thousands of plastic eggs, to
baking in a shower cap, to setting a place for
"Kate's future husband" at the dinner table, to denying she knows anything about this week's
upcoming custody hearing, to
blocking a loyal fan and paying cruise customer from Twitter, Kate's Easter was a sometimes hysterical more often creepy glimpse into her descent into madness.
And the paparazzi arrived just in time to capture it all.
FYI, until further notice, Realitytvkids.com now has a policy of blurring the children's faces in photos.
1132 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1132 Newer› Newest»I loved all the posts about the Malaprops.
One of my favorite shows is Modern Family. Sofia Vergara's character Gloria does them all the time and cracks me up.
This blog is so great. I can post my frustrations with Kate, learn from all of you, and get some great laughs! Thank you!
This is called benign neglect. There's a sort of a pendulum swing going on in parenting now to go back to this, as a reaction to the extreme overinvolvement and helicopter parenting seen in the last couple of decades or so. I think it's a good thing.
This is how I was raised, to a point. I wasn't ignored but my parents purposely did not come running to clean up my messes every time something happened. If I spilled milk, there was no yelling, but I was pointed to the paper towels. Even in elementary school my parents didn't check my homework unless I asked. I was expected to keep track of it and if I missed an assignment I suffered the consequences. Darn if they weren't at every school concert, parent-teacher conference, and sports game. But unlike other parents, if I fouled out there was no yelling at the coach or telling me how wrong the ref was and coddling me with hugs. It was, so what did you learn from that and how will you do better next time?
It only took one missed assignment and having to tell the teacher I didn't do my homework that it never happened again. It has made me extremely independent at a young age and for me has been very good for me. I can see how this parenting style doesn't work for everyone but for our family it worked.
I gather it came from our background generations before--farming. There was no time for helicopter parenting, there were chores to do. There was no time for babying and coddling, because the kids had to get to work as soon as they were old enough to keep the farm afloat. I can't say this resulted in anything bad. My family is about as "boring" as you can imagine and as Normal Rockwell as they come. In a good way. I'd love to read more about it given it worked for our family.
Luke's Mom it's going to kill me trying to remember that funny one I heard recently. I'm thinking now it was that dumb blonde chick who said one on this season's Survivor which by the way has totally jumped the shark blllah.
Luke's Mom it's going to kill me trying to remember that funny one I heard recently. I'm thinking now it was that dumb blonde chick who said one on this season's Survivor which by the way has totally jumped the shark blllah.
Gift of Grab, yes I was Kate Doesn't Rate, but another one popped up, so I became Kate's Going Down. Maybe I should do something more unique. I don't know. Been around here a while, though.
My husband recently came up with a great malapropism, completely accidentally (as you do with those!).
He said a man was "bald-haired." I think he meant "bald-headed." But it cracked me up and cracks me up every time I remember it. Bald-haired.
Kate is very superficial- great about talking about "things SHE did, bought, baked, made for dinner etc.. but never really centered on what the kids need or want. I often think she has either has no clue and/or desire to find out what her kids really need or want,after all they have been through with filming.
The twins have been given certain concessions (sports/music/plays )with the tups being born, but she still has not figured out how to treat the tups as individuals with needs and allow them to have a similiar experience, as she is in way in over her head. Unless someone else (TLC) is providing experiences for her tups, she simply will not provide for this, and has no clue how to manage this, let alone a desire to pay for this. If she ever bothered to team up with Jon, they might be able to figure something out to explore activities for the tups that they would pay for. Problem is, Kate still thinks it is HER money, even though Jon cared for the kids while she did her book tours, media appearances, etc. This was a mutual agreement that Jon would quit his job, care for the kids, while Kate made appearances. She never thought beyond that. Problem is that Kate began to think of herself as the earning power, and views the money as her own, rather than the mutually agreed decision to use the money to support the kids.
Seems a little bit of fame took her head in a very bad direction. You never put yourself first over your kids as a parent. Her own claim is that she does everything she could to support their kids- now back it up with some action Kate, and stop your BS.
Honestly, this woman had no business having 8 kids- she is far too selfish. And it is going to bite her in the butt someday without a doubt, in my opinion. Give it a few years, if that. She is very transparent, and the kids already know her deal.
@Kateplusmy8 U have so many doors 2still open Kate..U keep goin, thinkin positive&good things&good people will b attracted 2U! Will find U!
I want whatever Milo is smoking!
I'm really confused about this custody thing. Was there or wasn't there a hearing today?
On the one hand, if Jon has more time with the kids, Kate might say, YAY...she'd have more time to go galavanting around the country or spending time at the spa without having to pay a sitter. She really doesn't want to be with the kids anyway. On the other hand, if she has them less, she will have no excuse for all her whining, her "look at me...I have eight kids, I'm exhausted." It just isn't going to fly anymore, and I think that worries her.
Admin - Please post it when you remember. I don't watch Survivor unfortunately.
I had a similar childhood as you and would love to keep chatting. There have been so many great posts to comment on but unfortunately I have an early morning and need to go to bed.
So wait, Kate's Going Down, was it you posting at 185 and 189 on the last page? Or was Kate Doesn't Rate at 185 your interloper? Cause the comment at 185 sounded like you to me. Not a big deal, just bothers me when I think I'm listening to one voice and it turns out there are two.
Whoops, yes, those were both me, sorry. The laptop saves anything you type in a blank field and I must have clicked on the wrong one. I wonder if I can delete it so I just leave the one. I'll try.
That 'motto' from Khate is exactly why I don't think the Gosselin kids are spoiled or have ever been spoiled. Their parents are/were spoiled, but they are not.
You're right, T&T (3), she's worked very hard to create the SuperMom image (even though I don't think a majority buy into that anymore). So what happens if she becomes less than a "full-time" mom? I have a hard time believing that things could have gone to 50/50, but 65/35? Yeah, maybe.
As it is, Kate has typically been out of the home 5-6 days per month since the show ended. So she was already only about an 70% mom (if you add on the 4 days a month they were with Jon). When she has gone off on her "work" trips, the kids largely weren't with Jon, so she could, I guess, still claim to be "in charge." But if there is a radical change in custody/visitation, she's going to have to re-tool her image. I think she very much wants to be perceived as a glamour-girl, but she is not secure enough in that persona to rely on it without having SuperMom to fall back on.
Yes, if there have been significant developments in court, then it means a game change for her, no question. Wonder what she's got left in the bag of tricks.
I'm the other one.
But NOT an interloper, didn't steal it. I have had the name for over a year. Started using it when Kate's rating were up and down. Didn't know there was another. I don't post that often anymore.
I'll find another name.
Norm Crosby was the king of malapropisms. That guy was so funny. Anyone remember him as the minister on Roseanne - at Nancy and Arnie's wedding?
I still remember Dan Quayle saying, "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child."
Kat on Survivor said the word "rantic". She also said "Touche" when it made no sense.
Those are two examples.
Kat is an idiot (I kept typing Kate, not Kat). Wonder why...
Norm Crosby was the king of malapropisms. That guy was so funny. Anyone remember him as the minister on Roseanne - at Nancy and Arnie's wedding?
It was Leon and Scott's wedding and it was the best episode ever! God that show was so fantastic, I still watch reruns when I get the chance. Just saw that episode maybe a month or so ago.
Gosselin8ComeFirst says
Problem is that Kate began to think of herself as the earning power, and views the money as her own, rather than the mutually agreed decision to use the money to support the kids.
How very thoughtful and perceptive of you. That's exactly what happened. She left Jon for 3 weeks out of 4 because she liked the attention and the bodyguard and really did think she alone was earning all the money. She loved it and would like nothing more than to do it again.
I would like to add my story concerning divorced parents. My mom raised six of us. I was the last. My dad tried to take us away through the courts. We grew up in a very cluttered home and very dirty home. My father got married again but she turned out to be a person that didn't love anyone. My dad said she put on a good act because he wanted someone that would be a good mother to us.
Their home was spotless. To make a long story short, the judge said he would rather see us in a home that was dirty and with love than in a clean home that had no love. He made the right desion.
Though it was hard, his kids with that wife are very negetive and don't show much love to others. I would take living with my mom, with all the baggage than with my dad.
No offense, Kate Doesn't Rate (#9). But I think my confusion is now terminal.
In addition to malapropisms, misplaced modifiers can also be funny. Someone tweeted:
@EmeraldCityJazz @SuzeW718 @Chablis4u @kateplusmy8 can someone please explain why she points out the fact that has a sitter 20 times a day?
What the person meant was "can someone please explain shy she points out 20 times a day that she has a sitter?"
Having a sitter 20 times a day would wear that poor sitter out...imagine coming in, then going home, then coming back again -- 20 times in one day!
Thanks for that clip! Roseanne was ahead of its time wasn't it?
The mom says when I pictured my son's wedding this isn't what I imagined. And Roseanne tells her well I know but when you pictured his wedding you also pictured your son marrying someone he really loved right?
Aw. It really is that simple.
Kate Doesn't Rate: no need to pick out a new name! I'm going to stick with Kate's Going Down, so you're fine! I seem to have taken yours temporarily. The apologies are all on my end.
Gift of grab said... 8
But if there is a radical change in custody/visitation, she's going to have to re-tool her image. I think she very much wants to be perceived as a glamour-girl, but she is not secure enough in that persona to rely on it without having SuperMom to fall back on.
Katie Irene has been trying to retool her image for years. Katie the super mom, Katie the cook, Katie the runner, Katie the fitness expert, Katie the author, Katie the organic foodie, Katie the sports car diver, Katie the downtrodden ex, Katie the celeb cruise attraction and on and on...
She's got so many superhero customs on nobody can tell what she's trying to be for Halloween. Nothing sticks because she can't sell the act. No talent and the flakiness shows through.
She doesn't know the meaning of working through to the result. She gives up after a while and nothing comes of it. It's comical.
Jon quit his job.
I think Kate's best malapropism was when she talked about "aviation flu". Don't remember which episode-was it the one at Discovery Cover. That and the "free range" comments have to be the best. Oh, and let us not forget "beserk" instead of "bizarre".
Kate's Going Down...Ok, I'll stick with this one. We're both on the same page. LOL
It was Leon and Scott's wedding and it was the best episode ever! God that show was so fantastic,
Oh, shoot, Bear. You're right. Nancy and Arnie were married in Vegas. My mind is going! Why is it that there are some series that we can watch over and over again and never get tired of them? They don't show that episode as often as some of the others. The Oxygen channel runs a day-long marathon usually once a week.
heather said... 26
Jon quit his job
14 months ago.
Well, if jon quit his job I guess Kate will have to start flipping burgers.
Oops. Posted too soon. The job listed, Omega, is the job he has had for 14 months - Jan, 2011 to present.
When Kate tweets about Australia and koala bears, I hear Bruce singing Glory Days in my head
LOL, looked at the link regarding the Nutrigrain cereal...the perfect storm: it's bad for you, looks like cat turds and Kate Gosselin loves it! The commercial writes itself.
Agree with those who think Kate really did think she was the star of the family. Ha! People tolerated her with clenched jaws and eyes a-rolling; they actually liked the kids and Jon. Fool.
Also agree that Kate is not happy about Jon getting more custody. Not because she enjoys the kids so much and can't bear to be without them. Rather, she wants to beat Jon, no matter how it hurts the kids. Glad Jon is finally gaining traction in court; always thought he was tender and sweet with the kids.
0 income + 0 income = "dip into the 15%"
I'd be surprised if much of the famous 15% is left.
Thanks for that clip! Roseanne was ahead of its time wasn't it?
Absolutely. They covered so many social issues, such as gender, domestic abuse, premarital sex, abortion, religion, adultery, racism, but they did it in such a way that it was sensitive but not offensive...and it was funny. It takes a talented team of writers and producers to be able to pull something off like that. It was done with loving honesty, if that makes sense.
My ex-husband lost his job 4 years ago. I married a responsible, employed man and now he's the perfect example of a Deadbeat Dad. He hasn't seen his kids in almost a year and doesn't give a penny towards their welfare.
Kate Doesn't Rate said... 32
Oops. Posted too soon. The job listed, Omega, is the job he has had for 14 months - Jan, 2011 to present.
The Omega job is listed as past job along with the Discovery channel job. Jon is just self employed now. He quit the Omega job. I don't know what you are seeing.
Maybe he was making more money going out on his own. At a certain point you can't be chained to a 9 to 5 job or you're not available as much as you need to be as an independent contractor. IT contractors can make a killing just sort of being "available" to several businesses at once as IT problems come up. I doubt he would be getting a house or asking for a reduction in child support without steady income. He strikes me as someone happier when he is working for himself not for someone else. Lol TLC as boss doesn't sound fun.
Regarding the comment that no dad has ever regretted having to pay child support--I have to say I know many dads who are very sorry about it because it meant they had to work 80 hours a week to make ends meet, time lost they could have been spending with the kids, planning fun things to do when the kids do come, or at least giving them a phone call. One dad loved to call around 9 to say goodnight I love you to the kids but couldn't do that for awhile working a night shift and it was tough. And others saw their hard-earned money blown on a mother's whims and not the children. So yes many dads are not happy about it for quite legitimate reasons that have nothing to do with not wanting to support your children.
I wish him the best, hey maybe some kind of contracting job came out of Virgin Atlantic! I hope it's an indication of bigger and better things ahead for him, and being more available to his children now that he has more time with them.
Oops. Posted too soon. The job listed, Omega, is the job he has had for 14 months - Jan, 2011 to present.
Who said Jon quit his job? Did he tweet something about it?
Yes I loved Roseanne back in the day and I remember it got a lot of criticism because it was sort of uncomfortable and in a way too real. They would discuss things like gay marriage like the episode you posted, out of wedlock pregnancy, teenage sex, all the "oh no they didn't" issues of the 80's and 90s.
But that show knew what it was doing. Before Roseanne sitcoms were sort of much more clean cut, perfectly groomed families. This family was just out there farting and burping and remarkably, it worked.
Jon is renting his house not buying it. Working independently will also free Jon up for more appearances. Which equals more money. win win
No I am not joking. That is what I believe. Doesn't it seem strange to think just because the kids were born the money belongs to them? In what family does the money belong to the children?
This is so easy it's stupid. If it wasn't the kids who were making the money, then why is Kate not still making money without them. What happened to twist of kate? SHE WASN'T MARKETABLE!
Sorry, the Omega job was from 2011-2012
Present job is:
Network and Desktop Support
Self employed (Sole Proprietorship)
Sole Proprietorship; Myself Only; Arts and Crafts industry
January 2011 – Present (1 year 4 months)
Tired, getting punchy.
Heather posted that Jon quit his job. He quit his Omega job and has his own business now.
Still reading "Mommie Dearest" and came across this passage, wondering if it might show us a bit of Khate's future? It's about the beginning of the end of Joan Crawford's career: "She had reached the peak too son, too young. Now she felt she was backsliding- a slow, painful descent .... So she dug in deeper and became more entrenched in her own preconceived notions about the world, all the while clinging desperately to the maintenance of her image as a star. It was the image itself she nurtured and with it she tried to turn back the clock.... It was then that the fan mail began to take on more importance. It was the last measure of her old glory and she devoted herself to answering every last piece of it... This was something she could control. The fans became the source and wellspring of her feeling of stardom. As her films steadily declined, the fan mail was an infusion of her life's blood, the last vestiges of hope she had to hold on to."
Tamara said... 46
Still reading "Mommie Dearest" and came across this passage, wondering if it might show us a bit of Khate's future? It's about the beginning of the end of Joan Crawford's career: "She had reached the peak too son, too young. Now she felt she was backsliding- a slow, painful descent .... So she dug in deeper and became more entrenched in her own preconceived notions about the world, all the while clinging desperately to the maintenance of her image as a star. It was the image itself she nurtured and with it she tried to turn back the clock.... It was then that the fan mail began to take on more importance. It was the last measure of her old glory and she devoted herself to answering every last piece of it... This was something she could control. The fans became the source and wellspring of her feeling of stardom. As her films steadily declined, the fan mail was an infusion of her life's blood, the last vestiges of hope she had to hold on to."
WOW!! Sounds like Kate, alright. That's creepy.
Omg Tamara I really need to read that. Does the book read as rather dated or not?
More creepy comparisons: Crawford published her autobiography, A Portrait of Joan – written with Jane Kesner Ardmore – in 1962 through Doubleday. Crawford's next book, My Way of Life, was published in 1971 by Simon and Schuster. Those expecting a racy tell-all were disappointed, although Crawford's meticulous ways were revealed in her advice on grooming, wardrobe, exercise, and even food storage.
Isn't that essentially what Kate blahs about on Twitter and her blog? Her (stupid) advice on such mundane inconsequential topics?
Network and Desktop Support
Self employed (Sole Proprietorship)
Sole Proprietorship; Myself Only; Arts and Crafts industry
January 2011 – Present (1 year 4 months)
It sounds like he had his own business at the same time as his Omega job, if his Omega job was from 2011 to 2012.
Am I reading that correctly?
Sleepless-I believe you are reading it correctly. He has his own consulting business,and he worked for Omega, which would not be unusual. My daughter and son-in-law have their own consulting business. At one time, my SIL had a one year contract with HP. He also worked for Monster.com-again with a one year contract.
So yes, you can have your own business, but also work for other companies under a contractual basis. It is entirely possible, this is how Jon's work for Omega was handled.
But IT with an emphasis on arts and crafts. Really? What is that?
Virtual basket weaving, Jon?
Mommie Dearest is fascinating. Parts of Joan Crawford are very much like Khate, and even the parts that differ only do because of the major faults discussed here; ie Khate's lack of intelligence and laziness.
I'd seen the film, but it's really only an incredibly toned down, slightly campy version of the real events. It also leaves a lot out, like the fact that Joan hated men and that included her only son. Plus the famous wire hangers bit and swimming race are so minuscule in comparison to the rest of Christina Crawford's horrible, abuse ridden childhood. The huge gap between reality and the fake Hollywood family Joan tried to put across is also very interesting in comparison to the current world of reality tv.
But IT with an emphasis on arts and crafts. Really? What is that?
Could be consulting for sites like etsy and artfire. There are many websites out there where people sell their cottage industry (arts and crafts) items. He could also be helping them set up their websites.
Its not unusual for a person to find a specific area in the industry for their skill set. They work in that area and gain lots of experience there. People will come to them because of this specialized experience.
Another reason Jon could have decided to quit the omega job is so he can work from home. He would then be available to take the kids more often without having to worry about after school child care or transportation. He could work while the kids are at school, and at night after the kids are in bed. Its a great setup if you can get it. I hope the economy dose not tank again and he is able to keep profiting from his company.
Working from home and making his own hours may have been part of his plan to get more custody. Then he can have the kids more and not have to pay a nanny. (Nanny Kate, not babysitter, not mother's helper, not that girl who watches the kids) He could schedule all his clients between the early morning and mid afternoon then call it a day and be available to pick up the kids from school. What more and more parents are doing when they just can't afford nannies. Sibling of mine works for a big company and they have a "go remote" option that more and more people are doing where you can basically work from anywhere or any state as long as your home office is set up to do it. It's not her cup of tea but a lot of people swear by it. For instance if your husband gets a job in another state you don't have to quit yours, you just go remote.
Another Is This Khate's Future? Mommie Dearest moment. About fans: "Then there was the small group of women who had been Mother's fans for years and years. They would come and spend an entire day sitting on the garage steps, waiting for a chance to see Joan Crawford. I couldn't imagine why they did that every weekend..... But week after week, there they were, patiently waiting. I got to know them very well because they were the same women who were comandeered for the special work details Mother ran when the garden furniture needed washing or the basement needed cleaning or the fan mail had stacked up. These women were mostly secretaries by profession, all were single, and I guess being a 'fan' was more interesting than being alone. So they jumped at the chance to work their asses off in the service and presence of their favorite movie star. And work they certainly did. Manual labor and menial tasks.... The almost never accepted money for their hours of work, though on occasion Mother did offer to pay them. Their reward was serving their idol."
Seems CJ, Milo and the rest have pick up the slack. They're way below those fans from the olden days.
Call Me Crazy -
More ideas re Boston: North End (Italian neighborhood), Chinatown, the North Shore (Rockport, Gloucester) is about an hour away if you like nice oceany places. If you get tired of wandering you should cross the river into Cambridge and relax at an outdoor cafe in Harvard Square - great place for people-watching. Corroborating (right word?) what others said, Legal Seafood is very popular (and they're all over the place), the Public Gardens (so nice this time of year!), the Museum of Science is always fun. And the weather is supposed to be really good, but hopefully not overly warm for the runners on Monday.
Final Mommie Deares quote of the morning: "What she couldn't control, Mother either dismissed or destroyed." Sums up Khate's life quite well.
So no big revalation from Jon asking the judge to shut his ex-wife up about her 'parental alienation' or for trying to get the twins off this f'd up cruise from hell. Why am I not surprised? *sigh*
Sealed doc's or not, obviously your source can get past that order....so why not spill? I'm guessing, actually really hoping I'm wrong, that nothing noteworty was accomplished. Dam.
Maybe Jon will try again? We can only hope. Those kids are getting more damaged as the days go by.
Kate tweeted: My motto on way home EVERYDAY: 'routine, chickens, dinner, chores, homework, showers then bed. Time to play if you hurry!' :) play..repeat.. about 10 hours ago
I wondered why she emphasized everyday, but if there has been a substantial change in custody time, she may be trying to avoid having it be known right away.
A while back, I had questioned a Klover about her love obsession with Kate. This Klover didn't like it and threatened me saying she had guns in her house and German Shepard dogs that would attack me! I was, like, Whaa?? Where is this coming from? She then told me she was friends with a judge and was going to a wedding where she would see them and she was going to tell this judge all about me and was going to get me into big trouble for 'stalking' her. She thought she had traced my IP address and threatened to call my employer. LOL This, all because I called her a hypocrite regarding Kate.
Of course, nothing happened. I share this only because it shows how incredibly personal they take this stuff. Instead of having an adult conversation, she got all paranoidal schizophrenic on me.
This is when I learned that these 'fans' Kate has are really mentally unwell and it's just best to avoid them. I'd have felt terrible if they had full schizoid break with reality considering she had a husband and child.
My lesson: tread lightly with these people.
Could this rumored custody change be the judge's way of saying to Kate: "Okay you and Jon split custody 50/50, so now Kate, you've got more time in your day to look for work and not have to pay the 'not a nanny'. Get off your flat-ass and get a real job." ?
Discovery Channel
2006– 2010 (4 years)
I thought it was a "reality" show but Jon considered himself an actor.
Tamara said... 57
Final Mommie Dearest quote of the morning: "What she couldn't control, Mother either dismissed or destroyed." Sums up Khate's life quite well".
That book sounds fascinating.....like a spot-on description of a classic narcissist who got too much narcissistic fill and then lost it...and her desperate scramble to get it back.
I think that when it comes to the kids, Kate sucks the joy out of almost everything but when it comes to that "motto" she tweeted, I take these things with a grain of salt.....because I think Kate just makes it up as she goes along....tweeting what she THINKS a super-mom would be doing in the fake facade in her head.
I think it's very possible that she doesn't spend nearly as much time with the kids as she pretends...and that while she may have told the nanny to make the kids do chores, she has no real involvement in any of it.....or in most of the kids' daily routines.
What Kate blogs and tweets are just SO idealistic and sugary....and sound to me like the classic ramblings of someone euphorically spinning a whole fake life and fake scenarios. She's the cheerleader or prom queen of her own twitter....going on about what she thinks this fake life she imagines should look like.
It's just too perfect...too unicorns and rainbows...and to me, it appears to be the classic fake-speak of someone lying out their ass and creating an imaginary world to present to the public.
So I take little of what she claims to be anything that's actually happening.
Havent been around.....whats this about kate losing more custody?.......if so.....why does she sound so happy this morning?.......is this her way of saying shes making lemonade out of lemons? This woman is such a bologna artist.....
Not following the recent chain of events. Has there been confirmation on the change of custody?
Once again KT subliminally suggests that yes she has boys but she doesn't "see" them i.e. no mean girls here in reference to bullies.
Could Kate be any more obvious in regards to her favoritism towards her girls over the boys. That latest tweet leaves no doubt about it.
lol What is fresh jello? I guess Kate means she stirred the water in...that's cooking for you! Geez.
Oh , and sorry if mentioned, but my fave malapropism was her 'sammonella' poisoning from her underdone chicken which Ashley said did have blood running out of it...again, great cook, greatest talent is her speaking?? Give me a break- several!
A "very untrue" rumor? As opposed to a somewhat untrue rumor? A sorta untrue one?
@Kateplusmy8 @XXXXXX why were your kids dismissed from school then for picking on others ?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXX @XXXXXX unfortunately you are going on very untrue rumor... Won't comment further. I'm better than that :)
"I'm better than that"??? Have you seen even ONE of your TV interviews in the last year? We seem to be back to full-on delusion today.
Really, Admin, PLEASE get the IP tracker.
Gift, I did. Apparently it didn't work.
Kate has been rebranded so many times, it will make your head spin. She was even rebranded multiple times on J&K+8. A brand is important in the industry. A failed brand will reflect negatively on the person in the industry. Kate needs to pick a brand and stay with it if she wants to be a "T.V personality." She also needs to learn to take some serious public speaking classes and journalism classes.
Kate has been
Super mom with 8 kids
Super single mom with 8 kids
Divorced mom with 8 kids
Green mom with 8 kids
Organic mom with 8 kids
Cooking mom with 8 kids
Couponing mom with 8 kids
Talk show mom with 8 kids
Legally Insane, I can't work myself up too much about the latest infestation because it has become clear to me that the few fans left of Kate who choose to try to shit stir here are mentally ill--having worked with people with all kinds of diagnosed disorders from paranoid schizophrenia to bipolar to various personality disorders. Something is very, very off. All I can do is try to get them to play somewhere else. I apologize to everyone for their disruption here, but I think we also need to try to have compassion and patience with people like this.
Andrea and amyf - Thank you for the additional ideas about Boston.
I appreciate everyone's suggestions.
"heather said" is not me. S/he is using the name (even the lowercase h).
I said I would no longer comment here, but I don't want people to attribute those comments to me.
Seriously, you couldn't come up with your own name? Really sad.
heather (the REAL heather)
Appararently Big Fan was suspended and kept trying to sign on using different names. It didn't work. A sheeple told Kate about it, and Kate responded:
@RealZiggyFlo @trippenin That happened ONLY to big fan? Why not to more??!
The sheeple have been trying to get the non-fans suspended. I don't understand how this works. How does Twitter suspend users? For what violations? BF was making ethnic/racial comments the other night. Is that reason for suspension? How does Twitter decide who gets suspended? If a fan reports someone for making slams against Kate, does Twitter decide who to suspend and for what reason? If it's just for hate against Kate and/or a fan, wouldn't all non-fans be suspended if reported?
I don't understand how this works...
Oh there's a mean girl/bully in that house alright. Too bad Kate can't see it's her.
A hater said on Twitter last night that Kate loves her haters because they're the only audience she has left.
That got me thinking: if she weren't on twitter, would we even know what she was doing? Or have anything to talk about?
I don't know. Just thoughts I had last night and wanted to share. I think the only reason I'm still paying attention is to see if she ever gets a real job, not part-time crap spewing on some couponing site or pretending to run marathons, but an honest-to-goodness, paycheck-earning day to day job.
@XXXXX @XXXXXX unfortunately you are going on very untrue rumor... Won't comment further. I'm better than that :)
You go, Kate!...that's why you throw Jon under the bus every chance you get. You're better than WHAT or WHOM?
I don't understand why she is commenting at all about the children's school problems. Commenting just to say I'm not gonna comment is ridiculous.
All I know is all other things being equal, filming=kids suspended. Not filming=kids doing great. I remember from 8th grade science experiments how if you change one thing and it causes something else to happen, it must be that one thing you changed!
Spring Has Sprung, I've been reading a little bit of that drama here and there and the sheep seem to have this delusional idea that they can convince Twitter to ban people by IP for criticizing Kate. They even label it hate speech, etc.
The thing is, many of them are just as horrible and hateful and they don't see that Twitter isn't going to swoop in to Kate's rescue just because she's Kate. I mean the stuff CJ posts on Twitter is hateful enough to turn your stomach. They can't get Twitter to enforce something just when it comes to one person and it pisses them off.
I don't even know for sure if that's true about BigFan's IP getting banned, but if it is, it's only because she was so blatant in coming back and creating new user names over and over and over and she did go on a tirade recently that was racist and sexually inappropriate. So they might have finally shut her down for good.
But that should prove to the sheep just how much it takes for Twitter to finally ban you! You can't just question Kate's parenting skills and get your IP banned, LOL. They're delusional. And extremely paranoid.
It may be that BigFan overtweeted - too many tweets w/i a certain time frame. Or she may have another account that was suspended for violations (not BigFan account)and Twitter shut down all her accounts. She may have been hacked - VERY common on Twitter. Or she may just not be tweeting!
Here's some info on suspended accounts and the general Twitter rules, which Twitter doesn't really abide by:
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 149
Yes Kate meant MANTRA not motto. LOL.
Isn't that a word for when you confuse one word for another similar word? English majors out there?
Two words: Ignorant AND pretentious.
I apologize to everyone for their disruption here, but I think we also need to try to have compassion and patience with people like this.
...and to ignore them. All they want is attention, and if no response is given, they'll eventually give up. Why s**t stir if the s**t won't be stirred?
It may be that BigFan overtweeted - too many tweets w/i a certain time frame. Or she may have another account that was suspended for violations (not BigFan account)and Twitter shut down all her accounts. She may have been hacked - VERY common on Twitter. Or she may just not be tweeting!
Thanks for your links. Her account says suspended. She's been using the same name for quite awhile; not many tweets that night, and I don't know about the hacking. I was reading that some of the fans have been trying to have the non-fans account shut down, so I wasn't sure how that worked. I do remember one time when she was spamming quite a bit -- like 40 or so consecutive tweets to different users, giving out Kate's home address.
Interesting Twitter rule: Creating or purchasing accounts in order to gain followers;
Using or promoting third-party sites that claim to get you more followers (such as follower trains, sites promising "more followers fast," or any other site that offers to automatically add followers to your account);
Doesn't Kate purchase followers?
When Kate tweets about Australia and koala bears, I hear Bruce singing Glory Days in my head 33
I find that HILARIOUS!
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 8
I've been wondering about that since the latest pics of Kate shopping with the twins again.
Do the tups ever get to go shopping with mom? Even one or two at a time? Does she take them anywhere except school and to pick up take-out food?
Spring Has Sprung said... 84
It may be that BigFan overtweeted - too many tweets w/i a certain time frame. Or she may have another account that was suspended for violations (not BigFan account)and Twitter shut down all her accounts. She may have been hacked - VERY common on Twitter. Or she may just not be tweeting!
Thanks for your links. Her account says suspended.
I find it hard to believe that her account was suspended for violations - she's certainly one of the milder haters. And I have to think that CJ, Ziggy and their crazed pals are more likely to go after the profanity-laced tweeter-haters. It may be that she got hacked. But, who knows - she'll most likely find a way to get back. She's pretty tenacious.
As for buying followers - yeah, but Kate's a stah dontcha know :) Maybe they have different rules? And if different people are buying her followers, maybe then the rule doesn't apply?
All I know is all other things being equal, filming=kids suspended. Not filming=kids doing great.
But how does one know if the kids are doing great? Because Kate says so? Heck, she was saying they were doing great before they were suspended.
hoosiergirl said... 86
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 8
I've been wondering about that since the latest pics of Kate shopping with the twins again.
Do the tups ever get to go shopping with mom? Even one or two at a time? Does she take them anywhere except school and to pick up take-out food?
She take the 6 for hair cuts
I agree following her twitter is keeping her relevant. Other than us and her disappearing fan sites, I don't think anyone gives a rat's behind about Kate Gosselin. She is so transparent in that she uses this site to respond on twitter to our criticisms and snarks. What I would like to see is nothing more Kate Gosselin by 2013. This has been an opportunity to share like opinions, but I am torn about giving Gosselin any ammunition. She is sick and I hope Jon is able to pry his kids away.
hoosiergirl said... 86
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 8
Do the tups ever get to go shopping with mom? Even one or two at a time? Does she take them anywhere except school and to pick up take-out food?
Well, you know she's worried about a mob scene if they all go out, but you're right. She and Jon used to pick one or two in turn to go on errands (Jon's- Kate never seemed to have any except the odd grocery shopping episode) Kate even said they had never been in a shoe store or dept store on the back to school episodes. But it would mean so much if the kids got to go in turn on errands- good bonding/talking time without the siblings also vying for attention. Yes, she does take the twins. Only time the whole bunch went out seemed to be for an episode. :(
What a novel idea, work from home while the kids are in school, live in a house that is a size you can manage on your own. That's spelled JOB Kate, and no, an occasional blog postnfor which you are paid peanuts is not a job. i imagine that when Jon has the kids, he does not require a nanny for homework, dinner, baths. I also guess he does not live on Twitter.
It is amazing that 7 months into no show, no check, Kate still lives in fantasy land. If she were not in denial about her future in media (snort), she probably could be working mornings at the vey least. I know I would not be sleeping well with little cash flow and the expenses of that hige house. Nope she's out and about, taking pictures of meadows from her car ( hope she pulled over), twattering away.
And no, I doubt she spends any time with the tups one on one, or two on two, god forbid she intereacts with the boys at all. As for the twins, it's only shopping that she does. Any other interests are met by the school as she whines about late bus pick up.
So nothing new, idle speculation about Jon, custody, child support - her life is even more mediocre than most of us here, who have friends, families and earned incomes. Back to real life.
By the way lets assume Jon got a lot more custody, do you think Kate will still pretend everything is normal
Nah. She'll be even *more* disgustingly rainbows and lollipops than she usually is. We've seen that pattern before. She is nothing if not predictable.
Whoever mentioned about why Kate doesn't take care of the chicken during the day on school days...I was thinking the same thing. Why doesn't she do it? Or at least have her "helper" do it?
Who do you think hauls all that chicken feed into the barn anyway? I can't imagine that the icky boys are strong enough to lift 50 lb bags of feed. Or get the bags moved when they need a new one opened.
Is it delivered? And what about the ever accumulating pile of chicken poop? Doesn't that have to eventually go somewhere? Or does she just have a gigantic pile outside the coop?
What happens when a chicken dies? Think she deals with it?
There is more to having chickens than feeding them, collecting the eggs, removing the poop. Who takes care of their bedding?
Now that I think about it, I wonder if she has a full-time hired hand of some sort.
Re: buying twitter followers....just recently Jon said something on his twitter about being up to 64,000 followers and that he didn't,t buy any of them. Teehee.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Was busy making pancakes,adding fresh jello2lunches & spelling words w kids...looked down at bus stop..was wearing my pj pants still..oops!
As opposed to stale jello?
I guess this is why the kids' lunches were voted the best in the school. The fresh jello makes the other kids envious every time!
This is really disturbing.
Hollywood casting firm Doron Ofir Casting is looking for the next Kris Jenner or Tina Knowles to star in the forthcoming reality series “Momagers,” Fox411.com's Pop Tarts column has exclusively learned. Read more:
Re: Anonymouse Today....I understand your concern about anonymous, admin, and soooo appreciate that you try to stop that kind of nonsense, but I wonder if maybe your eye didn't see that he/she is spelling it differently....and that maybe you momentarily didn't recognize them as a regular contributor?
That's one of the contributors I like to read. The names I don't recognize I usually skip cuz so often they're just causing trouble, not genuinely discussing.
No disrespect intended...I love this blog and everything you do for it/us.
Hey Spring (#84), I'm sorry, but reading what you posted re Twitter? What's the rule? That you can't purchase followers? I read it three times and I still don't get it.
I am convinced she purchases followers, like 3-4K per month. Her increases are too predictable (and too nondependent on "news") for it to be otherwise.
And yes, the fans have been crying to Twitter from Day 2 of Kate's Twitter, and the total number of banishments so far has been, I estimate, in the single digits. If CJ hasn't been banned yet, I can't believe it would happen to anyone else. BTW, CJ's topic of conversation for the last 14 hours has been the gory details of her twins' birth, and I mean ALL of the gory details. Really?
I wonder why Cindy Cardella has slowed down so much on pushing the cruise? Has she realized there are no more suckers in fansville?
You summed up that pathetic fool Khate Gro$$elin quite well, Westcoaster (#89)!
Sorry, I don't understand the problem with
"sammonella". That's exactly how I have pronounced it ever since I started pronouncing it. My best friend, however, pronounces it
I say sammon, she says salmon. Regional difference, nothing more.
As you are talking about Kate spending (or not spending) time with the kids, it always has flummoxed me that she can't seem to spend time with one of the sextuplets and not the others, or two or whatever. It's like she thinks they're a set of china that can't be used outside the set.
And malapropisms . . . my dad was a master at those. Not so much any more, as dementia's taking it's toll, but back in the day I remember one time he was getting ready to put some toy together for a grandson and he said, "OK, better get out the destructions!".
Isn't that a word for when you confuse one word for another similar word? English majors out there?
It's malapropism..or as I like to call it, stupidity! :)
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 93
I wonder why Cindy Cardella has slowed down so much on pushing the cruise? Has she realized there are no more suckers in fansville?
Admin posted that she had info that Cindy is on a cruise and will return this weekend. Guess Internet access isn't too good on the high seas! Or she doesn't give a sh$t.
Kate has not and may never accept the fact that her days in showbiz are "over." It's so sad for the children to live with a woman who is so delusional. Why in the world couldn't they have enjoyed it for a time, put away the money, and live like real human beings? It appears that Jon is trying and Kate is just looking desperate to remain in the spotlight. It's so unattractive and she doesn't even realize it. Talk about below mediocre. It's downright rediculous and silly. I'm telling you, she needs "closed door" therapy sessions.
Gift of grab said... 69
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Close
@XXXXX @XXXXXX unfortunately you are going on very untrue rumor... Won't comment further. I'm better than that :)
"I'm better than that"??? Have you seen even ONE of your TV interviews in the last year? We seem to be back to full-on delusion today.
Sounds like a judge might have given her a little bit of a spanking for all her blabbering about the kids, so now she's "better than that". That's rich. She's not only talked about her kids, she's allowed things to be filmed that the public should never have seen. NOW she's better than that? hahaha. What a comedian.
I'm betting Kate puts her fingers in her ears and goes lalalalala whenever someone says something to her that she doesn't want to hear.
Why do people (from here?) continue to ask Khate stuff about the past or even the present? We all know she's a lying liar with no shame. What's the point in keeping her twitter feed alive and stirring up the obviously dull (and here I mean dull as in not all that sharp mentally, not just boring) sheeple into defending her and feeling sorry for her?
Tamara said... 95
Why do people (from here?) continue to ask Khate stuff about the past or even the present?
I'm starting to think it's almost not about Kate anymore but that both the "haters" and the fans over on twitter are finding it entertaining to continue sniping at each other. That at this point, the non-fans vs. fans twitter war has taken on a life of its own. And each side has likely gained a bunch of internet friends and this contributes to their enjoyment....and just the socialization factors in too. They've found a place where they've made friends and are having lots of fun....so they are motivated to keep the fun going so they keep bringing things up from the past when they run out of material....at Kate's expense of course...but nobody forced her to be on twitter....and nobody is forcing her to stay on twitter or to continue tweeting. For all we know, Kate loves all the battles over her on her twitter and it's possible she could be having the most fun of all of them.
Plus...I think many of these particular non-fans on twitter enjoy poking Kate with a stick....possibly to goad her into sticking her foot in her mouth again and causing another twitter drama.
I mean let's be honest. Many find it entertaining to watch the battles going on over there on Kate's twitter....and are trying to keep it going just to maintain the entertainment/fun. As much as we worry about contributing to her 15 minutes of fame lasting far too long, I'll bet that one of the reasons most continue to watch this debacle is for the sheer entertainment battle.
From what I've seen, there are several very intelligent and witty non-fans who are regulars there but then there are the few who, IMO, cross the line and are really vile. And I think they reflect badly on the rest of us non-fans.
Sorry...I meant to write:
I'll bet that one of the reasons most continue to watch this debacle is for the sheer entertainment VALUE (not BATTLE).
Hey Spring (#84), I'm sorry, but reading what you posted re Twitter? What's the rule? That you can't purchase followers? I read it three times and I still don't get it.
Jane sent me a link of twitter rules. That is one of them...
"The Twitter Rules addresses the use of these programs by disallowing:
Using or promoting third-party sites that claim to get you more followers (such as follower trains, sites promising ‘more followers fast,’ or any other site that offers to automatically add followers to your account)."
There are several places on the site that specifically says that Twitter prohibits the purchasing of followers.
I was reading more about Twitter spam and remembered how often BigFan was spamming countless others with Kate's address. That could be one of the reasons for suspension, and she's done it on every account she had. I don't have a Twitter account (nor would I want one), so I don't know if they get the IP and then ban the offender so that if they create another account, it just rejects it. If that's the case, couldn't someone just use another computer to set up a new account?
Fyi-PA just passed the no texting while operating a motor vehicle law. I certainly hope she's pulled over on the side of the road to twit stupid pictures. God, the laws really just don't apply to her.
It's true about watching her Twitter feed for entertainment value and to watch her stick her foot in her mouth. As many have said before, it's like a trainwreck that you can't look away from.
I don't have a Twitter account, so I don't partake of the insanity....I just love to follow it all from time to time.
Rhymes with Witch said...
This is really disturbing.
Hollywood casting firm Doron Ofir Casting is looking for the next Kris Jenner or Tina Knowles to star in the forthcoming reality series “Momagers,” Fox411.com's Pop Tarts column has exclusively learned. Read more:
Geezus. I was reading some of Doron Orif's blog...
Media Alert: Pregzillas - Babies are cute, She isn't!
Submitted by doron on April 9, 2012 - 4:45pm
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Doron Ofir Casting April 9, 2012
LOS ANGELES, CA (April 09, 2012) – Doron Ofir Casting and a Major Cable Network officially announce the nationwide search for pregnant women with big personalities to share their stories while they are expecting.
And that's just one casting call. There's plenty more.
I have to wonder if Kate doesn't follow this guy now. I also wonder how she searched for a way to shill her kids when she was pregnant or shortly thereafter. She must have had a list of casting sites bookmarked on her computer.
However she did it, and whoever is doing it now should have their heads examined. Things aren't getting better in reality tv and child exploitation, they're getting worse.
Thanks Kate. You're a real trailblazer.
It sure sounds like Milo has more than a girl crush on Kate. This sounds like something a guy would write:
@Kateplusmy8 U & I...walkin/runnin under same gorgeos sky!
It's enough to gag a maggot.
and Kate responded to Milo:
@MiloandJack wow. Yes...
Is love in the air? Passionate, all-consuming emotions to be released on a walk under a georgous (sic) sky? The birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and as the sun goes down over Milo's muddy pond, she sings, "Can you feel the love tonight?" and Kate responds with..."I've had the time of my life, no I never felt this way before, yes I swear it's the truth, and I owe it all to you..."
Phoenix Rising said... 102
It sure sounds like Milo has more than a girl crush on Kate. This sounds like something a guy would write:
@Kateplusmy8 U & I...walkin/runnin under same gorgeos sky!
It's enough to gag a maggot.
Gag a maggot LOL!! Truly stomach turning stuff on her Twitter feed.
There's been discussion that Milo is really Iwana but I believe it's been disproved.
"@Kateplusmy8: Oh simply magnificent! http://t.co/RxtEZ47R(preview) Oh my it's beautiful! :)
Good lord, woman, it's a field of weeds and a sky -- nothing else! I thought Barb wasn't as far up Kate's you-know-what as the rest of them. Guess I was wrong.
Phoenix Rising: enough to gag a maggot....lol, I'll have to remember that.
Aren't those song lyrics from Dirty Dancing? (I've had the Time of my Life), Kate's 'favoritist' movie? Or am I being thick?
Aren't those song lyrics from Dirty Dancing? (I've had the Time of my Life), Kate's 'favoritist' movie? Or am I being thick?
You got it! It's also the song that Herbert sang to Chris on the Star Wars episode of Family Guy.
Is Milo going on the cruise? I'd pay to see that.
Nice tweet from Jon. The video/song is Lennon's 'Imagine':
Jon Gosselin @jongosselin1
Here is the song for the week.been thinking alot, this goes out to all the HATERS & LOVERS.Cant we all just get along?
Oh No, Please tell me Radar On Line is lying.
They are saying Jon's not paying his child support.
"We are repelled by those who take more than they give."
I saw that on someone's blog today. Doesn't that truly summarize why so many people dislike Kate? Why so many have no respect for her?
She takes so much, earns none of it, and gives nothing. In the bank account of life, she's so far overdrawn that it will take a long time of good deeds before she will ever have a positive balance. She may never get there.
Radar is not really a reputable source. They probably are just going by the twitter stuff...I hope. Any custody news ?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 1
Children of a parental alienator usually tend to turn out one of two ways. Either they fall for the parental alienation and end up hating the parent who is the target and adoring and believing the parental alienator. Or, they get old enough and see through the parental alienation, end up resenting the alienator for their relationship with the target being sabotaged, and end up going to court asking to have custody with the target and often never want to see the alienator. Odds are, at least SOME of the Gosselin kids will resent Kate and resent her big time for what she is trying to do to interfere with their relationship with the father they love.
A third option is not knowing who to love or hate and just ending up in a massive state of confusion which invariably results in drug use, early sex, and arrests.
There is another possible outcome: One where the child never learns to see the parent correctly. I will use Kate as an example; Kids become very wise to the alienation and lies that were heaped upon them and they retaliate by romanticizing the parent that was bashed. They become defensive of that parent and spend a great deal of time and energy full of pity for that parent and living in a fantasy land of "I have a perfect daddy and YOU kept him from me!" They become so attached to that parent, the dad, that they can't see straight, full of guilt and anger for the years of being exposed to the over the top lies being said by the mother.
The real problem comes in when the parent, lets say Kate, mixes a grain of truth in with the lies and exaggerations. Maybe it's true that Jon did A or B wrong, but that doesnt mean he couldnt be bothered to get any of the alphabet correct because he didnt love his children enough to even try. And THAT is what Kate does; she takes one little thing and makes it so over the top, that the kids will grow up not trusting a word that ever falls out of her idiot mouth, even if she ever does come up with something important to say to them.
And in the middle of all of this, is the real possibility that Jon will be adored and idolized beyond reason because of SOME of the kids' guilt and anger at Kate. This is why SOME kids in the world run away to be with a non-custodial parent, even if they dont know him well.
Backing Jon All the Way said... 110
Oh No, Please tell me Radar On Line is lying.
They are saying Jon's not paying his child support.
Actually they're saying he is behind. He owes a ridiculous amount each month..that may be a month or twos worth. I only get $500/mo from my ex and when he loses his job as he often does he just does not pay unless he gets unemployment which gets garnished. So he has been that far behind before..7 months worth. Then..he gets to pay it back in $50/ month arrears when he gets a new job. So I am left high and dry, going into debt and he gets to take his time repaying it. So if Jon owes that he probably pays arrears each month..it's not nec that he is not paying.
Also I was vaguely following the talk yesterday about custodial vs noncustodial and who pays more and I am in 100% agreement with Aggie Mom (I think that's who it was). The CP gets screwed. I have a teenage daughter..$500 is nothing. He has never paid for activities fees, school supplies, braces, movies, on and on. I wish I only had to spend $500 per month on her.
Jon Gosselin seems to be behind on his child support payments to his ex-wife Kate Gosselin again.
The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 reality star dad has eight children that he is required to support by law in Pennsylavnia, but RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned that he owes $3557.06 in child support payments.
The Pennsylvania Department of Child Welfare has the outstanding amount listed on their PA Child Support Program website, calling out the thousands of dollars he owes.
As RadarOnline.com previously reported, Kate seemed blindsided by the fact that Jon was going to go back to court for non-payment of child support after a Twitter follower alerted her.
“I don't know if he's going to court but wouldn't surprise me.... How do you know this stuff?!?”the former Kate Plus 8 star wrote but quickly stopped engaging the follower, writing: “Woah....I'm not allowed to talk about orders from the court.…"
Since ending her reality show Kate has been working as a blogger for CouponCabin.com while Jon has been working in construction to support their children.
They have a contentious relationship with both of them slamming each other on Twitter, but if Jon owes back child support to Kate a new court battle could be their most explosive meeting in a while!
Well, buying followers may be against Twitter's rules, but if you Google it, you can find many sites providing this service. Apparently, the rule is not vigorously enforced by Twitter. Here's an article on it from USA Today last August:
I don't have any doubt that at least half of her followers have been purchased. Her manager or any other "dummy" could be doing the buying so that Twitter can't trace it back to her.
Just saw the Radar piece, I also hope it's not true. Maybe it's a dispute of some sort? It's not credible to me that he could be behind and she wouldn't have nailed him to the wall about it.
Sometimes I think I've almost broken the code of FUFK's relationship with Kate, but then it's so complex I lose it. I think she is female and I don't think it is sexual with her or the kids. I don't believe FU is going on the cruise, but is exercising quite a bit more (walking with Jack) hoping to be strong enough to go. I still don't think she can, though. Does she have grown kids?
They have a contentious relationship with both of them slamming each other on Twitter, 115
I have YET to see Jon slam Kate on twitter.
The funny thing about the Radar article? The comments are mostly LAUGHING at the notion that this is a story. People are chiming in with, why should $3,600 be news? My husband owes $62,000!
Radar has traditionally had some of the most rabidly pro-Kate comments, so this is kind of funny.
Phoenix Rising said... 102
It sure sounds like Milo has more than a girl crush on Kate. This sounds like something a guy would write:
@Kateplusmy8 U & I...walkin/runnin under same gorgeos sky!
It's enough to gag a maggot.
That kind of scary admiration is a bit much.
It's got to drive Kate nuts- even if she is a narcissist.
I just don't understand why Kate always comes up smelling like a rose.
Jon is maybe behind in his child support payments, and it's all over the news.
Kate's a narcissistic bitch, a liar, she's greedy, she selfish, she sells pics of her kids, she displays her kids in the front yard ala The Dionnes, and the news media says nothing?
Is she ever ever ever going to get negative press?
Border Collie, she claims to have a 12-yr-old girl and a 15-(16?)yr-old boy. She rarely brings them up on Twitter.
And I agree, Witch, I have never seen him slam her on Twitter. He refuses to talk about her or the kids, and from what I've seen, he doesn't.
Admin, I thought you said you have a source? Is the Radar article true? Wouldn't Kate know if he's behind?
I also say a big BS that Kate didnt know Jon was going to court, whatever the reason for the hearing. How is she NOT NOTIFIED of that in advance? Is that possible in any state of the union, that the other parent wouldnt even be notified?
I think something is in the air with her, too many ROL articles, the begging for attention with twitter wars, the obligatory See Kate Pumping Gasoline pics and parking lot prancing pics, the bizarre Easter pics that she allowed 'someone' to sell... in the past this behavior by her has meant a ramp-up to a TV appearance or special.
Has anyone figured out why the girls in the Easter pics were dressed for August weather and the boys were dressed for December weather? It was pretty darned chilly in Ohio on Easter...
This is a comment on the Radar story:
Interesting. As someone who collected from Berks County Domestic Relations for 18 years, i know that you need social security numbers to access this info. Golly, is Kate supplying ROL wtih info yet again?
Is this true??
ROL posted that Jon owes $3600 in back child support. Are there documents that anyone can see here that shows that, or are they talking crap again. Other things are wrong with the article so I wouldn't be surprised. They get a lot wrong. When there are continuous errors, I am mighty suspicious.
Anonymous said... 125
This is a comment on the Radar story:
Interesting. As someone who collected from Berks County Domestic Relations for 18 years, i know that you need social security numbers to access this info. Golly, is Kate supplying ROL wtih info yet again?
Is this true??
You used to; now you use a password. And yes you need a password to look at your info.
About the ROL article-
When I first looked at it, the 2nd line of info for the case(in the picture) only showed the county as Berks and the amount in arrears. I just looked again, and now it shows a case ID number. However, the date of birth is still blank.
Since the actual web page where the results came from is covered up, how do we even know that the info applies to Jon? What they show isn't in one continuos line, like it looks on the web page.
Also, you have to provide an SSN and other personal information in order to create and account to access any information on that site site-so who logged in to get that information? Kate?
Unless they show the complete search result as it would show on the website, I don't consider what they show as proof.
"I also say a big BS that Kate didnt know Jon was going to court, whatever the reason for the hearing. How is she NOT NOTIFIED of that in advance? Is that possible in any state of the union, that the other parent wouldnt even be notified?"
I don't know how it is in Berks County, whether or not they have a court "hearing," but in another county over, if you are in arrears, you get a letter telling you to report to the Domestic Relations office and bring the amount with you that you owe. There is no hearing. You show up with the amount, you provide them with a payment plan, or they take it one step further, which may mean they garnish your wages or put a bench warrant out for your arrest.
This resentment of paying things for the kid whether or not you are the custodial parent bothers me. I kind of "adopt" kids who I think could be worthwhile citizens and pay myself for activities and things they need, even take them on expensive vacations to show them that other ways to live exist. One thing I know for sure is that I damn sure am not obligated to do so. But I care about them and want them to have better lives, so I do it. I have been disappointed; I have been rewarded in seeing a real difference. Sometimes the magic works, and sometimes it doesn't. (Little Big Man line)
I am surprised that FUFK has a 12 and 15 or 16 yr old and doesn't mention them. She mentions Kate's all the time. Most parents talk about their kids. I even talk about me mum and my little brother the aussie as well as me dad from time to time. hahaha That is strange and adds another element to my puzzle that is FU and another twist in my effort to figure her out. As I said sometimes I think I've almost got it, and then I lose it again. I don't think it is dangerous. I think it's good for FUFK in that she is walking again. Beautiful areas. Not for me. Biting bugs around for sure. We are all tired of insect bite itching around here.
There is no place for a SS number. What is interesting, though, is the user agreement, which states that the info is to be used for legitimate purposes. There is nothing legitimate about obtaining info for use on ROL.
TWIT -- what website did you use?
"Kate's a narcissistic bitch, a liar, she's greedy, she selfish, she sells pics of her kids, she displays her kids in the front yard ala The Dionnes, and the news media says nothing?"
Remember, 99.999% of the world has forgotten she existed. The media isn't interested in her. That's the worst thing that could happen to her (in her mind). So the news media says nothing mostly because the news media doesn't care about her. Or notice her anymore.
Dwindle said:
"I think something is in the air with her, too many ROL articles, the begging for attention with twitter wars, the obligatory See Kate Pumping Gasoline pics and parking lot prancing pics, the bizarre Easter pics that she allowed 'someone' to sell... in the past this behavior by her has meant a ramp-up to a TV appearance or special."
I see it completely the opposite. She's got nothing, and she knows it, and she's feeling rather desperate. More so as time goes on and it becomes more and more obvious that no one wants her back on TV in any form or fashion. I'd be terribly surprised if she had even a TV interview lined up at this point.
She may be the focus of this website, but remember, to the rest of the world, she's gone. What's hot and talked about and watched in the world of TV moves pretty fast and seven months off the air might as well be an eternity. People who have had fame know this well, that's why they scramble to do anything they can to keep their face out there.
I meant to also mention, I would not be surprised at ALL if Kate or one of her minions is behind the ROL story. She is NOT above dirt-slinging, we all know that, she'll do it right on national TV, and she's certainly not above allowing a minion to dirt-sling on her behalf.
If Jon were that much in arrears, he'd have to pay it or get his pay garnished or be arrested. So I tend not to believe this. And he HAS denied this kind of story in the past, even fairly recently.
What I believe has REALLY happened is the custody was modified. How much we don't know. So the child support was modified. Again, how much we don't know and that depends on how much the custody was modified. Most likely none of this was in Kate's favor (but good for the kids to spend more time with their dad, whom I see as clearly the more loving, sane parent).
Behind the scenes, she's probably spitting nails. I wouldn't be surprised to see a FEW nasty stories about Jon all of a sudden.
Add in there the book he's writing/has written, and whew. Thar she blows.
But thinking about this from Jon's perspective: what the hell difference does this ROL story make? If I were Jon and knew it wasn't true, then so what? It's not true. If it IS true, I'm quite sure the courts and Jon are taking steps to fix it. Duh. It's not rocket science.
Meanwhile, what's girlfriend doing to get a job? See how stuff like that ROL story deflects from Kate? She LOVES that.
This is the site-which is the same one that shows in the article. If you click on any of the tabs, you either have to register or sign in using a user ID and password. If you click on Register, it asks you for your SS number.
Kate's Going Down said... 134
Meanwhile, what's girlfriend doing to get a job?
She has the job of fleecing about $400 per paying cruiser. Now if CJ (the gatekeeper) has scared 20 paying sheep away, that would amount to $8,000 in lost revenue.
I'm sorry admin, but could this be what that poster was eluding (sp?) to? That you were mistaken and that you'd embarassed? Something like that?
I hope your source could shed some light on the radar article.
There's a clear email address and phone # on ROL to send in tips. CJWhodunit is proud of her super-sleuthing skills - she loves to out haters. Wouldn't be at all surprised if she played Agatha Christie and sent in the info on Jon.
It's a stage father on Dr. Phil that pushes his daughter into becoming an actor/model.
He calls her fat and tells her she sucks makes her workout five days a week while on a diet.Doesn't let her play with friends.
God some parents
Regarding the SSN-this is how the sheeple explain it. When Jon supposedly "sold" stories to ROL, they needed his SSN in order to report to the IRS what they paid him. So since they had his number, they created an account using it, and therefore were able to log in to see the information.
Don't they know it's against the law to use someone's SSN? Do they really think ROL would go that far for a story?
The Other Side Of The Fence said... 129
"I also say a big BS that Kate didnt know Jon was going to court, whatever the reason for the hearing. How is she NOT NOTIFIED of that in advance? Is that possible in any state of the union, that the other parent wouldnt even be notified?"
I don't know how it is in Berks County, whether or not they have a court "hearing," but in another county over, if you are in arrears, you get a letter telling you to report to the Domestic Relations office and bring the amount with you that you owe. There is no hearing. You show up with the amount, you provide them with a payment plan, or they take it one step further, which may mean they garnish your wages or put a bench warrant out for your arrest
Thanks Other Side. I am accustomed to something similar, you must bring at least 10% with you and a short term repayment plan etc. But whenever anything is going on regarding the children, wouldnt both parents be notified of the event? If not a hearing, would there be some kind of appointment time set up? I am accustomed to notification going out to both parents, even if one just requested an office appointment at the child support offices...
The arrearage as reported is less than $500 per child, if it is even true. Mine got to $72,000, based on $25 a week per child (state minimum in the early 1990's) before we got before a magistrate and then I agreed to settle for $26,000. You know... father of my 4 children, didnt want to upset them, and upset his elderly mother, and all that...better to just settle or let it go. I did get to watch the magistrate issue the bench warrant for him though, that was satisfying. But... By that time, I was making good money for us and I didnt NEED his money anymore. That was a long time ago so put that 76K in today's money...
WHO would need your social security number to PAY YOU?
That's so stupid it's unreal.
I guess the sheeple think everyone is as unintelligent as they are. Sheesh.
CJ would be my number one candidate for sheeple telling lies to ROL. If she's willing to actually stalk people and call their employers and their homes, I'm quite sure she's capable of contacting ROL with some false information. Make the dollar amount really specific so it sounds real, etc.
There's a clear email address and phone # on ROL to send in tips. CJWhodunit is proud of her super-sleuthing skills - she loves to out haters. Wouldn't be at all surprised if she played Agatha Christie and sent in the info on Jon.
Obviously someone did. I wonder if Berks County CSP has been notified that their website was accessed illegally and the information showed up online. I don't imagine that they'd be too thrilled to find that out. Isn't there a link to contact their website and report abuse?
Read under security authentication:
Anything that makes Jon looks bad the sheep are going to love it so they can bash him.
And I bet in no time Kate's going to bash him to she's going to be sly about it but she's going to do it.
Kind of a weird amount $3557.08. How does one figure that? I don't believe the story one bit. I think the fact that Kate has been acting so weird and has been pretty quiet on twitter this week smells to high heaven. She would be the first one screaming about Jon not paying. If the amount is true it sounds to me like it could be one months worth. If they were going to court perhaps his lawyer told him not to pay this month until it was decided what the new payment would be. I just don't see Jon has a deadbeat father. I am sorry but this just seems like another story to make him look bad.
In truth, Kate is a marginally interesting SAHM, no real job, no interest in getting one. She spends her days on Twitter, has household help that she pretends does not exist. She does a bus run twice a day. She goes for a jog occasionally, pretends she runs 10-12 miles a day. She does no volunteer work, yet has hiurs of free time every school day. Nor is she furthering her education during this amazingly free period. By her account she does not read or watch the news, nor does she appear to read anything at all. She has no friends with whom to have lunch. She seems to spend most of her time devising ways to throw her ex, the dad her children truly love, under every set of wheels she can find. She is barely marginally interesting.
Recent tweet is about taking her expensive bus to the car wash after school, how fun to have a mobile study hall she thinks. WTF does she do all day?
TWIT -- I guess I'm really dense today, which isn't unusual. If I click on that link you posted, it takes me the PA CPA. If I click on docket search, it brings me to another page that asks me to register. When I click register, I don't see any place to enter an SS number. What am I missing?
Kate's Going Down said... 134...
Behind the scenes, she's probably spitting nails. I wouldn't be surprised to see a FEW nasty stories about Jon all of a sudden.
Add in there the book he's writing/has written, and whew. Thar she blows
Oh how right you are!! Hadnt thought of it like that! I guess I keep trying to see a goal, a reason, a plan in her behavior and I keep forgetting that her GOAL is just to hate Jon as much as possible!
I have my own theory about the big bad beans she keeps threatening to spill about Jon. It has been mentioned before but I think Kate will really run with it once she thinks it is her last option to hurt him. We will see it from her, sooner or later.
Localyocul said... 127
Anonymous said... 125
This is a comment on the Radar story:
Interesting. As someone who collected from Berks County Domestic Relations for 18 years, i know that you need social security numbers to access this info. Golly, is Kate supplying ROL wtih info yet again?
Is this true??
You used to; now you use a password. And yes you need a password to look at your info.
So are you saying that Kate has a password to access this information and "somehow" ROL obtained said password?
I think Kate is the one putting out this stuff of Jon oweing back child support. Cause maybe Kate does not want anyone to know what really going on. Remember if Jon did owe, Kate would have dragged him into court a long time ago. Kate counts every penny she gets from Jon.
Next, Kate said GM and that she is looking forward to more good stuff to come: translate to: I am up to something, and you will have to guess.
Jon most likely is a indepen. contractor, he did not quit his job with Omega, the contract ended. That's not quitting. My brother does IT contract jobs. Yeah, So? It's not a sin. I know that the sheeple and stupid Kate will think differently, as in Jon is a quitter. Cause these idiots, never look nothing up or understand business. Not everyone works 9-5 type jobs, some work as independ contractors.
Thanks Other Side. I am accustomed to something similar, you must bring at least 10% with you and a short term repayment plan etc. But whenever anything is going on regarding the children, wouldnt both parents be notified of the event?
Not necessarily. My former brother-in-law was behind in payments and his ex, my sister, didn't even notify domestic relations. The system discovered it, sent him a letter to come to the office, which is in the courthouse. My sister knew nothing about him having to report to domestic relations. I have no idea how those things work, so I am kind of reluctant to call Kate a liar if she says she didn't know anything about it. If he was behind in payment, she certainly knew that, but as far as being contacted by domestic relations concerning his "appointment" in their office, I just don't know. You would think that they would notify both partners, but this is PA, and enough said!
Sherry-sorry, you're right. I only clicked on registration under the tab "Paying Support" not under "Docket Search" or "Lien Search". Those searches do not require an SSN.
Did you read the Terms of Agreement? Especially, this part?
"I agree and understand that a record of this agreement will be maintained by the Department of Public Welfare and that it is a crime to provide a false name and address.
I agree and understand that I am being given a limited license to access this Internet site for legitimate purposes only.
So the question still is who gave the story to ROL?
So are you saying that Kate has a password to access this information and "somehow" ROL obtained said password?
If you go the website, anyone can sign in to access a docket search, by putting in their name, e-mail address, etc, and agreeing to the TOS. Anyone could have done this. It doesn't have to be Kate. What I don't understand is how the person or persons who did this got away with it. A sheeple could have tipped off ROL and someone at ROL went ahead and got the information off the website.
I just don't understand why ROL would block out Jon's date of birth. It's not like it's a big secret. Yet they show the docket number.
Perhaps, someone other than ROL did the search and then forwarded it to ROL. Don't forget-there are certain sheeple who are very good at getting "screengrabs" and photoshopping.
I can't access Kate's or Jon's site but can access other twitter sites.
Holaiscj tweeted this the other night:
holaiscj @holaiscj
Say goodbye twitter followers. By Wednesday, Kate's twitter will be court ordered to shut down where kids are involved. @KATEPLUSMY8
and tweeted this two hours ago:
holaiscj @holaiscj
Twit said..." Sherry-sorry, you're right. I only clicked on registration under the tab "Paying Support" not under "Docket Search" or "Lien Search". Those searches do not require an SSN.
So I'm off the hook just this once and I'm not dense? I thought I was losing it! lol!
"I agree and understand that a record of this agreement will be maintained by the Department of Public Welfare and that it is a crime to provide a false name and address."
Yes! That's why I wondered if PA has been contacted about this because what "they" did is clearly illegal, unless, of course one of the parties involved in child support payments accessed the info and provided it to ROL. I doubt if it would have been Jon!
Tweedle-de: I can still access Kate & Jon twitter accounts as well as Kate's web =site. Nothing has been closed? I don't know what this person is talking about.
I can't access Kate's or Jon's site but can access other twitter sites.
I can access Kate's site, plus the Twitter feed. Which one can't you access?
Sherry-yes, you are not dense. I was the dense one for not checking further. Sorry.
I agree and understand that I am being given a limited license to access this Internet site for legitimate purposes only.
I am fairly certain that providing this information to a gossip site is NOT a "legitimate purpose".
Sherry-yes, you are not dense. I was the dense one for not checking further. Sorry.
Twit -- no worries, no apology needed. It keeps me on my toes!
It must have been Twitter glitches. Every Twitter site I reuws I could access but couldn't access Kate's or Jon's for about 5 minutes. Strange coincidence.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 162
It must have been Twitter glitches. Every Twitter site I reuws I could access but couldn't access Kate's or Jon's for about 5 minutes. Strange coincidence
I can see Jon's but not Kate's. It says loading tweets taking a while and her following and follower numbers are blank.
The ROL story reeks of Kate. Either she or someone on her behalf planted this story. I wonder if Jon's attorney can contact this state agency and find out who got the information as it sure wasn't used for a legitimate purpose.
She is one bitter vile vindictive b*tch. She is nothing now. Hollywood isn't interested, no talk shows, nothing. Nobody wants her. The best part is that the more she tries to make Jon look bad, more people get to see what a loser she really is.
@163...I can see Jon's but not Kate's. It says loading tweets taking a while and her following and follower numbers are blank.
I can see Kate's just fine, with all 86,858 following numbers. Where did this person get the info that it is shut down?
Every time I look at Kate's twitter account, she has picked up another 100 followers..sometimes as often as 4-5 times per day. She has to be buying them?
I wish I could read through all the awesome comments, a lot of interesting conversations going on.
I will say this, as a former child of divorced parents, it really bothered me when my parents aired there CS issues in front of, and sometimes even to, me.
My mom would say things like, "He thinks he has any idea what it costs to take care of you kids."
My dad would say things like, "She has no idea how she's bleeding me dry."
Both parents made it about the other and neither of them acknowledged that the whole point was their kids' well being.
Nevermind that I didn't give a rat's ass about their financial woes, as a kid, I just wanted to see them get along.
Anyway, I stand by my earlier assertion that Kate will eventually experience her karma. Whether it has any actual affect on her remains to be seen.
Oh, yeah...read far enough through the comments to read Admins' brilliant quip...
"Pioneer Bitch"
I laughed out loud at that. I first came across PW a few years ago and enjoyed reading her blog. In fact, her Green Bean Casserole recipe has become a staple in my house.
I haven't followed her blog too closely though and only found out that she now has her own cooking show from reading here.
Anyway, I found the comment very funny in light of how hard Kate tries to keep up appearances when there's so much out there to glaringly contradict the image she's trying to sell.
155 Say goodbye twitter followers. By Wednesday, Kate's twitter will be court ordered to shut down where kids are involved. @KATEPLUSMY8
This says nothing about Kate's twitter shutting down. I often get the'taking time to load' message on the rare occasions I check twazzup.
Count me in as someone who is expecting a slew of "big bad Jon" stories coming up.
Pay no mind to those women behind the curtain...
holaiscj @holaiscj
Say goodbye twitter followers. By Wednesday, Kate's twitter will be court ordered to shut down where kids are involved. @KATEPLUSMY8
Could this mean that she is allowed to keep her account but is not allowed to discuss the kids or post pictures of them on her Twitter? I don't look at her Twitter except for what is on this blog. I thought I saw one tweet here where she said something like she couldn't comment on something about the kids.
Lol Sherri Pioneer Bitch is my new name for Kate her blog is like PW the trailer trash addition. Right down to the slave labor out by the chicken coops.
Perhaps she or Steve are attacking Jon because of his book? A way to intimidate him?
Crazy said,
Could this mean that she is allowed to keep her account but is not allowed to discuss the kids or post pictures of them on her Twitter?
Could be -- that's what I took it to mean, if it is indeed legit. However, I can't see how that would interfere with her exploiting them or compromising their privacy. She still has her blog.
Just throwing this out there - Could it be that this $3600 is the amount in arrears that is remaining from when Jon allegedly had to pay $25,000 a month when they first divorced?
If Jon is contracting, then his work is not always going to be steady. I live in Silicon Valley, believe me, I know. Also, he likely doesn't have health insurance for himself and the kids if he's contracting unless he's privately paying. In any case, if his income fluctuates then it's highly likely he's behind. I heard at one point his payments had been reduced to around $1200. $3600 would be about 3 months worth of support.
At this point, I really don't care. I don't know either of these people and I am certain there is far more happening behind the scenes than any of us are privy to and honestly we shouldn't be. I will say that if Kate tweeted that she didn't know if he was going to court or that he was behind, then obviously his child support is not essential for the kids survival.
As I have said before, Jon is human, he has his good points and bad points, as do we all. I hate to see people put Jon up on a pedestal as the "one parent who will save the kids from the evil witch Kate" (as was evident in some of the speculation going on here the last few days) only to be disappointed when that doesn't happen.
Jon and Kate need to grow up and learn to get along and co-parent and to not use the media to try and win the "Whose a better parent" award. I give Jon credit I think he has been more consistent at keeping things private than Kate, but they both have room to grow.
Kate discusses the kids on her website, CC and any radio/TV/interview show she can get! Maybe her recent remarks about the twins are a factor in this? Idk...it was strange about the Easter pictures taken by friends and then 'appearing' on INF...it will be so hard for her if she has to shut up! She will have been made redundant!
Win said,
Every time I look at Kate's twitter account, she has picked up another 100 followers..sometimes as often as 4-5 times per day. She has to be buying them?
If that's true, then why hasn't she been suspended? According to Twitter rules (as posted on this thread), it is a violation of policy to do this.
Winsomeone & Julianna, as I noted earlier, I am damn sure she buys followers. I don't know exactly how one would be able to prove it to Twitter. Her numbers go up in steady increments, typically from 75-150 per day. There are a number of sites that sell them--if this was an enforced (enforceable?) Twitter policy, then wouldn't these sites have to close down? If it's so importato them, wouldn't they attempt a legal challenge? I posted a link earlier to an article from USA Today that talks about it; here it is again: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2011-08-04-buying-twitter-followers_n.htm
And in other news, Cindy hasn't put out a promo since Tuesday. So what's up this time? Out an another cruise? After blasting it so heavily for so long, the near silence of the last week is deafening.
So now she's trying to get her faithful sheeple to do the one pathetic job she has:
Hey guys (and girls)- What are your top savings tips? Share and it may be featured in my next @CouponCabin blog!
I wonder if they'll know how to help her.
Help! I need intervention. I am on a trip/vacation and I can't stay away from the posts at this site. You guys are just great. In a hotel room with a view of the Atlantic ocean and I am reading all your words. I repeat, HELP. I no longer think it is about Kate, it is about all of you. Thanks.
Well, so much for not mentioning the kids...
@susiejrussell oh there were shrieks all around just now when I showed the kids! We are SO jealous!
Yeah, it seemed she was running out of steam- last CC was about what she had learned since joining 6 mos ago ( stuff we all know like there are such things as on-line coupons)Maybe she'll discuss her court date or something else that's private.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Hey guys (and girls)- What are your top savings tips? Share and it may be featured in my next @CouponCabin blog!
Yea give you ideas so you can steal them and give no credit.
To the person that gave you the idea nah we'll leave that to your sheep.
Dmasy: lol. Maybe it will rain tomorrow and you can justify your blog addiction.
We'll stage the intervention when you get back! Seriously , have fun and try to relax and enjoy it.
I think it's fairly obvious that Admin's source was wrong. This wasn't about custody but about non-payment of child support.
Ragmags can get scoop on a lot of topics and people. This story has to be true. ROL is rarely wrong on the gist of their articles.
In my state a person can go to court for non-payment of child support and the ex spouse only gets notified by letter of what judgement has been passed.
I'm disappointed in the lack of truth given here as fact.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@TrippenIn aww thanks for encouragement. It's a good parents job and I'm doing my best :)
To bad your a horrible mother.
Kategetsnada and hola are not real tweeters. They are most likely Kelly/Walt trying to stir things up.
I think it's fairly obvious that Admin's source was wrong. This wasn't about custody but about non-payment of child support.
It's not obvious at all. The arrears in child support has not been proven, nor has a custody issue been made public by either party. Just because it hasn't been made public does not mean that it never occurred. It may very well be a sealed document.
"Ragmags can get scoop on a lot of topics and people. This story has to be true. ROL is rarely wrong on the gist of their articles."
You're joking right? You're either naive or have been drinking too much moonshine. I often laugh when I read some of the accounts because they are so clearly off -- dates are wrong, descriptions are wrong, kids are identified incorrectly. At times, it is often amusing just how much garbage they put out there as fact. That's why they find themselves involved in lawsuits!
I tend to think she had something to do with the Radar article. Her twitter account is her only link with her 'public' which is being reported on by gossip columnists. Possibly she thinks this story will get her an interview where she can respond with her, "I've got bills in my purse that I can't pay."
I also doubt kategetsnada and holaiscj are real tweeters. I don't know who created them, could be walt but maybe not. They are highly suspect, however.
@183 --
I will not comment. I will not comment. Admin says we should deal with these people with compassion and patience because clearly something is "off" with them.
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