kate tweet that she didn't know if there was a court date about non-payment of child support, but it wouldn't surprise her (or something like that.)

I don't know about you all, but if I were virtually unemployed, I'd certainly know if he missed a $3600/mo payment.

I get so sick of her badmouthing him every chance she gets. Co-parenting children is NOT a game.


That goes to show what an empty, lying piece of sh*t she is.

I feel sorry for her handyman... or any man that has to interact with that black widow.

Kate's Going Down said... 129

Andrea, he said he was a Phillies fan. Not a Yankees fan.

dee3 said... 130

I remember reading some time ago that during the Great Depression....the movies that people flocked to and wanted to see were the fairy tale type ones....the costumes, the happy endings...all happiness and roses. They wanted to escape when they went to the movies because the times were so difficult.

I think it will be fascinating to read what will be written years from now regarding why this reality TV genre was so popular and why so many wanted to watch these shows.......and what sort of relationship this had with the economy, life stress and pressure, foreclosures, high jobless rate, etc. Will the popularity of and glut of reality TV shows turn out to be some sort of reflection of the times we've been living in?

dee3 said... 131

I think Jon was saying he's a Phillies fan, not a Yankees fan.

HollyMo said... 132

Andrea, Jon is a Phillies fan - he doesn't like the Yankees either!
NJgal, I grew up on Staten Island and I am a Mets fan from way back! Now I am more of a Twins fan, but the Mets are my first love.

The Bitter End said... 133

Regarding how New Jersey is portrayed: The show in the heading is about the Bronx, a borough of NYC. I'm not an expert on the cast of Jersey Shore, but I think many of the cast are from NY state.

On another topic, all this talk about child support and how much Katie Irene contributes to the welfare of her children has made me think about the tweet about not having any good christian schools in her area.

If Katie is only matching (or even paying less than) Jon's payment it would stand to reason that the private school tuition was part of the TLC contract. Maybe the set-up here is that the G8 are attending public school next year.

MoreBS said... 134

Unfortunately, he is not a Yankees fan, he's a Phillies fan. I won't hold that against him though. ;)

I tweeted with him a bit this morning and it was a fun and pleasant exchange. Now if I could just see the pics of him with a long pony-tail...

Rhymes with Witch said... 135

Jumping In 109 What a great story! (I mean this sincerely, not doubting it's truthfulness).

NJGal51 @114 - What exit?
I grew up in Bergen County and am also a Mets' fan and have heard all the jokes too.
Loved going down the shore.
p.s. I STILL think Jimmy Hoffa is buried in the Meadowlands...........

Sandman said... 136

Andrea said: Jon just lost a little creditability in my book for being a yankees fan.


HEY! Watch it! Those are my boys! He's gained credibility in my book!

"Oh well, I guess you can still be a good father even if you are a yankees fan. "


...and a good mom!

Andrea said... 137

Kate's Going Down said... 128
Andrea, he said he was a Phillies fan. Not a Yankees fan.


Oops my bad. This is what I get for skimming the tweets in between cleaning the house..Well his creditability has gone back up. No one is perfect so, I would have made an allowance for him if he had been a yankees fan.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 138

@RealZiggyFlo @kateplusmy8 Im not familiar w/how state posts CS? Why would someone's pymt even be posted if they R current/up2date?

Oh, good grief this man-woman is stupid! It's the amount owed each month, dingbat! Honestly, you just have to wonder how some people get through life...

good luck everybody else said... 139

Does anyone else think that Kate is still in love with Jon? The fact that he has moved on and doesn't want anything to do with her must drive her crazy, so she tries to make him look bad at every turn. You know that old saying "There's a thin line between love and hate".

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 140

Great News! Twins are not allowed on the cruise.


Who IS this person posting this info? Not to say it's not credible, but where is it coming from?

AuntieAnn said... 141

Moose Mania said... 126

I can't imagine that Milo even has time to tweet anymore! I would think that her days would be spent outside under the perfect blue sky, imaging she and Kate, hand in hand, strolling along the edge of the pond, dreamily gazing at one another.

I'd love to be there if the two of them actually meet...Milo on the ground, kissing Kate's feet, sobbing uncontrollably at the wonder of the woman.
Moose - eeeyuck. Quick where's the brain bleach!

It really is quite nauseating the way these two carry on. Maybe they should get a room.
Or a cabin.

What IS the relationship they've got going? It's embarrassing that Kate not only engages her but strings her along. WTH? Is Milo Steve?

Gift of grab said... 142

Well, this just came across Kate's twitter. Take with a large grain of salt:

Great News! Twins are not allowed on the cruise.

aggiemom09121416 said... 143

If Katie is only matching (or even paying less than) Jon's payment it would stand to reason that the private school tuition was part of the TLC contract. Maybe the set-up here is that the G8 are attending public school next year.

Jon's support is just that...SUPPORT. It isn't supposed to meet ALL the kid's needs, just some of them, according to his salary and his time of custody.
Surely Kate has millions in the bank. I recall when they were on Oprah, and O said something about money, Kate blabbed that there wasn't enough money and Jon gave her a WTF look that clearly made Kate look like a liar.

I think this chick has plenty of money. She just doesn't want to spend it on the kids.
I wonder how much is left in their paltry 15% fund? I bet not much.

As far as her sending the kids to public school, I would be shocked. How could Kate send her kids to school with the unwashed masses??

JoyinVirginia said... 144

Another feel good story. Newark NJ mayor Cory Brooks entered neighbors house during fire to rescue the woman. He uses twitter to find residents of Newark with real problems and needs that he can help somehow.

Amy2 said... 145

I am glad to hear (pun intended) that Jon now has his voice. The old setting the record straight from Kate means nothing, and never did. Now Jon can set the record straight himself, and I for one, believe what he tells us. Kate has proven time and time again that she is a liar. And every time Kate lied, Jon had to remain silent. Well, no more! The fable of the Boy Who Cried Wolf is going to bite Kate in the aXX, at last. Jon can speak for himself now...and that's the truth.

TLC stinks said... 146

Ho, ho. Kate must be really tied up with that handyman. Only a GM tweet and silence the rest of the day. ~ Administrator said... 147

Maybe Buck Rogers is her handyman.

JoyinVirginia said... 148

Corey Booker is correct name of Newark NJ mayor.

anger issues kate said... 149

So, where is Kate getting money to regrout the shower? Why, Kate break some tile? Patching a hole in the wall, anger much Kate? threw a hissy fit? Threw something at the wall? Geez, the only hole I have to fill is the 2 small ones my Rosie made as a pup, don't know why she made them, maybe heard a humming from the heating system, don't know. But, got some plaster stuff and going to fix, then paint. I just put first coat in small hall yesterday, God the smell is almost gone. My poor sinuses, last night. I thought kate was MS fix super mom? She did that chicken whatever thing. What can't plaster a wall?

Or did the kids, put a hole in the wall. Kate does say, she let's the kids fight it out, instead of stopping them, and sorting it out.
Msgoody2 shoes, was tweeting Jon, for a person who hates the man, her and Ziggy were over at Jon twitter. Laughable aren't they?

AuntieAnn said... 150 (Administrator) said... 147

Maybe Buck Rogers is her handyman.

hahaha! I won't need any more sugar in my coffee today after watching that, Admin. I always thought Caroline was theee most boring character on Little House. They spiced it up so wholesomely.

Take The Money And Run said... 151

"If Katie is only matching (or even paying less than) Jon's payment it would stand to reason that the private school tuition was part of the TLC contract."


When Kate was shown photocopying info at the time of the divorce, there was an amount shown needed for tuition. Those were her expenses. If the TLC contract took care of that, she wouldn't have included that in her monthly expenses.
His support isn't going to cover tuition. She better figure out a way to pay that, and fast. I wonder if getting a job every occurred to her, or is she expecting the tuition fairy to drop it under her pillow.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 152

JoyinVirginia said... 148

Corey Booker is correct name of Newark NJ mayor.


MMmmmmmm... Mayor Booker es muy macho ;o)

He's a real life Superman (and super man).
His decency, and dedication to Newark are outstanding.

God bless him.

Gift of grab said... 153

Well, since it should be Jon's custody time this weekend, I wouldn't be surprised if we've heard the last of Katie Irene until approximately 17:00 on Sunday.

'Twas indeed an enlightening day on Twitter. Nice to know that Jon's support payments are over $400/child/month. I don't know if that's enough to pay for ORGANIC food at every meal, but it should be more than enough for duds that FIT from Old Navy and 3 squares a day. Including milk.

Suck it, Kreider, you pusillanimous hypocrite.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 154

Amy2 said... 145

I am glad to hear (pun intended) that Jon now has his voice. The old setting the record straight from Kate means nothing, and never did. Now Jon can set the record straight himself, and I for one, believe what he tells us. Kate has proven time and time again that she is a liar. And every time Kate lied, Jon had to remain silent. Well, no more! The fable of the Boy Who Cried Wolf is going to bite Kate in the aXX, at last. Jon can speak for himself now...and that's the truth.


Amen, and Hallelujah!

Moose Mania said... 155

It really is quite nauseating the way these two carry on. Maybe they should get a room.
Or a cabin.

What IS the relationship they've got going? It's embarrassing that Kate not only engages her but strings her along. WTH? Is Milo Steve?


I think, Auntie, that any old place will do. Even an elevator.

All kidding aside, there is something very strange about that relationship. Nobody really knows WHO Milo is, if he/she is a publicity plant, if it's some 90-year-old male pervert, or a 20-something college theater major, having a good time at Kate's expense, rolling with laughter at the attention this is getting.

Or, is it just some loony in an institution somewhere? One flew over the cuckoo's nest, maybe...

At any rate, if the twain should meet, do you want to be there with me to watch this charade? It would be better than anything any television script writer could come up with.

aggiemom09121416 said... 156

good luck everybody else said... 139

Does anyone else think that Kate is still in love with Jon? The fact that he has moved on and doesn't want anything to do with her must drive her crazy, so she tries to make him look bad at every turn. You know that old saying "There's a thin line between love and hate".
I think the only person Kate is in love with is Kate. I do agree that she is beyond pissed that Jon didn't agree to her new marriage arrangement and he blew the lid off the scam that was Jon and Kate. She is further pissed that the show bombed without him, and now she can no longer film her kiddos.
She would love to have him tarred and feathered.

Ingrid said... 157

Gift of grab said... 142 Re: tweet Great News! Twins are not allowed on the cruise.

I won't believe it but I did look at the highlights & extras on Does any one know if there was ever anything on that page about any of her kids going on the cruise because there isn't any mention of it now. I can't remember. Or was it only something she said when interviewed? There was something somewhere about being on an island with her and kids or something like that?

Once a Viewer said... 158

lol true re: Caroline. I read that Karen Grassle who played Caroline wanted to make the role more interesting but Michael Landon would not let her and there was a lot of tension on the set (from one of the 'girls' memoirs, forget which) Apparently Karen had a lot of acting training- I never thought she was too convincing but maybe her creativity was stifled....Kate will have plenty to add to her Manual on Running our piece of the World (chicken episode) ;)

chefsummer #Leh said... 159

I bet 1 dollar that he handyman is Steve.

Audible Click said... 160

I have this visual of Kate and Milo lumbering along outside while "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" plays. For you young whippersnappers I've included a YouTube link to the song.

Once a Viewer said... 161

good luck everybody else said... 139

Does anyone else think that Kate is still in love with Jon?


I agree with aggiemom that Kate only loves herself, thinks of her children as possessions. I think she loves her personae- all of them! I doubt she ever really loved Jon. She wanted a husband to have children and she caught him young. She controlled him from the get-go and brainwashed him into the church stuff and need to have fertility drugs, thus the HOMs. There was no love in that marriage visible on screen, just a lot of frustration, irritation and tension. I think Jon deeply loved the kids but was way too deeply under Kate's control at the time, until he broke free and today's situation is as it stands...I don't think likes men. Or women. I don't think she has the capacity to love another person.That's why I am leery about the Steve situation - is it just for what she can get out if it from him? Using him too?

Audible Click said... 162

I have a visual of Kate and Milo lumbering along outside with "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" for their theme song. For all you young whippersnappers I've included a YouTube link.

Experienced said... 163

I just wanted to add my input on the subject of IT consulting. Most independent contractors are doing very well in this lousy economy. That's largely due to the fact that large companies in sectors across the board streamlined their IT departments when we first hit the downturn in the economy years ago. They no longer staff up their IT departments with full time employees. These days they have a limited number of permanent employees and they budget for IT on a project basis, hiring contractors for fixed periods such as three months, six months, a year. There are also contracts where you can work from home (making a very nice hourly rate). I am not aware of an IT contractor who pulls in less than $100,00 a year and that takes into account that they are paid by the hour, so they lose a day's pay for all the typical holidays and if they take time off. Also, they obviously have to cover the expense of their own health insurance.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 164

Moose Mania said... 127

I can't imagine that Milo even has time to tweet anymore! I would think that her days would be spent outside under the perfect blue sky, imaging she and Kate, hand in hand, strolling along the edge of the pond, dreamily gazing at one another.

I'd love to be there if the two of them actually meet...Milo on the ground, kissing Kate's feet, sobbing uncontrollably at the wonder of the woman.


Hat's off to you, Moose! I've got this image in my head now, and like Auntie Ann, I need brain bleach. It's too funny! Kate's feet all wet, Milo's endless proclamations with the "g" dropped... LOL. Or what if Milo turned out to be a Sumo wrestler? Or a big, beefy guy named Butch? Or a big, beefy WOMAN named Butch? "Hi, I'm Butch Milo. Love you! Wanna wrestle?" hahahaha.

NJGal51 said... 165

Rhymes with I was at 100b southbound or 100 northbound.

Pulling The Wool said... 166

Does anyone else think that Kate is still in love with Jon?


Was she ever?

Audible Click said... 167

I'm going to try and post one more time. Are we under moderation now?

Audible Click said... 168

I have a visual of Kate and Milo holding hands and lumbering along in the great outdoors with "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" as their theme song. For you young whippersnappers, I've included the YouTube video.

ncgirl said... 169

Now Kate has gotten in to to child support wars. She twittered

"I hate 2 get in2 it, but I must say I know for a fact the PA CS website is accurate&up 2 date. That's all I'm saying."

barbee said... 170

My personal opinion is that the poor kids exposure to their mother figure is even more dangerous than their possible exposure to the pervert that was a part of TLC and their show.

Also don't see her as still in love with Jon, don't believe she EVER was. She also idolizes herself which is much more than just plain loving herself.

Maggie said... 171

E news has a story that says he is behind in payments. It never ends. Kate is a bitch.

barbee said... 172

omg, the bitch just twitted that PA CS site is up to date, and that's 'all' she was saying!


Kate is a twit said... 173

ncgirl-I was just going to post that. Her response was to a fan who tweeted this link to an article at E!

So she "hates" to get into it, BUT....

She's a real piece of work.

Gift of grab said... 174

Ingrid, re twins on cruise, yes, there definitely WAS comment from the horse-mouth on twitter. Check back on this site, around about mid- to late February; I think there might even have been a whole thread devoted to it. That's when it was announced. I don't have time to go look for it. It did not come out in an interview, she/Cindy announced it on Twitter.

Audible, I am laughing my a-- off! I do indeed remember Tiny Tim, and this song is perfect for the milo/Kate anomaly.

Oh and Lady Bountiful has just deigned to comment on the CS feeding frenzy:

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
@mojitosplace I hate 2 get in2 it, but I must say I know for a fact the PA CS website is accurate&up 2 date. That's all I'm saying.

Yes, IT IS, it shows the amount of the next payment due, it just doesn't tell you WHEN it's due. Too bad Jon blew her up today on her "it only pays for lunches" refrain.

Can you tell how much I despise this poseur extraordinaire? There should be psych textbooks written about her, ALL her.

ncgirl said... 175

I know it's been asked a million times, but why can't Kate just shut up? Jon tweeted his side on CS so she had to get her two cents in. I hope the handyman overcharged her.

Kate's Going Down said... 176



Where should I start??? She "hates" to get into it, BUT PROCEEDS TO GET INTO IT.

Then says the PA site is "accurate" like Jon DOES owe that amount.

Jon's explanation was logical and reasonable. KATE THE ASSHOLE'S allusion is NOT, because if he were that much behind, the court would be all over him! As he verified himself.

It bears repeating: she is a bitch from hell. She gives women a bad name. She's a festering pus-filled boil, a rotted carcass, a vile putrid abomination.

May every unhappiness she has caused in every person's life she's caused it in come back on her head many times over. ~ Administrator said... 177

Just when I thought Kate couldn't stoop any lower. How does that comment help her children?

That's interesting because just last week she didn't know what anyone was talking about with Jon being behind! Now she's sure that's 100% accurate?

Careful choice of words. She's not saying he's behind, not saying he's on time either. Jon said the web site is correct too. He said it's his current payment.

She is a bitch from hell. She has no business saying a thing about this other than, it's none of anyone's business. Or heaven forbid, Jon pays on time so enough already. He definitely got the kids more and she is pised.

Kate's Going Down HARD said... 178

No, seriously, f*** her.

Gift of grab said... 179

Let the pity party (no offense, Pity Party) commence:

Steinberg Ent Group ‏ @HeroineofParis
@XXXXXX @Kateplusmy8 poor Kate ! I am so sorry you have such evil always lurking!

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@HeroineofParis @XXXXXX Thanks for your sympathy. I much appreciate it .. That and your kind words and defense :) xo

Really, Kate?

ncgirl said... 180

"There should be psych textbooks written about her, ALL her."

She does want to write another book. LOL I'm sure she'd love to be on the cover of the textbook.

chefsummer #Leh said... 181

Paige C ‏ @Paige_Kate8fan · Open
@TrippenIn @kateplusmy8 they probably consider us as haters not themselves
3h Patty Cakes ‏ @TrippenIn · Open

@Paige_Kate8fan @kateplusmy8 I might not care much for jongosselin1 but I have never hate tweeted him. EVER!
2h Steinberg Ent Group ‏ @HeroineofParis · Open

@TrippenIn @Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 These meanies are like vultures ! Geez!
2h Patty Cakes ‏ @TrippenIn · Open

@HeroineofParis @Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 That they are ....That they are!!!
2h Steinberg Ent Group ‏ @HeroineofParis ·

@TrippenIn @Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 poor Kate ! I am so sorry you have such evil always lurking!

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@HeroineofParis @TrippenIn @Paige_Kate8fan Thanks for your sympathy. I much appreciate it .. That and your kind words and defense :) xo

What defense.???

And the only evil I can see here is Kate.

Kate's Going Down said... 182

Dear Karma,

Please give Kate Gosselin a raging, unrelenting, completely incurable yeast infection.

And let her live to be 103.


The World

Amy2 said... 183

There she goes again....trying to start a Twitter War. Kate's trying to stay in the news once again. Its beeen, what, 2 weeks since her last Twitter war. Accuracy of information doesn't count, just staying relevant in the media is what its about for Kate.

Can't fight a person with NPD because they don't understand logic or rational thinking. ~ Administrator said... 184

If he's behind why doesn't Kate just get some balls and say yes Jon is BEHIND.

I find it very telling. If you're going to say that about someone, OWN IT AND SAY IT.

She thinks she is so smart skirting around here. If Jon gives her a call she can just say what, I said the web site was accurate. It is, it's your current payment!

And you know what, it's completely irrelevant if Jon is a million dollars behind in child support. It's not for her or her fans to use the court of Radar online to solve. Go to the f-ing JUDGE Kate and take care of your problems like a big girl. God. She knows he pays. She knows he got more custody. And she knows he's going to get a reduction due to more custody. So suck it Kate.

Carezee said... 185

Don't forget the school year only consists of about 184 days a year. Those are some good lunches they have. But let's not forget they are organic lunches. It is so much more expensive than the mediocre lunches the rest of us eat.

Sheeple are Delusional said... 186

I thought that HeroineofParis was a Jon supporter, I remember her tweeting him before. Guess Kate should block her too then...

Kate's Going Down said... 187

Exactly admin. And if he's behind, EXPLAIN WHY HE HASN'T BEEN ARRESTED.

Oh yeah, that's right, that's because he's not behind.

God bless America, she is a twat.

Gift of grab said... 188

Check and balance, how on earth do YOU know when a zero balance changes to "current amount due"? The fact is, you DON'T, and so your comment is ridiculous. It is the same with any "lien-holding" entity. If your car payment is due on the 20th of each month, and the fine print says pay by 1st of subsequent month to avoid penalties, then if you PAY by then, you have a zero balance until the NEXT month's amount due is posted (usually around the 1st of the month). So, if Jon's payment was due on, say, the 25th of every month, and he paid on time for March, then it should come as no surprise that on 04/12, he shows a balance owing (and due on the 25th). WHAT about this is so hard to understand? Z-blo has been on Twitter ALL day trying to say that this CAN ONLY BE "arrears." Eh, WHAT?

The fact that Jon bothered to be exact that $3,557.60 is what he is paying every month should clue you in to the fact that this amount is his monthly child support. Period. And you have no basis for thinking it is "past due."

Gift of grab said... 189

Lordy Bee, isn't she a B!

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
@XXXXX I hate 2 get in2 it, but I must say I know for a fact the PA CS website is accurate&up 2 date. That's all I'm saying.

@Kateplusmy8 Twitter, Facebook, google is here for eternity. What goes on here, is a diary to your children - remember that.

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXXX I do! That's why I state only the facts :)&only when needed. Talk abt Only things that make it to the public--& then only2correct!

TLC stinks said... 190

I went to the PA custody site and arrears does mean past due; accruals means what is currently due. Not sure what it's all about, but apparently someone tipped off Radar. I think maybe Kate was pissed he was late and a minion was the tipper. Nobody would have accessed that information unless Kate gave them the thumbs up or Kate did it herself. Could even have been Steve. She is evil.

Gift of grab said... 191

Yeah, I bet they HAVE already figure out "the truth."

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXXX I can't control the lies from bullies, liars, tabloids tho... And that makes me sad. But my kids already hav fig out the truth!;)

Audible Click said... 192

My curse for Kate: May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits, and may your arms be too short to scratch.

chefsummer #Leh said... 193 (Administrator) said... 184
If he's behind why doesn't Kate just get some balls and say yes Jon is BEHIND.


She can say for once in her life no comment or that she wrath no discuss that issue on twitter.

But nah it's Kate were talking about not a normal person.

Girl From Up North said... 194

Ok, I am from Ontario but worked for several years collecting child support.

Lets say someone owes 100 per month CS due on the 1st day of each month. If you are going into the office and paying in advance there will never be arrears. But if you provide post-dated cheques, as many payers do, they would be dated the 1st. Deposit a cheque on the first and when does it clear? Several days later. So you appear to be "in arrears".

OR: you have your wages garnished, which can be standard practice for some jurisdictions. Payment due on 1st, employer sends enough from each pay to cover the full 100, but not from just one pay, but spread out over the pay periods of that month. Sent in mail or paid electronically - still has to clear, so may not be cleared on "due date". Also, there may be lag time from the time the garnishment was issued to the time the employer is even able to start remitting monies. =arrears.

You have to look the history of payments to see what is going on and also know what form the payment is in. Furthter,even if a payer was in arrears, say one month, enforcement activity may or may not commence immediately. If it does commence immediately, papers still have to be drawn up, sworn, filed at court, served, etc., depending again on the jurisdiction. If the payment history is fairly good, enforcement may not be undertaken, but phone calls, friendly reminders, etc.

Then what IF there were going to be changes in custody - perhaps the changes to relating support are ordered retroactively. May be in arrears for a period of time but then, poof, not in arrears because a court has lowered the support order to a previous date, say 6 months previously when someone's income dried up. Same applies to increases in support - may be up to date and then, poof, suddenly in arrears because amount has been retroactively increased.

There are so many variables that no one but the court and the parties involved (J & K) know.

My point is that it is pointless to speculate, especially when the "arrears" amount is near or exactly the monthly amount ordered. It sounds more like a timing thing to me. Or perhaps the Penn. system shows "upcoming" due dates like credit card bills do - not yet in arrears but due soon.

Ok, I feel better!! LOL

Nancy said... 195

@XXXXXX I can't control the lies from bullies, liars, tabloids tho... And that makes me sad. But my kids already hav fig out the truth!;) 7 minutes ago

She just can't stop herself it's absolutely amazing and very very sad to watch...

Paula said... 196

How sad for those children that they have to live with such a mentally ill mother. May God be with them.

Pity Party said... 197

I think this is one instance where Jon should go to the courthouse and get an affidavit stating that he is not behind in his CS. When you start talking about that and putting out false information on that particular subject that is far different than saying he already has a new GF, etc. CS is a measure of the man and KT knows that and has always alluded to a problem with that it from day one. If he is behind then have him arrested and STFU.

Anonymous said... 198

The ambiguous b----; that tweet about the PA CS website is just to add more fuel to the fire to keep her relevant. Please Sue Buddy, I'm begging you, please, another article to cover this mess she has created.


Gift of grab said... 199

Not to overemphasize the obvious, but . . .

If Jon is paying +/-$3,500/month, according to my argument (which is that Kate ONLY kicks in for the kids the amount that Jon pays), those kids are living on roughly $7,000/month. It may not be a king's ransom, and it certainly won't cover private-school tuition or mortgage/house maintenance payments, BUT the latter are what KATE wants, NOT what kids require for a healthy, happy life. I think 8 kids living on $80K+ per year is more than respectable. It's not lavish, but it's way more than just "adequate." ~ Administrator said... 200

Maybe Kate doesn't understand that being that she can't think outside her own little head, but child support IS indeed the measure of a man.

When you insult a man's provisions, it is the absolute worst thing you can do to a man. It's not just, oh he's a meany, or oh he's fat or balding. It cuts so, so much deeper than that.

I don't blame Jon for going off this morning. I don't know how he does it. Will nothing shut her up?

Not to mention, doesn't she get a check from the state? Not Jon? Not sure how it works in PA. How would she know that number is accurate anyway?

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