thousands of plastic eggs, to
baking in a shower cap, to setting a place for
"Kate's future husband" at the dinner table, to denying she knows anything about this week's
upcoming custody hearing, to
blocking a loyal fan and paying cruise customer from Twitter, Kate's Easter was a sometimes hysterical more often creepy glimpse into her descent into madness.
And the paparazzi arrived just in time to capture it all.
FYI, until further notice, Realitytvkids.com now has a policy of blurring the children's faces in photos.
1132 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1132 Newer› Newest»That tweeter is trying to ingratiate herself with Kate...Maddy looks pretty, but not like Kate at all.
Maddy may be one of those kids who wants to do things early (like wear make-up) She wanted her ears pierced for her special day...Kate may have her hands full of pre -teen rebellion before she knows it, although right now Maddy and Cara seem to be enjoying being 'pals' with Mom-
I never wanted to get an IP tracker because I feel strongly that it's very important to protect everyone's privacy even if I would never do anything with the info.
However, I will get one if Kimmie and Snotty Brat continue to come here despite being banned, for purposes of capturing their IPs and banning them.
But I feel it is only fair that I give them ample warning. I don't want to see them back here from this moment on or I will do it. Consider yourself warned.
How can Gosselin photos be worth anything?...Inf's has generated all of 4 comments since pics were posted at 8:55AM...now thats heavy traffic!!!...LOL
Admin - I don't mean to complain or tell you how to run your blog, but as someone who has been here since almost the beginning, I just have to say that I've been waiting about six months for you to get an IP tracker or a commenting system where you can block specific IP's. Having such a system in no way violates anyone's privacy. It's not like you will be able to determine their name, address, and phone number. Many, many websites have IP trackers and they often do not even make the reader aware of it.
I think the sheeple have made this site their playground for FAR too long and I, for one, would love to see them denied their fun. Thanks for considering it.
@TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 Kate, the one pic shows the photog right by Joel. Obviously you knew they were there...or that's kinda scary.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXXXXX @TrippenIn lol. Those were friends taking pics... Not pap!
She sold pix of her kids to a tab. Jon? Is this enough to get her rights terminated?
I am the xxx in here. I am the one who questioned her. She responded to me. I also questioned her about why her friends would sell the photos to INF. I have yet to receive an answer. The bottom line (I think) is she sold her kid's Easter pictures to INF and got caught.
And I know I am late to the party here, but why does Mady have so much make up on?
Steph, you won't get an answer, but you will get a twat telling you you're blocked LOL. Bottom line is if no paps were there, who sold INF the pics? If Chris sold the pics, then a pap was there.
20+ acres and she scatters her plastic eggs right where anyone can see. She might as well put out her white plastic lawn chairs and sell tickets. Oh wait, no takers. I mean, if INF gets 4 comments, who cares. I hope the judge does.
And what kind of control freak makes kids open and empty 100's of eggs as soon as they are found, to return them to the bin? Crazy ass.
@TrippenIn I didnt even know they were there taking pics! Oh my! Kids had so much fun!
If she didn't know she would not have ended this with "kids had so much fun". She would have been irate.
I too know a lot of people who can't stay single and never understood how they could jump from one relationship to the next in the blink of an eye. I really wish Jon would just take some time alone before he jumps into yet another relationship. I think it would be good for him and the kids. It has to be confusing for them.
For the first time today I realized how much Hannah looks like Kate. She really has a lot of her features, IMO.
Steph 6:
I think that was Mady's choice. Kate didn't say no, the way most mothers of girls that age would for Easter.(church, religious holiday, supposed guests) Maybe a little lip gloss etc is ok or for a kids' party a touch of mascara...that's JMO. But it also seems Kate is encouraging Mady to put herself out there and mentions her talents often...now this make-up- TV-ready?
Administrator, why bother blurring out the kids' faces if everybody is still going to INF to discuss their features?
Personally, I don't want to see their faces. I've seen enough of these kids to last a lifetime.
Why bother, I don't tell other people what to do, but I can make a decision that is best for this blog and for me.
I disagree that "everyone" is going over there to look just because a few people are talking about it. How do you know that?
Khate is a pathological liar and we all know it. We also know that she has displayed her lack of intelligence umpteen times over the years. And when a stupid person tries to lie like she does, it never works. They just make themselves look even more stupid.
If Jon in concerned about Khate's continuation of the reality show against his wishes by moving it to Twitter, her blog, and fake "pap" shots, I would think it will be a major part of his motion that is supposedly before the court this week. Again, we only know that there's some court action due to that tweeter she responded to (set-up, most likely). But, let's hope that he will be in court this week over Khate's continued exploitation of the kids, as well as having more parenting time with the children, and having the right of first refusal when Khate leaves them overnight.
On this issue of the "pap" photos, it's very easy to bust her arse in court and I have to say, it would be rather pleasing as an attorney. Jon's motion papers hopefully allege that Khate stages "pap" photo ops and is in collusion with paps just to exploit the children against the wishes of their father, who has already won the right to keep them off of television. Khate's answer to the motion would most likely deny it, as she has denied it for years while she fakes complaining about those darn paps. That denial would be great because then, Jon's attorney only needs to subpoena INF, photographer Chris Watts, Radar, and anyone else to finally find out HOW they are getting these photos. I think I would almost pay money to be in court to witness that. Not only would Khate finally be proven to be a liar, she will lose all credibility with the judge, who will finally see it in action and see just what lengths she is willing to go to in order to exploit the children.
You have to think...the trees aren't even in full bloom here yet in PA...you could see a pap a mile away...
Kate should try using some coupons to buy her boys some clothes that fit. They look pathetic swimming in those vests and pants that are 2 sizes to big. Selfish bitch
I only mentioned the makeup because it was obvious from a distance and Kate has mentioned a few times that Mady seems to be a talented singer. I do believe Mady was also in a school play. So it does appear that Kate may be putting some pressure on her and the makeup alarmed me a little bit. It could also be innocent, and Mady could just like wearing makeup and her mom overdid it, as she does her own. But a little bit of mascara and lip gloss would not have been noticed.
Wow. Can't wait to see what Kate's response to all the speculation will be. I like the idea that when Kaye refers to "friends" they are somehow involved in her employ. It is common knowledge that paps and celebs have agreements. I totally believe Chris Watts, if he took those photos, was invited by Kate. She's getting her much deserved "buzz", but she's being called out a liar, which there is no doubt she is. What price fame, Kate?
Well, I am 100% convinced Steve was there, so what good is he as a bodyguard from the big, bad pap. He is knee deep in the deception too.
Admin, I think it's great that you are taking a stand and aren't showing the kids faces. It shows that you are against the exploitation of them in any form. I guess I picked the wrong day to bring up the resemblance I noticed but I saw those pics on INF long before I saw your new post and was amazed because I had never noticed any of the kids looking like Kate before. I do respect and agree with your decision. If everyone would stop looking at the pictures Kate puts out of her children she would eventually go away but that's the strange phenomenon of this whole thing, few seem to be able to do this. One of the worst parts of it is Kate knows this all too well. That's why she loves her "haters" as much as her fans.
NLAN said,
"Again, we only know that there's some court action due to that tweeter she responded to (set-up, most likely)."
What tweeter is that? I must have missed this entirely.
I dont think that INF would have been interested in the shoot unless Kate called them and asked them to come. The show has been off the air for months now. The kids have remained out of the spotlight (except on Kates blog). Why would they decided to take pictures of them after all of these months? It dose not add up.
Now for the friend, I doubt that is a friend. Most friends bring point and shoot cameras or use their cell phone. The only reason I can see for someone bringing over a nice professional camera like that is if she was paying for a photo shoot. I bet Kate will be claiming that the photographer was there to make "memories" for them.
Last fall Kate had family pics taken by a friend who is a pro photographer. I suspect it could be the same one and he came to take egg hunt pics and that 'friend' might have left to be with own family after taking a few shots of her kids in the yard. (besides possible pap taking pics too of course)
There is no way those pics. were taken by paps. Remember how upset and the twitter war with the pap that took her pic at the RC gala? No way without a war.
I think the pics were taken by a pap, Chris Watts has his own copyright on them, how much more proof do you need? You could end up in jail for doing that if that's not really you, that's just nuts, guys. It was Chris.
What I don't understand is why Kate thrust her children out there in broad view of the street when she has acres and acres of property to hide eggs where no one would ever see. And I don't understand why she's not outraged. She went on a rampage over philly pap, but I guess that was just because he tried to out her and Steve. Kate only gets passionate about herself.
I guess I said that wrong. The pics on INF are probably pap shots but I think the friend with "huge camera" is the pro she had over last fall.
Admin 22 said
And I don't understand why she's not outraged. She went on a rampage over philly pap, but I guess that was just because he tried to out her and Steve.
I don't think so. Her outrage at the RC event had to do with the only thing Kate really cares about. (Hint: it's not Steverino.)
It's MONEY. She gets a cut from Chris W's photos. She gets ZILCH from some pap working the RC event.
We have had 5 hours of twitter silence. I bet the shit is hitting the fan. We know that she treated a fan and cruse payer horribly this weekend. She is no longer following Cindy. She was also "unaware" that the kids were being photographed. I bet she is feeling the heat from both of these things. That along with the up coming court date.
Hummmmm, maybe that's who took the pic of her baking.
BigFan who is not a BigFan is on a racist rampage tonight. Yesterday she was obsessing over manly size and flat tongues.
Where do these people come from?
It's MONEY. She gets a cut from Chris W's photos. She gets ZILCH from some pap working the RC event.
Yep, this. Also why he "magically" knows when she is getting gas, at Target, parking in the fire lane, lol.
@Chriscapo9 you said the 'm' word, yikes! Home from serving our country? How can I say no?! Hmm email me....:)
This fellow just got back from Iraq and he asked her to a hockey game...
Chriscapo9 @Kateplusmy8 I just got home from IRAQ since u wont marry me will u Join me for a Flyers PLayoff Game ?????
@Chriscapo9 you said the 'm' word, yikes! Home from serving our country? How can I say no?! Hmm email me....:)
This fellow just got back from Iraq and he asked her to a hockey game...
Chriscapo9 @Kateplusmy8 I just got home from IRAQ since u wont marry me will u Join me for a Flyers PLayoff Game ?????
I hope she's not just playing around, it's mean to toy. If she's serious, she should go with him. It's the least she can do to give back.
Oh, she'd just do that to try to get in the news, like those actual celebs who agree to go to a prom with someone.
Kate just got a tweet invite...looks like she may take him up on it!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 2
I never wanted to get an IP tracker because I feel strongly that it's very important to protect everyone's privacy even if I would never do anything with the info.
However, I will get one if Kimmie and Snotty Brat continue to come here despite being banned, for purposes of capturing their IPs and banning them.
But I feel it is only fair that I give them ample warning. I don't want to see them back here from this moment on or I will do it. Consider yourself warned.
Yay. (sorry Kate, ya don't own THAT one)
I'd trust you with my IP, Admin. It's getting so a person can't even snark anymore.
There is nothing I can add to this that hasn't already been said. Outrage at the gestational carrier, sad for the kids, and hoping the courts will do something to stop her.
Auntie Ann - another comment you made almost cost me another keyboard - LOL.
As for the 'Voyage of the Damned" - LOL - good for that lady. I hope Gypsi bails, too.
If Gypsi would not want to lose that money by cancelling I wonder if she can change her Kate tickets to just cruise w/o having to see Kate.
If she is "feeling the heat," she has only herself to blame. There was no reason to pull a stunt like the Easter photos a few days before she goes to court. That was a clear "in your face" to Jon, who I trust is trying to get her to stop "performing" their family's life on social media for the benefit of her ragtag band of followers. I certainly do not believe she could be so hard-up for money less than a year after the show ending that she felt she HAD to display her family for the paycheck. Honestly, it cannot be all that much. This is her way of saying to Jon, I don't CARE what you want, I am going to do this MY way.
I hope she gets the book thrown at her.
Cardella is still quiet too although she may be on some kind of spring break vacation. It must be hard work to keep up with your cruise record when you've been on 30 plus cruises in you lifetime! I'd feel obligated to constantly travel.
By the way off topic nerd alert, did you hear they opened up the 1940 census records? I already found my great aunt!
Dancing with them there stars is really starting to wear down the stats. Maria Menounos had a stress fracture of her foot, and Melissa Gilbert had an injury during rehearsal and could not perform live. They are working really hard.
And on the New, Now, Next awards on Logo, Nadia G from.” Nadia's Bitchin Kitchen” won the ” Most Addictive Reality Personality” award. Look, Latrice Royale is a backup dancer! Look, there is RuPaul NOT in drag!
Oh NOES! There is am add for that train wreck ” Eden's World”. Which looks like all the adults involved arguing with each other, while Eden looks like a 6 year old drag queen! Who in their right mind thought this would be a good idea?
Do you mind if I ask for your educated opinion? Is this enough for the courts to finally do something to protect the kids privacy? Is it strictly a family court matter?
Someone once commented that they wished Judge Judy had this case - boy, do I agree. If only they had that kind of judge handling things.
Please, no DWTS spoilers. Wase coast hasn't aired yet.
librarylady said... 28
It's MONEY. She gets a cut from Chris W's photos. She gets ZILCH from some pap working the RC event.
Yep, this. Also why he "magically" knows when she is getting gas, at Target, parking in the fire lane, lol.
Right again! Chris lives in Philadelphia. Why would he drive that very long distance and randomly sit at the Target, or the UPS store or the tanning salon in the hopes Kate might show up. It doesn't work that way. He wouldn't do it. Kate tips him off. Preesi posted a long time ago that Chris had lost his licence from having a DUI or two. That seems to explain the major drop of INF pictures of Kate running her errands in the last year. Once in awhile he would get someone to drive him.
It just kills me that when Kate is in public and she thinks people are getting pictures of them, she has an anxiety attack and melts down (Steeeeeeve taaaake caaaare offff ittttttttt!) One of her worst fears is that someone might make $15 off a picture of them. But when her kids are photographed in their own yard, at their own home, having an egg hunt that should have been 100% private and not for public consumption- she blows it off as "oh, didn't know they were there oh my! They had so much fun!!!!!!!!" She doesn't seem angry or outraged in the least. Probably, because IMO she set this up, she got her cut and nothing warms her icy cold black slush heart and makes her happier than the kids making her a buck.
Melissa Gilbert had an injury during rehearsal and could not perform live.
Are you sure about that? Tom said that she injured herself during tonight's live performance and she went to the hospital to get checked out. He said he'd have an update at tomorrow night's show.
JoyinVirginia, I love Nadia G! Her show is so funny and has some good advice for cooking. I also love her spice boy, meat boy exc. Extra hunky eye candy is always a win in my book.
I have to think Kate is in "damage control" mode. How can she worm out of this Easter Sunday picture fiasco?
So, if the pictures were taken by invited guests, how did they get over to INF? If this was truly the case, where is the "I can't trust anyone" tweet?
If the pictures were taken by Chris, (using a telephoto lens while hanging over the fence while no-one noticed). Then we would have had the trust-issue tweet, the paparazzi version.
If, indeed there really were "no paps", and the invited guest gave HER all the pictures, then she gave them to INF.
How many more scenarios are there? All we can hope for is that Jon reads here and continues to gather enough ammunition to bring to a Judge. SOMEONE is exploiting these minor children, and the Easter Sunday photos published on INF proves that as fact.
Someone mentioned no one bringing nice cameras to meetings with friends. Not that if really is applicable to the INF shots but more and more people are using DSLRs as their everyday camera. I got one for Christmas specifically to be able to take better (but by no means professional) pictures of my son. Two of my friends also have one as well. So it's 100% plausible to me that someone would come over with a DSLR to take pictures on Easter.
Again , Im not sure this has any bearing on who took the pictures but using a DSLR is fairly common these days.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 37
By the way off topic nerd alert, did you hear they opened up the 1940 census records? I already found my great aunt!
Yes, you can tell the history nerds in the group (speaking for myself :))... I was on it right away, too. I found my great-grandmother and some cousins, still searching for my grandparents.
I have to agree with Melissa I find nothing strange about having a friend over to take pics with a DSLR. I know a lot of serious photographers. I had a Canon SLR with all the bells and whistles for years that I lugged everywhere until I sort of lost interest in photography. (I found lugging the equipment everywhere to be too much of a pain)
Plus, looking at this camera, I can tell it's a low-end Nikon. Nikon is for serious photographers but if you're just a hobby-player you wouldn't spring for the two grand one like the paps have.
Maybe I'm in the minority but I find nothing not straight forward about this set up. What I DO find disturbing to the core is why in the world Kate is parading them out there in the first place and telling everyone what they are doing this weekend. I don't care how much she may not want them to dictate her life, we're talking about a very small area to avoid and you don't use your CHILDREN to stick it to the paps. You protect them at all costs, way before trying to just stick it to the paps I'll live my life how I want. No, you'll protect your KIDS.
But, let's hope that he will be in court this week over Khate's continued exploitation of the kids, as well as having more parenting time with the children, and having the right of first refusal when Khate leaves them overnight.
On this issue of the "pap" photos, it's very easy to bust her arse in court and I have to say, it would be rather pleasing as an attorney. Jon's motion papers hopefully allege that Khate stages "pap" photo ops and is in collusion with paps just to exploit the children against the wishes of their father
Amen NLAN. I'll give Jonny boy the benefit of the doubt one more week but if he doesn't do anything this week in court to stop the exploitation by his ex-wife, I'm done with him.
No more excuses for Jon. I'm tired of hearing how he can't afford to go back to court because she'll 'bleed him dry'. This week is pivotal if Jon wants to remain the protective dad I always hoped he would be.
Melissa Gilbert DID perform tonight and appeared to be fine. It was only at the end of the show when they were recapping that Tom mentioned that Melissa had hurt herself, and that both she and Maks had gone to the hospital to have her checked out.
Amen NLAN. I'll give Jonny boy the benefit of the doubt one more week but if he doesn't do anything this week in court to stop the exploitation by his ex-wife, I'm done with him.
What if the judge denies his requests? The problem is Jon has an uphill battle here. Courts don't like to disrupt stability. He will have to fight hard and there is a good chance he won't win. Doesn't simply going back to court yet again despite how financially draining it is (until you've gotten lawyer bills you can't really understand how financially draining it is) is a huge thing. If I had to guess, I would guess the judge will find a way to split the baby. Give Jon some of what he wants, but not all. It doesn't mean he didn't fight darn hard for things he doesn't get.
Tess not knowing the judge I have no idea.
All I can say is I know some judges who would give Jon full legal and physical custody and order Kate to shut down her twitter and blog if she wants any hope of monitored visits in a therapeutic setting and I've seen it happen. And I know some judges that wouldn't rock the boat.
@48...Amen NLAN. I'll give Jonny boy the benefit of the doubt one more week but if he doesn't do anything this week in court to stop the exploitation by his ex-wife, I'm done with him.
I don't know that he would care about anyone "being done with him." Nobody knows what he has done in court to fight for the kids because he's not making it public. This is as it should be. It's between his attorneys, the judge, and the parent. Whether or not anyone is done with him really isn't his concern right now.
If you don't have the funds to keep going back into court, how should he pay for it? It's kind of hard to get blood from a turnip. Not only that, but if you keep going back into court, time after time, and the result is the same, judges are going to get pretty darn tired of it very quickly, and they will let you know it.
If you don't have the funds to keep going back into court, how should he pay for it? It's kind of hard to get blood from a turnip. Not only that, but if you keep going back into court, time after time, and the result is the same, judges are going to get pretty darn tired of it very quickly, and they will let you know it.
You can be held in contempt of course for repeatedly bringing the same concerns to the judge. He waited a good amount of time where he won't be poo-pooed.
I have had judges say if you file this document again I will throw it in the garbage and throw you in jail.
Also, as an attorney we are prohibited by the bar and code of ethics from filing frivolous motions--a motion that has repeatedly been denied we are not allowed to file.
You have to respect a judge's decision. It's the court of law, they make decisions, and you accept them or appeal it, or wait awhile for time to go by. You don't keep going back and back and back and back again or you'll end up absolutely nowhere but in a jail cell.
Regarding Kate and her prospective date for the hockey game. I wonder if he knows that Steve will be with them. It could get rather awkward for all three of them!
By the way just a little insight into how a family attorney thinks through a case strategy, a lot of it is timing.
I can't tell you how many times I have told clients we have to file this at the right time. The optimal time. Let's not file this now. Or, we should have filed this yesterday let's hurry.
A good example would be a good time to file for change in custody would be around Christmas time--when the semester is winding down and the kids will be off from break and can adjust to a change. Or, just before summer, when they aren't in school. That way you cause as little disruption as possible throwing a new routine on them. Jon is filing at a traditionally good time--not to long before they will be out of school.
A bad time to file for custody, in general, is say, October, when the kids are already knee deep in a school year and it would be disruptive to switch custody right then.
Other timing things are if you are annoying the judge it's sometimes best to lay low for awhile. Or it be a good idea to wait until you have all your ducks in a row before you come out swinging instead of coming in weak with only a few things in order.
I've learned that family law strategy can be very complicated, and I've become a lot less judgmental of strategy because there are a million and a half ways to handle a custody case. And none of them are necessarily bad. Like playing chess. You can win a million different ways. And, you can also lose a million different ways. I know it can seem like Jon should be knocking on the judge's door every day, but I have to tell you that is no way to win your family law case.
Timing is everything in family law court. If his attorney has any experience at all I'm sure they know all about that and have their own ideas none of us are, or should be, privy too.
If the judge doesn't grant Jon what he's asking for, that's a whole different story. I want him to at least TRY. The kids can always look back and say "Daddy tried to help us. He really did."
The stability factor is going against Jon. His relationships haven't been exactly stable. Would a judge weigh this heavily? I hope not.
Something I don't understand is why so many comments here, at Yahoo, even at CC, see what she is doing is wrong, wrong, wrong and yet a JUDGE and the legal system don't. Crazy.
Twittering, I was mistaken. Sorry. Dogs insisted on going out at inconvenient time. I misunderstood tom.
One major thing is confusing me about the pics: why wasn't Khate in ANY of them? Doesn't she get that this was prime time to be shown as good mum, outside with the kids, helping them hunt eggs, hugs, kisses and laughs all abound?
As my grandmother used to say, Khate is nuttier than squirrel poo.
To history nerds: I just found my grandpa on the 1940 census! He was 14 years old and the family home was valued at $1,000. SO EXCITED!
Today's value (it's still in the family, my mom's cousin and her husband own it): $200,000. Talk about a family investment that paid off.
Grandps is still kicking, can't wait to show him.
I agree with Admin on that guy taking pictures. I don't even think that is a DSLR. Could be more along the lines of a point and shoot. It is much smaller than DSLR's I've seen if you look at the camera in comparison with the size of his hand. Could be he is just there as someone for Kate to claim as being the photographer of those pictures so fingers aren't pointing at her as far as being responsible for Chris the pap taking those photos.
I also believe he is not a professional photographer. Most pros wouldn't use a pop-up flash unless that was all that was available. A Pro Photog hired to photograph an event would bring a camera bag with various lenses and an external flash and other photographic equipment. Only reason I could think of for using a pop-up flash outdoors in an unshaded area, in broad daylight would be backlighting and having no other equipment available to compensate for it.
For cripes sake- Jon just ended a 2 YEAR relationship. It's not like he's hopping into a new bed every weekend.
One main thing confuses me about the new pics: why isn't Khate in ANY of them? Doesn't she get that this was prime time to literally show the world (or the hundred some people who bothered to look) that she is a good, fun mum? To have it documented, in living colour. Why no pics of her hunting eggs with the kids? Hugs and kisses; smiles and laughter all around? Skeeve is either falling down on the job as her 'manager'. I guess he's just as bad at that as he was at being a bodyguard. Jeeezz, it's PR 101.
Not complaining or arguing, just wondering - what's the purpose of blurring the kids' faces at this point when we all (mostly) know who they are and have for ages?
If Khate, and I suppose Skeeve, had even half a wit between them they would have hosted an Easter egg hunt for a dozen or so kids at the Konpound. The kids could be cancer patients, or somehow connected to the Ronald McDonald House.
What's Next, yes good call on the pop up flash. Low, low end Nikon. Photographer who doesn't know much. There's no reason you should use a flash outside for pics like this even on dim days. You can compensate by adjusting the ISO, etc.
Like you said it might not even be a DSLR. It might even be the Coolpix which looks like an SLR but is really the point and shoot (camera tip: why bother, spring for the SLR).
He's just an amateur, not that there's anything wrong with that, you can get great pictures with the technology out there even the low end stuff, but he's no pap.
I have cameras on the mind. I just sold my baby--my old Canon film SLR. It was time it goes to a better home that will give it some love. I can't believe I got more than 100 bucks for that relic. And I bought the latest Canon PowerShoot in its place. Can't wait to play.
AmyF, they are growing and changing. They should be able to grow and chance in private. Eventually if they stay out of the public eye long enough people actually might not recognize them, unless they were all together or with Kate or Jon.
But that will never happen if they keep staying so public here and on Kate's blog and elsewhere.
It's over Kate said... 60
For cripes sake- Jon just ended a 2 YEAR relationship. It's not like he's hopping into a new bed every weekend.
I didn't say anything about the length of his relationships. I just said he doesn't let any grass grow under his feet in between. In my opinion Jon has had a lot of girlfriends since he and Kate split. There's nothing wrong with that except it could confuse the kids. I also think it could lessen his chances of finding the right one because he doesn't seem to give himself much time to really get to know someone before he's calling them his girlfriend. The kids are probably afraid to get close with any of them because they come and they go. As a child of divorce I know how hard it can be to see your parents with different partners. They spend intimate times, holidays, and birthdays with the children and then they're gone. It's just my opinion and it's not necessarily right. I like Jon and still think he is the better parent, I just wish he would give himself more time in between. Of course, it's none of my business and he can do what he wants.
Spring Has Sprung said... 54
Regarding Kate and her prospective date for the hockey game. I wonder if he knows that Steve will be with them. It could get rather awkward for all three of them!
That awkward moment when you realize you've come between Kate and her boobyguard.
I can't understand how any mother who has a choice would choose to put her little boys in such big, dumb looking clothes. That is just WRONG. Shame, shame on Kate. Then they will probably wear those same clothes until they are several sizes too small. How awful. What mother would do that on purpose?
I am a history nerd. What state are you finding this good stuff in, Admin? I didn't know you could find anyone in the 1940 census by name yet.
I found my family, but in a very small town in Colorado. I had to look through every page of the census looking for the name. I have found many, many names in earlier census by names, but not in the 1940 yet.
Button Button I don't feel comfortable saying the state, I'm sorry!
But the town my grandfather grew up in is SMALL even today. I knew it was dinky back then too. There are only about 50 pages of census documents for this area with only four or five families listed on each one. It took me only about 40 minutes to flip through them until I found his family, and his aunt's. I just skimmed through each one looking for the family name.
You have to know the location to narrow it down. They said they're in the process of doing it by name.
Looks like another sheeple is going to sign up. She tweeted that she just got the money together. Cindy will be dancing in the streets...
Kateplusmy8 I really enjoyed the pictures of the kids online. They are just too cute. Can't wait for the cruise. Hope to meet them all!
I think she may be a bit disappointed, though.
Kateplusmy8 What do we do now? Do we just send you a check or something? We need info please!!
Would the judge even let Jon have the kids due to the size of his home? Its a nice modest size with supposedly 3 bedrooms. One room for Jon and then a room for the boys and a room for the girls. That would be a tight squeeze especially with the twins reaching their teenage years.
Cardella's on twitter silence. Seems like if an employee is on vacation you should have a back up person to take orders. You would THINK.
But then this is the Kate Kruise a clusterfuck from port to starboard.
Admin said...But then this is the Kate Kruise a clusterfuck from port to starboard.
...and from bow to stern!
But then this is the Kate Kruise a clusterfuck from port to starboard.
I'm in full agreement. This begs the question as to why Jon is signing off on letting the twins attend. As a parent, if the organization of it is THIS bad, can you imagine the clusterfuck the actual cruise will be? Jon would have to sign off on them attending. I have to sign off on my kid leaving the country. Every single time.
Are we on moderation so you can go fishing, Admin? I'd have to say if you're looking up IP addresses, I may hesitate to post. Not that anyone would care (LOL) but because one can never be too safe on the internet when crazy people like CJ abound.
I haven't been posting long but I really appreciate the work you put into it, Admin. You're very brave. :)
If reports that Mady was wearing makeup are true, I find this very disturbing and inappropriate. Time magazine had an article about a 10 year old French model that was posed in adult clothes and full makeup.
It refers to the sexualization of young girls and I believe that Mady is mirroring Kate, in order to get her approval and support. And, apparently it is working--Mady seems to have evolved as the Golden Child, who is responsible for carrying out all of Kate's hopes and dreams-- Mady's part in the play, Mady as a Disney kid, Mady in an updated version of Sound of Music.
And, how about Kate's favorite movies? All have strong female lead characters, which include 2 uber-nannys, a prostitute and the sexual relationship between an underage girl and a 28 year old gigolo that meets the definition of statutory rape (at least in Washington state). Dirty Dancing focuses on a character who, when he isn't boinking married, desperate, sexually-frustrated middle-aged patrons of a cheesy Catskill resort, is practicing sexually explicit dance moves into the wee hours of the morning.
Really great role models for your five daughters, Kate, the mother of all mothers.
@Kateplusmy8 think I may have to sign up to net flicks just so I can watch Kate plus 8! The world makes sense again! :)
There sure are some incredibly stupid sheeple out there. What kind of a life would you have if you needed Kate in order for the world to make sense?
I'm in full agreement. This begs the question as to why Jon is signing off on letting the twins attend. As a parent, if the organization of it is THIS bad, can you imagine the clusterfuck the actual cruise will be? Jon would have to sign off on them attending. I have to sign off on my kid leaving the country. Every single time.
That's because you were in agreement. I deal with travel disputes every day. Either the other parent agrees and signs off, or you bring it to the court of law and let the judge decide.
I recall only ever seeing one vacation request ever denied by the judge, and that was a request to go to a part of Mexico that has been unsafe lately. They are liberally granted. Judges don't take kindly to parents trying to block a child's good time.
Maybe you weren't around when we were talking about how Jon actually tried to stop the cruise, right when it first came about. The judge's order was that he couldn't stop it, BUT that he would be given equal time to take the children on vacation and that Kate couldn't stop him either. This may be an issue he revisits this week now that it's becoming more apparent the twins are being used as bait.
Andrea, judges aren't supposed to discriminate based on housing. The judge is not going to care if there are three kids to a room or whatever, there are no laws about that when it comes to parents. Judges have seen it all, that is nothing. If you live under a bridge they can let you have your kids. The perception is the judge prefers the "wealthier" parent and that may be but that's usually because of other factors--wealthier parent can afford the better attorney, etc.
But they can take into account the global picture--like why are under a bridge, is it because you are on drugs and can't get a job because you're an addict? There's nothing wrong with that house any judge should have a problem with. He's going to look at the full picture. What is best for the kids, what are their preferences, is there a chance in circumstances that would warrant giving Jon more custody, etc.
Kateplusmy8 What do we do now? Do we just send you a check or something? We need info please!!
Actually she may be onto something here. Sending a check directly to Kate, or better yet cash, would make this all a heck of a lot simpler, wouldn't it?
Admin 66 - thanks for the explanation.
Well forgive me then because I did miss that! So not even a judge could see the poor way this is being handled and ruled against Jon? My god. I cannot imagine someone ELSE telling me what's best for my child.
I'm so rooting for the guy to win SOMETHING just to get his spirits up. Because if he gains momentum, he could be unstoppable. *fingers crossed*
My source told me this a long time ago, before things with the cruise got really bad. I'm guessing Kate asked him to sign off right when she first started the cruise, which explains why Kate didn't mention the twins going until a long time after the initial cruise announcement--she was holding out on Jon.
I'm sure Kate assured the judge the twins wouldn't be working, it would be all fun and games for them while she works. No judge is going to say no with those safeguards in place. Judges just don't usually go around playing God with a child's vacation. They will let kids go unless the think they're sending that kid to their death. You better have a darn good reason to stop it other than I just don't like the other parent. If anything judges get annoyed by vacation disputes--it takes up valuable court time. The attitude is "Just take the kids wherever, make sure the other parent has contact info for you, make up the visitation the other parent missed when you get back, and please stop bothering me with this."
I don't understand why DWTR keeps putting these people on who have had broken backs and broken necks, etc. It is a recipe for disaster. No 10's last night. No one danced extremely well. I think Kiss just energized the room so much that it threw everyone off. I have seen them in concert - they do that. You can feel the electricity in the air at one of their performances like none other. I was never a great fan of their music until I saw them live.
Also, I am little confused. Didn't we pull out of Iraq last summer?
Once a Viewer said... 139 - #3 coupons for troops
It is obvious that the comments are being gleaned for info. I posted an address here weeks ago for an organization that was collecting for troops All coupons. I didn't want Kate couldn't claiming it was she who thought of it first.CC just got on the band wagon. CC can't get original idea[s].
Re possible new cruiser (#71), I am not sure whether to take this one seriously. She's been on Twitter since end of Dec., has only tweeted 10 times (all to Kate). She claims to have 8 kids (but no multiples!) and somehow "saved up" enough money for the cruise (with her sister) between March 21 and April 6? I think she/he is only looking for attention; all 10 of her tweets have been to Kate and she's never gotten a reply--not even when she tweeted on April 6 that she had the money and is going.
IF it's true, I guess you add 2 more to the Kate column and, by my count, that would bring the Kate contingent to 10. Not exactly setting the world on fire.
By the way, many posters elsewhere are talking about Cindy's links being taken down. I have seen no sign of that. If you go to Alice Travel or Kate Gosselin Cruise, everything that was there before is still there. And as I mentioned earlier, I don't believe Kate has ever followed Cindy (her following number hasn't changed in quite a while), and Cindy still seems to be following Kate. So I don't see any sign, necessarily, of a shipwreck, except for the fact that Cindy hasn't been promoting for several days. Maybe she IS just away, though I agree it's odd that no one (especially Kate!) is bothering to post any adverts in her absence.
Andrea said... 25
We have had 5 hours of twitter silence. I bet the shit is hitting the fan. We know that she treated a fan and cruse payer horribly this weekend. She is no longer following Cindy.
Someone pointed out on Twitter that not only is Kate no longer following Cindy, but Cindy isn't following Kate any more either. I checked and it's true. (Cindy's following Kateplus8--but not KateplusMY8.)
If they were each following one another and suddenly are not, I have to think that not only is the cruise in jeopardy but that they had some type of major falling out.
The ex-cruiser's comment about being saved from "the Voyage of the Damned" is a riot! Go, ex-cruiser, go! She also tweeted Cindy and Kate that she'd send them a postcard from any country in Europe. "You pick!" hahahaha. Smart lady!
Madys dream is to do voice over for cartoon??????? Thats HER talking.....she knows that her only talent is mastering the art of talking......freakin nitwit......another easy way to make money.....not gonna happen.....lazy good for nothing......
I'm sure if she goes to this hockey game with this guy she will make sure there is alot of free press and pics galore. All free press for her and I'm sure Steve will go too.
Did she ever say how the pictures ended up on inf????
I have a question. Are there 2 Chris Watts in Philadelphia? I looked it up and found a Chris Watts Photography in Phillie and it is a female. Is this the same one that is taking all the pictures? I just assumed it was a male. Can anyone answer that? I find it weird that there are 2 with the same name from Phillie.
Don't forget some of those INF pics are def from last Easter (plastic buckets, and not sure about the ones with Hannah's hair longer?)
Kate seems happy now when the girls' pics are taken- Target? I guess she's showing the 'thriving family' and great relationship w/ the twins she's been tweeting about ie when someone suggested a life coach to her lol
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 80
Kateplusmy8 What do we do now? Do we just send you a check or something? We need info please!!
Actually she may be onto something here. Sending a check directly to Kate, or better yet cash, would make this all a heck of a lot simpler, wouldn't it?
April 9, 2012 11:51 PM
The chances that that is a serious Kate fan are... slim to none.
A little Tuesday humor:
From the woman who was saved from the Voyage of the Damned:
@CindyCardella @Kateplusmy8 I contacted her boss. Such an inept company. Now I just want to thank her. Only 3 creepy phone calls from TX.
Creepy is right!
If you look at the guys tweets who invited Kate to a hockey game, you can see where Paige has invited him to sign up for Match.com and she gave him her Match.com name. Isn't she a 17 year old girl?
I have to say...Khate is pretty smart. The day before the Easter egg images come out, she "sees a pap" who takes their pics - Mady and Cary say "oh there is the stalker" "why isn't it illegal" The locals "yell at them to get away"...Kate sure paints a picture doesn't she? Really expresses her hatred for paps, kind of out of no where!
Here is the "non pap" pictures of Easter. Can't be Kate, she just said the other day how awful it is, to remind us, in case we had forgotten!
Storyblocking...just like on her old show. She edits and directs her life. How sad.
Wait a minute.. I had that backwards he is inviting Paige to join Match.com.
Don't forget some of those INF pics are def from last Easter (plastic buckets, and not sure about the ones with Hannah's hair longer?)
No, they're all from this Easter. Last Easter was filmed and you can see the outfits are completely different.
The kids probably look small because Kate has them swimming in their clothes and feeds them teaspoon portions.
@Kateplusmy8 Can't believe Kate Plus 8 is on Netflix! feels like I've been waiting for this my whole life! Lol!
Rhymes with Witch said... 86
From the woman who was saved from the Voyage of the Damned:
@CindyCardella @Kateplusmy8 I contacted her boss. Such an inept company. Now I just want to thank her. Only 3 creepy phone calls from TX.
Creepy is right!
Doesn't CJ live in Texas? Very scary.
You're right, Cardella, who is still on Twitter silence, isn't following Kate anymore!
The plot thickens!
Bah Ram Ewe @ashymama2 Close
@SuzeW718 @Kateplusmy8 did she ever explain why Mady was in full makeup on Easter egg hunt?
she sure didn't and I bet she isn't going to unless she called out on it.
The of course she's going to lie about it like she lies about everything.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 102
You're right, Cardella, who is still on Twitter silence, isn't following Kate anymore!
The plot thickens!
Looks like Cardella is still following Kate, but Kate's not following her. To find the follow, you have to scroll down to the beginning of Cardella's follows - it's near the bottom.
Guess I have too much time on my hands today!
You're right, Cardella, who is still on Twitter silence, isn't following Kate anymore!
The plot thickens!
And Kate isn't following Cardella anymmore. Could be all of this is just to get tongues wagging!
Again, for the record, I don't believe Kate ever followed Cindy Cardella. When Cindy started out the promotion, her twitter address was @cindycardella. About 6 weeks or so into this venture, she changed it to @kategosselincruise. Now, you can still type in the first and get to the second. Either way, I don't remember Kate ever following Cindy.
It's interesting. Cindy is also promoting a cruise for Deena Nicole (Jersey Shore) that is scheduled for September. If you compare the two contact info links for Deena and Kate, the direct number for the "Kate Gosselin Desk" is identical to Deena's. So much for exclusivity.
For travel types: It looks like these are the only two cruises for the year that Cindy is actively promoting. Can you make a living off that?
Kate is almost at the bottom of Cindy's nearly 1,600-person follow list. I checked 30 minutes ago.
More and more I feel sorry for the TLC employee in charge of chasing after Kate to keep the gag on. What a job that must have been. Kate must be a very limber person, because her foot is perpetually in her mouth. Pathological liars never seem to notice that glaring fact, though.
Love the new episode she is creating: Kate Dates Soldier; Becomes True American Hero. I'd be willing to bet she sees this as the same thing as Mila Kunis going on a date with a soldier last year. That thought cracks me up as I write this.
Kate probably thinks it would be great for a publicity stunt, and if it makes Steve jealous, it's a double whammy for her!
Sorry, Cindy's following list is just under 2,000.
Gift of grab said... 104
For travel types: It looks like these are the only two cruises for the year that Cindy is actively promoting. Can you make a living off that?
Doesn't her mother own or is a partner in Alice Travel? If so, then yeah she can make a living and have nice vacations.
Yikes 1600 I'll take your word for it. I didn't realize I hadn't loaded them all when I looked.
I seem to remember a brief discussion a long time ago about how it was odd that Kate wasn't following the own promoter of her cruise and didn't even seem to tweet her. But I liked someone's theory that Kate, in her utter ignorance about how to be a celebrity, for some bizarre reason thinks she is above promotion. That's for the little guy to handle.
As far as Cindy surviving on promoting a few cruises a year, she's a trust fund baby she doesn't need to worry about that. She strikes me as someone who just likes to vacation and be merry and she found a job where she can do that for a few hours a week so she can look somewhat productive to society. Or rather, Mommy found her a job.
It's very interesting that Cindy and Kate are no longer following each other. Who knows exactly what that means, but I'm thinking it can't be good. Unless, they've decided not to use Twitter to promote the cruise because of the blowback from advertising time with the twins, and just Kate in general.
I'd also like to see the discussions about Mady and a little bit of make-up go away. Ultimately, it scrutinizes Mady and I don't really think it was all that much make-up and her dress and hair looked great.
If we were talking Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver, I'd be singing a different tune.
Also, I am little confused. Didn't we pull out of Iraq last summer?
I think they were still there shortly before Christmas, with the last ones leaving in mid-December. When he says he "just" got back from Iraq, that could very well be if he means recently, within the past three months or so.
@CindyCardella @Kateplusmy8 I contacted her boss. Such an inept company. Now I just want to thank her. Only 3 creepy phone calls from TX.
Creepy is right!
Doesn't CJ live in Texas? Very scary. 101
She does indeed.
The Europe-bound sheeple cracks me up. Did she say specifically where she's going? She will have a lot more fun.
Because it bears repeating, Kreider, how do you mess up a CRUISE?
Cindy's back! And promoting like a banshee. Must have just been a little vacay (cruise?).
Just tweeted:
Kate Gosselin Cruise @CindyCardella
@Kateplusmy8 Cruise w/ Kate onboard the Allure of the Seas this Aug! http://Kategosselincruise.com Check it out
I recall that Katie Irene called the stylist Deanna a good friend. She wrote a post for Katies's lame blog once. Maybe the makeup artist drove up from NYC for the day with a significant other/friend and she and the twins had a little makeup session for fun - or to develop a portfolio for either or both of the twins so Katie Dearest can shop them around for commercial gigs.
Thanks to all the sources out there spreading info around. I just got an email from Cindy forwarded that she was on a cruise this week.
Of course she was.
Kate is quite out of touch with her fans, but I suspect trust fund baby cruising Cardella who has been on how many cruises now? Is just as out of touch. Sad to not even know your own fan base.
The one twin's make up didn't look like it was all that much, but it was still a lot more than what I would like to see on a 10 year old.
I just got off the treadmill after a 3.12-mile run (5K), and I was thinking... I've been training for a few weeks for an upcoming 10K I have in June (Yeah, I know - I gotta' kick up my mileage!)....
...and supposedly Kate has so many half-marathons and marathons this year, that she's lost count....
As a runner, I know EXACTLY what runs I've signed up for this year, as I have to adapt my training to whatever run is coming up next. I can't go out and just run nilly-willy; I have to increase or decrease my mileage so that I don't overwork my leg & diaphragm muscles.
I also have little annoying aches & pains every now & then, which could be because I'm pushing 50 years old this year...but still. Today, I may have a shin splint twinge...tomorrow, it could be a hip issue...or a knee issue...
My point is, Kate runs like she's farting unicorns and rainbows and lollipops. She never complains, and breezily brags about running 11 miles one day, or 18 miles the next, like it's no big deal.
Either she's embellishing...or our 13-year age difference makes a HUGE difference - more than I thought! :)
I'm off my soapbox now...and off to the shower. Ew.
Does Kate even look at the tweets she retweets?
RT @TVTango: Today in TV History: JON & KATE PLUS 8 premiered 2007 Discovery Health w/ @Kateplusmy8 @jongosselin1. About: http://t.co/TKiKeTW0(preview)
Also, there is a link on that page called MapIt that shows the house's address.
I know the address is basically public knowledge, but you'd think she'd check it out first.
I can see Kate's RT on Jon's timeline in twazzup-I wonder if he can see it on his twitter page.
Sherri O said... 121
It's not just you! Kate's in her 30's and has not really been a runner for a long period of time, so I find her running without hardly any aches or pains to be not credible.
As a runner, you are acutely aware of what's going on in your body. As you said, shin splints, compartment symptoms, that damn stitch in your side that plagues you for weeks at a time.... we've all been there and for Kate to look like a fresh daisy when crossing the finish line of her first marathon-- the first time she ever went the distance-- is a tall tale.
"My point is, Kate runs like she's farting unicorns and rainbows and lollipops. She never complains, and breezily brags about running 11 miles one day, or 18 miles the next, like it's no big deal."
Now that you mention it, that is so true. Especially for a woman who complains about fatigue endlessly. I'm a walker, not a runner and granted, I'm older than Kate...but she's not a kid anymore. And the odd and assorted aches, pains, pulled muscles, etc...go with the territory of any regular exercise. She must be really lucky.
I'm still amused over this photo-gate incident. I'm thinking that a person in Kate's position should have "reasonably foreseen" the position she could find herself in. I'm surprised it's not happened before....since over the years, there have been arrays of photos of the children on INF, etc., especially on the holidays. And who could they possibly have come from?
Well...that would be either a pap, you (Kate) or someone else who was right there.
And if a person was not a narcissist, that person might worry that they might have to account for how the photos got there. Might worry that there might be (gasp) blame assigned.....so it might not be a good idea to act all put-out that the horrible paps are "stalking" you and your children all the time......esp. right before another array of photos is soon to show up on INF.
I feel kinda guilty being amused at poor Kate's expense. I had a narcissistic mother so I feel guilty for everything. But I just think it's so hysterical. What was the exit strategy? WHO was this going to be blamed on if it was ever questioned? If your NPD makes it impossible for you to ever bear the blame for anything, who WAS this gonna get blamed on?
Twitter has been very glitchy lately. One day you're following friends, the next day half of them have been unfollowed for you, courtesy of Twitter. That's probably why there are different stories floating regarding Cindy following Kate. Kate's too entitled & self-important to follow Cindy.
I think Twitter is growing too fast for them to keep up.
OMG ya'll I was just looking at the twit pics of Cindy's twitter and she is such a liar! She was on the Norweigan Pearl cruise ship, not Allure of the Seas. How do I know this?? Because we were on the Norweigan Pearl last Fall and that is how the slide looks. Plus, in one of the pics, you can see the Norwegian flag. Also, the Bali Hai is found on the Norwegian Pearl (you can google it). I read also that she used to work for that cruise line. I CANNOT BELIEVE she is such a liar!
OMG ya'll I cannot believe what a liar that Cindy is! I was just looking at the twit pics and she is posting pics of the Norwegian Pearl cruise ship, NOT Allure of the Seas but she doesn't say that in her tweets! She is pretending that those are pics of the Allure of the Seas. How do I know this? Because we were on Norwegian Pearl last fall and that is how the slide looks like. Also, in one of the pics, you can see the Norwegian flag in the background and the Bali Hai grill is found on the Norwegian Pearl. Plus, if memory serves, Cindy used to work for that cruise line. I CANNOT believe what a fraud she is!!
OMG ya'll I cannot believe what a liar that Cindy is! I was just looking at the twit pics and she is posting pics of the Norwegian Pearl cruise ship, NOT Allure of the Seas but she doesn't say that in her tweets! She is pretending that those are pics of the Allure of the Seas. How do I know this? Because we were on Norwegian Pearl last fall and that is how the slide looks like. Also, in one of the pics, you can see the Norwegian flag in the background and the Bali Hai grill is found on the Norwegian Pearl. Plus, if memory serves, Cindy used to work for that cruise line. I CANNOT believe what a fraud she is!!
Huh. That's a good point about the running, one I hadn't thought about.
I have quite a few runner friends (I'm part of a private board on Facebook in which people post about their workouts and several of them are dedicated runners). They often talk about their successes, but I've DEFINITELY heard about their pain and injuries. There's a guy with a torn tendon who is having to do other forms of exercise while he goes through PT for that. There's a woman who has this chronic issue with her ankle she can't figure out and her doctor has no clue, just intermittent pain during running.
I know runners who are ardent about getting your stride analyzed (I might be saying that wrong?) and talk about how they were pronating or something? Undersomething? And they had to correct their stride and then that helped alleviate their pain.
Again, I don't get all their references but they are very hardcore about their shoes, their stride, their training and pain and injuries are discussed on a semi-regular basis. Any runner apparently deals with SOMETHING at SOME point, because no one's stride, body or luck is 100% perfect all the time.
Except Kate's! HAHAHAHAHAAA! Just kidding.
She's quiet on Twitter, kids are at school, so of course.
I don't think she'll go out with Iraq guy. She might lead the guy on, enjoying getting her ego stroked, but nothing else. He doesn't appear to be super wealthy.
As for those three creepy phone calls from Texas, of COURSE they were from CJ. That woman is truly certifiable, a LOON. And I think she definitely has the potential to be dangerous if she'll take a phone number and call to harass people. Kate will live to regret her association with CJ, mark my words. If she doesn't already.
Oh and just wanted to back up that yes, Cindy is still following Kate. It's WAY down on her follow list because she started following her a while back. I could have sworn Kate was following Cindy, too, but I guess not.
I still think there are fewer than 20 people paying the Kate rate. Why would they need to keep advertising it if they had good numbers? They wouldn't.
OMG ya'll I cannot believe what a liar that Cindy is! I was just looking at the twit pics and she is posting pics of the Norwegian Pearl cruise ship, NOT Allure of the Seas but she doesn't say that in her tweets! She is pretending that those are pics of the Allure of the Seas. How do I know this? Because we were on Norwegian Pearl last fall and that is how the slide looks like. Also, in one of the pics, you can see the Norwegian flag in the background and the Bali Hai grill is found on the Norwegian Pearl. Plus, if memory serves, Cindy used to work for that cruise line. I CANNOT believe what a fraud she is!!
Wonder why the boys have matching outfits and not the girls? Never saw why people would dress multiples alike especially if fraternal, except maybe for a family photo...btw Alexis is wearing a pink dress she wore on Easter 2010!! Two years ago! Do these kids never grow? Or was it a hand-me-down?
Fortunately, no one seems all that interested in going on the cruise with Kate, anyway.
So I'm not sure it matters. She could tweet pics of a canoe and it wouldn't matter.
Besides, anyone can just google the Allure and find pics of it.
Kate's going down, you're right, in the end, it's not gonna matter but what appalls me is the outright fraud! That is one shady cruise line. Of course, anything associated with Kate is shady so I should have known better!
Just read the article about Octomom having her car windows smashed and the handwritten death threat. Having also read of so many 'copy-cat' crimes, I hope Jon is aware that the children could be potential targets as a result of all the previous and continued exploitation on twitter.
honkytonklady: Uh huh.
Admin 51,
Thank you for anwering. I've actually learned quite a few things in reading your answers. I've never had a divorce nor custody issues in my own family, but a good friend in another state did. It was such a sad situation for the kids and mom. I went with her to a hearing that (she'd finally scraped up enough money to take an attny) and was just shocked at how it went. She was, in fact, told that she would be in contempt if she returned (I was dumbfounded) and now understand about momentum and why the judge was not moving the children. The other party was not the children's father, but a relative. Without going into more detail, the court really missed the boat on that case. The kids were being abused in the relative's home, but everything looked good on paper and it was a conservative state as far as treatment of children. The relative was also an obsessed parent alienator. I did not know the labels or how things worked, but what I saw was a woman who loved her kids, worked hard to try to support herself and pay child support, with limited education/intellect and resources. None of that mattered on a human level. She loved and treated her kids so well within her means. I hope they can all recover, but there will undoubtedly be long lasting scars.
What started out as a search on the Gosselin's to see if anyone else was as upset as I was, has led the way to learning so many unexpected things!
Oh, I emailed - were you wanting my IP or a did you have a Q? Either way - np.
Thanks again!
Lol Tess no dont want your ip it was about my civil war novel :) you said you were interested!
FYI I don't want anyone's ip except Kimmie and Snotty Brat.
Well, I see staged pics. Kate knew very well, she probably called the pap(same for the Target pics). Kate was complaining about paps earlier, before Easter. Saying how the people in her community were telling the pap/paps to leave her alone. Which I find very hard to believe, since majority of the celebs out there have Easter egg hunts, and you never see any pics on them, Kate staged this.
I saw the pics at INF, and it said it was their paps/pics. So who is lying? Katie Irene?
Yes, those boys looked like clowns, in those way too big clothes. Does Kate have any feeling for her sons, respect, or does she even want them, cause they are icky boys? or cause they look like Jon? Shame on you Kate, they are still a part of you, whether you like it or not. If I had sons, I certainly would never dress them in clothes that are way too big for them, I would be embarassed. Unless kate is doing that on purpose, so she can say: see they take after their dad.
And this crap of Military guys asking her out, It's a joke on Kate.
As for the guests with big cameras, Kate is full of it. One can take a pic with a small good camera, producing a good pic, the same as with a big expensive camera. I've been there done that.
Kate is starting to slip!
Thank you for answering my question Admin. My dad waited until I was 18 before divorcing my abusive mom. He did it because Utah almost always places the children with the mother. Even when the children state that they want to live with their father instead. It has to do with the mormon culture there. I am grateful for my dads concern.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 111
Yikes 1600 I'll take your word for it. I didn't realize I hadn't loaded them all when I looked.
I didn't realize it, either.
Admin- the boy with the really big clothes on does not look like a Gosselin. When I went to INF I can't figure out who that is. Does anyone else know?
Confused, 136: they're all Gosselin kids. Why would another kid come dressed exactly like the Gosselin kids?
Someone else (you?) was asking this yesterday, too, claiming there's one boy who isn't a Gosselin. I've looked at them all several times and there aren't any non-Gosselin children in those pictures.
Awww those poor little guys. It looks like Kate dressed them in Jon's hand me downs. The vests are long enough to be dresses, and the pants.... Why would you dress your kids like that. I grew up in a family with 13 kids. Yes we wore hand me downs but guess what? They fit. My mother would have never let us out of the house looking like that.
I see she has been very quiet since her lies yesterday. Just quick gm's and gn's. Maybe PB let her know she is digging herself into a big hole she may never get out of.
LOL - ok. The CW book will really be a nice gift for my husband :) All the IP talk and trolls... although, I have to say, while they are irritating, you sure do a good job keeping up with it all!
Feel good story of the day! The three amigos came forward to claim their mega millions lottery prize in Maryland. Three public school employees who choose to remain anonymous. And all three plan to continue working! The lottery head said these are three people that, if you could pick deserving winners, would probably fit that picture.
I think, since Kate reads here, her tweets tonight will be about the aches and pains she has after running today.
I sent you an email re your book.
Barb, I suspect you are correct!
Ha, Barb, you're probably right!
So who wants to ask her about her aches and pains from running? I can't, she banned me from her Twitter feed!
No need to ask, I predict that once the kids are home, she'll tweet about an 11 mile run that was FANTASTIC, but how she's now all achy and sore, oh no!
Some things are too weird for her not to be reading here: all that talk of why she doesn't have a vegetable garden and then that one tweet from her claiming that she is starting seeds indoors? (Riiiiiight.)
Carezee said... 138
Awww those poor little guys. It looks like Kate dressed them in Jon's hand me downs. The vests are long enough to be dresses, and the pants.... Why would you dress your kids like that. I grew up in a family with 13 kids. Yes we wore hand me downs but guess what? They fit. My mother would have never let us out of the house looking like that.
This bothered me too. Aside from the awkward appearance of clothing that looks to be about two sizes too big, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be for them to wear that long, floppy clothing. They look like they have to be careful not to trip.
Funny, when Kate was getting all the kids clothes for free from Gymboree, all the outfits fit exactly. Now that she is dressing them on her dime, she's buying them way too large. Those outfits will fit those boys when they are 10 or 11 yrs. old, I guarantee it. They are slight, thin little guys. They cannot comfortably wear clothing that large.
I dressed three little boys quite well on a very lean stay at home mom budget. I watched sales, used coupons and mom club cards and was very big on stocking up on end of season sales and stashing the goodies away. I don't begrudge Kate one bit trying to save money on kid's clothes, but dressing them like little hobos is unessesary and seems just like one more dig at her attempts to make them feel like second class citizens.
Have just been reading Mommie Dearest for the first time. Towards the beginning Christina Crawford talks about the fact that her mum gave the job of discipline, actually physically beating, her daughter to her husband of the moment, Phillip. This made me wonder just how 'involved' Steve is? The only description Khate has given of her perfect man is someone to discipline the kids and pretty much bark/yell/scream at them to back up Khate's barks/yells/screams. Does Skeeve fill this role? He might refuse to do it and that is why Khate mentions it in every interview. I get the feeling Skeeve doesn't interact much with the kids, for good or bad.
Tamara: God, I hope he doesn't "discipline" them. /shudder
I also don't think Kate sends much time on the little girls anymore. She had them wear
'old' dresses(which fit ok) and no one had hair done except Mady.
Of course it might have been windy, but they sure don't look as cared for as previously- by someone else.
I'm sure Jon is a proud papa with Mady all glamed up.
"I'm sure Jon is a proud papa with Mady all glamed up."
Do I even want to know what this means?
Sarcasm. Most dads don't like to see their little girls grow up.
Carezee said... 138
Awww those poor little guys. It looks like Kate dressed them in Jon's hand me downs. The vests are long enough to be dresses, and the pants.... Why would you dress your kids like that.
This is consistent. Along with everything else that is a lie, such as what Katie Irene's children eat, how much they eat, what their interests are, what they are doing in school, how they are doing in school, etc...Katie Irene has no idea what size clothing they wear. Obviously, someone else selected the clothing size in the past.
I wonder if this court appearance is about Jon wanting his sons (and possibly others) to play sports. Since the family - Jon's side - sport is soccer, that would take a commitment of at least one night per week and every weekend during the season. He would have to lay the ground work for the season starting in September now to iron out the logistics.
If that is the case, the boys are about 4 to 5 years behind in learning the basics of the sport, so competitive (travel) soccer is out of the question for now but they would need to start now in an in house program so as to not be hopelessly behind their peers.
Kind of funny how Katie Irene, the aspiring fitness guru and long distance running expert shows no interest in her own broods athletic fitness - ain't it?
I have two words for Kate:
Back Yard
that's all.
Do you think that TLC could have filmed them for one of those "here and there" episodes. I can see that in the contract, even though it's expired' a clause may have included after contract filming and therefore Jon can't have a say? That would explain why she make sure she said "big cameras". Who would make so strong about any pics., even if it was a photo shoot.
That just struck me as strange. Of course we are talking about Kate so it could be anything.
As far as the fan that got blocked, I think she is a very sweet lady but I think, because she trys ot like everyone, she leaves herself open to be walked all over. Kate's going to go back and cry she was so busy for easter she didn't know she did it.
I read this tweet and if this is what she really feels, a little nieve I say. Here is the tweet I'm talking about. I makes me sick because Kate does not diserve her kindness. My heart aches for this fan. Oh, the other few tweets are just a fyi.
xxxxxxxx@gypsi001 Winding down after a hard day, enjoy the tea. Did you find out if she unblocked you yet?
xxxxx@SuzeW718 she must have cuz i can see tweets on main page first thing ths morn.
@gypsi001 Truthfully, do you still want to go on this cruise after how mean she was to you? Kind of awkward, don't you think?
I am a mom who actually lost custody of a child. I never did drugs, drank, etc, but was not married. We supposedly were awarded joint custody, but the father got the child during the school year, and I had my child weekends and summers. I still believe to this day that the guardian ad litem was paid off by my exes family. My ex was a drug dealer and gambler, but I was made to look like an awful parent and a slut by him and his family (I was not like that at all). My ex moved an hour away, I returned to court to stop it but was turned down. As my child got older, he came less and less because his friends were where he went to school, but he was always a part of my family as much as he could be. I tried to get custody a few time over the years, but was turned down because he had lived with his dad for so long and had attended his school. The judge felt it would disrupt his life. To make a long story short, I went on the remarry, had a few more children, all who exceled in school, were captains of sports teams, class president, student council, etc. They were high honors and won numerous awards. All went on to college, are active in church, go on regular missions trips and volunteer regularly. My heart is broken because my oldest child, who I missed out on so much with, never graduated from high school and is now in jail. I often wonder how his life could have turned out if the judge had ruled differently.
I just hope the judge gets it right with the Gosselin children.
annie said... 158
I am a mom who actually lost custody of a child
annie, what a compelling story and it just goes to show how hard divorce is on a family. Sometimes it must be like pushing a rope uphill.
Concerning the stuffed eggs. I do believe she had as many eggs stuffed that she said she did. How much candy? That remains to be seen. She could have done it with as little as two bags of of candy. Remember when one of the kids pooped in the potty? She shouted and squeeled with joy and said "lets give you two m&m's for doing such a good job.
This is a lady that doesn't let her kids eat candy at the fourth of July. Or eat their bithday cupcake. For heaven sake, she counts out 7 grapes for a snak. Who does that. She ives one piece of bacon and one SMALL spoon of eggs. Nawww! she didn't put much in those egge.
RE:The woman saved from "the voyage of the damned" = Sheeple
Cindy Cardella is away...another agent takes her calls...
Kate has never followed Cindy...they E-Mail.
TamTam967 =Sheeple Says she has 8 kids...may take a few along on the cruise...just happened to save enough money but had no info...go see who she follows LOL!
Tamtam has changed her following...sorry!
A whole lotta' quiet from Kate today.
Do we think she is in court tomorrow?
I will be in the Philly airport in the afternoon and then again on Sunday AM -- that's about as close as I ever get to Kate. I will look for her. Promise a photo if our paths cross.
Sandi, what? Are you saying that the lady whose name was outed by Cindy (the Voyage of the Damned person from yesterday) is a sheeple? How does that make any sense?
I just looked up tamtam967, now it says account doesn't exist. Is that what you meant in #162? You think this was a sheeple account as well? Why?
Annie, your story is a sad one, and I think this happens much more than any layperson knows. I, too, hope that the judge for the Gosselin kids is astute enough to really get the picture. I know that the process is incremental, but I hope something goes Jon's way for a change.
Kate's really been keeping a low profile today. GM tweet, announcement of Easter pix on her site, and 3 RTs, a mere 5 in all. Think she's been on the phone much with her lawyer the past few days?
Her lawyer probably told her to zip it on twitter. I wonder if he hasn't had it up to here with her too.
xxxxxxxx@gypsi001 Winding down after a hard day, enjoy the tea. Did you find out if she unblocked you yet?
xxxxx@SuzeW718 she must have cuz i can see tweets on main page first thing ths morn.
@gypsi001 Truthfully, do you still want to go on this cruise after how mean she was to you? Kind of awkward, don't you think?
I hope she say's no and she trying to get a refund.
Secondly Kate's twitter is public we all can see her tweets.
chefsummer said...I hope she say's no and she trying to get a refund.
Gypsi001 is going on the cruise:
sarah @gypsi001
@SuzeW718 wld never do that to them. i will put a smile on my face and enjoy the vac. im happy with family to share it with.
sarah @gypsi001
@SuzeW718 were still goin. i cant do that to my fam. we canceled sprng brk to pigion forge for this and my mom and girls are esctatic.
I saw the pics on Kate site. Are the kids teeth still their baby teeth?, cause if these are their adult teeth, I see a lot of braces to be had. No wonder Kate was in in tizzy a month or 2 ago. It looks like from Easter pics that the boys might not need braces, but the girls?
About those INF pictures: they are from two different days.
In one the boys are wearing vests with button down shirts. When they are hunting eggs they are in shorts and T shirts. Also the girls are in different dresses and their hair is done differently.
At first I thought it might be a case of them changing from "nice clothes" into "play clothes" but the dresses the girls are wearing in the photos with the boys dressed up aren't really nicer than the ones they wear in the egg hunt.
Also, what is this about Mady wearing makeup? I looked at every one of those pictures enlarged and I don't see it at all. Especially the way people have been commenting on "heavy" makeup.
sarah @gypsi001
@SuzeW718 were still goin. i cant do that to my fam. we canceled sprng brk to pigion forge for this and my mom and girls are esctatic.
Oh, this just hurts my heart. For real!!!!
My source is telling me no custody hearing tomorrow. Jon has already been awarded more custody and the judge just needs to recalculate his child support based on more custodial time with him. Hence the support hearing. Congrats Jon!
Most real celebrities try to keep their children's lives private. Kate displays all of their moments in pictures for the world to see. I can not help but wonder if Collin knew his "momma" was going to put his picture on the internet.
Kate is no worse then the paps.
Admin, I agree with you covering the kids faces. Thank you.
Congrats Jon!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 171
My source is telling me no custody hearing tomorrow. Jon has already been awarded more custody and the judge just needs to recalculate his child support based on more custodial time with him. Hence the support hearing. Congrats Jon!
April 10, 2012 4:37 PM
What happened to your source telling you this was about CUSTODY? And for all your posturing on here about Kate trying to keep this CUSTODY hearing quiet, back-pedal much?
I find that your credibility just took another nose-dive. Either you were making this hope, speaking out of wishful thing, or your "source" was playing with you. Which was it, Administrator?
My source is telling me no custody hearing tomorrow. Jon has already been awarded more custody and the judge just needs to recalculate his child support based on more custodial time with him. Hence the support hearing. Congrats Jon!
Is this gospel, and not just something that's floating around? If so, HE WON ONE! More importantly, the kids won!
I was curious to see how much is new on Kate's site. Here's what I found (by tab):
News & Upcoming Events: No updates since cruise added in early January 2012
Ask Kate: Last update, 02/28/12
Fitness: Last update, 11/28/11
Fashion & Beauty: Last update, 11/08/11 (this was by her make-up person Deanna)
Just My 8 Cents' Worth: 04/04/12 (a CC blog); this tab now has only her recipes and CC blogs, no other original work
Lovable Products: Just a blank bar, even the laundry-drying-rack picture and "Coming Soon" have been removed
Inspiration: STILL says "Coming Soon"
Kate & Rumors: Last update, 12/20/11
Words from Fans: Last update, 02/06/12
Shoka Diaries: Last update, 04/05/12
K8's Kids: One entry only, 10/07/11
So, as much as we'd like to think that Kate is actually doing something outside of her CC blog, the fact is that very little seems to be going on inside her Web site.
The two empty tabs have been empty since Day 1. You mean to tell me that she can't put something under "Inspiration"? What happened to her fondness for scripture? As for "Lovable Products," I guess the only really lovable ones are those she is paid to promote, so I guess there's not much of that happening either.
As for the rest, Shoka has gotten the most attention (with the exception of her CC repeats and recipes under 8 Cents' Worth) of any other category. What does this say about Kate? That she enjoys writing as her dog more than she enjoys writing as SuperMomof8?
I think the lack of content under "K8's Kids" is probably a court order.
With all of her talk about running and salads, well, under "Fitness" there've only been 6 entries and NONE for over 4 months. She's talked about her diet (salad recipe! yay!), her playlist, her marathon (only a PRE-marathon piece; I have no idea where she filed her POST-marathon spew, and I'm not inclined to look for it!). And that's about it. Is that ALL there is to fitness for Kate? There's not even a link to her Runner's World article.
"Fashion & Beauty" has 2 entries, skin care (written by Deanna) and 5-minute make-up (also by Deanna--well, invented by her). Really, Kate? With the way you turn yourself out for photos, you have NOTHING to say about "fashion"? You have nothing to say about your HAIR??? Odd. A mention of Jason's name, a high-five to Ted Gibson salons? Ah, nope.
"Kate & Rumors" and "Words from Fans" are both, to my mind, creations from her own imagination, so I guess they might count as "work," however, in the Rumors tab there is but ONE entry, maybe 200 words long, about her "secretly" having a boyfriend (but she doesn't really!). "Words from Fans" has 8 entries, including the one about putting the pancake batter in a squeeze bottle (so you can make shapes!). Wow.
So there you have it. Web site launches on September 12, 2011. Today is April 10, 2012. I assume she put a little work into it before the launch, so here we are, EIGHT (count 'em, EIGHT!) months later, and this is what we have.
Is THIS supposed to make a career? Anybody see something here that I missed? I think the lack of informative content, useful cross-referencing, and appropriate links has "Kate the Control Freak" written all over it. I do not believe that others have not tried to advise her how to make a go of this. But Kate always knows best. And so it is as lame as her fettucini (sic) alfredo.
Yeah, I'd be worried about providing for 8 kids, too, if this is all she's got.
Now have to question how much custody time at issue and with which kids? boys?girls? all?
The only way to hurt Kate is in the pocketbook. I hope he gets a significant reduction in regard to his current income and custody time.
I wish Jon would address her twittering about the kids and posting pics on the internet.
Congrats Jon! No wonder Kate has been quiet! No wonder she sold the pics to the press, Kate just lost money, as in less child support. Wait, Kate is gonna get bitchy.
So who tweeted Kate and said that there is a court hearing because Jon failed to pay child support, to which Kate answered that it wouldn't surprise her? Did Kate and a sheeple cook this up for publicity?
Then this had nothing to do with Jon not paying child support, but with custody?
Sacre Bleu, my source told me weeks and weeks ago there was an upcoming hearing about custody. I sat on the info, as I said initially, and didn't say anything. I had no idea when it would be.
Then this info came out about a child support hearing. I assumed that the custody hearing hadn't happened yet so that's why I assumed it was about custody.
However, when I checked in again today to clarify, I was told the custody hearing had already happened just a short time ago, and the next one was indeed about child support--thought not for failure to pay, but rather to recalculate.
It was my error to assume the custody hearing hadn't happened yet. There was indeed, however, a custody hearing very recently.
Sherry baby: there was something about a month or 2 ago, about custody. Kate bushed and hushed about it. It had to do with the boys, and rumored, the twins going on cruise. I think we were all expecting this to come sooner or later.
And yeah, I agree that Kate & some sheeple made up that child support non-payment story, to throw everyone off. Knowing how Kate is from articles, interviews, TV, Kate would have dragged Jon into court a long time ago, for non-payment of child support. And yes, she does know about this custody thing.
This is good news! Honestly, if it weren't for hurting Jon, I think Kate may be pleased to have fewer custodial hours!
check please ! : I agree with you about it being 2 different days- How would Hannah get a haircut Easter Sunday between church and egg hunt? I think maybe the kids helped hide eggs? Maybe 2 hunts? Mady just looks solder, eyes darkened- it's not a lot of make-up; just that she's too young IMO. And why Easter- this photo op to 'display' her looks?
Gift of Grab: Thanks for the summary. It really is a pathetic website. She seems to only pay attention to Twitter. Even fans wouldn't get much from this neglected mess.
And yeah, I agree that Kate & some sheeple made up that child support non-payment story, to throw everyone off.
Or, they did see the docket and saw a child support hearing and ASS-umed it was about failure to pay. When really it was just about a recalculation. Their hate makes them assume that anything to do with child support must be about Jon's failure to pay.
Egg on their faces. It's about lowering that bitch's payments because Jon has more time now.
Jane said... 110
Doesn't her mother own or is a partner in Alice Travel? If so, then yeah she can make a living and have nice vacations.
___ Her mother is not the owner of Alice Travel. She only uses Alice Travel as an intermediary to book the cruise. She is the owner and president of her OWN company, Luxury Cruises and Tours. This is her website: http://www.luxurycruisesandtours.com/ Her name is Charlene Failla and this is her Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/people/Charlene-Failla/1322731230
Admin, you are "forgiven" for making an assumption. :-) You're doing a great job for all of us here. Thank you.
Lol Fido why thank you. I guess I'm in the mindset of court dates take forever and it simply never occurred to me it could have happened so quickly.
This explains all of Kate's twitter wars right about the time she lost some custodial time. She lost it on everyone else. Don't take your custody problems out on others. #immature.
Gypsi001 is going on the cruise:
sarah @gypsi001
@SuzeW718 wld never do that to them. i will put a smile on my face and enjoy the vac. im happy with family to share it with.
sarah @gypsi001
@SuzeW718 were still goin. i cant do that to my fam. we canceled sprng brk to pigion forge for this and my mom and girls are esctatic.
I don't fault her for this. She's got her kids all excited for the cruise. I LIKE this chick, she thinks of her family first. Notice how both of her tweets are not about her and how she feels and how she was wronged, but rather how she just doesn't want this unfortunate incident to ruin her loved one's fun times.
Gypsi is the real mother who should be blogging and have thousands of followers, not Kate.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 180
Sacre Bleu, my source told me weeks and weeks ago there was an upcoming hearing about custody. I sat on the info, as I said initially, and didn't say anything. I had no idea when it would be.
Then this info came out about a child support hearing. I assumed that the custody hearing hadn't happened yet so that's why I assumed it was about custody.
However, when I checked in again today to clarify, I was told the custody hearing had already happened just a short time ago, and the next one was indeed about child support--thought not for failure to pay, but rather to recalculate.
It was my error to assume the custody hearing hadn't happened yet. There was indeed, however, a custody hearing very recently.
April 10, 2012 5:04 PM
I think I'll withhold any opinions on this until I hear it confirmed. You were very quick to jump on the court hearing. Almost as soon as someone twitted it. As a reputable blog owner you should have checked before posting something as monumental as this.
If memory serves me correctly there has been no legal confirmation, nothing in the tabloids about a custody change or hearing. Nothing other than Jon twitting that he had his kids more, and then I think it was only the boys. If it is something that went through the court system surely some form of media would have picked it up and run with it.
Right on Admin! Like I said, if it were non-payment, Kate would have been in court before ASAP! When it comes to money, Kate thinks that is owed her, mark my word there is no way she would have let that go. After all this will bit into her life style, and the poor kids will be losers in her house, but gainers in Jon house.
FINALLY, no finally means no to Kreider. Suck it, Kate. And Godspeed Jon!
Anger issues, not only would Kate be in court in a heartbeat if Jon dared to not pay child support, she'd be on twitter bashing him immediately. Suck it, Kate!!
I'm happy the kids (however many of them?) get more time with Jon. Let's face it, this is what Kate has stated that she wanted and the kids wanted, over and over again.
"I've offered for Jon to have more time"
"I wish he would take the kids more"
Oh, I know, the story will probably change again, but Kate is on record saying that she wants this so I hope she is encouraging it and cooperating, despite the financial ramifications it may have for her.
Sacre their case is closed so that is why no one reported it. They couldn't have. My source has been very good to me, had been answering every single question I asked, but at that point indicated the drama was bothering them and they wanted to step back a bit from talking to me, and I didn't want to bother them yet again. I want to respect the space of sources and not pound them with questions about every little thing. Ashley said the same thing when she emailed me last year a few times, it was lovely talking to us but she just needed to step away from the drama and we've all respected that.
I think my record overall is very good. I made a slight error in timing. You are welcome to reserve judgment. That's up to you! I can only share what I know. I will say I can't tell you how many sources I have rejected as unverifiable. The only verified sources I have brought to this table were Ashley, Ellen, and Em Tanner. So that gives you an idea of who I listen to and who I don't. I.e., not "the nanny" or "the housekeeper" but people we all know directly involved.
Sacre Bleu! said... 187
I think I'll withhold any opinions on this until I hear it confirmed. You were very quick to jump on the court hearing. Almost as soon as someone twitted it. As a reputable blog owner you should have checked before posting something as monumental as this.
If memory serves me correctly there has been no legal confirmation, nothing in the tabloids about a custody change or hearing. Nothing other than Jon twitting that he had his kids more, and then I think it was only the boys. If it is something that went through the court system surely some form of media would have picked it up and run with it.
Yeah. Let's wait for the tabloids to pick up the story because God know they ALWAYS get the story right. Especially since they pull all their info from Twitter. ROL can't even get colors right when the picture is there, so yeah...let's wait for that confirmation.
I sincerely doubt any news agency will be heading to Berks County for a copy of the docket, nor will they see the file as it's allegedly sealed.
(Insert the extreme sarcasm, please)
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