thousands of plastic eggs, to
baking in a shower cap, to setting a place for
"Kate's future husband" at the dinner table, to denying she knows anything about this week's
upcoming custody hearing, to
blocking a loyal fan and paying cruise customer from Twitter, Kate's Easter was a sometimes hysterical more often creepy glimpse into her descent into madness.
And the paparazzi arrived just in time to capture it all.
FYI, until further notice, Realitytvkids.com now has a policy of blurring the children's faces in photos.
1132 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1132 of 1132 Newer› Newest»JonandKatewho?, I don't know anyone here who takes anything that's said as gospel. And if that's what you do whenever you read something, then the reason for your disappointment is understandable. Maybe that means you should look for an outlet better suited to your intellectual abilities and expectations. May I suggest Kate's blog and Hello! Magazine?
I said ROL gets the gist if their articles correct not every detail. We'll all just have to wait and see what comes out with this story but I doubt it will be anything to do with Jon getting more custody.
I don't believe everything I read. I would like to think that I can believe Admin when she Uzbekistan certain of what she says but in this case that is not true.
Sheri said... 167
I love your posts, Sheri ;-)
I've been thinking that the shame is those poor kids are going to see this Radar crap. At the twins' age, kids are all over the internet and everything, from Kate suggestion they don't like spending time at their dad's, to Kate then saying Jon won't see them as much as he could, to accusing Jon of being a deadbeat dad has to affect them greatly.
It's just so damn public and a cautionary tale about doing reality tv with small kids.
Were the Crooked Houses and trips worth it?
@Kateplusmy8 Its wonderful that U physically take ur kids 2school & pick them up..many kids comin hm 2empty house still...parents not there!
Wouldn't you think by now, as close as Milo and Kate are, that Milo would know that Kate does not take the kids to school or pick them up? I would have thought that Kate would have discussed every detail of the morning and evening routine with her, and gotten her approval before doing any of it.
@Kateplusmy8 Ur kids will look back on their childhood w/wonderful memories..fond feelings & love 4the care Ugave them Kate. U always there!
Yeah, Milo, she's "always there." Except when she's NOT. Except when she's out of town in LV for 5 days for a little b'day 'n' boobyguard. Or when she needs to run off to Australia for a week (w/boobyguard) to raise $1,500 for her beloved koalas. Or when she needs a whole week in LV to run a marathon. Etc., etc., etc.
Or are you gonna tell us all of those were "work"-related?
JonandKatewho? said... 191
I said ROL gets the gist if their articles correct not every detail.
How would anyone know if even the "gist" of everything the rags print is true? Do you scope every article and are able to verify it? If the subject of a story doesn't bother to refute it, do you accept it as gospel? How are you, or anyone else, able to verify the accuracy of a story?
I would imagine that most celebs just shrug their shoulders and let it go because it's not worth it to them to correct it. Unless, of course, it's a serious case of libel.
Merry I verify it by reading later that what was said actually happened.
There is no need to get defensive with me and be condescending. I do beieve the ROL article now and we'll see what a few days time brings
Didn't Kate just recently say that ROL tells lies? I can't remember what the article was that they wrote about her (can anyone help?)but Kate said they were all lies. So if they lie about her then why should anyone believe what they say about Jon?
It's must more satisfying for the "fans" of kate to imagine Jon being late on child support than trying to get more custody time. Hating Jon, for Kate, has become their job.
They really must despise those 8 little faces. I think a "fan" leaked this story to ROL and that "Fan" must have a deep-seated (? or seeded) hatred for the Gosselin children. Having that story about their dad ONLY HURTS THE CHILDREN.
Did you get that, CJ, you hurt the CHILDREN. Not Jon. Not Kate but those 8 little exploited faces that you love so very much (or hate, obviously).
I got the message on my mobile device that Kate's Twitter account went private. On my computer, it said that it's taking a while to load tweets. Somethings up!
They really must despise those 8 little faces.
Exactly. They don't see that feeding ROL a deadbeat dad story hurts the children. They are much guilty of parental alienation as Kate is. You don't have to be the other parent to be a parental alienator. It could be a grandparent, a caregiver, a friend or even a fan.
FYI I have no idea if it's true or not, but whatever is going on I'm sure the judge, the laws, and Kate and Jon are perfectly capable of handling without anyone else's help. That sad naturally Kate denies Radar articles about her but she can't come out and deny this one if it's not true?
Kate's public twitter feed seems to have gone private. If you try to see her tweets, you get "unauthorized."
I've done it over and over. Even logged out of twitter and back in. Being blocked should make no difference, she had a public feed.
Jeananne, you should check out msgoody2shoes21's twitter sometime. That woman has made it her business to hate on Jon daily since 2009. She is as bad as Cj.
Jessica Hernandez @Madreof1 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
“@JCasper828: Watching @Kateplusmy8 on NetFlix! I don't care what anyone says, she's a strong woman and a damn good mom!” yes
Wouldn't a much less conceited response to this be I don't know, aw thank you?
Yes, Kate? REALLY? Yes?
I've read MsGoody's crap. She's a very sick woman.VERY SICK. Actually, they all need help.
I can still see Kate's Twitter.
Can't follow her, I'm blocked.
JonandKatewho? said... 196
Merry I verify it by reading later that what was said actually happened.
Are you talking about articles on Jon and Kate ONLY, or about ALL articles on ROL? In your initial post you wrote...
"Ragmags can get scoop on a lot of topics and people. This story has to be true. ROL is rarely wrong on the gist of their articles."
You didn't specify the Jon and Kate articles exclusively, or if you mean all of the articles (about every celeb) that they print.
And yes, Kate was miffed at ROL not long ago and said that everything was lies. Jon, too, disputed several articles that ROL put out.
Jeananne I agree but I can see that stories about Kate do the same thing, hurt the children. Unfortunately we contribute to that hurt everytime we post here and other places.
It's not obvious at all. The arrears in child support has not been proven, nor has a custody issue been made public by either party. Just because it hasn't been made public does not mean that it never occurred. It may very well be a sealed document.
My source never told me anything about arrears and I never asked, so not sure how arrears, or possibly even a bogus story, proves anything. Jon got more custody (which he himself even tweeted about in regards to the boys) and Jon has an upcoming hearing date to reduce child support payments based on that. Neither have anything to do with arrears, if that story is even true. Nothing was ever said about what, if any, arrears are owed notwithstanding what's going on.
I'm not going to say what my source tells me anymore. It causes too much drama on the blog. Constant is it true isn't it is not productive at all, and rather annoying.
I can still access her twitter feed, however there has been no new tweets loads for 54 minutes...
Jeananne I agree but I can see that stories about Kate do the same thing, hurt the children.
We don't feed the stories. That's what was being said in reference to hurting the children.
It's one thing to comment on a public story. After all we are commenting on this one. It's a whole, entirely, UNETHICAL level to FEED the story YOURSELF to Radar. I'm sure the kids are old enough to realize their parents are public figures and people have opinions.
We were discussing this in reference to the very real possibility a fan fed this story how of vindictiveness toward Jon. That is so far and beyond different than simply commenting on a public figure.
Inserting yourself into the story, or driving the train of the story to make a parent look bad, is UNETHICAL, in my opinion.
Kate's Going Down said... 1
Kate Down:
Kate's public twitter feed seems to have gone private. If you try to see her tweets, you get "unauthorized."
I'm reading it right now, and I don't have a Twitter account. Maybe it's just acting screwy.
Meagler said... 9
I can still access her twitter feed, however there has been no new tweets loads for 54 minutes...
That is so weird. I'm reading ones as recent as 41 seconds ago.
Ever since both Kate and Jon said at least the last three radar articles are wrong I decided not to do posts based on radar articles alone. Unless another source backs it up.
so there won't be a post on this one at least not now.
The recent tweet Kate made about ROL was in response to to someone tweeting her the link to their article about her dissing Jon on twitter. Only the link was part of that tweet.
The article was about her tweet saying that she knew more than people knew and how she was showing great restraint. The article quoted that tweet. So Kate responded:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@xxxx ROL got my quote right!Shocking! 'what I know' affects my kids negatively &Dont judge a subj ur perpetually in the dark abt.
Hey guys (and girls)- What are your top savings tips? Share and it may be featured in my next @CouponCabin blog!
Pick Me! Pick Me! Bwaahahahahaha.
Like she'll give you credit. Bwaaahahahaha.
Wait, so Kate responded to Kate's own quote? LOL.
Would it kill her to deny this article or at least ask people to mind their own business?
Do her fans think she isn't a big girl who can handle her own problems?
Just for fun maybe we could come up with bogus savings tips for her.
Like, a great way to save money is to shop around a reality show then make them take care of all the bills.
Apparently, Kate is not the great money saving expert CC was banking on if she's reduced to reaching out to others for ideas. Why should anyone help her earn her pay?
Rhymes with Witch said... 20
Hey guys (and girls)- What are your top savings tips? Share and it may be featured in my next @CouponCabin blog!
Pick Me! Pick Me! Bwaahahahahaha.
Like she'll give you credit. Bwaaahahahaha.
Hey, I have an idea. How about Coupon Cabin hands this job over to someone that can actually blog/teach readers how to save money with coupons, etc...
It was a mistake to hire Kate. She is a nothing but a walking, talking farce with no exceptional talents, except fooling innocent, well meaning people.
Suck it, Kate.
In any case, if his income fluctuates then it's highly likely he's behind.
Not sure how a fluctuating income means it's "highly likely" you are behind. Lots of people who are self employed pay their child support and pay it on time.
It obviously isn't fluctuating so much that he was uncomfortable leaving his job to go out on his own. For all we know he's picked up several long term contracts.
I think Kate needs to step outside of the 19th century and get a job too. Why are all the financial obligations of these kids left to Jon, because he's the man? I thought we've come further than that.
So now Kate needs help writing her CC blog? Has CC told her to come up with some original tips that haven't been used for years and years?
I noticed that most of the tips tweeted to her are repeats of things she has already mentioned. Also, noticed that her diehard sheeple are providing any tips. Guess they don't have any original ideas for saving money-they need Kate to tell them how to save.
Anyway here is my theory on all the floating child support stories:
That should be diehard sheeple ARE NOT providing any tips.
but whatever is going on I'm sure the judge, the laws, and Kate and Jon are perfectly capable of handling without anyone else's help.
Sadly it's been proven over and over that judge(s)/laws/Khate/Jon are either incapable or unwilling to 'handle' things. At least in a way that is best for the only ones that matter: the kids.
Sadly it's been proven over and over that judge(s)/laws/Khate/Jon are either incapable or unwilling to 'handle' things. At least in a way that is best for the only ones that matter: the kids.
Whether you agree with their decision or not, they are all adults and big boys and girls who can handle their own problems.
I mean in the sense that the fans want to get all up in Kate's child support business like she's a little girl who can't take care of her problems and it's really unnecessary. It makes her look bad, like she can't handle her own problems.
I'm not on Twitter, I always read on twazzup.com. And there are no problems seeing her feed there.
@Maxine1979 I do! Welcome and hello all the way from oz! :) block the bullies here and join the kind and fun ones! :)
Kind and fun ones? CJ and Goody? Yeah, well, okay, Kate. Guess your definition of kind and fun isn't the same as mine. Have you read their tweets?
Kate not only doesn't have both oars in the water, she lost the boat a long time ago.
If Kate needs ideas for her CC blog, maybe she should have a contest? Her last contest to advertise her show worked so well. Oh wait...
Yes, Shirley.
You have no clue what I've said or not said about Kate. I'm not responsibleor every comment against Kate but a story at ROL is likely to be picked up by mainstream media and become a bigger story than it should be.
Kate's CC job must be in trouble. She has tweeted 3 times today that she needs tips from her tweetie fans. They are all too busy kissing her butt and telling her how she is the best mother in the world. I don't know if they would have any clue as how to give her any tips.
Let's face it, the TLC contract ended about six months ago. Neither parent appears to have a steady job, nor a very stable job history that can support 8 kids indefintely. I am getting to the point that both of these parents in their mid to late 30s should have figured out this out by now. I wish they BOTH would focus on supporting their kids, and stop with the drama/twitters and rather how THEY are going to support their kids financially. Not high end, but simply support the kids.
It is disgusting, with all the tabloid/twitter drama, and it needs to stop. These kids do not deserve this. There are precious few years left for these kids to lead a "normal" life, and neither Jon nor Kate seem to have figured out how to accomplish this.
As a tribute to the posters here, many have faced many hardships, but don't bitch and moan about it for almost 8 years. And don't exploit their kids. Both parents need to grow up and live in the real world in my opinion. Jon and Kate were both given many many things over the years, and it is time for both of them to step up to the plate, figure out how to support the kids without all of the "infamy" for the kids in the future.
Sorry if I offend anyone, but no matter what we say, bottom line- these 2 both need to put the kids first before themselves and support them. Nothing we say or do will change this.
Just for fun maybe we could come up with bogus savings tips for her.
I'm surprised she's not holding a contest and we'll see a lone woman in a parking lot, waving a sign and wailing like a banshee for passers-by to give CC their business.
I'm sorry, Kate is a twit @38. I didn't read your comment before I wrote the same thing! I guess we were thinking along the same lines!
Betcha Kate picks up on this idea! Wouldn't that be a hoot? The sheeple would jump on it.
Gosselin8comefirst . . . Well said
@Kateplusmy8 Ur kids will look back on their childhood w/wonderful memories..fond feelings & love 4the care Ugave them Kate. U always there!
Ummmm... NOOOOO, Milo. The kids will remember being embarassed at their private moments being shared with the world, and the way their mother was a controlling, self-centered bitch who kept them from developing relationships with relatives, and did her best to keep them from having any real friendships with their classmates. They'll remember how she was hardly ever home, and left them to be raised by BABYSITTERS, rather than their father.
AND, they'll wonder why mommy spent soooo much money on herself, yet cut corners on them, for example, buying the boys clothes that are 3 sizes too big. When kate starts wearing clothes that fit her as badly as the boys' clothes, THEN I'll believe that she "honestly" beleives it's a way to save money! She's just a selfish, cheap witch.
Mark my words, Milo, you stupid, crazy woman, There will be NOTHING left of the 15% by the time the twins turn 18, let alone the tups. Let's see you sing kate's praises then.
That 15% should not be touched now.
If I sound pissed off, I am. I think kate is selfish and stupid, but after reading the last few days, I now realize that some of you are most likely correct, and she refuses to pay more of the childrens' expenses than Jon. HOW can sheeple NOT see that she is a "horrendously horrendous" mother? Most "mediocre" moms would save the 15% for college, weddings, or something special, but not our katie!
She truly disgusts me.
To #41: Well said!
I agree with you Gosselin8ComeFirst well said.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 41
Bingo!!!! Those lovely children deserve better parents than these 2.
Don't get me wrong, I think Jon cares about the kids a helluva lot more than kate does, but they both have to realize they are z-list, FORMER reality stars, and deal with the REAL REALITY of supporting 8 children by working "regular" jobs.
...they are mentally unstable and have some sort of neurological or personality disorder!
Great CC money saving tips over there on Twitter...
Someone tweeted: "Also, stock up when something is on sale!"
Brilliant, just brilliant. That one is a winner for sure!
I really can't stand these reality shows that play out peoples life problems on tv.
I didn't realize an IT tech is a celebrity job! Silly me I thought it was just mediocre. Regular!
#41 - Good stuff. While the contract itself seems to have ended recently (witness Jon suddenly having public representation,) I've always suspected the once the kids stopped performing for the cameras, the real money stopped then.
I find it cringe-worthy that both Gosselin parents believe that they will still be able to make enough money to support their children by being in the public eye. Sure, there is still some interest and probably a few paychecks, but not enough.
Time to grow up. Time to find real, stable jobs. And time to live within your real income level.
I'm sorry, Admin, I agree with you 99.99% of the time! However, none of the IT techs I've worked with have flown to LA for a Night of a Zillion Reality Stars, nor partied with Richard Branson.
I just get the feeling that Jon still craves the spotlight, despite saying that he wants to live a private life. I hope that you know more than you are comfortable saying, and that I'm wrong!!
Really? I know lots of people who work day jobs, things like IT, or even lawyers, who are also trying to make money doing other side gigs and do go to LA events, etc. to network. He went to a screening and a Virgin Atlantic welcome event. I just don't see such benign things as warranted such a negative response.
I don't have a problem with Jon or for that matter KATE going to events. If I were to have a problem with it, I would have to stomp around half of L.A. telling everyone what bad parents they are for going to events. On the contrary many are very GOOD parents. Going to events has nothing to do with parenting, usually. What I do take issue with is neglecting your kids to do that. Kate left her kids on her custodial time, not the other parent.
No, this is the winner by a long shot. Has this person ever looked at Kate's CC blog?
"When I shop online, I always google coupons for the product I'm buying. I saved $21 today from using a code I found online!"
Oh I went to the premiere of Unknown with Liam Neeson and the Kardashians are there. It was a lot of fun though not my cup of tea. I got to meet the Kardashians. It was underwhelming. I hope that doesn't make me a media whore and bad person and God forbid I be responsible for a child.
When I shop online, I always google coupons for the product I'm buying. I saved $21 today from using a code I found online!"
Oh dear. This blog post is going to be great I can already tell. haha.
I have a tip for these poor things: You save money by NOT BUYING SHIT YOU DON'T NEED. Boatloads of money!
Kate's twitter is private now. Wonder if this was court ordered. She's probably going crazy right about now. I believe she lives for the banter going back and forth on both sides. Won't be long before her sheeple are private as well.
Let her have her own little twitter world of followers praising her without any interference. She will have to do something drastic now to get noticed.
I'm sorry, Admin, I agree with you 99.99% of the time! However, none of the IT techs I've worked with have flown to LA for a Night of a Zillion Reality Stars, nor partied with Richard Branson.
Those are two separate entities. He's an IT Tech. That's his JOB. It is separate and apart from flying to LA for a reality star celebration. He has a JOB, regardless if he flies here or there or anywhere because he was once was featured on a television series. An IT tech job is NOT a celebrity job.
I have a friend who is a financial consultant. She travels quite frequently and is the company of many well-known people, and yet, her job in finance is NOT a celebrity job.
The same cannot be said of Kate. She's an aging former reality star without employment.
Listen, I've read and posted a couple times here. I'd hate this blog to turn into pure gossip. Or lose it's integrity. Maybe a teensy bit of humility by the owner and a little apology for being duped by a source. It happens and it's no big deal especially when one just admits they were wrong. When I'm wrong, whether it's my fault or not, the right thing to do is take ownership. Then everyone feels comfortable moving on. JMO.
Red Sky exactly I agree. The majority of people who are part of this scene can't make it anyway without a day job.
Honestly I don't care if people want to make money doing something puts them in the public eye. I see it as all the same: celebs, reality stars, politicians, public speakers, authors with their picture on the inside cover, newscasters, the weatherman and anyone who happens to do something for their job that gets recognized. There is nothing wrong with these jobs in my opinion, absolutely nothing. It's not for me, but I don't care if that's where you feel comfortable.
The problem with Jon and Kate is that they exploited their kids. Jon stopped. Kate did not, though by default at least she can't film them anymore, Jon's doing and the natural course of events. If these parents can manage to stay part of this scene at least sometimes without exploiting their kids, go ahead. There was nothing remotely exploitive about Kate going to Vegas, the same for Jon going to L.A. and to Virgin Atlantic. Absolutely nothing.
I find it funny that all these tips are being sent to her via her public twitter. They are also sent to CC's twitter.
So why the need to include them in a blog? People could just read both twitter feeds.
I have never believed that the Gosselins would be struggle in society just to get by once TLC dumped them. I'm sorry, I am one of those people who believes that hard work has it's own rewards. Hard work should never be served to anyone on a golden platter. It is something that if you want it badly enough you will go out and earn it yourself. I don't know when people just suddenly expected people to hand them things just because life got hard.
So without a reality show, the kids might not get everything they want. So? There is a difference between what these kids NEED versus what they WANT.
Kate may eventually have to suck it up and get a job like most parents. She'll have to figure out a way to live on child support and what her job salary pays. Tough. If she has to skip hair appointments for a few months to afford braces, it won't kill her.
Jon seems stable, his IT job may provide just enough but what else is missing?
Sure having kids are expensive but I still see no reason these kids are or should be treated any different from the kid down the street. So there are 8 kids to clothe, feed, put through school...if it was this difficult they should have done some rethinking.
What would they have done if TLC never picked them up? They both probably would have gone on, her as a nurse, him in IT field. They would not have been homeless or struggling to put food on the table. I don't believe it because they had a support system at the time, each other, family, friends, church, etc.
I think with TLC, they both became lazy, Kate perhaps more so. Television and airing your family drama should not be anyone's answer to a paycheck. A paycheck is something you earn, something you budget and live with, not something that is handed to you for going to an amusement park and having it filmed.
Kids of my generation, I think some of them expect more than they deserve. So mommy and daddy couldn't afford to put you through school, just means you have to get a job to pay tuition. It's not the end of the world if the Gosselin kids have to do this. Lots of kids do it. Sure it's not exactly easy going to school with a job or two but a little extra hard work has benefits.
If you spend money like water I don't think you should sit around years later bawling about why you are so broke. It was the choice you made in life to live above your means. Nobody forced you to do.
The Gosselins may face certain consequences of money issues but again it is probably from the choices they made. They are both adults and do not need someone there telling them how to manage themselves. The mess they've gotten themselves into with public debates, court dates is their own fault because neither really want to step away from the public drama because without people talking about them...they feel mediocre. Guess what? You are.
They are not special people. They should have never been indulged and certainly are not entitled to an above average lifestyle. You are entitled however to what you earn, not what is handed to you. Those are privileges, big difference.
Kids of my generation, I think some of them expect more than they deserve.
The consequences of helicopter parenting is finally seen as we all reach adulthood. It's scary.
Amy I wasn't duped. I have their personal phone number. And, I did apologize for mixing up the timing, which was my fault, not my sources. Would you feel better I crawl in the mud and beg for forgiveness?
You know what I love? How even though Kate herself, and Jon, have told you that Radar articles are lies and they've been PROVEN to be lies, if it's about Jon, you believe it. Maybe Radar was duped! Why would you assume otherwise, since their record is, unlike this blog's, absolutely deplorable.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 58
Oh I went to the premiere of Unknown with Liam Neeson and the Kardashians are there. It was a lot of fun though not my cup of tea. I got to meet the Kardashians. It was underwhelming. I hope that doesn't make me a media whore and bad person and God forbid I be responsible for a child.
Total envy on Liam Neeson and a big blech for the Kartrashians ;-)
True, kate ditches her kids during her custodial time, AND does not allow Jon to care for them while she is away, which is terrible. Yeah, they won't be in a therapist's office someday, wondering why their mother never spent any quality time with them.
Perhaps if I lived in LA I'd see things as you do, Admin, but I think that Jon wants to be seen as a good, down-to-earth, average dad, but still enjoy the perks of being (in)famous.
I never said that he is a bad parent! I just think he's sending mixed messages, which could hurt how people view him.
I truly thought that by now it would be obvious to everyone but the 3 or 4 remaining sheeple that he is clearly the better parent to be raising the children, but it's not!! Nearly 3 years later, he's still being called an Ed Hardy-wearing douchebag!
If he ever wants to be seen as something other than a joke, I think he needs to stay out of the spotlight, do a good job raising his kids, and when they are grown, MAYBE he will finally be taken seriously. JMO.
Tucker's Mom, I have a slight crush as well, but I never saw him. Boo!
He was there, but it was raining so the red carpet was completely covered with this white tent thing making it hard to see, I went through with some friends a long time beforehand, and he came at the tail end and went straight in.
But.....I was in the same room with him watching the movie I guess that counts for something lol.
I am tempted to tweet Kate and tell her that its always less expensive to buy name brand with a coupon then store brand without a coupon just to see if she takes the bait. There are plenty of sites out there that would give kate information. All she has to do is get off her ass and find them!!!!
Also, like admin said, dont buy crap that you dont need!!!! If you dont need it then dont buy it even if you have a coupon.
Her twitter is not private. There is no way she will go private. That is all the attention she is getting these days.
Those poor kids don't have even a remote chance of ever having a normal with their mother and the way she not only slams their father, but has her ever dwindling minions do the same. It is just their lot in life.
I feel very discouraged for the kids right now.
I'm not sure Jon really cares how he's seen. I just don't see being famous, or infamous, or enjoying public events, as having any connection at all to parenting. I see the fun in it, I get why people like it. I don't think they should be judged for enjoying being around the in crowd. That's human nature for a lot of people to just want to feel part of the group and important. For me my shyness trumps that and I don't enjoy it as much as others around me seem to.
I've known wonderfully amazing parents who are in the public eye (a local newscaster who lives in my neighborhood is just about the best mom I have ever known, anyone in LA would recognize her), and I've known incredibly shitty parents who are in the public eye. There simply is no connection.
For example, Aunt Jodi was in the public eye for a few seasons and I find her to be quite lovely.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 70
Tucker's Mom, I have a slight crush as well, but I never saw him. Boo!
OT, but a little levity... You know how heavy the film "Schindler's List" was. Great, profound, sad, sickening-- and I sat there lusting over Neeson and Ralphes Fiennes (sp?).
I was like "snap out of it!"
On Topic-- I'm glad Jon hasn't said a word to respond to the ROL piece and I hope he doesn't go to Rumor Fix, and Kate doesn't do a media "set the record straight" tour a la "I have a purse full of bill that I can't pay!"
LOL Andrea.
My rule of thumb is that if we're not throwing out at least half the coupons that come in the paper, we're doing something wrong.
Don't do it, throw them out!!!
Tucker hahaha.
It's weird how that movie is never on T.V. anymore. I'd like to see it again.
Maybe Kate is going out for the momager show and that's why she's been talking about how talented M is lately. She may have gotten Jon to sign off on it by promising more custody and less child support. Kate wants to be in the spotlight and will do anything to further that goal.
Her twitter is the same as it's been since the beginning of time.... sadly.
Just signed on and there she was, bold as brass.
I wonder if the judge said she couldn't tweet anything about the kids? Don't follow that twit so don't know if she's mentioned them since hearing.
I agree with OP, she will never give up twitter unless threatened with jail. It's her lifeline.
Permanent, she doesn't seem to be saying much about the kids. Just about how they were doing homework in the car.
Today was quite impressive she didn't exploit them much. Maybe she has committed to toning it down. Lord I hope so.
I have a hard time believing Jon would sign off on ANY kid doing anything on TV, especially another reality show. kart may just be blowing smoke about momager show.
Remember, if she's talking, she's lying.
This is part of a twitter conversation regarding how to get proof that Jon is in arrears. This sheeple gives the PA website link and then goes on to say:
"No biggie registering to c public record liens 4 child support"
"All you need is his name -Jonathan Gosselin"
"I know it works bcuz person that DM me info told me"
So this sheeple think it's "no biggie" and if it's "public" why do you have to register?
I guess it's no "biggie" to disregard the Terms of Agreement too.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 So fr me & lites out man...U have a good nite Kate! Love U! :)
Ack! It's LOVE now.
On a lighter note, has anyone tweeted kate yet that she can save money by coloring her hair HERSELF, AT HOME?
Voila!! Hundreds of dollars a month that she could spend on the children! Since she's can-do-kate, we know she'll still look AMAZINGLY AMAZING!
Barb In Nebraska said... 11
I got the message on my mobile device that Kate's Twitter account went private. On my computer, it said that it's taking a while to load tweets. Somethings up!
April 12, 2012 4:52 PM
Well, I thought it was just me! I got that exact same message with both Kate's and Cindy Cardella's twitter accounts. I thought it was a fluke and tried back at later times and it said the same thing. Something is indeed up. I know I am blocked by both of them, but I guess they are taking it to new levels!
Curiouser and curiouser. Maybe they were test driving the private options.
Gosh if Kate goes private I'll actually have to give her brownie points. Not that 60,000 followers is really private, but at least it's something.
Sometimes when a judge makes an order like that he gives you a week to do it. Like I want to see your Twitter account go private by April 20 or whatever. Just making that up.
Who knows, pure speculation.
Curiouser and curiouser. Maybe they were test driving the private options.
Gosh if Kate goes private I'll actually have to give her brownie points. Not that 60,000 followers is really private, but at least it's something.
Sometimes when a judge makes an order like that he gives you a week to do it. Like I want to see your Twitter account go private by April 20 or whatever. Just making that up.
Who knows, pure speculation.
Barb In Nebraska said... 11
I got the message on my mobile device that Kate's Twitter account went private. On my computer, it said that it's taking a while to load tweets. Somethings up!
April 12, 2012 4:52 PM
I tried to look at both Kate's and Cardella's accounts several times over the course of a couple hours and got the exact same message for both! I agree - something is up. I know both of them have blocked me, but I think maybe those of us who keep getting this message have been targeted for special action, lol.
Coincidence (#69), I think you make a good point. The only difference between the two in terms of public events is that I believe Jon actually goes to network. I think he makes an effort to raise money for charities and, if in doing so he manages to also help himself, I don't have a problem with that.
Kate, on the other hand, by all reports, shows up at these things with Steve by her side, constantly standing between her and anyone who might approach her. If the stories from the RC Gala are credible, she came with a list of the people she "should" meet. And I believe she probably did try to make contact with the "rich ones" in her own self-interest. She wasn't there for the cause or to help anyone else raise money. All of the accounts I read said that she was very standoffish, not happily mingling with the hoi polloi. Now you may not want to give any credulity to these accounts. But we saw pretty much the same thing, on video when she finished her Extra interview a couple months ago, where she gets done talking and tries immediately to run away, and Steve actually stops her and tells her to pose for pictures with "fans." She comments something to the effect of "this wasn't supposed to be part of it." Then perhaps she realizes she's still got a camera on her, she allows a few people to get close to her for photos, and between each shot she is grimacing. She's really only there to be seen, and she clearly is not a people person.
She has this gig for Camp Barnabas coming up on May 4. I assume, because this is her typical MO, that she is being compensated in some way for being there. Or maybe not, maybe she's just getting expenses paid for her and Stevie. Whatever the case, when you look at this organization's web site, it is small, seems very worthy, and is in constant fundraising mode. Do you think she could be bothered to add their event to her Upcoming Events on her web site? With a link? What reason could she have for NOT doing so? Is she afraid that someone might construe the fact that she is making a paid appearance at a charity event as being an ENDORSEMENT of the charity? Oh no, Katie CAN'T endorse anything for nothing! SHE--her name, her "brand"--is worth MUCH more than that! In her own mind, that is. Is she afraid that encouraging people to give money to a charity leaves less available for her? Very possibly, she is just that witless.
That's the difference I see between them.
I wish people wouldn't pester Coupon Cabin about her. It's a way for her to earn a little money without the kids for the most part, and too much pestering shows other companies not to hire her either. Too much trouble. She should have the peace to earn a living, should she choose to do so, as we all do.
Admin, I throw out over half of the coupons. I dont use most of the food coupons. I am just not into processed foods. I do check to see if there is a fresh fruit/veggie coupon, meat coupon, exc. But, they are few and far between. I supplement meat with other sources of protein (like beans) if I cant find something in my budget. I do use coupons them for paper products, detergent, and personal care items. My biggest savings this year is do to the food co op. Its basically a buyers club. All of the members pool their money and then the co op places a bulk fruit and veggie order. I tend to get $40 of produce each week for $15. I plan my meals around the items in my order each week.
Andrea Im the same way.
The problem with coupons and a major criticism of Extreme Couponing is that so many of them are for the garbage in the freezer and canned food aisles. You could give yourself horrible cholesterol if you lived just by coupons. It's gross to see all the terrible crap they stockpile on and to think of kids eating that day after day.
But I always can use the body wash, shampoo, and cleaning products coupons since I buy those things anyway and am not that loyal to a brand.
Gift of Grab,
I truly believe she IS that witless.
It's all about HER, not the lowly charities. They should be honored that kate is participating in their events! Same with that designer; she deserves free dresses, because she has 8 kids!!!! It's not about promoting the silly designer!
holaiscj? Is this a code?
Hola is CJ?
I don't follow her, yuck, but I've been able to see her tweets all eve. I know that my son's twitter has been acting goofy as well. So maybe there's something weird with it today.
I can't imagine her ever going private - she thinks it's her "job" right now and trying to use it as a personal promo tool. But maybe someone finally realized and told her it's not helping her. It won't matter anyway if she did - it's not like her tweets would ever stay private, someone's going to tattle.
I just had to laugh at this tweet, with all the dumb retweeting requests people send her:
RT @Kateplusmy8 I helped cancel your show by not watching. Can I get a retweet?! :)
Border Collie said... 87
I wish people wouldn't pester Coupon Cabin about her. It's a way for her to earn a little money without the kids for the most part, and too much pestering shows other companies not to hire her either. Too much trouble. She should have the peace to earn a living, should she choose to do so, as we all do.
Most people said at the beginning of the coupon cabin job that it would be a good side job for her. We stated from the beginning that we just wanted her to leave her kids person lives and her ex out of it. She has FAILED on both accounts. She talks about them like they are nothing more then pretend characters in her story book. She spends her blog criticizing Jon and talking about her kids personal details. She is have given very little actual coupon advice. Its usually a big long over dramatic post about some private detail in her kids life. She then attaches a few coupons to the end of the post that try and make the post look relevant to the website.
She could talk about being a couponing mom with out giving us personal details about her kids. She refuses to do this. She has even go on a morning radio show and talked about her teen daughters periods instead of talking about her couponing blog.
We will back off on her coupon crappers blogs when she stops posting private information about her kids and when she stops posting hateful things about her ex.
LOL Kate has already shut down the tips. Hehe.
She's like okay thanks everyone I'm writing it up tomorrow.
So funny.
My final saving money tip is STFU. No seriously, this is a good tip. Because when you STFU you can focus a lot better on finding a real job.
Kate's twitter isn't private.
Maybe it was a computer glitch?
Just came home to do some business, then 3 hour drive to be back with the new twins-they are soo darn cute!
I am trying to quickly catch up on here-lol, admon.,nearly 1100 posts?! You must be doing something right, no matter what the naysayers say. I am very fortunate to never have to worry about money. But I am not good at indulging myself, have done my cuts and colors at home, as well as cutting hub's hair, try to sew as many clothes as I can, never waste food, all the things I can to save money. Just because you have it, does not mean you need to spend it on fancy or silly things.kate could easily fry her own hair, and do more to save money, but she feels entitled to keep her living in the lifestyle she wants to live in, no matter how much money she spends, or how little she may have left. If I lived in the U.S., I am pretty sure that I would gladly pay for milojack to go on that cruise with kate, just so her sheeples could finally know what she is really like, maybe then they would ignore her, and she would have no sheeple to grift things from, or give her the constant praise she seems to need. Yes, that would be money well spent!
Glad you have an ip checker, some very strange people were here, don't know how you put up with so much foolish crap, but you do it very well. Back to my new grandsons, check back here in a week.
I guess I shouldn't read the tweets because I get so disgusted at the stupidity of the sheeple. This one sees nothing wrong with filming the kids being potty trained:
@PimpMyKids @brooklynisdabom @kateplusmy8 So what? It didn't show their genitals. My gosh.
Doesn't it just make you shake your head wonder if they would do the same thing to their kids if given the chance? What kind of values have these young parents been taught? Is this how their kids are being raised, with no concern whatsoever for their children's privacy? Have they no sense for what is right and what is wrong? They can't think logically that not only will children will be embarrassed by this in the years to come, but this is every pedophile's dream.
Her twitter shows up when I look at it.
WOW, you should check this out. It might add some answer why Kate is the way she is. Well maybe not. The thing that scares me is that Kate is not too far behind from acting like this lady, and her sheeple blindly follows. IT'S JUST ICKKY AND SCARY!
I still get "unauthorized" or tweets not loaded when I try to see her feed. I've done it again and again on iPad, iPhone and desktop computer. I checked other people's feeds and I can still see them.
I've been blocked by her for a donkey's age, but blocked doesn't mean you can't see a public feed.
Maybe Twitter is just glitchy. I hope it continues--I like not seeing her tweets.
Though I have to say, I just tried looking at a dozen other twitter feeds and I can see them all. I looked at Jon's, some Kate haters, some Kate lovers, and some random people. Everything fine.
Go back to Kate's feed, nothing's there. Something is definitely wonky if several people are noticing this.
Perhaps it is my error and I didn't realize that she talked much if at all on Coupon Cabin about kids and Jon. I wouln't have a problem with "my kids love this" or whatever. I thought the offensive stuff was on her personal blog and on the radio show, the bra shopping story. Pardon me for not reading her CC stuff closer if at all. Should have referred to a few columns first.
Hey, Coupon Cabin, here is a money saving tip for you. Fire Kate - You will save the money you are paying her and you can ask for money saving ideas from your readers for free. You don't need to be paying Kate to ask others for ideas. Duh!
I've been blocked by her for a donkey's age, but blocked doesn't mean you can't see a public feed.
Have you tried Twazzup? It's all there...
Can someone explain how Jon is in child support arrears when it was explained many times here that he couldn't be due to wage garnishing and arrest?
If Kate could just love her kids MORE than she hates their father, perhaps then she would be aware of what is going on. Impossible, I know.
Milo told Kate she loves her and Kate shuts down her twitter.
What will she do in the morning when her daily access to Kate is gone?
Also hope Jon told judge about CJ going on the cruise.
I don't twitter, and I am curious. Has Ms Kreider said anything about her good friend Sherri Shepperd being kicked off DWTS? She did a very good routine.with her partner V as l, but just so happened that others were better this time.
Hmmm...is my question rhetorical? LOL Can Radar publish outdated court records and imply they are current...?
sami246 has a good point.
Since we have a lawyer who runs this blog, could we get your opinion/comment on how to explain Jon falling behind on support $?
It made complete sense that it would be impossible for this to happen as his wages would be garnished and /or he'd be arrested. So how in the world is he in arrears?
I'm no legal eagle so perhaps I misunderstood something in the beginning. Regardless, it looks like he is, in fact, owing some $. How could this happen, I guess is what I want to know. Did he slip thru the cracks? Maybe PA law DOESN'T garnish wages...? I want to understand.
Anyone here know?
I think CC probably told Kate that she better start producing useful
COUPONING / money savings blogs, or hit the road. She really does not have the first clue of how to creatively save money, just read her past idiotic posts. So, obviously, she will put a call out to her twenties to do her work for her. She puts no real effort into anything she does, and I don't blame the regular readers of CC for getting tired of her garbage blogs. There is no useful information. I also think she calls gift cards that she receives "coupons". She is not the right person for this job and whoever suggested the next money saving tip would be for CC to fire Kate's lazy non-COUPONING ass, was right on point.
I meant tweeties not twenties,
If Kate did in fact go private on her Twitter, her followers can see her tweets. Once an account goes private and you want to follow someone, you have to send a request to be approved. Milo is her follower, so she won't have to worry about not seeing Kate's tweets.
I don't think CC hired her for her couponing skill or knowledge. They hired her hoping that all the controversy surrounding her would attract more people to their site......and it seems to have worked quite well...so I doubt they'd be letting her go anytime soon...no matter what she blogs.
I think Kate is fulfilling the goals that they hired her for....just by being Kate.
There is certainly something up with her twitter. I've been blocked by her for quite some time but was still able to see her tweets. Since yesterday i can't see any. Keep getting message that says tweets are taking long time to load. I can see all other tweets from everyone else. She may have somehow made it where blocked people can't see. I still don't know how she would have been able to do that unless she went private. Simply blocking someone doesn't prevent them from seeing her tweets. If anyone has an answer to this please post.
I even installed Twitterific on my phone, never had it before, and signed in there. I did a search for kateplusmy8. There she was. No tweets, couldn't see a thing. Her mention feed is still there, but I can't see tweets.
Checked everyone else (again), everything's fine. But her tweet feed fails to show/load/whatever.
I'll try twazzup.
Ok I can see things on twazzup. I can't figure out how to see what she's replying to, but I can see her tweets there. Wow, how long has it been since she's gotten in a tiff with someone on Twitter? Feels like she's trying to tone things down maybe. ???
She was hired to draw attention and hits to CC. Smart but they are paying a price by ruining their reputation. Her nonsense is wearing thin and they must have indicated she needs to come up with more relevant blog posts. Typical they she will steal other's ideas and claim as her own. She is ignorant but crafty as a fox.
In May, she will have been with CC six months. I've long suspected this was a trial or temporary job and I think we'll see that in the next several weeks.
I agree CC has asked her to lay off the personal blogging and focus on coupons and saving money. Also, she probably isn't driving as much traffic to the site as they hoped (she still can't get a decent number of real followers on Twitter, after all) and the traffic she does drive there most likely does not come there to click on coupon codes!
So if she loses the CC job, what's left? One small speaking engagement she isn't even willing to publicize (what's new?) and a cruise in August? How will those things pay the bills?
The numbers for that cruise have to be pathetic.
Kate's Going Down said... 154
WHO would need your social security number to PAY YOU?
That's so stupid it's unreal.
Too easy is right. Every employer, including those who hire you as a contractor, has your social security number.
Your spouse will usually have access to it, too. It's on every joint tax return.
So, for example, if you were an angry, vicious, mean-spirited spouse, you could provide it to whomever you wished so that your ex's private business could be splashed all over the tabloids.
Too Easy was a little hard on you, Kate's Going Down, but Easy is right. Google is your friend. Amazing what you can learn with a few finger taps.
Jon Gosselin@jongosselin1
There is no story, I pay CS. The state site is my recurring balance. so guess what, it will always be there. Every month. Paid in full.
Good for Jon!
Maggie 121...
If Jon's tweet is true, then Kate knows he is not behind in child support. God forbid she should acknowledge that on twitter, if only for the sake of her kids.
Jon Gosselin@jongosselin1
@ozgal2727 my chin is up, i finally have freedom of speech.just wait,BOOK! BOOK! BOOK! my voice no editing.no bashing either. not like that
Also in one of Jon's tweets he wrote that he have NEVER been late in paying CS.
Also if he is paying $3,600 a month in child support AGAIN Kate is a big, fucking liar. She said that his support barely covers the kids' school lunches for the month. Wow, I hate her all the more, all the time.
Kart's twitter feed is showing up on this site, so it must not be private. The CC contract is probably ending and the blood sucking leach needs to suck off her fans because she's lazy and she has nothing original to contribute to CC. CC will save money when they terminate her contract with them.
I would think Jon is paying his support payments per the court's orders. Hopefully, he will have more custody with his sons in the near future. It would be in their best interest to spend more time with their father, as it appears obvious that Kart treats them inferior to the girls.
Kate's Going Down said... 115
Checked everyone else (again), everything's fine. But her tweet feed fails to show/load/whatever
I'm not sure why others are having problems but I'm still getting her twitter.
dumber than hammers,I guess you didn't read what I wrote.
I said who would NEED your SS in order to PAY YOU?
Kate's Going Down said... 125
dumber than hammers,I guess you didn't read what I wrote.
I said who would NEED your SS in order to PAY YOU?
Any and every employer who pays you a wage, that's who.
Not sure what point you're trying to make here.
Why on Easter Sunday would Paps be sitting there waiting for an Easter Egg hunt? They don't make that much money from Kate's kids. There is no audience for her or her kids; otherwise, she would be on TV with those kids.
She wants PR and will do anything to keep herself or her kids in the media. She is not a smart woman but she does this in conjunction with someone else, like her bodyguard? Coupon Cabin keeping her in the limelight? The Cruise Ship keeping her in the limelight? She will sell her children anyway she can.
I don't understand how Jon can't stop this, intentionally exposing her children to the media. I think she sells the photos herself.
This witch won't go down easy, she will hang onto the little publicity she gets until the kids have left home.
Rich, wealthy, famous people do not expose their children to the media.
Shame on her for what these kids go through at school.
It's shocking to me the vile detractors who think she made it all up. And Christiana was understated, she didn't have a need to prove to them it was true, she was never defensive, it was more just, all I can do is tell my story.
Then one woman stood up and said her story is my story minus the fame and Hollywood. There's no way she made this up.
I don't get why they were so hung up on why did she publish this book after she died. Oh I don't know because it would have hurt her when she was alive? What was interesting is Christina still seemed to love her and not want to hurt her. Puppies always love their owners.
I googled around, turns out she WON her case to contest the will. Awesome.
I hate the trite "failure is not an option" people. Failure can be good for a person. You learn about yourself, you learn how to do better next time, it sharpens and refines you and builds character. Or it's SUPPOSED to. Refusing to quit doesn't always make you some kind of hero--in fact it often just makes you stubborn and rigid.
Has Kate learned from her dozens of failures?
Off topic, has anyone seen Titanic in 3D and is it worth it?
Twitter has changed the way you can view tweets. If you are blocked by someone you can do a search and see all tweets by and to that person but you can no longer view their profile.
My SIL saw Titanic in 3D. She said it made her seasick. She didn't think it was worth it but her daughter really wanted to go.
I use TwitIQ to view tweets. It shows what she's responding to.
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